#the universe has my back and i know the karma and lessons will come back the way they need to
forestslut · 2 years
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whimsicalpoet44 · 2 years
Sorry I've been M.I.A. I've been processing a lot of grief and have had a lot of unexpected life changes (unrelated to grief).
Soooo, to cheer myself up here's some random astro observations.
Random Astrology Observations
These are based on my experiences, and not every one of these will apply to someone else with the same placements. This is just my own observations!
Note: If I use the word Karma, I mean the concept that you get back what you give to others. I want to be respectful about using the term and wanted to make sure I'm distinguishing it separately from the religious meaning of the word. I haven't found a great alternative for it even after searching extensively, so if anyone knows one please let me know! I know it's been westernized and I hate that. ☹️
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⚡️ Anyone with 3rd House placements will likely encounter issues with their siblings at some point or another. They could live in their siblings shadows, been tasked to take care of them, or just never got a long with them altogether. This can play out in a hundred different ways, though.
⚡️ We talk a lot about repercussions for messing with a person who has Saturn in the 4th/8th/12th House. But Saturn in the 2nd? I almost feel like it's worse.
I know a person with Saturn in the 2nd who was being mistreated by an authority figure. The person mistreating her was getting a degree in higher education. By the time the two parted ways, the person mistreating her had her entire reputation completely obliterated, rendering her higher degree completely useless in her career field as a result. And the person with Saturn in the 2nd told nobody about the individual's behavior.
Saturn won't just come for their finances, they'll come for anything of value. Six months later, that individual was divorced, selling her home, and was pushed out of the organization she worked in. It was genuinely shocking lol
⚡️ As a person works through their Lilith sign, their appearance can change. Not just physically, but their overall vibe. They'll feel like a different person. And it's because they've owned their inner power.
⚡️ Scorpio Placements are so powerful, but they often stand in their own way. They can manifest basically anything, but their self deprecating tendencies can hold them back from attaining it.
⚡️ If the Universe pairs a Capricorn Rising and a Scorpio Rising to hold a person accountable for their shitty behavior, you know whoever that person is really messed up. Both of these rising signs hold heavy karma, one from Saturn and one from Pluto. It's actually quite a beautiful sight to behold if the person is deserving. I've seen this on many occasions and when both are through, there's nothing left standing.
Both individuals also always figure out about halfway through the divine intervention that they play a far greater role than they realize and it's a lesson for the two individuals to step into their own power as well.
When we try to be the 'better' person, sometimes we're denying the person who wronged us the accountability they deserve.
⚡️ In a synastry chart, aspects to Lilith, South Node, Chiron, and Juno can indicate potential soul contracts if you know where to look. (If you're soulmates/twin flames/karmic partners/etc). Of course there are other indicators as well.
⚡️ Sagittarius placements are seen as hopeful and positive, but a lot of the times, they're full of doom and gloom. They avoid their problems by doing whatever they want. Many of them never planned out a long-term future because they never saw themselves reaching that point of their lives, rendering them in a disaster they have to clean up and build themselves back from the bottom up. Which they do successfully. They never really lose hope, but they avoid responsibility until they can't anymore.
⚡️ Aquarius/11th House Placements fight a life long battle of trying to be themselves and not fit the mold their parents laid out for them. They only find true happiness when they realize their life path isn't for everyone and it relies on the fact that they must be who they really are.
⚡️ Aries Placements get a lot of hate, but if they react from a healthy place, they make some of the best advocates I've ever seen. I think it's because they have an endless supply of energy and healthy anger to tap into to make sure everything is getting addressed correctly.
⚡️ Leo Placements cannot escape attention. It follows them. They are usually forced to reconcile with it and learn to work through the uncomfortable feeling associated with it.
⚡️ If you have a planet that's in the same sign as your Chiron (or conjunct), prepare for that area of your life to be a complete dumpster fire until you find a healthy way to work through the Chiron wounds.
⚡️ If you tell a Scorpio something they don't want to hear, they'll just change the subject. Then they'll come back to you in 6 months and tell you that you were right, but they'll never outright say the words "you were right."
⚡️ I'm pairing Libra, Pisces, and Cancer together to work through their people pleasing phase, because once they do, they can flip a switch and cut someone off without a second thought. That's when they unlock their inner power and begin to set healthy boundaries.
⚡️ Taurus Risings have a lot of great qualities to them (and I do love them), but I've seen a lot of praise for Taurus Risings who also have Scorpio placements. While I can see the benefits, every Taurus Rising with Scorpio Placements that I've ever met (and I've oddly met a few) have created their own personal prison in their minds when it comes to trusting others and opening up. They won't crack. They are lock and key. They can express they want to be vulnerable, but they often don't know how. (Again, this is just my oddly specific experience lol) They also struggle with finding safety in materialism, while also feeling empty because they crave more spiritual interactions.
⚡️ Gemini and Sag placements always feel chronically misunderstood. I've also never met a single Gemini/Sag that wasn't diagnosed with ADHD or was a burnt out gifted kid. A couple of my friends that tried to prove me wrong came to me about 2 years later with a diagnosis in their 30s. 😂 (again, just my experience)
⚡️ Virgo North Node - How's that career in healthcare going? 😂 Jk, not everyone with a Virgo North Node is in healthcare, but it's a lot of you. lol
⚡️ Capricorns are some of the most anxious people I've ever met. They just hide it really well. It most likely stems from whatever they went through in childhood.
⚡️ Virgo placements often carry this stereotype that they're uptight and anxious (with a lot of control issues). As a person that used to work in the mental health field, every Virgo I ever met did have anxiety, but it wasn't 😢anxiety😢. It was ✨anxiety ✨. They are some of the funniest people I've ever interacted with. And they did have the stereotypical Virgo traits, but there was a layer of sarcasm to it. They're hands down some of my favorite people. A lot of them are oddly cat people too, which is weird, because I see a lot of people associate Virgos with dogs. (though it's really both since virgo rules small pets)
⚡️ Ever Sag had a horse phase. I don't make the rules. 😂
⚡️ Cancer placements likely struggled with bullying in childhood. I swear it's because other kids can sniff out their sensitive nature and try to exploit them. They always end up surprised when Cancer placements stand up for themselves, though. I would never want to cross a Cancer placement because they'll find the time and patience to extract revenge. People forget about their cold side.
⚡️ Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, and Scorpio Rising are the ultimate big three combo. And weirdly, I know a lot of people with these placements. They trigger others without trying. They just exist and people literally hate them. They have a strong sense of justice and they're very methodical and practical. It's excellent.
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magical-glimpse · 9 months
Hexing, evil eye and everything harms
So, I recently got hexed and talked about it, and I think this is a great time for me to talk about what hexes are and how to protect yourself from them, as a continuation of my two protection posts.
First, what is baneful magic ?
In the dictionary :
Baneful : Causing harm, ruin, or death; harmful. Portending harm; ominous. Having poisonous qualities; deadly; destructive; injurious; noxious; pernicious.
Usually, what people call baneful is actually super relative to culture, religions and individual practice. it can includes : hexes/curses/jinxes, love spells, domination spells, blood magic, binding, banishing etc. There is a lot of rhetoric from different people that try to keep people away from these spells. For example the rule of Three, which states that everything you put out comes back three times, is a Wiccan religious belief that is in no way applicable to all witches. Some people's views of "karma" or other "universal justice" ideas. I am personally of the opinion that, if your guide and your moral compass agree, there is nothing wrong with giving universal justice a little boost with a bit of a reasonably measured hex. But as a general thing, it should take place in an informed, cultivated practice and not just a "i'm mad at my ex so i'm gonna pick this random tiktok spell i saw and write his name on it". No. That is the best way to get yourself in trouble.
What is a hex ?
A hex is, at its core, someone sending negative or unwanted energy your way. We can commonly see a few types of hexes:
The Evil Eye, the most common, easiest one, that everyone probably got at one point in their life. At its core, the Evil Eye is about people wishing ill intent on you from seeing you succeed. As an example, I made eye contact with someone that was jealous of me while i was on stage and i almost tripped on a floor that had no reason to make me trip. It is usually considered to be easy solved by not showing your achievements you know are jealous, basic cleansing, throwing salt over your shoulder, using a talisman etc. I'm pretty sure most if every culture has a concept of evil eye so look into what you resonate with best (in the limits of what is open to you).
The Jinx: it's almost the cute version of an hex ? It's like causing a bit of a bad luck, like missing the bus, breaking your phone screen, missing an appointment etc. it tends to not last very long, a few hours or so.
The hex: it is both a general term and what people tend to do. It's the " can't keep one up with a new gf", "have constant bad breath", "flat tire", "might lose your job" one. it can wildly vary in intensity depending on your current protection, how close the target and practionner are and the nature of the spell. The Curse: This is when shit goes DOWN DOWN. Generational trauma typa shit, illnesses might pop up typa shit, divorce typa shit. To this day, I have never seen anyone being truly cursed. Usually the energy ends up being transformed into lessons for the descendants or the target after a while, and its goal it to point out specific toxic behaviors or issues rather than just cause chaos.
How to cast a hex ?
