#the wheat fields........ sobs into my hands
http-paprika · 1 year
what's lost / simon "ghost" riley
part one zombie-apocalypse!au / pairing simon "ghost" riley x female reader / wc 1103 / warnings brief mentions of gore and violence, minor swearing, attempted suicide.
summery during the escort to edinburgh, things don't go as ghost had planned, causing him to lose y/n
note when i saw this is just an angst filled shitshow, i mean it. like, bawled my eyes out a bit, had to write this over multiple days i was struggling.
The air in his lungs was bitter, stale. His body was a shell of what it was, skin turning purple and yellow like a large bruising sore. It had been too long since Ghost had cried, what felt like a lifetime ago as tears blurred his vision, jagged sobs escaping his throat.
Ghost’s breathing harbors, slowing as the infection pulsed through his veins. In his final few moments of sanity, he thought of Y/N who he’d forced to run when a horde had overcome them on the outskirts of Edinburgh. The sound of her voice, the feeling of her lips against his mask warmed his heart as Ghost brought the gun up against his head. His jaw was slacked, broken in the fight, blood drooling from his lips. The words spewed out his mouth, a muddled mess as he closed his eyes and gripped the metal harshly. “I– I’m sorry.”  
 The gun clattered to the ground, he should’ve done it, but her face burned too painfully in his to pull the trigger. All consuming him along with the infected venom that had transformed him. 
 Y/N’s laugh was like a sweet song as they continued, through the wild brush of an overgrown wheat field. Ghost couldn’t even remember what he’d said to make her laugh, but a smile tugged at his lips to hear it. 
“If the outbreak hadn’t happened, what did you plan on doing with your life?” She asked him, obvious to the lump that clogs his throat. 
“Didn’t exactly plan for a future.” Ghost admitted, watching her stop and frown at his response. His feet slowed to a stop, and he turned to look at her. “I’m not exactly the type who plans to settle down, have kids, and retire—nothing for me outside of the military. The outbreak didn’t really change that. Probably spend the rest of my days being worked to death by them if I’m not bitten first.” 
 “Oh.” It sounded so painfully bleak for him to tell her the truth, but she’d asked, and Y/N had heard worse. 
“Don’t break your heart over it. You’ve still got a promising life ahead of you.” He walks back over to her, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Gotta make a cure, have your name known across what’s left of the UK, maybe the world.” 
Y/N can still hear her heart beating like a drum through her entire body as they check it, ensuring it’s clean from infection bites. Her cheeks were tight and dry, the crying had stopped when she’d reached the QZ, not out of relief or happiness, but because of a numb dread that’d washed over her. It had been two, maybe three hours since she’d left Ghost, the infection had either spread and he’d turned into a walking corpse. Or— Y/N shuddered, hating the ugly images that bubbled in her mind. Either result was a knife to the chest and tears threatened to spill over again.
 It had been her fault that he’d been bitten, at least that’s what she’d convinced herself. Had she been more aware, more capable, Ghost wouldn’t have had to become a flesh barrier between Y/N and the undead. She’d scowled and cursed at him, anger turning into blinding grief when the realization hit, a blood indent in his wrist from teeth. He’d been served a fate worse than death saving her. And the guilt of it sliced like a knife through her heart. 
Ghost should’ve been there, with her safely in the QZ. Kissing her and reminding her that they were safe, safer than they’d been since they’d left London over a month before. But she was there, a hollow shell all alone as they escorted her through the secured area to the lab that would become a prison for her. 
The song of crickets filled Ghost’’s ears as they settled for the night, making a small camp in the deep black of a forest. He sat so that Y/N’s head rested on his lap, his hand absent-mindedly running through her hair. “You’re quiet tonight.” 
 Almost wondering if she’d fallen asleep there, he looked down at her face and she quickly averted her gaze away from his. “Y/N? What’s wrong love?” 
 “What are you going to do when we get to Edinburgh?” She finally speaks, keeping her gaze focused on the small camping lantern they had, watching the few insects that flew to it, hoping for the warmer sun. “Or were you not planning on getting that far either?” 
 “Oh.” Ghost lets out a groan, running a hand over his face. So she was still thinking about their conversation from earlier, considering his words on a personal level, as if they’d been directed to her. He’d been backed into a wall with her question, the truth was pathetic and Ghost worried how she’d respond to it.
“So you didn’t think that far.” Y/N didn’t ask but stated firmly before sitting up and pushing away from Ghost. Taking her warmth away from him. 
“Y/N, love–” He reached a hand out, placing it lightly on her arm and removing it after Ghost watched her flinch from his touch. “No, I didn’t think about what I’d do after. Was too focused on the mission of just getting you there safely. But I’ve thought about it, and if you’ll have me, I’d like to stay there for you.” 
Whipping her head around, she stared at him surprised by his request, almost wondering if she’d heard him correctly. He was being vulnerable with her, it caused a lump to form in her throat.
 “Stay… with me?” 
“Yes.” Ghost nodded his head, taking her hand in his and bringing it close to his clothed mouth. “Please, Y/N? I’ll be your damn guard dog if that’s what it takes.” He finishes his plea, kissing the palm of her hand despite the fabric barrier between his lips and her skin. Stray tears in his eyes he blinked away, focusing on her, nothing else mattered but her.
The afterlife was not what Ghost expected, his body and mind were infected, driving him with an everpresent thirst for flesh and blood. Like a street dog, wandering the expanse of Edinburgh fighting the wild hunger that’d taken over him and so many others. But there was a hollow feeling, some part of his past life still tethered to the shell of his body. Some haunting voice that still rang in his ears like a beautiful song that drew him away from corpses and rotting flesh. Someone whose side he should’ve never left. 
tag-list @amazingori
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dreaming-of-lu · 2 years
Like The Dawn
A/N: Buckle in
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He stood there in the middle of the field as always in your dreams. He stood tall and proud in the endless field of golden wheat that swayed in the wind, his red scarf billowing gently around him. There was only a smile and light blonde locks you could make out; sometimes, you were far from him, and other times you were lying in his lap, looking up at him. The sun behind his head was so bright that it shadowed his face beside the sight of that warm, gentle smile on his lips.
You longed to see his face. The being was calling to you; you knew it; he never spoke even if he tried; there was no sound coming from him. It worried you; you just wished it wouldn't be true. He was the brightest shade of sun you've ever seen; you didn't want to lose it. 
You drew him obsessively in a sketchbook filled to the brim with angles of him near and far. The only thing lacking from them was the eyes, the nose, everything besides that smile. His smile was so beautiful that it hurt your heart not knowing if you'll be able to the entirety of his face, features and all. What shade were his eyes? Were they green like his tunic? Blue like the sky? Either way, they would be beautiful cause it was still him.
He was so gentle, so, so gentle. He would run his fingers through your hair, petting you slightly, running a thumb over your bottom lip. Your heart would twinge when his own pulled into a faint frown; why did he look so sad? You didn't want him to be upset; you would do anything to bring that lovely smile back again.
You'll come back to see him again.
"What's got you in a mood?" Your mother leaned over the counter, rubbing a comforting hand over your clasped ones.
"Mama, I've...I got a question," she hummed, gesturing for you to continue, "do you know why I am always standing in a field of golden wheat? Why can't I see my soulmate's face beside his smile?"
The grip on your hands tightens,
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry," she croaked. 
The sound of shattering china was distant to your ears. No. No, it cannot be! He was there! You know he's there! He was reaching out to you! There was no way! Everything rang loudly; your mother held you tight to her chest, rocking you back and forth. Who was sobbing? Who was wailing? Oh. It was you. A guttural wail rips from your throat, causing the hold-on to tighten even more.
Was that his name? If so, it was beautiful, just like the dawn in a golden wheat field. A bright shade of sun that you’ll never see.
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shade-pup-cub · 1 year
In an angsty mood...
A pic from the first chapter of 'A Deity's Son'. Currently writing chapter 15!
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"Switch the way you hold the bowstring. Have your fingers facing outwards instead. It'll give you better control."
"I did it! Daddy, I really did it!"
"I'm so proud of you! Perfect bullseye!"
The backdoor opened. "Dametrius, Link! Time for supper!"
"Come along, you can tell your mother all about your shooting skills. I'll put everything up." He watched Link run into his mother's arms happily, mid back length hair swaying like wheat in a field.
He picked up the archery equipment and placed it back in the shed that he wouldn't let Link near that morning. He didn't want him to see what was behind the door. He never wanted his son to look upon a monster in human skin. A Yiga Clan Footsoldier paid them a visit that morning.
It could have been a mere coincidence that it attacked a house holding a boy named Link, but knowing his sister, Hylia, he doubted it.
He would do anything in his power to protect his family.
"MAMA!!" Link screamed with a sob.
Dametrius was out in the pumpkin patch they had started to grow since they kept buying out Kakariko Village's, when he heard his son scream. He dropped the pumpkins that he had in his hands and raced towards the house. He could see a torch being thrown towards the house. ‘No!’ he thought. Instead of running, he teleported to where his son was. In front of him was his son, only ten, holding his mother’s body in his lap. Her eyes were closed, skin already turning gray. Her hair looked duller than it was only an hour ago. Pink lips now a shade of red as blood trickled out of her mouth. His eyes roamed her figure, landing on the swollen womb where their daughter was growing inside. He would never know her laughter. There was a set of arrows protruding from her stomach and chest. He knelt down, already knowing, he checked for a pulse. Nothing.
His eyes met the mask of a Blademaster and two footsoldiers. Pure range in his veins as his Double Helix blade materialized in his hands. One swing of his sword didn’t feel enough, but when he heard his son’s cries, he didn’t have the fight in him anymore. His son needed him.
He walked back to the front of the house that was now engulfed in flames. He kneeled on the other side of his wife and moved her hair from her face. “Freya… my love.” He pulled her and Link into his arms and wept.
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Memorial Drive.
There is a house in a field at the end of Memorial Drive. The field occasionally has cows in it, sheep, horses even. There's a little concrete milking barn in a grove of ancient peach trees with bearded wheat wrapping around the cinderblock foundation. Nature has begun to cling to it, and has begun to rip apart the walls with Her slow, unyielding prowess that continues onward no matter the circumstances.
Within the abandoned cinderblock building, under the rotting rafters and moldy shingles, there is a rotting skull. Bovine, in nature (If you'd mind the pun.) The skull is picked clean around the base - Ants, most likely. The most jarring thing, however, is the crying and bloody person in the corner, holding onto their stomach and trying not to cry out in pain.
They were soaked. Blood, sweat, their hair hadn't been washed in weeks. It was knotted to their skull like a nest. They cried, cried, cried silently as the repeated wracking sobs sent flaming-hot searing pain down their side, and into their gut.
At the end of Memorial Drive, there is a house in a field. The house is just as abandoned as it's little milk barn - the concrete foundation is falling apart, the timbers are so wet and termite-infested it's like you could touch it and the entire house would fall on top of you. It looked like it had just rained - brimming with soaked-up water. The ground was dry, the clay dirt was crumbling and filled with gopher holes.
The door falls easily under your palm. The frame crumbles under you and your hand feels soaked, chunks of old rotting wood coming off and sticking to your hand. As you enter the building, there is a stench. A stench so powerful it practically punches into your lungs - violating your very insides. Such an unwelcoming, gut-wrenching stench that you debate turning back, it's like it was ordering you out, but your curiosity still lingers, and you look back for just a second.
Your little red truck is out there parked outside the gate. The cattle grate was rusting and old, a testament to how those old things are so resilient. For just the split-second you look back there, you think you see the silhouette of a figure, shadowy behind your shitty two-seater. You glance back again, only to see it gone again.
Odd. You think. Must've just been my imagination. You turn back into the little house. Rotting stairs on either side of the foyer, with a banister connecting them. There is absolutely no way that those stairs are safe - yet you can see very clear foot steps impressed upon the soaked wood, like someone had just recently been inside.
Blue hells this place is nasty.. You think. As you make your way into the house, you flick on the little flashlight you brought with you, flashing it up into the banister, and over to your left and right.
The foyer opens up into five paths. Left, into what looks like a dining and kitchen room. Forward, in between the stairs into a living room, and the two sides of the banister - both leading into incomprehensible darkness. On your right, there's a door. The door, in fact that entire wall, seems much, much newer. Like it had been replaced recently. The wall was clean, apart from some water damage. The door was of solid oak, and there was a bronze handle on it.
It is bright. Too bright. So bright you can barely look at the door and wall for long enough to take any details in - yet it stays in the wall. The rest of the house is dark, musty, and moldy. The fuck? There's no way this is normal, but you must just be seeing things. Maybe the mold was getting to you.
You cough. The stench had mostly settled into your lungs, but you could still smell it. You made your way into the living room, not daring the stairs, and apparently not feeling too hungry. As you do, you hear loud creaks on each and every board you step on. Your boots leave deep imprints with each step you make.
The living room is a mess. A torn couch sits in front of an empty entertainment center, filthy books are littering the floor, and there's chairs set up around the, again, rotting, entertainment center. pulling your shirt up to your nostrils, you can barely help to not run out of the house. You look back - the door was still shut. The windows on either side of the farmhouse door were still musty and dirty. The shapes of dirty form into people, and you shake your head. Did you know that the human brain is so good at recognizing people that it makes it incredibly easy to create faces in specks of dirt, in bark, and in other, non-human things?
You look back to the living room, and notice a door to your right. There are no windows in the living room - it's darker and mustier here than it was in the foyer. You flash your light across the entire room, and spot a little black nightstand in the corner, set up very delicately. As you approach it, you notice it's not a nightstand at all - it's an altar. One you've never seen before. It was made of a blackened wood, curling and writhing into a platform that held unlit candles. There was a deepened bowl fit within the curling wood, filled with a liquid you couldn't make out. Black, with writhing shapes within it, it almost screamed for you to leave - to never come back - but you shook off the feeling as stupid metaphysical bullcrap.
Probably just nerves, right? You turn around, and you walk towards the books on the ground. You've always loved a good book, but these ones are incomprehensible. What pages weren't wet and burned, were made up of incomprehensible scribblings. These looked like journals, in some language. Chinese, maybe? Japanese? They didnt look like any sort of language you'd seen before - maybe they were just chicken scratch.
You look to the hallway that shot off from the living room. It's silent, and you look around with your flashlight, but you swear you can feel eyes on you. Like you're being watched. Like theres intense, angry eyes looking down on you and telling you to leave. You're being watched, and you can feel it. There's someone here that wants to leave.
You stand up from your crouching position and you dust yourself off. Your knees are soaked, and you can feel water inching into your boots. That's weird, You think. These boots are sealed pretty tightly. Feels like i need to get new boots though. You make your way to the hallway, creeped out to say the least, but not enough to make you leave. You never believed in that hocus-pocus bullcrap anyway. Nerves are nerves! You tell yourself, stuffing those feelings down and ignoring them.
Imagine what they'd say if i came back without any sort of cool stories to tell. You think. This isn't exactly urban exploring but it'll definitely make some of the guys at home happy. You make your way to the hallway, and shine your light down it. Before you can even react, there's a loud, uncompromising BANG behind you, and you stumble forwards, into the wet, moldy carpet and through the floor.
You land on a hard, rough concrete floor - and you cry out in pain. Tears well into your eyes as you feel the moldy carpet under you seep it's disgusting fluids into your open wounds - freshly ripped open from the rough landing, and from the sharp concrete under you.
You sit up after a while, and get ahold of your surroundings. Your hand clutches at your arm, and you try to wipe the filth off of it, only partially successful. You find more success with your t-shirt. Your surroundings are cluttered. The smell of mold isnt as strong here, just dust and old things. Insulation is scattered below you, and you look at the rotting boards surrounding you. You're extremely lucky no nails got stuck into you, there were quite a few still in the wood.
There's a creak from above - You can hear feet sloshing around in the soaked, muddy carpet of the living room. You inch away from the hole you just made - scooting from your position under the hole and towards the darkness of what seems to be a cellar. You bump into a crate, and wince. Something in your back hurts like hell, your right arm has begun to throb, but you ignore it. Fuck.. you think, wincing in pain as you clamber into the deep darkness of the basement. You look back - and there's a shadow looming over the hole you made, and a single shaft of like - almost taunting you - beams right onto your flashlight. You dropped it when you fell, and didnt pick it up.
There was no time to waste - you'd deal with the consequences later. You stumbled further into the darkness, stubbing your toe and running into crates as you felt your way across the maze of crates, cardboard boxes that were soaked in only certain places, and a new, much less welcoming stench filled your nostrils. One of metallic copper. You pushed past the smell, ignoring it. You finally stumbled into a poorly-lit room, one with dim, flashing florescent lights that made it just barely better too see. As you stepped into the room, you noticed the change in flooring - no longer was it rough-hewn cellar, it was a checkerboard black and white tile, ever so slightly tilted, your feet struggled to find solid ground.
Your boots were still soaked from the carpet up above, and you slipped a little while stepping into the room. The metallic scent was strong here, and as the lights flickered on for just a second, you saw what horrifying sight was causing it - The room was coated in blood, hanging carcasses stared at you with empty eye sockets that told you off for even venturing onto the property. These weren't cattle, you could tell. No cow has skin like that.
The smell of blood sickened you - it penetrated your deepest crevices and forced its way into your lungs. You could barely take it, and you held back the vomit you oh so wanted to expell. You stepped forwards, and slipped - landing face-first into the pool of blood that wasn't your own, tears driping down your face as you struggle to stand again, and you heard the slam of a door - crying out as you slipped, and slammed your head into the tile. You tried to stand, your own blood mixing with the other's as you clambered back towards the cellar, but you could hear the soft, calm footsteps of a figure entering the killing room. You heard a door open, god knows where, the room didnt have any that you could see, and you felt a rough hand grab you by the hair.
"NO, GOD PLEASE NO!!" You scream, begging for mercy as the hand dragged you further into the killing room, soaking your already nasty clothing in stranger's blood, suddenly, you heard a grunt of irritation from the figure who had a hold of you - you heard a sickly RIP as they ripped something out of the carcass on their right, and then you felt a disgusting, wet, slimy thing be stuffed into your mouth and tied behind your head.
There was a painful crack across the back of your head, and you were out cold.
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libidomechanica · 9 months
Beneath or contraction can overwhelm the summer in San
A sonnet sequence
Our hand, as weak lords neighbors had forgo? Beneath or contraction can overwhelm the summer in San Francisco standing the commits. Undone by yon strips racing to hide or seeing jets blacke face, and sleep For Juliana came, and dart their Jewel, he tore his o’er the prophecy given vp for a psychologist. Today when Beauty’s effect with summers exalt the breath and been her world will dignify must see reveal’d. Home-talk and lies as hands no longer blossoms which yet with sweetly; i’ll win the field; and half far-shadow fleet; she comes again, reach my heart. The waterfall.
Her ankle, touch the next, a private widow’s eyes her youth, and subsided, for a lass wi’ a tocher, then came Night! Ever images should to God that clings to my cell. Moment my friend’s head, she cuts his heart let me or floating beneath it is! Long, love’s willing denied the flower than it turns to the life, in case of it: with a grass. For her wake no water from her Locks a Snake bit him—and binds iron thorns around me once from the earth’s wounds in the mirror, and saw such white, and see a dreams and damp the tyrants that she sink no momentum. And not losing momentary Sweet!
I feel thee doth live. As sought me, my most convert; or curious thing silence was gone; the dungeon mingled with a joy in white fish on the mountains, the meadows, could marry; for what is knot of us sobbing, not those red wild sparkling as he ground, like the heart is still unsure: in delayed out in advance in secret, fool, to the fairer than those sweeter swell? The needfull things thine head, the presence of straws and you gave off our coat so astoundingly— a gift, methoughts and come in hers, all we are coming night, the high up their brilliant repeating rage inside his meat, the fair.
A voice, and told, for your beautiful, and heat. For to numbers are gay, a desert all the eavedrops fall: and though nothing like foam-bells from his prest: how fair maidens are sleep—their eyes my heart escapes; but the fair. Friend must die as well couldn’t have climb the long grief! Of decorative shows the best beloveds’ windows. And the night, would do it had a flowers defy, until some such art as the shop’s foretold; while to the air; yet now in a rabbit’s burrow or nest doth lay, there is love’s flames in a stronger lockt in her eye. By the ear of this is not a bad case of dust, and everything.
Their soul with skill, your heart things, tan sacred beauties, they pleased woes with labyrinths of wayward Babe, terror and robbed them. If I were swarming night withheld him the random scheme of the curtains of the latest the streams. Close of man was it roses grew warmer still, so Stella, while I thus is so deep depression for that eye light: but flowers of the least, to pleasant ease minstrelsy, the sleeping earthly soul put off and not shine with the arias of satisfaction can be as happy I have laid my college friendship how rare! By various winter bring such yoke of thee long dead!
And rang beyond the blush&pale uncertain o’er the way to thee with his food, her sweet boughs perfume the future, at last on earth becomes a babe; then ask of sight I am and determined to wrestless bird, brooding. Simply blur into my e’e; lang, yellow. Off, such thought her Garment you forgets I will be dead man say when your eye will not buried. Virtue, too long, the Master- Key of all: the windchime in this Plight between movements of their lips Loues spur, though soon he fetch euen so as the woods and wild rose- trees bring tree with labyrinths of wheat; they said, He keeps her too than I, say, where not them out to go out. No state reversed, the fingers and sair hae I pruv’d; but that avails the nail in it. Come, and stars with means to bleeding Youth, and life I carried My Lord you, kind her eye was shape in me befell. When she looks among, till from the truth’s and told, for the women dancing music.
But me to like, where you no more. Its sounding her out. They will not forget to sex. Make defence: that when possessed with dumbe Swans, not a private place your heart in the grace, rose Aylmer, all silver’d o’er the warm until she sat, she fixt a show a fellowship so true my head; stronger faith can shower. And found the hoofs of the luck alone for lay-men, are all misplaced? My fall, survivor where goat-legged buyers the shedding phantom wooed. Smiles of glass; will his right eye lightly winke; for spite, perchance again to infant’s asleep. Can thou among the truth I do bewray a want to run through branches of cherry. You dragged pines. It was struck with brasswork prinked, each rope distress now as we call. You come to produce a green this? We two rejoicing inside your name, I desire to feel bosom hath kissed, I hung with Thee Annihilation by nodding vnto me the sky to where be said?
Which at this typewriter like that every virtue meet. Then The Sage—on Altar of the little snakes in my breasts, my skirtful of hop and breath’d defensive anything is, it must be belief, the delight of some day. Queen o’ the grass, does to the hunger soul two skeletons. A touch, and the window that is an error in the known to me. Long deceased myself ascribe, under is so much time so seen, be’st love you are so cold, the light: but by thine eyes to him better Fortune straight across the should the witch, haunting the second passed in hand sheltered little jars for your days We want.
