#there are probably alot of things i missed out but JESUS
tiastoleyourtoast · 1 year
dude i was listening to the omori ost (that shit fucking SLAPS man) and i realised how many small details there are in this:
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the blurred out OMORI in the back, the bunny, the picnic basket, the piano, the piano sheets, the candles that say happy birthday, the slinky toy, the sprout mole, the fake bugs (spider and the bettle under the picnic blanket. etc.) the frickin toy car!!1
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schizoidcel · 11 months
Hello! I saw you were taking requests for TADC and thought I'd send one in if it isn't too much hassle.
This one has been itching at my brain since I saw the pilot
Pomni, Ragatha, and Zooble (Separately) encounter a newcomer to the circus (reader), who was their S/O in the real world.
Perhaps reader had come looking for them to find out what happened, only to end up getting stuck with them?
Anyways, thanks for your time! I hope you are well!
Idk how yall find me wit my posts not showing up in the tags but OMG HELLFIRE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH??? Dw bestie it's no hassle ong ong. HOPE U'RE DOING WELL TOO LOVE <3
warnings :: None, angst if you squint on Zoobles part. Also not proofread I'll do it in the morning kissy
♪ POMNI ..
She's probably taken aback first.
It's just been a week after she arrived? And there's already another person???
Though for some reason, and even if you two barely talked, Pomni already feels more connected to you than with everybody else in the circus. Even with Ragatha, even though they've helped her through everything, like on the first day
She finds it weird, but she dosen't mention it at all.
Your presence is just soothing to her and calms her down, which is enough of a reason for her to keep being near you
Over time, you 2 grew very close, seeing as both of you are new to this whole thing.
And Pomni already feels like she has grown a crush on you .. Cmon girlfail it's been like a couple days.
The way you just are ... You makes Pomni feel like you've supported and comforted her all her life, even though you guys just met a couple of days ago
Once you and Pomni were calming down after a really exhausting adventure, you both were pretty beat and when you initiated conversation it somehow came to how you both ended up in the circus
You explained to her how you ended up here because you wanted to try and escape reality after your lover went missing, obviously not expecting to get trapped in a literal VR game ...
Pomni felt saddened at the mention of you having a lover, but at the same time, she felt like something snapped inside her
Didn't she have a lover too?? Was that you? Because it would explain alot .
And when you said how Pomni kinda resembeled your partner, was when she realized :
Pomni IS your partner
She literally immediately started to try and explain to you how she is probably your lover because of how you and her ended up here, and because of the entire thing of her feeling more connected with you
You didn't seem like you got it from her extremely fast no pause explanation, which caused her to have a meltdown infront of you ... (goodjob girl!)
Though, that meltdown looked abit too familiar. Immediately you knew that "Damn! That's my girl!"
Just as soon as you realized, you held her and reassured her that you got what she meant, and that you're happy she managed to connect the dots you couldn't
Pomni seemed happy from the praise, but she seemed even happier from the fact that both of you are together again.
And now she is clinging on to you like idk a panda on pumpkin.
Expect her to be clingy like this for a few days, maybe even weeks. Fuck girl maybe FOREVER
The days she was there, even with Ragatha helping her the best she can, Pomni still felt isolated as she had begun to slowly think that maybe none of these people are real in the first place (jesus girl)
But now that you, her S/O, someone she KNOWS that is real is here with her she feels SO much more calmer
She does feel bad that you're stuck with her now, and she definitely feels abit of guilt. But exactly because of those reasons, Pomni wants to get out even faster now. She still wants to have a little apartment with you, after all!
With you being new, Ragatha makes sure that like with Pomni, your 1st day is as good as it can be!
She seems to be abit more hooked on trying to make it perfect, though ...
I wonder why that is?
Well she sure don't know. Anywho!
Even if she does want the day for you to be more flawless than ever, she really didn't give it any thought, therefore she automatically is not aware why she wanted it to be 100% ideal for you
She's been in here for awhile, and though she faintly remembers having a partner, she doubts her partner would ever end up in the digital circus like her (uhmm... news flash bae...)
Ragatha realizes from day 1 that she gets along with you really well, and that immediately caused you two to hang out alot!!
The longer you hangout with her, the more Ragatha feels like she is developing a crush on you .. (wuh woh ...)
And not even a few hours after she realizes she has this crush on you, you started talking about how you ended up in the circus in the first place
She was sad at first, but tried not to show it. Instead, she comforted you, and told you stuff like "It's OK!" "Maybe we'll find a way out, then we can find your S/O!" (the irony I can't.) basically words she hoped would stop making you look so sad and make you smile instead .. (cutie)
Out of nowhere though, you started crying
She was so . shocked?? GIRL WHY ARE YOU CRYING
You try to tell her through your now lowkey stuttering voice how your S/O acted JUST like her
The touch, the words, the voice, all of it was really familiar to you .
After you tell that to her, Ragatha realizes that it's the same for her towards you.
How she feels like you and her knew eachother for years with how fast you two got along when you first met, surely it can't be a coincidence.
Ragatha begins to tell you about this and how she feels like she knew you for a very, VERY long time
.. Which leads to a guessing game of both o yalls fave things.
Though Ragatha has forgotten most of the stuff in her life back on the real world, she "coincidentally" knew EVERY one of your favourite things.
And you did hers??
You two didn't know how to react and were shocked.
After the shock died down though, both of you were just hugging eachother, and the both of you telling eachother how lonely it was without the other one by your side really aint gon stop those tears.
Zooble DEFINITELY wouldn't even realize or care about you
Ofcourse not because they hate you, they're just kinda tired of new people coming in and in, especially this fast (chill girl god damn its only 2 people!!)
Zooble starts to find you WAY more tolerable the more Caine throws you into adventures together, though
They find the aura around you more inviting, so to speak
They even slowly start to think about how they prefer you over all the other members of the circus
You two only spoke around 4 times, but all have been extremely smooth going and fun conversations, something Zooble wouldn't expect to have with someone. ESPECIALLY a new member ..
On the other side, you find Zooble extremely likeable aswell! Sure, they might be dry or blunt, but they have a warm side, like every cold person usually does
You probably like talking with Zooble more than everyone else aswell .. Not cus everyone else is boring, you just find Zoobles personality and perspective on things to be more intriguing
Once Caine made you all go through another adventure yet again, which turned out to be a "partner" game
And wouldn't you know it, fate loves you and puts you and Zooble into a pair!
On that day, you two managed to tell eachother the mutual interest you have in one another, therefore deciding to become closer friends.
Or actually lets just start with being friends in the 1st place.
Ofcourse after that game, you two would normally be seen together more often now (BESTIE TIME)
Which ultimately leads to you telling Zooble how you got in the circus in the first place
Zooble didn't really know how to react to you having a S/O, they didn't really feel hurt, but at the same time they did? It was confusing, really
Once while in your room, you told Zooble how some of the antics they make is similar to what your S/O used to do
You immediately snapped and thought about how lowkey weird it is to say that, so you apologized immediately ..
To your suprise though, Zooble even took it as a compliment (they didn't expect it too.)
Zooble feels like a part of their identity has been put together the more you guys hang out with eachother
They want to know why they feel so completed with you, but that'll probably be something that can only be figured out once you two (if you can) get out of this circus (word for word ...)
But for now, they'll enjoy your company, the energy you give off, and your comforting presence.
They wont step over the line, since they know you already have a partner, but it wont hurt if you're just best friends, right?
ׂૢ་༘࿐ Thank you for reading! ♡
Ugh this was so much fun I am LIVING for these little babes. I'm really proud of these hello ?! Might make a short scenario version since I love this ask sm.
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nat1vibes · 2 years
@manygalaxiesinone thank you for asking me this and i shall use the same template as you for ease. (might have missed some)
(inspired from this post)
Disgaea Generic Classes/monsters i'd hang out with!
Warrior: NEATHER YEAH! just coz im biased and couldn't say no. he could help me get into the mindset of working out! and... maybe get me one of them deals with the god of combat
Valkyre: Probably-maybe not. If she is as tsundereish as she seems then it would be a maybe not. But she is still kinda just a dorklike M warrior, so prob yeah!
Martial Artist: wouldn't hang out more than just maybe sparing with them to learn from them, or tea together.
Fight Mistress: yeah! but they seem a bit too high energy for me
Magician: Neather Yeah! we would be nerding out so much! and i'd love to see how magic is studied, even if i couldn't do it
Witch:...the gothic lolita is stronger than my ablity to see red flags. So yes i would. Maybe i'd just be her goofer but its fine
Clergy: yea. lil cute booger. He don't got anything wrong
Cleric: yeah! they are prety calm. maybe though i wouldn't find that much in common with us
Ninja: maybe. He seems cool. but like. trained assassin? can they have fun? would they not kill me?
Kunoichi: same as ninja
Samurai Male/Female: Loyal! pretty calm most of the time. Good friends to have around
Ranger/Strider: Cool guy, we could vibe
Archer: Not sure. she seems nice. But i might find them annoying after a while. Probably my fualt
Magic Knight: Sure! she is just great! i can't imagine they would like me much though.
Thief Male/Female: i'd maybe do some panks with them and that's it. I don't wanna stay close enough to be a target
Angel Male/Female: Hate them.
Gunner: Wild west nerd, we could vibe
Gunslinger: Smh Merchant from Phantom brave just dressed difrently. i dont trust her
Armor knight Male/Female: Yes! i will feel so at ease when being around them!
Beastmaster: Greaat gal. I'd love to hang out with the more dangerous monsters through her
Sorcerer: Ok ok, curses, voodoo. But she so cute tho! I'll overlook my lower lifespan
Masked Hero: Nah, posers
Professor: sure? but it's an other one of those that i don't thing we will hae much t otalk about. If she tries to teach me math i'll pocket sand her and run away
Psychic: she looks like a Chuunibyu. We vibing
Mecha Girl: Maybe? but idk
Sinner: i'd be afraid , they pretty scary
Prinny: i'd feed them like. 2 sardines PER DAY. With the profits i make from thier labour, i'd contiue to amass a following and be treated as prinny Jesus. Valvatorez will have t ofind me and try to change my ways.
Cheerleader: dont know alot about her. But id be worried where to look and be uncomfortable
Android: Nah. ill save my life to kill it with an other calss that would hate me
Necromancer: yes. Again lolita fashion wins
Medic: sure! I'd even go as far as trying out on flied medic assistant
Maid: HELL YEAH! Nat1vibes loredrop. Monstergirls are one of my weaknesses. And maid. Are an other one
Wrestler: Not alot. But i'd for sure let him coach me. work out together. he could lift me and my spirits!
Pirate: nah. Posh dudes
Dark Knight: YES. yeah yeah emo. But they are my chuunin babies. I'd play pretend with them
Sage: yeah! Give me multy attack!
Geomaster: nah. Hated those Old farts. Disgaea 2 item world was made a pain
Majin:Maybe? maybe not...depends if they seem me as like, a lowly human they might develop feelings like those of a pet rat. Or just kill me.
Bouncer:My own body guard!
Onmyo monk: Uptight smucks that think they are better than everyone? I'll slug him one! and die... coz they are high ranking
EDF soldier/Battle shuit:Literlly just human dudes. Depends on the guy
Kurtis bot:Maybe? probably not
Asagi(d5):Only if i could somehow make them belive, i am the true Asagi of an other dimention. That came here to find the TRUE asagi
Spirit: yeah...Kinda, they look lonely
Undead: nah. Zombos. Bleh. ''But nat1, you said yes to the mai-'' ''I'll slug you one''
Dragon: If they don't see me as a threat or food. Sure. Big guys. Seem to give nice hugs. Also... a point i missed. MAGICHANGE D2 SPEAR! D4 SWORD!
wooden Golem: Yee. nice tree bros
Lanturn: they look kinda scary. But they chill we vibing
Living Armor/Horseman: I wouldn't mind. But they probably won't find any value in me.
Felynn: Yeah! cat ladies! just hope they don't break me accidentally
Succubus: nah. Hang out? Well... Maybe. NO, they just out for my soul.
Gargoyles: i wouldn't mind one guarding my house
Nether Noble: maybe? Not like Sherafinas dad. But they aren't that bad. I remmember that lil oiky boy in d1
Orc: Only if they don't think they can mess with me. lil fart boys
Winged Warrior/If you mean mothman: Nah. I'd fall assleep to easely. not good for the slumber party
Flora Beast: yeah. I don't see how it could go bad
Roc: nah. Sorry. too smelly a breath
Rifle Demon: maybe if i could win their faivour with alcohol
Nosferatu:vampire dudes? nah. they would kill me
Feary: lil fae boys. Sure. adorable!
Sludge: nah. Slime
Shroom: nah. Again i dont wanna fall asleep when disgaea ppl are REAL!
Mythical Beast: Yeah! doggo!
Slumber Cat/Deathsabbers: i mean. They are just cats. Sure
Reaper: Well. they don't look only like they usually do. As we saw from Emizels dad. But still. They would probably kill me
Evil Eye: what even is this
Holy Dragon: Nah. too uptight about their pride
Imp: nah. lil shits
Fairy: Sure. lil guys
Rabbits: yeah!!! peaceful demons! yeee
Bear: YEEE big hugs! WAIT THAT A MOUTH in thier belly
Nine-tails: I mean... kitsune ladies
Twin Dragon: Again as with the dragon. MAGICHANGE SWORD
Zombie dragon: Yeah. looks evil. Probably is. But... they look so lonely and also kinda like. Friendable
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nobody7102 · 2 years
Bestie I hate to ask this because I know you guys are probably really busy and have alot on your plate......but if you ever have the time......#100 with either Ben Mears or Miles Miller, "We've been going at it like rabbits and you're still horny?"
Please take your time with this and do not rush, I hate to see people stress out over this kinda thing (lol).
AHH BABES! (Never too busy for your blurbs💜) We going with Miles bc I miss my soft boy
Rolling off of Y/N, Miles chuckled, taking in her fucked out state. How her lips were red and slightly swollen as she panted, trying to catch her breath. Eyes slightly glazed as she starred up at the ceiling.
“I’m gonna get you some water” he chuckled but just as he sat up, hands wrapped around his shoulder. He felt Y/N press herself against his back
“No!” she whined kissing his neck, on hand stayed wrapped around his shoulder the other trailed down his torso “stay” she murmured against his skin
The chuckle that grew in Miles throat died as he felt Y/N wrap her hand around the base of his cock “Jesus Sweetheart” he moaned, leaning his head back against her shoulder, feeling her hand tug upwards “We’ve been going at it like rabbits and you’re still horny?” His hand landed on her thigh that framed his torso, his thumb rubbing circles.
“I can’t help it” she giggled as Miles turned to hide his face in her neck to groan “I didn’t see you for a week” she let out a hum as Miles nipped at her neck. “You try being stuck with my Ma-“
“Sweetheart I love you… but can you not talk about your mother right now?!” he whined
A laugh left Y/N’s mouth as she resumed kissing up his neck “sorry baby” she smiled
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dendrosystem · 2 years
ok so heres the pre- 3.0 livestream post im making to gather all of my thoughts about what we’ve seen so far 
“A little experiment in blasphemy”
this little scene actually gave us ALOT !!!!!! of insight !
A1. our first look at the big burning tree of sumeru (more on this part later) A2. collei has prophetic dreams ! (proven that dottores little prank wasnt just collei’s bad dream in the 40 second animation) A3. tighnari is a fucking nerd
A3. tighnari (and possibly/probably cyno) is collei’s instructor/mentor !
A4. there are multiple Il Dottores. (jesus christ 😇) AND Il Dottore (collective) doesnt enjoy being called “young”
A5. Dottore Prime (the first) is the one burning the tree
A6. assuming the little conversation at the end of Winter Night’s Lazzo takes place while theyre still at the funeral, we can assume that the funeral takes place after the traveler gets to sumeru because like if the tree was already burning then uhhhhh i think there’d be more word about it around teyvat and also the traveler is shown standing there in the animated video so it cant have been burning for that long
“I’m just the moon. The real sun is long gone.”
B1. my personal belief is that this metaphor is very subtly hinting to what i like to call a “Solar Eclipse” dynamic that will become more apparent later on in the story. solar eclipses are very large events in which the moon covers up the sun, so my theory is that Kusanali took the place of (covered up for) the old dendro archon in some big event.
