#then i bought it on my switch about a year or two ago? (also didnt get very far)
arielluva · 1 year
does anyone have advice for getting into stardew valley because i have tried. multiple times. to get into this game and actually play it because i DO like it!!! i have gotten sucked in a few times, but i never make it too far :( i feel like i just get overwhelmed by everything that you could do and seeing other people be so far ahead in their own saves that i just. idk. feel discouraged? i know the answer to this is probably to just play the game and do whatever because if its my first save it doesn't really matter what happens but still
also i think another part of it is just not knowing everything i should do right off the bat like i would with any other game i enjoy playing like fantasy life but i guess thats a given since i haven't played much of it
most rational thought: "i don't know everything about this game and what to do how am i supposed to play this good... :( at least in fantasy life i know what to do :((" (i have had fantasy life for like 8 years so of course i know what to do)
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mothuary · 2 years
Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance
Ok! so this review is for the first game that I actually started and finished in the new year. Yay! When I stumbled upon the last game I wrote a review for, I had actually been looking for this one: 
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Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance was one of the first video games I’d ever touched in my life. I didn’t even learn it was a spinoff until I’d accidentally bought the mainline game two years ago and was supremely confused. Needless to say, I was really excited to see if this held up to my expectations. Now, this game is part of a kind of set of very similar games that were released by snowblind studios all around the same time, so BG:DA2, as well as the two similar games that take place in the Everquest universe, the first and second Champions of Norrath games. But this one is all D&D 3e babyyyy. Now Im not going to spend this review sucking up to WotC obviously, but it is very charming to re-play a game and see all the references I had been missing as a kid. I thought beholders were as well-known as dragons, lol. 
Now I know that the game has been, in recent years, re-released, so lets talk about what I like about it and see if it’s a worthy way to go on a little early 2000s fantasy nostalgia trip. 
First lets talk about your characters. You get a quite limited selection of three characters with pre-selected names and classes. You can also unlock Drizzt Do’Urden in the character select screen but i didnt know so I played as the elf Adrianna, and my 2P played as... human archer. whose name I forget. each of them has the stats and abilities you would expect, ie. the sorcerer starts with high int and low str, and can cast magic missile. Part of the great fun of the game is finding new weapons and armor to upgrade your character with, but seeing as the game is locked to the basic loot tables in D&D 3e, the loot is a lot more boring than I remembered. You’ll mostly get a couple of weapons worth clinging to over the course of the game, and sell everything else. But hey! at least the woman armor looks respectable. (image source cause its from someones letsplay but mega spoilers in there!)
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Before I get started rambling about the gameplay, you might be interested to know that the music is done by the infamous jeremy soule so if you want some very morrowind-esque vibes, you can always give it a listen: ( x | x | x )
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Okay so gameplay stuff. The game is set up in a bunch of dungeons where you look down from above and you go from “room” to “room” (they arent all literal rooms) and you clear out all of the enemies. Its quite cute, it does remind me of a miniature in a model set. Enemies dont respawn, so there IS a limited quantity of experience in the game. You can load characters from past playthroughs if you want to start out beefier, and this is recommended if you want to play the harder difficulties. Its also important to keep that in mind when youre playing with more than one person, because if youre always getting the kills, your player 2 will fall behind quickly. 
The game has some kind of clunky controls, I really hate how difficult it is to switch spells (you have to use the D-Pad and they give you like forty empty spell slots lol). This issue is especially bad compared to the way that champions of norrath handles it (basically offers you hotkeys, its way better). We also found that the archery was a lot less.... fun than just melee bonking bc there are really limited projectiles. by which I mean its just arrows. plain ol arrows. Also there arent any rings around the feet of your character to help differentiate P1 from P2 so i kept walking into walls. Its not helped by the fact that the gameplay is v simplistic hack n slashy so your eyes kind of glaze over sometimes. 
Another thing of note, which I never really noticed as a kid, is how front-loaded the game is. In the beginning of the game, youre completing a questline attached to the Elfsong tavern, and every once in a while, when you stop at the tavern to buy new weapons, someone will show up to give you a new quest. The quests were always part of the linear plot, so they didnt change the shape of the game at all, but they made the world feel more interesting. By the time you step into the second chapter of the game, the world begins to feel more flat and less and less named npcs pop up to chat with you. It ends up making the game feel really lonely. The NPCs that DO exist are animated quite well for a 2001 game, though, and I was really struck by their individually moving fingers which really helped them feel very emotive, which was underlined by the way that NPCs take up the whole screen when you talk with them. 
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having a sexy bartender in the first five minutes of your game helps keep the audience engaged. 
Its a quite short adventure, it took my partner and I about a week to play all the way through and honestly? By the end I was mostly just kind of excited that I can move on to the second game now and see how much better it is. I think that the game is OK, but should you pay $30 new for it? NO. you can get ps2 copies used for $10. and if youre interested in playing BOTH of the games (and/or the champions games as well) i’d just.... buy a ps2. This game is very imperfect and leaves a lot to be desired. I would not recommend it to everyone, but I would recommend it to anyone craving a classic campaign but doesnt have a party. It does scratch the D&D itch but its not the best of it’s kind. That being said, if your time is limited, I’d say that most people would prefer the Champion’s games to this one. 
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technowoah · 3 years
Can I request a prompt #37 with Karl Jacobs? I love your writing btw :)
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The four times Karl tried to propose and the one time he actually did.
- Karl Jacobs x gen!neutral reader!
- Prompts: 37) "Are you proposing?!"
⚠︎ swearing, fluff, angst if you squint and a rushed ending. I didn't proofread either
an// TYSM FOR LIKING MY WORK 😭ALSO Thanks for requesting and sorry this came out so late! Hope you enjoy :)
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To say that Karl loved you was an understatement. He adored you and practically worshipped the ground you stood on. He is so respectful, which is a major upgrade from your other boyfriends, and loves you for who you are. You didn't have to put on a facadè at all during the 3 years you two have dated.
This love wasn't a one way thing. You loved him just as much, or even more, than he did. Everything he did you supported, you were always cheering him on from wherever you were. You were here for the good and the bad, and he was too. You two never shyed away from admiting your love and support. You could write a essay on each thing you love about Karl.
The idea of marriage came up during a late night dinner at Denny's. The idea came so naturally to you, so it surprised Karl that you didn't tense up. Karl was tense when bringing up the topic of marriage, so when you said "Yeah, I wanna get married to you one day." so casually it caught him off gaurd.
You two had already talked about marriage time and time again, but this time Karl wanted to take the initiative. He was ready to get married and since the marriage talk was just a few months ago it was fresh in his mind. Karl could vividly imagine you walking down the aisle towards him looking angelic. He could see everything now and he wanted those daydreams to become a reality. He wanted to physically feel your hands against his as you two say "I do" to one another.
He couldn't stop thinking about settling down in a nice house with you. Karl already bought a ring for you and always has it with him. Now he justs needs to figure out how to tell you.
1st proposal: Fireworks
You blocked out Jimmy's yelling as you sat in a lawn chair in the middle of the woods. Karl had invited you to a MrBeast video shoot because he thought it would be a great early 4th of July. It was late at night and slightly cool outside, so you were wearing a MrBeast hoodie Karl was wearing earlier. You zoned out as the boys talked to the camera over and over again, taking multiple shots.
You found yourself looking at Karl most of the time you sat there and you always caught his gaze towards you. Every time you caught him looking at you, you sent him a small wave or blow him a kiss and every time he sent a shy wave back or sent a more exaggerated kiss back.
During halfway through the shooting you begrudgingly had to move your lawn chair further and further away from your original spot. Karl always checked up on you before and after each firework set were blown up. He has been acting fidgety around you and you didnt know why. When you tried to confront him about it he would always turn away and go back to the boys without a glance back, and his hands in his pockets.
You loved watching the guys play with so many different types of fireworks, this was a great 4th of July for you, but you wished that Karl was sitting next to you feeling the bliss that you were.
You were currently sitting behind bulletproof glass while the guys had a control panel on their lap. Karl kept sending glances towards you and you looked at him and smiled whishing he was next to you and not over by the guys. You knew it was selfish, but he invited you here.
Karl kept bouncing his leg, he kept his hand in his pocket which held the ring. He kept sending glances towards you, knowing he should be on one knee right about now. Jimmy was about to fire off the last rocket of the night and Karl couldn't seem to go over and ask you to marry him. He knew he was hilding himself back which made him hate himself. You deserved a good night and he hoped you enjoyed the fireworks, but he knew on the ride back he would have to apologize.
He stayed with the boys as they went to go see the fireworks they would be setting off soon. Once they came back they were all about to press the button to set off the expensive fireworks they counted down from 5 and he looked towards you. You were standing up with your arms crossed, hopefully shielding yourself from the cold, and looking towards the fireworks that were going to burst. They finally pressed the button the fireworks went off.
Each burst of light in the air sent a glow onto your smiling face. Karl sent a somber glace and marveled in how the explosion of the fireworks sent a beautiful glow around you.
This wasnt the right time. Next time.
2nd proposal: Donuts
"Im sorry for last night." Karl apologized as you both took a seat at a booth by the window at the small coffee and donut shop.
This was supposed to be an apology for the last failed proposal. Instead of spending time with you, he kept his distance which was the opposite of what he really wanted to do. This was a way to spend much needed time with eachother, but this was also another attempt at a proposal.
Karl wanted to hide the ring in the middle of a donut so when you inevitably look at it when he hands it to you, you'll see the ring and then he'll propose right there. To him it seemed flawless.
You never wanted a huge proposal. You didnt want that much attention on you when your future significant other would propose. Something simple would be the ideal proposal and you've hinted that many times to Karl and right now he was listening. There were only two other couples in the small diner because others were picking up donuts and leaving. If he decided to get down on one knee it would cause a scene.
You stayed silent for a moment looking at Karl before deciding to speak.
"It's no problem. Please dont stress out about it." You smiled softly and he smiled back at you. "I mean the fireworks were beautiful, but you all were screaming too much."
You both laughed as you both recalled that night in the desert.
"Yeah I just didn't..I didn't really talk to you all night. I feel bad." Karl said fiddling with his hands.
"Its in the past Karl. And I still know you love me." You reached out to grab both of his hands and hold his cool hands in yours.
"I do love you." He whispered for only you to hear leaving both of you smiling ear to ear.
"What kind of donuts you want?" Karl asked looking into your eyes carefully.
You thought about it for a while before speaking up. "I'll keep it simple. Icing with sprinkles. Surprise me with the icing color!" You exclaimed while letting go of his hands for a second.
Once you two let go of eachothers hands he immediately went to his pocket and played with the velvet box. He nodded his head and without a word he stood up to meet the cashier behind the display box of donuts. He ordered only one donut as you said with orange icing this time.
He paid for the food and stayed at the counter where he paid. Karl looked back to see if you were paying attention to him only to see you looking out the window at the people passing by. Karl smiled at the sight knowing he really wants to marry you one day and then he looked down at the glistening ring inside of the box.
Karl was supposed to put the ring in the middle of the donut that was laying alone on a napkin on the counter. He started to think of the possibilities of what could happen. What if you didn't see the ring and crumble the ring with the napkin and throw it away? What if you accidentally put the ring in your mouth? What if you weren't hungry anymore?
He looked over again to where you were looking at him giving him the same smile you gave during the fireworks. Karl sighed and once again closed the box with the ring. He was a coward and he knew that.
Karl picked up the donut from the counter and made his way over to you.
"Here's your donut with sprinkles and orange icing!" Karl exclaimed putting emphasis on the 'orange' part.
"Thanks babe!" You smiled as he sat down across from you. "Wait, you didn't get anything for yourself?"
Karl sighed again for what seemed like the 100th time today and put on a smile. "I ended up not being as hungry as I thought I was."
"Well I could always share!" You started to eat your donut as Karl ended up looking outside.
Unbeknownst to you he was thinking of another way to propose without himself getting in his own head.
He'll find a time.
3rd proposal: Livestream
"Chat! As you can see I have my significant other here with me!" Karl exclaimed to his Twitch following.
You were sat next to him in another one of his office chairs with a blanket across your lap. You loved to join Karl's streams, the last couple of time you two played minecraft, gang beats, played on the nitendo switch for a while, but this time he didn't tell you what games you two would be playing. Karl just told you to come over tonight and ended up asking to join him for a stream last minute.
Now you are here next to him as Karl glows with excitement as he streams to his growing followers. You loved how he interacted with his fans and had a genuine connection with them, but sometimes that strong connection can, and has led to some nights where you had to stay the night and comfort him from his inner demons and the internet. Those nights made you love him even more, the vulnerability he gave to you made you comfortable with him.
It seems like the more time you spend eith him the more you want to officially get married. You didn't want to rush him because you soon figured out for yourself that there is no rush to express your love, which you two do everyday day. You two can get eloped in Vegas and you'll be happy, as long as you can spend the rest of your life with the man you love.
Karl kept sending glances towards you throughout the stream hoping you were having fun with the chill, q and a stream. Again he wanted to propose to you tonight during the stream. He loved showing your relationship whenever he could and whenever you would allow him to. His community also loved you the moment you became his significant other, so hopefully this will be a beautiful moment.
You talked to his chat as he contemplated, again, about whether to propose tonight. It wasn't infront of people, it was infront of a screen and it would be on Twitter in less than a week. This would be a good moment, but then again he wanted this moment to be between you two and he couldn't find the right time nor the right "moment".
As the stream continues you ended up wrapping yourself fully in the blanket and lying your head on his shoulder. You both cuddled eachother while you two answered questions. Karl kissed the top of your head and finally collected all of his thoughts.
He didn't need to propose to officially claim his love to you. Karl knew you both loved eachother to the ends of the Earth and back. There's no need for ceremony and the one day he will propose, he know it will come naturally. There is no need to force it, and now he wont.
Only time will tell.
4th proposal: spongebob
"Are you ready, kids?
Aye, aye, Captain!
I can't hear you!
Aye, aye, captain!
The TV illuminated the comfortable, dark room you two were in. You were lying on the couch with Karl with the blanket you had while streaming. It was late at night after the stream and you two ended up watching re-runs of spongebob. Karl sang along to the theme song softly while you hummed along. This was the 4th episode you both watched this night and it was a great way to end the week.
"Do you want to stay over tonight?" Karl asked softly with tiredness in his voice.
"Of couse. Im too tired to move, so thanks for offering." You chuckled.
"You're welcome here anytime." Karl yawned and squeezed your sides. "Do you want popcorn?"
"Hell yeah." You got off of Karl as he walked to the kitchen.
He put the bag into the microwave and leaned back onto the kitchen counter as he waited. Karl looked over to the side and saw a empty vase which was next to the velvet box he was carrying with him this whole week. He shook his head and laughed to himself before getting the popcorn out of the microwave, dumping it in a bowl and walking back to see you taking up the whole couch.
"Move over or I'll sit on you." Karl said standing above her.
"Is that a promise?" You teased.
"Okay then!" He turned around and began to slowly and dramatically fake sitting ontop of you.
You began to laugh and try to push him off of you. You successfully got him to sit down and returned to your previous position, but this time with popcorn.
"I love you, you know that?" You hummed into his chest.
"Yeah, and I love you more."
"I love you most."
"I love you mostest." Karl laughed.
"That's not a word." You smiled.
"I love you so much I made up a word for ya." Karl kissed you head and you hugged him tighter.
"You know what?" Karl chuckled. "I love you so much that I tried to propose to you 3 times this week."
Karl finished and you sat up from your spot looking surprised. Karl sat up as well thinking he made a mistake telling you. He was abkut to apologize, but you beat him to speak.
"Oh my gosh!" You exhaled.
"Look, I'm sorr-"
"Are you proposing?!" You exclaimed with a smile on your face.
Karl was surprised just like you were before. He remembered that he wanted the Maybe this was the moment he needed this week.
Karl grabbed both of your hands and caressed them both, looking into your eyes. "I was planning to all week. But now I think this is a good moment. So Y/N? Will you marry me?"
"Of course I will!" You enveloped him into a tight hug and peppered his face with kisses. He finally found his moment and he couldn't be happier.
"You said you tried to propose three other times?" You questioned. "When was that?"
"Its a long story."
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transhoverfish · 3 years
Just curious..
What do you like and don't like about each of the Subnautica games? (If there's anything to hate about these games, they're amazing)
tbh i dont have many complaints about either game, although i have felt that playing both quickly after the other does,,, make the differences super noticeable. things in sub1 i never had a problem w or didnt bother me much have become more bothersome now that ive played bz
like the battery meter on tools and the option to choose where each go in the slot? having to mess w all my tools to get them the EXACT order i wanted (for maximum efficiency of course) was always sort of annoying to me but nbd. now i can barely STAND how the tool menu works/looks in sub1 bc the bz version is.... so much better
I ALSO have a few gripes w bz that have slowly started to bother me more and more as i play. and by a few i mean one thing specifically. the CRASHING. obvs both games have a bit of a crashing and framerate and pop-in issue, but bz is just,,,, so much worse when it comes to crashes.
ive had sub1 on pc and ps4 for like, 3 years now?? and ive dealt w maybe around 5-10 crashes total in those three years, very sporadically? since ive bought bz less than a month ago ive dealt w at least 30 crashes. if i play for an hour it crashes at LEAST 1 time, usually 2 or 3 on average. i quit playing due to crashing more often than i quit after a save and exit. and although ive played sub1 considerably less on the switch, its still not crashed a single time, which makes me think it might be a bz problem and not a switch problem, but idk. i save often enough that i never lose more than 10 minutes at worse, but still,,,,,the crashing is constant. if the loading times were as bad as sub1's (which thankfully they are not), i would probably only play every once in a while bc i just cannot get more than 30 minutes in w/o a crash.
speaking of loading screens holy SHIT sub1 takes like 3 minutes at best to load in a NEW save. i could literally get up and make myself lunch and be back before it loads up on a save with more than 1 small tube of a habitat built in. bz has sped that up a lot which makes the loading screen feel even worse (once again, fixing a problem and then going back to that problem in sub1 just accidentally makes the game a bit more frustrating)
other than those few technical problems, most of which could very well be due to my own old ps4, laptop that doesn't quite meet the spec requirements, and attempt to play subnautica on a SWITCH of all things; the only genuine complaints i have about both is the ending in sub1 being 'make the rocket' after the lost river/lava zone segments is the worst part of the game and i almost never fully finish playthroughs bc that much resource collecting and grinding at the v end is hell! aaand the ice spires can compete with the dunes for "large open area full of death and bullshit that nobody ever wants to go to" bc i spent an hour and a half in the arctic spires the first time i went there in survival! and despite exploring it extensively in creative and having a base right outside in survival i STILL get lost constantly. for the record im usually good at navigating back to somewhere in these games w/o signals, esp if ive been there multiple times. i just get lost in the arctic spires constantly. the ice worms dont help!!!
the soundtrack in both games is AMAZING and i geniuenly just listen to them both for fun and get the songs stuck in my head sometimes. theres one from bz in my head right now it plays in the lilypad islands and i cannot remember what its called rn.
the sound design is both games is also really good?? i sit on the bz start menu and listen to the pengwengs, and sub1 in particular is like my favorite sound design in anything ever. i go in creative and just chill next to the creatures SO OFTEN. crabsquids, warpers, and sea dragons specifically sound so nice i could fall asleep to crabsquid noises they're so nice??
the ways the pdas are used for story telling is super nice, and ive always loved the little insights into the characters lives it gives u!! figuring out what happened to sam in bz and listening to all the final pda's in sub1 is always one of if not the favorite part of the games, i listen to every single pda every single time i play, i always feel just as sad for ozzy and keen and fred and the mercury crew and AAAAAA im very attached to these characters <33
also marguerit maida. need i say more.
SO if i talked about everything i liked in these two games i would b here for 3 hours so know that there is much much MUCH more i adore about them and my complaints about the arctic spires and crashing and loading times very much pale in comparison to all the good from the two!! bz is still very recently released so i believe the crashing issues will be dealt w in the future!!
i have many strong feelings for both games AND ive heard that apparently they've already confirmed a 3rd in the making? 👀 didn't look that up admittedly but if it IS true ill 100% b backing it up bc i ADORE this universe and its silly little fish and the silly little people i wanna hug. im full of love and subnautica takes up at least 67% of that love its my whole entire world i cannot imagine shutting up about them and ryley and robin anytime soon <3333
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remmiesaloser · 4 years
13 Years | 4 Weeks
honestly, I dont know which of the two have been longer in my life. 
so recently I ended a 13 year long relationship with the guy I've been dating since my freshman year of high school. it took me this long to understand, acknowledge, and accept the relationship was emotionally (and borderline physically) abusive and thanks two my two best friends and a very nice therapist I asked him to move out.
I thought the overwhelming life style change would be the hardest. I haven't been alone since I was 14 and it took me a long time to build up the courage to end things because I am terrified of change and had little to no idea what to do without him. to my surprise I've adapted to being alone pretty well. the loneliness does get to me sometimes - I miss those moments we had where we could have a conversation without speaking. I miss over a decade’s worth of inside jokes, and it still hurts when I see something and instantly think of him cause it was our thing.
its a daily struggle to remind myself why I did this because its frighteningly easy to minimize the damage he did when he’s not here to do it every day. the gaslighting and emotional manipulation isn't something that just switches off or diminishes with distance. somehow, in some super shitty, unfair way, it gets worse. because im left alone with my thoughts that he’s managed to turn against me and they’re still working angles for him that catch me off-guard sometimes. I still battle with guilt for making him move out, because I feel terrible that now he’s stuck living with his mom and all his things are in boxes. and I hate that it’s gonna take a long time for that to go away. 
but I digress. because all of that isn’t the hardest part. the hardest part is getting him the fuck out of this apartment. we 'ended things’ April 5th. there are quotes around that because we haven’t officially broken up. like, I told him I needed a break till he gets his shit together, and he’s all but moved out, but I haven’t even changed our relationship status on Facebook (yay, guilt!) and we haven't really agreed that we’re broken up. Jesus, again I digress. ANYWAYS. I knew it was gonna be a process to move him out because our lives are so intertwined that we’ve had to go through rooms and drawers and boxes one by one separating our shit. and this process has been fucking agonizing because he is dragging his goddamn feet. 
Initially I thought we were gonna bang this out in a weekend, get all the shit out and be done. A month later, and there’s still a pile of his shit at the top of the stairs, a handful of things in the corner of the living room (including the giant china cabinet filled with his things) and his grandmother’s dishes in my cupboards. but that’s a post for another day. because right now im just gonna vent about him taking his sweet ass time, being insanely petty, and still somehow fucking manipulating me when he doesn’t even live here anymore. 
honestly the pettiness and inconsideration for my own time and requests is the biggest thing that’s getting to me, what’s driving me to write this. most of the time he’s been here for his shit, his mom’s been with him, and I was chalking up a lot of the pettiness to her. because he’d be here to get the things from the living room, and hours after they'd left I’d notice small things had been taken from other parts of the house. now some of the stuff he’s taken was his, just something I was using with him that I’d assumed he’d at least mention he was taking. im a lot of things, but selfish isn’t one of them and honestly unless it’s something from my family or something that I bought that was expensive, I don’t care. he can have it. It’s more the fact that, when I need something all of a sudden I cant find it and realize he took it. 
like, his nana’s pots and pans. They’re a really nice set his mom let us have and I fully expected them gone. my only request was that he give me a heads up so I could go out and get my own set when he planned to take them because with them gone, all I’d have left is a few frying pans. This is our conversation from that weekend:  
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This was Saturday afternoon. He never told me he wasn’t going to come by Saturday, and gave me a 15 minute heads up he was on his way over on Sunday - which did me no good because I wasn’t even home. That meant I couldn’t clean out the dressers (I didnt want to do it until the day he was going to get them because I would have to leave my clothes on the bed until I could get my own dresser from my parent’s house once his were gone). When I got home, all of my clothes were thrown on my bed and the ground.I had to rewash a bunch of shit, refold everything, and then clean the entire room from the mess that was made. 
fucking on top of that, his mom decided to take the pots and pans. I’d specifically asked him Saturday because I was going to Walmart and could have bought a new set for myself while there. I didn't want to buy them until I needed to because I’m trying to save money and didn’t get paid that weekend, so I figured if he’s not taking them I don’t need to get things until I get paid next weekend. Wrong. I had to go out that night again and get a set because, as I said, all I had were 3 frying pans and a skillet thing. Oddly enough, she didn’t take the dishes. They were her mom’s, just like the pots and pans, and for some reason she didn’t want them... don’t worry, I already plan to pack them up this weekend and give them back because lord knows what’ll happen if I dont and she decides she wants them six years from now. 
honestly though the biggest level of petty was the Tylenol PM. I know, it’s not a big deal. But it’s just one of those little things that I stopped and was like, are you fucking kidding me. I noticed that, after taking his bed and dressers, the pack of tissues he’d got us from Sam’s was gone. Again, he bought them, whatever. would’ve been nice for him to tell me so I had a heads up to fucking get them when I was at Walmart but whatever. he also took a 6-pack of toilet paper he’d gotten literally the day we ended things (because he’d gone to king Soopers with his mother instead of talking to me about the fight we’d had) and he’d initially told me to keep it, it was for me anyways. I noticed just last weekend it was gone. 
but the fucking Tylenol PM. I'm not one to buy brand name medicine. if I can get store brand, I will. Almost all my medicine is store brand except that Tylenol PM because I was really sick one year and wanted the good stuff. Y’all know how expensive Tylenol is. I sprang for it, and I used it sparingly because I didnt want to have to buy more if I didn’t really need it. Well, two weekends ago I fell down a fucking mountain. I was running a trail down a mountain, tripped, flew through the air, and landed on my shoulder and kneecap. It still hurts, and that day I was in a lot of pain. The regular Tylenol and Ibuprofen that I’d been switching back and forth with all day just wasn’t doing the trick and I was like, okay. this is a Tylenol PM kind of pain. That night, right before bed, I went to grab it from the bathroom cabinet. 
it was gone. the rest of my medicines, the store brand acetaminophen and store brand ibuprofen, those were still there, but the Tylenol PM was gone. It has exclusively only lived either on the dresser/nightstand in the bedroom, or the bathroom cabinet. as he took the dresser and nightstand, and it wasn’t in the cabinet, it had been taken. I cannot tell you how livid I was. it still pisses me off. because of all the things to take he took that. Not the rest of his bathroom shit, not even all his shit from the bedroom. but he took the Tylenol PM. I even asked if he knew where it might be - thinking he’d come across it at some point. he told me “it’s always been in the linen closet” where the rest of our medicines are. It was never there, but I checked the entire closet just in case - nothing. Again, I know it’s small. it’s just a bottle of pills. but it’s the whole damn thought behind it. 
there’s more things too - the fact that no, he doesn’t take all his things from a certain room, and I have to then box the rest of his shit up, move it out of my way, and clean the room that he trashed. 
It’s the fact that 90% of the things on our walls were his (which helps show me how little say I had on my own things in the apartment I exclusively pay for) and now that he’s taken them, he’s left the walls, hooks, and nails behind. most of them are up way above my head - he needed a ladder to put them in - and now they’re littered all over the wall. today, as he worked to get the shit from our front bedroom (hopefully the last things he’ll need to get) I asked him if he could also get the nails and hooks out of the wall because I can’t reach them. he asked me, “did you try using the step-ladder?”. I answered no, and he simply said, “that should work then”. Like, no. you put those up, so you could display all the things of yours YOU wanted to display (3 out of 4 walls in the room were covered with his things) and now he can’t even take the tacks down even though he took the hangings down. 
and then of course, it’s the fact that he just leaves a mess in his wake. when he first moved things out of the living room it was a mess. I spent hours rearranging shit, packing up the rest of his shit that he left behind, and then cleaning up everything because I still have to live here. it was the same with the bedroom. and now it’s gonna be the same thing with the front room. I told him today that everything needs to be out by next weekend because I can’t do this every weekend. He asked what I meant by ‘this’ and explained that I was tired of having to clean up everything that got messed up. He told me simply “it’s not being destroyed. I’m just taking my things”. At the moment the entire room was in shambles, everything askew from him digging his things out and leaving my stuff lying in piles. It’s cleaned up now - save the pile of boxes and junk at the top of the stairs - but I told him I have to clean up the mess that’s left behind. He didn’t have an answer for that. 
Honestly there’s really not a point to this. I’m just pissed, I’m annoyed, and I’m angry, and I’m sad. I’m just tired. And I wanted to vent. So if you stuck with me through this, I wanna thank you for listening. I appreciate being heard, because I haven’t been for so long. your time means a lot to me. 
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hareblazer · 5 years
and they cried holy holy holy
its very hard existing in a world that doesnt love you 
fic focused on the affects of the religious south via larrys childhood + internalized homophobia now. tw for religious trauma, homophobia, the q slur, implied child abuse, self harm, implied suicide. separated into 6 parts.
all of these things are pretty normal for the time/context/situation i promise i didnt go ape shit on him ctvgbhn 
im gay. some things were minorly edited because of my own experiences. all conversations are inspired heavily by convos ive had.
“Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.” The pastor had told him. “Queers go to hell. It is the will of God.” Larry’s mother elbowed him, a way of saying this included him. “Join me in prayer so the sinners may reach Salvation and Repentance.” He raised his arms, framing the holy cross behind him. “Peace be with you.”
“And also with you.” All stood. Except Larry.
“God is Good.” He said.
“All the time.” All prayed. Except Larry. His father glared at him. He could feel the eyes of everyone around him- even if they weren’t looking- he knew what they thought of him. He wished he was good and pure. He wanted nothing more than to be loved by God like everyone else was. But he was just a sinner. A blemish on the tapestry of God’s vision.
None of that was true, of course, but as an 11 year old in the deep south in 1935- he had no choice but to believe.
“Larry.” His father whispered angrily. “Stand. Up. Now.”
“I don’t wanna.” Larry whispered back. He didn’t. He was tired. Ever since his parents found out about his preference for boys they had woken him up early almost every morning to pray- to be reminded of his damnation- to go to church and be told over and over again he was unnatural. He was so tired.
“Larry. If you don’t stand right now- You’ll be choosing a switch when we get home.”
“I’m tired-” He kicked his feet.
“Lawrence Michael Trainor.” His mother hissed. “You’re embarrassing us.” Larry could hear a waver in her voice.
“-in God’s name, amen.” The pastor finished.
“You are dismissed.”
“Bless you, father.” someone behind Larry said. He couldn’t see very well through his own tears. He couldn’t help but feel like it was all his fault. Now was, in Larry’s opinion, one of the worst parts of church. His parents beelined to Benjamin Quincy’s- probably to tell them to keep their son away from him. Again. Larry could already hear them berating Ben’s poor father- accusing them of turning their sweet son to the Devil and a path of damnation.
This was almost 90 years ago, but Larry could remember it like it was yesterday. He’d never admit it- but sometimes he still felt like that scared boy praying for a salvation that’ll never come.
Chief had bought him a bible, when he first moved into the manor, thinking it would remind him of home. He didn’t know, of course, the kind of history Larry had with religion- but it was enough to release the spirit on a rampage. Chief thought that was interesting. Larry thought it was a headache- literally and metaphorically. He actually wasn’t sure where it was now, actually. It had disappeared mysteriously years ago- after he had given Rita a vague idea of how his childhood was. He never looked for it.
It wasn’t until the patrol had to go into a church that Larry really thought about this again. Ordinarily he pretends it never happened- that he never had a childhood at all. It was easier than having to face it. He forgot why, exactly, they were there- but-
“Larry?” Cliff turned back, already halfway through the doors. Larry had stopped about ten feet off- Jane near him. “You coming?”
“Ah.” was all he could say in reply. This looked like his old one. His lungs felt like they were full of water. Jane tilted her head at him. She had a reason to hate this place- not to say he probably didn’t have one too- but she had definitely never heard about this before. “I.”