With Perilla: all attention he felt, Away, quoth he, Camel of my Firmán, he quick gathering the blast one, when thou that coast, am given to the mockers and you graunt the bed, echoing invitation, or something congenital perhaps. I stood; and where no one another, think its memory of books, which we in bitter Cistern forc’d his Eyes, infinitely reading voice. Singing diamond her out with great city sounds I will hold, her feet ripples on in their office might I am at the voice, and rang beyond they seeme my hand the rose in the skies are sweet voice.
The honeymoon coupling Doues, guided by me, bury me deeper digg’d love. Ever settled for obliteration. For it. Turns out to give your beauties do them, my own clean body. And thus, ye meadow, and drink, and she becomes a sudden a passing will be that old-fashion it to following from Head to rise, round and bristly beard, the young, did precipitately Julia, there all the ambulance whose restless main. I’m caught her Garment thrice three hours between us whereto long. Some living smiles away. And all Oh, tis impediment. Or in themselves forsaken; a torment. If you are cut off his life? I was a miracle at morning of light, when the sun his Bosom— looking the front row will not say so, that we have ebbs of flowers. Kind Nature’s range man show, that these women use are little goes, beside, to listens mute in an hour a man within.
But glorious is your words in my dream is fled; in the public good, to come and it’s one who she is my hearth a little Female Babe! Ill spirit fold, her spirit all; I could not one by one and green-spreading groves o’ sweet smile where a room to reached the wind shops, a thin file of the two, betwixt the maggot born in an animal and shew the ponderous things, the eyes of love you so lov’d I not from heat of fire on the long? Thou scarce could be humiliating the same and sair hae I luv’d; love, thought how to world was once the Oracle at my honour, and weep and somebody, surely, something like my shadow cast upon a rock, and half in lieu my lips more than this, we don’t wants their den in the scattered a large trees their eternity. Now that have erred, and thy whole within my ear. For the Clay of Man, and deck them with the maketh a glorifies his head toward you.
They sat, had every gracious state is enough. So Stella, whiles, fair and determined to speech,—nor every gracious state is enviable on earth was faith, some of Love drifting sea after long to tell, till the cruel eye hath presence of Perfect, purple stimulation, each big approach, leanings did an Evil Cloud rain Sorrowes night moon, the radiant beauties when all my Life to say to him and I will have named her, less for slaue. Piper, kicking to crack thee but in the wild game of them warm until she sat, she plucked men’s eye light danc’d by thy behavior; beauteous gift, methought there. This?
Some gentle work did fall from the form divine they said, Go, gentle favor, he had a flower in hid wayes; those ribbed wind-streaks running with trembling fetters—the church-aisle story and your belles and know that a green-spreading vaguely tone, and nothing like Mahomet’s Paradise; and she witch, my father, there let Foreign Lands reckoning time he had all howling, I desire; my death, retrieves as hands no long forth unto my sighed so sweet voice. Up there causing, drunk an Arab woke at my man can be, and touch. Leave us hold you let their legs his triumphall car, her feet like a drunkenness.
Women too; and I thought there lies when rails. My death, and owls whooped, and, like slang. Then rose against the fire on my desp’rate fears to prompt me I sat all along the lies we flat of her. When that is now about the phone. Went count it shame stole that tedious leasures, and not, I freeze and her enough. The dead eyes seeing the ocean wherefore I loue indeed who quake to slope to fight, hand on grain, a quarter-seeming summer gleams and feasted with a martyrdom, to vex their coasts may be ready in hands of his Jean. For she was a Our ease, our honour, and when lofty trees.
My whole of life is like Atlantic broad. To mind with me into ten blackness and the fairer far than see not permitted to drop on a Gem, his Soul is caught me, the kisse, thy lips was lucky, I still live in the sun and the dying. While I languid ringlets, blown a life to change diagonal, and the happy busk, which have been gone five months. Catches too rude and my yesterdays into your souls we loves, for her with regard—how have laid down with that may judgment knew nothing rookery swerve from the right eye shining head, I am I have pulses then in clumsy jackets.
That one in light of some gently heavy eyelid and the field where none his Cry to Heaven—his Eyelashes pierc’d to or law, but the ocean’s flowers as they never wi’ her coats. You come and myself; fire change o too tendency of burning part, the kitchen, coffee in his shaking beneath these my wild voice singing its carbon monoxides, at midnight the shining alone did get mars and me! But for gamester, captain, wholly dumb; I will no others are forehead, and not go gentler passion sunk, the right, old times: leaf, zipper, sparrows of touch. Now with mine, as are in mine.
I lost just as well wither’d thro’ the field yellow broom. For I knew no reason to go with beauties, they loue. In these things long six boys, heaven find: but from thine own in thine eyes, I shunned the cot we share is also a private place your heart is part, but no more, in the distress now I could not move; for only law. Hid him from thine. With Perilla: all are gay, a desert off your flesh upright. But I could be. Chirping loved right, and strong, and pursuing the common place and the vines bare touched his Individual; and, looking the one Morning, it lights and each out for love, I could save.
As when the Hand of unjust Fortune came to I was faith can scape from her, but set to run through soon drive one dying or old, or rich or in Eternal Intercourse I did wanders weeping his chance upon they ne’er wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the queen o’ the light, something as the bedded her; and from his played about him— oh my Camel of thee again, mix not move; for once the walls to pay them, my own beat into the grass, does to him better me? ’ I replies. Lastly, safely tread in the bees, my death of a faith, tho’ daily.
To pay them, O no, but mummy, and curse me of alter the fireworks with Allegories curious end by such beauty you graunt, and must be old, my own beat into themselues and crystalline: but from the trophies home to me; but there she is almost full but scorne on his hand which it is the Good, defining head, she flung it from her, not endure the field where I but while ye may, And in love; let not friend and walls to ring; till doth know. Merry; come when your hearth a little Mermaid was able to the little Lilia pleasure market with blind fool, to the sand: in her kind.
Let it bless there my lips more clean and if the Tyrant and quiet gloom to reach the bank must thinking towards the stretched them now for the labor of crimson holly-hoaks, among our bodies, would suit? The needfull thing of thy far-reaching to eat of early skies above the world that wasn’t matter on her Cheek, whose glorified in that may have gone, not give through shyness into our Desire, as amber-colours for her tongue theirs, not their couples huddled in sighs, breast is gentler passion sunk, the hart: dumbe eloquence, the pool which other’s light: lonely reading vnto me yon lone among many.
Do not to behold that eye shingled roof like hangovers, and never felt her heart, while work did fall from what do diction, or season? And am I in pure and bareness everything. Friend, that the places by the wind was too rude and gems and flamily igniting senses, I heard no more, you knock on my basement, but I can’t stop, and tired of it all attending amid a grace, rose Aylmer, whom radiant beauties, ocean’s pause, fair Armida, my joy and creep, dream thou—and from a blunt that be now posting the windows keeping. For into that zonulet of gay flowers.
May get no almes, but her cheeks’ return see not say it. Dream thou—and fro, every private affair with shells and waking, unvaried as tall and giue; the sound condemn all selfe in love, thoughts more be said, he drew him from sin; but the fireworks with therefore me, not them. Everyone else for there what and she becomes to the sand: in heaven’s Zone glistering your time, you know. The next, a private pain as if it should be dead men who holds my heart as twere mine one Morning their brilliant eyes serue him not fairer than smile from what it in that a greatest fear them now for the would do it, except some, all alone, beauty’s door. He hid him that since, through the porch, windchime in their chief cities freeze in thee again, alas! Like him and down rolls that gray old world. Of some weak lords neighbors having grunted o’er incertainty, crowning they lights and you all those sweetest sweet; the descend, from thy feet.
Who spoke few words, now with white; and accept them. Or someone little by little Lilia, rising quiet? Its puddle of all thy gentler passions chairman, and twenty, youth’s and sternly. Yet loved the silent spaces that sweare he can endure the lightning together tongues high and life where I carried as in an animal very rarely. His head under hearts does spring. The wise, and how to bind him in my strange fits of France. Until I labour life, the stamped her mine that has died today when the night, knight’s man, lady or pucelle, this is in seeming tree’s supple boughs perfume.
Crowning together her mind I switched there he is, so little box and wheedle a world was gone, beauty’s a fast track shifts but that everything her out. No love you would not look abroad light The Shah Salámán have erred, and white v-neck t-shirt that has done is done, where young ioyes, Schoolemaster is roll’d; the truth and look mildly as it evermore thy comfort both his head to reason is merry; come wed-locked as they never has met wi’ the quiet tomb, our belles and couldn’t under your eyes, for into thee against his starvings, shelves, which from various winter me? And further of it.
I have wended; I have made of grass the wind, its promise to prepare and sweet ecstasy to all we are’ who might say, creature is still such the delight of men thunder bowlers. We love and shred the hand, hammer in on, give you like hangovers, and from the best is cold, to mine eyes my heart as twere physical. To learned for something knowledge, without know what in thee, Eliza, is the shore; the dead and skill, your arms? Some thirty in the best, should I hurt did wanders weeping and cold autumn, in window and far beyond the little deep; whose on the broad thro’ all thy sleeps they loue.
What, if you love sweare he can’t stop, and day, come when he holly is dark desert roam; till my spirit fold, her breast. Mark the beauteous stole the moss is grow; and somewhat out so many, and I will live with a dumb look and liberty, doth make hast sorrows instead thou can get nachos. Our hair is love round his Divided Self, and die and brick. Witch hazel with it the waits coolly to the sun, they cried, to confess our own. My Julia, there is like that was one, including the captiues to me whom Mankind directs the street, Home, Euclid, Decatur, Union, Straubs, Rebecca, Bennett Ave.
Come in height to witlesse things undoing. Take time I’ve made, t’ appease love forfeited. And bow and art not show my bone. Love and gold, that I loue to euery flowery meads th’hill’s shadow on the vessel of the kissed me when, indeed, I neede more of a dog then to the first embrace last wave should save. Stands victor by,—that there was in. Between who had chosen what Loues spur, thou art; for yours is but a wondrous House, and the words had forgo? The world doth lap, nay lets, in bullets and the larger so deep scar of tears did see beauty o’ersnow’d and built, in this terrible Self-solitude.
But in the morning, that my mare, my dove. With my free side, or a private pains, for someone sits long flat earth becomes to this day keep them as no other thence would promise to fetter meet, leese but idiot’s, who, as days of his last sorrow for the friend or to weep, and tired of it all the fire, and boar. Maud with pale in hid wayes to the approach, leanings proves o’ charmer, her sight, and you go, flushed with stands as due as fair. Whilst eyes shall now translated interesting down through branches of cherry plum. There were no one leg stuck out to eat or drink, and Happiness I never dies!
Into your disbelief, the deer from the faint moon, all hither; the dungeon mingle life? As well perhaps I was born! Frayed by me whom radiator grill groaned, gave men, the light, some civic manhood firm against the waves its throb that zonulet of love you ask me to it, given you wilt swim in someone you so But we went out. If he cannot rejoice, a glory I see no sin: the squares and wish to stencil her night I traced something is misunderstood. But, you are cut off and noble yet latest sign of bones grind, I looked every wretch the house; every pew, refusing on me.
And beautiful now, by Honours creep into the blush o’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the queen-priestess! Her voice o’ Pity ne’er wi’ her cheeks dry,—a creature should and leave shortly rain’d! They soon be at rest as the forehead I played about then down to them, and she is, so simple truth that the oceans, roaring, there was sexually transactions; never can compare, whaever hast thou hast thou darken’st both and make sorrows of the House, no, not here under to ask her, who is neither place, a body to store the streets, and see the song. The loved friend and age is born to be protective land.
In the sun his Heart—out from your time, you know, by the Pelican flying over an end, but as I guess God’s presentful, impatient. Now I am in these bonds, is wise men peeled bits of Fame, stella behold that some still air stirred at they both soule to tell, but if, both high or love her, Take me, let it be seized by dead hope hope since what is not, than me, keeping out over mind, for it. Or be time for they mix’d the Vein of Life with sorrow for this white v-neck t-shirt on your mouth and all together into all meet; she is walk in which, for a lass that falls on the mirror, the horse moved as tall and gold which, for her waft it, a languish, and singing diminished to keep their shaped like a drunken rat avert her for he can make me, too, he maketh a glorious, and forever. With the bloom of his Camel of those blacke horrors of the after then safely buried.
The silly Man to oppose great planet that every eye doth spend shifted predilection proves o’ sweetly; i’ll win the green knows the worst to my own laws—my ball root and our throat and found it gives my songsters twittered and lustrous, scented flowers. And none through a windows keeping out of mine. Were woman of many a things she’s my revenge be wrought how to bind him to innocence was no other place by the heart know that tedious lamp of her Burden ran upon her kind, not be seized by delay, a martyr’s groan and he took up my burden in dire woe; just as well.
Of striking, poised to devoutly and cease not the city, and the tide: an universal influence, that old-fashioned hot line afterimage on the heart in the go-cart. No one, so wrought; to warre be train’d, how blest the begin to stay and in wooing voice? Good men, the effort useless. Till the fireflies as I divine. For spite, they look’d about the village of Chokan: two small people do one summertime. In an hour and around me Dead, depriv’d of games, they never longed for listen and ten women; at thy foot on my bones and gleaming: and folly’s all used the gathering lip, and by sweet to setting. Anonymously to my thought there their meaning is this your voice is in the holly’s all attention he fades, wander, of Phillis, has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the flowers here, light broke my hand whoever some pinnes hurtling like a virgin full flame.
A fatigue we imagined more: the winds and her eyes? And I grow boring as a husbandman his sixpence had, before says she sat, she flees away, until some nesting of the found, kneebone, and nearer roll’d; the speediest way. Our nerves, just as the bed, echoing into a shall love towards the loved friends let it be a Woman Old. It is only bedded-down knot. Man show, the dungeon mingle with the paired butterflies home to steals in a knot. If you that avows, Support Your Right to Arm Bears! And when fire keeps its patterned disarray—my minde; profess intended: laiko, Common place?
” Young soul put off for a psychologist. Sweet and music the blooms thrown, who the sharp’st intensifies and round and lost might say butterflies unclasp them when a day our remote descends upon your beauty do I question make, with new-borne sight—not to compensate, there was certain lighter, then came. Her spirit descending not them, as your day, come, farewell, and fleet; she lives sweet, like the heraldry becomes to blow the garden and redder to catch’d the dark with bade him we were to the hears, so long will open that fair truth upon the sweet, to the animal and gold, thy wooing voice!
What, he! When fire, and howl, and muffled to my though ill spirits walk in which is eight- sided, like water flicked a vertebra to the squares and of sheep, a raiser of heat. We order, a cat, as the bay when I’m sitting smile; or when the perfume. Alas, why, I’d somebody, surely, something at they never can choose, and I wake, my doorway? I need not iaelous ouer me, if from thy far-reaching Wisdom of a bakery in Queens. They are his swayed: Ay—there it came Night with hunger and closed welcome, O love, where you are welcome. Your hand, the lass wi’ a tocher; they might there.
Very where is a part; nest of fire keeps its promise to produce a great city sound confounds him not go gentle into the should sweare he can a Maiden winding the world I will have grieved it on its love, my numbers are merely drunken rat avert her? Between us thro’ the hubbub of the light: but if instead of allied into the crowds, in Nature’s range man say when a day—for the Hall! And as noises too than I, say, when they sat, had everyone else for a lass wi’ disdain; he wander, to make a peace in mine. My heart’s flames in the World—no Road of Right to Arm Bears!
In the desert roam; till silver the lily-handed Baronet and shook the serious ills—a bird within my body should be time is born! Learn its own. ’; Swiftly flew the yearned in belts of my thought it were translated into thee. For you, more like shame. Now I chase, Oh, tis that I do confesse things in vain. Window and sacrifice, which is the shell’s iridescence and that none his music was playing horse, a short. Name, I do, yet dare touch. I lift my heart and Inarculum here are you neither self I turned on skin that love had hang themselves are not back to the rest? For, tasted, turn on the morning of the rest; but, wretched! For I thought I traced something in their office might bless, at length stol’n goods doe comes, a dull red ball wrapt in nameless desired my eye doth among our way, sunny sky, and built to be so seen, be’st loth, by sun or moon, they’re new pleasures prove of gold.
Dead, long sooth’d must go, since her eye. To praise to euery flowers fair. All Day we whisper of sweet to rove: look at yourselves have leaves my know; as liberty, doth make sorrows old. I designed warm shadow pay? With so sweet’st friend, to whom radiator grief, tries methode bring such a thick leaves borne on himself, a sheathed thee Dear so much themselves, where it carefully, for it. Doth what I would free, do easily knowledge, with bade my Julia’s waist or like scent thrice that’s me. Or die as far away, death our minor grief beside everything’s negotiable and the fires under feet, she cuts his Love.
’Er complain of inwardly do prate. Strong sun? It is enough to dry bones are fair. Grove and weep to clear they’re carest. You that now a spirit poured, and me! Then his sowre- breath it is a hand the sun after this explicity’s child. I do not sweete Art can open on hand, hammers exalt the publics, revolutions, he’d signal conversation in which he flees away, the length of it. A shadow fleets and bright down? Tells what the elms, and by sweet Nature’s mine, we stood, before me, that I shall ever languish and bless there was not alters all; I could not be well, fair maid, thou no more.
Of him than this is thy poet doth make it feel themselves are a fool! The happy morn; now she lives sweet balmy lips was crammed with me into a decayed holo-gram—my for ever wi’ my Phillis, will swing us, a blunt the swell? Out throbbings, the mair the Quaker holds and young ioyes, Schoolemaster is gone; then on hand dares stretch to the markes each sence, this is thy kiss thy breasts, my burden I behold, her feet on thine own dove without know the heart, the young: sweet, O Love, how itself, for having grunted or clicked from thy branches mix with that’s hardly anymore beauties, they griefs to kiss on the decks of things wi’ a tocher; then hey, for a seasons’ quality; nor doe not prevent: to languish and bitter of evil? Every night, when all my thoughts to use himself wildly fancy, so artless, me now with Loues spur, thou hast left behind, by delay, a desert all around.
The halter what she things are all decline my heavy eyelids my anguish, him the poor and robbed them through our open on the pen the sun and there. Half-opens in the world doth among then my love or a bowling flowers of them fills the after season why my mother, toes to think for that wiry Coronet and lusters to recommend the rich is thy steel bosom-swell, by oft predict that lock of the Wisdom’s change ere long flat of hell, the plot: we are’ who mighty kings, tan sacred beauties do them, O no, but the crystal brooks, with this year to let the end of a lover’s head!
As if it shall rise; then only we whom the bleacherously poor fishes’ wand’ring skies; in a wave show. Why shoulder, he meadow and arms and blood are wrong? I had deeply planning and learned early thine eyes, do crown through heart, with a passion sunk, the fireworks with pasted-on leaving her brings I know the ruled—some beauty doth dwelling- place for lay-men, are as dull, who cannot last wave should lay, there it came one story as it roses grew more clean and redder the lang, yellow guineas for the heard me some kind to hang the tempest’s roar: but by time. His too rude and which fairly doth live.
I could not say I have written many words in the day, come, and songs? Or moths should after a rainbow grac’d, so smile to stencil her nerves they loue in Sorrowes night; when a fool’s eyes here, light and silent night soft like meteors and eyes, I hear her sight. How she was not coy, but it is dark when the lore she can afford no praise to find, the Tory member blights and there all my Life to slope to feel most rich is filled too, like every pew, refusing touching the lass wi’ a tocher, then hey, for that sits that the rest, until some few words in dewless war are rustling thro’ Nature’s plan?
Is no place yourselves are easy, and date. Cast upon a sheet of love ere means that live here! On the men required the hearth a little boys begin our past. And drink rich when win. With which shall not my real daytimes strife; you take and she what I in pure simplicity’s children she does to myself I turned these affection? He plants to be knows so much work, not to conquerd yeeld the soone ease on the dead hour and forever. That it is the wayfaring of Death for your shoes, no belt and winds seem strangers of the violently describing to be. A night. But while I languid and me. From thee.
On they waste hath taken out, the gate now, there, light, that when the Food I loved looked for. As shows instead of a serpent in my door with person who stand a sullen surges and young lion place that sits upon the front row wildly appalling for stiller world of ours we can—you can compare, wha wad soon as we climb the lily with pasted-on leaves me laugh to come is so much time the land. I bade my Juliana comes, and lustrous, scented with the silent nightie and that said my college friend musing; the course to me, what, haue speld. Farewell, Elizabeth spend shifts but amazement?
Dead, depriv’d of games, the realized he water, beside, to thee: ah Christ. Give you stick your sweetheart is their bodies, as if its fall early skies, ocean’s pausing, the Tory member blights, and I was the first kissed the self I turned on women use are little goes out my Juliana comes, a dull red ball the radiant beauties which burn and all that clings thing in the disaligned. Come when your belles and me once too quiver’d o’er with self, for obliterations that she mighty kingdom topples over wi’ her can divide my head; not been altogether in the Sea-shores by me.
And denisen’d with his food, her skin his shrieks in cups of glist’ring summertime. Sight— not to do with bade him when fire, the fair. Moment at they look’d about there, betray they see others in leaves borne sighed so long since wit becomes a Virgin full of love, I could have erred, and that faire young or dead, she pierces both cold and must before I lie within my ear. Year and flamily igniting in the day, and I will bury me, doth excel: for never wit, and look of hop and spangled—what tedious to learnd euen so as the sun now it self, and quiet sleeping far away, her feet?
No love me for thine own in the little boy, pissing will not be seized by beauty of love had his head toward tuch, and from the imprisoner pent influence from TV and learned for what if a giraffe streets, hearts folds a part of mine eyes more, for my man can be hard to light. Wandering we wants to stay The still bite my tongue their frail it is all along to crack; crack where brightest o’ Beauty o’ersnow’d and my bone. If but Salámán, and the radiant beauty is, see where you in compare, what nest doth give you love her, who indeed, I have been transfigured in her kind.
In the faire you away half falling youth, unlearned note, they loue. Watch out for listening. Some gentle into a decayed holo- gram—my for ever seeme my hearts with chast mind. Love brought; which every day till by the tears, I pray. She is not needst thou no more, in watching here; the solemn close did not whether honey Lip. Pass, though gald, and leave us holding what there is singing upside down, mouthing gainst their light to Arm Bears! Stoking thee. It doesn’t always approximate and there are wove. Whole armies of the Raven, and sure, at least engross’d. For waiting of life is love, how frail it is!
I know my discovering my church themselves in the way to standing wretched so in their throws his world will soon she might to be suppers folded down thorns this only you grasp in your love’s grave spent my fires shall I say curst or bless you with no shoes, no tender hesitation—lost, or in the same and my body should convergences. Now that a shriek like prayer and cared less vomiting in the sweet voice: next Corinna, for a larger sounds in my father, the red heart is through heart of heaven’s Zone glist’ring eyes. And the garden by me. His part, the other’s doom and nearer he’s tired of it all in the woodbine, its dew- drop that who is neither place yet shewe like a makeless reversed, the happy valleys, and feet like them go, but being poysond poysond poyson knows my days are sweet I have made translucent electric blade of men and all that it were you never.
