#the things i do for my beloved characters
One of my favorite DnD things is that my beloved and I have been playing with the same DM since 2017. We’ve had several campaigns within the same setting and our old characters often make appearances.
NPCs are consistent and it’s funny that one party might have a positive relationship with someone only for the next campaigns party to struggle with that person.
Our previous campaign was a party called The Storm Giants: my fighter centaur, my beloved’s drow monk, our cleric luxodon, and a rogue tiefling. But while playing in that setting the DM was also in talks with my beloved and I about our next characters.
See, he had already broached the idea of letting me play a secret dragon, a character who would join the party in their mortal form to spy on my beloveds upcoming character. I was only a little dragon for balance reasons, so I wasn’t OP. I was so excited to play Orion, a gender-fluid tiefling courtesan chock full of secrets.
Together the DM and I were plotting out my characters family and backstory while the current party was stumbling through their adventure. That meant that I got inside information on who we were interacting with who were also dragons in disguise.
My centaur was all for ambushing an NPC giving us trouble, when I secretly knew that we absolutely should not do that because he was in fact an ancient dragon. We also ended up passing a brothel and my centaur went to see a sex worker. The party joked it should be Orion as it was common knowledge my upcoming character was a sex worker. The DM and I made eye contact.
It would be incredibly fitting for Orion to be spying on the Storm Giants for their boss, and my centaur was a huge blabbermouth. So the joke ended up manifesting, Orion got an off screen cameo and the party was jumped shortly afterward for being a nuisance to the blue chroma and couldn’t figure out how the enemy knew so much about them.
But the best was that at one point the party was sailing through the region that the DM and I had established would be where Orion grew up, and where their moms, ancient blue and brass dragons, still lived. It was a beautiful tropical archipelago.
Our cleric, Joe, decided to go swimming. While deep underwater he came eye to eye with an ancient blue dragon who blinked then swam away.
The Storm Giants flipped the fuck out. Why was there an ancient dragon?? Were we supposed to go track down an ancient dragon? What had it been up to?!?!?
The DM gave me a tiny secret smile and I knew he was just foreshadowing Orion’s origin but the Storm Giants were pissing themselves over it. A year and a half later the party screamed when they realized what had happened.
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naranjapetrificada · 4 hours
It's not that I don't love a little bit of gossipy, interfering Lucius, but I got to thinking about the look on his face just before he tells Ed off in This is Happening:
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He's not delighting in/frustrated by their back and forth, he's annoyed. He's looking at all the work his bizarre little boss put into trying to show Thee Blackbeard a good time, and Ed's been whining about it the whole time, and how Ed isn't seeing how torn up Stede is about the whole thing.
And like, we know for a fact that Lucius has picked up on the vibes, and not because his character is standing in for some world-weary queer who's seen it all. We know because in a previous scene (that is literally the episode title) we see him see it. Even if he had entertained the idea before, he's seeing it happen in front of his eyes. He's not saying "Oh my god this is happening" he's saying "Oh my god this is happening."
And if it's happening, that means Stede isn't just demanding the treasure hunt as another of his misguided little ideas or out of naivety (although both are definitely in play because it's Stede). It also means Stede isn't pouting just because his plan didn't pan out. Lucius, who is regularly shown to be one of the most empathetic people on the crew (aside from my beloved Oluwande), now understands that Stede is desperate to keep Ed entertained (and why) and that the plan for the Day of Adventure falling apart has much higher stakes to Stede for good reason.
So yeah, he's mad. Mad enough to tell off Blackbeard. And I feel like we Flanderize him sometimes and make him intervene in their relationship in fanon just for the hell of it. But when do we actually see him get involved?
When he's mad and feeling protective:
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When Stede is sad about Ed leaving:
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When he's telling Ed how sad Stede is:
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And I guess in way that's less directly about their relationship and more about just being supportive, when Ed is sad in the blanket fort:
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I'm not saying it's wrong to write nosy gossipy Lucius, lord knows I've done it. I just think we sell him short if we ignore his empathy and how much that motivates his actions.
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cxsmiclore · 2 days
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rodrick hefflley x fem!reader | wc: 637
warnings: minors and ageless blogs do not interact! | sfw/nsfw, fluff, mention of jerking off, slight mention of oral ( r rec ), + slight p in v.
notes: nonnie, i hope you like this, very nervous as this is my first fic for roddy my beloved. this is also my first time writing loser bf!character so i hope i did good and will improve as i continue.
— masterlist 𐙚 previous fic 𐙚 taglist
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𖧧 — Loser bf!Rodrick who loves jerking off to women magazines every night as he's imagining you in his mind wearing the bikinis that the models are wearing.
𖧧 — Loser bf!Rodrick who has to spend his money on new magazines as the ones he is using is covered with his cum. Sometimes he seems to get carry away when his mind is on you.
𖧧 — Loser bf!Rodrick who puts off cleaning to the last minute so he have to quickly hide the cum fill magazines under his mattress to avoid you ever finding them but he is not good at hiding all of them.
“Do you want something to drink?” He questions as he got off his bed. “Yes, some juice would be fine, please.”
Rodrick kisses your cheek briefly before running up his stairs, your cheeks heat up as you lay back in his bed onto his pillow which makes a weird crinkling noise causing you to sprint up.
“What was that?” You ask yourself as you inspect the pillow, noticing something is inside the pillowcase. You pull out the magazine from inside it.
Your eyes widen from the state of it especially when your fingers touch a white stain that was on the cover, it was sticky and it seemed fresh too as if he did it before you came over.
The sound of the door opening frightens you a bit as you drop the magazine under the bed, kicking it under so he doesn't know you found it, you lay back onto his bed with your phone in your hand pretending that you have been scrolling through it while he was away.
"Thanks babe," you praise as you reach for the cup, watching how his smile grows and you can’t help but let a smirk play on your lips.
𖧧 — Loser bf!Rodrick who thinks his flirting is what made you love him so much but in all honesty, his cuteness is what made you fall for him — instead of telling him that, you make him think that it was the flirting to boost his ego.
𖧧 — Loser bf!Rodrick who has to sneak you into the house late at night after the two of you came from a party in order not to wake his parents up.
𖧧 — Loser bf!Rodrick who's claiming he will move out but currently loving the freebies he have at his parents house. You carry a love and hate relationship with it as you love the thrill of sneaking in but you hate the fact you have to be super quiet — if the two of you were at your place, you can make all the noise you can with a slight complaint from the neighbors.
𖧧 — Loser bf!Rodrick who is a noisy whimpering mess in bed as he gets so pussy drunk. It is hot knowing that you could have him putty in your hands just by the sight of her.
𖧧 — Loser bf!Rodrick who's sloppy at eating pussy that after you come, your juices would be all on his face but he doesn't stop going down at you, slurping up every last drop.
𖧧 — Loser bf!Rodrick who's still learning how to please you just right as he pounds deep inside of your core, maintaining eye contact with you.
"Roddy... please can you angle yourself a bit," you mewl as you look up at him with half lidded eyes, loving the sounds of his groans that escape his mouth; fixing his angle just as you request, hitting all the right spots.
𖧧 — Loser bf!Rodrick who isn’t perfect at everything but you didn't let that stop you from falling in love with him as you just need to teach him a few things. He is all yours and nothing else matters to you.
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comment section: @cherriespopsicle.
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꒰ end of video. — all rights reserved © cxsmiclore 2024. do not copy, repost, translate & recommend elsewhere.
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hey fam, welcome to the May 2024 roundup of the best hannigram fics i've read this past month! i read several million words worth of fics, and these were the cream of the crop. i also managed to rewatch the show for the fifth time!! (unemployment has its perks lmao)
as a reminder: the ingredients for a five star rating typically (but not always!!) include some combination of a.) believable characterizations of both Hannibal and Will, b.) compelling plot and/or character arcs, and c.) high quality smut.
that being said, my judgment of the aforementioned ingredients is powered almost exclusively by vibes. as such, it is incredibly subjective.
you can find past rec lists below:
February March April
and if you have any recs of your own for me, PLEASE SHARE.
anyway, in no particular order, let's go!
Overcoming by purefoysgirl
Word Count: 547.5k Summary: A Victorian A/B/O romance in which Hannibal Lecter is the future Duke of Westvale who has been away at war for the past ten years. His Grandfather has made good on a contract made shortly after Hannibal's birth to procure him a wife. It was supposed to be easy. Naturally, with the Omega, Will, given in the place of his twin sister, it is anything but, because if there is one thing Hannibal Lecter despises, it's Omegas.
This fic had me holding back tears when it ended (after sobbing a couple different times). This was... incredible. What a fucking UNDERTAKING this author committed to, and despite this being a doorstopper of a fic, the plot did not miss a single beat. Just... wow. For the love of god, please read this.
Falls the Shadow by littlesystems
Word Count: 72.4k Summary: "You're a psychiatrist," Will says. "Between your personal and professional lives you must have met thousands of people, you must know dozens of different flavors of pathology. Do you know anyone who would take me as I am? Who would be able to love me," he gestures in a sweeping motion, from his messy hair to his stained knee, "just as I am?" "I do." Bedelia's words shock Will into stillness. “Really?” AKA an AU where Bedelia is Will’s psychiatrist instead of Hannibal, Will makes a series of increasingly questionable life choices, and no one should ever take Bedelia’s advice. Ever.
GIMME MORE STARSSSSSSSS. Bedelia as Will's psychiatrist was brilliant, holy shit. And Will understanding Hannibal and completely accepting him? This is something I see so rarely done in fics. Will always makes him be a lot less manipulative, or at least goes through heavy angst over it. But in this? Will was immediately endeared because that's just who Hannibal is.
