writings-of-a-demigod · 2 months
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“Doctor I think there’s someone following us” Clara said in a hushed voice while grabbing the Doctor’s arm to get him closer so he could hear her.
“Yeah I’ve noticed it too” he turned a little bit to take a look then kept on walking, trying to figure out a plan.
You on the other hand was enjoying some alien ice cream walking ahead of Clara and the Doctor, not a care in the world. The Doctor agreed on you tagging along because Clara kind of made him say yes, with her deadly look she gave him and he folded. So, there you were walking around the market taking everything in and talking with strangers.
 Clara was keeping an eye on you being friendly with strangers and she’s doing it out of love for you because as much as you are friendly you are also little naïve and just didn’t understand when people’s overstep their boundaries with you just because you’re friendly and think you’re in to them.
She grabbed you from you arm and pulled you a little so you walk with her “Come on Y/n, we need to keep moving”
You looked at her frowning “Why what’s wrong?”
“It’s just there’s someone following us and we can’t stop” You looked behind you trying to see when she pulled in to the left “Don’t look the Doctor is figuring out a plan.”
While she was dragging you both looked behind you after the second turn and slam into something or more into someone, you looked up and the two of you had a different reaction. Clara push you behind her to protect you and you on the other hand just looked at him and smiled.
“Oh hi” you waved.
“Back off” Clara said at the same time.
You both looked at each other wearing the same confused look, that’s when the Doctor appeared behind the alien threaten him.
“Did you just say hi?” Clara asking you.
“Yeah, I met him before.” You explained.
That’s when the Doctor looked at you “I’m sorry did you just say ‘you met him before’?”
“Yeah when we first landed here” you smiled at them.
That’s when the alien opened his hand to show all what he’s holding, it was your bracelet apparently it has fallen from your wrist while you were looking around and didn’t notice it.
“He said that’s yours and he wanted to give it back” the Doctor explained.
You smiled at him and took it back “Oh thank you so much.”
On the way to the TARDIS Clara was complaining to the Doctor “That was unbelievable, I thought he was going to hurt them or something”
The Doctor gave her a look “You see why I said ‘no’ the first time you ask for them to come along”
She rolled her eyes at him.
*gif not mine*
A/n: This was requested by an anonymous. Thank you my angel! You can imagine any doctor you want for this imagines
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gallifreyanhotfive · 5 months
Random Doctor Who Facts You Might Not Know, Part 51
The Eighth Doctor can play multiple instruments, one of which is the violin. (Novel: The Year of the Intelligent Tigers)
The Master tried to use Kamelion's remaining connection to the TARDIS to prevent the Fifth Doctor’s regeneration. (Audio: Winter)
A version of the Sixth Doctor and Evelyn got imprisoned in 1903. The parallel Sixth lost Evelyn, his mind, both of his legs, and after a century, his life. (Audio: Jubilee)
The TARDIS has a Hostile Owner Destruction System, which will destroy the TARDIS and anyone inside of it. (Audio: Island of the Fendahl)
Nyssa is still able to point out where Traken is in the sky from Earth. (Audio: Autumn) The light from its destruction must not have reached Earth yet, so she can see it while there but never return.
Fegax was a student at the Prydonian Academy who tried to use a time drill to protest against the elite, but his time drill did not work. The Fifth Doctor - who was Lord President at the time - fixed it for him and returned it, and Fegax used it to flood the whole Academy. (Audio: Time in Office)
Types of regeneration include the Blur, the Disciplinary, the Explosion (subtype: the Slow Explosion, the Reverse Explosion), the Morph, the Swirl, the White Light, and the Memory Vortex. (Novel: How to be a Time Lord)
The Eighth Doctor was taken over by the Fendahl once. While taken over, Lucie said he glowed. (Audio: Island of the Fendahl)
Anya Kingdom, who traveled with the Tenth Doctor and posed as Ann Kelso in the 1970s for a while, is the niece of Sara Kingdom. (Audio: The House of Kingdom)
The Eighth Doctor has been known to occasionally sing while piloting the TARDIS. (Audio: The Dalek Trap)
As mentioned in other parts, the Forge was an intelligence agency that often experimented with enhanced or alien life. While many of them were obsessed with Lazarus - the project about the Doctor - one Forge member was much more interested in Project: Wildthyme, which was about Iris Wildthyme. She decided to end it by giving them her blood, which damaged their Oracle system and destroyed one of their bases. (Short story: Project: Wildthyme)
In the Psychodrome, memories and nightmares were brought back to life. The twisted way Nyssa perceived the Doctor at first blended with her thoughts on the Master melded the two together to create King Magus. (Audio: Psychodrome)
Galah attended the Academy with the Doctor, but they were never close to each other due to differences in opinion. She was a sculptor, but one day, she landed her TARDIS on an asteroid and created a dreamscape by hooking herself up to her TARDIS's protyon unit. (Novel: Strange England)
Temporal energy smells like roses to time sensitives. (Short story: Ring Theory)
There was a moment in The Waters of Amsterdam (which takes place immediately after Arc of Infinity) where the Fifth Doctor seemingly left Nyssa and Tegan behind, but he rematerialized seconds later. While it was only seconds for Nyssa and Tegan, the Doctor did: Omega, The Burning Prince, Time Crash, The Gates of Hell, Fallen Angels, Empire of the Racnoss (in which he took on a new companion we never learn what happened to), The Lady of the Lake, A Requiem for the Doctor, My Dinner with Andrew, The Furies, Relative Time, and Collision Course. Considering we don't know what happened to Alayna, his new Gallifreyan companion, this is an incredibly incomplete list of his adventures during this time before he went back for Nyssa and Tegan. Talk about a side quest, Doc!
First 1 Prev 50 Next 52
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romirola · 9 months
Headcanons for the Shaw Pack's 2024 Resolutions (and How They Aim to Achieve Them)
David: Unplug more. He plans to set an alarm each night to remind himself to turn off his email notifications. (The pack would call him or howl if it were an emergency.) It's harder than he anticipates and he can't stop himself from opening the app like a bad new habit, only adding to his anxiety and workaholic tendencies. To prevent himself from checking his emails after the designated "turn-off time", David enlists Angel to "monitor" his behavior. They are more than happy to distract David whenever he starts to fidget with his phone.
Angel: Establish a morning routine. Angel presumes that simply getting up earlier would automatically give them time to do all the things they want to, such as savor their tea, make their bed, work out, read, and take a long and luxurious shower, but it turns out it is not that easy. Angel struggles to get up at the designated earlier time, and even when they do, they always end up getting bogged down by other things. David helps Angel reach their goal by encouraging them to use a special grapefruit body lotion that he knows they (and he) love after their shower each morning. That way, they can feel and smell the evidence that even if the morning got away from them, they did add one element to their new routine.
Asher: Always be on time. Asher is sick of the jokes about his tardiness, so he decides to put an end to it once and for all by setting all of his clocks ahead about twenty minutes, so even if he is late on Asher-time, he's still punctual according to the real time. Babe supports his plan by agreeing to have all their clocks show the wrong time.
Babe: Smile more. Babe aims to find more reasons to smile. They are someone who always takes things quite seriously, and often struggle to find joy in the small things so many others seem to observe innately. Asher decides to make it a point to send Babe one joke video/meme at a random point in each day to help them along. Over time, Asher enlists many other pack members to do the same, resulting in Babe receiving multiple happy messages with no warning. They don't know what makes them smile more, the memes or the realization that so many people are invested in their happiness.
