#the vaniville kids
pokedex-parfaite · 7 months
Shauna: another trevor in the multiverse!? I would’ve never thought!
( @the-vaniville-kids )
I thought Trevor was a common enough name? Which is fitting, I guess...
Anyway, multiverse? And who are you?
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twinchampionsofkalos · 9 months
Shauna: giving calem a 🐹 out of spite
- @the-vaniville-kids
Spite for me or spite for your Calem?
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mamasplat · 1 year
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further information on my carrd
name: adalyn/add
pronouns: she/her + he/him
blog type: personal rambling, headcanons, and occasional art posts.
ask me about my brainrot! i’ll ask for your hand in marriage! i also take song suggestions for my character playlists via ask inbox!
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ask-sarah-and-co · 10 months
🔍? 👀 gimme Sarahs hometown
ngl I forgot what hometown means and I looked it up which didn’t clear anything up. uh.
currently her family’s home is in Postwick (galar)! She was born in Nuvema Town (unova) and lived in Vaniville Town (kalos) for a while as a kid.
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e-adlirez · 11 months
Every Pokémon home theme, vibe checked
Exactly what it says on the tin :]
This is coming from someone who played Pokemon Ruby as a kid and wasn't really able to play the other games besides Platinum on a PC ROM
Also it's highly recommended you listen to the home themes yourself while reading this
Anyway without further ado, enjoy :]
Pallet Town (PKMN Red & Blue): "... And so begins you, the protagonist's journey through the world of Pokemon!"
New Bark Town (PKMN GSC): "This is where your journey begins." as a non-Zelda fan or player it makes me feel like I'm booting up the original Legend of Zelda game for some reason, it's got that energy
Pallet Town (PKMN GSC): "Welcome to our town! It's not very big and it doesn't have a lot of people, but we're still proud of it nonetheless!"
Littleroot Town (PKMN RSE): "Welcome home, we hope you enjoy your stay." My home turf :D I remember listening to this theme for the first time in a while and I got emotional
Pallet Town (PKMN FrLg): "Welcome to my home!" Ngl gamers I got a little emotional listening to this one
Twinleaf Town (PKMN DPPlt): "This is my home. I've lived here for as long as I can remember. It's quiet and peaceful, but I love it here." The marimba added in the night version of the theme adds a bit of whimsy to it, like you can imagine the starry night sky above even if you can't see it
New Bark Town (PKMN HGSS): "This is where you start your journey. Look at this wonderful town!"
Pallet Town (PKMN HGSS): "This was where someone special began their journey. Perhaps you'll meet him on your journey one day."
Nuvema Town (PKMN B&W): "This is my home. This is where I spent my childhood, in this quiet, peaceful town. Now I'm heading out and I won't be seeing it for a while. I'm sure I'll miss this peace soon."
Aspertia City (PKMN B2W2): "Welcome to my house, in this big city! It can be busy and seem chaotic at times, but I love it here! It's lively, it's pretty, it's familiar, what's not to love?"
Vaniville Town (PKMN X&Y): "This is the place of my childhood. It's filled with happy memories." Fr this piece I feel was specifically designed to be nostalgic, it's also got medieval-fantasy starter town vibes, the one that hasn't been burned to the ground and the fair father figure hasn't been murdered yet
Littleroot Town (PKMN ORAS): "What is this new place? It's new and unfamiliar, but it's... homey? I'm not quite used to it, but I think I'll start to feel at home here in no time."
My Home (PKMN SM and USUM): "Welcome to my home on the beach! Do you want beverages? It can get a little hot here, so please help yourself to some juice!"
Pallet Town (PKMN Let's Go, Pikachu/Eevee!): "This is your home, dear protagonist. If you wish, please do linger and enjoy the beauty of your character's childhood home."
Postwick Town (PKMN SwSh): "Welcome to the place you will begin your journey. It's more on the rural side, but I'm sure you'll find yourself right at home here. Peaceful, beautiful, wonderful... if you have time off your journey, feel free to stop by to rest your weary legs." There's an ominous couple bars where the strings go into a high-pitched tremolo, I dunno if it's just me interpreting it weird or something, but I suspect it may have to do with SwSh's plot? I dunno
Home Indoor Theme (PKMN SV): "Welcome to your home! There's something different about it, something that sounds foreign to your ears. Wonder what it could be...."
