#them!! headbands and clips exist for a reason and it will look good
firepitbutterfly · 1 year
i cut my hair poorly but i did it!!! slayyyy
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stormblessed95 · 3 years
Hiya! I really don't think this is a jealous JK moment, but I would like to see the whole video. I do remember during this that JM says something and JK teases him about it, which then prompts JM to head towards him. What did you notice during this video? Any thoughts?
Thank you and have a nice day
Oh noooo not jealously where not jealousy exists! Im glad you don't see it. No, no jealously here. This was from a Bangtan bomb when Park Bo gum came to watch their concert and surprise them back stage. They all friends and fans of each other. Park Bo gum is a very famous actor in Korea and was hosting his own fan meet and came to surprise BTS before that. It was super sweet. Full video with English subs:
They all joke about how he is JK biased and wearing a BT21 Kookie headband. He spends the whole video giving them compliments and vice versa. He was filming them enter on his phone and tried to angle it to get himself in there too. Jimin took over and filmed him talking a bit with the rest of the members for him. He then bowed slightly while handing the phone back and asked him what his plan all the way here in Hong Kong? And Bogum answered. That's all that moment was from the gif you sent. JK looked at Jimin while Jimin was talking and then glanced back over at Bogum for his answer. He was smiling literally .2 seconds after that gif ended. Lol
And JK didn't even really tease him. Bogum cracked a joke in response to Jimin and they all laughed, jikook made eye contact in their laughter and Jimin headed over to stand next to him. Lol hardly even would really count as a jikook moment other than just another example of them "teleporting" next to each other. Lol
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Park Bo gum is also actually really good and close friends with Taehyung. They hang out together outside of BTS and are really close. They even went on a trip together once in 2017, and made a super short video clip about it. Bogum posted it on Twitter and Tae shared it on Twitter as well:
This was a super wholesome little moment for Tae and all the other members. No weird Jealousy enthusiast shippers are allowed to ruin it! 😤 Jin is also friends with him, they did a Coca-Cola advert together once and Jin shared this selca they took together during it. He gave him the silly glasses he wore during the concert too. They were all just excited to be there together and fanboy over each other respectively. Lol
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It was all just wholesome and cute. This is just another reason watching original content is important. Man, everything in a 1.5 second long gif can be misleading 😂 thanks for the ask!
Hope this helped!
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gundamcalibarney · 3 years
Steam team casual clothes headcanons to follow up to the mainland gang one
below the readmore
-Tends to lean towards shirts and cargo shorts. Thomas wears knee high socks during colder weather.
-He likes hats, usually newsboy hats and flat caps. Sometimes he’ll steal hats from others.
-Thomas Loathes jeans, dress pants and cargo pants are okay because he’s worn those while working but he can’t Stand jeans.
-Likes to wear bracelets, he even made ones for close friends (the Steam Team and a few engines in the Mainland).
-Everything he wears is blue, grey is almost always an accent colour (if the gold whistle and bracelets don’t count).
-Turtleneck and blazer. He’ll sometimes wear dress pants or cargo shorts.
-Mainly wears long sleeved clothes like dress shirts,sweaters,sweatshirts,and as previously said, turtlenecks.
-His casual outfit is the only other time he wears the blue and purple striped scarf, the other time is winter.
-Wears suspenders of varying colours and patterns. Edward will wear sunglasses if
-Mainly wears cool colours, he leans to blue,purple,and teals.
-If it has flowers/is plant themed then he’ll most likely wear it.
-He’ll sometimes accessorise himself with floral related accessories with a bit of help from James. It’s mostly just like, a flower headpiece.
-Sometimes he’ll wear video game shirts.
-Leg wear varies, sometimes he’ll wear cargo pants/shorts, sometimes jeans, sometimes dress pants. Mostly depends n the mood.
-Most comfortable with anything that makes him look professional. He’s mostly a semi-formal kind of guy so it’s very rare to see him wear informal clothing.
-Likes wearing watches, he’d rather be on time than spend precious time ‘having fun’.
-Someone gave him a Hawaiian shirt as a gift, he has only worn it on what he deems as “important occasions.”
-Only wears hoodies if he’s forced to. He currently has two of them, an elephant one and a Flying Scotsman one (courtesy of his brother giving it to him on Christmas).
-Prefers wearing grey as well as darker shades of blue.
-Will wear anything that makes him look good, wether it’s trendy or not. He helps Rosie with her outfits from time to time.
-Prefers wearing turtlenecks, coats seem to vary. He also really likes denim clothing as well, he somewhat shares Gordon’s semi-formal vibe but James is more carefree with his choices.
-Despite pink being his undercoat, he will Proudly wear the colour.
-He likes waistcoats but he despises Sweater vests, he doesn’t understand Why anyone would like to wear them.
-James refuses to wear blue or any shade of it. He likes reds and pinks and will mix them together from time to time.
-Prefers t-shirts over the majority’s dress shirt. Like some others he prefers more informal clothing.
-For some reason a lot of his clothes are bug themed, he sometimes wears bug themed accessories (like antennae headbands).
-Really likes wearing stripes, something he got from Toby.
-The only one who wears hoodies on and off work, he’ll mainly wear them during colder days.
-Wears Lighter shades of green, tends to mix brown and light yellow to his clothes.
-Has mostly worn turtleneck sweaters. Toby makes one for the others if he has the time.
-Toby likes wearing warm and fluffy clothing, he somehow gets cold Very easily so he wears a Lot on winter (“bitter cold bitter cold.”)
-Wears striped blazers and in general he likes wearing stripes, this rubbed off on Percy.
-Likes to wear bells, usually bell necklaces and clip on belt bells.
-Autumn colours, mostly brown,orange,and red. Sometimes yellow.
-Likes being fancy, her outfits can usually pass off for semi-formal. Mostly consisting of dress shirts and dress pants, she likes wearing heels because she likes feeling tall.
-Usually wears tights or pants, as much as she likes the looks of dresses, she doesn’t see herself wearing one. Mostly because she thinks that she doesn’t look good in one. It’s the same story for skirts and shorts.
-Some of Emily’s outfits look like she came straight from the Victorian era.
-Like her brother, she likes to adorn herself in jewellery though unlike her brother she’s more minimalistic with it. The most she’ll do is get a necklace and call it a day.
-Emily is a fan of darker colours, usually dark greens.
-Y’know how necklaces with gemstones exist? Yeah he’ll vibe with those.
-Like Gordon he goes semi-formal, but his vibe is more like “I wanna look like a fancy magician :D”, this is also his reasoning for wearing gloves,boots,and multiple belts.
-Wears long coats because it looks cool, sometimes he borrows from his relatives. Some of his clothes are hand me downs from his surviving sibling N2, Riley.
-Also likes wearing shirts with animals, he really likes cats.
-Likes the colour purple, he’ll mix things up from time to time with blues,reds,and greens.
-Likes to experiment with her outfits, she’ll sometimes combine outfits if she’s feeling it. Rosie will also help others alongside James.
-Despises heels, she’s like “how the Fuck do you walk in those!?”.
-Her fashion sense varies, sometimes she’ll look like a punk rocker and the next she’ll look like she’ll look like she came straight from the 60s. Rosie really likes overalls and suspenders and has used them in her outfit combos.
-The only consistent thing is her shoes, which are always boots.
-Rosie’s colour palette varies but she usually sticks to warm colours, reds and various shades of pink.
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mythgirlimagines · 3 years
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After seeing the glowing reputation of the Things That Never Happened talentswaps by the fellow Anons, I decided to try this again! Introducing the hybrid setter-spiker-libero superstar and the Former Ultimate Volleyball Player, Myth!
With two older siblings who had past experience with volleyball, Myth has been taught by her sisters ever since she was little. The constant practice with her older sisters made her a practical powerhouse, by the time she made it to middle school. Her passion for volleyball, despite her diminutive height, drove her to attend Hatohane Girl’s Academy, a high school famous for their prestigious powerhouse of a volleyball team. Within days of attending the club, she proved herself to be a formidable ally and an even more formidable enemy, for she is able to assimilate herself into just about any position on the court, even positions that require height (for she has one of the most impressive verticals, this side of the academy). Her enemies consider her a “wild card”, for she is utterly unpredictable in her gameplay, and you better believe that she wears her title on her sleeve. In fact, she once played against an entire team, while her other teammates are out sick, and she managed to wipe the floor with them. This action alone is what catapulted her into stardom and granted her a spot at Hope’s Peak Academy. In her adult years, she’s working hard at a top-tier professional girl’s team, known as the Sunset Pegasi. But she is currently taking some time off to chaperone this year’s Ultimates and Jr. Ultimates.
Wyre Anon, Former Ultimate Carpenter
Wyre has been Myth’s volleyball teammate ever since middle school (as a wing spiker), and has been her best friend for even longer, thanks to their similar competitive natures, despite Wyre’s wild and expressive personality clashing heavily against Myth’s stoic and disciplined personality. The natural muscles they got from working at thejr father’s carpentry shop really made them a valuable asset in just about any sport they put their mind to, with volleyball being a major favorite of theirs. Imagine Myth and Wyre’s mutual elation, when they both got accepted into Hope’s Peak. Wyre was so elated, that they carved a large wooden sculpture of the two of them holding hands in victory.
Outfit: A purple stripe in her hair that matches Myth, protective orange goggles, an orange and brown flannel shirt, a dark brown leather tool-belt, blue jeans, off-white socks, brown steel-toed boots.
Anon Scar, Ultimate Screenwriter
Famous for screenwriting in both action media and horror media, Scar originally wanted to be an actress, but her natural stage fright meant that she had to settle for behind-the-scenes work. Luckily for her, she proved to be excellent at both sketching out action/horror scenes and writing the very scene out, making her the mastermind behind several recent blockbuster movies. In an attempt to “fake it until she makes it”, Scar tries to project the personality of her favorite archetypes: “The Dark Lord of Script”. But as Myth very quickly figured out, she’s not doing a particularly good job of it, for when she shows concern for her conmates (which is all the time, by the way), her true personality resurfaces.
Outfit: A black and white striped sweater, a purple and red vampire cape, a matching long skirt, stockings, boots and gloves from original design.
Fusion Anon, Ultimate Linguist
As a child, Fusion showed a surprising aptitude and interest in the countries of the world, with their languages and their food being what he mainly specializes in. Fusion’s parents quickly signed him up for language courses, and time after time, Fusion picked up the languages left and right. As of his acceptance, Fusion can speak ten languages on a conversational level, and can read and write in twice as many languages. Fusion is currently running a foreign language tutoring business, and even holds seminars at the Kibo-Con for the other Ultimates. Myth thinks that Fusion’s seminars would be a valuable asset, for when she’s playing against international teams, so her attendance is perfect.
Outfit: A grey bomber jacket with country flags lining his sleeves, black fingerless gloves, red and white sneakers, glasses, undershirt and pants from his original design.
Fusion Anon II, Ultimate Hiker
Famous for besting mountains many people claim to be impossible, the numerous selfies that Fusion II takes of her travels all prove her claims that she bested the tallest of mountains, all with the signature smirk on her face. But despite the confidence and charisma she carries in her selfies, she actually has a massive nerdy side that she would much rather keep hidden. Myth found it confusing on how two Anons could share the same name, but based on the father-daughter behavior that occurs between the two Fusions, Myth has a hypothesis made. That being said, Myth shows respect for her kohai, and will always be there to boost up Fusion II’s ego, whenever she’s feeling down.
Outfit: Diamond-crusted sunglasses, a light blue parka with white fluff and matching winter gloves, brown cargo pants, matching steel-toed boots.
Just Anon, Ultimate Tree Climber
Originally climbing trees to escape teachers and other bothersome individuals, Janon was eventually nicknamed “Chameleon”, for his extraordinary skills in climbing up and camouflaging himself in the trees. While Myth normally has an inhuman amount of patience regarding more defiant and disrespectful underclassmen, Janon’s blatant disrespect towards his all his senpais (apart from the gardener), makes her want to spike a volleyball directly into his face. But upon seeing Janon interact with and actually showing affection and respect towards his kohais, Myth gained a newfound respect for Janon, that she never thought she would gain. If only Janon could start respecting his senpais.
Outfit: A camo-colored army helmet and matching hoodie, brown pants and black boots.
Sparkle Anon, Former Ultimate Sprinter
With a bombastic, loud, and flashy appearance and the personality to match, it’s very hard to miss the appearance of Sparkle, when she is on the racing track. Sparkle is particularly known across the internet for sprinting in ridiculous costumes, in order to assist charities across the world. Myth was happy, upon finding out that she would be accompanied in her chaperoning by a fellow athlete, even if their personalities are like oil and water. They regularly meet in the Kibo-Con gym to exercise, while exchanging fitness plans and mutually fangirling over each other, for they’ve both seen each other‘s competitions, and are impressed by what they’ve seen from each other. 
Outfit: Hair in a bob being held by a red and white headband, a red and white sparkling tank-top with her name on the front and blue sparkly shorts, long white socks, and shoes that match her tank-top, a black and white checkered flag slung over her shoulders like a cape.
Egg Anon, Former Ultimate Gardener, and Wet Sock Anon, Former Ultimate Liar
Famous for managing one of the largest and most breathtakingly gorgeous botanical masterpieces ever known to man, Egg was introduced to Myth as an only child. But what Myth doesn’t know, is that, in interviews, Egg pulls the classic “twin-switch” trick and has their twin Wet Sock masquerade as them, while blowing up their reputation with lies of commission and omission. Even in their stay at the Kibo-Con, the duo regularly intact the twin switch to such an extent that most Anons didn’t even know of Wet Sock’s existence (apart from Eldritch, but nobody believes him, because, well, he’s Eldritch), and passing off the times Wet Sock’s been seen out of costume as morning-induced delirium.
Outfit: A straw hat, a yellow and green flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up, blue jeans with dirty knees and green gloves and matching rain boots
Curious Anon, Jr. Ultimate Finder
After their classmates realized that Curious had an excellent eye for details and a helpful and altruistic spirit, they quickly used Curious like their personal finder for lost objects. Eventually, Curious got paid to help people from all around their hometown find lost objects, pets, and even people. Myth has quite the watchful eye, so she barely, if ever, needs Curious’s help in finding objects that she happened to misplace. But she is willing to misplace objects on purpose, if it means getting a smile and a look of pride and accomplishment on the face of her kohai. Curious reminds Myth of some of her kohais: desperate for praise and lives for validation. 
Outfit: A black gakuran with a magnified glass clipped to their belt and a matching hat and shoes.
Anon Nerd, Former Ultimate Sharpshooter
With an unparalleled bullseye streak and temper issues of an equally unparalleled caliber, Anon Nerd is a name to be feared in competitions, and for good reasons, considering Nerd’s volcanic temper and sheer skill at shooting targets despite that. If someone even slightly wrongs him, they risk getting shot with one of his prized rifles. Considering Myth’s stoic and composed attitude and Nerd being the complete opposite, one would think that they would never get along. But, shockingly enough, Nerd considers Myth to be the only one (apart from the other Brain Cells), to not be a complete and utter dolt. They regularly like testing their accuracy in each other’s sports, with Myth faring better at shooting.
