#now i really know how i deserve to be treated
jiarkives · 2 days
the 1
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ summary — if your wishes came true, you wouldn’t have been blue.
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ character — rhysand ft. azriel (a court of thorns and roses)
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ content — angst ; talks of wing clipping ; reader is an illyrian ; written with fem!reader in mind
⋆.˚ ᡣ𐭩 .𖥔˚ notes — welcome to my new series, the eras collection, where i write fics and drabbles based on taylor swift songs from different albums. you may request for this series with a certain TS song and a character! also, my hand was basically on autopilot as i wrote this so idk if it makes any sense lol 😵‍💫
You watched as your heart felt heavier and heavier with each second that passes and the bitter taste in your tongue grew more and more apparent.
It wasn’t anyone’s fault, really. It certainly wasn’t theirs. It wasn’t their fault you fell in love with someone who wouldn’t ever look at you like how he looked at her, someone who was so close yet so far away.
You had always been Rhysand’s ride or die ever since he had saved you from getting your wings clipped in a camp. You had been by his side even before Azriel and Cassian became his brothers.
You didn’t mean to, but he made it too easy to fall in love with him. He was everything you had ever wanted, yet he never found himself to be deserving of love.
Then, everything changed after what happened Under the Mountain. He had come back a different male, far from who he was when he left. He was paler, thinner, quieter. He wasn’t the same Rhys who left. He was broken.
But none of you commented on it. You helped him to get back up, to get back on his own feet. You let him come to you, let him speak about everything at his own pace.
Then, he did.
You thought you’d feel happy that he was finally opening up, and you were, but your heart broke further when he started telling you about her, his mate. Feyre Cursebreaker. The savior of Prythian.
You were happy for him, really, but you couldn’t help but feel envious, and angry, and hurt. But you didn’t blame them. You didn’t blame anyone else, not even the Mother, not even the Cauldron. After all, it was solely your fault for falling in love with someone who was never destined to be yours, who was destined to be with someone else.
Then you had met Feyre. And you wanted to scream as you watched how she had treated Rhys, and how he had let her.
You wanted to yell at him that you were there. You were right there as you had been the whole time, that you weren’t going to hurt him like that, that you weren’t going to treat him like she did, but you didn’t. You kept your mouth shut and swallowed the lump in your throat every time.
Then, everything had gotten better slowly. She had started getting along with him and the Circle. You weren’t being left out and pushed away in any means, but you couldn’t help but feel like you had been replaced.
It still wasn’t their fault, though. It wasn’t anyone’s fault, but yours when you felt your heart breaking with each step they took away from the crowd and into somewhere more private.
When they were out of sight, you excused yourself and moved to another vacant balcony and leaned against railing as she watched as the bright stars crossed the horizon.
You sighed as you looked down at your clothes. It was blue, making you laugh at the irony.
Amren had always told you that your color was blue. At first, you thought she was talking about the clothes you were wearing at the time she told you, and so you agreed. The color blue did complement you well.
Now, you realized that she was still right. Your color was blue. It was not about your clothes, though. Maybe she was talking about how you had always felt blue as you watched Rhys, as you reminded yourself time and time again that he wasn’t yours, that he will never be yours. You had always felt blue as you watched him worm his way into and break through Feyre’s walls slowly.
Then, you felt a presence join you and you didn’t even have to turn to know who they were.
“Were you bored enough that you have decided to join me, Shadowsinger?” Your tone was light and teasing, a stark contrast to the heaviness you felt in your heart.
“Is it so wrong to keep a lady company?” He fired back, leaning against the railing.
“Maybe not, but it’s not quite like you, is it?”
Then, your eyes caught a flash of blue. His siphons. And you realized.
Maybe Amren wasn’t talking about your clothes or your emotions, but maybe she was right anyway. Maybe blue really was your color.
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bluedew · 16 hours
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what the past has to tell you:
pick a pile; the left-most one is 1, the right-most one is 3, the middle is 2.
1.first off, i'm getting that you hold a lot of regret over your past that you probably haven't voiced yet. you feel as if you will get judged if you say it; maybe you did want that person in your life, and for example your friends disapproved of it. or you hide behind the mask that 'oh, my childhood wasn't that bad!' when it in fact, was bad. whatever it is, you have to accept it. you cannot keep quiet about it and expect it not to linger. voice it. accept it. that way, there's more space for the present, which is more important.
2.i think you are slightly ashamed of the person you were, for whatever reason. this can have two meanings; maybe you were a people pleaser and now you have realized that it's wrong, and you feel shame and anger that you were that person. or you were a destructive person, and now you feel shame that you had hurt people over time. whatever it is, you must let that go. pile 1 had similar messages; both of you are absolutely drowning in the past. you have to let it go. if you keep thinking about what you were in the past, you're going to become that person in the present. do you really want that? i think not. there's a sense of losing purity or innocence here in some way, whether it's through growing up or something else. it's not something you could control. it's not your fault. the past needs you to accept that.
3. the past is telling you how proud it is that you've grown. you've blossomed, dug yourself out of a hole, and now the bountiful future awaits you. you're a strong person, you've held your ground on multiple accounts. now you must stay in the future. the past is telling you to develop new habits you may not have fully had before; self-love. this can be in the form of spending an evening reading a book, exercising, getting yourself a sweet treat, buying yourself the cute item you've always wanted, whatever. but you deserve to know that you've come out of the pain absolutely ethereal.
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ENOUGH FOR YOU: Former Rafe Cameron x Reader, JJ Maybank x Reader (Part 2 of this)
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Based off of the song enough for you by Olivia Rodrigo
Synopsis: All you ever wanted was to be enough for Rafe but you realise he could never accept that, someone else can love you the way you deserve though.
TW: mentions of a previous toxic relationship, mentions of drug usage (cocaine), emotional manipulation, angst, fluff, addiction, Rafe being a dick, JJ being his loving self, happy ending (for the reader.)
Word count: Around 3,400
Notes: I’m not as fond as this one but I promised part two and I shall deliver!
I wore makeup when we dated
'Cause I thought you'd like me more
If I looked like the other prom queens
I know that you loved before
The month after you’re split from Rafe was a blur, while you’d felt more freer than you had in over a year you still felt an overwhelming sense of guilt on your shoulders for a reason you couldn’t quite deduce.
However, falling back into stride with the pogues had made things one million times easier. They were like a warm blanket waiting for you after a long day, ready to wrap you up and protect you from the cold. The cold being Rafe.
None of them realised the deep extent to his manipulation of you, the way he’d twisted you into someone so unrecognisable and fragile had them feeling devastatingly remorseful.
Particular everyday instances is where Rafe really shines through in your actions, and the thought had JJ feeling nauseous.
Both you and the Maybank boy are sat on the dock at the Chateau, your legs dangling from the side of the wood as he watches you, his eyes catching onto the hints of makeup lingering on your skin.
“Why’re you wearin’ makeup, mama? It’s like fifty degrees out.” The boy states, his voice airy and joking but it makes your stomach drop slightly as you shrug.
“Force of habit, I guess.” You mumble with a small smile, bringing your knees to your chest as you lay your chin on them.
