#the twins got treated better when they had to siphon all the magic out of the bio mom
winnie-the-monster · 2 years
You ever think about how in one way or another Hope has been grieving her whole life. And then get even more disgusted(and in my case just the tiniest bit murderous)at how she was treated in legacies when it came to her grief. Bc I do all the time. If they weren’t dismissive of it and how she feels, they were acting as if there was some type of time limit on grief. Like Hope has been grieving the loss of her loved ones since she was seven. She deserved to be treated better than that, and not have people tell her “it’s called grieving, Hope, you should try it sometime” or “this is good, this is letting go.”
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high-supernatural · 3 years
Reasons Kai Parker Wasn’t Technically Evil
#1 - 1,000: Nobody ever gave him a chance, he became a product of his environment. Let me explain, 
His family rejected him from the moment they found out he was a siphoner. It’s basic developmental psychology that toxic households lead to toxic traits as an adult whether they’re super evident or not. Kai said in (idk which episode, the one where he calls Caroline ‘Clarice’), that growing up was hard since he was basically disowned for what he was born as, he wasn’t allowed to touch anybody, he watched his siblings being applauded while he wasn’t allowed to go near anyone, and it was difficult because he felt like an addict fiening for a hit of magic all the time, he wanted to change but nobody would help him or give him a chance. 
Putting developmental psychology to that -- he was disowned for who he was (he was raised and taught to hate himself for something he couldn’t change), he couldn’t touch anyone (kids need physical touch and interaction to develop in a healthy way lol), he was never praised or allowed to participate in much and had to watch everyone else be involved (that’s just evidently shitty), & he struggled and was refused help, so the idea was put in his mind that he couldn’t be saved or get help anywhere. AND THEN, since he was ignored his whole life basically, he got their attention in an extreme way and then spent 18 years in 100% isolation. 
SO THEN AS AN ADULT, he has poor boundaries, doesn’t know how to interact with others well, forces his way into other people’s lives because he doesn’t want to be left out again, feels like he’ll be refused help so he either forces people to help or he deals by accepting that nobody will help and decides to revel in all that he is. He knows/thinks that extravagant displays of violence gets peoples attention, so that’s how he get’s attention on top of becoming more invincible so they can’t put him in isolation for it. 
Imagine this: your family completely disowns you for being born a certain way, you have to watch them be a happy family while you’re forced to sit on the sidelines all your life, you struggle with the way you were born and it makes you feel terrible, when you reach out for help you’re rejected, so you lash out and are forced to spend 18 years in a world identical to yours but there’s nobody in it -- 18 years in silence, loneliness, desolation, basically you’re the last person on Earth but you can’t escape and you can’t die. Because of this you have unhealthy communication methods, tons of trauma, all that stuff. So when you’re rescued and display your unhealthy behavior, your rescuers also disown you and treat you terribly. 
Idk about anyone else but I’d lose my marbles too. 
He literally asked Bonnie to be a positive influence on him & to help him adjust before they left the prison world. He said, and I quote, “the thing I’m most scared of is trying to figure out how to live in the world again, I was sort of hoping you’d be a positive influence on me. You’re a good person, Bonnie, you’re brave, loyal, patient... I wanna be more like you.” And Bonnie didn’t really care. I mean, in her defense I wouldn’t trust someone who killed me a few times either, but from Kai’s perspective I’d be a lil hurt. 
He genuinely apologized to people he’s hurt. 
A truly evil person doesn’t have a conscious, Kai does, specifically in these lines -- “I know you think I’m a monster, I mean I did murder or heavily maim most of my immediate family... but after a long period of self reflection, I came to the conclusion that I could’ve handled my anger better,” and, “how do you feel?” psychopaths don’t care how people feel and wouldn’t admit they did any wrong unless they were trying to get their way with something... which I guess could have been the case. BUT, psychopaths also don’t ask others for help or advice, and Kai does a few times. 
In the deleted 6x15 scene he tries to reasonably talk to Jo and Jo throws him against the wall. Kai says, “as much as my suffering might bring you pleasure, or whatever, this is not the way to handle this situation,” LIKE, he was TRYING to have an actual conversation. Also, this statement basically just says all of what he feels; “my family just enjoys to watch me suffer.” Then he says, “I’m the defective twin that nobody wanted,” “I spent 18 years in isolation as the family reject, and every inch of me wants to kill you for that, but I can’t,” “I’d like to live because I didn’t get to do a whole lot of that before everybody decided that I wasn’t worth it,” UGHHHH
ALSO in that scene, Kai says he’s trying to keep the coven alive. Like, ok, hypothetically if my whole life panned out like Kai’s did, I wouldn’t really want to be alive, no matter how much power I could potentially achieve in the future. Assuming Kai was feeling the same, he still wanted to keep his family alive. 
He tried opening up to multiple people including Jo, Elena/Damon, Bonnie..... and they all ignored him or kept telling him he’s evil. THAT’S SO ANNOYING. He even acknowledged that he didn’t expect them to believe him, proving that he knows he’s done wrong, psychopaths don’t know they’ve done wrong.
Boi needed friends, support, and therapy, but was locked in another prison world again....
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wallwriterstuff · 3 years
Hi! Am I allowed to request some Castor headcanons?? Like, anything about him, really. He's much too adorable and I NEED MORE. 😂😶🙈 We stan an irritable, foul-mouthed racoon in this household. 👍🏻💙
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(Also, Castor totally reminds me of Rocket, hence the gif 😂)
Oh ABSOLUTELY you can! I am so glad someone else loves him to, Castor is my baby and I adore him so, so much. I’ll be putting them under the cut as they may be a wee bit long....
Warnings: some swearing and Castor being the general, snarky, snobbish racoon we all know and love 
Let’s be clear, Castor was not always a racoon
Castor is actually the essence inside the racoon that took over its body 
The primordial forces spoken of that created the universe? Castor is their offspring, a fraction of their power siphoned off an brought to life in the animals that roamed the Earth, allowed to grow and develop as it pleased in Mother Natures nursery before being sent to guide the witches 
He is therefore very, very old, almost as old as time itself
Y/N is not his first witch, he has been the integral part of precisely several witches lives. Witches live much longer than humans but they are not immortal, evne if they live for several thousand years they will eventually die, and Castor learned early on it was better to not get attached to his charges 
His cynicism and snark is a product of his age. Witches study their magic for so long, they don’t get their first familiars until their studies are officially complete, and this can be anywhere between 250 - 300 years depending on the topic and depth of study, but this is in witch terms rather youthful and youth...is impetuous, stubborn, impatient. Familiars are sent to temper those things but Castor is very old and he just doesn’t have the patience to deal with all that 
Before he met Y/N his charge was a witch named Charity Lobelle. She resented his attitude with her and appealed to the High Council to have their bond revoked. Castor was both furious and embarrased - no witch had ever rejected him before
There was a lot of paperwork that day and a whole training course he had to go through before he was allowed to be a familiar again which he did NOT APPRECIATE
He was not the most amenable familiar when he was first sent to Y/N. he was incredibly cold, barely spoke to her unless it was out of necessity, and he didn’t let her touch him either 
It wasn’t a potions accident nearly killed the poor girl that he got his head out of his ass - she hadn’t really been sure how to brew it but was too stubborn to ask her familiar for help when he clearly didn’t want to
The more he worked with her the more impossible it became for him to keep his heart out of it. Y/N was quite clearly a trouble magnet and needed his guidance more than any other witch he’d been sent to to date
It took all his patience (and tea making skills) but he slowly managed to ingratiate himself to her. They haven’t been separated since and if castor gets his way, they will not be separated ever again 
Castor thinks very highly of himself with very good reason. With millions of years of age comes millions of years of experience. He is good at what he does and he knows it so he has very little patience with anyone telling him he is wrong
Growing up as he did was tutored in every kind of magic, even the forbidden ones. Familiars have studied more in-depth than witches ever could and Castor has gotten rather arrogant because of it 
It’s very hard to be taken seriously however when your a racoon that doesn’t even reach knee height, so he cultivated a dinosaur size attitude to make up for it 
Confident as he is, even Castor feels the weight of his responbilities from time to time. He is guiding a young witch in protecting the balance of nature after all, if they get that wrong large scale clean up has to happen, more paperwork and the familiar...well it doesn’t end well for them 
When it’s all too much for him he likes to hide away for a little while in his nest, just curl up and burrow into the blankets for some comfort. He can be a regular racoon there for a while and doesn’t have to worry about the world falling to shit while he’s gone...well...maybe he does but that’s only if Y/N ruins it all
Despite his origins as a literal force that created the universe, he is still in a racoons body. He likes to nest in cosy spaces but can also be incredibly active and mischievous! Good for Y/N that she owns the garden she does so he can climb the trees and scurry about to his hearts content. She learned early on to leave treats hidden about the garden for him to find and puzzle out
Castor will eat anything and Y/N constantly has to sit him down and talk about his food consumption, if only to save her budget so she isn’t spending too much on food
Castor was never going to think anyone was good enough for Y/N, lets be real, but Demetri...well he is further down the list than most given that this guy might actually kill his witch on accident 
He has a strong sense of right and wrong and being so old has left him a bit stuck in his ways. It’s not really until he sees how miserable Y/N is without the vampire that he somewhat comes to accept Demetri is a necessity in her life 
Will he ever actually like him? Who knows
Probably not
He saw the very first vampires and werewolves, feral beasts that had to be destroyed and remade into the beings we know today, so he is very very wary about letting one near his charge 
Fun fact! Castor has a twin brother! Pollox is a golden retriever, but the two haven’t spoken in centuries since Castor was rejected by his last charge - Pollox sees it as a stain on their family honour 
Overall, Castor is the most irritating, arrogant but loyal familiar, and despite his infuriating habits (such as playing music too loud while he’s in the bathtub) he very quickly becomes the best friends of every charge he has ever had - not that his emotionally constipated ass would ever acknowledge just how much he cares for them 
You do not mess with this familiar or his charge, not if you don’t want to suffer 
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tanjamikaelson · 4 years
Rebekah was in her and Kol’s current apartment, she was sitting in the living room and drinking her wine when she heard yelling from the up stairs. Then she saw a girl walking down the stairs cursing Kol. Rebekah narrowed her eyes at her and saw that Kol was coming down right after her.
  - “Wait up, darling.” Kol tells her, but when she didn’t stop he vamp speeded in front of her.
  - “Let me go, I'm not going to help you.” A girl said.
  - “Why not?” Kol asked.
  - “I’m not helping a guy who cheats on his girlfriend in order to find her. Who in their right mind does that?” A girl questioned.
  - “She has a point, Kol.” Rebekah remarks.
  - “Shut up, Bex.” Kol tells her.
  - “Or maybe I should find her and tell her with whom she is in a relationship with..” A girl told him.
  - “She would probably just kill you.” Kol told her honestly.
  - A girl scoffs, “Then I just added one more reason not to help you to my list.” then she pushes Kol out of her way and heads towards the door, but just as she was about to open them Kol snapped her neck.
  - “Why did you do that?” Rebekah asked.
  - “Well you heard her she doesn’t want to help.” Kol replies.
  - “That was the fifth witch you killed in the past week. Are you going to kill everyone who doesn’t want to help you?” Rebekah asked.
  - “Yes, I will. Do you have a problem with that?” Kol asked.
  - “If other witches find out what you do to those who don’t want to help you they will hate you..” Rebekah began saying.
  - “Or they will fear me and they will be willing to help.” Kol corrected her, “And what did you do in the past two days? Sat there and did nothing.”
  - “Oh please Kol, I offered you help and you told me to stay away.” Rebekah told him, “What do you want from me?”
