#there are also a shit ton of combinations of these that you can do
fatrobotz · 2 months
T!kt0k reactions to stuff I'm seeing
Tw/ fatphobia, death feederism
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cumonstevie · 3 months
Home Sweet Home Part 3
Summary: "It's good to be home," you think as you arrive back in Hawkins, Indiana; not only three years older, but also as a mother.
Pairing: Steve Harrington x Reader
Warnings: Just a shit ton of fluff
A/N: This took 8 consecutive hours to write so I hope you guys like it!! It's 3.8k words 😬 my back hurts from slouching over my laptop for so long so I'll edit this later.
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A year and a half later
You and Steve have been doing so well at co-parenting for Penelope thus far. You had slowly eased Steve into her life, and she happily accepted him. It took her a while to comfortably call him ‘dad’ but once she started, that’s practically all she could say.
Steve doesn’t think he’ll ever forget the day when she confidently called him ‘dad’ without him or you having to tell her.
It was late at night- well, it was late for Penelope to still be awake, and you were trying everything to put her to sleep but she wouldn’t stop crying.
“Shhh, Penny, it’s okay.” You try to comfort her in your arms.
Her cries echo off your newly purchased apartment and you groan, rocking the toddler to try and calm her down.
Spoiler alert: It didn’t work.
“Baby, please calm down-”
“I want daddy!” She cries louder and you halt your movements.
“I want daddy!” Penelope sobs in your arms.
“I-” You’re stunned for a moment because this was the first-time hearing Penelope call Steve ‘daddy’ on her own without you or him coaxing her to say it. “Daddy will come over tomorrow, okay? But you need to go-”
“No!” She yelled, “I want daddy now!”
It didn’t seem like she was going to let up any time soon, so you walk over to the phone and hastily dial Steve’s number. It was only 8 o’clock so you knew he’d still be up- hopefully.
It rang twice before he picked up. “Hello?”
“Steve,” you breathed. “Thank god you’re still awake. Listen, I know it’s kinda last minute but Penelope won’t go to sleep and she keeps crying and asking for you so do you think you could maybe-”
“I’ll be there in a bit. Leave the door unlocked for me, yeah?” You could hear him moving around at his place, probably putting his shoes on.
“Okay, thank you so much.” You let out a sigh of relief.
Penelope’s cries get louder and you think Steve can hear her because he murmurs, “My poor baby…” You hear his car keys jingling soon after. “I’m on my way.”
A few minutes go by and Steve knocks two times before coming in. You know he probably sped all the way over and you make a mental note to scold him after Penelope goes to sleep.
“I’m here,” he huffed out, seemingly out of breath.
Upon hearing Steve’s voice, Penelope lifts her head from your shoulder and turns to her father all teary-eyed. “Daddy!” She cried, leaning out of your arms and toward him.
He visibly freezes at her words and his eyes pan over to you, wide. “Did she just-” he’s cut off by your daughter's cries of ‘daddy’ as she tries to grab him. “Come here, baby. Daddy’s here, don’t worry, sweetheart.”
He rubs her back soothingly and she slowly lays her head on his shoulder, doing the little hiccup-sob combination as she starts to calm down.
“Daddy…” She cried, “Stay.”
“It’s okay, sweet girl.” He hushes. “Daddy’s not going anywhere, alright?”
This seems to ease her mind because a few minutes later, she’s fully asleep in his arms. You silently guide him to her room where you watch as he puts her down and tucks her in. She stirs a bit but Steve gently pats her chest and she stills.
Once the both of you were sure she wasn’t going to wake up, you exit her room and walk back to the living room. The moment you enter the room, Steve pulls you into a hug.
“She called me daddy.” He beamed happily. “She fucking called me daddy, oh my god I feel like my heart is gonna burst open, I’m so happy right now.”
You hug him back, giggling a bit. “Yeah, it surprised me too.”
The both of you stay like that for a bit before he tears himself away from you and checks the time.
“It’s getting late, I should head home.” He says with a bit of a frown. “I can come by tomorrow if it’s alright with you?”
“Nuh uh,” you shake your head. “You promised your daughter that you’d stay.”
“Are you sure?”
“Of course.”
You tell him he can take your room and you’ll sleep on the couch, but he refuses and says he’ll sleep on the couch instead. You protest but he shuts it down and you let out a huff but say ‘okay’ before going to get him a spare pillow and blanket for the night. You had started easing Steve into Penelope’s life little by little, starting with him visiting her at your place whenever he could (which he made sure to visit every single day no matter what). After she was comfortable with him being around, you segued into him taking her out, whether it be to the park, or to get ice cream (you also tagged along so that she was more comfortable). From that, he started taking her out, just him and her and not too long after, she started staying the night at his house.
He had done up a spare bedroom at his place just for her and she loved it so much. He pulled out all the stops for his little girl. Telling his parents about Penelope was a bit rough. He told you that they were a bit skeptical about him being the father but when Steve whipped a picture of little Penelope out of his wallet and showed them, they went silent.
From there, they were disappointed that he was so careless that it resulted in a child. He told them that they could be mad at him all they want but that he has a daughter now and he’s stepping up and although he doesn’t have a great relationship with them, he would love it if Penelope did.
They were obviously a bit hesitant but after meeting Penelope, they let their guards down. It made Steve happy that they showered her with love and affection but it also made him a bit upset because he never really experienced that from them.
He felt like this was a turning point for them, though. A good turning point.
Today was Penelope’s 4th birthday party and Steve insisted that it should be at his house. You didn’t fight him on it. You figured his house would be better suited for a birthday party than your little apartment.
A knock on the door alerts your ears and you quickly glance into the backyard, seeing Steve run around with Penelope, before opening the front door.
“Sorry I’m late,” Eddie huffs out, “the band stayed and performed late and I didn’t get home till way later and then when I woke up I couldn’t remember where I put Pen’s gift so this whole morning I was tearing up my place looking for it.” He then shows you a poorly wrapped gift box with a smile. “But I found it.”
You giggle. “You didn’t miss much, Penny’s just been playing with the kids and Steve so far.”
“Thank god.” Eddie sighs. “Where do I put this?”
“We have a table outside for gifts. Come on.” You beckon him to follow you.
Eddie sets the gift on the table then makes his rounds saying hi to everyone. Steve is chasing Penelope around the yard and he lets out a playful roar as he picks her up and catches her. She screams and he laughs, giving her a kiss before setting her down carefully.
It was then that she spotted one of her favorite Uncle’s. “Uncle Eds!!”
The little girl runs over to Eddie as fast as she could, her pink tutu that she insisted on wearing even though it was cold outside, flowing about.
“Pen!” The curly-haired musician exclaimed as he knelt down and captured her in a hug. “How’s my favorite birthday girl?”
Penelope giggles. “Uncle Eds, I’m the only birthday girl!”
“You’re right.” He smiles before giving her a big kiss. “You’re getting so big, Pen. Don’t go growing up on me too fast.”
“Ima grow bigger and faster!”
“No! Don’t say that, I’ll cry!” Eddie pulls a dramatic frowny face which makes Penelope laugh.
Steve walks up beside you with his hands on his hips; a typical Steve Harrington pose. “Please tell her to stop saying that, she tells me all the time that she’s a big girl and it breaks my heart.”
Steve pouts at his daughter and she giggles in Eddie’s arms. “Daddy don’t be sad, when I get bigger ima take care of you!”
Steve’s eyebrow quirks up and he points a finger at her. “I’ll hold you to that, little lady.”
“She’s not getting bigger, not on my watch.” Eddie says as he squishes her in a hug. “I’m gonna squeeze you in a little box so you stay little forever!”
Penelope gasps. “No!”
Penelope wiggles out of Eddie's grip and starts running away from him. “No! Never ever ever!”
Eddie runs after her, telling her that he’ll never let her grow up. You giggle, watching the two and Steve turns to you.
“Everyone here?” He asks.
“Yeah, Eds was the last one to show up.”
“Alright,” he nods. “I say we let her play for a little while longer then sing happy birthday?”
“I was thinking the same thing, Harrington.”
He points to his head, then to yours and says, “Great minds think alike, Y/L/N.”
It was fairly easy to slip back into your friendship with Steve. After the awkwardness of him finding out that Penelope was his, the two of you acted as if no time had passed. It was refreshing and you didn’t realize how much you missed being around him.
To say your feelings for Steve were gone, would be a lie. Your feelings for Steve never really went away. Even if you tried so very hard to leave them behind, they only grew more when Steve would play with Penelope or spend time with her in general. He adapted to his role as a father rather quickly and you weren’t going to lie, it was attractive.
You would never tell him, though. You didn’t want to ruin the dynamic that the two of you had. Everything, so far, was good.
You had tried going on a date a while back but it fell through once you told the guy that you had a child. Steve was very upset about it. The date had lasted less than an hour. You were having a good time, asking questions about each other when you mentioned you had a daughter. The guy’s demeanor changed quickly and he closed himself off. It was awkward after that. He confirmed that you had a daughter once more and when you said yes, he cleared his throat.
“Um, I’m sorry but I don’t think this is going to work out.” He says. “You’re a great girl but-”
“But me having a kid is a problem.” You finish his sentence in a mono-tone pitch.
“No!” The guys exclaimed. “It’s just- It’s kind of-”
He stumbles over his words, trying to save face but you shake your head and pull out money for your meal, placing it on the table.
“It’s fine. I know me having a child isn’t ideal but maybe you should try to at least be an adult about it.”
The guy scoffs. “I’m not about to play step-daddy to someone else’s kid.”
You roll your eyes and stand up. “Grow up.” You say before walking out.
You understand that dating someone who has a child could be a bit scary but he didn’t even give it a chance! He closed off the minute you mentioned Penelope.
You pull up to Steve’s house and slam your door shut in annoyance.
‘I’m not about to play step-daddy to someone else’s kid’
Get real.
You knock on the door and patiently wait for Steve to open it.
“Hey,” he says when he sees you on the other side. “Why are you here so early? I thought you had a date?”
“I did.” He can sense the annoyance in your voice and he moves aside to let you in. You put your purse down on his table and turn to face him. “He wasn’t too keen on the fact that I have a kid.”
Steve’s eyebrows furrow and he’s about to ask what the dude said but it’s like you read his mind because you tell him.
“Said he’s not about to play step-daddy to a kid that’s somebody else’s.”
“What the hell?” He has a look of disgust flushed across his face.
“Yeah,” you nod. “He didn’t even wait a few minutes before he was telling me that it ‘wasn’t going to work out’ between us! The minute I mentioned Penny, he shut down.” You huff out, running your fingers through your now messy hair.
“What a dick!” Steve is visibly baffled. “Welcome to the real world! There’s a chance that you might date someone who has a kid!”
“Right?” You agree. “Like I get it, I’m young and I have a toddler and yeah that’s kind of scary but he didn’t even give it a chance!”
Steve’s hands are on his hips as he shakes his head. “God, what an asshole. I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Eh,” you shrug. “Probably dodged a bullet anyway.”
“I’m never gonna date again. I’m gonna be lonely forever!” You groan.
“No you won’t,” Steve reassures as he pats your shoulder. “There’s someone out there who will want to be with you and doesn’t mind that you have a kid.”
“Suuuuuure,” you mumble. “When you find him, let me know, alright?”
Steve chuckled. “You got it, sweetheart.”
Penelope comes running into the room shortly after, practically leaping into your arms and you cradle her to you. She tells you that her and Steve are gonna watch movies all night long but both you and Steve know she’s most likely going to fall asleep in the middle of the first movie.
She asks if you’re going to stay and watch movies with them and Steve encourages you to do so.
“What, you’re gonna go home and sulk about what a crappy date this was? Nuh uh. Stay and watch movies with your family.” He tells you.
“Yeah!” Penelope adds. “Watch movies with family! Daddy got the movie with the kitties!”
Aristocats has been Penelope’s favorite movie recently.
“Okay, okay, I’ll stay.”
Penelope is happy and the three of you move to the couch. Steve puts the movie in and Penny sits in between the two of you, knocking out exactly midway into the film.
Steve puts her in her room then comes back out, coaxing you to stay for another movie. It works and he pops in ‘Just One Of The Guys’. You two enjoy each other's company and toward the end of the movie, you and Steve are fast asleep on the couch.
