#their dynamic is just so pure it makes me aaAAA
ipegchangbin · 11 months
idk if anyone will get this but 2mins relationship is so … cat & dog. like. theyre friends the way cats and dogs are friends. they quarrel and make up the same way, they act indifferent but care a lot about each other at the same time…they are each the neighborhood cat and neighborhood dog. Am I Making Sense
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stars-n-spice · 2 months
Thoughts on s3 ep 13!
fucking hell ya'll,, we're almost at the end of this and I simply can't believe it and don't want to believe it simply because I don't want it to end and I don't see how the fuck they're going to tie up all the loose ends in just the next two episodes.
This time around I recorded my reactions to it and it was a lot of yelling and making really weird noises,, but uh, y'know the drill!
Incoherent screaming (this time for real) and spoilers under the cut!
Click here for the audio recording of my initial reaction
i forgot they had that baby up in there,, omg
FUCKIN' WAAGHHh why didn't omega try to like access that hatch thing at night?? wouldn't that have been less risky??
this episode stressed me the fuck out,, I have a headache rn holy fuck
wait how the fuck are they going to get that baby through the chute thingy??
Eva is so precious :( I love her so much
Omega has been in there for like probably a day or something and is already making plans to escape, I love her so much
"That's okay, I like a challenge" AAAAA WRECKER WOULD BE SO PROUD!!
Question: why the fuck do they keep taking samples if they know her blood is compatible??
I better see more of Phee somewhere, anywhere, please, I love her so much your honor
Echo!!!! FUCKING HELL!!!! ECHO <3!!!!!
I missed Echo so much,, this episode really just showed that they couldn't have him in it because he would've gotten things done like five episodes ago because he's just that good
Them keeping Rampart is so funny to me idk
He was such a throw away character to me in the other seasons so I this is so hilarious to me, what a silly, pathetic man I need to see him get chewed up by a space animal or something idk
after all this time it was strange to see Crosshair in the background of things but he was still shoving Rampart around and I loved it
Rampart is basically Walmart Kallus
I swear to god, Hunter is getting shorter
Also looks like Crosshair is filling out :( He's finally getting to eat now :((
Crosshair's helmet ESPECIALLY, it looks super cool
Felt like I was watching an episode of Rebels due to how they were infiltrating the place
How the FUCK did nobody like,, notice?? insane. imperials are so fucking stupid I love that so much.
"Where is your captain?" - "Uh, captaining?" WRECKER MI VIDA!!!!
I've said it 100 times and I'll keep fucking saying it,, everything Wrecker does in this season is pure just,, everything he does is amazing, I love him so much, even in the background, him simply breathing?? Iconic. He better stay breathing.
I know Rampart is stressed out of his mind LMAO bro is getting out of this with gray hair
"It's the only chance we have of finding Omega and freeing those clone prisoners" WHHHATTTTT HUNTER FINALLY THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING OTHER THAN OMEGA??? NO FUCKING WAY!!!
Crosshair and Echo dynamic my beloved
last stretch of the episode had me so fucking stressed
i'm not ready for the next ones
"Negative" and all the Hunter girlies fell to their fucking knees
that was HOT
and stressful as FUCK
losing my mind
Music was insane, omg loved it
makes me fucking sick
they need to give us a whole ass season of all of them together being happy on Pabu I swear to god
this episode made me fucking sick ugh
everything sucks man oh my god
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having-conniptions · 10 months
Love In The Air episode 12 live reaction under the cut (long post)
I can't believe there's only one more episode left after this one (and then I'll move on to The Wedding Plan for their cameos obviously)
Awww Prapai is helping Sky again <3
"I'm not worried" baby you can drop the tsundere act fr
Sky getting startled and then annoyed every time Pai says "ouch" hahahaha
"You've become sillier since I last saw you" lmao
"He's a gentleboy in the streets, but a freak in the sheets" GENTLEBOY LMAO BYE
AAAWWW PRAPAI IS SO LOVESTRUCK (and Sky is being sneaky about how much he loves Pai but Pai notices awwwww)
Hahaha birthday immediately canceled bc baby wanna go shopping
THIS EPISODE IS CALLED WHEN THE SKY SURRENDERS TO THE WIND aaaaa will Sky finally admit his feelings??
Sky is such a sugar baby fr
Sky smiling like an idiot when Prapai is talking about couples t shirts but telling him "I think there's something wrong with your brain" hahahaha god I love him so much my sassy boiii
He's trying his best to be a tsundere
"People will misunderstand that you're my boyfriend" IS HE NOT?? SKY WTF ARE YOU ON ABOUT smh Mr Emotionally Unavailable better make up his mind
"This guy's my wife not my boyfriend" PAI PLEASE I'M WHEEZING
Aaaaa he brought Sky to his place and he's gonna bring him to the party Prapai is so ready to go official but Sky is not
Also can I just say PRAPAI IN THOSE PANTS
PAI'S CONFESSION 😭❤️😭❤️😭❤️ "When you tell me to stay away, I want you to admit that you want me to stay close. Or when you tell me to get bored, I wanna tell you that I won't." It captured their dynamic so perfectly - here's how I see it: Sky still doesn't believe this thing with Prapai is serious and long-term but he still gave in to his own feelings and desires. He doesn't see a point in going official and he can't admit his true feelings, maybe because if they're not together there won't be a breakup when things "inevitably" end and it won't hurt as much? He's trying to keep a bit of a barrier to protect himself while still indulging in this relationship. But Prapai knows what's behind that barrier and he's breaking it down with earnest feelings and a good amount of cheekiness. In conclusion: AAAAAAAAA
I'M GONNA COUNT THIS AS THEIR FIRST REAL ROMANTIC KISS I'm pretty sure this is the first time they kissed without a sexual context or the "excuse" of it being some sort of "payment". It's the first kiss that's honest and open, all cards on the table, no excuses or facades, no (faked) reluctance, just pure earnest emotion.
Not the mic making fart noises during the kiss tho omg talk about ruining the mood lol
Just rewinded... Sky's hopeful look before the kiss is everything 😭❤️😭❤️
I mean of course it was gonna lead to sex but still the kiss was not about that at all. THAT KISS. WAS EVERYTHING. THAT KISS WAS THE REAL VERSION OF THE ONE PRAPAI HAD IMAGINED. ROMANTIC. EARNEST. AAAAA IT WAS PERFECT
Huh I didn't expect them to actually make it to the party after Sky said he could skip morning classes lmao
The little peck aaaa so casual so sweet Sky still isn't used to this but he loves it
Oh no now he's freaking out about his own feelings again NO BABY DON'T OVERTHINK IT YOU WERE DOING AMAZING
Oh no ex-hookups and new boyfriends do not mix
The way Sky immediately forgot about having to pee lmao
Meanwhile Pai is actually doing his best to get rid of the random boy clinging to him
Prapai is so smooth even when rejecting someone
"I saw your boy. The one you let me borrow. The one who said he loved you so much" FUCKKKK NOOOOO FUCKKKKKK and I can't believe I called that guy pretty, what a fucking asshole FUCK THE FUCK OFF
Meanwhile Sky is having a fucking breakdown in the car while trying to hide it from Pai
Poor Pai poor Sky my poor babiesssss
Everyone is scared of Prapai lmao
TWO WEEKS????? Christ on a bicycle shoot me now I will never recover from this
And Sky's "I don't even like you" act is back up to 200% AND IT'S FUCKING HEARTBREAKING BECAUSE SKY IS BEING SO FUCKING HURTFUL AND MEAN BELIEVING IT'S JUSTIFIED AND PRAPAI IS HAVING HIS HEART SHATTERED INTO A MILLION PIECES WITH EVERY WORD I CAN'T KEEP WATCHING THIS just the thought of hearing that from someone you love - or saying that to someone you love(d) - freaking KILLS me
At least Pai doesn't really believe it. Though it hurts, he knows in his heart it's not true.
Sig is the fucking MVP
Why did I kinda expect Prapai to be waiting in his room omg THE ANGST I'M GONNA IMPLODE
It's the book with all the notes he took 😭❤️ PROOF to Pai that Sky loves him
Which I guess is good for Pai but rn it's just making things worse for Sky because he still thinks Pai lied to him and used him and now that guy has proof that Sky loved him DID I MENTION THAT THIS HURTS??? BECAUSE IT SURE FUCKING DOES
Omg all of Sky's thoughts during their arc being revealed BUT AT WHAT COST aaaaa why couldn't they just have COMMUNICATED?!?! RIGHT AFTER THE FUCKING PARTY?!?!
"Can you not look for someone else? Can I be the only one for you?" 😭😭😭😭 SKYYYY BABYYYY he really wrote that aaaaa my heart
In Pai's eyes he's proving to Sky there was no reason to break up. In Sky's eyes he's adding insult to injury and humiliating him for being stupid enough to fall for Pai. ARE YOU UNDERSTANDING I WANT TO SCRATCH MY EYES OUT
Ok what I don't like about the love confession is that it happens before they've talked it out so in that moment Sky still feels pathetic for admitting his feelings to a guy who has hurt him and will probably do so again
FINALLY they talked it out. I hope Prapai understands that Sky was not overreacting but actually acting the way anyone with that kind of trauma would act after getting triggered.
"I wonder where you get this idea that I'd get tired of you some day" *panicked look* oh no
But at least Sky is finally talking about it
"Cause love makes me blind" AAAAAAA
Rain's reaction to PrapaiSky dating hahahaha
Sky's reaction to Rain calling Pai shameless ayyyyyy
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usersasaki · 11 months
hello tumblr user usersasaki 🫵 you will never know who i am! (or who knows lol hi karma <3) this anon has been looking into getting into orv but keeps procrastinating like they do on many other things and so asks you, one of their resident orv likers they know, to uh. idk. but feel free to ramble on about why you like orv so much & why someone should get into it (like me!) so maybe i can finally be convinced to read it Now instead of putting it off for later again and again !! ... or something like that 🥺✨
ahem. yes. anyways. i'm totally normal abt this, i totally didn't go feral for a few moments before i started typing this. OK BUT I'M SO READY TO TRY TO CONVINCE U TO READ THIS CUZ WHEN I SAY THIS WEBTOON + WEBNOVEL HAS CHANGED ME ENTIRELY. pls bear with me, giving me a chance to word vomit was not a good idea /hj. i'll put everything under the cut :] and i'll try to keep everything as spoilerless as possible so that u can safely enjoy the story when u get to it
i will apologise in advance for the person i've become, this might end up becoming a HUGE post (edit: i think it did, this is apparently at a lil more than 2k words rn cuz i typed this in google docs for fear of tumblr nuking my entire draft and me having to start all over again)
tldr for those who don't want to go through a 2k essay; orv is for you if you enjoy clean art, stories that will break down your initial expectations and surpass them, and things like found family, love (all kinds), and just an emotional rollercoaster in general. prepare snacks and tissues.
i'll start with the webtoon because that's where it started for me! honestly one of the things i look for most when i start a webtoon is the art. and there are times when even if i like the story, if the art ain't it for me, i'll drop the story 😭💀 but orv has such beautiful and crisp art, very edible art HAHAHA (both webtoon and novel by the way but i'll get to the novel in a bit) it makes me go so O.O sometimes. here's an example of the art, you might've seen it somewhere but i'm still adding it here for the pure beauty of these men named kim dokja and yoo joonghyuk AND ALSO han sooyoung and jung heewon (yes i'm gay, no it's not obvious /j). every character in this webtoon is so well drawn and just. chef's kiss okay, so if you like pretty art, you've got that right here folks.
