#the weekend was super stressful
glassandmetalwings · 1 year
I have...negative motivation to do homework tonight...
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spaceratprodigy · 6 months
✏ WIP Whenever ✏
Thank you for the tags @captastra @darkfire1177 @the-lastcall @hibernationsuit 💖💕
Haven't been working on too much personal art lately so not many new things to share
Have a lil sneaky peeky at these tiny sketches for the next few faith and max smoochy prompts in my ask box tho :]
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open tag to anyone who wants to jump in!
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sehtoast · 4 months
also me: full time student (worth noting i wrote stupid here at first without realizing), 20-30 hours in customer service every week, teaching myself 3/4 classes, teaching myself advanced algebra with a teacher (basically just a proctor) who shuts down any/all asks for help, juggling college financial woes, navigating dying relationships/people abandoning and/or attacking me bc i don't have time for things i used to anymore, none of my hobbies are making me happy when and if i have time for them,, i have no time for myself, i'm on my second all-nighter this week, i'm perpetually exhausted in a way sleep isn't fixing, my body aches because i'm so tired, and i'm barely able to stay asleep when i do get the chance bc the anxiety wakes me up
my hairline: two hops this time!
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crippling anxiety hours let's go
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revengeromance · 2 months
guys my stomach hurts and I miss my (ex?) boyfriend (?)
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despairforme · 3 months
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airyairyaucontraire · 5 months
Little Nephew (Linus) last night on the way home from a barbecue with friends: Today, none of us died. Unqualified success!
Linus just now, getting changed for a swim, seemingly to himself: Just put this on... and I'm ready to swim. The question is, for whom I'm narrating this.
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gentlethorns · 3 months
lol i got decisions back from all four of my grad school apps and none of them were acceptances. i got waitlisted by one and outright denied by the other three. fuck man
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deeisace · 2 months
#sorry sorry I just woke up and im having yesterday-was-weird thought again#and they are going here so i don't have to talk to the person that they're um about yet#basically im glad that im in a good enough space now that um#someone ive ive had text-based sex with and uhhh sent an ill-advised video to in like oct when i was Feeling Bad™ and doing. hm. too much.#like 6 months post text-based sex/ill adised video now aha and we've not spoke at all since like january and that was 'how was hols'#they asked to meet up 'not for sex just as friends' or i forget exact wording but basically that#no-pressure museum not-a-date#and i said I'd think about it. because i am as everyone knows a fucking idiot.#basically im glad that im in a better place now than the last time someone like expressed an interest in me as a person#because while this did give me a day long wobble i didn't have a full weekend long actual panic about it#tho they are two v different situs#an ace poly friend asking to go out with me vs someone i uh virtually fucked aha um asking to meet up for (mostly) being-friends purposes#same several-hours-later 'oh god no what have i done bad bad bad no thank you actually no sorry i cant sorry' but less intense this time#but at least i only said ill think about it?#and not actually immediately said yes because it's nice to feel wanted#and then gone Maximum Regret™ because actually all of this is way too much i don't like it i don't want it thank you but im sorry no#weird. i guess i don't have such a high baseline stress level any more? since i'm not at uni n stuff#and someone over messages going no pressure you want to be irl friends (maybe fwb no pressure)? is um#is different. to someone irl going you want to go out acely? yeah? awesome lets hold hands here is the discord with a whole buncha people#i guess#but i am being equally aro-not-super-ace Autism™ about it aha#and i am. eventually. going to be like. thought about it and no sorry. eventually.#if they ask again#i am kinda hoping they'll leave it there and forget they asked so i don't have to navigate social stuff#im much better at navigating canals everybody leave me alone please thank you#(everybody over there leave me alone. y'know. you guys are fine.)
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fissions-chips · 9 months
tooth hurty
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sapphicsnzs · 2 months
just me life updating about moving and other ramblings in the tags lmao
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famewolf · 8 months
going to be spending the day with my mom for the first time in a long while. she wants to get me new shoes and is bringing over a whole box of stuff from Costco that she got me and my husband.
even though I'm on the cusp of 30, she still likes to be a mom, and I'm forever grateful for it. might not have any of the rest of my family after I was disowned but I've got my mom and my little brother and that's all I could ever ask for
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lildoodlecat · 2 months
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ionlycareaboutyou · 2 months
simultaneously Holding It Together and feeling overwhelmed by everything all the time
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mod2amaryllis · 2 years
so this very frustrating PetSmart tetra experience has been winding down because they are just friggin dying. yesterday morning we were down to 2 and last night that was down to 1 and frankly i was expecting the last survivor to go while i was at work. but.
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i am going to try.... VERY hard for the next 12 hours...... to not get optimistic.... unfortunately I'm a romantic and i am rooting for this guy.
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hella1975 · 10 months
my small brain can’t even begin to comprehend how British university works. Anyway, do you live quite far from your university?
not really? like 'far' for us would be anything over 4 hours id say, and my uni is only ~2 hours by train and is really well connected which is great bc i just come and go from uni to my hometown as and when i want. generally though the uk has pretty good infrastructure/public transport so even people that do go to far away unis usually travel back and forth by train or car bc it's never gonna be more than like. 8 hours. like it's a very common thing to do
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