#then again maybe it would be kinda dumb and inconvenient but i don't know
enassbraid · 1 year
HAI. may i request akito with a reader who got injured super duper bad but tries to hide it? but obviously fails haha
(for example: i broke my shoulder once and though i didn't try to hide it it hurt like a bitch. like that kind of injury.)
HAVE AN AMAZING DAY!!!!! decline this if you don't feel comfortable writing it, and don't forget to take breaks!!!! :)
-> 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞 𝐓𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐞
You couldn’t stand feeling like a bother, especially to your own boyfriend. Unfortunately for you, he has a keen eye. But also fortunately, you could never be a bother to him, no matter how tough he acts.
Cw - reader is in pain, confrontation (but it’s healthy communication), Akito goes soft oh wow, implied broken leg
Genre - fluff, comfort
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It was an accident, really. You didn’t initially intend to hide your immense pain and discomfort, it just… happened. But the longer it went on, the more inconvenient you felt to speak up. You knew you didn’t have much reason to feel that way, but you still did. Especially to Akito.
He’s been relaxed all week, him and his group put a successful event on over the weekend, and it’s kept his mood up since. You didn’t have the heart to take that away from him.
So you didn’t. All week, you’ve handled this insane amount of pain on your own. You thought it’d be easier overtime, but it’s only gotten worse. That’s when you the question arrises in your mind…
Did you break a bone?
The possibility is certainly there, you did fall out the tree pretty hard, not to mention high up. But that’s an even bigger inconvenience, even for yourself. And how could you ever hide a broken limb?
What a pain.
Walking was a pain, a big pain. Not only does it hurt, but the way you limp gets many odd looks from peers and passerby’s. You’re doing a terrible job at hiding this, aren’t you? And if you’re failing at hiding it, then that means…
“We need to talk.”
In any other situation, your heart would have dropped. But in this situation, you only sighed. You knew what Akito wanted to talk about, it’d be a surprise if he hasn’t caught on by now anyways. After all, he knows you better than anyone else. Maybe even yourself.
“You can fool the others but you can’t fool me, you know that right?”
His tone is playful, but so serious. You don’t know whether to brace yourself for a scolding or not.
“Well you see, it’s not like I wanted to hide it? I’m not sure how to put it… it kinda just happened, y’know?”
“How do you just happen to hide a borderline broken leg?”
You awkwardly laughed. Yeah, you were definitely getting a scolding.
“I just… didn’t wanna bother you Akito. You’ve been so happy lately after that event, and I didn’t wanna kill your mood. I didn’t think the pain would get worse though, I thought it would be healed by now.”
“I know it sounds dumb but-“
He cut you off with a quick kiss on the lips. Not too long, but long enough for you to kiss back in time. He pulled away and grabbed your hand, guiding you to sit down.
“It’s not dumb (Name), you’re hurt and you tried to hide it and it got worse. You wouldn’t have killed my mood if you told me. I would have helped you a lot sooner and I’m sorry I made you feel like you couldn’t go to me about it. Just… please if this happens again, don’t be scared to ask me for help, okay?”
His voice was so tender and soft, dropping the tough guy act and letting himself be vulnerable with you. You didn’t know what you were thinking before, but you’re just happy Akito understands.
“I love you so much… thank you for understanding, Akito.”
“I love you even more, now how about we get you in bed? You’re not allowed to walk for another few days unless it’s just around your house or my house. I think we still have crutches from when Ena broke he leg years ago…”
You chuckled, he went from gentle to stern mother in a blink of an eye. But this was the boy you loved after all.
He smiles at you knowingly. Akito picks you up bridal style before gently tossing you on his bed and flopping down next to you, pulling the thick comforter up in the coldness.
“But it’s late now, and I’m exhausted, and even if you aren’t, you need rest. So let’s get everything taken care of tomorrow.”
His presence was enough to make you feel better, and before you knew it you were burying yourself in his hold.
“Goodnight… love.”
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yanderecandystore · 2 years
i would love to see a darling who acts all dumb but is secretly rather manipulative on their own, and the yanderes begin to second-guess their decisions because of how easy the darling seems to brush them off like they're nothing but the next moments talking to them all sweetly. it's a small game of tug and war and darling can't help but just fall for how confused the yanderes look when they smile sweetly after just crying in another person's arms about them. anyways uhm, hello :)
Oooh!! This could be really fun! I think it is a bit hard to write about manipulative readers, but I'm sure I can try something different once in a while!
Also I feel like I've written this before 🤡 I'm so sorry if this reads like something else I already did, there's some lost stuff I did that I just can't remember.
It'll be pretty short though since I'm still trying to get my groove back 🤸
TW/tags: manipulative reader // gaslighting, mind games and abusive behavior // I'm going to go with a delusional kinda masochistic(?) yandere cause… Because 🧍‍♀️👀 // unhealthy relationship that somehow works?? Still super unhealthy (like every other yandere relationship lmao🗿 again, disclaimer: I don't support this irl) // unhealthy power dynamics // delusional // genderly ambiguous (both the reader and the character, also fuck yeah, genderly✨)
May have fucked up the request or maybe I'm just dumb! Let's find out together [Delusional!Yandere x Manipulative!Reader - Headcanon]:
It's unfortunate how easily most of us fall prey to the manipulative and deceiving, but to those that were already born rotten life was nothing but a game. To see them fall, to see them stand, to see them eat your words and obey the twists and pulls, dearest puppeteer, you're too much for your own safety.
You act clueless but you know you're in power here, or at least you're in power because they continue to feel powerless under your soft words and reassuring touches followed by your cold shoulders and death stares.
You're hot and cold, you're soft and rough- You're so cruel to them but they can't help but fall harder for you. You own them at this point, so it's kinda unfair to treat them like this but it's part of their fun isn't it?
You're not scared, you're not sad, you're having fun too, they know that, or at least they think they know that- Dear, you're so confusing, especially when others are involved.
You act so miserable around others when the topic is them, whenever you talk about them with others it can be so brutal that they sometimes wonder if you really mean it- But you don't seem to be! You seem to be doing this for the fun of the game!
Maybe this was your plan all along, to make others feel scared of them so no one else would fall for them, oh dear, you're a genius!
They're head over heels for you, and although it's unclear they think you feel the same for them as well! You just- Show it differently, you like to show your true side whenever you're alone with them, but the game isn't supposed to be "played" with others so that's why you isolated them, right??
I mean, they wouldn't want to play this game of yours if they knew there were other participants, oooh they wouldn't like that at all!
Perhaps- The game would be more of a competition if that were to happen, of course they would do their best to prove their devotion towards you!
It would be inconvenient but they're ready to do anything even if it's humiliating and beneath them if that would make you happy.
The fucked up thing about this is that maybe you don't even like them, you don't even like this "game", you could even not have the malicious intent to be manipulative but still act like this to keep them at bay, to keep them entertained.
It's up to you who's in power here, but even if you were just doing it for your own safety you would still be at fault for making them believe you actually cared for them.
Or maybe you care, but in a different way. In the same way a master likes to hear their pet sing, the difference is that yours can moan your name, they have the tendency to overuse it though- They are quite clingy and maybe that is exactly why you treat them so coldly in public, there's an appropriate time for everything.
Having your name be so pathetically called whenever you're not giving them the full attention is sweet yet vomit inducing, it's just awkward in a social context and in general.
Or you could just downright hate their guts too. That would be fine with you and with them, they would prefer to be loved even if in this weird way, but being hated isn't so bad-
Because hate isn't so different from love, you would still be giving them attention after all, you would still be giving them your time and mind and that's enough for them.
At least they think so, who knows when that won't be enough. Who knows when you'll get sick of it, or worse yet, THEY will get sick of it.
You're in control because they feel powerless, and like the fact that they're powerless when it comes to you, but if you were ever to get bored or just nauseated at this ""relationship"", they could still completely flip and forcefully take you to abuse them.
It's weird, but even if you were tied down to a chair (a classic) it would still mean they had you in their life- The benefit being that no one else is here to interfere!