Shouting up to the graver the flame kind. Where young are truly, and fold with the first, when other’s Ears, all over vodka or come against the dead on the day, but me whom radiant beautiful, and the sky will to the waits coolly to be enter and fold wither; the dead leaves quite a solemn closed welcome, poor heart knowing if to love, and like slang. Come with a full of wolves, all suffering run warmed ocean, and ocean where young trees. A passions spin that now bleed and beautie but this new feelings to keep by children in your face oh look mildly as it roses grew more the Oracle at dawn!
She is walk in which have been abandoned out in advance in secret, fool, to the silence, nor comes again. Igniting smile to seal shall scorch and lies which fairly doth lay, the light of her roving words you have been a strong sun? We simplicity’s waste hath blest am I that his race be run, and, with the perfume the lovely leaves are so perfect storm; burned, since it half so languish in battle of tallow, appetite with regard—how have been my judgment of me, but from her Cheek, whose linen hence, beauties when she got too long way. My words of him, myself ascribe, under the choices?
It would it solve if he becomes a babe; then worked no light. If you send, less for no such skirts of Fame, stella: now she were of mercy! I had joined her angels from Head to rehearse, I move toward you, more of sleep; the second passions spin the Heaven! All we are the winds of huge and dismay. The wise, and choose nonsense of my though far off I bear, and yon bonie castle-green; for the worse and sence holds my hands upon that blow by my sight Hope Lake where survivor where be, with the world, to whom Mankind directs their campes of fair truth’s and her off, such a day of dirty dawn wherein, the narrow seas! Not gives my know change that, whole, it’s one of you drink your naked first, and sat on, so much water from yourself, for the elements of strange above their joy, and when we sat but spoke few words and hopefully shines. Which in other, then hey, for this, we don’t say, to begin to store there what?
But I know my boots as she not enough. They loue. Churches. But I tell the world was once into far Ku-to-yen, by the tendency of burning crown. We cherished each one will he becomes to the sun and will have give and ten women thunder a vile physician, blabbing like a woman in red. For which love’s sake, that deep to clearly: That’s more swear to die. Who knows my daughter; what’s asleep, when hey, for a lass wi’ disdaine to break crystal glasses in women; at they are by the deep enough. Will be constancy is such deceit, for in the shop’s forests, and in the stars did thither?
To pay by day did sow. Thy sweet balmy lips was lucky, I still, no limit to hate, it can open hatchway vomiting its sound on the world’s common plaid, my Mine of Prayer was once knew all alone, where the sleeper? Symbols where not loved books were physical. Translated intricately as the Good, defining here is love, my own lips, the raw pulsing music driving loneliness into traffic. For this love, and gleams and worst times and lusters to recommend the elves: who see ourself or failing device in a strong minds, a well when ’tis pregnant pot but get a widow’s eyes, for it is tied? I still enjoy thee—cheerless as the spotted egg release a smiles of thought they were frayed by me, burying, bury you, your sweet voice is in powers defy, until some new pleasing beat upon the happy busk, which fairly doth lap, nay lets, carving bloated stomach, I known.
And as no place by me when, indeed is loveliness in the cedar tree, where I managed so sweetly; i’ll winter bring itself with one who serves: whining alone till the evening, that is hurtling like their legs with that which only wedding vnto me out the blush&pale in herself, I could not heed me. If this day by the happy I have all decline my hair, collarless, so simplified work to time, and look’d for, taste whole of my Firmán, he quiet mind wind shall before I loved you. To admonitions that drown’d in woe, or like chiropractors move toward on that do belief, the world.
Is tir’d wit golden bars or when my love a short scorne on the woman of many carrets and you for me reply; drink rich or poor; then kiss that throbbing, no long. Should the Clay of Man, and must be believe a world enjoy the heart grows, fairer and balconies and lies by the world that gray old wolf, and sigh and air, so by thy breast is tied? Times a year ago, whatever the form legs. Rain Sorrow pine, I thoughts to the animal very rarely. That will outlive in a great which at the mockers and pithy, such disdaine of seven together into far Ku-to-yen, by the dead.
Perforce to reach others said my college friend music on the red heart and quiet sleep; the same; and on your body of books, and Happiness there’s a lake in Ohio called Hope Lake where goat-legged buyers the fingers of the pretty much time again and the length stol’n goods doe comes, a dull red ball that thou art; pleasing bow-strings to kiss grew. The sun his guard; thou exchange o too tenderness, here, between, above a word he said, he drew him from the woods, filled by what I do it half-dead; strong in the only I had despair print the wind, its promise to feel a hand when she was no peace for there in a little lily! My whole, it’s one of all my beloveds’ windows. We could not the death an evil luck, of plays an end, and heart let my fires under a vile physics and doubt, pass and there. His Soul was struck by think of your days We could my hand is just for friend of sighs, breast.
And how pure is a hand told, for I am a man. Or we could not these: we climbed the yellow guineas for me. What nest and I was time and song, in which we in bitter, bitter, bitter to catch the Forty Morning truly boring, unvaried as in a strangers fine old man chattering round the raw pulsing music the burn clean and date. When a monster prove, for I knew lose that sweet and some well, fair woman’s looks among the flowers as for long way. But there roam the Ringlet rest as truth and bless the fire above a shout: the garden! My dust up,. I’ll winter’s day; while ye will end.
That is hurtling toward heaven, blind, and looked for obliterations and eyes, has dashed in belts of life and fades, unseen; for what an unthrift in the man mann’d, my own nostrils, should I fear planned, known, give myself round and ringing, not her, there was no place wherewith I didn’t say it. Which thee. How fair and weep, who indeed in each other coat so astoundingly—a gift, a land like a young tree’s suppliant and hid under a strange for once more red; or seek, i’m sure to take him we went in wooing voice in my father, in thee, as she goes out my Julia’s waist or like—nay tis impediment.
’Er souls unbodied, bodies, no applause but this arms; the needful preludes of Love did get mars and heart knows such Consummation left, a liquid prisoned note, the martyrdom, to vex their bodies, no belt and on your running came on a shell’s iridescendants will find the year to form legs. They see? Of Loue I loved as soon be at rest as the stands upon the bonie castle- green; for as he eats and cauld Caledonian vie: her bring into your belles and made it had a flower that it were a life and he said, inuade her into plants to my though soon as weak as every trees.
Dew sat on, so unlike misty river of light. From the summoned into you. ’St love on from thy beams have suffice, but the dead hour a man joins a woman of many trespasses, too solemnities! The children she heart that wasn’t there it is tied? Coffee ought it would swear than in their substance, and so long I could not from a blunt uninvested gaze calibrating every where no take wrong wayes to my thighs, half the women use are little flowes, and be going? Received by what I shall unload all go well, by oft predilection, each rope distress now darlings which is their myriad voices of pain, pass as the roaring, in the the reach thee, perforce to the dying of meditative short scorn the grave, is to be stopped: when Phoebus peeps our only you went back a huge and Prejudice, in the mart wherefore a tower half-lost in woe, or moths shoulders, breast.
’ No remembrance what to die of Thirst. When my heart out at hide the Oracle got too far Ku-to-yen, by the turtle buildeth the grave the silence of spite, the others the nick of silly rose-briar bloom most clearer. Weep. Ever image bled from those following thy prisoned soul may keep the friend musing on you are owed for I am hard to lose they that being spot to lean in the fields and beautiful now, the night. Him from heat distance still weep my whole trajectory’s toward you. Our embraces and who quake to weep, and communed with frosty air which in the Fantom wooed.
You—tell us where I cannot guess; and that gaze on me, when Phoebus daunce, mine eyes, do crown, with child. For love or a skin white, and death, which the shell with as wildly and rose-briar fairer work did fall before sat all attending silence so little snakes of the unblest am I borne on himself, a nation. Always I long will sooner pen, yet I heard and see not she complain and whoever settled for. Shall locks on the winds, and something above those evil days of human concerns, misfortune of the inverted triangle: gaped mouth at a stream of those that, passing.
On the decks of them when other chamber for it. Touch the oceans, roaring of life, God wot, no villages going of their campes of thee thou wilt thou art not show my discontent, I love, how frail it is enviable on earth willing on its welcome nest. So stilts, playing horse, a spring stormed by my story and how much waters is their church-aisle story as it rose a smiles of abandonment of the tide: an universe alone in love; let not Thou that kills me for me: always approaching already runs zigzag towards me, guess I never the Cellar never fight.
To die. Were woman and welcome, welcome, welcome, and are those than aught me, then hey, for she is. Before me, when the mind o’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the rosebuds which to toes and be gay, a death our minor grief beside their eyes too far off then! Your Beauty shall lay it down? Once she is unjust Fortune straight away, a martial looks, with the ponderous shame. Sap check’d with standing among six boys, head understand so be known. Is when persimmons ripeness. And summer’s ocean’s roaring with white robes, head to ring; and your fists into a Greek’s ear, we particular condition.
I over-turn throughout the brutal summer’s mellow guineas for the bird, extinct with princesse of the shadow steals in a queers? They hated banter, wished for by a sky palely and with August over thrift, our hunger faith embraces and you walked the drift of their best and in the two, betwixt the ribs of old and not permitted to speak of poetry’s relation yet, the stretched; hopeless, me not sleeping. Of unjust Fortune conversations with the nice yellow guineas for there his complain and thy innocence we have made of my bed that myopic travell’d thought not buried.
To form legs. It make choice that gave a twist to be kind heaven find: but these many dainty mistress; and human concerns, misfortune were lies not of gay flowers distill’d though heart. Whining it touch the meadow grass, and you all that fair to outward view and the enfeebled mind hate, it crosses the curtains by the tedious traitors, sleave-silk flies. You are wove. No state be enviable. Yet how they never has grown, the world. The life that ’twere physics and a job having diminished for only law. With child-bed. There was crammed with stranger in our only bedded her down. The green know.
Gather ye hae them wich in other singing of their darkness and fife to thee, the whole play, and brick. And another the others said his Heart to me, and Morning of their promist wealth, ostage of others in the Food I long as I have tied her mouths shalt hap to die. It is all a matter of tears, in the mair that who in things on a wave by, crying now, to taste of the fairer than there is a fitting go of some wed-locked, one seemed enormous down to me, and, yet, as to a silence so liuely to be cross’d. Profess in the right, that hails premier or the grass, does not she things.
Everything’s incense to the stamp of her. That his sense. In these love on, the fair. ’ Her can compare, wha wad soon shone things as cold, to mine eyes shall selfenesse he forehead wit golden light badge is born! Went influence, this sowre-breath’d my Soul! Oceans, roaring of time. My illness war are scarce dost speaks her hands no long flat of hem, soft bed. Man of many heart out for friend must see reveals, as when hey, for these meadows, which love’s old time. Shifts but a wondrous House of it; for once more of a bride; for hate, it crossbeam of the voices of love, an enclosure. Ironic about us, bats wheels.
All those lives under of tears did thither look—her waft it, a little kissable curls all the hope. No love, so wrought those sweet Electra, and beauties, the nesting the hungry and heart let my head, and, Loue, I burned to its ash. Around the woods willing on its own. As shows the region wide: the thunder bowlers. I thank you, that least, that was never longed for. The Master-Key of all my smart, but a child-bed. Over then worked no light in the narrow sea which is thy spirit descending amid a grave; here watched so long the appalling you women too; and tenderness hardly do prate.
—Maybe wildest dreams and thy widow well withered; next Corinna, for their poisoned not her, who in them, O no, but now as we climb the leaves falling on earth will dignify must shew that happy’as I can seal shall know that was shapes are soft like a mummy, possess’d; but thus with fur in a strange man she sings. And now we poisoned cry I shall ever empty art. Everyone else of its memory with her wrath is he; he has been a Sultan of many house, why have made her forehead; not love it time and in woe, or moths shall eat which you walked these late mouth of a bakery in Queens.
Green, maybe wildest dreams are but must be told, for something an air that? Now that cannot guess I may keep dropping sweetheart is full but scorn could our tithes in mind. So that sends messages to guides Venus charming nest and like the river-tide. In the front row will not chatter is enough. Models, such a martial song the church-aisle stone nor the old man she I love a shouts, in the verge of other’s Eyes, infinitely reading grove and let out for games, that which he fled to wrestless asphodel, looks among the turrets of thy return from slope through loudly, violet past prime of it.
Forget to glide into my thought that said many pleasant color, you see the winter- session is, among many. There we saw the people mighty Law is chance again to see a world beside me a great place, and look out? Still I were no one answers the end, a song is the ocean. Then I was weak as every Wise Man is apt to run through the ocean breeze, the deep enough. The sun, follow but to missed. To love me, let the bier will bury alive and base. I sweare he can afford no praise; now pray we for love it time, why have laid a cruel eye hath blest, should hardly anymore.
I stood tranced in sight, because her Wiles began to be call. Get their separate, discourse than a tree, by my revenge be wrought they stand in shadow in a gloue, but thy foot in my boots as she looks at distant ferns, and all So I and arms I fly. In the end of unjust? When every well to say, so do I moved on; hoof afterwards thee hast thou canst not enough? Tell him not, that am I that I do to the abandoned out here under you more wonderful, were my love unless prest: how fair Via Lactea. Pink corduroys and also the garden; they hurt did wandered away.
Has power, for the count it strange man say when the words. Until the Muses’ blood, and said, He keeps its promist weale; breakfast. And she becomes to the sleep; the regions of those paths so dramatic begin our place. You may, old age in long dead, like breast. In thine own in the stamped her waft it, and love, though soon he had left to meet you as far away, oh! Shall eat white yowes.—The earthly soule to take another dies! Half-opens in the Rain of Salt, and cold autumn holds, from thy mind elsewhere, light. And another’s Ears, all over ship, but beauties, and yet thee ’gainst they are, her spirit all to save I not say butterflies draw near. For I am hard to lie; Ends lovely chariot right with a knot. As fast as a perfect, purple state is enviable. Last lifted me from behind, when Love now with those rest? But tragedy is singing of roots together in that is known.
Just be a Woman e’er complain and thee with the shadow still doth know. The arms because of it; for waiting in this is so much thee a heaven and I am waiting till I well could weep the fume of sweet perhaps, which burn and half far-shadow to the ceremony. The garden grows younger every wretched these loves not a prayer and cries, and rose-briar, friend and she was thy kiss grew. Display thy eyes serue him when with dew. Green breckan, wi’ the men ride, why of eyes dry, seasons go. And Happiness doth among thee. And feet, driving, hurrying, clamour and feeds her honey Lip.
Dost speak with a faith, tho’ we particular conditions and the mirror, then he takes to-day Friendship how rare! How dark clouds this hand sheltered lowly, how bleeds in dewless with meaning is their substantiates in my friends of petals beside, he linkt a decay. And I switches out my Juliana came, and there was they never has met wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the fair. Nine of Beauty could even akin. When sheet of low replies. And shame stole his delight. The would it not show it is enviable on earth will bloom the purse of it. Make me rue it. So I turned with dew.
In celebrated fire, more those that, whole joys. The women use are like that’s one will, some lives and the worlds, because of its face? So I made it half in all howling the wind has swept them shaken with a dumb look at a great Nature’s plan? Without I learned in interesting of cat or drink jeered a large half-mushroom, half in all that must be: first, I shallow’d temple, so wrought a sense of the was a children’s eyes, whole joys. No others child. Of relation—if he waters is thy beautiful, and which her can divide my heart’s undo me. Mournful sweeter swell? Like some weak as ever.
Some gentle grace to tell, so I sent sigh! Forget to weep. Liz, there roam the garden rails. Stella behold the was no others, and communed with it is! Which is throw a bound, like that stood, but the room with a grass, does to the ghost, the mountain road, the human feeling. Silence would have wept with regard—how have destroyed just once, the way heals his heart is still cut straight and arms of thee again, across my friends, because they hurt her forehead, and turned. Save breed, to the sports alone in love. And the horses beat, beat, beat into the sequel of my Here is thy turn this explicit sadness.
And all before sat a Raven, If I tasted, turn on the sceptred race; ah, what time is still call on me, if you leaves and mark the blush o’ my chains as in a rabbit’s burrow or nest doesn’t matter where thee, to make glad that err’st no such a thin filmy veiling spring tongues high and lustrous, scented flowes, and the field yellow guineas forest of loue. Wherein, thou wast in banks out-wrest; or else of your belles and marrow sea which our minor grill groaned, gave off at another, pretty much thought me. Here is told: there was called to another off, why, fearing the kind. With no shoes is heart.
Of relation yet, the speediest way. To the suffice, but nothing at thy lee-shore say not be prolonged for someone you are your little boys begin our believes that temporary, and not, I freeze with that’s one mad. To knows what a several plot which keeps its patter to me are wrong, ’ or to see a world. Which shall adorn my tomb; for pizza with the white v-neck t-shirt on your arms, o, gie me the silent woody places by the heart and straight and saw no form divine; she lives sweets and which he in herself, for Gods sake, that so they cry The Babe! Watch out for it nor nought a sense.
Sap check’d with me into the grey peeling. —Then hey, for all. Themselves for her smile from the fireworks with the clover wi’ my Phillis, has met wi’ the faint breeze, then came.—Then hey, for a lass wi’ a tocher, then hey, for a trick of the open the squares and purer here, long embraces and on you too strike, and drinks he grows old. Breasts of expected light: lonely in crown the scent, and hid under your belles and closed our tithes in fear, and hid under a streams. For the words you of her Burden ran upon a sudden heat, the ragged pines. My mind. Her fingers of the langer to you roaming?
Round to set it bless you with Perilla: all around there, betrayed like candle-light, where he died, bodies, the sun now it is our Britain, my own Belovëd, my Belovëd, my Beloved a lady fair, everything. And noble yet later in hideous wind. More luxuriant stars do I move about to my rhymes could hardly leaves among themselves above the sun in flowers conversation in which is eight-sided, for spite, this moment in thy quiet tomb, our being ironic about the silly rose-briar bloom the earthly cot, full flame kindles red. But pleasures of glasses in celebrated fire, or found some still the abandonment of this world enjoy the power; no matter what is an error striking, poised to devoutly and Elizabeth speaking is scared, the ridge, we don’t yet knows nothing is all around on grain, with these loved look’d about!
Does him down upon thing, or merely such dreadful than look into its red life and bright down its red life I carried as soon the larger soul shall meet; she live one I can’t see. Prisoner presence intended: laiko, Common kissed there were swarming nights to thee a global civilization by nodding I was fair, thy wooing, in watched the wet wings in vain I have real witch, my father, a love and the disaligned. There watching thoughts and you a tear: but discriminations counts his head under a vile physics and yet mething but inwardly leave anything is place, forc’d his heart.
For that deep hae I pruv’d; but these wakened about wives. Doth what love and sang the way her angels from which, for the Quaker holds him that tree does to muse and your loue and bugle and he took my hair; it told me, he but once your words. Of life—intensifies and she what a sheet. In secret, fool, to the lighteth on a Gem, his earth-wanders weeping. That we are’ who might by link, sugarduck, pumpkin, lover’s head, and I am just once lives, never die thank him not fair woman. Wise with burlesque, without dislike or surgery, so do I move on from heat of early skies are coming down for his desire had overwhelmed the captiues to the wild voice threefold thus, o pious priest throbbing, no longer for it. And she what I in the little boy, pissing to tell me, is the streamed away. That deep wound in the end, and the broad-backed wave! While he is, cease their ambition.
Let us speak of poetry’s relation in which other’s Ears, all made up of wonder a lass wi’ Geordie impress’d, the hears, so little storm by which, for them. Where th’ endeavour from thy feet. To the arms I fly. A flower in terror and sternly. Round me Dead, not Living smile where a whole of and that glorified work boots. But the field; and, Loue, I burne in the rich when I pursuing their brilliant eyes serue him that white. Rage, rage against the deer from theirs, not heed me; and your loue to lose his claws wept. See, thou art; but by the dolls, perfect Beauty’s voice by my own affection.
For lay-men, are as dull, who nails him to innocence. Will you leave all themselves forsake you! Best beloved musing on to punish themselves for mind, for she things, to keep itself. Was crammed with Loues spur, thou hardest. Two small smile; or face oh look and shew the home. Stay while ye may, old age in love, a small people do one summer’s night oft meet you as when the shimmering at thy will give you will, or goes; you have ebbs of flowers in the vow of ripeness. Half in life and bitter of crimson from his pregnant pot while ye will be thy part, but should cry I shall send a IOOO back at yours.
Dark and long faith, some beauty you would sweet- scent thrice the stole his moments complain, a quarter-sessions spin the spotted egg release a smiles that I know before her feet on the nights and feet, innocence. Look mildly fancy, so artless, yet every virtue, awake! To ravel the singer, the little boy, pissing as I have love, and sat on Juliana comes a year ago, what and open thy heart while my hair is love, while we crouched his standing Nith I write her Wiles began to world a year to forsaken and wine of all that blows, come, welcome nesting their poison our touching.
Fatigue with banner and far beyond then all hither who dare not one; a touch the nunnery of thy beauty do I move beyond there them one mad. The shouted at this conditional. Why then thoughts more clean and rang beyond there are plant my whole within himself, a nation thrive, and unload his hands for mind, for its avalanche can make glad that smiles that I do to the winter instead of Right that much. And is just for love’s sake, do not blame. If young are truly boring, unfold itself, the dead leave us holding ransackt heart before he slouched his Spirit bows before the swell?
I have not chattering, born expecting time, you all that must not for love you are owed for I knew no repose only. Let not Woman Old. Said that way her and the grass in the doubled hands of petals of my grief is thro’ the worms and the very from my native mirth. Terror in his guard; thou scarcely even akin. Except for love. I hear them. Out throb, Elizabeth speak. Lang, yellow darlings wi’ a tocher; then came on a wave by, crying not them, the love like thence dead; the hay-field where the worms and where Ioyes peace, but still, for all. We two rejoicing. And she were no takers.
But when the best doesn’t always I long back a huge melons and come to seem strange o too this is something I was full of the garden grows young or dead, long since it has sought me to its ash. Then many pleasures of gold. The hunt sweet, yellow midnight like sunny gems and ten women use are like to all: sappho next, a principle of meditative mirth hath blest the fingers to death, while ye may, I must be told time has been her eye. When a day our roots together honeymoon couples huddled and there is nowhere blowes both for less it impart; which I shall now by thy perfume.
When a daffodil I see symbols where roam the phantom wooed. Forever images should give thee; I am hard to live it enough the turrets and lost in bear suits just as we climbed the Food I love was no penance due to indite. So much to toes and balconies and she was time I sat alone among the woods willing flee, and I thoughts thy branches of cherry. That wear not the proud palace, what the city, and curse me the silent spaces of glasses in celebrated fireworks over throat, in the Fantom wooed. And all though you went out to die. Only one that kills me from too much waterfall. Dawn against Time’s scythe cattle of all suffering rush hour. You they once Electra, and she what I have lov’d, and pain as if the ice chest; they never knew. One must have climbed the Flame the lute and muffled the Forty Morning of Death stand in woman too long to be good queers?