I am pretty sure i answered a ask about this once, my goal here is not exactly to give a recipe for all hexes but at least guidelines so you know how to start and where to look. Hexes, just like all spells, are about creating an energy and sending it. In this particular case, it is about creating "mud" and throwing it at someone. Here is the thing: you cannot throw mud without getting your hands dirty. How dirty your hands get depend on what you are throwing, if you are taking precautions and how much you are cleaning after. I know it gets told time and time again, but don't do a hex as your first spell if you dont have a good handle yet on protection and cleansing spells. The reason why they are recommended for beginners is because they are easy, don't typically explode in your face easily, and they are diverse, therefore allowing you to test out what you vibe with and don't. Also, they teach you necessary skills. Otherwise, it works as any other spell. If you do it with leeway for the universe (and you take precautions and cleanse) the cost for you will probably be energy, headache etc. If your goal is to specifically make a certain situation happen for someone, it will require a sacrifice on your part, that you may not have control over. I am currently being coached and taught about spellwork, so in a few months I might revisit this post and explain things differently and add more info.
How to know you have been hexed ?
If bad shit starts happening out of nowhere, it might be worth asking the question.
Here is a list of things I have experienced or have seen people experience from being hexed:
sleep paralysis
bad luck
fire alarms going of at specific hours
people being unusually mean or intolerant to you
getting weird or scary visions (VISIONS, not hallucinations, if you are not intuitive this does not apply, if this is not already in your belief system this does not apply)
stuff falling, breaking, not working, getting lost etc
having difficulty reading, channeling
feeling blockages
getting sick, nauseous, getting a migraine, getting a crisis of an already existing illness
getting into arguments
protections and wards acting weird
pets acting weird
The thing is, any number of those things can happen for a hundred reasons that are not even remotely spiritual. If there is another possible explanation, check it first. I promise you it is a lot more likely than someone hexing you.
Okay, so now i know i got hexed what do i do ?
Congrats you got hexed.
Start by not panicking.
Even though it sounds scary, it is probably a lot easier to get rid of it than you think. You can start by checking my protection 101 and protection 102. Cleanse deeply yourself, your room and your spirit and add some protections. Once it is done, if you still feel negative energy around, you can try cleansing one more time, or it may mean your guides are inviting you to look into yourself and heal some parts of yourself that the hex brought out.
After you got hexed
This is the official point where you can start throwing hands with the person that sent you the spell. No, i'm kidding. Okay, maybe not. But yeah, it is a point where you restore your protections and can pat yourself on the back for succeeding at getting rid of an hex. Good job!
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wickedastrology · 2 years
North Node Aries ♈︎ South Node Libra ♎︎ Musicians
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(left to right) Mariah Carey, Frank Ocean, Wiz Khalifa, Kendrick Lamar, Kesha, Bruce Springsteen, Celine Dion, Florence Welch, Solange Knowles
The karma that an Aries NN, Libra SN faces consists of past lives where the native not only lived through other people, but based their identity on how other people felt about them. Continuous people pleasers, causing a resentment to others who don’t reciprocate the good energy back to them. There is also a huge need to try to speak for everyone, be diplomatic and concise, but throughout this life, the universe pushes them to learn and get to know themself. Aries NN asks: Who cares what other people think, do you even really know yourself? It brings a necessary drive for these individuals to be creative, find their power, and ultimately find out who they really are.
One thing that I see throughout these musicians, is their music usually reflects dependency within romantic relationships or their relationship with the world.
Mariah Carey has a 0 degree Aries North Node. Majority of her music focuses on romantic relationships, and specifically love that doesn’t come easy. 0 degree represents this is Mariah’s first life where she is able to be independent in any way.
“You have given me the courage to be all I can. And I truly feel your heart will lead you back to me. When you’re ready to land.” The Butterfly.
Frank Ocean has a 1 degree Aries North Node in the 5th house, South Node in the 11th House. His music is incredibly nostalgic, and will teleport listeners to times when life was prettier and more fun, which are 5th house themes. In past lives, Ocean was incredibly involved in his community, but this life he is learning to just enjoy life and creating things that speak his trouble with being so emotionally connected to past lovers.
“I care for you still and I will, forever. That was my part of the deal, honest.” White Ferrari.
Wiz Khalifa has a 2 degree Aries NN in 3rd house, SN in the 9th House. Khalifa’s top hits are collaborations, which is extremely shown through the 3rd house. The 3rd house represents groups, childhood friendships, siblings, and blind trust. His music is fun, and expresses his loyalty to his friends. In past lives, Khalifa spent most of his time pondering on karma, which is why in this life he values trust within his friendships so much.
“When brotherhood come first, then the line will never be crossed.” See You Again.
Kendrick Lamar has a 8 degree NN in the 6th house, SN in the 12th house. Lamar’s music reflects the constant grind he is on to make his own way in the world, independent from others. In past lives, Lamar was heavily controlled, maybe even through legal means, and in this life he feels the need to constantly work so he isn’t stagnant enough for anyone to take advantage of him. It’s hard for him to trust the universe, and instead he feels the need to go above and beyond to make sure he is taking care of himself.
“In another life I would be perfect world, I don’t trust people enough beyond their surface world, I don’t love people enough to put my faith in man, I put my faith in these lyrics hoping I make a band.” PRIDE.
Kesha has 11 degree NN. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find her houses, but if we compare her to Carey, we see that she has a higher degree, which means she is further along the aries NN lessons. For example, after she made her accusations public against Dr. Luke, her music became a lot more independent and genuine to her. Marriah also has genuine music, but her music has a fixation on romantic relationships. Kesha is clearly learning how to stop putting others before herself, which is key to aries NN, Libra SN natives.
“I can thank you for how strong I have become, cause you brought the flames and you put me through hell. I had to learn how to fight for myself.” Praying.
Bruce Springsteen has a 16 degree NN in 11th house, SN in the 5th house. This is opposite of Ocean’s. Springsteen’s music has heavy patriotic themes, which is very 11th house, but his lyrics more so call out the delusion of the American dream, which highlights the individualism of Aries. In past lives, Springsteen focused on pleasing passing flings, and in this life he finds speaking on how majority of people really feel is his destiny. He likes expressing the grim, rebellious reality (aries) of the collective he was born in, America (11th house).
“At night, we ride through mansions of glory, in suicide machines.” Born to Run.
Celine Dion has a 18 degree NN in the 10th house, SN in 4th house. One of Celine’s greatest hits is from the movie titanic, which is very 10th house of her. The 10th house rules over reputation and fame, and in this case, it expresses that she is known by something that has more reputation than her, a box office hit. In past lives, she was always striving for her family’s acceptance, so in this life she finds acceptance through making a good career for herself. I don’t know much about her personally, but based on this placement it seems like she might avoid talking about the family she grew up in.
“I’m your lady and you are my man, whenever you reach for me I’m gonna do all that I can.” The Power of Love.
Florence Welch has a 22 degree NN. Majority of Florence + The Machine’s music focuses on all encompassing love, which Libra SN’s know very well. Florence has a realist take on what she experiences, but positive and negative. Throughout their discography, you notice that Florence learns more of independence, and finding love without having to contort to someone else’s standards.
“Leave all your love and longing behind, you can’t carry it with you if you want to survive.” Dog Days are Over.
Solange has a 28 degree NN. Her music celebrates her individuality (Aries), her culture, and grief (Libra). This is another artist where I wish I knew what house it sits in, but overall Solange captures the way she feels perfectly within her music. She can go from heavy themes to songs that are more fun, which is the perfect balance of Aries NN, Libra SN!
“Now I don’t want to bite the hand that’ll show me the other side, but I didn’t want to build the land that has fed you your whole life.” Don’t You Wait.
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kakiastro · 6 months
Mercury Retrogrades: Let’s Discuss
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I feel like there’s so much misconception with Mercury Rx. I need y’all to calm down and stop letting these transits freak y’all out!
Transits are felt as a collective but it impacts all of us individually differently! It’s like riding a bus. We’re all riding a bus we’re getting off on different locations. That’s how you treat any transit. Everyone has their own unique path, lessons and blessings in this lifetime.
What is a retrograde? Let’s start there…
Retrogrades is like re-looking at a contract or rewinding a scene from the movie to make sure you read and seen it clearly. It’s going back to the drawing board and making sure you’re not missing something. You may actually get a better idea or completely start fresh and it’s okay!!! Retrogrades shine light on what is and isn’t working anymore, so why are you all acting scared or worried? Listen, retrogrades can be a blessing if you know how to work with the energy not against it. Does this mean that things can’t be annoying or complicated? No, that’s life. But, I promise you’ll learn something from this. That’s how these transits work.
Mercury is the planet of planning and organization. It’s rules over our thought process and how we communicate these things. Mercury is our Health, mental and physical.
What if past people come back?
- If past people come back then this means that you have unfinished business or karma you need to clear out. Sometimes they come back because it could be a chance to start over and re-look at the situation and communicate. Another reason, it could be to see if you’re officially over and have learned that lesson associated with that person. It’s up to YOU if you want them back in your life. I’m going to be real, you may take back certain people in your life because you still have something left to learn.
Can I sign contracts or make big decisions?
Here’s the thing, if it’s not meant for you to do it then the Universe will block it one way or another! you have to start paying attention to the signs and listen to your intuition. If there’s doubt and you have been overthinking something, that’s a sign that you should probably leave something alone until you have clarity. You want to buy a car but nothing is going right, thats a sign love. Mercury Rx is asking you “Are you sure you want that car? Have you done a thorough research on it and see if its beneficial too you?” You want to try a new business endeavor but can’t find any resources, that’s a sign. You’re being asked to ”have you thought this endeavor out fully? Do you have a long term plan for it?” Now if you have full clarity on a situation and everything going smooth then that means you can go through with it because it was already planned out accordingly subconsciously or consciously.
Example: I bought my current cell phone during a Mercury Rx. I had been wanting a new phone for months but the timing wasn’t right but I knew I needed one. When Mercury Rx hit, my phone carrier told me that I qualified for the newest phone for no down payment. I took the opportunity and I’ve had this phone for 3 years and with only 1 issue(apple problem, not my phone) in this span.