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positivelybeastly · 4 months
How likely they are to enter a relationship with them:
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
(If Marc will stop being so dense that light bends around him and Hank stops being an emotional wreck for three seconds and they can just!! Tell!! Each other!! That they like each other!!)
Would they…
Make the first move? Yes | No (He keeps trying! God knows he's trying! But he takes every minor inconvenience or thing that goes wrong as an invitation to put it off and back off, because he is like this.)
Say “I love you” first? Yes | No (When he's in the actual relationship, Hank is good at this part, tbh. I don't necessarily think he's in a rush to declare his love, but he believes in being emotionally available for his partner and being honest. It's the only way relationships work.)
Cheat on them? Yes | No (I would legitimately be more offended by the implication that Hank has cheated on someone than anything Ben Percy has written him doing.)
Be the jealous type? Yes | No (I honestly feel like this is something that would be kinda sidestepped entirely by the system. Hank accepts the system, therefore he can't be jealous. There would be an acclimatisation period, but I feel like he'd get there.)
Plan the dates? Yes | No (I do not feel like Marc Spector plans dates. Hank McCoy plans dates. Hank McCoy probably arrives at the date, waits for a while, then has to pull Marc out of a fire because he is a dumb. This is their date now.)
Initiate the first kiss? Yes | No (If the runway lights are on, then let's gooooo. Hank would even accept a mask kiss if that's what Marc feels comfortable with. He's likely kissed weirder.)
Remember anniversaries? Yes | No (I do not feel like Marc Spector remembers anniversaries. Hank McCoy remembers anniversaries. Hank McCoy probably arrives at the date arranged for their anniversary, waits for a while, then has to pull Marc out of an exploded building because he is a dumb. The anniversary is now of being pulled out of an exploded building instead of the occasion it was before.)
Their Relationship Is:
friends to lovers | rivals to lovers | enemies to lovers | still just enemies | mutual pining | star crossed lovers | old married couple | perpetual honeymoon phase | stable and boring | stable but not boring | secret lovers | best friends hiding their feelings | and they were roommates | friends with benefits | coworkers avoiding HR | one-sided affection | weird sexual tension | it’s complicated | toxic relationship | a secret affair | an actual dumpster fire | other
PUBLIC Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips | cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
PRIVATE Displays of Affection:
hand holding | kiss on the hand | kiss on the cheek | kiss on the forehead | kiss on the lips |  cuddling | hugging | affectionate messages or comments | pet names | pictures together | no displays of affection
Do they stay together?
yes, this is endgame | yes but someone is gonna die tragically | something is keeping them apart | they part ways as friends | they part ways as enemies | they’re on-again-off-again | they have a super messy breakup | it was just a fling | other
(I feel like if they make it through the first year, then they're gonna be fine. Otherwise, I feel as though one of them is going to die and it's going to fuck the other up, or they part as very good friends who have the energy that they could pick right back up where they left off if they wanted to.)
What terrible pet names would they give each other?
I feel as though Hank is careful not to call Marc anything but his name, Moon Knight, Mr. Spector, or maybe MK after he completely blundered during the nuclear convertible debacle.
Marc doesn't feel like the nickname type? I could see him settling on something simple, like calling Hank my Beast, or something like that. Simple and heartfelt. That feels appropriate.
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zukoromantic · 4 years
I started this on time actually, but only got around to finish it now so that's kinda sad, but i needed to post it regardless!!
12th (DAY 4):  mother and daughter / grief
(I am not exactly sure if this even counts but lmao, whatever! Beakley's probably gone through some tough times in her life and I just really wanted to write this okay)
It had been six months. And what six months they had been. Many things had changed. Some hadn't. Everything had fallen to pieces, but at the same time, things weren't much different. The same had even been true for Beakley's own emotions.
She hadn't been sad when she heard the news from Scrooge. She had only been shocked. But oh, shocked she had been alright. She couldn't even really believe it at first.
"He is dead?", she asked disbelievingly. Not because she thought Scrooge was joking. He certainly didn't look like he was joking. In fact, the last time she had seen Mr. McDuck this devastated had been when... No, that was many years ago.
Now, yet another resident of the manor was gone.
The reason she had asked was because she had - ironically enough - never thought about him dying some day. Killing him? For sure. Some days, when he would get her especially frustrated, she had made very elaborate plans on how she could murder him without anyone being able to trace it back to her. She wasn't a spy for nothing after all. But him actually being dead? As in, not alive anymore, not living in the mansion. She had never really considered it. She tended to forget he was a bit older than her, and the thought of him dying before her was something she had always thought to be in the distant future.
He had been a part of her day like no other. Not a pleasant one, the oppisite. One snarky remark was enough to ruin her afternoon, that's how much she had despised his presence at times.
"I'm sure you were planning on forgetting the dishes in the sink on purpose. Luckily enough, Mr. McDuck has at least one servant who does their job properly."
Not only were his comments rude and unnecessary, but he often seemed to forget that she did not only have a full time job, but also a seven year old granddaughter whom she needed to take care of. It certainly wasn't Beakley's fault that this stupid butler immediately jumped to finish her tasks when she had to leave them alone for twenty minutes. The worst part was that she was 100% sure he knew exactly what he was doing every single time.
All of that made it a lot harder for Beakley to admit to herself that apart from all of the comments - which she certainly didn't miss - she did miss him in the mansion.
At first, she hadn't had any emotions regarding his death. She was even a little bit surprised herself at how cold-hearted she could be. But she was fine with it. At first. Nobody to insult her. Nobody to get on her nerves. Nobody to randomly wander into while cleaning. Nobody to share the work with. No other adult person willing to have a conversation that didn't regard money or breakfast.
She hated to admit it - and not to anyone else, she wouldn't - that their encounters... had kept her a bit more grounded in a way. She guessed that, technically, not all of them had even been too unpleasant. Sometimes, they would just exchange a few more or less bitter words. It had all been a bit less... lonely with him around.
Now? Scrooge had been talking even less since the funeral. Beakley knew he had cried. Not more than his ego would allow of course, and not in front of her. Or in front of anyone for that matter. It was no secret he was isolated from the public... or his family. Or his own employees. Now, he was even more alone. Beakley certainly wouldn't talk to him about it unless he initiated a conversation and she knew he would never. If he wanted to be like this, it was his decision. And he didn't care much about what she was up to either...
She now had not only a hand full with even more housekeeping, but Webby as well. She thanked the Gods for Webby. Seeing her grow more and more during those past years had been the most wonderful thing that had happened to her in a far too long time. It reminded her of the time when she was raising her own daughter. Of course the circumstances that led to Webby needing a different caretaker had not been optimal to say the least. But it was okay now. Webby was the one thing that had kept her where she was those past years and she wouldn't trade her for the world, even when the young girl's energy was a lot to handle sometimes.
Webby had been down after his death too. It had been no surprise to Beakly, considering he was the person she spent the second most time with.
Beakley had to smile. He had never been able to say no when Webby chose he was his new target on an important mission she had made up or when she needed someone to pretend they were a bad guy surprised to find that whoever she decided to be at the moment had found her after all, despite their efforts to remain hidden. He hadn't given his best regarding the acting, but it was always good enough.
At the time, Beakley couldn't help but be a little jealous at how much Webby used to like to play with him (she would never threaten her granny of course, so these roles were off the table for her), but now she missed the sight.
It took a while until Webby liked going on imaginary adventures as much again, but she had to leave a lot more to her imagination now. Beakley was sure that Webby never cried during the funeral or afterwards - she was still very young - but she knew that she was sad nonetheless. She had even chosen special flowers for that day to place on the grave.
Beakley made sure to spend as much time with her as possible ever since, which was hard because spending more time on both her job and with her grand-daughter was physically not possible without sacrifices. So not only had she gotten less sleep, but she was also less thorough with the house-keeping at times.
It wasn't like Scrooge would notice with being fully commited to his own unhappiness.
Yet another reason Beakly truly was grateful for having Webby to brighten her every day, even though it meant being more exhausted than she already would have been.
But oh, how wouldn't he just love this.
Getting careless? For shame nobody is around anymore who is actually capable of doing their job.
Gagh, how had he managed to get inside her head like this?