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moving on, the story seems, at first, like a very generic action fantasy webtoon where the world of a novel becomes reality and our mc aka kim dokja is the one who knows how to get to the end and he gets to meet his favourite novel’s protagonist yoo joonghyuk and decides to save the world. but as the story progresses on and on, it becomes so much more than that. the storytelling skills have to be applauded because webtoons can't use lots of words and have to convey things more concisely than their novel counterparts but they've done an amazing job of using the right dialogues in the right places with the right amount of impact. AND as of right now, the story is starting to head towards what i'd like to say is the actual beginning of this webtoon >:) that’s all i can say without spoiling some major things from the novel so,, yeah!
another beautiful part is the portrayal of each of the characters, especially kdj, and their different dynamics with kdj. now kim dokja is our mc and the main narrator of this entire thing so we’re quite limited in that sense because all we see and know is what kim dokja tells us through his narration. a lot of posts have accurately pinned him down as an unreliable narrator because he really only ever shows his companions (and us readers) one part of things and we’re all left to speculate about things. each companion holds a different opinion of kdj but all of them are united in the fact that they trust him to help them get through everything. while the webtoon hasn’t had a chance to explore that yet, i’m looking forward to how they will show it to us :] i’d say that this webtoon is worth a read also because kim dokja is the most mind boggling, intriguing and frustrating character you will ever meet. that’s a fact that’ll get clearer as you get closer to the recent chapters of the webtoon, but i love how he’s relatable in the sense that he both makes me screech in awe but also makes me want to wring his neck with how he is sometimes. i love him *holds him by the neck* (affectionately). oh and when i say every character is just a beautiful piece of art, i mean both their literal art and also the way they’ve been written, though it is more clear in the novel as of right now.
NOW i’m gonna move onto the webnovel because i honestly fell deeper into the rabbit hole purely because of the novel. and sing shong (the author of the webnovel) is an absolute genius for the way they have both intricately and simply pushed a single message throughout the length of the novel. i constantly joke about how reading the orv novel has changed my brain chemistry but i’m not joking most of the time because it really did. in many ways, i’m sure this is a novel i will remember for a very long time to come.
the same points i spoke about for the webtoon stand for the novel as well BUT of course the novel is just immaculately written and it deserves a chance of its own. it’s not that the writing of the novel is extraordinarily fancy or anything, it’s actually quite simple reading without too many complicated words but i think that has a beauty of its own. it’s able to convey what it needs to without having 10 pages of description and that’s awesome to me. there are issues with some things written in the novel but as it isn’t a focus or the point of orv (i got this point from this tumblr post, feel free to read through it if you want to because they have written some great points that can’t be said better by me!), it’s still a novel that entertains you to the fullest.
the characters are admittedly more fleshed out in the novel than the webtoon but that’s because the webtoon is still catching up while the novel is complete (it ended with epilogue chapters but recently the author came out with side stories). the relationships are just very detailed and it gives you a look into not only kim dokja’s head, but also yoo joonghyuk and other characters’ heads as well, though they’re not as common because the majority of the story is in kdj’s point of view. i’ve neglected mentioning other character names so far but kim dokja has a set of the most loyal and sweet and sometimes feral companions besides yoo joonghyuk like yoo sangah, who is someone kdj knew before the novel became their world, jung heewon and lee hyunsung, kdj’s trusty sword and shield, lee gilyoung and shin yoosung, his children (not biological but yes). there’s also lee jihye, an avid yoo joonghyuk follower who insults kdj at every turn but cares for him, and han sooyoung, who is portrayed as a bit of an antagonist or an anti-hero (as far as the webtoon goes anyway wink wink). and a lot of other characters you’ll grow to either love a lot or hate with a passion oR even have your opinion take a whole 180 about as you read on and on, that’s just the kinda novel this is.
don’t even get me started on the underlying themes of this novel. this is me being an english major (and psychology major unintentionally, double major woohoo) through and through but i love analysing characters and figuring out themes that come out through the writing. i won’t go too into the details so that i won’t spoil it for anyone who happens upon this post. but there’s the overarching theme of love; not just romantic love but also platonic love, familial love and the most important one of this novel, self-love. another theme i think is quite relevant and important to this story is more easily relatable to people who read often because it goes into how books can change you BUT you can also change books by reading them over and over again and understanding it better. also how stories can save you but you, as a reader, have the power to save stories by reading them. because in the end, a story continues because you read it. OH I CAN’T FORGET THIS, found family <3 if you’re a fan of found family, this is for you, it’s present throughout the story as a small but encompassing theme.
now this could be just me but i get extremely emotional when it comes to my favourite media, so i squeal with joy at happy parts, sob uncontrollably when sad scenes come up, punch my pillows when something makes me mad⏤ you get my point. and this novel gave me an entire rollercoaster of emotions and made me so URGH in good, bad and ugly ways. it kinda brings me back to my point about kdj being an unreliable narrator since the reason why it gets so hard and sad is because this man never tells anyone anything. he takes it upon himself to do everything, much to the annoyance and despair of his companions and us the readers. we know nothing other than what kdj is willing to tell us, not about his plans, not about him, not about his own feelings. and we’re left to guess and guess until everything is laid bare and then we’re still trying to. process everything. yeah i don’t know if this part is making any sense but i can’t really go into detail without majorly spoiling the story. so you’re gonna have to come back to my post once you’re done to be like “ohhh, right this is what they meant.” /j
To move to a lighter and probably my last point, the novel illustrations are gold i tell you. it’s done by a person named blackbox or bb-nim for short and i love just going through their art for fun. of course, if you’re reading it on a website like i did, then you’re not going to see the illustrations side by side so you should definitely check out blackbox’s twitter which i’ve linked here :] you’ll probably also find their art on pinterest. gorgeous art i tell you, BUT BUT BUT there are spoilers here and there so beware if you go digging through their media tab on their twt. I’ll put some of my favourite pieces that are as non-spoiler as possible under this
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so. yeah. these are my reasons for why you should read both the orv webtoon and novel. In the end, all i can say is that if you give them a chance, you’ll probably get hooked just as i did. i knew to a certain extent about how the novel was but nothing prepared me enough but i’m not complaining because it is genuinely so good. i’ll add a list of content warnings here that i got from the wiki page because i don’t want anyone to be ambushed by anything they’re not comfortable with reading: graphic violence, death and murder, depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, suicide, body horror, dissociation, transphobia (this might be a deal breaker and it would be for me too as a nonbinary person but it’s not a major focus and happens a couple times throughout the story), cephalopods, tentacles (yes these are real content warnings on the wiki HAHAHA), and finally hospitals.
to all of you who actually read this far, thank you! you are a great person for reading through a random person on the internet go on and on about a webtoon and novel, hope you have an awesome day/night ahead of you! if you have any questions about things in the webtoon or novel, feel free to hit me up, i’m always down to have conversations about orv (none of my irls have read it but i will use this essay to convince one of them to give it a chance so wish me luck). anyway, peace out folks! :]
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Re: Switchblades & Motorbikes
2) Would it be possible for you to tag all the S&M (hehehe) related posts with a specific tag? I just went through your posts for 30 minutes to find the very first one bc I wanted to take a look at the mug shots for the Diamond Dogs again :) that was fun but exhausting ^^ would really appreciate it ❤️
3) Speaking of the mug shots: who's the little shit whose tyres were stolen? I can't see a young blond boy in the mug shots 🤔 am I blind?
4) The amount of love and care and meticulous references in this fic is off the charts. Cannot stress enough that I am HOOKED and IN LOVE with S&M Milex! (hehe)
5) The tension and hair pulling and just small moments of (incidental) sexual arousal and impact - give me more! 🤌🫰 It's amazing!
6) The dynamic between the AM boys is pure love. Matt as Agile Beast makes me cackled every time.
THANK YOU and pls make this fic as LONG as possible, so I can love every update for a very long time (in the meantime Imma just go back and re-read)! ❤️❤️❤️
oh of course! i must have forgotten to tag that very first post, on it!
hehehe Amby is right at the last row, in the middle, the original model isn't blond, i might change him? i'm making a new edit for the next chapter
would you believe me if I told you I only noticed the S&M thing like... not long ago? LOL AND IM SO HAPPY MY REFERENCES ARE BEING SO ENJOYED, AAAAA
there's maaaany many more sexual tension moments, MAYBE EVEN A CHANGE IN RATING IN THE FUTURE
I HAD to make these boys the found family gang they were born to be, love how glued to each other they are in real life, it's so special. And Matt, with that cheesy nickname HAD to be like a street name thing, OF COURSE
thank you again, a thousand times for these kind words, they mean SO SO much to me.
I'm not sure what you consider long but I do have a clear path towards 8 chapters, and 30K written down right now with a bit more to go. Hope it's ok! have a GREAT day, please rest and get better! <3
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myundeadgayson · 3 years
I’m absolutely adoring your Last Life Assassin/Hitman AU! It’s given me so much inspiration and your writing is incredible, I’ve loved all of it, especially how you write the dynamics between each of them.
Loving the interactions between Scott and Jimmy, and the way you write both of them interacting on the job.
I’m wondering how they’d interact if they met outside of work, like if they both happened to meet just out and about at some point, maybe they get caught in some stupid situation and just keep bumping into each other afterwards. Would they think they other is obnoxious and dislike him just like during jobs, or would they actually really hit it off and enjoy meeting up, not knowing they’d met earlier than they thought?
AAAAA!!! This is the best ask!!!
 First off, thank you so much! That genuinely means the absolute world to me. Not only is my first time publicly sharing an actual full AU concept, but this is my first time writing an AU consistently. I’ve tried writing full stories before, but I’ve never been able to quite keep with them since I don’t do well writing like?? I guess in the usual linear format ajshlkgjasshdkg
 Writing a full out story chronologically is a LOT and man, do I fucking respect everyone that can do that. I have such little patience and my mind is like a constant bouncing ball going from idea to idea, so this AU was perfect because I can easily bounce back and forth between characters, mini plots, times, etc. and I’m still making sure I can absolute deliver you guys the full story I’ve got in mind! Plus, I can still sit here and enjoy sharing fun ideas like this that still perfectly fit into the AU!! I’m so excited to have finally find something that works and I couldn’t be happier that it’s paying off! Also, you’re probably one of my top supporters keeping me going as well and it’s been wonderful because I keep getting more inspired by the day!
 But AAAAA!!! I hadn’t even thought about that kind of interaction yet!!!
 I’ll probably try to write it all out soon, but I want to absolutely bet that Scott was smitten by Jimmy by that first meeting. As soon as he bumped into that human equivalent of a golden retriever, he couldn’t get that warm smile out of his mind. Where he hates Solidarity’s guts, Jimmy is like a pure ray of sunshine that he’s guilty to admit that he may like.
 Jimmy probably didn’t have much of a first impression from Scott because I want to imagine they quite literally bumped into one another. As in, he almost knocked Scott over and helped him up. He didn’t stay for long to have much of a chat, but I bet as they kept accidentally crossing paths in the city, he started slowly noting that this Scott guy’s kind of adorable.
 Unlike their hitman personas, the two of them actually get along really well! They’ve probably met up a few times now on “definitely NOT dates” as Scott consistently has to remind Pearl. Jimmy thinks they’re just hang outs, and that’s what Scott’s determined they’ll be. After all, it’s not like he really has time for a relationship of all things. That’d be stupid and way too risky. He cannot date Jimmy.
 And of course, things get harder as Jimmy turns out to be such an adorable goof that Scott’s falling hard.
 Meanwhile, Jimmy’s just along for the ride, but he can’t help but notice that he’s getting all these weird warm, fluttery feelings around Scott?? It’s probably nothing... He’ll eventually ask Lizzie about them, but for now he really likes having a good friend!