  - “Exactly that, to stay away and not bother me, but you’re still here.” Kol exclaimed, “You know what? I’ll stay away from you.” Then he ran off and Rebekah hasn't seen him since then.
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
  - “Of course you choose the biggest house in the city.” Kai remarks when he finds Natali.
  - “I actually lived in this house while Kol and I were in Mystic Falls, it was the house of his brother Klaus.” Natali tells him.
  - “Soo, do you have any idea how to get out of the prison world?” Kai asked while looking around.
  - “I don’t have an idea. You’re the one who was once trapped in the prison world, how did you escape?” Natali questioned.
  - “Well, twice actually.” Kai corrected her, “I had the ascendant, a celestial event and Bennett blood.”
  - “There is a full moon every night here. Is that enough?” Natali asked.
  - “That’s not enough to boost the power and we don’t have Bennett blood.” Kai tells her.
  - “I will find a way to get us out of here without Bennett blood, and as for boosting the power I’m sure we can find something else.” Natali told him.
  - “What else?” Kai asked.
  - “We will need to go to New Orleans, I have things that we need there.” Natali tells him.
When they arrived in New Orleans they went to Fangtasia where Natali still had things that they needed. 
  - “What is this, a strip club?” Kai asked, seeing a stage with a pole for dancing.
  - “Sort of.” Natali tells him, “I like to dance there.” she added pointing at the stage.
  - “So you are a vampire stripper.” Kai remarks.
  - “I’m not a stripper. It’s called pole dance.” Natali informed him, “But vampires come here and they can compel humans to do whatever they want for them.
  - “I wouldn’t mind either of those.” Kai tells her and smirks.
  - Natali smirks and rolls her eyes, “Anyway, let’s get back to why we came here. Follow me.” She then continued to walk towards the stairs and Kai followed her down to her secret room.
She cut her wrist open and poured blood on the door saying a spell to open them.
  - “So what exactly do we need from here?” Kai asked.
  - “Dark objects.” Natali tells him and points at the shelf's where they were placed, “Everything you see here is made thanks to dark magic.”
  - Kai took the cuffs that were hanging on the wall, “You think this will help? I know only one good way to use this for.”
  - Natali rolls her eyes, “Are you really going to think about that right now?” 
  - Kai shrugs, “Well what else? There is not enough dark magic for both of us.”
  - “We didn’t even try.” Natali tells him.
  - “I know it won’t work, we wasted our time.” Kai says.
  - “If you are so smart you wouldn’t end up locked here for the third time.” Natali told him.
  - “And what about you? You let Bonnie outsmart you.” Kai shot back, “You basically locked yourself here.”
  - Natali sighted and crossed her arms, “So do you have any better plan?”
  - “I say we don’t waste dark magic right now, we need to gather more information on how we can escape.” Kai tells her, “Do you have any books here?”
  - “I have a lot of ancient books, but they are all in my secret library in Saint Tropez.” Natali told him.
  - “Well, that’s just great. How are we gonna get to Saint Tropez?” Kai asked.
  - “Well lucky for you, you are trapped here with a girl who knows how to fly a helicopter.” Natali informed him.
  - Kai smiles, “Yeah, lucky me.”
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
  - “So you said that your coven trapped you here the first time because you were different?” Natali questioned.
  - “Well technically they trapped me here because I killed my siblings and because I was different.” Kai told her.
  - “Siblings? How many?” Natali asked.
  - “Four and failed to kill my twin sister and the other two. ” Kai told her, “But I killed them when I escaped the prison world.
  - “Well we have more things in common.” Natali says.
  - “Did you finish off your sister?” Kai asked.
  - Natali nods, “I did. Too bad I can’t torture her in hell right now.”
  - “What do you think happened to hell now when you’re here?” Kai questioned.
  - “I have no idea. I guess we’ll see when we get back.” Natali told him, “Anyway, did you say you had a twin sister?”
  - “Yes, why?” Kai asked.
  - “So your coven was actually a gemini coven, huh?” Natali said.
  - “Oh, you’ve heard of it?” Kai asked.
  - “Well, of course I did, that coven exists because of me.” Natali tells him.
  - “Really? How so?” Kai asked.
It’s been a week since Natali killed a woman she was staying with and people began to notice that she’s nowhere to be seen. One day Natali heard knocking at the front door and she heard a woman's voice calling out for someone to open the door. Natali walked towards the door and opened them.
  - “Where is she?” A woman asked, not taking her eyes off of Natali.
  - “Who?” Natali replied. 
  - “Helen, a woman you were staying with.” Woman told her.
  - “I don’t know, I haven’t seen her in a week.” Natali tells her.
  - A woman frowns for a moment, “And that didn’t concern you?”
  - “It did. I was looking for her, but I couldn’t find her.” Natali replies.
  - “Then you should've come to me.” A woman told her.
  - “And if I may know, who are you?” Natali asked.
  - “I’m Juliette.” A woman replied, “People were concerned that they haven’t seen Helen in days, and they told me that there’s some new girl living with her.”
  - When Natali heard her name, she realized that she was a sister of her mother, who was now a coven leader, so she introduced herself, “Oh, my name is Natali.”
  - “I’m glad we met, can I come in?” Juliette asked.
Then Natali let her inside of the house and they sat together in the living room.
  - “So, how do you know Helen?” Juliette asked.
  - “I was just passing through here when I met her, she told me that I can stay with her for a few days.” Natali said.
  - “But you've been here for a month, right?” Juliette asked.
  - “Yeah, I think it’s already been a month.” Natali replied.
  - “And you’re not scared to stay here alone? Close to the woods?” Juliette asked.
  - “Why would I be scared?” Natali asked back.
  - “I’ve heard that there’s some strange things happening around here. It’s not just Helen that is missing, a few other of my people are missing too. It started happening just after Helen disappeared.” Juliette informed her.
  - That was when Natali knew she wasn’t careful enough, “I didn’t know that. Maybe I should move somewhere else.” she says.
  - “Maybe if you move my coven will be a safe place again.” Juliette replied.
  - “A coven? What’s that supposed to mean?” Natali questioned.
  - “Let’s not pretend that you don’t know what coven is and I won’t pretend that I don’t know exactly who you are.” Juliette told her.
  - “And who am I?” Natali asked.
  - “Don’t you think I wouldn’t recognize my sister's daughter, you look so much like her.” Juliette tells her, “And that name Natali, that was the name she was planning on giving you.”
  - Natali smiles, “You got me.”
  - “I had a feeling that she lied when she told me that you died at birth.” Juliette told her.
  - “I mean I would die anyway, isn’t that right?” Natali questioned.
  - “That’s right. Your kind is not welcomed here.” Juliette replied.
  - Natali laughs, “My kind? I’m not so different than you.” 
  - “If you’re not different you wouldn't kill people. The same thing repeats itself.” Juliette says.
  - “What do you mean by that?” Natali asked.
  - “When I was young there was one boy who was born just like you, everyone treated him like he was human, but when he got older he realized that he could siphon powers from other witches and he didn’t stop until they were dead and he had all of their power in himself. And that was the day when this coven swore to kill anyone who wasn't born with their powers.” Juliette tells her, “That's exactly what you’re doing. That’s why Helen and others are dead.”
  - “Well, you see, you’re not quite right.” Natali tells her, “I draw my powers for something else.” 
Juliette could then see Natali’s eyes turning dark red, veins appeared under her eyes and a pair of big, sharp fangs aiming at her bare neck . Her blue eyes were staring at the beast in front of her in terror. She never saw anything like that.
  - “What kind of demonic creature are you?” Juliette asked.
  - “The kind you’ll regret messing with.” Natali tells her and takes a step closer.
Juliette reacted quickly and used her powers to push Natali and she hit a wall, but for her it was like nothing even happened. She was getting stronger by the day. She was getting more powerful when she fed on humans everyday.
Juliette tried to take advantage of the moment and escape but Natali used her powers to closer the door shut.
  - “See, I don’t need to siphon powers from you.” Natali tells her, “Doesn’t that make me just like you?”
  - Juliette turns towards Natali, “No, you are a monster.”
  - “Aren’t we all?” Natali says, “You’re a monster too, you kill innocent children just because you’re afraid of them and because we are different.” then she flashed just in front of her and grabbed her neck saying, “Now you’ll get what you deserve.”
⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡ ⚜ ✡
  - “And that was how I killed my mother's sister and after that I took over the coven and threw out anyone who didn’t want to follow my rules.” Natali said to Kai, “The gemini coven was created at some point.”
  - “Well we are definitely the same.” Kai stated.
  - “We do what we need to survive.” Natali tells him and Kai couldn’t agree more.
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Tags: @mikaelsonsmagic   @p3nny4urth0ught5   @cute-freak27   @ias-born  @superhalsteads  @characterobsessed   @hinata7346   @luiza-4-ever  @huntress1428  @infiniteoblivion21 @watersenthusiast
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stephkaylor · 4 years
FAVES and FAILS: The Vampire Diaries
So I have decided that since The Vampire Diaries has a spin off, The Originals, I am going to divide the characters based on where they appeared the most. So on this list I will be talking about the Salvatores, the Petrova/Gilbert line, the Bennets and Caroline, etc. but I will discuss the Mikaelsons, Hayley, etc. on their own list with the other characters that appeared on The Originals mostly. As always, spoilers are abound as I will discuss storylines and character arcs below, so be warned of that.  In any case, here’s my FAVES and FAILS for The Vampire Diaries. 
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Could it be anyone else? I don’t think so. He’s a delightful little sociopathic shit and I love everything about him. He is 99% id and 1% ego, if that, and even when I hated him, I loved him (god, I sound like Elena…). In any case, love this man, five stars, would recommend, chef’s kiss. 
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Ugh, it’s hard to pick between Matt, Tyler, and Jeremy, but I think it has to be Matt. I never enjoyed his judgey attitude against everything supernatural, he seemed pretty whiney most of the time, and he was just genuinely uninteresting for the majority of the show.  Not into it. Pass.
FAVORITE FEMALE CHARACTER: Katherine Pierce (Katarina Petrova)
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I thought about giving this post to Caroline by default, but if it comes down to it, Katherine nudges her way into the top spot. Katherine gave no fucks, knew what she wanted and was unapologetic about how she went about getting it, and an all around bad bitch. Was she primarily evil? Yes. But, to be honest, it never really bothered me. 
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God, this woman was annoying. She was hypocritical, judgmental, and far too holier than thou for me to swallow her bullshit. She constantly played favorites with Caroline and Elena (I’m sorry, you hold Caroline becoming a vampire against her for like two seasons, but when Elena becomes one, it’s not her fault? Sure.). She hated all supernatural creatures because they “go against nature”, but it’s totally chill for you to perform sacrificial magic to get what you want, unleashing a terrible evil in the process (but it’s not her fault). How she nearly excommunicated Caroline just because she stayed with Stefan after Stefan killed Enzo, as if it was her fault in any way. How everyone treated her like she was a special little unicorn because she’s a Bennet Witch and she’s so magical, like, please, gag me. I could go on, but I honestly cannot be bothered. Hard pass. 
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She was essentially shunned by all of her friends and family for becoming a vampire, even though she didn’t choose to become one at all. Also, she was basically used as collateral damage for the entire Salvatores and Gilberts versus The Mikaelsons debacle just because Klaus liked her. She was always the second choice no matter what the situation was (unless it’s her being impregnated with magical twins without her consent and then guilted into carrying the babies, but poor Alaric just lost his wife. I’m sorry, unless it’s your uterus, shut the fuck up). I’ll just be over here doing what exactly NO ONE on the show did, and pick Caroline first.
