#then she got to one where he was shirtless at the beach
chillinonsundays · 1 year
not to be dramatic but today i experienced what was probably the most embarrassing moment of my work life, and it wasn’t even work related.
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misctf · 1 month
Trouble at the Bachelor Party
“Dude! This is sick!”
“Bro, you’re telling me.” Liam replied, as him and his two friends explored the penthouse.
It was fully decked out. A massive flatscreen in the living room, a fully stocked bar, a beautiful view of the beach. It was everything Liam could’ve wanted. Initially, when his soon to be father-in-law offered his penthouse for the bachelor party, Liam was shocked. Mr. Reynolds often used phrases like “irresponsible”, “waste of time”, and “not good enough for my daughter” when talking about Liam. And he wasn’t afraid to let Liam know too.
“Dude! There’s a flatscreen in each bedroom too!” Chris shouted from down the hall, “Fuck, you were right. This guy’s loaded!”
It was true. Liam was marrying the heiress of a massive tech company. And Mr. Reynonds was certainly loaded. But despite his reassurances that he loved Susie, not their money, the older man viewed him suspiciously. Liam came from a pretty humble background and the world of upper class living wasn’t something he was used to. But perhaps letting them use his penthouse was Mr. Reynolds’s way of showing acceptance.
“Okay boys.” Liam said, “We have a few days here. Let’s make ‘em count.” He tossed Jeremy and Chris each a beer. After a quick toast to what was going to be the most incredible bachelor party on Earth, they downed their beers.
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“Lookin’ good.” Liam chuckled as he inspected himself in the mirror, “Can’t believe you’re actually getting hitched.” He flexed his bicep, “Sorry ladies, I’m off the market. Oof, I’ll have to practice that line a bit.” He grinned.
Leaving the bathroom, he found Jeremy sipping a beer on the couch. He was shirtless, wearing a pair of blue swim trunks. His dark brown hair was well styled, and his face clean shaven. He had that boy-next- door look that caused the ladies to swoon.
“Yo Jeremy, what’s up?”
“Not much, just texting Sarah.” He replied, “I forgot to let her know I got here safe and she’s pissed.”
“Oh shit dude.” Liam patted his friend on the back, “I feel for you.” Sarah could be scary when she was angry, but otherwise she was a solid 10. Liam looked forward to the day Jeremy proposed.
“All good.” Jeremy sighed, “Where the fuck is Chris?” Liam shrugged, “He kept me up all fucking night. Fucker must’ve been horny. I’ve never heard anyone moan so loud in my life.”
“Not even Sarah?” Jeremy didn’t seem amused.
“Seriously, we need to get him a girlfriend or something.”
Liam chuckled, “I guess I slept through it.”
“Lucky you.” The door to Chris's room suddenly opened and both men turned.
“Hey boys, sorry to keep you waiting!” The sing songy voice threw them both off, and Liam’s jaw dropped when he saw Chris. His muscles were proudly on display as always. But it was the tight speedo showing off his impressive bulge that shocked him, “Oh, is something wrong?” His voice carried a breathy sultriness, which was unusual for their bro.  
“Dude, I’m not one to judge, but don’t you think that’s a bit risqué?” Jeremy asked, raising an eyebrow, “What would Jesus say?” It was well known Chris was religious. In fact, Liam and Chris had met at their college’s church.
Chris shrugged and ran a hand through his curly light brown hair, “Oh this? You like?” He grinned and did a quick pose, “Come on boys, we’re burning daylight!” He said, sauntering towards the door.
The walk to the beach was uncomfortable. Chris walked ahead of his two buddies at an unusually fast pace, his firm ass jiggling with each step. Liam didn’t even know where to begin. What the fuck had gotten into Chris? Usually they’d have to drag him to parties and give him pep talks to boost his confidence. But now? He was certainly turning heads.
“Wait, guys! Did you see that?” Chris asked, turning to his friends and waving excitedly, “That guy over there was totally checking me out!”
“Um, so what?” Jeremy asked, “Why do you care?”
“Do you think I should go after him? He was totally cute. And that ass- just wow.” Liam and Jeremy’s eyes widened, “What?”
“Are you gay?” Liam asked bluntly.
Chris placed a hand to his chin and shrugged, “Like totally! Since like forever probably.”
“Makes sense.” Jeremy said, “Repressed religious guys. It’s a thing.” But Liam was still having a somewhat hard time believing it. Was all their prior bro talk really a lie?
“Oh! He’s getting away!” Chris whined, “I’ll catch up with you later!” He blew them each a kiss and briskly walked over to the man from earlier, leaving Liam shook.
Hours went by without hearing from Chris, and Liam’s mood tanked. Jeremy tried to cheer him up back at the penthouse. Beers and the big game on a flatscreen. Should’ve been perfect. But it wasn’t. Liam knew that Chris being gay shouldn’t matter. Good for him, right?
“Oh my god, that was incredible.” Chris said, gasping as he entered the penthouse, “How are my two besties doing?”
“Would’ve liked you around.” Liam replied, “It’s my bachelor party after all.”
Chris dramatically placed a hand to his sweaty chest, “Sue me for having fun!” His voice cracked and he headed towards his room, “If anyone needs me, I’ll be in my room.”
Liam didn’t reply. Sure, Chris is gay. Fine. But acting like a stereotypically fruity drama queen? That didn’t make sense to him. He turned to Jeremy.
“Look, its late and I’m tired. The game sucks anyway.” He said, “I’m off to bed.”
“Same bro. Gotta be up early for our tee time anyway.”
They went to their respective bedrooms. Once there, Jeremy sighed. He hated seeing his friend like this, but what could he do? Talk to Chris maybe? He'd try to salvage this party. But when he finally got comfortable in bed, the TV suddenly turned on. He was greeted by static.
“Weird.” He mumbled. He tried to turn it off with the remote, but failed. Sighing, he got out of bed to turn it off. But as he got closer, he could hear a voice. It was soft, but forceful.
“You are a gay slut. You like to fuck men.”
Jeremy raised an eyebrow, “What the fuck?” He whispered. But the voice only got louder.
“You are a gay slut. Your dick only gets hard for men.” Jeremy felt woozy as the voice reverberated in his head.
“No, I’m straight... I like...” He moaned loudly as the voice drowned out his thoughts. At this point, the screen was flashing various scenes of gay porn and Jeremy’s dick started to swell, “No... fuck...” He breathed out, “I-I... ughhh.” He tried to imagine tits and his nights with Sarah. But these thoughts were instead swapped out with images of juicy, jiggling bubble butts and twerking men.   
“You are a dominant top. You only fuck men.”
“I-I’m a gay slut?” Jeremy questioned, “I only like to fuck men?” That didn't sound right. Right? He never...
"You are a dominant top. Twinks are lucky to ride your dick."
His eyes became half lidded and vacant as the words carved his new reality.
“I’m a dominant top. Twinks are lucky to ride this cock." He said confidently, "I am a gay slut.”
Soon, the room filled with his pleasure-filled moans, his new reality taking hold over him.
When Liam entered the living room the next morning, he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Jeremy was aggressively caressing Chris’s face, as the two made out on the couch with their erect dicks on full display.
“What the fuck?” Liam gasped as the two men turned towards him.
“Oh Liam! Good morning!” Chris sang, ending his kiss with Jeremy.
“Fuck, just who we were waiting for.” Jeremy commented in a lower, more gravelly voice, “We have something for you.”
“No, this is fucked. What the fuck?” Liam fumed, “What about Sarah? What were you thinking?”
Jeremy shrugged, “I only like fucking men.”
Liam shook his head, “No way, fuck that.” He replied, taking a step back.
“Oh goodness, you’re upset!” Chris whined, “No Liam baby, its okay. Here, watch this.”
Before Liam could say anything, Chris turned on the TV. Static filled his field of vision. But then he heard it. Faint at first, but present nonetheless.
“You are a gay slut.” It said, and Liam grabbed his head.
“What the fuck?” He cursed, stumbling slightly.
The voice was echoing from within his head. Desperately, he moved towards the TV, wanting to shut it off. But Jeremy grabbed his arm firmly and forced him to sit between them. Liam tried to fight back, to get away from his two friends, but he felt so disoriented. The voice continued.
“You are a gay slut. You like taking cock.” It said.
Liam yelped as a needle entered his skin. He looked down to see Chris dump the contents of a syringe into his arm.
“Wh-what was that?” Liam slurred.
“Don’t worry, cutie. Just listen to the voice.” He giggled.
Liam groaned as the voice got louder and louder, “You are a gay slut. A slutty bottom. You love taking cock.”
Liam looked down and watched as his body hair started to disappear. Gone was his light dusting of chest and belly hairs, leaving him smooth. At the same time, the scruff framing his face vanished. He looked over to Jeremy, who smirked at this new development.
“Oh look at that! It’s totally working!” Chris giggled.
“No shit. Reynolds must’ve given us the good stuff.” Jeremy remarked, slowly massaging his cock.
“The good stuff?” Liam slurred, his voice cracking, “Like, what are you talking about?”
“Good because I was getting bored.” Chris sighed, “I mean, Jeremy baby, you’re an expert kisser, but like, I need a hole.” Jeremy nodded in agreement.
“A hole?” Liam whispered.
He let out a pained moan as his body temperature suddenly spiked. Sweat poured from him as his musculature dwindled away. His hard earned muscles atrophied before his terrified eyes. His bulging biceps and triceps became thin and lean, while his juicy pecs rapidly deflated. In a matter of minutes, years of workouts and optimal dieting were undone, leaving Liam slim and fragile.
“Wow, he’s so light now.” Jeremy chuckled as he man-handled his friend onto his lap. Liam yelped at the sensation of Jeremy’s erect cock grinding against his hole.
“Oh and he’s gotten shorter too! What a cutie.” Chris cooed.
“Ah, ass is still bony though.” Jeremy commented, giving it a firm squeeze.
But Liam barely registered any of this. Instead, his thoughts were filled with the words echoing from the TV. His eyes became half-lidded at this point and his resistance was fading.
“You’re just a bottom, a hole to be used by other men. You are a gay slut.” The words continued, “You like being used by other men. Your only pleasure is from getting fucked.”
“I-I’m straight... I like... I like tits.” He knew his voice sounds more feminine somehow and he cringed, “I’m a straight man.” Jeremy and Chris smirked, “I-I...” images of men getting fucked in all kinds of positions flashed on the TV, “Ohhhh I... I... I’m a...” Liam’s handsome face lost its masculine edge and his hair became lighter in color. At the same time, his cock started to shrink. Inch after inch lost as it retracted back, “Noooooo.... not my cock...” He moaned, tears now stinging at his eyes. His manhood, his masculinity. It was being stolen from him. And he was unable to stop it.
“Your only pleasure comes from your ass.”
Liam moaned again and this time his ass started to fill with jiggly fat. He could feel the extra padding build upon itself, his slim cheeks turning into mounds of soft flesh. And as Jeremy squeezed his ass again, pleasure filled his slim frame.
“Much better.” Jeremy remarked, his fingers massaging Liam’s hole, “Fuck, this is gonna feel so good.”
“Mhmm.” Chris replied, grabbing his own fistful of Liam’s juicy ass.
“Ohhhhhhhh yesssssss.” Liam slurred.
“So, what are you?” Jeremy asked.
“I-I’m...” Part of him didn’t want to say it. Didn’t want to acknowledge it. But as his lips plumped up into gorgeous cock suckers, and Jeremy’s teasing fingers penetrated him deeper, Liam was drowning in too much pleasure to care, “I...I...” The voice was so loud. It egged him on, beckoned him to admit his new truth. He wanted- no needed- to be like the men on the screen. To be fucked and used by other men. Who was he kidding? He knew what he was, “I’m like a total gay slut! I love cock.” He turned his head to look at Jeremy, then Chris, “Please daddies, use me! I need your cocks!” He begged.
And his new lovers were happy to oblige.
In the afterglow of sex, the three men sat panting heavily on the couch. Liam was curled up between his two lovers, still rubbing their dicks. Despite draining them each multiple times over, he needed more. But his horny thoughts were interrupted by a video call. He grabbed his phone and smiled.
“Hey Mr. Reynolds!” Liam slurred, “Like, we love your penthouse.”
Mr. Reynolds grinned, “I can tell.” His eyes sparkled with satisfaction, “Look at you Liam. My god. You turned out better than expected. The boys at the lab earned their salaries with this one.” Liam nodded along, not really understanding the implication, “How do you feel?”
“Like a total gay slut.” He grinned, “And I love it, like so much, Mr. Reynolds.”
“Well I’m glad to hear.” he chuckled, “And are your friends treating you well?” Liam adjusted the phone so the older man could see his two lovers, who were both fast asleep, “Well looks like you have two very satisfied customers.”
Liam grinned, “Like totally.” A sense of satisfaction filling him, “Oh! Like, can you let Susie know the wedding is off? I’m like, so sorry.”
“Of course, it would be my pleasure. She’ll understand.” Mr. Reynolds replied- mission accomplished, “Now, get back to your party. Enjoy the penthouse for as long as you want.”
Liam’s eyes lit up, “OMG thank you!” The call ended, “Did you hear that?” Liam asked, his two lovers stirring awake.
And so their party continued- and it would for days. Their lives forever changed, and them none the wiser to it. But if their pleasure filled moans were anything to judge by, they certainly weren’t complaining.
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harvestleaves · 1 year
Beach Day (HangmanxF!Reader)
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Summary: F!reader’s asthma is flaring up at the beach and Jake is being a worried mother-hen.
A/N: I was working on this before I received the prompt: Hangman takes care of the person of your choice.  But this fits that prompt perfectly!  Let me know if I should also post this on Ao3!
Rating: G
Word Count: 1,254
Sitting on a towel in the sand next to Maverick, you watched as your boyfriend Jake ran around on the beach playing football and let your eyes shamelessly roam over his shirtless body, glad you had sunglasses on so no one could tell.  Jake had originally asked you to the beach with his team to play football with them, but when you woke up with your asthma flaring up, he decided it was probably just best for you to sit and watch.
“Why aren’t you out there playing with Hangman?  You don’t normally pass up an opportunity to run around with him,” Maverick asked curiously as he pulled two bottles of water out of the cooler he brought and held one out to you.
“I woke up wheezing this morning.  Jake wanted me to sit out,” you explained as you took the offered water, cracking it open to take a swig.
“Your asthma?  Does it normally bother you?” Maverick asked, turning his head to look over where you were sitting, making a mental note of how raspy your breathing was, despite the salty ocean breeze.
Jake knew that normally the sea air opened your tight lungs, which is why he suggested you still come even if it was just to sit on the beach.  Today however, you had a feeling when you got back to Jake’s place you were going to be curled up to your boyfriend with a breathing treatment going.
“It doesn’t usually, but the heat the last few days has been making me wheeze more than usual,” you shrugged as you took another drink of water before coughing a little.
Reaching into the beach bag you brought, you grabbed your inhaler from where it had fallen to the bottom.  Shaking the device, you let out a wheezy sigh before taking as deep of a breath of medicine as you could manage.  You let your eyes drift shut behind your sunglasses, focusing on the medicine settling in your lungs before you shakily exhale, your next breaths coming a little easier than before.
Because your eyes were closed though, you didn’t see Jake jogging towards you and Maverick, him having noticed you taking a dose of your medicine, making his worry from earlier come back full force.
Jake crouched down in front of you and gently reached a hand out to brush a piece of hair behind your ear, frowning at the sound of your breathing.
“Hey pretty girl, how’s your breathing doing?  You still don’t sound too good,” Jake said softly, no sign of his usual cocky confidence as he ran his thumb over your cheek, causing you to open your eyes even though he couldn’t see them.
“Hi Jake, I’m okay.  My chest is still just a little tight,” you admitted with a wheeze, taking another drink of water when Jake guided it up to your lips again.
“I can hear it darling.  I’m worried about you.  Maybe we should head back to my place and get you into the AC.  Mav, I’m sorry about this.  I know we just got here not too long ago, but I think we should head out, her breathing isn’t getting better,” Jake said as he turned his head to look at the older pilot, hoping he would have some sort of advice.
Frowning, Maverick nodded at Jake’s words and gave you a once over himself, making a mental note of how your cheeks were flushed from your wheezy breathing and not just the sunshine.
“If it’s the AC she needs, do you wanna try taking her inside for a little bit first?  I’m sure Penny wouldn’t mind,” Maverick said as he glanced back to the Hard Deck and where Penny was sitting at one of the tables outside.
“Can we try going inside first?  I don’t want to ruin the beach day,” you wheezed, your shoulders starting to rise and fall a little faster as Jake reached out to move your sunglasses to the top of your hair, wanting to study every part of your face.
Frowning, Jake didn’t like the idea of waiting out the flare up any more than necessary and tilted your chin up so you were looking at his his eyes.  “Are you sure the AC is all you need?  We’ll try your medicine again once your inside.  But if it doesn’t work, I’m taking you home.”  Jake’s tone of voice was commanding, and if you hadn’t already been having trouble breathing, your breath would have caught in your chest from arousal, loving when he took charge.
You nodded at Maverick’s suggestion though and held out your hands for Jake to help you up.  “Let’s try inside first.  Please?”  Your wheezy voice was hopeful as Jake stood from his crouched position, pulling you against his chest before he dropped a kiss to your forehead.
“You get half an hour,” Jake stated as he grabbed your beach bag and looped an arm around your shoulders to steer you up the sand to the bar.
“Hey Penny, sorry to bother you, but can I take this one inside for a bit?  Her shitty lungs need some cool air.”
“Yeah, of course!  Does she need some water?” Penny asked as she moved to her feet to let the two of you inside, noticing that your water from Maverick was almost empty.
“Yes please, if it’s no trouble,” Jake smiled as he led you to the chairs at the bar, rubbing his hand over your upper back as you sat down in a chair.  “Thanks,” he said absentmindedly as Penny set the glass of cool water in front of you, all of his attention back on you as he stood behind you, rubbing the knots out of your tight shoulders.
“Inhaler again,” Jake said bluntly with a nod to the device, watching as you shook it again before taking another puff of the medication.
Normally you would be embarrassed at the amount of attention that was directed at you for your asthma, but there was a small part of you that loved how protective Jake was over you and how in control of the situation he was.
Letting the medicine settle in your lungs again, you exhaled with a few coughs trailing it, the exhaustion from your breathing and the sunshine finally washing over you as you shivered from the AC.
Taking a slightly deeper breath, you winced before turning in the barstool to settle your cheek against Jake’s warm chest, fighting back a few tears now that the two of you were alone and you didn’t need to have your guard up.
“Whoa, what’s with the tears sweetheart?  You’re okay,” Jake whispered in confusion as he hugged you close, confused as to where your sudden emotion was coming from.
“I d-don’t feel good.  My chest is sore, and my inhaler isn’t doing much good.  Can we go back to your place?” you finally wheezed out as a few hot tears fell down your cheeks.
“Sure, we can head out.  I’m sorry you don’t feel well darling.  We’ll get you a breathing treatment and a cold shower, then watch a movie.  Are you okay to walk to my car?  Or do you want me to carry you?” Jake asked, just wanting to hold you close and get you feeling better.
“Carry me please?” you whispered softly, letting him scoop you into his arms as he brought you out to his car and buckled you in, ready to head back and smother you with love.
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jiniretracha · 2 months
Hello! Just saw your requests were open. I was wondering if I could request a long time friends to lovers with Taehyung?
Lots of unspoken tension, that sort of "everyone thinks we're dating but we totally aren't" vibe, where they've been friends with feelings so long that lines have been crossed. Lots of touchy closeness that's not really friendly, toy know? Sharing clothes.. cuddling in weird moments but it's just cos "he's cold".
Think Taehyung in Mexico and his newest Type 1 magazine. Beach vibes, shirtless, tanned skin, permanent drippy curls.. maybe that's what makes it snap? A trip together or a vacation at the beach?
It can haves smut or not, I'll leave that up to your inspiration for it.. have a nice day and thank you!
Friends, Just For Now - Kim Taehyung
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Pairing: Kim Taehyung x fem!reader
Warnings: Fluff, slight smut, angst, mentions of pregnancy, hobi is kind of a bad friend? (i'm sorry)
Summary: Kim Taehyung, your best friend since you two were kids had invited you to Mexico in hopes for you to get over your ex. Kim Taehyung, the same man who you've had the biggest and most pathetic crush on since you can remember.
Word count: 9k (got carried away sorry)
PS: this ask was fire, thank you for sending it!
Your feet touched Mexico ground and you inhaled the fresh air of the Yucatán Peninsula. In your mind, words of gratitude started popping up towards your best friend, Kim Taehyung. A man who had been by your side since you were 10 years old. He had convinced you to take a break from work and go on a trip with him to relax, and while you were dubious about it, he had been very insistent and used his superpower (his puppy eyes and pouty lips) which worked like magic. 
And that’s how you got there. 
Taehyung appeared next to you, wearing that charming smile that was always perched on his handsome face. 
Oh, that. 
The moment you realised you were in love with your best friend, you puked. It was back when you were 16, at a party. He had just debuted with his bandmates and he had taken you out to celebrate with them. You were chatting up with Kyungmin, Nam’s little sister, while she insisted on trying a new drink that she had seen on the internet. As you were chugging up the drink that Kyungmin had pushed into your hands, you got a glimpse of Taehyung talking to a girl. It seemed flirty but they weren’t touchy. Yet, it made your insides burn with jealousy and suddenly, you had only one thought in your mind: I’m in love with my best friend. 
You quickly put the drink down on the table and ran towards the bathroom, closing the door with a shove of your foot and emptying your insides in the toilet. 
It had been eleven years since then. Eleven years of constant pining and obliviousness from his part. 
You had seen him date all around, with idols, models, and beautiful women which you obviously couldn’t compete with. You were out of his league, you had always been sure of it. He never looked at you the way you looked at him, so at one point you gave up the fight.
It wasn’t that your feelings went away. No. Of course not. But you stopped hoping one day he’d turn to you and confess his undying love for you, which by the looks of it, seemed close to impossible. So, you started to date around and hook up with other men, in hopes to find your soulmate and the love of your life all in one, and mainly to stop thinking those two things could ever be found in Kim Taehyung. 
Your last relationship, Eunwoo, lasted for about two and a half years. It had been your longest relationship and you were genuinely in love with him. It had ended two months ago and it hurt. 
You ended the relationship amicably and unanimously, feeling like it was for the better to go separate ways. But that didn’t mean it wasn’t hurting you. He had been nothing but the sweetest towards you and there was not even an ounce of resentment that you felt for him. 
So, Taehyung, being as attentive as he had always been (except for realising you were pathetically in love with him), thought that it was for the best to take two weeks off to put an end to your misery and to stop focusing so much on your job, something you started doing since you and Eunwoo broke up, mostly to take your mind off your thoughts. 
“Isn’t it beautiful?” Taheyung asked. “Do you smell the beach from here?”
“Tae, we’re literally miles away from the beach” you snorted. “But yeah. I like it so far”
He chuckled and put an arm over your shoulder, as he pulled you closer to his body. “You’ll love it by the end of it. You just have to see the resort I booked for the two of us” he stated excitedly. 
A car pulled up in front of you and he opened the door for you to get in. 
You bowed your head down at his chivalrous gesture and got inside the car. He shut the door once he got inside himself and sighed, placing a hand over your thigh. The action made your insides jump and twist around. As you met his gaze, he smiled at you. “We’re gonna have so much fun!” he squealed.
You sure hope you did. 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You pulled up to the resort and the driver helped you with your bags while you walked inside with Tae next to you. You couldn’t help but gasp as soon as you walked inside the hotel hall, the ceiling was so tall and had paintings across it, while the floor was marbled white and grey. 
“Tae, how much did this cost you?” you asked in a hushed voice.
“Don’t worry about it, hon” he chuckled.
“No, seriously. You know, I could never afford a week here, let alone two” you said as you looked around. 
“Well, I can. And I sure as hell will use all my money to spoil you, okay?” he asked. 
You sighed defeatedly and nodded. “Alright, but can I at least pay you back in some way?” you asked.
“Yeah, you already are. By agreeing to be here with me and actually coming here with me” he told you.
You smiled and followed him as he walked towards the reception desk. 
“Hi, I have a reservation under Kim Taehyung” he told the receptionist.
The receptionist nodded and quickly typed in his name as Tae handed him the papers and his ID.
