#the way this was a love triangle still has me screeching
jae-bummer · 1 year
Irritably in Love
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Request: hiiiihiiiii!!!!! would you write a story with seungmin from stray kids using the prompt where a non bias member confessed to you when your bias [aka seungmin] in also in the room?? the only additional thing i ask is no love triangle or poly situation. thankies🫰🏽
18) A member (who is not your bias) confesses to you while your bias is in the room.
Pairing: Stray Kids Seungmin x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"Come on, scaredy cat," Seungmin grinned, poking you in the cheek. "It's just a movie."
"A movie that has no effect on you because your weird little mind has already been warped," you grumbled, settling deeper into the couch beside him.
"It's okay, Y/N," Hyunjin hummed, appearing with popcorn that smelled suspiciously burnt. "You can hide in my shoulder if things get too intense."
Seungmin rolled his eyes as he looked up at the older member. "Then what happens when you get scared?"
"I don't get scared," Hyunjin laughed as he sat on the opposite side of you.
"Bug!" Seungmin shouted, pointing to the cushion beside Hyunjin.
Letting out an impressively high-pitched screech, Hyunjin flung the bag of popcorn to the floor before scooting directly into your lap. "Kill it! Kill it with fire!"
You couldn't help but laugh at Hyunjin's dramatics. It was an undeniable fact that he was the king of being fooled, so you weren't surprised that he played right into Seungmin's hands.
"Stupid," Seungmin cackled, pushing at Hyunjin's back in what appeared to be an attempt to get the taller boy off of you.
Hyunjin's panicked expression fell into a sheepish smile. Covering his face in his hands, he wiggled from side to side. "Protect me, Y/N!"
"How the tables have turned!" you joked, wrapping your arms around the noodle of a boy.
Glancing to Seungmin, you noticed an annoyed expression had worked its way onto his features. Avoiding eye contact, he stood, and went to pick up the popcorn pieces that Hyunjin had dropped.
While Seungmin's default mode could often be set at generally annoyed, it was never directed at you. For the entirety of your friendship, he was pretty wonderful, albeit it merciless when it came to teasing. That was one of your favorite parts about him though. He had a certain way of telling you about yourself that made you feel like you were in on the joke. You never felt singled out or targeted by his words, but just a victim of his love language. He was almost always on the defensive, but it was cute in an abrasive way (which may have been the best way to describe him as a whole).
If you hadn't had the self-control you did, you would have fallen in love with him a long time ago. With his demanding schedule, and your general aversion to thinking people could possibly have a crush on you, it was relatively easy. While you loved nearly every part of that bony, bobblehead of a man, you could be realistic. He would never see you that way.
Chewing on your lip, you looked back to Hyunjin who had apparently settled in for a cuddle. He glanced at you carefully, his face much too close for your comfort.
Hyunjin had always been a bit of an enigma to you. It was as if he existed on a separate plane that you could never quite understand. He was easily charming and extremely open. The two of you could talk for hours about nothing at all. You couldn't quite pin down the otherworldly nature of him, but you weren't sure if you needed to.
"Hey, Y/N," he said quietly, looking directly into your eyes.
You could see Seungmin go still in your periphery as he caught the hint of Hyunjin's whisper.
"Hey, Hyunjinnie," you said carefully, trying to gauge when the vibe around you had shifted.
Hyunjin slid himself backwards off of your lap and into the spot where Seungmin was originally sitting. Gathering his long legs to his body, he wrapped his arms around his calves, and settled his attention back on you. "I've been thinking about this for awhile..."
"Maybe you should think about it a little longer," Seungmin muttered, moving to sit down next to you. "We have a movie to watch."
"Seungmin," Hyunjin groaned. "Just give me a second."
"A second has passed," Seungmin said in monotone, tapping at the remote for the television.
"Y/N," Hyunjin tried again.
This caused Seungmin to groan and slump his body against the back of the couch.
You shifted your eyes back over to Hyunjin, waiting.
"I've been thinking about this theory for a while," he nodded slowly. "You know, how all of us are made from the same material as stars...and... I've really decided that our two souls, you and I, were born from the same star."
"Oh," you croaked, unable to move your eyes from Hyunjin's hopeful expression. You weren't entirely sure what he was getting at, but you had an idea.
"We're all made of star stuff," Seungmin grumbled. "I could be part of the same star as you, Hyunjin."
"No," Hyunjin insisted, shaking his head. Reaching out, he set his hand lightly a top of yours. "There's this feeling I get when I'm around you, Y/N. This completeness. It's fate that we've found each other millions of years after our star died."
"I can't," Seungmin gasped, launching up from the couch. "Absolutely ridiculous."
You watched as he shuffled toward the balcony, cursing quietly along the way. Pulling the sliding door open with a bang, he glared over his shoulder at Hyunjin before stepping out into the chilly night air and slammed it shut again.
"Hyunin, what are you trying to say?" you said quietly, now only able to focus on his fingers covering yours.
"I'm not trying to say anything," he chuckled. "I'm saying it directly. This is my confession to you, Y/N. Do you accept me?"
The truth you were trying to avoid was now outlined so plainly. Never in all of the time you had known him had you guessed Hyunjin could have a crush on you. It was a shock in a way, but with how romantic he was, it seemed on brand. You weren't even entirely sure if he liked you, or just the idea of you. That was the issue with Hyunjin. He was easily wrapped up in his own poetic ideals so much so that you weren't sure that he recognized they didn't necessarily apply here.
"Hyunjin, I-" you began, but were immediately startled by the thud coming from the direction of the balcony. Looking up, you could see Seungmin had pressed his forehead against the glass and was now staring intently at the two of you.
Shaking your head in an attempt to get your thoughts together, you looked back toward Hyunjin. "Do you really like me?"
"What?" he asked, furrowing his brows. "I literally just launched into a speech-"
"Which was very nice," you continued. "But also, were you thinking up those words before you met me and just happened to find someone that they might apply to?"
"I, uh," Hyunjin stumbled, confusion painting his handsome face. "Well, I mean, I've had dreams about who I thought I'd be with."
"I very much appreciate what you said to me," you nodded. "But Hyunjin, we're just friends."
"Friends," he repeated dumbly. "Right."
"I'm sorry," you whispered. Glancing toward Seungmin again, you could hardly stand the moody look covering his face as well. "I just...if I'm being honest, I have feelings for someone else."
Hyunjin looked up with a cringe. Catching the direction your eyes were staring, he let out a hiss of understanding. "Seungmin."
"Seungmin," you nodded in agreement.
"Well," Hyunjin sighed. "I guess I can't be too torn up. I should have known better, really."
"Thank you for baring your heart to me," you smiled sadly. "But I think you still have some stardust to reunite with."
"Maybe," Hyunjin grumbled. You could tell he was trying to act unbothered. "Thanks for letting me down in a nice way. I think it helps the crushing weight of being alone."
You let out a laugh. "Did it?"
"Not really," Hyunjin smiled tentatively. Finally taking his hand from yours, he pulled you in for a one-armed hug instead. "Go talk to him."
"Thank you," you said quietly.
"Yeah, yeah," Hyunjin grumbled. "You'll make it up to me sometime."
You nodded before pulling yourself off the couch. Your heart was fluttering in your chest, and you weren't entirely sure if you could handle the other half of this conversation so soon.
Seeing your approach, Seungmin stepped back from the door, and yanked it open. Stepping gingerly out onto the balcony, you slid it behind you again.
"Are you two strolling happily into the sunset?" Seungmin chuckled bitterly. Spinning so he wouldn't have to look at you, he set his forearms on the balcony railing.
"Quite the opposite," you hummed, taking a spot beside him. "I'm pretty sure I yeeted all of his hopes directly into the sun instead."
Seungmin's head swiveled toward you and his brow furrowed. "You didn't return his feelings?"
"Nope," you sighed. "I have feelings for someone else."
"Great," Seungmin croaked, looking away again.
After a moment of silence, he straightened and faced you. "Look, I know you weren't really expecting to hear two guys make a fool of themselves tonight but let me get this out."
You tried not to appear amused as you gave him your full attention.
"Y/N," he said sternly. "I never thought I would care about someone like this. I get it. Love is this unpredictable, unexpected...thing that just forces itself upon you, but frankly, it's been miserable."
You lifted your brows in surprise but remained silent.
"This feeling," he continued, his eyes searching your face. "This feeling that I have...it's going to explode out of my chest. It's too big. These emotions...they aren't even mine anymore. There is so much of you rooted in me that I don't even belong to me anymore and it's really very irritating."
This time you couldn't hold the huffed laugh that escaped from your lips.
"If you could just...please," he finally said, defeated. "Please either give my heart back...or if I'm lucky, give me yours instead. I know I'm annoying, and I know I can be prickly, but-"
As soon as his confession turned into whatever flaws he assumed he had, you wouldn't let it go on any longer. Closing the space between you while he was still in mid-sentence, you leaned forward and placed the lightest kiss on his still moving lips.
Well, that shut him up.
Looking at you with wide eyes, he touched his fingertips gingerly to his mouth and remained very still.
"Here I am," you smiled slowly. "Giving myself to you, as requested."
"I'm sorry," Seungmin said, his voice much hoarser than it had been previously. "Is this real? I just need to confirm I am not hallucinating."
You laughed as you reached up and cradled his cheek. "You impossible boy."
"Not hallucinating," he confirmed, placing his fingers lightly atop of your hand holding his face. "Maybe you should kiss me again just so we can make sure."
You chuckled as he rested his forehead against yours. "If that will convince you."
"Great," Seungmin said quietly. "I'm going to need to be thoroughly convinced, just saying."
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subastian-swallows · 1 year
Ominis Gaunt, Uncle Extraordinaire
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★ Chapter four
Chapter six ★
Pairing: Sebastian x YOU x Ominis - Love triangle?
Words: 3.3k
Warnings: Angsty, Forbidden love, rough SMUT
Summary: A series of fluffy, angsty, heart-breaking moments between you, the reader and Ominis/Sebastian — where you figure out that ever since that day, Ominis allowed you into his heart, he has been completely in love with you. Slight problem, you've eloped with Sebastian and are now raising your daughter.
Side note: Ominis and Sebastian became Aurors after graduating — let's just say they both had enough experience in that department to be great fits. You, the reader, are currently a stay at home mom — a housewitch if you will. BUT don't be discouraged, you are a great asset to supporting your husband in taking down those that deserve it.♡ •ᴗ•
Ominis hadn’t expected to see Sebastian that night, although truthfully, he never did see anyone. And yet, when the inn’s door slammed open, allowing the chilled breeze of spring to slip into the shabby building — Ominis already knew who it was, even before he was dragged from his chair and thrown against a wooden beam. 
“What do you think you’re playing at?” Sebastian asked, or practically hissed as Ominis simply lifted up a hand to the sudden chair screeches of those around them, unsure if they wanted to step in and when Sebastian scoffed and tightened his grip on the blonde man’s shirt, Ominis simply reached for his hand, “was this your plan all along? To try and steal her from me —”
“Sebastian, I must apologise — but, I have no idea what you’re talking about?”   
Sebastian responded with his fist first, connecting it easily with Ominis’ nose and when the blonde man’s head cracked against the wooden beam, Sebastian simply yanked him forward again — giving him little chance to react, “that’s all you’ve got to say? How pathetic, Ominis — you haven’t changed a bit.” 
“You’ve yet to explain to me, what I’ve done Sebastian?” Ominis said, lifting a hand up to wipe at the blood coating his upper lip and as if that only angered the brunette further — it didn’t take long to feel himself being dragged outside, “do you plan to just hit me, until you feel better? You and I, both know of a quicker way to do this —”
“You don’t deserve anything quick, you deserve to suffer.”
Ominis felt the ground first, before Sebastian was on him. And for the first time since their fallout, it was as if everything that had built up over their friendship — was coming out with each punch Sebastian threw. But truthfully, Ominis did have an idea on what had happened or perhaps, he only assumed it had something to do with you — and so when Sebastian finally let go of his shirt, letting him drop against the ground, all he could do was make sure he still had all his teeth. It was clear that Sebastian wasn’t finished. His short, rapid breaths had now cut through the silence that filled the space around them and as he moved to grab Ominis again — the blonde man, simply let it happen. 
“Why aren’t you fighting back?” Sebastian asked, his voice filled with hatred as he shook his once best friend by the shirt, Ominis continued to do nothing and although this only continued to anger Sebastian further — he wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction of hitting him back, even if he did deserve it, “do you think this makes you better than me, Ominis? Perhaps you've forgotten why you’re here? Was it ever about Anne — or did you simply return into our lives to seduce my wife?”  
“Seduce…? What are you talking about, Sebastian?”
Sebastian scoffed and swung once more, hitting Ominis square in the jaw and when the blonde man spluttered and spat the blood from his mouth against the ground, Sebastian almost growled, “you can act dumb all you like Ominis, but I’m more than aware of what’s going on here. Just because you’re inside her head — doesn’t mean you’re going to take her away from me, I’ll make sure of that.” 
“Inside her…head?” Ominis asked, his thoughts trying to decipher what Sebastian was referring to and it was only after he recalled his morning with you, that it was as if a lightbulb had switched on and he couldn’t stop himself from chuckling at it all, “wait…don’t tell me, did she say my name? Did she say my name…while you were fucking her?”  
“Shut your mouth, Gaunt.” 
Ominis smirked at the venom that dripped off the way Sebastian used his last name, as if he was trying to use it as an insult and although Ominis hated being connected to his family, it wasn’t enough to cause him the pain — Sebastian had tried to incite in him and so he suddenly gripped the brunette’s hand, “I’ve hit a nerve? So, she did call my name? Now it all makes sense as to why you’ve stormed in here like a child, who's just lost their toy —”
“I said, shut your mouth,” Sebastian said, throwing Ominis against the ground now, before he stood up and pulled out his wand — his hand shaking and bloody as he raised it towards the blonde man, pointing it directly at his chest, Sebastian closed his eyes as if he was preparing himself for what was so close to happening, knowing well, in that moment a part of Sebastian truly did want to kill him, “...stay away from us, you hear me, Ominis? You missed your chance, you don’t get to come back now and ruin things for me. If you refuse this, I will kill you —”
“Sebastian, what do you think you’re doing!?”
You seemed to have managed to arrive just in time, dashing towards the scene unfolding outside of the tavern, but it’s only after you pushed Sebastian out of the way — catching him off guard, that you gasped at the sight of Ominis on the ground. You had left your daughter in the hands of Madam Davenport again, who would often step in when you had to step out — and as you quickly ripped the top layer of your skirt and dropped down to the blonde man’s side, you desperately tried to ignore Sebastian’s taunts.
“After everything, this is how you want to fix things?” You asked, twisting slightly to glare up at Sebastian only to notice just how bloody his hands were and you couldn’t hide the fact, that it scared you — his eyes quickly meeting your gaze, before he swallowed hard and looked away, “Ominis had nothing to do with what happened, Sebastian — nothing happened between us! I can’t believe you would hit him like this? Have you forgotten you were once friends?”  
“We are no longer friends after this, that’s for certain.” 
Ominis pushed your hand away from his face and stood up, leaving you against the ground—helpless and barged his way past Sebastian, his shoulder hitting the brunette’s with a purpose to show that he agreed, “I couldn’t agree more. Besides, can’t expect you to want to think of me now — knowing that your wife wishes to fuck me, right? I’ll enjoy knowing it’s lingering in your thoughts forever, Sebastian.”
“Say that again, Gaunt, I fucking dare you,” Sebastian said, his words practically a snarl as he twisted on his heel to grab Ominis’ by the collar and if it wasn’t for you jumping up and moving between them — he might have continue the fight, “so you’re defending him now too, are you?” 
“What I’m doing is stopping this madness! We are together for a funeral, for Merlin’s sake.”
Sebastian finally let go of Ominis’ collar and when the blonde man continued inside, you scoffed and looked away from Sebastian — dusting down your skirt, before you headed for home. It was impossible to deny that you were afraid of Sebastian in this moment and yet, the sight of his hands bloodied and bruised — ignited such a warm feeling inside you, that you were unsure of how to handle it. You hadn’t noticed Sebastian following you, until she reached home, simply wishing to change your clothing before you picked up your daughter, but it was only after Sebastian grabbed the back of your skirt and pulled you back towards him — that you gasped softly with the action. 
“Sebastian —”
“I don’t want you to talk — not about what happened or him, I just need you…” Sebastian said, spinning you around so that you were now facing him and it seemed that before you could even do anything — whether you would have denied him what he wanted or not, Sebastian gripped the back of your neck and pulled you into a heated kiss, “I’m going to fuck any thought of him — out of you.” 
In the next moment, Sebastian’s hands travelled to the top of your blouse and ripped it equally to either side of your body, making you cry out in a mix of pleasure and pain. He was not trying to be gentle, clearly still upset and although you felt nervous — there was a part of you that was so turned on, that you pushed forward to feel him touch you. Sebastian was perhaps being a little cruel, ignoring your silent plea to be touched as he crouched down to rip the rest of your skirt off you — leaving you completely bare and his for the taking. Biting back a moan as Sebastian directed you towards the sofa, your eagerness to be directed and ordered however he liked, seemingly doing nothing more than turning him on, you yelped softly — when he pushed over the side of it, your face now pressed against the cushions. 
You always enjoyed Sebastian roughing you around a bit, the excitement it sent through your body — felt like waves of electricity and yet, today felt different. It was as if he was needing to relieve the anger bubbling up inside him and when you choked back a soft cry in pleasure — you felt his knee part your legs. Sebastian often got overheated, work being the main cause for it usually and that always left you to be the one to help calm him down — in any way he needed. But this time, his anger seeped out and morphed into a mixture of pain and hatred — but not for you, for the idea that he could lose you and to someone he once treated as a brother, so he was simply losing it all together. Feeling his hand slide down between your shoulder blades, along your spine and towards your ass, Sebastian gives you no time to hesitate before he striked you harshly — the loud crack mixing quickly with your moans. 
“Is…there any truth to what he said?” Sebastian asked, but it was more of a growl as your back arched and your ass pushed towards him in response, his free hand now gripping unforgivingly against your hip — most certainly leaning his mark as you whined, before he strikes you again, making you cry out once more, “do you want to fuck Ominis?”
You feel your legs shudder at the impact as your face pressed harder against the cushions, Sebastian didn’t even allow you to respond or retort his question, before reaching forward to lift you up by your hair — his fingers tensing through it when you whimper out and shake your head, your mouth opening, “I-I…don’t, Sebastian — please, fuck me.” 
“You think you deserve that? After you looked at me like…I was a monster?” 
“I was just afraid — you scared me,” You said, breathlessly as he pulled your head back to see your face, your eyes looking up and noticing the intensity in his expression, so you moaned softly and swallowed the saliva — now building up in your mouth, “I just don’t want you to do something you’d regret...” 
Sebastian could see the shift in your gaze as you looked at him, a mixture of neediness and concern—almost as if you were worried that he would leave you to whimper about naked and desperate, Sebastian tensed his jaw and leaned down towards your ear, unbuckling his pants, “you think I’d regret hurting Ominis? Perhaps…but that’s none of your concern — in fact, I don’t want you to even think about him, do I make myself clear?”
“He’s still my friend, Sebastian…or was, I don’t want to lose him —”
“You truly think that’s all he wants from you? I didn’t realise you were so innocent, or perhaps…you’re more foolish than I thought?” Sebastian said, pulling your head back further and moving his free hand to place his fingers into your mouth, pushing it open — before you moaned and suddenly felt his cock pressed up against your ass, “trust me when I say he doesn’t want to be your friend. He wants one thing from you and it’s the one thing he’ll never get — not while I still have air in my lungs.” 
You had little chance to respond, with Sebastian simply shoving his fingers deeper into your mouth, inciting a wet moan to slip out and before you could squirm or do anything else — you could do little else, but cry out in pleasure as Sebastian pushed you back down against the sofa and slammed his cock straight into you. Your arousal from being handled so harshly, had done well to make you wet enough that he slipped in with such ease and yet, perhaps Sebastian might not have cared in that moment — except eventually he would and when you needed the aftercare you so loved, he’d give it to you, no matter how angry he was. The thrusting happened quickly and almost unkind as his movements pushed you roughly into the sofa — the action alone, forcing you to muffle your mewls of pleasure against the cushions. 
But despite the forcefulness of his thrusts and the grip his hands now had against your hips, simply keeping you attached to him as he refused to allow you a moment to breathe, you suddenly gasped — when he pulled you up by your hair and moved his hand to your throat, “do you feel that? Do you feel my cock inside you? That’s the only cock you should ever need…and I don’t want you to ever forget that.”
“S-Sebastian…fuck, please —”
“Yeah I feel good, don’t I? You enjoy how my cock fills you up,” Sebastian said, his grip on your throat tightening just enough to make you moan, but not enough to hurt you — his other hand now pulling your hips down hard against him as his thrusts grew rougher, “tell me you only want my cock…tell me Ominis means nothing to you or…I won’t let you cum.” 
You squirmed at his request, partly due to the fact that even Sebastian saying his name alone, caused his thrusts to grow so harsh — that you were sure your ass was now red and so you moaned as your fingers dug into the sofa, “Sebastian…I don’t —”
“Tell me…he means nothing or I’ll stop.”
“Please…don’t stop — fuck, Sebastian…I’m so close,” You said, or practically whined out as his thrusts slowed to almost a stop and when you attempted to push back against him, hoping to urge him to continue — his grip on your throat tightened a little harder, while his other hand striked your ass and waited for you to say it, so you did, “he…means nothing to me…nothing, now please, Sebastian — let me finish.”
The words were enough to drive Sebastian to continue his thrusting, to the point that he let go of your throat so your face now slammed into the cushions and your thighs hit roughly against the side of the sofa — and yet you didn’t care as your moans clearly showed how good it felt. Sebastian just needed you now, Ominis, the argument and the stolen moment, simply didn’t matter as he moved his fingers to tease your clit — only until the position grew unexciting. In a matter of seconds, Sebastian pulled out his cock with a low grunt and spun you around — only to pick you up quickly and thrust himself straight back into you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you squirmed, desperately for more. 
You welcomed the new position happily, so you could watch Sebastian’s face when he reached his climax — but more than that, you were desperate to kiss him, to feel connected to him in every aspect and so you leaned forward as his thrusts grew faster. When your lips collided with his, you whined softly, feeling him consider pulling away — before he gave into the love he truly felt for you and quickly deepened the kiss, his tongue hot and just as eager. Eventually his thrusts grew sloppy, his grip on your thighs as he pulled you down towards him as he pushed up — you cried out in pleasure, when you felt him pull his mouth from yours and pressed your head into his shoulder. 
“You’re mine.”
Feeling you gasp against his shoulder, Sebastian thrusted into you as deep as he could push himself inside you and dug his nails into your back as his release exploded — coating your walls and spilling out slightly, with the last few thrusts he did. You reached your climax shortly after, the feeling of his cock sliding his fluids against your clit — just hard enough to cause you to squirm as you cried out again at the sensation. Your body felt weak, the moment Sebastian stilled his movements and yet, refused to pull himself out of you, while you whimpered at your heightened sensitivity — the slight twitching of his cock still deep within you, causing you to whimper. You eventually tried to move, your legs growing numb around Sebastian’s waist, but he refused to let you go — his grip on you softer now and filled with that attention to the aftercare you always needed. 
“Are you hurt? The blood on you…isn’t yours right?” Sebastian asked, perhaps much too late, considering if he had hurt you, nothing could be done about it now — but you shook your head against his shoulder, kissing his neck as he hummed and caressed your back, slowly taking you towards the bathroom, “I let my emotions get the best of me...did I go too far?”
“No…Sebastian, you didn’t.” 
Sebastian kissed your shoulder softly and finally slipped his cock out of you, before he slowly supported you against the edge of the bathtub — his gaze looking over you as if he was checking how badly he marked you, only stopping when you pulled his face up to look at you, “I let him get to me, for that I must apologise for, but —”
“I promise you, Sebastian, nothing’s happened between us,” You said, leaning forward to kiss him softly, before he forced a smile and nodded, kissing you back — just enough that you felt satisfied and yet, when you whined, he couldn’t help but chuckle softly as you caressed his jaw, “you don’t have to believe Ominis…but I’d hope you believe me.”