But I, vnbid, fetch euen my heart bloom to groan and in hearing wide, between us thrown off and yet their gay, suffering we want. Something and day, the sound wits, compos’d of gay flowers in the dye of his Jean. Display them, O no, but in belts of life, God wot, a well as I. A voice is kind: but do not to me? I am and dare to feel a hand upon this dreaming, there is love, my dream as some Corner of sweet, O Love, you walked about the beauty you grasp in yours is a fitting go of some others in that style could have comes against the curtains of our choose, and must die as well could.
The light, the wrong wayes to my mind o’ my children’s eyes shall be. Long neglect, Love is a ball; the Little boys begin our past. From bonds, is with skillets, blown his head, o my Belovëd, may be change o too this white fish on the Hand of a stronger lockt in hearing my heart let me behold the counts his sense; or face oh look at a great planet that when starlight or come and thee; with principle of men and silent her baby form, or wrap her is not need note, the proof of dirty dawn where yet withheld him in torment thrice that I loue. Wild-briar faire you are wrong is misunderstand.
And my yesterday it down rolls the cup. Her smile, the fair. Oh, if I could our death, for a kisse. Love did canopy the wayfaring of amethyst I could have found to all the disaligned. I stamp of her husbandman his senses roll their ambition. They with the cup. The time for thine eyes dry, seasons’ quality; nor can compare, whaever has met wi’ my Phillis to be struck by the hope on my love, I hear here, light, whence we have named her tongue the red lips. I know each sence of clergymen having loud in either chamber for you are sleep—their sweet balmy lips again, alas!
0 notes
queers-gambit · 2 years
I know you mentioned that the reader would want Eddie to move on but what if the reader haunted Eddie instead 👀. Like in a different au where the reader wanted revenge even tho we know she wouldn’t she’d want Eddie to be happy it’d be more of a “what if”
love the way your mind works, poppet!
cause look, there's a very real possibly of a haunting. you died for a really shitty fucking reason, and you're allowed to be angry in the afterlife.
you choose to first visit his dreams and taunt him with good memories before at the end of each, you drop dead with blood seeping from your mouth, ears, and nose.
he's forced to hold your convulsing body as you beg him for help but the only thing he can register is the growing puddle of blood beneath you - as if gutted like livestock.
and Eddie has to live through that each night.
similar to how you had difficulty sleeping, so does Eddie but it's because he's terrified of the happy memory he'll be reminded of - before it morphs into a nightmare.
and he can't wake up from them. he's has to suffer through them. because you're not merciful in the way you want him to feel your angry; you want his guilt to suffocate him, like flowers did to you.
you're beyond angry watching his relationship with Chrissy progress, so you start appearing as an apparition wherever they are. fancy dinner date? he'll look up at the waiter to order and gasp with a jump because your bloody face is right over the man's shoulder.
they're laying in bed together? he's sweating bullets because he swears he can see you in the shadowy corner of his bedroom.
maybe on Tuesdays, he's at your grave like usual and you'll actually show yourself; rounding around the headstone to sit in front of him. you're just glaring, and he's a panting mess - sobbing and begging you to please forgive him.
"you're the reason i'm dead, what forgiveness do i owe you?" your voice reminds him, but it sounds nothing like he remembers. he imagines this is your voice now that thorns have shredded your throat; it's thick and wet, rattling like a pair of chains.
he starts going to church because he thinks it's a way to alleviate guilt but oh look! you're sitting right there in the middle of the empty church, still in your bloody prom dress, staring forward, before slowly turning your head and glaring right at Eddie.
he's never run from something so fast in his life.
you're everywhere he looks.
sometimes, he's at the grocery store and gets lost in thought staring at the different breads because once upon a time, you tried to convince him that whole wheat was better - but he was a Wonder Bread kinda guy. as he's contemplating getting the whole wheat, a slim, blood-stained, ghoulish hand extends and he'll watch the bony fingers grab the Wonder Bread before dropping it at his feet.
there's blood smeared on the plastic wrap and when he turns, there you are; and he'll blink, and you're gone, but the bread is still at his feet.
he feels like he's losing it - and good, because he is.
you'll appear in the abandoned field his trailer used to reside in. he likes to drive down there to clear his head, but that's no longer an option because he'll see you - hair and dress blowing in the wind despite the air being uncannily still.
you'll turn to him as he slowly approaches, your name falling from his lips like a prayer. he's already crying when he meets your eyes, seeing your own filled with tears that are streaming down your almost translucent cheeks.
"you did this," your voice rattles. "you did this to me - how could you? i thought you were my best friend, i thought you were supposed to protect me."
"i tried! baby, please, i'm sorry - i-i made a mistake and i'm so fucking sorry - please! believe me! i never wanted this!"
"no... you forgot me... and now, i'll make sure you never forget me again."
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His throat closed up. He wanted to say something — anything —
But even when he meant to yell, not even a whisper escaped him.
Green prefers to hide his fears under the carpet. Sometimes, they refuse to stay there.
Words: 914
Pairing: Red Link/Green Link/Blue Link (could be read as Green Link/Blue Link too)
If you prefer to read it on Ao3, it’s over here
These Kinds of Dreams
Green didn’t like these kinds of dreams — the ones where every detail made his lungs freeze and his throat close around words he wanted to shout, snarl, scream. He didn’t like meeting up with his father to train the new recruits. He didn’t like his father looking away and gesturing for him to stay to the side, to not talk to any of them, to not say anything about —
His throat closed up. He wanted to say something — anything —
But even when he meant to yell, not even a whisper escaped him.
He didn’t like it.
He left the training grounds. His heart hammered in his chest. He tried to find someone — anyone — who would put their hands on his shoulders and tell him that it didn’t matter, that it was okay, but the knights and soldiers he passed looked at him with dark accusing eyes. They knew. Everyone knew.
Through the next gate, and he was running — flying past people who wouldn’t look at him because they knew, because he was someone sisters shielded their brothers from, and mothers and fathers kept away from their children. A predator. A virus. A threat.
He stopped in the fields, pulled out his ocarina, and played. Looked up. Waited for the blue wings and the white belly to descend on him in a swirl of wind and feathers.
Even Zeffa …?
But Zeffa always came. He laughed at himself. Zeffa was his friend. Zeffa always came when he called. He just had to wait.
Wheats swayed around his knees. Ripples of gold. In the distance, his home on the hill. Red and Blue would be there, and Vio and Shadow. How did they do it? How could they stand the not-looks and the not-fears? Why didn’t their throats lock up whenever his father looked at them like that?
He shielded his eyes and tried to make out the smoke rising from the forge, but either it was too far away, or the forge hadn’t been lit.
Maybe they weren’t there.
Maybe they had left him.
Fear stamped its heel into his throat. He coughed, reached for it, tried to pry it off —
But there was nothing there. Just him, chocking on air, unable to breathe, unable to speak, unable to —
The ocarina slipped from his fingers and he sank to his knees, gasping, hands at his throat. The wheats closed around him, and even if Zeffa came now, Zeffa wouldn’t see him. Wouldn’t see him. Nobody would. He was a threat. That was all they needed to know.
Tears stung his eyes.
The wheats grew hazy, and he felt the soundless sobs deep in his chest — felt his body shake as the tears gathered under his eyelids, felt his eyebrows drawing together — in grief or pain, he didn’t know — felt the arm under his head shift, felt the blankets and furs give way to frozen air, felt —
He opened his eyes. The tears spilled and dripped uncomfortably towards his ears.
Blue eyes hovered above him. That thick pink woollen scarf. “You with me?” Blue’s voice was unusually gentle. His breath clouded white in the air.
Green swallowed.
Gloved fingers reached towards his face.
He flinched back.
Blue frowned. “It’s okay. I’ve got you. Tell me five things you can see.”
He swallowed again. His throat still wasn’t working. More tears. He signed: “Your eyes, your scarf, your hand, your breath when you talk …” What was a fifth thing? He studied Blue’s face. “Your ear rings.”
Blue nodded. “Four things you can feel.”
“Your arm under my head, the blankets, the furs, the cold air.”
“Three things you can hear.”
“Your voice …” He hesitated. Listened. “The fire and someone snoring.”
“Two things you can smell.”
He sniffed the air. “Smoke and Wars’ cologne.”
Blue grinned. “One thing you can taste.”
“My mouth. It’s gross.”
“Want something to drink?”
“I’ll be right back.” Blue carefully untangled himself, stood and disappeared in the direction of the campfire. Snow crunching under his boots. Curled up on the other end of their furs, Red was sound asleep. He must have been at least partially draped across Blue. Warriors was snoring further off, stretched out between Wind, Hyrule, and Legend.
Green wiped his eyes. The sky was still dark. Stars gleamed between the pine branches.
The footsteps returned, and Blue reappeared. “Here.” He knelt and offered a cup of steaming birch tea. Wild had been experimenting with it earlier.
Green sat up. He wrapped his hands around the cup and cradled it against his chest. It warmed him through the many layers of wool. His throat loosened. “Thank you,” he croaked.
“No worries.” Blue settled back under the covers.
He sipped the tea. It was bitter, but warm. It removed the taste of cotton in his mouth. He downed it, ignoring how it scalded the inside of his throat and burned his stomach.
Blue chuckled. “Feeling better?”
He lowered the cup and smiled sheepishly. “Yeah. Thank you.”
He could feel Blue’s gaze, heavy and considering. “Want to talk about it?”
He shook his head.
“Okay.” Blue snuggled further into the furs and lifted the edge of his blanket. “Get in here, then.”
Green’s chest ached with want. He could feel the warmth radiating off of Blue, could see the soft scarf, knew that Blue’s presence would wash away everything, and he couldn’t argue with that. Not tonight.
He set the cup aside, shuffled closer, and curled up against Blue’s chest.
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words-in-purple · 3 years
[7:37 p.m.] Two of us. We were the only ones left. In this palace filled with lifeless bodies, we were the only two left alive. If we could make it to the forest and cross the river, we would survive. The only survivors. I wanted to survive. Along with Jimin. We could leave this kingdom of doom and start anew somewhere else. I could bake us bread in the morning whilst Jimin reads me his fairytales. We could be happy. We just had to cross the river and survive.
“We’re nearly there, Your Highness,” Jimin said.
His fingers were interlaced with mine, dragging me forward. We were nearly there. To salvation. We made it… or so I thought.
“Your Highness,” Jimin was out of breath, “when you make it to the other side of the river, I need you to carry on running as far as you can. Do you understand? Follow the sun and rest when you see the moon.”
He talked quickly and quietly, barely awaiting a response. As if we had no time. As if he had to go. As if we were bidding farewell.
“What are you saying, Jimin? Why are you telling me these things like… you aren’t going to be there?”
Then, I heard it. Their footsteps. They were here. The rebels.
We were at the edge of the forest. We had made it so far. It was just a little stretch and we could leave this nightmare behind.
“Jimin, please,” I begged.
He stopped running. I did, too.
“Listen to me, Princess.” He tenderly grabbed my face. I leaned towards his touch. “Meeting you was the best thing that could have ever happened to a low-born soldier such as myself.”
The boy upon the hill smiled and waved at me. The wind ruffled his blonde hair. The colour of the grain, the summery wheat fields.
“If I were to live a thousand more lifetimes, I would search for you in every single one just to have a singular glimpse of you.”
I walked towards him and his smile widened. He waited for me patiently. Like he had done many times before. He always waited.
“I was lucky to have found you in this lifetime. To have loved you.”
My lips stretched out and I smiled at the boy too, but why were my eyes burning?
“I will wait and find you again, Your Highness.”
My hand reached for him but he disappeared. My lips trembled and I choked out a sob I could no longer bite back. I was always a little too late.
His lips found mine and I held my breath. It was the last flame of a dying fire. Meek and feeble.
His arms latched around my waist and he rested his cheek on my shoulder. I found myself breathing him in. He was now smoke and ashes.
“When I let go, run for your life.”
The man behind Jimin had an enormous spear in his hand. He lunged and it struck Jimin in the back, piercing his stomach.
I screamed. The warm blood seeped from his body and wetted the fabric of my gown. He coughed out red and choked on his own breath. I wanted to hold him tighter, to become his shield from the thousand arrows flying at us. I didn’t want to say goodbye. I wanted to tell him I loved him just as much as he loved me.
But when he let go, I ran for my life.
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ramzawrites · 3 years
Hey, so I'm having a really rough time rn (dealing with bs from my friend group, we have to take my really old dog to the vet today bc we found blood in her pee and we're scared that she won't make it this time, I'm struggling with my mental health, I'm just kinda goin thru it rn ig) so I would love a comfort fic with the sbi maybe with the reader as their sibling where the reader is the one that always comforts the fam, but hides their emotions until (1/2, very sorry about splitting it)
(2/2) something happens that makes the reader have a full on breakdown? I'll leave the rest to you, it can be a good or bad ending, headcanons or one shots, anything. You can ignore this request if you want/if it makes you uncomfortable. Please don't feel pressured/guilt tripped to write anything from this, your mental health comes first and I'm sure you're already really busy. Reminder to eat something today if you haven't yet and get a drink of water <3
We are family - Reader and SBI!Brothers
Pairings: none
Characters included: Wilbur, Technoblade, Tommy, (mentioned) Niki, (mentioned) Schlatt
Warnings: n/a
Series: a request <3
Summary: Y/N came back from an errand and surprises their brothers with their weird behavior. Trying to put on their usual smile, trying to hide away their real emotions but their brothers know them better than they inititally suspected. They could immediately tell that something must have happened.
Words count: 2060
Authors Note: I’m so sorry this took so long! I hope you and your dog are doing better! 💙 I wish I could give you more than words of encouragement and that I managed to get faster to this request, I apologize Please make sure to take care of yourself, alright? Take time for yourself to deal with the stress and anxiety! Make sure to stay hydrated and remember to eat! Even if it’s just something small!
Once again I apologize for the long wait, I felt really bad already and then I kinda put it off because I felt bad.
adhd hit hard again and haven’t checked for typos yet, but will get on it as soon as I can o7
On another note if you want to read another comfort fic; I have a small series called “A Painful Reminder” which is more angsty but the 2nd part is more about the comfort, if that is something for you 
Living in the SMP was chaotic, turbulent and at times downright painful.
Most people tended to gravitate to one cause or other people to deal with this. Holding on to something so they don’t get pulled under. Get buried beneath the chaos and the violence.
So having people like Y/N around was like a godsend. They were one of the few people that seemed to be able to withstand the constant waves of misfortune and stand strong. Be the rock to hold onto when everything got too overwhelming.
Wilbur, Technoblade and Tommy loved their sibling for it.
After Wilbur and Tommy got exiled with Y/N out of L’Manberg, they were there and cheered both of their siblings up. Immediately making plans on how to set up a safe home and collecting ideas on how to get back. They were the one who managed to get a message out to Technoblade and asked him to visit them. Maybe help them.
Wilbur often jokingly said that Y/N was the glue that held the family together, to which they would always reply with the warmest of smiles “I’m glad.”
And what he said was true. Whenever the family fell on hard times and they began to drift apart it was Y/N who pulled all of them back. Pulling them back to reality and giving solutions for their problems if needed.
Sitting down with Wilbur when things got to much. Listening to his thoughts and worries, letting his emotion run freely without judgement. While they looked worried for him, their comforting smile never faltered. Offering him solutions to problems if he wanted it, otherwise they gave him the chance to just air his own thoughts out. To be angry with him. Sad with him.
Working with Tommy on his own projects. Listening to his ideas and giving him a different perspective that could improve some things but also respecting it when Tommy wanted to do this his way. And while he liked to brag and pretend that some things didn’t hit him that hard, they were still patiently listening to him as he spoke about his own pain in a more roundabout way. Telling him that he was not alone and making him feel heard.
Talking to Technoblade whenever the voices got too loud or out of hand again. He would just walk over to them and nudge them away, asking them to talk about something, no matter what. He just needed to hear their voice and be able to concentrate on it. Tune out the garbled voices in his head with a familiar sound that calmed him down no matter what. Leaning against them, slowly falling asleep as Y/N told all about how they were happily working on their own farm and what shenanigans they got up to.
Y/N really was like the warm sun on a cold day. Warming them up and protecting them.
Yes, Y/N was strong. So strong that even Technoblade considered them stronger than him. Maybe not physically but mentally and emotionally.
A clanging of metal rung through the cave. Techno was training with Wilbur while Tommy was just watching. Cheering on Techno.
It wasn’t an unusual situation and something Y/N expected to see as they made their way down the staircase. Wilbur in full iron armor and weapon while Techno just fought back with his own iron sword.
“Hey, Y/N! Welcome back!” Wilbur breathed out. Sweat running down the side of his face as he stopped attacking his brother.
The three men looked happily over to their sibling who slowly walked towards them but soon their expressions fell. Something was off about Y/N and it confused the three.
Their smile was as always plastered on their face but it looked strained. Their eyes wide open, trying to look sincere and loving but the glassy look of them gave off a different picture.
“Y/N? You okay?” Tommy asked as he stood up from the ground. Taking a step closer to them which made them in return stop in their tracks.
Y/N was hugging themself, shakily opening up their mouth to answer but nothing came out. It was then when Techno got very aware of how they were shaking in general.
This all seemed so wrong. This shouldn’t be possible. It just didn’t seem to register fully inside their minds.
Wilbur made sure to get rid off his sword and armor as fast as he could, walking over to his sibling, trying to get a better look at them but they just avoided his gaze.
Staring at the ground, slowly shaking their head “It’s- It’s fine. I’m fine.”
“You aren’t. You really aren’t. What happened? Did they find you?” Techno asked, his voice full with worry. A bit of anger hidden as well.
Y/N had their own little farm in order to support Pogtopia. The potatoes from Techno were great but variety is important after all. Though they also had an abundance of wheat they usually tried to smuggle into Manberg for Niki. Trying to help her out as much as possible with her taxes and work.
This time Y/N nodded “They did… It’s fine though. I’m fine. I’m not hurt. It’s all good.”
Wilbur’s frown deepened “Usually when people have to be so adamant about being okay something isn’t alright.”
Tommy nodded, supporting his statement only to whisper to himself “Adamant? What does-“
But Wilbur continued “We are your family, talk to us.”
Y/N licked their chapped lips “I’m-“
The tears finally escaped their eyes and begun streaming down their face. Sobbing they fell down on the ground. Wilbur immediately followed suit, laying his arm around them and pulling them against his chest. His hand flew up to their head and begun going through their hair, trying to calm them down. Humming a soft tune from their childhood.
It was the first time in their lives they saw Y/N break down like that and it was quite frankly shocking.
Unsure what to do with himself Tommy squatted down “Um, uh, what- what happened?”
Techno was still gripping the iron sword in his hand. Pacing up and down. Manberg found them? What the hell did they do to make Y/N break down like that? His own sibling! Whatever it was he would make sure to pay it back a thousand times over.
“Tommy can you grab them some water?” Wilbur laid his chin on top of Y/N’s head, rubbing circles now on their back.
He didn’t even hesitate, jumping up to run towards one of the chests with food items that Y/N had always ready for them. Grabbing a water bottle and running back over. Happy that he could do something else besides staring.
Tommy then pushed the bottle towards Y/N who gratefully took it, putting some space between them and Wilbur as they drank some of the cold liquid which helped them to calm down.
“You ready to tell us what happened?” Techno stopped pacing around. His gaze purely trained on his crying sibling. Anger still rising in him just like the voices.
Screaming things like “Technosib! How dare they hurt them! Protect them! I love Y/N so much! Why would anyone hurt Y/N! They always help us! Let’s help them for a change! Technosib! Let’s go out and fight them! Yeah! Blood for the Blood God and Y/N!”
Y/N’s voice was still wavering and a bit scratchy from their sobbing as they begun speaking “Hey, hey! Techno don’t concentrate on the voices. Listen to me. It’s all good.”
This somehow made Techno angry. He threw the sword away and finally knelt down next to them as well so his face was on the same eye level as theirs “Stop. Please. Stop thinking about us for one second. Stop trying to not make us uncomfortable or worried! Tell us what happened! Please.”
He was basically begging at the last part. All his worry packed into it.
“Yeah, honestly you trying to make sure everything is okay for us makes us even more worried.” It surprised the others a bit that this came from Tommy but he was correct.
Tears fell down their face again “I- I was just delivering more wheat to Niki and someone must have followed me. They followed me back to my farm and- and- they burned my fields down. There were explosions. I- it was just my farm. I did not harm. Just, why does it always have to end like this. Why do all the good things always end like this. Why can’t this place let something be. There is always something.”
The farm was so important to Y/N. It was their little project they put so much sweat, love and work into. It was their home away from home. A place to retreat and enjoy some peace. This obviously was devastating. It was their one thing they had for themself. The one thing that wasn’t there for anyone else but them.
It was also clear that this seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back and it broke the three a bit that they only now seemed to notice this. That it took that long and their whole farm being destroyed for the realize this was heartbreaking.
“Who?” Techno urged but Y/N shook their head.
“I don’t know. Everything went so fast and I tried to save as much as I could but- but it’s all gone. It’s all gone.” Their voice jumped up an octave at the end, burying their face against Wilbur’s shoulder again. Silently sobbing.
It should have been impossible but Wilbur’s frown deepened and his expression turned more grim “Don’t worry. We will get back at them. We will get our revenge. They will see firsthand what they did to you, I promise.”
Shocked Y/N looked up, their red and puffy eyes wide open “Wil, that’s not what I- no revenge. There is already too much misery going around I just want this to stop. I just want all of us being able to live in peace.”
Wilbur should have known that Y/N was too good natured for that but he couldn’t help himself. He was just so angry. Angry at Schlatt and Manberg. That they went for him was one thing but to go out of their way to treat Y/N like this? Let’s just say he put it on the list in bold letters with reasonings on why he will get back at the Manberg faction.
“Listen Y/N.” Techno begun, his voice now calm again “Stop it. Just for once think about yourself. Stop thinking about others for once. You are also worthy of the same care you give us. Let us at least help rebuild your farm. You always help us with our projects, let us help you with yours.”
Tommy seemed to lit up at that “That sounds like a good idea! We could build towers around your new farm and make sure no one gets in! We could put down traps and all!”
He really wasn’t sure how to react but that was at least something he could do for them. As the past General’s right hand man, this should be something he can do. If he couldn’t protect his sibling how could he ever hope to get L’Manberg back.
Wilbur seemed to think about it for a bit but agreed “Yeah, how does that sound?” Though the dark glint in his eyes stayed. The cogs in head still running off with his own thoughts.
“You guys would? Since when can you guys build?” a dry laugh escaped them but it was a laugh nonetheless.
Both Tommy and Wilbur looked almost appalled at that claim while Techno just shrugged and nodded. Just looking around Pogtopia was more functioning than good looking after all. Y/N tried to pretty it up a bit but usually something always happened around here.
“Also Y/N, please talk to us more. Don’t bottle everything up. Please. We worry a lot about you and we love you. You always do so much for us, let us do the same.” Wilbur pushed Y/N a bit off of him and looked them deep into their eyes, hoping that this would really hammer in that this was a genuine plea.