Bram Stoker's HANNIBAL by DBMars
Word Count: 586.7k Summary: Love Never Dies. "I have crossed oceans of time to find you." Hannibal + Bram Stoker's Dracula + the classic novel = a new version of the seductive vampire legend. Count Hannibal Lecter loses the thing most precious to him -- the love of his life. God is beyond measure in wanton malice, and matchless in his irony. And so Hannibal renounces God, and becomes an immortal monster that feeds on the blood of the living. 400 years after losing his beloved, Count Lecter meets a man who looks exactly like the husband he lost -- reborn and returned. But who could learn to love a monster?
@dbmars you are a fucking genius. I am honestly still processing and figuring out how to communicate just how amazing this fic was. Do yourself a favor and go read it NOW.
the book of jonah by zipegs
Word Count: 18.1k Summary: A sudden breath of hot wind presses through the trees. For a moment, it feels fresh, alive, and then the dust—the pollen—comes along with it, a parasite hitched on the back of the breeze. Will is ravenous. --- After the fall, Will and Hannibal sojourn in a remote, decrepit cabin in South America while they await Chiyoh’s return. But something here is afflicting them, and it’s only getting worse.
Okay, bear with me. THIS WAS FUCKING AMAZING. I haven't felt this way after consuming a piece of media since I watched Guillermo del Toro's The Autopsy episode. Psychological horror mixed with body horror mixed with smut??? I guess that does it for me. I literally can't stop thinking about this fic. It's been two weeks and I am STILL thinking about it.
Wrong by HotMolasses (@snazzymolasses here on tumblr)
Word Count: 4.2k Summary: Will roughly rubbed his arm across his mouth again, trying to rub it off. Rub off the scent of Alana, after they’d kissed. After she’d kissed him. Or he’d kissed her? It was mutual. Until it wasn’t. Until Will breathed in her scent, so familiar, so Alpha, so…wrong. He’d pulled back forcibly, unable to hide the expression of revulsion on his face. “I…I need to go.” he said, sweeping his coat off the back of a chair on his way towards the door. “Lock up when you leave.” The weather was crap, and it probably wasn’t smart to drive in the snow while he was in pre-heat, but Will didn’t know what else to do. He needed to figure this out, he needed to talk to the only person who understood him. He needed to talk to Hannibal.
So ummmmmmm what do I need to do to turn this into like a whole AU?? As always, this was a total home run. Every single bit of it was perfect.
as soft, as wide as air by BlackKnightSatellite
Word Count: 193.9k Summary: After surviving the fall, Will finds he has far fewer hesitations about joining Hannibal than he would have guessed. Character death, but not Will or Hannibal.
Well shit. I read this immediately after a full rewatch of the show (in four days no less) and THIS is my new season 4 canon. It's brilliant and actually reads like a proper season would. And I love how it gives all the characters a concluded story line. Aside from Will and Hannibal. I also loved how much this explored Will's instability and how his mental state would be affected after he finally slung off all the guilt and allowed himself to fully enjoy killing. All around very good.
The Dispersal Method by @victorineb
Word Count: 16.9k Summary: It’s a normal fall day in the forest for Will Graham. Dead body in front of him, cannibal psychiatrist behind him, the usual. Then Will brushes against the wrong flower, and suddenly neither he nor Hannibal can keep their hands off each other. Now, Will must navigate his way out of the crime scene and Jack’s scrutiny while also trying not to jump Hannibal’s bones at every opportunity. Well, one out of three ain’t bad. Set nebulously in s2, post-Will's release from the BSHCI. Will’s a conflicted honeypot, Hannibal’s a (not-so) secretly-besotted asshole, and nobody has brought enough lube.
THIS IS THE BEST SEX POLLEN I'VE EVER READ. Seriously. The BEST out of pretty much any fandom (at least so far).
Between the Shadow and the Soul by raiast
Word Count: 48.7k Summary: When Will decides to stop taking his suppressants neither he nor Hannibal can deny the attraction between them. After nearly a decade of running from his biology, Will is faced with his primitive Omega urges full force. As if navigating his hormones wasn't enough, there is a killer at large with a very specific motive that seems to only be targeting preteen boys.
This might be my new favorite ABO fic? And one of the better case fics out there.
Sleepover by EarthsickWithoutYou
Word Count: 70k Summary: Set in Season 1, after "Fromage." Will is still confused about his kiss with Alana and seeks romantic advice on how to date and be more "smooth" from Hannibal. Little does he know that Hannibal is madly, passionately obsessed with him, and desperately jealous. Needless to say, Dr. Lecter is all too happy to teach Will everything he knows about love and dating.
This was pretty fluffy, tender, and fun, and it was exactly what I needed after finishing a heavier fic
Alana Finds Out by @victorineb
Word Count: 32.1k Summary: A series of one-shots in which Alana Bloom discovers, in the midst of various tropes, that her boyfriend Hannibal Lecter's feelings for Will Graham run far deeper than friendship. Basically a chance for Alana to shout at the pair of emotionally-repressed idiots whilst still indulging in much Hannigram loveliness.
Oh I loved all of this. This scratched that itch in my brain that loves when Alana realizes that Hannibal has wanted Will all along. And some of these one-shots are genuinely hysterical. Love.
Doctor's Orders by JSinister32
Word Count: 29.2k Summary: “He’s dead on his feet, Jack. I do not understand how you allowed him to come when he’s so obviously ill. There have been too many hours in service of your needs, so many that it seems to have affected any sleep that he may have gotten over the past few weeks. From what you and I have discussed, he has a difficult time shutting his mind down under the best of circumstances and this case today has clearly gotten to him.” The doctor stepped closer to the profiler, peering into his eyes as Will tried to focus. “Will? Can you hear me?” Will Graham has never been particularly good at taking care of himself. When he comes down with a severe cold while working on a string of murders, the new psychiatrist on retainer, Doctor Hannibal Lecter, offers to care for him. Will he be able to keep his feelings in check while Hannibal is in his home? Hannibal Lecter can't get the profiler working for the Violent Crimes unit out of his mind. When given the opportunity to care for him when he's ill, will his feelings for the other man come to light?
TENDER. I want like 70k more words of this. Especially Hannibal putting Jack in his place. Especially Hannibal washing Will's hair. Mmm. There's just something so good about Will letting Hannibal take care of him.
The First Condition of Immortality is Death by OneHandedBooks
Word Count: 92.5k Summary: Hannibal’s heart stopped for the first time after he’d dragged himself and Will out of the frigid ocean onto the rocky shore at the bottom of the bluff.
Oh this was GOOD. Very tender, good characterizations, and loved how Will's hallucinations were portrayed. This was just all a really good exploration of how their relationship could have progressed. This author also is incredibly good at showing the scenes in a way that I could watch them unfold in my head. This felt like a crystal clear movie.
What Do The Dead Know? by OneHandedBooks
Word Count: 7.6k Summary: He looks up at her, haloed by the sun. She could be anyone. No one. St. Abigail, patron of lilies and last chances. AU: What if Will joined Hannibal willingly after the Uffizi Gallery and they shared a few tense weeks in the world before Mason's men finally ran them down? In which Will writes, hallucinates, and succumbs to the dark side and Hannibal is a manipulative, brainwashing, bastard.
cw: Abigail/Will. But does it really count if it's a dream sequence? Regardless, this was something else, off the charts, big fan. The author NAILED the hallucinatory vibe that made this entire fic work so so well. Also, just Will working through his grief for Abigail this way made it that much more intense.
chimera of the chapel by bleakmidwinter
Word Count: 211.5k Summary: When Will Graham wakes up from a coma three months after the fall, Jack reveals that Hannibal Lecter didn't survive. Outside the realm of Hannibal's influence, Will decides to discover the full truth behind the world's sudden and seeming falsehood. Everybody seems to hold their own opinion on Hannibal's fate, but Will knows better than anyone that trust and honesty are as elusive as death.
The "presumed dead" trope might just be my new obsession. I adored this fic so much, the plot was incredible, the development of their relationship was spot on, and there were just some very tender moments.
wear my silence like a mask by bleakmidwinter
Word Count: 32.k Summary: After running into Hannibal at a Bass Pro Shop, Will is invited to a Masquerade Ball at his estate. Jack encourages him to attend for an opportunity to catch the Ripper. Extenuating circumstances tempt Will down an even graver path; Romance with the Ripper.
Three words: masked anonymous sex. That's all.
The Voices and the Shadows by darlinghogwarts, MaddyHughes
Word Count: 114.6k Summary: “The Chesapeake Ripper? The serial killer? That's a grisly thing to find at the bottom of a drink. Most people say oblivion ...or possibly sex.” Hannibal sips his wine again. “Why are you thinking about a murderer on your birthday, Will? Is it part of your degree?” “He is a part of my degree by my own choice. My supervisor didn’t approve, but…” He sighs. “I insisted.” AU where Will—a Masters student studying the Chesapeake Ripper—gets drunk on his birthday and meets an intriguing man at the bar.
Man, I wish I had had Hannibal as my thesis supervisor in grad school, hot damn. (Mine was pretty much too busy to help with anything, ended up doing it all myself – would not recommend.) This was was damn near perfect. I needed some good old fashioned angst. With a good and fluffy ending. This was a good AU!
Chasing Thoroughbreds by HigherMagic
Word Count: 42.8k Summary: After the fall, Chiyoh rescues Will and Hannibal and takes them to the Lecter home in Lithuania. When Hannibal wakes up, his memories of everything - Will, being the Ripper, everything since Mischa's death - are gone. Will's only problem with that is that killing Hannibal won't be nearly as satisfying if he doesn't understand why. Wrestling with his own feelings, or what's left in the tattered mess of them after the fight with Dolarhyde, Will stays, hoping that Hannibal will recover and give him the opportunity he's waiting for. But there are others who remember what Hannibal did, all those years ago, and they have their own bone to pick.
