#the things i do for this ship smh
quinns-art-box · 1 year
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rarepair week day 2: running away/death
i’ve drawn so much cute fluffy art of them (definitely more to come in the future) so i wanted to give them something more thematic and sad!! they make me go a little bananas ok…… the tragedy of it all…….
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the-sunshine-dims · 4 months
shaking my fist at the sky because the invisible item frame command doesn't work because of the updates
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remyfire · 30 days
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Had some fun today 💞
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sga-owns-my-soul · 4 months
regarding the shipping (that you ship everything) (i'm a few days late, i know, sorry), do you have thoughts on Radek/Rodney? i'm mostly a monoshipper (even though i want to be a multishipper), so since i ship McShep i'm sorta just lowkey "maybe i'll possibly read a fic or two for them" with other ships including either of them, but even still, i fucking adore Radek/Rodney and i'm a bit annoyed with myself for not properly shipping them, so, thoughts? cute? boring? fun? =D
(John/Todd too. but i like Radek/Rodney better (because i adore Radek) (like pls David Nykl is so cute) (have you seen Arrow? Anatoly pls https://littlegirlinvisible.tumblr.com/post/159026461523 (warning for flashing gifs)) (also i love Anatoly's beard) (but to get back to Todd i have a huge weakness for Christopher Heyerdahl and if it hadn't been for him idk that i'd have liked John/Todd as much as i do. John having to look up at Todd *whines pathetically*))
be well and have fun! (sorry about the rambly mess and all the parentheses)
ps. have you seen Hannibal? my dash had something SGA-related and directly below that a fucked up Hannibal fanart and my brain was like "tumblr user sga owns my soul would appreciate that" and it made me curious. fucked up show, fucked up ship(s), absolutely amazing.
i did not forget about you i've just been rotating this in my brain while putting out the 15 fucking (metaphorical) fires in my life that all popped up at once lmao
SO i have. a Lot of thoughts about rodney and radek as a pairing and you're getting them ALL so buckle up bc this will probably be long
first of all, rodney and radek have SUCH an interesting dynamic and i love the way they go from bitter rivals to reading each others minds with the flick of a switch and it gives SUCH old married couple vibes but they also have such, like, idk almost brotherly vibes??? like they regularly insult and belittle and attack each other but they also are the only one each other trusts (in the science departments) and the only one they let themselves rely on in a crisis. just that kind of "i can say whatever i want but you if you so much as imply something negative i'll break your teeth" vibes ya know????
anyways i think if they were in a relationship of any sort it absolutely would be hate fucking, like they get SO MAD at each other and they're screaming and throwing things in the labs and everyone takes The Cue To Leave bc they know that exactly 8 minutes after the violence starts, the sex starts and no one is paid enough to be traumatized by that lmao but it works every time bc they both emerge from the lab two hours later with messy hair and clothes but also with a brilliant idea that'll fix their 6 current problems and probably another 3 that haven't come up yet omg they would literally be The Power Couple but if you mention dating or any sort of Official Relationship they will both shoot you
also john/todd makes me fucking insane and i'm going to forever scream about how they're LITERALLY DESTINED TO BE TOGETHER JFC THEY ARE THE BRIDGE BETWEEN HUMANS AND WRAITH AND I FULLY FUCKING BELIEVE THEY WOULD RULE THE GALAXY IF THEY GOT TOGETHER I LOVE JOHN/TODD SO MUCH FUCK anyways i'm normal about that ship
ps i have not seen hannibal but the fact that you saw something from another fandom and thought i would like it is the SWEETEST THING EVER and now i feel like i need to watch the show
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sokayisaidiot · 1 year
Star Wars Rebels and Ezrabine
Since I'm an amateur writer making an uneducated guess, I'd like to discuss relationships in the Star Wars universe. It's probably one of the touchiest subjects in this community, right after the debate over which trilogy was better (prequel or sequel), whether Jar Jar Binks was necessary, or if the politics are actually garbage.
To be more specific, I want to delve into the relationship between Ezra and Sabine from Star Wars Rebels. You might know them as Ezrabine or Sabezra. They're one of the hottest topics in pairings, right up there with Rey and Ben/Kylo. While the latter pair is something I deeply disapprove of, I'm neutrally conflicted about Sabezra.
Before I dissect the relationship itself, I'd like to touch on three points that people often criticize or discuss. Please bear with me; I'm a bit sleep-deprived.
