#the things i do to play fgo around here >_>
snowflop · 1 year
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fate-pride-order · 2 years
What's been interesting about managing this blog so far is that I've really gotten an entirely new perspective on how the different FGO illustrators color their artwork. For example, if I ever meet whoever it was again that does the colors for Takeuchi's art, I am going to take a hammer and bash their hea-
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shuttershocky · 11 months
Based on my (limited) experiences following the Type Moon fandom, it seems like there's such a wall between the fans of the "OG stuff" (mostly Mahoyo, Tsukihime, Kara no Kyoukai, FSN) and people who started with/also enjoy Grand Order, it looks like such a one sided thing where the fans of the older stuff tend to hate on FGO's writing and whatever it might have done to have done to Type Moon and Nasu's priorities, while the FGO fans just seem to enjoy the story while still being happy enough to support the OG stuff (Mahoyo/TsukiRe english release for example)
That incoherent wall of text is basically set up for me to ask what *you* think of FGO as someone who I imagine came from the older works. I'm curious about how you feel about the writing and stories in particular, from the arcs where Nasu started to be more involved (I haven't played them, but I believe it's Camelot?) since that's where I heard they started to get more elaborate. Do they live up to the experiences you've had with TM's other works?
Sorry for the long question, and I hope you have a great day!
Wow. I've been here for an incredibly long time if people no longer know about how much I used to play FGO.
Anyway, I would say what really sets FGO apart, not just from the rest of Type-Moon but even from other Fate works, is its scale, both in terms of the storytelling and its real life commercial value.
The hate you see many non-FGO playing TM fans have toward FGO is resentment towards how much it has simply taken up Type-Moon as a whole. The Tsukihime Remake was announced all the way back in 2008 and released in 2021 for example, partly because FGO taking off the way it did in 2015 meant it took up all their time and effort. They could not focus on anything else.
As their biggest moneymaker, it also began to warp the production of other works around it, as FGO had now become the main way by which people got into Type-Moon. Therefore, all things had to appeal to FGO fans in order to sell whether that was Fate/Extella Link pulling in FGO cast members like Scathach and Arjuna into the game, or Fate/Apocrypha's anime adaptation including as many FGO cameos as possible like Medea Lily (what was she even doing there lmao).
Of course, just adding FGO references doesn't automatically make something bad. Fate/Samurai Remnant for example has made fantastic use of FGO characters while mixing them in with new ones. However, you also get stuff like Melty Blood Type-Lumina having Saber, Ushiwakamaru, Dantes, and Mash all in the game while old fan favorite Melty Blood characters like Sion and Len are nowhere to be seen. You know that "Wi-fi is okay if you're close to the router" Melty Blood meme? That character Nanaya Shiki isn't even playable in the latest Melty Blood. When you see that and see not one, not two, but THREE FGO characters taking their place (Saber's a free pass), you'd see why there's a lot of resentment built up towards FGO by older Type-Moon fans.
As I said before, the difference isn't just in its commercial scale, but also in its creative one. Even in the most outlandish of settings, Type-Moon works are almost always smaller scale, character-centric pieces. Fate/Extra took place inside a supercomputer on the Moon, but it was about a glitch making an AI fight in a death battle between humans, and how that formerly blank AI feeling danger and wanting to live blurred the lines between what is human and what isn't. Tsuki No Sango (Coral of the Moon) was about a world 3000 years in the future, but the entire thing was a little space man in the palm of a girl's hand, listening to a love story about a man and a computer on the Moon.
For all its many similarities to previous TM works, FGO is still ultimately a save the world type of story. It starts with a demon destroying all of time, and then turns into a death game between entire timelines. It's big, it's bombastic, and it's instantly accessible, the kind of story structure you want to be able to fit the gacha format of an endless stream of new characters while keeping the ship steady with an overarching plot that lets you keep meeting an endless stream of new characters.
That's not really what I'm a TM fan for. I played FGO for its first 3 years, and once they brought out the Lostbelts I realized I was already satisfied and did not want to read yet another big world saving adventure plot all over again. I was pretty happy with how the first arc ended already, so my interest in continuing FGO shriveled up soon after.
Quality wise I'd say FGO is a very mixed bag, inevitable when FGO itself is a mix of very different writers (who themselves can be pretty inconsistent, Nasu included). Plenty of FGO chapters have also been cursed with subpar adaptations (looking at you, Camelot and Babylonia), further muddying the perceived quality of the stories.
I will say when FGO is bad, it's really bad (and often pretty racist), but when it's good, it's really good. For what I consider to be a mediocre baseline, FGO has some incredibly high peaks that rival the best in Type-Moon, and even when something is just okay execution wise (like Shimousa), some of the characters, concepts, and story beats are just so damn cool that they become intensely emotional and impactive all the same and inspire superior adaptations and follow up works (like Shimousa).
That being said, my favorite stories in FGO were the ones that would use much smaller scale, isolated adventures with a far stronger focus on characterization and emotional arcs that follow its thematic ones. Aeaean Spring Breeze is one of the best examples, being a tiny event about helping Circe move on from having been rejected by Odysseus in life, with some incredibly solid character work and a great understanding of how to mix the needs of a light-hearted comedy event with making genuine, emotionally compelling moments from a character that almost never speaks from the heart.
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
Hi Yuri! I hope you are doing well<333 I really enjoy reading your writing and I am always more fond of reading the little octatrio fish gang! I dont really know how this usually works because I never send in any asks at all nor do I see your rules list or anything but if you dont mind I would like to make a request<3
A mc who finds an out of tune and old piano and fondly remembers that they used to play piano back in their world. And perhaps Azul hears in on this and despite the piano being old and out of tune, it is rather beautiful how you play it because of how imperfect the notes are being played out. (SORRY I WAS LISTENING TO FALLEN DOWN AND THE FEELINGS WERE JUST SURGING AND THE BRAINROT WAS TOO MUCH)
You dont have to force yourself or anything! Please take care and dont feel too pressured! <3
The Most Romantic of All Arts (Azul Ashengrotto x Yuu)
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Hello dear friend and I am doing quite well thank you! I'm pleased you like my writing; the octotrio is what finally cracked my resolve to check out Twisted Wonderland and put FGO on the back burner so I suppose I shouldn't beat myself up too much for writing about them so much. I am sorry I caused you stress with my lack of rules, I don't usually send requests or asks myself, so I felt really bad to have frightened you. Not too sure if this will end up being what you had in mind, it got away from me a bit.
Also when you say Fallen Down, you do mean the Undertale soundtrack piece right? It's a soothing song I listened to it while I was plotting this to try and get into a similar headspace.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, header taken from the painting Spirit by George Roux (1885) which I found on this wordpres blog article I took the title from, it's a neat painting, Azul learning to find beauty and love in imperfections is important to me ok? Other works can be found on my masterlist here.
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Sometimes you wonder if Ramshakle is sentient. The old building has more rooms than you know what to do with, and lovely as the ghosts are they don't fully remember what they were used for, if they remembered in the first place. But still there was something about those rooms that seemed to love you; he guest room almost built itself up around you, the kitchen had only needed some basic repairs before it was ready to help play host again, and no matter where a fire place was found it was always eager to burst to life and warm you and Grim.
It does not have the same love for Azul, he'd complained as much when you talked about just what it was he wanted with the building after the events of his overblot had cooled between you.
"It's got a graveyard in front of it, though?" That really had been the crux of your whole argument. It was hard to be annoyed with his laugh when it sounded so nice, the genuine amusement a refreshing difference to his previous performitive indifference.
"Yes," he muses, sipping at his real before he continues, "I'm not bothered by that much, ghosts and grave ships aren't uncommon sights under the sea, but I always forget how unusual humans think they are."
"There's a lot of superstitions about places where people are buried." You mean it as an explanation, but it brings an odd look to Azul's face, like there's an emotion bubbling beneath his surface he doesn't want to acknowledge but is too strong to suppress. It settles over you both, as you try to focus on drinking your tea while your host seems content to let his grow cold.
"Well, I suppose it's a good thing that ruin isn't really sentient." He sounds almost bitter, disappointed in how long he has let his drink cool you decide as he reaches for the pot and warms it with some fresh tea. "Otherwise, I'd accuse it of trying to keep you."
It's a silly thought, but the sight of this latest discovery really does have you wondering. You are supposed to be in that wonderfully accommodating kitchen making snacks for when Azul decides to "coincidentally drop by" later this evening to "go over the Lounge's expenses" in your guest room. On a Tuesday. When it was almost guaranteed business would be slow enough to keep anyone from wondering too hard about where he'd gone or the twins from being too upset about running things. But instead of "just wanting to try" a new recipe, you are here, tucked in a room just a bit further down the hall from the guest room watching Grim give his best impression of Ace after completing a magic trick. Because stars know he has never seen any other magicians.
"TA-DA!" He puts both of his paws out to really sell the piano at the window. "See, I told you I had a great surprise!"
"I'm sorry for not believing you." You say and try not to laugh with just how much more proud that seems to make him. "But where did you find this? Or how I guess, unless you moved it?"