JJ ponders for a moment, quelling over his previous question and what he would say next to ensure he wouldn’t say the wrong thing. Before Rafe, you hardly wore makeup, you’d wear a small amount sure but it was rarely noticeable and JJ had always thought you looked so entrancing without it but when Rafe cooped you up in his little toxic nest…he doesn’t think he’s seen you go without.
“You know you don’t need it, right? You’re like, the most beautiful girl on the island.” He states, gently nudging your shoulder so you’d look at him “Don’t be tellin’ Kie I said that, she’ll be gettin’ all jealous.” The boy jokes and you give him a gentle smile to which he returns immediately.
Tried so hard to be everything that you liked
Just for you to say you're not the compliment type
One week into your breakup had you looking through old text messages, while you know you shouldn’t, something about looking upon the way Rafe treated you when you were no longer under his thumb gave you a entirely new perspective.
A specific chain of messages has you slowing your scrolling to intently read them.
You: *attached one image*
You: what do you think of this new dress I got?
You let out a scoff at the sight of the dress, mind whirring now at how kooky it looked fitted onto your figure.
Rafe: it’s a dress?
You: that’s it??
Rafe: idk what u expect i don’t do compliments babe
Letting out a breath you didn’t realise you were holding, you place your phone down and stare up at the ceiling of John B’s bedroom.
You remembered wearing that dress to a party the night after showing him it, feeling completely out of place, like a prized calf dressed up for auction.
And he’d still never complimented you, even when you looked like his picture perfect type.
And I knew how you took your coffee
And your favorite songs by heart
I read all of your self-help books
So you'd think that I was smart
Stupid, emotional, obsessive little me
I knew from the start this is exactly how you'd leave
Officially going out into the outer banks after the breakup took additional encouragement from your friends, you’d been to and from homes but you’d not dared to venture into the town.
Somehow, Pope and Kiara had convinced you to accompany them to a cafe near figure eight as they had quote on quote ‘the best coffee on the island’
You hadn’t considered that you might run the risk of falling into old habits as soon as you walked through the doors.
“What’re you guys fancying?” Kiara quotes in a mock english accent, Pope rolling his eyes at the girl as you snort.
“I’m fancying the idea that you never do that again.” Pope quirks back, earning a frown from Kiara who sarcastically placed her hand to her chest.
“Come on guys, it’s on me.” She notes, looking up at the board of differing coffees as you reply.
“Uh, just a black coffee for me.” You say absentmindedly, swinging on your heels, both Pope and Kie’s heads turning to you making you laugh nervously.
“What? Have my tits fallen out or something? Why’re you looking at me like I just committed a hate crime?” You blurt, eyes darting between them both as Kiara’s face twists slightly.
“You hate black coffee.” She says, ensuring to pronunciation the word ‘hate.’
Pope nods in agreement before adding to her statement, “Yeah, I mean, John B and JJ gave you it as a joke once just after you’d woken up and you literally threw the mug at their heads.”
You look to the floor, picking on the skin of your arm slightly as you shrug and before you can even come up with a lie to explain why you’d had a change of heart toward the drink Kiara speaks up again.
“It’s not you that likes it, is it? It’s Rafe.” You don’t notice the way she and Pope lock eyes, a look of pure anger washing over the Heyward boys face.
You feel stupid, stood there ordering Rafe’s order for yourself, if he were here he’d attempt to joke that you were obsessive and proceed to call you emotional when you had the reaction you were having now.
“Screw that asshole, we’re getting you a…Caramel Cappuccino!” She exclaims, linking her arm with yours as she looks up at the board, “And then we’re going to torch everything you still have of Rafe’s.”
You don’t bother to protest with her, a small grateful smile making its way to your lips.
You found someone more exciting
The next second, you were gone
And you left me there cryin', wonderin' what I did wrong
And you always say I'm never satisfied
But I don't think that's true
'Cause all I ever wanted was to be enough for you
And all I ever wanted was to be enough for you
Your phone is blowing up again, a loud groan sounding from beside you as you stare down at the device.
“Is that Rafe again?” JJ grumbled, gesturing for you to show him what Rafe is sending but you hand him your phone instead, the boy immediately begins to shake his head as he reads the chain of messages your ex has sent.
“Can the dude not get a hint?” He mutters, eyes flicking to you as your head falls back onto the sofa.
You zone out for a few moments but your brought back by the sound of JJ’s loud scoff, he’d clearly been reading more of the end laugh gif messages Rafe loved to leave you daily.
“The fuck does he mean you’re never satisfied with what he gave you? That asshole never did shit apart from manipulate and-“ Before he can finish, you’re gently taking the phone from his hold and placing it beside you as you look back to him.
“And that’s what he’s still tryna do, Jay, he says I’m never satisfied but like did he see the amount of chicks he was flirting with at parties? And he has the audacity to say I’m never satisfied?” You ramble, letting out a scoff at the end as JJ stares at you intently and you wait for a moment, for him to interrupt…to tell you to stop yapping, to stop being annoying but he never does so you continue.
And maybe I'm just not as interesting
As the girls you had before
But God, you couldn't have cared less
About someone who loved you more
I'd say you broke my heart
But you broke much more than that
Now I don't want your sympathy
I just want myself back
Walking through figure eight without Rafe feels like an out of body experience for you, as though it wasn’t plausible to actually be without him around here.
Sarah, Cleo and Kiara walk alongside you. The four of you on a small venture to Sarah’s home to get some of her clothes as you’d planned an all girls sleepover at Kiara’s home, allowing the boys to run rampage at the Chateau.
Plus, the girls had been dying to do so ever since you’d officially rekindled with them.
What they didn’t want to do, was to put you through the trauma of seeing Rafe but you’d assured them you were fine going to Tannyhill as long as you were surrounded by them and Sarah had assured you that Rafe was out. He apparently hadn’t been home often since your split.
As you walk through the gate at the front of the mansion, you feel your body riddle itself with anxiety almost immediately making you swallow harshly.
“You okay, girl?” Cleo asks, grasping your hand in her own as Sarah and Kie come to a stop infront of you.
“Yeah I’m good, I just…” you trail off, eyes floating toward Sarah who smiles in understanding.
“You don’t have to come in, me and Kie can just run inside and grab a few things.” She says softly, eyes achingly kind and your mind whirrs back to the conversation you’d had outside of Tannyhill only a few months prior.
You shake you head, “It’s okay, I can just-“ You cut yourself off as your eyes trail upward and to the all too familiar balcony at the front of the mansion where your eyes catch onto a figure.
Rafe is watching the four of your intently, his eyes primarily on you as you freeze up once more with all three girls following your eyeline to spot the Cameron boy.
As expeceted, Sarah is immediately full of apologies.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t realise he’d be here.” She whispers quickly and you can’t bring yourself to respond, feeling like you’re deep rooted into your spot on the driveway.
Kiara eyes are furious as they look up at your ex, her fist clenching and unclenching as she cocks her head almost challenging him to even acknowledge you.
“That motherfucker better stay where he is or I’ll gut him like a fish.” Cleo states lowly, bringing herself to stand in front of you slightly as Rafe continues to stare.
You snap your gaze away from him, eyes flitting to Sarah who is looking at you with a mass amount of guilt.
