#thea x kai
shenaniganzz · 1 year
The lights were off in the house, the only thing that was showing light was coming from the TV in the living room as both Thea and Kai were on the couch, watching whatever that was on. Her head was on his shoulder, practically sitting in his lap as they sat in silence. She had become accustomed to Kai staying later than the rest of their friends, seemingly becoming more close and him keeping his promise that he wasn’t going to disappear again. It was easy being around him, despite her crush that was nagging her at the back of her head, but it wasn’t anything she was going to deal with. She wanted this friendship to last and her fears easily got in the way. She just appreciated all the time she got with him. “You hungry or anything?” she asked out of the blue, lifting her head up to look at him. “Also, you know you can stay the night, it’s getting late. I don’t mind pulling out a few sheets and pillows for you in Silas’s old room. I doubt he’d care,” she offered, sitting up a little more as if she was getting ready to get up to move. 
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south-of-heaven · 10 months
Whoever you want from your masterlist (women) x reader
Reader really struggling with mental health and falling back into old habits and whoever you choose tries to help
(If you want too)
Old habits die hard || Zelina Vega x Reader x Dakota Kai
Summary: Zelina and Dakota try to help when you start to fall into old habits.
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As the weight of your struggles grew heavier, you found yourself slipping back into old patterns, your mental health taking a toll. Zelina and Dakota noticed the changes in your demeanor—the subtle shifts in your mood, the distant look in your eyes. Concern etched on their faces as they realized you were battling your demons once again.
Zelina, with her empathic nature, approached you first. Her voice was gentle, her concern evident as she sat beside you. "Hey, are you okay?"
You tried to muster a smile, but it faltered. You couldn't hide the turmoil within. "I... I'm struggling," you admitted quietly.
Dakota joined the conversation, her presence offering an unspoken support. "You don't have to go through this alone. We're here for you."
Their words were like a lifeline in the storm of your thoughts. Zelina and Dakota refused to let you isolate yourself, gently coaxing you to open up about your feelings, assuring you that they were there to help.
Zelina offered comfort in her embrace, while Dakota's steady reassurance provided a sense of stability. They encouraged you to seek professional help, reminding you that taking care of your mental health was crucial and that seeking support wasn't a sign of weakness.
Days turned into weeks, and with their constant support and encouragement, you began to take small steps toward healing. Zelina and Dakota were by your side through every step of the journey, offering unwavering support and understanding.
Zelina would bring over your favorite snacks, engaging you in light-hearted conversations to ease the heaviness in your heart. Dakota would accompany you on walks, providing a comforting presence as you navigated the tumultuous waves of your emotions.
Their combined efforts formed a safety net around you, a reminder that you weren't alone in your battle. They'd often remind you to practice self-care, to take breaks when needed, and to reach out whenever you felt overwhelmed.
Slowly, but steadily, their support helped you gain ground against the darkness that threatened to engulf you. Their unwavering presence and genuine concern became the anchor that kept you grounded during the turbulent times.
As weeks turned into months, you began to feel a sense of relief, a light breaking through the clouds. Zelina and Dakota's compassion and dedication never wavered, and their steadfast support became a beacon of hope, guiding you toward a path of healing and resilience.
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 2 months
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did someone say kit x bucky hurt/comfort??? yes. i did. warnings: injury description, blood, mentions of suicide and alcoholism
-> injured
The metallic tang of blood filled Kit’s mouth as a sudden stab of pain pierced her flesh, teeth finally breaking through the inside of her lip from how hard she'd been biting it. The discomfort came as a welcome distraction from the more pressing of her injuries, fighting to ignore the grating throb as she counted down the seconds until landing, Thorpe Abbotts' airstrip already in view up ahead.
It had been a close call, and if Kit hadn't spent the entirety of their return flight fighting back the jolts of agony shooting up her arm, she might've found time to be grateful. A piece of flak had struck one of the cockpit windows, and if she and Thea had not been wearing their oxygen masks, they would never have made it back at all. But even this did not negate the fact that a dozen tiny shards of glass now protruded from Kit’s hand, her knuckles a bloody mess, the back of her fist ripped to shreds.
"Fuck!" She had screamed, terrified of breaking her focus for even a second but unable to fight the blinding tears that welled up, the sudden pain a shock to her system. Something had struck her cheek, embedding itself in the skin, but what she could not see would not be allowed to distract her - even that became a problem for later. Later - once we're all on the ground alive, once a single slip up from me doesn't mean certain death for the nine people I care about most.
Thea’s concentration had begun to slip, desperately trying to sneak a glance across at her pilot to assess the damage, voice coming anxious over the radio. "Kit, y'alright? Tell me what we're working with."
"We're okay. My hand's fucked but I'll be alright." She'd called back, a slight tremor lining her words. There was no breaking formation, no turning around. And now came her reward - the instant breath of relief that came with the bump of wheels touching down on the runway and the sight of a medical van waiting dutifully for their return. The moment the Seraphim ceased it's motion, rolling to a steady halt, Kit’s grip on the controls recoiled, scared to move even a single finger once her hand was free.
"Oh, Jesus, that's a real mess," Thea muttered, already clambering hurriedly out of her seat. "I'm gonna call the medic - go clean up, I can take the lead on interrogation."
Kit opened her mouth to thank her, but her co-pilot had already fled the cockpit before she could speak, the clank of rushed footsteps echoing through the hull behind her. Clumsily unbuckling her seatbelt with her good hand, she fought the urge to wince as she too stood up, the pain in her cheek growing apparent without the threat of death to distract her. Sylvie was waiting on the tarmac below, brow furrowed in concern as Kit made it to the exit. "You need a hand?" She called up, eyeing the wound on her face warily.
"You're a doll," Kit huffed, letting Sylvie get a grip on her legs so that she didn't have to use both hands to lower herself through the hatch.
"Well... at least the scars'll look cool," Sylvie shrugged, blatantly staring at her injuries as they crossed the runway towards the trucks.
Kit cracked a smile, nodding along. "Hadn't thought about it that way... thanks, bub. You just get to interrogation, 'kay?"
"Catch you later," She nodded, bouncing on her heel as she bounded towards the truck where the others were waiting to leave, offering Kit a handful of sympathetic waves as she passed.
The infirmary was unusually quiet, the doctor working with a furrowed brow as he carefully plied one piece of glass after another out of her flesh, working the tweezers with a practised, steady hand. With each tug, Kit's face shrivelled like a prune, lips pursed as her eyes screwed tightly shut, fighting the urge to yelp.
"You're killin' me, doc," She shook her head, letting out a heavy breath as he turned away to deposit another shard in the metal tray beside him, each piece landing with a clatter.
"I'd say count yourself lucky you still have both eyes," He pointed out, gesturing to her face with his tweezers, the tear in her cheek mercifully benign. Kit shrugged, about to crack some joke at her own expense, when the door at the far end of the room was suddenly thrust open, the bang startling them both. As Bucky's familiar figure stormed in, she couldn't tell which gave her more relief - his arrival, or the fact that she hadn't had the doctor's tweezers sticking in her face again when it had happened.
"What happened - you ok?" He called hurriedly, marching the length of the ward towards her. He was still in his flight suit, droplets of sweat beading on his forehead, and she had to wonder if he'd run all the way here from the airstrip.
"Flak took out the window, stuck me full of holes," Kit sighed, rubbing her good hand across her forehead. "I'm good, it's all superficial, just hurts like a- shit!" She cut herself off with a wince as the doctor pulled out another shard, eyes squeezing shut once more.
"Aw, Jesus," Bucky sighed, bending down to get a proper look at her face. His brow was drawn into a tight furrow, expression contorted in endearing concern.
"Sylvie thinks I'll look cool with the scars, so that's something," She joked, offering a pathetic excuse for a smile, the nails of her good hand digging into her seat with the next stab of pain. Standing beside her, Bucky took her hand in his without another word, squeezing it tight with each removed fragment as if offering a silent invitation, a wordless promise of 'you can hurt me. I don't mind.'
Kit looked up at him then, but he barely seemed to notice, transfixed by the bloody, scabby mess that decorated her once unblemished skin, frowning in concentration as if overseeing the doctor's work, making sure everything went as it should. For a second, she almost didn't notice the pain at all, a bubble rising in her chest until she could barely breathe, clogging up her throat until she felt like she might choke. He stood there with her as if there was nowhere else in the world for him to be, cradling her hand in both of his, accepting every squeeze without so much as a twitch no matter how crushing her vice grip became.
Somehow she had managed to delude herself into thinking the worst of the pain was over, but the stitching was worse, the needle dipping in and out through her skin with a thousand stabs, and she fought against every muscle in her body not to flinch. Bucky raised a hand to the side of her head, gently tugging her closer so that he could press his lips firmly to her scalp and just rest there for a moment, his steady breathing making her hair flutter.
She felt the sudden urge to cry.
What had she done to deserve this tenderness, to deserve his undivided attention and gentle hand? He had come here just for her, but she had never done the same for him. Kit could tally up every nicety she'd ever offered, but it couldn't help her to explain this, couldn't help her to rationalise a warmth that wasn't transactional.
The love of her crew had always made sense. They had trained together, grown together within the Seraphim as a single, beating heart. Their love kept them alive. It was an essential organism for survival, because without that affection they lacked trust, without that devotion they wouldn't have been ready to die for one another.
But Bucky chose this. He chose it when he didn't have to - when nothing forced him to lean on her, he rested here anyway. Devotion was difficult to fathom for a woman like Kit. When her father had chosen a bullet over the unconditional love of his daughter - when her mother had chosen to drown in a bottle of whiskey rather than make sure her child had a roof over her head - then the notion of care freely given had lost its touch.
Kit hadn't been worth her father's life or her mother's sanity - why was she worth this?
"Alright," The doctor's voice broke her trance, tying off the last layer of bandage around her wrist. "All good for now. Keep it dry, come back for dressing changes in two days."