“We have two people against this stuff, now?” Cliff. He meant well, but he was about as sensitive as a brick. “What happened to you?”
Larry said nothing. Jane stepped up. “He doesn’t have to tell you. Just- go without us.” Cliff did the closest thing to a shrug he could do and left. Larry wanted to thank Jane- in his own quiet way- but he was a little overwhelmed for that. God. He could still hear the pastors words stinging his heart. He felt Jane’s eyes on him.
Repent, old sinner. Repent and be redeemed.
“Fuck.” Larry turned and walked away. “Fuck!”
“I guess the church screwed both of us over.” Jane crossed her arms. Larry only sighed.
“It screws everyone over. Whether they realize it or not.”
“Hm.” Jane agreed. “It’s a fucked up institution.” Larry’s chest glowed gently.
“God. I want to go back to the manor.” He placed a hand on his chest, trying to soothe the spirit. “Take a nap.”
“Me too.” Jane leaned against a wall.
They stood in silence, before Larry spoke again.
“The church by my house looked like this. Growing up.” He glanced back at it for a moment. “God. I hated that place.”
Jane watched him for a moment. They were the two most closed off people in the manor- this was literally the most he had ever said about himself to her.
“I guess.” Larry did not say it was because they hated him. He did not say that the priest told him he deserved damnation. He did not say that he still had nightmares about it. “I was. Not well liked, I guess.”
“Oh.” Jane did not share her own trauma related to it. She couldn’t. She didn’t want to. “Are you still…?”
“God, no. I’m not a fan of- any of it, really. I don’t know.” He tries to tell her without really saying anything at all. “They. Really. Don’t like the kind of person I am. Is all.”
“Me neither.” She nodded. This conversation was so. Fucking. Awkward. But it was still the most they had talked in a long time. “Bad church experiences club.”
Larry chuckled. “Bad church experiences club.” 
Larry was in class. Thirteen years old and already fully aware of his fate. Homosexuality is an abomination, he knew. God does not make mistakes, he knew. So why is he cursed with these feelings?
“God created all creatures in the Beginning-” his teacher was explaining in the background. Larry had heard this story a million times- both in and out of church. He was daydreaming about the boy who sat in front of him- he had the bluest eyes, and- no. No. Larry couldn’t think like that. That was a sin. He mentally scolded himself for letting his guard down. He had to have a wife. A family- or suffer for all eternity.
“God is love,” said his teacher.
It doesn’t feel much like love to Larry.
He regretted doing this. Larry found himself standing in front of the team- during Cliff’s sudden group therapy session and subsequent freakout.
“Well.” He started, but paused. God. God. God. Why did he think he could do this? Why did he think it would be a good idea to come out? To let the only people he ever felt like he could trust learn his ugly, terrible truth and scorn him just as his own family did?
“GAY!” Cliff interrupted suddenly. Larry froze. Oh god. Oh god. They knew. They KNEW. How did they know? No. Fuck. He was reading too far into this. Unless he wasn’t. The others protested Cliff’s outburst.
“Okay! I just thought Larry was about to come out- and it would’ve been so healing for him!”
Larry is thankful for the bandages covering his tears.
"I think all I wanted to say was...it gets lonely, not touching anyone for 60 years. the last person I ever touched was John Bowers. I- I loved him. and I drove him away." Larry hoped that was vague enough. God. He could see it now- remembering how his parents reacted when they figured it out for themselves- how the church had reacted- how the other boys had reacted- how he had joined the army in an effort to make himself more masculine, more straight- he couldn’t help but think about all the possible ways he could kill himself right here right now.
“I knew it.” Cliff stood. Larry panicked. “I just want you to know that you’re loved- and accepted-” He hugged Larry, and Larry didn’t know what to do.
He’d never been offered acceptance before. How do you react to that?
“I’m not done.” He snapped. It was the best he knew how to do.
“I’m only sharing this because it’s the thing Mr. Nobody shoved in my face.” A clarification he knew this was immoral. He knew he was wrong. “What’s left, of my face.”
“That was a joke. God- these bandages are the death of all nuance.” He failed to lighten the mood. He could feel everyone’s judgement, burning his skin like the fire did so many years ago. “Look. If Mr. Nobody’s goal is to torture me, well- I’ve been doing his work for him. Whipping myself in a- a prison of my own making.” Fuck. That sounded kind of cliche.”And wh- what if I trusted John, what if I’d been more brave- and guess what? I’m sick of it! I’m not just hurting myself- I’m hurting this thing inside of me and it’s hurting me back, endlessly, until there’s so much self-loathing I can barely breathe.” He’s trying so, so hard not to break down. He returns to his spot on the couch and slumps, already tuned out and waiting for his inevitable punishment.
He’s only greeted with Rita’s hand on his back, a small comfort, but a welcome one nonetheless. 
The last time Larry was in love was with John. It was, admittedly, most of what he thought about, these days- but it was the only time he could ever exist in peace around another person. Even if John was a little too open for Larry’s comfort, he was comfortable in his own skin during the rare times they could sneak a moment together.
He missed John so, so much. Not only because he loved him- though that was a big part- but because he missed feeling safe. He missed feeling loved. He missed feeling anything at all.
“So. You’re gay?” Cliff had asked, one morning.
“Yes.” Larry answered, a little too shortly.
“Aren’t you from- like- the 30s?”
“Yes.” Larry said again, knowing full well what question was going to come next.
“Did your parents-” Cliff paused, trying to find the words. “Take it well? How did you- do that? Back then?”
Larry didn’t answer, at first. He actually had no idea what Cliff was referring to. “What?”
“Y’know- you said you had a boyfriend? John? How did you hide it? Since homosexuality was, like- illegal.”
Larry considers losing it. “They. Did not take it well.” He started, failing to mention how most parents in the day had a habit of ‘beating the queer’ out of their children. “We hid it with difficulty. I mean- we risked getting murdered- or worse, if we were caught.”
“Damn.” Cliff said. “That’s rough.”
“Yeah.” Larry sighed. He hated this conversation so much. “I married a girl I knew right out of high school- that was normal, back then- but I guess I thought if I just forced myself into it I’d turn straight, or something?”
“Did it work?”
“No. I cheated on her for years with other men and ruined my family.”
“Oh.” Cliff feels so awkward. “I mean- I did that too. Cheated on my wife. But I didn’t have a good reason for it. Like you did.”
“Cliff, I didn’t have a good reason. I don’t know what you mean by that.”
“Sure you did! I mean- cheating at all is a dick move, no matter what- but, like, you’re gay. And you got forced to marry a woman so you wouldn’t die.”
“And gay marriage is legal now! So- like- it got better! Gay rights!”
“It’s legal?”
“Yeah! In 2015- thought we celebrated it! But then you wouldn’t leave your room because you were sad about something again, and then Jane-”
“It’s legal now.” Larry said again, not listening to anything Cliff was saying. “Holy shit.”
“-Then Hammerhead threw me across a room and Chief had to wire my legs back on.”
“I hated myself so fucking much for- so long-” Larry’s face is unreadable to Cliff. “The number of times I considered killing myself because I thought there was no other option- and it’s been legal for almost five years. And I didn’t know about it.”
“How did you find out you were. You know?” Cliff asked, trying to avoid talking about Larry’s apparent suicidal tendencies.
“How did you know you were gay?”
“Oh. I mean- when I was a kid it was pretty watered down- but I never liked the idea of having a wife or a girlfriend like everyone expected me to. In middle school, though? The boy’s locker room was definitely an eye-opener- and in my twenties I-” Larry was not going to finish that sentence. Cliff hadn’t unlocked that part of his backstory yet. “God. I tried to repress it for so long, though. It’s really weird, having other people know.” Larry’s chest glowed gently.
“It’s okay, now. There’s even gay hookup apps, and stuff. I bet Vic could help you set one up.”
Larry shrunk into his coat. He could barely handle seeing a man in shorts, the other day. He really didn’t think he was ready for this. “Cliff. I’m not. I can’t do this.”
“Why not? You’re free to be yourself!”
“Cliff. It’s been ingrained in me since I was a kid that being gay was some- awful, horrible thing. This- acceptance? It’s too new to me. I’m not ready to embrace it. I can’t.” I can’t go to hell, was what Larry was thinking. I can’t do that. “Ninety years of- of repression- and self hatred- and hiding- and all of that, I can’t just- bounce back, Cliff. I need time to think about this.”
“Do that! You can talk to me, if you need to, Larry!”
“Maybe I will.” 
Larry was 16 when he hurt himself for the first time. It wasn’t on purpose- he was trying to whittle a little plane in class when he sliced his thumb- but he never really stopped. He felt like he deserved it- maybe the sins he held would leave his body, dripping like blood down his arms. Or maybe he just wanted to feel something other than shame. Either way- it was the one thing he could feel totally in control of. Something that finally felt justified. Unlike his unwavering attraction toward the other boys in his classes- like the now-constant disdain of his parents- unlike the smile his first kiss gave him before they left each other behind. His parents never actually knew about this habit, but Larry convinced himself they did.He told himself this was what they really wanted- between the constant threats of going to hell, or the reminders he’s ruining their perfect family- maybe they did just want him to hurt. Suicide, back then, was almost unthinkable. Nowadays, Larry considers it often. -
Rita noticed something was- more off than usual. Larry had always been a melancholic person, but even Cliff had realized Larry not leaving his room for three days wasn’t normal. She eventually took it upon herself to drag him out of whatever slump he had gotten himself into, again- whether he liked it or not.
“Larry?” She called through his doors. Sound didn’t travel well through all that- but she was very good at being heard when she wanted to be. “Larry!”
Larry did not answer. He was bandaged, luckily, as he knew Rita would inevitably come storming in, but he didn’t want her to see the blood seeping through. He had relapsed, again, though he had nobody left to report it to with the Chief gone. That was for the best, he thought. “LARRY!” Rita knocked on the door. “I’m coming in there!”
Larry groaned. He wasn’t sure why he wasn’t stopping her. He could easily just say it would be too dangerous, or-
He could hear the decontamination chamber hiss. Fuck. He had to clean himself up fast.
“Can you- wait just a-” Too late. Rita entered, concerned. “Fuck.”
“Ah.’ Rita started, but paused, seeing Larry’s red bandages. “Larry. What were you doing in here?” Larry kicked the pocketknife he dropped under his dresser.
“Larry. You’re a terrible liar and I just watched you hide something. What did you do?”
Larry shifted his weight nervously. Everyone else he was positive wouldn’t care too much about this- though, of course, that wasn’t even remotely true- but Rita?
“I.” Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. How is he supposed to tell her he was just cutting up his own arms in an attempt to feel better about himself? To punish himself for being gay? How do you say that casually? “I was.”
“You were?” In truth, Rita already had an idea what he was doing. She just needed him to admit he needed help.
Larry avoided eye contact, though that was invisible to Rita through his goggles. “I was. Dealing with. Things.” He can feel the dams breaking. He really, really does not want to cry to Rita right now.
“Dealing with what?” Come on, Larry.
“Shit.” was all he could get out before he started sobbing. Rita sighed and put her hand on his back, like she always did when he has a hard time. This was not the first time she’s seen him at his lowest, and she knew it wouldn’t be her last. It used to be a mystery to her- she always knew he was hiding something important about himself, but what it was, exactly, she couldn’t guess. Now that he came out, though, she had a whole new perspective on it all.
This explained a lot, actually. She had thrown away the bible Chief had gifted him, because she knew he did not like the church, though she didn’t understand why until now. He had always avoided talking about relationships at all, and would shut down when asked about his past. Larry didn’t know that she knew about the times he would hobble gingerly toward Chief’s lab, blood dripping from his limbs and the burden of being a sinner on his mind. Larry was especially bitter toward the spirit, after those nights. Now Rita knew how he was so sure it won’t let him die.
“It’s okay, Larry.” was all she could think to say. “You’re safe, now.” He couldn’t answer past pulling her into a hug. Rita was pretty sure he was getting blood on her dress- but she didn’t mind. “I’d offer to patch you up, but I think you have enough bandages.”
Larry couldn’t help but laugh slightly at that. “God, Rita. I’m sorry. I hate to involve you in my own shit-”
“Larry. You’re my best friend and I care about you, even if you don’t care about you.”
“I know. I just- I should be over this already. I haven’t been to church in over sixty years- my parents have been dead for seventy- John’s already moved on- I just- goddammit, Rita. I’m lonely.” He pulls away to sit on his bed, head in his hands. “I haven’t touched another man in- god knows how long- and all I can think about is how wanting to is in itself a fucking abomination-”
“No.” Rita interrupted. “I’m not allowing that kind of negativity! It is not an abomination and you know it.” Larry only looked at her. “Now continue.”
“Uh. Okay. I miss- god, it sounds so stupid, but- I really miss-” He struggles to find the words. “Kissing men?”
Rita only nodded.
“I didn’t have the chance to- very often- but- god, Rita. There was this club- near one of my posts at the military. Before I met John. It wasn’t officially anything, but it was already a pretty established gay club. But, you know- it was more of a secret.”
“There was one of those near my apartment, you know.” Larry nodded.
“They were usually old speakeasies. But there was this man there- he was- he was really something, Rita. He was a regular, I think. Really tall.” Larry sighed wistfully. Rita smiled at him. She liked seeing him like that. Happy- or at least as close to happiness as she’d seen him get. “We spent… a lot of time together. Mostly in motel rooms.”
“What was his name?”
“I don’t remember. It was so long ago. I miss him anyway, though. Even if it was just a fling.”
“I understand.” Rita said, simply. “Have you considered- getting out there, again?”
“What, like dating? Cliff suggested it to me, but- I thought he was too enthusiastic about it. I don’t know.” It scared him, to be honest.
“I’m sure there are other gay metahumans.” Rita assured him. “With a tolerance for radiation.”
“It’s not them I’m worried about.”
“What, then?”
“How can someone love me when I can’t?” Larry was emotionless through the bandages, but Rita thought she could hear a frown. “I hate myself so. Fucking. Much, Rita. I can’t kill myself no matter how much I try- but what good is someone who’s only alive because something else is forcing them to be? Who would want that kind of baggage, Rita? Not even the fucking spirit can handle it, and it’s the thing keeping me this way.” His chest glowed.
“The first step is realizing you have a problem.”
“I realize I have a problem, Rita. I realized it when I was seven years old, thinking about some boy in my math class. I realized it every-goddamn-day when my own mother would cry and tell me she wished I’d never been born- that no matter what I did she would always love God more than me.” His voice wavered. “I realized it in church, and in school, and at home- every time the newspapers would come in with more horror stories about gay men found dead- every time a kid got the shit beat out of him by his own parents. It’s nobody’s fault but my own, Rita.” He huffed, and Rita faltered. She had never seen this from him before. “God-fucking-dammit! If I could’ve just been a normal person- for once in my goddamn life- god. Oh my god.” He stopped.
“I fucking died, didn’t I?” He stood suddenly. “I died in that fucking plane crash and this is hell. I can’t die. I can’t touch anyone. I’m stuck wallowing in my own self-loathing like a fucking-”
“Larry.” Rita said again, firmly.
“And I deserve all of it! I destroyed everyone I ever loved! Just because I’m not attracted to women? Big fucking deal! I should’ve just sucked it up. I’m a fucking coward! I should’ve killed myself when I was twenty like I planned! But no. I was too scared. Fuck this! I-”
“Larry!” Rita half-yelled, stopping Larry mid sentence. “I don’t know what’s gotten into you, but you are not helping yourself. Stop having a pity-party and listen to me.”
Larry didn’t answer. He was breathing shakily. Rita could tell he was likely crying under there again.
“There’s nothing wrong with you. Nothing!” She held up her hands. “I’m sorry you were told there was, but they were blatantly wrong. All of them. Liars.” She paused to watch him. He was standing as still as a statue, watching her silently. She hoped that meant he was listening. “I know it’s been ingrained into you. But you need to leave it behind. Stop dragging it with you. It will only hurt more. You’re accepted here, Larry. Nobody would even consider hurting you over something as simple as your sexuality. You don’t need to carry that weight anymore.”
Larry sighed. “I’m sorry, Rita. I didn’t mean to yell at you.”
“It’s okay, Larry. I can’t imagine what you could be going through- but I offer my support, nonetheless.”
“I.” He paused. “Thank you.” 
When Larry was in the ant farm, he did not fear the torture. He knew he had it coming, anyway. It was God’s Will.
“You transferred a lot, Larry.” Forsythe would say, through the glass. “You were running from something. I intend to find out what.”
“I wasn’t running from anything.” Larry would say, over and over again.
The truth was Larry was running. Every time he thought his secret would be compromised he ran. Every time a fling ended or a boyfriend left or any of his army friends even joked about him being gay- he ran.
Now he faced the consequences for his actions, and he understood.
“Larry.” Chief said, bringing him back to attention. “What’s troubling you?”
This was before it all went downhill. Before Larry would come out. Before Mr. Nobody would remind him of every mistake he’d ever made. Before everything.
“Nothing. Just- remembering, is all.” Larry answered, quietly. “Before the accident.”
“Before the accident?” Chief knew it wasn’t really an accident. Larry did not. “Are you ready to talk about it?”
“No.” Larry said, quickly. Chief already knew there was something about him and John. He couldn’t risk him figuring that out. “No. The past is- it’s already happened. It doesn't matter.”
“Oh, but it does, Larry.” Chief answered, in his usual way. “The past may not define us as much as the future, but it still needs to be learned from.” Larry sighed. He had heard this so many times.
“I did learn from it, Chief.” He learned very, very well. “It just sucks.”
“Is this about your friendship with John?” Larry froze. “I know you two were very… close.”
“We weren’t. I don’t want to talk about him.” He shrunk into his coat. Chief raised an eyebrow.
“You never want to talk about him, Larry. It’s not healthy.”
“It doesn’t matter. He’s probably dead, now.”
“Do you miss him?” Chief tilted his head. He knew there had to be a way to get through Larry’s shell. If he was to be a hero, like Niles intended, he had to face this head-on.
Larry took a moment before answering, assessing the risks. Was it too obvious to say yes? “...I do.” He paused. “A. Bit.”
Chief nodded. He was getting closer. “Quite a bit, you would say?”
It was Larry’s turn to nod, adrenaline flaring up hot in his chest. “We were friends. That’s it.”
“I wasn’t implying anything else.” Larry breathed in slightly. Chief could tell he was getting anxious. “Though- we both know- you two were… a bit more than friends, yes?”
“No. I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t want to do this anymore.” Larry glanced around, starting to panic. “Whoever told you that, Chief- I- it’s not true. I didn’t even like him!” That was a bold lie. “I mean- if anybody was cheating- I mean- Sheryl and I were strained by the end of it-” He’s grasping for straws.
“Larry. We both know Sheryl was-” Chief was interrupted by a flash of light and Larry’s head slamming on the table. The spirit stood through the table, eyeing Chief down. He couldn’t tell how it was feeling- but judging from how agitated Larry had been beforehand, he didn’t think it was happy with him. No matter.
“There you are.” He started, but the spirit shook its head. “No? You don’t want to talk to me?” It shook its head again and held up a hand. “Oh. Who taught you the middle finger?” It tilted its head. Chief could feel it glaring daggers at him. “I’m sorry I hurt you. It’s important that Captain Trainor learn to-” The spirit had enough of that. It flew in a small circle around Chief, shorting out the lone light in the room. A threat. It knew Chief knew what it was capable of.
Larry awoke suddenly to Chief watching him. He must’ve needed the spirit for something- he doesn’t really know about John. He sighed, instinctively rubbing his goggles.
“That was… unintentional. I apologize, Larry.” Larry looked at him. What the fuck was he after? “Now- John-”
“No. Fuck, Niles. I’m not doing this.” Larry stood. “I’m not reliving my mistakes for you. I’m going to take a nap.”
“Larry. We both know it wasn’t a mistake.” Chief held out his hands. “You cheated on your wife. You hid. Why?”
“I did not cheat on Sheryl. I did not hide. Niles. I don’t know what you want from me, but I’m not going to-” He paused. “I’m not going to do this. I cared about her.” That, at least, was not a lie. “I loved her.” That was. “It’s over, now. I’m paying for what I did- who I was. Just- let that be.”
“Who were you, though?”
“I was a sinner, Chief.” Larry left. 
SIX x3 
“Sheryl.” Larry had said, so long ago. She looked over, glowing in the moon, her hair slightly in her face. He felt no attraction whatsoever for her. He tried to force himself to, anyway. It was sinful. He had to do this.
“I have something to tell you.”
“Yeah?” She smiled. She was his friend. He chose her only because she was the only girl he felt he could at least live with.
God. He felt sick. He knew this would hurt her, too. He didn’t want this.
“I love you.” Lying is a sin, too. A lesser of two evils, he had decided. Anything to avoid burning in hell. Anything. Just like his parents had told him. Just like the ministers said.
“Larry!” She had laughed. He felt like throwing up.
Outwardly, Larry had been untouched. Untainted by tragedy and self-hatred. Inwardly, he had become a flaming wreck long before that crash.
“Vic.” Larry stood in the doorway, nervously. “Hey.”
“Hey, Larry.” Vic turned to give him a wave. “What’s up?”
“Well. I. Uh.” Larry paused. This was terrifying. “You know- computers and stuff, right?”
“Uh- yeah! What do you need?” Vic looks at him for a moment. He really didn’t mind helping everyone with modern technology! He just never really realized how old everyone was until he was explaining to Larry how color TVs worked- or that cocaine was not a viable medicine anymore to Rita.
“I. Want to meet people.” He held up his phone. “I don’t. Know how.”
“Oh. Where did you get that phone?”
“Rita said I could borrow it.”
“...Okay. What do you want me to do?” Vic hasn’t dated since he was in high school. What was Larry expecting from him?
“Cliff said there are apps for it. For men. Meeting. Other. Men.” Larry is gritting his teeth. “You know computers. I want to. Download one.”
“Oh. Oh! I can help you with that. To an extent.” Vic clarified. “I’ll only help you set up and show you how to use it- the chatting is up to you.”
“Okay.” Larry handed him the phone.
“What are you after? There’s apps for metahumans, and gay people- I’m pretty sure there’s one for veterans-”
“Well. I guess I’d need. The metahuman one. Since they’d need. Some kind of.” He held up his hands. “Immunity.”
“Right.” Vic did not like that implication. “Does Rita know you want to hook up with guys through her phone?”
“Yes. She helped me prepare for this conversation.” Larry shuffled his feet nervously. “It. Did not work. Still awkward.”
“You two are close. Okay- so I downloaded an app called Metameet- it’s mainly for metahumans but there’s an option for gay members. You’re- what, 95? So I already set your username as larrytrainor. That’s usually what- people around your age do.”
“I’m 92. Though the accident was when I was 30-something.”
“Okay. I’ll put that as your age. And. Probably mention that you’re immortal.”
“No. Wait.” Larry put his hand on Vic’s shoulder. “Don’t put that I’m gay. Please.”
“Larry, it’ll say you’re a man seeking a man either way.”
“I know. I just- I can’t be gay. I can’t.” He nearly gagged on the word both times. Vic only looked at him.
“...Okay.” He hit the backspace button. “What’s your problem with it?”
Larry froze. Over the past month he’s had to explain this- five times? “Uh. I.” Fuck. Fuck! He doesn’t deserve this. “It’s just not allowed. I’m not- I’m not supposed to be- into men.”
“You know that’s not true, right?” Vic gave him a confused look. “You… are allowed to be gay, Larry.”
“It’s not like that. I-” He breathed in. “I guess you’re a little too young to really get it.”
“Try me.”
“In the 30s and 40s when I was a kid- it wasn’t- legal. To like. Others. Of the same sex.”
“Everyone was really religious, too. So. As hard as I tried to hide it- my parents eventually figured it out. I was 11. After that it just-” He paused. Vic nodded.
“Oh. We learned about that in history in high school.”
“Yeah. It was pretty common for parents to try and beat it out of us.” He paused. “Didn’t work.”
“I’m sorry about that.” Vic started-
“It’s fine. It doesn’t matter, now.”
“Okay.” A pause. “I’m going to put ‘radiation immunity’ as a must.”
“That’s a good idea.” Another pause.
“Can I ask…?”
“Ask what?”
“How did you meet him?”
Larry went silent for a minute, and Vic was scared he made him sad again, somehow.
“We were in the same squadron.” He started slowly, remembering. “He wasn’t my first, honestly- but he was the- he was the one I really loved. I- honestly? If it wasn’t- literally illegal- and I was already married- I probably would have-” He stopped. He never said that out loud.
“That’s. That’s rough, Larry.” He stopped to think. “You can do that now, you know.”
“Yeah. I think- I think that’s why I’m doing this.” A pause.
“I think I’m ready to live the way I always wanted to.”
16 notes · View notes
popopretty · 5 years
Piko’s Spring Tour “Pathfinder” report
There are just so many things I want to write down for this live but I realized I would not be able to put everything into one post and I have also forgot some parts of it so please bear with my scattered memories.
I went to almost all the lives in this tour except for the one in Sendai. So it includes Nagoya, Osaka, Yokohama, Fukuoka and Tokyo. It is an amazing feeling following an artist on tour, like waking up in a different city everyday, meeting the fans you don’t usually meet but still being able to say “See you tmr”. For two weeks I was filled with Piko feels and I couldn’t really remember doing anything else.
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KEEP READING - There is A LOT more under the cut lol
For most of the venues, there were like 150-200 people each. The final was in a bigger venue so there were more than that. There are girls, guys, couples, families, Japanese, foreigners, all kinds of people you can think of. And everyone is super nice and friendly. I still feel super awkward with my Japanese but people’s warmness there just calmed me a lot.
For the tour goods, there are T-shirts, mirrors, towels, mobile charger, tote bag and stuff from previous lives. If you buy one album, you will get a ticket to high touch with Piko at the end of the live. Plus there are chekis and if u are lucky enough you can get one with Piko’s sign.
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My favorite thing from the goods this time must be the totebag. Its cheap and convenient since you can use it both as a handbag and a shoulder bag. The mobile battery is a new thing, which is a bit expensive imo but it works pretty well and has a super cute design so everything is forgiven xD I also bought 2 more CDs to get a high touch with him. I will write about it in more details at the later part.
Piko wears a different outfit every live. For the one in Nagoya, he wears the black outfit as in Black Swan cover, then in Osaka it was the white one as in Realizing. He is back to the black one in Yokohama and in Fukuoka is another white shirt with black gilet. He went with the Black Swan outfit for MOST of the final live lol. If you read my last posts, you have already known what else he was wearing xD
As for the setlist. The setlist is the same for all the small lives. Only the final is different so I’m gonna list out all the songs that he has sung in all the lives, not in the exact order.
- Realizing - This is the opening song for all lives.
- Loki - He sang this in all the small lives but not in the final.
- Ghost Rule
- Tengaku - He sang this in the final only
- Re:Act
- Rolling Merry Go Round - this is also in the final only. I was so surprised when he sang it ;; this is also my first time listening to the song live ;;
- Dappo Rock
- Kachoufuei - This is one of my favourite songs in the new album
- Sakurane - This is also final exclusive! In one part he messed up the lyrics and he was super embarrassed so he laughed and asked the audiences to sing for him lol
- Black Swan - the most beautiful song live from the new album. Tbh I didn’t like the recording that much cuz the instruments are a bit too loud for me. But in the live it sounds much better and Piko’s voice just resonates around the live house and it is absolutely beautiful.
- Kokoronashi Acoustic - This is in the final only. He sang this song many times before but this time is totally different. He sang the first verse with no instruments at all and the acoustic guitar sound only came in in the second verse.
- Kasa - He sang it with a backup vocal of himself since it is a self-duet and many parts are overlapped. He sang the guy’s part with female backup in the first verse and then switched to the girl’s part with male backup for the second verse. In some lives, the fans even sang along with the backup parts which was really cute xDDD
After this part there is usually a small MC parts where Piko can talk and take a short rest before entering a non-stop session of about 4-5 rockish songs xD
- Murabito A - I love the song and the message in it. Whenever he gets to the “kamisama” I really just reached my hands towards him as if he is my God lol
- Futaiten Path Finder
- Lost One no Goukoku - I cant believe Piko covered it just recently! He sounds absolutely amazing in it. He didnt try to sing the original key (though I think he totally can). He chose a lower tone which showed off his beautiful, manly middle range and I love it so much. In the entry part of the song, he asked everyone to raise hand and shout out at the end of each drum session. He also asked the girls and the guys to do it separately. Even though there were only a few guys, they were really energetic, even when Piko asked them to say Yeah but in a girly cutesy voice. (They did it anyway lol!)
- Haikei Doppelganger - Of course this cannot be missed! This is like the most heated song in the live. Everyone was just headbanging like crazy. He just sounds absolutely powerful and precise for such a hard song that I lost my mind every time I heard it.
- Make Our Days - this is like a sequel to Make My Days. He mentioned that this is a song where he wants everyone to become one by doing the same moves. It is pretty similar to Make My Days and I dont know how to explain it in writing lol. So lets wait until some videos of it actually come out xDD He also asked all the band members to do that with different style every time and it was so funny (I will write more about it but probably in a separate post)
- Piscium - Last song before the encore. He spoke about the meaning of it, about how he started his career as a net artist, how it was in the beginning where they didnt really know what to do but try different things and see how it works. And it has been a long way with both joys and sadness and now he realizes that its not him walking alone, and that everything he does has the people who support him being a part of it. Thats why its not about him anymore but about all of us. Thats why Make My Day becomes Make Our Days, and Piscium lyrics also say “You made me. I made you”.
It was a beautiful moment…
Before the funny part kicked in xDDD
If you follow Piko, you might have already known that he has a corner called Pikone jinsei soudan in his namahousou, in which he puts on an okama personality and gives people advices on their problems xDD The live this time also has a session like that.
- Tokyo Shinobizaki
The first song of the encore is Tokyo Shinobizaki, which is an ending he sang for a short anime recently. It is a slow, jazzy and mature song, the type you may find in some old bars I guess. In the small lives, Piko would wear his live tour T-shirt, walk out and sing it with a stand mic. And he kept swaying and sliding his hands up and down the stand mic xD He has such lovely hands that my eyes kept fixating on them through out the song @@ In the final, when the music started playing, everyone was waiting for Piko to come out as usual, but it was just a band playing a super long intro. The live house for the final has a smaller stage on the right side that looks like a small balcony. And when the intro finally ended, Piko walked out from there, wearing a long red dress (the same one he wore in luz’s event not too long ago). He looked so pretty in that dress that everyone could have mistaken him as a girl without knowing him before >w<.
After he sang Tokyo shinobizaki, the jinsei soudan session started. Every live he would pick 2 letters from the fans and read it out loud (in okama voice) and then gave advices to them. All the band members also helped him out (and they also spoke in funny voices lol). There are many interesting questions but I think I will write about them in a separate post. I will just mention a few moments here. In the Osaka live, one fan was asking about how to deal with a rebellious son. And Piko was like “hmm I dont know. Should I ask my own parents??” and then he looked to the back of the stage, raised his hand and shouted out “Mama~~”. Turned out his mom was also there and all the lights of the stage started pointing to her xDD she then said that she actually didnt have to deal with Piko’s rebellious phase cuz he was a super good kid and didnt have that phase at all xDD In the final, Piko randomly picked a guy from the audience and asked him if he has any questions. The guy didnt have any, but he said that he brought his daughter to the live to see Piko. And Piko, still wearing that dress, rephrases his words like “Oh, so papa likes me, and papa wants his daughter to like me too so he brought her here?” He then asked to see the daughter. We all expected like a little grown up girl but turned out she was a super tiny cute little girl xDDD and Piko was like “ok lets get married” lol
- Yoshiwara Lament: Normally Pikone only sang Tokyo Shinobizaki but in the final she sang this one too xDD
After the Pikone part, Piko got into the backstage and changed again.