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I couldn’t pick Matt twice, so Tyler, I guess. He was selfish, a terrible boyfriend to both Caroline and also Liv later, and if I have to hear that boy whine about his fucking sire bond one more time I will literally throw my laptop off of a bridge. 
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Honestly, he’s one of the one things that made the last few seasons of the show bearable.  His delightful British rogue was a lovely way to fill the void that the Mikaelsons left in my heart, his devil-may-care attitude was man-made-manifest of what I was always thinking while watching the show, his BFF relationship with Damon and later Caroline was a joy to watch, and he was way too good for Bonnie. 
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He is marginally more bearable right now on Legacies, but he annoyed the shit out of me while he was on the first show. Does he hate vampires or is he best friends with them? Does he want to be a hunter or does he want to stay away from anything supernatural of any kind? Also, he (along with nearly everyone else) basically guilted Caroline into carrying his magical siphoner babies, which is a touch too icky for me…
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Could it be anyone else? I never shipped Stelena, as I found both Stefan annoying and Elena too woe-is-me while she was with him. She made Damon want to be a better person and he made her embrace who she really was, monster and all. They had a perfect balance between themselves, and it was a joy to watch. He got the girl, guys. 
SHIP YOU JUST WERE’N THAT INTO: Steroline (Stefan and Caroline)
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They were just too…meh. I was entirely uninterested in them, whatsoever, and isn’t that even worse than a ship that you hate? I used their scenes for a bathroom break or to get a snack, as I was guaranteed to miss nothing interesting or important while they were on screen. 
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What does it say about me that all of my favorite characters are violent psychopaths…? I’m just going to leave that to be unpacked with the future therapists I’m bound to hire. Kai was the perfect evil. He was powerful, purposeful, and unapologetically demonic in the very best way. I could watch him terrorize my favorite characters forever and not get bored.  Perfection.
FAVORITE STORYLINE: Stefan and Damon’s Brotherhood
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If you don’t think this is what the show was about at it’s core, you’re wrong. They loved each other, they hated each other, they died for each other, they killed for each other, and, ultimately, they let nothing and nobody come between them. If you asked me who Damon loved more, Elena or Stefan, I COULD NOT answer you, and isn’t that just the fucking point?!
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I know that a major reason this was even a storyline is because Candice Accola got pregnant, but still…how? Like…she is a vampire..? She is unable to biologically change…? Like can someone grab me a biology textbook and explain how this a thing that can happen BIOLOGICALLY, please? I get that they are mythical creatures, so science doesn’t mean much here, but it just doesn’t make sense in any universe. Also, as I said above, the fact that Caroline was impregnated without her consent and then largely guilted into carrying the babies is a touch too rape-y for me…
BIGGEST PLOTHOLE: Do they go to school, or…? 
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Like, are they just compelling the teachers to not notice them not attending class like 90% off the time? Also, how do the people in Mystic Falls not know anything about the supernatural? Like, they aren’t subtle AT ALL so how do they keep sliding under the radar? Also, in a lesser way, how are hybrid witch/vampires a thing? Like, I thought if a witch dies (like they would have to if they become a vampire), they lose their magic…?Make it make sense, Julie!
MOST HEARTBREAKING MOMENT: Damon Dies (the first time)
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Honestly one of the saddest moments in the entire series was Damon’s ghost watching Elena lose it when he doesn’t make it back from the Other Side. They were finally happy and together and they can only enjoy it for like five minutes before it goes to shit. Why, Julie??!
BIGGEST EYEROLL MOMENT: Magical Babies (again)
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I try to not use something twice on this list but COME ON. This was ridiculous and I do not support this in any way.  (Also this twin bullshit is still fucking annoying on Legacies, if anyone was wondering).
MOST SHOCKING MOMENT (any spit-takes?): Elena forces Kathrine to take The Cure
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This was one of the moments that I literally gasped aloud. Most of the time the foreshadowing on these shows is seen from miles away, but I honestly did not see this coming at all. Also, Kathrine was basically the LAST person who wanted that cure so it’s crazy that she was the one to end up taking it and turning human.
MOST BADASS MOMENT: Kathrine kisses Damon at the end of Season 1
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Like I said before, she is the original BAD BITCH of the show (not an actual Original, but you know what I mean…) and this was an amazing entry for the character who would be, largely, the villain of the series. It played on the feelings that Damon is developing for Elena, it finally introduced the person who started it all for the Salvatores, and it showed us exactly who she is at her core, and that she isn’t sorry about it at all.
SERIES FINALE SATISFACTORY LEVEL (use no words, just gifs):
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OVERALL MARKS OUT OF TEN (10 being this show has changed your life for the better, you happily rewatch the series over and over, and the show has made your life better in some way. 1 being this show gave you nothing but trust issues, a stomach ulcer, and high blood pressure, and you honestly do not know why you did this to yourself) 
7 out of 10. 
I look back on The Vampire Diaries with the kind of fondness that only comes from a bizarre mix of nostalgia and incredulity. When scenes from this series show up on my instagram feed or on my Youtube recommended page, an involuntary smile creeps across my face without me realizing. I could do without like half of the characters and some entire seasons were completely unnecessary to watch, but it gave me some of my very favorite characters and ships, and spawned an entire universe that I still enjoy to this day. This magical, crazy, beautiful world was a joy to experience, even when it made me want to beat my head against a wall at least once per season.
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If you want to see the other ones I have made, here's the original post with links. x  Hope you like these! (I say to probably no one...)
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boat-dock · 4 years
“Knowing You is for the Better” part 15
Just some good ole Mikaelson family drama 
The room was quiet and stiff as the twins laid sick with nothing more than a head cold and a low-grade fever. While her sister slept soundly across the room, Josie sat trying and failing to do school work. She hated being cooped up in her room, she felt useless, the only thing she could do to feel productive was homework. However, her pounding headache wasn’t making it any easier. 
With a sigh of frustration, she discarded her books and stood from her bed and walked to the window. She threw open the curtains hoping to brighten the room and make her solitude slightly more bearable, however, she found outside was just as dreary and dark as their sick filled room. 
The sky was grey and the wind was licking through the trees violently. With a sudden strange need to feel the wind on her face, Josie cracked the window letting in a cool breeze. 
The air feels strange and thick. Not at all refreshing like she had hoped, but it did wake her up in a completely unexpected way. It was laced with magic, enough to make her skin tingle. The familiarity of it washed over her, and she realized that she recognized the magic. After all, she’d siphoned enough magic from Hope over the years to grow accustomed to how it felt. She lifted her hands and started siphoning magic from the air, she’d never done anything like this before, it was a strange revelation, but one that she couldn’t focus on right now. 
What was happening that would cause Hope to be using this much magic? She was aware that Hope could have strange effects on the weather when she was upset or losing control, something must be going down and Josie wasn’t going to sit by and do nothing. She snapped the window closed and glanced at the still sleeping Lizzie as she slipped from the room. While Josie was feeling slightly under the weather, it was her sister who was truly sick, she simply had twin sympathy pains, she chose to take time off school to take care of her twin since their mother and father were busy running the school and still searching for a way to stop the steadily approaching merge. If “faking” being sick meant she got to spend more time with her sister than it was completely worth it. 
She felt slightly guilty slipping away to go check on her girlfriend but she desperately needed to get out of that room and if Hope needed her then that was worth it too. She kept her distance from people as she made her way down the stairs, suddenly very aware that she was still in her pajamas and that her hair hadn’t been brushed in two days. She pushed her insecurities aside and rounded a corner. 
Sitting in front of the fireplace in the room across from the main door were Keelin, Raf, Landon, and a man that Josie didn’t recognize. Josie immediately warmed at the sight of Hope’s aunt, of all of her various relatives Keelin was one of the easiest to talk to and just generally the least intimidating, of all the possible Mikaelsons she could have run into she was glad it was her. 
Keelin saw and grinned, “ Josie, it’s good to see you, are you feeling better?” 
Josie ignored the question and got straight to the point,” Keelin I think something’s going on outside,” the woman’s smile faded and she stood with a worried look on her face as she moved to look out the nearby window. 
She sighed upon seeing the worsening weather outside but didn’t seem overly worried, which Josie found strangely reassuring. “What is it?” Rafael asked, craning his neck to see out the window. 
“They’re fighting,” she mumbles, not taking her eyes off the sky.
“Who’s fighting?” Josie asked, worry seeping into her voice. Her legs felt weak and shaky, Josie wanted to believe that it was from her lingering cold.
Landon piped up,” Hope and Freya?” and Josie’s confusion only grows. Were some straight answers really too much to ask? Her headache returns tenfold, with a steady thumping behind her eyes. 
“Why?” she gasped, her voice strained from congestion,” What’s going on?” 
Keelin turned back to them, her lips pursed,” there was an incident this morning,” whatever the incident was Keelin was obviously not happy about it. Josie didn’t have to be a genius to read her tense body language, crossed arms, and the slightly dangerous glint in her eyes, but it didn’t seem that she was going to elaborate,” Freya and Hope went outside to try and talk it through but it doesn’t seem to be going so well.” Josie let herself sit down on the couch next to Landon.
“Do their fights normally go like this?” asked the man who Josie didn’t know, motioning outside. 
“Some days are better than others,” Keelin says,” but I’m sorry you had to see them on a bad day.”  with that she excused herself and headed outside to break up the fight before it got any worse. Josie didn’t think twice before following her outside and the others strangely did the same.
The second she stepped outside the sheer amount of magic hit her like a truck, it seemed to seep through her pores, causing her skin to tingle and vibrate. She jerked slightly, pulling herself back together as they plunged into the woods. The magic pulled her, she could feel it like a string, it grew thicker the closer they got to where Hope and Freya were. She followed close behind Keelin assuming that the wolf was using her advanced senses to sniff out her family. The boys behind her seemed to be growing more and more uncomfortable. 
As the two Mikaelsons appeared in the distance, Josie could feel the magic coming in waves and hear the shouting. Hope was waving her hands in frustration and fury wrapped around Freya like an intense darkness. Not for the first time, Josie wondered what could have happened this morning to cause this hostility. 
Josie’s hands glowed red as she started to siphon the magic, slowly clearing the air. The words they were shouting became louder. “Don’t you think enough people have died because of me already?” Hope cried and Josie’s heart sunk in her chest. 
“He hurt you, Hope,” Freya growled,” He doesn’t deserve to live. He doesn’t get to live.” Her words were so frank that it almost seemed that this was a normal fight between relatives and not a death sentence. Realization washed over Josie that they were discussing the mayor. They pushed forward making themselves known. 
“You don’t get to make that decision,” Hope whimpered, then she turned and her eyes locked with Josie’s, deep and blue and broken, for a moment before she turned and fled further into the woods. 
Josie started to go after her, but Keelin grabbed her arm,” give her a minute,” she mumbled before turning her attention to her wife, who was fuming. Keelin’s face was skillfully neutral, she obviously was used to being a calming force and voice of reason in the family,” That’s enough Freya,” she said quietly, taking her hands in her own. 
“No, this is not something I will just let go, it goes against everything I stand for,” Freya almost sounded desperate. 
“I know but if Hope doesn’t want this then we should leave it be,” that might’ve been enough to deescalate the situation if Rafael hadn’t decided to pipe up.
“What gives you the right to go around killing people anyway?” he asked somewhere between smug and curious. Josie took a moment to feel sympathy for him, not only was he struggling with trying to get to know a new family, but he was also trying to navigate the strange and sometimes hostile relationship between the Mikaelsons. Josie had always heard stories of the family and had grown up with Hope and she still struggled to understand how they worked and communicated. 
