#vehicle voltron OC
chibi-pix · 9 months
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It was a cycle of adoring characters and drawing them as animals. With me drawing Pidge as a bat, a friend was sparked to draw her Myran OC, Kiri, as an axolotl. And. I just felt like I needed to draw them with animal backpacks. So! Thank you, @sweetmariabear, for inspiring me to draw this! I feel happy with it and I hope I did justice to drawing Kiri!
Anyway! I hope y'all enjoyed this one! Until next time!
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My tablet pen died like a week ago and my batteries don’t get here until the end of the week, so until I get my pen working again here’s an indulgent sketch of my OCs!
Anya is on the left while Ameya is on the right, both wearing personalized flight suits! If they were ever put in a position to fly with their respective Voltron teams Ameya would fly with the land team while Anya gets to pilot yellow lion
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thegreeneyedlycan · 2 years
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tarantula-hawk-wasp · 7 months
Writing Patterns Tag Game
Rules: list the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @itstimeforstarwars
Don't Hold a Glass Over the Flame (Voltron h/c fic) (2023)
Shiro should have known that the odds of a peaceful hike in the forest staying that way had been spoiled by their success months ago in finding the Green Lion -that now the scales of fate were tipped against them. 
And After the Storm (Voltron h/c post tears of the balmera fic) (2023)
It was nighttime now, the invasion of the Castle, and the fight with Sendak seemed days rather than hours ago.
Rate yourself and rake yourself (Voltron h/c fic) (2023)
The most sickening part was how easy it was to choose who to hurt.  
We're your family (Stranger Things Eleven & Jonathan h/c fic) (2022)
Jonathan floored the accelerator, forcing the jostling van over the uneven desert landscape, hurtling towards the strewn bodies in lab coats, the jeeps and armored vehicles, the military helicopter. 
Memento Moratus Sum (Supernatural, Emma & Dean ) (2021)
Emma dies and Dean keeps her necklace to have something to remember her by, partly out of grief for what could have been partly as an act of emotional self flagellation.
Monster Baby of the Week (Supernatural, Bobby-John & Dean) (2021)
Dean didn’t spare much thought to appreciating the fact that this was the second time he had seen his own bloody corpse in the form of a shapeshifter as the alpha bled out on the floor of the Campbell’s panic room.
the son in the meadow (Supernatural Dean & baby!Jack) (2021)
Jack’s weight in the carrier is negligible against his chest compared to the box in his arms. 
There's a boy digging up your grave (Supernatural) (2021)
There’s a boy digging up your grave.
Sinite Parvula (Dragon Age Inquisition, oc child inquisitor) (first chapter written 2019)
Cassandra’s mind and heart were churning with mixed feelings as she strode towards the Chantry basement the prisoner was held in, and her distaste for self doubt only increased her discomfort.
Til Death Do Us Part (Star Wars Fox/Palpatine divorce cyrofreeze fox wakes up and adopts Rey fic) (2020)
Fox should have known better than to attempt out-manipulating the puppetmaster of a galactic war.
I would say I do tend to start fics with commentary on what the Main Character is ironically Not feeling or doing. I think that tracks overall with the fact that I do focus heavily on the thoughts of characters. Big on thinking and reflection in my fics.
now the real struggle is remembering who is a fanfic writer tbh... tagging @pinknatural @icefire149 @bannedbookreader @wrennette @scarecrowmax If anyone else sees this and wants to do it feel free to and tag me!! I'm nosy
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queenscene2 · 3 years
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Men I wanna kiss but they're playing cards
Reblog...do not repost!
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jcmorrigan · 4 years
Tales from the Scrap Heap: Nothing to Lose but You
I decided to start “Tales from the Scrap Heap” as a little series on my blog for fanfiction ideas that I never got into print. Because my brain is really, really good at coming up with way more long-form plots than I can ever realistically hope to publish. I have to be picky about which plot bunnies I follow and which I don’t. The stories here are the ones that I considered and ultimately didn’t motivate me as much as what I have up on my AO3 account.
For the first one, I’m aware I’m putting myself in the Discourse Box here but it’s a Voltron: Legendary Defender fic. However, it’s for the absolute only ship I have never seen contested, largely because I don’t think anybody remembers these guys: Vakala/Remdax. Something about them really intrigued me (probably that they’re silly x straitlaced, have a size difference, and bicker constantly, which is almost a full row of JCMorrigan OTP Bingo). If you don’t remember, they’re the two aliens who found clone!Shiro on the ice planet shortly after he escaped (this is when we thought he was real!Shiro) and decided ultimately not to eat him and instead to give him a shuttle to escape back to Voltron. Anyhow, one day I just had too much Worldbuilding Juice and decided to come up with a little history for them, and because they’re rebels hiding in a remote location in a seemingly neverending war, it is one of the darkest story ideas I have. There’s a happy ending for our two leading men, but because this is indeed a wartime story, what I came up with to explain why they were on that ice planet and so willing to even cannibalize any Galra who showed up ended up having elements of colonialism, prison/labor camps, fugitive life, and a worldbuild flavoring that implies some noncon happened somewhere at some point. So if these things are not what you want to read in a hypothetical Voltron fanfiction outline, please keep movin’. Anyway, this is the one story I most regret never finishing because I had so much of it fleshed, but my Voltron muse is long gone and I have no enthusiasm, so here’s what I would’ve written, had I the energy.
·      Title is “Nothing to Lose but You” because the point of this story is these two go through the wringer and are literally all each other have. It’s that kind of story
·      I decided to call the planet Vakala and Remdax are from “Taxalai,” and the name for a resident is “Taxalan.” Taxalan society has a heavy emphasis on technology (which is why Remdax not knowing how to work a computer or being able to remember a password is such an oddity and so frustrating to pretty much any other Taxalan), and pretty much everything is computerized to some degree. Screens everywhere.
·      We open on Vakala, who is living in a mansion that used to belong to his family but has since been taken over by an invading Galra general. This was going to be an OC who I could just make nasty, but then I got re-introduced to Morvok, the Galra’s resident black sheep, and I will take any excuse to write Morvok so let’s just say it was he who took over Vakala’s family manor and just sits on the couch all day regaling people with stories of his greatness (none of which are true).
·      Vakala himself is a servant to Morvok, having to bring him whatever he wants and be at his beck and call.
·      One day, Vakala decides he’s done taking orders and declares he is no longer going to be in a position of servitude in his own house. Morvok simply dismissively says to “Take this one away wherever you take the ones that act up so I don’t have to look at him.”
·      And Vakala is arrested by a Galra squadron and brought to a prison camp many, many miles away.
·      It’s night when he’s delivered, so he’s brought right to the cramped barrack where a bunch of Taxalans who have been there longer are stacked in bunk beds. Vakala’s first night there, he screams and claws at the door that’s been sealed behind him, begging to be let out because he’ll follow orders this time.
