#there are snape pairings i’m more okay with
mxlfoydraco · 1 year
Okay, I'm curious! 2!
5) Do you have a NoTP
I’ve been dogpiling on Remadora all night so I’ll step off them lmao. Dramione is an easy answer so I’ll go for one I don’t think I’ve talked about before…. Snupin. 🫠
ETA: I got my questions mixed and answered for 5 instead 🤦🏻‍♀️ adding on now!
2) Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP?
I’ve already answered with James and Sirius but Draco and Hermione are also a good answer! I think they’d have this slightly competitive friendship fueled by debates and falling down theoretical rabbit holes together. Also, Hermione is petty and they’d bond over mutually disliking someone. Imagine that as a coworkers scenario!
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Chipper and Pleasant - S.Snape
Summary - When she got overwhelmed with the baby, Y/N went to who she knew could help, her husband Severus.
Pairings - Severus Snape x Wife!Reader
Warnings - Stress of a baby, use of Y/N, female reader, Snape is a girl dad
Author's Note - It took a bit because I've been so busy but she's here.
Based off this request from an anon! Thank you for the request!
my masterlist
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
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not my gif
The Hogwarts students only knew Severus Snape as a cold-hearted professor whose class was near impossible to pass. Even the other professors thought he was a hard ass but most of them had known why he was such a hard ass as well as cold. There were, however, only a small few people who truly knew Severus, one of them being his wife Y/N. 
They had gotten married right out of Hogwarts, Severus never really understanding how love can change a life until he met her. And don’t even get him started on when his daughter was born. Even the students had noticed a slight change in attitude from the professor. They were never able to connect the dots until one day a woman and a baby walked through the great hall during dinner. 
Y/N was having a hard time soothing their daughter, no matter what she did she couldn’t get the baby to stop crying. She was desperate and knew that Severus was the one that could calm her in a minute. The wailing of a baby made Severus’ head lift, knowing that it was his baby. He quickly got up and rushed over to his overwhelmed wife, gently taking the baby from her.
“Is she hurt? Are you hurt? Are you girls okay?” Severus rushed out as he cradled his daughter, looking both of his girls over. 
“She just won’t stop crying Sev, no matter what I do she just won’t stop. I was just trying to clean the house and she started and I tried to feed her but nothing-”
“Okay, it’s okay love. Relax, take a breath,” He soothed his wife quickly before turning his attention to the baby in his arms. He noticed a tooth poking out from her gums, another right beside it. “I see the problem here. I have just the thing you need, my sweet girl.”
“What is it? She’s okay?”
“Her teeth are coming in, she’s hurting. I had a draught made up and ready for this. Come with me.” The couple was quick to leave the great hall, the second they left the students started to gossip about the scene they had just witnessed. Dumbledore allowed the students to discuss before interrupting.
“May I have your attention please,” He waited for the great hall to fall silent once more, “Thank you. I ask that you allow Professor Snape to tell you about what you have just witnessed rather than start rumors. He will tell you so do not push him to answer questions.”
The next morning, Severus had taken his daughter with him to his first classes to let his wife sleep for once. The baby was sleeping peacefully in a portable crib next to his desk. “Good morning, students. There are a lot of rumors going around so I’m going to debunk them. That woman is my wife and this baby is my child. Simple as that, let’s get on with the lesson.”
The day went by quite quickly, the couple being the main talk of the whole school. Everyone was surprised that Snape was a major softy when it came to his girls. They had never seen the broody professor smile so much, let alone ever. They had never heard him speak gently or with a shred of happiness until his girls showed up. They had started a petition to get his family to stay at Hogwarts with him because he turned out to be so pleasant with them around. The potions master turned out to be a happy man with his family who was there to stay with the go ahead from the headmaster. Severus Snape was no longer known as the broody and cold professor but now the chipper and pleasant professor.
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halucynator · 10 months
Hi! Could I please request a FIC abt Mattheo or Theodore (I’m in love with them both) and the reader always picks her hangnails (to fidget bc she is on the spectrum and has adhd) and they get her to stop by alway holding her hands and she goes to his quidditch game? (I love your fics sm)
Good luck charm
Pairing: Mattheo Riddle x fem!reader
Warnings: like none? do tell if I missed any xx
Summary: (just like read the request I cba)
A/n: thanks for the request and thank you SO much for the compliment💞! Sorry for the wait xx I wrote it about mattheo because I'm in my mattheo era (plus I feel like theo wouldn't be the sporty type) but I will write a Theodore version as well if you're okay with waiting xx I also happen to have ADHD lol so I just related the story to myself. English isn't my first language so there might be mistakes xx not proof read. I don't love it but I don't hate it either xx hope you like it x
reblogs are appreciated xx
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You sat down in Snape's potion class after you got scolded for being 5 minutes late. His classes were SO boring. Your ADHD didn't help either. You grabbed your quill and started to doodle but were shortly stopped by Snape shouting at you for the second time in a 15 minute span.
You rolled your eyes and looked for something to fiddle with. I mean, how could it be your fault that you had ADHD? Was it really that wrong that you needed to fiddle with something to concentrate? Snape definitely made it seem like a sin.
You noticed a hangnail on your finger and started to pick on that. Snape could take that away from you. I mean, was he going to cut off your fingers? As you pulled on the hangnail, you felt a little sting and you knew if your bare flesh made contact with even a drop of water, it would burn. This wasn't avoidable either especially since you were in potions. But you could worry about that later. As long as you could concentrate.
"You need to stop doing that. It looks painful. Plus it isn't healthy." Mattheo comments as be places his hand on yours. It's a comforting feeling but you feel uneasy, looking for something else to fiddle with.
"but I can't! I have ADHD."
"There's got to be better ways to cope."
"there's nothing else to fiddle with"
"Here." He slips one of his rings off his fingers and hands it to you.
"are you sure" you ask.
"yes love." He replies.
And so you fiddle with his silver ring the rest of the lesson but find it hard to with him holding one of your hand captive. You wanted to ask to move it, but you didn't want him to feel upset plus you kinda liked the feeling of his warm hand on your freezing cold one.
**✿❀ ❀✿****✿❀ ❀✿****✿❀ ❀✿**
You were excited for the quidditch match, Slytherin against Gryffindor. You walked up to Pansy, Theodore and Blaise, your group of friends, as you spotted then among the crowd which was dripping with anticipation.
As the game started, you found yourself searching for a particular brown, curly haired boy.
As you spotted him, aiming to score, you felt yourself blushing. As he scored half of the crowd cheered in excitement, and the other half groaned in frustration. As you locked eyes with the brunette boy, you caught hun winning at you which made you turn even more red than you already were if that was possible.
The game ended with Slytherin being victorious (which was a first).
After the game you walked up to Mattheo to congratulate him.
"I've never been to a quidditch match before but I heard this was Slytherin's first victory against Gryffindor."
"Guess you are a good luck charm." He smiled at you.
You blushed. Something about that comment felt genuine, like it was more than just a joke.
"Ah, is that so? You were amazing out there by the way."
"Only for you princess." He winked at you. "I assumed you were awestruck by me. I caught you staring." he grinned.
You blushed as you started to fiddle with your hangnail again. You felt a comforting hand on yours. Mattheo's hand.
"Now now love. We talked about this. Use my rings instead."
You felt nice that Mattheo cared about you. You smiled at him, trying to keep your composure. You felt like kissing him right there and then but you didn't.
Your friends walked up to Mattheo and congratulated him for the win, snapping you out of your daydream about the brunette boy who, at this very moment, was holding your hand.
"You could say we had a good luck charm." He winked at you.
You chuckled at the statement. Girlfriend had a better ring to it, but for now you settled for 'A good luck charm.'
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marypaol · 6 days
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Strings And Knots
Draco Malfoy x fem!reader
Summary: Reader makes a bracelet for Draco, and, surprisingly to her, it lasts throughout all their years of Hogwarts.
Warnings: Mention of death, war, murder, suffocation, air pollution, destruction, emotional/physical damage, but overall fluff! (Until the end it’s kinda sad but it ends quite well- just a sad mood.)
Note: I know I did the whole Divination thing wrong since they do it for every month but that’s okay. And I really love this one it’s gotta be in top five favorites! Maybe top three!
Request Requirements
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One: The Making
Year: First
Her fingers worked carefully on the thread, the rough texture feeling slightly scratchy against her fingertips. Her hands were red and almost dry, twisting them together before pulling the knot up, securing it as it joined the design she was creating.
She wanted it to be perfect, despite her just learning about a week ago, but each day she practiced a bit and she could tell she was slowly improving.
She grumbled when the strings tangled together and she once again separated the colors. She could use magic, her wand sitting on her bed on top of her Charms and Potions book, but she made it her personal mission not to use the wand, for she wanted it to be made by her very hands, that way the finishing product would be much more meaningful; to her and to him.
Her fingers burned and the tips turned red as she tied the finishing knot at the bottom, taking a pair of scissors afterward and snipping the axis thread, the extra string flying off the once was connected bracelet and landing on her robes. This time she did use the wand, pointing them at the strands and made them disappear with a flick of the tip.
“Good, you’re here, look what Potter is doing, hanging around that giant again; honestly, how could you tolerate-what are you doing?”
She was half listening, her fingers focusing on tying the bracelet she made around Draco’s wrist. He made a face she didn’t see, taking his arm to his eyes once she was finished.
“What’s this rubbish?” He snarled, eyes looking disgustingly at the thread on his wrist. The girl rolled her eyes, being used to his on-the-daily-attitude.
“It’s not rubbish,” she protested. “It’s a bracelet. A friendship bracelet to be exact.”
Draco still didn’t wipe the disturbed look off his face, looking down at the thread with uncertainty.
“Look, I have one too; just switched colors.” She said, showing her own by pulling up her robe sleeve, hoping to assure him that out of the two of them he wasn’t the only one wearing a bracelet.
He looked at hers, something in his eyes that she couldn’t read. “Well? What does it mean?” He asked, still looking at the strands on his arm.
The girl shrugged even though the meaning of them meant everything to her. “It represents friendship. Ya ever heard of it?” She asked, a teasing glint in her eyes as she looked at him.
He scowled. “Of course I’ve heard of friendship. We are friends, aren’t we?”
She smiled. “Yeah, why do you think I made it for you?”
Draco rolled his eyes. “Well I will admit I like being friends with you but I’m not sure about walking around with this on my wrist.”
The girl looked down at the bracelet she made herself, the strands not seeming so exciting and meaningful anymore, they seemed to be mocking her now, screaming at her that Draco wouldn’t want to wear some silly bracelet.
“Right…” She whispered, chest squeezing. Draco scoffed, leaning over and picking up her chin with his index finger. She looked at him, eyes uncertain and anxious.
“Doesn’t mean I won’t wear it- at least it matches my robes.” He stated, looking down at the green thread and then at the knitted badge of Slytherin on his chest, mouth twitching but she could tell it was his form of smiling. Her lips stretched wide, eyes sparkling. This time his grin broke, but it was small, nice and toothless.
Two: The Sighting
Year: Second
“Snape assigned another essay, I can’t believe it.” She complained with a light scowl in her voice, plopping her books down on the table beside the fireplace, sitting down on the emerald green couch, the surface silky beneath the skin of her hands. Draco grumbled in agreement to her protests, eyes scanning the paper of the Daily Prophet. She always thought it was interesting, him being so young and reading all those kind of grown up things about the Ministry. But it came with an upside: she could always get updates from him about what was currently going on in the Wizarding world. She leaned forward, finger tapping his knee lightly.
“Anything good today?” She asked, neck craning to meet his face behind the stack of papers, moving pictures all around the pages. He shook his head, folding the Prophet up carefully before throwing it onto the table, right next to her textbooks.
“No,” He replied. “And I bet there is, just wait till my father tells me. And that Chamber, he never tells me anything these days.”
It was her turn to agree with a complaint between the two of them.
“Well, there’s nothing we can do, right?” She tried to assure, but Draco wasn’t one for the ‘look on the bright side’ pep talk. She always knew that, but what she also knew was that it was worth a try.
“I wish there was something I could do.” Draco snarled, lips twitching irritably. She smiled lightly, getting off the couch and sitting the floor, pulling her parchment out with a quill and ink bottle.
“How ‘bout that essay, mm?” She hummed, voice smooth and he nodded, still looking like his head wasn’t with her. She watched him as he looked at of the window for a moment, the tallest one in the Common Room, the evening sun providing a warm glow to the space. His hand went to his head, lightly scratching his ear, when she then noticed the worn out thread on his wrist, green and slightly dirty, displaying its age. She smiled. “You’re wearing it.” She noted, and watched as his head snapped to her, eyes moving from the knotted strings to her face.
“Well we are friends, aren’t we?” He replied like it was a silly observation, shrugging half-heartedly but something brewed in her chest as he joined her, getting his things out for the essay they were about to write. It was something her young self wouldn’t be able to recognize, but it was similar to when her mother smiled at her in the morning, or how her father kissed her hair before leaving for work.
Her older self would know, oh yes, and that older mature young lady would call it love.
Three: The Teasing
Year: Third
“No.” Draco’s voice burst out as she hovered a very reactive ingredient over the cauldron, the potion brewing inside just the right temperature for him to add the alligator heart, dropping a few chunks inside. She grimaced in disgust.
“I was joking.” She then insisted.
“No you weren’t.” He instantly said, looking at her as a way to say “try me”.
She snorted, cutting up an herb he gave her. “I wasn’t actually gonna do it.” She tried to convince, yet he wouldn’t take her excuses, shaking his head.
“Yes you would; then we would end up like Seamus.” Draco responded and she chuckled, looking down at the herbs again so she failed to notice the soft smile on his lips.
“Got a friend, Malfoy? Who’s the lucky person?” Pansy’s voice suddenly broke out, and, the two Slytherins turning to her, saw her long skinny finger pointing at Draco’s wrist, a teasing glint on her face. Draco scowled at her, shooting her daggers with his grey eyes.
“Shut up Parkinson.” He spat, and she shut right up, cheeks flushing. “Not like you have any friends, bet you wish you did, don’t you?”
Pansy’s eyes glossed over but neither of them seemed to take care to it, yet the girl felt a small, very small I tell you, peck of empathy.
Pansy dismissed herself from the classroom right then, crying her eyes out.
The girl turned to Draco. “You didn’t have to be so harsh, ya know.” She whispered. She saw him look at her.
“Yeah I did. Surprised she didn’t say anything about yours.” He said softly, nudging her wrist that had the thread on it.
The girl scoffed quietly. “I’m a girl, it’s normal for us to have silly jewelry on.”
Draco’s pale eyebrow shot up. “‘Silly jewelry’?” He quoted. “So our friendship is silly now?”
The girl felt a pinch of regret hit her. She quickly shook her head. “No, I didn’t mean it like that.”
He still had an absence of a frown on his lips, but he believed the reassurance that she provided when she gave him a kind apologetic smile.
“Good.” She heard him mutter, most likely for her to not hear, but she thanked Merlin her ears picked up on it.
Four: The Admiring
Year: Forth
The Divination book was open in front of her, propped up against her bag that was lazily thrown on the table moments prior. The usual presence of Draco wasn’t met, since she was keeping herself busy while he attended Quidditch practice. The sun was still shining, though it was evening and after supper, through the green see-through curtains.
The Professor wanted them to write predictions on how their future would go, and all she came up with was that she would “experience a heart warming moment” and that “something she dearly loved would break”.
Her eyebrows were furrowed tightly, and just when she about decided to start making them up, the Common Room entrance opened, a certain platinum blonde coming into view, broomstick hung over his shoulder. His face was twisted with exhaustion, yet once his eyes met hers she saw a different expression in his eyes, relief perhaps, for she often didn’t know how to read his eyes, despite them being friends for four years.
He blooped down across from her, next to her bag so he was still in sight. His hand was now dug into his hair, eyes fluttering but he still was able to look at her. She stared longer than she should’ve, but the sight was too warming to her chest, watching his tired eyes gaze upon hers with such softness no one would ever be able to see but her.
She had her right arm on the table, flipping through the pages of the book with her other hand.
“Divination?” Draco asked, peering over at the work she had done. She nodded, and at that moment she yawn came over her.
“Yeah,” she said. “I’m about to start making it up at this point.”
Draco chuckled, reaching up and lazily rubbing his eye. “Agreed; kinda stupid really.”
She nodded once again, starting to get too tired to talk. She scanned the page that was open in front of her, spotting the sentence “you will witness a break up between two strangers” and thought that was good enough. The other predictions spoke to her but this one didn’t seem to do such, for she was at that point picking random ones out to write down. She was focused on writing, so such so that she didn’t notice Draco lay his arm down, close to her hand but the skin wasn’t close enough to brush. She also didn’t notice his grey eyes moving from his wrist to hers, the marching thread being admired scanned with his eyes.
She looked up them, feeling his finger tips brush her robe sleeve, and she met his eyes.
“What are you looking at?” She asked, eyebrows furrowing only to curve even deeper than before when he quickly responded, a little too quickly.
“Nothing.” He said shortly, taking his arm back. She held a confused expression but didn’t pry on the subject.
“Can we go to bed now?” He asked abruptly, trying to change the topic of conversation. She hummed, packing up her now finished work and putting it in her bag. She stood up, about to grab the bag when Draco beat her to it, his pale hand gripping the strap.
“Thanks.” She muttered, suddenly feeling a small flush appear over her cheeks.
“For what?” He asked, confused, like he didn’t know he just did a kind deed.
She scoffed at how oblivious he was. “For carrying my bag. You don’t have to do that.”
It was his turn to scoff, lips twitching in slight annoyance. “Well we are friends, aren’t we?”
Five: The Breaking
Year: Fifth
The Hogwarts Express seemed to vibrate underneath her, the engine coming to life as it was ready to ride on. Everyone was excited for the upcoming year, happiness flooding their features and chests.
She, however, grew worried when she didn’t have the usual company of her friend, not having seeing him yet. She didn’t spot him in the platform or while she was walking along the hallways of the train, going to their usual compartment. She was thinking he went with his other friends, perhaps he wanted to catch up with them.
But she couldn’t help but feel a little hurt, since he always at least met her before each year, in the same seats on the same train in the same compartment. Why was it different this year?
She looked out the window, miraculously thinking maybe he was running along the train’s side, yelling for it to stop so he could catch up. But of course that wouldn’t happen since the boy was always on time, so he must be on the train, just not with her.
The compartment door opened abruptly, causing her head to snap in the direction of the noise. Draco stood there, in a black suit, black tie, and black shoes. He strolled over to the seat and sat across from her, leaning his hands on the table in front of him. This all happened just in time as the train started churning, wheels turning and gaining speed as it headed off to the school.