Freya’s eyes flared dangerously and she spoke without thought,” No one hurts one of my children, I don’t care who they are,” Keelin placed herself between the young werewolf and the angry Mikaelson with murder on her mind,” I would rather watch the world burn then let one of them get treated like I did.” to most that comment wouldn’t mean much, but Josie was more familiar with the tragic history of the Mikaelson family than most. She knew how much fighting had been done to keep Hope safe and how much was sacrificed. 
“I know- I know,” Keelin said,” But look around Freya, she’s safe and happy and I know you don’t want to hear this but she is an adult.” Freya scoffed loudly. 
“She’s eighteen.” 
“Yes which means she’s old enough to make her own choices.” Keelin was making headway but Freya didn’t seem too happy about it,” you fought for her to have this life, now it’s time to let her live it.” 
For the first time since they got there, the trees were quiet around them as magic drained from the air, leaving Josie feeling strangely empty. Freya’s eyes slipped closed like she was deep in thought. She released a breath, “ I should go find her,” Freya sighed. 
“No,” Keelin interjected,” you go back to the school and check on Nik and I will go check on Hope.” an exhausted Freya didn’t argue, she pressed a kiss to her wife’s cheek and turned back to the school, the guys followed her after a pointed look from Josie.
They walked in silence until they found Hope at the clubhouse, sitting on the steps, her cheeks wet. She didn’t look up as she heard them approaching, she’d no doubt heard everything that had just gone down and had every right to be upset. They joined her on the steps and Josie slipped her hand into Hope’s choosing to stay quiet. 
“I’m fine,” Hope said after a moment giving Josie’s hand a small squeeze, before turning her attention to Keelin,” Is she ok?” 
“She’s calmer now, but I don’t know if that will stop her.” the words sunk like stones and Josie tried to come to terms with the mayor potentially dying soon and at Freya's hand. “...Hope I want you to know how proud of you I am,” she said and the tribrid’s eyes snapped up. 
“What?” she asked.
Keelin smiles to herself and bumps her shoulder against her niece affectionately, “you know once upon a time I took an oath to do no harm, and I know that I haven’t exactly held that up but I think you are trying to do a good thing here.” 
“Not that it’s going to do any good,” Hope commented, and Josie dropped her head onto her girlfriend’s shoulder, trying to offer support but not wanting to interrupt the moment between them. 
She hated seeing Hope this upset and conflicted. “Honestly Hope, I wouldn’t care if the guy died, he is a grown man who killed a teenage girl who was helping them, if you decided he needed to die I wouldn’t care,” Hope laughed slightly, a welcomed sound in the tense room, “but I think it says a lot about you that you don’t want him to die.” tears were forming in Hope’s eyes and Josie was fighting them off herself. 
Today had taken an abrupt turn from when she was sitting alone in her room trying to do homework to now sitting here comforting her girlfriend who was upset about the impending death of the man who had killed her. What a strange day. Warmth rushed to her cheeks as she imagined a lifetime of strange days like this with Hope. Hope had a thousand lifetimes to live, while Josie only had a number of years left. What a story, the girl who wouldn’t live past 22 and the all powerful immortal tribrid, star crossed lovers. No, star crossed wasn’t the right word, they were doomed.
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chriswoodfandom · 5 years
Chris should do what he wants to do!
If he does not want to play Kai Parker again then he shouldn’t.
But from a financial and career progression perspective it would be smart to leverage the position of power he is in. Julie Plec wants him back. He could probably write his own ticket, be paid well for a minimum amount of work over several seasons and also get to direct an episode of Legacies and/or Roswell each year if he wanted to. 
Chris could negotiate to come back as a guest star for only two episodes at the end of season 2 where Josie and Lizzie somehow communicate with him in the prison world, where he promises to help them avoid the merge if they let him out but that he will find a way to hunt down and kill whoever survives the merge if they do not. 
Then Kai could escape from the prison world at some point in season 3 or 4, where nobody knows if he escaped by himself or if he was helped by Alaric, Hope, Josie, Lizzie, Valerie, Bonnie, or another supernatural with an agenda. After all the current Gemini coven leader must have a role to play in the merge ceremony. The search for Kai could then be the main story for an entire season, where they still do not know if he is the main threat or their only hope of avoiding the merge. That would create tension between the main characters. This would only require short cameos by Chris in different episodes, that could be shot within a few days for an entire season, but he could still be a recurring character for the season to get paid better and keep up the suspense on the show. They could keep this going all the way to the merge and only then would we know if Kai would be the hero or villain in this story.
I always thought that Kai had actually looked forward to the merge with his twin and favorite sister Jo ever since he was old enough to understand what the merge meant. He would finally get to have magic and power and not be the family outcast. He would be reborn “a better man” with the power and qualities of both himself and Jo. He obviously was not aware of the plan not to go through with the merge until the very end and totally flipped out and went on a murderous rampage killing his siblings in an effort to force the merge on Jo and punish his father/the Gemini coven for how they had treated him and robbing him of the merge and what it would mean.
I never really understood why Kai tried to kill the twins in season 8 (punishment for those who hurt him or taking out the competition/wiping out the Gemini coven?), what his deal with Katherine was, why he told Bonnie about Katherine, what effect the fact that he first merged with Luke, became coven leader, got sick and then received Jo’s magic when she was pregnant with the twins had on him (and them - did he receive also part of their magic? is this the reason they are siphons?), plus the fact that he is the first Gemini coven leader who is a siphon/heretic vampire and who has returned to the land of the (un)living from hell. Also what does he as coven leader knows about the merge?
I also never understood why the Heretics never once mentioned Kai and his demise in season 7, as he was their way out of the prison world and food source for months in the 1903 prison world. I am sure they would have bonded over their shared experience of being a) siphons, b) betrayed by the Mystic Falls gang, and 3) trapped in a prison world by the Gemini Coven for decades. I would think Valerie specifically. Lily gave him the sleeping beauty spell and her blood to become a heretic like them in return for getting her “family” out of the prison world. He was not allowed to hurt her sons but the Gemini coven were certainly considered fair game by the heretics.
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teamkaiforever · 6 years
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BATTLE SCARS                          - PART I
Kai Parker x Reader word count: 4 343/ reading time: 16 minutes summary: Almost a decade into the future after Kai is left in a new Prison World, Reader is trying to get him back to the real world with the help of some of the most powerful witches history has ever known. *gif by me ________________________________
Having her world crash and burn before her eyes for the third time in a row these past few years was the last thing she had thought would happen. Thought hadn’t crossed her mind that it would be her friends, people she considered family, who caused it again. Especially since they knew how hard it was for her to make it through these past few years without him. A tear silently rolled down her cheek, her eyelids fluttering closed for a second. For four years every time she closed her eyes, she was right back at the wedding fiasco; his lifeless body laying on the ground before her, though his head was across the floor after Damon had killed him. A few seconds, she had only been a few seconds too late back then and it had happened again. The love of her life was back, against all odds, and she had lost him because of her friends who thought they were doing what was best for them and the people of Mystic Falls.
   “How could you?” she opened her eyes, looking at her best friend and distant cousin Bonnie. “You know what he means to me –“
Bonnie took a few steps towards her, reaching to touch her hand but she pulled away. “I had to. Kai… he was too far gone this time. He tried to kill Lizzy and Josie and then went after Alaric –“
Lizzy and Josie, Y/N thought. Four years they had been the closest link to him she has had and now they were the reason he was gone again. Yet, she couldn’t bring herself to blame them because it wasn’t their fault. “Kai never would’ve gone after them if the two idiot heroes hadn’t decided to bring him to the Armory! You are a witch, same as me. Don’t tell me you’ve never felt the magic there! Witches literally siphon it without trying. What did they think was gonna happen bringing a siphoner there?!”
     “We needed the dagger to kill Cade –“ said Bonnie.
     “And you got it! You got the freaking bone dagger! Why did you have to take Kai away and lock him up?!” Y/N jumped up to her feet, the lights all around them flickering more and more with each second. “We were leaving anyways. I was at the bar with him. I – I went to the bathroom, left him alone for 5 seconds and you—you took him away!”
     “It was for the best –“
     “Send me there.”
     “Please, Bonnie. I – I need to see him. One last time.” she pleaded. “I have to at least say goodbye to him.”
     “You want me to send you there so you can get him free –“
     “Bonnie –“
     “I won’t let that happen. He is where he deserves to be –“
Y/N grabbed Bonnie’s wrists. “Send me there, Bonnie Bennett –“
     “No.” he friend repeated. “There is no way I will unleash him on Earth after putting him when he should be. You are better off without him! Look at everything you’ve accomplished during those four years – you graduated college. Got a job you love. There was even this guy who seemed to be turning into something more. You have friends who care about you more than anything and then he came back –“
Y/N laughed. “Friends who care about me more than anything?” she put air quotes around the words. “Really? If that were true, I’d be in a car across the country with Kai right now. Or at least I’d have some closure after they allowed me to say goodbye this time. Oh wait – neither of you thought Kai and I deserved that! You always know best. Is that it?”
     “Please Y/N –“ he friend pleaded with him. “You have to understand why I did what I did.”
     “I understand. I understand you always saw Kai as a threat even though I know he never acted against you until you fired the first shot, wanting to leave him in 1994 when you sent Saint Damon back.” Y/N snapped, taking a step closer. “I understand that him stabbing you and leaving you there alone hurt like hell and I don’t blame you for wanting him to suffer. But what you went through is nothing compared to what he went through.”
     “Did you really just –“
     “Just listen to me and do something you should’ve done a long time ago. Put yourself in his shoes. Imagine being born in this family where everyone has powers but you. Then discovering you are something special, something that happens so rarely in the coven and instead of your family accepting you for being different… labeling you as an abomination –”
     “Y/N –“
     “–over something you have no control whatsoever in the first place! Imagine your parents deciding you are not fit to be a leader because you are different. Imagine the people who are supposed to love you no matter what replacing you with another set of twins and isolating you. I would’ve snapped. Anyone would’ve and I am in no way excusing his actions, but I understand why he did what he did.” Y/N wiped a tear from her cheek, noticing a slight change in Bonnie’s eyes.  “Now imagine being sent in a magical prison by your own family, being forced to relive the same day over and over again. Spending 18 years completely alone. Not a few months. Two whole decades!” Y/N crossed her hands on her chest, feeling tears dropping to her arms. “How do you think he felt? No PTSD from the way he was being treated? For being abandoned? No nothing?!” Y/N shook her blinked fast, trying to stop the tears. Bonnie stared at her feet for a moment and looked up at her with the same defiance as ever. “None of this would’ve happened if you hadn’t fired the first shot.”
     “He murdered his siblings! It was his punishment –“
     “Spare me. Okay? Damon has done worse and at the time, you thought he had killed a pregnant woman. Yet you sent him back?!” Y/N shrugged her shoulders in confusion. “You forgave Damon for nearly killing you. Forgave him for every stupid thing he has done to you. To all of our friends. Remember when he nearly killed Caroline? When his obsession with getting Katherine back resulted in Grams dying –“
“ – and all the Tomb vampires being unleashed? And Kai? What about him? He knows he has made mistakes but he tried to make up for it. Bonnie, he nearly died to try and get you out of 1994! Meaning Liv almost died. Jo almost died. Every single Gemini almost died and he was willing to risk it just to get you back to your friends! I was there! Did he get a thank you? No. Then, when he tried to make it right again and help you and tweedle Dumber, you stabbed him in the back and left him alone. You left him alone!!!”
