#the toddlers definitely didnt HAHA
fundielicious-simblr · 10 months
(Adalynn's POV)
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Before Maggie left, she surprised Mason and I with a newborn photoshoot for baby girl, in return we were then able to surprise her with baby's name! We decided on naming her Bethany after the place in the bible; this little girl is such a blessing for our family, as are all our children. Since we announced baby girl's arrival, our church family have been so gracious in blessing us with clothes and accessories for our her. We have the basics in hand-me-down form from the boys, but it's always nice to dress up a baby girl in a cute pink outfit.
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The kids usually do well whenever there's a new baby, they're always so happy to meet the sibling that they've been praying for but this time with little Bethany it just that bit more special as the boys met their little sister. The older boys have been saying that they're so thankful that they finally have a little sister, we've had to limit how much they can do when they're holding her since they want to do everything while holding her. The littles aren't 100% sure of what's happening, but love having a new baby in the house regardless.
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Over the days, I've been sitting down with each of the boys to formally introduce them to their little sister. I wanted to especially work with the toddlers to get them familiar with the baby, Titus was the one who had his spot as youngest taken and I wanted to make sure there wasn't going to be overwhelming feelings of jealousy as is common with young children.
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Pic 1: My mum with Zoe's daughter Cassie and my aunt Lea with her granddaughter Ember (Tabitha's daughter) // Pic 2: Macie, Zoe, Annette, Ashton, Tabitha, Tessa, and Celeste // Pic 3: My parents, my uncle Branden and aunt Lea, my aunt Claire and uncle Ryan, and my aunt Danielle and uncle Sebastian // Pic 4: my parents and sisters
Due to little Bethany's arrival, we missed out on going to camp this year. My parents and my sisters at home, Zoe and her kids, and various aunts, uncles, and cousins all made their way to Granite Falls for a great weekend of upbuilding fellowship! We love going to family camp, my parents started taking us almost every summer when I was a young child and throughout my childhood - Mason and I even met at family camp all those years ago. Hopefully we'll be able to attend some smaller conferences in the time between now and next year when we'll hopefully set off for family camp weekend next year.
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citrus-lamb · 5 months
Hola, I'm back for more food. Can I request a poly sbg (again.) with a fem reader who is like Wonyoung from Ive (and she's an undercover singer and they all find out because they searched up her group name because they heard people *cough cough *Barron* talking about her (yummy)
a/n : okay, so i don't know anything about k-pop, but i did some research. so reader is gonna be an undercover idol that doesn't reveal her face. sorry if the characters are a bit ooc, still trying to get used to their personalities! please enjoy.
song : idol (yaosabi)
You like to sing lullabies to the group. As an older sister, you know all of them by heart, and after nightmares people can become a lot like a toddler. The group, including you, lives through nightmares every night, so you found yourself learning more and more calming songs. More and more songs from different genres.
Eventually you wanted to make a cover of your favorite song. So you did, and you posted it to Youtube under a fake name. Over the next few days it came up with hundreds of thousands of views. It made you shocked, to say the least, but your newly-acquired fans demanded more. So you gave more.
After about a month you became one of the most popular “idols”—as your fans called you—in America. Every cover you made got upwards of a million views. It was almost too much to handle.
One day, when you were given some free time in one of your classes, you heard Barron running his mouth again. “Dude, did you see? Vibeon.Ai posted yesterday. Best cover yet!
“You’re into that girl’s bullshit? She doesn’t even sound good.”
Tyler leaned towards you, “Yo, who are they talking about?”
“Ah… Vibeon.Ai? She’s an idol. Millions of subscribers on Youtube, y’know? I don’t listen to her though, haha…” You said hurriedly, trying not to sound nervous. What if the group found out about you being an idol? They would treat you different—ask for some of your fame. You didn’t want that. You didn’t want to be used.
“Guess I’ll have to check her out.” He mumbled.
You were scared. You went home and threw yourself on your bed and almost fucking screamed. Tyler? Listening to you cover a song? When he’s definitely heard your voice before? This is a disaster!
Your phone ringed
Tyler Hernandez: ‘This Vibeon.Ai person sounds a lot like you’ 4:23pm
Fuck fuck fuck… oh my god, were you screwed, or what?
