#the woman’s reply was ‘’okay.’’ which just adds to it
safficranger · 3 days
Fake Scenarios In My Head #15
Casey stood in front of the mirror in her walk-in closet. Her eyes wandered over every detail of her reflection, her nervous hands smoothing the folds of her dress or flicking away invisible dust.
"Now I look like I'm going to a funeral," she said, trying to keep her voice from sounding whiny.
"I hardly think so," came Olivia's voice from the phone, which Casey had put on speaker and placed on a nearby shelf.
"Makes me look pale. Add a dark veil, and you can call me 'Widow Casey.'"
"Now you're being dramatic," Olivia laughed. "Want to send me another picture?"
"No, I'm changing!"
"Or should I come over?"
"Can you please stay on the phone a little longer?"
"Sure." It sounded like Olivia was holding back a sigh. Casey felt a pang of guilt for keeping her friend on the phone so long.
She pulled out another dress and stepped back in front of the mirror, holding it up to her body. "Okay, this one... it's... blue. Do you remember the wedding last summer? I wore that dress."
"I remember, yes. A very nice dress. Blue always looks good on you!" Olivia's voice came over the speaker.
Casey turned from side to side, critically examining herself from all angles. "I don't know... It just doesn't feel right."
"Casey, what's really going on?" Olivia finally asked. "It's not just the dress, is it?"
Casey paused, her eyes meeting her own reflection. She swallowed hard, and her voice was barely a whisper as she replied, "I think I'm scared. I feel out of place. I don't belong at fancy dinner parties."
Olivia's voice was soft and reassuring. "You're worrying too much. Everything will be fine. You're amazing, and everyone will see that. Trust in that."
Casey took a deep breath. "I don't know, Liv. A gala dinner with cocktails afterward. What does that even mean?" She spoke faster, her voice growing more anxious with each word. "Why did Alex even invite me? I'm just going to embarrass her. I'm Cinderella in a stolen dress."
"Casey, you're exaggerating. Don't sell yourself short. You know Alex wants you by her side because she loves you."
Casey sighed, fighting the nausea rising within her. "Her father will be there," she finally said quietly.
"Oh," there was a brief silence on the other end of the line. "Now I understand," Olivia finally added.
"What if I'm not good enough?"
"Alex loves you, and her father will see that too. It's understandable that you're nervous, but you have nothing to fear," Olivia replied sympathetically but firmly.
"I... know." Casey's thoughts swirled, and she couldn't bear to look in the mirror any longer. "I... need a shower. I'll call you back later." She put the phone back to her ear. "Thank you, Liv."
"You're welcome! Let me know if there's anything else I can do," Olivia responded gently. "And please, don't drive yourself crazy."
Casey ended the call and closed her eyes for a few moments. Taking deep breaths, she tried to control the nausea and at least slow down her thoughts.
"Olivia is right, love."
Casey froze, her back still to the door, startled by her girlfriend's voice.
"How long have you been standing there?" she asked uncertainly.
"Long enough." Alex stepped behind her, gently wrapped her arms around her waist, and pulled her closer. "You look beautiful in that dress." She kissed Casey's shoulder softly. "You're clever, intelligent, charming, warm, and..." the second kiss moved towards Casey's pulse point. "...did I mention you're hot?”
Casey could feel the tension in her body begin to ease. The safe embrace of the woman she loved, her soothing voice, and her gentle kisses worked wonders.
"You don't have to feel obligated to take me with you," she still couldn't shake her insecurity.
"I'm not. I invited you because I'm proud to have you by my side. Because you're my girlfriend." Alex reassured her.
Casey slowly turned around in Alex's arms so that they were facing each other. She searched Alex's eyes for the truth behind her words and found only sincere affection and love. Alex brushed a strand of hair from her smiled warmly.
"Your father... I..." Casey began, but Alex smiled gently and interrupted her.
"He's not as bad as you think. And I'm sure he'll love you."
"But what do I have to offer? I don't have a big name, no..."
"Casey, please." Alex interrupted her again. "None of that matters to my father. He's not looking for a new business partner."
"What matters?" Casey asked quietly.
"I love you! And you make me happy. That's what really counts. That's what my father really cares about," Alex explained emphatically.
"I love you too." Casey felt her insecurity slowly melting away.
"And to quote Olivia again... Don't sell yourself short. You're an impressive woman, Casey. You've achieved a lot and have a big heart."
"Now you're flattering me," Casey said with a shy smile.
"Just stating facts." Alex kissed her gently and felt Casey snuggle against her.
"Better?" Alex asked, and Casey nodded with a wide smile.
"Good Girl." Alex's lips curved into a mischievous grin. "Did I hear correctly that you want to take a shower?"
Casey blushed slightly and nodded. "Yes, I thought it would help me relax."
"How about I join you and make sure you really relax?" Alex's voice was soft and seductive.
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lazarus-lazuli · 1 year
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one petty thing about trump that i hate is that he’s objectively SO fucking funny sometimes. like not even on purpose
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mariasont · 2 months
Date Night - A.H
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a/n: i have been so obsessed with the nanny recently so this is kind of based off that
‧₊˚ ✩°。⋆♡ ⋆˙⟡♡ ⋆˙⟡♡⋆。°✩˚₊‧
pairings: aaron hotchner x nanny!reader
summary: you get home from the world's worst date
warnings: none i think, IDK IM SO BAD AT THESE
wc: 0.9k
To put it quite frankly your date sucked. He was disrespectful to the waiter, made really unsettling noises while eating, talked incessantly about his ex, and worst of all, he didn't let you get a word in edge wise (a major issue because you really like to talk).
Saying you were disappointed would barely scratch the surface. The rarity of your dates, thanks to your demanding role as a live-in nanny for Viriginia's most occupied FBI agent, made your free time all too precious. Mr. Hotchner was home this weekend, which granted you some time off, well-deserved you might add, but you had wasted it on some sad excuse of a man who made you believe that chivalry really was dead.
You had a clear mission when you entered the house: to drown the evening's disappointment in a generous pour of red, slip into your comfiest pajamas, and indulge in trashy reality TV, which, by comparison, casted your night in a much more flattering light. You were beginning to accept that maybe, you were meant to be alone, only because men sucked.
You all but threw your jacket into the closet, kicking off the pumps that had spent the night punishing your heels, and bent to rub the throbbing pain, releasing a sigh steeped in disappointment.
"You're home early."
Your heart leapt to your throat, hand flying to your chest on reflex as you whirled around to face the sight of Mr. Hotchner lounging in the armchair, a whiskey glass cradled in his hand. The light from the lamp beside him served to accentuate the shadows beneath his eyes, no doubt caused by his job. So, what he was doing up was beyond you.
"Geez, Mr. Hotchner, are you trying to give me a heart attack here?"
A mock frown creased your face, and you sauntered over to his chair. You settled on the armrest beside him and smoothly relieved him of the glass, taking a small, savoring sip. Annoying him was one of your favorite pastimes, one that was all too rare with his usual absence.
"So, what's the occasion? Waiting up for me?"
He wasn't amused, clearly, his face unchanging. With a deliberate motion, he took the glass back, taking another casual drink, and despite his stern look he didn't move away from you. His eyes shot you a sharp glance, withholding any spoken response.
With a light tap on his shoulder, you hopped down from the arm of the chair.
"It's okay, you don't have to say it. I can read you like a book," you tossed him a wink, your dress flirting with the edge of modesty at the quick action. His eyes briefly betrayed him, moving towards the expanse of flesh now on display. "Ahem, Mr. Hotchner, my face is a little higher."
You gently nudged his chin upward with your finger, guiding his attention to your eyes. You loved his eyes, a cocoa brown color that reminded you of rich, velvety chocolate truffles, a comparison you were pretty sure had slipped out when he interviewed you.
"Careful," he cautioned in a low murmur, easing himself from the chair and setting his glass aside. "As your employer, it's reasonable for me to be concerned about your well-being, you are the woman who raises my child."
"Oh, absolutely, sir. Your concern is most reasonable and duly noted," you replied with an exaggerated formality, lightly tapping his cheek before neatly tucking your hands behind your back.
He traced his brow with his fingertips, as if to smooth away the beginnings of a headache, undoubtedly brought on by you. A sigh of exhaustion followed. "I trust I don't need to remind you of who signs your paycheck."
With a beaming smile, you sing out, hands moving to rest on your hips. "Totally clear on that, sir!" You turn and head up the stairs, your mumble just loud enough for him to catch, "A little raise wouldn't hurt though, just saying!"
He's close behind as he warns in a low voice, "Don't push your luck."
You stop so suddenly he almost stumbles into you and you feel his hands steady you on your hips, dangerously close to the curve of your ass as you glance back at him.
"Oh, I wouldn't dare, sir."
A slight shake of his head and those perceptive eyes convey all he doesn't say as his hands fall away, the space they leave behind feeling oddly empty. 
"So, the date didn't go well?" he asks as you reach the top of the stairs.
"No, I didn't say that. It was wonderful, perfect actually." You'd always been a terrible liar, and naive for thinking he'd fall for it. "He might just be the man of my dreams."
He gives you a look that tells you he sees right through your bullshit. "Let me guess, he probably ordered for you without asking, talked over you, and didn't even bother to walk you to your door."
"Uh, no, that's not--," you start, voice squeaking slightly. His unimpressed look makes you fold--something you found yourself doing way too often around him. "Okay, fine. But really, using those weird FBI skills on me? That's playing dirty, Mr. Hotchner."
"No 'weird FBI skills' required," he replies, the slightest smirk gracing his stupidly handsome face. "Your taste in men is just... consistently interesting."
"Interesting is better than non-existent, which I believe is the current state of your dating life, Mister."
He moves closer, the narrowing space nudging you against the wall. "Well, considering my days are filled with work, parenting, and apparently, babysitting you, dating isn't exactly a priority."
He was kind of hot when he was mad. His eyes narrowed at you. Okay, not kind of, definitely hot when mad.
"Oh, Mr. Hotchner, it sounds like you need a night off from all that babysitting," you purr, placing your hands on his shoulders as you grace him with a smile. "Why don't we discuss your options over dinner? My treat?"
A sigh of exasperation escapes him, a telltale sign that he's done with the conversation, which actually is how a lot of your discussions end. He steps back and opens the door to your room. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight, Mr. Hotchner, see you in the morning," you say, your hand pausing on his arm just a beat too long. "Sweet dreams--though I'm sure I'll be in them."
taglist: @hotchhner
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fungal-rot · 2 months
Pure Instinct - Surrender
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okay so i've been seeing those tiktok ads about that Pure-Instinct perfume and I had A Thot- it was originally supposed to go a different route, but i kinda went everywhere with this LOL.
summary: no outbreak; you bought a new perfume, one that's supposed to entice the opposite sex. but just how well does it actually work?
warnings: MDNI- smut (unprotected p-in-v), joel being a bit of a horndog, semi-desperate sex, oral (f receiving), use of 'good girl' and pet names (darlin', baby, pretty girl, honey), a bit of bulge riding, slight dom!joel, established relationship, no age specification for reader- lemme know if i forgot anything! - also please note i’m getting back into writing. i’m a lil rusty and still getting back into the flow of things; apologies for any mistakes.
w.c.: 2.7k
All over the internet you've come across different videos advertising some 'pheromone perfume-' a blend of essential oils that are meant to work with your own natural scent, enhancing your body's pheromones- or something of the sort. Seeing the men become infatuated with their girlfriends and wives, clinging to them with lust-blown pupils certainly had your interest piqued.
After an- albeit, quick- internal debate with yourself, you bit the bullet and looked up the seller's site, coming across different smells like 'Crave,' 'Lucky,' 'Fallen-'
And 'Surrender.'
Sounds sexy. With a smirk you click on it, reading the description,
'Surrender has a sophisticated and mature scent which designed for the woman who wants to feel confident, beautiful, and sensual. Own any room you enter in. You won't just be noticed — you'll make heads turn. Sexy, but not vulgar.'
Sounds dominant.
There were different layers of notes, like magnolia, mandarin, vanilla, sandalwood; the list went on. Seemed like a good choice. You were about to add it to your cart, finger hovering over the button, but then you hesitated. Did you really need this? Was it that important to find out if it was worth the hype? To see if Joel would be unable to tear himself away from you, kissing you hungrily while ripping your clothes off an-
Added to your cart!
It was for science.
You even opted to pay extra for express shipping, heart racing with a giddy bite of your lip.
The day it arrived, you were practically bouncing on your feet with glee. Joel was at work, wouldn't be home for another hour or so. That meant you had plenty of time to get things together and play around with it.
Taking a quick shower then pulling a low cut shirt over your head and shimmying a pair of leggings on, you grabbed your little container of liquid-luck, rolling it over your heat points; a little between your breasts, behind your ears, along the crook of your neck, wrists, and fold of your arms. It definitely smelled alluring upon first apply. Now to let it dry and wait.
Keys jingled outside the door, the knob twisting a few times before the entrance swung open followed by a rather exhausted looking Joel Miller who stumbled through. The man heaved a heavy sigh as he tossed his keys into the dish and toed of his shoes before padding to the couch where you sat, pushing your cuticles back as you watched a rerun of Buffy: the Vampire Slayer.
"Hi, sugar," you greet, flicking your eyes to him as he flopped down, making you bounce softly. His hair was damp with sweat from being out in the hot Texas sun all day, thick veins protruding from his work-callused hands, trailing up his arm.
"Hm," he grunted in reply and placed his palms over his eyes as he leaned against the back of the couch, chest expanding with a deep breath only to falter for a split second. Joel took in another breath, this one loud and deliberate. With hands lowering from his face, he turned his head to you, slowly, with knit brows.
"D'ya smell that?" He asked, sniffing again with a curious glance of the room.
Now, you had to play this right. You couldn't just outright tell him you bought perfume that would have him slobbering all over you, no. That would defeat the purpose of your little experiment.
So instead you played coy and sniffed at the air just as he did, nose turning up with a gentle shake of your head and small bob of your shoulders.
"I don't smell anything."
He nods slowly, eyes narrowing with a slight slack of his jaw, tongue poking through the side of his teeth while he studied you.
"You don't smell that?" Joel pressed further, almost exasperatedly.
"Smell what, Joel?" A quiet titter sounded with your words, brows arching as an amused grin toyed at your lips.
"Jus'..." Joel trailed off, wetting his lip with a quick swipe of his tongue. The scent wasn't too overbearing. It was sweet, musky, and a hint of something so conversant. Something that always managed to get him hot under the collar. A heat that not even the dry summers he endured on a frequent basis could compare to.
That's when you leaned over him- totally not at all planned- reaching an arm past to grab one of the magazines on the end table. Joel drew another quick breath and it hit him. Before you could retreat he snatched your wrist with a tight grip, pupils dilated widely with parted lips. " 'S' you..." He murmured, attention solely on you and you alone.
The corner of your mouth twitched up into a smug smirk, "Is it?" You hushed back, feeling goosebumps erupt across your skin as he pressed a kiss to your inner wrist, slowly trailing up your arm and to your shoulder. A curt chuckle sounded from his chest as his own lips turned up. "Mm, I think so, baby," Now his lips danced on the crook of your neck, taking another whiff.
'Oh, fuck, that's good.' He thought, emitting a low growl.
"Yeah..." He purred, teeth grazing over your pulse point and eliciting a quiet moan from you, "that's alllll you, darlin'."
Hell, if Joel was tired before, he was certainly up now- in more ways than one.
"C'mere, pretty girl," He muttered and sat back, legs spread as he motioned two fingers in your direction. He watched with hungry intent as you crawled into his lap, thighs straddling his. Joel pawed at your hips, rolling them forward against the bulge straining in the confinements of his jeans with a grunt.
"Got me so damn hard an' ya haven't even done anything," With another forced roll, he throws his head back with a sigh. "Ride." He ordered with a strained voice, chest rising and falling with heavy breaths. You didn't move just yet, however, and took in the sight of him; eyes shut and brows knitted softly, plush lips parted.
"Ride," Joel repeated with a firm smack to the meat of your ass, making you yelp and rut against him once more. You could feel the warm thickness of his cramped length through the thin cloth of your leggings, each continuous grind against your clit made you writhe in pleasure.
Good god, you were doing a number on him. He bucked his hips up in time with yours, panting faintly before sitting up and wrapping his thick, strong arms around your body.
Joel buried his nose into your neck again, allowing your enticing scent to flood his mind. His stomach tightened, and he had to pull you off his lap before he came in his underwear like a damn teen. You whine at the loss of friction, expression forming a soft pout as he laid you down, head against the armrest.
"I know, baby, I know," Joel cooed and tenderly cupped your jaw, brushing his thumb over your bottom lip, " 'M gonna take care'a ya." He leaned down and planted a quick peck to the side of your nose.
"Always do, don't I?"
The man lowered himself down your body, hands stopping to caress and grab every now and then before slipping his fingers into the waistband of your leggings, swiftly tugging them down and watched as a string of arousal pulled, connecting the fabric to your lips. He smirked, relishing the fact you were just as turned on as he was, but what really caught his attention was-
"No panties?" He quirked a brow, a shit-eating grin apparent on his face as he continued shimmying you out of your pants. "Y'had this planned, didn't ya?"
You chuckled, biting your lip meekly and avert your gaze. Whoops! Caught.
"So, what is it?" He asked, curling a leg into the couch as the other planted on the floor, his head dipping to your center and placed an open-mouthed kiss to the inner crease of your hip.
"Surrender," You answered breathily, peering down at him as continued lavishing you with loving smooches and pecks, his wiry facial hair scratching at your body that only fanned the flames in your tummy.
His brows drew together with a vague frown as he lifted his head, "Whaddya think I'm tryin' ta do right now?"
Even though his words made you clench around nothing, you still couldn't help but laugh and bring a hand to your mouth to stop yourself. With a shake of your head you say, "No, dummy. I mean, that's the name of the perfume I bought."
Joel tilted his head back in a slight nod, uttering a soft 'Ohhh.'
"I dunno how I was s'posed ta know that," his head lowered once more, breath fanning over your wet heat and flicked his eyes to meet yours, "but it's fitting."
He didn't even give you a chance to process what he said before diving straight into your folds, tongue lapping over every crevice and drinking you down.
"O-oh, fu-fuck!" You breathed out, thighs instinctively closing around his head as your hand grasped at his sweat-matted brown hair.
He growled into your cunt, bracing his hands on either side of the soft, pillowy flesh of your legs and forcing you open again. Normally, Joel loved using them as his own personal pair of earmuffs, but now? He wanted you spread for him, needed it actually. He'd drown in you if he could, and by god he'd willingly die trying.
His mouth detached for a moment, just long enough for him to stick out his tongue and let a string of drool fall over your labia, watching with a satisfied smirk as it slid down to your entrance. Snaking a hand from under your thigh, he brought two fingers to your clit, brushing the pads of them over it with teasing glides. Your hips twitched and bucked with a soft mewl leaving your throat.
Joel dragged his bottom lip between his teeth before lowering his fingers. Down, down, then circling at your hole and slowly pushing in. A sharp gasp ripped from your chest, back arching as you finally got that stretch; so achingly sweet.
His cock twitched at the sound, begging to be let free and seek shelter deep inside your pussy. He had enough restraint (for now) to get you off first.
And they say chivalry is dead...
He latched his mouth back onto you, slurping obscenely as he licked his way up, fingers curling into the spongy spot of your canal.
"Jo- oh- el!" You cried his name brokenly, hand closing a tight fist into his hair with a tug. You could feel the fucker- no pun intended- smirk against you as he pumped his fingers in and out, picking up the pace as he suckled on the sensitive button. Your whines grew more relentless, hips rolling against the flat of his tongue and holding his head in place as the coil in your stomach began to tighten.
Joel felt you clench around his fingers and took that, along with the way you fervently bumped against the bridge of his nose, as a sign you were close. With a wince he reached his free hand to his jeans, fumbling with the button before sliding the fly down, reaching in and finally pulling out his hard cock.
Said hand went back to its rightful place against your thigh while he rutted against the cushions, pre-cum making a mess into the leather.
"C'mon, darlin'," He murmured, taking a quick glance at you and reveled in the sight of your flushed cheeks, eyes screwed shut and head thrown back against the arm rest. "Give it t'me, cum around my fingers." You didn't need to be told twice. In an instant, that coil snapped. Your legs trembled and shook as your climax ripped through your body, eyes snapping open and mouth agape, but no sound came out other than a few breathy whimpers.
"Good girl," Joel praised, still subtly grinding against the couch, desperate for his own release. "Good fuckin' girl." You had made a complete mess of his hand, your spend dripping down his fingers, into his palm and down his wrist, dribbling onto the sofa.
After your body relaxed, hand releasing the harsh grip from his hair, Joel pulled his fingers from you, making a shudder run up your spine. He sat back on his haunches, pushing his hand to your mouth and said, "Open."
Complying happily in your blissed-out state, your jaw slacked, allowing him to slide his soaked fingers into you warm mouth, palming himself with his other hand while he watched your lips close around the digits, feeling your tongue lick and clean your slick off them.
With a satisfied hum, he removed his fingers and replaced them with his tongue, greedily shoving his way past your teeth and licking the roof of your mouth.
Joel backed away, staring deep into your eyes. He huffed, pulling his pants down further, stepping out of one leg. He was so fucking horny and desperate right now he wasn't going to bother with the other one. This would do just fine.
"Need t'fuck you, baby," He spoke in a hushed tone, and without further warning he grabbed your leg and hooked it around his waist just before sliding right in with ease.
The two of you moan in unison. Either he was fucking huge- spoiler, he was- or you were really fucking tight.
Joel collapsed, a hand splayed next to your head to catch himself so he wouldn't fall directly on top of you as he bared his teeth with a hiss.
"Chris' onna damn bike," He slurred, gently lowering himself further and snaking an arm under you as he lazily thrusted into you.
He glanced down to where you two met, watching as he delved in further, "She's jus' swallowin' me in."
An aquiline nose sought out your neck, the sound of Joel consuming your scent filled your ears once more. He simply couldn't get enough. Hips snapped against yours incessantly, skin against skin bouncing off the walls and drowning out the sound of the tv in the background.
The man above reached a hand under your shirt, groping and squeezing your tit as he lowered his forehead to yours, half-lidded eyes boring into yours intently.
"Fuck," He muttered, eyes widening, hips stuttering, "Fuck, 'm close." Joel was a little ashamed of himself. He couldn't remember the last time he made it to the finish line so quickly.
He was quick to remove his hand from under your shirt, finger dipping to the spot where his cock pumped in and out, collecting your slick before sliding it up to your puffy clit yet again.
"Y'think you can gimme another'n, honey?"
"Y-yeah," You nod, feeling that familiar flame lick up your spine. "Wanna cum on your cock."
Joel's lip curled into a snarl at your admission, eyes rolling back before fluttering shut. His movements blundered, then he pulled out, leaving just the tip slotted in your entrance.
"Please," he whined. Whined.
That fucking did it. Your body tightened for the second time this evening, eager to let go and milk Joel of every last drop he had to offer.
"I'm c-" He interjected with a slam of his hips, making you see stars as he fucked you through your orgasm, the head of his dick tapping your cervix as he pushed himself as deep as he could, jerking into you almost feverishly. Your name fell off his tongue like a mantra while he held you flush against him, your back peeling off the leather with arms wrapped around his back as you nestled your face into the crook of his neck, breathing in the musky, sweaty scent of him- your personal favorite brand of 'pheromone perfume' he wears.
After his body lightened, he turned his head and placed a listless, yet tender kiss to your temple. You made a move to crawl away, but that made his grip on you tighten.
"Not yet," he spoke lowly and leaned back, pulling you with him. "Wanna stay like this. Jus' for a minute."
His hand smoothed back your hair, the two of you laid there in silence to catch your breath. After a good ten minutes or so, you lift your head to peek at him, "So, I take it you liked the perfume?"
Joel offered a lopsided smile, rolling his head to the side with a swallow, "Loved it, darlin'."
You'd have to remember to buy more in the future.
hi, hello, thank you for reading. as stated above, i’m still basically re-learning to write. i’m trying to get in the hang of properly pacing out the story, not too rushed but not too wordy either. feedback is appreciated! pls feel free to interact with a reblog or comment <3
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sweetnsour1 · 2 months
Fluff, Bakugou x g/n reader
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“This is dumb.” 
“It’s not dumb. It’s math.”  
“But it’s not fuckin’ math.” 
“Ugh, it’s an expression.” 
“How is math an expression?” 
“Oh my god...it just means it adds up, grandpa.” 
“Still doesn’t make any fuckin’ sense.” 
“Yes, it does. Here, we’ll try another one. Todoroki.” 
“No, Fuyumi. Obviously Shoto.” Your head jostled as a pillow thudded against your face before returning to the lap it had flown from. “Hey!” The blonde was nearly pouting.
“Don’t call him that.” 
“You started it. Anyways...our Todoroki.” Your eye roll was interrupted as you dodged his second attack. This time you tugged the pillow into your own lap before he could reclaim it.
“Don’t call him that either.” 
“Oh my god, just answer.”
“Man written by a man.” 
“Noooo.” You kept one hand gripped into the pillow while the other massaged at your temple. “No, you’re still not getting it at all.” 
“His dad was the one who raised him though.” 
“Hardly-” the word combined with your scoff, “-and that’s not the point. He’s man written by a woman for sure. Especially after his character growth back in year one.” 
“The fuck? Like what?” 
“He listens, he’s supportive, he’s thoughtful, he is always trying to learn how to communicate better, works hard to strengthen the relationships around him, he-” 
“Okay, I get it! Damn!” You didn’t reply, giving him a moment to collect whatever festering thoughts he seemed to be sorting through. You waited patiently for him to choose one to give shape to. He shaped it into a grumble. “...so what am I?” 
“You? Hmmm.” You put effort into looking thoughtful.
“Man written by a man?” 
“No?” He looked relieved, but unsure. Perfect. His loss of cushioned weaponry made you brave enough to continue. “You’re more like a feral raccoon written by a-“ He lunged. “Hey!” You shifted the pillow behind your back, pressing your body against it. You realized a little too late that obviously left one thing for him to go for...you. He had you pinned between those massive arms. Your smile was instant.
“I’ll show you fuckin’ feral, brat.”  
“Okay, so now you’re a man written by a woman.” 
“The fuck is wrong with you?” 
“Several things, which is probably why I’m interested in feral rac-” 
“Shut up.” 
“Yessir.” You saluted as much as you could with the space you were given. He let his arms buckle, falling forward and knocking the wind out of you a bit. He laughed or huffed into your neck. Either way he was at your shoulder, shaking his head before he kissed your cheek.  