“I just got jealous…and overheated, can you forgive me for that?”
You didn’t know what you felt anymore, the sensation of Sebastian’s body bringing you to your climax taking over every part of your mind, that should have been still upset with him for hurting his friend — and yet, all you wanted was him to hold you, to distract you from your lingering thoughts about another man, “can you stay with me?”
“I really should go get our daughter,” Sebastian said, his hands reaching forward to push the hair away from your shoulders — the action alone causing you to shudder, before he stood up and fixed his trousers, a soft smile forming on his face when you reached for his hands, “Madam Davenport will be wondering what’s going on —”
“Can’t you at least help me run a bath…please?”
Sebastian hummed softly and nodded, leaning down to kiss your forehead, before he rolled his sleeves up and reached behind you to turn on the tap — the soft sound of running water, now causing your body to relax completely, “would you like me to wash your hair?”
You can only nod as Sebastian helps you into the bath and you whimper softly, the warm water softening your skin — before you hummed happily, feeling his hands massage through your hair and so you closed your eyes. This is what your relationship was meant to be, what it was before Ominis came back into your lives and yet, now it seemed as if everything was changing — and you had no idea what was going to happen next.    
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Second Chances - Jade Herrera x GN Reader (and Kenny x Reader if you squint)
Summary: One of the bus passengers is someone that Jade had brief, but complicated history with. Once they get a moment alone, Jade starts to show his softer side in a heartfelt conversation with them.
I'm sorry for lowkey throwing Kenny headfirst into a second love triangle.
CW: Reader having lusty thoughts, light swearing.
Sorry if everyone sounds wrong, I'm just starting to trying to get the voice of these characters. AKA It's not much but it's honest work. Spoilers up to S2E3! ⚠️⚠️
"This place can't be real." You kept saying, running your hands through your hair as you paced around the room. "These people... they—they locked us in. It's insane."
"Look on the bright side." Jade joked, leaning his weight back on the Sheriff's desk. "At least they didn't have you strapped to a bed."
"Strapped?" You asked, offended, and gasped a little in surprise when his continued stare made you catch his meaning. "—No. They strapped you to a bed? Jesus fucking Christ."
With that, you sighed heavily, and tried not to let the thought of your extremely attractive former boss handcuffed to a bed make you feel any sort of way about this other than angry on his behalf.
"Please, tell me there's something being done." You went on. "Some... some plan, or some way to call for help, to get out. Something."
Jade let out a small, but very comunicative laugh. "Maybe ask me about that when I'm not trying to forget about it."
"Noted." You nodded, barely hiding your frustration. "At... least you're here. I mean. A familiar face means everything right now."
Your appreciation came across like a plea. Please, let me know that we're together in this. Let me know that you're not going to leave me to deal with this on my own.
From Jade's POV, though, he couldn't begin to grasp how his presence could possibly make anything better for you. If anything, after what happened three years ago, your first instinct should probably be to throw some coffee in his face.
So he didn't say anything. He just stared.
"Is something wrong?" You asked, crossing your arms. You didn't like to feel observed.
"No. No..." He said, surprising you with a softer, honest tone of voice. "I was just wondering how you've been doing. You look better. You know, since..."
He immediately regretted the last sentence. Better since what? Since he tried to pretend that what happened between the two of you didn't happen at all? Or since you started overworking yourself day and night and he didn't notice it until you ended up on the ICU?
"I am better." You rushed to say, nodding. "I... was better. You know. Before this."
Your thoughts flashed back to the last time you'd heard from your former boss before learning of his disappeareance on TV. A simple handwritten card on a flower bouquet with the words: Sorry. Get well soon. Bills are paid for. Jade.
With that, you were both in silent agreement that it was better to part ways. When you heard that he had gone missing, however, you realised that there was still a lot that you wished you had said.
Was now, though, really the moment to blurt it all out?
The screeching sound of the opening door pulled you both back to the present moment.
"—Sorry. Didn't mean to keep you waiting." Kenny said as he came in. "It's just... still crazy out there. But I can fill you in now if Jade... hasn't?"
"Oh. Mr. Herrera has been helpful—" You replied, clearly tense. You were not about to let that pass for an explanation. "But I've still got no fucking idea of what's going on here."
"I'm sorry." Kenny said, looking at you with a puzzled look. "Mr. Herrera?"
"(Y/N) used to work for me." Jade filled in. "We were... catching up."
You nodded. "Yes. Catching up."
Kenny let out a small sigh. He didn't think someone validating Mr. Herrera's self-appointed role as chief prick was what this town needed right now.
He had to stop himself. Jesus—where did that come from?
"That's great." Kenny said, clasping his hands together and forcing himself to focus. "It's never happened before. People who know each other, I mean. And now it's happened twice."
Oh. So there's where that had come from.
Jade immediately jumped. "Wait. What do you mean, twice?"
"I mean twice." Kenny repeated, irritated. "A nurse on the bus, Marielle. She's Kristi's... well. She's Kristi's fianceé."
Despite the difficulty with which he sputtered the words, Kenny's woes fell on deaf ears, as neither you nor Jade were privy to his personal relationships.
"Well, fuck me." Jade said, for entirely different reasons. "What the hell does that mean?"
"How would I know?" Kenny asked. "Why would I know. We have to sort all this new people, we don't have time for..."
You could tell that these were two men who were dealing with a lot, but just trying to piece together anything resembling a series of chronological events from their contextless conversation was enough to give you one mean hell of a headache.
Discreetely, you took a couple of steps back to remove yourself from the noise, and raised a hand to the side of your head to massage your temple. It'd been a while since the last one—but it would be nothing but wishful thinking to expect your recurring migraines to not come with you on what seemed like a fever dream of a trip to hell.
Jade was the first to notice it, and Kenny followed, turning around to see what had caught Jade's attention enough to stop arguing.
"Thank God." You said, feeling immediate relief once they had stopped. "Now—would you care to start from the beginning? Preferably, one at a time?"
Jade tiredly gestured to give the floor to Kenny. He had a sense that whether he liked it or not, the two of you would get plenty of other chances to talk.
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memurfevur-archive · 1 year
Falling In Love Again
Character(s): Rutaci Faurux, Ammare, mentions of Ashoal McGee @askthehiddencaste and Viktor Serren @stuckstucktrolls
About: Rutaci spends some quality time with the new grub.
Word Count: 909
Rutaci looked down at the small bundle of life in his hands. Anxiety coursed through him, freezing him in place. A light Jade grub with horns that were a mix of everyone's, looking on with round curious eyes, fighting with itself whether it should sleep or cry. If it wasn't for the fear that gripped his throat closed, Rutaci would have chuckled; me too, kid, me too.
He stood there for quite some time as Ashoal rested and Viktor prepared little meals in the kitchen for their grub. It was a bit of an awkward sight; a large man staring down a small infant like a deer in the headlights, and still as a statue. Then, Ammare sneezed, which startled them enough to make them fuss and squirm. Rutaci tossed a wary glance to Ashoal's room, then back down to Ammare. He tried bouncing them subtly just as he'd seen Viktor and Ashoal do, though this only earned him a harsh screech.
"Hey hey, hey, heyyy now it's okay," nervousness leaked into his voice. He picked up a blanket and tried wrapping the grub in it, though they squirmed too much to keep it around them. He tried distracting them with a toy, which had been smacked away and sent to the ground. "Come on, kid, don't wake Ashoal up! He had one hell of a time bringing you out ya know!"
"Rutaci," Viktor's voice rang from the other room, "Do you want me to handle this?" It would have been a good idea; Viktor has experience with jade caverns, it would make sense for him to know what to do here. The very thought of failing his mates, however, bubbled deep inside of Rutaci.
"No, it's okay! Everything's fine. Everything is okiedok--ah!"
The grub had scratched at his arms and tried biting him. With a frown, Rutaci lifted the grub up higher where it then hissed at him.
"Hey kid I don't know what you're saying, but you gotta stop that." There was nothing but blabber in response, though the tone seemed angry. Almost sassy. Rutaci rose a brow, "What was that? Run that by me again?"
More incoherent babbling. Ammare wriggled their little legs as spit bubbled at their mouth.
"Oh no you didn't girlfriend, nuh uh."
"I don't think I believe that one-- hey, hey what are you doing?"
Ammare was reaching towards the dangling triangles that hung from Rutaci's horns. He lowered the child from that height, but Ammare had successfully grabbed at least one of the strings and tugged, causing Rutaci's head to lower to Ammare's level. Ammare screeched again, clearly unhappy that the string wouldn't detach and go into their mouth. Rutaci sighed, clearly unhappy that he couldn't quell a child.
He hadn't planned to. He couldn't even keep an adult from getting kidnapped; what did he have that would help the safety of this kid? Someone more helpless? He never had to experience this kind of thing before; all of his descendants had grown up without him. This was an accident. This was an act of magic put on the trio that none of them had asked for. He was just a dead-beat dad; how could he help take care of a kid like this? With a tired look to his eye, Rutaci lowered his head and blew air out of his lips, causing a soft raspberry sound.
And to his surprise, the crying stopped. In fact, it had not only stopped, but Ammare had begun to laugh.
"Oh, you uh, you liked that?" A soft smile gradually made its way across Rutaci's lips. Ammare reached for his lips, babbling curiously, but Rutaci had pulled his head back and blew another light raspberry. Delighted, Ammare let out a softer screech of joy which gave Rutaci an idea. He nuzzled these raspberries against Ammare's cheek; the grub's eyes widened and began to squirm while laughter echoed throughout the room. To Rutaci's delight, Ammare soon began mimicking him.
Soon, the events had wholly evolved into a gentle giant and a baby blowing raspberries at each other and giggling. This lasted for several minutes, both Rutaci and Ammare unaware of a pair of Cerulean eyes watching them from the doorway with an amused smile.
Gradually Ammare had grown tired from the squirming and the laughing, and clawed at Rutaci's face until they were able to wriggle free and adjust themself so that they could settle between Rutaci's arms and belly-- possibly one of the warmest places on the pyrokinetic's body. Rutaci smiled and rocked the child until they fell asleep-- which didn't take long, surprisingly. "You're not bad, kid," Rutaci chuckled once Ammare began to snore.
There was a light pressure on Rutaci's shoulder; Ashoal was resting the side of his head on his mate, his sapphire eyes lovingly watching Ammare. Before long, Viktor finished his task in the kitchen and walked into the room; it seemed that they all held loving eyes and soft smiles. The Jadeblood drinker silently glided to Rutaci's other side, settling in so that an arm draped across both of his mates' backs.
"Is it silly to say," Rutaci began, "That I wish they'd wake up soon, so I could make them laugh again?" This had earned light chuckles and cheek kisses, but Rutaci had meant it. He looked down at the child with fear no longer creeping inside of him.
Maybe this won't be so bad after all.
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utterlyinevitable · 1 year
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⇒ read on ao3
2. Hit me on the phone 
Pairing: Mason x F!Detective (Felicity ‘Lia’ Bastra) Rating: Teen+ Summary: Lia butt dials Mason. Sometime after book 2. 
a/n: this is a series of drabbles where my detective is caught in a love triangle between Mason and Nate
An unassuming evening. For once Wayhaven is silent. Comfortable. There’s no looming disaster hanging over her head (at least nothing bigger than the overarching threat Lia’s come to live under). She’s safe in her apartment after an uneventful day at the station (uneventful workload-wise, Douglas still keeps testing her patience). Everything’s fine. 
A click of a couple buttons has soft music playing through her soundbar, filling every corner of her modestly cramped box of an apartment as she dresses down from the day. Her boots kicked off by the kitchen alcove, her jacket thrown on the couch, her badge and her phone haphazardly chucked on her bed before she retreats to her haven of a warm shower. Everything’s fine. 
Except it’s not, not really. 
Before she’s even fully soaked, there’s grumbling and groaning, and high pitched screeching sounding from the depths of her bedroom. So quiet she couldn’t hear over the stream of water overhead. 
It’s not fine. 
Because as Lia washes shampoo out of her hair, there’s a supernatural circling her building. 
And another scaling the fire escapes until they stop at her ajar bedroom window. 
And two others sneaking up the steps, breaking down her door with restrained force. 
She doesn’t hear any of that as the two intruders invade her space, too absorbed in relaxation to notice the way the air shifts as she lets the steam roll out of the bathroom. Too calm to notice two large figures in her room. That is until she takes three steps past the bathroom doorway. 
She doesn’t even recognize the blood curdling scream that leaves her lips.  
The three of them stand there stunned for a moment. Enough for Lia to take in the scene she’s unwittingly a part of: she’s stood in nothing but a blue fluffy towel, her heartbeat running races as she stares at her intruders - her friends. She’s taking breaths to calm down, but it’s still jarring to be caught unawares in her own home. She feels them watching her intently, too. At least one pair of eyes burning into her flesh. 
Lia stands there wide-eyed and naked, pulling the edges of the slit in the towel closer together so as to not flash them her lady business. Why isn’t anyone saying anything?
Faster than a bolt of lightning, two hands are gripping her by the shoulders and she’s teetering on the balls of her feet. His gray eyes are piercing, all harsh lines, but she can pick out flecks of relief in his irises as he stares and assesses her being. 
Mason breaks the tension between them with a gallantly venomous, “What is fucking wrong with you?!”
“Huh?” her brows knit together as she stops swaying, her grip on her towel loosening in their shared space. “What’re you talking about?” 
He lets her go with a little less than a shove, stomping over to hold up her phone where their call was still connected. 
“Oh… I didn’t do that on purpose. Must’ve been an accident.” She shrugs so cavalier. A response Mason certainly didn’t agree with by the way his face has contorted in a less-than-attractive sneer.   
“You should be more careful, detective,” Adam notes, breaking the weird tension between the totally-not-a-couple and reminding her that there’re other people in this room too. The entire unit is now packed in a bedroom that is barely big enough for five pieces of furniture. 
“Yeah, Mason almost had a heart attack before we even left the warehouse,” Felix adds, a knowing smirk permeating the darkness. 
Mason sneers, “I did not.” 
Everything is quiet. Comfortable. Enough that Mason can sit on the roof in relative peace, reflecting and trying not to think of a certain detective. 
Speak of the devil
His phone rings with that irritating melody Felix seemed to set for her. And even though his ears grate at the sound, Mason can’t help the self-satisfied smirk from taking hold. 
“Hello?” he says, anticipating the reason for her late-night call even before she speaks.  
When she doesn’t greet him he adds, “Playing hard to get, sweetheart?” 
Still, no response. 
He sits up, every limb in his body rigid as he focuses his senses on the other end of the line.
Mason can’t hear anything in the background through that shitty phone speaker. Everything is muffled and eerily quiet. Too quiet. Much too quiet for a fight - because he knows she would fight. Lia Bastra would go down kicking and screaming before letting anyone take her. 
In seconds Mason has fled his perch, rounded up the rest of Unit Bravo, and is racing to Lia’s apartment. The entire time Mason’s mind is running an unsettling what if what if what if 
Adam stalks the perimeter of her building. Felix scales the side, checking the fire escapes. Nate and Mason head for the door, moving deathly silently up flights of stairs towards her apartment. 
The door is locked. Fuck. Without a second thought Mason breaks it the fuck down with a swift kick of his heavy boot. 
And there’s nothing. Just a small side table lamp illuminating her eclectic living room.  
All is quiet and nothing is out of place and there’s just… drops. Pitter patters of water on porcelain.  
Mason barely shares a concerned glance with Nate before the two move quietly into Lia’s bedroom on high alert. 
And there’s nothing here either. Besides Felix perched on the metal fire escape and her clothes on the floor and her bed still made perfectly… There’s no sign of a fight. Her mirror is still fully covered so there’s no chance the maa-alused could have come for her again. Mason can feel her. He can hear her heart beating and her breaths coming, but he can’t sense anything else. 
Everything is quiet. 
and then there’s a creak. 
and then a heart-shattering scream.
and the two vampire’s spin around to the source of the noise. 
And no one says anything. 
The three of them stand there stunned for a moment. Mason sees her standing before him alive and well, but he doesn’t tune into anything save for her deep breaths and frantic heartbeat. His eyes rove over her, searching for signs of distress. Any rational reason as to why she’d call him and then fucking disappear. 
Lia stands there wide-eyed, pulling the edges of the towel closer together. Mason can’t take one second more - he rushes over to her, grabbing her by the shoulders, barely holding onto the thread that’s keeping him from shaking her silly. 
He hears Adam and Felix make their way inside, and he knows. Mason knows he can’t make a scene, can’t make demands or overreact in the ways his body is urging him to. He stares at her, chronicling every inch of exposed skin. 
When he’s sated and assured she’s not in any danger, he explodes.   
“What is fucking wrong with you?!”
“Huh?” her brows knit together in the most vexing of ways. As if she still doesn’t understand the dangers at play in this town. “What’re you talking about?” 
He lets her go, striding to pick her phone up off the duvet and waving the device in front of her face so she could see just what she did - that she’s connected to Mason.  He wouldn’t admit that he was too scared to shut it off. Fearing what could happen if he did and there was a chance he could hear something. Mason would never forgive himself if something happened to her and he wasn’t there to help. 
“Oh… I didn’t do that on purpose. Must’ve been an accident.” She shrugs, and if Mason didn’t like having her around so much he’d throttle her on principle alone. 
“You should be more careful, detective,” he hears Adam say, watches as her eyes flicker over to the commanding agent in this stifling room. 
And there’s some sense of relief for Mason as he feels everything settle. He takes a deep breath. But it’s cut short by Felix adding a very incriminating; 
“Yeah, Mason almost had a heart attack before we even left the warehouse.” 
Mason quickly retorts, “I did not.”
But he catches the flicker in Lia’s eye. And with that Mason is able to settle. 
Everything is fine and she is here. Heart beating and blood kept in her body. 
Mason doesn’t hear the further comments about him the last hour from Felix. He also doesn’t catch the other’s telling her to be more careful. 
Now that he’s settled, his scowl of relief can dissipate and his mind can catch up to the moment. Mason may not know why he’s feeling these odd feelings, but he knows he’s been in more perilous situations and this all feels different. 
Felix is still yammering in the background telling Lia how worried Mason was isn’t helping. And Nate hiding a smile isn’t helping. And she’s standing there in nothing but a cloth towel with beads of fresh water and that damn body wash fresh on her skin and that’s certainly not helping.  
After the three musketeers he calls family finishes their lecture, the three move towards the living room to talk further. Mason can hear bits of conversation - should they stay the night here to keep a lookout, should they patrol more since they’re already here, and they really don’t need to inform Rebecca that they moved in on a false alarm, do they. Listening into the conversation is preferable to explaining why he’s still in her room. 
Because Lia has a glint in her eye, and a sly grin on her delicious lips as she closes the distance between them. 
“You worried about me, Sunshine?”
a/n: we all know the N/M LT is coming so I ask.... How do we think Nate felt in this moment? Was he all flustered at the naked detective too??? 
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signedreality · 1 month
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ᯓ       CARA MIA
        bill cipher x reader
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ଳ synopsis ; despite the hatred you tell yourself you have for bill, it's obvious that there's some love in there as well.
ଳ warnings : romance, petnames, profanity, toxic behaviour, and silly stuff because yes.
ଳ missive ; i'm not aware if this has been done before, but i decided to air this broadcast simply because i find it charming! i hope you enjoy, and stay tuned!
now airing ; we'll meet again - question mark
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you and bill's relationship was more complex than the demon himself.
one day, he gave all his attention to you—his eye gazing at you every chance it got—but then the next day, you would be invisible.
to other nightmares, you were bill's trophy in a way. a human he fell in love with and was promised safety from the things he was doing during weirdmageddon. yet, it didn't necessarily feel like that all the time.
you were more like a pawn than a trophy. you were just another piece he was using to get outside of the field that wrapped around gravity falls.
of course, you didn't vocalize this feeling much—except when you were with a demon friend you had made. she came here with the other demons bill allowed through, and she was a fairly good listener.
and since she was hanging out with you today—since bill apparently didn't have the time to—your weekly rant was occuring.
"i just hate him sometimes, you know!?" you questioned as you took a sip of your drink, and you walked around your room while your friend sat in her chair. she was fidgeting with a decoration bill had bought you while humming in agreement.
"i hate that man! i hate him!" you called as you walked around your room, and you let out a huff as you stood in front of your window.
the dull sky was visible as you rested your elbow on the window stool, and your eyes caught on a familiar yellow triangle.
he was pointing his finger at the small groups of humans who had originally managed to survive his terror, and lasters shot out at them as they became statues.
at least they weren't necessarily dead, right?
and at least he wasn't turning you into a statue.
he eventually moved his hand back down to his side as he slightly flipped himself around, but then he froze once his eye met yours.
his pupil slightly formed into a heart before he peered away—his attention falling onto the people in the town while his maniacal laughter rang out. as soon as he was out of sight, your eyes were wide with shock, and you slightly smiled.
from what you knew, his eye changed like that when he was feeling something or if he just wanted to mess with people, but you wanted to believe it was the first option.
it changed because of how he felt.
could a triangle demon even feel?
"what were you saying? i couldn't hear you—" your friend spoke up while you only sighed, and you leaned into your palm with a smile.
"oh, how i love him..."
— extra scene
"alright you flesh puppets—stop running around! i'm surprised you all are even capable of running with how small your legs are..." bill spoke as he pointed his finger at a group of people running, and with one shot, they turned into statues.
"come on! i have places to be and a human to charm!" the demon rolled his eye as soon as he noted the lack of humans around, which led to his gaze flickering to your window.
you were still there, and he let out a dreamy sigh before kicking his feet. "a very fleshy human..."
his eye rested on you for a minute before a figure moved, and his attention moved to the human running across a sidewalk.
"HEY, FLESH PUPPET! THE LIGHTS NOT GREEN!" he screeched before hovering over to the human, and with the snap of his fingers, the person became a statue.
"if there's anything i hate more than flesh puppets, it's jaywalking. i have one eye and even i could see that it was green—" bill slightly laughed before picking up the statue, and he eyed the other statues lying around.
"oh well! time to play some bowling! whoever let's me use them as a bowling ball gets a five-second headstart before i make you a statue!"
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⤷ word count ; 670
© signedreality
🌊        reblogs + hearts + comments are appreciated !
listeners : @simpingoncarmensandiego @ari-hatake24 @heartfeltcherie
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lonelyicycle · 2 years
The idea of putting one's life on the Internet, for the world to see, is perplexing to me. When I think about posting or sharing something about myself, I feel a sense of violation. Violation as though I have no privacy, or feeling of mystery surrounding myself. However perplexing it may be, I still feel compelled to share myself. A need to express myself to the wondrous dichotomy of people available right at my fingertips. Now, I may have to re-word. I don't mean to say it is a compulsion of mine, but rather a yearning. A yearning just to be heard, or to help someone else be heard.
So, with that being said, there's no need for real names on here. I'll go by Grace. Not because I am with Grace, or go in Grace, just because I like the way it feels on my tongue when I whisper it in men's ears at night. It's smooth.
The night's passing by. Slowly, the sun wilts away as stars overtake the sky above and the wind whistles through the trees outside. While showing up at work would be ideal, and would lead to a larger income, I do not have the motivation within me to arrive today. Lately, I've been run-down, dependent on the days that I feel good to try and do something. It's been exhausting. This job is becoming exhausting. I am almost five years in and am feeling the burn out within me. I don't want to be near men in general, and I tend to steer away from them unless I can get something off of them - like a free night of drinks or sex. Even sex has become of less interest lately. There's been no need or even desire to take my clothes off for them unless I am being paid monetarily. It's frustrating, but also peaceful.
