#then he just kinda mashed together whatever he felt like
nerdetiquette · 1 year
Can we all agree Juno has the worst sense of style? Like Rita has her whole kid/rainbow core going on, Buddy knows what looks good after being in weird Victorian baby doll clothes for her entire childhood, Vespa has really good punk style, Nureyev is Nureyev and we know he has style, and Jet is a car guy with a leather jacket which automatically makes you cool, Juno wears turtlenecks and a trench coat and thinks he’s cool but isn’t
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icycoldninja · 3 months
Headcanons for the Sparda lads and V getting massages from their s/o? Assuming they'd want one/would be comfortable with it, I mean.
Absolutely, here you go! 💜
Sparda boys + V x Reader massage headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Is very, very stiff after years of fighting demons, doing crazy aerial acrobatics, getting stabbed in the chest, and falling asleep almost every night in his wooden office chair.
-Was a little shocked when you offered to give him a massage because no one had ever suggested something like that. Ever.
-His muscles were kinda sore though, so he agreed and hopped onto his bed, stomach down.
-The moment you started kneading his back, he heard so many cracks. It was like years of stress, trauma, both physical and mental, tension and pain was being popped and squeezed right out of him. It was such a good, relieving sensation.
-He soon melted into it, enjoying every second of your masterful mashing of his muscles with delighted little "Oh"s and "Ah"s.
-When you were finished, he found himself to be twice as flexible as before; the discomfort of a million battles finally gone. He'll definitely be coming back for a round two in the near future.
■ Vergil ■
-Does not like being touched by most people for whatever reason. He is constantly paranoid and afraid that he will be attacked if he lets someone touch him.
-However, you're a different story. He knows you wouldn't do anything to hurt him and that he could trust you, so he agrees to your offer of a massage, with some half-hearted grumbling.
-He wasn't sure what to expect from this "massage", but it certainly wasn't what he got. The moment you set to work on his taut, tense, rock-hard muscles, he felt himself instantly relax. He even let out a soft little moan.
-Vergil enjoyed the massage a lot more than he ever expected to. The sensation of having someone press down on your tense areas without murderous intentions was pure bliss.
-When you announced that you were finished with the massage, he whined. Yes, he genuinely, actually, unmistakbly whined. You thought he would request a continuation, but no. He simply stood up, stretched, and slipped his jacket back on.
-Massages are now a nightly tradition between the two of you. He even goes out and gets different lotions and oils for you to experiment with.
□ Nero □
-Nero has never had a massage in his life, nor has he ever wanted one. He didn't dislike the notion of you giving him a massage, nor did he like it. He simply accepted it to make you happy.
-Turns out massages are way better than he could have ever imagined! He just can't get over how it seems to make all his stiffness melt away.
-Now he wants you to massage his legs, arms, shoulders, and neck too--oh, and also the rest of his body.
-At one point he fell asleep while you were massaging him, proving one of two things: Either A, he's very, very, tired, or B, he's just that relaxed.
-Getting massages from you is now the number one thing Nero looks forward to when he comes home from missions.
-Sometimes he has Nico put together a new, vibrating attachment for his arm--which he will then give to you so you can have a helping hand.
● V ●
-V has never heard of a massage and therefore has no idea what it is.
-After Googling it, he deduces that such an activity would benefit him, and that he would be wise to take up your offer.
-And so he does; while the sensations are an entirely new experience for him, he finds them very enjoyable. In fact, they're so helpful in mitigating his stress, he should write a poem about them.
-V loves to have you massage his legs because they're so weary from traveling and supporting his lanky frame all day long.
-Also, he can read while you massage his legs, which makes it all the more comforting.
-Massages are now one of his top stress-relievers, other than cuddling with Shadow, that is.
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allyendergirl · 8 months
Tim knows how to cook. But he only knows how to cook mostly weird comfort struggle meals bc he’s used to only having imperishables/canned and boxed foods around the house. The only times he would ever have from scratch meals when his parents were away was when the cleaning lady felt generous or guilty enough to bring him a meal from her home and leave it in the fridge for him. So this boi grew up with bullshit like fan fiction trail mix, ketchup spaghetti noodles,  soggy microwaved cheese quesadillas with whatever sauce he liked from the fridge, whatever canned vegetables were in the pantry mixed with instant mashed potatoes, soups from bags, and just shit like girl dinner.
Maybe as he got a little older he graduated to things like red beans and rice, decent fancied up ramen noodles, maybe a sushi bake, maybe some tuna or egg sandwiches etc etc.
But one of Tim���s favorite comfort “meals” that he made for himself in childhood is a “sandwich” that consists of a filling made of Nutella, Craves cereal, and melted marshmallows mixed together after being warmed up in the microwave.
But no one knows of Tim’s “cooking” abilities until Tim and Jason have to go under cover as roommates in a shitty part of an up and coming gangs territory. Jason is gobsmacked when he returns to the apartment to find that Tim had made a halfway decent stir fry out of mostly canned veg and some cheap sweet chili sauce. The next day Tim made sesame ramen noodles with only like 5 ingredients. Jason cooked for the rest of the week after that bc seeing Tim cook kinda weirded him out. But Jason had to admit, Tim had the science of struggle meal flavor profiling down to a T, and with Jason’s help some of Tim’s more questionable “meals” started to actually resemble something more like real meals and not something a person would make out of desperation and determination not to starve.
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queer-irritator · 1 month
An Unexpected Padawan | Obi-wan x GN! Reader
A/N: This is my first obi-wan fic and I sorta mashed a lot of the ideas I had into one super long story (you've been warned). I'm just down so bad for this man. It's a slow burn, but worth it in the end 😉
I also did not proof read any of this. I just finished writing it at 2am, the endings kinda rushed but I might make a little sequel in the future.
CW: Violence, assault, strong language, alcohol, smut, unprotected piv, oral, afab anatomy described
Word count: 7.8k
(Set during the clone wars)
You always felt different than everyone around you. Everyone told you it was just part of growing up, teenage hormones. But only it never went away. In fact, it got worse. The older you got, the harder it became to control your feelings and emotions. You were celebrating your 25th birthday in your favorite club when everything escalated. 
“25! You finally got that fully developed brain everyone’s always talking about!” Your friend playfully elbowed you and handed you a shot glass. 
“Yup, guess this is the brain I’m stuck with now!” You chuckled, clinking your glasses together then swallowing your drink in one gulp.
“Woah, did I hear there’s a birthday over here?” a man approached you and placed his hand on your lower back.
A chill shot up your spine as you recoiled from the strangers touch and moved away. You looked over the man, he was visibly drunk and could barely stand upright. 
“Uhm, I don’t know anything about a birthday, man.” You lied, hoping he would leave you alone. 
“Ah, I know what I heard! Lemme buy you a drink, sweet cheeks.” He persisted. 
“C’mon, they’re obviously not interested. Just let us enjoy our night.” Your friend chimed in. 
The man sighed and dramatically rolled his eyes, “No one fuckin’ asked you, bitch.”
A twinge of anger coursed through your veins and you balled one hand up into a fist.
“Don’t talk to her like that.” You warned the scumbag. 
“Or what?” He prodded, crossing his arms over his chest and giving you a smirk.
Your jaw clenched and your fist tightened, you didn’t want to cause a scene, but this guy was going to get what was coming to him. Before you could open your mouth to tell him off the man gasped for air and began choking. 
This brought some slight amusement to you, seeing as karma had taken care of this jerk before you could. But when his hands grasped at his throat and his lips were turning blue, your anger turned to concern. You unclenched your fist as worry overcame your thoughts, but just as suddenly as it began, his fit ended. He collapsed to the floor, tears welling in his eyes and face red as he desperately tried to catch his breath. 
You crouched down by him, “Are you okay? Do you need some water??” Sure, the guy was an asshole but he didn’t deserve to die for being a drunken idiot. 
“Get away from me!” He yelled, backing up from you, “What the fuck did you do to me?!” 
“I… you were choking, I didn’t do anything!” You defended yourself. 
The man scrambled to his feet and mumbled something about a jedi before bolting out of the club. 
“Serves you right, asshole!” Your friend called after the man. 
You stood up and glanced around, noticing all eyes were on you. Your gaze awkwardly darted across the room and it landed on a stranger. The stranger looked away from your gaze immediately and hurried to leave the establishment. 
You sighed and ordered another drink, trying to put whatever just happened to the back of your mind, “Some birthday, huh?” 
The next morning you awoke to loud knocking at your door. With sleepy eyes and a pounding headache, you reluctantly got up from your bed and dragged yourself to the door. When you opened to door to your small apartment, you were greeted by the stranger you had briefly made eye contact last night. 
“Can I help you?” You squinted as sunlight from behind the figure glared into your vision. 
“Yes, I am here on behalf of the Jedi Council. My name is Plo Koon.”
You straightened your posture and perked up, “Oh, hello sir! What brings you here?” 
“You. I have reasonable suspicion that you may be force-sensitive and have been overlooked when you were a child.” Plo Koon explained. 
“Me? Are you sure you have the right person?” 
Plo Kloon recited your full name, your parents names, and your home planet.
“Wow.. uhm, so what does this mean?” You didn’t know if this was some weird hangover dream you can’t wake up from. 
“We would like to take a blood sample, and if my suspicion is correct, come to meet the Jedi Council on Coruscant.” he explained.
“Wow.” You repeated yourself, “Well, I guess a blood test wouldn’t hurt… Please, come in.” 
You stepped aside to let the Jedi in. You watched as he set down a small machine and set up some supplies. You’ve never encountered a Jedi before, but from what you heard they were incredibly serious and strict.
“It will just be a poke on the tip of your finger.” Master Plo Koon approached you. 
You nodded and held out your hand for him. He gently took your hand and pricked your finger, collecting a drop of blood on the machine he held. 
“It will just take a moment to get the results.” He assured you, sending a message over his comlink. 
You wiped your finger clean and went to your small dinette to get a cup of caf to try and wake you up some more. 
You invited Master Plo Koon to sit on the couch with you and offered him a cup of caf he gladly accepted. You made small talk for a few minutes before a message came over Plo Koon’s comlink. 
“The sample you’ve sent contains midi-chlorians consistent with those who are force sensitive.”
“Thank you.” The Jedi spoke into his comlink then looked to you, “Would you come to meet the council?”
“Right now?” You got a sudden wave of anxiety. Is your whole life about to get uprooted because some idiot decided to harass you in the bar last night?
“Yes. You are already 20 years late.” The jedi joked. 
You chuckled, “Okay… just give me an hour to get ready, please. You’re welcome to wait here.” 
You stood up and headed to your bathroom to take a shower and prepare for this adventure. 
It took the entire day to arrive at Coruscant, but the cushy Jedi accommodations helped the long journey. Master Plo Koon led you to modest sleeping quarters and bid you goodnight. 
You took a moment to take in your surroundings. The room was decently sized, but was too industrial for your liking. Plopping your bag on the bed, you dug around for your nightwear and got ready for bed. You could only assume it would be a long day tomorrow. 
“Rise and shine.” A robotic voice jolted you awake. 
“Uhm, hello…” You warily greeted the droid that barged into your room.
“I am BNI-393, but you can call me Bunny.” The droid explained as she set down a bowl of food for you, “In 15 minutes Master Plo Koon will escort you to meet the Jedi Council.”
You nodded as you sat up, rubbing your eyes. “Thank you, Bunny.” you said, starting to eat your breakfast.
You enjoyed a comfortable silence as you finished eating and got dressed for the day. A knock at your door signaled it was time to go. 
You opened the door and greeted the Jedi with a smile, “Good morning.” 
“Good morning, (y/n).” He reciprocated. 
Plo Kloon guided you through the Jedi Temple. It was much larger than you could have imagined. He pointed out different rooms and wings of the temple as you made your way. He led you through a large door and you entered a circular room with the members of the Jedi Council sitting in chairs arranged in a circle. Most were there in person, only a few holograms. You looked around the room, starting to feel quite intimidated. Trying to calm yourself, you took a deep breath.
Master Plo Koon began to address the Council, “I am here before you with (y/n), someone who I believe was unfortunately overlooked as being a force-sensitive child. They display impressive strength for never having knowledge or training in the ways of the force.” 
A hologram popped up with your midi-chlorian readings.
“Just two days ago I personally witnessed a display of (y/n)’s strength.” 
The hologram switched to a video of the events that unfolded on your birthday.
“I believe this was not done intentionally. However, without proper training and guidance I suspect (y/n) will unknowingly cause harm. Or worse, the Separatists will get to them.” The Jedi concluded. 
Your attention was redirected from Plo Koon when a voice spoke up, “Aware of your actions, were you?”
You turned toward a small green man, “No, I didn’t know I was hurting that man. I didn’t mean to.” 
“Hmm. Confusion and isolation, I sense in you.” he continued.
You nodded slowly, “I… I always felt different than everyone else. But I had no clue it was because of something like this. Can you help me?” 
“They are much too old to begin Jedi training.” One man noted
“Yes, but what choice do we have? They’re obviously powerful, without training who knows what could happen.” A younger man with a scar across his right eye chimed in. 
“I have to agree with Anakin.” A slightly older man with light brown hair and a full beard said. 
“(y/n)’s choice, it must be.” The green man said, “Use them for our own gain or out of fear, we cannot.”
All eyes were on you, waiting for an answer. “Yes, I would like to be trained.” You needed to know how to control your emotions. 
“Join the younglings, you will.” He stated, “Advance quickly, I suspect you will.” 
You smiled and nodded, “Yes, sir.”
The next few months were filled with studying, learning everything about the Jedi code, the force, your brain was jammed so full of knowledge, you didn’t know if you could physically read another sentence. 
You were in the library, head face down on the desk with five different books open in front of you. You needed a break. 
“Studying hard I see.” 
The sudden voice filling the silence made you jump, you looked up and a smile spread across your face. 
“I’m trying to, Master Kenobi.” you admitted sheepishly.
You two always seemed to bump into each other, and it didn’t help that you’ve become fast friends with Anakin. At first Obi-wan had seemed very stoic, all business. But once you started to talk to Anakin and he told you stories when he was Obi-wan’s padawan, you started to see his cool demeanor was a front. You only caught glimpses of the real Obi-wan, when you walked into a room where he was alone or with Anakin and he was able to take a break from being a General. The moment he noticed you he would straighten up and play the part of a typical Jedi Master. To be honest, you’ve become infatuated with cracking him. 
