#theeennn like
miraofhearts2point0 · 8 months
so like. has anyone teased the idea of butch Usagi or. or no.
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todayisafridaynight · 11 days
genuine question why does everyone make kirin mine so violent? arent kirin meant to be kind creatures actually really interested in the peoples thought processes O_O
in general, kirin/qilin are peaceful and gentle creatures and generally do no harm to others; often so, they're considered one of the strongest creatures in chinese mythology, with the tradeoff they're generally pacifists (so much so they're often depicted walking on clouds to avoid crushing grass and are even thought to be vegetarian- THATS how peaceful they are by default)
its when innocent people are threatened and people act wickedly that they become ferocious and unforgiving, often incinerating people that do wrong with their holy fire
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handledwithgloves · 2 months
two very popular drarry fics that i did not care for and why
in the past however long of my becoming a drarry stan ive read many fanfics and i can say only two had really gotten me so pissed i had to log off
and thats not to say that i never dnf a drarry fic before because i have done that to so many for various different reasons. ive also read plenty dead doves do not eat so… this is saying something i suppose.
and this is no hate at all to the writers of these fics they clearly love what they do and are super talented and no hate to the enjoyers of these fics, like what you like. this is just my person experiences.
first is, harry potter and the welcome to the world of grey. i just gotta say i did not get the hype at all. i hated voldemort so much everything he says to harry is meant to be philosophical and insightful and whatnot and that makes harry question whether or not voldemort is truly evil but mans just talked way too much for my liking. he needed to be shut up and every time harry was tryin to beat on his ass he stopped for whatever reason - i was so pissed. like atp just kill each other istg. and then harry is supposed to be conflicted and all alone and he cant trust dumbledore and he doesn't want to face the consequences of his actions and go to jail for killing someone, well too bad pookie! get tf over yourself you're a bad guy now. not only did you kill twice but both times you killed it was not in self defense but your own willingness to do so. like the drarry was good, in fact so good that i got about 3/4ths way through before i had to quit. the drarry was carrying this story and i understand if drarry stans love it solely for the drarry but if there's going to be other parts of the story i need it to make sense to me. harry and voldemort's characters were just not doing it for me.
second, is the mirror of ecidyrue series. It started off soo well, so well. i loved how all the characters were so in character and everything was cool and draco was powerful and his power was mysterious and bella was scary. i loved how harry met draco and how hermione started trying to befriend him i loved the friendship bracelent draco made her and that snape helped. i even loved jealous harry when draco and charlie were flirting and harry was like 'how old are you again, charlie? 25!? well draco's 14' and charlie started freaking out 'um, 21'. so anyway, strong start! but theeennn... we get later on in the series and for some reason draco starts changing? like yes he gets influenced by the people around him but all of a sudden he's like hyper fem which is not a bad thing in general but definite ooc - i like draco's character so i would prefer him to be in character but whatever i was able to ignore it until they started giving each other nicknames. oh god the nicknames were the worst part. like i get they're cringey kids they do dumb things draco is no exception apparently even though mentally he's like 21 hanging out with 14 yos. so yeah i had to absolutely stop when draco was having sex with 16 yo harry and harry starts calling him dragon in a sexual way... yeah i just had to stop there. i was getting way too much second hand embarrassment that it was pissing me off. i did not like draco lmfao. also i hate that they made lucius abusive lmao.
once again just disclaiming this is no hate to the writers or enjoyers of these fics i just couldnt stomach the stories and thats my own personal fault. i just wanted to share what i thought lol. they definitely made an impression!
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neuvistar · 1 month
hiii!!! okay so this is simply jus some tips on how 2 do the gradient colour shits for xixi n everyone else :33 got some steps from a precious moot of mine… don’t mind this post 🙈 @cubffections
001: OKAAAAYYY first u go onto this specific website, first thing u see is this down there and erm!! u can fool around w the colours n shits ykyk jus pick wahtever suits best!
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002. then if u got what u wanted, copy the HTML code
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003. if ur on mobile, go on tumblr on google :3 and go to ur drafts!! n press the settings thingy… and you’ll see this!
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003. go to text editor n press HTML, it’ll look something like THIS
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004. THEEENNN u jus delete the words you’ve written n copy paste the code like so, save it n it’ll turn out likeee..