She blinked, opening her mouth to speak and coming up dry. "Thanks, doc," Bucky nodded above her, grip on her hand slipping loose. He'd let go of her head long ago. She hadn't noticed.
Kit stood up without a word, uttering her thanks to the doctor as the pair began to leave. She tugged her life vest off over her head, desperate to get out of her flight gear, and Bucky took it gently from her hand, carrying the weight without her ever having to ask.
"Y'alright?" He asked tentatively, eyeing her sideways as they headed outside. "Gone quiet."
"Yeah, yeah," She nodded, batting a hand. "Thinkin' about how mad the squad's gonna be that I got the first battle scar," She joked, shooting him a grin.
She hated how easy it was to push feeling aside, how easy it was to turn even her own agony into a joke and a smile.
He chuckled. "That's a thing, huh? Competition?"
"Oh, point of pride, for sure," Kit smirked, gesturing to the wound in her face, now safely taped shut and covered over. "If this thing heals gnarly, it'll be a real hit."
She hated how hard it was to talk about anything as seriously as she felt it.
She hated how hard it was to act fucking human.
Bucky was just glad that she was safe. The rush of relief that had hit him the moment he'd rushed into the infirmary to see her sitting up and talking like normal had almost knocked him off his feet, the air momentarily knocked out of his lungs.
He'd been in the next crew to return after the Seraphim, and the moment he'd spotted it, the window beside Kit's pilot seat blown clean out, he could've sworn his heart had stopped beating for a moment, a wave of nausea rising in his stomach.
Maisie had been waiting, hovering by the plane, arms crossed as she passed her weight impatiently from foot to foot. She should've been in interrogation already, but she had waited for him - waited to tell him that Kit was alright, like she'd known his imagination would take ahold, torturing him with the worst-case scenario. She'd been a one-night stand - a drink, a laugh, and nothing more. Or at least, that had been the intention.
They stood three feet apart.
He had never felt closer to her.
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saturniasxenos · 25 days
Nature / Flora ID Pack
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Inside this pack, you will find: Pronouns, Titles, Names, and Genders that relate to Nature, Flora, Flowers, Trees, and anything alike!
This is my 3rd NPT pack! 💜 I hope you find what you are looking for. I try to add as MUCH content as possible, so even if you don't find it, you can have an idea! (I'm still not the best at titles...)
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🍀 Pronouns:
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🌸 Titles:
Preserver of The Forest
(X) Who Nurtures
Born From The Forest
Guardian of The Forest
Dancer of The Desert
(X) Who Guards The Oasis
Child of The Trees
Floral Founder
Seeker of The Leaves
(X) Who Dances With The Petals
Druid of The Land
Wings of The Forest
Nurturing The Land
Nurturer of The Forest
Nature's Guardian
Child of Mother Nature
Guardian of Mother Nature
Raindrop on The Leaf
Dancing in The Wind
Guardian of The Crops
Child of The Nymph
The Water Dancer
The River Traveler
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🍃 Names:
Fem: Azalea, Aurora, Aster, Bellatrix, Belladonna, Blossom, Coral, Calla, Camellia, Dahlia, Daisy, Dawn, Dove, Dandelion, Ember, Flora, Floria, Giselle, Heather, Holly, Ivy, Jade, Juliet, Jasmine, Luna, Lunar, Lotus, Lily, Lilac, Lavender, Magnolia, Marigold, Meadow, Moon, Maple, Nova, Opal, Petunia, Poppy, Plum, Primrose, Paisley, Rosamund, Rose, Rosa, Rainy, Raine, Stella, Summer, Thea, Violet, Verna, Vine, Willow, Zinna,
Masc: Acacius, August, Arthur, Acorn, Arno, Aire, Beckett, Bear, Birch, Cedar, Cliff, Clay, Corvus, Clayton, Cove, Canyon, Callum, Caspian, Dune, Dylan, Elwood, Finn, Fielder, Falcon, Fox, Forest, Florian, Flint, Griffin, Hunter, Jasper, Jonah, Kai, Leo, Luan, Lennox, Micah, Oliver, Quill, Oscar, Orson, Roscoe, Rainier, Rhodes, Reed, Ronan, Rowan, Spruce, Sol, Thorne, Thorn, Wilder, Winter, Weston,
Neu: Arbor, Ashton, Ash, Agate, Autumn, Aspen, Bay, Berry, Barley, Brae, Bryony, Basil, Brooks, Bourne, Cereus, Clover, Crow, Cypress, Chamomile, Everest, Eden, Fawn, Farley, Finley, Frost, Fern, Foxley, Hazel, Harper, Hyacinth, Iris, Juniper, Jay, Jett, Koa, Krow, Lake, Leaf, Lynx, Oakley, Nightshade, Onyx, Orion, Olive, Pike, Pepper, Prairie, Phoenix, Robin, River, Raven, Rye, Scout, Sage, Stone, Sable, Snowden, Storm, Thistle, Wolf, Wolfe, Wulfwynn, Wren, Zen, Zev, Zephyr,
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🌲 Genders:
Natureserenic - a gender related to spending your days in the middle of nowhere inside your cottage overgrown with nature, cats, dogs, and peacefulness.
Rotgrowth - A gender that has a deep connection to the idea of new plant life growing out of dead, rotting, decaying bodies such as animals and humans.
Vancouldian - a gender related to tall evergreen trees blowing in the wind against a cloudy sky
Regenderation - A gender connected to all things related to regeneration and growth. Medicine, nature, the life aspect, shades of pinks and greens, etc.
Mouanipre - a gender connected to baby animals, daisies, wildflowers, flower crowns, soft grass, meadows, fawns, bunnies, lambs, soft fur, sleepy baby animals, pastel colors, and cute baby animals resting in soft meadows.
Heliangender - a gender related to, affected by, or connected to sunflowers.
Convolvulaceaeic - A gender that has a deep connection to the Convolvulaceae Family of flowers.
Naturegender - Gender relating to nature/plants
Asteraceaeica - gender that has a deep connection to the Asteraceae Family of flowers.
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blue-aconite · 1 year
let me drown || chapter III - bradley’s summer part III
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Summary: People aren't always what they seem.
Warnings: Allusions to smut, jealousy, swearing, angst, cheating, drinking
Word Count: 6.3k
Pairings: Bradley Bradshaw x OC
Authors Note: It’s here. Enjoy. Minors DNI. Each chapter will be labelled with warnings individually.
Thank you to my amazing beta @writercole​, this fic wouldn’t be what it is without you. I love you.
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Virginia, Oceana Naval Air Station, Summer 2018
Bradley slammed on the brakes a bit harder than necessary, knuckles white from gripping the steering wheel too tight. Thea was quiet in the passenger seat, playing with the hem of her jean shorts as he sat in silence in the driveway. 
Dinner had been tense, to say the least. Bradley’s mood had only gotten worse as Athena continued to pester them. At first she had taken an interest in Thea, asking her all sorts of questions. It was innocent enough but Bradley knew there was nothing innocent about his WSO. He had kept quiet though, hand resting on Thea’s knee as she answered Athena’s rapid questions.
Bob and Hangman had seemed oblivious to the tension at first, eager to catch up since they last saw each other. Bradley hated how well they seemed to get along. Like Hangman and Bob were actual friends. It felt wrong. Hangman wasn’t a friendly guy and Bob should know that. Especially if they spent months together on a carrier. He couldn’t exactly put his thumb on why it bothered him so much, but it did.
Hangman and Bob eventually ran out of things to talk about and turned their attention to Thea. To his dismay, his girlfriend and Hangman got along like two peas in a pod. Bradley hated it. He hated how Hangman made her laugh, trading life stories like they’ve known each other for more than an hour. And he hated the way Hangman looked at her. He shouldn’t be looking at her at all. Thea was taken. She was Bradley’s girlfriend and Hangman had the audacity to flirt with her when Bradley was sitting right next to them.
Bob hadn’t interfered, smiling and sharing anecdotes from his and Hangman’s time together. Bradley hated that too. Nobody had seemed to care that Bradley wasn’t really a part of the conversation. Nobody except Athena. She spared him the occasional glance, something vicious dancing across her features each time he caught her watching. 
When Athena then veered into more intimate details of his and Thea’s relationship, Bradley slammed a fist on the table and told her to stay out of it. His outburst startled the occupants of the table, as well as several other patrons of the restaurant. He had excused himself to the bathroom for a chance to calm down. He hoped that Athena would keep her mouth shut while he was gone. 
There had been a tentative knock on the door, Thea was hovering outside the door, worry etched onto her face. He stepped out of the bathroom, refusing to meet her eyes. 
“Are you okay?” She asked as he closed the bathroom door behind him, not bothering to answer her as he tugged her into his arms, burying his face in her hair. “Bradley, please, what’s wrong?”
“Can we just go home?” He had asked instead of answering Thea’s questions. He wanted to go home, wrap Thea up in his arms and never let go. She sweetly told him to head for the car while she said goodbye, never the one to push. 
The drive home had been quiet, Bradley’s anger still rushing through him. Thea shifted uncomfortably the entire way, opening and closing her mouth several times but never saying anything. 
She exited the car and Bradley wondered for a split second if he should go back to base but Thea called out his name, stopping in the doorway. “Are you sleeping in the car tonight or what?”
He followed her into the bedroom and they got ready for bed in silence. At least she wanted him here. Thea was already in bed when he exited the bathroom, phone pressed to her ear. 
“Yeah okay. Tell them sorry for cutting dinner short. ‘Kay, I will. I love you, goodnight.” The term of endearment threw him for a loop until he realised she was probably talking to Bob. He got under the covers, desperately wishing he could just pull her into his arms. 
“Are you going to tell me what’s going on?” Thea kept her eyes trained on the ceiling, fingers fidgeting on top of the duvet. Bradley doesn’t know exactly what’s going on so he settled for the one thing he did know. 