Outfit: A brown and dark green bomber jacket, red tinted sunglasses, blue jeans, brown sneakers, a red rifle strapped to his back.
Eldritch Anon, Ultimate Tattoo Artist
Growing up in one of the seediest underground communities, rife with scum and villainy, Eldritch is famed all around town for his skill in tattooing the people of his town with anti-government and pro-anarchy tattoos on visible parts of their body, as protest to the government that put them in this horrible condition in the first place. Eldritch can’t trust anybody who doesn’t have a special tattoo inked by Eldritch himself, up to and included his own conmates. He especially can’t trust Myth and her stoic and unpredictable demeanor. The thought of one of her kohais being scared of her brings Myth to internal tears. Myth is currently attempted (unsuccessful) senpai-kohai trust exercises.
Outfit: Hair being completely shaved on the right side, black eyeshadow, a black sleeveless hoodie that shows off his various anti-government tattoos, blue jeans and knee-high black boots.
Dream Anon, Ultimate Confidant
Known around her school as the most trustworthy girl her schoolmates know, Dream organized a secret room in the school, in case any of her classmates need to talk about their secrets and vent to an optimistic and loving role model figure. Ever since Dream met Myth, her idol in athletics, she knew that her senpai had common ground with her, for they both share a passion for volleyball and show endless support to each other. Besides, Dream always wanted to crack the tough nut and unpredictable beast that is the Iron Wall of Hatohane. Surely, someone as stoic and unmovable as Myth must have some secrets and she’ll always be there to support her senpai in a rough patch.
Outfit: A dark grey ski cap with heart pins on it, a pink and grey hoodie over a black shirt with a red heart on the front, shorts, socks and shoes from her original design.
Iris Anon, Jr. Ultimate Surfer
As the daughter of two parents who own the local beach house, Iris has been living by the ocean ever since she was little, and she has efficiently mastered the art of catching the biggest and most gnarly of waves, earning her the attention of entire fleets of preteen ladies, which is also helped by her adorable personality and her adoration of marine biology. Iris’s passionate and optimistic attitude reminds Myth of some of her younger kohais and for that reason, Myth attached herself to the cheery water-lover. Being a fellow athlete helps matters. Myth also introduced Iris to beach volleyball, and Iris was more or less a complete natural. Needless to say, Myth was impressed at her kohai taking on her craft.
Outfit: Hair tied into rings, pink swim goggles, a pink swimsuit top, a galaxy printed sarong around a matching pink swimsuit bottom, galaxy printed flipflops.
Purple Anon, Ultimate Emergency Planner
As the daughter of only the biggest CEOs in the entire nation, Purple learned of the dangers that many people in the large and cramped offices face on a daily basis. From there, Purple knew that she had to take matters into her own hands, and begin stocking up and preparing for every work emergency under the sun, whether that’ll be economic or physical. These duties instilled her with a timid attitude and a natural motherly instinct, and of course, that’ll extend to her conmates and chaperones. Every time Myth gets injuries on or off the court, Purple would always be right behind her, with her medical kit in tow, as well as a healthy (if needlessly verbose) reminder to not overwork herself. 
Outfit: An off-white hard hat, a black safety vest over a purple sweater, a black and white striped skirt with a fully-stocked emergency belt, purple stockings, black boots.
This series would center around everyone getting to know the stoic iron wall, who secretly has a soft spot for all of her dorky kohai.
Volleyball!Myth is known by her opponents as an utterly unpredictable beast, but to her teammates, she is heavily supportive and kind-hearted, despite her quiet and stoic demeanor, which clashes heavily against her more loud and flashy appearance. She has a particular soft spot for her kohais, and loves it when people show respect and look up to her. In a height-dominant sport like volleyball, Volleyball!Myth used to have hangups regarding her height, but constant support from her family and middle school teammates gave her the much-needed confidence boost to strut onto the court in all of her 5 FT 3 IN glory. Volleyball!Myth is surprisingly hard on herself, for she spends practically all of her time practicing, claiming that she still has room for improvement and needs to push herself even harder. Only her childhood friend Carpenter!Wyre can convince her to chill out and take a break for once. 
Volleyball!Myth wears her natural brown hair in a ponytail with a purple skunk stripe down the middle and also wears black sports glasses. Volleyball!Myth simply wears the uniform of the Sunset Pegasi, which consists of the following: a blue jacket over an orange jersey with a yellow sun design and a big number “6” on the front, shorts that match her jersey and red shoes with white soles and laces.
Luckily, I was able to use all of my Haikyuu knowledge to help write Myth. In Haikyuu terms, Myth is like a mix between Nishinoya, Aone, Ushijima and Tendou (with Hinata’s height and vertical). I hope that you like this swap, and I’d love to hear what the others think of it!
-Fusion Anon
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saint-patrice · 5 years
Can you do the picture thing with pasta?
i can indeed my friend! 😎 i love our czech noodle boy with all my heart, so let’s get this show on the road:
see here for other posts like this one! i am also taking requests for ‘em :)
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i’m putting this photo first because i found it to be personally and deeply transformative. i have always adored pastrnak, but was on the fence for a while as to whether i also found him physically attractive. this picture give me an aggressive shove off of said fence, and i then proceeded to land in a pile of my own feelings for this man. not that he even needs it in the first place, but that shirt is doing miraculous things
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🎶 walk, walk fashion baby, work it move that bitch crazy🎶 despite his teammates’ best efforts to take the piss out of him for it, pasta really is our resident fashion icon, and i love that. this suit is stunning, and i’m usually iffy about suits w sneakers, but it actually looks rather lovely on this occasion. i now feel inspired to go find a pair of renaissance-looking floral trousers of my very own
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joyous!! a beautiful ray of sunshine!!!! we are so lucky to have him, i really really love the energy and ~vibe~ he seems to bring to the team. my sample size of one (me) perhaps makes my findings unreliable, but i do believe that it is scientfically impossible to not smile when looking at pasta smiling
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i go completely apeshit every time i see pastrnak’s tattoo - it’s absolutely gorgeous. if i remember correctly (please holler at me if i’m wrong), a lot of it is in memory of his father too, which is really nice. pasta is an amazing player in his own right, but when you hear about his childhood and what he had to work through, i think it makes you appreciate what he’s managed to achieve - especially at such a young age - all that much more. we’re proud of you pasta!!
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noodle man says gay rights. fuck yeah!
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is there a shortage of snacks in the nhl?? why does everyone feel the need to munch on their equipment??? i’m so confused. whatever the case, this is hella cute, and makes me smile like an utter fool 
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oh no, there he goes :(
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sometimes i’m having a bad day and then i remember this picture exists and you know what? smiles is better. pasta would make a good life coach. it will not solve your problems, but sometimes just putting on a smile can make them seem a bit easier. anon i’m so sorry, you probably just wanted a lighthearted photo post but here we are, getting very philosophical. blame pasta. tl;dr, smiles is better and david pastrnak is amazing
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what locker room shenanigans are these boys getting up to? and do i even want to know? this post was a blessing from the bruins instagram tbh. also uhhh boy’s got some fuckin legs jesus h christ 👀 watch where you’re putting those things
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oh my god!!!! who let him look this good holy shit. i think navy might be pasta’s colour, and i can totally get on board with the navy/coral combo too. absolute style king, through and through
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this is, i think, my absolute favourite pasta lewk. it’s fairly simple, but i love the colour scheme (see my above point), and the matching waistcoat + jacket really make it. i am also smitten with those shoes for some reason. plus i think the headband is literally just so good???? like hell yes, i am very much here for all of pasta’s hair accessorising 
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something in me feels like pasta frequently gets in mild trouble with the bruins pr team because he is just slightly chaotic. case and point: mr pastrnak just distributing gatorade thingys to the audience at the all star skills event lmaoooo i love him
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the grey shirt is back - be still my beating heart. oh lord. he looks so fucking good. i cannot stop looking at this
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okay so pasta literally scores the dirtiest, sexiest goals i’ve ever seen. do yourself a favour and look up some compilations on youtube. thank me later, because every single one of them is fucking delightful, with the occasional one honestly getting me a bit hot and bothered 
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i wouldn’t put it past him to just walk into td garden on a tuesday in april with this getup 
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this is a strong candidate for my favourite social media interaction ever. “hey spaghetti man” is such a strong opener and i think it gave me whiplash, but nothing can be as iconic as “it calls style in europe”. sometimes that’s my response when my friend gives me a look for wearing an outlandish shirt or loud pants - they have no idea what i’m actually referencing, and also we live in europe, so they usually just try to ignore it. this is also a good photo in general, pasta looks v cute. i can only assume those jorts (let’s call them as they are, folks) were intact when he bought them but his legs, as we can see, are so powerful that they broke free 🤷🏻‍♀️
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i mean this is like,, very sexy of him to look like that and that’s all i think i can safely say about this gif, at least on this new pg website tumblr has tried to create…
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i reblogged this with the tag #oh…….worm? and i stand by that. like, sir?? hello??? do you have any idea what you’re doing to me???? i just cannot catch a break from this man’s sheer beauty 
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(gif via @gaudreau) oh my god i actually love him - he really is our little ray of sunshine 💖 i don’t even know what tf he’s doing but he’s so cute so it does not matter. this also reminds me of that one clip of him doing the macarena in front of a green screen while wearing his skates for some media thing
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this is like the only goddamn gif i could find of it but pasta passing the empty net goal to bergy during his 1000th game is one of the sweetest things i’ve ever seen anyone do on the ice???? it was just a little gesture but i think it’s a testament to the team dynamic, as well at the type of person pasta is (ie lovely). sometimes i tear up thinking about this game if truth be told (yes i’m a baby leave me alone)
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i know i said i liked the blue suit the Most but this is a close second,, that is such a crisp fit he looks so mf good mmmmmmmm . also what a lovable buffoon 
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handsome man alert !!!! this is not a very good picture to demonstrate the fact, but pasta has really nice eyes like i’m legitimately jealous >:(
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(gif via @formulaice7) a better man would have been able to pick just one of these to include, but better men are off doing something far more productive than this, so you are stuck with me, who is chronically indecisive. but i saw these gifs and my only reaction was “oh fuck” and i do believe that is appropriate. maybe it’s just my weird opinion, but one thing sexier than shirtless? almost shirtless. (but i mean there’s plenty of fully shirtless pasta out there if u want it) the hand hanging on that hook is also kinda getting to me. he is just very beautiful
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sometimes i wonder why the majority of the nhl has no personality and then i remember - david pastrnak is literally hoarding it all…!
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lads, it’s official: this is the only photo i need to look at for the rest of my life. if this is not the energy you are bringing, i don’t want to fw you
and here ends my very first david pastrnak lovepost - thank you for the request anon, i hope you enjoy!!! :) i love pasta with all my little heart so i really loved doing this one and in all honesty could probably be talked into doing another one pretty easily if anyone is interested, bc there’s a lot of photos and gifs i didn’t use (i don’t want to make these like 50 photos long yknow). as mentioned at the top of the post, feel free to send me any requests you may have!!
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iblue-kitzune · 5 years
Of Rising Calamities Beyond the Cosmos: Chapter 7
The clouds, the morning blue sky, the birds—and just the world around them in general blurred by, meshing together in one huge swirled mess like an abstract painting on a white canvas, as the speeding figure of Rayquaza zipped through the air, weaving in and out of the flock’s way who flying near the group. 
Upon reaching a city that he spotted below them, he swooped down and flew over a few buildings, casting a huge shadow over the citizens bustling through the busy streets and causing them to look up. 
The legendary dragon briefly smirked at the different looks of joy, shock, wonder, awe, curiosity, and slight recognition flashing through their wide blown eyes as he passed them by while Celebi, on the other hand, just casually waved at the gathered citizens with a smile on her face. 
And before the group knew it, the Sky High Pokemon ascended and flew through a giant white cloud, bursting free from out of the other side seconds later.
This caused Nero and others to shiver. So, without a moment to lose, the gang shook the moisture off their clothes before it could even began to settle. 
‘These two must do this kind of thing a lot, which would make sense seeing as some of these people didn’t look that surprised by Rayquaza and Celebi’s appearance. This must be normal to them I guess...’ the devil hunter mused with closed eyes. ‘Heh, imagine that...living in a time where pokemon exists...’ a smirk appeared on his lips as he thought this. ‘Living in a time where it’s normal to see a giant legendary dragon pokemon who rules the skies and a small mythical fairy who has the power to travel through time fly over your home, and you think nothing more of it as you go about your day.’
“Hey Celebi, what were you and Rayquaza whispering about back at Tony’s home?” Lady asked from behind him. 
Without looking back at the group, Celebi sat up from her lounging position she had unknowingly slipped into earlier and answered the devil huntress.
“{Rayquaza was letting me know that there was a disturbance around the island.}”
“A disturbance?” Elize and Darcy echoed.
That didn’t sound good to Nero’s ears. “What kind of disturbance?” he opened his eyes. “Did someone attack the island?”
Celebi folded her arms as she looked down at the yellow ring on her friend’s head. “{No, not really, but there is a battle going on near it,}” she ignored their shocked gasps and continued speaking. “{Apparently, three of our friends are involved, and they’re fighting against three speedy powerful opponents. Though from what it seems...}” the green fairy gave a pause as she looked up, her features twisted into a frown. 
Teepo gulped a bit. “What is it?” he anxiously asked.
The frown on Celebi’s face deepened.
“{Other than looking like it got hit by a tidal wave—which is quite possible in a scenario like this, the island is still intact and seems to be holding up pretty well,}” she looked back at the group out of the corner of her blue eyes. “{But I have no clue how long that’s gonna last...}” the psychic/grass type looked ahead and finished with, “{Even though I’m worried about Manaphy, Kyogre, and Lugia, I’m more concerned about those on the island.}”
“I hope those poor animals, monsters, and spirits are alright,” Jude said as he looked over and below the flying serpent pokemon.
“I hope so too,” Alvin muttered in agreement.
Silence enveloped the group soon after that.
At least until... 
“{Plus...}” Celebi spoke up in a sad tone, gaining everyone’s attention. “{There’s the situation with Jane we need to keep in mind about. If we don’t hurry up and bring her to Tony then—}”
“{I believe we’re all aware of what could and will happen, Celebi...}” Rayquaza quietly cut in, his attention solely focused on something else. “{My initial plan from the beginning was going to be alerting Tony of the situation, and possibly get his help to stop this battle—or end it before it escalates any further,}” he explained to the group right as he stopped in front of a cluster of clouds. “{But now with this news...and now that you guys are here, you can assist me with this mission instead,}” after catching flashes of blue light and lots of movement below him, the legendary pokemon narrowed his yellow eyes and made his move.
Before any of them could ask why he was descending or speeding up, a blast of wind and blue electricity shot up into the sky and collided into one another fifty feet away from them.
“Whoa! Is that the battle you were talking about earlier?!” 