You gathered everyone around the table that held the cake as Penelope climbed on top of the chair. Steve puts a pink birthday hat on her little head and she insists that both you and him put one on as well.
You oblige with her wishes and put a pink hat on. Jonathan wastes no time with taking pictures of the three of you. He’d develop them as soon as he could and give them to you.
Penelope’s eyes scanned the yard as she beamed happily at everyone. Both yours and Steve’s parents were there, the Party, Eddie, Nancy, Robin, and Jonathan- all in attendance for your daughter's fourth birthday party. Your heart swelled knowing all the people that were present loved your daughter just as much as you and Steve did.
You all sang happy birthday to Penelope and she blew out the candles, causing everyone to cheer.
“Wait!” She shouts with her eyes squeezed shut. “I’m still wishing!”
“Oh! Sorry, sweet girl. Everyone shhh!” Steve says.
Everyone quiets down and Penelope is heard murmuring underneath her breath but no one can make out what she’s saying. After a bit, she opens her eyes and smiles.
“I’m done!”
Everyone cheers again and you cut the cake and plate it while Steve hands them out. When Penelope’s done eating her slice of cake, you start opening the gifts.
“Okay, this one is from Uncle Dusty.” You hand her the gift and she tears it open excitedly.
“A tea party!!” She yells out happily, turning to her father. “Daddy, we can play tea party! Thank you, Uncle Dusty! You’re my favorite!”
Dustin tells the four-year-old that she’s welcome as he beamed at her words. Eddie, however, wasn’t taking it too well.
“What?!” He exclaimed. “What about me? I was your favorite earlier!”
Penelope giggles. “Uncle dusty gave me a tea party so he’s my favorite now!”
Eddie sulks as she continues to open her gifts and Dustin sticks his tongue out at the musician in a mocking manner. Not too long after, however, Penelope opens Eddie’s gift.
“Oh. My. Gosh.” She enunciated every word. “It’s a guitar!! Uncle Eds, it looks like the one you have!! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!”
Although it was a toy guitar, you and Steve knew you would never know what silence felt like after this moment.
Steve rubs his face with his hands when he sees the gift. “Oh no…”
Penelope had been obsessed with Eddie’s guitar from the moment she saw it. She always wanted Eddie to play it and she always wanted to touch it. Eddie would tell you she was a musical prodigy in the making.
You and Steve give each other the same look before you say, “Say goodbye to the peacefulness.”
Steve groans while Penelope jumps up and down happily. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re my favorite now, Uncle Eds! We can play guitar together!!”
“Any time you want, Pen.” Eddie smiles at his niece before locking eyes with Dustin who stared at him with a blank face. Eddie mouths, “In your face!”
You finish up the gifts and the kids play with Penny for a little bit before you can tell that she’s beginning to get tired. You and Steve end the birthday party, thanking everyone for coming as they left. Once they were gone, Steve put Penelope down for a very much needed nap while you started picking up.
Steve joins you not too long after and when you’ve finished cleaning up, the pair of you slump down on the couch, exhausted.
“Penelope’s fourth birthday party was a success. Nice work, Y/L/N.” He raises his hand for a high-five, and you meet him halfway.
“Can’t take all the credit. You did most of the work.” You tell him.
“Yeah, but you gave birth to her. If you didn’t, we wouldn’t be here celebrating her turning four.” He smiles at you affectionately before his smile drops. “Oh my god, she’s four. My baby’s four.”
“Yep,” you nod. “And she’ll only get older from here.”
“Don’t remind me.” He pouts. “I want her to stay little forever.”
You laugh as he sulks for a bit. The two of you sit in silence and you close your eyes for a little before you feel Steve shift in his seat.
“Y/N?” He says and you open your eyes to find him facing you.
Steve bites his lip and his fingers tap against his jean-covered thigh. His habit every time he’s nervous.
“Um,” he starts. “We’ve been doing good, right? I mean, co-parenting and all.”
“Yeah…” You have no clue where this conversation is headed.
“And our relationship with each other is good. We don’t fight or argue or anything-”
“Steve,” you cut him off. “Spit it out already.”
You start to think he’s trying to ease into telling you that he was seeing someone, and you were preparing yourself to hear it, but his next words threw you off.
“I have feelings for you.” He says quickly and your eyebrows furrow as you sit up to look at him more clearly. “Well, I’ve always had feelings for you. They never went away. I just never said anything because you said you weren’t ready to revisit us romantically but, I don’t know, today just-” He sighs deeply, his fingers combing through his hair. “You look so beautiful today- well, you look beautiful every day and we work so well together that it got me thinking about what life would be like if we were, you know, together. As a couple.”
“I know, okay? I know I fucked up back then and I know you’re hesitant but god, Y/N, you take up so much space in my head. You and Penny. That’s all I care about. That’s all I want and that’s all I’ll ever need. Ever since you walked out of my house almost five years ago, I haven’t stopped thinking about you. I haven’t been on a date since- well, since I was with Nancy because I didn’t want to be with anyone else but you. I want to be with you, Y/N. I want us to be a family, officially. Me, you, and Penny in a big house. I wanna come home from work and know that I hit the jackpot because I get to see my two favorite girls every single day of my life. I want-” He takes a minute to breathe before he takes your hand softly. “I want you.”
He’s looking into your eyes and you just know that he means every word that he’s said just now.
You don’t know if it’s butterflies in your stomach or if you’re gonna throw up.
“Steve,” you breathe out.
“Please say you feel the same way.” He says softly. “If you don’t, that’s okay and we can just go back to how we were before I confessed all of this but if there’s even a slight chance that you feel the same way, please give me the chance to make you happy for the rest of your life.”
A smile makes its way to your lips and your eyebrow quirks up. “For the rest of my life, huh?”
“Mmm Hmm,” he hums. “For the rest of your life, for the rest of my life, for the rest of our lives… I’m in it for the long run.”
“Steve,” you say softly. You watch as the boy in front of you hangs on to your every word, anticipating what you’ll say next. He looks nervous and scared, but also hopeful. You lean in and kiss his cheek softly. His eyes close as he relishes in the feeling. “You’re in luck because I feel the same way.”
His eyes snap open and they sparkle in the light. “Really?”
“Really.” You giggle. “My feelings never went away either.”
“Oh my god.” He breathed out, pulling you into a hug.
You stay like that for a bit before pulling away. “I want to take this slow, though. I wanna do this right, I don’t want to rush things, Steve.”
He looks at you affectionately, rubbing the skin of your cheek with his thumb.
“I’ll do whatever you want, Y/N, as long as I get to be with you in the end.”
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ftmtftm · 7 months
Do you really think its more plausable that a TERF knows the specific details of the Baeddel discourse so well that they can craft the perfect copypasta that refrences all the nuances of internal trans discourse (which I'm sorry but they don't really understand anything about our community) in such a way as to be the maximum level of offensive to the other side than the alternative, that there exists on this site a trans man capable of sexually harassing trans women who disagree with him? I
Are all trans mascs sexual harassers? obviously not. Are you responsible for that guy's actions in any way? No not at all. But I find the inistance that any sexual misconduct or transmisogyny purported to be from a trans masc is an outsider troll to be very off putting from the perspective of a trans woman. I think there is a problem of trans women being treated like sex objects by the broader trans community, (enby's trans mascs etc). The problem will never be resolved if we can't even aknowledge it exists without getting shouted down.
Yes actually because that is what Radfems on Tumblr do and have done and will continue to do for literally the entire time I've been on Tumblr.
Just being completely clear - I mentioned this already but to be extra extra clear - It was not even my original idea that it was probably a Radfem and I've directly said that. I honestly thought it was probably one of the trans guys that white knights extremely hard against the idea of transandrophobia trying to cause shit because of the typing style.
It was in fact my trans fem ex-gf and current very close friend who I still live with, who suggested to me that she thought it was a Radfem. And you know?
Her reasoning combined with my experiences with TERFs actively trying to recruit my friends and I into Radical Feminism because we're actively Feminist trans mascs - it would make a ton of sense.
You have probably not experienced this because you are not a trans masc, but there is absolutely a subgroup of Radfems on this website that try very hard to learn about trans infighting as a way to target trans mascs for recruitment.
Trans masculine people have HUGE targets on our back for Radfem recruitment on this website. It's something I've literally personally seen people fall into and detransition for. Radblr actively loves to target vulnerable, politically vocal trans mascs as recruitment targets, especially doing so by trying to pit us against each other, especially by trying to pit us and trans women against each other.
It's scary as hell. It's also not a new thing by any means. Like, "This has been happening consistently at least since 2015" level of not a new thing. So, I've learned to become very aware of it because I'm a trans masc who is a Feminist advocate who actively studies the history and tactics of Radical Feminism in order to protect myself and other trans people from it.
I'm also sorry, but there was literally an anon like that that went around trans masculine blogs a few months ago. Exactly the same premise but flipped in a "transandrodorks need to be fixed by being impregnated with girlcock" kind of deal. There was an almost immediate "we need to assume this isn't actually a trans fem and assume that it is a troll" response both internally and externally. If any of us had assumed it was actually a trans fem in the same way and projected our pain at trans fems in the same way this is getting projected onto trans mascs...? Could you imagine? The double standard would be insane.
I know this is something coming from a place of our own hurt, but where the hell was any of our support during that? What were we supposed to do besides assume that it was probably a troll? Like those are hypotheticals without real answers, but come on? You know?
Of course anything is possible. No one knows who that anon actually was. And it is an issue the way trans women are sexualized by the community, especially right now on Tumblr. It deserves to be addressed. But not in the weeds like this.
I believe what I believe based on what I know and the thoughts and feelings of people I trust. You can dislike that, you can even disagree with that, but a stranger coming into my askbox with a condescending tone isn't really going to contest my lived experiences or the shared opinion of someone I've known for the better part of a decade that easily.
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nykloss · 2 years
Ditching D&D Beyond or never got it in the first place? Here's some free/pwyw resources.
Dicecloud. This online app allows you to make and track character sheets for free! It does a lot of the calculations for you, just like dnd beyond would. Best overall replacement. (Thank you, @chryslerisdead)
PWYW Class Character Sheets by Emmet Byrne. These character sheets in my opinion, are easier to fill out and harder to mess up, with class-specific features built-in. You can easily edit them digitally, and there's even multiclass/homebrew options. Slap em on Google drive or something, share with your DM, lots of options.
Point-Buy Calculator. Easily automates character stat creation if you're using the Point-Buy system.
5e Level Up Tool. Select your class, select your level, get a digestible checklist of everything you need to do to level up. This one is SO GOOD and so slept on.
5e Spellbook. A quick way to reference your spells and build a Spellbook with a ton of filters.
Encounter Calculator. I know challenge rating isn't everything, but this is a good/fast way to see how balanced your encounters are, at a glance, at least in the eyes of the source books.
RPGbot. Lots of resources for DMs and players: encounter builders, dpr calculators, and lists of player options with sample builds and optimization suggestions, which may be helpful to folks new to the game.
Bonus: Online Tools (System Agnostic)
Here.fm. This is the alternative I use instead of roll20, because it's faster/easier. Drag and drop in maps and tokens in seconds, built-in library of stickers you can use for effects, draw right on the virtual tabletop, use temporary drawings to map out moves, built-in dice rollers, and options for proximity chat. I use it in combination with discord (just have players join your here room muted), but it could be used entirely on it's own, I imagine. Not built for ttrpgs, but works incredibly well for them.
Kenku.fm. A PWYW mini browser focused on mixing and sharing music to your dnd games through whatever app you use, with helpful discord support. This app also LEGALLY bypasses the issue that got all the YouTube discord bots shut down, so you can share YouTube audio worry-free.
Additional Resources (Aka, stuff I found out about after I originally posted this):
flapkan. Holy shit, this might be the BEST character sheet option on this list! Form-fillable pdfs with fully automated built-in prompts to auto fill features and spells, built-in Point-Buy and other automated calculations, and it generates a lot for you. Can be used digitally or you can print!
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dontbelasagnax · 7 months
Ok fine! You’ve convinced me! I’ll learn how to draw specifically so I can draw codywan kissing, you’ve spread your gospel successfully
How do you draw tho fr cuz I can doodle like, funky lookin birds but people is fully out of my depth send help
You've opened a can of worms asking me for art advice so *cracks knuckles* buckle up.