“Thought you were gonna’ show me feral?” 
“Mmmm, later.” He continued, answering the question you hadn’t asked yet. “You calmed me down.”  
“Oh.” You ran your fingers through his hair. You could feel and hear his hum at the action.  
“Keep talkin’.” 
“You told me to shut up.” He nuzzled further into your hair as you pulled his. 
“Didn’t mean it.” You scratched at his scalp again before sliding down to his neck and shoulders. “Wanna’ hear ya.” He was whining. 
“Always so bossy.” You laughed as he dug a knuckle into your rib. “I didn’t say no.” He seemed satisfied as he settled himself further. Before you could complain about the weight, he shifted, turning into half big spoon/half weighted blanket. 
“So my favorite things about raccoons...” He pawed at your face with one hand, attempting to hide his laughter somewhere to your left. “You’re exactly right. Let’s start with their hands and how they use them.” 
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He loves nerds.
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billwidoll · 1 month
Come back to me please
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You were at Topper's party, looking bewildered for your boyfriend Rafe, you asked everyone, but no one knew where he was. Except Topper.
"Hey Topper..." You say, approaching him, getting closer as the music was loud.
"hi yn! Enjoying the party?" Topper says drinking his drink. Topper was the king of parties and Rafe was the king of Outer banks Fact.
"Not really, I'm looking for Rafe, have you seen him?"
You ask loudly, you didn't drink or like parties much, you only went because of Rafe. You were the golden girl, you didn't drink, you didn't smoke, you were perfect and everyone was surprised when you and Rafe made it official, even Topper imagined that his friend would date a bitch, But Rafe chose you because it was love at first sight.
You had already been dating for 2 years, and Rafe was making plans for your future with him, you knew Rafe's fame, but you put that aside and clung to loving him.
"I think he's smelling dust with the kelce on top"
Topper speaks normally and you immediately get angry, as Rafe had promised he would stop it. You thank him and say goodbye to Topper.
You go up and see several rooms, and you ask everyone which room Rafe was in, until they pointed to a room that was in the last one. And you go there, ready to give a scolding In Rafe, you just didn't expect what was going to happen.
You approach the room and open the door, and you see Rafe Cameron, sucking Sophia, his best friend's breasts.
"Wow!" You speak with tears welling in your eyes and impulsively end up dropping your cell phone.
Rafe quickly sees you and stands up with a pale face.
"My love....and....I can explain...." Rafe speaks stuttering and getting closer to you and holding your arm.
"friend...we can explain" Sophia adds, and you become completely mobile, without any kind of reaction, and that terrified Rafe.
"Sophia get out of here now!" Rafe shouts, thinking Sophia would ruin his explanation.
"what about us Rafe?" Sophia asks how the victim was her. Rafe takes a quick look at her and she runs away.
"Love... don't cry... don't do this to me, it hurts too much" Rafe says holding your face and you're still a statue.
You stand up and move a little away from Rafe.
"I only have one thing to tell you: I loved you and I did my part, I thought we were going to get married and have two children like you wanted"
You throw it in his face, and his heart starts beating too fast. Rafe had just had a fight with his father, and it got on his nerves, so to distract himself he went to his father's party Topper, there he saw Sophia in a tight and short dress, seducing him, he unfortunately fell for her fetish.
"Whatever you say, I love you, I'm crazy about you, you're the woman I want to have kids with and marry, I want you to be a Cameron."
Rafe speaks crying and despairing, he was very afraid of losing the only person he truly loved.
"Bye Rafe... I hope you take care, okay?" You say, approaching the door, until Rafe jumps at you.
“Don’t give up on me, please don’t give up” Rafe cries pinning you against the door.
"no Rafe, that was the last straw" you reply, and Rafe insists once again.
"I belong to you and only you, love" Rafe speaks sobbing, and perhaps it could be more emotional manipulation that he was trying to do.
But it's true that Rafe was distressed by the fact that you might disappear from his life.
"Only you, my girl, only you, love, Only you, my girl, only you, babe"
Rafe repeats several times, placing his hands on your face and kissing you forcefully, clearly you pull away.
"Rafe! You've wronged me several times, okay? And I always forgive you, but this time you really hurt me"
You explain and unfortunately it doesn't enter Rafe's head.
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"No! No! And not! You won't leave me now or ever!!!"
Rafe shouts at you and this scares you, putting you back, he approaches you to try to kiss you or hug you, but you kneel on Rafe's dick, and he falls to the floor. And you run from there. After that day, Rafe never saw you again.
Five years later
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Rafe was at the Country Club, with Topper and Kelce. Rafe didn't play golf anymore, he didn't work anymore, he didn't date anymore, and he was poorly looked after, Rafe only cared about drinking and sleeping.
"Hey man! Are you aware of the gossip?" Topper says drinking his water.
"what is it huh?" Rafe asks, drinking his whiskey as always.
"The wonderful yn, being back, married and with children"
When Topper says this, Rafe chokes on the whiskey he was drinking, he never saw you again. After the breakup, you went to Los Angeles and never responded to any of Rafe's messages.
"Married? And what do you mean with children?" Rafe asks trying to compose himself.
"and man! The girl is in luxury, her husband is a millionaire back in New York." Topper speaks, and Rafe is furious with those comments.
"so what? I'm a millionaire too" Rafe says trying to think he's better than his husband.
"Ah Rafe, let's be honest, you've run out of money and practically your father's, you haven't risen to your future friend"
Topper speaks wisely, and Rafe knew he was right and that's what you were talking about and he didn't listen and he regretted it
"you know what? I'm going to go to her" Rafe says, taking his wallet and leaving the money on the counter.
"Who she?" Topper says confused.
"the woman of my life" Rafe says looking directly into Topper's eyes.
"Man, she has two kids and a husband, do you think she's still stuck in the past?" Topper speaks leaving Rafe crestfallen, but that wouldn't stop him from going after you.
"just tell me where she is Topper!!!" Rafe yells, pulling on the ring on Topper's shirt.
"they told me she was at her old house, bro" Topper speaks in despair at his friend's desperation.
Rafe immediately gets on his bike and goes out to look for you.
Rafe arrives at his old house, and you weren't Kook, you were Pogue, and you had a simple one.
Rafe parks his motorbike, and he sees you in the garden of the house, playing with your two young children and a dog. Rafe gets emotional at that scene, and starts to cry.
It didn't take long for you to see Rafe, and when you did, you didn't know it was Rafe, you thought he was an ordinary man, watching you and your children play.
You approach the man who was watching that scene and go to him and ask.
"Can I help you?" You ask, holding one child in your arms and another in your hand.
Rafe raises his head, and you can see better that it was the former great love of your life.
"Have I changed so much that my ex-girlfriend doesn't recognize me?"
Rafe made a light humorless joke, he was very sad but wanted to appear normal in front of you.
"oh my god! Rafe! Wow! And.... you look so... different"
You say really shocked, Rafe was really different.
"Do you want to come in? Do you want anything? We can talk, don't you think?" You ask him formally, and Rafe nods his head and nods accepting his invitation.
Rafe enters your house, and everything really was the same, everything was the same when you were dating.
"Don't fix the mess, please" you say, giving Rafe a slight smile, and you put your son in the crib and your other son on the floor to play with the cars.
"no... it's perfect. It really is beautiful" Rafe says, smiling at you too and you go to the kitchen to prepare some juice.
Rafe can't help but ask, the biggest question in his celebration.
"why did you come back....?" Rafe asks creating a tension in his words.
"I'm going to renovate this house and sell it as a beach house" you say, still smiling. Rafe couldn't believe you looked like that. Were you mad at him? I was sad? Or worse, was it over? There were many questions in Rafe's head.
"Really? You came to the Outer Banks just to sell this house?" Rafe says hoping you tell him you missed him.
"No, actually I saw it, show the beaches to my children, there in New York, we were just getting used to the cold and the city." You made it by gluing the tea to the cup for you and Rafe.
"Ah... I see... your children are cute...." Rafe says, getting confused in his answers, but he was sad and depressed.
"But what about you, Rafe Cameron? How are you? Are you still the biggest playboy in town?" You say smiling and giving him the glass of tea.
"Nah...my life is...crazy as hell" Rafe says once again scratching his head and looking down "but you're okay, right? You're already married and with kids, and from what I know the guy and one hell of a Millionaire, right?”
You noticed right away that Rafe wasn't feeling well at all, and that he was suffering from anxiety, you were angry with him, you were very young when you separated.
"Yes....I evolve in life Rafe" you say a little more intensely, without knowing the relationship as Rafe was.
"that's good! I'm very happy for you..." Rafe says with tears welling up in his eyes and you realize at some point
"Rafe? Hey! Look at me, are you crying?" You ask, putting down your tea, and moving closer to Rafe.
He lowers his head trying to hide it, but he was already sobbing.
"It was supposed to be us...it was supposed to be us, my love!" Rafe says, crying a lot and putting his hand on his face.
"Rafe...what we experienced was in the past..." You try to speak in a way that doesn't hurt him.
He shakes his head no and you sigh.
"Look....I'm sure if I didn't make mistakes with you in the past, maybe we would be a perfect family!!"
Rafe says, crying with anger, he was angry with himself for doing something horrible to you. You were speechless, you didn't know what to feel, you loved your new husband, but you loved Rafe... regardless of everything.
"I love you! My life turned into hell when you left it" Rafe says, grabbing your face and getting closer to his "I fell into drugs and drinks, I never felt attracted to you again no woman , I lost my inheritance, I'm running out of YN..."
"Rafe..." Just as you were about to start talking to Rafe, someone interrupted.
"Honey, I'm here!" Her husband speaks, opening the door and finding Rafe beside her.
"Oh dear!" You speak completely unprepared, you didn't realize that it was time for your husband to arrive. Rafe's face changes to hatred and contempt
Your husband drops his suit on the chair and approaches you, giving you a peck on the lips and then holding your waist. When Rafe saw that, all he could think about was pain and suffering.
"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend, my dear?" Your husband encourages you to talk about Rafe and you swallow hard.
"this one is Rafe Cameron, my old.... friend" you say with a heavy heart. And that hurts Rafe a lot.
"It's a pleasure to meet you Rafe" her husband raises his hand to greet Rafe, only for Rafe to leave abruptly "What did I do wrong?" Your husband asks confused.
You run after Rafe, and it was starting to rain. You keep running Rafe, who was heading towards his bike.
"Rafe! Stop! Stop! Please listen to me!" You say, grabbing his arm and trying to turn him around to make him face you.
"Stop what?! Hu?! My life is shit because of you! And you're making it worse!!"
Rafe shouts in your face, as the rain starts to get heavier.
"You betrayed me, Rafe!!! It's not my fault that your life is horrible!!!" You respond by screaming and pushing his chest
Rafe laughs without humor
"oh and? You have the husband of your dreams, a house of your dreams, you have two children and a dog, your life is wonderful!!"
Rafe says, making you so angry that you end up slapping him in the face.
"I was supposed to do this five years ago!"
When you turn to go back to your house, Rafe ends up pulling you and kissing you intensely.
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The kiss had passion, anger, sadness, longing, desire, it had emotions, and that kiss was a sudden goodbye between Rafe and you.
You stop kissing and look at each other, and your look says everything Rafe wanted to know. You were married to a wonderful man and a millionaire, you had two children and a dog, you already had a life Formed. Rafe, on the other hand, had drugs and drinks. And you couldn't let go of that, for Rafe, unfortunately.
Rafe immediately understands that and he nods, understanding what you meant.
"Goodbye Rafe Cameron..."
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dumbkiri · 9 months
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕎𝕚𝕗𝕖 𝕠𝕗 𝔾𝕠𝕛𝕠 𝕊𝕒𝕥𝕠𝕣𝕦 『1』
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ: ꜰʟᴏᴡᴇʀꜱ ᴛʜᴀᴛ ʙʟᴏᴏᴍ
[Name] is a user of blessed energy that comes with many abilities and perks. She's pursued by many men who are interested in her ability to exorcise curses. Too bad, she likes dirt.
ɢᴏᴊᴏ ꜱᴀᴛᴏʀᴜ x ꜰᴇᴍ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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“Shoko, please don’t smoke around my flowers. It’s distasteful.” 
“Yeah, my bad.” 
[Name] focused back on her task which was tending to her beautiful flowers in the school’s garden.  Her eyes observed the red rose bush that was blooming in such a pleasing way. It made her heart flutter in excitement seeing the hard work she put in achieving greatness. 
And this was made with her blessed energy, she was happy for that. Hopefully the experiments to add flower leaves in her tea will help her wounds instead of outright using her blessed energy. It was less consuming and a better idea. 
“Say, [Name], you do realize that your hand is up for marriage. Why are you here pretending that everything is okay while the old geezers discuss your future?” 
[Name] dragged her index fingers on the thorns of the roses with a quiet hum. She pulled back from the bush and sighed, “Why worry about who I’m going to marry, Sho? It’s not up to you or I to decide. Therefore, there is no reason to dwell on it.”
Shoko rolled her eyes and sat down on the bench across from [Name], who was crouched down in the dirt. Her friend was too gentle when it came to her future. Shoko wanted a genuine reaction from [Name], not the usual relaxed responses. 
“And what if you are sent to the Zen’ins? Or married to a really old man who wants you as a breeding machine?  Will you not protest then?” 
[Name] set her pruners down next to a pile of ruined roses. The [e.color] eyed female replied with a light chuckle, “At that point, I think I’ll just jump off a bridge.” 
“That’s really cruel,  [Name]-Sensei.” 
The woman looked away from her rose bushes and standing in the early morning sun was her favorite first year student, Megumi Fushiguro. Granted, he was the only first year student currently. He was dressed in his school uniform, it really seemed to be the only clothing he wore these days. 
“Megumi, please ignore what I said. I was only jesting with an old friend of mine. I wouldn’t jump off a bridge.” 
“I would,” Shoko replied dryly to which [Name] lightly glared at her friend. 
“Anyways,” [Name] picked up the dead roses and stood up to her full height, “whoever my husband will be, will be. I only hope he provides me with the freedom to take care of the garden.” 
Shoko slid to the edge of the bench and rested her elbow on the arm rest. “If he doesn’t provide you a garden, divorce him.”
[Name] laughed and sat down next to her friend and patted the empty seat next to her for Megumi. “If only divorce was that easy, Sho. Also I believe divorce isn’t an option for me either. I can only imagine the mistresses my future husband can have while I’m stuck with his old ass.” 
“Finally, I get a true reaction from you.” Shoko tosses her cigarette in the trash bin as well as the ruined roses in [Name]’s hands. 
“You do make me curious as to who my husband will be.” [Name] stifled a laugh with her clean hands, she looked at Shoko then Megumi. Then she looked back at her luscious garden, “Apparently Satoru is a candidate for my hand. Imagine us being married.” 
Megumi cleared his throat and said, “I would rather you be married to Gojo-sensei than someone cruel.” 
“I second that.” Shoko tilted her head back and looked at the clouds high above them, “you’re too good for the others. But for Satoru, you two are a perfect match.” 
“I hate to disturb the peace, but [Name] you are being called forth to a meeting with the elders.” Principal Yaga stepped in the garden entrance. The contact between his shoes and the smooth pebbled path crunched under his weight. 
[Name] pushed herself off the bench and looked at her best friend and amazing student with a graceful smile on her face. “The next time you guys see me, I’ll have a ring on my finger.” She walked to Principal Yaga and stopped at the entrance. She kept her eyes forward, her hands finding their way into the pockets of her long skirt,  “No matter who I am to marry, please know that I will remain happy. This, I promise to you both.” 
Shoko nor Megumi had time to respond as [Name] teleported herself to the meeting. Her technique was like Gojo’s but she left a puddle of various flower petals in her wake.  
Everybody could feel her presence when she arrived. It was refreshing, calming and damn near intoxicating. This was the way her blessed energy worked on people in her vicinity. 
The servants immediately ran to her side and were amazed to see how clean she was. They heard many stories of the maiden caring for a garden, yet she remained spotless. Not a single speck of dirt on her or her clothing. 
“Well then, are you to dress me properly?” [Name] asked the servant girls with her soft voice and the four of them nodded their heads leading the way to her changing room. She followed their calculated steps into a room where her furisode kimono awaited her. It was so beautiful and fitting for a woman like herself. 
The background was black, the spiral lines were gold, the flower shapes were a deep red and there were light shades of pink and white in them. “Miss, today is so different from traditions,” One servant spoke as she undressed [Name] from her casual wear. 
“Oh, and why is that?” [Name] asked. 
The second servant spoke up and said quietly, “Because everyone wants your hand, miss. None of them could agree on who should marry you.” 
“It’s not odd to hear the Elders argue amongst themselves, is it?” [Name] questioned and walked up to the other two servants who helped her with putting the kimono on. 
“Well this time, they all agreed for you to choose one of them.” The third servant brushed [Name]’s hair back. 
“But to make it even for all the candidates, you get to choose an item they offered to you. You don’t know who picked out what for you.” The fourth servant girl quietly said. 
This left [Name] to wonder. What kind of things did these old men offer for her hand. As she was lost in thought, the servant worked on doing her makeup and hair. They styled it perfectly and her makeup was too. They observed the calm expression on her face and said, “It’s time to go, miss.” 
[Name] looked in the mirror and was surprised to see how well they did. “Thank you for giving me a heads up on what this meeting is. It’s a choosing ceremony and I have the freedom to pick my husband based on their gifts to me.”
“Of course, miss.” 
They led her to an entrance and the double doors opened up for her. The room was dark with marriage candidates hiding behind shades. There was a table with six gifts presented in the light and she slowly walked up to it with a lump in her throat. 
This was the moment and she was terrified. Although she kept a calm composure. She didn’t want to display weakness in front of the wolves.
“Welcome, [L.Name] [Name]. In front of you are marriage proposals from the families interested in having your hand. Please examine them and choose the gift you appreciate the most.” 
[Name] heard the speaker clearly despite his nasally voice and she walked closer to the table. There was a necklace of gold, a red ribbon, a silver bracelet, a block of smooth wood, a gold coin, and a pile of dirt. 
“A pile of dirt?” [Name] whispered and looked closely at it. The soil looked very well nourished and it all felt too familiar to her. 
“Do you have an answer, [L.Name]?”
[Name] looked away from the dirt and sheepishly said, “Please give me another moment. I’m sure you don’t want to pressure me to make the wrong choice.” She was met with silence and she went back to examining her gifts. 
They were unique as some would say. Yet the pile of dirt was sticking out to her the most. Did this man know she had a love for gardening? If so, this man would be the perfect match for her. [Name] lifted her head up and placed her hands in front of her. 
She said with confidence, “I accept the pile of dirt.” 
The room broke into an outrage as they argued with her choice. “What makes you want the pile of dirt out of the gold necklace?” 
“Or the silver bracelet?” 
“Choose again! The pile of dirt serves no-” 
[Name] backed away from the table in shock to their untamed anger. She was glad to say that the three that spoke up were not chosen. Then from the corner of her eye on the left, she spotted a tall man peering from the shades. 
A giant smile was on his face and he walked up towards her. “Sa…Satoru? You are the one?” [Name] shyly asked, a blush fanning across her face. 
“Yup!” He happily said, popping the ‘p’. He draped an arm around her shoulder and leaned down to her face. His nose brushed against her own, “I knew that the dirt would appeal to you, earth-worm.”
“Please, don’t call me that in front of them,” [Name]’s eyes gazed over to the quiet, but angry elders. Gojo hummed and straightened out his back with an annoyed sigh. “You guys were the ones who decided on a choosing ceremony. Let’s not forget how it works. When a proposal gift is accepted, there is no redo.” 
Gojo began leading [Name] away from the group of men and she looked back at them wearily. Their eyes are full of jealousy and rage. “Satoru, it’s impolite to leave without a goodbye.” 
Gojo tilted his head down to look at her with his dark glasses, “Eh~ They’ll get over it in no time. Now come on, Megumi has a mission soon and I want to surprise him with our announcement.” 
“Sorry, Satoru, but I don’t like the smile on your face. You have an icky plan devised, don’t you?” [Name] asked, her attention never away from him. 
Gojo smiled and nodded his head, “Ahh~ Not even five minutes into our engagement and you know exactly what’s going on in my head.” 
“Good morning students,” [Name] greeted the second years and Megumi with a straight face that was very hard to muster. Gojo had told her that to make this believable she needed to portray the correct emotions. 
“[Name]-sensei, what’s wrong?” Megumi asked, concerned that the look on her face was devastating. She didn’t think she could keep up with this rude prank on her students. But the thumbs up she got from Gojo hiding in her rose bush behind them kept her going. 
“You all heard about my…, how do I say this?” [Name] faltered and cleared her throat, “I am engaged now and to whom you might ask? Uh…It’s Naoya Zen’in.” The woman sweatdropped at their expressions of gloom. Especially from Maki. 
“You’re kidding.” 
“That sounds terrible, [Name]-sensei.”
“Mustard leaf.”
“Wait, Gojo-sensei didn’t stop this? He said that he would definitely win your hand. He told me that his gift would catch your eye.” Megumi growled out, he was disturbed by the terrible news. 
Maki looked over at Megumi and asked him, “Did Gojo-sensei tell you what he was going to get for her?” 
Megumi shook his head and looked away from his upperclassmen. He mumbled to the side, “A pile of dirt.” 
“A pile of dirt?!” Maki and Panda shouted at the same time, obviously disturbed by Megumi’s answer. 
“Of course that idiot would choose something so stupid! Why would [Name]-sensei go for a pile of dirt?” Maki pinched the bridge of her nose. 
“Aha! That’s where you all are wrong!” Gojo jumped out of the bushes startling his students with his sudden appearance. He stood tall next to [Name] and side hugged her as he explained. 
“What is the one thing your dear teacher loves the most?” Gojo asked his students and they all looked at him with dead expressions on their faces. 
“Wasting our time.”
“Being annoying.” 
Gojo deflated in [Name]’s arms and she chuckled, saying to the teens, “I believe he meant to ask what do I love the most?” 
Panda raised his hand and smiled, “That’s an easy one! You love gardening.” 
“Yeah, you always spend your free time here. Also I forgot to mention, Inumaki and I pruned the orange roses yesterday morning.” Maki said leaning on her left foot with her hand placed on her hip. 
“Thank you,” [Name] said kindly and shook the man in her arms, “Satoru, come on, tell them the best part.” 
Gojo inflated and put his hands on his hips and puffed his chest out, “It turns out, [Name] loves dirt more than a gold necklace and a silver bracelet! She ended up choosing my gift!” 
“Wait, so you’re not married to Naoya?” Maki questioned, her eyebrows raised in question. 
[Name] shook her head with a smile on her face, “I am not. Satoru wanted me to say that to see your reactions to the truth. I am sorry for playing you all like that.” She bowed sincerely while Gojo laughed at his students’ faces. 
“And *click* This will be saved in our photo album.” Gojo took a picture of the four and stuffed his phone back into his pocket. “Anyways, you all may call [Name]...Gojo-sensei!” 
“Yeah, no thanks.”
“I’m fine with calling her [Name]-sensei still.”
“You guys aren’t even married yet.” 
“Fish flakes.”
Gojo pouted and slouched over [Name]’s smaller frame. His arms draped over her shoulders and his chin rested on her head. “You guys are no fun! Liven up a little, she’s married to me instead of an old fart!”
“We’re happy for the both of you,” Megumi admitted, shutting his childish teacher up. The black haired male turned around and walked out of the entrance followed by his upperclassman congratulating them. 
The group disappeared and [Name] sighed tiredly, “That went better than I expected.”
“They’re all so rude, where did they learn that from?” Gojo questioned pulling himself off of her. He sat down on the wooden bench and crossed his legs. His eyes were blindfolded, but he was admiring her rose bushes that grew so perfectly. 
“They kinda have your spunk from your teenage years, don’t you think? They’re more aware of danger than you ever were though.” [Name] commented and looked at the orange rose bush that was tended by her thoughtful students. 
It remained beautiful. 
“Satoru, what if I didn’t pick your gift?” [Name] asked and the soil at the orange rose bush caught her attention. She crouched down and examined the base of the flower bed. Some soil was missing like someone just scooped up a handful. 
“I would have waited for you at the bridge you planned to jump off of and convinced you to stay. Selfish of me, I know.” 
[Name] looked up at Gojo in surprise. He was crouching right next to her as he gave her a sly smile. His hand dug into his pocket and he brought out a pile of dirt. “But I don’t want to lose you too.” Gojo placed the misplaced soil back where it belonged and patted it down softly. 
“You took soil from my garden.” [Name] said. 
“I knew you would have chosen the pile of dirt because it's imbued with your cursed energy. It’s why it felt familiar and why you chose it. Not only am I the strongest, but I am the smartest.” 
[Name] suddenly grabbed his dirty hand and pulled him in for an embrace. She buried her face in his neck as she thanked him, “Satoru, thank you. You saved my life.” 
Gojo hugged her back with his clean hand brushing through her locks of hair, “Anytime, [Name].” 
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yelenasdiary · 3 months
Forbidden || Chapter I - Welcome To Blisswater
Pairing: Yelena Belova x Bishop! Reader.
Summary: Just outside of the small town of Blisswater, lives two young sisters, Kate & Y/n Bishop. It's hard not to know who the Bishops are, Kate is the eldest by a year. She is a beautiful young woman, smart, protective and is known to have a talent in using a bow. Y/n, she is shy but quiet as some would say but nevertheless, she holds her own talents and can often be seen tending to the animals of Bishop Ranch. One evening while Kate is out hunting to make some money, Y/n is surprised with an unwanted guest, Yelena Belova. A bounty Hunter from Drybellow who has taken shelter in the young Bishop's barn after being wounded from a gun fight.
Struggling to keep money following, Y/n has no choice but to take the bounty hunter's offer of $5 a day if she is able to help the woman recover. During Yelena's stay, the two grow closer, a little too close if the wrong pair of eyes were to see them.
| No Warnings, I don’t think? | 3.6K |
Forbidden Masterlist
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"I'm leaving Lucky here with you" Kate, my older sister said as she entered the dining room, "I'll be gone for a least two days at the most. Will you be okay to handle things here?" she asked. A few, long months ago, our parents went on a business trip and are yet to return. Kate and I have been left to run the ranch and keep money flowing until they return, although we haven't heard from them, not even a single letter. My worries for them are endless. "Of course, I will be" I smiled before taking a mouthful of the porridge I made for us. 