“Well, I’m not sure sleeping in the library is going to help you.” He poked fun at you.
You playfully scoffed at him, “I was not sleeping, I was just… taking a break.” You defended yourself. 
“Ah, well would you like to take a break outside with me?” Obi-wan offered. 
You nodded, closed your books and followed him to a balcony nearby. It was a few hours past mid-day, the usual hustle and bustle of the planet could be observed in the distance. 
“The council has noticed how hard you’ve been working.” Obi-wan spoke, looking out to the horizon. “That’s good.” You shifted your gaze to the man beside you. Since you first saw him in the council room, you thought he was absolutely gorgeous. So far you’ve been able to ignore your feelings by drowning yourself in training. 
“Yes, it’s so good in fact,” he turned to face you, “that they have appointed you to be my padawan.” 
You couldn’t stop your jaw from dropping open and your eyes widening, “Are you serious??” Obi-wan let out a chuckle, “Very serious, my young apprentice.” 
A huge smile spread across your face and you enveloped your new Master in a tight hug. 
“O-oh my.” Obi-wan was caught off guard by your actions, but he placed a hand on your back. 
You released him from your death grip and beamed up at Obi-wan, “So, Master. What will my first lesson be?” 
“I was thinking sparring.” Obi-wan lifted his hand to his chin.
“You’re on.” you smirked and walked to the training room, matching your stride with Obi-wan’s. 
After giving you his spiel about how your lightsaber is like your life and how important it is, the real training began. 
“Show me what you’ve learned.” Obi-wan held up his lightsaber in a defensive stance. 
You nodded and activated your lightsaber. After taking a few deep breaths to regulate your emotions and excitement, you began your sparring match. 
Obi-wan was expertly blocking each of your strikes, giving you tips or praise depending on how you were doing. Before long, you were out of breath and starting to sweat. Meanwhile, Obi-wan still looked utterly perfect. 
You took a break and were taking a long sip of water. Your chest heavily moved up and down and a few droplets of water were dripping down your neck. You could feel a pair of eyes on you, so you opened your own to catch Obi-wan staring. You swore you saw some light pink sprinkled on his cheeks before he turned his head away. 
He cleared his throat before speaking, “We need to work on your stamina.” 
You almost choked on your last drink of water from his words. They caused some very inappropriate images to come to your mind of different ways Obi-wan could “help your stamina”. 
“How do we do that?” You asked once you regained your composure. 
“More practice. It will increase in time.” He turned to face you again, “But for now, you’re doing well.” 
“Thank you, Master. How about we celebrate tonight?” You proposed. “Oh, I don’t know…” Obi-wan got the feeling he would need to enforce strict Master-Padawan boundaries with you. 
“Come on, I know you’ve had a padawan before, but this is my first time having a Master!” You protested. 
You could see the hesitance on your Master’s face. 
“...Please, Obi-wan?” You walked closer to him and gave him your best pout and pleading eyes. He reluctantly met your gaze, and after thinking for a moment he gave in, “Fine.” 
You smiled at him, “Great! I’ll go get ready!” you said as you ran off to your room to shower. -
Later that day, you had cleaned up and gotten ready in your best clothes and were currently sitting in a speeder, waiting for Obi-wan. You’d sent him a message telling him where to meet you. 
Obi-wan approached you, “Does Anakin know you’re using his speeder?”
“Uhm…yeah, of course. I wouldn’t use a Jedi’s vehicle without their permission.” You tried your best to seem convincing. Obi-wan raised an eyebrow at you, but got into the speeder anyway. 
You looked him up and down a few times and let a small “Hmm” escape your lips. 
“What?” Obi-wan questioned you as you began flying. 
“Nothing.” You tried to assure him, trying to focus on your flying skills. Anakin had only given you three lessons so far. 
“It must have been something.” He pressed. 
“No, it’s just…” You trailed off, chewing on your lip.
“Just what?” Obi-wan was beginning to sound inpatient and childish.
You chuckled at his serious Jedi Master facade cracking, “I just had a feeling that’s what you’d wear.” You finally admitted. 
“What’s wrong with my clothes?” His defensiveness was honestly adorable.
“Nothing’s wrong with them! I guess I just couldn’t picture you in anything else but your Jedi robe.” 
Obi-wan huffed softly and crossed his arms. You glanced over at him. 
“I didn’t know you thought so highly of my opinion, Master.” You teased. 
He sighed, “You’ve been spending too much time with Anakin.”
Once you parked and hopped out of the speeder, Obi-wan was able to get a good look at you. You wore tight-fitting pants that clung to your body nicely and a slightly cropped shirt with fishnets underneath it. Obi-wan watched your ass as you walked in front of him. He noticed something very important missing from you. 
He stopped you in front of the bar you were about to enter, “Where is your lightsaber?” 
You gave him a confused look, “Uhm.. hidden.” You pointed to the boots you were wearing. 
You were about to question why he was looking for your lightsaber when he interrupted you.
“Oh, good. You should always be prepared.” Obi wan opened the door for you. 
You decided to let it go and walked right up to the bar and ordered a few drinks. Obi-wan strolled up next to you.
“Quite a lively crowd tonight.” he commented. 
“Tonight? You come here often, Master?” You leaned against the bar and looked at him with a sultry smile. 
“No, I just-” He began to defend himself but was cut off by the drinks being served. 
“My stars, how many drinks did you order?” He questioned, seeing the line of cups grow.
“A normal amount, calm down.” You assured him, dividing up the drinks between the two of you. You each had two shots and a mixed drink. 
You handed him the first shot, “To Masters.” You clinked your glass with Obi-wan’s and swallowed the liquid and Obi-wan followed your lead. 
“To Padawans.” You followed the same ritual with the next shot. 
“And, to us.” You raised the mixed drink.
“To us.” Obi-wan repeated before clinking your glass one last time and taking a long sip of the drink. 
A band came on a small stage at the farside of the bar and began playing some music. “Ooh, come on!” You started to walk towards the band. 
Obi-wan followed behind you reluctantly, downing his drink on the walk over. Seemingly out of thin air, you handed him another shot and drink and started to sway to the music. 
After downing his shot Obi-wan shook his head, “I drink, but I don’t dance.” 
“Come onnnn.” You urged him, taking his hands and swaying them to the beat. “No, no, really. You don’t want to see me dance.” He continued to protest
You began to move your hips to the beat as well. You were looking at him but his eyes were fixated to your body’s movements.
You stepped a little closer to him, “I do. Show me your moves, Master.” 
This time Obi-wan couldn’t turn away to hide the blush creeping onto his cheeks. He silently scolded himself for letting his emotions overtake him for a moment. Instead of taking the chance on saying something that would make a fool out of himself, he reluctantly began to sway to the music, avoiding eye contact with you. 
Your smile grew and you chuckled, “There you go!” You encouraged him as you finally let go of his hands now that he was getting in the groove of things. 
As the song continued on and the drinks were starting to take effect, Obi-wan seemed to let his guard down some more. He took your hand and gave you a twirl. You gladly followed his lead and began to dance with him, not just next to him. 
With the music getting louder, he had to dip his head down next to your ear so you could hear him when he spoke, “ You’re a great dancer.” 
You laughed in response, looking up at Obi-wan’s face, seeing his smile and the way the corners of his eye crinkled, you realized he was being genuine. 
It was your turn to lean upwards to talk in Obi-wan’s ear, he lowered his head slightly to help you, “You must be drunk if you think that.” 
He echoed your chuckle from just moments ago, “It’ll take more than that to get me drunk, young padawan.” 
You smirked, “Good to know!”
The two of you spent the next few hours cycling between dancing to your favorite songs and sitting at the bar. You could definitely feel the full effects of the drinks you’ve been consuming now and Obi-wan had a light flush on his face, but was still acting somewhat put-together. 
“I don’t think either of us can drive back to the temple.” You confessed to your Master. 
“Yes, I believe you’re right.” He agreed. “We could always call a cab.” 
You shook your head, “Nu-uh, no way am I leaving Anakin’s speeder outside a bar all night. He doesn’t even know I took it!”
“You told me earlier he let you borrow it.” Obi-wan raised an eyebrow at you. 
You giggled slightly, “I lied.” 
“Well, there’s a hotel just down the street. We could stay there for tonight.” 
“That sounds good.” You were glad he was more observant than you had been, “I’m getting pretty tired anyways.” 
“Let us go then.” Obi-wan stood up and offered his elbow to you. 
You took it happily and followed him outside, where it was much quieter. You walked the block to the hotel in a comfortable silence. Mostly, you were trying to focus on not stumbling and leading on just how much the drinks had affected you. 
Obi-wan checked into the hotel and got a room for the night, he was also kind enough pay extra for a droid to pick up the speeder and bring it to the hotel. The moment you walked into your room you collapsed on the bed. You swore you heard a chuckle coming from Obi-wan, but when you lifted your head towards him he was locking the door. You decided to let it go and sat up. The entire room was spinning but you managed to pull off your boots without falling over. It wasn’t until you noticed Obi-wan laying an extra blanket he had fetched from the closet on the floor that there was only one bed in the room. 
“You’re sleeping down there?” You questioned him. 
He stopped in the middle of smoothing out the blanket to tilt his head to meet your eyes. He stood up straight from his previously bent over position.
“Yes, I figured this would be the most… appropriate.” He took a moment to find the right word to describe the current situation. 
“You’re gonna throw out your back if you sleep on this floor, Obi.” Your words were starting to slur slightly, but you hoped he wouldn’t notice. 
But he did. He also noticed the new nickname you’ve appointed him. 
Before he could start to protest, you continued, “Get comfy and come up here. This bed is huge anyway.” You scooted over to one side of the bed and started to undo your pants.
Obi-wan snapped his head away from you and he felt his cheeks warming up, “W-What are you doing??” He put a hand up to further shield his eyes. 
“Gettin’ comfy. I can’t sleep with these tight-ass pants on.” You explained as you lifted your butt off the bed and slowly peeled the pants off of your body, tossing them on the floor next to you then getting under the covers. 
He let out a deep sigh, more so to calm his energy than anything else. “Are you finished?” He questioned, not daring to look over to you. “Yes sir.” You answered him sarcastically. 
Obi-wan cautiously let his hand down and glanced over at you. Seeing you tucked in under the covers was… underwhelming. He would never admit it, not even to himself, but deep down he was hoping to see you spread out half-naked on the bed, waiting for him. However, he did tell himself that you were right about the effects of sleeping on the floor. It would be irresponsible to knowingly cause his body more strain. 
You watched Obi-wan as he stood quietly for a minute before he took off his boots and picked up the blanket he had previously spread out on the floor. He turned off the light in the room and made his way over to the opposite side of the bed and sat down on the edge. 
You could make out the silhouette of his back as your eyes were adjusting to the newfound darkness. He took a few minutes before swinging his legs onto the bed and laying down stiffly. He kept himself as close to the edge of the bed as possible. It was almost comical how large of a gap there was between the both of you. 
Too tired to argue with him further, and not wanting to push his boundaries you closed your eyes. 
“Goodnight, Obi.” you muttered as sleep overtook you. 
“Goodnight, (y/n).” 
After a while of laying in silence, Obi-wan turned his head towards you. Your mouth was parted slightly and your chest was slowly rising and falling with each breath you took. It had been so long since he last shared a bed with someone. The war had taken up every waking moment of his time and attention, he rarely even talked about anything that didn’t relate to it somehow. He would need to answer a barrage of questions when he got back to the temple about where you two were tonight, but it would be worth it. His eyes were starting to feel heavy.
Obi-wan could have sworn he’d only shut his eyes for a few minutes, but when he woke up there was light pouring into the room. 
He sat up quickly and turned on a news hologram to check the time. It was already midday. 
“Oh no…” He mumbled to himself. He was going to get hell from Anakin for being out all night and half the day.
“(Y/n), we have to get going.” Obi-wan said as he turned to you. His cheeks immediately turned pink when he saw the state you were in. 
You had kicked the sheets half off of you in the middle of the night and were laying on your stomach with one leg bent, putting your ass on full-view. To seal the deal, you had worn quite revealing underwear due to your choice in pants the night before. 
Obi-wan felt his blood rush to his crotch as he stared at your ass. He closed his eyes and took a few deep breaths to regain control of his body. It took a few minutes, but eventually he was once again in charge of his body and thoughts. You were his padawan, an apprentice. Nothing else. His job was to teach and train you to harness the force and the power you possess. Jedi cannot form attachments. Especially not to their padawans.
He carefully draped the sheets over your lower half and placed a hand on your shoulder, “(Y/n). It is time to wake up.”
You groaned and buried your face further in the pillow. “Come on, it’s already midday and I’ve missed two meetings this morning.” He removed his hand from your shoulder and got his boots on. 
“I feel like shit.” You didn’t bother to lift your head from the pillow.
Obi-wan could barely make out what your muffled voice, “And whose fault is that?” 
He grabbed your shoes and picked up your pants from the floor and sat them on the edge of the bed. 
“I’m going to get the speeder, please be ready when I come back.” He said before leaving the room and shutting the door behind him. 
You groaned louder and reluctantly rolled over and got up and dressed. After you washed your face and gotten a cup of caf from the hotel lobby, you walked outside. Squinting as the sun’s rays violated your pupils, you saw your Master pull up in the speeder. You climbed in the passenger seat and took a long sip of your drink. 
“Did you get me any?” Obi-wan asked.
You looked to him, silently cursing yourself for forgetting about Obi-wan, “Uhm, I figured we could share!” You attempted to save your skin as you handed him the cup.
“Oh, did you?” He looked from you to the cup you were offering. After a moment of internal debate, he took the cup from you and sipped the drink. 
You smiled and leaned your head on his shoulder as he flew back to the temple. 
Obi-wan had gotten an earful from Master Windu, when the two of you had arrived back to the temple. Obi-wan was swept into a meeting and you were left to your own devices for a while. 
For the next week Obi-wan seemed to be more strict with you, keeping conversation to business only. After the initial week, you two had slowly fallen into a more comfortable and casual routine. Although he didn’t allow himself to relax as much as he had the first night you were together. It had been just about 3 months since becoming a padawan. You were doing great with everything, except for meditation and wielding the force.