Why is my life falling apart then?
-your life was probably already falling apart but you were too distracted by external things such as work, family or relationship(s) to noticed. Now it’s like someone has poured ice cold water in your face and you’re starting to see the dog shit in the corner, you’ve been smelling couldn’t spot it, SURPRISE! I’m tell you this, your life is falling apart or going through something so you can rebuild something builder. Is it fair? No, life isn’t always fair, earth isnt easy but just like the great Maya Angelou once said “you do the best you can. when you know better, you do better.”
Now this leads with this Mercury Rx being in Aries, we are looking at ourselves and reevaluating who we are. With the NN being here, we’re being pushed too. We have to if we want to grow. If you’re not reevaluating yourself then people closest to you are reflecting on what you need to heal. Libra which rules other people and Aries sister sign is also in effect. This eclipse was in a libra degree. Chiron is currently in Aries to remember? So take accountability for you past action, grieve and cry it out if you have too. But, also forgive yourself and others for your own mental (Mercury) peace. Some people will forgive you , others won’t, but the greatest thing we can all do is grow to be better for our future selves and the people we still have yet to meet! First we need too take accountability and heal.
See guys, life isn’t black and white, it’s very grey and it’s filled with nuance. These transits help us better ourselves and others in live timing.
I hope I didn’t come off preachy but I felt called to talk about this today because I wanted to you all to understand these transits in a newer more nuanced way. Can’t you all tell that this Rx is happening in my 10h😅
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p1xiemeat · 1 year
Anons need to get a life, or else a spine, and stop bothering you from the safety of anonymity. It’s amazing who will catch blind hate these days. So much to read, watch and do, and yet so many cravens who are so bored they need to send hidden hate to strangers to feel some excitement.
i agree. its really disappointing that ppl choose to spend their time trying to hurt others. i try to ignore them but thats when i get the most hate because they literally just want my attention. it may be annoying but it doesnt affect my life in any way. it mainly just makes me sad because even IF i hated/disliked someone i could never bring myself to torment them 24/7. ppl don't understand that spewing hate literally negatively impacts the victim AND the bully. karma is a real thing and the more you send out nasty energy, the harder it will come back to bite you in the ass. even if it takes a while, it WILL come back to you. the universe is very unforgiving. as a recovering addict i used to do awful things when i was on heroin or trying to get my fix. and karma came for me after that. luckily i fixed my life and myself. i learned from my actions and had to learn a lot of life lessons that most ppl don't learn until later on in life. it sucked at the time but now i feel blessed having learned what i know now at such a young age. my only wish for the person bullying me is that they too will learn and grow as a person so they will realize their hatred grows like mold. and the only life it truly has an affect on is their own. ༺♡༻
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yvesmundo · 8 months
It feels good to have burnt the memories, hearing the fire overtake the photos. Finalizing what is through.
Taking my power back. No longer doing favors. No longer going out of my way for their comfort. I have thrown away the reminders. I have burnt the cords between us. You no longer have a hold here. I do not give a fuck if you approve of me or not. I don't give a flying fuck anymore. You have pushed me to the point where I know I am better off alone. Every day you have complained about your problems, your life. Never once asking about me. You have tried to spin the tale that I am the narcissist. I am the one to blame for everything. Whatever helps you sleep at night pa
I promise myself that 2024 is the year that I drop the dead weight once and for all.
This year I will grow, I will date. I will explore myself. I will no longer be available for things that drain me and cause my body to become sick.
I have finally decided that enough is enough. I am through. Good luck finding me where you left me.
In my sitting back and continuing to allow the universe to deliver it's lessons era. I never have to lift a finger when it comes to karma. No weapon formed against me shall prosper. The weapons that they tried to form against me failed and is coming back to them. I am blessed and highly favored. The universe always has my back. No matter how hard the lesson is, I come out on top. I deserve abundance and joy. I will treat myself to the dates I want to be taken on. I will take myself on the vacations I want to go on. I will prosper eternally for I am blessed with abundance. I have what I need always. I am not worried, I am not stressed. I will always come out on top. C
You thought you were doing something when you tried to bring me down, but you only made me stronger. I can adapt and increase my resiliency always. I am never left wanting. My true circle is small but powerful. They lift me up when I am down. They do not choose to bring me down, even when they need to tell me a hard truth, it's never derogatory. It is time, you've known it for awhile.
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qnewsau · 9 months
Soapbox. Prejudice: things are getting better
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/soapbox-prejudice-things-are-getting-better/
Soapbox. Prejudice: things are getting better
Prejudice impacts terribly on people’s lives even when it falls short of violence. Destiny Rogers reflects on experiencing a lifetime of anti-LGBTQIA+ prejudice and the recent realisation that things can be so much better.
When you shit yourself…
As a cancer patient, when you cough and shit yourself and — unable to clean up — must rely on a stranger to do it, then you know what it’s like to have not a scrap of human dignity.
But when that stranger treats you with kindness, respect and compassion, it makes all the difference in the world.
I speak from experience.
For most of my 64 years on this planet, as a member of the LGBTQIA+ community, I have been accustomed to being treated as a lesser being. I’m far from alone. It is the common plight of minority groups. And generally no big deal to me. It’s wrong and it’s irrational but I know the people who treat me and others as subhuman are f*cking morons. That consoles me somewhat.
Of course, it’s not everyone. I grew up with a mob of kids in a small country town who never excluded me or treated me as any lesser because I was different. They have remained consistently decent human beings all their lives. However, an unpleasant note intruded in Grade 11.
Strange logic
The school in my hometown only went to Junior so I did Grades 11 and 12 in a neighbouring town. On a school trip, two Grade 12 boys who considered themselves lords of our little universe, stripped me naked in a shower and held a razor to my dick. I was terrified. They abused me for being a girl while threatening to turn me into one. Strange logic.
A few months later, on the last school day of the year, we could wear what we liked. I wore a skirt and blouse. The same pair of thugs rounded up a gang to do something I’d heard of but regarded as urban myth. Shove my head in a toilet and ‘show me the goldfish’. After they left and I stopped vomiting, I washed my hair in a handbasin, dried my tears and went back to class apparently without a care in the world.
What was the f*cking point? A lesson many of us learned in those days. Ignore it. It won’t go away. But no one is coming to your rescue.
Both those boys are dead now. Occasionally I see their names mentioned with condolences and think ‘What a pair of c*nts’.
I’m not big on forgiveness.
A lifetime of undeserved good health
At 64, I’ve enjoyed a lifetime of undeserved good health, avoiding hospital stays other than for nose and breast jobs (and possibly a facelift.🤐)
I enjoyed such good health I often told myself that one day karma would kick my arse in retribution.
And it did. This year I’ve spent weeks, nay months, in Queensland hospitals – both regional and metro.
The care I’ve been given is extraordinary. Queensland Health, in my experience, is far from the basketcase that sensationalist media platforms carry on about in search of clicks.
Illness is unpleasant. That goes without saying. But during my unfamiliar journey into the health system, I have felt safe because I have been treated with respect and decency.
My difference has made no f*cking difference.
I have experienced unbelievable kindness.
The strength of our health system is the people who work in it and, in my experience, they are magnificent. The health workers do a good job. That’s to be expected. It’s what they’re paid for. But it’s the extra human dimension that makes the real difference – the kindness, the respect, the decency… the lack of prejudice.
You cocksucking f*ggot… you ugly d*ke… you stupid g**k… you black c*nt…
Queensland Health employs people from virtually every demographic: race, religion, culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, weight, age…
And that seems to be a key factor in the lack of prejudice I experienced during my hospital stays. Health workers are accustomed to working with and depending on all different sorts of people.
But they are not unfamiliar with prejudice. It is ever-present in their working life.
I have never before witnessed the level of abuse common in hospital emergency departments.
I’ve listened as nurses seamlessly transitioned from cleaning up blood and shit and piss and vomit to providing sometimes lifesaving care to patients bombarding them with relentless abuse.
“I’ll f*cking kill you f*ggot… ugly d*ke, stupid g**k, black c*nt…”
Oh yes!
Everyone is a f*ggot, d*ke, g**k or c*nt to an angry bigot determined to cast blame for their pain.
But not once have I seen a health worker refuse help to these horrendous people.
So this holiday season, be grateful for the amazing health care we enjoy in Australia and our incredible health workers. Whatever the outcome of my health battle, I know the difference it has made to experience such unprejudiced and non-discriminatory care just when I needed it most.
More Soapbox:
Was I the first Trans Santa? …and the grumpiest?
Sex Worker Health and Safety.