"Do you need anything from town before I go?" she asked while putting her bowl in the sink for me to wash later, "no, I think we have everything we need. Just be safe, please" I looked to her. "Always, rabbit" she smiled. Kate has always called me rabbit, ever since we were younger. It comes from when my adult teeth were still coming through, they reminded her of a rabbit's front teeth when they would nibble on their food. "I'm just going to go get Arrow saddled up then I'll be on my way" she added before walking out the back door.
I'm used to Kate leaving for a day or two, she goes off hunting for us while I tend to the ranch. We have 3 cows, 5 pigs and 6 sheep! All of which have names of their own, of course. I've been saving some money to buy a couple of chickens so we can have our own fresh eggs. My father said we'd get some but that was before he and mother left on their trip. Today seems like it will be an easy day, feed the animals then off to the general store for my shift. 
"Alright, you know the rules" Kate spoke as she returned from saddling up Arrow, "father's rifle is in the case under your bed and please, don't let any of those wandering men stay too long! You can't trust everybody just because they say they've had a long day" she adds. "Yes, I know! You don't need to remind of that every single time, it was just once. Besides, Mr Lang has some very interesting stories to tell" I replied. I wish Mr Lang would return; his stories were almost unbelievable. 
"I guess I don't need to remind you to get some more coffee and canned peaches after your shift then?" Kate rolled her eyes at me as she tucked a few canned goods into her saddle bag. "You just did" I replied, sarcastically. "Let's go Lucky! We don't want to be late" I patted my right thigh after placing my used bowl in the sink for laters problem. "Hey!" Kate stopped me just as I was leaving the kitchen, "be safe, okay? If you need anything Mr Barnes is only a call away" she reminds me, again! 
We have a bell that Kate brought, it's rather large. I am to ring it if I'm in any trouble and Mr Barnes, the Salon owner, will come over and see what the matter is. Im not exactly sure how he's able to hear the ringing sound from so far away, we've done a couple of test runs and so far I haven't had the need to use it. 
"Yeah yeah, how about you be safe? I can't do everything around here if you go missing too!" I smiled softly at my older sister, she knows I'm joking. If anything were to happen to her, she knows I'd be okay…I guess. 
Lucky follows me around everywhere, especially when Kate goes off on her hunt. He'll come to the general store and wait outside by the door until I've finished my duties. Mr Wilson doesn't mind, he loves Lucky and even asked Aunt May to bake some of her famous cookies that everybody in town loves, she makes a little extra and dog friendly ones for Lucky. Everybody calls her Aunt May, not really sure why though, I think it's because she's such an aunt to everybody. Almost like a grandma that cooks everybody's favorite treats for the tea party.
The walk to town is always peaceful. In the warmer seasons, it can be rather hot but on days like today when the sun is just starting to peek over the mountains from afar, the wind isn't too cold and the birds sing their morning song, it's relaxing and maybe I tend to take smaller steps just to soak up the morning fresh air before I stay inside for most of it. 
"Good morning young Y/n!" A rather tall and very muscular man smiles to me, it's Thor. Nobody actually knows why his name is Thor, considering it's a very unusual name but he's very lovely. "Good morning, Thor! Keeping well I see" I replied with a friendly smile as Lucky and I slowly make our way past the Salon. "Oh, you know me! Can't resist the great liquor that is served here" the most likely drunken man chuckles. It's barely 7am and he is drinking. I guess that's a hobby for most people around here. 
Blisswater isn't a town for much entertainment, you have your basics. The Saloon ran and owned by Mr Barnes, the General store ran and owned by Mr Wilson, the doctors office with the only doctor within miles, Mr Banner. The gunsmith, Mr Barton owns and supplies Kate with discounts on arrows and sometimes ammunition for us. Mr Fury is the towns barber, my father wasn't a fan of him but when he was desperate for a cut, he had no choice but to see him. Then there's Sheriff Rogers, T'Challa the friendly banker, Peter the newspaper boy (by the way, he's love for me isn't exactly a secret!) and Mr Quill is the towns blacksmith. 
So that's all there really is to know about who lives in and around Blisswater, it's a small town. A town where everybody knows everybody, and word travels faster than you can blink! We all look out for each other here and most don't take kindly to newcomers. Sometimes we have outlaw gangs come passing through, they spend the night at the Saloon, get drunk and make a mess of themselves before pushing on by the afternoon. The walk-through town the following morning is usually a sight of Mr Barnes boarding up the windows of the Saloon from their drunken fights. 
The bell rings loudly as I open the door of the general store, and I'm greeted with Mr Wilson's warm and welcoming smile. "Good morning, Mr Wilson!" I smiled. 
"Please, Y/n, call me Sam! I've known you long enough" he chuckles before reaching down behind the counter for the plate of Aunt May's famous cookies. 
"I'm sorry, it's habit! I see Aunt May has come early this morning" I wandered up to the counter taking one delicious treat. "Lucky's biscuits are back here as well; did you bring him this morning?" Mr Wilson, I mean, Sam asked. "Of course! Kate is out today and left him all to me" I took a small bite out of the homemade goodness. "Parents off again?" he questioned, I nodded lightly. I miss them so much. 
"Well, I've got the perfect job to keep your mind distracted. How about you watch the store today?"  
"Alone? Me? Are you sure?" I asked with a mouth full of cookie. 
"Yeah, I have a couple of things that need my urge attention. I wasn't going to open today but I think you're ready for this. What do you say? You can even bring Lucky inside if you want" Sam smiled proudly. I thought about it for a moment while I finished my morning treat, it can't be that hard, right?
"Sure! I can hold the fort as they say" I replied with a smile, wiping the crumbs from my lips with the back of my hand. 
"I'll be back before closing, earlier I can. If you need anything, slip out the back door. I don't need to tell you this, I know" he chuckled, "Bucky will be around if you need anything" he assures me. I guess that's the handy thing about having your store next door to a saloon. "You're starting to sound like Kate!! I'll be fine, I have Lucky! What's the worst that could happen?" I raised a brow. 
"Right" my boss smirked, "well you already know where the stock deliveries are, and you know your main duties. Just don't leave the store unattended" he reminds me, I playfully rolled my eyes at him as he stepped away from the counter. "Stop stressing, Sam, the store will be fine. Go do what it is that you need to do" I hoped the door, patting my thigh for Lucky to enter.
Mr Wilson left as Lucky made himself welcome in the store, I closed the door and treated Lucky to his own biscuit before starting to restock the shelves. 
"Good afternoon, Y/n!" A familiar voice sings louder than the bell as the door fly’s open. "Peter! How are you?" I smiled softly as I was greeted with a smile of his own. "Oh you know how it is, busy busy!" He chuckles, "I ran into Mr Wilson earlier, he mentioned you were here alone today so I thought I'd come by and see if you, uh, needed anything" he adds. A hint of red fills his cheeks while his eyes struggle to stay connected to mine. 
It's no secret that young Peter Parker has a crush on me, the entire town knows it. Although he is a very sweet young gentleman, I guess I've just never found myself interested in him in a romantic manner. In fact, I've never really thought about anybody in a romantic manner now to think of it…
"You're very sweet, Peter. Thank you but things are pretty good. I've had no troubles today and please, thank your Aunt May for the cookies and Lucky's treats!"
"Oh, you're welcome! You know Aunt May, always baking" Peter chuckles once more. I could sense a hint of nerves in his voice and the redness in his cheeks grew deeper. "Peter, is everything okay? Do you need a drink? Some water?" I asked with a concerned frown. "No, no. I'm more than fine, thank you. It's just, it's getting a bit wild out there and I thought I'd walk you home later when you're finished here. Don't want you getting sick or anything" he gives me another soft smile. 
"It's meant to rain?" My frown only grew bigger as I looked out the window. Dark gray skys covered the town and beyond, distant flashes of lighting lit up the darkness for a moment. Wind blew the dry leafs onto the Main Street, horses stomped their hoofs with every crack of thunder that could be heard from the far, far distance. 
"Well shoot!" I sighed.
"Did Mr Wilson tell you when he'd be back?" Peter asked. 
"Sure hope it is soon, I have the animals I should move into the barn before the storm arrives" 
"It doesn't seem like it is far off. Maybe I could watch the store for you? I wouldn't mind at all" 
"You're very kind, Peter but I'm not sure if Mr Wilson would appreciate me leaving the store in somebody else's hands. I know you wouldn't ruin the place or steal from him but he is trusting me today and I don't want him to think otherwise" I explained as I watched the dark clouds darken, it'll be a big storm by the looks. 
"I'd be more than happy to make sure your stock is in the barn then" he offered, I turned to him and kindly shook my head. "I'm sure Mr Wilson will be back soon. Thank you again Peter, you're very kind. If you don't mind, there's a few things I should really get done before Mr Wilson returns" I smiled softly, hoping not to have hurt the boy's feelings.
"I plan on having supper at the Saloon, if you need me, I'll be there" Peter smiles before leaving the store. 
For the rest of the afternoon, I cleaned the store and did some stock take and made sure the store was exactly how Mr Wilson would like to have it when he returns and just my luck, he returns before the storm hammers down. 
"Y/n, thank you for all your help today!" He walks into the store, placing his hat on the  coat rack. He looked rather dirty; a nice bath would be in order for when he gets home if I didn't know better.
"You're welcome, Mr Wilson! I'm sorry to leave in a rush but I really need to be getting home before the rain starts" I grabbed my things, Lucky following closely behind me. 
"Of course, you best be safe now" 
I rushed out of the store, glad the rain hadn't started pouring down as yet but it was coming. You could smell it, the thunder got louder, the lighting got closer and the wind got stronger. The main street was quiet as people already began to make their way indoors until the storm pushed over. 
"Come on, Lucky! We haven't got much time!" I patted my thigh lightly before Lucky and I began to race home. 
The rain soaked the dry ground as expected and Lucky and I were able to get the animals into the barn before it came down heavy. I left a lantern in the barn just so I could keep an eye on it from the house, Kate hates when I do that, says it's a waste of resources but she'll thank me one day for it. 
"How long do you think she'll be this time Lucky?" I looked towards him as we both rested by the fire. He tilts his head at me as if he truly understands what I am saying. We listen to the rain dance on the roof and wind whistle outside while the fire cracks and keeps us warm. It's nights like this that I wish Kate wouldn't go off hunting, it's most lonely at night. But I know we need the money, just until mother and father come home.
"Come Lucky, let's check the barn" I stood up from my mothers rocking chair, and wandered over to the window. A frown creeps upon my brows when I notice the lantern, I left behind earlier in the night was gone. I rushed to my room and grabbed the rifle under my bed, grabbed my father's thick coat, a lantern and headed for the backdoor with Lucky right beside me. It was only a short walk from the house to the barn, but the rain was quick to soak me in its gift to the ranchers. Slowly, I pushed the large wooden door open, my rifle tightly in my grip. Lucky entered first, sniffing the ground for anything that didn't belong while I slowly followed behind him, one foot after another. 
Only a few steps in and I saw the lantern I had left behind, in the corner where Kate's horse would've been stabled. "Come out! I have a gun and I am not afraid to use it!" I called out, keeping my distance. Lucky walked quickly over to the empty stable slot, growling. "I said come out!" I repeated. 
"Don't shoot" a thick Russian accent came from the corner of the barn, "I won't hurt you, just call off the dog, please" the unknown voice added. 
"How can I trust you? You're a stranger in my barn! I have every right to shoot you" 
"Trust me, if I were here to harm you, you'd already be dead"
I took a few small steps closer to them, Lucky stood his ground and continued to growl. I wasn't going to tell him to back off just yet. "What are you doing here? Do you always just welcome yourself into other people's properties like this?" I asked. 
"You ask too many questions" the voice replied, "call the dog off, please" they asked once more. 
"Lucky, back!" I called once I laid my eyes on the intruder. A young woman, maybe no older than me. Blonde hair that was braided and she certainly didn't seem to dress how most women dress. Beside her was her gun belt and holster, her hat placed freely beside them. The woman was covered in blood, her right hand pressed tightly against her left shoulder. "You're hurt" you spoke softly while keeping my rifle pointed at her.
She chewed her bottom lip and nodded, "I'll be gone by morning, I just need a place to stay for the night"  
"How can I trust your word?" I asked. The woman smirked like I had just made a joke, an odd joke if my question was funny to her. 
"I know better than to kill a rich small-town girl" she replies causing me to frown at her words. 
"I am not rich girl. So, if you planned on robbing me later, you would find nothing, I can assure you of that" 
She chuckled, "well, maybe not rich but you are well off than others. Besides, I have no interest in robbing homesteads" 
"You know nothing about me" I snapped, pointing my rifle at her a little higher, aiming for her head. "Get off my property!" I demanded. Lucky growled once more, showing the unknown intruder his sharp canine teeth. 
"Maybe we could come to a deal. It seems money is a touchy subject to you, yes?" The blonde hissed in pain when she moved her right hand even the slightest inch. I didn't reply, my eyes were drawn to the amount of blood her hand was covered in. "I'll pay you" she spoke, gaining my attention once more, "$5 a day. If you help me. I'll give you the first three days right now if I could move my hand but as you can see, if I do that, I will bleed out" she offers. 
"Once I have recovered you will never see of me again, I give you my word" she adds. $5 a day would really help Kate and I and by the looks of her wound, she could be here for weeks. "I know you're thinking about it but I do not have time for you to think" her thick Russian accent brings me out of my thoughts, I nodded as I slowly lowered my rifle. 
"We best get you to the house then" 
"I'm sorry if that hurt" I spoke softly to the blonde as I bandaged her up, after pulling the bullet from her wound and cleaning the area with alcohol, she suggested cauterizing the wound with a lit candle. The smell of burning flesh is something I will never forget. "Don't stress, I've experienced worse" she looked to me with a soft smile. 
"How did this happen anyway?" I asked as I started to clean up the mess. I offered the woman my room until she was back on her feet, and I hoped Kate wouldn't have noticed when she came home. 
"Just a little miss understanding with an outlaw. I'm a bounty hunter" she informs me. 
"A bounty hunter? That's a little strange for a woman to be doing"
"Well, sometimes women just do a job better" 
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you. It's not often I meet women who aren't following the rules of society" My eyes dropped, I knew my comment offended her. 
"You should travel more; you'd be surprised on what or whom you might come across. What's your name?" She pulled the covers up over her, making herself comfortable on my bed. 
"Tell me yours and I'll tell you mine" I looked to her once more. She chuckled, "I'm Yelena, Yelena Belova. Your turn" she replies. I walked towards the bedroom door, my hands full of rubbish from cleaning her wound, "I'm Y/n, Y/n Bishop. I'll get you some water" 
"Bishop" Yelena repeated, "your father is Derek Bishop?" she questioned. I nodded slowly, "you know him?" I asked. Yelena shook her head, "no, just heard of him in passing. Water would be great, thank you" she watched as I walked out of the room. Her tone made me question if she was telling the truth; did she know my father? Maybe she knew where my parents were?
Lucky followed me to the kitchen, I grabbed two cups of water and returned to my bedroom, placing one glass on the wooden beside table next to my lantern. "You should get some rest; I'll make breakfast in the morning" I looked to Yelena who reached for her coat that sat at the end of the bed. "As promised, the first three days" she says before handing me $15 dollars in 1 ten-dollar bill and a 5 dollar bill. 
"T-thank you" I smiled softly, "do you like coffee? I could make some in the morning" I asked. 
"Never start the day without one" she smiled, "goodnight, Y/n" she added. 
"Goodnight" I walked towards the door, "oh, I hope you don't mind" I turned to face the blonde stranger once more, "I'm going to lock the door, you know…for safety" I added nervously. 
"I thought you would. I understand, I need to gain your trust" she nodded slightly. 
"If you need anything, just call out. I won't be far" 
"Thank you, again" Yelena smiled once more before I closed the door, making sure it was locked before making my way to Kate's room.
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cupidjyu · 5 months
crocheted flowers
hyunjae x reader
when hyunjae, the man who you hate and who hates you in return, becomes your temporary bodyguard, the two of you surprisingly grow closer through misunderstandings and... flirting.
genre: enemies to lovers, royal au, bodyguard hyunjae, flirting, slow dancing, he's very strong, and very protective, yet so gentle, misunderstandings, past mistreatment mentioned notes: hahahahahaha word count: 13k
Even with your head resting on your palm, it still lolled down. Were your eyes being taped shut? Why couldn’t you keep them open? Maybe it was because you were crocheting late into the night. Still, this meeting couldn’t be any more boring.
“Are you listening, Your Highness?” 
Immediately, you jerked up, blinking your eyes rapidly. You looked around, squinting through your exhaustion. Everyone sitting around the table had their eyes on you–some looked concerned, some amused, and some… disappointed. 
“What? Yes, yes,” you stammered. “I’m listening.”
The stern-looking woman stared at you for a second before eventually nodding. She was horribly intimidating, though you understood why. She was the event organizer (you liked to call her party planner instead) so she had to ensure everything was perfect.
“The ball is confirmed to be two weeks from now…” 
You yawned, adjusting your clothes which were very uncomfortable, dare you add. When you looked around, you made eye contact with Haknyeon, your bodyguard. He grinned and mocked your sleeping form with exaggerated hand signs which you scoffed at quietly. When you moved your head to the side, your eyes landed on Hyunjae, your other bodyguard. 
Quickly, your mood soured just at the sight of him. You try to avoid speaking his name or addressing him at all, but whenever you do, it’s spoken with a harsh, uncaring tone. It’s not like he didn’t share the same feelings.
He raised an eyebrow, leaning forward and tilting his head. Then, he glanced down at the papers set in front of you that you were supposed to be looking over right now.
Focus, he mouthed.
Your jaw clenched and you tore your gaze away from him stubbornly. Th2ough, you did actually decide to tune into the meeting. You were pretty sure you heard your name about three times.
“As requested by the King, Y/n’s escort will not be a prince from another land. At least for now. Instead, her escort shall be her personal bodyguard.”  
You perked up at that. You’ve always despised the possibility that you would be forced to walk into a ball with some stuck-up prince that you had met just a minute ago. With a smile, you turned to look at Haknyeon. He was your personal bodyguard, the one who follows you around all day. Hyunjae on the other hand, had the role of guarding your door. So thankfully, your escort was Haknyeon and not him.
But to your surprise, Haknyeon quickly looked away with a sheepish look. You furrowed your eyebrows. Did he not want to be your escort? 
Please no, I can’t go with Hyunjae. Anyone but him.
After the meeting, you walked out, still slightly groggy after your mid-meeting nap. Instantly, Haknyeon was by your side like the perfect bodyguard that he was. You sighed, holding your stomach as you turned to him. “Do you want to eat lunch with me during your break?” 
Yet again, he gave you a guilty look. “I have something… to do.” 
“Oh,” you breathed. “That’s okay. Just make sure to make it up next time,” you playfully replied.
“Of course, Y/n.” He grinned back. That was another thing you liked about Haknyeon. He didn’t often call you ‘Your Highness’ which you always felt was too proper. You liked it when he called you just by your name. 
“Want me to save you dessert?” You giggled.
He hummed, his eyes sparkling just at the thought. “You know me so well.” He glanced back at one of the staff calling him over. “I’ll be right back.”
You nodded and watched him jog over to pick up some equipment. Haknyeon would always be your favorite bodyguard. He was kind and had a great sense of humor. Especially after following you around and protecting you for a few years, he knew a lot about you compared to really… anyone else.
You heard a shift behind you and you whipped around. Your alert state quickly dissolved into an annoyed one as you faced Hyunjae who was leaning against the wall, right next to you. 
You narrowed your eyes. “Why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to go back to your post?”
He turned to look at you before turning to face the wall. He liked to do that–ignore you rudely. “Haknyeon’s occupied right now. You can’t be alone.”
You roll your eyes and clenched a fist. Oh, how you hated his stupid, unimpressed expression and his even stupider arms that were crossed over his chest. “I don’t need your help,” you gritted out.
“And I don’t want to help you. This is just my job.” He merely glanced at you. 
You swore you saw red as you stepped forward. “You–” 
You were then startled by Haknyeon who appeared behind you, gently guiding you back from possibly pouncing on one of your bodyguards. “Y/n,” he laughed nervously as he pulled you along in the direction of your room. “I think you’re tired. How long have you been crocheting?”
“A few hours,” you muttered. “But still, I’m not tired. He’s just so… obnoxious. And mean! And–” You just groaned, completely frustrated.
Being born into a royal family, you naturally already had enemies, most of them being from other lands or old classmates you used to argue with. But you didn’t pay them any mind. The only enemy that you did pay mind was Hyunjae, your own bodyguard. You hated him so much.
He was strict with you and never treated you nicely. He never even gave you a reason for doing so. It was like he woke up on the wrong side of the bed, every single day. He always had these snarky responses and annoyed glares directed only at you. You just couldn’t stand him. 
And that is why you would like to sincerely thank whoever invented hot showers. You didn’t care if it practically burned your skin, it always let off those knots in your muscles whenever you interacted with your arch-nemesis bodyguard. With damp hair and your sleepwear on, you headed back to your room.
Usually, at this time, Hyunjae was on his break, meaning he wouldn’t witness you without your usual attire and with messy, disheveled hair. You were always expected to look your best in front of others, whether you liked them or not.
But just as you turned the corner, you stopped abruptly in your tracks, almost slipping on the floor. His post was supposed to be empty yet he was standing right there. 
Cautiously, you approached your door with an annoyance already creeping up your spine. “Why are you here?”
“Funny, that’s the second time you asked.” His eyes narrowed when he noticed you tensing at his words. “Again, it’s my job. My break got pushed back.”
You took in a deep breath as if that would do anything to calm your anger. “You’re so… rude. What would your boss think?”
“Technically, you’re my boss.”
You blinked in realization before quickly schooling your face neutrally.
“And even so—“ He paused when he heard a sound from down the hallway. He almost became… alert. Sometimes, you forget that he was still a bodyguard. When he realized it was just a broom that had simply fallen over, he relaxed and turned back to you. “I couldn’t care less.”
“You’ll care when I fire you,” you spoke through your teeth. Yet, he only stared at you unimpressed.
“But you know that I’m the best option. How could you let me go?” He faked a pout. You stayed quiet, knowing that he was right. The other bodyguards were a bit too… energetic and admiring for your liking.
You sighed, glancing at your door. “Still, you shouldn’t see me like this.” You eyed yourself who was the opposite of put together right now. “There’s a reason why I wanted you on break.” You looked away, slightly embarrassed.
You could feel his eyes on you, or more specifically, traveling over you. Then he hummed, almost amused.
“I see no difference, Your Highness.”
“Ah, so you’re a liar too.”
He looked like he was about to refute but he eventually sighed and gestured to your room. “Just go to your room.”
The next day, you stood at the entrance of the same meeting room. When the door opened, you were met with the sight of your two bodyguards as well as the event organizer standing, seemingly waiting for you. You gulped. Were you in trouble for falling asleep? No, that can’t be.
“What’s this about?” You spoke nervously. Your eyes landed on Haknyeon, who was frowning and giving you pitiful eyes. You furrowed your eyebrows. “Are you okay?”
The woman cleared her throat. “Everything’s perfectly fine. Your bodyguard here…” She gestured to Haknyeon. “Was granted a month of vacation to go back home.”
You immediately brightened at those words, bounding over to Haknyeon and hugging him tightly. “That’s great!” You exclaimed. “You deserve it. So much.”
Haknyeon smiled back but frowned afterward. “I’ll miss you though,” he whined.
“Hey, it’s only a month. Besides, you should enjoy yourself.” 
“…and,” the woman continued. “That will mean that Hyunjae will temporarily take his place as your personal bodyguard.” 
That was when you froze, going so silent you could hear a pin drop. You turned to her with your mouth agape and your heart fallen to the floor. “What.”
She only offered a measly smile while you could only stare in disbelief. Was this possibly your punishment for taking a nap during the meeting? Have you been chosen for torture on this planet? Why—
“Why couldn’t you choose anyone else? It could be anyone but him.” You glared at Hyunjae who also seemed surprised and agitated.
She pinched the bridge of her nose with a long sigh as if she expected this response. “Because Hyunjae knows more about you than any of the other bodyguards. He’s the best choice who is aptly strong and calm, especially for someone of your energy.”
“But you know we don’t get along,” you refuted. 
She frowned but eventually nodded, understanding your argument. “Your Highness, if you would really like to request a change then let me know. But if you were to keep your relationship with him strictly professional, then there should be no problems.”
“I…” You bit your lip. You wouldn’t lie and say you didn’t want to change, but you also hated the idea of being a burden, especially for someone who was so preoccupied with setting up the ball. Shutting your eyes with a wince, you groaned quietly in defeat. “Fine. I guess we can manage for a month.”
“Great!” She clapped enthusiastically while Haknyeon snorted in amusement. “I’ll be off now.”
Once she was gone, you could hear your now former bodyguard laugh, clearly enjoying the show. Then he stepped forward and turned to Hyunjae with a knowing look.
“What are you waiting for?” His tone was nothing but teasing. “Go stand by Y/n.”
Hyunjae stared at him, obviously annoyed before reluctantly going to your side. You looked up at him before rolling your eyes. He was awfully tall, which made it a lot harder to really argue with him.
“What a view,” Haknyeon laughed even louder. 
“I don’t want to do this either,” Hyunjae whispered, looking at you with a harsh demeanor.
“At least we agree on something.”
You stalked through the halls, your mood completely ruined. What exasperated you even more was the footsteps trailing behind you, belonging to your new temporary bodyguard, the one man that you despised.
You stopped abruptly and turned around.
“Can you just not follow me? I think I can manage on my own. I especially don’t want to be with you.”
He simply looked at you without budging. “You know I can’t do that, Your Highness.”
You sighed at his mocking tone, exasperated before turning around and beginning to walk again. Well, before you stopped abruptly once more, causing Hyunjae to almost bump into you. Something just dawned on you, leaving your chest seizing for air.
“Does that mean you’re my… escort for the ball?” You seriously contemplated somehow pushing back the ball until next month. There was no way it would be in two weeks when you would have to enter the ballroom with your hand on his arm.
He nodded wordlessly, obviously not happy about it either.
“God, I hate this,” you mumbled, leaning your head back. “You’re going to be the worst bodyguard ever.”
“And do you think I really consider that important?” He stared back at you condescendingly. 
“You–” Stepping forward, you completely forgot that there was still that broom on the floor. How come no one picked it up? Maybe you should have been more aware. Being the clumsy person you were, your foot quickly caught onto it, leaving you stumbling forward. This was why it was important you had a bodyguard following you around.