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THIS!!! <3 hope this helps 💓💓
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deathnguts · 2 months
u're absolutely right that moonwater post-prank would make sense but i cannot stop thinking abt regulus having a lil bit of crush on remus even before that (but in a twisted way bc there's no way in hell he'd admit to liking a werewolf halfblood) AND THEEENNN when the break-up happened, the evil little gremlin in his shoulder reared it's little head and he's like LMAO it would be too easy to swoop in and steal remus away bc men are simple creatures and it's literally the perfect opportunity even though he still wouldn't admit that he likes *likes* remus and he'll just do it to mess with them
I was literally just imagining a fic like this. Like imagine little ten year old Regulus meeting Sirius at the station for Christmas break or something and seeing Remus get off the train with his brother and instantly feeling the effects of his first crush kicking in. Sirius raves about all of his new friends and Regulus is much more interested in the stories involving Remus than any other name. Next year comes and Sirius introduces his brother to the marauders and Regulus overlooks the opportunity to make fun of the fact they named their damn friend group because Remus’ rbf is doing too much to him. The crush lingers way too long and when he catches wind that Remus has distanced himself from the other marauders, well he just can’t help himself.
And you’re a 100% right, Regulus would never admit his long term feelings. BUT imagine the deep feelings of undeniable love and interest in Remus beyond petty revenge that he says no word of. AND IMAGINE REMUS THINKING HE UNDERSTANDS THIS RELATIONSHIP AS MUTUAL REVENGE AGAINST SIRIUS AND DOESNT EVEN THINK THAT REGULUS COULD ACTUALLY LIKE HIM!!
Ugh it’s just too good
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the-belle-siblings · 2 months
To mod: I’m so curious on how a meeting between your characters here and Cryptid would go tbh- part of me think that Misra would call them a scrumblo dinky or smth-
Misra would be like "omg bb I love he, scrunkly lil man"
Caden would blurt out random things until he feels like a comfortable conversation was happening and theeennn
Ivan would be trying to see if they're useful for something
Classic trio nonsense💖💕
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jazz-bazz · 5 months
@jesusbutbetterrr‘s Ghoulettes Weeks 2024! Week 4 : Trans ghoulettes & Elemental practice
another rambly one but i think this one is funny, basically the ghoulettes being absolute chaos and a hazard to the abbey... and here i hc Sunshine as a fire/air multi, and Aurora as water/air
also i keysmashed this out in 15 minutes after doing physics homework and with half shut eyes because am eepy and it is much too early so... no idea if this even makes any sense...
Maybe either Mist has just finished reading Heroes of Olympus series (i'm back in my percy jackson phase (not) sorry)... and there's a scene where Percy and Jason worked together to create a tornado
fyi, percy is a son of poseidon who can control water, and jason is a son of jupiter who can control air (usually he uses it to fly, etc, but ig here they found new ways to combine their powers)
And you know, they were bored, tour is still far away, it was a weekend so no chores or anything, some of the ghouls were out to have fun in the nearby town, something something... there's only Sunshine, Mist, and Cirrus, and maybe Dew and Rain cuddling in their room but it's not important (yet).
Mist just finished reading her book, and she excitedly ramble to Cirrus and Sunshine about this cool scene where they created a tornado together and was like, "You wanna try it with me, Cir?"
So like they went outside near the lake to try it out because nobody had anything better to do... And it worked! Like they weren't actively trying to destroy the surroundings or anything so they didn't make it too big, but big enough for it to look cool, because they asked Sunshine to take a video of them and send it to the ghroup chat.
And then Sunshine wondered if Aurora could do it alone? Because she's both water and air, and Aurora's like, "Hmmm... maybe? I need to try it out when I get back." Meanwhile we get Aether in the background shaking his head but that's beside the point.
And theeennn.... being the chaotic ghoulette that she is, dubbed one half of the chaos twins, Sunshine suddenly got a crazy idea... I'm sure you know where I'm getting with this but.... FIRE TORNADO!! Because she's fire and air! Of course Sunshine was really excited to try it out, and jumping in place with wide eyes and big hand gestures while talking 500 km/h to Mist and Cirrus, who were like, "What?"
But she was so excited, the two didn't have the heart to tell her no when she said she wanted to try, besides, they have a water ghoulette there, right? In case anything went wrong and someone needs to douse the fire. But just in case they called Rain over to help them, but of course, with Rain comes Dew, the other half of the chaos twin, who just grinned with a dangerous twinkle in his eyes, cheering his twin on, he was as pumped about this as Sunshine.
