#the way that tumblr ruins the quality still kills me
dollsinvogue · 7 months
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Baby, I was…dead this way? Not sure how Zomby Gaga would sing that version of the song 🤔
I said I would do a version with her hair down so here it is, the hair was based more on The Countess from AHS Hotel rather than the 2010 VMAs meat dress look, I think it’s cute and also fitting with Zomby’s no eyebrow look!
Original post of this idea
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h3llishh0und · 5 months
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My Hazbin Hotel Redesigns (so far)!! These were made FOR FUN!!! i always do redesigns and such for most fandoms I'm in anyway. Also most likely an AU ?
Ideas yet but i think i am actually gonna make in my redesign/au whatever the fuck,
Vaggie and Charlie aren't dating yet, AD is her QPR and Cherri Bomb is his bestie.
Vaggie is an Angel thats very slowly seeing the corrupt side of Heaven, and meets Charlie by almost killing her. But obvi doesn't.
ALSO i think I'm gonna rename Vaggie, Cupid bc SUPPOSEDLY it is a mixed mytho anyway and i know Cupid isn't an angel ? But i figured Eros could be the real deal and Cupid is just Vaggie's nickname MAYBE or smth.
Bc i kind of think it would be interesting if Cupid was a fallen Angel .
The spear was her Angel weapon n then the bow n arrow is her later weapon
Ough i forgot to say i just got wrapped up in the sudden Vaggie/Cupid idea but UM
AD is gonna be an Ex overlord bc i said so. Instead of a pornstar.
He's still a SW but pole dancing is for fun more than anything and none of it will be seen as "gross". I'm not taming him down TOO much. Hobby wise etc.
Umm also Charlie is gonna be Grey Bisexual and Aromantic.
Cherri isn't there often bc she still likes the chaos. I like to imagine she used to work for Velvette but then escaped later on bc she wants to do shit her own way.
She loves art, esp like spray paints. Her bombs even have paint inside of them so theres a splatter everywhere she goes.
I think Cherri would also be friends with Sir Pentious in the end tbh. Haters to Besties.
Little details for the characters and their partners:
AD having mint colors + feather for Husk
Vaggie slowly getting blue details as she's in hell, hinting she's gonna be with Charlie
Charlie Having pink make up to hint she's gonna be with Vaggie.
Not shown:
AD and Charlie have matching phone charms
AD and Cherri have matching knives
this is all a WIP but I'll prob do screenshot redraws at some point! I wanna maybe work on making OCs first.
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Note: Do not copy (inspiration is fine !!!!), steal, repost, use for NFTs/AI art, Do not trace etc. Okay to tag as kin/ID/fictive/me, okay to make fan art of!! And its 100% okay to have our designs interact and/or our designs interact with ocs !!!!!!
( please click on them, tumblr ruins the quality )
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89 Days Until Tears of the Kingdom Release. The Trailer Breakdown is here. Sorry Tumblr killed the image quality. This is Part Three, Part One is HERE and Part Two is HERE.
Same Warning Applies: This will be obscenely long. I have spent hours of my life on this and I even went around Hyrule in BOTW to double check things. I have also watched only one reaction/analysis video (Limcube) whose ideas I reference a few times but the rest is all me. Now, I know many of the oddities and differences could easily be explained by saying we time travel into the past but I’m going to approach this for the most part as if we are not time traveling because it's more fun this way. Also, the colors refer to the corresponding arrows/circles on the image above it.
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Blue: This falling green glowing block inspires many questions (like literally everything else in this dang trailer.) Why is it falling? Is it related to the odd rocks that are everywhere now? Is it similar to an elevator that could bring you down from an island or maybe up to one?  Pink: A green swirly thing!! Haven’t seen one of these in a bit. If these really are the things that send you up into the sky, I’m gonna shout “Beam me up!” before I use them.
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Green: Yup, that’s right. It’s a little hard to see but that is a yellow Korok flower. Ya ha ha, I found you.
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Pink: Ganondorf’s attack reminds me of Princess Mononoke (Studio Ghibli Movie) and that stuff that was wriggling out of the boar god. Fitting considering it curses the main character's arm.  Green: The Master Sword is already covered in malice and Link’s arm is messed up even before Ganondorf does his attack. Now this could be the second attack, Link having partially fought off the first one and sustaining damage, or it could be something else. I think there might be malice coming out from the Master Sword itself. Since it’s the sword that seals the darkness, the past darkness might be escaping as Fi is no longer strong enough to contain it.
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General thoughts: Poor Link looks to be in a lot of pain (understandable because that malice corruption went really far up his arm.) Again I really like the focus on his expressions.
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General thoughts: The simple act of dropping the Master Sword (sorry Fi) says so much about Link’s worry for Zelda. I think we are in for an emotional ride in terms of the TOTK story. Red: This area on his thigh makes me wonder just how far the malice corruption spread down his right side.
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General thoughts: I can’t believe the Champion’s Tunic gets destroyed to such a degree. I mean it’s obvious that someone fixes it later since Link wears it during the rest of this trailer but still. Stupid malice ruining the tunic Zelda made for Link. I’m attached to the damn tunic. Pink: It’s interesting that other parts of Link’s gear appear burned/corroded. I really wonder what watching the full cutscene in game will be like.
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General thoughts: I mean what can I say about this shot other than I’m worried about everyone in it. I’m worried for Zelda’s safety, I’m worried about Link’s injuries, and I’m worried about poor Fi who is also falling and damaged pretty badly. Plus, Link really reached out for Zelda with his injured hand, willing to suffer more pain if he could avoid being separated from her. I love their bond but I’m also expecting Nintendo to make us suffer emotional distress. Words: “Please, lend him your power.” This is what Zelda says in the English dub. When I first heard it I wondered if Zelda was praying to the goddess Hylia. It certainly is an odd choice to play that voice clip right before showing a situation where Zelda seems to be in far more need of power. However, Limcube mentioned that the German dub says something along the lines of “You have to save him” and the “you” in that sentence addresses either a group of people (possibly the Zonai) or someone of extreme importance (could be Hylia.) I also think Zelda could be talking to the spirit hand thing.
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General thoughts: And last but not least, the entire reason I started this account. Soon, my friends. Soon we will be able to play TOTK and get answers to all of our burning questions.
Finally, I congratulate you for making it to the end of my Tears of the Kingdom trailer breakdown. As you can plainly see, I am perfectly sane about this game. Thank you and have a good day. THE END.
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Sorry the comic anon again
I know we mostly focus the woke shit but comics also fall apart because
1. Rampant big events that cause more damage than good
2. Rampant character assassination and development erasure that cause serve damage (don’t get me fucking started on Dan Didio 5G plans and how that effect a character I was invested in)
3. PAINFULLY obvious writers who don’t check the characters they are writing past unless it’s a certain run.
4. And keeping the same godawful status quo that keep a endless cycle of the same shit again and again.
There more, but marvel and dc purposely put them into the landmines and refuse to properly adapt their stories and money making ways to modern era. I can’t blame just the wokies, I have to blame th embodiment of a strawman manchild like Dan didio
I know this long, but hear what the head of dc comics from the early 2010’s to 2020 said
Oh, absolutely mainstream comics have been shit for decades. I love that you made a numbered list because I have things to say and this makes it easy to organize, XD
FUCK EVENT COMICS. God, I used to love these things when they were rare. They felt meaningful and they were the only time you got to see some characters interact with each other, and it felt special because it was unique. Secret War, Crisis on Infinite Earths, No Man's Land, and Age of Apocalypse are some of my favorite comic stories ever. Reading the No Man's Land novelization was actually what got me into Batman comics in the first place, and from there into DC itself (eventually). Until then, the only comics I'd read were Marvel staples like X-Men and Spider-Man (which, believe it or not, used to be the only two Marvel characters 90% of mainstream fans liked) and Spawn. But event comics also completely killed my interest in DC and Marvel. Civil War ruined pretty much every character I liked, along with everything I enjoyed about the Marvel universe. And Flashpoint killed DC for me, while the New 52 dug up its grave and did unmentionable things to the corpse. Now, event comics happen all the time. Hell, DC rebooted its main universe I think three times in a 10 year span. And dear God don't get me started on multiverses. They used to be an interesting concept, but now they're just a receptacle for every idea that was too shitty for even modern Marvel/DC editors to green light for the main continuity.
Yeah, way too many comics these days are written by people who hate the character they're writing for. It's vandalism, pure and simple. Taste, quality, respect for the character and its history, satisfying the fans, all gleefully thrown into the fire. It makes it impossible to get into any character, because the moment the writer changes so will everything good about the character. Even new characters aren't immune. The moment Bendis took over writing Jon Kent he artificially aged him up, completely changed his character, and basically did everything he could to ruin the magic of Tomasi's Super Sons run. Pissed me off to no end, because I was actually considering dipping my toes back into DC just to read more Super Sons than the stuff I saw on tumblr until that happened. Still makes me mad thinking about it.
I know this is kind of similar to the last point, but Batman writers constantly do this with Damian Wayne. It seems like every new writer has to throw out all his character development and reset him back to being a barely functioning murder baby. Though, that's also a problem with Batman, too. How many times has he cut himself off from his family and friends because "he works better alone" only to realize that he needs other people? 20, by now? 30? I mean, fuck, they did the "Batman needs to be a loner oh wait actually he needs his family" storyline twice in three years. No Man's Land in 1999 and Bruce Wayne: Murderer/Fugitive in 2002. I get that long running serials are going to repeat storylines, but fuck try to keep things consistent for a decade, at least. I don't think that's asking too much. Aside from the vandalism and wokeness, I think the major problem with American comics is that they have no idea how to write a character or a story long term. They just do whatever they think will boost sales or get people talking, find out they wrote themselves into a corner because they didn't think further than, at best, a year out, and then reboot their entire continuity again because they can't figure out any other way to get out of the whole they dug themselves into. Why would anyone get invested in a product like that?
This is where I'm going to disagree partly. I don't think the status quo is necessarily a bad thing. I think about it a lot when people won't shut up about how killing the Joker would prevent countless deaths, and actually Batman is an idiot for prioritizing his own morality over the lives of others by not killing him. In real life, that might be true. "Do the ends justify the means" is a moral problem humanity has been wrestling with since we invented morality. But comics aren't real life, and they're not supposed to be. In comics, there are good guys and bad guys. The good guys stop the bad guys from doing bad things, usually by fighting them, and then arrest them. Good guys follow a moral code, one that usually includes a no killing rule. They do this because if Batman kills off his rogues, or Superman rips Lex Luthor's heart out, you can't tell anymore stories with those characters. Heroes are defined, in many ways, by their villains. Batman without a Joker, or Two-Face, or Riddler, or Scarecrow, is less of a character. Not to say that he can never face any other bad guys, or that they can't be cycled in and out now and then, but you can't just kill them off. You can't have Batman kill them off. Especially when comic book deaths are meaningless anyway. Once you break one of the central pillars of Batman's morality, he is immediately a different character. Less of a character, in my opinion. Especially these days, where morals are more about whether or not a character supports the popular new slacktivist cause and less about the fundamental questions of universal human morality. So, I very much advocate for good status quos to stick around as long as possible. But you also need to recognize when the thing you're doing needs to change. It's a delicate balance, and one that's completely beyond most comic writers today.
Ugh, don't even get me started on that "characters can't be happy" bullshit. I'll be here all day. Suffice to say, it's a garbage line that only exists to excuse bad writing and the most shallow interpretation of drama. Super heroes can be happy and still be entertaining and have personal strife. Reading constant misery and knowing that every bit of happiness a character does find will be temporary is what's boring.
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almalvo · 1 year
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY | S1E7 "Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad"
[I will react to each episode individually and in full, raw reception and then post as is unrevised here onto my tumblr for the full span of every and all NuTrek episodes and series that have been and will be released. If this falls under your field of interest - I welcome your company in joining me. Enjoy the ride.] -------
man the intro just continues to remind me fucking ingenius the Star Trek introduction was period. Love it. forever. and always. wonder when we will see these scenes play out when we will see that big plant tentacle monster from the intro or when we will see the two hands touch etc
things are flowing so fast rn in burnham's evaluative speech at the start of this episode. even though not much has happened. and no offence but, i do not think shes earned this kind of audience? because theres like. still hardly much to like nor connect with these characters? imo. idk. idk if its just me, maybe it is. but i definitely dont really have much investment in any characters yet. actually, the one character i resonated MOST with was mega-sized space waterbear, no cap. (oh mossie i miss you i hope we can see you again) trek party lol. ok ill say this one thing DISCO has a lot of filming inconsistencies between shots. like, lets say burnham's hands will be up holding her face. but then next shot, her hands are down at her seat. then switch back and her hands are back up. that sort of thing. happens a lot all the time. stamets. happy drunk. lovey dovey. cute. ash and burnham? idk. every time lorca says saru, i just catch myself thinkning "sulu" cute mega-organisms gormagander wow. space whale sounds. amazing. is it prego. … who ANDORIAN?/ IS THAT AN ANDORIAN OML ITS HELMET SO CUTE oh nevermind its scarier. MUDD. but yes that is an andorian helmet wow so cute give me one. stella.
MUDD is so vengeful. what interesting implications for TOS. DUDE WTF the end of DISCO. man a time plot huh ok lets see how this goes a remix of stayin' alive runners said left. let me guess. burnham will later predict them coming from behind her. and then be like "huh. why did i already know this" there is something off about the delivery of these lines from so many of the actors lorca's actor feels pretty grounded same as saru which is good. something feels so weird with the line delivery. idk if it sthe actors or if its the way the filming is that just makes it feel less effective acting?? idk i think its cuz theres a lot of organic quality missing in a lot of the actors getting a decent amount of screentime? i dont want to sound rude ofc i just feel something is off yeah. man. a time jumping Mudd. now THAT'S terrifying. Poor stewart. he didnt deserve to get thrown. "went his own way"? u sure you didnt kill him. Mudd's actor is also pretty grounded. the lines roll off well and not awkwardly. Nice Stamets. this is too fast. Muidd gets shot in the back and then Stamets has a comedic line delivery that seriously needed a pause or soemthing, but we switch imediately to ending the scene and returning after what felt like a commercial break or seomthing.