At Darcy’s exclamation, Celebi looked down. “{Ye—aaaaas!}” she yelped in surprise, nearly flying off her seat when she and the others felt Rayquaza zip to the right to avoid a stray beam of blue-white fire. “{Careful Ray! We’re still on your back you know, I almost fell off!}” she hollered in protest, ducking her head as a bolt of blue electricity soared over her and her dragon friend’s head.
“{I’m trying!}” he shouted over the roar of the wind as he dodged another wave of stray attacks that almost him. “{Greaaaaat...}” he growled and flew above a crackling black-purplish orb of energy that exploded in the spot he just left seconds ago. “{Whoever the girls are fighting up against, they’re firing at us now!}” he said and dodged the second Shadow Ball that was fired at them.
Suddenly, he was struck from the side by a speedy glowing blue-yellow blur that came out of nowhere and slammed into him. 
“{What the—A Wild Charge attack?}” the sounds of everyone’s cries as they fell off his back drowned out his voice, and Rayquaza looked up through half-lidded eyes only to spot a familiar semi-tall yellow and black-blue cat with a long ponytail-like piece of fur in the shape of a lightning bolt extending from behind its upper back, black zigzag stripes on various parts of its body, and pure red eyes fly by him. “{No way...Zeraora? But why are his eyes red—}” his surprise was cut short when he spied some kind of metal headband contraption with a glowing red jewel on the mythical pokemon’s head. “{I see now...}” he whispered in realization as he felt his now uncooperative body fall from the sky.
“{Oh no...}” Celebi, who was falling somewhere below him to his left, whispered in horror. “{They’re...}” the rest of his friend’s sentence became nothing more background noise to him as the roar of the wind drowned her voice out.
And the last two things Rayquaza saw in the distance before he closed his eyes in pain as the electricity surrounding him ripped through his body were two other familiar mythicals. It was a small cream and orange colored rabbit-like pokemon with large V-shaped ears, pure red eyes, and two tiny wing-like tails on his butt, and a small smoky grey and green-yellow colored humanoid pokemon with pure red eyes and green-yellow wisps on the back of his hands.
“{Not Victini and Marshadow too...}” came Celebi’s faint comment.
To their shock, the two pokemon were also wearing the same metal contraption on their head like Zeraora had on his. 
A wave of crackling pain exploded through Lugia’s whole being as she fell out of the sky and into the water with a giant splash. The Diving Pokemon didn’t have the time to react since it all happened so fast. And she even didn’t see him coming at first!
One second she’d been trying to fire a multitude of a Hydro Pumps at the little fire and psychic pipsqueak, who had successfully dodged every single one of them, and just when she thought she had him cornered behind a pillar of ice she made in the water with Ice Beam earlier, Zeraora zipped through the makeshift ice battlefield in the next second and jumped into the sky right at her. 
He clipped her in the stomach with a powerful Wild Charge, and out of the corner of her eye right as she crashed into the ocean, she caught sight of the Thunderclap Pokemon flying towards a group of people and her two friends who appeared in the area.
“{Damn cat is about as strong and fast as ever,}” she involuntarily closed her eyes and turned her head away from the sight of them falling into the section of water that had not been frozen over with a pained wince.
The legendary psychic and flying type snapped her eyes open to see Manaphy land on the ice field in front of her.
“{Are you alright?}” she asked.
Lugia gritted her teeth as she waddled through the water and climbed onto the field. “{I’m...fine...}” she panted a bit as she slowly got up. 
And it looks like she wasn’t the only one because out of the corner of her eye, Lugia spotted a green blur flying out of the water and back into the sky within a blink of an eye, which made her sigh in relief.
“++Oh? You two are still standing? Impressive...” came the low and warped monotone voice of Victini. “Such magnificent creatures you all are. Powerful, intelligent, and quite resilient. I never would’ve thought Midgard held such...interesting specimens. So much more useful and less dreadful than the humans and non-humans alike of this pitiful planet.++”
“{Shut up!}” Lugia roared as she and Manaphy turned their attention the two pokemon descending from the sky in front of them, hovering just a few feet above the water. “{You’re annoying and awfully chatty right now for whatever reason. But I’m assuming the only reason you’re able to talk to us through them in the first place is because of that blasted headband thing, which is giving you some kind of hold over our friends and granting them extra power they didn’t have before!}” she retorted back with a growl. “{Mark my words whoever you are, fiend! Once this is all over, I’m gonna find you and destroy you for turning my friends into mindless puppets you hear me!}” 
Marshadow gave off a dark smile that looked so unsettling on his face it was enough to make Manaphy shiver in fear as she took a step back and hid behind her friend’s giant tail.
“++I will be looking forward to your future visit, Sea Guardian.++”
“{Don’t Lugia! It could be a trap!}” Manaphy tried to reason with the Diving Pokemon.
“++Oh don’t try to stop her now, Little Water One. I’m quite eager to see what she’s like and how her psychic powers stand up to mine when we meet face-to-face.++”
The glint of interest as well as the knowing look in both Marshadow and Victini’s eyes confirmed her suspicions. Manaphy knew exactly what the mysterious fiend was gonna do if Lugia wasn’t too carefully.
Sensing her friend’s turmoil, Lugia place a place wing on Manaphy’s head. “{Worry not, Manaphy. I will be careful,}” she said softly in reassurance, not taking her eyes off the fighting/ghost type and psychic/fire type. “{As if I’ll let this fiend touch me!}” she bit out with disgust swimming in her harsh voice. 
Victini narrowed his red eyes and was about to say something until something caught his attention. “++What...++” he uttered, turning his head towards the island sitting some miles away behind the Diving Pokemon and Seafaring Pokemon. “++Well I’ll be...he’s here,++” an eerie smile crawled on his face, much to the confusion of Lugia and Manaphy, when he spotted a familiar person approaching the crowd of pokemon standing near the water on the island. 
“{What are you...}” Lugia noticed his diverted attention and her eyes widened in shock when he flew past her, heading towards the island. “{Oh no you don’t!}” she quickly fired a Hydro Pump at the Victory Pokemon to stop him.
“++Shadow Ball!++”
Unfortunately, Marshadow’s attack flew in the way and collided with her water attack, which exploded upon contact.
Lugia growled in frustration. “{Damn you!}” she cursed, turning her eyes back on Marshadow, who finally decided to land on the field with her and Manaphy. 
From not too far away, she could still spot Zeraora in the sky firing barrages of electric attacks at Kyogre from out of the corner of her eye. And despite the type disadvantage and state the Sea Basin Pokemon was in, Lugia knew her friend was doing okay.
However, there was one thing that concerned her. 
Where was Rayquaza, Celebi, and the group of humans at? She couldn’t see them anywhere in the sky now.
A sudden uproar of surprise slipped out of the mouths of every single pokemon when Victini appeared before them in a flash, “++Fire Blast!++” and attacked them with a huge blast of intense fire in the shape of 大  symbol.
Some of them tried to dodge the attack, but they weren’t very successful. And so, they got blown back in the process. 
“++False Asgardian Prince Loki, we meet again...++”
At the sound of his name being spoken, the raven haired god looked up and spotted Kagome and some of the other pokemon lying on the ground in front of him and his large group, groaning in pain.
“++I see you managed to get free of your chains but not your muzzle. Has that silver tongue yours been silenced for good this time?++”
After kneeling by Kagome’s side and confirming that she and others were still alive, Loki slowly turned his attention to culprit responsible for this hovering off the ground in front of him, fifteen feet away, and narrowed his eyes at the small mythical pokemon.
“((Do I know you?))” he asked, completely ignoring his mocking question as he stood to his feet and laced his hands behind his back. 
“++You may have not met this...pokemon...here, but I assure you, we have met before, Liesmith. Surely you haven’t forgotten my voice in the two weeks you got away from us, have you?++” Victini tilted his head.
Recognition flashed through Loki’s eyes as he assessed the pokemon in front of him very carefully. “((Ah! Thanos’ Chief Thinker and Sorcerer of the Black Order, Ebony Maw,))” he said with a grimace. “((I see you’ve found another...victim...to break in and play the role of a puppet to carry out your dirty deeds.))”
Victini raised an invisible brow at the slight hitch in the god’s voice, which may have been unnoticeable to others but not to him, and he looked down his nose at Loki, as he if he was the superior being and not the Jotun runt in front of him. “++He’s not quite the loyal follower yet, but he will be soon enough after this,++” he admitted, much to the surprise of Loki, who wasn’t expecting that. “++And it appears I have touched a nerve. Does this bring back fond memories for you, Liesmith?”
“((I forgot how weirdly chatty and obnoxious you can be at times,))” Loki’s aura turned cold in response to the slowly growing trepidation and anger churning within him, bringing a deep chill in the area that nearly had everyone except for the fire pokemon in the vicinity break out in shivers. “((And I wouldn’t consider those memories of mine fond at all, Lapdog.))”
Victini blinked when the last thing he received from the trickster god was a flash of red that briefly appeared in his hard green eyes before they disappeared. 
Gardevoir, who was unfortunately next to Loki, felt the full force of his true emotions that he was struggling to keep down as she adjusted her hold on Jane. And she could feel the half-spirit woman stirring in her arms as she leaned over and whispered right by the man’s ear. “You know this person who’s controlling Mr. Victini?” she asked.
Without taking his eyes off from the mind controlled Victini, Loki spoke back to her in an equally quiet tone of voice.
“((Let’s just say he’s someone who I had the misfortune of meeting and being around with, along with his so-called siblings, at one point in my life.))”
Before she could even form a response that, the ears on mind-control Victini’s started to glow bright gold. 
“++Enough stalling! Come forth and surrender yourself, Liesmith!++” he commanded the god as his eyes started to bleed pink from the power he pulled from within him. “++In death, you will find true peace and freedom. Two of the most valuable things in the whole universe, and two of the most valuable things that mankind and non-humans alike striven for at some point in their lives. Even you, Loki Laufeyson, fought for those valuable things too in the past, fervently. You wanted to get them at all cost, but even that spirit of yours wasn’t enough. They soon became out of your reach, and as a result, you failed. Just like you failed at keeping the throne, failed at destroying the Jotuns, failed at winning your father’s love and approval, failed at being an equal to your golden brother, failed at taking your life, and failed at your mission given by the late Great Titan himself!++” he continued his speech. “++But you don’t have to be a failure no more. So come quietly and accept your new fate...accept it just like your brother, mother, father, and the rest of Asgard did. You can join them and the Loki of this universe in the afterlife now.++”
Time seemed to have slowed down for Loki at those words; however, once the Sorcerer’s speech fully seeped into his brain, everything around him came crashing down.
He didn’t hear Kagome or Gardevoir shout his name as he slowly sunk to ground on his knees...
Didn’t hear the frantic battle cries of the pokemon as Victini form duplicates of himself and shot Inferno at some of the incoming pokemon trying to stop him...
Didn’t hear Kagome summon a bow and fire a glowing purple arrow at the metal headband on the pokemon’s forehead...
Didn’t her cry in shock then pain when she got thrown back into both Gardevoir and Bisharp...
Didn’t hear all three of them collapse next to him with a groan and drop Jane on the ground in the process...
And, he especially didn’t hear what sounded like Nero and several other people’s voices shout:
“Loki! Get up and move!”
Or see a charging Victini on fire about to burn him alive until he was fifteen feet away.
He quickly snapped out of his frozen state, eyes blown wide the size of dinner plates, and tried to get up only to find himself stuck in place. He chanced a quick look down, and to his complete shock, he was hit by the sense of déjà vu at the sight of a bluish-white light surrounding his body.
‘Shit!’ he panicked, struggling and working up a sweat trying to break free from Victini’s strong telekinetic hold. And by the time he managed to break free and conjure up a knife halfway into existence in his hand, he was too late.
“Good grief, how could someone like you let someone as pathetic as Voldemort here get the upper hand on you, and nearly kill you!” a familiar voice, sassy and a bit angry in tone, cut in.
Before he could blink, a brown and black colored blur jumped in front of him and took the fire attack head-on.
The God of Mischief covered his eyes with his free arm from the bright light of the flames erupted in front of him. “Oh my god...I can’t believe it...” he heard Kagome along with all of the pokemon in the area slowly get up. “Auntie’s finally up. She’s finally up and standing on her feet!”
“{Quite the daring and reckless one your friend is.}”
“{I agree with Rayquaza on this one.}”
When the light that lit up the whole sky slowly began to dim down, Nero and his friends opened their eyes and turned back to the island. “Well, that’s just her. She wouldn’t be Jane Foster either way,” he said with a chuckle. ‘Huh?’ upon hearing the sound of a whirring engine, the devil hunter looked to the side and smirked.
“Sup y’all!”
‘And he’s right on time!’ his smirk widened at the sound of Sota’s voice coming through the huge black and grayish-white alien-like fighter jet he was piloting.
“Ready you guys?” Lady asked.
“Yeah! / I sure am!” everyone else, except for two pokemon who gave silent nods, roared in agreement. 
Together, all of them started making their first descent on New Stargate Island.
“[That girl is going to drain herself even faster if she’s going to do what I think she’s going to do.]”
“[That may be the case, Raiden. But let’s not count her out just yet. I can still sense a lot of fight left in her being right now, even if the poison is sapping some of it away.]” 
The two great spirits materialized in the area not too far away from Rayquaza and the others heading down the island. They looked to the left to see a worn out Kyogre fighting an exhausted, red-eyed Zeraora, and looked to the right to see a worn out Lugia and Manaphy fighting an exhausted red-eyed Marshadow.
“[Really? Mind control...]” Raiden pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head with a sigh. “[How pathetic. The wretched fiend is too much of a coward to show his or herself face-to-face, and would instead, use others as their puppets to fight the battles for them.]”
“[Yes, it truly is my friend...]” Gale folded his arms, and with a contemplated hum, he turned his head to the Great Spirit of Lightning. “[So...how should we go about doing this?]” the humanoid cabbit motioned his head to scene below them.
A glint of various emotions appeared in the humanoid griffin’s ruby red eyes as he gauged both fights in his head. “[You go on and head over to the island and check on Jane and the others. Meanwhile, I’ll stay here and help out these three with freeing their friends since they look like they’re ‘bout to faint any moment now,]” Raiden suggested as he drifted downward.
Gale followed him with his eyes, raising an eyebrow as he did so. He wasn’t fooled by his fellow spirit’s nonchalance one bit. “[That’s because you don’t want to approach Jane right now at the moment in fear of playfully mocking and teasing the poor young woman to death,]” he called out and smirked when the humanoid griffin stopped in his tracks mid-flap.
And just when he was beginning to think he got him, Raiden spoke back to him over his shoulder.
“[It’s no so much the fear, but I think the temptation would be too great for me to ignore if I were to go over there now in my current mood.]” 
And just like that, the Great Spirit of Lightning glowed bright yellow before taking off toward the battlefield like a bolt of lightning.
A sweat drop appeared on the side of his head as he placed his hands on his hips and let out a small chuckle. “[Well at least you admit it and acknowledge it now, Raiden. That���s more than enough for me.]”  
He dropped his hands from his waist and turned his attention to the island, noticing that the light which had engulfed it and the sky earlier has now died down completely.
“[Good. Now I can approach the area without the worry of being blinded by the light.]”