Another ring.
Aiden Clark: ‘uou made covrrs and didnt tell us?? they sound so gopd!11!1” 4:24pm
Ashlyn Banner: ‘You really do. You should make more covers.’ 4:24pm
Taylor Hernandez: “how did you understand aiden just then??’ 4:25pm
Ashlyn Banner: ‘Magic.’ 4:25pm
Ben Clark: ‘You get used to it’ 4:26pm
Logan Fields: 'Translation??? Please????' 4:26pm
They aren’t asking for fame? Nothing? Not even money? This is different.
“You guys promise not to tell anyone, right?” You asked, practically begging. You didn’t want anyone—especially not Barron—to know.
“Of course we won’t!” Taylor said, giving you a reassuring smile, “We wouldn’t betray your trust like that.”
“Right.” Logan said, “…So when’s your next cover?”
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greenfiend · 2 months
my older sister is just watching s4 for the first time when her toddler is put to bed. total GA, not a queer audience member, didn't catch up with anything prior to s4 but remembers enough to understand what's going on.
here are her thoughts before she embarks on the final ep!
she's a massive argyle fan - the way he is just making pizza when they're prepping to fight a demon haha
she's 'scared to watch' the finale: "I am scared of the horrible basketball twat to ruin their plan. Hate him"
"I also now feel like I need to rewatch seasons 1 and 2"
"Also. I know this is probably hella unpopular opinion but I really dislike Millie Bobby brown. She’s not a bad actress at all though"
"I love will"
I'll include our exact convo about this:
Sis: Will is in love with Mike right? It’s so adorable and heartbreaking
me: I KNOW. you wouldnt believe how many people didnt pick up on that and still think will is in love with eleven like wtf
sis: WHAT. no way
me: they’re like ‘there werent gay people in the 80s’
sis: omg stop
then she started talking about the hella other things going on. "There’s actually no characters I don’t like apart from the ones you’re supposed to not like." she said there's so many 'bad dads', she HATES papa lmao ('he's so desperate and cringe. "Approve of me even tho I treat you like shit!")
she started by watching while she works in her studio so probs missed all the mike clues, but she's fully focussed now for the finale, and it sounds like she'll be more than thrilled to find byler is requited as she adores will!
i'll update her thoughts post-finale when they come in :) let's see if she picks up on it!
I absolutely love knowing people’s thoughts when they watch ST for the first time. 😃
I think the majority of people who have paid some attention figured out fairly easily that Will is gay and that he loves Mike! My partner figure out he was gay from the very beginning. But with Mike… I tried to make them guess why Mike couldn’t love El and it took a while but finally they guessed correctly. Lol
When it comes to Mike, the clues are there but El is covering them up so to speak. The mere fact that he has a girlfriend is making most people assume that he’s straight. Especially because El is such a focus in the show.
I remember for me as a GA, the thought of Will/Mike was always somewhat of a possibility in my head- just because they are so emotionally intimate. Even though I didn’t know if the writers were going that direction, I definitely never ruled it out.
Overall, I think most of the GA will be satisfied with Will/Mike, especially if it’s all explained explicitly enough for them!
Thanks for the ask!
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shoulderscars · 3 days
Why I love Midnight Sun
ok I know this might be a hot take, but I actually love Midnight Sun. It's my favorite Twilight Saga book. And here's why [Spoiler Alert Affective from here!]
The Making of the Cullen Family (and their respective backstory's): I love that we get to know all the little details, like how Alive waited for the perfect moment to join the group and how she literally hugs Edward the moment they meet for the first time, and how they have a mutual understanding before saying a word in conversation.
Carlisle. (Simple, refined, respectable, perfect): It's not like we didnt know the before Midnight Sun, but I think Edwards insight on his brain is just...amazing. We can really see all of Carlisle's selflessness and how he is a simple man who wants the best for his children. Also, we get an insight on Carlisle and Esme's love with is so refined but perfect.
Emmett. (The best Cullen after Carlisle?): The whole book is actually giving Emmett's character depth. In the beginning of the book, Emmett's internal thoughts seem to be the same as he is perceived in the rest of the books from Bella's perspective, but as the book progresses, we see Emmett being amazing, and how much of a loving and simply perfect person (loose definition) he is.