She looked angrily at the tombstone that she was standing in front of.
That was all it said. No more names, no dates, nothing. She wasn't sure why exactly, she didn't have anything to do with the grave or the funeral. Mr. McDuck had some of his people organize it after he gave them clear directions on most things. Maybe it had even been in that idiot's own will to have it like this and no other way. She wouldn't be surprised.
But she hated the remaining result.
It was like he had found a way of mocking her even after his death.
This was the first time she was here since the funeral. She hadn't shed a tear back then and she certainly wouldn't now.
That stupid butler really had the nerve to just die. He really was just going to lie here forever, leaving her alone in the mansion and silently letting her be angry for the rest of days. How did he possibly manage to be even worse now when he was dead?
Since the very momemt they met, she never would have thought it would eventually come to this. But she certainly liked him better when he was alive.
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aithusarosekiller · 2 years
So you rated Evan in fics, but can we see a similar review for Barty?
Btw, hope you’re okay with the covid :)
(And I'm not brilliant but I'm not dead so that's good haha)
Gonna do the same fics as the Ev one bc I'm fucking lazy
Again it isn't on how well developed they are, it's how much I love them blah blah blah
1) Choices. I'm sorry, he's funny and loyal to his friends and everything but like...you can see how he's difficult to like after what he did sooo...if he hadn't done that, maybe he would be a little bit higher because he's kinda fun as a character to read. He's also gonna be one of the only characters who doesn't die so that gets some extra girlboss points. His character was done really well but you can see where I'm coming from.
2) Carpe Noctem. I do love him, I do...but I know he's not been perfect and he has definitely done something in the past, probably to do with Sirius, I have ideas but that does have to take away some loml points.
3) Larded With Sweet Flowers. Yes, I am rating my own characterisation in the lower half but I still love the version I wrote, he's just a little bit too much of a dumb himbo sometimes and I am not going back and changing it because I love that for him but sometimes I write something he is saying or thinking and just want to drown him. He is very indecisive and as much as I love him...A SLOW AND PAINFUL DEATH IS NOT AN INCONVENIENCE! I do love him though. He's a stupid bitch but he's my stupid bitch.
4) The Filth. Mmm, we're getting into proper 'canon could never' area now. This vers is very <3 he's just a horny little bastard and I love that for him. He deserves the world. And all those dicks he's lusting after for 15k words, of course. I love him <333
5) Tell Me Pretty Lies. This was almost number 6 because I can't decide and 5 seems too low for the both of them so I forced myself to pick one over the other and almost screamed doing so. Anyway, I adore him so much. Protective friend and boyfriend? Perfect. The whole 'I love you but you were a bitch <3' thing was perfect. Just...I love him so much, I can't actually describe it. He also has excellent taste in potential sexual and romantic partners so like...that makes it even better. Love a man with taste.
6) Drugs And Surgical Scrubs. What do you mean you can't marry a fictional character? Okay, I've already said this was almost a tie but I had to pick this Bar because he has that 'loveable bitch you can't get rid of' energy and I live for that. I eat that the fuck up. He's like that one mother in the back of a primary school production that will just stand up and give an aggressive thumb-up whenever their child says a line or walks on stage but will then snap at other parents who d the same thing for 'getting in their way'. That is what he reminds me of and I love it.
7) When You Were Mine. I DON'T KNOW EITHER, WE BARELY SEE THE POOR GUY BUT I STILL LOVE HIM OKAY?! It's the way he's just so nice and he genuinely cares and I just AAA, I have an emotional attachment for no reason. He's just so sweet I can't function. There's something about him I just love and I don't know how to word it.
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ftm-radio · 2 years
ugh names are stressful and I hate making decisions bc then I just constantly think about what if I did this other thing so I'm gonna ramble about names and indecision for a bit
(spoiler alert y'all can/should keep calling me Jack or JT or Jackalope like you already do lol I'm not changing my name again I'm just thinking out loud)
so I'm Jack. legally. and that makes me happy! I love that name, love being called Jack, love introducing myself as Jack & can't wait to do it more often when I go back to school and have to interact with strangers again regularly.
but there are days like today where I almost wish I still used my old name. I call it my deadname for ease and bc that's just the term we use, but it's.. not really dead — it's one of my middle names now. It's quite feminine, given to me in honor of a great(?) grandmother I never met, and I came up with a shorter form of it to use that felt more gender neutral when I went to college and started exploring my gender.
originally, I planned to keep that name because there weren't any others that spoke to me and I knew I was indecisive and would probs have a horrible time trying to choose a name, AND because I thought it would be badass to be my authentic not-female self while rocking a traditionally feminine name and confusing/surprising people. (oh and i also probably definitely was influenced by my desire to not hurt my parents' feelings and not wanting to have to make people adjust to a new name bc oh no I can't inconvenience ppl!!!)
but then I actually worked to find a new name because I realized I really wanted that change (and ppl being "inconvenienced" isn't my fuckin problem)
there are male versions of my old name. I could have picked something similar but with a decidedly more masculine flavor (ending in a -o instead of an -a, or lobbing off the -la at the end.....). I didn't like those names though, and I wanted a bigger change than one or two letters being changed or knocked off the end.
but it's like.... idk it feels like a missed opportunity? like living my life under that other name and being a man(+) almost in defiance of it is a path I turned away from, and now I'll never know how that turns out and how it would have affected the way others perceived me and how I might have affected others and made them think differently about stuff like names and gender and whatnot. idk.
I'd planned on being this badass dude with a gender nonconforming name and I guess sometimes I feel like im... not as cool for going with a regular masc name in the end??? even though I know it's dumb/silly to worry about how ~cool~ I seem when the only thing that matters is if I'm happy and comfy at the end of the day lmao
idk, idk. maybe I still have a lingering attachment to my old name bc in a lot of ways I still feel like I'm the same person who used that name, like I still look like them & sound like them. maybe with time (and some testosterone pleasepleaseplease) I'll like.. grow up more and look back and realize that yeah that other name definitely isn't me anymore & I would've wanted to change it eventually no matter what.
AND honestly when ppl use the other name for me on accident or bc they don't know im trans I.. Don't Like It. lol. and I'm not sure if it's because I've asked/told folks to use Jack and I don't like that they mess up or because the other name Literally makes me feel ick when I'm addressed with it. maybe it's a bit of both.
maybe I just like the idea of the other name, or of gnc names in general. maybe the solution to this not-regretful-but-kinda-bummed-out? feeling is to make OCs and give them gnc names lmao. I was planning on doing that anyway so.......
if you read all of this apologies for the hopping around & disorganization, but feel free to weigh in with your thoughts about names n shit if you want!
reblogs, replies, & asks are all welcome ✌🏻
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2dmenenthusiast · 3 years
Fire's Cool, Revenge is Better
Aizawa x Villain Reader, Dabi x Villain Reader
Listen I know I write for Aizawa a lot but I just love him :( But there's some Dabi in here to add a lil somethin somethin. ALSO I kinda kept this open in case ya'll wanted a part 2? There's no guarantees, but if enough people want it I might consider it
Summary: Meeting Shouta on rooftops was always fun and games until he thinks you're going to set him on fire.
Word count: 2.9K
Warnings/Other Info: Swearing, sexual themes, very small mention of assault, age gap, reader used to be his student but that was years ago and the reader is an adult in this so don't worry lmao, reader is kept gender-neutral, reader's quirk is spontaneous combustion (they can set things on fire just by looking at it)
This fic is intended for adult audiences, so minors DNI
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The breeze felt good against your face, eyes gazing at the night sky as you sat on the edge of the roof of some random corporate building you couldn’t remember the name of. You briefly looked down at the street below, watching pedestrians walk along the sidewalk as cars drove by, and you idly swung your feet as you rummaged around in your jacket pocket before pulling out a pack of cigarettes. The sound of traffic at night was always relaxing to you, having lived in the city most of your life. You didn’t know if you’d ever be able to sleep without the distant noise of a car honking. The idea was honestly kind of unsettling, and you thought maybe a part of you liked it because the bustling of the city was comparable to the constant racing of your thoughts.