yeah the pacing of the show is just RUSHING so much like WHY. it just eats up so much of any weight this show couldve had in even its smallest things. i know i sound so critical but its built up a lot and its already the 7th episode into the 1st season. Stamets actor feels pretty good too but i think its just awkward screenplay and awkward lines and weirdo af pacing/film style that ruin things. they need to let this show BREATHE more. it s such a shame they didnt. maybe not the best director. also too many zooms. the show feels so experimental, but i dont know if necessarily in a good way. i sound so pickky but bro im saying what im seeing,. ok sorry this just now, stamets talking to burnham when he says hes the one "missing from mudd's timeloop" is actually pretty bad. bad editing super inconsistent between shots and why are there like a billion camera cuts? we dont need THIS many angles to talk about one single conversational exchange no offence. this scene was pretty bad. weird screenplay, weird delivery, bad editing stamets even sounded like there was a shot with his mic off i could hear the environmental reverb why is this happening. with such a beautiful visual and constume budget such as this. also yes. that is A GORN IN LORCA'S OFFICE. oh my god that means maybe the gorn from SNW DO look humanoid fully matured. ugh cant wait to see what that means. mudd is so merciless. man lorca died like a bug so many times. wtf. why is stamets out of focus- WHAT. WHAT IS THAT. THE FUCK WAS THAT im sorry no this wasnt funny cuz it was supposed to be funny in that way im sorry but just now
when stamets tells burnham that "shes never been in love" at the party in the time loop, she says in the WEIRDEST most… sry ngl, badly acted type way, replying "why would you say that to me" that i had to actually PAUSE the episode and rewatch that again to confirm what i saw. just finished the rewatch of this one scene. wtf was that. sorry that was so poor. its soooo awkwarddddd. and flatttt. what is this ADR though. stamet's ADR in this episode is some of the worse. also sorry that lens reflection of that one green party light that hit right onto burnham's face during this exchange, its almost as if i HEARD the cameraman's thoughts going "ah shit this stupid light" as the camera moved downward to get as much of that green spot out of the direct line of her face. okay, Mr. God-Named-Stamets. is that an apron that isnt a one sided dress. dance in the hallway. ok. this wa so fast. this tone feels very not in sync with the course of this plot? where did this dance thing come from. i think im feeling such a dissonance rn when stamets is on screen because he feels like hes NOT stamets. idk its like, i get that charcters/people are hopefully more than 1-dimensional, and that we get to learn about them more as time passes, but like this kind of feels like stamets just wasnt properly developed and we the audience just didnt get enough proper exposure to him to recognise who really is his person? if that makes ANY sense to anyone. ok no offence, this episode probably is the most trash in terms of script. harry mudd, time loop, saving the ship from destruction, but then also stamets is an omniscient constant, while also flat cardboard af awkward love revelations between ash and burnham?? idk. maybe in a different writers' room, this coiuld be made compellingly and cohesively. but right now. this episode is NOT. IT. im sorry so why does it feel like its deterioriating a bit. the show had me in the beginning cuz how freaking DIFFERENT and UPGRADED it looked (gorgeous btw) compared to ALL the series that came before it in Prime-Timeline. but no matter how i fought it, my emersions been finally broken by the consistently questionable factors that keep loudly making themselves known in this show. too frequently bad deliveries from actors weird af editing bad cinematography even my great efforts to ignore it all and benefit of the doubt, it was too much. which is, based on everything ive ever watched ever, a BAD thing. also, oml lorca is so small in this episode - which actually i like. he feels so insignificant in this episode haha, small fry dying every single time. also i hope i see more creative deaths in this show, cuz everytime someone dies is them dissipating in dusty colour. come onnn, we can do better than thattt.
also just fyi, understand that i am NOT advocating for a super "serious/dire" star trek, weve had a bit of that in random episodes thoruhgout the franchise and moveis too - so no, i also absolutely love silly mad crazy trek plots too, but like. DISCO i think is probably handling this in a way that is the worst ever in Star Trek so far, even among its whacky insane moments. I am keeping to the series and going to stick it through all the way to the end of course. but yeah, i was never here to just be some blind non-insightful talking head that just admired this show unconditionally. if you thought so, then you should try again. i will say whats good, but likewise whats bad. and right now, the good things are things that i have already said, but the bad is really kicking up a storm right now. captain mudd. amazing. its so off-balance, this show. some deliveries are great, pacing is great. but then its like so sporadic and everywhere too often etc yes. delivery is REALLY weird and super weak in too many scenes. idk. maybe construction of the show itself is just weak in too many areas. so so strange. with a show that LOOKS genuinely this good. im just so perplexed. the shows construction feels so amateurish i guess? in not a very good way. "nobody beats Mudd, huh." a businessman is correct, lorca. these camera zoomes are really distasteful. like lorca over here making some consistently really solid deliveries, and the stupid camera cuts and zooms and unnecessary movements just cheapen it all. it makes me so angry. this show needed a better writers' room and better directing. and terrible ADR. its liek they use different mics every 2 lines. i can HEAR the discrepancies, even without my audiophile headphones.
im so mad and sad by this. because the threads of the issues i was sensing since episode 1 are now kind of unforgiveable. i can no longer look over them. so im here really speaking about them in this reaction this time. no offence it kind of feels like nothing much happened this whole episode. and im literally 3 minutes away from finishing this episode. im sorry im not impressed with this ending in how mudd was caught. i feel like this show didnt know how to quite handle the crazy nature of Trek. Bad editing yeah. i keep consistently seeing how for example Mudd is talking, and the camera cuts to a different angle shot of the same line delivery that has to get repeated and edited in, but i can physically see Mudd's jaw still moving in speech despite his dialogue halting from the ADR of the other camera shot. THIS ^ stuff KEEPS happening. and it shouldnt. its super BASIC stuff relatively speaking. and there wasnt this much of an obvious degree of this problematic editing in even older series of trek. so strange. 'i hate how it lifted me out of immersion of this show, this list of issues. you know, id LOVE to see ANY scene of conversation withOUT the stupid slow-creep zoom. listen, i KNOW that this is very often used everywhere in media, but it doesnt mean "always'. in this case DISCO does it poorly. ok episode over. i am not convinced over ANYTHING that just happened. its a 44 minute long episode, but it felt brief as fuck. it didnt feel like it had much substance at all - and im NOT talking some kind of "moral message" shit - things do NOT have to have a real message to be good. and this episode was actually not. it felt so criminally underwhelming. like ok, stamets had augmentation that let him resist the time loop.... and? so what. so what about that. nothing significant happened except apparently blossoming love story between Ash and Burnham, which- Ash x Burnham?
bro that was terrible. and they got zero chemistry no sorry no. get outta here.
burnham had more chemistry with the fucking captain than ash. (i dont support either one dw.) ok. well. ima continue the trip ofc. but mmmmm stupid peripheral things are really not doing this show justice. i fear that DISCO is a show that couldve been great but just wasnt even good. bad writing, bad directing, bad editing, bad delivery - i am far from being sold than I was in episode 1. i gave the excuse of the first episode feeling so brisk because it was an exposition….. but the show quickly tired out my benefit-of-the-doubt with how i see that ep 1 wasnt so much a mere exposition, but that its kind of ACTUALLY what this show IS. i cant lie. im p nervous for this show. SNW was fucking good, so i just hope that this show improves to SNW's level where all these questionable issues resolve at some point, more or less.
guess i'll see.
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gildedmuse · 2 years
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[Like five people read this original post so here is a way too long follow up.]
This post has been super evil towards me.
So originally was going to write an intro but, you know, never mind that I've had to struggle so much with this post. Also, apologies to @space-windu47 who I accidently sent an unfinished answer to privately and now this thing won't even let me tag. Fine, Tumblr, just keep being difficult.
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[Why yes, there will still be horrible fonts with their cheesy names scrawled across this post in neon letters. Thank you for asking.]
How to achieve such an impossible goal? Easy, they'll just make themselves look so beautiful and rich and cool that everyone will immediately love them (and possibly want to give them money to make them look as fashionable in return). What? Why are all of the boys giving her that look!? So far all they've managed to do was have them run off from each and every port they've come across!
Now, Nami will be their fabulous, beautiful, awe-inspiring captain and she will make sure the people of this next town are so mesmerized by them that they would never THINK of firing canons at them (unlike Usopp's plan...) She'll have to dress you lot up of course... her, Robin and Sanji could pass it off but the rest of you... No one is going to believe you're part of the world famous Glamour Pirates with such drab, terrible clothes. Oh, and Sanji,they're going to need a really high quality meal; they need to impress these people. If they look wealthy enough no one will suspect we're they're to rob them! ("But we're not trying to rob them anyway!") That's not the point, it just means they'll be more likely to trust them! Everyone is always trying to be nice to rich people even when they hate their guts. Trust her, Nami has done this before.
Robin: I think it sounds like quite fun. But Navigator-san, won't it be difficult for you to make such an elaborate entrance while guiding the ship?
Hmm.... Robin has a good point.... Not to worry! Nami KNOWS this will work, which means there won't be any real need for a navigator. She'll just be a proper captain and tell the crew where to steer the ship ("Hey! I direct the crew. I told you to head towards that island a few days back!" / "Idiot, that's why we're here.") They'll pull up to the dock, spend however long resetting the logpose, And then be on their way. Nice and calm. They just need someone who is strong enough to handle the ship and....
*looking around at her choices*
Crew: She picked Zoro!?!?
It's fine you guys! Like she said, nothing is going to go wrong, he has to do is stand at the wheel and turn it a few times (besides, what else can she have him do? Him and Luffy will ruin this whole plan if she lets them... Speaking of which, she needs to find something even a child can do to help keep Luffy out of the way....)
In the end the crew break down is as follows:
Nami and Nami "Cat Walk" Gold: Beautiful, Wealthy Model/Fabulous Rich Fashion Icon/Captain
Usopp Yorohiness "Snapshot-King" Uso-san: "Vice Captain" of Production, World Class Photographer, Ex-Arch Duke of West Blue (also, the crew chronicler and look out!)
Robin as Fabuloso "Designer Chic" Robbi: Premiere Fashion Designer of The Grand Line, Designer for Celestial Dragons, Most Wanted Fashionista In All The World. Oh, plus, the designer of our very own Merry!
Sanji as Alhellth "Blue Eyed" (give her a break, she had a lot to plan....) Sanki: Nutritionist, Personal Trainer, Health Expert & Body Upkeep ("what!? My sweet Nami-swan is trusting me to care for her body! I could have never even dreamed of such a gift, oh N-"/"Usopp, which writing do you like better?"/"Eh, the one on the left definitely says rich fashion heiress, but I think it still needs to be more eye-catching."/"I quite agree, Long-Nose-kun. Perhaps something so it can catch the light of the sun?"/"Excellent job you two, the three of us should be able to pull this off no problem!"/"Ah, just look at two such perfect flowers working together to keep us from further danger. I shall take my momentary job as the keeper of your body's shape as-"/"No one is listening to you, Stupid-Brow.") Anyway, the doctor, chef, and All around medical advisor about the Going Gold ("you just called it the Merry! You can't change the name halfway through!")
Chopper as Roi-al "Silky Sweet" Cho-po: Mega Rich South West Prince, ProffesionL Philanthropist, Representative from the kingdom of Cherry-Cherry Realm, Backer of this whole project. He's also, um, an amazing Ambassador! For all the ports we visit!
Luffy: Background Model
Zoro: Helmsman/Body Guard to Miss Nami Gold (all you have to do is stand there looking intimidating in this suit... He's, just like that, perfect! Now just stand around and don't speak or do anything unless someone threatens my safety!) And obviously, the ship's main weapons expert.
Chopper: 🤩 Zoro you look so cool like that!
Usopp: I always knew you were scary, but this look is a whole other level!
Robin: Our Kenshi-san does look particularly good like this, doesn't he?
Luffy: Oye, Naaaami, why do I have to wear these boring clothes?
Nami: Boring!? You would say that after I'd taken the time to find you such a fashionable look.
Luffy: I wanna dress like Zoro! He looks badass!
Nami: *sigh* You know what?
Luffy: Model/Bodyguard
Nami: I mean as long as it keeps him from causing trouble....
Spoiler: It doesn't.
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[I know that Love-Love is often the translation of the Mero-Mero No Mi, but it also sounds like random ridiculous English that Sanji would use to name the crew on his turn, okay? Regardless of how this seems, this was actually Sanji's terrible choice, not mine.]
For the record, Sanji thinks Nami's plan was absolutely perfect and he loved it and it's not her fault that Luffy and that Marimo ruined the whole thing (and of course there is no way she could have ever known about that South Blue reporter who now lives on the island.) However, he has decided to take a different approach.
To help the women of this next island, however he can!
Usopp: He's just running around doing whatever they tell him –_–💧
Zoro: At least it keeps him out of the way.
Usopp: Hey, Sanji, you forgot to have us put your name anywhere!
His name and identity are unimportant, lost to the winds of time and love. The beauties of the Sea that they strive to help know him only as -
Chopper:💧💧 He's really serious, isn't he?
Usopp: Everyone else is getting a turn, I suppose it's only fair if we follow Sanji's plan while he's captain. 😅
Nami: 😮‍💨 He can't really expect women to call him that, can he?
Robin: *giggle*
Sorry to make you wait, Nami-swan! Robin-chwan! I'll be happy to tell the roles to two vice captain's of my very own heart!
Crew Breakdown:
Sanji: Captain of the Love-Love Pirates, a heroic, masked stranger who shows up at islands and strives to make the lives of the women there as perfect as possible. Followed by a crew of those who have taken vows to help women with their many great abilities (and also Marimo, since they wouldn't let Sanji kick him into the water.... What, he can swim. Water is a marimo's natural home, he'd be fine.) They will travel for miles at the faintest cry for help, will fight navy ships at a lady's command, will take on entire kingdoms rather than see a single tear fall from a women's ("Tch, ero-cook, we get it already. Just tell the rest of us what we're doing so we're not standing here all day!" / "So hungry..." / "So sleepy...." / "How long can he possibly go on like this?" / *Sigh* "We're definitely getting run off another island again...." / *Giggle*)
Nami: Vice-Captain, Navigation ("but Nami is always the navigator!" / "There, there Chopper...." / "Try to be understanding, Cook-san is trying his best for the crew." / "Mm, don't be sad. Sanji just doesn't understand how much fun some ladies have playing Pirate..." / "Hahaha, did he say Navigator!? That's obviously not what he meant because, err....")
Chopper: Navigator
Nami: Vice-Captain and Future-Guru: she helps all the girls out there unsure of what they will do in the future! Whether it be about money, career, or style as they grow! Nami-swan -
Err, Beautiful Future-Swan can figure it all out!
Robin: Vice-Captain / Doctor ("obviously she's the only one left who is intelligent enough to be-" / "Oh, I think I'd much rather be the swordsman, this time around." / "What!? But I mean of course Robin-chwan, you'll be the most beautiful masked swords woman the world has ever known!" / "How do they know her if she's wearing a mask though? 😓" / "It doesn't make much sense. 😅") Beautiful Mask Swordswoman / Love-Guru: No matter how complex the maze that runs through your heart, Beautiful Love can cut straight through to where your prince is waiting on the other side!
Usopp: Ship Doctor / Cupid. That's right, Cupid goes around delivering wonderful gifts for any girl who is lonely or depressed or simply needs a chocolate surprise! For miles off he can spot sign of the slightest blue heart and fires these delectably wrapped bundles of perfectly made chocolate and strawberry tarts to the lady to brighten her day!
Chopper: Navigator / Love Tanuki ("What!?!?!?") He is Love's Lucky Charm! Whatever ales your heart, the Love Tanuki can heal with one sip of his magic potions! ("Chopper, listen. We may be playing pirates, but any woman on that island who needs a doctor, only you can really help you. Do you understand?" / "Mm! *Serious face* You can count on me, captain!")
Luffy: Helmsman (Chopper can't be expected to steer you guys...) / Love Angel: where ever the girl needs to be, Love Angel can take her in a snap!
Zoro: ..... ("I can think of one position that hasn't been filled." / "I have been wondering what we'll do after a long day using up all this energy helping these girls. I'll probably be starving, what about you Robin?" / "Indeed, Navigator-san, after such work they will likely all want nothing more than to come home to a warm meal! But surely Cook-kun will be in town with them all day, helping out with all these poor girls in need of a hero." / "Well, seeing as he hasn't assigned anyone else to be the cook, I guess Sanji-kun won't actually be saving any of the ladies himself." / FINE!) ... Grr... Cook. Marimo can be the cook.
He better not make the two ladies sick with his disgusting grilled fish!
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[If you're wondering, Robin let Chopper and Luffy help with drawing the new Jolly Roger, though obviously since she has twice as many hands the majority of it was done by Robin. Oh, the design? No, that was 100% her.]
If she may, Robin would be quite happy to try her hand at captaining.
Zoro: Oy, you know this isn't a game, right? We're trying to get away from these islands without anymore of the ship being blown off....
So serious, Kenshi-san. Of course, Robin has given a lot of thought over the passed nine days to their situation.
Nami: See, Zoro!? I can't believe you're still so cynical about her after everything we've been through. (Besides, her plan can't possibly be worse than Sanji-kun's.....)
Chopper: Mhmm! If Robin says she has a plan to help get us out of here then we should listen! She'll definitely know what to do! (Unlike Sanji....)
Usopp: We should at least give her a chance, Zoro. Robin is super smart (and way smarter than Sanji) so I'm sure she's thought up something great!
Luffy: Plus, there's no way she'll screw up like Sanji did!!!
Sanji: *from the infirmary* We have to go back 💕💕💕 My heart can't take being away from my beloved!
