#there have been so many more glitches I've seen lmao
blubary · 2 years
Some of the funniest glitches I've come across in Little Hope
I have come across many glitches like the characters disappearing, characters being bald, and just straight-up characters teleporting.
There are spoilers ahead just so you know
In the bar, the game will literally give away who Vince is. I don't mean saying his name in the subtitles before he introduces himself, I mean it will say Tanya's boyfriend. I have seen it more than once; it is so funny.
Again, the game gives something away. I was playing and I paused the game to see who I was. It said I was Anthony up where it says the character's name. It was very funny and weird.
This one happened a bit ago but I was John walking around (in The Crossing chapter I think) And I witnessed Daniel walk into the fog and never come back. Taylor wasn't around either and it was horrifying. I even tried going into the fog myself and it obviously did work.
The part where Daniel and Taylor almost kiss. Daniel was talking and the game just cut him off mid-sentence and moved on. It was really funny.
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sidprescot · 2 years
i uhhhh finished 1899
(spoilers for all episodes below the cut, don't read if you haven't finished watching!)
GOD this show!!!!! i have been screaming internally for like 10 hours now and this is going to be so incoherent sorry
who else thinks the space ship at the end is just another simulation and the start of another loop? the season beginning and ending with maura waking up to a 'letter' from her 'brother', the ship also being called the prometheus, the technology also seeming out of place for the time period, being trapped in the vastness of space instead of the vastness of the ocean but it's still a prison.... could be totally wrong and it's just parallels but i trust nothing and no one on this (space)ship
literally every character on this show is so fucked up (affectionate) i am studying them all like bugs
i did guess that the boy was maura's son but i thought daniel was either an older version of him or her brother, the husband reveal fully knocked me on my ass because up until that point i was convinced they were setting up a maura/eyk romance which i 100% think was intentional clearly they have some connection outside of the simulation and the heart wants what it wants when you have amnesia lmao it's so valid of her tbh i too am making eyes at andreas in that coat
also hear me out what if daniel and elliot are both dead in the original reality (or never existed at all) and the versions of them that we see are actually AI created by maura to cope with her trauma... seems like elliot at least is dead or dying considering the grave bunker and his memory in the chair... if maura is the creator of the simulation, maybe she's also their Creator? what if she can wake up but they never can
tinfoil hat firmly ON
or alternatively what if daniel is actually the antagonist leading her deeper into the simulation OR maybe they're both literally exactly what they seem to be and he's just a guy who loves his wife and wants to save her from herself and also her fucked up family and also maybe loves his son sometimes i am sooooooo full of shit lmao it's 3am bestie
also i was NOT expecting olek and ling yi to fuck me up like that... they speak the language of LOVE ok do not perceive me
and speaking of that i've seen some people say that they feel like the simulation reveal took away the gravity of the death scenes but it didn't at all for me, for one everyone jumping overboard like lemmings off a cliff while you hear their bodies thunk thunk thunk was fucking haunting and that was the bulk of the deaths, but also i just think the implications of the whole thing fuck me up more on a psychological level when it comes to the main characters... they are all doomed by the narrative, new liver same eagles, this is going to happen again and again because they can't escape their emotions, they can't escape love or hate or rage or fear or desire or grief, they can't escape what it means to be human no matter how deep into their dreams and nightmares they go at the core nothing ever changes and it's fucking tragic
in other words, i ugly cried through most of ep 7
and then there's the triangle symbolism, the tattoos, 'what is lost will be found', 1011, some of the names being anagrams, etc etc
everything is too real nothing is real at all they're alive they're dead they're in purgatory they're in a hell of their own making they are the glitch in the matrix they are the (literal) bugs in the code i am going to scream
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actual footage of me making this post
also i am definitely going to gif the show but i have a really busy week coming up and i'll be out of town for most of it so it might be a while unfortunately but just know the gifs are coming eventually they are living in my little brain as we speak
ok i'm going to shut up now if you read this far thank you, i love you, and i'm sorry lmao
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manofthepipis · 1 year
Don’t know if you plan this, but will spamton eventually tell the other 3 Ads about how his glitches feel? Like the “burning/hot plate sensation” I don’t think Survey ever told them, and doesn’t want to say things on spams behalf, but I am curious on how their reactions will be in that area!