Milo: Be more adventurous. Left to his own devices, Milo has realized he's fallen into a bit of a rut. He makes the same recipes, works the same hours, trains the same gymnastics routine, listens to the same playlists, watches the same TV shows, etc. etc. He decides it's time to shake things up a bit, so he tries to do something new and unexpected at least once a day. If he starts to retreat into his rut again, Sweetheart will gently remind Milo of his goal, rationalizing that after he does the new thing, Milo will either find something he likes and will want to do again, or he'll know he'll never want to do it again and never has to.
Sweetheart: They don't do resolutions. There's no reason the first of the year necessitates them to set goals and put a time limit on them. They have lots of goals, and they will meet all of them without arbitrary pressure. Although, they'd really like to be able to learn a new language, and if they so happened to make enough progress to have a conversation in that new language with a citizen in need at work by the end of the year, well, that'd be great... Milo knows they won't accept help if he calls their goal a "resolution" so he steers clear of the label and instead, encourages Sweetheart to find time to practice.
Darling: Be more organized. Darling has learned to be okay with a lot in their life, and organization was often something they didn't have time or energy to create for themselves. Now that they do, Darling decides to reorganize everything in the house, one room at a time, so that the house looks as wonderful as it makes Darling feel to call it home. When they feel overwhelmed by the work, Sam shows them a "before" picture of the mess so that Darling can see the incremental progress they make each step of the way.
Sam: Run a half-marathon, the human way. As a human, Sam kept fit, though he always aspired to run long distances. He consistently made excuses, until suddenly, he realized that "next year" was no longer guaranteed. Once he learned to control his vampire powers, Sam could run faster and farther than he ever thought possible, but that didn't mean he had truly reached his goal. This year, Sam decides to take up running and to train (sans leaning on his powers) to for an upcoming half-marathon in July. Darling, of course, takes up the role of trainer. As a human, they accompany Sam to the track to help him practice and pace himself. As a wolf, they give him some extra incentive by chasing him.
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bast38 · 5 months
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Paschal Homily of St John Chrysostom
“If any man be devout and love God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant, let him rejoicing enter into the joy of his Lord. If any have labored long in fasting, let him now receive his recompense. If any have wrought from the first hour, let him today receive his just reward. If any have come at the third hour, let him with thankfulness keep the feast. If any have arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings; because he shall in nowise be deprived thereof. If any have delayed until the ninth hour, let him draw near, fearing nothing. If any have tarried even until the eleventh hour, let him, also, be not alarmed at his tardiness; for the Lord, who is jealous of his honor, will accept the last even as the first; He gives rest unto him who comes at the eleventh hour, even as unto him who has wrought from the first hour.
And He shows mercy upon the last, and cares for the first; and to the one He gives, and upon the other He bestows gifts. And He both accepts the deeds, and welcomes the intention, and honors the acts and praises the offering. Wherefore, enter you all into the joy of your Lord; and receive your reward, both the first, and likewise the second. You rich and poor together, hold high festival. You sober and you heedless, honor the day. Rejoice today, both you who have fasted and you who have disregarded the fast. The table is full-laden; feast ye all sumptuously. The calf is fatted; let no one go hungry away.
Enjoy ye all the feast of faith: Receive ye all the riches of loving-kindness. let no one bewail his poverty, for the universal kingdom has been revealed. Let no one weep for his iniquities, for pardon has shown forth from the grave. Let no one fear death, for the Savior’s death has set us free. He that was held prisoner of it has annihilated it. By descending into Hell, He made Hell captive. He embittered it when it tasted of His flesh. And Isaiah, foretelling this, did cry: Hell, said he, was embittered, when it encountered Thee in the lower regions. It was embittered, for it was abolished. It was embittered, for it was mocked. It was embittered, for it was slain. It was embittered, for it was overthrown. It was embittered, for it was fettered in chains. It took a body, and met God face to face. It took earth, and encountered Heaven. It took that which was seen, and fell upon the unseen.
O Death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is your victory? Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life reigns. Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave. For Christ, being risen from the dead, is become the first fruits of those who have fallen asleep. To Him be glory and dominion unto ages of ages. Amen.”
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andagon · 10 months
>>^^°° AnDagon 2.0 °°^^<<
I once was {@anauntie & @andagon} an enhanced anarchist being, hybrid of a humanoid called Auntie (™TARDIS eating HOUSE) and a warmongering chthonic fish demon called Duke Dagon. @docdust had welded us together.
The Amalgam has not proven itself in the long term. We realised that we had to separate physically, because we each wanted a body of one's own to go our own ways.
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Separate paths again ....
In my quest for freedom, I was invaded by parasites, so I had to leave my old body behind. Without the help of @fishyfiles and @lower-management I might have died.
I AM AnDagon 2.0
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No Angels! No Heaven! No Armageddon! [scheduled for revision]
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🎼 We are the fallen. We defy Death! We want to live! We want to love. Say it loud: Demon and proud! 🎶
As of now I am Hell's DJ, the bard of @god-in-the-basement, the minimal minstrel, the composer of silvery mother-of-pearly ballads and, when times get bleak, entertaining muzak for the infernal intercoms.
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Videos below the cut
A Tribute to AnDagon
Song for Andagon (Adele: I drink wine)
Dagon's speech and Curlish ex machina
My Dream of the Water Snake
AnDagon's Water Song (ISB)
AnDagon and [....] at the Berlin Demon Rave
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adventure-showdown · 1 year
What has been nominated so far
Note, just because something has been nominated, and so is listed here, does not mean it will be included, I will include the absolute most I can but if I can't find it on TARDIS wiki its not getting in because i can't verify its a piece of who media
Also note, there might be some mistakes on here, I'm copying the nominations across directly, there might be some stories that are listed twice without me realising, because of alternate titles, or I just didn't spot it, or stuff that was spelt wrong when it was nominated, feel free to tell me
I've done my best to spot when nominations of a series were intended to enter the individual parts rather than the series as a unit, if I've got this wrong let me know and I will fix it. (if a story is on one line its currently being considered as a unit)
Final note, a couple of things got nominated under multiple mediums, usually full length TV story and minisode, so if you can't find your nomination, maybe check one of the other mediums
You can make further nominations here, there are basically no limits so long as its set in the Whoniverse (or its about Doctor Who, eg An Adventure in Space and Time or The 5 (ish) Doctors Reboot)
the list is under the cut (I will endeavour to keep it up to date)
Main Range
The Marian Conspiracy
The Apocalyse Element
The Shadow of the Scourge
The Holy Terror
Storm Warning
Minuet in Hell
The Chimes of Midnight
Seasons of Fear
The Time of the Daleks
Spare Parts
Creatures of Beauty
Doctor Who and the Pirates
Master (Main Range 49)
The Natural History of Fear
Arrangements for War
The Harvest
Faith Stealer
Terror Firma
Other Lives
The Kingmaker
The Girl Who Never Was
The Condemned
The Doomwood Curse
The Magic Mousetrap
The Company of Friends: Benny's Story
The Company of Friends: Fitz's Stroy
The Company of Friends: Izzy's Story
The Company of Friends: Mary's Story
A Death in the Family
The Silver Turk
1963: The Assassination Games
The Widow's Assassin
Dalek Soul
The Grey Man of the Mountain
The Eighth Doctor Adventures
The Blood of the Daleks
Horror of Glam Rock
Immortal Beloved
No More Lies
Human Resources
To the Death
Doom Coalition
The Eleven
The Red Lady
The Galileo Trap
The Gift
The Sonomancer
Absent Friends
The Eighth Piece
The Doomsday Chronometer
The Crucible of Souls
Ship in a Bottle
Songs of Love
The Side of the Angels
Stop the Clock
Escape from Kaldor
Better Watch Out/Fairytale in Salzburg
Companion Piece
Day of the Master
Stranded as a Whole (I think, I couldn't find a story called Stranded)
UNIT Dating
What Lies Inside
Paradox of the Daleks
Here Lies Drax
The Love Vampires
Albie's Angels
Special Releases
Living Legend
Out of Time
Out of Time (individual story)
The Companion Chronicles
Peri and the Piscon Paradox
The Cold Equations
The Last Post
The Scorchies
The Tenth Doctor Adventures
Death and the Queen
The Sword of the Chevalier
No Place
The Creeping Death
The Tenth Doctor and River Song
Expiry Dating
Once and Future
The Martian Invasion of Planetoid 50
The Diary of River Song
The Bekdel Test
The Lost Stories
The Queen of Time
Paradise 5
The Elite
Short Trips
I am the Master
Forever Fallen
A Full Life
Bernice Summerfield
Oh No It Isn't
The Faction Paradox Protocols
The Eleven Day Empire/The Shadow Play
The Last Beacon
Rhys and Ianto's Excellent Barbecue
Square One
First Days of Phaidon
Gallifrey IV
A Spoonful of Mayhem
The Lumiat
Too Many Masters
The Paternoster Gang: Heritage
The Cars That Ate London!