Y/N shouted, her scream colliding with a magic blast so hard all the windows and everything made of glass shattered around them in pieces. Her anger and every single emotion she felt was more than she could control this time. To find what your heart and soul has yearned for all your life, to lose it repeatedly, get it back by some spectacular miracle, and have it taken away by people who are your family? This betrayal hurt more than she could’ve fathomed.
     “I can’t stay here.” she whispered more than herself than to Bonnie, who was just getting up from the floor. “I won’t. There is nothing left for me. Not anymore.”
      “Where are you going?” her friend asked, watching Y/N run around her spall apartment; tossing clothes in a suitcase without even looking. “Talk to me.”
Y/N glared at her. “You know where.”
     “Do you really think running away to New Orleans will fix things?”
     “I’m not running away. I am leaving behind the people who left me behind on the most important decisions about my future. The Mikaelson’s might be dysfunctional but at least they stick together no matter what.”
Bonnie ran her fingers through her hair and reached in her pocket, pulling out the Ascendant. No part of her wanted to lose her friend after all the losses they had suffered.  “You saw good in him, and there might be still some good left if he is capable of carrying for you in any way.” she thought back to what Kai had told her a little before she had left him. “I um, I’m sorry for putting you into so much pain. I’d hate to lose the only family I have left –”
Y/N’s eyes widened at the sight at the Ascendant. “Is that –“
    “The Ascendant?” Bonnie waved it before her for a second. “Yes. You are right. You both are.” she said quietly. “You deserve to at least be able to say goodbye to him this time.”
Y/N’s lips twitched for a second at the thought of seeing him again. But how does one say goodbye to the person they love the most and then leave them behind to be stuck in a magical prison for all eternity? Alone? Even when she had said she just wants to say goodbye, a part of her knew she wasn’t being honest because deep down she knew – being trapped for all eternity with him would be less of a hell-ish experience for the both of them than living her life in the real world while he is there all alone. Saying ‘yes’, being sent there… it would be her only chance to get him back. But what if her friend was tricking her? What if… she could get him out on her own?
     “Thank you, Bonnie.” she gave her friend a small smile and raised her hand in the air, pulling the Ascendant towards her with magic. A second later she muttered ‘Motus’, making Bonnie’s body fly against the wall before she fell down on the ground unconscious. Her fingers wrapped around the Ascendant and she smiled to herself, hardly being able to believe the key to getting the love of her life back was literally in her hands. “I’m gonna get you back. I promise. However long it takes.”
Y/N took a shallow breath, her lips moving almost silently as she muttered the spell while she held the Ascendant with one hand and allowed drops of her blood to fall down on it from the other. Sage burned around her, candles lit all around the small bell tower at the church where she and one of her closest friends were using as a space to practice magic in the Quarter.
It had been almost a whole decade since she left Mystic Falls behind and even though when she had arrived in New Orleans, things hadn’t been exactly how she had thought they would be, this had been the best decision she has ever made. Walking into the compound that day, she had found the Mikaelson’s in crisis and her plans to ask Freya for help, had been put on hold for a while. Though helping her friends never stopped her from trying to get Kai back.
At first she had tried on her own, again and again. Failing every single time. Later on Freya had joined her, telling her what she had known about spells resembling the Prison World spell. Years went by, barely sleeping, barely eating while she used every drop of her power to get to him. Holding onto the moments they had shared – remembering his smile, his eyes in complete detail. Making sure to retain every single imagine in her mind and not let any of the memories they had shared slip away.
As the first decade ended, a part of her felt completely shattered.  There was no sense as to why she couldn’t go to the Prison World, why she and her best friend Freya Mikaelson couldn’t find their way in despite their tireless efforts. Her blood was supposed to be enough for the spell to allow her to at least see him and get a message that she hasn’t forgotten even for a second about him or how she felt about him. But it seemed nothing worked the way it was supposed to. All those eclipses, comets… and nothing.
    “How long have you been at it this time?” Freya asked.
Y/N opened her eyes and looked at her friend, leaning against the wall. “About the same time you’ve been trying to get the Hollow out of your siblings. I just… I don’t understand –“ she glanced between her friend, who took a few steps towards her, and the Ascendant. “It’s supposed to work! I am a Bennett, sort of, but it should be enough for me to at least get a message to him. I–”
Freya took the Ascendant from her hands and left it on the table. “It’s not working because you are exhausting yourself. You need to rest, gather up your strength –“
   “I can’t!” she grabbed the Ascendant again. “Freya, I – I spent four years mourning him. Acting as if I were getting better, convincing everyone else but myself and when he came back to me and I finally felt whole again, I lost him all over again. I don’t even know if he is alive in there.”
   “He is.” her friend said reassuringly. “From what you told me, he was free from Hell before it got destroyed by your friends –“
   “They are not my friends.”
��  “– and destroying the dimension shouldn’t have had any effects on him in the Prison World. He might be desiccated but other than that, he is alright. I feel it in my heart.” she smiled reassuringly. “I um, maybe we should ask Vincent for help.”
   “Vincent? You want us to ask Vincent for help about how to let out a vampire/witch hybrid out of a Prison World after he massacred his entire coven and tried to kill two little girls?”
Freya glanced at her shoes. “When you put it that way, it doesn’t sound like the best idea. But yes?”
Y/N rolled her eyes in frustration and sighed. “He will try and kill him – wait.” she studied her face. “All this time and you never suggested that. Why are you suggesting it now?”
   “I –“ Freya smiled nervously. “I spoke to Keelin. It’s been such a long while she I last saw her and actually could touch her, I just want to go be with her. Just for a couple of months. But I don’t want to leave you doing this alone and unprotected. New Orleans is not safe –”
Y/N’s lips curled up into a smile. “I won’t be doing this alone and I certainly wouldn’t be unprotected. I have Hayley and Hope is a phone call away. Maybe she has some wild idea about how I can get him back.”
   “Oh, Hope has wild ideas.” Freya laughed; Y/N looked at her confused. “She got suspended for helping one of the Crescent boys at the School turn into a hybrid.”
   “Yep, that would do the trick.” she laughed, her eyes widening a little. “So um, Hope is coming home?” Freya nodded; Y/N felt a spark of hope at the thought. “Maybe she overheard something or learnt something we haven’t figured out on our own –“
Freya sighed. “Y/N, I – Kai wouldn’t want you to spend your life trying to get him back. He’d want you to live it.”
    “This isn’t for me. It’s for him.” she sat at the stairs, hiding her face in her hands for a moment. “His family rejected him for being an abomination, for something he had no say about whatsoever. Sounds familiar?”
      “It does.”
      “You told me about your time with Dhalia. How you longed for a real family. He never had anyone until we met and all he ever wanted was a family too. He found that with me and I can’t abandon him. What he and I have is… something that time cannot erase. Nothing can.” she pulled out her necklace. There was only one thing on it – one of Kai’s rings, which he had given her all those years ago. As long you have this, I will always be with you. he had said. You will never lose me. I promise. “And a part of me is trapped there with him. I have to get him out. Even if it kills me –”
Freya sat next to her, putting her arm around her shoulder.  “There is nothing we wouldn’t do for the ones we love. But you need to rest, gather up your strength and tomorrow we try again. Also, I believe Hope would really want to see you.” she got up, holding out her hand. “Come on.”
    “I have some cleaning up to do here.” Y/N got up, starting to pick up her things. “I’ll catch up. Promise.”
Freya stopped at the exit, muttered an ‘okay’ and left her to pick up her stuff. Only going after her to meet up with Hope and Hayley wasn’t Y/N’s first intention. Day in, day out she had been doing everything in her power to get the love of her life back. Giving up just wasn’t in her blood, neither was waiting or patience and the constant thought of him being alone there, possibly dead, wouldn’t let her rest.
    “One more time.” she said quietly to herself, making another cut on her palm. “I can go see Hope afterwards –“
Blood dripped down the Ascendant and she started the spell allowing all her love for him to enhance her magic. Memories of the two of them together flooded her mind from all directions – his smile, his eyes; the way he always looked at her when they were alone and even when they weren’t. The feeling of his lips against hers, their bodies colliding… For a moment, she felt almost happy, then the world spun around her as she remembered how they had both been cheated out of their happy ending and she stumbled, falling on the ground.
Instinctively her hand reached towards her no doubt bleeding nose and that’s when she noticed it – the cool breeze, the street lights. She got up, took a few steps down the dark street and froze in place seeing the clock tower. Mystic Falls. Almost a decade away and she was back home, not exactly home home but close enough. Everything looked exactly the same as she had last seen it –
    “Oh my God – I did it.” she smiled to herself, feeling tears run down her cheeks. “I DID IT! I’m here –”
Y/N jumped up and down like a little kid, barely able to contain her happiness in that moment. Might’ve taken her a decade but she had done it and she was about to see him again. Kai, she smiled wider. Her footsteps echoed in the empty town as she ran down the street, and another and another quite literally running towards where she knew he’d be. Like her heart was pulling her towards him, his ring around her neck glowing brighter with every second. She wondered what he’d look like, if he had changed or not. Would he pull her into his arms and never let her go, or think she were a hallucination like the countless ones he told her he had during his time in Hell?
She turned down the street and stopped in her tracks, realizing she was standing in front of her house. Nearly a decade since the last time she had seen this place, she had almost forgotten what it looked like. The large windows with the light blue flower curtains, the lights gleaming from the inside and the figure walking around, pacing. She ran up the porch and went inside, stepping into the living room and instantly looked for him but he wasn’t there. His footsteps up the stairs echoed in the empty house and she fought the urge to go after him.
He had been all by himself for so long, it would be such a surprise for him to find her there. She could almost see the look on his face when he sees her waiting for him downstairs. Meanwhile she looked around her old house. Seeing Kai’s things there felt so right, like that’s what her life was meant to be and once again she felt her heart being ripped out of her chest at the thought how she had been so close before she had been denied all of this.
As she looked around, she couldn’t help but notice the papers covering her usually completely clear desk and the wooden box with an unlocked lock on it filled with more papers, each folded like a letter with her name written on it. All except one. Her lips curled up into a smile at the sight of Kai’s writing and her eyes widened a little seeing the date. Same date as the day in the real world, the ink still wet on the paper –
Y/N, I miss you.
It has been almost 10 years since I last saw you and just like every day since I got free from that bar Bon Bon had me chained up in, I’ve been trying to get back to you. Obviously, I am still here but I will never stop trying. Not until you are back in my arms. That is all I want; to hold you in my arms again, to tell you how much I love you and every little thing about you. Because I do. I love everything, starting with the way you crinkle your nose when you are about to tell a lie to the way you nervously run your fingers through your hair and look away when you feel anxious or nervous about something. I miss this. I miss you. I miss you so much it hurts.
There is nothing more painful that I can imagine than being without you and now… I feel like I am back in Hell, only not Cade’s hellfire version but the real Hell. A world without you. This house, your house, is the closest thing to being with you I have. It’s the only place in this God forsaken town that feels like home. That’s why I chose it and moved in, like we talked so many times. I would love waking up next to you every day, and sometimes I think that’s exactly what happens. I can almost see you smile, feel you snuggle towards me… Hear you say my name.
You are the only thing keeping me from shutting it off or trying to kill myself again – I am not entirely sure I’d come back this time, if the rules are the same. You are not even here and you are still my anchor to humanity. How is this possible? Perhaps because you are everywhere in this house. And the single hope that one day, just one day I might find my way out of here and be reunited with my heart and feel whole again is enough. For now …
God, what wouldn’t I do to see you right now for real, not just as a hallucination. To know that you are okay and you are happy, living your life. But I know you well enough to know you, my little witch, are doing everything you can to get here and get me out.
Y/N smiled through tears.