Letting out a huff, you checked the time on your phone as you placed a cigarette between your lips, looking at the end of it and feeling a slight pressure behind your eyes before it suddenly lit up and you took a drag. He’d be here any minute now, having memorized the schedule for his patrol. You’d been thinking about what you should say to him when you finally saw him but realized there was no point. There was no “preparing” when it came to Shouta Aizawa. You knew whatever you wanted to say would be thrown right out the window when you saw his piercing gaze, so you decided you’d just wing it. Not like that was unusual for you. You’ve been winging it most of your adult life, purely acting on impulse.
You heard a soft rustling behind you, smirking as you knew exactly who it was by how quiet they were. If you hadn’t committed his habits to memory, you probably wouldn’t have heard him. You heard him take a few steps towards you before suddenly stopping, and you let out a soft chuckle as you took another drag from the white stick, blowing the smoke into the air and watching it slowly fade.
“Took you long enough. Almost thought you wouldn’t show,” you said, a playful lilt to your voice as you stood and turned to face the erasure hero.
The city lights illuminated his shocked expression, eyes slightly widened as he took you in before his gaze narrowed.
“Y/n… what are you doing here?” he asked, the low timbre of his voice sending a pleasant feeling up your spine.
You shrugged, that familiar mischievous look in your eyes as you swiveled on the heel of your boot and began to pace. “Oh you know, just thought I’d get some fresh air, get a good look at all the pretty lights.” You paused, eyes hooded and a smirk tugging at your lips as you glanced over at Shouta. “Meet up with a certain hero.”
He audibly sighed, clearly not interested in whatever game you were playing, and you couldn’t help the grin that spread over your face. You didn’t meet up like this often, but when you did, it was always fun getting underneath his skin. It had been almost a year since you saw him last, and you swore he always looked different when you would see him. Maybe it was the circles under his eyes getting darker, or the new scar he acquired between visits, but you knew none of it mattered. This was still Shouta, a man you grew close to during your years at UA. Though, it all seemed like a distant memory now.
“So, how’ve you been, Sho? Still catching bad guys and putting ‘em behind bars and all that?”
“I have half the mind to do the same to you.”
“Oh, we both know you wouldn’t. You like me too much to see me locked up,” you said, taking a few steps closer to him as he stared at you with a pointed look. “You know, it wouldn’t kill you to smile when you’re around me. You don’t always have to be so stoic and brooding.”
“What reason do I have to smile when being around you always gives me a headache?” he said, voice void of any emotion as you winced and placed a hand on your chest.
“Ouch, Sho. That actually kinda stung. I thought my presence was quite enjoyable.”
“You need to stop this, y/n.”
You raised an eyebrow, only a foot of distance between you now as you reached forward and lightly tugged at his capture weapon, feeling the fabric between your fingers before he swatted your hand away.
“Stop what? My general villain tomfoolery or annoying you?”
“Both. We both know you’re better than this.”
“Am I?”
You looked at him for a moment before letting out a scoff and taking a step back, shifting your gaze from him as you took one last drag from your cigarette. Throwing it on the ground, you stomped on it with the toe of your boot and turned to move back to the edge of the building, arms crossing over your chest.
“Fuck, hate it when you make me think about all this dumb, sappy shit. Can never let me have my fun, huh?” you huffed, tongue poking the inside of your cheek. “‘You’re better than this,’ fucking christ. If I had a damn dime for every time I heard that I’d be fuckin’ rich.”
You heard him sigh again. “Y/n-”
“Don’t ‘y/n’ me!” you yelled, spinning around as you felt your anger flare up, and your eyes landed on a red-eyed Shouta, his black hair floating in the air.
You both just stood there, gazing at each other until his hair eventually floated back down to his shoulders and his eyes stopped glowing, and you let out a humorless chuckle that eventually turned into a full-blown laugh, clapping as you doubled over.
“Oh, Shouta!” you cheered, arms out at your sides as you backed up towards the edge of the roof. “How glad I am to know that you have so little trust in me. What? Thought that I didn’t have my anger under control?” You took another step, heels peeking over the edge. “Thought I was gonna blow something up?”
“Y/n, don’t,” Shouta said, fists clenched as he stepped towards you.
“Don’t what, Sho? Jump?” You looked over your shoulder down at the street below, knowing that a fall from this height would certainly kill you. “Why not, huh? One less villain for you to deal with, right? One less inconvenience for you.”
“You really think that little of yourself? You think I want this?”
“It’s what everyone else believes. What the media spews out daily without any fucking semblance of the truth. The League… those guys are messed up, but they’re still people. People that society abandoned when they gained some gross fetish for heroes. You’re just their pawn, you know? They don’t give a shit about you.”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about,” he said through clenched teeth.
“Maybe not,” you shrugged. “Maybe I’m still that naive student in your class, dreaming of being a big-time hero one day just like All Might.”
You moved your foot back, feeling nothing but empty space underneath it as you slowly let yourself fall back, your heart jumping up in your throat and your stomach in your chest. Your other foot was almost off the edge until you felt something wrap around you and you were pulled into a sturdy chest, and you looked up to see Shouta staring intently at you. Something between concern and confusion in his eyes, or maybe a combination of both. The corners of your mouth twitched up into a sad smile, reaching up to lightly trace the scar under the hero’s eye with the tips of your fingers.
“You’re not like them, Sho. You’re so much better. You don’t let the bullshit and lies cloud your judgment. You’re just… you. In all of your cynical and stubborn ways.”
Your hand moved to his stubbled cheek, feeling your eyes begin to well up with tears. He looked so tired, constantly burdened with the responsibility of being a hero and a teacher, dealing with rambunctious kids all day. And there then there was you, that same student that ran away all those years ago, just giving him more trouble than he needed. Maybe it was time to end this little “game” once and for all.
“I suppose I’ve never made things easy for you, have I? Always causing trouble in school… guess that attitude carried into my adult life, huh?”
It almost made you cringe calling yourself an adult in front of him. You half expected him to laugh in your face and remind you that you were just a kid, but he remained silent, gaze softening when he noticed the moisture build up under your eyes, and he removed his capture weapon from around you.
“I… I just wish I could run away sometimes,” you whispered, both hands holding Shouta’s face as a tear rolled down your cheek. “There’s nothing here for me. Though, I don’t think I’d be able to when you’re here.”
Despite how confident you were earlier, you felt like crawling into a hole at that moment. Your confession made you sound like a stupid love-struck teenager, which is the last thing you wanted him to see you as. It didn’t really matter what he was thinking, though. The way he was looking at you already made you feel like he was judging you. You sniffled and pulled away, arms wrapping around yourself as Shouta reached out for you, your name on the tip of his tongue. You shook your head.
“Don’t, just… I know I sound dumb. And I know it was stupid of me to think that…”
You sighed, memories of being in his class flooding your mind. You weren’t always so troubled. You had a few friends you got along with, but other than that you usually remained quiet. That excluded your outbursts, though. Something or someone would set you off, making some off-hand comment about how you didn’t belong in UA, and you would just vibrate with so much rage that something nearby would suddenly burst into flames, and it only made them tease you more.
That was until Shouta took you under his wing. He began teaching you how to control your quirk and use defensive techniques that didn’t involve setting anything on fire. It was the first time in your life that you felt like somebody cared about you. You were on your way to becoming a great hero. That all changed when you saw how corrupt hero society really was. Your mother worked at a pro hero’s agency, working her damndest to put food on the table for your family until there was an incident at her work with her boss, and his pro hero friends covered it all up to protect him. You remember how upset you were, blowing up the tv when you saw his smug face on screen talking to the press. It got so bad you almost destroyed a whole city block. You ran away before the police could find you, packing a bag and promising your mother you’d avenge her before setting off on your own, leaving before you could finish the second half of your third year at UA. Then the League eventually found you and took you in. No, you weren’t interested in destroying heroes like Shigaraki and his crew, but you were determined to expose them. Uncover all of the dirty truths they had all kept hidden away from the media so that they could keep their perfect image and have their fans worship the ground they walk on. It all made you sick, getting so angry and upset that you could practically feel the vomit wanting to crawl up into your throat you would get so nauseous just thinking about it.