“A reservation for two, a double room with one king sized bed, all inclusive, that’s correct?” the receptionist read.
You frowned. A double room with ONE bed??. 
You were about to protest when Taehyung nodded. “Yeah, that’s right” he replied.
You pulled your face back in surprise but didn’t say anything. That was a conversation for later. 
“Okay, great. The bellboy will be here in a moment to take your luggage, here’s the key to your room, floor 7, room 706. Have a great stay” he smiled and Tae thanked him back, grabbing the card. 
You wordlessly followed Taehyung to the elevator and as the door closed, you turned around. 
“One bed? Seriously?” you asked him.
Tae looked at you, unaware of what you were protesting about. “Um, yeah? Why?” he asked. You chuckled humorlessly, like it was clearly obvious. “We’ve shared beds before, what’s the deal?”
That was true. You’ve shared beds in your adolescence and adulthood multiple times. Probably more than you can count. But the thing was that, ever since you’ve started dating Eunwoo, you haven’t shared a bed. And that was almost three years ago. 
“It’s been a while… I guess I forgot” you mumbled.
“Well, I didn’t. And I never minded sharing a bed with you” Taehyung explained. “In fact, you’re gonna be thanking me later that I booked one bed for the two of us when you feel how cold it gets here during the night”
“You’ve been here before?” you asked Taehyung.
“Yeah, the boys and I have taken weeks off multiple times here, so…” he shrugged. 
“You asked me one time to go with you” you remembered. 
The elevator dinged, meaning you arrived to your floor. “Yeah, I did” he chuckled and you both stepped out of the elevator together. “Why didn’t you come, though? I never asked you. Even Kyungmin went with us”
Truth be told, Taehyung was dating this girl called Jiwoo, his last relationship, and she hated your guts. It was understandable, though. You two had been attached to the hip ever since you’ve met but Jiwoo made your hangouts with Tae miserable. And you didn’t want to third-wheel them, so you chose not to go. 
“Oh, yeah, I… don’t remember” you lied. 
He just hummed and greeted the bellboy who had already arrived and was standing there with your luggage. 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
Tae plopped on the bed and let out a content sigh, feeling the mushy comforter around him. He saw you from the corner of his eye as you put your bags down. 
“I really wanna try the shower” you told him once you took a peek of the bathroom. “This bathroom is ridiculously big” 
He smiled as he looked at your doe-eyes getting bigger and shiny while staring at something so simple as a bathroom. 
Taehyung couldn’t help but admire you from afar. Like he always did. Like he’d been doing since he was 13. And ever since then, his friends had gotten used to him sighing and daydreaming about different scenarios in which you were his and him blabbering non-stop about how magical, unique, beautiful, breathtaking (the list goes on) you were. He had loved you for more than a decade, and he’s still there, trying to make you see just how much he loves you and how in love he is with you and everything that is you. Because that’s what you are to him: everything. 
But you just don’t see it. 
“Tae?” you asked.
“I’m gonna go shower” you told him again.
He realised he hadn’t given you an answer. He was too busy daydreaming about you. Once again. “Oh, yeah, sure. Go ahead. I’m gonna put our bags over there” he told you, standing up from the bed. 
He heard the door close and a couple of moments later, the shower running. He took his phone out and texted his friend group chat. 
Tae: we’ve arrived, hyung.
Nam: that’s great, Tae. 
Kook: The only thing i’m gonna tell you is that if you don’t come home with y/n as your gf, then you’re leaving the band. Simple as that.
Yoongi: okay, kook. Maybe next time try not to be so harsh?
Kook: sorry, hyung
Yoongi: no, wait, but seriously
Yoongi: are you telling her?
Jimin: omg please!! I’m tired of the constant pining that’s been over way too long!!!!!
Dramatic ass, Taehyung thought.
Tae: i am planning to, yes. Don’t pressure me
Kook: sorry, tae :((( 
Hoseok: good luck, mate :)
Taehyung left his phone by the nightstand with that last message, that had him frowning and started tidying up the room.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You finished your shower and wrapped yourself up with a towel. You dried your hair, rubbed your lotion over your body and your eyes started looking around for your clean clothes… until you remembered you didn’t bring any.
With a sigh, you let the towel you were drying your hair with fall to the floor and grabbed the door handle.
“It’s fine… it’s just Tae…” you whispered to yourself.
You opened the door and quietly stepped out of the bathroom. 
“Oh, Y/N, I put your bag over-” his words died on his throat when he saw you getting out of the bathroom only wearing a towel that fell just above your knees. He stood frozen in his place as he stared at you, shamelessly running his eyes over your figure.
“I uh… sorry, I forgot to bring clean clothes with me” you chuckled, nervously. You brought your hand over to your face to brush a strand of hair over your ear and smiled at him. “Where did you say you put my bag again?” you asked, chewing on your bottom lip, a nervous habit you’ve had and he noticed. 
His eyes widened. “Oh, uh, over- over there” he said with slight stammering in his voice, pointing at the corner of the room, right next to where he was standing. 
“Oh thank you” you told him with a grin and walked over to him.
Taehyung had to try so hard not to let his body react to you wearing only a towel, only to have you so close to him he could smell the vanilla lotion that was freshly rubbed on your skin. His hands clenched into fists when he turned around to look at you again, finding you bent over as you searched for your clothes. He quickly turned around once again and grabbed his phone, trying to seem immersed into it. 
You shut yourself inside the bathroom again and let out all the breath you were holding. 
What the hell was that about?
You quickly put some clothes on and got out of the bathroom again. 
“Hey, I was thinking…” Tae said as soon as you got out of the bathroom. He met your eyes and you couldn’t help but feel butterflies flying inside your stomach. “It’s already eight, we can go downstairs and grab a bite? We can bring the food here and watch a movie or a show? Whatever you want”
You smiled at him. “Oh, can we please, please, please continue watching House of the Dragon?” you pleaded, putting your hands together and pouting.
As if I could ever, ever say no to that face, Tae thought.
“Yeah sure” he smiled.
I am in too deep…
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You two went to the bar next to the lobby, while Taehyung put an arm over your shoulder as you both looked around. 
“What do you want to eat?” Tae asked you. 
“I’m feeling like eating some burgers right now” you replied.
He arched an eyebrow. “With fries?” 
“And coke” you smirked.
“You read my mind” he chuckled, and you hugged his middle. “I’m gonna go to the bathroom, hon. Will you order for me? You know my usual”
“Okay!” you nodded.
He walked away and you went towards the bar as you looked at the menu. 
“Hi ma’am. You ready to order?” the woman behind the bar asked you.
“Yeah, um, I want a double burger with egg and cheddar, and a double with bacon and cheese. Both with fries and a soda. To go, please” you said to her.
“Great” she clicked on the buttons and smiled at you. “Your order will be right away, would you like some dessert?”
“Yeah, vanilla ice cream?”
She typed in your order and you looked around at the bar, noticing how pretty the place that Tae brought you was. 
“Can I ask you something?” the woman asked. 
You looked at her and frowned, confused. “Um, yeah, sure. What’s up?” you asked her. 
“The guy that was with you just about now, was he your boyfriend?” she asked you.
“Um… no” you said, hesitantly.
“Oh, could you ask him for his number for me? He’s really cute and-”
“He’s my husband” you quickly said, angrily. 
The woman’s smile fell and his cheeks turned red from embarrassment. “I’m- I’m so sorry” she stammered. She quickly walked away, pretending to be busy with other customers while you tried to soothe down the rage building up in your stomach. 
You waited for the food while scrolling over twitter. You felt a body sit next to you and you looked up to find your husband next to you.
“Hey, you ordered already?” he asked you.
“I did. I ordered the bacon and cheese one for you” you told him.
“Great, I was dying for it” Tae sighed. He looked at you and noticed the worry lines over your forehead. “Everything okay, honey?” he asked you, placing a hand over yours. 
“Yeah!” you nodded, smiling at him, trying to seem as chirpy as you could. “Everything’s fine”
Taehyung nodded and the woman who had asked you for Tae’s number appeared with a bag with your food. 
“Enjoy your food” she said, without meeting anybody’s fazes.
You didn’t say anything as you grabbed the bag and hopped off the stool. 
Taehyung noticed the woman’s strange behaviour and how you didn’t say or comment anything to it. 
Once you got back to your room, you were sitting on the bed, with Tae next to you, who had put a blanket over the comforter as a tablecloth, while you ate your burgers and watched House of the Dragon.
“Hey, can I ask you something, Y/N?” Tae asked you, after taking a sip of his soda.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“Did you notice the girl at the bar acting weird? Or was it just me? She looked like… embarrassed or scared, I don’t know” Tae said. “Oh shit, maybe she recognized me and was like- you know- intimidated”
You snorted, shoving a fry inside your mouth. “It wasn’t that, Tae” you said, while chewing. 
Tae frowned. “You know what happened?” 
You swallowed your fry and gulped it down. “Yeah…” You sighed. 
Tae looked at you expectantly. “Well… do tell!” 
“Okay! Okay, geez” you sighed. “The girl asked for your number, basically” 
Taehyung snorted. “That’s it?” he smirked and you nodded. “And what did you do? Tell her off? Intimidate her?”
“No, she- okay, so she first asked me if you were my boyfriend and I said no, and then, she was like ‘Oh, thank God! I want you to give me his number’” you mimicked her voice while Taehyung tried to contain his laughter. “And my stupid, idiotic brain just blurted out that you were my husband”
Tae couldn’t contain it anymore and he spluttered out a furious cackle while you sat there, shocked. 
“I don’t know why you find it so amusing” you frowned.
“Because it’s hilarious!”
“What’s hilarious?” 
“That you’re jealous!”
You frowned even deeper. “I am not jealous, Taehyung” you said.
Tae swallowed when you used his name. 
“I just hated that she didn’t even talk to you, and just straight up thought you were hot, without even- what are you giving me that look for?” you sighed when you saw Tae’s smirk growing bigger and bigger by the minute.
“I just think you’re cute when you get jealous” he giggled.
“I am not jealous!” you said and threw a pillow to his head. 
“Okay, okay!” he whined, covering his head in fears of getting another pillow thrown at him. “You’re not jealous! Got it”
“That’s better, now pass me the vanilla ice cream. I’m hungry” you said.
“Yes wife” he said with a smirk.
“Kim Taehyung. You’re sleeping on the floor tonight” you said sternly and he cackled. 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
After downing all the ice cream tube between the two of you, and two House of the Dragon episodes later, you let out a yawn. “Fuck, I’m so tired” you sighed.
“Let’s go to sleep. Tomorrow we have a beach day” he smiled excitedly. 
“Great” you muttered, hoping off the bed. 
You walked towards your suitcase and started searching around for your pajamas… when you came to the realization that you didn’t pack any. 
“Shit” you whispered-yelled to yourself.
“Everything okay?” Tae asked from the bed, taking his eyes off his phone.
“I didn’t bring any pajamas” you told him, shutting the suitcase with anger. “I must have left them on the bed”
“Oh” Tae said and, to your surprise, he grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head. He walked shirtless towards you and handed it to you. “Here, wear it”
“Oh… thank you” you smiled, trying to ignore the constant and annoying butterflies swarming inside your stomach. 
“No problem” he smiled and then went back to bed.
You went to the bathroom to brush your teeth and change into his shirt. You sighed again when you realized you didn’t pack any fabric shorts, you had only packed jean shorts. 
Once you came out, you got under the comforter and looked at him. “Tae, do you mind if I sleep without… well, um, pants?” you asked him.
“Yeah. No- no problem” he said, getting flushed himself.
“I only packed jean shorts. I’m an idiot, I’m sorry” you apologized.
“Hey, it’s okay. Don’t worry” Tae smiled at you. “No biggie”
You got comfortable under the comforter as Tae slipped from the bed to brush his teeth himself. You were deep in thought, as you closed your eyes, trying to soothe down your nerves. 
After a few minutes, you fell into a slight slumber when you felt the bed dip slightly and Tae’s calm breathing.
“Sweet dreams…” he said and pressed a kiss to your shoulder. “...wife”
“Shut up” you muttered.
His tiny chuckle was the last thing you heard before you fell asleep.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
The sunlight crept in the room, blinding you and making you open your eyes as you woke up from your sleep. You blinked a couple of times and pressed your head deeper into the comfortable hotel pillow. 
You exhaled with content when you felt a weight over your waist and a nose, that was breathing in and out comfortably, pressed against the back of your neck.
Your eyes widened when you realised that it was in fact Taehyung who was pressed up against you, spooning you from behind with his whole body pressed against yours. You bit your lip and pressed your eyes shut with a whine coming from the back of your throat. 
With a little wiggle, you tried to get out of his embrace, only to be pulled back by his strong arms against his chest.
This type of cuddling wasn’t any news to you or strange. You used to cuddle like this lots of times in the past. But that was three years ago. 
Taehyung pressed his nose harder against your neck and inhaled. “Your shampoo smells amazing” he whispered. 
Didn’t he find this strange? 
“It’s literally the same that you used last night” you told him. 
He chuckled sleepily. “Yeah… but I think it smells better on you” he whispered back. 
You pressed your lips together and sighed. “Why are you holding me so tight?” you tried to seem nonchalant when you were dying from the nerves from the inside. 
“It’s cold” he told you. “And you’re warm and comfortable, so…” 
“Besides, don’t act like you didn’t miss being my teddy bear” he giggled, as he pressed his cheek against your shoulder. 
“I did…” you whispered.
“I know” he sighed.
You decided that you couldn’t do anything about it and to enjoy feeling his arms around you. You wiggled a little to get more comfortable, only to feel Taehyung still around you. “What?” you asked and the next question you wanted to ask died in your throat when you felt him stirring in his pants against the curve of your ass.
Holy shit.
“Um, fuck” Tae said and sat up quickly on the bed. “I’m so sorry, Y/N”
“No, it’s okay. It’s- I mean, it’s normal” you said, turning around to look at him. 
He didn’t say anything and shut himself inside the bathroom. A few minutes later, you heard the shower start running and you let out a sigh, letting your hand fall over your forehead. 
What the hell was that about?
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
The beach of Yucatán was so pretty, it was literally taken out of your bestest dreams. The sand was almost color white and the Caribbean sea was literally transparent light blue. You gasped when you walked down the wooden road while Tae admired your amazed face. 
“Oh my God, this place is so beautiful” you gasped.
“I know, right?”
You turned to look at him only to find him staring at you with a smile, which made you blush and look away from him. 
A few moments later, you had a towel laid down on the sand after throwing your clothes into a pile, leaving you two in your swimsuits and were immersed in a UNO game.
“You can’t do that!” he gasped. “You can���t throw a reverse under a plus four, that’s not in the rules” he argued, pouting like a little child.
“Like hell I can’t, Tae” You frowned. “Don’t be such a baby, you just made me eat eight”
“Yeah, well you had it coming” he muttered. “Uno”
You chuckled and threw another plus four to him. 
Taehyung lifted his gaze towards you and sighed. “I hate you… so much” he mumbled and started taking the cards.
A few moments later, you had won the round and celebrated with a triumphant smile. “You suck! And I rock!” You teased him with a sing-song voice.
Out of the blue, Tae tackled your body to the sand and hovered over you.
“Take that back” he whispered, his breath was hitting your face and your heart picked up its pace.
You licked your lips nervously and his eyes fell to it. “Nope” you whispered.
“Want me to make you take it back?” he hummed.
You were about to reply to him, deciding to throw every ounce of dignity you had, until that dignity was thrown away unexpectedly when your stomach made an angry growl noise. 
Tae looked down at your stomach and giggled. “Somebody’s hungry” he said. “Want me to go order something by the bar?”
“Yeah, please” You whispered.
He smiled and patted your arm. “Be right back”
You sat up and watched him walk away with a sigh. He made you so nervous even your body was embarrassing you. You were so close to just throwing everything out the window and to just kiss him, but that damn hunger- the real one- interrupted your brief moment of courage. 
Your thoughts were interrupted with a woman talking to you. “Hey, sorry, miss. Is this seat taken?” she asked, grabbing a lounge chair. 
“Yeah, sorry” you winced. 
“It’s okay” the woman told you. “You and your boyfriend looked so into that UNO game I didn’t want to interrupt” she chuckled.
You opened your mouth, feeling a weird feeling in your stomach. 
Two people already got the feeling you and Taehyung were dating. And it had only been on this trip alone. You couldn’t deny that it was usual for you two to get called a couple. You didn’t have enough hands to count the times you two were mistaken for couples, anywhere you’d go. But that had been so long ago, it felt unfamiliar now. 
“Oh- uh, yeah” you chuckled. “I was kicking his ass, so…” you said, making the woman chuckle and walk away. 
You turned your head around and stared at the sea, trying to calm the nerves. 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You and Taehyung had already gulfed down the tacos he had ordered for the both of you, and sipped on the martinis. 
“This is so good” you almost moaned. “I can’t recall when was the last time I had an alcoholic drink this good”
“Yeah, me too. Jungkook sucks ass at making drinks” Tae chuckled.
“I know, right? I thought it was just me!” you laughed.
“No, oh God, we all hate it. That’s why Namjoon had to take his place, even if he doesn’t drink that often” Tae told you. “The other day, he tried mixing red wine, vodka and rum, with that little lemon he likes to put by the edge of the glass” 
“Oh god, what an awful combination” you faked a gag. “That’s literally the rule. You don’t mix vodka and red wine together”
“Yeah, me and Yoongi were trying so hard not to puke from disgust, I swear” He shook his head, sipping on his drink. 
“How’s Yoongi, by the way?” you asked him. “I remember he broke up with that girl he was seeing”
“Oh, he’s fine” Tae shrugged. “He’s been weird about it for a couple of weeks but now he’s cool”
“He really liked her, though” you remembered. 
“Yeah, but the girl was still in contact with her ex and Yoongi didn’t like it, he confronted her about it and she kept lying straight to his face” Tae told you. “Apparently, not long after they ended things, she got back with the ex, so…”
“What a loser” you frowned. “That’s so lame, honestly. Why would you get someone’s hopes up and make them feel things for you when you’re hung up on somebody else?” 
“I know, right?” Tae sighed. “What about you?”
You looked at him. “What about me?” 
“Have you… you know… have you been seeing someone after Eunwoo?” he asked you, feeling shy all of a sudden. 
“Oh! No, no, no” you shook your head, “no dating for me”
“Still not over Eunwoo?” he asked you.
“No, I am over him. I just haven’t felt like going out with someone” you told him. “It’s not that I’m not ready either, I just haven’t looked for somebody”
Thank God, Tae thought. He just let out a hum and took a sip from his martini. “You’ve talked to him since… well, the break up and all?” 
“Yeah, sometimes” you shrugged. “He’s been seeing his co-worker for two weeks now. She’s pretty cute, so I’m happy for him” you smiled with truth in your voice. 
He looked at you and noticed you weren’t lying about it. You were serious, he could sense it in the way you spoke about it. “I still don’t understand why you guys broke up, though” he said sincerely.
“Um, honestly? I didn’t feel that way for him anymore” you said, shocking him to his core. 
His eyebrows arched. “Really?”
You nodded. “Yeah. I loved him, yeah. I mean, I still do. Just… I’m not in love with him anymore. That’s the difference” you explained. “He’s still a very good friend of mine and we’ve agreed to still continue with our friendship and that’s what we’re doing”
Tae frowned. “But you were sad about breaking up with him”
“Well, I was sad, yeah. But mostly because I felt bad I had this perfect relationship and I couldn’t love him like he deserved. I had this amazing thing in my hands but… I didn’t want it” you shrugged.
Tae shrugged too. “Makes sense”
“No, it doesn’t. But it’s okay. I’ve made my peace with it” you smiled at him.
Tae smiled back at you and then his eyes found the gaze of a man directed to your ass. He narrowed his eyes and quickly put his martini on the table in front of you, and then grabbed yours too, taking you by surprise. 
“That guy’s staring at your ass, it’s pissing me off” Tae said. 
You widened your eyes. “He’s behind me?” you whispered.
“Yeah” he said. “Fuck, he’s still doing it” he whispered angrily. He didn’t want to admit it to you, but his anger was scaling levels that he didn’t know they existed. He placed a hand on your waist and pulled you against his chest, eliciting a gasp from you, as your hand fell against his shirtless chest.
“Tae- what?” you asked.
“Don’t freak out, just trust me” Tae said and before you knew it, he was kissing you.
But not just a simple kiss.
The man was devouring your mouth, gripping your waist tightly with his palm while his lips moved furiously against yours. You couldn’t help but kiss him back, feeling your underwear starting to get wetter by the second. His wet mouth was so arousing and your hand unconsciously danced its way up to his neck.
A particular movement he made with his hand over your waist, elicited goosebumps over your skin and a gasp to fly out of your mouth, which allowed him to slip his tongue inside your mouth and you gladly let him. His body got closer to yours and his hand slipped from your waist to the small of your back, pulling you against his chest.
He pulled away first, mostly because of the basic need of stupid air. 
You sat panting, with lips swollen and wide eyes as you stared at him. “Is he still looking?” you asked.
Tae lifted his gaze towards the man, who had at one point stood up and walked away. Of course he didn’t notice, he was too busy sucking faces with you to do so. 
“Then, kiss me again…” you found the courage to say.
Tae smiled slightly and kissed you once again, using his body to push you down on the towel you had both laid on the sand to sit on. Your arms curled around his neck and he leant half his body over you. One of his hands, laid on the towel to keep himself hovered over you while the other gripped your waist and caressed, up and down. 
He couldn’t help himself but groan against your lips, and feeling needier than ever, his hand danced its way down to your hip and to your leg as his lips continued bruising yours. 
Taehyung pulled away once again, but this time, with no plans on stopping. His kisses drifted down to your neck, sucking and biting the tender skin there while his hand gripped your leg. 
“Tae…” you whispered in his neck. 
“Fuck” he groaned and continued kissing your neck, as his nose brushed under the sensitive spot you had behind your ear. 
“Um, excuse me!” a chirpy voice made you both jump. You two pulled away and looked up to find a man that was dressed and looked like a hotel worker. 
“Yeah?” you asked, out of breath, the blood rushing to your face.
“Could you um… tone it down a little?” the man asked, kind of flushed.
“Y-yeah, sorry” you said, feeling your cheeks getting redder. 
“Thank you” the man said with a bow of his head and walked away.
“Holy shit” Tae laughed and you hit his shoulder.
“Don’t laugh, we could’ve been kicked out of the beach” you couldn’t help but laugh as well. 
Tae sat staring at your lips while you tried to even your breath. You turned around and saw that the spot next to yours was empty. 
“He walked away, didn’t he?” you asked.
Tae shrugged. “Well, we did literally make out like teenagers in front of him” he said and you snorted, feeling your face getting two times even redder than before. “It was nice, though” 
You looked at him and pulled your face back. “What… felt nice?” you said quietly.
“The kiss. It was nice” he said and licked his lips.
Damn him.
“Yeah… it was” you nodded.
He smiled and couldn’t help but press another kiss to your lips. You sat there, still shocked, but not wasting time and kissing him back. He pulled away and pressed a  kiss to your cheek. “I’m gonna get another margarita, you want one?”
You frowned. “Tae, we were drinking martinis” 
He frowned and realised you were right. It might have been the dizziness he was feeling from kissing the love of his life for the first time. “Oh, did we? Right, same shit. Be right back” he said and walked away.
“Okay” you chuckled. 
You looked over your shoulder as you watched him walk towards the bar. You let out a content sigh and pressed a hand over your chest, feeling your racing heart calm down. 
As you were staring at the sea, you felt a phone vibrating and you dug your hand inside your purse. You found your screen empty with notifications so you frowned. 
Maybe it’s Tae’s, you thought.
It kept on buzzing, and thinking it was a phone call, you grabbed his phone. 
Once you took a look at the screen, you couldn’t help but feel your heart drop to the pit of your stomach. 
Jiwoo: can we talk?
Jiwoo: you can’t keep ignoring me, tae. You know it
Jiwoo: the test came out positive
Jiwoo: i’m so scared
Jiwoo: I don’t know what to do
You gasped as soon as you read the text messages on his screen.
The test? What test?
Tae was about to be a father and here he was, vacationing with you and kissing you, and giving you the wrong idea. 
You scoffed and let the phone fall inside the bag while you stared into the ocean, trying your hardest not to cry or crumble in front of a lot of unknown faces. 
Tae came back a few moments later with a margarita in his hand and left it on the little table. 