Group: *sigh*
Robin is very grateful for all the faith this crew has placed in her. 😇
Now, they should all start changing into the costumes she's prepared for them....
Crew Registrar for The Last Psychopomp:
Rusalka "The Raven" Raven (Robin): Captain
The Captain of the Pirates of the Shinigami, who has been out sailing the sea for over twenty years in search of the soul of her lost lovers after they were torn from her arms and swept away by a freak hurricane (likely having drowned in the storm, only after hours of having their body tossed around, beaten by the fierce winds to near unconsciousness, though still calling her name through the howling tempest before being dragged beneath the waves and slowly suffocated at last).
Kallippos "Quick-Shot" Shishi (Chopper): Vice Captain, Sharpshooter
Vice-Captain of The Last Psychopomp and the best quick fire in the four blues. He's now come to test himself on the Grand Line, and to make new friends for Minklandia, his home back in East Blue. It's a small, beautiful tropical island filled with Fairy-People like Shishi. He left after promising their president (who is a dachshund whose desk is a giant wicker basket and who always wags his tail when he talks to good boys like Shishi) to make as many new friends for their island as possible!
Princess Victoria of Troimazon: Swordman, Wild Animal Whisperer, Witch Doctor
Born to a royal family, Princess Victoria was only three years old when her father and mother were brutally drawn and quartered before their body parts were displayed to the whole kingdom after their corruption drove the island to starvation and ruin. That might, to spare her from the rioters, her nursemaid dropped her down to the river, where Princess Victoria was saved by a mermaid farmer who brought her home and raised her as her own child. She has been attempting to make amends for her parents sins ever since, learning all the traits a good leader must know such as defense and healing. She hopes to one day return to her land and fulfill all her duties as the princess of Troimazon such as feeding her people, protecting them from evil pirates, keeping their treaty and marrying into the Alabaster Family, and freeing those who have been imprisoned during her exile.
Magellan "Wave-Rider" Clouds (Sanji): Helmsman, Muscian
Born in the North Artic, MagClouds spent his entire life sailing the rough Northern Seas in just a small, handcrafted rowboat. At 12 years old, he was throwing his spear towards a fish when it got caught in the fin of a giant singing whale. The whale pulled him along for miles and miles, and MagClouds could have let you of the rope at any time, but he chose to hold on, wanting to remove the spear from the whale's fin. When the whale finally stopped and he was able to remove the weapon it taught him a song, and whenever MegClouds needs the currents to change, he sings this song to summon the powers of the whale and change the ocean currents. Unfortunately, the whale then left him stranded in the calm Belt, unaware of the boy's plight. He stayed out there for nine days before a marine ship passed and took him on. There he meant the kindly, handsome young lieutenant Greenwood Apollo and his evil scientist father, Blackwood Danse. While Blackwood would spend many years forcing the ever grateful MegClouds to do his bidding, it was Apollo-san who saved his spirits and kept him from simply giving into the darkness of his current situation. It was only when the other boy was assigned to the New World that MegClouds finally abandoned his past savior, setting out to follow Apollo-san to the end of the world.
(Robin will keep some of her notes to herself)
Monster Cookie (Luffy): Cook
Their much loved cook, the boy once ate a strange fruit which allows him to take the nutrition he takes in from food and growing his muscles and limbs at super fast speeds! Thus, his name has long been forgotten the world over as he is only known as the Monster Cook. However, the truth is that their Cookie is a sweet and kind boy who always looks out for others, protecting his friends and anyone else in need. He does have to eat an extraordinary amount to use his powers, though, and so he spends most of his time locked away alone in the kitchen!
Kyoyūshi "Sniper Of The Giants" Usopp: Navigator, Pirate Captain, Prisoner
You may have heard of this unimaginably horrible man. He is a legend around the world, after all, and a known slayer of giants ("That's not what that name means!") The crew had the misfortune of running into him only a few nights ago, and while he was alone - nearby Islanders had killed and ate the others of his crew in a cannibalistic sacrifice - he still managed to dispose of most of those journeying along The Last Psychopomp. This includes their dear, sweet navigator, a young girl of only 14.... ("Robin.... Why???" 😮‍💨💧💧) Since then they have been forcing him to act as their navigator until they can find their way back to familiar territory, at which point they will do the honorable thing and slice each of his ("okay okay! Just move on to Zoro!")
The Man Of A Million Faces (Zoro): Preformer
Zoro: ....
Robin: *smiles*
Zoro: ....
Robin: *smiles*
Robin: I believe with such a colorful and terrifying crew it may be necessary for us to offer the locals some kind of entertainment.
Zoro: *sneer* And what do you want me to do about it?
Robin: I'm sure they'll find something about you to enjoy, Kenshi-san.
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shivrcys · 1 year
FINALLY, after all these years, I saw a YouTube comment under Episode 37 of MC which acknowledged the absolute EVIL of Ibrahim planning to kill Isabella whom he was friendly with. I feel like this TINY little detail is often overlooked?
Ibrahim is pretty much near pure evil in the show. Like, he loves his children and is nice to Mahidevran and Mustafa, and those are his only redeeming qualities. I love him as an anti-villain but he is an anti-villain.
Why do so many fans ignore this and treat him as if he is a mid-grey morally ambiguous character? Is it out of respect for the real-life historical figure who while certainly had some Issues we have no evidence of ever having been excessively cruel or evil and who was a great statesman? Because they made the guy a psychopath in the show.
Or maybe it is because of the softening of his character close to his death. I feel like Okay’s Ibrahim was sadistic whereas Şahin’s was more just arrogant. Maybe people remember him as he was close to his death.
Because I sometimes see metas or comments written about the guy and it is like they are talking about an arrogant, prickly, flawed, selfish but essentially loyal and I don’t know, more or less normal morally grey character instead of the psychopath we know and love in the show? Where is the dissonance? Do they just forget about Leo and Isabella?
Honestly I've never seen people make the argument that the historical Ibrahim deserved better. So as true as it is that portraying him as a psychopath in the series is unfair on the historical figure, I doubt that's it.
Call me petty, but the people who tend to whitewash Ibrahim tend to have 2 things in common
They ship and romanticise Ibrahim x Hatice.
They're Hürrem haters who think she's a pure evil cartoon villain with no redeeming qualities (whatever platitudes they say about her complexity as a character, they fundamentally treat her little better than a cartoon villain in my experience, which I've even seen on Tumblr)
There's a post I reblogged once about how people will project the complexity and inner conflicts of a female character onto the nearest male character. And I think this is a contributing factor when it comes to the feud between Hürrem and Ibrahim. As well as the leniency that people give male characters in comparison with female characters. Hürrem is an unlikeable brat for being rude and disrespectful when she arrives at the palace (even though she's a traumatised 17-year-old who just lost her family, community and entire world) and she's to blame for starting the rivalry with Ibrahim when she was a jealous teenager and he was in a position of power and could have chosen not to engage. And yet when I point out his lack of remorse for the horrific things he did, I need to remember that he's a complex character and not a cartoon villain and yet people give that exact treatment to Hürrem with absolutely no pushback. In spite of the fact that she shows remorse and actually has a very real capacity to feel love.
These same people criticise Hürrem for her treatment of her friends (and oftentimes fair enough). But they ignore two things: the fact that she does feel remorse for mistreating her friends and the fact that she grows as a character and becomes a better friend throughout the show, and that Ibrahim is also a horrible friend, and that he never once feels her remorse or goes through her development. The way he treats Matrakci isn't as violent as - say - what Hürrem did to Gülnihal. But it's remorseless, still cruel, ruins his life in a way that wasn't the case for Gülnihal (who recovers and gets marries off) and it's something that Ibrahim never learns or grows past. And yet peole tend to ignore it.
So there is an element of fandom misogyny in my opinion. Where people will swap out the personalities of Hürrem and Ibrahim in order to make him seem the better of the two and to hate on her.
People also romanticise Ibrahim x Hatice and make it out to be a far more healthy relationship than it actually is. And while this does come from a place of rooting for Hatice's happiness (which is understandable), it does require a lot of whitewashing to be done to Ibrahim's character. I've even seen people argue that it's unfair to criticise Hatice for choosing not to divorce him because it's her choice. And while yes it is her choice, she is still making a choice that is unhealthy for her as a person and only continuing her downward spiral. And on that grounds it is worth discussing and criticisng that decision. It is wrong to make fun of Hatice, but her relationship with Ibrahim was toxic and self-destructive. And it's fine to point that out.
People also criticise Hürrem for not taking Hatice into account when she killed Ibrahim. And while what she did was hurtful to Hatice, there's a lot of context that gets left out. Such as the fact that Hürrem's feelings about her friendship with Hatice would have been complicated by trauma inflicted through Leo's death and the fact that Ibrahim literally threatened her children's lives (both directly when Leo died and because he supported Mustafa). And since Hatice was more devoted to Ibrahim especially, this would have had a serious impact on how she viewed that friendship. And in spite of this, we still see Hürrem comfort and reassure Hatice that Ibrahim will come back safely. There really is a denial of the context of how traumatic Leo's death would have been, and the implications that it would have had. And in both that case and in the case of Isabella and Carmina, it's easier for these people to focus on Hürrem's crimes than hold Ibrahim accountable for his.
There really is a blind spot when it comes to the deaths of innocents in the fandom. If Hürrem or her supporters kill someone, it's evidence of her cruelty and evil (and for some reason Ibrahim himself gets written into this category even though he just doesn't belong there at all), but if her opponents kill an innocent person it's understandable and justified because they were 'tainted by association' with her and her allies (and usually somehow her fault too, however little sense that makes) or simply NRPI (to reference Succession). And Leo and Carmina seem to fit in the NRPI category for the fans who whitewash Ibrahim and for the show itself.
I do think that the rehabilitation of Ibrahim plays a role as well. Especially in the lead up and aftermath of his death, there is a focus on the people who loved him and cared about him instead on him himself. And that really comes across as being why we're supposed to feel bad when he dies. But it just feels so unearned considering how cruel he was. You can't paint him as a noble victim when he was literally a sadistic psychopath.
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charles+hawkeye, charles+margaret
I combined your first request with some others, but thank you for the additional one!! We love biodiversity <3 Ok so. CharMarg huh.
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To get it clearly out of the way: Canon CharMarg Bad. Both because it was just atrociously quarter-assedly attempted in one of the most pathetic pseudo-storylines ever scraped together, an embarrassment to put into such an otherwise quality show, and more importantly because any attempt to make these two get together in canon would always be bad no matter what, because Ms. Swit and Mr. Stiers did not want to do that and if anyone tried to make either of them do something they didn't want I would kill that person and then myself.
But there is one thing worse than canon CharMarg. And that is fanon CharMarg. Because obviously basically nobody actually ships these two, but there are many people, particularly of the mainstream h*wkbeej variety (#notallh*wkbeejers and certainly none who would be in the general vicinity of my blog at this point, I don't think), who like the idea of Charles and Margaret in a lavender marriage.
I love the recent interest in lavender marriages in fandom recently. Now everyone can do the same Pair The Spares maneuver fandom has always done with characters it doesn't care much about, but now they can do it even when the idea of the spares being in love is completely laughable. And it sounds so much cooler, too!
Man I'm sorry I don't know why this irks me so, but alas! It does. The thing is, a lavender marriage would do nothing for either of them anyways, in terms of "playing at doing what society and family want them to do", which is after all the entire purpose of such marriages. Margaret already basically had a test run of marrying into a family like Charles' when she tried it with Penobscott and she HATED it and they basically rejected her for not being the perfect Aryan race anyways. And that's beside the fact that what Charles' family want from him more than anything is children, and Margaret is at the very LEAST extremely on the fence about having kids. So she'd be as miserable as ever, obviously. And with all this, it's fair to say that the Winchesters would be hardly any more satisfied with CharMarg than they would be with Charles just staying a bachelor, so what the hell would he be in it for either???
So it's a no for me on that. So why did I put down that it's "better in fanfic"? Well now we must discuss not canon CharMarg, not fanon CharMarg, but a secret third thing. Hypothetical CharMarg. Essence of CharMarg if you will. The CharMarg that exists only in slight little glimpses in scenes where I'm like you know what? If they hadn't forced it, if they hadn't tried so hard and so badly, if they'd done nothing at all, if they'd just given us all these quiet little moments of friendship and kindness and smiles and affection and never implied anything else and then I’d seen that last scene with the book.......... I’d have been like yeah. I see that. 
And then the fandom could have done Pair The Spares normally, without pretense. And the thing is, I actually always loved fandom pairing the spares, putting every set of characters in groups of two (or three or four, if we really wanted to have some fun and get silly with it) and never leaving anybody behind, making sure nobody was alone. Even if they didn’t care about the spares much, really. It was always hell on fans of those less popular characters, of course (been there!), but it seemed to come from a place of awkward, fumbling love. Nobody gets left behind.
(Aromanticism?? Characters not needing a relationship to be fulfilled?? What’s that lol this is 2014 era Tumblr. Romance shipping LOCKDOWN.)
But of course they did force it and they did ruin it and now it’s hard to even write CharMarg as friends, sometimes, trying to parse out what their friendship is really like when they’re allowed to be people instead of two barbie dolls smashed together. 
They’re still great together though. It is great whenever they’re on screen hanging out together and being narrative mirrors and trying to figure out how to have a friend for the first time in their lives. God I wish they’d gotten to talk about their fathers together, about expectations and never being good enough and having to keep themselves apart from everyone else and repressed anger and repressed love and repressed loneliness. I wish everyone would stop smashing them together like two barbie dolls and just let them be great together. 
In conclusion society would be fixed if Loretta Swit and David Ogden Stiers got everything they wanted forever
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jimmycarterghostland · 4 months
Vengeful by VE Schwab Book Review
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I made a post about how I felt about Vengeful a few years ago, on a deleted Tumblr account of mine. Which meant that review is now gone, so I'll have to make a new one. The book isn't fresh in my mind anymore, considering I haven't read it in a couple years. But a lot of the stuff I hated about it is still in my head.
This won't be a positive review. I hated this book. So don't read the following if you feel differently about Vengeful than I do. Spoilers ahead.
1 The main reason why I hated Vengeful is that VE Schwab turned Victor Vale into a villain. He was killing innocent people in this book, like what Eli was doing in Vicious. How can I root for a murderer of innocents? It didn't help that Victor was selfishly killing them, too. He wasn't killing people for a good cause, like certain anti-villains in other fiction. Victor was murdering his fellow EOs just because he wanted to stop dying(he kept dying but coming back to life). I couldn't root for him anymore. The appeal of Victor in Vicious was that he wasn't a good or bad guy. Completely gray. In that book, he did things selfishly and didn't try saving the people Eli was murdering, and Victor used other EOs for his own goals and didn't help them after he didn't need them anymore. Like the situation with Barry. He used him, but didn't bother to make Sydney resurrect him when he did what he wanted him to do. Yet Victor had Pet the Dog moments, such as when he took in Sydney(he didn't even know she was useful back then) and adopted the dog Dol. This made Victor someone you could root for. Vengeful ruined his character by turning him into a selfish serial killer.
2 Victor insulted Dominic after he got fatally wounded for him. Victor was never unnecessarily cruel. Dom saved his life, and what did Victor do in return? Insult him. And I liked Dom. He was one of the only morally good characters in this book.
3 Marcella. Where do I even begin with her? She was annoyingly awful. I hated her as a character. And the constant mentions of her high heels drove me insane. She was a two-dimensional, arrogant villain with no substance or redeeming qualities. And her chapters were just badly written in general. The sexual activity in her narrations read like a terrible smut fanfic story or something. Cringe is the best word for it. She was interesting at first, but went on to become horribly frustrating. Useless character, ultimately.
4 June. Useless character with an explaining background and an unexplained, weird attraction to Sydney. June is another useless character this book didn't need. There was no reason to care about her. She was too mysterious.