So, Sunshine stood on the edge of the lake readying her powers, Mist and Rain were on standby, some of the lake water already hovering nearby ready for anything, Cirrus was a bit further away because she was also kinda looking out for Sister Imperator or Papa or any officials that might thwart their plans, also taking a video, and lastly Dew, who sat criss cross apple sauce beside Sunshine.
She started by summoning her fire, making them twist and flow around her a bit, not big, just enough to surround her like a hulahoop. And then she brought it over her head and making it spin like a top with Dew cheering and yelling at her to "Make it bigger! Faster Sunny, faster! C'mon!"
So she called her air powers, combining it with the fire to make it spin faster and faster, also calling a bit more fire to make it bigger and more impressive. And she did it! A fire tornado! But now she had no idea how to stop it, because well.. the fire and air are working together and she had no idea how to separate them. It's basically one mixed element now, she could only control them together, not separately anymore, absorbing the magic back into her body would cause a bit of overload because of the amount she's put out, pushing it onto the lake would douse the fire, but then she still has the air to worry about, which by then would mix with the lake water and create a water tornado, and her control on air is weaker than fire, her main element.
Mist and Cirrus earlier managed to separate theirs because they're 2 separate ghouls, Cirrus pulled her air in one direction while Mist pulled her water in the other direction and just like that they could control theirs, besides, it's easier to release their elements back to their natural states than fire.
And she just looked to Mist with a bit of a panicked look, "Guys.... How to stop this?" So Mist looked at Rain, and they nodded at each other and Rain was like, "I'm kinda sorry about this guys, but not really." Then they just doused the tornado with their water and immediately pull it back so they didn't mix, and it just left the air, which Sunshine then took control of to slow it down and release.
And for good measure, or just being mischievous, Rain sprinkled some water on the chaos twins too (read : drench them in water) because the whole time Dew could've helped but nooo... he was having too much fun and was having ideas of his own, he just had to convince one of the airs to do it with him.
"Hey.... hear me out here, if water and air and fire work together... could we then make fire burn underwater? Can it be our next experiment?" Sunny suddenly said.
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So, we’re all expecting a truth bomb next episode right? But someone also pointed out that the truth bombs have historically taken place relatively early in those episodes, which blew my mind a bit cause I had forgotten that.
So, we know Ted’s Mum visits next episode and we know the team go to Manchester for an away match. So if the truth bomb does happen early (ish) in the episode and there’s nothing obvious for what it could be as it stands it would make sense that Ted’s Mum’s visit will be at the beginning of the episode. Honestly I can even see him opening his door and his Mum being there or her turning up at work before the opening credits (cue his shock, her saying Hello Theodore or whatever she calls him and then the credits hit.)
So then we’d have all of that. And we’re all thinking that his Mum’s gonna tell him to go back home but even if she doesn’t I think her visit is gonna be the catalyst for that.
So then perhaps he’ll truth-bomb Rebecca, say he’s going home, she’s horrified but doesn’t let this in and tells him ‘family first’ (😭)
Theeennn they go to Manchester, maybe they hang out to make up for Amsterdam or maybe Rebecca’s with Keeley. Either way Rebecca is stewing and drinking and stewing and drinking some more, realising how much Ted means to her (bonus points if she sends a string of unanswered texts to Ted at some point) and before we know it she turns up at his door like Sassy did in Liverpool and then…
Format be damned, the truth bomb comes at the end, after Manchester where Rebecca’s realised what Ted means to her and tells him and then he breaks the news that he’s leaving
The same as above but with the addition that Rebecca has spiralled thinking Ted is leaving because of his Mum’s visit so she goes in and says she’s a fucking bitch again (😭) because she’s gonna ask him to stay which she knows is selfish cause of Henry but she needs him and then he’s like, errrr…I wasn’t gonna leave?
Anyway, as you can see, I’m not giving it a lot of thought. It’s only 2 more sleeps til I’ll find out so I just need to calm the hell down and wait 🤣
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zombiified · 3 months
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the natorrr
process under cut
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my first take… i thought drawing that thing would be easier to draw because it’s so geometric but nopeee
study time!!
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traced a few reference pictures to get the general shapes down and then went from those to do a second take, i ended up liking it and taking it from there
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posted this for a few critiques from instagram followers, and theeennn
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done :oD
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purpleyoonn · 1 year
Tonight I’m thinking about petrichor mc going into yoongi’s studio unaccounted and him and joon being so wrapped up in each other *cough* that’s they don’t notice she’s there. In fact they dont notice until 5 minutes later when her scent (arousal) gets so thick it coats the room and tickles their noses.