“Wow, I just took a sip from this drink and it’s so frozen, it hurt my head. But it was sick” Tae said with a chuckle. 
He sat down and looked at you, placing a hand on your thigh.
“Hey… you okay?” 
“Yeah” you mumbled. You started to grab your things, making Taehyung frown, confused at your sudden coldness you were showing towards him. “I’m gonna uh… I’m gonna go to our room. I don’t feel very well, honestly” you told him. 
“Woah, wait, Y/N!” he tried calling you.
You didn’t say anything and walked away. 
He sat there, so confused, but let you go, thinking that maybe you needed to be alone. But then, he also thought… what if you regretted the kiss? Maybe for you it was just an innocent kiss to show an asshole that you didn’t want to have your ass being ogled like that. What if, under the little while he left to get a new drink, you started thinking that maybe for him it wasn’t just a friendly innocent kiss? 
The amount of unanswered questions started flying inside his mind, making his head hurt. The alcohol he was literally gulping down like it was water wasn’t helping either. 
He felt his phone buzzing from a call and he sighed, taking it.
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You slammed the door behind you and fell to the bed, feeling the need to cry about the whole situation. You couldn’t help the racking sobs that violently spilled out of you. 
The love of your life was possibly having a baby with another woman, the one you loathed and loathed you back. 
He had just kissed you like you meant the world for him… but it was just for show. While he had someone back home, who was pregnant with his baby. 
You grabbed your phone and quickly dialed Kyungmin’s number, feeling the urgent need to talk to her and hear her soothing words.
“Hey, girlie? How’s Mexico? I saw your insta story. That beach looks sick as fuck!” Kyungmin’s relaxing voice came through the phone speakers.
“Min… I- I don’t know what to do” you sobbed.
“Yo, yo, Y/N, what’s going on? Why are you crying? Did something happen?” she bombarded you with questions.
“Everything’s okay… I mean, it’s not, but I’m not like- like hurt… physically or anything” you explained.
“Okay, but why are you crying?” she asked urgently.
You let out a tired sigh and palmed your face. “I… so, today we were at the beach, with Taehyung and long story short there was this guy who was like- like staring at my ass or something” you explained, trying to calm down your tears, while Kyungmin hummed. “And Tae’s idea was to kiss me, to show that man that I was taken or something like that. We like, totally made out” you said.
“Okay? But that’s a good thing” Kyungmin said.
“Of course it is… but the thing is that when we stopped, he went to get another drink and everything was okay after that but… but then his phone started buzzing with text messages and I thought it was mine at first but then I realized that it was his phone. So, I grabbed it and I saw messages from Jiwoo” you whispered that last part.
“No! That bitch is still in contact with him?” she gasped.
“And that’s not even the worst part!” you almost exploded. “She kept texting him about a test coming out positive” she said.
Kyungmin went silent. “No way, Y/N” she mumbled in disbelief.
“Yes way” you sniffled. “The guy I love with everything I got is going to have a baby… with a woman that it’s not me! With a woman that spent their entire relationship rubbing it in my face that she was dating him and that made everything within her reach to isolate me from Taehyung” 
“Wow, darling. I don’t- I don’t know what to say” she told you. “Maybe you should talk to him?”
“And say what? ‘Hey! I looked through your text messages! Are you going to be a dad?’” you mocked. “I’m gonna sound so stupid!”
“Well, but you can’t live with that burden. And if that’s the case, he’s gonna tell you. He’s not gonna hide that from you, are you kidding me? You’re his best friend” she told you. “And plus, Taehyung hates her. She kept on flirting with other people while being with him, are you kidding? Do you think he’s that stupid to sleep with that girl again months after they broke up and risk getting her pregnant? Come on, Tae may be a little bit silly but he’s not that silly” Kyungmin tried soothing your nervous wreck that was going on inside your head. 
You heard feet shuffling behind the hotel door and you quickly sat up on the bed.
“Fuck, Min. Tae’s coming, I gotta go” you sniffled, swiping your sleeve over your nose. “Love you and thank you”
“Love you too, babe. Tell me how it goes” she said to you and you quickly hung up. 
Tae opened the hotel room door with a heavy sigh and shut it behind him. He came into view with a stressed out face, giving you a pang on the stomach. 
He sat on the bed and left his phone next to him. 
“Are you okay?” he asked with a small voice.
“Yeah” you deadpanned. 
“No, I know you’re not” he stated.
“Then, why do you ask, Taehyung?” You asked, snapping at him. Something you’ve never done to him before.
He looked down and took a deep breath. “I’m sorry” he started.
Yeah, you should be, you thought to yourself.
“I- I shouldn’t have kissed you like that. I just got carried away. I hated seeing that guy with his eyes posed on you like that. I hated it” he said and your eyebrows furrowed. What was he even apologizing for?. He turned around to look at you properly and his face fell, seeing your red face from crying. “The thing is, Y/N, I really like you. And I used that as an excuse to kiss you, and I know it’s wrong, and I’m so, so sorry-”
“Yo, Taehyung, no…” you said, laughing humorlessly.  “What are you even apologizing for? For kissing me? Really?” 
You closed your eyes and looked away. “I can’t believe you right now” you murmured.
Tae was so confused. “What…? Shouldn’t I? I mean… I kissed you without asking you-”
“You kissing me was not what bothered me, Tae” you said. 
“Then, what bothered you? Why are you crying?” he asked, raising his voice.
“It’s the fact that you kissed me while you’re still fucking your ex, that’s what bothered me. Because, news flash, I’ve liked you since we’ve been fucking teenagers, Taehyung” you spat angrily. His eyes widened at your sudden confession, but then furrowed. “And now, you got her pregnant? Are you kidding me, Tae? The audacity a man has to have to do that, my God” 
“Yo, what?” he asked, now even ten times more confused than he was before. “Who’s pregnant and I’m not fucking my ex!” Taehyung said loudly. 
“Then why did she say the ‘test’ came out positive?” 
“You were snooping on my phone!” he said, frowning.
You narrowed your eyes. “Don’t change the conversation topic, you… idiot! Tell me! Give me a fucking explanation!” 
“Why are you so mad? I’m telling you, I’m not having a child with anybody and I’m not fucking anybody!” he said.
“You’re lying! Why was she texting you?” you asked him. The sudden feeling of embarrassment hit you. You were in no position to say these things to him, but at the same time, he was confusing you like a damn playboy. Like he didn’t care about your feelings. Like you two hadn’t been friends for over a decade. 
He sighed. “Jiwoo? That’s who you’re referring to?” he asked.
Tae bit his lip and looked away. “I’m not fucking her, Y/N. Okay?” he said. “But yes, she’s pregnant. She told me, but not because I am the father”
“Then why did she tell you that? And why was she so worried, Tae-”
“Would you let me finish a sentence?” Tae said calmly and you huffed, but then, nodded. “Okay… you- you know that me and Hobi haven’t been on speaking terms lately, right?”
You nodded slowly.  “Yeah… you never told me why, though”
“Well, it does have a logical reason as to why I’m not talking to him” he told you. “The truth is… fuck, I’m so embarrassed to say this”
You saw him struggling and you got closer to him. You placed a hand on his and gave him a nudge. 
He looked at your eyes and let out a little breath. “Hobi slept with Jiwoo… like, literally a day after we broke up” he said.
Your eyes widened. “Oh my God” you whispered.
“Yeah…” he trailed off. “And I found out only two weeks prior to this vacation. That’s why I was so insistent on going here with you. Because I needed to ease my mind… and well, your presence is very- well, you know- soothing to me and I love spending time with you. It’s healing” he confessed, his cheeks turning pink as well as yours. 
“Oh…” you said, feeling embarrassed that you’ve accused him of playing with your feelings without giving him a chance to explain himself. 
“Yeah” he repeated, with a humourless chuckle. 
You licked your lips, trying to find what to say. “I’m- I’m sorry, Tae” you said.
“It’s okay” he mumbled.
“No, it’s not. I just… I should’ve asked you first. Instead, I just panicked” you said with a huff. 
He looked at you and blinked. “Why did you panic?”
You stayed silent, holding onto his gaze. “Um… because like I said… because I like you, Tae” you said hushedly. “I really do and I…” you said but then let out a breath. He held your hand and smiled at you. “I thought you didn’t like me like that, and well- you were just out there kissing me because someone was eyeing me” 
He shook his head. “No… I mean, yeah, I kissed you to get that asshole to stop staring at your body but… I do like you, Y/N. Like a lot” he chuckled. 
You smiled and placed a hand on his cheek. “Did you talk to Hobi about it?” you asked him.
Taehyung’s smile dropped and looked away. “You’ve got terrible timing, Y/N” he said and you laughed.
“I’m sorry, I’m just really curious. I don’t know what’s more shocking. You telling me that you like me back or that Hoseok slept with your ex” you said.
“Yeah, same…” he said with a little chuckle. “No, I mean… I confronted him about it when I found out but after that? No. Just small talk, that’s it. Casual texts in the group chat, nothing else” 
“Does he know he’s gonna be a father?” 
“Nope” he shook his head with his lips pressed together. “But I hope that- that they get to be together. It’s weird, I know. I seem to be really mad about it. Not because of Jiwoo, I haven’t felt something for her in a very long time but… it doesn’t mean that it didn’t hurt hearing one of your best friends was sleeping with your ex behind your back” he said to you. “But also, I know that Hoseok really likes her”
“Did he tell you that?” you asked.
He nodded. “That was his excuse. He asked me to forgive him for it, because he was really interested in her” 
“Wow…” you said, widening your eyes. “I don’t want to be a bitch about it but I think he deserves better. She was really mean” 
Tae nodded. “I know… she hated you”
“Oh really?” you asked him with sarcasm and he chuckled. 
Tae looked at you and placed a hand on your thigh, gripping it. It made you realise the way you both had confessed that you liked each other and did nothing about it.
“So…” he started. “Did you like the kiss?”
“Like it?” you chuckled. “I loved it”
“Wanna do it again?” 
˗ˏˋ ♡ ˎˊ˗
You woke up with a content sigh, feeling the raven haired boy you liked (loved) so much around you. Your face was pressed against the crook of his neck and his arms were holding you tightly against his chest. 
With flashbacks slamming at you, you remembered how you had made out like horny teenagers til you were hungry for dinner. You ordered pasta from the bar downstairs, finished watching House of the Dragon and went to sleep. You both figured that, as you had been friends for so long, rushing into sleeping together was something that it was best to avoid. 
His hand went under your (his) shirt and rubbed your stomach with a low hum. You bit your lip, feeling your core clenching around nothing at the subtle touches. His other hand, went to your leg and gripped it, making you remember the scenes from the day prior, when Tae had kissed you and touched your leg just like he was doing just now. 
“I know you’re awake” Tae mumbled against the skin of your forehead. “I can literally hear your thoughts from here” 
You giggled and nuzzled your head against his naked chest. “Sorry” you said quietly. 
He sighed and pushed you on your back, as he leant over you. He gave you a warm smile and pressed a light kiss on your lips. “Penny for your thoughts?” he arched an eyebrow. 
You placed a hand on his cheek and caressed his skin. “Nothing… I was only thinking how happy I am that we’ve finally confessed to each other. Well… me. That I’ve confessed. I never thought you’d reciprocate my feelings, Tae” you chuckled.
He chuckled back and shrugged. “Why not?”
“Well, for starters you are you” 
He frowned. “What the hell does that mean?”
“Are you kidding me?” you chuckled. “You’re Kim Taehyung. Literally top 5 most famous and handsomest people in the whole fucking world” 
“Says who?” he asked you with a curious smile.
“Says everyone” you stated, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 
“And what do you say?” Tae asked in a soft tone that made your heart skip a beat.
“What do I say about what?” you frowned.
“Do you think I’m handsome?” he smirked.
You glared at him. “Really?” you asked him and he chuckled at you. “I’ve been attracted to you since your twink era, are you kidding?” 
He frowned. “My twink era?” he asked.
“Nevermind” you said and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss. 
He hummed against your lips and applied force to it, his tongue licking your lip for approval to slip inside of your mouth. His hand slipped upwards and curled his fingers in your hair, massaging your scalp slightly and clenching it, tugging a little, making you whimper against his mouth.
“Fuck…” he whispered, and bit your lip, pulling it lightly. “I’ve been waiting my whole fucking life for this” 
You felt your heart slamming uncontrollably inside your ribcage at his words, making you cling onto his shoulders, digging your nails into his skin. 
He lifted his mouth from yours, kissing your cheek, down your jaw and started licking and biting your neck. You bit your lip to contain your moan, instead it came out a loud whine. 
Tae caressed your waist, flipping your shirt over your stomach to allow his hands to explore your skin. His thumb finger danced over the hem of your black lace panties and it made you arch your back. 
He lifted his head again and looked into your eyes. He took his fingers up to his face, stuck his tongue out and licked the pads of them. 
To your surprise, his newly-licked fingers slipped inside your panties and brushed over your soaked core, making you moan out loud. 
“Yeah, you like that?” he asked huskily, his pupils blown wide. 
“Fuck, yes” you sighed, pressing your head against the pillow. 
You felt his thumb flick over your clit expertly while his pointer finger probed at your entrance. “You want it?” he asked, his face returning to your neck. 
You nodded shyly, your fingers carding through his hair as you felt his teeth sink into your skin. 
“Words, baby. I can’t hear you” he replied, chuckling darkly.
You huffed in annoyance and tugged on his hair, making him whimper. “Please, Tae. Please, please, please” you sighed. 
“Please what?”
The fucker…
“Please, fuck me with your fingers!” you almost yelled out and almost did again when two of his fingers sank into your core, making you clench around them.
He gasped against your neck and licked over the recent love bites he had left. “Holy fucking shit, you’re so tight, Y/N. So tight, baby” he whispered. 
You felt his hardness pressing against your thigh and you lifted your knee to tease him, feeling him groan desperately against your neck. 
He lifted his head up and devoured your mouth as you felt his fingers sped up along with the thumb rubbing tight circles over your clit. 
“Shit, shit, shit, Tae. I’m gonna come” you whimpered against his mouth. 
“Come for me, babe” he said.
You moaned into his mouth while your legs shook as you felt your orgasm wash over you. Once you calmed down, you felt his soft, delicate kisses over your cheek while his fingers moved slowly inside of you. 
Taehyung, being the little shit he had always been, slowly pulled away from your core and stuck his fingers inside his mouth, licking them clean, all while holding your gaze. 
He smirked as he felt your taste and, with a wet pop, he showed you his clean fingers. 
“Fuck, that was probably the best orgasm of my life” you sighed, your hand caressing his cheek. 
“No, that was your second” he smirked.
You frowned, confused. “What?”
He just smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips. Then, he trailed them down over your neck and to your stomach. 
You see where he was going with that. 
And, spoiler alert? He was totally right about that.
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ashwhowrites · 11 months
Eddie tries to make his girlfriend jealous, but it doesn't work, she gets sad instead, thinking he doesn't love her anymore
I hope this is what you wanted and you enjoy it. Thank you for requesting <3
Jealousy games
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Eddie liked to play pranks and tricks. He enjoyed messing with people's emotions, laughing at their anger, and just having fun.
He saw it as innocent jokes, never quite realizing how much damage certain pranks could do. Never knowing when it went too far.
Y/N tried to understand Eddie's jokes for his sake. She knew many people get pissed off at him and she wanted to be there for him.
Just as Eddie always did, he went too far.
Y/N and Eddie were having a date at the beach. Y/N wasn't a fan of the water, sand, and sitting in the heat for hours, but she wouldn't pass up the opportunity to see Eddie shirtless. And she was glad she came because as she watched Eddie come out from the water, his head shaking as his curls bounced and dried. The droplets went down his chest, skipping down to his happy trail, her eyes following to where the water stopped.
"See something you like?" His voice snapped her out of her daydream, her eyes looking up to see him standing over her.
"Huh?" she asked, blinking as she snapped to reality.
"Nothing," Eddie laughed, leaning down to grab his wallet near her hip.
"Getting ice cream, want one?" He asked, Y/N gladly agreed. A smile on her face as she watched him run in the sand. She checked out his ass as he leaned over the counter to order. Her eyes skipped down to his tatted legs. She could feel the drool on her chin.
Eddie smiled at the cashier as he grabbed two ice cream cones. He turned to walk back to his girlfriend when a girl stepped in front of him. She had dark hair, tan skin, and a red swimsuit. He eyed her swimsuit, realizing she was a lifeguard.
Over her shoulder, he could see his girlfriend lying out in the sun, her eyes on them. Her heated glare gave Eddie a dangerous idea. A harmless joke, a little tease to get her teeth grinding.
Y/N squinted her eyes to see if she was seeing things. Her eyes froze in on Eddie laughing with this girl. Her hand was on his arm, fingernails moving up and down against his skin. And Eddie did nothing to stop it. He smiled and leaned his head closer. Y/N couldn't believe what she was seeing. Eddie was flirting with another girl, on their date, right in front of her.
He wasn't close enough for her to hear anything that was being said, but the way his body leaned into this girl made Y/N feel sick. His dazzling smile and dimples swooned the girl over.
When Eddie finally walked over to her, she tried to hide how hurt she was. Eddie handed her the melted ice cream cone. The snarky comment made it past her lips.
"Could have at least brought the ice cream over before that," Eddie smirked at her reaction. He figured he made her jealous, take the win, and move on. But he didn't, he wanted to see how far he could push her.
He didn't comment on her attitude, ignoring the comment, he moved on.
He relaxed next to her on his side, the girl still behind her. He looked from Y/N to behind her, to make it obvious he was looking past her. Y/N scrunched her nose but didn't say anything.
She decided to tell a random story, seeing if she could get his attention. But his eyes didn't move to her since. His eyes were still locked on the girl. She couldn't help but feel sick with herself. The comparison of that girl and her, all the ways she fell short. She could feel the tightness in her throat as the tears welled up. Surely, he didn't care about her anymore. He got bored of her, he didn't love her anymore.
Y/N rushed to stand up, gathering her shoes.
"I'll just go so you don't have to look through me to see her," Y/N said, preparing to walk away but Eddie stopped her.
"Hey, where are you going?" He asked
"Home. I don't see why I should be here." She said. Eddie stood up and stepped in front of her.
"Because I want you here. Are you just a bit jealous?" Eddie smirked, his hands on his hips.
"No." Y/N scoffed
"I think you are!" Eddie teased, pointing his fingers at her. "Someone's jealous, someone's jealous, someone's jealous."
"EDDIE STOP! Not everything is a joke. If my feelings are just a joke to you, then fuck off." She snapped, moving past him as she headed to the parking lot.
"Woah! Hey hey!" Eddie panicked, grabbing her hand to stop her. "I didn't mean to upset you."
"You just thought it would be funny, I know. You got the reaction you wanted so drop it."
"Baby, I didn't want you to be upset. Just a little jealous, that's it. I'm sorry I went too far. Talk to me." His eyes were finally on her.
"Jealousy isn't a game, Eddie. It's the feeling of being insecure and not good enough. We are on a date and you eyed her more than you've ever looked at me. You were holding my ice cream and flirting with her. Even when I tried talking to you, you completely ignored me. Does that sound funny to you or that my boyfriend doesn't love me anymore?" Her eyes watered as she asked.
"It sounds like your boyfriend is a complete asshole. I love you so much and I'm sorry I made you think I don't love you. It was wrong to play with your feelings and I'll never do it again. You are the only one I want to be with, I promise. It's just you." He said softly, cradling her face. She sniffled but melted into his touch.
"Promise you love me?" She whimpered
"I promise I love you so fucking much." He promised, leaning down to place his lips on hers, kissing her softly.
"Let's go home and I'll show you just how much I love you." He smirked against her lips, his hands gripping her hips.
"You made me cry! And you think you're getting sex?" She teased, she smacked his chest. "You are making me dinner."
"Dinner it is." Eddie agreed. Walking back to grab all their things. Together they walked to the car, the lifeguard out of sight and out of mind.
@bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet @mirrorsstuff @somethingvicked @micheledawn1975 @ago-godance @magnificantmermaid @tlclick73 @hargrovesswifee @cityofidek @manyfandomsfanvergentreblogs @silky-luxe @lokiofasgard616 @loving-and-dreaming @eddiemunsonsbitch69 @thegemaqua @ashlynnkennedy @strangerthingsstories5255 @harringt8ns @pleasinghellfire @whoscamila @stusdollface93 @gretavankleep37
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monzamash · 2 years
not in the mood — carlos sainz
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carlos sainz x you (femreader) | 1.9k summary – grumpy uncle Carlos is struggling on the extended family holiday and you will do anything to shake him from his bad mood. rating – 18+ (sex, language, google translated spanish) a/n – i’ve decided to collate the sentence starters i got for each driver so that we can get a bit juicer and i can do a little more plot with the smut lol masterlist
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You could tell from the moment Carlos stepped off his father’s sailboat that he wasn’t happy. It was a look you’d seen before – typically after a bad race or when the vintage car he’d been working on in his workshop wouldn’t start; infuriated and overtired, two emotions he wasn’t capable of controlling. The vein bulging on his forehead told you to keep your distance while he cooled off, leaving him alone with his own thoughts. Hopefully simmering down.
“Is tio angry at us, tia?” Little Edgar asked, tugging on your long sundress as he watched his uncle storm off towards the resort without a word.
“He’d never be mad at you, cariño…” You replied quietly and brushed the young boys curls from his face, encouraging him to go play with his siblings in the water. But the question had to be asked.
“What happened out there?”
Carlos’ father simply shrugged and threw the cooler filled with bait onto the sand beside his wife, “He gets so worked up over nothing – frustrated with me, frustrated with the little ones. Desagradecida,” He muttered under his breath.
Carlos never got upset over “nothing”. Sure, he was competitive and easily annoyed by small things, pouting to you that something wasn’t right in his mind but storming off a boat after what was supposed to be a nice afternoon with his father and nephews? That wasn’t your Carlos and you stayed silent, not agreeing with Papa on this one.
“Well whatever happened, I’m sure he’ll be over it by dinner.” You sighed, willing your words into reality for the sake of the holiday.
His mother nodded in agreement, knowing that her son was never upset for long. Thankfully she changed the subject and sent her husband on a mission to get her another cocktail from the beach bar. You took the break in conversation to return to your suite where you assumed your husband was brooding alone, probably grumbling to himself in the otherwise silent room.
And you were right. As soon as you clicked the door open, you heard it. The unintelligible Spanish that he always used when he was angry – quietly cursing whoever was coming to ruin his peace and quiet. But you didn’t care if he was annoyed by your presence; you’d been together for long enough to sense what the other needed, especially if something was upsetting them.
He would've done the same for you.
“Don’t throw a pillow at me. I come in peace,” You said, rounding the corner and surrendering your power with your hands up beside your face.
He looked exactly as you expected; propped up against the bed head, thick black rimmed reading glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose and his eyes trained on the book you’d gotten him from the market that morning. At first he ignored you, pretending to be completely immersed in the book he was reading. 
But the quick glance up in your direction was enough to make you smirk. The pout he had on his face when he breezed past you on the beach a few minutes ago was still there, shoulders tensed around his strong neck. The only difference now was that he was shirtless, gloriously tanned and looking painfully beautiful lying on the white linen sheets. You always compared him to a flawlessly chiselled statue, mouth-wateringly perfect in every way.
“You didn’t need to come at all.”
Okay, so maybe not perfect all the time.
“Well I came up because the boys were worried that they’d made you angry but I can’t imagine any scenario where that would be true…”
Carlos’ eyes snapped up to yours, his pout now a frown as he listened to your words. He felt a pang of guilt shoot to his heart as you sat down on the end of the bed, watching his brain tick over and finally realise the effect he had on the people he loved, his little carbon copies. He was Tio Carlos, after all. Their hero.
“Ay, they didn’t think I was mad at them?” He asked more as a question than a statement and you nodded – not to make him feel bad but because it was the truth. The bitter truth from the way his face dropped again, now sadder than before.
“Meirde,” Carlos mumbled under his breath, “I wasn’t angry at them – it was my father. He was shouting at them like he did to me when I was a boy… making them feel stupid so I told him to fuck off and he was not happy about that…” He trailed off, rolling his eyes with a huff.
“I’ll go down and see the boys soon but I just can’t be around him like this,” Carlos added and you understood. He was clearly fired up, fight or flight mode activated with the former winning out.