Despite your different goals and his hate for pretty much everyone, Dabi and you got along quite well, surprisingly. Maybe it was only because of the similarities of your quirks, but regardless, you were glad to have a companion. While UA taught you how to control your quirk, Dabi helped you unleash it, realize the full potential of your powers, and your face would glow with wonder and exhilaration as you set the world ablaze. You ended up kissing him one night, so full of adrenaline and desperate for some sort of outlet for all of it that you found your lips firmly planted on his, and he was more than okay with it, gripping you tightly against him as he pried your lips open with his eager tongue.
You thought that’d be the end of your little transgression, but you were wrong. On more than one occasion, one of you would end up falling into the other’s bed, and you would be nothing more than a pair of tangled limbs and desperate touches as you both tried to feel something. You didn’t really view each other romantically, simply using each other when you needed a release. But despite that, you thought Dabi was beautiful. He would laugh whenever you told him that, saying you were too fucked out to think properly. But you meant it. Every time. Whenever you’d lay your head on his bare chest and lightly trace the edges of his scars, muttering those simple words into the air, and they would weigh heavy on him. You didn’t know, but he’d think about those words well after you’d retreat to your own room, puffing on a cigarette and trying to banish every and any thought of you. Besides, he knew your heart belonged to someone else.
You looked up at the sky, feeling Shouta’s gaze still on you before meeting his eyes with a smile, but there was no joy behind it. “I suppose you think I’m pretty pathetic, huh?”
“I think you’re troubled, y/n,” Shouta said, taking a step towards you. “I think you need help. Guidance.”
“There is no helping me, Shouta,” you muttered. “I don’t think I can believe in being a hero anymore after what happened.”
“I’m not asking you to. But believe in me. Believe that I want the best for you.”
His words made you pause, swallowing the lump in your throat as you shook your head. “I do believe in you… I just don’t believe in the society you represent.”
Shouta sighed, lips pressed tightly together as he regarded you with an almost unreadable expression, but you knew what that look was. It wasn’t disappointment, but regret.
“It wasn’t your fault, Sho. You were the only one who was ever really there for me, and you were the only person who went looking for me when I ran away. You cared about me. And that’s the only thing I could ever ask for. I know you might think that you failed me, but you helped me. You taught me how to control my abilities,” you paused, letting out a short breath. “but someone taught me how to use them. And until people know the truth… I won’t stop.”
Shouta looked like he wanted to say something when you heard a shout from below, walking towards the edge of the roof and seeing the League waiting for you on the sidewalk. Toga waved excitedly when she saw your face, and you smiled and shook your head before going back over to the older man. You reached forward hesitantly, hand brushing over his chest before bracing yourself against him as you leaned forward and pressed your lips to the corner of his mouth. When you pulled away, you swore you might’ve just given everything up for him at that moment. He looked so vulnerable, so open like you could reach right into his chest and rip his heart out and he wouldn’t care. But with another distant shout of your name, you were snapped out of your reverie and you moved away from him.
“Don’t come looking for me, Sho, and don’t try to stop me either. I don’t wanna hurt you, but if you get in my way, you’ll leave me no choice,” you said, giving the hero one last look as you turned to walk away, but stopped when you heard him call out your name. You glanced back at him, a brow raised in question.
“You’re making a mistake. This won’t change what happened.”
You hummed, slightly nodding as you smiled bitterly. “You’re right. But maybe I can stop it from happening to other people.”
Sparing him one last look, you took a deep breath and jumped from the roof. The ground rushed to meet you as the wind hit your face, and before you could hit the pavement, a pair of arms caught you and gently placed you on the ground. You looked into those electric blue eyes, letting out a small hum as you lightly punched Dabi’s shoulder.
“Thanks, sailor,” you said with a wink, and you playfully bumped your elbow against Shigaraki as you walked between the two men.
“So, how’d it go with lover boy?” Dabi asked, his hands shoved into his pockets, and a bitter taste filled your mouth as you thought about the mentioned hero.
“I don’t think we’ll be seeing him again anytime soon.”
If Dabi saw the way your jaw clenched or the flash of anguish in your eyes, he didn’t say anything, just simply threw an arm around your shoulders and let you stumble into his side. You didn’t know when or if you’d ever see Shouta again. But if you did, you wanted him to give you everything he got.
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sweetescapeartist · 3 years
Alright... let's do this.
The first 4 pages are good. Good flow, not too many pages, no dialogue (thank God). Page 5 is where the paneling gets unnecessary. The last 2 panels aren't needed.
Page 6 is absolutely stupid. Goku & Granolah are flying at extremely high speeds, Goku is firing ki blasts that are moving at a higher velocity than he is currently moving, Granolah moves even faster in order to dodge Goku's ki blasts, then Granolah is using his scarf that is wrapped around a tree to swing around the tree & get behind Goku... A SCARF.
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The scarf would tear apart instantly if Granolah tried to use it to catapult/swing himself around faster than Goku can perceive.
YOU: "The scarf is probably really strong tho!"
Sure let's assume that. In that case, the tree would be uprooted from the velocity Granolah is moving. Either way, it doesn't make sense. If this was early Dragon Ball and Yamcha did something like this when fighting Goku, then yeah it would be reasonable and look cool. With the power these characters are at now, it just looks ridiculous and inconvenient. It doesn't work here. Granolah could've easily dodged on his own and much faster that wraping his scarf around the tree.
So Granolah swings around and kicks Goku through tons of trees. (Saiyans killed his ppl but Granolah is killing his planet. Ironic)
Hey look! Another stupid page 😒
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Page 7. Goku got sent flying back at a speed capable of easily cutting through tons of trees, but he slows himself down by grabbing a branch & swinging around it? Why? Again, at that speed, Goku would yank the limb of the tree clean off or uproot the entire tree. That wouldn't slow down his speed. He would be better off just stopping in the air on his own as if he applied the emergency breaks. Characters have done that plenty of times. Again, stuff like swinging around trees and tree branches is stuff they would had done in OG Dragon Ball.
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Why is Goku blocking like that?? He isn't reinforcing his arm, he's holding his wrist whole his forearm gets punched. That would damage his arm and/or wrist.
*Boom boom! Bam bam!* They hit each other some. But are you ready for this? Pages 11-12...!
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Why did Goku yell as if he is transforming? He is using Ultra Instinct, right? You don't yell to power that up. Remember the Moro arc? He calmly breathes to go into the state. Remember the chapter before? He calmly closes his eyes to focus. Why is he yelling then tapping into UI? Because Toyotaro can't write consistently. This page was...! just dumb...
Also... What is this SSB with Ultra Instinct then? You remember the SSB aura around UI Omen in the Moro arc? What's the difference between "Blue plus Ultra Instinct" & "Ultra Instinct plus Blue?"
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Granolah says he can read Goku's blood flow and cell movements. That should come in handy later when he could potentially find a weakeness in Goku using UI. Hopefully Goku doesn't tell him he can't stay in the form too long. 🤞
SSB with UI is more focused that lower forms in combination with UI. Goku should be nearly untouchable. Pages 13 - 14 show how well Goku can dodge. Looks like ballet in a way, like Goku us dancing around him. I like that. Then he uses a point blank Kamehameha. Looks cool. But it turns out that Granolah simultaneously hit Goku somehow. Not a complaint here.
Pointless panels of Oil being blown back by the force. Pointless panels of Vegeta not paying attention to the fight and looking around. Pointless 2 panels of smoke clearing away. The entire page doesn't add anything at all. Page 17 could be omitted & it would flow better.
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Goku is on the ground for the... 3rd time in this battle? I wish it would at least have Granolah say he didn't realize how difficult UI with SSB would be for him, but he barely saw an opening. That would be some sort of respect for Goku and did some clever foreshadowing. But we get Granolah insulting Goku instead. Whatever.
This "vital points" nonsense is so stupid. Everyone in DB has nearly identical vital points. Majin Vegeta knocked Trunks out by chopping at his vital point. These characters know what vital points are and know them well as we have seen when they were in combat since early DB. Granolah should be saying "My right eye will always find an opening." But maybe its a translation error or something. I won't be too harsh about this one.