B2. my other ideas about this line are that the culture of sumeru has changed a bit in terms of how they regard their archon since the change happened. Kusanali is widely reffered to as “Lesser Lord’. this is even how Yae reffers to her at the end of inazuma’s archon quest, so its pretty widely known that Kusanali isnt the original archon i guess ? so my guess is that the moon and real sun thing could also imply that sumeruan culture used to be “we revolve around our archon” like the earth revolves around the sun, but now its “the archon revolves around us” like the moon revolves around the earth. this is to say that kusanali may be more of a servant to the people, whereas the old archon was more of a traditional religious figure. 
ok this one is wayyy more loose than the rest but. 
what the fuck is the little ball of light that Kusanali is handling in that video ? 
C1. well, its a little ball of light ! my immediate thought was, “could this signify the sun ?” it doesnt seem too far off since thats literally what shes talking about in that part. i know she says “the real sun is long gone” but the glowing ball could be a metaphor for her “handling the original archon”. as for what this could mean ? no fucking clue. 
D1. here is my absolute favorite theory about whats going on in that goddamned tree. (not my theory but i agree with it, i forgot where i got it from tho) you know how you can set dendro slimes on fire to lure them out of the ground ? yeahhhh uhhh. what if the real dendro archon is inside that tree and dottore is trying to get them out ? 
D2. no matter what the point of setting the tree on fire is for, its definitely something important because Dottore Prime is out there doing it so like. you go girlie !!
okay thats just about it, please tell me if i missed anything or made any mistakes and i am more than happy to have discussions about anything on here <3 
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obscureoperations · 2 years
Having outfits with Martin or stealing his clothes, what would that entail?
-Same thing goes for Abraham and WhiteFace.
Hell I do that anyways.. Ijs.. 👀😂
Martin may or may not be my style icon..who knows *shrugs*
I don't think he'd mind it if his partner borrowed his clothes, he was just glad to know why they were missing. Utterly surprised when he comes down for breakfast and finds you standing over the stove in one of his shirts.
You looked..good, he couldn't tear his eyes away. It honestly looked better on you. He tries to hide the fact that the image excited him.
"Breakfast is almost ready! Oh and I borrowed your shirt..hope you don't mind."
If it was in the beginning of your relationship, and he still struggled with his sickness--you probably found yourself missing him alot. He'd often return home to find you curled up on the couch, with one of his t shirts draped across the pillow.
Eventually, he gets used to it--if anything he found it flattering. He never considered himself the pinnacle of style. The fact that you wanted to be close to him in such a way, how could he possibly be upset?
The jester’s wardrobe was eclectic to say the least, it wasn’t hard to spot him in a crowd. Multicolored spandex and ruffled shirts, a collection of greasepaint--surprisingly it never took him long to get ready.
The last thing he was expecting when returning to his bunker was to find you sitting in front of the mirror. You were dressed in his red and black spandex suit, happily humming to yourself as you applied the greasepaint. He opened his mouth as if he about to speak, but obviously he refrained. He settles on easing his way into the tent with great stealth--preparing for your scream once he grabs you by the waist.
You let out a startled squeak but begin to laugh as he playfully nuzzles your neck. Fingers ghosting along your ribs tickling you lightly, before he urges you to turn around. Absolutely adorable. He moves your arms out to the side in order to take in your appearance. He had to admit you did a great job with the make up. You had watch him apply it numerous times.
After a while he steps back, bringing your hand to his lips before taking an exaggerated bow. You spin around, allowing him to get a better view. 
“ What d’ya think? Do you think you can teach me to juggle?”
Oh he absolutely loves it, blame his inner narcissist-- but imitation is the truest form of flattery. He has to admit you look damn good lounging around the house in one of his flannels. The first time it happened, you didn’t give it a second thought..it was laundry day and you needed something to wear. Of course he wouldn’t mind you carrying out the task in the nude, but the thought of his siblings catching you was unappealing to say the least.
He managed to creep up behind you as you empty the dryer--careful to wait till you were completely finished. You nearly drop the basket when you find him leaning against the doorframe, not attempting to hide the smug grin.
“Jesus..how long were you standing there?!”
With a laugh, he steps in locking the door behind him.
“Long enough.”
He’s definitely a fan, at times he even stops you as you’re trying to get ready. “Here..Pookie.wear this.” Shoving one of his shirts in your hand, you roll your eyes in feigned annoyance. You really didn’t mind, if anything you loved that it excited him. You wondered if he still had that officer’s hat laying around.
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maria-akira · 4 years
how you meet the ahs boys + their reaction while you're having a class - PART 1
hey yall im back again 🧍🏻‍♀️ is this what you call a headcanon?? idk BAHAHSHHA. anyways i've had this idea in my mind for a while and i wanted to share it to yall, so i hope you guys like it 😌
these also have a little back story on how you guys meet !!
also, special mention to @tatestripedsweater for helping me give ideas with jimmy's part !! thank you so much mwah 🥺❤
warnings: none! just pure fluff <3
please excuse any errors !
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before the pandemic, you and your family have moved into the murder house.
the house gave your family a very odd vibe, but nonetheless all of you had to bear with it because it was sold for a cheap price.
but when the pandemic arrived the country, you were stuck at home 24/7. thus, classes were online.
you met tate because of your father. tate was one of his patients and the both of you grew close.
"Y/N, what are you doing?"
tate would randomly barge in your room while having a class and you would jump out of shock.
"Jesus, Tate. Stop scaring me like that!"
tate would giggle and lay on your bed, observing the lesson that the teacher rambled about.
while you're writing notes, he would stand up and take a chair from some part of your room and sit beside you.
knowing that tate is clingy, you would warn him not to bug you and behave while you listened in class.
of course, he doesn't listen and he would place his head on your shoulder and eventually would cuddle you.
"Taaate, please let me focus."
luckily, you always keep your camera off.
"Mmm, no. I enjoy bugging you."
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one time, you were driving to school on your own and you were almost running out of gas.
luckily, you saw a gas station nearby and decided to get a fill before heading to school. and there, you met kit.
when you first laid your eyes on kit, you thought that he was the prettiest man ever. you couldn't let this chance slip, thus, you exchanged numbers with him.
you talked all day and night, the both of you were so inlove with each other and you finally decided to introduce him to your parents.
your parents loved him and you were so, so happy.
but when the pandemic came, it affected your relationship with kit.
since all schools and unis were closed down, everything went online.
when kit stayed over, he couldn't spend a lot of time with you because you had to attend classes early in the morning, till afternoon.
"Can you stay in bed with me for a little bit, darling?"
unfortunately, you woke up late that day and you missed 10 minutes of your first class. and just like that, you were stuck to your desk until afternoon.
"Kit baby, I'm sorry. I'm late for my first class. Maybe later, okay?"
as much as kit hated this whole online class thing, he would always find a way to cheer you up.
thus, he would cook you breakfast and bring it over to your room.
"C'mere, I'll feed you while you listen and write down notes."
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madison, your friend, had bugged you all week to go with her to this college frat party near your house.
you weren't the party type. you loved staying at home, watching netflix or reading some sort of fan fiction on wattpad.
but you hated being single. so, this was your chance to actually get a boyfriend.
when you arrived at the party, you immediately hated it. everything was so loud and everyone was drinking, it was definitely a new sight for you.
you were sitting on a couch that was in the balcony, with a red cup that was filled with punch. you loved being away from the commotion.
this is where you met kyle, it was love at first sight. the both of you had so much in common and you thought that he was the man of your dreams.
you exchanged snapchats and from there, you were partners-in-crime.
you and kyle had stopped going to parties ever since the pandemic arrived, which means you got to see each other less.
since the both of you were students, both of your classes went online.
one time, kyle had no classes for a day and he decided to surprise you.
that day, you were having an online presentation. both your camera and microphone were on.
"Rene Descartes was the Father of Modern Philosophy—"
as you were presenting the slide show, you were cut off by kyle's presence infront of your desk.
"I brought you food, baby!"
you would shush him and suddenly turn off your mic.
"I'm so sorry, Miss. My boyfriend arrived and I—"
kyle would go beside you and kiss you on your cheek, your classmates and teacher cooing over it.
"Miss, you better give my girlfriend a good grade."
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*pretend that he survived the bus accident and had a coma, because we arent involving witchcraft here*
kyle and his fraternity were on a bus that was going to some college event at school.
on the way there, you guys snapped each other and his friends would talk to you as well.
unfortunately, they got in an accident and the bus was flipped over.
a few students, including kyle, survived the accident.
when you heard this news, you cried your heart out and you didnt talk to anyone in your family.
you and your family visited the hospital and you rushed to kyle's room, it broke your heart to see tubes in him, with machines that beeped like there was no tomorrow.
when the doctor said that kyle was in a coma, your heart sank in the deepest part of your body.
this made you stay 24/7 with him until he was discharged.
when he was discharged from the hospital, he was not his usual self. the bubbly, energetic kyle was gone. instead, he was so confused with everything.
kyle's mom made him stay with you until he got his memory back, and you were more than glad to help.
but this took a toll on your studies because your classes were online due to a pandemic.
everyday in class, you would let kyle sit beside you and let him observe what you were doing.
"We're in Science class, Kyle. You were really good in Science, you helped me alot with my homeworks."
most of the time, you would help kyle develop his speech and his writing. but it was difficult for you.
"S-Sci... S-Sci-en.. ce?"
"Yes, Kyle! Good job, now one more time."
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ever since you were a kid, you loved going to carnivals, your parents would always bring you there every weekend.
there were carnivals almost everywhere, and your family brought you to all of them.
to you, each carnival was unique. the clowns and magicians in each carnival had different tricks up their sleeve.
but as you grew up, these carnivals slowly went out of business. except for one, which was elsa's cabinet of curiosities.
you decided to visit it one day just for a trip down memory lane, you never really had expectations for this place.
when you arrived there, there were a few people that were seated.
the show started and it instantly made you smile, they reminded you of your younger days. oh how you wished to be a child again.
you watched through a few acts, and the last act was a man named jimmy darling
when he came on stage, you locked eyes with him. there was something about him that really struck you.
after the performance ended, jimmy ran over to you and got your number. from there, you always talked and you would visit him regularly.
the regular visits stopped when the pandemic struck the country, forcing entertainment establishments, schools and unis to close down.
for the mean time, all your classes went online. you told jimmy that he could stay with you until things went back to normal.
on an early tuesday morning, you were in english class. jimmy was with your parents preparing breakfast, and you were falling asleep while your teacher discussed about the odyssey.
unlike tate, jimmy would always knock on your door. as his mom always taught, never enter anyone's room without knocking.
jimmy would giggle at your sleeping sight, your head lowered and your hair messed up.
"Hey, sweetheart, wake up! You're in class."
jimmy's timing was perfect. as he woke you up, you were called by the teacher.
"Miss Y/N, Do you think Odysseus was loyal to his wife?"
obviously, you panicked. but jimmy was there to save you. since jimmy was fond of reading, he finished the book and he whispered the answer to you before you could turn on your mic.
"No, Ma'am. Odysseus had an affair with Calypso and Circe."
once you got your teacher's approval, you turned off your microphone and let out a sigh of relief.
"You're lucky that I'm here to help you."
jimmy would joke and you would jump up to him, tackling him into a hug.
"I'm always lucky to have you, baby."
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at a young age, you were exposed to different types of fabrics. denim, silk, corduroy, neoprene. they name it, you've probably seen it.
your mother worked as a fashion designer. she managed to open a shop in the city and it was a great success for you and your family.
your mother has styled famous models. because of this, the shop was promoted and broadcasted all over the country. one day when you came from school, you saw a long line outside the shop.
that day, the staff count was low. there were only 5 employees instead of 10. you didn't exactly know why, so you decided to help.
after what felt like several hours, the long line finally dissolved into 2 customers, which was a mother and her son. they looked through the shop and the mother instantly loved everything.
her son, on the other hand, was trying on this lilac tux that your mother made.
you assisted her son and when you locked eyes, the both of you smiled. you entertained him throughout his shopping spree and the both of you never broke eye contact.
this was how you met dandy. he made the first move by getting your number, and of course you gave it back.
from there, the both of you talked day and night, even when you were in school.
since dandy's mother, gloria, loved your mother's shop so much, she would invite you and your mother regularly to her mansion.
gloria and your mother got along very well, and it was like gloria was your second mother.
so when your mother went to paris for a fashion show, she let you stay in gloria's mansion until she came back.
but to your dismay, your mother was not able to come back due to a pandemic that was all over the world. flights, establishments, and schools closed down.
of course you were sad, but you didn't worry so much because gloria treated you like her real daughter.
classes were online and you were forced to attend them everyday in the shared room you had with dandy.
since you had to get ready for class early in the morning, you would quietly get out of bed because dandy was sometimes a light sleeper.
it was around 8am and you were in math class. in your school, cameras were required to be turned on at all times. you thought this was a shit rule, but you had no choice to comply.
you were drawing some circles with a compass for an example that was being discussed by your teacher, when all of a sudden dandy was beside you.
"Dandy, sweetie, what are you doing up so early? Go back to sleep.."
dandy would pout at the lack of attention that you were giving him. since he loved holding your hand, you let him hold your other hand that you didn't use for writing.
"You're doing Math instead of cuddling with me!"
i'm actually super proud of this omg !! i hope yall enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it 🥺❤
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skybluewritings · 2 years
Wishing for the past, Andrew garfield!peter parker x fem!reader part 6
Note: Hiya so after so long of not updating I finally decided to write the ending. Thank you so much to everyone who has been so supportive it means alot!
warnings: None
word count: 1.5k
She dropped his hands. "I'm sorry I need to go."
His jaw clenched and he glanced away from her. She knew how hurt he was by her lack of answer, but she desperately needed time to think.
She stopped at the door way and looked back at him. "Peter?" He kept his stare away from her.
"I promise I'll give you an answer just let me think." She promised softly, he didn't bother to reply.
She knew she loved Peter, really loved him. The intensity in his beautiful brown eyes, when he had assured her how unafraid he was to love her, had almost fooled her. She had been close to throwing her arms around his neck and kissing him. She wanted to believe Peter, but she also equally wanted to protect herself.
If she left Michael would she ever find someone else that could comit to her like that? Maybe she could eventually grow to love Michael that much? Staying with him was safe.
"Jesus." She sharply whispered to herself, burrying her head in her hands.
The elevator dinged, coming to a stop. The closer she got to her apartment the sicker she felt. She was the world's worst fiance.
As she opened the front door she saw Michael and their friend Jeanette settled by the kitchen island. Her heart sunk, Jeanette was a wedding planner. They'd only gotten engaged the day before and the planning had already begun.
"Hey Jeanette." She greeted, forcing herself to smile.
"Hello miss bride to be." Jeanette squealed.
"Actually it'll be Mrs soon." Michael smugly commented, she had to fight the urge to recoil. Had he always be this cringey?
She stiffened when Michael kissed her on the cheek. "Babe look what Jeanette bought over." He said gesturing to the thick white binder on the counter top.
"I was showing Michael here previous weddings I've done! So you can both get an idea of what you might want." Jeanette excitedly explained, flicking through the folder.
"That's lovely." (Name) agreed.
"I'm thinking we have like a destination wedding." Michael offered.
"Won't that be expensive for people to travel to?.." She asked.
"Who cares that's their problem." He snorted.
She narrowed her eyes at him. "Michael that's actually quite a selfish thing to say."
Jeanette clearly sensing the tension cleared her throat. "I think I've shown enough for today, I'll come back some other time." She excused before grabbing her folder and scurrying out the apartment.
"Why do you always have to be so fucking prickly about everything?! Even our friends notice it!" Michael snapped pointing to the slamming door.
"I'm not being prickly." She snapped back. "You just constantly act like a child and expect no one to say anything."
Michael folded his arms. "At least I still know how to have a good time. You were so much more fun when we first met."
"Probably because I hadn't realised I'd have to be the adult in our relationship." She said with a humourless laugh.
These sort of arguments happened every few months with them. Michael would do something embarrassing and she would be left picking up the pieces.
"You're not my mother, you're my fiance so act like it." Michael commanded.
"I'm not even sure I want to be your fiancé!" She shouted.
"What?!" He sharply asked. "We've been engaged for less than 48 hours, so much for a long engagement."