"Nah." He shakes his head before remembering he's supposed to be the "great" Grim. "I mean I could have! But I'm just so cool I managed to find a piano here already, so all I had to do was clean it up instead! You're welcome henchuman." You scratch just behind his ears and politely ignore his purrs as you examine the piano and its bench. They're old, likely just as ancient as everything else in the dormitory and likely extremely, achingly out of tune. But the mere sight of it makes your fingers itch, and Grim barely has to whine "Well ain't you gonna play somethin'?" Before you're at the bench, experimentally pressing the keys to try and sound out something.
Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are-
You hum it rather than sing, irrationally worried Grim will somehow figure out it's a lullaby and complain that you're babying him instead of cutely dancing along with the music like it's one of the cassettes Deuce let you borrow. He cheers for another, and you oblige, letting your muscle memory carry you as far as it can as you try searching your brain for just what it was you wanted most to hear from yourself after all this time being unable to play.
And missing the click of a heavy door down the hall in the effort.
Azul hears nothing at first, and though it does disappoint, it does not bother him. He's had a long day, one about to be made longer still by the grey zone already draping itself around his thoughts as he shrugs his blazer off to his shoulders while en route to the Ramshackle guest room. He pauses, for what he tells himself is only going to be second, at the kitchen door and is left unrewarded for his detour.
You aren't there: and that does bother him somewhat, even if it should not if his pretext is to be believed. These visits were too commonplace to be random, but maybe you'd made plans, deciding not to look past his excuses for the evening. Maybe you were asleep, tired of the day or just plain tired of him. But there is a kettle sat on it's base, mercifully not on just yet, but two mugs and the pour over cone set next to as if it was expecting company. The nerves remain knotted in his stomach, though the cause shifts towards something more welcome.
So you do have a mug purposefully set aside and designated just for him, and is that a little recpie card with notes on coffee taped to that tin? These things should worry him, the picture he snaps and immediately hides in a folder should be for a purpose. But it's separate from those ones, labeled something inane and barely full with how careful he is to have his longing remain unseen. He wonders, briefly if it would be an intrusion to make the drinks himself. If it would reveal to much to show outright he knows the way you take yours instead of just saying it in time with your order, but knows that would not be the exact issue here. He is a guest, and guests limit themselves to the halls and that room he forces himself, with haste that would be noticeable if you were there to see it, back down the hall and back towards the guest room. Azul has work to do, he can content himself with the warmth the mental image the cups on the counter produces until something forces him to pause at a door once more. The piano is old, droning out a tune that is unpolished and rusty from the player's lack of practice but filled with such a specific sort of joy it has him actually running towards it.
You sit at the bench, a serious look of determination on your face so unlike the usual Yuu it can't help but be cute. Grim sleeps contentedly on your lap as you continue searching for the threads of melody still trapped inside your head from years of only occasionally reluctant practice. It's an unfamiliar tune in composition, but not in feel. There's words to this song, maybe not in the form of lyrics, but there all the same for him to stumble even closer to as he comes to a halting stop just behind you and the music ends in a surprised crash as you whip your head around to see him.
"Very sorry to interrupt." He holds up both hands in surrender, composure only just maintained as you check to see Grim still asleep and laugh nervously. "I didn't know you could play."
"Can't really." You say somewhat bitterly and more confidence comes to Azul as a slight plan froms in his mind. "I'm really out of practice ugh. I know it shouldn't annoy me! But with how everything's been since I showed up, it's just not been on my mi- Oh hello?"
Azul fully removes his jacket and sets it on a side table close to where he had been satanding, moving to sit on the bench next to you. He has enough mercy not to loosen his tie or do anything else scandalous, but the close examination he gives to the keys could have fooled you. "Pity it's so out of tune, this is a nice piano."
"I know right! I'm really happy Grim found it." You resist the urge to poke his cheeks some and Azul lightly, trying not to too openly relish in your surprise reaches one arm around your back to place his hands into a similar position as you had been earlier, tucking you close to his side.
"May I?" He's smug. Too smug it's robbing you of sanity.
"What's it going to cost?" You try too hard not to sound like you're flailing as you look to see your question hasn't even phased him at all.
"Oh normally I wouldn't dream of charging for a performance," he clearly lies "but it's been such a long day I wouldn't say no to a cup of coffee." And he's off, music only marred by the off key of the piano in a clearly purposeful display of talent meant to sear itself into your mind enough that you don't think about his request too long. You and he are from two different worlds, but he knows that music has a way of gapping that if the stories of the mermaid princess told him anything at all. So when he purposefully slows the song at its end, he knows you know, that tricky smile he swore once he'd always hate kicking his heartbeat up again as you lean fully against his shoulder.
"Beautiful." You say, not bothering to give the compliment direction as he can't help but agree. "We should play together next time."
"I-" You pick yourself up and what he wants to say slows when you pick up his jacket for him and hold out a hand. Later, he all to easily decides. Later, without Grim and with specific time set purposefully aside so you know just how much it matters. "I would like that. You'll have to show me the songs that you can remember from your world." And he takes your hand just to soothe some of the ache, trying and failing not to show just how happy he is when you keep it.
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watcher-servant · 5 months
Rusted Arc dialouge lines
This took way longer than it should've, but I did it.
Side note: His 3rd Ascension is a reference to Ragna from Ragna Crimson & Guider to the eternal edge from Granblue fantasy. He is a 3 star servant coming from an event.
Also, the Witch of the Holy Night Collab is coming out for FGO, and Aoko and Soujuurou look amazing. It also applies to Alice as well, but Alice and Aoko take the cake on NPs for the event.
Summoning (pre event): Greerings, I am the rusted knight, guardian of the Ever after. What's that, a fairytale, I see so you have servants connected to stories. Well then master, what story are you trying to tell?
Summoning (post event): Well, didn't think I see you again. Glad to see you again, Master of Chaldea. Since you helped me, it makes sense I do so in return. So master what will you have this freelance knight do?
Level up 1: Oh, I felt a change, it's almost like some chains have been lifted.
Level up 2: Mastery is a journey that almost never ends. I wonder what step is this?
Level up 3: Seems I reached a new step in my journey. Don't worry I'll always be of help when you need me.
1st Ascension: This form, never thought I see this face again. I guess proper introductions are in order. My original name is Jaune Arc. Though at this point it may not mean much to anyone.
2nd ascension: Hmm no changes huh? Well that's fine, though I didn't expect to return to my 19 year old self. Though it is nice Juniper recognize me instantly.
3rd Ascension: This...what is this apperance? These scars, my hair, and yet the strangest thing is, I feel so close to my aura. I think I reached a new understanding.
4th ascension: So, this is my limit as a Pretender. It's not bad, for a time I only accepted the role as the Rusted Knight just so I can survive. Though now, I owe a lot to the original guardian, if it wasn't for them. I shudder who or what I could've become.
Battle start 1: Despite the apperance, I'm tougher than you think?
Battle start 2: Now then what plan, would work on them?
Battle start 3: Which would you prefer, sword, fist, kick or a headbutt from a stampeding animal?
Battle start 4: Let's see what I can create?
Skill 1: *drinks from a cup* Thank you *hands it to a genial gem*
Skill 2: Think you can get past my shield?
Skill 3: Focus...*Quick burst of aura*
Skill 4: Gotta remember the basics.
Attack select 1: Got it
Attack select 2: Understood
Attack select: Grit your teeth
Noble phantasm select 1: As my decree of the rusted knight
Noble phantasm select 2: So shall we hear a quick tale?
Noble phantasm select 3: Looks like we reached a crucial point.
Noble phantasm select 4: A new chapter is about to begin
Extra attack 1: Go Juniper!
Extra attack 2: Get ready to fly
Extra attack 3: I'll mow you down
Extra attack 4: Now fall!
Noble phantasm 1: After all the leasons she learned, and the friends she made and lost. Who has she become? The leaves in the tress rustle on the wind. There was one question. Who are you? [Ever After]!
Noble Phantasm 2: I hope your next journey is more kind to you. [Ever After]
Noble phantasm 3: Everyone one is in place don't worry I'll patch you right up. [Aura Amp]
Noble phantasm 4: I got your back just leave the defense to me. [Aura Amp]
Damage from phantasm: I won't fall not yet!
Defeated 1: So...this is where my journey ends
Defeated 2: Finally I can rest...I leave the rest to you.
Battle finish 1: Looks like we made it.
Battle finish 2: *Sigh* that took more than I thought
Battle finish 3: Just like that job is done.
Bond lv 1: Oh is there something you need master. Or did you come to pet Juniper?
Bond lv 2: Despite me bearing this title, there was another knight in the Ever After. The best way to describe them would be...my mentor
Bond lv 3: Won't lie I feel really out of place here. There's so many heroes around...if I was my child self. I know he would ask for a autograph...or to train them.
Bond lv 4: What? Surprised I can play guitar? I'll be honest it's been so long I didn't think I could. Guess the muscle memory remained after so long
Bond lv 5: Didn't think I reached a place Ike this. I won't lie I'm surprised I was actually summoned as a servant. Trust when I say I wasn't anyone worth remembering...though most likely it was my connection to my mentor that I ever reached here. To be honest there's probably more deserving from my world that should be here...yet here I am.