“Master, I just don’t have the attention span for this type of stuff.” You sighed, becoming frustrated with yourself as you once again failed to enter a deep state of meditation. 
“You do, you just don’t believe you do.” Obi-wan corrected you. 
You were sitting cross-legged in the middle of a meditation room you and Obi-wan had to yourselves, due to your struggles. There was calming music, the sunset shining in the room, you wore comfortable clothes, there was a miniature waterfall for stars sake. But you couldn’t do it. You tried again to focus on your breathing, listening to your environment. You heard Obi-wan’s footsteps as he slowly walked in a circle around you. You could feel his eyes on you. 
You groaned and opened your eyes, “Master, I can’t… I need a break. Can’t we do some sparring?” 
“Your combat skills are coming along very well, you don’t need anymore practice at the moment. The only thing keeping you from success is you.” He always had something vague and cryptic to say, disguised as sage advice. 
“I don’t even know what that means.” You looked up at him with a slight pout. 
“It means, young padawan, that there’s something on your mind keeping you from achieving your goals.” He explained. 
Yeah, you were staring directly at what was on your mind. Obi-wan distracted you. He annoyed you, frustrated you, but worst of all he made you want him. When you made him laugh and crinkles formed at the corners of his eyes and his cheeks firmed up. When he was being consulted on important matters and his brows knitted together and he placed his hand on his beard. It was infuriating. Because you couldn’t have him. You were quite sure he didn’t even see you as anything besides a padawan. 
You were so lost in your thoughts, you hadn’t noticed Master Yoda enter the room until Obi-wan turned to greet him. 
“Any success, you are having?” Master Yoda questioned Obi-wan.
“Not yet. But we’re close, I can feel it.” He assured Yoda.
You couldn’t tell if he was lying or not. You stood up and greeted Yoda.
“Hello Master, it’s always a nice surprise to see you.” You smiled at the shorter man as you stood besides Obi-wan. 
“A mission, I have for you.” Yoda got right to the point, “Ready, are you?”
You stood up straighter and nodded, “Yes, Master.”
“To Naboo you will go. Represent the council, you will.” Yoda concluded.
You almost couldn’t believe your ears. You would get to represent the jedi council with THE Obi-wan Kenobi. 
“This is such an honor, Master Yoda. Thank you so much!” Your smile was beaming. 
“If you would like a head start, leave tonight you must.” Yoda turned to walk out of the room. 
“Of course, Master.” Obi-wan assured him. 
Once the door had closed, Obi-wan turned to you, “Looks like you’re getting that break you wanted.” 
You chuckled softly, smile still spread across your face. “I’m gonna go get ready!” You ran out the door and to your room. You can’t believe you finally got assigned your first mission as a padawan. 
It had been an uneventful few days in the starship. Your excitement had died down about 6 hours into the trip when you realized you would be stuck staring into space for a week straight. You’d gotten more used to the idea of the cramped ship being called home for the time being and you had some clothes strewn about the ship and trash from energy bars stuffed in your bed cubby. Obi-wan had complained about your mess earlier that day, so you figured you would surprise him by cleaning up while he took a nap. 
You started by disposing of the trash around the ship, wiped down the windows, then got started on picking up your clothes. The hiss of a door opening grabbed your attention, you quickly realized you were devoid of any pants, which had been a recurring issue since being on the ship with Obi-wan. To you, comfort = no pants. You found them to be constricting and uncomfortable so you never wore them when you were alone or asleep. 
Obi-wan stopped just a few inches short of bumping his crotch directly into your ass. He sighed and averted his eyes, “How many times do I have to ask you to wear clothes when I’m around…?” 
You blushed and quickly pulled on a pair of shorts and stepped out of the way for him, “Sorry, Master…” 
“Don’t-” Obi-wan had to stop himself. He was about to tell you to not call him ‘Master’. He never had an issue with anyone else saying it. But sometimes the way you said it made him picture some very inappropriate scenarios. 
“Just… do try to remember from now on.” He sent you an apologetic glance before heading to the cockpit. 
You nodded your head and continued to clean up. 
Obi-wan just needed a few moments to regain his composure. When he closed his eyes to focus, all he could see was you bent over in front of him. And the image was getting to his dick. 
“I cleaned up for you.” You said as you sat in the seat besides Obi-wan, “It was supposed to be a surprise, but…” 
“Oh, I got a surprise alright.” He retorted. 
You whipped your head to see Obi-wan’s eyes screwed shut and his fingers pinching the bridge of his nose. You also noticed that he was breathing heavier than normal. 
“Are you okay, Master?” You asked cautiously, unsure if he was upset with you. 
He could feel his dick hardening, his only saving grace was to hope his layers of clothes hid it. 
“Yes, I’m fine.” He said, opening his eyes and putting his hand down. 
“I’m sorry. I really thought you were going to be asleep for a while.” You explained, but Obi-wan kept looking straight ahead. 
You didn’t get an answer, which was extremely unlike your Master. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, focusing on connecting to the environment and the force. You started to pick up a strong feeling coming from Obi-wan. You focused more intently on the feeling and then suddenly it was like you were inside his brain. You felt heat and arousal pool at your core and get a flash of an imagine of yourself bent over before your concentration was broken.
“Are you inside my head??” Obi-wan was finally looking at you.
“I…” You were at a loss for words, “I finally meditated.” You said with a sheepish grin. 
Obi-wan’s cheeks had a light dusting of pink growing across them, “(Y/n), that is a major invasion of privacy.” 
“I didn’t know that’s what I was doing! But- aren’t you proud of me?” You attempted to lighten the mood. 
“...Yes.” He reluctantly answered you, but adjusted his gaze so he was once again looking out the front of the starship. 
Your eyes stayed glued to him. You both knew what had just happened. That Obi-wan was aroused at the thought of you, and that you knew about it. You started to chew on your lower lip, the only questions that hung, unsaid in the air was if you were going to pretend this never happened or if one of you were going to make a move. You knew Obi-wan would never be the one to initiate something romantic. 
Your voice was barely above a whisper, “Do you think of me often, Master?” 
You visibly saw Obi-wan’s breath get caught in his throat when you asked your question. 
“That’s not an appropriate question, padawan.” He replied plainly, trying his best to ignore his feelings and bodily instincts. 
“Well, I don’t think you’re having very appropriate thoughts right now.” You said, standing up from your chair and begging your legs not to give out from under you. 
His eyes shifted slightly to glance to you but then were immediately fixated back on the stars ahead, like it hadn’t been your view for the last days. You started to walk towards him, closing the few feet that separated you. This caused his full attention to be turned to you. 
Obi-wan waited until you were standing directly besides him before looking up at you and speaking, “What are you doing?”
You gave him a soft smile and turned his chair so he was facing you. You leaned down so you were just a few inches from his face. You paused, waiting to hear his protests, but none came. The only sound was Obi-wan’s shaky breath he was desperately trying to hide. You placed one of your hands on the side of his chair and closed the gap between you, gently placing your lips on his. 
After a brief moment of shock and a sharp inhale, Obi-wan closed his eyes, used his hand to cup the side of your face and kissed you back. You let out an exhale you didn’t even know you’d been holding in. As you relaxed into the kiss you were sharing, you tilted your head to the side to deepen it. Obi-wan matched your enthusiasm and stood up from his chair, causing you to take a step back but never detaching from your lips. He placed his other free hand on your hip and backed you up until your legs were met with the control panel. He grazed your lower lip with his tongue which elicited a soft moan from you, allowing Obi-wan to slide his tongue into your mouth, which in turn elicited a bigger moan. You explored each other’s mouths and one of your hands came up to the back of Obi-wan’s neck. 
Seemingly, just as fast as it had started, Obi-wan broke away from you, panting slightly, “We shouldn’t be doing this.” 
His gaze held yours. His words said one thing, but his eyes said another. 
“Do you want to stop?” You asked him, afraid that he had come to realize this was a big mistake. 
“No.” He admitted, almost too quickly. “Do you..?” He shared your fear of rejection.
You shook your head, “No.”
Obi-wan connected with your lips once again and lifted you up onto an empty section of the control panel. Instinctively, you spread your legs and Obi-wan slid perfectly into the new space you made for him. He moved his mouth down to your neck and began to suck on a spot in the crook of your neck.
You moaned in response to his actions, grabbing a fistful of the robes he was wearing, “Please, I want you.” 
He responded by removing your shirt and then dropping to his knees and tugging down your shorts and underwear in one swift movement. All you could do was watch in anticipation as Obi-wan hooked one of your legs over his shoulder and placed soft kisses on your inner thigh. You opened your legs wider as he got closer to your throbbing core. His beard continued to tickle your thighs as he buried his head into you and started to lap you up. 
You moaned as your head fell back and bumped the glass windshield of the spaceship. Oh, the spaceship. This was Anakin’s ship and Obi-wan Kenobi was eating you out on the control panel. Your thoughts were brought back to the current moment when he took your clit into his mouth and began to suck on it. You entangled your fingers in his hair as sounds of pleasure escaped your mouth. That was seemingly always-perfect hair, well it won’t  be after you were done with him. 
Obi-wan’s tongue was relentless on your soaking cunt. You gripped his hair tighter as you felt your climax building up. 
“Shit, Obi,” you panted, arching your back and grinding yourself against his mouth, “‘M gonna cum soon.”
He moved his hands to your hips in an attempt to pull you closer and shove his face even deeper into your pussy. It was working, with one hand still on Obi-wan’s head and one hand with a death grip on the side of control panel, your orgasm washed over you in waves. Your moaning and panting echoes off the industrial metal of the starship and your thighs tightening around Obi-wan’s head as he continued to suck and kiss you all over. 
When you came down from your high, you opened your eyes to see Obi-wan panting in between your legs, his beard wet with your own juices. He looked utterly perfect sweaty, panting and covered in the mess you had made. He used one hand to get some excess mess off his beard before he stood back up and kissed you. You could smell and taste yourself from the kiss. 
“You are breathtaking.” He praised you when he broke your kiss, but kept your foreheads pressed together. 
“I could say the same thing about you.” You smiled at him and sat up slightly. 
You couldn’t help but glance down at the very evident bulge protruding from Obi-wan. He followed your gaze and looked down at himself as well. 
“You don’t have to-” You cut him off by beginning to peel his layers of clothes off.
Layer after layer of beige and brown were beginning to frustrate you, “Good hell, how many clothes does one man need to wear?” You muttered, more to yourself than to Obi-wan. 
He chuckled, as much as he enjoyed watching you undress him, he had been hard as a rock for some time now. So, he opted to help you out. After removing his top half, you paused to admire his body as he took off his pants. He was much more toned and muscular than his attire led on. He also had quite a few scars across his torso. You scanned his body as he stood upright once again. Your eyes led you down to a happy trail from his belly button, to where his dick was barely being contained. You noticed a small pool of wetness against the fabric from where his pre-cum and saturated the fabric.
Words were tumbling out of your mouth before you even processed what you said, “Please fuck me, Master.” 
You reached between you to push down his underwear and watching his cock spring free. His dick was also a pleasant surprise, he had so much hiding underneath the layers of his jedi attire.   You stroked him softly as you looked into his eyes. 
“Can you do that for me?” You questioned after not receiving a response to your earlier question.
“Yes, sweetheart. Of course.” He assured you and kissed the top of your head.
You leaned back once again and hooked your legs onto Obi-wan’s hips as he lined himself up with your entrance and slowly began to push himself inside of you. You gripped his biceps as you adjusted to his size as he filled you up. He started with a slower, rocking rhythm but was building it up so he was just pounding away inside you. He was savoring the way you looked beneath him, memorizing the sounds you made and the ways your face contorted in pleasure. 
“So beautiful.” He muttered to himself. 
He leaned over you to adjust his position and kissed your shoulder. Having his mouth right next to your ear was extremely welcomed. You could more clearly hear his grunts with each thrust. “I wanna hear you, Obi.” You encouraged him to not hold back, gripping onto his shoulders as you felt your second orgasm building up. 
You felt him nod against you, “Not going to last much longer, darling.” 
The sweet names he kept calling you were filling your heart even more than his cock was filling your pussy, if that was even possible. You began to help him out by meeting his thrusts and grinding against him, causing the tip of his dick to brush against the sensitive spot inside you. 
You let out a load moan and repeated your movements over and over again until you were cumming for the second time, digging your nails into Obi-wan’s shoulders. His movements were becoming slightly sloppy as he began to moan against your shoulder, then you felt his cock pulse inside you and shoot cum into your walls. With a few final thrusts, he emptied all he could inside of you and sloppily kissed your neck. 
You brought moved one of your hands to rubs Obi-wan’s shoulder blade lovingly, “You feel so good.” You gave him a final praise and kissed his cheek, that still vaguely tasted like you. 
“That’s good.” He said, still coming back down from his orgasm. He pulled himself off of you, your sweaty skin wanting to stay stuck together. He carefully pulled out of you and his large load came spilling out and trickled down your thigh. 
If he wasn’t so exhausted, Obi-wan would have taken you again at that very moment. 
“Stay here.” He instructed you as he walked out of sight, only to emerge a few seconds later with a towel to clean you up. 
You watched him as he gently wiped his dripping seed from your skin. You couldn’t help but smile, even after he had just fucked you senseless, Obi-wan was still such a gentleman. 
“Thank you.” You said softly, almost like talking any louder would burst the fragile bubble the two of you were in. 
He looked up at you after throwing the towel in the disposal, “Of course, darling.” He smiled sweetly at you and gave you a soft kiss.
It was a stark contrast from moments ago. He was rough, needy, and primal but now he was soft and gentle. 
For the rest of the trip the two of you existed in your own reality. The next evening you enthusiastically repaid Obi-wan for the oral sex. Then you proceeded to have sex on every surface you could in the cramped starship. 
~ Fin ~ 
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finnmash · 2 months
i wrote finnmash. kinda bad but i think its okay.
"Finn, I really love you."
Mash wasn't the guy to throw an 'i love you' around, he didn't have enough knowledge around romance or love, except from the fact he knew he appreciated, or loved, his pops.
They were family, father and son, of course he'd love his dad.
But why Finn?
The boy stared at the other in silence, feeling his eyes forming small drops of tears from the emotions flowing like the water in a river.
Finn got close enough to Mash and hugged him with a whirl of emotions, which he could not exactly pinpoint.
"...How could someone like you like someone like me?"
Finn sobbed into the other's shoulder, tears flowing aggresively.