Ugh pretty sure I love almost everything HigherMagic writes and this did not disappoint. This was fantastic. I was absolutely captivated by Will's development through this and Hannibal was just as good.
Volto Larva by TreacleA
Word Count: 39k Summary: Will is having trouble unwinding after work. Hannibal helpfully suggests somewhere that may assist with that, with absolutely no ulterior motive whatsoever.
So ummmm I'm still blushing (in the best way) over parts of this fic because FUCK this is scorching. Anyway. That's all I've got to say LOL.
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Lessons in love - Chp.1
Pairing: Hyunchan (mention of Changlix | Minho)
Word Count: 4013
Summary: Chan and Hyunjin, both teachers at Stray Seoul University and roommates, are hopelessly in love with each other, too scared to admit anything. Chan's best friend Minho tries to help after he gets jealous of Felix and Changbin casually flirting with Hyunjin all the time.
Warnings/Tags: college!au, fluff, angst, mutual pining
A/N: So this whole thing is based on this reblog by miu @slutforchanlix and the following rambling with azzy @galaxycatdrawz. This developed into a series real quick and will focus on different dynamics between the rest of the boys as well. I hope you'll have fun reading🖤
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do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works in any way here or on other platforms. ©️writingforstraykids 2024 -
In the quaint corridors of Stray Seoul University, where ancient oaks whispered old secrets and the breeze carried the scent of fresh paint and old books, Hyunjin and Chan found their sanctuary a few years ago. The two of them were close friends and roommates, each harboring a secret that was as beautiful as it was terrifying. This secret was their unspoken love for each other, a silent symphony that played in the background of their everyday lives. It had been for years.
Hyunjin, with his delicate hands and bright eyes, was the Arts teacher. His classroom was on the third floor of the main building, a room with wide windows that bathed his workspace in natural light. Here, canvases burst into life under his guidance as he taught his students the dance of brush and color. His methods were something new, and his critiques were always constructive but layered with an enthusiasm that made every student feel like a budding Van Gogh. His passion for art was evident in the way his eyes sparkled when discussing the texture of a painting or the gradient of a sunset.
Chan, on the other hand, loved his position as an English teacher. His domain was just a corridor away, in a classroom filled with the rich aroma of old books and new paper. Chan’s lessons were a journey through the landscapes of literature and the intricacies of language. He had a reputation for making Shakespeare relatable and teaching grammar without the usual dread associated with it. His students loved his animated storytelling sessions and the way he could bring characters to life, making metaphysical poets as compelling as contemporary novelists.
Their home was a small apartment just a few blocks away from Stray Seoul University’s campus. It was a cozy little apartment, where each room was filled with the artifacts of their professions - Hyunjin’s sketches adorned the fridge, while plenty of Chan’s annotated copies often lay scattered on the coffee table. They moved around each other with comfortable ease, a rhythm perfected over time, shared smiles, and an occasional brush of hands that neither dared to acknowledge the way they’d love to.
Despite their closeness, both Hyunjin and Chan were guarded about their feelings. Their friendship was a delicate vase on the edge of a table, beautiful but terrifying in its fragility. Evenings often found them on their small balcony, where they talked about everything but those feelings. Hyunjin would describe his latest project, his hands painting the air as he spoke, while Chan would listen, his eyes often lingering a moment too long, full of words he couldn't voice.
At college, they maintained a professional but friendly demeanor. Students often speculated about their closeness, their seamless cooperation during faculty meetings, and their mutual admiration when discussing school projects. They were known for spending their lunch breaks together, and every student knew if there were a field trip planned, the other would be the additional teacher. Both were beloved for their dedication and the safe space they created in their classrooms. Their colleagues respected them for their talents and the subtle ways they supported each other - Chan providing literary quotes that Hyunjin might use in a lecture on art history, or Hyunjin recommending visual materials that could help Chan illustrate a point about descriptive narratives.
Yet, in those quiet moments between tasks, when the world seemed to slow down, Chan found his thoughts drifting to Hyunjin more often than he would admit. He remembered their first meeting, an accidental encounter in the university library back when they just started studying themselves. Chan had been searching for a particular book on Elizabethan poetry when he had spotted Hyunjin, a few shelves away, deeply engrossed in a book on Renaissance art. Their eyes had met briefly, and something unspoken had passed between them that neither of them could explain.
From that moment on, their paths seemed to intersect more frequently. Shared lunches in the cafeteria turned into evening strolls around the campus, and those strolls led to late-night conversations that stretched into the early hours of the morning. Each interaction was a new layer added to their growing bond, a bond that was as comforting as it was confusing for Chan.
He often found himself mesmerized by Hyunjin's presence. There was something about the way Hyunjin moved, with a grace that seemed almost ethereal, and the way he spoke, his words like gentle strokes on a canvas. Chan admired his friend’s passion for art, the way he could lose himself in a painting for hours, completely absorbed by the play of colors and textures. It was during these moments, watching Hyunjin in his element, that Chan felt the stirrings of something deeper, something that went beyond friendship. Shit, he was in love, and there was nothing he could do about it.
Hyunjin’s love for Chan had grown slowly over time, like a seed taking root in the fertile soil of shared experiences and mutual respect. He cherished their friendship, but the intensity of his feelings often left him breathless. He admired Chan’s dedication to his students and the way his face would light up when discussing a particularly engaging piece of literature. Hyunjin found himself mesmerized by the passion in Chan’s eyes, the way his hands would move animatedly as he spoke. It was in these moments that Hyunjin felt the stirrings of something deeper, something that went beyond friendship.
Every day, as they walked to the university together, Hyunjin would steal glances at Chan, hoping to catch a glimpse of the emotions that might mirror his own. The soft morning light would play on Chan’s features, highlighting the lines of his jaw, the curve of his lips, and the warmth in his eyes. Hyunjin’s heart would beat a little faster, a silent testament to the love he kept hidden.
One rainy afternoon, as they sat together in the university café, Chan was grading papers while Hyunjin sketched absentmindedly. The sound of rain tapping against the windows created a cocoon of intimacy around them. Hyunjin looked up from his sketchpad and watched Chan for a moment, admiring the way his brow furrowed in concentration.
“What are you working on?” Chan asked, glancing up from his papers and catching Hyunjin’s gaze.
“Oh, just a rough sketch,” Hyunjin replied, a blush creeping up his cheeks. He quickly looked down, feeling the weight of his unspoken feelings.
Chan smiled warmly at his friend's shyness. “Can I see it?”
Hyunjin hesitated for a moment before handing over the sketchpad. The drawing was a portrait of Chan, his features captured with an intimacy that spoke volumes of Hyunjin’s admiration. Chan studied the drawing, a look of surprise and something else - something tender - crossing his face.
“This is incredible, Hyunjin,” Chan said softly, his voice filled with awe. “You’ve captured…so much.”
Hyunjin’s heart raced as he searched Chan’s eyes for any hint of recognition, any sign that his feelings might be reciprocated. But Chan’s expression remained unreadable, and the moment passed, leaving Hyunjin with a bittersweet ache in his chest. “It's nothing,” he waved him off, taking it back.
Chan chuckled at him, fondly rolling his eyes. “Always so modest.”
Hyunjin hummed gently, staring out of the window as Chan continued working. He watched the raindrops painting their vivid pictures along the glass, but his eyes went back to Chan much sooner than he’d like. He often found himself caught in moments of quiet admiration for Chan, his eyes tracing the contours of Chan's face with the same intensity and focus he applied to his art. 
A sliver of late afternoon sunlight streamed through the window, breaking through the clouds and illuminating Chan’s profile. The light danced across his face, highlighting the arch of his cheekbone and the curve of his jaw. Hyunjin watched as Chan read, completely absorbed in his students’ work, his brow furrowing slightly in concentration. It was these unguarded, intimate moments that Hyunjin cherished most - the quiet, the soft rustling of pages, and Chan's expressive eyes moving swiftly across the text.
Chan’s beauty was not just in his features but in his movements and expressions. When he laughed, his eyes lit up, creasing at the corners, and his whole face seemed to brighten the room. When he was deep in thought, his lips would purse slightly, and his fingers would tap rhythmically on the surface beside him. These nuances, these small, everyday gestures, drew Hyunjin in deeper, his admiration growing with each passing moment.
Hyunjin's sketches often contained these details. His sketchpad was filled with lines attempting to capture the essence of Chan’s expressions. Each drawing was a silent testament to his deep affection - a collection of moments that Hyunjin treasured. 
The sound of the door opening pulled him from his thoughts, a soft smile covering his lips, spotting Felix. Felix, the owner of the cafe, was a charismatic Australian who had quickly established his little shop on campus as a warm, inviting haven. With his sunny smile and talent for remembering his customers' favorite orders, Felix had become particularly popular among the university crowd. His friendly banter and the occasional free pastry for his regulars only added to his charm.
"Hyunjin, Chan! Good to see you guys," Felix greeted them with his usual broad smile, putting aside his jacket. His gaze lingered slightly longer on Hyunjin, something that didn’t escape Chan’s notice.
"Hey, Lix," Hyunjin replied, his own smile a mirror of Felix’s enthusiasm. "It’s getting chilly out there, isn’t it?"
"Yeah, perfect weather for a hot cup of your favorite," Felix chuckled, already turning to prepare their usual orders, spotting their empty cups on the table. "The usual for you both?"
"That would be great, thanks," Chan interjected, trying to sound casual but feeling a twinge of discomfort at the easy banter between Hyunjin and Felix.