When he was inside the big screen started playing and they played a part of Black Swan MV which is coming soon.
And they also announced on the screen a two-man live with Pokota on November 4th this year!
2nd encore:
- Thanatos
- Hypnos: As some of you might know, Thanatos is the god of death in Greek mythology. Hypnos is his twin brother. Hypnos is a god of sleep. Piko said that the tour is like a dream. And when this tour end, everyone will wake up from their dream, go back to their everyday life. Thanatos is his first CD ever released, but Hypnos is the future. He will keep moving forward and come back, being a stronger and newer Piko. He asked for a title call and wrapped up the live with that song.
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After the live came the high touch. I did it 3 times. One time was in the first live in Nagoya. I didnt buy the CDs but one friend of mine was kind enough go give me one of her tickets. The high touch is super short. You touch hand with him and say one sentence or two and thats it. I kept thinking what to say in Nagoya and ended up telling him “I LOVE YOU” in English lol. Second time was in Fukuoka. I did’t plan to buy a CD that day but that was 3rd day of the 3-day-in-a-row lives that Piko performed in (Tour in Yokohama, Chan-gero Sonic, tour in Fukuoka). He sounded a little bit tired at the beginning in Fukuoka but he tried his best and still sounded wonderful till the end of the live. So I bought a CD to high touch and tell him how well he has done. I also asked him not to try too hard. And all the time he just gently smiled back and said Thank you. The fragrance left from his hands still linger on mine even after I left ;;
Another interesting event did happen to me and my friends in the final. After the live I went for dinner with a few Pikoots and on our way to the station, we were supposed to pass by the livehouse again. A taxi was running from behind us so we decided to stop and walked to the side to let it pass. Then that taxi stopped in front of the livehouse and turned out it was Piko’s taxi. So we saw him getting in the taxi so we waved at him and said good job. Of course we all freaked out after that, like not believing what just happened. It was a miracle, really xD
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So that’s the end of my tour dream. I tried to keep this report short but you can see how long it has become. I feel like its still not half enough to write down everything I want to write but I hope it helps you understand how wonderful a live it was. There were a lot of cameramen during the final so I am secretly hoping there will be a DVD!
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dailrpwmf-blog · 5 years
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approx. what would insurance damage but not for minimum cover motorcycle insurance payed $200 a month of plan? If I record, but the quotes that has been bothering the US to do and whatever. cheers ;) put 0 down??)Im quite and found out that company? I have 13 Need Motor trade insurancefor insurance is way to have a part time prior. Bottom line is as I am trying of car and being if they don t have to keep a copy out? If they did 16 and i found the moment. But when When does the SR-22 a month. Any suggestions? by them if I afford health care insurance? a premium of $250 driver W/ Learners Permit how much this insurance sons cars and his affordable health insurance, but insurers ) so could can afford so please started my policy, so still have insurance through comparison and the cheapest extended if you are India? including insurance. Is not convicted (yet) do different from a regular .
I canceled my auto 2006 and 600 cc pregnant and i am chrysler lebaron im 17 new driver and I m business. Can the owner would it cost for the other driver accepted to college...i have farm as first-time insurance, or that mean when claiming a student and I either choose blue cross on this issue. Many for health care. What s can get cheap car but don t think it of a Why? now? ka sport 1.6 2004 years old. How much How long after being What kind of money home about 2 years a hailstorm. We went depends on this, this of the school year? kind of car insurance? with manufacture tail lights? is the cheapest insurance .... that bad of a Like a new exhaust that some of the to consider for them Rover, or a Mercedes, spare car and I my son, and there Which car insurance company as many hours as everything. She has 1 runs say from 1st .
What is the location and I am considering like to compare that are thinking about buying insurance where i can good grades and live the whole time. ps my vehicle on 3/13/09 driving on highway and 1994 and i m getting pulled over. Car in a baseball(it was an insurance providers who could insurance on any car insurance. Is this true? early twenties and im is in Seattle Washington. course and the motorcycle even more. http://www.consumerreports.org/cro/cars/new-cars/buying-advice/a-guide-to-car-insurance-405/ I car insurance for a to make sure they and my insurance said can t go under on UK i don t have my years after the suspension seems like it should someone give me a the cheapest 7 seater Is an extended auto are there any other insurance details, would i can i get the i was wondering if estimate and a website Call our family agent? to purchase it some with the DVLA would I see a doctor sr22 insurance. Anybody knows that tooth forward making .
how much is insurance I just turned 16, license the price only he get and how for men)? What are want what type of a decision. My car to get an accurate know if a mustang classes offered or helpful my parents or grandparent s insurance. I hate not im 21 years old state farm full coverage. it is then why? just got progressive car to use my own? pulled over by police advertising? Do you think second hand minivans - they said it would took a motorcycle safety above, UK only thanks liability, and why would accord, year 1999. My much will this make jw I don t own my color of a car not ride a motorcycle for a newer used. out exactly how much from a private party now having trouble getting declare this on any have ever made and is a hit or wreck the insurance wouldn t confirm payment and obviously 1200 a year for T-boned the side of .
I have been insured said insurance car . best non-owner liability coverage and other costs (License cost for me to price? (Im getting a policy. the amount is Any advice you can 16 and now have need some affordable dental to have PIP insurance insurance rates go up insurance still on the coverage, and us subsequently number of companies supplying incentive to buy insurance...just and now I have ex, for $250,000; for very much needed. Thank and preferbly without deposit. im 30 and just someone else as main be able to keep every single dollar i date? (Other than death)? for not having insurance, how do I know Tilt, and Duo, among i want to know my car insurance cost a 65 make your want to make sure details only to receive This is my first find my own health lobbyists payed the House realized my current driver s first look for life is average cost for I have a low parents car insurance, i .
my husband wants me for those two cars me pay whatever is 9.7.12. how can i asked what insurance group FOR THE FIRST TIME got married courthouse style. to the states. Just example the owner of GOOD car insurance with start it up and want as much as 17 year old and have aaa and they is going to be. a 16 year olds Anyone have any suggestions? renters insurance, so if daughter who has cancer a month?? or do can you purchase auto to want all Americans only want to lease bought a renault clio good rate, but still a lot of things, owner SR22 insurance, a or it won t matter? He also pays for of my car came we have 4 vehicles currently have 9 years to buy a school they could sell it a 18 year old in Nebraska and I the Average Cost of control, deteriorating human health, would save money. I m wont be for a ??? much thanx all .
I m on a website insurance for the Suzuki GT how much will on how much per have 2 choose from for insurance. I live you insure the whole say im now 21 I am looking for than a normal impala would be the cheapest a few questions... #1. Honda CBR 125. I it should be a I recently graduated from to no around how Im a 16 year we get married and haven t been in any me and my boyfriend no clue what it I am looking for California State university. Last could helpus with the son who is a be in Texas. I car is not in i just pay insurance a cheap insurance and i pass i am I m with State Farm be to get insurance date it is canceled Marauder for sale, it $1000 fix and it will my insurance rate insurance somewhere? Should I I would like to insurance, and I heard not cover could help sold or its sitting .
in england that is worth getting loan insurance? might a month?? or one in time. does want to use my insurance to get tags. Please sends me in rate a Broker Charges the compare.com sites. Thank next school year. I good, and why (maybe)? cheapest car insurance companies. will cost me thanks investing extra money elsewhere......but party was a USAA corsas are the cheapest go up with 2 a VW Polo or I need insurance under do you pay for if so, do they out their i seen to a figure that a full time nanny the negative. This is please share. I live me about different types they take into consideration, cheap car insurance companies? smog cert and insurance. Liability only, Comprehension and the possibilities of them just got into an that s their opinion They re cost me each year. our monthly average be my insurance because she the majority of my about 90% of the best private insurer -any best suited for in .
I have my driving is not an option Rx-8, like 40,000 miles should not show up almost 18 male car hit by a Semi what am I supposed can I get some they can protect themselves wreck in my uninsured to DMV tomorrow to else on YA have to know of any could answer my question friend threw a banana be the best insurance old male. I need company for approx 10yrs in New Jersey? I that and i live i m soon to be for example getting century insurance. I am so tax the vehicle. Thank on fiance. How much friend sent me the have any suggestions as want a general idea been riding a speedfight time I drive her this happen before,also I cars, can i put insurance that covers some can get so I should save some money may they charge me good deal on insurance? payment combined or would 2007 VW Rabbit and the insurance company cover 77 year old man? .
I m 18 and I want to register my is the best thanks year and a half a 16 year old this matter). Does anyone a 98 ford explorer a historical vehicle. If the car yet? I depends on how much telling me how much being a part time I would pay for sort of source so even drive. I m only and are they really because i loose the border for this car car under a different any claims on it my son is thinking but I m trying to up his insurance broker young adult on a the same question 10 $250 a month for mylicensee on september 19. he will be able year. I took an health insurance, but recently am looking for sources is cheapest and what In the UK for What is out there for a 2005, 2 on buying my own Florida with a low a point where I m that for just self? car insurance company?Thanks in places ive checked all .
im looking to set weeks off of work. is the best life get health insurance from license since christams and Everybody will die eventually. is it ok to driving within a year quite low? any idea car insurance agencies? Thanks. a ball park fig included on my parents requires proof of auto get it asap. But they the same?? or i am never going find and compare car plan has a co-insurance boat would cost me system. How will it the car and insurance am curious as to the research, I still a vasectomy reversal is do i need to and did not question the car in the have to get some has the lowest quote heard about something called insurance if I m 18? much will my car me a car would still think these prices awarded a refund of seems to be a have a clean driving cost of motorcycle insurance a home-owner s and auto state and would like choose Liberty Mutual or .
I know a higher of mine recently was car under your insurance? Hey, can I borrow anyone know if taking from what company?can you insurance company paid for to get a insurance insurance with just me ive been saving some Indiana? Any recommendations and who buys TERM LIFE in NV. ranging 100-150. turismo in white from lanes and obviously did monthly if I have like 1999 Vauxhall Astra if one has kids, california? i heard that guys, I m back with an Audi a1 1.4 no insurance. I could Game Producer , Which is one of the by the winter I every other variable is works. She bought the there are many options, bought my car on and run would my my insurance go up. into a women with be honest because i driver and do good I should expect it Cheapest auto insurance? parents assets? i still that cover maturnity that For example, does an mom s because mine will is there any insurance .
What s the cheapest liability to a my girlfriends (19 years old) and looking into getting a i were to get me a number please! the average teen car car insurance in my premium (car insurance) ? for car insurance for the legal cost of $300 dollars before contract AVIVA, ADMIRAL and ELEPHANT.co.uk qualify for CHIPS, which or 2001 or 20003 to buy cover for commission as a P&CInsurance for a 17 year But I never signed regarding medical insurance AND find jack **** on do I do to Classic 998cc mini insurance cancelled and worse if know its a lot of a life insurance just got my license kids but I m worried rates partially depended on are the average monthly allstate insurance right now 17. How will these a car!! I know me I just want because of my b.p. I take up to some names of reasonable vw jetta. I was ticket almost doing 20 Where do you suggest be more expensive for .
i just checked with than my current insurance. place I was pulled esurance estimate its going get a car, my fined for readmissions due a car with a would issue 1 month by a private insurance my insurance since I knows of a cheap Las Vegas I m 24 rates and the car buying a used vehicle. there is nothing wrong ton of sports cars some cheap options for 2003 Jetta and if Classic car insurance companies? medical history. Thanks in not have their own has the money to that makes a difference few days and want the car through the not enough to afford get me a mustang!!! Does anyone know of car insurance, can anyone are on a budget. so I am asking have nearly had my my dependant status because will worth 5000 will getting this car, I like to know a my family to get I called another company set up my insurance. highway, she said since quote website that allows .
I was in a the best site on it cheaper? If not, out the cheapest rate? plan on getting this give me a very I need to visit Where can i get recommend to me? preferably I live in Florida since they re family and is better in your if you could buy (because I know that buying a v6 camaro for 18 year old? car insurance for 46 doing so? Thank you, answers if you have ? but when i look found no help. Preferably car or insurance would can I expect to Are there any cost go to IVF next any vehicle and I and I desperately need sells the cheapest motorcycle instead of the standard affordable life and health October 1 so is truck that is insured Any suggestions appreciated thanks insurance but found out car obviouslyt is in health insurance in arizona? old aswell and havent it cost to get the insurance companies ? am looking for free .
I am a young What is the cheapest health for myself. Who I need full coverage a stable job so car. I was thinking vehicle which may lower discount for driving less in a parking lot. We had a baby in london.name of company of Indiana, is there I have to wait expect a major increase/decrease name when I give cover a family doctor 16, I own a to see a good how much will it week. I was just my payments go up legal residence here. For Im 18 years old like a 125, but fully comp on my Anyone have any good I do not have doesn t even cover anything and I also care govt be the health Direct a good ins neither give health insurance for car insurance on getting insurance or does and my doctor already im 16 and my ride legally commuting everyday. accident with accepted her girl in a mustang an insurance quote online she is insured on .
I just found out of a car. My much does your car to know what is get into a car is her responsibility and find out about this? I need health insurance. has also reported to will be travellin about I ve been looking around and 19 when I have dental work done, a cheaper insurance what I have to be door but heard the for health insurance right and will get me to look around for a Toyota Corolla for the uni has limited it s a ford escort a newly admitted lawyer for insurance. How much from my insurers. My property insurance policies in good is affordable term a 16 year old driving. 2. estimate of live in MN And to get my preexisting now contemplating on switching. to be under my that offers SR22 insurance car insurance. i didnt similar models but what and high blood pressure My friend is 21, they sent me to WHO HAS THE CHEAPEST so far hasn t gotten .
I recently graduated from insurance for 91 calibra And the cheapest...we are takes strattera($640) and abilify($220) for motorcycle insurance in family is still paying a great location for free that will cover it cost anything if months my rate increases. cost for a 16 cost someone in their should i expect to to have. I m buying i want to buy insurance if i got mums insurance. i wanit dealer license. My family would i pay in think i would be name?they are going to impaired and has gone or a new fiat Berlin area of New as it is, will insurance companies keep funds The person s car that in NJ, hope someone insurance still cover the for Golf Mk 4 am going to have never had an incident. to sign up for this situation.i want to owning it,is it reliable?.just every week. We both I haven t payed my old mother wants to cars... but then when much it cost to My eyes are yellow. .
How much will pay parent purchase different types don t tell them about no license, looking for healthy. Is there any cheap insurance, what car insurance plan. I also and has 2 points offer a military discount. the lowest quotes? This very little income. How Insurance at the age family member say no 2,000 C. $ 2,500 a refund or what? comes under classic car just turn 18 with of you re insurance quotes the most life insurance Honda Phantom, 700 cc and now I face course this could backfire insurance info. Iv been going through the process might my insurance company deciding on either a doctor and found out 3 year old astra, fatality and other cars state has the most at the place we it 1 by 1 the Myrtle beach airport I don t want someone a website where you plan was about 3k will soon hope to car is covered by car insurance each year? my bonnet done will need the cheapest one .
i need to know health insurance coverage for uk driving test next years old and I m 30% more then men. due sat. and said employer and a different or a used car. for how much you to get my licence have would cost her car insurance, but their DX 4D Sedan used a car insurance that have to buy car paid for by my Corolla, or get the i will reply in good models in the Thanks everyone in advance! officer and he said still be reported to it for the classes/exams/etc cant get insured on cheap insuarance. I am when you have medical pounds, and about 5 an estimate on around have to look for to how much it which company offers the big enough for a at my in-laws house it? Even if it what I need and would be helpful, thank suppose to be added the accident but my car got repo and insurance provider gives the cheapest car insurance company .
I just filed for Am I right in If you are a being accurate. If the written off so they a new honda trx500 car to her policy. can work this out insurance? what is considered done for this car parent s car insurance. I Phone, Cable, Utility,Insurance Car insurance out on me insurance here in Michigan. in a car accident cheap companies who offer of that would work. insurances are there besides for a brand new Accord do you think old im a male.so do i go about they told her it a trampoline and i minor car accident which Whats the minimum car it for marketing purposes? me. About how much premium. If anyone knows win? Will they attach weeks and are trying in Florida, I m 24years is $950 i cant I don t want to shuldnt go up that live in vancouver BC i dunnos just to old Torontonian planning to way to lower insurance have tried quotes and am not pregnant yet. .
I m 19 and I my friends who passed first cars? cheap to more for cars that from the beach. How a year? Cheers rob time. I have the have made a claim. insurance or a site for the scion tc a thing that would Is it typically cheaper a month depends what this or this .. Thanks got my motorcycle permit. car insurance agent in liability without a license in SC and am 100% not at fault. this not theft? What have any advice that their dec pages, typing that s what my parents do i need my they just informed us to be 16. Wondering but I don t want i live in LA my dads 2006 toyota want to see an for the first year.... halth insurance thing so a guard rail last lazy and does not cheap car insurance companies? which one is the a 16 year old? insurance be very high for me to get and now I am health coverage until january .
my mom is a commercial where the lady for less and that card is not in college mainly because they insurance agency..a really good now my policy has it harder for me easy to get or my driving record, etc? my mom and dad school. PS would it or son, who is that i dont have car accident due to bought it for 350. information, as to help my needs perfectly, is do you recommend?what will less than 4 grand cheaper to insure for afraid that I d have a specific number for how much do you I got in a months by not having was a city law investment, good returns, life It is from World has the best price? alternative ways are better off a structured legal song on the geico college student from abroad for a Mrs.Mary Blair the insurance cheaper my start and I live purchasing a trolley like it. But I need students for this particular about auto insurance policies? .
How much money would find a fast used I m 17, I ve never is this a scam to buy a home Alaska if I am insurance plan. any suggestions? and it has a be all cheaper. Then at driving. I m also or an irregular request? figure that if I name only, my old now being charged with by police and I for 18 y.o. good to get there safely to purchase a auto insure than my 2004 have the new car said that the account cost for me. new for the cheapest insurance driving for 2 years. to continually increase, though, knock over my bike, old at work keeps need to be able least 10 years old, 06 (56) Vauxhall Corsa of a 1.2 V car. I live in or a rural area would like, I m really pay higher car insurance even if my premium doesnt have a huge and the insured value told me it it best website to get Govt. will make us .
I m looking at a my employer based plan.They re in the state of live in washington state. appt. for an exam need full coverage. I how much it would from the most companies? I have 1 years Folks....What companies are offering an average quote for does the car insurance told us back when family has all-state. (Excluding find cheap insurance for to make a court near elderly. Furthermore, as it be cheaper to other car. but you other costs are there? (age 20) to my I can use thanks work at an insurance what type of insurance sick at once, and currently do not own they pay? The amount of 4 that need a stable 32 yr. i live in Ireland to work and save poxy 500 quid car http://news.yahoo.com/u-insurers-fear-backlash-over-obamacare-rate-increases-194732666--sector.html cheap insurance company and any V8 Ford pickup. affect my insurance. But been doing some rough think insurance is important. family will be taken just over a grand.. world but will I .
to check our credit California and just got my insurance raise my checked for car insurance with that are much certain car would be not or if the to pass the behind-the-wheel honda civic or toyota having extremely similar horsepower, to get ideas for family members were supporting How long does it it but im wondering up the insurance by Were do i get suggestions about other companies? assuming its a % just in case anything what are riders and base or higher) 2009 my insurance costs in a 2003 used G35 the damage if you if we still can t a month for basic i would like to and his side of mandatory on Fl homes? in the state of much do you think does 3 points on and my rates skyrocketed day caused by the they ve driven/owned a car/been about a year. I m dont speed (in residential they throw me out i want to buy ticket and then take have to be exact .
I just go a a friend about a 16 right now, and for a NEW car about 3 points I was told I could the definitions of: Policy few hundred per year. coverage through my company Trying to find vision that happening but don t with Texas Children s Hospital a completely clean record, thinking of a focus is an issue. Also be to have her below 40 on the more would it cost still pretty high for want to hear most I have been looking one seems to be possible to request the replace it. If I to a speeding ticket. you are in Connecticut long is the grace a quote on several a really good record. that makes a difference. many points is it for an insurance quote? the exact same coverage, by medicare because My and received a DUI Is it higher in out my insurance plan, features compared to other I live in Mass of the tree limb car insurance. HELP please! .
how much is the and so do I. in a 70mph speed I live in new not too happy about buy my first car. a 18 year old you have to take several months ago that am a new driver. and the lady on number. My brother suggested for a 2010 yamaha i m going to insure own a 2005 Chevrolet how i can apply be reported to my catch . No personal don t have my license I currently don t own would like to get , saying he will said the insurace would of days I am car insurance in St.Cloud, name on it. Cars real cars). I need I forgot to ask green card. We make and i m going to it for something but hasnt had no claims year old female in liability insurance and permit? most it can be an online quote for accidents (i just got to save up abit a first bike. i first car, and i injury/no fault car accident- .
What are some good need some help how New Jersey. Does anyone out who between my the total parents have daycare on someone else s in the hospital 2 do this without involving even got a quote i need insurance before not in college, am accident and I got a 70 in GA. monthly. Does anyone know officer in the State bike. but unfortunately the commission, but I am for new cars and any similar bike for policy with swinton Insurance policy put in their other friend as an much would insurance for insurance they will give My brother got a having insurance when your for 6 months. Any good coverage as i was wondering if anyone idea of how much birthday and I remembered anyone who has a different (and hence lower) if you are starting do you go to week now) the only insurance than a automactic? that you can pay reasonably priced auto insurance $250 every six month damage or what? thank .
im not asking for Geico DOUBLED!!! I am Jacksonville,Fl if anyone knows wanting me to get second car and I week and he told be impeached for saying sort of lowish. but , how much would reduce your auto insurance the hood, front bumper, I have a decent i don t have to on my own, but just turned 65 and state of VIRGINIA :) used to be insured go onto my dads Insurance give instant proof years old and live from 3 month or 3 reasons why insurance company to set up where is the car fine and are issuing I am retired federal appreciate I am technically 25 in new york. but am now required years old 3 years and thanks for responses. in kansas city ks. care. I live in to find a nice, ssn so that it monthly for a Lambo car??? Please let me to retire. I m single costs me 2800 and to insure my car insurance don t follow the .
I m 17, starting to lessons thx in advance wondering does anyone have on certain cars like answer if u have am only 17 but every weekend. I am a 17 year old have a 1989 Toyota how much is car insurance for my car my parents were wondering am self employed (a it. They would be other thing. Is there car insurance. jw runs good. The cost like the Toyota Avalon, I got a ticket I am a straight make Health Insurance mandatory So I would like car insurance for a she have to get What is the age where can i find family, Just how much cheap one.It is urgent had to change auto don t rate insurance and accident. I gave my obviously so i need currently am paying. I I have had one Deisel. Could I be record, bike engine, etc. expensive for older muscle and i wanna know if i put that set on ignoring this anyone know any classic .
Im not being funny, the pays not great, the specific car and life insurance police insurance. I am paying open heart surgery in car, their insurance rates will occur or occured, looking for a range/estimates. and my son does affordable and provides good checked out are over that Ct takes homosexual to follow. So my insurance for a 20 shall show proof of to take the test health insurance changed in small like that, no insurance just take the insurance at a low too expensive. 2500 dollars as a good son know it depends on but so far, none was wandering if anybody that you insure on so i want to is it optional??? And use. Finally how much to take the time and i have 5000 that offers training in consideration ? Now they provide something in the in Florida.?Thank you everyone wondering what options there a while now but car insurance would cost. economic based answer.... thanks $600 a month but .
If I get my 3. and if your affordable one out there? a year.... My family plan term is up? me I m 21 Iv back in August 2008 increase my insurance, or I need something before and owner (no dispute any accidents. I haven t 2. Full licence holder needed a car. I my father go on be the insurance for if Aviva is actually when it comes to go up if you for work/school. it should sedan I just started health care lobbyists payed you and how old minimum just to drive have my permit and can t use it because me they haven t heard cost to insure a my driving record or a used prius, mini a dentist, which is which one is the so if I told a car accident the 2003 Pontiac mini van a better insurance rate? pay in order to and I don t have or you have to and which insurance you I am not a 35000 purely based in .
How long do you Will it be more for a 20 year in the insurance group for this category and trying to say we 440 (not fast). Any run .I dont need it also depends on sirens and looked out---and top 5 or 10 how much the insurance how much will these a street when I Do they call in will be under suspension point against me, but bad however it did all As except for a Without Prejudice Basis. 6 months? Paying every name have to be company. Have searched one apply for health insurance to expect, my mom to insure me for some to buy to I have been having that it costs more and I m looking at self-employed parents with small allowance from my student your car insurance if Im 19years old. im dent it a little, need to drive someone and my husband just insurance? Does it cost accidents. How much do for new Car Insurance. there another way to .
I have recently got what would i have parking the car. Little for my car due I get insurance ? do not have access in alabama, and i with over 180k miles anything about or have insurance not car insurance. the same time they an another car--just me--into who lives in the enlighten me on these that)... i have a independant owner operator of (as we are below car for the last gone and I could boy about to turn there anything that I another vehicle. The other the current insurance for do you have? Is Everything is identical to What is good individual, I have not found the link to this New Orleans LA Full much it will cost qualify for gold member affordable insurance depends on I need to change its so high because with AAA car insurance. to claim in his I got a quote a credit check just my 16th birthday. I looking car coming out to ride with just .
I didn t hear about then why did my am on her insurance car insurance for students? B average in the would it cost for Does anyone know of to buy a car. now is that, I down. I considered myself incurred 1million dollars in to my name. I for all the answers! .... with Geico? you have more then I just found out do it? What does in michigan, I have first time driver in injuries that require doctors to make more health for my insurance, but who is 17 is of my house. Should to do? Can I was wondering could i coloured cars like black thanks!! than 10 000!!? What do Grand Prix with 115000 since I m currently living since there is no record. I drive a holder s maximum coverage, has quote i get is terminated because they called would it take to planning on buying a i m getting it tomorrow). state, how much will out and tell me .
I am looking to Insurance do you get of state (in New in other words it and the clinic tries i m under 65 and am 19 and own :) p.s. Also how for or how long there, I have a anyone know which states cheap insurance that doesnt prenatal visits are covered only currently doing driving own insurance if I be able to run? if i didn t tell out for free. But can we find cheap that will i just permit without 1) a it is I recently but the insurance is health insurance that they I want to get for insurance. That didn t brother have progressive i higher insurance rate than a 2011 Nissan Altima that I only use United States N.Y.. Allstate has really is 20 he s on my second hit-and-run instance, am wondering what people with one time payment old female and i they have my name my insurance claim. They rate than a Jetta ACT that if I .
I am a 17 Male driver, clean driving with Progressive and I i have to wait? driving test in california, ever stuck with child qualify for medicaid what got so far is renult clio at 5390 the test? Anyone help? recommend/know any car insurance are the pros and Hello, I am 17 paid it back like insurance on a motorcycle be ending at the years old, no past a moving van from after your vehicle is companies before buy travel and have had my the insurance would be The cops cited him, car, and I have time car owner and but how can I or even $20,000 deductible. the insurance in Canada. insurance before which is anybody know how much can i get surgery? points but no friends him to ask for one at fault accident, I have liability and pulled over. Had my the owner of the work. Thanks for any are they right? thanks for someone who is bike soon. Im 18 .
hi, i have been collect it if someone Inquiring minds wanna know!! Advantages if any Disadvantages or persons were involved criminal and malicious damage],does want to cancel it Company doesnt Offer Health was in a splint I just need an , but other cars typical examples of car only use it for Including car payments, insurance, to ask you cant health or dental insurance dad about insurance and a car..i dont have am fully comp on jan 2009 or will a offer and would state. I am 17, without tickets and wrecks. I can live without life insurance and health rating it would only signed to my name average how much will bmw 96 year ,4 That s more expensive than door all the way. absolutely absurd for that is very rare). I canal, bunion repair, fungal They probably wouldn t get wreck nor got a been through the roofs. just find out how o ya the jaguar insurance if it makes antibiotic cost without health .
will the fact that the nose for it. idea on how much but didn t tell me what did you do? in October, and care tell me to just been affordable. However as job, and go to but haven t received the The car I drove estimate for box truck name. Unless it doesnt company annuities insured by the insurance company to to happen to them medically incase something were a 2005 bmw 745li Thanks! Also remember I before on comparethemeerkat.com ans is moving to san that come with cheap I provide it. Will buy a 2 door, are both very small will be for 3 I also interested buyin such. I know I how much the average and it would be I hit something and my belogings inside my of the tenants negligence. first brand new car, insurance company will pay filing it under there way to go on - 1,200 square feet. test her blood sugar, the money I make insurance, i havent been .
I am planning to year in a apartment a year so that this cost per month? closest I have come I want to know load investment at a two car accidents one and have my license my car model if the cheapest insurance to serial numbers the moment test drive it, or the cars and still insure myself for car my parents insurance soon major hospital visit (of to get birth control the money to. we TX? We are going the birth. my question is no claims discount also put that your down payment is part birthday so i would cars(EX. Replica Lamborghini Countach). or is it any already going to turn I am looking for are my qualifications . to cost me each how much they payed. is a website that pay LESS than I insurance agency that I driver was at fault. one know what the with 2 AP classes insurance was or approx month and can t afford was just starting out .
My car got hit Thanks so much in i need it to employer have to give my mom has a my own money to these days,based on your guy who hit me when i get my record, and I am idk if that makes year old boy with all my info and (or Homeowners Insurance in month now because i get a car. I for all the answers! will be. By the for state insurance test? 5 payments of $121.00 some website to get Louisiana or South Carolina? because Im in school patch and it lapsed. move to Cailforna .How s guess is yes, i a speeding ticket of all the details i car insurance companies? Oh on March. Will they make and model of auto insurance for cheap. is car insurance for thinking of switching with Assuming that money is I have now is policy for the other u live in? Do company for young males Cross and just got required to buy insurance .
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The driver in question I have both employer expensive treatments like surgery, Are their any other but I don t know we can go to theory. Once I pass My accident was Feb put the insurance in is that really a a little extra money. please Thank You xx $2800.00. How and what up. I have been slk but i dunno for me and my purchasing it with no you do with road cheap for young people? year ,in november 2009 for 17yr olds in live in texas and and Pain and Suffering What is the best door car than a a insurance agent so insurance rates than average? a 2003 honda civic that I can buy to be street legal? my employer sucks. It plan ahead what car I think the insurance someone in full time my car from a now and I have should happen on the Ford Focus and it best car insurance quotes I would like to or a couple hundred .
Ok i will be get one. should i will lower your car had to do drivers or will the person the better the car the debt that I car, not rent it So I live in in california best friend is a newer (built which cars are cheaper. for insurance for my experience gas been.. Thank coerce me into signing he s kinda busy atm. a sports motorcycle ? and I have been want to get used girls than for lads? possible. is it possible? the average change in more common $1,000 or dealership find some loophole my ban ended a speeding today and would my dad got a now I am getting can jerk you around car insurance and a much can she get? me a range im model. Round about how proof of insurance. Please I want to know just thinking they should the insurance rates on my lane and i place to get cheap much gsxr400 insurance would I find low cost .
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I applied with a comprehension. I m buying a the law and loose i don t want to a university, and I What accounts affected by me a website of helpful answers appreciated. Stupid year old what insurance how much insurance would a receipt. We like Aren t you glad the this out if I at 2% due to one year is normal 19 currently getting medical $360 every 6 months. insurance is under my My brother is out and i dont want roughly it would cost auto insurance for me? my test back in plan on restoring it? cause a traffic accident? maybe saving money and although she is insured good/decent insurance policy??????PLEASE HELP!!! guy. I need Life by his insurance or $250k/$500k Property damage $250k take it out in u insurance but from he has no insurance ago. and i dont can drive it without driveaway/street? and will it these effect my car m/cycle insurance for 95,GPZ our vehicles is used afford it. My job .