Home Outdoor Theme (PKMN SV): "But of course! You're in a different region now! Well then, don't just stand there, go explore this new place you'll be living in!"
Here you go, what do ya'll think :3
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seamauville · 2 years
FIC: burned every letter of my name
SHIPS: gen
“You and your Pokémon look like you’ve been through a lot together,” his father says, gesturing to Flareon by his side, oblivious to the rage boiling within his son. “Y’know, I’ve got a kid who’s right around the same age as you.”
Calem can’t believe what he’s hearing. He doesn’t even know what to say. Flareon moves to step in front of him, but his father continues on as if nothing’s amiss.
“He just set off from Vaniville Town on a journey of his own recently… I bet he’s looking all grown up now!”
Calem should say something. He should definitely say something, or yell at him, or punch him in the face. Maybe all of the above.
His father chuckles. “Y’know, you kind of remind me of him.”
read it on ao3
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theviolenttomboy · 4 years
Schilly: Someone told Sou and me that we need a responsible parental figure in our lives, so we decided to go get one.
Green: What the hell am I doing in Galar?!
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jadeazora · 4 years
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Since we're getting Diantha in Masters soon, I wanted to show my favorite moment with her. Lys is threatening the Vaniville kids, who knows what he's going to do with them since one of Trevor's photos is directly incriminating, and it ends up catching Diantha's attention, who comes to their aid, promptly Mega Evolves Gardevoir, and calls him out on his shit. (Probably used one of the worst burns for Lys too.)
So much better than their meeting in the games, where it doesn't seem any red flags were raised. (I mean, some of her not getting involved with Flare was definitely thanks to Malva, but there's no excuse to not get involved once the dude makes a region-wide broadcast saying he's gonna commit genocide.) Here, she's seems to have long-since caught on ('Yet, but you would have' gave me those vibes anyway) and is ready to outright demolish him.
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pkmn-unmeiverse · 2 years
Some small info on the main protag’s moms and general family set up in my verse
Azami Ookiku
- originally from Pallet Town and decided to settle back down there after her partner, Red’s father, had left the family and had since then raised Red on her own for the most part. For the most part is as silent as her son and tends to come across as cold but in reality is the exact opposite. Eventually becomes a surrogate mother figure to the other two of Kanto trio as well as Daisy (after they’ve settled their old issues with each other)
Konoe Yamabuki
- maiden name Shinkouin (心光院), comes from a fairly well-off family. Was happily married and had a simple life with her husband Rei until the latter’s death about two years after the birth of their daughter. Fortunately had a good support network of friends and family help her through rough times. Became a close friend of Grace when she and her family lived in Cherrygrove City.
Hanayo Fuyukita
- maiden name Hasegawa (長谷川), originally from Olivine City but chose to move with her family to Littleroot Town, Norman’s hometown, after the latter decided to accept the offer of being Petalburg City’s gym leader. There were tensions in their marriage shortly after their move due to Norman’s busy schedule, not helped when their daughter decides to disappear from the public eye months after becoming Champion. Over the years and with bumps along the road they do manage to keep their marriage intact.
Ayako Kagayaku
- quietly divorced her husband Usuaki Tadano and kept it hidden from her daughter who came to believe her father was dead, though she did eventually relent and told her the whole truth. A few years after the events involving Team Galactic and her daughter briefly becoming Champion she starts dating and eventually marries Keizen Tourai, becoming the stepmother to Kouki and Akemi Tourai though she and her daughter still kept their surnames.
Gwendolyn Greyhound
- maiden name Beagles, preferring to go by ‘Gwen’, a former pokemon trainer and musician. Her husband, Ian, died a few years before the twins set off on their journey. Generally a very compassionate and open-minded woman and was more willing to welcome N into the family in contrast to her daughter who still bore a grudge (she gets over it eventually).