"I dunno, I just love you."
Mash responded, as stoic as ever.
"But you're a hero, and I'm just a weakling. How could you love someone as weak as me? Why can't you love someone who's strong? Why do you have to love me, a weak boy?"
The Ames' brother sobbed even harder onto the man's shoulder, holding onto his back like it was the last day on Earth.
"You being weak doesn't have anything to do with it."
Mash responded with a neutral tone, not showing signs of an emotion-filled tone, but he still felt something deep within himself.
After a moment of silence, the yellow and black haired boy spoke.
"You know.. I.. loved you too, but I was too afraid to show it," Finn started saying, starting to calm down a bit, but still had tears flowing between his freckled cheeks. "I thought they would put me in jail, or execute me. I was too afraid to show love." He added.
"I love you too, Mash, but I just wish it wasn't a sin to do so. I wish I was able to show you whatever love I'm able to show proudly, and without being given weird looks. I wish we could be together." He said, tearfully smiling.
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starified-lizzy · 5 months
I really don’t want to do my Psych essay, so here’s a list of all the FNF AUs I have made since coming up with the OG, extensive au.
Edit: I should mention, if you want to use any of these ideas (EXCEPT FOR MY OG AU) for your own fanfic/plot, go ahead! All I ask is you credit me and even ping me so I can see your take on it! 👀
Starting off; OG au, Just because I can. Started off as Corruption mod brainrot, turned into a whole ass au with a fully functional plot line that I am SEVERELY procrastinating on because ✨frighten✨
I want you to keep in mind that a lot of my au’s after actually spiral from my main OG au.
Then we have an Avatar: The Last Airbender au. I basically said “fuck Korra, she don’t exist” and made Blue(BF) the water bending avatar. The plot line is changing from what I originally had it, but here’s everyone and their bending skill that I have come up with so far: (also more airbenders exist because yeah)
Blue(BF); water bender. Also the avatar
Sophie(GF); fire bender (and so are her parents).
Pico; earth bender, with an affinity for metal bending
Nene; air bending. She gives me gymnast/acrobatic vibes so yeah.
Darnell; Fire bender with blue flame and access to lightning bending.
Cass; combustion. Idk, I don’t care for Cassandra or her goons much, but it felt right.
Cyclops; earth bender, affinity for metal bending
Hanzo; non-bender but is a Chi blocker.
Alucard; air bender. He feels like an air bender to me.
Spirit; water bender
Soul; is Blue’s little animal guardian thing. Whatever the fuck Korra’s polar-bear-dog thing is is what Soul is. Melanistic with little white freckles down his back and pale blue eyes, but still the polar-bear-dog thing.
C; a black cat with a missing eye. Yes, I shit you not. Just a genuine fucking black cat with an attitude problem. Blue saw him and went “he’s mine now.”
- then is my FNAF security breach au. The story for it is a bit all over the place, but Blue is 12, and got lost and the Plex. Everyone else are robos lol
- next one is actually based off of the game Lethal Company. THATS RIGHT, A LETHAL COMPANY AU- but it’s almost nothing like how the game functions. Basically, Blue is a child when he gets trapped on a moon (fuck if I can decide which one-) and it’s basically like- he’s human but, he gets raised by the monsters (some monsters being Soph, Pico, Ne, and Darnell, among the actual game-monsters) so he’s liek- a monster by association.
- a Day of Dragons au. Because yes. I like dragons; and I like the funky beep boop game so, immediately mashing them together once I realized I can create shit from it lmfao
-this one is actually inspired by another take on FNF and Hazbin Hotel. Because I love the show. Alastor is surprisingly goofy. ANYWAYS- the reference it has to the other take on FNF(idk who’s take it is, but I love it plz lemme know who’s au/take it is so I can credit them) is that GF(Soph, in my case), is an Angel, and BF(Blue) is a demon. Pico and the others are thrown around at random depending on how I end up deciding they fit so they’re kinda unknown rn, but those two for sure.
-last au i recently came up with and kinda adore, is an apocalypse au, but instead of zombies, it’s just monsters. Like- each monster is different from another, but they all have a basic element that determines their overall design. Like the basic Fire, water, air, and earth, but it also includes ice, metal, life, necrotic(death), shadow and light. And when a human gets bit by one of these monsters, they too become a monster. I already have a general beginning plot laid out for this it’s kinda sad lmfao
Anyways have these memes from PhantomFear’s server. IYKYK
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sweetpiccolo-blog · 1 year
hi! could i get a mash-up? im 5'2 with brown hair and brown eyes i like binging netflix, listening to music reading and sports im a bit more introverted but i open up when i know someone really well (capricorn things ) and im competitve and stubborn
i like cooking and watching about cooking and i love watching sports i also like it when someone takes time to spend with me and i dont like mansplaners (the worst)
i dont have much preferences expect id like them to have nice hair or eyes
tysm !!💗💗
Hi! I instantly knew who I was going to match you up with so I hope my gut feeling wont let you down!💙🤍 Enjoy!
This is only my opinion, so be sure to let me know what you think about it later : )
Header by @dvluc
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Your match is…
☆Yuki Tsunoda☆
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Cooking is what struck me first and you bet that it will be the number one activity where you two spend the most time together. You watch cooking shows together and then you prepare the meals from said shows yourself. You experiment with tastes and share cooking knowledge with each other. No gatekeeping. Also I see Yuki preparing your favourite food for you on anniversaries and special occasions. He pays extra attention to what you like and what isn’t really your cup of tea.
When you are alone, he daydreams of his restaurant and tells you how everything would look, that you would be there too and he would live a happy life somewhere with you by his side.
Sports are his thing, not training though. His motivation for him to go to a gym would be your promise of playing something with him afterwards. Either playing tennis or kicking a football around. Whatever the weather lets you to do. Here is where your competitiveness and his clash and you play until both of you fall down on the floor drenched in sweat.
He would totally take you out on a date when he’s racing in Japan. He would show you his favourite spots, buy you his favourite snacks and totally make you meet his parents. Even if you don’t want to he will trick you into coming to his childhood home. Because he knows his parents will love you.
You two would share a playlist where you recommend songs to each other. To broaden your horizons in music. Music would be playing in your shared home any chance it can. Watching Netflix would happen after a tough race, just to let some steam of and enjoy something else for a while.
You wanted nice hair? You GOT it. His beautiful raven hair would scream at you to play with it! His hair is so soft and he never has a bad hair day. You don’t know how but you don’t even want to. You just want his soft head in your lap.
You two are a Capricorn/Taurus duo which means you trust each other immensely. You find comfort in each other and there would hardly ever be an argument. You would take each others insights on stuff and implement it together so that both sides are happy, even if it takes time, but you always get there.
When you first met, you both were kinda introverted, but he did notice you. Not sure if you felt the same way he did, he would wait a bit and then approach you. I think warming up to each other wouldn’t take THAT long, since you both would be shy at first but eventually work your way into a relationship finding out you share interests.
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avafriedrice · 2 years
doxxing her entirely under the cut
I have either outright stated or hinted at I think all of this at some point or another but 👉👈 I miss her and God knows how much of this will change for any other setting she worms her way to
Ava was supposed to be named Chava, after her aunt (Emir and Kerem's younger sister) who died young (probably also from CIP)— Deirdre changed if at the last minute.
Deirdre constantly pronounces her name wrong— but so does Kerem in the end, because he's still putting a ghost in her face.
(Ava is the spitting image of Chava— this bit was admittedly from writing backwards, but became a 'haha wouldn't it be fucked up if—' that worked so perfectly with everything else it quite literally wrote itself, same as people constantly telling her she looks familiar at the grocery store or whatever. Looking at her and seeing a ghost... it was fun to lean into!).
This is also ultimately why her parenting was so lax from baba and amca— in a way they had their baby sister again, and were ultimately convinced Ava would die young just as she had— so a lot of it was. "Well shower her in the love and care we regret not giving more of to Chava." In a fucked up way kinda a second chance. Is it obvious yet that I'm obsessed with replacement goldfish syndrome / people forcibly perpetuating cycles mashed together with severe identity issues. Like can you see it. Anyways.
Not believing in unconditional love etc etc blah blah we all know that bit.
Emir died when she was 14, the same year Kerem left to return to Turkey and her brother just started college; this led to a marked increase in Deirdre's need for control and made Ava's life hell for the last years she stayed. (Parental abuse cw: towards the end it was being stripped by Deirdre the second she walked through the door to be checked for injuries— any bruise or scrape was a sign she wasn't trying hard enough, you want them to take you away from me, you don't love me, you'll never understand the pain I'm in— none of this is New but when Deirdre felt so out of control with the rest of her life it got much much worse).
"Why did Kerem leave?" His brother was dead and he couldn't pretend everything was okay anymore. Ava became a reflection of both his lost siblings. Men will literally abandon their niece, guiltily bring their cut of their dead brother's life insurance policy back home to take care of the rest of their family, and live in guilt that they try desperately to ignore every single day instead of going to therapy.
"How did Emir die?" I've thrown around a couple ideas for this but ultimately the answer doesn't really matter as much as the fact it happened.
Ava ran away at 16 bounced around a few years different cities different jobs ended up falling in with Yamba surf co. (at that time just a bunch of idiot surfers without a co-op in Brisbane) when she had a brief stint in professional surfing, which is how her brother found her & confronted her & she ultimately beat the shit out of him. Salem wisely asked no questions and simply extended an offer for her to move down the coast with them to Yamba so he could take care of his grandmother. (The others joined them shortly after.)
What else. What else. I feel like that's about it. She settled in Yamba and taught tourists how to surf and volunteered at a dog kennel and ate dinner at Salem's grandmother's house every Sunday.
(Note: if you notice it switched from Salim to Salem that's because in my initial research I swear to fuck it said Salim was the more common Anglicization but then I saw Salem on our work schedule and when I checked again saw a consensus on 'Salem' instead so now I'm sticking with Salem ig).
Salem nearly killed her during a diving trip they went on together (forgot to switch one of her tanks while they were talking and she flustered him) which is when they first moved into her apartment to make sure she didn't die & found out about her CIP and then he simply never fucking left. They're both fucking fiends for HSPs.
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killemwithkawaii · 2 years
L.S.S.: Well... We're still here, and still looking like roadkill... I guess we can answer some of these asks and try and take our minds off of all this for a little while...?
Mitch(1): [indecipherable, shrugging]
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Mitch(1): [indecipherable, surprised]
L.S.S.: Well, I guess that’s still working… Thank you meadow, that’s really nice of you to send all this. I think the pot pie will be easy to mash up for Mitchie to swallow, too!
Mitch(1): [typed] Where did all this stuff come from?!
L.S.S.: It’s a thing. Sometimes the kouhai send us stuff. It’s really come in handy when we’re in a pinch.
Mitch(1): [typed] Wow, the future is crazy!
L.S.S.: I think it’s more an interdimensional space-time thing, but that is also true.
Since you guys asked, as bad as we look right now, we’re not in any pain. Scared shitless and a little uncomfortable, yes, but it doesn’t hurt… We’ll save the morphine in case that changes.
Mitch(1): [indecipherable]
L.S.S.: Mitch… Mitch, quit doing that. You’re going to turn your brains into soup. Er- more like soup than they already are…
Mitch(1): [typed] It itches!! 
L.S.S.: On the inside…?
Mitch(1): [typed] YES!! 
L.S.S.: Huh… maybe we should be keeping it wet, or something…? Here, um, try the water bottle…
[Pours a little water into Mitch(1)s skull hole]
[A little leaks out her ears, nose and mouth]
Mitch(1): [typed] That’s much better! It cleared out my ears, too! Thank you Meadow! The water in the motel is gross…
L.S.S.: Yeah, it’s gotten kinda… sludgy… so yeah, we appreciate it. 
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L.S.S.: We checked a little after you guys pointed it out. It's just a wall. I was disappointed but a little relieved? I would have felt really stupid if the exit had been behind it the entire time…
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Mitch(1): [typed] Micki?! Theres a version of you there, too?! Wow… whatever version you are, it’s really good to hear from you. I’ve never bleached my hair, but yes, we go out for lunch all the time together. Or at least we used to…
L.S.S.: …
…Uh, Micki, have you heard from (your) Mitch at all while I’ve been ‘gone’? … will you please fill them in on the situation, if they don’t already know? I’m doing my best here, I don’t want them to be too mad at me when- uh… 
Just… tell them what’s going on, okay?
Mitch(1): …..
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L.S.S.: Ha, c’mon, you’re making me blush… I just have a different body type in this universe than I did in the sixth Mitchies. It’s a combination of chance, age, and the prison lifestyle, which means yes, I’ve been squatting like no tomorrow. There’s not much to do in solitary. Sooner or later, you start doing squats and push-ups out of boredom…
Mitch(1): [typed] You must have been REALLY bored in prison, pumpkin!
L.S.S.: Is it that obvious?
Mitch(1): [typed] Yes. Yes it is….
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Mitch(1): [indecipherable, shaking head]
L.S.S.: Yeahhh, it might be a little too soon for this joke, anon, but I’ll try not to get too bent out of shape about it…  Bu-dum-tss.
Mitch(1): [indecipherable, shaking head]
L.S.S.: Okay, okay, I'll stop...
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Mitch(1): [typed] Are they talking about that Dumb Shit guy?
L.S.S.: Yup. He plucked out Mitchs eyelashes and pulled out my nails… and made Mitch pull one, too, just to get a few extra kicks.
Mitch(1): [typed] Wow, no wonder your friends were suspicious of me. They just wanted to protect you from that happening again…
L.S.S.: Yeah, so don’t take it personally. I think they can tell you’re legit now, what with the… [gestures vaguely]
Mitch(1): [typed] Okay, good… why were they suspicious of you, though?
L.S.S.: It’s… a little complicated. Basically, the sixth Mitch and company didn’t believe I was who I said I was at first either. They took some convincing, and yes, Danu got a little snippy with me at first, but we’re way past that and we’re all pals now. 
Mitch(1): [typed] Oh, okay… well, I’m happy to hear you’re all friends now!
L.S.S.(1): Yeah, me too.