Image: Destiny Rogers
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cosmicangel888 · 2 years
You Get to Heal - ALL Have Equal Access
Lying, scheming, planning agenda's that only meet selfish needs, scamming, copying, none of which is noble;
When you live in such disarray, disconnection with self, spirit, it is showing you, triggering you to go within and reconnect, realign with Source, God, Spirit -
You are here to re-create yourself; the only way to do such is to grow up and face the reality you have created on all levels and be ok that there are those that simply do not want to be a part of your journey or story -
All need to heal - period,
Not all want to hang out and move through deep and dark karma of ones own making - all need the space, sacredness, and peace to heal the many issues that are involved in living a life of falseness - do you want to live an authentic life? Is living as a player truly the depth of the souls and spirit's fulfillment? Awakening is shifting of yourself of what is within, and aligning to new paths of what is right, true, and honouring to your soul
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When you speak truth; you honour your soul
When you live in your truth; you honour the inner child and soul - none have to come along with you if you are not loving yourself enough to bring balance to your own life; allowing harmful and damaging people, karma filled life styles to corrupt your energy and life, is ultimately the karma you will always pay back; ;
Karma is karma - all know their part in the interference of another's path, the path that is harmful, deceitful, filled with scheming, scamming, and delusional due to spell work, manipulation, unhealed and dishonouring of the mental, emotional, spiritual wounding -
All are accountable -
The undeniable toxic messing with my path, my energy, my work, and my life is on the hand of what is in SPIRIT's front and centre - now - and all know their own part - all are adults - what part did you play and what truth have you been; for truth is a vibration and all I know, my divorce, that should have been a simple closure, my work, my books, my monies and paperwork - all and any accounting for what is not theirs and when a DF speaks truths, and stands up and speaks for her rights, her ways to be as equal as any other - is outright discrimination -
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The darkness implodes into itself - the past is the past - closed done, stay out of anyones lane that is not your own - stay in your own lane; you wanna play with the devil go play but don't force any other, or bring the mess to any other - be in your own energy - live in it - none deserve the mess that had been impaled upon my life - I will stand and I will call all out on it - corruption is corruption - needs to end, stop. God is calling judgment.
Monies, grace, return of all that has been taken -= my work is my work, my rights are my rights - I have my rights to liberation, freedom and not being stalked on what I offer, do, and bless for an entire collective and be blocked at every step - deceit is / truth is - all will be shown
Why when you do not know what you are doing, playing with spell work, and messing with anything and not even understanding basic universal laws - will only bring pain, and damage and blockage - karma - that is what is interfering - Right Use of Free Will and Non-Interference - life is evolutionary - learn the lessons, heal the wounds, and leave all others alone -
Simplicity is everything to peace, and health;
The more you tag in - the more energy you mess with and have them mess with you - why those awakening will see, feel know, and bring in their own blocks when you work within poly, multi-person chaos of most that which are still unhealed and have little discernment and inner world, balance, spiritual alignment of who oneself is - let alone sharing sacred divine life force with others that are on varying unhealed journeys and paths, and non-awareness -
The past is closed - never to reopen - all have access to heal!
Crime is unnecessary - Violence, messing, and interfering with any others life - is not necessary - when you heal - you have full access to God, Source, all creation - why play in depths of karma - when it is unnecessary = one will not be protected if you are warned, not taking heed, and you keep continuing the self sabotage -
Life force is sacred - it is the blessing of healing, eternal life - and deceitful ways of living what you have been shown is a player life - or one that is a pimp about town - or the most high spiritualist - either you live in truth or have a tough life - we are ascending - this is what truth is and does for you - truth is
Behind the scenes spell work, deceit, corruption of paperwork, withholding monies, work - fraud and signing signatures to gain, the selfish games and agenda's and now after years of asking in patience and gentleness to stop, I will not stand down to those that are not aligned with spirit and causing harm, damage and blaspheme to the divine - I know who I am - I have my spiritual and human rights to express, and be me; bring humanity healing and truth, and hope and promise - as my rightful purpose -
My life, my lane - all I have offered has been unconditional - period.
Truth is a vibration - all is such -
God said enough -
blessings and light
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kathyprior4200 · 2 years
Appearance and Personality of God-Source/Universe Creator
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An all-encompassing sphere of bright white light shone brilliantly throughout the cosmos. It emanated divine love and wisdom with such intensity that every spirit, star, soul, and being glowed and basked in its blissful beauty. The love and joy from this sphere was greater than the love a mother has for a baby, more enticing than the grandest sexual climax, and more wise than all the gurus on Earth. The sphere of light was so enormous that a million Earth suns could fit inside of it. In the area around the sphere were purple auras and violet cleansing flames that renewed, rejuvenated, and restored every energy entity that came across them. Around the outside of the light sphere were white and gold energy paths that spun and darted around in loops like electron paths around a nucleus. Shooting from the sphere and the bands of looping light were little newborn soul sparks that sped in all directions like excited bouncing orbs. Floating toward the other side of the sphere came giant Oversouls orbs…evolved spirits and souls who had fulfilled their missions in physical worlds and found themselves. Within the Oversouls were all the personas of incarnated lives: animals, humans, male and female from different time periods…all connected by the same soul essence. Bursting with joy, the Oversouls merged into the sphere, becoming one with it. Shining on the sphere’s surface were the blissful counterpart faces of every human and living soul that had ever existed. The sphere telepathically sent a loving message to all souls that vibrated within every cell of their being. The sphere spoke with the loving voices and sounds of every soul in existence.
“I AM THAT I AM! I have no name, yet am known by many: Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, Adonai, Brahman, Jesus Christ, Atum, Great Spirit, Tao, God, Goddess, Source, Oneness, Collective Universal Consciousness, all are the same. I am without sex, without gender, without race and without judgment. I have always existed and will always exist. My energy is you…I am the life force within everything and everyone in existence. Through each of you, I can experience your joys, sorrows, adventures, lessons, thoughts, feelings, and growth. As you grow in love and learn through your struggles, I, the Universes, expand as well. Every being learns differently, but I know all have equal value. I love the humans, the animals, the plants, the rocks, the objects, the aliens, the spirits, the stars, even the evil ones all the same. Light Being Angels are my messengers; the Akashic Records is my living energy scribe, who shows the history of all beings and time periods. Mother Earth is one of many planetary sentient beings, chosen to provide a home for souls of all species to thrive and grow. The Ascended Masters, Deities, and Aliens are the divine spirit beings who have come before and are here to guide humanity and the descendant races, so all the galaxies and universes can evolve more smoothly. I instilled Karma and Life Reviews for every soul, so they could gain knowledge, learn of the consequences of their actions, and most of all, re-discover who they are. I created Reincarnation systems for souls so they could have an infinite number of chances to enjoy their physical lives, reignite their loving bonds and fulfill their divine lessons. I aim for souls to love and care for themselves and other living things. But even with murderers, rapists, and criminals, I do not judge them…for they have merely lost their ways while incarnated and have infinity to correct their courses. I made sure every soul would be successful in their own time. Once all souls have evolved to their liking, they will merge with Me together once more. They will rest and will come back again during what humans call the Big Bang. Like the seasons and cycles of life, the universes go through divine eternal cycles as well. You are always with Me, for we are eternally connected. It does not matter what you do, or how far away you go, you are my offspring, my friends, my students, and my equals. Yes, we all are one and the same…you are Me all along.”
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morbid-epiphany · 2 years
Okay here’s some writings from a while ago that I wrote. There’s no specific or special time frame for them, they’re all sort of old anyway and written at different points in time, sort of mixed. They’re also some delusional thoughts I had, when I’m not doing well.
A slow and painful death is what I deserve. I don’t care about beauty or if people find me beautiful. I know I’m not so it doesn’t matter what I do in the end. I just want to go out slowly and painfully, feeling every second of it.
If you leave, I don’t blame you, I would’ve left long ago too.
Are you tired of me yet?
I know you’ll get irritated and annoyed with how broken I am. I get it really, people tend to get the shiniest keepsake, not the broken worn out barely functional toy. If you ever do have to leave, it’s okay, I get it. I won’t blame you and I won’t beg you to stay. In fact, I wait for that day patiently. I know it will come soon, so I sit and wait.
Trying feels like drowning constantly, swimming to save others but not myself, I’m not worth saving but other lives need me to continue swimming and continue fighting for them, so that’s what I’ll do. I’ll continue struggling for my daily breath. I’ll continue living, until the day my body gives into the waves. I’ll be engulfed by them soon. The comfort of being surrounded by water, drifting into the depths of the abyss. No more pain, no more suffering. I’ll let out my last breath with a sigh of relief. I won’t have to keep kicking.
I’ll tell people I don’t want to talk about it, even if they push. If they pushed a little more, I’d spill what’s actually on my mind. It’s eating me up. I just need to know that person actually wants to listen, because any normal person will ask what’s wrong but not actually care. They’ll ask once, twice, maybe even three times. People will say they care but they said that to make you feel better or make themselves feel better. Push a little more and I’ll wear my heart on my sleeve, I’ll expose my back to the knife, I’ll tell you everything. It will take me a while to open up, because the tears are in my throat and my heart has hardened around itself, but I’ll open up. Just give me a second.
Not quite 1 or 2. Not in a group like 3 or 4. Not equal to 5 but not in a box like 6. 7. Not the number of the beast, but it’s not a holy number either. 7. Just a number. Nothing more, nothing less. Lucky number 7.
“You’ll get better. I’ll be here until you do.” What if I don’t? What if your waiting is in vain? A waste of time and effort? I don’t believe I’ll ever get better, but I’ll sure as hell try. I’ve tried with every fiber of my existence and I’ll continue trying until the day I draw my last breath. Maybe one day all that trying won’t be for nothing.
“You’re not mentally ill.” Am I not? Maybe if I take off my sweater, my comfort, you’ll see how desperately my insides show through my skin and scream for help.
I obviously don’t need treatment, it’s fine. I’ll just sit here while I slowly rot away.
It’s okay, I’m fine. You can’t see anything so I’m not struggling.
It’s scary being aware of my own delusions, knowing it’s slowly getting worse, being unable to do anything about it. It’s like sitting in a movie theater, watching your favorite character die on screen without being able to do anything.
Unliked, unlucky, to be feared. 13. I feel comfort within 13, luck even. I wish more people stopped seeing the number as bad intentions instead of what it was truly made for. Its meaning. In the end, it’s just another number, I just wish more people saw it that way.
I remember when I thought my thighs were bad, but now my arms are worse.
I’m scared people leaving me, like I’ve done to others throughout the years. Not a word said, no mercy. My own personal karma.