5 Too many characters. Too many time jumps. Vicious was easy to follow and had a small cast. Here, there are so many jarring time jumps and too many POV characters. Reading Vengeful was a clunky mess.
6 Sydney killed Eli, when it should have been Victor who killed him. Thematically, it would've worked better if Victor killed Eli instead. They were each other's monsters, and Eli killed Victor first. It would've been fitting if Victor had ultimately killed Eli. It would have been a satisfying full circle ending to Eli's character arc. Plus, they were each other's biggest enemy. Victor needed to kill Eli, plot-wise and reader satisfaction-wise. Clearly, Schwab wanted to subvert expectations. But sometimes the most predictable ending is also the one that works the best thematically. This is a big reason why Victor needed to kill Eli. Unfortunately, Sydney kills him, who had less of a personal reason to hate him than Victor did. Subverted expectations aren't always a good thing. In this case, it ruined what could have been a better way for Eli to die.
7 Too many convenient things happening. Like that mad scientist guy who conveniently took away Eli's self-healing power around the same time as his fight with Victor. Sigh.
8 I actually liked reading Eli's chapters more than I did anyone else's, which is a bad thing, because it clearly showed I had nobody to root for and had to love the villain's POV to stay interested. I could tolerate Eli here, since he wasn't going on a killing spree of innocent people in this book. I practically forgot how easy it was to hate him.
9 Victor and Eli's conflict wasn't the main focus. This really sucked. The first book was all about Vic and Eli's cat-and-mouse style chase, and it was intriguing. This sequel has too many unnecessary characters I didn't care about. IDGAF about Marcella, June, etc. This book should have been all about Victor and Eli and everyone who was involved in the first book, not June and Marcella. They were extremely weak additions to the cast. They bloated this book. I was so bored whenever the focus was on them, especially after Marcella got her revenge on her husband.
10 Sydney and Mitch were too unimportant in this. Sydney spent the whole book pondering on whether to bring her dead, evil sister back or not. And Mitch was just there. Sydney and Mitch had noticeably more importance in the first book than in this one. I didn't like that. Also, I hated Vic being a serial killer in this book, and Sydney and Mitch supporting him anyway made me hate them, too.
11 The book was a mess, simply put. There were too many unnecessary things and unnecessary characters. I would have preferred for a sequel where Eli was put in a special prison(like he was in this book) and having Victor still on the outside, trying to figure out a way to kill him, becoming a mad scientist type figure or something. I would've rather had that than the Vengeful we got.
12 Vicious benefited from having a small cast. Sure, it was a simple revenge story(kinda), but it worked. Vengeful is too big in scope, unnecessarily so. Too many unneeded characters, conveniences, etc. I'm not sure what Schwab was trying to do here, but I think she doesn't do large-scope stories well. She isn't George RR Martin. She seems to do great with more low-key stuff, with a small cast of characters and a more simple story. I would have loved to see a sequel to Vicious that was more like that, because what I got, Vengeful, didn't satisfy me at all.
13 I can't even say what I did like about the book. Really, I can't remember. All I know is how much I despised it. It was like someone made a bad sequel fanfic to Vicious into an official sequel. That's the best way to describe this book.
14 How it should have been written: Just the opposite of how it was actually written. A smaller scope story that keeps the original cast of characters and no extra main ones. The following is what the cast should have been: Victor, Eli, Sydney, Mitch, Stell, Dominic. No turning Victor evil. That was the main reason why I hated Vengeful. I couldn't root for Vic anymore, or Sydney, or Mitch. The other reasons were pretty major too, though.
15 The book was still somewhat entertaining, which is why I can't rate it one star. But all of the bad writing prevents me from liking it.
Rating: Two out of five stars
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loversmuses · 2 years
Just the two of us
Pairing: Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: You and Natasha spend valentine's day together (that's it lmaoo)
Wordcount: 3462
Warning: hehe just good ol' fluff with my beloved girlfriend :) , also Natasha and reader being horny little fuck for each other deserves a warning of its own (cuz it's valentine's day duh, let them be horny!!) , teasing, flirting, suggestive language but nothing too explicit. Viewers discretion advised :)
A/n: I know I haven't been active for a week or so and I won't be for a while, cuz preboards and assignments r gonna suck all my energy, fml n fuck cbse. But I wanted to write something on valentine's day for ya'll so here's your gift ;)
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(click on the pic for a better quality cuz tumblr's bitch)
if the translation ain't right then blame google, if they are then praise me for learning russian lmfaoo.
She chuckled at how you weren't letting her go even in your sleep. Of Course she was in pain and was sure that her hand was numb at this point. But she couldn't find it in herself to wake you up just to let go of her hand.
She brushed off the hair from your cheeks with her free hand before trying to gently remove her hand without waking you up in the process.
"Don't go" you said in your sleep as you shifted closer to her, clutching her so tight that even if she wanted to go anywhere, she couldn't.
"I'm not going anywhere, любовь" she kissed your forehead as she held you closer to her gently soothing your back till she thought your were in deep sleep.
She then cautiously removed her hand from your head and took the phone from her counter as she looked for contact that could help her with some stuff.
"сука, It's 7 in the morning!" Her sister groaned
"I need your help with some stuff"
"It better be to kill you off, cuz you ruined my beauty sleep!"
"You can always take a nap in the afternoon" Natasha told her.
"Who the fuck takes a nap in the afternoon!?"
"I don't know ask Wanda"
"Oh hell nah I'm good, she's scary"
"Oh so my little русская is scared of someone."
"First of all don't call me that and secondly you are scared of her too" Natasha just mimicked her sister making her groan loudly.
"And they think I'm childish just because I'm younger than you. Okay tell me what do you need?" she sighed as she asked her sister.
"I'll text you and please bring it as soon as possible"
"Mhm Please? I love this version of you. Gotta love her for changing my сестра"
"uh-huh nope I'm hanging up. Make sure you bring everything" Yelena chuckled when she avoided her statement.
She read the text before moving her head to look at the dog and it's owner looking at her. She rolled her eyes when Kate jumped and laid down on her bed.
"Can I come with you?"
"Oh hell no"
"Why not? I need to take Lucky on walk either way"
"Still no"
"I can help you find all that stuff too!" Kate mentioned while pointing a finger towards her phone.
"Don't worry I can find it myself" Yelena gave her tight lipped smile as she got up to get ready.
"Don't" she turned to Kate and then regretted it when she gave her those puppy eyes.
"Pretty please?"
"о боже, I hate this word! да!"
"I don't know what that means but I'm assuming it's a yes cuz I don't wanna assume anything negative"
"Yeah it means yes but we're not taking that stupid dog anywhere" the dog made a sad face "it's a relief that you can't say пожалуйста!"
"Alright We won't take him. It's gonna be just you and me!" the dog looked at her with sad eyes now "Don't worry buddy I'll bring pizza for you"
Natasha was just dressing up to look decent when she heard the window shuffle. She hid the knife in her palm as she made her way towards the window. Sighing when she saw her sister catching a breath.
"You could've just come in from the door like a normal human being" Natasha rolled her eyes and put the knife on the table.
"Tell me which part of me screams I'm normal human being?" she exclaimed the last three words with her hand.
"None" she rolled her eyes again. "Did you bring everything I told you to?"
Yelena gave her sister her best smile as she flipped the bouquet of roses and easily caught it.
"Don't do that!" She took the rose and all the stuff from Yelena's hand and safely put them on the counter. "Where's macaroni?"
There was a knock on the door that caught both of the assassin's attention. Natasha muttered something under her breath as she got over to unlock the door.
"Hi!!" Kate chimed when she saw Natasha and not Yelena. "I would hug you but I have this" Natasha smiled at the raven haired girl as she backed away from the door for her to step inside.
"I'll just take this from you. Oh my god, why did you guys bring a freaking pot!?" she asked in and gently put it on the counter as well.
"Don't worry we didn't bring all of it. We won't starve." Yelena reassured her as she continued looking at her phone.
"It's not that. It's how am I gonna hide this big thing" Natasha mumbled and smiled when Kate joined them in the kitchen.
"Oh so you were okay with us starving!?" She ignored her sister as she hugged Kate. "I didn't even get a hug!"
"Yeah that's what you get for coming from the window and it's good to see you Kate!" she patted her back before pulling away.
"You as well, Ms. Romanoff."
"Oh don't be so formal. Call me Natasha"
"Oh- Okay Natasha it is" she gave one last smile to Kate before making her way towards Yelena.
"Now come here!" she laughed looking at her grumpy face before hugging her tightly.
"Nat! Where are you!?" your voice made Natasha chuckle.
"Now you guys stay here and let me deal with my other favourite grumpy person"
"Your sister seems nice" Kate said in a low voice but Natasha still heard it.
"Oh she's deadlier than I am. It's all just an act she put up for her girlfriend." The redhead rolled her eyes at Yelena's comments but soon her face lit up when she saw you rubbing your eyes trying to adjust it to the light of the day.
You were still laying in bed when you heard someone come in, you turned around to see Nat approaching you, you took the opportunity to gaze your lover up to down. Everytime she wore the black jacket, your stomach did the backflip. She just looked damn good in it plus the messy hair? It was just the icing of the cake.
She knelt down in front of you and then you saw the red tint covering her cheeks. She took your hand in hers and slowly kissed it.
"Where were you? I was starting to miss you." you grumbled.
"I was making you breakfast." she chuckled as she continued showering you with kisses, moving upwards with each kiss she gave you.
"any special occasions?" you smirked at knowing there were still a couple of months left for your anniversary, so it was just a regular monday, right?
"You didn't forget it's Valentine's day, did you?" well that actually shocked you.
"I thought it was just a monday-" you groaned as you threw your head on the pillow, making her grin. She again continued kissing you as dhe grazed her hand over your collarbones.
"Shit I haven't even prepared anything. I was busy with-"
"There's no need, love. I know, it's not your fault." Well it did hurt a little that you didn't know what it was today, but she couldn't even blame you. You were mostly busy nowadays and you were also bad with keeping up with dates and all. The reason why she remembers your menstrual cycle, among other reasons.
"It is." you sighed and turned to look at her. "Can I give you a head as an apology? Why the fuck am I asking that ofcourse I can, come over here!" you didn't even give her a chance to answer the questions, as you basically told her right after.
It would be a lie if she said she wasn't tempted by the offer and she would've accepted it if you both were alone but you were oblivious to the fact that you had company.
"Looks like you need more convincing" You smirked and slowly lowered the blanket making her look at your boobs. She wanted to tell you that Yelena and Kate were here as she thought of the reason to tell you why they were here. But right now, her mind was far away from thinking about those things.
"Natasha should we go or do we have to listen to this torture!?" Yelena's voice came from outside, making you startled. You quickly covered yourself with the blanket when you saw her coming inside the room.
"Yelena! At least knock the fucking door before you enter!" The girl in a purple hoodie followed the blond.
"I was so fucking done with to listening these two."
"Then you should've just moved to a different room further away." Natasha stood up and made her way towards her sister pushing her outside the room with her.
You sighed as you left the bed quickly dressed "decently", well her shirt covered pretty much everything and it smelled like her. You smiled as you took a deep breath before making your way to see the uninvited guests.
"What are you guys doing here?" you asked them when you entered the living room with your arms crossed in front of you.
"They're here for Liho" Natasha jumped in before Yelena could say anything.
"Yeah! for Liho!" Kate said and Yelena just nodded.
"But why?" you quirked your eyebrow as you leaned on the doorframe.
"Because darling, All I wanna take care of today is you and I can't deal with anyone interrupting us at that time, not even Liho." Your girlfriend said as she slipped her hands around your waist, giving a quick peck on your exposed shoulder.
You blushed a little at your girlfriend's attempt to sound not too explicit in front of Kate and her sister but you knew exactly what she was talking about. You nodded and Natasha smirked at you before backing away.
"She's in the bed. I'll go get her." You stumbled a little as you made your way towards the bedroom and Nat shamelessly followed you. You removed the covers as you gently took the cat in your arms.
"Should I be jealous that she was the one cuddling with you when you woke up and not me?" she said as she leaned on the wall, smirking when you blushed more.
"Shut up. You're gonna get more than just cuddling today and you know that." You said as you made your way towards Kate and Yelena, ignoring your girlfriend completely.
"Ohmygod, she's so cute" Kate said as she stood up and carefully took the cat from you.
"Well I don't think you'd have the cat food in your home so take these too" Natasha handed Yelena the containers.
"Okay guys, enjoy your day and we'll take good care of your kitten." Kate said and you gave her a little smile.
"I'm sorry if I scared you" Yelena said as she came towards you to give you a hug.
"Aw don't worry, It's your sister's fault either way" you said as you hugged her and she laughed a little.
"Well can't argue with that" she said with a smile. "Enjoy your day." you gave her your best smile and nodded.
Leaning on Nat's shoulder, you waved at them when they left. Natasha chuckled, making you turn to look at her.
"Nothing, it's just- she took the door this time because you were here."
"Then how did she come into our home? Don't fucking tell me she entered through window- She fucking did! didn't she!?" Natasha was laughing as she closed and locked the door.
"Well that confirms that she's your sister" You passed her a smirk.
"So now I'm the bad guy huh" you heard her voice from behind.
"You are always the bad guy" you chuckled before making your way towards the kitchen.
You were shocked when you entered the kitchen.The whole island filled up with the chocolates you loved with a bouquet of roses placed in between two glasses.
"Is this all for little ol' me?" she hummed as she leaned on your shoulder and gently wrapped her hands around your waist.
"Mhm and what did you make? It smells good by the way" you asked her when she left your side to grab the bottle of wine and two glasses.
"Macaroni and cheese, your favourite." a tint of red crept on her face when your face lit up. She cleared her throat and started pouring some wine into both glasses. "Of Course I didn't want to go overboard but looking at how you didn't even know what day it was. I think I did a little too much." she teased you as she safely put the bottle on the counter and handed you wine.
"Babe, I told you I'm sorry!" you took a big gulp of wine when she backed you up on the counter with her infamous smirk on her lips. She then slowly slid her free hand under your (her) shirt as she got closer to your neck, the action easily making you shiver.
"Why don't you show me how sorry you are like you promised, малышка" she kissed your neck and slowly started sucking it intensely.
"But the macaroni would get cold" you put your glass on the counter when she backed away to look at you with those lustful eyes and that sinful smirk.
"Well that depends on how fast you can be baby" she unbuttoned the shirt before taking it off completely.
"Now come on. Do what you're best at."
You didn't need to be told twice.
The day went by with her being busy completing her reports. She did promise that she'd be home till 6 and you both could spend the rest of the evening together.
You called in sick and stayed at home to prepare a surprise for her. Chuckling when you observed the decor. Talk about getting overboard with the decor.
You checked the time, she'd be here anytime now you thought. You slightly loosen the tie of your robe as you applied perfume on your neck.
"Hey, I got a last minute reservation. Perks of being best friends with Stark'' Natasha chuckled as she closed the door behind her. She quirked her eyebrow when she saw the rose petals scattered on the floor making the pathway. She could hear music coming from a distance and she started following wherever the rose petal pathway was going to take her.
"You're late."
Natasha then saw where it ended and then her eyes met yours. She didn't even know she was holding back her breath when you made your way towards her and she started breathing heavily.
"I was starting to believe you were gonna spend the rest of day doing your work instead of doing something better." You smirked as you saw your lover's flushed face, and to tease her more you started untying the knot painfully slowly.
"I'm here now aren't I?" her act of being cool was cut off when you backed her on the wall. You were so close to her that she could smell your cologne.
You gave her a passionate kiss before biting her bottom lip before pulling back. She was so focused on you that she didn't even notice that you had decorated the bathroom with candles.
You then removed your robe from your body. Her eyes gazing upon your body that was covered with lingerie that left nothing for one's imagination.
"Damn now I feel like I'm overdressed" You chuckled as you got inside the bathtub waiting for her to undress.
She removed every piece from her body, unlike you. You shifted ahead to give her some space to get inside. When she finally settled in, you rested your head on her shoulder.