I sort of (only a little bit) use the Loomis method for easy head drawing. Here is a playlist of YouTube videos by Proko. Highly, highly recommend that channel for your art tutorial needs!
I start with a circle. For side profiles, I draw a line down the side of the circle to determine where the features will sit upon. I draw a triangular shape to mark where the orbital socket is. Around the middle point of the circle is where the jawline ends and the ear begins so draw a line there. There are proportion rules which are good guidelines when starting out in art but since I've been doing this my entire life, I have a feel for things and just wing it. That's to say, I put in a line implying the jaw based on vibes.
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Next, I draw the eyebrows and brow ridge. Then the nose. I find I majorly base my proportions on this area so if anything is off, it throws the rest of the face off.
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Then I draw the lips and chin... or in Obi-Wan's case, his beard. I will mark in his sideburns and hairline as well. Now, about ears: generally the top of the ear begins right around the top of the eyebrow and stops at the base of the nose. At this point I like to draw his eye, define the cheekbone, and refine the eyebrow. I'll finish scribbling in hair and that's it!
(Cody is much the same but I forgot to take useful progress pics 😂)
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Extended Art Advice 👇
Tip #1: Draw lightly. Do not ever grip your pencil tight. This only leads to pain. You will notice I didn't erase at all. This is partly because I know what marks to make because I've done it a million times before and also because my lines are soft enough I can make lots of them and choose to deepen the ones that work.
Tip #2: Practice, practice, practice. Artistic skill is just loads and loads of accumulated knowledge and muscle memory from practice. This sounds boring but, in reality, you should make it fun.
Tip #3: Draw from observation/USE REFERENCE! The only reason I can get away without using reference when I'm feeling lazy is because I've drawn the same things over and over enough times it stuck. Aka I did lots of practice.
Now, to combine all these tips together, let's talk about how to use reference and how to make practice fun.
Reference is a huge aid when drawing at any point in your art journey. But I've found that in order to learn from what you're looking at, you need to think critically.
You obviously have something you want to draw. Reference helps you with that. You'll start out trying to draw what you see. Eventually you will run into an obstacle where you've messed up and things aren't looking good. This is to be expected. Every time this happens, think about what isn't working and find solutions with your reference. Analyze your subject to find your answers. Draw it again. Do not be afraid of failure. Each time you fail, you must look for a solution and this will lead you closer to your goal. This is how you grow as an artist.
I know, it sounds dreadfully boring and like a shit ton of work. It is a lot of work but you can make it fun! You love Obi-Wan and Cody so make Pinterest boards of Ewan McGregor and Temuera Morrison. Whatever you want to practice (may that be eyes, mouths, hands, hair, the face as a whole, etc) draw them. Ever hear tracing is bad? Fuck that. It's a perfectly valid tool to help you learn. If you're drawing digitally, pull up your reference in the art program of your choice, lower the opacity a little, make a new layer and trace what you see. I honestly find tracing to be very hard so when I've done this, I prefer to try to find shapes that will aid me when I'm actually drawing. If you're drawing traditionally, you can print out the photo and trace over it with a tracing paper or use a lightbox. You can also up the brightness on your computer screen and tape a piece of paper and trace that way.
Photos aren't the only references you can use! You can always look to your favorite artists' work and try to figure out how they do it. Often artists will break things down into more easily digestible shapes that will help you better understand how things work. Remember, if you ever copy or trace someone's art, it is for learning purposes only and you shouldn't post it. Feel free to take elements of people's art that you like and put your own spin on it though. For instance: I really love how this one artist draws men's tits so I studied a bunch of their art and now I'm much better at drawing them.
Oh and did you think you only get practice in while studying? Wrong! There's no reason you should shy away from trying to make the art you really want just because your skills aren't the most refined. Spoiler alert: you will grow the most when you push yourself out of your comfort zone. Draw codywan kissing. Draw it really enthusiastically and through profuse swearing and gritted teeth... but never a clenched hand. Don't hold back from the fun stuff just because it's hard. Aim high, land low, and shoot even higher next time.
In the beginning it will be especially frustrating. You'll feel like everything you make is a failure and nothing works out. You'll feel like you're not making any progress. Trust me, you are making progress and I believe in you.
If something really isn't working out and you find yourself growing distressed, take a break. It might last an hour or a week. Just take the break. Don't push it. Come back with fresh eyes and less stress. We all have days where nothing comes out right. Sometimes I can't even draw anything resembling a human face. It's okay. Whisper-yell expletives at your artwork and take the break. It will be okay.
With all that said, happy drawing and even happier codywan kissing!! 🧡💋🩵
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ghostingcrows · 1 year
I used to talk about this a lot but 
IDW Prowl is probably one of the most complex characters in the comics and I absolutely hate it when hes reduced down to “the asshole character”
Cause like
Yeah sure hes got a bit of a stick up his ass
But I feel like people just end there analysis of him there
Has he committed a lot of war crimes and done unethical stuff
But so has literally EVERYONE else in this universe
Starscream is literally the pinnacle of war crimes
The comics make a point calling out even Optimus for his questionable actions and orders during the war with the Dinobots saying he makes them do the dirty work for him
Megatron literally commits genocide and yet his story ends with an alternate version of him going free and exploring the universe with the LL
The literal war lord was treated better and is looked upon more positively than Prowl and I think it just came down to how fucked Prowl got by the writers
Because while Megatrons redemption was all in your face and you got a shit ton of flashbacks that try to justify the eventual atrocities he would commit you don’t get that with Prowl
Even when Prowl is absolutely in the right you constantly have it disregarded by characters making jokes about him overreacting (being mad OP is sending the space tyrant away with free reign of his own ship isn’t overreacting btw-) and as such you start to think of him as a genuinely irrational character when hes not
Prowl is bad at keeping the relationships he forms yes 
But he is not always at fault for that
While his relationship with CD ended poorly Chromedome is also shown to be kinda of a dick sometimes and commits his fair share of fucked up things such as when he literally ATTACKS PROWL AND FORCES HIS WAY INTO HIS MIND TO PROTECT HIMSELF FROM THE CONSEQUENCE OF HIS ACTIONS WHEN PROWL THREATENS TO TELL REWIND ABOUT THE SHITTY STUFF HE DID IN HIS PAST
This leads to Prowls inevitable snowball out of control when this attack leads to an opening for Bombshell (I think its been a while since I read the comics) to use his tech to mind control him forcing him into combining with the contructicons
Something we learn is an immensely intimate thing with their minds being kinda melded 
This was something Prowl did not want 
And when all was said and done and he was calmed down he still had to live with that gesalt he was forced into with them following him around like fanboys
Nobody ever even really stopped to check in on him 
And as such he understandable went a little bit insane
He had just faced an immensely traumatic invasion of his body and mind and on top of stress form feeling like everything was out of his control and like he couldn’t stop the bad things from happening alongside bitter emotions being brought back up with a return visit to Earth and reunion with spike AND the fact that he feels like Optimus doesn’t trust him and like hes just letting Starscream do whatever he want (something that understandably freaks him out seeing as how he spent 4 million years fighting Starscream) he just kinda snaps
He trys to destroy the space bridge so that no one else can leave or get through and so he can regain some semblance of control
Is it wrong
But he was not in a good state of mind and no one was helping him at all 
And immediately following his arrest afterward Prowl is confronted by OP who is supposed to be his friend and when Prowl doesn’t say the right things to him to placate him Optimus’ response is to punch him out a window and beat the shit out of him
And not being given any room to breath this is immediately follow up my him getting kidnapped by Tarantulas who is very obviously an impactful and negative part of his past
Prowl just has bad event, one after the other, happen to him over and over again and not only does no one check up on him afterwards to see if hes okay but everyone actively makes fun of him for being understandable unstable
Prowl is a fucking tragedy and not many people seem to be able to see beyond what characters in the comics think of him
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punkstylerecovery · 1 year
Generally speaking, your parents often owe you a lot more than you're taught to believe. A lot of people are raised to believe that parents do not really owe you that much beyond food and shelter and that's not true. In fact, you can have parents who give you food, shelter, patience and kindness and STILL deserve more from them.
By being your parents, they've accepted a very special relationship and amount of responsibility for you. Do you know how many people I know whose parents have never genuinely apologized to them? How many people’s parents physically hurt them, how many people’s parents mock their insecurities, how many people’s parents don’t care for their children’s health, how many parents make their children (intentionally or otherwise) want to die? 
And so many people don’t give a fuck. We’re raised in cultures that more often than not treat us to respect our parents in spite of most anything while also teaching everyone that children don’t deserve shit. We’re raised in cultures that more often than not teach us to “respect our parents” in spite of most anything while also teaching everyone that children don’t really deserve shit. It varies but its so common that lots of people don’t even think twice about it. 
But children DO deserve more than they’re generally given. So much more! And so many things that are literally just abusive are considered normal parenting all around the world and that’s vile, especially considering children are the most severely affected by this and have no “societal power” to wield to put a stop to it beyond what they can scramble together through a combination of sheer determination, shock value, strength and fucking luck. 
Not to sound radical, but I think we owe children a fuck ton more than they’re being given now and I think people need to learn so much more about abuse and how that ties into the common underplaying of what we’re owed in parent/child relationships. 
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Who in the Gotei 13 abuses emojis and how
The Groupchat Crimes of the Gotei-13:
Yamamoto: responds everything with an inscrutable "😎 👍". Announcing your engagement? 😎 👍 Telling him there is a scheduling conflict? 😎 👍 The seireitei is being invaded? 😎 👍 Tonkatasu Tuesday at 6:30 tonight? 😎 👍
Sasakibe: Endlessly persnickety about grammar. Despite having the fact that grammar is fluid and changes with context and what many of the new conventions mean explained to him, a total lack of punctuation to create an informal tone will make him literally foam at the mouth like a rabid boar.
Soi Fon: refuses to relegate fun facts about hornets to the #bugs channel, including unspoilered images of what assorted stings will do to human flesh.
Yoruichi: nudes in the SFW channels
Rose: 🌹❤️🌹 brackets his messages with emoji chains like quotation marks 🌹❤️🌹
Kira: vent posting/generally being a miserable little shit in the general channel
Retsu: consistently forgets to spoiler medical gore, keeps sharing medical "Fun" facts that give people nightmares.
Isane: "Hey guys, I need some advice on how to deal with *insane situation literally nobody that ever experienced before*"
Hanataro: unironically posting scorpions and venomous snakes to the cute animals channel
Shinji: ti xif ton lliw/tonnac dna segassem sih lla desrever wohemoS
Momo: crying for real about how cute the animals in the cute animals chat are
Hiyori: destroying things in rage about how cute the animals in the cute animals chat are.
Byakuya: Signs all his messages, as this is is official Gotei-13 correspondence. -from the desk of Captain Kuchiki Byakuya
Renji: no caps no punctuation no worries
Komamura: spent three *months* pretending to be friends with a pair of rural veterinarians and getting people emotionally involved in the saga of them trying to cure a mystery chicken affliction before finally ending his shaggy dog story with an ATROCIOUS pun.
Iba: unappealing thirst traps.
Shunsui: keeps falling for and linking obviously false clickbait articles.
Nanao: digging up literally decades-old drama
Tousen: setting his text color to match the background color to fuck with people.
Shuuhei: normal messages sent from bizarre locations "-sent from the secret downstairs microwave" "-sent from the captain general's iPhone" "-sent from Massachusetts"
Matsumoto: 💕 Putting ❤️ emoji 💋 between ❤️ every 😘 word ❤️ for 💋 the ❤️ aesthetic 💕
Hitsugaya: 2AM post @ing everyone of a single inscrutable emoji such as "🦆". Claims to have no memory of making this
Ikkaku: figured out how to use image-editing software specifically to make bespoke image macros at astonishing speed so he always has a meme on hand, including the infamous Zaraki Caused Another Bisexual Awakening Counter aka "GOT ANOTHER ONE LADS!!" meme.