As Felix set about making their drinks, Hyunjin browsed through some of the new art magazines stacked on a nearby shelf while Chan watched Felix. He had noticed the way Felix moved with an effortless grace around the café, the way his eyes sparkled when he laughed, and how he seemed particularly animated, especially around Hyunjin a while ago. He knew Hyunjin and Lix got along quite well, and he wouldn’t be stupid enough to try and destroy that. It still bothered him.
When Felix brought over their coffees, his hand brushed against Hyunjin’s as he passed him the cup. Chan’s heart sank a little at the sight, the warmth in Felix’s eyes seeming to hold a hint of something more than just friendliness.
"So, Hyunjinnie," Felix started, slipping onto the bench next to him with a casual air, "how’s the new project going? You were telling me about that abstract piece you were working on."
Hyunjin’s face lit up at the question. "It’s going well, thanks for asking! I’m trying some new techniques, so it’s a bit of a challenge, but I’m enjoying it."
"That sounds amazing. You’ll have to show me sometime. I’d love to get a better understanding of your process," Felix replied, his interest seeming genuine but his tone perhaps too eager for Chan’s liking.
Chan watched as Hyunjin nodded, his eyes bright with the prospect of sharing his work. "Definitely, I’d appreciate your feedback."
The conversation flowed smoothly, and Chan felt increasingly like an outsider, his contributions to the conversation feeling forced and hollow in comparison to the natural rapport between Felix and Hyunjin.
The rest of their café visit passed in a blur for Chan. He laughed at the right moments and engaged in the conversation when necessary, but his thoughts were clouded with an unwelcome jealousy. He found himself analyzing every interaction between Felix and Hyunjin, each smile and each glance adding to his growing unease.
Chan tried to talk himself out of his feelings. Felix was just being friendly, he reasoned; it was part of his charm and why the cafe was so popular. Yet, no amount of rationalization seemed to soothe his unease.
One day, driven by a mix of desperation and a desire to understand, Chan decided to confront the situation. He waited until he and Hyunjin were alone, their steps echoing slightly as they walked through the quiet university campus back to Chan’s classroom.
"Hyunjin, can I ask you something?" Chan’s voice was hesitant, a stark contrast to his usual confident tone.
"Of course, Chan. What’s on your mind?" Hyunjin looked at him with concern, sensing the seriousness in his friend’s demeanor.
"It’s about Felix… and you," Chan paused, struggling to find the right words. "Do you feel like he’s… well, flirting with you?"
Hyunjin looked surprised, his eyebrows arching slightly. "Flirting with me? I… hadn’t really thought about it. He’s always nice, but I just thought he was like that with everyone,” he said, pulling the door to Chan’s classroom closed after himself.
Chan nodded slowly, the response not quite easing the tightness in his chest. "Maybe, but it seems different with you. More personal."
Hyunjin considered this for a moment, then sighed. "I suppose I can see how it might come across that way. But he’s with Changbin; he can’t mean much with it,” he giggled. “Changbin does it too, and you never mentioned it.”
Chan anxiously chewed his lower lip, thinking of Felix. There was something undeniably captivating about Felix - his demeanor exuded a warmth and magnetism that drew people to him. Watching him, Chan couldn't help but feel a mixture of admiration and a curious twinge of envy.
Felix's laughter could fill the café, a sound that seemed to echo off the walls and infuse the space with an extra dose of vitality. His hair was tousled perfectly as if each strand had been artfully arranged to give him a carefree, effortlessly charming look. His eyes sparkled with genuine interest as he listened to his customers, making each person feel like the center of his world. It was this quality, Chan thought, that made Felix not just a great café owner but a person who seemed to love his life and his interactions genuinely. It was hard not to think of Felix as someone out of a feel-good novel - the charismatic, adventurous protagonist that made Chan sometimes feel like he was missing from his own life. Sitting there, sipping his coffee, Chan allowed himself a moment to imagine what it would be like to live with that kind of joy and confidence. He couldn’t really blame Hyunjin for preferring his presence over his own.
“Yeah…but Binnie has stated quite often that he’s joking,” Chan argued weakly, his thoughts lingering on Changbin, the PE teacher whose presence seemed to lighten the mood wherever he was. There was an undeniable vitality about Changbin, an enthusiasm that he brought to his classes and interactions. Changbin’s face wore a constant, warm smile, making him approachable despite his imposing physique. His kindness was not just in his gestures or words but in his eyes, which sparkled with genuine concern and interest whenever he engaged with his students or colleagues. Today, Chan had watched him from afar, helping a student perfect their volleyball serve, his patience evident in his calm demeanor and encouraging nods. Chan admired how Changbin treated everyone with the same level of respect and kindness, whether they were star athletes or struggling novices. It was this treatment that truly set Changbin apart in Chan's eyes, making him not just physically attractive but deeply admirable. 
Reflecting on this, Chan thought about the subtle strength underlying Changbin’s kindness. It was a reminder that true strength was not just physical but the grace with which one treated others. Changbin’s hands, so capable of demonstrating sports techniques, were also gentle in offering a reassuring pat on the back or a high five. There was a natural charisma about him that made people feel valued - a trait Chan not only admired but also aspired to include in his own teaching. 
Hyunjin remained quiet for a moment, frowning softly. “I’m sorry, Chan, I didn’t realize it was bothering you. I thought you liked Lix."
Hyunjin's words caught Chan off-guard, stirring a mix of feelings within him. "I do like Felix," Chan admitted, his voice tinged with reluctance. "He's a great guy, but seeing him around you like that... it made me feel unsettled. And I guess it's because..." Chan hesitated, the words stuck in his throat.
"Because what?" Hyunjin prodded gently, almost hoping for Chan to make a confession right here and now.
Chan sighed, the weight of his unspoken truths pressing heavily on him. "It's because I care about you, Hyunjin. More than I probably should,” he said, missing the hopeful glint in Hyunjin’s eyes as he stared at the floor.
Hyunjin's expression softened, his eyes conveying a mix of surprise and compassion. He reached out to place a reassuring hand on Chan's shoulder. "I care about you too, so much...so, please be honest. What’s suddenly bothering you about it?"
Chan looked into Hyunjin's eyes, finding in them a reflection of his own fears and hopes. "I just don’t want you to get hurt," Chan said, managing a small smile despite the tumult of emotions inside him.
“Oh,” Hyunjin nodded, forcing a smile onto his lips. “There’s no need, really. Lix just loves to flirt a little,” he said, swallowing down the bitter taste of disappointment lacing his throat. “I should get to class; I’ll see you later.”
“Okay,” Chan nodded, staring after him. A shaky breath left his lips as the door shut close behind his friend, and the silence around him grew awfully loud. “Coward,” he whispered to himself, groaning softly. He checked his watch and nodded to himself. One more period until lunch break. Which meant his best friend had his break now, teaching a class later. Slipping his papers into his bag, Chan made his way to the faculty lounge, where he knew he would find Minho, the beloved Dance and Performing Arts teacher and his best friend since childhood. Minho was already at their usual spot in the corner of the university's bustling cafeteria, his tray filled with food. As Chan approached, Minho's face lit up with a welcoming smile.
"Channie! How's the master of Shakespeare today?" Minho teased, pushing a chair out with his foot for Chan to sit.
"More like the master of self-conflict," Chan muttered as he sank down into the chair, his shoulders slumping.
Minho's expression shifted to one of concern. "What's up? You look like you've lost a fight with a couple of your metaphysical poets."
Chan chuckled weakly. "It's not the poets giving me trouble. It's...it’s about Hyunjin."
Minho raised an eyebrow, his interest piqued. "Hyunjin, huh? What about him? Don't tell me you finally confessed?"
Chan shook his head, stirring his coffee absentmindedly. "No, nothing like that. It’s just... Felix was flirting with him again, and I don't know; it made me feel weird."
Minho's laughter filled the air, a light-hearted sound that made a few nearby students glance over in curiosity. "Oh, Channie hyung! That’s classic!"
"It's not funny, Minho," Chan protested, though a small smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. “I know it sounds ridiculous, but I can’t help feeling... jealous."
Minho burst out laughing again, covering his mouth with his hand. "Jealous? Of Yongbokie? That man flirts with anything that breathes—it’s probably just his way. But this is good!"
Chan frowned, puzzled. "How is any of that good?"
"It means you’re finally facing your feelings head-on instead of burying them in your lesson plans and Shakespearean monologues," Minho chuckled, then became more serious. "Look, Chan, it’s obvious to anyone with eyes that you’ve got it bad for Hyunjin. Maybe it's time you did something about it."
“Do what? He’s probably happy about Felix showering him with love,” Chan sighed heavily. “He might…oh fuck you,” he snorted at Minho’s intrigued grin.
"Might fall for his devilish charms?" Minho finished for him, his voice dripping with mock drama. "Come on, Chan. Hyunjin’s got eyes for someone else, even if he doesn’t know it yet."
Chan sighed, knowing Minho was referring to him. "I wish that were enough to stop me from feeling this way. I just hate feeling so... powerless."
Minho reached across the table, placing a reassuring hand over Chan's. "Listen, hyungie, what you’re feeling is totally normal. But you can’t control how Felix acts or how Hyunjin responds. What you can control is what you do next. How about you focus on showing Hyunjin just how much he means to you?"
"And how do I do that without spilling my guts and potentially ruining everything?" Chan asked, his voice tinged with frustration.
"Subtly, Channie. Subtly. Start with small things. Be there for him, make him laugh, and share more of those deep poetic thoughts you keep locked up in your brain...do it with him for once instead of drooling all over my food during lunch break,” he teased softly, pulling a small smile from him. “Build the connection you already have. Trust me; actions speak way louder than confessions thrown out during a moment of jealousy."