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Wait wait wait. Lemme get this straight...
Whis trained Goku, then Goku is able to use UI in the ToP.
Merus trains Goku to use UI Omen at will.
Goku later masters UI with silver hair.
Whis points out new flaws that didn't exist then trains Goku even further.
Goku has been trained by 2 Angels to the point of being able to go into Mastered UI at will and recieved further training after mastering the Angelic power. How is it that Goku has the gull to say "No, Ultra Instinct should have no weaknesses. If anything's lacking, it's gotta be my training."
And he's telling Granolah that he is vulnerable for some reason...? He's just foreshadowing for the reader that he will lose. The last 4 or 5 panels of page 19 isn't needed.
Whatever. Let's move on. So on page 20, for some reason, Goku has a confused look & a question mark in his speech bubble after Granolah blames Saiyans for killing his ppl. Maybe Goku doesn't understamd why Granolah is repeating himself for the 3rd or 4th time? Or he wasn't listening the earlier times. Can't blame him. Granolah's speeches bored me too.
Granolah copies Moro & makes lava rise from the core of his beloved home planet in order ro hurt Goku. Poor Sugarians. I wonder if there will be a "You're becoming the bad guy now, Granolah." type of story. Dont really care though. Goku escapes by teleporting. He mentions how Granolah has Moro's move. I guess Granolah is supposed to be like Cell and have others techniques... like Moro before him... They are both altered copies of Cell who is much cooler than both of them combined...
Well, here they are making Vegeta look capable (somehow?). Also its interesting that the bloodthirsty Granolah is allowing Goku & Vegeta to chat about their discovery of who his ppl are. The the ex-detective Vegeta quickly figures out that Maki & Oil fooled them. That was rushed. "But Vegeta was suspicious of them before." Yes, but there was no reason or anything we heard that would make Vegeta suspicious. The writing is bad. Also it's convenient that Oil has a drone all of the sudden to eavesdrop. The last 4 panels of page 24 are pointless.
GOKU: "Hey let's talk to him and clear things up."
VEGETA: "Nah. He's probably too stubborn. Just fight to move the story along instead."
Goku says he hasn't used his full power yet & Vegeta is surprised. How does Vegeta not realize Goku hasn't used his full power, Mastred UI? Then Vegeta says "Tch... Gotta resort to that in the end, huh?" Toyotaro is having Vegeta downplay UI in order to hype up Vegeta's fight next chapter. Bad writing. There's better ways to hype Vegeta up. Toyo chose one of the worst ways to do so.
Granolah... Just standing and waiting for Goku to come back. What a patient revenge fueled man.
UI Goku through the fog looked cool. (And his wounds heal? Ok...) But, seeing that made me realize something else. It would be much cooler if it went from page 22 then skip to page 26!
We don't need Goku & Vegeta chatting. The reveal of UI would not have had a pace breaker. It just happens & you see that Goku is serious now. Show don't tell.
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GRANOLAH: "I can't perceive... any vital points?!"
That sounds stupid, so I do think it is a translation error.
GRANOLAH: "I can't perceive... any openings?!"
Now that reads much better! (I also edited the dialogue to "openings" in the pic above.)
Great... Goku conveniently exposed a weakness in UI that Whis had conveniently made up in CH 71. Although, in CH 59 Whis said that Mastered UI doesnt have the stamina issue that UI Omen has. Then in CH 64 it shows that the stamina issue is gone with Mastered UI during the 3 chapter battle with Moro. Goku never looked fatigued or weak in this form. Only time the form went away is when "planet" Moro drained Goku of his energy.
But now Goku & Whis say otherwise. How suddenly contradictory. Page 26 of this current chapter (CH 73) would be better if the last 2 panels were omitted.
Mastsred UI Goku easily takes down Moro- I mean Granolah. Also Goku tries to chat now after attacking Granolah. Should've said something before you start kicking ppl in the face. But this is shown to prove Vegeta is right about not being able to reason with Granolah. Even if it makes no sense.
Cool dodging & aikido type movement from Goku.
Goku using "the force" & stopping Granolah's movements was cool. Reminded me of Goku doing something similar to Broly in the DBS movie. Or more similarly, like Zamasu did in the manga.
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I guess Toyotaro is suggesting that the quick flurry of punches is a Master UI kind of move. (Although it originated in the anime when UI Omen Goku was punching back against Jiren & when he did so to block attacks from Jiren in EP 129.) I hope this move isn't over used that it ends up losing its flare.
Vegeta pretends to be upset that Goku defeated Granolah while in the previous chapter, Vegeta told Goku to fight first.
Somehow Vegeta is able to sense that there are 2 Granolahs. You can say because he has spirit control, but Goku has been through that kind of training with Roshi, Kami, & King Kai (possibly some with the Yardrats too which helped him control Super Saiyan at the level he could). And with Instant Transmission, Goku must be an expert in detecting ki. He can feel ki in different realms and locate ppl from far across the galaxy Goku should sense this too. All this writing is doing is trying to make Vegeta appear as the more capable fighter & get Vegeta fans hype for his next battle. That's all.
The switcheroo (I think I used that wrong) of a fake Granolah was a kinda clever idea. But Goku not knowing what "split" means is asinine.
Goku literally says "Split...? What's that mean?"
Goku has seen firsthand when Tien split into multiple Tiens, Goku knows the Yardrats can split themselves into many ppl, he saw merged Zamasu split himself, & he saw Moro split himself. Why is he written so stupid? I need answers Toyo.
Page 40....
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HOW IN THE HECK did Mastered UI get caught off guard?! Ain't it supposed to automatically grow sturdier as necessary?! Boy oh boy, this writing... A positive is that the punch looks like the 1 inch punch Goku did to Golden Freeza (inspired by the legendary Bruce Lee).
So if actual Granolah is twice as strong and can one shots UI Goku... Vegeta doesn't stand a chance. But the bad writing will make a way for Vegeta to look somewhat capable.
Granolah says UI becomes less sharp over time. Only problem is that Goku fought longer against Moro. This fight of UI Goku should have been longer. If the fight was longer when in the UI "transformation" then I would be more generous about Granolah finding an opening. Speaking of openings, Granolah says "opening" instead of "vital point." Must be a translation error.
Goku is in a near death-like state and Vegeta is like
VEGETA: "Leave that fool alone. Fight me instead."
Vegeta threatening Granolah is either stupid or smart. Smart = Vegeta provoking Granolah to get an advantage mentally. Dumb = Vegeta reverting to his Cell saga overconfidence that Toyo always does.
STILL NO IMAGE OF FREEZA... I guess he isnt that important to the story after all. And this storytelling is so bad because Toyo can't stay consistent at all, he doesn't understand the characters, & he can't come up with anything besides "this form also drains stamina." You can say he & Toriyama write this together but I doubt it. Toriyama corrects his art & just gives the story a pass.
Recently it seems that Toriyama is more interested in the DBS movies being produced. Toriyama just writes an outline, Toyotaro & Toei write their versions of the story around that, Toriyama corrects Toyotaro's art & Toriyama also corrects or adds to what Toei thinks up. Example being when Toei created Kale & Toriyama created Caulifla in response.
I'm not excited for the next chapter. I don't care what Vegeta does. How is Vegeta going to win against someone who one shotted Goku in UI. Either the writing will be kinda smart or just plain stupid. I'm expecting stupid.
Idk if I'll review the next chapters. The bad writing was too much for me. I wrote this review last month right 1 day after the chapter came out, but I didnt want to read the manga again to get the images I need for this review. So I put it off for almost 1 month.
I wanna take a break from this bad manga...
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Rules: Tag 10 followers you want to get to know better!
I was tagged by my bes frien @mycabbbages so you know I had to do it. Also I'm lonely and this gives me something to do 👌
Star Sign: capricorn
Height: 5’9 (ish)
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 4 songs:
Seize the Day - Newsies
Ultimately - Khai Dreams
The Fall - Half Alive
Not About Angels - Jasmine Thompson
(this is a very compromised list because I only have songs that the online will let me convert)
Grab the nearest book next to you, turn to page 23, what is line 17?:
Well, this is highly inconvenient, seeing as I'm IN MY DANG BUNK so I'll do this in the morning.