“I didn’t like the way he looked at you.” It’s childish and he knows it but it’s also true.
Thea frowned, turning onto her side to study his face. “What do you mean?” Bradley isn’t going to insult her by asking how she could have missed the obvious.
“Hangman. He looked at you.” Bradley’s tongue darted out to wet his lips, taking a deep breath. He could see Thea’s hand moving in the corner of his eye and when she made contact with his naked skin, he sucked in another breath.
“Babe, we were talking. Of course he was looking at me. Would have been quite rude not to.” She poked his side, trying to lighten the mood. 
“He didn’t need to look at you like that,” He whispered. 
Thea inched closer. “Like what Brad?” Her lips pressed against his bicep, ghosting over his skin.
“Like he wanted you.”
Thea barked out a laugh, coughing when she realised he was serious and didn't find the whole thing amusing. “Oh honey. He was being polite. That’s all. And even if he did look at me like that, it doesn’t matter. All I want is you.” Thea crawled on top of him, kissing his nose when she settled on his chest. When he didn’t answer, she continued to press kisses to his face, tongue darting out to trace his bottom lip.
Flipping them over was easy and Thea gasped his name when he pressed her into the mattress. He lets his hands roam, enjoying the way she shuddered when his fingers traced along the waistband of her underwear. Her touch faltered as his hand skimmed over her shirt clad stomach, their foreheads pressed together. 
“Please.” He whispered against the hollow of her throat, lips finding her skin. He pulled back to look into her eyes, repeating his plea. It’s a cheap shot but he could try. She hesitated and Brad decided to throw caution to the wind as he pressed his hips closer. 
“Thea. Please, I want you. Say you want me too. Say you’re mine.” He begged. Tell me you belong to me. Tell me you don’t want anyone else. Tell me I am the only one. Tell me you don’t want him.
 “I love you, Thea.” He tried again, leaning back slightly. An uncomfortable tightness grew in his chest, very much unlike the tightness of his boxers. Her silence sent him into a downward spiral of doubt and insecurities, hands reaching inside his chest and squeezing his heart. 
“Brad. Bradley. Look at me.” As if she could sense his panic, Thea reached up to frame his face, thumbs stroking his cheeks. “Promise me this isn’t because of what happened tonight. Promise me what you’re saying is how you really feel.”
“Of course it’s real.” It’s also so Athena would leave him alone but Thea didn’t need to know that. She didn’t need to know about the bet. But he did love her, so much he thinks there’s no room for him to feel anything else than this overwhelming need to constantly be with her. 
“I love you, too, Bradley.” He didn't need to hear more, reaching down to press their lips together. Thea reached blindly for the light, the room descending into darkness as he slowly pulled the shirt over her head. 
“I’m yours Bradley. I want you.”
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“Nice of you to skip out on the bill, dickhead.” Was Athena’s way of joining the conversation he and Bob currently was involved in. The bar was packed with people, nothing new for a Friday night but Bradley had hoped to avoid Athena tonight. Even if he had made good on the bet, Bradley had hoped a single text would suffice and then everything could go back to normal. 
He was nursing his fourth beer when his backseater joined him and Thea’s brother at the bar.
“I said I was sorry. And we did pay you back.” Bradley muttered, rolling his eyes. Athena waved down the bartender, asking for a beer, eyeing Bradley up and down. 
Bob smiled politely when she joined them, munching on a few peanuts. “Isn’t Hangman here? We were talking about going to the golf course before dinner ended.” He angled the cup of peanuts towards her, a silent offer. 
“No, he’s meeting someone tonight I think.” There it was again, the white hot jealousy igniting within him every time they mentioned Seresin. Everything about the man infuriated Bradley. His friendship with Bob, the very obvious way he looked at Thea. 
“Well, I’ll see him tomorrow. You up for some golf Rooster?” Bob’s invitation was genuine but Bradley could think of a hundred other things to do before meeting Hangman again. He swallowed a mouthful of beer before answering.
“Sorry, but I’ve got some solo simulations to run.” There was no need to mention that he’d never played a single game of golf in his life, except on Wii. He detested the sport, there wasn’t anything remotely fun about it.
Bob smiled brightly, so like Thea’s smile. “Yeah, Thea mentioned that earlier when we spoke. Sorry man, totally forgot.”
Bob downed the last of his water before bidding them goodnight, citing that he and Seresin planned to meet up early the next day. 
Athena pounced the moment he was gone, turning towards Bradley with a wicked glint in her eye. “So? Tomorrow’s the deadline, Bradshaw. Sealed the deal yet? If not, we could always call Jake. He’d be down to fuck her in a second, she’s all he’s talked about since dinner.” As always, she pushed the right buttons and Bradley forced himself to let go of his bottle before he broke it. 
“Fuck him. I saw the way he was looking at her. She’s mine. Tell him to back to fuck off,” Bradley paused, letting out a heavy breath. “I did it. So you can back off now.” 
“Nice. Honestly, I didn't think you had it in you chicken. I’m proud. Next round’s on me.” Athena smacked his arm, looking way too pleased. Bradley had a feeling she wasn’t going to behave any different. Before he could say something, Orca and Spot showed up, nodding their hellos.
“What is this I hear about you buying Simons? What did we miss?” 
“Bet Bradshaw here free drinks forever if he fucked lil Floyd within three weeks.” Bradley choked on his beer, patting his own chest to get rid of the fluid in his throat. He turned to Athena, anger coursing through his veins. What the fuck was she doing?
“Hey look at that, big man Bradshaw. Good for you. Was she any good? She looks like she’s good.” Orca nudged his side, filthy smile in place, his blue eyes shining with interest. Bradley had every intention of walking away from the conversation but Athena clucked quietly under her breath, making crude gestures with her hands. 
Spot grimaced, looking around the packed bar. “Tone it down man. What if Floyd hears? Don’t think he would appreciate listening to how Bradshaw railed his little sister.” He ended his sentence with a laugh, proudly accepting the high five from both Athena and Orca. 
“Come on Rooster, share. She’s a pretty thing, isn’t she? She’s like a damn princess, all happy and shit.” Athena mocked, waving down the bartender for another round. Bradley sighed audibly, taking another gulp of his beer. 
Orca and Spot laughed in tandem, making kissy faces at him. “Bradshaw, don’t go all shy on us now.”
“Maybe she was terrible. Fuck chicken, is that it? It was bad, wasn’t it? Fuck, I knew I should have let Hangman loose. You should have seen them at dinner. There were fumes coming out of this one's ears.” Athena patted Bradley on the arm. All three of them were laughing now, trading insults. 
Bradley wasn’t drunk but he had consumed enough beers to have his judgement clouded. And when Athena once again mentioned Hangman, and his very obvious attraction to Bradley’s girlfriend, he had enough. 
“Fuck you, Athena. Hangman isn’t coming anywhere near my girl, ever. And for your information, I fucked her until she cried. So shut the fuck up.”
Orca thumped him on the back, hooting wildly. “Hell yeah Rooster. Good man!” For a split second, pride filled Bradley and he joined in the laughter, reaching for another beer. 
“Guess I misjudged you then, Bradshaw. As promised, I’ll back off.”
“Damn right you will,” he spat. “And no mention of any of this to anyone else, you understand? Any of you. I will make sure you’re all grounded.”
“Grounded for what?” Bob asked as he appeared over Bradley’s shoulder. 
All eyes turned to Bradshaw as he squeezed his eyes shut for a second before turning to his girlfriend’s brother. “Nothing.”
There was a look on Bob’s face that said he knew more than he was letting on but Bradshaw was too impaired to begin to interpret it correctly. “Mhmm,” Bob hummed as he turned to the rest of the group. “I’m gonna head out. Behave, don’t make me come back to pick up any of you drunks.”
The group bid goodbye to the WSO and turned back to Bradshaw, the looks on their faces begging for details. Unfortunately for him, he was just drunk enough to give them what they wanted.
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When Bradley woke the next morning, Thea’s side of the bed was empty and his head was killing him. Rolling over slowly, he spotted a glass of water and Advil on the nightstand, a note laying next to them.
Golfing with Bob this morning, didn’t want to wake you. You came back pretty late last night. Drink plenty of water, there’s food in the fridge.
I love you, Thea
Guilt coursed through him as he remembered last night and how he had bragged about their sex life with the rest of his squadron. It was a private matter and he felt threatened enough by Athena to spill details that weren't his to share. Bile rose in the back of his throat and he threw off the covers before sprinting to the bathroom, emptying the contents of his stomach into the toilet. 
He heaved until there was nothing left, disgust and shame mixing with the hangover, filling his entire body. How could he have felt even a tiny bit proud last night as he shared the most intimate details of his and Thea’s relationship? How could he once again let Athena influence him? Each time he tried to step away, Athena was there, shoving another drink in his hand, mocking him quietly, out of earshot of the others. 
Part of him had wanted to tell her how Thea was a thousand times better than Athena could ever hope to be, how he had never had what he and Thea shared while Athena and he fooled around. The other part wanted her to leave him alone, as promised. 
Bradley sat back against the bathtub, head in his hands. He only had himself to blame for this. If he was lucky enough, his squad would keep their mouths shut and word would never get back to Bob about last night. He’d rather avoid a fist to the face. And either way, Bob was playing golf with Hangman today, so he wouldn’t be around the guys anyway.
Bradley frowned, swallowing thickly as he sluggishly moved back to the bedroom, reaching for Thea’s note. ‘Golfing with Bob this morning’ stared back at him, the nauseous pit in his stomach making itself known again. 
If Thea was off with Bob this morning, it also meant she was hanging out with Hangman. Bradley crumpled the note in his hand, trying to calm his anger bubbling to the surface. 