She threw her hands up in frustration. "How would it have been long if you were already planning the wedding the day after getting engaged? Not to mention not even bothering to ask me what I might want for the wedding?"
Michael deadpanned at her. "Because I'm the one with superior design taste, I mean I decorated this whole apartment."
"Which again I never asked you to do!"
He tugged at his hair. "Have you noticed how much we fight these days?"
She let out a sigh. "Yeah. We didn't used to be like this."
"When did the fighting start?"
"I can't even remember anymore."
"What went wrong?" He wondered.
"I'm not sure sometimes people grow apart." She sadly admitted.
He was quiet for a moment. "We were happy though at the start right?" He carefully asked her.
"Yes." She agreed giving him a wistful smile. "We were really good."
Michael and her looked to eachother the same thought present in both of their minds. They had come to a silent agreement.
She charged up the endless stairs, her feet pounding against the steps. She was certain at that moment she was 90% sweat. She cursed his building for it's elevator being broken. Although it had given her extra time to think. Like what she was going to say exactly to him.
Everything was happening at a mile a minute. Just that morning she had been engaged, the promise of stability with someone who wouldn't leave her. But all it had taken was a few hours alone with Peter to change that. She'd already had slight doubts about her and Michael's relationship but after their a hundreth argument, it had all become clear. Maybe security wasn't worth it if she wasn't going to be happy. It was better to be happy with someone even if you didn't feel sure of the relationship's certainty.
She eventually arrived at the door and hurriedly knocked it. It gently opened to reveal Peter, he was dressed in comfortable clothing he'd clearly been lounging in, from the softness of the fabric and the messiness of his hair. Seeing him dressed so comfortable made her heart swell. His doe brown eyes widened upon seeing her.
He opened his mouth to speak but she raised a hand.
"I'm not trying to be rude but I really need to get everything out-" She panted. "Sorry I'm slightly out of breath, you live on the ninth floor and your elevator was broken."
"Ok here we go. I had some time to think and I realised something was missing with Michael. I was fufilled by my career and my friends and my family, but Michael wasn't fufilling me. You fulfill me. I like who I am when I'm with you, I never felt that way around Michael. Or really with anyone...And I don't care if we won't last, because I love you and that's enough. So I guess I'm all in, if you are too?"
Peter blinked at her in bewilderment.
"I don't want to be with anyone else I only want to be with you. It's always been you." She continued.
His chest heaved as he continued to stare at her.
Her face fell. "I get it if me trying to choose between you and Michael made you not want me. Now I feel like an idiot. I just stood here confessing my love to you and you don't want-"
"Shut up." He said grabbing her face and firmly pressing his lips to hers. She kissed him back after the intial shock.
When they finally pulled apart, she couldn't help but gawk at him. "Why didn't you say anything do you know how embarrassing that was for me?" She stammered.
He tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. " I was just taking it in. When the girl you've spent four years thinking about turns up on your doorstep and says everything you've ever dreamed she would say to you it's hard to not be in shock."
A warm smile broke out on her face. "You could have atleast gave me some kind of response!" She tutted playfully rolling her eyes
He snorted. "Well I kissed you didn't I?"
"Yeah, I guess." She agreed. "Just don't leave a girl in the dark like that."
"I forgot how sexy you are when your mad."
"That is so patronising." She groaned.
"Sorry sorry, but doesn't mean it's not true." He said coyly.
She felt her face grow hot, which was ridiculous that he could still have that affect on her.
"I'm so glad your back in my life." She told him with a warm smile, which he returned. "I don't think I realised how lonely I had been until I saw you in my office. Don't ever leave me again ok?"
"I won't, I'm not going anywhere. I want us to last, I'm never leaving you again. I'm not afraid of this anymore." He said, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"You promise?" She asked.
"I promise." He swore, pressing his forehead to hers. And this time she knew he meant it.
𝕽𝖊𝖈𝖔𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖉 𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖞𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙:
Godspeed: Frank Ocean
Sunsetz: Cigarettes after sex
Baby come home 2/Valentines: The neighbourhood
Champagne Problems: Taylor Swift
I miss you,i'm sorry: Gracie Abrahms
happier: Olivia Rodrigo
the one that got away: katy perry
feelings are fatal: mxmtoon
Sparks: Coldplay
never let me go: florence+the machine
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timextoxhajima · 3 years
Love Me A Little Less: Chapter 10 - Pudding & Champagne
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Member: (3rd person pov) arranged marriage au with Lee Juyeon
Genre: angsty wangsty
Taglist: @hyunjaethereal @sunwoowuvbot​ @suzy-rainbow @miingxuxi​​​​
“What would it have been like, had she been the one in Kim Jang Won’s shoes instead?”
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“What was that about?” Jang Won’s look of disapproval is the strongest on her face now than he has ever seen on her. “The Hell’s wrong with you? Have you not been to a check-up before? Were you mad you couldn’t go in with me? What?”
“We... can get you to another hospital for your check-ups, how’s that? I can recommend you my family doctor and he’s one of the best in the city-”
“What? Is that what it is? You’re upset because I’m not seeing ‘one of the best doctors’ in the city?”
Juyeon refuses to respond, her wrist in his grip as she’s trying to wriggle her way out. “Juyeon!”
“Please, just shut up, and trust me, will you?”
“Trust you? You don’t even want to tell me what the Hell’s going on!” 
Upon reaching the car, Juyeon finally releases her, leaving a bright peach-pink mark on her wrists where he held her too tightly. He pulls open the passenger’s door, but she violently slams it back shut, palm reaching out and pressing into the line where the top of the door connects to the roof of the car.
“We’re not going anywhere until you tell me what that was.”
“Jesus Christ, will you just trust me for this once? This has nothing to do with HERA & ARTEMIS or your family! This is for your own health and I... I have my own reasons, okay?” Juyeon huffs, running his hands through his hair and ruining the efforts of Younghoon’s hairstylist from the morning. “Not everything is about money, or your reputation, or The Board, okay? I just have a bad feeling about... this.”
Jang Won reels backwards, frown deepening and her lips pursed into a tight, thin, suspicious line. 
He inhales a sharp breath, turning around on his feet and paces up and down in the next lot. He sucks in his lips between his teeth with his hands on the back of his neck. Silently; harshly, begging his intelligence to cook up some stupid, believable reason before she drives a knife into his back for being unreasonable. 
“Okay,” Whirling around, he lifts a single finger and approaches her slowly. “So don’t change hospitals. But every time you go for your check-up, you tell me. If she prescribes you medication, I see it, okay?”
Her pupils are shaking, now that he’s closer and he’s got his palms on her shoulders. Her lips part, wishing to hurl a string of vulgarities at him for even thinking he can dictate her life.
But then he opens his arms and wraps them around her, her frown fading and shock replacing her anger instead. His breath is heavy into the hair that fell onto her back, and she can feel his chest rising against her shoulders.
“What the- Juyeon...”
“Please, just promise me this one thing,” The layer of wetness coat his eyes, and he keeps his mouth open to regulate his breathing. “Please.”
There’s a growing, uneasy nausea in her stomach when she struggles to process his words. It’s in her instincts to pull away, probably send a palm into one of his cheeks for thinking that he has the autonomy and power to decide what she gets to do and what she doesn’t, but she can’t. Almost ashamed, she finds herself buying his plea. 
Is this what genuine care and concern sounds like?
He pulls away, the heat of the carpark air rushing between their bodies. He’s searching her face for any sign of relent, any sign of resignation, and she finds desperation in his. The questions in her head can’t even begin to formulate, because there’s absolutely no reason for Juyeon to be so bothered by her health, and yet he’s got no agenda to be suspicious about. 
He’d be the richer, more powerful one of the two in just about a month’s time.
“Jang Won.”
“Okay!” Shutting her eyes and raising her hands, she trembles as she agrees. “Okay. I’ll bring you along whenever I come for a check-up.”
Relief washes over him, and she can see his lungs deflate, like he was holding his breath waiting for her response. She looks away, unable to maintain any form of eye contact with him after experiencing what seems to be like cared for. It’s disgustingly alien, and it kind of wants to make her cry too. 
It’s like finding your favourite toy stashed away in some obscure cabinet after 20 years. 
Juyeon rests his palms on her shoulders again, then gradually pulls her in once more, this time gentler; less aggressive. A protest rises in her throat, but is interrupted by the form of his palm stroking the hair on the back of her head. 
Yoo Hye In is twirling the stray bit of fringe hanging from her face, Jang Won’s folder in her left hand, stuck between her torso and her right elbow. It was a pity she had missed most of the conversation between her patient and her husband, but nonetheless, the sight of them intrigues her. 
What would it have been like, had she been the one in Kim Jang Won’s shoes instead?
The Porsche starts up with a melancholic atmosphere - not a single word exchanged between the two when they part and he opens the door for her. Already, she can tell that Juyeon is harboring a parasite, one that he will grow to hate and despise. His heart is opening up to her, a piece of stone-cold, less-than-human brat who has no clue how lucky she was to be born into the family that shouldn’t even have existed. The warmth for Kim Jang Won was beginning to brew in the depths of Juyeon’s gut, against his wishes, against his needs, against his wants.
He must have a world of problems to worry about, and now, to throw Kim Jang Won into the floor plan?
Yoo Hye In fails to contain the slight smirk that arises on her lips when the car drives off with Juyeon at the wheel. Pushing herself off the wall of the lift lobby, she turns, heading back into the lift. 
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Younghoon was busy sieving through the racks and racks and racks of clothes in the second master bedroom when he hears his little sister’s heels clack and echo along the corridor. 
“Ms Kim, your brother is here.”
“Surprise!” Younghoon sticks his head out of the second master, eyeing the couple entering the hallway and the butler chasing after them from the stairs. 
“What are you doing with my honeymoon closet?” She hurriedly steps over, heels clacking noisily as she rushes to greet him with a slap on his arm. 
“Tea will be ready in 15, Mr Lee,” Mr Ro bows from the stairs, not bothering to make it to the second floor. Juyeon nods, turning to listen to the muffled bickering emitting from the second master.
“This is alot of clothes for a cool climate. It’s not gonna snow, is it?” Younghoon dumps himself in one of the sofa seats by the coffee table, bringing his feet up to the edge of the bed where some leather patches were displaying scarfs and other garments. Jang Won reaches over and slaps his feet off, pressing down into the scarfs to neaten them. 
“No, it’s not. But you know me, I’m extra and greedy and I have no clue what’s appropriate, so.”
Juyeon enters the room, eyes glossing over the almost 20 racks of clothes, and easily half of them were clothes for him, from HERA & ARTEMIS (and probably like, Dior, and Chanel, or LV, or Gucci, or HERMES). He bows and greets Younghoon, who waves it off nonchalantly as he stands.
“I heard you stayed over,” Raising an arm and casually resting it over Juyeon’s shoulders, Younghoon cheekily side-eyes him. 
“It was an impromptu situation,” Juyeon’s eyes slightly widen with caution.
“Yeah, he ran away from home. Lovely, right?” Jang Won chortles, moving over to one of the racks and skimming through the dresses. 
Younghoon chuckles in disbelief, brows high up on his forehead as he turns to Juyeon, holding him by his shoulder. 
“What?” His glossy eyes flicker. “I’m technically her husband now, which means I could technically live here too.”
“You wish,” Jang Won removes some clothes from the rack and into an empty one.
“Anyway, I managed to get a PI to dig out more information on Mr Nam’s body swap.”
“Body swap?” Juyeon’s eyes light up with caution disguised in curiosity. “You mean... the one that replaced your father?”
“The one and only,” Jang Won sings with a matter-of-fact tone. 
“They actually didn’t figure out much, which is weird, but we did get information on where he used to go for health check ups. Turns out, he went to the same hospital as you do.”
“Aren’t the hospital fees expensive? Did Artemis Ent. provide coverage costs?”
“We don’t cover the entire bill but there is a discount or some kind of partial coverage.”
“Did we get a doctor’s name or something?”
“Multiple, actually,” Younghoon scratches the line where his hairline meets his forehead. “He kept changing doctors because his diagnosis kept changing.”
“This is alot of information at once. Can’t you get it in a folder and have it mailed to me or something? My honeymoon is soon and I’d like the time to myself and not worry about a dead man.”
“Sure, it’s not like I was gonna recite every piece of information to you now,” Younghoon turns and heads for the door. “Tea’s ready, by the way.”
And then, for some strange reason, Younghoon runs.
“Oh! No!” Jang Won’s sudden change in mannerism stuns Juyeon. She flings the clothes back onto her bed and dashes after Younghoon right after he leaves the room. “No! You’re gonna finish the pudding on your own!”
The footsteps slam down into the marble floor when Younghoon starts running down the steps as well. She yells, and her heels click-clack to an abrupt stop for her to remove her shoes. 
“You’re going on your honeymoon, you should give me the pudding!”
With one sharp burst of a sprint, Jang Won manages to catch up to Younghoon, pulling his neck into a headlock and struggling to yank the end of his blazer over his head. 
“Agh!” He shouts, almost losing his balance as he stumbles backwards. “That’s cheating!”
Jang Won giggles, the marble cold against her feet as she pushes past him and runs backwards into the dining hall. Panting, she turns on her heels, hair slightly tousled but the scent of butter pudding wafting in the air was enough to make an appetite.
However, her appetite hits the streets once she sees that the table was one seat occupied. Her breaths immediately become shallow as Younghoon pats himself down, reaching the table and sitting down even before she does. 
“Ms Kim,” Mr Ro interrupts, pushing the kitchen door open for the kitchen staff to bring out one more tray of cream puffs. “A guest must also eat.”
“Do you want him to die in your house? And then compromise... everything?”
Jang Won puffs her cheeks and frowns. Glaring at Mr Ro, she pulls out the nearest seat, far, far away from her father, and dumps her butt in the chair. 
Watching Jang Won sit down in her seat like a child after acting like one with her brother draws a susceptible smile on Juyeon’s face as he makes his way into the dining hall. 
She picks up the fork as Juyeon bows subtly to Kim Jo-Pil, taking a seat next to her. 
“‘A guest must also eat’,” She whines under her breath. Juyeon’s gaze darts to her when he can hear her mockery. “‘Do you want him to die in your house?’”
“You know I can hear you, right?” Younghoon calls from across the table, hands occupied with spreading jam across his toast. 
“Does it look like I was talking to you?” Jang Won sticks her tongue out at him, and he does the same.
“Children,” Juyeon criticises under his breath, smirk prancing on his lips. In his peripheral vision, he spots a smile emerging on Kim Jo-Pil’s face. It’s the kind of smile that only a father would have, when he’s at the dining table watching his two children argue with one another.
Kim Jo-Pil can’t decide if he was grateful or resentful for the fact that he was alive again. Fate has a strange way of forcing people into thinking the worst or the best out of situations that you weren’t meant to be in, and right now, Kim Jo-Pil knows for a fact that he shouldn’t be sitting here. 
He should’ve been lying in a coffin, 6 feet under, rotting. He had been given a second shot at life, and by the last person he’d expected to birth him one. 
But if Yoo Hye In had Se Kyung’s eyes, Jang Won had the rest of her. 
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On the balcony outside Jang Won’s massive bedroom, Juyeon finds himself fiddling with a glass of champagne that Mr Ro had offered him in secret. Jang Won’s favourite champagne, tens of thousands of dollars per bottle.
In the distance and past the metal bars, he can make out the lights in the city against the navy-blue nightsky. All the tall skyscrapers and amongst one of them was the building his family owned, where he should’ve been today and all the days prior. Maybe even next week. But he’d be halfway across the globe in about 5 days, spending time with his wife, not by choice, but by force - and yet he’s gone all soft for her. It’s strange, how his expectations have changed drastically throughout this ordeal. For some moments in this silence he has to himself, he worries if this is sympathy he feels for her.
Then again, sympathy is better than if it were anything more serious. 
Like love.
The door being pulled open from behind him drags him out of his drowning thoughts. The secrets piled up in his memory chucks itself away in fear upon the sight of Jang Won’s head sticking out through the gap between the doors.
“I’ve been told a bottle of my favourite champagne has been opened.”
Juyeon turns back to the glass sitting on the floor and picks it up. “I was given this glass, in case you were wondering if I went into your wine cellar. Want the rest?”