 And of course, all this is opposed to their counterparts. Smajor hates Solidarity with such a burning passion. He considers him to be extremely dumb, reckless, and he can’t for the life of him figure out why the Southlands would hire such a bumbling idiot! And even worse, how Solidarity keeps still somehow nabbing his targets!
 Solidarity doesn’t necessary “hate” Smajor... He thinks he’s a bit stuck up. He’s a jerk, but not in a way that Solidarity would want to kill him or anything. He just wishes Smajor would stop ragging on him all the time! He thinks their little rivalry is actually kind of fun and he loves seeing Smajor get all flustered when he beats him to a kill.
 They’ve got a fun dynamic going on of racing each other to see who completes their hits faster, and much to Smajor’s annoyance, Jimmy’s starting to catch up. Meanwhile, in the daytime, Scott and Jimmy are enjoying their dat—  hang outs.
   Ahsjhdgasd Sorry if this is a bit of a long reply, by the way. I got really excited and I actually had to keep fixing my response so I wouldn’t instantly launch into writing their first meeting. I’ll save that for a fic!
 Thank you so much again!!!
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vulpes-z3rda · 3 years
Midoriya Dating Hcs
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₊˚.༄ Him being shy all the time at the beginning of you two being together. He grows out of it slowly but surely.
₊˚.༄ Stolen kisses whenever he feels like he get them in.
₊˚.༄ You showering him with affection and him becoming flustered by it.
₊˚.༄ “Y-Y/n!! Stop it's embarrassing!!”
“did you just lick my cheek??”
₊˚.༄ Everyone being jealous of you both because lets be real, you're both THAT couple. Is it always apparent? No. But when it is, pray for everyone around you-
₊˚.༄ Him being insecure and you showing him how much you love him. Everyone dislikes something about themselves, you’re just thankful he opens up to you about those things.
₊˚.༄ Listen, he hates his scars and he hates that you have to see them, so he appreciates when you leave kisses on them and say you love him not matter what.
₊˚.༄ “Promise you'll never leave me..”
“I promise. You’re stuck with me till the end.”
“Good... I don’t want it any other way f/n..” 
₊˚.༄ Constantly worrying about him and his hero duties cause WOOO BOY we all know he can be really reckless and my god does it put a strain on your heart.
₊˚.༄ Cuddling every day. Like seriously it's 24/7 with this boi.... he just loves you a lot and wants you to be in his arms a lot 🥺.
₊˚.༄ Stealing his clothes and them being surprisingly large on you. I mean... it’s more than likely cause he’s BUILT to an extent but tf do I know about the body?? Nothing-
₊˚.༄ Cuddling on the sofa and watching romance or comedy films. You would watch action films, but you practically live them so they get kinda lame LMAOOO. sorry not sorry avengers
₊˚.༄ He's a cinnamon bun and is too pure for this world. Well most of the time, we all know he can be pretty... intimidating when he needs to be. We love a dynamic man here.
₊˚.༄ "Deku? I love youuuu!!!"
"I-I love you too!"
₊˚.༄ Teasing him for being nervous when he's around you. He doesn’t know how to deal with it and whines and becomes all pouty about it which just makes it seem more worth doing to you.
₊˚.༄ Him telling you how much you mean to him when you're feeling down. Knowing reassurance is important he tries to make it something he does whenever you need it. He also wants to make sure he gives back what you give him
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lightofthedeep · 4 years
who are your favorite top ten black clover characters and ships? talk about them!
Well that’s going to be a long list! I’ll state a simplified list and elaborate in the cut then!
Favorite Characters: 
Leopold Vermillion
Finral Roulacase
Langris Vaude
Rill Boismortier 
Fuegeoleon Vermillion
William Vangeance
Mereoleona Vermillion
Dorothy Unsworth
Favorite Ships:
AsuNoe / Astelle
I have no other ships so I’m going for Finral x Light 
Favorite Characters
Wow my favorite character lists is really not that diverse. Vermillion + Captain supremacy. 
1. Leopold Vermillion
Where to begin with Leo? If you can’t tell by my Black Clover fanart being 80% Leopold, you’d know that I am iN LOVE WITH THIS KID AND HIS CHARACTER. I adore Leopold so much it’s such a shame that he doesn’t get as much screen time as he should because he has so much potential. His fiery, energetic, loud personality just sticks out to me. I could go more in detail but I’ll spare them to make this post shorter.
2. Finral Roulacase
WHERE TO BEGIN WITH FINRAL? I am absolutely in love with this man JAOISJDOAIOEHAO. Finral really resonates with me since I feel a connection with him through his low self-worth and his struggles with being an older sibling. Other than that, I absolutely adore him so much. He’s such a cutie and I love all of his comedic moments and how hard working he is sm. 
3. Langris Vaude
This goes to show how much I just love the space brothers. Langris is such a complex character and I LOVE his relationship with Finral. Of course, a lot of people are really quick to hate on Langris-- and rightfully so. But examining his character, it definitely shows reason (but def not excuses) to why Langris acts the way he does. 
4. Yuno
I just straight up adore Yuno. I love his stoic, cold character and his reasons for it. He could have his comedic moments which is quite hilarious to say the very least. I do wish we would know more about his experiences in the Golden Dawn though since I feel like even though he’s a main character, we hardly know anything about him. But he is just as hardworking as Asta and I love how healthy his rivalry with Asta is.
5. Asta
Asta is what the cool kids call, “the GOAT.” I absolutely love his character and his role as the MC of the series. I think Tabata writes his character really well. I love how he always picks himself back up, despite literally the entire world being against him. I think Asta is very inspirational and hands down one of my favorite shonen protagonists. He is very underrated and it pains me to see him downgraded to someone who screams a lot since he really doesn’t scream that much past the beginning. (I personally found his screaming endearing!)
6. Rill Boismortier
RILL IS MY FAVORITE CAPTAIN AAAAA! HE IS SO CUTE! As an artist, I absolutely adore his magic! I just love everything about him; his carefree attitude, his entire design, his laugh, everything!
7. Fuegeoleon Vermillion
King Vermillion, everyone! I just have a soft spot for the Vermillions. I love how strong Fuego is! He’s such a kind-hearted person with such a strong will! I’m super glad he has Salamander by his side because he deserves it!!!!!!!!!!! Out of everyone, I’m hoping he’ll be the next wizard king. 
8. William Vangeance
You know what’s funny? I didn’t know people actually hated Vangeance until I encountered BC twitter lmao. But I love Vangeance so much. He’s another huge, complex character that people seem to either hate him or love him. His characters throughout the entire series plays such a huge role and I love that. 
9. Mereoleona Vermillion
QUEEN VERMILLION! I just love how she isn’t your typical magic knight and she just does her own thing! She is the epitome of powerful woman and she is hands down, imo, the strongest captain. 
10. Dorothy Unsworth
oH MAN??? GLAMOUR WORLD? ARE YOU KIDDING? Her entire character is phenomenal. From her design, to her magic, to her personality, she just screams perfection. I do wish to know more about her soon, though we got a glimpse of it when she was talking to Noelle about Megicula!
Favorite Ships
If I’m being honest, I really only have a top 3? But the only ship I’m actually passionate about is yunoleo so--
1. YunoLeo
If you’re new to my account, you’d definitely find this ship to be a surprise. It actually wasn’t a ship I thought about until my friend Himae and I were joking talking about Yuno and Leo and then went “holy shit wait---” The relationship of YunoLeo is all about POTENTIAL since the two have not interacted much in canon. But, I can’t stress enough how perfect I think Yuno and Leo would be together. They would definitely go into the “rivals-to-lovers” and “opposites attract” tropes. Not to mention, my personal headcanon for both of them is that they’re both gay.  I believe if Tabata were to allow Yuno and Leopold to interact more, it would definitely show the potential they would have together. I could elaborate more in detail but I think this post would be way too long. 
2. AsuNoe / Astelle
Out of everyone in the “Asta harem,” I tend to like AsuNoe more, surprisingly. I feel like I’m not quite used to shipping the main MCs together, let alone the MC with the tsundere female MC. However, I have a soft spot for Noelle. I feel like if her character wasn’t super revolved around her crush on Asta, they’d definitely flow better. I like how they interact. It’s quite obvious that Asta does care about Noelle as much as she does. But, as oblivious as Asta is, I don’t think they’ll get together anything soon LOL. I’m not super passionate about AsuNoe, but I do like them the most out of all the potential Asta ships. From them being teammates, there’s a lot of build-up that can occur, not to mention the huge canon influence.
3. YamiChar
Charlotte’s crush on Yami is the cutest thing ever. I just love the dynamic between her and Yami; Yami being oblivious to her feelings, but thinking Charlotte secretly hates him since she avoids him but Charlotte avoiding him because she’s actually super nervous. I don’t think that Yami has a romantic interest towards Charlotte in canon at the moment, but I do think he does like her. 
4. Mars/Fana
Pretty much canon, I don’t really have much to say about them aside from the fact that I hope they get married already!
5. Rillmy
OKAY RILLMY IS JUST SO CUTE. I definitely adore the idea of the two of them together! Their characters flow really well together and I really think they have potential! Maybe they’ll get more scenes together from this arc? I hope so!
6. Nozel/Dorothy
This ship is really cute to! Though we don’t actually see them interact in canon, the fact that Nozel and Dorothy seem to talk to each other a lot and Nozel being able to confide in Dorothy makes me go ohohoho.
7. WiriPatri
LITERAL SOULMATES. The fact that they were finally able to see one another makes my heart soar. The scene where Patri slowly falls against Vangeance’s shoulder as Vangeance holds him aaaAAAAAA FUCK. TOO GOOD. 
8. YamiWiri
Such a good “rivals-to-lovers” ship. They work so well together and they have SUCH a good, strong relationship. 
9. Klaus/Letoile
Okay listen, I ship them based off of purely aesthetics but like.... hello? Very good. They were in panels together in the manga! That’s enough canon validation for me LMAO.
10. Finral x Light 
canon. amazing. spectacular. all based off on the fact that i am in love with finral roulacase. 
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potahun · 4 years
Personal top 5 in Wo Men De Ge  / Our Songs, Season 1
After finishing all 12 eps of the 1st season of  “Wo Men De Ge” / “Our Songs”, I am listing my personal top 5 pairs of “Young Singer x Old but Gold Singer” teams in the show, mostly just to have an excuse to gush and recommend some of my favourite performances from this beautiful, beautiful music show. 
5. Xiao Zhan x Na Ying (and Angela Chang) - Team: Na Zhan Dui
What I really liked about them: The fact that they challenged many styles! Perhaps it’s because Xiao Zhan is currently an actor and not specialised in any music type, but their performances were among the most diverse. They did rock, disco, old Chinese classics...Singing-wise, Xiao Zhan does nice switches to falsetto, Na Ying’s voice is broad and with its own feel, and Angela Chang who replaced NY for a few eps has such a special and beautiful voice ugh. But what I liked most about them is probably Na Ying herself. Her outspoken personality and sense rly got to me and she was my favourite “Model Singer” in Group B. She was also so open to accompanying XZ in trying new styles and to put an emphasis on performance (as in, the visual aspect of it) to help XZ out. I think for someone who’s not currently a singer, he got very lucky she was his partner. 
What I found to be a pity: Xiao Zhan sings pretty nicely, but it’s true that when you have Ayanga and Zhou Shen next door, it’s pretty hard for his voice to stand out. A few times, I found myself feeling like Na Ying or Angela was carrying the song single-handedly and couldn’t rly notice his voice anymore. Angela’s voice especially stands out, so sometimes, it feels like what I remember most from Na Zhan Dui performances is Angela’s great voice and the visual effects. Also, maybe it’s because he has to manage his image a bit more than the other young artists, but Xiao Zhan did come across as quite nervous during the entire show, including during many of the performances. If you only watch him based on this show, he comes across as just a very polite young person (with a pleasant voice). 
