#the world is ur oyster
passionpeachy · 6 months
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hot chocolate before bed ☕️
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who's alastor ship with?
multiship mah dear boi
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homolobotomized · 8 months
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does anyone understand me
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stuckinapril · 10 months
I have no friends and I’m in my mid-20s , I feel like I’m never going to make friends.
people don't stop wanting friends as they age! i promise. and we live in a connected world now more than ever. you can make friends anywhere. you're not limited to your city. i have never understood people who go "i only want to make friends the old-fashioned way" bc like what's the point of restricting yourself to that, when you can also meet people online who're like you & whom you can get along with?
my mutuals are generally people who are similar to me. we share the same interests & i would find them lovely if i hung out w them in person. they're not any less my friends just bc i met them on tumblr. same goes w my followers. i could probably make friends really easily on this blog, bc the people who follow me have the same energy i do.
the ability to make friends is literally at our fingertips. it's probably the biggest perk of social media being as widespread as it is. so use it! how many friends you have can change in the blink of an eye. a lot of people want friends. you just need to be open-minded about it. not to mention mid-20s is crazy young... you have all the time in the world friend x
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bvlladonnas · 4 months
status: open, @valpostart location: los fantasmas
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            "  ...  could  i  bug  you  to  try  this,  please?  "  esmeralda's   question   comes   with   an   almost   apologetic   smile   and   a   nod   towards   the   little   shot   in   her   hand.   it's   been   a   slow   day,   customers   filing   in   and   out   at   what   seems   to   be   a   snail's   pace;   so,   she   figures   she   should   probably   get   started   on   what   she's   been   procrastinating   on   all   week,   "   i'm   trying   to   figure   out   a   good   valentine's   day   drink   ...   this   one's   tentatively based   off   of   my   bloody   valentine.   it's   cherry   flavored   –   "   a   small   pause,   "   i   mean   you   don't   have   to,   but   it's   free   –   also   non-alcoholic,   so   ...   up   to   you.   "
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collegeoflore · 7 months
i’m going to be a hater again for like 20 seconds. about astarion. as per usual.
why do ppl insist on reading (spawn and/or pre-ritual) astarion as possessive of his partner? why do we Want him to have that trait? what is the point. why r we trying to make him possessive and protective when he’s like… not? ascended!astarion is right there u can literally have this if u want it! u don’t need to ascribe it to spawn!astarion when it’s not there. there is Literally A Version Of Events Where It Is True
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championsofmyheart · 7 months
do you think sam could be on the champions. there are some older members like sooraya dust sooo (microphone emoji im on my computer)
LITERALLY HE COULD BE LIKE HES GOT THE WHOLE LEGACY THING GOING ON I THINK HED GET ALONG SOOOO WELL WITH THEM miles aaron dynamic vs sam lu wei dynamic FIGHT hold my hand lets imagine it together. plus he needs to be around more poc i think they would have so much fun complaining about their white mentors together. on that note i also think he shouldve been in the agents of atlas i want to watch him and shang chi spar
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bylertruther · 10 months
will is trans and i know this bc he kept his layers on while laboring in the literal desert even though he was sweating something fierce and surely not comfortable given tht mike n jonathan had already taken their outer shirt/jacket off to participate in the same labor. this is real and true 👩‍⚖️
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butchviking · 9 months
if i were stuck in a time loop i would simply accept it and live there
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transgendersquiddo · 1 year
Bro I literally obsessed with the casino quartet now plssssss tell us more
omg . actually a lot of my Thoughts about them r au based but ^_^ i think while i am here i might as well share that they're named that is bc the idea of all of them working in a casino 2gether rlly caught on!! (this was mostly brought up by thegalacticbucket and things just sorta snowballed from there .)