Ever had a song or poem written about you?: Yeah, but he won't show me 😢
When was the last time you played air guitar?: First off, I don't air guitar. I air drum. Secondly, it was probably last week when I was driving around with my mans
What’s a sound you hate? One you love?: I have something in mind, but that shit's gonna get me in trouble, so my second most hated sound. Third. Third most hated sound is the sound of all the douchebags revving their engines in the parking lot. Don't even get me started on the sounds I love. I WRITE POETRY ABOUT THIS SHIT. But my top two would have to be thunder/lightning and the sound of my bby breathing
Do you believe in ghosts?: No. Not at all. But also I'm a paranoid little bitch, so I'm definitely going to freak out over weird things
Do you believe in aliens?: Kind of. I hope they're real..
Do you drive? If so have you crashed?: Yes and maybe 😬 but it was only my fault the first time and neither were anything major so I'm not sure if they count
Do like the smell of gasoline?: Heck yeah! But only if I know where it's coming from
What’s the last movie you’ve seen?: I watched the Lovely Bones with my boy on Friday night. It always makes me cry, but I love it
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?: Well, I broke my toe once, but that's just dumb. I've had stitches on my knee and eye a couple times
Do you have any obsessions right now?: Not really. life kinda sucks and I'm not sure what to do with myself atm, but if i think hard enough. I'm obsessed with speed racer and the goofy movie. Always gonna have a special place in my heart 😭
Do you tend to hold grudges?: Not really, but when I do I'm really fucking good at it
In a relationship?: Yeah!! My babe just came home last weekend and I can't wait for him to come home again. He's soooo handsome ugh
(second tag)
First Name: Michael
Age: 18
Hair color: dark brown
Favorite Fruit: peaches, but we only get those for like two weeks out of the year, so the rest of the time it's grapes
Favorite Season: fall, if it was ever fall here
Favorite Animal: wow I really like bears, I guess
Favorite fictional character: speed racer
Favorite TV Show: one day at a time. That's good shit
Favorite Color: purple or yellow
Dog or Cat Person: I like both, but cats more because they tend to smell less and are a bit more calm
Tumblr Crush: @mycabbbages
Dream Trip: I definitely want to go back to Hawaii, but take my boy with me. I want to show him all of the beautiful places I've known for most of my life. I also want to go to Peru and find that fucking portal to the other dimension.
Post your most recent selfie:
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I was hella feelin my hair that day
Ah shit I don't have any friends. I'm gonna tag @nerd-with-a-nipple @alex-moriarty and my boo @serethiel-is-hufflepuffed
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your-hero-imagines · 6 years
Hello!! Do you have HCs for aizawa w a tattoo artist gf? I don't mean with those dainty hipster style tattoos (irrational, super tiny tats can smudge with age horribly) and maybe they met through Mic? I think he has plenty tattoos lol. NSFW too would be awesome, thank you (^•^)
Ok gurl I got you covered! :3(Ahhh I always wanted to have a tattoo but never dared to.)
- It had always been your dream to move to Japan and open your own tattoo-studio. For many years worked hard at multiple side-jobs, and now you finally had collected enough money to fulfill your dreams. Your destination: Musutafu, the city of heroes!
- After only a short while, many heroes visited your studio already, asking you to design tattoos that would fit their hero name or quirk. Everyone was so amazed by your talent and creativity that even big names in the hero scene would visit you. How come no one ever thought of tattoos designed especially for heroes before? With the gear you tinkered yourself, you could even tatto most humans with mutation quirks.
- Hizashi has a show in his radio program where he interviews important people from Musutafu, and since your studio already skyrocketed, he invited you over. In the beginning, you were too nervous to even get a proper sentence out. You have been a huge fan of Present Mic for years, after all! But he was so nice and understanding that you warmed up really fast.
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- The two of you had great fun together, even after the record was done. Since you got along so well and Hizashi is a rather straightforward guy, he asked if you want to stay in touch. So you’ve got yourself your first friend in this new, big city!
- He always wanted to get a tattoo some day, and his first should be made by you - but he had a big fear of needles. So one random day, he asks Aizawa to drink with him so he’d get the courage. Aizawa hates doing this stuff, and thinks it’s a bad idea to numb your fears with alcohol, but well…Hizashi is his friend, and he owed him one because Mic helped him out with that one mission a while ago.
- It ended in both of them being totally drunk, dropping by at your shop. You were quite unsure if you should really do it, since they were both so wasted, but Hizashi already told you a while ago that he wanted to drink before he gets himself a tattoo. Back then, you told him that sounds like a really shitty idea - yet you knew you can’t hold off that moron once he got an idea in his head. 
- He wanted to go big with his first one, and you’ve already made plans what tattoo would fit him a while ago, just for fun. When he sees the finished result, he hugs you and tells you you’re the most amazing friend one can wish for.
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- Yet the man that came with Mic didn’t say a word until now. He didn’t even introduce himself, just sitting down and keeping on drinking sake. The whole time you’d be working on the tattoo, he’d be watching you closely. After you were done, he just plainly says “I want one, too.” 
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- Hizashi just now realized he never introducted you two to each other, so he apologized. “Ah, that’s my fault. This is my friend Aizawa. He’s a rather quiet one, but he’s one of my best friends!” “Stop hugging me” the grumpy man replied. You had to laugh about those unlikely friends, asking “And you’re sure he wants one, too?” “Yeah, yeah. He talked about it for weeks, I swear!”
- “So, what do you want then, shy boy?” you smirked. He blankly stares at you for a while, his cheeks completely red from the alcohol, before yelling “I want a cat!” That was pretty little information, but you came up with an idea. Hizashi already told you about Eraserhead before, of course. He was a hero of the night, an assassin, rather. You were quite satisfied with the result.
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- When you finished, he showed a small smile on his face as he looked at the little kitty. “You’re pretty talented” he mumbled while petting your head for some reason. “Don’t mind him” Mic intervents, “He always gets pretty clingy after a certain amount of alcohol.” You decided to close the shop then (you made enough money at this time that you could choose when to work), starting to drink together with them. Aizawa started to hug your arm, flustering something like “You’re my friend now…” Well, like this, you met your second friend: Aizawa Shouta, also known as Eraserhead.
- The next day, you’d put his name in google search. Mic always swarm about his “bestie”, yet you really imagined someone…else. But you always liked the quiet, profound ones, after all. His appearance was rather scrubby, but it had something manly about it. There wasn’t much about Eraserhead to be found on the internet, but you gave him his phone number.
- When finally waking up, Aizawa realizes the tattoo and gets pretty pissed on the inside, his outside remaining calm. “That’s why I hate alcohol. It makes you go irrational.” So the first message you got from him wasn’t the one you liked to get: He complained about that’s bodily harm and scolded you about doing something like that to an obviously drunk. Will beat up Hizashi after you tell him it’s his fault.
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- Slowly remembering how he tried to cuddle you, he’d even get more embarassed, not even answering to your apology texts and just tries to forget the evening. For the first time, he’d just cover the tattoo up - but the longer he looks at it, the more he likes it.
- Will come back to your shop eventually, wanting to have more. The next one is free due to the inconvenience you caused. He doesn’t really care about the way he looks actually, but having tattoos was something he never thought about before. It kinda fascinated him to have such beautiful pictures all over his body. After a while, his whole arm and back were covered. You really loved having him as customer - truth spoken, also because you had an excuse to see him undressed like that. Damn, that man is way more muscular than he looks like.
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- It wouldn’t just stay with you doing the tattoo and him leaving after. The two of you would kill some time together, enjoying nice talks and drinking some coffee. You first got into conversation with him finding out that you both equally loved cats, then both hating over the media.
- It’s been weeks now, and Aizawa even happened to visit your shop occasionally to look after you, and you sending him text from time to time. He finds himself being way more talkative around you - wanting to know more about your life, even though he found it irrational since it served no further purpose to know that.
