#the walls have seen and heard
nihils-trolls · 2 months
Are you hearing voices again? Are they with you? Are they giving you commands?
A rolling thunder echoes through the halls of the Kelter manor. An unexpected storm given the season, but present nonetheless. The drumming of heavy rain on the roofs and thick clouds that cover the sky further provide a melancholy ambiance. One that the master of the hive finds rather comforting.
Well. It would be more so if the furnace hadn't quit working. Spring isn't exactly a warm season around this area, and the heat has quickly left the building. So, Quilis finds herself rummaging around a storage room in the basement. She pauses for a moment, listening to the hive creak and groan due to the howling wind outside.
No, not here. It's not here either. Where did I put that damn thing- … Oh.
Shoving aside a pile of scrap and stuffed boxes, she finds what she's looking for- a portable tool box. Just in case.
Breaker first, she thinks. In the corner of the main room of the basement, Quilis sets the box on the floor and flips open a panel. She glances over several fuses and switches, seeing that the one for the furnace had tripped. An easy solution, thankfully. She presses a little button next to the switch labeled ‘RESET’ and flicks it back on.
After doing so, she wipes the sweat from her brow. Weird, she could have sworn it was cold down here- like it is in the rest of the hive. But now that she's paying more attention, it is a bit warm. Which… doesn't make sense; it would have taken longer than a mere few seconds for the heating to kick back into gear.
The hum of the machinery finally doing its work confirms her theory. But amongst that hum she hears something else. A knocking, coming from… somewhere. There's no doors here, and it's definitely not from upstairs.
The knocking continues as she searches. Increasing in volume. Increasing in intensity- becoming an incessant banging on wood, now clearly originating from below the rug-covered stone floors. It shouldn't be possible, Quilis had been searching around here several times before. There was nothing below the basement.
And yet.
She drops to her hands and knees, against some better judgement, to press an ear down to the floor. To try and gather something else, if there was anything. To make sense of what she was hearing.
But the sound stops. 
The hum of the furnace stops. The buzzing of the lights stops. There's no sound of rain, no creaking of walls- Quilis hears dead silence interrupted only by the sound of her own breathing.
“... south, south….” A rasping, untroll-like whisper, barely heard from below.
“... she came… from the south…”
“... he’s not coming back, is he?”
The room sways and bends, cracking under some unknown distress. A pitch black shadow wells up, bubbling from somewhere underneath the floor. It crawls up along the walls and ceiling, covering everything in unnatural darkness, not unlike a jaw snapping shut. Quilis tries to stand, unsteady on her feet. Barely able to see her hands held up right in front of her. It's unbearably hot; the smell of smoke and burning flesh invades her senses, her eyes water to flush out whatever is causing them to sting- to no avail.
The very air feels hostile- no, livid. Boiling with some unknown rage, some sort of despair, yet it’s empty. Hollow. Alone. Forgotten.
They left. 
We waited. Rotted.
The waves of tumultuous emotion overwhelm Quilis; her breath catches, her heart pounds. Sweat continues to roll off of her brow. She treads forward cautiously in the void, thankful for the familiarity of carpet below her feet.
She's unsure of what she's looking for. The source of that voice? The stairs back upwards? A light? Anything? 
… There is a moment- however brief- of clarity. 
Quil jabs her thumb claw directly into her thigh, drawing blood and flicking it onto the floor. In her palm, she traces a circle with her other hand. A complex series of intangible runes form and tie together in a glowing ring. It's a seal, similar to one she's made before; something that, with luck, would restore the room’s original state. 
She drops back to the floor again, slamming the newly made sigil down. It takes root, the glow growing brighter as the circle expands. In one final swirl, a faint pulse washes over the space; the darkness fades as light is restored, and the awful smell plaguing Quilis wafts away.
The furnace is humming away, a gentle warmth emanating from it. The room temperature, rising finally. The hive still creaks some, and another clap of thunder is faintly heard. All is well, and all manner of things are well, so it seems.
Nothing like this has happened before. Not to this severity, at least, Quilis thinks. She does her best to relax after whatever she just witnessed- but something gnaws at the edges of her mind. Is there something else haunting this place? Hiding in some recess she hasn’t found yet? The hive is known to be something not quite inanimate. Maybe it’s trying to say something.
But what would have triggered this? Why now of all times? What changed? Was the furnace just to bring her down here on purpose? Is there something else important here?
… She’ll just have to do a little digging. Maybe literally, if it comes to it.