Edward & Rose (good God they could be toddlers but really cute nevertheless): The scene where Edward remembers the day that he and Rose became brother and sister is actually a gorgeous scene. Lives in my head rent free. Also I love how the come to a consensus that Rose won't play nice but she will tolerate, and then they both keep snapping silently at each other. BUT when Alice mentions Charlie and the red head on the phone (while getting Bella to the hospital), Rose is honest to God ready to kill for him. BRO.
Jasper's Powers (wait he's actually OP?): Jasper's general character depth isn't explored much in the book, but his powers that he displays in the field is actually on a whole different level. No explanation needed
Alice's Powers (it's a work of ART.): In the scene where they are transporting Bella from the dance studio to the hospital, we take a dive into how Alice uses her abilities and how she perfects the future. The whole scene is flawless and actually clears up a lot about her "physic" ability based on decision making. The whole section just flowed so well, and I love it so much.
BONUS POINTS: Emmett getting repeatedly annoyed at the silent conversations that Alice and Edward have. IM SORRY I LOVE IT SO MUCH, and I love how EVEN AFTER 70ISH YEARS OF LIVING WITH BOTH OF THEM, IT STILL ANNOYS HIM HAHA
Didn't think I was gonna write an essay tonight but here I am 😭😭
I do genuinely love the Twilight Universe (the book version y'all with only visual inspiration for imagination hehe) and this book....ah I love how it helps build the vampire side of the lore. It makes me so happy lol
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btsgotjams27 · 4 months
hi um idk if this is rude to ask
how is life with kids? like did u have kids because everyone says to have kids or because u and r partner wanted kids?
and were there moments in life where you didnt want kids (before their birth) or any time (after their birth) where you regretted your kids?
idk if i want kids or not and I'm also not sure if not having children is a way to spite people or if wanting children is a result of peer pressure.
if this is personal im sorry, i couldnt message you so i had to sent this here. hope you and your family is doing great. ❤️❤️💜💜
hiiii! definitely not a rude question! my answer will be under the cut bc it’ll be long lol.
life with kids is very tiring 🥴 but now that my kiddos are older, i do miss the newborn/baby/toddler stage. days are long, but the years fly by so quickly. i can’t believe i have a 9 & 7 yo—it’s insane haha.
also, having kids is not for everyone and that's okay! for me, i think it was a mix of both (having kids being the norm after marriage and we both wanted kids). just a small bit of advice, if you’re newly married, i would say to wait a few years before trying to have kids. enjoy each other before the chaos lol.
there were definitely moments where i’m like ‘what the fuck did i get myself into?’ especially the nights when they’re sick or they would hit a sleep regression. ngl, i wanted to run away from all responsibilities.
i don’t think i would say i regret having kids, i just wish i took my time with having them later in life. i feel like society rushes us to ‘have it all together’ by a certain age (career, marriage, kids, etc) and life shouldn’t be like that. i think i was instilled at a very young age to do everything in a certain order, and now that i’m older, i wish i had someone to tell me, ‘hey, take your time. there’s no rush’.
it’s okay to not know. having kids is a huge responsibility and it’s not one to take on lightly. also, there are other ways to help children if you don’t want any of your own. you can always be a mentor, a nanny, or maybe even a foster parent.
so, with all that said, i love being a mom. i love seeing my kids creativity, their personality, and they really do say the funniest things. they drive me crazy, but then they’ll randomly crawl into my bed in the morning, give me snuggles and i’m like ‘goddamnit, i love you’ lol.
i hope this gave you a bit of insight, and pls feel free to ask anything else! i love chatting with everyone <3
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
Eyebags duo lol 🤪 how do you do it though, sleep late and still have the energy to take care of your kid haha
I'm looking into a pastry shop kind of thing. But also serve coffee, smoothies and other drinks. I've been wanting to get a bartender license so I can start a second job bartending on the weekends
I used to work at fast food, so I definitely understand what you mean about meeting people who are just dumb. But you also get to meet some sweet nice ones who make your day.
Interestingly enough, about 3 years ago I was learning French on Duolingo. I can pick up some simple words but yeah since not many around me speak it, its just never used. Besides English, I also know Tagalog, a bit of Spanish and a bit of mandarin.