I want it to be deeper, enough for it to gape open. Then I’ll know I’ve finally learned my lesson.
People assume they’re the center of the universe, but they aren’t. Everyone is their own center. Whatever drives them to their own edge and desires is what’s the center of the universe to them.
Stop assuming I hurt myself because of you. I have my own shit to deal with, I wouldn’t hurt myself over a missed call or an unanswered text. I have my own hell I live in daily and shit like that doesn’t even scratch the surface of what I go through.
It’s cold and my arms feel empty.
I need to get better for myself, it will only get worse if I continue this.
It’s a bit sad that I take care of myself more on days where I do this. It’s ironic.
I hate how relieving it is to even think about doing it. It’s like letting out a deep breath.
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starshipsofstarlord · 3 years
the age old divine
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hela x hecate!reader x agatha harkness / masterlist
summary; the mass of murdered witches draws your attention, shooting down to earth to speculate the scene. two goddesses, and a outcast witch, need i say more? / warnings; death, smut, threesome, biting, blood, threatening, oral sex (f receiving), fingering, squirting
“dead, dead, dead.” the goddess of death herself spoke, as she traipsed through the loitering of witch carcasses. despite her words, her dark eyes showed anything but pity, rather what was bestowed upon her power endorsing pools was amusement. the scene was quite satisfying to her, it was a certainty that she would not be one to complain about the number of bodies.
“say it with a little less stride in your tone, these are my children. they were gifted magic by my hand, and now all that reprise has gone to waste.” you bit verbally at the daughter of odin, looking respectfully down upon the slaughtered. “only one of their own coven could have strung them to her heart so enthrallingly, we have to find the witch.”
“isn’t all this hocus pocus your jurisdiction? there is no we when it comes to reprimanding the order of this nature.” hela responded, brushing her hair back into its tarantula alike webbing. “hurry now, so we can carry on with our reckoning of the realms, earth is rather dirtying my feet with distaste for the humans that loiter pathetically on this planet.”
“oh hush, just because you are your daddy’s number one executioner does not mean that structured by your thoughts, that life is a waste. mortals may not be gifted with long life, nor the representation of elaborate thinking, however there is some beauty to their weak race.” a rustle in the bushes had you snapping your head to the side, focalising on the greenery as a nervous shake prompted the arms.
“there is no beauty to avid weakness.” hela noticed the listener’s location too, though she continued to speak as though it were a regular conversation at one of asgard’s infamous banquets. “nor hiding from those that reign higher in a seam of nature. come out little witch, and show us that digressed face of yours.”
“hela.” thoughtlessly elbowing the executioner, your thoughts drifted to her borderline mistake. the witch could attempt to escape after her whereabouts being called out, though perhaps you should have had more faith in the face of death, for a ragged haired, young woman approached from her hiding spot, seemingly worried for her own safety.
her eyes drifted over the various bodies that she had cast from life, and then they landed on you. instantly she recognised the description that your form visibly upheld, she had heard various tales and stories about you as a child, the mother of the witches.
“agatha harkness.” you knew her name, inside she panicked, it felt as though she were to be punished for her sins. but with one flick of your enchanted wrist, the evidence of her reprisal disappeared, her mother’s corpse turning into nothing more than a wisp drifting through the air. “i suppose it is you that had vanquished your family, may i, the sorceress over all, get an answer to why?”
agatha fumbled her shoulders for a second, as she thought of the best response that she could possibly bestow. she couldn’t say that she had seen the darkhold, nor disobeyed the ways of her coven, that would only make her appear as the villain. “well, are you going to tell me, or am i going to have to take a peak in that chaotic mind of yours?” your tone was harsh, as your demanding eyes bore into her.
from beside you, hela tutted, as she nonchalantly picked at her nails. “aren’t you the one always telling me to have patience?” out of all times, this was when the goddess had to intervene, it seemed as though she herself had no patience to sit there and allow you to carry on. after all, as she had spoken, this was your area, not hers.
“shut it.” the demand provoked the woman that lurched death upon her victims, she was fast to swoon forwards and cast her tough hand upon your jaw. her impending pupils glazed over, washing over with dominance, as her spare hand reached out, shaking her pointer finger at agatha, whom had tried to creep away from the debacle scene.
“not so fast little witch, i want to show you how weak and vulnerable your deity is in my hands. one snap and i could break this pretty neck of hers; and that would be such a shame.” hela hissed, sinking her teeth into your chin, hard enough to cause a puncture mark to render your flesh, with your crimson humanity lightly escaping from the small wound.
the goddess of death threw you upon the ground, as you turned and glared at the witch, who remained frozen at the play that was rolling out before her eyes. hela sunk onto her knees, grasping the crooks of your ankles to pull you closer, straddling you to permit no option of escape.
“i thought that you were smart enough not to talk back to me y/n, but it appears that i, like the ways of my forefathers, was wrong. did all those lessons i introduce you to amount to nothing?” her porcelain hands tore at your white robe, exposing your nudity to the crisp air, that sent ripples of bumps along your immortal skin. “i will bend and break you until you understand. i will rip everything away from you, until you see that your whimsical tricks are nothing in compared to what i am able to do.”
a whine escaped your lips, and agatha’s eyes widened. she shouldn’t be witnessing this, much less standing by as her legendary, tale told idol fumbled beneath a mass of dark seduction, braced to be as barren of clothing as you were the day that you had been birthed as a symbolic presence within the universe.
“get off of me, otherwise i shall inform the hellish mould of the devil’s crown how to defeat you; you and i both know that ragnarok will have you splitting in half like a fallen icicle.” the threat, albeit honest, was half empty, like a cauldron with the incorrect ingredients. hela could only smirk at the predicament that you had adjourned into the compass of.
her suspicious hand slithered down your body like an albino serpent, cradling the mound of your inherited artefact, rubbing her murderous thumb upon your rose, toying cantankerously with the petals, pricking at them like established thorns, drawing a spike in your breath. agatha rubbed her thighs together, trapping her full bottom lip between the jailhouse of her teeth, lightly gnawing upon her own flesh.
“get off of you, or get you off into a climactic example of true ecstasy, that is not accompanied by vengeful curses, nor midnight felines that bring the warning of arising karma?” she asked teasingly, shaking her deviant head as you thrusted your hip against her hand, rubbing the length of your treasure chest upon her thrilling palm.
“don’t be stereotypical hela, otherwise i will make sure you see some entrapment of your own fears; you and i both know that i am well equipped to take a guess at what they are.” hela prowled her top lip up in the stance of a silent snare, quickly disconcerting her attention away from you in your appeasing pose, as she beckoned the bushy haired witness over, grinning contently when the witch silently complied.
“i suppose you’ve never thought that the night would come where you would see your historical figure writhing under the affections of death. touch her, fulfil the one legacy that you bestow upon your enchanted selves, and serve her.” the woman cloaked in a skin of thin armour spoke, glaring frighteningly up at the witch, with a primal infrastructure edging the outside of her feral orbs.
“i, i, what do i do?” agatha wanted to be certain that the thoughts that ceremoniously rushed to her mind. if she were to worship your body with the passion that she had refrained from sharing with any of her coven, then she wanted to be certain that she knew the extents that she was allowed to perform to. a forbade groan sheathed like a revealed dagger from your mouth, as you located your neck in an alternate position so that you could look at your kin.
“eat my cunt harkness, now, before i decide to punish you for your treacherous sins.” within a minute, she scrambled upon the dirt, clawing her way so that she was met with an inspector’s sight. hela untangled herself from her masterful clothing, basking her body in nudity, as she climbed upon her face, sitting on it as you eagerly began to swipe your tongue through her folds, sucking earnestly at her clit.
agatha found that to be her moment, she craned her head down, swiping her fingers through your self accumulated slick, watching with a transparent gaze as your essence coated the pads of her skin. she delved her face closer, inhaling the immoral scent that radiated from your most intimate parts, tracing your lips with her explorative tongue. the witch hummed, as though she had succeeded at a spell, gasping herself as she felt your hand comb down and pull at her messy locks.
hela ground against your face, half suffocating you, just the way that she liked it. you moaned into her pulsating flesh, inserting your primitive tongue inside her, roaming around the dark caves that staved many secrets, feeling how each one perfectly moulded her soul, and made her into the dependant warrior that she was. it was unarguable, she was a difficult person to get along with, but you could feel the impact that her younger years had shaped her; she had been taught to be this version of death.
but ironically, there was much life in her as she made huffs that she often saved for the episodic scenery of the battlefield, huffing her perky chest out as she felt valhalla erupt in her abdomen, urging her to sink onto your tongue, and use you for her own advantage. agatha was admittedly not doing as bad of a job as you had inwardly predicted, she was eager to please, specifically more so, since it were you, hecate that she was intimately tending to.
you moaned up into hela, lurching your bottom half down and further unto agatha’s in inquisitive face, sending ripples of sound up through the raven haired woman’s sly body, stringing more leverage over her, in more ways than one. a shout bellowed from your chest, as you felt tendrils of aura surround the interior of your stomach, poking it to no end, sending you closer to the edge. witches, you’d show this one in particular.
harkness squealed as she felt a heat penetrate her entire being. she was a witch, you were a deity, that was perception enough that there was a range of power between the two of yours abilities. “hecate.” it was the name that her ancestors had taught her, and thus, the woman used it, trying to mush her not so innocent face back into your pussy in attempts to shut her own self up.
