#then the original animes for voltron
Let's Rewind! Toast watches Voltron: Defender of The Universe (1984)
I now have access to pretty much every animated version of Voltron and now after around 7 years of being a Voltron fan and amateur archivist, I'm finally sitting down to watch (or rewatch) every Voltron show to see how it's grown over its legacy, starting with Dotu!
Season 1, Episode 1 - Space Explorers Captured
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Starting off strong, the intro is pretty cool in my eyes, no wonder this was burned into so many kids heads when it was airing It also reminds me of Danny Phantom and how the backstory was in the opening, same thing here to get into the action lol
It's Hunk and Keith! NOT, the first shots we "see" of them aren't actually them! It's reused footage from Vehicle Voltron of the characters Jeff and Rocky, you can tell by the uniforms (and y'know faces)! This feeds my hc that the boys originally were part of the explorer though >:D
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I love the way this art style, or like any 80s-90s anime, draws space, it's so pretty like CMON Also, I never realized that the boys got to Arus WHILE it was being taken over, I swear I remembered that Arus was already a wasteland so-to-speak by the time they got there
GOD SVEN'S DOPEY ACCENT IS SO NICE TO HEAR, I'VE MISSED IT SO MUCH I did notice that the city destruction image was later reused for Balto, which in the original GoLion anime is from Earth's destruction! NOT THE EIFFEL TOWER JUST BEING DESTROYED WHILE KEITH IS SAYING THE ARUSIANS GOT TO SAFETY MY GOD I KNOW TOO MUCH
First look at the pilots! Very 80s from what I think the vibe is, but also very personalized! Knowing their character traits, it fits them pretty well for the most part
"This isn't the first time [the team] has been in a tight spot" NOT THE FIRST TIME, YOU SAY? INCH RESTING
"[There was a legend that a castle of lions] held the secret of the super robot Voltron, Voltron could save them" YOU'RE PUTTING YOUR FAITH IN A LEGEND THAT MAY NOT EXIST?? LIKE EVENTUALLY THEY'RE RIGHT BUT OOOOO IS THE GARRISON USELESS, ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THEY ONLY SENT A TEAM OF FIVE INTO AN ACTIVE HOSTILE TAKE OVER ignoring the fact that they said they were too far to help anyway
The team literally got captured and yet the dialogue they chose was "we need to eject, it's better than crash landing, let's go!" ??? I think this was reused dialogue from episode 2 that they just plugged in
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What a rad design for a villain, like he looks so fucking cool. I generally forget that he's reptilian almost vs his barbie doll looking son Maybe the subspecies of Drule he's a part of is reptilian! Holy shit Zarkon's eyes started flickering, is this guy cybernetic too??
My god is the voice acting funny, Commander Yorak's weak grunt when slashing at slaves is everything
The Doomites are VERY different looking compared to Zarkon or even Lotor, probably another subspecies of the Drule race This time they look kind of batty? Yeah, that's it
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I wonder what era their clothing is inspired by, obviously there's some creative liberty, but a lot of these clothes scream nobility to me also screams clowns but shhh lol
"What should we name this new robeast your Majesty?" "Uhhh Blue" Really had no creativity with this robeasts name guys
More really cool alien designs, I have to remember I can let loose when designing other species lol
Oh interesting, I thought the team fought alongside the rest of the slaves in the ring but Zarkon saved em for last Also, the fact that the guys were legitimately branded is insane, the dialogue makes it seem like they were all separated for it, but I refuse to think they'd let any of each other get taken away for it also they're called tattoos not brand, definitely censorship
ah yes Pidge's mad hops. Knowing he's from Balto, this is just telling me that my high gravity hc for the planet was right because there are only a few but very specific reasons why he'd be able to do that and being human ain't one of em
"Ugly virds" -Sven again some of these line deliveries are so funny, like every single one of svens just makes me laugh
the sound effects for Pidge jumping back down is also peak comedy oisndv
Lance's sass is always welcomed on this blog omg, the moody tendency is showing from his GoLion counterpart
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If you hear laughing it's me LMAO
But actually, though, they're being treated kind of well in terms of being captured. The team never fights in the arena and when they're pretending to sleep as the guards are coming to take them over they just leave them be and reason that the boys will fight better tomorrow