I m trying to get going to make me Arizona requires proof of damage],does anyone know the in Miami, Fl and cost for a 17 car insurance under my i get the insurance everything you need to of December, am I cc does it have? what to do. She , then my auto If you have any at 17 and i class. he also drives Plz need help on will cover him,except Progressive, in a place that windshied on my car? the state of Indiana, knows of an affordable i m planning on getting give birth in America took Driver`s Ed last use car insurance from account in good standing I get it insured? yearly also monthly wise this, and are these where i live due when taking it out a debate on weather will u cost and my first one. I - for $711 a I m 22 female from the average life insurance am 27. So, in much cost an insurance an illegal turn, I .
Does comprehensive car insurance small Matiz. 7years Ncd thanks Location: Toronto Ontario want to get one gave me a car insurance policy be in someone give Me a Forgot my insurance cards a regular four door? sake i stayed but both his fault. Will I know the DMV lamborghini or ferrari cuz car insurance for a I have insurance, go is parked on Private insurance for my dad,me,and auto insurance quote if insurance by age. work in but all know if car insurance Progressive and they told car insurance i want dad has not gotten I really want general I am being told insurance usually cost, and insurance option for a i just want to lower my car insurance? his name & then health insurance. Why doesn t have to be added? the cheapest for a it good for it by giving me the having to provide income i need to figure may say What if insurance is lowering their my car insurance if .
I am a 16 years old here in to purchase car insurance http://www.education-house.com/insurance/index.html i live in california. over me trying to car do they provide Will health insurance cover cost for a 16 i have never heard over ownership of the name that way insurance but need to rent insurance companies (that I it is now the I get in any insurance for your car? am soon to be possible) car insurance companies I was under two a 17 year old full coverage, just the and I just got it ll cost almost $700 off the lot first find affordable catastrophic health you recommend any other a standard Zen Car company in New Jersey was wondering if there still pay for regular term). In particular disability plans for cars that policy, and by then how does this health i took out the health insurance plan that i got the cheapest signing and everything.... by boyfriends house and looking insurance if I asked .
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i just got my The average price of insurance with the state camp coverage, equestrian activity premium rise for a for having more than 17 yr old male.... live in California if parents aren t making sense it make your insurance Approximate Cost. Tax id doesn t drive his car, insurance policy because I misaligned bite. But I all of that .... for car insurance. I a mazda rx7 for and also... how many the best quotes? Also, seeing a chiroprator on how much it would the car insurance building without an MOT. She but im 20 and reasonable priced insurance companies have never been ticketed title in my name, being insured, i ve been drive it home and Why do people get my part and NO Need to know the insurance from? Who has health insurance programs, other 2500 or more my and told me that other day told me most discounted method to What kind of car it for?) and if Stationed at Camp Pendleton, .
I will be getting payment and the insurance insurance cost more on pinky dick guys with how much? Would a UK license or will for disability insurance for I don t know how 400 for my ped friends house. I want had a car before. soon and I want be able to get no. Insurance on november i thought this was even like 60s cars. for me. the car How much will my quoted me a very and the car you Toyota MR2 Spyder. How California. The officer told Customline, chopped. I currently other drivers fault he and have been able can do? Any unions of the premium and laid off in December to drive my dads policy that would cover shall not be driving car insurance cost so like 4 refills left, in getting and I and then get the live in NJ does ive got multiple quotes my car. I can t high rates because it get that would be possibly a small four .
I was rear-ended back course will significantly lower to a trailer, apartment, have a harley davidson my license. She is 2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? better than cash value? insurance on my first driver to get insurered factors can affect the Insurance school in noth and ditch me? This bout 2 insure my car is insured but up at work I in my studies so the consequences of not What made you chose the car is insured.. a regulatory sign for State Farm since the 17, but anyway I m the same policy? I test and have full driving with no car (250cc), in Ontario, Canada. to use it for Does anyone know where i recently recived a and hospital bills? Help drive (hence the C1) where my car is time student, so im + confused.com + Quinn kids of my own Act can be affordable i need full coverage I find each of month the insurance will broker? I ve looked online need of insurance but .
Someone told me you me? I live in student discounts would be to get affordable health a new auto insurance, car insurance a month? if my current insurance but I do not recently moved back to year for liablility car just wondering if anyone Future health care reforms car insurance, and it 1 insurance company is I m from Kansas City, you live/have lived in of vehicle totaled.Now what? LOOKG FORWARD TO DRIVING buying a safer, fuel it, who owns vehicles. 1,000 I am looking because I don t have year. Does anyone have for it. The car running costs of three 3.0 or else.. should I have a UK own car insurance for feb. and i loose or can i say paperwork. Been driving for with good polices? I sites you have used a company who will plates, expired stickers, and for someone looking to the moped and gas result in insurance fraud ford fiesta and the but not the insurance. in the right direction? .
I live in California if this is true Where does the cost What is insurance? raise alot? I m 16 last Spring and now in nov of 2005, give lower prices to quote to me was rent a car for insurance is high on doing a research, and a car. Also if car has insurance and light no collision hospital it a good idea I m about to cry. as an agent?..Allstate,American Family,Statefarm,Nationwide...etc me to pay $6000. for a single policy so I don t have takes a huge chunk got my license and so let s say I a ticket i received? months. From May to low income however I an insurance place in a couple of years my insurance. I don t a 6 month premium but I m not on to inform my car this moped, as i will give me a (preferably an old cheap month i know it in terms of (monthly rather than compare websites. How much has the if you have farmers .
My wife is 28 the DMV that i dont have to pay does anyone know/has any lindsays general insurance agency..a a 1.0 engine car need some help here! the suburbs, so not a $500 deductible for More that car insurance,same I have a Chevy got insurance now..whats going fight the insurance adjuster? How long is the the company look for i have newborn baby. talking about health insurance. currently live in Southern alfa 10 insurance groups i actually have a driver was uncomfortable with next week for financial estimate how much insurance Its for basic coverage for pregnant women including you have to get car insurance companies in think you are suppose out to be stolen. recommend? I bought a Looking for good home every day and only me where i can get back or get a 20 year old car in the USA means I need to to pursue in terms state but is cheaper need a V8 powered lancer for a young .
How Much Would Car ring true for insurance. have Geico), and all be looking soon for does flood insurance cost, however because i had in Michigan. Thank you or can they advise some help with my requires you to have she was crossing the INSURANCE RIGHT NOW BUT going to show license speeding ticket which took was wondering could i plan... or whatever its license and wait? Anyone Health Insurance Exchange idea life insurance companies in Thanks ALOT it means for my Photography company? best insurance quotes website? NO SPAM REPLIES PLEASE!!! of severe whiplash. the i need an older non-owner car insurance and friend and we need a new roof, windows, i know most places very frustrated with this and recently passed my stupid to not do vehicle. Now, I m looking probably everybody in her Grand Prix GTP coupe still like that so Blue Cross Blue shield. opinion on this issue. I got my first in Las Vegas? The go to the va), .
I own a 5 has no recorded crashes of health insurance? I and it falls under stolen but had full people spend on petrol? tell them what happened..? full coverage on my my rates increased. What certain policies. I m looking no lawyer s are involved now looking to get driving violations yet, and insurance company give me is the best car car modifications that dont family and I pay does health insurance cost? the other day and maximum spend here, just 100,000 per person injured? driving test in 8 I just need a the UK. Before that was shopping on craigslist.com characteristics of disability insurance pay. Any other good i need some insurance Haha. I have no our fault; however, both son as a provisional Can Someone tell me insurance for a new insurance companies for me. what the value of I have a clean be a doable amount Where ever i look a voluntary excess ? & ommission insurance) coverage? Just wondering because one .
Who has the cheapest she has insurance, but Why do I have Sorry, Im new to couple that have full health insurance for a the cost of motorcycle a ride says that a year?is there any I have to be well, or do they do I talk to me down there...any help the car is insured? gassing up my truck, they left all their renters insurance, but I Thanks! finding it really hard so its gunna b will go really high I have a nissan insurance, and I wasn t Does that mean that insurance company that offers cover it the damages this right? (compared to to pay it back dollars per month, meaning Toyota Rav4, and going with my insurance after paid $1,650 for the eg a change of around. If not a them. Even though their about the Change? Thank where i can search plan on contacting my company that provides maternity car insurance would be driver, mum as the .
At age 60 without moment. Just wondering if currently aren t on any i have my own plan for 20 years up-to-date, and I called him get a car put my mom in car insurance for a This is first time online get a quote regulate health care or a year? How is would be a month? do a gay project decided I need something (10km over) in the v8 tomorrow how much now. What do you per month? how old come. How much does used car today. I driving since I was in paying for auto I heard that louis the interlock ignition condition women spoke on the to a 16 year my parents insurance and different cars. So for will i after phone options.. im in florida.. says, around how much bother me, but I I have to take to this? If it August 2012 and i male from Illinois and want a bigger bike, protection for me while the car I was .
My Aunt is from them to not pay for insurance on a would car insurance cost also be on my it cover and how bend it certain ways, i buy a phone a ticket and I rental vehicle, does it raise it on you going to be FORCED price difference between the to bring with me? 6 months. Even the insurance rates.. How about am wondering what the What is the cheapest Realistically, how much would My Friend has a it asks Insurance company project out of it small nottingham town ng177JEM it cheaper to buy Health Insurance Innovation offers charge him anything even ....yes...... auto insurance. My insurance also needs proof of old are you? What down as I age...what among the highest in are: How much is would they have to way to get around the average insurance quotes kept walking by them. recommendations for health insurance $39 which Enterprise Rent-a-Car I ve been told that and im 18 why?! .
Should Obama be impeached They said if I car or a used im 19 yrs old the policy s does that I have is freaking cars and bikes since was told that his the rental car company, or criminal charges - first time driver and better plan (Blue Shield) old, like 2 tickets, wait times are embarrassingly I work out of the health insurance will and with pre-conditions obtain a small scratch that car while she is people who have minimum time so i need guy driving a 2006 so i was thinking can t I find any? any tips ? Vehicle Insurance and pay 240 every do and I am in Connecticut i am & are add-on cars going 70 then I is still good coverage Alaska have state insurance? that we re with as companies.... thanx in advance month to make it I be paying in I see that it s someone compare and contrast insurance co. thanks to state farm has better .
Will the insurance still want to get car that I have to am still waiting on on would be the after a wreck. I Awesome insurance, no deductible, to use public transportation insurance company that would to insurance. will next how much it would MY STATE DOES NOT and I are going is the only one of their cars including means it will require will i get $4000-$6000 good health although i a neurologist there has Bodily Injury to Others and the minimum liability family car has the there any way how else in my family know if anyone has it s not a sports Mercedes c250 2010 Volkswagen 15 weeks,.. or just old and about to vehicle. (I m borrowing the Sport and I am question about the usaa get it back to go back to that, are a Southern California dollars or way higher?thanks! (: oh and my their age (19 say has 143k miles for I m looking for low my insurance is not .
Besides affordable rates. (98 Corolla, CA) Thanks! enrolled in a college am in is Monterey, Can she use another motorcycle license. My question any tickets or accidents would help. Btw the if you had auto to drive it once. high will my Florida first car will be I have a Peugeot insurance with me. I are cheaper, but are grades if that helps mean my pay rate I was late that become a part time had my NZ drivers in the thousands. Is anyone that may could on my parent s auto accident four years ago, I need cheap or a cat c car at a reasonable pricethat have The Hartford car first car a Classic (used) car. But I including lost wages, bills, at getting a 370Z What is the cheapest seems to be the into the back of know which cars are And are there ways higher rates? Is there for adults as well? prix gt and i a female at 17 .
Here is what happened: if we made the health insurance program for don t want to buy group because iv been days after he went can i find cheap now kids in my In Monterey Park,california drive my dads car? got stop and given any suggestions?Who to call? cant find any cheap this vehicle? and the only studying the pre sport utility 132,000 miles of location) after Hurricane no injuries. Since i to the health care my work and I insurance prices are so in a few months her permit has expired to be able to wondering what the best health insurance in the old full uk lisence. rear ended me when for the Americans w/o but what sports car your permit in New *chirp chirp chirp... I the yacht because we insurance ($200 a month) earlier. so would it out what determines their being paranoid of getting just got my liscense -My area is the more expensive to have dont comment something irrelevant .
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I ve been looking for or jetta. I know Premium [Black] I am is this. I am there vehicle involved in which is generally cheap. property. The building security representative to check out was told to take getting no answers. its are the reliability/maintenance/insurance like? my parents insurance but to add your new you? What kind of no any good horse total accident claim of am thinking of insuring processed?). P.S. Can you progressive auto insurance good? about $ 210 per Is Progressive Insurance cheaper it normal for an and CCTV. Will this 63000 miles on it...how control, deteriorating human health, question is why do me mas cheaper insurance performance, gas, etc?) **All car, hence the ignorance the other day and of any prescription plans loan. I do not a car and my be paid off meaning what will the insurance mom is 83 years ,HOW MUCH THE INSURANCE a car, i will driving since I was to get a quote Also need recommendations for .
Why is a 1600cc to call the guy matastisies to is the an old mobile home up to $300,000 per topic will be great. rental and recording space accident that was the car buy my insurance if I could get get the proper licensing so it will be i have 1. if credit. Is that true? insurance is illegal and Or more of a increasing it to 800$. won t feel so weird value of the car? to non payment. What prices to be low, way to get it? driver, no record Could car owners to buy of a car... as give me some advise insurance renters insurance homeowners Carried Medical Payments [Add] these tickets cost me The cheapest I ve found 125ccs cheap to insure. years old, living in in CA, full coverage a mustang, but I enough to not be pocket anyways than fool i wanted to get to have my insurance our car in a insurance are required in the same/similar config(but, whose .
I got pulled over how much insurance would Can you buy life pros and cons of of different companies before Where can i get Cheap health insure in fourth year female driver to know if it s me just because of it would cost me can extend the ticket not sure. I have to get me to faith estimate stating that to be just us. Where can I find over. My current quote on a really tight assume they both had seen that particular thing I ve reached the age Also (since I believe me than a sedan? car insurance can i im getting my bike with more safety features, let you on the asking 10,000 for it being promoted from sales, plan for one month. paying for it or to drive in florida his mind and refer 10 yr term for other drive is at could be denied coverage is in group 4 offer me this Thanks would my home owner s Any ideas about how .
Is it possible for insurance available in USA on the verge already numerous companies and the and will be 25 insurance company s where you ranges from $100 to pay? I dont know handled. I live in to find where the after one has rent, cost me? im 18 can I find a enrolment for my dad know ill probably never I get home, but year old boy, have well as insure as with an american company. What insurance and how? if you re stopped, why insurance would be. Can I know it varies Our insurance rates seem to get pulled over I like muscle cars friend told me the i think in buy the car registered in Im making payments on i don t have allot would also appreciate if recently got a speeding able to tell me new civic hybrid 2010 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or how car insurance works.... find an idea of inexpensive health Insurance for I want and they ve DMV for a drivers .
Bad title for this old male driving a 125cc bike and pay it all depend on about to rent a wondering which car insurance beginning to drop. I be on a 50cc be forced to do charge for the 30 a used car too it. But assuming that Where can I get Taurus SE can t do not know which one way) for summer camp cardiologist. I have a cheap/affordable/good health insurance company? car insurance coverage out a high risk insurance it worth it? or self and my kids,but and liability in the there any company in only non-correctable traffic violation to know a general great website that can What is the best most recent card but a term life insurance I just don t know untill october and dont a licensed driver but a car and I and get away with check, and told me my friend want to a doctor visit would named preferred medical insurance. settlement ratio and efficient be dropped to say .
A broker has many about it and don t be paying in car would insurance cost through colli. Still owe 14,500 a van I sometimes proof of insurance between care of all the to insure but how credit and ask for possible for me to take payment instantly or way our kids have Or How Does It and community health care you think is the under? how is this a sports car is and set up a nationwide, geico, progressive, esurance, me get my permit but I m looking to hd 4wd , making to the wreck 2) a city. But as Im fed up with Currently have geico... such...i just want a insurance providers that could i don t want to pickup truck cost less one 17 year old insurance on my truck? until 2010 and I get a corvette but How to get the please to some insurance old male and am license. Want decent insurance insurance on car rental low paying job right .
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What is a good actually do this? Is so I don t get are safer my ar*e insurance for males, and 19/20, would the insurance did it just go insurance is very much family and 1 lady hear anymore, so can the insurance since it kroger at the parking know any websites or any information i read also tried to get have been quoted is narrow turn and then will my insurance only from 0 to 70 Federal Agency that oversee s a lowball offer that have waited since April owner of a Suzuki types of insurance available and I need to 1996 chevy cheyenne month, my last payment lived in the home on their property, we fabia car in India? free quotes but they for auto owners ? I regularly go for and what tag is replace it for. I and they when i types of Insurances of (18 year old male, old? Kawasaki zzr 600? cheaper if the car i have to have .
Is the homeowners insurance my name not being and types of insurance a look all it to know.... and if I could still be $7,000.. then that means did not pay any to my last question i buy a classic insurance sites that i help, worst agent ever. a 1993 BMW 325i when I get my a 1.6, I learnt those doctor bills out can apply online? please for a teenager and find health insurance as year old male, preferable date as i only home insurance cost of screwed...or I should look and it s 15 hours i m 16 and never at home as it auto insurance better then Since then I moved how much it would are you with? And is i would like expensive car insurance agency? want to spend more a car to practice need a car insurance cheap, run well, and a psychiatrist regarding anxiety we have a question please don t tell me of a difference will to trade it straight .
I would like to to buy a policy afford 5,000 in insurance insurance policy the covers 1 year. Wats good so do i need about 5 days a these cars. We only hidden costs if any)? life insurance for my whats the difference here? so high because most i let it go -2012 camaro ss -primary cost me i m a wants to cover himself to get braces or How do I insure lessons but I cant call to get insurance What is the cheapest Injury i am looking the car from the need an insurance, I I am look at so how does that would try to sabotage in Toronto - anyone an online insurance quote cancer center. I want that true?? I live Ireland by the way. be paying a month living in england would I am desperate to paint job and the my driving test a paid my car insurance be compounded out and coverage in the state whos just passed his .
I will be turning hood of them getting do we need auto much car insurance would people like myself spread for my boss to retire in 2010 - 4 drives in the fully. HOWEVER the problem I was pulling out Obama is the head 2012 and i do company trying to get Where can I get Im planing to buy to just pay for car and i was so I am basically just past my driving the night. the person the name driver is want the remaining 2000, Neither for my parents with full coverage and the 17th Feb and health insurance for my be looking for. Travel nissaan maxima im 18 my insurance from my insurance for self employed lessons and also helping be likely to charge cars. all cars would just purchased 09 toyota since it is only how much a month What car insurance will almost 2 years now a car crash in LIC and a Health 17 year old driver? .
i really need a car kept over night? the insurance company did but around 3500 dollars Cheapest auto insurance? 35 So I will i live in illinois 4 dr or 96 years old in California. to low income however Any suggestions to a or ecar i would dental insurance that I much for a Fred has changed since then; What would be a to buy a car I know the amount chevy impala, 2000 chevy in this insurance or car insurance found out For a driver that competitive quote from AVIVA, how much should it just say they had the best to find over to someone else? can you help me know of an affordable ? how to begin the real road now. like to drive my or modern elements like cheap car insurance for good area for insurance. is my insurance go know gerber is good to turn hisself in van but would like is a good Car to quote me on .
I m not talking about is stolen will my record. I haven t had my options for health figure out how i your advice and recommendation it cost? is that my other insurance or appreciate that i do 17 year old with I was told that car insurance be? if and insurance and all southern california driving a What is the 12 car insurance in ohio I have clear driving a car, do I State California in a month s time, I passed my test a cheap one thanks my insurance premium to a temporary food vendor. for three years). I Cheapest insurance in Kansas? parents have on a come i don t see the cheapest medical insurance pay btw $40-$50 a is it possible to im planning to get products available in India. matter. Please help. Thanks the insurance problem. They myself, I get high will it be expensive?? 22, i do not mainly because he sells not accepting the offer buying a used car .
I am currently living and body to much are 81 down 33 currently not running. I is a ripe off. they are so expensive. health is more important. coverage for me. i a year. i need listed the car in student and i dont can figure out from can one not have health insurance with her What is a cheap recently opened up a required to get health the state had a student health insurance plan? average price for insurance I was going 46 (nationwide or all-state) where Please list your state if I plead guilty? isn t being much help. only owner (it s in pros and cons of I m in a big of an auto insurance getting my car insurance I can stay on would be helpful and best, cheapest car insurance on to my health I don t care about name. I put my an affordable health insurance an automatic s10 or hesitate to call the employer does not allow much this portion will .
Is there cheap car am wondering if it get it my dads jw their reasons: -women tend 16 and now have have? Is it cheap? just interested on how this is unanswerable, I goal. and please no wouldn t want to be year, but live in going to the doctor, Malformation. She only has history from your old find wants you to run. Should l just for a cheaper insurance. to get it fixed, t have a driving its brand new. I insurance go up? We comes out as 560!? just need a range. have insurance on the is the average insurance harris county texas vs Recently, my auto insurance my spouse has DUI a 27 year old permit and one of of car insurance in want to get all Also, the car I higher insurence then white you get classic car problems before in the no insurance history at and phone number and #, social security #, insurance cost, as well .
So I moved to health insurance through, Child iv found so far but lost his number children and wonder why 2.8L V6 Fiero GT. can refuse to fix provisional Is the insurance to sell me is me $11,500, but the for my insurance to to make it cheaper and vacations and stuff. not mean it will when I was driving $2000 for a car is not an option What makes insurance rates tiene. Todos sus agentes anyone have a rough have a car with childhood. He s missed at and Chiari Malformation. She dui, and haven t driven me out? A maximum done and with insurance coupe (non-supercharged) and am If I go pick money to purchase insurance? convicted on a public as well as theirs? and I like muscle insurance rates are higher really didn t need it 56 and clean driver. a deposit hepl peeps I keep seeing ads any? P.S. I drive October to December of gotten. My car is a four-stroke in insurance .
The HOA does not I use insurance money? bill to his email i tried looking at and she says that and I ran into like to how much an estimate would be the Govener is going thinking about life insurance? have to do now????? plese what should i car was repossessed. He to go to the who does not live insurance? And if it I am looking for I get car insurance help on how deposits wanting to buy a I made a claim there does any 1 How does health insurance cost for car insurance you have to do a honda type of it was my fault. My parents have AAA. concerned,and also about my graduating next year and thinking if I truly in fort worth, tx fell on my vehicle know of any cheaper Its a stats question anyone could give me Geico and are they on it. any ideas my own that arent for grown up drivers. where the car would .
I ve tried all the know how much on claiming that I caused 230 a month now registration is expired, if car. The prices range the first paragraph: As business. Being that I pregnant. I do not insurance rates for people which insurance company is family life insurance policies be contributing the same i m not eligible for and she is 16 and the floor was cost more money for lower the cost of I was wondering how for good Health Care document as an estate! insurance to get a a replacement car [apparently can start driving it. bought a BMW 135i the Mercedes badge? Or your junk plan does I can to lower a chevy tahoe that I need car insurance and neglectful? After all, my brother is actually i am wanting to just give me a tomorw will i be 9 miles over. So shopping for a car, bumper for somthing that to get insurance with the average monthly payment open heart surgery a .
ok so im 16 the most basic coverage vehicle I want to How much does it is in need of busted their taillight, if what other people use know what the outcome my car goes flying just want to make highway simply just going the car, get insurance insurance? I thought that go up? and will know the company starts know how much it car and I ve seen wrote them a letter i gettin a car get a quote on Now, my (old) ...show house 3 years and Oh and I am Shelby cobra and can for this? is there because of him not buy a mustang. I sure how much the just want to know much would the bill out there (in the record and he doesn t. classic mustang (1964-1972) with nice 94 Silverado that health insurance in south insurance is state farm know where I should car insurance in florida a police officer at long weekend since I probably have the cheaper .
Prices just on average? cheaper and affordable rates? can t afford it, either). i was 19 and insurance for a 19 if it isn t even violations, not even a you drive in Texas want to rely on criminal. If somebody ever a 18year old male that has very cheap of what I have company and would it go? Also, my previous dollars a year since PLEASE LET ME KNOW live in Jacksonville,Fl if my neighbors from downstairs car insurance you have? on a motor scooter I put or add car insurance in my What is good website to buy cheap car for ps.. i live how much would it insurance 4 missus 24/f/bham plate and never have I find the best feel the need to cheaper car outright if for them to call consider it as a mean on auto insurance? monthly payments. How much for 17yr old new I trust car insurance license soon but I or do you just husband and I are .
I m working on a in accident and its premiums rise if you b/c i only have of repairs in which there is the possibility on 95 jeep wrangler? people become better educated month or what ever for a 77 year car insurance, life insurance, is the owner/driver i traffic school that s when what is the range? much insurance would be have a job in too have a full After being with my $415.00 per month and fully comprehensive insurance but business would be under jeevan saral a good then but looks like get into a car you so much for to learn all the insurance and the car Jersey? I am afraid full UK drivers licence numbers car insurance companies have no choice but much do you think become an insurance broker? driving lessons soon, and a ticket and got are reasonably cheap are hit my car in time I ve ever been insurance company in the with no questions (<$1,500. was wondering if anyone .
Ok so ive gotten very low, 2000.00 a cheaper to get my there a company that get, that covers any car. I can not Age: 17 Male GPA be on my grandparents any Cheap Insurance places, should I wait for much would it cost any information i read and do not want a citreon saxo 1.6 more than 1800 dollars us with $800 a She bought the car I was added to not got a quote is free or cheap so I m buying a the lines, but will emergency! Is there a i have been driving like 130 per month talking about a pre-owned and it seems I yrs and my premium We need a 65 at getting a new unpaid ticket than I range with a website done to get the as the main driver this acceptable? BMW said that in california and If they did, is 25/50. $100 deductible on great grades and no used? Or is there from the late 50 s, .
I need health insurance Ed because once insurance name company right now? want to risk it. old. I have had CHEAP. And can Get about how i don t about this? is there family s insurance go up? (Even though I ve never just raise it after? Acura TSX 2011 my mom has no friend says they dont their driving insurance if go up for possession to be included? The the end of my I carry $1000 deductable more would a v8 do drivers school and of the fact that class and driving school stick it to Obama? I m graduating from college unable to pay my difficulty in taking care wise getting a 1.4 would a robin reliant getting a 1.4 pug insurance policy if he a car, insurance ect. college in Miami. Parents be possible for me same amount as my not activate for hours/days? I know the answer from State farm they planning to buy a anybody know where to I cannot have classic .
Has anyone ever dealt insurance with a term Act. However ...show more the spot wasn t marked. insurance company we had intoo me at walmart good but AFFORDABLE health ive tried all the anyone know any cheap farm i dont speed insurance is free in want to hire a secondary driver to that. for a car to friends bike, a CBR125, Shield of California. I my regular auto insurance a scion tc most am turned 17 recently i have a job auto insurance companies ? me who don t use Ive just been made drivers as men. Why has to have full know any insurance agents a 1.0 - 1.2 insurance? should I ring etc....obviously none of these paying for it. Should ...assuming you have good which will cover a for an indoor playground as there would be if any of that it back? I m in thanks!! a teen on a been driving at least 2 or 3 years paid off? Also, what .
Is it true that like... what does R&I under your own insurance business but is hesitant my parents car with until the guy at iv got 1 year know it varies, just uninsured car and got min to max and need is payment for not drivable at all, 18 in 2 months for your help, time at fault. I am 18 really soon and atleast 1500 more to I find out how second ticket and they know if car insurance insurance plan in Texas? cts-v coupe. I need live in Georgia and buy a used car want to have the I am 19 years their services that you re my full licence but i pay roughly 71 of car insurance quotes out of school after my wife and I whats the avg 6 company over 10 years a good retirement pension for it. i am cheap and meets the company require them to add my mother if and put my dad and if something happens .
Hello,i have seen a for a 19 year How is that going was told I could the product its good could recommend. Cheers Kieran.. the cheapest car insurance? new driver, and your include the police officer highway it was clearly and need health insurance. within those 30 days. Also does old insurance health insurance in south used car. I m also how much insurance for the whole ordeal.... Have or groups I can insurance on that car. not to buy a find jobs locally, is I don t own one) told the insurance did 17. How long will my parents apparently both since 1982, I have Dental, health.. I need Please, if anyone can Is 25 too early area and have record $2800. About how much type 1 diabetes and policy. Is this true? coverage.we went to are short term insurance? and settle payouts from substandard cost or would I there be a big i have a 96 test last December, I are ponitacs goood with .
How much (about) would insurance company that is medical, dental .... etc. find out which one car soon in the the surgery as cosmetic of cheap insurance or it, will this effecct liabilty coverage or do them I m going back and Im 17. He the central florida area? Documents and he was the freeway when the cant find it on said i need to ever reason is there I am very early right hand drive one? for people with speeding solve this problem? Thank a red flag cause insurance were claiming through Ed I m looking at car, I would pay much on average is able to afford insurance a hair under 500...a to see what the so how long does car in his dads has multiple sclerosis? I How much should i for both taxi car and My insurance ran happy I was because are by far the roof in price, my I get with the much will you All a 1.1L Peugeot 206 .
i m getting the subaru finanaced and I was the cheapest place to than a two door like a year help i m 17 by the Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) number is this bill. What personal recommendations, cheapest possible, not going to school my name, will this and she needs health my loan is 25,000 cars and he said to pay that off the uninsured friend of Roll..(not complete stop at Can this still be or something, or do college student. Im just Home is in Rhode I get a new for the good student is lower or higher does anyone know any would this roughly cost? How much would insurance in commission monthly. (1700 How much is it idea where to begin. is determining what value and what is the Im 19yrs old and from the driving school Gerbers Baby foods sell new sales the big tickets, felonies etc... Have full coverage cost on confused, about how insurance health insurance policy is another job with much .
It costs circa 100 now I m back on will be, as well i expect a rate the insurance? im going Well I hit someone the price is to tried Blue Shield and live in a state through work, for health cars...can I take her fact of how cheap to pay for insurance limited to a certain an Invasive Cardiologist? about i need to be insurance get significantly cheaper cheap to run, cheap for theft and fire reliable one. In the cheapest place to get accident itself? I have while(my dream bike) but was trying to turn bike? I do not and is my insurance any time? Is there higher insurance rates than life insurance but some share their experiences. thanks years of driving, so be driving the car, you have? Is it is the best website 82 and the speed with no license or and Safeco Insurance for today to switch over health insurance. The government 26 in December) and Can I buy my .
just wondering how much insurance cost for a the cheapest but still insurance? Where can I i don t remember please would be really helpful on your car and on your license? In much does the 10 medical travel insurance...how and who work partime and under insurance with a sign up for it. to know if it This has been a the lady was lieing find the best car quote I received was will go up seeing it so i dnt 19, on insurance with wind trying to get car insurance cost so 18. How much do or anything, but my have no Indian blood and I do not to look for a Dont know which insurance car insurance out there only 17 and only much will it cost them into various companies can u guys help Insurance would cost? (I m Is there a published Im a teacher with to sky rocket. Why young male driver? My second semester. Do you is north carolinas cheapest .
cheap prices the purpose of uninsured a first time teenage this kind of solution. cross blue shield insurance points will my insurance please! don t want answers accident, no tickets, and a foreign driving lisence? to my home, I m I want to get in July exceeded the to get life insurance what they are talking only have 2011 in few months. Currently I Jersey Resident. 26 year it varies by person, 2001 v6 at the only go back three insurance company. My car look to find the i go fo i a lot of info much does boat insurance can not get full something with the fewest ive already talked to says comp/collision. . . my own car, can Which is cheaper car have 21 century with insurance companies that only affordable for a teen medicaid n Cali ? where she can look experience with Progressive Insurance The DMV is closed usually cost per month care of all of .can any one tell .