“On second thought, I think I’ll stay out here.” You mumble, attempting to have a teasing tone but your voice comes out shaky and vulnerable causing you to curse yourself silently.
Rafe had basically turned you into a frightened child, trembling in her boots at just the sight of him.
“Okay, we’ll be right out.” She says softly, grabbing Kiara’s hand and running inside leaving Cleo to stand infront of you protectively.
“If he even dares to leave that house…” She grumbles, left hand now donning her iconic pocket knife she carried no matter where she went.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you slowly withdraw it, knowing exactly who’s messaged you as your eyes scan the text and then dart to where the man himself stands as you slowly hand Cleo the phone so she could read it herself.
“I don’t want your fucking sympathy!” You shout out, voice holding a slight tremble as you stare up at him in fury, your heart pounding wildly in your chest.
Rafe: I never meant for you to be afraid to be around me
Rafe: plz come in so we can talk.
Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded?
Don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing?
Five months after the split and you’d successfully avoided any interactions with Rafe, sure he’d been in close proximity to you but thanks to your friends he didn’t even get the opportunity to utter one single word to you.
Overcoming the small manipulations he’d implanted in your mind was a milestone you were incredibly proud of, coming to your own realisations at how fucked up he was toward you.
You’d observed over the months how he’d been with other women, well not seeing him with them personally but hearing about such notions from either Sarah or Rafe’s friends. You’d heard how easily he used and discarded them and you followed his distinct patterns to yourself.
While you knew he was with you for a significant period of time that didn’t mean he didn’t not use you, you were the picture perfect girlfriend to parade around to parties and to impress his father.
But he discarded you after every event, made you feel like a disappointment.
And he’d pushed you to believe you deserved nothing.
Despite that being a significant factor of your relationship you struggle to heal from, luckily, you have JJ.
JJ had always been obvious with his feelings toward you, he never bothered to hide them before you’d gotten with Rafe but he respected your decision when you did eventually get together with the Cameron boy and he ensured he was primarily your friend after the split.
But with months of pining and being there for you, and you for him, he’d laid his heart on a silver platter for you.
You didn’t realise you’d been falling for him but you weren’t going to deprive him or yourself of the happiness it would both serve to you.
And when you told him? JJ became the happiest man on the planet.
But don't tell me you're sorry, boy
Feel sorry for yourself
'Cause someday I'll be everything to somebody else
You and JJ had decided to take things slow, he didn’t want you to feel pressured or like he wasn’t valuing you by rushing into things (A notion which made you fall for the blonde haired boy even more.)
You’d been dating for around a month now, JJ not being able to wipe the cheesy grin off of his face whenever he was with you and you’d never felt happier.
The two of you were sat at the boneyard, tipsy off of beer and one another’s presence, as JJ holds you onto his chest.
What you had failed to notice, was Rafe making his way to stand before you and at the sight of him your stomach churns violently with nerves.
“So what? You’re fucking Maybank now?” He says loudly, voice hoarse and at the sight of the boy’s appearance you immediately feel sorry for him.
“Get lost Cameron.” JJ says boredly, not bothering to move from his position holding you as he glares up at Rafe.
“Look, I don’t know how many times I can say I’m sorry! But fucking Maybank is low, I didn’t realise you were so fucking trashy.” Rafe slurs but you don’t find yourself being hurt or even bothered by his words as you simply tilt your head at him.
“Yo! Watch your kook mouth when speaking to my girl!” JJ shouts, voice laced with fury as he goes to rise but you place a hand on his chest to settle him back into place as you snap your head to Rafe.
“I don’t give a shit about your apologies, Rafe, I don’t think it’s me you need to be sorry for.” You state, voice not tethering on anger as you lean into JJ showing your lack of interest toward the Cameron boy. “It’s yourself.”
And they'll think that I am so exciting
You’d heard from Sarah that Rafe had stopped doing cocaine, apparently he’d even gone to a rehab centre on the mainland and you acknowledged that you felt truly happy for him.
But honestly? You couldn’t bring yourself to dwell on the thought of him getting his shit together.
Sure, you cared, a part of you would always hold care for Rafe but you didn’t spend time thinking about the man or what could’ve been if he’d begun healing while you were together or even before.
It’d been 18 months since you’d split from Rafe and you never thought you’d know the happiness that you’d witnessed on John B and Sarah’s faces at that party.
You were wrong, obviously.
You’re walking down the pathway after finishing up work at the small cafe you’d landed a job at in figure eight, Sarah having gotten you the role as it was one of Rose’s friends who owned the business.
JJ was on his was to pick you up, having already told you he’d be slightly delayed as he’d promised to do a small delivery for Pope’s father and you’d assured him you were okay with waiting as he borderline refused to let you walk from figure eight to the cut. The journey being around an hour and he didn’t want his girl getting overheated.
You’re not paying attention as you walk, eyes trained on your phone as you message on the Pogues group chat and due to your distraction, you collide into a chest which leaves you grappling to grasp your phone before it falls.
“Oh my god, i’m so sorry I wasn’t watching where I was going.” You exclaim, blowing out a breath as you look at the person who you’d walked into and your eyes widen slightly at the sight.
Yet, he didn’t look like the Rafe you remembered.
The boy had shaved his head of hair away, now donning a buzz cut and the usual blown pupils that looked upon you in the past were now a normal sizing as he smiles down at you, nervously.
“It’s all good, y/n.” He says softly, not protesting when you take a step backward. “H-how have you been?”
You nod and shrug awkwardly at the same time, “Good, really good actually.”
Rafe smiles, “I’m glad to hear.”
“And you?” You ask, shoving your hands into your shorts that weren’t actually yours but JJ’s.
“I’m getting there, I’m uh three months clean now.” He notes and you feel yourself smile at the mention, not noticing the way his gaze seems to light up at the sight of your smile.
“That’s good, I’m happy for you.” You state, eyes genuine and sincere as you look up at him.
“I know it’s not my business but, how are you and Maybank doing? You guys still together?” He inquires and you want to snap at him for asking but you instead smile wider at the mention of JJ, happy you get to talk about your love.
“Yeah we are, we’ve actually just got our own place together.” You say softly, now fiddling with the promise ring JJ had given you which was placed perfectly on your right hand.
Rafe eyes watch your movements and while you don’t see the regret in his gaze, he feels it immensely.
The boy opens his mouth to respond but the sound of a motorbike whirring has the both of you turning to the source. At the sight of a familiar red bike drawing nearer, you grin.
“That’s Jay.” You mumble to yourself, turning back to Rafe as you smile at him once more, “It was good to see you, I’m real glad you’re doing better.” And while you know it sounds rushed, you can’t bring yourself to care as you turn away and walk down the pathway to where JJ had pulled up.
When you were with Rafe, you’d be expected to just hop onto the bike with no greeting as he’d impatiently tap his fingers on the handles. But JJ isn’t Rafe, not even close.
The blonde haired boy immediately stands off of his bike, propping it up and jogging toward you as he scoops you into his arms to spin you around causing you to squeal in delight.
Rafe watches the interaction, the pure bliss on your face similar to nothing he’d ever seen when the two of you were together and while he’d forever consider you to be the loss of his life he couldn’t find himself being bitter you’d found love with JJ.