My house is quiet. The dogs aren't barking, and the only thing I can hear is the roar of the propane torch heating the red-glowing titanium nail. Lights are low in the house, which causes the nail to glow almost neon. Flicking the switch, the flame dies and the long dab tool is pressed against the bright metal. A half-knit blanket sits on the couch across the room, waiting to be finished, and scrapbook supplies and pictures litter the dining room table. Pulling up YouTube, I turn on my audiobook. Currently, it's "It's Not Summer Without You" by Jenny Han. A young adult fiction about a teenage love triangle. The voice fills the room, bouncing from wall-to-wall. Suddenly screeching is coming from the kitchen; an alert that the tea kettle has run its course. Pouring myself a cup of tea, I sit down and open my laptop. It's been a long time since I've written anything at all, let alone about myself.
Writing clears my brain sometimes, and other times it makes it work ten times harder. I haven't felt myself for a while. I don't really know how long since "hey you don't feel like yourself" is too long to fit in a date-box on a calendar, but if I was guessing, I would say it has been about three months or so. I'm thinking it is a funk I'll see my way out of, but that takes work on my part so here I am. Doing this for myself. I have a job interview next week which is scary because I've never had a "real" job and this will be my first interview in five years. I'm also excited though, because it's something I'm doing for myself. At this point, I think I am just rambling, but it is good to write these words down. To know I am not just carrying them with me.
0 notes
Worship The Flame - Ch 1 - Welcoming Party
Pairing | Billy Hargrove x El Hopper
Series summary | It's May 1989. After three years in California, Billy returns to Hawkins for Max's high school graduation. He thinks he'll find everything—and everyone—as he left them. Turns out time has moved on in Hawkins, too, and a certain "little girl" isn't so little anymore. Now that he's back, she's desperate to prove it to him. Too bad he swore he'll never fall for her. And if he does, there's no way her police chief father won't find out.
What to expect | angst, fluff, smut, romance, supernatural sci-fi weirdness, bouncing between past and present storylines, Mike/El vs Billy/El love triangle, El and Max friendship, Max playing matchmaker, El finally finding her own voice, Billy and Max covering the entire gamut of sibling interactions, Billy flipping between being soft and being an asshole as he tries to keep his shit together, Hopper playing the role of “father with shotgun,” Hopper-Byers and Hargrove-Mayfield family drama (but without Neil! yay!), the sensation of watching a car wreck in slow motion
Series warnings | angry fathers, explicit content (18+)
Chapter word count | 5k
Chapter summary | In May 1989, Billy shows up in Hawkins to find two special girls waiting for him.
Chapter warnings | none
Author’s notes | Intended as a sequel to my old draft of "Lost Boy."
When I had the idea for this fic in February 2020, I dropped EVERYTHING to write it. Couldn't help myself. Now the idea has grown into a full-fledged trilogy starting with "Lost Boy," and I'm rewriting the whole thing from scratch to reflect that.
It'll take years to finish. I'm treating the trilogy as a continuation of the show, with just one tweak: Billy survives Starcourt. Canon storylines continue around him; relationships grow, change, and break up; the Upside Down evolves, the Mind Flayer keeps trying to take over the world... It's a lot.
In the meantime, I thought I'd post my old draft of what is now the third story. I wrote it before I decided to bring in the Upside Down, etc., so it's basically a romance with a supernatural bent. Future drafts will be dramatically different.
Hope you enjoy!
P.S., if you're here to tell me what a “problematic ship” this is... don't :) El is eighteen, and to quote Max, "She doesn't need your protection."
Comments and reblogs are welcomed with open arms!
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Tuesday, May 23, 1989
He thought he'd feel something more when he returned to Hawkins. A whole lot of anger, maybe. Hell, even tears. Stuff happened here that made him cry for the first time in eight years. If he was ever gonna cry again, this would be the place to do it.
Instead, he feels a whole lot of nothing. He cruises past the old turnoff to the high school without blinking. He doesn't even flinch at the sight of the road he used to take to get to Hopper's cabin. He just… doesn't feel anything. He's not sure if he should be proud, relieved, or concerned.
Blowing smoke out the window, Billy hooks his hand over the wheel. The sweet strains of Skid Row pour out of his stereo, streaming out the window along with the smoke. When he slams on the brakes for a left turn, the tires of the Camaro screech. Trees careen past him, and he can just imagine their mouths falling open as they murmur to each other.
That boy again? I thought we'd seen the last of him! Look at him still driving like a maniac.
Yep, he thinks, chewing on his cigarette. Billy Hargrove never changes.
Thankfully, Max is damn good at giving directions. Though she and Susan have lived in this house for three years now, he's only seen the place once, and that was at night. It's broad daylight now, golden and May-bright, and nothing looks the same.
When he makes the last left turn, pulling onto a sleepy neighborhood street, he slows down till the engine of the Camaro drops to a purr. Suddenly his stereo’s unbearably loud. He turns it down, scanning the cul-de-sac ahead.
Goddamn, he hates cul-de-sacs. Who the fuck ever thought they were a good idea.
He catches sight of their house on the right. It’s a modest affair, single-story, with an equally modest front lawn. He remembers the countless times he pulled up to the house here in Hawkins, the place where that man lived. Biting down hard on his cigarette, he grips the wheel.
No, he’s not gonna think about that now. Neil Hargrove is gone. Fucking gone.
As he drives up to the house, he sees Max sitting comfortably on the front lawn, leaning back on her hands. Her hair is down, glinting copper in the May sun, and she’s wearing jeans and a bright yellow shirt. Next to her, looking far less comfortable, is another girl with long brown hair.
Billy scowls. The fuck is that? Did Max really bring a stranger to meet him on his first day in Hawkins?
He pulls up to the curb and stops. Max gets up from the lawn, grinning. The other girl gets up too, and as she stands to her full height, hair tumbling past her shoulders, Billy’s heart hits his ribcage with a thud. He plucks his cigarette out of his mouth.
Holy fuck. No way. No fuckin’ way.
He stares for a second before he realizes he’s staring. Tearing his eyes away, he throws the car in park and switches off the engine. Its rumble disappears along with his music, leaving him in silence. He takes a deep breath.
It’s fine, he tells himself. It’s fine.
He unbuckles his seat belt and steps out of the car. Slamming the door behind him, he flicks his cigarette onto the pavement. With another breath—more shaky this time—he turns to meet the girls.
They’re already bounding toward him. Well, Max is. She’s approaching too, but more calmly, almost shyly.
Max squeals, flinging her arms open. “Billy!”
He forces a smile. “Hey!”
She throws her arms around him. Shutting his eyes, he wraps her in a hug and makes himself forget the other girl. This moment belongs to Max. She fought so hard to get him to come back, and he’s not gonna let anyone ruin that. Not even her.
Max squeezes him tightly. Soon she pulls away and swipes at a tear in her eye.
“It’s so good to see you, Billy. So good.”
Before he can respond, the other girl walks up. She’s smiling with soft red lips and looking at him with brown doe eyes. Her hands are clasped in front of her, tugging at the material of her light pink sweater, which exposes her right shoulder. As he notes the way her collarbone curves flirtatiously out of sight, Billy cringes.
Ah, fuck. Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck.
“El,” he huffs, hoping he doesn’t sound as choked as he feels. “Jesus. I almost didn’t recognize you.”
And for good reason. With each passing second, he sees something else that’s changed about her. The long hair, with the top half pulled back, was just the most obvious thing. Aside from that, she’s gotten taller; her figure has filled out in a way that tugs at his gaze; large hoop earrings are dangling from her earlobes, and she’s wearing makeup. Makeup. Sure, it’s subtle, doing little more than highlighting her dark eyes. But boy, does it fucking highlight them. Her eyelashes are thick and black, and he could swear she’s wearing eyeliner.
She smiles shyly, but it doesn’t suggest fear. It seems more knowing, more deliberate, like she’s holding something back.
“Hi, Billy,” she says. Fuck, even her voice is different. Deeper.
His mouth goes bone dry. Her eyes are smoldering, and for the first time he notices they’re not plain brown. They’re golden too, catching and refracting the sunlight.
All at once, he realizes why she’s here. In the old days, he would’ve suspected a more fun motive like oh yay, Billy's coming to town, I want to see him. But with the way she’s looking at him—the way she said his name—he knows she’s here for another reason entirely.
She didn’t just want to see him. She wanted him to see her.
A jolt shoots through him, waking up his skin, making it tingle. He swallows, blinking rapidly.
Move the fuck on, Hargrove.
Flashing her a hesitant smile, he turns to Max, the nearest person who can get him out of this mess.
Because this is definitely a mess. He can feel it already. Two trains are speeding toward each other on the tracks, and he’s standing right in the fucking middle.
Seeing him get out of his Camaro was like witnessing the return of a young god. If El hadn't been sitting in the grass already, she would've fallen on her knees. He was just so golden, exactly the way she remembered him. And when he looked at her, it felt like a lightning bolt falling from the sky.
Now she’s standing in front of him, and she can scarcely breathe. How do you breathe in the presence of a god when his very energy sucks you in and crushes you into dust? You don’t. You just claw at your throat and beg for mercy with your eyes.
Upon closer look, she sees his appearance has changed in some ways. His scruff is darker. His hair falls a little differently, and something in his face seems harder, sadder. But other than that, he looks just the same. He’s wearing jeans and a grey tank top, the same kind of thing he wore three years ago. His hair is still long and curly. He’s still wearing an earring and his Virgin Mary necklace, and he still has those black brows and lashes she came to love.
The earring draws her attention the most. It’s a small hoop, the same one he wore in ‘85-86—or, at least, it’s similar enough that it might as well be.
Suddenly she’s fifteen years old again, and red hot terror streaks through her body. Her hand aches to grab Max’s and squeeze as hard as she can.
Please tell me I didn’t make a mistake coming here!
She can’t say that, obviously. But Max seems to hear her anyway. She glances between them, then turns to Billy and smiles brilliantly.
“Hey. How about we go inside? Mom wants to see you too.”
“She’s here?” Billy frowns. “Doesn’t she work till five or something?”
“Yeah, but she got off early today.”
Watching Billy’s face, El holds back a frown of her own. Is it really so surprising that people want to see him? It shouldn’t be.
He notices. He glances at her, blue eyes bright under black eyelashes, and it’s too much. Breath hitching, she looks away, then trails behind Max and Billy as they go up the sidewalk to the house. She tries to keep her gaze down, tries not to watch the swell of his shoulders under his grey tank top. But she watches anyway, tensing like she’s about to be struck down.
I shouldn’t be here. The thought echoes with every step.
He can feel her behind him as they walk into the house. She radiates energy like a heat lamp in an Indiana winter, and it drives him to distraction, keeps his eyes unfocused. He bites down hard on the inside of his cheek, hoping the pain will shock him to attention, but it doesn’t help. Nothing helps until he steps through the door.
The front door opens into a central living area with the kitchen on their left. In the kitchen, Susan’s pulling a covered platter out of the fridge. She looks up as they walk in.
“Billy, hi,” she says, smiling.
It throws him for a second. Her smile doesn’t seem too forced. Hell, if he didn’t know any better, he’d actually think she’s happy to see him.
“Hey, Susan,” he answers, strolling forward slowly.
This is always the worst part: figuring out if the person you’re greeting is a hugger. He and Susan never hugged in the old days. Not that she wasn’t interested in physical affection. She probably would’ve hugged him a lot if their relationship had been different. If he hadn’t been so fucking, murderously angry with her.
Now? He has no idea what to expect. Yeah, their relationship is at a high point, but given where they started, that’s not saying much. And yeah, he’s been gone three years, but they rarely spoke in those three years. The longest conversation they ever had was, “Hey, is Max home?” “I don’t know, let me check. No, she must be at Lucas’s.” “Okay, I’ll call back later.”
So do you hug this person? Billy can’t say. And for a moment, it looks like she can’t either. She just stands there, platter in hand, staring at him with wide eyes.
Then her posture relaxes. Setting the platter on the counter, she steps forward with an embarrassed smile, opening her arms.
Something growls inside Billy, the last remnant of the teenager who hated her guts. He shoves it down and steps forward to meet her. When she wraps her arms around him—gingerly, like she’d break him if she wasn’t careful—he makes himself wrap his arms around her too.
The hug lasts for two seconds at most. As soon as it’s over, she goes back to the platter, grabbing it like a shield, while he steps away toward Max.
Of course, his eyes have to land on the girl with long brown hair. And just like that, he remembers his problems extend far beyond Susan.
“How was the drive over?” Susan asks, tugging the plastic wrap off the platter.
“Oh, you know… boring,” Billy says. He moseys around the kitchen counter toward the dining table, away from Susan. Away from her.
“Well, that’s good. You never want a road trip to be too exciting.”
Aw, cute. Susan made a joke. Max and El laugh politely. Billy doesn’t.
“Um…” Susan slides the platter toward him. “I know you must be hungry, so help yourself. Just don’t eat too much, we’re having chicken for dinner.”
Billy checks the platter, which turns out to be a spread of meat and cheese. It looks damn good actually, but he’s not in the mood to eat. He can’t imagine trying to chew with a mouth this dry.
When he doesn’t say anything, Max jumps in. “How about I show you where you’re sleeping? And we can help you bring in your stuff?”
He wants to scowl at her. How much stuff do you think I brought? But he literally just got here, and he shouldn’t kick off his visit by antagonizing his sister.
She turns to lead the way. As Billy follows, he crosses paths with El. They pull up short, and for the space of a single heartbeat he registers the pinkness of her cheeks, the way she gazes at him from under those thick eyelashes.
Then he steals a breath and strides forward, catching up to Max. His chest hammers like he barely avoided a head-on collision.
Max leads them to a door at the end of the hall. With a flourish, she pushes it open to reveal her room, much more decorated than it was the last time Billy saw it.
“You’re sleeping here,” she says, smirking. “Which means I get to sleep with Mom all week. So you better be thankful, dickweed.”
He walks in, not so much to see the space as to get away from the heat lamp at his back. As he looks around, he has to admit it’s a nice room—for a girl, anyway. The walls are yellow, of course, and decked out with posters. Her queen-sized bed is centered on the wall ahead of him, its headboard a stylish white wicker. To its left is a nightstand, and to its right is her dresser from the old house. On the wall to his left, he sees her old bookshelf with all her books and paraphernalia. In the center of that wall, white lace curtains waft in a breeze from the only window.
Not bad, he thinks. He’ll be comfortable here. The room even lifts his mood a little—until he remembers who else is with him. A thought stabs through his brain.
She'll know where I’m sleeping.
His gut twists in a mighty knot, sending a pulse of heat down his limbs. He sucks his teeth and keeps his back to the door, all too aware of the tension creeping into his shoulders. Can they see the muscles tightening as clearly as he feels it? God, he hopes not.
He turns to face them. Max has stepped into the room behind him. She hasn’t. She’s standing in the doorway, hand resting on the frame, and she’s watching him with the most scrumptious look in her brown doe eyes. Another pulse of heat swirls down his limbs, and his tongue darts out to wet his lips.
Fuck, she’s gorgeous. He can’t help but think it. El’s gotten fucking gorgeous over the past three years. He doesn’t know how, he doesn’t know why, but it happened, and now he has to deal with the consequences.
“Is something wrong, Billy?”
He blinks and looks at Max. She’s staring at him with a frown and very, very perceptive eyes.
“Ah… no,” he says. “It’s fine. It’s a… it’s a good room.”
She raises her eyebrows, alerting him to just how dumb he sounded.
Shit. He has to pull himself together right fucking now. He takes a breath, glancing around the room one more time.
“I’ll, uh, get my stuff. It’s just a suitcase, so… don’t bother helping.”
With that dumbass announcement, he heads for the door. He expects El to scurry out of the way; that’s what people usually do when Billy Hargrove is barreling toward them. But she doesn’t. She just puts her back to the doorframe, angling her body enough to let him through, but no more than that.
He sees instantly that he’ll have to slide right past her. It almost makes him stop in his tracks. But Billy Hargrove doesn’t stop for anyone, and that means there’s only one option.
Angling his body to mirror hers, he braces for impact.
After her panic on the front lawn, El spent the next couple minutes mentally checked out. She barely even heard the things Billy and Mrs. Mayfield said to each other. She was too busy talking herself down, rehearsing all of the lessons she’d learned over the past year.
I belong here. I deserve this. I can have what I want.
To her surprise, it worked. When she and Billy nearly collided at the counter, she had the strength to look him right in the eye. Amazingly, he was the one to buckle. Visibly catching his breath, he rushed forward before she could even blink.
She warmed with pride. That’s right, he should be the one to run. She belongs here in Hawkins, meaning he’s the one entering her territory.
As he wandered into Max’s room, followed closely by Max herself, El stepped forward to the doorway, resting her hand on the frame. The wood seemed to pulsate under her touch, pushing its life and strength into her. She drew it in gladly, taking a slow, deep breath, as if inhaling the scent of a flower.
I deserve this.
Eventually, Billy said something about getting his stuff and started for the door. Years ago, she would’ve fallen back into the hallway.
Not today. Today she stayed in the doorway, staring right at him. He hesitated for an instant, but then he kept coming, turning his body to squeeze past her.
Now they’re so close they’re practically touching, and she holds still, letting it happen. He radiates body heat and the smell of cigarette smoke. His elbow brushes her sweater, and she thinks she sees him glance at her bare shoulder.
It makes her stomach flip. As he escapes through the doorway, retreating down the hall, she nearly grins.
He saw her. He actually saw her.
When she turns toward the bedroom, Max is smiling wickedly. Walking forward, Max winds an arm through hers.
“What did I tell you?” she whispers.
El can’t hold back her grin anymore. Face heating, she ducks her head.
Max giggles and jostles her playfully. Her delight is contagious, and El finds herself giggling too. After years of crying, it feels really good.
“Just keep doing what you’re doing,” Max continues. “Don’t change a thing. I swear to God, I have never seen him stutter like that.”
Fuck, it was the best. It was the worst. She was so close he could feel her actual body heat. He caught a whiff of a scent too—something floral. As he slid past, his elbow brushed the soft material of her sweater above her belly. His gaze skimmed the flesh between her bare shoulder and her neck, and he imagined swooping in and nipping it with his teeth, just to hear what sound she’d make.
He didn't look straight at her, though. Hell no. That would've been fucking dangerous, like lightning striking dry grass.
By the time he stumbles out the door, his mind is reeling like it got sucker punched. The shock throbs through his body as he cuts across the lawn, stirring up old memories.
When he gets to the trunk of his car, he unlatches it and flings it up. He reaches in, grabs the handle of his suitcase, and stops. Head drooping, he shuts his eyes. Panic bubbles up inside, and with it, a hot wellspring of shame.
Fuck. He brings up a hand to cover his face. Fuck.
This is El. El. Four years ago, whenever she smiled, her canines poked out the way they do when the adult teeth have just grown in.
He takes a moment to breathe. Gradually, a cold resolve fills him, turning his body to stone. Opening his eyes, he yanks out his suitcase, then slams the trunk shut with a clang.
Three and a Half Years Ago November 1985
“No, El. No. The word ‘uneasy’ describes ‘dreams.’ You follow me? So it branches off of ‘dreams,’ like this.”
Snatching the pencil from her hand, Billy draws a slash under the line saying dreams, then scribbles the word uneasy. He looks up, gesturing at the page, only to see El staring down at it helplessly. Leaning back in her chair, she covers her face with both hands.
A knot of frustration twists in his gut. Gritting his teeth, he leans back too, propping his wrists on his head.
He glances out the kitchen window of the cabin. Hopper’s out there somewhere, busying himself with yardwork that doesn’t need to be done. Billy rolls his eyes.
Dammit, Hop. Has it really been that long since you diagrammed sentences?
They sit at the table in silence. El’s close to tears, he can tell. And he doesn’t blame her. Teachers always said he could ace this shit if he tried. But it’s still dumb and complicated. And this poor kid went years without real schooling.
He looks at her. She still has her face in her hands, and she’s breathing slowly as she fights for control. Taking his wrists off his head, he leans forward.
“Hey. Let’s take a break or something. Go get a drink of water. I’ll go out for a smoke. Just…”
He sighs. He drops his voice to a softer tone.
“Just don’t let it get to you so much, okay? It’s just homework. Screw it.”
“You don’t understand,” she mumbles through her hands.
“I said you don’t understand,” she says, flinging her hands down. He sees she’s been crying. Her eyes are red, and her cheeks shine with tears.
“I’ll never get it,” she cries. “I’m too behind, Billy. I always will be.”
Aw, shit, El. Apparently they’re gonna have a heart to heart over the kitchen table.
He raises his eyebrows, studying her with a look he hopes is compassionate but firm. “That’s not true.”
She meets his gaze, sniffling, then looks down at the table. He folds his arms and sits back, rolling his tongue in his mouth.
He’s about to deliver some brutal honesty. Well... brutal for him.
“El. You’re a smart kid. Wicked smart. And the fact that you’ve gotten so far so fast… it’s amazing. I mean, look at this. You’re diagramming a sentence from–”
Wait, who is this guy? He checks the page.
“–f-from fuckin’ Kafka,” he stutters. “Do you have any idea what that means?”
“No,” she murmurs.
“It means you’re in the big leagues. Alright? This isn’t you swinging at a tee ball. You’re in a real game, and you’re fuckin’ playing. Do you understand what I’m saying?”
She frowns. “What’s a tee ball?”
Christ. He keeps forgetting she doesn’t know things. He sighs and shifts in his chair.
“Look. All I’m saying is you should stop being so hard on yourself. Alright? You’re doing good work. Someday—someday, El—you’re going to catch up. And when you do, you’re gonna be brilliant. You hear me?”
She seems skeptical at first. She stares at him with a flat expression, her hands lifeless in her lap. But as they keep staring at each other, her expression melts until she's smiling. He smiles back, a weird warmth spreading through his chest.
"Okay." Clearing his throat, he stands up. "Um… get some water. I'll be back in a minute."
He passes her before she can get out of her seat. Pushing through the front door, he strides out onto the porch, where he lights a cigarette and glances around the yard. When he sees no sign of Hopper, a thought occurs to him, and he looks at the driveway.
Hopper's truck is gone too. Smirking, Billy shakes his head.
Idiot. He'll barrel straight into the mouth of hell for his daughter, but he won't stick around for English homework.
Present Day
Billy tucks into the meat and cheese platter after that. And even though he stuffs his face, blatantly disregarding Susan’s warning, he’s still starving once dinner comes around. As he sits down at the table next to Max—across from her—his mouth is watering like he never ate at all.
Dinner is roast chicken with sides of seasoned veggies. It’s a damn good spread, the kind he never gets around to making at home. He tackles it with so much gusto he barely talks. To his right, Susan looks at him as she eats, her face glowing.
Yeah, okay. You’re a good cook. Don’t let it go to your head.
Susan and Max carry on a conversation around him. El interjects every once in a while, but for the most part she doesn’t talk either. She just picks at her food and watches him eat.
He tries to ignore her. He looks at his plate, at Max, at Susan. Never at her. His efforts accomplish fuck-all. She won’t stop watching him with those brown doe eyes, and her bare shoulder—the one he imagined nipping with his teeth—seems to stare at him in accusation.
His body grows more and more tense. Finally he looks up, eyes hard, and meets her gaze. He takes a vicious bite of his drumstick, glaring at her as he chews.
Her eyes widen. Looking down at her plate, she stabs a string bean with her fork. He glares at her a beat longer before turning back to his food.
That’s right. Message fucking received.
Things get better immediately. She quits watching him so much, and when he finishes eating he’s able to start laughing and talking. It feels like a monkey fell off his shoulders and scampered away, and it’s a relief. A goddamn relief.
After dinner, they move to the living room for dessert and coffee, and they talk more. It’s actually kind of fun. He would never have expected that, not with Susan around. But… well. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Before long, he’s totally relaxed on the couch, legs spread open, wrists propped on his head.
El barely speaks. She’s sitting in the chair across from him, the physical outlier of the group. She’s resting her cheek on her hand, and she’s always chewing her lip, looking hazily at the floor. Occasionally she glances up at him, and their eyes meet. He gives her a cool stare each time.