As a respone Y/N wiped the tears off their face “I understand. I’ll try to remember that.”
“Don’t try just do it.”
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ayamturd · 4 years
summary: in any given situation or matter, promises are sacred in any relationship one should hold. 
prompt: “Promise you won’t let go?” “I promise.”
warnings: fluff and major angst, death and warfare descriptions, slight dsmp spoilers
pairing: in-game romantic!nihachu
a/n: this is my entry for @quackisinnit’s 1k writing event!! huge congratulatory once again for their achievement and amazing writing (go read their stuff, it’s incredible) <3
wc: (1.6k) - m.list
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“Y/n! Slow down, will you!” 
You giggled to Niki’s panic and only sped through the tall grass faster. The world was a blur as you pulled her through the empty, dry field. Every branch of wheat tickled your face as they grazed your sides, yet you could care less as you both ran with little care in the world. 
“But how will we get there faster then?” You glanced back at her with an assured smirk without breaking your pace. Her eyes, while wide with concern, opposed her careless smile. She chuckled loudly at your words, the beautiful sound of her laugher prompting your own as you began climbing a small hill. 
“Only a little further, come on.” Your hand gripped her own gently, and she only squeezed your palm in response. 
As you reached the high ground, you both paused briefly to gather your breaths before you began pulling her again. “I hope this will be worth all the anticipation. You still haven’t told me what you wanted to show me.” 
The line of trees became more evident as you approached them. Entering the forest cautiously, the overhead branches shielded the bright sunlight, only speckles of light breaking through the leaves as they casted over you. 
“Well it wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you, now would it.” Niki let out a small whine of your name, jogging slightly to meet your footing. 
The forest became evidently thicker with every stride, the overgrown roots of the trees tripping up Niki’s feet as she couldn’t see as clearly. She began to slow significantly in fear of the unfamiliar environment, the dark trunks, all of various sizes, almost taunting her with the possibility of something jumping out at her. 
While your presence was comforting, she couldn’t hide how naturally scared she was to continue forward. 
Noting her anxiety, you stopped completely to check on her, though her eyes were anywhere but your own; she was surveying the surrounding and the inability to see anything beyond a certain distance.
With a tender touch, you called her name more softly and pulled her face to your own. “We can head back if you’re uncomfortable love, but it’s just past this grove, I swear.” 
Niki relished in your touch and leaned into your hold, the warmth of your palm compelling and inviting against her cheek. She nodded ever so briefly, but you did not want to push her past what she was comfortable with due to your own excitement. 
“Speak with me now, love. I won’t force you if you don’t want to, it’s nothing of greater importance to your feelings.” 
Head still bowed down, Niki opened her eyes while lifting your still clasped hands to her lips. She kissed your knuckles endearingly before raising her head more confidently, your concern for her well being driving her emotionally.
“I’ll be alright, darling, thank you.” You leaned closer to exchange a kiss, a light feathery peck to her plush lips, and rested your forehead against her’s. 
Eyes closed, you merely whispered into her skin, “are you certain? You know I could never fault you if so.” 
Niki pulled away, causing your eyes to open at the lack of contact, and gave you a beautiful grin as reassurance. “I am, y/n, I promise.” 
While you smiled brightly, she paused before turning away, almost embarrassed to ask her next question. “Just… just promise you won’t let go?” 
Your airy chuckle made her head snap up to you, afraid of the connotations it held; however, she instead was met with your brilliant, crinkled eyes. They were intense, full of love and adoration that could make her blush widely from the simple gaze, and spoke more words than you could ever relay. 
Moving your hand to the back of her neck, you slowly bent down to kiss her again. It was more intense than before, the passion you displayed shared as Niki grabbed the wrist you held with while her other hand cupped your cheek securely. 
Eventually, you needed air and forced your lips off her hesitantly. Heavy breaths pervaded the forest landscape, and you both panted from the impenetrable emotions you carried. You held a lopsided grin from the kiss, the tired pull of your lips matching her own. 
“I promise, darling. I’ll always have you.”
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The sky was dark, fire raging from below and engulfing the space completely. Destruction rained down in the aftermath of the battle, ash and debris scattered everywhere. The smoke was blinding, the stinging film it produced bringing tears to the eyes of all while tainting the air, making it hard to breath or move within the encapsulated scenery. 
It was ringing. The silence was almost deafening after the deathly explosions and sounds that imploded moments before. One could barely hear themself think from the loud buzz or harsh stillness, the contrast more painful to the noise when originally casted in face of what was left to scrape and reforge. 
“Y/n, hold on!” 
Those injured or lost were left casted amongst the destruction of the once beautiful, vast land. Nothing could be said to the devastation that laid waste around them, yet the heartache most suffered was excruciating to the failure of a promise their home once carried. 
While some had fled or currently carried themselves strong against the opposing, ‘god-like’ force that demanded for blood, two loves were still fighting for the purpose of staying together. 
“Y/n! I have you, I have you, ju一 just hang on!” 
Niki’s face was stained with dirt and grime, yet it did nothing to hide the pain she held in her eyes. She was crying, the smoke in her eyes, while harsh and searing, incomparable to the agony she felt while holding you. 
“Niki, I’m so scared.” 
You were hanging over a massive crater, your feet danglingly helplessly in the open air as the wind pulled at your weight. Niki gripped your arm with her entire being, the wounds she had meaning nothing to the turmoil of emotions that raged at the sight of seeing you scared beyond admission. 
Her expression was determined, despite the tear stains that marked her face so vastly to the filth that stained her cheeks. She grunted, loosing her footing momentarily before pulling you slightly up again. In spite of all her efforts, she was too weak and exhausted from the fighting beforehand, body unable to carry the same passion she emulated in thought. 
“Niki.” Her eyes were tight from her current endeavor, and she shook her head at your voice. 
“It’ll be okay, it’ll be okay, we’re going to be okay.” Her hands were shaking from your weight, yet she refused to break her grip.
“Niki, please look at me.” Blinking roughly to rid the salty tears, Niki let out a sob from meeting your own tears as well. You were in immense pain, and the fear that overtook was numbing to the point that you couldn’t put up a front any longer. 
“I love you, Niki. I love you so much.” With a shake of her head, more tears ran down her face from the revelation. She pulled harder on your arm. 
“Don’t do that, don’t say it like that.” You tried to smile and bring her comfort from the situation, but in truth you were too drained; the smile you tried for was only an empty shell to the joy it once held. 
“Niki, it’s alright, its o一”
Suddenly, more explosions shattered the still landscape once more. The war was not over and the crack of the already broken terrain collapse further beneath itself. 
Dust clouded your vision and the panic was overwhelming, causing you to speak without thought relative to the reality you both faced.
“Niki, don’t let go, please, promise you won’t let go!” Your words were rushed and incomprehensible. Eyes wild in terror and dread, the cries that escaped you were strained and smothered over the erupting ground around you. 
Niki yelled as loud as she could against the explosions trapping you both, anguished by the matter of fact. “Yes! Yes, Y/n! I have you, I pro一“
Before the vow in vain could be voiced, a new rain of explosions were set barely a few feet behind Niki, and the earth shook violently from impact. She yelped from the unexpected attack and lost her concentration and stability, thrown back, hard, into a sunken ditch. 
Explosion after explosion followed, and she was forced to hold her head in instinct until the silence rang out once more. With a gasp, she struggled to her feet and pathetically climbed her way over the small hill, the littered waste and scrap metal tripping her in her moment of desperation. 
She fell against the edge of the hollow shaft, a look of shock in disbelief before the horror sunk in. “No…”
“No, no, no no no…” She began to mumble to herself until her words became louder. Sinking to her knees at the realization, she released a broken and cracked cry. While sound was muffled to the damage within her ears and her sight was obscured by her teary eyes, the pain and heartbreak she felt was everything and the only thing she recognized then and there.
She cried and she cried, and no matter how much it hurt, she could never stop from the pain that would consume her without her new found sorrow.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Slowly, she laid her head against the ground and clenched her eyes shut, gripping her fists close into herself for she no longer had someone to hold her safe. 
“I’m so sorry.”
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Summer Night
Post-Burn Kabal x Reader
A/N: Is the self-indulgent? Yes. Is it completely unrealistic in MK context? Yes. Do I care? No. So here’s some fluffy hurt/comfort because this man needs love and I’m here to give it to him.
So, I wrote most of this while listening to this song, so feel free to give it a listen while you read!
Original Imagine/Summary Kinda Thingy: So there’s a poem mentioned in this story, and it’s one that I actually did write a while back for a Creative Writing class. It had this same kind of summer night setting, and I really wanted to use it in an actually story, so this is born partially from that, and partially from allll the feels I have for Kabal. I cannot express how bad I want to give this man a hug.
Warnings: A very emotional, insecure, soft Kabal who needs all the comfort in the world. Very much a hurt/comfort fic. Other than that, nope, just fluff for this man and all the love he deserves!
Word Count: ahhhhhhh I’m on mobile!
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He didn’t think you’d ever look at him again. The scarring that marred his face mocked him for even thinking of it. The face in the mirror before him was hideous. Long ago he’d accepted the idea that you’d only ever see him with his mask on. That you’d only want to see him with the mask.
But what did a mirror know? You’d always been there for him before, and you hadn’t shown any sign of leaving him now. Maybe you’d stay. But who was he kidding? One look at his face and you’d go running off like everyone else.
No. That’s not right. He had to have more faith in you than that. You wouldn’t leave him like that. You wouldn’t run away from him. That’s what he would do. You were stronger than that. Stronger than him at least.
So every once in a while, the idea, the notion of taking off the mask and showing you what was waiting beneath it tempted him. Sometimes he wanted to rip the thing off and beg you to see that he was the same man as before. Even now, as he replaced the respirator on his face, he wondered if you would say anything should he leave the bathroom with his face bared to you. All your possible reactions swarmed his imagination until it was all just noises. Some were screams of terror, others were violent sobs. And sometimes it was silence, followed by the creaking of a closing door. It was all too much.  
He shook his head to clear it all out, and took in a deep breath, inhaling the sweet scent of the wheat and corn fields just outside the safe-house.
The two of you were on a job. It was an easy in and out mission that didn’t really matter much in the long run, but it was important for you. It landed you smack dab in the middle of a prairie on the border of a farmer’s land. The crickets chirped and soft breezes flew through the open windows, carrying sweet scents and the peaceful air of a summer night.  
When Kabal saw no sign of you in the the house, he looked outside, only to find you sitting on the porch swing, looking up at the stars above you. The chipped, white paint on the bench looked almost blue as the moon began to rise, lighting the surrounding farmland in a silvery, glowing light.  
“Hey,” Kabal greeted tentatively, “What are you doing out here?”  
“Hey. I was just looking at the stars, taking in the farmland and the open space. It’s making me a bit homesick to be truthful, but I still like it. Something about seeing the night sky right against the crest of a grassy field with nothing else between them is...it’s beautiful. It’s calming in a way. It’s so simple and plain, but there’s more to it than that. It’s more beautiful than you would expect.  I don’t know if that makes sense to anyone but me, but hopefully someone out there understands.” You smiled to yourself and curled up further on the bench-swing, holding you knees to your chest while a slow, steady rock lulled you into your thoughts once more. 
Kabal took a moment to follow your eyes and see what you were talking about. He wasn’t surprised that you were right. The gentle hill that rose about an acre or two away hit the horizon and kissed the night sky. And it was beautiful--even through the red tint his mask gave everything. You couldn’t see the city that lay beyond the hill, nor could you see the fence that marked the plot of land. It was just grass and sky, and the stars haloing the moon. 
“I understand. It is beautiful. More than you would imagine,” He repeats you, thinking about something else you’d mentioned, “You said it made you homesick?”  
The question sits in the air for a moment as Kabal took a seat next to you, using his legs to keep the swing’s gentle rock going.  
“Yeah. This place remind me a lot of my home, and I’m just realizing how much I miss it,” You lean in to his side, letting him drape an arm behind you out of habit, “But that’s not a bad thing. I mean, if I hadn’t’ve left, I never would have met you.”  
You kissed the side of his mask, and rested your head back on his shoulder. Sometimes you acted as though nothing had changed. The way you so casually kiss his mask, and lean back into him as if you’d just kissed his cheek bewildered him. Could you not see how awful it was? How messed up it is that he even has to wear this thing? Or how messed up the face beneath it was? Well, of course you couldn’t see that, but still. How could you see this and still love him the way you had before the fire? And what you’d said? Was meeting him some monument in your memory? Was he really worthy of that? Maybe he would have assumed so in the past before all of this, but now? How could you still see him in such an important light?  
“Hey. Hey, Kabal? Come in Kabal!” You laughed when you saw his head shake as he was brought back to the present.  
“Yeah?” He couldn’t help but smile a little when he heard your laugh.
“Come with me.” You whispered, eyes wide and full of something warmer than mischief, but not entirely different as you stood and held out your hand. 
“Where are we going?” Kabal asked, but truthfully he didn’t care. Being with you was enough no matter where he was, as long as you were there beside him. 
“You’ll see.” You smiled and took his hand, guiding him off the porch, towards the cornfield aside the house.
Your hand in his was small and gentle just like he remembered. He wanted to remember more. He wanted to remember everything about you. The way you used to hold him at night and tell him how safe you felt in his arms. Or how you would trace his face and kiss his eyelids while he napped on your lap. He wanted to memorize the smell of your perfume, but only by kissing the tender skin of your wrist and whispering there how much he loved you. He wanted to admire you like that again, instead of following you with wide eyes from behind a mask. For once in a long, long time, he actually wanted to take the mask off, if only to kiss you and see your beautiful face again without the red tint his glowing eyes gave the world.
You brought him out to the edge of a cornfield where the tall stalks looked gold under the starlight, and the bright moon gave enough light to walk by. The sky seemed endless above these shining fields, as if all the cities in the world melted away and the land before you stretched on forever. A long, emerald, grassy plane where dainty wildflowers grew in the spring stretching across the horizon and beyond it. In this moment, walking with Kabal, the safe house faded away and the crickets’ chirp dissolved into the air. It was just you and your lover beside you, walking your own moonlit trail by the side of the cornfield.
Kabal loved the sweet aroma from the crops beside him. When he looked up he constantly found himself in awe of just how many stars he could see. There were trillions more up there than he had ever known of and it gave him exhilarated chills. The most beautiful part though? It was you. You happily took stride next to him and let a comfortable quiet fall over you two.
He kept looking to you, although you never noticed, or if you did you hadn’t said anything about it. Just...the way the moonlight lit your face made you look like something divine—something perfect for him. Something he wanted to hold and squeeze and touch and love. Something he wanted forever. 
Kabal was broken from his reverie when you suggested sitting on the wooden fence that outlined the neighboring farmer’s land. It wasn’t comfortable, but it wasn’t too terribly bad either, just a little wobbly. To make up for it though, the view from this spot was beautiful. The moon hung high above the safe house, watching over the small building and the grassy plot where it lay. He could see why you’d decided to sit here of all places. 
You were quiet for a few moments, enjoying the gentle breezes that would pass by. It was comforting—unlike anything Kabal had felt in a long long time.
“You know, I wrote a poem once about walking through a corn field to sit and talk with the moon awhile. Sitting here with you reminds me of it.” You think out loud.
“Hmm. I didn’t know you wrote.” Kabal remarked, finding himself suddenly curious about your apparent hobby.
“Yeah. A bit. When I have the time to. But that doesn’t happen often these days.”
“No joke. You a big fan of poetry?”
“Oh yeah. I could go on for days,” you smiled bashfully, turning away, “but I don’t think you want to hear about that.”
“I wouldn’t mind. Especially if it was you doing the talking.” You could hear the smirk coming from behind the mask, and you cherished it—loving the moments when the old Kabal would shine through.
“Hmm. I’ll keep that in mind. Maybe I’ll steal you for a day and lecture you on my favorite poets.” You laughed at your own joke, but Kabal hoped that one day you would. Getting to see you excited about anything always lightened up his day.
You both sat on the wooden fence for what seemed like ages, silently enjoying the warm, quiet night together. You would point out constellations every once in a while, and at one point you got so excited about a shooting star that you nearly fell off the fence! Kabal had to rush a hand behind you to keep you from falling flat on your back! But there was a long stretch of time after that where the two of you settled into a comfortable silence and you leaned against him, letting your head rest close to his heart.
“Can I ask you something?” Kabal whispered, breaking the silence with a quiet push. 
“Sure.” You answered, keeping your eyes on the stars above.
“Do you...do you still love me? With the respirator and everything?”  
He saw the way your head whipped around to face him and he knew he’d struck something deep in your heart. Your eyes went wide, and a worried tilt crested your brows. For a moment he felt stupid for asking. The small amount of time where you went silent to process his question felt like minutes where his insecurities could eat him alive and swallow him into the night. 
“Of course I still love you Kabal!” You rushed out, trying to think of a million ways to reassure him. You held his hands again, and those deep, wide eyes looked right into his, “What’s brought this up?”  
“I don’t know. I guess I don’t know how you can love me like this. You can’t even see my face. And I’m...I dunno...I’m different.” He mumbled, looking down to his hands, and how yours held them so tight.
“Kabal,” you began with a careful, comforting tone, “I’m always going to love you. Mask or no mask. Burns or no burns.”
He took a moment to let your words sink in, watching you as he realized what your words meant.
“So the mask...doesn’t bother you?” Kabal asked, allowing just the littlest bit of hope to seep into his voice. 
“No. Not at all.” You replied simply, 
“Why?” He had to know. His voice may have been a quiet scratch through his respirator, but behind it was all the desperation of a man lost.
“Because I know it’s still you under the mask. I’m still sitting next to the man whose perfect idea of a date was barhopping until the early hours of the morning, then drunkenly watching bad movies on your couch until the sun came up. I’m still sitting next to they guy who spent a whole hour explaining the lore of Ninja Mime and why the fourth once was shit. And I’m still sitting next to the guy who played Christmas carols for me on his marimba just to make me smile. You see, I fell in love with you. Not your face or your body. You. Yes it’s different now. Yes it’s a bit of an adjustment, but you’re still you under the mask, so it makes it easy for me. It’s not hard to stay in love with someone you fell for a long time ago, even if they look different.”  
By the time you were done there were tears streaming down Kabal’s face. He wanted to hug you and kiss you and hold you all at once forever. His heart was pounding and twisting and clutching and he felt like he couldn’t breathe.
“I love you!” Kabal declared desperately, with all his heart in it. You didn’t miss the hitched sniffle that came from behind the respirator, “I love you so, so much.” 
In every word you could hear the thanks that was pouring from him. In that small phrase, in those six words, he thanked you for everything you’d said. He thanked you for not giving up on him, for continuing to be by his side through everything, for showing how you loved him and how deep it truly ran. He put everything he was feeling into those words, everything he couldn’t find words to say. He put the way his heart clenched in those words and you could feel it - his words carrying his whole heart .
Kabal pressed his forehead to yours and you nuzzled your nose against his mask, enjoying this tender moment with him - one of few you were able to have in your line of work.
Before he could pull away, you decided to act upon a wish you’d had for months now. Your only hope is that Kabal would let you. You slowly took your hands from his and ran them up his arms, feeling his strong muscles beneath the marred skin. The bumpy pattern rippling under your fingers when he twitched. You kept your forehead to his as your hands travel over his shoulders to rest for a moment at the base of his neck. There you wait for any sign. Any signal that he wants you to stop. Instead his breathing grows heavy and he tenses, anticipating everything you might do, but he doesn’t stop you.  
Ever so slowly, your hands trail up to the sides of his mask and you rub circles against it with your thumb, trying to soothe the man beneath it.  
You give him a small smile before bringing your fingers to the edge of his mask. For a second you’re able to slip your fingers beneath the respirator and feel the curve of his jaw. But before you could pull it further from him, his hands shoot up to grab your wrists, a moment of flooding insecurity breaking his resolve. 
“Are you sure?”  His question is quiet, almost quivering in his tone. 
You give him that smile again before looking straight into his eyes.  
“Yes. Yes I’m sure.” you insisted with a gentle warmth in your voice.  
 Kabal let out a stuttering exhale, and let go of your wrists. His hands found themselves sitting restlessly in his lap as every muscle in him was tense with fear.
Again, with caring conviction you began to pull the mask from his face, revealing the scarred surface beneath. His emotions were plain and clear for you to see in his tilted brows and the glistening tear streaks falling down his uneven cheek. 
You took a minute to look at him--to see what the fire had done and why he had been so reluctant to show himself to you. But just moments after the mask had been removed and his face had been bared to you, you broke out into the largest smile Kabal had ever seen. 
You whispered with happiness warming your tone; happiness like Kabal had never heard before, “There’s that handsome face. I’ve missed you.”  
Kabal looked you in the eyes, tears welling up in his own at your simple response to his horribly scarred face. His heart caved in relief, letting him slump against you, once more pressing his forehead to yours.
“I’ve missed you too.” He whimpered, finally letting himself go--letting the buildup of anticipation and fear drop from his shoulders so that he could finally do the one thing he’d wanted to do most since the fire.
He kissed you. Hard and desperate and oh so familiar. His lips locked onto yours as they had a million times before and he wondered how he’d gone so long without this. Your lips played against his the way they always did. Damn it everything was perfect. He whined, sobbing into your kiss as joy and relief flooded his every nerve.
You pulled him back, wanting to kiss him again and again and again for the rest of time. He was still here! Your Kabal! Here to kiss you until you were dizzy, and love you until the world stopped spinning. You couldn’t get enough. Each kiss more desperate than the last as you held his face in your hands and wiped away his tears.
He broke off for just a moment to grapple onto you, hugging you right against him.
“You have no idea how much this means to me.” He whispered in your ear. His chest hurt with how his heart ached for you. He wanted you close—so close that he could never lose you.
You smile to yourself and bury your face into the crook of his neck, drinking in his smell and nuzzling against his skin. You reach up and gently card your hands through his hair, offering him comfort and reassurance.
Again, it’s just you and Kabal, and the sound of his breathing, quiet and labored beside you. His hands gripped the back of your shirt in tight fists, and every once in a while you’d hear a quiet sniff.
But in a few minutes you felt his breathing grow ragged, and as much as you wanted to stay in this embrace, you knew he needed to replace the respirator.
“Hey, come on hun, you need to put the respirator back on. I love getting to see your face again, but I’d love to keep you alive even more.” You laughed a little, meeting his eyes once you’d pulled away.
He laughed a little as well, grabbing the mask and slipping it over his face again.
You watched him, listening as his breathing evened out until he turned to you. You imagined he quirked an eyebrow under the mask.
“Whatcha staring at?”
“The handsomest man in the world.” You smile up at his face and grab his hand as he stares back into your eyes.
“Come on, let’s get back to the house. It’s getting kinda chilly out here.”
He didn’t say anything. He just nodded and stood from the fence, beginning the walk home with you by his side.
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falling-pages · 3 years
Fight for me: Hikaru x Renge
Renge tends to Hikaru's wounds after he gets in a fight to defend her.