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becumsh · 18 days
a very hot take but i did not care for how they resolved phrack ust in s3 and in the movie. you can cancel me now
TLDR; S3 has no backbone of an emotional storyline/plotline which leaves phrack storyline feeling as if it was slapped together at the last moment, the movie recycles old themes in a very watered down and empty ways that only Nathan and Essie's chemistry and acting could somewhat salvage
Phryne's dismissal of Jack's feelings gets boring real quick because they keep having the same conversation over and over again, and the dual jealous episodes don't lead anywhere until ep8 when it just kind of forgot about everything s3 was sort of building up to for the sake of the plot(???). I felt like the bridge between the whole jealousy drama and the ~kiss~ was missing, which I kinda understand why - the whole appeal of phrack is the flirtatious back and forth which in s3 becomes borderline indecent, and without the relationship drama (Jack not being a free man until his divorce/'old friends') it's hard to make the characters cross that line of 'will they won't they'. And it doesn't happen until the very ep8, because the latter half of the season they spend going on tennis dates, dancing, and whatever romantic shit they've been doing all along anyways, all without actually changing their relationship dynamic. And ep8 itself is a hot mess because the finale arc feels empty (there are no emotional stakes, there's no build up, it revolves around Phryne's father we cannot bring ourselves to give half a fuck about because he was not shown as a real character), the case is weak which could be overruled if the episode had any sort of emotional weight or tied up loose ends or gave the viewers and character a feeling of closure but nothing of the sort happened. Hugh and Dot's wedding drama in s3 seems more cohesive than whatever the hell they planned for Henry Fisher.
Murdoch Foyle from s1 feels menacing and actually dangerous, because he's been set up since ep1, the arc has emotional stake for Phryne, the titular character, and the resolution is as satisfying as it is heartbreaking but necessary for the main character to get closure. Even s2, which imo is weaker, makes up for the lack of solid overarching plotline with stronger episodes (personal opinion) and the emotional storyline which leaves phrack relationship AND the characters in a very different point from where they started in the season.
S3 tries to resolve the remaining phrack drama in 3 episodes (which in my opinion it didn't, but whatever), spent the rest of the season fucking about, tried to pick up where it left off in ep8 which leaves me wondering what the fuck was happening for 8 episodes since the kiss in 2x12 would've felt more earned. The kiss near the plane felt so satisfying not because the season plotline had come to its conclusion, but because we are given closure after 30+ episodes of seeing phrack eyefucking each other, and forgive me if I expected something more substantial
and movie-wise, as much as I love salty and jealous Jack, it's again just a mish mash of issues they had in s2 and s3 - Phryne's avoidance to face Jack's feelings, Jack being a jealous bitch because Phryne doesn't tell him shit/the writers ignored the second half of s3 and the s2 to boot. And for neither old fans nor new audience it makes any sense.
Old fans get a watered down repetition of Blood at the Wheel/Blood of Juana the Mad arc which is frustrating, because both characters went through this shit, and they resolved that shit (sort of) and another jealous s3 arc from Jack's side which is fun but also is built on miscommunication and not on the sheer difference of their core values they need to meet in the middle. Which again, makes it watered down and cheap.
New audience sees a female Indiana Jones with a scorned lover as a sidekick which pops up from nowhere, and without knowing their shared history and context, both characters just feel annoying and heartless, which is just sad.
Also the whole Indiana Jones vibe from the movie didn't help at all, because it has not been done well. If they had an Agatha Christie move adaptation vibe to it, the movie fared far better in terms of cohesive storyline.
And actually because of the repeating storylines of jealousy and loss, phrack loses that light hearted vibe that attracts the viewer so much. The whole movie they spend together with Phryne indifferent and flippant, Jack bitter and salty, and though they love each other and whatever, they don't like each other and it shows through the writing, thank god Nathan and Essie just have this natural pull that saves this godforsaken movie from being abandoned on minute 10.
I'm not even talking about the pacing and just general issues, they give that desert plot like 20 minutes which is hella fucking rushed, whilst dragging the first half of the movie for a whole fucking hour.
What they COULD explore in s3 is how Henry is a foil to Phryne and reflects what makes her so infuriated with her dad her qualities she needs to work on (being reckless, not being honest, not telling shit to people they care about, push people away) so she could grow from it
They could've put Jack in that wreckage after all, so Phryne could see and understand where his worry and anguish comes from - not because he wants to control her, tie her down, or make her tell him about her whereabouts, but because he cares for her deeply.
And in the movie, if they were to put Jack through that emotional meat grinder again, it could've been done far more interesting than that.
Maybe I'll feel better about both s3 and the movie after I give it some time, but fresh after binging it I'm not impressed.
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seancamerons · 2 years
i rarely do this anymore or whatever but let's talk about degrassi season 2 episodes 1 and 2 when doves cry and how it's probably one of the best dtng episodes not just maybe dtng but in the entire franchise.
yes i'm aware it's kinda old and most people don't care but I was watching when doves cry on pluto's degrassi channel last night and I can't help but remark, it's one of the very best. if degrassi had a greatest hits that showcased all the gems this is on the tracklist without a doubt.
as you all know or should know s2 is a strong season and underrated af. as sad and heart breaking the episode(s) are it has aged remarkably well at least the a plot. (side eyes paige attire which dramatically dates the episode)
its almost perfect how Angela is seen to be interested in dinosaurs Craig tells him about the dinosaur (being Albert) that hurts him and then Angela clad in little dinosaur pajamas was able to recall what she had seen. i do like it when degrassi does 'dark' subject matter but this episode is the first episode that really showcases it well.
I've seen this episode so many times and yet I never put 2 and 2 together with the pajamas but it was a nice touch in direction with that attention to detail.
I also had this thought too so Albert found Craig's photo album that had that "perfect family" mash-up picture with Craig, Joey and Angela and inside the book with other pics of Angela and Joey he had taken and I can't help but wonder if Albert lashed out at Craig bc he had hurt feelings regarding his photo book it all came to a head for Albert and that turned to anger and rage as if he shouldn't care about joey and angela bc he is his father not joey and they are associated with his ex who left him whom despite her death he is bitter about.
its important to note craig and alberts rocky relationship was strained long before but the reminders of the past get to Albert. Such as when Craig mentions mom at dinner and he violently throws the plate something in that tells me it's not the first time or would be the last time such a thing would happen. I'm not defending Alberts behavior but even the part where Albert turns and just seeing him look over at Craig when he was on the floor after he beat him in the darkroom as if he felt bad for what he had done after the fact when it's too late and wanted to say something but stopped himself. There's a lot of subtext and the direction really did an excellent job of showing rather than telling you the story.
It's such a well-done episode and if you'd like to show a person who's never seen dtng show them that one. I always struggle with what's a good one to show someone?
With the subplot there's some relief from the dark subject matter but it's one of the top season premieres that gives you chills from the acting the direction camera and more. It has a bittersweet ending with Craig standing up against his dad and ultimately moving in with Joey and freezes on Craig looking back at him as he drives away.
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thechangeling · 3 years
What's in your head?
5 times Kit didn't realize he had ADHD and one time they did. Also he/they Kit in this one because I said so. Also I just realized that I've never done one of these before!
Cw: Internalized ableism and accidental food deprivation.
Full disclosure this is based on how I experience my ADHD. This may not necessarily line up 100% with your experiences.
Title is from the song Zombie by The Cranberries.
1.) "Kit are you even listening?" Dru snapped. Kit was pulled out of his previous thoughts as Dru's annoyed face came back into focus.
They cleared their throat. "Yeah totally," Kit lied. In their defense they had fully intended to stay focused on whatever Dru was saying.
However the clock in the living room was especially loud and distracting. Everytime he tried to pay attention to what Dru was saying, she would be drowned out by the ticking of the clock and his focus would just latch onto that.
And then came the daydreaming. Or the "zoning out" as Tessa called it. Without even meaning to, Kit would just drift off to somewhere else in his head, like a fictional reality he was currently obsessed with, or a memory.
In a blink of an eye they would just be gone and then Kit would come back to annoyed or downright angry people.
Speaking of which...
"So what do you think?" They heard Dru ask. Kit cursed internally. They shrugged, feigning nonchalance.
"I don't know Dru. I'm kinda too tired for this ok?" They made sure to add a certain amount of laziness to the way they pronounced those words, trying to sound sloppy. "I didn't get any sleep past night."
Dru gave Kit a "I don't believe your bullshit for one second look"  and raised her eyebrow. "Look I just wanna make sure that we don't accidently end up getting Ty the same thing! But if you don't care then fine," she muttered passive aggressively.
Kit felt like he had been punched in the chest. He had the inexplicable urge to curl up into a little ball and hide. Guilt pierced through his body.
They tried to compose themself and shook it off. "Hey I'm sorry Dru," Kit pleaded. "I do care. You know that." They pulled themself up onto the living room table so they were facing away from the clock. If she thought this was weird, she didn't comment on it.
"Alright fine," she declared. "Let's try this again. Once more with feeling!"
2.) Kit was bored out of his mind. They had been in heavy research mode for hours now and... yeah well for starters, he couldn't stop fidgeting in his seat. This was nothing new really but he was usually able to try and quash in down in front of other people. Apparently trying to focus on something super boring for the past forever was not helping.
Everytime they tried to read from the giant text in front of them, they just couldn't. It wasn't like Kit wasn't trying, that was the problem. They were really trying but everytime Kit attempted to read the single spaced, small font, it was like all the words just mashed together. It was impossible to focus on any one particular word.
He was sitting with his feet against the end of the table in the library and his chair balancing on the back legs, wobbling back and forth to amuse himself. Julian was glaring at him from across the table and Ty was smiling fondly, his own book forgotten.
Kit smiled at him, making partial eye contact (seeing as Ty was probably staring at their eyebrows.) The funny thing about Kit and Ty was that they didn't need to talk to connect or to spend time together. They could often just sit in silence next to one another and just...be.
Kit could still feel Ty even when he wasn't touching them. They could feel him on the inside, like a bright swirling essence wrapping it's way around Kit's heart and moving across, leaving warm spots in it's wake.
To Kit that was love. That was what it felt like to love Ty. Occassionally that warmth burned and seared his chest painfully. But it was worth it. It would always be worth it. Just to feel Ty.
They could sit on opposite corners of the room and be doing completely different things and Kit would feel closer to Ty then he had ever felt with anyone else. The internet had informed him that this was called parallel play. It was an autistic love language.
Kit contined to rock a little and Ty looked like he was suppressing a laugh. Julian then chose this exact moment to slam a textbook down on the table, startling Kit which caused them to slip.
The chair fell backwards for one terrifying millisecond before it stopped in mid air. Suddenly Ty's face was peering down over Kit, looking annoyed. Ty had caught his chair.
Kit let out a breathless chuckle as the panic faded from their body.
"Hey there beautiful," Kit murmered gazing up at Ty's adorably scrunched up face. All the tension seemed to leave him for a moment as Ty blushed and smiled slightly at his words.
Julian began to yell at Kit for being so careless, but they chose to tune it out and stare at Ty's perfect lips instead.
Later that evening, Kit and Ty were watching Netflix together on Kit's laptop when he noticed Ty looking at him. He had a sort of curious expression, like Kit was a puzzle he wanted to solve.
Kit loved that look.
Kit paused the show they were watching and smirked at Ty.
"What gives Sherlock?"
Ty looked a little guilty. "Oh sorry! I just-" He bit his lip. "I just noticed that you're tapping." He pointed to Kit's hand where Kit was actually shocked to realize that they had been tapping their fingers frantically against their thigh.
"It looks like stimming a bit," Ty mentioned. "Does it help?"
"With what?" Kit asked.
Ty shrugged. "With whatever stress you're trying to elevate I suppose."
"I-," Kit froze.
Did it help?
Honestly Kit wasn't really sure. He had been doing things like tapping and flicking his fingers and running his fingers through his hair for as long as he could remember. It was as natural as breathing.
"Yeah," they finally admitted with a soft smile.
"I think it does help."
3.) Kit was completely obsessed. There was literally no other way to describe it. For the past approximately two days or so they had been spending every waking moment either playing the new video game they were obsessing over, talking about it, or daydreaming about it.
They were beginning to loose sleep from how often Kit would push the boundaries of their body and force themself to stay up way later then they should just so they could play a little longer. Kit found they could easily ignore hunger, ignore tiredness, ignore the need to go to the bathroom easily.
It was like the word fell away when he was playing and nothing else mattered.
Kit knew that logically he probably should have been kinda concerned but he just couldn't find it in himself to really care. Not when he was so happy being so absorbed in it. He couldn't stop talking about it either, to anyone who would listen. Kit knew he was starting to piss people off but it was like there was this bubbling tension inside of him that needed to burst out.
Kit was currently in the training room with Ty, Dru, Emma, and Julian. They were desperately trying to focus on sparring instead of daydreaming about Life is strange, the video game they were currently obsessed with.
It wasn't going very well.
Kit let out a surprised yell as they were once again swept off of their feet by a swift kick from Emma, landing on their back with a painful thump. Kit groaned as Emma cheered in victory again, doing a little dance and going to high five Julian who was beaming at her lovingly.
"Ow!" Kit whined, giving himself a moment to lie on the floor soaking in his defeat. His right ribs felt like they had a hammer taken to them.
A moment later, Ty appeared hovering above him just like the situation with the chair. His smirk wasn't mocking or judgmental in any way, but playful and loving. Although he did look a little concerned.
"You've been quite terrible at this lately," Ty said in a breezy conversational tone as if he were talking about the weather.
Kit rolled his eyes fondly. "Gee thanks Ty, I love you too," he drawled, trying not to sound too angry. Ty extended his hand to Kit and Kit grabbed onto it, allowing Ty to pull him to his feet.
When Kit was up they instantly clutched at their side and winced from the pressure. There was probably a giant bruise forming. They needed an iratze. Almost as if Ty had read Kit's mind, he produced his stelle and pulled up Kit's shirt to reveal the bruise.
They had been dating for two years now but Kit still shivered when Ty's fingertips met their skin. Julian gave Ty an annoyed look from across the room.
"Ty come on you can't just grab at people like that! You need to ask first," Julian scolded. Kit couldn't help but laugh a little. He and Ty didn't really have any reservations about being all over each other anymore. Ty was totally fine with Kit touching him and even seemed to really enjoy it.
And as for Kit. Well...he definitely didn't mind.
Ty rolled his eyes fondly at Julian and chose not to respond, drawing the iratze with careful motions. Emma and Julian packed up their stuff and left the training room, muttering to each other in low voices.