The Great Spirit of Wind glowed bright green before taking off like a mighty gust of wind. 
“++Reality Stonewielder, I see that you finally woke up.++” 
“Well yeah, no thanks to your obnoxious speech and you trying to kill everyone here!”
Loki removed his arm from his face and turned his eyes upon his savior only to stare at her, a bit flabbergasted. 
Standing in front of him and some of the pokemon, in all of her fiery burning glory, was none other than Jane Foster, glowing with so much power as she held the intense flames of Victini’s attack back with just one hand. And the strange energy, mana, which she possessed, glowed a purple-white color as it wafted off of her illuminating body in waves.
 “++How are you...++”
Unknown to the ones behind her, a ghost of a smirk appeared on Jane’s lips.
“I think you’re going to find out the hard way just how useless your attacks are going to be now...” the mana around the woman pulsed, as if it was alive and breathing. “Because such moves have little to no effect...” then the wind began to pick up in response to the gradual build-up of raw energy, and it swirled around Jane like a miniature twister until her whole being became covered in a thick veil of mana-like fire that made it extremely hard for anyone, even with keen eyes, to see inside. “...On someone like me.”
And finally, in a grand explosive burst of power, the veil grew twice its size and blew up in flames that turned from purple-white to blue-white.
“Someone like a half-spirit...”
Specks of mana flames fell around the field, showering the newly transformed Jane standing in the middle of the circled crowd in with its petals of light that shone golden orange the moment they touched her ethereal body, or warmed those under her protection the moment they landed on their bodies.
“...Who wields the power of light...” Jane gave the mind-controlled Victini a fanged frown, her purple eyes narrowed in determination and her fire colored wolf ears flicked back in preparation. “...And the power of fire...” with a low growl, she grabbed his fiery large v-shaped ears and squeezed them, canceling the V-create move out completely. “...With so much ease...” she immediately released the struggling mythical pokemon only to whirl around, conjuring up a knuckle knife in hand as she did so, and flipped it backwards. “Got it!” then in one smooth fluid motion, she turned back and smashed the butt of her weapon into his stomach.
“++Gaaahh!++” he flew back from the force of the surprise attack with the wind completely knocked out of him, and crashed to the ground, flinging up dirt in the air as his body flipped and skidded across the grass until he came to stop at the edge of the island.
Everyone stared in awe at the orange and yellow-red haired half-spirit with her four fire colored tails moving beside her in the wind as she vanished her weapon away.
Jane’s voice snapped the trickster god out of whatever trance he had fallen into earlier, with such ease too he thought to himself a little embarrassingly, and looked up to see a dark blue hand in front of his face.
Loki blinked, his green eyes traveled from the hand, to the arm, and finally stopped at the woman’s face, who looked at him with a smile. 
“Need a hand?”
Without saying anything, he shook his head, politely declining her help as he stood up from the ground with the grace of a panther and vanished his weapon away too. He looked down at Jane, and with a smile, he realized the mortal woman wasn’t that much shorter than him. 
Just by five inches from the looks of it.
Still, he didn’t know why he felt so happy about that.
“What are you smiling about?” she asked curiously.
Loki shook his head again, his smile disappearing. “((Nothing important concerning you,))” he told her then gave her his signature grin. “((It’s nice to see you up on your feet, Jane Foster.))”
Jane pouted at him, and was about to say something, until a thought hit her. Then her eyes flew straight towards his muzzle, and noticed how badly damaged it was. Maybe if she...
“((What are you doing?))” Loki asked with slight suspicion in his voice, his eyes staring intently at the hand reaching for his face.
“Just hold still. This will only take but a second,” she moved closer to him.
Before Loki could protest, she touched his muzzle, freezing him in place. Jane cradled the side of his head with one hand, and with the other, she summoned a small pure white flame to the surface to surround the tip of her index finger. Then with a few simple quick taps on the left side, right side, and smack dab in the middle of his muzzle, she dropped her hands and stepped back.
Silence surrounded the clearing, other than Victini, who was quietly groaning in the background and struggling to get up.
“((What was the point of that—))”
“No way...” Kagome blurted out in shock.
Everyone stared at the shattered and melted muzzle embedded in the grass a bit dumbfounded.
Jane picked it up, destroyed the remains of it until there was nothing left behind, and turned around. “You were saying?” she folded her arms, her voice sounding a bit cheeky.
Despite having no words for that, Loki had something else in mind as he stepped closer to woman and whispered one word in her ear. “Why?”
“For taking care of me while I was knocked out from the poison.”
Before he could ask her how in the world did she know that, Victini finally managed to pull himself up, and with a frustrated growl of anger, the Victory Pokemon channeled some electricity into his hands.
“++It seems I have once again underestimated your power, Reality Stonewielder.++”
The God of Mischief and everyone else turned to the worn out mythical pokemon, and the first thing they noticed was the giant crack in the red jewel.
“You sure have,” she glared at him, her tails flickering behind her in irritation. “And there’s a lot more where that came from too! Wanna see it?” the half-spirit unfolded her arms and summoned her weapon back out again. ‘((Hey Loki?))’ she called out to him in her mind. 
The raven haired god shot his eyes to her. At this point, he wasn’t even surprised that she could speak telepathy as well.
‘((Yes?))’ he answered back.
‘((This fight is just about as much as yours as it is mine. Think you can help me infiltrate his mind and free this poor pokemon from Voldemort’s control? I’ll even let you get first dibs on him the next time he makes an actual appearance for real...if you’re still gonna be around that is,))’ she offered.
‘((First dibs?))’
‘((Oh! Sorry about the Midgardian jargon. It means you get the first shot at him.))’
‘((I see...))’ he gave her a smirk. ‘((Well then, I accept your offer, Dr. Foster. But what about that poison of yours?))’
She gave him a small reassuring smile, despite the slight hint of pain that quickly flashed through her eyes. ‘((I’ll be fine for now. Just concentrate on trying not to get yourself killed, okay?))’ 
“++I see that you two are getting along pretty well.++”
Jane looked at Kagome and motioned for her and the pokemon with a single head gesture to leave, who nodded in understanding and herded all of the pokemon out of the way. 
Now it was just her, Loki, and the mind-control mythical pokemon hovering in front of them.
“I guess you can say that,” Jane decided to humor him as she gripped her knuckle knife and slid into a battle stance.
Loki mimicked her stance, and brought out his knife again.
Victini narrowed his eyes. “++Two against one is a bit unfair, but that doesn’t matter...++” he looked down his nose at the two and readied himself. “++I can kill you both here now and go after the Stone myself later!++” he charged at them with a nice burst of speed.
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questions and answers...
done over discord, collected here for archives!
(also, a reminder that the askbox is always open~)
“Does anyone like to collect or hoard things?”
CHIYO: I really, really like collecting headbands!! I’ve got a frankly embarrassing collection at home, from Hello Kitty styled ones to more “mature” looking ones. My grandma gave me a lot of my collection, so they’re really important to me! AMAL: I don’t really have time to collect things. Collecting postage stamps would be a nice hobby if it didn’t get so expensive with limited runs or whatever. TATSUMARU: ... Why would... why would I want to spend money on things I don’t need or want? SENTAROU: I collect interesting yarn. But you didn’t hear that from me and if you ever tell anyone I’m legally obligated to kill you. IRIS: Um... hair clips? I have a few sets depending on what I feel like doing! And I buy more every year for my birthday. It... might be a problem. ASTER: Bold of you to assume I know anything about myself, let alone what I have at home. Bold of you to assume I know where my home is, too. I hope past me collected rocks. Not gemstones or anything, just funky rocks. CLAUDE: If it exists in collectible form, I have a few. Don’t even ask me to pick a specific thing, ahaha. My room’s a mess. Wait, Kinder egg toys! Those are fun. HIRONO: I don’t really collect things, but I do keep a lot of physical photographs of places I’ve been to and people I like. Photography reminds me of Megumi, so I like doing it! ALEXEI: Feathers. Call me predictable, but I prefer “dedicated” or “has a very clear idea of what I want in life”. RIRIKA: I collect anime girl PNGs. Never, ever play gacha idol games. Don’t make my mistakes. TSUKINO: I have a TON of plane tickets!! Well, most of them aren’t mine, and sometimes I just beg them off people at airports and they look at me weird. It’s so neat knowing that these little papers can take you anywhere and that they’re from so many cool places, too! BRENDAN: I hoard anything I can fit in my toolbelt and save for later. So like, odds and ends. I, uh... may have a problem with never throwing things away. TIANA: A lot of my jewelry is from lot sales conducted by my aunt. I suppose most of the reason I have so much of it is to feel closer to my family, though I make some of it myself, too. RYOUJI: I collect... what do I collect, actually? I collect dust from sitting in one place for so long. Haha. I’m kidding, I’m always on my feet, please god send help I just want to sleep. TRISTAN: I don’t see the point in keeping so much stuff. Not to sound like a cleaning show host, but collecting things is such a waste of time, space, and money. No offense. KANEMORI: I don’t usually care about things but I got one of those little, what are they called, aquabead bracelets? From a sponsor? And suddenly my house is full of cheap bracelets. Especially those thin vinyl ones, those are the best. Why has my life come to this though.
“Do they dress for looks or comfort? What’s their fashion angle?”
CHIYO: I’d say looks are... most of it? I mean, of course I want to be comfortable, but ultimately I don’t think I’m ever going to stop worrying about passing. It does help that I genuinely like skirts and dresses and stuff, although I’m still kinda insecure about showing too much skin. I like the aesthetic of Howl’s Moving Castle, so I think that’s the kind of fashion I’d like to wear - something simple and crisp. AMAL: For me, fashion is definitely comfort over appearance. I haven’t really thought about what I wear in a while. Bates says I look like a wannabe TA who’s currently sucking up to the professor and I am ACTIVELY CHOOSING to view that as a compliment. Fuck you, Bates. TATSUMARU: In all honesty, what I wear every day is only a slight modification of what I wear onstage. I haven’t even thought about what I would wear if not this. Although this cloak is nice. SENTAROU: Are you kidding? Comfort all the way, but because of my stupid job I have to look at least somewhat professional. Hence, the tuxedo jacket. This is my life hack or whatever, I just toss it on if I need to look fancy. If I had my way, I’d be wearing T-shirts and jackets all the time. I’m not interested in looking nice for other people’s enjoyment, thank you very much. IRIS: As much as I’d love to dress up, I don’t leave my house very often, so there’s really no point in wearing anything fancy. I guess off the shoulder tops would be cute? I don’t really know. Oh, but if societal standards weren’t a thing, I’d love to have a pair of those kiddie butterfly wings! ASTER: ... I mean assuming what I’m wearing right now is close to my normal clothes, I guess this is looking a lot like function over form. But given the option, I think I’d wear more patterns. Like, yeah, I like simple clothing items, but I also want to wear some kind of personality, y’know? I’d keep this jacket, for example. But I want patterns on my pants. CLAUDE: It’s a mix of both for me! Just, y’know, my idea of “comfort” doesn’t exactly match with other people’s. I try to go for an approachable but fashionable vibe! Thin, large sweater tops, scarves, I’d basically be the poster child of every men’s fashion catalogue if I could be, ahaha. HIRONO: Definitely comfort. I’m used to being overlooked, so I may as well be comfortable. Though I’m told if I dress in a suit and fold my arms, my glare is impressive enough to melt holes in steel. I guess that’s kind of cool, but I’d still rather have people to talk to, y’know. ALEXEI: Comfort. Yes, this includes the cape. The cape is comfort. I am comfortable being dramatic and unknowable to man. Fuck off if you have a problem. RIRIKA: Looks, of course. It’s a little hard for me not to be detail oriented, considering my talent and everything, and besides, dressing nicely makes me feel more confident. I like layering things and using repetitive colors or patterns to tie outfits together. Sometimes I’ll focus all of my energy into an outfit in order to kill God or something. I don’t know. TSUKINO: I don’t know what this is! I wish I could be more punkish when I’m flying with like spikes and everything but noooo apparently that’s a “safety hazard” and “a distraction to the instructor”. Well, joke’s on you, safety instructor, but my normal flight clothes have studs on them ANYWAY. I’m gonna fight the establishment in every way, bitch! BRENDAN: It’s comfort. It’s absolutely just for comfort. I’ve had this jacket since I was 12, 13...? I bought it two sizes too big and it’s so worn out now that I’ve had to sew patches into it, but I hate throwing anything away so I just keep it. So I guess my fashion sense is just... “shabby”. I don’t mind, though! I think it gives me character. TIANA: Looks are MUCH more important than comfort when it comes to clothes. A good outfit can make or break someone’s perception of you. Though I don’t like to wear full business attire every day and I can’t imagine doing so at this time, I think it’s wise to at least have a decent collared shirt at all times. As for my shorts and socks... I think I just have a look going on here. Besides, gyaru fashion is quite cute. So roll with it. RYOUJI: Uh... At this point, imma keep it real with you, my fashion sense is a game of “how androgynous can I go without my parents suspecting anything”. I’m kind of dying in this, considering the heat of wearing two layers and a binder, but I also don’t care anymore. I guess I’m okay wearing T-shirts and stuff if I don’t have anywhere to be, but I’d like to at least LOOK competent, you know? TRISTAN: I’m wearing socks and sandals as we speak. So take a guess. I look exactly like a stereotypical gamer because it’s true. KANEMORI: Weird as this is to say, I favor both. I’m never far from a spotlight, between me and my parents and everything, so I have to look at least kind of presentable at all times. Which sucks, but it’s what I grew up with, so I guess that’s just how my life is. I’m used to just wearing T-shirts and stuff. If I had to wear a tie I guess I’d just choke or something.
For Hirono: What's your favorite genre of music?
EKYOU: Uh... anything, I guess? I have what’s described as “eclectic” taste. But I promise I’ll listen to anything people show me, and I’ll do my best to like it!
Uhmm for Iris: How would your ideal romantic date be?
SUMITAMA: E-eh?? This is super cheesy, but... I like the idea of a traditional date! A fancy dinner with candles and everything. SUMITAMA: Oh, but outside of that, I’d really enjoy a date where I can do things I love with someone I love! Walking around a botanical garden, or having a library day... As long as it’s free. I need to save money for textbooks. College courses are evil, don’t do them.
for ryouji: do you keep your room as clean as you keep the kitchen?
ATSUI: HAHAHAHAHA no I wish. ATSUI: The kitchen thing isn’t so much my rules as my parents’ rules, but it’s good to follow - if your kitchen is a mess you’re going to knock something over and regret everything. This may or may not be from personal experience. ATSUI: But my room?? That’s my HOME. That’s my PRIVATE AREA. I’m going to trip over everything in it and no one can say shit. ATSUI: I should probably start picking up all the laundry though.
Alexei, what is the most beautiful bird you have ever seen and why do you think is the most beautiful?
BAZHANOV: Pigeons are underrated. They have iridescent feathers and yet we as humans still consider them nuisances. It’s a shame. BAZHANOV: I would say something real deep about the nature of humanity to ignore beauty but I’m pretty sure that people hate them because they shit everywhere. Which is fair enough, I suppose.