After Bradley had explicitly told Thea that Hangman wanted her, looked at her, even though she was with Bradley, she had gone off to spend the day with him. Without telling Bradley about it. She had deliberately kept it from him. Before he had left for the bar last night, he asked about her plans and Thea had just told him she was going to stay at home and catch up on chores.
Now she was off, meeting the one man Bradley had warned her off from. How could she? Maybe it had been her plan all along. Maybe Bob wasn’t even there, maybe it was just an excuse so she could meet Seresin alone. 
Thea had told Bradley she loved him four nights prior but if she could lie about this, who knew if what she had told him that night was true? He was spiralling, mind going over every possible scenario. How Hangman probably had his hands on what was his right this second, how Thea had lied to him. 
The ping of his phone interrupted his train of thought, alerting him to a new message. Scrambling, he pushed off the floor only to see Athena’s name flashing across the screen. It’s a picture attached in the text message and Bradley felt like vomiting again. In the picture, clearly taken from a distance, Thea is laughing, head thrown back and her hand on Hangman’s arm, matching smile on his face. Bob is there too but Bradley can’t tear his eyes from how she’s touching him. 
Another message pops up beneath the picture. ‘Lookin’ cosy, don’t they?’ appears first and the three dots indicate that Athena is still typing. Fury fills his veins as she sends another picture, this time of Hangman and Thea getting into the same car, Hangman’s hand on her wrist. 
Bradley threw the phone across the room, watching the screen crack as it hit the wall. His heart pounded against his ribcage, blood rushing to his head as he tried to control his breathing. 
Somewhere he could hear the front door opening, Thea calling his name. Was she checking to see if the condo was empty? Was Hangman waiting in the car? Did she bring him here, thinking Bradley had already gone back to base.
“Brad?” He looked up to see Thea hovering in the doorway, concern written all over her face. “Babe, you look awful. Have you eaten?” She moved towards him but stopped short when Bradley stumbled to his feet, fire burning in his veins. 
“Is he here?” He spat, nostrils flaring as he stared her down. He wouldn’t let her lie to him anymore. 
Thea looked genuinely confused. “Is who here? Bob dropped me off but he couldn’t stay. Didn’t you see my note?”
“Oh I saw plenty!” Bradley laughed harshly. He moved then, bending down to grab his phone. The screen was cracked in three places but it miraculously still worked. He punched in the code, Thea’s birthday, opening his messages. The picture of her and Hangman getting into a car together lit up the screen. 
“This! I saw this. What the fuck is going on? Why were you with him?” He showed the phone in her face, the pictures that Athena sent him on the display. Bradley watched her face closely as she studied the phone, brows furrowing.
“Babe, I told you. Bob invited me for a round of golf and Jake was there too. Apparently they’ve played together before and me and Bob always used to play back home. Bobby said he invited you too. He said you declined.”
Bradley snorted. “Yeah, and you obviously found that particular opportunity very good. A whole fucking day, alone with him!” Tired of being cooped up in the bedroom, he shoved past Thea and headed for the kitchen. 
“An opportunity? Brad, that doesn’t even make sense. And Bob was there too? I don’t understand why you hate Jake so much. He’s been nothing but kind.” Her footsteps alerted him that he was being followed. 
Bradley spun on his heel, making Thea smack right into him. “HE HAD HIS HANDS ON YOU!” The force of his voice made Thea take a step back, eyes wide. Bradley watched as confusion crossed her face, mouth opening and closing. She was stalling for time. To come up with yet another lie.
Brad swore, jaw clenching. “I saw you two. You let him touch you. You’re mine and you let him touch you!”
Thea blinked, lower lip quivering. “Babe, what are you talking about?” He fumbled for the phone again, showing her the other photo Athena sent.
“Brad.. where did you even get this? Look, he was joking about something, okay? I don’t understand why you’re so upset. We played and then we had lunch. Bobby drove me home afterwards.”
She’s lying. If she had sounded guilty, Bradley might have had believed her but all she did was sound confused. Probably to throw him off.
“Stop, just stop! Just admit you clearly came along just so you could see him. Tell me, did you plan this? When I went to the bathroom during dinner maybe, hm? Did you plan to meet up with him, and then let me fuck you the same night? You feel good now, when you’ve had us both?” He couldn’t stop, not now. Bradley needed to know the truth. The tears on Thea’s face might have hurt less if he wasn’t so angry, so filled with disgust and jealousy. 
“Had you both? Bradley, there’s nothing between Jake and me. I love you. There isn’t anyone else.” She cried. Her tears did nothing to stop him. 
“STOP LYING TO ME! JUST ADMIT YOU FUCKED HIM!” Bradley slammed his hand down on the counter, rattling the items on there. Thea shied away instantly, backing up until her body hit the wall. Bradley didn’t care, continuing his rant. “Was he good? Better than me? ANSWER!” 
Thea pressed closer against the wall, sobs catching in her throat. “Please stop. Brad, please.” When he stayed quiet, Thea took a deep breath and straightened up. 
“Look at me Bradley. Look at me. I don’t understand why you would think there’s anything between Jake and me. I’m with you. Okay? I’m right here. I love you. So please, just stop, just -“. 
“SHUT UP!” Bradley grabbed the nearest item, hurling it towards the wall. He realised his mistake a moment too late as the glass crashed into the wall, Thea’s hand flying up to cover her mouth. The fear in her eyes was evident and Bradley immediately backtracked. He tried to apologise, moving towards her at the same time.
“Don’t.” Thea held out a hand, stopping him in his tracks. 
Bradley’s hands shook as he tried to reach for her but she moved away, further from him. “I said don’t.” 
He tried to say her name but Thea only shook her head, tears still streaming down her face. “I think you should go. You need to cool down.”
Her voice is quiet, barely above a whisper but Bradley heard her. The anger was still burning and he scoffed, reaching for his keys. “Sure. I’ll go. Don’t forget to text Seresin that I’m gone so he can swoop in.” 
He turned on his heels, collecting his phone and jacket on his way out. Thea moved, asking him to stop it and just calm down. But he knows he’ll do something he’s going to regret, so Bradley opts for slamming the door behind him, rattling the windows.  
He pulled out of the driveway, knuckles white as  he tried to control his breathing. He arrived at Parlor Bar before his mind caught up and for a moment he sat in silence in the car. He should go back, get on his knees and apologise. Wrap her up in his arms and never let go. But Seresin’s hand on her stays in the front of his mind and with that, Bradley made up his mind. He needed a drink. 
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“Well, if it ain’t Bradshaw. What’s got you down?” Athena mocked as she joined him at the bar. Bradley is already 5 beers in and not interested in entertaining her. Thea’s betrayal still stings and he downed the rest of his beer, signalling the bartender for another. Athena ordered a beer as well, leaning back in her seat. He didn’t answer her so his WSO made her own conclusions. “Aw, did you and the princess have a fight?” 
Bradley swivelled around on his stool, beer spilling from the glass. “Fuck off. Leave me alone. This is all your fault.”
Athena snorted, taking a sip of her beer. “I fail to see how it is. I delivered on my end. You fucked lil Floyd, and I backed off. If there’s a problem in paradise, I’m pretty sure it’s your fault, Rooster.”
“You did this. You forced me into accepting the bet.” Rooster argued, anger bubbling over. The bartender backed away after sliding an Old Fashioned in front of him and Bradley swept it down with one gulp. 
"FORCED you?" Athena scoffed, a mirthless laugh following. "Bradshaw I didn't force you to do anything. Everything you did was on your own. Did I taunt you? Yeah. But you're a fucking Navy pilot, jackass. You should be above that. Guess they were wrong about you too."
Bradley stood suddenly, the stool rocking on its legs before clattering to the floor. "You fucking bitch. You can't handle the attention not being on you for three seconds and I'm the one who should be above it?" 
Athena chuckled again, a mischief flashing in her eyes before she bit her lip and closed the distance between them. "You think I'm jealous of her? You think I’m jealous of your unicorn princess? You think I didn't have attention? Bradley, I've even had your attention this whole time."
"You fucking liar," Bradley spat. The room was spinning slightly, the amounts of alcohol he’s downed in rapid succession making itself known.  
"Maybe," she smirked as her hands settled on his hips before one hand skimmed his waistline and down his zipper. "Or maybe you're trying to lie to yourself."
Bradley hadn't even realised his cock had hardened in his pants while he was fuming at his coworker. Neediness overtook him at that point, fueled by the alcohol coursing through his veins, nearly enough to have him seeing double. Flashes of Hangman touching Thea in his mind, touching his girlfriend, was enough. He crashed his lips to Athena’s and pressed his length further into her hand. "Your room. Now. Fucking whore."
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Waking up hungover two days in a row hadn’t been Bradley’s plans for the weekend, yet he awoke feeling like he’d been trampled by a herd of elephants, throat drier than the Sahara Desert. Trying desperately to fight the nausea, Bradley rolled out of bed while shielding his eyes from the bright life, trying to navigate his way to the bathroom. 
His head was pounding and he didn't remember how he even got home. After the fight, he hadn’t believed Thea would even let him inside the house, nevermind back into her bed. Regret flowed through his body and the pit in his stomach grew. A movement from the corner of his eyes caught his attention and he thanked every God there was for Thea letting him back inside. 
He stumbled into the dresser, cursing as his foot caught on the bottom of it. There shouldn’t be a dresser there, Thea had hers by the entrance, not the door to the bathroom. Bradley stopped in his endeavour to reach the bathroom and rubbed his eyes, looking around the room. 
A flash of panic went through him as Bradley realised this was not Thea’s bedroom. The silhouette of the body buried beneath the blankets moved, only to reveal the last person Bradley wanted to see. Athena.
His heartbeat accelerated, bile rising in his throat as he spotted his clothes strewn across the room, Athena’s naked body among the sheets. Pieces of the night before flashed before his eyes. 
“No no no,” Bradley whispered, something foul and ugly building within him, “Fuck!”