You were about to accept your fate of a broken nose until you felt a cool hand grasp your wrist that was flailing mid-air, holding you up. You blinked in surprise, looking up only for you to realize that you were alarmingly close to Hyunjae’s face. 
He didn’t seem at all fazed though, watching as you, on the other hand, were incredibly shocked over his sheer strength of being able to hold you up with one hand. 
“I wouldn’t advise stepping there.” If you looked closely, you could see the corners of his lips lift slightly at his own remark. “There’s a broom on the floor.”
You scoffed, pulling away harshly. “Thank you so much for the warning.”
“Anytime.” He faked a bow.
“Oh, you–” You paused before you would fall over again. “You know what? Just shut up. Let’s just not talk for a month.”
“Fine by me.” 
As you walked, you were surprised to hear that there were no footsteps behind you anymore. With curiosity getting the best of you, you turned around, only to see that he had stopped to pick up the broom and set it back up.
“Huh,” you breathed, slightly surprised.
(Hyunjae sighed, sitting down on the couch and throwing an arm over his eyes. He was exhausted and he had only followed you for an hour. How was he going to do this every day and for a month at that?
He heard a creak and the weight of someone else sitting beside him. Looking over, he was met with Haknyeon, again with a gloating expression. It seemed that he had brought his luggage over, already packed and ready to leave him with you. Alone.
“Excited?” The shorter grinned smugly.
“Don’t kid me,” Hyunjae sighed with a frown. “I honestly wished they would have requested another guard at this point. All I was supposed to do was guard the door, not follow them around all day.”
Haknyeon hummed thoughtfully before leaning back with him. “Can I ask you something?” When Hyunjae offered no response, the younger continued. “Why do you hate Y/n so much? What did they do to make you despise them that much?”
Hyunjae paused before letting out a low sigh. “Nothing. I just… I’ve had my fair share of royalties.” His mind flashed back to when he used to be in one of the lower ranks of the staff. He was never treated right, always pushed around and spoken to harshly by none other than the royal family who promised that they would protect him with all their being. Lies. He had always wanted to be a bodyguard. But in the process of becoming one, he realized just how cruel people can be.
And so, when he was actually promoted to be one, he already entered the position with low hopes and crushed dreams. He expected the exact same treatment from you.
“Y/n’s probably just the same.”
Haknyeon looked at him sympathetically, as if to tell solely through his eyes that he understood where he was coming from. “But Y/n’s different. I promise you that. After spending so much personal time with them, trust me when I say that they’re not like the others.”
Hyunjae could only shut his eyes before mumbling a quiet, “Enjoy your vacation. I’ll be suffering.”)
“Please stop staring,” you forced out. You knew that just the day before you had suggested not talking, but something about his… face as he looked at you through the reflection of your mirror bothered you so much to the point that you had to say something. His eyes were different than you expected as if he was almost interested in you getting ready for an outing.
But then, as obnoxious as he was, he faked a smile, leaning back against the wall. “I can’t do that, Your Highness. What if someone’s out there to hurt you?”
“That’s unlikely. So please stop whatever it is you’re doing.”
“I’m merely looking at you. Does that make you nervous?” 
Your face contorted with anger at his words. “Hyunjae!” You groaned, setting down your makeup brush with a loud thud and turning around to glare at him.
“What?” He muttered.
“This is just for one month.” You straightened and walked over to him. You tried to look somewhat intimidating but knowing that he was the one whose job was to protect you, it was a bit difficult. “Can’t you be the least bit tolerable? I don’t even know why you hate me so much.”
He stared at you wordlessly before looking away with his jaw clenched. “I have my reasons.”
You huffed. “Well if you would tell me, maybe we could have worked this out.” Your shoulders hurt with how tense they were as you began to walk backwards. But yet again, you tripped. This time, it was on the carpet—the fancy type that seemed impossible to walk on.
Unlike before though, you fell backwards. One day you were going to end up with a broken bone. Your life flashed before your eyes until you felt a strong hand wrap around your waist. 
Quickly, he pulled you up and right against his body. Without you realizing, you had planted your hands on his chest, creating the distance that was very minimized considering how firmly he was holding you. You could feel the wind get knocked out of you, out of breath as you stared at Hyunjae with wide eyes.
His eyes searched your features carefully. His expression was mostly the same except for how the harsh lines on his face had disappeared for some reason.
“I said you can’t get hurt.” His voice was also… less harsh.
You gulped as you lifted your hands off his chest. But some part of you kept your fingertips there, feeling his heartbeat drum against them. Your cheeks felt warm as you stared at him wordlessly, trying to come up with some sort of response.
“I…” Your voice wavered. “I wish you were bad at your job.”
And to your surprise, he smirked. “Oh? Are you saying that I’m good at protecting you?”
Your hands wandered down to his which still grasped your waist. You squeezed it, reminding him to let go because, for some reason, he forgot. He raised an eyebrow suggestively.
“Do not put words in my mouth.” And when he still didn’t let go, you grabbed hold of it instead, pulling it off and ignoring the spark you felt at his touch.
It would no longer be Haknyeon following you around the whole day. It would be him. Oh, how you hated him. You hated your clumsiness as well, considering that he kept on saving you by holding you with the sheer strength of just one arm.
Refreshed after a good night’s sleep, you opened your door before jumping at the sight of Hyunjae standing before you. Yet again, you were reminded of how annoyingly tall he was as he stepped aside for you.
“Your Highness,” he greeted with a lazy voice.
You stared at him silently before turning on your heel and heading down the hall. But no matter how fast you walked and no matter how many turns you took, he remained behind you.
(Hyunjae followed silently as you traversed through the never-ending halls. He had never seen a royal member willingly walk through the whole castle before, or even leave their section at all. 
He watched, intrigued and curious as you turned every corner, occasionally knocking on doors and peeking in. You seemed to be having conversations with whoever resided inside. That was what perplexed him more. You were in the section of the castle where the staff stayed.
If he walked closer or you would slow down slightly, he could hear you mumbling to yourself, as if to make a to-do list.
“Make… soup…no!…she’s allergic.” 
He couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow in pleasant surprise.)
“What’s the rush?” He remarked, just as you were finished speaking with one of the maids. 
You glanced back at him. “I have much to do. If you don’t want to follow, then go as you please.”
“How many times do I have to tell you that I can’t do that?”
You stared at him for a moment before sighing. At least he was dedicated. “Then hurry up you… turtle.”
You must have been dreaming because why did his lips lift up into a smile for a second? And how come you heard a chuckle?
And then, to your slight shock, he sped up so that he was walking by your side. Even if you tried to confuse him by taking shortcuts, he continued to accompany you.
“Just doing my job, Your Highness.”
You rolled your eyes at the way he always addressed you.
First, he followed you to the kitchen. He guarded the doorway, as always leaning against the wall. 
You felt his eyes on you as you moved past each cabinet, pulling out ingredients for your most beloved specialty: pancakes! You knew the measurements by heart and soon enough, the batter was already mixed and being poured into a pan.
You could see him tilt his head in the corner of your eye.
“What are you cooking for?” He spoke up. “You do know we have chefs for that.”
“I know that.” You flipped the pancake successfully for once. “Just… one of the staff fell sick so I wanted to make her something.”
His eyes widened slightly as he straightened up at your words. It seemed like something you said had shocked him, though you had no idea what. And when you glanced back at him, you realized that his stiff demeanor had slightly softened. Was it because you were simply cooking for a staff member? Was that so odd?
Brushing off the hair that fell over your face, you jerkily turned back to the pancakes before they burned. It was silent for a while yet you couldn’t help but shake off the feeling of Hyunjae staring at you as if trying to decipher what you were doing. 
(Hyunjae watched and watched, yet continued to become more and more perplexed. You were spending your energy cooking for a staff member rather than ridiculing them for every mistake they made? His eyes followed you around the room, completely shamelessly as you moved back and forth, making what looked like fluffy pancakes.
But slowly, his gaze moved from your movements to, well, your features. Something about how you looked was almost mesmerizing. Gone were the prim and proper, perfectly hair-sprayed styles. Instead, your hair was messy, falling over your eyes constantly which he couldn’t help but hum with amusement. 
You were also void of any heavier makeup, allowing him to see your features more clearly. Your eyes were focused yet shone without any glitter and your lips… pursed but… 
He awkwardly cleared his throat. What was he thinking? He wasn’t supposed to look at you in that way.
Luckily, you hadn’t noticed his staring.)
He was staring. He was definitely staring. 
Why? You weren’t too sure. Maybe he was plotting a plan that would lead to your demise. Typical of him. But, you were too focused on cooking that you decided to pay it no mind, hurriedly brushing your hair out of your face once again. 
A few minutes later, you glanced up, solely for the reason of shooting him a glare. A bit immature, but that was how you two usually regarded each other anyway. But, to your surprise, he was nowhere to be seen. And you expected to feel a sense of relief, but for some reason, something shot through your heart.
You were alone—without him to catch you. You gulped nervously and hesitantly turned back to your pancakes. Just as you finished the second-to-last batch, you felt a warm presence behind you. Before you could turn around, a hand brushed against the nape of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. And for some reason, you could immediately tell it was Hyunjae.
“What are you doing?”
He didn’t respond. Instead, you felt another hand grasp your hair, pulling it up and away from your face. He leaned closer from behind, peering at the side of your face to make sure he didn’t miss any strands. Suddenly, the room felt ridiculously hotter than before. You stayed utterly still and completely unsure of what to do. 
He was tying your hair for you. 
Once you felt your hair being fastened, you tried to whip around but you felt a gentle grip on your shoulders that made you face the counter once again. “Turn back around,” he muttered with a chiding tone. Bewildered, you stared at the wall, your heart pounding. Your hands gripped the side of the counter as you shut your eyes and cringed.
And if you thought he was done, he certainly wasn’t. His hands had left your hair and wandered down to your waist. Though he didn’t completely grasp it, that brief brush with his gentle hand sent you spiraling. You felt your apron tightening as he tied it again. It must have come loose earlier. Still, that didn’t answer your question as to why he was doing this all in the first place.
(Hyunjae did not enjoy this. He certainly wasn’t biting back a smirk as he noticed your reddening ears and your hands holding onto the counter for dear life. 
And just for a bit more fun, as he tightened the knot of the apron, he yanked you backward, sending you stumbling and falling back against his chest where he kept you steady, his hand ghosting just over your hip. He could tell you were trying to look angry as you looked up at him with a frown that looked more nervous and confused than intimidating. 
Slowly, he lost his battle with holding back a smile. But just before you could catch him, he leaned toward your ear and whispered, “You wouldn’t want to ruin your clothes would you?”
You gulped and he could see how flushed your cheeks were. 
“Why would you care?” You replied.
Hyunjae blinked and he quickly leaned away from you. He steadied you but created that distance that the two of you were most familiar with. Why did he care?)
Your mind was befuddled. The two of you were supposed to be arguing, throwing insults, and doing everything that had to do with hatred. But what was that? That was nothing like what you two were supposed to do. That was…
You shook your head out of your trance. He was probably just messing with you, trying to find your weakness to use it against you in the future. 
“Don’t startle me like that again,” you said shakily, flexing your hand nervously. You turned back to your unfinished batter and picked up the whisk, beginning to stir its contents. You would have been done with this already if it weren’t for his… assistance.
“Can I assist you once more?” He asked, this time appearing at your side. Your gaze hardened as you turned to him. Your hand came up to mindlessly swipe the hair off your face, only to find nothing because the very man right next to you had already tied it up. You scoffed and tilted your chin up, yet he only gazed back without emotion–except for that small bit of amusement behind the twinkle of his eyes.
“Fine, if you would be so kind.”
Hyunjae reached over, taking–prying, because you were that stubborn–the whisk from your hand and moved the bowl over. He began to mix and to your large dislike, he was much more efficient when doing so. You set your hands on the counter and watched. You tried to keep your eyes solely on his obnoxiously handsome face or on the batter being mixed in the bowl, but instead, your gaze wandered to his… arms.
Bodyguards always wore simple black and white suits–easy to move around, yet form-fitting enough to look formal. And that was what bothered you so much. Why, under his suit, could you see the muscles of his arm flex so clearly as he used the mixed? And why, with his suit on, did you start imagining it off–leaving him only in a white dress shirt and a loose tie? Your mouth went dry.
Your thoughts were rudely interrupted by his breathy laugh. You looked up, only to be met with a small smirk, barely visible, but enough to leave you embarrassed anyway.
“Eyes on the bowl, not my arm.” He nodded towards the bowl, already fully mixed for a while now, which you didn’t notice.
You suppressed a groan, elbowing him so that you could finish cooking. “Shut up, Hyunjae. You’re distracting me.”
“In what way?”
“You’re face is unbearable.”
“Hm, could have sworn it was my arms.”
After dropping off the pancakes to various staff member rooms that quickly filled with grateful smiles, you led Hyunjae out to the garden. He trailed behind you as you wandered the various, intricately carved trails, searching for the prettiest and brightest flowers. When you found the perfect patch, you immediately knelt down, slightly adjusting your hair. Carefully, you picked the flowers, bunching them into a basket.
Just like before,  it was silent. Well, up until Hyunjae decided to start a conversation again, as weird as it was. You would never get used to it.
“Your Highness.” His voice was softer.
You squinted up at him. “What?”
He gestured to the flowers being held in your hand. “Your hands will get dirty.”
“I know,” you sighed. You never particularly enjoyed the feeling. “But I noticed that some of the vases were empty. I’m going to refill them again.”
When there was no response, you looked up, only to see Hyunjae staring at you in surprise. His lips parted and his head was tilted ever so slightly. You noticed he did that often when he was confused. Almost like a… puppy. 
(Hyunjae’s chest felt tight. You had specific workers to fill up those vases and cook pancakes yet you… did those tasks on your own accord. Maybe Haknyeon wasn’t all too wrong. Maybe…)
You yelped. Immediately, Hyunjae was kneeling down, taking your arm, and pulling you up to stand. “Are you okay?”
You searched his eyes with bewilderment. “I-”
His touch was gentle and careful as he brought your hands up for examination. “You should have used gloves, Your Highness. I knew you would get hurt.” His thumb pressed comfortingly into your palm. 
“No!” You blurted out, causing him to jump. He looked up from one of your hands, completely missing the fact that he was so close that if he leaned any closer, he would be kissing the back of it. “I’m not hurt.”
He narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “You’re not?”
“No,” you argued with a scowl. “Did you not hear the loud thunder a few moments ago? It startled me that’s all.”
“Thunder?” He furrowed his eyebrows. And then he looked at you like something dawned on him. “Thunder,” he breathed. “You need to go back inside.”
“Wha– why?” You exclaimed, already being dragged down the trail. You stumbled after his strides as you silently cursed his long legs. Soon enough though, your question was answered with the sudden pour of rain over your heads. It was so heavy that it began to seep through your clothes, sending a shudder through your whole body. And that meant that Hyunjae, who was holding onto your hand, would feel it tremble.
He stopped abruptly and turned back around to face you. 
“What are you doing?” You asked hurriedly. “We still have a long way to…” Your voice trailed off once you realized what exactly he was doing. He was taking off the jacket of his suit, leaving him only in his white dress shirt and a messed-up tie. Huh. Didn’t you just imagine that back in the kitchen?
He stepped forward and he held the jacket up over your head, acting as an umbrella. “Ready, Your Highness?” Yet again, his face lacked any emotion.
“Yes,” you breathed. The two of you avoided running so as to not slip on the forming mud, but everything felt incredibly fast-paced anyway. Hyunjae, who continued to shield you from the rain, kept on stealing glances at you to make sure you were okay. Everytime you caught him, you would scrunch your nose and silently gesture for him to focus on getting back.
As you got closer, it was you who decided to steal a glance. You inhaled sharply when you realized that most of Hyunjae’s body was soaked by rain. His wet hair fell over his eyes and his shirt stuck to his skin. He was keeping you dry while he…
You hadn’t even noticed that you two were indoors already. Hyunjae let out an exasperated sigh, brushing a hand through his soaked hair.
“Did you not check the weather before you—“
You ignored his words, instead storming over and smacking him plainly on his shoulder. He stared at you, clearly unimpressed. He never seemed to flinch. 
You frowned, looking around for a towel, only for there to be none in sight. With a groan, you turned back to him. “You’ll catch a cold, you idiot.”
“I’ve had worse,” he replied.
“Like what?”
“Like when I had to work while having a fever.”
You gasped and your frown deepened. “That’s so mean, who made you do that? I must have a talk with them.”
“I don’t think you must. Not when the person is none other than your own cousin.”
You felt your heart drop to your stomach. You were always aware that Hyunjae wasn’t always a bodyguard. But to learn how he was treated previously…
You huffed and shook your head. “Cousin or not, that won’t change anything. If he treated you unfairly, then he deserves to be ridiculed.”
Hyunjae looked at you yet again, in surprise, his eyes slightly widened. So there’s finally more emotion in his face. “There’s no need, Your Highness. You do know that you’re supposed to hate me, right?”
You swallowed thickly. It hit you then. The two of you… hadn’t insulted each other in a while. It was weird but not something you were against.
“I don’t…” You sighed. “You’ve helped me a lot recently, so I— I don’t know. I want to repay you.”
“Okay,” he whispered. You looked up, trying not to pay attention to how attractive your bodyguard looked when soaked with rain. He was a lot more muscular than you thought, considering his shirt was see-through. “But this is my job, Your Highness. There’s nothing to repay.”
You grumbled. “I get to decide that.”
And to your pleasant surprise, he laughed. It was a nice sound and an even nicer change of pace with his usual stoic personality. 
“But thank you.” He smiled softly. “I appreciate it, Your Highness.”
You couldn’t help but smile back. You looked down to examine your picked flowers. But then you slapped your hand over your face.
“Ah, my basket. I forgot it.”
“Would you like me to get it for you?”
You glanced out the window. The rain was still pouring. “Don't be ridiculous.”
“I wasn’t. You spent a lot of time picking those flowers. I can get them for you.”
Your cheeks flushed as you looked away. You never thought he would go to such lengths for… you. Then again, it was his job. But it felt different either way. It felt like your heart was racing.
“Shut up,” you muttered. “Go dry yourself off instead.”
“Of course, Your Highness.” He tilted his head with a teasing smile. 
And for some reason, that smile and that soft gaze left you breathless.
After Hyunjae was all dry—now only wearing just a dress shirt and tie this time (much to your quiet enjoyment)—he followed you to your last stop of the day. The library. It was large and filled with rows upon rows of books that almost everyone couldn’t understand. You weren’t any different. You simply enjoyed the peace and quiet of the atmosphere, where you could crochet to your heart’s content.
You sat on a chair and tried to focus, but your mind was distracted—distracted by your bodyguard who was standing by your side silently. When Haknyeon accompanied you, he would start conversations or try to read one of the books. To say this was uncomfortable was a huge understatement.
You set down the needles and patted the chair next to you.
“Do you want to sit down?” You looked up at him. He gazed at you before reluctantly sitting down, facing you slightly.
There definitely was progress in your relationship with him but it was still painfully awkward. Every time the two of you would make eye contact, it would quickly break. Fidgeting hands, darting eyes, shifting in your seat—it was just so graceless.
“I’m not that bad,” you whispered, facing him with a soft smile. “You can talk to me.”
Hyunjae leaned back in his chair, stretching slightly. “I guess you’re not. But hm, I’m not too sure.”
“Hey.” You glared. This time though, your glare was playful and you even struggled to hold back a smile. “Say anything. Start a conversation. I promise I won’t bite.”
He huffed out a quiet laugh. “I never thought you would bite. You practically trip over air every time I look at you.”
You stuttered and your cheeks quickly started to feel warm as you quickly stared down at your lap. “I– I don’t mean to…” When you looked back up, you saw Hyunjae staring at you with sparkles of amusement in his eyes. “You’re making fun of me.”
“Sorry,” he laughed with clearly no trace of an apology. “Fine, I’ll talk.” He leaned forward, propping his elbows on his thighs as he gestured to your crocheted piece of work. Which hopefully, he could tell it was a scarf. “Who’s this for?”
You stared at him, slightly confused. But then you realized, oh, he had witnessed you cooking and picking flowers for others. He must have assumed you were making this for someone as well. You shyly shook your head, gripping your work in progress tightly.
“Oh,” you laughed nervously, tearing your gaze away with embarrassment. “It’s just for me actually. This is my favorite hobby.” Your voice gradually became quieter and quieter. The only person who was well aware of your love of crocheting was Haknyeon. So to share it with Hyunjae is…
He hummed quietly and you could tell he was interested, rather than judging. He didn’t say anything after, instead choosing to watch you crochet. Usually, you were great at crocheting. Amazing actually! But something about his silent gaze on your hands left them shaking causing you to make a lot more mistakes than usual.
After your nth mistake, you sighed and placed the unfinished scarf in your lap with a frustrated groan. You needed to do something–anything–to steer his eyes away from your hands. It wasn’t uncomfortable per se, but it was… nerve-wracking. For some odd reason, you felt your heart beat faster than usual.
Abruptly, you turned to him. “Do you want to learn?”
He froze as he eyed your intricate work. Then he shook his head softly. “This isn’t my type of thing.”
“Then what do you like? Or are you just a boring guy?”
He rolled his eyes. “I like to workout.”
You scoffed. “That’s such a you thing to enjoy.” Except, you didn’t make that statement just because you knew he was a bodyguard and had to be strong enough anyway. Really, you said it because you could not, for your life, get the image of him, rain-soaked with a tight shirt that clung to his body out of your mind.
He was quiet for a moment before he tilted his chin downwards, looking you straight in the eyes. You gulped nervously. Why was he staring at you so intently? When you looked closely, you could see a small teasing smile appear on his lips.
“Then how else do I catch you when you fall?” He paused and his voice lowered. “Your Highness.”
Now, it felt like your heart was in your throat. You cleared it desperately as you quickly turned away, hoping you were fast enough to hide your reddening cheeks. 
“Can’t I do something?” You complained. You twirled around and wandered through the various set-up tables. There were staff members everywhere, intricately putting up centerpieces and making sure that every tablecloth had not a single wrinkle, every plate was without a singular smudge and every flower was placed perfectly.
The head organizer, who was busy checking things off her important-looking clipboard, glanced at you before shaking her head in disapproval.
“No, you can’t.”
“Why?” You gave your best pleading look but she wasn’t even looking at you.
“This is our job, Your Highness. We don’t want to bother you.” 
“But–” She was already long gone, chasing down a guy who accidentally put a napkin backward.
Biting your lip, you glanced around and your eyes quickly landed on Hyunjae who was nearby, helping move things around for the upcoming ball. It was drawing near and you still weren’t completely sure about walking in with Hyunjae on your arm.
You hurried over to him and he was quick to notice you approaching. 
“Can I help? Please?” 
He looked you over. You were dressed in your more expensive attire which would make it harder for you to move around and help. But you still wanted to try anyway. He sighed and shook his head, much to your demise.
“No, Your Highness. I can’t afford you getting hurt.” You pursed your lips. But, before you could come up with some sort of snarky response, he suddenly leaned in. “Besides, I don’t think you’re strong enough,” he whispered before pulling away with a mischievous smile.
You shut your eyes and leaned your head back, annoyed. “I definitely am.”
He raised an eyebrow but didn’t say anything. Instead, he walked past you to pull out one of the nearby chairs. “Then sit here for a moment. We’ll find something to do after I’m done.”
You nodded and sat down. You tried to look around but quickly found that your head began to hurt the more you tried to comprehend the chaos that was called setting up for a ball. And so, you decided to turn your focus back to the only person you could mostly comprehend.
Hyunjae was busy lifting heavy boxes. His sleeves were rolled up and his hair was slightly messy. But despite his disheveled look, he certainly was a very attractive man, you came to realize. Your eyes widened, as you looked him over. You studied his prince-like features and his broad build. You hadn’t even noticed that your whole face began to feel warm. 
You coughed awkwardly and quickly turned your gaze away. You focused instead on the utensils on the table nearby. What were you thinking? Staring at Hyunjae like that? 
Adjusting the fork countless times quickly became boring. You bit your lip and winced. 
It wouldn’t hurt to take one last glance, right? 
Slowly, very slowly, you turned your head, only to find that Hyunjae was nowhere to be seen. 
But then you heard a shift next to you and you startled, turning and looking down. And of course, there he was, kneeling before you. He was out of breath but god, he looked so handsome. His eyes were gentle and his lips lifted slightly as he looked up to you.
“Enjoying the view, Your Highness?”
Your lungs seized and you felt yourself go dizzy. As if you were stung by his words, you abruptly stood up and quickly turned away. You were sure you weren’t being that obvious... 
You heard him laugh fondly from behind as he stepped in front of you. No matter how many times you tried to avoid his eyes, he would bend down and force you to look anyway.
“You weren’t supposed to notice,” you muttered quietly.
“I guess.” He nodded. “But I like your eyes on me.”
If you weren’t at your breaking point then, you were now. You cringed with an incoherent sound and tried to walk away but you felt a gentle hand take yours. You whipped around, only to meet his expectant look.
“You said you wanted to find something to do, right?”
You sighed and reluctantly let him lead you through the ballroom. Hyunjae easily found a table that still needed to be set up while you… you were more focused on that whole situation from before. Every time you thought about it, you had to look away with reddening cheeks.
You glanced over to the empty spot in the middle of the ballroom which was designated for dancing. “Do you know what kind of dance there will be?”
Hyunjae looked at you as if you were joking. “The slow dance, is it not?”
“Still, that’s disappointing. I want something more fun.”
“Funny that you think there’s anything remotely fun at these types of royal events.” He abruptly paused and looked at you regretfully. He was staring at you like a deer in headlights over the fact that he just said that to you, a royal member. “Uh, I didn’t mean—“
You burst out laughing. “Don’t worry, I get what you mean.” You grinned mischievously. “We should leave early if that’s what you would like. I know a spot.” You led him out of the ballroom and began to walk through the halls. 
“That’s up to you.” He looked at you in amusement, easily catching up with your fast strides. “Not me.”
You pretended to think like you didn’t already have your decision in mind. “Then… I say we escape as soon as we can.” You gave him a playful wink.
To your surprise, Hyunjae smiled. It was a wide one this time, unlike the subtle or teasing ones from before. You tilted your head, slightly endeared. “Has anyone told you that you have a nice smile? You should do it more.”
“As you wish, Your Highness.”
You grimaced. “This is weird.”
“What’s weird?”
“You being so… obedient,” you whined. “I was just getting used to your insults.”
He huffed, slightly flustered. “I… I guess it’s because I’ve been wrong about you, that’s all.”
You widened your eyes and looked at him. “Really? How so?”
