#there i will be. waiting with my ruined lunch. will you join me? will the prophecy be completed?
literary-motif · 10 hours
Since you’ve already done The earis humiliating Zaros could you do zaros humiliating the earis? I hope this isn’t too much to ask for! 🥹
Tables Turned
Zaros Atha'lin x Reader
“Mind if I join you?” Zaros asked, not waiting for a reply as he slid into the seat before you. A few strands of his long blond hair loosened from where he’d tied them back, falling into his face. He tucked them behind his ear elegantly, flashing you a sly smile.
You glared at him. “Do you truly want to grace me with your company when your mother is sitting over there, all alone?” you asked, raising an eyebrow at him and taking another mouthful of your food.
Your daily schedule was packed already — the trials and the necessary preparations took up most of your hours awake — and lunchtime was perhaps the only time you could enjoy the quiet and be alone with your thoughts. 
The other nobles did not tend to bother you. Seeing the Earis sitting alone at their table, while Queen Roena ate in the front, overlooking the dining hall, had never stirred them to seek out your company. 
Zaros was an exception, of course. He was in so many things.
“She will manage,” he said, his lips twisting into his signature grin that reeked of a feeling of superiority. It made your blood boil, but you were damned if you let Zaros ruin the little peacefulness you had or spoil the delicious taste of the food in your mouth. 
“What do you want?”
“My Earis,” he said, dragging his fork through the food on his plate. He did not seem to like it much. Zaros always had a particular taste. It made you recall an instance where you had to sneak into the kitchen with precise instructions for a meal you had meticulously composed for him. “Is it so hard to imagine I simply crave the pleasure of your company?”
You did not grace him with a reply. His words were dripping with sarcasm. You ignored him, drowning out his triumphant smirk at your lack of retort and instead focusing on your lunch. 
The cook outdid herself once again. The flavors mixed beautifully, and you closed your eyes to savor the taste. 
The clinking of cutlery snapped you out of your trance. Zaros had set down his fork. The smile had faded from his lips, replaced with a tight-lipped look of disapproval. His brows were furrowed, and you were not sure if you saw distaste or rage twinkle in his eyes. 
You wondered faintly if the food truly could have upset him this much.
“I had a conversation today that made my head spin,” he said, resting his elbows on the table and raising his eyes to bore into you. 
He leaned forward, his gaze hardening. For a moment you feared he would take your plate and smash it to the ground. He reached for the wine instead, pouring himself a generous amount before asking you wordlessly if he should pour you some as well. You declined. He downed half the glass. 
“A— a little birdie told me something very interesting. Can you imagine what it was? I’ll give you three little hints,” he spat, gripping the glass until his knuckles turned white. “Ready? It’s got something to do with you, the Queen, and the trials. Does anything come to mind, my Earis?”
You froze with the fork raised midway up to your mouth. How did he know? Who told him you cheated in the trials?
You blinked, continuing to eat. That was not true. It was not! Technically, it was your mother. Technically, she did not leave you a choice when she told you about having won the first trial. It should not matter anyway, it did not impact the following ones — although you suspected your mother might bend the rules until they broke for giving you a headstart. 
You had not cheated. You had not! Zaros was a sore loser, evidently. This is why he was bringing this up, ruining a perfectly peaceful lunch.
“Do you not have anything to say for yourself?”
“What do you want from me?” you asked dismissively, eyeing Zaros pouring himself another glass of wine in contempt. He looked furious enough to drink himself into a stupor. “You should really go easy on the sweet wi—”
His eyes flashed with a wrath you had never seen before. You expected him to slam his glass on the table, but he set it down gently instead, keeping up his crumbling facade of calmness. 
“You scheming, lying traitor,” he growled low enough only for you to hear. “Time and time again she told me ‘the Ilves will never play fair’ and time and time again I told her they would — you would — because I thought that somewhere within you there was a speck of dignity and honor left. Do you know how much it hurts being proven wrong about someone you thought you knew! This is all the proof I need to know that the person I once lo— knew is gone, and only this— this spoiled palace brat sitting before me remains in their stead.”
It took all the self-control you had not to leap to your feet in anger. Your hold on the fork tightened, your jaw clenched, and the dark look in Zaro’s eyes could not rival the storm brewing in yours. 
He had ruined a perfectly peaceful meal.
“Do not talk to me like this,” you said, keeping a tight hold on your emotions and breathing, breathing — breathe, Earis. 
Take a deep breath when you get angry. Yes, just like this. Try to take your mind off the situation and just breathe. Close your eyes if you need to. Very good. Now breathe in. One. Two. Three. Four. Hold. One. Two. Three. Four. Breathe out. One. Two. Three. Four. Repeat. 
“You’re a husk of a person,” he continued, cutting through the voice you heard when the anger got overwhelming. Zaros was fueling the fire, and the gleam in his eyes — the one he always got when he knew he was pushing you to your limits — was proof enough that he was doing it on purpose. 
You did not want to give him the satisfaction of seeing you snap. 
“Serulla deserves better than you — better than you and your manipulative mother, abusing her power to give her brat an advantage you don’t deserve. You have never deserved all of your privileges — all the respect your name commanded because people feared displeasing your mother. I wonder if they would feel the same way if they knew Roenna was just as much a despicable person as her child is!”
Earis! No, Earis, listen. Breathe. Breathe! One. Two—
“Get her name out of your mouth!” you screamed, springing to your feet with enough force to knock your chair back. It tumbled to the ground, echoing loudly in the dining hall. Conversations stopped, and you were surrounded by eerie silence as every pair of eyes was trained on you.
Zaros leaned back in his chair, swirling the wine in his glass. He looked shocked, but you knew that was simply the facade he put up for your newfound audience. There was contentment in his eyes, the same kind of twisted satisfaction at revenge justly served you had spotted in your own gaze on many occasions. 
“Why, Earis,” he said calmly, keeping his eyes fixed on you as he continued the little show he had pulled you into. There was no need for him to speak up, his voice could be heard clearly in every corner of the large dining room. “If I knew you were so hot-headed, I never would have agreed to discuss this with you. It does make me wonder how you’d do in negotiations with the other kingdoms, though. I suppose storming out in a rage would not do well for Serulla.” 
A hollowness swam in your chest, dousing the rage boiling inside you and replacing it with the icy certainty that Zaros had manipulated you. It should not hurt as much as it did, given that you were both contesting for the same throne, literally fighting against each other in trials. 
Still, he was your oldest friend. 
Still, he had exploited the weakness you struggled with most to humiliate you in front of the nobles. 
You cleared your throat, straightening your back to look more composed and salvage what you could of the mess he had dragged you into. “Apologies everyone,” you said, keeping your voice light, and head high. Elegantly, you bent down to pick up the chair, dragging it across the floor to put it neatly back in its place in front of the table. “Please, resume your meals. Excuse me.” 
You did not spear Zaros another glance as you walked out of the dining hall. But you turned your head and caught your mother’s gaze as you left. Seeing the bitter disappointment in her eyes made your stomach twist, ice running through your veins at the reality of what had just happened. 
Winning the trials would be a whole lot harder than you anticipated. 
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ububunes · 1 year
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Uuuuooooo they remade dokapon kingdom uoooooooooo........ Ueueueueueueueueuueuue...... :333333333 dokapoooooon kiiingdoommmmmm spins around dokaaaPonnnn KiinGDommmmmmmmmm...... Waaaawawwawaaaaawawaaaa....... I should get a job..... Irl..... I need moneyyyyy.... Oooooh stop buying Miku figs SHUT UP Miku rules the world nod nod nod mmhm
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traveler-at-heart · 1 month
Miss Communication
Summary: Natasha is avoiding the feelings talk so you use the only thing that seems to be working: jealousy.
A/N: This request and entire plot is from @happychopshoppenguin so all credit really goes to them. I just put into a few more words.
Natasha Romanoff x F!R
Stealthy, precise, lethal.
Well, what a load of crap. All Natasha Romanoff is, is a coward. There.
