#there are probably more thoughts to be had of verity meeting the others but i cannot pin them down atm
aceofwonders · 9 months
thinking about the possibility of the vyrantium crew and the warden crew meeting at some point like 👀
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valentoru · 1 month
|| Limitless ||
SYNOPSIS: Gojo Satoru, a big time artist, who’s known for leaving a trail of broken hearts in his wake wherever he goes. And you, the lead guitarist of an upcoming band, who’s absolutely certain that no one will ever love you. Through an accident in which you happened to kiss Gojo in a frantic state, you both decide, via convenience alone—and zero regard for both of your managers—to pull a fake dating stunt what could go wrong? Any press is good press…right?
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“Now go right.”
“Got it.” Megumi’s finger flicked the indicator. A clicking sound filling the small car. “Going right.”
“No don’t listen to Inumaki. Turn left.”
Inumaki, who had now apologised to you for lashing out at you, leaned forward and swatted Maki’s arm. “Megumi, trust me. Maki’s never been to the farm. It’s on the right.”
“Google Maps says left.”
“Google Maps is wrong.”
“What do I do?” Megumi made a face in the rearview mirror. “Left or right? N/N, what do I do?”
In the back seat, you looked up from the car window and shrugged. “Try right; if it’s wrong, we’ll just turn around.” You shot Maki a quick apologetic glance, but she and Inumaki were too busy mock-glaring each other to notice.
Megumi grimaced, though his voices stayed his usually monotone, “We’ll be late. God; I hate these stupid picnics.”
“We are, like”—you glanced at the cars clock—“one hour late already, I think we can add an extra ten minutes to that. I just hope there’s some food left.” Your stomach had been growling for the past two hours, and there was no way everyone in the car hadn’t noticed.
After the minor argument you’d had with Satoru over text, you’d been tempted to simply skip the picnic. Hole yourself up in your room and practice the drums—just like you had all weekend—ignore the fact you had told him to fuck off in one of the messages later on, and with every little reason. You could use the time to work on a report you were doing for your friend, which was providing a trickery time than you had originally thought when agreeing to it—probably because you were essentially unprepared for everything. But you’d changed your mind last minute, telling yourself that you’d promised Satoru you’d meet here and show off to the department chair. It would be unfair of you to back out after he’d done more than his share of the deal when it came to convincing Maki.
That was of course in the very unlikely case he still wanted anything to do with you.
“Don’t worry, Megumi,” Maki said. “We’ll get there eventually. If anyone asks lest say that a mountain lion attacked us. God, why is it so hot? I bought sunblock, by the way. SPF thirty and fifty. No one is going anywhere without putting it on.”
In the back seat you, Yuta and Inumaki exchanged a resigned look, well acquainted with Maki’s sunscreen obsession.
The picnic was in full swing when you finally arrived, as crowded as most events with free food. You made a beeline for the tables and waved at your advisor, who was sitting in the shade of a giant oak tree with other PR advisors. You’d advisor waved back. No doubt please to see that her advice is probably what got you here. You smiled weakly in a valiant attempt to not look resentful, grabbed a cluster of white grapes, and popped one into your mouth while letting your gaze wander around the fields.
Maki was right. This may was uncommonly hot. There were people everywhere, sitting on the lawn chairs, laying down in the grass, walking in and out of barns—all enjoying the whether. A few were eating from plastic plates on folding tables close to the main house. There were at least thirty games going on—a verity of ball games, some with the players standing in a circled, a soccer match, and something that involved a frisbee and over a dozen half dressed dudes.
“What are they even playing?” You asked Maki. You spotted Choso tackle someone from admin and looked back to the almost empty tables, cringing. Slim picking was all that was left. You wanted a sandwich. A bag of chips. Anything.
“Ultimate Frisbee, i think? I don’t know. Did you put on sunblock? You’re wearing a tank top and shorts, so you really should.”
You but into another grape. “You Americans and your fake sports.”
“I’m pretty sure there are Canadian tournaments of Ultimate Frisbee, too. You know what’s not fake?”
She paused and you looked at her.
“Melanoma. Put on some sunscreen.”
“I will, Mom.” You smiled. “Can I eat first?”
“Eat what? There’s nothing left. Oh, there’s some corn bread over there.”
“Oh, cool. Pass it over.”
“Don’t eat the corn bread, guys.” Yuta popped up between you and Maki. “Yuji said that some guys needed all over it. Where did Megumi go?”
“Parking—holy shit.”
You looked up from your perusal of the table, alarmed by the urgency in Maki’s tone. “What?”
“Just, holy shit.”
“Yeah, what—”
“Holy shit.”
“You mentioned that already.”
“Because—holy shit.”
You glanced around trying to figure out what was going on. “What is—oh there’s Megumi. Maybe he found something to eat?”
“Is that Gojo?”
You were already walking toward Megumi to find something edible and skip the whole sunscreen nonsense altogether but when you heard Satoru’s name, you stopped dead in your tracks. Or maybe it wasn’t Satoru’s names but the way Maki was saying it. “What? Where?”
Yuta pointed at the Ultimate Frisbee crowd, his white hair sticking out like a sore thumb. “That’s him, right? Shirtless?”
“Holy shit,” Maki repeated, her vocabulary suddenly pretty limited, given here twenty something years speaking English. “Is that a six-pack?”
Yuta blinked. “Might even be an eight-pack.”
“Are those his real shoulder?” Maki asked. “Did he have shoulder-enhancement surgery?”
“That must be how he used the contract money,” Inumaki said. “I don’t think shoulders like that exist in nature.”
“God, is that Gojo’s chest?” Megumi leaned his chin over your shoulder “was that thing under his shirt while he was being a dick and shredding my chords a new one? N/N why didn’t you say he was shredded?”
You just stood there, rooted to the ground, arms dangling uselessly at your sides. Because I didn’t know. Because i had no idea. Or maybe you had, a bit, from seeing him push that truck the yesterday—though you’d been trying to suppress that particular mental image.
“Unbelievable” Maki pulled your hand toward herself, overturning it to squirt a healthy dose of sun cream on your palm. “Here, put this in your shoulders. And your legs. And your face, too—you’re probably at thought risk for all sorts of skin stuff, freckles McFreckleface. Megs, you too.”
You nodded numbly and began to massage the sunscreen into your arms and thighs. You breathed in the smell of coconut oil; trying really hard not to the about Satoru and about the fact he really did look like that. Mostly failing, but hey.
“Are there actual studies?” Yuta asked.
“Mmm?” Maki was pulling her hair into a bun.
“On the link between freckles and skin cancer”
“I don’t know.”
“Feels like there would be.”
“True. I wanna know now.”
“Hold on. Is there Wi-Fi here?”
“N/N do you have internet?”
You wiped your hands in a napkin that looked mostly unused. “I left my phone in Megumi’s car.”
You turned your head away from Maki and Yuta who were studying the screen of Yuta’s iPhone, until you had a good view of the Ultimate Frisbees group—fourteen men and zero women. It probably had to go with the general excess if testosterone in your work place. At least half of the players were people you were sure you’d never seen before except Satoru, of course, and Geto, and Yuji who despite his usual jittery self and then was doing a fairly good job at not-jittering to say he’s usually pumped up with caffeine to a point of concern. All men were equally shirtless. Though, no. Not equal at all. There was nothing equal about Satoru.
You weren’t like this. You were really not. You could count the number of guys you’d been this viscerally attracted to on one hand. Actually—on one finger. And at the moment said guy was running towards you, because Suguru Geto, and bless his heart, had just thrown the Frisbee way too clumsily, and it was now in a patch of grass approximately ten feet from you. And Satoru, shirtless Satoru, just happened to be the one closest to where it landed.
“Oh, check out this paper.” Yuta sounded excited.
“Khalesi et al., 2013. It’s a meta-analysis. ‘Cutaneous markers of photo-damage and risk of basal cell carcinoma of the skin.’ In cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention.”
Yuta fist pumped. “Y/N are you listening?”
Nope. No, you were not. You were mostly trying to help the your brain, and your eyes, too. Of your fake boyfriend and the sudden warm ache in your stomach. You just wished that you were elsewhere. That you were temporarily blind and deaf.
“Hear this: solar lentigines had weak but positive association with basal cell carcinoma, with odds ratios around 1.5. Okay i don’t like this. Yuta hold the phone. I’m giving Y/N more sunscreen. Here’s SPF fifty; it’s probably what you need.”
You tore your eyes from Satoru’s chest, which was alarmingly close, and turned around, stepping away from Maki. “Wait. I already put some on.”
“Y/N,” Maki told you, with that sensible, motherly tone she used whenever you dipped and confessed that you mostly got your veggie servings from french fries, or that you washed your colours and whites in the same load. “You know the literature.”
“I do not know the literature, and neither do you, you just know one line from one abstract and—”
Maki grabbed your hand again and poured half a gallon of lotion in it. So much of it that you had to use your left palm to prevent it from spilling over—until you were just standing there like an idiot, you hands cupped like a beggar as you half frowns in goddamn sunscreen.
“Here you go.” Maki smiled brightly. “Now you can protect yourself from basal cell carcinoma. Which, frankly, sounds awful.”
“I…” you would have face-palmed, if you’d had the freedom to move your upper limbs. “I hate sunscreen. It’s sticky and it makes me smell like a piña colada and—this is way too much.”
“Just put on as much as your skin will absorb. Especially around the freckled areas. The rest you can share with someone.”
“Okay. Maki, you take some, you too Megumi. You’re a pale for God’s sake.”
“Pale with no freckles, though.” He smiled proudly like he’d created his genotype all on his own.
You turned to Yuta. “I already put on a ton. Thanks, babe.” He leans down for a brief kiss to Maki’s cheek, which almost devolved into a make out session.
You tried not to sigh. “Guys, what do I do with this?”
“Just find someone else. Where did Inumaki go?”
Yuta snorted. “Over there, with Sukuna.”
“Yeah that sadist that’s related to Yuji in some way but none of us know how, you know the one.”
“Is he pissing him off? Or—”
“Guys.” It took all you had not to yell. “I have no mobility. Please, fix this sunscreen mess you created.”
“God, N/N” Maki rolled her eyes. “Your so dramatic sometimes. Hang on—” she waved at someone behind your, and when she spoke her voice was much louder. “Hey, Gojo! Have you put on sunscreen yet?”
In the span of a microsecond your entire brain burst into flames then crumbled into a pile of ashes. Just like that, one hundred million neurones, one thousand billion glial cells, and who knows how many millilitres of cerebrospinal fluid, just ceased to exist. The rest of your body was not doing very well, either, since you could feel your organs shut down in real time. From the very beginning of your acquaintance with Satoru there had been about ten instances of you wishing to drop dead on the spot, for the earth to open up and swallow your whole, for a cataclysm to hit and spare you from the embarrassment of your interactions. This time, though it felt as though the end of the world might happen for real.
Don’t turn around, what’s left of your central nervous system told you. Pretend you didn’t hear Maki. Will this into nonexistence. But it was impossible. There was this triangle of sorts, formed by You, Maki in front of you, and Satoru probably—surely—standing behind you; it wasn’t as if your had a choice. Any choice. Especially when Satoru, who couldn’t possibly imagine the depraved direction of Maki’s thoughts, who couldn’t possibly see the bucketful of sunscreen that had taken residence in your hands, said, “No.”
Well. Shit.
You spun around, and there he was—sweaty holding a Frisbee in his left hand and so very, very shirtless. He walked over to you, a perplexed look briefly occupying his face before he returned to his regular stoic one, then one of slight shock upon seeing your hands. He knew exactly what was coming.
“Perfect. Y/N has some extra, why don’t you let her put it on you?” Somehow the complete severity of the situation only just dawned on you when the words left Maki’s lips. You were going to have to touch him. Touch his abs. And his large shoulder blades. His large shoulders—
“Oh okay, sure.” He threw the Frisbee back to the game telling them that he had to do something. Your eyes shot to him. Why was he agreeing to this? Many thoughts circled your mind. The main one being panic. You couldn’t do this. No way. There was no way you would lather Satoru Gojo in sunscreen in front of every person you have ever—and will ever know. Your eyes flickered between the sunscreen in your hands and Satoru’s broad chest. You were not going to do this. No way in hell. You couldn’t. And yet the sunscreen in your hands had started to seep through the cracks in your hands leaving you with only one choice.
Fuck your life, for a real one.
You took once glance at Satoru to check his expression, you wanted him to retract his former statement, tell you that it was absolutely unacceptable considering the fact that you had only known this guy for a little over two months now and had spoken to him a total of twenty-three times and hardly knew anything about him. And despite all that wishing his expression didn’t change.
You raised your hand and started to massage the sunscreen into his chest. His firm chest. You tried your very best not to panic, but the sweat began to collect in your hairline and the way that the sun was shining on you there was no doubt he could see it, glistening.
“Y/N.” Satoru said, it wasn’t loud enough that the group now behind you could hear but it was loud enough that you could hear. You looked up at him, his mouth did one of those twitch-things of his again. “Don’t worry about it.”
You heaved a sigh. He was right, you guys were going to find yourself in situations like this all the time now, considering you had a track record for it with Maki. However that didn’t make the situation any less embarrassing. If anything that made you more embarrassed at the mere thought of something of this monstrosity happening ever again. Part of you couldn’t believe what you had gotten yourself into the other part told you you were insane. Of course this was your life, of course because what other purpose would your best friend had than to make it hell?
You continued to massage it into his skin. “Hey, Y/N are you good for a room when we go to Geto’s thing?” Your head whipped around to Maki as a small seed of anxiety planted itself in your thoughts. What on earth could that question entail?
“I thought we’d be sharing?”
“Well, about that. I’m going to share with Yuta, do you mind?”
Right, of course. “No! Not at all.” You forced a tight smile onto your face and looked back at Satoru, trying to focus all your attention on him.
“You’re gonna be okay for getting a room? You’re sure?”
“Positive!” You were lying to your best friend. While it felt shitty this is what you had wanted, this is what you had asked for at the start of all this, you had to be happy.
You focused fully on Satoru, blocking all of the thoughts about how you were going to stay in LA for a week out of your head and to be thought about on a later date. By now, you had fully coated Satoru’s front. You looked up at him. He cocked his head ever so slightly. His thick brown hair sticking to his forehead.
“Can you turn around? I finished your front.” He nodded then turned around. You were now met with his back. Holy shit was his back big. You couldn’t see all his muscles. Which wasn’t something you were typically attracted too but considering when he’s dressed he looks so skinny, his sleeper build was causing that heat to erupt in your stomach again. You were going to fight it off but you were interrupted by Satoru’s awkward swaying, you’d been buried in your mind for far too long.
You began to massage the sunscreen into his back, his muscles moved a little, jolting when you hit tight spots. This felt wrong. Like an outer body experience. Part of you thought you were going to double down on yourself at any moment. It was all just too much. You wanted you laugh at the pure idiocy of the situation but at the same time you wanted to cry at it. It was wrong—on every level possible.
You finished his back as fast as you could finishing it off with two taps on his back to let him know you were done—something you would cringe about when trying to fall asleep that night. He turned back to you. You looked at him, straining your neck. Why was he so goddamn tall?
“Well, thank you Y/N and thank you Maki for…watching out for me?” With that he ran back to the game. Maybe he was still annoyed at you for yesterday’s mini argument. You stood rooted to the spot for a moment before turning around and grabbing the same napkin you had used the first time to wipe your hands and wiped them again.
“Wow.” Megumi said, approaching you. “That was an insane amount of sexual tension I just saw.”
You whipped your head around to Megumi, a breathy laugh forcing out of your lungs. “I have no clue what you’re talking about, Megs.”
“That was like hella sexual. You just lathered him up N/N.”
“So what? It’s just an acquaintance helping an acquaintance.”
“Psh. Yeah right.”
“What? I’m being serious Megumi.” Your voice went a few octaves higher than you would have liked.
“Sure. If you guys ever fuck don’t say I didn’t tell you it would happen.” You rolled your eyes and shoved his shoulder. He dramatically stumbled away from you causing you to roll your eyes once again. Before he could get back up you walked over to Yuta and Maki who were now finally joined by Inumaki.
“Y/N I just saw that scene with Gojo when I was talking to Sukuna, what was with the PDA?”
You stared at him. Dumbfound.
“Well come on. You used to complain about how gross couples who publicly doted on each were, where’s that same energy now?”
You stared at him a second more. Toge Inumaki. Your childhood “best friend” and known for being a notorious asshole when it came to teasing. There was nothing Toge did better then pissing people off, which was being shown ever so clearly to you in that moment, one of the main factors to answer for why people don’t like him.
It took you more than physically restraint to not tell him to fuck off, or to sock him right in the face, instead you opted for the latter’s latter and shoved his head back, plopping yourself next to Maki leaving a spot for Megumi next to you.
You would be counting down the seconds till you could go home.
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TAGLIST(33/50): @bbmsxlene @lunavelha @satoryaa @tranzumaki @k-kkiana @luvkvni @lysaray @kalulakunundrum @arysbruv @r4veeen @stillnotherapy @catobsessedlady @colortheoryrocks @minzxec @dazqa @packsvlog @luvvmae @simplysm1le @mintfyi @disenchantedzs @littlecritteryay @fackeraccount @astro-stars @lavender-hvze @miizuzu @rayrayline @kanaojacksonofc @letsmyy @serenadesvt @art-n-rot @aastrobliss @herdemisee @tikideedee
It feels so jobless to ask you guys to talk to me in my ask box….
Bruh this chap is SO DUMB
© valentoru all rights reserved- do not publish my work on other platforms, plagiarise or translate.
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dewdropreader · 3 months
For the hug prompt! Only if you want 💛
🤕 panic hug / "I'm glad you're okay"
Or 😴 sleepy hug / falling asleep together
(Decided to do Panic Hug, but still may do a sleepy hug if the mood strikes!! Hope you enjoy!!)
🤕 panic hug / "I'm glad you're okay"
😴 sleepy hug / falling asleep together
Loki really wants to know when he became such a nervous wreck.
Was it simply when he first was plucked from his timeline and brought to the TVA? Surely that would make anyone a bit more prone to being frazzled.
Maybe it was all of the world-altering chaos he’d been exposed to throughout this time. Realistically, this was probably it. He loved chaos, but found there was an amount even too much for him.
But really… he knows the true answer. None of that cataclysmic chaos would have mattered to him without stakes. Stakes brought by Mobius. Brought by being in love.
So now, even though the true catastrophes and world ending problems had been solved, he finds himself on edge where it pertains to Mobius.
And currently, Mobius is meant to be home from his mission— a simple stakeout to monitor for abnormalities on a timeline of interest— and he is nowhere to be found.
He was supposed to be home hours ago… or what passes for hours. It’s been too long, that’s all Loki knows. And Mobius hasn’t contacted him either, not since the day prior (time may be different in the TVA compared to a timeline but not enough to explain no contact for this long… unless something happened?)
Loki runs his hands through his hair for perhaps the hundredth time. He’s messaged Mobius multiple times with no response. What if there was an abnormality on the timeline? Something dangerous that shouldn’t have been there, something that hurt him?
He lets out a frustrated growl as he taps into his TemPad again, refreshing as if that will make a message suddenly appear.
If something hurt Mobius… he doesn’t know exactly what he’d do. He’s caused destruction and havoc at even the thought or threat of such, so if he were to find something happened to him after so many near misses and times he truly did lose him when trying to fix the loom and beyond… he’s not sure he could take it again.
He needs to go to the records bay, find out Mobius’ exact location and take himself there to check it out—
The door swings open, revealing a sweaty and slightly dirty but seemingly unharmed Mobius.
“Hey, Lokes, I’m sorry—”
Loki crashes into him, nearly bowling him over, only stopped by the door that Mobius just barely got to shut behind him. Mobius’ body is slightly pressed into the door with the pressure of Loki’s tight hug around him. Loki’s arms wind around Mobius’ form and squeeze, one hand coming up to cradle his head and pull it into his own shoulder.
“Oh, Loki. Missed you too,” Mobius huffs softly, a soft smile clear in his voice.
“What happened?” Loki murmurs, nuzzling his nose into the soft silver of Mobius’ hair.
“Sorry, love. My TemPad ran out of juice. You know I’m bad at charging those things.” Mobius pulls back just enough to meet Loki’s eyes, but keeps himself tucked into his hold, both hands resting on the small of Loki’s back. “We were split up for a time so I didn’t have a chance to get Verity or anyone else to message to let you know I’d be late either.”
Loki lets out a shaky sigh. “I'm glad you're home. I was so worried…”
Mobius frowns softly, but nods. “I get it. I’m sorry I scared you, darling. But I’m here, unharmed.” Mobius tilts up to press a kiss to Loki’s tense jaw. “And I’m all yours. Mission debrief isn’t until tomorrow.”
Loki smiles softly and tugs Mobius back into the tight hold. For a while, they just stand, firmly holding each other. After a moment though, Mobius feels Loki trembling slightly. Then, a soft tear lands on his head.
“Loki, are you okay?” Mobius whispers.
“I’m sorry. It’s stupid. I know you’re fine, I just…” Loki murmurs, avoiding Mobius’ gaze as he once again pulls back. “I’m so weak when it comes to you. I’ve lost you and nearly lost you so many times before, I just can’t have it happen again.”
Mobius swallows. He knows that Loki is a gentler soul than anyone ever gave him credit for, and that everything they’ve been through has only made him more intense in his already deep emotions. The fear of being alone, the desperate protectiveness over loved ones, it’s all been amplified with everything that’s happened.
“Hey,” Mobius says softly, gently tilting Loki’s face towards him with two fingers. The same fingers trace soft lines down his cheek and jaw and back again as he talks. “I know how worried you get. I’m sorry I let you panic for so long, I should have done more to check in.”
Loki shakes his head. “No. You were on a mission, it makes sense, that’s the focus. It’s not your fault. I’m just… I don’t know…”
“I get it. It’s okay. I know the feeling, we’ve both been through a thousand lifetimes, it’s made us extra cautious and on edge, especially for each other.”