Yumichika: ✨ 🦚 ✨ Worst 💙 possible 🪩 combination 💙 of 🪩 Rose 💙 and 🪩 Matsumoto 💙 quirks ✨🦚✨
Yachiru: Pink Text
Mayuri: immediately silenced all notifications from the Groupchat, forgot it exists
Nemu: Tracks Groupchat statistics and presentation them quarterly like a thesis defense and/or stockholders meeting.
Urahara: keeps finding obviously false clickbait articles to send to Shunsui
Ukitake: you can directly track how much Percocet he's on by how colorful, emoji 🤣 filled and ✨ WhImSiClE 🐟 🐟 hIs 💻 TeXtInG 💻 sTyLe 🐟 🐟 GeTS ✨
Rukia: signs her texts like Byakuya, but "-sent from Lieutenant Rukia 🐰 Kuchiki "
Harmless, until somehow her medical records appear under "Rukia Usagi Kuchiki" like she has a middle name.
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kissesforsatoru · 1 year
Your Yandere Baji x Socially Anxious Darlin’ is single-handedly the best shit ever. I’m curious tho, what do you think a Yandere Mikey would be like with a socially anxious darling? Would he be the same menace as Baji and just as clingy, or would he be worse? I’d love to see your headcanons for him.
😩 Any clingy Mikey content is peak.
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pairing : mikey x gn!reader, baji x gn!reader, wakasa x gn!reader
summary : mikey, baji, and waka with a socially anxious darling
⤷ cw : general yandere themes, manipulative waka
notes : thank you anon <33 i’m glad you like that little mini series!!
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mikey : honestly i think mikey is worse than baji—not much worse, but still definitely worse. he's a huge baby that will throw a tantrum if he doesn't get what he wants, and that includes his beloved's attention. i also don't think he realizes that you're socially anxious at first the same as baji. he would take your refusal to talk to him and your avoidance as rejection. that combined with his entitled attitude will give you one hell of a pissy mikey, a pissy mikey that you have to deal with.
he wouldn’t leave you alone, he refuses to. any time he sees you he's dropping whatever it is he's doing, ignoring whoever he may be having a conversation with, to go talk to you instead. you can shy away from him or run away from him as much as you want, you can even try to tell him to leave you alone outright, but mikey will still get all up in your space. he’ll talk to you, pester you to answer him and get super whiney and pouty if you don’t, he’ll follow you around and cling to you.
but mikey isn't a patient person at all, and he can only take so much of things not going his way. if you keep ignoring him even after so long of him being around, then he’ll just resort to cornering you and forcing you tell him why the hell you're being like this. why won't you just fucking talk to him. he knows you're not just busy or too tired, he wants the real reason, and you better give it to him or else he'll flip. honestly, he's so pushy about it that it might cause you to have a little break down wherever he corners you. you'll sob and tell him through hiccups that he just scares you, you're scared to talk to people in general, but him most of all 'cause he's loud and attracts a lot of attention everywhere he goes, which you don't like in the least bit. you don’t like attention and you don’t like loud things. you just want to be left alone.
that still doesn't stop him from bothering you though, but he will change his approach because he does care about your comfort. he quiets down for you, talks in a gentle voice that's soothing enough for you to ease up at least a little bit whenever he's around. he also always tries to be with you alone, tells his friends and pretty much everyone else not to fuck with you or else he's gonna have a fucking problem with them, and he's not afraid to start a fight with anyone that doesn't listen to him for fuck whatever reason. he goes so far as to get in your classmates face even if they're just asking for help on the hw or for a pencil. mikey will not let anyone talk to you. he gets so riled up about you that can’t help but beat the shit out of anyone that gets too close, for both the reason that you're socially anxious and because he likes having you all to himself. mikey loves having you to himself.
mikey doesn't think that your discomfort applies with him, he doesn't get that it's not just the attention that he gets that makes you feel overwhelmed, it's the attention he gives you too. and he he gives you a shit ton of attention. he doesn't shy away from calling you cute nicknames, he doesn't shy away from telling you how fucking cute he thinks you are, doesn't gonna shy away from sprawling himself all over you, wrapping his arms around you, putting his chin on your shoulder, lay down in your lap, being as touchy with you as you'll allow him to be without breaking down. mikey might even steal a few kisses from you here and there. he can't keep his hands to himself, and he just has to be touching you, even if you tell him that you don't want to be touched at the moment.
so yeah! mikey is clingy as fuck regardless of if his darling is socially anxious or not.
baji : we all know baji won't leave you alone, and we know he also won't get it right away that you're socially anxious, but he does get it faster than mikey does. baji though, unlike mikey, doesn't mind that you don't want to talk to him. as long as he gets to be near you, he's fine. he would like to at least touch you too, sp he might get a little grumpy if you're having one of those day where you just don't wanna talk and don't wanna be touched either, but he won't be like mikey and throw a fit about it.
baji will always wanna be around you. he'll follow you everywhere, pick you up and walks you to school, walk you to your classes and sometimes he'll sit in your class with you if he's feeling particularly attached to you, he'll eat lunch with you and stays with you during your clubs (if you have any), then he'll walk you home. sometimes he even invites himself in and stays over too just cause he loves being around you, and he loves getting to cuddle with you while you sleep. if you have plans on the weekend and baji finds out, he wants to go too. he calls you and facetimes you, texts you, everything. baji just will not let you breathe even for a second, he has to know what you're doing and where you are at all times because he likes knowing if you're okay. and if you're not, then he already knows what's up and he can get there to take care of it for you.
he gets super super protective of you once he realizes you have social anxiety, i mean he was before, but he just becomes so intune with you and what you need that you won't even have to tell him. he knows when something is wrong with you, and he immediately takes care of it. a person is getting too close to you? baji is all up in their space growling at them to back the fuck off or else he'll start throwing fists (if he has the patience for that, which most of the time he won't). you're getting tired and your social batter is draining? baji will just hold you in his arms and do everything for you, or he'll just take you home so you can rest. he always orders for you at restaurants and does all the talking around new, unfamiliar people. he's just- he knows you so well because your comfort is his priority, and he has to know all the things you don't like and all of your little ques so he can get to work on making you comfortable again.
honestly with how protective of you he is, you can probably use him as a scary dog because he keeps people away from you, even when you don't outright ask him to. he growls and glares, wraps his arms around you and keeps you in a protective hold so people don't just drag you away from him and into a situation you don't wanna be in. baji can honestly get scary for other people when you are involved, and you don't wanna be. he really does take your social anxiety seriously and he will learn quickly exactly how to comfort you on your really bad days.
wakasa : of the three of them, waka is the only one that understands you have social anxiety right way, and he at least tries to approach you comfortably from the start, give you some space to not overwhelm you so much, talk with you in a way that doesn't make you feel trapped by a conversation, that stuff. but the thing about waka is that he makes it clear that he's not going anywhere even when he's not physically there with you.
not for a second will he let you think that he'll leave you alone after a while because that's never gonna happen babes. part of the reason he does this is because he just wants to speed up how comfortable you are with him by familiarizing you with his presence, but the other reason is because he doesn't want you to think he's only here to mess around with you. he is a playboy, so he knows that it would be too easy for you to think he just wants to fuck and then be done with it, but that's not the case so he's gonna make sure you know he's gonna stay with you even if he does get you in his bed (which he will eventually, trust).
waka will text you at all hours of the day to check in with you, ask how you are and if you need him to come pick you up because you're having bad anxiety or for whatever other reason. he'll come over to where you live and hang out, then when he leaves, he'll make sure to tell you he'll be back either later that night or in the next few days. he'll ask you on dates all the time or to come over to his place just to spend time with you, and he won't make any moves on you, aside from maybe kissing you and calling you little nicknames like angel, baby, sweetheart (but he does that anyway so). waka just makes sure you understand he wants you for mor than sex and that he's not going anywhere.
once you're comfortable with him he starts to get a bit more invasive to your space. he'll give you kisses more often, pull you into him, hold your hand in public, all that good stuff. but waka will also be very reassuring with you and make sure that you're comfortable, and if you aren't, then he's gonna fix that. if you wanna go home, he'll take you home, if you don't wanna talk, then he won't make you, nor will he let anyone else make you. waka will wrap a protective arm around you and nuzzle you into his shoulder while growling and telling someone to fuck off if they bother you. he just gets very attentive and protective of you.
buttt, i think that waka would use your social anxiety to make you more dependant on him. he'll encourage you, tell you that you only need to talk to him, only stay close to him, nobody eles matters if he's already here for you. and honestly, you're easily swayed because you think he's helping you with your anxiety when really, he's just enforcing it and making you depend on him because of it. waka will make it so you can’t function around other people without him, maybe even take it so far that you freak out if he’s not with you whenever other people are around, and only will you be calmed if you can get to him, which he’ll let you cling to him, and he will absolutely bask in the way you need him so desperately. he loves it when his cute little darling depends on him.
waka is honestly again just a sneaky manipulative bastard 😭
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writerblue275 · 5 months
hi i love ur work so much and ive been racking up the courage to try and make a request so here we go. uhm. can you do maybe an irritated/upset!reader and how the heartsteel boys would comfort them? or vice versa with them being upset and the best way to comfort them/reader trying to comfort them.. idk loll. (ily again btw ur works giv me life)
Hello sweet Anon!! I’m so happy you enjoy my work! Thank you for the lovely words, they mean a lot to me. And thank you for requesting!! I totally get it. I’m a very anxious person so I definitely have to work up the courage to request or comment on stuff. But I promise I don’t bite (like 99.999999% of the time)!💙
How Heartsteel would comfort an upset/frustrated reader
Inspiration: So I know I said I’d work on requests generally in the order they’re sent, but I was literally in the process of doing basically this as a non-requested WiP. Because lately life has been TRYING. ME. 🙃 (I will neither confirm nor deny having multiple stress cries in my car the past week.) So even though this is my newest request, since I was already working on something like this, I might as well combine the two. I think I’ll just keep this to them comforting the reader, but I like the idea of doing a separate one where reader comforts the Heartsteel members. Also listen, I absolutely love me a good comfort moment. I melt.
Genre: Headcanon (with some fake texts??? Trying something a little new here.)
Type: A bit angsty just because you’re upset, but fluff because comfort.
Gender: Gender Neutral Reader!
TW: General hurt/comfort. Mentions of a no good very bad day/week for reader. Swearing.
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I think Aphelios would actually do comfort pretty damn well. He’s also used to being stressed and tired and upset about things (because let’s be real he works so hard. Too hard sometimes) so he’d be great to turn to.
One thing I think Phel would do, if you do visit him in his studio, is play music to distract your mind a bit from whatever has you so upset. Now this might be through a file he’s already recorded on his computer and sent to Yone to be mixed. However, he also just has a shit ton of different instruments in his work space.
So pick one for him to play and he’s happy to do so. You get like a mini concert from an instrumental prodigy! Or even better, pick one that you want to try! He’s happy to teach you some basics on how to play it.
And it doesn’t matter how badly you might sound as you attempt to play an instrument for the first time, Phel’s nodding and clapping as if you just finished giving an incredible performance. Every time. Because he supports you. (Though he will use some very very light teasing occasionally, but he’s joking.)
And he’d definitely order some food in and cuddle or nap with you on his studio couch (which is so mind-blowingly comfortable for some reason). And once you are eating and settled together and in a better mood, then he’d ask if you want to talk about things.
And you don’t have to. He’s happy to continue to keep your mind on happier things. Phel also has a couple gaming consoles hooked up to a tv that you can play with him/watch him play. But he’s also happy to just let you talk and get everything off your chest. (He’s just so supportive oh my god.)
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(I enjoyed getting to break out a little millennial/Gen-Z slang here lmao.)
If Ezreal has one goal in your relationship, it’s to try and make you smile as much as possible. He hates seeing you upset or frustrated about something. And he will do anything to help get the smile he adores back on your face.
So when you do come to him upset about something, his internal alarm is just going bonkers. DEFCON 1 level shit. 🚨🚨🚨
If you want comfort? Ezreal’s going to give it to you. He already loves cuddling you so you can have all the therapeutic cuddles your heart desires with him (god bless his love language of physical touch). And he’s more than happy to play with your hair or do whatever actions help you relax the most.
You wouldn’t even have to ask him, he’d already have your favorite comfort food ordered and he’d go pick it up (or have it delivered). He fully know your order by heart.