“Where have you been?” She asked, unable to hide the worry in her voice.
“I was looking for something.” He answered simply, looking a little irritated.
“For what, exactly?” She asked, getting annoyed as well, the irritation brewing in her chest as he once again left her with no answers.
“I was looking for this.” He said sharply. He had slapped something on the table for her to see, the green thread immediately recognizable between his fingers. It was the same as it has always been, dirty as it went through the years but the knots stayed true. The only thing was that the bottom was broken, the knot becoming undone.
“Can’t wear it if it’s broken, right?”
She was half listening, still gazing at the strings that were on the table. She grabbed it gently between her fingers, caressing it like a baby and analyzed the damage.
“It fell off on my way here.” He explained, kind of annoyed that it did such thing at such an inconvenient time.
“I can fix it.” She said quietly, surprised he still possessed it. “I just can’t believe you still have it.”
“What, you don’t have yours?” He asked, looking a little hurt beneath the annoyance that she’s so surprised at that occurrence.
“Of course I do,” she started, and missed his eyes going to her arm to see if it was there, and she was telling the truth. “I just didn’t think you’d-“
Draco groaned, rubbing his head with his hand and looking at the window, grey eyes reflecting the sun’s warmth. “We are friends, aren’t we? Honestly…”
She looked down at the bracelet, the knots worn down and dirty, but the meaning stood true. She didn’t know what it was, but somehow her mind went back to her Forth Year, working on her Divination homework, and writing down “something she dearly loved would break.”
She supposed her made up predictions weren’t made up after all.
Six: The Decision
Year: Sixth
“This is stupid.” Draco’s voice blurted shortly, looking down at the homework in front of him, the essay’s words seeming to combine in his mind, creating an annoying jumble of ink.
“I know, but Slughorn insisted.” She reminded, causing his silver eyes to roll in the back of his head. He quill lazily sat on his hands, twirling it mindlessly out of boredom.
She noticed his robe sleeve rolled up at the action, wrist muscles twitching and moving as his fingers worked the quill.
The bracelet made of thread was not only repaired but still sitting on his wrist as good as ever, the green shining the meaning of it. Just looking at his made the feeling of her own on her skin a lot more noticeable, heart warming at the sight.
“Do you want me to make you a new one?” She asked, and when he turned to her she gestured to the strands that were getting older by the day.
His eyebrows furrowed deeply, displaying large amounts of confusion. “New one? Certainly not.” He replied. “This one’s just fine; don’t know what you’d think that, really.”
She smiled soft but it was unsure. “You sure? Cause I was thinking about making myself a new one.”
Draco scoffed but looked a little frustrated. “Scared of a little dirt?”
“No.” She replied. Draco then nodded towards her wrist.
“Then it stays. Mine’s as old as yours.”
Seven: The Pulling
Year: Seventh
The air was musty, ash seeping the air, suffocating the lungs of beings who breathed it in. Of course no one cared at the moment; the air pollution the last thing on their minds. The living breathing representation of evil was standing in front of them, laughing like what was happening was his dream come true. Because, realistically, it was. Deaths, damage, emotional and physical, destruction, all of it was part of his dream. To end it all and face the boy who lived, and all for what. Just so he can kill the boy who he was trying to murder ever since he was a baby?
It wasn’t that the girl was paying much attention as the living evil spoke, too busy staring at the ground that inc held healthy green grass, grass that her and Draco used to pick at while they complained about classes they had that day. Or any day for that matter. Sometimes his long skinny fingers would dig into her sides, wiggling until he heard the sound of her laughter, something he may never hear again because of the cold voice calling him.
His mother. His father. The living evil.
He stepped forward, ready to leave the cruelty of his peers and the burning stares he just knew where there. His head swam with so many emotions but he didn’t have time to look them through, just focusing on walking to the other side, the other side where evil doings were being performed. The other side that he didn’t have a choice but to be on.
He was gonna go, he really was, despite the soft tug he felt on his wrist, and, looking down, saw her index finger hooked underneath the thread of his bracelet as she pulled, the knots begging him to stay along with the maker of them. He met her eyes despite the emotions crashing his rib cage, threatening to get to his heart, but he held the gaze all the same.
“Stay.” She said softly, eyes swirling, knowing all those years with him weren’t for nothing. She didn’t last all those times with him as a child or teenager just for him to walk away.
“Why.” He muttered back, voice dry as ever so much so that he felt like his throat was filled with sand and he was speaking through the tiny rocks. She answered with a small smile, something so small making him plant his feet on the ground, making him stay away didn’t the living evil on the other side….making him have a choice.
“Well, we are friends, aren’t we?”
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peotego · 2 months
Unconditionally | James Potter
Pairing: James Potter x fem!Black!reader
Summary: Three times when you realised you are in love with your brother’s best friend and one time when it all suddenly made sense.
Warnings: some swear words, my English? (since it’s not my first language)
Words: 4k
James' POV
Whenever I tried to think back to the time when it all started, I couldn’t exactly pinpoint the moment when I realised I loved James Potter.
He was my brother’s best friend, for Merlin’s sake!
I remember I hated him when we first met. Maybe it was because he was a Potter and my father told us to never befriend a Potter? I was, after all, a daddy’s girl at that time. Sirius loved the idea of going against our father’s orders but me? Not really. I was a good girl.
I stopped being the favourite child of the Black family when I was sorted to Gryffindor alongside my twin brother. It caused a lot of arguing back at home. Sirius was proud to be a Gryffindor. Me? Not so much. Imagine being the favourite child spoiled with compliments only to become a black sheep. I couldn’t bear it. But maybe it was good because it helped me to bond with my brother more? I was even more furious when Regulus was sorted to Slytherin the year after that and took my rightful place on the pedestal. Finally, I understood how my brothers have always felt.
At that time Sirius was a great friend. He helped me get through all the bad feelings I had about myself for something that wasn’t really my fault. Finally, I was okay with all that had happened.
But back to James Potter. The thorn in my side.
Everybody knew he loved Lily Evans, he wasn’t very discreet about his big, awful crush on her. The whole bloody Hogwarts knew about his infatuation with the redhead girl. I used to tease him about it alongside Sirius, Remus, and Peter.
Maybe it was in our 6th year? When I realised?
We were all sitting in Potions classes when Slughorn decided we should work in pairs. I turned to Lily because we usually partnered up.
“Oh, no, no, no,” said Slughron with a big smile on his face “We should mix things up a bit. I’m going to assign your partners”
All of the students present growled at his revelation. I feared I would end up with some Slytherin bloke. However, Slughorn had other plans.
And in that way, Sirius ended up working with Peter (a disaster indeed), Remus was assigned to some Slytherin girl (poor Remus), Lily with Severus Snape (well, they were still friends at that point), Dorcas with a shy girl from Gryffindor, I believed her name was Lucy (Lucy was good at Potions so Dorcas won a partners lottery), Marlene and Mary together (they worked good together), and that left me with James Potter.
I smiled at him but inside I was screaming. Everybody knew Potter was good at every single class but he rarely paid attention to the instructions. I knew I would end up doing all the work myself and constantly reminding him to focus. What I didn’t anticipate was that we would be working on an Amortentia potion. Slughorn first called us to see what the potion should look like and, of course, he asked us what we could smell.
When I tried to concentrate, I recognised the smell of old books, my favourite candy from Honeydukes, Andromeda’s famous pumpkin pie, and something I couldn’t quite recognise.
That’s when the revelation came and I was hit in the face with the smell of James’ cologne. I thought he was standing too close to me but when I looked around he was actually close to Lily Evans bothering her.
The whole class was a nightmare only because I now knew that somehow James Potter’s smell was in MY Amortentia potion. His constant questions about what I could smell didn’t help either. He was too curious for his own good.
“Just drop it, Potter”
“You probably smelled a wet rat”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night”
“I couldn’t sleep if I knew you fancied Wormtail”
“Stop, Potter, or I’m going to hex you”
“Always a charmer, Black”
He tried to touch my shoulder but I was still too scared from the moments before when I smelled him in the potion so I shuffled a little so as not to be touched by the boy. James looked confused and his smile dropped a little but I paid no attention to it, too preoccupied with my own conflicting thoughts.
When the class ended, I quickly packed my bags and left the classroom.
We never talked about it again.
Maybe it was at a party after Gryffindor won with Slytherin? We were all having a blast till the very end. I danced with my friends, drank a lot, and flirted with some boys who tried to get my attention. It wasn’t until our little group of friends were the only ones that stayed in the common room. Marlene had a genius plan to play Spin the Bottle. You had to kiss the person it landed on.
“I’m not going to kiss my sister, McKinnon,” said Sirius. I pretended to vomit at the mere thought of it.
“He’s right, Marlene, what are we supposed to do if it lands on one of us? I know Blacks have a tradition of marrying within the family but I really do not wish to continue this madness”
“Okay, if you don’t want to kiss someone, you need to answer a question truthfully and drink”
We all agreed to that.
Now I see it was stupid.
Remus spun the bottle first and it landed on Peter.
“Truth, please,” said Lupin and we all laughed.
“Okay, Remus, who was your first real kiss?” asked Mary. Remus looked uncomfortable, and so did I because I knew the truth.
“Um, I don’t know if she wants her identity to be revealed” Remus tried to dodge the question.
“Shut up, Moony, you agreed to play the game!” Sirius gave him a shot of firewhiskey which he needed to drink after answering the question.
“Okay” Remus sighed “It was (Y/N)”
“You kissed my sister?!”
“You wanted me to tell the truth!”
“I think I made myself very clear when I said that my sister is off-limits for you idiots!”
“Well, brother, that’s why the kiss was so good” I tried defending Remus but probably made it worse “Because it was forbidden” I winked at Remus who quickly emptied his glass and blushed like crazy.
“This conversation isn’t over” Sirius pointed at his friend “Are you going to tell me you snogged Prongs and Wormtail too?” he asked me.
“You’ll never know, brother”
Peter spinned the bottle next and it landed on Mary. It was a quick kiss.
Mary needed then to kiss Marlene.
Marlene kissed my brother who then kissed Lily.
Lily spun the bottle and I saw that James wanted really badly for it to land on him. His dreams were crushed when it stopped at Dorcas.
Then Dorcas kissed Remus.
But when Remus spun again it landed on me.
“Come here, Remus, for old times’ sake”
Sirius screamed something I couldn’t understand. The kiss with Remus was sweet and quick, just like I remembered our first one. I smiled reassuringly at him after but I knew my brother would talk his ears off later on.
I took the bottle and spun it. I prayed it wouldn’t land on Sirius.
The bottle landed on James Potter instead.
“Two out of three. Better get ready Peter” I said with a smirk but inside I was actually stressed. I still remembered his smell in amortentia.
James slowly made his way to me never once breaking the eye contact. He sat in front of me, staring intensely. He put his hand on my cheek when his lips met mine. I shut my eyes closed and kissed him back. His lips were soft and, Merlin, he knew what he was doing when he pushed his tongue inside my mouth. I grasped his shirt bringing him closer to me and biting on his lower lip. He moaned a little trying to kiss me even harder but he had too much strength and it ended up with us falling to the ground, James on top of me.
“That’s enough, Prongs, it’s my sister” Sirius helped James get up and then gave me a hand.
I don’t remember much from that party after that.
My mind was still fixated on that little moan.
James Potter’s kiss made my legs weak.
It was mind-blowing.
The party was long forgotten when next day James declared his undying love for Lily Evans to the whole school during breakfast. I tried to squish my little crush when I still had the chance to move on.
At the end of our 6th year, I knew I was fucked. I noticed every single little thing about James Potter. I liked the way those little wrinkles appeared at the corners of his eyes when he was laughing. I loved his jokes. I adored how much he cared for his friends and family, how he could do absolutely everything in his power to cheer Remus up after a full moon, how he got out of his way to tell Sirius and me that our family name didn’t define us as people, how he would defend Peter when Sirius was making fun of him.
I was even mad at Lily for not seeing how wonderful he was. I was furious when she was still rejecting him, making fun of him. He didn’t deserve that. He deserved to be loved unconditionally. He deserved someone who would fall madly, truly, deeply in love with him, who would know all his quirks and bad sides and even though still love him for who he was.
James Potter was loud and obnoxious and he did strut a little but he was also devoted to his friends, funny, caring, and good-hearted. And if Lily Evans didn’t see that, it was my personal mission to make James realise that he deserved better.
Sirius and I spent the summer at the Potters. My brother went there for almost every school break but it was maybe my third time there. I didn’t want to leave Reggie alone with our parents but turned out he was more than okay with their way of treating me. That was when I sent an owl to Sirius and he told me to pack my bags and go to the Potters.
We had a lot of fun together. We laughed, we played quidditch, we talked a lot, and I even helped them plan their next prank for the beginning of our last year at Hogwarts. Euphemia Potter was a sweet lady who welcomed me to her house with open arms. I helped her a lot around the house and talked to her about every little thing I couldn’t talk about with my mother. She was great, she made me realise that maybe I had a mother but I never had a mom.
Fleamont Potter was just like James but older. He made a lot of jokes, gave us candy when his wife wasn’t looking, he even asked me if I could marry his son once.
”You see, (Y/N), I believe you would be a great match for my son. I see how he looks at you, how his smile is wider whenever you are near. He talks about his mystery girl a lot but he could never tell us when we would be able to meet the love of his life, as he likes to call her. Now I see why. Sirius is always around and I’m not sure he would be okay with his best friend dating his sister”
”Oh, Mr Potter, I think you have it all wrong. I appreciate the vote of confidence but I am not James’ mystery girl. Her name is Lily and she’s my friend”
”We’ll see about that, (Y/N)”
During one evening Sirius went to bed earlier because he didn’t feel good and that left me and James alone in his backyard, lying on the grass and looking up at the night sky.
”Jamie, your father wants me to marry you”
”Yeah, crazy, right? He thinks I’m your mystery girl”
”Oh, and what did you tell him?”
”That it’s definitely not me. That I know the girl you have a crush on and he said that we’ll see”
”I have no idea why he said that I’m very sorry”
”No big deal, Potter”
After a moment of silence, I decided it was time to talk to James about Lily. I was nervous and a little scared that the conversation would ruin our friendship.
”I’ve been thinking about you and Lily for a while”
”Yeah” I took a deep breath before continuing,” I think she doesn’t deserve you”
”How so?”
”You see, Jamie, you’ve been trying to get the girl since we were thirteen years old and she’s still not even slightly interested in going on a date with you. She’s always laughing at you, turning you down. I don’t think that’s very good for you. I get that you’re in love with her but maybe you should start thinking about yourself a little bit?”
James was quiet for a moment.
”What do you mean?”
”You deserve the world, James Potter. You deserve a girl who will be madly in love with you. You deserve a girl who will love you unconditionally. You are a good guy. Sure, you have your faults. We all have them. But you should be loved the way you love other people - wholeheartedly. I don’t think Lily is the right girl for you. I’m also not saying you should do whatever I’m telling you right now. I just believe you should think about it a little bit and decide if it’s even worth it. Because you, James Potter, are definitely worth it and it’s her loss if she cannot see that”
”Wow, Black, do you have a crush on me or something?” He chuckled making my heart hurt a little bit.
”You’re also an idiot” I slapped his shoulder but laughed with him too. Despite my smile, my heart was breaking a little bit just because the thought of me having a crush on James only made him laugh. ”I’m your friend, I just hate to see you struggling so much”
”You are a good mate, (Y/N). Thank you for always looking out for me” James took my hand in his and interceded our fingers. He softly caressed my hand with his thumb.
During our 7th year, everything changed. James Potter suddenly stopped being interested in Lily Evans anymore. And that was a big, juicy gossip at Hogwarts. How could it have happened that James Potter just stopped loving Lily Evans? Could he have another girl? Maybe he had a secret girlfriend?
There was a lot of gossip about his possible girlfriend going around the school. I was just glad that he finally realised that he was worth much more than what Lily was giving him all those years.
That was also when I noticed that he paid a lot more attention to me. He always sat next to me, he wanted to be partners in every class which made Sirius mad, he helped me with my homework, and he walked me to my classes even when it meant that he would be late to his. It was really weird but I wouldn’t dare to hope he suddenly had a crush on me. I wasn’t stupid.
Until that one fateful night in October when I helped the boys with the prank we planned together. A Ravenclaw prefect was patrolling the corridors. He spotted us near the kitchens and shouted something.
”Run!” Shouted Peter. We all started to run but we were a big group so it would be easy to eventually catch us.
”We need to scatter,” said Remus out of breath. Peter immediately turned the corner and turned into a rat. What a team player.
”(Y/N), here” James took my hand and made me run with him in the opposite direction from Remus and Sirius. He found an empty broom closet and quickly closed the doors behind us. There wasn’t a lot of space so we were very close, our noses were practically touching. James put his fingers on my lips so I was quiet. His other hand was still holding mine and squeezing it reassuringly. After a while, when we were sure the Ravenclaw boy wasn’t coming in this direction, James moved his hand to my waist.
He was staring at me very intensely.
”What?” I whispered to him ”Do I have something on my face? Why are you looking at me like that, Potter?”
”Remember what my dad told you? About my mystery girl?”
”Yeah?” I was confused. Why bringing it up now?
”He was right, you know? It never was Evans. I like her, sure, but as a friend”
”What? Then why were you running after her like a lost puppy all those years?”
”Remember when we first met?”
”Of course, I do, James. I hated you.” He chuckled at that.
”I thought you were a stuck-up rich girl but you proved me wrong, (Y/N). I had this big crush on you in our first year”
I looked at him as if he had three heads. What was he talking about? I put my hand on his forehead to check if he wasn’t sick. He rolled his eyes at me.