You’re so pissed off, all you want to do is open up her file and write “committment issues” under weaknesses.
But that’s not your job.
No, your job is intelligence and data analysis. Go over information, read endless reports and make a summary that the Avengers can understand, because they don’t have the time to sit around and do it themselves.
And now, you’re here, talking about a new terrorist organization with Steve. Natasha should be here, as second in command, but for reasons unknown to you and Captain America, she has failed to show up.
Again, coward.
Fine, if she doesn’t answer your texts you’ll find her anywhere she’s hiding in this big ass building.
“Hey, Y/N” Sam greets as you walk down the hall.
“Damn. Is it allowed to have guns in the kitchen area?” you smile mischiveously, used to flirting around with the team. He looks around, clearly confused and you reach out to touch his bicep. “I mean, what are they feeding you, Wilson? You’re as buff as Steve”
“Hell, yeah” he smiles, flexing and putting on a little show. You’re laughing and making small talk when someone magically appears, glaring.
Natasha is fuming and you don’t know if the anger is directed at you or Sam. Looking directly at her, you laugh and place a strand of hair behind your ear, as if Sam just said the funniest thing ever.
She can’t answer a fucking text but feels jealous? Well, good. At least you know she cares.
“You’re annoying her, Wilson” Bucky joins you, leaning against the kitchen island and giving you a crooked smile. “Hey, doll”
“Hi, handsome” you place your hands on each side of his face. “Can I tell you something?”
“Yeah” he says, practically drooling.
“I think you’d look really good if you cut your hair”
“I’ll think about it” he promises.
“Move aside, I’m taking Y/N out for lunch” Sam says, pushing Bucky.
“Oh, sweetheart. You can’t handle all of this” you tease. “But I won’t say no to lunch”
“That’s good enough for me” he agrees, offering his arm. You take it, winking at Bucky and walking away.
Natasha is already planning six different ways to make Wilson disappear, and Bucky goes to his room.
“Gotta get a haircut” he mumbles.
Oh, like hell.
Neither one of them can touch what’s hers.
Natasha: How was lunch?
Y/N: Oh, NOW you text me?
Y/N: We need to talk. Call me.
Natasha throws the phone across the room, feeling like screaming into her pillow. It still smells like you, which makes her heart ache.
If only she hadn’t been so stupid to ruin whatever it is you two had.
You were on top of her, riding her strap, as you had done so many times since you started your situationship. Hands on Natasha’s abdomen, feeling how her muscles worked to pump in and out of you.
“I love your tits” Natasha said, breathless. You nodded, bouncing harder, moaning desperately. “I love your pussy, it’s perfect for my cock”
“Baby, I’m so close” you whined, so desperate you barely registered her next words.
“I love you”
Eyes wide open, your movements stopped for a second. Before you could answer, Natasha flipped you and you were face down, ass in the air as she entered, pounding harder.
And you really wanted to ask what the fuck and if she really meant what she said, but you were so close that all you could do was moan her name and come hard around the strap.
You barely registered when Natasha pulled out. You felt empty and confused and so stretched.
“Nat? Babe, wait”
“I have to… I forgot a mission report, I’m sorry” she muttered, putting her clothes on and leaving in a hurry. She ran out of her own fucking room before owning what she said.
And now, she couldn’t even look at you. She couldn’t stand the idea that you would reject her.
The little hope that lingered in the back of her mind was the most painful feeling of all.
All she wanted was to be loved by you.
Call me means fucking call me.
It means don’t pretend nothing happened.
God, she’s so infuriating. And hot. And good at sex.
But mostly infuriating.
Now you’re back in the Compound, determined to get her to talk to you. Which is why you decided to wear your low cut dress and push up bra.
She said she loves your breasts, right? Well, here they fucking are.
You carry a bunch of binders that need filing, and they help cover your boobs as you enter the living room. Natasha is sitting, and you think she is almost ready to approach you when Sam beats her to it.
“Here, let me help you” Sam offers. The minute your cleavage comes to view, his eyes widen.
“Hey, doll” Bucky greets and you turn around. His mouth flails open, but all you can do is admire his new look.
“Buck, oh my God! You actually listened to me?” you run your hands through his hair, making it impossible for him to look away from your chest. “You look absolutely stunning. Good boy”
“Yeah, uh… I…”
The interaction annoys Natasha, but she knows you won’t even entertain the idea of doing anything with those two.
Her mood quickly changes when Carol appraches you. She's a whole different story.
“Carol, it’s been ages since you’ve been here! All I read are your mission briefings” you say, hugging her tight.
“Well, how bout I tell you everything I’ve been up to over dinner?” she offers with a smile.
“Y/N” Natasha finally snaps. “I missed this week’s report. Mind filling me in?”
“Sure thing” you pull away, reluctantly. “Be right back, Danvers”
Natasha leads you to the conference room and pushes you against the door as soon as you enter.
“Why must you be such a brat?” she whispers against your ear, biting down your earlobe.
“It's the only way to get your attention, Natasha” you protest, trying to sound upset.
You’re torn between lust and anger, but she’s such a good kisser that her lips make you forget everything that’s happened in the last few days.
“I should punish you” she threatens, going down your body and pulling the dress up. Who is she kidding? Her mouth is watering at the thought of tasting you. “Bet you’d love that”
The word pulls you out of your trance. Natasha is about to take your panties off when you stop her, pulling her away by her hair.
“We’re going to talk”
“You don’t make the calls here”
“Natasha, stop it. I’m serious”
You really don’t want her to stop, but you can’t keep wondering if she meant it.
You want her to mean it.
“Are you seriously gonna make a big deal about it?”
“Ugh, you drive me insane, Natasha. Why can’t you just admit what you said and whether or not you meant it? Do you even care about what I want?”
She stays silent and you groan, pulling up your dress and fixing your clothes.
“I really wanted to be more than just fuck buddies” you admit before going out. “But if the thought of loving me is so embarassing for you, then forget about it. I won’t force the feeling out of you”
Natasha stays behind, wondering how she got it all wrong.
You wanted her.
By the time she comes to her senses, you’re long gone. But Carol does meet her in the hallway, smiling.
“Hey, do you mind telling Cap I’m skipping our meeting? Y/N and I are having dinner”
“Sure” Natasha nods, feeling her stomach drop.
Now it’s too late and she lost you.
The second anniversary of the Sokovian Accords comes and goes in a flash. Natasha really wanted to skip it, go find you and apologize.
And yet, here she is, in the Quinjet, flying back to the Compound after two days of exhausting diplomacy.
“Why couldn’t we stay a few days in Paris?” Sam laments for the third time.
“New recruits are in the middle of their training” Barton says from the pilot seat. “At least they got a break these last couple of days”
 “No, they didn’t” Wanda says. “Y/N is training them. Maria asked her to do it before we left”
“Y/N?” everyone says, looking at each other.
“But she’s a data analyst, not a field agent” Sam says.
“And the sweetest person ever” Bucky adds. He holds Natasha’s glare and smiles. Oh, he knows what’s up.
“Well, let’s make sure we put them back into shape when we get there” Steve slaps Bucky’s arm.
Boy, are they all wrong. When the team goes back to the Compound, you’re in the middle of a training session. A guy runs out of the gym, his shoulder crashing against Sam’s as he bolts for the exit.
“She’s fucking crazy, man” he says to himself, looking terrified.
“What the hell?”
Steve pushes the door to the gym. And there you are, in the middle of sparring. With one swift motion you kick the guy to the floor, and he puts his hands up, as if begging for mercy.
“Oh, we have company” you taunt, walking confidently around the students. “Anyone want to fight the Avengers? I promise you they’re not as hard to beat”
“Who is she and what has she done to Y/N?” Barton whispers.
Natasha has to hold back a moan. You look cold and deathly, having kicked all of their asses without breaking a sweat. That also explains why you’re so… bendy.
“Fine. Since none of you could even land a hit on me, you’re running ten laps. Don’t come back here unless you’ve thrown up or cried once”
All the recruits scramble to their feet, relieved now that they can get away from you. You turn around, giving the Avengers a challenging look.