His gaze lowered. He looked almost embarrassed. “It was nothing too serious. I just… had past experiences when I wasn’t a bodyguard yet. I assumed you would be the same.” 
Your wide eyes immediately softened. You already knew who he was talking about and you never once agreed with them.
Your voice was quiet. “Is that why you hated me all this time?”
“Yes,” he whispered. “And I sincerely apologize.”
You gave him a soft smile and lightly bumped into his shoulder, making him look up from the floor. He still wore an ashamed face but you could see that his stern eyes had melted. “It’s okay. I’m sorry too.”
“There’s nothing to be sorry for.”
“What do you mean?” You snorted. “I argued with you too. I should have tried to understand you first.”
He leaned closer to you as the exit came into view. “And I should have told you earlier. We weren’t the most mature, huh?”
You laughed loudly and you didn’t know what came over you but you suddenly grabbed onto his arm as you two walked through the door and out to the private garden. This one was different than the one you were in previously. It was closed off by glass walls, rather than out in the open. But most of all, it was romantic and even more beautiful with dim lighting and colorful flowers lining a trail.
Holding onto his firm arm, you felt a sudden sense of peace. You felt like you were truly safe and protected.
Who knew that the man that you would refuse to look at would become your bodyguard who made you smile more times than you expected?
He stared quietly at your arms that were looped around his and he cleared his throat nervously. You could see that he had even straightened up and became more alert.
You smirked at him teasingly. “Why, do you feel more important now?”
He rolled his eyes fondly but shook his head. “It’s not me. It’s you. I feel like you’re the most important person at the moment.”
You choked on air and promptly turned to face forward, afraid that Hyunjae would notice your embarrassment. The two of you silently walked through the garden, admiring the various flowers. 
“And just so you’re aware,” you started. “I hope that you feel comfortable with me. I promise that I won’t treat you like how they did. I hope you can trust me…” Your voice trailed off once you noticed Hyunjae staring down at you with a stupidly handsome smile. You furrowed your eyebrows. “What?”
“Nothing.” Despite his response, he wouldn’t stop looking at you. Something about how he always stared at you and never failed to look away made you feel your own pulse in your ears. 
The two of you arrived at the center of the garden. Yet again, it was beautiful. But what you found most beautiful was the light feeling in your chest as you leaned against Hyunjae.
“Hm?” His gaze was warm even in the cooler atmosphere.
You eyed the empty space around you. There was no one else around. Just you and him, standing in the center of a garden that sparkled with dew. “Do you know how to dance?”
He gave you a skeptical look. “Why do you ask?”
“You’re my escort to the ball, of course!” You giggled. “You have to slow dance with me at some point.”
There was a slight blush that appeared on his cheeks. “That never… crossed my mind,” he said.
You gave him a teasing look. “So you don’t know?” When he didn’t give you a response, you couldn’t help but laugh, hopelessly endeared. He was always the tough one, but it seemed that when it came to the small romantic things, he was clueless. The more you noticed just how flustered he had become, the harder you laughed. You doubled over before almost falling straight into his chest. 
Two hands grasped your waist, holding you steady. You were still laughing but it had quieted down. Hyunjae couldn’t even look you in the eye yet he continued to hold you from falling.
“Don’t be so… clumsy, Your Highness,” he muttered, tripping over his words slightly at how close you were to him. “Not knowing how to dance shouldn’t be so funny to you,” he later grumbled quietly to himself.
You smiled and straightened up. You moved one of your hands to his shoulder as the other held onto one of his, pulling it away from your waist. “I don’t think it’s funny. I think it’s cute.”
Hyunjae blinked before clearing his throat and turning away. But then, without a warning, you began to lead him through the basic slow dance. He slowly looked back at you in surprise.
“We can simply sway side to side,” you explained gently. Then, you eyed where his hand was still holding onto his waist. “And don’t let go.”
Hyunjae was silent before he adjusted his hand to yours, intertwining your fingers. Then, he whispered quietly, “I was never planning to.”
You laughed bashfully. There was no music–just the shuffle of your clothes and the distant ruffle of nearby flowers and bushes. But you could hear it in your ears, feel it in your fingertips, see it through your eyes, the fondness and admiration that you both began to share.
Hyunjae was still a bit awkward with dancing. Sometimes, he would stumble or tighten his hold on your waist. Every so often, he would whisper a small apology.
You hummed fondly and shifted just a bit closer. He inhaled quietly and stared down at you with fluttering eyes. But despite his distractions, he slowly became more and more confident in slow dancing with you, even pulling you closer so that you could rest your cheek on his chest. 
Except there was something else you could hear. The loud beating of his heart. It was fast and it was almost pounding. You smiled softly.
“You’re quite handsome when you’re like this, Hyunjae.” You pulled away to look up at him. He bit back a smile and shook his head. 
“And if I may tell the truth…” His voice lowered as if he truly only wanted you to hear what he was about to say. “You look truly stunning right now, Your Highness.”
Your eyebrows raised in surprise. He smiled smugly. And then, like a perfect harmony, the two of you started laughing at the same time. The sparkles in his eyes and his bright smile perfectly mirrored. And you were sure that the pounding of his heart did as well.
Suddenly though, you were interrupted by your own yawn. His gaze looked you over in slight concern. “Would you like to stop now?” He looked up and out to the evening sky, littered with faint stars.
“Mhm,” you sighed, glancing down. “These shoes are not comfortable for dancing. They hurt.” Slowly, as if you didn’t want to let go–you truly didn’t–you stepped away from him. Your waist still felt warm with his touch and your hand tingly from his palm.
Then, he leaned down to look you in the eye. “Would you like me to carry you?”
Almost instantly, your mind flashed to an image in your mind. You quickly shook it away with a growing blush on your cheeks.
“No! I’m fine,” you blurted out, making your way back to the door. You could already feel his teasing smile and so, despite your uncomfortable shoes, you began to run down the hallway. But yet again, he was your bodyguard. He would always be following you.
“The offer’s still on the table,” he called out. 
You shifted nervously as you stood in front of your bedroom door. You played nervously with your hair as you glanced down at your formal wear. You never expected to be so anxious for a ball until you were dressed up in something so sparkly and stunning that you began to doubt if you even worth wearing such a thing. 
With a shaky sigh, your hand hovered over the doorknob. Hyunjae would be standing outside and you didn’t know what to think. All that really was on your mind were the possibilities. Would he smile at the sight of you? Would he look you over? Would he… say something?
But when you opened to the door, you faced an empty hallway. It was bustling downstairs with everyone preparing the food and drinks to be served. But upstairs, it was quiet. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion and stepped out. You glanced on either side, only for Hyunjae to be nowhere in sight.
But then, there was one other room that had its light on. The library. You slowly approached it and opened the door. There Hyunjae was–or specifically his back as he seemed to be working on something. As soon as he heard your footsteps, he hurriedly put it away and stood up quickly.
“There are you are,” you breathed in relief. “I was looking for you.” Your gaze travelled across his whole body. He looked handsome in his suit and ever so charming with his hair done up precisely–except for that one piece that stuck out, giving him a more youthful and playful look. You felt like you could just swoon at the moment.
You hadn’t even noticed his absolutely smitten look as his eyes wandered over you as well.
“Well don’t you look beautiful,” he muttered quietly, staring at you with a soft gaze.
Immediately, you were sputtering out sounds that didn’t form a single word. You tried to bring your hands up to cover your face but he took them and set them down gently. You frowned at his knowing smile.
“Why? Are you shy?”
You scoffed, trying to play it cool. It obviously wasn’t working considering how he chuckled quietly. “I miss when you hated me.”
He leaned in, brushing a thumb across your cheek. “I don’t. Because then, I’d miss seeing your smile.”
“Sh-shut up, you stupid flirt,” you whined, pulling away and making a beeline to the door. 
As the two of you walked toward the ballroom, you turned to ask Hyunjae something, only to find that he was deep in thought about something. His eyebrows were furrowed and his lips pulled into a small frown.
“Is there something bothering you?”
He startled slightly and glanced at you before immediately denying, “Nothing to concern you, Your Highness.”
“Please tell me.” You smiled. “I might be able to help.”
He eyed you skeptically before letting out a defeated sigh. “It’s foolish. I think I have a crush on someone. And… I don’t know what to do about it.”
You nodded. “So it’s that type of situation… then why don’t you confess?” When he stared at you like you were crazy, you laughed, completely unfazed. “Just get it out there.”
“Easier said than done.” And you didn’t know why but the way he looked at you as he said those words was so… different. His gaze was full of longing, you realized. But why at you? “I don’t think I can do that.”
“Hmm…” You bit your lip as you pondered. “Then until you’re ready to tell them, continue to take care and protect them in the meantime.”
He gave you a soft smile and you gasped quietly when you felt your hand being placed on his arm. He held you close to his side as you two faced the entrance to the ball. You could already hear the bustle of guests and the clink of wine glasses inside. Hyunjae turned to look at you with a reassuring smile. You would think that you didn’t need it considering you were so used to these events. But really, it was your hand on his arm that made you feel nervous.
“Ready?” He interrupted your thoughts.
The hushed whispers and interested murmurs were deafening to your ears as the doors opened. You blinked profusely as the lights came shining upon the two of you. Once your eyes adjusted, your heart raced at the faces of awe at the sight of you and Hyunjae, walking into the ballroom with your hand on his arm.
“Is that a prince?” You could hear one mutter in admiration.
“They look like the perfect couple…”
You grinned and looked up to Hyunjae. He gave you a slightly forced smile. You could tell he was nervous yet he still remained protective over you, holding you close to his side.
The two of you wandered out of the spotlight and began to join the other guests. You tried your hardest to ignore the looks of others. They were always gossiping and always had something to say. Instead, you chose to focus on Hyunjae.
You could sigh dreamily like one of those characters in the romance books you used to read. How could a bodyguard be so… prince-like? 
“Your Highness?”
You shook your head out of your trance. “Hyunjae?”
“How are you doing on this beautiful night?” He smiled, bowing down politely. You burst out laughing. The two of you had been together for the past twenty minutes yet now, he decided to act like this. He tilted his head teasingly. “I saw you were a bit distracted.”
“Hm?” You grinned knowingly. “Distracted? By what?”
“Me,” he whispered into your ear. 
“Really?” You stepped closer, reaching your hands to fix his collar. It was perfectly ironed already but you relished in the way his ears tinted red when your fingertips grazed his neck. Then you looked up and straight into his eyes. You could hear his breath hitch. “Is it that obvious?” You whispered, with a teasing smile. 
You didn’t care if there were hundreds of guests surrounding you, possibly staring at the two of you flirting. All that you could see was Hyunjae and only him. 
“It is,” he muttered, quickly regaining his composure. “But I’m no better. You distract me all the same.” 
His hands were gentle as he tucked a piece of hair behind your ear. His eyes wandered over your features and then down to your whole body. He didn’t say anything but through his soft gaze, you could read what his mind was thinking like a book.
Then he stepped away. For a moment you felt disappointed until you saw him holding a hand out for you to take.
“May I have this dance?” He bowed slightly, looking up at you with expectant eyes. It didn’t help that the one hair strand still adorably stuck out like a puppy’s hair would.
“Of course,” you giggled, taking his hand. He smiled fondly as he led you to the dance area. Seamlessly, the two of you blended in with the other couples, slow dancing with lovesick smiles.
Hyunjae held you tenderly by the waist and his hand fit with yours perfectly. Just a look at his handsome face was enough to leave you breathless. He seemed like he was incredibly skilled in holding eye contact with his soft gaze that never left yours. You on the other hand… were not faring very well.
You bit your lip, struggling to look him in the eye. Why was he making you so nervous? Why did his hand on your waist make you feel jittery? And why…
“Look at me,” he whispered, grabbing your attention.
You snapped your head up. “It’s hard to.” 
He chuckled. “Isn’t slow dancing about trusting your partner? Do you not trust me?”
“I do.”
“Then look at me,” he repeated with a teasing voice. “I like when you do.”
You had to resist the urge to shut your eyes in embarrassment. You swallowed nervously. When you said you trusted him, you meant it. You allowed him to lead you throughout the ballroom—allowed him to guide you through the several people you could’ve bumped into. But instead, he kept you safe. He protected you.
“Your Highness.”
He gave you a slightly embarrassed look as he glanced around. You couldn’t help but think it was cute how fast his flirty demeanor could fall. “If I may be honest, I do feel a bit out of place here.”
Your heart sank. It was understandable how he was still hesitant, especially with what he had confided in you recently. “Then please, focus on me just like you want me on you.”
His hand tightened on yours. “I already am.” He gave you an earnest smile. You smiled back. 
The two of you were lost in each other’s eyes, naturally moving to the calming yet romantic music that surrounded you. Your heart beat faster than the pace of the violin but you didn’t care, knowing that Hyunjae wasn’t any different. You knew because of when you laid your head on his chest that time in the garden.
But, like a record scratch, you heard your name from behind you, spoken by a snarky voice.
“What’s their name, Y/n?” A man spoke to another. You could tell by his tone that he would have nothing good to say. “They aren’t even all that special. And they were the only reason why I came to this ball.”
Hyunjae’s face hardened as he glanced behind you, already pinpointing the two men talking about you. You stared up at him with wide eyes.
“Have you seen the way they act?” The other griped. “So… improper and nothing like a royalty.”
You gulped and looked to Hyunjae. His jaw was clenched and his hand on your waist had tightened. Though, it was never enough to hurt.
Suddenly, the music was too loud. Your feet hurt and the chatter of others was painfully blaring. But most of all, it was the two men’s voices that scratched your eardrums the most. You two were still dancing but it had slowed down.
“I’d still take them out on a date,” The other laughed mockingly. “But only to inherit their fortune.” And god, how their cackles stung your very soul.
You gasped and furrowed your eyebrows. Hyunjae kept you from ever facing them, always switching the direction so your back was turned. But he was mad, you could tell–furious to be exact. Then, he looked down at you and his gaze softened at your hurt expression. 
And like something snapped in him, he let go of your waist and pulled you around so that you were right behind him. “Stay here with me,” he whispered. He shielded you protectively as he walked over to the two men, standing near the drink bar, swirling their glasses obnoxiously with their even more irritating smiles.
“We can hear your loud voices from here,” Hyunjae spoke condescendingly. “I hope that you’re aware of that.” The two men jumped and stared at him. You couldn’t help but marvel over how Hyunjae so easily towered over them. One of them was already cowering, backing away while the other huffed stubbornly.
“And who might you be?” The man gave him a twisted smile.
You peeked out from Hyunjae’s side and answered for him, “My bodyguard.”
And that seemed to be what did it for the man. His eyes widened and his voice stuttered. “Y-your Highness! What a pleasant surprise!” He laughed nervously, glancing around with fear.
Hyunjae tilted his head and he stepped forward, further towering over him. His broad shoulders loomed like a shadow that was awfully intimidating yet… attra–
“Say anything about them again and I will personally do anything to ruin your life,” he muttered with a low voice. Your heart skipped a beat as you tightened your hand on his.
“What can you do?” The man lifted his head high which frankly, didn’t do much. You could tell by how his hands shook that he was terrified. “I’m a prince. And you’re just a lowly bodyguard.”
You winced and tried to pull Hyunjae away. You didn’t want him to get hurt again, not after you promised him that he would be treated right. But instead, Hyunjae stayed where he was as his jaw clenched.
“A bodyguard whose job is to protect them. Something that you clearly cannot do,” Hyunjae replied, looking over the prince with an unimpressed look. “So, I don’t see the problem here.” That was when he turned around and led you away. Or, at least tried to, until the man called out again with a loud voice.
“You’re protecting someone who barely acts like a proper royal member,” he growled. “Y/n doesn’t deserve–”
You felt your hand being let go, causing you to gasp and whip around. Soon enough, you were met with the sight of Hyunjae, his hands grasped around his collar, so tight that his knuckles were white. The man now was clearly full of fear, his eyes pleading as he tried to scramble away. But Hyunjae didn’t let go, instead tightening his hold with a threatening look. It was subtle–his eyes darkened and jaw tight. 
Everyone was looking now, murmurs and shocked gasps filling the room. You stumbled forward but were stopped by one of the staff members holding you back to keep you safe. You watched as other guards came rushing forward to break everything up. The prince’s collar was crumpled and he could barely speak out of sheer terror. Hyunjae on the other hand, was standing there with clenched fists. Then, immediately he looked to you to make sure you were okay.
You quickly escaped the staff member’s hold and approached him. Gently, you took his wrist because you could tell he still wanted to punch the prince square in the face. Then you pulled him close so that you could whisper into his ear.
“Do you want to get out of here?”
You smiled, slightly amused. “It’s okay.”
He froze and his tense muscles softened as soon as his eyes took in your smile. He quietly nodded.
“Come on,” you laughed fondly, pulling him along and out of the ballroom. The two of you ran down the same path to the garden with your hand wrapped around his wrist the whole time. 
You led him to sit on a 1bench, a beautiful spot surrounded by gorgeous flowers lit by the nearby lamps. The night sky was scattered with twinkling stars and it was a calming quiet. Immediately, you took his hand and opened it.
“Look,” you whispered with a worried expression. You frowned, taking in the gash on the palm of his hand where the sharp button of the prince’s outfit had cut him. “You got hurt. You shouldn’t have done that for me.”
You reached under the bench and pulled out a first-aid kit, typically for the gardeners who got cut from rose thorns and such. You quickly cleaned the wound and began to wrap the cut with a rolled bandage.
All the while, Hyunjae was staring at you with a straight mouth but with a soft, loving gaze. Then, he huffed and gave you an adorably angry frown as he rolled his eyes. You could tell he was still being protective.
“I couldn’t ignore it. He hurt you.”
You laughed warmly, as you secured the bandage around his hand, patting it lightly. You looked up, only to inhale sharply at the way he was staring at you so intently–so… passionately.
“I’ve…” You gulped, trying to find your voice again. “I’ve heard far worse. But thank you, Hyunjae.”
He smiled. If he was handsome in the ballroom, he was even more handsome now. The dim light perfectly emphasized his features and his hair no longer was in that perfect updo. It was messy yet it fit him perfectly. 
“But seriously!” You whined, slightly startling him. “Why did you protect me like that?”
He narrowed his eyes. “It’s my job. I’m a bodyguard.”
“Hm,” you thought for a moment, looking up to the stars that so beautifully mirrored the sparkles in Hyunjae’s eyes that only seemed to appear when he was looking at you. “I thought that meant physically. Not standing up for me. You know I can handle myself right?”
Hyunjae looked down at his lap.
“Just… let me take care and protect you.”
You stared at him blankly. Your lack of response caused him to look up at you nervously and regretfully as if he was scared you would realize something. And then it hit you. What you said earlier…
“Then until you’re ready to tell them, continue to take care and protect them in the meantime.”
You straightened and you could feel your heart seize. “The person you were talking about. It’s me, right?”
He choked. “I–”
Immediately, you were giving him a teasing look as you scooted over to lean into his side. “There’s no use in hiding it now,” you sang.
He stared at you with adorably wide eyes before he let out a defeated sigh. “Fine, yes. I may have a crush on you.”
You slapped your hand over your mouth exaggeratedly as if you hadn’t already figured it out before. “For how long?” You cut yourself off with a gasp. “Don’t tell me… you were mean to me to actually hide your feelings?”
“No, no, I did actually hate you.”
“I-I’m sorry,” he blushed. “I didn’t mean for it to come out that way.”
You giggled. Oh, how you loved teasing him. “It’s okay. I get it.”
“But I saw how kind you were and… I realized you were different.” He gave you a fond look. “And Your Highness, you are so beautiful. You’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever gotten to know.”
Your cheeks were warm, even under the cool night air. You leaned into his side, staring up at him with a stupidly giddy smile. 
“And my dear Hyunjae,” you spoke, your voice teasing yet sincere either way. “You have won over my heart.”
“Really?” You could see that he was truly relieved, even past his smug smile.
“Mhm,” You hummed. “Really.” And then you leaned in to press a soft kiss to his cheek. He stared at you with wide eyes before practically melting and smiling like he had truly fallen for you. And it seemed, based on what he said, he did.
Then, he straightened and reached into his pocket. “I have something for you.” He pulled out a crocheted flower. It was a rose. A few of the stitches were messed up but it was beautiful anyway. 
Your eyebrows raised. “For me? You… made this?”
He cleared his throat, trying to look nonchalant and tough. “I tried.”
Instantly, you were smiling so wide your face hurt. You twirled the rose around, admiring the effort he made. “This is so cute!” Your eyes softened. “Thank you.”
He stared at you, still slightly dazed by your kiss on the cheek. “You’re welcome.”
You paused and then gave him a sly look–one that sent him looking away nervously. “You know I could just kiss you right now.”
He watched quietly as you set the rose gently down on the bench and turned to him. You noticed how his eyes struggled to stay on the upper side of your face. Rather, they kept wandering down to your lips.
“On the cheek?” His voice was so quiet that you had to lean in close to hear him which in turn, made him blush furiously.
You shook your head, peering up at him with doe-like eyes that made him swallow thickly. “No. On the lips.”
He inhaled sharply and tried to act normal but he was nothing like it. Rather, it seemed like he was losing it, his eyes darting across your features with a look of want and infatuation. “I… I wouldn’t be opposed to that.”
“Really?” You grinned.
He nodded and as if he couldn’t get any more endearing, he shut his eyes and leaned forward. His lips slightly pouted as he waited expectantly for you to press yours on his. But instead, you giggled, your breath fanning over his lips, causing him to blink.
He immediately was filled with embarrassment as he cleared his throat, almost choked, and tried to hide his face somehow.
“Why didn’t you…”
“Because first, you have to do something for me.” You scrunched your nose, poking his cheek.
It seemed that he had momentarily forgotten that he was a bodyguard who served under you. He immediately straightened and gave you a stern look that seemed to be on the verge of melting if you ever so smiled. “What is it, Your Highness?”
You suppressed a laugh. Then, you placed a finger under his chin, lifting it up.
“You need to call me by my real name first. Not Your Highness. My name.”
“That’s a bit unprofessional,” he replied hesitantly.
You raised an eyebrow. “Do you think that what we have is at all professional?”
He chuckled and quickly, the tables turned as he set your hand down and instead wrapped a hand around your waist. He pulled you close, earning him a surprised gasp.
“Truly professional, Y/n,” he whispered, glancing down to where you were almost sitting in his lap.
You were so focused on his gentle hold on you that you almost missed the name that had left his lips. You brightened and stared up at him with wide eyes. “Hyunjae,” you breathed. “Say it again.”
“Y/n.” He leaned closer, cupping a hand around the side of your face. 
“Again,” you whispered, your heart pounding.
You were silent and he stared at you as if waiting for a cue. And finally, you whispered once again, his name.
And just like that, you felt two hands cup your face this time and a pair of lips being pressed to yours. The sheer passion he put into that first kiss sent you reeling and your balance completely off if it wasn’t for the hand around your back that steadied you. His other hand wrapped around your legs, pulling them over his lap so that he could hold and kiss you like it was his sole duty.
You didn’t know what to do with your hands for a while until you ultimately wrapped them around his neck and tangled them into his hair. You could feel him breathily laugh against your lips and if you peeked an eye open, you would see him smiling dearly.
So he wasn’t just a good bodyguard but a good–no–great kisser too?
And to make you even more flustered, he pressed another kiss to your forehead before he pulled away.
Dumbly, all you could say was another weak, “Hyunjae.”
“Y/n?” He offered you a knowing smile as he noticed the way your breath hitched at your name being spoken from his lips. You could tell he was proud of his effect on you. 
“Hyunjae, I hate you.” You feebly tried to slap him but he caught your hand with ease, instead intertwining your fingers with his.
“I hate you too, gorgeous.” Then, he led you up to stand with him. Yet another thing you hated: how he made your legs horribly weak. Your ears tuned into the music that leaked from the ballroom and it seemed that Hyunjae could hear it too. Then, he began to slow dance with you, much to your surprise. “I believe our little dance was interrupted before.”
“Yeah, because you did something stupid.”
He tried to protest but when you gave him a warning look, he sighed and nodded. “Fine, I’m sorry for worrying you.”
You humphed. “That’s what I thought.” Before you could add anything else, he quickly leaned in to press another kiss on your lips.
“For safe measure.”
“Safe measure for what?”
“To make sure that I was right that you taste sweet.”
You groaned and hid your face in his chest. But of course, he played along and pulled you into a tight hug.
“Are you free tomorrow?”
You snorted, pulling away to look up at him. “Hey, you already know my schedule. And you’re following me around anyway.”
“Exactly.” He gave you a soft smile. “So let’s go on a proper date.”
Your eyes sparkled before you closed them and leaned your cheek back on his chest. His heart thumped in rhythm with yours. It thumped in perfect harmony with the rustle of the nearby flowers. It thumped with something akin to warmth.
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cabotwife · 4 months
Hi hello! I saw that you opened your request again. I’ve got one for Johanna Mason. It is post war and reader has been helping Johanna through her trauma and healing. Johanna has taken up wood carvings and during a rainy day, when reader checks up on her carving progress, Johanna responds happily and includes “I’m so happy to be alive” at the end. And then she realizes that for the first time she really meant it. Maybe she gets emotionally happy at that milestone too.
The Sun Shines Once More
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Johanna Mason x Fem!Reader
warnings: ooc Johanna, (man baby Johanna..), not proofread
word count: 1224
a/n: this took me 5 hours (most of which was spent scrolling through tiktok after forgetting what i was doing)
“Jo?” you mumble as you’re brought out of your peaceful sleep by the shuffling woman.
Johanna freezes at the sound of your voice. her eyes snap towards you, guilt flashing across her face for having disturbed you. "shit," she mutters under her breath, an apology quickly following. "sorry," she murmurs, making room for you to snuggle closer to her, your eyes still squeezed shut and your mind fuzzy with sleep.
curiosity nudges you towards wakefulness. "why're you up?" you mumble, peeling your eyes open to look up at the brunette. it is still dark outside, and the soft pitter-patter of rain against the cabin window only adds to your confusion. nothing but a serious case of insomnia could have pushed Johanna out of bed this early.
"got antsy," she avoids your gaze, her eyes darting away from yours.
you hum in response, burying your face in her bicep as you try to come up with something to say, "what were you gonna do, baby?" you finally ask.