”I told Sirius about that. He was my best friend so I thought that he would give me some advice. What I didn’t anticipate though was that he would be overprotective of his sister. He screamed at me almost all night, he said that if I ever try to fancy you again he will personally beat the living shit out of me. I get him, you know? You are his precious little sister…”
”He’s only two minutes and three seconds older”
”…and he wants to protect you from all the bad guys out there even if his best friend is one of them. So I tried to never talk about that again. But Sirius knew. In our third year, he came up with a rule which he then proudly told us about. We are friends and friends don’t fancy each other's siblings. If we ever dare to break the rule, that means we were never friends in the first place. I was scared, you know? I didn’t want to lose both of you so I told him later that he has nothing to worry about because I don’t fancy you anymore, that there is another girl I have my eyes on. He asked me who it was and I panicked. Lily Evans was the first one to come to my mind because you two were always together. So as not to lose my best friend I tried to persuade him that I love Lily Evans”
”You were quite good at that”
”Shut up, Black, I’m not finished. Then you mentioned the conversation with my father and told me to look for someone who deserves me. Love, the problem is I never felt good enough for you but your words made me think. If not now then when? Am I supposed to watch you fall in love with some idiot? Am I supposed to stand in the crowd at your wedding even though I want to be the one waiting at the altar for you? Am I supposed to let the girl of my dreams slip through my fingers because I’m too scared of what my best friend will say about this? You said a lot of nice things about me that night so let me return the favor. You are incredibly smart and witty, (Y/N) Black. I love it when you get so preoccupied with your book that you’re not really paying attention to the world around you. You bite your lip a lot when you’re focused on the books you like. I adore the way you always come up with a sarcastic comment about everything stupid we say. I like to watch you cheer for me and your brother at quidditch matches. I love the way you care for your friends and family, even when some of them obviously don’t deserve that. You are stunning, (Y/N) Black, in and out and I am madly in love with you”
”Remember that one class last year when we were making amortentia? You asked me what I smelled and I didn’t want to tell you”
”I remember”
”That’s because I smelled you and it scared the living shit out of me”
”You smelled me?” James was surprised but he had a small smile on his face.
”Yes” I looked down because I knew I just blushed like crazy and was a little embarrassed about that ”Later on there was this big party after you guys crushed Slytherins at quidditch and Marlene suggested spin the bottle game”
”I really wished that damn bottle would point at me. I might have used a spell to be sure actually”
”You what?”
”That kiss was totally worth it. I still think about it”
”You used magic to kiss me? You’re a fool, James Potter” I laughed a little but couldn’t help myself and grinned happily. ”You didn’t have to do that”
”And why is that?” James smiled at me and let go of my hand. He cupped my cheek instead and waited patiently for my answer. That little bastard. I stared at his lips for longer than I would like to admit it. But, Merlin, how much I wanted to taste those soft lips again, to hear him moan in my mouth.
”Because,” I said getting closer to him. He still looked me in the eyes, our lips brushed when I said the next part ”I am madly in love with you too, James Potter”
He didn’t wait for another second. He pushed his lips against mine and kissed me hard. I put my arms around his neck trying to bring him closer to me. One of his hands wandered behind my back and under my shirt while the other tangled itself in my hair. I bit his lower lip again hoping that I would get the reaction I wanted.
And I did.
He moaned into my lips and put his tongue in my mouth. I remember that at one point we knocked a broom over but we didn’t care much about that.
I felt happy, over the moon happy. James made me feel all of the emotions at once: excitement, love, happiness. I felt as if I was made just for him and he for me. When our lips met it was like fireworks on New Year’s Eve, as cheesy as it sounds. But James Potter made me into one of those giggly girls who wouldn’t shut up about their boyfriends. And the worst part is, I didn’t mind.
When we finally broke apart to get some air, James was grinning like crazy and still holding me close to him. I wondered if he could feel the way my heart was beating so fast.
In that small broom closet, I felt like the luckiest girl in the entire world.
James suddenly became very serious and there was a wrinkle on his forehead as if he was worried about something. He hid his head on my shoulder and hugged me tightly.
”Merlin, how am I going to tell that to Padfoot”
”That’s something we should worry about tomorrow”
”Can you kiss it better?”
”You’re not hurt?”
”But I will be tomorrow”
104 notes · View notes
moonlightspencie · 5 months
Asking You to Stay
Chapter 3 of ‘treacherous’
Pairing: Remus Lupin x fem!Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
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A month or so passed, and you found yourself once again at Grimmauld Place, giving into Sirius’s requests for you to hang out with him. You couldn’t blame him for getting lonely, though, and you were more than happy to oblige him.
You were chatting about how annoyed he was that you insisted on keeping your darling cat, as he didn’t necessarily like Dumpling. But you argued back that Dumpling was a perfect angel whenever he wasn’t around. Probably could smell the dog on him or something, you were convinced.
A knock at the front door signaled that the next order meeting was officially beginning. You stand up as Sirius does.
“Am I sticking around while you try to convince them to accept me?”
“Sorry, darling, but I think it’s best that you let me handle this part, yeah?”
You nodded. “Okay. Just don’t let them talk too much crap about me. Especially Snape.”
He snorted a laugh. “Never. You know what?”
“Remus is still recovering from last night. It’s why he’s not here now. He could probably stand to see a friendly face,” he suggested, though it felt almost more like an instruction.
Regardless, you smiled at him, giving a nod.
“Sounds fine to me. I’m sure he’s not taking care of himself like he should.”
Sirius snorted. “You’re getting the hang of things, aren’t you? Do you know his address?”
Sirius nodded, telling you where to apparate to, and which door to knock on. After a brief goodbye, you headed off. As you stood in front of his door, you started adjusting your clothes before convincing yourself it was a little silly to do so. You were merely showing up for a casual visit. He wouldn’t care if your shirt was a little wrinkled or out of place. You let out a breath, raising your hand to knock on the wooden door. He opened it a moment later, his face melting into a softer expression.
“Hey,” you said, standing on his doorstep. “Sirius told me you could probably use a little company while the order is meeting. Hope I’m not intruding.“
He smiled gently. “You could never.”
He welcomed you in, trying to usher you to the kitchen without you noticing his slight limp. He should have known better than to underestimate your observation skills.
“Whoa,” you said, stopping in front of him at the threshold of the kitchen. “What’s going on with you?”
“Nothing,” he said, way too quickly for that matter.
You raised a brow in his direction, not believing him for a second. He deflated.
“Promise, I’ll be fine. Just don’t worry about it.”
You narrowed your eyes, now.
“Remus, telling me not to worry about you is like telling me not to breathe,” you said with an eye-roll. “I know the moon cycles. What happened?”
He let out a breath. “Let’s sit.”
You followed him to the small kitchen table, sitting next to him as he gently lowered himself into his chair.
“I scratched up my leg pretty badly. But I’ve fixed it up well enough. I’ll be fine.”
“Can I see?”
He swallowed, shifting in his seat. “Can you just take my word for it?”
“Not when you’re trying to hide it from me. All that tells me is that it’s worse than you’re letting on,” you stood from your seat. “I’m going to get some things to fix you up properly. I’d appreciate if you had your leg out for me and elevated someplace when I return.”
You were back to your apartment before he could argue to gather your supplies. Remus let out a slow breath, then stood. He looked down at himself, realizing he’d need shorts if he didn’t intend on traumatizing you by sitting around in his underwear. He limped into his bedroom, pulling off his pants and tugging on some shorts that he usually would only wear to bed. They’d had to do for the purposes of you inspecting his leg. He glanced down at the half-assed wrappings around the injury, knowing you’d scold him for it. Too late now.
He hobbled back into his living room, sitting on the couch with his leg extended onto the coffee table. It wasn’t long before you flashed back into his home with a pop.
“Remus?” your voice called from the kitchen.
“In here,” he replied.
He came into view as you rounded the corner, and you smirked at the tattered shorts he wore to bare his leg. The smirk faded just as quickly when you saw how his wrappings laid on his leg.
“You called this well enough?” you said, sitting next to him on the couch.
He huffed. “I knew you’d say that.”
“Good. You’re learning you can’t get away with things,” you said, snorting out a laugh. “Do you mind if I unwrap this?”
You set down all of your things on the coffee table, looking back at his face. He nodded, looking a little nervous. You started unwrapping his leg, grimacing at the severity of it. The scratch started just above his knee and extended halfway down his calf. You wondered how he could possibly walk around like this was nothing. You immediately started cleaning around the wounds, muttering small apologies any time you heard a sound from him.
“I’m going to apply an extract that is… I don’t want to say experimental,” you began.
“Do you plan to make this worse for me?” he asked, humor lacing his voice.
“Never. But, it won’t feel great as it works it’s magic. I’ve only used it on small cuts for myself, so this is the first time I’ll be trying it on something more severe,” you explained, glancing at him. “Is that okay with you?”
He nodded. “I trust you.”
“Okay, good,” you said with a breath. “Just… Hang on, okay? It’ll hurt like hell for a moment, but it should help a great deal.”
He nodded, bracing himself with his hands holding to the couch cushions. You pulled out a small cloth, saturating it in the extracted liquid you kept in a small decanter. You once again gave a short apology, though this time in advance, and pressed the wetted cloth to the wounds on his leg. He groaned in protest of the feeling, and you saw his hands holding to the cushions hard as the extract started working. You let the cloth lay over the wound with some pressure from your hand for about a minute before finally pulling it away.
You glanced up at Remus, whose eyes were still squeezed shut, then back at his leg. Well, your extract had certainly worked, at least. You felt satisfied as you set the cloth down on the table.
“Remus,” you called. “Does it still hurt?”
“Not right now. Are you finished?”
“Just about. Would you like to see the results before I wrap it again?”
He opened his eyes, one at a time, looking down at the gash in his leg. His eyes widened in surprise upon seeing that there was no longer a gash.
“How did you—”
“Told you, this extract does miracles.”
“Incredible,” he mumbled, inspecting his leg more closely. “It’s nearly all closed up.”
“Which is great news for me. I was hoping I’d be able to test this sometime before it was needed in the field or in an emergency.”
He smiled at you, “Well, I’m glad my affliction could help your experiment.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, smacking his shoulder.
“Something really cool about this stuff,” you added, holding up the solution, “is that there’s no scarring. Not that your scars aren’t cool as hell, but I figure you might like that you won’t have any more if you don’t want them.”
His eyes widened. “Really?”
He smiled softly, merely nodding as he looked back at his leg. You re-wrapped his leg, this time making sure it was done effectively, being sure to tell him that.
“Thank you,” he said, leaning back into the couch.
“Of course. Besides the leg, how are you feeling? You look exhausted.”
He nodded. “I am. It certainly takes its toll mentally, the transformation.”
“Can I make you some tea? Or… Well, is there anything that would help you get some rest?”
He shook his head. “No, but that’s alright. I should be feeling better tomorrow.”
You hummed, looking around the room. He had a full bookshelf, and plenty of photos around the room. It was when you noticed his record player that your interest was piqued.
“How about some music?” you asked.
He smiled, his eyes closing as his head lolled back.
“I wouldn’t be opposed.”
You stood quickly, pulling out an instrumental album that looked familiar. You put the record in it’s place, dropping the needle. Once it started playing, you adjusted the volume a bit, then wandered to his bookshelf. He watched as you looked at each spine with only one eye open, curious to see what you’d choose, if anything. You scoured the shelf, seeing several titles that looked enticing, but ultimately deciding on a poetry book that looked fairly well-loved. You pulled the book out, inspecting it quickly.
“You read this often?” you asked, turning to show him the book you held.
He nodded. “I used to. It’s been a while.”
“Do you mind if I—”
“Not at all.”
You smiled softly, wandering back to the couch as you flipped through some pages. You settled in next to Remus once again, and he looked over your shoulder as you tried to decide on a good place to start.
“Are these all Muggle works?”
“Yes,” he said softly. “I found it in an old shop when I was in my early twenties, and became quite taken with it. It’s a collection of all different kinds of poems by different authors.”
You hummed, landing on a page with a name that almost sounded familiar.
“Auden,” you read the last name. “I feel like I’ve seen that somewhere before.”
“It’s a wonderful little poem,” Remus said, looking at the page. “I’ve always liked that one quite a lot.”
“Would you like me to read it for you?”
He paused, then nodded. “That would be nice.”
“Alright. Close your eyes again. Might as well get some rest while I’m talking, yeah?”
He chuckled softly. “Right.”
You leaned back, right next to him as you started reading over the soft sounds of the record playing.
“Looking up at the stars, I know quite well that, for all they care, I can go to hell, but on earth indifference is the least we have to dread from man or beast. How should we like it were stars to burn with a passion for us we could not return? If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving one be me,” you sighed softly, letting the words wash over you. “Admirer as I think I am of stars that do not give a damn, I cannot, now I see them, say I missed one terribly all day. Were all stars to disappear or die, I should learn to look at an empty sky and feel its total dark sublime, though this might take me a little time.”
You hummed, reading it again silently to yourself.
“That is a lovely poem.”
“One of my favorites in the book,” he replied, his eyes still closed. “Would you mind doing another? You have a lovely reading voice.”
You smiled, fighting the warmth rising in your cheeks. “Of course.”
You chose a few more, reading each one with equal awe at the imagery painted in words. You only stopped when you felt a pressure on your shoulder. You looked down in the middle of reading a particularly long poem, seeing Remus’ head against your shoulder. His breathing came in soft and even, signaling that he’d fallen asleep.
You reached up before you could think about it, brushing some of his hair away from his forehead as he dozed off, smiling softly when he nuzzled into your shoulder a little more as you touched him. You shut the book, leaning your head against his and closing your eyes as his soft breathing washed you in a sense of peace. You smiled to yourself, slowly drifting off yourself.
You waited anxiously the next week for news of whether or not you got into the order. You really hoped so, and for more than one reason.
Obviously it would be nice to join something that is all about fighting on the right side. And you were sure you’d do really well in a role like that, helping not only with the fight, but with patching people up afterwards.
But a secret, much more selfish part of you, just wanted an excuse to spend more time with Remus. After you both woke up on his couch, you had definitely been a little more… close to one another. Especially after you teased him a little for how pink his cheeks got when he woke up with his head on your chest. You met for tea in your apartment twice that week, under the guise of making sure his leg was healing. Even though you both knew it was practically fully healed after the first twenty four hours.
Suffice to say that you were ecstatic when Sirius came knocking on the door of your apartment with a smile and news of your acceptance into the order.
You stepped into Grimmauld Place, following behind Sirius like a lost puppy. It was strange to hear so many voices in the place. You were quite used to it being fairly quiet, with the only upset coming from either Sirius or Remus saying something that got the other worked up. Which, to be fair, was pretty often. But it was nothing like this.
He led you to the dining room, and it was pretty much full. You noticed some familiar faces: Remus, Dumbledore, Moody, Molly and Arthur, and… Snape. You nudged Sirius’ shoulder when you saw him.
“Of course he had to be at my first meeting,” you whispered.
Sirius quirked a brow, a distasteful look on his face as he shrugged. A few heads turned towards you, Snape’s face immediately showing recognition and quite a bit of surprise.
“Everyone, our newest member,” Sirius began, shoving you in front of him a bit, announcing your name to everyone who didn’t know you.
You got some smiles from those you knew, and some questioning looks from those who didn’t.
“Ah,” Dumbledore said kindly, standing from his seat. “It’s nice to see you again. I didn’t expect you to join us, but it was quite the pleasant surprise when we received news from Sirius that you’d shown interest.”
“Nice to see you again, too, sir,” you said plainly, giving him a small smile.
He turned to others at the table. “As some of you may recall, Y/N always had a special affinity for herbology. She’s quite talented, and has volunteered not only to join us on missions when they arise, but also to work as a healer of sorts for us. She specializes in medicinal herbs and plants.”
You received a warm smile from both Molly and Arthur, and a little grin of approval from Remus as the others nodded their heads to what Dumbledore had told them.
“Come along, dear,” Sirius said quietly, pulling out a chair for you next to a woman you’d never seen. “Tonks! How are you?”
You looked at the woman as Sirius did, and she smiled brightly. “Better than ever.”
“You’ve met our newest member?”
“No,” she shook her head, holding out a hand to shake. “Nice to meet you. Name’s Tonks.”
You smiled, shaking her hand and introducing yourself. “It’s nice to meet you. Cool hair.”
She reached up, running a hand through the pink locks with a smirk. “Thanks. You know, you’re awfully cute…”
“Careful,” Sirius started. “Don’t want to flirt with Mooney’s girl too much.”
“Oi!” you exclaimed. “Cut that out.”
“Ah, that’s a shame,” she said before you could scold Sirius further. “Always gotta like the straight girls.”
“Well, nobody said she was…”
“Sirius. May I remind you that you are not running a dating service,” you said quickly, quirking a brow.
He rolled his eyes, leaning back in his seat just as Dumbledore started the meeting officially. You smacked him gently on the chest, receiving a playful smile and a more appropriate sitting position as a result.
You listened intently as Dumbledore updated you all on the most recent missions and other pertinent information. Though, as he started assigning missions to people who weren’t you, you took the chance to look around the table. You tried to commit a few names and faces to memory, though you knew you’d probably forget them within the hour until you actually spoke to them. You finally caught Remus’ eye as your gaze drifted across from where you and Sirius sat, and he flashed you a small smile in response. One that, unfortunately, didn’t go unnoticed. Though this time, the nudging of your arm came from your right side.
“Lucky guy,” Tonks said quietly, giving you a cheeky smirk before glancing at Remus, who still had his eyes on you.
You merely rolled your eyes with a smile, tuning back into the meeting. You glanced at him once more, both of you turning away with shy smiles when you made eye contact again. And every other time your gazes met in the middle during the meeting.
As soon as it was over, you stood, determined to get some tea to calm your nerves. It wasn’t necessarily that you were terribly anxious about the meeting or the subject matter… it was just quite overwhelming to take in all that information at once. Not to mention that it all happened in a house you’d grown accustomed to being fairly quiet.
You stood in the kitchen, waiting for the kettle to whistle, when you heard footsteps approaching. You turned, seeing a familiar pink-haired woman standing in the doorway.
“Tea?” You offer.
She nods quickly. “Yes. Please.”
You get an extra cup from the cupboard, setting it next to yours before she comes into view again, this time much closer.
“So… Lupin?”
You glanced sideways at her. “Have you been talking with Sirius?”
She laughed softly. “A little. But I also have a fully functional pair of eyes.”
“Nothing’s happening between us, I can assure you,” you smile back a little bit.
“Sure,” she says sarcastically. “And I didn���t try flirting with you the second you sat at the table today. You know, I can’t blame you. And I’m not judging. He’s cute. It’s a shame I’m gay or else I might have approached him myself.”
You laughed at that, shaking your head. “Come on.”
“Seriously. I checked him out when I first saw him, I won’t lie,” she holds her hands up in surrender. “And for the record, I think you two would be cute. You can’t be much younger than me, can you?”
“How old are you?”
“Yeah, just about the same age, then. What are the chances?”
She smiled. “You’re sure you’re really his girl? Cause…”
You sighed with a smile. “If things don’t happen between me and him, I’ll hit you up.”
“Great. I hope it crashes and burns.”
“Right,” you laugh heartily. “Nothing has happened yet, but… And don’t you dare tell Sirius this, but I do really like him. He’s just… So sweet. Very different from most of the men I know. He likes old records and poetry and he’s so sweet and soft-spoken without being a total doormat. I don’t know. I just think he’s wonderful.”
