#the void writing challenge
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whumptober 2022 - day 20      ↳ stabbed (alt prompt)
whumpy embroidery time!
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a-ramblinrose · 2 months
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JOMP BPC || April 4 || Wish I'd Read It Sooner:
The Wheel of Time Series by Robert Jordan is still on my tbr and I'm not sure I'll ever read it. So many reviews mention things that would drive me nuts nowadays. Alas for the days when my will to read long fanatsy series was stronger than my annoyance at certain tropes/authorial choices!
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zariasona · 22 days
Darkness Sweet Embrace...
Alone in Duskwood is where Zaria wanted to be. And so mote it be, that one night after a fateful encounter in Crystalsong did she find herself there. The large tree she grew fond of that bore the brunt of her rage stood before her and a sadness came over her. The battle worn tree was littered in the cuts, scrapes, missing chunks, and healed over wounds.
Even as she looked it over, she could feel the looming precense overhead. "You know what you must do, Archon." The raven said, hidden within the branches of the trees.
"Yes, I know." Closing her eyes, she's shake out her nerves. The arm wriggle, the shoulder roll, the idle jumping all took place one right after the other. Despite how ridiculous it looked, it certainly did what she needed it too.
"Remember this feeling." The familiar voice came to her as she closed her eyes. That warmth, that happiness came to her with such ease. She could feel the darker tones take hold of her skin, the so dark it almost looked black yet looked as if it held glints of glimmering stars across her. The silken teal locks grew longer, turning to a vibran purple and the tips a sea foam green.
"There you are, Archon." Stolas said to her "I've been waiting to see if you'd embrace her."
"I have no choice. If I am to be the powerful Archon you say I am.. There comes a time when I must embrace the darkness. For so long, I stood on the side of the Light. Trying to embrace the Shadow, the Void-" She slowly opened her eyes so that those vibrant silver eyes could illuminate the darkness around them. "It's been difficult. I understand the necessity of the dichotomy, but that doesn't make it easier to accept."
"You know Archon, I wasn't always this being you know me as today. Perhaps in time you'll learn more about me. But today, This is a grand start."** Stolas said with a lighthearted chuckle. "I figured such." Even as Zariasona stood there, she knew something was missing. She crinkled her nose and glanced behind her. "My wings.." A deep frown came. "Just keep trying. They are apart of you, just as I am. Manifest them, Archon."
That heavy sigh came back to her. "I must embrace the shadows." Silver eyes locked onto the scarred tree, her mind swirling with those familiar feelings of him. She had only just seen him days ago, and yet it felt so long ago. "Wings." She said again. Upon her back was the blinding purple slit that looked as if it were tearing her flesh apart. "WINGS." Her voice cried out, trying to vocalize her desire. Stolas sat in the tree, watching, waiting. He edged towards the end of the tree branch, peaking his head between the branches. "Do it, Archon." His voice was soft, trying not to deviate her train of thought. In Zaria's mind, she saw the being that she had fought mere months ago. The fear that swelled in her upon seeing his lifeless body upon the ground.
Just as quickly as her shifted form came to her, was just as quick as it left her. Breathing heavily, she dropped to her knees upon the damp grass and leaves. "Damn it." Stolas swooped down from the trees, shifting into his human form before her. "Archon, are you alright?" He knelt before her, resting his hand upon her shoulder.
Zariasona gave a faint nod. "I need to embrace her. The shadows. The void." Lifting her gaze to Stolas, he'd see that her eyes had turned purple.
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yuriwarrior · 2 years
Roy Harper definitely was a soccer kid when he was younger. Ollie wasn't always available to drive him, so Uncle Hal would take him. Anyways, soccer au ft. halollie and the epic highs and lows of little league soccer
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hastalavistabyebye · 1 month
Last line challenge
Rules: In a new post, show the last line you wrote and tag as many people as there are words (or as many as you like).
Thank you for the tag @holdingonforheaven !
