#the titan car....for starters
kerakeriza · 18 days
Damian Wayne: Interests and Hobbies
note: this post refers exclusively to new earth (post-crisis, pre-flashpoint) damian!
for starters, we can talk about the weapons he prefers to use. his most iconic weapon of choice is a blade - usually described as a katana, but he's not so discriminatory. he enjoys using plenty of different kinds of blades.
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(batman v1 #656, by grant morrison)
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(batgirl v3 #17, by bryan q miller)
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(robin vol 2 annual #7, by keith champagne)
he's also a fan of bows, actually.
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(batman v1 #675, by morrison)
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(batman v1 #680, by morrison)
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(batman and robin v1 #16, by morrison)
and while he hasn't used them much, he's not against using knuckle dusters (which really only adds to the cuteness factor of his friendship with colin wilkes).
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(batman v1 #657, by morrison)
another weapon he likes to use is the crowbar, ironically. it's ironic, because he ends up beating the joker with one.
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(batman and robin v1 #2, by morrison)
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(batman and robin v1 #13, by morrison)
damian has been known to fight unarmed, too, of course - he's partial to martial arts, actually.
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(robin vol 2 annual #7, by champagne)
he even has a black belt.
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(red robin v1 #13, by fabian nicieza)
now, i'm not an expert when it comes to martial artists, but... i'm actually quite sure this is a poster of bruce lee hanging in damian's bedroom!
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(batgirl v3 #17, by miller)
fun fact: damian even keeps martial arts equipment at his bedside table, as well as spy equipment.
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(batman v1 #689, by judd winick)
damian has a notable interest in cars.
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(batman v1 #680, by morrison)
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(batman v1 #681, by morrison)
(don't worry about the fact he hit an ambulance - the joker was driving it, so it's fine.)
he's not only interested in driving them, though, he also enjoys tinkering with them and fixing them up. he even made the batmobile fly! it was actually pretty easy for him, since he already had blueprints.
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(batman and robin v1 #1, by morrison)
besides cars, he's also interested in motorbikes.
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(batman and robin v1 #2, by morrison)
he even gifts a motorbike (with garage included) to his new friend, colin wilkes!
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(batman: streets of gotham v1 #12, by paul dini & dustin nguyen & derek fridolfs)
of course, one could say that he has a vested interest in the batman and robin dynamic itself. he always did wonder - once his father came back, what would happen to batman and robin? what about this life he chose for himself?
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(batman and robin v1 #10, by morrison)
he's not only worried about what will happen to his dynamic with dick - they did build up quite a friendship through being batman and robin, after all, and it makes sense it would worry him that they might lose their connection if they stopped working together so closely - but he's also worried about himself, and whether or not he will be allowed to continue on as robin. it's a role he grew to cherish, a job that he grew to enjoy a lot. it became a part of himself, a sort of hobby of its own.
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(batman and robin v1 #16, by morrison)
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(batman: the return v1 #1, by morrison)
okay, back to the lighthearted stuff...
damian is also into real estate! it's one of his... higher class interests, let's say.
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(batman: streets of gotham v1 #4, by paul dini)
equally as high class is his interest in designer fashion. (okay, he doesn't *have* to be very interested in it to merely have the knowledge necessary to distinguish an original from a knock-off, but... let's just say it's a point in favor of him being into fashion.)
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(superman/batman v1 #44, by joshua williamson)
but hey, he does dunk on the green undies that dick wore as robin. (that's another point in our favor! huzzah!)
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(teen titans v3 #88, by j.t. krul)
he even enjoys many aspects of business. for one thing, he's not against dressing up to attend a boardroom meeting and accusing everybody there of being incompetent and irresponsible with his father's company.
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(batman and robin v1 #10, by morrison)
another cute one: damian prefers tea over coffee.
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(batman and robin v1 #17, by paul cornell)
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(batgirl v3 #17, by bryan q miller)
when damian was younger, he enjoyed playing with matches.
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(batgirl v3 #5, by miller)
damian also enjoys a good race, as shown in his presence for the charity race between kon-el and bart allen. (it could also mean, though, that he just really cares about supporting charity. or both!) note, too, that he had no obligation to attend - he had already ended his brief stint with the titans. (the wayne foundation did make a donation to the charity, but damian wouldn't appear as robin if he felt an obligation in that sense, he would just appear as himself.)
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(superboy v5 #5, by jeff lemire)
...okay, that will have to be all for now! i've reached the limit of 30 images per post. i hope it gave you a fair bit of insight into what damian is interested in and what he likes to do with his free time. thank you for reading!
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ghostcatssecretblog · 24 days
Attack On Titan: Modern AU
(Or as I call it the highschool sweet heart au.)
Some of you may have seen my post based on my Attack on Titan Modern AU! But I've only ever posted photos. (I have more on my tiktok. Feel free to check it out)
So I'm gonna share my notes from this AU and my personal take on the characters in a modern universe.
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Some starter notes:
I tried to bring elements from the original story over, but obviously, it's not just a complete modern retelling, and to be honest, I mostly focused on Eren bc like...that's my boy. I have some thoughts on the others and they're listed below but I don't touch on everyone bc I just don't have enough thoughts about them.
The modern AU does not take place in our world. It's still theirs, so the setting and map is the same just...modern. You can honestly take this as a reincarnation AU.
So let's go!
• Eren's mom died in a car accident when he was nine. He was there to see it but luckily was mostly unharmed. His mom however died due to the impact.
• His father is a doctor, and because of this, he is rarely ever home, so his brother Zeke has to take care of him. Zeke is overly protective and tries to prevent Eren from doing things he considers to be reckless.
• Zeke and Eren have a weird relationship because while Zeke is the one who raised him and took care of him, Eren resents the fact that Zeke mothers him so much, especially as he gets older and tries to have more freedom to do what he wants with his life.
• As kids Armin, Mikasa, and Eren stuck together. Eren defended them from bullies, but the trio always managed to find themself in trouble. Mostly due to Eren always getting into something or starting fights of his own.
• He was already a bit of a trouble maker, but when his mom passed, he seemed to spiral. Zeke, only being 20 when he started taking care of Eren, means having to juggle college, a job, and raising a child. Needless to say, Eren went unsupervised a LOT in middle school.
• During freshman year of high school, Eren started attending Scout High, where he met a lot of his friends. He struggled at first but eventually formed a rag-tag group that only grew. One of those is Arte, who, like Reiner and Berthold, is a year above him. Their friendship was rocky at first, but they eventually came to an understanding.
• During freshman year, he joined the soccer team. By junior year he became captain.
• During sophomore year, the changes slowly began. Zeke became more overbearing, pushing Eren to be sneaky, and his father was around less and less.
• Then the incident happened. It was during a house party At Historia's right after homecoming. Everything was fine at first until Reiner made a foul comment about Eren's mom being dead. A fight broke out between them, resulting in Reiner having to go to the hospital. Because Arte, and a few others vouched for Eren and said that Reiner instigated the fight Eren got left off easy but was made to go to therapy and was put on probation.
• During junior year of high school, Eren becomes more reckless and starts to isolate from his friends more. He hangs out with the wrong sort of kids (Floch and Samuel), gets into fights more often, skips class, and overall stops caring as much. He picks up skateboarding as a hobby.
Extra notes:
• While he plays soccer he also does skateboarding as a hobby.
• He's into metal bands such as 5FDP and SOAD.
• His grandparents (dad side) are very conservative. They also don't approve of Grisha divorcing Dina and Marrying Carla (partially bc she was younger than him). They tend to favor Zeke and consider Eren to be nothing more than a trouble maker.
• In contrast to Eren's more middle class suburban life, Arte grew up your stereotypical white trash sort of home with a neglectful mother and an alcoholic father
• They grew mostly isolated, living too far from the city to make friends and considered too much of an odd kid to make any at school.
• That is until middle school. When they met Winnie.
• Winnie comes from upper class. She's rich but considered the back sheep of the family and because of this her and Arte become close friends. Closer than friends even
• But in 8th grade they split. Winnie wanted to stay in public school to be with Arte but Arte pushed her away, ensuring Winnie would go to boarding school. Art thought she was better off there.
• Arte then attends the same highschool as Eren their freshman year.
• Arte is friends with Annie (both are lower class and have bad parents) and Hitch - designated sunshine and rich girl of the group.
• Absolutely loves automotive and English classes. They help fix Eren's car on the regular.
• Their relationship when they first meet is weird and mostly bickering. Very friend/enemies through Eren's freshman and Sophmore year.