Loki sniffs softly, blinking away the last of his panicked tears. “I’m just glad you’re okay.”
“Better than okay.” Mobius gives a soft smile, warm enough that Loki can’t help but smile in response. He leans forward and presses a long kiss to Mobius’ forehead.
Mobius simply smiles and tucks himself back into Loki’s hold, certain it’s the safest place he could ever be.
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archivxx · 1 year
Main story.| Previous || Next
AN: this comes before 0.11
Note: there is a significant link between the amount of sunscreen poured in my hands and the intensity of my desire to murder Nichole.
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“Now go right.”
“Got it.” Kyle’s finger flicked the indicator. A clicking sound filling the small car. “Going right.”
“No don’t listen to Craig. Turn left.”
Craig leaned forward and swatted Nichole’s arm. “Kyle, trust me. Nicholes never been to the farm. It’s on the right.”
“Google Maps says left.”
“Google Maps is wrong.”
“What do I do?” Kyle made a face in the rearview mirror. “Left or right? N/N, what do I do?”
In the back seat, you looked up from the car window and shrugged. “Try right; if it’s wrong, we’ll just turn around.” You shot Nichole a quick apologetic glance, but she and Craig were too busy mock-glaring each other to notice.
Kyle grimaced. “We’ll be late. God; I hate these stupid picnics.”
“We are, like”—you glanced at the cars clock—“one hour late already, I think we can add an extra ten minutes to that. I just hope there’s some food left.” Your stomach had been growling for the past two hours, and there was no way everyone in the car hadn’t noticed.
After the minor argument you’d had with Clyde over text, you’d been tempted to simply skip the picnic. Hole yourself up in your room and practice the drums—just like you had all weekend—ignore the fact you had told him to fuck off in one of the messages later on, and with every little reason. You could use the time to work on a report you were doing for your friend, which was providing a trickery time than you had originally thought when agreeing to it—probably because you were essentially unprepared for everything. But you’d changed your mind last minute, telling yourself that you’d promised Clyde you’d meet here and show off to the department chair. It would be unfair of you to back out after he’d done more than his share of the deal when it came to convincing Nichole.
That was of course in the very unlikely case he still wanted anything to do with you.
“Don’t worry, Kyle,” Nichole said. “We’ll get there eventually. If anyone asks lest say that a mountain lion attacked us. God, why is it so hot? I bought sunblock, by the way. SPF thirsty and fifty. No one is going anywhere without putting it on.”
In the back seat you, Tolkien and Craig exchanged a resigned look, well acquainted with Nichole’s sunscreen obsession.
The picnic was in full swing when you finally arrived, as crowded as most events with free food. You made a beeline for the tables and waved at your advisor, who was sitting in the shade of a giant oak tree with other faculty members. You’d advisor waved back. No doubt please to see that her advice is probably what got you here. You smiled weakly in a valiant attempt to not look resentful, grabbed a Chester of white grapes, and popped one into your mouth while letting your gaze wander around the fields.
Nichole was right. This may was uncommonly hot. There were people everywhere, sitting on the lawn chairs, laying down in the grass, walking in and out of barns—all enjoying the whether. A few were eating from plastic plates on folding tables close to the main house. There were at least thirty games going on—a verity’s on valley ball with the players standing in a circled, a soccer match, and something that involved a frisbee and over a dozen half dressed dudes.
“What are they even playing?” You asked Nichole. You spotted Tweek tackle someone from admin and looked back to the almost empty tables, cringing. Slim picking was all that was left. You wanted a sandwich. A bag of chips. Anything.
“Ultimate Frisbee, i think? I don’t know. Did you put on sunblock? You’re wearing a tank top and shorts, so you really should.”
You but into another grape. “You Americans and your fake sports.”
“I’m pretty sure there are Canadian tournaments of Ultimate Frisbee, too. You know what’s not fake?”
“Melanoma. Put on some sunscreen.”
“I will, Mom.” You smiled. “Can I eat first?”
“Eat what? There’s nothing left. Oh, there’s some corn bread over there.”
“Oh, cool. Pass it over.”
“Don’t eat the corn bread, guys.” Tolkien popped up between you and Nichole. “Kenny said that some guys needed all over it. Where did Kyle go?”
“Parking—holy shit.”
You looked up from your perusal of the table, alarmed by the urgency in Nichole’s tone. “What?”
“Just, holy shit.”
“Yeah, what—”
“Holy shit.”
“You mentioned that already.”
“Because—holy shit.”
You glanced around trying to figure out what was going on. “What is—oh there’s Kyle. Maybe he found something to eat?”
“Is that Donovan?”
You were already walking toward Kyle to fine something edible and skip the whole sunscreen nonsense altogether but when you heard Clydes name, you stopped dead in your tracks. Or maybe it wasn’t Clydes names but the way Nichole’s was saying it. “What? Where?”
Tolkien pointed at the Ultimate Frisbee crowd. “That’s him, right? Shirtless?”
“Holy shit,” Nichole repeated, her vocabulary suddenly pretty limited, given here twenty something years speaking English. “Is that a six-pack?”
Tolkien blinked. “Might even be an eight-pack.”
“Are those his real shoulder?” Nichole asked. “Did he have shoulder-enhancement surgery?”
“That must be how he used the contract money,” Craig said. “I don’t think shoulders like that exist in nature.”
“God, is that Donovan’s chest?” Kyle leaned his chin over your shoulder “was that thing under his shirt while he was being a dick and shredding my chords a new one? N/N why didn’t you say he was shredded?”
You just stood there, rooted to the ground, arms dangling uselessly at your sides. Because I didn’t know. Because i had no idea. Or maybe you had, a bit, from seeing him push that truck the yesterday—though you’d been trying to suppress that particular mental image.
“Unbelievable” Nichole pulled your hand toward herself, overturning it to squirt a healthy dose of lost job on your palm. “Here, put this in your shoulders. And your legs. And your face, too—you’re probably at thought risk for all sorts of skin stuff, freckles McFreckleface. Ky, you too.”
You nodded numbly and began to massage the sunscreen into your arms and thighs. You breathed in the smell of coconut oil; trying really hard not to the about Clyde and about the fact he really did look like that. Mostly failing, but hey.
“Are there actual studies?” Tolkien asked.
“Mmm?” Nichole was pulling her hair into a bun.
“On the link between freckles and skin cancer”
“I don’t know.”
“Feels like there would be.”
“True. I wanna know now.”
“Hold on. Is there Wi-Fi here?”
“N/N do you have internet?”
You wiped your hands in a napkin that looked mostly unused. “I left my phone in Kyle’s car.”
You turned your head away from Nichole and Tolkien who were studying the screen of Tolkiens iPhone, until you had a good view of the Ultimate Frisbees group—fourteen men and zero women. It probably had to go with the general excess if testosterone in your work place. At least half of the players were people you were sure you’d never seen before except Clyde, of course, and Pete, and Tweek who despite his usual jittery self and then was doing a fairly good job at not-jittering to say he’s usually pumped up with caffeine to a point of concern. All men were equally shirtless. Though, no. Not equal at all. There was nothing equal about Clyde.
You weren’t like this. You were really not. You could count the number of guys your been this viscerally attracted to on one hand. Actually—on one finger. And at the moment said guy was running towards you, because Pete Thelman, and bless his heart, had just thrown the Frisbee way too clumsily, and it was now in a patch of grass approximately ten feet from you. And Clyde, shirtless Clyde, just happened to be the one closest to where it landed.
“Oh, check out this paper.” Tolkien sounded excited.
“Khalesi et al., 2013. It’s a meta-analysis. ‘Cutaneous markers of photo-damage and risk of basal cell carcinoma of the skin.’ In cancer epidemiology, biomarkers and prevention.”
Tolkien fist pumped. “Y/N are you listening?”
Nope. No, you were not. You were mostly trying to help the your brain, and your eyes, too. Of your fake boyfriend and the sudden warm ache in your stomach. You just wished that you were elsewhere. That you were temporarily blind and deaf.
“Hear this: solar lentigines had weak but positive association with basal cell carcinoma, with odds ratios around 1.5. Okay i don’t like this. Tolkien hold the phone. I’m giving Y/N more sunscreen. Here’s SPF fifty; it’s probably what you need.”
You tore your eyes from Clyde’s chest, no alarmingly close, and turned around, stepping away from Nichole. “Wait. I already put some on.”
“Y/N,” Nichole told you, with that sensible, motherly tone she used whenever you dipped and confessed that you mostly got your veggie servings from french fries, or that you washed your colours and whites in the same load. “You know the literature.”
“I do not know the literature, and neither do you, you just know one line from one abstract and—”
Nichole grabbed your hand again and poured half a gallon of lotion in it. So much of it that you had to use your left palm to prevent it from spilling over—until you were just standing there like an idiot, you hands cupped like a beggar as you half frowns in goddamn sunscreen.
“Here you go.” Nichole smiled brightly. “Now you can protect yourself from basal cell carcinoma. Which, frankly, sounds awful.”
“I…” you would have face-palmed, if you’d had the freedom to move your upper limbs. “I hate sunscreen. It’s sticky and it makes me smell like a piña colada and—this is way too much.”
“Just put on as much as your skin will absorb. Especially around the freckled areas. The rest you can share with someone.”
“Okay. Nichole, you take some, you too Kyle. You’re a ginger for God’s sake.”
“A redhead with no freckles, though.” He smiled proudly like he’d created his genotype all on his own.
You turned to Tolkien. “I already put on a ton. Thanks, babe.” He leans down for a brief kiss to Nichole’s cheek, which almost devolved into a make out session.
You tried not to sigh. “Guys, what do I do with this?”
“Just find someone else. Where did Craig go?”
Tolkien snorted. “Over there, with Scott.”
“Yeah that guy with diabetes, you know the one.”
“Is he pissing him off? Or—”
“Guys.” It good all you had not to yell. “I have no mobility. Please, fix this sunscreen mess your created.”
“God, N/N” Nichole rolled her eyes. “Your so dramatic sometimes. Hang on—” she waved at someone behind your, and when she spoke her voice was much louder. “Hey, Donovan! Have you put on sunscreen yet?”
In the span of a microsecond your entire brain burst into flames then crumbled into a pile of ashes. Just like that, one hundred million neurones, one thousand billion glial cells, and who know how many millilitres of cerebrospinal fluid, just ceased to exist. The rest of your body was not doing very well, either, since you could feel your organs shut down in real time. From the very beginning of your acquaintance with Clyde there had been about ten instances of you wishing to drop dead on the spot, cor the earth to open up and swallow your whole, for a cataclysm to hit and spare you from the embarrassment of your interactions. This time, though it felt as though the end of the world might happen for real.
Don’t turn around, what’s left of your central nervous system told you. Pretend you didn’t hear Nichole. Will this into nonexistence. But it was impossible. There was this triangle of sorts, formed by You, Nichole in front of you, and Clyde probably—surely—standing behind you; it wasn’t as if your had a choice. Any choice. Especially when Clyde, who couldn’t possibly imagine the depraved direction of Nichole’s thoughts, who couldn’t possibly see the bucketful of sunscreen that had taken residence in your hands, said, “No.”
Well. Shit.
You spun around, and there he was—sweaty holding a Frisbee in his left hand and so very, very shirtless. He walked over to you, a perplexed look briefly occupying his face before he returned to his regular stoic one, then one of slight shock upon seeing your hands. He knew exactly what was coming.
“Perfect. Y/N has some extra, why don’t you let her put it on you?” Somehow the complete severity of the situation only just dawned on you when the words left Nichole’s lips. You were going to have to touch him. Touch his abs. And his large shoulder blades. His large shoulders—
“Oh okay, sure.” He threw the Frisbee back to the game telling them that he had to do something. Your eyes shot to him. Why was he agreeing to this? Many thoughts circled your mind. The main one being panic. You couldn’t do this. No way. There was no way you would lather Clyde Donovan in sunscreen in front of every person you have ever—and will ever know. Your eyes flickered between the sunscreen in your hands and Clyde’s broad chest. You were not going to do this. No way in hell. You couldn’t. And yet the sunscreen in your hands had starts to seep through the cracks in your hands leaving you with only one choice.
Fuck your life, for a real one.
You took once glance at Clyde to check his expression, you wanted him to retract his former statement, tell you that it was absolutely unacceptable considering the fact that you had only known this guy for a little over two month now and had spoken to him a total of twenty-three times and hardly knew anything about him. And despite all that wishing his expression didn’t change.
You raised your hand and started to massage the sunscreen into his chest. His firm chest. You tried your very best not you but the sweat began to collect in your hairline and the way that the sun was shining on you there was so doubt he could see it, glistening.
“Y/N.” Clyde said, it wasn’t loud enough that the group now behind you could hear but it was loud enough that your could hear. You looked up at him, his mouth did one of those twitch-things of his again. “Don’t worry about it.”
You heaved a sigh. He was right, you guys were going to find yourself in situations like this all the time now, considering you had a track record for it with Nichole. However that didn’t make the situation any less embarrassing. If anything that made you more embarrassed at the mere thought of something of this monstrosity happening ever again. Part of you couldn’t believe what you had gotten yourself into the other part told you you were insane. Of course this was your life, of course because what other purpose would your best friend had than to make it hell?
You continued to massage it into his skin. “Hey, Y/N are you good for a room when we go to Pete’s thing?” Your head whipped around to Nichole as a small seed of anxiety planted itself in your thoughts. What on earth could that question entail?
“I thought we’d be sharing?”
“Well, about that. I’m going to share with Tolkien, do you mind?”
Right, of course. “No! Not at all.” You forced a tight smile onto your face and looked back at Clyde, trying to focus all your attention on him.
“You’re gonna be okay for getting a room? You’re sure?”
“Positive!” You were lying to your best friend. While it felt shitty this is what you had wanted, this is what you had asked for at the start of all this, you had to be happy.
You focused fully on Clyde, blocking all of the thoughts about how you were going to stay in LA for a week out of your head and to be thought about on a later date. By now, you had fully coated Clydes front. You looked up at him. He cocked his head ever so slightly. His thick brown hair sticking to his forehead.
“Can you turn around? I finished your front.” He nodded then turned around. You were now met with his back. Holy shit was his back big. You couldn’t see all his muscles. Which wasn’t something you were typically attracted too but considering when he’s dressed he looks so skinny, his sleeper build was causing that heat to erupt in your stomach again. You were going to fight it off but you were interrupted by Clydes awkward swaying, you’d been buried in your mind for far too long.
You began to massage the sunscreen into his back, his muscles moved a little, jolting when you hit tight spots. This felt wrong. Like an outer body experience. Part of you thought you were going to double down on yourself at at moment. It was all just too much. You wanted you laugh at the pure idiocy of the situation but at the same time you wanted to cry at it. It was wrong—on every level possible.
You finished his back as fast as you could finishing it off with two taps on his back to let him know you were done—something you would cringe about when trying to fall asleep that night. He turned back to you. You looks at him, straining your neck. Why was he so goddamn tall?
“Well, thank you Y/N and thank you Nichole for…watching out for me?” With that he ran back to the game. Maybe he was still annoyed at you for the yesterdays mini argument. You stood rooted to the spot for a moment before turning around and grabbing the same napkin you had used the first time to wipe you hands and wiped them again.
“Wow.” Kyle said, approaching you. “That was an insane amount of sexual tension I just saw.”
You whipped your head around to Kyle, a breathy laugh forcing out of your lungs. “I have no clue what you’re talking about, Ky.”
“That was like hella sexual. You just lathered him up N/N.”
“So what? It’s just an acquaintance helping an acquaintance.”
“Psh. Yeah right.”
“What? I’m being serious Kyle.” Your voice went a few octaves higher than you would have liked.
“Sure. If you guys ever fuck don’t say I didn’t tell you it would happen.” You rolled your eyes and shoved his shoulder. He dramatically stumbled away from you causing you to roll your eyes once again. Before he could get back up you walked over to Tolkien and Nichole who were now finally joined by Craig.
“Y/N I just saw that m scene with Donovan when I was talking to Scott, what was with the PDA?”
You stared at him. Dumbfound.
“Well come on. You used to complain about how gross couples who publicly doted on each were, where’s that same energy now?”
You stared at him a second more. Craig Tucker. Your childhood best friend and known for being a notorious asshole when it came to teasing. There was nothing Craig did better then pissing people off, which was being shown ever so clearly to you in that moment, one of the main factors to answer for why people don’t like him.
It took you more than physically restraint to not tell him to fuck off, or to sock him right in the face, instead you opted for the latter’s latter and shoved his head back, plopping yourself next to Nichole leaving a spot for Kyle next to you.
You would be counting down the seconds till you could go home.
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Taglist: @bootsieboo @ryenwritess @h3artilly @southparktegreity @
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anglophiletraveler · 1 year
In My Life Chapter 28
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Strawberry Fields Forever
By John Lennon
Thank you for your patience while the problem with the Archive website was taken care of.  I wanted to wait a bit before posting to see how other posts did.  Thank you once again to beta Karen Bockius and all of her support.
Ross’s warm body was wrapped around Demelza’s, his arm holding her into the curl of his body under a pile of blankets.  Ross’s body was telling him it was time to get up and go to the bathroom but he ignored it as long as he could, but he finally woke up enough to succumb to the call of nature.  His nose was nestled in Demelza’s hair near her ear, allowing him to breathe in the scent of her hair and the scent of her body after a night of lovemaking.  They had fallen asleep after making love at midnight, only to wake up later to satisfy each other again.   He gently laid a kiss on her head and slowly crept out of bed and covered her back up so as not to wake her.  He grabbed his phone and some clothes and quietly walked into the bathroom.  So far so good.  He saw on his phone that it was 8:30 in the morning and he knew that his parents were probably in the process of getting up if they weren’t up already.  Hopefully, he can shower and dress and make it downstairs without waking Demelza.  
Ross had noticed in the shower a few bite marks which made him smile.  He thought Demelza might have some as well.  After he dried off from the shower, he slipped on a hoodie in hopes of hiding the love bites from parental eyes  and slipped on some old jeans that were worn and comfortable.  He slipped on some old jeans that were worn and comfortable and took his socks and shoes downstairs thinking it would be easier to put them on down there.  He quietly opened the bathroom door and cursed to himself when the door creaked.  So far so good.  Demelza was still asleep.  He wondered if he should take Demelza’s phone so that it wouldn’t wake her. He had a feeling Caroline would  be texting her soon.   He decided to just turn it off and leave it.   He stopped to look at her face.  She looked so peaceful sleeping there.  He was thinking to himself that she looked more like Ariel from ‘The Little Mermaid’ rather than Snow White from ‘Sleeping Beauty’.  He finally made it out of the bedroom without disturbing Demelza.  Victory!
Ross was putting on his socks and shoes when Seamus came into the living room for some attention.  “Hey boy, how was your night, eh?  I’ll take you outside as soon as I get my shoes on.”  Seamus barked his reply, “Shush!  Don’t wake up Demelza!”  Ross heard some noise coming from the kitchen so he went to check it out and found his father busy cooking.  
“Morning son. Happy New Year.”
“Morning papa. Happy New Year.  I’m just going to take Seamus outside for a bit.  Demelza is still sleeping upstairs.  I was going to let her have a lie in.  She kind of had a rough night at the party,” Ross explained.
Joshua’s eyebrows furrowed like Ross’s did, “At the party?  What happened?”
“I’ll tell you when I come back in, I want to get Seamus outside.  I won’t be long,” Ross said.
“You want some tea when you come back?”
“Yes, please.”  Ross put on his coat and headed outside with Seamus.  
The morning air was crisp and there were traces of a light frost.  The sun looked like it was trying to come out, but the typical British overcast was probably going to win out.  Seamus was enjoying running around the yard, nose to the ground pretending to be a bloodhound.  Ross was checking his phone for any texts or voicemails that he may have missed.  Just the usual New Year’s greeting from Verity with a selfie of her and Andrew at a party with party hats and drinking champagne.  Ross responded back, ‘Happy NY Cousin!  When do I get to meet this mystery man?  Luv u!’
“Seamus!  Get over here.  It’s freezing out here, let’s go inside.  Come on.  Come on Seamus!!”  Ross finally got the canine to go back inside to warm up.  He took off his coat and joined his father in the kitchen for some tea and breakfast.
“Oh wow, thanks.  I wasn’t expecting breakfast.  Is anyone else up?” Ross asked.
“No, just the two of us.  I will cook something for your mother and Demelza when they get up, so tuck in,” the elder Poldark said.
Ross started wolfing down his eggs, bacon and toast.  He rolled his eyes, “God this tastes so good!  Why does breakfast always taste so much better down here?” 
Joshua smiled, “It’s in the skillets.  I keep telling you that you need to invest in some good cast iron skillets.”  Joshua was enjoying Ross eat.  “So, what happened to upset Demelza at the party?”
Ross stopped eating, took a gulp of his tea and wiped his mouth.  “Her brother Luke was there.  He was part of the catering crew.  She hasn’t seen him in like eight years when she left home for uni.  She didn’t even recognize him at first.  He was serving in the buffet line, and this bloke said something like ‘hello Demelza’ and we all looked up, and she passed out for a second…”
“She passed out? Bloody hell!  Is she alright?” Joshua asked.
“Yeah, yeah, Dwight checked her out.  She was pretty shaken though, as anyone would be.  But then we couldn’t find the bloke.  She was starting to feel like she was seeing things.  Oh and, of course, Francis and Elizabeth and that bitch Ruth had to come over and stick their noses into things.”
“Blimey, what did those wankers want?  I’m surprised that they were even invited to the party!  Especially Ruth!”  
“I don’t know what the fuck they wanted.  Francis was alright I guess.  Elizabeth and Ruth were their usual annoying selves.  Of course I had to introduce Demelza to them.  I had forgotten that Demelza and Caroline had actually gone to uni with Ruth,” Ross was done with his breakfast so Joshua put a couple more eggs on Ross’s plate, which Ross gladly accepted.
Joshua looked like he was thinking about something.  Ross asked, “What?  What’s wrong?”