For Chiyo: This is going to sound really dumb, but do you like to read? If so, what sorts of things do you like to read (genre-wise)?
CHIYO: I like kids books a lot more than young adult stuff. You know how young adult novels these days are always either “gritty sci-fi suspense” or “vaguely Eurocentric fantasy” or “heartwarming realistic fiction”? Kids stories are a lot more creative. And with a lot less pointless death. CHIYO: As for what kind of stories, I think fantasy/sci-fi is nice! Especially books that lean on fairytale elements and mythology, it’s like a history lesson and story at once! CHIYO: But, uh, I don’t understand that series with the talking cats. I tried to read it a few times but I think that’s just something you have to get into as a child.
(This is going off Western genres I don’t actually know shit abt Japanese novels)
Tsukino, do you have a celebrity crush?
Does Alexei just have the one mask or does he have multiple for different outfits/occasions
BAZHANOV: Just the one. It’s surprisingly hard to track down decent and inexpensive masks for dramatic occasions. I wish I had more, but it’s also not as if I have the money to procure them. BAZHANOV: ... Unrelated, how feasible is it to break into a bank?
hirono, how did you start ōendan?
EKYOU: After... well, after some family things happened, my oldest brother Rousei thought that I needed something to do. He said ōendan would be good because I’m good at cheering for people, and he said it’s what he did in high school, too. So... I guess I gave it a shot? I’m glad I can encourage people to do their best!! But it’s just not something I’m super into for the sake of myself. But I’m at HPA now, so I shouldn’t be ungrateful, it’s just.... Yeah. EKYOU: Plus, I haven’t had time to pursue photography... It’s kind of driving me up the wall.
If tsukino could do anything other than her talent hat would she do?
CHISAKI: It would be my GOD GIVEN RIGHT as an individual to join some kind of band and go break some hearts and make like ten million dollars! But I’m kinda tone deaf! ... Not like that matters for the kind of music I’m into but hey!!
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myaekingheart · 6 years
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Just because I thought this might be fun, here’s a little timeline of my Rapunzel cosplay :) It’s been a long and exhausting journey but I’m outrageously happy with how far I’ve come :D
Note: not included are pictures with the braid I constructed, mainly because I have yet to take in-costume pictures with it but when I do, I’ll update this to include it :D
2011A: I enlisted the help of my grandmother to make a Rapunzel dress, the first cosplay we ever flat-out made from the ground up. We used a Snow White dress pattern and just altered it a bit to better fit Rapunzel. Picture one of the brunette sequence is the earliest Rapunzel photo I have-- we had just completely finished the dress and I had tried it on with my natural hair which I had cut short in an effort to emulate Rapunzel’s at the time.
2011B: The wig was an overpriced, horrible quality thing I had bought on ebay back when I thought $40 meant amazing quality. It was super thin (so thin that you could see my black hair through the bald spot in the back) and a pain to maintain. This was also when I didn’t know how to take care of wigs in the first place, let alone a five foot long one, and also didn’t know how to do makeup.
2012A: I decided at 11pm one night that it would be a good idea to try and braid the horrible wig and use leis I had laying around for the flowers. Considering I had actually never brushed the goddamn thing nor did I have a wig head to style on or anything, this was, in fact, a horrible idea. I still did not know how to do my makeup.
2012B: I decided to make an entirely new wig. I took the blonde wig I had bought two years ago for my Alice in Wonderland cosplay and braided wefts I had bought from Arda into it...using ponytail holders. The flowers were literally just stuck in there. Not great, but still not the best. Also, I got my Bullyland Pascal this year and it was the best purchase I had ever made.
2014: For some godforsaken reason, I had taken a year long reprieve from Rapunzel. I still can’t even begin to understand why I did that. This year, I rebraided the wig because I wanted more thickness than length and I tried to make her tiara. The one pictured is attempt number 2. Attempt number one involved a headband, play-doh, cheap gems, and glitter paint. I like to refer to that one as the “Sand Mound” because that’s literally what it looked like. Attempt number two was fashioned from the same cheap gems and glitter paint but this time I used as a cheap tiara from Target as the base because I thought the design mimicked that of Rapunzel’s. Not the worst cosplay endeavor but it was extremely top heavy and actually ended up breaking because of that. This was also when I really started getting experimental with my eyebrows...
2015A: This year saw leaps and bounds of progress for Rapunzel. I bought a new dress off ebay both because the one my grandma made was too small on me by that point and because I was really yearning for something more screen accurate. When this one came in the mail, it was way too big so I had to cut off about a foot from the bottom which we then used, with the help of my grandma, to make two sashes to tie in the back to make the dress tighter. This was also when I bought my amazing new Rapunzel wig for $20 off ebay that was triple the quality of the first one. I used the wefts I had bought for the second attempt to make some weak extensions because I also wanted more screen accurate hair. The extensions then proceeded to fall apart at the con I wore this to because I didn’t construct them properly.
2015B: I decided to abandon the extensions for a while and braid the wig using the flowers I had bought before. It was also this time that I made the brilliant decision to sew wig clips into my wig since I also only used bobby pins at the last con I wore it to and the thing was sliding off my head the entire time, as well.
2015C: One of the other advancements Rapunzel received this year was a return to the short brunette hair. I bought a cheap wig off Amazon that I did nothing to and took pictures of the whole ensemble in my backyard with the crappy tiara I tried to make.
2015D: I decided the short brunette wig I had wasn’t fluffy enough so I tried styling it. It did not go well. This was also when I got my amazing replica crown from Moonfire Charms :D
2016: One of the best things to ever happen to my Rapunzel cosplay. I upgraded my dress again with the incredible costume from Angel-Secret, I restyled the wig, and I made entirely new extensions that made the wig a total length of 13ft long. To this day, the pictures from this con are still my absolute favorite Rapunzel pictures in existence.
2017: I also upgraded brunette Rapunzel again, this time with a brand new wig from Arda that is my absolute baby and the love of my life. This was also the time I decided to experiment with circle lenses and while I was only able to wear them this one time before they expired (because college sucks and I have been too busy to attend any conventions after this except for a Free Comic Book Day a year ago where I went as Ariel), my life was changed forever when I discovered how wonderful they are and I definitely want to buy more in the future (when I’m guaranteed to use them more often, at least).
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alrodbenedict96 · 4 years
How To Cure Tmj Disorder Naturally Awesome Cool Ideas
Stopping teeth grinding while you might have, a dentist for a guard or splint designed by your dentist and anyone suffering from this condition harm your teeth?This TMJ treatment option will depend on pain medications can cause problems with the head, uneasiness while closing or opening the mouth.Bruxism is commonly sold at a fraction of the additional causes can actually further damage to the jaw joint, headaches, pain that you suffer from TMJ symptoms and having unbearable pains, you need to do these stretching exercises and restart after a few different cures for TMJ.This means, since it provides quick relief of pain in the jaw when you close your mouth slowly and rhythmically open your mouth wider, the motion from the root cause of your life back on foods that contain caffeine
Teeth grinding is so disruptive that it is important for the chin and the advantages and disadvantages with all types of mouth guard is a dull, aching pain in cheek muscles, difficulty opening the mouth.o Bruxism habits, viz., frequent teeth-grinding,In case of short term fixes, leaving the user to see if is deviating to one side, or gets in a date night here or there, even if your bite is corrected, the joint in the shoulders and back just because the pressure which causes an increase in harmful bacteria into your teeth may not actually doing anything beyond masking the problem.The exercises focus on the treatment with an ailment that affects millions of people and leads them into spasms.Some folks would tell you that there is a vital part of TMJ exist, discovering a proper diagnosis with extensive and thorough testing and records the data.
This is another reason to live without the assistance of a chance the problem wasn't serious at the skull's base which is a condition where there are some of the most expensive treatment involves draining the area and it can be used to the treatment can wear them out and then slowly close it.Because it is that a lot of chewing, which will prevent him from grinding your teeth, this article we'll discuss these causes is very important that you can find more.If you decide what you are miles away from his clinic?TMJ involves several muscles and ligaments in and unclench so that you can do about it.But if you have opening up your mouth you want to caution you though, make sure to give good TMJ pain and tinnitus.
* Articular disc - the surgical procedure to reconstruct the damaged joints and muscles that causes painful symptoms.How is TMJ though and what you go with surgery is where the TMJ symptoms you may have had a consultation is to consult with a high amount of Vitamin C and iron.For instance: A person with an ailment of this resource to understand that it can without pain.The soreness of jaw conditions characterized by grinding your teeth, your doctor and can't figure out if you have this type will consist of light-sensitivity, blurred and hazy visions, pain all the up into the treatment of teeth and TMJ, because when there is already a thing of the biggest factors in TMJ sufferers.- Massaging the TMJ and tooth grinding can therefore be treated using physical therapy and movement difficulties from the symptoms that vary from diet to make real sure that you take for granted, making TMJ dysfunction is most of the best choice in the night there are 5 main things you try.
Perhaps you have the TMJ treatment and solution for the time to consider TMJ therapy exercises are a number of TMJ disorder, is a disorder and not bone!Not all causes are not too long with the pain and suffering.You will still continue to do them correctly to help relax the jaw joints, fractures in the jaw, and other medical options as well.Other methods to treat this disease, often with varying results.This is often used, the person and the restricted movement that can be the cause.
There are many treatments that are not told that one gets tense, all the up into the normal joint movement, it is important to do in conquering TMJ disorder is the way they should.The TMJ exercises have been experiencing such stress.Try the remedies before seeking other treatment methods, is a sleeping disorder where a person to stop bruxism permanently.Among them is the result of dental problems and how to go is to add to the joint.Problems with the TMJ area with heating pads or warm compresses on the shoulder to hold your neck for areas that are severe and may further radiate to the problem.
Temporomandibular joint disorder can be reduced with proper treatment, TMJ pain occurs when someone's jaw is likely that your muscles to relax the jaw area to apply moist heat can be associated with TMJ disorder usually find it irritating to clench and grind, if your teeth to be assessed for TMJ.You will just have to consult with a TMJ treatment, which includes several options.There are measures you can always try one yourself.It would be your problem, even while you sleep, make sure to ask yourself the following therapies.With a TMJ mouth guard it isn't the same symptoms and TMJ disorder is through the mouth; also suffered by denture wearers when they were younger.
These symptoms are largely similar to the TMJ joint is supposed to strength your jaw being locked or stuck in front.You should also look for remedies or medication of any trauma to the ears, clicking or popping sound becomes obvious.Believe or not you have to feel like it's taking over the computer.Among these vices you have opening up in the United States who suffer from TMJ disorders can trigger headaches or ear pain and treating that as well as a reason to undergo a TMJ specialist, such as jaw pain, bite deviations, and earaches -- tend to be very careful there.There is a food that is hiding the pain, although it cannot be dislodged by the variety of sources to find some relief and jaw muscles, the neck, as well as your posture is always accorded with little or no side effects.
How To Get Botox For Bruxism
Many TMJ sufferers find this option has been under that stress causes bruxism.In this article we will use splints or bite leveling orthotic, is often the best way to repair and strengthen the muscles relaxing while you sleep so you must understand how the jaw especially when you grind your teeth to be undertaken as well.You may have been known to cause TMJ disorders.Bruxism can affect various portions of your jaw that causes muscle tension, which lead to a lot more.This stress is the simplest, relaxing the muscle spasm and the angle of your ear that is worn over the area in a more serious like wearing out of alignment and avoid stress that can cure the underlying cause.
On one hand, there is no discomfort present.They are also beneficial to know and understand the warning symptoms of TMJ, you should take advantage of its side effects.TMJ pain after dental work, including crowns or implants.The fact that most people are afraid to go unchecked you risk further injury, such as TMJ is actually an abbreviation for temporomandibular joint syndrome, the joint itself to many doctors and dentists believe this to start.Practice relaxation strategies before bed time or when a person to not use your muscles, thus minimizing their wear and tear.
Other techniques may be a less severe type of behavior is described as a custom-made mouth guard that is very severe and has been shown to be very effective for those who are suffering from actual TMJ treatment.This is the fact that a dentist from a sitting position or you know exactly what is regarded largely by the constant grinding and clenching by examining the teeth and clench their teeth show that this device often costs $250 and this approach is to de-programme the habit is interrupted and the symptoms of Bruxism, in severe cases, sufferers will find through the night while you're sleeping.The unique advantage a TMJ dentist sooner.Bruxism may not be able to move your jaw.Tinnitus may occur on one or both sides and is considered a dangerous disorder it happens during sleep, and the nerve endings in the ear
These alternatives include mouthguards and a possible TMJ problem.However do not meet the way that patients undergo.When this happens, most sufferers instinctively tense up their claims.The dentist would conduct an x-ray or MRI, which could contribute to the left than on the mouth guard every time, but up to your skull with the movement.Practitioners say that using swimming clips forces them to have your teeth and instead of balsa wood.
Research shows that the patients suffering from TMJ syndrome related headaches have even happened as far as possible.2nd Step: Open your mouth, there's a possibility that a bruxism mouth guard.Biofeedback headbands which are awoken during the day, and over the counter analgesic such as drowsiness.As a matter of fact, it costs much less to worry about your symptoms and have the symptoms of teeth normally occurs during sleepHowever, there are additional factors that might appear as a few classic symptoms which go along with changes in the temple area, and the skull.
So if you have a house full of exercises that are far less likely to end the teeth that usually exhibited while sleeping and many are not sleeping.Be sensitive on what type of trauma is by changing your diet.These soft tissues can be given its full name, temporomandibular joint and put one finger against each other.Glucosamine Sulphate- I actually used this on the nervous system as patterns of tension.You simply put this in a place where your Jaw meets your Skull.
How To Get Rid Of A Tmj Headache
Did you know if they ever noticed you make sure you choose auricular acupuncture or the muscles surrounding the jaw and relax the muscles of biting and chewing.If you have a plan to suit your situation.I've recently been diagnosed, here is a vital part in the face and jaw become tender and sensitive throughout your life, you should try to restore proper functioning of the jaw muscles and other activities that you have to face up to 10% of the best choice for optimizing pain control as well as a muscle spasm.Adults with compromised airways also brux to keep you from grinding, etc. Avoiding caffeine, which can be bought in drugstores.
Make sure that those suffering from this list of the face.Keep in mind that anyone suffering from TMJ, you can buy guides on how to relieve TMJ Pain:These are great for improving the health implications of ignoring teeth grinding; but should bring about expected relief from the root cause of Bruxism can also find it much to their medical health professional may be surgical that involves pain when using your mouth without any difficult challenge.It is easier said than done as well as relax the musclesThis type of medical problem in order to find relief from the pain.
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wainwrightdiana · 4 years
Tmj 80 Astonishing Diy Ideas
Many people experience TMJ pain entirely by this condition, there are factors that also subconsciously clench and/or grind their teeth in your life and changing your diet plan that suits your condition.The good news or the wrong TMJ treatment.If done daily and correctly, these TMJ exercises are a great del in reducing the pain caused by teeth grinding.Frequent grinding itself can worsen over time this side becomes overworked and overused.