Dialogue 1: Oh hello master, you mind helping me brush Juniper? Trying to get some of this loose fur.
Dialogue 2: The master servant contract. To think you manage to hold so many, I think that speaks volumes to kind of person you are.
Dialogue 3: To think I can use and mold my aura like this. The possibilities I can do...let's try test them out master.
Dialogue 4 (Child servants): Hmm what's that? You wanna ride Juniper, I don't mind and pretty sure she doesn't mind either. You guys gotta take turns though at least 2 at a time.
Dialogue 5 (Jeanne D' Arc): Hmm there's something about her...that just makes me feel odd. It doesn't help she looks like one of my sisters. Plus her name as well...an ancestor maybe. Huh? Oh uh...it's nothing.
Dialouge 6 (Jeanne Alter): Oh its...wait somethings off. Jeanne Alter? Hmm so there are servants with counterparts. Something tells me she's really caring, despite her attitude.
Dialogue 7 (Voyager): Hmm to think I meet the original Voyager servant. So far there's only 2 of us, but I think we found good company in our current classes. Seems even Juniper took a liking to you.
Dialogue 8 (Deck of heroes reference): It's strange, I swear it was my first time fighting along side them. Yet I could feel I can trust them. A lingering trust...can't be right.
Dialogue 9 (Tamamo no Mae): Hmm, Hmm huh oh Tamamo no mae right? No, it's uh, it's nothing. No, wait, what are you? HEY!?! OH ohhhhhh
Dialogue 10 (Oberon): Fairy King Oberon or Vortigern? Either way, you wouldn't be the first liar I've been around. As you're the first pretender I'll give respect, but that doesn't mean I'll fall for your lies. Dealing with a certain cat was more than enough
Dialogue 11 (Hephaestion): Pyr...no sorry about that. You reminded me of a old comrade from long ago. It's nice to meet you Hephaestion...quick question you mind a spar?
Dialogue 12 (Tlaloc): Wait you embody a city? That's pretty cool...though a part of me is worried if the Ever After takes a servant form. No wait...the blacksmith is the closest I can think of.
Dialouge 13 (Alessandro): The grand scam artist. I'm not interested in any of your tricks
Dialouge 14 (Lady Avalon): Hmm..Lady Avalon? It's a pleasure to meet you though and if you don't mind me asking...what is Avalon like?
Dialouge 15 (Mordred): Oh its you Mordred, something you need? A sparring partner...alright then.
Dialogue 16 (Atalanta or Atalanta Alter): Oh Atalanta, I believe it's my day to watch over the kids. Don't worry me and Juniper will watch them.
Dialogue 17 (Diarmuid): Seems that curse of yours is still causing you trouble? If you want I think we can seal it for a moment. Oh it seems that's that needed. I wonder how different you fight with swords
Dialogue 18 (Medusa): Hmm, think Pegasus and Juniper might get along. I think they would and it seems she likes you as well.
Dialogue 19 (Medea): I think I see why you were hesitant with me for a while. Jason is...a bit of work. Though something tells me there's more to him
Dialogue 20 (Emiya assassin): Kiritsugu...it took some time but it looks like you find some light again. Even got a family as well.
Dialogue 21 (Frankenstein): Oh hello Fran, is there something you need. Alright I don't mind you tying my hair...no full bows though.
Dialogue 22 ( Edmond Dantes or Count of MC): It's good to see you again Lord Count. I can tell despite the change of scenery your act of guardian is still strong. If you don't mind, I want to have a chat when you have the time.
Something you like: Hmm good question, beside Juniper being on this list. I do enjoy a nice meal with people and maybe be it around campfire. That is a idea though, a nice camping trip.
Something you hate: The merciless pursuit of power...getting innocent folks involved and hurt in the exploits. Another I can't forgive...is a fallen maiden, who doesn't deserve any mercy.
About the holy grail: If I was younger I would've made a wish with the Grail. Though with my experience now...there's always a cost when using such powers.
During an Event: Sounds like something big is going on. Wanna go see what's that about?
Birthday: Your birthday? Have you already told somebody it's today? Know what, follow me. I think it's time to show how fast Juniper can run.
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asksythe · 26 days
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Commed. Artist: Duckie Beam
I want to write a post-FGO dark romance Oberon/Ritsuka story featuring Single-Dad!Oberon and Dead-Mom!Ritsuka.
It's my third attempt at writing a dark romance story, with different interpretations of dark and the characters themselves. Out of the three attempts so far, this one seems to have excited @erimies the most. I get why. It's my most poetic so far.
I have given it a name...
Apple, Apple in the Skies
The story is styled around gothic fairy tales and dark nursery rhymes, in which Oberon effectively becomes a single dad to a flock of terrorist children, all of whom remind him of the woman he loves, who hurt him beyond anything he has ever known in his thousands of years of existence. The children are feral little gremlins born of Riri's flesh and Oberon's heart.
The plot goes something like this:
Ritsuka Fujimaru's journey ends. The world is saved and humanity is secured, but she herself dies. She dies not in battles but at the hands of the very mages she saved, who go after her to make her a subject to study and harvest.
Oberon watches it all go down, watches Ritsuka being butchered by the people she fought for. And there's not a thing he can do about it.
Centuries pass. Humanity is now stagnating, trying to break into the Age of Wills and failing. Some secret components are missing.
The mages of the future believe the key to their ascension lies with the Last Master of Humanity. Examining the impossible miracles she performed and her extraordinary link with the heroic spirits, they believe she accidentally and unknowingly created a doorway between flesh and blood humans and ether-liner existences (ala Age of Wills humans).
If only they had the still-living specimen to experiment with! But alas! The foolish, wasteful, and shortsighted mages of the past already wasted such prime research materials! They cut her up into pieces and used her body as reagents for frivolous projects. And when those projects failed, they paraded her body around as trophies. A lock of hair here. An eyeball there, pickled in primordial juice. The hand with the command codes still in tact. Pieces of skin and teeth and some pulled nails with the crusted blood still stuck to them.
The petty king of some nation boasts of having her entire preserved spleen as house decor. What wasteful, gross misconduct as magi researchers!! Now their descendants have no more of the prime original materials to work with.
But needs must. So several wars break out in order for different groups to claim the remains of Riri's preserved body.
They start experimenting with these parts. One group has a success, using the hand with the command codes, they create a genetic clone of Riri, and then use this clone as catalyst in a summoning ritual, hoping to call forth a rare extra class servant.
Oberon answers the call, and, of course, promptly massacres all the mages and steals the cloned child away. In no time at all, Oberon susses out the existence of other research cells carrying out their own attempts at cloning the original Last Master. He goes after them, hitting them guerilla style and stealing any successful clones they manage to create.
The story is propelled forward by Oberon's desperate drive to free all the little morsels of Riri and the human's efforts to corner him. The mages are fascinated with Oberon's devotion to Ritsuka even after her death and the cessation of their contract.
I want to examine the layers of Oberon in this scenario. He's such a fascinating and complex character. I just can't help but want to play with such a well-written and designed character. I want to see how far he will stretch and bend, see if I can break and remold him and make it convincing somehow! Ergo... why this story idea goes to such dark places.
I want to explore the trauma of having to see the one existence he loves be butchered and he himself is completely helpless, incapable of doing a single thing. Then I want to explore the whorls of his warped feelings upon hearing that impossible, familiar call all the way in the Throne of Heroes, and then rushing to answer that call only to see the flesh of the woman he loves be used to make a walking, talking facsimile of her.
How does he feel when he looks upon the cloned child bearing her eyes and her face and her hand upon which the command codes are emblazoned? What does he think when he decides to steal the child away with him into the night?
It's Ritsuka but it's not Ritsuka. It's some child who is the physical manifestation of Ritsuka's violation at the hands of the mages. But this child will grow up to look exactly like Ritsuka, and maybe one day she will look at Oberon exactly like Ritsuka did centuries ago when he first fell into this horrifying, inescapable abyss called love.
His feelings for Ritsuka would be warped too, because how can it not in the face of Oberon's suffering over the centuries after her passing? He loves her but he doesn't trust her. Because she has shown before that she can't be trusted with her own safety.
He loves her. He wants her to be happy. He doesn't trust her. He can't let her leave. He clips her wings and tells her to stay forever. Oberon as a character should be aware of his own misplaced, warped feelings. He's too internally conscious not to. But being conscious doesn't mean he can do anything about it. Like how he was in LB6, laughing at himself in the end.
Once more, Oberon chases after an ephemeral dream forever out of his reach. She is gone, and they will never meet. He doesn't even get to hold her and take her into the abyss with him in her final moment like he said he would. All of that repressed yearning and how did it end up? He's once more stuck in hell of a different kind.
My plan is that eventually, Oberon resolves to treat the clones as Ritsuka's children. He tries to teach the cloned children what he believes the original Riri should have known. He teaches them to fight, to survive, to run away, to scheme and deceive, to be ruthless. He believes this is what Riri should have done to avoid her grisly fate, but even when he talks of her in his barbed way to the children who never know her, slivers of the woman he loves come through.