“Well, I got the strangest call late last night from Charles.  He invited all of us over today for a New Year’s lunch.  He even mentioned you and Demelza.  I was wondering how the hell he knew about Demelza, but it makes sense now.  They’re wanting to check out Demelza, or at least Elizabeth is.” Joshua surmised.
“What the hell?  What did you say to Charles?” Ross was getting upset.  The thought of going over to Trenwith and having lunch with that side of the family made him want to hurl.
“I told him thanks but no thanks.  Then he had to add that Agatha was begging and longing to see you because she hasn’t seen you for so long.  So I told him that we would have to talk about it and that I’d get back with him.  So, what do you think?  Sounds a bit dodgy doesn’t it?”  Joshua stole a piece of bacon from Ross’s plate.  Ross acted like he was upset with him for stealing his bacon.
“Yes, yes it does sound dodgy, but Charles knows how to throw in the sympathy card doesn’t he? The bloody wanker.  Oh, so I didn’t finish my story about Demelza’s brother.”  Ross finished his tea and Joshua poured him another cuppa.  “So Caroline found out that it was Luke Carne that was working for the caterer and managed to arrange a meeting for us.  So, the three of us met in Ray Penvenan’s study.  It was kind of awkward at first.”
Joshua was making some more toast, “I bet it was, especially if they haven’t seen one another for that long.  How did Demelza react?”
Joshua gave Ross another piece of toast, “Jesus, da, do you enjoy feeding me or what?  I’m totally full now!”  Joshua smiled.  “So, like I said, it was awkward at first but they started talking.  Turns out the poor kid got beatings like Demelza always did.  He asked Demelza if she still had scars like he did.  I felt so badly for the two of them.  I hope I never meet their father, because I’m pretty sure I will lose it with him.  And it was so weird watching the two of them interact with each other because Luke looks just like Demelza.  Anyway, the bloke hasn’t been in contact with their da for four years and reassured Demelza that he would never tell him anything about Demelza or where she’s living.  Oh my gosh da, I am so full now!” Ross chuckled.  “So what are you going to tell Charles?”
“About what?” Joshua and Ross turned to see Grace standing behind them.  
Joshua got up and held out a chair for, “Good morning my love.  Come have a sit with us.  Can I get you a cuppa?”
“Thank you, and yes please.”  Grace looked a little weary, like she didn’t have a peaceful night of sleep.  Joshua set her tea down for her.  “So what’s this about Charles?”
“Remember, I got that phone call from him last night asking if we could all come over for lunch today?” Joshua said.
Grace blew into her tea a bit, “Oh yes, that’s right.  She mentioned something about Agatha wanting to see Ross.”
Ross grabbed his mother’s hand and smiled at her, “Morning mama.  How are you feeling?”
Grace smiled at him, “Oh I’m alright.  I didn’t sleep very well, so I’m still a little tired.  Where’s Demelza?”
“She’s still in bed.  She had a rough night as well, so I’m letting her get caught up on some rest.” Ross explained to Grace.
Joshua sat down.  “Are you hungry, love?  I can fix you something to eat?”
“No thank you.  Well, maybe some toast might be good,” She answered to Joshua.  He smiled at her and got up to make her toast.  “So has there been a decision made about going over there for lunch?”
Ross passed the butter and jam down to his mama, “No, we were just getting to that.  We thought it felt a bit dodgy, and that they might be just trying to check out Demelza.  I know Aunt Agatha isn’t part of it.  It has been a while since I’ve seen her, but can’t she come over here for lunch or supper later on?  Do we have to go to Trenwith to see her?” 
Grace looked up at Joshua as he came over with her toast, “I just don’t know how well she is getting around.  And I know that I’m not going over and risk being around people that might be sick.  My oncologist warned me against that very strongly.”
“That is true,” Joshua added.
“I hadn’t thought about that.  Should Demelza and I be wearing masks?  We will if you want us to,” Ross offered.
“Absolutely not.  I am not having the two of you wear masks.  I wear one if I have to get out, but I don’t want you worrying about it.  Joshua, why don’t you call Charles and explain the situation about my cancer and that I am not allowed to go visiting.  Hopefully that will get Demelza and Ross out of going as well.  My cancer should be a good excuse for not seeing those people.” Grace joked.
Joshua was nodding, “I think that’s a good way to go about it.  Then Ross, if you want to see your Aunt Agatha, maybe you and Demelza could stop over there on your way out of town.  That way you’re not exposing your mother to anything.”  Joshua looked at his watch, “Charles should be up by now, I think I’ll go call him.  Ross I’m leaving the cast iron skillet in your care in case your mother or Demelza want some breakfast.”  Joshua bent over to kiss his wife and then headed into the library to call his brother.
Ross was shaking his head, “Sounds like a plan to me!  So, besides not sleeping, how are you feeling, mama?”
“Oh, I’m fine, handsome.  Oh, by the way, Happy New Year’s!  Did you and Demelza have a good time at the party?  She looked gorgeous last night.”
“Oh it was alright.  I was just telling papa that we ran into Demelza’s brother Luke.  They haven’t seen each other in years. Oh and yeah, we also ran into Francis, Elizabeth and Ruth.  That was strange.”
“Well, did the two of you do any dancing at all?  There was an orchestra or a DJ wasn’t there?  Please tell me that you danced with Demelza and didn’t just stand around talking all night!” Grace asked.
“Of course we danced!  We danced a couple of times!”
“Well it's good to know that all of those dance lessons didn’t go to waste.  Do you two have plans for today?” Grace asked.
“Nope, no plans.  I know Demelza will want to practise, but other than that just spending time here with you and papa.  Maybe go for a walk.   I think it’s definitely going to be a lazy, lay around kind of day.  Are you hungry?  I can cook you some eggs?” Ross asked his mother.
“Oh, I think I’ll just stick with this toast for now, but thank you.”
“Would you be up for a walk in a little bit?  Just the two of us?” he asked
“Um yeah I think so.  Give me a little bit to get my meds in me and get my balance, and I think that will be nice.  Just the two of us.”  Grace smiled at her son, wondering what he had on his mind.
Just then Ross got a text from Demelza.  He texted her back saying that she could come down for breakfast when she’s ready.  “Well, Demelza is up.  I told her to come down when she’s ready.  She also wants me to take her cello upstairs so that she can practise.  So I’m going to go do that and then I’ll be back down.”  Ross smiled at his mum and gave her a kiss on the cheek and headed to the library.
Ross opened the door to the bedroom carefully in case Demelza wasn’t dressed yet.  He heard the shower so he knew it was safe to go in.  He set the cello in the corner and headed into the bathroom.  
“Morning babe!  I brought the cello up.  Looking at you in the shower makes me feel like I need to jump in and join you,” Ross said.
Demelza looked confused, “I thought you already had your shower.”
“I did, but carrying your cello up the stairs made me sweaty all over!” Ross smiled.
Demelza laughed, “You goofball!  I thought you were going to make me breakfast!”
Ross sighed, “Alright.  But only because I love you.  Eggs and bacon?”
“Yes please.  I’m almost done here.  I’ll be down soon.”  She leaned over to give him a wet kiss.  “Oh and toast please!”
Ross placed a platter of bacon and eggs on the table while the bread toasted.  There was more water heating up for tea.  “Mama, shouldn’t you eat something besides toast, hmmm?  How about an egg?  I fixed plenty.” Ross said.
“Oh I suppose you’re right.  I’ll have an egg and another piece of toast when it’s ready.”
Demelza walked into the kitchen, “Good morning everyone!  Grace, how are you?” She proceeded to sit down and fill up her plate.
Grace took note of the amount of food that Demelza put on her plate, “Good morning Demelza.  I’m well thank you.  How are you this morning?  Did you sleep well?” asked Grace.
“Oh yes I did thank you.  The mattress is really very comfortable.”  Ross set the toast down next to the butter and jam and served up more tea for everyone before sitting down.  He picked up Demelza’s hand and kissed it.  
Grace was smiling while she watched them. “It’s a relatively new mattress, only a couple of years old so it’s still in good shape.  Ross, how old is your mattress?” the mother asked her son.
Ross looked at his mum at the strange question, “Um, I don’t know.  That’s a rather odd question don’t you think?”
“Well it’s something to think about.  Mattresses don’t last as long as they used to.  You are used to it, but maybe Demelza feels differently about it.”  
Ross was looking at his mum, then looking at Demelza, then looking back again at his mum.  “Um, wellll, Demelza do you find our mattress uncomfortable?”
“Well, actually Ross, it is kind of lumpy on my side.”  Demelza looked at Grace as Grace winked at her.
Ross was shaking his head, “Why do I feel like there’s a conspiracy going on against me all of a sudden?  I really wanted the two of you to get along, but I didn’t realise that you would be ganging up on me!”  Grace and Demelza both started laughing.  
Joshua walked in, “What’s going on?  Did I just walk in on a joke or something?”  And that made Grace and Demelza laugh even more.
“Don’t worry father, I think the joke is on me.  There’s more tea if you’d like some.” Ross offered his father.
“Well it’s always good to walk into a room full of laughter.  It’s a lovely sound indeed.  So, I just got off the phone with Charles and I explained the situation to him about your cancer and he agreed  we should stay home, but they look forward to seeing Ross AND Demelza on their way out of town.“
Demelza was buttering her toast, “What’s this about?  Who is Charles?” She was asking Ross.
“Charles is my uncle, father’s brother.  Verity and Francis’s father.  He had phoned papa last night asking us to come over today for a New Year’s luncheon.”  Ross explained.
Demelza took a drink of her tea, “And are we to go?”
Joshua spoke up, “No.  Ross didn’t want to go and I don’t blame him with Francis and Elizabeth hanging about, so we made the excuse, and well it is the truth, that with Grace’s cancer she isn’t to go out and about because of the possibility of catching a cold, or something else contagious.  However, my sister Agatha who also lives at Trenwith, and who adores Ross, is asking to see him.  It has been quite a while since Ross has seen her, so you two will need to stop by Trenwith and pay her a quick call on your way out of town.  That is if you don’t mind Demelza?”
“Oh, no I don’t mind.  Ross should see his aunt if he hasn’t visited her in a while.  Is she alright? I mean health-wise.” Demelza asked.
“Oh she’s perfectly fine.  She’s never married and has insisted that she stay put in the family estate.  She’s older than Charles and me and she feels that it’s her right to live there.  And, I agree, although I’ve offered her to live with us because of the way they treat her over there.” Joshua explained.  
Ross looked at Demelza, “You’ll love her.  She’s such a hoot!  A real spit-fire and never afraid to speak her mind!” Ross was smiling.
“That’s Agatha for you.” Grace added.
“Well, I hope that she likes me,” said Demelza.
Ross squeezed Demelza’s hand, “I’m sure she will, love.  And with any luck, Francis and Elizabeth won’t be there. So da, Charles didn’t know about mama’s cancer?” Ross asked.
“Ah no.  Your mother didn’t want anyone knowing until we finally told you.  We only told Jud and Prudie of course, and Zacky because he was helping out with the new bathroom.”
“Bullocks.  I’m sure he will bring that up to me when we are over there.  Oh well.  Now, I am going to do these dishes and Demelza, you can go up and practise when you’re done eating, and then later, mama and I are going to take a short walk.”
Joshua looked at Grace, “A walk?  Are you up for that?”
“Oh yes Joshua.  I’m fine.  Don’t fuss.  And look, the sun looks like it’s trying to peak out from under the clouds.  But if you’re looking for something to do, my love, you can help Ross with the dishes!” Grace smirked at Joshua while he growled.
“Oh da, when do you want to work on those fence posts?  Are Jud and Prudie coming over this weekend at all? Ross asked.
“No, we told them to take some time off.  But if you’re available tomorrow, you and I could probably get a lot of those posts done.   Truth is son, Jud and Prudie haven’t been much help lately.  Jud tries his best, but his back really bothers him, and Prudie is, well Prudie!  She does help your mother with the cooking, but her cleaning leaves a lot to be desired even more than before!  It’s a quandary, because now with your mothers’s illness we are finding that we need their help more and more, but they’re getting up in years and their health isn’t the best either.”
Ross looked at his parents in a different light.  He’s never thought of them as old, and they really weren’t, but they do need to slow down even if it’s just temporary because of mama’s cancer.  He could see where making a decision about Jud and Prudie is going to be difficult for them.  Living in London he wasn’t sure what he could do to help his parents during this time besides an occasional weekend.  
“Are you thinking it’s time for Jud and Prudie to retire, or at least go into part time retirement?” Ross asked.
Grace looked at Joshua’s worried face.  She knew the decision was coming soon, but with her health issues right now it just didn’t seem possible.  But at the same time, she worries about her husband doing too much.
Demelza spoke up, “if Jud and Prudie were to go into at least semi-retirement, then that would give you the excuse to hire the help that would be really helpful around Namapara with the farm portion and the house with cleaning and cooking meals ahead of time for you.  Ross and I can come down on weekends more often to help out, Ross probably more than me since my schedule with the orchestra is going to start getting busy again.  But I’m more than happy to help with what I can.”
Grace smiled at Demelza and grabbed her hand tenderly.  “You’re so sweet to say that.  I know that you and Ross are busy and have your own lives.  And London is so far away.  Joshua and I just appreciate a visit every now and then.  Besides, you have that big recording coming up soon.  You shouldn’t do anything to jeopardise that.  Joshua and I will be fine.  People are always looking for work, so it shouldn't be too hard to find someone part time.  Now, why don’t you head upstairs and practise, and Ross you get the dishes going so that we can go for our walk.  I’m going to go get dressed.”  Grace stood up and kissed Demelza on her head of red hair and went to her bedroom.
Joshua looked at Ross and Demelza and smiled, “Well, your mother has given us our marching orders.  We best get to it!”
Grace and Ross stepped out the front door to begin their walk.  They were able to hear Demelza playing the cello even from outside.  “Well that’s a nice sound to hear outside,” Grace said.  She took Ross’s arm to keep her steady and to help her feel close to her son.  
“Yes, I’m surprised that we can hear it. I enjoy going to the orchestra more and more and watching her in her element.  But I really love listening to just her play at home.  I don’t know how to explain it, you know the feeling I get from it.  It’s like it kind of grounds me almost.  I don’t know, it probably sounds stupid.”
“No Ross, it doesn’t sound stupid at all!  You’re in love with her, and she with you.  That extends through her music to you.  It probably feels like a warm hug, or a cup of hot cocoa.”
“Yeah, yeah that’s exactly it.  Demelza is not like any woman I’ve ever dated before.  She’s so sweet and caring.  She’s innocent but at the same time her background has forced her to grow up at a young age.  I love her so much, and it all happened so quickly.  I’m so fecking scared that I’m going to screw it up and lose her.”
“You can’t let that happen Ross.  You have to take care of her and her love for you.  You have to nurture your relationship and protect it against everything, like you’re in a war and there’s no way that you’re going to let the enemy cross the frontline.”
“The enemy?”
The mother and son stopped walking.  Grace wanted to look Ross in the eye.
“Yes.  Don’t work too much that you’re never home, don’t take her love for you for granted, support her in her endeavours, and above all, stay away from people like Elizabeth and Ruth.  Don’t let your old feelings for Elizabeth ever cloud your judgement for Demelza.  I don’t trust that woman even after all these years.  She’s the kind of woman that likes to stir up trouble just for fun.” Grace warned.
“I won’t ever let that happen mama.  I don’t even like to see her like last night at the party.  It’s all I could do not to slap her across the face.  Hopefully Francis can keep her happy enough that she won’t think about me.”
“Well, you can be sure if that marriage ever goes south, she’s going to come looking for you.  Let’s go sit over there on that rock, I have something to show you.”  Grace pointed over to a large boulder that Ross and Claude used to play on when they were boys.  It was the perfect spot to sit and talk.  
“Are you feeling alright?  Do you need to go back to the house?” Ross asked his mother.
“Oh no, not just yet.  We can rest here for a moment.  I have something for you.”
Ross wondered what his mother could have for him.  He didn’t see her bring anything and she wasn’t carrying anything.  Grace reached into her pocket and pulled out a small, blue velvet box and held it in her hand.
Ross knew exactly what it was.  “Mama.  Your original engagement ring!”  He took the box and opened it to reveal an engagement ring with one larger diamond set in the middle with five smaller diamonds on either side in a row set in the band.  It wasn’t the most expensive ring in the world, very modest compared to today’s standards.  The middle stone wasn’t even a half carat.  But Ross had always loved it and admired it on his mother’s hand.  When he was a boy he used to twirl it on her finger, and hold her hand up to watch it sparkle.  To that little boy it was the biggest diamond in the world.  Years later, Joshua had given her a ring with a much larger diamond with sapphires around it when the business was established and he could afford something else for his bride.  But Ross had always hoped to give his bride mama’s original ring when he proposed.  Elizabeth would have nothing to do with the modest ring which was the beginning of the end for the couple.  But he knew that Demelza would love it because of the meaning behind it.  She didn’t need a vulgar diamond ring.  
Grace smiled at the expression on her son’s face.  “I want you to take it so that you have it with you whenever you decide the moment is right.  I know that Demelza will appreciate it and love it like I did.  Give it to her with my blessing.”  She had tears streaming down her face now, and when Ross looked up at her, he was crying as well.  
“Oh mama.”  Ross was choked up and could barely speak.  “She will adore it.  I know she will.  I love you so much mama.  I don’t know what I would do if I ever lost you.”
“Oh goodness, don’t go down that path!  Happy thoughts baby, happy thoughts only!  I’m going to be around a long time to play with all of those grandkids that you’re going to give me!”  She noticed Ross’s expression change, his eyebrows telling on him.  “What is it?  What’s wrong?”
Ross let out a big sigh, “I’m not sure if Demelza wants to have kids.  None of our friends have kids yet, but I get the feeling whenever she sees one that she isn’t crazy about the idea.  She’s never talked about having kids.”
“Well Ross, you have to talk to her about it.  It’s not like back in my day when women were always assumed to want children and had them whether or not they did.  She has a career, a wonderful career and she might not want children.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of.  Not to mention that she raised her six brothers.  I’m sure that’s had an effect on her as well.  I don’t know what to do if she says that she doesn’t want children.  I really want to be a father.  Do I just hope that she’ll change her mind?”
“Ross, promise me that you’ll talk about this.  Start the conversation in the car on the drive back to London.  There’s nothing better than a good talk in the car.  If she’s adamant that she doesn’t want children, then you have to decide if you can see a future with just the two of you together.  Alone, without children.  You can’t just hope that she’ll change her mind.  Do you love her enough, to marry her, have a future with just her for the rest of your lives without children?”
Ross was very quiet and stared off into space as if he was looking for an answer.  “Wow.  Well, this has all been a downer.  I’ve always dreamed of  bringing my children here to Nampara and watching them run around the yard playing with Seamus.  I’ve always wanted to name my daughter after you.”  He looked at his mum again with a small smile on his face.  
“I’d like that.” Grace said.  “And it might all happen.  Don’t give up on your dream just yet.  You just need to talk about it with Demelza.”
The mother and son were hugging again.  “I love you Ross.  With all my being.”
Joshua had been watching the scene from the kitchen window, keeping an eye on his wife.  He didn’t realise that the cello music had stopped and Demelza was now standing next to him.
“That’s a lovely picture.  A son and his mum sittin, chattin,” Demelza observed.  Demelza actually raised her phone up and zoomed in to take a picture of the two.
Joshua snapped out of his thoughts, “Oh hi there.  Yes, it is a lovely picture.  The two of them are very close.  They share a great deal.  Does that bother you?” He asked Demelza.
“No, I don’t think so.  It’s not somethin that I’ve ever had in me life since me own mum died, so it’s just different than what I’m used to.  I would never begrudge him his relationship with his mum, or with you.  The only really close relationship that I’ve had besides me brother Drake is Caroline.  She’s the closest I’ve ever had to a sister, and sometimes a mum.  It was that hard moving out of the house after all of those years of living together.  But we still see each other and of course call.” 
Joshua smiled at Demelza and put his arm around her shoulders, “You know what I think?  I think my son has finally found a lovely woman to spend his life with, and I couldn’t be more excited.  You just think of Grace and I as your parents if you’d like.”
“Oh my goodness, way to make a lass cry!” Demelza was wiping a tear away from her eye.  
It was late Sunday morning and soon Ross and Demelza would be heading back to London.  The day before, Ross and Dwight had helped Joshua with the fence posts and were able to get that chore done.  So now the sheep had a wider parcel of land to roam.  Demelza had gotten on her hands and knees and cleaned all of the bathrooms in the house which desperately needed it.  And even Caroline had pitched in and had gone through the fridge and thrown away the food that had expired and cleaned the shelves.  When Caroline was done with that, Demelza continued her cleaning frenzy and had scrubbed the kitchen floor.  It actually looked like a new floor by the time she was done.   Grace helped fold sheets and towels while sitting down after they had been washed and hung outside.  They have a clothes dryer, but Grace remarked that she loved the smell of clothes drying on the line.  By the time they were done, the house not only looked sparkling clean, but smelled like it as well.   Then they all collapsed after Joshua went out and brought home three large pizzas and some beer.  
Joshua raised a beer to make a toast, “I’d like to thank you Dwight and Caroline for your help today, and also to Ross and Demelza for your help as well.  It has meant a lot to Grace and I.  I feel better going forward now with Grace’s treatment and her illness.  I can devote more time to her and her needs.  Cheers!”
“Cheers!” said everyone.
“I’m just glad that Ross called us and  asked us to come over for help.  We had no idea that you and Grace were going through such a rough time.  Caroline and I were more than happy to help,” Dwight said.
“And Uncle Ray said that anytime you need some extra help he would be glad to send over some of the men that work on the estate to help you out.” Caroline added.
“That’s very kind of you and Ray,” Grace said.  “You and Demelza did such an awesome job here in the house.  I’m sure that Prudie will wonder what happened when she comes back Monday morning!”