• Around his junior year he's getting in a lot more fights. Arte helps patch his face up in the boy's bathroom. There's a heart to heart and they become actual friends soon after.
• Arte Annie and Hitch start hanging around Eren's friend group more - leads to Armin and Annie dating.
• For the rest of Junior year Arte and Eren end up sneaking out (arte sneaking into his room, going to the skatepark, wandering the neighborhood, late night McDonald's runs)
• Eventually they end up dating but it's a bit of a slow burn bc neither wants to admit they like the other.
• Arte keeps Eren as far away from their home life as possible bc they don't want him seeing how awful it is but also bc they're fairly certain if he were to their dad hitting them Eren would end up in prison for murder
• Eren does find out via seeing the scars and bruises on Arte and loses his shit
• The one time he did catch Arte's dad putting his hands on them Arte had to drag him back into the car to avoid a fight.
Extra notes:
• AAH have matching friendship bracelets
• Likes music like Radiohead, Nirvana, Deftones...
• They go to football games (hitch is a cheer leader) and Eren's soccer games together. As well as Parties, homecoming, prom (Arte asks Eren for their senior year and vise versa for his), haunted houses, carnival, etc.
• Arte stays over at Eren's a lot bc bad home life.
• They also get Eren into smoking weed. Zeke does not approve.
• Arte graduates first but takes a gap year to wait on Eren so they can apply to colleges together (with zekes help)
• During this time Arte temporarily moves in with Zeke and Eren.
• Unfortunately neither knows what they want to do with their life atm
• I really feel like Eren would be the kinda person to go to a lot of protest though. He probably organizes half of them.
• Arte -> Enginering Major
• Eren -> Social Justice Major
• Zeke and Yelena are married. They end up moving to Liberio, Marley and try to take Eren with them.
• Eventually end up getting dog together named Titan. He's a chow and Tibetan mastiff mix
• He still lives with his grandpa
• His parents are alive they just travel a lot for work so he doesn't see them very much
• It's part of the reason he wants to see the ocean and travel.
• Ends up a marine biologist
• Armin x Annie !
• Takes a lot of IB classes in High-school.
• Likes softer music. I'm thinking Cavetown vibes.
• Her parents are alive! Yay!
• Her, Armin and Eren all lived in the same neighborhood. Armin and Eren were friends first and she joined them when her family moved into the neighborhood.
• She almost had a little brother but he didn't make it. Thus, she projects big sister energy onto Eren and Armin.
• Listens to Lana del Rey and Mitski. Unless she's working out, that is.
• Ends up a physical trainer after highschool.
• Jean x Mikasa bc that boy adores her and would actually give her the domestic life she craves.
Friend groups:
1. Eren Armin Mikasa
2. Jean, Sasha, Connie and Marco are all friends.
3. Annie Hitch and Arte
4. Reiner and Bertholdt
5. Historia <3 Ymir
Porco, Piek, Marcel aren't really ever relevant but I imagine they go to a rival school in Libero. Porco is on the boy's soccer team and he and Eren have beef bc of it.
• Reiner's issues in this AU stem from growing up in a conservative household. His mother is reglious and his dad went out for milk...
• He's also a closeted homo. His feelings for Historia are merely him hetero-compensating. Hence, his issues towards Eren, who is very openly Bisexual. (Also idk but there's homoerotic tension there. Have you seen them fight??)
• But by college he figures his shit out. He's a changed man! I like to think he ends up dating Ploam's OC Logan.
• Anyway, just imagine your stereotypical closested football joke but then he grows up, gets him a bf and a shelter dog and LIVES HAPPILY
• Kinda already summarized her in the previous notes but
• She's still adopted in this au. Her dad still sucks. Her and Arte have bonds bc of it
• AruAnnie! They get cats when they get older. Colossus the maincoon and sphinx (idk what to name it)
• I like Yama's take on her music taste. She definitely listens to Evanescence and Avil Lavigne.
• Professional MMA fighter after Highschool
I don't really have thoughts on Bertholdt, and I'm sorry I just don't have any thoughts on him :p
Sasha and Connie are still best friends! I think It would be really cute if Niccolo was from the same school as Porco and Piek and Sasha met him during a bake sale and liked his baking so much he went into Culinary after HS and ofc eventually got his own restaurant. Sasha is a food blogger and is constantly posting his dishes on the gram which just brings in most business for him. (Listen I need these two TO BE HAPPY)
Marco doesn't die! For once, omg. He and Jean become good friends. He, just as with the show, that starts Jean's character arc. Instead of dying, he ends up having to move away but it forces Jean to realize he needs to open up and make friends with other people too.
That's all I have so far! But feel free to ask questions about the AU!
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eyeheartboobiez · 2 years
𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐚𝐦 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬: 𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐤 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐨𝐧
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giving affection: acts of service
• being in a relationship with dick is amazing because he always wants to do things for you
• “baby i got it, you go sit down on the couch.”
• “don’t worry about it babe, i’ll make dinner tonight.”
• maybe it’s because he’s the eldest daughter™ of the batfam, but dick really just loves to make things easier for people
• on days you have to work he always volunteers to drive you (if you have to get up early he’ll be sure to bring you coffee)
• if you have braids in he never fails to help you take that shit down
• “hey babe pass me the rat tail comb real quick.”
• whenever you're testing out new recipes you don't even have to ask before he's already volunteering to be your personal lab rat
• usually when you’re walking home late you can see him on patrol making sure you get back safe
• sends you texts throughout the day to remind you to drink water
• the paparazzi loves when dick escorts you up the stairs whenever you both attend galas (pictures of you two would be in the paper by tomorrow morning)
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receiving affection: quality time
• between work, patrol, and maintaining the perfect image to the media, dick has a hard time for anything he actually likes
• that’s why it never fails to make his heart melt when you go out of your way to make time for him
• you always like to visit him during his lunch breaks and bring food for the both of you to eat
• one of his favorite pass times with you is when the both of you take the night off to binge shows on netflix
• sometimes, when he’d go to san francisco to check up on the titans, he loves bringing you with him and going on long car rides along the beach
• the most memorable time you spent with him was when you came over one night to comfort him
• the entire week had been a shit show. for starters, dick had to fill in for bruce at a few events because of "league stuff". then he ended up twisting his ankle the other night on patrol. on top of that, there was a case at work that he just couldn't seem to solve.
• the whole thing was starting to take not only a physical, but mental toll on him as well
• you had just gotten a text from your boyfriend about how he couldn't come over for movie night. although you had responded with a simple "alrighty then :)", you knew just how much these netflix nights meant to him.
• so when he told you that he had to cancel plans, you had a feeling that something was up
• when dick had gotten your message, he just assumed that was that. he had just taken some tylenol to fight off his stress-induced headache and figured that he would just spend the rest of the night moping around in bed
• on his way to the bedroom however, an unexpected knocking was heard at the door. upon opening it, the most precious sight had gifted his eyes
• there you were in your pajamas, holding a box of pizza along with a tub of his favorite ice cream.
• "hey babe! i knew you weren't feeling well so i thought i'd just come over to check up on you. i brought your favorites" the hopeful smile on your face was the cutest thing he'd ever seem
• the thought of you taking the time to go out in the middle of the night to get some of his favorite junk food brought tears to his eyes. the detective hadn't realized how emotionally suppressed he had been until now
• it started with him getting choked up.
• then his eyes started to water.
• and before you knew it your boyfriend was breaking down right in front of you
• dick had always been the more emotional one in the relationship (something he is actually proud about), you hadn't expected him to react like this
• you hurriedly moved to put the food down and embraced him with more love than he could imagine
• his throat bobbed as he tried to speak but no words could amount to how appreciative he was if you
• kissing his tears away, the both of you spent the rest of the night cuddled up in the couch while watching movies from his watchlist
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autistic-ben-tennyson · 4 months
In Defense of Ben during the Ultimate Kevin arc
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A lot of people have complained about this arc from Ultimate Alien for years. There’s been discourse about whether Ben was OOC for wanting to kill Kevin. Some have called Ben a sociopath or claimed he wanted to kill him because Kevin upstaged him as the hero against Aggregor. While Gwen’s faith in Kevin was what ultimately saved the day, Ben’s anger towards Kevin was not out of jealousy and sociopathy but from a place of hurt from Kevin “betraying” him.
For starters, let’s look back at the OS. Ben befriended Kevin during his debut and knew him more personally than Gwen did. That friendship ended when Kevin was willing to crash a train full of people and showed Ben what he could become had he kept letting his selfishness control him. Despite that, Ben still tried to offer him help but Kevin blew it by trying to take the Omnitrix. Kevin would end up trying to frame Ben for his crimes and teaming up with Vilgax to take the Omnitrix again.