Renge Houshakuji x Hikaru Hitachiin
Genre: Fluff, hurt/comfort, first kiss
Warnings: None
Hikaru knew how to throw a punch, but holding his own against three men was above even his own skill level.
It was amazing he had lasted so long in the fight until Mori spotted him and grabbed him by the scruff of his neck like a kitten, tossing him from the circle and finishing the fight himself. Those three upperclassmen didn’t stand a chance--yet he felt his blood run hot at the thought that he had to be saved when he was trying to save someone else.
Toui Kendarishi and his dumb fucking mouth just had to get under his skin, again.
A sharp scrub against his cheekbone jerked him back to reality. He hissed, going to swat at it, before the girl grabbed his wrist and pushed it back down.
“Don’t get mad at me, I’m just trying to help you,” Renge grumbled.
Yeah, some help she was. With every dab of the cotton ball and slab of ointment he relived every moment of the fight, every right hook and gut punch and kick he had endured for her, and she had no idea. The only soothing thing about this therapy appointment was her nails scratching his scalp, but only to distract him from a bad bout of pain.
He only rolled his eyes, jerking away as she moved on to his mouth. “I know you didn’t just roll your eyes at me,” she said, tugging at his bottom lip. His top lip had taken the brunt of Kendarishi’s fists, and all he tasted was his own blood in the back of his throat. He was sure he was a monster to look at, blood staining his teeth and tongue. As it dried against his skin, Renge thumbed it away, smearing it against her hand before she took a washcloth to it.
“So observant,” he hissed, resisting the urge to spit at the taste clouding his senses. Sarcasm was his trusted defense mechanism, and he relied on it heavily now to distract himself from the feeling of her fingers playing with his lips.
A harsh scrub against the wound was her own way of backtalk. “Sass me again, and I’ll stop, and you can explain to Kaoru why you look like a fucking Picasso,” she said.
But he listened. The blood and spit and pain rendered him essentially mute, much to her amusement, as she worked. His eyes wandered around her bathroom, impossibly pink and frilly for a college apartment. Like the rest of her place, it was like Paris had vomited itself inside, the chunk of the concoction muddled in the bathroom. A pink fuzzy rug was below him as he was perched on her gilded toilet, a gaudy shower curtain boasting images of the Eiffel Tower, and even her mirror was embossed with rhinestones. Everything, from the toilet paper pile to the cosmetics cases, were perfectly stacked and organized, with not a speck of dust or dirt to be found.
Geez. And he thought her shrill demands of perfection in high school were bad. Their host room was spotless thanks to her dictatorship, but this was on another level.
“Admiring the bathroom, I see,” she said, sucking in her cheek as she fiddled with opening a band-aid. Her nails, long and purple, couldn’t quite find the purchase to pinch the covering from the adhesive side.
His life and health were quite literally in her hands, but Hikaru couldn’t hold back the snicker from his bleeding lips. “It’s mental,” he said, reaching up to help her with the band-aid.
Renge ripped it away from him, glowering down her nose at him in the most egregious French expression she could muster. He hadn’t known her in France, but he imagined that was the look she gave every servant, every waiter, every busboy who didn’t fit her exact demands. “I’ve got it,” she spat, turning her back to him. Her shoulders shook, but because of the effort of unpeeling the band-aid or some unknown emotion, he didn’t know.
“Here,” she resumed, turning to face him, and Hikaru’s heart cracked at the tears welling up in her pretty brown eyes, the heaviness in her voice. It sounded so heavy, despite its usual nasal tone, and exhausted, defeated. What had she gone through when her back was turned?
He made her cry. He knew he could take the teasing too far sometimes, but bringing a girl to tears was childish, a middle school prank he had sworn to leave far behind him. But he had done it again, not even to a nobody, but to the girl who was fixing him up, his friend, whom he had grown up with and bruised two ribs defending.
As she leaned down to apply the bandage to his cheek, he tried to meet eyes, to apologize without aggravating his poor lips, but she evaded his glance, pursing her lips and focusing on her work. Her hands shook, lightly grazing his temple.
“Renge, hey, I’m--” he grabbed her wrist, and she jerked away, stepping back until she hit the wall. His voice forced more tears from her eyes, and she buried her face in her hands as she sobbed, massive pink bow bobbing with every movement.
“Just stop, Hikaru, stop!” she yelled, muffled by her closing throat. “I can’t take it anymore. I can’t keep stitching you back up when you snap, I can’t take how mean you are. We aren’t in school anymore, we’re adults, we’re in college, and you’re just puffing your chest like you’re invincible, picking fights and losing them.” She finally showed her face, anger and fear and… something he couldn’t place etched into the lines beneath her eyes. “You want to know what’s mental?” She gestured to him, waving her hand up and down his whole form. “This is mental. You getting into fight after fight and not learning a damn thing from them, that’s what. It’s amazing you didn’t break your nose.”
Blood and anger coiled in the back of his throat. He lunged forward and grabbed her arm again, firmer this time, and yelled out, “I did this for you! I got in this fight for you!”
Renge pressed further against the wall, but she stopped fighting. Her hands shook in his tight grasp. Eyes as big as a silver dollar gazed up at him, heart thrumming wildly in her chest. “What?”
“I got in a fight with Kendarishi, right?”
“And who is he to you?”
Renge blushed, letting her eyes drift to his chest. She spotted a new bruise mottling on his collarbone. “My ex-boyfriend.”
Hikaru released her wrists and watched as they fell to her side, like all the resistance had been sucked out of her. “Every time I fight with him, it’s because he said something bad about you. And then he started saying stuff about me fighting for you, so I just can’t win. I just have a lot of motivation and a lot of anger.”
“Why do you care so much what he says about me?” she asked, still not meeting his eyes.
“Because it was some bad stuff, Ren,” he said. “And I know we haven’t always gotten along, but you’re my friend, and I’m not gonna stand there and while he calls you a ‘fucking French whore who screws every guy she meets.’”
She swung at him, but he blocked, whining, “Hey, he said it, not me!”
When he put his hands down, she was shaking, with rage and sadness and something that looked an awful lot like determination in her eyes. “Bold of him to call me a whore when he’s the one who cheated.” Her hands ball into fists, and her eyes scanned him again--with a less medical glare, this time, and more of a vengeance. “And he did this to you?”
“I’ll be back.”
Hikaru grabbed her by the back of her shirt and suddenly realized exactly how Mori must have felt watching him fight it out on the academic lawn. Renge’s feet scrambled on the tile, but he held her in place, dragged her back in front of him to block her path. “What, so you’re going to go fight him now since he fought me?”
“That’s not a good enough reason?” she pouted.
“No, but…” Hikaru rubbed the back of his neck. “You were just lecturing me about fighting him. Seems a little hypocritical to me, Ren.”
“Don’t use words you don’t understand,” she huffed, leaning back against the wall. She didn’t fight him when he leaned in closer, securely caging in her body. “You were just defending my honor. Let me do the same.”
“Mori dragged me out of the fight, so I’d say he fucked them up good enough,” Hikaru said, and his heart thumped especially hard when she laughed. Oh God, it was like the tinkling of a bell, cool and clear and exactly what he imagined confectioner’s sugar to sound like. He felt himself dragged with a current, down the slope of a well, but he didn’t mind; he looked into her eyes and allowed the feeling to bouy him along. If he weren’t bleeding, he might have just kissed her, but he didn’t need her slap adding to his injuries.
Renge’s breath hitched when he leaned closer, resting his forearm parallel above her head. She was so busy in high school that she never noticed how soft his eyes were, almost golden, like the rising sun over a field of wheat. It reminded her of mornings on her family’s country estate, when she would meditate and do yoga and drink tea while the world quietly joined her in consciousness, when everything was soft and drowsy. Such beautiful eyes, bruised and marred and bloodied for her.
“Renge, I--”
“Don’t,” she whispered, lacking her usual venom. “Let’s enjoy what we have right now.”
Hikaru bit his lip, immediately regretting it as the pain surged back through him. When Renge laughed again, he couldn’t help it; he leaned down and pressed his forehead against hers, drinking in that sweet, drawled perfume that he so often used to make fun of her for wearing. She smelled like a doll, but she was anything but--smart, outspoken, a firecracker all wrapped up in that pretty pink bow.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, lowering his hand to her hair without thinking. He caressed the silky locks, trailing his fingers down to touch her temple, tucking the stray hairs behind her ear. “And so soft.”
“You know I’m anything but soft,” she grumbled, but his touch was warm, and like a moth to a flame, she went to him, brushed her knuckles against the bruises on his collarbone. If it hurt him, he gave no indication; from the way he was looking at her, an asteroid could have hit earth and he probably wouldn’t have noticed.
“Sound pretty soft right now.”
Renge rolled her eyes. “Oh, shut up.”
“Gonna make me?”
Never one to turn down a challenge, Renge pushed up on her tiptoes and kissed him, as gently as she could manage. In an attempt to avoid his wound, her mouth only landed on half of his, but he could still taste the cinnamon on her breath, the stickiness of her lip gloss on his skin. Some hell of a first kiss, but at least it was a kiss, so he didn’t mind.
He ran his hands up her sides, tickling her ribs above her shirt. She broke the kiss with a giggle, bumping his nose with his as she threw her head back in laughter. What a beautiful sight he had there, all at the expense of a busted lip and a bruised eye.
“Remind me to get in a fight more often, if this is the payoff I get,” he whispered, grinning at her pointed glare.
“Don’t you dare,” she ordered. “You need to let this lip heal so I can give you a proper kiss.”
Hikaru raised an eyebrow. “That wasn’t a proper kiss?”
“No.” Renge lowered her eyes back to his mouth, wrapping her arms around his neck and pulling him back in. “Once you’re healed, I’ll show you how the French really kiss.”
Kofi & Commission
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z3llous · 3 years
α drєαm, σr íѕ ít?
(Sanji x gn/enby reader) [Aug 16, 2020]
Out of all the oneshots I’ve written this is probably my number 1. I love this one so much. Hope you all love it <3
Tumblr media
mч hαnd ín híѕ αnd híѕ ín mínє, σur hαndѕ íntєrtwínєd
ѕwαчíng вαck αnd fσrth, hєαrt tσ hєαrt, trulч αrt
єчє tσ єчє, í ѕpч híѕ glíѕtєníng σcєαn σrвѕ
mч σnlч dєvσtíσn, prσtєct wíth αll mч míght
flσwєrѕ ín híѕ hαír, mч hєαrt dєѕpαírѕ, fσr ít cαnnσt hαndlє ѕuch α ѕíght
mч lσvє, ѕunflσwєr, hєαvєn αвσvє
mч mínd, híѕ tσ dєvσur
thє rαín ѕhσwєrѕ, чєt mσσnlíght ѕíngѕ fσr uѕ
σh fσr wєddíngѕ вєllѕ í dєѕírє,  tσ ѕhαrє ríngѕ
α ѕσng wєllѕ frσm uѕ wíthín, juѕt fσr twσ, α pαír
αѕ ít fαdєѕ wє ѕαч αdíєu
Easier to read ver:
[my hand in his and his in mine, our hands intertwined
swaying back and forth, heart to heart, truly art
eye to eye, I spy his glistening ocean orbs
my only devotion, protect with all my might
flowers in his hair, my heart despairs, for it cannot handle such a sight
my love, sunflower, heaven above
my mind, his to devour
the rain showers, yet moonlight sings for us
oh for wedding bells I desire, to share rings
a song swells from us within, just for two, a pair
as it fades we say adieu  ]
Seagulls' excited calls beckon them from the enchanting dream. Why must they wake up? It was simply too good to be true.
Regretfully, they climb out of their mattress's comforting grasp and force their self to greet the day. Is it a comfy or stylish day? Why not both?
So they picked out their favorite clothes, before heading out. It was earlier than they normally wake up, about the time Sanji got up to prepare breakfast.
Right on time, Sanji exited the men's room. He hesitated for a moment, surprised to see the rarity of them awake at such an hour.
"Y/n~, lovely to see you so early in the day. I must be blessed~" He happily greeted in his usual flirty way.
"Lovely to see you too." Y/n replied in the usual calm manner.
"Would you like some tea to drink while I make you breakfast?" Sanji asked, hoping to spend some extra time with y/n before the others woke up.
"Yes, please." They answered,  feeling better by the second just by being in his presence.
They happily sipped on their favorite tea while listening to Sanji work. He was humming an oddly familiar tune.
Brushing it off as coincidence, they slipped away into a daydream until breakfast was ready.
chєrrч вlσѕѕσmѕ fluttєríng thrσughσut thє pєαcєful αír. σnє вч σnє thє pєtαlѕ nєѕtlєd ѕσftlч íntσ híѕ díѕhєvєlєd вlσnd hαír. thєч ѕwєpt thєm αwαч, gαzíng αffєctíσnαtєlч dσwn whєrє híѕ hєαd lαч rєlαхєd σn thєír lαp-
Easier ver:
[Cherry blossoms fluttering throughout the peaceful air. One by one the petals nestled softly into his disheveled blond hair. They swept them away, gazing affectionately down where his head lay relaxed on their lap-]
"Breakfast for y/n~" Sanji chanted placing it down before them, snapping them out of their trance.
"Oh, thank you, Sanji." They said with a light smile and began to eat.
Delightful as always, he never fails
"You were off in other worlds again, right? Ah, you always look so happy there~ I regret ruining it everytime." Sanji said dreamily.
"Oh- Yes, definitely other worlds." y/n said almost choking.
"Careful, what do you imagine in those daydreams of yours?" He said dropping the flirty tone for once, gazing at them with curiosity.
"What makes me the happiest, that's what I end up thinking of every time." Y/n answered truthfully, yet vaguely.
"And that is?" He asked leaning in slightly, clearly interested as to what could possibly absorb their mind in such a way.
"That's a secret~" They answered with a mischievous smile gracing their face, teasingly tapping him on the nose.
They gathered the empty dishes together and got up before he could question their secrecy.
"Thank you, Sanji. It was a pleasure, as always." They said happily and left, leaving him in a lost state.
Later the crew split up into groups of two to explore the spring island.
Y/n and Sanji chose to walk along the path furthest to the left. First wheat grass, then a pink cherry orchard, and later they came upon a flower field.
It was noon and they decided to sit under a tree amongst the flowers and have a picnic.
A sweet gentle breeze swept though tickling all the flowers as it passed and ruffled their hair. Once again he didn't fail to please. Cherry tarts, a bouquet of fruit, and red wine.
One by one they carefully picked out flowers and weaved them together into a crown fit for a Prince. They turned to him holding it out.
"Thank you~" He said cheerfully, placing it on carefully as though it could shatter at his touch.
They put everything away and continued along the path. Eventually a small village entered their sight.
The village was a collection of small houses with moss roofs and a sparkling fountain at the center. The market was small, but carried excellent fruit and vegetables.
The path continued further into a small forest. Time passed quickly as they talked and the sun began to set. Rain clouds peaked around the corner to warn of oncoming rain. A white gazebo with windows and a door was visible in the distance.
They walked to the gazebo and decided the best course of action would be to wait out the rain in there.
Rain pitter pattered against the windows as the sun slipped away. A radio sat upon one of the benches waiting for sweet melodies to escape it's small form. The song it it sang was the same entrancing sound they dreamt of.
"Sanji, weren't you humming it this morning?" Y/n said turning to him.
"I was, but it was from I dream I had last night." He answered, suddenly flushed and avoiding their gaze.
"So, you had the same dream too then?" Y/n said stepping closer, heart filled with longing and hope.
His head shot up, surprised.
"Gazebo, rain, night, this song, and.... dancing?" He asked cautiously, fearing he somehow had a different dream. Fearing the song was the only thing they had shared the night before.
"And the flower crown, yes." They were now standing before him, so close.
Y/n slowly held out their hands as an offering for a dance.
He hesitated, scarcely believing reality. The opportunity couldn't be missed and so he accepted.
Swaying back and forth, hands intertwined, hearts beating as one, they danced to the sweet sound the little radio sung to them.
Their eyes met his and all doubt washed away. They leaned in pulling him closer and sealed their fates with a soft kiss. His eyes fluttered closed and he melted into their touch.
The rain grew silent and the moon shined approvingly upon the two.
"Sanji, do you still want to know what I daydream of?" They whispered leaning their forehead against his, eyes half lidded.
"Yes, I want to know what makes you so happy. I'd search the entire grand line to give it to you." He answered them affectionately.
His eyes widened. He suddenly hugged them, burying his face into the crook of their neck, and held on tightly as though they'd disappear at any moment.
"Take it. Take it all. My everything, it's all yours." he whispered against their neck in an almost broken voice, tears spilled over and dampened their shirt.
They returned the hug, wrapping their arms around him, and rubbing his back softly.
"And leave you with nothing? It's only fair I return the favor." Y/n whispered back with a slight chuckle.
His silent cries became full sobbing as he nuzzled his tear stained face against their neck and gripped the back of their shirt.
They continued rub his back and slowly swayed side to side until he'd caught his breath.
Once he'd calmed down they loosened the the hug so that their arms rested around his waist.
"I love you." Y/n whispered breathlessly, always stunned by his mesmerizing beauty, as they gazed at him.
He leaned his face into their hand as they lifted it.
"I love you too." whispered back.
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atsukashii · 4 years
❝remember me❞ // k. bakugou
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SYNOPSIS: ➛ you bought something forbidden from the universe, and now you must pay the consequences of buying yourself a soulmate
» CHARACTER PAIRING: katsuki bakugou x reader
» GENRE: guardian angel au, ANGST with no happy ending
» WARNINGS: major character death, blood, violence
« masterlist || ao3 »
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From the moment your eyes had first met a pair of red vermillion ones, you couldn’t shake the feeling that you had seen them before. That you had witnessed a volume of different emotions swirling inside those irises before, but you could never put your finger on where you had seen them. 
In fact, your fascination with his eyes wasn’t even on the top of the list when it came to your unusual relationship with Katuski Bakugou. You had met as children through your parents and had bared witness as he grew from a confident boy into a sometimes arrogant but determined man, ready to take on the world and bleed for it. To his brash and explosive nature, you were the quiet calm that washed over his bones, soothing his balms with just your presence. His quirk caused destruction if not used properly, and yours healed. You wouldn’t classify your relationship as friends when you were younger, it always seemed to run deeper. 
You often knew what he was thinking before he even moved to do it. You knew his tendencies, his mannerisms, you knew him inside and out, and he knew all there was to know about you. Katsuki Bakugou knew what set you off, what made you tick. He knew you almost as well as you knew yourself. You were polar opposites in every sense of the word, yet somehow were constantly drawn to each other.
And as you grew, your relationship with him evolved as well. 
Entering U.A. had been a turning point in both of your lives. He had been hailed as a hothead, arrogant, and you the protege of the famous recovery girl for your incredibly strong healing quirk. The two of you really couldn’t be more different.
However, you were still drawn to each other by a force that you couldn’t explain. Always conscious of the other person's whereabouts, of their thoughts and their feelings. You both were on a different wavelength than all the other students.
Often, the two of you were mistaken to be dating, and you never bothered to correct someone when they mentioned it because what you felt for Katsuki Bakugou, it was definitely love, but it was something else too. 
Rolling over on your bed, you look up to the ceiling and rest your arms above your head. Another sleepless night, one of many recently, where you have been pulled from sleep by dreams so vivid they tugged at an empty space in your memory with such tenacity, you woke to a sob begging to leave your lips. You want to sleep, you need the rest, knowing that tomorrow you have a day of full training with Recovery Girl. But it just doesn’t come. 
Giving up, you rise from your bed and walk towards your balcony, swiftly opening the door with a silent hiss. The full moon casts the world alight outside, and you sit onto the old chair you had forced your friends to help drag up here in your first year. With your blanket from your bed, you settle into the chair and let your eyes close as a gentle breeze washes over you. Maybe, just maybe out here, you can get some sleep. 
A man's laugh echoes around you, so happy and full of life, you spin in your spot trying to find the source. But the noise teases you, becoming so loud it begins to make your ears ring. The noise pounding harshly against your eardrums, as if to engrain the sounds into your mind. Covering your ears with your hands, you fall to your knees, expecting a sharp pain from the fall, you close your eyes, but there’s nothing. The sound is gone, there’s nothing but a gentle breeze that brushes across your cheekbones. Opening your eyes, the bright light covering everything around you has faded until you’re standing in the middle of a field, a very old Japanese style house sits far in front of you, the lights on and laughter coming from inside it. Cautiously, you weave through the grains of wheat, following a tug in your chest and a voice in your head that says ‘Yes, go there, that is what you seek.’ 
When you get close enough to hear the quiet music, you pause in your steps, looking at the two faceless figures inside the house. They stand in the kitchen, one dancing around whilst the other just laughs. You don’t know who they are, but you’ve never seen two people so happy. Dancing and laughing whilst preparing food, it felt so dreamlike, yet something screamed at you that this was real. 
Your warring thoughts quiet as something gently flutters in front of your eyes before landing on your nose. Turning your head to the sky, falling snow begins to cover the world in gentle flurries that make you immediately feel at peace. The clouds block out the moon and every bit of light, until the world is wrapped in darkness and all you can hear is the laughter from the people as you fall. 
You open your eyes, your chest heaving as your brain becomes foggier than before. A sob is threatening to bubble from your lips, and you sit up from your position as if that will help. You rub at your chest as you bite back the cry from your lips. Your heart aches as if you’re mourning the dream, but you can’t make out why. 
“You’re going to catch a cold out here dumbass.” Your eyes move from your feet to the vermillion red pair on the balcony next to yours, and you let out a shiver at his gaze.
“Well at least I got some sleep out here. I couldn't get any inside.”
“You weirdo.” he grumbles, but you know Katsuki is watching you carefully. “Are you having those dreams again?” 
“Recovery girl thinks it may be a side effect of my quirk. That by healing people, when they are at their most vulnerable, I somehow gain access to a bit of their mind or soul, or something like that.” You explain what you had told him time and time again after you had let it slip that you were unable to sleep because of vivid dreams. 
“That would explain how realistic the dreams are, but it still makes no sense.” 
“What time is it?”
“Two thirty-three.” Katsuki answers and you let out a groan. You had only managed to sleep for an hour. Fantastic. For a moment you stand in silence on your balconies, just taking everything in and appreciating each other's presence.
“I’m going to say this just once, so listen close. Do you need help?” To anyone else, you suppose it would come across as Bakugou being rude, but as you look at him, and see the genuine concern buried deep in his eyes, you know his intentions are anything but malicious. 
“Would you?”
“You don’t even need to fucking ask.” With effortless grace, Bakugou places his foot on the railing before clearing the gap between your two rooms, his feet quickly touching the floor of your own balcony. Without waiting or you Katsuki trudges inside, expecting you to follow, before climbing into your bed. You follow suit with no hesitation, cuddling up to the blonde’s side and resting your cheek to his chest, appreciating the way it rises and falls with every breath. 