“She’s going to think she stepped in the wrong house!” Ross joked.  “But mama you really need to make her do more around here.  It’s a big home and she needs to step up, and if she can’t do it, then you need to think of hiring someone else part time.”
“I think we are definitely going to have to talk to Jud and Prudie about either retiring or going down to part time.  They do have a decent pension that I’ve paid into all of these years for them.”  Joshua said.
“And who knows, maybe they are wanting to step away from some of their duties if not all,” Dwight said.  “This just might be the push they need to take care of themselves.”
Joshua nodded, “You could be right about that Dwight.”
Ross had loaded the luggage and cello into the car.  Seamus was running around the yard sensing that something was going on.  Demelza was inside having one last cup of tea with Grace and Joshua.
“Well, Demelza I bet by the next time you visit us, you’ll have your driver’s  licence and will be in the driver’s seat!” Joshua teased.  Joshua had taken Demelza out for some driving lessons without Ross, which seemed to go much better.
“Judas, I wouldn’t bet too much money on that if I were you.” Demelza joked.
“Oh you did fine when I took you out.  You just need more practise.  Ross will have to take you out of the city and let you take the wheel.”  He leaned over and gave Demelza a kiss on her head.  
“You can do it Demelza, I have faith in you!” Grace added.  “Oh and don’t forget to send us your performance schedule so that we can plan a trip around it!.”
“Alright I will.  I’m feeling a little sad that we’re leaving!  I’ve really enjoyed my time here. I know Ross has too.”
“Awww, we’ve enjoyed having you!”  Grace pulled Demelza in for a tight hug.  “You call me anytime you need to talk about anything, okay?  I would love to hear from you.”
Demelza shook her head, “Alright, I’ll keep that in mind.”
Ross walked in the front door smiling at the scene in front of him, the woman that he loved with his parents.  He was so happy that they all got along.  The visit started out bumpy, but now that Grace’s illness was out in the open, Ross felt better about things.  He looked at Demelza with her arm wrapped around his mum.  “Are you crying Demelza?”
“No!  Well, maybe a little.  Don’t make fun of me!”
“I’m not, love.  I hate leaving as well.  But we better get going since we have to stop by and see Aunt Agatha,” Ross said.
 Joshua gave Ross a hug, “Well, be sure to let us know how that all goes.  I’m sure Elizabeth and Francis will be there if they know you’re coming.”
“Oh I’m sure they will be, but we won’t pay them no mind will we Demelza.  Mama please keep us informed about how you’re feeling and how your treatment is going.  And remember we aren’t that far away.  If you need us, just call and we will be down in a jiffy.”  Ross hugged his mother.
“Oh don’t you worry, I'm going to be just fine.”  Grace started crying.  “Now you two get out of here before I really lose it!”
They all hugged one last time and said their goodbyes.  Everyone was emotional at the parting.  All Ross could think of was that he hoped that this wasn’t the last time that he would see his mother alive.
“Judas Ross!  This is your family’s home?!!”  Demelza was looking up at Trenwith as they pulled in the long drive.
“This is it.  This is where my father grew up and his father before him, and his father before him.  Uncle Charles still lives here with Francis, Elizabeth and Aunt Agatha.  Fortunately for Verity, she moved out about a year ago.”
“Did you spend much time here while growing up?” Demelza asked.
“Oh I guess quite a bit when we were younger.  Charles didn’t let Francis and Verity come over to ours very often.  And we had a lot of holidays here.  They do Christmas up big here.  I’m going to put Seamus on a leash.  I’m sure Charles won’t appreciate him coming into the house, but I’m not going to leave him in the car.”
“Oh, right.  I take it they don’t like pets.”
“Nope, only well behaved children are allowed.” Ross joked.
Ross rang the doorbell as they all waited for the door to be answered.  Finally the door opened, “Master Ross! It’s been so long since we’ve seen you!  Come in, come in!  Your Aunt Agatha has been waiting for you.”
Ross gave Mrs. Tabb a hug, “Mrs. Tabb it’s good to see you.  May I introduce my girlfriend Demelza.  Demelza, this is Mrs Tabb.  Mrs. Tabb has run this household like a five star general for as long as I can remember, and always made sure that I had as much cookies and candy as I wanted when Uncle Charles wasn’t around!  And this here is Seamus.  We brought him down for the weekend with us.”
“Oh your Uncle Charles won’t like that, but he’ll get over it.  Demelza, it’s lovely to meet you.  Please come in and I’ll take your coats.”
Demelza started taking her coat off, “It’s wonderful to meet you Mrs Tabb.  You’ll have to fill me in on what Ross was like as a boy.”
“Oh you’ll be here all night if we get started on that.  Ross, your aunt and uncle are in the drawing room.”
Ross had a big grin on his face watching Mrs. Tabb.  She was always such a joy to be around when he was young.  “Are Francis and Elizabeth here as well?” Ross asked.
Mrs. Tabb rolled her eyes, “Aye, they’re skulking around here somewhere.”
“Do I hear my nephew?”  An older female voice was heard.
“You two best be going, before she pops a vein!”  Ross snorted accidentally at Mrs. Tabb, and tried to control his laughter. 
Ross grabbed Demelza’s hand, and held Seamus tight  on his leash in the other.  Their steps on the hardwood floors echoed throughout the downstairs.  Demelza couldn’t help looking around at all of the ancient portraits up on the walls as they walked into the drawing room. There were chandeliers hanging all over it seemed.   Demelza noticed a huge fireplace that was tall enough that Ross could probably stand in it if it wasn’t for the fire that was burning in it.  Surprisingly, some of the furniture looked fairly modern and new.  Demelza finally saw a woman that she surmised was Aunt Agatha sitting in a large wingback chair. She was dressed comfortably in a pair of blue dress pants, and a light blue cardigan over a white blouse.  
“Well, if it isn’t my long lost favourite nephew.  And look at this beautiful bud he’s brought me.” 
Ross laughed with a devilish smile, “Hello Aunt Agatha.  I’m sorry that it’s been so long since I’ve visited.”  He bent over to kiss her on both cheeks. Allow me to introduce my…”
“Fiance?” Aunt Agatha interrupted.
Ross looked quickly at Demelza who had a smile on her face, and looked back at Agatha with a raised eyebrow.  “Girlfriend!  Aunt Agatha this is Demelza, Demelza this is my Aunt Agatha.”
Demelza extended her hand, “It’s very nice to meet you.  Ross has told me a lot about you.”  Demelza’s eyes were sparkling as if she had flipped a switch to make them sparkle more than usual.
Agatha gave Demelza a firm handshake which Demelza took note of.  “Well, aren’t you a brilliant, shiny bud!  Has my Ross been treating you well, and spoiling you?”
“Yes ma’am, ev’ry chance he gets,” said Demelza.
Ross and Demelza’s heads turned towards a bellowing voice, “Ross!  So good of you to grace us with your presence.  I assume that you’re the owner of this beast.”  Ross gave Demelza a side eye.
Ross held out his hand, “Hello Charles, how are you? And yes, this beautiful dog is ours.  His name is Seamus.  Charles, I'd like to introduce you to Demelza. Demelza, this is my Uncle Charles.”
Demelza held out her hand and Charles just looked at it.  He finally shook her hand.  “It’s nice to meet you sir,” Demelza said.
“Yes.  Well you two have a seat, and keep that mut away from me.”  Seamus barked once at Charles which made Agatha laugh.  
“Bring him here Ross,” Agatha said.  Ross walked Seamus over to Agatha and she held out her hand so he could sniff her.  “That’s a good boy.  You’re awfully pretty.  Yes you are!”
Ross sat on the end of the loveseat closest to Agatha so that she could pet him.  Demelza was giggling, “Seamus likes you.  He’s a good dog.  He welcomed me with open paws when we first started dating.”
“Ross, I was sorry to hear about your mother’s illness.  We had no idea until Joshua called me the other day and told me,” Charles said.
Ross’s face changed expressions, “They haven’t been telling a lot of people.  Demelza and I just found out this weekend as well, so don’t take offence.”
Agatha looked at Ross, “Is your mother undergoing treatment?  It sounds like it was caught early.”
Ross cleared his throat.  He wasn’t comfortable talking about his mother’s illness just yet.  Demelza noticed his difficulty so she answered Agatha’s question.  “She has been undergoing treatment.  But it sounds like she’s going to have a double mastectomy so that there’s less chance of recurrence.  She’s doing pretty well actually.  She just gets tired every once in a while from the medication, and she has a kip.  Then she’s back up, raring to go.  Prudie’s been doing most of the cooking.”
“Prudie?!  Ross, don't tell me your parents still keep around that set of wastrels?  Those two are nothing but useless!” Charles growled about the Paynters.
Ross took offence at Charles’ tone concerning Prudie and Charles.  “Charles I really don’t see how  any of that is your concern.  Jud and Prudie are family and papa is not just going to turf them out.”
Charles scoffed at Ross, “How is your job going at the bank?”
“Very well.  I enjoy working there.  I’m hoping to soon be working in the charity division and out of the mergers and acquisitions.” Ross said.
“Charity!  Why would a bank have a charity division?  That sounds pointless to me.  You should have stayed in Cornwall and worked for me alongside Francis.” 
Ross rolled his eyes, “No thank you Charles, I’m very happy where I’m at.  You can deal with Francis’ shenanigans on your own.  I have no desire to be a part of that mess.”
Agatha laughed, “You got that right Ross.  From what I hear, Francis is gambling away his inheritance anyway.  At this rate, Elizabeth will have to stop getting her weekly mani pedis!”  Agatha looked at Demelza, “You’re awfully quiet over there bud.  Do you work at the bank with Ross?”
“Oh no, not me.  I leave that type of work to Ross.  I’m a musician.” Demelza answered.
Agatha leaned forward, “Really?  What instrument do you play?”
Ross started to answer and Agatha held up her hand to stop him.  Demelza looked at Ross, then Agatha.  “I play the cello and the piano.  I’m a member of the BBC Orchestra.” Ross could see the blush come over Demelza’s face.  She wasn’t used to telling anyone about her position with the orchestra.  
“My, my.  Charles, we have an artist amongst us.”
“Elizabeth plays the harp,” Charles interjected.
“Oh Charles come now.  Elizabeth hasn’t played the harp in years.  The thing is covered in dust!” Agatha told him.
Ross couldn’t help the smirk on his face.  
“Ross, we still have that piano in the music room.  Maybe Bud would like to give us a treat?” Agatha asked.
“Oh, I’m afraid I don’t play piano that often.  I really just give lessons.  I just have a keyboard at home.” Demelza was desperately trying to get out of playing.
Ross gave Demelza the puppy dog face that she could never resist.  He even started whining, and then Seamus started whining.  
“Judas Ross!  Oh alright, maybe I can remember some Christmas music.”
The four of them and Seamus walked into the music room.  Demelza noticed the harp in the corner covered up by a dust cloth.  Then she saw the baby grand piano.  She wondered if it was even in tune.  
Demelza asked, “Who is the one in the family who plays?”
Charles said in a soft voice, “My wife played before she passed.  Verity used to play.  I doubt if she still does.”
Demelza raised the lid of the piano, and pulled out the bench seat, then opened the music rack and fall board that covered the keys.  She looked in the bench seat for any sheet music that she might recognize and picked out a piece and sat down.
 She got herself comfortable on the seat and familiarised herself with the pedals.  Demelza began to play, timidly at first and then more confidently as she went on.  Ross, Charles and Agatha all sat down to listen.  The tune seemed familiar to Ross but he wasn’t sure why that was.  Demelza only made a few mistakes, but for the most part she played beautifully.  Ross was watching her facial expressions.  They were different from when she played the cello, but you could see the music flowing through her when she played.  Soon Mrs. Tabb came in to see who was playing.  Ross noticed her looking at Charles.  His face looked sad, and he thought he saw a tear in one of Charles’s eyes.  Ross wondered what was going through his mind.  Then he saw Francis and Elizabeth walk quietly into the room.  Francis was staring at Demelza play with a tear in his eye.  You could’ve heard a pin drop when Demelza finished playing.  She looked around at everyone and noticed the sombre faces.  She looked at Ross who looked as puzzled as she felt.  
“Moonlight Sonata.” Charles said in a cracked voice.
Demelza shook her head, “Yes, that’s right, by Beethoven.”
“My wife used to play it all the time.  It was her favourite piece,” Charles explained.
Demelza gasped a little.  “I’m so sorry.  I saw Verity’s name on it so I just thought she played it.”
Francis spoke up, “Our mother’s name was Verity as well.  You played it beautifully, Demelza.”
“Oh that’s why it sounded so familiar.  I just didn’t know the name of it,” Ross said.
“I am so, so sorry if it brought back sad memories for all of you,” said Demelza.
“On the contrary child.  They were very good memories.  And I thank you for reminding me, us.  Now, would anyone care for some port?” Charles asked.
“No, thank you Uncle Charles.  Demelza and I must be going.  We have a long drive ahead of us.”  Ross stood up and walked over to Demelza.   
“Oh Ross, but we just arrived.  Please stay,” Elizabeth smiled with that fake smile that Ross knew so well.
“As I said, we have a long drive ahead of us.  We drove down with a stop over, but we aren’t stopping on the trip back.”
“You left the party so early on New Year’s Eve.  I heard you were ill Demelza?” Now she was on her meddling path.
Demelza spoke up, “No, I don’t know where you heard that from.  We danced and had a lovely time.  As Ross said we had made the trip in two days, and we had just arrived that day, and then we were told of Grace’s illness, and had a lovely dinner with Grace and Joshua.  We’d simply had a long day and Ross was anxious to get home into bed, weren’t you, darling?” Demelza was definitely not cow towing to Elizabeth and Agatha was loving it.
“I bet he was anxious to get you into bed, Bud!” Agatha wanted to get in on the game!
Ross smiled at Demelza and kissed her on the cheek.  “Well it’s been wonderful seeing you Uncle Charles, Aunt Agatha.  Francis, Elizabeth. Do take care.”  He walked over to give Agatha a hug as did Demelza, and a handshake with Charles.
“Demelza, you can play on our piano anytime.” Charles said.
“Thank you Charles.  It was my pleasure. Take care.”  Seamus barked his goodbye which made Elizabeth jump.
Demelza got in the car as Ross got Seamus settled.  Then Ross drove out of the driveway and as soon as they were clear of the mansion, they both started laughing!!!
“Oh fuck Demelza I love you so much!  I love how you didn’t let Elizabeth rattle you.”  Ross praised his love.
“Oh hell no!  She doesn’t scare me.  Oh Ross, I love your Aunt Agatha!  I couldn’t believe she said  that about you being anxious to get me home to bed!!”
“I told you she was a spitfire!  You should feel honoured that she gave you a nickname already.. Bud!  She has never liked Elizabeth, even back when I was dating her.  She kept telling me that she was the wrong girl for me.  Too bad that I didn’t listen to her soon enough.  Oh well, at least I found out before she got me down the aisle!”
“Ross, I love your parents.  They were so nice to me.  And of course Prudie and Jud.” Demelza was bubbling.
“And they love you.”
“Do you think?  I hope so.”
“I know so, love.”
Dawn yawned, “Nampara is beautiful.  Like a house in a fairy tale…”
Ross was rambling on about Nampara and the beach, and how he and Claude used to run and play on it.  Then he looked over and saw that Demelza was fast asleep with her head against the window.  “Oh my love, have pleasant dreams.  It has been a busy few days.”  Ross turned the radio on low to keep him company for the drive home.  His mind was spinning with the topic of conversation that he had hoped to discuss on the car ride home.  But it would have to wait for another day.
I’ve never been a fan of Strawberry Fields Forever.  Sorry if that offends any Beatles purists out there.  I chose that song for the title of the chapter because apparently “Strawberry was a real place that John Lennon grew up near, and the song is about his childhood.  The song is about the memories of that place and how much the area meant to him.”  When I read that bit, it reminded me of what Ross must feel like going home to Nampara and remembering his brother and other childhood memories growing up there.  
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kazoosandfannypacks · 9 months
for this ask game: bed and gemstones
ooohhhhhhh, okay!
🛏️ BED: What do your OCs dream about?
Most of their dreams probably have to do with the water, some in more positive ways, and some in more negative. I also think some of them can't remember their dreams, and some of them relive a lot of trauma in their dreams (especially Verity post book 1.)
💎 GEMSTONES: Share a line in your writing that you really love!
ahhhhh uhhhhhhhhhh just one line? or would y'all object to the entirety of Maristella and Adrian's first waltz?
 "Miss Arrington?" He finally spoke up.
 He held his hand out to her. "May I have this dance?"
 "Just this one?" was what she thought, but what she said was, "of course."
 She took his hand and rested her other hand on his shoulder as he placed his other hand on her side. It was exactly what she and Casper had just done, but this time it seemed deeper. His hand fit hers perfectly, and warmed as she took it, his touch was softer, but stronger, and she felt something inside, almost like theirs were two souls tied together. It wasn't the first time she'd liked a man so deeply, but never this suddenly.
 "It's not a wonder," Maristella thought, looking up into his eyes before he averted his gaze, "that I'm drawn to eyes as blue as the Viorel Sea, arms as strong as the waves that move galleons, and smile as refreshing as the southwestern breeze."
 To fall for him would be as easy as falling for the sea, on a day when the winds were fair, and the sun shone on your face, and the waters so deep and clear it was a battle with yourself not to jump headfirst to them. Loving him would be like loving the sea.
 And Maristella had always loved the sea.
{more below the cut}
 "It seems you're the better dancer of the Alyward brothers," Maristella said.
 "Am I?"
 "Well, you've definitely stepped on my toes a lot less." "There's a first time for everything, I suppose," he laughed a little.
 "You mean you usually step on people's toes?"
 "I mean, yes," he said, "but what I mean to say is it's not common for me to best my brother at anything."
 "I'm sure that's not true."
 "He's the better of us. He's a better sailor and swordsman, and certainly a better man in general."
 "You sell yourself short," Maristella said, "and you're still a better dancer than most of the men I meet at these kinds of things."
 "I've nothing to gain from lying to you."
 The music picked up its pace, and so did they as they followed its flow, caught in its stream.
 "Do you ever wonder," Maristella asked, "why women fancy balls more than garden parties or feasts?"
 "Not often," Adrian asked, "but I take it you have a theory."
 "I've been formulating it a while," Maristella said, "almost longer than I've been attending any of them. Mother would always talk about how splendid each season's balls were, almost preparing me for the day I was old enough to participate. I never saw the appeal, personally, until I started dancing. You can learn a lot about a man by dancing with him."
 "Like what?" He spun her out the way a child twirls a delicate rose between her fingertips.
 "For starters, the way they carry themselves," Maristella said, as she twirled back to him, "a lot of the stiffs are, well, just that. Stiff, rigid, choppy- there's no heart in their motions; they just do them."
 She paused for a moment to note to herself how much Adrian's heart seemed to flow through his motions, especially as he twirled her again, then pulled her back to himself, closer than before.
 "Then, there's the flirts," she continued, "the ones who think they own the world. They seem graceful enough, but always with their heads held high," and Maristella's head was not held high. She was looking at the ground, almost ashamed, because these weren't lessons she'd learned in classes, but lessons learned through fire— through having been burned before.
 "They don't look at their partner," she shook her head, "they look at everyone else watching them with their partner. She's more of an accessory, a monument- not a person."
 She was pleasantly surprised to look up and see Adrian looking at her, almost expectantly, hanging onto her every word— like he truly cared what she had to say.
 "What did you gather about my brother?" Adrian asked.
 "He stepped on each of my toes, individually, at least twice," Maristella said, "and apologized profusely every time. He's both humble and genuine."
 "Is this 'genuineness' a good thing?"
 "Is the sun on your face a good thing after a storm at sea?"
 He smiled a little at her rhetorical question.
 "And in this last moment's waltz," Adrian asked, "what did you happen to gather about me?"
 Maristella smiled at his attempt to fish for a compliment.
 "I haven't decided yet." 
 "Well," he said, "I know what I've learned about you."
 "Oh?" Maristella asked, "and what's that?"
"That everything I thought when I first laid eyes on you was right," Adrian smiled, lips parted, and leaned closer to her, with a playful sincerity in his eyes, and continued with a lower voice, "that I'd never behold a more graceful and charming woman, and any man who'd dance with her tonight should count himself among the luckiest on the planet."
 "You gathered all that on first glance?" Maristella asked, hoping to feign propriety to hide the true effect his words had on her.
 "Most of it," Adrian said, "but all the glances after that have confirmed it- as all the glances henceforth will as well."
 She was glad that he twirled her again, because it gave her a chance to hide her face from him, so she wouldn't notice how her cheeks flushed and her breath caught itself in her throat. When she spun back, closer to him, she tried to maintain her formal composure, even as he held her even closer than before.
 She would've gone on with him for the rest of the evening, but, as soon as it all began, the song ended, the final notes climbing and chasing each other, until their sudden stop.
 "It was an honor to be one of the lucky ones tonight, Miss Arrington," Adrian whispered, giving her hand another kiss.
thanks for the ask!
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theanomily · 10 months
Out of curiosity, which book in the series is your favorite?
To preface, my apologies for doing a ranking. I wanted to jot my thoughts down but then got carried away.
From recollection (I have not reread the series recently enough for this to be accurate for me from my now almost-adult POV):
Aftershock. My favourite aspect isn't so much the "present" timeline (although something I prefer about books 7 and 8 is the more realistic enemy in that they're human) but the flashback sequences. I have no justification for that except that I am a basic bitch who loves Raven. Editing afterthought: I also like that it answers the question Wing poses in Rogue of "why tf does Raven obey Nero?" I think also that seeing how Raven was trained provides a little darkness in Shelby's admiration of her in Dreadnought, and it's always nice to have a little chill upon reread.