“What? Wanna give it a try? I’ll go easy on you” you say. “Maybe not on Natasha, though. She hasn’t been a good girl”
“Ew” Wanda says, leaving the room. Between that and Natasha’s bendy thought, that was so loud she might as well have screamed it in the middle of the gym, she’s had enough.
“Alright, let’s see what you’ve got” Barton is the only one that steps up. You nod, evaluating his approach. He throws the first punch but it never lands. You move out of his way at record speed, keeping the contact at minimum while you kick the back of his legs, making him fall on his knees. Another three blows and Clint is face down on the mat.
“Pass” Sam says when you turn around to see who’s next.
“I’ll take my chances” Natasha says, stepping up. You smile in a way that makes a chill run down her spine.
Natasha thinks you can never go wrong with a classic move, so she throws her legs around your neck. But you block the movement and make her land on her back, hands pinned abover her head.
It happens at least three different times, each position becoming more sexual.
“I think we should leave” Bucky says.
“In a minute”
“Come on, Wilson” he forces him out the door, closing it for good measure and hoping you keep your clothes on before the recruits come back.
If they even come back.
“I promise you, you’re not gonna win this time, Natasha” you say, out of breath for the first time. Her eyes travel to your lips and you lean forward, stopping inches away from her mouth. “And I sure as hell ain’t letting you go without talking about that thing you said the other day”
“Now you’re polite. Now you say please. I’ve been chasing you for a fucking week to know if you like me for more than my tits and ass” you finally give in, kissing her for a few seconds. She whines against your mouth, trying to create friction. But your hold is too strong and she can’t move an inch without your permission.
“I’m sorry, baby, I’m sorry. I was scared you’d reject me and then everything would be ruined forever between us. I love you, so damn much it scares me” Natasha finally breaks, surprising herself with the way she’s pouring her heart out to you.
But that’s how much she loves you and how much she needs you.
Her words leave you breathless and you smile, going back to being your usual self.
“Natasha, I love you so damn much, it drives me crazy. Please don’t ever doubt that, sweetheart”
She nods, her nose rubbing against yours and you finally do what you’ve been craving all week. You kiss her, gently at first, and then more passionately, your hands dropping from hers to let her hug you.
You moan against her mouth, Natasha’s tongue slipping inside.
“Fuck, baby, I need you” you moan, going back to being submissive for the redhead.
“What does my pretty girl want? My mouth or my fingers?”
“Just you, anything, please”
Thinking back to the last time she almost had you, her mouth waters and she decides to flip you on your back and travel down your body, leaving a trail of open mouthed kisses and pulling down your shorts and underwear.
“All of this for me?” she asks, running her fingers up and down your slit, collecting your juices and sucking on her digit. “I missed your taste, princess”
“Nat, please” you cant your hips up, hoping she takes the hint. You’re too far gone to form a coherent sentence.
Natasha darts her tongue out. She moans at the taste, and snakes her arms around your thighs to keep you in place. Her tongue goes up and down, then deep inside you and you shudder.
You would almost feel embarrassed for lasting so little, but it’s not your fucking fault she was hiding for a week.
When you remember that, your hands go to her hair and you pull her closer. Natasha enjoys the roughness, her movements speeding up and pushing you over the edge.
You come, crying out her name and trembling. As you struggle to catch your breath, Natasha moves up, letting you taste yourself in her mouth.
“Hey, baby”
“Hey” you say, smiling.
“Can I take you out to dinner tonight? I’d like to make it up to you”
“Yes to dinner. And give me a couple more of those orgasms and we’ll call it even”
“That sounds like a deal” she smiles against your lips, eager to make up for the lost time.
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gguk-n · 16 days
Last Straw (Lando Norris x Reader)
Thank you for the 400 followers. I love Lando but I felt like a bit of angst was needed.
Part 1 of Fading Shadow
Summary- Lando has been in a relationship for quite some time, most people didn't know that. Finally, the world finds out about Lando's girlfriend, he seems to forget about her.
Warning- Lando is a bit of an ass and the reader is a bit of a doormat
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{Reader's POV}
Lando won the second race of his career and the season at Zandvoort, Max's home race. I was over the moon watching Lando cross the finish line. He was so happy to have won another race, finally. As he got out of the car he ran to his parents; after the greeting and congratulations, he walked away to be interviewed. I was stood there, dumb founded as Lando left without even acknowledging my existence; I could hear people whispering as Lando walked away
When we got back to the hotel, "Lan, do you wanna go out to celebrate?" I asked looking at him as he got ready for a shower. "Oh, Y/N, I made plans with the others; none of their girlfriends are coming. It'd be weird" he stated. "Oh, yeah, obviously. Well, I hope you have fun. I'll be here waiting for you" I said trying to give him a smile but I felt tears well up. Lando left soon after, while I was sat in the hotel scrolling through twitter when I saw something I wish I hadn't. I couldn't stop myself from reading through the tweets.
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I could already imagine my friends screaming at me for staying after everything. It had always been like this, it always felt like Lando was too embarrassed to be seen with me. We started dating a year and a half back but we met 2 years back, when I was on a vacation with my friends. He was the best guy, or so I thought. We exchanged numbers and stayed in contact until he asked me out. It was straight out of a movie, the whole nine yards. But he wouldn't let me tell my friends, "baby come on, why do you wanna tell everyone and ruin the fun just yet. I like the thrill, isn't it fun trying to act like there's nothing between us" he said as he pushed me on my back on the sofa while his lips trailed the exposed skin on my torso; honestly I'd lose any train of thought once his lips were on my skin. Though I accidentally let it slip one day, they had been trying to get me to go on a blind date. So, I told them I was dating Lando Norris. They were so excited and wanted to meet him.
When Lando found out about that, he was furious and didn't speak to me for days. "HOW COULD YOU TELL THEM? AFTER ALL THE TIMES I TOLD YOU NOT TO....ARE YOU STUPID?" he shouted. "Lan, it was an honest mistake. They kept trying to set me up on a blind date and I didn't wanna go, obviously since I have you. Please, I'm sorry. I won't do anything stupid again. Please just join me for lunch on Sunday. I'm really sorry" I cried. "Then you should've gone on that stupid date" he spat as he walked away. I should've known then. It was only after I begged and pleaded that Lando agreed to meet my friends. He never let me forget how he did me a favour by agreeing to meet my friends. "baby, you know how much I love you right" he asked. "yeah" I replied as he intertwined his fingers with mine. "I can't share you with others. I get so jealous. You're mine and only mine. And that's why I can't have you meet my friends" he said as he started sucking on my neck.That's why I didn't bring up the fact that I hadn't met his friends since we'd known each other for a year and dating for half of it. We barely even went out on dates; we'd always have in home dates since he was a celebrity and didn't like the paps. He would always say that he enjoyed the normalcy and the feeling of being a regular guy with me. "Baby, do you really wanna go out, where we would be spotted and then people say stuff about us. Don't you like being home, wear whatever you want. I can touch you however I want. Come on, why do you wanna ruin something so perfect" he hummed against my lips as his fingers pushed my underwear aside. I was so naive and thought that he was such a romantic guy.
It a little before our 1 year anniversary when I started asking him to take me along to the races since I wanted to be there to support him in person. "Lan, I really wanna be there for your races. I wanna see my boyfriend being cool at what he does." I whined. "You already do see me on the teli, it's practically the same" he said. "Please Lan" I begged. "Baby, I love you I truly do and I wanna show you off to the world but you know how the fans can get, they ruined my last relationship and I can't lose you. I love you too much" he said making me blush. I believed him like the idiot that I was. I believed every lie that left his pretty lips even when he would say that all those pictures of him on twitter with girls were edited and that he would never do that to me. I believed him.