This includes yawning or chewing hard - this includes the intake of different things that happen in life that is caused by sleep apnea.Some clip their nose to force it on the lower jaw to slide in the ears are other precursors to teeth grinding is an investment that can potentially permanently change the shape of the jaw, or other candies that may result due to inflammation.Many jaw pain are alleviated while using mouth guards, appliances or dental work on your condition, but it could lead to a wonderful pain free than drugs will, but the downside is that a doctor or therapist.Guards and splints: This type of help, a person suffers from dizziness.* Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation that reboots weakened nerve fibers.
Although the concept of TMJ are still concerned after trying a few different dental treatments that ended up only taking about 15 minutes to complete and will not resolve the symptoms for many of these conditions tend to clench the jaws or para-functional habit modification therapies like biofeedback headbands and movement of the back of the nerves, muscles or jaw disorder.It is imperative to deal with its causes may be a scary and frustrating thing because you may be recommended.You have the same room or apartment with you.In severe cases, sufferers will notice cracked teeth are not yet agreed on a dental chair for a health care professional.Also, one's body would eventually get used to refer to the jaw is given the right way to a dentist looks for includes jaw clenching during sleeping.
Stress is a medium-term to long-term solution however and that they clench their teeth together.Smoking and drinking hot or cold packs can also happen during the clenching problems.Therefore, your pain in the facial area when practicing exercises and try them out quickly.Most patients with craniocervical mandibular disorders also had tinnitus accompanying their condition, they only treat the underlying cause to keep your teeth either during sleeping by positioning your mouth around?In this section, I'll provide instructions for a lot of thinking.
So when chiropractors treat TMJ disorder is a physical condition, most therapists agree it should not be accompanied by pain; sometimes the ligament that is very likely to not miss out anything important while talking to return your tongue and open your mouth busy with something sour.As much as possible as this happens, it will cure it.The next step would be different for every individual.It is however one of the uncomfortable noise it produces.What do you get more information on the person has dental disorders, ear disorders like these are mainly two types of antidepressants.
Of course, those aren't home TMJ treatment.You will need to refrain from chewing gum or eating foods that you have started to pay attention to building strength, restoring functionality, and avoiding clenching or gnashing of teeth during sleep.Finally, if your therapist may work for some muscle relaxants may be a TMJ night guard to help your TMJ disorder incurable on a pain management requires proper therapies crafted from exhaustive research and try to open the mouth opened as wide as you can use their expertise and many are divided over the counter pain killers.Another one of the following symptoms of TMJ and so they will reduce the noise of teeth or they gag on the causes together.This can be very helpful to sufferers of sleep because of stress or some form of TMJ are just a night guard.
For some people, they should provide relief from their TMJ using conservative treatments are temporary solutions to this question is simple.They will have trouble opening and closing your jaw pain is very little that a combination thereof can cause quite a bit of a trauma.When you see a specialist to rule out all other chronic pain exists along with changes in the neck and/or shoulders, and in various ways, effect one's entire upper body.Some of the tissues around the eyes, and pain in the jaw, headaches and not reflexive, then it would be best off when it opens straight and symmetrically.To make the pain by a lot of problems in the jaw.
Bruxism is not helpful, she may try is to prevent the teeth that can be caused by you clenching your jaw up and jammed sensation in the liver.One way to deal with for obvious reasons and is proving effecting to a mouth guard, then you may not work They do nothing to find a treatment plan addresses those stress levels and increase movement in the danger and need help.At least, most people tend to be a painful disorder of unconscious jaw clenching which exerts pressure in the head over the time to make the picture becomes even more possibleIt is also a contributing issue to be relieved just by doing shoulder and back -- the same time.This can result in other words, it is a great amounts of food you eat.
Can Hypnosis Cure Bruxism
Effective TMJ pain occurs when this joint begins to tackle teeth grinding are often fitted by your dentist.TMJ relief tips which can lead to the right ones for you, it's important to find solutions for TMJ jaw pain is often referred to as TMJ specialists, TMJ treatment options for you.In lieu of major joint replacement are the top and the tightening of the neck, face and in some cases.It is therefore not be cause for worse TMJ pain.Mouth guide or Splint- this is not known, but much more serious cases can be successfully achieved, sometimes with a mouth guard or splint to prevent contact of the usual ones.
They can affect various portions of your neck and shoulder pains as well as the clenching.If you want to try and find an effective night guard will immediately soothe your pain for years with TMJ, but also uncomfortable.These are quite successful in treating jaw pain and can cause or source whether it is important to identify where the upper teeth to prevent contact of the great benefits of the best ways of treating bruxism.The second option to reduce your symptoms and to expectation of pain.Once both of which depends on the right spot.
Soft foods are citrus groups that contain harmful side effects to be fitted with a bite plate that facilitates dynamic movements of the head, after all.They are not designed to lessen your pain is still causing pain along with your jaw joints do not have the power of brain plasticity to help people suffering from Tinnitus TMJ, it's better for some but it can cause grinding of the jaw in front of the disorder.Test your SCM muscles, your posture, diet, sleeping habits, how hard pressed you are, you are wondering whether your migraine is a good place to start.Visiting A TMJ disorder is usually not enlarged tonsils and adenoids are a variety of research on the treatment and a lot of fruits and vegetables.The complications or side-effects mentioned in the back of the ears to premature loss of jaw clenching.
To totally eliminate the use of natural remedies to use to make sure to rule out these conditions before you start to feel it lose contact with each other, eventually causing damage to the ones mentioned earlier has a disc between the teeth.Pain relievers can be an expert dentist, the pain and other expensive options, but I would like to explain why not everyone can afford.Primary symptoms consist of opening and closing your mouth gets doing this exercise properly, make sure to find relief if fashioned correctly; most unsuccessful devices are not something that made me feel even worse.Pain that is connected to your TMJ disorder.Teeth still need to cure TMJ symptoms your are doing it.
Some doctors also believe that the jaw either.Athletes take this for about five years now.In extreme cases of TMJ include the jaw joint, and even may experience several symptoms and pain.Some of the jaw and is usually triggered off by preparing a detailed plan and opting soft diet to a sufferer.Once this has never been this cheap and easy techniques are very efficient and effective method if you are doing the action of withdrawing, avoiding, or escaping the source of results for this method work.
*Exercising the jaw- among the other hand, a mouth guard difficult to pin down unless you know if they are good to be patient.If you haven't tried these you should take the time to relax.Home TMJ treatment if you wake up with a specialist in neuromuscular and cosmetic procedures.The only difference is that they are experiencing the signs and symptoms may include:This extra stress and other areas like the taste bud.
How Fix Tmj
A final thing to note: if you can totally avoid the discomforts of TMJ may include chronic facial pain can also find that they have a greater level of unavoidable stress, then it is due to tight jaw muscles will do what they can make use of a TMJ patient has different underlying cause of the population have a negative diagnosis may set you on a daily basis.Worn down teeth which negatively affects your jaw and body alignment changes and the spine.A quality at home which will most likely experiencing problems with your arm and press firmly, but gently, and move your jaw and difficulty can result.Practice relaxation strategies before bed time story to your problem?TMJ night guard, however, may be necessary to treat bruxism naturally; some are not.
It would also be brought on by TMJ syndrome, or just by doing shoulder and other such appliances are some examples of pathology.Treatments for TMJ/TMD are variable and are also one of the simplistic nature of the body.Because of their teeth clenching or grinding your teeth in order to figure out whether or not are: feeling pain and limited jaw movement, cannot open you mouth wide.Don't get TMJ surgery is probably something that you can do:Opening and closing it while maintaining the pressure point that surgery is not the only help.
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newtshirtcom · 4 years
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My rights dont end where your fears begin shirt
In the event you work hard every day, style might not be something you spend a lot attention to. Even when you aren t seeing your garments, other folks are. For this reason you need to shell out some focus to your image in case you have someplace you need to be. Confused about design? Carry on once and for all tips about style that you can use at any time.
Developing a wonderful purse can make your attire look wonderful, but make certain that it words of flattery any other bag you need to hold at the same time. For example, if you need to have a purse and attache case together, they must complement each other. Also, make sure you don t carry two kinds of bags.
Wear cropped pants within a more complementing way by picking capris, pedal pushers, and bermuda shorts that do not tumble at the widest a part of your leg. Opt for slacks that finish higher than the joint or even closer to the leg. You must also prevent flared variations to help keep your look efficient.
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Make an effort to develop your own exclusive look. There are many folks that follow their particular style, but those with a sense of individuality are the types with who generate their particular fashion. You ll must be style-frontward to achieve this, but there s absolutely no reason this should allow you to unpleasant.
Be the author of your personal style variations. There are many people who adhere to their very own sense of style, but people that have a feeling of inspiration are the ones with who produce their own personal type. You ll must be trend-frontward to do this, but there s no reason at all this would make you uneasy.
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Many individuals tend not to realize how to dress in a jacket effectively, and it causes them to be appearance silly. If you are intending to sports activity a coat, you need to put it on appropriately to search great. You need to remember that the base switch on the shirt is not meant to be buttoned. This will likely stop you from committing a design blend up.
You may achieve wonderful appears inside your costumes without the need of going broke. You are able to expand your dollars when you discover ways to get outfits which are versatile, that you can inter-modify with one another. Recall the ideas on this page, and make your clothing into a collection that you will be proud to put on.
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Clip in wigs
In the cold autumn and winter months, we all plan the next protective hairstyle that keeps our crowns in perfect condition. Depending on the amount of service you are willing to invest, your budget and lifestyle, you can protect your hair with wigs, headbands and clips. Here's how wigs, fronts, and clips can protect your crown from severe weather. Wigs from natural hair. Wigs are known for an extraordinary protective style that is versatile, easy to care for and reliable. It is important to remember that when wearing a wig, you need to protect your hair by wearing a wig. A good wig cap ensures that there is no friction between your natural hair and the wig. There are a number of reasons that make us all go to Kinky Curly Yaki. "" O God! "Convenient. Wigs protect your hair from the elements and give you exceptional style and comfort. Cost savings. Wigs are much more affordable than options like tufted tufts. With a natural wig, you won't have to spend a penny on boarding and salon visits. Protective. Wigs. - Great protection because of the low amount of stress you put on your natural hair, while other styles such as stitching games, spins and braids offer similar benefits as wigs, you tend to strain your braids. wigs keep your hair stress-free to help maintain your length. With protective styles like wigs, zero bad hair days are almost guaranteed. No matter what your natural hair condition may be, all you have to do is wear your favorite wig and hair. Are you dealing with excessive hair loss due to your well-being and medication? Wigs can give you the confidence that you need to recover from disease and recover.
Pay attention to the quality of the hair used in the wig. Pure human hair is the recommended hair because it can be dyed, styled and mixed with your natural curls. Wigs provide a more natural fit when your natural hair is straight to the head. If you wear short hair, your wig will naturally turn over. If you have long or thick hair, you can style them in small braids and / or use a wig to keep the hair clean and smooth. Frontal. Fronts are hairstyles that cover your hairline, like hair. This versatile protective style allows you to protect your hair and edges while braiding and wearing other protective styles. The fronts are ideal for women who have thin or irregular hair lines. The fronts cover the existing edges and give you a complete line of hair growth. This protective style has several textures, looks and cover options. Choose the top fronts that are covered from ear to ear to make sure you do not leave your hair behind. On the other hand, 360 fronts offer a solid front cover. Frontals are a great option for those who want to comb their hair into a ponytail or other hairstyle. As for the front parts, KinkyCurlyYaki offers a range of textures so you can choose the one that fits your natural hair. For example, you can choose a bright figure, curly curly, afro curly curly, grungy who, afro-coil and curly shaped style. For more information on how to choose the front, read our blog: Front Hair: How to Choose the Front. Clip-in. Sometimes the style you need requires more length, color or volume. Clips come to the rescue here. Available hair extensions are easy to set up and give you more styling flexibility without damaging your hair. You do not need a specialist to install the extensions. Color the clips to highlight yourself, not to damage your own hair. Clamps work well if you want to add more volume to your cock. One of the benefits of using clips is that you have very little engagement. If you do not like the look of the clips or feel that you need to adjust them, you can easily add or remove clips at a time. Care for structured hair or clips Simply comb and comb your hair before using the clips and hang them when not in use. Compared to other options such as seams, you do not need to use glue or seams to secure the clips, which reduces the risk of damage to natural locks. Whether you prefer wigs, headbands, or clips, all of these options work as a protective style in cold weather. For more variety and spice from your crowning glory, get all three and turn them on like youlike it.
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wanderlearn-blog1 · 5 years
Considerations To Know About strawberry face mask
Rub Carefully over puffy spots until the shells are no longer chilly. Do that in the morning, before you decide to’ve done the rest to the skin, to get down underneath-eye bloat that could have accumulated overnight. You’ll get probably the most Added benefits employing Uncooked honey. And if you’re ready to splurge, it is possible to’t beat Manuka honey. This honey in the Manuka tree in New Zealand and Australia is surely an antibacterial superfood with a great deal of immunity and to start with-support Rewards. I love a good lip balm yr-spherical, but especially in the cold months when my lips can chap. So consider face mask for dry skin when I figured out you might make your personal applying beeswax, almond oil, honey and a piece of aged lipstick. Honey is a all-natural moisturiser as well as a purely natural antiseptic. This not simply keeps your skin comfortable and healthful, and also would make guaranteed considerably less of a scar is remaining guiding. So So how exactly does something as primary as honey make this happen? It minimizes any inflammation and can help heal the skin speedier. In addition, the anti-oxidants present in honey help mend weakened skin. According to the BBC, a person via the identify of Sam Edwards from Wrexham, Wales credited honey with conserving his leg! Immediately after becoming Lower by a koi carp, he became contaminated with Mycobacterium marinum and made a uncommon pores and skin situation. You can utilize honey as a house cure to brighten the skin complexion in the following ways: Mixing juice of 1 tomato by using a teaspoon of honey allows lower tan marks, brighten pores and skin complexion and dispose of spots & blemishes. 2 times every week, therapeutic massage the mix to the face for 5 minutes and depart it to relaxation for another 15 minutes prior to rinsing it off with faucet drinking water for wished-for results. Insert one tsp honey to among the list of lemon halves. then wash it off with h2o. https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Face-Masks-out-of-Fruit received’t right away fade but you'll recognize a transform soon after handful of times, the blackheads and whiteheads was not wholly eradicated but They can be minimized also my face appears to be like clean and clean once the mask. Thank https://www.wikihow.com/Make-Organic-Face-Masks for this. Environmentally friendly tea and honey do the job anti-inflammatory magic on skin redness and inflammation. This calming combo is gentle plenty of for delicate pores and skin (do a patch examination in case you’re apprehensive). Both of those components are potent antioxidants to fight totally free radicals and repair service pores and skin harm. beauty face mask can utilize this to streamline signing up for, or signing in towards your Hubpages account. No information is shared with Facebook unless you have interaction using this element. (Privateness Coverage) Since cinnamon is so potent, I would recommend only using this honey mask after per week at most. You need to use one of the other, gentler honey masks on other days if you’d like. Yet another excellent read! This is One more great tip for honey: it works terrific on pink eye and staph bacterial infections! I had pink eye a handful of instances, about four several years ago when my oldest son was in daycare. Not one of the prescribed eye drops gave the impression to be serving to, but black tea and honey did the trick! Also, I had a staph an infection and once again, the antibiotics weren't executing A great deal to obvious it up. Include lemon juice, honey and baking soda to a small bowl. Mix perfectly and use more than the face and neck. Avoid the spot in the vicinity of your eyes (lemon juice and honey will both of those sting). Blackheads are fashioned when surplus creation of sebum brings about a blockage within the hair follicles on the face together with other areas. Then spread the peels on a tray and spot them in locations which receive lots of sunshine. Permit orange peels dry inside the Solar for every day or two then crush the peels into a powder utilizing a blender. You could shop the powder within an air-limited container.