There weren’t many things that really got under Carlos’ skin but those kids meant more to him than anything. He was protective of them and seeing them being bullied like he was as a young boy triggered him – made him see red and although he was close to his father now, there was a lot of underlying problems that had never been resolved.
Obviously this was one of them but it would be a shame to let all of that pent up anger and aggression go to waste, you thought.
“Fair enough, honey,” You whispered and stood up, smoothing your long sundress out as Carlos went back to his book, “I’ll give you some space but I’m not wearing any underwear right now… Just thought you should know that.”
In true Carlos fashion, he didn’t even flinch at your words, not even a glance nor did he stop you from leaving at first. It wasn’t until your hand was gripping the door handle that you heard him yell out from the bedroom, “And where do you think you’re going then?”
His voice sounded hoarse, deep and tantalisingly sexy as you trotted back to where he was, now sprawled out on the bed and waiting for your return. The book he was seemingly so enthralled in when you left was still open but discarded as you crawled up beside it with a smirk, merely imitating the expression on his face as he watched you.
Eyes forever trained on yours, tempting you up onto his lap that he was patting. Your fingernails dragged along the exposed skin on his thighs that the short shorts weren’t covering, tanned and hairy. Strong and muscular, mind reeling from the things they could do.
Carlos was pouting when you leaned in closer to his face, telepathically sending signals for you to kiss him. It had been a rough afternoon but having you to take his mind of it well and truly made up for it. You smiled and pressed your lips to his, arms snaking around his neck as you settled onto his lap, letting the weight of the day melt into his touch.
His hands crept around your waist and naturally dropped lower to your backside that he was always mesmerised by. There was hardly ever a moment when you were alone that he wasn’t either touching it or gawking at it and you loved it. The attention, the physically touch – he had you wrapped around his finger, and him yours.
“Let your frustration out on me, baby.”
Your permission ignited something deep inside Carlos. A little spark in his eyes catching on as you pulled back and captured his stare, aroused by the darkness and the steeliness as he tugged you into his chest. He was groaning under his breath as you moved above him, stirring that feeling he couldn’t ignore and that you could feel between your thighs.
“Te quiero con todo mi corazón,” Carlos whispered as you reached up and removed the reading glasses from his beautiful face, peppering kisses all over his cheeks.
“I think you look so sexy in these but I don’t want to break them,” You confessed and he simply smirked as he lifted your hips up and pulled his shorts down, freeing himself from the tight material.
“I know you do, darling.”
You rolled your eyes and licked your palm before grasping his growing stiffness in your hand, delicately rolling your wrist to get him to where you needed him. It never took long and with all of the kissing and teasing you’d done to him all morning; Carlos was pretty much hard on sight. But you loved how big he felt in your hand and the way his eyebrows scrunched together when you gripped him a little too tight, a hiss slipping from his lips every time.
“Actually you look sexier like this,” You smiled and kissed him again as he started bunching up your dress, moaning as you continued to pleasure him, tease him. But he got you back, sliding his fingers through your slick and pushing two fingers into you without warning, jerking you forward over his shoulder.
“Oh my god!” You shouted, both hands now gripping the back of his head as he fucked you, knuckle deep and revelling in the fact that you were now on the receiving end of his pleasure.
“Shh, I can hear people in the other room, cariño,” Carlos whispered facetiously, voice taunting and secretly wanting everyone to know that he was the reason for your screams.
“Well don’t shove your fingers inside of me without warning and I would be quiet,” You snapped back before he hit that sweet spot, causing you to return to crook of his neck with a whimpering moan.
Carlos snickered at you waving your metaphorical white flag. He loved you taking control and that’s what you did once you sunk down on him, taking his thick cock all the way until you bottomed out. A low, raspy moan slipped from your throat when you felt him twitch inside you, hips snapping up in an attempt to get you to move.
“Don’t rush me, baby. You feel so fucking big… God, why do you feel so big?”
“Because I am huge,” Carlos shamelessly retorted, head titled back and watching squirming on top of him. You rolled your eyes and straightened your back; now feeling like you had a point to prove.
As you sat up, you pressed your hands to his chest, hips rolling achingly slow and taking full advantage of your position.
“Okay, with that kind of arrogance and the way you’ve been moping around all day, you’ve lost your touching rights, my love.”
You slapped his hands off your thighs and watched his eyes glaze over with lust, “Hands off.”
Carlos pouted and reached out with his grabby hands, “Ay, no, please. I have to touch you.”
There was a smirk tugging on the corners of his lips as he pleaded with you, and you could see right through his façade. Even with his unbelievably thick cock filling you to the brim, brushing against that spot deep inside you that would usually have you unravelling in a matter of seconds, you didn’t crack. Not even a little.
“Hands. Off.”
And with those stern words, Carlos simply laid back on the pillows and tucked his hands behind his head, watching as you gave him a show. He couldn’t have loved you any more than he did in that moment – for making him feel like his entire body was on fire and for remedying his bad mood.
You really were a miracle worker. And you were all his.
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a//n – ayyyy, the first of the monzamash special! i'm so glad people sent in requests for carlos – he's so fun to write. the next one will either be charles or daniel so let me know if you have preference! and thank you all again for 700 followers x masterlist | askbox
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ddejavvu · 2 years
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Thick Thighs Save Lives - Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x Reader x Jake 'Hangman' Seresin
Summary: Being the only aviator with meat on your bones is tough. It's even more tough when you're stuck showering with two of your teammates.
Contents/Warnings: smut (minors dni), double penetration, fingering (vaginal and anal, f receiving), oral (m receiving), dirty talk, shower sex, protected sex, spit kink, body insecurities, mid/plus!sized reader, self-deprecation, arguing, angst with a fluffy/smutty ending
WC: 5.5K / navi
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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If there’s anything you don’t want to hear during a not-so-friendly game of beach football, it’s ‘shit!’. The exclamation comes from Coyote who’s branched off to your towels on the sand, fingers curled around his watch, “We’re late.”
“How late?” Phoenix is already adjusting her ponytail, as it’s frazzled from the action. She’s squinting in the sun and remedies it by knocking her sunglasses down off of her head and onto her nose. It’s smooth, and she knows it by the soft smirk that curls at her lips.
“We have twenty minutes to get on the road.” 
“Shit,” Rooster parrots, dropping the ball where he stands, which is how you know he’s panicked too, “We all need showers. Penny’s gonna kill us if we stink up the restaurant.”
“We can go in teams,” Fanboy decides, already sprinting over to his towel, “We don’t have time for individual ones.”
Before you can get a word in edgewise Coyote and Phoenix are rushing to join him, Bob hot on their trail. The showers are spacious, sure, but you wouldn’t exactly volunteer to share them with anyone. 
With a terrible sinking feeling in your stomach you realize that the only three left are you, Rooster, and Hangman. That means the only way you’ll get to Penny and Maverick’s engagement party is if you shower together.
They’re already at their towels, scrubbing sand out of their hair and strapping their watches back on. Hangman’s is a thick, black leather band, and you can see flecks of sand marring the sleek strap from where it laid on the towel. Rooster’s is thinner, brown in color and gold around the rim. His is clean, but he puts it on his sweaty, sandy wrist. It won’t be for long.
Both men are shirtless, too-tight jean shorts squeezing their waists. You make a point not to stare as you trek back to your towel, already picking up on their competitive banter before you’ve even stood beside them.
“-probably use all my shampoo,” Hangman scoffs, clenching his towel tight in his fist, “You always steal my shit, Bradshaw.”
“I think it’s only fair seeing as you steal my gel!” Rooster quips back, gesturing to Hangman’s stiff, shiny hair, untouched even after your game, “Isn’t it fucking weird, Y/L/N? How much he uses?”
Rooster looks back at you for confirmation, someone on his side. But you’re too disheartened to respond, dreading your impending doom. All you offer is a meager, “Yeah.”, that curls a frown under Rooster’s mustache.
“You hurt yourself or something?” Hangman raises an eyebrow, stunned by your lack of teasing, “I think we need to call the doctor, you didn’t just insult me.”
“I’m fine.” You grumble, towel held around your waist despite the presence of your rash guard, “Just tired from football.”
“Well get ready,” Rooster warns you, “Mav’s gonna have to tell us all about how he and Penny met, and I’m really hoping he withholds the details on the little rendezvous that got him in trouble with her dad, but I know he won’t.”
You shudder for a moment, if only to please him, to throw him off your scent. You’re tired, there’s not any other reason you’re in a funk. You’re tired.
You are tired. You’re tired of caring, of constantly thinking about it. You’re tired of wearing a rash guard to the beach instead of a swimsuit, because everyone else is smaller than you. You’re tired of watching people’s eyes, tracking them to make sure that if they ever dip below your chest there’s something in front of your stomach to block it from their view. You’re tired of adjusting your uniform to make it looser, you’re tired of leaning against the bar instead of sitting at it, you’re just tired.
You are tired. You’re tired of caring, of constantly thinking about it. You’re tired of wearing a rash guard to the beach instead of a swimsuit, because everyone else is smaller than you. You’re tired of watching people’s eyes, tracking them to make sure that if they ever dip below your chest there’s something in front of your stomach to block it from their view. You’re tired of adjusting your uniform to make it looser, you’re tired of leaning against the bar instead of sitting at it, you’re just tired.
“Hey,” Hangman’s voice breaks you out of your thoughts, admittedly less grating and irritating than it normally is “You sure you’re okay?”
You blink and they’re staring at you, brows furrowed and limbs frozen in place. You wish that the waves lapping gently at the sand would crash onto shore and swallow you whole, sweep you up in a tidal wave of salt water and seaweed so that you wouldn’t have to answer.
“I’m fine,” You grit, slipping your feet into your shoes and rushing to stand outside the showers, “C’mon, we’ll be late.”
You had hoped that they’d get too busy bickering with each other to ever find you. But here they come, not five minutes later, just as Phoenix steps out of the steamy bathroom. A towel is wrapped around her torso and Hangman exaggerates his ogling of her, only turning your stomach further.
“Perfect timing,” He drawls, and she rolls her eyes. 
Bob steps out next, taking one look at her face and stepping in front of her, “Your turn, Bagman. Try not to use all the gel.”
“See?” Rooster nudges you, his elbow against your arm as Bob and Phoenix walk away, “I told you! It’s absurd, he slathers it on like cement.”
“He’s gotta,” Coyote drawls, reaching over to knock on Jake’s head, “Otherwise his head’d sound as empty as it is.”
The two engage in a good-natured shoving match, but it’s one that nearly sends Coyote’s towel cascading to the ground, and you keep your eyes firmly on the tiny bottles of shampoo and conditioner that you’d brought. You read over the ingredients, as if sodium laureth sulfate and glycol distearate will keep your mind off of your humiliation.
“You said you’re fine,” Bradley murmurs from beside you, “But if it’s something you just don’t wanna say around Hangman, he’s not listening.”
Part of you is less embarrassed to be honest and exposed to Rooster than Hangman. But he’s still a man, an incredibly fit one at that, and you’re not sure you’d ever want to reveal it to either of them.
“I’m just nervous,” You tell him the only part of the truth you’re willing to admit. I’ve never... showered with a- a boy before. A man.”
You cringe at your misstep, but if Bradley’s amused by it, he doesn’t show it. Instead he hums, sympathetically so, “We’ll turn around, honey. Don’t worry about it, okay?”
“You’ll turn around,” You mutter, “I think it’ll just egg Jake on further.”
“What’s this I hear about eggin’ me on?” A familiar southern twang makes you tense as the man it’s coming from appears by your side, bumping his hip into yours, “You ready for our steam session, sweets?”
“Leave her alone, Hangman,” Rooster groans, feet slapping against the tiles as he goes to adjust the water. He shoves at Hangman’s back as he passes, and you stifle a giggle as the man nearly falls over.
“Hey, she’s the one that chose to shower with us,” Jake insists, and Bradley’s scoff is enough for you not to fight back, “And I would, too, if I were you, darlin’. Do you know how many ladies are lined up to see how hung Hangman is?”
You force a gag, “The only lady I see here is myself, and I’d rather smear wet sand in my eyes.”
“That’s what I’m gonna do to you if you don’t turn around and shut up,” Bradley speaks through the roar of the shower water, steam already rising from its fall, “Just drop your pants and wash your ass, so Y/L/N can shower to herself.”
“Well, well, well,” Jake smirks, towel cinched around his waist in only one hand as he stalks for the showers, “Looks like one of the ladies lined up is Bradshaw himself. Wanna see it, Rooster? Here it is.”
Jake drops his towel ceremoniously, and Bradley’s face morphs into a grimace as he turns away hastily.
“My fucking eyes,” He laments, and you pause in gathering your toilettries to laugh, while also trying very hard not to stare at Jake, “Oh my god, Y/N, you won’t have to worry about me seeing you. I’m going to pour shampoo into my eyes until I go blind.”
Jake realizes you’re taking a little too long getting ready, cocking a hip as he leans his head back to stare down his nose at you, “So what, you gonna ditch dinner, Y/L/N? Whatcha waitin’ for?”
“She’s waiting for you to stop being a perv and turn around,” Bradley comes to your rescue once again, and thankfully, Jake seems to realize it’s a real issue, pivoting until he’s facing the shower wall.
“I think she just wants a nice view of our asses,” Jake theorizes, standing with his clear on display, “Which is better, Y/N? Mine or Chicken’s?”
“Chicken,” Rooster grumbles under his breath, and if you were brave enough to actually declare a winner, you’d give it to him just for that. But, Hangman’s form is rather impressive, all tight curves and tan skin and-
And you shouldn’t be looking. You clear your throat awkwardly, peeling off your rash guard as Jake sponges his side down. There’s sand running thick down the drain and you hope it doesn’t back up, something you’d feel terrible for Penny to have to clean up.
“Uh,” Bradley stills in his place, “Shit, I think I left my shampoo over there. Y/N, could you…?”
“I got it,” You hum, reaching over for the blue bottle and tucking it in his carefully, blindly outstretched hand, “Thanks for, um- here.”
“Yep,” He nods, smearing a dot of the substance on his palm and lathering it through his hair.
“Oh no,” Jake mimics Bradley’s previous predicament, dropping the bottle in his hand so that it rests between his legs, “Y/N, could you-”
“Ass,” You drawl, reaching forwards to butt your palm against his back. He stumbles forward with a laugh, catching himself on the railing. He bends down to reach for it and you’re nervous he’ll peek at your body from between his legs, but he stays respectful, something you know he is at his core even if he pretends differently.
You find yourself relaxing against the tiled floor of the shower, feet firmly planted instead of poised to run. As much as you know neither of the men in front of you would make any rude comments about your body or your weight, there’s still the nauseating fear that they might think differently of you having seen you completely unobscured. So you’re thankful for the privacy, that lasts… well, until it doesn’t.
The snap of your conditioner cap catches the skin of your pointed finger in its jaws and a gasp clutches tight at your lungs.
“Son of a bitch!” You cry, waves of pain flowing through your finger and out towards the rest of them. On cue each man turns, eyes wide and fear-stricken, without thinking.
You know they didn’t do it on purpose. You know they instinctively thought you were hurt, and wanted to help. You know they didn’t mean to look at you. But the withering feeling in your guts knows no logic, only fear.
They’re looking, it hisses, They’re looking at everything. The way your stomach pudges into a roll at the base. The way your breasts sag. The way your thighs stretch, marks littering their stems, and present no gap.
“You’re bleeding.” Bradley observes, eyes trained faithfully on your finger, “I’ll get a bandaid.”
He rushes for the cabinets outside the shower, dripping water over the floor. Jake stands, staring, but you’re too humiliated to glance at his face and notice the soft pinky blush on his cheeks that’s spreading to his ears. 
“Here,” Bradley speaks from behind you, though he molds himself to your side when you’re still frozen in fear. He brushes a towel over your cut, the turquoise material staining red. He then undoes the waxy paper wrapping from the bandaid, sticking it tight to your skin.
“It’ll get wet,” He reminds you, “But it’ll stop soap from stinging it.”
You don’t even thank him. At your prolonged silence he glances up at Hangman, intent on giving him a concerned glance, but he sees the man’s eyes rove over your form and snaps.
“Dude,” Bradley utters gruffly, “Don’t be a perv. Come on, turn around.”
When Jake stays just as still as you, he reaches for him, shoving hard, “I said turn around!:
“Please, Jake,” You whimper, tears brimming in your eyes, “Turn around.”
“You’re crying.” Jake snaps out of his trance to frown up at you, and Bradley keeps pushing, an insistent thorn in his side, “Why are you crying?”
“Because you’re-!” You gush, lip wobbling, “You’re looking at me, and- and judging me, and-”
“Judging you,” He scoffs, eyes nearly bugging out of his head, “Best body I’ve ever seen. Case closed. Court dismissed.”
“Shut up,” You seethe, tears finally dripping down your cheeks, “Just shut up! You think this is fucking funny? You don’t think there’s a reason I didn’t want to shower with you?”
“You’re private, I get that.” He scoffs. “But if you think I’m judgin’ any part’a that, then you’re stupid, too.”
“Not the compliment you think it is,” Bradley mutters, hands still prying at Jake’s shoulder, “She told you to turn around, just do it.”
“No,” Jake doubles down, pushing Bradley away and stalking towards you, “I wanna know why you think so goddamn low of me. You really think I’d rope a woman into a shower and then pick apart what she looks like? You think that low of me?”
“It’s not about you,” You gush, hands at your sides in frustration, “It's about me! And my fucking body, okay? I’m not calling you a dick for judging me, I’m calling myself-”
“What?” Jake’s head tilts to the side, eyes glinting dangerously, “What are you calling yourself?”
“....Gross.” You finish lamely, the fire in your chest extinguishing with the poof of a sigh that escapes your lips.
He’s grabbing your hand without thinking about it, gentle but firm. You stare at him, anxiety-riddled.
“Listen here, girly. I’ve let you get away with sayin’ a lotta things about yourself. Dumbass I agree with, especially considering these circumstances. I’ve heard clumsy and stubborn, those I don’t have an issue with either. But don’t look me in my fuckin’ face and tell me you’re gross, ‘cause it’s an insult to me and my tastes.”
He squeezes your hand once before releasing it, and it feels more now like a heartfelt gesture than a threatening one. You’re breathing heavy, lungs cut short from the adrenaline of the moment, Even though Bradley isn’t pushing him anymore, standing on the sidelines waiting, watching, Hangman turns around without another word. He scrubs aggressively through his scalp and you’re almost surprised nothing bleeds, your mouth hung slightly open and your tongue leaden over your teeth.
“I’m not your type.” You finally manage to mutter, voice taut.
“Yes you are,” Jake scoffs, “How would you know?”
“I saw you eyeing up Phoenix earlier.” You roll your eyes, and if Bradley hadn’t turned around again you’d have flashed him an exasperated look.
“So? A man can like several shapes,” Jake boasts, voice losing venom, “Plus I ogle Phoenix just to piss her off.”
“It works.” Bradley cuts in, and you snort.
“Point is,” Jake drawls, and you’re sure if Bradley was in his line of sight he’d have been the victim of a very withering stare, “Don’t discredit yourself. You’ve got sexy ass thighs, woman.”
“Jesus, Jake,” Bradley sighs, “Can you just hurry up, already? I’m sure there’s nothing more Y/L/N wants than to get rid of you.”
“Oh, shut up, lapdog,” Jake deadpans, “You can’t tell me you don’t agree.”
Bradley’s silent for a moment, and your gut churns.
“Whether I do or don’t is irrelevant,” He chooses his words carefully, “Let’s just leave Y/N alone.”
“He totally does,” Jake snickers, “Hear that, Y/L/N? It’s his blush.”
“Like you weren’t blushing!” Bradley scoffs, “I looked up at you and thought you’d been temporarily replaced with a baboon’s ass.”
“Oh, that’s funny,” Jake drawls, “That’s what I think every time I see you, porn stache. Then I remember it’s just your natural charm.”
The crisis has been averted enough for you to let out a shaky laugh at their insults, and the sound catches both men’s attention.
“Listen, Y/L/N,” Jake starts, voice much kinder and softer now, “The point of this isn’t me telling Bradshaw he’s got the face of an ass. The point is to get it through your thick fuckin’ skull; you’re pretty damn sexy, y’hear?”
You snort at his callous nature, “No one’s ever told me anything like that before.”
“Yeah?’ He pauses,towel in hand that he nimbly swings over his shoulder, “Well, pardon me for lookin’, and even more for touchin’, but everyone else is fuckin’ insane.”
Before you can process his words he reaches down to palm at your thigh, a hefty squeeze that sends your flesh spilling against his palm. You stiffen, even though he stays politely away from your ass, encroaching only on territory he could also grab while you’re clothed. The feeling of his touch, no matter how chaste, elicits a noise from your throat that you wish you could pass off for a scream.
It’s not.
It’s a moan.
He stops where he’d begun pulling away, eyes sharpening slightly. You don’t dare look at Bradley, but if you did, you’d see his cock twitch.
“Did I hurt you?” Jake asks, voice low.
All you can do is shake your head, teeth digging into your lower lip helplessly.
“Did you like it?” He tries again, but this time he doesn’t accept body language as an answer/ Still hunched, he ignores your nodding and reaches up with his free hand to tug your bottom lip out from under your teeth.
“I asked you a question,” Jake croons, voice smooth and soft, “Did you like it?”
All you can whimper is a meager ‘Yes’.
Do you want me to do it again?”
“Yes.” Stronger, this time.
His hand plants itself firmly back over your thigh, thumb stretching towards the curve of your ass this time. It’s a little more suggestive, and a lot more alluring.
“Jesus,” Jake groans, kneading the soft flesh of your doughy thigh between his fingers, “Bradshaw, c’mere for a second.”
He hesitates, “Do you want me there, Y/N?”
“Yes,” You nod once more, legs stiffening and thigh tensing against Jake’s palm, “I- I do.”
“You take front,” Jake instructs, falling into place behind you with his hands now greedily prying at your ass, “And I’ll take back.”
The smile that Bradley offers you when he steps in front of you is nothing short of dreamy. It’s enough to make you blush, and he lets out a soft, breathy laugh at how forward Hangman is being while he stands giddily in front of you.
“If you say hi,” Jake drawls, hooking his chin over your shoulder and reaching around your front to grip at the seams of your inner thighs while glaring at Bradley suspiciously, “I’m going to slap you.”
“I wasn’t going to say hi,” Bradley scoffs, and you can tell by his blush that he totally was.
“Jesus, enough yammering,” Jake scoffs, turning his head to press his dewy lips into your neck, “We’re gonna be late for dinner.”
You worry, for a moment, that he’ll let go. That he’ll walk away, get dressed for the restaurant, and pretend nothing ever happened. But that’s not what he does, of course. Instead, you feel the hard press of his cock against your ass.
“I’ll be gentle,” Jake croons, feeling you tense as his hands smooth over the dip of your ass, “We’ll go slow, okay?”
“Real slow,” Bradley murmurs, and it catches your attention, reeling it back to him. You realize he’s standing much closer to you now than he had been before, lips nearly brushing yours.
The second your lips meet his in a kiss, Hangman smooths his hand between the globes of your ass. You squirm at the sensitive feeling, foreign as his fingertip brushes against your hole. But he doesn’t let up, and neither does Bradley.
Rooster’s tongue slides against your bottom lip, warm and wet. At the same time Hangman’s hands squeeze your ass, pulling apart each side and smoothing down the skin between. It sends a shiver up your spine that escapes in a puff of air between your lips, one that Bradley eagerly swallows.
Bradley’s hands grab your cheeks, thumbs brushing near your eyes and yanking you closer. You can feel Jake’s fingers carefully prodding and pressing at the tight ring of your asshole, a hitch in your breath causing you to bite down on Bradley’s lip.
“Fuck,” He hisses, coming away with a red lip and a guttural groan, “Jake, just- let up. Me first, she’s obviously sensitive.”
“She’s just tight,” Jake murmurs, lips pressing to the expanse of your shoulder, “Nothin’ I can’t fix.”
“You’ll have plenty of time to fix it,” Bradley grumbles, tearing a condom open with his teeth that he’d snagged from his wallet, “‘Cause I’m going in first, and you- shit!”
His fingers, slippery from the water and probably excess soap, drop the condom. The way that you’re arched into Hangman’s touch means that your thighs are squeezed together and bent slightly, and there’s no better way to catch a condom than between your thighs.