Stella Ragdoll
- her husband Felix was the one to change his surname to hers! Volunteered work at pokemon centers in Unova when she was younger instead of going on a journey like others her age did. Her husband recently retired from the International Police before the first Team Plasma incident though (unsurprisingly to them) their daughter eventually chooses to join the organization herself a couple years after stepping down as Champion.
Grace Brouillard
- originally from Vaniville Town, was a talented Rhyhorn racer until she decided to elope with her then boyfriend Ruben Richard. Her marriage had been a rocky one especially with her husband’s work forcing them move frequently. Believing having kids could help their relationship but having difficulty conceiving a child, they decided to adopt Calem. About a year later while living in Cherrygrove City she manages to conceive a daughter. Following a tragic accident, her divorce and return to Kalos, she returned to racing and eventually takes to coaching aspiring racers.
Ayame Ryuuseigawa
- maiden name Mike (三毛), an infamous trainer back in her youth and still a force to be reckoned with. Met her husband Sirius when she saved him from getting mugged. Somehow inherited a distant relative’s home in Alola and thus decided to move there, though her husband still had work in Kanto and thus couldn’t join them immediately.
Susanna B. Hendrick
- maiden name Lesley, her family owns a large farm in Postwick. Initially lived in Wyndon with her husband and son. Following the death of her mother they decide to move back to her hometown and help out her uncle in running the farm, though her husband still continues his work in Wyndon. She has a niece who she housed sometime during her older sister’s divorce which happened right around League Season.
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local-cry-baby · 4 years
Pokemon Trainer Calem Headcanons
-warning;long and contains personal headcanons
art credit
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• A shut-in like his manga counterpart. But for a different reason
• Unlike X who locks himself at home due to the pressure of the paparazzi Calem locks himself due to his severe social anxiety
• He gets so nervous of the possibility of having to speak to someone that he avoids going out altogether
• His parents are Kalosian but he was born and raised in Cerulean City, Kanto
• Extremely timid and quiet. The kids dubbed him as the "weird one" in the neighborhood
• Because of this school life was pretty harsh on him since a lot of his classmates bullied and made fun of him
• It came to a point where Calem dreaded and refused to go to school causing him to dropout
• He eventually moved to Kalos in a quiet town called Vaniville and was homeschooled from there on
• Has a speech impediment which is constant stuttering. Recently he took speech therapy for it so he doesn't stammer as much. However it usually resurfaces when he's nervous or scared
• Suffers from depression and has very low self-esteem
• The neighbors of Vaniville claim to have never seen him due to how closed off he is
• But Calem knows everyone in the neighborhood since he spends most of his time by his bedroom window
• A strange pastime of his is people watching. He can learn about a person's personality and lifestyle just by studying them from afar. It's easier that way then having to talk to them
• A hobby of his is painting and usually prefers landscape and portrait paintings
• Another hobby is practicing Ryhorn Racing. He's not really good at it and dislikes it but his mother doesn't realize that
• His mom tries to help him out with his anxiety but she doesn't seem to understand that shoving him into social situations is not the way to go. He somewhat appreciates her efforts but sometimes he wish she'll just stop
• Tries to gather up the courage to go outside but he ends up second guessing and giving up
• However that changed when he learn that Serena was going on her Pokemon adventure
• He knew her since she lives right next door to him and has developed a crush on her as a child
• So he ends up going after her without a second thought
• And immediately regrets it when Serena and her group of friends actually ends up dragging him along the way
• But the journey made him learn more about himself and open up a bit to the world
• He learns that he has a natural knack with Pokemon as he takes on the gyms and his rivals
• He becomes a completely different person when battling. He doesn't act like his usual shy and insecure self, instead he has a more bold and level headed attitude. Even his stuttering disappears when he's in the heat of a battle
• He also happens to have good leadership skills as he was the mastermind in planning the infiltration of Team Flare Secret HQ with his friends and certain Gym Leaders and stopping Lysandre. Because of this he is known as Kalos's Architect
• The events of X and Y made him grow becoming more confident in himself and although he still struggles with his social anxiety he is slowly overcoming it
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An Analysis of Laverre
I’ve been in the Spe fandom for 5 years, and have been around during the early days of the XY arc. The only content I got, like many English speaker fans, were Coronis’s summaries of the arc being released, and theviolenttomboy’s comics based on those summaries. Even though they don’t show much details at the time, I was enthralled by the fast pace, the action, and how interesting X and Y are, especially X. He’s a shut-in, and Y is his ever faithful friend who stuck by him despite him being a hardass at times, while also keeping their friend group together. I fell in love with them as a ship because of how loyal she was to X, an ideal many would want but unfortunately may not have, as depressed people are hard to deal with, shown with his friends having already given up on him begging him to leave his room because they have their own lives. X returns this loyalty with deep care and trust for her, while also considering her needs and emotions.