those are some weak ass bars if Hunk can bend them
[Lance hands Keith a rock] "Don't miss" my humor is broken, and I'm laughing too much at a simple line
Hunk being afraid of heights is such a human characteristic to give him, and I mean that like it really feels like he's a person by giving him something that lots of people find silly or even relatable! (like me ha)
Their plan to escape was going level by level down with rope, except Keith fucking GETS DOWN WITHOUT THE ROPE It's ok, they hitched a ride ON A GIANT FLESH EATING BIRD THAT SWOOPS AT THEM
Hunk slips off his bird and reaches for PIDGE OF ALL PEOPLE TO GRAB HIM, but somehow that doesn't dislocate the poor boy's shoulder and they both go PLUMMETING TO THE GROUND AND SOMEHOW SURVIVE THE FALL Hunk lands in a pile of bones which OW and Pidge BOUNCES OFF THE GROUND BECAUSE OF HOW HARD HE HIT IT if that doesn't kill em, fucking nothing will good god Everyone else lands fine though, bastards lmao
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Keith is Catholic™️ confirmed
Animal lover Keith over here being kind to mega vultures "I'll alvays think they're veutiful" -Sven You literally just called them ugly but ok
PIDGE'S KAZOO PANTING I CANNOT LMAOO They're running in formation (kinda), how cute!
Oh they really are all trained Sven and Keith knock out some guards with kicks Lance straight up tosses one without a sweat Hunk is also kicking but he's taking more down by himself AND PIDGE STARTS CHOKING A GUY OUT FROM BEHIND 10/10 would love to see more hand-to-hand combat
Straight up murdered a few guards by taking off in the slave ship, but shh they're robots it doesn't matter AND THEN THEY DESTROY PART OF THE CASTLE WHILE TAKING OFF AMAZING
Pidge sees a lion statue with a castle behind it and immediately just solves part of the legend that really shouldn't be a legend, the part with the castle anyway
So the team knows of the legend, meaning they were sent on a wild goose chase for basically nothing except that they did FIND IT Fun.
I think it's funny that they're describing Voltron before the split as a defender of justice but in GoLion he was literally the most egotistical bitch that after taking down basically everyone in a fight to prove his strength he got nerfed into those five lions
Episode over! Looks like I'm doing one episode per post with how much I'm talking lol That's all the time I have tonight for the rewind, but tomorrow I have a lot more free time, so maybe I can get like 2 more episodes at the very least
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parts one two three four
Lance wants to bolt the second they step out of the castle, but he knows better than that. So he waits, watching them carefully from the windshield (he’s got no better word for it, okay) of the bridge until they’re itty bitty specks. Then he throws on his backpack, grabs his scanner, waves to his pets, and runs in the direction the beast was last seen.
He keeps up a pretty quick pace for a while, not bothering to muffle his footsteps — he doesn’t want to startle the poor thing — and keeps his ears peeled for the sounds of a large animal making its merry way through the woods.
By ‘large’, he means ‘unfathomably gigantic’, because everything on this planet seems to be. Every tree is as wide as four Hunks, and taller than the castle. The various small woodland critters he’s seen running around have been at least the size of Pidge. Idly he wonders how the hell the evolution on this planet even worked, because all the flora and fauna seems to be gigantic, but the people here aren’t much bigger than humans.
He eventually starts to hear the sound of running water, and wastes no time following it. If he’s correct — and he truly thinks he is, as does Coran — this beast will be sitting carefully by the river’s bank, waiting for fish to swim close to it.
See, Lance is almost sure this beast is the planet’s equivalent to a grizzly bear.
And he’s positive it’s injured.
It’s the only thing that makes sense! He did some light research last night, and discovered that the planet is right in the midst of their springtime. He also discovered that, over the winter months, the planet’s city limits had expanded pretty dramatically, cutting into a large chunk of the forest. Lance believes the new city limits bled into the bear’s hunting grounds, and when the bear woke from hibernation in the spring and went looking for food, it ran into the new neighbourhoods. Startled, of course, it got defensive, only further terrorizing the people. Lance thinks that the bear was dazed enough to be hurt by the city’s armies, and now the bear is in pain and full of anger towards the new animals in its territory.