With a childish grin on her face, Jang Won pulls out the entire bottle and an empty from behind her back. Juyeon raises both brows in delightful surprise, chuckling under his breath. 
“I was gonna offer it to you anyway, so it doesn’t matter that Mr Ro’s given you a glass himself,” She slots the rest of her body through the gaps and shuts it behind her. Sinking into the sofa seat (Juyeon had known it was hers and decided to make himself comfortable on the floor instead), she places the bottle on the stand and yanks the cork off. 
“You were gonna offer me your favourite champagne?” He raises a skeptic brow. “After you called me a coward yesterday? After our wedding?”
“That was yesterday?” Jang Won tilts the bottle over her glass. “Feels like last week.”
He snorts at her attempt to change the focus of the conversation. “It does.”
“I just... thought that since the wedding was all for show and none of it was real...” She places the bottle back down and swirls the champagne. “At least this was by choice.”
“What, hanging out on your balcony and drinking champagne?”
Jang Won snickers and pulls her legs onto the seat, taking a sip of her share. 
“Are you really okay with giving me 50% of HERA & ARTEMIS though?” 
“I don’t have a choice, do I? I’m not gonna give my father all 100% of it.”
Juyeon turns away and stares at the bit of champagne left in his glass. “What’s your plan after that? After your father and I get half each and your brother for Artemis Ent.”
“I’ll worry about that then,” She gulps down the rest of her champagne, then reaches over to grab the bottle. “Right now, I just can’t wait to get out of here.”
Juyeon’s finishes the rest of his champagne then looks up to see her gulping straight from the bottle. 
“Do you have a death wish?” He stands and places his glass next to hers. She doesn’t stop. Wrapping his fingers around the cool glass, he gently pulls it away from her lips and tears it out of her grip. Judging by the weight of the bottle, she’s downed half of it in one shot. 
He sucks in a deep breath, turning and leaving the bottle in the corner of the balcony where it’s out of her reach. 
“Do you think your parents love you?”
The question turns his attention back to her. 
“Why do you ask that?” His voice is quiet and low as he sits himself between her and the bottle. “You know I would say no but I can’t say that in front of you.”
“Do you think they did what they did solely for the family’s name?”
“Their defence would be that I get to live with the benefits. So-”
“I’m not talking about them, I’m asking about what you think.”
Juyeon pauses to think, but Jang Won speaks first anyway.
“I think they do, you know. That they do love you. They just... grew up in an environment where they’re just doing what their parents did for them. They turned out fine, so I think they just assume you’ll turn out fine as well.”
“‘Fine’ now is different from being ‘fine’ in the 1960s and 70s,” Juyeon leans his head against the metal bars keeping him safe within the balcony. 
Jang Won’s head was resting against the backseat of the sofa chair, hair dribbled all over the woven wooden strips and her eyes reflecting the dim, amber balcony lights from above. She’s tired, and definitely feeling like the entire world is against her. 
If she squinted hard enough, she could barely make out the huge H&A signs stuck to the side of shopping malls all around the city. By now, she can feel her cheeks heat up from the alcohol ingested in such a short amount of time, but luckily for her, the amber lights are helping the pink in her cheeks camouflage into her skin. 
She turns to find Juyeon staring at the bottle’s label, like he were memorizing the details of it.
“I’ll get you a new bottle,” Juyeon holds the neck and grunts as he stands, hands reaching for the cork on the stand. “Also, your cheeks are pink. I think that’s good enough reason to get you to sleep.”
Juyeon reaches for the door grip to slide it open, pulling it open just a few inches. 
“I miss my mom.”
He stops. 
“Tomorrow’s her death anniversary,” She whispers under her breath. “It’s been five long years without her.”
They lock eyes, but Jang Won turns away first. 
“Hera’s Manor was meant for the both of us. The blueprint of the house... every room and every statue purchased and made the way we wanted it to be made. But before the house could be moved into, she leaves me. All alone.”
Jang Won’s eyes flit to Juyeon, and he can’t look at her in the eye. He’s not used to her opening up like this, but it’s all thanks to the champagne anyway. Never in a million years would she bother to do this if she wasn’t tipsy. 
“I mean... Does she know I’m here now? In this very spot, wondering what had gone wrong?”
Juyeon lowers his head and seals his eyes shut. The guilt stirs within him.
“I wish I could tell her that I’m okay, at least. She always worried about me more than Younghoon, for some strange reason, because I was a girl in the administration of The Board,” Her voice cracks and Juyeon’s eyes are open now. “And yet, I’m the one taking care of him now.”
She gulps loudly, trying her best to swallow the ball of sobs stuck in her throat. Shaking her head and prying out a painful smile, she finally snaps when she looks down into her lap where her hands are.
Gritting her teeth, and pursing her lips, it’s a meagre attempt at trying to stop the hiccups that are already in the back of her mouth. The tears begin to collect in her palms and kiss the material of her pajama pants, the warmth seeping through the cotton and sticking it to her thighs. 
The shuffling rustles through her left ear, followed by a soft thud of the glass decanter, and then she feels a warmth hold her hands. Cold tears bleed through the lines of their palms when she opens her eyes, just barely, to meet Juyeon’s. 
He’s got a painful, pitiful look in his eyes that she would punch him in the face for, but even she can’t disagree that she was being a sad mope right now. 
“Your mother knows,” He nods, reaching up to her forehead and pushing a strand of hair out of her tear streaks. “I promise you.”
Her facial muscles crush towards the middle when the sobs finally break past her discipline, and she crumbles her face into her hands. The sorrow in Juyeon carefully motivates her off the seat, and he shuffles to get his back against the metal bars of the balcony, and her in his arms between his legs. 
His nose sours and his vision starts to blur when he can feel her torso shiver and jerk with every sob he hears. The side of her head nestles into his left shoulder, hands tightly clenched together against her stomach with his elbow resting on her bent knees. 
He parts his lips to inhale, but he looks down to watch the tears drip off her chin. 
“Are you going to meet Younghoon to see your mother tomorrow?” He whispers, gently pushing her hair out of her tears. 
She sniffles, wiping away the mucus on her philtrum. “Yeah.”
“Okay,” He nods, keeping her head on his shoulder. “I’ll go with you.”
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Ocean Eyes - Part 11
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A/N- OMG i finally updated!!
Please like/comment/share if you like this. Seeing that people are actually enjoying this fic makes me wanna write more lol 💕💕
I got next to no sleep, i just laid in bed going over and over the things Chris had said....was he being serious?? or was it the alcohol talking??
Finally giving up on sleep at 5:30am i got up and dressed and decided i needed to talk to someone about all this. When i went downstairs i made a cup of tea and grabbed Chris's coat from the back of the chair then headed outback, Dodger following behind me.
I walked down to the pool area and sat down at the table and chairs that were next to it where i was far enough away from the house to have a private conversation. I unlocked my phone smiling at the photo of Chris, Scott and Mason before scrolling to my recent contacts and hitting call.
"Hello" she answered after two rings.
"Hey ma, i didnt wake you did i?"
"No sweetheart, you know me I've been up since 5am"
"Thats because you're crazy" i chuckled.
"why are you up this early? This is very unlike you"
"Ive not really slept..... mom something happened with Chris last night and i'm kinda freaking out...."
"Oh god please tell me you haven't slept with him already....."
"No! Jesus Ma...."
"Thats good, so what happened?"
"Well after Mason went to bed last night i stayed up with Chris and Scott, we had a few drinks and just hung out you know? Everything was fine until Scott went to bed" i started explaining shaking my head, i told her all about Chris ending things with his girlfriend, about him getting jealous about Derek and then i dropped the kicker.... Chris confessed to still loving me and wanting a second chance!
"Wow, thats alot to take in"
"Tell me about it! Ive been up all night going over it again and again"
"So what did you tell Chris?"
"I just said that we needed to talk about this when we were both sober. I mean he could wake up and forget he even said any of this to me last night"
"Would you still bring it up if he does forget?"
"I don't know Ma, i don't know what to do"
"Only you can answer that, i can't tell you the right thing to do here baby. All i know is that you have loved that man since i can remember, even when he left and broke your heart you still loved him"
"You love who you love right?.... i just feel like an idiot" i mumbled picking at the sleeve of Chris's coat nervously.
"You're not an idiot"
"I feel like one!"
"Just talk to him, take things slow.... maybe use this time together to get to know eachother again before you decide on anything. Also, just remember this effects Mason now"
"Thats what makes it worse ma" i quickly wiped away a tear that rolled down my face, Dodger came over putting his face in my lap and i smiled as i scratched behind his ear. When i looked up my breath caught when i saw Chris slipping out the sliding door and heading my way.
"Shit, he's coming over.... i gotta go Ma. I'll call you later"
"Okay sweetheart, good luck.... deep breaths, i love you"
"Love you too, bye".
I locked my phone and placed it on the table before wrapping Chris's coat tighter around me. Dodger spotted Chris and went bounding over to him excited to see him up and about.
"Morning, you're up early" he said before sitting in the chair beside me.
"Morning, i couldn't sleep. Thought id call my mom to check in"
"All the way out here?"
"Its early i didn't want to wake anyone up" i shrugged picking up my tea taking a mouthful.
"You sure thats all it was?"
"You're not hiding from me after last night?" He raised his eyebrows at me questioningly.
"So you remember what you said last night?"
"Of course, i wasn't that drunk" he scoffed reaching for my tea and helping himself to a few mouthfuls.
"Im not hiding, just.... thinking"
"About what the fuck i'm supposed to do!"
"Do you love me?" He suddenly asked making me look up at him, into those eyes.... damn him!
"Do you still love me? Its a simple question babe"
"Its not a simple answer Chris" i shrugged "i mean of course i do but i just..... the way you treated me before.... how do i know that wont happen again?"
"It wont i promise! I know how bad i messed up...."
"You say that now but i can't help but worry about you changing your mind.
You broke my heart when you left me and now we have Mason to think about.... i don't want him getting hurt if this doesn't work out again".
"So your answer's no? You wont give me a second chance?" He asked sadly his eyes tearing up, i forgot how emotional he could get.
"Maybe we should just spend this time together, get to know each other again and go from there?" I said taking my mom's advise.
"So you're not ruling it out completely? Its not a hard no?"
"Im saying maybe, just... baby steps" i smiled over at him and he nodded smiling back at me as he reached over and took my hand.
"I promise you i wont let you down again, i wanna be the man you deserve and the dad that Mason deserves"
"Id like that a lot, even though i hated you for what you did... i still missed you"
"I know, i missed you too"
"Lets go in im freezing" i said getting up, Chris was suddenly standing and pulling me into his arms holding me tight.
"Chris..." i mumbled into his chest as my hands landed on his waist.
"Im sorry i just needed to hold you"
I sighed and wrapped my arms around him... as nervous as this made me it felt so good to be in his arms again.
"I'll make things right again i promise" he mumbled pressing a kiss to the top of my head.
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The weeks were flying by and we were all still in lockdown, it was now May and there was no sign of anything changing just yet.
Chris was doing a lot of online interviews to promote his new show 'Defending Jacob', when these video chats took place Scott and I made sure to take Mason to another part of the house so he wouldn't interrupt.
Things with Chris and I had been going good, we wouldn't act any differently around Mason but once he was in bed we'd snuggle on the sofa.... we'd shared a few kisses here and there but thats as far as it had gone.
"Mom can we take Dodger for a walk?" Mason came running in from the backyard with Dodger diving on the sofa next to me.
"You better go ask your dad buddy"
"Dad!!!!" Mason yelled loudly making me laugh.
"Why are you yelling?? i'm right here" Chris said walking in from the kitchen with coffee's. Mason chuckled cuddling up to me suddenly going all silly.
"Why you getting all shy?" I asked as i run my fingers through his hair.
"I don't know" he mumbled hiding his face against me, Chris sat down next to him and picked him up pulling him into his lap.
"Whats up pal? Why was you calling me?"
"Mom said i had to ask you if we can take Dodger for a walk"
"Sure we can! Why don't you go get your shoes on and grab Dodgers leash while your mom and i finish our coffee then we'll go"
"Yes!! thank you dad!" Mason wriggled down from Chris's lap and run upstairs to the room he'd been staying in.
"Maybe it'll wear him out enough that he has a nap, kid has too much energy!" I said looking over at Chris.
"He loves walking Dodger thats all"
"So do i but not this much! Poor Dodge is probably begging for a rest!"
"He's fine, we'll just walk up the road a bit throw the ball around... we don't have to be gone long"
"I guess"
"You coming with us?"
"Yeah why not".
We walked Dodger as promised and let him and Mason run around playing fetch. Chris took me by surprise by grabbing hold of my hand pulling me close enough to kiss me.
"Hey! We said not in front of Mace...."
"He's not looking its fine" he laughed "so, i was thinking maybe you could stay in my room tonight?"
"And what if Mason catches us??"
"We'll say we're having a sleepover" he smirked.
"You're terrible!"
"You didn't say no though" he wriggled his eyebrows at me.
"I didn't say yes either. Mace, come on Bud we're heading back" i called out stepping away from Chris even though all i wanted to do was pounce on him!
As i looked over to where Mason and Dodger were playing i spotted a familiar car parked across the street outside of the gated area.
"You've got to be shitting me....."
"Whats wrong?"
"Thats Brian's car out there"
"What?!!! Are you sure?"
"Im gonna kick this guys ass i swear to god...." Chris said as he started to storm towards Brian, i quickly grabbed his arm pulling him back.
"Lets just go back inside, call the police. I don't want you getting into trouble over that jackass. Just get Mason and Dodger and lets go. He cant get in here"
"Okay.... okay lets go" he whistled for Dodger who came bounding over followed by an out of breath Mason and we walked back up to the house locking ourselves safely inside while Chris called and reported Brian.
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Everything taglist: @jesseswartzwelder @dumblani @barnesandrogersworld @patzammit @rynabarnesrogers-reading @rainbowkisses31 @rororo06 @supernaturalwintersoldier @fairlightswiftly @hiddelstannerbarnes
Ocean eyes: @supraveng @michelehansel @melissaglenn5 @denisemarieangelina
@mrsjeffwittek @mery-be @marvelfansworld @cmalass @capstopavenger @fallenoutofrose @kelbabyblue @biebsmylife95 @loser-alert @traceyaudette @w3lissax @jennmurawski13 @ford66steal @saiyanprincessswanie @christocrave
@jakiki94 @torntaltos @my-dearest-agent @buchanansebba @ms-betsy-fangirl
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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This is my opinion and perspective of Jikook. I do not intend nor imply malice by my choice of words or by my interpretations of BTS' contents. Nor do I intend to be disrespectful of any member herein mentioned.
Do not take my words out of context in furtherance of your own agenda. You are the author of your own intentions and interpretations. If you do hold yourself accountable first.
I am done with with Jikook. Lol
I swear to God by the time they officially come out as a couple, if they ever do, I'm going to be left with severe PTSD.
Pray for me.
A lot has happened with Jikook these past few weeks. A devastating lot. Everything was going great and smooth and boom- we were hit with yet another anomaly in their dynamics. It was usual given us most of the things that had happened were entirely new to their dynamics yet not at all surprising in the grand scheme of things simply because unpredictability is Jikook's schtik and as I've come to terms with, part of their dynamics- you'll get used to it if you are new. Welcome to the club. Lol
I have shared snippets of my thoughts here and there on this whole development as and when it unfolded and said I wasn't going to deliver a comprehensive commentary until later so here it is- grab a glass of wine or coffee. It's gonna be long. Bless.
Contrary to what some people say and assume about me, I don't pull my opinions on Jikook from my ass- a dollar to the jar. Lol. I don't base my perspective on Jikook's relationship and dynamics on puff and nada. Where is the fun in that? I may be delusional about somethings but... Anywho.
I have said time and again how when it comes to Jikook moments there's always context and subtexts we are missing- it's a challenge trying to fill in the gaps. Probably part of the reason I'm obsessed with their dynamics. Lol.
Most of the theories I share with you on here are based on my observations of Jikooks interactions over a period of time. My objective has always been to try and understand the motivations (context) behind their moments and interactions, some of which I find fit a pattern while others- I never want to tackle or even think about without several pain killers and depressants until years later when a piece of content is released to provide better insights into their dynamics.