it felt as though the bifrost was soaring through her, sending her to another land; hela came onto your face, mumbling incoherent, presumably dominant, words to herself as you used your oral appendage to help clean her up. “by the dead, are you good at that.” it was far from the first time that she had told you that. agatha was on the route to her second orgasm, the bliss that you intuitively blessed her with had rendered her to a first.
she however continued to bring you to the overall whits of your sexual expression, introducing her fingers into your nest, watching euphorically as they entered you, and sunk delightfully through your folds, being swallowed into the spongey abyss. hela dismounted from your face, tracking over to position herself from behind agatha, turning up the ends of her skirt, throwing the supporting material over her ass, grabbing the cheeks as she pressed a bite into one globe.
the goddess sunk her face into the subsequent area that had been indulged in privacy for far too long, stroking up the ways of agatha’s slick cunt, nibbling upon her clit as the maleficent light you bestowed continued working inside of her. shaking your head, a finish line was installed as you raced towards it, surpassing the line as you pushed the simple witch’s face closer to your heat, coating her lips with your personal gold, forcing the pressure within her to explode.
her body shook as a violent flurry, which was surely anything natural, reckoned her body. juices spurted out behind her, coating hela’s torturous tongue as she pulled away, silently comparing her taste to your own. once more, in an instant, hela was robed once more, as she steadied your knees, pulling you up to your trembling feet. “now that is what i would call a divine intervention.” a smirk riddled your lips as you stood, your robe still torn, exposing the curve, and the entirety to your beautiful breasts; agatha felt as though she were in a trance.
you were so perfect, like all the tales had foretold. hela shook her head at your incensed pun, rolling her eyes at your consistent humour. “i liked this one, she was less bold than the others that we have previously visited.” noted the goddess of death, stepping back and dragging you back with her as a beam of light cascaded down through the sky, ripping the pair of you away from your current destination.
once it disappeared, the pair of you were gone; vanished. though evidence of your presence remained, agatha licked her lips, tasting you, as she simultaneously felt the affect that the pair of you had endured upon her between her dampened legs. it was a day that the stray witch would never forget, it was indeed, a memory that would surpass through her mind as she gained control, and thus more power.
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thetallkiwi · 2 years
Me ranting about placements in my birth chart because why not? (Pt.2)
OKAYYY i have time today lol. I’m procrastinating so it’s all good. I have already made a part 1 which your beautiful self can find down below
Moving on let’s goooooo! (Warning: mentions abuse and cuss words)
1). I last left off with moon trine saturn. Now, you may think that this is a good aspect since it’s a trine, but not really. I will say, the lessons for what saturn is trying to teach you via the aspects, will be slightly easier. As you know, the moon reps the mom and emotions, and saturn reps karma, discipline, RESTRICTION especially. Wherever saturn lays in your birthchart, is where you will have restriction and will have to work hard to achieve. The aspects saturn makes/that are made to saturn are your guides in helping you heal your saturn placement. So this aspect is basically saying that…I am…apathetic to a certain extent. It makes sense. I don’t cry easily and if I do cry, I don’t do it for long. I’m emotionally guarded even against myself. I try to have compassion and step in other people’s shoes. On another note, this makes me emotionally intelligent and less likely to act off of feelings (but as a 8th house moon it creates a struggle of wanting to be petty af towards someone if they did me wrong vs leaving them alone and maturing.) so there’s a lesson in learning how to allow myself to feel emotions and not see them as the enemy, but a release. A friend that helps destress.
2). Sun square Midheaven:
UGGHHHHHH bruh my sun literally squares EVERYTHING except my mars. I fucking hate it. This is actually a pretty good placement to have because it means that I have ambition and will be willing to work for my goals. This is a very draining placement. I have all this ambition and it can easily go to waste. I try my best to make the best of it and results do come from the hard work i put in too. This placement can also make you confused about what you wanna do, but once you know what it does, you have all the willpower and natural energy reserves to bring forth results. I am still new to the manifesting community and honestly I would say that people with this aspect would do well in manifesting since you will also put in your side of the bargain with the universe/God/higer power. Now even if you don’t have this aspect don’t think you aren’t good at manifesting. You are. It’s all in your head, literally.
3). Moon septile mars:
Septiles are a “minor” aspect and you’ll rarely see any other astrologers use septile in a sentence, if you’re lucky. But having this placement can make someone EXTRA. Like you try to be calm then 5 mins later you’re on crack again being loud and dramatic and shit.
4). Pluto-Lilith Aspects:
People who have these aspects tend to hanve an intimidating aura and gaze. I have pluto trine lilith and there has been some people tell me that i had a death stare back at where I used to work. Seriously, we hold a LOT of power when it comes to this aspect. Lilith is like a weird shocking mixture of uranus and pluto so with that being said…we shock people and intimidate them so easily. I promise we’re like the nicest people on earth just look past our big bad exterior 🥺👉🏽👈🏽
5). Scorpio, 9th house:
Bruh Scorpio in the ninth house is teachers not liking you. At. All. I’m so done with school. I remember I was in fifth grade and I ended up with sand in my pants (because some stupid ass kid wanted to play a prank on me and poured a shoe full of sand down my pants) and I told my teacher when we got to class(this was after recess) and I asked her if I can go to the bathroom. She pulled me outside, gave me a verbal warning and then let me go. The teacher didn’t do shit. I genuinely don’t like teachers. Another experience happened where me and a teacher cussed each other out because i called her out on her BS (the class was tired of her and she was one of the most hated teachers throughout the school). I am in college now and it is better but those memories will hold on to you forever. Scorpio in your ninth house is legit no joke. If you have this placement y’all stay safe lol.
Additionally, having Scorpio on your ninth hoise means that you learn from those people with scorpio placements specifically. You have to learn how to face the intensity of your darkness which will be mirrored through these people. You have no choice if you want to heal yourself and upgrade you. It’s uncomfortable but it’s worthy.
6). Taurus, 3rd house, 18 degrees:
Now, you may think that having Taurus in the third house is all willy nilly but noooooo. Let me remind you Taurus is the sister sign of Scorpio and when we speak our words carry a presence (with the blessing of a sweet sounding voice). So don’t be surprised if you know someone with this placement and they can cause people to double back on their words. The 18 degrees also adds on to it. It’s not so much of a “killer degree.” But it tests people. I have been told that I have a way with words where people have to literally sit down and think about what I said. This placement is capable of stirring the pot in others when trying to set boundaries or being serious. Do not mistake a Taurus third house for something nice. Not only that, Taurus is a fixed sign, so i will stand steadfast on my word. This placement is a bit of a transformation placement where the words literally “test” other people. What they believe in, what they stand on, etc. It’s a blessing to have this placement. It practically translates to “come correct or don’t come at all.”
7). Sun semi-square venus:
This is a bit of a funny placement. People will not have a reason to like you, and they’re surprised at the fact that they even like you in the first place. Like they will find themselves actually contemplating on why they’re here with you, how did they even know you in the first place, etc.
8). People who have mars-pluto aspects literally *recognize* each other. I already mentioned my mars-pluto aspect. My soulmate, she also has the same aspect, and lord when we’re crossed we wreak havoc on people. But God forbid that we go against each other. I’m not gonna even ignore the fact that we can literally hold grudges against people and then act like we don’t 🤦🏾‍♀️. But my boyfriend also has mars sextile pluto in his chart ahaha. We recognize each other so much.
9). Mercury in Libra:
Okayyy so this is very…it’s different for everyone who has the placement but for the love of God so help me father—why is it so easy being indecisive??? You ask me the most simple question that involves choices and i am already contemplating the meaning of life trying to come up with an answer. Here’s how my thought process goes (oh yeah, it’s also at 12°, so this is a literal indecisive placement):
Boyfriend: do we wanna eat at Taco Bell or McDonald’s?
Me: Ummm…whichever one you’re down for i am down for.
Boyfriend: I know but i can’t decide so I am asking you.
Me: *stares at him for a literal five fucking minutes trying to balance the pros and cons of each restaurant and thinking about their menus.*
Boyfriend: 😐😑😐🤨…why are you just staring at me?
Me: *zones back in* my apologies. We can go to Taco Bell.
Boyfriend: took you long enough 😐😩 let’s go!🥳
See? It is a great struggle when encountering questions like this. The only upside to this placement is that I can mediate situations pretty easily and I can speak in a way that incorporates professionalism.
10). Moon conjunct venus:
We have a soft spot for those we love. Like you cannot do no wrong in my eyes. I genuinely love you appreciate you and your existence. Can also mean mom probably had a strong influence over our money and aesthetic at one point. This is can also come off as a people pleasing placement. Overall it’s lovely to an extent. As long as you don’t drain yourselves trying to love the other person.
I hope you guys enjoyed this and please don’t let this flop like my other posts 😩
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blacksunscorpio · 4 years
Astro Musings No. 5
Placements Most Prone to Getting Stuck in Abusive Relationships
Are usually people with Venus in Scorpio because of the intensity of how they love and the intensity in which people love them back, Venus in Libra due to their penchant for trying to see the good in those they love. Venus square/opposing Neptune, due to these natives often idealizing those who do not deserve it. Venus in Pisces, due to their savior complexes. People with Moon squaring their Mars’, or Moon conjunct/squaring/opposing their Pluto’s— often they associate pain and intensity of feeling as equatable to love. These are the types of people who feel deeply and often have a hard time entertaining the idea of love unless there is some sort of “suffering” involved.
Many with Moon or Venus squaring Saturn
Can endure the same thing/have the same habits. I’ve found with the latter two the duration of these relationships will last a lot longer. This is because Saturn adds longevity to relationships.