Move the fuck on, Eleven Hopper. Do you hear me?
She seems to, as clearly as if he’d screamed it. As the evening passes, she wilts like a flower. Part of him writhes in discomfort over it, but it’s a small part. The rest of him stares at her as coolly as ever.
This is necessary. It’s for her own good.
Not long after sunset, Susan drifts out of the room. Her exit seems to stir El from her dark thoughts. She takes her head off her hand and rises slowly from her chair.
“I need to go home.”
“Aw.” Max stands up, going to El for a hug. “You sure?”
“Yes. I’m tired.”
“Okay. You want me to drive you?”
“No, it’s fine.”
Feeling a prick of concern, Billy frowns. “You’re walking home in the dark?”
El pulls out of Max’s hug, giving him a surprised look. I always do, it says. Max turns to him with a far more impatient one.
“Uh, yeah. El has superpowers, remember?”
Oh, right. Good point. Still, as he shifts his gaze back to El—or rather, the dark-haired beauty that’s taken her place—an offer takes shape on his tongue. Let me drive you. It just feels like a good idea. After all, why tempt fate?
Then his breath catches, and he bites the words back. Jesus. In what reality would that be a good idea?
She’ll be fine. Like Max said: superpowers.
“Come on,” Max says. “I’ll walk you out.”
As they leave the living room, El glances back. “Bye, Billy,” she rasps.
“Bye,” he answers. Saying it feels wrong, and he has to swallow a knot in his throat.
They slip out the door. Exhaling heavily, Billy slumps into the couch, then digs in his pocket for his cigarettes.
Susan never liked it when he smoked indoors. Well, he didn’t give a fuck then, and he sure doesn’t give a fuck now.
Between El and Max, El’s the first one to walk out on the porch. Her eyes are stinging, her nostrils burning. When she hears the door close behind them, she turns, letting the porch light show her face.
Max takes one look and sighs.
“Oh, El.” She steps forward, drawing El into a hug. “It’s going to be okay. It’s just the first night. And we knew this wasn’t going to be easy.”
“I know.”
El pulls back. Her first instinct is to wipe her eyes. She’s surprised to find her lashes are dry, and her cheeks too.
Max rests a hand on El’s arm. “Here’s what you’re going to do, okay? You’re going to go home. You’re going to get some sleep tonight. Then you’re gonna get up tomorrow morning and try again. No matter what, you keep. Trying. Understand?”
El nods. Max squeezes her arm, then puts her hands on her hips.
“In the meantime, I–” she waggles her eyebrows “–will work on him. I’m telling you, there’s something here, El. He just needs a little help. And I am such a helpful sister.”
Like before, her mood is contagious. El smiles, matching the impish glint in Max’s eyes with one of her own. She has to admit, scheming with Max is a lot of fun. It always has been.
“Now, you head home,” Max says. “And we’ll talk tomorrow. Okay?”
They hug again. This time it’s warm and lingering, and it gives El the strength she needs to back away from the porch.
“Bye,” she murmurs. Turning toward the darkness, she heads for the line of distant trees.
A/N | It only gets worse from here.
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Chapter 2 >
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jerzwriter · 3 years
Delaying the Inevitable - Chapter 26 - Crossing Paths
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Book: Open Heart 3 (Post Series)
Pairing: Tobias Carrick x MC, Ethan Ramsey x MC
Rating: Chapter: Teen
Summary: Extended Series WIP – Love Triangle. In this chapter: Tobias & Casey's romantic date screeches to a halt when Ethan & Floria show up; Tobias's lack of enthusiasm for Casey's success leads to tension between them, and Floria is looking for an alliance with Tobias.
Category: Extended Series (WIP)
Warnings: Drinking, language
A/N: Hi everyone! As many of you know, my schedule has been very crazy, so I am going to try something new, slightly shorter chapters that may be posted more frequently. I'm going to give it a shot and see how it goes.
A/N 2: I want to take a moment to thank @liaromancewriter and @genevievemd for taking some time to chat with me. They helped me realize that I need to stop worrying about a schedule, stop worrying about how many chapters are left or how long this will be, stop worrying about pleasing everyone, and concentrate on writing the story I want to tell. They're right. This has freed my mind to embrace this story with the enthusiasm I had in the past once again. It's a new day. Thank you, ladies! I hope you all enjoy the chapter.
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The windowless room was dark when he entered. Much darker than it had been any time before. He slid one arm out of his coat and then the other as he made his way to the closet. That’s when he saw the culprit. The bulb on one of the ornate antique floor lamps had blown out. He mindlessly twisted the switch in hopes that it merely needed to be turned on to no avail. He walked to the corner and took a seat, too dark to read the book he had hoped to catch up on. He tilted his head back and closed his eyes. At least he could get a little rest.
“Hello, Evan.”
His calm interlude interrupted, he jumped out of his seat.
Across from him, a tuft of Auburn hair popped out from behind an opened newspaper. A newspaper. He smiled. Apparently, he wasn’t the only one who still read them. Most considered them relics.
Her two hazel eyes appeared as she slowly lowered the paper, then he barely made out her smirk in the darkened room.
“Fancy meeting you here.”
“Yes. Imagine that. But my name isn’t Evan… Sonia.”
“Shit. Ernest?”
“Ethan. For someone who was so eager to learn my name, you have done a poor job in retaining it.”
“Slow down, cowboy. I wasn’t exactly eager to know it. I was just being polite. Damn, I hope you’re working on your social cues with Dr. Fernandez. They sure could use some help,” she grinned.
“Hmmm… and will you be working on that sarcasm with Dr. Porter?”
“Oh, hell no. It’s part of my charm. So, is this your standing appointment time? Because as of today, it’s mine too.”
“Isn’t that delightful?”
“It is. We are going to become the very best of friends!”
She laughed out loud. The room may have been dark, but it was impossible to miss the look of horror that spread across his face.
“Relax. You just noted that I’m sarcastic. You don’t have to worry that another human may actually join your limited social circle.”
“Well, that’s good to know. But, for your information, my social circle is just fine.”
“And I enjoyed how quiet the waiting room was on past few visits.”
“You lie,” she smiled before lifting her paper again.
“I thought I was the only one who still read those things, you know?”
“Oh, I turn back to my article, and that is when you want to make small talk?”
“I’m sorry, I….”
Her pleasant laughter filled the quiet room once again.
“You’re too easy. As for the newspaper, I prefer reading them. My phone doesn’t excite me… you can say I’m an old soul, I guess. My friends mock me.”
“Well, perhaps you need new friends.”
“They’re lovely people. We just prefer different communication methods. Besides, it doesn’t seem as if most people in Boston want to become friends. Especially ones you meet in waiting rooms.”
“Dr. Ramsey?”
“Hi, Dr. Fernandez. Well, it’s been interesting, Sonia.”
“Doctor Ramsey. Interesting.”
“Don’t worry, by next week, you’ll think I’m an attorney.”
“Probably,” she answered without looking up from her paper.
“Making friends in the waiting room?” Dr. Fernandez joked.
“No, just making small talk.”
“So, how have you been. You said you had a busy week ahead on your last visit. How did it go?”
“It was… eventful. I presented at a medical conference in Aspen.”
“Oh, I hope it was productive.”
“You could say that….”
Dr. Fernandez sat back and waited, giving him time to say what she could feel he was holding back.
“I was there with Casey.”
“Are you… together again?”
“No,” he chuckled. “Not at all. I have neglected to mention that she and I work together. She is one of four members of the diagnostic team that I direct. We were presenting together.”
“Oh, my. She reports to you?”
“No. When we became official, we made arrangements to have her report to someone else. After, we felt it best we continue with that practice.”
“But you work closely together, on a small team. Even that must make for interesting dynamics.”
“Yes, and her new… boyfriend… my former best friend… is also on the team.”
“On the team of four?”
“And who rounds this team out?” She asked sarcastically, “Your ex?”
“As a matter of fact.”
“Oh my. Well, this all presents challenging situations, I’m sure. But if none of you are looking for employment elsewhere, you will need to learn to work within it… and it’s not likely to be easy.”
Ethan chortled.
“Don’t I know it. Although my ex, Harper, and I, we’ve established a pleasant friendship and respect each other as colleagues. Maybe I can get there with Casey someday.”
“I would like to ask since you’re the director of the team, was Casey going with you… by design?”
“Excuse me?”
“Was there a reason Casey was selected to go and not one of the other team members?”
He instinctively began to formulate a cover. Deep down, he knew that he had been lying to himself about the reason all along. So admitting it to himself and another human being was not something he relished. But as he began to speak, something came over him. He thought about his reasons for being there and realized, lying wouldn’t get him anywhere. If he wanted to make progress, this was the time for unfiltered truth.
“We were asked to present on one of four cases that our team had great success with… and I picked the one that she and I worked on alone. That ensured that she would need to be the one to go with me.”
“Thank you for your honesty. It is commendable. But, what was your purpose in doing that?”
“It really was the most compelling of the four topics presented.”
Dr. Fernandez gave him a questioning look.
“It truly was, but… yes, any of the other three would have excellent topics to cover as well. My real reason for the selection. I wanted time with her. This is the first time I have admitted that to myself, not only you.”
“We have discussed how forcing interactions with her can be detrimental to your recovery, Dr. Ramsey. Now, progression is never a straight line, so I am not judging, but I am cautioning you against doing something like this again. If you feel you can’t control it, perhaps we should put something in place to prevent it. Maybe requiring your supervisor to select the participants who need to go on a trip, for example.”
“I’ll think on it.”
“But since the trip already occurred, how did things go? How did you feel about it?”
“It wasn’t terrible. It was a tense start but, we talked. We were able to clear the air, at least a little. We agreed that we don’t want to be awkward in each other’s presence. That, perhaps one day, we can be friends again. I also know now that… she really loves Tobias. It’s not some rebound, revenge, or infatuation. I’m not proud to admit it, but that was one of the things I had hoped to learn on the trip, and I did.”
“And did learning that make you feel better?”
“This is one of the reasons why you have to put Casey aside as you work on yourself. You’re not here to heal a relationship that no longer exists. You’re here to heal you. As to feeling awkward, sometimes awkwardness exists for a reason. Until you can establish proper boundaries, feeling awkward around each other is actually a positive mechanism to keep you both in line… and you crossed that line. You need to recognize that and do your best to not let it happen again.”
“Fair enough.”
“I think it’s important for you to recognize that, in this case, the factors that led to the destruction of your relationship were not born of the relationship itself. They stem from your history. The answers are not in Casey. They lie in your past. That’s where your healing is. Casey may have been a substitution, a way of proving that you were worthy of the love that your mother denied you. Punishing her away was just a way for you to tell yourself that you weren’t lovable after all, which isn’t true. I don’t want you looking to her to be a salve for your wound yet again. And given her proximity, it is far too easy for that to happen. It’s a danger zone.”
“You’re right. I can’t deny it. But we need to be clear, Casey was never just a salve. She was not just a replacement. Obviously, I’ve had other women in my life and, if that was all I was looking for, any of them would have done. Casey was different, she broke down the walls, and I truly loved her. I do love her.”
“Which is exactly why you must exercise caution.”
“I have a proposition for you. We have made progress understanding your family dynamics and how they impact you, but I’d like to delve in deeper. Would you be amenable to your father joining us on a session or two? I think it could be beneficial.”
“My father? Why?”
“Because he was there. He may have insight that you don’t, and repairing your relationship could be one of the keys to making you whole again.”
“My relationship with my father is fine. It doesn’t need….”
“If it were fine, why did you turn on him when Louise left? It wasn’t just Casey. Can you honestly tell me that you haven’t kept him at arm’s length, even when you really haven’t wanted to?”
She could see him visibly swallow, but he remained silent.
“Are you amenable to the idea?”
“I can mention it to him.”
“That’s fine. But the choice of whether to do so or not isn’t his. It’s yours. You need to take ownership of these things. Let me know what you decide. It’s your choice, but I believe it could be a big step toward your healing.”
That evening was especially cold, even by Boston winter standards. But Casey and Tobias barely felt it. Being in love can have that effect on people. They came across a fruit market as they strolled, hand in hand, from the parking garage to Mistral, and Tobias stopped in his tracks.
“Hey, hold on second,” he grinned.
He emerged with a single rose in his hand. Bowing exaggeratedly, he handed it to her with aplomb.
“For my lady,” he grinned.
Because it was so cold, it was impossible to tell Casey’s red cheeks were caused by blushing or the biting winds, but he liked to believe it was the former.
“Tobias, was buying every rose in the state of Colorado not good enough for you? Do you now wish to acquire all in Boston, as well?”
“Well, if that were true, I would have gotten you more than one just now, wouldn’t I? It’s just a reminder,” he said as he took her in his arms. His gloved hands brushed errant strands of hair from her face as he stared down lovingly into her eyes. “I always want you to know how special you are.”
Casey cupped his cheek in her hand. “T. You always make me feel special.”
“Good! Then I’m doing my job right, and I don’t have to worry about getting an ass-kicking from my mother. It’s a win-win situation,” he grinned. “By the way, what did you end up doing with all those roses?”
“Let’s just say that every member of the housekeeping staff went home with an armful of flowers,” she smiled. “And that made happier than having them in my room did… not to be unappreciative… I loved having them in my room too.”
Tobias smiled while opening the door to the restaurant.
“No offense to be taken. You’re amazing, kid. You know that?”
“You keep saying….”
“Well, don’t get tired of it because I plan on continuing.”
The maître d saw them to a cozy table toward the back of the dimly lit restaurant. The tables around them were empty, and while unlikely, they hoped it would remain that way.
“This is perfect.” Tobias smiled, “Not too crowded, out of the way. I get you all to myself.”
“So why are we all dressed up at an expensive restaurant if that’s what you wanted, T. You could have easily had that at home.”
“Nah. I love our alone time, but I also like to show you off every so often.” He put his menu on the table as his eyes began slowly taking in every curve highlighted in the dress she was wearing. She felt the heat of his stare, and she felt her own arousal piquing. Maybe staying home would have been preferable after all.
“What are you doing? I feel like you’re undressing me with your eyes.”
“You think? In that dress,” he winked. “I believe I made it quite clear what that dress does to me the day we bought it.”
“Yes. You made it clear to me and anyone in our vicinity at Saks that day. Hopefully, you can contain yourself a little more here.”
“Only because I want to spare us indecent exposure charges. I only had to bribe one sales clerk there. Here, it would be more costly, and I don’t think everyone would understand.”
“But it would be worth it,” spilled from both of their mouths in unison, followed by a fit of laughter.
“Sometimes I think this is a dangerous thing, T. You and me together.”
“It’s dangerous as hell! But it’s the best kind of danger.”
Across town, Ethan sat in his double-parked car in front of Floria’s home. He needed to get out more, and, as of late, she has been a good friend, yet, he had second thoughts about this throughout the day. Why had he suggested Mistral? It wasn’t a diner or a corner café, it was the next level, and it could be easy to misconstrue the meaning of an invitation there. He considered dressing down, thinking that could send some sort of a message. But the idea of doing so went against his very constitution, and, in the end, he couldn’t bring himself to do it. So there he sat in his new Berburry suit as she walked toward his car. She was wearing a black velvet coat over a stunning red dress with matching heels. She looked very much dressed for a date, a Valentine’s Day date, and he shuddered. As unlikely as it had seemed, he liked the friendship that they were forming. That’s all it was, and she knew that too. They both knew it. Or at least he tried to convince himself of that.
“Hi,” she beamed, sitting in the passenger’s seat. Casey’s seat, he thought. It would always be Casey’s seat. “Nice suit. New?”
“It is. I haven’t had a chance to get my dry cleaning, so this was ready and….” He was trying to convince her that the suit wasn’t for her. And he felt like a heel. He didn’t say she looked nice, which she did, but what if…
“It looks great, but where the heck is your coat? It’s freezing out!”
“I’ll be outdoors a total of 10 minutes, maximum. I don’t need a coat,” he smiled. “But I’m glad you’re wearing yours.”
“Great, you’re one of those do as I say, not as I do guys.”
“I thought you would have known that by now.”
“Oh, for a long, long time now, Ramsey, a long time.”
Tobias poured the last dribble of wine into Casey’s quarter full glass.
“What do you say? Do we go for a second bottle?”
“Tobias Carrick, are you trying to get me drunk?”
His eyes lit up, and a titillating smirk delivered that dimple that drove her entirely crazy. She gazed back with a stare so seductive that it took all his strength not to clear the table and have her right there. It was still hard for him to wrap his head around it at times: she was his. He was hers. After all of the longing and resigning himself to the fact that they could never be together, there she was. Her foot was teasing his leg under the table, and the look on her face rendered him helpless. There were still moments when he had to pinch himself to be sure he wasn’t dreaming and, right now, was one of them.
“I don’t think that’s necessary. But hey, it may lead us to be even more creative.”
“Yeah, that could be perilous,” she smiled, placing her glass to her lips.
“A risk I’m willing to take.”
“Sir,” the waiter interrupted, placing an elaborately staged dish of Osso Bucco in front of Tobias.
Casey smiled as her Mistral linguini was finally placed in reach. She was starving, and it looked magnificent.
“Someday, I’m going to get her to not order the least expensive item on the menu.”
“Hey! It’s what I wanted, and it looks delicious.”
“I assure you it is,” the waiter smiled. “And sir, it’s not such a bad thing to have a frugal wife.”
They were so immersed in their conversation that they did not notice the couple being seated just behind them. But the gentleman in that party was acutely aware of them. Her laugh, that captivating, beautiful laugh, he could single it out even if it were drowned out in a sea of a thousand voices.
“Oh, I’m not his wife,” she laughed, amused by the assumption. “When we were friends, everyone assumed we were lovers, and now that we are a couple, everyone assumes we are married.”
“It makes you wonder what they will assume when we are,” he winked.
“That is when your goal is to have them believe you’re a newly established couple, having just fallen in love,” The waiter laughed as he topped off their water glasses, “and I do apologize for the assumption.”
“Oh, no worries at all, my friend. Somewhere in DC, my mother felt a pleasant disturbance in the force. I’m shocked she hasn’t texted me yet.”
“Or me,” Casey laughed, “with something along the lines of ‘do you prefer roses or lilies. You know what, both can be tastefully intermingled.”
“How do you deal with that?” the waiter laughed.
“We ignore it.” They said in concert.
Though their mannerisms were playful, almost in jest, the comfort with which they discussed marriage struck him like a thunderbolt. Tobias was truly giving her something he never had right from the start. It didn’t take him years to acknowledge what he had; he knew it from day one. Seething would be the best word to describe him, even though his logical mind reminded him that he had no right to be jealous. But right or not, at that moment, there was no denying that he was. Not only was he there with Casey on his arm, but he also treated her the way she deserved from day one. Their love was an abundant garden, not a battlefield. That’s when he realized the real anger boiling inside him was directed at only one person, and that was himself.
Floria recognized his change in demeanor, and she knew exactly why. She eyed Casey and Tobias’s table.
“We can ask to be moved if you’d like.”
Ethan peered around the room, the restaurant was reasonably crowded now, and each table was marked “reserved.”
“I think we’ll be fine,” he smiled as he took his seat.
Casey and Tobias were lost in themselves, the Pope could have been seated next to them, and they wouldn’t notice unless it was brought to their attention. Floria’s eyes glanced over from behind her menu, and she felt envy begin to course through her veins. The way Tobias gazed at her. There was a time she would have given anything for him to have taken her in like that. It would have been nice if her husband would have looked at her like that in all of the years they shared together. She would love it if Ethan did it now.
What was it about Casey MacTavish? How did she earn the utter devotion of the two men most women would kill to be with. Sure, there was a time the two of them were a bit obsessed with her, too, and she threw it away; however, while the feelings they had for her brought them both to the brink, they never took them over the edge. Not the way they did with Casey. She directed her attention back to her menu. This was not how she intended for her night to go, and she was not about to let it take her away from her plans.
Ethan noticed how distant she had become.
“Floria, are you all right sitting here?”
“Me? Oh, of course. Why wouldn’t I be?”
“I know he isn’t exactly your favorite person.”
“That’s an understatement. However, I’m not having dinner with him, am I?”
“No,” he smiled, “you’re not.”
The contrast between the tables was apparent, even if only two of the four were aware of it. One was acutely aware of the awkward situation; the other was in ignorant bliss. One struggled to make conversation, where the other was just so delighted to be in each other's presence, it flowed.
Trying to break an uncomfortable tension, Ethan told a very bland joke. It wasn’t all that funny, at all and he knew it. But Floria responded with laughter that filled the room. That’s when he felt every hair on his body rise. He couldn’t miss that laugh anywhere, but not because it filled his heart, but because it filled him with dread. Casey snuck a peek over Tobias’s shoulder, and the way her features twisted confirmed all he needed to know.
“Of every restaurant in the city of Boston,” Casey whispered.
“I’m game for ignoring if you are.”
“It’s a deal!”
They enjoyed the rest of their meal, careful to keep their voices down. But even having to do that, they realized the mood was dampened.
“Well, I can’t hold it any longer. I have got to go to the ladies room. Which means we’re about to blow our cover,” she whispered.
“It’s almost time for dessert anyway. Do you want to have it someplace else?”
“And miss out on their Crème Brulee? Are you nuts!”
“We could take it home?”
“We could eat it on the couch… naked.”
“Then I would have to feed you.”
Casey smiled seductively, “Why don’t you get the check while I’m gone. I’ll be back in five.”
It was impossible not to acknowledge them as she passed the table, so she plastered on her best smile.
“Ethan. Floria. How are you?”
Ethan stood up to greet her without realizing he was doing so, making the exchange more awkward.
“Casey, hi. You look lovely.”
“Thank you.”
Floria looked over at Tobias. “Imagine running into you here?”
“Yeah, only 3,000 restaurants in the city. What are the chances?”
“Well, you two always have had similar tastes,” Floria sneered.
She soon regretted those words when she realized those words cut Ethan as much as they had the others.
“Hmm, I suppose,” Casey replied nonchalantly, “now if you’ll excuse me, I do need to use the ladies room. Enjoy your evening.”
“You know, I could stand to go myself. I’ll join you.”
You’ve got to be kidding me.
Ethan’s eyes widened as she stood to go. Now he and Tobias were stuck, just feet away from each other, surrounded by an uncomfortable silence. Tobias would have been happy to retreat to their own tables until the women returned. But, he knew that would be in poor taste, so he tried to inject some humor.
“You know, I nearly took her to Sorellina’s. This all could have been avoided.”
“That would have also been an excellent choice. In any case, I’m glad the two of you managed to get in your Valentine’s dinner after all.”
His voice was dripping with sarcasm, and Tobias snorted in response.
“Yeah, well, I wasn’t going to miss out on our first Valentine’s Day. I am not going to miss out on any to follow either. No matter what obstacles are put in our way.”
Ethan’s jaw clenched. He took a deep breath and waited until he could answer with a more measured response. Both men were acutely aware of how childish they were behaving. It felt like the end at Hopkins all over again, and, honestly, both wanted to stop it.
“Well, I did ask you to treat her well. I’m happy to see that you’re doing so.”
Receptive to Ethan’s change in tone, Tobias responded in kind.
“Thanks, buddy,” both men were shocked that the words came from his lips. It had been quite some time. “I didn’t take that promise lightly, and I intend to keep it.”
Casey was reapplying her lipstick when Floria walked up to the sink next to her. She looked up from washing her hands and watched Casey meticulously apply layer upon layer. Truthfully, she was doing much more than she usually would, but she just needed a diversion. Anything to avoid talking to her.
“That’s a beautiful shade, Casey. Very flattering.”
“Thank you, a girl can never have too many shades of nude, right?”
“I suppose not. It’s lovely to see you and Tobias… so happy. You’re a very lucky woman.”
Casey’s looked at her guardedly from the corner of her eyes as she capped her lipstick and dropped it back into her purse. She took her time to blot and take in her appearance in the mirror before she responded.
“Yes,” she said with almost chilling calm, “I am. Thank you for noticing.”