The last (and only) sentence I had the time to write in the last few days is, well, seeing what it is made me laugh really. The timing is perfect.
Darrick is dead.
Litteraly the only thing I had time to write in my WIPs xD
The part where it belongs is going to change a lot once I find the time to work on it (soon) but yeah, that's it for now.
@stardustloki I'll do your tag in another post in a few days once I have a bit more to work with !
And the tags are open for anybody who wants :)
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deadstarsrisingsblog · 8 months
Last line challenge
Rules: in a new post, show the last line you wrote (or drew) and tag as many people as there are words (or however many you like).
Thank you for the tag @blackkatmagic :D
“Taun We, show our guest to his quarters,” he continues, smoothing the fabric of his tunic with an absent hand. This time, when his eyes flit to the clones, there is no threat in his gaze. Only bland satisfaction. 
Surprise, I'm working on the next chapter of Tripping Forward again @alamogirl80 >:)
No pressure tags: @foreverchangingfandomsao3 @cacodaemonia @alamogirl80
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tokkias · 11 months
fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you, please. Although I am also curious about fuck you hailey
browse my writing void ; open
Having her here, having her in his arms, feeling her warmth, feeling her soft skin against his own, snaps something inside of him, and he can do nothing but sob. His face is buried in her hair, arms wrapped so tightly around her, because he’s not letting her go again, not this time.
“Natsu…” she murmurs against him, her fingers making their way through his hair, the way she always used to, “I can’t move on until you do.”
No, no, that’s not- that’s not what he wanted to hear.
He wanted her to stay, promise that she wasn’t going to leave him this time, tell him that everything would finally go back to the way they should be.
“I don’t,” he choked, “I don’t want you to go.”
If it meant that he could hold her forever, he would never move on.
“You’re being selfish, Natsu.”
Hurt rang within her words, and perhaps in any other moment he would have felt guilt sink into his stomach.
But he didn’t.
Because right now he deserved to be selfish.
“I don’t care,” his voice cracked, the same way his heart had the day he first lost her, “stay with me Lucy.”
She didn’t reply.
The space she once held, now cold and void.
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bikerfromthevoid · 10 months
Drabble: Corridor
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The ren'dorei sat up, no sound in his home save for the staticky hum of the neon lights. He fell back in his bed, but his eyes didn't feel heavy at all, yet they burned, and his throat felt dry. Perhaps all his adventures and projects left him little time for meaningful rest and it was catching up to him...
He stood, pushing himself off the bed to fill a glass of water. It felt strangely quiet that night, even the smack of his bare feet against the stone floor echoed just that bit louder. He hovered over the sink, grabbing a nearby glass and holding it under the faucet, the handle squeaked as he turned it, but nothing came out. Vynnie's brows furrowed, leaning into the sink to look under the spout as if there would be a visible blockage; he smacked the side of the faucet, hoping to dislodge something, yet nothing. "Fucking great..." he sighed. He set the glass on the counter, too tired to deal with broken plumbing. As he stepped back towards his bed, he passed by the giant mirror in his room. His recent incident with that experiment left him wary of the mirror, wary that his ambitions might bring him closer to danger than even he would like. He studied himself in the mirror, looking at the developing bags under his eyes, the mess of hair that none who didn't make it to the morning after who had ever seen. His thoughts began to wander... to life, to work, to Revendreth, to Telogrus, to Kul Tiras, to Quel'thalas. His life had been filled with lots of danger. Thump, thump, thump- His head jerked to the bedroom door. People had knocked on his front door late; vagabonds, wanderers, the like, but none had ever broken in. Swiftly he grabbed his daggers and stood against the wall by the door, waiting for it to open. If the intruder would open the door, he'd take them out. There were whispers. They were soft, incomprehensible. As if someone was talking to themselves? Those lavender eyes caught sight of a shadow, filtering in underneath the door. As he tried to make out the figure, the whispers got louder. The shadow, itself, got bigger, stretching across the length of his room without the door even opening to let light in. Thump. Thump. Thump. The silhouette motioned as if knocking on the door. It began to materialize, features becoming apparent. A face, nose, lips, eyes. The shadow's eyes opened to reveal strained pupils staring right at Vynnie from across the room. Then, small slits of light opened all along the figure's body, staring right at him. His heart raced, sweat forming between his palm and the hilt of the blade he held in a white knuckle grip. He reached for the door handle. Part of him screamed to not open the door, yet he couldn't stop himself. He wasn't fully in control. A hand grabbed the knob, turning it to slowly open the door. It creaked open, letting in light from the hallway that washed away the silhouette stretched across the floor. With a sharp inhale, he pivoted around the edge of the door, holding his dagger at the ready for whatever waited him in the doorway. It was nothing. Literally nothing. No hallway, no light. Just pitch black. A doorway leading nowhere. Vynnie froze, unsure if he should take a step forward, or throw a match through the inky black. Then a hand gripped his shoulder...