·      The other prisoners there are veterans, so they all tell him to shut up because they’re never gonna listen. All but one.
·      Enter Remdax. He’s from another part of Taxalai – Vakala’s voice sounds more American to me while Remdax is definitely British, so I assume they have to come from different parts of the planet. They also have different physical structures that may suggest ethnic divides, though their color palette affirms they’re both of the same planetary origin. It’s also worth noting he has both eyes still at this point. This is very important.
·      Remdax is here because he was part of an anti-Galra rebel squad that was largely made up of his friends and family. The Galra found and closed in on their base, and Remdax ran out and got himself arrested for the purpose of slowing down the Galra officers enough that his friends and family could escape – which they did.
·      Anyway, that exposition would come some time later. For now, what’s happening is Vakala is having a panic attack in the middle of the night and everyone’s telling him to shut up because it’s futile. Except for Remdax. Remdax stands up and essentially says, “We’ve all done the same thing when we first arrived. Let him feel what he feels.”
·      And he approaches Vakala to try and calm him down verbally – just by saying his feelings are validated, and yes, it’s really awful, but he’ll survive, and Remdax will do his best to make sure Vakala survives. But he can’t really tell him it’s “okay” because it is quite clearly not.
·      Vakala eventually gives up and goes to sleep, quite depressed and for good reason.
·      The following morning, Vakala is put to work on an assembly line making Galra weaponry. This is what all the Taxalans in this particular camp must do. It’s very mechanically inclined, not many screens, not the way Taxalans usually work.
·      I don’t know if pacing-wise, it would be better to have this happen the first time or later, but Vakala ends up trying to pick up a cooling metal part way too soon and burning his palm horribly. He has to finish the rest of his shift one-handed.
·      Again, the other imprisoned Taxalans avoid this situation, largely because anxiety is high as-is, but Remdax steps forward once more, trying to care for the burn as best as he can. And he has zero supplies, so the best he can do is run a whole lot of cold water over Vakala’s hand and wrap it up in fabric he tore off his clothing.
·      Vakala ends up underperforming because of this injury and receives some punishment later. I didn’t think too much on exactly what – had I fleshed this out fully, I’d at least imply strongly what happened
·      Remdax has a bit of a crisis over this because he invested in protecting this guy, he failed, and there was literally nothing he could do. He’s in here for self-sacrifice in the first place, so he keeps thinking there’s always something he could do to help someone else if he gives something up for himself. But sometimes, he doesn’t even have an opportunity to do so, and it’s driving him into panic.
·      It’s shortly after this that he starts getting into his head that maybe the only way to help Vakala and himself is if he finds a way to escape.
·      There’s a day in which Remdax and Vakala are assigned to work outside on the grounds, and down comes an inspector from another sector on a shuttle. Remdax sees the opportunity and waves Vakala over.
·      They only have one shot, and it will unfortunately mean leaving the rest of their people behind, which is a horrible sacrifice, but it’s either they go on their own or nobody goes at all.
·      Remdax rushes the Galra inspector and attacks him. They get in a physical brawl while Vakala hurries in and hijacks the ship, which isn’t difficult for his technologically-inclined mind.
·      During this fight, Remdax either knocks out or kills the Galra inspector, but in the process, the inspector stabs one of his eyes completely out.
·      Remdax hops onto the ship and they have to go right away or else lose their freedom and maybe their lives forever. Vakala is freaking out because Remdax’s eye is bleeding, but Remdax is trying to act casual and make jokes about it because Vakala needs to be calm enough to drive.
·      They get off Taxalai on that stolen shuttle and land on the nearest planet, which I never named.
·      They’re aware they’re fugitives at this point.
·      They end up in a metropolitan area, where they check into a hotel so they have somewhere to sleep. I hadn’t worked out how they pay for the first night – maybe with favors, because Vakala eventually ends up a receptionist at this hotel and earns good wages, so maybe he gets his foot in the door by saying “I’ll do anything” and the receptionist is already pulling double duty and just goes “Do the second half of my fourteen-hour shift”
·      They have to finish wrapping up Remdax’s eye in that hotel room as best they can. Thankfully, it doesn’t get infected.
·      Immediately their first thought is to go out and find a way of bringing in income. As I said, Vakala makes a good receptionist and is excellent at filing client data on computers, so he ends up with a good-paying job that way.
·      Remdax takes a job down at a garage working with vehicle mechanics and engines, since that’s what he’s better at. Not in the manufacture of those parts (never again), but in fixing up broken vehicles. (I would’ve made it something more interesting than simply cars for this planet because Voltron planets are all about interesting possibilities for new civilizations.)
·      There’s some down-time where they live rather domestically this way, just earning enough to buy simple food and extend the stay in their small and shabby hotel room, but also bonding and becoming better friends.
·      A lot of people assume they already are a couple. Remdax in particular gets asked about his “husband” at the garage and he has to keep denying it.
·      There’s one night where they’re just having a relatively good time, taking a night to relax and appreciate that they can do nothing and be okay, and Remdax very gingerly brings up he wants to ask something of Vakala that might be too much. Vakala agrees to hear him out, and all Remdax wants is to be hugged for a bit while he thinks about how far they’ve come. So they hold each other, just lying on the bed and muttering to each other about the way things used to be, the way things are now, how lucky they are to have each other.
·      It’s actually some time later that they start seeing each other in a romantic light. Before this, they were a lifeline to each other, and in the heat of the worst moments, they couldn’t even really think about romance – they had to be preoccupied with survival. But now that their life is settling down and they’re starting to pack away funds for a small house, they start thinking…we’re basically life partners. Are we attracted to each other?
·      Answer: yes.
·      They kiss one night over a pretty meager dinner spread out picnic-style on their bed.
·      Shortly after this is when the Galra troops come into the city, looking for the two fugitives who attacked an inspector and fled custody.
·      Vakala and Remdax end up having to escape out the window, flee down the fire escape, and hijack a ship from Remdax’s garage.
·      They’re floating between worlds yet again.
·      They are eventually found by another ship, and they fear the Galra have finally captured them – but it’s a ship of rebels who’ve had similar stories. Vakala and Remdax are two of the Galra’s most wanted, and these rebels realized they would make great additions to the team in exchange for some stability.
·      So they work out a plan where Vakala and Remdax man an outpost on the ice planet, one of the most remote they have, that monitors Galra communications.
·      The rebels drop in supplies regularly and also have left a shuttle in case of emergency.
·      Vakala and Remdax both haaaaate the cold and so use the first week or so as an excuse to snuggle a lot.
·      And things go pretty okay. Remdax is still technologically illiterate and Vakala is just like “Are you even a Taxalan”
·      This is where they start bickering, which they like because finally, finally the stakes are low enough where they can afford to just rag on each other and still like each other at the end of the day.