The Riri clones all possess the ability to see right through Oberon, just like the original Riri.
The story becomes Sad single-dad Oberon rearing a flock of feral children as they go about terrorizing the mages and detonating all of their research facilities, stealing away more clones and any morsels of the original Riri's body.
The ending is fairly straightforward. Oberon is cornered by the mages. At the end of the day, a masterless servant against the totality of the mage's resources is not a fair fight. Oberon makes a production out of his own death, a fitting exit for a Fairy King / Terminal Device. But in doing so, he makes sure his flock is grown and strong and escapes the mage's eyes after the final battle.
The children take his lesson to heart. They lie. They scheme. They deceive. They are ruthless just as he wants them to. And they survive just like he wants them to. They disguise themselves and slip into the great mass of humanity. They infiltrate human governance and magi high society. They avenge their fallen father and mother.
Yep, the clones are children of Ritsuka's flesh and Oberon's heart. Imagine a flock of feral gremlins with Ritsuka's determination and insight into human hearts but with Oberon's social savvy, ruthlessness, and sheer brain power. Now imagine them all on a roaring rampage of revenge for their father and mother. Not only will they slaughter all the mages and anyone having to do with their parent's death, they will suborn the mage's great project itself.
The finale of the story is the scene where all the now grown-up children come together to witness the pinnacle of their achievement. Having suborned the mage's dream to propel humans toward the age of wills, they carry it out in a way they think their mother would have liked.
More than that, using their combined knowledge and the magi tech after centuries of mesing around with servant summoning and splicing human genes, they find the heroic spirit Ritsuka Fujimaru and create an interlock binding between her and the terminal device Oberon Vortigern.
No good children want to see their parents separated in such a tragedy, don't they? So of course, after avenging them, the children would make it a goal to reunite mother and father.
The children are clones of Riri, but they are not Riri. They each hold a piece of her, so they instinctively know what she would have liked and the guilt she bears, knowing what happens to Oberon once she passes away. It is a regret so strong it persists even after she dies.
I have 2 endings in mind:
Ending 1: the sad ending. Oberon gets his wish of 'dying together' with Ritsuka as their saint graphs are merged into one.
Ending 2: the earn your happy ending. the children incarnate Oberon and Ritsuka into 'new age-of-will human' bodies. They have a second chance at life, growing up together. Final scene of this ending would b tiny Oberon and tiny Ritsuka playing in an orchard in space and falling asleep underneath the shade of an apple tree. This is Erimies' preferred ending!
Some lines from reborn Oberon's perspective in the second ending.
"I want to pull your pigtails and push you on the swing, laugh at you for being clumsy, and skinning your knees while patching you up. What a crybaby you are, never leave me again."
I also wrote nursery rhymes for this story!
Apple, apple on the tree,
Whisper secrets, dark and free.
Shadows dance in moonlit night.
Lonely branches weep for thee.
Beneath the branches, children play.
In the orchard, lost their way.
Apple, apple on the tree.
Hold our childhood's reverie.
Leaves have fallen, seasons passed,
Memories of joy don't last.
Apple, apple in the skies,
Silent witness to goodbyes.
Ah, still pretty rough. They need polishing for sure. But I like some verses and how they sound.
If I ever get around to writing this, I would like to commission an HTML skin for AO3 so that readers will read the story like they are reading the pages of an old fairy tale book.
Something like this, probably.
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kaibutsushidousha · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Papermoon? Did it change your expectations for the Ordeal Call arc?
I really liked most of PAPERMOON's cast. My unpopular opinion is that Minase can be a garbage writer but he's a great character creator. His characters are always built around one solid core and can feel one-note due to how they never shift too far from this core element, but the element is always chosen with one impactful scene or interaction in mind, and these goal scenes generally hit more often than they miss. Maybe. At least in PAPERMOON, they hit with Lainur, Bhima/Cerejeira, Medusa, Kama, and Duryodhana.
Another thing that Minase always knows how to do brilliantly, better than Nasu even, is to re-deliver the most memorable quotes of past Type-Moon content in new contexts. Bazett's growth marked by well-timed use of Angra quotes pretty much carries her event, and Yuga Kshetra's remixes of JinaKarna interactions ultimately deliver what's still the most powerful scene in FGO. Honestly, only Haganeya (Lilim Harlot event writer) competes with Minase when it comes to hard-hitting references. His good sense for this shows in his great choices for which otherwise minor aspects of Sakura and Rani should take the forefront in this new context and which shouldn't. And then his handling of Lainur is about as masterful as his handling of Bazett. When Lainur drops the "Because it might cause something to change"? That's exactly what I mean by clever recycling of old quotes.
But enough about his strong suits. Minase's storytelling sucks for a couple reasons and the most prominent of them is that he almost never knows what to do in the middle. His good conclusions suffer from how he struggles to lead up to them in exciting ways. And his number one crutch for this problem is reaffirming the character traits that will be relevant to the good conclusions ad nauseam.
PAPERMOON also introduces us to Minase's crutch number 2: plot recycling. Again, his inability to plan the midfield leads him to corrupt one of the things he's legitimately good at. Here we get sections 5 to 12, a whole 50% of the chapter, dedicated to the most uninspired and uncathartic rehashes of Gilles and Zouken's arcs in Fate/Zero and Heaven's Feels respectively. Genuinely garbage recycling. This cool cast really could be doing cool things instead.
Ultimately, I think Minase was a poor choice for the Alterego chapter because the setting and concepts involved play directly into his crutches. Alteregos being isolated facets removes the absolute need for Minase to flesh out the characters beyond their necessary core, and System Grail War being a simulation taken from real samples facilitates otherwise inorganic repetition. He's an uncreative man thrown into the smack middle of his comfort zone and this is the result.
Final verdict:
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As for Ordeal Call expectations, yes, they did change. Before, I saw two routes for Ordeal Call.
A: pure Class mechanics-based filler that doesn't advance any of the plot points necessary for the finale.
B: final showdowns with each of the Apostles since Kotomine is Alterego, Dantes is Avenger, and Holmes is Ruler.
PAPERMOON was neither. It was completely unrelated to Kotomine, but it still changed the board for the finale by dooming Sion's plotline at the end.
Sion's arc in this chapter comments on how she's been always a sidelined cheerleader than a proper companion to Novum Chaldea, with her reasoning that she's not fit to be Fujimaru's friend because she predicted a role for herself in the finale that requires her not being a friend. This was already alluded to in Imaginary Scramble but mostly forgotten by the narrative otherwise.
Our main companion through this ordeal is an Alterego in the form of Sion's childish aspirations to be Fujimaru's friend despite knowing she can't, and the two of them are stuck in an unreal world where her actions wouldn't have consequences. So little Sion wholeheartedly indulges in this fun adventure.
However, even the most childish side of Sion knows that this cannot be. In the end, when she finally returns Fujimaru's Alterego to their complete self, she chooses to stay behind. The joyful memories of the child's adventure can't be allowed to return to the adult. Sion can't be Novum Chaldea's friend. This is essential to preventing mankind's demise.
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The young Sion closes the door behind Fujimaru and leaves herself stuck in an isolated micro-world. It's the only option Sion Eltnam Sokaris is capable of taking. And then comes the epilogue revealing the fallout of it:
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Sion remembers the adventure. Sion remembers being Fujimaru's friend. The bystander "unfortunately" became part of the team. The actress can no longer take the role in her script. It's over. She got attached to her sacrificial pawns. Sion had a chance to save the bleached Earth, but now she's suddenly faced with the greater challenge of saving both the world and the people she was planning to discard to save the world.
This is a big game changer for the final chapter, and honestly, in a route much more interesting than anything I had in mind. The Sion hype for FGO's finale is finally undeniably real. Took her long enough.
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switch · 2 months
It's so frustrating trying to talk abt racism in fgo bc people keep going out of their way to defend it like 'oh well she had to pick this light skinned person for her pseudo bc she can't show up on her own oh he modeled his vessel after his white master oh well you know she's a city so it doesn't matter' DO NONE OF YOU UNDERSTAND THAT IS SOMETHING THE WRITERS DECIDED TO WRITE IN AND MAKE A RULE?? They make the lore fit what they want these characters to look like or to justify a choice, the lore didn't force them to make these characters like that! It's just like that fuckass line in babylonia about the Sumerian gods being blonde that was 100% added just to justify Gilgamesh's white ass.
I'm rambling but it's just, god
very frustrating... i think it does relate back to the thing i've previously discussed where people are more willing to play on the watsonian level for fgo (and therefore accept watsonian-level excuses for marketing-level decisions) because there's a lot of pre-existing emotional attachment to fate. well, don't worry about rambling, the atmosphere around here can feel a bit hostile to or deflective against any serious criticism of decision-making on the writing/design level in this series or even just in fgo at times, letalone about a topic like this, so i get wanting to vent about it where you can (he forgot about white gilgamesh).