While I had other ships that eventually fell out of interest, Laverre has staunchly remained as my absolute favorite ship of Spe, and perhaps one of the top faves among all of my ships. It’s because it’s been with me for a long time, but it also resonates with me. I do have depressed friends, some lost and some still present, and I understand the pain it is at times to try to help them, not being depressed myself. I have a long-term boyfriend who faces similar issues X has, who I sometimes can’t understand because I don’t have those same issues. I can relate to Y of the frustrations felt towards X, and sometimes, my friends are too frustrating for me. However, Y has the ability to make it clear when he has pissed her off, and X has the ability to recognize he causes her stress and try to own up to it and change instead of blaming it on circumstances, most prominent when she points out how him running off to fight Team Flare is an incredibly awful decision that endangered him and everyone else to try to back him up, and cause them a lot of grief. He apologizes for doing that to Y, and listens to her for the rest of the arc by communicating properly on what he plans to do.
But even before that most notable moment between the two, during their time with Cassius, X gives Y distance when she finds out Grace was kidnapped by Team Flare and makes it clear she wants to be alone. While it may look like he’s not considerate of her needs, X’s already established to be a bit of a mess, already has pissed off Y by using her Rhyhorn as his new room, and is very mad and stressed about those news too, so him trying to help her with that would make things worse. Not only that, it’s established he has a much better relationship with Grace, with X stated to care a lot for Grace by Y, and we can see  that as him venting it out by needlessly Mega Evolving and defeating a wild Pokemon, and being even more snappish. Not only is X a mess who has grief on top of that, he’s going to be biased to Grace, and he knows that won’t help Y whatsoever, who already is acting withdrawn to everyone else.
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We can see that Grace tries to drag X into her argument with Y the day before Vaniville gets destroyed, but he refuses to get involved, not only because that is a shitty move on Grace’s part, but because it’s not his own problem. He can’t solve Y’s problems with Grace, only she can. Grace’s her mom. So, he gives her space to process her feelings while he and the rest of the group try to move with their best course of action.
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As shown here, X still shows concern for her. Y tells him while she is still upset, she decided to let go of it because the situation right now is dire and she can’t sit around and grieve. All it matters at the moment is to stop her brainwashed classmates from crashing the helicopter everyone’s in.
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As shown here, X trusts her to fight them off, while they focus on trying to stop the brainwashing, show in the next panel. She doesn’t keep it bottled up for long either, as she vents out her problems about Grace on Yvette while she fights her, and finds herself feeling better from it, and realizes that she shouldn’t have been so secretive about her stress to her friends either.
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While it may hurt, giving space to those who you care about when they are stressed and make it clear they want to be alone is sometimes the best option. Trying to help them when you know you aren’t in a good position to do so is only going to make things worse for them. Let them decide how to solve their stress and how to express it, as they’re the ones in charge of it, but let them know you’re there for them. X understands this and thus gives Y space, but still makes sure she’s fine enough to battle, then trusts her when she makes her decision, even when she admits she’s not completely fine.
Not only are they able to be honest with each other, own up to their faults, and know when to intervene and when to not, they both inspired the other to change for the better. X deeply inspired Y, as seen in their childhood flashback of him encouraging her to pursue her dreams of being something not a Rhyhorn Racer. This radically changed her view of herself from being helpless to the whims of others and to hide her true feelings, to having control over her destiny and to be honest about them. Y is deeply grateful for this, and despite him being a hardass, she sticks by with him because she truly loves him for that.