“But how are you handling it all?”
“Handling what?”
“Come on, Casey. Working with Tobias and Ethan? I imagine it must be awkward as fuck. Oh, excuse my language, but then again, from a Baltimore girl to a Philly girl, I’m sure you can overlook it.”
Casey plastered on an obviously fake smile.
“I don’t think it’s a fitting conversation for us to be having, Floria. But, if it puts your mind at ease, we have been managing quite well.” She kept the so far, in her head.
“I’m delighted to hear it. I’m also happy to see that you and Tobias are out in the open now. I mean, if you’re in love, there is no reason to hide, right?”
Casey crossed her arms defensively. “We are in love, and we were never hiding it. That said, we weren’t required to make an announcement.”
“Nevertheless, it’s a good thing. It also gives Ethan the reassurance to move on himself. That is what you want, after all. Isn’t it?”
The pang in Casey’s stomach made her uncomfortable. It wasn’t the thought of Ethan moving on. It was the thought of him moving on with her. Despite everything that had happened between her and Ethan, she had spent too long caring for him, loving him, to just flip a switch and be indifferent. She couldn’t understand why he felt the need to pick her out of all the women in the world. Someone who nearly destroyed him and, frankly, Casey wasn’t so sure she wouldn’t do it again.
“Well, I’m so happy our being public is benefiting you, Floria. That was clearly in the forefront of our minds when we made the decision.”
A cynical smile crossed her face as she realized that Casey believed that she and Ethan were dating, and she wasn’t about to correct her.
“It is mutually beneficial, Casey. There is nothing wrong with that. You don’t want him back after all,” watched reaction closely.
“I’m happy with Tobias if that’s what you’re asking. I’m not a threat to you in any way. Now, if you don’t mind, I’d like to get back to him.”
“Of course, we wouldn’t want to keep the guys waiting.”
Floria followed on her heels. Casey gave Ethan a cursory smile as she walked by. Ethan and Tobias both took note of the tense look on Casey’s face and the sly smile on Floria’s as they returned to their respective tables.
“Did you get the check?” She asked Tobias before sitting.
“All taken care of, doll. You ready to head home?”
“More than,” she smiled.
Home. The word hit Ethan hard. Realistically, he knew that they lived together, but it just dawned on him. Now they lived together. Tobias loved her. He would show her off to the entire world if he could. He talked freely about a future together. She shared a bed with him… every night. In the space of a couple of months, Tobias got to a place that took him nearly four years before he tossed it away. For months he had wished he could go back to the night he ended things with Casey and do things differently, but right now, he realized that wouldn’t be enough. If he really wanted to do right by her, he would have had to go back to the beginning. She didn’t deserve a do-over from their end, she deserved one from their start, and his biggest regret, he’d never get to give it to her.
One month later
The coffee maker in the office wasn’t working, again. Casey marveled at how such an expensive machine that only four people in all of Edenbrook so much as knew about seemed to be broken all the time. She decided right there to replace it with a bare-bones Keurig, and the thought of the look of horror on Ethan’s face brought an impish smile to her face.
“Hey babe, here is your caffeine, at least your first cup.”
“Thanks for running out for this, hon. I’m still half asleep.”
“Well, you had a long day yesterday. I told you, you should have stayed over. Mom would have been delighted to have you.”
“Mmm,” she said, placing her coffee on the table. “Yeah, she’s already texted me a dozen times to let me know how unhappy she is.”
His eyebrows shot to his forehead, “She’s unhappy with you?” He asked defensively.
“No! Unhappy with the circumstances.”
“Well, she really loves you.”
“I would never have guessed!”
They both turned their heads toward the office door as it opened with a crash.
"Well, congratulations!" Harper beamed.
"Obviously, you haven't seen the news?"
She threw a copy of the Boston Globe onto the table.
“Looks like Edenbrook has our own new celebrity!”
Casey’s jaw went slack.
“Holy… I knew he was listening to me. I knew it went well… but I didn’t have any idea that… this is amazing! I mean, it’s only a first step, but this is great news!”
“It sure is,” Ethan said, entering the room. He gently tapped Casey’s shoulder as he walked past her. “Congratulations are certainly in order. I think I can speak for all of us in saying we’re very proud of you.”
Tobias took the paper from Casey’s hand. A photo of her conversing with Rep. Kenner was on the cover. He read the accompanying headline aloud. “Rep. Kenner’s Meeting With Edenbrook Doctor Leads to Change in Course - Funding Cut Bill Could Be DOA.”
A pleasantly surprised look came to his face, though it was not lost on Casey that his exuberance didn’t begin to match that Harper or Ethan. She lowered her eyes for a quick moment when he gently touched her forearm.
“Good work, Case. I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks!” She beamed, “His office contacted me just this morning and invited me down to additional meetings, but they never mention that he reversed his opinion. This is great!”
“I never doubted you, but I have to admit, even I am amazed that you worked your magic this quickly,” Ethan smiled.
“Well, I don’t think it was magic. I just talked facts.” She turned to Tobias, “Do you think you could join me this time? They said they’d love the opinion of other physicians, and I think having another voice from our team could be invaluable. Especially one that happens to be Vivian Carrick’s son.”
His face fell instantly. “I don’t know, Casey. I don’t think having two doctors on the team away right now is a good idea.”
“It will be two days, tops. I’m sure we could even whittle it down to one, if necessary.”
“We can manage the workload with two,” Ethan added.
“I’ll tell you what. I’ll think about it.”
“Well, with that enthusiasm, you’re bound to hit a home run, Carrick. This is too important for our program and for those who can’t afford healthcare in general. I’ll tell you what, I’ll go. Casey, do you think it would be an issue?”
“I, I can’t see how having a world-renowned physician’s voice there would be a negative.”
“Then it’s settled. I’ll join you. Get me the details, and I’ll have Naveen’s office make the arrangements.”
Tobias’s jaw tightened as he fixed his stare out the window. He removed himself from the conversation as Ethan and Harper continued to shower Casey with accolades. No matter how many times she attempted to engage him, the most she would receive was a curt nod. She saw the wall going up around him, but she couldn’t understand why.
Tensions seemed to have settled by the time they were home that evening. Casey slipped up behind Tobias as he washed the dishes after dinner. She wrapped her arms around his waist and placed her head on his shoulder.
“I will never understand. You have the most expensive dishwasher known to man sitting right there, yet you choose to do the dishes by hand every night.”
“It’s just the two of us. It seems silly to turn it on for a job that will take me less than ten minutes to complete.”
Tobias reached over and pulled a dishtowel off the knob of a nearby cabinet.
“And you, my beautiful love, are now officially on drying duty.”
“Damn, I knew I should have stayed inside,” she smirked.
The silence between them was perfectly comfortable, but Casey couldn’t get her mind off this morning. It needed to be addressed.
“T, this morning, it didn’t look like you were happy about me going back to DC later this month.”
He placed the last dish in the drainboard and slowly dried his hands.
“That would be because I’m not.”
“Why? Is it because Ethan is going? Or…”?
“Casey, we’ve been through this. While I’m not crazy about you and Ethan going off on another trip, I trust you. It’s not that.”
“Well, I would have preferred if you would have stepped in and joined me. But that’s off the table now.”
He didn’t answer. The silence between them was no longer comfortable, and it lasted far too long.
“Tobias, if it’s not that, then what is it?”
“Casey… that’s just not my life. It’s not my game… that’s all.”
“OK, but you’re not doing it. I am. It’s not exactly “my game” either. Medicine is my game. Helping people, healing people is my game. To me, this is just something that I need to do to help that along.”
“And that’s fine.”
“Then why the cold shoulder? I thought… I thought you’d be proud of me.”
“Come here,” he pulled her in his arms and kissed her forehead. “I am proud of you. I’m always proud of you. I just like to stay away from that world. Sure, it’s not me in it, but you’re are the woman in my life, and I know how easily people get sucked in. It’s just a matter of time before I’m heading off to dinners to you with some stuffed suit or another and… I’m not looking forward to it. That’s all.”
“I think you’re putting the cart before the course, Tobias.”
“Casey, I’m familiar with the world. You’re not. I want you to mark this night, mark it on the calendar because one day you’ll look back and see, I know what I’m talking about.”
“Well,” Casey said, squirming out of his embrace, “if the day should come, I’ll be more than happy to endure those events on my own. You know, I am more than capable of doing it without my boyfriend at my side. Though it would be nice to have him there.”
“I’m not suggesting that you aren’t capable, Casey. I know you are. And for the record, no, I am never going to watch as you fight passionately for what you believe in and not support you.”
“But that’s what you’re doing right now, T. I’m not feeling very supported. I’m feeling resented.”
He looked at the ceiling and let out a sigh. He knew she was right, and she deserved better than what he was giving. These were his issues, not hers.
“Then I have to do better. Because I am so proud of you. Your passion for what you believe in is one of the things I love the most about you. I promise I’ll be a more supportive partner.”
“I’d like that,” she said, falling back into his arms.
“So, when is this trip anyway?”
“Next week. I’m waiting on the dates, and it looks like we can limit it to an overnighter.”
“Well, that’s good because I hate sleeping without my baby. How about I take you to the airport this time. See you off. I should have done it last time.”
Her eyes brightened as she smiled up at him, “I’d like that. Thanks, T.”
“Don’t mention it.”
“You’ve got your boarding pass?”
“Right here.”
“And you’ve contacted my mom? If she doesn’t see you this time, she may have a coronary.”
“Yes,” she chuckled, “I’m meeting her during our lunch break tomorrow. I am pretty sure she’ll be sitting outside of Kenner’s office waiting for me.”
“Oh, count on it,” he smiled. “It’s getting late. When is Ramsey supposed to get here?”
“Right now,” a deep voice barreled from behind him.
“Speak of the devil,” he said, turning to greet him. That’s when he saw Floria trailing behind. “Yeah, the devil.”
“Good morning to you too, Tobias.”
“It was,” he muttered to Casey, who jokingly smacked him in the chest.
“Surprised to see you here so early, Floria. You still have a long day of work ahead.”
“I told her I could have easily gotten a car. On the hospital's dime, no less.”
“Oh, it’s nothing. I’m normally up at this hour for my Pilates class, and skipping a day won’t hurt.”
“Hm, you never know,” Tobias snickered.
Ethan glowered in his direction, “I think she’ll be just fine.”
“I was joking,”
Jet Blue flight number 219 to DC will start boarding at gate 23…
“Well, that’s our cue,” Casey said.
Tobias gave her a hug and a quick peck on the cheek. “Please let me know when you’ve arrived?”
“I will,” she said, hesitant to let go.
She couldn’t easily show the same affection to Ethan, but Floria did find an opening.
“Ethan, come here,” she raised her hand and caressed his cheek. “You’ve got some powder there.”
“That’s what I get for indulging in a powdered doughnut for breakfast,” he grinned.
“Oh, you have to live a little,” she smiled. “Please be safe. I’ll pick you up tomorrow.”
“You don’t have to, I can….”
“Try to stop me. Besides, I loved the soup and grilled cheese stop on the way home last time I picked you up. I say we make that a tradition. Maybe you two could join us?” she grinned.
“I’ll be on the clock,” Tobias answered.
“Oh, too bad. Then maybe you could come, Casey? No need to rush home to an empty apartment.”
“I’ll see how I feel. I may want to rush home to a warm tub as much as I’d want to run home to Tobias.”
“I’m hurt!”
“Well, I’m joking!”
“We better go,” Ethan nodded.
“Yep, let’s do this.”
Tobias rolled on the balls of his feet as he watched Casey and Ethan make their way down the ramp. Floria made her way up and stood shoulder to shoulder next to him.
“This is getting to be a habit,” she sighed.
“What is?”
“The two of them… off on a trip together.”
“They work together. It’ll happen.”
“You should have gone.”
“Ethan mentioned that he only stepped in to go because of your lack of enthusiasm to join Casey. What were you thinking?”
“Floria, how is any of this your business? It’s probably better for Ethan to be there representing the team.”
“Well, that is undeniable, but you could have avoided them getting more alone time.”
“I’m not worried. I trust Casey implicitly.”
“You’re full of it, Carrick.”
“Believe what you wish, Floria. I’m not going to change your mind anyway.”
“I’d reconsider if I were you. Should another occasion arise. You can act as nonchalant as you want, but those two had something special. Don’t delude yourself into believing it couldn’t spark again. I see how you look at her, and I know that’s the last thing you want.”
Tobias turned and stared down at Floria with eyes of stone.
“Then I’m sure you have seen how she looks at me, too. I don’t know what your game is here, but Casey and I are not some fling. I love her, she loves me, she sleeps at my side every night, we want a future together, and, most importantly, I trust her… with my life. I’m sorry if you don’t know what it’s like to share that, but that’s not my problem at all. I’m out of here.”
He went to walk away, but Floria grabbed the arm of his jacket. He quickly shrugged her off.
“Keep telling yourself that, Tobias. I’m not playing any game. I don’t care about the relationship between us. I couldn’t care less about it, but it could be mutually beneficial for us to work together here. Don’t be stupid, Tobias.”
“Stupid would be entertaining this, Floria. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to work.”
Floria slowly strolled to the large glass windows to watch as the plane carrying Ethan and Casey began to taxi toward the runway. A sardonic smile remained on her face as she sipped her coffee.
“You do that, Carrick, you do that.”
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arcadejohn127-9 · 4 years
Okay but like- the brothers (separately) try to romantically wake you up and when they walk in you are sitting up staring straight at them looking creepy as hell-
Demon brother's tries to wake you up but you're already awake, staring at them
He wanted to be the one who woke you up
A tray of human food and a cup of water in his hands
He almost wanted to insist on one of his brother's doing this, feeling embarassed by how domestic it was
But, he couldn't have them wake you up
"My love, I've come to wake-"
There you were
Awake and just staring at him, unmoving
He cleared his throat, placing the tray beside him but you didn't move
"How much sleep did you get?"
You looked down at your fingers, only counting up to three before staring back at him
Your eyes just stayed stiff and wide
He hates horror
So seeing you just staring at him dead in the eye
Sitting there in the darkness of your room with only the hallway light showing off your rigid figure
You looked like you came straight out of a horror movie!
You didn't even blink! or even flinch!!
He was rushing over to you, shaking you slightly but you were just staring at him
You started to smile but it only made it worse
"I'm fine~ I'm just trying to day dream."
"NAH! you're trying to give me a heart attack!"
"Henry, I got breakfast - maybe we can hang out in my room?"
He gave your door a few knocks, slowly entering your room whilst he spoke
When you didn't respond he immediately became bashful
"ah- I'm bothering you, aren't I? I'm sure you don't want to be around a yucky otaku-"
He met your eyes
You were staring at him, your face was expressionless
There was a small glow coming from below
Your switch, on the brightest setting was making your expression more unnerving
A sweet little Jingle coming from it but it only added to the creepy atmosphere
He let out a yelp, making his fingers an upside down cross
"what the hell?! Are you possessed by some gaming ghost?!"
You didn't even shift, just staring
Satan was heading to your room
A few books tied together, tucked under his armpit
"Dearest, are you awake? My newest book collection has arrived, would you perhaps like to read it-"
When he opened your door he expected to see you still sound asleep
Looking peaceful and cute as always
But no
Here you were, sitting in the darkness of your room just staring at him
Three battery powered candle on the floor in the form of a triangle
"are you...alright? Am I interrupting?"
"come, I had a feeling you'd be coming here so I got lights ready."
He moved to turn on your actual light but your head suddenly snapped over to where he was
He decided it was best to not question it anymore
He was rushing through the hallway
Gripping his nightgown close to his chest
He wanted to give you a morning surprise
He looked scruffy but in a sexy and appealing way and wanted you show it off
He knew that's exactly how you would want to be woken up, to see how wonderful he looks!
"Darling~! Your beauty has arrived!"
He jumped when he saw you were already awake, just staring at him
Normally being stared at was fine
He was use to it!
But the way you were looking at him was just creepy
You didn't stop eye contact, wiggling your fingers at him
"let me see you better~" your voice was slurred
He wasn't happy with how weird you were being, pouting and crossing his arms
First you ruined his surprise and now you were just staring at him like that
"You're lucky I want to be admired but you better cut that out!"
He was just walked into your room, barely giving your door a knock
He had a bag filled with snacks and treats
He came back from his morning jog and wanted to wake you up as everyone else was still asleep - well other than Lucifer
When he saw you were awake and just staring at him
He just smiled and started to walk over
"I got food, do you want to share?"
Started to get concerned when you didn't say anything, just staring and slowly grinning
He offered you a dorayaki, interested in it as it was a human world special sell
You didn't do anything
Not moving an inch
"Honey? Are you okay-"
You suddenly shoved the dorayaki in your mouth
He just patted your head and let you eat, glad you were enjoying yourself
"Be my pillow, I want to have a nap-"
He paused when you were sitting there,hunched over the nightlight he gave you, staring up at him
He laughed through his nose
Shuffling over to you with his pillow close to his chest
When you didn't do anything and just stared at him
He waved his hand Infront of your face
When you just giggled, staring at him
He smacked your face with his pillow
"Stop being weird, I'm going to bed."
He climbed into your lap, moving the nightlight
He curled himself up and almost instantly fell asleep but gave your jaw a quick kiss
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You don't need to write this if you dont want too because it's up to you but this is something wholsome
I apologize for having such horrible writing and grammer. I never payed attention in school, nor could I afford to pay attention 👉😎👉
Bro I feel you on the not paying attention in school thing. Fear not, dearest asker, ask for demon babies, and since I am a merciful writer, you shall receive.
Oh Shit, Half-Demon Babies are Running Amok Send Diapers and Help-
Mini summary for the casual reader, L!MC is Lucifer’s half demon child who got summoned into the Devildom to be one of the human exchange students, M!MC is Mammon’s half demon kid, and A!MC is Asmo’s. Let’s get to the fic!
Ah, what a relaxing day... Lucifer was sitting back in his desk chair, enjoying a nice glass of Demonus and listening to one of his favourite cursed vinyls. He had done a damn good job on his work earlier and Diavolo had insisted there was no more work to be done and he could have the weekend all to himself.
Of course, his brothers were still a factor that could have ruined his me-time... on any other weekend! Satan had just gotten a new encyclopedia to read, so he wouldn’t be causing any trouble, Beel and Belphie were going to take that Devildom food tour, Mammon and M!MC were planning on spending the entire weekend shopping, Asmo and A!MC were going up to the human world on Saturday and staying until Sunday, and Levi... He got a sudden burst of inspiration for his Animal Crossing Island and most likely wouldn’t be leaving his room for the next month. Lastly, L!MC wouldn’t be causing any problems, his child would probably spend their time with him rambling about musicals or anime they had seen, and Lucifer found their intense interest very adorable.
Ah... peace and quiet...
...why did Lucifer hear crying?
There, standing in the entrance hall of the House of Lamentation, was Solomon, holding three screaming babies.
What, and I cannot stress this enough, THE HELL?!
“Ah, Lucifer,” Solomon attempted to wave hello, but needing to continue to bounce one of the babies on his hip kind of hindered the gesture, not that Lucifer wanted a wave at that moment. “I’m sure you have questions.”
After everyone had gathered into the living room, Solomon explained how a spell gone awry had hit L!MC, M!MC, and A!MC with the effect of turning the three into the screaming infants that stood (or... awkwardly sprawled out) in front of them.
On the bright side, the spell only had a timespan of roughly two days, so they wouldn’t be stuck like that forever.
Everyone sat in silence for a few minutes (save for the babies, who were still either crying or incoherently babbling) as they processed that information. Lucifer, ever the flawless older brother and leader, stood up and clapped his hands together once.
“Alright then, everyone cancel your weekend plans, we need to deal with this.”
Lucifer’s dearest little brothers all whined in protest, Satan in particular. “They’re not our kids, why do Belphie, Beel, Levi, and I need to cancel our plans?!”
“Satan,” Lucifer said sternly. “You don’t remember this, but it took six people to take care of one of you. The kids may only be half demons but there are three of them. We need all hands on deck. Besides, if you all want someone to blame, blame Solomon.”
Everyone turned and levelled their practically murderous glared at the sorcerer, who suddenly pulled baby A!MC into his lap and began to rock them back and forth.
“I have never felt more unsafe.” Solomon laughed nervously. “But you wouldn’t kill me while I’m holding my not-child would you?”
Asmo stomped over and snatched A!MC away from Solomon. “I can’t believe you- ACK! A!MC! Stop drooling!”
A!MC had a long trail of drool coming out of their mouth which caused Asmo to shriek and hold A!MC at arms length away. “Stop that! That’s gross, A!MC, you know better.”
The adorable baby continued to babble and drool.
Mammon picked up M!MC, who almost immediately stopped crying upon seeing Mammon’s watch, they began making grab hands at it. “Ah, ya want the watch?”
M!MC squealed in delight as Mammon dangled the watch above them, Mammon was delighted that his little brat still had their expensive taste, even as a baby. “Hey, look at me! I’m doin’ pretty good! Suck it, Asmo!”
As Asmo and Mammon bickered, Lucifer took the time to look at L!MC, they pulled at Lucifer’s tie and hummed to themselves. They were mind numbingly cute despite the screeching they were doing earlier. The sight tugged at the cold spot where Lucifer’s heart should have been, he had missed this part of his child’s life... maybe just that weekend he’d get a chance to-
“Solomon where do you think you’re going?” Lucifer was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed the shifty bastard trying to make his escape. “You’re staying to help manage this nonsense.”
A!MC may have been an absolute ray of sunshine normally, but as a baby, they definitely lived up to the term demon-spawn.
A!MC would scream, cry and pitch a fit if they didn’t get what they wanted immediately, not that they had any way of articulating what they wanted because they were a god damn baby! Asmo and Solomon were at the point where they were just holding stuff out to A!MC to see if it would make them stop crying.
“Come on butterfly, don’t you like this... antique perfume bottle?” Asmo asked, A!MC took one look at it, then burst into flames and started wailing again. “For the love of my father WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!”
Now there were two sobbing messes in the room, and one was on fire. Solomon quickly magically took care of A!MC’s little fire problem (the baby was fiiiiiiine, demon babies light themselves on fire all the time!), picked A!MC up, sat down on Asmo’s bed, and snapped his fingers. Tiny balls of light gently floated into the air around the three, Asmo looked up from his pity party upon hearing A!MC stop their crying.
“See, you still like my magic, even as a baby, right A!MC?” Solomon asked, A!MC looked around in silent wonder, trying to reach up and touch the lights.
“Oh Solomon, this almost makes me forgive you for screwing up my weekend plans...” Asmo sighed in relief, he sat next to Solomon and pulled A!MC into his lap. “Not very colourful though, is it? Let me fix that.”
Asmo smiled as his own magic added streaks of colour, it was like their very own private showing of the northern lights. A!MC had on one of those goofy baby smiles that can make even the grumpiest person smile back.
Solomon and Asmo shaped some of the lights into shapes and animals, Asmo let a pink butterfly land on A!MC’s nose, much to their adorable delight.
“And that one’s a bird, and that one’s a giraffe,”
“That’s an alpaca.”
“Sorry, an alpaca with a weirdly long neck, oh! And a sheep!” Asmo looked down at his lap where A!MC sat and tickled their sides. “Everyone likes sheep!”
He then quickly shaped a ball of light into a scorpion and made it scuttle into A!MC’s lap. “But I have to say, scorpions are the best.”
The fifth born sighed in contentment as their sweet little hellspawn continued to watch the magic show. Never in his life did Asmodeus ever think he’d be this happy holding a baby, usually babies were things he thought should be handled with hazmat suits, but not at that moment. His little butterfly truly did have him wrapped around their finger.
“Asmo, hey, Asmo,” Asmo looked over at Solomon, who had a glowing triangle over one of his eyes. “Would you like to join my secret society?”
“Solomon, you are ruining the moment.”
“C’mon kiddo! Eat your damn food!” Mammon once again tried to shove the spoon into his kid’s mouth with the same result as the 50 previous attempts.