Jimin's birthday is one such moment for me. While I understood and even predicted JM's use of 5/8 in May this year was going to be a substitute for May 13 because I felt Jikook were not in a good place, were under heavy scrutiny in SK within that time period- starting with that March 30th VLive which I believe had led to a ban on Jikook using the platform on their own(especially Jimin- JK was already under ban but we will get into it later) given as BTS's content had changed drastically with heavy VLive supervision and the pg 13 contents they were made to make post that JM's VLive; then there was rumors of Dispatch's alleged conflict with BigHit, BigHit's IPO, Jungkook's Itaewon scandal- which of course were all confirmed later on that month, I felt the prospect wasn't looking good for Jikook to Jikook as wildly and as openly as they did.
Now you all know about my wild assumption about JM taking space out of their relationship due to JK coming on strong around that time so I'll spare the details.
Contrastingly, post BigHit's IPO, post Soop since Stay Gold era I felt things were looking great for Jikook. They were back to Jikooking. I felt they weren't being monitored as much by their bandmates and had a new found freedom within BigHit to do their own things as it appeared BigHit had begun 'managing' and presenting them as a brand- which I have written dissertations upon dissertations on so I won't get into.
JK and JM had started their online flirty banter thingy, even Dispatch seemed good with Bighit posting BTS official photos etc. Jimin too posted for JK on his birthday, JK came out on social media to gear up for JM's birthday and then puff- ashes. We hit a wall.
Now I know some people are speculating there was too much attention on Jikook within this time frame which is why JK didn't post- uhhmm, I don't buy it that view. There's always attention on Jikook. It's usually the negative attention like around March-June that holds them back from Jikooking. In opinion. I wouldn't call the attention they are or were getting within that time period negative.
Then there were some who speculated JK wasn't going to post because he hadn't posted for any of the members since Jin's birthday last year which again I didn't buy into. Jk is fearless and doesn't shy aware from making bold expressions of his love for Jimin. Him posting for Jimin would have been a bold move but nothing exactly new.
We've seen his GCFs. Enough said.
Personally, I felt he had showed up on social media a few days to JM's birthday to promote his music but to also prepare the grounds for when he posts on Jimin's birthday.
I genuinely felt he was gonna 'out' Jimin with that post and have people raising all kinds of brows like they did with GCF Tokyo, Saipan and Helsinki. Lol
Why did I think he was going to do this?
Jin's birthday. Now I have given y'all the back ground to this timeline and so I will just hit the highlights- Rosebowl, New Jersey VLive, JK getting drunk on his Jun VLive which I felt led to a ban on him from making solo live on VApp since 2019 to date- his recent Solo live was on YouTube mind you.
Prior to this I felt he and JM had earned a ban from making a VLive together until their 2020 VLive which was heavily monitored as I have speculated in past posts- again this is just my opinion.
JK, I felt, was being 'reckless' within this period. He was making bold moves and pushing the boundaries of his relationship with Jimin and even teasing the gates of the glass closet they are in. It certainly didn't help that the You too movement in S.K and the whole Idol sex abuse scandals in Kpop was on going as I've mentioned before-which had led to August's issues. Again you know my theory on the whole tattoo girl scandal so skipping.
October we had the whole cancel Jikook hashtag trending after Jikook's performance of I still want you and the whole you are me, I am you schtick.
In all of this I felt Jikook were fine.
November is when I noticed Jikook having 'issues' in their relationship (rolling my eyes at Silver) lol. Now again I won't go into all of that but you can check the real time contents/ behind scenes content on BTS around the time period and draw your own conclusions on that.
Then came the December ups and downs, JM flinching and dropping his face when JK went to sit by him in Jin's VLive- JK's awkwardness around Jimim. Now I know some people interpret this Live as that they were fighting? I won't call it fight fight perse. Lol. Issues, perhaps?Just seemed to me JM wanted to keep a low profile because again they were under heavy public scrutiny around the time which was what I feel was causing RM to keep an eye on them throughout that period- by keeping an eye on them I mean he was invoking the spirit of Jesus between them Pentecostal style. Bless him.
But seems JK wasn't having none of that, clearly. Lmho. There were already alot of restrictions on him since June in the way he used social media(Vapp) he and JM were not allowed to VLive together, he couldn't solo Vlive no more and now he couldn't even sit right with his man- I approve of the frying pans Jk. I APPROVE. Lol.
All this is my opinion of course.
But I think that is what he meant when he kept saying it's been a while he did a solo live and didn't even know how to do one anymore in his recent YouTube live- Jk can be passive aggressive in that way but we will get into that YouTube live in a bit. Hang in there.
So with all this going on I felt I understood him when he missed Jin's birthday on Twitter. Felt like a silent protest to me. But then again I thought perhaps it was just an impulsive act on his part.
Then he missed Tae's Birthday too and I thought hold on- this man is up to something. He was gonna a statement with that in retaliation to all the ban and sanctions and interferences with his personal life.
I was just following this whole drama with anxious glee towards a big reveal and then- cricket's ass ass deadass. Chilee. This man is cruel! Lol. I'm gonna need therapy to process this one on god! Lol JK!
My Right brain said perhaps, others had been right after all and he hadn't done all of that missed birthdays on purpose at all but had only acted impulsively in the heat of the moment given everything that had been going on with the group in around Jin's birthday- Mama 2019, we all know what had happened.
I felt perhaps, the moment he missed Jin's then he had to miss everyone's because if he wished any other person a happy birthday people were going to ask questions. People were going to assume he hated whoever he didn't wish a happy birthday.
But then my left brain- the crazy delulu side, also thought otherwise. I had a funny feeling that JK really intended to post only for Jimin on his birthday since he had been gearing up for it and that the only reason he wouldn't go through with it was if JM had asked him not to.
Why would JM do that? Because he enjoys the glass closet- he loves to flex his bond with JK, tease their relationship, claim his man, he wants people to know JK is his man because he is happy with him and proud of the man that he is but that doesn't mean he is ready to come out as LGBTQ plus. In my opinion.
JK I feel was done hiding the moment he posted GCF in Saipan- he gets right with us. Bless him.
JK often weaponizes their 'secret' against Jimin and hold's it over his head sometimes- so often when Jimin is on his Kumbaya agenda with the group taking their sides on things relating to their relationship JK switches on him and tries to expose Jimin- if you're just gonna help them burn us, I'm just gonna blow the whole operation out in the open and we are all going down. Chilee!
God, I felt Jk was going to expose Jikook for real! 🤣 Don't mess with JK and his Jimin- even Jimin himself gets burns sometimes.
Remember when JK threatened to expose a picture of himself with a hickey if JM didn't stay and do a VLive with him? Remember that? JK scares me for real when he is on his Jikook agenda! Lol
I felt he knew exactly what he was doing just as he knew exactly what he was doing with Saipan and editing of Helsinki. He just reiterated it in his recent live- which we will get into soon. He pointed out how he had gone to ask the members to describe the feelings they wanted to express through the MV he directed.
He admitted yet again in that live how he expresses his feelings, HIS FEELINGS, through his art and music- for all those who keep saying you can't tell JK loves JM just because he doesn't do the things JM does. Lmho.
And so I was heavily confused by these two conflicting theories in my brain. Which is why I kept saying I didn't want to jump into conclusions, that I was going to need more content yadda yadda yadda.
Which brings me to my resolution for JM's birthday saga.
Jimin enjoys been treated special. It's part of his love language. Jk has always treated him like he is special to him. And I know people claim it's just a birthday post- sure. But I understand also that Jimin doesn't Joke with his birthday. His father doesn't Joke with his birthday and clearly neither does JK- given as even before they all started the exchanging of gifts culture that he was giving presents to JM and JM alone within the group.
Besides, he's said he reads the members birthday messages to him on social media and have gone ahead to read some of them on his birthday Vlives in the past. So I can't say JK not posting was nothing.
My resolution was simple. I was going to examine their interactions post Jimin's birthday to see if their dynamics had flipped to see if JK not posting for JM's birthday had in anyway affected their relationship.
If JM's birthday meant something to him. Jk was going to make it up to him- openly. Deadass but in my opinion. Lol.
That's one aspect of Jikook's dynamics you can always count on- hopefully. Lol.
They have a way of reassuring eachother of their love and affection. And I don't know what happened to put the fear of God in both of them but lord are they both scared of pissing the other off! Jesus! Not sure if it's the whippery but damn- they are both crazy for that.
For instance, take JinMin's VLive right before the New Jersey Vlive. JM posted immediately after their live had ended to say he is sorry and loves JK on Twitter. And y'all saw him when JK panned to him on the bed? I've never seen a man so terrified of another man in my entire shipping life- Manila must have put the fear of JK in him, which THANK GOD! lol. Jimin plays too much. Lmho.
Never knew a hyung needed permission from a dongsaeng to leave a room until that day. Chileee! Jin had pulled a prank on JK too but I didn't see him wetting his pants and blowing kithes to JK- come at me with Jinkook is real, see what happens. Lol
Then GCF in Tokyo! I know to some it seemed like a random act of confession on JK's part but boy did he have motivation! He don stressed JM out to the ends of the world with those weird ass rumors (again not gonna mention it because it's very controversial 'saesangs' nature) if you know good for you but chilee you didn't hear it here. Lol
Then there was that whole photoshoot and JM looking like he wanted to kill JK lol right around August 2017. Which I have discussed in one of my blog posts. I think it's in a lot of jeonlous. I'll link it later- if I find it.
Then the almighty 2019 Tattoo Girl scandal, I'm not talking about the August scandal. I'm talking about the one on JM's birthday last year which launched the severe 'I am sorry' hashtags in JK's post on JM's birthday. In my opinion definitely.
The Tattoo girl's shop had wanted until Jimin's birthday, almost a month after the incident, to release a statement which blew up the incident again and almost overshadowed JM's birthday.
Chilee, the delulu in me felt that was intentional. They just wanted to hurt JK by ruining his man's birthday for him- never let him forget. Lol. These evil masterminds. Chilee!
In my opinion. Please.
My point is, JM and JK do make out in efforts to fix their relationship. And usually, I find whoever is in the wrong takes the most initiatives- not to say all the GCFs was because of a fight. Personally I take Saipan and Helsinki more seriously than Tokyo. Just saying.
And of course we all saw JM fly all the way from Paris on JK's birthday- talk of grand gestures and extending Olive branches. Chilee, I'm single!
I was going to wait till I could see who was reassuring who after JM's birthday to see who was in the 'wrong' know what I mean? Like who is putting in more effort to let us know they are a thing?
After their March/May shenanigans that was JK with the thirst traps and shit on Weverse, which brought JM around and he started opening up taking initiatives of his own like in the Dynamite MV reaction VLive.
Afterwards it all seemed pretty mutual to me and they were vibing. Jikook was a Vibe. Sigh.
Now I know some people assert they don't see the 'tensions' in that behind the scenes photoshoot but we would have to agree to disagree on that because I saw that as tension between Jikook as I explained in my last post.
Jk walked right past and around Jimin without a word- chileee. JM was 'extroverted' with everyone but Jk- chilee chileee. This is weird as fuck. Lmho.
Prior to this shoot I had my eyes on Tae, RM Jk due to the Twitter war that I felt was going on between them in the days leading up to the concert. If they had anything to do with JK not posting on JM's birthday it was gonna leave trails.
Jk loves everyone but fuck with his relationship with his man and you're- poor Namjoon. Lol.
I refrained from discussing the photoshoot video or conceptualizing a theory around it because for the love of me I couldn't tell who was mad at who in that footage.
They all seemed equally mad to me. Jk had his usual don't fuck with my man mood on with that glare he gave RM causing RM to back away from JM and that attitude he gave Jin right after- which I have already speculated on in my last post.
The stare down contest between him and JM was equally nerve wracking and reminded me of that interview stare down contest between Jikook around Manila.
And I know I mentioned the 'elite' squad backing up Jimin in that moment. Chilee, I was too tired to explain that term because I had been writing for a whole day nonstop but that is the term I give to RM, Hobi, Jin as the hyungs/ elders who enable JM's shenanigans most often in the group.
JK usually pans them down when he and JM are going at it.
I feel Tae, JK, Suga are the ones that stay on JM's neck and calls his bull the most out of all the boys- Y'all don't wanna know what I call them. Lol. Perhaps, I should call them Silver? Chilee, girl don stayed my neck, put the fear of Moses in me! Lol
It felt as if, whatever the problem was, they both had an interest at stake in that moment in my opinion and they were battling it out. Besides, 5 days had gone by and for the love of me I had no idea why that mood was still persisting especially if it had anything to do with Jimin's birthday.
But I understand JM had been away with his family after the concert and had spent his birthday with his family so perhaps they couldn't resolve things within that time period. And JK it seemed had also thrown himself into work from what he said on his YouTube Live, filming and directing and shit- good for him. JM's wedding suit won't buy itself. Lol
So now the Jikook Solo lives.
Now y'all know I was waiting for this one. I told y'all I was waiting to see how BTS interacted with the VApp post Soop. Y'all know my conspiracy theory on this- the whole Jikook were banned from using it, JK was banned after his last VLive in June last year and how JM was banned in March this year after JK intercepted Jin's call and asked him on a date and said the whole I love you kithes thingy- they are trouble.
Then I talked about how JK had been trying to rebel in retaliation, the whole team up with Tae to expose BigHit on Weverse after their live.
I don't think much has changed in that regard. He still didn't do his Live on the VApp and through out his YouTube live he kept hinting at how BigHit had sabotaged his passion- he claimed he had lost his passion for GCF( at least that's how I took it) and that GCF felt more like work than something he did out of passion.
He threw jabs here and there at BigHit complaining about how he didn't even know how to do them Live logs anymore because it had been a while he did them- the lies Jeon Jungkook ne spilling! You was on a live with RM not too long ago what do you mean it's been long! *smirk.
Jimin did the same thing too but in a more subtle way I feel. He kept saying how he didn't know his way around the app, how the staff had set it up for him and JK said the same thing-but more aggressively. Lol.
It seems JK was just going to turn on the Live, keep it business and yeet himself out of there- just like people want him to do(to be professional and not expose his relationship- chileee, JK is that too much to ask? Sigh.
JK is really passive aggressive like the Silver Squad- see what I did there? Lol. Tae and Suga have taught him well. It's that control thingy, I feel. He hates it. He hates when he is controlled by anyone- except Jimin apparently.
He really enjoys and wants the freedom to do what he wants- rather dead than cool. Chilee! It's how he was raised I believe. He is a very independent free spirited individual, I keep saying.
All that, "it's awkward' 'it's been awhile I did this' yea he ain't slick. *smirk.
Another interesting thing I noticed is how both him and JM tried to keep the other's name out of their mouths- well Jimin tried. Dude couldn't help himself bless him.
I just think they have been cautioned to keep a really low profile on the app especially in regards to how they use the app, what they share on the app- no eye fucking, no weird tensions staring into eachother's souls, no I love you's in the background and certainly NO BONERS!
All in all, my impression of those two Lives was that- Jimin had baited BigHit when he posted that 'see you soon on VApp.' In my opinion.
I think he did that to force BigHit's hands. Jk did the same with his 'I can't do live logs on my own now' statement.
Jimin had put BigHit in a tight corner when he read that 'I miss Jungkook' comment. And the way he kept it pushing afterwards- the next day BigHit was like, y'all this is Simba. Hair slicked back and all. Take him. Lol.
I keep saying the one thing BigHit is scared of is a scandal. They really don't want people asking certain questions that's going to make them look bad especially towards their artists- in my opinion. BigHit please it's my opinion. Let the records show. Lol.
And as I keep saying, BTS and even Jikook have a way of weaponizing their social media Influence against BigHit- that nearly 9 million viewers Jimin read out on his VLive certainly gave BigHit a push to call out JK. Lol.
Personally, I was curious as I said earlier as to how that VLive was going to be live. Whether it was going to be monitored heavily like their lives were after the March 30th incident.
I was curious to see if he would appear on YouTube or VApp. As it stands, it seems whatever ban was placed on JM from having Solo Lives on the App has been lifted
And it seems he was fighting for his man too in the most kumbaya way possible- Jimin! Lolololol. He is hilarious. Bless him
I just hope JK doesn't call in on JM's future VLives again to ask him on a date- again cos damn that would chaotic. Lol.
It's crazy to me how people still look at JK and ask if he loves JM at all- damn if he isn't carrying their relationship on his back!