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Y in turn also inspires X, as it takes until the end, where X realized that while people have tried to exploit him and his Pokemon and Team Flare are powerful assholes, he had people who were always supporting him, including Y, waiting for him to go out before the entire mess happened. This makes him realize his view that the entire world is out to get him is wrong, as while he agrees with the misanthropic Emma the world is terrible, there are good people who want to help him. It may have taken years instead of probably a few months for Y, but she has inspired him to change for the better, and he’s grateful for that too.
Interestingly enough, while X is a hardass to Y at times, he never is very aggressive to her, whereas he is towards Tierno and Trevor when they want X to try something out and cooperate respectively, though both happened for one time and both situations were particularly stressful. While he certainly shouldn’t be so aggressive to them, this makes his respect for Y more prominent, as while Y yells and scolds at him all the time to stop being a dick and get out of his room/tent, he doesn’t really do anything as direct as that. This seems to indicate that Y’s extremely important to him, unfortunately for those two, or he knows Y really won’t put up with his bullshit unlike Tierno, who while nice, is firm that he shouldn’t have done that, and Trevor’s very easily scared, though is able to assert himself.
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While it’s a popularly held belief X and Y have a sibling-like relationship, I very much disagree and dislike. And it’s not just because there's a lack of Western content from that notion. It also feels very shameful to even like them romantically because of that. The manga itself doesn’t even seem to support it either. Grace may have taken care of X for at most five years and that takes up a big part of their life, but X and Y don’t seem to think they’re siblings. While of course, it varies case by case, kids being raised together starting at the age of 7 is generally not young enough for them to consider the other siblings. Hell, it seems to support there may be some romance going on on Y’s part:
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I would never call my theoretical brother that in a serious situation if you ask me. Of course, you can view it as a phrase with deep platonic love, but this wording is most certainly not sibling-like. It also seems to imply Y has been trying to get X out of his room for so long because of her infatuation for X that evolved into pining, though that could just be shipping goggles.
In a previous panel shown here, X also refers to Grace as “your mom” when asking Y if she’s going to be fine after isolating herself from the bad news of Grace being kidnapped, instead of “our mom” or “mom”. That kind of wording is way too detached for someone who is seen by the fandom to be a sibling-like figure, and again seems to say they’re merely just childhood friends who were taken care of by the same woman.
While X’s aggression towards Cassius teasing him that Y’s his girlfriend twice was taken as disgust, it’s quite a common trope. It makes sense in character too, as X’s established to like bottling things up, so it’s not a surprise that he’d also deny that he likes Y. Cassius, while helping them, is still an adult, and X doesn’t like them so doesn’t trust him either. His extreme aggression towards Essentia assuming Y’s his girlfriend is fairly justified in that situation, as they had to separate despite it going against their rules, and X is very aware of how Y acts that it takes only one word and a slight change of attitude to crush her head. While that may be seen as extreme disgust, it’s way more likely he knows Essentia could pretend to be anyone given how she accidentally activated the mimicking people function, and knows she’s a big threat because of her Trevenant and she’s superhumanly fast.
It can be quite easy to say Y has feelings for X, but because X has forced emotional constipation, we can’t be sure if he reciprocates. X’s moments of ship tease is muddled with other factors, like the aforementioned denying Y’s his girlfriend to Cassius and crushing Essentia’s head for pretending to be Y, but there’s one tiny moment that stands out for me:
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This is a rather major contrast compared to this:
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Despite his acknowledgement of being a great trainer, he gets surprisingly flustered when Y tells him it was thanks to him she’s more honest towards others and herself. X, who while may not want to admit it, is arrogant on top of easily blaming himself for a lot of problems, which is why he felt secure to infiltrate Team Flare’s base. To see him surprisingly embarrassed of changing Y for the better hints he has a special attachment to Y, and possibly surprise from X himself that Y still is grateful for that and knows he can be more than a reckless idiot, even though she made it clear he stressed her and the others out a lot.