Builds the BEST pillow forts to unwind in. Truly an expert. Ezreal even decorates it a little bit with some of your favorite comfort things. And as his texts said, pick anything you want to watch. Whether that is a movie, show, gaming streamer, him gaming, it DOES. NOT. MATTER. It’s all up to you. Also if you want him to sing to you he absolutely will, no question. (Can you imagine? HEAVEN!)
He’d let you take the lead on whether or not you want to tell him what has you so upset. He knows stewing in your emotions isn’t always productive, but sometimes talking about things when they’re so fresh in your mind can make the feelings more intense. And while he’s not the go-to guy for advice, he’s an excellent listener. As long as he can play with your hands or hair or something, he’s fully tuned in, letting you get everything off your chest.
He’s such a great example of golden retriever boyfriend, and if golden retrievers are good at anything, it’s comfort and making people happy. So don’t you worry, Ez will have you smiling again in no time.
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So when it comes to Kayn, comfort is very interesting to think about. Definitely feel like he approaches comfort differently from, say, Ezreal, but he has his own special ways of supporting you and helping you reach a better mindset.
If he can tell you’re frustrated or angry or the type of upset that requires a little bit of rage release, he’s fully on board to go to a rage room with you so you can get out everything you’re feeling in a controlled and safe environment.
And you absolutely know Kayn’s cheering you on the entire time. “FUCK yeah baby! Show that wine bottle who’s boss!” Or “That’s it, Sexy. Work has been driving you nuts right? Take it out on this shitty copier. Fuck it up!” Or *softball pitches a vase to you while you’re standing at-bat*
He’s fully supportive. And if expressing your feelings requires more of an artistic approach, that works for him too. He has a small room that has been turned into an art studio where he goes to practice his graffiti (in a way that’s legal) and he would gladly let you use it. Or he’ll let you play with his guitars if you want. (You’re one of the VERY FEW who can. You, Phel, and Yone.)
And if you just need to talk out your feelings, Kayn’s going to be there to listen, only interjecting if he has questions or if he’s commenting something supportive. “Of course you’re upset, baby. That’s bullshit and would piss me off too!”
And his love language (giving) is physical touch. So if you just want him to hold you while you cry, he can do that. And physical touch doesn’t just mean holding you. Like his hands would just be gently wandering. Nothing suggestive necessarily, but just reassuring. Like rubbing your back or your arms. Playing with your hair. Stuff like that.
It absolutely breaks Kayn’s heart to see you cry. He will do anything to keep you from crying/make you feel better when you are upset. (Again 🤫🤫🤫🤫 don’t tell anyone but he’s a huge softie for you!)
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As mentioned in previous headcanons K’Sante gives off the vibes of someone who is just amazing to talk to. And that absolutely applies when it comes to helping you feel better when you’re upset.
Just an absolutely incredible listener. Vent as much as you want to him. He’ll listen to every single word you say. And when I say listen, I mean fully tuned in. You have his undivided attention. (How could he give his partner any less??? He couldn’t, is the answer.)
And if you ask K’Sante for advice? He’s offering you sincere and thought out advice. He truly wants to help you, always.
Now beyond talking, he can also make a mean meal in the kitchen (even if Sett is the official best cook). So you’re going to enjoy some really excellent food. Either your favorite or one of his favorite comfort foods. And that’s never a bad thing.
You’re also receiving some prime cuddles. Have you seen K’Sante??? He loves holding you. And leaning against that broad chest while his arms wrap around you seems like a great way to feel better.
Oh and even better? He will absolutely sing for you if you ask. (Which bestie…how could you not??) His voice is so lovely too. And he will sing any song you want him to. (Though he definitely already knows your favorites that he can pull out if you don’t feel like picking anything/making decisions.)
K’Sante is just someone who would be amazing at comforting you. He’ll go the extra mile in helping you feel better and making sure you know he’s always got your back.
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Sett would be phenomenal at comforting you when you’re upset. He loves to see you smile and will do anything to help bring a smile back to your beautiful face. (Remember his love language is acts of service).
He’d make your favorite comfort food. And hell even that would go a long way in helping you. He cooks with so much love.
And the CUDDLES. Oh my god cuddles with Sett would be 😩👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻. He’s so soft with the people he loves. And he loves YOU.
He’d pull you into his lap, wrap those lovely arms around you, and let you get comfy. And only when he can hear your breathing level out and feel you relax in his arms would he ask about what has you so upset.
And as you’re talking Sett would give you the gentlest little forehead/to-of-the-head kisses and rub your back and stuff. And he’d be such an excellent listener. He’d let you unburden yourself first before talking. He’d also ask if you just want comfort or if you want his advice. He realizes sometimes we all just need someone to listen while we vent and we don’t necessarily need people to give advice. And he respects what you want.
And if you’re ever angry/frustrated-upset, he’d offer to grab his boxing training pads and let you safely hit out your anger. He knows how cathartic that can be. And if you take him up on that, he’s cheering you on the whole way. (Such a hype man.)
And after dinner, he’d give you a couple options. Bath? Massage? More cuddles? Whatever you want, you get. Sett will take care of everything.
(A/N: The amount of time I spent trying to come up with a better contact name for him…but he’s just so 🥰.)
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Yone would be EXCELLENT to turn to when you’re upset. There’s no one who understands work stress more than him (if that’s the problem), and he has all the tools to help you feel better, whatever the issue is.
One of the things Yone is best at is calming you down. Something about his vibe is just very grounding, which is super important when your emotions are running high.
He is absolutely someone who meditates regularly/uses incense and such. (He would have killed his band members by now if he didn’t.) So when you either come to him or call him and he can tell you’re upset/frustrated, I think he’d first do some breathing exercises with you to help settle you down and help you get your emotions back to a more manageable place.
If you’re with him in person, he’d light some of your favorite incense that he always has stocked for you and pull you down to sit in his lap so he can hold you. Because he knows you feel better when he does.
Once Yone can tell you’re in a much calmer state of mind, only then would he ask if you want to talk about things. And he’s truly leaving that up to you.
And once you’ve cuddled for a little bit, and finished talking if you do end up telling him, then he’ll definitely just keep you on his lap and work with you there. He knows you love watching him work on music. He’ll pass you your own set of headphones that he has plugged into a splitter, so you can hear what he’s doing. He’ll even ask for your input. (Nothing too technical unless you have a musical background, but more so “Which of these sounds better, my love?” Or “What do you think, baby? Instrumentals too busy?”) He also gives you the occasional forehead kiss while he works, and those are the BEST.
Yone just gives off such a peaceful vibe (when he’s not stressed by his band members), and that sort of energy is perfect to be around when you’re upset and you need comfort.
Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed. This really helped me feel better I must say. Thank you Anon for requesting this too, and I hope I did your request justice! 💙
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unfortunate17 · 3 months
ok I love your controversial opinions and I’m definitely in agreement with you about Wille being a boy kisser exclusively. Having no label doesn’t mean he’s automatically bi. Would love to hear your thoughts about when he works this out - was it before or after Simon kissed him for the first time? Was it during his gay panic speed run that it really solidified? Or does it take him years to fully understand that? What did that epiphany look like?
I’m glad you enjoyed those thoughts I really was so drunk when I answered those asks 😭
And honestly, I don’t think Wille’s really aware of his sexuality in a concrete way before he sees Simon, but not because he’s like “oh idk if I like boys” but because he’s never really liked anyone 💀
Wilhelm falls for Simon instantly, yes, but he also doesn’t really like people in general. He barely has any friends throughout the show and that doesn’t seem to bother him - he’s not super social and he’s also tightly controlled by his role & position. Combining those factors, he probably hasn’t met a ton of people.
I really think that if he ever thought a guy was cute, it was probably on TV and he filed it away like whatever never gonna meet this person anyway. Like I don’t believe Wille ever thought he was straight either - he genuinely just didn’t think. And I think this is the root of where his “unlabeledness” comes from.
That scene where Simon first kisses him and Wille pushes him away isn’t because Wille’s unsure about how to label his sexuality, it’s fear that this attraction he’s been feeling is becoming concrete in a way that he has to face and actually deal with. He’s very comfortable giving Simon ~vibes~ and at no point does he question what he’s feeling - until Simon actually makes a move.
Because now it’s like: shit I like him, he likes me, but I’m a prince so can I even have this, have him? What would it mean for me to be with him?
And that’s why he pushes Simon away the next morning. To me, his little gay walk, was him deciding that his feelings for Simon were too strong to ignore, that he wanted Simon more than he was afraid of what it problems it might cause to be with him. It’s a “fuck it, I just want him so bad. idk the consequences, but they’re a future me problem. right now, I just want him.”
If Wilmon weren’t endgame, I’d argue that it would take years and years and years for Wille to move on, not just bc of the depth of his feelings for Simon and everything he represents to him, but also because Wille’s not the type of person to be inclined to find someone. But that’s a whole other argument. 🤪
But also to answer your other question, I do like to think that Wille eventually works out his sexuality especially now that he has the time and space to do so. Maybe he still stays unlabeled, maybe he doesn’t - but I think any clear, concise conclusions he comes to about comphet (bc that Felice scene was comphet at its finest) have to happen outside the shadow of the crown.
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buddiebeginz · 5 months
I keep seeing posts about how us Buddie fans are just being delusional. How we need to stop reading so much into what’s being said during interviews and oh also how it’s offensive to the current ship.
First of all let’s be clear here Buck is NOT in a relationship with Tommy. I feel like this is something you Buck/Tommy shippers are failing to grasp because I constantly see posts about how Buck shouldn’t cheat on Tommy. They have kissed once and been on 2ish dates they are not a couple yet. Being exclusive requires a conversation or at least some acknowledgment by the characters and we haven’t had that yet. They still barely know each other.
Second we have always theorized about Buddie when the characters were with other love interests. We did when Buck was with Taylor. We did when Eddie was with Ana. Is it somehow different now because Tommy is a guy? Is it different now because Buck and Tommy aren't straight? Or is it just because Buck is dating the guy you want him to be with now? I don't know there's just something very strange about how some of you are responding to Buddie/Buddie shippers with all of this.
What's even crazier to me is that so many of you who are all about Buck/Tommy now used to be Buddie shippers or still say you'll be happy if Buddie happens down the line. Yet you're still attacking Buddie and our meta and speculation because it threatens the current ship you want at the moment.
No one is saying that every one of our theories and speculation is 100% correct but we have always speculated on the show and the interviews this isn't something new people are doing. I feel like the response some you have is that we're somehow seeing/hearing only what we want to and or twisting the words of the actors/etc to fit some kind narrative we have about Buddie.
It's not like we're seeing interviews where Oliver, Lou, Tim, etc are saying Buck and Tommy are going to be together 4eva and then immediately twisting that to mean oh they must be lying Buddie is so obviously happening tomorrow. We're inferring what we think might happen based on spoilers and what the actors (and Tim) have said combined with what we hope might happen. We know not everything we think will happen will. We had a ton of theories on 7x04 and 7x05 (many of which turned out to not be true) and despite what some of you think we didn't all collectively lose our shit because they didn't come true.
You can dislike Buddie and us all you want and can disagree with us or our theories all you want but these posts talking about how we're just seeing what we want and setting ourselves up for disappointment come across as hypocritical (considering most of you used to be Buddie shippers) and patronizing. We don't need or want you to save us from our fandom experience. If we're disappointed by the storyline that's our business but right now we're having fun with where things in the show are and are going.
I also really don't like how some of you are trashing Buddie to prop up Buck/Tommy. Basically saying that because Buck and Eddie's feelings haven't been verbally confirmed on screen (like in an I'm in love with you kind of way) that we're making it into something it's not and it's not fair to Buck/Tommy because they are canon.
Buddie isn't in a romantic relationship at the moment but they have loved and supported one another and always been been more than friends since basically the beginning. Even Oliver just confirmed that Buck was attracted to Eddie from the first scene. And no attraction alone doesn't equal love but if you can look at the six seasons of history shared by these two characters and only see two bros being the bestest friends you really need to take some media literacy.
I feel like some of you don't understand that not every part of a fictional story is spelled out super literally nor should it be. We know how deep Buck and Eddie's love goes because we can infer that based on their scenes. On all the ways they are there for one another, on how they treat each other, on how their relationship differs from the other friendships on the show. On all the things they say and don't say to one another. A big reason we want to see them in a canon romantic relationship is because of how clear the show has already made it that these two men love each other.