Also! Do you plan on introducing Kris back into the story later on? As spams whole “being pardoned by them” thing? If not, that’s totally fine as well!
Another thing! Do you view Gaster as Mike? Or a another party? I know that Gaster and Spam have a connection, no doubt about that, but I just wanted to hear your thoughts!
rlly good question! honestly i have an answer for that first bit in the next chapter when some of the adds talk about, well, the complicated things that they've seen from spamton. The terms and conditions here. unfortunately for surv, they got some of the most heart wrenching info, but i'd feel they're rlly talkative and communicative in nature, telling the others the latest Spamton Revelation Of The Day
(i plan to put more of their convos in the next chapter, which is almost done as i've had it set aside a lot in lieu of a new job lol but i'm gettin there)
I dont plan on bringing kris into this fic, mostly because i'm unsure what canon will do, and this fic is like an au equivalent of a waiting-room-for-chapter-3-to-come-out-for-me like we know for the lightners it's over the course of the week, but for darkners, so little has been said about how their world works it's the creativity juices coming into play. Though he eagerly awaits their return and to be his best self just in time to be a better ally to the party than jevil :D
speaking of not knowing what canon will do, I've definitely been alluding mike to being gaster, but only because that was my favorite theory at the time of writing srpsb. After sweepstakes, it's changed a bit, or i've become a lot more open minded about all the possibilities about who mike really is. Still, I'm committing to keeping Mike as the one who was the one behind the phone and the strings, at least in this au, despite it one day maybe being turned all on its head (but hey that's the fun of fanfic lmao). Though you won't see me saying Mike=Gaster for sure, it's my favorite theory, and one i've been sold on since moment one, but one big thing in my writing is keeping many things vague since the UT/DR fandom is rich with theories and headcanons and i keep a lot of things open to interp (except acid theory like i can't get behind that one at all but yet i never have. absolutely no shame but i like the light/puppetification theory a LOT more just cuz of Spamtons plethora of themes. this isn't a surprise but ya the fic isn't friendly to acid theory lol).
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What’s your fave ep of the og and the new series?
DREAMS. the tv show was great dont get me wrong but the og series is a goddamn masterpiece and i will be beyond amazed if any piece of media EVER surpasses it. dreams is my favorite ever because i LOVE when stories do the thing where they Break the Medium and shift the visual style and it feels so inherently wrong. that shift to the red's office, the change in aspect ratio, GOODBYE PLAYING IN THE STAIRS SCENE, it is beautiful and it is art. the overt symbolism of the golden glitter curtain falling in checkerboard void, the machine just a little ways beyond it and roy within the fog, the so many different ways anyone can interpret that final minute because it could be anything and it is different to everyone. ooh hey i've got something to write soon about the color changed trio don't i!! i believe we may have some new context for that ending. anyway dreams is the most satisfying conclusion to any story in the entire world and i have very normal taste i have normal taste i have normal taste (what i repeat to myself in my head when the dentist asks my favorite tv show)
and in the new series!
i've seen a lot of mixed feedback on this one, which i can't claim to understand!!! it is my favorite by far. perhaps improved by the fact i saw it around five in the morning after having been awake 26 hours and then slept for 3 hours after that (very good day i had) but jeez this one was a trip (pun very much intended!!). something special about this one is that the train didn't actually... do anything to them. at all. he just kinda showed up and then died. everything that went wrong the trio did to themselves. or, more accurately, red did to the trio. this episode was about them. no one else. hell there's even the joke with the time child and tony. they're not here. they've left and they've never tried to do that before.