So when you started writing, who was your inspiration to do Lizzie fics? Have you written any other stories prior to Lizzie/Wanda characters?
Also, if you were to go camping, would you rather stay in a tent or in a cabin?
Hello hello you.. good morning! Sorry i fell asleep.
Yep eyebags duo is the perfect name for us now.lol. honestly, i dont know how.hahaha. i guess im used to it. Because i used to work at a gass station at graveyard shift. From 11pm to 7am after work all day at the restaurant from 10.am to 9-10pm. 😅
It's not easy to sleep late n get busy the next day especially with an active toddler. N the last week until today i have been doing intermitten fasting diet, so my energy is just low.lol. but beauty is painful i guess 🤣
I was gonna take a bartending class so i can bartend, but my mean aunt told me i wont do good as a bartender, because bars usually want a pretty n sexy bartender n im not. So it kinda push me down n i didnt do it. 😅 her words always mean most of the time, i used to live with her for years n her words kinda beat me up.
Thats a nice idea.. a bakery is always nice..i love bakery but im not a good baker.lol
Oh thats nice that u know french a little..im happy that i know someone who knows french even just a little.
Whoa u know quite a few languages! Thats awesome. For some reason my brain cant learn asian'l countries' language very well. I tried to learn japanesse n even korean n it didnt stick.
My inspiration to start writign Lizzie fic is Lizzie herself. I hv a huge crush on her n its not even funny lol. N no,i havent write anything before my lizzie fic. So basicly im a newbie in writing..just started writing like a year and 8 months ago.
I would prefer camp in cabin. I dont like camping in a tent. I have bad experience in outdoor camping so i wont do it again since then. Haha. What about u?
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tauremornalome · 4 years
jc/lwj? this had not occurred to me but i'm thinking about it now and i am Intrigued. it seems extremely sad, which i like about it.
disclaimer, i am Really Bad at talking about things i like in fiction because dhdgsjdhdj Words Difficult (and also its almost 2 am rn)
BUT aaaaa yes!! extremely sad and angry, both of them. excellent mixture. let them argue and also kiss about it.
imagine you are jiang cheng and you lost Everything and you have like 3 relatively calm years to get your shit together. your sect, kinda isolated from others by the fact that you are not sworn bros with 3zun. your nephew, who is a baby and then a toddler and whose existence reminds you about everything you've lost. your own emotions - haha, good luck getting that in order lmao. for the expected period of time (or maybe a lil longer) you wear mourning robes, ONLY for your SISTER of-FUCKING-course (and you will whip anyone who suggests that you might be also maybe grieving wei wuxian).
also you saved that spooky flute and you rlly don't know what to do with it so you Repress Emotions Even Harder. and maybe hope someones gonna come and collect it (someone whos NOT jin guangyao, that lil snake. fuck off jin guangyao you are NOT getting yiling patriarch's flute. Stop Breaking Into My Chambers And Trying To Steal It)
and then. and then lan FUCKING wangji leaves his seclusion in Dramatic and also Very Fashionable Mourning Robes and you are like, ohhh master lan did someone die at the cloud recesses?? but wangji shoots you The Glare and of course you know who he is mourning. and you try very hard not to lose ur patience, right, and you wait for him to like maybe Stop and Get Over It, come on. but he doesn't, and also looks at you like you should be ashamed for not doing the same as him.
(also wangjis got a kid now and you perhaps remember a toddler running around the burial mounds, and you listen to the lan clan go "oh yes its hanguang juns illegitimate son, mhm. his name is Lan Imissweiying" and you are like. HOW is anyone buying this dumb story)
Yeah now imagine you are lan zhan and There Is No More Joy In Your Life, Birth Is A Curse And Existence Is A Prison, and you leave your seclusion being still depressed as fuck, and theres that guy who basically kind of killed wei ying. and even if he didnt kill him he still, you know, attempted. so. and that guy is apparently now famous for hunting demonic cultivators for sport??? for who knows what purposes but rlly probably nothing good considering he's whipping them with sexy lightning whip. and you are like, hey, i am ALSO gonna hunt demonic cultivators. No I Dont Know What Imma Do With Them. maybe ill find wei ying, u kno, since i lost my purpose in life anyway.
for the record, jiang cheng is probably also not sure what for hes hunting demonic cultivators. he has NO idea what hes gonna do if he actually finds wei wuxian.