But theeennn I’m also thinking her wanting to give hobi something special for his birthday. Since they’re rich and can get any material thing they want, she decides to start taking dance classes in secret so she can reaaallly impress him. And she’s good at hiding it until one day jimin comes over before she gets home from class and is like 🤨whose scent is that? And where have you been?And she quickly fumbles to explain getting all shy about it, worried that jimin thinks it’s silly. But he’s just so, so endeared that she’s so dedicated to it and even goes to a couple classes with her for moral support
omg no because petrichor mc walking in on yoongi and Namjoon would almost be like a weird but incredibly amazing dynamic because I can completely see yoongi being the dom in the situation. like just moving in and out of joon, loud grunts reverberating through the sound proof studio and mc just like eyes wide because she's never seen joon sub for anyone before. the sight of their intimacy and trust just like /chills/ and soon enough mc's arousal is thick in the air and the boys both turn to her at the same time and just loud growls
like taking little art classes for Jungkook or photography for tae. But I see her in a little dance studio she found off the beaten path, not wanting anyone to know what she was doing out of pure embarrassment for herself but pure love for Hobi. She wants to do this for Hobi so badly because he complains all the time that the boys don't dance with him, (maybe at first she thought hobi was just teasing the others but eventually she could see the like maybe hurt? in his eyes as he jokes again about it). She spends weeks learning how to do a simple ballroom dance, watching her feet as she does so, stepping over her own toes and her arms moving awkwardly as she holds them up.
Maybe Yoongi is the one to notice that she disappears sometimes, at lunch one day and maybe after dark the next, claiming she is going for a walk and he follows her into the small studio, heart eyes softening as she begins to count her steps aloud and pause and play the music over several hundred times, trying to get the dance right for Hobi.
Yoongi slowly walks in, mc's eyes closed as she tries to not look in the mirror, and he takes the place of the partner within the dance steps, Mc's little gasp and his kiss of reassurance as the two are quiet, no words needed as he helps her with the steps and body placement.
just sweet touches and glances as he helps her to learn another love language of their mate.
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redcallisto · 6 months
i'm suddenly very curious...what is your origin story on liking mahito (or did you simply see his debut and instantly decided you liked him)
Hihi! Honestly my liking for him probably came from my liking of Douma (KNY/Demon Slayer). Both of them have similar-ish silly personalities but are very very bad and evil lol. Helped me realize i have a type In the case of Mahito though my jjk friends showed me the hands from his domain expansion before i actually watched jjk bc they see any cool hand thing and go "wow. ruby likes drawing hands. gotta show her" dfhgdfhgj. Theeennn I finally watched and saw how silly he was. instant love
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Besides that I have this weird thing where i'll really like a character design from afar. then I finally go and engage in the media and they become my favorite. Happened with Douma, happened with Mahito since my friends showed me him, also with Dan Heng and Stelle from HSR
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kaiba-fangirl · 2 years
@youreputtingrootsinmydreamland Look & attitude do seem similar from what I know & have seen. Only difference is, despite what anything else may seem, Seto is actually the character of Light. Yugi is Dark & Shadows. ...& that could become a whole dissertation itself lol, so lemme just... Oh & if you see any of this in Prison is a Marriage, etc, then, yes of course. (✿◡‿◡) In fact I think it was while diving through Kaiba characterization analysis & arc that helped me figure out how to get them out: They couldn't do it alone.
There's quite a few inaccuracies in here that I'm surprised this guy made. Sorry this got so long, but, there's 2 manga series, Season Zero, then 226 episodes of anime, & 3 movies as the alternative. And of course I have a playlist of surviving amvs.
*Gozaburo ran Kaiba Corp as the most profitable weapons manufacturer in the world.
*In the manga, Seto is not the tech genius. Still considered brilliant & smartest storywide, but all his tech comes from Kaiba Corp's R&D. That chess game in the orphanage? He cheated. Because it was just about winning them a better life. In the anime, he is the tech genius, and fairly beat Gozaburo.
*Parents died, then they were passed around through relatives until their inheritance ran out, then dumped at the orphanage. Another reason for being cynical of "loving groups." Gozaburo adopted them when he was 10, Mokuba was 5.