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grailfinders · 8 months
Grailfinders Viewers' Choice: Beast IV L
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if anything's getting my icon blurred out, it's this one. anyways!
it's that time of the month once again, and this time I feel like an absolute beast. well, to be more accurate, y'all felt like getting an absolute beast. a beast (fgo definition) that summons beasts (D&D definition). I'm sure this won't be confusing at all.
as usual I highly doubt this build is even remotely balanced for actual PvE play, but beasts are supposed to be world ending threats, so that shouldn't be a surprise.
the build itself will be under the cut, because hoo boy there's a lot to go over.
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first up, beast IV can show up in her standard Koyanskaya form, which is the one primarily used when outside her lair. this is effectively a suped-up version of Koyanskaya of Dark, with access to unlimited weaponry and NFF-brand grenades, all of which work like standard "weapons of <x> slaying" do in D&D- they deal extra damage to humanoids, and can knock humanoids prone.
the big addition here aside from standard high-level-boss resistances is her Add to the Collection ability, where once per day she can try to forcibly plane shift a non-humanoid creature into a demiplane of her creation, basically putting them in suspended animation. this will be important for later.
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form two is effectively Koyanskaya's big shadowy fox form. I didn't make any hard and fast rules about how these forms connect to one another, but I would probably say her masked form can turn into this combat form once a day, probably for a couple minutes at a time.
the gimmick for this fight is her Seasonal Cycle, which both reduces the number of legendary actions she gets to actually attack people each round, but also gives her buffs. I tried to keep this close to her lostbelt-based buffs in her final fight, but I also changed the names to be less FGO-centric if you want to use this build in a game. there's not a ton to say about this one that isn't regurgitating the seasonal cycle, it's just Masked Form with a bigger focus on kicking humanoid ass.
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The big nipply form shown in the build picture has a lot of text, but I'll do what I can to break it down. This is Beast IV's final form, and it's the one that sets up the Tunguska Sanctuary in the first place, so there's a lot going on. Once again her humanoid-slaying effect grows larger, but she can only take this form in her lair, plus her speed is cranked wayyy down at this point. I just. cannot imagine that thing moving any faster than a crawl. if you need something done fast, that's what your lackeys are for.
speaking of lackeys, let's Reveal the Collection. this is a ten-minute ritual, which upon completion can summon copies of creatures that were stored by the Masked Form. The higher the CR of the creatures being made, the less you can make at a time, and the shorter your range is. there's also a lesser version of this you can do as a legendary action, and it's restricted to one creature at a time, of up to CR 10.
but of course, you need a place to put all those creatures! that's why she's got Regional Effects too! it's a whole lot of text, but it basically boils down to making a life zone and a death zone around her lair. half of your collection will tend towards the life zone, and half towards the other. in the life zone, the area is choked by plants, slowing down all humanoids in the area, and also healing effects targeting non-humanoids are more powerful. the death zone has extreme heat, and humanoids have disadvantage on saves against it. also, all summoned creatures in this region have double their normal perception distance when it comes to perceiving humanoids.
So overall, this build isn't a world-ending threat like Tiamat, or an orbital laser like Goetia, but she's not supposed to be a full-grown beast yet, so I'd cut her some slack. plus, if your party includes non-humanoid players you can make a dozen clones of them to fight the party which sounds like a really fun time. that being said, I do pity any DM who as to keep track of her seasonal buffs in a fight.
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goldenteaset · 11 months
What in Hell is Bad? (Belated) First Impressions
...AKA "This Hole Was Made For Me (But Oh God There Are Worms In Places)" XD;
Before I get into this, let me preface by saying I love otome games and have never played a Tower Defense game before. That is to say, I'm intrigued by the gameplay but am still in the "learning curve". With that settled, some bullet point'd impressions!
I've only able to actually play properly since yesterday, when all the crashes were finally fixed. (I do hope they fix the shop for the people who want to pay, though)
The quiz at the start immediately got me hyped! I knew I'd be having fun when I got to the "You've been trapped in an Angst Novel as a side character" question and one of the answers was "Create a 21+ romance out of it that's lewder than the original". My language, WHB (mostly) speaks it! XD
Actual R18 harem romance in an mobile otome game that isn't the Ikemen series('s non-canon events), truly incredible
It's funny, I'm aware that the translation is very literal in places and does need to be fixed, but there are also lines I genuinely adore and hope stick around. (Gabriel's introduction, for example. Gorgeous, ethereal language that perfectly fits an angel.)
On that note, I'm an absolute sucker for stories that deal directly with (Fallen) Angels, Devils, and what love and free will means for them. The plot so far is such catnip for me it's not funny
I also have a fascination with fetishes and what they could add to characters, and most of these I've only ever seen in research papers. Having them be this integral is like a dream...
...I'll cry in frustration if there's another hand fetishist who chops off people's hands again though. JUST BUY A MANNEQUIN'S
Minheok is way more interesting than I thought he'd be. Hearing him speak Korean compared to everyone else's Japanese (or "Celestial/Devilish" if you will) is really fun. :D
I'm loving the MC, even as I'm also adjusting her (in my case) for "OC with some self-insert" purposes. Love that she's so horny, love that she has a wide-range of tastes as a cute nod to the "MC gets along with everyone" trope, and love that she wants to make Gabriel cry!!
After Beelzebub (quiz starter) and Sitri, the third Devil to have my heart was Valefor. He's my MC's big teddy bear who protects everyone ;v;
The Secret Shop truly is secret, I haven't seen it yet
I'm loving being able to buy gacha currency with in-game money (pancakes) to better hoard. Please keep this, devs!
The level up etc. items keep making me hungry, it's genuinely great
I'm less keen on how hard it is to grind for certain items, but if I soldiered through FGO for five years I can survive this (I think)
That said, I don't think characters level up when you fight. That is ridiculous and would stop me from playing if the leveling costs became too high
Please let us play with the S- and A-Class Devils in Secret Club? :(
The chats are fun and cute, but I wish we had more...
Justice for Valefor let me put him in Secret Club he's been working so hard
Why don't the A-Class Devils have the boards like the L- and S-Classes? I want to learn about everyone!
The music is kind-of quiet? But I like what I can hear
I like the Day and Night-cycle on the home screen, very cute
Being able to have one of the Demon King's "assets" take up the whole home screen is both sexy and hilarious XD
The most YMMV opinion of them all: I wish the story segments were longer and that there was a way to do a kind of "Last time, in Chapter 1-(X)" to keep story info from being lost in the stream of battles
But in the interest of keeping things optimistic around here, I have one more impression to make:
Instantly makes this GOTY for me and I wish I was kidding
One look and I fell in love. And then I saw his potential L card/scene in the final trailer and fell even harder!!
I would feel dislike toward him re: Minheok and the Devils, but as far as he's concerned the sandwich that he rang up (MC) keeps yelling at him. I'm satisfied
My excitement at his L card reached such insane heights I started writing something starring him. That is a sign if nothing else!
...So yeah, I'm cautiously optimistic and will hopefully have even more to say soon. :D
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derpcakes · 1 year
Okay, I’m never actually going to write this (for reasons I’ll go into in a moment) but do know that a few years ago I was playing with a fanfic idea where a glitched out Holy Grail manifests in rural New South Wales. An ordinary teenager just trying to scrape by ‘til graduation in this tin-pot dairy town is out on a beer run for some crappy country high school party when two supernatural beings crash through the bottle’o wall, one with a spear and one with a pair of shiny, impossibly fast pistols. She survives being caught in the fight but inevitably ends up on her arse looking up at the glowing gunslinger, who says something about being a Heroic Spirit needing a Master. Our heroine then replies “Yeah nah, get fucked”. Nonetheless, she’s dragged into this battle, and the adventure begins from there.
I had most of a cast of Servants laid out: some smartypants mage decides to summon Ned Kelly--an Australian Heroic Spirit if ever there was one, and who is naturally depicted as a hot lady--before remembering that Ned Kelly was famous for being an outlaw who embodies the quintessential Aussie lack of respect for authority. Summoned as the Archer, Kelly has a degree of independence but ultimately needs a human to keep her anchored, hence going “wait, shit” after breaking her own contract, then reluctantly teaming up with our country town hero in the scene above. Since Ned Kelly’s homemade armour is so famous (to the point where a lot of art just depicts the armour, and it’s way more recognisable than his actual face despite photographs of him existing!) the armour would be constantly on, but invisible, in the same way that Arturia obscures Excalibur. Plenty of potential here for dramatic reveals, not to mention the Themes and Motifs. 
I also liked the idea of each Master having a kind of disjointed cultural relationship with their Heroic Spirit, e.g. a young mage who’s grown up as part of the Greek diaspora in Australia summons a hero from Ancient Greek legend; a character whose noble family fled Russia during the revolution (and hasn’t lived there since) summons a staple of Russian folklore like Baba Yaga (as Rider, you know, for her walking house). These old stories are part of these characters’ heritage, but the versions that exist in lore and legend are unrecognisable from anything they’ve known due to the passage of time and the transformation of culture through the immigrant experience. I thought that could be a fun thing to play around with, you know? Especially with the Australian setting.
I also messed around with the idea that someone summons what they think is a Valkyrie (back before they turned up in FGO!) but, in a third act reveal, turns out to actually be Loki in disguise. Loki would be Very Gender and extremely fun as an amoral pseudo-villain who gets into some cheeky chats with Ned Kelly about the way humans mythologise their troublemakers while also shooting them down.