She smiled softly, tilting her head, watching as I poured the tea. “Sounds like you’ve got it pretty bad.”
“Unfortunately I think you might be right in that.”
She nudged your shoulder. “It’s not so unfortunate, you know? He clearly likes you too.”
“I don’t know.”
“I do,” she said proudly. “I’m great at reading people. He definitely likes you.”
You handed her her tea wordlessly, sipping on your own. She shook her head with a small smile.
“You’re both stubborn as mules, too,” she laughed. “You’d be perfect together.”
Sirius poked his head in a moment later, giving you both a cheeky smile.
“Just what are you two ladies talking about?”
“Boy troubles,” Tonks said quickly.
Sirius quirked a brow, and you smacked her arm. They both laughed at you for that.
“Anything to do with our Mooney?” Sirius asked.
You laughed, hiding your face behind your mug. “Shut up.”
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thebrunettemuse · 2 years
pureblood princess (part two)
pairing: james potter x fem!reader
part: one , two , three
summary: james and the pureblood princess sit on the dock on the great lake and have a chat. oh and you fall in, did you forget to mention you couldn’t swim?
tw: almost drowning, slut shaming, fist fight, blood, mean lily? idk if that’s a tw i suck at these
a/n: nothing much to say except i didn’t proofread again lol also i promise more angst soon because we’re all sick in the head and love ourselves some angst hehehe
James waited by the water on the dock, his legs hanging over the edge and his feet just barely not touching the water. He sighed, maybe you’re not coming. He wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t, you were you and he was himself. The two of you, as friends, didn’t make sense. Your time was probably better spent with you own friends.
But then footsteps trailed down the dock behind him, making his head whip around to see who it was. “You came.” he smiled.
“Of course I did.” you smiled, sitting down next to him. “Can’t stand up my favorite study partner.” you joked and he laughed lightly.
“Favorite, huh?” he questioned and you nodded with a small smile on your face, looking down at the dark water and tucking your hair behind your ear.
The two of you sat in silence, the sound of the water crashing against the dock filling your ears. It wasn’t awkward either, in fact you enjoyed where you were— just as you were. It was comfortable. Despite your immense fear of the water below.
You lived in the Slytherin common room, you saw the depths of it and the sirens through the window, they looked beautiful but ever so terrifying. You couldn’t help but think of one reaching up through the water, grabbing onto your legs and pulling you in.
“So why didn’t you ask Lily?” you asked, you were curious as to why James Potter asked you before he asked the girl he was so head over heels for.
“Because I wanted to ask you.” he shrugged, his legs kicking back and forth like a little kid.
“Come on, James. You’ve been in love with that girl since first year, everyone knows that. Today was the perfect opportunity to hang out with her.” you looked over at him, but he kept his gaze at the murky water. “I mean I saw her sitting alone in the courtyard on my way over here.” you explained.
“Mm, I’m sure Severus found her.” he replied casually. You bit the inside of your cheek. The past six years at Hogwarts him and his friends relentlessly bullied the boy for a reason you assumed was because Snape was in love with her but James was too, and James just had to have her.
“I know James Potter is not giving up on Evans.” you laughed and he shook his head. “So who’s the lucky girl?” you asked and he looked up quickly.
“There has to be some new mysterious girl you have your eyes on, otherwise you’d be pestering Evans right now.” you explained your comment seconds ago.
He stared at you for a moment, his face still and expressionless, which made your face go red and looked down. “Sorry, I’m prying too much.” you shook your head.
“No you’re not.” he shook his head. “The new girl is a secret, I’ll never tell.” he smiled mischievously.
“Ahh.” you nodded, your words breathless. “Secret meetings in the broom closet kind of girl then?” you teased and he rolled his eyes.
“Definitely not.” he scoffed and looked back at the water. “I’m not sure she even likes me.”
“Since when has that stopped you?” you commented.
“Since now!” he defended.
“Okay, okay. Since now then, I guess.” you acknowledged his uncomfortable demeanor.
“I don’t know, she’s not like any other girl i’ve liked.” he dived deeper. You looked at him with a settled expression.
“I’m sure she’s great.”
Silence, but this time it was awkward. James sucked in a deep breath, looking back at the water. He had anxiety in his chest, he wanted so badly to tell you how he felt then and there but ultimately decided it would be too quick, and he didn’t want whatever you and him had to be quick. He wanted to take his time, ease into things. You seemed like the type of person to scare easy. He would be patient, though.
“So are you just afraid of water or can you actually not swim?” he teased and you scoffed.
“I can’t swim.” you shook your head with a smile on your face.
His hand reached around your back, gliding across it and you looked over at him with furrowed brows. Despite the confusion, you would say you didn’t mind the touching. His touch was gentle and soft.
One hand grabbed your upper arm, the other doing the same to the opposite. He pushed you forward, but not fully. Only to psych you out. You gasped out in fear, your eyes screwed shut. But you remained dry and above the water.
You pried yourself from his grip and stood up, looking down at him angrily. “That wasn’t funny!” you yelled as he laughed.
“You should’ve seen your face!” he gasped through his words through the latter, his hand holding his stomach. You stared at him, not even phased. “Come on, you have to admit that was a little funny!” he defended, his hands going up on the air like he was presenting a case.
“You suck.” you started walking down the dock but your foot slipped on a wet patch on the dock, not to mention it was already slippery, and your body came crashing down into the water. Your arms flailed about, the only thing you could see in your eyes was water washing around you, you couldn’t breath.
James quickly stood, didn’t even hesitate take a second to take off his shoes or his shirt, and jumped in after you. He swam down just a few feet and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you to the surface of the water. You both gasped for air.
James swam over to the dock and you placed you hands on the edge. He pulled himself up, sitting back and grabbed your wrist, pulling you up. You took a second to breath, laying your back against the dock. Your body was shaking, so was his. From the cold water no doubt.
“You— you saved me.” you breathed heavily and he nodded, swallowing.
“I told you I would.” he looked down at you. He noticed your lips were blue and you were shaking. James immediately leaved over you, grabbing your shoulder. “Are you okay?” he questioned and you nodded, him helping you lean up.
“We should get inside, you’re freezing!” he stated, both of you standing up and walking back towards the castle. You both were soaked and trudging up the hill and into the courtyard.
Of course Lily Evans was still there, sitting with her friends and looking as perfect as ever. You sighed as she stared at your soaked form. She giggled, whispering in one of her friends ear.
“If you have something to say Evans, just say it.” you rolled your eyes, looking at her. James stood behind you. Where did this sudden aggression come from?
“I just think it’s funny you’re running off with James now.” she shrugged, this smug smirk on her face. She knew exactly what she was doing.
“Running off?” you asked, offended.
“Yeah. You come back to seventh year all pretty and now you think you can get any guy you want? It’s just typical for people like you—” Lily commented.
“Are you jealous Evans?” you shot back. “Tell me, does it give you pleasure to deny James over and over again only to suddenly get possessive over him just because he’s finally moved on?” Lily’s mouth fell open, standing from her sitting position on the grass. “News flash, me and James are not a thing.” you crossed your arms.
‘Ouch.’ James thought.
“That’s what a slut would say, wouldn’t it?” Lily pushed her anger further. It didn’t take another word from her for you to swing at her and land a punch on her jaw. Lily stumbled back, holding her face and looking up in anger. “You’re on.”
Lily stepped towards you quickly, enough to catch you off guard and punch you straight on the lip. Your hand reached up to gently touch your lips, pulling away to see blood. You only scoffed, running towards her and shoving her to the ground. You landed a punch on her eyebrow, she grabbed your arms and flipped the two of you around. One punch straight on your cheek bone, hard enough to bruise it for sure. Then another across your nose, blood immediately dripping from it.
“Stop!” James ran forward, dragging Lily off of you. She fought back but he held her in place. You quickly stood up, fixing your clothes before walking off.
“What the hell got into you, Lily?” he asked, letting her go. She stared at him in shock.
“Are you kidding? You’ve been at my feet for yours and now you’re mad that I’m fighting for you?” she questioned angrily. “Some things are worth fighting for James.” she crossed her arms.
“Not anymore.” he shook his head, looking at her with disappointment written all over his face.
“You’re wasting your time with her, you know that? Even if you’re just friends.” Lily warned. “She’s the girl who is ruthless, remember? I mean look at her family!” Lily explained.
“She’s not like them.” James shook his head.
“And how do you know that?” she asked. James stayed quiet. “No, don’t go quiet now. Give me one good reason why.” she pushed. James flipped around and ran inside, down the hall and towards you.
“Wait!” he called but you kept walking.
“Go run back to your girlfriend, Potter.” you said his last name just like before you guys knew each other, really knew each other.
“She’s not— Y/N wait!” he grabbed your arm and flipped you around. You had a cut on your lip and your cheek was a dark red. You had blood dripping from your nose and down your face, onto your neck. He scanned your face with worry.
“Stop looking at me like that.” you pulled your arm away.
“Like what?” he asked.
“Like I’m some basket case, your next person to fix.” you shook your head, tears in your eyes. Unsure if it was because of what you thought he was thinking or because your nose hurt so damn bad.
“I’m looking at you like you just got into a fist fight and you’re hurt.” he explained.
“I’m fine.” you went to turn away but he grabbed your arm. You looked down at his hand, the grip it had, and then back up at him in shock. No one, not even your friends were kind enough to stick around this long.
“Let me help you.” he whispered. “Please, let me help you.” he reiterated. You looked down.
“Fine.” you agreed.
The two of you walked to the bathroom, him instructing you to sit on the counter top. He grabbed a small hand towel and got it wet with warm water. You held your nose, tears now streaming down your face.
“Let me see.” he asked.
“I think my nose is broken.” you whispered.
His hand gently reached up to grab your wrist, your hand pulled away and he looked at it. Yet he didn’t let go of your wrist.
“It looks okay.” he nodded, his free hand reaching up with the damp towel and started to wipe the blood from your neck, lips and under your nose. You winced every once in a while, but eventually you were all cleaned up.
He went to put the towel away but you whispered something that made him stop in his tracks.
“Thank you..” you said so gently and it almost made his heart break then and there.
“Always.” he nodded, then pulled himself away from his gaze and threw the towel in the bin when the door flew open. Both James and you jumped at the suddenly loud sound.
“Did you hear? Lily Evans and Y/N Y/L/N got into a—” Remus said out of breath but stopped once he saw you. “Holy shit!” he gasped, looking at your wounds.
You scoffed. “You should see the other guy.” you joked.
“No kidding.” he said in shocked, inspecting your face. Remus looked over at James who was wiping his hand.
“What was it about?” he asked, turning back towards you.
“Evans called me a slut for hanging out with James.” you shrugged.
“Are you— you know— a slut?” he asked curiously. James hit his arm. “Ow! What? I’m only asking.” he defended.
“We’re just friends.” you smiled with tired eyes.
“Just friends, huh?” he asked in a condescending tone which landed another hit to his arm. You furrowed your eyebrows, narrowed your eyes. Both the boys stared at you with innocent smiles.
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wisteria-cherry · 8 months
sirius orion black, III
!!a comprehensive list of every student during the marauders era!!
updates whenever i want really. a series of drabbles with a sprinkling of sirius x reader.
•in which you meet remus lupin | drabble | fluff | slight sirius x fem! reader.
•in which you have your own personal escorts | drabble | fluff | sirius won’t leave you alone.
•in which a prank gets botched by lily evans | drabble | james is a simp for lily evans | sirius is whiny
•in which you discover remus’ secret | drabble | sirius defends you | angst but all is resolved | you find out remus is a werewolf
•in which you have a failed attempt at heart-to-heart with your boys | drabble | they finally calmed down for once | sirius is trying so hard to be obvious | he’s failing anyway | being remus’ emotional support
•in which you have an argument but you’re not sure what to do | drabble | james and peter can’t keep their mouths shut | remus lets sirius take this one | sirizzus black | sirius x reader
•in which you get drunk and it’s indirectly james’ fault | drabble | going to james’ quidditch game | party | sirius takes care of you | you’ll regret this | sirius x reader
•in which you decide to make a list of all the nicknames sirius calls you | drabble | sirius x reader | shocking | you suck at being discreet | you’re a good student | the other boys are not
•in which you were right in that hanging with the marauders would attract unwanted attention | drabble | you are NOT a damsel in distress | okay maybe you are | james and sirius are scary when they want to be | lucius malfoy is a jerk but also a coward | your boys save you | sirius x reader | a sprinkle of james x reader if you want
•in which everyone thinks you and sirius are dating | drabble | you’re more popular than you realize | sirius x reader | you’re so oblivious | so is remus but by choice | these tag things are getting longer and longer the more drabbles i write | remus is such a chill friend | sirius isn’t as chill but he’s still a good friend | is sirius really just a friend?
•in which sirius decides to join the quidditch team but it gets cut short | drabble | sirius being sly | if slytherin weren’t so evil-ish he’d make a great one | remus is not buying a second of this | quidditch captain! james
•in which you go school supply shopping with the marauders | drabble | james vehemently supports the bro code | there is no hiding from these boys | they will find you in the largest crowd | there is no peace for you | peter almost slips up but its cool remus has got it
•in which the marauders are your wingmen | drabble | they’re not very discreet | sirius really thinks he’s slick | he’s not | lily is not having it and nor are you | lily saves the day (or not) | you like to spite sirius | he tried okay
•in which you decide between starvation and humiliation | drabble | the ending is rushed i’m sorry :( | kiss your pride goodbye | you’ll probably never get it back | injured reader | james and sirius are insufferable | warning: secondhand embarrassment
•in which you discover the true nature of the marauders' relationship with severus snape, as told by remus | drabble | angst | the marauders are kind of toxic | it goes both ways but it's more so them | it's hard to leave people you care about even when you know you should | putting aside your own values for the sake of companionship | remus' hamartia is loyalty | if you have to gaslight yourself into thinking they're not that bad, they probably are that bad | just because the other side does it too, doesn't make it okay for you to
•in which the marauders don’t take kindly to you being asked out and no one tells you anything | drabble | slight sirius x reader | girls have cooties | not really, they just won’t tell you who sirius’ crush is | it’s you | peter is the only marauder in a relationship | slay ig
•in which james takes a sick day | drabble | james is sick | no pairing | they all share a brain cell i think
beautiful stranger | drabble | modern au! | songfic, in that it’s inspired by the song, it doesn’t have lyrics in the middle of the one shot or anything | those have always been hard to read for me haha | genderless reader | i literally didn’t use pronouns
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snowblossomreads · 2 years
Thrilling Tea Time
Summary: In where Severus' and [Y/n]'s comfortable tea time becomes a bit more thrilling than usual.
Pairing: FemReader x Severus Snape
Warnings: drink spiking! (consensual), teasing, begging, dry humping, vaginal sex, overuse of the word fuck (sorry lol), Dom/Sub vibes, and just all-around thirstiness. Let me know if I should add something
Word Count: 4.6K
A/N: ASDFGH has a fluff fic that I should be writing but this thought has been in my head for months and I was going to combust if I didn't write it down. I know the drink spiking part is shady so if that makes you uncomfortable skip this. Apologies for any mistakes and now please enjoy another thirst session🥴
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“And you’re sure you are okay with doing this? I wouldn’t ever want you to feel uncomfortable.”
“Darling it’s fine. And honestly, I can’t say I haven’t thought about it a few times so I’m kind of thrilled you brought it up.”
“Thrilled…is that so?”
“Abs-o-lutely thrilled Severus.”
“So you would like to try?”
“Oh yes. But…surprise me with it.”
“Tea, my love?” 
The deep rumbling of his voice had physically jolted her out of the trance she had been in while curled up on the couch with one of the many leather-bound tomes he owned in her hand. 
An amused chuckle escaped Severus’ lips while [Y/n] responded with a sheepish smile before her eyes fell to the two steaming mugs that he held. The sheepish smile morphed into a gleeful grin as she placed the large book to the side and made grabby hands at the mug like a small child would do when seeing something they wanted. 
“Oh yes please!”  Enthusiasm laced her response as he handed the warm cup to her, a happy noise leaving her as she reflexively scooted over to give him space to sit down. 
Waiting until he settled into his spot, she was quick to nestle towards him when he motioned with his free hand that he was ready for her to take her place again. Mug carefully balanced in hand to not spill any of the aromatic liquid, she found herself comfortably snuggled into his side. Warm hands from her warm drink, and a nice warm…well emotionally warm (to her at least) love nestled with her. What else could she want?
Hands wrapped tightly around the mug, a wave of comfort rushed over her as she brought it to her lips and took a sip of the tea. Huh. That’s strange.    
“Did you buy some new tea Severus? This tastes a little different than usual.”
Without looking up from the book that had been discarded earlier on the side table when he went to make them their drinks, he made a soft noise shaking his head ‘no’ as he took a sip of his own drink
“Hmm, no it’s the same as usual.” 
He kept flipping through the pages for a moment as she looked at the liquid. The steam wafted out of it with familiar fragrances that she couldn’t quite put her finger on, yet the mixture was addicting in a way. It was like it was penetrating not just her sense of smell and taste but also the way it made her skin feel a bit warm from it and how she couldn’t take her eyes off of it. Noticing that she was caught up in examining the tea, Severus cleared his throat, catching her attention again and bringing her back into the present.
“Do you not like it? I could make another batch or something different if that’s what you prefer?”
“No, no! It’s actually quite lovely!” 
Her response came out louder, more hurried than expected as she took another drink of the liquid and then another. The way the liquid lit up her taste buds and warmed her throat as she swallowed followed by the soothing sensation in her stomach once the tea had settled there was quite lovely, she had to say. She never remembered enjoying the herbal drink so much.
“If I’m being honest, I may need another cup or two of this because it’s absolutely fantastic!”
“I’m glad you like it so much.” 
A soft kiss was pressed on the top of her head as they settled back into a comfortable silence with their books and tea. His arm wrapped around her shoulders lazily while she laid her head on his while taking sips and scanning the now floating book. 
If someone had asked, she wouldn’t be able to tell them where she had been in her reading when she started to feel that strange prickle in the back of her mind like something was off. It would have been the same time Severus had stopped concentrating on his own book and began to take an interest in her reaction but of course, how could she have known? The sound of the heavy tome falling onto the table with a loud ‘thud’ also never registered in her mind so how was she supposed to sense that his attention had shifted to her.