As for Tommy even though I'm not a multishipper I get Tommy's significance in the storyline. I'm also more thankful than I can put into words that Oliver and the show have decided to do Buck's bi awakening storyline epecially considering I'm bi myself. Buck being bi and his journey is incredibly important all on it's own but Buddie being canon is equally as important not because we need to see these guys together but because of what they represent. We have never had a slow burn same sex love story like this and the way it would change media forever if Buddie were to be canon cannot be understated.
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cinnbar-bun · 4 months
um um i've never requested stuff b4 so i hope this is ok and also isn't too vague / silly of a prompt ;_;...
may i request hcs for doppio x a reader who's a total dog-dad/pet parent?
like brings their dog everywhere that's not dangerous, treats them better then they treat themselves, genuinely considers murder if someone even makes a tiny negative joke abt their dog etc 😭... (or maybe just hcs abt how doppio would feel arnd a reader who has a big dog in general:3 whatever works better for u !!!) /nf
— @child-ofdust (i hope i didnt type too much help) 🐾
A/n: YEAH OF COURSE DEAR HERE U GO!!! I changed it up a bit so it's kinda a combination of both your ideas so hope that's okay <3
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Doppio w/ an S/O who has a dog
Notes: GN!Reader, Doppio so pssttt there's kinda a spoiler for Part 5 do not read if you haven't seen it, minor swearing, but pretty funny and fluffy
WC: ~.6k
Doppio hasn’t had much experience with dogs. Yes, he’s seen dogs before, occasionally pet one a few times, perhaps got unlucky to be chased by many of them. He was initially worried how your dog would react to him because he’s worried your dog will hate him and run after him. 
Your dog was actually pretty kind to him, which made him so happy and relieved. Doppio is crying tears of joy that your dog does not want to maul him like a chew toy. He shouldn’t have been that surprised, honestly, but it was still a welcome treat for Doppio. 
He sees how much you love your dog and he finds it really sweet! Doppio does like to care for smaller animals and insects, and seeing that you care for your dog makes him feel better. He feels happy knowing you treat your dog with respect and tons of love. 
He would be nervous initially to care for your dog because he doesn’t want to make you or your dog uncomfortable. He’s kind of like… ‘am I allowed to touch your dog? Can I pet them? Can I brush them?’ 
Please help him, he’s never done this before and he’s very anxious. 
Doppio is acting extra gentle with your dog because he hasn’t yet gauged what is an appropriate amount of force needing to brush or clean your dog. After you teach him and get him used to it a few times, Doppio gets the hang of it and can do it on his own. 
He’s not jealous of your dog, he’s not that kind of guy. Again, he really cares for some animals and your dog is a sweetie pie. You love your dog so much, and Doppio loves you very much, so of course he’d love your dog! 
He kinda sees your dog as like… your child? In a weird way? He’s just like yep, this is my beloved and this is our dog <3 I love my family <3 
And unlike a certain other man who shall not be named he does not abandon his family <3
He has so much fun playing with you and your dog. Especially if your dog likes to jump on him and snuggle him he loves it so much!!! Fluffy attack he’s laughing so hard until there are tears pouring down his face. 
Also, he takes his dog duties so seriously. If you ask him to walk the dog or give the dog a bath, Doppio is preparing like he’s going to war. He’s so focused and determined and nothing will stop him from caring for your dog. Absolutely nothing can break his concentration and so help him if anything dares to interrupt or prevent him from-
He’s quickly picking up a dog bone and straight up just YELLS at Diavolo. 
“What the HELL do you want? Huh? I’m walking my dog! Don’t you know how to time shit correctly? I’M BUSY!!!!” 
Doppio is so angry at Diavolo for calling him at these times, he just gets incredibly frustrated at him for interrupting his time with you and your cute dog. 
After he gets off the “phone” he needs lots of snuggles and kisses from you and your dog or else he might pop a blood vessel. 
Hilarious idea but Diavolo telling Doppio what to do with your dog whenever Doppio gets confused or is unsure of what do. 
“Ah, damn, what is the dog food we get again?” He says at the store. “The blue one.” “This one?” “Yeah. That one.” “Thanks, boss.”
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ronancexists · 6 months
Chaggie/Starmoth Week of Firsts
These will also be posted on my AO3 account which is the same as my Tumblr username, ronancexists :) Day 4: First Tears
Reading Charlie was as easy as reading a book. Even if someone didn’t know her or who she was, Charlie wore her heart on her sleeve and her facial expressions were always a dead giveaway as to how she was feeling.
At least, when she was around Vaggie. When she was around other people, however, her demeanor seemed to never change. Unless someone was looking for it, and Vaggie always was.
She liked to think she knew her girlfriend pretty well by this point. They’d been together for five months now, and Charlie was open about everything in her life.
Well, almost everything.
Vaggie had noticed it for a while now, but she didn’t bring it up because Charlie always waved off her concern, reassuring her that she was fine and that it was nothing she could handle.
But whenever Charlie’s parents were brought up, a number of things would happen.
First, she would begin blinking at a rapid pace, like she was trying to stem off tears.
Second, her smile would waver, only for a moment, before it became even brighter, and to Vaggie, it looked like she was forcing herself to stay smiling.
Third, her shoulders would become tense but she’d try to hide it by straightening herself up, regardless of if she was sitting or standing.
Finally, her nails would turn into claws and dig so hard into the meat of her palms that little bits of her blood would begin to bubble to the surface.
It didn’t matter if it was a mention of her mom, her dad, or a combination of the two. It elicited the same reaction from Charlie every single time, and whenever Vaggie tried asking her about it, Charlie continued to act as though she was fine, even though they both knew she wasn’t.
So Vaggie dropped the subject after a while, figuring that if Charlie wasn’t ready to discuss the topic with her, then there was no reason to push her to talk.
Until she had to.
Vaggie didn’t know what had happened, but Charlie came storming into their quarters, looking the most upset Vaggie had ever seen her. She’d stood up from the couch, Razzle and Dazzle watching from their seats curiously, and cautiously approached Charlie. “Charlie, what’s wrong? Did something happen?”
Charlie didn’t respond. She looked at Vaggie, a sob wrangling itself free from her throat before she fled the room, the grocery bags she’d had falling to the ground in her haste, the contents spilling all over the floor.
Not that Vaggie cared about that at the moment.
It took her a second to gather herself before she was racing after Charlie, the door to Charlie’s bedroom slamming shut seconds before she reached it. She tried the doorknob, jiggling it and cursing when she realized Charlie had locked the door. She never locked the door. Never. “Charlie, hun, can you please come unlock the door? You’re scaring me.”
Vaggie’s heart shattered at the quiet “No” that traveled through the door before her ears were filled with Charlie’s piercing wails as she cried. She placed her hand softly on the door, exhaling sharply, unable to do anything but listen as her partner sobbed and hid herself away.
Charlie had never done anything like this. Vaggie had seen her upset plenty of times, but that was always easily cured with some snuggles and a movie night with a shit ton of snacks. And she always wanted Vaggie there, claiming her presence always made her feel better.
But Charlie had never cried during those times. She’d been close a couple of times, because her girlfriend feels her own feelings and the feelings of those around her, but Vaggie had always managed to soothe her before any tears could fall.
This was the first time either of them had cried, and Vaggie couldn’t do a damn thing to help.
Because Charlie had locked her out.
Something she hadn’t ever done. Even if she was changing her clothes, she usually just went into her closet or bathroom to do so, allowing Vaggie free range of her room.
Vaggie turned when she felt something nudge her arm, giving Razzle a weak smile that felt like more of a grimace as he and Dazzle looked between her and the door with matching concerned expressions. “I know, I’m worried too,” Vaggie admitted, turning her back to the door and slumping against it, sliding down until she hit the floor. She wrapped her arms around her shins as she brought her knees up to her chest, resting her chin atop her folded up legs.
“Baa?” Razzle asked, nudging her again and gesturing to the door.
“Baa,” Dazzle answered, pointing to the doorknob.
“Baa. Baa baa,” Razzle bleated sadly, curling up next to Vaggie.
Dazzle flew down to Vaggie’s other side, the two of them surrounding her and offering her their comfort as best as they could while she offered them hers, all three of them wishing they could be helping the blonde who was locked away in her room.
Charlie had been having an excellent day so far. She’d woken up in her room, gotten ready for the day, had breakfast with her wonderfully amazing girlfriend, and headed out to town to get some grocery shopping done. Vaggie had offered to go with her, but Charlie had refused, saying she’d be back before Vaggie knew it and that she should just relax until she’d gotten back.
After all, Vaggie had done so much for her in terms of their relationship and with the hotel, the least she could do is get some groceries for the two of them.
So she set out to the grocery store a couple of blocks down from their home. She’d been her normal, bubbly self, greeting all of her citizens, all of their sneers and unpleasantness rolling right off her back like water rolls off a duck.
She’d entered the store, grabbed a cart from the front, and started browsing the isles. As she was looking at the different types of pasta noodles, an older looking couple approached her.
“Why, if it isn't Princess Charlotte!”
“Oh, umm, hello,” Charlie said, giving a little awkward wave. “It's nice to meet you. And I’m sorry, but I go by Charlie.”
“Oh, of course! I’m sorry, it’s just, we’ve been down here a long while, and we haven’t met any of the royal family yet. Tell me dear, how have your parents been?”
Charlie blinked a couple of times, her smile faltered before it tightened, her shoulders became stiff even as she unconsciously straightened herself up, and her nails swiftly transformed into claws that were digging uncomfortably into the heels of her palms. “Oh, they’ve been alright. My mom’s off on some important business, unfortunately, and my father and I have been missing her dearly.”
The woman’s smile sharpened, as if she could sense it was an uncomfortable subject. “Well, that’s such a shame. I couldn’t imagine ever abandoning a sweet thing such as yourself.”
Charlie sucked in a breath. “Oh, it’s nothing like that! She’ll be back in no time soon, you’ll see.”
“Mmhmm. And your father? Rumors have been going around, saying he’s been hiding in that big castle of yours since nobody’s seen him in years.”
“Well, it’s a good thing that they’re just that. Rumors.”
“Oh, no need to get defensive, honey! There’s bound to be speculation, especially when there are cracks within the royal family.”
“We’re all doing just fine. No cracks to be speculated about. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to get back to shopping. Don’t want to keep my family waiting,” Charlie said in a sickly sweet tone.
“Of course, of course! We wouldn’t want to hold you up. Right, sweetheart?”
The man accompanying her merely grunted in acknowledgement.
“Well, we’d best be off dearie. Oh, and do tell your parents happy anniversary from us. Ta-ta!”
With a taunting wave and a jeering smile, the woman led the man away as quickly as they had arrived.
Charlie took a couple of deep breaths, the woman’s words about her parents' anniversary ringing over and over again in her mind. She hadn’t even noticed the date, but now, as she looked at her phone, she realized that yeah, it was her parents' anniversary. Her claws dug even further into her palms, making her wince when they pierced through the skin. With a quiet rumbling of her throat, she went back to shopping, though her mind remained on that interaction the entire time.
The people, her people, were suspicious.
About her mother’s absence from the realm.
About her father being locked away.
About her, the Princess of Hell, the next best thing they had to a ruler now that both of her parents had essentially given up on the Pentagram.
She absentmindedly paid for all of the groceries, and stacking all the bags up in her hands, she started the trek home.
Where her parents used to be together.
Where they ruled Hell from.
Where they used to be happy.
Where they were a family.
Where she’d grown up, entranced by her father’s stories and her mother’s beautiful voice.
They’d been the Morningstars.
The most feared family in not only the Pride Ring, but all the other Rings as well.
And now?
Now, they’d been shattered.
Her mother, who had vanished from the realm without any warning to Charlie or her father.
Her father, who had been so devastated by her leaving that he’d fallen into a fragile state.
They’d both left her to deal with Hell.
She hadn’t been prepared for any of this.
She didn’t know what she was doing.
She was trying, but she knew her people didn’t respect her.
Not the way they respected her parents.
Charlie walked through the door in a daze, all these thoughts spinning and making her feel like she was going to lose control of herself. And as soon as she saw Vaggie, as soon as she saw her trying to comfort her, the dam broke.