Quoting from Quora: "Han's official year of birth is 'ca. 32 BBY,' which means he's anywhere from ten to thirteen years older than Leia." This suggests that the most iconic couple in Star Wars had a notably significant age gap. "Padmé was born in 46 BBY (Before the Battle of Yavin), and Anakin's miraculous Force-created birth came in 41 BBY, so Padmé is five years older than him." Yet another iconic couple, with a substantial age difference. Hera and Kanan are yet another example, with Hera being four years older.
I understand that people want Sabine to be a lesbian, and I can empathize with that desire. As a queer Star Wars fan myself, I comprehend the need for characters with similar journeys and identities. However, while having headcanons, it's crucial to remember that they are personal interpretations. They don't become canon for everyone just because you envision them that way. You're free to explore your own headcanons, and if others agree, that's even better. But ultimately, headcanon remains just that—headcanon.
For instance, my personal headcanon includes Ahsoka being aroace, or at the very least, completely asexual bisexual. And I believe Luke Skywalker isn't straight at all. I mean, have you seen the boots he wore for his own execution? Come on!
Relationships in Star Wars:
When we examine relationships in the Star Wars universe, we discover a wide array. These range from parent-child relationships, sibling bonds, adopted families, found families, to romantic love in various forms, ages, and situations. Tragedy often follows these relationships:
Ashoka and Anakin: Master and Padawan, Brother and Sister, Tragedy.
Obi-Wan and Satine: Jedi and Senator, Lovers, Tragedy.
Padme and Anakin: Senator and Jedi, Tragedy.
Kanan and Hera: Jedi and Rebel, Tragedy.
Yoda and Dooku: Master and Padawan, Tragedy.
This list goes on endlessly, and it's filled with sorrow.
Most of the significant Star Wars relationships are fraught with tragedy.
The relationship within the Ghost crew can be described as follows: "The crew of the Ghost in Star Wars Rebels has always been a family. They aren't related by blood, and they didn't come from the same homeworlds, but they are bound together by a common cause, respect, trust, and love." This is how Amy Richau described them in an article on StarWars.com.
From what I've gathered, the found family dynamic within the Ghost crew evolves with each member. 
Take Kanan, for example. While Hera is his girlfriend and wife, Chopper is a quirky, psychopathic pet, and Sabine is like a surrogate daughter, Kanan's relationship with Ezra is that of a Padawan and Master to the highest degree. A master plays a role akin to that of a father but maintains the mentorship for training and respect, which involves clear emotions but also a deeper line.
Hera takes on the role of a self-proclaimed mom, offering kindness in the harsh times of rebellion. Zeb is mostly like the older brother who spotted you as a newbie at school and decided to lend a helping hand, providing support and having your back.
What I'm trying to convey is that while the Ghost crew is undoubtedly a family under any circumstances, the relationship between Ezra and Sabine doesn't fit the sibling mold, especially not from Season 3 onward. There's a reason I believe Ezra still has feelings for Sabine, at least until the Ahsoka Episode 4 standpoint. 
From Season 3 onward, we witness Ezra's transformation. He matures, learns, and fully embraces his role as a future Jedi. He's no longer the kid the crew rescued on that planet, nor does he try to flirt with Sabine like some awkward neighbor kid. He's become an integral part of their close-knit community.
He and Sabine are equals, and he's no longer the young person Sabine takes under her wing in an older sisterly manner. They fight as rebels together, as comrades in the same community. Perhaps they sense a familial bond through the crew, but no dialogue from either of them implies a sibling relationship. They haven't been written with sibling energy, unlike the dynamic between Ahsoka and Anakin or Leia and Luke in the 6th movie.
In Season 3, there are moments that could have established them as siblings to emphasize the family connection. Take, for instance, when Ezra meets Sabine's family during the Mandalorian arc, and he talks to Sabine's brother for the first time. Instead of introducing himself as Sabine's brother, it comes off more like a boy meeting his Gfs family.
There might be counterarguments, as in Season 4's beginning when Ezra and the other Mandalorians rescue Sabine's father. Ezra doesn't claim to be family; he implies that he isn’t in a romantic relationship with Sabine. However, the fact that Ezra never alludes to a sibling relationship is intriguing. The end of Rebels, where it's just between Ezra and Sabine, further adds complexity to the situation, with how he decides to confide in him and him only.
There may have been something in the works discussed in the directing room, but then why is there a sudden shift to a sibling relationship in Ahsoka? It's hard to believe that after not allowing Ezra to introduce himself as Sabine's brother, they now suddenly introduce that element again. There are some theories out there that could explain why Sabine scoffs instead of reacting fondly when he says he's her brother. It's all quite frustrating.