He reached down to collect his clothes, trying to escape before she woke but the nausea wouldn't let him. Bradley sank to the floor, back against the wall as he tried to desperately stop the tears. His phone is buzzed in the pocket of the jeans, the cracked screen lightning up with Thea’s name. The bile returned again and Bradley scrambled to his feet and rushed into the bathroom before emptying his stomach over the toilet. After heaving what alcohol was left in his system, Bradley struggled to his feet, hands grasped at the sink.
What the fuck was he going to do?
“Good morning sunshine. You look like you’ve had better days.” Athena appeared in the doorway. He felt sick as he looked at her. More memories of last night popped up, his hands on her body, her mouth on his skin. He coughed violently, his throat still dry despite emptying the contents of his stomach moments before. 
His face twisted. “What time is it?” 
“Closer to lunch. Thanks for last night by the way. Nice to know the unicorn princess hadn’t turned you into a saint.” Bradley couldn’t stop the tears from falling when she mentioned Thea. 
His heartbreak turned into anger when Athena laughed. “Oh, does the prince need a tissue, hm?”
“Fuck you.” He fumed, turning on shaking legs to look at her. Athena grinned, tongue darting out to wet her lips. 
“You already did, if you don’t remember. I honestly thought it would prove to be a challenge to get you into bed, but you went oh so easily. Now, tell me. Who is better? Me or your little girlfriend?” 
Bradley bit back his response as her words reached him. Get into bed?
“You planned this.”
Athena scoffed, leaning against the doorframe. “I wouldn’t say that it was a plan. You’ve always been so easy to manipulate, Bradshaw. I just had to press the right buttons. I did think you would change after meeting her but it seems like you’re just the same,” she pauses for a second, taking in his reaction, “honestly, I just wanted to see if I could.”
Bradley opened his mouth but words failed him. Athena took two steps, invading his personal space but his feet refused to move, frozen to the spot.
She patted his cheek. “Thank you for your service, Lieutenant. You can see yourself out.” 
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He had hoped Thea wouldn’t be home when he finally made his way over to her place, but luck wasn’t on his side. 
“Brad, oh good, you’re back. Listen, I feel awful about what happened. I need you to know that nothing is going on between Jake and me. Okay? I’m with you and I love you. There’s no one else. He’s just a friend. And he didn’t do anything remotely close to flirting with me. Bob was there the entire time, you can ask him. Just.. please, I don’t want us to fight.” 
Thea kept rambling and he felt sick to his stomach. “Thea, babe.. I am so sorry.” 
She paused for a moment. “Thank you. I understand that you were angry but your words really hurt me. I don’t understand why you don’t trust me.” The sadness in her voice brought a wave of anguish. Bradley knew he needed to tell her, but how could he when she was trying to fix his mess?
“I do trust you.” Is the only thing he can say. He does trust her. His own insecurities are at fault here, his own stupidity and inability to deal with his emotions. 
“Okay, good. Uh, you kind of stink. Sorry. Why don’t you take a shower and I’ll make some food and we can talk more.” Thea is already moving around the kitchen, pulling out various ingredients from the pantry. 
“I’m so sorry.” He says again, not knowing what else to say.
“And I forgive you babe. I just want this to be over, okay?” Thea mixed the eggs into the pancake batter, eyes trained on the stove.
Bradley swallowed thickly. “I made a mistake.”
Thea slowed her movements. “What do you mean?”
 Bradley bit his bottom lip, sniffling quietly. 
“After you told me to get out yesterday, I went for a drink. At Parlor Bar. You told me to calm down, so I went for a beer. I thought it would help.” 
Thea pushed the batter to the side. “Okay. Like I said, I can smell it on you. It’s fine Brad.”
“No it’s not. It’s everything but fine!” Bradley wailed, rising to his full height. His heart plummeted to his stomach as Thea’s face fell. 
“What’s going on?”
Bradley hiccuped, wiping away the tears with the back of his hand. “Athena showed up. At the bar. She figured out that we fought. Uh, I had a lot to drink. I was still angry, and jealous. God, I was so jealous. He’s everything I’m not, you know? And seeing you two together just bugged me, I-”
“Bradley.” His name falling from her lips stopped him in his tracks. It’s cold and harsh. 
Thea choked up, hurt painted across her face. “What did you do?”
“I’m so sorry.”
She’s quiet for a long time, long enough to make him fidget uncomfortably.
“Did you sleep with her? Did you fuck her?” In the short time they’ve been together, Bradley has never heard her speak like this. He keeps quiet, his eyes trained on the floor.
“Answer the fucking question, Bradley! Did you sleep with her?” Thea’s voice shook, the trembling of her voice breaking his heart in the process. 
Thea laughed, the betrayal swimming in her eyes. “So after you accused me of sleeping with Jake, after you asked me if I felt good about something I hadn’t even done, you decided that the best course of action was to fuck your ex?”
Bradley leapt from his place against the kitchen counter. “I was wrong, okay?” He paused, swallowing hard. “Sweetheart, listen, it didn’t mean anything. She didn’t mean anything. It was a mistake. I was drunk, and I was angry and -” He fumbled for the right words, trying to fix the mess he had created. 
“I TRUSTED YOU! I GAVE YOU EVERYTHING BRADLEY! One fight and you run back into her arms?” Thea dipped her head back as she sniffled and tried to stop the tears. His heart broke as she cried, taking a step back as he approached. 
“Sweetheart…-” Bradley tried to reach for Thea but she pushed him away. 
“Don’t touch me. Don’t you dare touch me after you’ve been with her.” Her hands trembled, with anger or betrayal, Bradley didn’t know. All he knew was that she slipped further from him with each second. He had to make amends. 
“Did it mean so little to you?” Thea whispered. “Did I?”
“No. You’re everything. I love you.” Bradley didn’t know what else to say at this point. At first, he thought that maybe she would forgive him but after her reaction, he knew that it’s over. 
Thea laughed through her tears. They’re standing on opposite sides of the kitchen but the distance between them feels bigger. “If that was true, you wouldn’t have slept with her. You don’t do this to someone you love.”
Bradley’s chin meets his chest, head hanging low. “I’m sorry. If I could take it back, I would.” 
“Stop saying you’re sorry. It won’t fix this.”
“What can I do? Please, tell me what to do.” He pleaded, trying to round the island but stayed back as she shied away from him. “Please.”
She huffed at his words. “You can’t do anything, Brad. It’s already done.” 
“Thena, honey, please…-” 
She looked up, hands balling into fists by her sides. The hurt in Thea’s eyes slowly burned into anger, her mouth twisting in disbelief and fury. “What did you just call me?” Fuck. 
“We’re done.” Thea spat, face twisted in pain. There was an odd calmness in her voice and Bradley hated it. He wished she would scream at him. It would have felt better.
“You know, I’ve given you every part of myself. All of me. I trusted you. And in return, you’ve broken all those parts,” Thea whispered. Bradley cried, wishing desperately that he could turn back the time. 
“Get out. This,” she pointed back and forth between them, “Is over.” 
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Bradley looked at himself in the mirror. His eyes were red and puffy. He looked as hollow as he felt. His image mocked him, a cruel smile twisted on his face. 
His fist made contact with the glass before he could think about it. Blood mixed with glass crashed to the floor but it was only a dull ache compared to agony in his heart. It was overwhelming and he needed to feel something, anything else. With a swipe of his arm, he shoved the objects in his desk to the ground. He watched as they broke but it didn’t make him feel any better. 
All he could think of was Thea’s face. The tears on her face, her anger and the betrayal he had committed. The damage was done, there was nothing he could do to fix this.
Bradley’s hands shook as he reached for his phone. He knocked over the bottle of Jack that sat on his nightstand but paid it little attention. 
With trembling fingers he punched in a number he hadn’t called in years. As he waited, he both wished for the person on the other end to pick up and not pick up. He didn’t even know if this was the right number anymore. 
“Hello? Captain Mitchell speaking.”
Bradley let out a sob. He’d almost forgotten what Pete sounded like. He swallowed hard before answering. 
“It’s me. It’s Bradley. I’ve fucked up, I need your help.”
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Taglist: @wildbornsiren​ @therebeccaw @imjess-themess @antiquitea @fuckyeahhangman @writercole @hederasgarden @yanna-banana @wkndwlff @bobfloydsbabe @hollandorks @anniesocsandgeneralstore @ereardon @luminousnotmatter @roosterscock @thedroneranger @fandomxpreferences @top-hhun @princessmisery666 @bradshawsbitch​ @princessphilly @a-reader-and-a-writer @green-socks @angstybluejay @seresinhangmanjake @ayorooster​@notroosterbradshaw​ @indynerdgirl @gigisimsonmars @girl-in-the-chairs-void @bradshawbabes @unhinged-btch @horseshoegirl @sadpetalsstuff @bradshawbaby @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @ummjustfics​ @septemberrie​ @somenamewithepineapple​ @seresinsweetie​​ @crescentwolf​ @seresinhangmanjake​ @sylviebell​ @waklman​ @roosterforme​ @rosiahills22​ @dempy​ @i0veless​ @ilovewriting06​ @genius2050​ @demxters @amortentiadrops @teacupsandtopgun @hangmanscoming​
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whousestypewriters · 4 months
𓍼ོ RULES ˎˊ˗
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ᯓ★ i wont be writing smut, incest, age gaps or anything like that ᯓ★unless specified i'll revert to fem!reader for x reader posts. i wont write for male! as im not comfortable doing that ᯓ★ please be respectful of my limits ᯓ★ if it takes me a while to get to don't worry! i promise i haven't forgotten you <33
what i write:
ᯓ★ fics/oneshots, blurbs, hc's smau, au's and moodboards ᯓ★ x reader and character x character [eg: jameson x avery]
who i write for:
tig ★
ships - averyjameson, grayson x lyra, xandermax, nashlibby, bex x thea
x reader - jameson, grayson, xander, nash, [basically anyone in the fandom]
shatter me ★
ships - warnette, kenji x nazeera
x reader - aaron warner, kenji kishimoto
the naturals ★
ships - deancassie, michael x lia,
x reader - dean redding, michael townsend
boys of tommen ★
ships - johnnyshannon, joeyaoife, gibsieclaire
x reader - johnny kavanagh, joey lynch, gerard "gibsie" gibson
powerless ★
ships - kai x paedyn
x reader - malakai azer
miscellaneous ★
ships - evangeline x jacks
x reader - jacks of the hollow, phineas 'finny smith', evangeline fox,
pjo ★
i have a seperate secret side blog for this here
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artstatues · 4 months
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐠𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬
─ ships : averyjameson, grayson x lyra, nashlibby, bex x thea, xandermax. ─ x reader : jameson hawthorne, grayson hawthorne, xander hawthorne, nash hawthorne.