·      They get more physical at this stage, too, but of course I can’t write a lemon to save my soul so it’s just a lot of implications
·      Things start going wrong when a Galra officer finds the base on a planet. This is far too dangerous and they both know it. If this guy gets two steps further, their location is blown and they are both dead. So Remdax kills him.
·      It’s been a while since their last supply delivery. And they figure it’s best not to waste anything…so they decide the Galra they killed has to go into food reserves.
·      Vakala nearly has a full-on panic attack while cannibalizing another person, even if that person was dangerous.
·      Some time later, another Galra shows up, but this one’s different. She claims to come in peace, and introduces herself as Acxa.
·      Remdax is ready to murder again, but Vakala holds him off because he can recognize Acxa isn’t a full-blooded Galra and in fact, he’s pretty sure there’s Taxalan in her genetic makeup based on how her face looks.
·      Acxa confirms. Her grandmother was a Taxalan and forced to be a servant of a Galra commander who impregnated her (here is the strongly implied noncon).
·      Acxa offers to help, swearing to secrecy. Vakala and Remdax deny her help but let her get away with her life, wondering if they’d made the right decision.
·      A month with no contact and they’re fairly secure Acxa didn’t snitch.
·      Then in comes Shiro, and canon events happen. These would be briefly recapped.
·      The important thing to note is that they let Shiro have their only shuttle, and that was a boo-boo, but it’s okay because the rebels are gonna drop off supplies anyway, so they shouldn’t need it.
·      And then the other rebels never show up.
·      I’m not sure if I’d have them literally be dead or leave it up in the air, but their supplies are cut off. They ration out their remaining food for the next few years. There’s at least one more Galra who shows up that they have to eat. And it does last a few years, until the end of VLD canon.
·      They’re starving to death. Skin and bone. And we get them eating their last ration over the fire and since they’re both used to cannibalizing Galra by now, their minds are on the obvious. Each is ready to kill himself so the other can live longer.
·      For dramatic effect I might have let them get close to pulling the trigger before the sound of someone showing up alerts them
·      They go outside, hoping they’re saved and not screwed…
·      And wouldn’t you know. It’s the paladins of Voltron. Also Acxa.
·      Allura has already been exchanged for the restoration of all realities (which Vakala and Remdax have no idea happened because when you’re in a reality that disappears and reappears, that has no bearing on your memory because you literally did not exist and suddenly existed again with no idea of the gap)
·      Altea and Daibazaal have been restored and now the paladins are working on bringing peace all over the universe
·      And Shiro remembered the two who helped his clone out because of…memory merging?...and Acxa brought up “We really need to check on those two”
·      They get Vakala and Remdax on a warm ship, find them food, get them cleaned up
·      And then bring them back to Taxalai, which has just been liberated from Galra control. We see the more unforgivable Galra getting their due punishment. The camp administrators are now incarcerated. Morvok is doing community service scooping poop at the zoo or something horrible because it’s Morvok
·      Shiro is considering his retirement, but first, he addresses Vakala and Remdax, asking if they want to govern the reclaimed Taxalai and help make it a beautiful place where their people can flourish
·      Vakala is trying so hard not to break down and cry, but it’s Remdax who hits his knees and starts bawling first
·      The final line would be about how they were finally “home” for the first time in their entire lives
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firebirdtransam68 · 5 years
What I Want To See More On Tumblr
Tumblr is a sharing/social networking blog site that has a variety of content.  However, there is content that also needs more recognition, and I see little to none of that content; probably because it is underrated and not very many users talk about or mention it.  Of course, there will be plenty of opportunities to add more content, and I still have more information that must be voiced, but it would be nice if others take action and start expanding the site with extra and unlimited content (whether it be pictures, videos, audio, photographs, artwork, fan media, quotes, chats, weblinks, entertainment and media reviews, recaps of different works, memes, tutorials, self-help, GIFs, messages, etc.) as well.
Here are the following content that needs more recognition (it is a long list, so please pace yourselves):
- Skills and techniques with Microsoft PowerPoint (this may include picture making with the shape tool)
- Fictional landscapes created by users
- Synthwave, Vaporwave, and Retrowave (and other retro forms like these)
- OC and fan character bases and illustrations
- Microsoft Windows (1.0, 3.1, 95, NT, 98, ME, 2000, XP, Vista, 7, 8, etc.)
   * Desktop images (tiled pictures included)
   * Screensavers
   * Logos
   * Screenshots
   * Tutorials
   * Video clips
- Extraterrestrial content
   * Planets
   * Star systems
   * Phenomenon (including black holes, quasars, pulsars, supernovae, etc.)
   * Plants/flora
   * Animals/fauna
   * Fungi
   * Single-celled organisms
   * Landscapes
   * Skies
   * Terrains
   * Montane areas
   * Oceans
   * Habitats
   * Climate phenomenon (rain, snow, wind, sandstorms, thunderstorms, blizzards, sleet, hail, auroras, etc.)
   * Moons and natural satellites
   * Technologies
   * Rocks and minerals
   * Intelligent life
   * Alien languages
   * Science fiction
   * Fantasy
   * Geography
   * Field guides
- Alien/space dragons
- Fictional rocks, minerals, and gemstones
- Real-life landscapes
- Firearms
- Psalms
- Vintage material
- Web-developing/web-designing ideas and blueprints
- Mesozoic Era (including dinosaurs, mammals, early birds, and flora)
- Hybrid/crossbreed animals
- Werebeasts
- Alien skunks
- Alien birds
   * Owls
   * Peafowl
   * Hawks
   * Falcons
   * Birds of paradise
   * Parrots and macaws
   * Sparrows
   * Corvids
   * Shrikes
   * Archaeopteryx (dinosaurs are included)
   * Crossbreeds
- Kitsunes (including alien kitsunes)
- Alien wolves
- Alien hedgehogs
- Exotic birds
- G1 MLP (we have enough G4/FIM already)
- Retro
- Fighter jets
- Cars from 1967-1988
- Quotes and scenes from movies, TV shows, videogames/computer games, anime, books, comics, music videos, radio, podcasts, direct-to-video movies and series, plays, scripts, and websites
- Any LGBTQ+ content that encourages diversity of thought, creativity, and staying true to yourself regardless of sexual orientation
Original Stories:
- Science fantasy
- Alien fantastical creatures
   * Dragons
   * Unicorns
   * Pegasi (flying horses)
   * Hippocampus
   * Cerberus
   * Roc (giant eagle)
   * Griffons
   * Hippogriff
   * Kitsune
   * Minotaurs
   * Ent
   * Basilisk
   * Gorgon
   * Harpy
   * Merfolk
   * Fauns
   * Orcs, ogres, goblins, and ghouls
- Action/thrillers
- Influences from sci-fi authors and writers (including Robert Heinlein)
- Female villains and complex characters
- Influences from Atlantis
- Mpreg and fempreg (hermaphrodites, transgender, reverse reproduction, magic, alternate dimension, etc.)