A Photograph to Remember
Destiny of the Doctor
Smoke and Mirrors
Novel Adaptations
Fifth Doctor Box Set
Iterations of I
Iterations of I
The Fifth Citadel
The Forgotten Village
The Concrete Cage
The New Counter Measures
Troubled Waters
The Hollow King
The Eighth of March
Inside Every Warrior
TV Comic
Time in Reverse
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor
Space in Dimension Relative and Time
Doctor Who: The Thirteenth Doctor
Old Friends
Doctor Who Magazine
The Star Beast
The World Shapers
Ground Zero
The Flood
The Fallen
The Land of Happy Endings
Direct to Home Media Films
PROBE: The Zero Imperative
PROBE: The Devil of Winterborne
PROBE: Unnatural Selection
PROBE: Ghosts of Winterborne
PROBE: When to Die
The Stranger
The Stranger: Summoned by Shadows
The Stranger: More than a Messiah
The Stranger: In Memory Alone
The Stranger: The Terror Game
The Stranger: Breach of the Peace
The Stranger: Eye of the Beholder
Shada (1992) - version with linking narration
Sil and the Devil Seeds of Arodor
K9 (spinoff series)
Regeneration/Liberation/The Korven
The Bounty Hunter
Sirens of Ceres
Fear Itself
The Fall of the House of Gryffen
Jays of Orthrus
Curse of Anubis
Alien Avatar
The Last Oak Tree
Black Hunger
The Cambridge Spy
Lost Library of Ukko
Mutant Copper
The Custodians
Taphony and the Time Loop
Robot Gladiators
Mind Snap/Angel of the North/The Last Precinct/Hounds of the Korven/The Eclipse of the Korven
A Fix with Sontarans
Born Again
Clara and the TARDIS
Dimensions in Time
Emperor of the Daleks (More than 30 Years in the TARDIS)
famine appeal 1986
Merry Christmas Doctor Who
Pond Life
Rain Gods
The Battle of Demons Run: Two Days Later
The Bells of Saint John: A Prequel
The Doctor's Meditation
The Great Detective
The Last Day
The Naked Truth
The Shrink
Time Crash
Wall's Sky Ray lollies advertisment
Seret Message from the Time Lords (Weetabix advert)
Novels & Short Stories
Short Stories and Short Story Collections
12 Doctors, 12 Stories
Grey Matter
Lepidoptery for Beginners
Something Borrowed
Nothing at the End of the Lane
The Room With All the Doors
Harvest of Time
The Stranger
Engines of War
The Eighth Doctor Adventures
Vampire Science
Alien Bodies
Seeing I
The Scarlet Empress
Unnatural History
The Blue Angel
The Burning
The Turing Test
The Year of Intelligent Tigers
The City of the Dead
The Adventuress of Henrietta Street
Mad Dogs and Englishmen
The Book of the Still
The Crooked World
Camera Obscura
The Gallifrey Chronicles
The Past Doctor Adventures
Divided Loyalties
Fear of the Dark
Fear Itself
Doctor Who and Shada (fan novelisation)
Virgin New Adventures
The Left-Handed Hummingbird
Human Nature
Faction Paradox
The Book of War
This Town Will Never Let Us Go
Of the City of the Saved
The New Series Adventures
The Blood Cell
Step Into the 80s!/On Through the 80's! (adverts)
Ronald Rat continuity announcement
Zygon: When Being you Just isn't Enough (Porno)
The Man From MI5
The Infinite Quest
Dooms Day hour 1
Doctor in Distress
Doctorin' the TARDIS by the Timelords
I'm gonna Spend my Christmas with a Dalek
TV (this category is less about if it was televised and more about the length to distinguish it from minisodes)
Search Out Space
Real Time
Shada (2 nominations)
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icedmetaltea · 9 months
Damn, Baker y/n got a big ass house. Or at least one with a high ceiling
In all seriousness very cool! It was a surprise to see Angel Eclipse again :0 (would he still be called Angel?) Poor dude though. Does becoming a fallen angel in that au hurt or is it a simple transformation?
Gvevifdjsckoijuhvfc SHHHHHHHHHH I never figured it out 😭😭😭 I'll go with the pocket dimension theory, their house operates on Tardis logic since the angels in this universe can like shift the physical plane to meet their height requirements
Thanks so much!! I wanted to add a bit to this au for sometime now. I... highly doubt he's still an angel ; u ; Not even sure if he'd be classed as a demon. Just... a thing. A creature corrupted by feelings tm
I'd say it doesn't really hurt just as is uncomfortable as shit. Imagine you're chilling and one day your feathers start falling out, one after the other. You're feeling things you're not supposed to be feeling, all your smooth edges turn jagged, you have no real way to express it... it ain't fun.
I also like to hc that angels don't have mouths in this au cause again they aren't supposed to feel or really have opinions, so as they continue to transform into demons (or whatever tf Eclipse is) they get mouths or just the ability to speak. Cause I love the idea Eclipse has been bottling things up this whole time and now that he can finally communicate he's gonna use that to his full advantage 👀
SORRY ABOUT THE RAMBLE been feelin a lil strong about this au recently
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gargusscp · 3 months
Decalog 1: Enigma - "Fallen Angel" by Andy Lane
Cracking through the utter avalanche of Doctor Who books in my backlog and rambling about them on tumblr because this site deserves someone who cares to post about the short story anthologies.
The first of Virgin's anthologies uses a pretty standard set-up for its wrap-around segments, entitled "Playback": Seven has lost his memories, stumbled into a private eye's office in the mid-1940s, and together they seek out the help of a psychometrist, whose visions sparked by assorted objects in the Doctor's coat serve as glimpses into interrelated stories from his past. Obviously I can't judge the thing until through with the book, but Stephen James Walker seems to have an alright imitation of period detective novel descriptive language, and it's neat seeing a guileless Seven when one knows a Virgin-era story means there's some overly-convoluted plan in the wings once his memories return.