To wrap up this very long ramble up, X and Y are an example of two people, with flaws and their own issues, being able to support each other, care for each other, and be the most important people in their lives, even if X is depressed and having sometimes very unbearable flaws. However, Y makes it clear he is not allowed to get away with them just because he’s depressed and has good intentions, and he acknowledges the same. He makes it clear that he trusts and cares for her, and she appreciates and gives that in return. It’s a two-way relationship with honest communication and positive growth for the two of them, of moving as much as they can together from danger and past wounds, even if they never completely heal.
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pkmnsdarkqueen · 4 years
So a friend and I are rewriting the X and Y games and
I’ll type up all the specifics once we finish the actual thing but there was one thing I find really funny while playing that game. 
so 2 things.
One. When you leave your house your rival and Shauna are there and like the first thing Calem says is,”"The renowned Professor Sycamore lives here in the Kalos region. I heard he has a task for five kids including us. But I'm surprised he knows who you are. You did just move here to Vaniville, after all."”
And I just want to say that your rival makes a valid point, why is this man looking for exactly 5 kids and how did he know about you since you moved in like yesterday??? and like I get it’s to move the plot along, and yes Sycamore is a good guy but like considering every other time someone just goes looking for children in pokemon games it does not end well. I’m just imagining.
Carl, Sham, Will, Karen, Silver, and Blue all just appearing in Sycamore’s lab, he’s confused as heck and they’re just like.
Sham: “So....you went looking for kids, huh.”
Carl: “Yeah kids!”
Will: “Hey no need to be so threatening guys we just want to ask the guy why he did that.”
Sycamore: “...for...research, how did you-”
Karen: “Research huh? What kind of research is that now?”
Silver: “And you’d better be honest cause we don’t want to threaten you.”
Sycamore: “OK but I already feel threatened.”
Blue: “Oh this is not threatening, trust us, we know threatening.”
Second thing:
You get a letter from Sycamore right and you go explain to your mom that apparently you’re on this journey now, and she looks at the letter and before you tell her anything she’s like. “You're a Pokémon Trainer now, too! Congratulations! Huh? A letter for me? It says it's from somebody named Sycamore. What could it be? A love letter? … … … Wow, what lovely handwriting... Hmm?”
Like this woman sees a letter in her daughter’s hand and is like,”ah yes, a love letter for me!” Like how often does this happen???? and the second thing is,”Oh wow he’s got lovely hand writing~” and now I’m imagining the secret B plot of this game is your mom thinking Sycamore has a crush on her, and he is not able to pick up on that at all. 
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Required background information: Because Vaniville Town is so small, it doesn't have its own school system and kids instead have to go to school in neighboring Aquacorde Town. Calem and Serena have been homeschooled for most of their life due to their mom's Ryhorn Racing Careers and fourth grade is the first year they're going to a real school.
[A memory taking place on the first day of 4th grade. A bus pulls up in front of Aquacorde Elementary School. A bunch of kids get off it, the last of which are Calem and Serena, ages 9 and 10 respetively. They both look nervous, though Serena is trying her damndest to put on a brave face.]
["Alright!" She shouts, pointing towards the school. "First day of real school! Time to make some new friends!"]
["Serena, are you sure this is a good idea?" Calem asks, sticking close to his best friend as they begin walking.]
["Course I'm sure." Serena says cheerfully. "We can't be by ourselves forever, Calem."]
["If you say so." Calem replies.]
[Cut forward a few hours. It's recess. Kids are playing on slides and swings. Calem and Serena are sitting on a bench, looking dejected.]
["Man, the day's already halfway over and we haven't made a single friend." Serena says, resting her chin on her hands.]
[Calem sighs. "We got close with that one kid. The dancing one."]
["Yeah, but then I scared him off." Serena replies. "Maybe you were right, Calem. Maybe this was a bad idea."]
["No, no, it is a good idea." Calem says, trying to reassure her. "You're right, we can't be by ourselves forever."]
["You're just saying tha-" Serena begins to say but stops when she spots something.]
[A big kid with a generically bully-like look sneaks up behind a pigtailed girl in pink on the swings and pushes her off. He says something inaudible and the girl hands him her lunch money. The bully then begins taunting the girl as she lays on the ground in the fetal position.]