- Allegories (Christian, Jewish, Hindi, Buddhist, Sikh, Taoist, Shinto, Greek, Roman, Egyptian, Sumerian, Mayan, Muslim, Scientologist, Judeo-Christian, Norse, Jainist, Gothic, any other ideology you can think of)
- Alternate dimensions
- Historical fiction
- Time travel
- Giant robots
- Original anime and manga styles
- Dystopian futures/dimensions
- Conflicts regarding the LGBTQ+ community (gay conservatives, march vs. morality, discrimination based on political party, heroes and villains regardless of sexual orientation, asexuality, intersex couples, coexisting with the majority, etc.)
- Space operas
- Travel and vacationing
- Crossovers (even with official media)
- Even memoirs
Statements and opinions:
- 1980's
- 1990′s
- Anti-identity politics
- Individuality
- Anti-misandry, anti-misogyny, and double standards
- Knight Rider (1980's)
- Sonic X (Japanese, English, or both)
- Transformers Micron Legend
- Transformers Superlink
- Transformers Galaxy Force
- Transformers Unicron Trilogy (sub vs. dub, pro or anti, characters, pairings, etc.)
- Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
- Bumblebee (2018)
- Mpreg and fempreg (pro or anti)
- "Hate is a strong word"
- "Original is better"
- Synthwave
- Bayformers (pro or anti)
- Sub vs. dub
- Anti-trolling
- Equal opportunity vs. equal outcomes
- "I'm gay and conservative; I make my own choice on who to vote, and to tell me otherwise makes you more homophobic than the ones you claim to be"
- Pro-individuality
- Variations of certain pairings (like Sonadow and Megascream)
- Anti-Shradow
- Anti-Sondash
- Sonic x Transformers crossover
- "Fandom abuse kills interest" or similar statements
- "You can be a patriot of your country and support another country at the same time"
- "'Not My President!'  Then move to some other country where he is not your president"
- "This Blog Is A No Threat Zone"
- Supporting underrated characters
- Supporting underrated pairings
- Supporting rarer material that is not mainstream
- Seiyuu and other foreign voice acting
- "Fanboys and fangirls are both annoying" or similar statements
- "Hate a work?  That's your problem" or similar statements
- “Not all Christians are hateful towards gays; not all gays are hateful towards Christians”
- Current news unreported by mainstream media
Sonic The Hedgehog:
- Sonic X (styles and retroactive design is welcome)
   * Bilingual Sonic
   * Fake screenshots
   * Sonic and Shadow
   * Maria Robotnik
   * Adventure 1 and 2
   * Original vs. 4Kids
   * Metarex
   * Molly
   * Scourge The Hedgehog
   * Black Arms
   * AOSTH characters (including Catty Carlisle, Breezie, and Katella The Huntress)
   * Sonic Forces characters (including Infinite The Jackal)
   * Fan characters
   * Transformers in Sonic X style
- Shadow The Hedgehog (2005)
   * Firearms
   * Vehicles
   * Lyrics to theme songs
   * Karma meter
   * Japanese version
   * Screenshots
- Fan character Eggman badniks
- Chaos Emeralds (more colors besides the SEVEN)
- Seiyuu and English-speaking voice actor comparisons
- Sonic OVA
   * Sara (Sera)
   * Old Man Owl
   * Planet Freedom
   * Sonic vs. Metal Sonic
   * Sonic X characters in OVA style
   * Shadow The Hedgehog
- Green Hill Zone in many variations
- Other zones such as Spring Yard Zone and Lava Reef Zone
- Babylon Rogues
   * Jet The Hawk
   * Wave The Swallow
   * Storm The Albatross
   * Sonic X style
- Silver as a Sonadow fan child
- Archie vs. Fleetway vs. IDW
- Controversy memes
- Shadow mpreg (usually in regards to Sonadow or even Mephadow (though I don't ship the latter))
- Fan character creators
- Katella The Huntress
- Female villains and badniks
- Classic style of characters
- Planet Mobius
- Shadow, Silver, and Scourge as werehogs
- Cosmo The Seedrian
- The Transformers: The Movie (1986)
- Super Robot Lifeform Transformers Legends Of The Microns (Transformers: Micron Legend)
- Transformers: Superlink
- Transformers: Galaxy Force
- Transformers G1 Japanese canon
   * Transformers Scramble City (1986)
   * Transformers Headmasters (1987-1988)
   * Transformers Super-God Masterforce (1988-1989)
   * Transformers Victory (1989)
   * Transformers Zone (1990)
- Armada characters with Micron Legend names
- Energon characters with Superlink names
- Cybertron characters with Galaxy Force names
- Armada Demolishor
- Armada Thrust
- Armada Tidal Wave
- Armada Hot Shot (in new coloration)
- Energon Prime Force
- Energon Wing Saber
- Energon Mirage
- Energon Shockblast (should be Shockwave, because he pays homage to G1 Shockwave)
- Cybertron Soundwave
- Cybertron Thunderblast
- Cybertron Landmine
- Cybertron Thundercracker
- Ironhide
   * G1
   * Micron Legend/Armada (the only incarnation of Ironhide that is a Decepticon)
   * Prime
   * Bumblebee (2018)
- Springer
   * G1
   * Superlink/Energon (although he pays homage to his G1 counterpart, he is not a Triple Changer)
   * Live-action versions
- Chromia
   * G1
   * Galaxy Force/Cybertron (the only incarnation of Chromia that is a Decepticon)
- Laserbeak (G1)
- Armada characters in G1 style
- Armada characters in Bumblebee (2018) style, and vice versa
- G1 show fake screenshots
- Armada fake screenshots
- Stunticons and Menosaur
- Aerialbots and Superion
- Omega Supreme
  * G1
  * Superlink/Galaxy Force
- Controversy memes
- Fan character creators
- Sam Witwicky and Mikaela Banes
- Alice (ROTF)
- Charlie Watson
- Shatter and Dropkick
- Tina Lark (2018 Bumblebee film)
- Female Decepticons and villains
- Blackout (Transformers 2007 film)
- Barricade (Transformers 2007 film)
- G1 meets Armada
- Blitzwing (G1)
- Predaking (G1)
- Seiyuu and English-speaking voice actor comparisons (especially the Unicron Trilogy)
- More combiner robots
- Crossovers or stand-alone fan media with humongous Mecha piloted by humans
- Talaria (G1 episode: The God Gambit)
- Transformers with Pontiac Firebird Trans Am alt-modes
Mecha Anime:
- Beast King Golion
- Armoured Fleet Dairugger XV
- Lightspeed Electroid Albegas
- Gatchaman
- Raideen
   * Yusha Raideen (Raideen The Brave)
   * Chouja Raideen (Raideen The Superior)
- Galaxy Express 999
- Space Battleship Yamato
- Star Musketeer Bismarck (Saber Rider And The Star Sheriffs)
- Zoids
- Mighty Orbots
- GaoGaiGar
- Macross/Mospeda
- Space Runaway Ideon
- Queen Millenia (does it count as a Mecha anime?)