Rafe didn’t treat you with the love or excitement you deserved but JJ does, and the Maybank boy will ensure he spends the duration of your lives together proving you deserve such happiness.
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kimingyuslover · 1 day
Screen time
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Synopsis : Soonyoung can only see you on his screen now.
Word count : 904
Pairing : Kwon soonyoung x reader
Genre : angst, lovers to exes
Warnings & note : TEARS, soonyoung's an ass, members mentioned, mention of alcohol, one (1) curse word, a few paragraphs are the literal lyrics lol, this fic does not represent his character in real life!
a.n : reading through the screen time lyrics translation today, WHY IS IT SO SAD???? anw sorry for my bad grammar
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“Come on soonyoung, it's been what? 2 hours and you still checking your phone” Jun said while patting soonyoung's back lightly.
It's been a year since they broke up, and soonyoung still can't let you go. The worst of it? He's the cause of the downfall of your relationship.
Soonyoung failed to realise that he's an ass throughout your 3 years relationship, and when he did, you cuss him out and start to pack your belongings.
“I still love her, jun. it hurts" Soonyoung held his left chest, feeling the pain from his heart, tears welling in his eyes waiting to fall every now and then.
Jun gives him a sympathetic look, soonyoung’s other 11 friends are also worried about him, he refused to do anything except checking his phone as minutes pass, and they are aware of the reason.
It’s you.
When they heard about your break up, they didn't dare to do anything because deep down they know, this is the best for you, even though soonyoung have to be a miserable man.
they've seen the way he treated you back then, seungcheol remembers, the way soonyoung don't want to come to your third dinner even when he say he would come, and he easily lied to you that he exhausted so he sleep early last night even in reality he go to a club with them.
They tried, and they really tried to talk to soonyoung about his relationship. You always have to message them to know about soonyoung's condition.
They saw your disappointed expression when you have to pick up soonyoung the night you're supposed to have an anniversary dinner.
And they know you're done taking soonyoung's shit when you have to pick him up, again, and with the same expression as the night of your anniversary.
So when soonyoung said you both broke up, they're not surprised at all. The least they can say is that soonyoung doesn't deserve you, and he never will.
The night of your break up, soonyoung seems fine, and he always said that to everyone, but as days passed, he seemed to worsen more
His eye bags are prominent, and everyone can point out that he's not sleeping for at least 2 days.
Meanwhile, they can see you grow happier, away from soonyoung. Joshua, along with Wonwoo, are in the same department as you, and he can see the way you would always smile genuinely now. Before your break up, your smile always seemed to be forced.
After 1 month, soonyoung always stared at his phone, hoping that you would update anything, anything to your social media. You blocked him as soon as your relationship ended.
Then, you did, you’re always updating your life through social media, and he can clearly see you look so happy without him. He learned that it was, in fact, true because when he sees your old post, you don't seem to be happier than now.
Soonyoung cried everynight, wanting no more than to have your relationship back, to have your attention back to him.
He missed waking up to your eyes, and now he has to see them on his screen, both of his hands are occupied holding onto your relationship, and he keeps forgetting there is no relationship until the night returns and he gives himself up to slumber.
It's hard to let go of your relationship.
You're living as if nothing happened between both of you, you're colder than he thought, he feels naked and his heart is cold without you.
his worries were in vain, you're doing just fine without him, from your words to your happy photographs, he actually relieved, you're getting better.
Because he knows you're not going to get better if you're still with him.
He always wants to contact you, asking you how have you been? How are things? Is work going well? Are you taking care of yourself? Do you have any regrets?
He can't stop checking up on you. He worries about you everyday and night.
Your smile once an arrow that guided him, now it pierces his heart, he used to hate the attention you gave him, now he misses the attention that you gave.
He knew his regret was meaningless, he's sorry for the time you spent with him.
The days fade into the distant horizon, and your memories rise and fall. It's late, but he's sorry.
In the end, you're both going through different separations.
He wants to ask you another question, are you broken like him? He wants to know what you're eating and drinking these days and what you find happiness in.
He always wonders, what are you wearing today? who makes you laugh, who holds your hands, where you are headed.
He's just curious. This is how he has been, miserable.
“Tell the others we're going to the club, they can join us, i think i need more drinks” Soonyoung said as he got up from the couch and took his jacket, wallet, and lastly his phone.
Not even a minute later, his phone let out a sound of a notification he just set for you, he quickly checked his phone and opened his social media.
It was a photo of you, but you're not alone. There's a man hugging you close.
his eyes finding your caption in a fast motion, his heart breaks, yet again.
my boyfriend is getting more clingy lately
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tsams-confessions · 2 days
As someone who loves Eclipse a lot, since he is in fact one of my favorite characters, it's sometimes really tiring seeing people babying him so much.
Especially due to some double standards that they have in regards to Moon. Some people demand that Moon makes it up to Eclipse for abandoning him, especially now that he's doing better, but also claim that this Eclipse is not the same as the og Eclipse that did most of the awful stuff he did at first, and just want him to become a member of the family already and resent characters that hold a grudge towards him still.
So which is it? Is he og Eclipse who deserves at least an apology because he was abandoned but also needs to earn that inclusion into the family, proving that what he's doing is not out of some selfish purpose to hurt them all again, because the trauma he inflicted on basically anyone he interacted with on a regular basis was lasting, or is he the new robot with implanted memories that are not actually his, didn't actually commit any past atrocities, but is also owed nothing by Moon or anyone else since it's not the og that was abandoned?
To me the show seems to be pointing to the first option, and are treating it more like a transfer of memories than an actual copy, since Eclipse retains all his memories and the resentment towards Moon, and knows all that the previous him did. (Even if technically he's a rebuilt version, he's basically the same person, or bringing him back with memories wouldn't make much sense, at least if they don't make him explicitly deny being that first Eclipse)
I love him too, and I love that he's getting a redemption, and I love that the show is building slowly to it, and I think it's great that they're doing it through Earth because she's someone that wasn't personally as hurt as everyone else was by him, and so isn't forced to forgive him or play nice while harboring a deep resentment/hatred towards him.
But the fandom's constant need to make him the poor misunderstood baby that was just lashing out of hurt and loneliness, who only needed a hug, like he didn't explicitly stated how much he loved the pain he caused, and causing problems, and how some choices he made to mess with people that didn't even have to do anything with him, were made in a way to cause the most suffering possible. It's not unreasonable that the people that suffered the most from his choices and actions aren't so willing to forgive him super easily.
So many people say they hate Moon, and will never forgive him for what he did, and blame him for everything Eclipse did, but then turn around and completely forgive every single insult, attack or torture Eclipse inflicted on others just because he seemed lonely. He was lonely because of what he did, not the opposite.
And I'm glad he's getting redeemed! I think it's interesting that he finally gets to see all that was wrong with his vision of the world and that all that he gave importance to wasn't always right. That he now sees how much more he can have by trying to make amends.
I just don't like seeing how people dismiss his entire journey. Because it's not something that happened to him. It's something he chose. He chose cruelty, he chose murder, he chose fanning his superiority complex and looking down on everything and everyone. It takes value away from the effort he's making now. It takes away from what a cool villain he was for so long, and it takes away from how significant it was that he hit rock bottom when he finally had all the power he desired, because it helped him realize what an empty life it was that he was aiming for.