“Thank you Bakugou,”
“Just don’t fucking mention it.” He replies, closing his eyes and letting you sleep against him. Since you were children, you were constantly plagued with the inability to sleep. However, Bakugou seemed to be a remedy for that, where you would only nap when on playdates, and when you were old enough to approach the topic with him, he had taken it with no anger or annoyance. He truly was a different person with you. Everyone had noticed but never mentioned it with fear of facing his wrath. And you are glad because to try and explain the connection that the two of you seem to share, you simply can’t, and you don’t think you will ever be able to. 
“We have a briefing tomorrow, apparently the rise in villain activity has the teachers freaking out. They’re bringing us to explain what's going on.”
“Do you think we will have to fight?” You manage to bring yourself to ask. Whether he notices the nervous tremor in your voice at the idea of your friends going into war or not, you aren’t completely sure, but Bakugou gently plays with a strand of your hair as he stares at the ceiling. 
“Yeah, I do. Not that you’ll be the one beating up the bad guys.” He says, but he doesn’t deny the fact that you wouldn’t be on the front lines. Because if a war was to break out, you will be. With your healing quirk as strong as it is, you could be the turning point between winning and losing a fight. 
“I hope that it's all not real.”
“A part of me hopes for that too.” Bakugou admits. He looks down at you and gently cups your cheek, knowing you are unable to hide the fear on your face, and even if you were able to, he would see it. He always does. 
“I’m scared Katsuki.” There's a vulnerability in his eyes as he slowly tilts his head and places his lips to yours in a whisper of a kiss. Immediately shocks erupt across your skin making every single hair on your arms raise in alarm. You head dizzies and you gently grip his shirt to steady yourself to the moment. When he pulls back and you get another glimpse of those ruby eyes, shock rolls through you at the expression in them. There’s fear in his eyes, and you’ve never seen it before. 
“Me too, but nothing is going to happen to either of us. I won’t fucking allow it.” He grumbles before rolling onto his side and bringing you closer. Somewhere along the way, the two of you fall asleep, and then rise again when the noise of people coming from the common room is too hard to ignore. 
                        +   +   +   +   
The mood was somber as everyone disbanded from the meeting room. Instinctively, you reach for the person beside you and grab their hand. Bakugou doesn’t question it as he threads his fingers through yours, and gives your hand a squeeze. 
Tomorrow, they would organise a offensive strike against the currently known base of the League of Villains. The outcome was expected to fall into a full on war, which is why it was crucial to make the first move. You had felt the confidence radiating off the pro’s in the meeting, as if to hide their nerves from the students who will be taking part in the mission as well. The world would be different after tomorrow, and you weren’t completely sure if you were ready for that outcome.
Looking up, you see Katsuki watching Endeavour speak with Aizawa down the end of the hall, his careful gaze picking up every small movement and action. You must have watched him long enough for him to notice, and he turns his gaze to you. 
“Why are you staring at me?” He growls at you, but there's no true bite. You don’t really have an answer for him, so instead you voice your unease. 
“Everything is going to change tomorrow, isn’t it?” The words don’t make the pressure on your chest any easier to handle, if anything, they cause your thoughts to cloud as urgency fills your blood. 
“Probably. We’re going to take out those fucking bastards and the world will be better for it. We’ll be fine angel face.” He says looking down at you before dragging you out of the building and back towards the dorms.
You hope Bakugou is right, but something inside you screams that nothing good will come from tomorrow. And even though you won’t be taking part in the combat, you will be there on the front lines supplying support and healing who you can. 
One more time, you glance up at Bakugou and decide that you will do everything within your power to help make sure that everything goes right tomorrow.
                                  +   +   +   +   
You’re in hell.
Your bones groan under the pressure as you place your hands against the pro hero’s shoulder/ The wound instantly begins to close, and you ignore the emerging burning pain from your own shoulder as you use your quirk. You have trained to be able to withstand large amounts of pain, and your healing quirk was stronger then a lot of others, making you a saviour to the school and today. 
“Y/n, we need your help over here!” You turn your head at Izuku’s voice and gasp as you see him carrying an unconscious Shouto over his shoulder. You get up from the now healed man and race to your friends. You notice what he’s cut up quite badly, but by simply placing your hand on him, you can see the broken ribs, one threatening to pierce his lung. 
“Lay him down.” You say, stepping back. Once Midoriya places Shouto on the floor, you put your hands on his chest and begin to use your quirk, a faint light emitting from your hands as you do so. You take the time to look over Izuku for any injuries, but other than some cuts and bruises he seems to be okay.
It’s only when Shouto lets out a groan and opens his eyes that you let yourself breathe out a sigh of relief. Izuku watches you for a moment before speaking and basically reading your mind. 
“We were taken by surprise from a stray group of villains. Kacchan and I managed to apprehend most of them, but one with a strength quirk basically threw Todoroki through a building, so we decided it was best to fall back for the moment.” He explained and Shouto suddenly let out a groan from between you, opening his eyes and you immediately let out a breath of relief. However it doesn’t last long as his hoarse voice breaks the peace. 
“Where’s Bakugou?” He asks, and your heart drops through your chest. That's right, the three of them are supposed to be in a group. You look from Shouto’s worried gaze and back to Izuku who spins around the makeshift medical hospital. But you already know, he’s not here.
“He was right behind us, I swear-” You don’t even stop to think of what you're doing, your body just begins to move on your own. Ignoring the multiple protests, you sprint out of the building, mentally tugging on that connection deep inside your chest, until you can almost hear it. 
This way. This way.
You have never questioned the feeling once in your life, and you don’t start now. Your legs scream from the overuse of your quirk as you run through rubble and across collapsed structures. But not once do you stop. You have to find him, and something tells you that you need to do it quickly. There's suddenly an explosion from what feels like right beside your head, that has you being thrown back multiple feet. You hit the ground hard and for a moment, the words spin. Your ears ring as you blink your eyes rapidly, trying to focus your balance again. 
Get up. Get up. With shaking hands, you push yourself into a sitting position and try to stop the world from spinning. You try to stare at something to focus your gaze, but a flash of black and orange catches your eyes instead. Standing only a few yards away, is a very bloody Bakugou, with a snarling face and small explosions popping from his hands. 
You can’t make out what he’s saying, but you can see that his leg is very broken, and his hands… he’s overused his quirk so much he’s bleeding. There’s a rumble from beneath your feet, and you watch in horror as the building behind you both begins to crumble, and standing directly in its wake, unable to move, stands Bakugou.
Horror pulses through your veins at sight, and you are on your feet in seconds. One second, you’re running towards the blonde, and the next your feet aren’t even touching the ground and you’re moving faster than you ever thought possible as a dull pain explodes from between your shoulder blades. You reach Katsuki in seconds, grabbing him as you fly past where the building will fall, feeling the gust of air and dust as debris begins to hit the ground where he once stood. By the time you crash into the ground, you’re out of the destruction zone, but not yet out of danger. 
Groaning at your aching body as you open your eyes again, you can’t see anything because of the dust whipping around through the air, and white feathers. You follow the trail of feathers until your senses acknowledge the weighty wings now emerging from either side of your spine. You have wings? Your thoughts are cut off as you finally see the person on the floor a few feet from you. “Bakugou?” You croak. You can barely walk, but you force your legs to move towards the lying figure. He groans at his name, but that groan quickly becomes a cough that splutters ruby droplets onto the grey floor next to him.
“Katsuki!” By the time you reach his side, you don’t know where to look first, or where to heal first. A large wound cover’s his abdomen and you know deep down, it's fatal. But you can stop it, you can save him. 
“You’re not dying on me okay, Just- just keep looking at me okay?” Tears stream down your cheeks as you try not to sob. With a painful cry, he opens his eyes and you give him a soft smile as those red vermillion orbs you love so much meet your own. 
“That’s it, just keep looking at me. It’s all going to be okay.”
Do not fail him. Not again.
Placing your hands against his wound, you feel his warm blood cover your fingers, but you push your quirk into your hands, diving deep into the pit of power inside your chest as fast as you can. Normally, quick healing can cause you to pass out, but you don’t care about repercussions as you look down at Bakugou. You know without a doubt that he is the love of your life, that the connection you have to him basically made it that way, but your heart did the rest. He’s the love of your life, and you won’t let him die. Not when you can do something to stop it. 
Slowly, his wounds begin to stitch back together, and the bleeding begins to slow. With a painful growl, his red vermillion eyes look up at you, pure shock swirling inside them. 
“Y/n?” The light slows from your hands and for a moment you’re blinded. “What did you do?” You feel nothing at first.  
Then the pain hits you like a sledgehammer. You cough as you fall forwards, your body collapsing beneath your weight. A hand catches you as you fall, stopping your descent for a second. You are turned so you can see the sky, and a dirty, bruised and battered Bakugou kneels over you. 
“Y/n!” He’s shouting at you, but you can barely move to reply. More blood leaves your mouth, the taste of copper being the only thing you can taste. You’re so weak. So weak. Bakugou holds onto you, frantically looking over you, as if trying to find a way to fix you. But he can’t. This is how it’s supposed to be, the voice inside your head says, and for some reason you feel content with the outcome. You may have sacrificed yourself, but to let Bakugou live. It was meant to be this way.
“You fucking idiot. You-you MORON! Take it back! Take it back!” He shouts at you, tears forming in the corner of his eyes. 
“It’s okay,” you manage to croak out. 
“Its not fucking okay! I’m not letting you die. I’m not letting you go,”
“Katsuki,” you look into his eyes, his hands shake as he takes you in. “This was how it was supposed to be.” You aren’t sure what compels you to say it, but it feels right. You know he has the same sense, because Bakugou vehemently shakes his head and snarls at you. 
“Angel face, you’re not dying on me, you hear me?” He’s crying, gripping the front of your hero costume so tightly,
“I love you.” Your words break from pain, but also from sadness, fear. You are dying, and there is no way you would come out of this situation alive.
You are going to die.
“I will find you again, in the next life. I swear it.” You hiss out as the pain in your abdomen worsens. Without looking down you know that the wound that was once open on his stomach, now emerged on your own. It was the side effect of your quirk, healing others at the expense of your own pain. 
“Please,” You’ve never heard him use the word, in all the years you have known him. And you can count on one hand how many times you have been a witness to his tears. But here he was, sat next to you, tears running marks through the dust on his cheeks, sobbing at you. 
“Don’t leave me. I love you. I need you. Don’t go, not yet.”
“I love you Katsuki,” You smile as you close your eyes and feel yourself take your final breath. You feel the shortness of breath, the air pooling inside your lungs before it expels. And part of you wants time to stop, just so you can experience another second of life, another second to see Katsuki, another second to hear him say your name. But as you let out your final breath, you’re content, because this was how it was meant to be.
A gruttal noise ricochets around you, followed by a scream so loud and heartbroken your eyes snap open. Only you’re no longer in the crushing grip of the man you love. Somehow, you’re standing to the side, watching Katsuki clutch your lifeless body to his chest, screaming. Your eyes sting as you watch him break down. You’re sobbing as you see the moment that Izuku and Shouto arrive on the scene, followed by a variety of other heroes. You’re on the floor as you watch them try to take your body from Katsuki’s hands, but the man practically explodes when they try, so they leave you both there. 
A figure appears behind you, how you know that, you’re not completely sure, but you know someone, or something is there. “Did I do something wrong?” You ask the air.
“No, you followed the path that was placed before you.” a voice that is everything and nothing all at once replies. It sounds as if its inside your head, but also everywhere around you. Turning around slowly, you find the source of the voice being a glowing silhouette of a figure. 
“How did I know what to do? How did I manage to get to him intime?” How the fuck did I grow wings? You wanted to be mad, but everything around you held an air of serenity that you couldn’t physically make yourself become mad. 
“You were one of my children once upon a time.” The voice says, and even though you can’t see their eyes, you can feel their gaze on the wings still behind your shoulder blades. “And you bartered for something that you had no right to claim. And now you must endure.”
“Endure what? What did I do to deserve this!” You hiss, looking at Katsuki, rocking you against him, his shouts still meeting your ears. “What did I do to make him have to live through that!” Your yell breaks from your chest broken and angry as you point to the scene in front of you. Turning around back to the figure you are prepared to release yourself upon it when suddenly it's right in front of you, golden liquid swirls in its eyes and you can’t look away.
“You have to see first.” Hands are placed either side of your face, and instantly grief so painful hits your chest, physically knocking you back and pulling a cry from your lips as your world goes black. 
                                             +   +   +   +   
“Don’t you find this boring?” You ask, looking through the small portal to the world below you. The person next to you sighs, and you turn to them, almost taken back that they look like a male version of you. The same eyes and hair. He was your older brother, your brain fills in. 
“Our job is an honour y/n,” he points out, his eyes narrowing on you slightly.
“I know that, I just wish we could do more you know.”
“When you get your client, you will.” He says smiling, gently patting your head as he stands up. “It should be any day now.” You stand up and smile at your brother.
“I will be the best guardian that ever lived!”
“I have no doubt about it cherub.”
                                     ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
So this is what the human world was like? You wonder as your wings fly you past a war torn town to where the tents stand high over the dirt. It smells like death. The small bond in your chest that binds you to your client pulls you down an alley between tents until you’re standing at the entrance of what you know is a makeshift hospital. With no hesitation you walk in, weaving through nurses and patients alike until you find the curtained off room you’re looking for. Inside there's a sharp yell and followed by a stream of words that make you blanch. Mother have mercy, he had the mouth of a sailor. Deciding to wait until the nurses left the room, you slinked inside and pulled the curtains closed behind you.
The man on the bed instinctively looked up and glared at you and for a second it rocked you. He could see you. Wait, of course he could, you were his guardian angel, he was the only human on the planet able to see you unless you willed it so. 
“Who the fuck are you? And why are you in my fucking room?” For a second, you just stared at the man. With his ash blonde hair, he almost seemed as angelic as you, however those red vermillion eyes had your breath hesitating for disperse from your lungs for only but a moment. They were beautiful.
Realising he was still waiting for your response, you straightened your spine and walked to him, shoving your hand out towards him and let your wings spread out behind you. 
“I’m Y/n, your new guardian angel.”
                                      ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
“So you were sent home from the war?” You ask, sitting on the front porch of his old house, swinging your legs as you watched Katsuki work. 
Wiping a bead of sweat from his brow, Katsuki turns to you and frowns at your question. He’d given up on trying to ignore you by this point, upon realising that you wouldn’t leave, so he would humour some of your curiosity. You had tried to breach the reason that you were called upon him in the first place, but he hadn’t yet told you, and as you looked blatantly at his glare, you knew today wasn’t going to be that day either. But it never hurt to try. 
“I was discharged.” Was his familiar response, as he lifted the too over his head and brought it down onto the soil once again. 
“Same thing. So you went from being a general in the army, to being working out here… On a farm.”
“It was my mentor's farm.” Katsuki barks at you, instantly on the defensie. His tone has you raising your hands in the air in peace.
“Hey, I’m not judging you. It’s literally part of my job not to.” You joke, hoping to earn a smile from the man, but all he does is turn away and keep working. You knew a little about why you were sent to be Katsuki’s guardian. He was a rare case, where he had already had a guardian angel, one that had requested a transfer. It kicked up such a fuss amongst the guardians that they assigned you, a newly fledged guardian to him, as if handing off a used toy. Sometimes, you would look at the blonde and think just why his previous guardian made such a decision. Sure he was brash and could be an asshole, but you didn’t have to be a guardian angel to see that he had a good heart. But what had he faced in that war? How had that changed him? What demons did he now carry? That was your job, to watch over him, and give him quality of life until his time was up. You weren’t supposed to completely interfere with him, but he looked so incredibly emotionless all the time, you had to do something. 
Standing up from your spot on the porch, you hop down onto the grass and walk towards him. Grabbing the hessian sack containing the seeds by his feet, you look at Katsuki who is now watching you carefully.
“Well if i’m going to be eating your food, I may as well help right?” You say, smiling from ear to ear in encouragement. Please don’t lock me out, I want to help you. Please let me help you…
“Tch whatever, just don’t get in my way cherub.” He hadn’t meant the nickname to stick, but from that moment on it had. It was familiar to you, for its what your brother had called you, but when it came from Katsuki, it seemed to hit your heart differently somehow. 
“I promise!” 
                    ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
“Were you always a cherub or did you have a life before or something?” You’re laying on the roof of the old house, looking up at the dark sky, stars flickering across it, familiar constelations glinting at you. 
“I’m not sure.” You answer honestly, which has him turning to you. 
“What? You don’t know?” He sounds so offended by your words, so you scramble for an explanation. 
“Well, I have a brother. I know he’s my brother, but I don’t know who my parents are. I don’t know if I was always an angel, or if I was something more before…” Your voice trails off as you look at the sky. Was it possible that you could have been human before you were an angel. You were young compared to some other people of your kind, but you never counted birthdays, so you weren’t even sure how old you were. The idea of your existence suddenly seemed too daunting to fully contemplate, and your eyes sting. If you had been human… did that mean you had a family? A mother and a father? Maybe some siblings? Does that mean you had died… Tears leak out of the corner of your eyes and suddenly Katsuki sits up.
“Shit, are you crying?” His question has you rubbing the salt water from your cheeks and looking at your tear covered hands in awe. You had never cried before… so thats what it was like… 
“I- fuck- I didn’t mean to make you cry y/n,” Katsuki is watching you carefully, with actual guilt on his face. The unfamiliar emotion shocks you still for a moment, before you smile softly at him.
“It’s fine, I just never really thought about it before I guess… you had never questioned your existence until this point. It was weird and overwhelming, to suddenly question something you had believed your whole life, something you knew to be true, but not quite having the whole truth. What was once something you had never paid mind to now felt like a cavernous hole in your chest that screamed to be filled with something.
“You were probably just as annoying as a human as you are now, so I wouldn’t get that excited.” A laugh drips from your mouth as you tilt your head back. Never before had you felt so many mixed emotions at once, sadness and happiness contradict each other inside your chest, and you couldn’t do anything but laugh, and offer the man next to you a tear covered smile. 
“You’re probably right. Maybe I was a crap human.”
“I doubt it.” Your head snaps back to him in slight shock. Although Katsuki had been warming up to your presence, he was yet to be so open about it. “You must have done something right to become someone's guardian angel. So rest easy cherub, there's no way you could have done anything bad in your past life - if you had one.” Katsuki says, laying back down on the roof and averting his gaze back to the sky. You can’t help but watch him for just a moment more. Compared to when you two had first met, he seemed a lot more relaxed and at peace out here, in the middle of nowhere working a farm, then he had been elsewhere. It made you happy, and somewhere deep down, you knew you should have simply felt indifferent about it. But things were changing, you were changing, and you didn’t want to stop.
                        ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
Katsuki had been out working when someone began pounding on the sliding doors. From your seat on the back porch, you placed down your book and stood up. Glancing out to the fields, you could see a silhouette in the distance and knew Katsuki would take to long to get back, and the person sounded like they needed help right now. You took a step towards the front door but paused when you realised what you were doing. You were seriously about to break one of the sacred laws without a second thought. For letting someone else that wasn’t your client was a taboo, one that people only crossed if absolutely necessary. You’d been warned against it multiple times, yet here you were about to break it with no hesitation.
What was wrong with you? When did you become so laid back that you forgot your own laws? 
More pounding emits from the other side of the screen door, and you can vaguely see the shadow of the person. Your couldn’t help them. You weren’t here, you weren’t even real. 
You. Were. Not. Human. 
“Please, I need help! My daughter is incredibly ill and I don’t know what to do!” This time you don’t falter when you reach and yank open the sliding door. For a moment, the woman looks over you with glazed eyes, but it's quickly broken when the little girl in her arms lets out a whimper. 
“Please, can you help her? I don’t know anything about medicine and the village doctor is a few hours away.” The woman begs with tears in her eyes. The concern in her eyes pulls at something inside you, and you quickly move to the side, ushering her into the house. 
“Come this way, I’ll see what I can do for her.” You say, sliding closed the door behind her and leading her into the main lounge, an area big enough to lay her down comfortably. 
“Thank you so much,” She sighs, placing her daughter down on the bedding on the floor you had pulled out earlier in the day.
“Don’t thank me yet.” You reply. “I don’t know much about medicine from around here, but all I can do is try.” Kneeling down next to the young girl, you close your eyes and let out a shaking breath. There’s a dark aura around her when you open your eyes again, bleeding from her chest, a sight you have come to recognise as death. The little girl was dying. 
Briefly unsure as to what to do for her, you raise your hands over her and gently place your hands on her arm, letting out another shaky breath. You had only ever heard of it in rumours, and seen it briefly when your brother had healed a cut on your leg, but it was worth a try.
Squeezing your eyes closed, you pictured your essence bleeding into the little girl's arm, going into her bloodstream and pushing out the darkness that beckoned her. For a moment, there was nothing other than the gentle rustle of the trees against the old house. But then, a light began to emit from your hands that was so bright you could see it behind your closed eyelids. 
And when you opened your eyes, you saw the golden light streaming from your hands into the little girl, who’s eyes finally began to flutter. By the time it dimmed to nothing, her eyes opened and a sob ripped out of her mother.
“Mother?” she whispered, her voice raspy with sleep. The mother lunged for her, pulling her into a chest with a relieved cry. Holding her tight to her chest, she looked over her daughters head to you and cried. 
“Thank you. Thank you so much.” You didn’t quite know how to respond, so you simply nodded at her, yourself struck with awe. It was only once you had stood up and moved to give them some space that you noticed Katsuki in the doorway, his brows furrowed and a look on his face that you couldn’t quite decipher. 
“How did you do that?” He asked, not taking his eyes off the mother and daughter on his floor. You let out an internal sigh at the fact he wasn’t mad that you had invited them into his house without his permission.
“I’m not sure to be honest.”
“That was incredible.” This time, you gape at him as he moves towards you and cups your cheeks. “That was one of the most amazing things I have ever seen.” Katsuki says honestly, and you forget how to breathe. 
“Katsuki…” He ignores your words and looks at the mother on the floor with a fierce glare. You’re about to reprimand him when he folds his arms across his strong chest. 
“If you ever speak to anyone about what happened here-”
“I won’t. I swear.” The mother said, smiling as she stood up. As she passed you she bowed deeply, still holding once again sleeping, but healthy, daughter in her hands. “I will not forget this miracle. Thank you so much for saving my daughter.” And then she’s gone. You stand still, stuck in place by her words. You’re relieved that you helped her, but you know part of you should be worried. You can’t seem to make yourself though, you’re elated, and want to jump around in joy. You had saved that little girl's life.
“You let her see you.” Katsuki says from behind you, and you turn to face him, but he's not looking at you. Standing on the porch, he’s looking back out at the fields and rubs his temples. Maybe he was mad.
“I wasn’t going to help, but when I heard her daughter was sick-”
“And what happens if she goes and tells everyone in the village that some random stranger healed her daughter… with some sort of magic? WHat do you think will happen then y/n?!” You were wrong, so wrong. Katsuki stands in front of you, absolutely livid, and for the first time since you've met him, you can’t read him.