She also didn’t remember when her skin had become so sensitive that a mere brush of his fingers across the back of her neck had her gasping out and arching back into his touch. Just that soft fleeting touch had her skin prickling with goosebumps even though she felt like she was much too warm to be reacting in such a manner. And wait a moment, why was she so warm? She had finished her tea a while ago and while it was warm, it wasn’t so warm that it would bring such a peculiar temperature change. 
“Are you okay [Y/n]?”
The call of her name didn’t register in her mind as her thoughts were racing. Her breathing had begun to become more rapid, shallow. And that comfortable warmth that had begun to wash over her began to become uncomfortable, heavy, and restrictive. But if it was so uncomfortable why did her stomach start to clench in that familiar and delicious way. What was happening what in the world-
Her voice wavered as she gazed upon him and she could have sworn an audible gasp left her lips when her eyes met his dark eyes. 
He was so damn sexy. She was already wildly in love with him from his brilliant mind and sarcastic nature to how ‘unconventionally’ handsome he was. Frankly though, to her, he was just plain good-looking and the thought of using a quantifier such as unconventional was absurd. 
Yet, somehow in the warm lighting of the room, with the way his hair framed his features and tickled her cheeks as he leaned down to look at her with a penetrative gaze that had her gasping, she couldn’t help but think how much she wanted him. Desired him with every burning fiber of her soul, just as how it felt like her cheeks were burning as he skimmed them with his fingers. 
“You’re burning up my love are you okay?” 
It was a question, but there was something in his tone and the way his lips quirked ever so slightly for a moment before going back to normal that made it seem like it was not genuine, like he knew the answer but was teasing her. It was as if he knew why she was feeling this way but had no reason to share that information. So hot, so suddenly needy for him to touch her that she didn’t even give him an answer as her mind didn’t even notice the question he posed. 
“Kiss me please darling.”  Words came out as a faint whimper and arms wrapped around his forearms with lips that were quivering as if she would cry if he didn’t acquiesce.
A look of mock incredulousness formed on his features and had her wanting to sob out as a feeling of dejection grew in her heart until it was sinking into the pit of her stomach. She didn’t cry though as she instead found herself scrambling from her initial spot of being curled into his side to crawling into his lap with her legs on either side of his spread thighs. Her arms were thrown around his neck the moment she was on his lap and her lips were immediately peppering hot kisses against his lips, neck, and jaw. Soft whines of,
“Please kiss me!” 
Continued to fall freely from her lips as she began to suck at the exposed skin of his neck while her hips began to grind her semi-clothed bottom against the growing bulge in Severus’ pants. Even so, her constant pleas seem to fall on deaf ears as he made no movement to kiss her nor did he make any movement to touch her. It was like he wasn’t even affected by her all but throwing herself at him even if the growing hard on in his pants said otherwise.
With each roll of her hips, the nightgown she was wearing rode up more and more allowing her legs to spread wider and hips to drop lower. Each time she felt his hardness bump into her, shocks of pleasure ran through her body and her stomach tightened from the ache that was rapidly spreading inside her.
She was going to go insane! Why wasn’t he touching her, holding her, and kissing her like he usually would? Wasn’t he still in love with her? Why wasn’t he doing anything then? Tears began to form in her eyes as she looked at him, lips still wet from her desperate kisses yet her hips kept rocking against his as if she was possessed.
“I love you so much,” she mewled, nuzzling her face into his neck trying to find some comfort from the man she called her love. “Don’t you love me, darling? Doesn’t this feel good? Please just kiss me, touch me, Severus.”  
It was all she wanted from him to have his lips pressed against hers and his arms around her waist. After that, she would do all the work for him if he asked, how could she not when the only thing running through her brain were chants of,
‘Severus. Severus. Severus.’ 
Over and over again as she pulled away from his neck and gave him one more pleading glance with glassy eyes.
The neutral and almost bored expression that was on his face shifted in an instant at her final beg. Gone was the slight frown and questioning demeanor that he held, replaced with a wicked smirk and black eyes that almost glittered at the way she writhed on him. Hands that had been resting on either side of him found themselves holding her sides, squeezing the flesh that was hidden underneath her gown drawing a sigh out of her. 
Slowly he leaned close to her, tugging her down, groaning as his clothed length pressed into underwear that was thoroughly soaked with her slick. Rolling his hips against hers steadily, he positioned his face against her cheek so that they brushed against each other as he let out a deep rumbly groan right by her ear.
“You want me to kiss you, my sweet girl?”
Voice dark, and deep as she felt his warm breath near her ear. Body trembling from both his touch and the vibrations that his voice was sending through her with each word. 
“Yes please Sev, please kiss me my darling.”
“And will it make you happy?” 
The sentence was spoken in a whisper as his tongue darted out briefly to tease the shell of her ear causing her breath to hitch as he pulled away so he could look at her. Eyes going straight to her lips that wobbled, desperate to have his against them.
“Y-yeah makes me happy,” she babbled out quickly, leaning down to kiss his jaw again brushing her lips against his own wanting him to make the next move but also impatient and needy for him. “You make me happy.” 
Feeling a smirk growing against her skin had her excited, eyes almost sparkling as she felt his tongue peek out for a moment to tease at her bottom lip.
“Mmm, and you're being such a good girl for me,” he muttered quietly as a hand left her side and slid up to cradle the back of her head. “I guess you do deserve a kiss.”
The moan echoed around them before she had realized it had left her throat the moment Severus slammed his lips against her in a bruising punishing kiss. It was messy and hot as he forced her head closer to him with his hand that was on the back of her head. His tongue pushed its way past her lips that parted expeditiously the moment he started kissing her. Her eyes fluttered shut as his slick appendage explored her mouth tangling against hers that didn’t put up a fight. 
There was no method or means to the way he kissed her, the hand that had been on the opposite side of her now rubbing circles in her lower back as he practically had his tongue down her throat. Drool trickled out from the corner of her mouth as her tongue lolled around his lazily as he stroked it with his own before he pulled away from her. 
A whine of displeasure left her lips but was muffled when a rough kiss was placed briefly on them, quieting her protest as she looked at him with lidded eyes. Even with the disappointment of his lips no longer on her, she kept steadily rolling her hips against his while her glassy and unfocused eyes tried to stay open.
“Look at you rubbing your cunt all over me [Y/n]. I bet you are dripping,” he groaned as he went to kiss her jaw before leaning down to suck a path down her neck making her cry out. “You want to don’t you? Want to bounce on my cock like the sweet, clever girl I know you are.”
It must have been what she wanted because for a moment he saw a spark in her eyes and a lopsided grin grow on her face. Head nodding in enthusiasm as her hips began to rut against him faster mimicking what she wanted to do once she had him inside of her.
“Yes! Fuck yes please Severus,” she squealed hands flying down to unbutton his trousers with fingers that didn’t want to cooperate and hips that didn’t want to stop grinding, “wanna ride your cock so bad!”
“What has gotten into you?” He mused darkly watching her whine in frustration as she tried and fumbled again with his trousers fingers squeezing the hot flesh that was hidden. 
Yet even with the groan of pleasure that left him at her erratic movements, he made no effort to help her as he found it amusing at how she was acting. It was when she forced herself to still for a moment and ignore the protest of her cunt wanting to grind against him, was she able to make quick work of the buttons. 
A delighted moan escaped her while a deep groan left Severus as his cock sprung from their confines the moment she pulled his trousers and underwear down just enough so she could get him inside her. Maneuvering her hips so that her opening was right above his length, [Y/n] pulled her panties aside before going to wrap her fingers around him and repeatedly dragging his cock against her wet cunt.
“Fuck I was right,” he gasped out, the hand that was at the back of her head flying to hold her waist as she positioned his cock right at her entrance. “You’re soaked [Y/n] just from me kissing you?” 
“Always wet for you.”  Came her mumbled response, head thrown back a bit as she kept stroking herself with his length, wetting it with her slick with each pass through before pressing the head of it to her heated opening. 
Even without him prepping her with his fingers as he would normally do she knew that she was more than ready to have him in her. It was what she had been waiting for in these hurried moments of hazy lust for him so when he held her still not allowing her to sheath him inside of her, she nearly had to stop herself from throwing a tantrum. Never had she felt this worked up and now he was denying her!
“It’s going to hurt without me stretching you out are you sure?” 
Concern was evident in his tone and eyes, but all he found staring back at him was a tearful gaze and pouty lips as she squirmed in his hold, no doubt trying to get what she wanted.
“I don’t care! Just let me ride your cock Sev please,” she whimpered as she leaned into him giving his jaw and lips messy kisses while trying to lower her hips down onto him. “I want you so bad don’t you want to feel how good my cunt is?”
Well, she wasn’t wrong. He did love the way her cunt would envelop him the moment he was inside her. And she did say please, so who was he to deny her when he was the one who riled her up in the first place?
“You want me inside you love?” He questioned, his grip on her loosening a bit as he started to rock his hips up letting the tip of length barely breach her opening. “Want me to fuck that wet cunt of yours till you’re coming all over me and screaming my name? Is that it?”
“Yes yes oh gods yes Severus please,” her words were dripping with desperation as she tried to push her hips down to seat herself fully on him. “P-please let me have it! Let me have your cock please ple-AH!”
She could have sworn she saw hearts in her damn vision the moment he dragged her down onto his waiting cock spearing her wet hole open just for him. He even had to bite back the loud groan that made its way to his lips due to the way her cunt just spread for him with no resistance and no protest letting him glide into her heat freely. 
[Y/n] on the other hand couldn’t help but let a noisy and elongated,
As she felt his length deep inside her, pulsing against her heat and swearing he had gotten even harder the moment he plunged inside her. Though any thoughts of that were quickly thrown to the wayside as she started to bounce herself on his lap. His cock sliding in and out of her at a rapid pace while sounds of her wet cunt getting stuffed over and over with him filled the room.
Soft whines fell from her lips as Severus leaned forward causing a shift in angle that had her eyes rolling in the back of her head and back arching as he effortlessly found her g-spot. Hot open mouth kisses were pressed against her throat as he moaned at the feeling of her velvety walls fluttering around him. 
From how suddenly everything had escalated, he knew that this would be over quickly from how over-sensitive and strung out she was. Whether she knew was another question but from the way she was rocking her hips against his and grinding down on him as if her life depended on it, he knew she wasn’t going to last long. It was the intended effect honestly.
While thoughts were still able to be formed in his mind, [Y/n] on the other hand was too busy relishing in the feeling of having his cock drag against that rough patch inside her. Each time she felt the weight of his length brush and press against it, her stomach clenched and spasmed uncontrollably and she couldn't hold back the noises of pleasure that escaped her parted lips. 
Each intrusion of him had her keening out before she found herself lifting her hips off him for a moment to only plunge him back inside of her. Each buck of his hips upwards when she tried to control her hips erratic movements had her veins feel like fire was being injected into them. The sudden heat that had taken over her felt like it was reaching a point of no return. And dear gods did she want to see what was beyond that point because she knew it was going to be delicious.
She didn’t have to wait long for it either because in her pleasure addled mind she hadn’t registered the way deft fingers trailed against her clothed breast tweaking at pert nipples before continuing their journey downward. Didn’t feel the way they began to smooth over her clothed stomach or the way they began to trail down her abdomen. It was only when they lightly pressed against that soft mound right above her swollen bud did her hips stutter and a strangled gasp fly out of her lips. 
The stifle groan that Severus’ had been holding in also escaped his lips as he felt her walls clamp down on him and begin to spasm and ripple around him. With another swipe of his fingers against her, [Y/n] let out a strangled whine as her hips began to move in time with his own pace.
“That’s it, sweet girl, I can feel you squeezing me,” he murmured softly as fingers began to rub circles against her sensitive flesh enjoying how she throbbed with each swipe. “I bet your cunt feels so good being stuffed while I play with your needy clit isn’t that right?”
If she was in her right mind instead of this inhibiting fog she would yell at him for being so damn composed while she on the other hand was close to coming because it was infuriating. Lucky for him, and her, honestly she was much too busy chasing the high that would set her free from the warmth that felt like it was about to explode in her gut.
“Answer me!”
“Fuuuuck yes! I love it S-Sev! gonna come darling gonna come,” words coming out slurred as his fingers kept circling her clit, squeezing at it, flicking it as his cock kept plundering in and out of her with each drop of her hips. 
“What do you love [Y/n]?” He was biting his lower lip, a snarl on his features as growled out the question, fingers becoming soaked with her wetness with each brush against her. “Tell me right now or I’ll stop!”   
“Please no!” Voice sharp with panic as her eyes flew open in fear that he would stop fucking her because oh gods she didn’t want that not when she was not close! 
“I love your c-cock! Oh, fuck! F-fills me up so good, so fucking good! Love your fingers, love you touching me! ” 
Her hips began to stutter in their movement and she pressed them flushed against his and began to harshly grind and rotate them over and over again. A squeal escaped her lips as she felt his searing length prodding at that rough spot repeatedly making her stomach clench and her mouth fall open. 
And his finger, those clever devious fingers, kept touching her nonstop, and oh god she felt the twitch of his cock in her with each rotation of her hip. Before she knew it, she was wailing out to him head thrashing side to side as he began snapping his hips up while she kept grinding.
“OH FUCK! Don’t stop! Don't stop! Gonna come, gonn-ah!”
“Let go sweet girl come on,” he coaxed her as he quickened the pace of his thrust and pressed against her clit harder causing her to quiver erratically in his grip, “I know you want to. Show me how much you love coming on my cock!”
One more plunge of him in her, one more harsh grind of her hips, and a flick of his fingers had her stilling in place. She couldn’t help the fucked out wail that left her lips as her eyes squeezed close, and her legs shook on each side of him as the heat in her stomach began to rush out of her. Her cunt spasmed nonstop around him, wetting him with her release and squeezing the velvety length that brought her to this high. It was as if her body was thanking him for the fireworks that were going off inside her because of how good he felt inside of her. 
The wail that left her became a long moan as she felt his warm seed begin to spurt inside of her oversensitive hole. Coating her cunt with both of their juices and mixing them together, creating a messy but perfect concoction that symbolized the rutted fuck they just had. 
“S-Severus,” [Y/n] whimpered out as she all but collapsed onto his chest, arms wrapping around his shoulders and face nestling into the crook of his neck. He tried to move to pull his softening length out of her but a soft whine of ‘no’ left her lips along with a kiss to his neck stopped him.
“Are you okay?” He questioned softly to not overwhelm her as she came down from her high still trembling as his hand rubbed soothing circles against her lower back. “Do you need some water or do you want to rest some more?”
Her answer came in the form of her burying herself closer to him, arms tightening around him to keep him near to her. He did the same for her, holding her close and making sure she felt grounded after the little session. The amount of time that passed was unknown to them as the only movement was him stroking her back and kissing her head softly while he spoke gentle words of encouragement about how good she did for him. 
“It was the tea.” 
Was the first muffled but coherent sentence she spoke. Her head was still buried in his neck and he could feel her fingers playing with the soft fabric of his shirt.
She was still again, but only for a second as she turned her head ever so slightly so that she could see the side of his face. His eyes were closed and an expression of relaxation was on his features as if he hadn’t just given her a mind blowing orgasm. He was also still buried inside of her so there was also that.
“I thought you had forgotten.”
“No, you did after all ask for me to surprise you with it so I thought it best to wait for a while before trying it.”
“And surprise you did Sev because that was fucking amazing.”
His eyes opened at that and a soft chuckle escaped his throat amused at how enthusiastic she sounded. She was right though it had been quite enjoyable watching her unravel so quickly into a mess of begging and whining. Though maybe next time he should tweak it so the effects were more steady.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it. I must admit it was quite thrilling for me to see you like that.”
A bashful smile played on her lips which were still a bit swollen at the hazy thought of how wanton she was being moments before. But speaking of how in the hell was he so composed…unless.
“Wait, you didn’t have any?”
“No, one of us had to be in our right minds afterward, you know the side effects can be a bit rough. Though,” a smirk played on his lips as he turned his head to examine her face only to see a tired but happy smile on her lips. “You seem quite alright.”
“Of course I am. Not only is my love a brilliant Potions Master who I have complete faith in when it comes to things like this,” she started while giving his cheek a quick kiss, “but also how could I not be alright when you love me already and just fucked me so good.”
He felt his cock twitch at her words and from the gleam in her eyes and the way her insides pulsed around him she felt it too. This had him chuckling at her shaking his head in amusement at the all-too-happy expressions she wore as she slowly began to rock her hips against him again.
“You’re insatiable.” 
“But you love it.” 
A/N: I had to write this because I haven't stumbled across a fic yet where Amortenita or something of the likes is used and I'm like that's tragic because it's hot and we have a perfectly good potions master😌🥴 Sorry again if the ending seemed fast paced lol. Let me know if you liked it or if there are any other fics out there with a similar theme (i don't mind the dark stuff ahah..)
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shostakobitchh · 5 months
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Chapter 55: knife work
“Miss Evans,” came Professor Dumbledore’s calm voice from behind her. 
Ariel turned to find the Headmaster waiting — calmly, far too calm — as everyone around her sat up in rapt attention. She could feel Hermione’s fingernails digging into her palm, and heard her breath catch in her throat. 
“Come with me, my dear,” he said when Ariel managed to say absolutely nothing. 
She took a step forward. Hermione’s hold had her stumbling back, only for a moment, before she wrapped one of hers around her wrist and squeezed. 
It’s okay, Ariel mouthed to her, because her heart felt like it was trying to cram its way up her throat and escape. Ron was grimacing behind her, his face taut as Hermione let her go. 
As she walked down the rows of students, a hush fell over them all, like she was a winter wind spreading across a barren landscape. All of their heads and eyes followed her — Malfoy was the only one who didn’t look frightened — more disappointed and annoyed — like this was some huge inconvenience to him. Ariel wanted to Hex him in the face. 
Ariel heard the whispering start up again just as the doors groaned shut behind her. It lingered in her ears for a moment before Professor Dumbledore stopped to look expectantly at someone. 
And then she saw that Snape was there, waiting. 
His face was bone-white, black eyes sticking out like two hardened pieces of stone, icy fury flickering in their depths. She noticed the steady heave of his chest, that he was breathing rapidly, like he’d just run a marathon. His fingers twitched haphazardly at his sides, the knuckles standing white against the sallow pallor of his skin, but what Ariel noticed most was his lips pressed into a taut line, each tremor — wrong — like something was slipping — like anticipation was cracking through. 
For what, Ariel did not think she wanted to know. 
Ariel started to say something — I’m okay are you okay — but Snape’s hand flung itself forward and grabbed the back of her neck, pulling her into him like she was being swallowed by quicksand. Her nose smashed into his ribs. 
“Ow,” she said, ending up with a mouth full of wool. 