She sobbed, and she ran.
She shut the door, and she locked it.
She ignored Vaggie’s pleas to let her in, and she collapsed onto her bed.
Her family was torn apart, and there was nothing she could do to fix it.
All she wanted was her parents.
She wanted them to be together.
To soothe her like they did when she was a kid and she’d had a nightmare or hurt herself in some way.
Her father would hold her, bedazzle her with his magic, while her mother sang her back to sleep, stroking her hair, and both of them would kiss her forehead and everything would be alright.
She missed them.
She missed her parents.
She wanted her parents.
But she couldn’t have them.
Because they didn’t want her.
They didn’t need her.
Not anymore.
But she needed them.
And to top it all off, it was their fucking anniversary.
Charlie screamed into her pillow, horns peeking out of her hairline and tail swishing around violently as her entire body shook with her sobs. Memories of her childhood played in front of her, of when they used to be happy, of when she used to celebrate their anniversary, only made her sobs louder and harsher, sucking all the breath out of her, like something heavy was sitting on her chest and making it impossible to breathe.
She wished she could see Vaggie.
Oh, Vaggie.
Her girlfriend.
Who she had locked out of the room.
“Va—Vaggie,” Charlie gasped out through her sobs, clutching at her chest and neck as she became dizzy from the lack of air. “Vaggie! Vaggie! Vaggie, I’m sorry! I need you! Vaggie!”
Charlie’s desperate screaming of her name jolted Vaggie out of her thoughts. She sprung to her feet, pounding on the door as she kept tugging and pushing at the doorknob. “Charlie?! Is everything ok?! Charlie!”
Razzle and Dazzle looked at one another determinedly, and began ramming into the door. Vaggie stepped back, allowing them to do whatever was necessary in order for her to reach her girlfriend.
They finally managed to loosen the door, and with a helpful push from Vaggie, they’d managed to kick the door open, knocking it partially off its hinges.
Vaggie rushed over to Charlie, grabbing her hands into her own so Charlie couldn’t further hurt herself. She placed them on her sternum, instructing Charlie to breathe with her. She exaggerated the motions so Charlie could feel them, coaching her through it even as her girlfriend continued to cry.
Once Charlie had caught her breath, she launched herself at Vaggie, hanging onto her and sobbing into her neck. “‘m sorry, I didn’t mean to lock you out. ‘m sorry, ‘m so sorry.”
“Shh, Charlie, it’s alright. I’m here now, it’s ok,” Vaggie said, wrapping her arms around Charlie and holding her close, reassuring her and lightly stroking her head, which seemed to work wonders in calming Charlie down. Not all the way, but it greatly reduced the amount of tears escaping her girlfriend.
“Baa,” Dazzle said to Razzle, who nodded in agreement.
Content with the fact that Vaggie was with Charlie at the moment, they fled the room, going to pick up the groceries from the floor where Charlie had dropped them when she was running to her room.
Neither girl was sure about how much time had passed before Charlie’s sobs had been reduced to sniffles, but in that time, Razzle and Dazzle had picked up the groceries and put them away, grabbed some of Charlie’s favorite snacks, tissues, water bottles for the girls, and brought them on a tray to the bedroom, where they set it on the nightstand before settling down at the edge of Charlie’s bed, facing the two of them when they had.
Vaggie adjusted the two of them on the bed so she was in a more comfortable position, never ceasing her hold on Charlie, sensing that if she did, it would send the blonde into hysterics all over again. When she had finished fixing herself on the bed, Charlie curled herself into an even tighter bundle on her lap, head tucked neatly underneath Vaggie’s, her ear resting over Vaggie’s chest so she could hear her heartbeat so she could remind herself that Vaggie was there, and that she wasn’t going anywhere.
Vaggie wasn’t going to leave her.
She wasn’t going to never speak to her ever again.
She wouldn’t do that to Charlie.
But a tiny voice, whispering in her mind, gave her pause.
“Yeah, hun?” Vaggie asked, noticing how hoarse Charlie sounded from all of the screaming and crying she’d done.
“You’re—you’re not gonna leave, are you?”
“No, of course not. I’ll be here however long you need me to be, sweetie.”
Charlie shook her head. “No, I don’t mean right now. I mean, you’re never going to leave me, right? Like, whatever happens, whatever I do wrong, you’ll still be here?”
Vaggie frowned. “Charlie, I promise you, no matter where the future takes us, I’m always going to be by your side. Nothing, and I mean nothing, you do is ever going to push me away. But, where’s this coming from?”
Charlie swallowed past the lump in her throat, toying with the cuff of her jacket. “It’s—well—umm—my parents. It’s their anniversary. Today. Which, ya know, would totally be something I’d be celebrating if Mom wasn’t nowhere to be found and Dad wasn’t hiding away in his quarters.”
“Do you, I dunno, want to talk about it?”
“No, not really.”
Charlie felt Vaggie take a deep breath, and braced herself for whatever her girlfriend was about to say.
“Look, Charlie, I know you don’t like to talk about it, because you always say you’re fine whenever someone brings them up, but I know you, and I know it bothers you. If you really don’t want to talk about it, I’ll drop it. But we promised to be honest about how we’re feeling with one another, remember?”
Charlie remained uncharacteristically silent, making Vaggie look down to ensure she hadn’t fallen asleep without realizing.
“When I was little, I used to love hearing my parents tell the story of how they fell in love. In fact, I used to love it so much, they made it into a book. Just for me.”
Vaggie watched in surprise as Razzle got up from his perch, searching through Charlie’s bookshelf until he found what he was looking for, carrying back a book titled The Story of Hell.
“Could I—would it be ok if I read it to you?”
Vaggie agreed, watching as Charlie cracked the book open, tilting her head so it was resting against Charlie’s as the blonde began to read, voice ringing loud and clear despite how strained it was.
“Once upon a time, there was a glowing city protected by golden gates, known as Heaven. It was ruled by beings of pure light. Angels that worshiped good and shielded all from evil. Lucifer was one of these angels. He was a dreamer with fantastical ideas for all of creation. But, he was seen as a troublemaker by the elders of Heaven. For they felt his way of thinking was dangerous to the order of their world. So, he watched as…”
As Charlie read the book, she couldn’t help but to steal glances up at Vaggie, who seemed to be as immersed in the story as her. She cracked a smile as she read, knowing just how powerful her parents' story was, and wished she could hear it for the first time all over again. She imagined she’d be just as in awe, just as enamored, as her girlfriend currently was.
“I didn’t know all of that,” Vaggie said once Charlie had finished reading and closed the book. “I mean, obviously everyone knows that Lucifer had Fallen after they offered Eve the apple, but I didn’t know about everything after that.”
“A lot of people don’t,” said Charlie, running her fingers reverently over the cover. “They used to read this to me every night while I was tucked into bed. Dad would tell the story, using his magic to embellish the tale, while Mom humbled him, taking over whenever he got too excited. He’d tell me about his creations, and whenever I asked him which one was his favorite, he’d always look me in the eye and say, ‘You are, my little duckling. And you always will be.’ Then Mom would sing me a lullaby, and they’d both kiss me goodnight, and I’d fall asleep, already awaiting the next night so we could do it all over again. As I got older, the routine changed, but they still always stopped by to say goodnight.”
“And you miss that?”
Charlie looked up at Vaggie as she blinked, trying to get rid of the wetness that was forming again. “I miss them. Mom still hasn’t returned any of my calls or replied to any of my messages, and Dad is such a recluse that even if I try sending him a text, he either doesn’t respond until days later or he doesn’t respond at all. And when he calls me, it’s only because he needs me to do something for him. He never wants to spend time with me anymore.”
“I’m sure that’s not true,” Vaggie said, though she was unsure if that truly was the case. She’d never met the man, so she couldn’t form too much of an opinion on him. But if he kept neglecting Charlie to the point she was having full on breakdowns about it, then she might. “And from what you’ve told me, it seems like he’s upset that Lilith left. I mean, according to the story, they’ve been together since, like, the dawn of time. He’s probably just trying to figure out how to cope, and when he does, I’m sure he’ll come around.”
“I hope so,” Charlie sighed, snuggling closer to Vaggie. “How do you always know what to say?”
“Because I know you.”
“I’m sorry I locked you out.”
“I told you there’s no need to apologize for that.”
“But there is,” Charlie argued. “I scared you, you said so yourself.”
“Because I wasn’t sure of what was going on. I’d never seen you so upset before, and then you locked the door, which is something you never do, so I thought something had happened to you or maybe someone had said something to you.”
“Who was it? Las desgarraré con mis manos desnudas,” Vaggie growled, anger rising at the thought of someone daring to say something so upsetting to Charlie. [I will tear them apart with my bare hands]
“Vaggie, there’s no need. Really, I’m ok,” Charlie said, trying to placate her.
“If you’re sure.”
Charlie nodded rapidly. “Yes, I’m sure. I’m ok.”
Vaggie grumbled something under her breath, but didn’t mention anything else threatening, so Charlie took it as a win.
“Aaaaaanyway, I’m sorry for keeping you away. I just, I wasn’t ready for you to see that side of me.”
“Are you talking about your demon side or the crying side?”
“Both?” Charlie answered, shrugging her shoulders sheepishly. “I don’t really bring my demon form out much, especially around you, because when I’m in that demon form, I’m different from the Charlie you know.”
“But that’s a part of you, which means I’m going to adore that version of my girlfriend as much as I adore this version, yes?”
Charlie smiled bashfully at Vaggie. “You mean it?”
“I mean it,” Vaggie answered without skipping a beat. “I really care about you, Charlie, demon and all.”
“I care about you too,” Charlie whispered, pressing a light kiss to Vaggie’s exposed shoulder. “More than you know.”
Vaggie blushed at that, but made no attempt to stop Charlie, who was now merely laying her head on Vaggie’s chest, her heartbeat soothing Charlie as easily as her parents’ story did.
“Sí, querida?”
“You know you’re my partner, right?”
“And you know I’d never leave you? No matter what?”
“I know, Charlie,” Vaggie whispered.
“Good, ‘cause I don’t think I’d be able to survive if I lost you. You’re the most important thing in my life. I just, I need you to know that.”
“I know that, Charlie. I promise. And I need you to promise me something in return.”
“What’s that?”
“Promise me that you won’t blame yourself for whatever happened to your parents. Whatever happened between them has absolutely nothing to do with you, ok? You might be caught in the crosshairs, but it’s between the two of them, not you. It wasn’t your fault.”
Charlie sniffled, bottom lip wobbling as she looked at Vaggie through tear-filled eyes. “Ok, I promise.”
Vaggie nodded, hugging Charlie tight. “Good. I’d hate for you to blame yourself for something that had nothing to do with you, cariña.”
“I love when you speak sexy to me,” Charlie muttered.
Vaggie arched an eyebrow. “When I speak ‘sexy’ to you?”
“Mmm. Spanish equals sexy,” Charlie said simply, as if that was all there was to it.
“Whatever you say, princesa,” Vaggie chuckled, tucking a strand of Charlie’s hair behind her ear.
“Yup. Definitely sexy,” Charlie said, nodding to emphasize her point.
“Sounds like someone needs to get some rest,” said Vaggie, amusement dripping from every word.
“Noooooo,” Charlie whined. “Don’t want you to leave.”
“I thought we’ve already gone over this.”
“Yeah, but if I move, you’re gonna leave. So I’m not moving.”
Vaggie rolled her eye in a mix of exasperation and fondness. “So what, exactly, you’re going to fall asleep in your suit without any of your stuffed animals or any of your blankets?”
Charlie frowned as she contemplated the thought before a grin overcame her face. With a snap of her fingers, everything changed. She and Vaggie were no longer in their clothes, but in their cozy pajamas, while Charlie was still situated in Vaggie’s lap with multiple blankets piled on top of them. “I’m not tired yet. Can we watch a movie?”
“As long as it isn’t a musical,” Vaggie said, shrieking with laughter as Charlie’s fingers started dancing along her ribcage. She squirmed and ducked, trying to avoid Charlie’s deft fingers, but to no avail. “Alright, alright! We’ll watch one of your damn musicals.”