- Ergo Proxy (Autoreivs may count as mecha, since they are robots)
- Starship Troopers (OAV)
- Crossovers (including with Transformers)
- Original Mecha artwork as well as stories
- Creatures
   * Paleozoic Era creatures
   * Mesozoic Era creatures
   * Cenozoic Era creatures
   * Megafauna
   * Passenger pigeon
   * Echidna
   * Skunk
   * Peafowl
   * Kitsune
   * Owl
   * Falcon
   * Sonic The Hedgehog characters
   * Star Trek style characters
   * Animal crossbreeds
   * Creepy And Cute parts pack
   * Underwater creatures
   * SporeMaster (extra parts for creatures including extra wings, movable tails, whiskers, and tentacles)
- Flora
   * Pine tree
   * Plants with black trunks and green or blue leaves
   * Berry bush
   * Palm tree-like plants
   * Cherry blossom
   * Eyeball plants
   * Succulent plants
   * Groundcover
   * Fluffy plants
   * Water plants
   * Fungi
- Planets, moons, and stars
- Cells and microbes
- Early creatures
- Land, Air, and Water vehicles
- UFO's that look like fighter jets
- Realistic-looking wildlife and planets
- Asteroids and meteors
- Robots and Mecha
- Comets
- Galaxies
- Fonts
- Humanoid creatures
- Planetary landscapes
- Screenshots
Ships And Pairings:
- Sonic The Hedgehog
   * Sonadow (Sonic seme x Shadow uke)
   * Sonourge/Scouronic (Scourge seme x Sonic uke)
   * Manamy (Manic x Amy)
   * Salamy (Sally Acorn x Amy Rose)
   * Wavouge (Wave x Rouge)
   * Chriselen (Chris Thorndyke x Helen)
   * Metandroid (Metal Sonic x Shadow Android)
   * Jetave (Jet x Wave)
   * Infiniles/Mephinite (Infinite x Mephiles)
   * Geoffershey (Geoffrey x Hershey)
   * Scourgiona (Scourge x Fiona)
   * Juladette (Jules x Bernadette)
   * Soneezie (Sonic x Breezie)
   * Eggella (Eggman x Katella)
   * Robotara/Eggera (Dr. Robotnik x Sara)
   * Knuxikal (Knuckles x Tikal)
- Transformers
   * Ironromia (Ironhide x Chromia)
   * Infernalert (Inferno x Red Alert)
   * Ironratch (Ironhide x Ratchet)
   * Optilita-1 (Optimus Prime x Elita-1)
   * Hotarcee (Hot Rod x Arcee)
   * Springarcee (Springer x Arcee)
   * Shocksound (Shockwave x Soundwave)
   * Optihide (Optimus Prime x Ironhide)
   * Bumblecliff (Bumblebee x Cliffjumper)
   * Megabird (Megatron x Nightbird)
   * Blitztrain (Blitzwing x Astrotrain)
   * Wreckancy (Wreck-Gar x Nancy)
   * Cyclonourge (Cyclonus x Scourge)
   * Hotolishor (Hot Shot x Demolishor); Ironrod/Hothide (Hot Rod x Ironhide)
   * Starclonus (Starscream x Cyclonus); Starsand/Sandscream (Starscream x Sandstorm)
   * Starshot (Starscream x Hot Shot); Starrod (Starscream x Hot Rod)
   * Hotjack (Hot Shot x Wheeljack); Hotpage (Hot Rod x Rampage)
   * Democlonus (Cyclonus x Demolishor); Sandhide (Sandstorm x Ironhide)
   * Radexis (Rad x Alexis); Radexa (Rad x Alexa)
   * Siderust (Sideways x Thrust); Doublerust (Doubleface x Thrust)
   * Blurshot (Blurr x Hot Shot); Silverrod (Silverbolt x Hot Rod)
   * Demolihide/Ironmolishor (Demolishor x Ironhide); Ironbuster/Roadhide (Ironhide x Roadbuster)
   * Ironwing (Ironhide x Wing Saber); Roadsaber (Roadbuster x Wing Saber)
   * Winglock (Wing Dagger x Padlock)
   * Galvarage (Galvatron x Mirage); Galvafleet (Galvatron x Shockfleet)
   * Tidaldagger/Saberage (Tidal Wave/Mirage x Wing Dagger/Wing Saber); Shockwing (Shockwave/Shockfleet x Wing Dagger/Wing Saber)
   * Starwave/Starrage (Starscream x Tidal Wave/Mirage); Starshock (Starscream x Shockwave/Shockfleet)
   * Demolisaber (Demolishor x Wing Saber); Ironwing (Ironhide x Wing Saber)
   * Bulkclonus (Bulkhead x Cyclonus); Springstorm (Springer x Sandstorm)
   * Starblast (Starscream x Thunderblast); Starromia (Starscream x Chromia)
   * Charemo/Memarlie (Charlie x Memo)
   * Shattopkick (Shatter x Dropkick)
   * Wheelarcee (Wheeljack x Arcee)
- Whoever you think need more recognition; there is too many to count.