She managed to crane her head up. Snape wasn’t looking at her. He was staring straight at Professor Dumbledore with a look that made the hairs on the back of Ariel’s neck stand up straight.
“She comes with me,” Snape said. His voice was short — detached.
“Severus,” Dumbledore sounded like he was talking to a cornered animal and not a person. “She will be quite safe.” 
“I don’t give a sodding fuck what you think,” his voice was still hollow, still so quiet, but something strong sat just on the fringes, like a tree collapsing at the edge of the forest. “She comes — with — me.”
Dumbledore only sighed. “Where will you take her?”
“My quarters.”
Ariel stared up at him, about to ask if that was going to cause problems, but the Headmaster beat him to it. “And what am I to tell Minerva?” 
Snape’s grip at the nape of her neck tightened. She wouldn’t have been surprised if he pulled out some of her hair. 
“Ow,” Ariel said, a little louder. She tried to move her head and couldn’t. 
“That she’s safe.” 
“As her Head of House, she will insist on knowing her whereabouts.” 
“Lie to her, then.” Snape hissed. “I don’t give a damn what you do — she stays with me.”
Professor Dumbledore sighed, looking at the pair of them through spectacles that gleamed in the dim light. Ariel couldn’t read the look on his face. "Very well, Severus."
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Goodnight Dean ⭐️ (blurb)
Pairing: Dean Thomas x Black female reader
Warnings: Hermonie crying, Kissing, This one is fluffy you guys (I can do a part two if u want 👀) (Honestly this was a cute little blurb cause I never do those)
Word count: 4316
Part 1
Here’s part 2
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EVERYTHING IS RUINED, JUST RUINED. You see Hermonie at the bottom of the steps sobbing, her pink dress sprawled over the steps as she sits clutching her foot, probably getting a blister from her heels. Curls now falling from the perfect bun, you help her do for the ball. “Oh, Hermione, what's wrong you said as you walked down the steps; your curves were showing in your dress. You had a light purple dress with a V-cut and jewels sprawled around the bottom of your dress. The gown was adorned with sparkles and beads. Your hair was down, showing your natural curls, and a white corsage on your wrist was given to you by him. Hermonie, talk to me please you said, now sitting next to Hermonie, clutching her shoulders and moving your curls out your way. “Everything ruined, the ball, my night Ron and Harry are insufferable.” You were still confused and stunned. You didn’t know what Harry did. He was looking miserable all night cause he couldn’t take his dream girl he had been obsessing over all quarter, Cho Chang. Ron, you could believe he’s been a pain in the ass the whole semester, but you could tell it was due to insecurities and his raging crush on Hermonie. It became more evident since last year, and now it’s just getting worse because he’s hiding his emotions and being immature. “Oh honey, I’m sorry,” you said with an honest heart. Let me go to my room and change, and we can have a girl's night. I’ll invite Luna and Ginny, you said. Just shower and unwind before the rest of the girls from the ball consume the washroom”. “But wait, I thought you had plans with him,” Hermonie said with glossy eyes and a pitiful voice. “It’s okay,” I said. Now, standing up, “there are more pressing matters at hand.” You were giving her a smile and a kiss on the cheek. Leaving her to smile and stand and slowly start walking to her room.
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As I walked up the steps, my heart was heavy, my eyes wandering, looking to see if he where I left him, and there he was leaning on a wall with my purple glitter Shaw in his hands. You took him in. He’s one of the tallest boys in your grade, his tan skin glowing under the Hogwarts lantern. His curls complement his eyebrows and brown eyes. “Dean Thomas, I’m afraid we must call it a night you said.” Now, walking over to him, Dean had on a traditional suit, but he did have on a purple tie and a white rose pin to his suit to match yours. “Oh, no worries he said with a small smile. “It is getting late, and I’ve probably bored you. I’m sorry, the night was more boring than I expected. We can sneak off to Diagon Alley and get Butter beer instead.” As you walked over to him, you saw his body language became small and awkward, which was funny because he's one of the most confident boys you know in our grade. Before he could finish his sentence, you grabbed the back of his neck, gently pulling him down to you, his hair hitting the tips of your finger. You pull him down to kiss you. That’s what you've been thinking about all night. The entire ball, Dean was sweet, complementing you, dancing with you, laughing with or at your jokes, including you in conversation with his friend, and telling you stories. He was perfect. The kiss was very soft at first. It started as a peck. You felt his lips against yours, and your lips and his danced together perfectly. You felt his body go ridged as he relaxed his stance, leaning into you more. You feel his fingers adding pressure to your hips. His hands started to go lower, and the kiss deepened. You felt him swipe his tongue on your bottom lip, requesting an opening. You let out an involuntary sigh, feeling your body tempter rise. You weren’t thinking about being caught by any teachers, including Snape. You were only worried about the feeling you had you were going to grant his wish as you opened your mouth. You both heard a “Oh my, why did the warbles lead me this way?” causing you and Dean to pull away, hearing the sounds of your lips leaving his as he clears his throat. You straighten out your purple dress. You turn to see Luna in her bright yellow dress. “Luna, I was looking for you,” you said, breaking the tension. Luna looked at you and Dean, puzzled. “Interesting enough, I’m not in his mouth,” caused me to gasp and Dean to chuckle. “Hermonie needs us,” I said with a flustered voice as I grabbed her hand. “Good night, Dean,” you said, looking at the boy whose now eyes were darker and whose lips were covered in your lips gloss and slightly swollen. He held eye contact for you a little longer. If only your friend wasn’t in her room, probably crying, and your other friend wasn’t hunting warbles. “Goodnight, y/n, rain check on the butter beer,” He said, saying the words quickly. “Of course,” you said, pulling Luna away and hurrying to your room to change.
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Always There - Chapter One: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
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Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, mentions of death and murder, mentions of Azkaban, shittyly written angst,
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
Author's Note: It's been a long ass time my friends, but I'm trying to make a come back here. I was a bit out of my comfort zone with this one so I hope you enjoy it. Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 1146
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
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GIF by red-artemis-jane
not my gif
The year Harry turned 11 was the year professor Sprout retired, in turn, Y/N got the position as herbology professor. She enjoyed teaching her nephew and loved being back at Hogwarts no matter how much it pained her to be there without her brother and his best friends. The first two years went by without much issue, however, in Harry’s third year, Y/N heard whispers of a new professor starting at Hogwarts, an old student from her time there. And she had also heard about the escape of Sirius Black, her brother’s best friend who had supposedly ratted the couple out to the dark lord and got them killed. It was a lot of emotions for her to deal with at once.
She was already at Hogwarts when she got word that Harry was attacked by a dementor on the train ride there. She rushed to the main hall and found her nephew rather quickly. “Merlin Harry, are you okay? Did you get hurt? How did this happen?” She bombarded her nephew with questions before engulfing him in a tight hug.
“I’m okay, Aunt Y/N. I didn’t get hurt, I don’t know what would’ve happened if professor Lupin wasn’t there,” Harry reassured his aunt.
“Professor Potter, we are waiting for you at the table, you may catch up with your nephew after the feast,” Dumbledore’s voice interrupted. She planted a kiss on her nephew’s forehead before following the headmaster to the table. She took her usual spot beside Severus, not even noticing the new but familiar face on the other side of the man. Dumbledore began his usual beginning of the year speech, this time including that due to the escape of Sirius Black, dementors would be gracing Hogwarts with their presence. “I would also like to welcome our new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, Professor R.J Lupin.” Y/N choked on her tea at the name, Severus patting her back gently as he suppressed a chuckle.
“Don’t laugh at me you git,” She said harshly.
“I wasn’t laughing,” Severus replied monotonously.
“Sure you weren’t.” Once the food was put out and she had filled her plate, she took her plate to the greenhouse to get herself ready for another year. She also just needed a minute alone, away from everyone, so she could try and process everything that was going on. As she sat at her desk to begin processing, the greenhouse doors opened. “I really don’t want to talk right now Sev,” She said without looking up.
“Good thing I’m not Severus,” A familiar voice spoke, “It’s been a long time.” She looked up to see Remus standing a few feet away from her. Her mood soured just a bit more at the sight of him.
“And who’s fault is that?” She snapped at him.
“I deserve that,” He sighed.
“Why are you here Remus? Shouldn’t you be at the feast?”
“Shouldn’t you?” Remus retorted, “I wanted to talk to you without your guard dog with you.”
“Then talk. And he isn’t my guard dog, he was there for me when I had nobody.”
“I also deserved that. Look, I just want to apologize for leaving without a word or even a letter. I thought it would be safer for you and Harry if I left, especially with my condition. It was too dangerous for me to be around you two. You didn’t deserve that.”
“If that’s all you have to say, then good night.”
“Talk to me Y/N! Yell at me, throw things, do something!” Remus shouted at her. She shot out of her chair, rushed around her desk and got in his face. Her heart raced with anger, her head spinning as tears sprung in her eyes.
“You want me to talk, fine, I’ll talk. You left me when I had nobody! My brother just died and you up and left! And then Peter died and Sirius got thrown in Azkaban and I got a baby practically thrown at me and you left me! The only person that was there for me, that got me out of bed, that got me to eat and took care of me, when I couldn’t do it myself, was Severus! He helped me and you were nowhere to be found! So fuck you Lupin, get out of my greenhouse!” She yelled at him, tears flowing down her cheek, chin trembling as she held back sobs.
“Y/N ple-”
“Get out! Get out of here before I do something I regret!” With that, Remus walked out of the greenhouse, leaving a sobbing Y/N alone, once again. That was the way Severus found her about 20 minutes later and, once again, he was left to pick up the pieces Remus had left behind.
“Darling, what happened? Why are you so upset?” Severus asked her, his voice filled with concern. When she didn’t answer, Severus became even more concerned but connected the dots. “Lupin came to see you, I’ll kill him.” She let out a teary chuckle at the threat he said under his breath.
“He came into my office, I thought it was you at first because I hadn’t looked up but I was wrong. He apologized and then wanted me to say something to him and I just screamed at him. It felt good to finally get it all out but it still hurts,” She finally explained. 
“I’m glad that the foul git got what he deserved. Do you want to talk about it?” She had nodded her head and the two talked for nearly 3 hours, about everything that was going on. Severus reassuring her as they talked and validating her feelings and her thoughts as the conversation continued. They had moved their conversation to a sofa she had in her office, eventually talking until they fell asleep. That was how Minerva found the pair when she had been wanting to chat with Y/N about Remus’ new position in the school. In all of the years she had known Severus, she had never seen the man sleep, let alone even yawn, so imagine her surprise seeing one of the most beloved professors sleep on a couch with the most dreaded professors together, not only just sleeping but snuggled together. Severus had his arms wrapped around her in a seemingly protective manner, Y/N’s head dipped down, resting on his chest, one arm around his waist, the other tucked into her chest.
Minerva just knew that she had to tell Albus and Sybil about the sight she took in. Before leaving the greenhouse office, she made sure that the lights were out and the two of them were covered in a blanket Y/N had lying around in her office. Minerva finally left the office with a smile on her face and a warmed heart at the sight.
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charmed [11]: ‘then and now’ (remus lupin x reader)
SURPRISE! its been a while but u know what, im feeling impulsive and just wanted to post so HERE! CHARMED IS BACK BABYYYYYY
brief summary: moments between professors lupin and y/n that the students witness that lead them to wonder whaaat exactly is their relationship + a glimpse into how their love slowly and subtly came to be
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series summary: set in the prisoner of azkaban, including its major plot points. remus and y/n get hired by dumbledore last minute to teach at hogwarts, defense against the dark arts and charms respectively. not wanting the students to know they are married, they navigate the challenging year through hidden glances, hand holds underneath the table and loving moments in their offices. even with all their efforts to conceal their relationship, their chemistry does not go unnoticed by the student population of hogwarts, who grow fond of the pair as they offer them some of the best classes they’ve had in a while. their relationship as newlyweds is strengthened as teaching the next generation of wizards unlocks a sea of memories of their love story. for the second time in his life, remus holds hogwarts responsible for some of his happiest memories. he’s given the chance to create them with the love of his life, y/n, who has taught and continues to teach him that every part of him is lovable, remaining forever under her charm.
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On the Monday following the eventful Quidditch match, it was a relief for Harry to return to the noise and bustle of the main school, where he was forced to think about other things, even if he had to endure Draco Malfoy’s taunting. Malfoy spent much of their next Potions class doing impressions of Harry falling off his broom; Ron finally cracked and flung a large, slippery crocodile heart at Malfoy, which hit him in the face and caused Snape to take fifty points from Gryffindor.
“If Snape’s teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts again, I’m skiving off,” said Ron as they headed toward Lupin’s classroom after lunch. “Check who’s in there, Hermione.”
Hermione peered around the classroom door.
“It’s okay!”
Professor Lupin was back at work. It certainly looked as though he had been ill. His old robes were hanging more loosely on him and there were dark shadows beneath his eyes; nevertheless, he smiled at the class as they took their seats, and they burst at once into an explosion of complaints about Snape’s behavior while Lupin had been ill.
“It’s not fair, he was only filling in, why should he give us homework?”
  “We don’t know anything about werewolves —”
“— two rolls of parchment!”
“Did you tell Professor Snape we haven’t covered them yet?” Lupin asked, frowning slightly. The babble broke out again.
“Yes, but he said we were really behind —”
“— he wouldn’t listen —”
“— two rolls of parchment!”
Professor Lupin smiled at the look of indignation on every face. While he was expecting to hear this news, having heard it first from his wife Y/N, a small warmth of pride bubbled underneath his chest. It deeply touched him to hear that his students defended him the way they did in front of Snape.
“Don’t worry. I’ll speak to Professor Snape. You don’t have to do the essay.”
“Oh no,” said Hermione, looking very disappointed. “I’ve already finished it!”
They had a very enjoyable lesson. Professor Lupin had brought along a glass box containing a Hinkypunk, a little one-legged creature who looked as though he were made of wisps of smoke, rather frail and harmless looking.
“Lures travelers into bogs,” said Professor Lupin as they took notes. “You notice the lantern dangling from his hand? Hops ahead — people follow the light — then —”
The Hinkypunk made a horrible squelching noise against the glass.
When the bell rang, everyone gathered up their things and headed for the door, Harry among them, but —
“Wait a moment, Harry,” Lupin called. “I’d like a word.”
Harry doubled back and watched Professor Lupin covering the Hinkypunk’s box with a cloth.
“I heard about the match,” said Lupin, turning back to his desk and starting to pile books into his briefcase, “and I’m sorry about your broomstick. Is there any chance of fixing it?”
“No,” said Harry. “The tree smashed it to bits.” Lupin sighed.
 “They planted the Whomping Willow the same year that I arrived at Hogwarts. People used to play a game, trying to get near enough to touch the trunk. In the end, a boy called Davey Gudgeon nearly lost an eye, and we were forbidden to go near it. No broomstick would have a chance.”
“Did you hear about the Dementors too?” said Harry with difficulty. Lupin looked at him quickly.
“Yes, I did. I don’t think any of us have seen Professor Dumbledore that angry. They have been growing restless for some time... furious at his refusal to let them inside the grounds... I suppose they were the reason you fell?”
“Yes,” said Harry. He hesitated, and then the question he had to ask burst from him before he could stop himself. “Why? Why do they affect me like that? Am I just —?”
“It has nothing to do with weakness,” said Professor Lupin sharply, as though he had read Harry’s mind. “The Dementors affect you worse than the others because there are horrors in your past that the others don’t have.”
A ray of wintry sunlight fell across the classroom, illuminating Lupin’s gray hairs and the lines on his young face.
“You made that Dementor on the train back off,” said Harry suddenly.
“There are — certain defenses one can use,” said Lupin. “But there was only one Dementor on the train. The more there are, the more difficult it becomes to resist.”
“What defenses?” said Harry at once. “Can you teach me?”
“I don’t pretend to be an expert at fighting Dementors, Harry — quite the contrary…”
“But if the Dementors come to another Quidditch match, I need to be able to fight them —”
Lupin looked into Harry’s determined face, hesitated, then said, “Well... all right. I’ll try and help. But it’ll have to wait until next term, I’m afraid. I have a lot to do before the holidays. I chose a very inconvenient time to fall ill.”
With this new promise of anti-Dementor lessons with Remus, Harry’s mood took a definite upturn. With a new slight spring in his step, he left the Defence classroom and headed to the Gryffindor common room. On his way, he passed by the Charms office, which had the door open.
“Hi, Professor Y/L/N,” Harry said from outside her door as Y/N lifted her gaze from her desk upon hearing footsteps. Harry raised his hand to give her a wave.
“Hi, Harry, how’s your day going?” Y/N smiled at the sight of him, setting her quill down.
“Okay. Professor Lupin’s going to teach me how to defend myself against Dementors.”
“Oh, really? That sounds good.”
Harry nodded, grinning politely. “Well, I’ll see you in class, Professor.” He said, giving her another wave as he continued past her door.
Y/N let out a small giggle. Harry was at an age where he was still like a child, yet it was clear his body was growing and sometimes the actions did not look like they fit the body. His awkward teenage phase, she thought.
“That one’s you.”
“You’re that one.”
It was a nice day, and Y/N and Remus had nothing to do, so the two friends decided to go to the London Zoo. They were currently at the lemur display, and were having much fun pointing at the silliest looking one and telling the other that they looked like it.
Their friendship was at a peak at this point, having spent quite a lot of time together recently working for the Order and hanging out with their mutual friends James, Lily and Sirius. Because the former two were so often coupled up and Sirius having so much of his own stuff to deal with, Remus and Y/N quickly began hanging out alone the two of them. He had become her very best friend, and although Remus didn’t admit it to the Marauders, she was his as well.
“Oh my God, Remus, look, look-“ Y/N elbowed her friend gently, pointing at a pair of lemurs fighting over a piece of fruit.
Remus laughed along with Y/N, watching. “The little one’s so mad, he’s like ‘That’s my banana! You have your own fucking slice right there’”.
The two guffawed, standing relaxedly and simply watching the scene that took place in front of them.
“Awwww, God, they’re so cute.” Y/N sighed happily.
“They’re so cute!” A squeaky voice said.
Y/N looked down and standing beside her was a little girl, who looked no older than four, pointing at the lemurs as well.
“They’re so cute, right!” Y/N said to the little girl, beaming. 
The little girl looked up at Y/N and nodded fervently. Y/N kneeled down so she could be more level with the child, leaning slightly more toward her.
“And look, there on their tails,” Y/N said gently, pointing so the little girl can see, “their tails have an interesting pattern eh?”