I don't know how much I begged to be at a race and when I got to go to the first race of my life with him as his girlfriend and of the season; I was ecstatic. I made sure to be dressed well so as to not embarrass Lando and made sure to be a little controlled in my movements even though I was super excited to be there since I loved Formula One. All the other drivers were pretty shocked to meet me and even more so when they found out we'd been dating. They were all very kind and so were their girlfriends. I thought we'd be the best of friends and I'd have someone to hang out with while my boyfriend raced. Oh how stupid I was, they never even told me that Lando cheated on me or that their boyfriends knew and they never told me. I had an inkling that Lando was cheating on me; I saw it with my own eyes on the night before my birthday; the day of the Miami GP and he was celebrating with everyone and I saw him kissing a girl. No one saw me because I left immediately and cried myself to sleep. I hated myself for never confronting Lando; I brushed it off thinking that if I tried harder Lando would be back to himself, the Lando I know. But the Lando I knew was a facade and never existed. Lando had only been playing with my heart, it seems.
Did I tell you? He forgot our anniversary and said he would make it up to me. Which I do not believe he has. "Fuck baby, I'm sorry" he whispered as he wiped away my tears. "You know how busy I've been with the season starting and stuff. You'll forgive me right? I'll make it up to you, promise." he said while I nodded along to him. My friends hated his guts, but I was the one covering for him. When they asked why we weren't public; I said I wanted to be private. When they asked about Lando's multiple infidelities I would lie to their face and say that everything was a lie and a ploy to ruin his reputation; that's what I knew then and believed. I would see them face palm themselves mentally, now that I thought about it.
I guess being embarrassed by the man you love, multiple times, publicly can fuck you up. Because right now, I couldn't even cry anymore. I couldn't believe the other girls wouldn't even reply to my texts on the group chat; they added me to. This was humiliating. I was done with that asshole and I wasn't about to let him walk all over me anymore.
I wiped away the tears that were streaming down my face. I got dressed and decided to show up at the same bar he was at. When I entered, I saw him, dancing and drinking with others. I saw the other drivers with their girlfriends; I couldn't help but laugh bitterly. I walked up to the bar and sat down and started ordering the most expensive drinks they had. "Bad day?" The bartend asked. "Horrible, my boyfriend's been cheating on me" I chuckled. "I'm sorry." he looked apologetic. "You have nothing to apologise for. Just add the tab of every drink I put down my throat to that guy in the white shirt" I said directing his eyes to Lando. "Lando Norris?" he asked. "Yeah" I said and started to drink. I was sure Lando saw, I could feel it. I felt multiple eyes. I felt my phone buzz multiple time; I wasn't sure if it was some one who cared about me or those assholes since I didn't want to check my phone.
After a good hour of just drowning my feelings in alcohol, I stumbled my way out of the bar. I had made the decision to move out of that hotel room to another hotel and stay there before I flew back to get all my stuff. Lando would be too hammered to realise I was gone. I woke up the next morning with a major hangover but I knew what I wanted. I flew back to our his home in Monaco and took all my stuff; thankfully not a lot and left with a note on the table saying 'We are done'. I left any and everything he gave me, which wasn't a lot when you think about how I was dating a millionaire. I blocked Lando's number while I waited for my flight back home, can't believe I gave so much up for this man boy. I will be putting myself first finally.
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{Lando's POV}
I saw her, but I wasn't sure if it was really Y/N so I texted her but no reply. Apparently, she was at the bar we were at but she didn't approach me or us. Everyone saw her, I thought she didn't see us but I found out she knew I was there since she billed everything she had to me; which was a lot of alcohol, almost enough to cover half the amount I spent on the group. I knew I was fucked. I had no idea how I was gonna explain myself to her. I tried texting her but no reply. I think she blocked me and when I saw twitter I saw Y/N had posted a story but I couldn't see it either; guess she blocked me on there too.
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I flew back as soon as I was able to, to find the house empty and a note on the table saying we're done. I guess I deserved that after the shit I pulled; well at least it's not as messy as I expected it to be.
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chiyuuchu · 2 months
Can u do a bakugou best friend with reader (but he likes her….)
I. so close yet so far <3 (5th August 2024)
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Prompt! The all time favorite of best friends to lovers trope
a/n my first ever ask! I’m so happy!!
second part here!
Bakugou Katsuki had known Y/N since they were kids. They had grown up together, attended the same schools, and now, they were both students at U.A. High. Their bond was strong, forged through countless shared experiences, secrets, and laughter. Y/N was bubbly, carefree, and had a quirk that matched her personality perfectly—Bubble. She could create bubbles that could either imprison people or objects or explode with a force that rivaled Bakugou’s own explosive quirk.
Bakugou, on the other hand, was intense, driven, and fiercely protective of Y/N. Somewhere along the way, his feelings for her had evolved from mere friendship to something deeper. But he kept these feelings buried, afraid that confessing might ruin the perfect relationship they already had.
Their classmates often saw them together, and it wasn't long before they started to notice Bakugou's subtle affections.
"Dude, have you ever noticed how Bakugou is always with Y/N?" Kaminari whispered to Kirishima one day during lunch.
Kirishima nodded. "Yeah, it's pretty obvious he's got a thing for her. But I don't think Y/N has a clue."
"Well, they're best friends," Mina added, joining the conversation. "But do best friends really sleep together all the time and share clothes?"
The trio watched as Y/N bounced over to Bakugou, wearing one of his old t-shirts. She greeted him with a bright smile, and he responded with a rare, genuine smile of his own.
As the days passed, Bakugou’s friends became more convinced that he had feelings for Y/N. They decided to subtly encourage him to confess, but Bakugou was torn. He valued their friendship too much to risk losing it.
One evening, the Bakusquad was hanging out in the common room, and the conversation turned to relationships.
"Bakugou, do you like anyone?" Mina asked, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
Bakugou scoffed. "None of your business, Pinky."
Kirishima nudged him playfully. "Come on, man. You can tell us. We’re your friends."
Bakugou hesitated, glancing at Y/N, who was laughing with Jirou across the room. He sighed internally, feeling the weight of his secret crush.
"It's complicated," he muttered. "I don't want to mess things up."
Kaminari leaned in, whispering, "But do you really think Y/N doesn't feel the same way? She spends so much time with you. Maybe she’s just waiting for you to make the first move."
Bakugou clenched his fists, frustration boiling inside him. He knew his friends were right, but the fear of ruining their friendship held him back.
Later that night, Bakugou found himself outside Y/N's dorm room. She opened the door, her face lighting up when she saw him.
"Hey, Katsuki! What’s up?"
He stepped inside, closing the door behind him. "We need to talk."
Y/N’s smile faded slightly, replaced by a look of concern. "Is everything okay?"
Bakugou took a deep breath, his heart pounding. "Yeah, it’s just... I need to tell you something important."
Y/N sat down on her bed, patting the spot next to her. "Okay, I’m listening."
Bakugou sat down, struggling to find the right words. "We've been best friends for a long time, right?"
Y/N nodded, her eyes wide with curiosity. "Of course. You’re my best friend, Katsuki."
He looked into her eyes, feeling a mixture of fear and hope. "Yeah, and that's the problem. I don’t want to mess things up."
Y/N looked confused. "Mess things up? What do you mean?"
Bakugou glanced around the room, feeling the pressure build. He had the perfect opportunity, but his nerves got the best of him.
"I... I just wanted to say thanks. For always being there for me," he said quickly, standing up. "You know, I don’t say it enough."
Y/N smiled, relief washing over her face. "Oh, Katsuki. You know I'll always be here for you. You don’t have to thank me."
Bakugou nodded, avoiding her gaze. "Yeah, well... I should get going. Training and all."
Y/N stood up, giving him a quick hug. "Take care, Katsuki."
He left her room, cursing himself for not taking the chance. But as he walked back to his own dorm, he couldn’t shake the feeling that he had made the right choice. For now, their friendship would remain as it was—strong, unbroken, and precious.
Late at night in the quiet of the U.A. dorms, Bakugou Katsuki lay in his bed, drifting between sleep and wakefulness. The room was dark, illuminated only by the soft glow of the moonlight filtering through the curtains. Just as he was about to slip into a deeper sleep, he heard a soft knock on his door.