Favorite performance(s) from them: 
Gen Zhe Gan Jue Zou / Going with the Feeling (not rly a performance but the song with which NY and XZ got “blindly” paired up, and somehow the song in which he was the most relaxed imo)
Jun Gang Zhi Ye / A Night at the Naval Port (classic lovely song. Imo it was the song in which their voices matched up most seamlessly)
4. Xiao Gui x Luo Qi - Team: Wang Zha 
What I really liked about them: I knew neither of them before the show, but felt like this team truly tried to make a new sound each time and to mix modern elements into old songs (which fits perfectly with the show’s theme). Luo Qi is so open to Xiao Gui’s suggestions and so humble about trying things outside her comfort zone, even though she is the senior. They also had a really nice old sister-little brother relationship, full of mutual respect, and it was kind of refreshing to have the young artist be like ‘it’s ok, it’s ok’ and being the encouraging or optimistic one in the team. Among the younger artists, Xiao Gui is the only rapper, so being on this show could be pretty challenging but Luo Qi being so open to trying new things made it work. She really went outside her comfort zone, and I loved this team for it. They are also both really pleasant - mostly quiet but polite and comfortable. All-round lovely pair. 
What I found to be a pity: In a way, because Luo Qi was so accommodating and humble, sometimes it felt like Xiao Gui might have overpushed her a bit? Perhaps he could have been a tad more considerate, but we don’t see much of their interactions and overall they do seem like they have a good relationship. 
Favorite performance(s) from them: Hui Lai / Come Back (the way the rap got mixed into this song feels so very natural) 
3. Ayanga x Fei Yuqing - Team: (God Xiao Ge team names are hard to remember) Yun Dan Feng Qing 
What I really liked about them: Well of course, the voices and the singing technique. haha I did not know Ayanga before this show, but HOLY SHIT. Not a musical actor for nothing. HE CAN SING. And he can sing so many styles, too. He is GOOD. Watching them, I thought, shit, among all the young artists we saw, only he could have been paired up with a senior like Fei Yuqing (and perhaps Zhou Shen, but we’ll come to him later). Their voices are distinctive, but the style in which they sing have certain similarities, so they match quite well. Basically, this is a team based on talent, skills and experience. They only sing songs that sound like classics but holy fucking shit, I loved the way they sang them. Other than the singing - and this is not a team thing - but I was rly surprised to find out that Fei Yuqing was quite funny. Individually speaking, both he and Ayanga were entertaining while remaining ever so pleasant. They were real pleasures to watch. 
What I found to be a pity: I thought there was a lack of team chemistry, which could be in part due to how they got paired up, but yeah, they just never really felt like a team, more like two very polite and courteous singers who decided to work together for a few performances. Also, I am absolutely not surprised by it, but I guess, since it’s the Fei Yuqing, both young artists were fully accommodating him and not the other way round. It is not a bad thing in FYQ’s case because his singing is beautifully amazing and hey its his last show anyway, but it would have been fun to see more sparks here and there.
Favorite performance(s) from them: 
Juan Zhu Lian / Rolling up the Beaded Curtain (haha are you ready for pure skills to fuck you up? I liked Juan Zhu Lian before, but this version is incredible)
Xin Yuan Yang . Hu Die Meng / New Mandarin Duck. Butterfly Dream (again pure skills but also the harmonising. a+++) 
2. Liu Yuning x Ren Xianqi - Team: Jie Tou Pai Dang
What I really liked about them: This team is one of the teams that felt the most like a team. They have similar past experiences and I liked that they had a chill older brother + reserved younger brother chemistry. I also liked that they both seem to be people who are passionate about different aspects of music (like singing yes, but also music arrangement overall). Ren Xianqi was so open to letting Liu Yuning express what he wanted / add in the elements he wanted to each performance, or have LYN’s band be in charge of re-arranging the songs. Before this show, all I knew from Ren Xianqi was his “Xin Tai Ruan”, but I found him so lovely and nice during the whole show! He only had kind praise for all the other artists, was positive throughout, and well, Group A only had lovely "Model Singers”, but RXQ stood out in this respect. He and Liu Yuning had such a comfortable dynamics and many of the songs they sang happen to be all-time favourites of mine so of course bonus points. Singing-wise, I love Liu Yuning’s voice. It’s not like he can hit super high notes or anything, but this guy rly gets the right feeling out of each song through his voice. All in all, I loved the team.
What I found to be a pity: Literally, the only thing I find to be a limiting factor for this team is Ren Xianqi’s voice aaaaa TT. It felt like he struggled a bit at times, and compared to other senior singers, his voice doesn’t have as much of a distinctive feel, which I thought was a pity... Some of his uh...moves during some of the performances also felt a bit old-fashioned, but I think I can live with that.  
Favorite performance(s) from them: 
Tian Ya  (the song...the arrangement...the spirit...the LYN’s singing...)
Ai Jiang Shan Geng Ai Mei Ren (mainly because this song is one of my all-time favourites and you cant go wrong with it, but this is not my favorite rendition of it either)
1. Zhou Shen x Li Keqin - Team: Qin Shen Shen
What I really liked about them: EVERYTHING FUCK HAHA. ok so. I started this show with pretty even feelings for all the teams, but if one team really grabbed my heart from ep. 1 onwards and threw it into the fire pit, it’s these two. GOD Can I even talk about them neutrally?? Chemistry-wise...where did they even get all this chemistry? No one knows. On stage, I don’t know if I’ve heard two voices that match as well as theirs when they harmonise before, but if I did, I don’t remember. Zhou Shen’s voice is high and floating like some kind of ethereal mermaid’s, while Li Keqin’s voice is so stable, so warm it’s the perfect match. But the chemistry off-stage?? It’s even more incredible??? If Liu Yuning and Ren Xianqi are like a pair of older and younger brothers, what are Zhou Shen and Li Keqin? No one knows, and certainly not them. All the terms have been thrown in: match made in heaven, perfect match, a couple that separated and had a child (thanks LKQ) but also father and son, ‘someone who likes music’ (what?)....but basically, everyone on the show agrees that their chemistry is uncanny and it’s not stopping them from continuing with whatever they’re doing. This team basically has it all and they know it: Singing skills and technique? they both have it. Passion for singing? They both have it. Perfect chemistry? They have it. Stellar and complementary sense of comedy and humour? They have it. Theatrical smoke as their only visual effect on stage? They have it (jk). Every episode that they’re on, I am laughing and smiling from ears to ears and thanking the heavens that they got paired up. Why are they like this.
What I found to be a pity: The fact that I can’t buy an album from them as a duo? hahaha OK, perhaps just the fact that they stuck mostly with ballads (except for Ye Lang Disco) and so I would have loved to see more sparks from them. But this complaint is also very empty because it’s not like I didn’t thoroughly enjoy every single ballad they sang...haha haha....Ah, one thing I found to be a veeerrrry slight pity is that, as ZS himself says, he’s quite insecure. In contrast, LKQ is quite optimistic, so it makes for a lot of comedic clashes in this respect (annnnd it becomes a thing I like about them again). OK ok one thing is perhaps that ZS’s jokes can be a little bit borderline, but honestly, they receive each others’ jokes so well it becomes part of their charm and chemistry.........I guess I’m biased....ok....I'll shut up
Favorite performance(s) from them:
Tian Xia You Qing Ren / All the Lovers in the World (oh my God oh my God oh my God thank you Zhou Shen for choosing this song)
Ye Lang Disco / Wild Wolf Disco (?) (BECAUSE THIS IS Qin Shen Shen AT THEIR FINEST: ABSOLUTE DORKS WHO SLAY AT PERFORMING. Na Ying mentioned this as the inspiration for her and Xiao Zhan’s disco challenge, and that’s for a GOOD reason.)
Honestly I thought Zhou Hua Jian should be there somewhere, because I am a HUGE fan of Zhou Hua Jian songs, but I did feel like his performances were a bit...slapdash in this show haha. And Yi Qiao seems very nice but most of the time, I didn’t feel her presence as much, and it felt like I was enjoying the performance because no matter what, ZHJ’s voice  is fucking good. I also found it to be a pity that he had to constantly remind the audience about points and voting - in the beginning it was funny, but by the end it felt a little repetitive - and that some of his comments could be a little bit borderline and clumsy. So not in the top 5, but his team’s performance of “Qi Shi Bu Xiang Zou / In truth, I don’t want to leave” did make me cry. A lot.  
Anyways, overall, I rate this show 10 / 10 and would encourage anyone who likes music to watch it! I know many people who watched the show are international Xiao Zhan fans, well, if so, you’ll see a lot of him at least! (and your attention might get snatched by some others if you’re not careful)
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wow i’m updating this relatively soon can y’all believe? i have class in like a minute so i’ll probably only be able to watch one video IF i manage to shut the fuck up and finish it within half an hour so let’s see how this goes
anyway! you can see the previous parts if you want to, or blacklist “malec livewatch” if you are tired of this nonsense
today: episode 13! which i had forgotten existed. what do you mean things happened in s1 after the wedding? sounds fake
hmmm it took youtube a while to load the video so i was just listening to their voices for a while and ngl maryse’s voice is hmmmgggghhhh inspired
like not to b horny for maryse but i’m being horny for maryse. her voice is all velvety and smooth it just makes me [sweating emoji] mamacita, água na boca
she’s literally just ignoring alec like diouahsdiuahdsaiu look i know that in reality this is obviously how she rolls, it’s the same thing she does with izzy, you didn’t please me so you don’t exist, but after her being completely obliterated by alec last time it just looks like she’s a whiny kid singing “lalalala” when their friends try to talk to them like dauhdsiadhai girl ur like 40
“the fact that he’s a guy as you say is the least of my worries” and yet she says the word guy with the ultimate disdain dasdiuahdiaus ok
again we see how slimy robert is like alec turns to him and he’s just like *shrug* like he’s trying to be impartial yet the second maryse starts talking shit about magnus he immediately chimes in to talk shit too like diauhsdiauha he really is out there hiding all his shittiness behind her huh
i had forgotten the “even for a warlock, he’s a bit of a lothario” like what the fuck does that mean??? “all warlocks are sluts” - robert. well good for them mr lightwood????