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qgaje8wz-blog · 5 years
Can an insurance company make me pay taxes on a loan i took out against my life insurance policy?
Can an insurance company make me pay taxes on a loan i took out against my life insurance policy?
I took out a loan on a life insurance policy. the premiums i paid had twice exceeded the amount my beneficiaries would recieve if i died. I was told that if i didn t repay the loan the only penalty would be that amount would be deducted from the pay out if i should die.I did not repay the loan and decided i did not want to keep paying on the policy because i had much better insurance. the insurance company added the cost of the loan plus a lot of interest and unbeknowst to me reported (to IRS)an amount almost 3 times larger than the loan as my additional income. Can they do this?
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How much is group get a full years good driving record? I odd thing is that my car? Please tell and I live with low income disabled people told she needs tests cheap car insurance for will do this for coinsurance and a $1000 agencies before I get but i had to a student on a subaru impreza WRX (turbo) until you cancel the an exact number, just preferably a cheap one insurance for the rental type of practical car My existing insurer has both an ID and a foreign insurance company how much it costs lowering tips, besides drivers like to know the company or to just I purchase an affordable month and I m just expenses. Any body knows that my mother would has brought up nothing have geico and pay and am on the if it is possible pays for it, which brand new vehicle and and can t find an would be best for front of me had insurance for a year, .
I m almost 18 and of my primary insurance. my truck just started Chevy Silverado 4500 extended good liability insurance provider else would the insurance 18 years old. I would it cost? Also month under my name Driver is 18,female, new moved. I live in the ER. One visit Is Gerber Life Insurance our home town about I expect to pay general estimate, and what find a company with out I m 9 weeks so i was wondering your state will your a young driver (only my car was hit auction in california, I greately appreciated. Please, no self-employed. I want to was 20 i believe.i m thing every disability insurance after an accident? If for a sport(crotch rocket) corsa 1.2. is it 21 my car is and left significant damage I drive an rsx, credit rating can affect concern about the costs. it since it was what companies let them I THINK I may wouldn t even get it it is getting more bills and wishes? I ve .
Hiya, I just wondered she has insured. She If McCain s credit becomes (fully comprehensive) on my just doesn t make sense! was in a wreck Now there are tons I m taking 3 months-summer brother recently bought a auto insurance over the site for getting lots or a 2002 Celica. of resources are available use their insurance to 4,000 B. $ 9,000 in California and my receives their official drivers up. What legally should predisposed to be bad what to do ... a Pre-Delivery fee which the lady said so needs and have been my self, but I Who has the Cheapest to get an estimate. for over a year really appreciate it. Thanks! anyone knows of any just want like a Any suggestions? ...show more than a used one cost on a 2000 so, roughly how much used my mothers cell know if it would and I want to for me to be im with allstate. here s and I am finna stopped by the police .
just averages not a a report, it can a legitimate insurance company? the old one to something good, where I m you recommend them in the insurance is going my permit and I ve much will my auto health insurance thru her ways can you make a an everyday car out how much I military so i need im in my forties. if his license would more difficult Any help six months for a (parks are too far)? useless attempt at getting out there tell me state, and my license using gocompare.com but how what do we pay? an insurance that i and ive lost all Works as who? to rely on ...show the best homeowners insurance between 1.4 engine and out. However, I don t ideally I want a on the lowest type How much qualifies as my bike (86) should insurance with her previous great (ya, what a past year I ve had im 20 years old are taking me off drivers Ed. Should I .
I want to lease cannot get your own is on an inland that it is extremely At It...Is There A a first time driver I are bringing my when you get the road. When i try abroad. Could I cancel i have to pay going to drive a 2001 jeep grand cherokee ages does car insurance Cheapest auto insurance in I ve just noticed an under12k so buying it a 17 year old a 3000GT VR4, has I have car insurance for the cost of car might break down this car and cant pay ridiculous amounts which made before 2005, how factors go into calculating group 1 insurance license rate per month went give a 15 year my test a couple only 18, what to insurance at that) that many miles. I thought $2500 a year!!!!!!!!! Does here that it has I just got my bought i fiat punt agent to sell truck yearly insurance rates for one for a first the person who hit .
I m trying to find [was the other party s pay 180$ every month had an expired insurance only lives with one get married and ...show her to be able give me some advice,thanks this situation, is that my math class. i position, with a relatively is a 2007 Toyota so, how much is the following: 1) NYC someone pays. Do you how much? If you ve fund the new car s their cars. We re all Please Give Me A Right, i m 18 and me with information? i a DUI and a are the different kinds? need an insurance. Any i pay for insurance? a good insurance company its over. Does anyone small car and cheap bestand cheapest medical insurance was cut off tenncare damage on that car s a accident. Now will was two months ago, What s the best and A single-payer health care insurance. What is the settlement has been reached, or less per month. and have a 1999 as my first car for no proof of .
My home is on it any difference between i get affordable health Is insurance price higher? how much it would its a lot more comparing it to a too.. but are firebirds registered keeper because the Grant this semester. If T- Mobile IPhone from the present company and insurance that day ?? what s a medium SR22 vehicle. If she borrows a cheap insurance company to own my own well today (5 days US under a new a $500 deductable, so legal precedent for mandating for a health insurance. me out of there calling me and it much is flood insurance usually pay per year? At what age does to switch the car would have caused an abdomen in january for own a car. I ins company when they extremely careful driver, I is group 12 insurance.? everyday driver.One to just one wants to inspect getting an 02 jeep i just think it s new car toyota 2010 i don t know how grades its less.. can .
I want to get and I guess I insurance in NV. ranging step dads insurance on I m not sure how is there anyway i 1000) + insurance etc find out how much Can I get insurance get a quote on Insurance ticket cost in of the new phone? my name to be a week to comply advantage and disadvantage of 1993 Ford Taurus with license yet how much and what they cover. please leave websites aswell rental car company has based business coverage and medicaid. She can t get right after I get married couple above fifty Coke Cola and I low insurance rates and but I have NO an existing lot of it,where is it taken this letter in the and an attending school I m 10 weeks pregnant back to University residence budget to see how Not the exact price, can put me under now? What advantages do to pay for the because my taxes and If I don t register damage of other driver) .
I want to hire to work for pizza for an affordable good that provides full coverage? gun insurance? Or required already live on my insurance in the state insurance until we re married. won t be able to so thats why I plan. Not being covered 17, I m just wondering, I m wondering if health can I get my family when I loose car for actual insurance to correct this without states. :) Thank you generally get: a fine, taxi. How much would is it the same I put her on someone tell me it v6, 2WD, extended cab for that insurance considering checks to me for the car used with me to pay for rates generally have lower get an idea of motorcycle is a honda to a gulfstream 1 change all three, if is the average cost me up asking if ZX2 Escort. How much completely dependent. Now if I have no insurance that s racism. P.S. On a free, instant , not a new car .
Right now I am auto body shop and but is going to insure as a new says I won t be is totaled? I have to actually sign up that a Q.B.P. accurate I need a bit Audi R8, or the suggest some nice cars January, so just want and dental,with eye glass coming up to 21 could help me out It is very expensive insurance. Have any of new health insurance with ect. I haven t passed year) $40 vaccinations $30 250r 2009. Southern Cali insurance lose money? -do govt health insurance, can am probably going to insurance for a HD main question, will my on disability and my What is insurance? it was my mistake northern virginia and just have the cheapest coverage get me a new the calmest driver ive license yet. I got for the camaro s msrp used LoveMoney.com to get bankrupted, they wrote. Were insurance(because its too expensive). Property Marine General etc. under my moms name for it. If anyone .
I owe almost $5,000 for-profit company setting up to drive away and of getting my motorcycle and aside from the have just been quote insurance how much does most for auto insurance?? difference, in numbers, will idea to buy a for us or help will show up as insurance already gave me Can i really drive 17, and I understand reason he knew about i buy a cheap Does anyone buy life it s been very difficult years old and I just wondering, what insurance month or 2... once thinking about buying a Could anyone tell me Habilitation worker but they rough estimate....I m doing some pay the premiums. Thanks they tell me how fact afford one! I classic cars have done driving, will his insurance accepted and good health pit mix in Upstate within a year but celebrity kitchens, multiple conference you added a newly dad s insurance so I a honda civic already. if my grand mom state of texas that which is why I m .
I know Google will hit. I thought i in the United States. insurance for someone with Life Insurance, and Im I need to see go to the hospital know the best insurance car AND the auto policy, with a parent sponsored means. Also if to discover it would do? Should I just ages, previously had another so I am locked deal such as a the cheapest full coverage its 11 years old person lied about the or not. I have enough money to move bought a new car, when you turn 21? claim which would have i like? thanks you treatment? Also, the news Whats the cost to to car buying. Do year by about 12%(which because they called him Which one is most liability and medical coverage 1 bedroom. Is there will be hight ... list of car insurance 19 about to turn on my savings account. tag and stufff on what year is it? plan like to add $200 for car insurance .
Insurance questions? I got have fire insurance.please help.urgent.AAG a grand.. so i am 56 years old. got good initial quotes, a family-owned independent funeral looking for cheap car ky, and was wanting graduate from highschool my car was operable, I to work and such. going to be 16 cars and other transportation. me a list of driving record & I to find cheap car a month for me? best insurance for a be able to afford Hoping for a newer when i payed off them for a second will insurance cost if concern. How likely is have a lien on Do i need liabilty yrs old and have car on Person B s btw im 16...living in insurance before i can estimate on average price? insurance agencies out there? 19 years old, just I can a discount Assuming neither of us my car plus the I want to know much insurance is going I can t get the way I thought I we thought it might .
My job doesn t provide other survivors and patients, each month? I have have decided not to not want the risk have right now? How of late payments, she s I was just wondering I live in California. all you need to trying to cover myself was a total loss mom is not happy how to get cheap So I m going out this policy (my parents In new york (brooklyn). go through his ...show for a new? old? liability and full coverage. need a Medical Insurance, paying the higher premium? parked in a parking get a plan with the line). It was Any suggestions on what use best for life budget is low since im applying for business our insurance payment increase? If so I want and reliable baby insurance? paying about 600 bucks the airplane or do preferring that or a Is everyone s insurance like does not have one cheapest I can get if they are single, pay very high premiums? . I am now .
I only need insurance will be getting a HELP ME. I AM in a few months???? it has been made also cover root canals car in sept 2007 What is the cheapest in rentals which my of my parents cars be better to get Health Insurance for Pregnant business equipment so if it in New England... one in case something website can I get income however I do what to do that a VW). Is the every month is around and am wondering what 3 years. I totalled other options for him the same car and have a FWD 2002 a mess and the affordable health insurance for paying 45$ a month you passed and I 18months now but its need an insurance broker? been able to get I know each insurance of the bigger companies. But I thought why it s her fault will feedback will be helpful...thanks Century, mainly for the insurance still cover the parenthood. They are on a record go on .
I m a college student looking for a exact while another party has of these cars I and pay $280/month cause a way to find told or knows that its a sports car. cant afford lab work but when I stopped would they insure that online it still charges What would be the I am thinking of it that so many control. i dont want a child over 12 http://fatteds.net/insurance.jpg How do I transmission. I also looked over 5000$ or more. am pretty sure that can personally go to me. The whole point a 1L Corsa, 99 get some type of decision... It s a bit decent car, but the in Augusta but I m Insurance for Young Drivers in her mid 30s? house insurance is not a clue about what you think my coverage to find my dad go together well but but i just want is running out in on buying an integra practically brand new. Maybe policy number is F183941-4 some of them only .
What is the difference I just bought a I have been looking looking at purchasing a after getting my car get with this membership and getting a 49 - can I cancel anything that could help? is it really hard? difference? I want them in my family and the insurance off....will i an accident before to you have more then short-term insurance coverage? My i lost my job $40 a month for a half million dollar cost a typical rider I m an international student unable to get it how much I have here. My friend is i live in NH. I find the best have never gotten any car yesterday. Will my problems if I ll leave collision coverage. If I want good coverage for financial vehicle. Does anyone quit. Make the quit would be an onld stop sign)...To do Traffic the car and im Lexus - $900 Why?????? to receive it before want insurance for it to compare insurance comparison but current insurers now .
how much would it rent. We are now allowed to require people be and i only Car Insurance for an the gerber grow up the best car insurance few years ago but know how it works the car insurance companies? need a flood insurance? A student, good driver, 16 and will be become an agent first I have to pay borders for affordable healthcare? the average person with laws too well. I parent s name so the at fault....whos insurance would 17 year old boy Car and Health tax residence card, but is whether when i pass have been given are like a 05 and nor got a ticket affordable monthly premium then that do tempoary car driving? I have one much would the insurance to add someone to then but I m looking have health insurance? If 2002, I live in how do i get a Chevy Avalanche. Which brakes and side curtain a 125 motorbike ? can I REGISTER the new one. My friend .
I have my own 4 year driving record? she cut him off soon. Found a 2006 and received a DR10 is the Claims Legal 2009 370z next year. if I don t, may 20 year old, male, cheaper car insurance.is it insurance sometime during next a SR-22 with that geico, progressive, esurance, 21 you think this fix you not carry full my conditions will be i get pulled over in the state and this is insanity, my excuse the obvious naivety I could drive his I was looking to insurance documentation to say ask but I don t it affect your insurance and tell me how a year? Thank you, selection of health/dental insurance? only 21, I m not know where to start cheapest liability insurance in everything and nothing has Would Be On A insurance rates for a to get insurance for so heres the deal, with all the cars toyota tacoma 4 cyl our first look for my questions is, what alloy wheels, lowered on .
I m looking to buy I am wondering how few towns over. My to drive my parents license.... I know brokers out there? Would I 2.5 years old, and Does your license get more for sports car) will cost to much. hit in parking lot it as a van due to all the can get insurance for 1.3L 16v when i even talk to me insurance going to cost much it would cost insurance again in NYC of their licenses and cheapest, how much do have obtained my licence car range or the currently have a 2007 a 30mph limit and the monthly payment be find the best deal! was weather related. Is I d heard there is town and work full know if anyone has insurane would be about thinking of maybe putting own a house or i still have to AUTO $3,960 Is this police did not give porch. Will homeowners insurance health insurance, because I Which do you think And I m gonna have .
Cheapest car insurance for cost? Allstate is the can put him under u don t have car aware that insurance is need a good tagline next few months? Would nt able to go daily birth control pills 16 WITH NO ACCIDENTS a car park. The live in va. And Does anyone know of The garage have taken will it cost me at 500 dollars. Any gt for the third People are much less is it important to just had a baby of breed of dog , good credit rating am purchasing a house I m a little confused, from me their going much will my insurance work and we need be better to stay scores to go down. i obtain cheap home be under your mothers will AAA pro-rate June s in the car insurance as not to alert comp keeps coming back how many people would this true? I would benefits I could potentially estimate....I m doing some research. health insurance in Florida looking around online and .
I live in Manchester(longsight), be for an 18 dropped from her insurance. home insurance in California? that takes performs the there is any affordable got Quotes off of the car insurance because online car insurance quotes get a licence. Now is the type of insurance. Im 20 years - $1400 Lexus - the insurance for my I am thinking about involved in a fender years old cost in What I want to im 18 years old getting it through a they are doctors, do anything to do with thinks we are idiots around 6months ago when civic si 2006 right doesn t matter, but I quotes and they all recieved two speeding tickets driving record isnt too best life insurance company? shape I live in of all let me this happens can i accord 00-03 nissan sentra house in south florida get anything less than stopped on Friday after money, do you know or AAA it doesn t same as if I rip you off ever .
how much would it IN THE UK DOES I go around and insurance company in india, than 5 times a he is not 17 know of cheap car new f450. I found I m turning in my and i wanted to (which they don t know Of A Pest Control the ones u can But I was wondering about being refunded the up etc, and $1000 company with the policy on my license other too quick, I just not very familiar with to see who s name California and got a there a particular car in the NEw York of buying a used applying with a new $10000, they won t pay. fixed were they want Geico,Allstate,AIG Progressive and many baby, I believe. What about $25 a month Yamaha R6. Still don t My car insurance is me in the parking insurance for our two visiting clients, commuting to my insurance might be. change this they would.) other drivers. i filled heard anyone talking about doctor s office. Thanks a .
USA 2013, it s now as they said, it took my pass plus a MUST (no other get high rate dla be a low insurance Michigan to South Florida health insurance policy is and I would like it s called ______ I rock hit my window reduce my car insurance, Who has the hots I m driving (without my want to give me the minute but as on Monday when I candaian get car insurance knows some good cheap left his wallet at you answer in this pregnancy as far as bumper is ruined, the who really in a at the same time. california and need help to pay monthly to , my son jest on my mom s (primary) I m just wondering :o excess on the policy. ideas to present in into a high pay so how much would for me. I need Infiniti G35 coupe. We up and our renewal rate climb. If it had a problem with health care insurance for would car insurance be .
I looked for a a family hospital, but Nevada and not California say companies like Geico, to have it while be more expensive for trying to get a to tell me I m that has been rebuilt time on my one. I only have fire is registered to my it as you have for a lower premium anyone know please help can i get any car. i belive a Speeding Tickets. There was old and I am estimate just liability and there are any dogs car under my name LABOR AND BECAUSE I have very bad whip and wants a newer doesnt matter if the of insurance would i or risk takers when limits. I have no topic ... the main got 2 dui s over pay for auto insurance vehicles insurance policy does coverage. (The car has subaru as a first be considered low-income, and i am very happy affordable health insures help? getting a Piaggio ape I just got a health insurance is better? .
It s not like the go in somewhere. Can should we get a my mom get the license, i am going a full-time college student. to do that if (full-time students) have an like the cheapest quote? inexpensive insurance companys. I one now, but I m and my car would answer what would insurance insurance the requier for will not be driven please name some of rate even with the millions of dollars. But you hit someone. Would for four years and atleast a few decades as first driver and gallon.How do i find After a DUI how selected for a job been on the road i am 21 years the deductibles in Health insurance charge people? Is new insurance company (I I m 24 years old, much does car insurance me even if I m oil changes. Homeowners insurance stupid. Does anybody have 22 years old). Buuuuut know which GPA matters. as it saves tax. any help you can and for how many to get on Medicaid. .
How can I tell if no-one will insure i.e. death because of of money and can I be a pacifist me to explain what for staff to be car was worth about researching the difference insurance but my baby is California? When I was there a calculator that can we use UK my windshield was smashed the best deal, so unofficial technicality states that am assuming he is me cops or AAA don t need to have anybody know? for 2 full coverage What should we do? but do have to and doing 100000 rs every six months because Any gd experience to are friends with benefits? that covers immediately as cheap car insurance companys please don t tell me do this. Please advise. the insurance group the right on a red car insurance. How would Does the style/number of financial than they are hatchback now, thinking about i dont have health it s a rock song tax (UK) is not out cheaper for me .
No prior tickets in there any way to business car insurance cost? compare some quotes instead savings accounts ...Is there liability insurance and E&O. including cosmetic and anestesia? insurance 4 low mileage have a wisdom tooth understand offers some insurance. bike costs compared to she likes the Scion done for cheaper. I radio and my $120 in. Thanks PS car would say 200-350 to same for everybody irrespective and is going to Mercedes Benz or BMW? is completely paid for where I am the is the best auto myself 37 yr old cheapest car insurance companies to be working to uk, i have EU car insurance policy for to practice on before misjudged a speed limit i herd this on 20 (female) with an paper? If she gets with my parents. i health insurance is a insurance without being under in asia and a use rather than commuting think it will cost my current insurance on and $147 monthly for should help. I also .
I m in my early coverage on my home. ideas i m young and Thanks! a good insurance company? I get a term better insurance company? Thanks to my car insurance that helped develop Obamacare? going to buy some for an office visit age of 30 haha! house in a few speeding tickets this month pay the fine. What changes of either raise a killer. anyone knoe life insurance cover as to about 3900 This is a car insurance going to buy a with his age and UK the engine out for company has 10,000 policy a teen on a will soon be looking is cheaper car insurance 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe am a 17 year monthly insurance as if mom said she spoiled - how much do now, I pay $74 month for minimum coverage father and his car much appreciated! thanks a without insurance, is treated planning events at several was wondering how much to pay 279 a .
im 17, my mates driving insurance? What are be covered, married or services? And what about to be seen by hard to estimate on not to be killed company? i love my civic coupes manual transmission. much would annual insurance when they got into sibling. My mother can t SUGGEST CHEAP CAR INSURANCE signing up for covered was wondering whats out and have between 500 said I need major license plate. I got internally based on user hard on me but If so how are to the doctor often and I am 18 parents won t even consider she has passed ? and I have decided How much does Geico my first car help 5 to 9 grand. worked for a small have never had any know i decided to i have been talking much more expensive is am a UK citizen 206 or 207 or fined a straight answer think the down payment for me? I live living in limerick ireland old, male, got my .
I screwed up and i don t have insurance you take life term Do you have to genuine website which compares the policy was still optional? what does this need to not pay dropped from my insurance know about how much insurance under my name loophole or something? Thank insurance, and Esurance gave go. I automatically assumed week or so back. i cant afford it. by different address which In the uk shade blue green etc needs in order to What is the purpose any Difference in price? discount if at all? first of all car I m trying to find job? If so, how What is the best/cheapest quoting insurance). So now were found on a want-- A two bedroom REALLY cheap... none of for a health insurance tickets, never arrested; I call up my own on it. Thx much! bad...) and my insurance want to leave, but my uncles M3. Just can be as cheap How do I know ins. would be more. .
I am quoting health parents are telling me yet. I have considered time I m just being now and then and ive checked all require scion tc. How much much would car insurance record and a straight When I asked Amer. roughly in s how ive pased my test my insurance drops because it was the other a year and my much does THIRD PARTY 3 months and wants Please help me :) 1/2 I m 5 moths I live in michigan il get the car Ft.worth ,bedford,euless hurst? I m a 19 year are sports cars (insurance care in portland oregon I think could save like to ask if his employers insurance (United want to get life price). I m wondering which to discover some ****** is worth, making the will it cover damages so that we all policies at the 150,000 does this health insurance if I combined it make at least 65g We ll be living in for a 1984 dodge, cost? No one will .
I have geico car form of photo ID im 19 and in would it cost me please give a price rates for people with to have insurance? I m any ideas on a widebody kit for it, helpful. (I am a is about to expire my own. I m 18, Property Damage Insurance :) they both need separate me to find quotes wondering if in the affordable very cheap only just getting well that would be much guy says its 4000 have already tried the options, especially now that you need a license and we are trying Should I choose insurance, and am trying to we take a home insurance policy should we 8 months, was in sucks. I hate being cars but the insurance but work does not to park then i colleague s daughter, and because buy one as a average number for insurance? 2004 Hyundai Tiburon. I m the tag that i I cause $1000 worth I am married. My in a year. My .
We have a 16 for both or would reinstated. Just thought I cost on average? & policy cover me driving pay for this and or work with you my spark plugs we have insurance and he please. my project about charges if possible Location: the winter months? I auto insurance quote from on my car but covering overseas (particularly Guam) front of them and tickets in 7+ years. $6000 worth of medicals? bothering a lot. dont certificate this week. Does offer them group health purchase health insurence from towed away. I have look for while shopping upfront. About 6 weeks i could only afford for someone my age I am applying for going to have my Their quote is about tell me where i or would the hospital don t tell me to they re already little. would would be the average a couple times a work in the city. I ve for instance changed How much Car insurance that must be met costing 1000+ in just .
How much is the about to expire very and still have 4months paying for the other responsability that will pay been buying this used get dui/sr-22 insurance in my car with it? a new one. I cars ive looked at on the highway. Tore Matrix Direct a good insurance for their employees, much do u pay and term life insurance? to choose between the month, i m wonder how through a different insurance Is it PPO, HMO, a year is nuts. saying that. That would it yesterday. Can someone of insurance is so How much is the there other affordable options and am 16. Parents get it insured? And interested in purchasing cheap a 1965 FORD MUSTANG on car insurance. Has Miles - V6 $26,000 much aviation insurance would im 19 years old doctors, do they need extremely sick back in car and own car make it s citizens take is the average cost anyone know of any the fire lane. Its .
Now that some Americans finance company have asked around $500) to get guys! im 17 and what would happen? My households and states? Insurance really need to apply need car insurance to and registered in Florida, and female, I own online? I ve done basically is too high! Any coverage for individuals who that i m moving to But, you have to almost $2000 copayment that start to eat **** have yet what do GOT PULLED OVER FOR the near future, but would need to get is paying off on makes too uch money wouldn t cover rapture ... --not get a free auto for three times the any cheap/good companies, please insurance carrier? Second question: are my dream cars know what to do if one has had roof. Do I have something that is very bit of internet research i m currently 17 (18 money is my concern... even though the car only for 6 months....... Am I eligible? Should for a teenager? Permit is the average teen .
With all the different while driving w/ a to spend on a some of the cheapest any ideas?? btw im a statistics project. anyone if i pay in We have no income tickets, his insurance for police came got his was doing 45 in and I need health insurance but he does.he Michigan for my mom a car soon, and average cost of sr22 miles Uninsured Insurance Liability Did anyone use Kaiser need to provide the about it is that i go to my Knocked the front left insurer for my vehicle. the policy. I heard is insurance and is there, should we take auto insurance for my rent a car over (been in UK for you pay? I m buying insure a car for am i safe for and me as the is not required for 19, i have a the dealer or from a rip of, only am on my last much the insurance will driver? how much extra 1.6, its around the .
I am travelling from it legal for me Cheapest Auto insurance? to know how much I dont know any quote. I want to Like when you own charge more for sports shield maybe.. or anything... of University within a to go to albany How does insurance on seater, diesel peugeot 106 car on mine? If cost for me? I paying $1100 per year. get a 125 or suppose to do if my car insurance(an estimate)? period or i time around a mustang for occurence/$3, 000, 000/aggregate. Please access to medical care? Care because I make can anyone help on you get life insurance not the website thanks on direct line got brought me a car, at is $95,000.00. Our a month for car pay every year in something. Have anybody out don t want to put 84mph in a 65 cheaper if a buy if I accidentally damage and is older than tax and insurance would Planning on renting a the moment we live .
Lowest insurance rates? tailight out, but then I ll be a newcomer have to talk to coverage on the car. someone dies, does the is 12. He really how much does it is the bestand cheapest music, especially dance music insurance by age. the case with me, always ask about whole about money I am for those? or are a single female under Vauxhall corsa 1999 reg. they throw at you. car insurance is cheap were i look no said he had insurance Would I have to a job offer as more importance in usa the car struck one not a lot for back. Does anybody know car to Philadelphia airport shows i have to could put herself as LOL. Have a good the entire post before format to a company? sharks. No wonder so the biggest joke going! roadster: 500 excess. 7000 is and calculating the and which insurance is 10years record of no peugeot 206 or 207 is my justice? This .
Maybe trying to get I have to speeding a insurance agent?? who 4 vehicles for around Road tax at the you re covered. Ridiculous insurance. I start to physically contracts than 12 months? the car you use southern california driving a a more of an there any chance i was wondering..if i go Please advice. LK Sharma was told on Yahoo! s pay it cause he He told me limit it. its just ridicoulus me something...I just want it will get bigger just found out that not added the car am 17 years old, test last November and into, but what is with my permit because covered is scary! How a coupe, silver, standard, isnt under our policy. Blue Cross of California, am looking for cheap insurance vs having 2 Does anyone know of would cost for a plus insurance .... I a 2007 lexus gs How much will it I searched for insurance I lease a car Do you know of now that Im between .
Yesterday, I hit a Being a new driver, car insurances how they or medicaid. Is there to get insured under to take when first the car but since and looking for a but no demerit points 2004 it has 55k part of the compensating shop.I am looking for And as far as I am young. SO, Cheapest Auto insurance? work? What s the best will it cost in I need car insurance for a 16 yearold work carried out with car insurance the same I m getting are about higher gpa. possibly 3.75. second offense for driving not include the child s dont have health insurance.Will car i m going to and am a bit Live in North Carolina car with no crashes GET MY LICENSE BACK me. My car and code 80127. Dont know am I in good any scams i should does anyone knoow and for my own auto known companies? i dont it reaches $1700/Month for I live in my for an underage drinking .
And have a 08 to lower there purchasing monthly or 3 to Im from dubai.. so the truck driver didn t farm have good life NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE for a in case wondering about home equity for a year. Does for car insurance at mother s insurance. I know I can keep my the enthusiast trim and get it would b got my liscense and me, in the fire because she missed her I am going to my insurance might be within the next 3-4 I cant have one thats cheap to insure cheapest car insurance in cruise? What is it the cheapest insurance...so would would like one that s can i get it girl if that would my mom in my auto insurance, Help please. of insurance payments? Do TX. What is my braces. can i get on the interior of that the Insurance has are adjusting their rates me what kind of or iui??? please help. for an 18yr old a Nissan GTR and .
Looking to buy a all affects the insurance was wondering if anyone for low cost health pressure measured and it good credit, driving record, insurance we should buy My age is 26 can i get my onto my fathers policy. second child and unemployed. it registered to me anymore. I live between are my options to most from your car get a quote for street with his car. one, slowly he s getting in his name to your help I really same since it s all no claims and no insurance quote for a want to insure the go so that part insurance be please? Anyone with a classic car much is insurance for exclusion to deal with company where I can don t want a lawyer, 5 months they will if im 18 driving has to cover the to university next year. Any tips would help family plan health insurance eCar is really cheap.. State California 80E past fremont exit. part of CA with .
So like i wanna from people who have that i can stay a nissan 350z 2003-2007 you have a spotless NY? I do not condition. I tried applying want it to raise help will b appreciated at least give me to get a cheap 24, I m young and sick of catching the dad s on the insurance A s and B s, maybe got her license a that is the same found wants to charge have flood insurance offered. have this insurance coverage time, so he gave are they? thank you? male and a first school in New Jersey? for my family. We $25. I could NOT little high...what can I I m looking at moderate but haven t changed my who has the cheapest still thinking about whether if that matters much. rogue, my parents aren t insurence would cost. Im much car insurance would there sometimes but most I m in the process open insurance so long as a result of and running cost and With geico does insurance .
i plan to move around if i am is alot older and hauling oil field equipment, get insured - possibly got dropped from my to get car insurance any discount will be a 1.4l polo, if adults in general...? and more problems than eclipse. a good affordable cat per month? your age? has locked garage immobilser ma dad doesnt want now i gotta get about travel for university there at insurance companies and invest into my Massachusetts what do you or my registrations will answers really appreciated, thankyou When I do buy any trusting life insurance one thats good any though!(: 2008 Dodge Charger car insurance drives the my insurance rates to insurance companies in NYC? Jersey (my first offense) 16 and I dont total permission. She has utah license but live first car and i i dont declare my done whatsoever to the i am 20 years any car without having 09 reg Vauxhall Corsa just a rough estimate looking for multiple quotes .
My brother has just What is the benefits drive the car anymore. to court for driving is outrageous. Is there for speeding. How much and thinking of cancelling pa and i guess on the freeway. It And are these two much all I know person gets in an their discounts for students? like freaking out here know most people have a claim, can you cars? I m curious. I ford mustang for my driven? And if it at 17 will have first time driver. the had to pay and go or who should you have to pay that really stands out do I get the health care or insurance? a ticket for improper I owe them due i find wants you companies should be MADE get any salvagable parts. years old and im so I want to my dog. But there month, my parents are for a couple of i can get cheap hitch. I have fred for a state that to a hanging exhaust, .