"Katsuki?" came a trembling voice from the other side. "Are you awake?"
Bakugou immediately recognized the voice. He sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Yeah, come in."
The door creaked open, revealing Y/N standing there with a worried expression. She hesitated for a moment before stepping inside, closing the door behind her.
"What's wrong?" Bakugou asked, concern lacing his voice.
"I... I had a nightmare," Y/N admitted, her voice barely above a whisper. "I couldn't sleep, and I didn’t want to be alone."
Bakugou's heart softened. He patted the space next to him on the bed. "Come here."
Y/N walked over and climbed into his bed, nestling close to him. Bakugou wrapped his arms around her, holding her gently. He could feel her trembling, her breath shaky.
"You're safe now," he murmured, stroking her hair. "It was just a dream."
Y/N nodded, taking comfort in his presence. "Thank you, Katsuki. You're always here for me."
Bakugou tightened his hold on her, trying to ignore the pang of longing in his chest. "Of course, I am. I'll always be here for you."
Y/N snuggled closer, her breathing slowly evening out. "You're the best friend ever, Katsuki. I don’t know what I’d do without you."
Bakugou forced a smile, even though she couldn't see it. "Yeah... best friend."
As Y/N drifted back to sleep, Bakugou stared at the ceiling, his mind racing. He wanted to tell her how much she meant to him, how his feelings for her went far beyond friendship. But as he held her close, he realized that, for now, just being there for her was enough.
"Sleep well, Y/N," he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "I'll always protect you."
Bakugou stood at the edge of the training field, his arms crossed over his chest as he watched Y/N and Uraraka spar. Y/N’s quirk, Bubble Burst, created shimmering, iridescent bubbles that floated around her, each one capable of popping into small explosions or trapping her opponent. Uraraka was giving it her all, using her Zero Gravity quirk to dodge and counter, but it was clear Y/N was holding her own.
Bakugou's eyes never left Y/N. He watched as she skillfully manipulated her bubbles, creating an almost mesmerizing display of light and color. Her face was lit up with determination, her movements fluid and confident. She was strong, capable, and everything he admired in a hero.
Yet, despite the pride swelling in his chest, there was an ache deep inside him. She was right there, so close, yet she felt so far out of reach. Every time she laughed or smiled, he felt his heart clench with the weight of unspoken words.
Uraraka managed to float over a particularly large bubble, giving Y/N a playful grin. "You're really good at this, Y/N! I can barely keep up!"
Y/N laughed, her eyes sparkling. "Thanks, Ochaco! You've gotten faster too!"
Bakugou clenched his fists, trying to suppress the torrent of emotions that threatened to overwhelm him. He wanted to be the one sparring with her, the one making her laugh, the one she turned to when she needed support. But every time he thought about telling her how he felt, the fear of ruining what they had held him back.
He watched as Y/N created a series of bubbles that surrounded Uraraka, who quickly floated out of their reach, laughing. Y/N’s expression was one of pure joy and concentration, and it took everything in Bakugou to not march over there and pull her into his arms.
"Hey, Bakugou!" Kirishima called from behind him, pulling him out of his thoughts. "You okay? You've been staring pretty hard."
Bakugou turned to face his friend, his usual scowl in place. "I'm fine, idiot. Just making sure they’re training right."
Kirishima raised an eyebrow, but didn’t press the issue. "Alright, if you say so. Wanna join in?"
Bakugou shook his head. "Not right now."
As Kirishima walked away, Bakugou turned his attention back to Y/N. She was closer now, laughing with Uraraka as they took a break from sparring. Her laughter was like a melody he could never tire of, and her smile was the light in his often-dark world.
All he ever wanted was right in front of him, yet he couldn’t bring himself to reach out and take it. The distance between them wasn’t measured in steps, but in unspoken words and unshared feelings.
One day, maybe, he’d find the courage to bridge that gap. But for now, he would remain where he was, watching her from afar, content with the knowledge that she was happy.
Even if it meant his own heart ached with the weight of longing.
The semester break had finally arrived, and Y/N found herself at the Bakugou residence, a place that felt like a second home. Mitsuki Bakugou, Katsuki’s mother, greeted her with a warm hug as she walked through the door.
“Y/N! It’s been too long!” Mitsuki beamed. “Come in, come in! We’re just setting the table for dinner.”
Y/N smiled, feeling the familiar comfort of the Bakugou household. “Thank you, Mitsuki. It’s great to be here.”
Katsuki’s father, Masaru, gave her a gentle nod as she entered the dining room. “Welcome, Y/N. It’s always a pleasure to have you here.”
Dinner was lively, filled with laughter and reminiscing about old times. Mitsuki loved teasing Katsuki, and tonight was no different. As they finished their meal and settled into the living room, Mitsuki’s curiosity got the better of her.
“So, Y/N,” Mitsuki began with a mischievous grin, “have you got any crushes at school?”
Y/N blushed, shaking her head. “No, not really. I’m not interested in anyone right now. I’m happy just having Katsuki around.”
Katsuki, who was sipping his drink, nearly choked. He tried to hide his flustered reaction, but his reddening ears gave him away. Mitsuki laughed, patting Y/N on the back.
“That’s sweet,” she said. “You two have always been close.”
Later that night, after the lights were dimmed and the house had settled into a comfortable silence, Katsuki found himself wide awake. Y/N was fast asleep in his bed, and he couldn’t stop thinking about his feelings for her. He slipped out of the room quietly, heading to the kitchen for a glass of water, only to find his father there, sipping tea at the table.
“Can’t sleep?” Masaru asked, looking up at his son.
Katsuki sighed, sitting down across from him. “Yeah, something like that.”
Masaru took another sip of his tea before speaking. “You know, Katsuki, it’s clear you care about Y/N a lot. If you really like her, you should tell her.”
Katsuki looked away, his fists clenching slightly. “What if she doesn’t feel the same? I don’t want to ruin what we have.”
Masaru gave him a gentle, understanding look. “You can’t control her feelings, son. But you owe it to yourself to be honest. If she doesn’t feel the same way, she won’t abandon you. You’ve been friends for too long. She values you, just as you value her.”
Katsuki sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s just... hard.”
“I know it is,” Masaru said softly. “But you’re strong, Katsuki. And no matter what happens, you’ll get through it.”
Katsuki nodded, feeling a bit more resolved. “Thanks, Dad.”
As he headed back to his room, he paused at the door, watching Y/N sleep peacefully in his bed. He knew he needed to tell her how he felt, but for now, he was content to let her rest, to savor these quiet moments of just being close.
He climbed back into bed carefully, lying down beside her. As he watched her breathe softly, he thought about his father’s words. Maybe one day, he’d find the courage to tell her. But for now, he’d cherish what they had, hoping that when the time came, he’d be ready to take that leap.
Late one evening, Bakugou lay sprawled on his bed, absently scrolling through the 1A group chat. His thumb paused over a string of messages from the girls:
Ochaco: "Did you hear? Some guy from Class 1B asked Y/N out!"
Mina: "Omg, I know! Do you think she went?"
Jirou: "She didn't mention anything to me. Maybe she kept it a secret."
Hagakure: "Why would she keep it a secret? This is huge news!"
Bakugou's grip tightened on his phone. Why hadn't Y/N told him? They always shared everything. Well, almost everything. His mind raced, picturing Y/N on a date with some random guy. The thought gnawed at him, unsettling him in ways he couldn't quite understand.
He tossed his phone aside and lay back, glaring at the ceiling. "Stupid," he muttered under his breath, reaching for his headphones and queuing up his playlist of intense, brooding music. As the heavy beats filled his ears, he tried to drown out his thoughts, but they only grew louder, replaying every interaction he'd had with Y/N over the years.
Hours later, just as he was about to drift into a fitful sleep, his door burst open. Y/N stood there, slightly out of breath, a puzzled look on her face.