Oh! It was also going to be gay. At least, in terms of the rowdy teen heroine having a female love interest (in the form of a traumatised but deeply powerful girl from an abusive, traditional mage family. She was gonna be full of plants. The heroine was going to throw it all away and go feral to save her in the end, probably punching God in the face to do it. Do you see what I’m doing here? You gotta have the archetypes).
Anyway, while there were some Cool Ideas floating around here, I ultimately shelved and buried this thing. a) it was going to be a SUPER research intensive project, not only in reading up on the myth and history to get the Servants right, but getting my head around the intricacies of Nasuverse worldbuilding not only enough to understand it but enough to mess with it in way that would be satisfying to the reader. These plot bunnies were bouncing around my head when I was in the middle of my Honours year, and heading towards my doctoral studies, so unfortunately, much like real bunnies in Australia, they were deemed an invasive species that would suck up too many of my resources. 
And I was alright with this, because b) I realised that the thing about Fate that makes me want to write fic is its characters, not its world. So staying in the world but taking the characters out felt... well, not like my kind of creative direction. And I would need bucketloads of passion to get me through this thing, because naturally as the story of my very own Grail War it would need to be at least novel-length. And not a thin novel, either...
I thought to myself “If I’m going to do this much worldbuilding and develop this many OCs for a novel-length fic, I may as well be writing my own original fantasy novels”. Which I’m doing! Some ideas that started here have ended up being folded into other, more successful projects. My interest in exploring a trickster god character flowed right into my PhD work, which is largely about trickster god characters; and I’ve nicked and repurposed a few other elements, too, like the idea of a mage family who get their mana from a freaky symbiotic relationship with plants that they grow in their own body. I feel like my angry, take-no-shit, typically Aussie Ordinary Heroine--the girl I placed in Shirou’s archetypal role--will wander into an original project too, since she has a lot of presence and I think would be really fun as a protagonist. 
Anyway--I’m not going to come back to this, but the idea echoes in my brain every now and then, so I figured I’d share it here. What do you all think? If you could devise your own Grail War from the ground up where would you set it and who would you throw in the ring? 
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typekiku · 9 months
thoughts on TYPE MOON stuff
well these are my the type moon stuff i have read or watched or whatever so far. this is my opinion only so its inherently correct argue with the wall or touch grass as the youth say SO here it goes drum roll
boring as shit. no joke im sorry its just booty cheeks but of the not sexy kind. its beyond mid its so mid i cant even act like i enjoyed it. it has an interesting concept and world sure but everything else is doo doo butter.
only good part is nero being hot asf and ig whatever servant there is because i only used nero (lmao i aint playing it all over again) she was funny at times
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see shes hilarious at times... im sure CCC will change my mind... right? it has sakura what am i saying its PEAK
also fuck them for including arcueid in this crap
i honestly dont have much to say about this one it never really clicked with me nor did i ever feel anything about it... BESIDES TOUKO
clears throat
that aside yea i genuinely dont have any opinion on this series of movies good or bad besides movies 3 and 5 which were my favorites
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maybe i need to rewatch em one day and really try to get into it
my favorite spin off in the whole fate franchise. it has some of my absolute favorite characters and GIL like what else would one even want in life amirite
some of my favorites are:
Richard: the absolute goat and one of my fav servants ever
Enkidu: i want a spinoff of gil and enkidu... is that so hard to ask??
Flat: my son
Jack: my uhhh child ig
alcides: the closest we will get to archer herc but just pure cool regardless
hansa: cyborg priest. nothing gets cooler then that
and many more im already too ti- FILIA - red to mention
i've only read up to volume 7 so i gotta get to reading the rest soon
its just pure chaos and is fun while doing so despite being slow as shit
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ok this is the most complicated series here in a way since its so incredibly mixed.
there are some of the highest peaks in fate and then some of the lowest lows so lets see
Highest peaks:
lb5 (YES olympus and atlantis im tired of acting like olympus isnt peak NO heian kyo its mid)
the rest of the lostbelts are good but not that good
goetia is an incredible villain
lowest lows:
first five singularities
solomon im sorry the stuff with goetia was peak but the rest was average
serious lack of male summer servants like cmon i wanna see them abs
overall fgo is alright but some parts of it is straight up incredible HOWEVER all of it is seriously held back by being a gacha mobile game and has to work around that limitation
also it has barghest whom i absolutely adore
also fuck fgo for forgetting medea...
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now this is peak. the most gorgeous tm work by far i have to say its simply an incredible read all around. even tsukire did not look or work or sound as good as mahoyo did even tho it came out almost ten(?) years after
on the story front i loved it too with a special shoutout to soujuuro being one of my favorite characters in TM (i say this often not my fault type moon keeps releasing bangers)
however mahoyo has two issues for me:
the story is clearly incomplete: i dont mean its just nonsense or whatever but when nasu said its the first of a trilogy you can just feel that in the story with alot of things being left in the air. this wouldnt be an issue really if mahoyo 2 wasnt basically dead....
i didnt vibe with the slice of life scenes as much as i usually do in nasu works: this isnt a flaw in the story more so i just didnt like em idk how else to word that
mahoyo is a great read however and i highly highly recommend you read it or else
it also has touko enough said
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TSUKIHIME (original version)
Greatest of all time. Zenith of the medium. Hallmark of media. Gold standard of storytelling. Apogee of creativity. Vertex of invention. Crest of ingenuity. Acme of imagination. Pinnacle of innovation. Epic of epics. Legend among legends. Peak fiction
ok fr tho its actually incredible and you should read it right the fuck now
all of the characters are simply chefs kiss. while the visual novel is incredibly dated and the art is even worse you have to understand this is nasu and takeuchis first ever visual novel made on a barely existing budget.
boy do they make up for that.
the vn is split into two with a near side and far side.
while the near side is really good with arcueid and ciels route (ignore how ciel was actually really fucked over even in her own route its laughable and my girl deserved better) the far side is so much more better and really is where the soul of tsukihime and shiki the main character lies
i cba to review it properly besides saying PLEASE READ IT RN or ill cry and you dont wanna see that do you....
heres my ranking of the routes btw best to worse:
shoutout to satsuki you finally are gonna get the route you deserved
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um it has some cool lore and some really good short stories and... yea thats about it...
dont have much else to add...
play it with a guide because the structure of the game is abysmal
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what is there to be said about such a masterpiece? what else could be written about fsn that hasnt been written before? i am but an ant in the shadow of the giant that is FSN only seeking some crumbs to feed and live off of. idk what that means but it sounds cool.
FSN is simply tms best work all around. while i prefer tsuki over it and find the tsuki side of TM more interesting FSN overall is much stronger on most fronts but especially its main characters
Shirou emiya is simply the goat nothing else to be said tbh
heres my ranking of the routes:
issei route
heavens feel
we need more medea and kuzuki holy shit are they cute
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thank you type moon for making a good kagetsu tohya. its actually impressive just how much better this is then KT like seriously what the fuck did they take to drop this banger of a vn
KT had such shit comedy i didnt even giggle throughout it but THIS
THIS is a emotional rollercoaster of a whole different kind.
introducing the third (arc and medea are first and second) love of my life Bazett and angra we go through an incredible main story intermingled with hilarious and wholesome slice of life scenes that never overstay their welcome
this vn completely changed my opinion on some characters especially illya who went from someone i was kinda 50/50 on to adoring her overall
ALSO MEDEA SCENES YES I WON MOTHERFUCKERS I WO- huh? whats that? fgo basically replaced her with medea lily?
one hour of sobbing later
if you have read fsn and not FHA then i must ask you.. wtf is wrong with you psycho? you like missing out on good things? that wouldnt be me is all im saying
read it.
(in case you're wondering yes there is someone i deliberately didnt mention because my opinion on them is too complicated)
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im not a fan of remaking classics on the level of tsuki. with all its flaws i still find the original to be good enough to not need a remake...
this is how you do it folks. the story was elevated on nearly every level and if it was the complete story id say its the best ever in existence ever forever fr. its just that good.
there are three things i really want to point out:
while maybe goin overboard i really liked the buffs all the characters received and in general the whole worldbuilding is so much better now with idea bloods and principles and vampire hierarchies and arcueid inflation scenes (heh) its just epic
ciel got a so much better route that actually feels like a ciel route and not just arcueid route 2 electric bugaloo (and getting fucking cucked)
noel is peak
this is peak type moon and when red garden comes out it will be even BETTER especially with satsuki route because satsuki deserves it
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there are some other short stories i havent mentioned like garden of avalon, notes, MAGNITUNING (look it up you wont regret it) its all great and worth the time of reading
eventually i wanna play CCC and read some other stuff like maybe prillya DDD, fgo jp like lb7 traum and whatnot
i just wrote this for fun so dont really take anything i say seriously except for the teeny little part where im inherently correct.
uh if you are reading like or share or whatever tf it was idk
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derekscorner · 10 months
Fated Rantings: Remnants Rambling
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A Game Better Than It Has Right To Be
I recently finished what is my fourth romp through the Fate Series. It has been slow going due to life but truth be told I didn't want to rush either.