I just really don't like people saying that the siblings are "clinging" to the past and need to forgive him already and live happily ever after, like they don't have any right to be wary because of all the physical and mental hurt he caused them since the very moment he introduced himself. If they forgive him, it will be their choice and they shouldn't be forced to. (There's nothing worse than someone telling you to just forgive someone that hurt you because it's in the past, especially if they haven't even apologized yet) I would like to see Eclipse becoming the rough around the edges close friend, who isn't too friendly but is reliable and part of the group *eventually*. But doing it like he is owed to be so, would make it so bland and disappointing to me
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mcytblrconfessions · 3 hours
Hi, little hater here from earlier. At no point when writing that out did I think it was misogynistic, but like. Yeah it might have been a little bit. Idk if I would care enough to yap about it if it had been just another guy being added. Maybe I am holding her to higher expectations then I would for a male creator.
I was hoping for other female creators to get in, and maybe since she was the final person announced in the 6 we expected I'm salty cause she 'took' the hypothetical slot that other creators I was hoping for for lifesteal. And that's stupid, and looking back I know that that's stupid. And that's not on Kab, that's on Lifesteal for adding 6 guys and 1 girl, and that's on me for bitching about it in a public place.
I've been watching her for a while now, and I really do want her to succeed. I think some of my hesitancy for her in Lifesteal is the sort of lack of commitment to real storybeats that we saw in the final stretch of s5, and Kab deserves to be in better stories. She's at the top of the artform of mcrp, and so far Lifesteal has not been. I want Lifesteal to do better, and maybe Kab can bring some of that to the server, but like unless they can reach that level idk if its the right place for her. I just don't want to see her on a server that refused to meet the energy level she brings to things.
Idk man. I'm not that pressed about it, just between seasons is the time to yap cause theres no streams to watch to focus on instead, by july 7th I'll be hyped to see her there. I'm sorry about that prior ask. I will be paying Kaboodle the unfair hater tax in the form of a gifted twitch sub tonight.
first off, thank you for the apology.
i dont have any real bias for lifesteal or kaboodle. i started watching lifesteal this week and im not familiar with kaboodle at all. and the reason ive stayed away from pvp focused mcrp is because it's so heavily male dominated especially lifesteal, ive been making jokes that there's a secret no girls allowed rule since ive heard abt it.
this fandom has a long history of not treating women well and when a woman is a fan-favorite she's really only allowed to be 1 of 3 things, a fighter, a girl-boss, or ur soggy poor wet little meow meow. its just not fair to creators to be essentialized and treated as support for their male peers. made to fit into men's stories instead of getting recognized and respected for their own. and smps themselves have horrible ratios, my favorite is hermitcraft but 5(4?) out of 27 is less then 20 percent! that's terrible! there's so many wonderful women ccs out there yet so little space is made for them. 2(3? idk squiddo's gender) out of 31 is the ratio for lifesteal 6. i dont need to point out how bad that is.
so to get an ask with "I just don't think that the vibes are going to be right with her there" put me really on edge. it's putting the fault on her, and it's ignoring that there was a group of lifestealers who already agreed that she was a good fit because she's on the smp! she's on the team! the difference between "the vibes arent going to be right with her there" and "they can't reach her level" is huge. but you know lifesteal better then me. if you say they cant match her energy i believe you! but if it's true, her and lifesteal dont work out because she did put her all in and they didnt that is still completely different from the thesis of your original ask
ive turned off the reblogs of the other post but i hope moving forward we can be more critical and careful with how we treat our women creators. there's already so little space for them in creator spaces let's not push them out of community spaces too.
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dark-l-angel · 1 day
Heyyy 😊i have a request idea if you're comfortable with writing it, if not that's obvs totally okay, I just wanted to ask and see?
Reader is a normie civilian who is bffs with dick, she obvs knows he's a detective but she doesn't know he's nightwing.
Nightwing kidnaps reader and keeps her idk in a cabin in the woods or a windowless apartment or smth, Nightwing explains that there's is some sort of disaster going on in the city and he just wants her to be safe.
At first she trusts him because its Nightwing and he is treating her well apart from the fact that she can't leave, but then she starts doubting him because who is he and why would he personally want to protect her and only her, wouldn't he be trying to protect everyone if the city was in danger?
It's been months and now she's paranoid and scared and she confronts him, Nightwing tells her he has to keep her safe because he loves her. Reader is crying and asking to be let go and tells him that she already loves someone else. He wants to know who but she won't tell him incase Nightwing hurts him. Eventually he persuades her to tell him and she says she's in love with richard grayson and he's going to find her and save her because he's a detective.
🤣 does this even make sense? Basically yandere dick but he doesn't want reader to know its him incase she rejects him so he kidnaps her as Nightwing and then she ends up confessing that she'll never be able to love Nightwing because shes already in love with Dick Grayson?
Gerlie.. that was a whole goddamn chapter its just yandere vibes which is my favorite/obsession 🤡 like... i really sat down and enjoyed the whole thing.. but don't worry.. chapter 2 is out now 😉
Love cage
Yandere!dick Grayson x reader
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"What type of trouble you've put your fat ass in dick.." he said while taking a bath, trying to make a solution for his trouble.
It's not his fault.. it's hers.. why she would be so perfect like that? She's like an angel who fell from the skies.. a goddess among the mortals.. she doesn't deserve to be out there with criminals hovering around the city.. thankfully Richard was there as a sign of hope to her. He couldn't ask for more, do he?
Besides, she even Confessed her love interest to nightwing.. she loves the detective Richard Grayson.. oh god.. he began to touch himself.. she loves him, she picked him from the other nasty creatures, she wants him and him only.
On the other side is y/n crying out for her freedom.. what she could do beside waiting for Richard to come and save her.. he'll find out that she's trapped in this fancy luxurious bunker.. but.. would he believe her if she told him about nightwing kidnapping her? putting her inside this fancy bunker? Bc he just love her? He's a hero, Richard may never believe it, but that's a trouble for later.. all she think about is a way out.. freedom.. Richard's presence around her.. his smile, his kindness, his manliness, his hilarious charac-
The door is opening.. it's Richard himself!
The relief that you felt was unbelievable.. after being locked here for 7 months.. he actually came for you. You welcome him with a kiss.. a kiss that went long and gentle.
"How did you manage do find me?" You asked try'na catching your breath.. "i had my own ways, you don't have to worry about him" he smiled kissing you gently again.. "it would be more preferably to stay over in my place.. I'll keep a watchful eye on you.. he'll never come your way again.. i promise" he said while taking you into a warm hug.. his muscular arms tightening around your sides.. he seems like he missed you so much
He win.. it's more like hitting the jackpot.. you're finally his.. you belong to him and him only.. and some day you'll get back to this bunker.. if you find out ab his nightwing secret.. so better careful not get curious too much..
Now that i realized it.. you actually write everything on your own.. you barely left something to pick from 🤣
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The asexual struggle -
When it comes to the ‘are we LGBTQ+’ question, a lot of us asexuals have complexities far beyond the label, or multiple associations.