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djsadbean · 2 years
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the ultimate character type for us autistic girlies
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spacedlexi · 11 months
skybound collectively unshitting their pants after acquiring the full rights to clementine, the coolest character in their own franchise
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steakout-05 · 1 month
how i feel about TBYS causing a shockwave effect of everyone dogpiling on and harassing Illymation and spreading extremely easily disprovable and malicious misinformation about her and putting her in a lot of danger for literally no legitimate reason
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#big rant in the tags incoming hold on to your hats:#i swear drama commentary youtubers are actually some of the most dense people on the fucking planet#like holy SHIT i have never seen a bigger display of collective stupidity than every drama commentary grifter harping on illy based on shit#-she didn't even say that they heard from a guy who sounds like budget ben shapiro. how are you that dense. like how. actually how.#it's just a big stupid game of idiot telephone with how much basic shit people are getting wrong because they heard it whispered from-#-another person. istg if i have to see ONE more person say that ''oh but she's encouraging obesity'' ''oh but she said [thing she literally#-didn't say]!!!'' im going to SCREAM. i am going to throw my phone against the wall if i see one more malicious misinterpretation of a-#-basic statement that even a fucking doorknob could understand with more grace and nuance than these idiots#i swear to god this is all so STUPID#drama commentary youtube is where basic reading comprehension and common sense go to die. it is the 10th circle of internet hell-#-just below 4chan.#anyway rant over glad i got that out of my system.#i hope illy is doing well and that she and her partner and her cats are safe <3#sorry for being so angry. this whole situation literally makes my blood boil and i'm so upset that an innocent person got put in danger-#-because of some nerd emoji sounding wackass blatantly lying about her and being a dickhead#this is the first and last post i'll ever make about internet drama (unless something really REALLY funny happens) i just needed an outlet-#-to scream into for a few minutes#drama commentary youtubers delete their entire channels and leave the internet right now challenge#shitpost#youtube drama
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mintjeru · 2 years
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open for better quality | no reposts | ID under the cut
[Image description: A two page comic in which Childe quietly admires Diluc. Diluc holds out a hand and a firefly lands on his finger. He smiles to himself. Childe, who is watching Diluc from the side, lifts his head off of the hand he was resting it on. He gazes, infatuated, at an unaware Diluc.]
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cookinguptales · 10 months
when I was a small child, I was the unenviable combination of "loves particularly haunting ghost stories" and "is incredibly terrified of everything and cries a lot."
these days my mom is constantly like YOU??? WERE READING WHAT????
I was basically a nervous wreck at all times, and it was mostly because I was constantly reading things that as an adult I reread like "wait what the fuck?" lmao
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missgallavjch · 2 years
panels I'll never move on from, part 1
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papermonkeyism · 1 year
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Don't know that one. What's it about? What genre? Is it fun?
#I'm not gonna pay for international shipping for a book blindly again#Last time I bought a book based on someone praising how gay it was and how good it's representation was#It turned out the main couple had been a thing briefly in the past but wasn't in the book's present#And while it had many flashbacks to the past timeline it was less about seeing them be together and more like#Character A saying something and the story stopped happening so character B could explain the thing at character A#Like 'oh you're experiencing periods. This is what that means what causes it and how to treat the symptoms.'#And 'oh you're bisexual. This is the dictionary definition of the word this is the etymology of the word'#Like one of the characters was alledgedly street smart thief but for some reason she had never heard of periods before#I was told they had great chemistry but all I got shown was a person shaped dictionary and a blank wall that got things explained to#I was clearly not the target audience for that one (I know what bisexual means! Stop lecturing like I'm an idiot and let me see the story!)#Though at least that book treated animals like actual animals and knew how logistics worked#Unlike this OTHER book I once bought on internet recommendation#That had me continuously go 'that's not how falcons work. That's not how horses work. That's not how weather works.#'that's not how winter works. Have you ever even seen snow? For fuck's sake stop rubbing frostbites! You're gonna cause tissue damage!'#......#Sorry did not mean to tag a wall of text#I've just spent too much money on books I bought on anonymous recommendation and ended up not having good time
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alxclaremont · 1 year
the hunger games really are a college students comfort movie because i cannot tell you how many people i have seen or heard in the last week watching these movies
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rosicheeks · 8 months
Tbh, I've never watched Adventure Time. It's been on my list but I'm not sure if I can get into the art style and the lot. What appeals to you about it? I really like Infinity Train, Steven Universe, She-Ra, Batman the Animated Series, and Gargoyles if any of those similar enough? Oh. And The Owl House.
this is gonna be my first time I don’t ramble in the tags cause I want to include everything and not leave anything out!
Ok ok ok so I didn’t think I’d like adventure time either. I just watched it for the first time this past year and ever since I’ve been obsessed with it! The entire universe is just so good. I’m amazed it’s a kids show. There are just some parts and episodes that get trippy and super DARK but most of it is a happy go lucky show
And then there’s MORE! There’s Adventure Time: Distant Lands and Fionna and Cake 😍😍😍
Which again I was very skeptical about cause Fionna and Cake weren’t my favorite episodes in adventure time but they did an AMAZING job with it.