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𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐞
─ ships : warnette, kenji x nazeera. ─ x reader : aaron warner, kenji kishimoto.
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𝐬𝐥𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬
─ x reader : theodore nott, draco malfoy, tom riddle, mattheo riddle, blaise zabini, regulus black, pansy parkinson, lorenzo berkshire.
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𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐚𝐥𝐬
─ ships : dean redding x cassie hobbes, michael townsend x lia zhang. ─ x reader : dean redding, michael townsend.
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─ ships - paekai, autumn x finny, ravi x pip ─ x reader - kai azer, cyrus of nara, ravi singh, finny smith, henry winter.
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ps:: if you do have any characters you'd like me to write for, shoot! it's 100% okay and i'll try my best to write them, but i will decline if i do not know the character.
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shallyne · 1 year
Well, anyways, I was bored and made a list with book characters that I like from A to Z (couldn't come up with something for Q)
Book Characters List
Aemmory Percyval Taxus
Aelin Galathynius
Amara Maroni
Alpha Villanova
Annaleigh Thaumas
Aedion Ashryver
Asterin Blackbeak
Aaron Warner
Ansel of Briarcliff
Addie LaRue
Avery Kylie Grambs
Ash Maddox
Alex Volkov
Ava Chen
Alessandra Davenport
Bryce Quinlan
Bone Carver
Barney Fitz-Amobi
Bel Price
Bridget Van Ascheberg
Corvina Clemm
Cardan Greenbriar
Chloe Green
Camila Dunne
Cinnamon Hotpepper
Cormac Donnall
Catherine Pinkerton
Cara Ward
Carter Price
Chrstian Harper
Danika Fendyr
Dante Maroni
Donatella Dragna
Declan Emmett
Dorian Havilliard
Dante Russo
Dominic Davenport
Elide Lochan
Evangeline Fox
Emilia DiCarlo
Evelyn Hugo
Ember Quinlan
Elspeth Spindle
Evangelina Sage
Elm Rowan
Feyre Archeron
Fenrys Moonbeam
Hunt Athalar
Hannah Rooney
Iris Winnow
Ione Hawthorne
Isabella Valencia
Juliette Ferrars
Jude Duarte
Jesiba Roga
Jack Brunswick
Jespyr Yew
Josh Chen
Jules Ambrose
Kenji Kishimoto
Kaltain Rompier
Kai Young
Lorcan Salvaterre
Lidia Cervos
Liam Mairi
Luna Caine
Manon Blackbeak
Morana Vitalio
Meghan Chase
Nesryn Faliq
Nazeera Ibrahim
Nash Hawthorne
Naomi Ward
Oak Greenbriar
Pippa Fitz-Amobi
Ruhn Danaan
Rowan Whitethorn
Randall Silago
Rhiannon Matthias
Ravi Singh
Ravyn Yew
Renelm Yew
Roman Kitt
Rachel Price
Rhys Larsen
Shara Wheeler
Scarlett Dragna
Sal Singh
Stanley Forbes
Stella Alonso
Sloane Kensington
Tristan Caine
Tristan Flynn
Thea Delion
Trystan Maverine
Violet Sorrengail
Vittoria di Carlo
Vivian Lau-Russo
Xaden Riorson
Yrene Towers
Zephyr Villanova
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amstories · 2 years
S04E11: Energy Booster
Pairing: Nico x Thea from 576 Hours With You (MedTech on Duty, #2)
Prompt: Fluff Bingo - Cuddling
After a few weeks in med school, Nico concludes that med school is draining. If he was not doing it for his late father, he'd easily give this up. Pwedeng-pwede naman siyang magtrabaho bilang medtech na lang. He's licensed anyway.
Every weekend, Nico makes sure that he spends time with Thea. After his first finals week, he felt like his energy has been drained. He really wants to see Thea right now but her unit seems too far away.
Sa sobrang pagod ni Nico, kahit isang tawag lang kay Thea, napangiti na siya agad. "Hello, babe," malambing na matamlay niyang bati.
"Oh, mukhang pagod ka ah? Saan ka, babe?" pansin ni Thea.
"Nasa school pa," sagot niya sabay simangot, as if Thea could even see it.
"Date tayo?" aya nito. Bumagsak ang balikat ni Nico sa narinig niya. As much as possible, he wanted to rest right now. Baka makatulog pa siya sa labas kung itutuloy nila 'tong date na 'to.
On the other hand, Nico also wants to spend time with her. So, he requested, "Pwede bang stay-in muna tayo?"
"That's the plan, babe," Thea confirms. Napabuntong-hininga naman si Nico sa narinig. "I know you're tired. Anyway, labas ka sa main gate. Malapit na ako d'yan."
Nanlaki ang mga mata ni Nico sa narinig niya. "Did you bring your car?"
"Yes, babe." Kakabili lang ng pamilya ni Thea ng kotse para sa kanya. It's her parents' advance birthday gift on her 25th birthday. Since Thea had her own car, mas madalas na rin nitong napupuntahan si Nico sa Fairview.
After a few minutes, Nico saw a familiar car. The window rolls down and he sees the only person that could boost his energy. He automatically smiles at her when he sees her sweet smile. It melted all his troubles away, just like that.
Nico wasted no more time and rode on to the passenger seat. Isang ngiti lang sa kanya ni Thea, nadagdagan na agad ng ten percent ang energy niya. Thea's face softened when she saw his tired and weary face. She cupped his face and planted a kiss on his cheek. Twenty-five percent.
Since Nico was too tired to tell about his week, Thea just told him stories of her week. She told him about that one cranky patient they had at the laboratory, the influx of laboratory tests they had to perform, and one of her lab techs who has a crush with one of their co-workers in the lab. Forty percent.
Thea has always been quiet but whenever they're alone together, he's able to experience a side of hers that only he knows. It's like Thea has been keeping all these stories inside her head and she has been just waiting for someone to tell of those. He's glad that he gets to hear most of the stories she wanted to tell.
Buong biyahe nila pauwi ay nagkwento lang si Thea. Her stories were too interesting for Nico to sleep even if he was already tired. Parang nadadagdagan pa nga yung energy niya dahil doon.
Pagkarating nila sa unit ni Thea, agad na naligo si Nico para pwede na siyang magpahinga pagkatapos. After that quick shower, he's surprised to see Thea preparing his clothes and food. "Are you hungry or do you want to sleep first?"
"Aren't we going to watch your favorite series?" he asked while changing his clothes.
"E 'di ba pagod ka?"
He flashed the same smile that Thea has loved from the beginning. "Kanina pa ako nagpapahinga... simula nung nakasama kita." Thea pursed her lips, trying to stop herself from smiling. "We could cuddle while watching your show and eating what you prepared. Gawin natin sabay-sabay para mas mabilis akong makapag-recharge."
Nico climbed on the bed and waited for Thea to jump in. He got the remote and selected her favorite K-drama, Hospital Playlist. Wala na ring nagawa si Thea kung hindi ay samahan si Nico sa kama. His arms instantly snaked around her waist and quickly kissed her cheek. "Food and sleep are good sources of energy, but you're still my favorite energy booster."
Thea placed her arms around him, which brought him comfort and warmth. Aanhin pa niya ang pagkain at tulog kung yakap pa lang ni Thea, higit pa sa sapat? One hundred percent.
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jcmarchi · 7 months
WWE 2K24's Full Launch Roster Revealed
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/wwe-2k24s-full-launch-roster-revealed/
WWE 2K24's Full Launch Roster Revealed
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WWE 2K24’s full roster has been revealed. This year offers a staggering line-up of Superstars hailing from Raw, Smackdown and NXT, as well as numerous Legends. 
Over 200 playable superstars will be available at launch, along with 8 managers. Check them out below. 