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Years later, Kevin was in a healthier state of mind after training with Kwarrel to control his powers. He came across Ben again in Ben 10 Returns and briefly tried to take revenge. He ended up joining the team for selfish reasons but after Labrid’s death, decided to stay as a promise to Labrid, this time accepting a second chance from Ben. The two would slowly trust each other despite rough bumps like Kevin stealing the Rustbucket or Ben mutating him by hacking the Omnitrix. By the time of Ultimate Alien, Ben considered him the brother he never had and Kevin was thankful for being given another chance.
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So when Kevin absorbed the ultimatrix to stop Aggregor, to Ben it was a betrayal after all they had been through. In Nor Iron Bars a Cage, Ben insists that Kevin “made his choice” and seems more hurt than Gwen as he had to see the same thing happen beforehand. Kevin was back to being the monster who haunted him in his worst nightmares as a child. You know what this reminds me a bit of? Raven and Terra’s dynamic in Teen Titans which ironically was also produced by Glen Murakami. Raven also had a difficult time trusting Terra at the start but eventually considered her a friend which is why she was furious at the betrayal.
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Was Raven a monster or sociopath for believing Terra was evil and beyond redemption? No, she had a difficulty trusting people because of her upbringing and was proven wrong by Beast Boy but her anger was justified. Ben also was implied to have few friends in the OS which is why Gwen and later Kevin became as important to him as they are. I sympathize with Terra and Kevin, but Raven and Ben weren’t evil for wanting to stop them either. Ben didn’t want to kill Kevin either. Believing you have to do something isn’t the same as wanting to do it. He had tried to do things the “Ben” way against Aggregor and kept falling flat on his face. He admits during his talk with Max in the car that he doesn’t want to do this but feels he has to. Plus does this look like a bloodthirsty sociopath who just wants to kill his friend out of jealousy?
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Ben made a mistake here and was not presented as being in the right by the narrative. He beat up Vulkanus and the Forever Knights for information and was acting very harsh and aggressive towards Gwen. However, he was convinced that he needed to be this way after letting fame get to his head and Aggregor nearly taking over the universe. Gwen was ultimately proven right and Kevin was able to stop himself from killing her, but Ben didn’t see that due to being knocked out and the next time he saw Kevin, he was trying to kill Alan, making his anger a lot more reasonable. If you don’t like how he acted during this arc, that’s fine, but it wasn’t out of a jealous bloodlust or sociopathy but understandable feelings of betrayal and blaming himself for not being able to stop Aggregor. By the time of OV, Ben has learned this lesson and accepts he can’t beat himself up over failure when he forgives himself for losing feedback, all he can do is try and move forward and be the best hero he can. His whole arc in Ultimate Alien was accepting he can’t be in control. He stopped himself from killing Kevin, accepted having to die to free the Ultimates and gave up the power of Dagon after being tempted to remake the universe in his image.
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uselesslexbian · 8 months
the titan's curse by rick riordan sentence starters.
are you sure you don't want me to wait?
you look stupid just standing there.
i'm not going to bite.
i'm going to take you out of here, get you somewhere safe.
it's my shoulder. it burns.
my poison causes pain. it will not kill you.
unfortunately, you are wanted alive, if possible. otherwise you would already be dead.
we don't have any family.
we've got no one but each other.
oh, super idea. you're completely nuts, too.
i'm sorry, but your friend is beyond help.
you are in no condition to be hurling yourself off cliffs.
you know what that monster us?
let us pray i am wrong.
you never call. you never write. i was getting worried.
he's a traitor. don't trust him.
why should i trust you?
i've been terrible to you.
in the meantime, try not to die.
i'll pulverize them.
if you hadn't butted in, we would've won.
a daughter of aphrodite does not wish to be looked at. what would your mother say?
i don't pretend to understand prophecies.
both of you together would be a dangerous thing.
you need to do whatever you think you have to.
your heart is always in the right place. listen to it.
i'm telling you that i'll support you, even if what you decide to do is dangerous.
you surprised me. it will not happen again.
i'm not going to hurt you. just let me cut the net.
you're planning to go anyway, aren't you?
so you'll excuse me if i have no love for heroes. they are a selfish, ungrateful lot.
i should throw you into the pits of tartarus for your incompetence.
but you promised me revenge.
this is why i don't use mortals. they are unreliable.
try to keep it distracted until i think of a way to kill it.
you are part of this quest now. i do not like it, but there is no changing fate.
sometimes mortals can be more horrible than monsters.
do me a favor. get out of my car.
i don't trust your father.
i never behead my enemies in front of a lady.
you even dream about her. that's so cute.
so why haven't you killed me?
be careful. aphrodite has led many heroes astray.
it happened just as it was supposed to.
i'm kind of in a hurry. i'm in trouble.
do yourself a favor. forget it. forget you ever saw me.
i won't leave you. we fight together.
you're hurt. let me see.
life is a fragile thing.
please remember, you always have a home with us. we will keep you safe.
you didn't believe i was dead?
you won't let me down, i hope.
i won't let you down.
the gods use heroes as their tools. destroy the tools, and the gods will be crippled.
you promised you would protect her.
i shouldn't have trusted you. you lied to me.
i wish you were dead.
why are you saying that? you want to be responsible for the whole world?
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yesimwriting · 1 year
A/n this is a product of me going with the flow to get rid of some writer’s block, i originally wanted to write a jason x reader story but this became much more background heavy and turned into something else so i’m thinking maybe mini series! some found family vibes, idk though
Summary: After an impulsive attempt to run away with your best friend ends in an accident that alters everything about you (literally--like on a genetic level), you’re pushed into the Titan’s world. 
I know it’s too early for total cynicism, but the note Jenna left out on the counter doesn’t allow for much else. A passive aggressive, vague scribbling reminding me that just because we went to bed and woke up doesn’t mean the fight is over. The note is taped to a box of cereal because she’s pointedly reminding me that there’s a reason she’s not here making me breakfast. Whatever. 
I pour myself a bowl before pulling open the door to the fridge. The nearly empty carton of milk is expired. Perfect.
My phone starts to buzz before I can get rid of souring milk. Violet’s contact name and picture takes up my screen as I pick up the device. “Hey.” 
“Do you remember yesterday? When you were talking about just getting in a car and driving anywhere and everywhere and never looking back?”
Intense way to start a before 8AM call. “Weird conversation starter... but yeah.” 
She sighs, the sound a puff of air into my receiver. “I took my step dad’s car, I’m about to pass your house, do you want to come with me?” 
Oh my god. She’s lost it. “Are you insane?” 
“Do you want to get out of here or not?” 
My eyes fall to the skirt of my uniform and then to Jenna’s note. Memories of last night’s argument hit with no warning. “Let’s go.” 
There’s light and then I’m plunged back into darkness. A nothingness that I can feel. A nothingness that aches. Get up. Get up. Get-- 
My body won’t move. I latch onto the only thing I can, the faint prickle of light from behind my eyes. It’s kind of...irritating. And I can hear a strange, flat ringing. I screw my eyes shut tighter, a touch of mobility returning. Slowly, enough of it comes back for me to open my eyes. 
Okay. I’m staring at a roof. Not at the sky...and not at Violet’s...The thought brings me back to the pain in my body. Everything is sore, but I’m resting somewhere that should be comfortable. A bed, not the side of the road...not the last place I remember. 
Wait--where am I? I sit up fully, the buzzing noise turns into a sporadic mess of beeping. Each bump of noise feels like it’s striking me in the head. My hands stretch forward to rub my face. The movement feels like mush and restrained. 
My eyes drop to my arms. There’s a tube sticking out of my arm, an object I vaguely register as an IV. A few other wires are sticking out from me, including a tube in my nose. Okay--this is getting weird. I sit up a little more before twisting my fingers around the oxygen tube. 
“I wouldn’t--” My body presses as far back into the cot as I physically can before snapping my head forward. There’s a guy standing next to one of two chairs lined neatly against a wall. “I don’t think you should touch that.” 
Has he been here the entire time? And--and what is ‘the entire time’? How long has it been since Violet? 
The question claws its way all the way to the tip of my tongue. I clamp my mouth shut to keep from asking it because I already know. After what I saw...what I felt...I know the answer. No one gets put back together after going through what happened to Violet and the last thing I want right now is to get into it with a stranger who may or may not be a danger. Speaking it into the world feels too real, too solid a vulnerability. 