again alec taking zero shit. “there’s so much you don’t know about him” “well, then i plan on getting to know him. and if you have a problem with that then i suggest you deal with it” inspired. gay rights. he’s so not giving a shit. we stan
seriously how do people write this guy as some helpless uwu boy who’s terrified of his parents and needs guidance to know what he wants lmao he’s saying that to his abusers completely straight-faced have yall watched the same show as i did
“what she did...” “saved my life” OOF
maryse’s face of pure anger and defeat lmao we stan. alec really said “i’m going to end the dynamics of abuse that has been put on me for 22 years in less than half an hour” and then he did that
magnus looking perfect as always ugh finally the content i come to youtube dot com for
the way he’s pacing all nervous i’m just aaaa and then he sees alec and just lights up but he’s also all suave immediately clearly trying to hide his nervousness and not come off too strong andf i just ui lojust love thninm
“on a scale of one to ten, how unpleasant was it?” “off the charts” daiohdsaudhaiuhsad this is such an amazing dialogue i just... i really love the way they talk to each other??? they really have chemistry and they’re being so honest with each other yet so casual and it’s just... fun, you know? like you can see why they like each other even in those small almost small-talkey moments. alec never speaks like that to anyone else, not even izzy, in s1, but here he completely allows himself to just say what he feels and laugh about it and it’s just so good and nice??? i love they
“i’ve never seen her so angry” and the way magnus immediately reaches out to him and goes “just give her some time” and he looks so scared and desperate like he’s CLEARLY afraid that alec will regret it and he has no idea what to expect. so far alec has always been backing down at the last minute and he’s come to expect it, they’ve clearly already gone way further than usual now so WHEN is the other shoe going to drop? he doesn’t know alec well enough to know that now that he’s committed there’s nothing that could stop him, and he’s just waiting for rejection, to hear that alec regrets it and i just aaaaaaa
magnus’ EYES when he says “we owe her” the fucking RELIEF and happiness and HOPE and FEAR like shut the fuck up how can a single soul say that mr harry shum jr is not the absolute best actor that has ever graced their computer screen. fuck this he’s so talented i’m going to CRY just because he has eyes
“eyes are able to express every emotion” actually just statistical error. mr harry shum jr, who’s able to express 500% more emotions than humans are able to feel, is an outlier and should not have been counted
“maybe we can slow things down” aaaaaaaaaaaaa i’m going to cry he’s really so fucking scared that he’s going to come off too strong again and that alec will resent him
everyone keeps interrupting them when the date comes up fuck u lydia for being passed out u homophobe (that’s a joke i’m joking)
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uniformbravo · 4 years
a bunch of winter 2020 anime first impressions from Me
Koisuru Asteroid / Asteroid In Love
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ok ive already professed my love for this one so i wont get too much into it but basically it’s Extremely cute & im way invested in the two (HOPEFULLY romantic) leads bc their relationship is so sweet so far aaaaaaa
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like do u SEE this shit im actually tearing up hgnfhrognfghdjfnjg
this show is Pretty and Cute and Space-Themed and Probably Gay what more do u Need. i love it 10/10
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Keep Your Hands Off Eizouken!
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so fucken good, this is the one i was most excited for based purely on the art style/animation and god did it deliver, everything is such a treat to look at i fuckin LOVE a setting w/ just as much personality as the characters
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and My Goodness the Characters, 3 distinct girls w/ strong designs & personalities that aren’t like super moe/catered to cishet dudes heLLO
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we Love a gremlin protag & her chaotic neutral best friend & the “fuck you dad i want to make anime” dreamer they meet........
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also HELL YEAH it’s about making anime and they don’t even use that as a gimmicky set piece, the art is a huge part of the story and the detail with which it’s explored in the first ep gives me high hopes for the rest of the show aaaaa so excited to see where this one goes after that BANGER of a first episode
Jibaku Shounen Hanako-kun
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switching gears to a less great one lol..... so the thing is this show’s visual aesthetic absolutely fucking slaps in a way that’s so rare to see in a sea of samey anime art styles, like the character designs are unique and everything is so damn colorful, the backgrounds alone blow me away w/ how fuckin Pretty they are??? LOOK at this shit
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and just. this show has a lot of stylistic flourishes that make it like 100/100 Certified Good-To-Look-At Anime
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which makes every other aspect of the show that much more disappointing lmaoooo like ok i can deal w/ a mediocre story if the visuals slap, which they Do, but also these characters look 10 & we’re doing the whole sexualizing minors thing which fucking BLOWS it’s so uncomfortable to watch........... i feel like it’s one of those things where they’re trying to justify it by being like “o well hanako’s like a thousand year old spirit or whatever so he’s not REALLY underage” but fuckin. fuck off he looks and sounds like a Young Boy yall know what ur doing ugh
it’s not a thing that happens Constantly throughout the episode, really just a few moments here and there, but it is in the op pretty prominently so i feel like it’s gonna be a Thing that keeps happening so idk if i’ll stick w/ this one in particular which is a Damn Shame bc it really is such a gorgeous looking show im mad
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ok ngl just from the character designs alone i rly didn’t think this one was gonna make as good a first impression as it did??? i guess the huge ensemble cast of pretty boys reminded me of last season’s actors: songs connection, which uh. was Not great,
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so i went into it totally expecting it to be all shitty but it rly surprised me, i found it so intriguing? the characters are actually really endearing so far...... i love how it doesn’t try to shove the entire cast in our faces in the v first ep but instead starts out w/ a small handful and lets us spend a lil time w/ them while only giving assorted Hints and passing impressions of the others, that was nice
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also love how very not “generic sports anime” it is right off the bat by dropping us right into the middle of these characters’ story instead of doing the whole “bright-eyed first year joins the team and fights his way to the top” sorta deal- which you’d think would be a confusing and awkwardly paced approach but in this case is handled surprisingly well, especially because it seems like it’s gonna have a lot more elements of a character drama than a straight up classic sports anime (which i am Super here for)
(there is a lot of rugby in the op though so we’ll see how things go, it’s only been 1 ep after all)
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the air drop into the characters’ established lives makes introductions a lot more organic as well; since the characters are already familiar with each other we don’t have to sit around watching everyone introduce themselves to the protag, we get to infer their relationships and general opinions of each other through their various interactions & it’s a thousand times more engaging imo!!
i mean we do have this other first year joining as a manager and our protag did deliberately say he learned everyone’s names/info after deciding to become a manager so im sure we’ll be getting those character introductions anyway, but well. we’ll cross that bridge if/when we come to it
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also i believe this takes place in college rather than high school?? i couldn’t pay attention to every detail but i definitely got that kind of vibe in which case Hell Yeah another welcome deviation from the norm babeeyyyy (i just checked and it Is college yeehaw)
basically what im saying is im tired of tropes & number24 just no clipped past the first 25 chapters of the sports anime formula and also it’s set in university AND it seems to be character-driven & im living thanks thank u
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ok ill be honest i completely forgot that i watched this one lmaooo (which should give u a hint as to what i thought of it *thinking emoji*)
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the art style’s whatever and the animation’s whatever, nothing special there. the show is like, dark?? more stupid than dark idk it feels a little bit “welcome to my twisted mind” but the twist is homophobia w/ a mild side of ableism, and also an entire episode of suspense wondering if im gonna have to watch this black side character die (he doesn’t, so there’s that at least)
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honestly i cant even remember what drew me to this show enough to put it in my plan to watch, i guess the premise sounded interesting enough (something about controlling minds and erasing memories?), but mature psychological shows usually aren’t really my scene, especially when they’re executed.... Like That. i did kind of enjoy the twist at the end, mildly, though i feel like it was pretty obvious in hindsight and the only reason i didn’t see it coming is bc i can be astoundingly shortsighted when it comes to things like that (aka im DUMB)
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since it took until the very end of the episode to Really introduce our dynamic duo tho, i feel like this ep was more of a prologue than anything and the Real show is gonna begin in ep 2, which is great n all but uh. idk if i care enough to give that a watch tbhhhh. i might just to see what the show has to offer but really truly honestly cant see myself sticking this one thru to the end lmao rip
hate to end on a bummer note like that but hey that’s all i got for this post ! i have more shit to watch so i’ll probably end up making like a part 2 w/ more impressions but this is getting long enough that it’s becoming kind of a pain to keep adding more so thats it for now boiyoeiyeoii
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exemplarum · 5 years
// @highordinal is an amazing person - such a sweetheart OOC, and such a lovely, wonderful friend. She has such a wonderful variety of muses - all of whom are so masterfully written. She puts so much attention to the details of each muse, too, paying attention to the things that truly make each of them unique, and this always make it such a pleasure to write with her. 
I love her Kayn’s relationship with Jarvan - the backstory we wrote together was just... so adorable, and I’m always so excited to see notes from you on this blog, because I know every time that it’ll be something wonderful and interesting. I love how I really can’t put my finger on the one moment when it became clear they were in love with one another, because they always were in love - that definition simply changed from a platonic to a romantic one. 
I love to see Kayn growing comfortable with calling Jarvan pet names, and learning to handle the kids. I love to see Jarvan grow into a better, more confident, person who is overcoming his self-doubt and the things which held him back when he was younger so he can be in a healthy, honest, and most importantly - loving - relationship. 
I love your Shen so much, too. He’s such a sweetheart. Just... such a sweet boy who doesn’t deserve all the things that life has thrown at him. I particularly loved that drabble you recently posted about his sword - it is attention to details like this that make me admire you so much, and which inspire me to become a better writer, myself, and remind me to always pay attention to the smaller things about my muses that I might forget to think or post about. 
Shen and ES Talon’s relationship is honestly so good and so pure, too??? I love how Shen was just so sweet to him, and ES just eventually... Slowly realised that he should maybe be nice to the hooman in turn. I love how they fit together so well, with their love of the arts, and more traditional aesthetics, and... Gosh, they’re adorable and so lovely. 
I adore all of your Ezreals. Yes, all of them! I mean, if we’re being honest, I just love that dumb asshole in general, lmao. 
I can’t believe that I found you again after so long??? I adored writing Talon with your SG Ezreal way back in the day and being able to pick it up with you again has honestly been so fun. I love to see how they tease and how their dynamic has changed over time, too - from Talon threatening SG, to Talon befriending Yuuto (and hopefully, eventually SG, too!) They’re honestly so cute, haha. 
Your SG Ezreal is such a lovely muse. He’s kind of cocky, and kind of an ass, but he also does nice things for people, and I honestly, that’s the kind of depth of character that I really love to see. It’s present in all your muses, if one has to be totally honest, but I think most obvious in SG and Kayn. ANYWAY. He’s such an ass, but I love him nonetheless. 
Speaking of love. I adore your Heartseeker Ezreal so much. He’s such a cutie, such a sweetheart, and honestly, he deserves better than to be toyed with by ES. He’s so wholesome and pure and oh my god he’s so adorable??? Honestly, 12/10 would cuddle him and/or wrap him up in a blanket and feed him candy. He’s so... such an adorable muse and I love him so much. 
His and ES’s dynamic is interesting, and I really do hope he can help ES realise he’s kind of a butt and become a better person (more so out of concern for HS than anything else, if I am to be honest!). As for his relationship with Talon - gosh, he’s so adorable, and I think Talon would come to think so too, eventually (he’s kind of stuck on being an ass rn, unfortunately). But either way, I just... gosh, I’m so weak for HS. 
Okay, last but not least, Nottingham Ezreal Jarro Lightfeather. I love how you combined canon/base Ezreal and the aesthetics of Nottingham into such a wonderfully interesting and well-characterised muse. He’s (also) such an ass, but he’s also vulnerable, and I love how he adores to learn so much??? He’s so cute, and Jarvan certainly thinks so too. 
His relationship with Jarvan honestly is so sweet too! They’re both academically motivated; always wanting to learn more about history, and it’s really cute to write them doing that. I also love how he teases Jarvan for knowing just... random things, haha. Aaaaa they’re honestly so sweet and adorable together, I adore it so much. 