[Serena and Calem both get up simultaneously and march over there. Neither the girl nor the bully notice them approach.]
["Aw look, she's crying." The bully says, laughing. "What a baby."]
["Hey!" The twins shout, pointing in unison. "Give her back her money!"]
[The bully turns around. His eyes seemingly light up upon seeing fresh meat.]
["Hey, it's the new kids." He says, laughing like an idiot. "I heard you two have never gone to school before. Must be true cause you'd have to be pretty stupid to try and challenge me." He butchers the word "challenge". It's painful to listen too.]
["Shut up!" Serena shouts.]
["Or else!" Calem completes.]
["Or else what?" The bully asks tauntingly.]
[Cut forward again. Calem and Serena are exiting the Director's office. Both of them look pretty beat up. Both look dejected.]
["Why are we getting detention!" Serena shouts angrily. "We didn't do anything wrong!"]
["So unfair." Calem grumbles. "And we didn't even manage to get that girl's money back for her."]
[Speak if the devil and she shall appear, the girl who was being bullied runs up to the two twins.]
["Oh! Hi!" Serena says, surprised.]
["Merci for saving me." The girl says.]
["Ce n'était rien." Serena replies.]
["Sorry we couldn't get your money back." Calem says, rubbing the back of his head.]
["It's okay." The girl says cheerfully. She holds out her hand. "My name's Shauna, what's yours?"]
["I'm Serena, and this is my brother Calem." Serena says, pointing to herself and then Calem."]
["Cool names." Shauna replies. "Wanna be friends?"]
["Really?" Serena asks. "You want to be friends with us?"]
[Shauna nods. "Uh-huh."]
["Yes! We'd love to!" Serena says. Next to her, Calem gives a thumbs up and a goofy grin.]
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snipexshot · 5 years
Name: Serena Yvonne Delvaux Age: 19 Hair: Honey Blonde Eye: Baby Blue Height: 5’5 Weight: 129 lbs Orientation: Heterosexual Location: Vaniville -> Lumiose City Occupation: Designer | Dex Holder | Professors Aide
BACKGROUND Born into a family of designers, Serena came into the world on the second day of April. Lumiose, her first home, wasn’t part of the best memories of her life. By the age of five, her mother had moved her out of the city and to Vaniville. Without the usual hustle and bustle of life, Serena lived a quiet life with her mother Elise. While her mother worked hard on her designs, Serena's idea of a future changed. Much like many kids her age, she took an interest in the world of Pokemon. Wanting to be the champion, she and her friends set off on their journey. After meeting Professor Sycamore, she and her friends picked their starters. Much like her personality, she chose the fire type Pokemon, Fennekin. Shauna, her best friend, had accompanied her at the beginning of their journey. Eventually, they split ways, finding their own place in the world. The one person whom she looked to, almost as a reminder, was her neighbor. Calem had defeated her every single time, showing her time and time again that there was still room to improve. It wasn’t until after the fall of the infamous Team Flare, she started to realize that being the champion wasn’t her goal. While trying to dismantle Flare, she was sure of only two things. One, whoever was leading the group, was severely ill. She didn’t understand his obsession with making the world beautiful, and she never would. The second, being just how fragile life was itself. One moment, she was confidently battling next to her friends, the next, running for her life as the Flare base started to crumble beneath their feet. Even though the effects of the fall of Flare had set in, she still kept going full force. Finally, she decided to face Calem one more time. To beat him in battle was a sign that she was supposed to go to the very end, but in the end, it was Calem who took the crown of Champion. The following months were a blur, as she tried to find her place. If she didn't belong in the league, where did she belong? After months of traveling, she made home back in Lumiose. Working under her fathers' fashion agency, she modeled for some quick cash, then turned to the design process. She had it in her blood, or at least that's what her mother told her. Her father Jacques, encouraged his daughter to keep up the hard work, so that she may take over the family business. Headcanons → Most of Serenas' Insecurity stems from feelings of inadequacy, and lack of attention as a child. → She is very competitive and takes everything a little too seriously. → Though she mainly designs contest outfits, she also designs outfits for Elite Four Members all over the world. → Her dream is to have Elesa model some of her work in Unova. → Serena travels the world, trying to gather inspiration from the places and people she meets. → When she has free time, Serena helps out around the Professor's Lab. Team Fennekin [ Kiki ] Pancham [ Picha ] Haxorus [ Russ ] Seviper [ Sevi ] Meinshao [ Gloria ] Sylveon [ Sylvia ]
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rvalserena-archived · 5 years
send ⛸️ for our muses to go ice skating together.