Oh! & he's basically the Walt Disney of this world too, as his & Mokuba's childhood dream is to build amusement parks all over the world for kids to have fun and enjoy! UwU
*I think he flashed the manga pages by, but Seto was physically abused by Gozaburo & tutors. Canonically there was a dog collar chaining him to his desk and a riding crop to keep him from falling asleep. Scars only appear in fanart though. First suicidal thoughts... Until Mokuba slipped him that drawing of a Blue-Eyes White Dragon, giving him a will to live again.
Seto (~12yo?) proudly shows Gozaburo designs for a virtual reality game, Gozaburo throws the papers back in his face, tells him off, and has him dragged out of his office. Gozaburo then uses Seto's designs, as applied to weapons technology. Seto is sickened that the technology he developed was used to more effectively kill larger amounts of people.
*I believe it was at 15 (or 14) that Gozaburo gave him like $1million (USD equivalent), & he had to pay him back like 10x or something within 1 year. (I'm not fact checking this) So... He went out, bought up small companies, closed them out or did whatever to keep multiplying his own liquid assets. Within that year, he made it. Ah. Yes! A worthy douchebag successor to take over Kaiba Corp someday! ...someday, in the distant future, right?
*At 15 then, Seto had had enough & was enough of an asshole now, that he believed he could run the company better. & he had just had all this practice with taking over companies...
The Hostile Takeover of Kaiba Corp - always a favorite plot device. (Many villains attempt hostile takeovers from Seto later on, but he holds on. He, however...) Seto & Mokuba had each been given shares of Kaiba Corp upon adoption. Mokuba owned 2% of the company, while Seto had a bit more. So, Seto started buying up more shares. When he had all he could, he held a meeting with Gozaburo's top 5 advisors, & threatened them. They threw their support behind him. Seto then held 49%, Gozaburo 49%, and Mokuba that same 2%. Seto staged threatening Mokuba as well - without telling Mokuba. (Where he pushed him up against the wall.) He wanted Gozaburo to think they'd had a falling out; he did. But Seto knew Mokuba would support him no matter what. One final meeting with everyone, & everyone else revealing they supported Seto as new CEO. Gozaburo snapped; he congratulated him, gave a deranged speech, including putting into words what would haunt Seto the rest of his life: "Losing = Death." Theeennn…
Manga, *AS TOLD BY MOKUBA, WHO WAS NOT PRESENT WHEN IT HAPPENED,* Gozaburo jumped out of the skyscraper window. Splat. Seto barely reacts. He makes a point of internalizing that "lesson" though. Losing = Death.
"Season Zero," it looked like he was freaking out & getting dizzy from the height at the window, but ultimately just collapsed on the floor. Heart attack? I don't recall him dying on screen, but this is the last we see of him.
4Kids Anime, Gozaburo only appears in flashbacks & his digitized mind later on, but it's commented early on that he "disappeared," right before the anime picks up, where Seto is already CEO.
Fanon… Seto pushed him off the roof when no one was looking. Manga Mokuba was an unreliable narrator; that's just the story Seto told him.
Seto immediately stopped all weapons manufacturing, and they began making gaming equipment and technology.
The "Betrayal" to Mokuba has to do with the DEATH-T amusement park in the manga & Season Zero, where Mokuba loses in the end, and begs Seto to not inflict the punishment game on him, cuz, brothers! Seto 1000% cold-heartedly & not caring 1 iota, tells him nope. He lost. Brotherhood makes you weak. The 10-yo Mokuba goes through the terrifying punishment game. Yugi & co are horrified.
*Kaiba vs Yugi atop Pegasus castle in Duelist Kingom (16yo) - winner gets to save their loved one: Mokuba or Grandpa? It's 3 episodes long. At the end of the 2nd, Kaiba suddenly went to dominating, even toying with Yugi (Pegasus had demanded Kaiba give him a good show, since Kaiba had not officially participated in the tournament. He was busy trying to stop another hostile takeover when Mokuba was kidnapped. Yes the running jokes are well earned.) --to suddenly Yugi had him cornered. The next move, Yugi would be able to win. Kaiba had nothing left. And if he couldn't save his baby brother, then he should be dead. And if he was as good as dead... In the middle of another breakdown, he started stepping backwards... and climbed up to the ledge. Yep this is 4Kids alright! Youtube actually allows some of this duel past copyright claims, but the entire suicidal part is cut out. Japanese version, he threatens to jump if Yugi attacks. 4Kids, he explains that the shockwave from the blast would knock him off, and Yugi wouldn't be able to live with a little blood on his hands, could he? Even if it was to save his Grandpa? If he's not willing to kill him to save his Grandpa, then he doesn't deserve to anyway.