"What is going on with you though?" Ty asked. "You seem distracted." His hand was still resting in Kit's side.
Kit bit his lip. He was afraid to mention the game to Ty seeing as he had been shut down so often already. Logically Kit knew that Ty of all people probably wouldn't judge him or be annoyed, but he couldn't shake that feeling.
That inward cringe Kit felt everytime they were passionately raving about something and Tessa or Jem or someone else would immediately show signs of boredom or disinterest. Or worse, they would give each other a certain look that Kit had to assume they thought was subtle.
It wasn't.
And then Kit would just feel guilty and embarrassed for waiting peoples time.
They wanted to say it was nothing but Kit knew they could never lie to Ty.
They sighed and absentmindedly ran a hand through their curls. Ty dropped his hand and let Kit's shirt fall back down. He was staring at them with his head tilted slightly, wearing a mix of curiosity and concern.
Kit called it Ty's "Data head tilt" because it basically was. 
God he was so fucking beautiful sometimes Kit just wanted to scream.
"I've just been really invested in this video game recently and I can't stop thinking about it," he admitted. Now that Kit was saying it out loud it sounded pretty stupid. Ty just stared back at him for a moment before smiling one of his soft inviting smiles. It was like being engulfed in a warm fluffy blanket.
"Tell me about it," he murmered. And Kit couldn't help but grin.
He understands. He always understands.
4.) Kit was late, again. He was supposed to be starting his morning training but instead his "five minutes checking social media" turned into half an hour and now he was watching a cockatoo dance to Another One Bites The Dust instead of actually doing the thing he was supposed to be doing.
But he just couldn't move. Everytime he tried.... Kit just couldn't. He hadn't even eaten breakfast yet or gotten dressed. It was like there was this immovable force keeping him in place, in his bed.
Suddenly there was a banging on his door. "Kit get up you're late!" Dru shouted from the other side. "By the angel! Are you still asleep? Didn't you set your alarm?"
The thing is, Kit did set their alarm. They set multiple alarms. Ones on their phone, a digital one half way across the room, it didn't matter. It didn't work. Kit would snooze the first one and tell themself, "just five more minutes."
It'll be ok. You still have time. Just a few more minutes. You have time.
Until they didn't. It was like twenty minutes went by in a blink of an eye and Kit didn't understand why.
"I'm coming!" He yelled, and pulled himself out of bed, forcing himself to start the day.
Arriving late to training earned him a scolding from Julian, especially when he reminded him that there was reading he was supposed to do in order to study a new kind of weapon Kit was meant to be trained in using. The Flail.
Kit thought it was kinda fitting, seeing as how he was currently flailing pathetically through life with nothing to grab onto.
"Why didn't you just do it as soon as I asked you?" Julian reprimanded him.
I tried, Kit wanted to say. I just couldn't.
They had been intending to read the material, they just....forgot? Kit knew it sounded pathetic but they just didn't know what other explanation there was. It was in Kit's brain as a thing they were supposed to do and then they got distracted by a phone call from Tessa and then.... and then it was just gone.
"Just write it down next time," was Julian's response after Kit explained.
Kit was always getting advice like that.
Just write it down. Keep a planner. Set your alarm. Leave sticky notes on the fridge. Set reminders on your phone.
None of it actually worked.
Kit distractedly fumbled his way through training, having to spend extra time learning the things that he didn't read. Next came the Clave meeting that he was intending to take notes during, but Kit forgot pen and paper and had to borrow some from Ty. But he found himself strangely lightheaded and dizzy.
It made it hard to focus.
Afterwords they were supposed to write Ty's birthday card but Kit found themself unable to start. I mean what did you say to your boyfriend on his birthday that he shared with his dead twin sister whose ghost you were contemplating sending back to the afterlife or wherever the hell.
That worry was paralyzing and the fear of screwing it up just lead Kit to procrastinating and the longer they waited the worse it got.
Kit whipped out their phone to listen to some music while they worked and got distracted by scrolling through tik tok.
That was three hours ago.
"Kit?" He heard a voice call from the other room. It was Ty. He frantically put away all of his card making supplies and tried to look inconspicuous as Ty entered the living room.
Kit smiled as soon as he caught sight of Ty, his worries and stresses momentarily put to rest at the sight of that face. Ty didn't smile back, but he made a beeline straight for Kit and climbed onto his lap, wrapping his arms around Kit's torso and burying his face in the nape of his neck.
Kit hugged Ty closer to their body. "Hey sweetheart," they cooed, carefully to keep any concern out of their voice. Ty usually sought Kit out when he was feeling crappy. He had a tendency to need physical comfort and intimacy when he was low, unless he was experiencing overload. Kit was a little proud of themself for being the one Ty trusted the most when he was vulnerable.
Kit ran his hands across Ty's back tentatively, waiting for Ty to speak.
"The others are going out for dinner and I don't want to," he finally explained. "I've been forced to interact with people all day, I can't-." Ty cut himself off with an exhausted sigh. "I just can't."
Kit could tell by the way Ty was slurring his words slightly and speaking slower then usual that he was pretty burnt out. Ty sighed again.
"I'm supposed to ask you if you're staying or not," Ty mumbled heavily. "Do you wanna go with them?" Kit shook their head and then remembered that Ty couldn't see see them.
"No I'm staying right here," Kit said confidently. They felt Ty smile against their neck. Ty didn't respond verbally, but instead he traced a heart against Kit's back with his finger.
"Are you hungry? Do you want to eat now?" Ty asked with slightly more energy and composure. Kit then suddenly became aware of how hungry he really was. He was starving.
When was the last time he had eaten? Did he eat this morning? Kit mentally retraced his steps back through the last few hours. Then the realization finally hit him.
"Ty I haven't eaten anything since last night," Kit said in a panicked whisper.
By the angel, how could they have been so stupid?
Kit willed themself not to cry as they continued with the mental berating. The worst part was it wasn't like this was the first time this has happened.
He waited for Ty to scoff at him or to tell him how childish and irresponsible he had been. But he just stared at Kit for a moment and then stood up.
"Ok then, I'll feed you!" What do you want?" Ty asked.
Kit felt their eyes well up with tears at his boyfriend's causal display of pure kindness. Of course they should have known better. Ty was as always, Ty. Kit cleared their throat.
"So you're not mad then?"
Ty furrowed his brow in confusion. "Why would I be mad?"
Kit sighed, looking down sheepishly. "For being an irresponsible child who can't take care of themself?"
Ty instantly bristled and for a moment he seemed angry. Then his gaze softened.
"If there are things that you struggle with, then I am more then willing to help you," Ty stated matter-of-factly. "Just like you do for me."
And despite the gnawing hunger. Despite the fact that Kit was mentally and emotionally wiped. Kit couldn't help but smile.
5.) It was supposed to be an easy routine mission. No fuss. The local werewolf pack reported that a few of their kids had gone missing in the past two weeks. Helen and Aline had put Kit, Ty and Dru onto it since everyone else was out of town and Ty's Centurion expertise were crucial in situations like these.
Ty had figured out that a group of mundanes with the sight were planning on making a ritual sacrifice to a particular greater demon using werewolf blood, and kids were easier to grab. Kit knew the whole thing was making Dru and Ty pretty uncomfortable since it brought up painful memories of Malcom Fade.
It was supposed to be simple. Go in, get the kids, subdue the mundanes them get out. No problem.
But of course now there was a problem. Because nothing could ever just go according to plan where they were concerned. A group of Shax demons decided to attack that particular spot right as they were entering the abandoned building. There were about ten of them. Not undoable for three shadowhunters, but now they had to kill the demons and protect the kids and the mundanes, while preventing said mundanes from killing the children or running away to avoid punishment.
Kit could tell that Ty was starting to freak out a little. He hated being unprepared for things and disliked surprises. But that was the nature of battle. They could never fully predict the circumstances.
Ty's brain didn't do so well with a mental list with more then two items on it. Kit on the other hand, was great at multitasking. He took Ty's hand in his and squeezed.
"You get the kids out, ok?" They told Ty. "Dru and I can take care of everything else." Ty instantly bristled at this, as Kit suspected he would.
He glared at Kit. "Screw you," he muttered, grasping his quarter staff tighter and pulling out of Kit's grip.
Kit laughed. Ty hated being told what do to. The fastest way to get him to do anything was to suggest the opposite. Which Kit could totally relate to.
Kit winked at him. "Wish me luck Sherlock," he said, raising his left hand that wasn't carrying his sword and conjured a burst of light that he shot directly towards a shax demon, disintegrating it completely.
The two of them leap into the fight, dispatching demons left and right. Dru was already ahead of them using the Blackthorn sword. She spun around, moving swiftly as she swung her sword across, slicing the demon clean in half with one broad stroke. It exploded, spraying ichor everywhere, but thankfully Dru managed to avoid it.
Ty made his way over to the mundanes. One of them was moving rapidly towards the children with a knife. Ty twirled his staff around and wacked it into the mundane's stomach, spinning around to face the second mundane and knocking them of them off their feet with a giant sweeping motion with the quarter staff.
Kit shook off the urge to keep watching Ty fight and leapt into the fray, kicking a nearby shax demon in it's screwed up face and plunging their sword into it's side. They jumped back swiftly to avoid the explosion of ichor.
Kit was using the ancient Unseelie sword he had been gifted by Kieran. It was about medium size, with an intricate silver hilt covered in engravings and a oval shaped blue gem stone. The blade itself was a blueish silver with swirling patterns engraved at the top of the blade.
It had been love at first sight when Kit saw her. They hoped Ty wasn't too jealous. Kit decided to call her Gertrude because they thought it was funny.
Kit continued hacking, stabbing and slashing with Gertrude as he moved through the hoard of shax demons that were dropping like flies. He looked to his left to see that Ty was subduing the mundanes by essentially knocking them all unconcious which may not have been entirely legal but hey.
Ty roundhouse kicked the last one on the face, and Kit was distracted by staring at his legs for just long enough to almost get clawed in the chest before they quickly rolled out of the way.
"Kit focus!" Dru shouted at him as she stabbed another shax demon. He was about to yell back at her when he saw Ty getting cornered by the final two demons.
Kit panicked, something you were never supposed to do as a shadowhunter. But in that moment their overwhelming fear and love for Ty consumed them.
Kit quickly summoned another blast of burning light and shot it across the room at the demons without stopping to think.
Instantly he realized his mistake when the demons, which had been right next to Ty exploded in giant bursts of ichor, completely spraying him. The sizzling sound of demonic black goo burning angelic flesh instantly echoed through the room.
Kit expected Ty to cry out, but he just winced slightly and wiped a giant glob of it off his face.
"Ty!" Dru shouted, rushing towards him frantically. Kit ran after her.
"Are you ok?" She asked, clearly panicked.
"Shit Ty I'm so sorry," Kit cut in. They surveyed the damage. There were red patches starting to appear on his skin. Ty needed to wash it off.
"God sweetheart I'm sorry I wasn't thinking!" Kit lamented.
Before Ty could answer him, Dru whipped around to face Kit. "Yeah no shit you weren't thinking!" She yelled. "Because you never think Kit!"
"Dru stop it!" Ty snapped. Kit was shocked. He never yelled at Dru. She at least at the decency to look a little guilty.
Ty wiped his hand off on his jacket and stroked Kit's cheek. "It was an accident," Ty assured them. "You shouldn't feel badly."
Kit managed a small smile for Ty and kissed his hand. "Ok."
"We need to get back to the institute as soon as possible," Dru piped up. "And someone needs to get the kids home."
Oh shit right! The kids. Kit had completely forgotten. Said children were currently huddled in a clump over in a corner looking terrified.
"I'll do it," said Kit. "You just get him home." Dru nodded, looking significantly less pissed.
Kit made his way over to the frightened werewolf children, shaking off his previous worries and switching into his non threatening kid mode that he used with Mina.
But still, Dru's earlier words rung in their head.
You never think Kit.
Maybe she had a point.
Ok so funny story I actually exceeded the word limit for a tumblr post with this fic. So I will be posting the +1 part on a seperate post. Sorry for the inconvenience.
@lavender-scented-rat @foxglove-airmid @littlx-songbxrd @queenlilith43 @arangiajoan @thomas-thedavid-lightwood @tired-vin @phoenix-and-dragon @the-wckd-powers @sandersgrey @amchara @talia-lightwood @wagnerthedragon
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amorisland · 2 years
I’m having a bad day so here’s some writing I’ve been working on its really rough and first draft and I’ll probably add, change remove things if I do end up completing it...
[This is after Tom and Cora enter the Villa, Will and my MC Kyra are outside chilling on the daybeds while Bruno and Thabi are on their dates] 
Kyra allows herself to slip somewhere in between consciousness, comfortably stretching her limbs out like a cat on the daybed in the summer sun. 
"You know," the soft voice brought her out of her own head. "We've been in here a while and I feel like I still don't know that much about you." 
Her eyes opened slightly turning to face the other day bed where Will lay on his side.  His taut muscles flex making his tattoos appear alive for a brief moment.
"Well that's kinda your fault," She laughs.
"What do you mean?" He moves to sit up, resting his weight on one arm. "How's that my fault?"
"You never gave me a second date after the roof terrace to answer your questions about me like you promised." His face pulls into one of worry and she almost feels bad for teasing him. Almost. "I'm just messing with you, Will."
"Well, I could still ask you questions, you know as a friend."
Her eyes searched his face for a hint of insincerity, or obligation. Instead, she was met with a distinct glow in his eyes, holding her hostage in their deep brown color. It was easy to get lost in them. They were always so full of passion and mystery. They were a challenge to her, one that begged to be decoded, cracked open, and understood. 
She just wasn't sure if it was her place to wonder anymore. 
"I'd like that." 
A soft smile pulled at his lips. "How about I start with the same questions you asked me on the roof terrace, for old times' sake." 
"And do you remember those questions," Kyra turned on her side this time eyebrow-raising. 
His eyes squint, brows furrow together, a small smirk completing the teasing look. Kyra felt her throat dry watching the small dimple form on one side of his face. "What's your most embarrassing moment?" 
She couldn't prevent the genuine surprise that fills her, eyes widening. Quickly she attempted to compose herself. The overwhelming desire to be in control of her own image forcing her to keep her cool. Even if she had slipped up for a brief moment, "You mean besides you pieing me off on national television?" 