My go of Fate Grand Order is still ongoing, my first anime was Apocrypha, then I watched the 2006 Fate Stay Night, and now I've finished Samurai Remnant after 70+ hours.
Each of these has been good so far. I may hate gacha games but FGO has a solid initial story arc and it's Lost Belt 6 story is also great apparently. I'm not sure I'll get that far but I am determined to finish Solomon's villain arc.
While I'd rate Apocrypha a better anime than it's often given. I am still in shock from the sheer contrast of Astolfo in-story vs the internet osmosis he's become. While the 06 anime was decent for me I do admit I had already seen plenty of lore videos prior so I knew what was going on.
Then there's Samurai Remnant that is better than I expected. I tried it because I am a new Fate fan and Type-Moon doesn't localize things often. I'd argue it is my second favorite story so far falling just behind Apocrypha.
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Imagine a Fate Stay Night remade in this style!
Game mechanics weren't perfect or without annoyance for me, I will admit. I feel like Iori gets knocked around far to easy and can be stun locked.
The barrier gauge among most enemies and bosses is honestly a pain and feels like it's padding a bit (until you hit max level anyway) and it is easy to get lost in the towns at first.
Yes you have a map but I did get annoyed more than once be slow traversal hazards or dead ends. Granted, this is an aggravation for extras.
When in-story it is all fine. There's story reasons or game mechanic reasons for why you will have to crawl around, sneak, and so on. It was very much an issue I gave myself for wanting to do every thing and search every corner.
Many other things that annoyed me at first quickly vanished later as I leveled up or filled out skill boards so I will not list them. It was a somewhat basic but unique (in ways) game play set up for what is essentially a visual novel.
I only mention it all because I think this game would be an amazing blueprint for other Fate games. I've already seen people hope for a Fate Stay Night remade in this game's image.
Whether it's a new route or just the old novel redone the hope is now there and I find myself agreeing with them. Samura/Remnant is a great prototype for taking visual novels that began Fate and turning them into a video game that can reach more people.
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Story is where it Shines
I won't lie, I expected something 'okay' or "mid" as kids call it, but no. This story actually is rather good. Several characters have more going on than it initially appears and multiple runs are required.
You'll play this game 3 to 4 times if you want every ending or to finish ever digression mission. Something I highly recommend you do because you'll miss out on explanations for several plot points or character motivations.
Admittedly, there are several things that I didn't get answered despite my thorough go of the game. I completely missed the fact that Tsuchimikado's family can use divination for future sight. It was this very skill that allowed him to create the Waxing Moon Ritual.
The whole reason the ritual is flawed is due to him using imperfect foresight to orchestrate the event. The story tells you several times that the ritual is a sham compared to the Fuyuki Grail War but I don't remember it ever actually stating why.
The wish of Rogue Berserker was also something I missed in-game. I won't spoil who he is (or was?) but knowing his wish now makes his finale and leyline placement much more sensible.
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Leyline you ask?
Ah yes, it's explained in-game but I'll spoil it here since it's not that much of one. Due to the rituals imperfection a number of extra servants are summoned to Edo.
They're "rogue" or stray servants who are bound to a leyline in the land. (A spot of particularly high mana essentially.) On top of the rogue servants a pseudo servant and ruler class servant are also summoned.
Of course, none of these extra heroes have much interest in the ritual. You can befriend them in the story but the actual war itself is carried out by the 7 actual servants and their masters.
As for the ruler, well, Gilgamesh really just proves why he never gets the role in the funniest way. He doesn't care about the false grail, he doesn't care about the half-assed ritual, and he doesn't care for his job as a ruler.
He literally fucks off, weebs out, and opens a store five houses down from yours early into the game. It is one of the funniest fucking things.
It's small things like this or Gilgamesh's antics that give the story life. I don't want my section above to paint the image of it being bad for some things going unexplained. It's entirely possible I missed the in-game explanation.
But do know that characters will sell this story too you more than the plot beats will.
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The story itself, in terms of progression, is simple. Iori gets drug into the ritual like most Fate protagonists do. Many of the events triggered are usually by way of the other masters having an actual battle.
Iori is there, he's an active participant, but he mostly runs around seeking information or making allies while major events are kicked off by the magi or servants triggering them. The digressions show you a lot of these perspectives.
Iori isn't a fool or ignorant of magic, he's just not a man of status or means to pull the stunts many others cause. I would argue he "has no desire too" but that in of itself is a murky topic.
Overall, I do consider it a good thing because the story is character driven instead. So much so that I won't even dare to try and fit it all in a post. I'll let you discover that for yourself...except for Assassin.
Not a bad character by any means but he has a moment in the game mid way and to this very day I do not get why he does what he does. It's like they just did whatever they had to for that boss fight to happen...
I just find it a shame because his digressions are actually humorous. Many character interactions are funny at times. It's always the small things too, little scenes that you could miss if you rush.
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Other Questions & Conclusions
To be honest there's more I could ramble on but it won't fit into one post and I do not feel like I can make more than two or three. One reason is due to me obviously missing details that I only learned later due to a video by Otakudaikun.
Another reason is due to the sheer number of characters. There's several I've only seen for the first time outside of FGO and do not feel like I can do them justice due to my lack of familiarity.
Others are so simple that I do not think they have much to be said. They're not bad for it they're just simple and true to their nature.
Such as Jeanne. I didn't even get into how disappointing it is for her personality to be muted. And make no mistake, this is Jeanne corrupted not FGO Jalter.
I didn't cover just how much Rogue Berserker hit me personally since I liked his legend as a child.
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I'd need a whole post of it's own to talk about Rogue Rider and her antics. Sure you see a loli but by hell I know Amaterasu's lore in Fate, her nature, so I only get nervous seeing her grin. (though I do love her dynamic with Kaya)
Nor did I elaborate on how cool it is for the main servants (the ones paired with masters) to be legends from Japan or China. I actually learned a few interesting ones due to this writing decision.
There's the other endings as well but nothing is as deep as the 'Entreat the Darkness' ending imo. They're all decent though.
I even have this theory that Iori is the reason Musashi was summoned to t his timeline with no proof other than he wants to best his master and she wants a decent opponent.
What I will reiterate is that you should try this. It's a great place to start Fate and it's a good one to try if you already follow Fate.
Go give it a try, bye now~
Other Fate related ramblings here: https://derekscorner.tumblr.com/tagged/fated-rantings
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blazregaliadream · 1 year
Entry No. BRD~ASW: Conflicted Identity
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... I’ve wanted to talk about this for a while. I talked about a part of it on Twitter a few months back, but I really need to get it all off my chest here, whatever shit I get be damned. In 2013-2014, my freshman year of highschool, I got introuced to Arc System Works through junior/senior pals introducin’ me to BlazBlue, a franchise that didn’t take long to take root in my heart. I would end up usin’ it as part of my online handle, “BlazRegaliaDream”, and I have stuck with it as the name I use when I sign my art. I’m not the biggest fan, but BlazBlue was a hyperfixation for 4 years since I discovered it. After a serious burnout in 2018, I tried movin’ my sights onto other franchises, but the love held on as a tiny ember that I’d occassionally stoke from just playin’ BBTAG and eventually findin’ a couple of close friends to talk about the franchise and keep tabs on it. Also throughout this time, I also would eye Guilty Gear, seen it around between XX and Xrd, and while it didn’t become a hyperfixation, I thought it was pretty cool. (and I still do lol) Fast forward to 2021. StrIVe has been out, haven’t played it yet. Friends are deep into the JP exclusive mobile BlazBlue Alternative: Dark War, which started at the beginnin’ of the same year. I was eyein’ it, but didn’t wanna sink into another mobile since I already had FEH and FGO (with a few others I fell in and out of). October, I revisit my old BB OC project and then on a whim, I decided to try BBDW. Wouldn’t you know it, I fell in love with BlazBlue all over again and even if I was stuck with a mobile game for new content, I was ready for the future of the franchise post-C-series. And then a month in, BBDW was announced to shutdown in January due to morale issues for the team. “Well shit, I mean, maybe there’s still a shot later, right?” 2022, creator of BlazBlue, Mori, leaves ASW for reasons we may never know. ASW insists that they still want to keep BB alive, but later, an interview reveals they’re supposedly lettin’ GG hog the spotlight because they don’t want the two franchises competin’ Between this and the awful, awful disaster that was Bridget’s return to StrIVe, everythin’ begins lookin’ all too dire... I hate the current state of ArcSystemWorks. I’m so conflicted, so angry with this company, and I just don’t know how to articulate it all so smoothly. My favorite franchise may as well be dead, 6 feet buried, as the creator has left and started his own company and who knows if they’d bother to get him for a new entry, and with the shit surroundin’ StrIVe, I don’t think I can trust this company to revive BlazBlue proper. Is Team Blue even still a thing? It feels like after everythin’, I’ve been gut punched and spitted in the face.
... *sigh* Dammit, there's much I wanted to say, but as I'm typin' this, the words have fled.