All I can do is stare at the stranger. His neat brown hair and put together posture seem mature enough that he could be a doctor if I’m going with the assumption that this is a hospital, but that doesn’t feel right. He’s not wearing a lab coat and his clothing feels a little too casual. He also feels a little too young to have finished med school. 
“...You’re not a doctor.” 
He takes my analysis well, tilting his chin down quickly in some sort of nod. “No.” The stranger takes a small step forward, more of a shift in my direction. “What do--do you know where you are? Do you remember anything?” 
The question is a jab to already bruised ribs. Do I remember? Remember the car that came out of nowhere, that started chasing us at the gas station; the box Jenna pulled out from under the seats; the electric feeling of that liquid in my veins; waking up again and seeing the wreckage, seeing Jenna... 
I swallow it all down, eyeing the stranger a little more cautiously. The urgency is weird. There are only so many reasons for a stranger to be in a hospital room with me. There’s a small chance he’s just some kind of good samaritan, who found me bleeding out somehow. He could also be with the people from the car or--or something else. Something bigger. 
“Why do you care?” The words feel too raspy to have any real bite. “Actually, a better question--who even are you?” 
His eyebrows draw together briefly, almost reluctantly. “I’m Dick Grayson.” 
It’s a patient introduction, not exactly soft but politer than I expected. I don’t know what the appropriate reaction is, so I just nod. 
Something about the way he’s lingering tells me that this strange interaction hasn’t been enough for him. Dick is going to push his questions or ask something else or maybe even justify his presence, but before he gets to do any of that, the door is pushed open. 
A woman in a lab coat doesn’t even throw a curious glance in Dick’s direction. Does that indicate that he’s been in here for awhile? Or--or did he tell the hospital we’re in that I know him somehow? 
“Okay,” the doctor hums, extending the last syllable as she glances at a clipboard, “You’re looking a lot better after the scare you gave us.” Her eyes shift away from my chart and towards the heart monitor that’s now beeping steadily, “Hm. That last alert must have been some kind of system error.” 
Whatever that means. “Uh--scare?” 
She presses her lips together, briefly turning her attention back to the clip board. “You were rushed into treatment, your body has experienced significant trauma.” The doctor pauses to take a breath, “Maybe this would be better discussed later. With a parent.” 
“What happened after...the accident?” She still seems unsure. “Please.” 
The doctor lets out a hesitant sigh, “During your treatment, your heart briefly stopped.” I--I flatlined? “But after you restabilized, there were no further complications and you seem well on your way to making a full recovery.” I nod blankly. “Is there anyone we should call for you?” Ugh. Jenna’s so going to kill me. “Could you use a minute first?” 
“A minute sounds like a good idea.” Whoever Dick Grayson is, he has no issue over inserting himself. 
The doctor nods, being suspiciously unsuspicious of the random guy, “Alright, I’ll be back.” 
She leaves; Dick doesn’t. I turn my arm over, staring at the IV in my arm. Maybe if I’m quiet enough, he’ll leave. 
“You remember the accident.” Guess the assumption that he’d just leave was an optimistic one. 
My fingers twist the thin fabric of the hospital blanket. “Did you find me or something?” 
Dick pauses, thinking about the best way to answer what must feel like a fragile question. “Or something.” Weird. “That car you were in, it wasn’t yours.” 
Great, now I’m not only going to have to tell Violet’s parents what happened to her, I’m also going to get arrested for stealing a car. “No.” 
The confession has no affect on him. He seemed sure enough in his assumption, so maybe he already decided my answer wouldn’t matter. “Did you know what was in the car?” 
There’s a generalness in the question that I could use to my advantage--should use to my advantage--but the memories resurfacing make all rational thought impossible. The stuff in the car is what got me here. 
“No,” the answer is more honest than I should be, “Not until after.” 
His eyebrows pinch together, a hint of something less stoic bleeding into his expression. Maybe a touch of empathy. It’s not overbearing or much, but the shift is enough to make me feel exposed. Too exposed for some guy who I met through a hospital room and has only given me his name. A part of me wishes my phone was on me--a google search could potentially help. 
I flatten my hands on my lap. “How do you know about the car?” The last people that knew about the weird fluid rammed themselves into a car until it flipped off a bridge. He could easily be working for them--some nice enough looking guy to make sure I woke up without freaking out and alerting anyone.
“I’m not with them.” Dick provides his defense stiffly, like he’s aware of its lack of strength. 
The call button is only inches away from my hand. “Right, ‘cause the people that used a car to push my car off a bridge are for sure above lying.” 
He takes another mini-step forward. “I’m actually trying to help you.” 
Another thing he can’t prove. “Then tell me how you know about the blue stuff.” 
Dick tries to suppress a sigh. I can’t tell if he was working under the assumption that I’d just wake up and happily go along with whatever. “...Because I’ve been looking for it.” 
“That’s not sketchy at all.”
Something else tugs at his expression that’s different than before. Not pity or an apology, more like a general acknowledgement of how weird he’s being. “I saw the accident.” The words hit harder than they should considering the lack of meanness. “One of the vials was missing.” 
Right before the accident, I opened the small box to see what Violet was talking about. I took one of the vials out to examine it and then the car flipped. “So you have the other vials?”
My question isn’t appreciated. “Do you know what happened after the accident?” The first few minutes, I was still awake. Conscious enough to crawl my way out of the car, but everything after that is stuck behind a dark wall. He takes my silence as an answer. “The battery was completely fried, but the engine was still running.” 
That’s a fun fact? “Uh--cool?” I never did ask him anything that would reveal how mentally well he is. “I must have missed that while trying to crawl out of it before it exploded or something.” 
“I didn’t--” The corner of my mouth turns up a little at his slight unease. I wasn’t sarcastic with the intention of being mean or making the stranger uncomfortable, but I’m not exactly mad it happened. He seems to catch onto the fact that I’m only giving him a hard time because I can. “Cars need batteries to run.” 
Dick’s eyes stay trained on me after those words, analyzing my reaction to them. My first instinct is to dismiss it. I can’t imagine that car ever being fixed and car batteries are replaceable. That’s the least of its issues. Then it hits me--how was the engine running? “Oh.” He’s still watching. Why? “...What does a car have to do with me?” 
“The people that are looking for the vials are dangerous.” I lift an arm to gesture to my IV, a quiet way of saying no shit. “They’re going to come back.” 
My stomach knots at that. It’s not like I necessarily thought this was all over, but I hadn’t considered what could happen next. “I don’t have the missing vial.” As far as I know, he’s no one important, but the urge to get him to believe me hits hard and fast. “It probably fell and--and shattered or something.” 
His expression doesn’t give me anything to work with. “If you come with me, I can test if it had any effects on you--”
Okay, I know a kidnapping scam when I see one. “You’re kidding, right?” He keeps his blankness, his posture somehow straighter than it was before. Dick’s radiating a sense of authority that’s definitely practiced. “Are you asking or telling?” 
“I’m trying to help.”
“And if I don’t want your help because there’s no way some weird, lab goo did anything to me?” My hand shifts forward, reaching for the remote with the help button. “You seem nice enough, thank you for not leaving me to die in some underpass, but I think it’s time you go. Good luck with your goo situation.” 
Dick’s eyes drop down to my hand. In about two steps, he’s at the side of my bed. “Don’t.” 
I’ve never wanted to press a button more in my life. My thumb finds the trigger, but before I can press it, a strong grip secures itself around my wrist. He moved so quickly, I’m still registering the fact that he went to grab me. Who is this guy?
Before I can warn him that I have nothing against screaming bloody murder until someone separates us, I’m snapped out of my thoughts. My body feels disconnected, like it’s floating. 
A light flickers behind my eyes, glazing over my vision. Some strong, hard to name thing pulls at my stomach, an even stronger feeling settles in my chest. That one is easier to listen to as something flickers to the front of my mind like a hazy memory or unfinished dream. I can’t tell what it is, but my body knows to trust it. To believe it. Do I know him? 
The feeling is so close to familiarity that it feels like a physical hit. My fingers go slack, and the remote slips from my grasp and onto the cot. He lets go and moves back into place immediately. 
I know that deciding whether or not to let some random guy run some sort of test on me cannot be a choice so influenced by a vibe. But what I saw has drained most of the fight from me. Maybe it’s a side effect of the car accident. Like some type of internal bleeding? 