"Sorry I couldn't find any strawberries because every couple wanted to eat them with melted chocolate" Natasha chuckled as she was sure you were rolling your eyes even though she couldn't see your face.
"Well I don't need strawberries to make my day better, I just need you." she sighed contently when she breathed in that familiar scent of your neck.
"You already have me, darling. In this lifetime and every other." You tilted your head to give her a heated kiss.
"Well that too." she said between the kisses as her hands unclasped your bra. Pulling away from her, you took it and threw it on the floor.
She took the opportunity to suck on your weak point, while her other hand made its way towards your core. Chuckling when she found you already wet.
"Natasha" a moan escaped your lips, not being able to control yourself even though she hasn't done anything yet.
"Tell me what you want, darling" she asked as she took one of your breasts in her free hand.
"I want you" you could feel her smile on your neck as she gave you exactly what you wanted.
The dinner was good and the company was even better. Although the restaurant was a bit crowded because of the obvious occasion, you didn't complain about anything to her.
You were more of an intimate person who liked only her company or liked it when you both were alone. But you never opposed the idea of going out if it made her happy.
In the span of five years of dating her you knew how much your cute assassin loved going places with you, never getting tired of showing affection even if you both weren't alone.
Well it would come as a shock to whoever used to know her years ago but something changes with the time.
"There's literally no one." She said to you.
"Yeah that's why it's an amazing time to visit the beach."
"Also I'm wearing heels"
"Well we can go barefoot." you gave her a tight lipped smile as you removed your shoes before sprinting towards the sand.
Natasha shook her head and chuckled before removing her heels as she tried to catch up with you.
"Just so you know if I catch a cold, you were the reason behind it" she tried to be serious but miserably failed in doing so.
"Well I told you to take your jacket with you but you wanted to show off the dress" you chuckled as you put your hands in your pocket and leaned closer to her ears. "Not that I'm complaining, you look absolutely gorgeous tonight." You whispered in her ears, making her blush.
"Here" You then took your coat off and handed it to her. She quickly took and wore it as you rolled up your sleeves.
"Have I ever told you that you look ten times more sexy when you roll up your sleeves?" she asked in a flirtatious tone.
"Well, darling, Now that I know you won't see me without rolled up sleeves" you passed a wink at her and she chuckled.
"Then don't mind if I just lose control after seeing you looking that hot" You laughed as you shook your head.
"I won't mind. I love seeing you all hot and bothered for me" You said in a low voice and she grabbed your collar, pulling you towards her.
"Don't tease or else I won't be able to wait until we get home" she said as she bit her lip.
"Then kiss me and I won't" you said with an innocent glint in your eyes. She again pulled you towards her and gave you a chaste kiss. You held her waist as the waves hit both of your feet.
"Now can we go home? There's one more gift that's left to give you." she bit her lips as she wrapped her hands around your neck.
"Oh really?" she just bit her lips and nodded in response. "Guess I'm getting spoiled tonight." she chuckled as she just shrugged before giving you a little peck.
You pulled away from her just to look her in the eyes. Eyes that were shining brighter than it ever did in the moonlight.
"Again I'm sorry for forgetting what it was today." you sighed and closed your eyes.
"Don't apologise, You already made my day better." she pulled back as she gently caressed your cheeks. "Hell you make my life better just by existing" her words making you chuckle.
"and they call me a flirt" you tighten your grip on her waist.
"a thing or two I learned from my lover" she grinned and looked at you with those adorable eyes that made you give her the whole world if you could and you would if it made her happy.
"I love you" you told her as you pulled her closer to you, easily making her blush with those three little words. She sighed contently as she connected her forehead to yours.
"I love you too"
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akyivanov · 2 years
𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 | 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝟐𝟑𝟗
Tɑkɑshi Mitsuyɑ & Drɑken friendship (pt.2)
- my analysis -
This new chapter has divided me in half, because I'm not sure I understand where Wakui is taking Mitsuya's character now, but my mind hasn't changed since the previous post. Draken and Mitsuya have the most beautiful friendship; so deep, so unique, so painful now. Sorry, I know so few people who follow the manga that I have to use tumblr as my personal diary.
The tribute to Draken was awesome.
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The clothes and their fabrics, the colour association, the story of the two dragons....it was all so beautiful. I hadn't seen any spoilers before the chapter came out and when I saw this scene I cried. Everything was studied down to the smallest detail, from the models who looked like Draken and Takashi to the meanings of the related words. The white dragon seeking fame to the sky and the black dragon falling to earth in search of love. I think the meaning was double, because the white one searching for fame should be Mitsuya but in reality emotionally he is the black one. While, the black one who has fallen and can no longer shine is Draken but paradoxically he is freer than Takashi who struggles with himself. Takashi saw in Draken a point of reference, he would follow him anywhere and this has not changed, like the yin that cannot exist without the yang, one part of Takashi cannot exist without the other half. Takashi preferred to follow Draken's last wish, not the one told to him but Draken's own wish: to continue in the gang world for Mikey. 
Wakui has always had a talent, drawing emotions on his characters and Mitsuya in this chapter is a great example of the painful decision he made at the end. 
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It had been said, Mitsuya doesn't like competitions and awards but he could have accepted the award and helped Takemichi anyway. But, Takashi has always had a great quality (or defect, depending on your point of view) of wanting to help and put others first before himself. It was a foregone conclusion that he would help Takemichi, but that doesn't justify refusing the award. 
The judge who yelled at him angrily was right: Takashi is ruining his future with that decision. Yes, talent is not conditioned by an award but his irreverent approach to such an important event will taint him for life. If at first I didn't understand such a choice of Wakui, reading the chapter again I got a different idea.
Takashi is aware of the consequences.
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This panel expresses that.
Takashi knows this but has agreed to ruin everything in him life in order to confront Mikey and in a way do justice to Draken. In the second half of the chapter he changed his attitude, it was as if Takashi was no longer Takashi. The rejection and the apology bow were still his but the next sentences, that way of smiling, that way of talking didn't belong to his character but to the friend who is no longer there. 
Takashi reminded me of Draken in the ending.
Offending a public event so blatantly...no, it wasn't him.  Takashi went back to hiding behind his cheeky smile, I think the insult to the award was to convince himself that he wasn't making a mistake going down that road. Because he has always been divided between two realities, the delinquent one and the "good" one in which with his forces alone he could have obtained a lot of success. Takashi wanted to eliminate that dividing line by suppressing himself for a friendship that changed his life. He insults the world that would have welcomed him as a successful designer for not rejecting his second family, the gang guys. He insults the jury to make his choice less painful, a way to follow Draken as he always wanted to do.
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But at the end of it all, Takemichi realized something that Draken had realized many years before: Mitsuya does not belong in the world of dilenquents, and I am now afraid.
Wakui I know you're going there.
Please don't kill him.
Tɑkɑshi Mitsuyɑ & Drɑken friendship (pt.1)
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imgucciking · 3 years
Mmmh [KAI]
Listen as you read
Pairing: Idol!Boyfriend!Kai X Fan!Reader 
Genre: Smut, Smut, Smut. After care fluff. And some fluff at the start.
Words: 2k
Warning: Masturbation! Cursing! Marking! Eating out! Penetration! Size kink! Unprotected sex! [stay safe y'all] 
A/N: My first work on tumblr, I wanted to start of with Kai.
Kai was your boyfriend, and he had been for a total of 3 years last month. You had spent the time well at home, he had even cooked some dinner for the both of you! A surprise cake was baked by him as well, in the flavour of chocoltae, your favorite [ You didn't tell him how you found a few egg shells in it]
But right now though, the pair of you were separated. You lived near the outskirts of Seoul, while the headquarters of SM, as well as Kai's house was in the middle of the busy city. Kai was busy with the preparation of his new solo, whiich he hadn't even revealed the name for to you.
He said it was super secret and it would be ruined if he revealed. You of course had pouted, and even tried some aegyo, which you never did in order to get him to tell you what the song was called, atleast. Somehow though, he never told you. On the november 25, the teaser of mmmh had been revealed. 
You had watched the video, then went straight to your bed, your phone in hand, already dialling kai. "WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT? WHY YOU GOTTA KILL ME?" He had laughed. He fucking laughed. That. Was. It
You were so excited for today! Mmmh was finally getting released and of course you were excited! You got your big computer ready, put it on full screen, 4k quality and the volume was full on. Your phone was right beside ou incase kai decided that he was going to kill you in this mv like the teaser. 
You used the phone a lot. You called him the moment the song started, and of course, he was there, like the sweet boyfriend he was to listen to you fangirl over him, and then gasp and pretend to die when he revealed his abs. He found it very endearing that you did all this. Then, once you were done watching the mv for about the 100th time, he asked ou to always call him like this cause he found it awesome.
You blushed before replying with an ok and then cutting the call. 
It had been a month since then. You were going through the many memories you and Kai had created right now, looking through the million selfies and photos on your phone, your background music being a 10 hour version of mmmh. Bless the soul which made such an awesome repeat.
"You make me feel so mmmh hmmm~" You mouthed the words. All of a sudden, the repeat got over. You pouted to yourself, your hands reaching over to your phone to see what was going on. But suddenly, the song played again, only this time his voice sounded deeper, sexier. Your thighs automatically came closer, his deep voice doing something to your inside. 
Tentatively, you let your hand travel lower down your body, underneath jong-in's hoodie which you had on. You let out a breathy gasp as your fingers came in contact with your heat. You allowed your hands to travel the rim, but not deep in. You wanted to tease yourself. 
And oh were you doing a good job at it. You lied your body more comfortably on the bed, then spread your legs wide, your/kai's hoodie pulled up until it was bunched up underneath your neck. Your nipples had formed hard pebbles due to the cold air in the room, and your left hand was currently playing around with your left breast, twisting it around, rubbing it, and playing with your tits. 
One hand still rested comfortably within the folds of your clit, gently flicking it and pinching at the sensitive nub. One important rule of kai's was that you never played with yourself, because he wanted to be the one to please you, but the thought was long gone from your head, and besides, it wasn't like kai was coming home today, was he?
Oh how wrong could you have been.
The door clicked open loudly, as Jong-In stepped into the house. "I'm home baby!" His words, however were left to drift into the silence, as you were far too lost in the pleasure your fingers were causing you. Granted, they weren't as large as Kai's, but it did the deed and that's all you wanted. 
You were edging closer and closer to your high. "O-Oh! Kai!~" You screeched, as you finally cummed all over your fingers, the white sticky substance coating your hand. Kai heard you. And judging by the way you sounded, he also knew what you were doing right now. 
His cock twitched in his pants, like waking up from a long nap. "God Y/N..." He groaned, before pulling his shoulder back off and placing it on the table. Unbuttoning the top 2 buttons of his top, he walked into your shared bedroom. God how you lay on the bed, his hoodie all bunched up on you, your fingers still buried deep within your cunt. The tent in his pants became painful to handle as he stalked closer to you.
Your eyes were shut from how you rode out your high, your breathing heavy as you rested. Jong In edged closer to your body, before he put his lips very close to your ears. "Didn't I teach you to not touch yourself?" Your eyes shot open as you looked up at his figure hovering over your tiny self. 
His lips were curved up in a smirk. "K-Kai I-" You were cut of by him placing his finger on your lips. "Hush...." He removed his finger once he was sure you would keep quiet, his fingers now wrapped around your airpods, as he plugged one of them off your ear. "What were you listening to, baby?"
He puts one into his ear, greeted by his voice singing out. "Ahh baby.... My song?" You nod furiously, not wanting to do anything that might displease him. He let out a groan seeing you so submissive. He pulled it out, then curled his fingers round your phone which lay forgotten beside you. 
He disconnected the earphones, allowing his voice to sing out loud. "I'm going to fuck you, with my voice in the background. Is that okay babygirl?" You nod once more. His fingers curl around your neck, a tight grip. "Use your voice~" You quickly let it out. "Yes, kai!"
"Ah ah!" He tutts, his grip around your neck tightening. "What is my name?" Your eyes widen before you remember. "Yes s-sir!" He nods, before smiling, his fingers unravelling from you neck, to your hair as he gently strokes it. "Such a good girl for me, aren't you?" His tugs at your hair, pulling you up into a sitting position. 
"Such a good, good girl.... But you've been bad now.... Should I punish you?" Your eyes widen. "No sir! I'm s-sorry!" He smirks, before pulling the hoodie of your body entirely. He inches close to you, and you think he is about to kiss you so you pucker your lips. "Ah ah! Only good girls get kisses!" You pout, and Jong in almost wants to kiss you now.
"I'm sorry!" You say again, as you try to pull him towards you. But he, is able to resist, and he buries his face deep into your neck, gently breathing in and out your scent, his breath hitting right on your sensitive area. He knew how crazy you get when he does that.
"Sir!" You moan, your voice sounding foreign to even yourself. Kai's teeth sink into your soft unmarked skin, as he paint art on you. He was the artist, and you were the canvas, nothing you could do would get you out of this. Once he was done with the hickeys covering your neck, he stood up and went to the chest of drawers were you stored your... toys..
Kai was a bit overexcited with the usage of toys and such, so the pair of you had bought an entire cupboard to keep in the stock of your sex toys. 
He selects a black blindfold, and fuzzy cuffs. Mmmh...Your favorite.
He ties the blindfold around your eyes, and seats you up on the bed, with your hands cuffed tightly. Not too tight enough for it to hurt, but tight enough to not allow you to escape its grasp. You struggle a bit, adjusting your body, till you feel a flat muscle lick against your cunt. 
Your body goes rigid and you stop moving around. He smirks against you, and he knows you can feel him right there. He lets out a soft groan, when you start grinding yourself onto his face, but his hands go to your thighs and he quickly stops you by holding your thighs. 
You whine and whimper at the sudden hold, but he teases you by letting his tongue wander all over your heat, but not where you want it this most. "Kai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Please!" He suddenly stops. "Ah, ah... What's my name?" "Sir!!!!!"
"Good girl, I'll award you, shall I?"
He starts lapping at your juices, sucking, pinching, and stroking at your cunt. Your eyes had rolled back so far into your sockets, that you thought it might get stuck right there. His tongue was much better at pleasing you than your fingers, and the tightening in your stomach only increased. 
"Jong In!! I'm gonna c-" His warmth suddenly leave you. You look up at him, to see him smirking at you. You whine at not being able to release. "I think you've been stretched quite enough, right Jagi?" He unlocks the handcuffs, before tying it again onto you, except this time its not against the bed.
He undresses himself quickly, and as soon as he gets his underwear off, his large member flips against his lower abdomen. Your eyes feast on his naked body, all the ripped muscles on it. You want to trace your fingers over him, but your hands are unfortunately locked. 
You groan at this fact. His hands curl around his member as he strokes it, coating it with his pre cum. Once its enough, he bends over and produres his head into your heat. You groan at the feeling, clenching him and trying to pull him. "So thirsty for my dick, babygirl? Well then, I'll give you what you want!" 
He suddenly pounds into you, thrusting hard and not even allowing you to adjust to his length and girth. "God!" You screech, the pain and pleasure mixing together to cause something totally new. Your hands tug of your blindfold, wanting to see Kai fuck you deep. 
He lifts your left leg up, and places is onto his shoulders, reaching to places within you that had never been touched. "Feel me there? Right in that pretty little stomach of yours baby?" "Oh god yes! You scream, and you know your neighbours will be able to hear you quite well. 
But Kai liked that. He liked to show them all who you belonged to.
He grunts as you clench tightly around him, nearly not allowing to thrust. You were close and he got that. He pound into you even harsher, like an animal unleashed and allowed to do whatever it wanted with your body. He reaches over to your hair, and tugs you up. 
You comply, placing your head on his chest as he continues his work. These move was all you needed for you to come, and you let your cum flow, your eyes rolling to the back of your socket and all you can see for awhile is white. 
He continues pounding into you, chasing his own high. You, being hypersensitive clench tightly around him. This pulled him over the edge, and he cummed into you, releasing his load well. 