Of course it’s attacking.
Now, if only the team stopped a goddamn second to listen, and I wouldn’t have this problem, Lance thinks to himself, but pushes the thought away just as quickly, scowling to himself.
He forces himself to pause the reflection and save it for later, because it’s not the right time. He’s on a mission. He doesn’t have time to feel sorry for himself, let alone have time to be mad at the team.
It’s just as well that Lance pulled himself out of his thoughts, because straight ahead, looking at him warily, is the bear.
And oh, what a beast it is.
The dignitary — not to give him any goddamn credit, the bastard — was barely exaggerating. The bear is huge. It’s definitely not bigger than a castle, sure, but it’s big enough that Lance knows to keep a respectful distance, and right now the bear is sitting. He can’t imagine how scary it would be on a rampage.
For the first time, a tiny tendril of guilt crawls up his spine. The dignitary might be a pompous dick, but Lance is starting to realise that’s coming from a place of genuine fear, for themself and for the people they represented.
(Lance is still not going to kill the bear, obviously. It’s not the bear’s fault that it’s scary. But Lance is willing to admit that he did not handle the situation with the dignitary like an adult, and especially not like a paladin, and probably owes them a bit of an apology.)
“Hey, there,” Lance says softly, slowly swinging off his backpack and setting it down in front of him.
The bear growls in warning.
“I know, I know, you like your space. I’ll stay over here for now.”
Without looking away, Lance crouches down, blindly searching around the bag until his hand wraps around the two objects he’s looking for. He slowly takes them out and carefully sets one of them — a back of Altean-style dehydrated wild berries — on the ground in front of the bag. With his other hand, he pours a steady stream of water on the pouch, and he and the bear both watch as the pile of berries gradually grows in size until it’s the size of Lance himself.
Lance sits next to them, criss-cross-applesauce, with his backpack on his lap.
“These are for you,” he says, tone even. “I figured it might be pretty hard for you to forage or hunt right now. You must be hungry.”
Logically, it should be impossible for the bear to understand him. But it must like his tone, because slowly — ever so slowly — it uncurls, keeping a careful eye on Lance as it limps over to him and the berries next to him.
Its legs are the size of Earthen tree trunks. Its head alone is bigger than Lance. Its teeth —visible now that its mouth is open, tongue hanging out, salivating in anticipation of the wonderfully juicy berries — are sharper than any razor.
Lance should be afraid.
He’s not.
“Oh, you’re a beautiful thing,” he coos as the bear leans forward and takes a tentative bite from the pile.
The bear side-eyes him — a look that so clearly says ‘bitch, please’ that Lance can’t help his laugh.
“And you take no shit, huh?”
The bear grunts, apparently deciding the berries are safe, and then digs the hell in. It devours the pile so quickly that it’s there in one second and gone in the next.
Once the pile is finished, the bear turns to look at Lance expectantly.
Lance holds his hands up. “I got nothing!”
The bear huffs — no, really — and ambles closer to Lance. It lowers its great head down, and with a nose bigger than Lance’s head, starts sniffing Lance’s backpack for more.
Lance laughs again. “There’s nothing in there, you silly creature. No food, anyway.”
The bear finally decides he’s telling the truth — or, more likely, doesn’t smell any more food — and flops to the ground, looking to Lance in what he can only describe as petulance.
“I have no more food,” Lance says again. He reaches out hesitantly, slowly, and carefully rests his hand in between the bear's cute little ears when it makes no move to stop him. “But I might have more help for you, though.”
The bear rumbles. Lance takes this as an indication to continue.
“I noticed you were limping. Your front right leg. You’ve got some matted blood on there, too. If you’ll let me, I can clean that wound, stitch it right up, and you’ll be as good as new. That sound okay?”
The bear doesn’t make any more noise, but it does flop over on its side, leaving its right side up for access.
Lance takes a deep breath.
“Okay, big guy. Let me fix you up.”