The foil wrapper sticks between your legs, making it easy for Bradley to pluck it out and toss the wrapper aside. Penny will find it tomorrow, because you’re sure as hell not gonna remember to get it.
“Well, whaddya know,” Jake drawls, grinning against the skin of your neck so hard you can feel it, “What they say is true. Thick thighs save lives.”
You face-plant into the water-dropped skin of Bradley’s neck, ignoring the way Hangman snickers.
“Actually, I think they just stopped a life from being conceived,” Bradley reasons, only a few sloppy strokes of his cock needed to easily slip the condom on, “But that probably saved my life, ‘cause if I got you pregnant in Penny’s bathroom, she’d slit my throat.”
The tip of Bradley’s hardened dick presses to your inner thigh, skin seldom touched and sensitive. You lean into it, but Hangman’s fingers follow, gently stroking over the rim of your ass. It’s starting to feel less foreign and more pleasurable, a twinge of something sweet licking at the underside of your belly like a rogue flame.
Bradley gently presses two fingers against your slit, ever-considerate in making sure you’re sufficiently prepped, but his eyes widen at how much slick he’s greeted with just past your folds.
“Holy shit,” He breathes, nose nudging yours as his lips brush with your own, “You’re wet.”
“Duh,” Hangman scoffs, and one of his hands abandons your ass to slip between your folds, collecting slick on their tips and dragging it back to your ass, “I’ve been touchin’ up on her for a while now.”
“Pardon me for thinking that’d work like an umbrella on a rainy day,” Bradley bitches, but you cut him off with a kiss before he can spout any other mildly insulting metaphors for how bad he thinks Hangman is in bed. You’ll vouch if you have to, he knows what he’s doing.
With each slow circle that his fingers trace around your rim, you bend back into him. Until you can feel his cock pressed stiff to your backside,just as Bradley presses his tip flush with your clit.
“Oh-,” You gasp, clit sending a shockwave of electric lust reverberating throughout your body, “Bradley, I- Inside, please, now!”
“I’m coming, sweetheart,” He croons, speaking in a velvety soft hum against your lips, “Don’t worry.”
He holds to his promise, sliding his dick down from where it’s pressed to your clit and easing it between your folds. You heave a blissful sigh at the feeling of being full, and it makes you rock backwards into Hangman’s fingers.
One breaches your hole, slipping inside with an agonizingly pleasurable burn. The stretch feels heavenly, especially because your cunt is already stretched to accommodate Bradley’s cock that slowly bottoms out inside of you.
“Good,” Jake praises, kissing beneath your ear, “I knew you could do it.”
Rooster lets out a groan at the feeling of your involuntary clench around him, eyes screwed shut. His forehead is braced against yours and you take the liberty of engaging him in another kiss, letting the pleasure of Jake’s fingers at your hole compel you to lick into Bradley’s mouth.
Being pleasured from both sides is too overwhelming. You feel yourself already rising to a climax, pressed on by both Bradley’s thick cock grating against your insides and Jake’s fingers.
You smooth your tongue over Bradley’s, gripping his shoulder when he increases his pace to be steadily fast. He’s not speeding through anything, but he’s not slow either, and it makes your insides burn.
The feeling of his cock ramming over and over and over against that spongy spot deep within you is too much, especially when Hangman slides a single, thick finger into your ass. You can’t help it, your orgasm hits you like a freight train (or perhaps a fighter jet), and you clench sporadically around Bradley’s thick, hard cock.
You whine relentlessly into his mouth, fingers clawing and prying at his damp skin as your knees go weak. You’re surprised you stay standing at all, but you funnel all of your orgasmic vigor into the kiss that Bradley eagerly licks out of you, and clutching his shoulders is enough.
Coming down from your high is jarring, especially when you realize that the steady pressure against your clit had been Bradley’s thumb the entire time. The pleasurable sensation is starting to sour with the unpleasant sting of overstimulation, and you tear his hand away eagerly, “Too much.”
“Sorry,” Bradley grunts into the kiss, the bristles of his mustache grating at your lip. 
Bradley pulls out of you, still hard and red-tipped. 
Jake takes one look down, his free hand sliding up your back while his other stays firm at your ass, “Those were pretty sounds. Look’t what they did to Bradshaw. See that, honey?”
You nod, breathless as you stare at Bradley’s impressive length.
“I think you should return the favor,” Jake muses, putting pressure against your back so that you bend in half, “Suck him off, darlin’.”
You land at eye-level with Bradley’s covered cock, and you can’t get the condom off fast enough. You drag your tongue along the underside of Bradley’s hard dick, taking the heated length into your hands and squeezing fondly at his balls. He swears low and gruff under his breath, watching your tongue snake against his slit.
Your lips curl around the head of Bradley’s cock, and the way that Jake adds a second finger to your ass makes you suck hard. You feel Bradley’s cock twitch on your tongue, and you scrape your teeth feather-light along him as you take more of him into your mouth.
He tries to keep himself still, tries not to face-fuck you, but he’s hopeless. His hips jolt forwards and you gag at the feeling of his dick hitting the back of your throat. It makes him groan, fists clenched at his side.
You bob and suckle along every inch of Bradley’s dick, licking up the vein that runs along the side and hollowing your cheeks while Jake fingers you open. When there are suddenly no fingers in your ass anymore at all, you whimper, taking Bradley’s cockhead into your fist while you try craning your neck to look back at Hangman.
“Keep going,” Jake directs you, nodding his head towards your fist, “He’s not done, and neither am I.”
You slip the hand that’s curled around Rooster’s dick and slide it up his length, rubbing gently at the base while you kitten lick the head. He pants and groans, bucking into your fist and subsequently your throat. The feeling of Jake’s dick pressed tight to your stretched hole makes you jolt forwards, and you face-fuck yourself on Bradley’s dick.
“Jesus,” He hisses, “You’re- you’re good at this, baby. C’mon, a- a little more, now.”
You let out a scream muffled by Bradley’s cock as Jake slides himself into your ass, dick grating delightfully tight against your rim. Once he bottoms out he sets a merciless pace, giving you no time to adjust before you’re being hammered into like he’s a feral animal.
“See that, Bradshaw?” Jake boasts, sending a hefty slap to your ass, “Told you she could do it. Perfect ass.”
“I see,” Bradley pants, hands tangled in your hair while you bob on his cock, “I- I’m gonna cum, honey.”
There’s barely any warning before the sight of Jake’s cock ramming into your ass gets to be too much for Bradley, but you don’t need it. You’re perfectly content to welcome his warm seed down your throat, letting it paint the inside of your mouth as you tongue him dry.
You don’t realize you’re using Bradley’s cock as a pacifier until he pushes at your forehead, hissing in oversensitivity, “Okay, okay! It’s too much,” He soothes you by sticking two of his slick-stained, thick fingers between your lips instead, “Here, honey. There y’go.”
Drool gathers at the seam of your lips and Bradley smears it away from your mouth, gathering it on his palm and licking it away. He groans at the taste, his own seed permeating your saliva, “Messy girl.”
Jake isn’t satisfied with his lack of action. Apparently, jackhammering into your ass isn’t quite enough for the guy, and he fists a hand in your hair to yank you upright with a grunt.
Bradley’s fingers slip from your lips with a pop and you cry out as Hangman manhandles you, pleasurable pain flooding your senses from the hair-pulling that start waves of a second orgasm swelling below your belly.
“Open,” Jake commands, keeping your neck bent backwards so that his face hovers over yours. You open your mouth without hesitation, and he spits inside.
Warm saliva, cooling quickly the more you stick your tongue out, pools by your throat. You eagerly swallow without being told,drool now seeping backwards down your face and towards your eyes. Jake licks it off with a broad, wet swipe of his tongue, and smears it against your lips.
The kiss is messy, upside-down and drooly, but it’s hot. Jake’s tongue licks against yours and his teeth nip at your bottom lip, a real spider-man style porno.
Your spine aches from being bent like a curly-q, but the ecstasy bleeding into your core is enough to push it to the back of your mind. You reach down to finger your clit, a whimper bleeding into Jake’s mouth at the action.
“Gonna cum, honey?” Jake drawls, “Sweet pussy’a yours gonna clench around nothin’?”
His southern drawl is stronger when he’s fucking, you note. It’s attractive.
“Not nothing,” Bradley volunteers, sticking his spit-soaked fingers up into your gaping cunt, “Cum, baby.”
You’re very good at following orders.
Your second orgasm hurts, in the best way. It tears you apart from the inside out, cunt clenching tight at Bradley’s fingers as he curls them inside of you. Jake bites hard at your lip as you ride out your second orgasm, and his dick twitches inside of you once, twice, three times before he’s letting himself go in tandem.
He fills you with warm cum, the substance gushing out of your gaped hole and oozing out around his own cock. 
“Jesus fuck,” He snaps, the words an unintelligible grunt against your lips, “So tight, and so sexy.”
Bradley’s free hand braces itself on your stomach, and the touch doesn’t make you recoil like it normally would. It’s lewd, but being splattered with their cum really makes you believe that they’re not going to judge your body.
Instead you lean into the touch, letting Bradley embrace you as you come down from your high a moaning pile of mush.
“Slow,” You warn Jake, who’s never heard the word a day in his life. He follows directions, though, easing his dick out of you and making sure it doesn’t burn.
“We need another shower,” Bradley pants after a moment of fucked-out silence. 
You nod, brain foggy, “Yeah. We- we can’t show up to the restaurant smelling like sex. They’ll know.”
As it turns out, you don’t need to smell like sex for everyone to know you’ve just had it. You show up forty-five minutes late, sweaty-faced and rosy-lipped, all slightly out of breath. Your dress is rumpled, and Bradley’s tie is haphazardly secured.
“Oh,” Phoenix grimaces, nose scrunching in disgust, “Gross, guys.”
“In my bathroom?” Penny looks aghast, “You better not have clogged the shower drain.”
“Easy,” Maverick throws a hand out over her own, “We’ve done it in there one too many times to judge.”
“Gross!” Payback rears away from the older pilot sitting next to him, “Everybody needs to stop getting laid, but if you do, don’t tell me about it!”
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russellsppttemplates · 6 months
could you do a Carlos blurb where Carlos and reader takes Clara and Piñon to spend time with Carlos Sr and Reyes while he and reader take a mini trip just between the two of them together and during the trip, Carlos sr. keeps them updated like taking the girl to the park, making cookies with Reyes and watching the Real Madrid game together
"Look at the picture my mother sent to the group chat!", Carlos said as he looked at his phone, his hand shielding his eyes from the sun first and then covering the screen so you could look too. You were both sharing a sun lounger and even though your hat was covering your face from the sunshine, it was still dark enough as you cuddled into your husband's embrace, properly seeing the phone now.
Carlos whisked you away for a romantic getaway, counting on his parents to look after Clara and Piñon, who were more than happy to take them for as long as you needed to recharge your batteries. You had been spending most of your time chilling by the pool or the beach and you were planning to do a small hike tomorrow if the temperatures weren't too high.
"She looks so happy going down the slide!", you pointed out, scrolling through the small collection your mother in-law had sent to show you how much fun your little girl was having in the park, followed by a video of Piñon running around.
On your hike break before you did it all the way back to the start and then the hotel, you had enough service on your phone to check if everything was well back home. Your phone beeped with a notification from your father in-law.
The shirt we got for her fits her really well! was attached to the picture Reyes sent, your little girl on her Real Madrid jersey you remember Carlos Sr. buying as soon as he learned he was going to be a grandfather, claiming the baby would always have to know and recognise the best football team in the world.
"She looks so cute!", you showed Carlos as he smiled, "we need to take her to an actual game someday, it's been a bit since we've watched a game from the stands", he said, kissing your shoulder.
"Should we go now? We'll be back in time to watch the game", you suggested, getting up and pulling him up with you.
"We can have a nice dinner out and I'll watch the game later, I don't mind", Carlos offered, "we're supposed to be spending time together and I don't want it to get in the way of that".
"Please, as if it bothers me", you giggled, kissing his stubbly cheek, "besides, I absolutely do not mind seeing you all riled up when you watch football and especially when it's warm out and we have a TV in the outside area of the room where you could watch the game shirtless", you wiggled your eyebrows, earning a slap on your ass, "you're incredible, cariño".
Abuela and Clara made some cookies! We'll try and save some for when you come back, but we can't make any promises! 🤭
Attached to it was a smiley picture of your daughter with a wooden spoon on her hand as she whisked the sugar into the eggs it seemed, "Oh, she'll be on her sugar high tonight...! I bet my mother hasn't been able to tell her she can't have more cookies", Carlos chuckled.
"She's been having so much fun, though, I bet she's out like a light by the time they get her to bed", you reasoned, "she's so grown up already, she's not our baby anymore", you pouted.
"We could look into that, though", Carlos said as you looked up at him, "I wouldn't mind having another little one, we agreed Clara should have siblings and if you're up for it, I think the age gap would be good right now", he offered.
Kissing his chest, you trailed all the way to his lips, "sounds good to me".
(Thank you for sending this in ✨️)
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garbinge · 1 month
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Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x F!Reader // Word Count: 5.4k Summary: After meeting Rooster (and some people in his life), you two walk on the beach and share some things with each other. Warnings: All my fics are 18+ regardless of content. Angst re: heavy topics. Mentions of parental loss/grief. Mentions of lifting reader off the ground. A/N: For some reason this was really hard for me to write lol. I feel like it's filler without being filler? If that makes sense lol. I do have a rough plan for these two that'll probably span over a few more fics! Thanks to everyone whose enjoyed this! Appreciate you all <3
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📲 Bradley: You busy? 
💬 You: Depends.  
📲 Bradley: What if I told you I’ll be shirtless?
💬 You: I’m free. 
📲 Bradley: I’m more than just a pretty face, you know.
💬 You: I know, you’ve got killer abs too. 
📲 Bradley: I feel objectified. 
💬 You: It’s not objectification if you enjoy the attention. 
📲 Bradley: You got me there. 
💬 You: So what are these plans where you’ll be shirtless?
📲 Bradley: Beach in front of The Hard Deck, 4PM.
💬 You: Do I need tickets? 
📲 Bradley: Tickets?
💬 You: To the gun show.
📲 Bradley: Admission is always free for you. 
Smiling, you put your phone down and looked at the time, there was about an hour until 4. With a sigh, you opened the laptop in front of you, adjusting yourself in the office chair that was large, leather, and brown, not your style at all, until you were comfortable and looked over to your right. The image of your family sat dusty and in the same position it had always been in, right next to the few medals and pen stand. This was the one spot you knew you’d be able to write what you needed to. 
You were right, because before you knew it, the sun was shining golden through the window behind you and you realized it was definitely past 4. 
“Shit.” You shut the laptop closed and pushed your phone in your pocket before grabbing your bag and heading out the door. 
Walking up on the sand, you saw the large group of pilots playing football. They were laughing, tackling, yelling, dancing all while you brought your hand over your eyes to take the scene in. Your eyes scanned over them all, first seeing your brother, pointing at someone with a large grin before the play was called out. Your glance jumped around to see Rooster, sunglasses on–of course, his tongue hanging out as he caught the ball and landed a touchdown, following it up with a dance as he threw the ball to the ground. 
You let out a laugh, which caused someone to turn around to your left. As your eyes caught it in the peripheral, you turned, seeing Penny, the owner of The Hard Deck with a bunch of notebooks out on the table. 
“Sorry.” You moved the back of your hand that was shielding your eyes from the sun to your mouth to muffle the laugh as well as physically show your apology for the startle.
“No need.” She politely spoke, pointing to the table inviting you to sit. “I could use the company.” 
Joining the woman, you sat down so you were facing her, but your head couldn’t help but move to look out at the team having a good time and she was doing the same.
Eventually, she introduced herself, you gave her your name following it up with some pleasantries about the bar so she knew you were well aware of who she was even without the introduction. It was then that she put a finger on who you were. “Your Rooster’s friend, right?” 
That was new for you. Everytime you’d come home, you’d be referred to as Admiral Garcia’s daughter, Lieutenant Mickey Garcia’s sister, but never Rooster’s friend. 
“I am.” You agreed and looked over at the team tackling one another again, your eyes searching for Bradley. “Can I ask you something?” With your head moving back to Penny, she looked up from her paperwork and nodded. “What’s it like being back here?” 
Her confused look held strong for a few seconds which made you elaborate. “I might not have spent time at the bar, but I know the news around here, read that you spent some time here on base when you were younger, your father was an Admiral, then after some time you came back and bought the bar.” 
“Didn’t know my reputation preceded me like that.” Her smile grew and she dropped her pen and her hands intertwined with themselves as she stretched them across the table. 
“I like to read the paper.” You rolled your eyes slightly embarrassed and shrugged. 
“It’s…” Her voice trailed off as she thought of the right word. “It’s different. While having these incredible moments of the same feelings.” 
You nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. But she still took the time to discuss the details on that. 
“I’m different, right? I’m not who I was when I was here all those years ago. I have a kid now, a business, but even more than that, I’ve learned so much and grown so much. But then there’s these moments where I feel like I’m that person again, or something feels exactly like it did back then.” 
“Do you hate it?” 
“Not even for a second.” She smirked, her grin glistening as the sky continued to get golden as he day slipped away. “Is it hard being back?” 
Now it was your turn to be taken aback. 
“I read the paper, too.” Her eyebrows raised and then fell as you could tell she was thinking of something until it finally came to her.  “Life in Brief, I think it was called? Written by the girl who grew up in Fightertown USA.”
Now you understood and let out your own chuckle. “It is. But some things make it easier.” You turned again to watch the pilots lift up one of the guys you knew was Bob up in the air and let your grin grow wider. “But sometimes, being here is hard. The memories you know? Not all of them are the best. It’s easier to get past them when you’re not drowning in them.” 
Penny nodded and let a few minutes of quiet pass before picking her pen back up with a shrug. “Maybe you’re back so you can learn to swim.” 
That was something you never thought of and when you continued to marinate on it, you liked the sound of it. Feeling more in control of something that you thought you really had no control over at all these last years. You were about to answer her, get more in depth about what she meant, but instead another voice was filling the conversation. 
“Didn’t think you’d show.” Rooster was running up to you, sweat glistening all over his body, pushing his sunglasses up his nose as he bent down, leaning his arm on the table to prop him up so he could place a kiss to your lips. 
“I’m sorry I lost track of time.” Your left hand extended up to catch his face as he was pulling it away, bringing it in for another kiss which he happily obliged to. 
“Writing?” His face still twisted in a smile as he pulled away, hopeful he was right. 
You nodded, hiding your excitement behind a muted smile that quickly turned into an open grin as he thrillingly threw you over his shoulder. Letting out a few cheers, he twirled you around as you laughed with a bit of nerves as the twirling continued. 
“Rooster put me down!” It was spoken through your laughs and the occasional grip around his body to make sure he didn’t drop you. He listened, placing you down but it didn’t stop him from whirling you around and bringing you close to him, against his bare chest. 
“This what weekdays as a Top Gun Fighter Pilot look like?” You were now wrapped in his arms, looking up at him dropping your head to the right where the crew continued to play football. 
“Team building.” 
It was all the explanation you needed. “Go team build then, I’ll spend some time with Penny.” You were untangling from his arms until he caught your hand for a brief moment and pulled you closer to him in one swift motion and chuckled as he caught you against his chest. Placing one more kiss to your lips, this time deeper than the first letting his tongue move around your bottom lip, his hand was still grasping yours closer to him not wanting to let you go anywhere. 
You hadn’t known Bradley long, at this point it maybe was a week and a half, but what he said that night of your first real date was true. Things move fast when you’re on base. Days felt like weeks in some cases. It helped that every free moment he had, he’d share it with you. If he wasn’t on base training, he’d be at your place or at The Hard Deck with you. Now, you weren’t a stranger to dating. There was a fair share of relationships in your past. A couple serious ones that ended for one reason or another, a few more shorter ones that didn’t go past a few months, and a few more than that when it came to first dates and one night stands, but nothing felt like this. So simple. 
There was also the fact of the matter that you hadn’t been in any of those situations since your father died. It was probably why Mickey was so hesitant to play any typical protective older brother role once he found out about you two.  But Bradley was different. You just felt different around him. 
“For good luck.” He whispered in your ear after he kissed you. 
You picked back up where you left off with Penny, your conversation continued with little lulls and many laughs. It wasn’t always deep, she would tell you stories about Amelia, then about some of her favorite patrons of the bar. Currently, she was talking about how many people leave their phones on the bar when one of the culprits of just that came up to the table. 
“Sorry to interrupt, ladies.” An older, tall, dark-haired gentleman was approaching from the game as he placed his shirt back on. As he got closer, you realized you recognized him, you couldn’t put your finger on where exactly but you knew it probably had to do with your father. There had been quite literally thousands of naval pilots you had met over the years in passing. As he got closer, Penny introduced you to the man, letting you know he was the instructor for the team at Top Gun School. He leaned over to shake your hand, hearing his name–Pete Mitchell, sparked a little bit of your memory. 
“Captain.” Is how you greeted him back, while you didn’t refer to many of the other pilots by their rank, you were raised to show respect where you felt it was needed and this was one of those moments.  
“Pete, please.” He responded with a warm smile. 
“This is Rooster’s…friend.” Penny trailed off at the end of her sentence, judging by your display of affection before she was well aware you were more than friends but wasn’t going to assume your relationship. Lord knows she wasn’t exactly sure on what hers was at this moment either. 
Pete’s face got a little taken aback, his smile dropped just slightly, something maybe not everyone would notice but you learned to pay attention to little details like that. It’s what made your articles stand out, you’d be able to write a full paragraph based on a sparkle in someone’s eye or in this case sudden drop of a smile. Pocketing that small piece of information, you focused more on the conversation ahead of you with him.
“Where you visiting from?” He was trying to bounce back from his initial reaction all while he sat down next to Penny.
“Kettner Boulevard.” You were waiting for his eyes to widen and they did, you could tell because he lifted his sunglasses up like that was going to make what you said clearer or repeated to him. It was obvious he was searching your face for some familiarity trying to place you like a database running in his mind. Doing him the honor without needing to ask, you laughed and continued to talk. “I grew up here, Mick–Fanboy is my brother.” You pointed over to him. “Ad–”
Pete cut you off, “Admiral Garcia was your father, I’m sorry I didn’t realize. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” 
“I didn’t realize until you said your name.” You tried to make him feel more comfortable, speaking through a curt smile. “You were stationed on the USS John C. Stennis with my dad, right?”
“USS Ranger, actually. We were both on it when it got decommissioned.”
All it took was that one word to be spoken for it to snap into place. “That’s why you look familiar!” It had finally hit you, and your voice was drenched in satisfaction and excitement as you remembered. “You hacked the powerpoint montage at the decommissioning ceremony to show those hilarious videos from the guys on the ship over the years.” 
“Cujo is the one who actually hacked the slideshow, I’m the one that gathered the footage.” He remembered it like it was yesterday. All the white uniforms in the crowd trying to hold in their laughs while the music played through the speakers and videos of crewmates dancing in their bunks or sneaking into the freezer to eat from the tubs of ice cream filled the screen. 
“My dad loved to tell us that story, kept the photo of your group at the ceremony in his office, I don’t think I’ve ever seen him smile so much, especially after being put on a new assignment.” It was true, every time your father got put on a new assignment, he wasn’t exactly thrilled. It meant figuring things out like how long he’d be away from his family. It’s what made the jump from Lieutenant to Admiral easy for him. 
“That and he decided to make the jump to Admiral that year.” Pete remembered it well, because he was one of the many that had rallied for him to get the promotion. All of that was so long ago, and as it all came back to him, the memories, the years that passed in between, it was then that he realized it was only a handful of years ago that the Admiral had passed. “I was sad to hear of his passing.” It was his way of offering condolences. 
“Yea.” You nodded in agreement. “Thank you.” Your eyes moved to the water, it was hard to look at Penny or Pete, or anyone really, as you thought of your dad. “The service was nice.” 
Pete shook his head, picking up on your change in mood. Penny as well, and she was about to change the subject but Pete jumped in. 
“Are you Mickey’s older sister?” 
That comment brought you back from your thoughts with the widest grin on your face. “You just made my day, Pete.” 
With a confused smirk, he tilted his head looking for some sort of answer from you. 
“I’m the middle child. Mickey’s the oldest and we have a younger brother.” The noise of the pilots who were currently tackling one another in a dogpile called the attention of the table over. Your brother was jumping on top which made you wonder. “How’s Mickey?”