Johanna takes a moment to respond. "was gonna go work.."
you can't help but roll your eyes at her stubbornness. "you're not going outside, it's raining, stupid."
her glare is almost palpable. "i'm not fucking blind."
a silent standoff ensues, your mutual glares clashing in the dim light. eventually, you relent, "can't you just work on a smaller project.. one you can do inside? maybe use a piece of firewood."
she huffs, obviously not thrilled about the change in plans, but she considers your words. "i guess i can," she finally mumbles, her voice gruff.
you smile in satisfaction, "okay then, you go do that." you give her arm a playful shove, rolling away from her to reclaim your sleep.
after a few hours you get awoken again by a particularly loud crash of thunder. you groan in annoyance, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you push yourself out of the comfort of your bed, making your way to the cabin kitchen to get something to eat.
as you enter the kitchen, you notice the hunched over form of Johanna at the small dining table. you tilt your head, puzzled at what she could possibly be doing. then you remember your conversation from earlier in the morning.
a smile tugs at your lips, "how's it going, baby?" you ask softly, walking over to her. you place your hand gently on her shoulder, careful not to startle her.
Johanna looks up at you, a grin lighting up her face, "good," she hums in reply.
curiosity piqued, you try to get a glimpse of her new project, "whatcha working on?"
her chuckle is low and teasing, "not telling," she says, pulling the sculpture against her chest to hide it from your prying eyes.
you huff in mock annoyance, "why not? i just wanna see your pretty art."
"it's a surprise, dumbass," she retorts, rolling her eyes as she glares up at you.
you squint your eyes back down at her, "ugh," you grunt, pushing away from her and walking back to the kitchen, "what ever am i to do without my lovely girlfriend's attention?" your words are playful, a light tone teasing the edges of your voice as you begin to prepare something to eat.
Johanna chooses to ignore your dramatics, her response limited to a small chuckle.
the cabin is filled with a comfortable silence, punctuated only by the steady rhythm of Johanna's carving knife against the block of wood.
"want anything to eat, Jo?" you ask, breaking the silence as you pull out a carton of eggs from the fridge.
Johanna's head snaps up at your question, her eyes brightening at the prospect of food. "yes please," she responds.
you raise an eyebrow at her, "and what do you want?"
"whatever you're making. i'm starved," Johanna mutters, shuffling in her chair as her gaze lingers on you.
with a sigh, you turn back towards the counter, "did you eat anything for breakfast?" you already know the answer but ask anyway.
you can't help but huff in exasperation, "what am I gonna do with you, girl.."
a wide grin spreads on Johanna's face, "feed me?"
you roll your eyes, hiding the smile that threatens to spill over your lips. "eggs and bacon okay with you?"
"and toast?"
you turn to her, squinting your eyes suspiciously, "you gonna toast your own bread?"
Johanna grunts in reply, turning back to her work.
"needy ass," you grumble, reaching for the bacon. but despite your words, you can't help the warmth that spreads in your chest knowing that Johanna trusts you enough to let you take care of her.
the brunette merely mimics your grumble, a teasing note in her voice as the two of you lapse into silence once more.
the soft sizzle of bacon and eggs cooking on the stove fills the cabin, accompanied by the rhythmic sound of Johanna's carving.
after a while, the food is ready. you carefully dish it out onto two plates and walk over to the table. "here, baby," you say as you place a heaping plate of food in front of Johanna.
her face lights up at the sight of the food, and she quickly pushes her carving knife and the half-finished sculpture away so she can dig in.
you seat yourself next to her, an eyebrow raised in question as you watch her eat. "you're not going to wash your hands?" you ask, a hint of judgment creeping into your voice. Johanna, however, chooses to ignore your words, focusing solely on the food in front of her.
you roll your eyes in defeat, "whatever, nasty." but despite your words, you can't help but admire the small sculpture that now sits abandoned on the table.
"what is it?" you ask, nodding towards the piece of wood.
Johanna looks up from her plate, her eyes following your gaze to the sculpture. "it's you," she says.
"yeah. you."
you can't help but smile, "it's very pretty, i love it."
"very pretentious of you," she teases between mouthfuls of food.
you huff, rolling your eyes, but stay silent, choosing instead to focus on your meal.
you and Johanna have this routine, comfortable silences punctuating your day. she's not one for idle chatter, and you respect her boundaries. you don't force anything on her, not even a simple conversation.
eventually, Johanna finishes her meal, pushing her empty plate away as she pulls her sculpture back towards her, eager to resume her work.
you remain seated, watching her as she works, fascinated by the way her hands shape the wood into intricate forms.
"hey, Jo?" you say, your voice soft as you lean forward, your eyes still locked on her hands.
"mhm?" she hums in response.
"i love you."
Johanna looks up at you, a cheeky grin on her face. "yeah?"
you nod, holding her gaze. "i love you too then," she chuckles out her response before returning to her work.
it’s silent for a moment before she speaks again, “i’m happy, y’know.” she mumbles, not looking up from the wood as she glides her knife over it. “that i’m alive ‘n able to live this life with you.”
your heart clenches at her words. "yeah?" you whisper back, mimicking her previous response to your words.
she chuckles softly, nodding in response, "yeah."
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slasher-key · 1 year
Stitch These Wounds
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Pairing: Rory x Actress Reader 
Warnings: Some bad words, A little blood 
You’re on the set of scream 4 doing a chase scene. When a little accident happens, with the man who plays Ghostface. 
I know they usually use stunt doubles for Ghostface, but I wanted to write about Rory.
I’m siting on set with Hayden waiting for them to call me for my scene. I have this queasy feeling in my stomach, while I wait.
“You okay y/n?” Hayden asks looking a little worried. Shit she caught me. “Yeah I’m fine, it’s just, I’m really nervous about this scene.” I reply in a low tone.
“And why is that? We’ve been filming for months now” She asks confusion in her eyes. “ I know but, it’s a scene with, you know who.” I reply whispering and taking a look around to see if anyone was listening. “ARE YOU FUCKING KIDING ME Y/N ALL OF THIS IS ABOUT RORY?” She blurts out “shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, bitch are you crazy what if someone hears you, and yes this is all about Rory.” I  reply throwing my hand over her mouth and looking around again.
“Why don’t you just ask him out already?” She asks, taking my hand off her face. I was about reply when I hear my name being called. It was time and I was fucking terrified. Yeah, he was gonna have a mask on, but just knowing it’s him under that mask was enough for me to die.
I make my way to the stage that we were filming on. As I’m walking towards the entrance I feel a little tap on my shoulder. I turn to see who it is. Low and fucking behold, it’s Rory, sweet, loving, kind, beautiful…. Get your shit together.
“Hey y/n, you ready to shoot this scene love?” He says adding a little fake punch to my shoulder. “Uuuuuummmm yeah, yeah I am ready, even though your character is trying to kill my character, but they’re some how in love with each other which is pretty weird I don’t know what Wes was thinking when he made that part of the story line, but I guess she doesn’t know it’s Charlie so that also does kind of make sense.” I ramble, he just giggles at me and holds the door open for me.
“You are a crazy crazy woman y/n” he says with a huge smile on his face.  I couldn’t do anything but chuckle at his response to my rambling.
We make it to Wes so we can figure out our marks and where to start. Once everything is in order we start the filming process.
We’re in the middle of the scene. I’m running down the stairs from the killer…..well Rory. We’re on the 3rd take. As I make it down the steps and run towards the kitchen I  accidentally run into the corner of the wall, but I just keep going. We finish the scene and Wes yells cut.
“That was amazing y/n” Rory says taking his mask off, and helping me off the floor. “Thanks Rory” I reply.
As we walk up to Wes and the crew to look at the shot, I hear Rory gasp. “Holy Fuck Y/n, your arm.” He says with a concerned look on his face “what?” I ask confused. I look at the back of my forearm and see a long cut, and blood spilling down my arm. I must not have notice because of all the adrenaline pumping during the scene. “Oh shit” I say watching the blood run down my arm.
“Hey Rory can you walk her to infirmary for me you guys can look at the shot later?” Wes asks. “Of course” Rory replies.
We walk to the infirmary, and tell the nurse what happened. She looks at the cut, and cleans my arm off a bit and tells me I need stitches. As she is getting everything together so she can stitch me up. I see Rory still standing at the door.
“You know you don’t have to stay right?” I say “ yeah I know, but I don’t want to leave” he replied, smirking “you might need to hold my hand while you get stitched up” he adds.
“Yeah maybe” I say laughing at his mocking tone. Our laughing dies down and the silence is loud I couldn’t take “well what are you waiting for, get over here and hold my hand.” I said holding my hand out to him.
He walks over and grabs my hand as he sit next to me. “Don’t cry I will make fun of you for it.” He says chuckling.
The nurse finally come back starts the stitching process. It hurt like a bitch but I wasn’t gonna be a pussy in front of Rory. I couldn’t embarrass myself in front of him. So I bit my lip and got through it.
After I was stitched up and bandaged. Rory offered to walk me back to my trailer. Obviously I said yes, who wouldn’t? “Thanks for staying with me Rory” I say “you don’t have to thank me for that, anyone would’ve done the same.” He replies
“Well you’re not just anyone to me” I say with my head down trying my hardest not to make eye contact with the blue eyed boy in front of me. “What do you mean by that y/n?” Rory asks, his cheeks starting to flush red.
Okay bitch you can do this just tell him, the worst he can say is no. “I mean I really like you Rory, you’re and amazing guy and I was wondering if you’d like to go out with me sometime?” I say, with my eyes on the ground. “Y/n I would want nothing more than to go out with you.” He says. I couldn’t help myself, I pull him into the tightest most loving hug I could.
We pull away and stare at each other in silence for a few seconds until he interrupts it. “So how about tomorrow night?” He asks “Tomorrow night is great Rory” I reply with a huge smile plastered on my face. “Cool I’ll see you later then?” He says, giving me a small kiss on the cheek, and walking away. Leaving me to do my victory dance in my trailer.
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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srew [sɾ·ɛw] vin. dance
You teach Neteyam a traditional Metkayina dance, and he can't get you out of his head.
Perched on a rock near the water, just on the outskirts of the party, Neteyam crosses his arms and watches the intricate dance. The Metkayina sway and twist, coming together and pulling apart, moving their arms in intricate patterns together, and he is in awe.
Somehow, Lo'ak is keeping up with his dance partner, Tsireya. He would've never thought Lo'ak could move in a way that could almost be described as gracefully, but Tsireya is a great teacher, after all.
Two women have approached Neteyam to dance, but he's too nervous about the intricacy of the movement on the dance floor, and he's declined them both - but then, he sees her approaching.
He doesn't know her name, but he's seen her around. Tsireya told him that she has a garden, just on the other side of the tree line, and spends most of her time tending to it in order to help feed the clan.
She's tall, taller than most of the Metkayina woman around her age, which Neteyam guesses is 19 or 20, the same as him. Her hair is long, nearly to her waist, and always in one thick braid. Something about the way she walks, the sway of it, and the dirt permanently under her fingernails, has always drawn Neteyam's attention.
He knows that if she asks him to dance, he'll have to make a fool of himself, because he won't be able to say no.
I pull my braid over my shoulder, nervously fingering at it as I approach Neteyam. Over the course of the evening, I have watched two women approach and try to bring him to the dance floor, and he's said no both times.
So, I've decided on another approach, one that will hopefully allow him to look less nervous here, and allow me to spend a little time with him. Admittedly, I've wanted that for a while.
"Neteyam Sully, what are you doing over here all alone? All of your siblings are participating in the fun," I say, trying to sound light-hearted and not nervous as I arrive at the rock he's perched upon.
He shrugs and smiles. "Just watching," he replies, and it's followed by a nearly-awkward pause until he says, "Are you having fun?"
"I am. But I thought... you might want to learn a dance. They can be kind of complex. I could teach you, over here. So you don't have to try it out there." I nod over my shoulder, to the crowd of dancers.
Neteyam stares at me, considering for only a moment, before standing up and jumping down. Relief washes over me; I wouldn't have been able to stand it if I was the third woman rejected by him this evening.
"Okay, but I probably won't be any good at it," he says, pushing his braids out of his face and taking a few steps towards me.
"It's easier than it looks," I say, extending my arms to him. He takes his hands in mine. "It's just a few basic steps to start, and we'll build on it, okay?"
He takes a deep breath, and follows my feet, concentrating so hard that it makes me smile.
We repeat the same six steps, over and over, until he seems to have it down.
"Now, with your arms, like this," I say, stepping closer to him, and he mimics the sweeping motions with my arms. We add that in, practicing until he no longer stumbles, or forgets. All the while, he's extremely focused, watching my movements, mirroring them.
"You're a natural!" I exclaim, and Neteyam laughs. "Now, pull me in close, and lock your arm through mine, like this," I instruct, and he follows my lead. He pulls me in close, and I step away, repeating the dance, and then I pull him in close again.
We smile at each other, almost nose to nose.
"Maybe next celebration, you can join with everyone," I say after much practice. We've stopped dancing, but Neteyam is still holding my hands, and I don't have any plans to pull away.
"Only if you're there with me." He squeezes my hands as he says it, and I try not to blush.
"I would be honored to dance with you, Neteyam Sully."
Neteyam walks home with a grin painted ear to ear that night, not even noticing as his mother sneaks up behind him.
"Did you have a fun night?" she asks, and he nearly jumps out of his skin. "You did not join the dancing. Your brother made quite a show of himself."
Neteyam smiles, and Neytiri laughs.
"He danced well," Neteyam says. "I don't know the dances."
"Oh, I think you know them a little bit. Now."
Neteyam raises his brow at her, and she laughs teasingly. "Y/N is a very nice girl. She contributes much to her people, with her garden."
"Y/N," Neteyam says, realizing that he didn't ask her for her name. "Yeah. She's nice."
Neytiri touches her son's shoulder as they near their home. "She would make any man a fine mate."
Neteyam rolls his eyes. "Mom!"
But Neytiri notices the blush on his cheek, and saw the smile on his face while he danced with the Metkayina woman.
If she were to place a bet, she would say there would be a new Sully within the next six months.
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ggomos-maribat · 10 months
2 | in which Damian Wayne wakes up to an odd breakfast
Part 2 of No Mr. Wayne You Can't Adopt Me! | Masterlist
Saturday. Bruce's only schedule for the day? An interview.
But inside the Wayne manor.
It wasn't Marinette's first visit to the house, but she still couldn't get used to how humongous it was. She readjusted the box in her hands and the coat hanging from her arm as Bruce himself welcomed her at the front door and guided her to the drawing room.
A drawing room that indeed looked expensive but was extremely messy at the moment.
"Where's Alfred?" she asked.
"He's out for groceries and a few other errands," replied Bruce, which explained the state of the room. Which also explained the Batarangs and a utility belt lying out in the open which Bruce didn't seem to notice.
Marinette inwardly sighed one of her many sighs for the day. Her boss was lucky she came over early in the morning on a weekend. She wondered how his identity hadn't been discovered by the public yet. She took the chance to give Bruce a once-over to examine his outfit: polished shoes, blue blazer, blue tie, hair gelled to perfection.
"Is it too formal?" he asked hesitantly.
"They will only take one photograph of you but you have to at least leave the impression that you're not 'all work, no play' in your own house." She crossed her arms. "May I suggest your waffle-knit sweater with a collared dress shirt underneath and light-colored pants?"
What is that expression . . . is Bruce actually pouting?! "Yes, okay. I'll change now."
Just as he was about to turn around and retreat upstairs, Marinette stopped him. "Mr. Wayne, may I tidy up this space for our guests?"
He appeared a shade paler, pinned under her stern gaze. "Yes, of course. Thank you Marinette."
And off he scurried to his bedroom.
With his permission, the PA got to work. Ms. Sinclair and her assistant will be here at eight-thirty. We have around fifteen minutes to prepare. She picked up the papers scattered on top of and underneath the coffee table, stored away the blankets draped on the chairs, and safely hid the Batarangs and other identity-incriminating objects behind some knick knacks on the shelves. Armed with a duster and a lint roller, she moved around to clear the cushions of fur and get rid of the dirt between spaces. Finally, she pulled the curtains open to give a lively view of the courtyard (and to introduce some much-needed sunlight into the area).
When Bruce returned downstairs wearing the outfit from her recommendation, he blinked and looked around as if it was his first time seeing the room. "This looks much better," he hummed in approval.
Marinette topped it off by placing a flower centerpiece on the coffee table. "Anything else you need me to do, Mr. Wayne? Should I sit in during the interview?"
"No thank you, I have another request for you." Bruce's eyes flickered towards the kitchen. "You see, some of my children might already be awake at this time and Alfred's not around to take care of breakfast."
". . . I don't believe this fits my job description."
"I'll add to your pay this month."
"I'll get started on breakfast right away, sir. Any preferences?"
"Anything will do."
Marinette nodded and immediately put away all the cleaning equipment as the doorbell rang. Bruce told her that he would be the one to greet Ms. Sinclair, so she headed for the kitchen instead.
Upon entering the new room, Marinette noticed that there was already an occupant inside. A short-haired woman sat on top of a barstool on the kitchen island, cradling a mug. Marinette halted in her tracks, bowing slightly.
"Hello. Miss . . . Cassandra." She smiled softly. "I'm Marinette, Mr. Wayne's assistant. I don't believe we've met before. Your father's currently entertaining a Gazette reporter at the moment and asked me to cook breakfast."
Cassandra, or Cass as Bruce would often refer to her, tilted her head. "Nice to meet you."
Marinette unhooked an apron near the refrigerator. "Would you like me to make you another cup of tea?"
Cass' eyebrows raised, perhaps surprised at how perceptive she was. She gazed down at her mug, thinking, and met Marinette's eyes again. "Sure."
With a one-month raise in mind, Marinette prepared the teapot and collected the ingredients. Thanks for not telling me which children are home, she frowned as she went over the contents of the pantry. Very helpful, Mr. Wayne. She settled on playing it safe: simple but numerous choices.
"Have you got any preferences for breakfast, Miss Cassandra?" She asked as she tipped the teapot over Cass' mug. Cass merely shook her head 'no'.
"Very well."
Marinette had just preheated the pans when footsteps sounded. In rushed another Wayne kid, slinging a bag over his shoulder.
"Good morning, Mr. Thomas," she chirped. "Would you like coffee, tea, or juice?"
Duke looked like he was caught off guard seeing her there. He looked back and forth between her and Cass, eyes filled with confusion. His sister only motioned for him to reply to Marinette.
"Uuh, coffee please," he responded, walking up to a barstool to sit down.
"I'll brew a cup for you right away." Marinette took the empty coffee maker, suspiciously containing remnants of the drink. Mr. Drake's doing, no doubt. "Mr. Wayne had me get started on breakfast since Mr. Pennyworth isn't here at the moment."
"Ohh," said Duke. "Marinette, right? It's a Saturday today though. Bruce called you in just to make breakfast? He's incompetent but not that incompetent, you know."
"He does require my presence for the interview he's doing." Marinette motioned towards the direction of the drawing room. "I have nothing to do while he's currently conversing with Ms. Sinclair, so he thought I could cook some food for you."
"Pretty sure his main problem was breakfast though."
Marinette slowly nodded in agreement, stirring the contents of one pot. "I didn't object because he promised to compensate me fairly."
"As he should." Duke brought out his phone to check his reflection on the camera. "By the way, do either of you have any tips for an internship interview?"
Cass shrugged and patted his hand. "You'll do well."
"Really? I almost couldn't sleep last night because of it." Duke huffed. "Then Tim told me to just wing it after I caught him making coffee."
Marinette contributed two words while still moving around to cook: "Your cologne."
Duke sniffed himself. "Does it smell bad?"
"It's best to go for a more subtle scent." She wrinkled her nose and momentarily reached for her bag to toss him a bottle that she brought. "Here, this might be more suitable."
"You brought men's cologne?" Duke stared at the glass sprayer in disbelief.
"You'd be surprised at how many things Mr. Wayne unexpectedly needs." The reply drew out a little laugh from Cass.
Duke took a whiff and lit up. "I'll go change and put this on. Thanks, Mars!"
As he raced back up the stairs, Marinette checked the time. She untied her apron, poured out four cups of coffee, and prepared them with differently: the first two (one for Duke), she used only creamer and sugar; in the second one, she added just the right amount of sugar; and in the last, a vanilla flavoring, tower of whipped cream, and a dash of cinnamon. Next, she quickly set up the three drinks on a wooden tray, plus three plates of pastries from the box she brought.
Thank kwamis Alfred has a good kitchen arrangement system, she thought.
"Please excuse me for a moment." She told Cass as she picked up the tray.
She was granted impeccable timing when she slipped into the drawing room—Bruce and Ms. Sinclair had paused their interview, with the latter's eyes immediately gleaming in delight upon seeing the snacks and drinks. Meanwhile, Sinclair's assistant-slash-photographer gawked.
"Excuse me, here's some refreshments." Marinette beamed at the journalist, setting down the tray. "Mr. Wayne picked these pastries just for you, miss. I hope you enjoy them."
"Goodness!" Excitement was practically radiating from the woman. "Aw, Bruce you didn't have to!"
Ms. Sinclair wasn't a difficult person to please. A quick research told Marinette that she had a sweet tooth. A much deeper (totally not borderline stalker-ish) research revealed her favorite coffee blend and pastry shop.
Marinette definitely read a hint of surprise from Bruce, even if he did a good job of concealing it. Because Bruce, in fact, didn't prepare the pastries and is seeing them for the first time. He directed a charming smile at Ms. Sinclair. "It's the least I can do. Please enjoy."
"Such a dear," the woman gushed. "Now I might do three pages of the magazine for you, not two!"
And when Bruce glanced at Marinette, she sent him a look saying 'you better thank the heavens you have me.'
When she returned, Duke was back, happily sipping his coffee but along with him was a newcomer.
The youngest son.
Marinette had met Damian Wayne only a few times before and only when Bruce was around. Bruce had introduced him fleetingly, so she had only managed to exchange simple greetings with him, not anything more.
But despite their lack of interaction, Marinette knew a lot about Damian from Bruce's ramblings during lull time at work. He'd tell her 'Damian tried to adopt another cat', 'I think Damian's mad at me', 'How can I get Damian and Jason to bond together?', 'Damian threatened to go back to his mother if I don't agree to let Titus come on vacation with us', or 'I think Damian just used a slang on me. What does this mean?'
Marinette would give her best advice to her boss during those times, but she couldn't help but wonder if the resolutions ever worked with Damian since Bruce never relayed follow-ups.
"Good morning, Damian," she greeted, "Breakfast is almost ready. Would you like a drink?"
"Thomas filled me in." He set his bag on top of the counter. "Father really shouldn't be calling his PA for this. And no, I don't want a drink. I have to go soon."
Duke eyed his brother's outfit. "You have school today?"
"I asked my art teacher if I can come in today to work on my painting as we're not allowed to take our artworks home." Damian replied.
"No need to come in on time," Cass pointed out. "Come eat."
Damian narrowed his eyes at the pans on the stove. "I cannot eat—"
"Vegan kimchi fried rice and tofu scramble," Marinette said, "I cooked something else for you."
". . . Tt. Fine." And he begrudgingly took his seat.
The three siblings watched as Marinette served a feast—the delicious aroma of breakfast wafted around the room as she carefully plated the dishes in perfect portions. She didn't know if her cooking was on par with Alfred's, but she should at least impress them for the good pay she was getting from Bruce. She set down the plates in front of them with a simple 'bon appétit!'
Duke shoveled up the food quickly. "This is so good!" He took another bite.
To this, Cass nodded in agreement. Meanwhile, Damian quietly chewed his meal, paying no compliments.
But he gazed up at Marinette. "You're not going to eat?"
"Oh, no thank you," Marinette declined, "I wouldn't want to impose, and I already ate before I came here."
It was a full-on lie. It was taking all of her strength to not let her stomach growling be heard. Although she was inside Bruce's home, she still had to act professional. Luckily, Damian only raised an eyebrow skeptically and continued eating.
"Is there anything else you need, Mr. Wayne?"
Bruce seemed stunned for a second after seeing Marinette hand a packed lunch to Duke before he rushed out. He even taste-tested her cooking and remarked how delicious it was.
He blinked at her. "Nothing else. You've done so much already, thank you."
"I should be going home then."
"Wait." Bruce spun around to face his son. "Damian, you're heading out too. Can you drive Marinette home?"
"But Father—"
"I can commute on my own, it's no problem at all." Marinette stepped forward.
"Her residence is on your way to school," Bruce insisted. "And please let him take you, Marinette, as thanks for breakfast."
When her gaze landed on Damian, he didn't seem too happy about it. But how could she deny a free ride?
"Thank you, Mr. Wayne." She bowed slightly. "I'll see you on Monday."
Suffice to say, the walk to the car and most of the ride was full of awkward silence. Marinette tried not to look at Damian every second or so. She went over her mental notes about him. Damian Al Ghul Wayne. The current Robin, who's attending university. Likes animals, broody, formerly extremely violent. If she remembered correctly, he was around her age.
"Take the next right over there and my apartment's in the second building." She offered a small smile. "Thank you for the ride again."
He didn't reply.
He only followed her directions and stopped in front of her building. As a last attempt at communication, Marinette took the box with pastries left over and held it out to him.
"Here, you can take these last two. They're vegan." Marinette watched as his gaze dropped down to the box before lifting up to meet hers.
"No thank you. You should have them instead—you're starving, aren't you?" He tapped his fingers on the wheel. "Besides, you're the one who bought that."
Her eyes widened. Had she been obvious the whole time? "Um, er . . ." She retracted her arms. "Okay. Thank you."
She unclasped her seatbelt and sneaked another glance at him. She was close to opening the door when she stopped. "Hey, can you take off your seatbelt for a sec?"
He frowned. "What?"
"It won't take long, Mr. Wayne."
"I don't—" He cut himself off and sighed, most likely remembering one of their first encounters. He'd ask her to call him Damian, not 'Mr. Wayne' like his father, so she'd only use his last name when he wasn't being cooperative.
Damian did as she said and she reached over to undo his tie. He didn't say anything as she redid the lopsided knot, tying his necktie neatly and smoothing over the creases.
She didn't notice how small the distance between them had become until she felt his breath on her forehead.
"There you go." She pulled away and opened the door. "Alfred usually helps you with that, doesn't he?"
"Yes," he mumbled.
She smiled. "Good luck with your painting, Damian."
Again, silence. But Marinette pretended not to notice him fumbling with his seatbelt as she got out of the car. 