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Akira Tozawa
Alexa Bliss
Becky Lynch
Bianca Belair
Big E
Braun Strowman
Bronson Reed
Candice LeRae
Cedric Alexander
Chad Gable
Chelsea Green
Cody Rhodes
Damian Priest
Dexter Lumis
Dominik Mysterio
Drew McIntyre
Finn Bálor
Giovanni Vinci
Indi Hartwell
JD McDonagh
Jey Uso
Johnny Gargano
Kofi Kingston
Liv Morgan
Ludwig Kaiser
Maxxine Dupri
Nikki Cross
Piper Niven
Raquel Rodriguez
Rhea Ripley
Sami Zayn
Seth “Freakin” Rollins
Shayna Baszler
Shinsuke Nakamura
Sonya Deville
Tegan Nox
The Miz
Tommaso Ciampa
Xavier Woods
Zoey Stark
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AJ Styles
Alba Fyre
Angelo Dawkins
Ashante “Thee” Adonis
Austin Theory
Bobby Lashley
Cameron Grimes
Charlotte Flair
Cruz Del Toro
Dakota Kai
Elton Prince
Grayson Waller
Isla Dawn
Iyo Sky
Jimmy Uso
Joaquin Wilde
Karl Anderson
Karrion Kross
Katana Chance
Kayden Carter
Kevin Owens
Kit Wilson
LA Knight
Logan Paul
Luke Gallows
Michin Mia Yim
Montez Ford
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Ridge Holland
Robert Roode
Roman Reigns
Santos Escobar
Solo Sikoa
Xia Li
Zelina Vega
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Andre Chase
Angel Garza
Apollo Crews
Baron Corbin
Blair Davenport
Bron Breakker
Brooks Jensen
Brutus Creed
Carmelo Hayes
Channing “Stacks” Lorenzo
Cora Jade
Damon Kemp
Drew Gulak
Duke Hudson
Fallon Henley
Gigi Dolin
Ilja Dragunov
Ivy Nile
Jacy Jayne
Jinder Mahal
Joe Coffey
Joe Gacy
Josh Briggs
Julius Creed
Nathan Frazer
Nikkita Lyons
Noam Dar
Roxanne Perez
Thea Hail
Tiffany Stratton
Tony D’Angelo
Trick Williams
Tyler Bate
Veer Mahaan
Wendy Choo
Wes Lee
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Andre The Giant
Bad Bunny
Beth Phoenix
Big Boss Man
Booker T
Bray Wyatt
Bret “Hitman” Hart
British Bulldog
Bruno Sammartino
Cactus Jack
Doink The Clown
Dude Love
Dusty Rhodes (Part of the Nightmare Family Pack)
Eddie Guerrero
Eric Bischoff
Eve Torres
The Fiend
George “The Animal” Steele
Harley Race
Hollywood Hogan
Hulk Hogan
The Hurricane
Jake “The Snake” Roberts
Jerry “The King” Lawler
Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart
John Cena
Ken Shamrock
Kevin Nash
Kurt Angle
“Macho Man” Randy Savage
Mighty Molly
Molly Holly
Muhammad Ali
“Ravishing” Rick Rude
Rick Steiner
Ricky “The Dragon” Steamboat
Rob Van Dam
The Rock
Ronda Rousey
“Rowdy” Roddy Piper
Scott Hall
Scott Steiner
Shane McMahon
Shawn Michaels
Stacy Keibler
Stephanie McMahon
Stardust (Part of the Nightmare Family Pack)
“Stone Cold” Steve Austin
“Superstar” Billy Graham (Part of the Nightmare Family Pack)
Ted DiBiase
Triple H
Trish Stratus
Tyler Breeze
Ultimate Warrior
Uncle Howdy
The Undertaker
Wade Barrett
William Regal
Bobby “The Brain” Heenan
Cathy Kelley
Mick Foley
Miss Elizabeth
Paul Bearer
Paul Heyman
Theodore Long
WWE 2K24 launches on March 8 for PlayStation 5, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. You can read our in-deph hands-on preview here, watch us play a few matches in this episode of New Gameplay Today, or check out our gaming-focused interview with one of 2K24’s cover stars, Cody Rhodes. 
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shenaniganzz · 1 year
Everyone in their little group had come over to Thea’s house earlier that day to chat, talk about their new band and what they wanted to do with it, and really just to hang out like they had use to do when they were kids, minus a brother that hadn’t been seen in a very long time, something so far away, that she didn’t realize until too late that there was a missing piece. She was glad they were all together again and in a place that was full of nightmares and bad memories, having them over seemed to have been starting to brighten the old home up a bit in a light she’s never seen it in before. It was nice. As the night moved on, people seemed to trickle out, having other places to go and responsibilities to keep up with and all that was left was Kai. She came out of the bathroom, seeing him in the living room and bit her lip in apprehension. She was surprised he hadn’t left with one of the others. “Hey,” she said softly, walking over and gently flopping on the couch. “No place to be?” she asked him, her eyes falling to her lap as she played with a ring on one of her hands. Thea of course didn’t mind that he was still here, but after a couple of times they all started hanging out again, she realized that there was some form of attraction towards her old friend, one that made her a little shy and mostly finding any excuse to have someone else in the room with the two of them for her to hide her crush a little easier. Now that it was one on one, she felt herself crawling back into her little shell of comfort, hiding hiding herself. 
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jacobbseedd · 7 months
I’m gonna be doing an oc master list on hear just so everyone can see it more better this is also gonna have the people relationship to .
Oc master list :
Eden gate :
Michaela Reece Campbell - Jeanine Mason
Katarina Maya Morgan - Elizabeth Gilles
Jayda Raven wright - Danielle Victoria Perry
Bryson Kai grant - max Parker
Adam Blaine Strickland - Travis fimmel
Trenton Enzo collymore - Kori Sampson
Jayla Rae ford - aj Naomi king
Renne Mia Huxley - Lauren cohen
Natalie Quinn Kramer - Katheryn winnick
Lindsey Cerys Morris - Bryce Dallas Howard
Braeden Weston Raymond - will Graham
Audrey Cara baker - Maia Michelle
Keira Beth white - Madeline peutch
Nicholas Matteo Pearce - Kyle Allen
Preston James huff - Richard harman
Darin Shane Reid - Brant daughtery
Martinez Campbell - Tom ellis
Stephanie woods - inbar lavi
Nadia Jane Sutton - Katheryn newton
Felix Micah porter - Freddy thorp
Parker Lance Dawson - Tyler Blackburn
Maliah cass Gordon - Morgan Crabtree
Kayden Lucian Morgan - Chris Evan’s
Michael trace Sullivan - will poulter
Antonio Kyson chambers - Kieron Moore
Blake chandler miller - Matthew naszka
Cassidy everly Quinn - Madeline cline
Relationship for oc :
Jacob & Michaela
John & Katarina
Jayda & Braeden
Bryson & Audrey
Adam & Natalie
Trenton & jayla
Renne & Nicholas
Lindsey & Keira
Preston & Nadia
Darin & Felix
Parker & Maliah
Cassidy &
Kayden &
Michael &
Antonio &
Blake &
Larissa Leah Palmer - Marie avgeropoulos
Terrence miles Harvey - Chris wood
Chase Luca gray - Theo James
Malcolm Jay Bryant - Ryan Guzman
Lauren grace Shaffer - Hillary Burton
Annabel Kaylyn Chavez - rose Salazar
Charles gage fisher - Pedro pascal
Elena Katie smith - Lucy hale
Izaiah Theo Farley - Federico massaro
Conner Ryder knight - Logan lerman
Robin Kelsey Norwood - Diana agron
Sean Corey Harrison - Alexander Ludwig
Aiden Nico Davenport - Rafael l Silva
Davina Brielle Ramsey - Rachel Zegler
Sage Damon Harrison - Travis van winkle not yet posted
Larissa & Conner
Terrence & Joey
Chase & Jess
Malcolm & Mary
Eli & Robin
Lauren & Earl
Charles & Adelaide
Isaiah & Skyler
Cameron & Annabel
Tammy & Sean
Aiden & Davina
Shaw &
Miner oc :
Jessica Nora miner - Rosamund pike
Calvin madden price - Tyler hoechlin
Trey Draven Sanford - Aaron Taylor Johnson
Emery cordella combs - ayo edebiri
Jayne rose Frey - Alexandra Breckenridge
Liam Cole mullens - Jesse Williams
Jessica & Calvin
Trey & Jayne
Emery & Liam
Kids oc :
Thea raine seed -
Cod oc :
Olive Maeve Rowland - Leah pipes
Makenna sky marks - Zoey deuch
Olive & soap
Makenna & konig
Red dead redemption two oc’s
Eliza Jane Evermore- Isabel may
Rdr2 relationships:
Eliza x Micah Bell
These are all my master oc list and I hope this makes it better some of my people are brother or sister with my sister oc just in case if anyone wonders why there are a last names that are the same .
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petiteblasee · 2 years
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Este sou eu. E eu sou uma pessoa melhor do que era antes. Não por causa dos livros, mas porque os livros me ajudaram a enxergar as coisas de uma forma diferente.
*:・゚✧ Clube do Livro dos Homens [Bromance Book Club #1] - Lyssa Kay Adams.
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maddiesflame · 3 years
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The Bromance Book Club headers
like/reblog if saved © maddiesflame
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Arrow’s brother Wingding ‘AU’
Stuff I’ve been working on, BTW this is only like... 5 minutes into the actual first episode on Netflix
Panting and feet running through a forest is all that can be heard. A man in a green outfit with a green hood runs through the trees- rushed, on a time limit. He jumps and grabs onto a branch. Swinging, and dropping before resuming running. 
Reaching some rocks he starts to climb them, never stopping until he gets to the top. When he stops at the top he looks out onto the island bay to see a fishing boat. He then jumps from rock to rock and resumes running once onto the grass again. He runs over a piece of cloth, turns around, and gets low to the ground. Sticking a Knife into the ground he opens the cloth for a bow and arrows. The takes the bow and an arrow, strikes the head of the arrow against a nearby rock, and starts it on fire, then he stands up and aims for a wood pile he’d made. Firing the arrow hits its mark and the pile of wood lights up. 
On the ship, two men are visibly working, One sees the fire and alerts the other in the language familiar to them. The other working man turns in shock to see the flames. 
“The name of the Island they found me on is Lian Yu,” the green-clothed man says 
The two fishermen approach the fire once on the island. 
“It’s Mandarin for purgatory” The green man approaches the two men, and the fishermen look at him in astonishment. “I’ve been stranded here for five years. I’ve dreamt of my rescue every cold, black night since then.” 
He gets closer.
“For five years I’ve had only one thought,” He gets on his knees exhausted, and pulls down his hood to reveal his long, dirty, blond hair, the same as the beard on his face: long, dirty, and blond. “One goal, survive. Survive and one day, return home.” 
They row him back out to the fisherman's boat. They give him a blanket and some drinkable water. “The island had many dangers. To live, I had to make myself more than what I was,” He takes a drink from the cup. “To forge myself into a weapon. I am returning, not the boy who was shipwrecked, but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city.” he looks up from the cup and stares out onto the island. “My name is Oliver Queen.” 