While there's undoubtedly a sense of familial connection within the Ghost crew, the relationship between Sabine and Ezra has taken on a different dimension. It doesn't necessarily have to be romantic, as there are moments missing for that kind of build-up. Some scenes, the way they're animated, shot, or the dialogue they share, indicate a different dynamic. 
But there's also no clear groundwork for a sibling relationship, and considering Star Wars' storytelling and penchant for twists, it wouldn't be surprising if it turned out to be a setup.
The divide within the fandom over the years has also made it challenging to establish this relationship. And keeping it ambiguous didn't help as we know how fandoms like to rip each other apart.
But in the end, it's a story. Let's stay calm, take a deep breath, and see how it unfolds. Let's keep the discussions civil and respect each other's viewpoints as we argue like pros!
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winter-kh-sideblog · 1 year
I have seen a hilarious large number of people claim that sokai is “rushed” and “made unnecessarily romance focused” and “thrown in our faces too much” while SIMULTANEOUSLY complaining that sokai never kisses or does anything explicitly romantic and is shoved to the side constantly and never gets development. And this is hilarious to me. Like. Guys come on. Pick a side. OR commit fully. Stop hating my ship inaccurately and Admit that it is pretty iconic and hilarious that they manage to be too obnoxiously romantic and unnecessarily plot relevant while also having a glaring lack of canon romance and no plot relevence. Like. I know i cant make people like my characters and my ships but can you at least start admitting how funny your complaints about them are. I love you kingdom hearts relationships you’re so everything all the time. <3
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igneouswyvern · 7 months
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when youre just tryna do something nice for once but your girlfriend is like three heads taller than you
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isan0rt · 1 year
Hey crazy thought but maybe Kairi wouldn’t seem like such a ‘wasted character’ if this fandom would quit taking everything of narrative and thematic significance about her and assigning it to Riku constantly all the time.
(The evaluation of the ways in which Kairi and Riku are important and vital foils for each other got kind of long so it’s under a read more; to be clear, I love Riku so much, and it makes me super mad to see his narrative also being undermined by this trend, this is not a hate post.)
Kairi and Riku serve opposing but complementary purposes in the narrative. Kairi represents light, but she also represents the stagnation of the light. Many characters who are associated with just light are also associated with stagnation and a resistance to change. Hoder and Eraqus are particularly extreme examples, but Aqua exemplifies this as well. They want a predictable world where things stay as they ‘should’ be and they are threatened by changes to the status quo. Eraqus in particular refuses to change anything about himself for 60 years, only taking on students at the last minute because he’s running out of time. Kairi, like Eraqus and Hoder and Aqua, stands as the bold, sharp light that casts others into shadow.
However, the other side of “resistance to change” means that Kairi represents restoration. She is able to restore Sora in KH1, pull them home in KH2, and hold Sora back from death itself in KH3, because her power is one of restoration. She holds so tightly to their old way of being that she can stop death itself in the interest of not changing too drastically. But she is unable to move forward on her own, because she fears change too much. She wants to chase after the boys when they keep leaving her behind…but she isn’t able to keep up, because what she actually wants is for them not to run at all. 
She wants to go home, and restore their previous status quo. This desire is consistent in her for the entire series; this is also why she is unable to let go of her childhood crush for Sora, even though he’s obviously not the person she wants him to be anymore. For Sora, Kairi is the rock, she is the home that will always be there, he feels that she is the secure dock he can always return to after the storm. He relies on her not changing, which reinforces her fear of change. Lea is similar, and they can bond in KH3 over both their mutual desires to restore a prior, idealized status quo where their friends were reliably there and not at risk of disappearing on them or running away from them or changing.
Riku on the other hand embodies transformation. He represents change to the status quo, growth and development and a new way to be. Too much change is as much of a problem as too little; Kairi in KH1 sees Riku wants change, and it scares her, and he does in fact go too far. At the same time, she’s the catalyst for Riku’s desire to change their circumstances. Kairi’s arrival at the islands in the meteor shower incites Riku to dream of going to the outside world. This too is a tension that creates an anxiety in Kairi - in a way, she can see herself as to blame for Riku’s desire to change. But Riku was always going to change, because that’s who he is. He is radical change, the change that cuts away restrictive dogma so that the world can advance. Riku drives Sora to also want to grow and change, to excel and challenge himself. Sora wants to be like Riku, whose strength and internal drive he admires.