Let’s start at the beginning. For folks who are traditional LGTBQ+ - do u remember how hard it was to get to the limited, tepid (to say the least) level off acceptance that you have today? Asexuality in general isn’t there yet. We are still a few decades behind in the society’s mind. We share a lot of similar struggles - we are seen as broken, people think we choose who we are, than can/want to/should be ‘fixed’, etc. we too have dangerous negative associations attached to us. We get called paedo, we are called prudes or incels, we are told we can and should change. Society needs to understand that the lack of attraction, and/or lack of desire, resolution, etc. - and everything in between deserves just as much recognition as this who have heterosexual, or lgbtq+ sexual identities.
What puts us behind? We are rarely even acknowledged. We are the red headed stepchild, sort to speak. No one really knows us, or our struggles, they don’t care. They think we are a joke. It’s incredibly hurtful and damaging. We are frequently overlooked and misunderstood. We are often not taken seriously, and frequently ignored by both straight and other other non straight folks. We have fighting within our own community that causes confusion. This still does not give anyone an excuse to invalidate our existence. We, just like anyone else, didn’t choose it. Some folks struggle with it. Some of us have learned to embrace it in the wake up struggle, but there is usually struggle. Additionally, some folks can be both lgbtq+ AND some form of asexual. (In my case, I like male characters who are not human or animals. Apparently I’ve developed a thing for male machines lol.)
For some folks, the LGBTQ+ identity has more relevance. That is ok, as long as they have sincere intentions, and aren’t looking for attention. Yes, using sexually/gender identification for attention - that is a thing, and it’s been a thing for ages. For me, the label doesn’t mean so much. I don’t even really say I’m queer. I’m definitely unique, and I’ll stick to that. This does not mean that I feel there’s anything wrong with those who do identify more with LGBTQ+. I’m still an ally. I’m not going to hate someone who decides I’m not part of that greater label. I do take extreme offence with those who ‘bingo’ me, and invalidate who I am, or think I’m not serious about it. Worse yet, the ones who think I chose to be asexual, or decide they will ignore how I feel because they don’t know what sexuality is, and don’t care to open up their minds and learn. Then there are those who pretend to be asexual because they are trying to gain something from you, and it’s not clear wtf their intentions are. Or, sometimes it is. Still cringe.
However, in many aspects of society, there’s an unspoken social competition - men vs. Women, sexuality vs sexuality, culture vs culture, religion vs religion, political affiliation vs another political affiliation. There is some relevance behind the reasoning for some of these, but not all. Some of it has become an ego game. This behaviour is toxic. It does not good for anyone involved. It simply persuades prejudice and ignorance. Education, and the willingness to learn is paramount. This was said about the lgbtq+ community, and still is. The asexual community is now saying the same. This is what we are penultimately asking for. We want to learn how to be more recognised, more accepted in society, and given our rightful place. We agree that the mindset of ‘heterosexual is the only healthy identity’ is wrong. Please do not treat us like we are the enemy, especially when we are sex/romance repulsed. We seem gain the most eye rolls - both from within and outside our own own ace sphere. It’s a tiring argument, and we need to spend that energy toward more productive things, working together to help make things better for all ‘minority identities’. Even if u don’t identify with someone else’s sexual identity, respect it. That’s the most important thing. You would want that too. You wouldn’t want to be treated as a joke, as if your sexuality doesn’t matter. Don’t do this to others. This includes all of us in the asexual community, no matter what that may mean for us individually.
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winstonsns · 2 days
Hii omg so first, I love your writing. I just now realized I wasn't following despite reading like half your post so now I'm following😊 but anyways i was wondering if you could do the gang members separately ofc with a little sister who just started dating someone? How would they would react? I know my older brothers are protective of me so I wonder how you think the gang would be? Thank you for your time and have a great day🥰
the gang and little sister!reader who dates (request)
authors note: fully platonic between reader and the gang!! sorry this took a while, i hope you enjoy 💗
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includes ponyboy, johnny, soda, darry, dally, two-bit and steve
word count: 3.0k
warnings: cussing, threats of beating someone up, arguments
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you and pony just had a one year age gap, so the two of you were expectedly the closest in the family and in the gang in general
you had gone into the next grade early, both of you were freshman and it was getting harder and harder to hide a secret from your brother
pony sat in the back of his math class, zoning out but knowing the material of the worksheet well when he heard giggling in front of him
directly in front of him was someone you would hang out with often, yet he didn’t quite know their name yet, but they would come over to the house often and you would spend the time in your room with them
the person next to your suspected friend was of course, you, pony’s sister
the two of you were leaning into each other, whispering then passing notes to one another after getting in trouble for talking
by the time the period was done, you and your so-thought friend gave each other a hug and a kiss on the cheek, parting ways while you waited for your brother to pack up his backpack
he stood in awe at you and your friend— partner, he now guessed, his mouth open in shock while the teacher told you two, “curtis, out!”
the two of you walked, exiting the classroom while your brother continued asking you various questions
you then answered one, “we’re dating. i’m sorry i didn’t tell you sooner, i haven’t had the right time.”
you and your brother slowly walked to the next class before he asked, “they good to you?” you replied with a nod and a smile
if you’re on good terms with your partner, he’s on good terms with your partner
if you’re upset with your partner, he’s upset with your partner
he doesn’t show that he’s protective of you but guessed that your partner already knows that
if your partner fucks up your mindset or makes your standards lower somehow, for example makes you think you don’t even deserve the bare minimum, he and the gang will make sure they never walk into the school again
you and your brother, johnny, are extremely close because you’re all the other has besides the gang
so the two of you tell each other everything, you’re only a few years apart and trust each other more than you trust yourselves
the curtis brothers had told you that you and johnny could stay over anytime, so you decided to sleep at their house for the night, your parents were screaming and hitting each other
as you and your brother were laying on the couch and talking, you paused and looked at the ground
“you okay, sis?” he asked, concerned for you, you replied with another question, “promise you won’t be mad?” looking at him, somewhat nervous to tell him
“um… i just started dating someone…” you looked up at him, smiling slightly before looking back down at the floor, messing around with the blanket over your legs
johnny smiled at you, “really? are they nice, do they treat you well?” he was interested and wanted to hear about how your relationship was going
“they’re real nice! gave me flowers when they asked me to be their girlfriend!” you beamed, smiling widely and putting your hands in your lap
your brother smiled at you, he’s certainly happy that you’re enjoying another person’s presence but continues to worry about you
he doesn’t really have an opinion on your partner, he won’t go to them unless they come to him first because he doesn’t feel the need to form a friendship with them
he’ll only do it if you want him to, he loves you too dearly to say no to you, you’re the only family, by blood, that he truly cares about
johnny’s protective of you and wants you to be the happiest you can be, so if your partner can provide that for you then he’ll leave you two be
but if your partner cheats on you or does something to make you terribly upset, he won’t fight them himself but will instead get someone like dally to fuck them up
soda was in his room, next to yours when he heard kissing and giggling nextdoor
his interest peaked and he got up from his bed, walking slowly as to not let you notice the footsteps
he peeked into your room, seeing you and another person kissing, he swung open the door with an, “ooooooh!!!!!!” smiling and giggling, trying to control himself from jumping up and down
you and your partner stopped kissing, complaining, “soda!!! out!!!” he continued smiling and staying out of your room, “actually, im not in your room!! is this your partner?”