this episode also happens to house The Only Part that made me cry lmao (although admittedly it was more in that fridge-horror way where it only hits you later). when red yelled "i'm not going back to that house." yeah that destroyed me i think. that whole part though, from the dead bird to the glitch, with the increasingly mounting tension starting from the repetitive beeping of the fuel meter to the train waking up to yellow and duck not understanding what's going on to red very outwardly becoming increasingly desperate because he doesn't want to go back and it just builds until it snaps and the last time dhmis managed to do that was in that most beloved "stranger's plate" sequence, wasn't it? yeah <3
transportation also has the very best Duck Autism Moments (everything with the clipboard). that petty little "i have my own system, don't get involved." and then how it comes back at the very end... its the last shred of normalcy he's able to create for himself. and for the others. there's a sort of comfort in some things never changing.
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Thanks for the tags @maybirdie and @nerd-artist
1. ride or die ship (your otp): Big surprise it's ereloy! I have never been so focused on a ship before and I am not mad about it at all.
2. most annoying ship: I am not a drama-llama, I really don't have beef with other ships, this is what the fandom is for. We should all be free to ship our ships without others putting us down!
3. second favourite ship: I have several, I fully blame two-minutes for getting me into Kotallo/Talanah! Big fan of Zo/Varl, Morlund/Abadund and Avad/Ersa I also ship Abadund/Clipboard lmao
4. favourite platonic relationship: I love the relationships that Beta forms during Forbidden West, I really hope she is a bigger part of Horizon 3. Each of the gang teaches her life skills and how to navigate the world.
5. underrated ship: I don't have an answer for this one!
6. overrated ship: No drama-llama here!
7. one thing i would change in canon: I would love to have seen more of Ersa, the comics were amazing but I'd love a game set during the Liberation, learning more of Erend and Ersa's story with Dervahl.
8. something canon did right: I played HZD on a whim, my brother mentioned it to me as he thought I would enjoy it. I was so confused while I played. What happened to the old world? Why had humanity gone back to a tribal existence and what did the machines have to do with things? I was completely hooked, gripping story and lovable characters mixed with a thrilling story. Perfect.
9. a thing i'm proud of creating for the fandom: I don't particularly think I've created anything spectacular for the fandom, I'm just a hobby artist who enjoys drawing these two idiots! There are so many fantastic creators that I love screaming about.
10. a character who is perfect to me (wouldn't change a thing): Erend. He's been my favourite character since the very beginning. He's a lovable goof with a cheeky smile and I am very blessed to have the tasset glitch to enjoy and share with my friends!
11. the character i relate to the most and why: I don't relate to any one character specifically, I see a bit of myself in Petra, Talanah and Aloy. I'm very strong-willed with a sarcastic sense of humor and a dirty mind!
12. character(-s) i hate the most and why: I have a list of characters I want to shoot in the ass with an arrow, these include Sylens, Tilda, Dervahl, Helis, Vuadis and Nil. Among many others.
13. something i've learned from the fandom: I joined the fandom back in June 2022, I finally felt confident enough to post a AU ereloy fic on AO3. What followed was an invite to join the Two Minutes discord server and meet some fantastic and extremely talented folk! I've learned to be more confident in myself and my artwork, having that feedback has helped me improve and its wonderful to be able to scream about my favourite blorbos!
14. three tags i seek out on ao3: All the sex. Sensual Fingerblasting, Sexual Tension and Explicit Sexual Content.
