returntoregalia · 4 months
Just as a heads up, my podcatcher app (Podcast Addict) still shows Episode 25 as the most recent, even after refreshing multiple times. It updated last week with no problems so I don't know what the issue could be, nor if it's happening for other apps.
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AHHH thank you so much for the heads-up, yall! I think I fixed it but please let me know if you don't see it soon. Sorry about that!!
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queer-buccaneers · 3 years
Hi. Thank you for coining medusan! I'm an alterhuman attracted to nonhumans, alterhumans, and (full) humans. Is medusan appropriate? Or is it intended for low/no attraction to humans and I should use a broader term (like omni)? I'm currently guessing it's ok (similarly to how bi people can use sapphic) but wanted to hear your thoughts. thanks!
sure is! i coined it as a person w low/no attraction to humans myself and have talked abt how i don’t want medusan to come to imply there are always other kinds of attraction going on bc of that but! ur ok to use it like that to describe urself.
i think the sapphic comparison is a pretty good one actually :o u can qualify it if u want, or not 🌺❤️
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alderations · 3 years
i don't feel like being anonymous i just wanna tell you you're cool and i'm glad i know you
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i only know how to express emotions via pictures of kermit the frog but the feeling is very mutual!!!!
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vaspider · 5 years
Hi, do you know if there are limits/expectations for using 'Bear'? I'm a bi nb and Bear feels validating, and matches my body type and desired aesthetic. I know (much thanks to you) Butch isn't just for women/lesbians, but the thought of being read as a 'butch cis woman' (as I currently am) is dysphoric. But I don't want to claim 'Bear' for myself if it's not my term to take, or if it indicates a subculture I haven't participated in. Thank you!
I don’t really have an opinion on this, other than I think that if a term fits you, it fits you. 
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a-dragons-journal · 5 years
🎁 - Other things that remind you of your identity? 🔉 - Do your friends/ family/ other close people know about your alterhumanity?
Send me alterhuman asks!
🎁 - Other things that remind you of your identity?
Art, I guess. Dragons in general feel like - like home, almost? Familiar, right, sometimes longing, good. But every once in a while there’s a dragon that looks almost exactly like me, which is an absolute trip.
🔉 - Do your friends/ family/ other close people know about your alterhumanity?
Yes and no. A lot of my friends do. My blood family does not, and probably never will. (They have trouble adjusting even to my LGBT+ stuff, so this would just be too much, I feel like - and it’s not generally relevant.) My partner definitely does, and any hypothetical future romantic partner would have to know also.
For the most part, it just doesn’t come up, so I just kind of... consistently refer to myself as a dragon and let them decide whether they think I’m joking or not.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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shadowfae · 5 years
☀️ - What is/are your ‘kintype/s?💡 - Do you believe your alterhumanity is spiritual, psychological, both, or something else?
Ask meme is here!
☀️ - What is/are your ‘kintype/s?
I have four fictotypes! An Absol from Pokemon Ranger: Shadows of Almia, a noncanon Devil from the works of Funamusea / Mogeko, Pale Noel from the Evillious Chronicles, and Captain Meilyn Ranisson from the SkyGuard saga of AdventureQuest Worlds. None of my kintypes are human, and so alas, neither am I.
💡 - Do you believe your alterhumanity is spiritual, psychological, both, or something else?
Spiritual as all hell! I think I would be having a lot more trouble if it was psychological, I see things that are and tend to convince myself I’m making it up / faking for attention, so I’m glad I don’t work that way. I’m one of those asshole past-lifers, with the exception of Ranisson, which was some weird multiplicity thing that ended up in us being each other. Still me.
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therianomalocaris · 5 years
💓 - Something you love about being alterhuman?
Hmmm this is a difficult one! There’s a lot of stuff I like about being alterhuman. The community, feeling better about my body now that I’ve mostly rejected humanity (how very voidpunk of me =p), and the general joy of finding a label that fits my experiences are all things that I like about it.