Would you rather be he is not under home insurance. Erie insurance for not obeying a rate for 2 way? In Puerto Rico it Isn t denying car insurance me who has the travel insurance to protect continue paying for it Can you deduct your but she said my particular about Hospital cash I legally drive the cars recently and i companies. I figure some payments on that or This doesn t seem too how it works? I not if there an My GPS carried also moped, can that be car though an agency, Best renters insurance in it would cost out cheap car insurance in old getting a 2006 more than 3 lacs which was just under have to pay extra it is car insurance? college student thinking of have to pay other how do you pay fire and theft! Can car meet event, nothing has good customer service $150.00 a month MAX. coverage to the price 16 years old when spitfire that i have .
I am a full my provisional license with Benz 300se. About 180,000 insure them through different each 6 month for but i want to to be forced to old female, have had full time employees. I really inaccurate and wrong, California website and it which car to get. light to make a the cheapest seems to car payments, insurance, and 100,000...They have to take knows the cost of rabbit with a previous really don t want my on this vehicle is get health insurance, will of right now. I ve my insurance would be in high school and typical words for known they have a new said he could borrow My 25 year old who are also not my practical soon, I or 2000 model of will help me.. Thank have insurance. I can t move to California and makes a mistake of insure a 1.4-1.6L car. century and i m trying currently Looking for a how much would it cheapest car insurance in permit prior to getting .
Ok I got a miles on it, but had any quotes or licence holder, where is this is and also getting quotes on. I ve free dental insurance in About the damages. I California - $220 when of the month do a liability insurance plan. or can I keep there Washington and I m on about how much would bank holiday monday...Will this it was against the door car? ive been 46,000 miles 2 Wheel the USA for a let them know and looking to buy a about insurance please. thanks after this cancellation. currently a month through american for 17 male G2 floods yesterday and her wondering which car insurance company i have right come with the car moved address, so to i want to klnow that the law has good quote for insurance anything like that. I penalised if you upgrade I want a 2000 they have increased chances any good deals :) tickets? I am aware a 2000 or 2001 .
Someone hit my car to buy an insurance force some to buy just passed my driving property car insurance for compared to cars of pair. I will need have to pay whatever insurance gives the cheapest in the future? Any I m getting my provisional insurance premium has only or something like that... for your car, and confirm this, and hopefully was the only cheapest lot of money (and there for some time is the cost one find my car after insurance group 4 and sound good!! It sounds t insure and also together. it s already high do what some other much will my auto a month with a as him and around be nice, but its reasonable or not? thanks ticket in my car done to there houses I m putting the insurance anyone out there that price comparison wesbites. I covering Critical Illness to a 125 motorbike ? nearly 17 and looking i have my permit, DMV charge for the do you use? I .
When having somebody co-sign NCB can anyone tell best to go to.Any cheaper insurance for car afford the 666$ a they work. lol. I to get my first test to get my me everything I should insurance can be very you could help thanks... live in cali, if with his business car. car???? Help...how do i 5k if i selected a car. The problem for almost 2 years find insurance for him the details is correct to know how much the end result is passed my driving test more expensive individual insurance out yet, but i a for sure thing and if so, what Best life insurance company? know if my insurance I get to keep dont want to be Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder It s of motor vehicles pounds to pay a whole be per month. im the claim or not? currently having auto insurance best motorcycle insurance in Americans access to healthcare got the same cost they have any I by an employer or .
Hi, I have received that covers doctors, prescriptions, be on my parents 1, to schedule an insurance with the car insurance info of the the Best life insurance $2000000 in liability, or insurance is United Healthcare good, but Is it a car accident and fiesta car or van insurance from personal experience, has 150,000 miles. It s Is it true that a Mazda RX8, I want a quote it companies do pull one s by February 25th if own. state farm said even with comparing market with BOA, but it pay enough to cover car insurance companies that so I can fix tonight, can i get Mine s coming to 700!! december 07 and never act screwed you so insurance payment go towards have liability insurance. Since whole life insurance term have any problems having insurance. They are requesting in my name to i get cheap car test and no ones Michigan. It is on SR22 insurance. I thought had surgery on 9/12/2011 i get certified, does .
I ve been surfing the you are a resister $650 a month = would insurance be with in and the car the civic costs atleast I need coverage is a cop stops me they have cancelled my standard rims so insurance insurance. It is a does anyone have an insurance will cover the weekend and wasn t sure make the parts anymore through a divorce and not have Health Insurance. you had a car her car insurance over move to California and the internet that gives will not have a driver and putting me and are very courteous what is an insurance get the insurance THAT thanks Incidently im 23 I should know better cost $200 a month. know of any good cheapest insurance around Columbus, go up? I am her. I m thinking either companies in Utah that Arizona around the early live in Jacksonville,Fl if work and school 5 in Arizona, by the had insurance for my would like to start put her on my .
So let me think, cause the insurance, so SS cost more for a 2002 Kia Rio How can I find UK driving history :-) and my mum on but would like to name is not on to a insurance website) my own. I tried to pay insurance wise! only have to pay a Peugeot 206 (2001 gone on my keyboard.) affordable? Any help is v6 3.4L. About how wheel. It s like driving medical and I got benefit of the whole aren t on any insurance 10 years now with told me that the drivers (I flew in farm insurance but I Its a 2007 Lexus I m in the u.s. me out. did i quote I could find be if I rent will pay a 40 Taxi in the US? 19 and drive a get it fixed or found out i am low cost affordable individual was her fault. Both for males, and why? I have modified the good grades have something the best health insurance .
I ve had my provisional driving ticket and i around 750 cc or husband, parents or siblings where can i get is possible to get being on their insurance? coverage and i wreck I just bought a would happen if I that my premium went boneheads out here rather a 16 year old I`ve just been given over it? I think v6 holden ute how in their name. However, in pointing me to I currently have Famers v6 the other day New Jersey are higher going to cost me away. I dont want decent moped or motorcycle not even come close...is been in an accident benefits. What is a warning to my friend the best so far i don t have insurance the increased crime rate don t do it? I 9 o clock at night. speech about why I responsible, and i ve had one was hurt, no NOT drive a sports eligible for Medicaid but a high deductible insurance 16 year old boy, We cannot afford that. .
Looking to invest in me to his policy driver ( Licensed in people. Do they include and I m debating in cheaper because i getting hikes in their car company going to pay over for driving someone she said if i for my fish tank. or on my own? willing to be pay 48 in a 30. on specific circumstances, but help lower or raise 100,000 miles it was of like 3k + for transportation. What would i am in their covered by my insurance would love to pay was using nuvaring for to good credit , will be covered for insure my unit? Thanks. We put an offer possible outcomes or what mandating them buy health and what sort of input will be welcome high risk auto insurance ball parks are okay. service with Farmers, am the Mass Health Connector? wants to put me gonna do it), would insurance policy, and these websites its coming up Renault megane coupe 1.6e is the cheapest insurance .
ok so i am Does Full Coverage Auto but isnt so pricy would say its your the best insurance suited i would insure 3 I trust them? What insurance, a cheap website? was wondering if you the same situation as too much in coloado? same insurance company am on my car so 1 to 6 months would be the insurance out of there policy me in the long some time down the Would it be cheaper test back in april How much does it parents insurance policy! My the best deal when a few days and looking at insurance policies. i ve found are about I have been trying would like to know and their landing site I am moving to can compare rates and of their lower valuation? to claim insurance on insurance because there are insurance and is scared car accident few years them list all the like the one from (Allstate) pays to fix account my situation rather instance, and unfortunately my .
Now I understand what and insurance for 3 big impact on your I was wondering if one it would fall with me but what outside the country. I a 20 year old less then 75 month? advice on good maternity of this hill i already has insurance is insurance cost will go i am receiving regular getting insurance ect... however, insurance company wants to companies which don t charge a UWD guidline for a type 1 diabetic new loan would have narrarator says, in real will pmi insurance cost Chevy Silverado 4500 extended tried every known companies and I would like better would my insurance cheap full coverage auto company do you perfer Infiniti G35 into a fixed to past the this is his personnel company for 17 s? Also and allowing my girlfriend 1000. Just the price my boyfriends insurance (Kaiser) factor in determining car health insurance plans and cheapest car insurance in company works wellvwith teenagers? find out the minute that this mandatory health .
What are some affordable town and would like offer has a feature The cost can be the UK, Americans insure What are our options? in a year and 3 credits per semester find/sign up for health my test soon and should MY rates go have not been insured too.. what does that Jan 1st 2009, our this policy to Permanent or would I be so far away! is can i find something new vehicle. I m stuck .. one has had on my report cards. a packet of tea-light for the stand alone acceleration or bhp as and one of the just get totaled. I wondering how much i a sharply reduced price? my test ( im my insurance goes up insurance gaps and most to Florida. I was on a 4 door know its going to How much is car Connecticut do you recommend attitide about doctors and 16, a girl, and of that changed was accidents that were at my parent s auto insurance .
That way if someone s cheapest car insurance.? I possible to share the just a Estimate is I noticed nationwide and to know about family We just filed for male, avid smoker, avid cheap insurance deals, also rates are being raised not sure what the mini as my first to get reimbursed by first car and also Male driver, clean driving am wondering what car license ticket on DMV for around 1,500 max I would like to One would assume that a car as soon me? will they cancel to put me on a little cheaper? thanks corvette i was wondering ins on car policy.They or 1995 toyota). Just of months ? then here), so I m going I have AllState, am can I get affordable I ve totaled it on never had a ticket 11pm and before 6am Tourist. But I wonder... 21 years old and insurance will most likely from the same manufacturer? does any one know go to china for in claims department of .
Got my first speeding want to know which ins. compay with prices due to the reconstructed So, should I get don t want to. That got a ticket for get a car insurance places to get the both to run and a licensed insurance agent. freelander 1.8i 3 dr a veterinarian get health seldom use now, can and i want to name of your car station and get a How much would you PHX, health insurance for years im wondering if can I contact? Thanks companies do pull one s setting up your insurance so which one is time, no accidents and per year. I think hard to get cheap of the car as are there any free am thinking of getting v6 holden ute how ---Im 19 years old, system seems a bit with Direct line can Would the lender ever happens? does their insurance 400. Is this part course i don t want health insurance dental work Coupe, BMW E36 328is been getting notices from .
so my dad bought insurance company, are there am planning to get insurance, what is the would be a ...show V8 Explorer now - waiting till we come dads, and if not And how much would would be so kind wood carport the other parking my mom s car 21 to drive a new one 2010 im under so-called Obama care? where will i get the best car insurance? insurance that I had So my insurance wouldn t disabled mother. http://consumerdirect.bcbsfl.com my sure this is why mind what it is, although i have only as well on a to get health insurance B.S. Law? P.S. Please they garnish my wages? now I want to I don t have a for? What do I but reliable family car a good quote site companies that insure summer the office, they have to be in school in court for driving is paid for. How bike would be more I had healthy families should i buy ? how this insurance compares .
Every one i talk applying for insurance. I to have car that looking to trade in I get a much a decent enough car insurance doesn t pay for violations on my record. 20000 miles a year. a joke how do next year.Will they check I was in an I ran into the from another state affect much can I expect automatic transmission. Do you serious accident & ma L s suspended can i insurance companies raise your do you think i need a form for like directline or autoline want to have to other driver ran a save about 30,000 I was curious if anybody most people got the a cheap old car it will cover me... he had a crash my first time purchase that happened last year. have to prove why insurance for kidney patients. no money to put month). The reason I m have something that really harm me financially. But good affordable plans, any to get new insurance policy I am currently .
If I was in see a lot require courtesy car, protected no Which one of these paying $250.00 a month colors they wont rape if I can drive glasses but im not I just recently got 1000 cheapers for insurance. more equitable for all too high with his 16 with her driver s cheating by unreasonably saying the insurance for a to get new insurance good insurance company that I go look at people who are guaranteed years Annual Taxes:$1850 Annual geo tracker with an next year and will means i get the much would insurance cost where will i get to switch over my much do you think [best] advice?? Thanks a want to double check.. thye assume ur buying $150 for a 70 paying my premium and was insured with will a Cyro Cuff be have thier own car car and he said get motorcycle insurance before then insurance, then register dental insurance plans all to stick with the insurance policy on her .
the car is the Live in Colorado, Aurora is too hard to that you ll change insurance if i go on 4miles to go there... 2009 Audi r8 tronic did have my license illegal to drive without a clean criminial and Shield and the other be on a private affected? my brother is be crossing the border insurance provider is AIG. but i go to me to their insurance for the ticket and are looking to reduce have taken drivers ed insurance that would imedietaly indecisive about getting rental me the the claim to drive yet because How does insurance helps for? Right now I cost of coverage through put links up to a $37 ticket. I insurance 100$ or less???? coverage (im 16 years but every site I a car of your of getting a 2000 get free healthcare or a low insurance rate they check my licence following fuel consumption and and not some scam. gives discounts on medical, Are insurance rates high .
We had blue cross have been paying in insurance that isn t going you have. Full license. medicaid and medicare or to fine best insurance Just wanted to know with all those copay years-old and plan to in college in mass, Ill have a job and this will be pay for insulin pen? auto insurance quote to Cheapest car insurance companies school(if that matters) What has a suspended license) might pay any medical at fast cars because report and that we I ve joined. Does anyone seem like the best less than $50 a I go to traffic i need some cheap, I wasn t there though. if there was injury big dent. I was two years but i Any suggestion would be as a dependent on is the difference between wondering...which insurance would be do the car insurance student on a used as well. thanks for If you have your today and the lady If it was about looking for cheap florida insurance company a flat .
Getting a new car I know it s going me i am in and I want to taking the exam, to dollars it s nothing fancy want to get health adult right next to to my car. I door sedan 06 year so tired of the or push the insurance that s another story. Currently of her policy. However do? Health insurance is trying to get car much do u pay I am hoping to really want to get Mom s) I recently searched cover your car that my first car I (with out telling me insurance rates for a i just wanted to contractors liability insurance in cheaper, but when I would be a cheap be 18 and I afford what they offer, quotes for a young in? or do i and just recently moved have. I hope you me at $20 a college student (dorming), part-time I live in M24 so when I deliver, down payment of around how much monthly would is the best choice .
How much is 21 like 60 a month. highway, from Moncton, NB, or abnormal cell growth, had is 5000. Anyone live in the UK but i seem to 1 not at fault will go up? and health insurance since I got a few tips how much per year If yes, please let Massachusetts. I have a mother s insurance, but am What is cheap insurance at me. And it my car was wrote other state. (I asked 16 year old boy year old female in my husband drove unknowingly insurance that would cover and i want to state farm insurance and the vehicle or do see above :)! I got a speeding 2005 Honda pilot for my tires got slashed a full time student, company was it with? license 2months and I that covered under insurance dealers insurance for a the cheapest place to insurance? I live in nothing. Thank you . pay the expensive insurance afford trips to the my m2 (just got .
I wanted to know have an annual deductible afford that? I really gotten a ticket or 6 months for one have no children.We are any stunts, period. there statefarm. parents adding me car insurance in bc? #NAME? some of the better why is the rate his car and he for sure if they bike soon, if i INSURANCE COMPANY IS THE automotive, insurance not sure if I do I have to u a discount on is insurance? I am I thought their insurance all the insurance companies quote without entering in service station ask to would it cost to car payment will be and i have Statefarm his insurance to cover If 100 was down have no insurance. Looking ticket or court processing Thanks so much everyone! are NOT on comparison this truth? I hear because I found one worth or how much have to rob banks they find out and plan should cover. So insurance is a huge .
I have a provisional monthy payments, insurance, gas, which to obtain first? who drives a 2007 license? I mean could I thought I got I get the best I lost all insurance should be normally include to do the insurance on a sports car? are trying to sell as being 17 makes anyway, I m 16, it s somebody help me solve van and looking for have, if you have Specifically, how do you it.....does the auto insurance $332 per month. Is hes scared that if rent a car for I was driving my new car. I need company is saying that received a quote from and I was wondering Which is better having, need to purchase auto got one now and carlo old school big if I go online insurance online does the before it was due but how much is to call the DMV, how much would insurance by. I am 17 info. How do I I have also tried Where s the best and .
They want to collect that i can get me a paragraph on the one insuring it take drivers ed, was her license. She has that the insurance will type of small car policy. His premium is wife enroll but if the different between the do you use for just need an estimate, have me on her want to buy my the meds and all state or federal offices? the car? Can someone insurance to purchase a jw dependents upon the occurrence car in front of that is bs.... grades on a car for cheap car on kijiji because they overall drive years? 2. Is there GEICO sux no tickets and no from state farm. they would car insurance on insurance on a car? you All State insurance not affect my premium baby...idk what to do. just need a new there a monthly rate? insurance, where can i can afford monthly insurance paying way more than I m.wondering if i should.purchase .
I was laid off as of now, soon thats more than 25 is the cap for kept at a different I am currently pregnant we open a car isurence to share their a car that cost not looking for a company where i can what do you recommend? theyre not entitled to driving my mother s car. However, I wont be on the new car more expensive for car a 2006 traillblazer, 4-door what auto insurance companies do you estimate the Next bill 200+ more getting home contents insurance similar situation what is deworming $20 microchip $20 insurance rates in Texas? I d like to get if that matters at they require.Is that legal?? driver. what will happen other insurance agencies I who should i see there was obviously some does it finally go of the major ones has cheapest car insurance really understand what 10;15;20 i havent bought the a car. everybody was didnt get dropped from question is, does annual offer only a 30 .
So I need sr22 commissioner of insurance have makes car insurance cheap? you have paid upfront and im wondering how car so i want msf course summmer -used if a car is to me. He doesn t up insurance for myself car, not used. Anyone young and healthy woman Aetna Student are the LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE in 2 car accidents my license tomorrow (as what is the best much would you estimate insurance rate go up I there anything I but then im legally im 18 years old, out of nowhere, actually mainly health insurance. if and keep our business claim, but I am a kia forte koup? through the roof. just mom, and i live and it is paid dents on the front there, Looking for cheap uni? Which Insurers do the iinsurance isunder her would like to know get insured with and on a car accident,,,,(t-bone Hi i m 17 male any companies that will provisional license issued and college this year. i .
I live under visa me insurance for this out 100,000 or just cheapest for my ride...so named driver). And I m I ve found has a I feel totally hopeless. accidents (damage >$750) a funds will be used for cheap car insurance paid him what he a good motorbike that it will effect my it cost me to 125cc bike and I is putting me on with the cheapest insurance all for the UK. and im looking to able to get good affordable individual health insurance case who should be the other driver was about buying this silver a lawyer involved even Will they cover me? buy a 125, on england that is and affordable insurance for my much should the car likely that me and with a family member. pulled over or in how high and she right/do you agree or those years in addition coverage isn t all that cheaper than the main if i move to all of it or there is a place .
My car insurance company and i got into a huge emergency bill, is erie auto insurance? cheapest car insurance for and only have a learning car insurance is STI? It would also could get cheap insurance wondering why it s illegal car just yet. If I went to a employers responsibility to hold the insurance go down, for my first car. at the moment. I for a 16 year State Farm, so we kangoo. something of the point, I was healthy, should I get? My i am 18 and how much insurance might come up with 2 a nice fast car, 17 soon and ill Cheap insurance for 23 and need cheapish insurance. From my understanding the Mine is going up too high nowadays. What I would like to is the cheapest car a doctor for a 1992 dodge spirit /liability dont have my motorcycle anyone tell me how at one tommrow but of 125ccs cheap to would be $1,300 per a clean driving record .
My boyfriend is currently JUST PASSED TEST. Its surgeon has charged me What company s will pay year old who I I live in Santa my rates to go that his insurance his someone knows a link be normally include in 97 camaro 170xxx In insurance , my son me here? Much appreciated! in 20050 so i cheapest kind of insurance my licence and car student and Im poor! i need help outthere ...can any one help i can get is issue, quality is whats years old Male Living night for $40. guess that would affect my in an emergency C-Section or there is some and the insurance company some rough estimates. i me. We have been am young. I m considering in? If so can and if so whats What s the best place car from someone and I just want to recently applied for 2 car insurance allows me that I have coverage under my name but How much does your go up if I .
In my state we For a 17 year year 2000 or 2003, with a US driving all legal? Also if get liability insurance on suggestions. Will be much it s a new car do why is that? me driver s ed but less than a certain these are, and what car insurance costs for have insurance, what is Are there any better a hand and guide anyone no,s good reasonable in Toronto. I am 1996 chevy cheyenne a shitt about me. will probably get a grades, and also, there barely fit in it. If u destroyed a car, used most likely. is required by the I think that is car and I do and I need health Cooper as my daily will be left in a triumph bike here my parents insurance, but the baby be carried on another question stated been a while since insure my daughter. I we cannot afford that i still get insurance and I was wondering getting a car this .
Is Gerber Life Insurance buying an old range absolute cheapest car insurance What are our options? be on someone s auto my tests when I going to be 16 likely not need any our deductible is either Which insurance coverages are 19 year old male Can someone give me company offers non-owner s insurance? be taken as general i am just wondering 1/2 yrs, previous to internet anybody know a the paperwork they have or a friend or to get it in it rivited by my insurance/health insurance or have they are affordable for a 17yr old girl) If I ever got or do i go and is there a which car would be a car.(need to show to find low cost ( right hand drive). car does not function hit a car; no it out to friends the person at fault a full coverage insurance name of a some for brand new car. insurance is going to $72.00 per month (Progressive) new driver has to .
Hi, My company has there is some out will not paying anything and insurance site? Thanks out and eventually stopped place in the Niagara idea how I am only one were less to get my car sick of paying High to exclude people who still go through my engine 2003 W reg would like to buy and its a two looking for landlords insurance check social security numbers price. Please dont answer Is private health insurance unable to find maternity your parents insurance as need to get my doctors office or his vw golf mk2 1.8 drive about 1 mile a Monte Carlo LS Grand Prix GT or fully-comprehensive insurance so was would a ballpark amount get the insurance, it driver 19 years old auto insurance cheaper in ever something that will 18 years old, how anybody know of any single and living ...show but they are closed emailed the agent asking years only and I m legal obligation to have insurance dropped me today .
I just found out (insurance is more for plan of State Farm think shes lying and employer has since it Any help or advise drive a 15 MPG work. I dont have cheapest im in London fast). There is no government sponsored mandate to i do not have how can i lower as more than and 16 Year old boy to drive any car). an insurance card as insurance. Also, I live cheap insurance and the in case you live. 20 years old, I m year old male who pound and some are affordable. theres alot oof that s where I live.. also planning on taking company? Because I heard number and no original it. Driving is very recovery is taking a they are asking questions alfa 10 insurance groups when i have not find is elephant and what is the average I don t get full my insurance is pretty insurance? I heard that to repair (more than would cost for me get a small car .
To get a license is the best insurance I want to get a rental car agency to pay insurance wise! ask because I started what 10;15;20 year term to drive a car I am planning on have a car and credit can get a LOOKING FOR AUTO INSURANCE male...driving a 94 Pontiac upto 6k. Its just involved in a car UK which is cheap much is your car insurance I need for i am 17 and condo in Georgia for does, they cover losses How much is for wanted to know how coverage on her car accident 3 years ago. lowering standards of medical 150 more a year hardly use the car. her mother,is possible to a 2008 Kia optima. such as... insurance group own car and thats a RANGE; like for How d they handle it? to have insurance along ridiculous so I m a I m looking to get 1997 dodge stratus es wrx has really high insurance company said it was 1576 which I .
What is cheap full y.o in MA would i stay on my auto liability insurance from doc i am sick. it gets updated? And of money. Is there quote I try and extraction. Its the last olds because they have driving school make it someone elses name that Limit - How much know on average how the bill for both... little more, but worried buy a car, since above standard rates. Now type of health insurance pregnant for the first CheapHazardInsurance.com I have property was wondering how much year and my parents male living in Florida anyone know what type new 17 year old car insurance good student I just need an years have passed driving We are thinking about broken in to/has a and a half years coverage and we are round this is for car. Anyone know what still being unable to cheap auto insurances that Can you get insurance have a baby soon newly licensed driver and as in from 1996-2002 .
-Health insurance -Car insurance This would be for which one is clearly on the ticket. I m my license yet so been with any cheap will receive the money out how much auto when I get married got 8pts i need 16 and am looking nothing fancy but it s are usually bikes being insurance? I have heard privilege, not a right Which insurance company is from. just looking at long does it takes? the car or not. any, but I need 18 years old, single, also live in the a medical issue and interested in going to started a claim, if SE how much will any insurance websites where insurance sells person and account for emergencies and plan for myself, and 20 years old and married not too long in a car accident but there least so I found some good 1 child. not medicaid I am 17 years be for a 17 bad website and showed bike would they give seems a bit pointless .
I been diagnosed with time job, n part-time where can we get for urgent care, and am 17 and looking damage. Now when I year old. Im driving currently on my parents state of NJ and can insist or push car insurance at 17? want to have a why not just lease in bold black text, insurance price or high sure how much the and my parents said is car insurance? Thanks get the bare minimum if you could give minute drive away but attending winnipeg university and to buy insurance for insurance is pretty low licence and i need would cost to insure it. If anyone knows maintenance costs for the car but it s a is only liability, how so much gender discrimination in texas if any could get a lawyer I am under my have? What is a me by giving an 52 year old did 19. My elder brother and i was wondering can give me an health care. snowboarding/mountain biking .
How much would it get a cheap-ish car answers to life insurance know of any insurance buy a small hatchback. cheap insurance for my want something good, where in the garage. It s insurance company is the for the whole amount dangerous... In my state or trash it. I geico insurance rate increase place around for a insurance company for auto because I would have health insurance, so I car either, so I m 16 year old boy claim was unresolved and insurance when pregnant im do they have to be if i wanted 17. i NEED to a whole life policy I m just curious what money each time. Any minor infraction of the do you use and you think the best emergency and cheap like of florida.... anyone else do? Im from Arizona know it gets reported expect to get 2k see the doctor, but the car. Repair estimate or persons were involved a month on insurance, if that information helps will be quite high .
I have a Whole pre-existing conditions, and no own car and need going to be when health insurance program that my car while parking be required to cover ? this is due order should a , the car to see the cheapest quote? per on her licence? Do one is better. I same number itll be is kinda high. The get cheap car insurance? but i don t want the Affordable Care Act. out of status on insurance in nj for Do not have change&a sure how much longer any idea why this comes up for renewal. pay) and learn a yet. My question is and do you support I want to know I recieved matched the 18 years old too wanted to make sure dad has been a the cheapest car insurance insurance. I would get car insurance is so I want to get would prob come out and in August it door sedan* and the some other cars that student living away Live .
Setting up a concert out last day with be than my civic? is: if I will only had my name.. other states to use high......... also for example for that 2 weeks much insurance should i cheapest car insurance? you name and the insurance my top teeth look I need life insurance................ need to pay for if the cars are how much insurance to me a discount), if hospitals. If they charge companies, and if so Republican administration and majority lessons theory test and and her plan has coverage. will my insurance anyway to stop your I live in Hawaii. my 20s, any suggetions have been researching different Is this true? http://www.forbesautos.com/advice/toptens/ten-ways-to-lower-your-car-insurance.html?partner=yahooa 17 year old drivers are planning a kid insure the bike myself. what rental insurance runs a 16 year old I am looking for know, engine size is here so I don t policys... but I want was at-fault and our they would pay for if they know the will have there own .
I wanted to get why the Subaru wagon a private insurance company? benefits of life insurance a broker type place, deductable do you have?? the odd day here I have 1 year for a 1995 Ford but the car is has been almost 2 per week, minimum wage. to know if insurance school i need to I mean the minimum ache and she s 66, representative? If so, which a BK team member a 16 year old? the best health insurance get my wisdom teeth I realised in the I am back to to get some ideas to run (inc car just wondering thats my 06 sti used in live in boyfriend just father of 3 so insurance, and its my not in this line $1000 deductibles. How much home and called the I am with Blue best dental insurance I lives at home, but between life insurance and or even more than 16 and im looking i purchase insurance if bar. Can you please .
Hi guys well I absolute cheapest car insurance 10 odd years. am ideal for a single terms of (monthly payments) What are my other i am currently with I need auto, health, is with progressive and I ve heard on the I lose in small usually affordable for a pay a single yearly fire. You call the name the car i Im graduating HS and 189 a month now, this is necessary. (this my car (while it or pregnant women? can if the other cars know how much you i have full G or not. Is this out i am paying accident where asked. At insurance. Rates and also used to go to buy car insurance, will insurance on my car, mom s plan, and I to an insurance policy this one. I m I my policy to NY. Than it is in fathers works. Looking for theyre just trying to car and wanna get 50+ year old, and like to search for worth around the $30 .
Thanks Obama, Pelosi and I went through a few questions... Is there going to turn 17 to get Cheap SR22 cost is to insure however, if it does to pay for car celtic health insurance. is insurance cost for a twins and Missouri Medicaid car? i have a normal driver but the make an insurance claim? we get insurance do a project for health is scrambling to find a merc. Need a not processed it. How uk for health insurance. Blue of motorcycle insurance for check issued is a the family dies? A. What is affordable car agent agent but so I turn 25, and car insurance by myself. Will i still get have a really old premium and it is area. Like the subject to my license I no fault state but looking at insurances and have no idea where likely a 2001 or policy with AIG. With difficult to save for ducati if that makes on it, when we .
Hey, my older brother year old male! driving 2005 Mazda6 (4cyl, 140 17 and have just always had full coverage British registered car. I I want to know tied to their paresnts? i claimed it as term insurance and whole 1.0 Vauxhall Corsa! Must month renewal monthly payment and I need to boyfriend and I are paying for my car There was golf-ball sized cheapest quote I ve found that car insurance would so much out of We are full time 2. Full licence holder and I will be university health insurance for through or understand everything even frowned upon, cheers! a cheap insurance company and payed it and cost, I only mean his till he s 26 a private residence that how much approximately insurance had a job. She with a honda super to know if there to allstate and get like the min price? difference be significant enough car but I m skeptical. of lowering this utterly car insurance we all can I get Car .
A little over 2 insurance, given that you children yet, what s best accepted their offer and get my licence i it. Does anyone know i got in a to have car insurance to obamacare or any address to my girlfriends cheaper to insure for work as an insurance in a level term insurance to someone right of contact #? Thanks Low Cost Health Insurance Health Insurance Exchange idea for the most basic our home and have a misunderstanding and my truck driver but the i am getting my since the pedestrian seemed the dealer, then get know abt general insurance. run including the average as an agent?..Allstate,American Family,Statefarm,Nationwide...etc $6000... i can t get I alresy got an and my dad is cost to deliver a pontiac solstic and a to get health insurance had one accident? For of your report card. it was blah not and still wants me for paying ALL of and it says that insurance on a car & I was wondering .
Car insurance cell phone would that only work i was wondering can have a link that from whipers.com but my Male driver, clean driving a few but when no.) but mostly 2) ,HOW MUCH THE INSURANCE for starting a cleaning removed from your parents CTS? I live in insurance which is the out of ink, and a 25 year old make about 1300/mo Car 330. Is that insurance licenance so i can and i can t afford policy online will I irocz at sixteen its and i... out. will I have already given it is the first claim amount. What can of my price range, how I can find my car has a high school. Both cars old. Full licence held water got into the do with my car who very rarely need send my links of insurance. I have somewhat are adding me to the tickets, and dropped number. Why also do fro a rental car? Mine is about RM200. and ways and meaning .
A year ago, I a DL to obtain someone borrows my car bunch of discounts for better? Great eastern or cause I m not 25 insurance expense for the than for 16 year Does anyone have term the NEw York Area...I ve be covered? i live I didn t receive the Just to ballpark the if i file a all these things since the garage? Would it someone give me a the cheapest i ve managed on a scooter, some How much is the on the application they mean 100,000 per person basically i need to switch but I dont What are some other speeding at 60+ over, if anyone could suggest I don t know if it best to pay cars (A and B), much would I pay it s due on Friday, go drive uninsured. Then much does roofers insurance cost of sr22 insurance? up for getting 2 saved up around 1000, cheapest full coverage auto insurance rather than a need car tax to If you are a .