“Sorry, I don’t--” 
“You want to run some tests on me or--?” It’s more of a summary for me than a direct question for him. Ugh. Maybe if he had asked for anything less weird...then again, I can’t think of anything that wouldn’t be weird from a stranger that’s just in my hospital room. “How do you even know about this?” 
He hesitates, “Long story.” 
Helpful. I guess it is kind of comforting that he’s this bad at getting me to want to come with him, because no respectable kidnapper would be this openly weird. And that instinct is still at the back of my mind, urging me to trust him. “You get that you’re super sketchy, right?” If this is some kind of trap, I deserve what I’m going to get. “If I agree, can I borrow a phone to call someone?” Grabbing my phone wasn’t a priority when I crawled out of that car, and I really doubt it somehow miraculously made its way to the hospital with me. 
Jenna’s so gonna kill me. “Sort of.” I’m not in the mood to get into my living situation, so I just stare at my sheets before he can ask. “What? You’re the only that gets to be cryptic?” The attempt at humor surprises me. He’s still a stranger, but my head isn’t accepting that. 
“You can call them.” 
“Then...okay.” I’m going to end up on dateline and my episode will be so boring some girl with a true crime podcast will skip my episode. “But if you’re some kidnapping serial killer, I will fuck you up.” 
The corner of his mouth turns up a bit, like something about what I said is amusing him. Kind of rude, considering that I’m being completely serious, but I can’t decide if that makes me feel better or worse about my decision. 
This might be one of the nicest buildings I’ve ever stepped foot in. It’s not like the building Dick’s led me to is overly extravagant, but it’s definitely structured in a way that feels well off. Like it’s owned by the kind of rich person that’s so wealthy they don’t feel the need to prove it. 
“Dude,” I give myself a second to take in the space, “If you had led with how nice this place is, we could’ve skipped the whole hospital argument.” 
My presence here feels a little bit like a smudge. It’s not like I’m always put together or feel like I should be overly dressed up, but the hospital gave me back what I was wearing during the accident. Because Violet decided to runaway before school, I left the house in my uniform. It’s not the cruelest thing I’ve seen a Catholic school put someone in, but the plaid skirt and white button down don’t do much for my confidence, and they didn’t exactly hold up in the chaos of the accident...neither did my hair or face. 
I shrug, still looking around the space, “It definitely wouldn’t have hurt.” Tugging on the dirt smeared edge of my sleeve,  I turn back to him. “I’m Y/n, by the way.” It’s not information I really wanted to give, but I’m already here. It’s not like he can double kidnap me if that’s what this is, and knowing who I am won’t change anything. If he tries to use me for ransom all he’ll be able to get from Jenna is an IOU. “Felt weird that I hadn’t said that yet.” 
The car accident must have seriously damaged my self preservation abilities, or maybe it’s the fact that anything I can latch onto is a distraction from Violet, because I step further into the room, fully entering the space and seeing the full living room. 
Two heads on the side of the couch that I couldn’t see before snap towards me so quickly it almost feels like they moved in sync. The one farthest from me has a dark purple bob and the boy next to her has green hair. The stare off is a little weird and refuels my doubts. They both look a lot closer to my age than Dick’s. 
The girl breaks the silence, “Who’s this?” 
I’m not sure if that’s a question directed at me or Dick, but I answer anyway, “I--” 
“You wanted to call someone, right?” Dick steps up so that he’s next to me, handing me an unlocked cell phone. 
Weird place to jump in, but at least he isn’t being cagey and taking away my ability to contact someone. “Yeah.” I take the phone, already dreading this conversation. “Could I get some water?” 
“Kitchen’s that way, take whatever you want.” Looking through a rich guy’s fridge might take the sting out of being berated by Jenna. 
I start walking in the direction he gestured towards. “Cool.” 
After finding the kitchen, I dial Jenna’s number. She answers on the second ring. “Okay--don’t freak out.” 
“Where the fuck are you? Were you kidnapped?” 
“One, that sounds like freaking out. Two, why are you always assuming I’ve been kidnapped?” 
She sighs before getting my name out in a way that tells me to not mess with her right now. That makes me cut to the chase, summarizing majority of what happened and glossing over what I can’t get out or explain. She gets extra mad when I tell her that I followed a stranger home just because they said they found me. Jenna rightfully yells at me, and then finally asks me where I am. 
The realization that I have no clue makes me feel a lot worse about the situation. I paid extra attention on the drive here, but no part of this felt like any part of Gotham I’ve ever been to. Maybe it’s because it’s a richer area? 
I duck my head back into the living room, “Hey, Dick?” He looks up from the two in the living room, who I guess he was giving some context to. “I’m on the phone and someone wants to pick me up. Where are--” Jenna cuts me off in that way of hers, reminding me how much I suck at giving directions. “Uh--she wants to talk to you.” 
His eyebrows draw together, “Your mom?” 
Shrugging, I start walking towards him. “Uh--my Jenna,” I hold the phone out towards him, “That’s like having a mom, just...louder.” He eyes the phone oddly. “You’ll see.” He’ll have to, Jenna gets her way. 
Dick takes the phone, instantly catching on to what I meant and stepping away to talk to her. He throws out the part of stolen car, which would have been nice for him to keep to himself. Then he says...San Francisco, which makes no sense to me because Violet and I were nowhere near California. That’s where she wanted to go, but we barely made it out of Gotham before it all happened. 
I blink, sitting down on the couch in shock. My head then turns to the boy next to me, “Hi, I’m Y/n.” 
After a second, he smiles politely and says, “Gar.” 
“Nice to meet you,” a little awkward, but he’s looking at me so politely I can’t help but fall back on normal habits, “Are we not in Gotham?” 
He briefly looks confused and then a little apologetic, “No.” 
Great, I’m brain damaged. That’s the only logical explanation for how I got to San Francisco without even realizing it. “...Cool.” 
The girl sits up a little more, looking over at me, “Are you okay?” 
“Uh,” all of my potential answers make me sound insane, “I’ve been better.” 
Dick’s conversation with Jenna seems to be getting calmer, which bugs me a little. I can’t explain it, it’s just suspicious that he’s not only this super upstanding guy that helped me get to and from the hospital, he’s also capable of getting Jenna on his side. He ends the call. 
Before he can give any kind of update, I’m already up, “How am I not in Gotham?” I don’t give him the chance to answer. “You said you saw the accident, so that means you got me here.” 
“No.” I wonder how quickly I could get out of here. My body’s still sore, but pain’s something to worry about later. “I--exaggerated on how much I saw.” 
He’s not exactly helping himself, “So you've been lying this entire time.” 
“I didn’t want to scare you.” 
That sounds like something a kidnapper would be worried about. Panic rises in my chest and the room feels too hot, too charged. The lights briefly waver and that only adds to my stress. “Then how did I get here?” 
Dick’s looking at me the same way he did in the hospital. A hesitant sort of empathy. It’s restrained, but it feels so genuine that my stomach twists. If he’s not the one that dragged me here, then that means that--and how much time did I lose? 
It feels too naive to believe him just because of a look, but that would explain a lot. If he had seen the accident, he would have had more questions. He probably would have mentioned Violet. “How’d you find me? And--and why’d you say that stuff about the car battery?” 
“They had you, and the battery thing was a little different than what I said.” The confirmation is a punch to the gut. How long was I out? What did they do to me? Why did they take me when they had the vials? “Jenna’s flying out first thing tomorrow.” I must look like I’m about to snap, because he’s making a point of keeping his words even and slow. I don’t know how she’s going to fly out considering she maxed out her credit card trying to buy concert tickets. “We can get you something more comfortable to wear and something to eat before we get into anything else.”
He’s just trying to be nice, understanding, but it makes me feel too much like a little kid. Especially since there are two people around my age watching this play out. There’s still a chance this is some kind of trap, but it’s a little too late to decide if I trust him. I give in with a reluctant nod.
The shower pressure I just experienced is something that I can’t see myself forgetting. Before I walked into the bathroom the girl, who I learned is named Rachel, brought me something comfortable. Some elastic pajama pants and a black crewneck.
I don’t know how much of it is Rachel being genuine or if Dick told her to hang around a little, but she showed up a little after I got out of the shower and took me to a guest bedroom so I could put away my clothes. She then walked me to the kitchen, awkwardly admitted that they’re overdue for a grocery run before giving me some options. 
Rachel ends up making me a grilled cheese. It’s a little awkward letting a stranger do something for me, but it’d feel even weirder casually using an unfamiliar kitchen like I live here. 
My hunger felt all consuming until food was put in front of me. I keep thinking of Violet and all the hours I lost. But rationally, I know I should eat something and that it’d be kind of rude not to, so I take small bites of the edge of my sandwich. 