He gathers up his bag and walks over to the wounded leg in question. He inspects it, but can’t really see the wound under all the blood.
“I’m going to clean it first, okay? I’ll get some river water first. That’ll be better than antiseptic.”
The bear grunts.
Lance grabs a clean cloth out of his bag — really, it’s a queen-sized sheet, but in comparison to the bear looks as small as the tiniest of rags — and soaks it in the frigid river, ringing it out as best as he can with his tiny human hands.
He walks back over to the bear and begins gently wiping away the nasty, coagulated blood from matted fur. It takes a while, but he’s eventually able to see the wound.
He does not like what he sees.
The wound starts cleanly, like it was a cut, but then looks torn, like the flesh was ripped. Lance isn’t sure what weapon may have caused it — that’s more of Keith’s thing — but knows it was certainly no natural cause.
“I’m going to need to apply quite a bit of antiseptic,” he tells the bear, even though the bear most certainly does not know what that is. “It’s going to hurt, but I need to do it, because it already looks a little bit infected.”
He opens his massive tub of antiseptic and holds it out for the bear to sniff. Its giant nose wrinkles, and then it looks pained, but it carefully lays its head back down on the ground and tenses its muscles.
Lance takes that as permission.
“Sorry, sorry, I’m sorry,” Lance babbles as he pours the horrible chemical over the wound and the bear roars in agony. “I know, I know. I know. It’s okay. Let it out. It’s done, now, once the sting fades.”
The sting must fade eventually, because the bear quiets, although it breathes heavily and remains tense.
“It’s okay,” Lance whispers, petting the first patch of uninjured fur he can reach. “It’s alright. The worst part is over, okay? That hurt so bad that you’ll barely even feel the stitches, okay? Just the smallest pinch.”
The bear whines, high and long, and Lance bites back tears.
This could all be avoided if people just used some compassion, for fuck’s sake.
He closes his eyes and swallows roughly. That’s not fair. It’s unlikely that anyone meant for this to happen, and it’s unfair for Lance to blame people. Sometimes life just sucks.
But it’s his job as a paladin to make it suck marginally less, and by God, he is going to do his job.
“Ready for the stitches, big guy? It’s the second-to-last step.”
Lance reaches into his back again and digs out the absolutely giant suture needle, so big it’s basically a weapon, and the beast-sized sutures. He gets to work carefully stitching up the wound, applying every ounce of Abuela’s sewing lessons into his furrowed brow and steady hands.
It takes a while, but eventually the wound is closed up neatly.
“Almost done,” Lance assures the bear. It makes an almost purring noise in response, which makes Lance beam in delight.
He takes two last things from his pack — some Altean antibiotic numbing ointment, and a mummy’s amount of bandages.
“This’ll be cold,” he warns, before spreading a generous amount of the ointment onto the wound. The bear audibly sighs in relief, slumping further into the ground as its muscles finally un-tense.
Lastly, Lance carefully wraps the wound in the bandages until it’s completely covered, then stands back, hands on his hips, to access his patch job.
“I think you look okay!” he says with a grin. “Try standing.”
The bear gets up using its three unharmed legs, then gingerly applies weight to the injured one once it’s balanced.
It blinks.
It applies more weight.
Suddenly it roars, in delight this time, and ducks its head to nudge Lance gently in thanks. Lance laughs, petting the creature everywhere he can reach.
“You’re welcome!” The bear makes that almost-purr noise again, and Lance sighs. “Now all we gotta do is convince this whole damn planet that you’re a big, giant softie.”
The bear pulls its head away, making Lance pout, and stares at him for a moment.
“What? You have any bright ideas? I, unfortunately, did not plan this far. I kinda thought something would come to me on the way.”
The bear grunts. Then it opens its great jaw, reaching for Lance, but it doesn’t eat him — it carefully hooks Lance’s hoodie in its teeth, lifts him up, and tosses him gently on its back.
Lance blinks.
“Well this is a — development.”
The bear grunts again, pawing at the ground. It starts off down the river, but not in the direction where Lance assumed its cave to be.
It’s headed to the city.