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mdzsfan · 7 months
Hi, can I request an OS with Lan Wangji and female reader? Reader was given as a gift to Wangji to serve him as a maid by another clan. Reader belongs to a poor background (she was an orphan grown up in a foster home). Reader feels honoured to be his maid and serves HanGuang-Jun with all her heart. Slowly, Wangji developed feelings for reader and started loving her secretly. He becomes protective of her and started getting jealous whenever she gets attention from other mdzs boys. Reader has a crush on HanGuang-Jun but she never expected that someone like Lan er-gongzi who is a noble man belongs to the highest social class can like her, let alone love her(reader is an underconfident maiden because of her poor background). Wangji started dropping subtle hints for the reader to show his love for her. Like, one day, Wangji took reader's hands in his and made her touch his forehead ribbon, which reader misunderstood as a mistake. Another day, he played guqin for the reader when she was unable to fall asleep. Some other day, he kissed her forhead & cheeks when she was playing with his rabbits. One day, Wangji takes the reader to Caiyi town for Yuan Xiao festival. Reader loves going to festivals and fairs a lot since she never got a chance to go there during childhood (she mentioned it to him casually one day) where they both light a lantern together and wish to stay together forever. Wangji couldn't stop himself from kissing her when he feels the reader so close to him which made her really surprised since she didn't believe what has just happened😳 Wangji takes her to a restaurant to eat where someone spiked her tea and reader got drunk. They decided to stay in a hotel in same room and Wangji takes care of the drunk reader. Her cute antics made him laugh and gives him a hard time to control himself as he doesn't want to take advantage of her in drunken state. (You can add as many cute antics as you want as drunk reader is quite adorable and cute). Once she became sober, there, sitting on his lap, reader asks Wangji, "why does he not treat her like a maid anymore? Why did he kiss her?(touching her lips while saying that), What does he feel about her? Why is he holding her in his arms like this as it is forbidden to be like this with a maid?" To which Wangji replies that, "he will never treat her as a maid because she is his woman and he consider the reader as his wife, his soulmate, his everything. And he is holding her like this because she is his and she will remain in his arms forever." Listening to this, reader kisses him and Wangji couldn't control himself anymore so they both kisses each other passionately and things got heated from there between them and they had sex in the hotel room(you can write implied nsfw if you are not comfortable). Lying naked in each other's arms, reader asked Wangji if it is okay to be intimate with a maid? Is it not forbidden to have a relationship like this between a master and servant? To which Wangji made her touch his forehead ribbon and declares that only she is allowed to touch his forehead ribbon as he considers reader his spouse. Reader gets emotional and they had sex again, this time Wangji being gentle with her as she was already sore from previous rounds. Next day, when they go back to cloud recess, Wangji tells Zewu-Jun that he wants to marry the reader ceremoniously and Zewu-Jun shows his concerns regarding Shūfù's reaction as he will never accept reader (a maid from low class) as Wangji's wife. When Shūfù called HanGuang-Jun and Zewu-Jun to talk about this matter, to convince him not to marry the maid reader, Wangji declared that the reader has already became his woman because Wangji has embraced the reader and had taken her virginity, her honour. The marks she bears on her body are the evidence of their passionate night together. Shūfù has no other choice so he accepts their relationship and reader and Wangji gets married in a traditional ceremony and declares their love to each other and vows to stay with each other forever. Thank you in advance😊
Thank you so much for requesting! I hope you like this oneshot that I wrote. I unfortunately did had to split into 3-5 parts as it was very long, and there are some parts such as smut that might be uncomfortable for some readers. As not everyone is okay with the idea of smut however, I really hope that you like the one shots, as I personally loved writing it!
Unspoken Bonds
From the earliest days of y/n's life, a sense of unrelenting hardship took root, as she navigated a world that was harsh and unforgiving. Abandoned to the streets with neither family nor means, she fell into the hands of a family that offered shelter, but at a cost that was far from kind. This supposed refuge, unfortunately, evolved into a crucible of cruelty that shaped her formative years.
Optimism, naive yet persistent, had once painted this family as her potential saviors, a way out of the torment she had known. Yet, the stark reality unfolded with a grim contrast. Instead of the sanctuary she yearned for, she became a target for their frustrations and anger. Mistakes, no matter how minor, ignited storms of abuse that rained down upon her fragile shoulders.
Her daily life became an endless cycle of servitude. Cooking and cleaning were the tasks she was relegated to, her hands worn from the labor that sustained the very family that ought to have nurtured and protected her. But instead of gratitude, they rewarded her dedication with disrespect, dehumanizing her by spitting on her, a poignant reminder of her status as the lowest rung in their household.
Time went by, and the cruelty only intensified. The shadows of her circumstances grew darker, blotting out any semblance of hope that dared to flicker within her. The family's satisfaction seemed to derive from her suffering, twisting her dreams into nightmares she couldn't escape.
And then, when their need for her waned, they made a callous decision that would forever alter her fate. Selling her, as if she were mere chattel, became their solution to an inconvenience they no longer wished to tolerate. To a neighboring clan hungry for power and willing to pay, y/n was a transaction, a cruel exchange of money for a life.
In the face of life's unrelenting challenges, y/n remained resolute and unyielding. Despite the difficulties that surrounded her, she refused to surrender to adversity. Over time, her indomitable spirit led her to forge meaningful connections with the fellow maids and servants who, like her, dedicated their lives to serving the illustrious Xiao family. Through shared experiences and a mutual understanding of their circumstances, the bonds of friendship blossomed, offering solace and camaraderie in a world that often seemed harsh and unforgiving.
Yet, as the hands of fate would have it, echoes of history began to resurface. Just when y/n believed she had found her place amidst the companionship of kindred spirits, an unexpected twist emerged. Rumors spread, whispered in hushed tones among the manors' inhabitants, conveying a revelation that cast a shadow over the newfound harmony y/n had cultivated. It was decided that y/n would be entrusted as a gift to the revered Gusu Lan Clan, an act motivated by a deep sense of gratitude.
The Gusu Lan Clan, renowned for their steadfast support of the small clan to which y/n had belonged, offered her presence as a token of appreciation. It was a gesture meant to convey not only the Xiao family's acknowledgment of the Gusu Lan Clan's assistance but also their genuine desire to strengthen the ties between their clans. 
Prior to y/n's entrance into Gusu as Lan Wangji's maid, a myriad of rumors had reached her ears, painting a multifaceted portrait of the enigmatic man. Whispers echoed about his piercing gaze, capable of peering into the depths of one's soul, and tales circulated of his unwavering adherence to rules and decorum, lending an air of unwavering obedience to his presence, seemingly mirroring the very essence of Lan Qiren.
However, as y/n stepped into her role and began to interact with Lan Wangji on a more intimate level, she found that reality diverged from these conjectures. The man who stood before her was not a mere embodiment of rumors; he was a complex individual with layers that extended far beyond the whispers of gossip. Yes, there existed an initial distance between them, a consequence of his accustomed solitude, yet this did not deter her from pursuing a genuine connection.
As y/n assumed her role as Lan Wangji's dedicated maid, a profound sense of honor enveloped her. Each task she performed, every moment she spent in his presence, was imbued with a deep reverence for the man she served, HanGuang-Jun. Her heart swelled with pride as she tended to his needs, and she approached her duties with an unwavering commitment that stemmed from a genuine admiration for his character.
In her eyes, every action was a testament to her devotion. She meticulously arranged his belongings, ensuring that his environment was one of tranquility and order. The act of preparing his tea became a ritual, a delicate balance of precision and care. As she observed him from the periphery, his presence radiated a quiet strength that commanded respect and kindled an unspoken understanding between them.
Amid the tranquil rhythm of their daily tea ceremony, Lan Wangji's voice cut through the stillness with a question that echoed like the delicate chime of a distant temple bell. "Do I frighten you?" he inquired, his words carrying a weight that seemed to stretch beyond their immediate context.
Caught off guard by the unexpected inquiry, y/n paused in her meticulous task, her movements stilled by the gravity of his question. Her eyes met his, a moment of connection that held a world of unspoken sentiments. She could sense the complexity within those eyes, a depth of emotions that remained enigmatic yet inviting, like the surface of a tranquil pond concealing the currents below.
In response, her voice carried a gentle timbre laced with a touch of reverence, as she inclined her head in a respectful bow. "I'm sorry, Hanguang-Jun," she murmured, her words threaded with sincerity. "I didn't mean to offend you. Please forgive me."
With the pot placed delicately on the table, a fleeting impulse surged within y/n. An impulse to escape the room, to retreat from the intimacy of the moment. But before she could act upon it, her attempt to slip away was thwarted by the firm yet gentle grasp of Lan Wangji's hand. His touch was unexpected, a tether that pulled her back from the precipice of her own uncertainty.
"Stay," his voice resonated, carrying a command that was as soft as it was compelling. His gaze, steady and unwavering, met hers, and in that instant, she was held in his gaze as if suspended in time. His finger extended, pointing to the table that held the tea they were meant to share, a silent insistence that resonated more deeply than mere words.
Caught between his unspoken desire and her own momentary hesitation, y/n found herself rooted to the spot, her instincts conflicting with the undeniable pull of his presence. It was in this very moment that the lines between servant and master, duty and emotion, blurred into something more intricate and profound.
As she remained by the table, a swirl of emotions stirred within her. The unexpected touch, the commanding yet not unkind directive, created a fissure in the façade of their roles. A hint of vulnerability flickered in Lan Wangji's eyes, a vulnerability that mirrored her own feelings of uncertainty and longing.
This moment was the very beginning. A small, unassuming step that would unknowingly set the course for a transformation within her heart. The tiniest seed of affection, of admiration for the man who stood before her, took root and began to flourish. The reverence she had always held for him deepened, evolving into something more personal and profound.
As they shared the tea, the air between them seemed to shimmer with unspoken emotions. Her heart, once steady, now danced to the rhythm of a new melody, one that resonated with the harmony of unspoken feelings and secret desires. 
Throughout their shared moments that accumulated over time, the connection between y/n and Lan Wangji had deepened and gave a rise to an enduring love that seemed to flourish with each passing day. The tender affection they nurtured for one another became a beacon of warmth in their lives, radiating an exquisite glow that illuminated even the darkest corners of their hearts.
Lan Wangji's regard for y/n was a testament to the transformational power of genuine love. Unlike the treatment meted out by the previous clans, he adorned y/n with the dignity and respect that she deserved. Each gesture, each word he spoke, was a brushstroke on the canvas of their relationship, carefully painting a masterpiece of equality and mutual admiration. The societal boundaries that typically governed interactions between different strata of society held no dominion in their bond.
On a serene day, with scrolls in her hands meant for Lan Wangji, y/n embarked on her journey towards his presence. However, her path was momentarily intercepted by the boisterous voice of Wei Wuxian. His voice echoed in the air, calling out to her, "Hey there, pretty lady!"
Pausing, y/n turned to face Wei Wuxian, a playful smile tugging at his lips. His inquiry was direct, laden with curiosity, "Why do you always hang around with that grumpy, old, boring, mean man?"
A chuckle escaped y/n as she contemplated the question. Wei Wuxian's amusement was evident, yet there was a genuine inquisitiveness in his gaze. "Grumpy, old, boring, mean man?" y/n repeated, a glint of humor dancing in her eyes. Then, with a sly grin, she ventured, "Lan Wangji?"
Wei Wuxian's nod confirmed her guess, and y/n couldn't help but offer a gentle smile. "You see," she began, her tone thoughtful, "It's my role to serve Lan Wangji, to assist him with tasks that are entrusted to me." Her words carried a sense of purpose, a conviction that underscored her actions.
The accusation that Lan Wangji was mean warranted a soft shake of her head. "Oh no, he's not mean," y/n corrected with an air of certainty. "In fact, he's anything but that. Lan Wangji has been a savior in my life, a pillar of support and understanding. His demeanor might seem reserved, but beneath that lies a depth of compassion and wisdom."
Y/n's words carried a weight of sincerity, a testament to the profound impact Lan Wangji had on her life. Her steadfast defense of his character was unwavering, rooted in the countless moments they had shared and the understanding that had grown between them.
She continued, her tone soft but unwavering, "It's true that his sternness may seem directed at times, but it's often a reflection of his dedication to principles and order. And as for you, Wei Wuxian," she paused, a playful glint entering her eyes, "you might find that his 'meanness' is a response to your rather inventive interpretations of the rules."
Wei Wuxian's laughter rang out, a melody of amusement that danced through the air. Y/n's steadfast loyalty and her ability to see beyond the surface intrigued him, a curiosity stirring within him like a hidden current beneath the surface.
Lan Wangji's arrival on the scene was as graceful as ever, his presence a calming breeze that stirred the air. A smile graced his lips as his gaze fell upon y/n, the sight of her never failing to evoke a sense of serenity within him. However, the tableau before him quickly shifted his emotions in an unexpected direction.
Observing the easy camaraderie between y/n and Wei Wuxian, their laughter and exchanged smiles, Lan Wangji felt a subtle pang in his chest—a twinge of jealousy that seemed to tighten his throat. The warmth that had previously filled him was now juxtaposed with a slight discomfort, a feeling he struggled to name.
"A-y/n," he addressed her, his voice steady but tinged with an undertone of something he himself couldn't quite grasp. Stepping into the midst of their discussion, his gaze fixed upon Wei Wuxian, his stare carrying a weight of warning, like a hawk assessing its territory.
Y/n's attention shifted seamlessly, her focus now on Lan Wangji, her demeanor respectful and attentive. "Hanguang-Jun," she acknowledged with a graceful bow, the gesture a testament to the deference she held for him.
The air seemed to hum with unspoken tension, the energy between the three of them palpable. Lan Wangji's reaction was a confluence of emotions, protectiveness for the bond he shared with y/n. A hint of insecurity at the sight of her engaged with another, and a flicker of curiosity about the nature of her rapport with Wei Wuxian.
Y/n's posture remained poised, her ability to navigate these subtle undercurrents a reflection of her perceptiveness. As her eyes met Lan Wangji's, there was a gentle reassurance in her gaze, a silent message that affirmed her unwavering regard for him.
Wei Wuxian, though he had been met with Lan Wangji's glare, seemed to take it all in stride. His own expression was a blend of mischief and curiosity, a playful acknowledgment of the tension that had arisen. It was as if he recognized the significance of Lan Wangji's feelings, perhaps even the depth of his emotions, without needing explicit words.
Amidst the charged atmosphere, Lan Wangji's composed demeanor remained a steadfast anchor. His subtle gesture caught y/n's attention, a silent communication that conveyed it was time to depart from the scene. Y/n's acknowledgment was swift—a nod that reflected her readiness to follow Lan Wangji's lead.
As if choreographed by an unspoken understanding, y/n gracefully turned her attention back to Wei Wuxian, her respectful bow a final farewell gesture. The act was imbued with a sense of gratitude for the exchange they had shared and a promise of a future encounter.
However, before the moment could dissolve into the annals of memory, Wei Wuxian's voice reverberated through the space like a lightning bolt. "DOES LAN WANGJI LIKE A-Y/N!?" The words were proclaimed with a volume that defied subtlety, and echoed. 
The scene that followed was a mix of reactions that could only be expected in the wake of Wei Wuxian's exuberant declaration. The elder Lans, though mildly scandalized by the outburst, were not entirely surprised, a testament to Wei Wuxian's notorious reputation for audacious behavior. 
"WEI WUXIAN!!!" Lan Qiren's stern voice shattered the calm like a thunderclap, a sharp reprimand that cut through the atmosphere with a forceful command. His displeasure was evident in both his tone and expression, a manifestation of the elder Lans' commitment to decorum and discipline. The echoes of his voice lingered in the air like a tangible reprimand.
Startled by the force of Lan Qiren's shout, Wei Wuxian's eyes widened and his heart raced. He was well accustomed to Lan Qiren's disapproval, yet the suddenness of it always managed to catch him off guard. Without a moment's hesitation, he turned on his heels, his quick retreat evidence of his familiarity with this routine. 
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Writer’s Note: I meant to post this last night for Halloween, BUT work & life had other plans for me so I’m posting it now. Enjoy! -Jazz
*IMPORTANT Note: Itadori and Megumi are both aged up in this drabble (early 20s).
*Note: Reader is described as having "curves" (ass and titties).
The boy nearly popped a hard-on seeing you for the first time in that fitting room. Thank God he was swearing sweats at the time. 
After college classes ended, he invited you out for parfaits and Halloween shopping for Gojo’s costume party since he knew how much you loved Halloween. He, also, was a fan of the holiday and loved that you had something in common with him. Maybe that would open the doors to something more, he hoped. 
“We can shop for decorations for our dorms too!” he excitedly said to you as you walked to the Halloween store among the colorful trees and crisp air. “And maybe even get some candy! You think there are gonna be kids at Gojo’s party too?” 
“Other than us?” you giggled. “No way. With how raunchy Gojo’s gigs get, there will be no kids at this, so we can get all the candy we want for just us!” You laughed at Yuji’s fist pump in the air, thinking about how cute he was. 
When you finally got to the Halloween store, it was packed with people searching for candy and Halloween costumes. You and Yuji went right for the superhero and villain costumes, excitedly talking among yourselves about duo costume ideas. “How about Superman and Wonder Woman?” you suggested, showing him the tight spandex suit and cape. You giggled at the idea of him squeezing himself into it and picking at his groin all night because the suit is too tight. 
He tapped a finger to his chin, squinting at the suit like he was really considering buying it. “Eh, I don’t know how I’d look in this,” he tutted. He scanned the rest of the shelves and gasped excitedly. “Hey, what about these? Batman and Batgirl?” He pointed at the two costume packs, specifically the Batgirl one which came with a mask, belt, and cape. 
You looked at the Batman costume, noticing how big the mask is. It practically took up half of your face if you were to put it on. “If you don’t mind sweating in that mask, sure,” you replied to Yuji. He cheered like you just said you were treating him to dinner.
“Awesome!! Here, go and try this on so you can see how it looks. We’ve got plenty of time before the party starts.” He grabbed the costume and pushed it into your chest, hurrying you off towards the fitting rooms. “You go try it on and I’ll stay here,” he said, taking a seat in one of the lounging chairs outside of the fitting rooms. He grinned at you like a little kid, melting your heart. He was so golden retriever-coded. 
“Okay, okay,” you laughed and disappeared behind the door to one of the rooms. You took the costume off of the hanger and stripped off your own clothes before trying it on. The suit was of spandex-like material and stretches when you put it on, but it felt rather tight against your body and seemed to stick to your chest and ass. You attached the cape to your back and put on the black bat mask it came with before walking towards the door. “I’ve got it on,” you called to Yuji nervously. “It’s kinda tight though.” 
“Really?” Yuji asked. “Well, lemme see! It can’t be that bad.” You mumbled in protest, but came outside of the room regardless. You stood in front of Yuji playing away on his phone and twirled for him. “Here it is,” you said. “So how do I look?” 
Yuji looked up once from his phone and then had to a double take when he saw you. His eyes traced over your body in the skin-tight bodysuit, loving the way it filled out your curves and stuck to your frame. It also did nothing to hide your chest or behind, outlining your assets perfectly. All you had to do was add some high-knee boots and he was ready to bow to you, serve your every need. Before he realized that he was popping a hard-on, it was too late. 
“It looks ridiculous, don’t it?” you sighed, picking at the cape. “The cape and mask are cute, but this suit is just…” You trailed off, realizing how quiet your friend was. You looked at Yuji, noticing his mouth agape and eyes wide as he stared at you. “Yuji?” you carefully asked.
Nothing. Not even a blink of an eye. You bent towards him, your tits in his face and your eyes looking into his. “Yujiii?” you sang. “Hellooo?” 
When Yuji blinked and brought himself back to life out of his fantasy of fucking you silly in the dressing room, he realized how close you were. So close that he could smother himself in your titties if you let him. He jumped back and up out of his seat, startling you. “Fine!” he said a little too loudly. “I-I’m fine, I’m good. You look great! You should buy it!” 
Your eyes trailed down and Yuji quickly reacted by covering his hardened dick with his backpack, not wanting you to see how horny he was for you. “You’re sure?” you asked, still looking uncertain. But he nodded rather aggressively, a smile plastered on his face. “Absolutely!” he replied, already turning around to leave. “Now you go change and I’ll go get my costume to try on.” 
“Okay,” you replied, but he was already racing off before he could hear you. When you entered the dressing room again, your face grew warm and you giggled giddily to yourself, his hardened bulge in your mind.
'He’s so big!’ you thought. 
He tried not to look. He really did.
He didn’t want to be like the other horny boys he somehow found himself saddled with at this stupid ass party Nobara dragged him to. 
But goddamn, you look good in red. He was willing to put up with the screaming and drunk antics of these losers surrounding him if it meant he could admire your skin against that bright, cherry red…and your ass in that bodysuit). He couldn’t deny how sexy you looked with those fishnets and horns too. 
The other guys couldn’t deny it either. And Gojo wouldn’t. He also noticed how fine you looked and had been plotting to snag you since he, Megumi, and the gang got here. “God, she’s so fuckin’ fine,” he sighed, eyeing you through his blindfold. 
“Ew,” Yuji gagged in his “Toy Story” costume. He went as Woody while Nobara is Jessie. They tried to get Megumi to be Buzz Lightyear, but he wasn’t having it. He opted for a black hoodie and some jeans.
“Why wouldn’t she just come over here?” Gojo groaned impatiently. 
“Because she’s busy talking to the girls, pervert,” Shoko criticized him, bumping him with her hip in her Pulp Fiction costume. She smoked that damn fake cigarette like it was real. “Let her be. She’s too young for you anyway.” 
Megumi secretly agreed even though you were both in your early twenties. Gojo was in his early thirties around this time, so there wouldn’t be much to criticize or call the cops about, but Megumi still simmered and cringed at the idea of his mentor flirting with you. “Too young,” Gojo parroted, scoffing. “She probably liked older guys!” 
“Well, why don’t you go over there and find out for yourself?” Megumi asked, sipping on his rum and coke. All three looked at him, more because of his tone than his words. He sounded bitter almost though he had meant to sound nonchalant. ‘Fuck,’ he thought. 
A secretive smirk stretched across Gojo’s face. “I have a better idea,” he chuckled. “Why don’t you go over there, ask Y/N, and find out for me, huh, ‘Gumi?” Megumi bristled at the nickname and his mentor’s teasing. 
“Find out what?” a familiar and sexy voice innocently asked. Megumi swore he nearly shat himself when he turned to find you standing behind him. You had been standing and laughing with the Zenin sisters for nearly twenty minutes now. How the fuck did you get here so fast? 
“Oh, there you are, sweetness!” Gojo said. “Listen, Megumi has a very important question to ask you.” “Does he?” you asked innocently, peering at him with those damn, long, pretty lashes. He swore he was going to kill Gojo. “Yes,” Shoko said, stepping in. “And while he does that, we’ll be taking our leave. Come on, boys.” 
While Yuji happily went along, wanting to get more snacks, Gojo had to be dragged away as he protested and whined about missing the show. Shoko smacked him upside the head though which silenced him (for now, anyways). Megumi was then left with you and your stupid ass, sexy ass costume. “Hey, Megumi,” you said, smiling that damn smile at him. “Where’s your costume at?” 
He nearly forgot he was just wearing a hoodie and some jeans to this stupid party. He didn’t care to do it at first, but now seeing the way your eyebrows knitted in concern for his lack of festivity, he felt that he could’ve at least wore a mask or something. “I didn’t wear one,” he grumbled. “Not my style.” 
Luckily, you didn’t seen perturbed for too long. You shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal and gave him that dazzling smile that unnerved him to no end. “Well, it’s cool that you’re here anyway,” you giggled. “So what it is you wanted to ask me about?” You stepped closer to him, giving him a whiff of your perfume that smelled like warm apple pie. 
Megumi suddenly couldn't think, his mind jumbled. “I, uh…no, Gojo, he…” You pouted those pretty, glossed lips up at him, your eyes big and waiting for him to spit it out. Those lips…those pretty, soft, thick lips he wanted to press his mouth to if not feel wrapped around his dick. 
It didn’t take long for him to realize he was hard. And extremely so. It chubbed against his jeans, making him extremely uncomfortable and hot in his clothes. Megumi never got horny like this for girls. He found some attractive, sure, but he never envisioned them on their knees sucking him off or pinned against a wall while he fucked them into a stupor. But when it came to you? That was all off of the table. “Oh, fuck,” he whispered to himself. 
“Megumi?” you questioned. You raised an eyebrow at him. “Are you okay?” He didn’t respond. He couldn’t. How could he tell you that he was popping a boner for you? Your red-gloved hand moved to his forehead, making his breath hitch in his throat. “God, you’re burning up,” you gasped. “Here, come with me and we’ll get you some water.” 
You took his hand and began to drag him through the party to the staircase, oblivious to Yuji and Gojo’s obnoxious cheers as they probably thought Megumi was getting some ass. All he got was a cool towel against his forehead and you sitting with him on the edge of the bathtub, close enough to touch and feel, as you talked about the new horror movies dropping in the next year. He listened, chiming in here and there, but he really just loved your voice. 
After the party ended and everyone went home, he found himself conjuring up the memory of your sweet voice again as he fucked his hand, picturing it as your gorgeous, tight, wet pussy wrapped around him.
Even when he came, he continued to fist his cock, biting back his moans and whines at the image of you behind his lids. ‘You,’ he thought in his clouded brain after his orgasm. ‘It’s because of fuckin’ you.’
They wouldn’t leave you alone.
Quite literally. They followed you absolutely everywhere you went as you made your rounds at the school staff costume party. 
You knew you looked good in your cheetah costume for the night, which you paired with some ears, a tail, and a skin-tight dress under your jacket that hugged your frame and ass just right, but damn! Could a girl breathe? Especially away from two men that she wasn’t interested in. 
After making the last of your rounds saying hi to a professor, you stopped at a snack table and got yourself another glass of “special” punch. You were glad that this party was adults only so most of the drinks were alcoholic. You needed it, especially surrounded by these two.
“Can y’all stop following me, please?” you sighed. “It’s not going to make me any more interested in either of you.” 
When you turned around, sure enough, Satoru and Suguru stood behind you in their costumes. Satoru went as Jason, the mask turned up over his face, while Suguru decided on a vampire, scouting the cape and fake fangs while his thick, black hair was tied in a bun. You didn’t want to admit it but they looked cute.
“We just wanna make sure you’re safe,” Gojo said with a grin. “You’d be surprised how many guys love cat girls.” 
He peeled up his blindfold slightly and gave you a wink that you weren't swayed by. “Like you two?” you retorted. “Please, neither one of you are slick. You’ve been starin’ at me all night.” 
“And with good reason!” Satoru replied, that damn gigawatt smile still plastered on his face. Like he was so sure you would fold for him. “You can’t blame us for admiring how adorable you look!”