So they probably keep running into each other??? And being VERY pissed off about it. knowing jiang cheng hes gonna yell at lwj for everything Except nightless city, and knowing lan zhan hes gonna reply "mn. btw u killed wei ying" to every single sentence jc says to him.
Yeah look I AM WEAK and also i read way too much foe yay not to want this to turn into Angry Depressed Desperate Making Out, u kno.
so they are both angry, repressed and depressed and well dressed so they have sex about it instead of going to therapy and Somehow it helps. Not because of the Depression-Curing Dick trope which i hate but because they look at each other afterwards and go "uh, fuck, things have gotten REALLY bad if im sleeping with HIM to forget about it"
and then they probably have sex again and again because they are still fucking stupid
other thots i have about jc/lwj include:
- them begrudgingly working together to bring down some wwx impersonator while still hating each others guts
- jc confronting lwj about sizhui and the Dumbest Cover Story Ever
- idk yet im thinking bout this but i Really need a situation where its CRUCIAL that wangji uses musical cultivation but doesnt have his guqin bc some dumb reasons and jc is like, here, catch this and gives him freakin Chenqing and wangji wants to Murder him but plays the damn flute bc otherwise they are gonna die and as jc pointed out sizhui will be left alone in the world
- lwj IS DEFINITELY GONNA FIGURE OUT THE GOLDEN CORE THING come on. wangji is hurt or sth and jc uses spiritual energy to heal him and suddenly wangjiis like WAIT A MINUTE I KNOW THIS SPIRITUAL PATTERN WHATS GOING ON bonus points if hes like. Delirious and starts calling for wei ying and jiang cheng invents 23 new swearwords to let him know what he thinks about him
- jc at some point awkwardly tries to give chenqing to lan wajgji but lwj gives it back to him
yeah and at some point they Stop having sex about it, and they both kind of.... Calm Down, and wangji is still wearing the mourning robes but hes less obnoxious about it, and jiang cheng still whips ppl but now he has a better idea of what hes gonna do if he finds wei wuxian.
and they are... friends.... now? neither of them will say it out loud but like. They Are Friends Now.
and then when they are basically almost done with Unhealthy Grieving Mechanisms wei wuxian actually comes back to life and ????¿??¿??¿¿¿?? Fuck, thinks lan zhan. Fuck, thinks jiang cheng.
......ahem. SORRY, this has gotten slightly out of hand. Im Emotional about it.
theres one fic on ao3 that i really love and which expresses a lot of the things about this that i couldnt express; i will link it in the replies when i find it
TL;DR they are both too angry and have their brains Fucked Up by wwx's death, they are not willing to go to therapy so they should at least kiss about it; also go read the fic i linked in the replies because its excellent
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Hello! I'm all kinda new to the idea of littles and caregivers so maybe this is really ignorant, if so I'm sorry. But I wanted to ask about Virgil regressing for so long. Like when did you first start to regress? If you were still a child when you were, then were you just acting your age but just a bit more fuzzy? Sorry if this is a lot. I'm just curious, haha! -T
hi, it's not ignorant or anythin don't worry - i kinda only learned what it was actually called like two years ago so i wasn't always that aware of this stuff
it's a bit.. weird to talk about my past so i might not talk about this again but for now i'm ok sharing it
i say i've regressed for nearly twenty years because i've existed for twenty years, i can't remember any time when i didnt act a lot younger than i was supposed to some of the time
my um, well the person who raised me always thought i was like a late bloomer or something. he never knew what regression was, he got a bit.. not like annoyed but i guess confused and maybe frustrated that his 10 year old was acting like a 3 year old - he kind of mentioned it sometimes to tease me. that's how i remember it even though i wasnt always old enough to actually remember the experience, because he wouldn't let me forget it
idk maybe he assumed it was related to me being autistic whatever i dont care what he thinks anymore
i guess the earliest i actually remember experiencing regression.. i hid in my room a lot and kinda learned not to bother the people i lived with with it. it was scary, i didn't know what was wrong with me but i knew it wasnt.. right. no i didn't just act my age but fuzzier otherwise that would be dissociating not age regressing - in hindsight i definitely acted like a baby/toddler so yeah, regression for sure
but i never really clocked it like that? i didnt connect the dots between my behaviour and being younger. i just remember feeling small and vulnerable and scared and yeah a bit fuzzy and then when i went back to 'normal' it freaked me out because i realised id lost control of my emotions and my body like if you wake up from a nap and have no idea where you are but instead you have no idea who you are or how old you are and what happened even though you kind of remember seeing it and you think youre going crazy and. ugh anyway
i never knew i was reverting to a younger mindset i thought i was just dysfunctional and dumb so yeah
it's not really a happy thing to talk about sorry for being depressing.., actually i don't think i wanna talk about it anymore, im sorry i made your first ask with this blog really sad and weird - 💜
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80smikewheeler · 7 years
Will x holly as a ship? Like, the toddler and the 13 year old? I dont want to sound rude if you didnt mean it like that, im just genuinely so confused...