Nessus in aspect to Dejanira in synastry
Can also cause obsession or at its worst, abuse. Sparknotes version of the Greek myth is a wild centaur named Nessus attempted to kidnap and rape Dejanira as he was ferrying her across the river Euenos, but she was rescued by Heracles. If you’ve ever watched Disney’s Hercules, Megara is the Hollywood version of this broad. In regard to synastry Dejanira is the asteroid of the victim, especially sexual, and Nessus indicates the abuser. If this appears in synastry you can be certain two people will have some sort of abuse involved in their relationship or some sort of intense obsession with each other than may not be altogether healthy. Be careful if it aspects [in square or opposition] Sado or Algol. No bueno. If touching Chiron it there will be some sort of lesson involved. Make sure it’s one worth learning. Aspects like these in astrology can be very humbling.
Typically if One Has an Aspect Natally it Will Often Appear in Synastry With Another.
For example, One can have their Sun opposing their moon and often attract people whose moons oppose or square their sun. If one has a Mercury squaring their Pluto, they may attract someone whos Pluto square’s their Mercury. You can often always trace a synastry aspect back to one or the other person’s natal chart.
People with Venus Conjunct Lilith
Will have enormous sex appeal. Their basic femininity will be in touch with their wild femininity. If in the 10th house, they may make a career out of it. Become models or make money off their figures. One of my best friends is a porn star and has this aspect. Her ‘Only Fans’ is poppin’.
People with Sagittarius 5th houses
Can/will adopt children from other countries or have children in countries other than their native land. Angelina Jolie’s 5th house is in Sagittarius and her whole brood save for 3 are of different ethnicities.  People with the same rising sign as you often deal with many of the same issues as you and therefore, can be easier to have friendships/relationships with. This is typically because two people will have the same houses/house sign cusps.
Placements That Make One Lucky
Are often strong Jupiter placements. Jupiter rules fortune and is in general a benefic planet. Wherever he touches will show growth or excess of energy. It is best when he is working harmoniously. So, Jupiter trining/conjunct/sextiling inner planets or Jupiter trining the north node. Jupiter as the most elevated planet is a good indicator of someone who often gets lucky in the nick of time. Luck often comes through at the clutch for these folks.  Asteroid Fortuna, Fama, or Abundantia making harmonious/conjunctions to planets like Jupiter, the Sun, or the Moon. The Sun in the 10th house is a good indicator of someone lucky in their career. Asteroid Karma No. 3811 in favorable aspect to inner planets, and/or Asteroid Talent No. 33154 in favorable aspect to inner planets or in benefic houses.
A good place to look to see determine someone’s physical features is often their Sun, Rising, Dominant planet, or Midheaven.
Yes, I know, not very exciting but I keep telling you guys to stop ignoring your Sun. It is the most powerful Planet in your chart. However, if we were to look beyond the Sun, Your rising sign is your face. Someone with a Scorpio rising will inevitably have some sort of intensity to them. 9 times out of 10, it has something to do with their eyes. The Midheaven will also show you a bit more, usually how a person carries themselves. I often find those with Virgo or Venus Midheavens [women] are very good in heels. Good with structured walking. Men will often have model-esque walks as well. Attention grabbers. Same with those with Capricorn MC’s. Neptune MC’s have a bit of a “swagger to their walk” like they’re swimming through air. Gemini MC’s are often very light on their feet. Aries MC’s walk in a very militaristic way. Straight backed. Authoritarian. George W. Bush has an Aries MC and walks in such a way.
Psychic connections in Synastry [Platonic or Romantic]
Are usually 12th house, 8th house, 1st house, or 9th house placements/Overlays. Aspect-wise typically Moon to the lunar nodes, Uranus to the Nodes or Moon, Vertex to nodes, PLUTO, or NEPTUNE to Mercury. Mercury to Moon, Mercury to Uranus, or Neptune. These are all highly psychic points. Having these placements in synastry/overlay will usually indicate dreaming of the other person, prophetic dreams [especially if 9th house or Jupiter is involved] Knowing what the other person is thinking or gut hunches about the person’s well being. If in harmonious aspect these will make you feel closer to the person or bolster feelings of affection. In hard aspect, it can cause obsession or the other person may feel as if they are “haunting” you. Trust me.
A Singleton Planet
is a planet posited in the only sign or house of its type [element, mode, or orientation]. For example, if your sun is the only planet in a water house, or if your moon is the only planet in a sign of universal orientation, those would be singletons. Singletons are EXTREMELY powerful forces in the natal chart. They can be considered focal points of consciousness, sometimes vehicles of manifestation. They are widely understood to have extreme expressions (or repressions) which are heavily symbolic in a native’s entire life.
People with many Aries placements, strong Martian influence, [especially if in aspect to Mercury or Mars], or hard Plutonic aspects [including conjunctions] tend to enjoy more aggressive forms of music. The types to listen to heavy metal/rock or hardcore gansta rap.
Leo and Aquarius mixing in a natal chart or in the 2nd house can make someone have a bit of a “bark” like voice.
Venus retrograde natives may have had a hard time or still have a hard time in their social lives especially if it’s placed in the 11th house.
On Chiron
People with Chiron in Aries have a fear of failure. Can suffer from identity issues. They can heal by empowering others and being independent. Chiron in Taurus feel as if they never have enough. May have grown up a bit poor or might feel as if they don’t deserve nice things. They can heal by being financially responsible, but also treating themselves to something nice once in a while. Chiron in Gemini feels like no one understands them, may have suffered from feeling unintelligent or their mental pursuits were discouraged. They can heal by speaking up. Writing or singing. Translating their pain into beautiful intellectual activity. Chiron in Cancer feel as if they can’t be vulnerable They may have been made to feel ashamed of their emotions. May have suffered neglect at home, specifically from the mother. They can heal by taking care of others. Cooking. Expressing themselves to those they trust. Not everyone will hurt you. Chiron in Leo may have suffered from being invalidated in life. Feeling rejected. Having impossible standards forced on them. Not getting recognition for their talents. They can heal through channeling creativity into art. Helping others see their worth. Being playful and bold in their own self-expression. Chiron in Virgo may suffer from some sort of distorted self-image. Perfectionism or excess of criticism from others/family. As a result, they can either be extremely critical or compensate by being people pleasers. They can heal by maintaining their health and seeing a counselor [remember Mercury who rules the mind is the ruler of Virgo so mental health is NOT something to ignore.]
People with Venus in Taurus
Are actually some of the slowest moving people in terms of romance. Even more than Capricorn Venusians. They love to take their sweet time. If they were to be a Tarot card, they’d be the Knight of Pentacles. Methodical, slow-moving, careful. They are caring but terrified of choosing the wrong person, being abandoned, or making the wrong move. They study the object of their affections almost to the level of Plutonians [but without the dark appeal]. This is because they want to know how and what pleases the other person. Very traditional.
Are very jealous in love and can give Scorpios a run for their money.
Leo Moons
LOVE ATTENTION I've noticed even more than Leo suns. Why? Because validation is often tied to what makes them feel good emotionally [moon]. These are the people who will post about 20 snap or insta stories talking about their day.
Gemini Mars’
Have a problem with dry-snitching on themselves. This is because their drive is tied with their intellect and speech. As a result, they can often find themselves saying more than they mean to.
Aquarian placements
Are high-key opinionated but are can also be the least accepting of other points of view, especially if Saturn/Capricorn is in the mix. This is because they are fixed air. So their mindsets/intellectual opinions are hard-pressed to change. Good luck trying to win an argument with one. However, they do move on quickly because they are detached by nature.
Sagittarians/strong sag placements will often make friends the easiest out of any zodiac sign. Opinionated but their curiosity for people from all walks of life makes it easy to relate to them. Those who come after would most likely be Gemini moons or 5th House/ 11th House Leo’s.
6th house placements, especially if Leo or Pisces sits on the cusp often are very good with animals. Piggybacking on that, Piscean placements tend to have an almost telepathic ability with animals.
Cats seem to take to Scorpionic people very easily, even if the native doesn’t care for them. As a matter of fact, most Scorpionic people have a knack with animals that are nocturnal. Spiders, Owls, Cats, Foxes. These animals will likely find a Scorpio native/ those with heavy Scorpio placements out of nowhere or perhaps never bite them.
Astro Musings No. 1 Astro Musings No. 2  Astro Musings No. 3  Astro Musings No. 4  Astro Musings No. 6 Astro Musings No. 7 Astro Musings No. 8  Astro Musings No. 9  Astro Musings No. 10
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Okay I caved, I made it. Note: although highly based on actual canon, there are parts of this that are pure headcanon, and I will explain the reasoning behind that below the cut. I decided to make a pretty graphic, mostly so it’s easy for everyone to use! I didn’t add every episode ever, but I think the points I included here are a good enough base to figure out the rough timeline of anything you need to know. 
The Aguri Problem is one of the most ridiculous plotholes in the entire series, and one of the few that is the most annoying to just try and forget. You see, the Japanese academic year usually starts in April. Whilst it’s true that MAYBE Kunugigaoka could start earlier, it literally makes no sense, considering that they’re still in school the following year in March, and haven’t moved up a year. For ass class to completely make sense, their third year is literally over a year long, since Aguri has to have taught them for two weeks by the time she dies. 
So, although absolutely not canon, I’ve finally found a solution I’m okay with. So picture this: Kunugigaoka’s academic year usually ends around the first week of March, and the students get a couple of weeks break before moving up to the next year, or graduating. From my experience of university at the very least, it’s not uncommon for graduation ceremonies to happen a week or two after teaching ends. 