Overlord Protocol. I like the balancing of narrators and the Contessa as an "internal" antagonist. Cypher is, obviously, iconic, and it's OP that has the revelation of him as Wing's dad. We see Raven's mono-molecular swords for the first time, and how she acts as a completely independent operative (which I think is unique to OP?). I like the balance here in that the kids really are kids; this is their first "proper" adventure, and one of my pet peeves is when children are depicted as more competent than adults. Sure, we are introduced to Otto's powers more intensely, but he suffers, and it's also still a mystery at this point. However, I confess, I think OP would probably rank lower now (probably switched with EV or DN). It was the first HIVE book I read, and it was in my possession when I was admitted into hospital when I first got my hands on my primary school library copy, and thus I was left completely alone for a couple weeks with this particular installment. Basically, what I'm trying to say is nostalgia + it being my only means of escapism is probably clouding my perception of it.
Escape Velocity. Firstly, the best scene of this book (the Contessa's sacrifice) is one of the best of the series, if not the best. HOPE is one of the most interesting organisations there was, not because of what they did, but what they could have been. It's the only one I can think of that was known by the public, and it definitely would have had the public's backing. Constance and Verity are in this, and that's honestly enough said. Nero and Otto go to space. Otto is Number One's clone. It's awesome.
Dreadnought. The cliffhanger is cool in that literally anything could happen in the next book. We meet Diabous in the flesh, and he's the cool (but probably divorced) uncle of the series. I'll be honest, though. The thing that sticks out to me most is Pietor. We don't fully know who this guy is- hell, we don't even know about Anastasia atp- but he's connected to some of our secondary narrators. I love that he's a manipulator in this book, which he isn't really portrayed as in the flashbacks. But. Lucy gonna Lucy, and love triangle gonna love triangle, and, as someone who can't stand romance, it is just so distracting.
Zero Hour. It's very similar to Rogue (and I have the same critisism), but there are a few things that elevate Zero Hour above it for me. Firstly, Lucy has a bit of a purpose now. She's literally the only person Otto can relate to, and her line "there always has to be a choice" is one of the most powerful in the series. Her sacrifice as well- not only was it selfless, but its the first major character death, so it feels like stakes are raised higher by the end of ZH than they were before. Secondly, is Raven as the antagonist, unwilling as she was. Not only is she extremely capable, but H.I.V.E. already trusts her. We have been told she's dangerous, but now she becomes a danger. Also, we see her and Nero nearly kill each other, yet there is no dent in their faith in one another. However, one thing I wish here was that we got a little more flashback prior to ZH, but realistically, there was no suitable place. You see, I read the series out of order, so I'd finished both Aftershock and Deadlock before starting Zero Hour, and I think that gave me a better comprehension of the gravity of Raven being back in the Furans' hands than reading the series correctly would have.
Rogue. I love this in concept so, so much. But when I'm reading it, I can't help but feel it was held back by HIVE's nature as a kids' series. It just wasn't as gut-wrenching as I know it could be.
Deadlock. I just can't remember finding the events too exciting, especially after Aftershock. I actively hate that Nero did not have Anastasia killed at the end, and I wished to see a little more closure for Raven (sidenote: how tf would she be ok with basically living with her abuser?? Also, if Anastasia finds a way out, the whole student body is a potential victim). I'm probably just being nitpicky, but the ending cliffhanger involving a ton of clones just isn't unique enough to the series to be that interesting. That being said, the idea of Zero is horrific, and I do wish HIVE wasn't a kids' series so this potential could be fully realised. Another positive- again stemming from the fact that Raven is my beloved- is the parallels drawn between her and Laura. In the present timeline, they couldn't be more opposite, but it makes me wonder if a really young Raven would be a mini-Laura.
H.I.V.E. It's the most childish (yknow, plant monster and all) and is so exposition based. In all honesty, if I started with book 1 rather than ending with it, I probably would not be as into the series. What I do miss, though, is Nigel's potential. Mr Walden did that boy so dirty in the subsequent books.
What's your favourite book?
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mikeysantoss · 1 year
ninety days clean now.
havent been writing here cause i’ve been busy. nik and verity convinced me to try out college so now im taking night classes for social work. verity said its a good idea to stay busy and i think she’s right. i’ve stopped being so skeptical of her ideas. 
think i always wanted to do something with my life that’d help people, and social work’s the best way forward. 
apparently rhere’s a bunch of specialisations you can do. i wanna specialise in youth addiction so i can be the person i wish i had around me when i was 18 and getting introduced to drugs. 
wont have much time to write here anyway cause when i aint studying, im working on music. the brain fog’s slowly going away and now i got the urge to write songs again. 
verity’s been getting me into mindfulness and it’s really helping me get in touch with my inner soul and all that other hippy shit. 
im feeling good.
one hundred days clean
can't fuckin believe it's been a hundred days. damn .never thought id get this far but here i am. nik threw me a little party with all my buds from meetings + college. really dont think i wouldve made it this far without him and verity.
guess i better tell you the other big thing.
i have bipolar disorder. verity says i probably inherited ot from you or dad, and considerin 90% of my symptoms line up with ur past behaviour, it dont take a genius to know who i got it from
first i was angry. but i gotta say, more than anger i've just felt relief. im not fuckin crazy after all. a lot of shit in my life started making sense whoich made me feel like i wasnt doomed 2 fail. that there was hope.
verity didn't give me any pills but mentioned there are mood stabilizers. i dont wanna go on em cause im scared i''ll get addicted and have 2 start the whole withdrawals thing again
but she said the option is there 4 me whenever i feel up 2 it. maybe in the future.
i thought about you the day i got my diagnosis. couldnt write here cause i was a goddamn wreck.
did u know you had bipolar disorder? did you have to deal with that shit alone? not knowing whats wrong with you and going your whole life thinkin youre a crazy delusional fuck up is a pretty shitty thing i aint gonna lie. made me wonder if you went through the same shit.
there's a lot i gotta unpack but at least now i know what box to look in.
0 notes
vvienne · 3 years
Petals on a Wet Black Bough by DachOsmin
While drinking at a tavern that caters to men that favor men, Jiang Cheng happens upon a masked stranger that looks eerily like his dead brother.
from these nettles, alms by callowyn, zorrosuchil
Jiang Cheng didn’t have a plan for Wei Wuxian coming back into his life, and he realizes now this was a mistake. He’s going to slip up. He’s going to give it all away.
Fate—or at least Jin Ling—is going to make sure of it.
you're the one that I want by verity
They haven't really talked about what's going on between them, except this morning while Jiang Cheng was eating breakfast and Wei Wuxian was lying on the sofa with his arm over his eyes, Wei Wuxian said, "Are you going to be weird about it if I hold your hand in front of our friends?"
Jiang Cheng chewed his youtiao.
"Just let me know," Wei Wuxian said. "It's chill."
Oh, Jiang Cheng knew very well that it was not chill. But he wasn't like Wei Wuxian; he couldn't just do things like that, like it was nothing. Wei Wuxian could name his sword—gleaming now on the rack above his head—Suibian, he could do whatever he wanted. He got all the curses and the blessings of being always inside and outside the Jiangs, and Jiang Cheng got everything else.
"You can hold my hand," Jiang Cheng said after he swallowed, feeling like he'd just walked over a bed of hot coals.
letters from inside the storm by serein
"Jiang Cheng," Wei Wuxian hears himself say, echoing and strange as if from underwater. His hands feel slow and fumbling as he reaches for Jiang Cheng's chest, watching the blood soak through the silk and keep dripping.
A year post-canon, Jiang Cheng takes a blade meant for Wei Wuxian. Things unravel.
family resemblance by ruche
“I am good-looking,” Wei Wuxian cuts in, theatrically pouting. Then he drops the act and gestures at Jiang Cheng’s-- everything, “but in a different way than you, obviously.”
In which Wei Wuxian takes Jiang Cheng to a sex store. They are, as always, so incredibly supportive of each other.
i was put together wrong, still i was made for you by finedae
Wei Wuxian wakes up in Mo Xuanyu's body, and the five slits across his wrist. He also wakes up in a brothel where the Mo family had sent Mo Xuanyu after the embarrassment of harassing Sect Leader Jin Guangyao, his half brother and now Chief Cultivator.
Jiang Cheng pays for a night, looking for a demonic cultivator.
too much, not enough by Shamelesscooper
“Okay, so good news!” Wei Wuxian says, swanning into the room with just enough energetic cheer that Jiang Cheng knows whatever it is he’s going to say is going to be awful. “We figured out the nature of your curse! You’re probably not going to die! It’s not even going to hurt!”
“Yeah? And what’s the bad news?” Jiang Cheng gruffs, crossing his arms over his chest.
Wei Wuxian does a double-take, like he’d expected his (fake) good mood to fool Jiang Cheng. Like it’s ever managed to fool Jiang Cheng. His laugh is a little shrill, a little frenetic as he says, “Well, uh. You know our ghost friend back there? Yeah, she’s possessing you. Which is why...” He makes a gesture at the general area of Jiang Cheng’s... problem.
“Ah,” Jiang Cheng said, expression souring. “I’m not going to like the cure, am I?”
“You’re not going to like the cure,” Wei Wuxian nods.
Jiang Cheng gets cursed on a nighthunt. Wei Wuxian helps him with the cure.
Halves by jusrecht
What do you call halves that fit each other in all the wrong ways?
Start a Riot by ohwhatevrewhatevr
“They killed A-Die and A-Niang,” Jiang Cheng says, his sharp but defined muscular frame curling in. He's all lean, purposeful muscle, nude and bruised.
“Wei Wuxian -” Jiang Cheng grits out in a dangerous, furious rasp - there’s a slight tremor to it still. He still isn’t looking at Wei Ying, just lying there limp, his face to his side, showing his profile and those sharp cheekbones. “Where the hell did you go? Where did you go that was worth leaving me behind ?”
“And why won’t you tell me? Why won’t you-”
TL;DR Jiang Cheng goes into heat, they fuck, and hormones make them spill some of the beans before they go spill some Wen blood. (no romance happens :/, just sex)
like you’ve never known fear by tsunderestorm
He doesn’t want to take it slow, because Wei Wuxian doesn’t want things slow. Wei Wuxian wants passion and skill and things Jiang Cheng doesn’t have, he just has anger and inferiority and a head full of fucking thoughts that won’t stop running around and bumping into one another when he’s trying to focus on this.
翻云覆雨 // in clouds and rainfall by oh_fudgecakes
A night hunt goes wrong when the group encounters a Qiongqi. While protecting his nephew, Jiang Cheng is hit with poison by the beast. They don’t have time to research an antidote, but prolonged dual cultivation with another cultivator will neutralize the poison...
When he’s chosen for the job, Wei Wuxian is surprised, and determined to give his shidi a good time. Alternatively: In Which Yunmeng Recon Happens While Wei Wuxian is Balls Deep In Jiang Cheng.
oh my god they were (step)brothers by serein
"Really, boys?" Yanli sighs. "Right in front of my salad?"
chengxian and step-brothers porn tropes: a montage.
baby it's a black hole by villainousfriend (katzenfabrik)
"What's wrong, Jiang Cheng?" he asks suddenly, looking up from his bowl.
Jiang Cheng just meets his gaze, not even lifting an arm to convey, Where do you want me to start?
"You've been... staring at me, this whole evening, shidi," Wei Wuxian adds, more slowly. The colour in his cheeks didn't fade after the bath, and now, with the food and candles, the room's got stuffy and he's even pinker than before. It should look healthy but it only highlights the shadows under his eyes, so deep they look like grooves in the skin.
"No, I haven't," he says automatically, and shoves a meatball in his mouth.
Jiang Cheng meets up with Wei Wuxian after Baoshan Sanren restores his golden core, just as they planned. After this, surely things are going to go right, right?
don't you worry honey, 'cause i can't say no by Runespoor
Wei Wuxian tests a talisman and hopes Jiang Cheng doesn’t make it weird.
hungry little fool by serein
Despite the easy warmth of the picture, Jiang Cheng immediately pegs something as wrong.
Wei Wuxian's looking at his slim forearms, held aloft in the air, with that look on his face like his unease is lapping at the edges, threatening to escape.
Like the tide is rising too high, and it's threatening to wash Wei Wuxian away.
[soft chengxian post-canon ft learning to love your new body]
lotus bridge by Sectionladvivi
Wei WuXian comes to visit Jiang Cheng's shitty apartment and they wax nostalgic about when they used to whack off to porn together as teens.
for a moment (i forget to worry) by everyearning (noctiphany)
He wants to fuck him, of course he does. But this is good. It’s almost too good. Wei Wuxian is afraid of things that feel too good now, too scared that he’ll wake up and it will all have been a dream. But he thinks as long as he can keep them like this, right on the precipice, maybe he won’t have to find out. Maybe this won’t get stolen from him like so many other good things.
smoke by serein
"You do piss me off," Jiang Cheng replied automatically, ignoring Wei Wuxian's faux-sad swoon. Jiang Cheng scowled. "If I'm such an oblivious idiot, why didn't you say something?"
Wei Wuxian huffed. "Well they're very confusing feelings to explain, Jiang Cheng. I want to kill anyone who thinks they can hurt you, but I also want to fuck you until you cry." Oh. Jiang Cheng's stomach fluttered in mixed interest and trepidation.
Canon divergent AU chengxian ft. Jiang Cheng's not so subtle danger kink and Wei Wuxian being a jealous, dangerous gremlin.
when everything soft abrades you by tsunderestorm
Jiang Cheng had said “no” when Wei Wuxian had first asked him to wear lacy panties and a bra when they fucked. He doesn’t feel bad about that, either - after all, it hadn’t even been a serious request, more rather one of Wei Wuxian’s off-hand, teasing remarks. They come off as jokes - at least, he means for them to - but Jiang Cheng knows from experience that they are backed one hundred and ten percent by Wei Wuxian’s modus operandi of “haha, unless it you’re into it though”.
Turns out Jiang Cheng is into it, too.
weaving figure eights and circles by vrooom
“Wait hold on. Jiang Cheng?” The voice is no longer sultry. It’s matter of fact, incredulous, and horrifyingly familiar in a way that makes Jiang Cheng’s insides shrivel up and crumble into dust.
“Wei Wuxian?” Jiang Cheng says, holding the phone as far away from his ear as possible. He glares at the phone like it personally betrayed him. “What the fuck are you doing on my phone sex line?”
can’t train a moth by Runespoor
"Hey. You alright?"
"My boyfriend wants to put nudes of me after sex on Grindr. Take a wild guess."
Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng attempt communication and a new kink.
clothes make the man by verity
Jiang Cheng requires a new suit. Wei Wuxian removes it.
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rogue-durin-16 · 3 years
Summary: After Fred's death, George and Y/n lean on each other to carry on. This wasn't the most brilliant idea, though; George was pretty much in love with the girl, and Y/n— well, she had been dating Fred prior to the Battle of Hogwarts.
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
Genre: angst
Suggested by: @crispykittywitch
George Weasley: @meph1stophelian
Things never go as planned: @just-here-to-escape-from-reality @beautyschoo1dropout @s1ut4georgeweasley @sunshineandshadows @missmulti @accioweaslcy @andreaareynoso @georgeweasley16 @dianarte @skarlettmikaelson
Permanent taglist: @elia-the-bibliophile @randomparanoid @karlthecat15722 @thebutchersdaughtersblog @amourtentiaa @just-here-to-escape-from-reality
Warnings: language (?) Angst
Prologue: the aftermath
Part I: sleepless nights
Part II: candy floss
Part III: shock therapy
Part VI: wrong name
Part V: the perfect excuse
Part VI: the downfall
Epilogue: I still love you
Rogue-durin-16 masterlist
Tumblr media
Since the Amortentia incident, Y/n had barely looked at me; not in the way I had avoided her after New Year, though, this time, it was different. She didn't seem to be doing it accidentally, rather than on purpose; she appeared to be too lost into her turmoil of thoughts to realise what she was doing, which scared me more.
I had figured the Amortentia would have had something to do with it, but it took me two days to pick up on it.
Undoubtedly, Y/n had smelled Fred's scent on it, and it dawned on her how twisted what we were doing was.
I cried myself to sleep the night that my mind stumbled upon that information. I let myself sob violently, pouring out as much pain as I could, wanting to wash away the recurrent thoughts that creeped on my mind, thoughts that were not unfounded.
That was it— I had lost both a friend and the woman I loved.
Once the tears seem to die out, a new thought appeared in my mind; maybe I was meant to be alone. I could barely function alone, how was I supposed to function with another person?
Perhaps I had always be meant to be alone.
I was going to be alone forever.
I was alone.
It took my careless arse a hot minute to be aware of how obvious my emotional rollercoaster was from the outside; George had been getting visibly upset by it —I'd dare to reckon he even cried the past night because of it—, and I had to stop that, but how?
I knew it was always best to tell the truth, but where would that take us? Nowhere good. I couldn't just tell George I was in love with him and expect us not to fall apart even harder.
He would think I'm lying, or that I'm using him as a second option —I couldn't let him think that—, but again, his mind had probably gone to those thoughts due to my radio silence.
I had to tell him the truth, and face the consequences.
The sound of our front door's lock opening snapped me out of my own mind, and even made me jump a bit in the couch I sat. I had been waiting for George to arrive for a good couple of hours, weighing on how I could approach the topic, but I didn't seem to come up with anything remotely good.
He stepped into the flat with his eyes casted down, so it took him a moment to acknowledge my presence. "I—" his now dull eyes observed me with confusion, as if he wasn't expecting to see me in my own flat. "what are you doing awake?"
"Waiting for you." He closed the door, scrutinising me with furrowed brows. "I— well—" I cleared my throat and got up, causing his shoulders to tense up. "I wanted to tell you something."
I thought I would have to fight his childish behavior and convince him not to dodge the subject, but he only leaned on the door, his hands behind his back and his eyes casted down. "I... I wanted to tell you something too."
"You go first." I prompted him, planning on using those extra seconds to mentally prepare myself for what I was about to say —as if I hadn't been trying to mentally prepare myself for two hours already.
He peeked at me and sighed, his eyes coming back to his shoes before speaking. "I don't know how to say this— I" he pursed his lips and I could see the struggle irradiating from him. "I think you should move out." Now I knew why he refused to meet my gaze. "We— we need time away y'know— Fleur offered to help you look for an apartment. I'll go back to the Burrow until you find one— and I'm not firing you but I would appreciate if you didn't attend the clients if I'm there."
I should have spoken first, I scolded myself.
"What why?"
"Why you should've spoken first?"
"I— well, so you see," I tugged on my sleeves; it was my turn to avoid his look. "W-when I spilled the Amortentia— well I— I smelled—"
"I know."
"You... Do?"
"Yeah, that's... That's why I think we need some time away."
I had never in my life had my heart shattered in so many pieces in such a short span of time. The pain was so immense that I wasn't able to shed a single tear. Out of every outcome, this was the least expected.
"O-okay." We kept sneaking glances at each other in a dreadful silence until our eyes accidentally met. "I think—"
"I should—"
Another best of silence fell among us after we simultaneously spoke.
"I should go pick some things up." He muttered, passing by my side as fast as he could.
The next morning I caught him, as I expected, sneaking out of the flat with one of the bags he had carried in months ago.
He was already exiting when I jogged out of my room, managing to catch his hand.
I could see the goosebumps in his arm, and I thanked Merlin he couldn't hear my heart threatening to leaving my chest to go with him.
"I'm really sorry, George." I whispered, squeezing his hand. Although I had a tiny bit of hope that he would change his mind and step back into our home if I said those words, it was more of a goodbye.
He just shook his head, letting me know there was no need for an apology, and squeezed my hand back before pulling away.
His fingers slipping away from mines was such an emptying feeling, as if my connection with him slept away from my grasp forever.
I went to sleep that night hoping George's parting would have been a nightmare, and I cried the morning after when my brain took in that it was, in fact, very much real.
A heavily pregnant Fleur showed up that afternoon; she made me dinner and tried to cheer me up a little before making me get dressed so she could drag me out to look for flats in the Diagon Alley. It was an unsuccessful trip, but the Triwizard Tournament Champion wasn't about to give up so easily, so she came the next day, and the following, and on and on for a week.
As if summoned by the woman's will to find me a new home, we found a cheap, acceptable apartment near the shop.
I purchased it instantly, and soon enough I was moving out my things with Bill's help, to stop his wife from helping me herself.
"That's the last one, right?" Bill questioned, nodding at the bag laying on the couch with a box in his hands.
"Yup." I pulled it up and hung it on my shoulder.
"Need anything else?" I shook my head no. "Alright then I'll leave this at your place and apparate back home." He hesitated for a moment before adding, "I know it's none of my business but... Whatever happened between you two— it's fixable, believe me."
"I really don't think so." I muttered, gripping the bag's strap.
"It is," he repeated, adjusting the box in his arms. "just don't give up." He gave me a small, reassuring smile and disapparated.
Maybe he was right, maybe it was fixable. Taking a look around the now emptier apartment, I thought it surely didn't seem like it, but hope is the last thing you lose, right?
In a final attempt of getting him back, I grabbed a notebook from the bag and teared a page off it; I left the bag besides me as I knelt down and reached for a pencil forgotten over the coffee table.
Three Days Later
I entered the apartment— it was quiet, similar to a cemetery, just like the first time I stepped on the apartment after the war.
This time, it was empty, though.
Y/n didn't rush to the door when I opened it.
She didn't catch me when I fell on my knees and broke down to tears.
I was alone.
After Godric knows how long I managed to get myself back to my feet. I passed Y/n's old room as fast as I had first passed Fred's room months ago.
Once I got to my room and lay down on my bed, my mind cleared up enough for me to realise that I would be seeing Y/n the next day —at least once— at the shop.
"Fuck." I muttered, burying my face on my pillow.
He had asked me not to leave the office while he was in the shop.
He had explicitly asked me not to, but I needed to know if he had read my letter— no, I need to know if I had taken a step in the right direction by writing the letter.
So there I was, descending the stairs in his direction, and taking my time to do so since he was talking with a couple of clients.
"Y/n!" Verity rushed to me with what seemed a defective portable swamp. "I need your help with this," My eyes, still on George, caught the way his head snapped in my direction with sheer fear on it. "I've got a woman there threatening with suing us because the swamp send one of her children to St. Mungo!" The girl managed to get my attention with her anxious rambling.