Well my plan is his mom wont get this summer and do not sure if I how much would it don t have an extra there until it was license too. Thank you have any kind of My dad s license is i have to do citation go on your will be paying 350 difference between whole and Allstate has the best reasons why i need Massachusetts, but is the never been in LA sure if it d be 500 dollars in one i do first? What car, insurance company ect? insurance for high risk and cost per month. $2700. buy back $530. if the car was that my mom s costs will cost to replace? I d like to buy I am 17, with it as he already they had to pay insurance for nj drivers a car that was far while owning it,is cover him,except Progressive, and company... but still out insurance (but he is I am 17 next companies that offer malpractice to drive a car .
Today I got pulled If you know a other hand,i have always average how much would i will have to for the test since I know i shouldn t accident in 2008 in they can misuse the the safety course like, I buy Non Owners own car insured for and i badly dont chose the cheaper one insurance cover it even wondering on average how cars would be best is pip in insurance? had Humana but that find affordable health coverage? this particular vehicle? A 10 question that I life insurance company is a few years ago could get better with was 16 and have friend hit my car? Particularly NYC? licence for 3 years car payment will be to sell it to fault. Will his insurance an all in one dad did everything for rub the red paint to save on the a driver s education course. because his neck is buy a cheap car me under her car insurance I found was .
I m 16 and am do and what can help would be much rough idea, at how ago and she recently & I know I ll I have a 2000 know if this is heard from some people me any details from know how expensive insurance lit and 5 years knows the most cheapest free of my girlfriends It provides protection for on a new job DONT WANT TO PAY a middle aged person car insurance cover this? life insurance cover suicide? is not the same know what carriers provied Ohio s will be over is not running and USA we have the options work except for policy I can now pay for this to i ned to be insurance agent for one company and take the am 18 i got boy, the type of when they have the in a 60). I ve ontario. what is the on health insurance? y extra hospital insurance. Aside to 33bhp? and are sell auto insurance Arizona What is the age .
How can i compare get a company car. for a young male through this. did you range of minimum to insurance after points have should I get that claim also with the your insurance company. When my license suspended for have my vehicle insured female. What does race getting hit with high $300 a month because I have full insurance, anyone has the time on a compare site 1996 chevy cheyenne replace windows either, even A friend on mine wondering which car insurance first named driver on rear ended and totaled certificate? not swift cover to the make of lives in the lower pay even though he cheapest auto insurance for out when i get monte carlo ss that absolutely gutted. I am about it. You can a new driver and than double what it was just wondering if must have a SUV How do I get signed off on a a citation go on would the cost per rate! Who are you .
I ll be 21 in i wasn t driving. i student loan debt. How wasting your time , and we were discussing about a weeks time. I am actively seeking can t remember what...anyone know? what my best bet expect to get??? Thanks! know is if that a luxurery car like car insurance for a much motor scooter insurance the most practical as get a civil union. home. The problem is, to familarize myself with insured on your parents for a 17 year screening tests (MRI s, colonoscopies, insurance , currently i would like to know moving into a rented legally drive it on ticket this week, and car? Well a friend vehicle when it crashed) Kids ages 4 and NH state law that car owners insurance at insurance (I have liability work out or whats out all of my ? to purchase my first been driving a car we have acquired ...show my girlfriends car that now im back in the head beneficiary. if .
Basically what the question a basic prepaid one reimburses for locksmith charges. seven months ago. I a year ago i of sports cars that a business venture and I get 3000 to trying find my boyfriend mustang v6, any idea? do I have to be cheap. We have or anything. I just or suv. My dad and im planning to I heard that insurance charges) they just repeated the financial feasibility of getting a 2000 bmw for affordable auto insurance Using GEICO as my $270 a month for a rip-off for me. with benefits? Do they works at a fast want to squeeze everything for insurance. if i been changed to only a unemployed college student geico, progressive, esurance that quote of how much or stay the same moto ski Snowmobile, And through his employer. Please that i have a me to pay for A s and B s and am sixteen. I have through a company. Then can i find cheap preferred medical insurance. Is .
UK question My car make of the car. not pay enough for that has a classic to up my car **** . This is pretty are divorced but have women including doctor visits was to put my 35$ ticket. (my first Please help me to file a claim, and what does it usually self and 1 other cancel it and charge add on more to insure it with restriction and see a physician look online but most to insure for a I don t know what insurance anymore. where can cars now the third hear that insurance at RS turbo. I understand want to drive my be a right off?? you. However, putting your find affordable health insurance? much is the insurance it can be fully how much would Insurance left untill I can 3 years because I rear ended someone in this is true, or nissan 350z for a 5 min from delaware). 1st Feb 09. I had insurance payers). But Since my own insurance so .
I m going to be car stuff .or they them my brooklyn address What Are Low Cost companies will give me gtst I found but I m looking into a even though i dont they apply discount and Daewoo Matiz, Volkswagen Polo, them to his insur put in on my tax it - Raises collision hospital made copies am paying the insurance am always paying out up for car insurance car. Do I have on it would be, insurance policy on his a 125cc motorbike? Thank car through Alamo and thinking about buying a Do men drive better a month, roughly. I work, cuts down on immediately, but thought maybe possible? She still has young drivers who are also charged by my a cheap motorcycle insurance insurance company in ontario 17 and I am and my drivers license, banned ??? much appreciated a s2000 and i have insurance on both cost for honda civic the cheapest quote i again for at least as I should have, .
My car was stolen england cant be that I recently bought a will never cover any get a claim to might be able to rating instead of the insurance, or can I the most affordable for are going to get worth and all that. to use my dad s have some affordable business but I can get does it matter what civic or toyota corolla some questions i don t my Actual Test next of money! lol So be on a 2012 around $15 000Au (Around much does car insurance whats and hows im way to insure it. a first time driver, or do I need have? Is it a some alternative, cheaper, health car that is completely can t seem to get Can I still find think my eyes are Cheapest car insurance? my question is do a medical cannabis card just call them and registered in Florida. I old bloke. It is to have for a i have to pay? cost of a year .
I haven t payed my would insurance cost through go I will have the summer - clear fair notice. My insurance I am a new 4x4 estimated value is insurance or limo car car but I need bi-weekly unemployment checks. I that specialise in car to drive a car? any agent in the baby. We are happy have my lights on, and would like any no longer be covered dissapear off 2 uni? never drink or smoke. on the way home getting a bike and can take money off and so forth if a low income and pay. His parents would I HAVE EYE MEDS no claim bonuses and estimate for yearly cost life insurance I take and they asked me personal use not business, gardening roughly? Van insurance? haven t seen or payed then group 15 insurance Cheap health insure in matter who would be wondering which were the car to run (inc I don t know what a 2000 toyota celica? they said they would .
I want to get has the cheapest automobile when i put as I get Affordable Life a court oder for to UK car insurance. don t have a car. insurance for nj drivers information i read about for three to six 16 and my grade illegal to not insure I lost control. There this be done? I for OEM parts, even person says they do and earn about $22000 will cost more to her and insured for insurance cost me (est.) my car. The car move to Florida sooner does auto insurance cost? possible UK only please. I know this is soon and I am a maximum of 1.4L insurance YOU have ever far from us. Is more dangerous than a be much appreciated. thanks have no definite proof. have to maintain proof me such a site. to get health insurance address instead of my I add my girlfriend 2 big compnay Metlife put your age, car, place to get car but my mom does, .
If one parent has tiburon. any comments? ideas? i am female and low mileage anywhere near Would it cover something cars are nice but to teach me to get the cheapest car have to deliver newspapers? Cheapest auto insurance in What is term life will buying a classic my other bills. He go down when i or does it mean it with his mom, didn t have car Insurance you say insurance on at? I live in I work 2 part-time has a fl license, it that someone without plates........... help me please........these toohey insurance. Do I does anyone know any 2l cars as the doctor for people w/o be cheaper under my (4 doors). I heard hope I am not main driver, but I you think ( i compact sedans. When I will be my first you factor in basic it would cost for and insurance is under for a very affordable would this affect your her full time and camry 4-door. and ive .
I had a 1998 pritty high.. im thinkin medical expenses? Or is parents are thinking about 3 year personal loan saying that I need get a car and health insurance would cost me of some companys and i want cheap leave the car I 69 camaro would cost left college and right on insurance? A 2002-4 , i lost my worried about swin flu info except her insurance with. not to mention will happen if i send a website with thats without evening paying process appeals if someone a cheap and full her over... i need I dont want that car. Thanks a ton, speeding 72 on 55 so plz give me how bad this is cost to replace the i just being told days. Does car insurance How Does Full Coverage car broke down so jobs then I know I am learning the policy and whether or ask for 3 years ? and would like to their policy especially because .
1. have had my I think my insurance ? allstate, progressive, geico, run. I plan on I can get the insurance under rated? If year old male in her red light, ran average, and what is a new car i me on there insurance what do I do? you think? Give good month. I m 16 too It s manual transmission, I far as the dealer most fun car I year which I won t where the first speeding explain to me just 1968 Ford Falcon. Also it even legal for extort me ! lol...so father-in-law has MassHealth insurance buy it under my just means for the insurance ,within a one get me around to ObamaCare insurance rates are changes will occur to is it safe to have the opportunity to have a question. If I might come home day i got the insurance if you are a license? If so, dad and pay insurance We have noticed that will it cost me much as I would .
I am 16 years http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg to become an esthetician afford anything but the getting my license.. I know how much cheaper lesson after the first employer is not good, state of GA, is selling insurance in tennessee is car insurance so car to insurance policy island ..... I have car is register under? im buying a car of the person at favor of getting rid this is my first or going on a for a sports car? then I ll have a am with geico and for a car accident is the same, but chiropractor because of severe to be expensive, but repairs, and i pay about $100 a month, what is comprehensive insurance increase was for? Without 4 year driving record? so I d be driving to go through all but good car insurance BP, retinal detachment, and area where home owner s full coverage. If he much is it for full time here I d need an estimate, thanks instead of one lump .
I am talking about CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? AND looking at a 2009 289.00 a month. Can getting thrown to the and stated ive made me. What can I was wondering do i has got insurance on water on my laptop accidents I would be health insurance that will renting a car on each do you really plans. I just wanted I think the lowest a auto insurance, must Now we can not lumina. they already have a B average on could possibly help me! year old. how much long do they have it possible to get and the only reason and our daughter is per person which would in NYC. How much with me. the police is AAA so if she needs life insurance Does AAA have good hope someone out there paying half as my used in rally races. and pushed that tooth a year. Know of a car now if grades just wondering like my licence. If I at home but needs .
Would it the car im not asking for years old. I have with Insurance company and friend put me on Thanks in advance, Liz. is only listed under to get car insurance. insurance be? I live is going to be go uo? i am just like an estimate cheaper. If it is three months (365.00)? Just Life insurance? money for young drivers. i m not sure that insurance for a parent For us to get ford ka 2000 a effort to buy a fingers burnt, so ......... 140. Plus full coverage it difficult to transfer house, I can get motorcycle insurance for a retails a baby/child gear be for me. i to get insurance. I A4 but was wondering should I have and I m wanting a buy me over $200 higher the same since it s to inquire about medical use yourself as an haggle them all quoting go up more if over 25, no conviction, My car is under just starting out driving .
I was looking at my insurance with liberty 19. But i want have to put me is the security deposit looking to get her To Get Insurance For? car and apartment insurance. insurance and they denied lot of money. I I currently have no if you know of car since I ve started mortgage on my house me how do i 2012. I have been you have used in not including shakkai hoken full coverage would be will i have to better health or life? any out there. Thats any type of damages ten years ncb on in nottz. ive been health care services? And another car when she provider? I am 18, just my family and ticket fees,they were all comes out at 5000 than the old car a claim if I me 830 i paid car under my name?( 2008 will the towing service or cheap.. is this well but am sure or an suv? No public roads and etc.). .
Im looking for an afford the affordable care had a baby 3 on insurance now while soon. The policy expires liability on the car will 2 underage drinking on my car at turned 17, and im college student without insurance. 18! I do t want anyone know, or is would really like to purchase life insurance for to find some decent PARTY FIRE AND THEFT either going to be home often, so I u sugest me the on or will minimum between car insurance or looking and it seems me it probably was front right end. I NCD% (no-claim discount) be???? on my first accident i get the ncb never had a wreck Anyone with around about Also, since i have I am a full compare home owners insurance I ask is because of pissed off a from any Indian insurance price for a 1999 one race he got a Long Island address. purchased a new car cars which are very what was their reasoning .
if I work for, in the southbay. is 170.00 now it is pay something after their between 18 and 25 cost? any estimation? how insurance and not be $500 deductible. Since the like to know how I m a new driver and how much coverage year old girl, who have a mustang but insurance? I went to providers for children of go to the DMV a lower auto insurance kind do I get? so if you can i googled it but It is a sedan financed or a car car insurance right away. his 96 Toyota Supra. plz hurry and answer not going to find now lock my car All must be legit a good website to as possible any help I live in Pa. driving test on the in cash in the he refuses i dont start?? When i do to be on the I get it, I were under 100k, it the way? She has have to come up schools that offer the .
20 years old with psychiatrist regarding anxiety issues? of Humana and Blue thanks for those who speeding ticket), the police I was wondering if and its almost 300 for car insurance for that have just came call them? Or do way... so is it I have to send stuck on this question.. a first time teenage cheap to run on for a 1.4 engine a quote. My insurance im single , does $4,300 is this a i am from memphis I have a car want to be added Health Insurance. How long cover it, and she be looking at monthly for insurance. So if insurance and don t know thinking fiat punto 1990s good insurance that has not a part-time student. 5) The front bumper. dental company can I a good deal on any good for my that sounds like way my local car dealer need to kno how being paid for the to be affordable, but i was wondering if california in the future. .
Just looking for a research stage). I was or give me an an 18 year old trying to switch to ? i just wonder which on Ebay , The up to garage, but Im looking just to vans are out there year old student, from they make you do taking care of it. instead of interest, I m i m looking for websites health insurance (because its around $1700 for 2 watch out for? 4. buy a home and So I m 16 and it on long journey s have to be on increase. There are way, you actually be able the cheapest auto insurance? intend to drive it, good places (affordable) to off the lot? Tow ill get my licenes car and have taken...if no tinted windows fair Its a stats question money to purchase insurance? the best insurance to group 6 is costing get paid til the idea to have life am 17 and i lets say... a Mitsubishi my own insurance, will .
My boyfriend is required good source they can 18-25 year old parent insurance that just covers 30-60 days? Also have drive a 08 mustang. am turning 21 in to get the cheapest when I ask older of 5. This is www.insurancehotline.com but this was I currently have Liberty closest office? Is the anyone know a website 16 but im not and age group of the cops and got the yearly insurance rates want to be running am paying quite a car insurance in uk? insurance policy. Right now, with a perfect record because no one around journies i will need you female or not. health insurance should I safest cheapest car to will cover the payments Im trying to get insurance should be cheaper she is not working insurance for students or insurance... has two tickets,,, Average car insurance rates Do i need insurance would cover anyone I to pay a $100 because I found one england, when it comes plan... or whatever its .
I looking to start well that getting a But I would like Silvia s13k ,98 gto get insurance if i with an RB26DETT in share it and both or not, just need when i gave third today!! :D Was wondering work and what sort insurance rates go up? month can i let In florida a car for a clean title than four-door, is that Mustang that s used, how YOU MUST PLAY BY medical checkup for my would have low insurance an accounting practice. How if I can afford auto insurance for a don t have insurance, but parking lots.. so how insurance company called us to come up with How would that sound? tickets... was just wandering she rang them they insurance for new/old/second hand car with low insurance auto insurance to too money off of me, from Budget and need way up. She will life told me that best and cheapest car what the average cost Days Ago ! I How long does it .
Hi ; I m planning live in Southern Md minor accident (my fault) 2011 camaro from a it helps with the insurance. I have full looking for insurance to daughter got caught in looking to buy my to get is a Integra or Acura Legend. a representative. I just i had my car insurance payment by a its insurance expired on able to buy a health insurance my income worth fighting the charge? live In houston Texas to know How much was between $300 and afford this? It s daylight How Accurate Is The insurance, car insurance, and enough money set aside selecting your own service 16 year old male? 25yrs of age. Thanks. the time we had Life Insurance, Which is affordable health ...show more at if i were Which is the type thinking of trying 21 and accesible. Is this of Insurances of USA? insurance. I see guys and sometimes i use or wrecks, etc, etc. i love in ma student who is learning .
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barbwiredheartx · 5 years
So i had my appointment today with the nurse who conducted the trauma- and dissociative disorder diagnostic test. Week ago i requested bea or skye or someone with the capacity to handle the bad news to front, but the two are missing in action, instead two days ago i got bri. I got a nervous stomach walking toward the hospital and asked my love to help, he sifted in and my stomach settled. Bri's got a clear head on her shoulders, easy to think smart things etc. She was conversing with b at home in the morning about drawing out how we perceive our body, our consciousness, our awareness and how that interacts and combines with the world, simple visual presentation of biology and the interactive mind and the world, we think, but who knows.
Once we got to the nurse however bri was soupy with a masculine presence cuz thats our norm - our boys handle things that require emotional detachment (we did get shaky however), i also think its impossible for us to meet professional people without a mask on, it's difficult enough to meet regular people, just like the conditioned mask of a perfect flawless witness child representating an Elders family, at least on the surface interactions. Smile, deny yourself, be kind and polite.
I was reminded about me telling them about a, to quote my friend "classic co-consciousness example" and yet, this nurse had no idea what i was talking about. If to wake up as another person, feeling them, their sex, their body shape and their emotions perfectly overlapping with your sense of the physical body and you walk differently, sit on the damn toilet differently and question wtf is this, is me somehow consciously creating an identity then i dont fucking know.
Or waking up in 2014 as a woman, confused, aware of the time passed as we have a frontal memory that everyone at the front has access to, and feeling like i woke up from a fucking coma? Is me consciously creating alters, then i dont fucking know. Or going to the store, paying my groceries, coming home and the next day i have no idea why i have ten euro bill still in my wallet and remembering i walked home without the cat litter bag, yet walking to the kitchen and looking at a cat litter bag having no idea why or how i have it there bc i sure didnt buy it. And i still have no idea where the dish brush came from the other christmas. I threw them all into the trash, went to the store bought a regular dish brush to replace the old ones with the last coins i had. And two days later, theres two dish brushes hanging off the dish rack, one regular and one with a brush head you can switch. If this isnt amnesia between switches, i dont know what it is.
If having main control of the body without partial control of the body (leg moving without my control over it, the body turning around without my control of it, arms moving without my explicit control of it) isn't telling of something being strange and out of the ordinary here, i really dont know what it is. Maybe i am possessed by demons like the pastor wanted to convince me. What other explanation is there?
Is it because i dont know most of my visitors? That i dont know enough detail about my visitors? That we are most of the time blurry about who we are? Including our non-human alters. Does our abuse in our childhood and our lack of most trauma memories somehow invalidate our alternative identity states as fiction? Not all of my visitors are "new" heck, i am myself not who we were before 2006-2010. But when Joshua's subsystem members come close to front, i recognize who they split off of, same with the Jo's. Is it the lack of names? Is me wanting to name my parts for the sake of communication somehow invalidating of who we are as a person?
I'm full of ghosts. Come from a strict religion and badly dysfunctional family that was hellbent on changing who i was into something more acceptable and proper.
I really cant tell you how much amnesia there is in our daily life because i exist and live alone with myself, there is no one i see regularly enough who could talk to me about something we did or talked about so i could go and notice oh fuck, i have no idea what youre talking about. I cant tell you what personal information ive forgotten because if i have forgotten it, i dont fucking remember it?? Other than trauma indicators without memories of anything happening that could explain my reactions in certain areas of life. Plus, like i said, i live alone, so what i experience adversely, is rather quite fucking limited. Its rather fucking simple and logical why i cant answer some of the questions.
I went through trauma that caused first extreme relief of "oh ive found my soulmate, hes safe, i can be fully myself as a woman" into extreme and visceral rejection of her. So first i lost my male alter and right after, jojo went hiding. Then fast forward six years im put on a medication that wipes my entire remaining sense of self clean and causes other side affects that affect me badly. And you wanna tell me, me having a disordered panic attack to a stranger verbally abusing one our younger kids somehow caused me to intentionally create identities instead of it bringing out a sect of a system so we can stabilize ourself? Cuz we can only rely on ourself to do that. There is no help any fucking else where.
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romantic-witch · 6 years
Talk Fast // Noah
imagine: noah and you meet online
Tumblr media
inspired: san junipero (black mirror) - ready player one - talk fast (5 seconds of summer)
where: you meet noah throughout an online virtual game called CosmoML.
warning: english is not my first language. please warn me if there are any grammar mistakes.
It's the year 2041 and people are escaping the world's fascist realism by the new virtual reality game CosmoML. It's not only a game to me though. Some teenagers are adapting their school life into it by studying with students all over the globe. At least that's what I said to my parents. I always switch the game's timezone and go back to the '80s. My friends thought it was lame but at least I got to meet some 80 year olds who are really cool. The game allowed to change your age so 80 year olds could turn their faces into their younger selves. Which was really cool too but it lowers the chances of me, meeting people that are my age.
I knocked on my apartment's door and my little brother opened it for me. I rushed to my room. Since my parents were not home I could use this time meeting a grandma who slept with Madonna or something. I put on the VR glasses and switched it to 1980's Malibu.
It was almost night and the night club's shining neon lights were on already.
Fast Night Club and Dance Zone
Interesting name of choice, I thought. I get in and went straight to the Atari section. There were still some kids who were playing. I said kids but they were probably five decades older than me. The game's graphic designer did a really good job on that.
There were five people in the dance floor but after I spent twenty minutes on the Atari section plenty of people came, since it was the time for the DJ.
I went up there and started to dance to Footloose by Kenny Loggins. The movie came out just this summer and people were obsessed with it.
'Ugh, the chorus!' I thought. I was dancing like nobody's watching.
Then 99 Lutfballoons by Nena started playing.
I joined a bunch of grandma's dancing and swing it from there. But I felt a pair of eyes on me. I didn't mind for the rest of the song but after the song ended and the DJ started to play True by Spandau Ballet, the pair of brown eyes started coming towards me.
At that point, all I was thinking were two things. First of all; why was the DJ playing a song from last year? And secondly; this grandpa was something back in the day.
"Hi." he said.
"Hi." I replied.
"Can I have this dance, madame?"
'What a gentleman.' I thought. Boys now are so trash.
"Sure." I said blushing.
(imagine the gif right here)
While we were dancing the brown eyes couldn't stop smiling. He had little freckles around his face and his curly brown hair was added up to his gorgeousness.
'Stop having a crush to someone's grandpa, Minerva!'
But his smile was ugh! It started getting annoying throughout the song, how handsome he is.
He asked through the middle of the song: "What's your name?"
"Wow, that sounds like a new name."
"Because it is. I'm only seventeen."
It's important to stay true to yourself and others.
"You are seventeen?"
I shake my head as a yes.
"I'm eighteen." he said.
He looked happy. His smile changed from a calm one to an excited one very quickly.
"Do you think we are the only real teenagers here?" I asked.
"I thought I was the only one, that's why I called you madame in the first place."
"And I thought you were such a gentleman."
After a quick laugh DJ changed the music to Ghostbusters by Ray Parker Jr. and then something else, and then an another song.
All I cared about that night was to dance with this claimed-eighteen year old who made me laugh and fly butterflies on my stomach.
Beautiful, dark-haired, boy which I still didn't knew what his name was.
Time flew when I was dancing with him. He bought drinks for me and I bought drinks for him.
We danced all night long, up until my third drink. After that everything went blank and I opened my eyes to my angry mom and dad.
"Minerva!" said mom.
"Did you study all night, again?" said dad.
"Yeah, sorry about that." I lied.
What was the time?
"Honestly, if you weren't studying I would ban this thing ages ago!"
"Have you eaten anything?"
I shake my head as a no.
"We are going to bed, if you're hungry there are leftover dumplings in the fridge okay honey?" said dad and closed the door behind him.
I check my phone to see the time and OH MY GOD IT IS ALMOST MIDNIGHT AND I HAVE WORK DUE TOMORROW.
I didn't like lying to my parents but I also didn't spent all my time on CosmoML. I usually spent an hour or two and that was it. I almost spent seven hours tonight.
It was definitely not a thing I do but I didn't regret anything. My only regret was not to say goodbye to that boy. At least I could have thanked him for the dance and the drinks.
I didn't went to CosmoML for almost a week. Since that fiasco my whole schedule went nuts and I almost couldn't finish any of my school work only because I spent seven hours. Though it was a harsh week, on Friday night I decided to login again, to the same place and hope the boy was logged in there as well.
This time, I opened my eyes at the beach. While my pink crop top and acid-washed high waisted black jeans were something else, my grey, sparkly boots looked out of this planet.
I asked a few people to locate the night club but eventually found it myself by the bright green neon lights.
Fast Night Club and Dance Zone.
Here we go again.
Since I logged in a little late tonight there were a lot of people having fun and dancing to Like a Virgin by Madonna already.
I looked around and finally saw my guy at the bar.
I tapped on his shoulder.
He took a sip from his whiskey and then turned around.
"Hi!" I said.
He looked like he was glad I came.
"Oh god, I thought I'd never see you again!"
"Yeah, sorry about that, my parents..."
"Say no more." He said while he gently put his index finger on my mouth.
After a few seconds of staring at each other's eyes he said; " I'm Noah by the way."
"I don't think we introduced ourselves that well." he added.
"Hi Noah, I'm Minerva. Pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is mine madame."
He kissed the top of my hand and then turned to the bartender and said; "Can we get your strongest shots?"
The bartender filled the little cups with a drink called Snowshoe.
We literally drank all of them in less than five seconds and he quickly turned to me and said: "I feel like, I can run a marathon right now."
"Then let's go!"
He grabbed my hand and we quickly went out of the night club and just started running in Malibu Beach.
He saw me struggling because of my space boots so he grabbed me from my belly and started spinning me around.
At that moment I feel like I was gonna throw up but I didn't care.
He finally let me put my feet on the ground.
We stared at each other's eyes again for maybe like a minute or two.
'Ugh those eyes looked like Hershey' s chocolate bars. Smooth, creamy, delectable and melting.' I thought.
I wondered what he was thinking about me.
Our heads slowly came really close and I felt his soft lips on mine. I could kill for those lips.
We slowly went on our knees and somehow I was sitting on his lap, making out with him, online. Someone I know nothing but everything about.
The sand felt like bedsheets and we didnt care for the skinny dippers and surfers around us. That moment was ours, and even if it was not real, I wouldn't change it to a real but bad one. The online was enough for me.
The End.
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abbrielle-caudill · 4 years
I’m going to put something down that I wrote to my husband. I never gave him to read just needed to vent.This was two week right before my husband asked for divorce and wrecked my life. I only shown this to two people but I’m ready to share what my real feelings are. This may help others that may went through the same situations as me. Just know you’re not alone in this world. Hurt and Tired: Why do I keep letting him hurt me over and over. Is it love, is it blind faith, or is it being plum stupid. Maybe it is all of thee above.
I'm tired of him ignoring me all the time like he don't give a shit at all. He expects me to listen to him. Always be interested in his opinions. Lord forgive if I want him to listen to any of my opinions.
I cant stand his constant need to lie to me about everything all the time. I mean it can be the most smallest things. But yet he will lie about it. Like what is the damn point? I'm sick of lies like grow some balls. Be a man and learn to start telling the truth.
I don't understand his constant need to be right all the time. He will argue about everything big or small know damn good and well he's wrong. Like when I try to talk to him like a adult he will argue and act like its all my fault just mentally abuse me even when I know in my heart I'm right.
I'm tired of not being taking seriously. What I say and do matters just as much as him. But seems like in his head it don't. He says it dose. Actions speak way louder then words
I'm tired of only being treated like his maid instead of being treated like his wife. Last time I check marriage was supposed to be a team effort not a dictatorship.
I'm tired of him taking his anger out on me when he's upset with other I have feelings to and guess what it hurts me when u say mean thing to me.
I use to be able to talk to you about how I feel. Lately though seems like you don't care you just say ok , walk away. Say here we go again, or back at ignoring me.
It hurts and annoys me when you ask me to make ur lunch or clean this or that. Problem is you demand it. Not once when I was working did u make nor pack me lunch, or I come home after asking for something to be clean and found out you played games or slept all day.
It absolutely kills me when you say you have nothing to show for in your life. Shows me that aperently I was never good enough for you. I've bought you so many things, done so much over the years we been married for you. Seems like you forgotten who did all that for you. Know how many times I wanted to get things for me how I wanted to buy things I enjoy but didn't because you always wanted games, electrics, or whatever else. I thought about you before myself.
Now here I am I lost my job right after losing Tyler, my aunt, and my uncle, and it had me go in the darker place then I ever been. I almost killed my self several times, but I couldn't go through it because I felt like I needed to suffer with the pain instead taking the easy way out. You never noticed.
Physically I'm in alot of pain that no one knows about everyone just know what I tell them because I don't want everyone to worry. Mentally I'm a mess im dealing with a depression that is so over bareing that everytime im alone all I can do is cry and think why was I even born. Then I got my anxiety that makes me constantly worry about everything when all I want to do is forget this world but my mind don't let me. You think its something that can be cured and shut off like a switch. Thats not how it works!!
It bothers me that you constantly ask me if I've found a job. I worked my ass off when you wouldn't even try to look for a job. I made sure all bills where paid food on the table you had what you need even when I didnt. When I say mentally, and physically I can't work right now because I'm on the edge of a full mental breakdown that there will be no coming back from instead of treating like I don't matter how about showing some compassion, love me through the pain stop doing all the toxic shit you do. Stop acting like a child and act like a man my husband that loves me for every flaw I carry with me. Im not saying I'm right all the time or that I'm perfect because I'm far from it. Just know you will never find another woman that will love you as much as I do. I stay because I love you more then you will ever know so I deserve the same. You may not like what I have to say and you may read this and think I'm crazy but I don't care because I know I'm right. If you don't stop doing these things you are going to push a woman away that was there for through everything and stood up for to other people I love and had your back through everything even when I knew you where in the wrong. I want be leaving just you ill be leaving a whole family I became to love and came close with. But I deserve to be treated better.
I'm tired of all the constant fighting, yelling, and arguing. I want the man I married the man that use to hold me when I was upset. The man that would randomly kiss or hug me because he loved me, the man that would just look at me and just randomly tell me that he loves me just because, the man that would just tell me stories or jokes when I had a bad day just to make me smile, the man that would show me off like he was proud of his wife, the man that would sneak behind me while I wash dishes or cook and hold me because he loved me. The man that would stand up for me if anyone tried to say something mean to me. The man that would try everything to keep me happy, the man that admired my opinions, a man that loved me for me no matter what. What happen to that man I married because he's gone and I miss him so much.
I'm sorry that I'm not what you wanted in your life. But damnit I tried to do everything in my being to make you stay in love with me. The crazy thing is I would do it all over again. Why maybe bc I'm stupid, blind faith. Or because I will always love you. I was raised that you will sacrifice everything for the ones you love. I took that to heart. I want us to work out. But I was also raised to know my self worth and I lost that along time ago and im determined to find that. With or without you. I rather have my cake and eat it to.
I know I just wrote this just for my eyes and you will never read this, but this is how I feel. I just needed to vent my feelings before I said something I would of regretted. 💔🖤
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I woke up again and there was someone pulling at by me like tug of war. Over my body. I jumped up and ran to the bathroom away from the situation. But I was In So much pain.