“Oliver Queen is alive,” The newscaster starts with the title ‘LOST BILLIONAIRE FOUND’ in front of him. “The starling city Resident was found by fishermen in the north china sea five days ago. Five years after he was missing and presumed dead following the accident at sea which claimed the Queen’s Gambit.” 
Some videos and photos from before he left Star city pop up on the screen. “Queen was a regular tabloid presence and a fixture at the starling city club scene. Shortly before his disappearance, he was acquitted of assault charges stemming from a highly publicized drunken altercation with paparazzi.” 
The screen goes back to the newscaster. “Queen is the son of Starling city billionaire Robert Queen who was also on board but now officially confirmed as deceased.”  
At a hospital, Oliver Queen is staring out a window at the city as a doctor starts talking outside of the room. “Twenty percent of his body is covered in scar tissue.’ he says softly. “Second-degree burns on his back and arms. X-ray shows at least 12 fractures that never properly healed” The doctor is shown outside of the room talking to a blond woman. 
“Has he said anything about what happened?” The woman asks 
“No, he’s barely said anything.” Responds to the doctor to her question. “Moira, I’d like you to prepare yourself. The Oliver you lost might not be the one they found.” With that Moira turns to Oliver and opens the door. 
As she steps into the room no reaction comes from Oliver. “Oliver?” She calls out concerned. However with that Oliver turns around to face Moira, once facing her he gives her a small smile. 
“Mom.” Oliver acknowledges, and with that, they both walk forward to meet each other. 
“Oh.” Moira starts, with tears welling up in her eyes. “My beautiful boy.” And she goes in for a hug. Oliver returns it as tears start forming in his eye as well. Moira places a kiss behind his ear, and they stay like that for some time. 
A black limo approaches a Manor, eventually coming to a stop and parks. The people riding in the limo step out when the door is opened. The trunk opens to reveal a wooden crate with letters on it. A worker goes to move it but, Oliver Queen also gets it and takes it inside with him, along with a quiet, “I’ve got it.”
“Your room is exactly as you left it.” Moira starts as she and Oliver walk into the Manor. “I never had the heart to change a thing.” 
“Oliver.” A man calls out, It’s a Black man, He’s bald and wearing a blue suit and tie. “It’s damn good to see you.” a smile crosses his face, but when no reaction comes from Oliver, the smile dimms. “It’s Walter,” Walter says introducing himself, Oliver and Walter shake hands. “Walter Steele.” 
“You Remember Walter,” Moira says as a maid comes into the room. “Your father’s friend from the company.” Walter smiles at Oliver and he gives one back, then Oliver walks off, towards the maid. 
“It’s good to see you, Raisa,” Oliver says greeting the Maid- Raisa.
“Welcome home, Mr. Oliver.” Raisa acknowledges with a smile, and then she turns to Moira and Walter to address them. “Mr. Merlyn phoned. He wants to join you for dinner.” 
“Wonderful” Moira answers and Oliver turns toward her then looks past her and up. “Oliver, did you hear that?” Oliver walks past her to whatever he’s looking at, a smile on his face. 
He’s looking up the stairs when a girl comes around the banister. A white girl, long, brown hair resting on her shoulders, she’s wearing a lavender tank top, some jeans, and slip-on sneakers. “Hey sis,” Oliver says greeting. 
The teen smiles and starts down the stairs, “I knew it. I knew you were alive.” She says on her way down. Once she gets close enough to him they hug. “I missed you so much.” 
“You were with me the whole time,” Oliver says comfortingly. 
Once they are done hugging Moira steps forward. “Oliver, While you have been gone there have been some. New additions to the household, Walter for one and the second, Um…” She stumbles off looking for the right words and Oliver’s sister intervenes. 
“She picked up a stray,” Thea explains. 
“What, did we adopt a Cat?” Oliver questions, however, adopt seems to be the trigger word and Moira starts talking again. 
“No, no Oliver. We didn’t adopt a pet,” Moira starts explaining as Oliver’s confusion grows. “And Thea, stop calling your brother a stray.” 
“Brother?” Oliver asks as Thea starts smirking. 
“Back in 2007, In November I was walking to Queen Consolidated and I turn a corner to see police escorting a teen boy into a cruiser, for some divine reason my stomach dropped so I asked one of them what’s going on,” Moira starts explaining, gesturing with her hands every so often. “He told me that the child was a run-away from New Jersey, Gotham I believe the City was called, he was an orphan that had been placed in a juvenile detention facility because the only orphanage in that town was full.” 
“Wow,” Oliver states at a loss for better words, eyes widening in shock. “Why didn’t they just transfer him to an orphanage in a different city?” 
“When I asked that, I got told that by the time anyone thought of that as an option, he had already escaped five times, and would actually need to stay there for a few months, before he could be transferred as running away is a crime in whatever city he was in. I said It was ridiculous and asked for his name, ‘Richard Grayson’ was his name. Concern kicked in as they started the journey back to Gotham and eventually I started the process of taking him in.” 
“W-well then…” Oliver starts only to stumble off then makes a shrugging gesture “Our little brother is missing the family gathering,” with that, Moira and Walter visibly relax. “Where is he?” 
“If he’s not on any chandeliers,” Thea starts and Oliver raises an eyebrow. “He’s probably at the Gym, or on a date with another redheaded… hey Ollie, If you don’t want him to date any of your friends, don’t befriend redheads,” 
“Okay… then?”
“Either way, He’ll be home for dinner”
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intomusings · 3 years
﹒﹒   female   names   masterlist     !
in honor of my second milestone on here , i’ve decided to release a master list of 400+ female names i personally love and think could be used more in the community . this was also requested by a few anons and names will be added to the list frequently . the names are sorted by first letter but not alphabetically within each letter category . if you found this useful , feel free to like or reblog to spread this !
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A : aurianna, addison, alannah, allegra, alina, alma, andra, avril, abella, arizona, annalise, amelia, aspen, alejandra, ayla, ales, alessia, anessa, asia, aline, adrienne, avery, armani, adaline, arden. 
B : blaire, brooke, brooklyn, bruna, bettina, bianca, becca, bella, bonnie, brielle, blake, bodhi, beverly, bambi, bronte, billie, briar, bria, birdie, brighton. 
C : catalina, cerise, celeste, celene, carson, camila, cecilia, callista, cadence, cassie, carmen, cali, charlie, camryn, camille, clara, claudete, chantel, chachi, capri, cove, chanel. 
D : diana, devi, dylan, daphne, dani, delphine, dahlia, delia, darcy, dawn, davina, dove, daisy, delaney, dua, darya, delilah, dixie, dior, dulce, dina, dayana. 
E : ember, eloisa, eleonora, emara, elena, esme, emery, emmeline, elsa, eva, evie, emmy, estelle, esther, evelyn, erin, eliana, everly, emerson, elle, ezra, eiza, eden. 
F : florence, franny, fiorella, faith, fiona, faye, farrah, freya, fern, flor, frankie. 
G : giulia, giulianna, georgia, ginny, grecia, giselle, genevieve, gabbie, grace, genie, gaia, giada, gemma, geles, genele, gia, gwendolyn, geneva, gracen. 
H : hazel, holland, helena, harlow, haven, hera, haley, houda, heidi, hana, harley, honey, hera. 
I : isobel, ivana, irma, irina, isadora, imogen, isla, ivy, inessa, ibiza, irelynn, iliana, ilana, indya. 
J : juliet, jayden, jordyn, jelena, jodie, jennie, jade, jesy, josie, june, jada, jemmye, jacey, janelle, juniper, jayla, jaliah, jewel, jane, johanna, jolie.
K : kendall, kensington, kennedy, katya, karlie, katerina, kailani, koral, kai, kaia, karma, kinsley, kylie, karina, korinna, karla, kemi, kate, kerigan, kali, kiyomi, kouvr. 
L : lourdes, leandra, london, lucia, luisa, logan, lena, leonora, larissa, lydia, lorelai, lylah, lettie, lottie, lalisa, luna, lara, lia, lorena, livia, layla, leighton, lyra, lola, lainey, laurel, luella, lumi. 
M : maricela, mariana, maeve, mabel, mila, marbella, maia, melody, mimi, monet, malauna, mira, mallory, millie, marla, mia, marvela, marni, madelaine, maleia, magnolia, maren. 
N : nilsa, nutsa, nini, naomi, noa, nevlyn, nathaly, nicolette, nadira, nicola, nova, nany, nala, niaye, nyla, noelle, nathalie, 
O : olympia, orianthi, octavia, opal, oriana, ophelia, orion, oakley, odessa, odette, odelia. 
P : paola, paris, peyton, phebe, priyanka, paislee, paloma, pandora, parvati, piper, perla, pearl, pia, priya, pilar, paxon. 
Q : quinn, quintessa. 
R : rowan, rylie, rosalie, roslyn, raquel, rose, reign, renata, raegan, reyna, ryann, raya, rhiannon, ria, rue, rhodes.
S : serena, serafina, sawyer, sylvie, sol, samira, sloane, silver, sutton, stella, saanvi, sab, seren, seven, sophia, star, skye, sabina, saskia, summer, stormy, salena, sage, sonny, solange, sahar, sumaya, shelby. 
T : tatum, tayler, tara, torre, tia, thea, tyra, truly, thalia, taryn, tampson, tayli, talya, teala, tala. 
U : uma. 
V : valencia, violetta, venus, verity, vanessa, venecia, vinnie, vida, vivienne, valentina, velora, vera, venice.
W : willow, winona, willa, wanda, witney, westlyn, windsor, wilhelmina, wren. 
X : ximena, xiomara, xashary, xena, xyla. 
Y : yovanna, yves, yara, yvette, yasmin, yesenia, yensi.
Z : zara, zion, zoe, zahara, zharia, zella, zendaya, zakiyah. 
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