You never got the chance to ask anyone but him about him. And while he wouldn’t lie to you, he also wasn’t one to complain much, he’d tell you about his day when you called, any big plans that the future held. In fact that’s what brought you to come home when you did, while things lined up perfectly with your contract at The Washington Post being up, knowing your brother was going to be on base for a bit made it more convincing for you to visit. But when it came to this part of his life, being on mission, in training, being one of the best of the best, you didn’t know much. 
“He’s good, balanced–level headed as hell. Sometimes, you can tell when one of the guys is waiting for the other shoe to drop, you can see their anticipation, but not Mickey. He’s ready for whatever direction the shoe is dropping. Sometimes he’s even able to catch it.” Now it was Pete’s turn to look out at his team of pilots before turning back to you and shrugging. “Plus he knows his stuff.” Pete grinned at that and you did as well. “If I got a question, I know who to ask.” 
“Sounds like Mickey, they don’t call him Fanboy for nothing. Him and my dad were the same way, every detail embedded into their brains.” 
“He’s a good kid.” Pete nodded. “So how do you know Rooster?” That was the question you could tell he was waiting to ask you when it was appropriate. His face had hardened, just slightly, but again enough for you to notice. 
It was what happened next though, where you really picked up on something. 
“You ready to head out?” Rooster’s voice wasn’t in its usual tone. The straight lipped expression he was sporting and his eagerness to leave was enough in itself to show you there was something big in the air that you weren’t privy to. Not to mention that you hadn’t seen Bradley anything less than content in the time you had known him. 
It took you a minute to respond, trying to rack your brain around whatever situation was brewing here. “Yea, sure.” 
As you grabbed your bag and moved it over your shoulder, you offered a glance over at Pete and Penny. “Thanks for keeping me company.” As you climbed out of the bench, you shot a look over at Pete knowing he was going to love what you said next. “Keep Mickey on his toes, he might seem like he knows it all, but he’s got some pockets in that brain of his.” 
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“Long walks on the beach, smooth move, Rooster.” Hangman was calling out to Bradley from only a few feet away as he tossed one of the footballs in the air while you two began to stroll on the coastline. He was one of the last pilots on the beach, everyone else had either gone back to their places near base or made their way into The Hard Deck for a drink, but not Hangman. “Don’t let the tide wash away all your ego, already got you sitting on the sidelines enough, don’t think we can take any more.” 
All Rooster did was raise his hand and flip Hangman off as you two continued to walk along the waterline. 
“Bird from a bird.” It was the last muffled thing Hangman said, or the last audible one at least. 
Now it was just the two of you, occasionally bumping shoulders as the water lightly brushed up your feet, rinsing sand off of them while simultaneously bringing more to them. Neither of you had said anything since he asked if you were ready to head out. Sounds of waves, seagulls, and cars were the only thing filling your ears. But your mind? Well that was filled with a lot. Questions mainly. In the short time you knew Bradley, asking him questions never felt as hard as it did in this moment so you spent the silent minutes passing convincing yourself to say it. 
“What’s the deal with you two?”
“Hangman? We’ve been at each other’s necks since The Academy. Just your usual nice guy vs. dickhead story.” That usual smile was on his face as he joked but you knew it wouldn’t stay there long with what you were really looking for an answer for. 
“I told you, I don’t want to talk about Hangman.” You served the comment with a side of a smile, to let him know you weren’t trying to be rude. It was something you said to him the first night you met, and you still meant it. 
It worked because he smirked from the side of his mouth before frowning and asking you what you meant then. 
It was one word. Four letters. But you would have thought you spoke a plethora of uncivilized and vulgar comments with how his face tightened, his jaw bones clenched, his chest tensed, all while his eyes did what yours did whenever you remembered anything surrounding the thought of losing your father–danced. They’d dance around looking for something to stare at, something to focus your energy on instead of the thought. 
Without thinking, you moved your hand into his, intertwining your fingers and leaning your body into his. It could have backfired, you had been in this situation plenty of times where you didn’t want to be touched, the feelings of heavy memories weighing you down enough that you didn’t need the weight of anyone else on you. But you’d also had be in the situation where all you needed was someone to grab you, pull you out of the mess that was your mind. You’d hope that this was that sort of moment. 
Rooster looked at you, something that he found extremely hard to do at that moment. It was always hard to look at someone when he was running through each thought about Maverick, about his father. The memories. And the thing was, they weren’t all bad, a lot of them were even good. But that was the thing, not only did those few bad ones sit a little more fresh and a little clearer than the good ones did– but the good ones almost felt like a reminder of them too. It’s why he’d always look away when someone mentioned it. Find his eyes searching around for something that would be on his side. Another reason it was so hard to be looking into your eyes right now, because he knew you would be on his side but your eyes also spoke forgiveness, the one things he was not ready for. But behind that, he saw someone who was just looking for answers to who he really was, which is what allowed him to open up, just a little bit. 
“He pulled my papers at The Academy.” 
You hated to follow it up with another question, but there wasn’t really room for any other words. “Why?” 
There were those dancing eyes again. Why. That was the weighted question. One that was too much Bradley. 
“You seemed to know him, with how you were talking with Penny and him earlier.” He didn’t let go of your hand, which was enough for you to know that while he didn’t want to answer your question, he wasn’t pushing you away either. Despite him not really asking you something specifically, you knew the information he was looking for. 
“Pete knew my dad. They were stationed on the USS Ranger together back in the 90s.” 
Rooster nodded at that, his jaw still clenched tightly again. 
You stopped walking, your hands intertwined is what pulled Rooster’s focus back onto you as his body turned back to see what you had stopped for. His eyes were scanning you up and down for an answer, searching your body for an injury or your face for some information. 
“I have to tell you something–well, want to tell you something.” 
“What’s up?” His jaw had loosened, the look of concern now filling his face as he searched your eyes for any hint to what you meant. 
You could have warmed him up to what you were going to say. Started out slow, explained the story in full, but something in you wouldn’t let you. Maybe it was because the story was hard to tell, with everything you knew now, the weight of all you knew before was heavier, harder to sift through. 
“I’m adopted.” 
His immediate reaction was on his face, a small twitch of his right cheek bone as his eyebrows moved together as the words processed in his brain. 
“That’s–that feels like a big deal.” 
Your lips curved slightly at that and your head barely moved in acknowledgement of it. 
“I just mean–that I’m surprised I didn’t know before.” He wasn’t mad, at all. He was racking his brain around it. 
Being adopted was something you recently felt sat differently with you than before. Now over the last few years as you grieved the loss of your dad, things just were different. There was a disconnect and you hated it. Hated to think of the detachment you felt. It started out as anger, searching for something that kept coming up short. You cried, a lot. Pushed people away. You remember when you showed up at your little brother’s doorstep out in Nevada, you didn’t call, hadn’t reached out in months, but you went there because he was the one that never pushed. Mickey called, alot. He was a problem solver. Griffin, he was an understander. You sobbed to him, told him what you thought, what you felt. How you didn’t feel like a Garcia anymore, you didn’t feel like you were able to keep your father close to you anymore. Then you buried all of it. Because it was too hard to revisit. 
You sat down in the sand, tapping the spot next to you for him to join you. Obliging, he plopped down, his eyes still on you waiting for you to talk while you looked out at the horizon. There were only a few minutes left of golden hour, and you felt the same ticking clock against the words you wanted to share which is why after a large exhale, you spoke before you talked yourself out of it. “I was 5 when I got adopted. Don’t remember too much before that besides jumping from a couple shitty homes for a bit. But that’s never really been the hard part for me–it’s now.” 
This was the most attention you had given these feelings in a while and suddenly it felt so easy to just let them out. 
“I don’t feel as connected to the family anymore–my dad especially. These last few years have just been coasting along this fuckin’ numbness. Mickey– he has,” you pointed to the sky and towards the base, “this.” Shaking your head you continued, “he’s Admiral Garcia’s son, you know? He gets to keep him close with that. Honor him with that.  My little brother, he’s Trainer Garcia’s son, got his own business out in Nevada training dogs. His love for it comes from everything my dad showed us.” Another head shake as you felt the tears starting to swell in your eyes you blinked a couple times and looked away, wiping them clean and free from your face paired with a couple muttered euphemisms as you tried to get out the hardest thought of all. “And me? I thought I had that. When he was alive, I felt so fucking connected. Not a single fucking doubt or anything you hear about kids who were adopted wondering about their biological parents or what their life could have been. I felt like I belonged. Like this was what was meant for me.” You swallowed and it tasted like salt water which meant the tears you wiped away before were letting loose on your face despite your previous efforts. “And then he died. And my whole fucking world crashed.” Those words were spoken at a higher octave as they rushed out in between a subtle cry. “I felt like I had nothing left of him here. Mickey had the Navy, Griffin had his business, and I had nothing.” 
You took a minute to take a deep breath, wiping your tears away and pushing all that feeling back where it came from. Rooster looked like he wanted to swoop in and hold you, like he could take the reason for your tears and strangle them until there was no chance they could come back and haunt you. His eyes though, they looked knowing. Like he knew the profound impact losing someone so close to you could do, and that even though he’d never understand the exact burden you faced, he wished he could take all the pain away from you and keep it for himself instead. 
Bradley was about to open his mouth to say something but in your effort of trying to mask it, you cut him off with a quick laugh. “I know I don’t have nothing, I’m not an idiot.” You smiled at that to let him know you weren’t completely woe is me right now. “I just mean, it’s why it’s hard coming around to writing this book. I’ve realized that I have this story–my story. And I don’t want it to be over.” 
“And if you write it, it’ll be over.” Bradley began to fully grasp the big picture and the gravity of what you were saying. It was honestly the best thing he could have said at that moment. You didn’t want pity, condolences or sorrow, you wanted someone to simply get it. 
“And when it’s over, I’ll be back in this limbo.” A mindless shrug came from your left shoulder because that was the end of it. The end of your unpacking. 
“Will you, though?” 
Maybe it wasn’t. Maybe that’s where you always ended it. Feeling like you hit a wall when there was just a few more bricks to tear down before there was more to think about. Rooster questioning you wasn’t something you weren’t expecting. It was proof that you were still learning things about him.
“I hear you–totally hear you, but it doesn’t have to be this whole once you finish the story stops. If anything I think it gives it a place to live, it gives it this bigger purpose.” 
Bigger purpose. Wasn’t that what you were looking for this whole time? Between this and what Penny said earlier, you felt like today opened up a whole different viewpoint for you.
It was then that you were looking at him with this look–a new one for both of you but especially Rooster. It was one he couldn’t read off the bat and was squinting as he tried to search for some hint. 
“Who are you?” It was a joke, clearly you took his words to heart, opening your mind to new thoughts and perspectives. This was the second time in such a short time frame that Rooster managed to do this. He was standing up now, extending his hand out to you in an effort to help you up off the sand. 
“Some call me Bradley.” He tossed his arm over your shoulder once you stood up, bringing you snugged into his embrace, “some call me Bradshaw,” now a quick kiss was being placed on the top of your head as you both started to walk again, “some Rooster,” a modest shrug came from his shoulders as he spoke his call sign, “but all who know me know I am a master of wisdom, an enlightened mind, some might even say philosophical guru.” 
It was impossible not to laugh at his words, tucking your arm around his back as you cuddled in more to him, hearing his voice echo against his chest as he continued to boast about his grand sage. 
The silence eventually grew back over the two of you and you could tell that Rooster’s mind was wandering. Something was still hanging in the air and both of you knew it, but one of you was ruminating on it while the other was letting it go. For one of you the sound of the waves was amplifying the words bouncing around the brain while for the other, it was washing away expectation. The seagulls calls were poking at one of you, begging to speak the words out while for the other, it was a patterned song that drowned out the noise. 
You could tell that for Bradley, it was getting loud in his head because he spoke the words out so urgently. 
“Pete knew my dad, too.” 
Your neck snapped up to look at him. That clenched jaw was back and in action as he continued to talk to you, less urgently now and more just sorting through it all. You remembered when you told Rooster you wanted to know everything. How hard it was for him, and it ended up being what made you fall for him. He was this complex guy, who had been through things so similarly to you and was still figuring it out. So that’s what the two of you did as you walked along the California coast. He told you everything. About losing his mom, growing up without his dad, and then he told you about Maverick. Then the two of you just sat in those emotions that you both harbored for so long, and suddenly they didn’t feel so heavy for once. It felt simple. So simple.
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Dividers by: @cafekitsune :3 🛫Top Gun Maverick Taglist:  @drabbles-mc @justreblogginfics @kmc1989 @writing-until-i-drop @jtheteenagewitch @meera10 @winchester-whiskey (let me know if you’d like to be added! I'm using my all writing taglist right now!)
CHAPTER INDEX <- where you can find previous chapters to this fic!
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jessmaybank · 1 year
Cardigan - Part one; hand under my sweatshirt
Based on the song Cardigan by Taylor Swift
Series Masterlist
Paring(s): Rafe Cameron x Fem! Reader.
Word count: 5.2k
Summary: in which coming back from college and seeing him again, ruins everything.
Warnings: swearing, mentions of drugs & violence, cheating, SMUT (a little), mentions & implications of public sexual acts, nipple play.
AN: lots of mutual pining, angst, jealousy and everything in between. Ex’s to lovers again. Flashbacks are in italics!
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When you are young, they assume you know nothing
But I knew you
The day she had been dreading had finally come. Ever since she left for college, ever since she abandoned the life that was once all she knew, she wondered how it would feel coming back to outer banks. Coming back to the place where it all started.
She left for college about a year ago, eager to escape the harrowing memories of her past, and the people she lost along the way. That’s what she told her family anyway, that she needed a fresh start. That she needed to get away from all the familiar faces who chewed up her kindness and spat it straight back out, again and again, without a second thought. but in reality, the only person she was running away from was her ex boyfriend Rafe.
Her mind had been permanently plagued with memory’s of him since she left, tainted by the deep-seated pain of her first love, and as much as she would love to avoid him forever, summer in obx was something she didn't want to miss, and she missed her family. So, inevitably, she sucked it up and got a flight home.
She wished the memory of him would dissipate into the evening breeze as she sat in her mothers car, watching the horizon pass her by just as quickly as it came as they drove home from the airport. The radio played quietly in the background as she gazed into the golden skyline through the window, and the closer she got to figure eight, the more the memories started flooding back, like a whirlwind reminder of what could have been.
“3, 2, 1, go!” Topper shouts from his seat on the camping chair next to her, the light crackling of the fire filling her ears as the flames devoured the wood that they had gathered.
The beach was littered with drunk teenagers, and numerous crowds of tents to house everyone for the weekend, as part of the annual camping trip which graced the Outer Banks beach every year, to mark the start of summer. This tradition also just happened to be her favourite.
Topper opens his beer as quickly as possible, wasting no time in tipping the liquid down his throat, gulping it down swiftly. Everyone else followed suit in chugging down the beverage, and her eyes screwed shut as she got about half way, the questionable taste making her regret the decision to partake in these games.
As always, Kelce finishes his drink first, scrunching his can in his hands and chucking it into the fire, the smile on his face an indication that he’s clearly impressed with himself. She envied his drinking skills as she gave up, retracting her lips from the can when only about a quarter was left, her face scrunching up as she swallows the last of the liquid in her mouth.
“Has beer always tasted this bad?” She says, not sure if she’s asking herself or her friends around her.
“If your a pussy Y/N, just say that” a male voice taunts, and she didn’t have to turn her head to know who it was.
Rafe made his way towards the group, a backwards baseball cap sitting on his head rather lazily, as the sound of his footsteps trudging in the sand got louder and louder.
She was thankful she was wearing sunglasses as she took in his shirtless state, her jaw threatening to drop as she gawks at her boyfriends washboard abs, the defined muscles practically staring back at her.
He halted his movements as he stood right next to topper, just in time to watch her stick her middle finger up at him, a fake glare hidden behind her sunglasses. The corners of his lips turned upwards into a devious smirk, the sun painting his face in a golden hue, and she had to poke her tongue into the inside of her cheek to stop herself from smiling at him.
“I thought you couldn’t come until later?” She says, reaching to get another beer from the cooler, the condensation from the can running down her fingers, before she extends her arm to pass it to him.
“I’m good at sweet talking” he says smugly, sending her a subtle wink that only she noticed, before taking the beer out of her hand, their fingers touching briefly. She rolled her eyes, even though he couldn’t see it, but it wouldn’t of mattered anyway. All he was concentrating on was the small grin that graced her features, her sweetness practically radiating off her. Rafe couldn’t believe someone as sweet as her would want to be with someone like him.
He thanked her for the beer with a quick peck on the lips, ignoring the gagging noises from Topper at their affections. She had been with Rafe for a while now, and although they had got used to the teasing from their friends, she wondered how much longer they would keep up the act for.
“Debatable. I bet you just didn’t wanna help set up the tents, so you lied about being busy” Topper says, used to his best friends lazy tactics.
“You think so low of me, Top” he says, a cheesy grin on his face as he adjusts his hat, before opening his can. He takes a swig, relishing in the cool liquid which contrasted heavily to the beaming sun which reflected down on them.
“Right, I’m going for a swim before the beach gets too crowded” she says, standing up from her chair and finishing the rest of her beer. She took off her rings that previously decorated her fingers before lifting her shirt over her head, blissfully unaware of the stunned expression on her friend’s faces as they admired her body.
Rafe, on the other hand, was all too aware. His clenched jaw was hard to miss as he slapped Toppers chest, sending both him and Kelce a glare.
“Wait for me” Rafe shouts as he watches her begin to walk down to the shore, almost loosing his balance as he observes her hips swaying from side to side. God, he could get used to that.
“Wait for me” Topper and kelce say at the same time, the mocking tone in their voices evident as they both laugh. And if they weren’t making fun of him, Rafe would of been impressed at how unionised they were. Rafe held his middle finger up, trying his best to maintain a serious look when Topper raised his arms up in surrender, a small smirk painted on his face.
The water was cool when she got in, her muscles relaxing almost immediately. She sighed as she fully submerged herself into the water, swimming deeper into the sea, but her relaxed aura disintegrated when she felt something wrap around her foot. She screamed as she turned around, her fearful expression contorting into a glare as she realised it was just Rafe, clearly trying to fuck with her.
“you make it too easy for me, baby” he laughs, pulling her body towards him, in awe of the freckles which danced along her cheeks, and all the way along her nose. But as her chest was pressed flush against his, she realised just how exhausted he looked, the bags under his eyes making her cringe a little.
“Are you okay?” She asks, concern laced in her voice as she runs a thumb along his slightly sunburnt cheek, just below his eyes.
She knew his dad had been putting him under a lot of pressure recently, and it pained her to see him like this, all tired and deflated. Even though he did his best to hide it from her, she could always tell.
He nodded, melting into her touch as he tilts his head, relishing in the gentle feel of her skin. His eyes shut for just a second as he snakes his arms around her waist, and it was moments like this she realised just how different he acted around her, compared to everyone else. And as much as she wished he wouldn’t put on a front all the time, she was grateful he let her see the real Rafe.
“Nothing I can’t handle baby. I just needed to see you” he says, and she couldn’t help but smile at her boyfriends sweet words, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck.
“I can’t believe Topper and Kelce are going to be cock blocking me all weekend” he says, and she rolled her eyes at his vulgar statement, his sweetness evidently short lived.
“Like that’s ever stopped us before” she says, a tight-lipped smile on her face as she tries to hide her smirk.
Rafe had a shit-eating grin on his face as he recalled their past public escapades, reminiscing about the numerous times they indulged in public, even when their friends were too close for comfort. He just couldn’t help it sometimes, and neither could she.
She giggled as he grabbed her thighs, giving them a gentle squeeze before wrapping her legs around his waist. The gentle waves crashing around them drowned out her gasp as she felt his cock press against her clothed pussy, already starting to harden underneath her.
“Well, in that case…” he trails off, his smile never wavering as he takes a quick look around, making sure no one was too close before he tightens his grip on her waist, dipping his head to claim her lips in a harsh kiss.
And as she tangled her fingers into his hair, making him hum into her mouth almost immediately, she knew she wouldn’t be able to resist him.
“Have you thought about the summer camping trip yet sweetie? Seemed like you really enjoyed it last year” Her mother asks, ripping her gaze away from the road ahead, and it was moments like this where she had to question if her mother could read her mind.
She turned her head to meet her mothers gaze, scanning her features as if to look for signs that she was in fact a mind reader. She noticed that she had a certain look in her eyes that she couldn’t quite place, but whatever it was, was tinged with concern.
“Im not sure, i'll think about it” she says, fidgeting with one of the threads on her jumper sleeve, one of the many tells of her anxiety.
“Okay. Oh- I forgot to say, I know you didn’t want to do anything big for your birthday, but I just couldn’t help myself…” her mother starts, and the side eye she gave her was unmissable.
“Oh god. What have you done?” She says, eyes wide with fear. She never really cared for her birthday, and therefore never made a big deal out of it. She hoped this year wasn’t an exception.
“I’ve invited some families around for a small party, nothing crazy. The Thorntons, the Cameron’s, the-“
“The Cameron’s?” She says, her voice raised as she draws in a sharp breath, head snapping to face her mother so fast, she could of got whiplash.
Her eyes were wide as she attempted to register what her mother just said, her muscles tensing with fear as she felt her heart practically sink to her feet. She was going to have to see him again. And as soon as her mother took one look at her daughters face, she knew she had fucked up.
She wanted to blame her mother, but she couldn't really. To her mothers knowledge, there was no hostility towards her and Rafe, and their breakup was mutual. In other words, she has never told her mother the real reason they broke up, or the fact that they don't talk anymore. At the start, it was just too painful, and telling her meant it was actually real. Now, it was like bringing up old news, and she didn't want to revisit the ghosts of her past.
She spent the rest of the journey pleading with her mother to un-invite them, but she wouldn’t budge, claiming it would be too rude to tell them they couldn’t come now, and the damage had already been done. Although she had always had soft spots for Sarah and Wheezie, she knew seeing Rafe again would break her into pieces.
But that didn’t matter now, she thought to herself, eyes trained on the raindrops which had started to trickle down the car window, the moody clouds a reflection of her own dismay. Using her mothers words, the damage had been done, and it was now time to face the music.
I knew you
Hand under my sweatshirt
Baby, kiss it better
She tapped her finger erratically on her leg as she sat on her desk chair in her bedroom, trying drastically to calm her nerves. This was officially the worst birthday ever, and she knew the worst was yet to come.
She finished the last of the wine she stole from her parents cupboards, the alcohol warming her insides as she inhales a deep breath, exhaling slowly, before checking her appearance in the mirror once again, ruffling her hair to give it more volume. She had already changed her outfit multiple times, wanting to make sure she looked good. But no matter how many times she checked her makeup, or fiddled with her hair, nothing felt sufficient.
She practically jumped out of her skin as the sound of the doorbell engulfed the house, her breath hitching in her throat. She sprayed her perfume on herself as her mother called her name, and gave herself a small but reassuring mental pep talk, before making her way down the stairs.
Her shoulders dropped with relief as she saw it was just the Thorntons, and she extended her arms out to embrace Topper as soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs.
“Happy birthday! How is my favourite mai tai drinker?” Topper says as he hugs her, reminding her of the time she threw up after a long night of Mai tai’s and joints at his house; something that seemingly, she has never been able to live down.
“God, don’t remind me” she says, cringing at the memory.
“But that’s what friends are for?” He says, more of a question than a statement. His features held a playful expression, and she realised then she had missed her friends more than she thought.
She greeted Toppers parents, the familiar faces calming her anxiety a little as they all made their way to the garden, the music from the speakers getting louder and louder.
“This looks amazing mum, thank you” she said, a bright smile on her face as she hugs her mother, admiring all the decorations. Although this is definitely not what she wanted to be doing on her birthday, she could tell her mother put in a lot of effort, and she didn’t want to be ungrateful.
“Of course. Happy birthday darling” she says, before retreating in the kitchen to sort out a few things.
Once her mother was out of the sight, she pulled on Toppers arm, dragging him further down the garden, away from his parents “Top, I’m freaking the fuck out”
"what? why?" Topper says, his eyebrows furrowed.
"because, my moms invited-" her blood runs cold as she hears the doorbell again, and just by the look in her eyes, Topper instantly knew what was going on. “Rafe?” He asks. She nodded her head.