you stated, “yeah, soda..” and he replied, “love you, sis!! don’t do anything bad, leave the door open, have fun but not too much fun!!”
he left a gap in the door while you stated, “love you too, soda!”
he teases you so much about your relationship, always asking, “soooo what’d you and your partner do?” “did you guys kiss?” “y/n, leave the door open, you know that!!!”
soda’s honestly your biggest supporter and will always support you, he’ll always back you up during arguments
most of the time, he’s a super bubbly and energetic guy so he’s naturally nice to your partner, but he lets them know not to mess up the relationship
however, if your partner shows the slightest bit of disinterest or disrespect towards you, he’s telling them to get their shit together and act like a good partner towards you
darry was at work, fixing roofs when he heard a familiar voice passing by, he then heard an unfamiliar voice talking with you
he slightly turned his head to see you with another person, slushies in your hands and arms interlinked
the two of you didn’t notice your older brother and continued to walk to wherever your destination was, he decided to confront you when you would come home
by the time he was done with work, he came home, covered in sweat and dirty clothes
he walked past your room, seeing you sitting on your bed, reading a book, you glanced up at him and stated, “welcome home, darry. how was work?” you smiled at him, if he didn’t see you talking to someone, he never would’ve guessed you were in a relationship
darry slowly opened the door, closing it slightly behind him and stating, “work would’ve been perfect if i knew who you were hanging out with.”
you looked up at him, “oh, we’re dating, if that’s okay. sorry that i didn’t tell you, i hope you’re not mad...” you nervously glanced around, trying to find a distraction
he didn’t want to say something to upset you, “they do anything that bothers you, you come straight to me, understand?” he stated, putting his hands firmly on his hips
“sure, bro. thank you.” you thanked, your oldest brother walking out of your room quietly
darry’s very intimidating so your partner acts extra careful to treat you well, knowing the slightest thing that upsets you could get their life ruined
he’s probably the most protective out of all the greasers, you’re the only girl and the youngest in the family so he’s way overprotective of you and every situation you get into
at the slightest bit of danger, he is by your side and will always help you whenever you need it
he’ll still act uptight and cold around your partner even if you and them are on good terms
he will likely never trust them and will always side with you because you’re his sister
probably threatens your partner to treat you well ‘or else’
you had been living at your aunt’s house for the past few years because your parents neglected you
your older brother, dally, would drop by occasionally to check up on you, he had his own place where he was staying
so one day, he decided to walk to your house, dropping by unannounced and taking the key to the door, unlocking it and walking inside
he wanted to scare you, but heard giggling and kissing sounds from your room so he paused in his place and put his hands in his pockets
as he walked to your room, the sounds grew louder and louder and he swung your bedroom door open, seeing you kissing another person around your age
“hey!!!” he yelled, staring directly into your so-thought partner, making them get up quickly and run out of the bedroom
he chased them out of the house, hearing you complaining as your brother yelled, “get out, man!! could’ve pulled my fuckin’ heater on you!!”
as he saw them running across the street, he slammed the front door shut and locked it, stomping back to your room
he put his hands on his hips and asked, “who the hell was that, sis?” standing in the doorway, making sure you couldn’t get out
you laid on your stomach, kicking your feet and reading a book, acting unbothered
“hey,” dally tried to make himself noticed, walking over to you and pulling the book out of your hands, putting a bookmark in the page you were reading
“the fuck, dally?” you asked angrily, flipping onto your back and kicking him in the stomach hard
he groaned, you began to kick at him constantly to the point where he grabbed both of your feet and swinging them to the side of the bed
“go away!!” you turned away from him, your brother asked you, “who was that person?” and you didn’t answer
he began to poke you, making you irritated, you groaned, “that’s my partner, man!! we’ve been together for five months, now go awaaaayyyy!!!”
he stared at you, “what.”
he doesn’t care how long you and your partner have been dating, dally will not warm up to them no matter what
he’s extremely overprotective of you and might even be rude to your partner sometimes, although you and your partner are young, if they argue or yell at you or do something that makes you upset, he’ll come back with bloodied fists
if you try to make the two of them bond, he’ll act as scary as he can so they know not to do anything wrong to you
dally cares about you more than he does for any other person, if anyone were to hurt you then their life would get fucked up quickly
if your partner treats you well and it is evident that they love you, your brother might act a little nicer than he normally does towards them
two-bit’s youngest sister, ellie, had come running to him, screaming, “keith, keith!!! there’s someone in y/n’s room!!”
he immediately turned his head to his youngest sister and got up from the couch, all his attention being on the situation now
he walked quickly instead of running and opened your bedroom door to see you sitting on the bed, another kid trying to jump out of the window but clearly failing
he walked over to the window and pulled the person down by their shirt, pushing them to sit on the bed next to you
your brother looked at you and crossed his arms, trying to appear intimidating, asking, “you gonna tell me who this kid is?”
ellie was standing in the doorway when you told her to leave, silence filling the room and your brother still staring at you
you sighed, “they’re my partner.”
keith tilted his head up and rubbed his eyes, “jesus, did you tell mom yet? how long have you two been dating, how old even are they!?”
fidgeting with your hands, you answered, “i didn’t tell mom yet, she’s always at work. we’ve been dating for around four months… they’re 14…”
‘a year older than you,’ he thought, as he saw the nervous look on your face, he softened his voice and asked, “when are they leaving?”
you and your partner looked at each other then to the clock in your room, their eyes went wide and said, “oh shit! i’m late, uh— um, i gotta be home! bye y/n, bye keith!!”
your brother made a weird face at your partner, not liking how they said his actual name, hearing footsteps running out the door and seeing them through your window
your brother sat down next to you and asked, “why didn’t you tell me, sis?” a glimpse of vulnerability in his eyes, looking at you worriedly
“i thought you’d be mad… i don’t know… sorry…” you mumbled, staring at the ground in shame, tears forming in your eyes
“i’d never be mad at you, y/n, there is no problem with finding someone you love. bonus if they love you back. you don’t have to keep secrets from me, it’s okay…” he reassured you
you didn’t say anything back, wiping your tears on your face and sniffling, stating, “thank you.” he replied with, “yeah, no problem sis.”
the moment of silence was interrupted with keith joking, “although, what was that haircut!!?”
you hit his shoulder and stated, “shut up!! they just got a haircut and i’m not gonna tell them it looks bad!!”