15. a song i strongly associate with my otp/favourite character: Hear Me Now by Bad Wolves ft Diamante. It makes me think of Erend struggling with drink and his grief after Ersa passed, Aloy arriving in Meridian and bringing him out of himself. There is a very strong undertone in this song of the whole 'friends to lovers' which is one of my favourite tropes, especially with ereloy.
tagging: No pressure tags!! Sorry for repeats! @maybirdie @sorbetowl @chib95 @littlelionpaw @hothotpot
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transbipolarbaddie · 2 years
im feeling so paranoid right now. my roommate just left the apt and a few minutes later the door buzzed and i thought maybe my roomie forgot something so i went to the buzzer and asked “who is it” because i wanted to be able to let them in if they needed. “delivery” he said, i buzzed him in but i was quickly anxious about how easy it would have been for that man to have lied and held ulterior motives. especially considering the amount of times i've forgotten my keys and and buzzed every apartment in the building until someone let me in, my excuse being “Amazon” as to not provoke suspicion and as not to have to speak more words than i can because amazon delivers to my apartment building multiple times a day, it's just easier. but now i’m thinking, ‘anyone could just say “delivery”’
i’m paranoid because:
1. the present moment seems odd and im suspicious of my surroundings
2. im worried someone is stalking me and wants to break in and rape me because:
a. i am transgender
b. my computer realistically could have been hacked quite easily, my techy roommate told me there were warning signs but i shut them down and didn’t listen
c. i frequently leave my curtains open and there is a likely easily accessible balcony adjacent on my room with huge windowed glass door
d. liberally use grindr and seeking arrangements without much anticipation of potential safety issues and there are creeps who message me relentlessly
3. it feels like a halo was shoved into my skull or that a weighted rubber band is strapped around my forehead, squeezing the thoughts out of the top of my brain like a bottle of ketchup
4. i can’t stop the constant intrusive thoughts of myself being harmed by someone who would want to break in
probably more things but, after experiencing these thoughts i knew i needed to calm down. so i grab my juul and creep to the shower still stimulated and on guard, in fight or flight. i make my way to the shower which is usually a cure-all but in this case just made be afraid to be as idiotic as the first murder victim in that one alfred hitchcock move u know with the shower? and the bates motel wow i know this but it's impossible to recall the title of this movie in my current headspace. it's making my brain glitch so i have to move on. so i lay down in the shower subtly waterboarding myself because it's relaxing (that's dramatic really i just lay under the spray bouncing up from when the water hits the bottom of the tub with my mouth open because the feeling is calming for some reason). anyways that didn't work.
my thoughts still racing, i rush to my bedroom, close my blinds, check outside the door one last time, and take 2 seroquels and get in bed and then write this. even now as im coming down i have the thought “but what if he’s waiting until i fall asleep”
i've decided to sleep with my taser in my hand. i cant find my taser so i grab the first knife i see because i need to check outside the door and the peephole is noisy for some reason and the door is paper thin so i have to be prepared if someone is hiding right outside because ive seen way too many horror movies im not gonna be a fucking idiot. all clear. i look down and in my hands is a serrated knife. “lmao,” i think as if it would’ve been very helpful if i had needed to stab someone, but i knew the rage within me would’ve been enough to get the job done.
whenever people ask me what i do in my free time, i feel like i should send them this.
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itsdelicate · 2 years
hii so sorry this is late!! I literally just slept the whole day yesterdayyyy. but I'm more awake now sooooo
right?? I honestly can't even remember. I think like around folklore time? but I didn't really stick to it until after evermore-ish cause I was so busy and quarantine was a bad time lmao. ofc that's okay and THOSE ARE AMAZING CHOICES!!!! all masterpieces and ivy is one of my fav too omg. okay folklore it's always been really hard for me to pick my top songs from so here are just alike 3 ones I really really love but idk their place in my top aknsmsn: my tears ricochet, mad woman, hoax. and evermore: ttds, happiness, dorothea, coney Island, and ivy (sorry I just can't pick three they're all in number one for me lol)
OMG that's so cute and I love that it happened to u!! bash is so akdbsjns. yes yes he is!! and he's so funny and sweet too he could not be annoying. AKDNSJSHSSB OMG if you fell to the ground and screamed at seeing her irl I would NOT blame you. dying on seeing her is so valid
it's a classic!! and I heard ab the musical and really want to watch it!! that's a good choice tangled is amazing. is rapunzel ur fav disney princess then? mines mulan skdhj. I LOVE KINGSMAN SO MUCH!!! taron egerton is so good in it. and Colin firth in anything is an immediate yes for me. I loved her greatest showman!! yesss it's soundtrack is everything but honestly I'm so sick of this is me cause my school was like obsessed w it and that thing where u get bored w a song cause it plays over and over and over again happened lmao. rewrite the stars is still and always will be a bop tho. aww that's sweet and idk if I've watched it before so maybe I'll check it out!!