As to "Fallen Angel" itself, we kick off with as close a crossover as Lane and Virgin can publish without a lawsuit. The narration most commonly sticks to the thoughts and experiences of one Lucas Seyton, a gentleman thief whose shady family history compels him to give back by robbing the world's rich criminality their ill-gotten gains, for both justice and the fun of it. He aliases under the story's title, leaves a calling card with a little stick figure doodle of himself, brushes elbows with working-class friends who enable his adventures, and lives life to the fullest with no apology for his criminality or compunctions as to its righteousness. His voice is also described in tones evoking Roger Moore. In other words, he's a thinly-veiled analog for Leslie Charteris' popular hero Simon Templar, alias The Saint, and the story is basically Lane bumping him against a fellow 60s British telly alumni so they can exchange banter, save each other's bacon, and generally compliment how brilliant they find the other despite differences in philosophy.
S'not a bad thing by any shot. Seyton's an amiably-written perspective character whose blase attitude and observations about the Doctor's eccentricities are amusing, especially opposite so disheveled an incarnation as Two, and Lane uses the homage as excuse for all the classic pulp adventure staples. Rough alleyway encounters, morning after recuperation and pleasantries, high-flying biplane dogfights, desperate manor-bound shoot-outs, the works. Highly amusing to imagine Troughton bumbling and panicking through the best realizations a mid-60s ITV budget could manage, or exchanging quotations from Winnie the Pooh opposite Moore.
The actual plot of the thing is deliberately incomplete, as you're supposed to piece things together through the whole anthology, though I've a complaint all the same. The Doctor accidentally lands the TARDIS in a manor house that's secretly a Time Lord prison for warmongering aliens whose punishment after defeat was confinement in a convincingly faked forever war, and barely escapes the automated security on his lonesome. All the business with Seyton goes down, the Doctor revealing little details all the while, they bust into the manor, and find the prisoners dead, having killed each other over some petty dispute long ago, their robotic guards still viciously attacking any intruders because the Doctor forgot to program their deactivation if their charges died. It's always irksome to me when Wilderness Era stories decide the increased focus on Seven's machiavellian tendencies means all prior incarnations were equally duplicitous and scheming, cause it never fits how One was written or played to imply he was some brilliant Time Lord mastermind with fingers in all their devious little projects. I know we're stuck with it because "Remembrance of the Daleks" is a classic and the Hand of Omega plot point is super memorable, but I'm a stickler for Doctors feeling right, and this bit ain't it.
(Also it's a Jamie and Zoe-era story in which they barely feature, so boo on that too.)
Beyond a bother introduced by the frame story's needs, I'm happy with this self-indulgent fannish runaround. Nice tribute to the then-recently deceased Charteris. I'd say it's pretty solidly...
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hyperionshipping · 2 years
Oh hELLO I must ask about the lore for your DW demons 👀 or ideas you're planning on incorporating mayhaps??
Okay. OKAY OKAY so.
Demons as humans know them are not the same as demons actually are not the same. The mythology perceeds them! So, the horned creatures that are the element of sins, fallen "angels", corrupted beings, demons aren't that entirety!
Many demons end up falling into these roles however. It is NOT uncommon for someone to report seeing a horned creature before death or other negative experiences.
Demons come in many shapes and sizes. Some are more human looking, others are entirety animalistic, others are indescribable. All demons possess the chance to have inhuman colored eyes. And most demons can change small bits of their appearance at will.
All demons possess the ability to teleport! The older the demon, the more control they have over it. Even older demons have been known to possess more "magic" (as it was called in older times). Some reports say they can change your fate, take your soul, Change You forever.
In addition, all demons can speak "Demon's tongue"! It is inherently learned from "birth". Demon's tongue sounds like a growl to humans, and there's never been a written translation guide. There has been cases of non demons learning it, but it is very rare.
(Demons, NOT half demons, are not born like humans. They are ultimately just existing. You can tell a new demon from an old demon because they still need to learn to control their powers. And newly formed demons often jump from place to place to place because they haven't found a purpose)
Half demons are rare, and there is a lot of falsehood surrounding them. Tricks is one of these. A half demon is the offspring of a demon and a human. Because demons have a bad rep, half demons also get it.
Half demons may have powers. It depends on which parent they take after more. Some half demons look and entirely pass as humans. Others have been known to possess more demonic traits and can pass as a demon (demons of course know they have a human parent).
Half demons however tend to have a harder time with their powers, and a much longer window of learning how to control them.
Tricks especially seems to have problems, and, if he over does it? He'll pass out for days as he recovers. This is normal! Demons can sleep for days. Some have been reported to sleep for YEARS.
Tricks also is much more human looking, (he only has horns, a tail, and yellow eyes) but seems to possess more demonic powers. The Doctor has only seen the teleportation.
Demon's teleportation is hard to explain, and has not been taken down properly. Basically, it works in the following ways: Demons may teleport freely, but, the longer thr distance and how much control they have on their powers will affect the accuracy of the teleportation. A newly formed demon trying to teleport 7 states away is extremely likely to end up doing harm to its body.
No matter a demons power, they CANNOT jump through time. The fact Tricks ended up on the TARDIS remains completely unknown. Both to him, and the Doctor.
Demons are normally solitary. It's rare demons stay together. Even child of demons often don't see their parents. Demons do not normally have any parental urges. There is always exceptions.
So! Yes!! I don't actually have many newer ideas right now. Just ideas on more powers and what else is common. I'm thinking like ability to levitate objects, other things like that. I have a concept for like OLD OLD demons and how they would possess immense power but they're also all mostly asleep for... SOME reason. There is a rumor that of course when they wake, the world will end
Also, no demon can't walk into a holy space or anything. Older demons, some who may have "grown up" in older times may have gained a fear of them but they aren't hurt. You cannot send them back
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lapleiade · 6 months
If any man be devout and love God, let him enjoy this fair and radiant triumphal feast. If any man be a wise servant, let him enter rejoicing into the joy of his Lord. If any have labored long in fasting, let him now receive his recompense. If any have wrought from the first hour, let him today receive his just reward. If any have come at the third hour, let him with thankfulness keep the feast. If any have arrived at the sixth hour, let him have no misgivings, because he shall in no wise be deprived. If any have delayed until the ninth hour, let him draw near, fearing nothing. If any have tarried even until the eleventh hour, let him also be not alarmed at his tardiness; for the Lord, who is jealous of his honor, will accept the last even as the first; he gives rest unto him who comes at the eleventh hour, even as unto him who has worked from the first hour.
And He shows mercy upon the last, and cares for the first; and to the one he gives, and upon the other he bestows gifts. And he both accepts the deeds, and welcomes the intention, and honors the acts and praises the offering.
Wherefore, enter ye all into the joy of your Lord, and receive your reward, both the first and likewise the second. You rich and poor together, hold high festival. You sober and you heedless, honor the day.
Rejoice today, both you who have fasted and you who have disregarded the fast. The table is fully laden; feast sumptuously. The calf is fatted; let no one go hungry away. Enjoy the feast of faith; receive all the riches of loving-kindness.
Let no one bewail his poverty, for the universal kingdom has been revealed. Let no one weep for his iniquities, for pardon has shone forth from the grave. Let no one fear death, for the Savior’s death has set us free: he that was held prisoner of it has annihilated it.
By descending into hell, he made hell captive. He embittered it when it tasted of his flesh. And Isaiah, foretelling this, cried: “Hell was embittered when it encountered thee in the lower regions.”