“Like black stripes.” Y/N said. She was enjoying this way too much, the little girl was too cute and she was pleasantly surprised at how extroverted she was with a stranger.
Remus was admiring the scene, and bent forward to take Y/N’s jacket. She had tied it around her waist, and upon squatting down, Remus noticed the sleeves were touching the dusty floor.
“Hm, oh- thanks.” Y/N smiled at him. “I’m thinking of another animal that has black and white stripes, can you guess which one?”
The girl thought for a moment, glancing up at Remus. He put on a silly smile and made a galloping motion with his arms and legs.
“Yes!” Y/N exclaimed, smiling so widely at the toddler’s enthusiasm. She reached her hand up tentatively for a high-five and the little girl gave her one. “Wait, did this mister man help you with that guess?” Y/N asked, wiggling her eyebrows and switching her gaze from the girl over to Remus.
Remus shook his head fervently and gave the small girl a wink once Y/N turned back to face her, causing her to let out her high-pitched giggle.
“Can you read what it says?” The little girl pointed up at the wooden sign placed in front of the lemur habitat.
“Of course, sweetheart!” Y/N said. She began reading, slightly more slowly and enunciating better so the toddler could fully grasp her words. “Lemurs are the world's oldest living primates. A fact that few people know is that lemurs are considered the world's oldest primates! The story of lemurs begins over 70 million years ago, long before humans.”
This whole time, the young girl’s parents and siblings were right beside them, keeping a watchful eye on her.
“Okay, Harriet, love, we’re gonna go now!” Her mom said, reaching down to grab her hand. “You guys are adorable by the way, thank you for that. You’re going to make amazing parents.”
“Oh- we’re not-“ Y/N began but cut herself off to wave goodbye to a happy Harriet.
Turning around, she met Remus’ expression and began blushing furiously. “That was- that was not- you helped her guess zebra, didn’t you?”
Chuckling, Remus made efforts to deny this, but as the two began walking toward the next exhibit, a new thought entered his brain. He didn’t seem to mind that mom’s comment. If anything, it was kind of satisfying to hear that he and Y/N would make good parents together. But… as friends right? Surely it didn’t mean anything more, right- only that they worked well together? As friends?
Two weeks before the end of the term, the sky lightened suddenly to a dazzling, opaline white and the muddy grounds were revealed one morning covered in glittering frost. Inside the castle, there was a buzz of Christmas and winter in the air. 
Remus woke up from his daydream to glance down at his neglected bowl of cereal that had become all soggy. For some reason, the most random memory popped up in his head in the middle of his late breakfast- an early moment in his friendship with Y/N when they went to visit the zoo. He smiled to himself, looking down at his sunken cereal. The few months after that incident had not been easy for him on an emotional level, a lot of back and forth within himself of trying to convince himself he wasn’t in love with Y/N romantically. Obviously, he had failed, pretty royally.
On his way back to his office, he let his mind wander. For a second, he let himself try to imagine what would a child with Y/N look like. What would be the result of combining his and her eye shape together? Would they get Y/N’s lips or his own?
These were musings he rarely let himself indulge in. Fear always took over before he could see a full picture of a baby that was half him, and half Y/N, an ultimate bundle of love.
Snapping out of auto-pilot mode, Remus found himself ready for the day and headed to the Charms office, where Y/N had spent the morning.
“Hello, Professor Y/L/N,” he said with a gentle knock on her door. 
Y/N’s head rose at the sound of his voice and she grinned, rolling her eyes slightly at her husband. “Professor Lupin.”
“How was your morning?” He said, approaching her and placing a soft hand on her shoulder, peering over it to see what was on her desk.
“Mhmm, good.” Y/N said lazily, leaning backward in her chair for a big stretch.
“Are you due for a break? I was heading for the library and could use a wizard’s chess opponent.” Remus said, massaging her shoulders.
Y/N’s eyes lit up. “Say no more!” She said, cleaning up the exams she was preparing. Shivering, she wrapped the big blanket scarf tighter around her. “You think I look presentable like this?”
Remus nodded, and the two strolled across the castle to the library. 
“Jesus, is it cold in the castle,” Y/N huffed, glancing outside at the snow. “Just because wizards didn’t invent electric heating systems, doesn’t mean we shouldn’t use ‘em.”
Remus merely chuckled at her side, keeping his hands in his robes’ pockets despite his desire to wrap them around Y/N’s icy fingers.
The castle was much quieter than usual, which was explained by the fact that it was the last Hogsmeade weekend trip of the term and the majority of upper-year students had gone to do their Christmas shopping.
“Hi, Professor Lupin, Professor Y/L/N!” A few students said to them at the entrance of the library.
As the two made their way to a free table with a set of chess they borrowed from the front desk, many students lounging or studying spotted them and waved.
“My God, it’s like being a celebrity.” Remus chuckled.
They took a seat, set up the game and began playing. 
“I’m so gonna beat you this time,” Y/N said, causing Remus to laugh and nod sarcastically.
According to statistics of their playing history, Remus definitely had more wins on Y/N, which she fervently denies each time he brings it up.
A few students gathered around their Professors to watch their match, and as the game continued, a small crowd had moved their seats to surround the couple.
“Thank you,” Y/N sing-songed, as her knight captured Remus’ bishop. “I might have a shot at winning, guys.”
“No, no, no. Professor Y/L/N only thinks she may win because she’s playing white this time.” Remus shook his head to the students around them, moving a pawn forward.
“Um- I’ll have you know I have won some games as black too, thank you very much.” Y/N retaliated.
The students laughed. It was like watching a sitcom to them, with the exception that the cast was actually their teachers. A second-year who was good at chess whispered to his friend some commentary about the game.
“Anthony, what was that?” Y/N raised her eyebrows, leaning over to them. “Do you know what I should do with this knight?”
“Uh- Anthony, you will tell her no such thing.” Remus leaned over and cupped Y/N’s ears. “I’ll take 5 points from Slytherin.”
“Abusing your position as a teacher!” Y/N said, shaking out of Remus’ touch. “I’ll report you to Dumbledore, Professor Lupin.”
The two giggled at each other and in the moment where they locked eyes, it was too plain to see that in their shared laughter, there was only them in that moment.
“SHHH!” Madam Pince hissed, causing Remus and Y/N to wince and the students’ laughter to die down.
The game continued, with the students watching intently. 
“Move…your… freaking queen out of the way,” Y/N said to herself with gritted teeth.
“Right, right, as if I don’t see this piece right here, just lined up ready for the king-“
The students spoke a little louder, one voice piled on top of the other, as the match was drawing to a close.
“Here, let me just… move it for you.” Y/N said, reaching for Remus’ queen.
“Hands! Off!” Remus answered, grabbing her wrist and moving it aside.
A roar of laughter and cheering came from the students, and next thing they knew, Madam Pince had them all thrown out.
“I am so sorry, guys. Remus- Professor Lupin and I definitely did not set a good example today,” Y/N sighed, apologizing to the students outside the library.
“Let me go talk to Madam Pince, she shouldn’t punish you for something we instigated. Excuse me.” Remus said, tentatively entering the library again.
Y/N waited outside with the students, watching Remus alongside them.
“Professor, you and Professor Lupin are SO funny together,” a 1st-year girl said, looking up at Y/N.
“Yeah, so hilarious!!”
Y/N aired a look of surprise, smiling to herself a bit. “Thank you. Yeah, we get along nicely. Unless I’m a few moves away from winning in chess.”
The students continued to chat amongst themselves, Y/N catching snippets of it.
“That’s so cute, like having a workplace best friend.”
“Or husband…”
“Oh yeah, totally, their chemistry is off the charts. There’s no way they act like that around each other and are just colleagues.”
Y/N was grateful she was wearing her big scarf, because it proved to be very useful to hide the blush creeping up her cheeks.
Booms of laughter, chattering voices, the clinking of silverware and wine glasses: those were some of the many sounds that filled the dining room of Number 12 Grimmauld Place on Saturday evenings when the friends gathered for dinner.
“Y/N,” Remus said in the midst of the conversation, wiping his mouth on his napkin. “Can you pass me the salt?”
Y/N smiled cheekily at her best friend. “It’s exactly in the middle between you and me.”
Remus rolled his eyes, but a small smile crept upon his lips. This was just the nature of his friendship with Y/N. Constant jesting.
“Can you just extend you arm…. And reach over… grab the salt shaker…”
“Um! Your arm is literally longer than mine, it’ll be easier for you,” Y/N retorted, stretching out her own arm to show him its length.
Sirius, James, and Lily merely continued with their conversations; this type of behaviour from Remus and Y/N was routine at this point.
“You are literally reaching out your arm right now, just grab the shaker-“ Remus cackled, reaching over the table to try to grab her wrist and direct it to the salt.
“Let go of me you buffoon-“
The two writhed around, trying to shake their hands out of the other’s way, head thrown back in laughter until the salt shaker was knocked over.
“Hey!” Y/N yelped, wiping the laughter tears streaming down her cheeks, “you spilled the salt, that’s bad luck.”
“It’s okay” Remus gasped between laughs, “here- throw some over your shoulder” he said as he grabbed a pinch of salt and threw it in Y/N’s direction.
By now, the others had paused to watch their two friends. The two were bent over, folded in half, wheezing and gasping for air as more tears streamed down their face from laughing so hard.
“My stomach! It hurts, it hurts-“ Y/N gasped, clutching her abdomen as she tried to stop laughing, without any success.
“What…” James started, “are we witnessing…”
“Remus is literally the mature one out of us until-“ Sirius said, but was interrupted by another howl of laughter released by Remus. The two had resorted to simply just throwing salt at each other. The powder simply just floated in the air, which prompted them to throw harder, and laugh even more at each failed attempt.
Lily narrowed her eyes, grinning. “They’re so freaking in love.”
At this, Y/N and Remus came to a halt, clearing their throats. They threw each other a quick glance before Remus cleared his throat, rising from his chair under the pretense of filling up his plate with seconds. Y/N pulled out her wand to clean up the salt.
Deep down in both of them, they knew Lily’s words rang true. How they would become reality, now, was the question. 
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realshinjiikari · 7 months
Professor Snape x Teletubbies erotica. Do not open.
Severus Snape, Professor and Lover
Severus Snape was very sad. He was not having many pleasures doing lectues and teaching stuents anymore. All those adventures happening at Hogwarts sucked the inner life from his bones…and he had nothing more to accomplish. He went to Dumbledor:
"Heaadmastet, I want to be expelled, I don’t have what it takes to teach anymoire."
Dumbledore was puzzled:
"But Snepa, you are my best professor, you can’t go and waste the knowlegde you have!"
"Oh Dumbledore…I’m so sad." said Snape putting the back of his hand on his forehead.
Dumbledor, the powerful and wiseful magus he wwas thought a solution:
"Okay Snape, I’ll transfer you to another place, somewhere calm where you will help good creatures that have n o parents."
Snape got greatful thatDumblerdo understood his feelings and pushed him to place less onerous to his advancing age.
Snape took a train and after days, finally reached an colorful and wonderful place. It was the Tubbydome Supertronic, the place of dwee]lling of his new students. He reached there, and a periscophe welcomed him:
"Profwssor Snape, you arrived! The students waits you in the classroom."
Snape was still sad, but his powerful stomach got chills, because the mystery of novelty aproacches his comfort zone.
When Snape entered the classroom, four color creatues were there seatting on the chairs. They said to Snape:
"Eh-Oh!" and Snape smilled, feeling his heart get full of ingnominous passion.
"Alright dear students, today, you will learn potion making."
"No, we want to learn how to be adult!" cried the four Teletubbies. They had live for many long inside that perfect bubble, only experimenting the baby joys of youth. But every day was equal to them, not really happened at their house and life was boring.
When Snape arrive, a flash of hope filled their hearts with the promisse of life beyond the perfect prison they got trapped whne they got born. Only that dark robbed and pale skinned man can save the babies from this terrible fate.
"But kids," said Seevrus "I must acomplish the curriculum!"
"Oh professor, I’m dying from inside, don’t let the evil periscophe suck the last remnants of humanity locked in my so fatal brokened heart" saaid the yellow Teletubbie, Laa-Laa, with a sensive voice, calling for a strong man to free her mind…her body.
Snape looked her, and felt somethnig funny inside his pelvis. It was a long time since the last time he shared a intimacy filled momnet with a woman. Snape was starting to break:
"But Teletubbies…if the periscophe woman watches us…how can we have privacy?"
The purple leader, Tinky Winky, got up and uttered with his powerful throat:
"I have a secret place professor. We can learn there and free ouselves from the bounds of madness that others inflicted upon us!" said him hitting his chest with a clench hands.
Snpae looked down, thought, and followed the purple leader. They opened a secret door inside their house, a door leading to the basement.
The place was full of rats and cockroaches. Water infiltrated the place and mold smell was present in dangerous quantities. A lot of earth and dirty was covering the place, and a hole in the wall could be seen.
"You are making a hole?"
"Yes Snape," said Tinky Winky, "we must escape, so we are creating a exit route to get out of the evil crunchs of the woman periscophe."
"Oh, I must help you Teletubbies."
"Prodfessor" said Laa-Laa, "first, teach us how to adult!"
Snape nooded in agreement. He, wth his wondrous magic wand created a giant bed, and some wine and cheese to acompany this iluustrious wisdom moment.
"Teletubbies, lay her with me, I’ll teach you how to be a man. Oh, but you Poo, aren’t ready yet. You are too young baby. Stay here in the corner and play with you small hose." and Poo got sad, but neverthless, he did what Snpe said and watched the others while they got teached.
"So" said Snap, "Laa-Laa, you make a pair with me. Tinky-Winky, you go with Dipsy. Watch me while I play with Laa-Laa and mimic my movements. This way you will learn."
Snape them got on his kness and looked at the layied Laa-Laa. She was sweatting a bit.
"Don’t be afraid small yellow girl, just spread your legs." and she did. An engorged vagina shine at her crotch, but it was full of cotton yellow pubic hair. Snape picked up a scissor and cut it.
"Snape" said Dipsy "Tinky Winky have no crotch mouth, but a very strange tongue. It’s filled with purple wrinkled skin!"
"Oh Dispy, he don’t have crotch mouth. But behind him, you will find a pork’s eye. Don’t be afraid, it’s dirty, but after a while you will like the fine flavor of melted chocolate covering your lips."
Dipsy turned Tinky Winky, and the purple Telletubbie revealed his deep purple anal hole.
"What I do?" asked Dipsy.
"The same I will do with Laa-Laa, don’t be afriad. Tinky Winky will scream and moan, but you must go on. " said Snape with a calm and softfull deep voice.
"Oh professor" said Laa-Laa with a moaning lustful voise, "I think I peed myself. I’m feeling moist."
"No Laa-Laa, you not pee. You only are happy that I’m here."
"Yes. Now…suck my index finger" and she did.
And Snape unclothed himself. His pale shiny penis appeared and all of the Teletubbies got impressed. His nut sack was very white and hairy and exhalled a snake oil parfum essence. Laa-Laa felt a jolt of pleusre down her antenna.
"Now boys, do as I do" and them, Snape introducted his wizard wondrous penis inside Laa-Laa. She screamed:
"AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" and a flush of yellow blood got expelled from her now broken hymen. The yeloow blood covered Snake, and he rubbed himself with that sticky liquid.
"Prodessor" moaned loudly Laa-Laa, "isn’t this wrong? I’m feeling so dirty."
"No Laa-Laa, don’t be ashamed. When you bit the forbidden fruit, the knowlegde will fullfil you inner most desires. Be my Eve!" and Snape punch her uterus with his roquefort penis. The Teletubbie girl moans more and smilles her face.
Dipsy do the same on Tinky Wonky, puncturing the purple asshole with the green penis he is so proud of. Tinky Winky screams:
"AAAAHHHH! You hurts me my dear friend! Stop, I cannot withstand your protuberant obelisk of delectation!"
"I can’t" said Dipsy with a condensending voice "professor said I must go on with our journey throughout the steps towards a greater understanding about our true nature as alienated species from our parenthood."
"Tinky Winky was suffering the destiny of those under the yoke of their own expectations. But Snape was wise and appealed:
"Dipsy, use your bodly fluids to appease the sorrow of your roost companion."
Dipsy them spit on his hand an immense gob of putrid mucus. It was green as his body and full of dancing crawlers that were enjoying the hot abode that was his nostrils. Dipsy covered his fluffy hard penis with it and penetrated Tinky Winky again. This time, the purple one enjoyied.
Snape was funcking hard Laa-Laa. A lot of yellow blood continued to get ot her defilled vaginal daisy. The pain hurted her much:
"Profezro, It aches my skin and negates the maturation you unleash inside my sacred womb."
"Be calm my yelloew student. After a while, no pain can touch you. Wait the massage of gods." and she did. After a while, the orgasms started, and she had multiple ones. Her chest grew a pair of xanthous brests, and they lactated the nectar of the houses of holy.
But she wasn’t in her mature years yet, and her bowel controls were rudimentary. The orgasms unleashed a cataract of pappy hot shit thru her untouched lutelous anus. The slop of dung covered the bed and the smell was atroucious. The flow was so intense, globs of shit splashed at Snape’s legs and hit his pale and sweet face.
"Ohhhhhh Laa-Laa" said Snape "finally, the cocoa honey bestow us with this feast of gormandized gut’s contents!" and Snape rubbed his face with the black fetid hodge-podge ooze Laa-Laa vomited with her anus. It so was hot and disgusting that Snape vomited a mash of orange juice, bloody spaghetti and mama’s chilli pepper over her lustful body. It reached Laa-Laa vagina and burned it and splashed all over her tummy. She rubbed the vomit all over her belly and breasts and swallowed a good portion of it.
Laa-Laa is happy, she reached a new stage of illumination and now can let go her shame of being the mistress of a snake old man.
Dipsy took a portion of that hot boiling dung and deposited it inside Tinky-Winky’s anus. Now, the penetration is complete. They are enjoying the most complete recollection of human’s past lives as beings dipping inside their own bodly properties.
"Snape" said Laa-Laa, "can I penetrate you too?"
Snape got pensive. He never thought about something so insulting to his manhood, but the pleasure was so insane, he nooded with a moan:
"Yeeeeesssssss" and Laa-Laa prepared her finger full of vomit and macaroni strings. She moved slowly her index finger and prepared to penetrated it…and she did! The finger entered Snape left nostril and started to fuck it. She was fast and didn’t want to lose time.
As Laa-Laa fucked Snape’s nose, the vomit in her nails entered it and he breathed it. He gaged and coughed the bloody puke and it hit Laa-Laa’s eyes, but she laughed.