omg those are all so good. sweet nothing is such a rare top 5 but it's everything. ooh okay mine are prob: wcs, maroon, labyrinth, glitch, and bttws!!
thank u!! I did have a lot of fun asisnjs
random qotd: do u celebrate christmas? cause I actually don't so I thought why not ask
xxx ur secret santa
no omg that’s totally fine hehe i hope you got some good rest 😌 i’ve decided to answer this while getting my tat ahsjf so if there’s any typos pls ignore them 🤠
ooh that’s pretty recent!! i’ve been a swiftie since 2008! insane that it’s been that long?? over half my life ago 💀 were you into taylor at all before folklore/evermore? i know a lot of people who knew some of her more popular songs before that but became fans after! ivy is SO good i need that song imprinted on my brain permanently idc!! your choices are so valid mad woman makes me so elmofirememe.jpg and happiness makes me want to CRY (the irony lmao can never trust her istg)
literally omg and the entire cast is 😭 i have them all little letters with their gifts and kit looked at me right in the eye and was like thank you 🥺 i promise to read it so carefully when i get home WHEN I TELL U I WAS TRYING TO STAY ALIVE AND SIMONE oh my god quite literally gay panic™️ etc etc
the musical is so good! little miss woods comma elle <3 i hope u get to see it someday!! yess she is 🥰 omg mulan is such a great choice a girlboss 😌 YES omg taron is amazing in it and colin firth <333 (which reminds me i also LOVE mamma mia!) omg i totally understand ahsjf that happens with me too such a pain when you like the song as well but you get sick of hearing it over and over 😩 omg pls do if u get the time! i think it’s my fav christmas movie now :’)
omg yeah now that you say it i haven’t seen that many people rank it higher up even though everyone loves it it’s such a soft song 🥺 amazing choices glitch took some time to grow on me but i love it now but omg bttws makes me so sad but it’s such a lovely song ☹️
yay i’m glad!! and i don’t either actually hsjfk but i love the season and the Vibes around christmas time everything is so festive 🫶
answering this was such a good way to pass the time my tattoo’s almost done hehe thank you for the distraction 🥰 i hope you’re having a nice weekend!! any plans for the coming week? <3
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pokeglitchden · 5 months
I must say, of the tests I've seen (and I've seen many), that takes the cake (haha im so funny lmao) for the most unconventional, but considering your line of work, that may be to be expected.
Hope it went well. [@pkmnspacehistory]
Hah, ok I'll admit that got a chuckle out of me. I've been in a bit of a sour mood the rest of today but, well... unfortunately since I did not pass the exam, I will have to be retaking that bit, cake and all.
Glitch City is more ruthless in its grading than one might imagine it seems.
Anyway, I won't be taken off guard again. I am going to ensure I have prepared amply going into this next exam!
I think... I'm going to need a lot of baking supplies though
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discluded · 2 years
I’m 😭 know I get the snake joke when they asked Apo about kissing Mile lmao (this whole thread) idk what todo with this info
Nonnnyyy!! Thank you for giving me the chance to talk about something I've wanted to talk about for a while, which is how good MA's acted kisses are. And it's good acting too! But first,
I spent a bit of time trying to figure out who the person being translated was (apo_mytype), and it looks like they're just a fan. But their comments resonated so much with people the twitter translator (jsaturfiles) got asked to translate/share. I'll post it here so people don't have to go to the tweet:
ive seen #MileApo in kissing scene workshops since the filmania era, their kisses are so real. apo said before that p mile wasn’t yet good at controlling himself. so every time they kissed he wouldn’t stop until apo nearly fell on his back. but apo couldn’t even fall because p mile was gripping his arm.