anyways the fun dynamic between them is that red's a dealer + deals with the finances with clown, clowns the owner of the casino and manages the casino, branzy is there as eye-candy branzy is the shill aka he gets the games rigged for him so people r more inclined to gamble more bc he's winning a lot + he encourages them, and ash is the bartender! he has arm garters and makes drinks for all of them after hours
so dats the fun history lesson 2 why the 2 fics of them atm have 2 do w/ them working at a casino and chilling w each other and why they're called casino quartet ^_^ hope u enjoyed the Lore
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bmpmp3 · 7 months
some fashion dreamer adventures from playing too much in the past two days :) (MY USER ID IS LGXwM6wQk5 FEEL FREE TO request stuff or whatever u do in this game i forgor) :
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(ignore shocked shane this aint about him) made my OC dave as my first muse so i am kinda playing hard mode with the type b body situation but im like. determined now. im gonna make the flashiest and cutest and over the top outfits i can muster with the scraps theyve given the the type b (jk jk its not TOO bad its the best we've gotten so far but I do wish i could wear shorter shorts and crop tops and some of those type a socks are so cute i saw some that were like bandage thigh highs. dave should be allowed to wear thigh highs. dave should be allowed to wear thigh highs)
still having a lot of fun tho! sometime i should get around to making a type a muse but most people i meet are type a so i never run out of people to dress either way LOL
like most people i have things i hope they add in the future (like i said before, the lack of zoom is DIRE) and right now some of the currencies and levelling systems feel a little unbalanced (i have so many of the star things and bingo things and a decent amount of gacha things but the photo prop coins are my most coveted thing rn i have like 1 single one JKDLSJFDS) but im enjoying myself a lot like i knew i would
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was trying to take a pic of this other player's muse that had this really neat witch situation but i accidentally made dave dab and got really scared <3
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in the end we must all go to the photo egg. in the end we all go into the photo egg. the universality of the photo egg.
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kinda wacky from daylight savings time changes i always get wacky i dont know what year or time it is. i spent twenty minutes scouring the ACT cocoon for the showroom stream 'cause i couldnt find it until i accidentally went into this like. basement alley. its in the basement alley <3 <3 <3
i guess we dont just go into the egg. we also. go into the. cocoons. the cocoons. in eve? cocoons in eve have. eggs in them
anyway i just unlocked cocoon FUN and its so awesome and scary and so so scary look at this bear
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free this bear somebody please free this bear ignore dave posing free this bear cocoon fun has bears behind bars and gazebos that raise you into heaven its so scary and awesome
going back to the photo props my favourites so far are the flowers theyre so cute
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i dont do the vertical photos that often because theyre kinda hard to do (u have to like. turn ur head or the switch to the side..... im nearly exclusively a tabletop switch player so i cant imagine what its like for docked player LOL) but this ones cute!
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but yeah very fun and extremely addicting i need to go to bed. i need to go to bed. i have assignments and i need to go to bed. but i want. to make outfits..........i must.....make outfits......graaaaahhh........GRAAAAAHHHHHH (turns into a zombie before your eyes)
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smokestarrules · 23 days
We all should ship Darius with Creepy Ass Uncanny Valley Woman. As a joke.
I mean... must we?
Taking 'pair the spares' to an entirely new level.
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5mind · 2 months
i think even for superheroes that are humans in costumes, their beach fits (if in their hero identity) are just regular swimwear on top of their usual costume/powearmour/whatever
Because The Bit is to be committed to
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definitelynotshouting · 11 months
would we just be adding wigs to the watcher worms or /lh
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snoopybutch · 10 months
I met an older butch dyke tonight randomly at a brewery and got her number in a platonic way but she is minimum 44 and has grey curly short hair you’re all so so jealous . . I know. On a serious note, I am so so happy to meet older gays but specifically older ppl in the butch femme subculture, especially trans friendly ones. This is so awesome!
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jjaspr · 2 years
status: open location: anywhere you want! a bar, a museum, a park, a building lobby, a store, a mall, etc! for: @vancitystarters​
“You know, it’s a total myth that the freaks come out on the full moon. Yeah, it’s actually just after the full moon, during the waning gibbous phase,” says Jasper, and as if in emphasis blows a large blue bubble with his gum until it pops. This claim has no basis in either reality or fantasy — he’s made it up on the spot, as he’s wont to do, after having heard some rando talking about the moon’s waning gibbous phase earlier and taking a liking to the term. “That’s why he’s out tonight,” he points to a man wearing a panama hat, who notices and gives him a dirty look. “What about you? Have you been having any freakish thoughts lately? Feeling any urges to do something unhinged? You can tell me.”
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