His open palm flattens against his chest in a fraudulent act of pain and they both giggle. "You're not getting out of this one, answer the question." 
"Okay, okay." She pulled her lip in between her teeth, deep in thought about what she felt comfortable sharing being very aware of the cameras watching her every move. It didn't help that Will, for the first time, seemed interested in something other than himself. Kyra sighed realizing there was no way to talk herself out of this question. "Freshmen year of college, I went to some art school, where exactly doesn't matter." 
His eyebrows raised and she hated the way it made her feel. "Anyways we had an assignment to paint whatever we wanted to show our style and skill to our classmates and professor. I was so excited I loaded my palette with so many colors not sure exactly what I was going to paint yet. Then I realized I forgot the most important color, phthalo blue."
"Of course, of course," He nodded playing along. 
"So I turned around to grab some more paint and I bumped right into someone, my palette mashing right into their crisp white button-up. Which, like, who wears a white shirt to paint? Sorry, just saying. But as if that weren't embarrassing enough, I grabbed paper towels to wipe the paint off his shirt, totally smearing it more into a muddy brown that was for sure going to stain. That's when I look up and see the most beautiful guy I had ever seen in my life. Ugh, I was mortified." 
He laughs, eyes crinkling up in a soft gesture. 
"Are you? Are you laughing at me?" She tries to look tough and upset but her mouth upturns giving her away. 
"Sorry, I could just imagine the look on your face. So I'm assuming it didn't work out with the white button-up guy? Sounds to me like you met your soulmate." 
"Oh gosh no, I never talked to the guy again. I was so embarrassed I couldn't face him for the rest of the semester then I never saw him again. I never told anyone that story outside of my close friends till now..." 
"And now you told it on tv I'm sure white button-up guy is watching somewhere." Her face paled, "I always thought you were this confident person but this is a whole new side I wasn't expecting." 
"This was many, many, years ago. I was young and inexperienced. I still hadn't been in love before." The skin on her arms raised into bumps, the phantom touch of her first love left memories on her body. She wondered if she could ever forget them, rubbing the skin on her wrist gently.
As if he read her mind he changed the subject, "So art college?" 
"I was a young excited fresh-faced artist, and It was an excuse to move out of my parent's house. I had a chip on my shoulder and something to prove." 
He nodded understandingly, she thinks he'd push the topic further but instead he asks: "What's your happiest memory?" 
Kyra's face breaks out into a sincere smile while her cheeks turned a shade of carnation. "I think my first solo exhibition."
"Oh fancy," his voice held a teasing tone as he leaned in closer to the edge of the opposite day bed closer towards her. Her eyes briefly distracted by the way his body gracefully slides across the soft bedsheets. 
"I had worked tirelessly, day in and day out. I barely got any sleep trying to complete all my paintings in time. I thought deeply about the aesthetic and story I wanted to tell throughout. Where to place paintings in the room to give off the best vibes." She smiled to herself reliving the memory. "I swear I rearranged that room about a thousand times. I kept doubting myself, my abilities, would I even be able to sell any paintings on my own?" 
Will thoughtfully nodded, She was sure he'd think her of being a spoiled brat. Their lives totally opposite from one another and yet... There was a small trace of understanding in his features. 
"I wore the best gown I could afford from my day job at a coffee shop and got all dressed up. Then the event started and... no one was there." 
His face fell, "I thought you said this was your happiest memory?" 
"It is! Let me get to the good part!" His hand gestured for her to get a move on it, Kyra's eyes rolled in response. "I thought I was a failure and that all my hard work was for nothing. Then the bell rang and my little brother ran through the door up to me giving me a huge hug. Following him were my parents, I was shocked to see them there."
"Didn't support your dream?" He asked. 
"Well, not necessarily. They sent me to art school after all. No, my parents didn't really care what I did as long as I 'stayed out of trouble.' But they had never been to any of my art shows in the past. Seeing them there approving of my work, it meant a lot to me."
They shared a look of understanding between them. If anyone were to understand her situation in life, surprisingly It'd be him. They were so different and yet not enough. Raised in complete opposite situations and yet could relate so easily to one another. Both of them wanted the same things in life, to create, to find a love that won't quit on them, and to find a new home. A place where they felt comfortable. 
She spoke up after a moment of silence, "And then more people came onto the exhibit floor half an hour later and I realized I had nothing to worry about. My parents even bought one of my paintings, it makes me happy to think it's hanging in their living room, even if they probably threw it into a storage closet at this point." 
He nodded then took in a deep breath. "And your biggest regret?" 
Her face fell, a stormy cloud filled her mind with all the things she wishes she could do differently. She thought maybe about making a joke answer, something to get her out of overthinking what was considered oversharing. Kyra didn't want to scare him off so soon. They had just become friends after all. But then she remembered how upfront and honest he had answered her on that roof terrace and she decided she owed him the same. 
"Leaving my brother behind when I moved out." 
His eyebrows furrowed in confusion trying to put the pieces together in his mind that didn't quite line up. As if he, too, was trying to decode her the same way she was to him. "I never did ask you about your family. I talk about my parents so much I feel terrible not asking..." 
"It's not like it's something I'd bring up anyways. My parents aren't in a very happy marriage.  They fought a lot and it really wasn't a happy home growing up." The look he gave her made her heart twist, of course he couldn't possibly understand. Not when he talks so highly of his family. 
"Why didn't they separate?" 
"They're conservative, it wouldn't look good in society or whatever. I shouldn't even be talking about this." 
"Your family knows Tom's, so that means..." He trailed off furrowing his brow. She understood the unspoken question that lingered between them.
"My family are Korean immigrants, they came to London to expand their business." Kyra paused finding her words. The usual rehearsed explanation she had used for so many years suddenly didn't seem enough to suffice. "They own a lucrative soju company and it really took off in London." 
A smile formed on the corner of his mouth, "You're Korean. I should've known when you made Korean fried chicken that one night." 
She laughed, "Bruno complained about how spicy it was." 
"But you used mild gochujang?" Will's smile grew into a wide tooth-filled grin. The dimples decorated each of his cheeks as his eyes turned into happy crescent moons. 
"I know," She fell into a fit of laughter which he soon followed. 
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shesawriter39049 · 3 years
|Breakdown’s & Bugatti’s| M|
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PAIRING: Namjoon x Reader (Ft a hint of Tae & Jin)
About- Namjoon just does what he has to do to keep you ....calm while at a charity gala!  
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**WARNINGS: **Semi public sex, Fingering (F receiving), Minimal prep, Light dirty talk, Light spit play, Choking, Spanking, Gags (Makeshift), Non protective sex (Creampie), light overstimulation
WC: 7K (This is a sneak peak so it’s 1.2k)
NON SEXUAL WARNINGS: (Fictional political background)  Hints at recreational drug use (Molly) Brief mentions of death, father issues, and panic attacks/anxiety (All of these topics are super minor but again, out of respect I’m mentioning them) 
The remaining “characters” will be introduced at a later date
This chapter hints at various future plots 
This is almost 2 years old, I reworked it recently 
If you’ve been following me for a while this is the original draft for “Club First Royale” 
FINAL NOTE: I haven’t been active in damn hear a year ( 8 months) So I am posting sneak peeks intentionally! No, not to torture you guys lol but to get my blog flowing again because I’m sure people aren’t really checking in anymore
FINALLY, fuck 36737 years later you spot your Kim!
Standing there in all his glory, in a Valentino slim fit navy blue suit, the jacket appearing to have some sort of paisley print, opting against a tie. Leaving his crisp white dress shirt slightly unbuttoned, teasing at his broad carnalized chest as he makes his way from the bar. Heading over to the table, which has an empty seat waiting right beside him with your name written all over it...literally!
Purposely dodging the old lady to your left in a coat that would have PETA ready to throw hands! Gaudy diamonds, terrible Botox, and smelled as if she showered in an entire bottle Chanel No. 5! 
Yeah, no, sorry, not in the mood for another meet and greet right now!
“Joonie” Squeals from your lips once you’re in close enough proximity, his dark piercing eyes cut over to meet yours. A playful smirk tugging on those sinfully thick lips of his, accompanied by those disrespectful ass dimples!
“There she is!” Eyes dripping with warmth, as he ushered you in with open arms ,and in these types of situations, Namjoon felt like home, he was your safe space. “You look fuckin good” The words hushed into your hair in a tenor meant for your ears and your ears only! A hint of something a little more than just friendly playing on his tongue. 
A small little “Thank you” leaves your lips, and if I didn't know any better I’d think the compliment made you a little flustered.
Namjoon was the definition of Ocean arm’s and goddamn if you didn't just love how big this man was! It literally felt like he was hiding you from the entire universe when he has you nuzzled into his frame! The whole interaction couldn't have lasted longer than 20 seconds in all actuality but god you needed it! 
Face flush to his chest, wrapping your arms firm around his waist, letting your eyes flutter shut briefly, a deep slow exhale flooded through your body. Inhaling the musky yet sweet scent of his cologne mixed with his natural aroma, which has grown to become a calming mechanism over the years. 
“You had me worried for a minute…” Placing a quick kiss in your hair, that you would have missed if you blinked but again, your in public soo...
Palms soothing up and down your back gently, as he breathed into your hair , pulling back a little so there was some form of personal space between the two of you.  
“Your late, even for you princess...I know you started early, I got your live(Instagram) notification, so what happened?” Head clocked to the side as he appraises you and fuck, the bass in his voice still has you all types of fucked up! Glancing over your shoulder briefly before leaning up to place a kiss on the hinge of his jaw, that tittered the line of passing as an “innocent” greeting. 
“I’m fine Jonnie it’s nothing, we just got held up in glam.., Ariel was flying in from Miami...we got a late start” Gaze intentionally diverted as you welcomed yourself to his glass of Scotch instead. Damn near inhaling the entire drink as we speak and you hated dark liquor so that alone let him know something was up!  
Merely resisting the urge to smooth out the crease he felt forming between his brows, a dry snort left his lips, rolling his eyes in response to your blatant stubbornness. Nevertheless, always the gentleman, reaching down to pull out your chair so you could take a seat next to him. Mirroring your actions just moments prior, quickly scoping out his surroundings before he brought those plush pillows he calls lips a centimeter away from your ear.
  “Right, so I'm just going to assume you don’t wanna talk about it right now! Or wait I’m sorry, have you just upgraded to insulting my intelligence straight to my damn face?” 
Brow quirked inquisitively, and you could literally feel every word, tone taking on a hint of seriousness the more he talked. Namjoon licked his lips and the tip skimmed the edge of your ear and I - . 
“For one you smell like an entire bottle of Heidsieck, I can almost taste the nicotine on your tongue and you've been crying I know you. ”  
Pulling back just enough to glare down at you above the brim of his glasses, which he always wore low along his bridge. Eyes daring you to look him in the face a lie again, teasing his fingers through his chocolate locks. Styled in the perfect semi grown out undercut, the top a little on the long side, while the sides tapered into a crisp fade. Sideburns outlining that extremely understated jawline of his! Though you had to admit the yellow gold diamonds dawning his ears were kinda stealing the show right now! 
“So again, do you just not wanna talk about it right now? Or have you forgotten that I have an IQ of 137, and can smell bullshit from here all the way to Gangnam!?” 
You're having very vivid day daydreams of your hand wrapped around this man's windpipe and for once it’s not even remotely sexual! 
Blatantly ignoring the strong twitch within Namjoon’s jaw and simply saying “I’m here, aren’t I!?” Face stoic, tone flat as all hell, in case it wasn’t clear that this conversation was more than over, you opted to eye his bourbon glazed salmon until he got the hint.
 “Oh, for fucks sake! ” Hissed from his lips without a lick of heat behind them, because as quiet as it’s kept ,your lowkey Joon’s baby, which is why he cares to begin with! Picking up a piece on his fork before essentially shoving it into your hand ”Your lucky I can’t have your ass getting sick on me tonight, we still have like, 3 hours left of this bullshit.”
More like he just can’t tell you no, but hey, whatever helps him sleep at night! Sliding his plate in your direction, completely giving up on eating at this point, he knew you needed it more anyway! Finally, starting to feel your mix of poisons hit your system so you knew you needed  to even it out with a little substance. I mean yeah, you could have just ordered your own plate but meh, this was easier! 
Namjoon started busying himself on his phone while you ate, scrolling through a couple contacts until he landed on a contact labeled under “Kookie”.
“Even though you were only late because “Your glam team ran late” There were air bunnies involved, and again you just really wanna choke his ass!  “What are you thinking tonight? He’s actually on his way here right now, but he already has a couple options on him...” 
The question was vague and for damn good reason...considering…
However you knew exactly what he was referring too.., and thank god!
Speaking over a mouth full of salmon, sounding utterly exasperated!  “Honestly, any fucking thing at this point…” 
Namjoon hums thoughtfully, sucking on a Bourbon soaked Ice cube “He’ll be here in 20, I just went with Smartees…always a safe bet...” 
Smartees, candy, Vitamin -E, Molly... Estcasy...it’s all one and the same, just depends on who you ask!
He leans back in, apparently keen on whispering tonight. “Maybe, if your a good girl and eat enough we can split one before we leave...chill you out a little bit. '' Voice thick and heady, lips curling into a grin with a hint of something wicked playing on the ends, as his fingers idly ghost over your forearm. Giving it a light squeeze and regardless of how innocent the skin-ship may seem to the naked eye, you’re well aware of all the underlying innuendos behind it! 
You make a noise of agreement, trying your damnedest to ignore the slight chill coursing up your spine at the pet name. Though before you could even dwell, Namjoon was sliding back in with another update, this one however wasn't as...arousing…to say the least!
“Fox 2’s been waiting for you to get here by the way...since the event was put together by council and all. They've been wanting to talk to us together about the fundraiser, just the same shit as last year.” 
Waving his hand dismissively idly twirling the various pieces of Bvlgari around his fingers, seemingly un-phased while you on the other hand...release the most exasperated huff! Reclining against your seat, eyes rolling to the back of your head in 30 different directions! Yeah, It comes with the territory, you know this, hints Namjoons reaction, or lack thereof!  But fuck you just really weren’t in the mood to do press tonight, It’s literally physically exhausting to pretend that you weren’t just PISSED! 