back then p mile’s body was very thick (he’s still thicker than apo today) one of his arms could wrap around apo’s entire body like a snake wrapping around it’s prey. from kissing in filmania to kissing in boc. by the time kpts ended #MileApo probably kissed 100s of times. let me ask for real, have you guys ever felt anything for each other at all? even some little thing?
some couples have been together for their whole lives and don’t kiss as often as #MileApo (reffering to them in the series)
Now let us take a very necessary break to watch some Filmania era kissing
(mobile is a PITA so here's video 1 and video 2 if they don't show up)
The Art of a Good Kissing Scene
For anyone (no one) wondering "Kyuu, how the fuck do you know so many things about everything" the answer is 1) I don't know shit, 2) I have ADHD, and 3) I spend a lot of time just learning things about I find interesting. Like watching a lot of videos like the above.
The coach basically breaks down a list of things she's looking for in good/bad scenes, including 1. prelude (setup), 2. breath (pause before the kiss -- it's a moment of dramatic tension to set up the audience), 3. rhythm of the kiss, 4. dialogue/chemistry/moment/surrender (checking in with each other).
And she specifically compliments Jonathan Rhys Meyers' ability to create a private moment (13:39) of intimacy in a crowded place to establish the context for the kiss. So there is actual acting technique in how technically good on-screen kisses are, and also specifically how good Mile and Apo make KP's kisses.
I adore all of KP's kisses, but I specifically want to talk about how good their first kiss in episode 3 is.
The thing is, it's obviously not the first time MileApo have kissed, and certainly not even the first time they've kissed as Kinn and Porsche, but they have to sell to the audience the authenticity of it being their first kiss in the context of the events of the show -- the hesitancy, the heart in your throat jolt of tension, the tenderness and chasteness and longing and release of the first kiss.
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(cr smittenskitten for the gifs! here's another edit of this extended...tumblr glitched on let me add more pictures?)
And you know it's good acting because they can recreate this exact same tension, breath, longing, and relief of tension live in one take
(video link for those suffering mobile like me)
It's so good in that the setup is both anticipatory and surprising at the same. Watch both happen...This youtuber's mom was even able to count down to their kiss.
Perth (Ken) has talked on his channel about how shows are filmed non-sequentially and it's up to the actors to know their characters well enough to know what's going on with them in that scene. Since the first kiss on the pier was physically in the same place as where they ended their first date in episode 8, they likely shot those on the same day or very close together. So MA had to know their characters' hearts very well. And their trust in each other, in taking each other's small cues, is what builds in the authenticity of watching Kinn and Porsche falling in love.
So yes, all the practice helped, but their kisses really do feel special. Mile and Apo constantly sell to us how special it is.
And that's what we call acting, baby. 😩💦
Let's just say it's probably good Mile had a whole year to get all of that hunger out of his system first because KPTS Episode 3 Kinn was way more respectful than Mile was haha.
(if you keep asking sending me anons, I will eventually run out of interesting things to talk about!!! 😅)
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staysuki · 3 years
Ash I don’t think some of my asks are coming through 😭. Like I sent two a few days ago but I still haven’t seen a response lol. Does this happen often? Is anyone else having this problem? I feel stupid if I send them again and in reality you’ve already seen it pfft.
Omg your getting so many asks I’m so happy for you rn!!! The hype is real. People are really throwing in their thoughts and feeling now, we’re definitely getting the ball rolling to you being tumble famous✨. Not to mention how fun it is to come up with conclusions wrong or right. It’s almost like we’re a jury panel trying to figure out who is guilty. I’m also glad to see you’ve got your mojo back, I know your were procrastinating a bit there at one point. Even so, you must have a lot of energy to keep birthing these fics haha. When I write I have so many crazy ideas, plot hooks and so forth but when I start writing I just get stuck at one point and give up🧍‍♀️.I always get writers block because of my perfectionist heart 💔. In school I was always good at creative writing, once I even got 97 percent on one of my best written pieces but now it feels like a chore for me to create new ones, school ruined it for me I think because I was made to do it. I envy you and your genius, you really are brilliant and I guarantee everyone here agrees 🥰♥️.