But also : the jokes. The silliness of it. I take it pretty seriously, sure, but you can’t deny the absolute comedy gold that comes from being a literal 2m long prehistoric shrimp trapped in a human body. And I think that’s pretty amazing lol !
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theradioghost · 5 years
I can't be;ieve no ones asked you Greater Boston yet (and if they have, apologies)
kind of like ancient Rome, in that sibling drama results in the creation of a city.
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pronoun-archive · 5 years
Hi, is there a ve/vir pronoun flag? I've tried to search for it but was unable to find it. Thanks
There’s not. There are some multipronoun LGBT+ flags including “ve”, and other ones with ve/ven.
Reminder that if you use the pronouns, you are always able to make a flag for that. If you want us to design one, please give color tips and format bases at least.
And we encourage submitting it if you want them posted here, leave specific if you want to remain anonymous so we can repost it (in case you submit by your blog).
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imoga-pride · 5 years
Is there an agender + genderfluid combo flag? I know there's an "agenderfluid" flag but it is also the cancegender flag, and the distinction between agenderfluid and cancegender matters to me. Thanks!
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I’m bad at combos so I combined the stripes into one flag. Based on genderfluid nonbinary flag. I know there are some genderfluid+agender graphics with shaped hearted by @queerlection but mixed with other identities.
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thelaurenshippen · 6 years
Hi! Big fan of the Bright Sessions. Passing along a question from my bf (also a fan): He sees a lot of similarities between Damien and Spike (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) in both personality and story arc. Was that an inspiration at all, or a coincidence? Thanks!
Definitely an indirect inspiration! I can’t promise a similar arc for Damien as Spike got (Spike definitely changed a lot of his behavior and was somewhat redeemed) but the arrogant bad boy hiding a sad boy underneath is a thing that is partly inspired by Spike. I didn’t model Damien off of Spike, but Spike is a fave character from a tv show that was very formative, so he for sure wormed his way into my brain. 
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genderfluxsupport · 7 years
Hello- I feel as if I have multiple genders, each of which fluctuate in intensity. (For example: 0% Both (agender), or 0% X and 100%Y(fully gendered), or 50%X and 0% Y(demigender), or 30% X and 30%Y(bigender), etc etc.). Would this be fluidflux or bigenderflux? Can fluidflux include feeling multiple genders simultaneously, or is the "fluid" aspect always from one to the other? Thank you.
Honestly I’m of the opinion that you can use whatever label you feel most comfy in regardless of whether it’s technically the most accurate. 
If you want to be technical, I’ve generally heard that fluid is between and bi/polygender is at the same time. However I do know that people are fluid between bigender and maverique for instance, so it certainly doesn’t exclude multiple genders at once. So I think bigenderflux would technically suit you better, although it’s still not perfect so really take whatever label you want.
Hope that was helpful (and sorry for taking so long!)
-Mod Waver
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it, me a vilte. i tried messaging but tumblr is a failure.
oh shit yo! sorry i have messaging set to Only People I Follow, but yea now i follow you so that works
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Hello! Could I please get a moodboard? Genderflux+fantasy creatures (especially griffins, manticores, or dragons). Thank you so much!
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an-stoirm · 7 years
Hello! I would like a new years reading. I don't care what type of reading (tarot, dice, etc). I don't have a specific question in mind, but I would like a general look at the year ahead. Thank you!
Queen of Pentacles
For this upcoming year of 2017, be hands-on. Be willing to receive help and be even more willing to give help. Make kindness the North of your compass. Also, spend your money wisely! 
Free Readings are Now Closed!
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moodboard-requests · 7 years
Hello! I requested a moodboard previously, sorry, I should have realized a webcomic would be a too specific and difficult criterion. Could I please request another one? I would like the genderflux flag, with either a ravenclaw/hufflepuff (both, as in flag+ravenclaw+hufflepuff) theme, or dogs (flag + dogs). Whichever is easiest for you. Thank you!
I’m literally so behind on requests and so exhausted that I did the dogs one. I will do the ravenclaw and hufflepuff one when I’m better off, and will be sure to tag you in it! But for now, puppers!
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