Luckily, it was just some old school friends, and she allowed her body to relax once again. She wondered how many mini-heart attacks it would take for Rafe to actually show up.
Her question was left unanswered as an hour past, and the Camerons still hadn't shown up. She didn't know whether she felt relieved or disappointed, but based on the heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach, she definitely felt uneasy.
Despite this, she was actually having a good time. Kelce and the rest of her school friends turned up, and lets just say her mums wine stash was growing lesser by the minute.
"okay everyone, inside for the cake!" her mother yells, and everyone followed her inside promptly, taking a seat on the large dining table. She was just about to offer to help her mum cut the cake, when the doorbell went again. Her eyes shut in defeat, knowing there was only one family that was yet to turn up.
"ah! your just in time for the cake! come in, come in" she could hear her mother mumble from the hallway, and her heart dropped.
Low and behold, the Camerons waltzed into the dining room, and suddenly, she was stone cold sober. Ward was absent, which wasn't exactly unusual. He had missed so many of Rafe's important milestones growing up, so it wasn't a surprise he wasn't interested in hers.
Her eyes grew soft as they met Rafes gaze. He looked pretty much the same, although his hair had grown, and the way his dirty blonde locks fell in front of his face was doing something to her that she couldn't quite explain.
She hadn’t seen him for so long, that the memories she had of him where that of a timid ghost; one that always lingered but never pounced, and never allowed her to fully heal. But as she was standing in front of him now, in the flesh, everything felt so much more real. And it was clear his ghost had come back to haunt her, as vicious as ever.
But as he got closer, and she got a good look at his face, her insides started to twist in the worst way possible. The skin of his cheek was bruised purple, his eye was basically black, and the numerous cuts and scrapes that danced along his skin were accompanied by a cut lip. She bit the inside of her cheek to hold back a gasp, and she was sure everyone else was doing the same.
Rafe's heart skipped a beat as he saw her, his rationality crumbling before his eyes as he glanced at the girl who was once his everything. It was like their whole relationship flashed before his eyes in that very moment, and it was hard for him to breath. He tore his eyes away from her as the overwhelming emotions became too much, finding solace in staring at his feet instead. She wondered then if this was as hard for him as it was for her.
Wheezie was first to approach her, giving her a big hug as she wished her happy birthday, before Sarah and Rose did the same. And then, it was Rafe’s turn.
“Hey” she says, her lips turning upwards into a small smile. God, he had missed her smile.
“Hi. You look nice” he said in a soft voice, hands hidden from her as he fiddled with something in his pockets, a hesitant look in his eyes. It may of been a while, but she still knew the boy inside and out, and just by the deflated look in his blue orbs, she could tell he wasn’t doing well.
“Thanks” she said, giving him a tight lipped smile in response. There was so much she wanted to say. But with so many people around, she couldn’t.
The next twenty minutes were extremely awkward. Rafe didn't say a word to anyone, and you could practically cut through the tension with a knife. Her eyes were glossy as she blew out her candles, and it took everything in her to fake a smile and hold herself together. She had a good poker face, but Rafe could see right through her as he sat across the table, a pit of dread in his stomach as he observed the sadness that lay behind her eyes. He poked and prodded at his untouched piece of cake as he matched her dull expression, before Sarah decided to break the silence.
"so Y/N, hows college? are the people nice?"
"um, yeah" she says, swirling her fork around her plate. She really wasn't in the mood to elaborate.
"she's made lots of friends, haven't you sweetie? she even has a new-"
"mom" she says, more as a warning, looking up from her plate now.
"what? as i was saying, she as a new boyfriend" her mother says, as oblivious as ever, pausing to take a sip from her wine glass.
her eyes shut in defeat for a second, but she didnt miss the way Rafe's eyes snapped up, his jaw clenching at the revelation. she's moved on.
it was true, she had a new boyfriend. The relationship was new, but he was sweet. She would be lying if she said he made her feel the things Rafe did, though.
"oh, thats wonderful! whats he like?" Toppers mum says, blissfully unaware of the chaos she was provoking.
"um-" she was cut off with a clang before she could even start her sentence, everyones eyes darting to Rafe as the sound of him dropping his fork on his plate fills the room, his fists balled on the table.
"excuse me" Rafe says, not waiting for a response before he jumps up, storming out of the room without so much as a glance. She mumbles a quick "fuck" under her breath, her guilty conscience getting the best of her when she too sprang up, following him out of the room without giving it too much thought.
She walked down the hallway and into the kitchen, her movements coming to a halt when she spotted him outside, staring at him through the glass doors that led to the garden. She grabbed a random sweatshirt from one of the kitchen stools, and took a deep breath before heading outside.
He didn't look at her as she walked out, but he knew she was there. instead, he gazed at the pool in front of him. "new boyfriend, huh?" he says, shoving his hands in his pockets, his jaw still clenched.
"Yeah well, atleast he can actually look me in the eyes" she says, folding her arms over her chest. He took that as a dig, and turned to look at her then, his adams apple bobbing as he swallowed thickly. It was painfully obvious he was still in love with her, hell, he probably always would be. But who could blame him? It was the kind of love you only saw in the movies, the same kind of love Rafe never believed in, until he met her.
"what happened to your face?" she says weakly, just above a whisper, as if it pained her to say it.
he opened his mouth and then closed it again, like a gulping fish, debating whether to tell her the truth or not. His mouth opened once again, ready to speak before his eyes trailed down to her sweatshirt. And just like that, he froze.
“You kept it” he says, and her eyes followed his, peering down at her sweatshirt before she too froze. Holy shit, she forgot it was his.
She walked with Sarah out into the garden at the Cameron house, taking a sip of her vodka orange as she walked past Rafe to the sun beds. He was watering the plants, no doubt a chore his dad asked him to do before he left the house this morning. But given his shirtless state, she definitely wasn’t complaining.
They had just started seeing each other, but they hadn’t told anyone yet, not wanting to deal with the agro from their friends. But again, she wasn’t complaining. As it turns out, sneaking around was a lot of fun.
“Have you no shame? Uncle Reggie doesn’t even drink this early” Rafe taunts, referring to his alcoholic relative Reggie, who had a reputation for always ruining family events.
“Debatable. I once saw him use tequila instead of milk in his cereal” Sarah says.
“Bite me, Cameron” she claps back at Rafe, smiling sweetly at him before perching on the sun bed.
I’d love to, he thought, but he bit his tongue at the presence of his sister. He couldn’t tear his eyes away from her summer dress, the flimsy material just daring to be pulled down her body as he glanced at the flirtatious look that danced in her eyes.
“That’s a dangerous thing to say to a man with a hose” he threatens, his signature smirk gracing his cherry red lips. She wasn’t sure she could get used to his smile even if she tried.
“You wouldn’t dare” she says, confident in her words as she laid back in the chair with her eyes closed, letting the sun drench her skin.
“Wouldn’t i?”
her eyes shot open as she felt cold water being sprayed all over her body, a loud scream leaving her lips.
“Holy shit!” She screams, springing up from the chair to run away from him, a breathy laugh leaving her lips. He stopped eventually, once he had his fun, but the amused look on his face turned into a stunned expression, his mouth agape as he noticed the way her dress had become somewhat transparent.
“Perv!” Sarah says to her brother, eyeing the way he was shamelessly staring at her wet figure. She mentally cursed him then for his lack of control, he didn’t even try to hide it.
She went inside to change, grabbing the first thing she saw in the laundry room, which happened to be a pair of sweatpants and a blue sweatshirt. It wasn’t the most flattering outfit in the world, but it would do. When she opened the door to make her way back into the garden, she found Rafe on the other side of it.
“Scale of 1 to 10?” He says, a cheeky look on his face.
Whenever they would bicker or annoy each other, they would always ask the other to rate their rage in a scale of 1 to 10, as a way of gaging whether the disagreement was serious or not.
“A strong 9. I’m plotting my revenge as we speak” she says, a smile painting her face that made all of his defences crumble. He let out a genuine chuckle at her remark
“Your wearing my sweatshirt” he observes, a cheesy grin on his face as he raises his eyebrows.
At this point, their secret relationship was lacking a label, and she wasn’t sure if they were at the clothes-wearing stage yet. “Oh, sorry. I’ll take it off” she says, her voice weak. She went to lift the material over her head when he stopped her.
“No, no, keep it. You look good in it” he says, wrapping her arms around his waist and pulling her closer.
“Plus…I want you wearing it when I do this” he says, guiding her backwards into the laundry room and shutting the door with his foot. She giggled as he began peppering sweet kisses on her neck, and her hands immediately clung to his hair, relishing in the feel of his soft lips. He just couldn’t help but smirk into her skin as her breathing got heavier and heavier, and it dawned on him then that, label or not, he was hers. “Your smooth Cameron, I’ll give you that”
“Of course I kept it” she said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. And to her, it was.
His features softened at her words, and he came to the realisation then that maybe, just maybe, all hope wasn’t lost. He tried to stop himself from stepping towards her, but he just couldn’t. And as soon as the smell of her perfume invaded his senses, he knew he was a goner.
“Does your boyfriend touch you like I did?” He asks, his voice low as he dips his head to hers, eyes focused on her glossy lips. One wrong move, and his lips would be on hers.
She couldn’t deny the way her insides melted as her eyes widened slightly, a certain intensity laying behind his eyes that made all of the blood rush to her head. The lust within his blown out pupils only added fuel to the fire as he brought his hands up to her thighs, tracing his fingers upwards along her skin, before his hands reached under the hem of her sweatshirt.
Her breath hitched in her throat as his hands dipped under the material, roaming around her bare hips, pulling her closer to him, if that was even possible. One hand then settled on the small of her back, whilst the other creeped up to her clothed breast. He swiped his thumb over her hardened nipple, and as she let out a small whimper, he had to bite his lip to suppress a smirk.
“I-“ her words turned into mush as he pushed the top of her dress aside, making her jerk against him as he pinches her nipple. The cold metal of his rings cooled down her burning skin as he touched her breast, and she felt like her knees were going to give way at any moment.
“I bet he doesn’t” he whispers in her ear, taunting her even further, even though based on her reaction, he already knew her answer. She could feel his smirk when he placed a kiss on her head, his familiar after shave making her question why they even broke up in the first place. She knew then that she was screwed.
The sound of the garden door opening snapped her out of her blissful trance, and she pulled away from him, ignoring every urge in her body that wanted to pull him close again. The loss of her warmth almost made him frown as the distance between them increased, and when he saw topper standing at the top of the garden, he never wanted to punch his best friend more.
“Uh, your mum wanted me to check if everything is alright” Topper says awkwardly, scratching the back of his head as he tried to ignore what he just walked in on.
“Yeah, um, we should probably head back in” she says, refusing to meet Rafe’s eyes as she turns on her feet, making her way back inside.
“Top, give us a minute” Rafe says, and she halts her movements, turning back around to face him. Topper nodded his head swiftly before treating back indoors.
“I just- I got you this. Happy birthday” he says, walking over to her, before pulling out a small box in his pocket. It was wrapped in blue wrapping paper, finished off with a small white ribbon, and she couldn’t help the wide smile that escaped her lips. He got her a present.
“Oh. Thank you” she said, taking the box out of his hand. Their fingers brushed briefly, and she couldn’t ignore the butterflies she felt in her stomach.
“We should…” she starts, gesturing her hand towards the house.
“Oh. Yeah” he says, his voice somewhat shaky. It was strange how he could go from dominant to a nervous reck in the space of a few seconds. He hated what she turned him into. She was the only one that could break his defences by the click of a finger, and it was terrifying.
He wanted to grab her hand, or yell for her to stay, but he didn’t. Instead, he waltzed back up the garden steps behind her, before entering the dining room again with one question on his mind.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how much did you miss me?
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rocknroll7575 · 4 months
When Team ARCZ try to think where they want to spend their breaks at together, they can't decide which of the four main places it can be. May picks Vacuo and Reese picks Mistral since that is where they are from. Cardin picks Atlas since that is where Neon is from. And Jaune wants Vale since he wants to explore this city more.
Of course May can easily convince Jaune using his one disadvantage... his hormones. All she needs to do is talk about how the hot temperature will make her have to wear more revealing stuff and make her sweaty, and he will be putty in her hands.
Reese: Come on guys I've got family in Mistral! We should go there!
Cardin: What about Atlas? I mean shouldn't we be in a snowy place for winter break? Besides, It's been a while since I've visited my girlfriend.
May: How about instead of freezing our buts off, we go to Vacuo? It's warm!
Reese: What about you Jaune?
Jaune: I'll be honest, I don't know...
Reese: Aw! Come on Jdawg! decided!
May: Jaune, trust me, let's go to Vacuo, everywhere else is gonna be cold! We go to Vacuo we're gonna be nice and warm *gains a sinister smile* So hot in fact, I'll have to be wearing a bikini top pretty much everywhere!
Jaune: *imagining it* R-Really?
May: *nods* Yeah, and now that I think about it, I'd have to walk around pretty much half-naked!
Jaune: *Gulps and is sweating as he blushes* Is... is that so...?
May: Oh yeah, can you imagine it~? Me, hot and sweaty, walking around in a small bikini, and getting nice and cool at the beach, getting all wet~?
Cardin: *Over scroll* Hey babe, would you wanna come to Vacuo for winter break!?
Reese: *Picturing Jaune shirtless at the beach* Already packing my swimsuit!
May: HELL YEAH!!! *Jumps for joy, feeling great*
Thus began Guardian Ghost AU's Beach Episode!
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f10werfae · 2 years
Cavill Clan
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pairing: Husband!Henry x Primary Teacher!Reader
Summary: fans react to Henry's announcement that not only has he gotten married during lockdown, but there is a new addition to the Cavill Clan...a daughter (Requested by @beck07990)
Requests are open/Likes, Comments and Re-blogs are appreciated♥️
Henry Cavill Masterlist Full Masterlist Taglist Form
@/purpleraingal: Ok but that video of Y/n teaching her five year old students over zoom is the cutest thing, I heard she personally went and left care packages at their door during the pandemic full of books and pens etc
>> @/therurbulentlion: She brought Henry in during her online PE lessons so he could teach the kids rugby, they loved learning from superman
@/pinkframer: I hate it here, just saw Henry's announcement on his insta of him and Y/n kissing at their beach wedding. Did you know they had their own secret last vows, ones they only said to each after everyone left. Only found out because Y/n said it in an interview, soso cute!
>> @/tswifters: Bro Y/n said in a recent zoom interview that because of covid they couldn’t have a honeymoon, so Henry turned their backyard into a resort with massage tables etc
>>> @/blanketcase: No wonder she’s preggo, there was fucking massage tables AND NO DOUBT LUBE
@/britishteacupxo: Y/n’s maternity photos are so beautiful, that one photo of Henry on his knees cupping her stomach is so cute, I swear I could see the imprint of the baby’s foot on her stomach on one of the pics
@/firaffeking: Let’s just appreciate Y/n blessing us with the video of Henry painting the nursery shirtless in cargo work pants, that man is a literal beautiful dilf now. Life’s good.
@/wonderwomf: Their nursery is fantasy based, why am I not surprised with all of Henry’s gamer clubs😭 I just know that kid is gonna grow up into being a cosplayer at some point
@/basketturb: Omg that video of Henry sleeping with Charlotte on his chest, while they’re both in her crib makes me so soft. Apparently there’s been times when Y/n has had to squirt her breastmilk at him to wake up😭😭 He calls them her “supersoakers”
@/HenryCavill: Breastmilk doesn’t taste like actual milk. Betrayed.
>> @Samclaflin: hold on mate how’d you find that out
>>> @/Y/nCavill: How’d ya think 😌
@/burterflu: Baby Charlotte literally has one springed curl on her head and it’s so freaking adorable, its just boings up and down when I saw it on their newest interview
@/haushejus: Y/n is officially back onto zoom teaching and shes so precious, she asked each and every kid how they were doing and offered her own personal time to talk to them individually if they needed extra help with their work packets
@/user8273838: Henry taking care of Charlotte while Y/n is working has to be the funniest things, according to Y/n he had Charlotte handing him the pieces to the PC he was building. Each time he handed her something he said, “Thank you Lottie”
@/delicatepetals: Y/n and Henry are such good parents, they are so hands on and openly affectionate with their daughter it’s so heartwarming
@/softfeatherlad: I hate it here. Y/n is so gorgeous and Charlotte is quite literally her double, although Lottie definitely got Henry’s cleft chin and dark curly hair
@/supermansdog8: When Y/n posted the baby camera video of Lottie getting up at 2AM with her blankie to go sleep with Kal on the couch, with her using him as a pillow and he just kept licking her hands as kisses
>> @/legendary89: Did you see the video of the timelapse of baby Lottie sleeping in their bed. That little girl has more moves than a ninja, she went from being in Henry's arms to sitting right on his head😭 I swear at one point she just latched herself to nurse on Y/n's boob under her shirt😭 That girl is crazy jus like her dad no doubt
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madebyrolo · 7 months
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𝘐 𝘴𝘮𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘥 𝘢𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘮𝘺 𝘣𝘳𝘢𝘪𝘯 ࿔
𝘫𝘫 𝘹 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘚𝘮𝘢𝘭𝘭 𝘣𝘭𝘶𝘳𝘣 𝘢𝘣𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘮𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘦𝘴.
𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘰𝘧 𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘥, 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘦𝘥𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘥
They were sitting on a blanket on the beach, the suns amber color slowly faded away creating the most beautiful sunset. The smell of the saltwater and jjs musky cologne filled the air. The sound of waves crashing and y/ma phone connected to their speaker playing their shared playlist. On the blanket, their legs tangled up on eachother. Y/n sat her with back on jj chest, hes sitting with his arms holding them up.
He moves one hand he reaches in his pant pocket and grabs a small mint box containing 2 pre-rolled joints and a blank lighter. Smiling to himself, jj takes out one, holding it between his lips and flicks his lighter firing up the end. He takes a big puff letting it the back of his throat. The feeling was too familiar to him, he’s second favorite feeling other than having you undone with just his simple touch.
Y/n smelling the cannabis gets up from his chest. She looks a the boy staring at him. Drugs weren’t her favorite thing he did but seeing him all relaxed, red eyes, face always plastered with a smirk from all the ecstasy. She knew it was wrong but she loved how he looked under the influence. He was hot. She took in every feature of the boys face acting like she doesn’t see him everyday. Jj turned to her feeling her daggers. Slowing turning his head meeting her gaze. When high it feels like his sense are heighten, he looked into her eyes also acting like he’s never seen her before. He feels like he’s fallen in love with all over again. The Weeknd playing in the background they just take in each other prender with the fiery tension.
Jj offers her a hit, she doesn’t really smoke as much as him but when she does she completely enters a state of euphoria, feeling ones as jj and completely loving it. She grabs the joint from his hands, and taking it between his lips. Her vanilla gloss got on the paper leaving a little print, jj 100% gonna keep the left over wrap.
She takes a deep breath in, the smoke tingling the back of her throat. the takes the 2nd hit for her to start feeling the effects, unlike jj it takes him 5 or more like the stoner he is. “Is this sativa?” she asked “you know it” jj replied taking the joint from her hands. Jj takes his hit keying the smoke longer in his mouth before grabbing y/n face and pulling her in for a kiss. As their lips part he exhales the smoke into her mouth, shotgunning it. They pull apart just staring at eachother in awe. Jj loved when y/n smoke with him, it’s a two in one for him.
Y/n feeling the strong effects she lays down on the blanket staring at sky. The sun was barely setting, the dark blue/purple ombré effect that was in the sky, the moon peaking up. She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes. In her head she sees waves of pink colors, little small white flashes, almost like a volocity edit of pink and small shapes. The Tyler song “a boy is a gun” filling her ears making her bop her head and hum along. Shes in her own little world while Jjs in another.
He’s sitting in the same position, he doesn’t have the same extremely vivid allusion as y/n since he’s kinda paste that “rookie” phase. He just feels more at clam, relaxed, less angry at the world. He has those times where he can escape and see random visions but they’re with harder stuff that you have to get from a kook. He wouldn’t do it with or around y/n though. He wouldn’t want to bring her in that kinda of world so he sticks with his simple joints with y/n. He doesn’t hate it, although he would like something stronger right now but at least he can share this with you.
He let y/n take it in and enjoy the moments of bliss. Soon he drags her out of her visions and gets her off her beach floor and walk hand in hand to the water. He takes off his cargo pants leaving him in his boxers shirtless and slowly entering the water. Y/n taking her jean shorts off and shirtand soon joining him. Not caring they’re in their undergarments, theyre thankful they’re at a secret secluded area of the coast though.
As they’re almost fully emerged jj grabs her by the waist pulling her in for a kiss. Before it starts to turn into a very heated make out sesh y/n pulls away, putting her head under the water. She feels like she’s in jello, enjoying the weightless zone she’s in, at peace knowing there’s nothing sheJj keeping a good eye on her knowing she’s not at the most conscience state of mind. After a few seconds jj brings her back up helping her to remember to breath. Scared she’s gonna drown he brings them both back to shore.
Tangled up into eachother, and taking more hits they just lay together for the rest of the time. As the join finally finishes. As the moon takes place of the sun they decide to head to y/ns car and head back to John bs chateau. After a 10 minute commute they made it back with everyone in the backyard around the lighted fire pit. Jj sits on the only chair available pulling y/n onto his lap. He pulls out the same metal box and takes out the second joint. He lights up the roll and takes a hit, passing it along to John b beside him. They all sat talking together getting high as kytes. Y/n gets up heading to the car grabbing her speaker. She comes back letting Pope connect his phone, picking the song and playing “I smoked away my brain” by A$AP Rocky. They all sat telling small stories and soon Sarah ordering pizza.
The pouges didn’t really have the perfect built in family but at least they had eachother, and weed.
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airandyeah · 25 days
By The Beach Merman Nanami X Reader pt.4
My Masterlist for more chapters Warnings: Nanami has legs now, he can breath air too. Miscommunications, awkward screaming, weird feelings, drugs and alcohol, cursing... Naked Nanami but it's not in a sexual way.
Y/N's side/3rd person: Being an influencer... Is still in fact, hard. However, being active on socials get's you listening to plenty of music. So here Y/N was, listening to Providence by Poor Man's Poison It was a song that spoke volumes for her as an influencer... The hate she received. Men of power telling lies Shifty hands and thirsty eyes And they can smell your fear like blood That's what the entire world was. The internet, the regular people, the politicians... Every single one of them. The hate commentors only seemed to worsen when Y/N came back online. Oh, my weary soul We've met your kind before Set fire to us all It was infuriating. This, her feeling insane for seeing a.... merman. She did some digging, realizing he was in fact a merman, but these creatures aren't real... At least they aren't supposed to be. Right? Feed the rich and kill the poor Turn out the lights and just ignore What's going on outside She went and grabbed a bottle of new alcohol, a decent bottle of scotch. As she took a sip she felt the liquor soothe her soul. Oh, my her weary soul ~~~ A few hours later Her music had auto turned off a few minutes ago yet she didn't move to turn it back on. She was sitting at her kitchens island, drinking a second glass of scotch, already taking at least 4 of her pills... BANG The noise almost made her fall out of the chair- BANG She got up and stumbled to the back sliding door, the one leading her to the beach but rather than the beach... "OH MY GAWD THAT'S A NAKED FUCKING MAN!!!", she yelled. Standing there was a buff blond man, completely naked as the day he was born. The man screams back, imitating her initial scream, causing her to scream again. They scream for what has to be 5 minutes before they calm down and she yanks the sliding door open and pulls him inside. "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU COME FROM?!" before anything else she finally inspected him. IT WAS HIM, that merman! "AND DIDN'T YOU HAVE A TAIL LAST TIME WE MET???!!!!" she continues to yell, realizing she needed to tone it down as he covered his ears. She expected an answer and got back nothing but a blank look. He couldn't understand. Just perfect. Y/N motions to his legs, noticing again that he is awkwardly naked... The man nods at the gesture and makes a gesture like "no", so he just no longer had a tail? Well duh. "Uhm... Stay here", she gestures to the spot he stands and makes a motion like telling a dog to 'stay' and runs to grab something to cover his nudity. She comes back a few minutes later with a pair of men's drawstring pajama pants and hands them to him while he looks at them in confusion. She takes the waistband of her shorts and makes a pulling upwards motion, then grabs the openings by her thighs, trying to show him how to wear the pants. After about 15 minutes of awkward fiddling he got them on and secured, now he was just shirtless. Better. Now. Time to figure out how to communicate. ~~~ Stopping there, thoughts???