Greetings Anon!
As I said in my previous anon ask, I’m sorry for the confusion! I didn’t know an, ‘x’ between two people’s names had to mean it was romantic! Haha! Sorry!
Yes it’s Holly the toddler, and Will the 13yr old, but as a platonic/brotherly-sisterly bond! I like to imagine that Will plays with little Holly when he goes over to Mike’s house, because he’s really good with kids, and feels sorry for Holly, when she’s on her own, and everyone else is too busy to play with her! So, it’s kind of a moodboard/headcanon for Will playing with her/acting as another older brother to her, and entertaining her haha! Idk, I thought it was really cute, and that it wouldn’t be something that hasn't already been done, so yeah…I made a thing for it lol!
But yes, I apologise for the confusion, it’s DEFINITELY NOT A SHIP! Just a sibling type pairing!! Gosh, sorry about that haha omg!
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audi-10-blog · 4 years
When i was a kid, I used to love collecting or recieving blank journal books as gifts- and also buying the cool pens to write in them. Anyone in Welly remember that Morning Glory on Manners Street? They had the coolest coloured pens and types of pens too!
Anyways, one of my favourite things to do was answer questions and also have my friends answer them in my journal. As I've gotten older i think asking yourself questions is such an important part of growth and reflection and it is really interesting to look back on your answers when you go back and read them years later.
I'm gonna get these from Pinterest and every now and then I'm gonna fill these out so I can look back and have a read one day :) rather than writing a daily entry or wtiting about events happening, i think this is an easier way to document my thoughts and moments in my life. let's start one now..
Sunday 5 July 2020
What would you say the best day of your life is so far?
I would say Saturday 17th January 2015...
Zac and I went on our first proper date for my birthday... I went to his house and we both got all dressed up and ready (i am so gutted we didnt take photos that night!!!). I wore a orange/melon coloured crop tank with a tank pencil skirt and tan stilettos. Zac actually spent the whole day shopping in town for a full outfit.. and bought some new shoes and a really nice light blue i love ugly button up shirt.
It was such a lovely night. We had dinner planned and then we were meeting with my friends afterwards to go out to town. This was really special cause it was going to be the first time he was going to meet everyone. He even made the sweet small gestures like opening doors for me.
We went to Matahorn for dinner which he paid for. Then we went to Flying Burito Brothers for a few Margaritas then met with everyone at Southern Cross :)
What was the worse day of your life and why?
Saturday 9th March 2010.. the day my aunty passed away. The day before was also really bad too cause I was really hoping for the best but absolutely preparing for the worse- i remember that day being really stressful. But Saturday, i had no feeling and jusy absolutely empty. It was so wierd and unfamiliar. I've felt heartbreak before and it was beyond that cause it was like i just died inside a bit.
If you could pick a meal for mum to someone to make you right now whay would it be?
I'm living with Zac' parents at the moment and also have not lived at my parents for awhile now so filo food is definitely something i would pick... i would pick Kare Kare
What do you admire the most about your dad?