- Sonic The Hedgehog x Transformers
   * Sonic games x G1
   * AOSTH x G1
   * SatAM x G1
   * Sonic OVA x Headmasters
   * Underground x RID (Car Robots)
   * Sonic X x G1
   * Sonic X x Armada (Micron Legend)
   * Sonic X x Energon (Superlink)
   * Sonic X x Cybertron (Galaxy Force)
   * Sonic games x Unicron Trilogy
   * Archie Comics x IDW
   * Fleetway x Shattered Glass
   * Sonic games x Shattered Glass
   * Archie Comics x Animated
   * Sonic Boom x Prime
   * Sonic Boom x War For Cybertron/Fall Of Cybertron
   * Sonic Mania x Bumblebee (2018)
   * Sonic Forces x Cyberverse
   * Sonic Forces x Bumblebee (2018)
   * Team Sonic Racing x RID (2015)
   * IDW crossover
   * Sonic live-action (2019- ) x Bayformers (2007-2017)
- Transformers x Voltron
   * G1 x Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
   * Armada x Voltron Force
   * Unicron Trilogy x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Headmasters x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Victory x Voltron (1984-1986)
   * Cyberverse x Voltron: Legendary Defender
- Alien (1979-2017) x Avatar (2009 film)
- 24 x Transformers (2007)
- Top Gun (1986) x Stealth (2005)
- The Final Countdown (1980) x Top Gun (1986)
- Transformers G1 x Armada
- Transformers G1 x Energon
- Transformers G1 x Bumblebee (2018)
- Transformers IDW x Dreamwave
- Transformers Armada x War For Cybertron
- Sonic OVA x Sonic X
- AOSTH x Sonic X
- AOSTH x Underground
- SatAM x Underground
- SatAM x Sonic X
- Underground x Sonic X
- Sonic Universe crossovers
- Transformers Universe crossovers
Aliens And Extraterrestrial Life:
- Plants
- Fungi
- Bacteria
- Mammals
- Birds
- Reptiles
- Dinosaur-like animals
- Amphibians
- Fish
- Insects
- Arrachnids
- Worms
- Mollusks
- Crustaceans
- Autotrophs (plant animals)
- Humanoids
- Xenomorphs
- Algae
- Hybrids and crossbreeds
- Technology
- Advertisements
- Fonts
- Chrome
- Movie posters
- Art
- Stock footage
- Computer graphics (early CGI)
- Music and soundtracks
- Cars
- Aircraft
- Merchandises
- J-Pop and J-Rock
- 78 RPM and LP vinyl records
- Walkman
- Hairstyles
- Musical instruments (such as synthesizers and drum machines)
Patterns And Textures:
- Memphis-style
- Terrain
- Ocean and sea
- Flowers
- Space
- Faceted
- Planet texture maps
- Sand
- Snow
- Dirt
- Ice
- Sonic patterns
- Transformers patterns
- Geometric
- Grid
- Feathers
Media Reviews:
- Transformers Unicron Trilogy (both Japanese and English)
- Plane and fighter jet films
- 1980's TV shows
- Bumblebee (2018)
- Sonic X (original Japanese version with English subtitles is preferable)
- Voltron: Defender Of The Universe
- G1 MLP TV specials, movie, and series
- Any anime and manga review
- Software and hardware
- Regarding fan media
- Memes in general
- TV Tropes
- Wikipedia
- Conservapedia and RationalWiki (not just negative reviews for Conservapedia, and not just positive reviews for RationalWiki, either; balance them out, see if they have any good points; what are they both right or wrong on?)
- DeviantArt
- Tumblr (the website you are in)
- Top Gun (1986)
- The Final Countdown (1980)
- Avatar (2009)
- Alien vs. Predator media (1979-2017)
- 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
- 2010: The Year We Make Contact (1984)
- Terminator (1984-2019)
- Stealth (2005)
- Legend Of The Guardians: The Owls Of Ga'hoole (2010)
- Cobra (1986)
- Judge Dredd (1995)
- Total Recall (1990)
- Demolition Man (1993)
- Any Garfield TV specials (1982-1991)
- The Land Before Time films (1988-2016)
- Animal Farm (any film or TV show)
- Dragonheart (1996)
- Dirty Dancing (1987)
- Strictly Ballroom (1992)
- Die Hard films (1988-2013)
- Iron Eagle (1986-1994)
- Young Guns (1988-1990)
- The Lost Boys (1987)
- Flatliners (1990, 2017)
- Any direct-to-video film
TV Shows:
- 24 (2001-2010, 2014)
- La Femme Nikita (1997-2001)
- The X Files (1993-2002)
- The Dukes Of Hazard (1979-1985)
- Mr. Ed (1961-1966)
- Any Lucille Ball show
- Stranger Things (2016- )
- The 100 (2014- )
- Knight Rider franchise (1982-2000)
- G.I Joe (1985-1987)
- Hercules: The Legendary Journeys
- Xena: Warrior Princess
- Star Trek franchise
- Star Blazers (1979-1984)
- Voltron (1984-1986)
- Buck Rogers In The 25th Century (1979-1981)
- Battle Of The Planets (1978-1985)
Videogames And Computer Games:
- Halo (1999-2014)
- Sins Of A Solar Empire (2008)
- E.V.O.: Search For Eden (1992)
- Darkspore (2011)
- Unreal (1998-2014)
- Half-Life (1998-2003)
- Age Of Empires (1997- )
- SimCity (2013- )
- Crazy Taxi (1999-2007)
- Nier series (2010-2017)
- Flow (2006)
- Diablo (1996-2017)
- Flicky (1984)
- Ecco The Dolphin (1992)
- Classic Pac-man games (1980-1984)
- Let’s-plays for videogames lesser known in mainstream
- Any fan game
Books And Novels:
- Dragonriders Of Pern
- The Space Trilogy (1938-1945)
- Dune series
- Red Mars Trilogy (Kim Stanley Robinson)
- The Dark Tower (1977)
- The Maze Runner series
- The Chronicles Of Narnia
- Any book and short story by Robert Heinlein
- Bright Lights, Big City
- Space Odyssey (Arthur C. Clarke)
- Guardians Of Ga'hoole
- Watership Down
- The Plague Dogs
- The Rescuers series (Margery Sharp)
- A Brother's Price (Wen Spencer)
- Diary Of A Wimpy Kid
- Any book by Isaac Asimov
- Any webcomic you consider underrated
- Older Garfield comic strips before 2006
- Hyperbole And A Half
- Your own comics
Music And Soundtrack:
- Rush
- Kenny Loggins
- Karen Guys
- Laura Brannigan
- Pat Benetar
- Bon Jovi
- A-Ha
- Rick Astley
- Anime songs
- Off Course
- Brian Eno and Roxy Music
- Collective Soul
- Owl City
- Dead Can Dance
- Cheap Trick
- The Cars
- Cyndi Lauper
- Heart
- Hailee Steinfeld
- Any Sonic shipping fandom
- Transformers Armada (Micron Legend)
- Transformers Energon (Superlink)
- Transformers Cybertron (Galaxy Force)
- AI (artificial intelligence and computers)
- Female villain fandoms
- Seiyuu
- Fighter jets and military helicopters
- Classic cars
- Mecha anime
- Any religious fandom (not that I am religious myself)
(Please note that I may also do some of these, myself, but I encourage others to do so, as well; there are plenty of users who are more skilled and knowledgeable than I am.)
When it comes to content, I leave overrated stuff alone, and yearn to increase underrated stuff, even content that may be overrated in many areas, but underrated in others.  I also encourage differing opinions of such content; people can like a certain content that others hate, and vice versa; I have no problem with that; just as long as no one harasses, bullies, trolls, denigrates, or threatens others who do not think the same way they do.
I also encourage alternative sites for content, as well as many more websites solely for entertainment purposes.
For everyone else in Tumblr, as well as many others in other websites, be creative, bring up new ideas and opinions, teach people something interesting, make what you like, encourage other people to do the same, and be cordial and respectful to one another.  I wish you the best of luck.
This is FirebirdTransAm68 signing out.
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jerboa-man-lolol · 6 years
My First Art Raffle
In the first day of 2019
Thank you for reaching me into 200 guys! TYSM
Hey guys, I decided to make an Art Raffle now, because... I wanna try a Art Raffle tho so... Yeah
The Sixth Place:
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Head with no colors
The Fifth Place:
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Half-body with no colors
The Fourth Place:
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Half-body black and white
The Third Place:
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Half-body with colors with no background
The Second Place:
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Full-Body with colors with no background
The First Place:
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Full or Half-body with colors, background, visualization, shading, and some yeah...