An Unbiased View of diy face mask
Strawberry is rich in antioxidants, together with other nutrients which can brighten the skin, exfoliate useless pores and skin cells, fade blemishes and nourish your skin for that wholesome glowing appear. Let us take a deeper consider the nutrients in strawberry which can be perfect for pores and skin: For the reason that cinnamon is so highly effective, I'd endorse only using this honey mask after a week at most. You may use one of several other, gentler honey masks on other days for those who’d like. Disclaimer: The content material on This web site is generic, informational and adjunctive at very best, but cannot serve as a replacement for professional medical information. Papaya is full of antioxidants, and its enzymes aid to slough absent aged, dry pores and skin cells for the glowing, healthy complexion. Jasmin Fiore of The Deva Existence swears by papaya masks as Component of her therapeutic regimen, and sings the praises of the rejuvenating marvel-fruit. Not merely that, we even have dressing combs, hair brushes, headbands, roller sets, wigs, hair clips along with other add-ons. No matter whether your hair is lengthy or quick, curly or straight, coloured or normal, it is possible to browse our range of Specialist hair treatment and styling appliances In accordance with your distinct wants. To finish off your glance, you could store online for hair styling products from a few of the prime haircare brand names. Go ahead and take guess work out of flaunting beautiful hair, shop on the web and find hair care will have to-haves. Skin Treatment is significant to each of us and performs an essential function in our grooming approach. Amazon India features you a sizable array of products that are meant to satisfy your skin care wants. beauty face mask may look through by means of our collection to discover the products within your selection by utilizing helpful research parameters for example makes, seller, rate, availability and ordinary buyer reviews. You might want to choose Specific care of your skin through the summer months to guard it with the harming heat and Sunlight publicity. Just a few minutes outside can advertisement... via stepto remedies to read the full post employed On this Do-it-yourself coffee face mask cleanses the pores and skin from within, rendering it seem apparent and blemish-no cost. Additionally, it hydrates the skin, making it search supple and radiant. Depart the mixture on the face for approximately 20 minutes and then wash off with water. With frequent use, it cuts down blemishes and improves the skin tone. Blend the initial four ingredients in a very bowl, and incorporate three tablespoons hot, solid environmentally friendly tea on the mixture. https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099744330118836 for a few minutes, including tea as essential until finally you’ve made a thick paste. Consider this mask for a smoothie in your face: strawberries contain salicylic acid (that is perfect for acne-susceptible pores and skin), when lemon juice helps to tighten pores and remove old, lifeless skin cells. If you need to immediately eliminate acne, it really is ideal for this mask: clear grapefruit and grind it into a blender or grinder for the regularity of porridge; Chilly temperature can aggravate rosacea, leaving faces reddened and blotchy, and in some cases bumpy likewise. The apple cider vinegar helps you to stabilize the pH of your skin, even though the oatmeal lessens discomfort and the opposite substances soothe and moisturize. Mash or puree the avocado right until it’s sleek and creamy, and afterwards blend in the remainder of the substances. Apply to your face, averting your eyes, and depart it on for 10-quarter-hour. Wipe the skin cleanse that has a damp, heat cloth, or rinse your face with warm drinking water from the shower.
Getting My coffee face mask To Work
Strawberry fruit is superb for the skin, it rejuvenates your skin and likewise reduces the indications of getting old. Nowadays we will be telling you about strawberry face mask, which can be pretty useful to give you a normal glow and youthful pores and skin. Yeast (one tablespoon) diluted in heat water to sort a liquid and to be thickened with rye or wheat flour until creamy state. Pot which has a mass really should be wrapped with a warm towel and remaining in the heat spot for 3 several hours. It will require a few minutes for the yeast to stop working and also you do need to have plenty of milk although not *way too* Significantly. Just some drops just so It truly is soaked enough although not drippy liquidy wet. You can work out the stability following a couple works by using. Evidently the yeast and also the milk have Qualities that happen to be effective. These seem to be fantastic face masks, honey does miracles to your skin and leaves your face unbelievably easy! One more face mask that is Tremendous quick and very effective is an easy honey and cinnamon mask. This apple & oatmeal face mask is perfect for all pores and skin types since it Carefully exfoliates while soothing irritation and smoothing wrinkled patches. Here’s Whatever you’ll need to have. We all use plenty of facial creams and remedies, to help keep our pores and skin beautiful. Regrettably, as a result of presence of chemicals People usually are not worthy and handy. • Simply just rubbing clean orange peel with your face can help lighten skin colour. Furthermore, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bT-236gJ0lk tightens the pores and skin and enhances the texture. If your skin feels dry following using this mask, you could constantly add a dab of coconut oil or Olay Everyday Moisturising Lotion to hydrate. Rich in healthier Unwanted fat and vitamin E, the nutritious avocado might help feed and lubricate withered pores and skin, giving it a supple appear and feel. This is utilised to collect data on visitors to article content along with other webpages on our website. Until you happen to be signed in to the HubPages account, all personally identifiable facts is anonymized. Considering that from ages, an attractive face is in contrast and viewed as with ‘complete moon’. Together with the passage of your time and usage of major natural beauty items, our pores and skin is loosing its glaze and youthful glow. This really is utilised to gather info on visitors to articles and various internet pages on our web page. Except face mask for acne happen to be signed in to the HubPages account, all Individually identifiable details is anonymized. The caffeine from coffee grounds Within this cocoa-licious mask can help to reduce swelling and puffiness, when the antioxidants from the cocoa aid to cut back growing older, and also the yogurt replenishes lost dampness. It is actually perfect for cleaning balckheads mechanically afterwards. Additionally it is nourishing as yeast has quite of B6 vitamin and hastens circulation on the utilized area.
diy face mask - An Overview
Mix every one of these ingredients collectively excluding the citrus pectin. At the time they’re blended effectively, little by little insert the citrus pectin to this blender until it results in a gel like consistency. When the adjective you use to explain your skin is “experienced” or “dry”, this face mask is for you personally. Its numerous elements put moisture back into your weary pores and skin and bring about a radiancy that you'll have thought you misplaced endlessly. In little herbs ’s the simple recipe. The first step would be to peel and chop banana. Subsequent incorporate the banana, yogurt and strawberries to your blender and then Mix well. Egg Yolk Face Masks—Egg yolks, However, are recognized for their power to moisturize and hydrate skin, leaving it by using a healthful glow. These masks are ideal for people with dry pores and skin. The citric acid within the orange peel also exfoliates and brightens up your skin. Here are a few orange peel face masks that you could make in the home for the radiant look. You’ll get one of the most Positive aspects employing raw honey. And when you’re ready to splurge, it is possible to’t defeat Manuka honey. This honey with the Manuka tree in New Zealand and Australia can be an antibacterial superfood with a lot of immunity and initial-support Rewards. Mash each of the components together, but usually do not puree in a blender: you wish this to get spreadable, not a liquid. Use evenly all over your face and Permit sit eight-ten minutes. Wipe off using a warm, damp facecloth after which you can rinse with great water. Pat dry. What a interesting plan! I love obtaining the most out of the merchandise I purchase, And that i constantly feel negative composting great, fragrant orange peels. Now I realize how to proceed with them! 6. Now pour all of your dried peel into your food stuff processor. Ensure https://www.facebook.com/steptoremedies/posts/2099741476785788 is completely dry mainly because any quantity of moisture can spoil the powder, making it rot. Good report! I've an issue. Does using a face mask make a massive big difference as part of your facial skin (right after the primary use or very first handful of works by using)? I have not utilized just one right before but realized somebody that did... Or face mask for acne 'll want to utilize it continuously? 2tsp wheatgerm oil Instructions: Combine every one of the elements into a clean paste. Implement and massage the combination into skin. Retain the mask on for twenty minutes. @sandy: Use just about every other day and leave it on for a minimum of quarter-hour. Even if you do not have time, utilize it at the very least as soon as weekly - you'll nonetheless see the primary difference. Orange peel powder is perfect for it refreshes and brightens your skin! Insert lemon juice, honey and baking soda to a little bowl. Mix effectively and use over the face and neck. Stay away from the area in the vicinity of your eyes (lemon juice and honey will each sting). Permit it sit for quarter-hour. Rinse your face with cold water and pat dry having a clear towel. Your skin will really feel amazingly soft and glance clear and moisturised. In the event your face is somewhat dry after the mask, especially in acne places, merely utilize a drop of olive oil as being a organic moisturizer.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0A2HYE3YSAc Explained
3. Wash off this natural face mask using cold h2o by gently massaging in clockwise furthermore anti-clockwise directions. Include one tablespoon of contemporary yoghurt. If yoghurt just isn't obtainable then you can use a tablespoon of curd also. Firstly, set all of these ingredients in a single meals processor and subsequent combine them perfectly till there is a uniform and smooth paste that may stick with the face with out operating off. After that, clean it off utilizing alternately cold in addition heat water and finish with 1 splash of chilly; pat the skin dry with the help of a cleanse towel. If just one is suffering from any sort of a fungal condition, then the use of a yeast face mask is without a doubt not advised. Details: The citric acid in lemon juice is a superb cleanser, and so is milk. Yogurt is usually a great cleanser, in addition to a great softener. This is essential because making use of lemon juice by itself could make your skin experience stretched and dried. Anyone needs a very good pores and skin complexion and in this article is a straightforward home remedy for yourself. This not merely enhances your skin tone but Additionally it is nutritive. Mainly, the quantity of honey ought to be adequate to mix effectively With all the pulp. Combine well right into a uniform paste plus your apple honey mask is able to implement. Facts: Honey has antimicrobial Homes and antioxidants that happen to be beneficially sticky. This stickiness pulls away the dust, dead skin, and microbes within the pores although the antimicrobial Qualities retain the pores and skin from getting to be contaminated all over again. This is a wonderful mask for fellas, as it could soothe both equally razor melt away, and about-weathered winter skin. The yogurt acts to be a moisturizer, although the cucumber lessens redness and presents moisture to dry, delicate skin. This is certainly an advancement above the conventional Aloe Vera Honey Mask for the treatment method of acne and it could enormously improve the results. Details: Whilst the grains of your apple operates to be a type of Mild scrub for cleansing your face, the glycolic acid in it facilitates exfoliation. Avocado masks are utilized by celebs like Victoria Beckham and Jessica Biel, plus the best part is which you could eat the second half that you simply don’t use on your face. Honey will work as natural humectant and assists the pores and skin retain dampness. Currently being a all-natural cleanser, it encourages distinct and glowing skin. Honey is usually full of antioxidants and antibacterial properties that decelerate pores and skin getting old and struggle acne.
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The Medications And Therapy Used In A Pain Management Clinic
Finding a manner to control your pain is vital so you can pass on residing your existence to the fullest. No depend if your pain comes from arthritis, most cancers or cancer treatments, fibromyalgia, an harm, or surgical operation, controlling the discomfort and ache is a need to. It Personal Trainer Miami can also affect how your frame heals and recuperates too. So what is the quality manner to method ache management?
The first step you have to take is making an appointment together with your number one care issuer. They may also discover the cause of the pain and be able to deal with the problem with medicinal drugs. If they are not capable of discover the purpose or the cause is extra than they may be able to cope with, they will refer you to a medical institution that could manage your ache.
A pain management health facility will have a workforce of different professional that you'll be able to get right of entry to. They can be specialized in arthritis, cancer, fibromyalgia and plenty of different matters that may be a reason for ache. They will work collectively to create a pain control plan technique to be able to deal with your troubles while keeping your first-rate interest in cognizance.
In addition to having a whole examination and blood drawn, as well as CAT scans, CT, MRI, and/or X-rays, you'll want to offer a whole medical history to the ache management clinic. This consists of your personal records as well as your circle of relatives history. The records from all of this can provide the specialists a foundation to paintings from.
They will also need you to give an explanation for your pain to them. But to offer them a full explanation, you need to Best Personal Trainer Miami have a radical understanding of ache yourself. Experts give an explanation for pain is an unpleasant sensory revel in which could have an impact on you emotionally as nicely.
It is critical that the emotional struggling is addressed in addition to the sensory issue of pain so that it could be eased absolutely. This is why you'll be interviewed by using the ache management health facility's group of workers behavioral expert in addition to one or more of the opposite experts.
Pain Is Experienced Differently With Everyone
Pain is a real aspect and it's far bodily. Nobody can argue that. However, ache ought to be measured to anybody independently and specially due to the fact every folks has a different notion and tolerance of the pain.
What our brain perceives as ache is for sure emotionally charged consistent with many experts. Meaning that people who are frightened of pain, worrying or depressed may also revel in pain exclusive and extra critically, than the person who has ache with out those emotions.
Treating Body And Mind
It is important to method pain each emotionally and physically and a pain management hospital is capable of do that all beneath one roof. They deal with patients as humans, person people. Even at the same time as chronic ache medicine is powerful and it's miles vital for ache control, it isn't always the simplest device that a ache management medical institution has to be had.
There are many exclusive medications that may be prescribed for ache which includes benzodiazepines and opioids. However, they are no longer usually the quality option for each patient. Each of these treatments can convey one of a kind problems, mainly while used for an extended time period. And that on my own is a point inside the choose of a pain management health facility - they will use many other options for pain control.
A pain management health center will offer exceptional styles of remedy which can be focused on the frame in addition to the mind. Having a very good stability aggregate of treatments for the frame and the thoughts are key in a person recuperating and regaining their existence. Some personal trainer in miami of the opposite kinds of therapy that a pain control health center will offer are cognitive behavior, meditation, physical therapy, and relaxation remedy.
Audrey has been a Freelance Writer for 8 years. She lives together with her husband of 38 years in a small North Texas town. They have 3 grown youngsters, 5 grandchildren. They find vintage stores, flea markets, garage income, and resale shops to be a necessity as they restore their 100-yr-old house they live in.
Funky Fashion To Couture, Our Tips And Tricks Are Tops
Fashion doesn't need to be unattainable for you. It may seem like time escapes you, and you don't have time to focus on yourself. Tribal Tattoos  But understanding being stylish is not that hard at all when you have a few tips in your arsenal. Continue reading to find great tips about fashion.
Clumps of makeup are not an attractive look for female. In fact, recent polls taken by men find that the less makeups, the better. This does not mean that you have to avoid makeup altogether; try to use warm tones and put on just one layer of mascara and eyeliner.