Maybe one of us will succeed. Until then, I will keep writing those letters until I find a way to send them over to you. To let you know I am… okay. I’m alive. And I love you. I haven’t stopped loving you for a second and I will love you forever regardless if we get to be together again. I will love you for all of eternity, Y/N.
     “You remember this, don’t you?” she heard her own voice, followed by her laughter. “Come on, Kai. Just one more time. You know how much I love seeing you do this. Please?”
    “Argh, you and those puppy dog eyes.” Kai said. “No. No stop it.”
    “Please?” she smiled. “For me?”
Kai sighed. “You are such a child. I just… Come here.“ Both of them laughed on the small screen, falling on the ground a moment later. “Why am I still in love with you?”
Y/N tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled his lips towards hers. “Because you and I were made for each other and you love it when I am being silly – “
     “I love you. Period.” he said in sync with video-him. “I will love you forever.”
Y/N wiped the tears from her cheeks, left the letter back in it’s place and took a few steps towards him unable to find her voice. There he was, walking down the stairs with his phone in his hands, smiling at the screen though his smile was a little different than the sunshine smile she was used seeing on his face. There was happiness in it but also sadness and the weight of a broken heart. He was wearing similar clothes he had when she had last seen him – grey jeans and a dark grey t-shirt and the way he moved when he moved down the stairs towards her. No one should look that good going down the stairs, she thought, feeling her heart stop. Seeing him again, being in the same room as him… for the first time in years she felt whole again.
All this time that had passed and even though he shouldn’t have aged, and technically he hadn’t, he looked older. His hair was messy, dark circles lurked under his eyes; his skin was paler than usual and his eyes? His eyes were red and puffy as if he had been crying, filled with so much sadness and pain, her heart broke. All she wanted to do was to wrap her arms around him, heal every battle scar on his soul/heart and never let him go.
Time seemed to stop around her. Barely a heartbeat passed before he took a step towards her and walked straight through her. Her eyebrows scrunched in confusion and she turned around, trying to get his attention again when she noticed the blood dripping down from her nose and onto the carpet.  Instinctively her hand reached towards her nose and she wiped it as best as she could, trying to take a step towards him when she fell on the ground.
________________________________________ MASTERLIST- SMUT ‘17 /  MASTERLIST- SMUT ‘18 MASTERLIST- FLUFF ‘17 / MASTERLIST - FLUFF/ANGST ‘18
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noratilney · 3 years
What is Annette's relationship with Lizzie & Josie like?
The short answer is that she’s the best big sister. The age gap (eleven years) being as large as it is, it does sometimes get in between them because Annie was already an adult with her own life and apartment by the time Lizzie and Josie were only eleven. Rather naturally, they sometimes lump her in with adults like their parents.
However, Annie is always there when the twins need her. She tries not to butt into their lives without being asked but does make an effort to spend time with them frequently and consistently. Annie also does her best to spend time with Lizzie and with Josie separately; ever since the twins were old enough to talk and establish their own preferences, she’s seen it as important to treat her sisters as individuals rather than as one entity. All her partners know how important her sisters are to her and that she will drop anything to go to them if they need her.
The longer answer is that it depends on whether I simply drop adult Annie into Legacies or if I figure out what that period/show would look like as an continuation of Annie’s existence and other changes to the Vampire Diaries in her fic. Because Annie either way wouldn’t be afraid to call out her dad or even tear into him for making her sisters feel the way that they do because of how Alaric has been treating Lizzie and Josie in Legacies but Annie’s Alaric is a different person before he even arrives in Mystic Falls.
This got long so I put it beneath a cut.
So, Alaric in The More Things Change (The More They Stay the Same), Annie’s fic. He’s been a single dad for nearly Annie’s whole life and that has a knock on effect that starts small but means that by the time that Lizzie and Josie come into the picture, he’s already been caring for his daughter (very well, mind you, minus a few hang ups like his obsession with tracking down and finding out what happened to Isobel and his sometimes recklessness in going after vampires, although it’s toned down from in canon because of Annie) for eleven years by himself. Obviously parenting an eleven year old and newborn twins at the same time presents unique challenges that Alaric in canon never had to face but the point being, he had already been a father for more than a decade prior and did a good job at it.
Annie being a teenager led to a butting of heads and a new distance/hostility between them but that was just in the natural parent-child conflict way. There are some things that didn’t help, like Caroline’s presence there — Annie always liked Caroline (not as much as she loves Bonnie but more than she likes Elena) but with Caroline parenting the twins, it created a weird friction and division in the household because Caroline isn’t Annie’s mom and Alaric, Caroline, Lizzie, and Josie are a complete family unit that doesn’t include Annie, and the older Annie gets, the less of an adult Caroline seems to her, in the natural way that when you’re six, a seventeen year old seems so grownup but by the time you’re fourteen, they don’t seem as grown up comparatively, so yeah Annie and Caroline clash sometimes and Annie and her dad fight and sometimes Annie and Caroline clashing leads to Annie and her dad fighting — as well as uprooting the whole family to Houston after Annie has lived in Mystic Falls for five years and established a life there, and Annie’s magic is different from the twins’ siphoner abilities which both means that she can’t really help them to practice and that her learning gets put in the background to helping Lizzie and Josie figure out how to control their powers.
If we drop Annie into Legacies, say as her into an alternate universe, she would tear into Alaric for tons of things but also he would seem like someone impersonating her dad because the dad she knows from her universe would never act the way he does.
Lizzie and Josie would seem a little off to her too. They are somewhat better adjusted in Annie’s universe in part because of Alaric being better, in part from having Annie around. However, they’re not as different from Annie’s sisters as the two versions of Alaric are from each other because some of their issues and troubles are personality and mental health based and I don’t see that changing, I’m not going to “fix” those things. But I’m not going to sacrifice their well-being for the plot like Legacies does. Annie would find them more at odds then the sisters she’s used to and their differences would make it a little harder to relate to and help them.
You didn’t ask about Hope but I think she’s another one that Annie would feel protective of in this new universe (and yeah, potentially that could contribute to conflict between Annie and the twins and more conflict between Hope and the twins) because although the Originals mainly happens in the background of the More Things Change, I am changing that ending because fuck that, Hope deserves to have her mom and dad and Uncle Elijah in her life. <3
So, the Hope that Annie knows is not in constant need of love and reassurance, she doesn’t feel like everyone she cares about dies, and any issues she has with Lizzie and Josie are wholly personality based and not about them having to fight with her for their dad’s attention. Annie would actually know Hope a lot less well in her own universe because why would she? Sure, she is technically the only one of her kind but mostly she’s just another student at Annie’s sisters’ school.
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codex-fawkes · 7 years
so, how different would the Wizarding world have been if they had social services for people who need help? Think about it, Merope Guant was from a family that due to centuries of inbreeding had serious issues with insanity. But, other than her ridiculousness over Tom Riddle Sr and thinking it was perfectly rational to magic the dude she had a crush on but had never spoken to into a relationship, she was pretty stable. What if, when she found herself poor, alone, and pregnant instead of a random muggle orphanage, she’d of been able to go to the Ministry Social Services Office? 
Certainly they could have arranged for St. Mungo’s to treat the likely pneumonia that killed her, gotten her temporary emergency housing, a small stipend to support herself and baby Tom until she found a job. Voldemort might never have existed if he’d grown up with his mother in the Wizarding world. 
It’s not just that, think about the Weasley’s for a second. Clearly there’s no tuition charged to go to Hogwarts, Harry never got a tuition bill, but there are considerable expenses for books and supplies. Dumbledore, clearly didn’t have a problem Lockhart forcing his students to each buy all of his books. Books Dumbledore knew were bullshit by the way. At that point five of their seven children were at Hogwarts, and while Harry gave Ginny his free set, that meant they still had to buy those books four times. 
How many other times did we see them struggle to afford school supplies for their kids? How come Hogwarts doesn’t offer financial support for students with low income parents? The only time Ron was offered anything in the way of help was when he and Harry were unexpectedly accepted into Slughorn’s NEWT level class. Even then it was a temporary loan until he could order a copy for himself. Yet there was a cabinet with a bunch of the same text book in it. You can’t tell me they don’t have like an ink siphoning spell to remove scribbles so those books could be used again. What if low income kids were able to participate in a discount book program? You fill out a form, submit a paper from Gringots, you get discounted or free books via owl post. 
Molly and Arthur would have had such an easier time of it if they didn’t have to shell out so much for expensive, and specific school supplies. And sure, Charlie could use Bill’s text books, and then Percy, ect until they had to buy a second set for one of the twins, but other stuff? Pewter cauldrons, brass scales, potion making kits, quills, ink, parchments, book bags, uniforms, etc. Think how easier it would have been if they could have applied for some form of assistance.  
In short, I really hope that when they helper rebuild the Ministry Hermione sat Kingsley down and was like “Look, we need to do better.”
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high-supernatural · 3 years
The Merge
Kai Parker x Female Reader/Character
Word Count: 1687
Warnings: typical tvd themes, the merge (not fluff, not smut, there’s a sentence of angst but its not much, mostly just toxic friendship)
Summary: “V” took Kai out of his prison world with a condition that they’d stick together. She helps him find his family and prepare for the merge. ((read part I – IV of the series to understand the backstories))
***since y’all like the one shots better than the series, I’m gonna write one shots for female readers under the name V for what I would’ve/will write in the series***
V and Kai have been out of the prison world for a few weeks. She got him out under the conditions that they would stick together no matter what, and that’s what she was doing, sticking by him.
Kai explained his plans to V when they got there and put together a plan. She knew his true motives, and she wanted to help.
While they prepared, trained, and got everything ready they stayed at motels but were mostly busy with the plan and didn’t see each other very often. The motel they were staying at only had one bed. They checked in in the middle of the night when they got back, “queen room fine?” asked the clerk, “absolutely,” Kai responded in his dramatically sarcastic tone.
“Hope sleeping in the same bed as me doesn’t scare you off… I’m a violent sleeper,” he joked with big eyes.
“Better than sleeping in vamp infested woods with a violent sleeper… I think I’ll be fine,” V responded with the same dramatics.
There were a few nights Kai had woken up in the middle of the night or before V and had intrusive thoughts come into his mind of killing her, not that he really wanted to. When he woke up one morning with his hand resting on her throat, he decided to sleep on the couch instead. He might have been a proclaimed sociopath, but he had morals for killing, and killing people who help him weren’t on that list. It scared him, but he ignored it.
V had the gift of seeing behind people and what they say their motives are, which is part of the reason Kai didn’t scare her. She knew why he started sleeping on the couch but didn’t bother to tell him she knew, just like she knew where he went during the day to antagonize his family, but still didn’t bother to confront him about it. She already knew why and what he was doing.
She liked pushing boundaries with him. To see how far he’d really go or what he’d do if she didn’t act scared or flinch even an inch at the things, he’d say to get a rise out of her. She liked seeing how he’d react to her affections, knowing he hadn’t experienced much of it.
When he started sleeping on the couch, she would sometimes join him, walking over to him with a blanket around her shoulders and laying on top of or next to him under the blanket. She liked how he’d tense up until he fell back asleep, nervous to put his arms around her. Sometimes she’d tell him she had a bad dream and say, “this is the part you put your arms around me,” when he wouldn’t.
They were best friends who loved pushing each other’s buttons.
V found his twin for him and told him where she worked, she found this out through gullible Elena. She didn’t question him about his whereabouts when he found out either, she knew this too.
They made another deal with each other when they started playing out their plan – if either of them was going to be out, they have to tell the other how many hours they’d be gone before the other should start worrying, and the general location they’d be, just in case anything went wrong. They didn’t have to explain what they were doing, they actually preferred if the other didn’t know, it worked perfectly.