L̷͎̰͍̩̤͔̹̯̮͓̀̔̄̓̍̈͝ë̸͈̯̲̫̗̳̲́̈́̓̉̎̈́͆͐̈́̓͋̓͝t̴̛͔̗̹̰̲̟̭́͊͂͗̆́̾͛̏̉͝ ̴̘̙̬͈̘͎̂͌̄̆͋͆̏̀̏̎̿̐̇͘ù̴̡͎̠͎̭̱̻̩̯̝̳̘̣͉̆͆͑̀͛̏͑͑͘͜s̴̡̖̻̭̜̰͍̼̼̦̣̔̀͌̊͗͛̒͒́́̑̉̈̈̃ ̷̨̨̱͖̹̬̗͚͔̝͚̱̰͋͑ͅì̸͇̼̭̠͚̞̱̭̓͑̃̅̾̏̚n̶͈̝͑?̸̡̡̰̟͇̹̻͙̽̒͋̽
The voice sounded like many all in one. The hand on his shoulder was ice cold, actively sucking the warmth from his body where it gripped. His hand still on the knob clenched before he suddenly slammed the door shut. He jolted from his sleep, panting heavily, throat dry. In a panic he looked around his bedroom. Everything was in order. He felt like a child in that moment, afraid to kick his feet over the bed in fear of what might grab them. Yet he did, stumbling out from the covers to the bedroom door and throw it open. Just the cold, darkness of his home. No sound save for the staticky hum of the neon lights and the metronomic pat of water from the faucet hitting the sink. He caught his breath and closed the door softly. Satisfied that it was just a horrible nightmare, he slumped back to bed, pressing on the faucet handle to ensure the dripping water stopped before falling face first into the bed. "Fucking hells..." he yawned. He was too tired to get hung up over a nightmare and lazily pulled the covers back over himself. He drifted back off to sleep and near silence fell over his house again. As the ren'dorei slept, a long shadow stretched over the room. One by one, many eyes opened. Dilated, strained, bloodshot, all looking in the direction of the sleeping void elf.
O̸͔͉̟̳̬̻͔̭͎̮͖͋̓̆̅̀͐̀͒̊̀̕͠ͅǹ̴̩̯͖̪̖̭̣̱̞̳̺̅̎̈́́͘͠ͅe̴͍͊́͑̒́̐͌̋̔̄͊͌̕͝͝ ̷̣̆͐̿ḑ̸̢̧͉͇̺͉͖͙̍͑̈́͗̂͗a̴̧̢̜̱̜̺̠͖̦͖̫͂͌͒̎̊̇͛̚y̴̹͛̉ ((Day 2 of my submission for @daily-writing-challenge using the theme Horror ))
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underburningstars · 1 year
me writing about regulus: oh yeah he's awesome literally the best isn't he such a badass
me writing about james: yeah he's a guy I'm going to torture a lot...now about regulus--
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finniestoncrane · 1 month
ramping up the release of the event posts cos i am way ahead of schedule and there's no point withholding them since the whole point of the events is that i get the requests done spitfire lmao
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void-writing · 2 years
I was in chapter 5 and I was like, somebody needs to tell Bruce or Batman to change his rule about metas. What about metas that are born in Gotham or have no other choice than to be there? Shouldn't they be allowed to stay if they want or need to? They're probably living in fear of the Bats. Then you tell here that the Bats will get powers and I'm cackling. Sorry Bats but you know the rules. No metas in Gotham!