“Of -fuckin- course they do!” Stabbing your mashed potatoes in a way that's... somewhat concerning… 
“Baby.” It was a warning, though his voice sat barley above a whisper, his tone was crystal! Eyes cutting in your direction briefly before dropping back down to his phone….
You didn't have it in you to argue, there’s no way around this anyway, fuck it!  “What -the-fuck-ever!” Sliding the half empty plate aside “Well, you wanna just get it out of the way now? Because I’m really not in the mood for-”
“Y/n..oh my god! Hi, honey how are you!? You look beautiful as always…” Suddenly there was a human, a human wearing the wrong shade of foundation kissing your cheek. A human by the name of Caroline, one of the local news anchors...clearly her damn ears were ringing.
Hi guys, that’s all she wrote, well kinda, actually she finished it like 16 months ago lol but that’s all she wrote for now I guess....
_****Love you...see ya soon!!**
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yayteaberry · 3 years
*SFW* Dumbass! (Bakugou)
When you were about two years old, your family made a huge move from America to Japan. Your father found suitable hero work there so that’s where you stayed. His quirk worked much like a wolfs, giving him heightened senses and much more mobility. Naturally you inherited the physical aspects such as a tail and ears, though much of you remained human like your mother.
Growing up, you quickly bonded with your neighbor's son, Katsuki Bakugou.
Your fiery and determined attitude worked really well with him and he made for an excellent playmate. He could handle your tendency to roughhouse and wrestle, if anything he seemed to enjoy it. You two were inseparable, spending a near unhealthy amount of time with each other, this carried well into your schooling years.
Despite claiming you had your own intentions behind it, you did follow him like a lost puppy. It was quite obvious to everyone around you that you’d do anything for him, except for him of course.
You were almost dangerously defensive over him, snapping at people who questioned or pushed at him while you were around.
It made you seriously upset when other people touched him or got to speak with him more than you, heavily sulking and pouting until you got your opportunity for his attention.  As guilty as you could feel about it in retrospect, you really can’t help it.
When you had his attention all to yourself, you loved to spar with him more than anything else. It wasn’t like it was a special activity but still it felt like something between you and him. As you grew up ‘wrestling’ became something skin to sparring and then just became a routine part of training once he got into UA.  Though there was a nostalgic undertone, in the past it used to be something he’d only do with you, and you were having a hard time letting go.
Currently you were waiting for him to come back to his room so you could ask him to do just that. He enters his room right on time, totally unperturbed you were already inside since you’d made a habit of coming in anytime you wanted.
“Hey! Lets go practice!”, you chirp as you hop off his bed, excitedly skipping up to him.
“Nah, I just finished up doing that with Kirishima for the past hour and I wanna take a break.” He speaks as he nonchalantly drops his bag to the floor. 
It’s somehow more insulting that you can smell how sweaty he is. 
“What the fuck do you mean ‘no’?”, with a disgusted huff you size him up, angry enough to just tackle him already.
“Fucks your problem? I didn’t promise you anything today.”
You pout as you often do, crossing your arms over your chest, ears pinched back. “Yeah but why would you run off with him like that! I’m right here! You in love with him or something?”
He rolls his eyes and matches your stance with his standard snarl, staring you down. The height difference does nothing to make you intimidated, and it never has. “I can do what I want. He asked me first and either way I need to branch out and win against different people who actually provide a challenge.”
You scoff and throw your hands at your sides after balling them into fists, stomping your foot down to accent your disapproval. “I do provide a challenge, you don’t win every time you asshole! I bet he was really terrible at it, not nearly as good as me!”
The way his face scrunches up a moment makes you narrow your eyes, not sure what he’s thinking about. When a big grin breaks out you feel your rage double.
“You’re jealous of him.”
That makes you nearly explode, snorting out a scoff and shaking your head. “Not in your wildest fucking dreams! I am not jealous!”
“Yes, yes you are.”, he says after a laugh that makes your face feel hot.
“Stop talking so calmly! I just said I’m not so I’m not! Shut the fuck up! Shut up, you’re so dumb sometimes!”, you shout back at him, turning your head to the side as you instantly loathe your inability to shut your mouth.
He only smiles wider, leaning close into your personal space, gently flicking your nose. “You totally are, I can see it.”
You swat at his hand and growl, tail bristling as you go fully defensive. “I said shut the fuck up! There’s nothing jealous about me! I just don’t think you should be spending your time with such a loser!”
Easily he grabs your hand, tilting his head and speaking with such a mocking tone you have to keep down the urge to bite him. “Oh? And, just who do you recommend replacing him? If not him, then who? If you’re not jealous then I assume you’ve got another person in mind. C’mon, I’m all ears.”
With a harsh yank you get your hand back, pushing on his chest and getting even more frustrated when he doesn’t budge. “Shut up! I said shut up! Stop being such a bastard about this!”
“Why should I? You’re the one freaking out.”
“I AM NOT FREAKING OUT!”, you shout, freaking out.
“It’s adorable that you get so upset just because I spent an hour with someone else, you’re all pink in the face over it. That’s jealousy if I’ve ever seen it.” He can’t wipe the smirk off his face when you act like it, he did always find it cute when you get so heated over him giving you attention. 
“I’m not upset and I’m not jealous! I just don’t like you accusing me of things that I’m not! You’re a fucking idiot!”, you continually spout, upper lip curled up as your breathing turns into gruff pants, barely avoiding the urge to start barking. 
Despite how you look fit to maul him, he finds himself perfectly comfortable grabbing one of your ears, delicately massaging it between his fingers. The action almost instantly starts working to calm you down, feeling so good you lean into it without realizing it. Though you’re still pouting, the raging fire has simmered down greatly.
“I can’t only spar with you, I do need to improve my technique.” He speaks as he continues, now using both hands for both ears.
You puff out a large breath, “Well why can’t you do that with me? I can change my fighting style, do different things. If you need something different then why can’t you tell me what?”
“Why is this so important to you? We hang out a fuck ton outside of doing that so whats the difference.” His voice is laced with annoyance, making you wince internally.
“Because he’s got his stupid hands all over you.”, you reply, mildly hypnotized enough by his massaging that you let some of the truth slip out.
“So you should be the only person allowed to touch me?” He raises an eyebrow at that, nearly letting out another laugh.
Your stomach sinks at the implication of what you’ve said, attempting to fishtail your way out of it. “No! Just, that, well! Why’s it even matter, you’re not listening to me anyways! God is it too much to ask that you pay some attention to your best friend sometimes!” You grab at his wrists and pull his hands away, tossing them away.
“What the hell would you even call this right now? You even sleep in here most nights, how the fuck can I possibly give you more attention! Do you wanna be attached at the fuckin hip!”, he says with an exasperated grunt, pinching at the bridge of his nose. 
“Shut up! It’s just comfortable here is all, not a crime to have preference! S-So what if I like it in here? So what if I don’t think you should let just anybody get their hands all over you!” You anxiously fidget with your hands, shrugging passively despite your raised volume.
“So you admit that you’re upset about me sparring with Kirishima because you don’t want him to touch me!”, he says while he points an accusatory finger towards you.
“Yea, whatever! So what!”, you shout as you throw your arms up, sitting back on his bed forcefully enough to bounce a few times, “Not a fucking crime is it! It’s contact, I’m part wolf you know, it’s kinda in my blood!”
“I have to do other shit besides enable your needy ass, you should be grateful I allow you to do all the shit you do!” He puts his hands on his hips, leaning down to get in your personal space.
“I’m not fucking needy!”, you shoot back instantly, nails digging into your palms.
“That’s right, you’re needy AND jealous!”
You can’t handle anymore slander being thrown at you, lunging off the bed and tackling him to the floor with a loud growl.
He goes down but flips you underneath him the moment he makes full connection with the ground, holding your wrists together in one hand above your head. Squirming around somewhat violently gets you free, pushing him by his chest to get him away. Once he’s off balance you shove him back onto the floor, sitting on his back.
As you grab one of his arms to twist, he shoves you backwards hard enough that you tumble off. That disorients you long enough for him to pin you down, his chest against your back and your face partially mashed into the floor. You can’t reach him like this, so you get up on your knees before he’s able to hold your hips flat down, wiggling like before to see if you can escape.
But, it doesn’t work, all it does is make him grunt strangely as your tail awkwardly presses into his stomach. To submit so he’ll get off, you relax, your ass settling against his lap.
“Giving up? Say it, say you’re giving up!” He says with the usual grit, tugging one of your arms backwards.
You yelp in pain, no longer willing to go gently into defeat. “I’m not giving up, I just want your boner out of my ass!”
“Don’t distract and fuckin’ lie, say you’re done!”, he punctuates his sentence by yanking your arm.
Just to prove a point you made up on the spot, you wiggle your hips against him, definitely winning by the way he lets go of your arm and sits upright to grab at your hips instead, letting a soft ‘fuck’ slip past his lips.
You’ve already started crawling away when he shoves you forward, falling onto your face with zero grace.
“Hey! Asshole, don’t push me!”, you whine as you rub at your nose, nearly sneezing.
“Serves you right!”
“Oh, for fucking what!”, you get back to your feet, seeing that he’s sat down on his bed.
“I don’t have to explain it to you!” He plops down onto his bed, once again crossing his arms over his chest.
“So that means you’re so cowardly you won’t admit that was a dirty play!”, you spit out at him as you stomp over to him, standing in front of him.
He nearly jumps up, getting right in your face to try and make you back down. “Don’t think I forgot what you’re trying to distract me from. This is all because you can’t accept that I can’t be up your ass all day like you are up mine!”
You don’t fold in the least, if anything leaning in close enough that your nose bumps into his. “Fuck. You.”
“Jealous bitch!”
“Stuck up bastard!”
The staring contest you’re having is intense, full of tension that threatens to explode if you so much as blink.
Suddenly, there’s a shift in the energy, gaze softening for just a split second before he presses his mouth onto yours. It’s not until he pulls away that you realize that was supposed to be a kiss, turning red as a tomato as your eyes widen.
Bakugou was actually blushing, looking at you as if he’s having a hard time with something. Which did scare you a bit since he was always so sure of himself. “You’re fucking stupid sometimes but you know you’re mine. So, just say it.”
“... What..?”, you say after a full ten seconds of star struck silence.
He grimaces and collects himself for a moment before speaking through gritted teeth. “I’m asking your dumbass to go out with me.”
“That’s not really asking, you didn’t even phrase it as a question...” Your eyebrows knit together as you shoot him a confused look.
“Well what’s your fucking answer!” He rolls his eyes and clicks his tongue against his teeth, something he always does when he’s nervous.
“Of course it’s yes, I’m not completely braindead,” you smile and kiss him on the cheek, very pleased over the outcome of the argument, “only stipulation is that you tell me before you rub yourself all over another person. In return I’ll stop threatening to bite everyone.”
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beansterpie · 2 years
For the bingo any or all of the following: Griffith, Charlotte, Jeeves, Lan Xichen, Father Mulcahy
aw thanks for the ask Moth <3, I did all of 'em!! which means this is kinda long so I'll put it under a cut
in order: Griffith
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the only reason he didn't get a bingo w/ 'they're deeper than they seem' is because he's already a well written and pretty deliberately nuanced character in canon! but he gets a bingo in my heart :') undoubtedly one of my blorbos. I think his level of screen time (or page space, as it were) works well with the story, but I don't care, I wish there was mooorreee, I esp wish that there were scenes between him and Guts just hanging out during the three year time skip, but alas. I'm basically obsessed with Griffith, the only reason I'm not saying more here is becase then I'll never stop.
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Charlotte is kind of interesting to me, because if we're talking strictly about her in canon, then I don't actually have that much to say. she's fine; I like her because she's a bit of a sweet and naive reprieve from an arc otherwise filled with some angsty drama queens, and she has a narrative purpose that she fulfils, but she's not a very interesting or complicated character. I think more could have been done with her, but not in a way that's distracting, at least during the GA (post-eclipse has me feeling a bit stronger about the wasted potential tho). but in terms of headcanons and stuff I've made up about her for my own purposes, then I'm very fond of her and her hypothetical journey lol.
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this was kind of haarddd because while I like the Jeeves stories, I'm not deeply attached to Jeeves on his own, you know? he's a fun unit when he's concocting shenanigans with Bertie, but we don't ever really see him on his own since the entire series is from Bertie's pov (save for Bertie Changes His Mind ofc). I do wish Jeeves had more screen time especially in the later books, because while I like that their relationship becomes more equal as the series progresses, the story always ends up sending Jeeves away for whatever reason so that Bertie is forced to deal with The Plot on his own for a lot of it. that's pretty fun in it's own right too, but I just want more scenes of Bertie and Jeeves being chummy together lol. ALSO Jeeves definitely pulls some dick moves and fucks Bertie over particularly in earlier stories, which is the reason for the uncommitted 'wow! they are a horrible person' lol. Lan Xichen:
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BINGO! haha I love Lan Xichen a lottt, especially the cql version, mainly because that's the adaptation I'm most familiar with (and ngl I am attracted to Liu Haikuan specifically as Lan Xichen lmao, he's just so beautiful god). I really like what a decent person he is, and how deliberately fair and understanding he tries to be, and how despite that-- or maybe because of it-- his story ends up being so tragic. I love his relationships with others, especially with JGY (though I also love his relationship with LWJ & like, the Lan Sect lmao), and how he quite literally goes through heartbreak and enters a deep depression after JGY's death-- like even though JGY's crimes and lies came to light, to me it always felt like what messed him up the most was that JGY had lied to him about it all, and his dismay at everything JGY did wars with his compassion for the things JGY had to deal with. Idk idk, Xiyao makes me crazy lol.
Father Mulcahy:
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this one was hard too! Mulcahy is one of my favorite characters in MASH, but my feelings aren't intense enough for most of the bingo squares to like, fit... I just like him because he's nice! He tries his best despite not actually being a medical professional in an active warzone, and his eagerness to help is very endearing. I also like the contradiction of him having long moments of self doubt about his usefulness as a priest at a MASH unit vs his desire for the acknowledgement that he feels he deserves. I like the hints of his impoverished childhood where he was bullied, and got into boxing as a way to defend himself. And while we're at it, I love that he boxes and is probably the most athletic person at the MASH unit lmaooo. Something about a little nerdy priest who could probably punch your lights out but chooses not to, yannow? (also 'why do they look like that' is hearted because he often makes me think of like, bi girls that I went to college with aofiajeogifja)
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