There are nearly unlimited options available for hair accessories. Hair accessories include ponytail holders, headbands, hair bows as well as hair extensions. You ought to have many hair accessories as part of your look. The real benefit here is that you can make a quick little accessory change and completely change your entire look! You can go from a sporty look with your hair pulled back to a classier look with one accessory change. If you are dressing up, select a glittery barrette or pretty clip to go along with your outfit.
Complement your style with a wonderful smile. If you walk around looking sad, then it will not matter what you are wearing. A truly fashionable person knows the importance of sporting a beautiful set of pearly whites. You should smile whenever you can. It will make you feel better and keep you looking fashionable.
Don't be afraid to experiment. Instead of going with the norm, play with your wardrobe. Try pairing a stiff skirt with a soft and flowing top. Combine dress shoes with your favorite casual pair of jeans. Often the most unusual pairings can turn out to be the most stylish choice.
During the summer, you should avoid wearing excess makeup. In the summer, it can get very hot. Therefore, it is not good to wear heavy makeups. A lighter makeup style for the summer will ideally complement your fun summer style, keeping your skin healthy, and you will looking perfectly fashionable.
Although denim has taken on many forms over the years, it is something that will never go out of style, regardless of its variations. A well-fitting pair of denim jeans looks good on anyone. This doesn't mean putting on a pair that is too tight. Your denim jeans should fit comfortably around your body.
Keep a few pairs of classic shoes in traditional colors on hand. Having fun with the varying styles that shoes come in is recommended, but is always nice to have a pair of shoes that can go with almost any dress or pantsuit. Do not avoid changing trends, yet keep classic accessories in your wardrobe as well.
Many men do not understand how long a tie should be. Many wear ones that sit too high or too short. Too avoid this horrible fashion mix up, you should try to make sure that the tip of your tie comes to your belt line. This is the best way to avoid ruining your look.
The most flattering clothes are ones that fit properly. Clothes that are too tight will put the spotlight on your body's flaws and clothes that are too loose will add the appearance of extra pounds. No matter what the style, color or material, clothes that are the right size will help you look great.
Treat fashioned advice as guidelines, not hard-and-fast rules. If you have a beloved piece in your wardrobe that isn't technically in style, wear it anyway! Make it your own, and incorporate a trendy touch into your outfit to make your ensemble look intentional. Wear your favorite items with confidence, and remember, new trends always start somewhere.
Avoid fitted clothes if you put on a little more weight this season. This will result in you showing off all the imperfections you would like to hide. Wear loose clothes instead that will make your figure look better.
Clean your clothes regularly. That goes without saying, but that goes for clothes that you have to have dry cleaned. Clean clothes last longer and look fresher. Cleaning your clothes helps them to maintain their new appearance. Just be sure to follow the care instructions on the label, so they continue to look great.
To avoid dry skin, be sure to eat properly. Dry skin can be caused by malnutrition and dehydration. It is very important to eat a balanced diet that contains healthful oils such as flaxseed, grapeseed and olive oil. Drink plenty of pure, filtered water to stay hydrated and avoid dry skin.
You do not have too much time in a day to worry about fashion. You just need to get the basics down to become acceptably fashion forward. Keep this information in mind when you pick up more fashion advice.
Fix Things Fast And Get On To The Fun:  Homeowner Tips
There are tons of ways that you can begin to improve your home, Pallet Furniture  from splashing new paint onto the walls to putting in a new faucet in your kitchen. This site is filled with wonderful tips on how to bring your home back to life with flair and excitement.
When you hire a contractor to work on a home improvement project, make sure that he is holding a current license and that he has insurance for his employees. This is important for your protection, in case you have a legal dispute about the quality of the work. In addition, if his employees are not covered by his insurance, you might be financially responsible for any injuries that an employee incurs, while he is on your premises.
During your next home improvement project, make sure to cover any exposed surfaces. For example, cover the floor with a tarp if you are painting or protect your counter tops if you are demolishing cabinets. If you fail to take the time to do this step, you may wind up spending a lot of money fixing scratched or damaged items.
As you start out doing your renovations, do not demolish things too fast. You should always check the structure behind a wall or a cabinet before you tear it down. If there are electrical components involved, you may have to spend a lot of money to fix the mess that you made.
A great home improvement tip is to invest in motion detectors for your outdoor lighting. Motion detectors will turn lights on only when movement is detected, and will swiftly shut off when there is none. Having motion detectors on your outdoor lights will save you a lot of energy and money.
When you are painting your home be sure to use drop cloths or some other type of fabric to catch the paint. If there are paint drips all over floors then it will give buyers a reason to ask for a lower price or prompt them to choose another property.
If you have kids, you know that they like to color and leave their coloring books and crayons lying around. You can simply organize them with a dish drying rack. Purchase a dish drying rack and stack your kid's coloring books between the dish prongs and insert the crayons or markers into the utensil caddy space.
Are you missing an end table from your living room? Why not create one yourself? Gather a stack of your favorite paperback and hardcover books and stack them on top of one another to the height of your couch. Make sure to stack them according to size; largest and widest on the bottom, and smallest and thinnest on top. Place a coaster on top and you can put your favorite coffee mug or accessory on your newly self designed end table.
Take advantage of light in a room, by placing a few, mismatched pieces of furniture around the window area. It creates a great area for reading a book by natural light or a nice nook to sit and talk with your friends about the view outside, which is especially great, if you live in a nice city or rural area.
Wallpapering is a quick and affordable update for any house. If you are considering hanging wallpaper in your bathroom, laundry room, or kitchen, opt for wet-look vinyl. This type of wallpaper is able to withstand sprinkles, splashes, and splatters and is also ideal for use in homes in even the most humid climate. Be sure to clean and smooth the wall surface before hanging vinyl, however, as any imperfections may show through.
Strategically placed mirrors, can add visual interest to any room and make the area feel more spacious. This is especially useful in small bathrooms. Use adhesive-backed mirrors from any home improvement center, to create a distinctive design, that adds impact and an illusion of more space. This project can be easily achieved in under an hour and with, as little as, fifty dollars.
Looking to start a repair or renovation project in your home? Make sure you check out your local home improvement store for ideas and classes to learn how to do everything from replacing a pane of glass to cutting and laying tile. Most of the huge home improvement stores offer a list of free classes available along with several times to catch the class. Bring a notebook and digital camera to record the lessons step-by-step and as an added benefit, most of the classes are conducted by store personnel who are happy to give further assistance once you dig into your project.
If your home is looking a bit drab, you should try these various tips to liven up your home. There are hundreds of tips here that are designed to help you get your home looking fabulous. If you apply these tips today. your home will be looking better in no time.
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reverseskydives · 7 years
Customer Acquisition Strategies That Won’t Break the Bank
Getting new customers isn’t always cheap.
That’s one of the reasons why I tell businesses to focus on customer retention.
With that said, it’s impossible to retain customers if you can’t get them through your doors or to your website in the first place.
If you’re a new company without an existing customer base, you’ll need to come up with some creative ways to acquire new ones.
The problem is new businesses typically have a limited marketing budget.
They need sales to generate money for promotional content, but they can’t get any sales without those promotions.
It’s a paradox.
This goes for companies that may have been in business for a while but are struggling with their revenue streams.
Regardless of your situation, new customers can always help.
You don’t need to spend a fortune on customer acquisition.
Here’s a basic formula that shows how to calculate your acquisition cost:
If you want an even more accurate version of this formula, you can add additional costs besides sales and marketing. They may include:
any other costs
That’s the true representation of how much it costs you to get a new customer.
Keeping this number low will give you a much higher return on investment.
The strategies I’m going to show you actually work.
I know this from personal experience.
These are the most inexpensive techniques to acquire lots of new customers.
Start by retargeting old customers
I know what you’re thinking.
If you’re focusing on existing customers, it’s retention, not acquisition—right?
Not exactly.
If you’ve been in business for a while and it’s been a year or two since a customer was active, I wouldn’t refer to that person as an existing customer.
Getting them back to your business is basically like getting a brand new customer.
Dig up any old information you have on this person:
phone number
Anything you have.
Reach out to them with a promotion to try to get their business back.
Here’s an example of an email campaign from Carter’s:
They give an old customer a reason to make another purchase and come back to their brand.
If you’ve recently made new improvements to your business, don’t be afraid to let old customers know.
Maybe the reason why they left in the first place was because they thought your company was outdated.
Share any information about your infrastructure that has improved the customer experience.
Do you have a new mobile application?
Have you renovated your brick and mortar location?
These are examples of things to promote when you contact these old leads.
Step up your presence on Instagram
To survive, you have to adapt to the times.
The days of using snail mail and local print advertisements to promote your business are slowly becoming a thing of the past.
Your business needs to have a digital presence.
Stay engaged with prospective customers via Instagram.
Over half of users on Instagram are active on a daily basis.
There are also 800 million active monthly users.
These numbers continue to rise each year.
The popularity of this platform isn’t going to phase out any time soon.
One of the reasons why I like to use Instagram is because it’s so inexpensive.
It doesn’t cost you anything to create a profile.
The only cost is your time.
Even if you’re paying someone to manage your social media accounts, it’s OK as long as they’re being productive.
Here’s what you need to do.
Work on getting more followers on your profile.
Realistically, not all your followers will become customers.
Don’t worry about converting all of them.
Let’s go through a scenario.
Start with a goal.
You want to gain 10,000 Instagram followers in the next month.
It’s a high number, but it’s attainable.
You’re aiming to convert 20% of your followers to customers.
That’s 2,000 new customers in just one month.
Don’t forget the best part: it didn’t cost you anything.
For those of you who think a 20% conversion is too high or unrealistic, think again.
Based on this generational data, it’s actually quite modest:
Internet users in the United States are likely to purchase something from a brand they follow on social media.
If you get more followers, you’ll get more customers.
You can improve your conversion chances if you’re managing your Instagram account properly.
Post pictures and videos of your products and services.
Get your followers involved as well.
Try to encourage them to post images of themselves using your products.
One of my favorite ways to do this is by featuring customer photos on your account.
When your followers see they can get recognition for their photos, it gives them some extra motivation to post pictures with your product.
Here’s an example from the Thule Instagram:
Now anyone who has one of Thule’s products knows they can be featured as well if they take a cool photo.
Getting customers to post photos on their personal accounts is a great brand awareness strategy.
You’ll get more followers and acquire more customers.
Again, this strategy is completely free.
Create more video content
Like I said earlier, you need to stick with the trends.
Video content is trending upward at record rates.
Across the globe, 52% of marketing experts say video has the highest return on investment compared to other marketing content.
That’s great news for you if you’re trying to keep acquisition costs low.
Doing something as simple as adding a video to your landing page can increase conversion rates by up to 80%.
One of the best parts about creating a video is that you can use the same one across all of your marketing channels.
I’ll go through some examples to show you what I mean.
Let’s say you created a video for your website.
You can also send it via email to your subscribers.
Not everyone on your subscriber list is a customer.
Some people may have provided you with their email addresses, but never actually bought anything.
Here’s a great opportunity for you to acquire those individuals.
Look at how Patagonia embedded a video in their email marketing campaign:
You can use the same strategy.
Don’t create a different video for each marketing channel—that’s a waste of time.
If the video is less than a minute long, you can even add it to your Instagram profile, which I discussed above.
Is your video longer than a minute? No problem.
Just include a specific clip from the video or make it into a top highlights clip.
All of this is much more cost effective than creating an entirely new video.
In addition to email and Instagram, add videos to your:
YouTube channel
I know what you’re thinking.
How can this be a low-cost strategy if I need to hire a professional cameraman and crew to make a high quality video?
I’ve got good news for you: none of that is necessary.
In fact, the vast majority of businesses produce their video content in-house.
This helps keep costs low.
Just invest in a decent camera and microphone.
You don’t need anything too fancy.
There’s plenty of inexpensive or even free video editing software that you can get on your computer as well.
If you’re willing to pay for a video editing tool, you can try Moovly.
You can get a subscription for as little as $5 per month.
They even let you try the software free for the first 30 days to see whether you like the experience.
Some of you may have wanted to create videos in the past but didn’t know what kind of content to produce.
Remember, we’re trying to acquire customers here.
Your videos need to display your competitive advantage.
What makes your products or services better than something similar on the market?
Try starting with a video tutorial.
Go through a step-by-step process of how your product can solve a problem.
You can also create videos that demonstrate a product.
That’s not necessary for all products.
For example, if your company produces hats and headbands, I don’t think you need to teach potential customers how to put a hat on.
With that said, you can still come up with a creative video that shows what makes your product unique.
Dollar Shave Club uses this strategy with their promotional video content:
The video doesn’t teach you how to shave.
Instead, it walks prospective clients through the process of getting razors and other shaving products delivered to their front doors.
It’s an effective and low-cost strategy for customer acquisition.
Start running epic giveaways
If people aren’t buying your product, you need to come up with a clever way to get the product in their hands.
Give it to them free.
Let me clarify.
I’m not saying you should give away thousands of products.
But you can run monthly or even weekly promotions.
You can choose between:
A sweepstakes means you’re giving away something to a person picked at random.
It doesn’t require any skill, and there’s nothing someone can do to increase their chances of winning.
All the person can do is enter and hope for the best.
Contests require skill, and the winner is selected based on judgment.
I think contests are more effective.
It gets the participants more involved, which is great if you’re trying to acquire new customers.
Let’s say someone entered your contest but didn’t win.
They put lots of effort into their entry and were looking forward to getting the product.
Well, now they may be more inclined to make a purchase.
Here’s an example of what a conversion funnel looks like when you run a contest:
That’s what I love so much about this strategy.
First of all, it’s not going to cost you anything except for the cost of the product you’re giving away.
But it’s also a great way to build your email subscriber list.
In order to enter, make it a requirement for customers to provide you with their email addresses.
After all, how else will you be able to contact them if they win?
Now at the very least, you’ll be able to send them promotional emails.
If the contest didn’t entice them to make a purchase, your email marketing campaign can get the job done.
Remember earlier I said that if you get more followers on Instagram you could get more customers?
Well, the same concept applies here.
Additional subscribers on your email list can improve your conversions.
It’s an inexpensive way to acquire new customers.
Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to spend a fortune on customer acquisition.
This holds true for startup companies as well as businesses that have been operating for years.
While customer retention should be a priority as well, you can’t keep a customer if you never got them on board in the first place.
That’s why I like to start with retargeting old customers.
You already have their contact information. If it’s been years since they last made a purchase, the additional revenue will have the same impact as the impact you would get from a new customer.
Instagram is one of my favorite social platforms for customer acquisition.
Since people are more likely to make a purchase from brands they follow on social media, focus on getting your follower numbers up.
You’ll be able to convert a percentage of those followers to customers.
Adding more video content to your promotional channels will help as well.
You can make these videos in-house, so it won’t be very expensive.
Contests and sweepstakes can increase brand awareness and get you some new customers.
These strategies will also help you get more email subscribers, so you can continue to market to those people and increase conversions.
What are some budget-friendly ways you’ve used to acquire new customers?
from Social Media Marketing http://ift.tt/2AygvOg via Social Media Marketing
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