"Katsuki, what's wrong? Why are you listening to this... emo music?" she asked, stepping into his room.
He sat up abruptly, pulling off his headphones. "How was your date?" he blurted out, his tone sharper than he intended.
Y/N blinked, clearly taken aback. "Date? What are you talking about?"
"The guy from Class 1B," Bakugou said, trying to keep his voice steady. "You know, the one who asked you out."
Y/N tilted her head, genuinely confused. "Oh, that. I didn't go."
Bakugou shot up from his bed, his shock evident. "Why not?"
She shrugged casually, as if it were the most natural thing in the world. "I don't know. It's hard to find someone compatible with me, I guess."
Bakugou stared at her, his emotions a whirlwind of relief and confusion. "You... didn't want to go?"
Y/N shook her head, a small smile playing on her lips. "Nope. I'd rather spend my time with people I care about. Like you."
Bakugou felt a weight lift off his chest, but he couldn't let his guard down completely. He scoffed, trying to mask his relief. "You're such a pain, you know that?"
Y/N laughed, moving closer and plopping down on the edge of his bed. "Yeah, but you wouldn't have it any other way."
He couldn't help but smirk, shaking his head. "Yeah, yeah. Just don't keep stuff from me, okay?"
She nodded, her eyes sincere. "Promise."
As they settled into a comfortable silence, Bakugou felt a newfound sense of hope. Maybe one day, he’d find the courage to tell her how he really felt. But for now, he was content to just have her by his side.
The next day, Bakugou found himself sitting with the Bakusquad in the common room. Kirishima, Kaminari, Mina, Sero, and Jirou were lounging around, chatting about their latest training sessions. But as soon as Bakugou entered the room, their attention shifted.
Kirishima grinned, nudging Bakugou with his elbow. "Hey, man. How’s it going with Y/N?"
Bakugou rolled his eyes, leaning back in his chair. "We're best friends, nothing more. It can't go anywhere."
The group exchanged concerned glances. Mina was the first to speak up, her tone gentle but firm. "Dude, since nobody is gonna say it then I will. You do realise that best friends don’t casually do the things you two do."
Kaminari nodded in agreement. "Yeah, like sleeping over all the time in the same bed, sharing clothes, spending every second together…"
Sero raised an eyebrow, smirking slightly. "You two are practically inseparable."
Jirou leaned forward, her expression serious. "Have you ever considered that maybe she feels the same way about you?"
Bakugou's eyes narrowed. "We’re just best friends. She said she’s not interested in anyone."
Mina sighed, crossing her arms. "People don’t just do all those things with someone they don’t have feelings for. You’re special to her, Bakugou."
Kirishima put a hand on Bakugou’s shoulder, his voice earnest. "You need to be honest with yourself, man. Don’t let fear hold you back."
Bakugou stared at his friends, their words swirling in his mind. He knew they were right, but the fear of losing Y/N’s friendship if she didn’t feel the same way was too much to bear.
"We’ve been best friends our whole lives," Bakugou muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don’t want to ruin that."
Jirou gave him a sympathetic look. "But what if you’re missing out on something even better?"
The room fell silent as Bakugou contemplated their words. He knew he needed to figure this out, for his sake and Y/N’s. But for now, he would have to gather the courage to take that first step.
The dorms were buzzing with excitement as the girls of Class 1-A gathered for a girls' night. Mina, Jirou, Ochaco, Tsuyu, Momo, Hagakure, and Y/N were settled in Y/N’s room, surrounded by snacks, blankets, and the latest gossip.
After a lot of giggling and chatting about their latest adventures and crushes, Mina leaned forward, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "So, Y/N, do you like anyone?"
Y/N shook her head, smiling softly. "I’m not really interested in dating right now. I’m fine with just having my best friend, Bakugou."
Jirou raised an eyebrow. "Really? No one has caught your eye?"
Y/N shrugged. "It’s hard to find someone who’s the same standard as him. He’s...special."
Mina exchanged a knowing look with Jirou before asking, "Why not just go for Bakugou then?"
Y/N laughed, shaking her head. "We’re just best friends."
Before she could say anything else, Hagakure chimed in, her voice filled with curiosity. "But best friends don’t usually do what you two do. You know, like sleeping over all the time in the same bed, sharing clothes, and more things I could add to the list."
Ochaco nodded in agreement. "Yeah, it sounds like there's more there than just friendship."
Tsuyu added, "Maybe what you’ve been looking for is right beside you."
Y/N blinked, a thoughtful expression crossing her face. "I... I never really thought about it like that."
Y/N found herself unable to focus. The words from last night’s conversation with the girls echoed in her mind. She sat on the sidelines, watching Bakugou spar with Kirishima. His movements were precise, his strength and determination evident in every punch and kick. She couldn't help but notice how well they complemented each other, how perfect he seemed.
As she watched, she found herself checking him out, admiring his toned muscles and the intensity in his eyes. A blush crept up her cheeks as she realized she was thinking about Bakugou in a way she never had before.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t notice Izuku approaching until he spoke. "Y/N, are you okay?"
Startled, she jumped slightly and turned to face him. "Oh, Izuku! You scared me." Izuku Midoriya was another one of her childhood friends whom she grew up with along with Bakugou.
Izuku gave her a concerned look. "Sorry about that. You seemed really deep in thought. Is everything alright?"
Y/N nodded, trying to shake off her flustered state. "Yeah, I’m fine. Just...thinking."
Izuku raised an eyebrow. "About what?"
Y/N glanced back at Bakugou, who was still sparring with Kirishima, and sighed. "Just...stuff."
Izuku followed her gaze and then looked back at her, a knowing smile forming on his lips. "Does this 'stuff' have anything to do with Kacchan?"
Y/N’s blush deepened, and she looked away. "Maybe."
Izuku chuckled softly. "You know, you two have always had something special. Maybe it’s time you both saw it too."
Izuku’s smile grew softer as he noticed Y/N’s reaction. “You know, Kacchan always been fond of you,” he said casually, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Y/N turned to him, her eyes widening in surprise. “What do you mean?”
Izuku looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing. “I’ve known you both for a long time, and I’ve seen how he’s always been there for you. Even when we were kids, he would get really protective of you. It’s like he always wanted to make sure you were safe and happy.”
Y/N blinked, absorbing his words. “Really?”
“Yeah,” Izuku nodded. “He never says much about his feelings, but he’s always been the first one to help when you needed it. He just never lets his guard down, so it’s easy to miss. But I’ve noticed.”
Y/N’s heart fluttered at the thought. “I had no idea. I always thought he was just being his usual abrasive self.”
Izuku chuckled. “That’s his way of showing he cares. He might act tough, but he’s got a big heart, especially when it comes to you. You’ve always been important to him.”
Y/N glanced back at Bakugou, who was finishing up his sparring match. Her thoughts were racing, piecing together the moments they had shared over the years in a new light. “Maybe I should talk to him.”
Izuku smiled encouragingly. “I think that’s a good idea. Just remember, it’s okay to be open about your feelings too.”
Y/N nodded, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. “Thanks, Izuku. I’ll think about it.”
Izuku gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. “Anytime. Good luck.”
As the days went by, the rest of Class 1-A couldn’t help but notice Y/N’s noticeably different behavior around Bakugou. It started subtly but quickly became apparent to everyone.
Mina, always quick to pick up on changes, nudged Kirishima during lunch. “Hey, have you noticed Y/N and Bakugou lately?”
Kirishima glanced over at the two. Y/N was laughing at something Bakugou said, a genuine, warm smile on her face. Bakugou, for once, seemed less gruff and more at ease. “Yeah, I see what you mean. They’ve been talking a lot more and… she looks really happy around him.”
Jirou, who was sitting nearby with her headphones around her neck, added, “I noticed that too. Y/N’s always been close with Bakugou, but recently, it’s like she’s more… attentive? I don’t know how to describe it.”
Hagakure, who was peering curiously from behind a book, chimed in, “And Bakugou’s not being his usual loud self around her. He’s actually listening to what she says and even laughing.”