It was embittered, for it was abolished. It was embittered, for it was mocked. It was embittered, for it was slain. It was embittered, for it was overthrown. It was embittered, for it was fettered in chains. It took a body, and met God face to face. It took earth, and encountered heaven. It took that which was seen, and fell upon the unseen.
O Death, where is your sting? O Hell, where is your victory?
Christ is risen, and you are overthrown. Christ is risen, and the demons are fallen. Christ is risen, and the angels rejoice. Christ is risen, and life reigns. Christ is risen, and not one dead remains in the grave.
For Christ, being risen from the dead, is become the first-fruits of those who have fallen asleep. To him be glory and dominion unto ages of ages. Amen.
– Saint John Chrysostom, The Paschal homily
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litcityblues · 10 months
Doctor Whoquest Part 9: My Favorite Tennant Season (Maybe)
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Martha Jones might be one of my favorite companions of the Nu-Who Era. It's just a damn shame that Freema Agyeman only did one season in the role- but at the same time, that was kind of a genius move on her part, because it leaves you wanting more. She also is studying to be a Doctor and has a big and complicated family she has to deal with ultimately, in the wake of the Master's Year of Dominion Over Earth- which she and her family are amongst the few to remember it happening, she steps away to help them process and deal with the very real trauma of that. It feels like the right choice for her. It feels like a solid way to end the run. It makes sense for the character.
But damn it, I liked her. I wanted to see more of her and if there's ever a chance for them to bring her back in any fashion, I would be totally for it.
She also might have the best debut episode of any companion in Nu-Who. Don't get me wrong The Ponds and 11 rock The Eleventh Hour- that remains my choice for best Doctor debut, but in terms of best companion debut, it's hard to top her first episode, 'Smith and Jones.' The music for this series is absolutely incredible as well-- Murray Gold absolutely was eating his Wheaties here. The I guess, 'Smith and Jones' theme that sort of pops up throughout the series is one of my all-time favorites of the Nu-Who run. (11 has good music as well-- really captures the sense of urgency/epic moments that he has going on, but this perfectly complements the overall series.)
Three Episodes I Liked
'Smith and Jones': Seriously, the best companion debut episode in all of Nu-Who. Not a moment is wasted, the writing is taut and to the point. We meet Martha, we meet her family and its associated drama, we see her going to work to be a Doctor, and then, bam, it starts raining upside down and she's scooped up along with her entire hospital and taken to the Moon where the Judoon (our first time meeting these folks) shake down the place looking for a fugitive which they eventually find. The brilliant part of this episode is when she bumps into the Doctor on the way to work, but then meets him as a patient in the Hospital and seems confused when he doesn't recognize her-- the episode brings that tiny moment full circle at the end when he demonstrates that the TARDIS is, in fact, a time machine and goes and takes off his tie at the start of the episode for her. Just fantastic stuff.
'Human Nature'/'The Family of Blood': Excellent two-part episode where the Doctor has to go undercover to escape the Family of Blood that wants his life force so they won't die. He lands in 1913 and makes himself fully human intending to hide until they die out and gives Martha a list of instructions to follow. Eventually, they catch up with him and the Doctor is brought back-- but doesn't want to go because has has fallen in love with the nurse, Joan. They share a vision of what their life would be like together and the Doctor offers to let her travel in the TARDIS with them, but she refuses. He then gives The Family of Blood exactly what they want.
'Blink': Y'all knew this was going to be on here, right? The debut of The Weeping Angels with Sally Sparrow on the case while the Doctor and Martha are trapped in 1969. Absolute banger of an episode that introduced a shiny new villain and dialed up the creepy to boot.
Two Episodes I Didn't Like
'Gridlock': I get it. The final appearance of the Face of Boe was always going to happen at some point and I can appreciate the importance of the season-long arc here, but... New New York, I love you, but you're bringing me down. It was kind of 'meh' for me.
'Daleks In Manhattan'/'Evolution of the Daleks': Ah, the inevitable appearance of the Daleks. They try something dastardly and new that is immediately foiled by the Doctor and they escape again until next season when they do it all over again. Maybe this makes me a bad Doctor Who fan, but I'm thoroughly uninterested in the Daleks at this point.'
One Episode To Consider:
'The Sound of Drums'/'Last of the Time Lords': John Simm as The Master works really well and they've done a good job throughout Nu-Who casting The Master. This was an epic way to end the season, but it's leaving the Jones family and a few others with memories of a year that gets erased by the end of the episode- a year where the human population is devastated and forced into slavery and there's a lot of trauma to unpack there. It's fascinating to think about-- what did Martha do for that entire year? How did it change her? How did it change her family? And she gets to keep the memories of all that? So many interesting things to consider about this episode.
Overall: Solid, excellent stuff. The Martha Jones season might be my favorite Tennant Season and she ranks right up there as one of my favorite companions. There are more good to excellent episodes in this season than not-so-good lackluster episodes in this season and you really feel that Tennant is inhabiting the role and making it his own at this point.
My Grade: 9/10
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moderndaymelodrama · 2 years
yaz’s timeline of loving the doctor (in my opinion): i honestly think that yaz had a crush on the doctor immediately, you can see that in the way she looks at her even very early on in their relationship, but yaz herself was too busy with everything else that was happening to really recognise what it was she was actually feeling. it’s obvious from the beginning that while ryan & graham are here for the adventures, yaz is here for the doctor herself. she starts to get closer and closer to the doctor as the time goes by, but it’s not until the 10 months they’re separated that yaz actually realises that she’s in love with her. that’s why she’s so angry when the doctor comes back so smiley and casual, because she’s spent all this time not only trying to come to terms with the fact she might never see the doctor again, but also trying to come to terms with herself and these new feelings she has. it’s been so painful for her. when jack confronts her she’s terrified, she can hardly explain these feelings to herself, let alone someone she barely knows. she’s terrified because it took him 5 minutes to see something that’s taken her months to work out herself. i know some people think we needed more explicit romantic moments during flux to properly see that yaz was in love, but when you look at it from yaz’s perspective it totally makes sense why there wasn’t. this is probably the first time she’s fallen in love with a woman & it’s her best friend, of course she’s terrified of overstepping the mark, of ruining what they already have, of even slightly acting on these feelings she still can’t even bring herself to say out loud, even just to herself. the feelings do slip out though, in moments of peril (the doctor being turned into a weeping angel) and when the doctor isn’t there to see it (watching the hologram). she just can’t bring herself to accept them, because in her own mind, there’s absolutely no way that the doctor could possibly feel the same way.