The First Place shall have Guns, Vehicles, Militarization Stuff
Another example for First Place
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How to Participate?
All you had to do is heart this and reblog and I shall dm at you if I pick the winners
I shall draw:
Mechas! HELL YEAH! like Titanfall
SVTFOE Characters or Ocs
Other Cartoons and stuff, but I can't do Anime and Voltron
Some Video Game Characters
I shall NOT draw:
Furries (because... I'm not gonna tell)
Anime (yet)
The Raffle Ends on Jan. 5, 2019
78 notes · View notes
rins-rambles · 6 years
 Who is the Altean pilot?
 After the dust has somewhat settled, more people were talking about the Altean pilot and I decided to hop onto that theory (after ranting to my friends after we watched the season together). Most of these are shots in the dark, and for fun.
 1) Merla (DoTU)
 I am seriously holding out that this could be Merla reimagined differently (they reinvented Nanny as a Galra governess who looked after Lotor, why not Merla as an Altean from the hidden farm? Also, I just really wanna see her.) While I would be sad that she wouldn’t be a queen in this version of Voltron, it will still hold up to some of her origins. Red hair, kind of on Lotor’s side (although this was because she was in an arranged marriage with him) and a powerful sorceress in her own right (here it could just be an Altean with a lot of quintessence). Maybe in this version, she could be the leader of the few who were “chosen” to become “pilots” for the mechs, instead of the queen.
 According to some posts, she was a fanatic follower of Lotor’s in some reincarnations, which seem to be the comics (although my fave is her Go Lion/DoTU counterpart because she’s always roasting Lotor), and in DoTU she didn’t really appear until towards the end of the series if I remember correctly.
 If this is Merla remade as an Altean, I wonder if she would be able to do more than just be an Altean battery for mech. In the original series, she was supposed to be a pretty powerful sorceress/scientist (?) and some people said that she was testing different ways to open portals to different realities.
 2) Larmina (Voltron Force)
 Larmina seems to check off some things for the pilot, while she had orange hair, it may be due to the dark lighting of the Altean mech and area in general that her hair looks red. Also, she was a pilot for Vehicle Voltron, so it wouldn’t be hard to see her being a pilot for the Altean mech.
 According to the wiki, it states that her character was, “combat-ready (and somewhat arrogant)”, and if she’s going to be different in this version, growing up with Lotor as their messiah and living on the Altean colony, I think with her high level of quintessence, this kind of attitude seems to suit someone who would put their life down for others who they respect/care for. Thus, she would probably the first to volunteer to pilot the mech that Haggar created.
  It would also be interesting to see someone abrasive and arrogant clash with Team Voltron personalities, especially Allura who would want to do things peacefully (I will talk about this in another post). 
 Larmina was also Allura’s niece in Vehicle Voltron (for some reason???), so like Romelle, they can still connect her to Allura in some way, but make their own spin.
3) A totally new character  While I personally feel that putting in an important OC at this point of the story is really thinning the line of how many characters we need to know (for me personally), I can see other ways it can work.
 If this is a totally new person not from any of the original Voltron reincarnations, we won’t know anything about her and be able to guess what her personality would be based off of previous  versions of a certain character. Nor would we be able to pin down their real intentions or how they truly feel until a little later in the final season (or we find out in a few episodes at the beginning). It would feel a little less like they connect to the overall story and characters, but then we’d be able to see an entirely different POV from a character who’s going against the paladins.  
 Finally, my favorite crack theory
 4) Avok, gender-swapped (DoTU) 
 Some people have pointed how similar Bandor looks to this Altean, even though he and Romelle have light blue markings, whereas this Altean has red markings on their cheeks. Still, I found it strange that in VLD, there’s no mention of Avok, since Romelle had two siblings in Go Lion, her little brother Bandor, and older brother Avok.
 It would be funny if it were because, 1) he got turned into a Robeast by Haggar 2) he was a traitor and helped the Empire. People are already not sure if Romelle is telling the whole story, and if this Altean is truly someone from her colony, especially a family member that she never mentioned beyond Bandor, her story is going to sound even more suspicious to the paladins, especially if this new character is going to divulge information that either conflicts with Romelle’s story, or becomes a bearer of bad news for the paladins on the things Haggar/Lotor are up to (if you’re into the theory that Romelle is a double agent or something).
 I’m also going to delve into how the pilot might react in the next season while taking these characters personalities into consideration.
 I know the mech weapons doesn’t immediately= that’s the weapons they would use in an actual fight. But how cool would it be if the Altean pilot actually dual wields? (I’m weak for this kind of thing)
(part 2)
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droppingdonkeys · 2 years
🌹🌱 🌾🍄 🎄
🌹 = my opinion on your character
First things first: I have only watched the first three episodes of S1 of Voltron. What other things I've seen across the media, Hunk stands out as a character to me not only for his design but also personality wise. There's already so many snarky, sarcastic, brooding characters, someone like Hunk is refreshing.
🌱 = a plot I want to write with you
Hunk's already been to the Encanto. SO. What if Luisa comes to .. where Hunk's from? She's gonna faint probably if/when she sees his vehicle.
🌾 = my opinion on OCs
Love 'em, OC's make the world go round.
🍄 = my opinion on crossovers
It's how I get most of my ships for Luisa. Love it, love it.
🌲 = if I ship our characters together
I can definitely see it happening down the line, as they've got very similar personalities (Yes? No?) Maybe with some more spending time together, who knows what will happen.
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aquaburst3 · 6 years
I’m planning to add a Shannon (from Dairugger/Vehicle Voltron) analog/OC with shared traits and is genderbent to a future next gen fic I’m planning. (So far, think if VLD Keith and Bakugo had a love child or something...Horrible comparison, I know. But she’s hard to describe rn. Alright!) So I figured that I needed to watch the episode where Shannon’s backstory is brought up. Just to get a better feel for the character and know how to write a different take on said character.  
I went and watched the whole episode dubbed, and...The episode glossed over it and never dove into how it impacted Shannon, giving him an arc about excepting the alien in this single episode. 
I figured, “Okay. So maybe the Japanese version showed some sort of backstory for him, but it got scrapped. Kinda like how some of the darker scenes in the Japanese version of YGO or GoLion were scrapped in the dub.” 
Nope. It’s exactly like that in the subs, too. The series brings up this backstory for Shannon, but never does anything with it outside of creating mild tension with this one alien boy and tiny bit of growth in this one episode. It’s like a cat dropping a dead bird in front of you. You have no idea what the story is behind it, but it’s something you have to deal with now. 
To give the series some credit this is a great episode, especially given the time period it was made it. I really do love how the series explored the idea of the heroes reaching out to someone who originally “belonged with the enemy” and how the character reacts to this, even if it is one episode. It is a fantastic idea for a plotline in the story. But that’s the thing--I think something like this could’ve been a great series long plotline and a way add depth to the characters. Like how Pidge tried to find her family or how Keith grew into his leadership position.   To see the series drop the ball on that so hard and dash that opportunity is disappointing to me.