TL;DR: Frost is a wonderful, sweet bean with an amazing variety of muses. Each of them are unique and well written, and have such lovely and wonderful relationships with my muses. So much so that I love to gush about them. Please go and give her some love because she honestly is so deserving of it. All my love and hugs to you my dear. <3333
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fluidsf · 4 years
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Polar Visions Amplitude reviewing -
Sissy Spacek - Featureless Thermal Equilibrium
Released on September 4, 2020 by Helicopter
Reviewed format: CD album
Connected listening - there are various ways to order a selection of Sissy Spacek’s further discography. The Helicopter mail-order stocks various Sissy Spacek releases and solo works by John Wiese and associates, you can find it here: https://helicopter.storenvy.com/collections/924915-sissy-spacek
Sissy Spacek’s releases on both physical and digital format are also available from their Bandcamp page here: https://sissyspacek.bandcamp.com/music
For an overview of Charlie Mumma’s solo releases as well as the releases he’s featured on as part of various bands, you can check out Discogs here: https://www.discogs.com/artist/1491175-Charlie-Mumma
In a similar manner, Jay Randall’s solo and band releases can be found on Discogs here: https://www.discogs.com/artist/393304-Jay-Randall
Several solo releases by John Wiese are available on physical and digital format from his Bandcamp page here: https://johnwiese.bandcamp.com
As I mentioned in the previous Polar Visions Amplitude review on this blog, 2020 has proven to be quite a fruitful year for both new Noise releases as well as reissues of classic Harsh Noise albums, mentioning the recent Helicopter / Troniks batch of CD releases and today we’re going to start diving into these with a review of one of the most recent Sissy Spacek albums, Featureless Thermal Equilibrium. Sissy Spacek is a John Wiese formed band which as being one of his most well-known projects not only carries a very prolific discography of a big number of albums, EPs, singles and many miscellaneous releases but is also an ever-changing line-up of extreme music artists and performers from various directions of experimental and contemporary music. This makes Sissy Spacek a rather versatile band with the kind of music / Noise you’re going to get on every release being quite unpredictable at times as this could vary from monolithic Harsh Noise to gritty Noise filled Grindcore to free-wheeling electro-acoustic cut-ups of instrumental and vocal recordings created by John Wiese. On Featureless Thermal Equilibrium we get to listen to Sissy Spacek as a raw power filled anarchist Grindcore unit which is continually blasted through with screechy Noise courtesy of John. Sissy Spacek’s core of John Wiese’s streams of Noise (and vocals in this case too) and Charlie Mumma’s fiery thunderous drums and vocals is strengthened here with Jay Randall (of Agoraphobic Nosebleed and various other terror-filled extreme Grindcore and Harsh Noise themed projects) providing particularly aggressive and appropriately screechy screamed vocals to the general energy-filled chaos that is this 24-minute new album. The album is one hell of a ride of dissonant murky noisy sonic energy that blends John Wiese’s screechy layers of Noise with surprisingly crisp sounding vocals and drums which in the case of this album still have quite a dynamic and roomy sound to them, creating some kind of balance in what in other cases could end up being more of a wall of Noise with all elements blending into eachother. Before we dive into this speedy album, it’s good to mention the neat looking presentation of Featureless Thermal Equilibrium, designed by John Wiese. The CD version of the album comes in a sturdy thick 6 panel digipak featuring some great minimalist artwork. The cover artwork is quite striking with its eerie grainy image of a face (which looks familiar but I can’t quite place where I saw it before) with the name of the band and album title set in some quite classy looking serif type. It has quite the classic LP sleeve look to it which purely based on the cover could suggest that the music contained within would be more like Hard Rock or Metal but its grittiness does express the actual music rather well. Other than the cover artwork the imagery on the digipak and CD face feature mostly grainy undefined composed textures that do very well carry that visualised Noise look that best expresses the crumbling shapes of texture that Noise can often conjure up in your mind when you dive into it and start to notice its many subtle variations. John Wiese’s signature type-writer style typography is looking great on the album’s digipak as always with the spine featuring the more recognisable all-caps Sissy Spacek “logo” with wide spacing and while the extra dirt John applies to the letters to make them look more degraded (again matching the music) can make some text a bit harder to read, especially in the credits listed on the back of the digipak, the design looks excellent and adds to the experience of the album’s raw power in visual form. Besides the artwork itself looking great, I also want to point out that the artwork is also printed in very cool looking silvery metallic ink making all art reflect and shine in a subtle manner, giving it some premium edge and the attention to detail that I appreciate a lot in the design of music releases even when it’s extreme music which often carries a much rougher, dirtier and at times lo-fi edge to it which might make it seems like premium artwork isn’t fitting its aesthetic that much. Now that we’ve looked over the presentation of Featureless Thermal Equilibrium, let’s dig into the album itself.
Just like what I found to be often the case with Grindcore or Grindcore related albums, Featureless Thermal Equilibrium is best to be listened in one go as being one long track as the 13 listed tracks are actually split up into at least 40 separate tracks especially about half-way into the album. It’s pretty much blast after blast after blast of raw and particularly rough power rooted in almost absolute dissonant chaos that with its relentless energy over so many blasts becomes an exhaustive but especially thrilling 24 minute ride that keeps the group on point throughout and proved to me that length doesn’t matter that much with this kind of album as it’s better not to let the band burn out after its first half but keeps things as consistent as Sissy Spacek are here. Amusingly the track titles (Fffff Eeeee, Aaaaa Ttttt, Uuu Rrr Eee) directly seem to reference the choppy nature of the blasts as well as spell out the album title, pointing out how Sissy Spacek themselves also point out that the album is like a continuous 24 minute recording rather than a collection of tracks recorded over several weeks or months (this is also confirmed on the back of the digipak as this album was recorded in a single day). Whilst this album is really best enjoyed by rocking out wildly to the energy blasts the band provides to let it all out, listening to this album on headphones does reveal some nice shifts in the separate layers that make up the bands sound on this album. Let’s start with the Grindcore layers of vocals and drums. The vocals are made up of these murky groaning lava like rumbling screeches with the “lead vocal” (most likely Jay Randall) driving the tracks themselves with rough gravel like screechy grumbling in words that are mostly quite indiscernible though you could guess mostly along the lines of “you motherfuckers” and related aggressive words thrown at us, as I heard. The lead vocals vary in intensity throughout with the shorter blasts being moments when the grumble layers take over at times with the lead vocals quickly returning with further bursts of grit but what I generally noticed from the album as a whole is that they form a bit of a circular pattern, starting off intense, falling a bit in intensity in the middle until rising again the most right at the end of the final track, Equilibrium as being a final screechy Harsh Noise finale to burn up the last remaining drops of fuel into a sparkling explosion. The drums in the pieces are somewhat between rumbling bass layer and an almost Free Improvisation like acoustic edge to the tracks, varying from blast-beats to many different often cymbal filled fills. The first few tracks showcase Charlie Mumma’s tumbling but tight drum performances with some surprisingly clean sounding tom tom and aforementioned hi-hat fills that also literally fill in most of the stereo field within the mostly centred noise and vocals that have a rougher more mono sound to them. The short blasts obviously mostly feature very fast blast-beats but after the lengthy sections of short blasts Charlie returns to the more free-flowing mixture of slower blast-beats and drum fills at the end of the album, but definitely blasting away at the finale of the last track however. The noise layer within the pieces never changes that dramatically, being quite like a gritty hazy mass of extra lava that drives the sonic mayhem forward however it’s noticeable that it does shift from screechy, mid / high frequency focussed sharp lines of Noise to lower rumbling streams during the short blasts until reaching a critical state at the finale of the last track. Interesting to notice is how most of the time the sources of the Noise are pretty hard to discern but within the first few tracks a few notes and even bass tones can still be heard throughout the continuous streaming screeching, giving away how the Noise within is created on this album. In the end I can say that Featureless Thermal Equilibrium showcases Sissy Spacek’s strengths especially in its focussed thunderous dissonant energy and excellent interplay between the performers but also does offer some rewarding subtle variations within the screeching streams of manic gritty sound which make for an enjoyable listen on the performance level too. This is another entry within the ever-growing Sissy Spacek discography of ever-inspired sonic freedom and anarchy, a recommended listen for fans of Grindcore, Noise and Sissy Spacek’s other (noisy) albums and with awarding this album a Polar Visions Amplitude of 90 dB I do recommend this album very strongly.
Featureless Thermal Equilibrium is available on CD and as a download from the Helicopter Bandcamp page here: https://helicopter.bandcamp.com/album/featureless-thermal-equilibrium
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giantchasm · 6 years
Send me a fandom and I’ll tell you… 
Character I first fell in love with: Veronica… Veronica… VERONICCCCAAAA. How could it not be her? She’s the very first character you meet, and she’s charming, cute, and funny right off the bat. A very good girl! She’s so brave and fucking blue.Character I never expected to love as much as I do now: Jackass Dinglenuts. Juggalo Draincleaner. Jurassic Disestablishmentarianism. Jimbles Dontronbo. Justifiable Divorce. At first I like. Was legitimately forcing myself to not let myself like his character? But you know what fuck that noise. I’m allowed to like a character who’s a piece of shit as long as I admit he’s a piece of shit!Character everyone loves but I don’t: I know I just said I “never expected to love him as much as I do” but JD again. People love him for all the wrong reasons. People romanticize his toxic as hell actions and his abusive relationship because “Uuuu Christian Slater hot” and “Aaaaa I Am Damaged is so sad!”. He’s. He’s supposed to be the exact DEFINITION of like. The highschool antichrist. Guys. Guys. We’re not supposed to like him. He’s a creep and a sleazeball. We’re not supposed to like the nasty, sick, vengeful, and cruel man he became. We’re supposed to feel bad he became that way, but we are NOT supposed to like the person he is.Character I love but everyone else hates: Heather Duke. Dammit guys. She’s just a teenager. People give her so much shit for what went down with Heather McNamara. But first things first: Shine A Light Reprise was not actually her singing ya dumbshits. It was Heather hallucinating! It’s! A! Metaphor! And yeah Duke is a JACKASS but everyone in Heathers is. I see so many people saying she should have died but what the hell you guys. A HUGE point in Heathers is “HEY HIGH SCHOOLERS SUCK AND PEOPLE ARE CRUEL BUT THEY DONT DESERVE TO DIE YOU TWATS”Plus like let’s pretend for ONE (1) minute she DID know McNamara was gonna attempt, and even that she DID sing Shine A Light Reprise legitimately. Abhorable! Disgusting! Morally repulsive! But… Nearly getting one person to kill themselves, while absolutely messed up, is still not as bad as actually killing three people and framing it as a suicide. Then emotionally abusing your girlfriend and trying to bomb the school. Yet ya’ll still kiss up to JD’s overzealous, oversized, emo ass. Stfu for like ten seconds and realize how hypocritical you’re being you sexist weirdos.  🐸☕️Character I used to love but don’t any longer: Jokes on you I love them all.Character I would kiss: Veronica. I guess. Lil smooch on the cheek! I’d also gladly kiss McNamara’s hand if she’d let me. Cutie…Character I want to slap: Jason Dean. PEOPLE DIE WHEN THEY ARE KILLED ASSHOLE. Also the Jocks. Drink your respecting women juice before I fucking castrate you.A pairing I love: McNamawyer,,, Good. I also have a real soft spot rarepair for Chandlmara… Idk man. You never see Chandler being MEAN to Mac. That’s. That’s enough to give me the indication she cared. Because that bitch is mean to EVERYONE. Give… Give me McNamara losing her shit over Chandler’s death and breaking down and sobbing (And then fucking a ghost? Let her fuck a ghost)A pairing I hate: Romanticized or “pure” JDronica. Guys. Guys. When it’s “pure” it’s not JDronica anymore. It’s erasing the entire dynamic of them and their character and their toxic-ass relationship. That’s not Veronica and JD. That’s Veronica and JD’s identical twin who has a goddamn soul. Like JDronica both as a ship and as an aspect of the plot are so interesting BECAUSE it’s so messed up. They see each other in such different ways. Veronica wants someone to protect her. And the part of her that sees an inherent good in everyone wants to naively “save” the bad boy. Meanwhile JD… Unpopular opinion here: But he didn’t really love Veronica for Veronica. He loved her because she loved him. Nothing more. Nothing less. He’s never been LOVED before. It spirals into an obsession and it’s not healthy. That, combined with how unstable he is makes the whole thing super dangerous. It ends up with JD dead and Veronica traumatized. It ends with three murders, two suicide attempts, a faked suicide, and a terrorist threat.It’s. It’s not #Relationship Goals. If. If you wanna have sex with young Christian Slater, just ADMIT you wanna have sex with young Christian Slater. If you think Ryan’s voice sounds like honey, then just ADMIT his voice sounds like honey. If. If your own relationship reminds you of JDronica, then please, please reevaluate it. I’m legitimately begging you. JDronica as a ship and part of the story and part of their LIVES is so fascinating. But it needs to be done in a certain way.