I'm just lost. Where do I go from here? The company I once admired just fills me with nothin' but fury, and GG ain't even the first franchise I've seen to pull the shit it has and for what!?
I've thought about rebrandin' before, but I'm too attached to the handle even after everythin', yet still... I just wanted people to see how cool BlazBlue is, and the monkey's paw curled...
(I'll be fine, in case anyone's worried. This shit just sucks too much...)
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dgttwisted · 1 year
Floyd meet Jekyll&Hyde
for those who have known me for a long time you already know this about me but for those who don't.
this is Jekyll&Hyde the fgo version to be more precise
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an i love this character they are very near an dear to my heart now you may be wondering what this has to do with twst an the answer is very simple.
Floyd this silly goof
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reminds me in so many ways of Hyde everything from the attuited to the mood swings an his love of fighting.
back in the yander years of when i first started to rp Jekyll&Hyde an Andersen were the charcters i latched onto strongly for Andersen i thought he was a sad but but all around cool guy who historically might have either been bi or asexual(story for another day) who has we all know wrote the little mermaid.
an Jekyll&Hyde whose story on it's own is really neat but fgo has given of snips an peace's that they were friends with Sherlock an other such neat things which i will not talk about today or on this blog because that is not what we are here to discuss.
Hyde actions an personality lines up so well with Floyds that i fear is they ever met an became friends the universe would be done for(perhaps i'll write a crossover in the future)
i was in a bit of a slump a ways back i lost all motivation to write i would only chat with some mutuals an that was it for a long while. one said mutual recommended that i play twst when it came out in NA my interest was waning at best till chapter 3 came around an saw Jade an Floyd for the first time. my motivation heavily spiked because of these lil gangster eels especially Floyd.
thanks to that i had much more motivation not just to write but to even make a twst blog in the first place. this probably seems irrelevant but this is sort of what Jekyll&Hyde did for me when i first got into fgo.
i guess little shark toothed chaos babies are my favorite type of character you never know what they'll do next an that makes me happy to see always. granted Hyde's fights usually result in murder but if Floyd had a knife it would probably result in the same XD.
for me i think they have such a similar vibe an that's why i hold such strong feelings for them. which i will not apologize for an you cannot change my mind on this!!!
this a post more for me then anything else I'm very glad i got into twst it's made me much more motivated then before but even so i have no intention of getting rid of Jekyll&Hyde anytime soon they are to precious to me.
can't say i won't make them a apart of this blog somehow but knowing me I'll find a way.
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mako-neexu · 1 year
Same person who sent that arknights/FGO idea from a while ago but here's another one 😁 the doctor and Romani talking about their wards but before Romani leaves he asks the doctor to tell Ritsuka "good job but take it easy sometimes okay? You've worked hard enough" if they ever meet before dissapearing from existence again.
ANON IM GOING TO JUMP ON YOU BTW i rushed this so bare with me (dies) i initially wanted a convo between two doctors but then... i lost braincells www so have this instead/???? TvT I present to you my first ever cheesy crossover fic between the two gacha games i play. im so very weak for roman...
How should they go about this?
The Doctor taps their fingers against their arm, both crossed in a pondering manner he habitually uses whenever he has to negotiate with a high-ranking individual.
It was familiar by now, though merely because deep inside, it was practically muscle memory for them to be able to convince and deceive anyone.
Doctor hums lightly, moving forward to lean against the railing of the landship alongside the dark-haired boy and the orange-red haired girl.
Their stay was soon going to end, with the unknown organization calling themselves ‘Novum Chaldea’ preparing to return them home after a month of life here as Operators of Rhodes Island.
It was a bit sad… considering they and the many people living in the landship had grown fond of the two Casters who were not from this world.
They had already said their goodbyes, each of them promising to visit once more and fight alongside them.
“Welp, no use getting sad over this!” Gudako laughs, her hair whipping around her face like silk fluttering in the air. “After all, I’m sure we’ll meet again.”
Gudao sighs with a smile and turns to them, “Yeah, sometimes, there’s cases where we randomly end up in different worlds while sleeping. So who knows? We really might get to visit again.”
Doctor smiles, reaching out to nudge the boy’s arm with a fist, “Rhodes Island is happy to welcome you both with open arms then.”
The atmosphere turns a little solemn. Perhaps it was the sunset. Perhaps it was the fact that they all knew that they wouldn’t be seeing each other again after this.
While the boy had a peaceful expression on his face, the girl’s own was conflicted. The two of them had bonded with so many people here that it was understandable that the pain must be near indescribable for them.
“You know,” Doctor says, eyes downcast as he looks at the dry soil of the ground beneath the ship, “In case Kal hadn’t yet offered, you both can stay here as just staff.” The only thing they could hear was the soft blowing of the wind and their voice.
The two ‘Casters’ had told them of their story. Of a world where Grail Wars exist, hundreds of ghosts summoned to fight alongside and against, the world burned except for handful of people including them, forced into committing repeated mass genocide all for the sake of their own survival-
The Doctor knew what that man’s words had meant as soon as they were told about Gudao and Gudako’s stories.
It was near unbelievable, but considering that they have their own brand of ‘magic’ and technology, they and Kaltsit had been the first ones to believe their origins. While Kal had her own reasoning, the Doctor’s own had been different.
“The two of you are young, barely into adulthood even and you both are forced to dye your hands with the blood of your allies and foe alike.”
Who were they to say that when they have former child soldiers of their own, and current children at that, employed as an Operator to allow them treatment to slow down the effects of their Oripathy.
But they still have a chance to do something for these two.
“‘Retreat is a victory itself. Nobody would fault the two of you if you decided to stay here.” Where no grail war, no ‘Servants’, no forces out there would enforce upon them a cruel position.
Gudako smiles. It was a bright yet sad one. “Thanks for the offer, boss. But-”
“-We want to take back our world, no matter the cost.” And Gudao finishes for her.
The Doctor stares at them, takes a good long look before shaking their head good-naturedly.
…No matter the cost, huh?
It’s seriously like that man said. 
Before they could say anything, a blue hologram of a little girl appeared before the two Masters.
“Gudao, Gudako! The rayshift will now start in five minutes! Be ready for my countdown, okay?”
“Yep. Thanks Da Vinci.” The two replied before the connection was cut off.
The two turn to the Doctor, all smiles and solemn goodbyes, “Thanks for taking care of us here, boss.” Gudao says, his arm wrapping around Gudako’s own.
They cross their arms with a half-hearted huff, “I hope the both of you take care of yourselves. The medical examinations we conducted with you guys for the past weeks had all of the medical team worried.”
After all, the results they gathered and concluded had been vague at best. But they made sure that the two were in perfect shape even if it's just the outward appearance.
“We’ll do our best! No promises, though.”
Doctor’s eyes flit from their pocket to the two of them.
A beat. One, two…
Their gaze softened, and so did their tone, “And I don’t mean that from Rhodes Island and myself alone…”
Then, he pulls out a pair of white gloves they knew to have been recognized by the two judging from the gasps and astonishment in their gazes.
Doctor hands it to them, unable to meet their stares, “That man… He said he was proud of the both of you, how you made it this far with everyone despite the odds. But he also wanted for you both to take it easy. Rest if it gets heavy, move forward even if you no longer have a path.”
The hands that took the pair of gloves were shaky at best. And the Doctor could see from the corner of their eyes that Gudao and Gudako’s eyes were shiny.
…That man must have been what he is to Amiya. 
The only difference was that their doctor no longer exists.
Reaching out, they patted both the teenagers’ heads in a similar way he had done so with Red and Ifrit.
“Good job.”
—was that man’s message to them from a dream they had before Gudao and Gudako came to Terra.
As a physician themselves, death was a familiar and intimate concept. Loss and grief follows second.
To think that the man laid his life down to pave the way for these two…
The two clutched at the gloves, no doubt that it was drenched by now.
But Gudako suddenly shot up and cried, “H-How did you see him!? H-He’s no longer here- that would be impossible! U-Unless-”
Doctor shook their head, “I met him in a dream. When I woke up, the gloves were sitting on my desk.”
Da Vinci appeared once more, the hologram now occasionally interrupted by static, “Alright! Thirty seconds left. I’m sorry commander, but we need them to be still now.”
They nod as their hands slip away from the two Masters’ heads. “He’s a kind man.” They smile at the memory of fluffy peach hair bouncing from embarrassment, gloved hands shooting up to rub his nape in a sheepish manner, “Your doctor, that is.”
The proud blush on the two was endearing. “W-Well, he’s the reason why we’re able to push forward.” Gudao imitated the same manner as that man’s habit.
They rest a hand on their hip, amusement filling their smirk, “I suppose that’s why you prefer to call me boss rather than my primary title.”
“Sorry! It’s just that that title holds a special place in our hearts.” The red-haired girl laughed.
“It’s fine,” They respond with equal emotion, fifteen seconds left.  “But I wish the both of you luck.”
From them, from Rhodes Island, from Closure, Amiya, and Kaltsit—
As a blue light came from above and engulfed Gudao and Gudako, the Doctor waved them goodbye
“And his wish was to see the both of you happy.”
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