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        Winter had deliberately had made itself known again , covering kalos with it’s white, cold blankets, and it also meant that the water in the river of aquacord have frozen up, forming a huge ice rink for all the townsfolk of aquacord and vaniville to use. It was more beautiful during the night considering that they placed and decorated it with christmas lights and decorations, causing for it to be an ideal place for family, friends and couples to visit this christmas season.
         Apparently, those people were not the only ones in the rink, Y and X had decided to go out and see it, during their youth it was a tradition for them to visit this place and skate yearly and after years of not showing up into this place, they had finally went here again to start a new tradition. Y stood on the center of the frozen river where there’s so much less people considering that not everyone is good with ice skating and the distance was quite far. She  was obviously lost in a thought as she gazed up at the bridge that connects aquacord from route 2 , she was admiring the sparkling lights and red,green and gold christmas decorations that was placed on it before snapping out her trance when she heard someone approach her.
        Her gray eyes would dilate in interest when she had seen X approaching, a part of her was a bit confused on why he was here, when he had said before that he didn’t want to skate with her on such place filled with crowded people but the other part was really happy that he had changed her mind and decided to join her.
       Puffing out a breath, which small fog would form, she let out a small laugh and glided her skates blade to move and meet him, once she did, Y stopped gracefully and placed her hands around her back , clasping it together as she leaned down to get a better look at him. He was obviously a bit tired from that long skate so she smiled up to him , a tease was making it’s way to her mouth as a greeting.
        “ I though you didn’t want to skate with me cause you are embarrassed to admit  that you don’t know how to skate anymore . I guess, I was wrong but you do  need some work there.  A little bit rusty but just a little bit practice you’ll be good  at it like when we were kids. “
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Flareprincess Serena knows of her biological mother Grace, but doesn't really know her. The Vaniville Incident that killed everyone there but Serena happened when she was only four months old. That means that Serena and Grace got to be together for a measly four months before Grace's death separated them.
Therefore, Serena has no personal memories of Grace. All she knows about Grace is what her parents told her and (timeline dependent) what's in the public records she scours when she's older. She knows what Grace looked like, her basic biographic information - hell, Serena could even track down her maternal ancestry. She's out of luck for her paternal ancestry, as her bio dad's such a deadbeat that he's not even on her birth certificate, but that's another HC post for another day.
Malva and Lysandre have informed Serena as much as is age appropriate at a given timeline point about what happened in Vaniville. Therefore, Serena knows where, when, and how she came into the arms of the only family she's ever known. She knows that she'd have died too, had Malva and her camera crew not been in the right place at the right time.
However, unlike many abusive parents who would hang this over their kid's head to guilt them into doing their bidding, Malva and Lysandre haven't told her this to guilt her into loyalty. Serena's loyalty is completely out of unconditional love. The reason they've told her is because every year, at the anniversary of the Vaniville Incident, there's a media shitstorm - recaps of footage of the event, interviews with rescue crews, documentaries, memorial services, the like. Reporters have tried desperately to get interviews and "where is she now" footage from its one survivor, but to protect Serena's privacy and mental health, Malva has scared them off threatened to murder them if they even look at her politely declined their requests. Despite this, the media circus goes on annually without fail - and Malva and Lysandre would much rather Serena have found out what happened from them personally than from the profit-driven news.
In fact, they plan their schedules at that time of the year around shielding Serena from the media and from reminders of the Incident as much as possible. Had they not done this, Serena would have developed a horrible case of survivor's guilt, which would have sent her mental health into a downward spiral.
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