*"He gets angry, then walks away without saying a word. Why? Because he knows what Anzu (Tea) said is true." -- In the 4Kids version, all of Yugi & Co are painted as uncaring & just wrong. She screams at him, "Yugi has friends who love and support him! What do you have at the end of the day, Seto Kaiba?!" After almost killing himself to save Mokuba just moments before, Kaiba is incensed at that being immediately belittled, even though he knows she doesn't know his full story. He tosses the chips he just won from Yugi up into the air, catches them, and yells back snidely, "I have all that I need!" Then he walks away. She's still right that he's alone. But he's only alone because the 1 person he cares about in the world has been kidnapped. -- The rest of his analysis about hating having to play dirty to win & not counting it as a win afterwards for pride's sake, that's all good.
& don't worry, after Battle City, when he finally blows up his father's military testing base... In the anime, Seto & Mokuba fly off in his jet, off to start building their first KaibaLand amusement park. In the manga, he has a great monologue about war and life and games and death, ending with, "Somewhere under this rubble, lies the road to my dream!"
& NONE of this is even getting into all the MAGIC!!! That he doesn't believe in. Even though he himself has latent magic abilities, that he's used completely unknowingly at times. --oh yeah, surprise! He was a prince in Ancient Egypt but his father sent him away then wanted him to dethrone the Pharaoh even though since he didn't know he was a prince he's actually devoted his life to that Pharaoh already------
I... have such a type, no matter what else comes out in the future, it's comical at this point 😅
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i don’t know if someone has said this yet but i feel like if the sun never put that article out in the first place we wouldn’t even be talking about them dating and would just be focusing on him being at the eras tour and performing with phoebe, like there really is nothing that implies them being together, everything is from that article, and all the other articles were just repeating what the sun said making it seem bigger than it actually is
yeah, I was just saying that earlier, and a couple of people agreed. like maybe what actualllyyyy happened was that someone told the sun that Matty was planning to come perform with phoebe, and the sun figured that if they ran the story ahead of time that Matty and Taylor are a thing, then when he DOES go to perform with phoebe, it will look like "proof" that he and taylor are together. which is why I say I don't really think they're together. but THEEENNN. some of y'all (i didn't post) started being mean in my ask box saying im a hater, lol. so what do i know. DONT COME AT ME. I LOVE TAYLOR. I LOVE MATTY. IM JUST SAYING THIS DOESNT NEED TO BE A THING. WE DONT KNOW ANYTHING FOR REAL.
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sizzlerseth · 1 month
Hehe i will hide my giggles theeennn so u wonnt heaarr theemn hehehe
As long as I know you're having fun and you like it, I'm perfectly as happy as you'd be getting tickled~
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icyfox17 · 2 months
Guyssss I'm having a super really good day today:))) I'm feeling really happy rn!!! Rahshs
Got to VC with my best friend which was dope bc the last few weeks we've just kept missing each otherhsjfkf, they're always free when I'm busy and vice versa BUT YEAH it was super lovely:D a lot of fun
And theeennn I went and visited my highschool and saw all my old teachers which is always just the best time bc they're all like stereotypical indie slice of life highschool teacher core where they're bordering on almost parental and are always so happy to see me and OUGH yes there's multiple of them I gen had so many of the best teachers ever:((( I love them all sm 😭😭😭
And thennn it's just been like a super nice day outside?? Sunny but not too warm, with the birds singing and just aaaa
And I'm about to go visit some irls at the mall who I haven't seen in a couple of months!! And maybe we'll get icecream or bubble tea who knows...
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Rn i am currently in the backyard with the dog's head in my lap eueueue
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grimprocrastinatrix · 5 months
Extremely messy (abandoned?) concept:
👊🐺🔨The Jujutsu Christmas special ✨(aka FILLER) we should have gotten!
Give me a ridiculous premise like a curse user in Harajuku with a fashion brand called GodChild that uses curses based on holidays or whatever they gotta jump. But the only way to corner them is to summon shikigami gingerbread men via offering
Gojo thinks it’s hilarious. Nanami less so ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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AND THEN have Yuji almost get jumped by these miniature gingerbread men because they’re just that stinkin cute 
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Aaaaand theeennn- I ran out of steam, feel free to use this premise
(Must include Sukuna saying something massively OOC)
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Bonus Nobara with her new job as a Pandora model and not being dead
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