“YUCKY!” M!MC shouted and slapped the spoon away.
“Here,” Beel took the spoon from Mammon. “Maybe it’s yucky like they said.”
Beel ate what was on the spoon, then smiled brightly. “You can really taste the mango!”
“See bud..? Beel likes it.” Mammon gestured at Beel, who was eating the entire jar of baby food as Belphie watched in amusement. He was such an asset to the team. “Beel! They need to eat!”
“Fine, let me try.” Belphie grabbed another spoon, and waved it in M!MC’s face. “Here comes the airplane... whoosh... whoosh...”
M!MC didn’t budge, Belphie knitted his eyebrows and rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine, be that way.”
Levi pushed open the door to the kitchen, and upon seeing the scene before him, immediately turned and tried to leave. “Nope! Food isn’t worth getting spit up all over me-”
Mammon lunged forward, grabbed the back of Levi’s jacket and practically yanked him into the kitchen, he slapped a spoon into his hand and smiled. “C’mon, do a favour for your super great big brother!”
The third born looked at M!MC, who defiantly stared back at him, the baby had the upper hand and the little brat knew it. Babies were so much cuter in anime...
Levi nervously stepped forward and held out the spoon like a weapon. “O-okay M-M-M!MC... you need to eat your food... pls... pls eat.”
M!MC said nothing, they only did what most babies did.
They spun their head 90 degrees until the back of their head was all Levi could see.
Everyone in the kitchen stood in complete silence, until Mammon jumped a foot in the air and started screaming bloody murder. “MY BABY!”
He dove forward and scooped M!MC up in his arms, the baby, obviously freaked out by the sudden loud noise, had begun to cry.
“It’s okay! It’s okay! Uh... uh...” Mammon looked around frantically. “Hush little baby don’t say a word... papas gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird don’t sing, papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring... and if that diamond ring is brass, butitwon’tbebecauseyouroldmanwouldn’tgetcheatedlikethat-”
M!MC spun their head back to its correct position, but their crying sounds were now several octaves lower... It sounded like if someone put a baby in the Darth Vader mask but without the weird breathing sounds...
Mammon looked to Belphie. “I’m blankin’ on nursery rhymes! Ya hafta know some kid songs!”
Belphie, after being put on the spot, suddenly forgot every single nursery rhyme and lullaby any of his brothers had ever sung to him. Oh! A song popped into his head! He could sing that!
“Lizzie Borden took an axe, gave her mother forty whacks, when she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty one-”
“Not that one!” Mammon squeaked, holding M!MC closer to him. M!MC’s voice had returned to normal, the next problem is that they were only speaking in infernal. “Somethin’ else!”
“There was an old lady who swallowed a fly,” Beel began to sing. “I don’t know why she swallowed that fly... I forgot the rest of the song...”
“Dammit... Leviiiiii!” Mammon wheezed, desperately trying to calm the angrily growling M!MC. “Sing! Sing anything!”
“A-anything?” Only one song came to mind. “Uh um... With the doors of heaven and Hell barred, there is no other but the guard, Master of the Hellish Yard...”
Mammon lit up and nodded like Levi had just offered him a million Grimm. “Aw hell yeah! This song!”
He handed M!MC to Beel and began to dance and sing next to Levi, who had really gotten into the song as well!
“With those sins that you've committed, If you pay you'll be acquitted, and your crimes all permitted,” the two paused for dramatic effect before both belting out the best line in the song.
As Levi and Mammon continued to sing, M!MC became so entranced by the dance, that they stopped their demonic babbling and just watched the second and third born dance and sing the English cover of an old vocaloid song. Belphie and Beel made brief confused eye contact to make sure the other twin was seeing the same thing.
The duo finished the song and took a bow, Beel lightly tapped M!MC’s chubby baby hands together to make it look like they were clapping. It was enough for Mammon and Levi.
“Thank you, thank you,” Mammon said. “We’ll be here forever, next show ain’t free.”
“We should sing The Tailor on Enbizaka next!”
“Levi! No! That song is like... seven minutes long!”
“Hey, morons,” Belphie stuck his thumb at M!MC. “They still haven’t eaten.”
Mammon’s triumphant expression dropped right to the floor. “Ah fuck...”
“Satan, where’s L!MC-” Lucifer looked up at the ceiling of Satan’s room and his jaw dropped. “WHAT ARE THEY DOING UP THERE?!”
“I can’t get them down!” Satan hissed back.
L!MC. L!MC the BABY. They were on the ceiling. They were sitting upside down on the ceiling like it was an average Friday. Lucifer was too old for this shit...
“L!MC.” Lucifer held out his arms, L!MC squinted at him, that’s when Lucifer remembered L!MC was practically blind without their glasses. “L!MC, it’s your father, come here.”
“Don’t you think I’ve tried calling them down like that?!” Satan spat as he quickly ran a hand through his hair.
Lucifer shot a glare at Satan, then Lucifer heard something that nearly made his (lack of) heart stop. Oh no- L!MC was yawning-
L!MC yawned and suddenly detached from the ceiling. Lucifer and Satan both dove forward to catch L!MC, which culminated in one of Satan’s piles of books falling down, but with L!MC safe and sound.
“Damn it.” Satan grumbled as Lucifer shifted to properly hold L!MC. “This is going to take forever to clean...”
“That was clean?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow as L!MC began to fuss slightly.
Satan growled and rolled his eyes. “Yes, it was clean thank you very much. I knew exactly where everything was.”
The cat that unofficially ruled the House of Lamentation pranced into Satan’s room like it didn’t have a care in the world, it began to bat at one of the loose papers that had been scattered around the floor. Detective Toe Beans, you’re an esteemed detective, and technically RAD’s mascot, stop that!
Satan scooped up the cat and began to put the books back in the pile, when Lucifer noticed a familiar, beat-up old book lying near the bottom of the pile.
“Ah, I remember this book,” Lucifer leaned down and picked it up, showing the cover to L!MC, who didn’t seem very interested and continued petting the fur part of Lucifer’s jacket. “It’s good for a bedtime story, right L!MC?”
Lucifer tucked the book under his arm and turned to leave when Satan practically shot upwards. “If you think you can just take that out of my room, you’re completely delusional.”
“Are you seriously going to whine about getting a bedtime story for L!MC?”
“CAT!” L!MC looked over Lucifer’s shoulder and reached for Detective Toe Beans. “CAT!”
“Yes L!MC, cat.” Lucifer whispered to them, then turned back to Satan. “And if I’m remembering correctly, I used to read this to you. Do you really want to deprive poor L!MC of bedtime stories from me?”
“Pff... deprive...” Satan rolled his eyes and huffed. “I’d be saving them. You were the only one who never did any voices for the characters, I was bored to sleep.”
Satan walked forward and swiped the book from Lucifer. “If anyone’s reading L!MC a bedtime story, it should be me. I’m twice the storyteller you’ll ever be.”
Lucifer scoffed. “Ridiculous. We’ll both read L!MC a story and they can tell us who did best when they get back to normal.”
“Fine by me.”
The three (four if you count Bean) were soon seated on the couch in Lucifer’s room. Lucifer took the first story.
Satan listened along and absentmindedly pet Bean, hearing a story he had heard over and over again had managed to bring back memories of a time where he had significantly less control over his wrath. Every night he’d demand a bedtime story or he’d throw a tantrum unlike anything the Devildom had ever seen.
The eldest was always there to swoop in and read Satan a story whenever the little ball of seething rage looked ready to kill the unfortunate brother who told him it was bedtime.
It had gotten to the point that Satan could recite most of the stories in the book completely by heart. He chuckled under his breath as he remembered the time he matter of factly told Lucifer that he’d be reading him the bedtime story that night and proceeded to pretend to read the story of The Hydra and the Pufferfish. He hadn’t actually learned to read, much to Lucifer’s dismay, Satan just memorized what to say and when to turn the pages.
Though, it was apparently impressive enough at the time to warrant a head pat from Lucifer.
The fourth born leaned closer to Lucifer to get a better look at the book’s illustrations. They were always slightly off and strange looking, much like the pictures in the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark book that L!MC had given Satan for his birthday.
Lucifer abruptly stopped reading.
“Why’d you stop?” Satan looked up at Lucifer, then over at L!MC. Aw... Satan didn’t even get a chance to read...
“Our audience has fallen asleep.” Lucifer stifled a yawn and prepared to close the book, Satan quickly shoved his hand on the page to stop him.
“You started reading,” Satan looked away and grumbled. “So at least finish the story...”
Lucifer smirked and opened the book back up. “If you insist, Satan.”
Yayyyyy! Babies! I’m sure the three get back to normal by Monday... hopefully...
Here’s a link to the song Levi and Mammon are singing!
I hope you all enjoyed! As of the time I’m posting this, the next set of Lessons 1-5 Headcanons will be out tomorrow at 8:30 pm EST.
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fictionadventurer · 5 years
I like your post about the Hunger Games and agree with most of it, but I still think the love triangle was unnecessary and people are right to criticize it. Collins could have very easily written Gale as the best friend and Peeta as her main love (based on endgame choices) or vice versa I don't even care since I'm not a big shipper of either. But she did introduce the unnecessary drama that overall did not add much to the plot, and it only took away focus. So I think I understand that crit.
Once upon a time, I might have agreed with you. These are good books, important books, and we don’t need to defile this war epic by shoving in teenage-hormone love-triangle dramatics. Then I reread the series, and I was astonished at how, for the most part, the love story is inextricably intertwined with the action-adventure elements. You can’t take out the love-triangle elements without creating a very different book with a very different message. That love-triangle, far from defiling the war story, elevates it into something better.
It starts almost immediately in the first book. We see how Katniss has a deep friendship with Gale, something that could turn into romance, except that she doesn’t dare to go down that path. There’s no place for marriage, and definitely not for new children, in their broken world. She only has energy for day-to-day survival. And once Katniss goes into the Hunger Games, romance is definitely off the table. She needs to harden her heart and make no human connections with the people around her if she wants to have even the slimmest chance of making it back home to her family. In a lesser book, she’d be right–there’d be no goopy romance to distract us from the hard-bitten survival epic that the Hunger Games is supposed to be.
But then Peeta declares his love for her. Suddenly, she’s part of an epic romance on national television. She wants nothing to do with this strategy–love makes you look weak. (And doesn’t that sound a lot like people who criticize the YA love triangle?) But Haymitch counters that it makes her desirable to the audience, and suddenly the thing that had seemed so burdensome becomes necessary to her survival. She needs to play the game–and once they’re in the arena, she needs to figure out if it is a game to Peeta. Peeta has already shown himself capable of manipulating the emotions of all of Panem–is it possible that he’s manipulating her?
This is the real brilliance of the first book’s romance. It doesn’t distract from the main conflict–it is the main conflict. Like so many other teenage girls, Katniss asks herself, “Does this teenage boy like me?”, but in this case the answer is literally a matter of life and death. If he loves her, she can trust him to help her survive. If he doesn’t, he could kill her at any time.
By the time she finds out that his love is real, she has to fake romantic feelings toward him to draw in sponsors. Now she’s manipulating his emotions to survive, and she can’t hope to untangle what’s real and what’s fake in this manufactured mess of a reality show. But Peeta’s influence has shown her that love isn’t pointless in the Hunger Games–it’s the only way for them to truly fight back. She chooses love for Peeta–whether romantic or not–over her own life, and that’s the only reason that, for the first time in history, two victors manage to beat the Capitol at their own game. Katniss won not by being the best warrior, but by showing love. The love story wasn’t a distraction–it was the solution.
It’s only in Catching Fire that she has to deal with the consequences of that. She was willing to die for Peeta, but she’s not sure she wants to live with him, especially since their relationship started under such unreal circumstances. She’d much rather leave the Games–and Peeta–behind and return to the life she knew before. That life included Gale, and Katniss is, for the first time, willing to consider him as a romantic partner. If her romance with Peeta was fake, is it possible that she could have real romance with her best friend?
This is the point where the love triangle comes into full swing, and I’ll admit this is the book where it’s integrated most clumsily. It seems like Katniss is taking some unnecessary risks in pursuing a relationship with Gale, and the plot sometimes comes to a screeching halt so Katniss can think about her emotions. But even if the plot integration isn’t as smooth as it was in the first book, the thematic relevance of the love triangle is still spot-on. Katniss has to think about what she wants–cling to her old life or dive into this new post-Hunger Games world? Does love have a place in this world at war? And when we think about the question in that way, the sloppy integration of the love story into the main action plot is kind of the point. Katniss may be instigating a war, but she’s still a teenage girl. She still has emotions, but she’s being forced to hide or fake so many of them that she doesn’t know who she is, what she wants, or who she wants to be. How can she discover her identity, hold onto her humanity, in the middle of a war?  
Mockingjay is where we get the answer to those questions. With Peeta imprisoned in the Capitol and the war underway, Katniss is saved from having to make an immediate decision about her romance. She echoes every romance-hating fan’s thoughts when she says:
The very notion that I’m devoting any thought to who I want presented as my lover, given our current circumstances, is demeaning.
There’s a war going on! There’s no time for love triangles! But it’s only when she’s not being forced to pursue romance with Peeta that she can really evaluate her relationship with Gale–and she’s finding that it’s not as strong as she thought. When she needs advice, she gets it from Prim, not Gale. When she needs someone who understands the trauma of killing, she goes to Finnick or Johanna. Now that Katniss and Gale don’t have the shared bond of having to care for their families–who are kept safe and fed by District 13–they’re finding that they don’t have much else in common. Katniss is mistrustful of Coin, while Gale is part of her inner circle. Katniss kills only when she has to during the war, while Gale treats weapon design as a fun challenge. This exploration of their relationship isn’t a distraction from the main plot. They’re what make the main plot mean something. This is the lens through which Katniss considers her views on violence, on war, on life, on what the point of their fight is. She and Gale literally have arguments about utilitarian principles! It’s only by exploring and then severing this leg of the love triangle that Katniss finds out who she is and what she really believes.
Collins couldn’t explore these issues in the same way if either Gale or Peeta wasn’t presented as a romantic interest. The nature of eros is desire, and the whole point of the Peeta vs. Gale question is Katniss figuring out what she wants out of life. She needs to be drawn to both of them, in the same kind of relationship, if the question and answer are to mean anything. Does Katniss want her old life, with Gale as the most important person, with his anger driving her to fight for survival by any means necessary? Or does she want a new life with Peeta, where they live for something beyond mere survival? Which man, which philosophy, does she want to devote her life to? If Peeta was the love interest and Gale was only the best friend, she could have both in her life. But you can’t resolve the trilogy’s central question by having Katniss compromise. Choosing one side means she can’t choose the other–and the only relationship that requires such an exclusive choice is a love triangle. Far from distracting from the main plot, the love triangle is what elevates it, takes it beyond a war story where the only question is how the characters will survive, and makes it into a story that tells us how the characters are going to live.
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izzielizzie · 3 years
Idk if you talk about tv shows much but I’d love your thoughts on the Saved By the Bell reboot, especially parallels between new characters and the old ones and where you think they’re going with romance
i love talking about shows!!!
old vs new group
Zack and Mac
If the names and incredibly accurate casting wasn't enough, their knack for getting themselves into trouble, setting up elaborate pranks, and falling fast and hard for random girls should be a really good indicator of the parallel. But, one thing that should be mentioned: there is a little bit of Kelly in Mac too, which makes him a little more endearing that Zack (who really is trash). Mac is a lot more family oriented than Zack was, and Kelly, being in a family of seven kids, understands the importance of good familial relationships, and we see Mac wanting to be closer to his father. He does all of this stuff just because he wants his father to see him for once. And that is all Kelly.
Lisa and Lexi
I mean this one is kind of obvious: obsessed with fashion and relationships. They're both popular and give good advice. But I think the biggest difference between them is that Lexi's intentions are purely selfish while Lisa generally did what was best for her friends. It's interesting how they get into similar scrapes, but there's the very clear difference in how they happen and what the results are. Lisa, who spent a ton of her father's money and then worked to pay it back, even though her friends offered her money, ended up happy while learning a lesson. But when Lexi tries to get Jamie to date her or tries to win the role of president, she gets out of her scrapes without learning anything. She's starting to learn and she's going to have a great arc, but Lisa was - mostly - selfless from the first episode.
Jessie and Daisy
Again, another very obvious comparison. Jessie was the overachieving class president who was best friends with the popular prankster. And, per Mac's proclamation in the second episode, Daisy is Mac's best friend. But what sets Jessie and Daisy apart is that Jessie was super vocal about everything she believed in, and was willing to upset people she cared about even if it hurt her (think of her will-they-won't-they with Slater where she accused him of being a sexist pig every other second). And Daisy is just as vocal, but she has an inherent understanding of when to step back and let other people figure things out. Like when she says that if she wants to do anything at Bayside, she had to stop trying to fix one guy. Jessie didn't take that route with Slater.
Kelly and Jamie
For all of their other incredible qualities, Kelly and Jamie were reduced to the good looking airheads of the group. Kelly was the object of many boys' affection, and Jamie is just as liked by the girls at Bayside. But they're also both insanely kind and willing to help their friends. Jamie was the only one from the Bayside trio to be genuinely saddened about the kids having to go back to Douglas because, like Kelly, he never really has ulterior motives. He's kind of just... misguided.
Slater and DeVante
I know that the show explored this parallel from the very beginning of the show with the whole football thing, but their similarities extend farther. Slater was lonely and a little jaded when he arrived at Bayside because he had been in fourteen schools due to his father being stationed in a lot of different places. His only friend was his chameleon that he was really attached to. And he used his insecurities to look tough and join different teams to create his own family, knowing very well that he may have to leave. And DeVante has a really hard home life, and he's had some past misdemeanor issues, but like Slater, he wants to change how people view him while also trying to become happier. Maybe he isn't ready for a family like group of friends, but he's trying.
Screech and Aisha
Screech got the short end of the stick a lot, but he was an incredibly kind and helpful person - he got Lisa out of a lot of scrapes even though she never showed any interest or kindness in return - but most importantly: he was unapologetically himself. He flaunted his ant farm and his interesting abilities, no matter how much Zack teased him. And Aisha is the same way. She wanted to play football without a helmet just so people would know they were losing to her. And she's kind too. She lends a shoulder to Daisy constantly, and she's respectful towards Lexi even though she kind of admitted to sabotaging Jamie and Aisha's relationship.
the triangle
The Aisha, Lexi, and Jamie love triangle is reminiscent to the Slater, Zack, and Kelly triangle, where two people are fighting for the affections of a third person that’s rather oblivious. Saved By the Bell is a big fan of the “best friends to lovers” trope, so Lexi and Jamie might be the most obvious choice for long term couple, but - and hear me out here - I think the ultimate couple will be Aisha and Jamie. Jamie is less prejudiced out of the three original Bayside kids, but he’s a little confused, especially because his mother shields him from so much. If the show can do it right, with Aisha’s prompting, Jamie can have an amazing arc where he steps away from his mother and other people that have controlled his life (like Lexi), learning that he’s enough as his own person, and Jessie can learn that her son will be okay on his own.
And Jamie can teach Aisha how to accept her feelings, especially since she admitted that she’s not the best at talking about/understanding her feelings.
Slater and Jessie
Ah yes, my personal favorite. Especially since Jessie stood up to Rene, it’s highly likely that Kelly will be sowing the seeds of the old relationship in the second season, and we go back to our regularly scheduled programing
also - can you guys tell I adore Jamie yet? - it would be great for Jamie to have a positive father figure, something he doesn’t have since Jessie did most of the raising. 
Mac and Daisy
I know their actors were surprised by this pairing, but Mac and Daisy are perfect. Before Slater asked Jessie to the prom, I shipped Jessie and Zack so hard because they had chemistry and they were friends. Mac and Daisy have the chemistry - and have had it since day one - but also they’re best friends who build each other up and learn from each other. The also appreciate and value each other. Mac tried to teach Daisy how to be rich to get what he wanted, but ultimately he pushed everyone to help her since he knew that she was doing the right thing. And Daisy accused him of not being able to do anything, but she apologizes because she understands that Mac is still working out his issues and most importantly - he’s trying.
And I know this part is self-fulfilling because I’m Latina, but I really want Mac learning about Daisy’s culture and understanding where she’s coming from. Also: Mac interacting with Daisy’s brother would be perfect.
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ringmyheart · 4 years
Hi! Could you maybe write a love triangle between Jake and Samuel when they were together in Big Deal. Like the s/o is really kind and catches Sam off guard but also has a fiery side which really intrigues Jake? (And maybe Sinu in the background cheering for Jake bc he's biased??) Thank you, sorry if it's too much❤💜
“Hey, are you going to sleep all day?!”
The calf of your foot became a blur of (s/c) when you kicked the kid before you’s chair, placing your hands on your hips. A screeching noise resounded as the legs of his chair jerked to the side a little, and you saw him stir.
At this school, you saw yourself as at the top of the hierarchy. Wether or not everyone else saw you as the same was… questionable, but your gait expressed your feeling of superiority.
So when you saw the new kid, you veiled your curiosity of himself behind a tough exterior, and approached him when you first saw him - which was sleeping at his desk in a classroom - alone. He grunted out a sigh before lifting his head from his folded elbows, and blinked at you from a lowered angle of his head.
Your face went blank. Shoulders rolling back and stiffening pensively, he could see the gears in your head turning while you just stared.
“... What?” He asked after an eternity of silence, watching your expression gradually grow more surprised the longer you ogled at him. He cocked a brow at you. “Well? Did you just wake me up for the fun of it?” He wasn’t offensive, just curious.
You turned on your heel, and shook your hand dismissively, shoulders still rigid. You waved him off as if saying he was off the hook. “Whatever, I’m not leaving you alone because I think you’re cute, or anything, I’m just feeling especially nice today. Consider yourself lucky.” You said, a dead giveaway of your real intentions.
He blinked slowly at your retreating self, lingering on you for an extended amount of time amusedly before he put his head back in his hands, and resumed his sleep. From the other side of the classroom, he could feel your stare fixate on him up until he drifted asleep again; and from behind black eyelashes, (e/c) optics observed the rise and fall of his shoulders before your eyes fluttered to a close as well, and you lost consciousness.
That was technically the first time you met Jake Kim. But the time he finally noticed you, was only moments after.
When you woke up again, rather than seeing a classroom devoid of people aside from the two of you, your eyes flitted open to see a sea of knocked out students surrounding your seat. Your mouth fell agape, and the shock of it all cleared away the sleepiness in your system.
‘What happened while I was asleep…?!’
You lifted yourself up on your elbows with wide eyes scanning the room around you, when the kid you’d disturbed from sleep earlier turned the corner to enter the classroom. He seemed taken aback at the fact that you were finally awake, and leaned against the doorway, observing the room.
“Did you do all this?” He asked. He knew you didn’t - in fact, he had done it, and he wasn’t sure what had become of him when he asked that. He just felt inclined too. Upon seeing him, you seemed flustered, and defensively leaned back, striking a pose with your arm.
“Y-yeah… yeah! This was all me.” You jabbed a finger to your chest in pride, “I’m a pretty tough person, you see. The guys in this school kind of suck, but don’t worry, ‘cus I can take ‘em if they try and mess with you! They basically cower when they see me.”
Why you answered that way - why you lied, neither of you could really say exactly. As soon as the words had left your mouth, you saw him narrow his eyes, before he smiled almost exasperatedly - like you were a hassle in and of yourself.
None could tell why you’d fibbed, but the way you’d ended the sentence was undeniably your bashful declaration of friendship, and “protection” - as though you were an important part of this school, and he took it.
“Okay, I’ll take you up on that. You’ll need to know my name if you’re gonna be helping me out, right?”
You nodded vigorously, and he pulled himself off the frame of the door. “I’m Jake Kim. You?”
“Uhh…” for whatever reason you seemed starstruck, and had to collect your thoughts before finally responding, “(y/n).”
That was how you had officially met Jake Kim, and how he officially met you.
From then on, you were glued to his side. You swore it was the other way around, but it was clear to see you were the follower here. But regardless of who played what role, it was clear as day that you and him were attached by the hip.