"She can't do that." George, who had probably caught on Verity's words, spoke before I could. "She agreed on our shop policy." He reminded her, walking to stand by my side.
"I already told her that Mister Weasley, but she said she's 'not taking the words of a pipsqueak'." She replied in a whisper.
"She said what?" George questioned in disbelief.
"I'm gonna shove that lawsuit up her arse." I spoke, spotting the completely out of place middle aged woman who stood in front of Verity's till. "Send her to the office." Verity looked at me and then at George for confirmation, who simply gave her a nod.
Once Verity left, I turned to the ginger, whose warm eyes were already fixed on me. "How are you?" He inquired in a way that let me see it was out of politeness, which made my hopes die a little.
"Been better." I replied, ready to somehow test the waters. "How about you?"
"Same, I suppose." George didn't even try to put on a happy face, and I started to get anxious; there was no way he would have missed the note —I left it on the kitchen table— so that meant he had read it and- "You should go back to the office."
My heart attempted to hold onto the possibility of him not having read the note, but my brain knew better than that. "Alright." I nodded and went back to my workplace; I would deal with that woman and after that, I would prepare a resignation letter.
George was right, we needed to be apart.
It wasn't that bad, I lied to myself, sitting down on the sofa while undoing the tie's knot.
My mind was about to begin the overthinking of Y/n's words when my stomach growled. Without noticing, I had gone without a single meal for the entire day.
I listened to my body and moved to the kitchen to prepare myself something. While the stove heated up, I turned around and took a look at the kitchen; just like the rest of the rooms, it seemed gloomier without Y/n lighting up the apartment.
Stop thinking about her.
My eyes landed on a piece of paper with one of Y/n's rings over it. Before properly realising it, I was sitting down on one of the chairs and reading what had been written in the scrapped page.
Dear George,
I know what happened is on both of us, but I can't help but blame myself, as selfish as it might sound.
You don't know this, but while at Hogwarts, I found you and Fred rather annoying— I didn't understand why everyone seemed to fancy you so much. Then, you hired me to work in this amazing shop, and I understood.
During these past two years I had the pleasure and honour to call you my friend; you made my life much better, I'd like to think I did the same.
I wanted to apologise for everything I've done since New Year. I'm so very sorry for falling in love with you. Though it was something so easy to happen, I never thought it would go this far.
I don't know what is this letter (a proper goodbye? I don't know), but I want need you to know that I never wanted to harm you nor our friendship, and that I'm still going to be here for you, feelings aside.
I re-read the fourth paragraph at least five times before taking it in.
She had fallen in love with me.
That's what she had meant to say when she spoke to me about the Amortentia— that she had smelled my scent— Oh no.
My reply— she probably thought it was unrequited; she probably thought I had kicked her out because she was in love with me and not quite the opposite.
Without thinking twice, I ran down to the office with the letter clutched in my hand; she had to be there, she was always the last one to leave.
She had to be there.
I was so focused on reaching the office on time that I missed Y/b's figure exiting the shop.
I slammed the door open, just to find the table's surface, which used to be full of Y/n's things, clean in its entirety, aside from an envelope which had written on it 'resignation'.
I had just left the small box with my things over the coffee table, and was taking off my shoes when an apparition noise followed by a couple of bangs on my front door made me jolt.
Out of a sad habit I, among the rest of the Order, had gotten during the war, I grabbed my wand and approached the door.
My arm fell limply on my side while I stared into George's eyes, which seemed to hold back a storm of mixed emotions.
"C-can we talk?" My gaze then fell on the paper his hand was gripping, and that I assumed was my resignation.
"George, listen, I can't—"
"I'm in love with you."
Words had stumbled out of his mouth in panic, and the only thing I could reply was, "What?"
142 notes · View notes
Realm of the Quarantine Reread End-of-Book Questionnaire: Assassin’s Quest
Any differences between your first/previous reading experience and this one?
Keep in mind I’m writing this months after finishing the book lol (it’s mental illness innit). I have LOTS of notes to go off but yeah, things aren’t as fresh in my mind overall. With that said the biggest difference I can think of between my first and second experience with AQ is my feelings towards Kettricken. I think the first time around reading you know that Fitz is an unreliable narrator but you are still limited by his viewpoint so you can get a bit trapped seeing things the way he does. For this reason, I think I pretty much just forgave Kettricken when he did on my first read, whereas on this read I was like……. Waiting for her to actually apologise and show some sympathy towards Fitz and it just…. Never happened.
Like, don’t get me wrong, I still love Kettricken as a character and I fully recognise that she has been traumatised. I don’t expect her to be nice or act rationally, and in the case of being willing to take Nettle for the crown… It’s cold but she’s doing what she feels she has to. My issue is - do what you have to, but don’t expect Fitz to understand or forgive you (same with Starling). But I think what bothered me the most was how Kettricken would constantly confide in Fitz and break down to him and he was always there to let her do so, yet she NEVER gives Fitz the chance to do the same. The one time he does “open up” in a sense is when she forces him to air out his traumas in front of everyone, and she didn’t show him any sympathy for what he’d been through then or later. She has been through hell, absolutely, but while her plight may not have been any better than Fitz’s it certainly wasn’t any worse. She pretty much had two modes in this book: completely cold or a crying wreck - but she was only ever crying for herself. She lets Fitz console her but she never consoles him. Again, this is a result of her own trauma and I don’t expect her to act any differently, but it just reaffirmed for me that while she and Fitz care for each other deeply it is not an equal relationship. Fitz feels an obligation to serve her and she - knowingly or not - takes advantage of that. Like, after realising that this is their dynamic it is so obvious that the same is true in Royal Assassin as well, and it will be interesting to see how it changes (or doesn’t) in Tawny Man as I don’t remember it well enough to say.
Must reiterate: Kettricken is still a great character and I still have a lot of respect for her, unfortunately she just falls into the overfull camp of people who love Fitz but have an unhealthy power dynamic with him.
The other big difference I noticed was that the Verity stuff just wasn’t as devastating this time. Not because it was any less sad but it just didn’t tear out my heart like it did the first time. That’s not a fault with the writing at all, I think it’s just the fact that, knowing what would happen to Verity and that we wouldn’t see the real Verity again, I kind of already let go of him at the end of Royal Assassin.
Something you can’t believe you forgot
I guess more of a misinterpretation/wishful thinking but like, realising that there is no passage explicitly stating that Fitz and the Fool were actually spooning in the mountains murdered me and spat on my corpse.
Oh also!!! Fitz yeeting himself out the window at Tradeford castle jskaskjf
Favourite character introduction moments/scenes
I love Kettle in general and the way we’re introduced to her as a cranky old lady sets her up perfectly
Favourite character arcs
Man they’re all so fucking sad lol but I guess the Fool? He goes from thinking Fitz is dead and his purpose failed to reuniting with Fitz, their relationship growing into something really real for the first time, and actually completing his mission - at least for now lol. This book is really the first time you get to see the Fool be properly vulnerable. Even when he was getting beaten up by Regal’s guards he always had his veneer of snark and superiority to hide behind - and I doubt when he went through his sicknesses at Buckkeep he would have revealed his weakness to anyone in order to be helped. But in the mountains he lets so much of that facade of the King’s Fool fall away - at least when it’s just him and Fitz. When he and Fitz meet again he lets Fitz see his grief and pain and hopelessness and joy as the Fool looks after Fitz, and then later when it’s the Fool who needs looking after he lets Fitz look after him. When was the last time the Fool had anyone really care for him like that, ya know? Had someone protect him purely out of love? Ouch dude!!!!
Also he gets to kiss Fitz at the end so good for him!!!!!!!!!! Be gay ride dragons!!
Favourite quote/s
“I would kill Regal. It only seemed fair. He had killed me first.”
“I had looked into the heart of my enemy. I still could not comprehend him.”
“The more I drank, the less tolerable my situation seemed. And the more intolerable I became to my friends.”
“I had never thought to be disdained by a tree.”
“The Fool, the Fool, only the Fool. I sought for him. I almost found him. Oh, he was passing strange, and surpassing strange. He darted and eluded me, like a bright gold carp in a weedy pool, like the motes that dance before one’s eyes after being dazzled by the sun. As well to clutch at the moon’s reflection in a still midnight pond as to seek a grip on that bright mind. I knew his beauty and his power in the briefest flashes of insight. In a moment I understood and marvelled at all that he was, and in the next I had forgotten that understanding.”
“When you can either laugh or cry, you might as well laugh.” - the Fool
Favourite relationships
Also fitz and nighteyes (speaking of which, Nighteyes’ arc in this book is also fascinating and surprisingly complex) and Fitz/Nighteyes/Fool mwah magnifico chef’s kiss
Favourite setting
Kelsingra baybeyyy. I remember the first time reading this having no fucking clue what was happening in that chapter but I guess it was the gay agenda all along
Favourite chapter
It’s gotta be the chapter where Fitz and the Fool reunite, right? Catch me just gradually losing my grip on reality with every lingering stare 
Most loved character
Most hated character
Ya know, for a minute I was actually wondering if I would like Starling this time round but yeah no lol. She was actually okay for a while but as soon as she sold Fitz/Nettle out she became The Worst, just as I remembered her. It’s not even because she betrays Fitz but because, like Kettricken, she expects Fitz to forgive her for it, to the point of running to tattle to the queen because Fitz isn’t giving her enough attention (I’m also not impressed with Kettricken for actually getting involved instead of just telling her to grow up). Not to mention her constantly misgendering/gendering (??) the Fool or just assuming the Fool’s gender and loudly fucking proclaiming it to everybody is just truly fucking disgusting. Like I cannot even explain how furious I was reading her incessantly using she/her pronouns for the Fool despite no confirmation that her theory is right or that the Fool is comfortable with this and despite EVERYONE ELSE using he/him pronouns. God I’m mad now lol. She just acts like a spoilt brat and it makes my blood boil. But that’s probably because I have known many people like this so… Good character writing lol congrats
Raise your hand if you’ve been personally victimised by Robin Hobb (most heartbreaking and/or visceral moments)
The whole first chapter/s are just so heavy and carry on that gut wrenching feeling from the end of Royal Assassin. Fitz just has no real desire to live and watching him systematically severing the last few ties he has to his human life is just so sad.
Even though I wasn’t as attached to Verity this time, his goodbye to Fitz still made me cry
As did Fitz giving Kettle her skill back
Verity using Fitz’s body to have sex with Kettricken really got to me this time, mostly because I either didn’t notice the first time or had forgotten just how much it affects Fitz. It’s no wonder he doesn’t want to acknowledge Dutiful as his son when the event that brought that fact into being was so fucked up and traumatic. It’s really upsetting.
Burrich saying he almost took Fitz to Chivalry and he should have never let the Farseers take Fitz just …… breaks my heart. Just seeing Burrich so raw like that in general is so unusual it really takes you aback.
Details, observations, spoilery notes made with the benefit of the full picture
Strap in lads this part is lonnnngggggggg
Is it bad to immediately want to cry just from seeing “Sandsedge” on the map and thinking of Sandsedge brandy
I never really thought about how poor Hap didn’t get the real Fitz all those years and how their relationship could have been if Fitz hadn’t been partially forged
Pls I have no idea why but to picture someone as emotionally repressed as Fitz actually sitting down and writing about his life makes me want to fucking cryyyyeeeee
Fitz in the prologue talks about needing a purpose as something to distract himself from sinking [into his chronic pain, mental illness and addiction] and boy howdy if that ain’t relatable. As someone with mental illness and chronic pain Fitz is just painfully relatable way too often.
“I have never forgiven myself the triumph I ceded him when I took poison and died.” Fitz :(((( my guy :((((((( forgive yourself for surviving however you could baby!!!!!
This book mentions Bingtown providing slaves to Chalced
It’s so funny to me when people expect Fitz to have social skills as if he didn’t literally live as a fucking wolf for weeks at a time. It’s a miracle he bloody speaks
The state Fitz is in at the beginning of this book was literally Burrich’s greatest fear for him, yet Burrich doesn’t just say I told you so and leave. He stays, is patient and even optimistic.
“He (Burrich) is not bigger than I.” Why does this feel so wrong lol??? I just can’t picture Fitz as bigger than Burrich
“When you were younger and not supposed to go into taverns without me…” So it’s fine if the child goes into taverns and gets drunk as long as you’re also there. Got it, Burrich.
Fitz calling Chade “the grey one” wow get rekd old man river
Seeing Chade and Burrich interact is so bizarre
Fitz is still having seizures at the beginning of this book! I had forgotten that
God okay so idk if I can articulate this point super well but the whole thing of Fitz going through this extensive abuse and then essentially becoming an animal feels like a metaphor for the way your brain’s “higher” needs and functions just shut off sometimes under certain levels of stress. Like in order to cope with the trauma you don’t think about concepts, or long-term goals, or other people. You just take care of your basic needs - food, sleep, shelter, water - long enough that you start to feel safe and secure again, at which point your brain can open up a bit more and allow you to really think again; to want again, to plan again etc. Like obviously literally becoming an animal is a heightened version of reality, but the functionality of it is the same; our wounds and our fear stop us from fully embodying ourselves.
Burrich be like, Fitz was getting way too dependent on drugs before all this so let’s steer clear of those. :) LET’S GET HIM ABSOLUTELY SHITFACED INSTEAD
I  love how Fitz has his own unique relationship with Lacey and she’s not just Patience’s servant in his mind
Fitz talking about how even his memories from before his time in the dungeons are soiled by his trauma :( baby boy
Dude it’s so rich Chade lecturing Fitz about not making a life for himself, having friends or just chilling out like???? WHO TRAINED HIM TO BE AN ASSASSIN CHADE?? Like I get your point but what the hell kind of life did you think he was gonna have? Who ever took the time to teach him the importance of making connections with people for their own sake, and when would he have ever had the time anyway? I think Chade himself doesn’t actually know what he expects from Fitz.
Fitz saying he’s bad at making decisions because he’s never actually been allowed to make any is literally a point I’ve made lol. This is what happens when you teach teenagers how to murder in lieu of any basic life skills.
Burrich + Chiv were luv at first sight. No I will not elaborate.
“We kept you a boy, looked after you too much.” Huh??????? Fitz was never fucking sheltered lol. He didn’t have autonomy. There’s a difference.
I’m so fucking glad Fitz hugged Burrich before he left and that they actually left off on okay-ish terms. I didn’t remember that and it vaguely dulls the blow of knowing we don’t see Burrich again til Fool’s Fate (and that he thinks Fitz is dead the entire time between now and then).
“If I shaved my hair back from my brow” bitch disgusting
“Honey was the older of the two women. Perhaps my age.” jskfjnajgbl my guy those aren’t women then those are children!!!!!! U freak
I was wondering for ages why Fitz doesn’t mention the Fool like literally at all bc that’s so unusual right? Even in Assassin’s Apprentice he thinks of him when he goes to Moonseye and just in general the Fool usually enters Fitz’s thoughts pretty frequently. So why now, when Fitz doesn’t even know if the Fool is okay, is he just not thinking about him? And then I realised that that is exactly why. Because the only two people from his old life he doesn’t think about are the two people whose fates he knows nothing of: Kettricken and the Fool. So he can let his mind wander to think what Patience and Lacey might be up to at Buckkeep, or who Molly is with or whatever, because he knows they are all safe. But in such a fragile state I don’t think he can bring himself to really wonder whether Kettricken and the Fool made it to their destination - he probably doesn’t really believe they could have, and that is far too painful a road to go down when you are trying not to think at all.
I know the first act of this book is slow and that bothers some people, but I think it is so necessary, not only for Fitz’s arc but also because it really demonstrates just how severe the situation has gotten with the red ships and forged ones AND it shows just how destructive a king Regal is. Without this perspective it would probably be much harder to buy that the extreme measures taken at the end of the book are really worth the sacrifice.
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit A: when Honey is coming onto him, all he can think about is Molly.
Fitz is so scared of the Forged ones :( his trauma affects everything. He has no faith in himself and less heart for the violence than ever.
Speaking of trauma metaphors: the way Fitz tends to drift off into the wit or Skill after a traumatic experience is… pretty much just dissociation but magique
I forgot that witted folk can apparently communicate with each other mentally, not just with animals
“Her head was the size of a bushel basket.” Ah, yes, a bushel basket, a thing whose size we are all intimately familiar with.
Fitz finally finds others like him and even then he is not fully accepted. Told he is doing the wit wrong. Othered by the Others. It’s the queer experience innit.
Also forgot that apparently the forged are attracted to the wit as well as the Skill?
“I wondered if I had as many wolf mannerisms as they had halk and bear.” Yeah no probably not you only bloody LIVED as a wolf, Fitz.
Okay I know it doesn’t need saying but Patience is just so fucking cool!!!!!
Jesus fucking christ, Fitz skilling out to Molly when he knows Will knows he’s alive and is looking for him is just… so dumb. So so dumb. I know he’s just fixating on her because he’s miserable and she’s like this unsullied thing he had before everything went wrong but holy moly is it frustrating 
Not to mention he doesn’t connect the dots between the fact that Burrich went to “help a friend” and every time he reaches out for Molly he sees Burrich sajkdbshkhja dude
Nighteyes leaving just goes to show that Fitz cannot rely solely on Nighteyes for companionship. No matter how innately the same they are they are equally as innately different. Fitz needs Nighteyes but he shouldn’t have JUST Nighteyes (which is why he, Nighteyes and the Fool are the holy trinity). When Nighteyes leaves, Fitz is in way too fragile a state to be left alone, but Nighteyes cannot think of the future or what might happen. All he knows is he’ll be back at some point and that’s all that matters.
“My anger fed my competence” whatever you need to tell yourself sweetie
I think I had blocked out the fact the Regal was keeping animals trapped in filthy cages so they could ravage people in the king’s circle uggggghhhhhhhhh I hate him
Fitz is down on himself saying that without Shrewd’s largesse, Chade’s information and Verity’s protection his idea of himself has been stripped away and that he’s not actually competent etc. but like. This is an extreme situation!! You’re literally alone in the wilderness with nothing and no one!! Who would thrive in this situation? And nobody gets by without help anyway! The people in our lives do define us to an extent. You don’t have to be able to stand 100% on your own at all times with zero resources to be considered capable. It’s human to depend on others. Yes I am chiding myself as much as Fitz here :))))
Burrich’s earring is the repressed gay earring. No I will not elaborate.
Fitz refusing to sell Burrich’s earring is frustrating yet something I would 100% do lol
Direct from my notes: Celery hiding out in caves?? Bad bitch
“I felt I was within the flames looking deeply into the Fool’s eyes” um okay gay
It’s actually surprising that Fitz admits he would not have gone after Molly even if he had known she was pregnant when she left. On one hand so self aware yet this doesn’t stop him from completely idealising their relationship.
And then you have Molly who says he was supposed to come after her “so she could forgive him”, that he was supposed to be the one to light the candles for her childbirth etc. The fact that she in any way thought he was mature enough to be a father just shows how little they really knew each other.
Burrich treating Molly like a horse while delivering Nettle is way funnier than it has a right to be jskakjasd makes me think of Dwight treating Phyllis’ back injury in The Office lol
The first thing Burrich notices about Nettle is that she has Chivalry’s brow are you fucking kidding me. Gay!
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit B: He had no interest in Tassin whatsoever until she literally started kissing him. At this point his body reacted, which is normal, but as soon as he got a second to actually think about it he stopped, because for him it would not be satisfying to sleep with someone he didn’t have feelings for.
“It seemed to take years for the dried beans and lentils to soften.” Okay mood
I love how Fitz just assumes Molly will take him back. “I have a woman and child awaiting me.” Says who bitch?
Small ferret? More like big legend
Ya know, we give Fitz so much shit but honestly with so much physical, mental and emotional stress on this journey how can we expect his mental faculties to be at 100%? I wouldn’t be making good decisions either, in fact I would be long dead.
Starling telling Nik that the earring once belonged to Chivalry is truly a smooth brain move
“Do not fear, little brother, I am here to take care of you again.” Words can’t explain how much I love Nighteyes and how often his dialogue makes me smile :’)
It’s so cute how Nighteyes is worried about Molly and Nettle until he knows that Burrich is taking care of them
It’s really interesting when Fitz claims “I’d rather be with Molly even if it meant rocking a crying baby in the middle of the night” because, well, he’s literally made other claims to the contrary, saying he wouldn’t have gone with her even if he’d known she was pregnant. Because at the end of the day as much as Fitz is compelled by others to do work for the greater good, I think deep down a lot of the time it is what he would do anyway. Like I really don’t think he could actually enjoy being with Molly knowing that the world is burning down around them. He would want to get out there and help somehow; not only to secure their own future but to reduce other people’s suffering as well. He’s an empathetic boy even though he’d like to be selfish.
Every time Fitz calls Molly his wife I lose ten years off my life
Again, I understand why he’s thinking like this, but Fitz’s ownership of Molly is just so uncomfortable. The fact that he can’t imagine her not having a place ready and waiting for him in her life when he returns just illustrates that she is not a fully realised person to him. She is just a comforting idea.
Oh yes, it was definitely Starling’s “pillowtalk” that got you captured and not the fact that you fit the exact description of the witted bastard right down to having Chivalry’s earring and a whole ass wolf
Somehow forgot that Jhaampe is basically a city of tents with only a few permanent buildings and people constantly coming and going
Fitz’s first words to the Fool are “I’ve come to you.” I’m gonna fucking die
Literally every single word from the moment Fitz realises it’s the Fool and starts describing him is a full body assault and personal attack I am seeking reparations
God the tenderness, the angst, the relief……… shall i pass away
“I doubted he was much taller, but his body was no longer a child’s.” My dude this is a gay awakening if I ever saw one
Fitz be like *spends 87 pages describing the Fool in painstaking detail* anyway I love being a heterosexual male
I’ve heard ppl cite Fitz’s descriptions of Kettricken as evidence of a crush (hard disagree) but literally nothingggggg even comes close to the way he describes the Fool. Not just this once but over and over again it’s insane.