It seems for now he still isn't allowed a solo VLive on the App and from the Way he kept saying he couldn't do a log alone it seems he is pushing to have that freedom to have a VLive with JM again- I don't know. I might be delulu. Lol
As to whether JK was the wrong party for not posting on JM's birthday I still don't know. Would have to observe their interactions a bit more.
So far from their lives the only one who was making efforts to feed us was Jimin with the whole 10/13 Mickey Mouse thingy which we all know is reference to Jikook.
If my hypothesis is right, JM would be coming out here with heart eyes, clinging to JK, making all the efforts while JK has the mood he had during the On era again- acting like he not whipped but he whipped- bless him.
All that being said, this is just my opinion. I'm just sharing my thoughts and observations. I am not calling anyone to action. I am not instructing anyone on what to do with my opinion, to hate on BigHit, or any of the members mentioned in here.
If you are not an adult, and can't reason like an adult do not sit at the adult table. Immaturity is not a bar to freedom of expression.
When it comes to Jikook, I always feel JK has put in so much effort into his relationship with Jimin to squander all that effort over something as silly as a birthday post.
Jikook have both worked through a lot, come a long way in their love journey to let petty issues undo all the efforts they've both put into eachother.
If JM's birthday is an issue for JM, JK would have made it right by now. All it takes it one simple post to fix it. And he has taken much bolder steps in the past to chicken out now.
And if Jimin is the one holding JK then- dude better prepare another Paris trip to placate his man because JK about to pout him to death. Lol.
As I said I have a feeling things are good between them now. I just want to see more of their interactions.
Keep supporting Jikook.
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kyuublu · 4 years
Ice cold
part 3 (Sakusa Kiyoomi x Reader | series)
Ice Sakting AU
Song rec: Pope Is a Rockstar - SALES
„Ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving Paris shortly...“
My brows furrowed in confusion as I slowly started opening my eyes. Grimacing at the pain in my neck I started rubbing my hand on the area. Sakusa was seated beside me looking out the window, a pair of headphones stuck in his ears.
Tapping his shoulder carefully, I tried making conversation with him since his lack of movement scared me a bit.
„Did you not leave your seat once?“ I asked casually after gaining his attention. „Of course not. I’d rather piss myself than getting on one of the toilets here.“ The boys‘ eyes skimmed over his phone. After taking a brief glance to the side he earned a groan from me.
„Jesus, did you listen to that the whole time?“
Sakusa finally turned fully to the side, greeting me with a annoyed face. „Are you interrogating me?“
I huffed out a laugh before the deeper voice on the other side of me could chime in.
„Y/N is trying to say that you should maybe put your attention on something else for a bit so you can breathe and think clearly for the competition.“ Both of our heads were now turned to the trainer that had a magazine in one hand and a wine glads in the other. „Wasn’t that what you were trying to say dear?“ I only shrugged, dismissing the caring undertone that he had implied. „I just personally think it would drive me crazy.“
“I’d rather listen to this song for days on repeat than have to listen to your snoring again.” The curly head was getting more and more sarcastic over the course of the flight and I was getting sick of it.
„Well thank god we don’t have to sleep next to each other ever again.“
Looking him directly in the eye, I finally felt a little more on eye level with him. I guess we just both get a bit bitchy when we‘re stuck in a big metal box with wings for hours.
„I mean, you never know what the future holds.“Both of us snorted in disbelief at Mr. Watanabe as he kept his gaze on the magazine.
Here we were, Paris. It was beautiful.
I mean- as far as I could tell from the short taxi drive from the airport to the hotel.
„So you guys know, no breaks. Go up to your rooms, leave your stuff there and we’ll go directly to the rink.“ Sakusa only nodded after taking one of the key cards from his trainer. Sighing at the stress that was already hitting me since we got off the plane, I also took a card. Room 147 B.
Suddenly I noticed that the dark haired boy had already left my sight. I gotta admit, he is fast.
After getting to my designated room and literally throwing my stuff in there. I only quickly got changed into something that didn’t smell like a long day at the airport. After closing my door I came face to face to the man himself.
„Tzeh, he wasn’t wrong when he said we wouldn’t know what the future holds. I’ll probably hear your snores through the walls.“ Sakusa had what appeared to be an attempt of a smirk on his face, as he then walked down the hallway.
„Oh my god, its not even that bad. Can you stop being such an asshole?” Rolling my eyes I followed the skater down the hall, back to the lobby.
The venue was even bigger than I expected. As we walked past the huge white walls towards the rink, Sakusa excused himself to the lockers. The ceiling was open and the all the seats around it made me feel dizzy. All eyes will be on one performer.
Shuddering at the thought I turned to Mr. Watanabe. “Do you think he’s-“
“He’s alright, trust me. Sakusa has performed in bigger venues.”
The trainer confidently clapped his hands together. My mouth fell open as my brows furrowed at the thought of even bigger rinks. “You’re kidding...”
Suddenly I heard scratching ice and felt a figure coming to a halt on the rink behind me.
“Don’t you know, Sakusa is a little superstar!” I turned excitedly when I recognized Sugas voice, engulfing him in a awkward hug over the railing between us.
“Wow! At least someone is happy to see me.” The smile was evident in his voice. We both had really missed eachother, since after the time we first met we had been texting constantly. He was a great friend to me eventhough we haven’t seen each other often.
“Of course! I’m not just here for grumpy cat.” We chuckled at the nickname of the black haired boy until I could feel his eyes pierce through my back.
“Nice to see you have chosen to befriend the enemy.” I rolled my eyes as Sakusa stopped to stand next to me. “Oh come on Omi, relax a little. Behind the scenes we’re all just buddies after all.”
“I’m not your buddy.” The boy mumbled as he secured his skates once again. Suddenly another figure swiftly appeared behind Suga.
“Omi, you seem thrilled as always.” The boy leaned confidently on the railing next to Suga. This must be Aran Ojiro as Mr. Watanabe had informed me beforehand. He was an amazing performer, gathering alot of points for his presence alone.
“I told you guys to stop calling me that.” Sakusa stood up, ignoring the two skaters as he departed towards the ice rink. He easily moved to along the ice and made his rounds. After Sakusas little fit, Aran turned to me with a grin as he held out a hand. “I’m Aran by the way.” My hand found his as I returned the smile and introduced myself.
After talking a little with him and Suga, it was clear to me that they had already been close for years.
“So you and Omi? How long have you guys been...?”Aran raised a brow playfully, I immediately shook my head.
“Hell no. Not in a million years.”
“Excuse me? So you mean to tell me that you came all the way here to the City of love, only to watch some skinny boys twirl on ice?”Suga exclaimed as he gave a look.
“I- I uhmm... Yeah?” My confidence went downhill as I thought of another thing to say. Both of them were such big characters. I kinda felt boring between two pro skaters that lived these crazy lifes. Flying from one country to another, performing in even bigger venues than the one we were currently standing in.
“Well let me tell you, I’d never thought I’d see him inviting someone to a competition. Let alone a girl.” Aran chuckled as his eyes travelled to Sakusas form that was still moving to warm himself up.
“It’s not like that though.” Both of the boys eyes were now on me, seemingly interested in what I’d say next. I looked down as my face began heating up. He could never like me like that. “I- I just helped him with picking out a song and the rest was thanks to his trainer.”
Aran hummed in acknowledgment but decided to speak up again. “That’s something though. He wouldn’t consider to ask us for any type of advice really.”
Sugawara chuckled at his comment, lightly pushing himself back on the ice. “Well, I’ll have to get moving again before I’ll start freezing to death.” I gave him a quick smile as I watched his skate away, Aran close to follow the grey haired boy until he quickly turned around again.
“Was nice meeting ya! Maybe you guys can meet us at the entrance after practice. We’ll probably explore the city for a little bit before the big day tomorrow.” My eyes went wide at the offer, that caught me off guard. They really wanted me there? I barely knew anybody besides them. “Sure! But we’ll see if I’ll manage to drag Omi along.” I playfully remarked, which was met with a small chuckle from Aran as he also pushed himself back onto the rink.
My eyes snapped open as I felt someone’s elbow meet in my side. Still slightly in shock I looked to my right.
“Jesus Sakusa, couldn’t you have woken me up a bit less violent.”
The curly head didn’t even seem to listen to my nagging since his eyes were fixated on the rink. I followed his gaze until I was met with a tall lanky figure, moving elegantly on the icey floors.
“Lev Haiba. He’s one of jury’s favorites.” Sakusas tone was more serious as he watched the boy skate his routine.
“Don’t worry, just because heart a favorite doesn’t mean he’ll do any better than you. You’ve been working on this performance for so long. You’ve actually tried something new and decided to change things up while maintaining your style.”
My hand subconsciously rose to almost land on his shoulder but I decided against it, as I drew it back between my legs. “You’ll definitely outshine this guy in a heartbeat when you step on the ice.” I looked at him through my lashes, waiting for any kind of reaction.
“We’ll see.”
The boy stood up abruptly without sparing me another glance. Then suddenly I got a hold of his one of his sleeves to ask him the question I had been dying to ask for hours.
“Do you maybe wanna... hang out?” Sakusa turned to me with an unsure look on his face. To me he seemed as if he was either confused as to why I’d even attampt to ask or why I’d dare to hold his sleeve. I quickly let go of the end of the skaters jacket and stood up infront of him. “So?”
He sighed in defeat as my eyes stayed expectantly locked on his. “Alright, but lets ask Mr. Watanabe before we-“
Loud laughs could be heard from the seats above us. One of them clearly being from our precious coach, enjoying his time with some of the other coaches (probably the femal ones).
“Well, I guess he won’t mind a little fun!” I walked ahead of the black haired boy with my head held high. This time I won’t let him run away from me nor his other ‘friends’.
When we arrived at the entrance there was a group of around 5 people waiting. Sakusas pace slowed down a little as he saw Suga approach us.
“Oi, you guys actually decided to come! I thought I’d have to wake you before Omi would leave you to sleep in the venue.” Me and some of the people giggled along with the joke but Sakusa clearly wasn’t amused.
“Well, are you guys waiting for more?” I asked curiously but Aran shook his head. “Nah, we can go. We’ll probably look for some food place before we can check out the area.” Nodding at his idea, the group slowly took off until I noticed Sakusas figure standing still like a statue.
I turned to the boy with brows furrowed in confusion, why was he making such a fuss now? “Just go ahead, I’ll wait for Mr. Watanabe and head back to the hotel.” The boy stayed nonchalant not even noticing how I was practically fuming on the inside. He can’t even allow himself to have fun in freaking Paris.
“Are you serious?”
I stared him down now, tired of his behavior. Sure he can be antisocial but these guys were all so nice to him and trying to be his friends, but he wouldn’t budge.
“We’re in Paris! We should be exploring, having fun-“
Sakusa only let out a cold laugh as he looked away from me in disbelief. “I’m not here to have fun, y/n. I’m here for a freaking competition.” Suddenly he stepped closer to me with a daring look on his face.
“These aren’t my friends and they aren’t yours either. As soon as we leave, they’ll forget about you and your stale personality because they have more important things to worry about than texting some average girl from a small little town.”
I looked down to my feet. This time I wasn’t feeling shame or embarrassment. I was in rage.
Then a voice rang from further away, breaking the tension. “Are ya guys coming or not?” I cleared my throat for a second, turning towards the group. “Just a minute!” My head moved back up to face the boy infront of me.
“Just because you can’t let anybody get close to you, doesn’t mean they are automatically the bad guys. You won’t even open up to me, Sakusa.”
I slowly walked away from his form without seeing his reaction but I decided to speak up again, my back turned towards the skater.
“I’m sick of trying to excuse or even understand you and your ways. I’m done.”
My feet moved on their own as I kept my eyes locked on the group in the distance. Their giggles and talks piercing through the heavy tension I had just left behind.
After finding a small restaurant that wasn’t going to cost us a whole three day budget in Paris, we finally settled down at a table.
I actually calmed down pretty quickly after the fight with Sakusa. Usually my thoughts would be stuck on these type of things for hours but I felt confident in what I had said. I wasn’t going to let him ruin my night or any of the others for that matter.
“You okay?” Sugawara sweetly leaned towards me next to my seat. I shrugged off the uneasy feeling I had before and responded “Yeah, I’m just hungry.”. The boy gave me a sympathetic look before handing me one of the menu’s. “I definitely feel you on that one.” Letting out a laugh I quickly scanned over the menu.
Some time later we had all been full and ready to hit the streets. I also got introduced to the other people of the group in which mainly Suna and a pair of twins had stuck out the most. The Miya twins usually bickering and Suna showing me recordings of some of the most iconic fights between the other skaters. They were a pretty loud bunch, but it was actually pretty refreshing.
As we roamed around Paris, it seemed that tall classy buildings and cosy cafes were all over. Even in the break of dawn it seemed as if the night was still young. Lights adorned the streets and people were still busy as ever.
There was a little thought in the back of my head, just for a moment. Maybe Sakusa would have liked seeing some parts around here. The more quiet once, or the little river that mirrored the lights of the city.
When we ended at the infamous Eiffel Tower, Sugawara had already persuaded me into going onto the attraction though. It took me abit of strength to actually get all the way up there but the view was worth it.
All the city lights seemed to shine even brighter. Even the height was forgotten when the beauty of Paris had engulfed me already.
“I haven’t been up here since I was 12.” The voice of the one person I have been trying to avoid in my head was suddenly right behind me. I didn’t let myself turn to the curly hot head as I crossed my arms. “Why didn’t you just tag along if you’d end up here anyways...”
Sakusa stepped next to me, eyes focused on the view infront of us. “I only left the hotel a couple of minutes ago.” He then held a an image of Sunas instagram story up towards my face. “It wasn’t that hard to find you guys though.”. I stifled a laugh at the thought of Sakusa actually looking through our instagram stories to find us. “You’re ridiculous.”.
I felt his gaze on me. “I’m sorry about that thing at the venue...” His voice was barely audible, as if he wasn’t even sure what he had wanted to say next. “What thing exactly?” My eyes stayed on the buildings and lights, not once budging into giving him my attention.
Kiyoomi sighed, rubbing a hand over his face. He really wasn’t good at these kinds of things. “I didn’t want to be so fucking rude. I just-“ The boy stopped himself but then decided to just blurr out what he had already been thinking.
“I just thought you wanted to hang out with me, not with the whole group... I thought you’d actually want to be alone with me for once.” My brows furrowed in confusion. “We have been alone countless of times Omi.”
The use of his usually dreaded nickname suddenly made Sakusa look away quickly to hide his creeping blush. “Yes but it was because we had to be, not because you actually wanted to be around me.” My eyes went wide at the confession, my head snapping to his face. “What?”
Suddenly I could feel his hand touching mine cautiously. “I don’t want to be around those idiots-“ I chuckled at his remark until he continued his little speech. “but I shouldn’t have told you all of that crap. I was just a bit...” He looked to the ground, almost looking shy at this point. “Jealous?” I asked curiously with a hint of a smile on my lips. The boy looked up, a bit taken back by my sudden boldness. “Irritated, I guess.”
I smiled at the underlying victory, I knew what he was thinking for once. I could finally be more casual around him.
“Are you still nervous about the whole Lev thing?” I asked to break the silence that had been dawning on us for a bit now. “No, I think I’m alright.” My brows were raised at his relaxed answer. “So my peptalk did ease your mind, huh?” He smiled softly “I think you have that effect on me generally.”
As he turned to me his gaze lingered for a little too long, making me feel like I was about to freaking pass out. His hand swiftly grabbed mine and I knew I couldn’t contain my smile anymore.
“You know... I think I might like you.”
Finally I catched his eye, basically exposing my shameless happiness that was spread across my face.
“I think I might like you too.”
Everything; Paris, the competition, the job I had back home, all of these expectations including my year off of college, suddenly werent clouding my thoughts. We were both finally just here, in the moment.
And I had a lingering feeling, that even Kiyoomi could finally breathe for a second.
The end.
