#the three o'clock
bandcampsnoop · 1 year
The Dream Syndicate have been a growing favorite over the past decades. My friend Rick was always pushing them, and while I never resisted, I never really embraced the band. However, I can state unequivocally that "That's What You Always Say" was an immediate favorite. "Halloween" soon followed. Then my friend Eric played "The Days of Wine and Roses" at one of our many listening parties.
Then I bought "The Complete Live at Raji's" and got the chance to see the band live. Wow.
I'm probably not telling anyone anything they don't already know. But this reissue of The Day of Wine and Roses by UK-based Fire Records is special. The extras are just incredible. People often list other "Paisley Underground" bands like The Three O'Clock, The Bangles, Green on Red and Rain Parade when discussing The Dream Syndicate. And while I have no doubt those bands were part of a scene, they don't necessarily sound like one another.
To me, The Dream Syndicate recalls the work of True West, The Wipers and Television. Steve Wynn started bands here in Davis, California (with Kendra Smith and later Scott Miller), but he formed The Dream Syndicate in Los Angeles.
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dendre · 2 years
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A Paisley Undergound egy jól körülhatárolható mini-színtér volt a nyolcvanas években Los Angelesben olyan zenekarokkal, akik power pop és new wave rajongásukat keresztezték 60-as évekbeli pszichedéliával, de csak szolidan, annyira, hogy könnyen megkülönböztethető legyen a többi korabeli csilingelős jangle-poptól (a skótoktól, az új-zélandiaktól, meg az R.E.M.-környékiektől). A Dream Syndicate és a Rain Parade a két kritikailag legtöbbre tartott zenekar innen, a Bangles lett a legsikeresebb, és a The Three O’Clock a negyedik eredeti formáció. Később csapódtak mások (nem is annyira pont ilyen mentalitással: The Long Ryders, Green On Red, Game Theory). 
Na szóval az első teljes The Three O’Clock-lemez, az 1983-as Sixteen Tambourines nagyon jó album, mindent tud, amit a többiek, az androgün ének a különlegesség, az orgona meg hangsúlyos hangszer. És nem emlékszem, hogy a második lemezt hallottam-e valaha, jó eséllyel letöltöttem valamikor 15-20 éve, de nincs róla emlékem. Nemrégiben belefutottam egy bécsi lemezboltban 2 euróért. 
Na most. Ez most az elsőt, meg az első EP-t visszahallgatva jobb album azoknál, minden szempontból egy remek anyag. De. Ez egy Lush-lemez. Michael Quercio énekes-gitáros nem androgün vokált tol, hanem itt Miki Berényi és Emma Thompson énekel párban. 
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A hangzás is megelőlegezi valamelyest a Lush-féle popos shoegaze-t, de a dallamok, az előadás fullban olyan - mint mondjuk a Lush a Split című 1994-es lemez idején. Apróbb érdekesség, hogy ugyanaz a Mike Hedges volt ennek a Lush-anyagnak a producere, mint a szóban forgó Arrive Without Travelling című 1985-ös The Thee O’Clock-LP-nek. Hm.
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unrinconmas · 11 months
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what if NMJ just poofs into an owl when qi deviations loom tho
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Bonus from a later reblog:
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Books of 2023. VILLAINS by V. E. Schwab.
Time for a NaNo Prep Reread! I love Victor and this vicious little family with my whole chest. This'll be my second time rereading VICIOUS, but only my first time rereading VENGEFUL.
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msnihilist · 2 months
I'm not super involved in the Nicktoons Unite fandom, but I have been combing through fics and I'm already tried of Danny being portrayed as the big brother/second smartest one instead of what he actually is: a fucking idiot.
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mitamicah · 2 days
confession time: After sleeping on it, I actually think I miss the Joker Out guys a bit more than I miss Jere and crew atm. That might be because it has been longer since I've watched them live comparred to Käärijä ...