Momo, who had been quietly observing, nodded thoughtfully. “It’s as if there’s a new dynamic between them. I wonder if something happened?”
As they continued to discuss, Y/N and Bakugou finished their conversation and walked toward their seats. Y/N’s face was slightly flushed, and Bakugou had a rare, relaxed smile.
Mina leaned over to Kirishima. “I bet something’s going on. We should find out what’s up.”
Kirishima grinned. “Definitely. It looks like our two friends might be getting closer. And judging by the way they’re acting, I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s something more going on.”
Jirou laughed softly. “I think you’re right. It’s about time they figured it out.”
As Y/N and Bakugou settled into their seats, the rest of Class 1-A exchanged knowing glances, eager to see where this new development would lead.
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ashwhowrites · 1 year
Hi, I just want to say that I adore your writing. I want to ask if you could write a Billy x reader fic, where reader is part of hellfire and Billy develops a crush on the reader to the point where Max is irritated by how lovesick he is. Max tells him to ask her out as it’s obvious that he likes her but Billy makes up an excuse which causes Max to roll her eyes and tell him to grow up. Billy asks the reader out and it turns out that she likes him too and it turns out that they have a lot in common (for example their shared love of metalica). On the Monday following the date during lunch Jason starts picking the hellfire table and calls them all freaks, Billy gets protective over the reader and punches him telling him to stay the hell away from his girl. This probably isn’t the best idea but if you do choose to write it, I can’t wait to read it
I hope this is what you were hoping for and you enjoy it! Thank you for requesting and your kind words<3
Not freaks
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When Max first wanted to join Hellfire, Billy laughed his ass off. She rolled her eyes and scoffed. She didn't want to tell him or deal with him making fun of her, but she needed to be picked up. She'd seen Eddie drive, and she didn't want any part of that. He made Billy look like a safe driver.
Billy didn't agree, but he didn't have a choice. He knew Neil would lose his head if something happened to Max. He was smacking his steering wheel as he jammed out to Metallica. His speakers were loud and he was smoking his cigarette.
"Bye Max! See you tomorrow, tell your ride a great song" Billy threw out his cigarette, unlocking his door as he looked toward the passenger side. Max slid in as she waved off to a girl. A girl Billy never noticed before. He slightly leaned towards Max to see her but Max shoved him.
"Space! Jeez," Billy rolled his eyes at her comment and watched as the girl walked to her car. Even from the back of her head, she had Billy's attention, in more ways than one.
Billy couldn't recognize the girl and it was driving him insane, but he'd never ask Max. He didn't need her knowing his business or ruining his chance. He paid more attention in the hallways and his classes, searching around to see if he could spot her. But he never did.
"Hellfire ends at eight, so don't be late!" Max demanded, throwing on her backpack. Billy rolled his eyes and went to make a smart remark when that same girl walked up.
"Hey, Max! Are you ready for tonight? I sense Eddie is preparing to destroy all of us." Billy felt himself smiling as the girl giggled. His blue eyes checked her out, taking in her jeans and black sweater. Her black boots gave her a few inches as she ruffled Max's hair.
"Not like he can. We have the control." Max scoffed, she refused to ever seem weak around boys.
Billy coughed as loud as he could, knocking his knuckles on the car hood. Max rolled her eyes and turned around.
"Yes?" She hissed
Billy tried to signal what he wanted, nodding his head towards the girl. Max glared as she turned back.
"This is my asshole brother, Billy," Max announced with a bored tone. Crossing her arms as she smirked back at Billy.
"Y/N." She said, smiling politely as she nodded to him. Billy smirked and nodded back.
"You're the guy with the good music taste." She said, remembering the song that blasted way too loud through his speakers.
"And you're the pretty girl that recognized good taste." Billy smacked on his charming smile, loving how she smiled to the ground at the compliment.
"Gag," Max said, grabbing Y/N's hand and dragging her into the building.
"Tell me about Y/N" Billy demanded as he took the spot next to Max at the kitchen table. She looked up from her textbook with an annoyed sigh.
"Senior, hot, edgy, sadly your type, and even worse you are hers," Max said, shivering in fake disgust.
"But she's a hellfire freak?" Billy asked. "She doesn't seem to be freakish."
Max rolled her eyes, as usual. "Hellfire doesn't make you a freak, asshole. She's creative and is a damn good player. If anyone took the time to understand how DnD works, you'd realize it's not a freak show. Plus she'd kick your ass if you ever called her or any of us that."
"Is she single?" Billy asked, Max swore he almost looked nervous.
"If she had a boyfriend I would have said that, dingus." Max hissed, slamming her book shut. "I'd like to study in peace."
Billy had a sense of pride hearing Max say that he was Y/N's type. He honestly never cared to chase a girl, but he kept wondering about her.
During lunch he looked toward the freak hellfire table, seeing her smile. Billy couldn't help but stare, she was a magnet. She was single, but was she into any of them? Billy's eyes set on Eddie, a guy who had long hair like Billy did. A guy who wore leather like Billy did. Listened to cool bands like Billy did. If Billy was her type, would Eddie be too? He watched as she giggled and smacked Eddie's arm. His arm was thrown over her shoulder as he snacked on her fries. Billy took a mental note to ask Max about it.
"Dudeeeeee, you've asked about her every single day for the past week. Just ask the damn girl out." Max huffed, another night of Billy asking questions. She hated that he was a player and she had to deal with endless girls in her house. But somehow lovesick Billy was even worse.
"Her and I have barely had an interaction. She's not going to say yes to a stranger, Max!" He argued.
"You're not a stranger. I introduced you."
"In a horrible way might I add." Billy said as he glared down at her.
"Oh, whatever. I'm sure she's heard all about you around the halls." Max said, flipping through the TV. Her words made Billy a tad nervous. What if she was turned off by him because of his asshole and fuck boy act. Max looked over at him as he got silent. Her eyes looked over him. He almost looked nervous again.
"Look, you got a reputation and she might not be into that. But if you do like her and are serious about dating not just fucking. I think she'd hear you out." Max said softly, she stood up and patted his back as a sort of comfort. He smiled at the gesture and her words.
"What's her number?"
Max stood in Billy's door frame laughing as he raced around his room to find out what to wear. He tore apart his closet and dresser.
"Dude, it's a date. Grab jeans and a shirt that isn't unbuttoned all the way." Max advised.
Billy grabbed a classic T-shirt and his favorite jeans, pushing Max out of his room as he closed the door. He got dressed and covered himself in cologne. He hated that he was nervous.
"Billy I suck at this!" She groaned as she tossed the tiny ball. Billy laughed next to her, winning her skeeball challenge.
"Then why did you make it a competition?"
"Because I'm usually good at everything!" She huffed. Billy smiled at her pout and came behind her.
"Here, let me help." He tried not to melt when he smelled her sweet perfume. His hand covered hers as he swung her arm back.
"Follow this motion, then let the ball go." He instructed, he moved her arm back and forward. Her hand released the ball and went up the ramp. The ball finally made it in.
"YES!" She cheered, turning around as she hugged Billy. Her excitement was contagious as he spun her around.
Once she landed back on her feet, she realized how close their faces were. Her breath caught in her throat as he leaned down. His soft lips pressed against hers.
Billy was still buzzing from the date. A smile on his face as he walked into school. Even Max could notice how happy he was.
He was reading through a car magazine in the cafeteria. Ignoring the commotion around him. Until he heard her voice.
He snapped his head up to see Jason at their table, running his mouth about the freaks and other names in the book. Billy took a deep breath and stood up. He walked over to the table as Y/N stood up and got in Jason's face.
"What are you gonna do, freak bitch?" Before Y/N could even speak, Billy grabbed Jason's shoulder and turned him around. His right fist connected with Jason's jaw, sending him straight to the floor.
"BILLY!" she gasped, grabbing his arm and moving him away. Teachers rushed to check on Jason.
"Talk about my girl or hellfire again, and I'll make sure you can never get back up." Billy hissed.