Ultimately Kairi and Riku are in BALANCE with each other. Ironically, while Kairi is themed as ‘the sea,’ her narrative purpose is to be steady as the earth. Riku’s name is ‘the earth,’ but he is changing and dangerous as the sea. They are one another’s reflections in the narrative. Kairi’s arc is about learning to let go and move forward, even though it scares her. Riku’s entire arc is about finding balance, not throwing away the comfort of the past, that inoculates him from falling too far the way Baldr and Xehanort do. Riku can drive Kairi to join them by giving her a Keyblade too. Kairi can pull Riku back from fleeing from them by seeing him even under Ansem’s face. He is able to be in contrast with Kairi in a healthy way, in a way that honors her fears while also refusing stagnation. They have to work TOGETHER to find Sora, because they are one another’s narrative and thematic opposites. Kairi is too stagnant on her own, and Riku too volatile. Sora is the healthy middle between them, the center-point that can bind the light and the dark TOGETHER for one purpose. 
Kairi is narratively and thematically important to Kingdom Hearts. She represents something, and trying to take the things that reinforce her narrative importance to the story (her representation of the light, her narrative purpose of ‘disruption’ in her arrival via the meteor shower, her position as the one who grounds Sora in opposition to Riku’s position as the one who drives Sora to push himself and achieve more) not only undermines her story, it undermines Riku’s.
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rudylloyd · 4 days
lmao what the FUCK did I miss, dsaf fandom??
#lloyds meowing#me when im glad i stopped following orchestra or whatever the fuck it was omg#and that was just bc the vibes were awful. omg.#also to the person defendin them i checked your notes and babe.#theres so many victims of this goofy ahh tool#BUH BUH BUT. WHEN I LOOKED THROUGH THEIR BLOG I DIDNT FIND NOTHIN!! I SCROLLED AND SCROLLED girl stfu.#i didnt like that mf for how fucking. NASTY their attitude towards people is#'but its dsaf its a dark game' bitch its dayshift at fucking freddys.#you can get rickrolled by the goddamn bear animatronic AND you can go on a bad trip and kick balloon boy#its only serious if youre actually fucking trying to get a good ending#most of the endings in dsaf 3 alone are jokes. dying of old age after kicking davetrap out n saying nah??#the multiple times that orange asshole can go to jail OR get killed in comical ways#wah wah wah its not a healthy workplace relationship HENRY LOBOTOMIZED HIS BUSINESS PARTNER?! HELLO????#some of you people are so fucking insufferable im actually actively losing braincells.#yknow what.#lloyds hissing#fuck you smh im about to start doing my own fuckin thing without having to worry abt some annoying ah bitch crying abt what things i ship#girl you want people to be mad at n ridicule go find those lil weird fucks writing incest.#bc theres a lotta them im still fucking blockinf#blocking** but yeah fuck yall smhsmh some of you are cool#but some of you make me wanna drink until my liver turns so hard into a raisin that my great great grandchildren are gonna have issues.
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technicalknockout · 1 month
ok so apparently the book of bill is arriving on sep 5th. WHATEVER HAPPENED TO AUGUST 13TH HUH BARNES AND NOBLE?? YER PLANE GOT LOST IN THE BERMUDA TRIANGLE OR SMTH?? ??
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
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@dropout-if pooh! but it is below!
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seventh-district · 3 months
laying here in bed at 5pm on the 4th of July listening to the storm outside and seriously debating bulk-buying 90 coffee cakes. as one does
#Seven.txt#food mention#cw food mention#the price is fucking insanely low per cake. so it’s either the steal of the century or i’m gonna get ripped off#i can’t make sense of the description. it’s $75 for 15 6-packs. so 90 cakes. And free shipping??? i don’t trust it#it says that the ‘package’ weighs 8.4lbs. but then it says the package is 6ct. so is it 8lbs PER 6-pack???#THATS 126 POUNDS OF COFFEE CAKE#NO WAY THEYRE GONNA SHIP THAT FOR FREE#but. but if All 90 cakes = 8.4lbs… that’s less than an oz per cake. so like???#am i doing that math wrong??? 8.4 pounds divided by/into 90 cakes. = 0.09#wait. no. yes. bc. 1.0 is a pound. so. 0.1 would be. no wait r#wait that’s a tenth. i need a sixteenth#my head hurts#i gotta convert. hang on#gotta turn pounds into ounces. so. 8.4 x 16 = 134.4#then divide That by 90. right??? so. 134.4 ÷ 90 = aaalmost 1.5. so. they’d be 1.5oz cakes. tiny things#but the product image is of the 14oz cake. not the mini#and there’s no mention of mini. and even the mini cakes are 3.18oz#so what the hell is going on#smh all this just for some coffee cake. but no store sells it for 50+ miles!!! and i Crave it#am i rlly gonna risk this. i mean. even if it Is tiny cakes. it’s still less than a dollar each#but i’m scared they’ll charge me for shipping afterwards even tho it Says free at the checkout#i don’t trust it. something doesn’t add up. but the store has good reviews#the item doesn’t have any tho. i mean. they probably wouldn’t charge to ship 8lbs. so. it’s probably 8lbs of tiny cakes#:( but. but the image… and the description… hhhhhhh i hate making decisions#but god. the tiny chance of actually getting 126 pounds of cake for 75 dollars. imagine#could i even eat it all before it expires. sigh. man. it can’t be real. no way. not for 75 bucks free shipping#somehow i’m gonna get ripped off#not me struggling with basic math and making risky financial decisions on main
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stcnefruit · 7 months
— open starter.