Lol. Honestly, I'm choosing to think about Batman's "no metas in Gotham" rule as something that's really not a rule, but just something he said early on in his career in the heat of a moment that got taken as a rule. My interpretation of this is that Batman doesn't have a gripe with metas being in Gotham because they can crop up anywhere and have as much a right to live in Gotham as anyone else, but he dislikes it when he doesn't know who's meta and who isn't in Gotham.
It's why in chapter 2 I mentioned that the Bat Computer has a database for known metas in Gotham and a separate one for suspected metas. Batman likes to know things so he can plan for them and metas are often a variable that's hard to predict because every one is different. Goons with guns and other weapons are things Batman can deal with fairly easily, but a meta ability is a wild card whether the meta is a consenting party or not. It's a bit like knowing about medical history in an emergency. EMTs need to know allergies and existing medical conditions patients have so that they don't trigger one by mistake and know to look for things that might. The main difference is that a meta ability can have potentially disastrous consequences for everyone around them (depending on the ability, of course).
Though, since this is the DCU we're talking about, it's a bit more complicated because mind control and other forms of manipulation exist and being a meta in Gotham can be very dangerous for the meta. My knowledge of the DCU is fairly broad and spotty, but I imagine that it's fairly common for people with meta abilities to be pressured into heroics or villainy either deliberately or passively.
So the way I'm choosing to think about it is that most people think that Batman doesn't want metas in Gotham because of some vented frustration that got taken as a moral stance a long time ago, but in actuality, Gotham has a fairly robust meta population. Because think about it: most people believe that if you're a meta in Gotham and Batman finds out, he'll kick you out or something. In truth, he'll just ask about what you can do, what you intend to do (if anything), and provide resources for maintaining your ability as discreetly as possible and prevent that information from being leaked to harmful people. So really, any meta that's been in Gotham for a while knows that Batman has their back. He helps them stay hidden, because often the metas that choose to live in Gotham are ones who just want to be left alone to live their lives and what better place to blend in than the city with the hero who everyone thinks dislikes metas?
In summary, with regards to Change in Management, Batman's "no metas in Gotham" rule isn't actually a rule or something he himself believes, but something that he might have said a long time ago in frustration (likely to Superman for whatever reason) that took on a life of its own as an assumed policy of his. Instead of tackling the messy business trying to dispel that belief, Batman instead turned it into a smokescreen for metas who live in Gotham to get some goddamn peace by allowing them to essentially hide in plain sight.
Batman isn't ICE. He's an emergency responder on steroids who just wants to know if he needs to account for someone with laser eyes or some shit.
(sorry if that seems aggressive. im not ''yelling'' at anyone, just emphasizing my point)
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a-ramblinrose · 11 months
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JOMP Book Photo Challenge || July 14 || Mixed Feelings:   I wanted to LOVE this book and ended up feeling quite unsure about it. It started off with a neat premise/world and the romance was sweet if a little quick to start. The last third felt simultaneously overfull and rushed, and the sudden new pov was obviously sequel bait.  
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zariasona · 22 days
The Passing...