I hope you guys enjoyed it! I know it didn’t end with the competition but I wanted it to rather focus on the relationship they slowly built than on the skating alone. Hopefully it was still a nice ending though ^^
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littlemessyjessi · 4 years
And another thing! Where is the representation of my melanin queens on every day things?! I’m just really upset about alot of fanfiction right now.  Like, I don’t get it.  I’m using every fucking piece of information that I have gathered from my godmother, an indescribably beautiful melanin goddess, over the years and I’m using it in fucking fanfiction because it’s fucking important.  For example:
My godmother, Dana, is a STUNNING black woman.  She was there for me when my birth mother would straight up drop me on her doorstep and I would see her for months. 
Dana, the queen that she is, is a beacon of light and information. 
I had an interesting childhood.  
I’m a mixture of a lot ethnicities to be honest and I spent my childhood back and forth between two countries if you want to know the truth about it.   But when I was in the USA, I was supposed to spend time with her which lasted for all of about two weeks full of abuse.  Looking back, honestly being with Dana is probably what saved me. 
Anyway, personally I’m a red head but my curl pattern is somewhere between 4B and 4C.  Naturally, it has a tendency to be frizzy and is heavy on the dry side.  I have my mother’s hair. 
Dana knew this, as she grew up with my mother and actually has a very similiar hair texture. It’s just that her’s is dark. So she knew exactly how to handle me when my mother jumped ship. 
And my dad didn’t know how to do that.  He’s Serbian and white. Not to mention the fact that he worked all the time over the road trying to provide for his four children. He wasn’t around much but it wasn’t because he didn’t want to be.  It’s just that someone had to provide for us and that was him.  Side note:  All of have different mothers and they’re all crazy.   I think he has a type.  He didn’t turn them crazy.  No, no. They were like that when he met them.  I just think he’s a glutton for punishment. 
Anyway, the hair. That was a foreign language to him.  I mean, he tried but he was hopeless until Dana legit showed him. 
This fucking angel introduce me to the bonnet when I was four. Four.  To this day, I refused to go to bed without a bonnet.  
She also introduced me to protective hair styles and the concept of a damn headwrap.  Which is fucking life changing mind you.  My cuban fiance, Valentina, bonded over this when we first started talking because she video calls me one morning to talk to me while we were getting ready for our respective days. 
Of course, I answer.  Still in my pjs, bonnet on my head and slathering myself in shea butter.  Again, thank you Dana for your life changing knowledge of shea butter and cocoa butter.  I attribute my good skin to you, love. I’m in my late twenties now and honestly I don’t really look any different as to what I did when I was eighteen.  Perhaps, it’s genes.  But I think it was Dana and her knowledge. 
Anyway, we’re sitting there talking and all of a sudden Val just has the biggest smile on her face and I’m like, what?
And she was just like, “I love that you have your bonnet on.” 
And I was like, “Uh, ok? Should I not?” 
And we got into a whole discussion about it and how it’s viewed.   
Listen, if I am deep conditioning my hair I will walk straight out this house with a bonnet on and not give a single fuck.  You think I’m playing but I am not.  And that’s my point.   I don’t know why things like this are looked at differently and I’m sick of it.   
What’s even more disgusting is that I would get less looks for it than a black woman.  Why?  Because regardless of the fact that I actually came out of an extremely deeply darkly skinned woman, I pass as white. 
That god damn statement enrages me to my core.  The fact that I, someone who passes as white, can do basic things like wear a bonnet or a headwrap and while I may recieve some strange looks here and there..... it’s really nothing. 
Whereas a woman of dark complexion has a totally different experience.  And that enrages me.   I used to lose my temper over it when I was about 10 or so and Dana would take me to the movies on Sundays.  That was always deep conditioning day and so we went in our bonnets.  And these mother fucking girls would snicker and point and act like fools.  I, all 4′11′’ of me, nearly got into a fight with them b/c I have a short fuse on a big bomb.  But Dana just pulled me back and told me not to worry about it.  But I was upset.  Dana is literally one of the most beautiful people I have ever met, inside and out.  And I couldn’t understand how someone could be so nasty.   We had a talk that day about skin and why it was different.   I mean, I knew Dana and I have different colors to us but I never thought much about it to be honest.  
She was very honest with me in her experiences and she told me that we were different and even though that shouldn’t make a difference at all, for some people it did. 
Cue tiny preteen Kenny going on a fifteen minute rant until she gave me pineapple and tajin and told me to chill out, lol. 
Also, if you’re not putting tajin on your pineapple, what are you doing?  You’re missing out and I highly reccommend you see to it immediately. 
She told me the best thing to do was to ignore them and to just live my life.  And I see her point but I also don’t.  Because if you always look the other way then nothing changes b/c it just keeps getting swept under the rug.   
Dana is a lot nicer than me.  And perhaps, she’s smarter b/c she’s older and she just knows more than me.  But I will not stand for this! 
I realize how ridiculous that may sound but I don’t care.  I will call someone out on it in a heartbeat. 
I just get heated about things I feel strongly about. 
So all this to say that I was listening to this video where a girl was talking about how upset she was about the lack of representation in fanfiction and I was just consumed with anger b/c she’s right! 
And I was just so pissed. Poor Val listened to me rant forever before she just called Dana and was like, ‘Please calm down your child.” 
Because yes, as far as I’m concerned, Dana is my mother.  Not my birth mother. 
And, lol, Dana told her, “Just give that little hot cheeto some pineapple and tajin. Or make her some kool aid.  She’s just gotta rant for a minute and get it out of her system.” 
And Val said, “I tried to give her kool aid.  She spazzed out and drank half a pitcher.  Now she’s on a sugar high and she’s worse.” 
I’m assuming Dana told her to just hand over the phone and she promptly told me to calm down before she came over to deliver an ass whoopin.  
And then she asked me what was wrong and so I told her. 
And so she said, “Just write the fanfiction how you want it.   That’s what you’ve always done. So if you want to see mentions of bonnets in stories, start putting them in.   Make it a point to create scenes that specifically give you an opportunity to showcase some of that stuff.  Talk about the struggles of finding a foundation that actually matches your skin tone.  Talk about wash days and co washes.  And for the love of the all mighty, please mention to someone to put some damn lotion on their elbows and knees.  I’m tired of seeing these ashy ass people.” 
And we talked for quite some time about it and she made me feel better.  Like she always does.  I didn’t come out of her but Dana has always been my mother.  And always been there for me.  Always given me the best advice.   Always knew just what to say when my emotions wreck me. 
So I know a lot of you like my reader content and I’ll continue to do that. I promise.  I mostly just do plus size reader. But maybe we’ll include some specific POC plus size reader.  I mean, that’s not new for me.  I’ve done that before but you get my point.  The only way to get passed some of these irritations and unfairness is to normalize it to the point of common knowledge. 
And you might be seeing more and more POC OC’s from me.  This isn’t new either as I’ve got plenty of them.  But you might see an influx lol.  Because I’m upset about it and b/c it’s deserved.  You know what I mean?  
Also, for the love of god, please please please if you are writing reader insert when you are talking about someone blushing... jesus christ, Dana could be embarassed and you’d never know b/c she is literally as dark as a dark chocolate bar.   Blush doesn’t show on her skin tone and I can imagine it doesn’t show on a lot of deeper skin tones.  It doesn’t on Valentina and she’s cuban caramel candy.  
There are other ways.  Like heat creeping up the neck or whatever.  You know what I mean.  
Also, the ‘he ran his fingers through my hair’ bit?  Ugh.  First of all, with my hair.... I’d like to see them try.  Second, don’t. touch. my. hair.  
Just saying.  There are other ways.
Anyway, thanks for listening. 
And Dana, if you’re reading, cause I know you come read my stories sometimes- thank you for listening and giving me good advice.  As you always have.  I love you and I’m just really thankful you’ve always been there for me and taught me so much.  I love you, Mama D.
Also, ya’ll pray for me.  I have a whole pitcher of kool aid, that I made so it has way too much sugar in it.  And if I can’t calm myself down, Valentina may murder me.  And ya girl is trying to get some tonight, lol. 
P.S. If she does away with me and you never find my body, someone just tell Idris Elba, Queen Latifah, Sebastian Stan and Aaron Taylor Johnson that I love them and that I died well.  
Probably not though.  
Valentina is mean.  She’d make me die a slow and horrible death. 
Like depravation of cuddles and chocolate. 
The horror. 
Shit, I like her feisty though. 
Anyway, I’m rambling. 
I love y’all and that’s really all I had to say about the issue lol. 
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batsforbadones · 4 years
Herbert West with a Teenage daughter?
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For the hey of it, the mom skipped out. This turned out alot goofier than expected,
- Daughter? You mean prodigy - But he’d definitely say it in that highclass way of Pro-de-zhay. Herbert always stressed being proper and well spoken. She may or may not have a complex about it if anyone points out an accent. - Homeschooled freak. Why would she need to go to school to be taught religious dribble when she has him? He didn’t socially interact with any other kids and look at Herbert he turned out... Well rounded enough. - His daughter used to follow him around in the lab alot. He’d gotten her a miniature science kit when she was extremely small, and he had to hold back tears as he watched her mimic his pouring. God damn look at those beady eyes watching him calculate. He shouldn’t want to bite children but god her little legs are just so chubby- Herbert has never experienced baby fever.  - Daddy’s future nobel prize winner, yes she is-  - That was then, this is now and Herbert was still as dedicated to the craft as ever. As was his daughter, but he felt like he missed a step. He had to. He was supposed to be her dad- - Getting really sick and tired of how much better of a father Dan is. He’s not even her real dad, just the god father. It was confusing- Herbert’s parents were strict... He’s nowhere near as bad as that, why doesn’t she like him as much as Dan? He’s... - Oh who is he kidding he’s not fun. Dan’s fun. Dan is normal. He didn’t give you a complex about raising the dead. Herbert was used to being the bad guy- The fun police. He liked being that. He knew the things he found fun alot of other people didn’t, but he didn’t think his own kid would hate him so much for it. She just liked Dan more. - If he has to hear one more time about how Dan did this or Dan did that you’re going to have to reanimate him because he’s -- this close to ending it. It’s like you’re rubbing in his face how much of a better parent Dan is. He gets he’s not the most emotionally available, but this is just sad. - If she ever did anything equating to telling him to pull a stick out of his ass, he’d probably have a mental break down. He’d tell her to go to her room, and then he’d angry sob in the basement. If Dan came down to check on him, he’d probably try to hit him, or at the very least lash out.  - ‘ Why don’t you come get ice cream with us? ‘ - ‘ She likes ice cream? Since when? ‘  - Oh God why is he such a pathetic dad- - ‘ It’s not that bad, West. All teens are like this. She’s just rebelling! ‘ - ‘ I wasn’t like this! ‘ - Dan : 😬  - Dan. internally : how do i tell him he’s emotionally stunted - Dan, externally : It’s better this way. - That was the worst thing he could’ve said. Ever. - ‘ Don’t tell me what’s good for her! That’s my daughter, Dan. Get your own! ‘  - ‘ I apologize, West, I forgot to call the stork! Let me just - ‘ - ‘ Jesus, you know what I mean! ‘ - Not the best dad, but he’s trying his best. She’s just a little too tween to really understand that.
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dayasbun · 5 years
Opposites - Fezco
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Summary: in which rue hooks you up with a drug dealer that takes quite the interest in you. you're known for your soft spoken words and kind personality, and he's known for his drug selling habits and crude outlook on life- but opposites attract right?
Warnings: uh let's see there's bad words? no smut this time around just soft fluffy shiz but next time i'm not promising soft anythin- anyway i literally adored writing this and i just love fez+angus sm like come on y'all i need more fez and angus fics!!! this is 100% for @wakandamama cuz she keeps me supplied with that good good- and by that i mean those good ass fezco fics- anyway i hope y'all angels love reading this as much as i loved writing it :) <3 there are for sure an abundance of more fez fics coming your way- okay i'll shutup now- enjoy!!!!!!
Or Fez- that's what Rue called him, and you didn't know much about him. All you knew is that Rue and Gia swore you were 'his type' and that he was an actual drug dealer.
When the girls originally told you that he was a drug dealer you thought it was a joke; but you soon realized it was anything but. Being a drug dealers type isn't exactly what you wanted to hear when coming to visit the Bennett fam, but hey- work with what you got... right?
Your innocent and pure persona didn't match the energy you assumed would come from the Fez you kept hearing about...however, opposites do attract-so you couldn't help but to be just the tiniest bit interested.
The party you and Rue walked into smelled so strongly of weed- you hated it. Alot. Drugs and weed were never your thing, you'd much rather read a book than get high- drinking you could deal with, but you preferred to know what you were doing and not have your mind altered often.
"Come onnnnn- I know he's here I just know it-"
"Rue, the reason we're here is not only to see your little friend Fez, I came to this party to have fun?"
"Y/N you don't smoke or do drugs, you only drink so what's really the definition of fun to you?"
You rolled your eyes walking off, headed to the kitchen for a drink. You didn't want to get drunk, but you wanted a buzz. The kitchen was surprisingly empty, so taking advantage of that you cracked open a new bottle of tequila and took a couple bitter shots. You were a bit of a lightweight, so two shots was your cutoff before beginning to sputter over the edge.
"Pour me some ight?"
You looked up at the face the voice belonged to and your eyes widened.
Now look, you'd seen quite a few men in your lifetime. You had a decent amount of experience, but you didn't sleep around. You had seen all of the blonde douchey men, the sweet brunette boys and the basic men that just didn't care about anything but sex. But this man you were looking up at was- damn. You didn't have any history with redheads but you were most definitely considering a future with one right now- maybe it was the alcohol telling you that but holy shi-
"Mhm, what you want baby?" your confidence boosted out of nowhere...another shot suddenly didn't seem too bad.
"Just a few shots, maybe a cup of the shit so it actually effects me you feel?"
You grabbed a red cup and poured some of the alcoholic drink in it. "What's your name handsome?" you questioned as you handed it to him.
Holy shit- so this was Fez. Drug dealer Fez; but for fucks sake look at him, if you were actually his type like Rue claimed you felt as though it was a blessing straight from God himself.
"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." you held out your hand and poured another shot for yourself after he shook it.
"So who's your people? I ain't seen you 'round here. I woulda remembered if I had."
"I'm a friend of Rue and Gias, they're like family to me but no blood."
He looked you up and down, making you feel self conscious but also straight up horny...you needed to stop, you really needed to stop. You didn't know for sure if it was him or the alcohol making you feel like this, but above all you were pretty sure it was all him.
"Rue and G? They chill, so you good then?"
"Like you not a snitch. You know what I do- I think you know anyway if you tight with Rue."
"That rhymed!" you giggled with a grin. He gave you a confused look but soon softened up and chuckled. "Yeah, I guess it did."
"I won't snitch, i'm not like that..."
"Good baby, good." he took a sip of the drink you poured for him and you almost poured another shot for yourself but refrained. You were tipsy but you weren't drunk- and you didn't want to be drunk.
"So Rue told me I'm your type, was she right?"
Yeah, that was definitely the alcohol talking- you would never ask anything like that.
"Ion know yet, give me a spin."
"A spin...?" you spun around, feeling a bit dizzy in result.
"You cute as hell, i'm not finna lie. But ion even know y-"
"Then get to know me, Fez." you said a bit more seductively than you had planned.
"Nah cuz see I know you drunk. And you fine as hell I'm not even finna play with you, but I can't mess with you when you drunk. Rue said you a lightweight."
"I'm not!" you reassured him "Just tipsy, I know everything that's going on- you're Fez, I'm Y/N and we're at a party that smells way too heavily of weed."
"If you don't like weed you really must hate me then."
"I definitely don't hate you..."
Beards were never really your thing, but god Fez's beard was most definitely past acceptable- it was so perfect on him? Everything on him seemed as though it had been perfectly placed by God to be there.
"We should get outta here. I know some people looking for me and I ain' tryna get you tied all up in some shit you know nun about. Come on."
"Oooh naughty drug dealer," you teased with a grin "Such a bad boy, what are the feds coming for you? Is that it?"
He turned to look at you, and the serious look on his face caused you to wonder if maybe the feds actually were, leading to your grin quickly ceasing.
He kept his arm around your waist so that you stayed close to him, it was almost like he thought you'd slip away if he let you go for a second. As you two made your way through the crowd you saw Rue winking at you in the distance- damnit she probably planned this.
Eventually after a blur of conversation and giggles, you two made it to his house. It smelled just as heavily as weed as the party did- but strangely enough this was different, you barely even noticed.
