#theater kid macaque
Theater kid moment:
Macaque: *kicks down door* GO AND LOOK IT UP THE POOR GUYS HEAD IS SPINNING!!! MK: *screams* WHAT THE HELL MACAQUE! You almost gave me a heart attack!!
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halfdeadhalfpaniced · 2 months
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Oh god theres two of them. lock the Denny’s and prepare for show tunes it’s too late for anything else to be done
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izuke-the-zombie · 11 months
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💀Mac stealing candy while also traumatizing children and causing heart attacks for s**** and giggles, while over here Wukong is in the front of every door, pushing and shoving any kid in his way leaving a trail of crying screaming children while trying to charm the house owner to give him more than one king size candy bars from each and every house.👻🎃💕🍫
🍭They are both the worst trick or treaters out there an MK has to supervise them from now on😠
Also here's a good scenario I came up with all drawing them.
what if the whole gang goes out for Halloween shopping picking out costumes or material for their costumes and macaque pics of ghosts / zombie/ anything that reminds you of the Dead. Mac's costume upsets monkey King to the point he tries to ignore or tries to bully him into a better costume anything that doesn't remind him that he's actually half dead or maybe out of guilt / fear he just doesn't want to see him macaque in that horrific way again.
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venelona · 2 years
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Eyyy it's Red Boi and McMan!
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cave-monkey · 6 months
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After watching Episode 12 I really need Mr. "It's the cast of the Beijing Opera! >:D" and "I use theater to playact my insecurities and get really into stage direction and critiquing the roles" to get locked in a room together with Mr. "I use literary tropes and character roles to define and explain both myself and the world and you will pry this out of my cold, undead hands" and "writes and puts on an entire play to really stick it to a kid and then gets upset when he doesn't understand it" with nothing but a script, a knife, and the question, "But what was the playwright's vision for the supporting male lead?"
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maxmemer · 8 months
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@pizzaapplecheese my pen slipped
His poor wife
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narratorstrash · 25 days
In the context of the LMK Macaque concept art; how the actual FUCK did they manage to make him look even fruitier?! Gay ass little theater monkie
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ne-cocoa · 2 years
(o´〰`o)♡*✲゚*。 a happy lil family~ bb mks the cutest! 🥺💖💖💖
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okinanimextra · 1 year
Macaque's theatre
Sorry if somebody had that theory before me or if I made some grammar mistakes.
What if I told you Macaque mostly renovated the abandoned building that we saw in the Calabash?
Both of those have similar structure, red columns with yellow decorations, wire go above the roof in the same way but the piece of cloth changed to purple, more spiky pillars, and have green tile.
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Inside of the theatre there are a lot of space, so he made two more grandstand on the left and right side along with a longer stage to be closer to the audience.
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Also behind the benches changed a bit because now it has doors both of the side, one of them (in the picture the right one) lead to the buffet and the other is the exit. I think maybe the entrance's place is still in the middle.
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Unfortunately he isn't finished it yet. The walls have some cracks, holes on the ceiling, and torned fabrics are hanging.
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About the enviroment, between the Calabash and the Shadow play episodes a loads of fight happened in the city which had a bunch of damage so he probably protect the place to not get destroyed and this is why the buildings next to this have been changed but the theatre isn't.
If all of this true then how he did it? Did he do this all by himself or had some kind of help, like Yin and Jin or somebody else? How much time did he spent on renovating? Did he buy the materials with his payment doing outside of the construction some plays (I mean on the street) or simply stole? As we know Macaque, he possibly used some tricks to make it his own property.
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cryptic-underground · 2 years
Crisis about the mac tarot aside, I drew Macaque and Bai He in dealing with snow because it snowed recently where I am. And since I hate the cold, two of my favorite characters must also hate it :)
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It's pretty quick but I like it. Drawing the bodies were a little difficult, Bai He especially. I think it turned out okay though.
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Macaque loved wukong, and so he kept quiet his opposition and resentment to keep things peaceful. Until he couldn't stand it anymore and he blew up and their relationship blew up.
MK loves wukong, and so he keeps quiet at any problems he might have...
I think it's less "he kept quiet" and more "Wukong didn't listen", which Macaque brushed off until the consequences caught up with them and everything blew up.
Slam cut to 1000 years later, where Wukong has legitimately changed, but there's still a problem with a lack of communication. MK won't acknowledge that there are problems, and Wukong has a habit of shielding his loved one's from problems, and it just doesn't work out.
being a monkey = being terrible at communicating
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i-am-a-fan · 1 year
If the Wukong and Macaque were different animals, what animals do you think they'd be?
I want to say he’s some sort of red fox. A cunning trickster who’s got a knack for squeezing out of tight spaces. I really do think Wukong (at least in Jttw) is very intelligent, so i’d pick a wittier animal than a stronger one. (Although I could also see some sort of big cat for the impulsive behavior)
A raccoon comes to mind. Something shifty that is known for scurrying but being clever. I could also see a puma, but I feel like macaque’s tendency to run isn’t very big cat like. So a small little raccoon it is.
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enbymacaque · 1 year
Instead of doing my work for theater I made these-
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themgaythoughts · 10 months
I had an idea, but the art is not arting, so I NEED someone to make an animatic of this song from Macaque's POV.
Either way, I've got motivation to finally learn anatomy and get this done.
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easia · 1 year
Current wip, this is for an au where the Samadhi fire sealing ritual turned out to be a failure and Macaque raises Redson while on the run during the 500 years that DBK and PIF get sealed under the mountain while defending their kid from those who want to either use Redson for their abilities or end him.
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siixkiing · 1 year
@thesnowbellebakery​ { ☯ }
"Huh. Didn't know you sing."
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“Uhm, what made you think I couldn’t?”
He’d be a pretty poor excuse for a thespian if he couldn’t belt out a melody or carry a tune. Plus, he use to sing plenty back than for a certain king of his ― usually to cheer him up or sooth him to sleep.
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