"Zari.." The faint voice of a woman rang out. Zariasona's ear flickered as she quickly lifted herself from her chair beside the fire. The book she was reading had been abruptly closed and set upon the table. The moment Zariasona was to the couch, she'd gracefully settle upon the floor beside the weakened woman. "Minn'da.. What is it?" Lifting her scarred left came to push back the black locks that had covered the sin'dorei's face. "You don't look any better than you did this morning, Minn'da.. I'll call the doctor-" "No, Zari stop." Leandra said to her. "I need.. I need you to just listen to me." Zaria wanted to protest. She wanted to find a way to care for her minn'da, but she had a feeling she was not going to be able to say or do anything of the sort. "Minn'da, you don't look well." "I know, child." Leandra's weakened hand came to grab Zaria's hand and held it delicately in her own frail and weakened one. "I want you to know, that your father and sisters loved you very much. And I am so proud of you, Zari. My precious Dal'dinoriel." "Minn'da, you make it sound as if you are going to pass tonight." Zari tried to offer a light hearted chuckle as if to imply it wasn't going to happen. She knew in her heart it was time, for her chest swelled in a way it rarely did.
Leandra's own silver eyes remained fixed to Zaria's scars on her left hand and arm. "I am so sorry you had to endure this pain, all to try and save me." "I would do it again and again if I had to."
"Help me sit up, Dal'dinoriel." Leandra would try and set herself up, and find it hard to do such as she groaned in pain, her body trembling.
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Zaria was quick to move, trying to encourage her to lay down. "Minn'da! No, you must remain laying. You need to rest." "Alright.. but take the pendant off me."
There was much Zaria wanted to say to her about that alone, but something told her not to fight her on this. "If you insist." Slowly, Zaria would come to take the golden crescent moon pendant off from around her neck and place it in her mothers hands. However, the moment that Leandra got the pendant within her hands, she'd move to place it within Zaria's own hands and kept her own frail fingers wrapped around Zaria's. "You cannot find peace by avoiding life. Go, my precious Dal'dinorei. You must live beyond me and your Ann'da, and your sisters." Zaria knew she was right, and hurt far more than she would ever admit. "Yes, Minn'da. I will." She gave the best smile that she could to her mother.
"There she is.. My star keeper. Protect the moon, and know that I love you." Slowly, her eyes closed, and the last of her life faded from her. Her hands went limp, and she had taken her last breath. In the days after Leandra's passing, Zariasona had put on the golden crescent moon pendant, and had never once removed it.
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willow-lark · 1 year
i don't usually get insecure about my writing but i am reading this back & banging my head against the wall i feel like i still have so much to write even though i've been working on this for TWO AND A HALF MONTHSSSSS I'M NOT EVEN FINISHED WRITING ALL OF ITTTT (though tbf this is by FAR not the longest it's taken me to finish a wip) i s2g the world has never seen blander prose. the action is falling FLAT and i can't make it flow right & i'm gonna have to go back and edit all of this shit and that's gonna take FOREVERRRRR & ugh i thought i could see the light at the end of the tunnel but i very much Cannot actually. no one's in character and there is zilch actual worldbuilding & idk what the hell is going on!!
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ellie-screams · 5 months
Excerpt from a larger project im working on
*interior of a tavern filled with sleeping patrons. A celebration is coming to an end. Only 2 remain awake tankards half full sitting by the low burning hearth*
Thor: so brother you really did it huh got married! (A hearty booming laugh followed stiff pat on the back)
Loki sheepishly: thank you brother
Thor taking a swig from his drink: now that you’re married I suppose you think our guys nights at the…local inns has to stop?
Loki looking puzzled: well yes that would make sense right?
Thor again with his booming laugh leans in: oh please don’t be so naive brother! Do you really think I only am with Sif?!
Loki: but brother I just got married today how can I think of these things? I do love sigyn after all!
Thor looking seriously at Loki reaching for his hammer: no one makes that claim I don’t love sif and lives. Tread carefully even you brother. I’m simply saying as a prince you can get bored of a single mate.
[end of tape]
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anxiously-going · 6 months
A really difficult part of being a writer is sometimes I have an idea that would be a good stretch for me and might even provide some measure of catharsis, but then I have to decide if I am ready or have the mental capacity for said catharsis because while I'm down for tackling something new as a writer, I'm not sure I'm ready to take myself to therapy.
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