It was only natural that, when he joined Big Deal, you followed suit. You followed him everywhere he went - and it was expected you’d go there, too.
And that was the first time you met Samuel Seo.
Technically, the very first time you and him met was when you and your friendship group as well as him and Alexander Hwang had lied about being Big Deal to an opposing gang. You’d furiously insisted that you guys weren’t a part of Big Deal, in an attempt to save your asses, and had a huge ‘X’ over your chest as the other gang approached you all - and when you all had ran from the scene, you were the first to bolt - the others following. It wasn’t much of cowardice, more like knowing how you could take on. You talked big, and seemed airheaded - but truth was you weren’t too dull in your senses. But neither of you noticed each other.
You and Samuel knew of each other, but the first time you really met was after you’d all become a real part of Big Deal, and you were pulled your weight by joining the ladies who worked in the shops lining the street. He was always complaining about how you and the ladies were slackers, and skeptic on whether or not you all actually did anything.
You tended to a clothes shop, and he entered with the air of a boss or CEO coming to inspect how well you were working. He had clearly came in ready to accuse you of doing nothing, and with somewhat good reason, as when he entered the clothes were unkempt and you were idly hanging around.
A dress had fallen from a hanger on a rack, and he eyed it, before turning to you. “Do you do anything in here?”
You crossed your arms across your chest with a ‘hmph’. “Uhm, yes!” You said matter-of-factly.
Clearly not satisfied with your answer, he gestured to the dress on the floor.
“Then why is this here?”
“What is this, an interrogation?!” You guffawed, “you know, this job is harder than you think! It isn’t that easy.”
He raised a brow as if saying, ‘oh, really?’, before he bent down and picked up the dress in one motion, saying, “you’re right - it isn’t that easy.” Hanging it on the rack, he then turned to you. “It’s this easy.”
He seemed arrogant, knowing he’d proved you wrong. You felt like a shriveled up sponge underneath his stare, and froze. A squeak of embarrassment left you, and the two of you engaged in eye contact for a prolonged amount of time. It had lasted for so long, he began to view his reflection in the black of your pupils, and the silence was only interrupted by your sudden and stifled, “pfft!”
You covered your mouth with your hand, but that couldn’t hide your chuckles, or the way your shoulders hopped up and down humorously. He blanched.
“What in the world is so funny?”
“I don’t know,” you smiled, “something about you is just funny.” His demeanor was still cold, but you had began to warm up, like melted butter. The edges of your lips turned upwards naturally, taut into a smile by strings of glee, and your smile ran all the way to your eyes. Samuel’s shoulders slumped, and he seemed somehow offended.
Taking a step closer to you, he glared at you. “I’m not funny - I’m the new leader of Big Deal, and your superior.”
You kept your giddy expression. “No - you’re funny, and inviting, aaaaaaand my friend?”
Samuel Seo was always conviniently good at separating beauty from the person. When he saw a pretty girl, or a handsome guy, and liked them - they were beautiful, but he separated their looks from the person. But the source of your beauty came from your person - and you weren’t beautiful, but beauty became you. His eyes widened a fraction at what seemed to be a proposal of friendship, and he blew air out of his nose frustratedly, not sparing you another glance as he left your little shop. You watched his leaving form with a delighted countenance. And that was how you and Samuel Seo truly met each other.
When it came to the receiver of love, it could be hard to tell if someone was expressing camaraderie or wanting of something more. However, from an outsiders’ perspective, it was rather easy to pick up on - and in this case, that outsider was Sinu Han.
There was a look of adoration like no other in your eyes when you’re in love, and that twinkle of endearment was in Jake’s eyes every time he turned to you. The smile on his lips formed itself when you were near, chatting away at him endlessly, and he would merely nod and listen - absorbing your words with a contented look. Like being with you was living a long, fulfilling life in every conversation.
You were crouched on the floor and spooning at the Chinese food from one of the shops in the neighborhood when Sinu’s line of vision spied Jake approaching you, and he grinned, recalling what he was like young and in love - and deciding to give Jake a push, quite literally.
Sinu’s hand pressed against his back, his foot shifting in front of Jake’s to force him to fall. His expression grew panicked as he fell, and a shocked cry left him - causing you to turn around just in time to readjust yourself further back - albeit not back enough. He tumbled down atop of you, one hand breaking his fall and keeping him levitating over you by your head, the other by your lower body.
“Ah - sorry,” he apologized flatly, like his voice and the need to talk was forgotten, the two of you staring at eachother intently. You nodded, mumbling an “it’s okay” plainly, eyes darting back and forth to match his. His face blanched, and then grew red, and the stammer of words lost as soon as they met your lips was your tell of flustered ness. You’d get up - had his hands not caged you on the floor, and you just engaged in eye contact until Sinu slapped him on the back encouragingly.
“Atta boy, Jake!” He said teasingly, simpering. “I didn’t know you were so interested in (y/n). But get a room!”
This seemed to break your shared trance, and he pulled himself up off of you cleanly. “Sorry, (y/n),” he apologized, sending a glare to Sinu behind him, who gave him a non-discreet thumbs up. He could say Sinu tripped him and let you know he didn’t fall on top of you, but that could risk revealing his feelings if you inquired why he’d tripped him over you, so he resorted to a little white lie.
“I didn’t mean to fall on top of you. My bad.”
You shook your hand dismissively, “it’s fine, it’s fine. No harm done.” You said, immediately moving onto another topic - inviting him to eat with you, though it was more like you telling him he would, and he nodded an ‘okay’.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll be right back, (y/n).” He excused himself briefly, unaware of the two narrowed eyes following the two of you, who’d seen the whole thing.
Samuel didn’t like the way your name rolled off Jake’s tongue.
He didn’t want to hear it coming from him again.
Samuel had come into your shop indignantly after noticing you and Jake, and sat on the couch by the window without saying a thing to you. When you’d noticed him, you’d greeted him casually, and sat besides him on the couch - noticing two golden knuckle-bracelets caching the light of the sun filtering through.
Absentmindedly, you grabbed his hand and played with the golden accessories, namely the one on his left hand. He hadn’t noticed you pull out a marker with a head full of air when he opened his mouth and began to talk, enjoying the way you fiddled with his fingers.
“Your relationship with Jake. What is it?”
You didn’t pause whatever you were doing with his hand, “we’re best friends. Why?”
He soaked in that information, brooding, pensive. “...” He was hesitant to say what he was going to say next, and whilst the first half of the sentence fell out of his mouth his eyes drifted to your hands and his, “and what are w- are you coloring my ring with marker?”
You snapped up at the furious tone in his voice which he kept controlled, filtering it through hard and impactful words forced out through gritted teeth. Immediately your hands stopped, and you recoiled a bit. “Is that- bad…? I thought it was just a little accessory…”
His brows furrowed downwards angrily, “of course it’s bad, this is a knuckle ring! It’s for fighting! What opponent is gonna be intimidated by someone with a knuckle ring which says-“ he paused to read whatever you’d wrote on his knuckle ring with squinted eyes, “-which says (y/n)!”
You shrunk back into yourself. “Does it wash o-“
You didn’t get to finish your sentence as he began to rub against the marker, the ink not budging. “No! It doesn’t!”
You seemed to be consumed by guilt, “I’m so-“
“Being sorry doesn’t do you a thing.” He cut you off coldly, slumping back against the couch in furious thought. You could see he was absorbing the situation, and he was breathing heavily in anger - so you just sat silently, lips forming an uncertain line.
After a few breaths, he seemed to cool down - and spying the expression on your face which was ridden with regret, he sighed. “... it’s fine.”
Your eyes widened. “Really? But you were so mad.” You frowned.
“I can always buy new ones if need be. Plus, if I have someone’s name on my ring… it makes my opponent think I have a significant other, or something and it-“ he coughed awkwardly, “well, it makes it seem like I have someone to fight for. And that makes me seem all the more dangerous, right?”
You chuckled, the sun pouring in highlighting the side of your face and bedecking your smile, your hands clenched into fists at your knees, still shaken from his small outburst. “... You know how you’re always going don’t interrupt me to people, and hate being talked over?” You asked, standing up to look over his sitting person, “well, you interrupted me, you know. Twice. While you were yelling.” You had a cheeky, playful grin, “what a hypocrite.” You were clearly joking, the sun setting you alight.
He blinked slowly at you, before chuckling. “... You’re right. I did.”
Specks of dust became stagnant under the sun’s glare, making the scene between the two of you dreamy, and time felt like it had come to a standstill. The clock stopping for you two.
He grabbed your hand which rested at your side, and lifted it to the side of his face. “You get two free hits, then,” his eyes never left yours despite his movement, “you can hit me twice.”
You leaned in closer to him, crouching slightly. “No, I don’t want to do that,” you said, trance-like.
“I don’t hit people when I’m mad.”
That was a direct critique to his ways and habits, and he seemed hypnotized, both of you luring the other closer. “Oh? Then what do you do when you’re angry?” He asked, leaning in. You mirrored the action.
“You wouldn’t get to know right now, because I’m not angry at you.” You said.
“Then what are you at me?”
Your noses nearly brushed against each other, and your eyes nearly blinked close in unison before you pulled away abruptly, tapping his nose. “You’ll never know.” Like the teetering push and pull of waves on an ocean against a boat, you and him got closer and farther with each interaction, and it felt like the next time, the boat would rock forwards, and be submerged by the waters entirely.
“We’re both in love, so I should be the leader of Big Deal. I’ll follow more closely in your footsteps.” Samuel’s words were unconvincing, and Sinu Han blinked languidly, amused.
“You’re in love?” He said, as if hadnt been able to tell already. Samuel felt superior to Jake in this, it felt like him and Sinu had something Jake didn’t - but unbeknownst to him, this feeling was just as close to Jake as it was to him.
“Well, watch out - because you’re not the only one.” He chirped, and Samuel paused.
“... What?”
The incentive to hate Jake had never burnt so passionately, and Sameul let his words process in his mind before he formed a response. “Jake may be in love with whoever, but as for me, I’m in love with someone who’s in love with me as well.” He felt there was a sense of kinship between him and Sinu thanks to this, but the man wasn’t moved.
“Being in love has nothing to do with being a leader. If anything, it makes it harder, wouldn’t you think?”
Samuel’s hands balled into fists at his sides. “I have something Jake doesn't - isn’t that enough?! I’ve bested him in this. I’m one step closer to you!”
Sinu shook his head with a dry laugh. “Don’t get too cocky about that - what you’re prideful about is gonna end up being your downfall.” Sinu has no idea how right he was.
Samuel’s lips formed a frown as Sinu began to walk away, cutting off the conversation abruptly, but he still felt a sense of superiority to Jake.
Jake had everything. Sinu’s favoritism, Samuel’s rightful dad, but what Jake actually wanted Sameul was sure was his - and he wanted it, too.
Jake Kim had everything Samuel Seo wanted - besides you. (At least, that’s what HE thought).
Upon the arrival of Goo and Gun, and the rush to gain money fast, time with you wasn’t as often as before. The rest of Big Deal, unaware of the relationship growing between you and Samuel, weren’t giving you any leniency when it came to the need for money - and pressed for you to do whatever it took to gain come cash, ethical or not.
This pressure for you to pull your own weight was carried on behind your back, too. Since it was unbeknownst to them of your budding relationship with Sameul, there was the illusion of free speech when it came to anyone not immediately present. Two nameless faces talked of you whilst you were absent, facing eachother.
“Does (y/n) do anytning? I get the ladies don’t do much, but they’re barely pulling a few cents in weekly. They’re either a horrible salesman, or just slacking off twenty four-seven.”
“They really need to start earning their keep…”
One of the two gossiping of you chortled, “the only way they could finally catch up to how much they need to make is if they whor-“
A face suddenly planted itself between the two, obstructing their view of eachother. Both swallowed dryly at the familiar intervener. “Samuel-“
He smiled uncharacteristically sweetly, a saccharine tug on his lips that was sickeningly artificial. “Who are you two talking about?”
“Uhh,” they struggled to find the words, but one of the two gossipers gulped down and grew the courage. Surely he felt the same - they saw the way he talked about the ladies behind their back, and what they should start doing to earn money, and surely you were no exception. “(Y/n). They run the clothes shop that barely makes anything.”
The lines on the edges of his lips twitched. “What were you saying just no-“
“Oh, we were just talking about how they need to start earning more. Maybe selling into pro-“
With a pained cry, one of the two bad-mouthers hit the floor; looking up with a wince to see Samuel’s fist clenched where his face one was. A brass knuckle coated his fingers, another one on his resting hand displaying a name engraved.
Your name.
“One. Don’t interrupt me.” Samuel sent them a glower. “Two. Never say (y/n)’s name again.”
It was that day he realized he truly hated your name falling off anyone’s lips but his. His smile was long gone, an indifferent look now across his facial features.
From that day on, Samuel Seo gained two quirks - of sorts; he hated people interrupting him.
And he hated people saying your name.
In his frustration, the next time he was offered a break, he chose to utilize it to the fullest - and visit you.
The small walk to your shop wasn’t time consuming in the slightest, and he was there in an instant. But he wasn’t greeted by the sight of you, alone, tending slowly to the clothes and hanging an assortment of shirts and tops on hangers. Instead, he came across you. And Jake.
He should’ve known - for whatever reason, he’s thought differently. Maybe it was the sunrise always entering through your large glass display which made his thoughts blurry and incoherent, or the way he didn’t dwell on unpleasant things when around you that he wasn’t able to realize you didn’t only ever smile like that to him. He’d convinced himself it was reserved for him, but you playfully judged Jake’s shoulder and batted your eyes, and he drew a conclusion which was far from correct. He thought the two of you were in love. But now, it was glaring at him in the face.
You were in love with Jake.
How he came to this decision for you, who knows - but the first thing that came into his mind when he saw how you and him looked at eachother in this sunset was love, and he told himself that was the case - the truth. Like a drug, love drives you crazy; and when divided into three, it’s a natural-born killer.
He felt betrayed, for whatever reason. You hadn’t promised Samuel Seo a thing, and yet it’d felt like that day in the pretty sunlight you and him had given eachother your lives. It felt like it was staring him in the face the whole time - of course you loved Jake; you guys were friends for longer. Sinu Han cheered him on in his pursuits of you, and it seemed blatant now that Samuel reflected on it. He wondered if Sinu cheered Jake on because he knew you liked him, or if he just liked Jake better.
Whatever it was, he realized one thing.
Jake Kim had everything Samuel Seo wanted.
In a fit of anger, and confusion, Samuel scouted the nearest girl in the vicinity - the one wearing a leopard print over a pair of overalls, with a short hair cut. His hands gripped her shoulders, and only one thought ran through his mind as he did what he did next - he wanted to make you feel as bad as you’d made him.
He wanted you to feel just as betrayed.
And then, his lips met hers; with a struggling gasp from her. The action was dramatic enough to draw the attention of you and Jake, and you froze in place, shoulders rising in shock. A million emotions swirled in your eyes at once, and your brows arched upwards sadly, like you’d come to a horrible yet uncertain realization. Your mouth still formed a small frown as it fell open.
“Samuel-“ your hands reached out to him despite being afar, like you wanted to wrap him into your palm and close your fist on him. “-what are you doing…?”
From the tone of shock and utter confusion in your tone, it was clear that you both had believed you had something going on between the two of you - to Jake’s chagrin. He narrowed his eyes at Samuel and angry lines formed between his eyes.
Your voice was like a hand which pulled him off from her, and Samuel stood to full height - the girl he’d kissed stumbling aback in surprise, and huffing angrily; turning tail the other way. You were too focused on Samuel to notice how the kiss wasn’t even consensual, and when he locked eyes with you, he leaned back tauntingly.
“What?” He asked, tone as cold as ice.
“I thought we were…?” Your expression was indecipherable. He laughed humorlessly.
“What are you talking about?” His eyes squinted at you, jeeringly. “You think I’m just tied down to you-? It’s just like my dad said. A real man loves his ladies.”
By your side, you could feel Jake go rigid; and his lips formed a scowl briefly. The words he hated, which were directed to his mom, someone he loved - were now directed towards you; and he swallowed a sense of dread, which dropped in his stomach like a weight. He wouldn’t let it happen again. Especially not to you - never to you. He wouldn’t let you be told those words ever again.
You wouldn’t be told the words he told her.
Wasting no time, Jake leapt onto Samuel, tackling him to the ground. He grabbed him by the cuff of his collar.
“What the fuck is your problem?!”
A loud smack resounded, and Jake fell to the side when Samuel’s fist collided with his face - his right hand lifted in the after motion. A sick grin crawled onto his face, “you have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that, Jake!” He exclaimed.
“You’re no man,” Jake wiped the specks of dust which collected at the side of his mouth from impact with the floor with his wrist. Without any hast, Samuel climbed on top of him and a series of thuds revertabrated from below him as he sent punch after punch rolling to his face.
Jake’s arms crept up along the sides of Samuel until they landed on his torso, and he flipped the two so that he was on top of him. From behind, you could see drops of blood fall from Jake’s face, and felt a fear instilled in you.
“What?! You’re fighting me to defend that whore?” Samuel asked with a laugh. “Well, whatever! Enjoy my sloppy seconds!”
You were flabbergasted. “But we never-“
“Shut up!” Jake’s fist raised high and came descdending down to Samuel’s face, and you decided you couldn’t stand to watch any longer - wishing you’d had the resolve to do this the moment the two began to brawl.
“I hope the two of you live a happy li-,” Samuel said condescendingly, as if he were looking down on the two of you, and you ripped Jake off of him, him stumbling aback while you bent over Samuel, turning furious eyes to him.
“What’s going on?! What is going on with you?”
Samuel stood to his feet, lifting himself up with a propped elbow, and his hand raised above his head. “Don’t-“
You knew what was coming next, reciting the phrase in your head. Don’t interrupt me. Was he really going to hit you-?
Jake watched with horrified eyes as his hand was brought down to you, and moved to intervene as you braced for impact; yelling a “don’t touch them,” but rather than a punch, he just landed his hand on the side of your face gently. You blinked your eyes open confusedly, seeing the sunset paint his sorrowful smile a despairing orange.
“- interrupt me.” His left hand stayed on the side of your head, and you stammered.
“Wha... what even- what’s with that look?! You just-!”
“I…” he started, a sad glimmer in his eyes, “don’t hit people I like when I’m angry.”
“Wha-“ you were getting whiplash from the sudden change in temper, when a hand wrapped around your shoulder from behind - and you looked back at Jake. He nodded at you, gesturing for the two of you to go - and you spared one last look at Samuel before following Jake, who spared him one last glare before leaving with you.
It was an odd thing to notice, but Samuel’s left fist was unscathed - as was the brass knuckle around it.
You didn’t see much of Samuel Seo after that - and until the end, Jake Kim got everything Samuel Seo ever wanted.
Not soon afterwards, things began to get confusing for you, and in a sudden turn of events, Jake was appointed to be the leader of Big Deal. And despite being up in the hierarchy now and meant to keep his lips shut under lock and key, that didn’t stop him from confiding in you.
“Sinu Han lied about selling Big Deal… and sold himself?” You recited what he’d just told you as a question, and he nodded, watching your eyes straiten in disbelief.
“That freaking bastard! Why not just tell us what happened?” You voiced your frustration, blowing out a steam of air through your mouth. He simply nodded again.
You looked down at your feet, thoughts clearly racing; and he took a chance. The pads of his fingertips lifted to yours, as if testing the waters, and you looked back at him from beneath lidded eyelids. He pushed his hand further, until your fingers intertwined.
You blinked as if asking what he wants to say, and he leaned in a little bit. “... You know, I’d never sell Big Deal.”
You puffed air into your cheeks, ignorant to his serious air. “You better not.”
He leaned in closer, fiddling with his and your fingers. “And you know, I’d never sell myself.”
You were somewhat taken aback by how much closer he was getting, and just hummed in response this time. Taking a leap of faith, he leant in one last inch closer to you.
“And you know… I’d never leave you.”
Then, he closed the only distance between the two of you.
That was how you and Jake Kim finally got together.
Years later, rumors floated around that you began to attend J High. Your boyfriend was apparently in Juvie for the time being, and you seemed to be carrying on alright without him.
These rumors weren’t exempt from reaching even Samuel Seo - who was now a part of the workers.
Before him, a student sat. Daniel Park. The interview he was conducting with him was certainly interesting to say the least, and after asking if he’d somehow insulted the bespectacled boy before him, he noticed Daniel’s eyes linger on his name tag.
“Your name is… Samuel Seo?” He asked, and Samuel nodded as a response, hands folded together professionally.
“Yes. Wh-“
He shook his head, as if trying to brush off a memory arising. “Oh, nothing, there’s just this student at my school who’s mentioned you before… (y/n). I thought you were their boyfriend in Juvie from how much they mentioned you.” He smiled bashfully, but Samuel’s eyes went bloodshot. A dark shadow swept across his expression, and Daniel leaned back when Samuel rocked forward intimidatingly.
“Don’t interrupt me. And don’t say (y/n)‘s name.”
The rest of that day, after that mention of your name, Samuel was unusually distressed.
And it felt almost nostalgic to his Big Deal days when a handful of days and nights later, Daniel was before him - the large, taller Daniel, and the two were both in ready positions to fight.
Samuel slid his brass knuckle onto his right hand, his hair falling back into place like how it was styled during his Big Deal days. “Why do you think I’m not getting their approval?” He asked Daniel, “what’s the reason they won’t approve of me? That they both chose Jake?”
Immediately, a punch was sent to Daniel’s face with the hand wrapped in gold, but Daniel got back up. “So, it was a brass knuckle… that thing I saw in that place was a knuckle. I wondered why it had (y/n)’s name on it, but that also let me know it was undeniably yours. I knew it… I’m smart… it’s a good thing… that I…” Samuel watched as Daniel lifted his left brass knuckle, and slid it onto his fingers, your name displayed across the indents in the brass with permanent marker from al” those years ago. “...kept it.”
Daniel continued, “So then, let’s-“
Samuel cut him off. “What the heck. I was wondering where the other one went! Hey, my only other rule around here-“ he grinned maniacally. It seemed like Samuel Seo only had two rules, but it was actually three - three things which you don’t do around or to him.
You don’t interrupt him.
You don’t say (y/n)‘s name.
“-you don’t touch my left knuckle!”
This ended up so long, I rlly hope it was what you wanted LMAO if it wasn’t go ahead and shoot me another rq saying how u actually wanted it. Thank u sm for requesting!!!! 💘 also sorry of the format is weird, I copy and pasted to tumblr and that oddly enough made the indents in paragraphs wonky...
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gwynrielendgame · 3 years
Nyx x Tamlin’s daughter part 3
Y’all cannot stop me from writing this series 😭😭I want to write more gwynriel, but the thought of a love triangle has angered me once again, so my hyper fixation has transferred elsewhere.
If you have any suggestion for future fics leave a comment below.
"Do you think mates are as rare as the Fae say? Everyone in my life seems to have a mate, yet lore claims it to be rare." Nyx turned his head from his spot next to Isa in the meadow. They laid right next to each other as they stared up at the sky. Close enough to touch, yet not feeling it necessary in the moment.
"That iz odd that your entire family iz mated." She laughed. "Your family are the only mates I have ever met, so I would say it iz rare for everyone except them." He sighed deeply.
"What troubles you?" Isa turned her head away from the sky to look at Nyx.
"What if I never get a mate?"
"Then you never get a mate."
"Isa, I am being serious right now." He groaned as he lifted himself up onto his elbows, so that he could look at her without the grass getting in the way.
"I am too. It will happen or it will not happen. No point in fretting over it." She shrugged as if it truly did not bother her. Nyx did not understand her.
"You really do not care if you ever find a mate?"
"I do not need a mate to find love or pleasure."
"But what if you find your mate while with someone else?" He felt the need to point out. He could not love someone while his mate was still out there. Nyx thought it selfish to love someone with the knowledge they were not his mate. What would they do once he did find his mate? What would he do?