the doctor’s timeline of loving yaz (in my opinion): i think the doctor always had a soft spot for yaz, she’s not really sure why, and is more protective over her as time goes on (hence that one scene in praxeus). she’s scared when ryan & graham leave, it was easier travelling with a large group of people because in that situation it’s harder to get attached to one person specifically, she ends up as more their tour guide than their best friend, and she’s ok with that, if it means less chance of getting hurt. at that point, she’s realised just how deep yaz’s feelings for her go (during the “i won’t disappear again” scene) and she promises herself she’ll be careful from this point on. she can’t help herself though. in all those months travelling together, the doctor & yaz grow closer. yaz is growing as a person with every day that passes, and the doctor loves to watch that. she teaches her to fly the tardis and takes her on amazing adventures, giving her just enough to make her stay, but not enough to form the emotional attachment that she knows yaz is desperate for. it dawns on her while making the hologram just how much she’d miss yaz if she were to lose her, and even the thought of it happening makes her heart break, even if that’s something she can’t bring herself to say to yaz’s face. she’s so happy to see her safe in “the vanquishers”, even though for her it’s only been a few hours since she saw her last. the thought of never seeing yaz again is so terrifying for her. just like yaz, the doctor’s true feelings also slip out during moments of peril (on atropos; in front of the weeping angels) and in moments when yaz isn’t looking (when yaz is copiloting the tardis; during the fireworks scene). the “i want to tell you everything” scene is when the doctor realises she’s fallen in love with her. there she is, standing in front of her, her beautiful brave yaz, who spent 4 years in a different century and still returned as loyal and as loving as ever. she can’t help but promise her everything. and that single tear on her face as yaz walks away (a direct parallel to the tears on yaz’s face during her coming out scene in the very next episode) is the overwhelming, heartbreaking realisation that she’s gotten attached when she promised herself she wouldn’t. she probably would have carried on like nothing had changed if dan didn’t confront her in eve of the daleks. the look on her face afterwards says it all. just like yaz felt with jack, the doctor is terrified to realise that someone she hardly knows has picked up on the one thing she hasn’t been admitting to herself, the thing she thought she was perfect at hiding. maybe this is just too big to ignore. maybe she really does have to face this. and so she does.
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rozcdust · 3 years
Waste it on me
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Pairing: Takeomi Akashi x f!reader
Genre: Crack, SMAU
Word count: 1.4k
Warnings: Canon divergent, profanity, ooc, sugar daddy/ sugar baby relationship, age gap (both are consenting adults), suggestive, mentions of drug abuse
pt. 1 | previous | pt. 20 | next |playlist | backstory
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“Wakasa may look like a bitch, and that’s because he is. Benkei seems intimidating, but he’s nice.”
“Yes, yes.” You nodded enthusiastically, almost buzzing in excitement from your spot in the car.
Takeomi didn’t really plan to bring you along, but you perked up like a dog when at the mention of having to pick up Senju from work, and who was he to tell you no?
He wasn’t that mean.
“Don’t touch anything. They love that gym like it’s their child.”
“Ah yes, of course, I’ll just fucking levitate around. Good plan.”
Takeomi rolled his eyes.
“I’m just excited to see Senju,” You clapped your hands, smiling, “She is so nice!”
Takeomi gave you a look as if you’ve gone insane, pulling up in front of the gym.
“Are we talking about the same person? My sister is a menace.”
“Your sister is an angel.”
“A tiny demon.”
“A sweetheart.”
Takeomi just shook his head as he exited the car, you right behind him, already linking your arms with his.
Pulling open the gym doors, he ordered you to find Senju, while he himself went to the other part of the gym, to greet Wakasa and Benkei.
Nodding and doing a small salute, the two of you parted ways, him going down the hallway, and you to the left.
You did plan to find Senju, you really did, however.
There was a slight problem.
The gym was fucking huge, and you really had to wonder if the maze-like design was intended so that whoever wanders in, can never get out and just has to work out forever.
The fuck were they tryna do, trap the Minotaur in here?
You searched in the cardio room, tennis room, one room that was just a basketball court, there was even a pool.
Is this gym a fucking Tardis? it definitely didn’t seem this huge from the outside.
You’ll really have to ask Senju if this should technically classify as a sports centre.
And why in the fuck is nothing labeled?
Peeking into one of the rooms that was apparently meant for weights, you searched for a mop of white hair, but to no avail.
The room was empty safe for another familiar face, who apparently just finished whatever the fuck he was doing, wiping his face with a towel.
You grinned.
Sneaking up to him, careful so he won’t hear you, you jumped on his back, wrapping your arms around his neck, and he yelped, trying to throw you off, losing his balance in the process and sending you both sprawling to the ground.
He landed on top of you, and as he breathed a heavy sigh, staring at your smug face, his hands caging your head and his knees on both sides of your body.
He scowled, clearly unamused.
“Funny seeing you here.” You grinned, tucking the bit of hair that has fallen out of his ponytail behind his ear.
“I always go here.” Baji playfully stuck his tongue out at you, sitting up on your hips so he was trapping you underneath him, “The better question is, what are you doing here? I don’t think you have exercised since I met you.”
You crossed your arms on your chest, still on the floor.
“Some of us have shit to do.”
He grinned, pinching your side.
“Exercise is important, you fucking sloth.”
You rolled your eyes, patting his stomach.
“Just you keep doing that, bestie. Tora and Fuyu might leave you if you lose your precious abs.“
He crossed his arms, clearly offended.
“That is just fucking rude.”
“ESTP Scorpio men deserve no respect, babe.”
He dramatically gasped, putting his hand on his heart with a feigned hurt expression.
Leaning closer to your face, he looked around, as if to see if anyone was listening.
“Is it because I’m gay?” He whispered, eyes wide, and you had to roll your own, smacking his shoulder.
Bad idea.
Now your hand hurts.
“We’re both bisexual, dumbass. Now get off me, you’re heavy and dripping your sweat all over me.”
The bastard laid down on you fully as the only response, and you fake gaged, trying to push him off.
He only clung to you further.
“You are so disgusting.”
“I’m not even that sweaty. And you love me,” He nuzzled his nose into your neck, “And you literally ate my cum, but this is where you draw the line?”
He rolled his eyes.
“You are so fake.” His tone turned more serious, and he propped himself up to look at you, a concerned frown now adorning his face, “Why didn’t you tell us you’ve been having nightmares again?”
Oh, fuck.
“Who snitched?”
Baji shook his head.
“Doesn’t matter.”
“Yuh-uh, it does.”
“It really doesn’t.”
You pulled him back down to avoid looking into his face.
“How am I supposed to live, laugh, love in these conditions?”
“Don’t girlboss too close to the sun, bitch.” He chuckled, planting a small kiss on your shoulder, “Be honest with me. Besides what you take with me or Tora or Chifuyu, have you started using again?”
You shook your head swiftly.
He nodded, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
“Okay, good.”
“Hakkai snitched, didn’t he?”
“Yeah.” Baji laughed, and you only huffed, “But we’ll ignore ‘Snitched get stitches’ just this once.”
“Uh, no the fuck we will not? I will hunt him down and revoke his bestie card.”
“Not the bestie card!”
Someone cleared their throat from the entrance of the room, and you looked up, finding Takeomi.
Baji waved, but made no effort to get off you.
You breathed a sigh of relief.
“Finally, get this fucker off me please?”
Baji sat up, still not off you.
“You’re making it seem like you hate me!”
“I do!”
“My feels are hurt, y/n.” Wiping off a fake tear, he got up finally, grabbing his belongings, “Drop by sometime, or Fuyu might actually just assume you dead and plan a funeral.”
Flipping him off as he walked away, you got up, smiling apologetically at Takeomi.
His face was blank, something akin to anger hiding behind his seemingly stoic eyes.
You furrowed your eyebrows, but whatever it was, it disappeared before you could truly identify it.
“I assume you haven’t found Senju?” He sighed, shaking his head.
“Sorry, that was a friend, and no. This place is like a fucking maze.” You dusted yourself off, skipping towards Takeomi.
“It’s fine. Wakasa sent her a text that we’re here for her.”
Nodding, you stepped with him into the hallway.
Your eyes widened, and you stopped in your tracks, interrupting the smaller man’s attempt at an introduction.
“There is no fucking way you’re almost 40.”
Takeomi facepalmed next to you.
“Well, trust me, I am.” The man tch’ed, his bored eyes passing over you.