~~~~ Tags (You can request to be tagged, if you didn't want to be, let me know please) @kiel-luvsripples
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riaraa · 10 months
Analyzing the Kiara and Rafe Moments in "Outer Banks: Dead Break" by Jay Coles
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Over the weekend, I read the book Outer Banks: Dead Break by Jay Coles. I bought this book because I was happy to see that we would be getting a story from Kiara’s POV and I found early excerpts for the book that name-dropped Rafe as one of the competitors in the surf competition that Kiara signs up for. As a riara shipper, I had to read it to see if there would be any interactions between them (and I was not disappointed)! 
Fellow riara fans, enjoy!
This post is GIANT, so everything is below the line!
Summary of the Book from the Dustjacket:
The waves are off the hook, and Pope and the other Pogues are betting big on Kiara blowing the Kook competition out of the water. What could possibly go wrong? It's summer in the OBX, and a big surfing competition is bringing in pro surfers from around the world to Kildare Island, along with plenty of Kooks and tourists. Meanwhile, a storm has delivered massive waves, making for perfect—yet challenging-surfing conditions. But Kiara, who has been training, is up for the challenge. As for Pope, he just started his summer internship at the city morgue—his dream job! When Kiara strikes up a flirtation with one of the pro surfers, Pope, John B, and JJ can't help but get a little jealous at the attention she receives. Meanwhile, the visiting surfers are treating Pope's dad, Heyward, like some kind of hero, but he won't explain why. When one of the professional surfers washes up dead on the beach, everyone assumes he got crushed by a wave. But Pope, Kiara, and the rest of the Pogues aren't so sure…
Quoted Moments and My Thoughts:
“The sound of heavy metal rips through the air. Rafe Cameron drives onto the sand in his expensive Jeep, multiple surfboards hanging out the back. I shake my head as he parks, pulls his t-shirt off, and heads toward the water, board at his side.” (Page 32)
Rafe's first mention is during Kiara's POV when she is at the beach with a professional surfer named Gabriel who came to OBX for the surfing competition. Is it now canon that Rafe is a heavy metal fan? Because I was NOT expecting that, but I totally love it. I like that the author wrote that he drives a Jeep, because that's what I have him drive in my riara fics (I can't remember if it's canon in the show or not). Kiara doesn't say much about Rafe in her thoughts during this moment but she saw him shirtless (which he only is once in the show I think), so a win is a win in my book.
“I’d heard that Rafe was planning to enter the competition, too. Ward has probably bought Rafe lessons with the best surf instructors money could buy from the time he could walk. He’s a decent surfer, but next to Cole [a professional surfer who is in OBX for the surf competition] and Darren [a professional surfer who is in OBX for the surf competition], he looks like a littel kid beside giants. I hope that’s not how I’ll look next to the pros in a few days. Unlike Rafe, I am entirely self-taught.” (Page 32)
I find this moment interesting because despite both being rich and living on Figure 8, Rafe and Kiara live very different lives. A big plot point in this book is how her parents don't support her dreams of becoming a professional surfer and I find it interesting that Ward is supporting Rafe's because that doesn't seem like something he would do in the show. It makes me think Rafe wasn't as bad at this point with his mental illness and drug abuse. I also like that the author used Rafe as a talking point for Kiara to compare herself to, no matter how small (we are hardly scratching the surface here), because I think there is a lot to compare between them as characters.
“I see Ward and Rafe Cameron saunter in [to The Wreck, where Kiara is waitressing] and join Darren and Alan’s [Darren’s manager] table. By the time I bring Alan and Darren their (raw) oysters, Ward is deep into his pitch for Alan to take on Rafe as a client. I try to listen in. I gotta admit, I’m jealous [...] it must be nice to have a parent who supports your dreams.” (Page 43)
This paragraph expands on my above thoughts. I find it super interesting that both Rafe and Kiara have dreams of becoming professional surfers. The rest of the Pogues aren't the same way. JJ even states, "This is why I don't think surfing should be competitive. It's all about the experience, not the medals." (Page 8). Which makes Kiara and Rafe the two competitors of characters we know that have the same dreams with surfing, and Kiara even states that, knowingly. It's also fascinating to me that Kiara would admit to being jealous of Rafe and his relationship with Ward, because once the canon of the show begins, we definitely know that would all go down the drain.
“Not only do I feel like a failure, but I also embarrassed myself in front of everyone: Gabriel, my friends, Sarah, Rafe and people from school. The entire island just saw me royally screw up. They all saw that my parents are right, surfing is a waste of my time. I’m no better than Rafe, another Kook wannabe who’s never going to travel the world surfing professionally.” (Page 86)
This moment takes place after Kiara falls off her surfboard during the competition. I just like that she name dropped Rafe, because you would usually think he is irrelevant to her, but right now, it matters to her that he saw her wipe out. AND THEN, she compares herself to him. Although, this comparison confuses me. She calls Rafe a Kook wannabe, when he is the Kookiest-of-all-Kooks. Does she think on some level he is pretending with his life status, like she is? And then she groups herself in with him, never going anywhere with their shared dream of becoming professional surfers.
And later on, in Pope's POV, JJ texts him saying, "Rafe fell almost as soon as he stood on his board. He drove off so fast he left his fancy surfboard behind." (Page 92). This makes me wonder why the author had Kiara and Rafe parallel each other even further by having them both fall during the competition and then storming off in anger over their failure.
“Rafe is here for questioning. He’s under eighteen, which means the police aren't allowed to ask him anything without a parent present.” (Page 121)
This moment is from Pope's POV, but I thought it was interesting enough to note. He says Rafe is under eighteen years old, but this since this is the summer after Kiara's Kook Year where she was a freshman at the Kook Academy, that means Rafe is either a school year younger in this story compared to show canon, or his birthday is really late in the year for his age. So, I am assuming he is seventeen in the current timeline of this story, while the Pogues are fifteen. Although John B is old enough to drive the Twinkie, so it must be passed July for him to be sixteen. Overall, this make's it a canon timeline where Rafe and Kiara's age difference is two years, instead of three.
“Kie’s the sort of person who gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, who believes that deep down, no one is beyond redemption.” (Page 128)
This is another moment from Pope's POV that I thought was really sweet. I think it is a great note about Kiara as a character. Pope later then notes that Kiara is looking at Sarah like she did something horrible (the Pogues don't know what happened between them, like in the show) and despite what Sarah did, Kiara forgives her. It makes me wonder how her and Rafe's relationship would pan out if they talked more.
On Page 154, when the Pogues (plus Gabriel, the surfer who Kiara has a crush on) are trying to figure out what happened to Cole (a professional surfer who was found murdered and also Gabriel's best friend), Kiara simultaneously defends and condemns Rafe when they look into going to him for answers since he was at the beach where Cole got murdered the morning before it happened. Rafe had gone to the police with Ward to tell them everything he knew and Pope overheard, but the Pogues think he is hiding something.
Defending: “Unless [Rafe] was lying," I interject. "Think about it: Ward was trying to get Darren’s manager to represent Rafe. Ward would never let Rafe say anything that might turn Alan against him—and implicating Alan’s star client [Darren] in a murder is hardly a way to stay on Alan’s good side.” Condemning: “In fact, maybe that’s why Rafe told the police he’d been surfing at the Evergreen Bayou to begin with—so that he could specifically say that he hadn’t seen Darren there. Maybe Rafe thought that protecting Alan’s star client would get Alan to rep him, despite his mediocre surfing skills.”
The way Kiara phrases how Ward and Rafe went to the police is important and shows she is much more observant than she thinks. She says that Ward would never let Rafe say anything. She has already noted the control Ward has over Rafe. She defends Rafe in this moment saying he might have not been able to say anything that he knows because Ward is more worried about his shot with Alan as a manager.
She then gives Rafe the power in the scenario by saying he might have thought that protecting Darren would give him a shot at having Alan as a manager. I find it interesting that she thought of Rafe in both ways.
Pages 174-185 are a GOLD MINE for riara shippers. During this sequence, Kiara infiltrates a Kook party to find Rafe and lure him outside so that the Pogues (and Gabriel) can interrogate him about the murder of Cole. I have noted my favorite passages:
“Okay, then how’re we going to get Rafe?” “We’re not going to get him,” I correct. “I am.” (Page 174)
The Pogues had pulled up to a party where they know all the Kooks are, but haven't figured out how to get Rafe. When JJ asks how they are going to do it, Kiara volunteers herself. When I tell you I almost passed out when reading this moment because I was so excited! So dramatic!
“The fact that this party is exactly the same as the one I went to months ago means I know exactly where to find Rafe. Rafe doesn’t go for plastic cups and cheap beer. He’ll be upstairs, in Ryan’s dad’s study. Last fall, Ryan called it the ‘inner sanctum’ and invited Sarah and me there.” (Page 176)
Once again, Kiara keeps noting things about Rafe that you would think she wouldn't care to remember. To me, this shows how observant of him she was during her time at the Kook Academy. And I want to know what happened when Kiara and Sarah would party alongside him!
“But at least tonight, I'm turning the power dynamic around, using the fact that [the Kook guys at the party] see me as an object, as pleasing to the eye as wall sconces and chandeliers against them. I’m using it to get what I want. And what I want is for Rafe to leave with me. Just the thought—I want Rafe to leave with me—is enough to make me gag…” (Page 179)
And what I want is for Rafe to leave with me. I AM SCREAMING, WHAT IN THE FANFIC. I love how disgusted over it Kiara is. She is a girl on a mission.
“I see Rafe and walk over to him. I can already smell the alcohol on him, like a strong odor, which tells me he’s been drinking for a while. It’s not unusual for Rafe; I’ve known him long enough to know that this is how he forgets he is Ward’s son.” (Page 179)
This paragraph made my jaw DROP. First off, it's sad to see how drunk Rafe is and then KIARA SAYS WHY HE DRINKS LIKE HE DOES. It's because of Ward and he wants to forget. She knows this information about him and I want to know how and why! It shows even further how observant she is of him. She has noted things that others fail to see. And this is why I think their relationship dynamic is important and interesting.
“Hi, Rafe,’ I say. “Hi . . . Kie,’ Rafe says (well, slurs).” (Page 179)
HE CALLS HER KIE! But, what was that pause? Did Rafe need a moment to remember who she was? Or was it surprise at seeing her? I NEED TO KNOW. I am interpreting it as surprise at seeing her and this part also emphasizes even more how drunk Rafe is; if he is slurring a simple "hi" and name.
"I sit on the shiny leather couch beside Rafe and ask if I can have a sip of his drink. He hands me a crystal tumbler etched with diamond shapes. I take a sip of the brown liquid, recognizing the flavor of good Kentucky bourbon, but I act like I’ve never had something so strong before. Rafe laughs as I pretend to have trouble swallowing. "We can get you something more your speed, little girl," he promises.” (Pages 179-180)
Rafe is WHIPPED. Immediately handing over his drink when she asks? Also, how cute, they have the same taste in alcohol lol.
AND THEN HE CALLS HER LITTLE GIRL? LIKE SIR WHAT? I seriously need to know what was going through the authors mind when he chose that pet name. In this story, Rafe is at most 2 years older than Kiara so it's not like he is way older than her or something.
“Then he literally snaps at a girl sitting on the other side of the coffee table to pass me her drink.” (Page 180)
Like, damn Rafe show your favoritism some more, please? LOL. So demanding when Kiara is in need (and this is demonstrated in show canon, too, with the entire trapped in Singh's mansion plot-line).
“I sip my sticky drink and lean into Rafe, sneaking a peek at his hand. He has two pair. ‘Fold,” I whisper. “Why?” I nod at Ryan across the table. “Ryan’s got something big.” “How can you tell?” “See the way he’s tapping his thigh?” Rafe nods. “He did it in algebra last semester when he cheated on his test. He knew he was going to get an A no matter what.” Rafe looks at me like he’s seeing me for the first time. I can feel his gaze taking in my tank top and short shorts.” (Page 180)
This is like the longest and most normal conversation Rafe and Kiara have and it literally melts my heart. They are just playing poker together and THEN we get the trope of character A looking at character B and seeing them for the first time after a pivotal moment in their relationship?? Thank you Jay Coles (author)! Also, Rafe is turned on by a smart woman, confirmed!
“Whatever the lady says,” he promises, placing his cards facedown on the table. When Ryan reveals a full house, Rafe gives me a high five.” (Page 181)
Can you see Rafe initiating a hive five with anyone? This is so heartwarming to me that he wanted to high five her out of genuine excitement. I would love to see Drew Starkey and Madison Bailey act of this entire scene, it would be so entertaining.
“Looks like I found my lucky charm,” he says. “Kiara Carrera, the half-Kook wonder.” I pretend being called a half Kook doesn’t offend me. That’s how Rafe and his friends thought of me for the year I went to school with them: not entirely a Pogue or a Kook.” (Page 181)
First off, it's so cute that he calls her his lucky charm. BUT THEN I like the deep dive into Kiara's character here. I'm surprised she is offended by something Rafe said, but it goes to show how the half-life she is living really effects her. She is adamant she is a Pogue, yet still feels in-between. And it's interesting that she notes that Rafe had previous thoughts about her. Did he explicitly tell her this, or was this something she concluded based on his actions? I wish she expanded more on her thoughts to give concrete evidence. Because that means that she and Rafe must have communicated at least a little bit during her Kook Year and I want to know it all!
“I advise Rafe for a couple more hands. But on the fourth hand, when he has three of a kind, I tell Rafe, “Go all in.” He grins at me. “Whatever my lucky charm says.” I have to keep myself from shuddering when he refers to me as his anything. Rafe pushes all his chips into the center of the table. Ryan calls. Rafe doesn't notice that Ryan's tapping his thigh again.” (Page 181)
Rafe is so oblivious to Kiara's actually feelings and I think it's so funny. He is just having a good time. Also, I love that it's canon in the show and this book that he grins at Kiara. I also think it's interesting how Kiara makes note that Rafe isn't noticing the clues she pointed out earlier. Is it because he is drunk?
"Crap!" Rafe shouts, throwing his cards down. He turns to me angrily. "Why'd you tell me to go all in?" I swallow the urge to point out that he has no right to be angry at me. I was just giving him advice; I'm not actually a magic lucky charm. But instead I say, "Look on the bright side." "What bright side?" Rafe pouts. “Now we can get out of here.” Rafe’s scowl twists into a smile as he catches my meaning. He grabs my hand and pulls me up to stand, like I’m a prize instead of an actual person.” (Pages 181-182)
I honestly wish Kiara could have called him out, because I would love to know his reaction, but I understand she had to keep playing along to accomplish her goal. BUT! We have a full confirmation that Rafe has the hots for Kiara!!!
“No way,” I shake my head. “I’m not hooking up where anyone could walk in. Your sister’s around. You know what she’ll say if she sees us together?” I make a face like I’m horrified. “I don’t care what she says.” (Page 182)
I think it's an interesting note that Rafe doesn't care about Sarah's thoughts on him and Kiara.
“I lead Rafe down the stairs and out the front door, rolling my eyes as soon as my back is turned. Boys like him are so easy.” (Page 182)
In this entire book, I do not remember a time where Rafe's love life is brought up. The Pogues joke about Topper and how he messed around with every Kook girl before getting with Sarah, but Rafe is a mystery. And, there is no mention of any girls sitting near him when Kiara found him in the study. It makes me wonder how much of this is that Rafe is easy, or that if he actually just really like Kiara.
“Where are we going, gorgeous?” Rafe asks. He holds my hand, his fingers playing on my inner wrist in a way I’m sure he thinks is sexy and suggestive. “You’ll see,” I promise and Rafe grins, his teeth white in the moonlight.” (Pages 182-183)
JJ stuffs a rag in Rafe’s mouth to keep him from shouting. “Where’d you find that?” I ask. “The floor of the Twinkie,” JJ answers, which is almost enough to make me feel sorry for Rafe. I don’t think John B has ever actually cleaned the van.” (Page 183)
Kiara expresses no regret or guilt over kidnapping Rafe except that he might have a dirty ass rag in his mouth lol.
“And also? Don’t be so stupid as to leave a party with a girl who’s inexplicably interested in you after never having given you the time of day.” Rafe’s eyes go wide as it dawns on him that my flirting was all an act.” (Page 184)
Rafe has literally been gagged and thrown into the Twinkie. Is being held by Pope and JJ and JUST NOW REALIZED THAT THE FLIRTING WAS ALL FAKE? Oh yeah, he is down bad for Kiara.
"Rafe continues, his breathing slowing. “He said there wasn’t enough money in the world for him to represent me. I didn’t want my dad to know that I couldn’t close the deal with Alan.” (Page 191)
This is from Pope's POV as they interrogate Rafe, but I thought it was interesting to note that we can see bits and pieces of how much Rafe looks up to Ward and doesn't want to disappoint him, which will eventually lead to their turbulent relationship in the show.
They like to complain that I left them for Kook Academy last year (as if my parents gave me any choice in the matter), but the truth is, when they saw that I was actually making friends with some of my classmates, the guys pulled away from me, not the other way around.” (Page 194)
THIS MOMENT. This is probably the most important one in this entire book because it completely contradicts the show canon. In the show, we are meant to believe that Kiara left the Pogues in favor of her Kook friends and that is what caused a rift between them and explains why she is so loyal to them, to make up for leaving them. But, NO they left HER. This will change how I look at all of John B, JJ, and Pope's interactions with Kiara when I watch the show. She had wanted to kill herself over being at the Kook Academy, and now I wonder if she felt this way after the Pogues cut her off? My heart breaks for Kiara. Her best friends she grew up with turned their backs on her when she was forced into going to another school and happened to be friends with some of her classmates. Nobody wants to be alone at a new school. And it's probably why her relationship with Sarah hurt so much, too. Because Sarah had been her one true friend at the time, and Sarah left her, too. It changes how I view all the show dynamics, now. I wish we could dive more into Kiara's Kook year because it's such a pivotal part of her character but we only get glimpses (in the show and the book).
“[Pope] wasn’t holding Rafe tightly on purpose. He didn’t want to hurt him. Realizing that makes me love Pope more than I already do.” (Page 195)
This moment is definitely meant to focus on how Kiara admires how good of a person Pope is, but I think it can also be viewed that she didn't want Rafe to be hurt, either. And it's interesting because JJ loved hurting Rafe in this scene stating "I can do this all night and all day." as he laughs (Page 190), which probably explains why Rafe has it out for JJ n the show which leads to them fighting.
“Thanks to Rafe...” (Page 196)
This moment is so small and means nothing, but I just thought it was funny that Kiara would ever be "thanking" Rafe.
"And I'm not here to debate the finer points of toxic masculinity--" “That’s a first,” I interject, yawning. She’d somehow managed to fit in Rafe’s kidnapping.” (Page 201).
This is from Pope's POV after Kiara as snuck through his bedroom window. I just think it's funny that Kiara did use Rafe's kidnapping to give the Pogues (and by proxy, Rafe) a lesson on toxic masculinity lol.
“Tonight, I was barely home long enough to take a shower and change my clothes—my tank top and cutoffs need to be de-Rafed in the washing machine, ew…” (Pages 209-210).
AND this is the last mention of Rafe in the book and it's the funniest.
This book was a MAJOR win for Rafe and Kiara lovers because it confirms Rafe's liking for her further. It also gives us background on their relationship. Rafe still likes her after she lied and kidnapped him? This man is in love with her. This book further proves that the creators/writers/showrunners of OBX just love having Rafe and Kiara interact! They must see the potential if they keep teasing it! We can only hope for more moments in s4!
Let me know your thoughts! ❤️
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prettypinkporkchop · 2 months
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Jacob Black x fem reader
Bella grabs your arm and pulls you inside the Cullen home. Alice smiles widely as she sees you. "Oh! Bella, you brought my favorite person ever!" Alice pulls you into a tight hug. You hug her back and laugh.
Bella makes her way towards Edward. "Well, we have lots to do! The wolves are working with us to get rid of this newborn army." She rolls her eyes. You have yet to meet any of the wolves. You know very little of them, but they tell you they're not good people. "Oh, goodness. What is the plan?" You ask while smiling.
These vampires have been after Bella, but they found you too when they saw her hanging out with you. One of the newborns really took a liking to you. You've been around the Cullens often to stay safe.
"Jacob and Embry agreed to carry you guys through the woods while we go the opposite direction with each of your shirts." Jasper cuts in. Carlisle looks at you to see if you agree. "You mean the wolves?" You ask, confused. "They are helping us to protect you." Carlisle interjects. "Honestly, anything at this point." You cross your arms.
The next day, you, Bella, and the Cullens stand in the woods, waiting for the two wolves. "They're coming." Edward shakes his head and turns to Bella. "I don't want to do this." He makes a gross face.
Jacob has been head over heels for Bella. Honestly, the tea. You want to know what he looks like!
Two shirtless, fit, and tan dudes come running out. They have a tribal tattoo on their arm. One of them smiles at you and holds out their hand, "Embry.'' He greets. "Y/n." You smile and shake his hand.
Okay, so they aren't bad at all! Dramatic vampires...
"Who's she?" The guy you figure is Jacob motions to you. "She's y/n." Esme answers. Jacob nods and goes to say something, but your eyes lock.
You get a tingling feeling in your chest. It's like your heart is fluttering away to meet his. He gasps a bit and holds your eyes.
"Really?" Alice makes you guys jump out of it. "What?" Jacob spits. Alice walks to your side, grabbing your arm.
Tf is happening?
Jacob steps up to you and pulls you into his side. "Don't. Make. Me. Mad." He grits his teeth at her. "Uh." You begin to say something. "I'm not going to hurt her, mutt." She replies.
He breathes hard before looking down at you and then calms down. He turns to Embry. "Get Bella." He says.
Jacob puts one arm on your back and the other under your legs. You guys begin to walk. Embry goes one way, you and Jacob go the other, making sure to not cross paths with the cullens.
He doesn't speak and you keep your arms around his neck, awkwardly. "I think you smell good, not like a dog." You randomly giggle. He smiles widely and chuckles. "Thank you. I have to talk to you about something." He says while sucking in a breath.
"If it's about what you and Alice were going on about, please do."
"There's this thing that we wolves do. It's called imprinting. Basically, the universe chooses our soulmates. They can either be a lover, a friend, whatever you want. But our duty is to protect and love that person no matter what." He looks down at you.
You're staring at him with wide eyes. "Is that what I felt?''
"Yup." He pops the p. "I got a glimpse of our future. You are allowed to deny the imprint. If you except, we can be anything you want. But just know, if we are away from each other, it physically and mentally hurts both of us." He warns.
His beauty and the way he talks just draws you in. How could you deny?
"I accept." You lean your head on his collarbone.
"How about a date?" He beams.
"Where ya thinkin'?" You ask.
"You like the beach?" He asks. "Oh, more than definitely!" You hype. "Okay! Then I have an idea." He smirks.
You guys meet up with Embry, Bella, and the Cullens. They begin to chat about what's next. Bella steps towards you. "Well, I guess you're Jacob's now?" She giggles. "Yeah, I think so. Did you know about imprinting?" You ask her. She shakes her head. "Embry explained it to me. But, I'm happy for you!" She says with her sort of excitement.
You step off of his bike and take off the helmet he gave you, trying not to mess up your hair. "Thank you." You smile. He engulfs you in a hug. He's so warm!!! You wrap your arms around his waist and breathe in his scent. You can feel the love he has for you. His heart is racing.
He pulls away and interlocks your fingers, guiding you to the sand.
You see a blanket with a basket on it. Even wine! But to make things funny, three shirtless dudes quickly run away from the blanket when they see you two.
You laugh quietly and look at Jake. "The boys helped? This is perfect." You sit down on the blanket.
He follows along and laughs. "Yeah. They're my pack buddies." He digs through the basket.
After eating and drinking a couple of glasses of wine, you're sitting in between his legs leaning back on him. "I'm falling for you." You whisper to him.
Later that night
He holds your face, rubbing his thumbs against your cheeks. You stare into his brown eyes and slowly lean in. He kisses you softly, slowly pushing your body down onto his bed. His room is small but you'll make due. It smells like him, and it's amazing!
His kisses are soft and slow. He's obviously not trying to get into your pants yet. You sit on the bed and he stands above you, in between your legs. "I never thought I'd find you." He kisses your forehead.
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