I would say how when he is into something or involved he puts 100% effort into it. Whether it's coaching or reffing basketball. His career. Or collecting DVDs and magnets. Recently he's been dieting and also helping my mum cook (shes had some problems with her wrists) and doing hello fresh meals and is posting his meals on FB. Even though i do find him nerdly and OTT I admire how he doesnt go into anything with and drops it off halfway, he'll commit
What kind of music really moves you?
Honestly it really depends on the mood im in and i usually notice the music going deep into my sould when im on the bus or train LOL. This one is hard to answer but i like music that have unique beats and rhythms or memorable sounds e.g. Redbone - Childish Gambino or You and Me - Flume. But also music with powerful lyrics and stories.
What things does your sister do that frustrates you or encourages you?
Haha well this is awkward and im not sure if she'll ever read this. But something that frustrates me is around her loyalty. She will choose other people. For example, i had a falling out with a group of friends that she was also part of and i was bullied and phased out and she still remained friends with them and did not even stand up for me. I understood she disagreed on my part but to let people bully me and shut me out really broke me. She also met up with my ex best friends for dinner the other night... which i find wierd. I guess what really frustrating is that she'll probably understand or see how it affects me through my eyes. However, i guess it also taught me to just not give a shit over time and to just do what makes me happy. She gives me tough love and is one of those people that will be 100% honest and tell you things that you need to hear. It is quite sad though what has happened in the last couple of years.
What is something that your brother annoys or helps you?
Well i have two brothers. AJ is nowhere besr annoying as he was when we were kids lol he was a little shit but something that probably annoys me about him is probably the little time he makes to spend time with me- i always have to initiate catching up. However how he has helped me- little things but they matter. Like just being able to call/txt him to ask questions about tech stuff especially. One time i actually got scammed on my laptop and I called him straight away hahahaha fuck and he fixed it for me. He also has been there though when I've really needed him and been someone to cry to and hes been able to put me at ease.
Andrew-the baby. Well he was the cutest thing as a baby and toddler but between the ages of 7-11 i could not stand him.. i dont usually like those age groups in kids anyway. But i think something thay annoys me is his lack of awareness and being a bit more grown up.. i think about when I was his age (13) and i did way more things that him such as chores and goong going out etc. I do have to remember that it's not entirely his fault though..hes the baby and my parents wrapped him in cotton wool and are parents these days just not as loose with their children anymore?! On the flipside though- he makes me feel like i matter. Everytime he sees me, he hugs me and kisses me-even now as a 13 year old! He absolutely loves Zac aswell which is so sweet. He makes me feel so loved and wanted.
What is your dream job?
To be honest, I have a pretty cool job now as an Instructional Design Lead. If i really hated it I wouldnt be working-If i dont like something I always try to move on asap. But, if i could choose/create and money wasn't a factor it would be working with young kids and setting them up with basic life skills such as looking for a new job, preparing for job interviews, budgeting, learning about society and how to vote and also how to live a sustainable life and be waste/plastic free.
I'll leave it there for now. I'll be posting more Q&A as i go/remember lol
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maxinebader96-blog · 7 years
Cravings Shows Eliminate.
I have a B.S. in biochemistry and biology off Clemson College which I utilized to function as a genetic developer, creating e. coli that can create ethanol off corn carbohydrate. The objective of every Orange Region plastic surgeon at The Appeal Center from Newport Seaside is to aid boost the appeal of each of our valued individuals in a manner that leaves all of them experiencing rejuvenated as well as younger. A handful of full weeks ago I reviewed Thrive Health and fitness, where a strong weight-training system for endurance athletes appears. After 2 weeks, that beautiful beast of fine art is either resigned for good, or relocated to our establishment to carry on borrowing for the trigger. Frappier's Velocity equipment and also training process were actually attracting attention as well as through 1995, there were actually 15 training facilities throughout the Midwest utilizing his course to educate sportsmens. Hunger claims ... A beautiful installment that you may join in with as well as have a part of home!. You concede that no joint project, work, company, or relationship partnership exists in between you as well as Handicapped Sportsmen Sports Relationship because of this contract or use of the Disabled Athlete Sports Relationship Website. I as if Veganomicon as well as Cravings for Decrease, however I get back, over and over again, to Vegan along with a Revenge. Aside from that I have actually surfed, body surfed, surf kayaked, body boarded, and everything else entailing the ocean given that I had to do with 10. I have actually additionally been joining CF as a train and athlete for just about 10years. CAPA will offer college sportsmens a chair at the desk to protect much needed protections. With that said in mind, a series from supplements referred to as Klean Sportsmen revealed a deal in the course of the All-Star drop the Big league Baseball Athletes Association. The professional athletes our team prefer to team up with us are actually class acts and also truly in this for the cause. However you are going to be able to simply make your own coconut milk in a blender prior to you require this and also be for life without the vagaries mediocre command. There is actually the concern of feet rut, ingrown as well as discolored nails, corns, calluses and a wide array of other conditions.