Suguru nodded in agreement, more stoic than his friend but just as flirtatious. “He has a point, Ms. L/N,” he agreed. “The ears make it a lot harder for us to not pay attention to you.” 
You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. “Geto, I told you to just call me Y/N,” you sighed. “And I appreciate the compliment, but I’m still not interested. Especially in two guys.”
You ticked one finger between the two of them. They were all the women (and men, if they happened to like dick) talked about among the staff lounges and school hallways––how skilled and powerful they were; how funny and intelligent they were; how hot they were; how good they were in bed.
You wanted no parts in any of that. You refused to let your head get wrapped up in love or lust when you had a job to do for the students here, and that was to be a great counselor to them. 
While Suguru looked saddened at your comment, Satoru only chuckled. “Such a fierce kitty,” he cackled. He threw up his hands in defense. “Alright, fine, point taken. But if you ever decide that you’re tired of this boring ass party and want some new entertainment, we’ll be right over at that punch bowl.”
He gave you another flirty smirk that stirred something in you. “Don’t stray too far, kitty cat.” 
Then he was gone, sauntering up to the snack table. “Ignore him,” Suguru sighed. “He likes to flirt and tease, but he does like you.” 
You cocked your head at him, swirling your drink around in your red solo cup. “Really? I didn’t even notice.”
The long-haired man smirked at your fiery attitude, liking it. And you hated that you liked that he liked it. “What’s with you two anyway?” you demanded. “Flirting with me when half of the school staff would gladly take you up on your offer?” 
You squinted at him, daring him to say something smart or skid around the question. But to your shock, he didn’t. He inhaled deeply through his nostrils and gave you an apologetic look.
“This is gonna sound really fuckboy-ish and generic,” he began, “but believe me when I say that you’re not like the other school staff members. You’re intelligent, kind, and actually give a shit about the kids here. That’s rare.” 
He quirked a smile at you. A real, genuine, sweet smile that made your stomach flip. “Satoru and I like that rareness in you.”
Against your better judgment, you turned towards the snack table and sure enough, Satoru was already staring at you, his blindfold turned up to give you a look at his piercing, blue eyes. They looked genuine and serene, making you feel as if Suguru was telling the truth. 
You turned back to the handsome vampire to respond, but you were stopped by the slamming of a door as another guest entered the place. Suki, the thirsty school nurse, came barreling in with her long, pink hair dressed as (surprise, surprise) a sexy nurse with a latex dress that nearly exposed her entire ass and pumps.
“Suguruuu!” her shrill voice hollered out. “Satoruuuu, I’m here!” Her voice rose above the music, earning eyes. “Where are my two favorite professors?” she asked, looking around the room. 
You’ve never cringed so hard in your life. Even Satoru and Suguru looked perturbed at Suki’s arrival. 
“Well, duty calls,” Suguru chuckled, giving you a warm smile. “We’ll see you around, Ms. L/N.” He paused, looking almost sheepish. “I mean Y/N,” he corrected, and his name sounded like pure sex on his tongue. “Come around and see us if you need us.” 
You didn’t say anything as he walked away. You felt like you couldn’t. You also felt like he meant much more in that statement than he let on. Throughout the night, you could feel the want to find out rising, the temptation building with every second you stood watching them from afar.
You tried to play it low-key, but you could tell they knew you were watching every time your eyes met theirs across the room: whether at the snack tables or on the dance floor with a very drunk Suki. Every smile they threw her (though friendly and possibly fake) sent a shock of jealousy through you. 
And you were surprised by it. You thought you didn’t want these guys to begin with! But you quickly realized that it was all bluff. A cover to protect yourself and your job.
You wanted them to smile at you; to touch you, even lightly; to be within their presence. You wanted to be pressed up against them, one of them in front while the other pushed up against you from behind. You wanted their lips on you, their hands caressing your body.
You wanted them, badly. 
And you didn’t leave the party that night until you made that known. With the temptation reaching its boiling point, you got onto your phone and made a quick group chat for just Satoru and Suguru.
As an employee at the school, an app was used with every employee to make contacting staff for meetings and other important issues easier. Getting your back broken by the two was a very important issue in your eyes. So, with the buzz of the alcohol and doing something extremely naughty, you shot them both a text. 
You excitedly and nervously looked across the room at the two who sat on one of the leather couches set up for the guests while Suki went to bother with a lizard she suddenly had her eyes set on.
Satoru went for his phone first while Suguru nodded his head to the music. You watched as Satoru’s eyes widened in shock and he bumped Suguru for his attention. Suguru looked annoyed at the white-haired hottie ruining his vibe session, but his expression changed when Satoru showed him your text: 
Took you up on your offer. You two wanna dance? -Y/N 
Both looked at the phone with two disbelieving smiles before their eyes flicked across the room to find you.
When they did, it was as if all time stopped and everything in the room disappeared except for you three. All you knew were their seductive, knowing smirks, the thumping of your heart, and the tingling sensation between your legs. There was no going back at that point. You all knew that. 
Though, of course, you were able to withdraw consent at any time (as both Satoru and Suguru told you later), that never happened. Especially when they had you pinned against their bodies an hour later, their cocks in either of your holes.
You had slipped away from the party for a nighttime “walk” which turned into a very passionate and messy kissing, touching, and groping session. 
You then found yourself behind the brick wall of a vacant campus building with Satoru’s thick cock plunging into the gummy, gushy walls of your pussy and your lips wrapped around Suguru’s even thicker cock as he fucked the makeup right off of your face.
“I think this is a little bit more than just dancing,” Satoru grunted, twirling your fake tail as his hips snapped into your ass, making it jiggle. “What do you think, Sugu?” 
Hushed moans and grunts left Suguru’s mouth as he thrusted into your hot, wet mouth, his cock head touching the back of your throat. “Definitely,” he groaned. “But the way her body moves is amazing either way. Look at how well she’s taking your cock, ‘Tarou.” He caressed your back with one hand, sending shivers down your spine. 
Satoru leaned down to whisper in and nibble at your ear as he fucked your poor pussy into submission. “Does it feel good, kitty?” he teasingly asked, his hand gliding down your naked ass. “You like takin’ this dick while throating Suguru’s cock?”
You then felt his thumb slide between your asscheeks and sliding into your asshole. You nearly came right there as your lips and pussy walls clamped around Satoru and Suguru’s cocks, drawing a moan from them both.
“Told you so,” Satoru chuckled, his laughter melting into moans as he continued to fuck you. “See what happens when you stop playin’ and being so goddamn stubborn?” 
*Note: Reader is described as having "curves" (ass and titties).
He couldn’t stop staring at you. God, help him, he knew it was improper, but shit, did your ass look good in that skirt! 
“Why don’t you just talk to the girl instead of just eye-fucking her?” Satoru whispered, nearly scaring the shit out of Kento.
He had been eyeing you down for so long that he nearly forgot where he was: at the school staff’s annual costume party. And here he was ogling you like he was at a strip club. He was disgusted with himself, especially being that you were such a great teacher and employee here. 
“Eye-what?” he scoffed, disgusted at Satoru’s suggestion and knowing smirk in his Ghostface costume. “Please don’t talk that way around me. You know how I feel about vulgarity, Satoru.” The white-haired male only scoffed. “Then you should tell her off for the vulgarity of her outfit. I mean, just look at that top!” 
Though Kento hated to have a point, his “friend” (and he used that word lightly) had a point. The costume you decided to wear tonight was less than subtle or friendly with your tight pencil skirt that hugged your round ass, low cut white top that just showed the curve of your luscious, milky breasts, and the nylon stockings on your slender legs that led down to your cherry-red pumps that Kento wanted to kiss, lick, and feel stabbing into his chest...call him a pain slut. Toss in your glasses and the pencil behind your ear and he was ready to wreck you. 
But he wasn’t going to let the pervert standing beside him know that. “This is an adult event and she can wear what she wants,” he firmly told Satoru. “And there is nothing to talk about unless we’re working. I have no need to speak to her.” Satoru quirked an eyebrow over his blindfold. “You sure about that?” he asked. “Not even to ask her how her tonight is going?” 
Kento looked back at you, noticing you talking to someone wearing a Catwoman outfit and mask by the punch bowl. “Look, she’s in the middle of a conversation anyway,” he scoffed. “It would be rude of me to–“ 
“Mei Mei is under there,” Satoru interrupted. Kento nearly crushed the plastic cup of punch he was holding. “You may wanna jump in this unless you want Y/N to become pussy-whipped. You know how Mei is with women.” He then paused, thinking for a moment. “Unless you’re fixing to join, then–“ 
“Shut up,” Kento said, though it came out as a growl. “I am not doing this for you, but for her.” 
Satoru stood back and put his hands up in defense, more than happy to see this unfold (because he was a whore for drama). “Say no more,” he chuckled. “Just make sure you get her number later.” Kento was already walking off towards you and Mei Mei, trying to appear calm when he was really freaking the fuck out on the inside. 
What was he going to say once he got over to you and Mei Mei? He really just wanted to see what you two were talking about and if Mei Mei was putting the charm on you. She always had a way with the women and men here with her long, flowing hair like snow, seductive eyes, and lustful yet addictive voice. She always put a spell on people that usually had them under her foot and in her bed. He would be lying if he said that he didn’t want you to end up as another one of her conquests. 
When he finally neared you, he could just make out your conversation, Mei Mei’s voice rising over the music and chatter. “-was hoping we could go for tea sometime,” she said in her soothing, seductive voice. “You know, tea soothes stress…among other things.”
You sipped on your drink and curiously cocked your head to the side. “Other things?” you giggled. “Like what? A personal spa day?” 
Kento nearly groaned. So innocent you were yet you dressed like a vixen straight out of a horny boy’s wet dream. Mei Mei’s red lips curled into a smirk as her hand inched closer to yours on the edge of the punch table. “I was thinking more of…”
She couldn’t say much more because Kento was already looming behind her. He cleared his throat and fixed his leopard-spotted tie in an effort to appear “normal”. “Ms. L/N,” he greeted you. 
Your pretty brown eyes, enlarged by the glasses, ticked up to meet his. A bright, gleeful smile crossed your glossy lips, making Kento’s cock twitch in his slacks. ‘Goddammit,’ he thought, more disappointed in his body than anything. He should know better than to lust after a coworker like this. "Hey, Mr. Nanami!” you greeted happily. “Is that your costume for tonight? It looks like your regular suit.” 
You cutely knitted your brows at his blue suit, dress shoes, and tie. “It is,” he admitted, nervously fixing his tie. “I’m not much of a Halloween person. I’m just here to support the school.” 
You nodded understandably while Mei Mei tittered to herself, irking Kento’s nerves somewhat. “Well, I’m glad you decided to come out of your office finally,” she chuckled, turning to him. “Y/N was just telling me about the stress of her job. I was just offering her my assistance over some tea.” She turned to you then, her smirk growing. “You do like tea, don’t you, Y/N?” 
Kento assessed your connection and reaction to Mei Mei carefully, knowing the game the white-haired woman was playing. She was trying to make him jealous. Get a rise out of him. See if he could go toe to toe with her. “Only iced tea, unfortunately,” you sheepishly laughed. “I’m more of a coffee person though I should stay clear of that.” You turned to Kento then, curiosity in your pretty eyes. “What do you do to ease your stress, Mr. Nanami?” 
Kento and Mei Mei blinked at you in surprise, not expecting you to ask him. “Well, um…” Kento tried to look absolutely anywhere but at your cleavage or your eyes, visions of his cum dripping down your chest and glasses hitting him with every glance. Thank God for the tinted shades he decided to wear tonight. “I suppose exercise and meditation.” 
You nodded, letting out an “ohhh” of realization that made him want to kiss you silly. You were so fucking cute! “That must be why you’re always so calm,” you giggled. “You’ll have to teach me how to effectively meditate sometime.”
You smiled at him then, but there was a hint of flirtation to it. You were flirting with him, right in front of Mei Mei! Kento swore he nearly blew a hole in his pants with how hard he was for you. He couldn’t believe it! You, so sweet and sexy, were flirting with him, so awkward and out of place? 
He decided right then he was going to give Mei Mei the rise she wanted and smirked down at you, feeling confident now. “I suppose I could make some room in my schedule for that,” he said. “Though meditation takes a long time to master. Months, in short. Are you you’re up for that, Ms. L/N?” He peered over his glasses at you, drilling you with his eyes. 
Though he could tell you were taken aback by the obvious mutual flirting, your smile only grew bigger and more seductive. “I can handle a challenge, Mr. Nanami,” you softly replied. Kento almost bent you over and fucked you in front of everyone at the party at that point. 
“Mei Mei, over here!” All three of you turned to the balcony where a couple of witches were waving at Mei Mei (who Kento nearly forgot was there) to come over. “Mei Mei, I think you’re being summoned on the balcony,” he said, not at all trying to hide his smugness. The long-haired woman cut a very sharp glare his way at pussy blocking her, but strutted off to see her groupies regardless. Then it was just you and him. Finally. 
You looked up at him, so eager and excited as if you were hoping she would leave. He was hoping that you did. “I’m sorry if I interrupted your conversation, but I felt I needed to comment on your costume for tonight. It’s very…” His eyes ran over your body, noticing how nicely you filled out the skirt. “Nice,” he decided on. The other words he had in mind weren’t as appropriate. 
You thanked him regardless. “I had you in mind,” you confessed. “You always look so good comin’ in here. Very put-together and, um…handsome.”
Despite your skin tone, you visibly flushed under the lights as soon the words were out and nervously bit your lip. Kento was taken aback by the compliment as well but felt even more confident and more aroused after you said it.
“I’m sorry, is this making you uncomfortable?” you apologetically said. “Should I chill on the punch?” You nodded down at your cup of vodka-spiked fruit punch (damn Satoru!). 
Kento slowly shook his head, still reeling from your compliment. “No, it’s fine. I’ve just…never been good at the whole flirting thing.” He cleared his throat and once again fixed his tie––a nervous habit.
You shyly smiled up at him, coming an inch closer to him. He nearly held his breath as you did, your perfume hitting his senses. You smelled like the sweetest treat, like a cinnamon bun dribbling in vanilla icing. He wanted to eat you like one.
“Can I tell you something?” you softly asked. Wordlessly, he nodded. “I’m not either.” Your free hand then moved away from the table to brush his fingers with his, sending electric shocks throughout his body. “But maybe, if you’re interested, we can learn together…if you’d like.” You looked up at him, hopeful and open, your cards laid out flat on the table for him. 
He was more than happy to give you everything you wanted then. “Can we start by getting the hell out of here?” he suggested. “I know the track field is empty around this time of night. Would you want to take a walk with me, Ms. L/N?” 
Your brown eyes sparkled happily as you giggled to yourself. “Y/N,” you corrected. “And yes. You’re already off to a good start, Mr. Nanami.” 
His hand found yours, interlacing your fingers. “Kento,” he replied, a smile playing on his lips.  
They didn’t even let you explain the costume to them. They just had their hands up your red skirt. 
“So you said she’s a cartoon character?” Toji asked, his lips playing with your neck as his large hands squeezed one asscheek. You whimpered pitifully, leaning your head back into his broad chest. “Y-Yes,” you answered. “From Scooby Doo.” 
Toji paused from his ministrations for a moment as he attempted to give you some hicks. “Scooby what?” he asked, momentarily distracted by his confusion.
Shiu, with his hand on your other asscheek, rolled his eyes at his partner. “Scooby Doo, Toji,” he sighed. “Fuck, you never listen. Have you ever even seen the show before?” 
Toji carelessly shrugged as he went back to sucking and kissing your neck until bruises appeared. “I barely watched TV growin’ up,” he murmured against your skin. “Too busy trainin’ and bein’ a little shit to watch much cartoons. Sorry for my shitty childhood. So this is what that chick wears? What’s her name?”
Shiu began to glide a hand up your orange crop top, cupping one of your breasts nearly spilling out of your bra. “Velma,” he answered as his lips found your jawline. He began to pepper it with kisses as he trailed down to your chest, groping your breast as he did. “Though her outfit was less slutty. Our girl just can't help but always let us know how much of a horny little thing she is.”
He took his hand and roughly cupped your chin, forcing you to look into his eyes from behind your fake glasses. "Don’t you, princess?” he asked, grinning at you with those plump lips. Toji hummed appreciatively as he kneeled behind you, lifting up your skirt to reveal your red lace panties under your mini skirt. 
“G-Guys,” you pitifully moaned. “Please…this is for tonight. F-For the club.” Your words melted into moans as Toji took two fingers and began to glide them along the underside of your panties which were quickly becoming damp.
“What, you think we’re gonna miss it?” he scoffed. “Or are you just so desperate to throw this slutty little ass around for everyone to see?” He gripped your ass hard before giving one of the cheeks a hard, stinging slap. 
“We’ll get you to the club, princess,” Shiu said, his tongue jutting out to lick your bottom lip. “And don’t worry: your little outfit will be just fine. In the meantime, we have a mystery you can solve.” He looked down at Toji with a devious smirk that the mercenary returned. 
You watched, confused and extremely aroused, as the two men stood before you, practically towering over you. They then stripped themselves of their tops to reveal their rippling muscles and broad chests before their hands went for their pants where two thick, long, and throbbing hard bulges were. All for you. 
“Think you can figure out what monsters are in here, gorgeous?” Shiu asked, cocking an eyebrow at you. “You’ll have to get on your knees and find out for yourself.” 
“You won’t need no clues for this, princess,” Toji cackled, already pushing you down onto your knees in front of his and Shiu’s hardened cocks. “Just that slutty little throat of yours.” He then tilted your head up to meet his darkened gaze. “And the glasses stay on,” he growled. 
You went to the club that night with them completely sore and absolutely fucked out of your mind with your panties being the only thing to stop the cum from dripping down your thighs.
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jewishvitya · 1 year
Rowling had nothing to do with Legacy and I think most people forget that. She wasn't even consulted. WB bought the license and the devs did whatever they wanted. "Sirona" is a beautiful, feminine Celtic name associated with healing, and "Ryan" is an extremely common Irish surname. I feel like people are looking for reasons to be offended, especially when it comes to trans characters and antisemitism. The goblins are not and have never been Jewish stereotypes. They're a fictional race. They're based on Tolkien's goblins and old English folklore dating back to the 1400's, where they have always been depicted and small, ugly, and greedy. Rowling herself was shocked by the antisemitism rumors and staunchly stated they weren't true. Just like the rumors saying lycanthopy is a metaphor for AIDS. Just... who thinks of this stuff?
What's really sad is people have argued that Sirona was never meant to be trans, but a male character that the devs rendered to look "more feminine" at the last minute. People have made fun of her voice and said it's "too masculine", so obviously WB just hired a man to voice her and changed her gender later. But that's not true! Her VA is actually a trans woman and the backlash against the character must be devastating to the VA.
Okay, so, I don't think you're here in good faith. You're here to be dismissive. But I'll reply anyway, just in case I'm wrong.
One thing at a time.
I'll start with the one point you made that I agree with: the VA. She doesn't deserve to have her voice scrutinized and criticized. That's horrible, no one deserves that. I did see - and share - the misinformation that Sirona Ryan was voiced by a man, and I regret that. I edited it out of my post as soon as I knew, but this is tumblr and unedited versions do go around. I hope more people will see that corrected, and leave the VA's voice alone.
Now for the mess you threw at me.
Hogwarts Legacy is related to Rowling by virtue of existing within the world she created. It's still her goblins, since she gave her permission to create this, and she let it be added to the canon.
Rowling's world is the context.
I don't care that she wasn't consulted about the details, that just means the other creators are bigots too. When you build within a world that has such large issues, where so much time and effort was devoted to highlighting and criticizing those issues, and you create a story that continues all the problems from the original canon and adds to them - that's a choice that I have a right to criticize. They had the benefit of being a google search away from knowing how to be respectful about all of this, and they did the opposite.
Sirona Ryan IS a beautiful real name, that's not the issue. I already wrote this post where I tried to explain the reaction, but I accept that maybe my feelings about this name come from cultural ignorance. If that's the case, I apologize, and I'd love to be corrected.
My real issue with the game is the antisemitism.
You say "folklore dating back to the 1400's" as if that's far too old to be influenced by antisemitism. Fun fact: antisemitism is older than goblins. Antisemitism is literally millennia old. At least as old as Christianity, which is the root of many antisemitic ideas. It's older than many European mythological creatures, and it infuses a lot of European folklore and mythology, down to the depictions of witches with their pointy hats. Stories about goblins being used as a way to dehumanize Jewish people is not new. And using a fictional race of non-humans as stand-ins for real groups of marginalized people - either intentionally or not - is a very common practice in storytelling. Most fantasy races have those roots to them. But even then, where, in the original lore of the goblins, did they control the banks?
It doesn't matter if Rowling was shocked by the claims of antisemitism and it doesn't matter if she denied them. The reality of her story is that she created an antisemitic depiction. I can believe that it wasn't her intention, but that doesn't mean it's not what she did.
You don't get to look at an antagonistic group that embodies EVERY SINGLE TRAIT THAT WAS ASSIGNED TO MY PEOPLE TO DEMONIZE US and tell me that's not antisemitic.
I already made this list, but let's do it again. All antisemitic traits that can be found in Rowling's goblins. I'll break it down to the original book canon, the movies, and the game.
Books - Rowling's actual canon:
Short, with clever swarthy faces, sallow skin and pointed beards
A guttural language
Ruthless and known for their greed
Pursue someone who owes them money with violent threats
Have cultural differences that make them impossible to trust
Harmed by dark wizard but still suspected to support them
Only worth associating with for their metalworking and control of the economy
She placed a goblin's rebellion in 1612 - the same year as the events that led to the Fettmilch uprising, which resulted in pogroms and Jewish deaths. Rowling stated that wars and political unrest parallel between the muggle world and the wizarding world as the two societies influence each other
The most prominent named goblin character, Griphook, betrays Harry. Harry is a Christ allegory - literally sacrifices himself to save everyone, and then comes back to life
Hooked noses - the best known antisemitic feature
A six pointed star in the building they chose for the bank - I don't believe this was intentional, but it's an unfortunate choice and they could have covered it
Here end the parts I blame on Rowling directly. And the game was built on these foundations.
A historical time frame of pogroms, where our people were murdered in large massacres that often had support from authorities
Explicit ties between the goblins and the dark wizards
Aiming to undermine wizard society - the goal assigned to us in every antisemitic conspiracy theory
Kidnapping of children for their magic - literally just look up blood libel
A character says the goblins can't appreciate art. It’s absurd to say considering the quality and coveted status of goblin-made artifacts. In the real world, this is a claim that was made against Jews by the Nazis (and it targets other groups hated by white supremacists as well)
A ram’s horn artifact that strongly resembles a silver plated Shofar - a Jewish ritual item. Said horn is from 1612, from the same rebellion mentioned above. According to the item’s description, it was blown to rally the goblins and to annoy witches and wizards. It was stuffed with gorgonzola to mute it, a specifically non-kosher cheese (most kinds of cheese are kosher). It's so disrespectful I still don't have the words to fully convey it
Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, those traits became associated with Jewish people as a group through hateful propaganda. Putting all of them on a non-human race isn't better. It just adds to the dehumanization of it. It's not just Rowling's fault. That's shared by every single person who had a hand in the creation of this story. For the issues in the game, I blame the people named here more. I see no reason to extend grace to far-right bigots.
But to focus on Rowling. You brought up lycanthropy. You seem to think we made up the idea that it's a metaphor for HIV. We didn't. She said that. In the ebook Short Stories From Hogwarts of Heroism, Hardship, and Dangerous Hobbies - she said that. She said it before that, on Pottermore.
Lupin's condition of lycanthropy (being a werewolf) was a metaphor for those illnesses that carry a stigma, like HIV and AIDS. [...] The wizarding community is as prone to hysteria and prejudice as the Muggle one, and the character of Lupin gave me a chance to examine those attitudes.
This is a quote of her thoughts. It still exists on Lupin's page on her Wizarding World website.
And it's actually a pretty good example of how it's absolutely possible to be awful about depicting a stigmatized minority through a fantasy stand-in.
HIV+ people are stigmatized through no fault of their own. But in her books, it seems reasonable for the wizards to fear werewolves. And she did that, she made prejudice reasonable. We have: Remus Lupin, a named werewolf who is good and kind, and tries to avoid hurting people. Even then, he nearly does cause harm more than once. He turns in front of our heroes and spends a night loose in the forest. He tells the heroes that as a student, he almost bit people while out with his friends. So even while well-intentioned, he's a danger. That means we don't have a single safe HIV+ allegory in her work. The other named werewolf is Fenrir Greyback, who intentionally targets children to turn them young and raise them to hate the society they came from - which is fucking homophobic, whatever she intended, because of the way HIV gets associated with homosexuality. And the rest? A whole community of werewolves who side with the Death Eaters.
Did she mean to make a whole community of marginalized people into wizard Nazis? I DON'T CARE. SHE DID THAT.
I don't care to argue about her intentions while writing the text. I can't read minds. I can read the text she wrote. I can see what was put into the game that was added into her world. I can read about the history of my people and their persecution. I can see how disturbingly similar this game's story is to the propaganda that led to my grandparents suffering through the holocaust and losing their families to it.
If she cared about the antisemitism in her works, she wouldn't just act horrified and say "No, of course I wasn't being hateful to Jews!" - she'd look at whatever she lets people put into her IP, to prevent further harm. I do blame the other writers of the game more than I blame her for that plot, but it's not better that she gave her approval without being consulted. It's her IP, it carries her name, she gets royalties, it's her responsibility.
And at the very least, she doesn't care about antisemitism enough to worry about minimizing harm. I know that, because I know her friends. I know TERFs and Gender Criticals. Rowling saw an anti-trans event with white supremacist speakers, and she chose to criticize the counter-protesters. She went out to eat with Maya Forstater and Helen Joyce, who participated and spoke in events organized by Posie Parker - who explicitly includes far right groups in her events, and shares platforms with white supremacists. Rowling bought merch from Posie Parker. She wrote about Magdalen Berns as a "brave young feminist" - as if she didn't push the antisemitic George Soros conspiracy theory and share Breitbart articles. She praised MATT WALSH. The people she associates with now, read from Mein Kampf in their rallies.
She didn't put the antisemitism in the game, but she's very comfortable with antisemitism. Don't tell me she was horrified by the idea that her goblins could be called antisemitic. She just didn't want the label applied to her. If you willingly associate with Nazis, you're a Nazi. And enough of her friends don't seem to mind that.
I stand by what I said: playing this game, even pirated, is like printing out an antisemitic caricature and hanging it on your wall, saying “well, I didn’t pay the artist, I just like this art.”
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