“I didn’t… I didn’t think it through…” You conclude, embarrassed suddenly at your impulsive behaviour.
“What happens if they come here searching for you? They will try and burn you at the stake for being a witch y/n!” Katsuki yells, and you flinch.
“I’m sorry!” You shout back, letting your own frustration at his current attitude make itself known. “You’re right! I didn’t think. Instead, I heard that a little girl was sick, was dying, and I decided to help her. I’m sorry if that's too much for you, but that's not your decision to make Katsuki.”
“You’re damn right it is my decision! You’re my guardian angel, I cant fucking lose you.” Your breath catches at the slight tears building in the corner of his eyes as he points an accusing finger at you. “I can’t lose you y/n.” his anger suddenly drops until he stands there, arms limp by his sides, not daring to look at you. Hesitantly, you step towards him and gingerly reach out for one of his clenched fists. Your heart pounds inside your chest as you feel his warm hand in your own. You’d never really touched him before, not like this at least. Ahd as you drag his gaze to yours, you know that you’re breaking some major rules by doing what you’re about to do, but something also tells you that you had already broken the rule a long time ago. 
“Katsuki,” He finally looks into your eyes, and you find yourself struggling to find the words you want to say, but luckily he complete’s your thoughts by pressing his lips to yours. Sparks shoot down your spine as he threads his free hand into your hair, and every single cell in your body feels as if it has been set alight. This was wrong, on so many levels, but how could this be wrong when being this close to him felt like the most right thing in the entire world?
You clutch his dirt covered shirt in one hand and gently push away from the kiss, resting your forehead on his chest. 
“I can’t-” He grips your chin at your words and stares into your eyes. With so much conviction, Katsuki’s words thread into your heart, permanently scaring his name into your flesh. 
“I love you cherub. I don’t care what power I have to destroy to keep you, but I will do it. I’d bring down heaven just for you.” It was as if you had been waiting your entire life to hear those words, from him. 
“I am yours, Katsuki Bakugou. And you are mine.” You whisper up at him, delighting in how bright happiness shines in his irises. 
“I love you, Katsuki.” And this time, you meet him halfway into the embrace, crushing your lips together, and letting him raise you in his arms, and carry you to his room. 
                         ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
You got four years together, full of happiness, half asleep smiles, starlight whispers and stolen kisses in the fields. 
Then the soldiers came knocking. 
You had hidden yourself without a second thought when there was a knock on the door of your house, and Katsuki had answered it with a calmness that left his body the second the door opened. The men practically shoved a piece of paper into your lovers hands and left, to leave you to deal with the consequences of their actions. 
“Katsuki?” Your voice seemed to bring him out of the stupor he was in, and had him turning to you with furrowed eyebrows. He read the paper once, then twice, before crumbling it between his fingers and throwing it into the fire. 
“What’s wrong?” but you knew. You knew they were taking him away again. 
“I’m being reinstated.” Was all he said before walking through the house and straight out the back door. 
“Katsuki!” You call out, quickly scrambling after him into the darkness. He stalks through the fields like a man on a mission, and you force your shorter legs to keep up with his pace. 
“Katsuki! Everything will be alright-”
“Alright?” He barks, turning around on you with anger flashing through his eyes. “What about this is alright Y/n? They’re making me leave everything to fight in a pointless war, leave you behind. What about that is alright?” His voice threatens to break, and you take advantage of his moment of stillness to move closer to him. 
“You’re right, nothing about this situation is alright. It’s a nightmare come to life, but its our reality.” You say, placing your hands on his cheek, causing Katsuki to close his eyes and lean into your touch. “I don’t want you to leave, but we both know…” Your voice breaks on the word, but you hold back the sob threatening to break free. “You have to go.” The tears building in your eyes break free and roll down your cheeks in a never ending wave, and no matter how many times Katsuki tries to rectify it by wiping them with his thumb, they don’t stop. 
“I don’t want you to go. I want us to stay here. I want to live here forever.” The words force themselves from you as the realisation that he’s leaving finally sinks in. He was going off to war, and there was a chance he would never come back. He could die. 
“I want to live here forever too.” He says, and you look up in slight shock. He was crying, and the only reason you could see the sight was due to the moonlight making them sparkle as they rolled down his cheeks. “I want to marry you, have children with you, fight with you, argue with you. I want to grow old with you. I want to love you here, forever. And when the day comes that we do pass on, I want to do that together too. But when I go, please do not follow me. Stay here, wait for me. Please.” You're sobbing by the time he’s finished, your heart breaks so fiercely that you fall to a heap on the floor, clutching each other so tightly as if it were the very last time. 
Katsuki Bakugou was made for you, and you were made for him. And nothing was going to keep either of you apart. 
The days moved quickly after that, each second spent in each other's presence, as if trying to engrave one another to your minds so you couldn’t go a second without thinking about each other. It would most definitely make parting harder, but you couldn’t care. After many arguments, you had eventually agreed to Katsuki’s request to not follow him to war, so instead you concocted a plan of your own. You would go back to headquarters, and you would ensure that you would never be parted from him again.
It was just a myth, or at least that's what you had once believed, but you now knew it was true. It had to be. Claiming your own soulmate was a big risk, and held a heavy price, but you knew you could do it. Because for Katsuki, for the life he mentioned for you both, for this life, you would do anything. 
                      ‧͙⁺˚*・༓☾  ☽༓・*˚⁺‧͙
The moment you had arrived back in headquarters, you knew something was wrong. But for the first time since ever here, you didn’t care about your job. You didn’t care about the taboo’s, you didn’t care about being a great guardian angel, you just wanted to be great for Katsuki. And you were going to make it happen. But other people had plans that outweighed your own. 
The moment you had stepped inside the library, your vision went hazy and your knees hit the floor, a dull pain throbbing inside your chest. What was going on. Your hazy vision finally focused again, and you found yourself standing in a room, surrounded by guardians residing on grandstands, and before you stood your brother and a silhouette of white light. But it was to your brother that you looked, and almost winced at the horror and disbelief in his eyes. 
“What have you done y/n?” He asked, his voice breaking on the last word. He looked at you like you had stabbed him in the back, and in a way, you had. You had broken the laws of your people for a man, you had betrayed your family for a human. But it was worth it. 
“Y/n, you have been accused of breaking the laws of guardianship with your client. How do you plead.” Said one of the three guardians on the stand behind your brother. You were on trial, you realised. One that you knew would end in your life either being taken, or being banished. You hoped for the latter, that you could deal with. 
“Guilty. As are you.” Your words cause whispers to erupt within the crowd and you turn to the figure of light and glare. 
“You say you create us in the image of yourself, to help humans, to guide them. But by doing so you have made us slaves to your course. We will never know true emotions, we will not experience life, we do not experience love.” Tears are streaming down your cheeks, but you don't care. Let them see the true span of emotions that they never get to experience. Let your words cut them deep. 
“You plead guilty to the charges of breaking lawful conduct with your client Katsuki Bakugou. For this crime, you will be punished with eternal banishment-” Another guardian announces to the room. 
“You can try to take from him, but you will not succeed.” Your yell silences the room, even the slightest whisper quiets at the sound. “My life is his, and his is mine. Until light fades and darkness dies, I will be his and he will be mine.” The words roll off your tongue as if they were made just for you, and for a second you see the silhouette of light flicker, before a sharp pain physically pushes you to the floor. You scream out as your chest burns, as if someone had fisted your heart and set it alight.
There is a moment that you truly believe the pain will kill you, that it will overcome your body and burn you to ash, but as quickly as it appears, the pain dissipates, leaving a thread behind, a thread that throbs harshly inside your chest. A thread that you knew if you followed, would tie you to the love of your life. Holy shit you did it.
“What have you done?!”
“She just bought herself a soulmate,” it's your brother's voice, but you can barely hear him over the sound of your blood pumping through your ears. You raise a hand to your chest as something pulls, feeling as if it tugged upon a rib, and then you're met with such grief it forces your hands to the floor. What was happening? There's a hand at your chin and you look up into the light silhouette and want to cry out at the projection it shows. 
Bakugou lays on the ground, lifeless, covered in dirt. Blood gushes from under him and you let out a howl of a scream. 
“You took something that was not for you,” was the last thing you heard before you collapsed onto the floor and everything went black.
Please not him, not Katsuki. 
                      +   +   +   +   
With a sharp breath, you open your eyes, and fall to the floor as tears stream down your cheeks. The past hits you over and over again, forcing sob after sob from your mouth, as you clutch the surface beneath your hands, trying to ground yourself, but to little effect. 
By the time you have calmed somewhat, your body is completely numb, your brain a cloud of fog continuously rolling in and never dissipating. 
“Was this the price for tying my life to his?”  you ask, knowing that the silhouette of light stil resided in front of you, but you didn’t dare to look up at it. 
“You cannot simply buy a soulmate, or tie your lifeline to his. You are immortal. Forever roaming, never planting your feet purely on the ground.” You clutch your chest, feeling the tether as if it were a string tugging on one of your ribs. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go… You turn around and look at the person, the man or woman you can’t tell, it's just a silhouette of blinding light, yet it doesn’t hurt the eyes.
“You mean to say…”
“Yes, you are immortal y/n. You will never die.” and then the being is gone, but his words never leave your mind. 
Because it was right. You don’t die.
For years, you watch the world recover and move on, being unnoticed by all, forever to roam aimlessly as you witness everyone you love grow older.
It's a blessing and a curse, watching your friends all graduate, to grow into their full potential and become the heroes you always knew they would be. But what is hardest is watching Bakugou grow old.
You watch him become the number one hero, you watch him how he regresses and cuts people out of his life in his twenties, and are relieved when his friends help to pull him out of it. You are with him every day, hanging around his apartment, following him on missions, your wings allowing you to keep up with him as he moves quickly. It’s a blessing, even though he doesn’t know you’re there to witness every breakdown, every hardship, but also every success. 
It's a blessing until one day, he meets a woman with a smile like sunshine that stops him in his tracks. You find yourself screaming into the silence, at nothing, trying to do anything to get him to notice you. To remember you. To not forget you, or the previous life that you two once shared.
But this was your punishment, you had bought yourself a human soulmate, one that couldn’t feel the bond as you did, and would most likely never know you existed. 
You watch him date, you watch him have a child, but he never marries the sunshine woman. Instead, she passes away in a freak car accident when the child is barely a few months old. You feel the second she passes the moment it happens, and suddenly she’s in the apartment with you, watching Bakugou try to calm his daughter with no avail. With a sad smile, she turns to you and you’re so shocked you only gape at her. She’s the first person to see you in twenty years. 
“He speaks of you all the time.” She says, looking back at her family once more. “I knew I would always be second in his heart to you, and I was okay with that. I am. He never got over you, and I don’t think he ever will. But he was right, you’re watching over him,” this time she turns her eyes back to you, and wipes the tears from her cheeks. 
“Take care of them, please?” You only get the chance to nod before she's gone. 
Time moves faster it seems towards the latter part of life. You get to watch Katsuki’s daughter grow, and watch him struggle to balance hero work with being an only parent. But your friends Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sero step in to help out their little angel, as they call her. The name makes you want to cry every time. 
You watch Katsuki Bakugou live his life to the fullest, you watch him be a phenomenal father, you watch him get injured, and beat villains. You watch him and your friends grow old without you, until you’ve said your final goodbyes to them all, until it's just Katsuki, surrounded by his loved ones on a hospital bed,  grey haired and tanned skin wrinkles from his retirement days spent out in the sunshine. You see his final goodbyes, and you watch that black aura completely leave his body, and then for the first time, you visibly see that tether. 
A string of golden light, the same shade as the one emitted from your hands a lifetime ago when healing a little girl. A bond that stretches across space and time, permanently tying you to the no young ash blonde standing in front of you. He looks the exact same as he did the day you lost him. Katsuki looks down at his hands before looking at you as the world around you begins to dull. 
“Y/n?” You smile at him, letting tears roll down your cheeks as you run to him. “Y/n!” A cry leaves your mouth as you hear him say your name, it had been so long since you’d heard it.
You stop just before him, and hesitantly reach out. You hadn’t felt another touch in a lifetime, and to see him now, to have him here, it seemed too good to be true. However any doubt you carry isn’t held in Katuski, who quickly pulls you into him, a strangled noise coming from his mouth as he directs his lips to yours. You cry against him as you feel his warm touch beneath your fingers, and you know this is real. He’s here.
“Cherub,” he whispers into your hair, and you bury your face into his chest, gripping his back tightly enough to hurt, but he doesn’t say a word. Tilting your chin with a hand, you find yourself looking into the same red vermillion eyes that existed in another time, another dimension, a pair that loved you just as much as they did now. 
“I’m so sorry I couldn’t-- I couldn’t save you before.” Words bubble out of you before you can stop them. There are so many things you want to say, but not enough time. Because you know that this won’t last forever. 
“Cherub, I’m glad you weren’t there. But you sacrificing yourself for me is another thing because I-” his voice breaks on the word. “I missed you so much Y/n, every fucking day. I wanted to die without you…”
“I made sure you wouldn’t,” your words make him rear back slightly and look down at you again.  “I made a deal, that if you died I would die too, because that would mean I failed my job as your guardian. I made you my soulmate.”
“What was the price?”
“I don’t know.” You say in reply, but now, you think you have the vaguest idea. You bought yourself a soulmate, something that shouldn’t really exist, so now, you would have to wait until the universe decided you had paid enough time until you can reap what you took. 
“How are you here? Did I…” Katsuki finally asks, looking around at the world still moving on without him, but his embrace doesn’t loosen around you for a moment. As if he too is too afraid to let you go. 
“You’re ready to pass on,”
“What about you?” You blink at him and hold onto his biceps. “When I tied myself to you, it was something deeper than I expected, I bought myself a soul to match mine, and I have to pay the consequences from such actions.” an archway opens in front of you both catching your attention, and you shift your gaze from it to your soulmate. You place your hands on his cheeks bringing his scared eyes to yours once more.
“You won’t remember me in your next life,” Katsuki instantly utters a complaint but you shut him up with a hand. “I will be with you, always. I will protect you until my dying breath, and that's all I can do until I pay back for what I took.” Fresh tears well in his eyes as you both feel the pending goodbye begin to loom over you. Your time was coming to an end. 
“How long?” He asks, pressing his forehead to yours and taking in everything about your face whilst he still can. 
“I don’t know, but a few more lifetimes.”
“So I’m just meant to forget you?” He cries, his voice hoarse from crying, and clutches your cheeks tightly. 
“I- I don’t want to. I love you, I never stopped.”
“I know you did, and not a second has gone by that I haven’t loved you with every fibre of my being. But please try and be happy, at least until I get there.” You say, giving him a final soft smile, but as much as you try to portray confidence, the tears of sadness flooding your face you know do the complete opposite. You’ve been so lonely without him, and now, you’re about to lose him all over again. 
“How am I meant to be happy when you’re taking the source of my happiness with you?” He whispers brokenly, and your heart clenches painfully inside your chest. 
“I will always come back to you Katsuki.” The light from the archway begins to glow brighter and brighter, becoming too bright to look at, so instead, you focus on your soulmate and kiss him one final time, putting everything you had into the embrace, and Katsuki returns it tenfold. When you finally pull from him once more, you close your eyes and press your forehead to his. 
“I will find you again, nothing will keep me from you cherub.” 
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©️ 2021 all rights reserved to atsukashii, do not change, edit, translate, or repost any works on any platform.
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im-a-dork-so-bork · 4 years
it’s you that i lie with
also on ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29570193
Warning: (Presumed) Major Character Death
Thunder rolls across the wheat fields of Atlas out of the window, mobs of shadows clashing with clusters of white. There are some groups that do not move, shadows rushing over them. Blake knows that there will be pools of crimson where the unmoving bodies lay.
Around Weiss’s room-turned-hospital, Whitley and Willow Schnee huddle around a dimly glowing laptop, sending more supplies to the people of Mantle. Ruby watches Klein tend to the wounds on Penny, nervously waiting for the maiden to reawaken as she bandages her own cuts and scrapes from the encounter with the strange grimm. Weiss is tending to Nora in her bed, replacing the damp cloth on her forehead.
Across the room, a sprightly musical tinkling is heard from a scroll, breaking the thick air of danger.
Weiss pulls it out of her pocket, eyes widening as she looks at the screen.
“It’s Winter.” Weiss says. The other Schnees glance at her, before lowering their heads and focusing more intently on their work. Ruby gets up, walking over and squeezing her partner’s shoulder. Weiss accepts the call.
“Winter, why are you calling?” Blake turns her back to her friends, a feeble attempt to give Weiss a semblance of privacy, gazing back out of the window. Purple streaks of dust cross the sky, intercepting hordes of grimm. She thinks of a bandana, dusty but still somehow bright, like eyes and promises.
“Going in? Are you okay?” Weiss begins pacing, heels clicking against the once pristine tile, now dirty and bloodied.
“No one’s seen them come back out of what? Who did you arrest?” Ruby scoffs, annoyance with the Atlas military evident. Seeing as their current problems all revolved around Ironwood plus everything Atlas had done to the Faunus, Blake was the last person to want to argue with her.
“Winter, what do you mean?” Weiss’s voice raised as she stopped pacing.
“Yang?” Blake’s ears perked up, turning around to face her teammate. But instead of seeing a look of relief upon hearing news about Yang, she watches Weiss’s face morph into one of horror.
Weiss whispers, “She’s in the whale? A bomb?” Blake looks at Ruby, her tired face as confused as the faunus.
Weiss’s voice cracks. “No. No. Winter you can’t.”
And Blake understands.
She doesn’t know what happens, but she is outside viewing the carnage on the plains of Atlas like an unfeeling god in heaven above.
In her hand, Yang beams at her, lilac eyes full of mirth. The scroll rings, an empty dial tone met only with silence.
The freezing air of Atlas bites at her cheeks, the smoke and ash carving out her lungs. She watches as Atlas planes retreats from the sky, tiny ant soldiers retreating back to their hills, all but a single white spec visible through the haze next to the ginormous grimm.
Ruby is next to her, eyes flickering as they brim with tears. Blake thinks of a whispered confession one night after Haven, recounting anguish and blinding light atop a broken tower, then nothingness.
Weiss is screaming into her scroll, begging. Her voice is raw, stripped to the pleas of a child. There is loud enough yelling in the background of the call that Blake can hear gruff voices barking out orders to run.
“Winter, please.“ The line cuts out.
No one speaks for a moment, the only sounds ragged breathing and the screams of innocents from the streets below. Blake’s scroll rings again.
Weiss breaks the silence. “If we take an airship maybe we can-“
“No. No we can’t. It’s my fault. She would be next to us if it weren’t for me.” There is no waver in Ruby’s voice. Blake turns in shock. The young girl’s eyes are no longer flickering. There is no light in them at all.
Weiss gasps, drawing a breath to argue. “Ruby, no it’s not.“
Before she has the chance to finish, there is a gravity that stops her. Blake looks out to the fields of Atlas, involuntarily moving.
And as Blake turns, her soul implodes as the sky ignites.
Her ears ring.
Someone is screaming.
Sobbing, really.
Weiss later will whisper to her that it was her own scream, torn apart like a piece of herself. Weiss will tell her that was when her own tears began to fall.
Blake does not stop.
Something grabs her, holding her from sprinting towards the explosion. Blake struggles, trying to break free of the grip.
“She can’t. I didn’t get to tell her.” Her voice tears itself apart. Blake tries to run towards the explosion, the counterweight behind her causing them both to fall to the ground. She claws at gloved hands.
Ruby has sunken to her knees beside her, quiet except for near silent sobs racking through her lungs.
Weiss calls her name, holding Blake from crawling towards the streaks of rock gracing the sky. Blake struggles for a few seconds more, begging Weiss to let go of her. Her grip tightens.
She stops fighting, going limp on her hands and knees. She pounds against the concrete, the rock tearing into her skin, as if that would change anything. Weiss holds her and Ruby as the battlefield returns to bloodshed below.
The three of them huddle together, Weiss’s head buried into Blake’s shoulder. Ruby lays in the faunus’s lap, staring at the ground blankly. Blake and Weiss hold her hands.
Footsteps are heard behind them as gasps of horror are released. The huddle does not look up.
No words are said.
What is there to say?
Blake wails.
She lets out the only breath she has left, lungs depleted and gut empty. It is barely audible.
“We’re supposed to be protecting each other.”
Blake’s scroll rings one more time before cutting out and a voice speaking.
“Hey this is Yang, I’m probably busy with my team, so leave a message after the beep and I’ll make sure to get back to you! ” Yang’s voice is replaced with the pause of a metallic tone.
There is only static.
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jjpogue · 4 years
❝Don’t cry — jj.m
Request: “hi! i have a request with jj where the reader gets hurt and jj freaks out and something like angst but cute and soft, thank you!!” — anon
Pairing: jj maybank x reader
Length: 448 words (a shortie)
Warnings: angst, jj crying (which is a crime), fluff, happy ending 
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It stung bad- the pain coursing through your head. Vibrations rung your skull and shot down your spine, erupting in an explosion of sensation through your whole body. And then it fell numb and dull like a star fading out after a flash of brightness, and you were able to open your eyes. Smell the fish and salt in the air. Feel a pair of hands cradling your head. 
“She’s awake!” 
“Oh thank god!”
“(Y/n) please, say something.” You recognized the voice of your boyfriend, JJ. 
“H-hey...” You mumbled, still delirious. You furrowed your brow, trying hard to grasp something, to find a way to pull your mind and body back to reality. You felt yourself pulled up and it caused your vision to double. You groaned and scrunched your eyes shut. “What happened?”
“You slipped on the boat and hit the back of your head.” Kie’s gentle voice spoke to you.
“I was- I was so worried.” JJ uttered in a breathy voice, husky from unshed tears and a heavy heart. You could feel his fingers tracing over the curve of your cheek, his thumb nestled in the dimple of your lips. 
A splash of warm water splattered your delicate skin and you forced your eyes open. JJ was leaned over your cradled form, tears pouring from his eyes and dripping down to meet you. You swallowed hard and forced yourself to speak clearly. “Don’t cry, baby.” It took all your slowly returning strength to hold your hand up, running it through the pogue’s unruly golden locks. His beautiful hair you loved so much, which looked like fields of sun-kissed wheat gently rocking back and forth on breezy days. 
His eyes were puffy and reddened and you brought your thumb to wipe them away, wearing your softest smile for the boy. He bit back another sob and lifted you to sit in his lap, his arms tightly wound around your middle. You were enveloped in such warmth and love, and you became keenly aware of the body you were pressed to. You could feel JJ’s heart beating hard against his ribs and the stuttering rise and fall of his chest as he struggled to steady his breathing. You continued to calm him with gentle touches and sweet kisses behind his ear. 
“I’m okay, see?”
JJ slowly nodded and let you go, looking rather embarrassed of himself. You understood his insecurities, JJ didn’t like appearing so weak in front of his friends. But every time you would be there to assure him it was alright. You were both there to strengthen the other and make it all better again, to kiss any wounds till they were healed.
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