“What’re you — oh,” Lance cries, and is a little embarrassed to be outfoxed by a bear.
“That’s a great idea! If the people see you treating me gently, then won’t be so scared, and I’ll be able to explain. You’re so smart!”
If Lance didn’t know better, he’d think the bear seemed smug.
But he does know better, so he gets comfortable, organizes his pack, and starts planning what he’s going to say to make this whole crisis blow over.
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saturnniidae · 3 days
Netflix removing (Netflix original) dreamworks shows due to expiring contracts will be the death of me. I hate how quiet they are about it like it's giving me war flashbacks to the hbomax cartoon purge
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squidcarton · 9 months
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Quick sketch of my main man Keith with his hair in a ponytail
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sikuena · 1 month
commission info!
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if interested (whether its to ask questions or commission) contact through instagram only (sikuenaa). and please consider liking and or reblogging this post, it would really help my reach and be super appreciated! thank you for your time :)
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cloudsquills · 5 months
not the klance art ... ermmmm
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and learning how to draw lance and also zhyrri my galran oc they ... they hate klance so much ( jealousy )
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rezak-27224 · 4 months
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Старенький, но ладно...
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feuersturm97 · 10 months
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I don't know why but I wanted to draw my oc Katie as a Voltron paladin I don't know i was bored and recently rewatched Voltron so yeah
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wennbergbabe · 5 months
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Commissions open feel free to message me about anything you want
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artschoolrejectsblog · 6 months
Imagine walking in on a reformed Sendak brushing up on his battle strategies after a long mission to save a planet from the Gulran empire
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chibi-pix · 9 months
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It was a cycle of adoring characters and drawing them as animals. With me drawing Pidge as a bat, a friend was sparked to draw her Myran OC, Kiri, as an axolotl. And. I just felt like I needed to draw them with animal backpacks. So! Thank you, @sweetmariabear, for inspiring me to draw this! I feel happy with it and I hope I did justice to drawing Kiri!
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoyed this one! Until next time!
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ekmosley · 2 months
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“One night, heavy with loneliness, Stardog fell out of the sky, past the planets… down… down… down…”
- The Last Stardog by E.K Mosley
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raremediums · 2 months
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I did all this with a piece of charcoal and some tree bark at the beach yesterday.
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whumpty-dumpty-doo · 7 months
Despite how much Voltron (2017) stuff I've been reblogging here, I actually have never seen the show... ... But seeing all of the whumpy gifs, stills, and fanart definitely got me curious, so I started it! I'm only a few episodes in, but already it's really delivering on the whump, as well as the general plot/storytelling/characters. I love the main team with my whole heart. They are precious babies and I want to protect them with my life. But also oh heck yeah good whump. But if anything bad happened to them I would fight God himself. But I will also respectfully look at the whump and get whumperflies. Excited to see where the rest of the series goes, though I have been warned multiple times that it super falls off at some point. What a bummer!
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tarlartist · 1 year
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Sachael: Le'umi of Water
Hello! I hope you're having a great day!
This beautiful woman is Sachael. She is a special original character from the created world of Mal'achya. A winged humanoid who is one of 21 leaders(Le'umi) of her planet.
She, along with her planet and it's culture, were created by my friend grimmCoordinator, who you can find in the link at the bottom of this post. I love you bestie, you created something amazing. I'm just happy to bring it to artistic life. <3
Which, fun fact: Mal'achya is created as an extension to the world of Voltron: Legendary Defender. So any fans who love V:LD, you'll definitely recognize certain characters in future posts.
In order to find all posts in the future in relation to Sachael and Mal'achya as a whole, you can follow me on my patreon, where all my public posts as well as exclusive process and variants can be found.
Thank you!
grimmCoordinator social link vvv
My patreon page if you're looking to follow or support my art on another level. Thank you so much and I'll see you again soon!
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Yesterday, I was talking about what I thought was going to be in Voltron from day one.
Speaking on Shiro's death, I was watching season 6 at the time of making that post and realized that the animation team may have done an easter egg to those who watched the original Voltron.
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Not gonna lie, I like subtle easter eggs like this, if this is an easter egg at all.
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