"But what if it ruins everything?" Chan’s voice was tinged with worry. "Our friendship, our living situation... I can't lose him, Minho."
Minho nodded, understanding the depth of his friend's fear. "I get it. But consider this—what if telling him opens up the chance for something amazing? You won’t know until you try. Besides, Hyunjin's a great guy; he won’t let this ruin your friendship."
Chan considered Minho's words, the fear mingling with a flicker of hope. "I... I don’t even know where to start."
"Start with the truth. Tell him how you feel, how you've been feeling. It’s not about Felix or anyone else. It’s about you and him," Minho advised, his tone gentle yet firm.
"And if he doesn’t feel the same?" Chan’s voice was barely a whisper now, the weight of his unspoken love heavy on his chest.
Minho’s face softened. "Then you’ll deal with it like the mature, sophisticated intellectuals that you are," he said with a grin, trying to lighten the mood. "Seriously, Chan, honesty is terrifying but liberating. Hyunjin deserves to know, and you deserve to be honest with yourself and him."
Chan considered Minho's advice, feeling a semblance of a plan forming in his mind. "Maybe you're right. I just need to be patient and more... proactive."
"That's the spirit!" Minho exclaimed happily. "And who knows? Maybe Hyunjin is closer to seeing the truth than you think. You've got to give some credit to our boy; he's an artist, after all. He sees beauty where others see the ordinary."
“Talk about being poetic,” Chan giggled at him, and Min winked at him fondly.
The bell signaling the end of the break rang, pulling them back to the reality of their day. Minho stood, slinging his bag over his shoulder. "Think about it, okay? I’m here no matter what happens. And who knows? Maybe Hyunjin is waiting for a sign from you."
Chan nodded, feeling a mix of dread and determination settling in his heart. "Thanks, Minho. For listening... and not making too much fun of me."
Minho laughed, pulling Chan into a brief, tight hug. "What are friends for if not to listen to your romantic worries and push you out of your comfort zone? Now, go inspire the future lovers and poets. And think about what you want to say to Hyunjin."
"Thanks, Minnie. Really," Chan said, feeling genuinely grateful for the pep talk.
"Anytime, Chan. Now fuck off and finally be the leading man of your own love story," Minho cheered, giving Chan a playful shove toward the door, giggling as the older flipped him off. 
As their ways parted, his mind raced with possibilities and what-ifs. The thought of confessing his feelings to Hyunjin was daunting, but Minho's words echoed in his mind, a mantra of encouragement and challenge. Maybe it was time to stop hiding behind their friendship and take a risk that could potentially change everything.
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scintillyyy · 6 hours
i was thinking about wfa again today and y'know. the concept of a lowstakes batman slice of life webtoon doesn't bother me (i mean, gotham knights is a beloved run of mine & there's a reason a.j. lieberman is my nemesis (turned it into the hush book)) and honestly neither does the flattening down a wide cast of characters (it's not comics, so i don't expect amazing characterization. also it's meant to be read in 30 seconds so whatever. it has a Place that isn't Comics and that's fine.) (i do find what they did to duke annoying but aside from that whatever). really what gets me is it's that it has the potential to be so much better than it is if it *actually knew canon*. like the references it pulls are like. cool, discowing and lots of different batman costumes. references that come from famous out of context panels.
but. like.
imagine if wfa had bruce have a headache because dick and tim fell off a train while train surfing. imagine if it had a story where he told cass not to do something and then she went and did it anyways (like go hang out with a boy she met on a cruise). imagine if dick and tim stole a boat from him. imagine if they made reference to azbats being a bad idea. imagine if they made reference to tim playing baseball in space when they have his friends come in instead of them being weirded out by gotham. imagine if they made reference to Things Happening whenever dick tries to get married. imagine if they made a joke about dick running away to the outsiders. what if they made a tim running away to paris joke. what if they did a joke about damian running out of the country to do robin things. what if they did a reference to helena as the bat. what if they did a story where people came and stole helena's food. what if bruce fought hugo strange on the roof of wayne enterprises. what if devlin davenport was bruce's pta nemesis instead of a low effort sexist karen joke. this is what gets me: it could be good and light and funny for casuals and still be fun and wink at comics because fun things *do* happen in comics, even batcomics, sometimes. there is plenty to actually riff on. what ultimately gets me is what a concept like that has the potential to be and how it falls so short of it.
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delicatetrashyouth · 20 hours
Orv rant cause I can't for the love of God get Han sooyoung OUT OF MY MIND.
I read orv some time ago and I have no qualms with it. None whatsoever, it's perfect. But I have this big regret of not understanding Han sooyoung better. She's one of the key characters. She's one of our beloved trio, the author and what not-
Just as much as I love joongdok, I'm such a sucker for yoohankim. And it hurts not understanding her actions, her emotions and her feelings. Not only regarding herself but about her relationship with others involved too.
That part of her, chasing after Kim dokja when he's about to enter the subway. You know what I mean. I know that it's emotional. I know that it's such a beautiful scene. And that's why..I want to feel it too. Not only just that one part but the entirety of the novel.
If you ask me why HSY did that, how did she felt, what made her do this or that- I wouldn't know. Even if you ask me to take a guess, I would have no idea.
And this thing is eating me alive. I want to know her better. I want to understand her character. I want to know her circumstances, her ideals, her morals, her drive, her passion, her reason to cry, let go or hold on- OKAY *deep breath*
Thank you for reading my absolute brainrot till the end, now I'll free you of your suffering.
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raynesbunny · 2 days
Mashle headcanon!
💌: GN!reader, fluff
⚠️: Ooc and maybe cringe, slight suggestive on Orter's part?
Requested by: @rainee-da
Characters: Orter Madl, Rayne Ames, Abyss Razor
Others: Guess who's back! I was thinking of finishing all the short stories before going back, though— but I don't want to keep you guys waiting! I'll feel very bad if I do so。:゚(;´∩`;)゚:。 Angst Rayne A. x reader coming soon! Still fixing a lot of errors<33 Enjoy reading, pookies!(≧▽≦) (this is my first time writing a headcanon so please do leave a message if there are errors!)
Orter Màdl
♡ It's almost impossible to make this man feel embarrassed; he hardly shows any expressions regardless of what others do—always wearing a straight and serious face! Many have attempted to make him laugh and smile, but their efforts have always been in vain, no matter how much they've tried. It almost seemed like expressing emotions is against the rules to him!
♡ And then there's you, his dearest, his partner, his beloved, his darling, his sweetheart, his sunshine, his angel, his lover, the one who melted his icy heart and kept it warm—the only one capable of evoking emotions within him that he never thought he would experience someday. (although, this rule-obsessed man cannot bring himself to admit it openly!)
♡ If there's one thing that can make Orter feel embarrassed, it would be your unexpected, sneaky and quick yet soft kisses and pecks!
♡ Whenever you peck his cheek, his brain momentarily stops functioning, and his heart flutters. His body freezes (and a faint blush is visible on his cheeks) at the touch of your soft lips against his skin.
♡ Your innocent and delicate feathered kisses drives him wild, but he would never dare to utter a word about his longing for more of those adorable little kisses!
♡ Today was another busy day for the young man, Orter Màdl. Well— busier than usual that he had forgotten to bring his lunch with him.
And here you are, now in his office to deliver the homemade lunch to your hard-working lover, along with an encouraging letter you poured your heart into creating!
Upon noticing your presence, Orter averted his gaze from his work and looked up at your approaching figure with a small bag in your hand.
"What brings you here?" he asked.
"You forgot your lunch at home, and I won't allow my man to work with an empty stomach, so I decided to bring it here to you," you replied.
Orter remained silent, choosing to turn his focus back to his paperwork. However, his shoulders seemed more relaxed now, and his facial expression had softened. That sight alone was enough for you to know that he was grateful, and he doesn't need to express it through words or pay you back.
(The pile of paperwork on his desk bothered you. You seriously wanted to help, but this stubborn boyfriend of yours would not let you, and you were left with no choice.)
(Last time, you tried helping him, but it only ended up with you wrapped in his sand magic.)
"Here's your lunch, by the way. Don't forget to eat it at lunchtime," you said, placing the small bag with his lunchbox inside on his desk. When you heard no answer, you glanced at him, seeing that he was focused on his work.
This seemed to be the perfect time to take the chance and sneak a kiss.
As your lips were about to reach his cheek, Orter turned around (on purpose), causing your lips to meet his instead.
You were about to pull away immediately, only for the desert cane to grab your wrists, pin you down on his desk and deepen the kiss, preventing you from moving and keeping the kiss from breaking. Leaving you breathless and blushing, a flustered mess.
Rayne Ames
♡ Just like the rule-obsessed divine visionary, he's often cold and serious. But believe me when I say that he isn't cruel! He's just having a hard time expressing that he actually cares for the people, especially those whom he's fond of, interested in, and of course- you.
♡ Speaking of you, you are his everything. He'd do anything to keep you safe, make you feel loved, respected, and comforted! Even with his busy schedule, he'll find a way to prioritize you, no matter what. (You matter the most in his life, aside from his rabbits and Finn, of course he'll prioritize those who are important to him.) Though, there are times that he must attend to his duties first, but he'll be sure to make it up to you! It just takes some time, and hopefully you'll understand.
♡ And when I say you're his everything, I mean; you're his joy, his comfort, his warmth, his flower, his world, his dream, his reason to smile, his strength, his motivation, his star, his light—
♡ If there is something that makes this man embarrassed, it's the way you know or understand what he wants (sometimes mentioning it) and letting him know that you have given him your consent!