When Kai disappeared for longer than he said he’d be gone, V knew to worry. She went to the cemetery he said he’d be around and saw Damon, the person who sent her to the prison world before her and Kai got out.
She hid behind a tree just enough so Kai could see her, but Damon couldn’t. Through the Earth, V sent Kai some of her magic to siphon, just enough so he could siphon the magic out of Mystic Falls that the travelers put there and free himself.
“How do you feel?” V asked Kai when they got back to the motel.
“I feel…. Really good,” he responded, “I soaked up a lot of magic,” he chuckled.
“Do you know how to use it?” She asked, “I can’t even imagine how much magic was in that spell.”
Kai jittered and sat down, “I uh… I should probably practice, you know? Make sure I can control it.”
“Let’s practice then,” V said.
He looked up at her when she said, “push me with your magic.”
“I don’t know if I can control it—” she cut him off, “I can handle it, I can’t die, remember?”
“Remember we can’t hurt each other though, that’s the pact,” he said. Kai was a lot of things, but deal breaking wasn’t usually one of them.
She stood in front of him and pushed his head playfully before getting on his lap with both legs on either side of his, “we said no fighting, this isn’t fighting, it’s practicing.” She pushed his shoulders back and pinched his face to annoy him, “come on, do something to get me off of you,” she played.
He grabbed her arms, “I can’t practice on you,” he spoke to her with an almost serious tone for the first time.
She grabbed his biceps and shocked him with her magic before sending burning waves up his arms, making his face turn in pain.
“Fight back,” she said, “or I’ll go hotter.”
Kai squeezed her biceps as she squeezed his and tried sending the magic she was using on him back to her, but it didn’t work.
“Try harder,” she said.
“I can’t—”
“Yes, you can, you have to focus,” she sent warmer magic through his arms and down his chest making him groan. “Make me stop at least once, you’re not gonna hurt me, you got this, focus on sending me the pain.”
With that encouragement Kai was successful not only in sending the magic she was using back to her, but sending it back more intensely, causing a sensation of being on fire for a couple of seconds.
When he heard her wince and felt her arms go limp, he knew it worked and quickly pushed her off of him to stand up, not knowing if he could stop if they were still touching.
She let out a “whoof” breath and chuckled, “you did it,” she looked at him, “why the long face?”
He stared at her like he just killed a puppy, “I need someone else to practice on.”
“Kai, it worked, what’s the problem?” she asked.
“I just need someone else to practice on, I’ll be back tonight,”
“Wait, I think I know who you can use,” she said, stopping him from rushing out and finding a random person.
“Elena Gilbert. She’s always pissed me off. When I found out vampires were in town she acted like I was crazy, now she is one. She never treated me how she treats everyone else, she’s still hung up on the fact that her brother confided in me instead of her,” V said, “everyone’s always saving her and letting others die for her own life. I think she could be put in her place a little better.”
Kai was always confused about why V was so helpful to him, another thing that scared him a little. It was unusual to him.
He practiced his magic on Elena at the high school after he left while V did her own thing, which usually included writing, drawing, or causing some chaos, until she got a call from Elena.
‘great,’ she rolled her eyes before she answered the phone.
“What?” she answered harshly.
“Kai just tortured me for hours,” Elena whined.
“Ok? How is that my problem?” V answered, knowing that all of them still didn’t know she had been with Kai this whole time.
“He’s on his way to the woods to complete the merge!” Elene blurted out.
“What,” she said with concern this time, “I’m on my way,” V left and went to try and stop Kai from doing the merge so soon.
She called him multiple times on her way, but he didn’t answer. When she had got there, Kai and Luke’s eyes were already white, and they were about to complete the merge.
Just when she was about to run up and stop them, they both fell back, and everybody stood like statues until Jo ran to help Luke.
V watched them both with wide eyes, looking for psychic signs that one of them has died or merged, but saw nothing.
After a few seconds of watching, she walked up to Kai. Everybody was watching Luke at this point, so V knelt down and put her hand on his chest, feeling for magic but felt none.
She teared up and tried blinking them away, shaking him by his shirt and saying his name before pressing her hand on his chest to transfer magic to him, waking him up.
His eyes darted open and he grabbed her wrist, sitting up silently. Nobody had noticed him yet. V sat behind him with her hand still on his chest when he turned around, “thanks, kid,” he whispered before he stood up.
Kai said some words to Jo before turning around and offering his hand to V before they walked off. They heard them ask, “did they just leave together,” but ignored it.
V drove them back to the motel and glanced at Kai every so often with worried expressions as he sat silently and wondered at his hands, “how do you feel now?” she asked.
“I feel good.. I feel.. different, I don’t know how to describe it,” he said in breaths.
“That’s good, I think,” V said still confused and paused for a few seconds to think, “we should get out of town, like, tonight, they’re going to look for us,”
“Don’t worry, I got it covered,” is all Kai said.
She looked over at him with a worried face again, “no really, we need to get out of town,” she was serious.
“I dunno, I kinda like it here,” he smiled ominously.
 ((read the next story for continuation of this one))
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sueboohscorner · 8 years
The Vampire Diaries 814 Recap “It’s Been a Hell of a Ride” #TVD #KilltheDevil
Episode grade: 10. Pure perfection. 
All week long, I was both looking forward to and dreading Friday night, because one of my all-time favorite shows is coming to an end…but man, it’s going out strong.
We start with Cade menacing Damon for another crappy deal (all Cade’s deals suck, because he is literally the devil). This time, Cade wants his dagger back–you know, the one thing that could kill him. And of course, Damon’s going to play along, because Cade has Elena’s coffin, delivered helpfully by Kai. 
Elsewhere, Bonnie’s throwing herself into the beautiful pocket dimension she’s able to access, in which she and Enzo can be together. Stefan ignores the “if my dreamland’s a-knockin’” sign and starts bugging her with his guilty conscience. She’s all, Not my problem, brah, and I don’t blame her a bit. Enzo’s a little more forgiving, though, and he urges her to let Stefan off the hook.
Rebuffed by Bonnie and continuing to wallow in his self-pity, Stefan is about to bail on everyone. He agrees to put his broody walkabout on hold when Damon asks him to help get Elena back from Cade. First step: Find Kai Parker.
TVD, I love you. I love you for so many things over the last eight years, but right now, I love you for making time in your final episodes for the delightful insanity of Kai Parker doing karaoke, tweeting (under the amazing handle CobraKai1972) in what can only be described as (ahem) presidential fashion, and hilariously refusing to pronounce Stefan’s name correctly.
Stefan gets stabbed through the hand (this is important), but Damon steps in to take Kai down. They drag Kai into the Armory and toss him in a cell. Alaric is gravely displeased at having his archenemy back under his roof. Of course, Alaric has other things on his mind right now; his daughters have been going all Firestarter.
With Kai stashed away, and the devil dagger in hand, Damon and Stefan head out to find Cade. At the last minute, Stefan insists he has to be the one to kill Cade, because atonement yadda yadda. Damon rationally points out that hey, I’m still a vampire, and you’re not, so of the two of us, I’ve got a much better chance at actually pulling this off. But Stefan is determined to be the hero, so he actually vervains Damon, and OMG Stefan you selfish jackass. Here’s where Stefan’s hand injury is an issue for me. He’s not only mortal, he’s got a freshly maimed stabbing hand. He’s refusing help killing the devil when he’s not even at full strength for a human. 
To be fair, he does have something of a plan…he’s tasked Alaric with ringing the Maxwell hell bell. Since Alaric isn’t part of the Maxwell family line, he won’t be able to access the bell’s full power, but Stefan correctly guesses that the bell’s ringing will at least cause Cade some pain. (I’m choosing to ignore the minor plot hole about how the bell was deconstructed and taken away, yet is now back in the tower. I mean, Bonnie and Enzo had it with them, but her house was stolen from her, so it’s not a safe place anymore…and I am pretty sure Peter Maxwell had taken another component of the bell with him when he left town…but you know what? Screw it. Given the choice between expository dialogue about the bell or Kai Parker singing “Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door” at karaoke, I'll pick the latter every time.)
Speaking of our favorite evil scion of the Gemini coven, Kai and Caroline are having a heart-to-heart about her daughters, who are also, of course, Kai’s nieces. They’re siphons, just like him, and he offers Caroline a personal perspective on the crazy crap her kids are pulling lately. He tells her about growing up a magic-siphoning abomination, treated with disdain and fear, an embarrassment to his magical royal family. Being shut away and ignored, watching as his twin sister was nurtured in her gifts. Occasionally getting a blast of magic when he was able to siphon it from someone or something, and feeling like a druggie the rest of the time, desperate for more. It’s a powerful monologue, subtle and intense, and Caroline is as captivated as the audience is.
Then Kai explains that the reason her kids are suddenly out of control is that they’ve been dumped into an environment so full of magical artifacts, they simply can’t be expected to control their siphoning. He says a place like the Armory practically has magic in its walls…and then he demonstrates by siphoning the very glass that separates him from Caroline. Kai is out, loose in the Armory.
Right now, Alaric is dutifully ringing the hell bell, and it’s basically doing what Stefan thought. Cade is vulnerable, and Stefan’s got a shot here…until Alaric’s phone rings. Josie and Lizzie are calling for their daddy, because Kai is coming after them with an axe. Alaric walks away from the bell without a second glance, and Cade’s back on his feet.
Cade’s about to kill Stefan, but here comes Damon to save the day. Except that Cade already has the dagger now, and he still has Elena, and now he has Stefan as well. Damon has no leverage in this situation. Cade laughs that he’ll give Damon this much: Damon can choose whether it will be Stefan or Elena who dies today. Damon can’t accept this choice, so he asks Cade to take him instead. Cade agrees, requiring Damon to stake himself. Stefan, you know this is your fault, right?
Bonnie feels the psychic ripples of the danger to Elena, and she follows the feeling to where Cade is about to collect Damon’s soul. Bonnie says, Oh hell no, and she and Cade get into a psychic battle. The beauty of a psychic battle is that the opponents are too busy to do anything else…leaving Cade far more vulnerable to attack. Stefan finally does something right, and the devil is dead. 
Back at the Armory, Kai’s stalking the girls, because not being the only surviving member of the Gemini coven is kind of a sore spot for him. He follows their voices into the Siren cave, then siphons away the magical wall Beatrice Bennett put up so long ago…except he hasn’t found the girls, he’s found Ric, pulling a pretty neat trick with his phone on speaker. Ric gets in a good punch or two, but he’s a little outgunned under the circumstances. Fortunately, Caroline is awake from Kai’s neck-snap nap, and she saves the day.
Damon, magically blown back into his body by Bonnie’s psychic rage storm, is able to convince Stefan to stick around and not be a self-pitying jackass for a few minutes. I mean, we’ll see how long before the full-bore brooding starts back up, but for now, Stefan is able to appreciate the miracle of the life he almost lost…presumably because they’re all operating with the belief that killing the devil also destroyed hell, so they’re no longer living with damnation hanging over them. Funny how Stefan is suddenly less ravaged by guilt now that he thinks he’ll escape punishment. He proposes to Caroline all over again, and she says yes, even though she and Ric seemed to be having a moment, and Ric is so totally the better man on every level.
(Also, Stefan is all excited about the future he sees as possible now, and he’s yammering about how great it will be to grow old and help raise kids, and be with his best friend? What best friend? He doesn’t mean Caroline, because he listed her separately in the marriage portion of the speech, and he doesn’t mean Damon, because he has always consistently called Damon his brother. Lexi’s dead, and that’s the only best friend I was aware of…I’m confused.)