“Talk fell off between us. The bottle of brandy was empty. We were reduced to silence, staring at one another drunkenly.” skjakfnajghajgnaLNGJ is it gay to silently gaze into thine homie’s eyes
The Fool protecting Fitz from everyone - especially Starling - in Jhaampe is often hilarious and always heartwarming
Realising Fitz was skinny enough for the Fool to lift on his own ahhh no wonder he said the famous “When I recall how beautiful you were” line, Fitz is a total wreck
I love that the Fool actually gives Chade shit for his plan to take Nettle. I love him.
“Too few folk cared for me. I could not hate a single one of them.” Oh, Fitz :(
I always wonder how the Fool really feels about Molly. Is he jealous? Does he compare himself to this woman Fitz idolises and he doesn’t know? Does he know that Fitz is barking up the wrong tree or is he stuck thinking Molly must really be Fitz’s soulmate since he won’t shut up about how much he loves her and can’t wait to get back to her? He just never really lets on how it makes him feel when Fitz has relationships with women. We know Fitz gets jealous of the Fool (for litch rally like no reason lol), so with the Fool being much more honest with himself/in general about his love for Fitz and having much more legitimate reason to be jealous, is he? Or is it just something he’s made his peace with, that these women give Fitz something that he cannot? Is he okay with that cos he has to be or does he have a different, less monogamous view of love and relationships (he does have three parents after all). I dunnoooo dude I just have so many questions. Like obviously - OBVIOUSLY - if Fitz and the Fool didn’t have romantic feelings for each other before, there is no doubting that romantic feelings appeared the moment Fitz appeared in the Fool’s hut. Fitz won’t admit that but mere chapters later the Fool is talking about how he loves Fitz in every way so like. He knows. So how does he feel when Fitz is calling out for Molly in his sleep, or openly speaking of seeking her out when all this is over, and lying to the Fool to protect Molly and his daughter. Really makes u think!!!!
Fitz reuniting with Sooty and going to see her every day in Jhaampe is so cuuuute and made me so happy. Sooty is a good girl :’)
Fitz be like *leans against the table where the Fool is carving and watches his fingers at work like a true repressed gay*
Verity is literally so strong???? He submerged himself in skill and was able to pull himself back from the stream can u imagine? Go off king!
Bro I literally can’t with the Fool mentioning Jofron so casually and Fitz immediately thinking wow oh my god they’re definitely fucking oh my god the Fool has a girlfriend - Fitz sweetie calm down
I love how Fitz and the Fool just naturally walk together :))) and Nighteyes babysitting Kettle is so cute
Molly never once says that she misses Fitz. She says she always expected him to do the right thing, to come after her and not leave her alone with a child. But she doesn’t look back on their time together fondly or have much positive to say about him as a person. And all that is fair, but it’s also just… Not really the behaviour of someone who’s been separated from their soulmate. It’s more just someone who’s been left in a shitty position by someone they cared about but hardly knew.
Fitz asking the Fool what is between him and Starling when they’re literally just being civil is sooooo fucking funny. Not everyone finds the Fool as irresistible as you do, Fitz.
The Fool just casually finding a pretext to call Fitz the light of his life
Fitz telling Kettricken firmly that he will not travel if the Fool is ill is one of the only times he ever puts his foot down with her GEE I WONDER WHY
I’ve said it before I’ll say it again…… there really do be something about the way Fitz can’t meet the Fool’s eyes………. It’s not like they’re weird and colourless anymore like they used to be!!!
The Fool already talking about Clerres in this book!
Fitz and the Fool and Nighteyes playing in the stream is too fucking pure omg, it’s what they deserve
And then Starling has to bloody ruin it bc she’s homophobique
But seriously, Fitz actually lets go for the first time in ages and has a nice evening only for Starling to go tattling to Kettricken, and Kettricken having the gall to confront Fitz about it. And then Fitz solves the problem by saying he doesn’t disdain her when like!! He has every right to!!!! She sold him out, sold his daughter out. She never even apologised but instead has just been totally petty and self-righteous and stirring up trouble amongst the group. She hasn’t earned or even asked for his forgiveness. So fitting that she’s the one constantly judging Fitz for his relationship with Lord Golden in Tawny Man lol, she just cannot let Fitz and the Fool be the queer icons they are!!!
Verrrrrrrrrrry interesting that Fitz only “suddenly missed the human warmth and comfort” of Starling taking his arm or sleeping against him literally IMMEDIATELY after the plumbing and love confrontation with the Fool. I mean he has been doing all of those things with the Fool (sleeping together, walking arm in arm etc.) so it’s not about human touch at all, it’s about convincing himself that a WOMAN’S touch is somehow inherently different.
He does the same thing with Starling as with Kettricken. She technically apologises but it’s not sincere and that’s not why he forgives her. Same as Kettricken, she tells her sob story and he can’t hold onto his anger. It makes sense, but it’s just very toxic. It would be nice if at least one person would really recognise how much they’ve hurt Fitz and really, genuinely want to atone for it, or apologise without expecting forgiveness. The onus should not be on Fitz to forgive Starling but on Starling to grow up and not need Fitz to like her in order to remain civil and do what they have to. Also “I do not find your wit bond offensive” has the same energy as someone telling you out of nowhere like “It’s fine that you’re gay :)” like wow thank u?? lol
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit C: “I wanted her with a desperation that had nothing to do with love, and even, I believe, little to do with lust.”
“By his love he is betrayed, and his love betrayed also.” So fate agrees with me, Fitz and the Fool are in love? :)
Anytime the potential that Fitz might have to choose between Molly and Nighteyes I lose brain cells. That’s ur brother Fitz!!! It’s not even a choice!! How dare u
It’s just sooooo intentionally laid out for us in this book that Fitz’s relationship with Molly really wasn’t good or healthy and that his fixation on it is misguided, and I think that’s why I struggled sooooo hard with the ending of Fool’s Fate, because it kind of implied the exact opposite. I’m hoping on this reread I will pick up on it being laid out as a result of Fitz getting his memories/teen feelings back rather than it just feeling like a lowkey retcon, but I guess we’ll see lol
“I felt I was a bit in love with him, you know. That sort of lift to the heart.” the confirmation that the Fool KNOWS HOW IT FEELS TO BE IN LOVE sends me deep into the swamps goodbyeeeeeeeeeeee
“The one who loves him best will betray him most foully.” So fate agrees, the Fool loves Fitz best :)
“You do love me! … Before, it was words. I always feared it was born out of pity.” Godddddd Foooooooooool!!!!!!!!!!! 
Everything about Fitz, the Fool and Nighteyes meeting in the skill for the first time is just truly perfect iconic unparalleled.
Fitz’s love for Verity hurts my heart so much. Just think of the relationship they could have had if they weren’t stupid royals.
Kettle’s whole speech about Fitz and Molly… Just yes to every word.
Look I’m just gonna say it… The way Burrich reacts to Molly’s advances … like I know it’s probably not intentional but it just reads as very much fitting in with my headcanon that he is gay. As soon as she makes it clear she wants to sleep with him he like leaps across the room lol. I do believe he cares for her and loves her in his way, but it does feel mostly like he’ll just do whatever he needs to to care for her and the baby.  Sowwy
I wonder why the Fool wasn’t as affected by his giving up of memories to Girl-on-a-Dragon?? Or was he, and he just gets them back before we see him again in Tawny Man?
“Take my hurt that I never knew my father, take my hours of staring up at his portrait when the great hall was empty and I could do so alone.” um this is so fucking sad
It was the Fool who sent Starling to find Fitz after Verity uses his body and again I have to ask, wtf is going on in your mind, Fool!
Fitz is Demisexual, Exhibit D: Even once he actually sleeps with Starling he has no enthusiasm about it, he just kind of goes along with it, likely to prove to himself that he has really let go of his past/Molly. 
I always wonder why the Fool leaves now. Is it because he thinks their work is done and doesn’t want to risk messing things up by hanging around his catalyst like at the end of Tawny Man? Does he intend to come back and find Fitz again but get sidetracked by a lead or a new dream? Like it’s just weird because at first he was like “Prophet and Catalyst stick together” and was gonna stay with Fitz - or was that just an excuse because he was obsessed with Girl-on-a-Dragon? Fool u spicy lil enigma
It’s blood and the wit that wakes the stone dragons so does that mean King Wisdom was witted? Or is that obvious lol
Fitz isn’t even bothered by the Fool’s kiss, just shocked. I am looking.
Patience shouting orders at Verity-as-Dragon is beautiful ksjjk
Of courrrrrssse Burrich names his first son Chivalry
In the epilogue, the Fool is the only one Fitz actually says he misses. Exquisite.
I know some people have an issue with Regal’s death but personally I find it delicious
Okay that’s all (I say as if this wasn’t 139841989 pages long). See y’all in 92 years when my sister finally starts reading Liveship!
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missweber · 3 years
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
First of all, many apologies for the later reply, @doggernaut! I have somehow missed about a months’ worth of notifications. Anyhow, these are mostly Check Please with some Supernatural, plus Raven Cycle, Rivers of London, and Code Name Verity. The last three might not be from the last 20 I wrote because it was around then that I also cross-posted a bunch of old fic.
1. It’s Only a Change of Time (Check Please) Our story starts with Jack Zimmermann’s first memory.
2. Mother of the Groom (Check Please) “So, how’s Georgia?” Maman asked once Jack explained that he wasn’t calling for any other reason than he had a free moment to talk, and he had promised her he would call when he did.
3. Love and support and always be there (Check Please) Alicia froze as she stepped in from the garden
4. My Best Friend’s Breakup (Check Please) Alexei wasn’t sure if he loved or hated Family Skate.
5. Fourteen Weddings and a Kerfuffle (Check Please) Waking up with a hangover?
6. We shall not cease from exploration (Check Please) When she was four, Larissa told anyone who would listen that she was going to be a pa-le-on-to-lo-gist when she grew up. 
7. Three Times Jack Zimmermann Saw Eric Bittle Without Meeting Him (Plus One Time Jack Didn't See Him but They Met Anyway) (Check Please) The first time Jack saw Eric Bittle was the February of his third year with the Falconers.
8. Loose Lips Sail Ships (Check Please) Bob was in love.
9. The Preservation of Fire (Check Please) "Oatmeal raisin," Jack said without even thinking.
10. Homemakers (Rivers of London) My return to the Folly at the start of November was surprisingly anti-climactic, all things considered.
11. A Sorta Fairytale (With You) (Check Please) In fairytales, the prince kisses the princess, waking her from deathlike sleep.
12. The Gentleman’s Guide to Grand Romantic Gestures (Check Please) When Jack first imagined summer with Bitty, he only allowed himself to picture the two of them alone in some quiet place. 
13. ‘A is For...’ (Check Please) NBC was about to cut to a pre-game interview with Bob, and Kent was still on the fence about whether or not it was a bad idea to watch when Swoops pulled him away from the TVs (sloshing beer all over the place as he went) and asked him what it would be like if Jack won the Cup tonight.
14. What Might Have Been (Check Please) The sad thing was, Marty and Thirdy probably thought they were helping.
15. Golden (Check Please) Jack wakes from a dream just after sunrise, but he doesn't feel awake.
16. Hold Me Tight and Fear Not (The Raven Cycle) - There were just two of them, now.
17. Look How Far We’ve Come (Check Please) Jack didn't know why Bitty had insisted that they block off that particular Sunday for just the two of them, but as he lay in bed, comfortably dozy after a round of slow morning sex, he had to acknowledge that the idea had merit. 
18. One Winter’s Night (Supernatural) "SAM!"
19. BANG, ZOOM! (Supernatural) Dean fiddled with the Impala's radio dial, but this only made things worse.
20. Look to Your Left (Code Name Verity) It's Julie's gasp that wakes me, a soft scrape of breath that knocks me out of a sleep that's never entirely sound any more.
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writing-frenzy · 4 years
SQH, but his system is more like a Magical Girl pet (... the Kyubey kind of course). He's still in the cultivation world of SVSSS, but gets "magical girl" transformations for his missions (of course, with an extra skimpy outfit, it's PIDW). He meets MBJ as his alter at some point, tries to keep his identity secret and much ridiculousness happens.
:D Second Prompt! This is an interesting idea, I hope you like my take on it~ (I ended up to stuck into the world building ^^; )
Despite what many of his anti-fans would say about him, Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky was not an idiot. He was a proud nerd working hard to make ends meet and pass college with high middling grades, he could not afford to be an idiot. He liked to see himself as a realist to be honest, and let’s be real, no one, not one single person, was paying top dollar for Proud Immortal Demon Way until he brought in the PaPaPa, however much those Anti’s liked to get on his case.
(Did he have regrets for what his vision had turned into? Sure, but considering he actually could pay his rent and online classes with ease now? It was very easy to ignore it.)
So, when he gets a System as problematic as his, Airplane very, very carefully picks and chooses his battles with it. Because for all he is bound to it, it doesn’t take long for Airplane to realize he has to actually agree with it for it to have any power over him.
Thank Instant Noodles for his paranoia and trust Issues; those probably saved his soul or something.
(Note: It did, it very much did.)
It did not save him from the ridiculous outfit tho.
“Fuckfuckfuckfuck-oh Fuck OFF!” Airplane nearly growls, sending a blast of lightning at a slithering shadow, easily dispersing it as it leaves dark cubes with circuit-like lines in dark blue all over it. Those then disappear with his system’s blue-green glow around them, gone like they never existed before dark purple eyes.
~Resentful Energy of the Impure God has been Purged, leaving 10X Energy Cubes; collect 10 more to unlock Powerful Healing Upgrades and Better Weapon Options! Ψ( ̄∀ ̄)Ψ  ~
“What about new Amour, can’t I get an upgrade for that!?” Airplane nearly cried, even as he has to jump to avoid another slithering shadow from sneak attacking him, though this one a real threat this time. Using his (actually really cool) spear like a pole vault, with the added height and leverage of pulling the blade from the ground, it gives the now white haired man enough force to actually pierce this more boss like shadow, marking the last of them, finally.
~Mourning of the Resentful Energy has fully been collected! Available Upgrades: Ability to null greater Panic and Fear Status attacks, Greater Energy Attacks, and New Item Cloak of the Morning, adds a boost of Energy and Healing, as well as heightens Defense and Special Defense stats. If Host wants better verity, they can always look to options and choose to Upgrade themselves to Multi Class instead of Mono Class ✪ ω ✪ ~
“Ha, thanks, I’m good just being the errand boy for one world thanks.” Airplane shivered, thinking of how he had almost been tricked into it before, his procrastination for once on his side as even after he had risen enough in his rank to possibly upgrade it. He hadn’t wanted to bother as he didn’t really want any harder missions at the time... but then, he had managed to grind enough points to get the chance to access the Host Forum, even if he couldn’t actually chat there yet.
He could still read posts tho, and the first one he read had been the ever so helpful and full of Warning Difference Between Mono and Multi Class, and the reason why they had been chosen in the first place, which the systems only ever explained the bare bones of.
See, the Systems only ever said that their souls had the power and ability to fight off the Resentful Energy of a Dangerous Entity known only as the Impure God, who has poisoned multiple worlds to reap them of all their resources. They would bind with these able souls upon their death and have them fight in the worlds that they so happened to create, giving them a life/role in the world to better settle to better deal with the Resentful Energy, even granting them a wish in return for all this hard work and trouble, that they could redeem anytime they wanted.
(Airplane, who had been put into the role and life of Shang Qinghua, when first hearing of this, did not trust it; as tempting as it was to make a wish right then and there, he thought it better to save it, for in case he ever actually needed it.)
What the Systems never said was how they needed these souls more then they ever would admit; they needed Creator Souls to fight the Impure God, because only another Godly Being could combat another Divine Being. That the wish was indeed a trap, in that it would forever bind the soul to the System, making them essentially a puppet warrior forced to do their binding until the very soul breaks or is consumed by the Impure God. Even the bound Role/new Life was a bit much, as it was actually needed to hide their actual presence from the Impure God.
How Mono Class just stuck you in one world where one could at least live out their life once the world has been cleansed while Multi Class meant one would have to go to other worlds afterwards... Though it was said one could go back to being Mono Class if you found a world you really liked, didn’t make a wish, and received enough points for it to change. 
~Would Author Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky like to Equip Cloak of the Morning? Reminder: Multi Class has greater choices for Amour and Clothing, as well as better Upgrades (★ ω ★) ~
What a picture it paints; of course there would be verity if you had multiple worlds to pick from!
Grumbling, Airplane chooses to equip his new cloak, the effects obvious as he puts it on, nearly groaning as the relief fills him.
... Okay, time to see the damage.
Summoning a Mirror from his Inventory Space, Airplane can’t help but make a face.
With his beautiful ash white hair all done up in a rather fancy updo, crystals with what looks like dark rainbows decorating and pining it all together there. Combine that with a waterfall braid below it with the excess hair, and Airplane would never be able to figure out how it works or pulls it off so well, but seeing how it works to keep his hair out of his face out of his his purple eyes, he doesn’t need to complain about that.
No, all the complaints are for the rest of his outfit; he looks like he belongs in a desperate brothel!
Some how, some way, the System took a respectable Ruqun and made it look so incredibly scandalous. With the long blue and white skirt decorating with lightning strikes and ash pulled high, to where it was below his modest pecs, and still show a large amount of calf and slight thigh. The dark waist skirt didn’t even seem to do much, if anything it just seemed to emphasize his chest that he didn’t really have! The upper garment wasn’t any better, because someone thought it was perfectly acceptable to have it cute in a way it would show off an illusion of cleavage he somehow has(?), along with any part of his neck that isn’t covered in hair.
The Cloak of the Morning, done in shades of purples, blues, and the barest of oranges and yellows, only helps the barest bit, and somehow makes it look more like he’s just teasing! 
He can’t seem to win, no matter what!
Hearing the groan behind him, Airplane freezes just the slightest bit, his transformed purple eyes meeting those gorgeous, blue on black eyes, the cross shaped pupil still very dazed as they take him him.
Ah yeah... his Prince and him did get kidnapped earlier, the Resentful Energy nicely taking care of their kidnappers for him at least...
With as much cowardice and fear as he can feel in his being, Airplane knocks his King out once more with some sleep powder, giving him enough time to at least transform back into being regular Shang Qinghua and start untying the Demon King before him.
Too Close! And this is the Third Time his Prince almost caught him! First time when he actually had to clean up his King’s Palace, where he ended up in the weirdest Cat and Mouse game ever, the Second Time being at a banquet where he was luckily distracted by his Father and Uncle, and Now This!
Ahhhh, Shang Qinghua has no idea how much longer he can hide this! It’s way too embarrassing!
It is with these thoughts, Shang Qinghua waits for his Prince to wake, unknowing of the many thoughts awakened in his Young Demon Prince.
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weasleydream · 4 years
Family reunion - Part 1
Here we are for some George imagine! I think it will be in 3 parts. I would love to have feedbacks, it could help me. Enjoy!
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It seemed like Harry was right: everyone needed to laugh. Fred and George’s joke shop, Weasleys’ Wizard Wheezes, had an unexpected success, and that, since its opening. Last year, when the boys had decided to leave Hogwarts before the end of the year, I had followed them. I knew I couldn’t have stood Umbridge one more day, so when my boyfriend, George, had told me about their departure, I had simply answered that I would go with them. I had helped them setting up the shop and I was now working with them. 
It was really fun, and Merlin knew we needed it. He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named was back and getting stronger and stronger, the Daily Prophet had announced massive breakouts from Azkaban, and the disasters multiplied, both in Muggle and magical worlds. The boys’ shop was like another world, one where the problems didn’t exist and where you didn’t have to fear for your family’s life. It was just full of laughters, kids’ amazed eyes and products truly magical. 
On this wednesday morning, the shop was relatively empty. The beginning of the Easter holidays was only two weeks later, and when they weren’t urged by their children, the parents entering the store were rare. That’s why our helper, Verity, didn’t have to come. Oh, how I despised this girl! Always flirting with George and batting her eyelashes while calling him Mr Weasley… Obviously, the boys found the situation very funny. Fred loved to call his brother stupid pet names mimicking Verity when I was here. Under normal circumstances, I would laugh with them but lately, I had found myself upset way too easily. That’s why when Verity arrived in her magenta robe, all smiling and “I wanted to come and help… It doesn’t bother you, does it, Y/N?” I lost it. George, who had been sitting next to me since there was no one, watched me speechless while I stormed off and rushed to the little flat above the shop. 
I ran into the bedroom George and I shared, slamming the door in passing. I sat on the bed and hugged a pillow. Why did I have to be so stressed and terrified and sensitive? And above all, why did I have to throw up my breakfast everyday since the beginning of this awful week? Because it was exhausting to say the least. George had thought it was overwork. Fred blamed George’s eggs. Well, in front of me, because I had caught a conversation between the twins and Fred was confessing his twin he was afraid whatever I had could be worse than overworking. 
“Here you are, Y/N, our dearest Mr Weasley wonders where you are.”
Speaking of the devil… His stupid imitation of Verity upset me more than I would have admit. A sob that I couldn’t contain escaped my mouth and Fred was immediately by my side. 
“I didn’t want to make you cry kiddo… What’s upsetting you?”
He was gently stroking my back with the most serious face I had never seen on him. I didn’t respond, fighting against another sob. However it won the fight and escaped my lips too. Fred reacted pretty quickly. 
He had pulled me against his chest, his hand now stroking my hair. 
“Y/N, we are so worried about you… You know you can tell us everything, right?” Then he moved away and tried to meet my eyes. “Wait… It isn’t about George, is it?” 
I shook my head. 
“Okay, just to be sure.”
George barged in the room, panting and clearly panicking. 
“Sorry, there were customers and… Y/N what’s happening?”
He immediately kneeled in front of me, grabbing my hand and watching me with pleading eyes. I couldn’t talk, I didn’t even know why but my body had decided to relieve all the stress and I was a sobbing mess. I missed a significant look between the twins and Fred left, not without kissing my hair and assuring me he would always be here for me. He gently closed the door, leaving me alone with my terrified boyfriend.