♡ He will hesitate at first, but will give in as soon as he knows that you are certain. Like those days where he was staring down at your lips with a troubled expression, and this will never go unnoticed by you.
♡ You held yourself back from laughing, it was truly an adorable and amusing sight!
♡ You would press your forehead against his, your lips parting to mutter the words that you have given him your consent.
♡ Rayne's face would turn bright red, his gaze snapping to you with a look of embarrassment. He cannot believe he got caught again!
♡ You chuckled at the expression on his face, but your laughter died down when Rayne immediately brought his lips to meet yours in a gentle yet firm kiss, the contact sending a warm shiver down your spine.
♡ You were playing with Rayne's pet rabbits in your shared room, wearing the comfortable rabbit hoodie that matched with your boyfriend but in your favorite color.
"There! All done!" You chirped and stroked Usao's fluffy fur, staring at all the rabbits decorated with ribbons in awe.
At the sound of his voice calling your name, you turned around to face him. Once you did, you're met with himself close to you, the sudden closeness making your eyes widen in surprise and confusion. "Is something the matter?"
(It was hard reading him this time, not even a single clue was visible! Is he doing this on purpose?)
Said boyfriend shook his head before gently taking your hand in his, caressing it tenderly.
He closed his eyes and brought your hand up to his lips for him to place a soft and long kiss.
The kiss lasted for a while and it took you some time to process what just happened. When you did, you found yourself stunned and flustered.
Abyss Razor
♡ Believe when I say THAT THIS MAN GETS ALL FLUSTERED WITH EVERYTHING YOU DO. (You were just too much for his heart to handle, he might explode in embarrassment.)
♡ Even the simplest, smallest things you do, like getting close to him, holding his hand, or even a gentle poke on the cheek, headpats, or your compliments, cause him to freeze in embarrassment or leave him trembling and a stuttering mess. (Even your smile and voice!)
♡ The last time this happened was when you were combing his hair and you stopped when you caught a whiff of the scent of his hair.
You drew closer to him, hoping to smell that pleasant fragrance again.
"Say, Abyss, what shampoo do you use?"
♡ He responded with silence, you were just too close to him! Close enough that his brain stopped functioning!
♡ Abyss.exe has stopped working.
♡ You are welcome to shower this lover of yours with affection, but please have mercy! He has zero experience when it comes to this! (Your affections for him might be the cause of his death /j)
♡ He is so adorable, please don't ever hurt him. Cherish him with all your heart, for goodness' sake! He deserves all the love and care.<33
Your fingers brushed the silky strands of your lover's hair, tucking it behind his ear before clipping it with a ribbon. (I live for the coquettish display<33)
Once you were done, you gasped at the sight of your lover with his hair neatly down and a ribbon clipped in place.
"My goodness! You look beautiful, my love, as always!"
"Even with my cursed evil eye?"
"Nonsense! I find your evil eye unique and beautiful! Even with or without that, you will always be a beauty in my eyes, both on the outside and the inside!"
Just as he was about to respond, you gently placed your finger on his lips and embraced him, burying your face in his stomach.
"Hush! Don't even think of saying those words. Your cursed evil eye has nothing to do with who you are! You have done nothing wrong! If no one else will accept the whole of you aside from Abel, then I WILL. I do not care what that evil eye of yours will do to me, I am willing to embrace everything in you. I will always love you, even with all your flaws. Nothing and no one can change my mind and my heart—"
You stopped yourself from rambling when you felt a sudden drop of liquid fall on top of your head.
You sat up to check on him, only for panic to rush through you as your eyes met his face that is soaked with tears.
"Did I say something wrong? Please, don't cry and tell me what's wrong! It pains me to see you in tears!" (You might cry too /j)
Receiving no response from him, you were left with no choice but to embrace him in a hug, hoping that it could provide him solace.
Abyss wrapped his arms around you in return, his tears soaking the fabric on your shoulder. (Which you did not mind at all.)
He could never be more grateful than being accepted despite the flaws he bore, especially his very own evil eye.
I'll add a few more characters for this headcanon after writing the second angst I'm planning to write! I hope you enjoyed reading my first headcanon! Have a great, wonderful day or night, lovelies!💌
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femme-enby · 3 days
Hi! I’m writing a FNAF fanfic!
Firstly- all my tumblr postings occur on mobile, so I seem unable to do a fun little “here’s the link” thing, but it should be… at the bottom? Of this post.
My FNAF fanfiction is an AU, haunt actor AU specifically.
Very indulgent- you move w no explanation as to why, I do my best to keep whether or not Reader has prior haunt experience unknown, you’re a haunt actor at a large amusement park that has an extended haunt season. The other appeal? They have five incredibly advanced animatronics working there. Chica, Roxy, Monty, and the attendant have their own zones. Freddy is the beloved wandering character.
Warnings- it’s a Halloween haunt, and I’m being incredibly accurate in as much as I can, so there will be drunk guests, people getting their nicotine fix before the shift, the attractions are gory & either touch on sensitive or taboo topics, as well as might be a phobia (example: clowns. There are more ofc.)
It’s my first time writing a fanfic, let alone posting, if there’s ANYTHING I do wrong/need to do that I didn’t, etc. do not be scared to tell me! I want to learn how to do this right.
Now, presenting my fanfic, “Swamp Monsters, DareDevils, Butchers, and… Jesters?”
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7nessasaryevils · 2 days
Things that made me scream during ep 5 of Wandee Goodday
- Dee can remember every single person's birthday but he hadn't memorized Yak's yet
- Yak pouting when he realized Dee didn't know his birthday
- that whole fucking interaction with Cher and Yei (yes babes! Complain that you haven't gotten fucked for a while you deserve to be dicked down!)
- Kao being the King he is and offering valuable suggestions for Dee and Yak on how to improve their lives (and sex lives) using his furry accessories ♥️
- Dee offering good fashion advice... sir thank you for your service in getting Yak out of those (delectable) elephant pants - but... Taem is probably better at putting him in clothes that work
- grammammamamamamamana I love her and she is now the communal granmama
- DICK PLUSH TOY (seriously where can I get one??)
- granmama knows
- STEPPING OVER THE LINE!!! THE GASP I GUSPED (also wandee my precious my baby protect your heart please yak is gonna be a little stupid I know it)
- brb screaming crying throwing up because NEITHER of them can sleep without holding each other
- the pouting, cuddling, "need you to recharge me" YORYAK!! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR PERT ASS YOU DUMB JOCK! This is boyfriend level behaviour!
- Dee's smile as he curls into Yak 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹
- the only time I screamed in rage: how dare you ask Dee if Taem would like while you hold motherfucking Wandee in your arm- I'm going to snap a boxer's neck (what did I say about yak doing something stupid?!)
- ... he took Yak to see his parents... I'm fine gwenchana gwenchana
- SJAXHWKZNKSJXNWKSW YORYAK YOU BUFFOON- don't you want to introduce your BOYFRIEND to your parents?! someone hold me back before I smack this idiot
- Cher doing the sneaky sneak and failing 🤣 also Yei not taking Cher with him because he knows his boyfie doesn't like the macho assholes 🥹♥️
- Yak dressing the way Dee told him to... fucking hell
- yak showing up to help his boyfriend thanks I wanna throw up
- Dr. Wandee using his and Yoryak's furry sex personas to help tell children a story was not on my 2024 bingo card 👀
- yak wanting to celebrate with Dee rather than his friends... this idiot
- domestic food fight my beloved (also yak refusing to let Dee do anything cooking wise because he doesn't want to poison Granmama 🤣)
- I do so love an aptly placed song that perfectly explains the conflict of our main characters ♥️♥️
- sir. Yoryak. For someone who claims they like Taem, you sure do lean in to kiss Dee a lot 👀👀👀
- THAT CAPTION... gonna go yeet myself off their building thanks
-... couple toothbrushes... COUPLE TOOTHBRUSHES
- wandeeyoryak vs. Yoryakwandee... help me
This show is everything to me right now and I will hold onto it with my dying breath
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⋆ 𝓒𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓓𝓲𝓪𝓶𝓸𝓷𝓭: 𝓓𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓲𝓬 𝓑𝓵𝓲𝓼𝓼 ⋆
Please note: This is a repost from my old blog, @sugarcookiesheep!
Domestic Bliss was a series I was doing featuring most of the Twisted Wonderland cast as fathers, and what their child/children are like! (With the Reader being referred to as mom!)
I had only completed Riddle and Cater’s parts (while posting sneak peaks of others), and I may come back to it someday! Until then, enjoy! ♡
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⋆ As a father I believe that Cater would be easygoing, taking things as they come and adapting depending on the situation. His child would never have to be afraid to go to him for anything, whether it be to talk or in general. At times it may seem like he acts more like a friend rather than a parent (especially when his child is older) but that’s just because of how comfortable his child is around him. They can be open and honest with him, without worry of harsh judgment or needing to keep secrets. That’s not to say that Cater won’t give his opinion, making it known when he disagrees with something. It’s always with good intentions though, simply wanting the best for them. The type of parent that wants to capture every moment of his child’s life, leading to lot’s of pictures and videos. Everything from small moments to significant milestones like first steps, first words, etc. He’d keep up with all the latest trends and social media the kids are into, including whatever hobbies or interests his child has. He’d evolve from being “cool” to being “embarrassing” as his child got older, but affectionately.
⋆ Cater’s daughter would have a love for media, just like her father! She’s one of those babies that gets so excited whenever her favorite cartoon or character pops up on tv, babbling and bouncing up and down in excitement. She’d slowly move herself as close to the tv as possible in her baby roller walker, her attention focused on what’s happening on screen. If you or Cater turned off the tv or changed the channel she would immediately start crying, making grabby hands at the screen in an attempt to bring it back. You guys would take this into account when purchasing a vehicle, getting one of those family sized cars that can play movies and shows. Road trips had never been more peaceful, though you had to get used to listening to the same movie/show over and over again.
