#the weather is bad
umilily · 2 months
it is not my day.
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reverend-meat · 3 months
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warandpeas · 1 month
Bad Weather
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lokh · 1 month
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meteortrails · 3 months
I truly think what luffy and zoro saw so immediately in nami in orange town, before she even really saw it in herself, that made them clock her as crew was just that reality defying tenacity and conviction that all of them share. luffy looks at her across the bars of that cage and understands that there’s something in this world she wants with the same ferocity he does, ideals that she obeys with the same intensity as him, and it’s that moment of understanding that makes him set on her being part of his crew. nami likes to pretend that she’s the normal one but the truth is that she’s just as much of a freak as luffy or zoro, and she’s a freak in exactly the same way! she’d rather bend the laws of reality and physics to her will than lie down and accept a loss, and zoro and luffy spend the rest of their relationship calling her bluff every time she tries to pretend it isn’t true. all three of them have eyes bigger than their stomachs and an understanding from day 1 that the only thing scarier than trying and failing is to never have tried at all. I just love them a lot is what I’m getting at here ok
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hella1975 · 1 year
noah kahan really said growing up in a small, bitter hometown is about the rage and the hatred that's been sung about many times before but it's also about love and devotion and the 'all three of us were drowning and we didn't know how to save each other but there was an understanding that we were all drowning together' of it all and knowing people so intimately yet not being able to help anyone and he's morally grey at best in a lot of his songs and objectively the bad guy in others and that's just how it is and it's about substance abuse and normalised crime and teen suicide and country roads and failed exams and leaving and being left and love and hate and love and hate and love and
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femmehysteria · 6 months
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I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day, check my pinned post for active polls
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dudeitiskarev · 2 months
I’m so obsessed with “reader gets injured in the field and it prevents her from flying for her safety so she’s forced to take a 20 hours road trip with Hotch” it makes me want to write the entire 20 hours of the road trip
Edit: you can find the fic here 😌
It’s not 20 hours but it is a considerable portion of the fic 💖
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allthewhumpygoodness · 9 months
Thinking about winter sickfic again. Thinking about the concept of "they're getting worse" in a winter setting. Thinking about a whumpee with pneumonia deteriorating gradually as the weather worsens, and the caretaker worrying more and more, all the while they're in danger of being snowed in. Thinking about someone curled up in a mass of blankets on the couch in front of a fire, eyelids heavy but unable to sleep, counting how many times they cough or sniffle per minute and noting that the number is growing. Thinking about a snowstorm reaching its peak just as a whumpee is in the worst throws of pain or delirium, and how they begin to calm and their pain eases along with the weather. Thinking about -
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yankasmiles · 10 months
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wip hehe
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storm-driver · 1 year
that moment in re:coded where jesse mccartney put his entire fucking soul into roxas' "it's way past time you learned what REAL HURT FEELS LIKE" that lives in my head rent free, and it's from fhcking re:coded
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evelina-maar · 2 years
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He is risen.
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nerdside · 1 year
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The Carpenter sisters + killing ghostfaces
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sappy-detective · 5 months
“im not a crook adict.”
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kedreeva · 4 months
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Falling asleep after being super obnoxious for the last hour.
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In Death Note, the protagonist is granted the ability to decide precisely when and how people die; he can effectively write his own death-based RPF into reality. However, he is so mind-bogglingly unimaginative with this broad and far-reaching ability to manipulate fate - quasi-omnipotence - that he generally runs with the default cause of death (sudden heart failure), and is effectively a mediocre supervillain with an orbital satellite that hits you with a heart attack beam. Although this enables a tense cat-and-mouse detective story, it also demonstrates, IMHO, that the writers have likely not thought hard enough about the deadly implications of probability manipulation, and probably do not expect their audience to either.
In Final Destination, the antagonist is an abstract personification of Death, like the Grim Reaper; he manipulates random chance events (a la Shamrock, or more generously the Simurgh, from Worm) to engineer the deaths of people who were "supposed to" have already died in earlier incidents, people who are messing up his plans with every moment they remain alive. However, he is so gratuitously boastful and showboaty that he exclusively kills people through elaborate Rube Goldberg accidents, which they are able to temporarily escape from with some effort and situational awareness; he does not kill people with any of the numerous less narratively appealing things that could suddenly and unavoidably kill anyone at any time, like, say, a lightning strike, or a heart attack. Although this enables a philosophically-inclined (snerk) sort of off-beat slasher franchise, it also demonstrates, IMHO, that the writers have likely not thought hard enough about the deadly implications of probability manipulation, and probably do not expect their audience to either.
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