I’m still working on the first triangular half when Gar shows up, offering me another polite smile. I force myself to return it even though the day’s starting to catch up with me. 
“Uh-hey,” he walks into the kitchen, “I know I introduced myself earlier, but that was...” Gar brushes that train of thought away with a small breath, “Uh--are you feeling better?”  
I nod, turning to face him, “The shower helped.” I set my half of the grilled cheese down, “I picked so many twigs out of my hair.” Why would I say that? 
“Yeah, you look a little better.” He reaches the counter, tapping his fingers on the counter, “Not that you looked bad before! Just that you look like you’re feeling a little better.” 
The correction comes out like a knee-jerk reaction. Like he really thought he might have offended me. “I get it,” I can’t help but smile a little, “And absolutely no worries if you had meant it the other way, I saw myself in the mirror. I definitely looked accurate to my car accident.” I thought mentioning the car accident casually would make it feel breezy and normal, but it just feels sad. “There’s no non-weird way to say that.” 
“It’s fine.” Gar’s words come out so assured I almost believe him, “We’ve heard weirder.” 
Rachel nods, “A lot weirder.” 
I look between the two of them before taking another bite out of my grilled cheese. They’re both looking at me while trying to pretend that they’re doing something else. I guess I know how my 4th grade class guinea pig felt. 
A part of me wants to start conversation. Some of it is the awkward feel of silence and some of it is the urge to return their niceness, but I’m also tired and not sure how much of a point there is. Tomorrow, I’ll be back home and likely permanently grounded. 
“Do you feel like we’re hovering?” Rachel’s question takes me by surprise. Before I can instinctually tell them that they’re both fine, she continues, “We can give you some space if you want. I know it’s a little overwhelming.” 
What is? Showing up here? The accident? It shouldn’t matter considering that I’m leaving tomorrow. “Some quiet might be nice,” I admit, “Just because Dick’s probably going to show up and get me to--” He never did specify what he was going to check out about me. Do they know that’s why I’m here? Also--why are they here? “I don’t even know. Just something I’m not really looking forward to.”
“We get it,” Rachel hums, stepping away from the counter, “We’ll give you a minute.” 
The two actually leave, a part of me is surprised at how genuine that was. They didn’t even linger like I might at best steal something and at worse finally snap. I get two minutes of quiet before the sound of footsteps entering the kitchen puts me back into focus mode. 
I tilt my head slightly, expecting Rachel or Gar or maybe even Dick. It’s...none of them. The person I don’t know walks straight past me and towards the fridge. They open it, the small light illuminating their skin in a way that makes the sheen of sweat impossible to ignore.
He pulls out a bottle of water, shuts the door, and then looks at me. There’s no hint of surprise as his eyes briefly focus on my face before trailing downwards. Is he-- “Something happen to your face?” 
This again. Stupid car accident had to bust my lip and bruise my face. “Uh--” While Rachel and Gar were attentive and purposefully polite, trying to apply regular social standards to an abnormal situation, this guy doesn’t seem to care about that at all. The thought of just blankly stating the car accident thing again, especially to someone this forward, is so unappealing I just blurt out, “Drug deal gone wrong.” 
Oh my god, the more I interact with people, the more I realize there has to be something seriously wrong with me. Like brain damage. Like over-40-pro-football player lever of concussed. 
Before I can say anything, he tilts his head again, looking me over more openly than before, "Right, because you seem the type.” 
I can’t tell if he’s making fun of me or amused. Probably the first one. “The best drug dealers don’t seem like drug dealers.” 
“Really?” There’s a level of kind-of-there annoyance that throws me. Like irritated is his natural state and it’s miracle enough that I didn’t make it worse. But the confidence in his voice keeps it from being fully bitter. 
“No,” I tap my nails on the counter, “I just didn’t feel like getting into the car accident thing again.” 
He’s quiet for a second, “And you thought drug deals would be easier?” 
I shrug, feeling a little smaller. I can’t tell if I can’t stand him or think he’s a little funny. “Must be an early sign of brain damage.”
He tilts his water bottle in a vague gesture towards my face. “I’d believe it.” 
Rude. I know I just said it, but still. “At least I have an excuse.” 
His eyebrows draw together in offense, and it doesn’t make me feel great. He wasn’t that bad and that was sort of a jump, but I’ll probably never see him again, so... 
“What’s your--” 
Before he can get into any sort of rant, a voice cuts him off, “Jason.” Oh, it’s Dick. I turn my head enough to catch his tense look. “Leave her alone.” 
“She started it.” 
Okay, yeah, I think he annoys me more than I find him funny. “Nice come back,” I mumble, pushing away from the counter, “What are you? 12?” 
“If you want to find out--” 
Ah. I’ve been through too much today for this. "Like that line’s ever worked.” 
He isn’t swayed by my reaction, “Trust me, I don’t need--” 
“Okay,” Dick inserts himself into the conversation, and a part of me is glad for the excuse to leave. “Enough.” He then looks at me, “Are you ready?” 
At least it’ll be over soon. “As long as you don’t tell me that stuff turned me part alien or whatever.” 
He draws his eyebrows together, “Part alien?” 
“So magical science goo is real, but my thing’s unrealistic.” 
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astrronomemes · 1 year
a collection of quotes, phrases, and sayings from the 2007 Rick Riordan novel, Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse. change & alter as needed.
"She's right, but that doesn't mean I have to like it."
"Do you have everything you need? Extra sweaters? You have my cell phone number?"
"It's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."
"My name's [name]. I'm going to take you out of here, get you somewhere safe."
"You are wanted alive, if possible. Otherwise, you would already be dead."
"We don't have any family. [Name] and I... we've got no one but each other."
"You are in no condition to be hurling yourself off cliffs."
"Don't you get that she'll never love you back?"
"I feel a haiku coming on."
"I hate it when pretty girls turn into trees."
"You've already got [name] on your bad side. You need another immortal enemy?"
"Smashing it would be good."
"Let's go see if we boiled anyone important, shall we?"
"I apologized for the hole in his pants, but he still sent me packing."
"Do we get to kill the other team?"
"[Name], with all due respect, whose side are you on?"
"He tends to eat household objects whenever he gets upset."
"Your time will come. I'm convinced of that. There's no need to rush."
"[Name], as much as I want you to come home, as much as I want you to be safe, I want you to understand something. You need to do whatever you think you have to."
"I know one thing about you, [name]. Your heart is always in the right place. Listen to it."
"I'm telling you that I'll support you, even if what you decide to do is dangerous."
"Why do you hate me so much? What did I ever do to you?"
"The prophecy says at least two of you will die. Perhaps I'll get lucky, and you'll be one of them."
"You know, you're never completely without friends."
"Do me a favor. Get out of my car."
"You might as well ask an artist to explain his art, or ask a poet to explain his poem. It defeats the purpose. The meaning is only clear through the search."
"So what's the story with you and [name]?"
"I hate this language. It changes too often."
"Of course I'd like to take your head for a trophy, but someone wants to see you. And I never behead my enemies in front of a lady."
"Oh, you even dream about her! That's so cute!"
"You're so cute! I wish all my daughters could break the heart of a boy as nice as you."
"You think we're going to get attacked by killer refrigerators?"
"I'm a lot of things, but I'm not a thief."
"If anything happens, give that to [name]. Tell him... tell him I'm sorry."
"There is always a way out for those clever enough to find it."
"Do you always kill people when they blow their nose?"
"How did you get that sword past security?"
"Why didn't it hurt me? I mean, not that I'm complaining."
"It's been nice adventuring with you guys."
"Oh, yeah, you look completely inconspicuous now."
"Um, maybe we could avoid talking about entrails, too."
"I won't leave you guys. We fight together."
"Long Island. It's this island. And it's... long."
"Tell [name]... tell her she still has a home here, will you? Remind her of that."
"It can be like old times -- the three of us, together, fighting for a better world."
"I did the stupidest thing in my life... which is saying a lot."
"You are brave beyond measure, my girl. You will do what is right."
"Please remember you always have a home with us. We will keep you safe."
"Wise counsel is not always popular, but I spoke the truth."
"I think I owe you a dance."
"Go away! I hate you! I wish you were dead!"
"Why are you saying that?! You want to be responsible for the whole world?!"
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pin-crusher2000 · 3 months
Earth 66 Asks
1) Between New Young Justice and Young Titans, which team formed first?
2) Would “Whatever It Takes” by Imagine Dragons be a good enough theme song for NYJ and/or YT?