I’ve been rewatching Adventure Time cause there’s just so much to it? They’re only 10ish minute episodes but they jam pack those episodes my dude it’s crazy what they fit in 10 minutes.
Some episodes are super fucking random and make no sense and other episodes (usually towards the end of the series) are actually about the story. And it might just be because I’m usually smoking or high when I watch it but I don’t fully remember everything that happens. Some of these episodes I’ve rewatched and it feels like a brand new episode????
Not sure if any of this makes sense tbh
It’s honestly not like any of those shows but I kinda think it’s in the same ball park? It’s like if those shows were from Cartoon Network.
I’ve watched She-Ra, Owl House (I’m on the last episode and I don’t want it to end!!!!), Gravity Falls (which if you haven’t seen you DEFINITELY need to watch cause it’s on the same wavelength as owl house and has some of the same voice actors) and also really like Harley Quinn the animated series (if you’ve heard or seen that) and love all of them with my whole heart 🫶🫶🫶
1000/10 recommend at least trying a few episodes! Like I said they’re only 10 min and man oh man they are so good!
I will say that I binge watched a lot of them and now the ending song will be stuck in my head for the rest of my days. Also I got very very annoyed that they were so short and went by so damn fast!
BuuuUuUuUuUt when they came out with distant lands and fionna and cake I was THRILLED cause they are longer episodes and they go more into the story of the universe of adventure time and the characters.
#oooOoo I’ll have to look up infinity train and gargoyles!#I’ve never heard of those 👀#I’ve tried Steven universe but I just didn’t really get into it#I’ve been watching Hilda and that’s super duper good too#kinda reminds me of over the garden wall#which is also a really really good show if you haven’t seen it#I’m trying to think of all the reasons why I like adventure time#maybe cause it’s just not like any other show I’ve seen?#I love love LOVE all the characters and the thought that it took to make all the characters#like they are so intricate#and they’re soooo many of them#it’s a magical world and I wish I could live there 😤😤😤😤#I think that’s what I look for in shows#finding a comfort show where I can kinda disappear and pretend I’m there for a bit#fuck reality#I’m gonna go be a princess and kick ass with Finn and jake#flame princess is probably my favorite#but I also love princess bubblegum#I think she was EXCELLENTLY made and designed#not to give anything away but usually in most shows (especially to kids) the main princess is all sunshine and rainbows#and her and the main dude have a love thing going on and all this and that#but this is just so different#also also love how some episodes are just incredibly random and not even about Finn or jake or any of the main characters#they go into a random candy citizens life like root beer guy#just such such suuuuch a good show and whoever designed it is a genius#don’t get me wrong it’s a trippy show alone#but also the intricacies through the universe and all the shows is just A+++++++++#if you ever try it lmk what you think!!#and obviously if it’s not your thing it’s not you thing! I have a few shows that I would like but the art style throws me off#ask
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duskittycat · 1 year
every time i see a take along the lines of “how is [insert person/organization] claiming to have financial troubles when they earned X amount from fundraisers/sales/memberships etc???” i think of that simpsons clip where the kids find out principal skinner’s annual income is 25k a year and conclude he must be a millionaire
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nihils-trolls · 2 months
The Walls Have Seen and Heard
Plot Masterpost (In order)
This house says my name like an elegy, oh my, oh my Echoing where my ghosts all used to be, oh my, oh my There's still cobwebs in the corner And the backyard's full of bones
Hearing Voices
Echo Chamber
Crossing the River
Funeral For a Forgotten Friend
Another Echo of the Past
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lustful-and-stoned · 9 months
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from the t4t sex in the 2nd floor lounge in my college dorm building <3<3
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mymarifae · 1 year
i feel like if you walk away from ddlc thinking of monika as a bad person you might have missed the point
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secundus-cinaedus · 1 year
good news: vindicated in that i swore i heard critters in my room the other night
bad news: proof of critters in room
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radio-4-is-static · 1 year
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絶望なんてきっと 生きように よっちゃリアル体験版 障害物競走 それならばもういっそ 走り切る 今を 君と わからないことばかり溢れてる それが何? そんなステキな世界を私たち二人で 一緒に笑って迷子になろう 「迷子の最後」を確かめにいこう
Despair, depending on how you live, is a real-life version of a steeplechase I might as well run through it with you, now So much going on, things I don’t understand …So?  If the world we live in is as beautiful Let us laugh and get lost together And see where we end up - “The Last of the Lost”
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