Kai awakens, chained to a chair, in the karaoke dive bar from earlier. The delightful 90’s song, “Two Princes,” is starting up. Kai clearly doesn’t like this song as much as I do. Bonnie relishes the moment as she fills Kai in on his new normal: He’s in a new prison dimension, built to approximate his personal idea of suffering. All alone, no magic to siphon, no tricky escape hatches to work on, with a song he hates that will never stop playing.
But Kai has a parting gift for Bonnie, too: the truth about hell. Killing the devil didn’t destroy hell; sure, Cade created hell, but perhaps it took on a life of its own, nourished by the imaginations of all the people who feared it. Or perhaps a pocket dimension simply doesn’t exist in the head or at the whim of its creator; maybe, once created, it’s a true place that can’t be unmade so easily. If the latter, I would like to point out that Bonnie’s new pocket dimension is not simply a place to keep Enzo safe; it might be the place where all her loved ones can spend eternity–the new version of the Other Side!
But I digress. Kai’s revelation to Bonnie continues: Hell is still very much a real place, and there’s someone else who was waiting for Cade to be deposed so that they could step into the top dog spot. Gee, who else do we know who was that bad? Who absolutely went to hell, rather than to the Other Side? 
You got it.
Granted, this raises another question about how bad someone had to be to wind up in hell rather than the Other Side–remember that Silas was on the Other Side, and he was as bad as they come! But that’s a minor aside, and I’m more than okay with it. Katherine is coming back to remind us why she’s “the baddest bitch of them all,” and I can’t think of a more fitting story arc to carry us into the bittersweet ending of this gorgeous series.
Finally, can we talk about the gift to villainy and television and acting that was Chris Wood's portrayal of Kai Parker?
I don’t know that I’ve ever enjoyed a villain more. Chris Wood is masterful, chilling and hilarious by turns, impossible not to pay attention to every moment he’s on screen. I don’t like Kai, obviously, but I love having Kai around. With every other villain we’ve had on TVD, I’ve been thrilled to see them breathe their last. By the time our heroes vanquished the Travelers, or Silas, or fricking awful Julian, I was cheering to have them gone. With Kai, even though he’s terrible, even though it’s clearly good that they’ve bested him!, I’m sorry to see him go.
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teamkaiforever · 7 years
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(requested by anon)
Kai Parker x Reader
WORD COUNT : 2 136 Kai falls in love with Reader who has no idea about his past. Kai’s father kidnaps reader to hurt him. ____________________
Barely a few hours after the merge with Luke , Kai went to the Whitmore campus. He felt guilty for what he had done in the merge and wanted to see Liv and apologise. After all Luke was her twin and now because of him , Luke was gone.
Kai was on his way to the dorm rooms when suddenly bumped into someone. “Oh God.” The girl muttered , her books spilling on the ground. She kneeled down to gather them , Kai who had walked right past her after bumping into her , stopped and turned around to help her. It wasn’t something he would’ve done a few days earlier but now he felt bad. “Here , let me help you…” he said and started gathering some of the spilled papers. “I’m sorry for bumping into you.” Kai added , handing the girl the pages. “It’s OK. It happens.” she said while picking up the last of the books , looking up at him. For a moment she just stared at him , a curious expression on her face. “I’m Y/N.” she said smiling , outstretching her hand to shake his. “Kai.” he said , shaking her hand , unable to take his eyes off her. Something inside him came to life but he had no idea what it was as emotions were still new to him. “Are you new ? I haven’t seen you around before …”  she asked. “No , actually..I’m just here visiting a friend.” “Oh … ” Y/N said , suddenly the smile gone from her face. “Do you need help finding your friend?” Y/N said , a hint of disappointment in her voice. Suddenly finding Liv was the last thing Kai wanted to do. All he wanted in that moment was to get to know the girl standing before him. “Actually … it can wait. Do you want to go get some coffee?” he asked. “I would love to!” A smile spread on her face.
                      _______  (continues under the cut)  ___________
A few months passed , Kai and Y/N were happier than ever. He couldn’t believe that after all the things he had done , love and happiness had walked into his life. Y/N was everything to him and he was willing to do anything to keep her safe , no matter the consequences. One night as they were going home together (to Kai’s apartment) , his biggest fear came true. As they were walking on the street , a familiar face came out from the shadows. It was Kai’s father. He raised his hand and Kai dropped on the ground screaming in pain. Y/N kneel beside him , trying to help him. “You destroyed my family.” his father said , anger in his voice. Kai knew very well that tone as he’d heard it countless times before while growing up. “You don’t deserve happiness , Malachai. Not after everything you have done.” Kai saw his father walking towards them , a moment later he was dragging away Y/N as she screamed and tried to get herself free. “Invisique.” Joshua Parker said and both he and Y/N vanished. The pain keeping Kai down disappeared as fast as it had began. Kai stood up looking around , trying to find them , pain like he had never experienced before going through his chest. He screamed , a scream filled with all the pain and anguish he felt. He ran as fast as he could back to their apartment. He had to do a locator spell to find Y/N. ________ “Kai !” Y/N screamed as the man dragged he away. She didn’t understand what was happening. Kai was standing right there , but he didn’t appear to hear her scream his name.  "Who are you?“ Y/N asked , trying to get herself free from the man’s grip. “What did you do to Kai ?” The man said nothing , he just raised his hand and Y/N fell unconcious on the ground next to him. He lifted her up and put her in the backseat of his car , getting in a moment later and drove away.When Y/N woke up in the woods ,  feeling as if someone had ran her over .Her entire body was sore and she couldn’t move. Slowly the memory from the night before came back to focus and her eyes widened only one thought in her mind - Kai. Y/N looked up and saw the man who had kidnapped her sitting across from her sipping his coffee as if nothing had happened. “Who are you?” Y/N asked , her voice raspy. “Why did you kidnap me ?” The man glanced at her , a look of pitty on his face. “I am Malachai’s father , Joshua Parker.” he said , spitting Kai’s name as if it was the most despicable thing in the world. “You are Kai’s father ?!” she asked in confusion. None of this made any sense to her. Why would Kai’s father kidnap her ?!  "I don’t understand …  Why would you do any of this ? How did you do … whatever it is you did to Kai? “ Joshua Parker sighed leaving his coffee on the ground. “I take it he hasn’t told you about his past then.” Y/N shook her head in confusion. “My son , Kai is an abomination of nature , a siphon and he murdered almost all his siblings because he was born without his own magic. Do you have any idea what it’s like to come home and find the lifeless bodies of half your children ; another stabbed in the abdomen with a hunting knife , the other two running for their lives? Kai did this. That’s who your boyfriend really is - a monster.” Joshua said , his voice was full of hatred but also pain. “He never should’ve found his way out of the Prison World.” Y/N still didn’t understand what half of the things Joshua was talking about were - magic ? Prison world ? What she knew for sure was that Kai was not the person Joshua was describing … and even if he had once been this person , he had changed. It’s all that mattered to her. “You are lying. Kai is not like this. He is the most loving and caring person I know.” she said, her eyes watering. Kai’s father smiled , a cruel smile as if he was enjoying this. Y/N felt fear flooding her mind. Who knew what he’d to do her… “It’s all true , regardless if you believe it or not.” Joshua said , his voice cold. He took a few steps towards her , less than a meter between them. Y/N tried to move away but there was nowhere for her to go. “What are you going to do to me ?” she asked , her voice trembling. “I am going to take away his happiness … ” _________ Kai had spent the entire night, trying to figure out why the spell hadn’t worked at first. In his panic he hadn’t realised his father must’ve cloaked her location. Every minute without Y/N felt like someone was squeezing his heart , trying to rip it out. Kai couldn’t think clearly , every time he closed his eyes he could see her being dragged away by his father and hear her screaming , the fear in his voice… “She is still alive. She is still alive.” Kai kept telling himself. Finally the spell worked and he headed out to the forest outside Mystic Falls. Anger building up inside him with every passing moment. He wasn’t going to let his father get away with this. Kai parked the car on the edge of the forest and cloaked himself. He could feel Y/N like a beacon calling to him. A few minutes passed as he walked deeper into the forest , trying to be as quiet as possible… then he saw her. Relief flooded his body , like a heavy weight was lifted off his chest.  Then he saw his father was standing over her , holding a knife. Kai tensed. “Motus.” Kai said raising his hand and his father flew in the air across the clearing. Y/N looked so scared , it was breaking Kai’s heart to see her like this. He walked briskly towards her and with a flick of his wrist  he untied her hands and her legs. “Kai ?” she asked as he appeared infront of her from thin air. “What … How …?” “No time to explain. Go. Run. I’ll be right behind you.” he said but Y/N wouldn’t move. She wrapped her hands around him and pulled him into a kiss and a hug. “I am not going anywhere without you.” she said pulling away. Behind her , Joshua was starting to get up.  He launched towards them and before Kai had had time to think his father had stabbed Y/N.  She collapsed on the ground , blood reddening her shirt. Joshua muttered a spell and Kai had dropped on the ground too. No. No. She is not going to die , I will not let this happen. Kai thought , siphoning away the spell his father was using to keep him down. Joshua kneeled next to Y/N holding the knife over her heart. Kai felt anger trying to consume him , and he let it. A moment later he sent his father flying across the clearing and got up. “It’s all starting to come back to me now , father.” Kai said as he walked towards him , with a flick of his wrist Kai broke one of his father’s legs , another flick followed and his father ’s arm was broken. “Kai , don’t do this…” Y/N said weakly. As if throught a dream Kai heard her but he didn’t stop. “Kai , STOP PLEASE!” he heard Y/N’s voice again and he turned his head towards her. Tears were filling her eyes. “Why ? You don’t know what kind of person he is , how he treated me… my siblings. He deserves to suffer for what he has done.. Especially for what he did to you.” Y/N had never seen Kai like this , he wasn’t himself. “You are better … than this. I know you are.” she said , willing all her energy into saying those words ; her hand pressing on the wound. Y/N’s last words seemed to snap Kai back. What was he doing ?! His father deserved to be punished , yes … but Y/N was bleeding out. He had let his anger blind him. Kai turned away from his father and rushed to Y/N who was about to black out from the bloodloss. He placed his hands over her wound chanting , her wound closing. He glanced one last time at his father who had curled into a ball and was mouthing a spell , trying to heal his broken bones.   Kai lifted her up , muttered Invisique and carried her to the his car , driving them back home. On the way back he had called Elena to ask her to come over and give Y/N some of her blood to heal faster and reluctantly Elena had agreed. Kai never left Y/N’s side until she woke up. He was nervous , who knew what his father had told her … She didn’t know anything about magic or vampires , so he’d have a lot of explaining to do. “Hey.” he said brushing her cheek with the back of his hand. “How are you feeling ?” “Much better knowing you are here with me .” she smiled at him and he smiled back , but his smile slowly faded away. “I don’t know what my father told you but … the person I was back then , that Kai still exists somewhere in me and I’ll understand if you hate me because of all the things I’ve do-”  Y/N didn’t let him finish , she cupped his face and pressed her lips against his kissing him deeply. Kai looked confused. “What was that for ?” he asked. “Because I love you and nothing is ever going to change that.” she said smiling. “Whatever you’ve done in your past… It’s not who you really are…and you need to know that  you are forgiven. For all of it.” Kai was stunned. Y/N had been kidnapped , stabbed and had her world turned upside down , yet there she was - understanding and forgiving. “So you are not mad I didn’t tell you about my past?” he asked confused. Y/N pulled him closer and kissed him again. “Does that answer your question?” she asked smiling. “I am not sure..” Kai said , a grin on his face. ”Can you say that again?”
_____________________ MASTERLIST _____________________
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