two-bit isn’t gonna be enraged if you end up dating, but he does want you to tell him if you do
although he normally acts the same with everyone, he’ll act differently towards your partner, appearing intimidating and protective of you
but he warms up to your lover as soon as he sees the two of you are in love, he tells them jokes and enjoys seeing you two laughing and immediately looking at each other
keith teases the two of you all the time too, laughing like a maniac once the both of you are blushing at the joke
steve was standing at the cash register in the DX, talking to soda while waiting for any customer to walk in
your brother, steve, glanced at the clock to see it was 3:24pm, his eyes went wide and hurriedly rushed to the back, searching for keys to soda’s car
“shit, soda, i forgot to pick up my sister from school!!” he stated, hearing a bell ringing because someone had come in
he heard two voices, one familiar and one not, he turned around and forgot about the keys, seeing you walking towards him and another person around your age following you
“y/n, i understand you’re upset—“ the other person said, you angrily replied, “leave me be, please.” you stared at soda then to your brother, a pleading look on your face that implied you wanted the classmate behind you to leave
you walked behind the register, going into the back while your classmate tried to follow you
your brother blocked them from walking into the back, asking, “who the hell are you, huh? what’d you do to my sister?”
he inched closer and closer to them, standing taller and more intimidating as they stuttered, “i’m— i’m her partner— i’m just trying to talk to her about, uh, something—“
steve stared at him, yelling back, “sis, is this your partner?” fully ignoring the other question he had previously asked your partner
“uh, yeah, that’s my partner. sorry you had to find out this way, steve!!!” you yelled back, he heard sniffles from the back room, soda not in sight, ‘probably comforting you,’ your brother thought
steve sighed, asking your partner once again, “why was she runnin’ away from you? what’d you do?”
your partner looked around nervously, stating, “well, maybe you’ll get it because you’re a guy. so, we were doing this weird circle thing in class, right? and i held hands with another girl—“
your brother interrupted him quickly, asking, “did you choose to hold hands with her and not my sister, your girlfriend?” his eyebrows raising
“well, yeah, it ain’t that big of a deal—“ they replied, steve immediately commanding in a threatening voice, “apologize to her now, then get your ass out of here.”
he pushed your partner closer to the back but not yet in the next room, seeing you sitting down and soda talking with you
“um—uh, sorry y/n. will i see you—“ steve interrupted your classmate, “no.” and grabbed them by the back of the shirt, dragging them to the entrance of the DX, opening the door and pushing them out
they scrambled up off the ground and ran into the direction of their house while he watched them, making sure your partner was gone
steve can get real pissed at your partner, depending whether or not they do something to make you upset
when they make you real upset, he confronts the shit out of your partner and makes them apologize until they realize the consequences of their actions, they could at most get beat up by him if you allow it
he might eventually form a bond with your partner if you’re okay with it, he gives them advice on what to do if they want to take you out on a date
at first he’s confused if the two of them meet on good circumstances, if not then he’ll be as pissed as you are
steve is normally pretty chill with your partner, doesn’t necessarily have an opinion on them for a while unless they’re a dick to you
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forestslut · 1 year
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there are lots of things that make ted lasso one of my favorite shows, but maybe the biggest one is how consistently and how deliberately they pay off their own setups.
we live in a media era that’s so obsessed with being Spoiler Free that writers will make their endings, their Twists, so bizarre and so obtuse that they can’t possibly be Spoiled by anyone just. understanding basic story structure. and it has led to some of the most dissatisfying, unmemorable, disappointing stories that have been produced
game of thrones is nigh impossible to rewatch, because all the audience feels when they see all those threads being placed, all that intention that was there in the beginning of the story, is disappointment. it was the biggest show on television for a full decade and Nobody In The World rewatches it.
but ted lasso isn’t like that. so many of us who follow the show have been able to call so much of what has happened, in season two and now as season three is premiering, and i cannot emphasize enough how WONDERFUL that is! how glad i was to recognize the blatant queercoding of Colin and then have it paid off when he was confirmed queer! to have nate’s face-heel turn be devastating on a first watch and so obvious on a rewatch! to have expectations met and exceeded
i truly believe that season three will go exactly the way that they told us it would at the end of season one. relegation, then promotion, then victory. and i will be so, so happy when they do what they said they would.
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how do you feel about the new tf2 leaks?
Oh it big sucks!
listen, this leak honestly makes me so mad im not even joking. not because of like, leaks like this cause so much trouble for the developers who own them (in how to combat it), or for the source licencees who are affected by the leak, but WHO it affects in this community.
say you've been working a beta recreation of 2Fort from Trailer 2 (since it's the version with the most footage), you've been working on it in your spare time for the past... 6 years lets say. you know the ins and outs of this map, you've watched footage and studied screenshots from around August 2006, and you've made an intense list of all the eras of 2Fort to ensure you have a timeline of eras so you know which to avoid and such.
so your beta 2Fort recreation is as accurate it can be from all the public media you could find from it. you've even gotten the sewers to be as low as they were in the beta combined with the higher water. there's some things left to your interpretation of the map, since the sewers have never been shown for example, and you push it out for people to play around on. this was basically your hobby for the past 6 years, and it meant so much to you to be able to create something with a love you can't put to words.
suddenly. the worst thing imaginable. a month after you post it? an entire developer repo leaks. and lets pretend it's got that version of 2Fort intact. that's a serious gut punch BUT, then you get comments from folks like "oh the actual 2fort leaked" "this is obsolete now" "oh well a recreation couldn't ever top a leak". it's demoralizing. it breaks their spirit for something they worked so hard on. the one thing you loved working on? well seemingly it doesn't matter now to the community you painstakingly made it for.
that's what hurts for me, is the people who've created content based off of things from TF2 (like the Spellcasters Witch), whom have made it from scratch, added their own personal touches like different outfits and hairstyles, to the ability to allow the user to recolour every part of that outfit. then a leak comes along and it seems everyone's ferally knashing their teeth at this leak. no leak can ever come close to the kind of love community members put into stuff.
that's why i hate this leak. and even with the 60 gigabytes of stuff that's leaked? people are still like "oh well this doesn't have everything 🙄". like sorry 60GB wasn't enough for you?
i hope we never see a TF2 leak again. this shit sucks and i hate the community around it.
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writtenin-blood · 10 months
During the writers and actors strikes going on rn it's been making me think of Newsies (fucking love the musical, 100/10) and I just wanna know one thing. It's a VERY popular musical that Disney has produced TWICE (movie music, 1990s I believe, Broadway recording, 2016 ish). So I believe I can safely assume that at least some of the higher ups in some of these companies have seen it, or at least know the plot.
and here's the fun bit, it's based on a true story. So if some poor kids were tired of getting taken advantage of in the late 1800s and got the big old rich guys to listen to them. What makes you even PONDER that these writers and actors (some of which were PART of productions of these kinds of stories) are going to give up and continue to be taken advantage of? Get a fucking grip AND PAY YOUR FUCKING WRITERS AND ACTORS
You guys would be NOTHING without them. Disney wouldn't have made it these last 100 years without everyone working their damn hardest to make a movie everyone can love. Netflix, Hulu, Prime, and everyone else would be distant memories without the hard fucking work people put into their jobs. SO PAY YOUR FUCKING WORKERS
Those workers add HUMANITY and emotion and care into everything they do and that's not something you can replace with a fucking robot either
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tapucocoafgc · 4 months
Had a very good talk with my gf last night that basically boiled down to: you can't care for others until you can care for yourself
And it's so obviously like, I needed to clear brain space to do that anyway, but having another person say it put it really starkly into perspective
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skeleton-keychain · 3 months
Eldest daughter syndrome (is that a term?) sure is a thing...
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i-miss-music-247 · 8 months
Morning rambles...
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