Charlie beamed smugly at Vaggie, picking the remote up from the nightstand and scrolling through the movies, giggling at Vaggie’s exaggerated groan at the pick.
“You’re lucky I like you,” Vaggie grumbled playfully, though her expression switched over to something a bit more bashful and adoring as Charlie looked at her.
“Yeah, I really am,” she said, echoing Vaggie’s response from their first date.
With that, the two of them settled in close, movie queuing up on the screen, Charlie slowly but surely returning to her joyous, enigmatic self as the musical progressed.
And with the crisis averted (for the time being), Vaggie was able to fully relax, all while silently promising Charlie that she would never have to be alone.
Because Vaggie?
Vaggie had no intention of leaving her princesa.
Not like her parents had left her.
Not now, not ever.
Thank you for reading! And here's the AO3 link :)
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pilfappreciator · 9 months
Can you write about Veneer... Just, like, anything at all. I'm BEGGING. They could be headcanons, drabbles, oneshots, ANYTHING. My little gay mind can't handle it. If you don't have any ideas here are some that I have off the top of my head ^_^ (also if you could make any of these male reader I will love you forever BUT you obviously don't have to <33)
- Baking with him (but either veneer or the reader is a nightmare in the kitchen and everything goes wrong)
- Having a slumber party !! (Doing eachothers nails, hair, makeup, watching movies, just talking, possibly falling asleep in eachothers arms and being embarrassed in the morning)
- Playing hide and seek together
- CHRISTMAS WITH VENEER!!! (Decorating the house/Christmas tree, getting presents, playing out in the snow, just general festive activities:3)
- Reader who has a shit ton of stuffies and has named them all (introducing them to Veneer, cuddling, fluffy things)
- Eepy time (sleeping/cuddling hcs, shenanigans, not being able to fall asleep, weird midnight chats)
I had more but I forgot....
NAHHH UR LITERALLLY SO BASED I LOVE YOU FOR THAT!!! Veneer is literally such a criminal cuz like?? He kidnapped someone, tortured them, AND he stole your heart??? SOMEONE STOP HIM ASDKJALJSLD
Ended up combining a few of your ideas into one big concept! Hope you don't mind :3
Also heads up that this takes place before the events of Band Together took off! Just figured it'd be kinda hard to throw a sleepover when your ass is literally in prison lol
Veneer x Reader: when your favorite twink invites you to a sleepover
Tumblr media
Includes: Male! Reader, sleepover shenanigans, fluff, slight angst, gaygaygaygay—
💎 You and Veneer would have to be INCREDIBLY close before he even considered invited you over
💎 Tbh I feel like getting invited to hangout with this guy in any way is actually? Kind of a privilage?? Like his fame is obviously a big factor in that but growing up, I doubt he had any actual friends who weren't his sister. I imagine him as kinda shy and non-confrontational as a kid, and though Velvet wasn't the BEST sibling, she never hesitated to cuss out whatever poor soul chose to pick on her brother. She's always been the one to lead and Veneer has always just followed
💎 I mean... the guy literally participated in tortue just cuz his sister told him to. He sheep coded as hell 😔
💎 So yeah, this boy probably has like zero experience when it comes to having friends who don't use him for his fame and/or are related to him by blood. Luckily you came along! Now he's actually got someone with whom he shares a genuine connection with!!
💎 Whether that connection is strictly platonic has... yet to be determined >;3c
💎 WITH THAT BEING SAID!! This guy has never once participated in a sleepover (hanging out in his sister's room doesn't count), and he's got absolutely no clue what to do ://
💎 Will conduct numerous amounts of research days in advance! And by research, I mean he's binging all his favorite chick flicks and having Krimp take notes aslkdhaljsdl
💎 "Oh heyyyy, (____)! Fancy seeing you here!"
"This... is my house?"
"R-right, right! Obviously! Um, anyway, do you like sleeping?"
"Also, u-uh, totally unrelated but have you ever wondered what the inside of my house looks like?"
💎 Pls just accept his invitation. If he gets any redder he might pop a blood vessel or something
💎 Heaves out the BIGGEST sigh once you say yes. He'll try to play himself off as nonchalant even though he's absolutely ecstatic, but like... the boy is literally vibrating with excitement okay, he's not fooling anyone lol
💎 Once the big day comes and you show up to his house— sorry, MANSION? Prepare yourself cuz he is most definitely giving a tour. From the indoor pool, to the outdoor pool, to the personal studio/production room, to the many walk-in closets, to a room that is literally just one big ball pit, to a heigh-ceiling hallway just lined with photos/painting of him and his sister... he is NOT afraid to show off asdkajsdlkhjf
💎 (Sidenote: don't worry about Velvet potentially intruding on the sleepover. She's agreed to step out for the day on her brother's behalf. Was definitely pretty pissy about having to vacate her own home but eventually relented... but Veneer definitely owes her for her kindness)
💎 Yknow all those cliche sleepover activities people do in movies? Yeah, you guys are doing literally all of them
💎 Such a dumbass <33
💎 NO LIKE ACTUALLY THO?? Krimp made Veneer a list of popular and totally optional things to do at a sleepover and the second he saw it, he was just like "uugh, seems like a lot of work but I GUESS I'll do it 🙄"
💎 You guys are painting your nails matching colors, doing facemasks, messing around with each others' hair— the whole shebang!! And considering this dude is rich as fuck, you just KNOW he's got nothing but all the top-of-the-line products 😤😤. Only the finest for him (and you <33)
💎 LET HIM DO YOUR MAKEUP!! I feel like he really enjoys it as a whole! Like it's probably his favorite part of getting ready for shows or just his day in general, and the only person he's done makeup for is Velvet (tho those instances were VERY rare)... but if you just? Suggest that he does yours for you?? Like just sitting back so he can do his thing, allowing him to call the shots like he rarely ever does???
💎 Unfortunately the whole thing kinda backfires on him cuz: 1) you're already super cute without makeup, and 2) he knows what he's doing and could easily boost someone's looks with just some eyesliner and the right shade of lipstick
💎 He makes you look hotter, is basically what I'm getting at
💎 He's not sure if he's just done himself a huge favor or screwed himself over for the rest of the night
💎 Considering his crazy wealth and the fact he probably grew up pretty sheltered/spoiled, I doubt this boy knows anything about how a kitchen works lol. Like most of his meals were either made for him by Krimp or served at high-end hoity-toity restaurants with caviar that probably cost more than most organs sell on the black market ://
💎 So yeah, dinner is really gonna come down to you and your skill level
💎 If you know you're away around, CONGRATS!! You've just signed yourself up for cooking lessons with Veneer! And yes, the kitchen WILL end up a mess (but no worries, he'll just make Krimp clean it up). You'll definitely have to take the lead here and he's more than happy to let you do so! Just tell him what spices you need or what utensil to grab, and his ass is on it 🫡 If you wanna teach him how to knead dough or peel certain ingredients?? He won't complain (especially if said activity requires you two to be in close proximity hehe)
💎 Do NOT leave him alone in the kitchen for more than 10 seconds. You'll just return to find him trying to cut strawberries with the dull side of a knife u_u
💎 If you're also total shit in the kitchen?? No worries! Veneer may be living that high life but he's not above ordering takeout lol
💎 Remember those chick flicks I mentioned earlier? Yeah, you two are totally running a marathon of those. If you happen to have any good recs or other movies you happen to like?? He's totally willing to give them a try! Just know that if it's a scary movie… he's gonna be wrapped around you like a koala and screaming into your ear at every jumpscare
💎 He may be talentless but this boy can hit a high note if he feels he's in danger
💎 He may be different from his sister in some ways, but one attribute he shares with her is the fact that he's a TOTAL GOSSIP LIKE?? THIS BOY IS MORE THAN PREPARED TO SPILL THE TEA ON ANY GIVEN OCCASION—
💎 "Oh my gosh, did you HEAR about what happened to Nikki Mirage the other day??"
"No? Wait, who's that again?"
"YOU DON'T KNOW WHO--- okay, sit down so I can educate you 😤"
💎 Him and Velvet literally thrive on drama, idk what else to tell you
💎 (he might also spill some tea about his sister... nothing too incriminating, but like, a few embarrassing childhood stories couldn't hurt, right?)
💎 Late night talks are a MUST!! At some point in the night the two of you end up like... nestled under the covers of whatever fort you guys threw together... you're facing each other, heads centimeters apart as you share a pillow... whispering and giggling for no real reason...
💎 Maybe he vents a little about his insecurities and the way Velvet treats him, less like a brother and more like a shadow she can manipulate as she pleases... and maybe you grab his hand under the blanket... yknow, just to comfort him or whatever...
💎 Veneer only ever gets physical affection when he visits his parents, and even then it's just like? The bare minimum?? Pats on the head/shoulder/back, brief hugs, chaste kisses on his cheek— that kinda crap. And it's so tragic cuz this boy is literally the biggest little spoon to ever spoon. Like actually pls just hold him
💎 If he wakes up the next morning to find you laying behind him? Arms wound around his middle?? You face burried against his neck/shoulder blades/top of his head????
💎 He is not moving from that spot even after you wake up too <33
Cannibal, I absolutely ADORE YOU FOR THIS ASK!! LITERALLY SO FUN TO WRITE SAKLJASADKJSD THANK YOU SO MUCH <3333 (was originally gonna split this into two parts but was like, "nah, this ask deserves to be hella long" uwu)
Veneer redemption arc when??
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blakenation1 · 3 months
Dead Poets Society on Snapchat
facechat, snapbook, whatever it is.... I will make this joke every time facebook/snapchat is mentioned ANYWHERE.
OKAY Knox sends Charlie so many videos of him ranting. like he's setting the phone down- sorry SLAMMING the phone down- eyebrows raised, wide eyes, hands thrown out in front of him, "CHARLIE.... you will never guess what happened to me today-"
Okay CLEARLY, Charlie uses a bunch of stupid filters. He puts them on anybody and everybody when they are not paying attention. Videos them with the filter on, with Charlie's muffled and held back laughter and snickering in the background.
Neil has a private story and posts on it all the time. Probably posts a lot of stuff of him at the theatre, like silly things that happen at rehearsal, him and Ginny doing silly stuff, him and Todd on late-night adventures, etc etc etc
Cameron literally never gets on Snap, maybe like once a day or so, because him and Charlie have a like 1,000 day snapstreak and they both refuse to break it because it is so long. They have had it like ever since they were in middle school or some crazy shit like that.
One time Cameron's phone died and their streak was about to break. Cameron uses Todd's phone and logs into his snap just to fulfill his streak with Charlie 😭
Todd also hardly gets on snap. Gets on there to check out Neil's story, reply to it, etc. RIP Todd Anderson, you would love Tumblr, Pinterest, and Spotify combo.
After Charlie, Pitts is the next one that would be on Snap the most. I think he would love the silly filters. I can see him having a cat or something and sending the poets silly videos of silly filters he put on his cat, AWWWW
Okay, Meeks either does not have Snap, or just got it incase he met someone and wanted their contact info or something like that.
I cannot see Meeks being on snap I DUNNO I cannot explain it-
I have talked about this once before and I will talk about it once again, Charlie Dalton would love Snapchat.
He has streaks with all the poets (that are willing to have one with him), he has a private story that he posts on ALL the time, him and Knox are each other's #1 bsf, because Knox is on snap all the damn time too.
Like he would always dress it up in some stupid shit
I'm talking it's mid-july and his bitmoji has on a Christmas tree costume.
Chris posts on her main story every once in a while, but it would be cute
Like oh she's at the beach, she's gonna take a pic of the ocean, put the location sticker thingy on it and post
Would love it though, love u Chris
Ginny would probably be a lot like Neil and Todd combined, doesn't get on snap a TON, but likes posting silly stuff on her private story
I like to think all the poets have a group story together, and a group chat, obvi
Knox would have the cutest bitmoji, like he'd have it in a cute little outfit
One last thing, Charlie would literally get so many people's snap. Like oh, he just met this guy at some restaurant, he has his snap within ten minutes. He loves asking people for their snap.
OKAY another thing- I can see Ginny loving the zodiac sign feature on profiles, like "omg Chris look- he's a Scorpio" and what not
Charlie's snapscore is insane. Do not ask him about it he will brag and talk about it for five minutes.
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