“Sir, I’mma need to see some ID. And drop that skincare routine.”
The man’s bored look didn’t change as he opened his mouth to say something, but the taller man cut him off, sending him a warning look.
“Benkei, pleased to meet you. This is Wakasa.” He cleared his throat, nodding shortly, and you smiled at them.
Before you could open your mouth for a response, a flurry of white hair shoved Wakasa out of the way, throwing themselves at you.
You almost fell down, for the second time today, and really, you had to wonder if all your friends wanted to give you a fucking concussion.
“Y/n!” The small girl lifted you in the air, spinning you around easily, and Jesus fucking Christ, was she strong.
“Hello Senju!” You hugged her back, giggling after she finally put you down.
“Hello, sister dearest, who I definitely did not put through school and took care of for all of her life.” Takeomi scoffed from beside you, glaring both you and his sister down.
Senju rolled her eyes, sticking her tongue out at him.
“Your girlfriend’s cooler.”
Your heart fluttered, and really, you had to bite back a smile.
“Bye small boss and big boss, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Senju waved to the two very unamused men, before turning to Takeomi, “We’ll wait for you in the car while you talk about whatever the fuck old people talk about.”
Takeomi tch’ed, fishing out the car keys and handing them to Senju.
She smiled, and before you could as much as try to turn around to walk towards the car, like a normal person, she picked you up, throwing you over her shoulder like a mere bag of rice.
“Bye Wakasa! Send me the skincare routine! Bye Benkei!” You waved at them as Senju carried you out, slamming the gym doors behind her.
You could swear to God you could hear Takeomi sigh.
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🔖Taglist (closed):
@1818cigarettes @babu-haitani @dilf-city @wakasa-wifey @lagrimasdeglitter @kisekihany @missarabellla @bajifairyy @cryszus @r-xochitl @emilywaters @dinve @levistiddies @bxnten @spookykoko @graythecoffeebean @yukihime-mikeys-girl @mukounisuru-gashadokuro @sunahyejin @crybabylisa @yamaguccitadashi @minoozi @gigibobigi @trashmemebitch @frogtits1 @sup-zfam @whydohumansss @xashiui @bontens-whore @nqctre @kennyb0y @chaoticyuna @haitanihime@adeptiixiao @denkis-slut @wakasagurl @dontfollowmelol @yukimaniac @marrymemanjiro @bajitorasprincess @somniari-94 @haikyuu-simps-assemble @gulfkfl @the-invincible-mikey @lumi-does-some-stuff @hana-patata @snowyseungs @sanzuswh0re @itsyournumber1whore @lem0nsquizy (second taglist in the comments! please let me know if i forgot to tag you 💕)
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symbolicmyths · 3 years
Under appreciated Thasmin moments in flux that live rent free in my brain
When Thirteen yells "call it!" just before they let go of the grav-bar and fall into the Tardis. I'm calling this a Thasmin moment bc as Azure said, Thirteen's biggest fear is the death/destruction of other people/things/themselves, and here she's trusting her life in Yaz, had Yaz miss calculated she'd fallen into the acid ocean and disintegrated
13: "this is obviously a trap" Dan: "and you're walking into it?!" 13: "I have to find Yaz!"
When the angel appeared in Yaz' time-stream, "it could propel you through time, I won't know where you are I might never find you. I'm being pulled away!!!" She cares about Yaz sm guys
When Thirteen sees Yaz on the other side of the boundary thingy in and immediately tries to yeet herself over it and Yaz has to tell her not too lmao. Also the whole "secret tunnel to a lovers meeting point" thing
Obviously the hologram scene isn't underrated but certain quotes are and I think my favourite is when Thirteen let's her face fall into a more vulnerable expression and she says "I think I'm at risk"
And ofc when Yaz goes to grab her hand as she's phasing out in front of the Tardis and she admits she's scared.
Basically I love them sm
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emilvr · 3 years
‧₊˚ ꒰ა♡໒꒱ dreaming about you | zhongli !
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zhongli x fem reader headcanons ♡ he is my fave and i have almost 90 fates saved for his re run and over 4000 primos… zhongli come home u_u happy birthday zhongli hehe <3
warnings: none just fluff hehe
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zhongli is the type of person to cook you his favourite foods and over time, some of your favourites become his favourites, too. is quite talented in the kitchen and really adores it when you eat whatever he offers you— he has a doting little smile on his face as he runs his thumb across your hand as you eat(*´▽`*)
kisses the palm of your hand all the time <3 and holds it up to his chest or in both of his (YELLING. SIR..)
puts a subtle hand on your back when you two are in public, and is the kind of person to put his hand on the small of your back as he passes you to reach something above you, like the cupboard holding the drinking glasses <3
reads to you at night and doesn’t notice you’ve fallen asleep until your soft breaths are the only noise in the bedroom and he just goes : “oh. sleep well, my darling.” and kisses the very top of your ear… (fiadh starts yelling)
ALWAYS calls you my [petname] like: my love, my darling, my angel <3 he is a little possessive but when he puts ‘my’ in-front of terms of endearment it helps calm him down a little !!
likes falling asleep facing you <3 is also seriously funny without meaning it and half the time it’s you laughing your head off and he’s looking at you like: -__- man is seriously done with u .. it’s okay cause he loves you the most it’s true
is clueless when confessing and he would not make the first move so you’re gonna have to do it <3 you would do something like drawing circles around characters in liyuean books until it spelt “zhongli, i like you,” and the man is like : “oh i like you too you’re a great friend ^__^” he is pulling your leg … he thinks he’s funny. I WILL RIP MY HAIR OUT ZHONGLI DO NOT TEST ME.
looks good in every photo and thinks it’s hilarious when you get mad. takes more photos just to piss you off and then pulls the “darling you look beautiful every day, the beauty of the mountains and fresh springs could never compare to you.” like ok sir so you’re pulling out the flattery card now? we all see u. -_-
when you return home late he squishes your cheeks like grandmothers do and goes “tardiness is a very bad habit, [y/n].” with the most intimidating look he can muster … before you both start giggling
critics random books with you and his complaints just make no sense. if he doesn’t like a certain sentence in the book the man will flat out REFUSE to read it … unless you read it to him. he thinks because he’s 6002 years old he can be sly but you see through all his tricks ♡✧( ु•⌄• )
whispers into your ear at night simply cause he knows how much you like it. will sing to you as well at night time <3 gifts you small trinkets from time to time, like small pins of cats or a little bracelet or a bunch of flowers he bought because the colour reminded him of a traditional liyuean dress you have <3
forgets his birthday. you lit his cake on fire one year because you put 100 candles on it and started laughing because he’s a “grandpa” .. he was not impressed and stared you down for twenty seconds before laughing T__T
holds you close to his chest at night, where your cheek is against his chest and your breathing warms your face up <3 kisses the top of your forehead and will refuse to sleep until you fall asleep … though he’s a NIGHTMARE to walk up … he sleeps like a rock (hahahahaha get it)
kisses you on the edge of your ear and smiles when you pout and go “zhongli!! kiss me properly ):<“
you bring him random stones as gifts and you’re like “tell me it’s history !! :D” and he’s like: “darling [y/n] this is a stone from behind the funeral parlour.” BUZZKILL. ⋋_⋌!!!
brews you tea … ooooooh (。・‧̫・。).**♡ all the ladies in liyue harbour gush over how he is such husband material and a keeper … now do they know that he tried to put on a shirt once and forgot to take the hanger off and gave himself a black eye in the process. no they don’t. and everytime you open you mouth to re tell the tale you have the geo archon nervously sweating.