3) Does Jon Kent have a Dragon Ball esque Super Form the way the Grayson kids and Chris do?
4) Between Chris and Jon, who’s the relative actual martial artist as opposed to the other being a brawler type in terms of fighting style?
5) What are YT’s starter Pokemon of choice if they’re given that option?
6) Speaking of Pokemon, what’s both NYJ and YT’s favorite eras of the series?
Good questions @paladin-of-nerd-fandom65 :D
1: definitely New Young Justice, around mid 2019, when a small group of parademons led by Stephenwolf came to earth to conquer, Kon made sure the group (who was on the middle of training them btw) were together and save, and defeated some parademon butts before the justice league and dick and Tim’s titans sent them all back.
wrestling theme: no
Anime/cartoon opening: no
BUTT! I can see them listening to it: during a car ride, dance party, or in their music app.
Hopefully that is the right answer, if not let me know
3: of course XD
I mention it in my Anime transformation post a while back (and I think his character file too) I call it:
Super Solar mode, which gives him spiky glowing orange hair plus eyes and aura, plus the ability to shoot fireballs out of his hands and feet. (For the sillies, he can also light his farts on fire and shoot it out of his front area XD)
4: I’m going with Chris, since he’s more “experienced” with hanging out with dick, Jake, and Chris, plus mar’i than Jon. (Chris got training at 6, Jon around 7 1/2-8)
Jake: charmander or pikachu (main character energy XD)
Mar’i: jiggly puff
Robert: Growlithe or flareon
Lian: eevee or dragonite
Irey: jolteon
Jai: psyduck
Cerdian: squirtle
Jon: kanto & alola
Damian: hoenn
Arthur: alola
Hunter: Sinnoh
Hector: Galar
Connor: hisui
Jake: kanto
Mar’i: Johto
Robert: Johto
Lian: Sinnoh
Irey: kanto
Jai: kanto
Cerdian: Galar
Let me know if you got anymore buddy! :D
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starsmuserainbow · 3 months
[[ Starter for @featherchan (Silverwing)!]]
Something was very, very wrong.
Moonshot considered it very impossible that he would have missed an attack that would have caused something alike this very big hole in the front of Titans Tower, even when he spent the night mostly raging out his anger on a junkyard. Still, now here he was, approaching and landing in the Tower without even having to go through a window or door because the hole in the wall and roof was easily big enough for perhaps even a car to fit through. Their Ops room looked... tousled, to say the least, with chairs flung over and a few of their displays broken, and he could see a few dark spots on the floor that looked like some form of shooting must have hit there. He knelt down to pick up shards of yellow--- plastic, or something; no doubt from a communicator, then glanced around the room some more. Even the Titans' worm pet didn't seem to be around, or it was hiding somewhere else. Muttering to himself in tamaranean, he got up from where he was kneeling and walked over to one of the still intact-looking computers to try to figure out how to turn it on. There had to be some clues left behind for what exactly happened, right? And those would most likely be within their system if there was nothing physical.
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— open starter
muse : styliani stella, 20+, daughter of circe & odysseus verse : pjo (generally post hoo) plot : stella was turned into a statue on aeaea by the gods when they realized she posed a threat to godkind and demigodkind alike. when they lifted the curses on the good titans and gaea began to wake up, the curse placed on stella lifted too. ever since then she's been biding her time. gc
she hadn't felt how much time had passed. she'd been stone. how aware she'd been of being trapped had dwindled within the first 30 years, she couldn't fight it and then she didn't feel it or the time passing at all. it had been centuries. then, suddenly she could breathe again and the stone crumbled down around her. she'd been intending on leaving her mother's side when she'd been trapped, and that plan didn't change now matter how much time had passed.
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that was how she'd ended up here, walking along the road in the trees. she'd tried walking on the road, but she still found what she'd come to know as 'cars' too unpredictable. she only ducked out when she saw someone who looked like they might know where they were going. "excuse me, could you point me in the direction of camp? i'm a little lost."
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redemptivexheroics · 1 year
The Last Titan [Closed Starter]
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Zeus had gotten word while he was in Omnipotence City talking about the threat his father, Cronus, posed not only to the world but to other gods as well. He was in the library searching through ancient texts when he got a message from Hermes regarding the last Titan in existence, having escaped and wrecking havoc on the mortal realm. Zeus left immediately. When he got to Earth, he saw nothing but destruction, buildings laid in ruin, crushed cars, and fires; this would take a lot to repair. The sounds of a fight could be heard, as well as thunderous roars. Zeus ran for the fight and saw the Titan engaging someone in battle, but soon the Titan let a terrifying roar and fell to the ground dead, with a loud and Earthshaking boom. Looking around, he saw Diana, bloodied, bruised, and covered in dirt. He ran over and caught her as she was about ready to collapse. "Diana, what have I told you? Titans are not to be fought alone," Zeus said as he looked over to the body. "Though I'm impressed you managed to defeat the worse of the Titans."
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hitchell-mope · 2 years
Hbonatural you say?
Aka. My thoughts on the subject.
Well. Right off the bat. I probably wouldn’t have watched it. I tend to stay away from hbo shows barring his dark materials, it’s bbc in the uk and a hbo coproduction, and titans. But anyway. Here’s what I think would’ve happened if spn was a hbo show.
For starters. Dean would’ve wined, dined and bedded the car. Just not necessarily in that specific order. And no. Not the car in the form of a woman. But the actual literal car that he was conceived and raised in itself. And he definitely would’ve stayed for breakfast.
Secondly. There’d have been no shadow censor in the blood drinking scenes in season four. Everything, and I mean everything, would’ve been seen.
Thirdly. Every other word out of dean’s, and possibly Sam’s, mouth would’ve been “fuck”, “shit” and variations thereupon. No Network. No limitations on swear words you see.
Lastly. There’d have been no destiel despite the maniac hellers protestations to the contrary. The subtext between the brothers might’ve been ramped up, though how I cannot tell you, but the melted candle looking dumbass would not have been deans love interest.
So you see. Not much would’ve been changed. Just more swearing, more dubious, uncensored, sexual choices and dean living out the only queen song he’d ever willingly listen to. But there’d be no destiel. There’d never be any destiel. Cause that’s not what the show was about. It was never what the shoe was about. And you may quote me on that.
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nautilus1954 · 2 years
Since Vincent died at an earlier time, does Ava show him a lot about the more modern world?
What's his reaction?
He's not really that sort of demon that doesn't know what a cell phone is. In fact he has his own, he couldn't take screen shot for the existence of him but he knows the basics like calling, texting, candy crush that sorta stuff.
There are things that he finds quite odd and doesn't understand tho like what "windows" is on a computer. How to do use texting abrieviations. Wonders why cars only have 2 pedals instead of 3. The list goes on.
I will say tho that Ava had had the pleasure of introducing him to new things in the modern world. For starters movies. Vincent had never fully watched a picture film since 1971 (The Death of Harold Lloyed) and Ava got him back into them. They started of with simple staple movies that you all know of and think about from time to time. One of these films was "Titanic"... I would say how he reacted, but I plan on making a small comic of it in the near future so shhhhh X]
Next was food, like "Take Out" and such. One of these was stromboli, and Ava regrets introducing him to that because he can never get enough of the stuff. After that is roman, fanta, and swirl ice-cream (the mix of chocolate and vanilla ice-cream)
Then there was the internet, and it was fun for a few minutes... until he found out what a fury was. He hasn't gone to the internet since then. Ava also introduced him to transgenders just to see how he would react considering the era he grew up in. He was actually pretty chill with it "If a man wishes to be a women, and a women a man, why should why mind. I don't mind." He says.
There are things he doesn't like tho. Like how the tax system works as well as authorities. "Back then, you where innocent until proven guilty. Now your guilty until proven innocent." He reasons. He doesn't like how people care so much about what other people do that don't effect the people around them, and how shitty people are in general.
He's not that far behind the times, he may not know how to take a proper selfie, but he knows stuff. Infact, he would actually rome the streets in his human form and actually interact with the world since the late 1910s which I would talk about, but this answer is way to long.
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My Scarlet experience so far, warning spoilers.
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I chose Fuecoco as my starter and named her Gala cause she looked like an apple. Koraidon helped me through a cave by standing on his/its back legs. Arven gave me the dragon’s Pokéball and—I got sidetracked exploring the large area where Drowzee spawn in the ruins. Gala evolved due to grinding. Made it to the Academy and saved Penny from Team Star.