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comicteaparty · 5 years
August 19th-August 25th, 2019 CTP Archive
The archive for the Comic Tea Party week long chat that occurred from August 19th, 2019 to August 25th, 2019.  The chat focused on Rainy Day Dreams by Mariah Currey. 
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COMIC TEA PARTY- WEEK LONG BOOK CLUB START! Hello and welcome everyone to Comic Tea Party’s Week Long Book Club~! This week we’ll be focusing on Rainy Day Dreams by Mariah Currey~! (http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/)
You are free to read and comment about the comic all week at your own pace, so stop on by whenever it suits your schedule! Remember, though, that while we allow constructive criticism, our focus is to have fun and appreciate the comic. Below you will find four questions to get you started on the discussion. However, a new question will be posted and pinned everyday (between 12:01AM and 6AM PDT), so keep checking back for more! You have until August 25th to tell us all your wonderful thoughts! With that established, let’s get going on the reading and the chatting!
QUESTION 1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it?
QUESTION 2. What wish do you think Tristin wanted to make with the orb? Similarly, what do you think Tristin’s backstory is in general? Lastly, what do you think the orb actually is given it’s considered a high crime to try and take it?
1. My favorite scene... Honestly? Probably when young Mara realized how to actually control her power for her own defense. Just... Let it roll off ya... http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/comic/page-454/ 2. Honestly. I think she was honestly thinking it would help get her home, and was gonna use that wish to open a portal back. I dunno how she got lost in this world, but aaaaa. Oh well. The orb probably has some very powerful properties - maybe it can fudge with reality somehow? Or it keeps reality stable in the area it's in? I dunno that it ultimately matters too much though.
QUESTION 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor?
QUESTION 4. What sordid things do you think Michael was involved with in his past, and why did he choose to turn a new leaf now? Also, do you believe that Michael will eventually tell Tristin he’s a vampire? If so, how will that conversation go?
1) My favorite scene is probably the one where Tristin, after sneaking out to get gifts for Mara, bumps into Mara. http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/comic/page-330/ I just found it to be an immenseoly touching scene since Mara doesn't get mad, she just gives Tristin a hug. Meanwhile, Tristin grew as a character and actually acknowledged a lot of faults. And the way Tristin worried really was presented in such an identifiable way that I super related, so honestly, it kind of made me feel better about some anxieties I generally have since everything worked out fine. 2) Honestly I kind of feel it was for something serious. Like Tristin wants to bring someone back to life. Wish her family out of debt cause someone is sick and dying and all the medical bills are killing them. Cause I definitely get the impression that despite Tristin's general go-lucky attitude, there's some serious secrets being kept in the closet that when they come out, Tristin will try to laugh and brush them off as no big deal (even though they're a big deal). Meanwhile, I bet the orb basically follows genie logic. In that you have to be damn specific with your wish or else whoops, you undid the fabric of reality cause you couldnt work things good.
Oh, that was an enjoyable scene too, Rebel! Tristin is kind of an anxious mess, and this world hasn't been real kind to her, either...
3. I think my favorite character is probably Aldus, honestly. Aldus is a cinnamon roll. Too good, too pure for this world. Made a mistake, but was happy to at least own up to it. 4. ....AHAHAHAHA I think Tristin finding out he's a vampire is inevitable. I think she's probably going to not... be too into that... Unless she gets her hands on a copy of any book which features hawt vampire boys and ANGST. And then that'll just... that'll be a thing, I'm sure. I think Michael's past is another story though. There's probably a trail of bodies to help illustrate the point...
mariah currey
Aldus is such a good boy~ TuT Also, I'm just here lurking and enjoying your responses (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Heya~ And yes, Aldus is kind of the best, I think. Mara's a close second, but... Aldus is such a precious boy. :3
I've only gotten through the first 14 chapters but I'm loving the comic so far! My favorite scene was actually the tall tales from chapter 6. I love seeing cute little slice-of-life interactions like that between main characters - it really fills their personalities out! My favorite character is Mara. She's just so cool, and I love how she's transitioned from this mysterious aloof figure into being a parental/sibling figure for Tristin.
1. What has been your favorite scene in the comic so far? What specifically did you like about it? Favorite scene so far has been the Academy Trio's training/mission montage. The why; I love Mara and Aldus' friendship, but adding in Desmond really hit me good. Friendship is my jam. 2. What wish do you think Tristin wanted to make with the orb? Similarly, what do you think Tristin’s backstory is in general? Lastly, what do you think the orb actually is given it’s considered a high crime to try and take it? At this point I haven't really considered Tristin's backstory actually. It's weird but I like taking Tristin for what she is here and now, and not thinking about her past. 3. At the moment, who is your favorite character? What about that character earns them this favor? Mara, hands down. At first it was Michael- but the academy stuff sent Mara to the top of the list hardcore. Her growth in her past is amazing, but thinking about her at the start of the story in juxtaposition is really interesting. You get to see layering of character developments for her. It feels much more real as believable person. 4. What sordid things do you think Michael was involved with in his past, and why did he choose to turn a new leaf now? Also, do you believe that Michael will eventually tell Tristin he’s a vampire? If so, how will that conversation go? Sordid things? I have no question Michael is a tortured soul with actually no guilt. He may have been mildly involved in Tabitha's stuff in that he was forced to do things against his will. But no way did that soft boy do bad things with joy, I figure he left because she finally pushes him too far. As for Tristin, I think Tristin will approach him but I don't think he will hide it at this point. He's trying to open himself, he wants to be apart of the group, but Michael is just too much of an emo kid to let things go.(edited)
mariah currey
It's only mild spoilers, but the next chapter is gonna be all about Michael's secrets spilling out all over the place. I'm so excited to finally be getting to it
I can't wait to see how wrong I am lol
QUESTION 5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far? What specifically about it do you like?
QUESTION 6. What do you think happened to Desmond, who Mara cared about deeply? Is he alive somewhere, or is he dead? If alive, why hasn’t he returned? If dead, what do you think exactly caused him to die?
3) My favorite character is actually probably Tristin. I kind of feel like Tristin is the underdog of the story who is just expected to be happy, go-lucky, and kind of irresponsible. And while that's probably true, I also think she's the glue that holds the family together since Mara and Michael both have a penchant to take care of her and both seem to care most about what she thinks. 4) Michael probably, ya know, did the typical vampire stuff. Murdered some people, drank some blood, punched someone in the face for looking at him funny. Think like a super angsty rebellious teen. As for why a new leaf? Honestly, I think he just grew up and grew out of it and decide it was boring and not getting him anywhere. And as for him telling Tristin he's a vampire, yes. I feel that's inevitable. I'm actually kind of expecting a twist here. Like Tristin is like "wait youre a vampire? that was the secret? seriously?" and just overall sees it as no big deal since Michael hasn't eaten her. I think there'll be some awkwardness, but I think it'll be harder on Michael than Tristin. Tristin seems more the type to be anxious just from the idea of secrets as opposed to concerned about the secrets themselves.
QUESTION 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most? What about their dynamic interests you?
QUESTION 8. What was your reaction to Mara’s bullying situation at school, and/or what did you identify with most about it? What is a message we can take away regarding bullying given what happened to Mara?
5) Definitely the bottom panel from here http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/comic/page-250/. I love the touch of color added here cause it makes the wall picture seem more ethereal since nothing else uses that much color. I also love the angle cause it gives it this sense of grandeur that really makes you kind of feel how others probably feel seeing the pic. 6) I'm gonna be optimistic and assume Desmond isn't dead and has instead been trapped somewhere. Like in some other world and can't get a portal home or something like that. So while Desmond wants to return, he can't. Only I hope it doesn't turn into one of those things where Desmond can only come back by trading places with Tristin, forcing Mara to maake the most impossible of impossible choices.
@RebelVampire What if Desmond got trapped on Earth, in the same way Tristin is trapped here? And some nice family took him in! Anyway, I'm finally caught up! For number 8 - thankfully I don't identify with it much, but the feeling of literally everyone being against you is pretty universal regardless of the specific type of bullying. As for lessons - the big takeaway in my mind is that if you see a victim, try to talk to them. Even if you're not able to stop the bullying, a friend is a valuable thing to be.(edited)
@snuffysam Wait didn't Tristin mention a brother? What if the plot twist is that it's an adopted brother and it was Desmond the whole time.
Whimsy Machine
1) Favorite Scene? I'm going to second the training montage scene with Mara, Aldus, and Desmond. It's a great upswing from how hard things started out, still has a lot of struggling together, and feels like it could be a high fantasy adventure story. 2) The Orb? Full disclosure: I'm privy to spoilers, so I'll skip the speculation questions.
3) Favorite Character? I have a running joke that Tabitha is my favorite character and she's misunderstood, but she is just a very bad baby. I really like the weird side characters, like Kadri, Kiara, Freya; the tenants; the shopkeeps in town; I think they do a lot to really round out how strange The Nameless World is. But of course I love the main trio. And Romeo. I just love them all. 4) Michael's a Vampire? I really like the tension between Michael and Tristin. They're very good foils for each other and the undertone of dangerous secrets is a good balance to the swooning Tristin and like when Michael gets cocky and smug because he thinks he's in control.
Whimsy Machine
5) Favorite Illustration? It's an older one, but I really love what pages 33-34 represent: http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/comic/page-33-and-34/. As a contrast to the first time Tristin looks out at the auction house and sees all the monsters, she gets to explore a safer, more contained area on something closer to her own terms. She gets to see first hand that things are actually weird and often scary in this world. We also get to see that Mara already has an apparent history of collecting misfits. 6) Is Desmond Okay? ....I'm sure he's fiiiine.
Whimsy Machine
7) Favorite Interactions? Tristin interacting with everyone and the world has been fun to see. It feels like she goes in steps of wildly overconfident, humbled by the reality of the situation, emboldened by experience, and then wildly overconfident again... Seeing Mara's interactions with peers in her past versus now is a super cool comparison, especially since we see Mara and Aldus talking as adults first, then we get a new context with all their backstory. 8) Mara's Bullying? This is a difficult but, I think, very important chapter. Silent bystanders in situations of bullying have so much power to intervene. We find out later that many of the students didn't agree with Saava and what he was saying and doing, but their inaction positions them as complicit in both Saava and Mara's eyes. Since they were quiet, it was up to Mara to have an enormous amount of strength to fight the bullies, the system, the whole culture around it. It could've been so much easier for her if she had gotten that support—or even if the bystanders had not gone along with Saava—before the breaking point.
QUESTION 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention?
QUESTION 10. Who exactly do you think Astrid was, and how do you think she managed to amass so many followers to her cause to the point of causing a war? Why are followers of her resurfacing now of all times?
7) The characters I enjoy seeing interact the most are probably Tristin and Mara. They're both very different from each other, while at the same time wanting to do right by each other. While at the same time not really revealing much about each other (at least until recently). And it's such a contrasting yet cohesive relationship that it's endearing to see them together making their situation work. 8) My reaction to Mara being bullied was actually one of surprise. Given how well-respected we see Mara is now, you wouldn't imagine she would be the sort of person to be bullied. Like she doesn't even remotely fit the stereotype for person you'd expect to be bullied. But I think that's a good thing as well, since I think that's a good message to take away from the comic. A good lot of people have experienced bullying at some point in their life, even the people you don't think would be bullied. So it's good to be kind and respectful and not automatically assume someone had a perfect life just cause they don't fit what is usually shown for bullying situations.