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- Meanwhile Hizashi could already tell the days when Aizawa’s going to visit you. He couldn’t really concentrate the whole day and wasn’t able to fall asleep for naps either. So he tried to help his two friends get together as often as he could - inviting both of you over to do something trimerous, and then just not showing up himself. Since you both hated social events, you’d just stick with going to your place and enjoying watching a movie or something.
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- Aizawa isn’t stupid, so he realizes that he developed romantic feelings towards you. But he was really inexperienced about how to deal with that. When he’d be at your place he’d start to act as desinterested as possible - so you wouldn’t notice how nervous he was. Tries to tease you way more often, enjoying that you’d get mad and poking him (well, that’s at least some kind of bodily contact). Tries to tickle you, so you’d fall over and he lands on top of you - but then he’d not dare to kiss you. Hizashi told you he’s not one for physical contact, but you just couldn’t help but hug him at that moment - he looked so sad for some reason.
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- After Hizashi had a long talk with him (Aizawa wouldn’t say anything at all actually), Aizawa decided that his friend was right for once. You were a special exception for him, and he wanted to make you his. So next time you’d see each other, he would totally show you that he cares about you! It may be weird since he doesn’t know how to start, but he’ll do it his way - trying to compensate his uncertainty with dumb jokes.
- One time, when you made a special appointment with him after you already closed the shop for other customers, he asks you for another tattoo - this time near his scrotch. He smirks gleeful as he sees you turning brightly red while he undresses. It’s really pleasing to him to make you feel this nervous. Will tease you “Hehe, don’t tell me you enjoy this? That’s not very professional towards a customer.”
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- You try to not respond to him trying to mock you. But you couldn’t avoid to stare too obviously. Just when you began to panick, he’d just take your hand and places it on his chest. “No need to just watch.”
- “You’re not drunk again, aren’t you?” “Not in the slightest” he whispers in your ear, before softly holding your face in his hands and starting to kiss you. “You’ve seen me undressed so many times before - why don’t we make it even right now?”
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yanderecandystore · 3 years
Hello there
Can I please get the twins being moronsexuals?
Where the s/o (gender neutral please) is a massive airhead to the point where the twins stop bulllying them because the s/o don't understand they are being insulted
Like let's say they the twins called them the most ugly person on the planet
the s/o is like "wow, really? You think I can get a prize for that?
My classes started again and I forget that they were time consuming :') Sorry y'all-
I really like this idea, boo! I'm sorry if it's a bit lackluster tho ;v;
TW/Tags: I love this idea, so I'm sorry I didn't really do much with it- // Reader is a thembo // degrading language, very rude comments // slight mentions of strict/kinda mean parents // kinda short, sorry boo- // manipulation/controlling behavior // both parts of each sibling are very similar // cursing // disrespect towards the reader/darling //
Dumb Dummy [Yandere!Bully!OCs x GN!Reader - Headcanon]:
→ Adrien Coldwell:
I like to think that it would actually take a while for him to notice how airheaded you actually are, as he would think that maybe you were just playing dumb to stop him from getting the upper hand.
But now he feels like HE is the dumb one since it took so long for him to realize you have zero brain sells up there.
Kinda insulting, don't you think? He already isn't considered the "most beloved" and "smart one" of the twins, but to think he actually thought you were smarter than the rest of the students- What was he thinking??
You're a dumbass, it's just that simple. Honestly good on you for making him think you knew a thing or two, but where is the fun in playing with someone who is so oblivious?
The logical conclusion after seeing how you're literally unbothered by his behavior would be to give up and move to another target, but since his obsession with you has outgrown the "common ground" of bullying and it's now some deeply rooted, unhealthy infatuation then he HAS to at least go with it.
This is totally NOT because he is sexually attracted to your lack of brain! (Wink wink, sarcasm).
Considering how possessive he is, you can imagine that he would take advantage of your unawareness to keep you close to himself, somehow including you in his friend group while ignoring what the others may say about it. You're basically walking around with the most selfish people in Amaryllis Academy- And considering the amount of entitled assholes here, that's saying something!
He won't bring you to torment the other students, you probably won't be able to keep up with him anyway- He thinks you would probably be too dumb to be unnecessarily mean to others, but then again, you won't have to do any of that anyway. As long as you stay beside him, you won't have to worry about maintaining a certain "respectful" status.
More like feared, actually.
Because of the way he will literally glue you to himself- People may start trying to pick on you (or him, considering how it's kinda obvious how much attention he gives you while still claiming that it's only for "pity for your poor, dumb soul")- It's possible he'll become even more, ya know, "strict" towards you and the people around you.
No one can say shit about you except him! How dare any of these people even think they can mess with you two?? Did people forget who he is?!
He'll convince you to spend time with him for as long as you can, and whenever someone tries to disturb your peace he'll make sure they won't come back anytime soon. Maybe you'll hear about their whereabouts, maybe not- It depends on how badly he'll destroy their reputation.
Adrien loves having you be this dumb, as he can excuse his behavior by claiming it's just him being a good, protective guardian friend! He shouldn't abuse your kindness, but he is willing to make you do a couple of things for him- Mostly just grabbing something for his lazy ass.
Honestly this may be the best scenario for him- I mean, you are already so close to him that it doesn't really matter that you're stupid, you're his entertainment, his little darling! It does take a bit of patience to work with you, but he thinks it's pretty worth it.
→ Alexandra Coldwell:
I like to think that it would actually take a while for her to notice how airheaded you actually are, as she would think that maybe you were just playing dumb to stop her from getting the upper hand.
But now she feels like SHE is the dumb one since it took so long for her to realize you have zero brain sells up there.
Would her parents still consider her an Coldwell if they knew how dumb you are and that not only did she have a crush on you but that she actually thought you were smarter than her?? Cause honestly, she can't even believe how naive she was to overestimate you.
You're an idiot, she knows that now. She would give you the prize of "most convincing actor in non-loser behavior" but you're clearly not deserving of that. Maybe the prize of "best looking moron of the century" would fit better. Ugh! But then you would think she is being serious- God, you're unbearable!
The logical conclusion after seeing how you're literally unbothered by her behavior would be to give up and move to another target, but since her obsession with you has outgrown the "common ground" of bullying and it's now some deeply rooted, unhealthy infatuation then she HAS to at least go with it.
This is totally NOT because she is sexually attracted to your lack of brain! (Wink wink, sarcasm).
Considering how possessive she is, you can imagine that she would take advantage of your unawareness to keep you close to herself, somehow including you in her friend group while ignoring what the others may say about it. You're basically walking around with the most selfish people in Amaryllis Academy- And considering the amount of entitled assholes here, that's saying something!
She won't bring you to torment the other students, you probably won't be able to keep up with her anyway- She thinks you would probably be too dumb to be unnecessarily mean to others, but then again, you won't have to do any of that anyway. As long as you stay beside her, you won't have to worry about maintaining a certain "respectful" status.
More like feared, actually.
Because of the way she will literally glue you to herself- People may start trying to pick on you (or her, considering how it's kinda obvious how much attention she gives you while still claiming that it's only for "pity for your poor, dumb soul")- It's possible she'll become even more, ya know, "strict" towards you and the people around you.
No one can say shit about you except her! How dare any of these people even think they can mess with you two?? Did people forget who she is?!
She'll convince you to spend time with her as long as you can, and whenever someone tries to disturb your peace she'll make sure they won't come back anytime soon. Maybe you'll hear about their whereabouts, maybe not- It depends on how badly she'll destroy their reputation.
Alexandra loves having you be this dumb, she can make various excuses to spend time with you in the falsehood of it being just study sessions, isn't she such a sweet heart?! She shouldn't abuse your "fragile mind", but she is willing to make you do a arbitrary tasks for the sake of her own enjoyment- They're mostly just little inconveniences that make you look and sound so much cuter, like for example when she asks you to repeat romantic gestures for "no reason".
Honestly this may be the best scenario for her- I mean, you are already so close to her that it doesn't really matter that you're stupid, you're her entertainment, her little darling! It does take a bit of patience to work with you, but she thinks it's pretty worth it.
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