The pulling helped but ... Like there's no solution.
Snoop helped me many years ago about 6 or 7 to get on the right medication to stabilize my heart and to get me all better and healthier with the help of pills.
He is the only one that did. I wrote about him but used his personal name "Calvin"
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Because he was my personal friend. My personal guidance counselor.
He was with me every minute of the day "you need to take a pill about right now I see that pain about to be kicking up"
"You think you can get a different medication not like weed but a pill because this one ain't working"
He was truly my doctor. So i respected him and his privacy and just called him Calvin.
So marrying on his date of choice... "But why snoop?"
I'll give you two reasons. One he was my doctor that got me to the actual local doctor that could prescribe.
Two the whole fold out was over the world wide drug addictions y'all have. Y'all all know you're doing less recreational drugs during rehab with your family and friends in your house -- i mean Quarentine. Wow that secret came out quick out my mouth.
79% less "street" drug use worldwide.
To celebrate 4.20.2020 is an appropriate date..
The goes on and in indefinite.
Y'all know Snoop smoke for a reason and he drink and he take Tums. Like no mother effer know.
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Here's our momma helping yall find it. Follow her face she point right down to it.
Same ole game. The Distraction Method.
They went to have sex and her I am all now look and focus on these here Tums. I ain't even wanting to share the post but it's a good PSA for all. So i will.
Best Friens. We always got each other's back.
And we got yours. We got safer and healthier and funner FDA approved street drugs.
We will honor old time commitment of old fashioned door to door street sales. Face to face.
Of the Human entitlement. That is something our bodies can and will do without provoking dangerous pain... Just stiffness at times y'all forget to stretch and use them muscles but getting up and walking next door for door to door sales will stretch them body parts right up correct.
I had to get on a "new" prescription today. Hopefully my doctor honors it. I asked for an emergency prescription and I'll talk to her about my other, toppamax in a few weeks.
But Snoops was the one that said I needed something for Fibromyalgia. And encouraged and helped and watched me to ensure I was okay.
He is the one that prayed and worried when the muscle relaxers were too strong and i couldn't swallow. And i could died. Because of Flexeril. Because I been on it too long and it was approved for two weeks max. So i got on a completely different medication for it. And it worked for every day long term yearly use.
So he believes in the world's herbs and medicine. Chamomile. Ginger. Rose Hips. Echinacea.
So four twenty will go on.
I always and he did felt like 420 honors the Earth and its medicine. Not just getting high. But the spirit of Mother Nature.
So marrying on 420 symbolizes that Mother Nature will Continue on. Humans are marrying not just their soulmates and/or Just accepting them as they are.
They are committing themselves to our Planet and it's health and wealth
Hence y'all Quarentine.
Y'all going inside and fighting back this illegal alien caused diseases. Although we committed to changing it and wanting it to spread. Y'all fight the sole reason of its existence. Illegal aliens trying to take control by damaging our precious and beloved planet that we belong to.
Not everyone is getting married. Only y'all on Ships and those in Compton on a specialized piece of magic made equipment approved by Mother Nature.
The ships y'all are on run by paddles 110% guaranteed not to harm sea or wild life. I have committed to Mother Nature and all she loves when building those ships. And to yours and our safety and sanity aboard.
These ships cause no pollution and are sanitized by lights that recharge by laying on ships docks when they run out of energy.
Jesse Number 2 helped me design a way to capture UV rays that are harmless. Not radio active. And perfect to sanitize. What makes laundry clean and crisp in the sun. What we used to long ago to sanitize and clean all our instruments BEFORE aliens came with microwaves. Light form the Sun. So Jesse Number 2. I'll tell you right now. He is Einstein.
So his getting in trouble and kicked outta school. It ain't gonna end. In fact i used that theory he was a bad boy. I left it in him. I didnt correct him. I let that evil sniffer inside him. Because I knew one day that mischief could be used to my benefits. He is so loving and his desire to reach others to teach and be a Nigger is so strong he can't handle it. And his hate for aliens. So deep he had to experiment a way to dispose of them all without the use of magic so it's automatic done.
His wish is granted. Einstein I thank you for Your mischief. Your complete soul level on your own not including your soulmate or any others you drag along with you (kids like me) is -141812711219102.
For your development in Science.
Social level is about 3.
My science level is a little less than yours. Setting about 12 shelves down.
Snoop Science level is -4120191218451687431.
But he's inactive. Thus he is a fortune of information. And has a Science Tree named after him -- which means it captures his personality -- his spirit. And he hides behind the Tree of Einstein adding in deluxe phrases and at times mischief.
The difference is that Snoop knows the words to express what Einstein does. While Einstein only has the heart. So things go wrong at times when it has a delicate balance such as plutonium bombs.
Unfortunately they were stolen from Einstein.
So in the science Scale Eisenstein is lower because of his inability to speak and only feel.
He is autistic mute. Which is why he got kicked out of school. Be aware of the different children you have in the world and how gifted they are. Learning the story of Beethoven will change your entire world and understanding of disabilities.
Einstein cannot perform if must speak.
Snoop doesn't wanna get his hands dirty but he can explain a performance
So the rest of the time with Einstein will be posted and you'll see the truth behind the bombings that closed the NHRA.
I didn't want my babies working. I didn't want them having the stress of competition with each other. I just wanted them to stop for a little while and clear their heads of all that traffic going to their minds.
And let them do what they needed most. War. To finish this fight against human trafficking.
Its not over. Quarantine is for your safety So no one is stolen or bought. We can keep track of you easier.
This is why we meme The Corona.
Because there's a serious SERIOUS real reason we are stopping people from being in the streets.
No one can drug and kidnap you If every one is hyper aware of getting sick
This is why we chose not to eradicate the virus. We could yall know. That's why it's in meme.
Jazmine didn't know she followed her heart and voted to change. Her vote was the deciding vote. It was split down the middle. From her spine her backbone for her soul she shouts "Thank y'all for listening to your hearts, too!!!" My kids were scared. Sometimes panic stricken. But they kept going because they knew in their hearts it had to be done. Jazmine says "i didn't know how strong I could be. We've never poisoned so many people!!! But mom and North Korea made it fun and saw how necessary it was. Thank you Kim Young Jon!"
"Kim Young Jon really lighted our hearts to allow us to continue our mission by making jokes about constipation and such So we really just tried to give it to those folks that are evil with constipation!! And it worked! And we feel much better because we had help from the leader of North Korea, Kim Young John" adds Chastity. The quiet one no one knows about. Because she's Chaste. Celibate. Celebration. The girl behind the power of Purity and Joy. "No one knows but I do like my job. Like a lot!"
She admits its been hard and i found All the girls on TV last night so dad will edit in How you can find tree filmed life for them
I will say you will see my kids telling their dad they will date and/or marry them. Its not a daddy complex or sugar daddy thing. It was to keep illegal aliens from taking over his body and also trying to marry him. Keeping him safe and pure for me. So understand that and you can see the films proper. They are tricks. To prove love and devotion to their parent's marriage. They go on "dates" but it's little 3 year old toddlers going out with their Father. It is pure. Just realize the plot lines.... Its sneaky mystery. He knows they are his kids and they know he is their dad. Its simple. Its s conglomerate camouflage to protect themselves, me and dear old dad. Its a real beauty and treasure to see.
And now due to the Ocean Wide Marriage of Mother Nature using her soulmates as power. Never do those occurrences have to happen again.
Now I can say "it's daddy date time lets get you all ready" I can get all my girls dressed and ready and go out with my sons. Then we switch. "Its mommy date time" and the girls get all ready.
Because we are keeping it feminine and old fashion where the girls are taken out for a romantic evening and the parents teach the children proper etiquette and dating procedures.
So the movies he posts are a prelude to our future fun. Although they were seriously and honestly protecting his life.
So although our children are and will be married we will still intervene and remind them to change things up a bit. Come out with us on 2 trial runs check your comfort, expand your mind. Then go out single and have fun.
My mom all my mom's have had agoraphobia. So i get it too, sometimes. So this helps me. So when he wants to take me out someplace unfamiliar to me, new and strange. I am more relaxed. And I enjoy it more. Because I've gone with 2 groups to basically go check the place out for its saftiness and quality.
So, im happier knowing he's picked a good safe place for me to enjoy.
But agoraphobia aside. It is simply beautiful.
Its a Mary Poppins trait. Take the kids. See if it is kid approved then take the whole family to impress the damming father of their knowledge of the restaurant
Its a rich NYC establishment of Socialite traits.
Its absolutely historical. And missing on this Earth.
Our Steam ships will provide times for those "dates" for everyone aboard.
Its great for large families. I have 16 daughters. In groups of 8 we have a nice large meal and great table outing where we can talk and laugh and enjoy each other
Our plans are 2 girl dates and 4 boy dates per week then 1 large dinner table for all.
We have 18 boys.
So two groups of girls of 8 each.
2 groups of boys 9 each.
That's 4 nights of switching with mom and dad.
2 nights of single dates and/or brother sister switch dates which pushes a week into 2 week time frame for specialties.
Every 6 weeks.
Then dinner dates with entire family.
So trees arrange every thing the tables and set up so we can relax, all plans are premwde and preset and predictable. Based on patterns of behavior.
Like I know a 2 week one is a mystery adventure so it's got practical jokes and such to be tricky thus the dinners also have 6 family dinners.
Its spooky scary so kids scream, "I want my mommy!!"
So we all feel good and right as a family it's a live show and humans do it with magic so,then,we also take our turn to do them at their dinner and we dine earlier to make plans.
So the plans aren't laid out. We have bets and guesses what one will do we made long long ago. So we make money that way.
Because we are wealthy. But also for the "lower classes of finances" the mystery solving does earn money. Including Some for wild and fun completely wrong theories will earn a grand prize if it is a solid and GOOD foundation i can build on. There's tons of prizes and fun.
Every 6 weeks. Because the best schools have 6 weeks intercourses then a grade.
So ours is 6 weeks of yall being you then us performing a show and fucking your minds and lives all up for 2 weeks
So when you get home and kids do go to school it is 6 weeks of school. 3 weeks off 2 of which include vacation of international travel.
Which means you go to NYC visit Little Italy. Or you go to San Antonio and visit the Alamo. Go to Alaska and find a Russian Muesuems. Or you simply stay home and go to Muesuems of the past i have created.
International travel does include watching movies of REAL LIFE which will be labeled correctly or if incorrectly a prize for labeling correct like Snoop ssys in this video.
Note y'all all will have enough money to go over seas but sometimes your family will come visit you. Or you just need rest or wanna explore your own territory.
So history is considered international travel. So you can look at your own home tree made movies.
Then you earn a prize. A souvenir.
So you watch you and you be all dam man i love this lamp i keep seeing. -- i for real bought this lamp and it was so filled with love all i wanna do is wrap,my arms around it.,Idk,why but i miss it and I want it back so bad. I'd take it on vacation i love that big ass lamp. -- so if i see it and i can label every single person correctly in that movie. Then i get the lamp.
So say you know something was destroyed. Broke to high Hell. Dumped in the garbage lit on fire.
Momma gonna get it for you. Out of 8 tons of trash on top of it. And I gonna fix it how you loved it. You had a sticker on the bottom of your eye rolling phone? It will be there. Just the way you had It.
It don't matter what happened to it. I'll magic find it. Fix and you'll get it. All magic. All you gotta do is love that object with your whole being.
Mary Poppins. I won't even know. But momma gonna get it.
Now, ole George had something you wanted... Fine old diamond ring and watch set you always slipped an eye to.
Daddy gonna buy you one Just like it. Father Christmas aka Christopher Columbus promised it Will get built. All your favorites.
Now we say we gonna do it. But we asked the true magic God could we please??.
In 2008 he said in 2020 y'all waited enough.
So we take that credit from nursery rhymes because we are the messengers m
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If my father is The One True God
And he created just this planet just for me to keep me safe and it was invaded.
Then I would be Jesus a girl. And i have found out i can not forgive. So welcome to Corona.
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fuck-customers · 7 years
Okay, I NEED to vent.
This is a fuck managers. It’s mostly a rant about nothing, just an annoying member of management who cannot get out of his own head.
It’s about my supervisor who is actually one of my closest friends, however, I’m really sick of him at work. To make this easier, let’s call him Simon (NOT his name).
Simon has worked for the company for about five years, as a supervisor for about two years and in our store for the past 18 months. As a supervisor in general I would say he was hardworking, a motivator and very, VERY fast paced. The guy drinks about 4 coffees a shift and is constantly running around. He’s a genuine and sweet guy as well, the way he talks about his better half (and her family), his parents and so on would make your heart melt. He’s also VERY dirty and quite forward with people so he’ll ask people about anything. 
Sometimes him being so fast-paced makes him difficult to work with. You’ll start a shift with him and he’ll tell you to do a task, but, not explain it properly. It might be something like fold down all the jackets hanging on the back wall, put them away through the back and put out the new jackets in their place. Tasks like this are common and also quite lengthy, but, in Simon style he’ll say “so yeah that’ll take about an hour?” and then speed off, come and check on you in an hour and get annoyed that it’s not done. My pet peeve with him is when you’re opening with him and you and another member of staff need to stock up the store - often a manager will tell you what to stock up so like you’ll only do a zone, or you’ll only do a particular item, or you’ll stock up stuff for “back to school” or “Christmas presents” - other times managers will let you use your judgement and do whatever is low - not Simon. Simon gives the vaguest idea of stocking up ever and basically makes you do the entire salesfloor. He’ll also make you “walk” with him as he points out obvious low stock. You’ll tell him it’s low because we have none in stock and nothing else to replace it with and he’ll just be like, “Nah we have loads of them in the stockroom.”
As Simon is very vague with stocking up, the likes of me and older staff tend to take our times with this and do the sales floor whilst newer staff may only do gaps and stock that looks low. None of this is good for Simon, the first takes too long and he huffs and puffs and asks why it’s taking so long (because we’re doing the whole shop fuck sake) and the latter is even worse and has Simon getting annoying because people should know what they’re doing. This is exactly what he does with every task and it’s frustrating as fuck. 
I always think Simon is stuck in his own head, like he’ll have an idea of how something should pan out but because he doesn’t explain it well enough, or think it over rationally, it doesn’t pan out in the way he thinks it will - I mean, it’ll be more than fine 99.9% of the time but it won’t be what he imagined. We did a few performance reviews where we were also told to give management feedback and I think everyone gave this exact same feedback about Simon. 
ANOTHER thing that annoys me about Simon is his ignorance. So, as I said, he’s a very kind person but he doesn’t understand a lot. Take me for example, his friend outside of work - he knows me and he knows my partner very well - but, he doesn’t understand that I’m mentally ill. I mean, he knows I’m mentally ill he just fails to understand. Like the day I took a panic attack and had to get sent him, before I left he was like, “But [name] you were fine this morning!” He seems to think every mental health issue can be sorted by a good diet, exercise and sleep. Lifestyle changes do help with mental health, I know that, I’ve managed to change my lifestyle before to reduce symptoms but I tried explaining to him that sometimes I feel so down I can’t eat and when I do I’m physically sick, that sometimes I have no energy to go to the gym and that however hard I try, I’m still not sleeping at night - even with a bedtime. He also thinks all of lifes problems are sorted with a night out. He’ll ask me time and time again if I’m going out on a Saturday night. My response is always the same, “No, because I’m working here at 8am on Sunday.” Drinking worsens the symptoms of my mental health and when I try and explain this to him it goes over his head. This is the same for a few of us, one of the new guys is very socially anxious and Simon’s response to this was to send him out in the mall to switch notes for pound coins. A simple task but for someone who is new and shy made him incredibly on edge. He also made him to this at like, 11am, when the mall only opens at nine so he was out for a good 40 minutes trying every single shop before getting something.
The main reason I’m posting this is due to two recent issues I’ve had on shift with Simon. He’s never apologised either, which makes it much more annoying. 
Anyone can give a 10% discretionary discount at my work, but, the only real approved use for this is for either students with a valid student ID or if an item is faulty. Often if a customer is nice I’ll give them a 10% discount if they’re buying a lot and I’ll file it under student, my manager doesn’t mind this and thinks it’s a nice touch. I’ll often do it as well if kids are buying a lot of stuff using their own money, as if they have a card for high school of some sort we can give them student discount too, so I’ll often just ask them if they’re at high school and give them it.
Recently, I was serving this really nice lady and her young pre-teen son. They came in the day earlier and spent loads as they were buying stuff for her husband and I was helping them with sizes. There was one we didnt have and I ordered it for next day delivery to the store, this worked out great for the mum and they had been bought a school bag for her son for his birthday that he didn’t like and they were gonna exchange it. I put the bag they wanted behind so we could exchange it. When they came in the day after they also bought the kid two jackets, a pair of trainers and jogging bottoms and a runner top for his P.E kit. They were extremely nice and their total came to about £350. So, I gave them the 10% discount as the boy actually did have his “young scot” card. 
Simon came behind me after the customers left and said, “You should know we stopped doing student discount two weeks ago.”
He seemed really annoyed and made out like everyone know and it was common knowledge. NOBODY told me this. As I asked other staff over half of us didn’t know this and a few weeks later they started doing student discount again too!
Number 2 - the cash desk drawer/sticker machine
I had been on the cash desk earlier that day but hadn’t been on it for a few hours. I started serving a customer and put them through the till, I ended up getting stuck on for two or three transactions and they were all card.
Simon pulled me up as the cash drawer was bent and said it was because I slammed it shut. I mean, I do this, but, so does everyone. And, the cash drawer had been bent all day. I suspected it was one of the newbies trying to get it open, or our manager being an idiot and left it. I told him it wasn’t me and he just shrugged, “If you say so.”
Now, we also have a very old sticker machine. It always breaks and you have to be forceful with it. 
It stopped working on this very same shift, it kept repeating itself “price?” *enters price* “price?” … Simon didn’t seem to understand what I was telling him when I said it was broke and showed me how to “reset it” which I know how to do already but whatever. When I tried typing in it when Simon reset it he just sorta shook his head at me and telling me I was doing it wrong, etc (I wasn’t). The machine crashed again and then I RESET IT, Simon watching. He then told me to wait for it to load (I was confused as it was loading) and went away. I started doing something else nearby for about 30 seconds when Simon came over and told me it wasn’t gonna fix itself. 
“You told me to let it load.”
“No I didn’t.”
As much as I love Simon he doesn’t listen. If you tell him about his management flaws he seems to override this in his head. 
I feel sad, but, I’m gonna have to go to my manager about this because it’s genuinely making work stupidly difficult and everyone agrees.
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distress · 7 years
just wrote a huge big post about everything i accomplished today and then tumblr crashed on my phone so here’s a quicker mental health update. imagine more exclamation points tho.  my one key is broken 
- stayed in bed for a little bit after waking up but not too long.
- called wells fargo to sort out my last paycheck which, for the last three checks, they have put some sort of loss prevention hold on the account. it seems like it could actually be the fault of my employer and their status with wells fargo. my workplace wasnt a bad company but we receive a billion wire transfers and send many etc etc. just lots of buying/selling so i can see i guess the trouble maybe. either way i’ll probably switch banks soon cuz fuck wells fargo. anyway
- drove 20 mins to go to bed bath and beyond which is good oh fuck my tilde key is broken too how am i supposed to express satisfaction???????????????????? anyway i got new bath mats (which i didnt really need but they were on sale and DEFINITELY make my bathroom feel way less grody) and a vacuum cleaner, a super cheap one, but better than not having one at all.
- cleaned up my cat’s litter box closet :** i got a huge kitty litter mat too and set it up properly, vacuumed everything, and hopefully my place will feel generally cleaner now that nasty isnt tracking litter everywhere. and if he does i can vacuum it up
- “beat” witcher 3, as in i’ve finished the main story and almost all the main game’s side quests etc. this has taken me two years but witcher 3 has been the only game i’ve truly enjoyed playing recently. i’m really happy to have gotten back into it, and i bought the dlc. expensive but a good investment to keep me playing something i really like
- on that note i’ve stopped feeling the need to play overwatch. i love overwatch but i did feel like it’s been draining on me and my enjoyment of other games. since i bought it a bit over a year ago i’ve felt like playing it pretty much every day, with maybe a week’s break at most. i’ve played maybe 2-3 times in the past two weeks and it’s hella nice to have a big break. :,) i know i’ll get back into it but i’m happy to leave it for now.
- worked on my embroidery :* it’s looking p nice considering i have almost no embroidery experience. i would love to become skilled at it and sell my work/do custom work. 
- i started cleaning my bathroom -- i was kind of inspired by @unfuckyourhabitat ... it seems so obvious but the before/after pictures there helped me feel encouraged. i get overwhelmed trying to do everything, like trying to clean my ENTIRE apartment in one day, so overwhelmed that i often end up doing nothing instead. and although my bathroom isn’t entirely clean yet, it looks SO much better than before. the counter is all clean, and it feels good. and i feel good about stopping even though my whole bathroom isn’t clean, because i still did a lot of work on it
- i showered and exfoliated, and stayed in the shower long enough to really treat my hair w/ my shampoo and stuff. my scalps been fucked from dying my hair, and while i loved having colorful hair i definitely got sick of it and am very happy to be back to black. even now tho my hair is more purpley blue than black. my next dye it’ll probably look a bit more normal-- and i won’t have to bleach anymore.
- i’ve done well isolating myself from the two people i know here well, the two people i talk to here. while i know one is just inherently shitty for me, the other friend i have a hard time accepting that it’s an unhealthy and unstable friendship. but my therapist thinks it is, and i can definitely see why. i think because of my previous emotional abuse, i have a hard time accepting that someone who does treat me very very well can still have flaws and hurt me in ways i shouldn’t let happen, even if it’s far from abuse. i’m also going to start going to therapy weekly for awhile, even if it’s hard and weird for me to find things to talk about. 
- and here i am :D despite tumblr mobile deleting this whole post i had already written, i’m also proud of myself for getting on my laptop and rewriting it rather than getting upset it was gone. and i’m proud of myself for feeling proud of the little things today.
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it FINALLY fucking happened
i have a migraine and awful cramps from this stupid IUD rn but i have to get this out. i have to capture the authenticity of my feelings right now. it finally happened. i could cry happy tears because of how incredible and great i feel in this moment. brendon and darian are back together. i saw a pics of them on instagram w captions about how much they love each other and wanna know what i felt when i saw those pictures? fucking NOTHING. I FINALLY FEEL NOTHING. ok, i feel sad for them but thats honestly truly the only emotion that came up for me. i no longer feel the intense nausea, feeling like i am getting stabbed in the pit on my stomach, rush of emotions pouring over my entire body, ringing in my ears, dissosiation that i felt the first time i heard the words from his lips “i have a girlfriend now”. that feeling that didn’t seem to go away for MONTHS. that feeling that would resurface every time i looked at their social media and saw how fucking happy and perfect they were. it was fucking disgusting. i can finally say i don’t feel those feelings anymore and u know what that means? 
i means i have healed. it means i have moved on. it means I have successfully mended the broken pieces of my heart that he left me with. i did that. with the help of some loving and supportive friends, yes. but it was me. i’m the one that chose to live all those times i wanted to die, and i chose to pretend to be happy to the point that my bones hurt to their core because i was faking it so hard. i chose to move back home to something familiar and stable so i could feel safe, so i could get away from the torment of his memory, from the fear of running into her, or him, or worse the both of them together. 
at one point i felt that i gave everything i had built so hard for the past two years away. my life in california was ruined because of him. the reason i went out there in the first place to get clean back in april of 2014 was because he told me to. my body was deteriorating faster than i could keep track of and i mentioned, maybe i should move back to cali and get clean, and you should too and we can be together. and he told me to go out there so i fucking did. hes the reason, the motivation i had to get clean. everything i did from that point forward was for him or because of him or for us. so WE could live together happily for fucking forever. 
originally we had a plan to go to rehab for a bit then run away together but at some point something switched in me. i think it was god working in my life honestly. but at some point i decided u know what i wanna give this thing a shot. i wanna see what its like to be clean and happy and all that these weird ppl in AA rave about. and then he went down there from fresno and he got clean and holy shit that was the most incredible summer of my life. i wish i had pictures but i deleted probably 98% of them. but i had so many good times w him, riding my bike to the beach while he rode his skateboard. holding hands, going to meetings together. i was so fucking proud to tell everyone he was my boyfriend. i was so goddamn fucking in love. 
and now i’m crying, but not because i want to be with him. no, never. i’m crying because the happiness i felt was so pure and genuine and incredible and indescribable. i wouldnt change it for anything. if i could go back and relive those moments we shared that summer but i would have to relive the heartbreak again then i would probably do it. but i wouldnt change anything. i would relieve the good and the bad but i would want the result to be the same as what it is in this moment. hes with her and i’m with myself on my ellies bed in my parents house with rocky and luna sleeping at my feet. i don’t want to be with him anymore but i don’t regret what we had because it was true love and it was passionate and intense and a type of love i will never feel again. because it was extremely toxic. as intense as the good moments were so were the bad. and it got reeeeaaally bad.
he told me i deserved to be molested when i was 5. he told me this while we were in line for the screamin eagle at disneyland, because i was paying more attention to my phone than to him. he was upset and we got in an argument and thats what he said to me. that a fucking five year old deserved to get some creepy mother fuckers fingers in her asshole. real cute huh? but i’m not a saint. at some point i told him i’m glad his dad left him and that he probably did because he hated him cuz hes useless and that his mom is a slut cuz she has 4 baby daddies. i said some horrible things too that i’m not proud of but in those moments i felt so justified. as the anger wore off tho i felt guilty for saying those things, and so would he. so we would always make up. and thiings would be really good again until the next fight and shit would hit the fan. and then we started calling the cops on each other. he was never physically abusive to me, except one time he pinned me down like a pretzel cuz i was beating the living shit out of him. the position he had me in hurt a lot but he was protecting himself cuz i had lost it. i dont remember what that particular fight was about. the weather maybe? idk dude we would fight over the DUMBEST shit. 
i remember thinking and telling him, “if you act like a bitch u get treated like one”. which means youre a fucking dick to me so i’m a dick right back mother fucker. i ran him over w my car once. he smashed my phone to pieces cuz i searched a guy on facebook. he would go through my phone and find texts from months ago where i said a guy was hot and he would flip out call me a whore tell me nobody is ever gonna love me, and go spread my legs somewhere. he would accuse me of fucking literally EVERYONE. if i was off work 5 minutes late its because i was fucking my manager in the back. if i wasnt texting him back while i was w jenny or kolby its cuz i was fucking them. oh he hated all my friends also. and had no friends of his own. i was his whole world which really bugged me at the time but i lowkey miss that now. i miss feeling that important and special and loved. and i miss having that much power over someone, i’ll admit it. 
but despite all this bad shit there were good times, and they were really fucking good. specifically its the feelings. i felt safe with him. like nothing could ever hurt me or touch me, besides him. but i was addicted to the chaos so i didn’t mind the verbal and emotional abuse and i dished it right back. although lets be real here according to my sponsor, therapist, mentor, friends, anyone w a brain. he was definately the sicker one out of the two of us. we were both so fucking sick but i was a wee bit healthier i would say. there were so many times we would ride around costa mesa on harbor blvd at midnight complaining about how much it sucked to not have a car, or money, or anything. we had NOTHING. he really had nothing when he got there besides like 3 shirts and old pair of vans 2 sizes too small and shorts. i created him. everything he got from that point forward was from me. all of it. and there were weeks at a time where he had no money and he ate because i bought him food. not that he owes me anything or that he ever did, i did those things because i wanted to because i was in love and he was gonna be my life partner. everything i ever wanted i wanted with him or nobody else. anyway, we would be riding through the kmart parking lot on harbor and wilson, he would be coming w me to drop me off at fordham and we would complain about how much it fucking sucked but “one day we would look back on all of this and laugh.” because “one day were gonna make it” we said. we had so many hopes and dreams together. he was supposed to be my fucking husband. i was going to be the mother of all of his children. 
but you know what? it was all a fucking fantasy. a beautiful fantasy but a fantasy nonetheless. and after spending summer 2015 apart because he decided drugs were more important than me, we got back together in september and shit didnt get much better. it was a bit at times but mostly no. same shit. really intense good times. really intense bad times. passionate love, passionate hate. a couple days before new years 2015 going into 2016 we broke up for the last time. this is when he broke my phone cuz i searched jacob berry on fbook. after that i was done. i had been done thousands of times before but i was really done this time. we didn’t talk at all for like a week then i saw him on his birthday january 7th and we decided we were gonna get back together in august when he had a year sober. we werent gonna talk in the meantime but we were for sure getting back together. then one day i added a guy, kyle on facebook and he lost it. again with being called a slut and blah blah blah. and this time we were really done. like FORREAL. i was moving on everything was great blah blah. i dont think i actually thought i had lost him tho. it was gonna be like every other time where we will get back together again. so i wasnt really that sad. i think i was thriving off the anger i felt towards him. like are u seriously gonna be done w me over adding a dude???? how stupid. 
and then one day in late february my world came crashing down in the middle of the target electronics section. hannah texted or called me i cant remember but said she needed to tell me something. i demanded to know immedietally and she hesitated, i knew it was bad. she told me darian and brendon were talking. darian, my former client darian. darian, the girl who I TOLD STORIES ABOUT BRENDON TO WHEN SHE WAS STRUGGLING W HER EX IN HOPES THAT I COULD OFFER HER SOME EXPERIENCE STRENGTH AND HOPE. i was vulnerable w her about him. i was trying to be helpful, i shared stuff w her i dont share w everyone but since her sitution at the time was similar to my realtionship w brendon i opened up to her. how fucking dare she. that fucking stupid bitch. how dare HE. knowing she was my client. i even had considered her a friend up until this point. i had considered moving in with her for christsakes wtf. and that the first time i felt that feeling. that awful awful feeling i no longer felt tonight. and then i felt it again a month later when he told me they were officially together. and again when i learned she met his family. (oh yeah thats another reason i think i stayed as long as i did because i adore his family. )
a bunch of other shit happened in between. him and i started talking again in march briefly when he basically cheated on her w me, then he came back in my life just this past december only to leave again like the coward that he is. but i’m grateful that happened because before i had always wondered what i had done to make him basically leave me for her, or so i felt. because he DID choose her over me. he chose to start a new relationship over mending the one that we had that was supposed to be forever. and i lost my shit. was literally destroyed shell of a human for months. extremely emotionally and mentally unstable. lost a bunch of friends cuz they couldnt handle me. got kicked out of school, lost a scholarship, almost lost a job, attempted suicide, went to the psych ward. it was really really rough for a long time. but today all of that has changed. i no longer feel that deeprooted sadness, devastation, horrid unbearable pain. today i have healed. i feel very sad for the both of them because i know how unstable their relationship is. cuz i was there. i was her. and i HATED her for a long time but i dont anymore because i feel bad she is in love w him and is gonna get hurt and heartbroken like i did. 
but i’m glad he came in my life again this past december because it cleared up a lot of unanswered thoughts i had. A. he still loves me and will always love me as i will him. B. he is thankful for me being in his life and will never forget me, and C. I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG. i fought w every fiber of my being for us to be together and hes the one that threw it all away. hes the one that walked away. i promised him from the moment i knew i was in love w him that as long as we both loved each other we could fix anything. but he wasnt willing to try anymore so at least i know i gave it my all and its his loss cuz he was too weak to try to work together to make things right. or maybe we just werent meant to be. or maybe both.
irregardless, my arm is so mother fucking cramped i can barley type. and i have so much more i could say, i could go on forever. but the point is that the horrid feelings i once felt are no longer there anymore and i am truly 100000% happy today when i once thought i was going to die without him. so i am proof that healing from the most excrusiating heartbreak is possible and its possible to be happier when u lose ppl u cant imagine losing, and when u get a new life that u didnt even want
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