He lied next to you, both of you panting and sweaty. His cum flows a bit out of you, wetting the bed below. "That was-" Kai smiles at you. "I love you, Jagi" 
You grin, feeling a bit sleepy. "I love you too baby" 
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
How do you passive aggressively say ‘Fuck you’ in flower? Part III
Summary:  New owners, new friendships and new beginnings... but maybe there's a linger of old history there aswell.
A/N:  Helloooo!! It's writers month starting August so I've posted all the prompts and there are also the fandoms you can request. Please send a request, its always fun to interact with the readers and hear what content you want to see!! That said, here is chap 3!! I hope you enjoy and make sure you comment and enjoy!! <3 from phi phi!!
Read on A03              Read part I on Tumblr               Read part II on Tumblr
Will couldn't believe his luck. Of all the things he could have been told, it had to be this.
He held the printed note in between his thumb and forefinger as he grumpily read aloud the note hidden inside the fortune cookie. Calypso looked excited as her hands gripped the side of the table with passion.
“So? What does it say? Are you going to marry skull boy and live happily ever after with a cat?”
Wills scowled. “ No, that’s ridiculous. I hate cats. Maybe a dog. Or a goldfish.”
“Yeah, but goldfish don't live for as long as a cat could,” Calypso pointed out, her pinky finger pointing towards Will. “Now read. I want to hear your fortune.”
“Ugh. You aren’t hesitant to take what you want but sometimes you lack intuition; try and be more intuitive."
Calypso looked at him, with disappointment ranging across her face before shrugging and returning to her food. Will, who was expecting a much larger reaction, was offended.
“Excuse me? You begged to hear my fortune and now you just ignore it? You’re a terrible friend. I bet you wouldn’t run into a fire to save me.”
“You’re right. I wouldn’t.”
Will gasped. Calypso continued her sentence, with an overall sense of coolness. “ I’d send the fucking fire patrol, police, moutaion resucuers, heck, I’d send the grandma next door to me if she had even a slim chance of getting you out of there.”
“Awwww, You do love me!”
Calypso grunted. “It’s only because I refuse to let anything other than myself kill you. Now stop hugging me and scram; you’re ruining my course of digestion with how hard your arms are wrapped around my stomach.”
But Will refused to oblige as he wrapped his arms around his best friend's stomach, listening to her complaints and completely ignoring them.
“What do you think it means?” Calypso spoke over a mouthful of food.
“The fortune cookie thingy. What do you think it means?”
“It means I should be more intuitive, that's what it said.”
Calypso facepalmed, now understanding why the fortune cookie told her best friend what it told them. Even to the most oblivious person, it was obvoius that what the fortune cookie had told Will was not to simply be more intuitive but instead to -as the author would say- Open your fucking eyes and see what’s in front of you . But, as the author, I can tell you that William Andrew Solace is such an oblivious character that if I were to shout that at him, he would simply stare at whatever was sitting in front of him.
The next Saturday
“Are they coming?” Meg tugged on Will’s sleeve. “ Will, are they going to come today?”
It had seemed that, surprisingly enough, Meg had taken a great liking to Will’s so-called new ‘friends’ and in particular- Nico, which just so happened to be perfect for Will. It was already terrible that Will had to deal with them showing up only once in his beloved shop, let alone the idea that they may come again the next weekend and ruin it entirely for him, like the previous.
“I don’t know Meg, why do you care?” Will asked, his tone slightly agitated, out of all the people who had visited him at the shop, Meg just had to take a liking to these.
“Because that Nico guy is super cool. But don’t tell him I said that- and you guys can’t make out in my shop, no matter how cool he is.”
“This isn’t your shop and it isn't Calypso’s either, Dya know that, right?” Will reminded Meg as she went on about the new customers.
A sharp jab, that Will could now confidently identify to be Calypso’s elbow, hit his side. “Oi, What do you mean it ain't my shop- it basically is. It’s not like the previous owner ever cared about it.”
Will’s ears perked up at the words ‘previous owner’. “What do you mean Previous owner? Do they not own it anymore?”
“Did you not hear?” Calypso stopped braiding the rose into Will’s hair after seeing his surprised expression. “ We have a new owner. They offered the old one loads, and I mean loads of money for this shop. Apparently it’s this young sophisticated woman who just throws money whenever she wants.”
“Why do you sound so happy?”
Calypso’s finger’s in Will’s hair stopped braiding for a second. “What do you mean why do I sound so happy? We have a new rich owner. That means we will get better conditions. Imagine all the better quality wrapping we can get for the bouquets!”
“But if they're the kind of person to just throw money about, will they really take care of what's theirs? Or will they just send their own cronies to keep everything tidy, while paying them the minimum possible? And in this case, those cronies are us!”
“You’re imagining the worst of the new owner.”
“No, I’m not! Why am I the only one who hates the idea of a new owner!” Will yelled, grabbing the rose in his hair and ripping it out, throwing it at the entrance of the door. Will wasn't one to raise his voice but he couldn’t help but feel frustrated- why was everything changing so much!
Maybe it was fate, maybe it was destiny, or maybe Will was just that unlucky, but in that very moment, Nico and his friends all walked in.
It seemed they had all been causally conversing as they walked in.They were quickly silenced by whatever was occurring within the florist; Percy was halfway through grinning and dropping his jaw at Will's sudden outburst. Afterall, the last time he had seen Will this agitated was in middle school when he stole Will’s plastic stethoscope that his father had supposedly gotten him.
“Are we interrupting?'' Frank asked. He may have been on Nico’s side but he figured that perhaps barging in on an argument wasn’t the most respectful thing one could do.
“Trouble in paradise?” Nico smirked as he picked up the ruined rose that Will had thrown to the floor in a rage. He twirled in between his fingers and looked at the shade of pink; he glanced back at Will and decided it greatly complimented his skin tone and the cute blush he’d get whenever he was angry.
He frowned at the ruined rose and placed it on the counter before walking back to Will.
“The trouble only started when you set foot into this shop,” Will retorted, very much unappreciative of his presence at this moment. He still couldn't believe that the shop was getting a new owner! Sure, the old one had barely shown up and basically left Calypso entirely in charge but how could Calypso be so casual about it?
Nico ignored his attempt at a snide comment and walked past him, gesturing with his finger to follow behind him. “I want a flower. The one you threw. What was it, a Rosa Ausrumba?”
Will, slightly surprised that Nico had managed to identify the binomial name for the rose, raised his eyebrow. “Yeah.. how did you know?”
Nico shrugged, not offering an explanation as Will went ahead and fetched him a packaged gentle hermione rose. As he handed it over, he couldn’t help but let his mind wonder who the rose was for. It was a soft pink, the same type of rose that Calypso insisted he wear everytime he worked at the shop. Will knew that pink roses symbolised a lot of things but the question was, what exactly?
Was there anyone Nico knew who he’d give that rose to? It wouldn’t make sense for it to go to Leo, afterall, it wouldn't compliment his hair or skin tones: rather, it could work with someone like Hazel- since she was his sister, it would make sense for Nico to give it to her.
Calypso had always forced Will to wear that species of pink rose because she said that he had the hair for it and his blush and the colour of the rose were indistinguishable but most of all, it was the friendly gesture she had made when he first started working there.
He felt Nico’s fingertips brush against his as he handed the rose and a jolt of electricity sparking between them.
Shit, static shock.
“Ow!” Will jerked back, dropping the rose and rubbing his hand. He was about to ask Nico what the hell before he realised that the rose was on the floor. It wasn’t like the rose was going to be ruined or destroyed now it was on the floor or that it particularly angered Will to see the rose there. It simply saddened Will so much that he felt compelled to pick it up; maybe it was because he was so used to being forced into wearing it everyday or maybe because it was meant to be Nico’s, either way, he bent down to retrieve the flower.
It seemed that Nico had the same idea because their heads collided and Will was sent stumbling backwards onto his butt.
“Ow!” He cried again, rubbing his head. Nico felt his eyes widen at Will’s words and quickly he grabbed the rose and kneeled in the space between Will's legs, with his hand scanning Will’s face of any injury.
“Are you okay?”
Will frowned at the considerate question, wondering if Nico was mocking him or not. “Why do you care?”
That question threw Nico off guard. Why do you care? Why did he care? That was a good question he had yet to ask himself. Why did he care so much about Will? Why did he decide to come back? Every week nonetheless.
“No reason.” Nico shrugged. ” I just wanted to make sure your clumsy ass didn’t break anything.”
“Your head hit mine!”
“Yeah but it was you who decided to go after my flower,” Nico argued, clutching the rose in his hand. He started peeling off the wrapping until he had the rose alone in his hand.
“What the hell are you doing? You haven’t paid for it yet!”
Nico ignored him as he handed Will the rose. Obviously, Will took the rose from Nico’s hand and held it. Why did Nico want him to hold his flower for him?
“What?” Will was confused. “Why am I holding your flower?”
“Because I gave it to you.”
“To do what with?” Will inquired, his eyes oblivious. For someone who slept around, Will was not one who knew much about romantic rituals.
Murmuring something under his breath, Nico tilted his face away and let the loose strands of his black hair fall over his eyes elegantly. Will didn’t know if he had hit his head too hard but he could have sworn that Nico was slightly blushing.
“What? I didn’t catch that.”
“I said,” Nico took a dep breath, “The flower is for you and your stupid hair.”
Will must have looked relatively confused because Nico kept on talking. “Because you wear one whenever you work here? And when you threw a fit, you also threw your rose and it got ruined.”
Will, dumbfounded, simply stared at Nico. It wasn’t like he could braid his hair right here; Was this where Will was meant to thank him?
“Uh… thank you? I mean I could have easily gotten Callie to do my hair again but thanks anyway.”
Will realised that he was still sitting on the floor and immediately got up, still clutching the rose firmly in his hand, like he was afraid that the wind may just carry it off and he may never see it again.
In silence, him and Nico walked back to the counter, where surprisingly enough, everyone was getting on quite well. Percy and Frank were challenging Piper and Hazel about some vague petty thing,while Leo and Annabeth spoke to Calypso and Jason told Meg about Nico.
Annabeth had noticed quite quickly that Calypso had a crush on Leo and it seemed that Leo was aware as well. However, despite that, he didn’t let it get in the way of the conversation or the potential for a very beautiful friendship. He didn't like Calypso in that way. It was true that he had many previous lovers both men and women but Calypso was his friend, nothing more.
Nico noticed that Will was simply holding the rose and not wearing it like he intended him to.
“Why aren't you wearing the rose?”
Will stuttered, his face burning up slightly from embarrassment. “I..uh,well...I can’t really, um, braid my hair.”
Will was waiting for the insult. For a laugh, maybe a jeer. Instead he was surprised by the reaction that met him.
“I do. Give me the rose and sit in that chair.” Nico pointed to the chair behind the counter. Will, oblivious as ever, took a seat. He didn’t expect to feel familiar hands working on his hair. It felt like deja vu, feeling Nico’s fingers weave themselves into his hair, it felt like they were in that storage room all over again, making out on the small couch.
Wondering if Nico was also reminiscing that moment, he turned his head ever so slightly and caught Nico’s eye.
Nico turned Will’s head. “Stay still, I can’t do your hair if you keep on moving.”
Do my hair? He’s going to do my hair?
Will anxiously sat in the chair, fiddling his hands as Nico sectioned his hair into 3 parts and slipped the stem of the rose into one of the sections. He began braiding Will’s hair, slowly softly, dare I even say- Lovingly.
Will almost shivered when he felt Nico’s fingertip graze his scalp. His fingers braided like magic and within a matter of seconds, it felt like he had finished. Nico walked in front of Will to have a look at his handiwork from the front and reached forward. His finger brushed the side of Will’s ear and for a second, Will thought that Nico was going to gently cup his cheek and kiss him.
Instead, he reached and pulled free a small lock of hair from the front of his face so it dangled elegantly and complemented the rose that lay in his hair.
Will gulped. “ How did you learn to do hair?” His voice was extremely hoarse.
Nico’s voice seemed lower when he spoke. “My sister. I used to do her hair sometimes when we were at camp.”
Will nodded absent mindedly and focused on why his heart was beating so fast. The only reasons he knew why his heart would ever beat fast near a person would be if they scared him, forced him to exercise or if he had just slept with them.
Since Nico hadn't made him run, and they weren't sleeping together and Nico didn't make him fear for his life (yet), he was purely confused as to why his heart felt like it was a butterfly fluttering and any second, his ribcage may burst open and let it fly away and with it, his heart.,
He stared at the back of Nico’s head as he walked back to his friends who were now arguing about the difference between a white and an ivory rose.
Will did not not see Nico on Sunday at the flower shop. Nor did he see any of his friends.
Friday, Next week.
“Will, put that beer bottle down!” Calypso yelled, her entire state chaotic. There was flour everywhere and Will couldn’t tell where the kitchen started and where the mess ended.
This is what happened when he offered to babysit.
It was one thing to babysit a teenager or perhaps a 10 years old but a 7 years old? A seven year old and a 5 year old? A combination from hell itself. Overly energetic, disrespectful and disobedient, seven years olds were the worst kind of children to babysit.
It had started a while ago when his mother’s friend who’s name actually was Karen had to leave in a rush for some emergency (although Will had highly doubted it) and left her kids with Will's Mother. Being the wonderful woman she was, Will’s mother held onto them for as long as she could but she had a job, as most people did and unfortunately it was a job that required her to not enjoy her Friday nights.
This had led to her leaving the children with Will. Afterall, he was a responsible adult.
Okay fine, scratch the responsible part. She had left the children with Will because Calypso had promised to be there and in all blatant honesty, it was obvious that without Calypso, Will would be the biggest mess out there.
It seemed, however, that babysitting children was harder than both of them had anticipated.
“Callie, I give up. These kids are the devil's spawn. If they die, then tough luck for them.”
Calypso groaned and slammed her head onto the table before perking up with excitement. She grabbed her phone and dialed a number. Will overheard a vague conversation and simply watched, very confused.
Calypso set her phone down. “Okay so I have figured out how to fix this.” She pointed to the massive mess in their apartment.
“You’ll see.”
Will didn’t trust the mischievous smile that came across Calypso’s face.
Nico was chilling on his bed with his phone in his hand, hovering above his face. He did not really have much to do so here he was, scrolling through social media. He was meant to be doing something with Percy or Jason or maybe Hazel- he really couldn’t remember and he couldn’t care less.
That was until he overheard a conversation from Jason that he could only describe as interesting. Only a few minutes later, Percy showed up very begrudgingly muttering I’m only coming because I wanna see where the little fucker lives.
As far as Nico was concerned, there was only one person who Percy called ‘the little fucker’ and why were Jason and Percy paying him a visit?
“Wait-” Nico threw his legs over the side of the bed, sitting up.”-Where are you guys going?”
“Calypso’s place. She needs some help babysitting? Or something like that. Annabeth’s call was kinda vague.”
“You’re going to Calypso’s place because Annabeth told you to?” Nico tilted his head, confusion evident in his voice. Jason took a deep breath before explaining.
“Calypso called Piper who gave the phone to Annabeth who called me to tell us and Hazel to go to Calypso’s place and help her and Will with whatever they needed help with.”
“Why is Will at Calypso’s place?”
Percy quickly interjected. “ They live together.”
That statement alone was enough to make Nico choke on the air he was trying to peacefully breathe.
“They what?” He managed to wheeze from in between the heavy coughs that racked from his chest.
“They live together,” Jason repeated innocently. “ Why?”
“Yeah,” Percy smirked, figuring out the reason behind Nico’s coughing fit. “ Why do you care, Nico?”
“No reason. It’s just a bit out of the blue.”
“So you don’t deny that you care!” Percy yelled excitedly pointing his finger at Nico. Nico grabbed it and twisted it with such ferocity, there was a crack and Percy let out a cry and pulled his finger back pouting, blowing on it like it was a hot dish.