⋆ She has a plush toy of her favorite character that she treasures and always carries with her, like a security blanket. Even when it becomes old and torn you wouldn’t even think of replacing it, knowing how upset and distressed it would make her. You or Cater try your best to patch it up when needed, having to sew or restuff them. No matter the quality of your work, your daughter loves and appreciates it every time. She’s just happy to see her beloved friend feeling better!
⋆ Once she was a bit older Cater decided to get her a small tablet (the kind intended for kids), and to say she was glued to it would be an understatement. Wherever you went she’d bring it with her, either immersed in her favorite shows or walking around taking photos of anything she could. Much like her father she loves to take pictures and enjoys any opportunity to take some, preferably of you or Cater or her beloved plush friend. Though most times in her enthusiasm the pictures will be blurry or out of focus, Cater will always encourage her and treats every picture she shows him as the best photo he’s ever seen. He’ll also give subtle tips or suggestions to help her pictures come out more clear without discouraging her work.
⋆ Even as she gets older she still finds comfort in her favorite show/character, still carrying her beloved plush wherever she goes. She’ll usually keep them in her bag when at school or in public, having them peek out a bit so she can reassure herself of their presence. When she’s feeling anxious or upset she’ll give the plush some pets, the soft texture helping calm her down. If someone tried to make fun of her or (heaven forbid) take the plush from her, you and Cater would comfort her, making it known to the teachers/parents involved that you wouldn’t tolerate this type of behavior. 
⋆ If it were your daughter’s “friends” doing this, Cater would sit down with her and have a private discussion about it. He’d listen to her, giving her a shoulder to cry on if needed and gently giving his own thoughts on the matter. Once things settled he’d lighten the mood by redirecting the subject to a funny video he saw or a cute picture he wanted to show her, getting the smile back on her face. Cater can’t help the joy he feels when she makes some new friends who respect her boundaries and even enjoy the same show she does, asking if she’d like to invite them over for a slumber party sometime. Of course, she’d have to ask her mom first (You said yes, just as happy for her as Cater)
⋆ While your daughter does have a sweet tooth, she prefers savory food like Cater does. When she does have something sweet, it’s usually a salty sweet combination like chocolate covered pretzels or a sweet and spicy combination like chocolate with chili powder/extract in it. She has a high tolerance for spicy food and seems to enjoy anything that has a bit of a kick, so if you’re not a fan of spicy things (or don’t have a high tolerance for it) you make sure to cook your food separately from theirs. (and not to accept if they offer you a bite of their food, you learned that early on way back when you and Cater first started dating)
⋆ One thing about your home is that it’s always lively, Cater and your daughter turning on some music to sing and dance whenever they have to do chores. It’s because of this that you and Cater decided to start having a family karaoke night, usually held once a week during the weekend. You move the furniture in the living room and create a make-shift stage, bringing out all kinds of props and costumes for people to use or wear during their performances. At first it was just the three of you until Cater got the idea to invite his old club/bandmates to join in, Kalim and Lilia making sure to come whenever they’re available. Your daughter would even invite some of her friends to join in on the fun, doing duets with them while everyone clapped and cheered them on.
⋆ Cater would make sure to record the performances throughout the night and would take a group picture of everyone before they left, having a special cork board in the living room where he puts each new photo. You guys have fun looking at the photos and reminiscing about moments from past karaoke nights, talking in between laughs as you point at different pictures. 
⋆ Though you can’t help your bias when looking at the photo from your first karaoke night; you, Cater, and your daughter all squeezed together for a selfie. You’re all wearing a bunch of random things, from sunglasses to hats to feather boas, with the make-shift stage you made behind you. All three of you are smiling towards the camera, your daughter in between you both grinning from ear to ear. Looking at the photo always fills you with warmth and fondness. Cater says it’s his favorite and you can’t help but agree ♡
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Originally posted: November 30th, 2023
𝓣𝓱𝓪𝓷𝓴 𝔂𝓸𝓾! ♡
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olrinarts · 2 days
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working out character designs for the bishops since they're gonna be a thing i have to draw relatively soon
they may be a bitch to fight in game (kallamar my beloathed) but i do like 'em a lot as characters (kallamar my beloved)
i enjoy knowing i'll get to draw more ASL for Heket and Kallamar, it's good hand drawing exercises tbh
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komorezuki · 3 days
Lord of the Files
CW too much love to my girl here(*♡∀♡)
As The Demon Chronicler and just a big fan of our beloved demon I feel she is not revealed by the fandom enough and I want to fix it and talk about her more. Thanks @yowlthinks for the reminder.
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The warrior
Let's start with the main thing: Dagon is a warrior by nature. She was really happy when Azi declared a war. She was the one that encouraged the troops before Armageddidn't. It would seem, why not Beelzebub do this as a big boss? But Beelzebub is completely burned out (burned out demon, lol) and they don't live for the fighting unlike Dagon. War is just a work for them.
In addition I can mention that Dagon is wearing a navy uniform ahead of the Armageddon 2.0. In my headcanon she is going to be responsible for water-related disasters. And I really wonder if she has her own subordinates. Maybe they would look like lovecraftian The Deep Ones.
Plus, Dagon is suspicious and this has it in common with Michael. I don't think that Dagon really fears the empty cardbox, but in that case it is logical to expect a trap. After all, they face their enemies in the place that belongs to retired traitors.
The faithful one
The second thing that I see as her fundamental personality traits is loyalty to Hell and maybe complete loyalty to demons as a race. It manifests itself in different ways. At least she really likes to look eldritch. She is the only demon who doesn't change her appearance on earth.
Dagon doesn't also manifest excessive cruelty (unlike Hastur). She is quite phlegmatic like B, but she really enjoys her work and the confrontation with angels. She doesn't manifest any anger or even strong fear during the non-Crowley's non-execution. And the strangest thing: she didn't even punish Furfur for his stupid fail. Why didn't she? Why did anyone call her the master of torments? And I especially love the scene of reunion of brielzebub and Dagon is like
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It seems she doesn't welcome romantic relationships and holding hands. I get you, my dear, I quite get you. However, notice that she doesn't also express any hatred or disapproval for B's escape (unlike Shax), just a shock.
Dagon doesn't look power-hungry - she reacts calmly to Shax's appointment (the reason also may be that Dagon doesn't see Shax as a competitor). Dagon shields her colleagues from the alleged trap. *fangirling sounds* Maybe she doesn't have strong negative demonic emotions like hatred or brutality, but when it comes to choosing the side, she has no doubt and hesitation. This is the opposite of "independent" demons like Beelzebub or Crowley. And honestly this is a matter of respect.
About angelfish
In fact, in my headcanon all immortals are aromantic, and specifically Dagon hasn't any close attachments at all. Her (metaphorical)(occult) heart belongs only to Hell. She and Michael have this in common: Michael is also loyal to Heaven.And I like to consider them as colleagues who are on the same wavelength. Like Brielzebub was in S1. So i don't think there is any close friendship or love between them, rather the "cooperation with old enemies", you know. Most likely they are in touch and exchange information (like Crowley and Shax).
Well, it was a huge longread about the minor character but I really feel that Dagon deserves more analysis. This post is dedicated to @andagon and the shoal of Dagons.
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evilminji · 11 hours
OKAY. *slams open door in manic about to have opinions*
MAYBE i am binging so, SO much unhinged bnha fics? Have already sent this to all my mutual and is not ENOUGH? But everyone is focused on these BABIES and not the MOST unhinged of them all? You COWARDS!!!
That's RIGHT! Ya girl has been hitting the "yandere/obsessive/possessive" behavior tag on Ao3 and is REFUSING TO BE NORMAL ABOUT IT! I have THOUGHTS DAMN IT! AaaaaaaaaaAAAAAA-!!! *Flips table*
Why the FUCK everyone focusing on BABIES?
I get it, don't yuck someone else's yum. To each their own. I respect that. But ALSO? What lvl of unhinged could they POSSIBLY HAVE? They are FIVE. SMOOTH FACED TODDLER BABY BOYS! A CHILD!
Like? Listen...
You know how Quirks are basicly evolutionary advantages? Random protections that are hit or miss? I have touched on this before in my naruto WIP (that i never posted but shush), but there must exsist a theoretical opposite of killing intent.
A sort of loving/peaceful intent if you will. A SAFETY intent. Or, for the purposes of THIS scenario and slightly to the left of that, a "love me" field. Which? Unlike what the perverse might believe or suggest? Just makes the target... love you.
Not sexually desire.
Love. Care about. Emotional connection.
And, yeah, maybe i've just been reading too many fics where shigiraki do what shigiraki does, and he is his unhinged obsessed lil self. Too many unhinged yandere fics where i darkly mutter "you are forgetting their Core Character Motivatioooooons! Just write an OC!"
Because you can twist a characters personality WITHOUT forgetting who they ARE. Thats what makes it INTERESTING, after all. Seeing how it could go so very, very wrong. How a good emotion, taken too extreme, can corrupt! N it's not just "oh that means violence n cursing right? Immediately jumping to cruelty?"
Its the obsession. The need to consume. The manipulation and care in which they try and maintain the illusion. It isn't one crack and "whelp, fuck it I guess!". Every character is different! Breaks under the strain of 1000% loving someone, DIFFERENT. And it brings up FASCINATING dynamics n potential quirk reactions?
Cause a emotional quirk WILL work. Even on people who supposed "dont have any" emotions? Because thats not how the human body FUNCTIONS. They HAVE all the necessary components. They just have a disorder. The Quirk would be forcing their body to MIMIC "feel-Y.exe" and their body would go with that. How THEY would process that data? What would it FEEL like to THEM? Whole different story.