This speaks about one of my major gripes with this series and other anime like it. The characters here are very one dimensional and lack any sort of growth or character arc outside of Hazar. Not only is this bad writing (and why I think the series should’ve scrapped 2/3s of the cast), but it makes the series boring as hell to watch and a slog to get through...at least for me. 
The reason why I get sucked into stories in general are that the characters are well fleshed out and endearing, diving into their struggled and growth. VLD does a fantastic job with this. And so do a lot of the other series I love to this day like TTGL, ATLA, TDP, FMAB, and more. Granted, I know the huge cast is part of the appeal  (why is beyond me) and the stories focus more on the imagery, but that is another reason why this genre is unappealing to me personally. 
So yeah...in short, space operas really aren’t my thing. And I’m not gonna watch more episodes of this boring ass anime. Because I want to do totally different takes on the couple Dairugger analogs like VLD has with the MFE pilots and all the characters/ plotlines in general. And considering that I was able to get through 52 episodes of GoLion despite not being a huge fan of it, it really speaks volumes about how much I don’t like this anime. (Also, the OP is growing on me, so there’s that I guess.) 
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chibi-pix · 1 year
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Okay. So, in a Discord group, I have this crack idea of Krik, chief pilot of the Sea Team of Vehicle Voltron, having a crush on OC doctor, Alger.  And. Alger doesn’t take flirting well. He’s a busy doctor.  Well, the crack idea hit SO OFTEN, I finally decided to sit and draw them. 
Anyway, I hope y’all enjoy this one. Until next time.
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Classes are currently kicking my ass so take a digital remake of this sketch
Once again Anya (left) would be the backup pilot for yellow and Ameya (right) would be backup for the land team!
Did take Ameya’s new uniform colors from @reindeer-games-sven so ty for showing me that art of yours
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keithshitposting · 7 years
list of weird shit keith kogane did before joining voltron
ate an entire tangerine without breaking it into pieces or peeling it, just to see if he could make matt cry
got drunk for the first time at the age of 16 when a girl kept buying him drinks and he didn’t know how to mention he wasn’t into women so he just drank and let the girl talk until he shouted “I LIKE MEN” at threw up
was out with shiro and found an electric car charger and pretended to electrocute himself by touching the socket and going “ZZZZZ” which sent shiro into DadMode
found an empty bleach bottle, cleaned it, filled it with paint and left it under the kitchen sink. 6 months later shiro discovered and keith denied it was him-he’d honestly forgotten
was using a knife to cut his toe nails and accidentally lost his pinky
switched out the coffee in the staff room at this secondary school for decaf and watched as the students were all sent home for the day
accidentally threw a piece of paper that bounced off the bin and hit a student in the eye-lance mcclain never forgave him
held his breath for long enough to convice a kid he could live without breathing, was actually breathing the entire time
ran a deviantart where he just drew art of naruto/sasuke and sonic ocs
cried at the ending of muriel’s wedding
got kicked out the garrison because his teacher said “i’m sorry would you like the teach this class?” and did a better job explaining the thermodynaics of a rocket propelled vehicle breaching the planet’s atmosphere than he did
built a shack by hand in the middle of a desert and realised that there was a less crappy shack just a couple miles away that didn’t drip and was bigger than a box
managed to get electricity in the middle of a desert just so he could play guitar hero
shrunk his jacket in the wash but continued to wear it because shiro laughed at him
spent 12 months alone without any friends or family desperately searching for shiro with only the faint feeling of the blue lion for comfort
cried at night knowing that maybe if he’d acted different someone alive would still love him
built a rad rocket motorbike and painted it his jacket’s colour for the aesthetic
blew up a mountainside to distract a group of scientists from a random ufo crash he saw
met four people at said ufo crash site he would come to love as family
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ao3feed-keithshiro · 7 years
Flashing Lights
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xXY7dt
by 98tuffluv
"Everything moved quickly, but oh so slowly at the same time. Every detail was visible, but it all went by in the blink of an eye. One second, everything was fine. The family was bickering contently among themselves, the radio was humming, the road was empty...and then it wasn't... Brakes squealed, lights flashed brightly, and then went out completely. Sheets of metal came crashing through the windshield, shattering it into jagged pieces that scattered all over the vehicle. The sound of metal-on-metal grated through the air as the collision ran it's course... Everything felt heavy. His eyelids drooped, his chest struggled to lift with his lungs, and the last thing he remembered before he fell into blackness was the sound of a baby screeching with all her might."
Words: 4105, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Takashi Shirogane, Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge (Voltron), Samuel Holt, Colleen Holt, Matthew Holt, Keith Kogane, Unspecified OCs
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (eventually), Keith/shiro, sheith
Additional Tags: Angst, The first chapter is just pain, Eventual Fluff, Slow Burn, Katie's a baby, Car Accidents, car crash, Alternate Universe, Characters ages are different than they are in canon, No Voltron Universe, I just wanted cute baby pidge and shiro and instead i made angst, this is why i cant have nice things, Adoption, i guess?, idk Shiro's her godfather and gets custody, this is probably not accurate at all, there will be more pain later on
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xXY7dt
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ao3feed--sheith · 7 years
Flashing Lights
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xXY7dt
by 98tuffluv
"Everything moved quickly, but oh so slowly at the same time. Every detail was visible, but it all went by in the blink of an eye. One second, everything was fine. The family was bickering contently among themselves, the radio was humming, the road was empty...and then it wasn't... Brakes squealed, lights flashed brightly, and then went out completely. Sheets of metal came crashing through the windshield, shattering it into jagged pieces that scattered all over the vehicle. The sound of metal-on-metal grated through the air as the collision ran it's course... Everything felt heavy. His eyelids drooped, his chest struggled to lift with his lungs, and the last thing he remembered before he fell into blackness was the sound of a baby screeching with all her might."
Words: 4105, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Voltron: Legendary Defender
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Major Character Death
Categories: M/M
Characters: Takashi Shirogane, Shiro (Voltron), Pidge | Katie Holt, Pidge (Voltron), Samuel Holt, Colleen Holt, Matthew Holt, Keith Kogane, Unspecified OCs
Relationships: Keith/Shiro (eventually), Keith/shiro, sheith
Additional Tags: Angst, The first chapter is just pain, Eventual Fluff, Slow Burn, Katie's a baby, Car Accidents, car crash, Alternate Universe, Characters ages are different than they are in canon, No Voltron Universe, I just wanted cute baby pidge and shiro and instead i made angst, this is why i cant have nice things, Adoption, i guess?, idk Shiro's her godfather and gets custody, this is probably not accurate at all, there will be more pain later on
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2xXY7dt
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