“I twisted your finger, stop blowing on it like it’s a hot potato and let's hurry up and go please,” Nico groaned, rolling his eyes at Percy’s dramatic overreaction.
Percy, under his breath, murmured,” Somebody’s desperate.”
Nico slapped his shoulder.
When Will opened the door to his apartment, he didn't really know what he was expecting. Maybe someone like Thalia Grace or Reyna- a close friend of Calypso.
He certainly was not expecting his arch nemesis and his cronies to show up. He wasn’t in the best state of mind and he felt like any moment now, his feet may fail and he’d be out cold on the floor.
What was worse was the fact that Hazel had already arrived- without Frank as he said he ‘wasn’t the kind who liked children’. So now Will was here having to behave himself as if he were some host and they were his guest
His brain told him that this was exactly what this was.
But another part of Will didn’t agree. It was more, there was some more sinister motive behind why they were here. Sure, Annabeth had told them to come and god forbid someone disobey Annabeth but they clearly came here with their own reasons. Whether all their reasons were the same or not, Will did not know.
“What do you want?” Will deadpanned as he held the door halfway open- just like his eyelids. He was already considering shutting it in their faces. However, it seemed that Nico wasn’t having any of it as he simply pushed his way past Will, into the half cleaned up apartment.
“Oh, Nico! You’re here!” Hazel whisper-called out from the living room . She had the 5 year old’s head resting on her lap as it dozed off and the seven year old lay next to her, their eyes drifting off to sleep.
“Yeah, I’m here. What about it?”
“I thought you might want to cook something? I’m really hungry and I’m pretty sure Calypso’s been running around on an empty stomach trying to keep 2 children and a drunk person under control.”
Nico paused before wrinkling his nose. He walked forward to Will and moved his blonde hair out of his face to get a better view of his eyes.
“You’re drunk?” Nico looked around the kitchen and spotted the beer bottles. “Jesus, are you a lightweight or something? This shit ain’t even strong,” Nico grunted as he grabbed a very much incoordinate Will to the kitchen and sat him down at the counter. He got him a glass of water and rolled his sleeves up before quickly sifting through the fridge and cupboards.
“What happened to him?” Percy asked, walking slightly at the blushing Will sitting at the counter sipping water out of a straw.
“Hehee, Nico has very warm arms.” Some water dribbled out from the side of Will’s mouth as he giggled.
“He’s… wasted?” Jason squinted his eyes. “ I thought people with blue eyes were meant to have the highest tolerance to alcohol.”
“Nooooo,” Will whined. “ That’s not it. Blue eyed people are moree likeleyyy to have a dependency on alcohol. We did this in class-”
He was cut off by his own hiccup.
“Fucking hell,” Nico muttered as he pulled out ingrediants. Hungrily, Jason and Percy eyed the food.
“Whatcha making?” Percy asked, slinging his arm over Nico’s shoulder. Immediately, Will got out of his seat, objecting to this. However, before he could do this, he tripped and fell on his butt and in turn knocked his head into the floor. He was out cold within seconds.
“Did he just pass out?” Percy asked, poking at Will’s body with his foot only for Nico to be outraged and push Percy with such vigour, he ended up splayed onto the floor. He quickly kneeled beside Will and shook him gently, trying to wake him up.
“Flower boy? Hey, wake up. Will? Get up. Get up right now Will.” Nico began shaking him, his voice starting out in small quiet whispers. The alarm in Nico’s voice called over Calypso who batted her hand and laughed.
“Oh you have nothing to worry about. He does this everytime he gets too drunk. He’s a real lightweight, trust me.”
After much chaos and argument, everyone calmed down and Nico got cooking. As someone who was majoring in food tech, Jason and Percy would always make him cook meals for them. While Nico always pretended to be bothered and annoyed by this, he secretly loved it, meaning that he could make his friends smile with something he also loved- food.
Sure, he sometimes skipped meals or didn’t have time to actually eat, but he was constantly surrounded by food and making it was so chaotic but he enjoyed it and he enjoyed the rush of serotonin he’d get when he tasted the final dish.
“Food’s ready!” Nico called from the kitchen. Will had been moved to the sofa because Calypso had been told that under no circumstance was anybody to ever go into Will’s bedroom. Jason came in to the table and started laying it, as their usual routine went. Percy brought cups and Hazel, who normally did not dine with them, was talking to Calypso. They took their seat at the table and waited for the boys to finish laying it and serving food.
Nico glanced at Will who was dozing off on the couch peacefully. “ Is he not going to join us?”
Calypso shook her head. She knew when Will was feeling the way he was today, the only thing he could do was sleep it off. Nico had to admit, he was disappointed; he was hoping to see Will’s reaction when tasting the food. In fact, he had put extra effort into making it perfect just based on the possibility that Will may have been joining them for dinner.
They ate silently, with only the sound of the occasional collision of the fork against the plate echoing into the apartment.
“This is a nice place…” Percy started, trying to ease some of the tense silence away. Calypso gave him a short nod.
“Yes. It’s mine- Will and I share it.”
“Why?” Nico asked, his jealousy overtaking his actions. Was he really at liberty to ask such a question? No. Was he going to anyway? Absolutely.
Calypso raised an eyebrow at the question, while she slowly raised the fork to her mouth. “Does it matter why?”
Nico, staring at his food, paused. “No,” He sighed. “ I guess it doesn’t.”
Hazel, who wasn't allowing this, quickly intercepted. “It doesn't matter but that doesn't mean we wouldn’t like to know? Right guys?”
“Yeah!” Percy agreed a bit too passionately. “Tell us Calypso. How is it that you- someone of your high standards is living with somebody like… Will.”
Percy's abrash statement was rewarded with a hard smack to the back from the Italian boy sitting next time, glaring at him enough daggers for Percy to become Pinhead. Percy, midway swallowing, began coughing frantically which despite the urgency of the situation earned no sympathy from Nico who sat there as Percy choked and Jason gave violent slaps on his back.
“Ugh, well. We’ve known each other…” Calypso stopped. “ Are you sure you’re okay?”
Percy, almost red in the face, nodded frantically and mimed with his hands to keep talking. Jason reached over and poured Percy another glass of water.
“Uh, well… We work together but we’ve known each other for a long time.”
“How long? I don't remember Solace ever mentioning you.”
Calypso smiled slightly. “ If I’m correct, you two weren't and still aren't really on the kinds of terms where you discuss your personal life.”
“Still… I would have thought that… forget it.”
The awkwardly silent dinner continued with the clanking of cutlery against plates. Secret glares were passed along with uncomfortable shivers but all in all, the dinner managed to run smoothly. The guests helped clean up and finally, late into the night, they stood at the door awkwardly, as Calypso dismissed them.
“Are the children… staying?” Hazel innocently inquired, her eyes falling on the small children who lay asleep on the sofa behind Calypso.
Calypso scratched her head- slightly unsure herself. “Uh, I guess. Until they get picked up at least.”
“Oh… I guess I should stay to help out then?”
“No! Please, I don't want you to ruin a good night's sleep over this. I’m sure I can handle this. It wouldn’t be the first time.” Calypso reached for the door. “Get home safely.”
Jason and Percy, who realised that they were no longer welcome, did not hesitate to leave- the same couldn’t be said for Nico.
He didn’t know why he was hesitating- it wasn't as if Calypso and him were friends in any way. However, it seemed that for some odd reason there was a connection between the two that they both strongly cared for a certain blond headed lightweight. But they also both cared for a certain grinning engineer who spoke Spanish.
With his hand shoved in his pockets, he slowly turned his heel as if a magnet from afar was tugging on the metal heartstrings with his heart. His head was bowed towards the floor as he muttered the words under his breath.
“Tell him to call me when he wakes up tomorrow… We should probably talk and get everything out of the way.” Nico’s hair fell in front of his face, his eyes darting anywhere but Calypso’s face as to avoid her seeing his expression.
“Are you dating Leo?”
The abrupt question had Nico’s head snapping upwards so fast that I- the author- feared that he may have broken his neck had he moved any faster. The obvious answer was ‘no’. They had broken up long before Nico had even known someone like William Andrew Solace even existed; however, he didn't know if he could give such an honest answer so freely.
It was clear that Calypso was not just asking Nico this question for the sake of fun. She liked him.
And for some reason, Nico did not like that.
Leo wasn't his. He had his own feelings and decisions to make. But Nico didn't think she could handle the idea of Calypso being able to have both Will and Leo in her life- whether any of the relationships were platonic or not.
He had Leo, she had Will. It was only fair that it should stay that way.
But that said- If, if, he ever dated Will… would he give up Leo for the sake of fairness? Life isn't meant to serve everyone with equality. You get what you get and the rest you must fight for; Life was clearly a capitalist.
“Why does it matter to you?”
“Because,” she paused as if her reasoning was obvious. “If you are, I can’t let you play with Will or Leo like that.”
Nico snarled. “ Who said I was playing with either?”
“Isn't that what it's called? When you date two different people behind their backs?”
“I’m not dating Leo!” He yelled in frustration. Perhaps it was the wine. Or watching Will pass out on the floor and Percy poking him with his foot like an animal. Or maybe it was the fact that Will never tasted the food, but for some reason whether it was unbeknownst or not, Nico snapped. “Happy?”
Calypso smiled. “Very.”
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
(WLW anon) I really don’t like the “bad rep is better then none at all”. I hate that. We should want good rep, because bad rep has been used time and time again by homophobes as to say we shouldn’t get representation. To me it’s not “gay can have the same flaws as het”, it’s “fix the flaws in the het”. Also I know Renora being independent was a good, I was just saying in comparison BB. Also, yes, they were separated, but also didn’t stop thinking about each other. Especially bad with Yang.
Indulge me for a moment because I want to take a trip down memory lane and list some—just some—of the queer rep that has been important to me over the years:
Ellen comes out both as herself and as her character… years later, she’s a hated millionaire who is criticized for how she treats her staff
The wildly influential Buffy gives us two women entering a loving relationship… except then Tara is killed off, Willow goes evil for a time, and Buffy comes under fire for Joss Whedon’s everything
The beloved and respectable headmaster of one of the most popular book series ever published is revealed to be gay… except it doesn’t count because it wasn’t in the text and now all of Harry Potter is cancelled because JKR is transphobic
Kurt is an unambiguously gay teen in a hugely popular TV series, acting as one of the first overt representations a generation has seen… except he’s way too stereotypical and Glee is a joke now
Orange is the New Black gives us a number of queer women, including one of our first trans characters… but isn’t it problematic that they’re all criminals?
Brooklyn Nine-Nine hosts an out gay captain and gives us a bisexual coming out story that resonated with many, myself included… except now we’re supposed to hate all the characters on principle because they’re cops
Korra and Asami walk off into the spiritual sunset together… but they never kiss or anything, so that doesn’t count either
Steven Universe gives us a queer relationship and a wedding… but it’s an issue that this is just a kid’s show and, really, does it count when the rep is embodied by space rocks whose entire species only creates a single gender? Feels like a cop-out
Same with Good Omens. Yeah, Crowley and Aziraphale clearly love each other… but you never see them kiss or declare their intentions. It’s great ace rep though! Unless you want to level the criticism that asexual characters are always nonhuman
A character intended to be a minor guest becomes a show staple and eventually declares his love for one of the two main characters… except then Castiel immediately dies, Dean doesn’t respond, and they never meet on screen again
I finished Queen’s Gambit the other day and the main character had a one-night stand with a woman! … but everyone is talking about how bisexuality is used to represent her lowest point, so that’s bad too
I could go on for literal pages. Some of these arguments I agree with (Dumbledore), others I’ve pushed back against quite strongly (Crowley and Aziraphale), but all of them are valid criticisms depending on what part of the queer community you’re in and what your expectations are. My point here is that it’s all “bad rep.” I mean that seriously. If anyone reading this is scrambling for the comment section to say why [insert media title here] is actually fantastic rep, I guarantee that someone disagrees. Or if they don’t, give it some time. Just wait until the characterization becomes offensively outdated, or another part of the story ruins the relationship, or it comes out that the author did something truly horrific, or the terminology changes and it’s labeled as “problematic” now… just wait. At some point, any rep we feel is good rep now will be criticized, cancelled, and dragged through the mud. The rep that I personally haven’t seen much push-back against—like the beloved Captain Jack Harkness in Doctor Who, or Schitts Creek that just won a ton of awards—is wrapped up in the criticism, “So it’s all just about able-bodied, cis, (mostly) white dudes, huh? :/”  Even the argument that queer characters need to be written by queer authors doesn’t hold up. I absolutely adored Sense8. “Wow, a gay main character in a loving relationship with another gay man, both of whom enter a loving poly relationship with a woman, another lesbian trans main character who marries the love of her life on screen, an entire cast arguably queer due to them sharing orgy scenes centered around the emotional intimacy they share, everyone survives, and this was written by two trans women! Great, right?” Well, not according to the wealth of opinions explaining how Sense8 is horrible rep, actually. Every piece of rep we’ve got is either currently flawed or will become flawed in the future.
So what do we do with that?
That’s where my “I’d rather have bad rep than no rep at all” comes in. For me, that’s not waving the white flag. That’s not an oath that I won’t expect better rep in the future (I do) or that I won’t criticize the rep we get (BOY DO I), but rather just an acknowledgement of reality. The vast majority—if not the entirety—of rep is “bad rep” in one way or another, but I’d still rather have it than nothing at all. Because I’ve lived just long enough and studied media just enough to know what nothing looked like. It was watching all queer characters meet untimely deaths. Before that it was watching queer characters be derided and treated as jokes. Before that it was nothing but coding, where queer characters didn’t exist except in our own headcanons and interpretations. Obviously “bad rep” covers a very large range of issues and “They haven’t even confirmed this relationship yet” is a bigger issue than “This queer character embodies one or two, mild stereotypes,” but ultimately I’d take any of it over nothing at all. And enjoying what we’ve currently got doesn’t mean I’m willing to settle for it indefinitely.
To use an iffy analogy, imagine there’s a factory. This factory makes plates. So. Many. Plates. Big plates, small plates, plain plates, decorative plates, plates for every possible occasion in your life—and everyone with a steak for dinner is pleased as punch. You though? You’ve got soup. You need a bowl. Your entire life you’ve been struggling to eat your soup off a plate (it doesn’t work) and listening to friends and family claim that the plate with a slightly raised edge could be a bowl if you squint (it’s not). To say it’s frustrating is an understatement.
But then, one day, the factory starts producing bowls too. Hurray! Except as soon as you get your hands on one, you’re told you really shouldn’t be using it, let alone praising it. Look at the state of that bowl! It’s cracked right down the middle, ugly as hell, shoddily made all around… you’re not really going to settle for that, are you? And no, you obviously still want the factory to produce better bowls, but at the same time, this is a bowl. You’ve never gotten one before and you can finally enjoy your meal, even if the soup leaks at times. Sometimes a lot. But you’re still feeling better about your meal than you ever have before. And what you then begin to realize is that lots of the plates are a mess too. They also have cracks, they’re also ugly, many are also shoddily made. The difference is that the factory is producing so many plates at such a rapid pace that every steak eater is able to get by. One plate breaks completely? You’ve got a thousand fallbacks. Don’t like the look of this one? A thousand other options. You disagree about what “shoddily made” means? Luckily there are enough plates that everyone can find what they prefer! But the bowls… there’s only a few. Some are really expensive. Others are only available for a limited time before they suddenly disappear. Your bowl breaks and you have to wait months, years sometimes, to get another one. You’re constantly told to go buy this one obscure bowl no one else has heard about and yeah, you like it... but you’d also like to buy one of the bowls everyone is already enjoying. You find yourself looking at the plates and thinking, “I’d like that. I’d like to have so many options that the flaws, while still a problem, are much more bearable.” You’re still going to demand that the factory get its shit together, you’re still going to (rightly) complain about the awful quality of your bowl… but it’s still nice to have a bowl, period. There are still things you like about it, even if it’s a mess: the color, the size, the beauty of the shape of it. Its potential. You’re still pleased you have something to enjoy and that helps serve the need you’re looking to fill, even if that something is imperfect.