But they WOULD feel "love" in what ever capacity THEY understand it.
You don't want to hurt your BEST FRIEND do you? You love them. Your BELOVED SISTER? This CUTE CHILD? She seems so NICE. Or maybe it's a precious and to be protected PET? She doesn't know what she'll get, "love" is nebulous and multifaceted. Could be platonic, familial, romantic. The love of a comrade. But it's never failed BEFORE. (Not, that I imagine, she being a well adjusted young lady, would feel morally comfortable USING said quirk in such times of peace. On anybody.)
We're all friend here, right? No need to be aggressive! Hurt anybody! Let's all put our weapons down, yeah?
But! This runs into a PROBLEM. The fuckin Yandere. Your bog standard sociopath. Those to whom this love field/targeting/ray/what-have-you is either so completely foreign too or NOTICEABLE as to be ineffective. Or to whom "love" is AGGRESSIVE.
Who's concept of "love" would actually make the problem WORSE.
I bring this up? Because I am FACINATED by the concept of AfO falling in love.
He... he would be COMPLETELY unhinged about it. The very act would unlock LAYERS to his deeply fucked up, highly obsessive, mind games and bank vaults, squirrel brain.
But I don't think he'd ever WILLINGLY fall in love. Or even be capable. Might be a brain chemistry thing, honesty. But the very reason his CLINGS to his his brothers quirk? Is because his brother was HIS. They were connected. It was... the closest thing he understood to love. And he is unhinged even to this day about it.
So like? If he spooked some poor soul? With a "love me" quirk? And she, in terror, tried to blast this Scary Supervillian into Not Hurting Her? She would have NO WAY of knowing that she just made a HUGE fucking mistake. Like... conceivably, the WORST mistake.
Because all it would take? Is her NOT instantly dying. No reflexive "how dare you use your Quirk on me". And? The altered brain chemistry starts to kick in. He's suddenly getting?? All these NICE happy brain chemicals that his body has been fuckin STARVED off? Fascinating new sensations? Elevated mood?
It's fake. He KNOWS it's fake. :) But that doesn't mean he won't murder her if she STOPS :)
Looooove yoooou~♡
Does it shift in to real, deeply deranged, love? Impossible to tell. Someone for the LOVE OF GOD call All Might. But?? He's just such an unhinged MESS it's fascinating to explore how emotional quirks would even react to him? Fascinating to think about how he would REACT if he had a SECOND "little brother" scenario. A person he CARED about. But this time... WORSE because it was in a way he could somewhat comprehend AND he had FAR more power then before.
Would it derail everything? Would he be able to focus on his Machiavellian plans while being able to fold them into them? Would he fuckin CONSUME THEM like he did Tomura? Ultimate form of love, after all, to become HIM.
How long could she, the hypothetical Quirk holder, keep that Quirk ACTIVE? Fear is a powerful motivator.
Just?? Why are there not more fics about the Ultimate Creep, BEING CREEPY AND UNHINGED??? He's VERY GOOD AT IT. Has had a LOT OF PRACTICE. LET AfO be deeply insane, 2XXX!
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lemotmo · 3 days
Just read your review for the finale and I so agree with you, that was not how you do a season finale
Everyone says that it's because the season was only 10 ep so it was rushed, but when you know you will have so little time why try to jungle so many stories and risk doing justice to none
I only like 2 things about this episode happy mara and all the buddie chris interaction
The pacing was so bad that made the acting look bad - ryan was the only one who really had any work to do
I am not a fan of having gerrad back but maybe whatever they have planned with him will work out - I saw people saying him back is a way to have tommy more involved next season, flesh him out and I hope that is not the case, I don't need more of him they should have used the scenes he was in this season instead of wasting them
I know the writers don't base their decisons on what fans want, but it kind feels that the reason b/t is still together is a combination of a short season and of how well it was received and how loud their fans are (though not unheard of, off the top of my head misha collins stayed on spn because of how much people liked him - not that you can compare them, castiel is an amazing character, t*ommy not so much)
b/t have 1 min of screentime and almost as many posts on here as buddie does - makes me feel like am am failing in supporting buddie as a fan
I am glad to know you are not giving up on them and love to hear if you have any theories about how they can come together in s8
Thank you!!🌞
Hey Nonny! I hear you loud and clear! I agree so much!
BT having so much posts mainly has to do with the newness of it all I think. I've also seen a lot of more negative posts about BT in the BT tag, so the tag is also used to criticise the BT relationship. So that might give it a bit more nuance.
The same thing is going on on Twitter. I checked out 'bucktommy' tag which was trending and most of the posts there were people being offended and disappointed in the BT storyline. So, I think we're good there.
Don't feel like you're failing at anything. This isn't a matter of winning or failing. It's fandom. It is what it has always been: fickle and fleeting. :)
Gerrard being back is not so much about Tommy as he doesn't work at the 118. But it was all about Tommy once again being used as a plot device to 'remind' us of Gerrard and his bigoted ways. It was a big shiny beacon of light shining on the fact that Gerrard was coming back to create havoc.
Fleshing out Tommy doesn't make sense with all the main characters and their storylines they already have going on. But if they decide to go that way, I still fully believe we'll start seeing how incompatible Buck and Tommy really are. Throw Buck's connection with Eddie into the mix and the show has all the ingredients for juicy relationship drama. Would I like a storyline like this? No, not one single bit.
But this is a drama show, so it could happen. Ultimately, I always see Buddie come out on top. Everything the show has shown us up to the season 7 finale, was always about how deeply connected Buck and Eddie are. They aren't going to chance hurting one of the most beloved core relationships on 911 to fit in this forced relationship between Buck and Tommy.
And... Nope not giving up on them! I've been here for 6 years, never hoping for cannon at all, but now the opportunity and good-will is there. It's there in the show and it's there in the interviews. Ryan and Oliver are all for it. So, yeah... I'm sat for season 8.
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I am really curious to see your take on Aric and Japeth's relationship. I mean, the beloved author and creator of the series have addressed this issue with 'in their own sick wicked way they had loved' so yeah it's cannon cool. But I feel like the further implications of this? We saw evil 'unable to love'/ 'only ever have true love'. From what I remember Japeth mentioned Aric more than once, how they would write letters to each other how Aric 'begged' for Japeth to come to him but Japeth never did so and then bro spent the last of his life trying to bring Aric back to life. There are so many implications, the dynamics, the context, everything, but I love how you theorise and explore all sorts of ideas so I can't help but wonder how you view all of this :D.
Thanks for taking the time to read this and have a great day/afternoon/evening/night!
Sorry to disappoint, but I should probably start off with the fact that I don't ship Japeth and Aric. While I like Japeth, partly in thanks to @discjude winning me over, and further recognizing the tragedy surrounding him, his relationship to Aric never canonically does him any favors. And, with Aric, I think I'm apathetic enough towards him that I don't actively hate him; I just don't care about him. In truth, if not for Aladdin's pitiful existence actively hammering on my nerves, Aric would probably be my least favorite character.
The first thing I want to address is that Evil being "unable to love" or "only Evers have True Love" is actually false, despite the many times the series puts forth this claim. Yes, we are explicitly told this "fact" in book 1, but the book's point was to subvert/deconstruct the myth.
First, by the end, with her self-sacrifice, Sophie proved Evil's capacity to love, meaning: Evil being unable to love is just a commonly-held belief in the Woods, not the absolute, be-all, end-all truth.
(And the belief could've been perpetuated by "Rafal's"/Rafal's way of running his institution that literally shapes the Wood's perceptions and the future. Alongside this claim about love, consider the existence of the Doom Room, created to punish a singular mutinous class of first-years, based on a now-revised philosophy about Nevers' learning from harsh treatment and (probably) disproportionate retribution that an excessively stubborn dead man already too entrenched in his old ways never had the chance to change because he died—and this is all aside from the fact proven by the display at the very first Circus of Talents, that Rafal's students did indeed learn better when he finally listened to them and mentored them as an equal in their position (as Fala). In addition, the statement: "Nevers learn from deprivation" similarly reveals how the Woods really do generalize about Nevers—until Sophie, the "exception" and iconoclast, comes along.)
Second, Sophie's non-romantic True Love at some point was said to be Agatha, and I think this established fact is consistently maintained throughout the series, even if other elements overshadow it, so not only Evers can have True Love.
My take on Japeth and Aric is that Japeth's love for Aric, however twisted or sincere it was, drove him to become the Snake, follow along with Rhian's Camelot ambitions and initial staging-terrorism-and-hostage-scenarios plot, and commit all his other, duplicitous, villainous acts throughout TCY, later by his own will, which is a motive I find fascinating (and contradictory about the nature of the Woods' Good and Evil souls, whenever Japeth is set next to the rather grey Rhian).
So, while Japeth's devotion to Aric could be viewed as romantic, it's just not appealing to me, personally, due to the relationship's ambiguous one-sidedness in particular. And, I think I once may've read something about Japeth as a Never fighting for True Love (or his perception of "True Love") and Rhian as an Ever fighting for power (the Nevers' ideal fairy-tale ending) being ironic or inverted in some way. That's also some world-building fodder to consider, or even just another point that could overturn the Rules as we know them, yet again. I'm not surprised by that subversion honestly. Japeth is very much like his parents. Nearly every SGE villain Soman has ever written has been motivated by the pursuit of love, or by the overwhelming force of their own (often obsessive) infatuations (with the exception of somewhat flatter, less-developed, secondary villains, like Aric, Vulcan, Marialena, and Peter Pan).
Also, thanks for the compliment!
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