if he boasts about being husband material just tell him seafood is for dinner tonight. that will shut him up very quickly (¬_¬)ノ
I AM A FIRM BELIEVER THAT when zhongli finds a lover he is the kind to just laugh a lot . he becomes a real big softie and gives you kisses on the cheek but teases you constantly. all the time. you never catch a break. no seriously just bring up seafood and it will shut him up i’m begging you.
you buy him grandpa birthday cards every year .. he keeps them all in a box hidden in his closet he is the biggest sap to exist <3 keeps anything you give him in the box he is in ~~~looooove~~~
when you wake up he always goes “did you dream about me, darling?” and you just go: no i didn’t. it was a nice dream. and he’s like: … WHAT TAKE THAT BACK man will be close to tears just give him a kiss that’s what he wants
he isn’t someone who voices his affections often, but one look at how he looks at you like you’re the most interesting and angelic person in all of teyvat speaks volumes that a certain three words wouldn’t be able to convey <3
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verobatto · 3 years
Destiel Chronicles
Vol. CIX
It was a love story from the very beginning.
Dean, What Do You Want?
Hi everyone! We arrived to season 14. Is th season I started writing meta, so this is gonna be a resume of all my observations from these two episodes.
This season was the 'what do you want?' season, but it also was the Profound Bond season to me. And you'll see why.
Let's start!
All my metas from these episodes from season 14 can be found here: X , X, X, X. X.
Closing Arcs and the Phoenix Complex
At the beginning of the season, there was a lot of clues that led us to think the show was coming to its end.
The first character showing this, was Sam.
I started to elaborate the concepto of 'Phoenix Complex' in Supernatural characters.
This idea is based over that ability of the characters in coming back from death several times.
Like the Phoenix, they reborn from their ashes renewed. And that's the meaning from this.: "I'm giving you this so many chances to change your point of view, so you can see with new eyes."
Is the same concept with the breaking point trough lost, pain and tragedy.
Following this idea, we could say Dean and Castiel (and Sam) needed to go through their journey dying and resurrecting as many times as they needed to be renewed. Season 14 is the season of HEALING!DEAN and Castiel had his growth too.
Because they needed to love themselves, accept themselves, in order to freely love the other.
That's why this was the what do you want season.
But, I said before, Sam is the first one closing his arc:
Gif credit @itsokaysammy
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And how glorious way to closed that hateful destiny. He rules his own path. He says "ENOUGH!" To those demons, but also, to his past with them. We won't come back to those black days. He even saw his prison guard, Lucifer, dying in front of him. The victory is by his side.
This path of self knowledge and self acceptance is about to end. He's not anymore this guy with so many regrets and so many incomplete desires. He even had the opportunity of reconciliation with his mother, that profund wound, healing with forgiveness.
But now that we know about season 15, Sam's words here have an additional meaning to what I wrote. Because we know there wasn't a king, but a queen of hell right?
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What do you want?
The season starts with Michael asking everyone what do they want. When actually, he was trying to figure out what Dean wanted. It was an indirect question. Because Michael could have Dean's body but not his more deepest secret. (Just like the Qareen in season 11 remember? She couldn't decipher what was in Dean's heart)
Pay attention to this dialogue:
MICHAEL: Why are we here. I know why I’m here to ask you a question.
JAMIL: What question?
MICHAEL: The same question I’ve spent weeks traveling around this world asking all sorts of people. Holy men, leaders, killers. And now I come to you, Jamil Hamed. (pause) What do you want? (...)If you could have anything, name it.
JAMIL: Peace. And love.
Michael names three kind of people in his list: holy men, killers and leaders. The three characteristics that could apply to Dean. So, this question is maden for Dean. That's why no answer will satisfy Michael. Because the answers he is having are not enough to understand Dean completely.
MICHAEL: If you cared about peace, you never would have left Syria. You never would have ran and abandoned your friends to die – and they did die.
Imagine Michael saying this to Dean because is an indirect message for him. And he is trying to break Dean through GUILT. By saying YOUR FRIENDS ARE ALONE NOW AND THEY'RE GOING TO DIE BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT THERE TO PROTECT THEM.
MICHAEL: And if you cared about love, you never would have gone into that broom closet with – What was her name?
The symbolism using the word closet, Dean inside the closet just dating women.
MICHAEL: And that’s the problem with you. You’re lost... And not worth saving.
Michael is talking about what he can read inside of Dean. His fears. But this is also a parallel to the Destiel first meeting in that barn where Castiel reads in Dean that he had not faith. We will have another reading of his fears with Kaia in episode 14x03.
Another clue of why Michael couldn't have access to Dean deepest secrets was when he faces Anael in episode 14x02 and mistook her for Castiel...
(Just a little reminder of why Dean said yes to Michael, it was because of FAMILY LOVE!)
Okay, now... That time when Michael thought Anael was Cas...
MICHAEL: I know about you, Jo. Because he knew about you. You're the rebel, the angel who doesn't like playing by Heaven's rules or whatever. You pretend to care about these things -- pretty things. But that's all it is -- pretending.
These trinkets, they don't make you happy. They just pass the time. They're not what you really want.
SISTER JO: And if you're so smart, what do I really want?
MICHAEL: Love. To belong, to have a place -- a home, a family. It's very very human of you. And so, so disappointing.
I can sense how many angels are in this world. There aren't many left. I thought... maybe I could help. But if they're all these sad, lost, fallen things -- things like you -- maybe they're not worth saving, either.
Don't you think is really weird? Yes, because Dean won't let Michael to have access to his feelings for Castiel.
That means the bond is not complete because Dean is already bonded with Castiel.
Bringing back the Profound Bond
At the beginning of episode 14x01 we had that random demon reminding us that Castiel and Dean are bonded.
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Yes... This was a good bait for us but it was too a reminder that DEAN AND CAS SHARE THIS PROFOUND BOND. And putting that in the first episode was like "You viewers keep this in mind".
This was important and it was put as a preamble for the whole season.
Depressed Castiel and the low grace
We will never know if these were plot holes and huge mistakes from Dabb or if it had to do with Castiel's depression.
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I wrote that in one of my metas, related to that time in season 10 (mostly episode 10x01) in which Castiel was so depressed, with low grace and letting himself die because Dean was missed.
But also this scene...
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Castiel is more emotional than in the previous seasons. We all know because he misses Dean, and he is here using Dean's words with Jack. Because Dean is his role model. We all know that. But this has to do too with Castiel closing his arc too.
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The dialogue he had with Jack was about that time when he became a human and how he learned he had Dean and Sam but mostly, he had himself.
This Castiel knows where he belongs. He knows his family are Dean, Jack and Sam. Being Dadstiel helped him to find his place. And this lead us to a closure of his character.
Michael bringing Purgatory vibes
Just a few words about Michael and monsters. He really thought there was PURITY about it. He is the one bringing back this concept we saw in season 8 related to Purgatory. It won't be the only clues he will show throughout the season about purity and monsters and Purgatory. In retrospective, there were foreshadowing Castiel and Dean coming back to Purgatory of Love in 15x09.
To Conclude:
Season 14 is the season of the profound Bond, the healing!Dean concept linked to the question 'what do you want?'
It's also a journey though the beginning of the closure of arcs (or an attempt of it).
Time for Dean to accept himself and love himself.
Hope you liked this first meta from season 14! See you in the next one!
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Buenos Aires April 18th 2021 7:18 PM
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