"Get out them clothes, I know Rue probably made you wear 'em. They don't really look like you, you feel? I got some hoodies and shit you can chill in."
God yes- a man willingly offering his hoodies for you to wear? Was this love or was this a fucking dream? And he was right, Rue had forced you into the skimpy clothing claiming that it made you look 'sexy'. You hated it, but you couldn't disagree with her- you looked hot.
Fez stepped out of the room to let you change, which you found absolutely precious. You were starting to completely sober up from the tad of tipsy you had inflicted on yourself earlier. Once you were in his green hoodie and a pair of sweats that were way too big for you, you opened the door only to find him standing outside of it on his phone.
"Hey, I'm done." you said softly, a small smile playing on your lips. He nodded and walked in kicking the door closed behind him. You two sat on the bed, not too close but not too far.
"You tired or?"
You nodded as your first response "A bit, yes. I drove here this morning and it took a good 6 hours so...yeah."
"Shit 6 hours? Crazy."
"Yeah, and the second I got here the first person I heard about was you."
"Oh for real? Rue tryna help me out." he laughed- a genuine laugh- for the first time and it made you feel weak in the knees, thank god you were sitting down. "Of course lil sis would try to hook me up wit' somebody she see as her big sis."
You nodded looking down at your hands.
"Do I scare you?"
You looked over at him and shook your head rapidly "Not at all."
"You seem a lil bit tense is all."
You shrugged "Maybe it's because i'm tired, maybe I just need to relax."
"Yeah baby, relax." You felt his hands- his big ass hands- on your shoulders. He started moving them at the perfect speed and you felt your stress begin to slowly fade away.
"That's nice..." you groaned a bit as you felt your posture melt into an unflattering position.
Fez grinned and stopped. "I got magic hands on God! Like for real I start massaging and all the bitches just start coming to me-"
You burst out laughing "Oh yeah I'm sure they're running right now!"
He nodded "You know it...I like yo vibe. It's different. You a lil soft but I think we all is sometimes."
"Even you?"
"Nah not m-"
"Does Fezy Wezy get soft sometimes too?"
"Okay you can stop wit' that shit right now for real-" he said seriously but with the goofiest smile on his face. You laughed laying back in the bed and taking in the scent of the sheets that for some reason you liked- a mix of smoke with coffee and some type of old ass man cologne. You felt the bed dip some a few moments later as he lay by you.
"How long you here for?"
"Just a couple weeks, that's the plan anyway."
"The plan? What you implying, you tryna stay longer for me?"
You turned over looking at him "Boy shutup, you haven't even kissed me yet."
"Yeah sorry lil mama but that's not happening."
"What?" you said confused and felt genuinely hurt for a minute.
"Cuz you finna kiss me first. I'm irresistible."
"Jesus Fez-" you laughed shaking your head "Irresistible isn't the word, but the words 'too much' do come to mi-"
He cut you off by pressing his lips against yours, his beard tickling your chin. Your lips moved in perfect harmony for a minute before you two let off.
"So who's irresistible now Mr. Tough Guy?"
"Still me, who's bed we in right now?"
"Shutuppppp!" you laughed. You were so genuinely happy right now, a man hadn't made your face light up with the most gorgeous smile like this in ages.
"So tell me a lil bit about you. You give me a lot of 'Hi! I'm Little Miss Perfect!' vibes- but aye, I'm not one to judge so-"
"Oh god- I wish I could say that you were right but you're not...I don't know I mean...I've had my share of shit I've done, who hasn't? But I just try to stay grounded, never change who I am. I always love seeing the best in people, even when there's not much to see."
"Yeah? What you see in me then."
"I see a genuinely sweet man with a tough exterior. An attractive tough exterior but- that's definitely besides the point."
He chuckled at that, it made you smile.
"I think you're very caring." you continued softly, "I think you worry about others more than yourself. You'd take a bullet for someone you love, I don't know maybe you already have. But I don't think the tough guy that sells drugs that everyone sees is just who you are...there's so much mo- woah okay I am talking way too much-"
He watched you so carefully as you spoke, soaking up every word as though a sponge would with water. "Damn girl, the way you talk got me over here thinking I'm in love or some shit."
You laughed shaking your head "I'm just being completely honest Fez."
He hummed and closed his eyes "I'm feeling kinda tired. But don't bail on me in the morning, you better be here when I wake up so I can make your fine ass some breakfast."
"If your breakfast is as good as your massages are, I'll most definitely still be here." you taunted as you cuddled into him, your head on his chest as you listened to his heartbeat beat a bit faster than it was supposed to.
"Rumor says the breakfast actually be better- it hits different trust me."
You smiled yet again- probably the billionth time that night. "Go to sleep Fez."
"Ight Ight. Nighty night Lil Miss Perfect."
"That will never be my nickname and I swear to God if you say it again you'll wake up in this bed alone."
"Damn okay! Goodnight Y/N."
"Goodnight Fez."
it's 1:48 AM and i just finished this- but wow i have no regrets this is so long i think it's one of the longest i've ever written? not quite sure didn't do a word count but feeling proud and loving angus//fez more and more every damn day :p gn!
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sapphicomenn · 4 years
“the tesseract has awakened” oh you mean the glowy cube from captain america AND captain marvel? THAT glowly cube?? cool looking stairs- ew who tf are you? the grim reaper??
what the fuck is a chitauri and why does it sound like sea food. “a world will be his. the universe, yours.” STOP BLAMING THE PRONOUN GAME AND GIVE ME NAMES FFS
ooo shield base. “not a drill.” oh shits going down- COULSON. FUURRRYYY FUCK YEAH. the best marvel characters are here the movie has peaked- oldman from thor is here?? intoresting. and who the hell is this woman tryna question fury??
the glowy cube is a shE???????? HUH??????? oh hey its hawkeye the badass archer guy. oh shit things are going down. the cube is sparking and swirling??- IT OPENED A PORTAL
“loki. brother of thor.” OLDMAN STFU
GUNS GO PEW PEW ALONG SIDE A GOOD OLD CAR CHASE SKSHSKKSHS. RUN FURY RUNNN. the portal imploded on itself like a moron hA
tis a train and a old building- NATASHA. how tf were you taken hostage? im so glad i have subtitles on otherwise i wouldnt understand a thing these ppl are saying. HOW TF IS SHE KICKING ASS WHILE TIED TO A CHAIR WHAT IN THE HELL-
oh his leg deff broke once he fell off the ledge tied to a chain. cut to a lil gorl running to find a doctor- who tf this is of course. THIS GUY IS BANNER??? i mean im glad they changed the actor but wtf. “theres no one that knows gamma radiation like you do.” YA DONT SAY, ROMANOFF. “STOP LYING TO ME” JESUS FUCK THAT MADE ME JUMP
oh damn shield has their own O5 council? cool. EXPLAIN WHAT PHASE2 IS ALREADY. also dont say thor is bad he is a giant puppy dog with a war-boner.
oh hi steve, working off that PTSD by beating the shit out of a punching bag ay? oh right steve knows the glowy cube. “at this point i doubt anything would surprise me.” “ten bucks says you’re wrong” welp ya owe him ten bucks steve
“is there anything you can tell us about the tesseract to help us now?” “you should’ve left it in the ocean.” WELL THAT HELPS ALOT DOESNT IT. hello there iron man, at the bottom of the ocean.? sure why the hell not
aye stark tower’s about to have clean energy, yay stark! “stark tower, is your baby.” how do you give birth to a tower.???????? KSHSJSHSKSJS COULSON BROKE INTO THE TOWER “is first name is agent.” TONY SKSHKSSHKSVSKSHSKS
*whisper whisper whisper* yeah she bribed tony with sex so he’d work on the avengers and stuff. “the guys like a stephen hawking.” “. . .” “hes like a smart person”
awh coulson is fangirling over steve- watched you while you were sleepin- man you’re awkward. you adorable dumbass. ohshit underground musky lab- OLDMAN AND LOKI
the world is breaking around loki. sea food army is restless- shut the fuck up you stupid looking eye wrapped bastard. WHO THE HELL IS THIS HE?????? welcome back to earth you smexy man
back to avenger tingz. man coulson is the biggest cap fan- oh its a giant sub- NO ITS A GIANT FLYING BASE HOLYSHIT SHIELD THATS AMAZING.
now we go into the meetings and talking related stuff :I yey. “lets vanish” wdym- IT HAD A CLOAKING DEVICE. HA STEVE JUST GAVE THE TEN HE OWED SKSHSKHSKSJS
i dont understand a word of all the science stuff they just said but yay. “i need a distraction. and an eyeball” barton what the fuck why do you need an eye.?
oh lokis in germany, at a very fancy party might i add. loki is best boy ever. even if he just bonked a the head/ OHMYGOD AND STOLE HIS FUCKING EYE JESUS CHRIST INFRONT OF ALL THOSE PEOPLE.??????
“i said. KNEEEEL” dont need to tell me twice-
blagh villain speeches are the worst. why tf did this old guy stand up “not to men like you.” shut up. SHOOT HIM- wtf. steve what the hell are you wearing? what the fuck is that- aye tonnnyyy!!!! he hacked into the jet thingy and started playing music from the speaker thats the best.
CAPSICLE SKSHSKSHKSHSKSJ- ohfuck thunder. THOR WELCOME TO THE PARTY. “im not overly fond of what follows” WKVSKSBSKSHSJS
HE JUST BROKE INTO THE JET AND STOLE LOKI FROM EM. “theres only one god ma’am. and im sure he doesnt dress like that.” cap stfu
“i thought you were dead.” “did you mourn.” damn loki thats harsh. thor is angy at his brother. “you listen well brot-ARGH” “..im listening?” STARK YOU CHOSE THAT MOMENT TO BODY SLAM THOR OFF THAT CLIFF AND LEAVE LOKI BEHIND? REALLY?
if someone throwed me against a tree i wouldnt be walking. im just saying
“THATS ENOUGH.” cap did you think that would work?? and how the hell did your dinner plate stop the power of thor
loki do be in jail tho. how’s this gonna go wrong- oh he smiled at banner. THATS how it goes wrong
tell him off fury! “you have made me very disapoin-“ OH NVM HE SAYS DESPERATE IGNORE THIS
“uNlimiteD pOoWeRRRRR”
“let me know if real power wants a magazine or something.” good comeback fury. i think
“loki is beyond reason, but he is of asgard. and he is my brother” “he killed 80 people in two days.” “he’s adopted.” KSBSKSJSJSJSK
“that man is playing galaga. he thought we wouldnt notice, but we did.” TONYKANSKSHKSJSKSJ tony is a fucking legend. “finally someone who speaks english!” “is that what just happened?” steve stfu you’re a fighty man not a smart man
“i do! . . . i understood that reference.” steve nvm keep talking please. PLEASE THE MAN IS STILL PLAYING GALAGA SOSJSKSJSJKS
why is tony eating blueberrys- where the hell did he get blueberrys. “we have orders. we should start following them.” steve you tried to get into the army under fake locations for months AND broke into a german base when you were a showpony. stfu about following rules
“so you’re saying the hulk.. the other guy? saved me” yes. yes we are saying that, banner. aye steve go break into shit like you’re suppost to :D
oh hi again oldman, welcome back. yay shield saved padme, and awh oldman talked about thor alot. thor i love you alot. loki just tell nat where tf you left barton :/ oh barton was sent to KILL nat?? not hire her?? well that went downhill. whomst the hell is dreykov- sao paulo- the hospital fire???? hawkeye wtf why’d you spill it all to loki.
mewley quim wtf kind of insult is that- oh damn nat figured out the hulk is lokis next plan of attack. PHASE TWO IS TO USE THE GLOWY CUBE TO MAKE FUCKING WEAPONS? SHIELD WHAT THE HELL
WAIT THEY WERE MADE FOR THOR AND ASGARDIANS? WHAT THE FUCK SHIELD- oh damn lokis staff is the reason they’re all at eachother. probably
“yeah. big man in a suit of armor. take that off what are you?.” “genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.” well you’re not wrong
guys stop fighting, HAWKEYE IS BREAKING IN. “in case you needed to kill me. but you cant. i know, i tried.” awh thats sad, i wanna hug banner so bad :(
loki stop smiling because the plan is going your way. “it seems to run on some form of electricity.” “well you’re not wrong” tony stop being funny this isnt fair
*B O N K*
glass cage go brrrrr
HA LOKI GOT FUCKIN SHOT BY COULSON BEFORE HE DIES( :( ) tony almost got minced by the engine thingys
im gonna cry coulson how dare your death make me sad :(( stupid heart breaking aftermath moments.
thor is stuck in a field, banner fell through the roof of a building. awh the security guard is so nice :) barton is a fucking mess right now “how’d you get him out?” “i hit you on the head really hard.” KSJSKKSSK
wait a fucking moment, the cards coulson has are covered in blood. so you’d think they were on him when he was stabbed- yet hill just said they were in his locker “they needed the push.” FURY YOU RUINED NEAR MINT VINTAGE COLLECTABLE CARDS TO MOTIVATE SUPER FREAKS???
o hi loki welcome to stark tower
“stalling wont change-“ “no no, threatening. no drink? ya sure? im having one.”
“i have an army.” “we have a hulk.” HE SAID IT, HE SAID THE LINE
HA LOKI CANT TAKE STARKS MIND BC HIS HEART IS SOME TECHY METAL CRAPKSJSKSJSKS- i guess choking and tossing him around works. so does throwing hik out a window
oh no the glowy cube just opened a portal for the army of seafood. they look like creatures from halo.
what the fuck just growled- HOLYSHIT THEY HAVE A SPACE LEVIATHAN. it looks badass ngl. loki redemption arc? nope he just stabbed thor.
yes because arrows and guns will stop the, alien monsters with lazer arms. some how its working. “just like budapest all over again.” “you and i remember budapest very differently.” WTF HAPPENED AT BUDAPEST BARTON AND NAt, HUH?
cap just scared the shit outta some police men HAHA
“i have unfinished business with loki.” “yeah? get in line” barton is snarky right now. banner just rides up on a motercycle like “hi what i’d miss”
“im bringing the party to you.” stark says while being chased by a giant metal space whale who’s crashing and crushing everything in its path along a street
the music, the avengers circling around. its amazing. well things are gonna get worse bc more space whales showed up
“and hulk. . . smash.”
LIGHT THEM FUCKERS UP, THOR. shield maybe instead of watching, maybe, oh i dont know. HELP THEM???
i dont know what else to say other then its alot of fighting and smashing alien faces into the ground
hulk and thor kicking ass on the back of a space whale is awesome. HULK WHY DID YOU PUNCH HIMSJSOSHSKJSKSJSKSKSKSK
i fuxking love when steve turtle shells behind his shield.
“director fury. the council has made a decision.” “i recognize the council has made a decision. but given its a stupid-ass decision, i have elected to ignore it.” fury never stop being awesome
loki thought he was so smug when he caught bartons arrow, then it blew up in his face. literally IKSKSKSKSKS
HULK FUCK LOKI UP! JSHSKSGKSHSJSHSJSJ HE JUST TOSSED LOKI AROUND LIKE A RAGDOLL “puny god.” “*pained wheezing from a smooshed loki*”
oh damn- OH DAMN, STARK. he just jonahed the fucking whale thing and blew it up from the inside. well now the city has a nuke coming for it :/
yall have a chance to shut the portal down, and tony, you want to go INTO that portal and throw the nuke in? wtf stark.
TONY GO BACK TO EARTH DAMNIT FUCKING BASTARD PASSED OUT. yay hulk saved his stupid ass. do cpr.? mayb.? or a hulk roar will wake him up KEJSKJSKSSKJS
tony. you just blew up a alien command center with a nuke, passed out and fell to earth through a portal. and you want, shawarma?
and now back to loki. “if its all the same to you, i’d like that drink now.” ISHSKSJSJSJSKSJSJ
the people love em. yey
council lady stfu about the avengers being a threat. they just said the earth and you’re worried about them going rouge??
“if we get into a situation like this again, what happens then?” “they’ll come back.” i mean theres three more avenger movies so i assume so. remodaling stark towers so its the avenger tower? neat!
*MID CREDIT SCENE* oh hi again mr no eyes. do we get to see this HE? OH WE DO. o hi mr 10 chins
once again ignore the misspells it was three AM when i finally finished this and im just now rereading it
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