"Like my father and your mother?" Isa raised an eyebrow at this.
"Well not exactly like that, but yes I suppose." Nyx laid himself back on the grass and looked back up at the sky. Isa turned her head away after a minute as well.
"Well if they were truly my mate, then they would wait for me. And if the person I was with is not my mate, then fate has us ending at some point, no? I would let everything occur naturally I suppose."
"If you were my mom, would you have left Tamlin for my father if he had not been awful?" Nyx had always been curious about Isa's opinion on the matter. She always seemed so spiteful of Feyre that perhaps she had heard a different story than what Nyx knew to be true.
"Yes. I would have found myself unhappy with life as a wife. I was made for so much more than that." She let out a deep sigh. Nyx contemplated her answer. He supposed that to be true. He could not imagine Isa playing house wife to anyone, but especially one that expected her to pop out babies and display herself only when beneficial to them.
"Would you ever marry?" He asked. She seemed quick to offer a marriage proposal to Nyx when they first met, but that had obviously been a joke.
"For love?" She shrugged. "I am far more likely to marry for political power than I am for love. I am strides behind with alliances among the seven high lords. When I take power the Spring Court will be weak simply because I am unknown of. Other courts will test my strength and intelligence."
"That is strategic." He also felt it was sad. She clearly was not a romantic at heart like he was. "I want more from life than power. I want what my parents have. Is that too much to ask for?" Nyx found himself frustrated with the fact that he had not found his mate yet. He had to keep reminding himself that it took his father five hundred years and his grandfather nine hundred years. It might make him mad if he had to wait that long though.
"I shall pray to the spirits about it."
"About what?"
A noise interrupted them before she could respond. Both of them stood quickly to surveil their surroundings. They saw nothing, but moved to put their backs to each other so that they could not be blindsided. Isa pulled her two short swords from their sheaths as Nyx prepared his ax and shield.
"What was that?" He whispered to her. She shushed him as they turned simultaneously with their backs still firmly placed together.
"Let's get out of here." She finally responded back but before he could respond a figured winnowed right in front of each of them and blew a powdery substance onto them. They winnowed away again just as Isa lifted one sword.
"Shit." She muttered. Nyx tried to winnow only to discover that he could not. Fucking faebane he thought. Nyx's hand went slack around his ax, and then a group of six males approached them. They came at them from Isa's side so Nyx turned to face the males. He stumbled a bit. The line of Fae males stopped about twenty paces away. Nyx did not recognize them. It was possible that Isa did, but she did not say otherwise as they stood across from them. Each male was armed with a weapon and a shield.
"I will take the three on the left. You got the other three?" She asked. He did not respond as she ran towards them. He wanted to wait to let them make the first move, but after she started running, the assailants came forward as well.
He seemed caught in a trance, watching Isa fight. One of her swords clashed with the tallest male while she simultaneously swiped at another one of the fighters. The tallest one swung his arm out, almost decapitating Isa, but she bent backward at the last second. She sliced an artery in one of their legs before checking her surroundings. Nyx assumed she was looking for him, but he had not yet moved for some reason. The second of distraction allowed for the tall one to cut her arm. It was so deep that Nyx swore he could see the bone all the way from here. The only acknowledgment of pain from Isa was a grunt, and then she ran her sword right through him. Nyx was jostled from his trance by an approaching fighter. Surprisingly, he walked up to him at a leisurely pace. Isa, once again, glanced back.
"Nyx!" She shouted as the male lifted his weapon. Isa tried to run back towards Nyx, but was tackled to the ground as she started to flee. Right before the male delivered the killing blow, his face started to droop. Nyx stared in horror as his face appeared to be melting off. The assailant went to grab at his face as he stumbled away from Nyx. His screams would haunt Nyx's nightmares for a very long time after this. He looked for Isa again. She was slicing the neck of one of the males on his knees. To his surprise though, her tattoos were glowing. She used witch magic, he realized.
"Move your ass, Nyx." She shouted from where she engaged all three males.
He continued to find himself surprised that they focused all their attention on her. He was not proving to be much of a threat, he supposed. He willed himself to move towards Isa, but something stopped him. He wanted to help his friend, he truly did. Her use of blood magic made things complicated. He did not want to be associated with the mayhem that was bound to be the consequences of it. As she took out her fourth male, the last two winnowed away. He watched her take a deep breathe of relief. Their eyes made contact, but before she could start berating him, the males reappeared right in front of Nyx.
"Fight!" Isa shouted. Nyx assumed his reflexes were worse than he originally thought because he did not move a muscle. The males smiled at each other and then they burst in flames. It horrified Nyx to watch them burn, to hear their pleas and screams. He could do nothing to stop it. He flicked his eyes to Isa as she intently watched the burning men. Her tattoos were glowing still, and she was reciting something. He could not hear her, but watched as her lips moved. After what felt like an eternity, the males were nothing but ash. He could hear their screams echoing in his ears though.
"Vat da fook vaz dat?"
It was the thickest he had ever heard her accent which meant she was spitting mad. He could not necessarily fault her for her anger, but he was in shock. Even in war, he had not quite seen brutality to that extent in a fight. Nyx continued to stare at the body with the face that Isa melted off. His eyes flickered back to her. She was breathing heavily and had a deep cut on her arm that she was now trying to twist around with a ripped piece of cloth from her dress. Her tattoos were no longer glowing, but several new ones appeared on her hands and fingers. They looked similar to her others, but now they were bright red and irritated as if someone had scratched them into her skin instead of tattooing ink. She wiped sweat and dirt away from her forehead and roughly pulled her hair away from her bruised face in a messy updo.
"Are you actually insane?" Isa asked.
She was more composed now as she slipped into strategic mode. She was planning on what to do now since Nyx was obviously going to be of no assistance and they could not winnow for probably a few more hours. He continued to stare at the bodies, thinking of how easy it seemed for her to do this. Even now, she seemed unbothered.
"I mean when Lucien said you were a mediocre fighter, I assumed that meant you vould at least fight. Not just stand there as I did all the work."
She was digging through all their pockets rather roughly. She was looking for any identifying information from their attackers, but it only managed to annoy Nyx. She did not have any respect for the dead if this was how she handled their bodies.
"You melted his face off." Was all he could say. Her head snapped up to glare at him harder than she ever had anyone else. She was upon him in an instant, shoving him by his shoulders.
"To save your unhelpful ass!" She screeched.
"You set these two on fire!"
"Well I apologize that in the heat of battle I did not consider more humane methods of death." She turned to walk away.
"My father was right." He muttered to himself. Isa stopped cold in her tracks, slowly turning around. Her face was void of emotion.
"Say that again." Her voice was deathly calm. It unnerved Nyx after what he had just witnessed.
"You have claimed that witch magic is not malevolent. Clearly, your definition is a bit skewed."
"I make no apologies for how I save the people I love. And you have no right to pass judgement when you just stood there and watched! You vould have let them butcher me, yet I am the immoral one?"
They both recognized what she accidentally admitted but neither of them was willing to call attention to it or address it.
"Why did it have to be like that though? You could have used any method."
"That iz not how it works." She grabbed at her hair, clearly frustrated. "I request the help from the spirits and they oblige. I do not get a choice in the manner of their help. But trust me, it iz not without a price."
"What is the price for this?"
She pursed her lips. She would not tell him what she must give for saving both of their lives.
"You have been waiting to throw this back in my face, no? Waiting for one moment where you could prove your parents were not in the wrong?" Isa was pacing back and forth at this point, but her tattoos had finally stopped glowing.
"Trust me, I never expected something like this from you." Nyx spat at her. He wanted to reel in his anger. However, he found it almost impossible.
"Do not zit on your high horse and pretend your father would not have done the exact same thing for your mother."
"We are not my parents." He reminded her. She tried to compose herself before Nyx could see her reaction. Unfortunately for her, she was not fast enough. Nyx watched her flinch at his vehement response.
"Vell you are certainly right about that. Neither of your parents would have stood and vatched as the other risked their life."
He had no excuse for why he stood there. Normally, he would have fought side by side with her. He had fought in battles before and he thought he had seen all the evils war had to offer. This was a completely different level. While they had been outnumbered, the males were unskilled and untrained. Isa could have held them off alone with no magic. It may have required more effort, but Nyx believed any magic was unnecessary. As much as he wanted to help, for some reason his body refused to move. The faebane the attackers used did not allow for them to winnow away, but Nyx had never heard of it impacting the body physically.
"You could have shape shifted." She laughed almost hysterically at that.
"If you knew what my other form vaz, you vould realize that death by it vould not be lezz brutal."
He shook his head and finally moved from his position. He started scouting the area to make sure there were no more assailants hiding anywhere.
"Oh, zo now you are helpful?" It was full of sarcasm as she rolled her eyes. She plopped herself down on the ground and closed her eyes.
Nyx was not exactly sure why he was so angry. Perhaps it was because he felt embarrassed that she saved both of them while he stood there like a statue. Perhaps he felt lied to like everything she had ever defended was really just a scheme to win over the Night Court. But truly? It had more to do with the fact that if he had aided Isa, she would not have felt the need to use her witch magic.
"Damn-ti your parents to come retrieve us." She demanded after laying down on the grass and covering her eyes with the crook of her arm to block out the sun.
Now why could he not think of that before? Just another thought to make him feel guilty. He almost corrected her enunciation like he normally did, but he stopped himself in the last second.
"Oh and next time, a zimple thank you vould suvice."
"What the hell happened?" Tamlin shouted as Feyre and Rhysand winnowed in Isa and Nyx. Isa was looking worse for wear, but since neither of the children were talking, the high lord and lady did not have an answer. Tamlin zeroed in on Isa's hands and the new tattoos that were present.
"Oh Isa," his voice changed and was suddenly much graver than it had been. "What have you done?"
"Vat I had to." She snapped as she dropped herself down on the couch in Tamlin's study. She was exhausted after the fight and just wanted to sleep.
"Well you look fucking fine." Tamlin turned his glare to Nyx from where he stood in front of his desk. "Care to explain why you leave with my daughter in perfect condition, and return her home on the brink of collapse?"
Nyx clenched his jaw. He did not want to say anything in front of Tamlin or his daughter. He wanted to go home and talk to his parents. Though, his parents kept giving him nervous glances, so he was unsure if they would be willing to do that right about now.
"Just leave it." Isa muttered. Her eyes were closed with her good arm thrown over her face. Rhysand scanned Isa's entire body. His eyes rested on her hands like Tamlin's had.
"What did you give? To protect our son?" His voice was soft and his eyes were sad. He must have known more than Nyx about potential consequences of witch magic. Feyre sat next to Isa on the couch to grab her hand. Nyx was confused by his parents change of heart where Isa was concerned. Previously, they had always been antagonistic towards her, but now they were being...soft.
"My first born." She muttered. Feyre sucked in a harsh breath as Tamlin closed his eyes in frustration. Nyx did not know how to feel. She was willing to give up her first child for him? He felt that only proved his point further. What kind of female was willing to give up a future child for a male she barely knew just three months ago? And one that was not even her mate? Nyx furrowed his brow.
"I never asked you to do that." He defended, but he was only met with three pairs of glaring eyes that told him to remain quiet. Isa must have been exhausted though because her response was understanding.
"I know."
Tamlin did not understand, however. He pounded his fist on the desk.
"Isabelle, you are my only offspring. It is your responsibility to continue the family line. There will be no one to succeed after you die, if you do not conceive multiple children. You know how difficult this is for the fae." Something he said ignited a fire in Isa. She immediately sat up from the couch to glare at her father.
"That iz not a fair responsibility to put on me! You could have more children! All you would have to do iz stick it in a different woman everyday until one stuck."
"Isabelle, watch your mouth." He scolded her as though she were a child. Tamlin walked back around the desk and took a seat. Isa took a long, deep breath before speaking again.
"I do not," she paused nervously, looking around. "Think I vant children." She finished. Isa rubbed her hands together in a way that she normally did when she felt anxious. Suddenly, Nyx felt his parents and him should not be here for this conversation. It felt private. Nyx never knew Isa may not want children. They had never really discussed it, but had assumed- as much as Tamlin did, apparently- that she would have at least one to continue the line.
"Oh." Tamlin awkwardly shifted in his chair. He made eye contact with Feyre and tried to motion to her to say some words of comfort. Feyre patted Isa's arm gently.
"You might change your mind once you find your mate?" Feyre offered unhelpfully. Tamlin put her on the spot and she was unsure what words of comfort Isa may be seeking. Those were not it if her reaction was anything to go by. She huffed loudly.
"Does not matter now, no? I cannot have children without sacrificing the first one which I vill not do. Besides, I am no mare meant for breeding. I vas meant for something more than being stuck at home caring for and nurturing a child."
"That is hardly a fair assessment of motherhood Isa." Feyre shook her head as she said this. "You can still do great things and be a mother."
"Are you to tell me that you took trips to the Court of nightmares to handle izzues while Rhysand stayed home and breastfed Nyx?" Isa raised her eyebrows at his mother. "That you vere able train amongst Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel while pregnant? Vould you have ever earned the title 'cursebreaker' if you had been a mother at the time?"
"Motherhood is not without challenge." Feyre once again defended.
"And that is what I speak of. I do not want challenge. I have too many obstacles to overcome as it is. I do not want to add the obligation of a child to that." Isa pulled at her hair. Nyx felt it best that he stay quiet. There were too many emotions flying as it was, no need to add fuel to the fire.
"Enough." Tamlin declared. "Isa, you are right. I should never have put that responsibility on you. I could just as easily have another child."
Isa let out a breathe in relief. Nyx could see that she feared disappointing her father. He wondered if she would have had multiple children if Tamlin had insisted on it. Luckily for Isa, Tamlin seemed to have changed his ways from when his mother and him were together.
"I think it is best if you were to leave." Tamlin suggested as he stared at Nyx's parents. "I need to check on Isa's wounds and continue this conversation...privately." Feyre nodded before walking over to where Rhysand stood.
"Thank you again, Isa." Rhys murmured before grabbing both wife and son and winnowing away.
"Thank fuck." Is all Isa managed to say.
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openheart12 · 3 years
This Is Where I Belong
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A/N: Set during The Conjuring 3 and contains dialogue from the movie (okay quite a bit ifhsdshgskdf) 
Summary: Ed is distraught after realizing his wife is in the same place as the Satanist, all alone and rushes to meet her. Only to be under the curse that almost makes him destroy the most important thing to him; his wife. 
WC: 2,100
It was the morning after they had found the witch’s totem in Ed’s office and after a sleepless night for everyone, they were gathered in the living room trying to figure out what to do next.
“We have to find this woman. We’ve identified the curse and now we have Jessica’s casefile. There has to be something in here. Okay, I’m gonna take the book to be translated. There has to be a clue about where we can find the altar.” Lorraine said to the small group.
“So what do we do?” Debbie asked.
“You should go be with Arne. He’s gonna need you tonight more than ever. Ask Father Newman for help,” Lorraine explained as she grabbed the keys. 
“Drew, you and me are gonna tear into those files. We’ve got to find a link between these cases.” Ed said.
“And a Satanist’s power is strongest at night. So… Let’s hope she doesn’t try anything before then.” Lorraine said, standing up and heading for the door.
“Lorraine, wait!” Ed called, following after her. “I just wanted-” he trailed off, glancing at Debbie and Drew. 
“We’ll be in the kitchen,” Drew said, excusing themselves, knowing they needed some privacy. Ed shot him a grateful smile. 
“I just wanted to say be careful,” Ed continued. 
“I will be,” she answered with a small smile. They hadn’t talked about the night before, both trying to push it out of their heads. Ed had opted to sleep downstairs on the couch much to Lorraine’s disappointment, but she didn’t want to fight him on the subject, knowing that he was scared of potentially hurting her again. “Ed…” she called softly, “stop blaming yourself.”
He forced a small smile, “just, please, be careful.” 
“I love you,” she added, wanting to break through whatever walls he had built up. 
“I love you too,” he said, a genuine smile on his face this time. 
Ed had stayed behind with Drew to go over the casefile they had received. They had been pouring over the information for a couple hours now, not finding anything that linked the cases together and frustration started to build. 
“There’s nothing in these interviews. Her friends barely saw her after she got back from college.”
“Didn’t that seem strange to you?” Ed asked. “I mean, we’re here,” he said, pointing to the map, “the Glatzels live here, just fifteen minutes away. But Jessica lived 180 miles from here. Why is this one so far away?” He paused to think, removing his glasses before facing Drew. “Hey, where did Jessica find her totem?”
“I just saw something about that. It was in an interview with her parents, it was in a box,” he said as he searched through the papers in front of him. ‘She brought it back home in a box from college.’”
“Where’d she go to college?”
“Fairfield.” Drew answered. Realization hit Ed as he moved the pin from Jessica’s home to her college in Fairfield and the pins created a triangle. Drew brought over a map and they sat down to look at it. “This woman lives in the area.”
“Still a lot of ground to cover.”
“Yeah, but not a lot of train tracks. Remember Lorraine’s vision? She said she heard a train.”
“What time was it? Maybe we can start eliminating some of these.”
“Probably close to midnight.”
“Then it can’t be either of these two,” Drew said, pointing to two separate lines. “The commuter lines don’t run that late. That just leaves this freight line that crosses the river here.”
“The river. Oh, dear God,” he said, knowing exactly where the altar was and who was probably already there. Fear plagued him and he was unable to do anything for a few minutes before he got up and ran to get his coat. “Give me your keys. You stay here, call the police,” he said as Drew tossed the keys.
“What do you want me to tell them?”
“Anything, just get ‘em out there!” He yelled, shutting the door behind him and running to the car. He didn’t even realize he had forgotten his pills… again.
He started the car and backed out the driveway, holding the gas pedal down to the floorboard as he sped towards the house. He was berating himself for letting Lorraine go there by herself, they were a team and he should’ve been there with her. He never should’ve left her alone. His thoughts were going a hundred miles a minute, much like the speedometer on the car that climbed higher and higher. But his top priority right now was just getting to Lorraine, hoping, praying that was alright. 
Trees blurred past him as the sky stretched on for miles. Fear had anchored itself deep into his body like an anchor in the ocean. Time seemed to slow down despite the speedometer telling him otherwise. 
After what seemed like hours, he finally saw the house come into view and seeing her car in the driveway made his stomach clench in nerves. 
“Lorraine!” He called, jumping out of the car. “Lorraine!”
“Ed!” He heard her call, but she sounded so faint like it was coming from somewhere in the distance. 
“Lorraine! Lorraine!” He called, again and again, hoping for some kind of answer. 
“Ed? Ed!” She yelled, sounding closer than before. He noticed a storm drain and knelt down beside it.
“Lorraine!” He called into the drain, grunting as he tried to lift it but it had a lock on it. He looked around where he saw a shed and grabbed a sledgehammer, hitting the lock with it twice before breaking it. He removed it and climbed down, throwing the sledgehammer down first. “Lorraine! Lorraine!” He called again, walking down a dark tunnel. Two lights lit up and he jogged down that way, holding the sledgehammer close in case he needed it. “Lorraine?” 
“Ed!” He heard her call from behind him, turning around, he saw her running towards him and relief washed over him until at the last second, ‘Lorraine’ turned into the woman he had seen earlier, the woman behind his curse. She blew dirt in his eyes, and he rubbed them, trying to get rid of the burning feeling as he fell to the ground in a heap of coughing. 
He didn’t remember what happened next, time seemed to slow down and the next thing he knew, he was wielding the sledgehammer towards Lorraine. He couldn’t stop himself though, his brain screamed that it was wrong, that he needed to stop before he did something he would come to regret. But it was no use. He watched on helplessly as she called out to him, begging him to stop, begging him to remember her. 
“Ed? Ed?” She called, shining her flashlight around the darkness as he came out of nowhere, wielding the sledgehammer and hitting a box on the wall that had sparks coming out of it. He swung again, trying to hit something, anything. 
“Ed, stop!” Lorraine called as he continued swinging. “Stop! Ed, I’m begging you!” The swinging continued and she knew she was his target. “Ed! Stop! Stop this! Ed, I’m begging you!” She pleaded once more, the sound of the metal screeching across the floor reverbated in her head. “I’m begging you, remember me! Stop!” She cried out, breathing heavily as he followed her still. She gasped seeing his once blue eyes completely white with a look on his face she would never forget.
This wasn’t her husband.
“Ed, stop!” She screamed as he tried to hit her again. “Ed, please. Remember me,” she whispered. “You’re not gonna do this! This is wrong and you know it!” She cried, dodging another swing. She ran away, panting as she tried to hide behind a statue that was broken into a thousand pieces just a moment later. She rolled onto the ground, backing herself up until she made contact with something hard. “Ed… remember me,” she tried again, their eyes locking. This was her last chance. “She tried to turn you against me. Because she thinks our love is our weakness. But it’s not. It’s not. It’s our strength. Now, open your eyes.” She whispered and she shielded her head as he pulled the sledgehammer back before swinging it down again, breaking the altar into two pieces. 
The curse was broken. 
He held out his shaking hand, offering it to her which she took as she stood up. Before either of them could say anything, Isla walked towards them. Lorraine took a step closer to Ed, their hands intertwined. 
“Your curse is broken,” he said as she pointed a knife towards them. The sound of cracking bones and the sight of her body twisting and turning made Ed hold out his arm in front of Lorraine in an attempt to protect her. “You promised a demon a soul. And it can’t go back to hell without one,” he finished as her body crumbled to the ground, lying there limp. He pulled Lorraine into his arms, relishing in the fact that she was safe. 
They didn’t say anything, it could wait for now. They would talk later, but they were content with each other’s company and security at the moment. Ed led her to the drain, helping her out first before climbing up after her. He didn’t make it far once out though, falling onto his knees.
“Hon… I… I forgot my pills,” he said, breathing heavily. 
He watched as she opened the locket she always wore on her neck, revealing the photo of Judy and one of his white pills inside. She gently handed it to him to put under his tongue before kissing his temple as sirens wailed and red and blue lights lit up the night sky. 
After giving their statements to the police, calling Father Gordon, and having Ed checked out by the paramedics, the two of them were finally on their way home. Both of them were utterly exhausted after not being able to sleep the last couple of nights. There were physical and emotional scars they had acquired during this case. 
Some that would take months and years to heal. The physical scars would fade, only to serve as a faint reminder of what happened, but the emotional ones lingered still. 
And for Ed, he wore the worst ones from this specific case. He never thought he was capable of hurting the most important person to him, the person he would very well give his life for. But he had been, by his choice or not, it didn't matter to him. The fact remained still that if she had been hurt, it would’ve been by his own hands. The same hands that had promised to love and cherish her for as long as he lived in front of all their friends and family. 
Once making it home, they both headed straight to their bedroom, not even bothering to change out of their clothes due to their exhaustion. And as exhausted as Ed was, he wasn’t able to sleep. The events of the last day replayed in his head, haunting him. 
“Sweetheart?” He was brought out of his thoughts by her gentle voice etched with concern. Concern for him. Even after everything he did to her, she was still concerned about him. 
“Yeah?” He choked out, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. 
“Are you alright?” 
“No…” he said, not even attempting to lie to her. She knew him too well. He had his back to her and he felt one of his hands rest on his hip. 
“Roll over,” she said softly. And he complied, turning to face her as a few tears slipped down his cheeks. She wiped them away, planting a kiss to his forehead to try to console him as she held him in her arms. “I’m right here,” she whispered in his hair as sobs wracked his weak body. 
“I’m sorry,” he said after a while, his voice hoarse. “I never wanted to hurt you.” 
“I know. I know. I never blamed you, I still don't, which is why you shouldn’t blame yourself either. We’re both right here, together and that’s what’s important. We can talk more tomorrow, but we need our rest. I don’t want a grumpy husband in the morning,” she teased lightly, earning a soft chuckle from him. 
“I love you, Lorraine,” he whispered. 
“I know,” she promised, knowing how important it was to him that she knew that. 
Eventually, Ed drifted off to sleep in his wife’s arms, never feeling safer than he did right now. 
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