status - open to all, but pls read my rules and mobile about (pinned post) first before interacting. don't like my starters. muse - vasti inaiê souza gonçalves, sculptor, potter and printmaker. bisexual, uses she/her pronouns. human, thirty. wanted opposites (in order of priority) - m/nb/f, 30+. mocs (muns/muses of color) preferred. wanted connections - literal strangers, an ex, fellow artist, someone they haven't seen since sixth grade, as long as they're a little richer than vasti is (and not related) go literally batsh*t plot - they're on their way to personally deliver one of their commissions but they haven't slept well in over 48 hours (they've slept enough to not get pulled over, they can drive) and really should have hired a truck or sent it through the post but hey they've done it before and the client is right across town (or city, cough) so it shouldn't be too bad right? they'll make it except you just kind of yk. rear-ended them at the stoplight and their sh*t's in the trunk bc it couldn't fit in the back seat and now you might have just f*cked sh*t up if that packing wrap isn't as good as it's marketed to be. potential meet cute with insurance problems and career threatening happenings basically, what could be better than that
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— she hears it before she feels it, the way the body of the car lurches underneath her at the street corner. the rattling in the back is too loud for her to ignore, and she's already doing inventory on what she has with her. registration papers, house keys, studio keys, that flat tire kit she's never had to use in her life and hopes she won't have to now, the delivery— oh God, fuck, the delivery. in the trunk. surrounded by a shit ton of bubble wrap and cling film and whatever the fuck else she wrapped it in at 3am two days ago and placed it in its box, but last she checked no flat tire makes that kind of sound like the kind where there's a bit too much metal and you know in your gut you'll need to call your insurance company. both of them, in her case, if the vehicle in her rearview mirror is giving anything to go by. que se lixe isso, this is not a good day. her blood pressure was not made for this. neither was her neck, for that matter, but she doubts there was enough speed behind the impact to cause any whiplash worth worrying about. she unlocks her phone as she steps out, car door slamming closed behind her, insurance already on speed dial. as a precaution she takes a few photos of the other car's license plate, now neatly tucked (along with the front bumper) just barely under her chassis—she is not paying for this shit if she doesn't have to, especially if the driver in question has enough money to be driving a car like that right into her sedan and especially if they might have just jeopardized her commission. three months, hundreds of hours, possibly damaged in her trunk because it's the one day she didn't have her morning coffee and decided to put it there instead of the backseat, bubble wrap or no bubble wrap. yeah, she'll milk every last penny from that payout while she's at it. might as well be pissed for a reason. 'hey,' she says, coming up to the window as it rolls down, 'i'm sorry, this is going to sound so completely fucking obvious and i know this and you know this but i think you just rear-ended me? and there's something in my trunk that i really need to get out and check on before this day goes any further to shit than it already has so if you could please try and back the fuck up, it would be much appreciated. juro o túmulo da minha mãe.' her mother is alive, thank you very much, but it's not like they need to know that in english or portuguese. // @indiestarter
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nikawiy · 8 months
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i've had words i was told on repeat on my mind abt how someone likes i write side characters just giving me giddy feelings. i've been seriously struggling mentally bc my health has been getting worse as well as i mask that it's not that bad and just . . . happy
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padfootastic · 2 years
Hey I really wanted to ask have you ever thought about writing drarry
well, hello there, anon. funny story—i actually have written drarry once before. it’s not a lot, a lil muggle!AU oneshot, but it’s there. i can post it just for u if u want lol
i used to be a huge fan of the ship until the draco characterisations started annoying me so now i only read it very sparingly.
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eggbagelz · 2 years
Making bottlecap pins
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