9) The use of different outfits. It is always refreshing to see instances where its noticeable that the characters are changing outfits a lot. Makes it feel like they're actually living their life and that clothing is a survival thing that needs to be addressed. 10) I think Astrid was probably someone like Tristin maybe. Wanted the orb, whoops got trapped, but then someone took pity on her. As for how she amassed so many followers, I assume generally what politicians do: lots of grandiose speeches saying, "I can fix everything." Cause while Mara may seem to have a high opinion of her world and think it's not that bad, I think at least vampires would beg to differ since they seem pretty looked down on. And we also saw Mara's school situation so, ya know, I think it's less rosey than she makes it out. As for why the followers are resurfacing, who knows. Maybe they got new info, or maybe they were just bored and needed something to do after the 100th game of go fish.
QUESTION 11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths? What do you think makes this comic unique? Please elaborate.
QUESTION 12. Why do you think Mara tried to obscure herself so drastically after the war that she was apparently a hero in? Do you think Mara will be able to solve the mystery of the thefts, or do you think she’ll struggle from being out of practice?
5. What has been your favorite illustration in the comic so far?  What specifically about it do you like? http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/comic/page-281/ I really like how it's pulled back in after we see it at the party. But also just a very good illustration. There's a lot of good art in here, I love the chapter covers and in-between arts too. 6. What do you think happened to Desmond, who Mara cared about deeply?  Is he alive somewhere, or is he dead?  If alive, why hasn’t he returned?  If dead, what do you think exactly caused him to die? DESMOND- dear sweet Desmond, what a whirlwind. Hate, love, gone. I get the feeling he isn't dead, but won't return. Something mystical and magical is a foot. 7. Which characters do you enjoy seeing interact the most?  What about their dynamic interests you? This is a very tough question, I think I like the starting trio in the form of "The adults are talking." Tristin's interjections cut the serious time conversations between Mara and Micheal that I just eat up too hard.(edited)
8. What was your reaction to Mara’s bullying situation at school, and/or what did you identify with most about it?  What is a message we can take away regarding bullying given what happened to Mara? I felt it hit home, not in the exact same way though. Just in that it was hard to be around people because they weren't in it for me. I never really felt like I had a core set of friends until later in school, much like Mara finally becoming buds with Aldus and Desmond. Message would be something along the lines of "Learn to be okay with/by yourself." 9. What sorts of art or story details have you noticed in the way the comic is crafted that you think deserves attention? Lots of good threads and opens ends to keep you wondering if/when they will reappear. The artist isn't afraid to just draw it out. What I mean is, I see a lot of comics having a hard time with nondynamic images, and Mariah just goes for it. If they want this shot to happen, it's gunna happen. 10. Who exactly do you think Astrid was, and how do you think she managed to amass so many followers to her cause to the point of causing a war?  Why are followers of her resurfacing now of all times? Astrid I feel, is going to be a relatable villian, one with a cause we find out is very sympathetic to the reader. The resurfacing is probably because she's not actually gone- I have a feeling she is embedded somewhere, like maybe a stuffed bear or something? '(edited)
11. What do you think are this particular comic’s strengths?  What do you think makes this comic unique?  Please elaborate. It's unapologetic. This comic does what it wants, goofy moments? Check. Love stuff? Check. Action? Check. Slice of life? Check. The list could go on. But I think very few comic artists let themselves be free with what they do. And it's not always easy to do, not every story fits for it- but I think more stories could add elements of other writing/art genres to theirs like RDDs does. 12. Why do you think Mara tried to obscure herself so drastically after the war that she was apparently a hero in?  Do you think Mara will be able to solve the mystery of the thefts, or do you think she’ll struggle from being out of practice? I think Mara hid herself because "war is hell" and she's actually a very in tune person. I think if she had to do things under orders that she didn't agree with, it would affect her. She didn't run away at school, so she would have to commit some pretty terrible things she wouldn't want to be tied to anymore. I think she may struggle at first, but shes got a full team right now. She's likely to do fine.(edited)
QUESTION 13. What are you most looking forward to in the comic? Also, do you have any final thoughts to share overall?
QUESTION 14. Overall, what relationship problems do you see Tristin, Michael, and Mara having given Mara’s reactivation status? How might Tristin and Michael help or hinder her in regards to her job?
11) I think the comic's strengths are characters and mystery. There's a lot of long game mysteries going on, yet the fact the characters hide things about themselves never feels unnatural. So while the drive to find out the answer to mysteries is strong, it always feels integrated into the story. its never there just for the sake of the comic having mysteries, so each answer feels like just getting to know someone. 12) Honestly, Mara was probably just exhausted. It sounds like she had a huge role in everything, and any sort of fight can be really draining. I get the impression this was a brutal war, especially for a world that apparently doesn't have these issues, so I think she was mostly just tired. Wanted to take a well-earned nap and not be bothered. As for solving the mystery of the thefts, it'll probably be a walk in the park and mostly just take a while cause ya know, investigations of this sort just take a while. its just the nature of them.
13) I am looking forward to learning more about Tristin cause I definitely think there's more than meets the eye and I think whatever we learn about Tristin is gonna make Mara and Michael see her in a different light. 14) I feel like Michael and Tristin are gonna be more concerned for Mara's safety than Mara will be. So will kind of hinder her by hovering going "Mara no that's dangerous." But at the same time I think it'll balance out cause Mara probably does need some people there to hang on and tell her to slow down and that she doesn't need to do everything herself, etc. etc.
Thank you everyone so much for reading and chatting about Rainy Day Dreams this week! Please also give a special thank you to Mariah Currey for volunteering the comic and creating it! If you liked Rainy Day Dreams, make sure to continue to support it via some of the links below!
Read and Comment: http://rainydaydreams.mariahcurrey.com/
Mariah’s Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/mariahcurrey
Mariah’s Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/mariahcurrey
Mariah’s Gumroad: https://gumroad.com/mariahcurrey
Mariah’s Twitter: https://twitter.com/RainyDayMariah
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Mago, Ti, Topaz, Red, Mite, aaand Kyan
Whew, that’s a tall order! Here you go!! >:y
MagoFirst impression: Euh, she’s being so mean to Hema :/ What a bullyImpression now: Hi hello this is my daughter and she makes me very sweaty on a regular basisFavorite moment: WHEN SHE GOT HUGGED BY MORGAN AND WAS JUST SO??? SHOCKED??? SHE’D NEVER GOTTEN A HUG BEFORE SOMEONE PLEASE GIVE HER SEVEN MILLION HUGSIdea for a story: (AKA what I might wanna see later on, hm?) I’d honestly be really interested in seeing her and Hema having a Bonding Moment™, and maybe eventually working out that tension between them. They can become the Hematite hell siblings they were always meant to be-Unpopular opinion: (Are there really any opinions I disagree with in this fandom) Never at any point did I ship her with Ti, even before all the shit on Ti was revealed. I don’t know why, but I just had a feeling like it wasn’t right… and I ended up being right LMAO.Favorite relationship: Her parental-type relationship with Morgan is??? So pure??? Like they’re both sinful nerds who are really sweet with each other and I absolutely love it.Favorite headcanon: Mago toys with her targets before harvesting them (pleaseendme)
TiFirst impression: DIDNEY PURNCESS OF MY HEARTImpression now: *brandishing bug spray* I won’t hesitate, binchFavorite moment: When she got lAUNCHED OUT OF THE COLISEUM and also likely had a shitty landing because. God she deserved it. It was so satisfying.Idea for a story: Perhaps seeing more into her thoughts, maybe? Why is she so manipulative and desperate to fuse with others? And is she close to corrupting? Or does she channel her gem’s instability to have those crazy dark powers? (more questions than story ideas but you get the point)Unpopular opinion: I feel like she has a good, caring, non-manipulative  side… deep down. Very deep down. Behind her web of deception.Favorite relationship: Her and the ground she slammed into after being thrown from the ColiseumFavorite headcanon: She dances and sings to herself when no one is around… and/or stares into the void for hours while having an existential crisis.
TopazFirst impression: Hi I’m single and ready to mingleImpression now: I’M ANGRY AT YOUbut in case you happen to be free on Sunday-Favorite moment: The harvester vs. harvester chase/fight for sure. It really showed just how dangerous Topaz can be, and it was a very tense and awesome scene.Idea for a story: Honestly I just love the thought of seeing her being gentle and loving and caring with Beryl?? Y eah.Unpopular opinion: I really kinda do want her to get her own happy ending after changing her opinion of Hematites. What she did was WAY over the line, but she’s not pure evil.Favorite relationship: Beryl and Topaz is?? Fantastic?? And sweet??? And also I liked her dynamic with Yellow, but uh. Neither of those relationships are really going anywhere a hahFavorite headcanon: Her hugs are utterly phenomenal. I want her to hug and squeeze me, ending my life instantly.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
RedFirst impression: DAUGHTER??? DAUGHTER!!!Impression now: DAUGHTER!!!!!!!!! LOOK AT MY PORL DAUGHTER!!!!!!!Favorite moment: Red teaming up with Kyan to save Hema from the corrupted Jade monster and being protective of him and also getting along with Kyan >:UIdea for a story: The shenanigans that go on while Hema is away, AKA one of those things where 20 million crazy things happen to her and when Hema gets back, she’s sitting on the couch after having just BARELY finished up the last insane thing, and she’s JUST finishing smoothing her hair out, and justHema: How was your day?Red: *sips tea* Ah, it was quite uneventful, sir. How was your mission?Unpopular opinion: She’s not as graceful as she seems. We just haven’t seen her running into a pole YET. Like master, like Pearl(?)Favorite relationship: I like her fiercely-protective relationship with Hema, and MAN she and Kyan are wonderful together, and I secretly want to see more of her and White’s Pearl. Bonus points if White’s Pearl acts almost like Red’s mom because /LIKE MASTER LIKE PEARL/ also White’s Pearl is a blessingFavorite headcanon: Smells like tea and faintly like flowers
MiteFirst impression: EwImpression now: DISGUSTINGFavorite moment: When Frecks kicked her gotdang snOOTIdea for a story: I’m kinda tempted to see how she got involved with Hemmi and became so reliant on her, or just a moment of realization that what she’s doing is wrong, tbh.Unpopular opinion: …Fuck she’s pretty and I love her hair colorFavorite relationship: Time for a rarepair! Her face x Hema’s knuckledusters Favorite headcanon: Somewhere out there, there is a video of her falling off a cliff. Someday it will be found.
KyanFirst impression: Jesus dude stop being so rude to my son… I’m not sure I’m gonna like her, honestly?Impression now: //SOBBING TEARS OF LOVEFavorite moment: That ‘oh shit’ moment when Hema’s visor lit up behind her and she just. ‘OH.’Idea for a story: I really would love to see more of her background. Who is the gem she was involved with that gave her the scarf (I assume)? Who made her afraid of relationships? Why is she alone? What happened to the one she was with?? AAAAA?Unpopular opinion: I don’t really ship her with anyone?? A romantic relationship between her and Hema, given their characters at the present, just… would feel kind of off.Favorite relationship: SO MANY PEOPLE URGH- Puff, Rubes, Hema, Mago, and Red, for sure. Let my daughter have a support network of friends.Favorite headcanon: She is that one friend who gets a little tipsy and ends up kicking down the door while drunkenly screaming the lyrics for “Shots”
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