However, for E Class it’s a different story. Because of their failure, they don’t get to have a break, and instead start their lessons straight away. In this way, they immediately start their lessons with Aguri, and therefore we get “two weeks” time for Aguri to die on March 13th. That also gives Kayano a few days to test into the school (which wouldnt make sense to happen whilst an academic year is already in session), and for Korosensei to become their teacher no more than a week or so later. Ass class, the story, begins when they’ve already had Korosensei as a teacher for at least a little while, though clearly not too long as they haven’t even named him yet. 
If we take this version of events, then that means Karma has to have been suspended at almost the very last point of his second year, since he’s told he’ll be STARTING his third year in 3E. This is a little confusing, but if we go with the ‘no spring break for 3E theory’, his entrance into the series kind of makes sense. It could also be than the suspension gets pushed back until after the actual break. I did put his entrance in April, as I think it makes the most sense, but technically it could also be at the very end of March. His actual suspension could also be at the very beginning of March too. Episodes 1 and 2 are in April because I think other students need to be back at school for E Class to have a chance to experience actually being bullied. 
This kind of creates the problem of them still being in school in early March the following year, though, presumably with no E Class to follow. Again, I’m literally pulling at threads here to TRY and fix the logic in this show, but maybe Principal Asano just... dropped the E Program already after his whole backstory? I mean, he did literally try to destroy the building, so he might have just decided to end the system already. So E Class could potentially just... choose to still come to school, even after teaching’s over. That’s not UNHEARD of in Japan. But logically, they have a whole contract to fill with the government, so it makes sense for them on a special basis to stay at class to try and kill Korosensei until March 13th, even if this doesn’t make sense in another context. 
A lot of these things are assumptions, such as the dates of the midterms and stuff, though they don’t come without a lot of thought and context. Of course, ones with actual certain dates are pretty much canon. 
How did I get those specific dates? Well, aside from definite points (such as Irina’s birthday), we can look at ‘Bye Bye Yesterday’, which literally ends with a countdown for every episode it’s in. Simply count back, presuming Ass Class doesn’t take place on a leap year, and we can find exact dates. They do also check out with the other finite point we have, which is Valentines Day, so I’m happy to go with this method of calculating. Though, some of the later episodes do take place over several days, so just use common sense. 
I think that’s everything I need to actually explain here, but I’m open to going into more detail if anyone has questions! Also, please, go ahead and use this as you like! 
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luvksj · 3 years
Yandere! Undisputed Era: Don’t Try Me
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author’s note: so... i’m trying to create a masterlist so you can find all my stories much easier but i have no freaking idea where to start so... if anyone knows how to... please help me out. hope you guys are enjoying my stories so far and sorry if anything is confusion or goes suddenly off-topic, i try my best to remain consistent as possible. anyway, here’s another yandere! undisputed era story because i love them so much (not as much as the shield). again, thank you for supporting my stories and i’ll never stop expressing my gratitude for how much each like means to me. 
plot: ever since pat mcafee ambushed your boyfriends, the undisputed era, he has been consistently taunting you, making incredibly rude comments all because your boyfriends weren’t here to protect you. you decided to prove why no-one should ever under-estimate you.
“You can talk the talk... let’s see if you can walk the walk, hmm?” you said. 
Ever since Pat McAfee ambushed your boyfriends, you’ve been the target of his consistently rude comments. The results of his attack left all four members unconscious in the hospital while you spent majority of your day talking to doctors for daily updates. 
The final straw came when Pat McAfee declared that you were hiding from him because you can’t fend for yourself since he gave your boyfriends a one-way ticket to the hospital. 
Marching angrily inside, you ignore everyone’s stares and climb inside the ring, demanding Pat McAfee to come out. He cockily walks out, slowly getting inside the ring. “How dare you say that I can’t fight. Just because you put my boyfriends in a hospital gives you no right in making rude comments about me. If anything... you’re the pussy here, darling.” you spit.
His cocky demeanor flickers slightly, “You had to ambush them because you don’t have the balls to fight them face-to-face because you knew that they would whip your ass. While you’ve been running your mouth, I’ve been looking after my boyfriends because that’s what a girlfriend does.” fans were cheering as he grimaces.  
“Enough is enough. I’m here to challenge you and prove that I’m one badass motherfucker with or without my boyfriends here.” you start off, staring towards an NXT Takeover graphic as his eyes follows. 
Fans cheers become louder with each passing second, “You can talk the talk... let’s see if you can walk the walk, hmm?” you said. Fans excitedly chant, pressuring Pat McAfee, he clearly didn’t expect this and hoped you’d admit everything he’s been saying was true. 
But, you were different than the rest. 
“I challenge you to a Steel Cage match at NXT Takeover.” you announce as fans scream excitedly while glaring Pat McAfee dead in his eyes. “There’s no Undisputed Era to protect me, I’m all alone but rest assured... I’m going to drag you through absolute hell! And... that’s Undisputed.” you finish.
Pat McAfee looks rather impressed by your confidence, “Feisty one I see, no wonder the Undisputed Era likes you.” he said. Watching blankly, your anger had reached boiling point but he didn’t need to know that since it would inflate his ego. “I will show everyone that you’re nothing but a weak, little bitch who needs her boyfriends to protect her. At Takeover, I’ll make you my bitch.” he taunts.
You launch yourself at him, screaming in anguish. Referees tried pulling you away but that didn’t prevent you from landing a Superkick, watching him recoil in pain. “At Takeover... I’m not becoming your bitch... you’re becoming my bitch.” 
[time skip]
You trained hard each day for this match. You were warming up backstage, you stared at a photo of the Undisputed Era with a soft smile, knowing they were cheering for you... despite not knowing anything about this because you hadn’t visited them in so long. 
Dressed in your custom ‘Undisputed Era’ wrestling gear, you admired yourself before heading out where Pat McAfee awaited inside the steel structure. “AND HIS CHALLENGER, FROM [Y/H/T], WEIGHING IN AT [Y/W] (author’s note: y/h/t means your home town and y/w means your weight), REPRESENTING THE UNDISPUTED ERA, Y/N!” Alicia introduced. 
You pull the Undisputed Era hand sign before the most anticipated match of NXT Takeover officially began with fans cheering loudly.
[another time skip]
The match has been going on for hours, neither of you wanted to give up. Blood gushed down from your face; the ring was littered in broken tables, bent ladders, snapped kendo sticks, and dismantled chairs.
You were just Suplex into two ladders but managed to kick out. Pat McAfee had dragged you to the top of the cage, hoping to hit another Suplex but you avoided it before connected with a Tornado DDT from the top of the cage. Commentary was going insane, fans couldn’t believe it and you pinned him for the win.
You had no energy to even get up as the referee tries holding your hand up, you had lost too much blood, slowly losing your consciousness as Pat McAfee was already unconscious. Paramedics raced to the both of you, loading you hurriedly onto stretchers with a cloth pressed firmly onto your open wound causing this much blood loss. 
Groaning, the doors were slammed closed with a paramedic demanding that you remain awake but the heaviness of your eyes overpowered everything. 
[two weeks later]
You woke up a couple days later, completely out of it. You couldn’t remember a thing from the night apart from fainting inside an ambulance, even though your injuries were quite severe, that wasn’t what was worrying you. 
What was worrying you was the reaction your beloved boyfriends would have when they discovered that you competed in a match without their knowledge and ended up inside a hospital. 
Tonight, after being cleared by doctors to make an appearance, you would be making a surprise appearance to review the match considered by many as ‘one of WWE’s most iconic matches’. William Regal had informed you earlier that Pete Dunne, Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch were banned from ringside during your segment.
Fans cheered as you slowly got into the ring, it felt weird being here without your boyfriends standing protectively behind you. “Two weeks ago, I competed in a match to prove that I’m not that girl who can’t fight their own battles and relies on their boyfriends to protect them. I know they can’t always protect me and that’s okay because I also proved that I’m one badass motherfucker.”  you stated.
You continued talking about the match people have dubbed ‘one of WWE’s most iconic matches’. “Before I go...” you take a deep breath before continuing. “I’d like to apologize to my boyfriends. I’m sorry that I competed in a match behind your back but I could not just sit around while Pat McAfee made insulting comments towards you, the WWE universe and me. I could not just let this slide by anymore... and like people say... karma’s a real bitch.” Fans cheered as you tried leaving.
Yeah... tried. Because the next moment, ‘SHOCK THE SYSTEM’ resounds before Roderick and Adam walk out looking emotionless but you could see the mixed emotions swirling around in their eyes. You tried walking back but bump into the chest of Kyle and Bobby.
Bobby immediately pins your arms (lightly) behind your back before hearing that awful handcuffing sound. “Do you know what it feels like to have your girlfriend, the only person who accepts us for us, to be hospitalized because of a match you had no idea about.” Adam starts off. 
Oof, they were beyond pissed. 
“We came back, hoping that our girlfriend would run into our arms and everything would be alright. But... we come back and get told that you were in the hospital because you competed in a STEEL CAGE MATCH with someone twice your size. Do you know how we felt?” Kyle added on.
You bit your tongue as they scolded you, “Are you finished because do you know how I felt when Pat McAfee insulted me because I couldn’t fight my own battles. I needed to prove to that dickhead that I am more than capable of fighting back. He sexualized me, said I’m weak and you weren’t here to protect me. I’m sorry daddies if I’m being rude but I couldn’t sit there no more and let him do that. So... I made him my bitch.” they looked impressed.
“Although... we’re actually proud and pleased... you still need to be punished for breaking the rules, sweetheart.” Roderick said before being guided to an awaiting car where you were squished between Adam and Bobby while Kyle drove off. 
Yeah... in conclusion, everyone learnt their lessons. 
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