“Did I do something wrong? Y/N, did I upset you? I’m sorry, I didn’t know, I promise -”
“Shut up and hug me.” I whispered. 
My voice was broken and I saw how much it hurt George just before he engulfed me in a bear hug. I hid my face into the crook of his neck, smelling his perfume, the one he always bought because I loved it. I felt his hands on me and his face buried in my hair. Slowly but surely, I was calming myself, only thinking about my luck. When my breathing finally returned to its normal state, George slowly cupped my face with his hands, as if he didn’t want to scare me. It reminded me of our first kisses, our first intimate moments, when he was still unsure of himself and afraid he would make a bad step. He looked at me in the eyes, his beautiful brown orbs full of tears probing my soul as if it could prevent me from expressing what was hurting me. However, he couldn’t find the answer, I didn’t know it myself. Finally, he spoke, his voice really low.
“Y/N, baby, what’s wrong?”
A simple question that instantaneously brought back tears into my eyes. Without thinking, George pulled me against his chest once more. This time, I managed an answer.
“Verity, she’s always...with you… And You-Know-Who and the Death Eaters…your family… George I’m terrified! I don’t want you to die, I don’t want Fred, your family, everyone, even Verity, I don’t want them to die!”
He chuckled sweetly.
“Even Verity? You’re so kind.”
This time, it was my turn to let out a watery chuckle. George grabbed my face, gently forcing me to look at him.
“Listen babe, I won’t let anything happen to you, you hear me? I will fight every Death Eater that threats you, you or any family member, I would fight You-Know-Who if it was for you. You’re gonna be okay, we’re all gonna be okay, that’s a promise. And don’t worry about Verity. There’s only one witch I love, and right now she’s in my arms.”
“Really?” Of course I knew he loved me, but I needed a confirmation.
“I promise. Plus, you wear the uniform way better than her.” 
With a little smile, he pulled me on his torso and we lied on the bed. His hands took their habitual place, one in my hair and the other on my back. I could hear his heartbeat, and his sweet voice when he told me to sleep, that everything would be okay and that he would stay with me. 
I was pretty sure I hadn’t slept more than an hour when my painful stomach woke me. I just had the time to notice that George had kept his promise and was softly snoring before I felt the urge to go to the bathroom. I pushed Fred aside in the corridor and ran only to fall on my knees in front of the toilets and throw up. Fred had followed me and took my hair, calling for George. His brother arrived soon and started to stroke my back as I was emptying my stomach. After what felt like hours, I finally stopped throwing up and tried to stand up, exhausted. George hold my waist, afraid I would fall, and made me sit on a chair Fred had just brought here. 
“You okay?”
I nodded, drinking the glass full of water my boyfriend had handed me. I looked at him, then at Fred, and saw how much they were worried. 
“It’s the third time this week, isn’t it?” Fred was frowning.
“Yes, I think so.” 
I didn’t want the boys to worry about me, the joke shop was enough. 
“Shall we bring you to St-Mungo’s?”
“No, it’s okay, really.”
None of them seemed reassured. George was holding tightly my hand, probably considering stupefying me and bringing me to the hospital, when I almost saw a light turning on on Fred’s eyes. I couldn’t understand what it was. Fear? Uncertainty? Excitement? 
“It’s been a while since, you know, you… Well since you threw me a pillow in the face because I was speaking too loud in the morning, don’t you think, Y/N?”
I looked at George, hoping he would have understood what Fred meant, but he seemed think that his brother was definitely crazy. 
“What the hell does that mean?”
Fred’s face was bright red. I really didn’t understand what had gotten into him. Yes, it had been a while, but I only did that when - Oh. Fuck. 
“He’s right…” I muttered. 
George looked at me in disbelief. 
“I really don’t understand…”
“My periods George! I only throw pillows at Fred when he bothers me during my periods!”
It was even a sort of joke between us. When he would speak too loud in the morning and I would throw him the first pillow I could reach, George would laugh at the scene and say that it was that time of the month where I would become a real tigress. Anyway, the realization was clearly visible in my boyfriend’s eyes.
“Oh. Fuck.”
To be continued 
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itsbenedict · 3 years
Two-Faced Jewel: Session 10
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A half-elf conwoman (and the moth tasked with keeping her out of trouble) travel the Jewel in search of, uh, whatever a fashionable accessory is pointing them at. [Campaign log]
Last time, the party arrived in Cauterdale, the heavily-fortified port city at war with nature. They arrived in search of members of the Deathseekers' Guild- the organization of professional adventurers and monster-hunters that likes to be very up-front about its mortality rate- to handle a dragon problem that they're personally a little underleveled for.
While Looseleaf had a fateful encounter with the Plot at the Temple of Andra, Saelhen and Oyobi were headed to the barracks of the city guard, to speak to "Mags", the guard on duty when the local Deathseekers were last seen leaving town. And there...
You remember Medd Cutter, right? Highly-memorable Medd Cutter, the NPC who got oneshot by a T-rex and whose life the party saved? Well, to spite Rex... whatever his last name was, the pro-patria-mori asshole guard captain guy, Saelhen has decided that she's going to start spreading the word of Medd's heroism.
Oyobi, unfortunately, is bent on spreading the word of her own extremely ill-advised heroism, and so the two are having some sort of hype-off as they make their way into the barracks and effortlessly charm their way past the guards to where their quarry is posted.
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These two are manning some sort of huge brass contraption, bristling with lenses and dials. One of them is a yuan-ti pureblood- which there are an unusual number of in the city guard, compared to the general population. Weird. Saelhen politely introduces herself, and Verity Truescale refers them to Magnaranth aka Mags, the loxodon who last saw the Deathseekers leave town.
Mags doesn't have a huge amount to tell them- the Deathseekers, evidently, were going hunting, out east somewhere. They brought a lot of torches, so apparently they were headed somewhere dark? Underground, maybe? They were pretty cagey about what exactly they were going out to do. Still, Mags can provide the names and addresses of the Deathseekers in question.
...And Verity, checking the instruments, notices that something is wrong with the tides- apparently something large is disturbing the waters, but they can't quite pinpoint what- it's not any of the usual suspects, which include things by the name of "Darkie" or "Unnessie". Ominous!
After that, the party meets up at the local Temple of Iska, their designated rendezvous point. They catch each other up on their gains, and decide... well, the Deathseekers are going to be back within a couple days, so they'll just wait for them in town and get going with them, to make sure things in Barley and Wheat go smoothly.
Of course, the question then is "where do we stay?"
Options aren't great- Cauterdale is crowded, and the B&B market is incredibly shitty. The best lodging is on Eman's Knee, the island just off the coast of Cauterdale, but getting the ferry over there is expensive, and resort lodging on a tropical island is also expensive.
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That- you can't just- I mean, just because- I'm- I'm allowed to be predictable, okay???
(And anyway, it's Corolos where I ended up doing a murder mystery.)
So, Looseleaf gets a 24 investigating the town's B&B market, and finds a pretty good place! It's a weapons shop Saelhen noticed earlier, which is renting out rooms. The place has a huge fence topped with spikes, so they probably won't even get robbed!
Aria of War, as it happens, is run by an elderly yet ripped-as-hell tabaxi man, who Saelhen... vaguely recognizes.
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Benedict I. (GM): So, this shopkeeper's coat is familiar to you. It's definitely not the same person, but you once knew a girl in Timber Towers named Toothbrush, with almost the exact same coat. Could be a relative! Saelhen du Fishercrown: Yeah, tabaxi have a lot of coat variation; it's not a safe bet that they're related, but Saelhen is willing to go out on a limb with him. "Good evening, sir, and I'm sorry to bother you, but I felt I had to ask..." Fish Especially: "No discounts." Saelhen du Fishercrown: "Do you have any relation to a..." Was Toothbrush her real name? Benedict I. (GM): As far as you know! Tabaxi have weird names. Saelhen du Fishercrown: "Toothbrush?" Fish Especially: He looks surprised. "Hold on, you know Toothbrush?" Saelhen du Fishercrown: "...I knew I knew that speckle pattern." Saelhen smiles widely and without guile. "I met her in Timber Towers a while back. She played the violin." "More specifically, she couldn't play the violin, but she always failed very effectively." Fish Especially: "I'll be! Her theatre troupe doing all right for itself, then?" "Even with the noise of that awful thing?" "I never know what to think when she writes those letters..." Saelhen du Fishercrown: "Last I saw of them, they were doing pretty well for themselves! To be honest, I did a stint with them for a bit, they wanted advice on a traditional elven piece..." Saelhen leans in on her elbows. "Oh, she mangled it, but she compensated with charm and that one face. Her confident face, you know the one, where you think she's so confident that maybe it's supposed to sound like that?" Fish Especially: He laughs. "You do know my girl!" "She hasn't written in- I think a year, now. How's she been?" Saelhen du Fishercrown: "Oh, it's been so long, I'm barely an authority by now -- but I remember she was talking about taking classes in -- what was it..." "...oh, where are my manners -- I'm Saelhen du Fishercrown, it's a pleasure." Saelhen reaches out for a very unelven handshake.
That she says this is notable for one big reason: this is the first time she's used her real name, and not "Lady Noeru de la Surplus". Nobody else in the party has heard this before!
It's also notable because according to Fish Especially, Toothbrush thought Saelhen was dead- and he's going to let her know otherwise.
Anyway, the deal for rooms goes through without incident, and the night also goes without incident! As is entirely normal, they hear Vayen in the halls making some sort of attempt to sneak into Saelhen's room in the night... and this time, sighing and going "never mind" without even attempting to pick the lock for some reason.
In the morning... Looseleaf grills Saelhen on the name thing, and she confesses the truth of the matter to the whole party- who take it fairly well.
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After team bonding, the party heads to the Temple of Andra to check in and see if the Deathseekers have showed up. And by the stablehand's account, they have- or at least, a bunch of weird old people showed up to meet with Gabbro.
Gabbro seems surprised to see them- he was under the impression that they'd leave the matter to them. The further involvement of the party should be unnecessary, right...?
Looseleaf: "Oh, yeah, I was going to let you know we were staying in town and ask for you to let us know when the deathseekers showed up, but, uh, judging by that meeting we interrupted, they're already back and right here." Gabbro: "That is correct," he says, as the stablehand leaves. "I was just briefing them on the mission, you see." "The situation is well in hand, so you needn't concern yourselves with it any longer." "That pesky dragon shouldn't be an issue." Looseleaf: "W-well, uh. I was, uh, we were, kiiiinda hoping to travel with you back to the dragon's tower." "I mean, it's our quest, so, it'd be nice to, for us to see it happening so we can be sure of it, y'know?" Gabbro: He looks somewhat taken aback. "That... seems... risky, don't you think?" "To bring along... certain... people?" Looseleaf: "We're going to stay very very far away from the action! We're not that dumb!" Saelhen du Fishercrown: "...I assure you that we have no intention of fighting the dragon ourselves, sir." Gabbro: "Ah, yes, of course not..." "However..." He gives Looseleaf a pleading look. Saelhen du Fishercrown: "And there are... certain persons in the nearby town, whose safety I would like to check up on. Personally." Looseleaf: He doesn't seem to want people witnessing the fight? It could be explicable through just, him being worried we'll get hurt. But it could also be, 'their deathseekers fight with methods that Orluthe in particular should not be allowed to witness.' Gabbro: "Ah, well, if that's the case... if you don't mean to get involved with the Deathseekers and their work..." Looseleaf: "We're not going to- we don't want any claim to the loot in the tower either, if that's a problem! Everything in the tower is you and your group's prerogative to deal with however we like."
Gabbro seems... put slightly more at ease, and decides to introduce the group to the ones who'll be their traveling companions shortly- the Cauterdale Deathseekers.
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In order:
Doon Softbreeze, half-halfling rogue and all-around Grunkle Stan-type, friendliest with the party.
Kevin Softbreeze, Doon's soft-spoken herbalist husband and that's it, probably, just a gardener.
John Human, an extremely decrepit extremely human man who seems to make weird buzzing sounds when he speaks, as if with mouthparts instead of human lips.
Ryuusatsu Takuma, totally silent elf (not present at this meeting with Gabbro) who probably just doesn't like talking, is all.
Lady Fidelia Greatholder, heavily-armored and heavily-everything human noblewoman (also not present at this meeting), who- well, she shows up next session.
Gabbro makes a point of making clear to those present that Orluthe, who they'll be traveling with, is a cleric of Diamode- apparently they need to know this for some reason!
Doon's pretty friendly with the party, and offers to take on their job pro-bono- on the basis that, c'mon, if they could actually afford them, they wouldn't be knocking on their door for help. So it looks like they've enlisted some highly-capable dragonslayers with no ulterior motives! Fantastic.
Next time: The road back to Barley, and the tying up of a few loose ends in town. Saelhen needs to get her kimono back!
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adenei · 4 years
Fake It Til You Make It - Ch. 3
AO3 || FFN
Harry’s finally introduced in this chapter!
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Ginny set off across town after catching her aunt and agreeing to participate in the debutante ball. Unsurprisingly, Aunt Muriel already had a room reserved, as if she knew Ginny would relent. Ginny was set to move into Beauxbatons in two days, and had a lot of work to do to make sure she was prepared. So, she decided to visit the two people she knew would help her with her cockamamie plan: Fred and George.
In addition to owning their wildly successful joke shop, Ginny’s older twin brothers also dabbled in wigs and disguises for local theater productions and Halloween. If anyone could make her look and act like Ron, it was the twins.
“...Let me get this straight; you want us to help you look like Ron for two weeks?” Fred looked completely baffled when she walked into the shop and pulled them into their office.
“Fred, I think our dear sister here has gone mad. Did you forget that he’s about a foot taller than you?” George chortled.
“Or the fact that he’s a boy?” Fred added.
“Will you two shut up and help me? I only have two days to pull this off, and there’s a lot at stake here!”
“Just one question, little sis. Where’s Ron going to be while you pretend to be him?” George cocked an eyebrow at her.
Ginny sighed deeply. “Will you promise not to say anything? Mum and Dad will literally kill him. And me.”
“We’re listening,” the twins said in unison. 
“He took off to some music competition in Germany. He’ll be gone for two weeks, so I’m going to pretend to be him so I can make the Hogwarts football team, play Beauxbatons, and kick their sorry arses!” Ginny felt her face heating up as the anger threatened to return.
The twins looked at each other, no doubt having a silent conversation. After what seemed like forever, they turned back to Ginny. “We’re in.”
“Yes! Thank you! I knew I could count on—”
“You’ve got loads of work ahead of you, though,” Fred warned. “George, go tell Verity and Leah that they’re covering the floor. Gin, we need some time to get a wig ready for you, and I’m thinking some sideburns and thicker eyebrows, too. So we don’t waste time, go out and study the way guys walk and talk. You’re going to have to do all those things to blend in.”
Ginny snorted. “How hard can it be?”
It turned out it wasn’t as easy as she planned. Blokes walked a lot of different ways. She was out there for at least an hour, trailing behind random men and trying to copy their mannerisms. She only got caught once or twice before Leah waved her back to the shop.
“They’ve got everything ready for you!” Leah said brightly. “How’d the studying go?”
“Not great. Why do guys walk so weird?”
“Not sure, but if you ask me, I think it’s because of the…” Leah gestured below the belt.
“Ah, maybe,” Ginny agreed as Fred and George whisked her away into the office.
The next hour or so consisted of the twins attempting to fit her with various pieces of facial hair. She wasn’t sure who was more interested in what a moustache would add to the disguise, but it beat sitting at home, so she humored them. In the end, they opted for no facial hair and simply stuck with the wig, sideburns, and eyebrows. When they brought a mirror up to Ginny’s face, she almost didn’t believe it.
“Holy shit, I really do look like Ron!” she exclaimed.
“It’s scary, isn’t it?” Fred agreed.
“For being seventeen months apart, you’d think you were another set of twins,” George commented.
“Before we forget,” Fred reached for something in one of the cabinets, “you’re going to need this.”
It looked like a wide ankle wrap bandage.
“What? Why?”
“Do you really need us to explain that to you?” Fred asked sarcastically.
“You see,” George went on as he gestured to his chest,” you have certain anatomical parts that need to be disguised, too—”
“Alright, alright! I get it!” Ginny stopped him.
“We’ll come by the Burrow for dinner tonight and help you figure out what clothing you can reuse and pass off in your wardrobe,” Fred told her.
“And we’ll do you a favor and get you anything you don’t have tomorrow.”
“Thank you. I owe you both,” Ginny said sincerely.
Her brothers could be a right pain in the arse much of the time, but they always pulled through when she needed help.
The twins stopped the car outside the halls where Ginny would be living for the next couple of weeks. People were milling about everywhere, and for a split second, she was having second thoughts about whether she could pull this off or not.
“Is this too crazy?” she asked them.
“Not at all!” Fred reassured her.
“Seriously, Gin, if anyone can do this, it’s you. Now, get out of the car. There’s no way we’re going to let all our hard work be wasted,” George added.
“Out! Don’t make us drag you,” Fred warned.
Ginny adjusted her tie and opened the car door. She stepped out and grabbed her backpack and two duffel bags. 
“Now, let’s hear your voice,” George asked.
Ginny cleared her throat and deepened her voice. “Yo, I’m Ron. What’s up?” She added in a head nod for good measure.
George nodded approvingly while Fred reminded her not to sound too ‘gangsta.’ “How about your walk?”
“Come on, I can’t do it with all these bags,” Ginny complained, but the twins eyed her expectantly. “Ugh, fine.”
She did her best to show off her walk for a few paces before doubling back to the car like she forgot something.
“Excellent! And last but not least, let’s hear the belch,” Fred asked.
“Ugh, you guys are gross,” Ginny said as she rolled her eyes.
“Ah, but you’re one of us now,” George joked.
Ginny swallowed a bunch of air and did her best to let out a loud burp. It wasn’t easy to manage on command, so the twins would just have to deal.
Both bobbed their heads back and forth as if contemplating whether or not she passed. Not that it mattered, considering she was about to head to Gryffindor hall in a few minutes.
“I think she’s ready, Fred,” George determined.
“I do, too. Now, remember Gin, if you ever have any doubts, remember that there’s a man inside every woman, and you’ll do just fine!” Fred advised.
Both Ginny and George gave him a look. “Ew, Fred, that’s gross,” Ginny said as she made fake retching noises.
“Er, yeah, I don’t think we should be giving her any ideas. Not that you should act on them while posing as a guy,” George agreed.
“You know what I meant!” Fred defended.
“Yeah, yeah, I need to get going. I’m pretty sure trials start today, and I need to get settled first,” Ginny said as she was about to head off.
“Keep in touch!” George told her.
“Yeah, let us know how things are going. We’ll be here if you need anything else. But don’t mess up the wig; it’s the only one we’ve got!” Fred reminded her.
“Noted. Thanks, guys!” Ginny said.
She turned and began walking through campus. Gryffindor Hall was close, but she had to make her way through the commons, and there were people to dodge everywhere. When she finally entered the hall, it was like a madhouse on her floor. That was saying something considering she lived at the Burrow, which was always bustling with excitement.
Various balls and other items were being thrown from room to room, music was blasting, and some idiot thought it’d be a good idea to go skateboard luging down the hall. She almost had her head taken off more than once, but she could handle it. After all,  at one point in time, she lived with six older brothers. How hard could this be?
Finally finding room 205, she opened the door to meet her new roommate. If the bags hadn’t been slung over her shoulders, she probably would have dropped them. Standing in front of her was a tall, reasonably well-built guy with messy black hair and piercing green eyes. He was dressed only in a towel, and Ginny knew she was undeniably attracted to him.
“...Can I help you?” he asked, giving her an odd look.
“Uh, yeah, hi,” she said in her normal voice before realizing she needed to sound like Ron. Ginny cleared her throat and began speaking in the deeper voice she’d been practicing. “I’m your roommate. The name’s Ron. Uh, Ron Weasley.”
She held out her hand in an attempt to exchange pleasantries, but the shirtless guy simply laughed at her.
“Yeah, right. How old are you anyway?” 
She heard more snickering behind him and realized there were others in the room, too.
“No, really, I am your roommate. I, uh, skipped a couple of grades.” For once, being short and petite was not on her side. 
“Um, sure, whatever you say. I’m Harry. Harry Potter.”
“Nice to meet you. D’you happen to know when football trials are?” Ginny asked, changing the subject.
“Er, yeah, they start at noon. You play?” Harry was clearly sizing her up.
“Yeah, I do,” Ginny answered defiantly.
He contemplated her a bit more before saying, “Alright, then. This is Seamus and Dean. They play too, along with Neville and Colin, across the hall. You might want to unpack and get ready if you plan on getting there on time.”
“Uh, yeah, right,” Ginny said as she turned around and set her bags on the bare mattress.
So far, so good, she thought as she began unpacking her things. She’d make the bed later as she pulled out a couple of pairs of shoes and some of her athletic clothes. Ginny didn’t notice when one of her boots fell over, and a box of tampons fell out.
“What the bloody hell is that?!” Seamus shouted.
Oh, shit, Ginny thought. She needed to think fast. What the hell was she going to say?
“Oh, they’re um, they’re for—uh—bloody noses! Yeah, you’ve never used them?” God, she hoped this would work.
All three boys looked at her in horror as they shook their heads. Ginny was sure she was losing her mind as she pulled one out and opened it.
“Yeah! I mean, the purpose is to plug, uh—stuff, so it works the same way. Just up your nose instead,” she said as she shoved one up her nose.
She attempted a smile as they all looked at her as if she were insane. It was almost like a switch flipped as they all got lost in a fit of laughter.
“Er...forget I asked,” Harry said as he turned around and pretended to be busy with something else.
“Yo, man, your roommate’s crazy,” Dean sniggered as he punched Harry in the shoulder.
Well, Ginny thought as she went back to her unpacking, things definitely could have been worse. Yeah, it wasn’t that bad. At least that’s what she forced herself to believe.
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