Apparently, spent a few weeks/semester going to school before the Treasure Hunt began. Took on the Stony Cliff Titan then beat the bug gym. And spent a lot of time going places so I can fly back to Pokémon centers. Gimmighoul’s wandering form was annoying to hear when I couldn’t see them. I know I needed a bunch of their coins this I kept all the ones I collected. Up to 492 at the moment, chest form gives you fifty-ish in the watch towers scattered around.
Anyway, I took on the fire type Team Star base barely managing to take down the car. Went after all the rest of the Titans cause I knew they would unlock Koraidon’s abilities. If you do the flying Titan, you still have to wait for the gliding ability. Burned the grass type gym. Here is where I got super side-tracked exploring other areas to fill the Pokédex. Ended up near the snowy part of the map, Gala was a Skeledirge by this point. So I took on the Ghost type gym and then the Ice-type gym scraping the wins.
I finished those two before completing all the titans, Koraidon climbing vertical places is the last freaking ability it gets! The false dragon has two phases with the second one being strong for such a little Pokémon. Now, besides sounding like a crazy person doing all these—I thought what they meant by “you can do things in any order” was gyms increased difficulty for every badge you have. Like if you could save the grass gym for last it would be an eight-badge team strength. The trailer meant you can do any of the paths in whichever order.
I also. Took on the fighting type Team Star base which seems to be the strongest one. Poor Arven has been waiting days at the Lighthouse while I am doing all this. Will probably finish up the bases, beat all the gyms, and grind out terra dens for exp candies. This is my main save so I will fill up the Pokédex as much as I can.
As for my trainer up there, I introduce to you—Carmen! They are technically a self-insert oc who’s past lives went through previous games. There is this lady in the academy town that gives you phone cases stylized from other Pokémon games data. Her thing is past lives.
Carmen woke up after the move to Paldea oddly confused. It felt as if they were waking up from a long dream they could barely remember. Strangely enough, they were mailed a Celestica flute and personal hisuian Pokedex. No return address was written on the package so they were unable to return these items. A latent talent for battling shows itself after they receive a starter from Principal Clavell. Later on, it’s a lesson during history class that cuts through the strange confusion they felt.
Basically for a story series, I am hoping to write with Carmen. So Koraidon and Miraidon both crash onto the beach escaping something. I don’t know the ending to Scarlet so I just assume them not wanting to battle is like the situation with Ash’s Gliscor then Gligar. Small detail I came up with is Carmen has trouble working a phone. Tends to capture the controls of their rotom phone whenever taking selfies. Being non-binary I feel would be a bleed over from their past lives, multiple runs of different pokémom games cause I like replaying some.
They have orange eyes and wine-red hair in a long bob. I kinda matched Koraidon’s color scheme to create them. Also my first in-game shiny is a female Stantler named Jingle.
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ajaengproject2 · 11 months
A Frozen Allegory - 1001 Cars Long.
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Rooted in socio economic division, modern classes are no longer able to see past their own polarized calcified ideologies as we stand seemingly worlds apart while around us unprecedented changes in our environment threaten our once thriving existence. Within a frozen microcosm Graeme Mansion’s multi-seasonal series Snowpiercer seeks to comment the greater consequences of weaponized inequality, privilege-induced ignorance, congestive dissonance and collective trauma. This chilling allegory illustrates the complexity of revolution and challenges the viewer through visceral storytelling to strive for empathy. Stories like this one are vital to remind us that we are not alone, that change is possible and that we stand stronger together against the titans we face. 
The Stage:
Plunged into an ice age by their efforts to cool the planet’s temperature, the earth can no longer sustain life. Billionaire entrepreneur Joseph Wilford seizes this opportunity by creating Noah’s Ark. Snowpiercer - an engineering miracle, 1001 cars long. Wilford’s perpetual engine will circle the globe providing a perfect ecosystem for food, recreation and life … giving him dominion as God. Seeing the tyrannical future ahead, his lead engineer Melanie abandons him track-side and seizes control of the engine unbeknownst to those on board. While in the pandemonium 400 un-ticketed souls fought their way into the cargo hold to escape certain death. 
Like many leaders, while Melanie aims to create a better future for those aboard, but the complexity of her role combined with the temptation to assert control through more authoritarian means leads her to warp many of her principles. As her systems break down, Melanie is forced to examine what comfort had wrought and ask herself if the system can be saved without tearing it down. (Starter, 2023)
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lonespektr · 11 months
Harum Malam- (Blood Flower) (2023)
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Saw this is with the kid from that YA Netflix horror show mr midnight and i immediately put in on the list
He already seeing stuff
Once again in abandoned locations
Now you're flashlights aren't working mam
I wouldn't take it
Sound like the starter but the car is already going That's a battery issue
Third sight? For directions? Bossy man
He seeing creepys in the cemetery that's slender man right now
Premonition oh shit
Dad already has to go
They screaming
Bleeding fruit
Bruh u having a panic attack
They found a house?
If she know why she not helping him, he's freaking out
Uh unh the house empty
But candles lit this is suspect
Who she talking to
Oh this is her client
Bro yo babies to a dangerous exorcism
The girl is down stairs
She got the healing touch i guess
Bro she lying
Two heads
Dad is fecckkin useless the spirit jumped
It's a shady djinn
They got it out
How what about the other two possessed
Bruh they distracted her this is why you don't take your family to exorcism night
I knew they were gonna do it
But it's bs already cause this dad is wack
They not giving the girl any lines
Now why did they say that??
Was that honest cause they know he sees ghosts
Dad is a massage therapist?
Dad is a pimp?
He don't know his kid?
Carnivorous plants!!
That's pitcher plant folks
None in that region? But it's hot and muggy???
Well they probably got other cool plants im googling where most are 🤔
Local to here but probably real expensive there they are expensive in CA
Titan aramas!!
(Corpse flower)
Not the plant talking
Creepy locked room
In America they would have made that bubble pop loud
Bro you related??
Or Uncle out of respect ??
Already breaking rules bad
U just picking up the frog bro leave him be hes already dinner
Not taking the spell off the door
Yo put it back!!! Quick seal it up
The wall bleeding playa time to go
That was a good effect with the light but u didn't seal it man the door just closed back on it's own
Why only men on the one poster ?
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Now the demon stalking him and giving him bad dreams
Bro she seemed nice enough it's just that her head was sliced in half
Sleeping at moms grave
At least he cares
They binding him up
He gon burn it don't give it to him
This movie has a bunch of discordant clicks and dings and clashes
The effects are good
Whose the girl with the demon
Whoa ok granny
Don't do it
Whoa creepy
Bro that was a great scene
Oh hell no i don't do bugs
Cricket down
Bruh THEY LEFT THE DOOR OPEN with the expensive plants FOR DAYS IT'S BEEN DAYS
oh hes working in there rn 🤣🤣
More discordant noises
Ha it cracks me up when stuff is going down behind somebody and it's headphones time
Kids r having night mares
I like all the eccentricities of the hauntings
At least the dad had his back publicly
One kid gone and that paper is fishing people
The writing isn't super strong and the direction is heavy handed because i have seen this kid work and it seemed like somebody was telling him MORE DRAMATIC
They've done like a trance thing twice now and im unclear about the rules hallucinations
Baby eating?
Auto canabalisim
Is it wrong im worried when the blood flower will be damaged
Dad is aloof as hell
Got em
Best scene ever the cops like
Ah boy is a great name
Every body got the gift but dad
She's sick now
They just letting her stay possessed
Bro what are you gonna do you don't have the juju
Why didn't they unbind him at the church? Mosque?
She's doing a good job possessed
He's admitted his wrongs
This is so chaotic
Great shot there from above
Why do have him hemmed up???
Wtf a demon spawn
Bro you can't do it you're all going to die if you keep the son locked down
Aww he's trying to keep his son out of the biz
Bro off the top rope with a knife
How did you get two?
You have to eat it?
You just can't pull it out?
Now he has to demon walk
Lol she 110% now 🤣🤣
Dad back already
Oh coincidence
The damn cops didn't get the other skull 🤣🤣🤣
What kinda outfit??
Bro it's going down in the basement
They've been implying this since halfway through but they won't confirm
And the grandma and the og knew
Now the whole plant room is haunted because they been feeding the plant the missing kid
We protecting a child incest rapist murder?
Way too quick for him
Oh no i think he's getting dragged off to hell for eternity torture session
The power of family
Short and sweet
I think America & borneo might have the most
You don't think weird plants America
But if we have the most carnivorous plants that's automatic puts USA in top 5 for weird plants it's north Carolina apparently
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