... but because of this I'm actually tempted to do something very scandalous *gasp - I know; how nonkääryle of me* and only go for Hamburg tomorrow in hopes that Joker Out will get some Europe dates this fall as well :'D
(and if they don't then I hope the Käärijä shows in germany won't sell out too quickly :'D)
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#I miss looking into the bojan's intense wet brown puppy eyes and feel my stomach drop because of it#the adrenaline that wont leave my body for hours that make me giddy and silly because of a 25 year took notice of me#I miss witnessing janace's antics face to face#and jure walking around with or without bubbles sending us happy smiles durring novi val#I miss hearing bluza and sta bih ja#and I long to get my chance to hear astp live#I want to break down with other fans during sonce#I even miss the long ass umazane misli karaokes#I miss the chance of talking to the guys at shit o'clock in the night#and hell I already have three käärijä shows planned (almost) next month#so I will get my käärijä quota fulfilled#and it is not like I don't look forward to those concerts#but what I mostly look forward to in those are meeting up with you guys#I know I probably wont understand most what jere is saying#I will enjoy his antics#and häärijä and the daltons#the chance of hearing people's champion on stage again#maybe get paidaton riehuja again#enjoy my first outside concerts with him#see him be so humble and honest and just such an open and wonderful human being#but I probably wont meet him#the chance of getting a good spot is limited#the same connection that I got with JO in sweden is sparse#and I miss that#so as much as I am looking forward to backas and allas and ruisrock#I miss the intimate small concerts in places where he/they are less known#where the few of us meeting up are getting the time of our lives#but I also know that is not sustainable for him/them and that bigger crowds also have its unique experiences/advantages#I am pretty much just babbling#don't mind me
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nodeadfandoms · 5 months
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51kas81 · 5 months
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Mitch Pileggi in Three O'Clock High (1987)
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bandcampsnoop · 2 years
Mo Troper (Portland, Oregon) has another album out, and again he's playing all the instruments. He definitely has a knack for writing pop songs in the power pop vein.
I can't help but think of Scott Miller (Game Theory), Matthew Sweet or Michael Quercio (The Three O'Clock0 And there is a fuzz and brevity that remind me of Guided By Voices.
His voice can change so much - frankly, I'm assuming there is an effect used on "Tub Rules".
Lame-O Records (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) is handling this release.
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postmakerkiwi · 6 months
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🦴 Skelos Badlands Sounds - Badland Wildlife 🔥
Skelos Badlands is home to a wide variety of fauna besides the Bonebuilders. Keep quiet (and out of sight) and you can safely (probably) hear any one of these local creatures: catbats, lava toads, fire wizards, pterodactyls, lava lizards...
photos via Spyro Wikia
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Sorry for the little rant but vegetta is still going on abt how the “English community” was too sensitive for being upset. Like idk man i wish he would listen to why the mod was taken out. The sentiment I’ve seen thrown around is that “the mods always been there and no one’s complained” or “no one was offended by those types of jokes before!”
Like yea. That’s what happens when cultures clash. And obviously racism shouldn’t be normal anywhere but in the gaming space it IS. And while the English community isn’t perfect the sheer amount of apologies we have from ccs is an indicator that even past racism isn’t tolerated. A few indigenous English fans actually got in contact with the mod’s creator and that’s what prompted him to make a statement, but those same fans were harassed and told to shut up bc “you’re racist for thinking something’s racist”. I got qrt’d with a sh video bc I dared to be uncomfortable. Most of the shitty stuff is on twt as to be expected but it still hurts. It’s so rare that people, white peoples especially, listen. I’m so happy the mod creator listened. I’m so sad some ccs aren’t.
Is Vegetta STILL going on about this? Hoooooly moly, the mod was removed, it's not coming back, and even the creator had the humility to recognize the problems and change them. There is nothing left to argue for and he clearly doesn't understand what people are actually arguing about
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red-might-be-dead · 3 months
goin to bed lads
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multeasers · 9 months
hello party people . what do we think
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cubot · 20 days
Made bad life decisions, so I'm going to sleep for only three hours and then clean a lot.
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ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: February 14
“The Cowboy Song” by Garth Brooks
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