Also in 🍕’s ask not that long ago, where they asking me how I’m doing??? I wasn’t sure if it was aimed at me or you haha. Pizza is cute~
~ lovegame anon
what 😭 no, your asks are definitely not going through
i've seen other anons have the same problem before so they usually just resend the ask, dw about thinking it might be doubled! i'd rather have duplicates than not get your asks at all :,)))
AND YES so many asks, maybe that's why it's lagging??? idk, i definitely know some other users who get a lot more asks and theirs seem alright idk 😭 maybe it's just my tumblr? or your tumblr?? ever since the new mobile updates, i've been getting lots of glitches and bugs lately (like the photo issue and the readmore issue)
tumblr famous pLS. i could never. maybe only in stray kids fic tumblr but idk 🤔🤧 i like being here at the back~
thank u for always enjoying my crazy ass messy fics. i swear the next ones won't be as heavy anymore JHSHWJSHE I SWEAR. I PROMISE. I CAN'T SAY IT'LL BE FULFILLED BUT I WILL TRY TO WRITE LIGHTER ONES. i mean, the jeongin smau was really really fluffy tho so i'm just balancing it out 🤷‍♂️. ehaloj is like the neutral fic lmao, it's just slice of life.
but yeah, i've always loved writing ever since i was a kid, sometimes i get burnt out when writing the written chapters so i'm happy that SMAUs are a thing because i can just pump out content without having to like, write tons of paragraphs. and jgejshwjshss the time i was procrastinating was when i was getting ready to fly back to the PH so it was hectic 🤧🙈 got lots of time now though~ hence the new fic hehe BE EXCITED FOR IT. IT'S GONNA BE GOOD, join the fic name event (it's anonymous) if you haven't already!!
and i think that was for you uwu
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georgeinamerc · 2 years
for reals tho bb are you okay im sending you all the hugs. Lmk if you wanna watch smthn today I've got 0 things on my schedule
wuv youuuuu sending you cool blankets on a hot day and soft forehead kisses
I wrote a reply to you 2 times and tumblr glitched in both so now i’m fucking drafting this on my google docs😭 I swear that was my last straw lmaooo
Anyways, i really am not doing good but i seriously can’t thank you enough for the kindness you always bring to my inbox!! It helps me so so much, you are an amazing human being❤️❤️
DUDE that tweet fucking destroyed meeee it’s really alarming how relatable my socials are getting atp… sorry for attacking you w it as well tho 😫 PLEASE you are welcome any time here hahah i could even take you to an island for vacation just sayingg 👁️👄👁️ Ahh i really do need a hug rn tho ngl, it’s been one of the worst periods of my life. We've had so many failed attempts at finding an apartment for me and the day we were supposed to go see one that looks really fitting for me, my brother had his medical exams. It’s been 2 weeks and they haven’t contacted since. Then as you’ve probably seen my therapist lowkey ghosted me jhbgjtbrjg and my dad is just being his usual self… There’s more but i wouldn’t want every thought of mine to be on the open for the whole tumblr to see, yk, i may be the queen of oversharing but even i have boundaries😭
Lmao we really should have a call and just complain about everything and everyone hahah pls feel free to let it all out here if u need to, i would never post any of it obviously but just know you have an ear that will listen<3 I would love it but i have SO much studying for my exams and i shouldn’t procrastinate more :( we’ll find a day for it tho!!
Love you sm and again thank you for everything, i'm so glad tumblr gave me an amazing person like you❤️❤️❤️❤️
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