That’s “bad rep is better than no rep.” To bring this very long response back to Blake/Yang, I don’t think their problems negate their benefits. Is their relationship currently non-canonical and filled with a number of writing issues everyone has a right to be angry about? Yup. I express that anger a great deal. Are they still half of a team on a very popular show that is (presumably) set to be canonized as queer? Yup. I’d much rather live in a world where big shows like RWBY try to include queer rep and fail in a multitude of ways—with the expectation and hope that they’ll continue to improve—rather than in a world where authors a) don’t care or b) are too scared to try. Because that’s where a “good rep or no rep” stance leads. The danger isn’t homophobes because they’re, well, homophobes. It doesn’t matter if the rep is good or not, they hate it on principle. But if queer authors writing for other queer identities, or allies writing queer identities, or even queer authors writing their own experiences (like in Sense8) continually come under non-stop fire for their attempts… there’s a good chance that many people won’t ever try. We’re already seeing that here on tumblr with young authors admitting that they wouldn’t touch [insert topic here] with a ten-foot pole because just look at what happens when you get it wrong. And authors will get things wrong because authors are fallible people forever unlearning their own ignorance. So though it might sound strange coming from a blog that has turned into such a RWBY critical space, I am glad that RWBY’s queer rep exists, despite all the frustrations that I share about it. I think a RWBY with various types of “bad” queer rep is better than a RWBY with no queer rep at all, particularly when “bad” or “good” is so intensely subjective. There’s a middle ground between passively accepting whatever we’re given, and tearing into rep with such ferocity that we end up rejecting it all. There’s a space where we can be critical of rep and embrace the parts that work for us, simultaneously.
I hope and expect the het rep will get better too, but… that’s never going to happen instantly. To quote RWBY, there’s no magic wand we can wave to fix all our problems. Rather, it will take slow, plodding, meandering, lifetimes’ worth of work to see that change occur and I personally don’t want to spend the one life I have waiting for that perfect rep to show up. Because it’s unlikely that it will. While we work, I’d rather find the good in what rep we’ve already got.  
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mikanyuzu-26 · 3 years
Is Chapter 139 of Attack on Titan being messed up deliberately?
*Views are my own. I barely post anything on social media but I feel the need to express my thoughts as a long-term AOT fan.
You need to be a genius in getting everything wrong. As a reader who has been following the series for 8 years, the frustration and disappointment the recent chapters brought me are beyond words. The series Attack on Titan has long been known for its well written plotline, with pieces of hints eventually leading to the reveal of mysteries, ranging from the identity of enemies to the origin of titan. Isayama the author is more than capable in building a story, as evidenced by the carefully arranged setups and successful characterization in 130+ chapters. Probably echoed by other readers, the story surprisingly went downhill since Chapter 124 (aka the alliance arc) when pacing becomes slow with no major progress in overall plot. Eren who is the supposedly main protagonist is nowhere to be found in most of the chapters, let alone his inner thought. The conclusion in Chapter 139 is even more confusing, showing clear disconnection with previous chapters and major characters being OOC. There are fans who are kind enough to summarize the inconsistencies.
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Chinese netizens’ comment on the story quality
I would interpret the bad writing in Chapter 139 as intentional, with two possible reasons, or both: 1). To betray and hurt the readers as expressed in his interview. He is free! 2). To passively protest against a plot change by his editorial team
“I was a big fan of Game of Thrones, so I can relate to the feelings of those fans who were disappointed with how the series ended. But when I’m drawing, I’m expressing my own feelings, and I think as long as I’m doing that, my fans will be able to accept whatever ending I come up with for them”. The question is – was Isayama hinting at a GOT-like ending that expressed his true feeling? Looking at his response at this point of time, was he foreshadowing a disappointment?
Personally I am a believer of (2) – the plot was hijacked. I see the pacing issue starting from Chapter 124 as Isayama and the editorial team trying to buy time in reconstructing the plot. This is the period when multiple minor subplots (e.g. Connie’s mom, Aruani, conflicts with Yeagerists like Daz, formation of Alliance, Reiner’s mom & Annie’s dad) are introduced and closed off shortly after, while Eren is nowhere to be found.
Also note that Isayama did not even show up in the interview/live stream after the end of the manga in on Apr 10 and Apr 14, 2021. The editor represented him instead. It was also revealed in the most recent live stream that the editorial team had quite a lot of influence over the plot, in which they changed the last few pages of Chapter 139.
As many of you have already raised, early chapters already mentioned the “only way to put a final end to the cycle of revenge” is to do a full rumbling. I believe this is the first draft of the ending of the story as this idea has been expressed more than once directly out of the mouth of Eren.
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The other possible change is the way of how Ymir is being freed. In earlier chapter, Eren clearly understands what Ymir has been waiting for 2000 years in Chapter 122, and this is also the reason why Eren is able to start the rumbling in the first place. The possibility of Mikasa freeing Ymir is not being introduced until Chapter 138 (or 139), and certainly comes out of nowhere as the only people outside of path who have seen Ymir are Armin and Ramzi.
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How is Chapter 139 being intentionally messed up? The inconsistencies above suggest that at least two plot twists are only being decided at the very late stage of the story. • Eren’s true intention (Eren Requiem vs. full rumbling) and the reasons behind • What Ymir wants
Throughout Chapter 139, there are definitely better choice of words which even average Reddit/Twitter/Tumblr users were able to re-write in the past few days. However Isayama just somehow chose the worst way in presenting the story as if it is a shoutout to readers. The presentation also makes Chapter 139 memorable, though not in a way most have expected.
“Why Mikasa?” “Well…only Ymir knows that one…” When I reread Chapter 139, it seems to me that Isayama is not trying to shy away from admitting the plot change. The disbelief from Armin’s way of saying “Huh? Did you just say Mikasa?” is an analogy to the readers’ reaction due to the lack of interaction between Ymir and Mikasa before the last panel of Chapter 138. Eren is also drawn with a resigned expression. If this is an over interpretation of the frame, Eren’s next response “Well…only Ymir knows that one…” directly points out how the statement lacks a clear and sound reasoning. You can translate it into “Well…only [the company/my editor] knows that one…” or “Nothing I just want to throw this in”. Isayama clearly knows what he is writing and indeed “only Ymir knows that one” becomes a meme.
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Also to add that prior to Chapter 139, Ymir has always been a parallel of Historia/Krista, not Mikasa, even as early as Chapter 51, but this plot was just somehow nowhere to be found eventually.
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Why Rumbling? The most disastrous consequence of a plot change, from wiping all history and civilization (that has been repeated in his conversation with Historia in Chapter 130 and his internal monologue in Chapter 131) to an Eren Requiem, is that it takes away all the justification and rationale for Eren to eliminate 80% of the population in the first place. Whether or not Eren executes the rumbling and dies willingly, the world will still be in conflict and future generation will remain in the forest. If the plan is to free Ymir, a better way is probably just asking Mikasa to chop his head off. That saves humanity (Ymir likes drama, after all!).
Isayama could have easily used phrases like “I just want to move forward” but he put “I don’t know why, but…I wanted to do that…I had to”. This is also Isayama speaking from the Eren – he does not know why Eren is doing rumbling just to achieve the 80% plan. He just “had to” draw it.
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“10 Years, At least!” This is probably the most debatable and dramatic part of the chapter. Eren expresses his love to Mikasa but the scene is presented in a way as if it is a kid throwing a tantrum. In addition to that there is Armin’s comment “Oh ok…I didn’t expect something that pathetic..” as if it is again, the readers’ comment. The scene is portrayed in an unbelievably comedic way, especially when you compare it with Eren’s conversation with Ramzi in Chapter 131, which is supposed to serve the same purpose in showing Eren’s human/soft side. Most importantly, freedom has always been Eren’s core value throughout the series. The outright contradiction this line shows only makes the whole idea of this panel questionable.
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Character Regression Needless to say, characters’ behaviours surprisingly regress back to the first arc, wiping out all developments throughout the series. The worst thing is it even kills the hype of re-reading the manga as you know the characters never grow, after all the sufferings and hearts sacrificed. Examples include: • Eren is still a crybaby • Mikasa remains trapped by her relationship with Eren and the scarf • Historia is not living proudly for herself after the Uprising arc • Reiner sniffs Historia’s letter after going through depression and wars (there is even a petition online asking Isayama to change this! You see how problematic this is.) • Jean and the horse joke
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Almost everything that could possibly go wrong is wrong in 1 chapter These are written by the man who have been writing good chapters in the past 10 years. Can you believe it is just a lack of sense?
• “Thank you. You became a mass murderer for our sake.” • The “poop” that Armin gives Eren (Isayama likes using meme right? :P) • Eren’s face when he is punched
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Is this the High School AU style?
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Compared to Chapter 112...You can tell the difference.
The way how the fandom views Chapter 139 is certainly very divided, but even amongst those who like it, most still think “things could have done better” (source: SNK Chapter 139 Poll), showing how awkward the style is compared to previous chapters. The inconsistencies in character portrayal and plot are too hard to ignore. It pains me to see a well-constructed and reputable series, one step away from legend even just with an average ending, closed with a chapter that almost defeats the purpose of the rest. Trust in Isayama – while he can build a legend in 10 years, he can also take it down with 1 chapter.
By the way, Levi is one of the few characters who isn’t ruined. Probably also a conscious choice.
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kaidas-daydreams · 4 years
how would the golden dawn and the black bulls act going through a haunted house?
well here's what i think would happen
i love haunted houses and i'm so bummed i didn't get to go this year so i had to make this
not a fan of how tumblr ruins the quality of my pictures
happy halloween
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before heading inside the haunted house he reminds everyone to stick together once they're all inside and that the monsters aren't real and can't hurt them
once inside he takes the lead, yes he's terrified but he's the golden dawn captain and must show no fear, he screams at the first pop up running towards the middle of the group
before heading in he was not into it, he didn't understand the point of scaring yourself he thought it was stupid but he had no choice but to go
once inside he was annoyed at bell, klaus and mimosa clinging onto him and he kept explaining to them how they made the special effects, he was the last one of the group and someone caught him by surprise which startled him, resulting in him to use his wind magic
before heading in he acted as if it was child's play, he was nervously laughing the entire time he was talking to yuno and mimosa about how ridiculous this was but he couldn't go against captain vangeance
once inside he immediately stuck himself in between everyone, he'd cling onto anyone that was near but it was mostly yuno and letoile, he gets scared at every pop up screaming into yuno's ear most of the time
before heading in she was so excited, she was mostly happy over being able to spend time with the entire squad, she thought this was going to be fun
once inside she stood in between yuno and klaus, everytime a pop would scared her, she'd grab yuno or klaus and she'd laugh it off afterwards, "i'm enjoying this"
before heading in, he like yuno saw no point in scaring yourself, he thought it was childish and a waste of time, he wasn't scared of anything and didn't expect to get scared of any of these mediocre pop ups
once inside he stood closer to the front wanting to get this over with as soon as possible, the first pop up that came up he used his magic destroying half the house, "sneak attack me again and see what happens"
before heading in he made sure to let everyone know to protect william at all times and to not let their gaurd down even if it was for fun, he wasn't scared he was more focused on protecting william
once inside he stood right behind william to keep a close eye on him, anytime a pop up would come he'd run in front of william and attack the pop up, "don't you dare touch the captain"
before heading in she didn't really understand the point of doing this activity, she wouldn't admit it but she was a tad frighten over the haunted house and the eerie music didn't help
once inside she stood by klaus towards the back, she'd get scared here and there but when she would get scared she'd hang on to klaus or david
before heading in he thought this was easy, he talked a big game over how easy this would be but deep inside he was scared and he really didn't want to go in
once inside he wedged himself in the middle of everyone even pushing klaus out of the way. when he felt someone grab his shoulder, he screamed turning around ready to fight whatever touched him, "i'm ready to go, come on i'm not scared"
before heading in he openly admitted that he was a tad frightend, he just continued to eat for comfort but his stomach still felt empty
once inside he just pleaded to everyone to not knock his food over, when a pop up would come up he'd pay no mind to it since he was to distracted with eating
before heading in he would just hang around hamon, not knowing how to feel about this activity but he of cohrse had to follow william's orders
once inside he stayed towards the front with hamon, he kept his emotionless face everytime something tried to scare him, he doesn't scare easily
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before heading in he thought this was stupidest idea ever, he had no idea how everyone convinced him to come along, he just told everyone to not die and if they do he'd kill them
once inside he had a blast watching everyone get scared at the poorly made pop ups, one person did make the mistake on trying to scare him because yami drew his katana out ready to attack, he stayed in the back
before heading in he admitted to being scared but he also saw it as a type of training and was pumped to get inside the haunted house
once inside seeing as he was so excited, yami put him as the very first person to go in, he didn't even get through the first pop up without screaming and grabbing onto noelle to which she used her magic on him
before heading in she played it off as if this was nothing, but on the inside she was shaking with fear and she really didn't want to go in, "i'm royalty nothing scares me"
once inside she immediately clung onto asta's shoulder still claiming to not be scared but to comforting asta, but the second she felt something brush against her she used her magic but quickly apologizing
before heading in he laughed at how scared everyone claiming there's nothing to be worried about because he was there making yami push him up fron with asta, heis legs were uncontrollably shaking while he cried on the inside, "don't worry ladies if you get scared just hang onto me"
once inside he tried to put a brave face on while he was still shaking, the first pop he ran to the back to hide behind yami, "i want to go home"
before heading in she tried to comfort everyone about how fun this will be and how much she was ready to see magna cry from being scared, she was buzzed
once inside she stood by yami pretending to get frighten just to be able to hold onto him, she would also laugh at how everyone got scared
before heading in he would tease magna about how scared he was going to get but to not worry because he'd be there protect him from the monsters, they made a bet to see who'd get scared first
once inside he was in the middle next to magna, he tried to fight every monster or pop up that would come up but yami would yell at him to stop, he would also push magna into the monsters to scare him
before heading in he would be constantly fighting with luck and vanessa about their teasing and was acting really macho about not getting scared
once inside he stayed in the middle claiming there was no more room up front, he was terrified and would scream everytime there would be a pop up, "i only screamed because everyone else did, i'm not scared"
before heading in he was expressing his enjoyment over how they get to do this activity as a squad but of course no one listened and being from the agrippa family nothing scared him
once inside he stay towards the back with gauche and grey, everytime a monster would appear he'd try to befriend them but they'd get scared of him rather than gordon getting scared of them
before heading in she had already latched herself onto gauche, she kept mummbling to him about how much she really didn't want to go in
once inside she stayed in the back with gauche and gordon, she would get scared at every single pop up and monster making her hang tighter onto gauche
before going in he was very vocal about not wanting to go and how much of a waste of time it was and he could be seeing marie instead of doing this
once inside he stayed in the back not caring that grey clung onto him, he was bored and wanted to get through the haunted house as quickly as possible, nothing scared him inside
before heading in he stayed far from the rest of the bulls but like always he was still happy to be around them, he didn't feel scared at all
once inside he still stayed far from the group but everytime a pop up or monster would scare him he'd scream in very slow tone making no one want to interact with him anymore
before heading he tried to get out of going but yami wasn't letting that happen so instead he decided to take a nap before it was their turn
once inside he didn't find anything scary so to entertain himself he would occasionally scare asta and throw stink bugs towards the pop ups
before heading in she went around the bulls sharing her food to relax their nervous stomachs, she honestly had no idea why they were so scared
once inside she was completely oblivious to her surroundings, she would just try to share her food with the pop ups and monsters even though some of them weren't real but once she realizes where she is she screams at everything before stuffing her face again
before heading in she didn't know what was going on, she never heard of a haunted house before and wondered if lumiere would like it or not
once inside she stayed in her bird form and stayed on asta's head, she was unfazed by everything and everytime asta would get scared she'd peck him on the head
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