Laa-Laa them put her other index finger inside the other Snape nostril, and he felt the pleasure more intense. Laa-Laa’s tits lactated like no other in the world, like a fountain of milk and passionate dung. The milk and shit shower was so intense it reached Poo, that was at a corner masturbating to the whole scene. He drink the shitty covered milk and peed himself in pleasure. Even a small Telletubie have the right to fell the magnificent joy of the motherly nourishment coming from his sister’s breasts.
Now, Snape is ready to cum. He grabs his penis and fell the throobing coming…and them…the cum-tastic delight goes out of his powerful snake hose and fills Laa-Laa’s small vagina with a gorgeous and thunderstriking goo that overflows her and wash the last pureness that yellow and sexy body had one day.
She cums too, and now, she is a complete fl, a yelow and tasty alien woman girl with nice and softly cotton breasts. Her Telletubbie body got gorugeously tasty an even her brothers think she is delicious now that she have breasts.
Dipsy cums inside Tinky Winky too, and the two cotton alien boys now discover what it takes to make a real action hero.
"Boys" said Snape "you have graduated. You now are full fledged mature and responsible adults. You can take care of your own butts and do with it all you deserve."
Poo was a little sad, but she know her time will come.
"Snape" said Tinky Winky rubbing his cum covered and hurting ass "We must escape, the perischope woman is already searching for us, because we haven’t returned to sleep."
"Okay Tinky-Winky, you lead the way" and the Telletubbies and Snape followeed Tinky-Winky’s down the hole they excavated. The cave was very dark and long, but Snape used his wand to iluminate the way.
As they walked, down the cave, a light at the end of the tunnel was near, and they raced towards it. But someone was expecting them. A figure was facing the cave, with his back turned against the light out of the tunnel.
"You shall not pass." said the voice
"Who are you?" askjed Snape
"I’m very disappointed with you Snape. I thought you had a rocky shadow heart. But it seems I’m wrong. It was a mistake sending you here to placate these little rainbow bastards. A mistake I’m going to correct."
"Wait, I know that voice…it’s-" and them, the figure emerges from the light, create a flowing flame around him, and his face is revealed. It’s Dumbledore!
"No! You!" shouted Snpae.
"Yes, me!"
"Why do you want with the Telletubbies?"
"Oh, you don’t know? They are Death Eaters Snape! We must kill them!"
"Death Eaters? That’s impossible!"
"No…" said Tinky-Winky "it’s true. We worked to Voldermot."
Snape got awed:
"Voldermort promissed that he would free our homeland from the dementors horde invasion. But, as we worked for him and infiltrated inside the Hogwarts, Dumbledore caught us. Now he absorbs our energies to fuel his mecha-bulldozer that-"
"Shut the fuck up!" cried Dumbledore. "You now will die!"
"No, I will not permit!" said Snape. He created a strong bound with those aliens, and he can’t let them die, even if they are working for the enemy.
"So" said Dumbledor "you will die too!" and Dumbledore invoke the killing speel from his wand. But them, Yinky-Winky, from the bottom of his purse, pulled out a Colt 45 Revolver and shoot Dumbledore, but the wizard deflected the bullet.
"HA, you cannot kill me!"
"Snape, go, save the Telletubbies, I’ll buy you time!" cried Tikny-Winky.
"No!" shout Laa-Laa "we can’t let you die here!"
"But you must, our he will kill us all and no one will can save our homeland!" and the Tinky-Winky advanced in the Dumbledore’s direction shooting rapid bullets at him.
Snape used his wand and started to drill a hole in the cave, circumventing the vicious battle happening near the entrance. Snape and the Telletubbies managed to drill another hole out some feet awya from the confrontation and gotout of the cave. They raced away from it, and at some distance, they saw Tinky-Winky shooting Dumbledore:
"Dubledor!" cried Tinky-Wink. He picked a hand grenade, pulled the pin, threw it at Dumbledore and shout "Die BASTAAAAAAAARD!"
"NOOOOOOOOOO!" and the cave exploded, lauching debris all over the place.
"Fast Telletubbies," said Snape "HIDE!" and they did. A lot of rock felt from the sky and fumes and dust covered everywhere.
"Tinky-Winkyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!" cried the three Telletubbies, and Laa-Laa tried to run and find her purple brother, but Snape prevented:
"No, you can’t! This place is unstable, we will die staying here!" cried Snape and the earth started to shake. They raced away from the crumbling Tubbydrome Supertronic, avoinding the falling rocks and the posion flower that attacked them.
After a while, they reached a safe haven.
Laa-Laa was very sad and crying much:
"Why? Why we let him die Snape?"
"Oh Laa-Laa, he saved us and was his desire that we escaped."
"But it is not fair…"
"I know…I know" and Snape hugged Laa-Laa, and the other Telletubbies did it too.
Now, these four heroes must find a way to save the Telletubbie planet from the horde of dementors that are trying to invade and conquer the place, slaving all of the millions of telletubbie inhabitants. Who is behind all this? Is Voldermort involved? And Snape and Laa-Laa? Will they be together till the end?
Snape says:
"Laa-Laa, I promisse, we will avenge your brother…"
The End?
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ensnapemysenses · 2 years
Can we get a one shot of when the reader sees and touches Snape's dark mark for the first time 🙊 I'd love it tbh but that's just cuz I think tattoos are hot 🥵
Marked Man
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: a bit suggestive
Pairing: Snape x Reader
Severus pulls his arm back as you attempt to undo the buttons on his sleeves. “I need to take your shirt off. That potion backsplash seems to have gone through the shirt. Are you okay?” you ask wide-eyed.
“I - I know but I’m scared of what you are going to say when you see it,” he confesses.
“Severus Snape, I already know all about your dark mark. Seeing it will not change anything, but I really need you to take this shirt off so I can access the damage.”
“Okay, but let me do it,” he says finally. 
He slowly undoes the buttons down the front of his shirt all the way to his collar and then moves to the buttons on the sleeves. Turning away from you he pulls the shirt off and covers his dark mark the best he can with his right hand.
“Slowly turn for me,” you demand. He turns in a small circle allowing you to access the damage to his skin. “Hhhmm, it doesn’t look too bad. If you can, I’d like you to move your hand so I can look at your left forearm.” 
“It’s fine, I already checked when I covered it up.”
“Okay. Do you have any healing salve I can use to put on these wounds?”
“Yeah, it’s on my bedside table.”
You retrieve the salve and with gentle hands begin to rub it into all the places the potion burned Severus’ pale and delicate skin. He grunts a little bit at the pain and you apologize profusely each time.
“Don’t lie to me, Sev. Are you sure your left forearm is not hurt?” you ask as you finish up coating all the spots.
He tenses. “Honey, it’s fine.”
“I didn’t ask if it was fine, I asked if it was hurt.”
He sighs. “It is rather burnt,” he says after a long pause.
“Do you want to apply the salve yourself, or will you let me apply it?” you ask, wanting to help him overcome his insecurity but you don’t want to force him before he’s ready.
“Are you sure seeing it won’t change anything between us? he asks hesitantly. 
“I am 1000% percent sure,” you smile.
He slowly moves his hand down his left arm, uncovering his left forearm inch by inch until his dark mark is on full display, but that’s not your concern. You are more concerned about the whelping red spots on his arm; it appears that this area of his body was affected more than anywhere else.
Delicately you take hold of his forearm and begin spreading the salve on it. Severus doesn’t look at you and his face is beet red the whole time. 
“It’s hideous, isn’t it?” he whispers.
You glance up to see him quickly wipe away the singular tear falling down his face. “It’s not hideous,” you say in a low voice, lifting his forearm to give his dark mark a kiss. “In fact,” you continue, “it’s kind of hot.”
“What? How is this attractive?” he sneers.
“Well, I’ve always had a thing for tattoos,” you say with a smirk. “The meaning behind it doesn’t matter to me You are a changed man, Sev. I know you are. You can’t change the past, but you are doing everything in your power to make up for your mistakes, which is enough for me. Don’t be too harsh on your past self when you see this reminder of their mistakes. You’ve grown and learned and that’s all that matters.”
Severus lets out a sob. “You can’t really mean that, (Y/N).”
“I mean every last word of it,” you reply, trailing kisses up from his dark mark to his lips. “And, I’m going to let you know just how much I mean it,” you add as you gently lay him back on the bed and straddle him.
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magicaltrans · 1 year
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With the collective effort of many wonderful people on the Magical Trans discord server, we created a trans Harry Potter reclist by trans people!
Any type of media, ships, ratings and HP characters were allowed, the restriction being that it had to include a trans main character!
Because there were so many great recommendations, the reclist is split in 3 parts – 2 of which are Drarry focused. Find part II (Drarry, Gen – Mature) and III (Drarry, Explicit) here: Part II, Part III
PART I – No Pairings, Rare Pairings, Snupin, Snarry, Wolfstar
S.Q.U.A.D by @themischiefmanagers​​ | TheMischiefManagers (Trans Teddy Lupin (and many more), Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley, Video Series on YouTube) What @samyistrying​​ loved about it: The YouTube Channel TheMischiefManagers is like a goldmine! They made multiple Cosplay YouTube Video Series with different HP characters (the marauders era (wolfstar!), golden trio (drarry!), and more) and all of them are MASTERPIECES! S.Q.U.A.D. is their take on Queerness in the HP World. It's incredibly educational, funny, heartwarming and so so important! Oh, and freaking relatable! They did an incredible job in conveying such a complex topic in a nuanced and fun way. It's so great! Also, it's by queer/trans people about queer/trans people and that is FELT! They have since stopped making new videos but their channel will always be one of the greatest treasures within the fandom! Check it out! Summary: Follow Teddy Lupin and Vicky Weasley as they take on outdated traditions at Hogwarts and create their own (not so secret) rebellious group called SQUAD - Sourcerous Queers United Against Discrimination! Tags/Warnings: talk about transphobia, gender dysphoria, queerphobia
“Is there a name you’d like me to call you?” by @upthehillart​​ (Trans Harry Potter, Trans Remus Lupin, Digital Art) What @samyistrying​​ loved about it: upthehillart has quite a few trans HP artworks (I could die for her NSFW ones) and she's obviously an iconic artist within the fandom, so what's not to love? I chose this particular artwork because it's such a wonderful and sweet moment between Harry & Remus and I'm probably not the only one who needed to hear (/read) Remus' words. (I might've teared up but don't tell anyone). I need to end this praise with a quote: "Never forget that there will always be people that accept us in our most truest.” (ugly crying again) Tags/Warnings: nothing, just wholesomeness
Magical Metamorphosis by Eon_the_Dragon_Mage (Trans Female Harry Potter, 160k words, General) What the reccer loved about it: Holly’s journey through it all is really lovely (even if it does include some bad stuff happening) Summary: Concerned when Hermione sleeps late, Harry decides to check on her and climbs the Gryffindor Girls' Stairs. This begins a journey of self-exploration and transition for Harry as she blossoms into her true self. Tags/Warnings: Depictions of abuse, dysphoria, transphobia, torture, death, mention of suicide, and descriptions of self harm
Not Forever (and that's okay) by doshu | @vdoshu​​ (Everyone’s Trans, Fleur Delacour/Nymphadora Tonks/Bill Weasley, 900 words, General) What @piarelei​​ loved about it: short, sweet and right to the feels. It's cozy, it hugs you softly, it feels right. I love a good sip of polyamory and I found that this little thing is a good bite of validation for those who need it. Summary: It’s a cold winter’s night, and Tonks is working the late shift. That means chimney cake, hot cocoa, and stories in front of the fire, while Bill and Fleur wait for their missing third to come home. Tags/Warnings: t4t4t, POV First Person, Name choosing, Fluff, cozy feels, Polyamory, Nymphadora Tonks Lives, what even is canon
The Measure of a Man by Acid | @ac1d6urn​​ (Trans Male Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Severus Snape, 50k words, Explicit) What @temnurus (ao3) loved about it: This fic was an incredibly powerful look into Harry's mind during his transition. The relationships were rich and deep, and the feelings in this were both raw and immensely powerful. I related strongly to parts as a transmasculine nonbinary person, and the topic was covered honestly and thoroughly. Harry and Severus' characterizations were gorgeous, and the evolution of their relationship was stunning to watch. This is a must read for me. I thoroughly enjoyed it and highly recommend it. Summary: Several years after defeating Voldemort, Junior Auror Harry Potter discovers himself and, at the risk of losing his childhood love, follows the truth. Through it all, Snape is an unexpected solace. Will he become more? Tags/Warnings: Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Spinner's End, Closets, Coming Out, Minor Character Death, Grief/Mourning, Angst with a Happy Ending, Misgendering, Gender Dysphoria, Cross-Generation Relationship, Post-Hogwarts, Auror Harry Potter, Alcohol, Not Epilogue Compliant
Fix your heart (build an altar where it rests) by BlueSundayCake | @bluesundaycake​​ (Trans Harry Potter, Trans Severus Snape, Remus Lupin/Harry Potter/Severus Snape, 32k words, Explicit) What @basicallyahedgehog​​ loved about it: Pahn makes such a rare pairing feel so natural, and the alternating POVs give us a gorgeous insight into each character. Harry and Snape's gender identities don't feel like a Plot Point but just another part of their story, a small piece of the beautiful jigsaw puzzle that is this fic. Summary: In the summer of 1998, three wizards come to terms not only with still being alive, but with a new life-changing discovery: a soulmate mark. Shapeless, colourless, painless. Like a drop of watered down ink. A story about falling in love, healing, and reconnecting with a sense of self. Tags/Warnings: alternative universe - soulmates, post-war, severus snape lives, remus lupin lives, headmaster severus snape, professor remus lupin, hogwarts eighth year, grief/mourning, paganism, cross-generation relationship, polyamory, slice of life, hurt/comfort, angst, depression, healing, slow romance, threesome - M/M/other, explicit sexual content
Lay down your armour (be with me forever) by BlueSundayCake | @bluesundaycake​​ (Trans Severus Snape, Severus Snape/Remus Lupin, 21,6k words, Explicit) What the author loved about it: Writing this fic for me was extremely cathartic! It was my ultimate egg moment of "oh shit this could be me?" and it's my favourite work to re-read. Also it's an emotional gut-punch. Also features moodboards & fanart!! (Art by Lu Endland | @luendland​​ ) Summary: In which two boys kiss and everything falls apart. A story told over a decade of encounters, where a body feels like a graveyard and another like a battlefield, and names are whispered tenderly until they feel real. Tags/Warnings: Heavy angst, internalised transphobia (resolved throughout the story), body dysphoria, body worship, scars, the mortifying ordeal of being known, names, hurt/comfort, happy ending, strap-on sex, self-acceptance
A Bigger Splash by wolfpants | @wolfpants​​ (Trans Albus Severus Potter, Draco Malfoy/Albus Severus Potter, 7k words, Explicit) What @vitaminpops​​ loved about it: the vibes are super immaculate like the tension, the body positivity of it all like seeing albus grow more confident throughout the fic it's just.   I love it. And it's hot. Summary: It's his dad's 45th birthday in rural Sicily, and all Albus wants is to be seen by Draco Malfoy. Tags/Warnings: Explicit Sexual Content, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, Sexual Tension, Body Worship, Praise Kink, Age Difference, Summer Vacation, Italy
A Story of Lions and Lionesses and Other Sentient Beings by Justherefor1 ​​ (Trans Sirius Black, Trans Caradoc Dearborn, eventual Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, 3k words, General) What the author loved about it: i just loved writing an understanding of gender and agender fic Summary: A magical button flashing “down with the cistem”, a young Griffindor who is brave and struggles to balance mapping the school, family affairs, Animagus potion brewing to support a beloved Werewolf, and gender struggles. Tags/Warnings: dysphoria (implied), (internalised) trans hate, Underage Drinking, enforcement of the gender binary, Coming Out, Walburga and Orion Black's A+ Parenting, mentions polyamory as totally normal as it is
Boys Will Be Bugs by The_Infamous_Jack | @ace-catboy-ryuuzaki​​ (Transmasc Remus Lupin, Genderfluid Sirius Black, Transfem OC, Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, 395k words [in progress], Teen) What @remolupini​​ loved about it: it depicts Remus' childhood and teenage in such a great balanced way, it shows that they're still children despite the war, and still gives some good outlooks despite also touching on the darkest moments and thoughts in his life. Summary: Remus Lupin has more than one secret, and there’s no way of knowing who he can trust. All he has are his parents, but they can’t protect him when he goes off to Hogwarts. But then Remus meets a boy and his two other friends, and soon realises that some secrets can’t be kept forever. Tags/Warnings: parental death, dysphoria, internalized ableism, anything that comes with coming of age during a war, mostly canon compliant
Discards by picascribit (Trans Sirius Black, Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, 70k words, Mature) What Justherefor1 loved about it: it leaves no eye dry. It goes to where it hurts. It’s surreal beauty and real pain. It’s not only about trans topics but also class differences and making ends meet. It’s actually also about pride and prejudice. Summary: When 21-year-old assistant librarian Sirius spots a cute hipster college student at the Seattle Public Library, he just needs to figure out a subtle way of determining whether he's into guys. But Remus's life is more complicated than Sirius knows. Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Non-Magical & Modern, Romance, Angst, Getting Together, Parental Rejection, Homelessness, HIV/AIDS, Drug Use, Sex Work, Seattle, Friendship, Fluff, Found Family, LGBTQ Characters of Color, LGBTQ Jewish Character(s), Anxiety Disorder, Panic Attacks, Angst with a Happy Ending
Have Time To Grow by Queer_and_trashy (Trans Sirius Black, Trans Nonbinary James Potter, Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, 31,6k words, Explicit) What Justherefor1 loved about it: Queer themes, queer people. Love the conversation before sex with a trans person. Love how it’s not only falling in love but also making it happen!! Summary: Before him in all his glory was Sirius Black, queer jesus of the hipster poetry world with the long hair and sins to prove it. Remus hadn’t been able to get through one semester in his years of teaching without a student recommending Sirius’ poetry, their doe eyes filled with infatuation. Seeing up close the mind and body that had a habit of crafting words to crack open rib cages, Remus understood their sentiment. Remus is a queer literature professor weary of the social world, who meets Sirius a loud and wildly popular spoken word poet who specializes in love that burns hot at both ends. Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Poet Sirius, Professor Remus Lupin, Light BDSM, Dom/sub, Getting Together, Fluff and Angst, past trauma, implied/referenced PTSD, Happy Ending
If you would like to join the discussion as a trans person or to become a better ally, join the server! 18+ only.
A million thanks to all the wonderful reccers and artists/authors, of course! Representation truly matters!
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