Hello there Kelli, I marvel that a massage therapist will be involved in Crossfit considering their mistaken strategy of instruction results in continuous rotator cuff and also various other shared traumas which means the physio therapists adore Crossfit muscleups & pullups with weighted vests" because it provides a consistent revenue stream from restoring the harm triggered. We work as a sports medication and also performance team in a location that positions our experts" before I". Our company put the client, individual, and sportsmen as the best concern via our individualized treatment method to therapy as well as training (we simply acquired a front-page paper review on our recent excellence - ). But also for me, the guidelines I consume through typically aren't even if from ethical principles and also the guidelines that come from those principle; I now do not also image chicken as food, as well as the idea from consuming pork makes me a little queasy (and also I utilized to enjoy meat). That must be actually a fantastic beginning and also our team would certainly enjoy to view you guys certainly there for a cultural date evening! Under our multi-month subscriptions, sportsmens possess the capability to publication training class that suit finest with their schedule. I mean real meaning/value not considering that I ought to or shouldn't." You make it feel like a goal to transform your life. Because he's an endurance professional athlete as well as I really wanted to understand his techniques, I got his publications. All comments, reviews, postcards, pointers, ideas, and also other articles disclosed, provided or supplied to Athletes Brand on or even by this Site or even typically made known, submitted or given in connection with your use this Internet site (together, 'Reviews') will be and also remain Athletes Label's home. All professional athletes returning off retirement life will be dealt with as new sportsmens to the USADA RTP and also will be notified through USADA in accordance with the USOC National Anti-Doping Policies. If you have any type of concerns concerning where and ways to make use of gnb-green.info, you could contact us at our webpage. My adjustment muscular tissues" were remarkably weak coming from absence of use, and also I was actually blowing them out on the very first time through attempting a lot of, ahead of time. In the greatest situation situation you could have the capacity to stop 90-95%, however that 5% will certainly continue to be (i.e. you will definitely not have the ability to avoid consuming pork on a handful of affairs, however you will not love this as much any longer). I was running 45-50 minutes a time (8 ks from hills along with toddler in stroller haha) and also hit an aspect where i was actually frequently hungry, possibly the improvement to cooler weather condition didnt assistance but I was actually eating a great deal and also certainly never pleased. The Youngster's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) puts parents in command when this comes to the selection of individual info from youngsters under THIRTEEN. The problem is, nonetheless, that our setting is tripping up the hard-wiring that our body must handle what does it cost? our company eat. PHYSICIAN Fleming is a professional at utilizing the most recent technology in cosmetic enlargement like Botox, Juvederm as well as Restylane, alongside other neurotoxins, fillers and plastic surgery to address look concerns. Each bag is actually palm sewed individually on our commercial devices through Hunger in our Stumptown, OR studio. Professional athletes assessed through USADA will receive their end results through mail within 2-6 full weeks from the time from their exam. Coming back home in Nov to educate for the cross-country initiative, Chenonge made her initial affordable appeal at the fifth KCC/AK National Cross Nation Set complying with in Nyahururu, in December, putting fourth in the girls's 8km. Professional athletes Brand name ® is registered along with the USA Patent and also Hallmark Office by Athletes Brand LLC. Alike with typical market technique, Hunger makes use of cookies to track site utilization. For recent 15 years LOA has actually journeyed the country notifying moms and dads, trainers, managers as well as pupil athletes on lifestyle choices as well as their impact on psychological and physical efficiency. Due to the fact that being actually an athlete is actually a deeper component of a person's identification as well as reducing the capability to do could be quite tough for athletes both physically and also emotionally.
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