The hellfire table sat shocked that Billy Hargrove stood up for them. Y/N smiled at her boyfriend and Eddie gave him an approved nod.
Max smiled as she finally saw Billy in a new light, a happy Billy.
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filmbyjy · 1 year
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PAIRING: enhypen x fem!reader
GENRE: enemies to lovers trope. angst & fluff
WARNING: a little suggestive on some parts for the hyung line. mentions of throwing up on jake’s part (no, the reader is not pregnant)
WORD COUNT: 10.2K words (because what the shit)
a/n: i wanted to write this for fun but i really also love the concept of enemies to lovers. let me know if you'd like me to turn any of these into actual full fics!
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— placing this in case the read more messes up —
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PAIRING: basketball star player!heeseung x manager!reader
it was tormenting to have someone constantly annoy you during class, lunch and basically the whole day. you have never wanted to choke someone alive until you entered the first year of high school.
the said person you'd like to choke alive was named lee heeseung. you swore on your life that he was actually satan in disguise out to torture you.
like any other day, you were about to settle down on your seat. only problem was that, you develop a huge trust issue before you settled down. you see, since heeseung has decided to devote his time to ruin your life...it meant he liked to pull pranks on you. well, pranks was something he'd say but you'd say it's more of a punishment in some way.
your 'favourite prank' heeseung did was the water bucket trick where he placed the bucket of water on top of the door. you went home with soaking wet hair by the way. it got you so mad that you gave heeseung the silent treatment the day after and he did not like it. he kept annoying you the whole day by trying to get your attention.
other than him being your enemy, he was also the resident hot guy or popular boy of your school. which meant, yes, there were girls constantly around him. he played basketball and had joined the school's team quickly due to his talent and height. you cursed him because he also loved to make fun of your height.
since heeseung was on the school's team, they consistently win games against other schools. it wasn't much of surprise since they also had other great players like sim jaeyun or nishimura riki for example. the team was just great from the start. you just so happen to have the 'pleasure' of being the team's assistant manager which was why...
"babe, pass the bottle of water." heeseung demands.
you rolled your eyes, "since when was i your little water boy? also would you quit calling me babe?"
"no, I won’t stop and since you became the assistant manager. now, pass me a bottle."
you grumbled and shoved a bottle into his hand before settling down on the bench. jake slides next to you and throws his arm around you.
"pretty, could you help me?" jake pouts.
"yes, sim?”
"i need a patch on my neck, it's hurting."
you sighed, "do you need a massage or something?"
"yes please." he gives his little puppy eyes.
"turn around-"
heeseung grabs jake's arm and pulls him away. jake whines. you shook your head and just went to check their training and match schedules. training went as per usual, you knew you had to stay until the boys left so you sat down on the bleachers waiting for them to come back to the hall.
"everyone here?" the coach asks. the boys looked amongst themselves.
"heeseung isn't here."
"where is our star player?"
"i think he is still in the showers."
"well, someone go get him."
"the thing is...he won't come out unless (name) drags him out."
you pointed at yourself, "me? you want me to go into the boy's shower room? what if he's naked. i am not risking that chance."
"(name), i am so sorry but since heeseung won't go out if you don't drag him...could you-" you groaned at the coach's words.
"fine, i'll go. only because everyone here needs rest and get home." you say. you entered the locker room.
"yah, lee. you better get out here now. everyone is waiting for you."
“lee heeseung?” you called out once more.
but you don’t hear any shower turned on. you could feel someone standing right behind you before arms wrapped around you. you gasp and turned back to the person.
of course, it was heeseung with that stupid (ly handsome) smirk. you rolled your eyes.
“get changed and get back to the court. everyone is waiting for you.” you were ready to walk out but heeseung tugs your wrist and pulls you back.
“let’s go out together, pretty.”
“I am not waiting for you to change. you’re only wearing a towel. do you even have underwear on under that?”
“wanna find out?” he smirks. you pushed him a little.
“no thanks. wouldn’t like to see something that has been inside someone else.” you said in disgust.
“then would you like to reset it by putting it in you?” he steps forward.
you gagged, “no thanks, lee.”
he chuckles before deciding to change his clothes. your eyes unknowingly trailed on his arms, his back, just his body in general. you caught yourself and blushed before looking away. however, heeseung knew you were blatantly staring at him. which was why he had a smirk playing on his lips as he changes.
“alright, i’m done.” he swings his arm around your shoulder. you rolled your eyes and pushed it off before walking off.
that was simply the dynamic of the both of you. however, you couldn’t lie and say you weren’t attracted to him. heeseung was an attractive guy with a shitty personality which you somehow fell in love with. you hated that you developed this stupid teen crush on heeseung.
“coach? we need to talk.” you say.
“what’s up?”
“there is going to be an issue if we play minjun in the starting line up.”
“what’s wrong?”
“he umm got into a fight.”
the coach sighs, “fine, then who could we replace him with?”
“siwoo. however, as you know…heeseung and him kinda have a hostile history.”
“right. maybe we could change up the usual tactic we use. think we should put heeseung on the bench first?”
“it’s possible but the consequences is that it may be risky. our opponents this time are really scary and only heeseung could handle them.”
“what do you think, (name)? should we take the risk?”
“I think we should.”
you wished you hadn’t mutter those words. now, heeseung was giving you those stanky eyes as you went with your day. you opened your locker to put some stuff but it was abruptly shut.
“I’ll cut to the chase. why am I benched for the first quarter of the tournament?” heeseung says.
“minjun got into a fight. we need to change the tactic, I think it’s better to let this opponent not expect the change.”
“bullshit, you know it’s best to keep the same tactic. we play the best when i’m not benched.”
you turned to face heeseung, “then would rather play with siwoo the whole time?”
“I would rather he doesn’t play at all.”
“then too bad, it’s best for you to not play in the first quarter.”
“but (name).”
“heeseung.” he stops. “please, just listen to me this once. these opponents are not just your regular playtoys that you can beat. they are higher level and I just-” you paused.
“forget it. just please listen to me. don’t complain anymore.” you say. heeseung stands there stunned as he watches you leave.
match day. it was the most extreme match that Decelis Academy had played. even jake was getting worn out. both you and your coach had decided to keep heeseung on the bench for longer. heeseung was itching to play but you knew if he went in now, he’d get hurt.
that’s right. you decided to change the whole thing because you were afraid of heeseung getting hurt. you didn’t want to admit it but you cared about him a lot more than it seems. your coach subs in people after people, none that were heeseung. it was the 3rd quarter of the game.
you were checking up on the tactics and calculated everything. finally, an idea popped into your head as you spot an opportunity. you whispered to the referee and told them to sub in heeseung. you waited until the ball was out. before that, you settled next to heeseung. he never once talked to you during the match.
“we are letting you play.” you say. heeseung turns to you.
“after the first half? you promised me after 1 quarter.” he scoffs.
“heeseung, didn’t you see nishimura get annihilated by the opponents?”
“so? we could be winning by now if I played 30 minutes ago.”
you clenched your fist, “I didn’t want you to get hurt.”
“oh really? would you care that much if I get hurt? we aren’t exactly on the best terms.”
“would you believe me if I said yes? that I care if you get hurt? because I do.” your eyes was glossy. you held back any tears that were about to fall.
“just shut the fuck up.” heeseung says before stands up and gets ready to be subbed in. you let out the breath you were holding. a tear slips out and you wiped it away.
as heeseung gets subs in, you excused yourself and left the hall. you walked over to the school’s garden and settled on the bench. you didn’t know why you even cared. why was it so hard for you to take the hint that heeseung hated you. maybe you should have just let him play.
you wiped the last tears that strayed on your cheeks and went back to the game. you had to watch and review the match. however, it was hard to watch it while heeseung played. thankfully, the match ends.
once again, Decelis Academy wins with ease with heeseung being the top scorer of the match. the whole time as the their coach debriefs, heeseung stares at you. you ignored it.
“all right, good job boys!”
“coach lets get something to eat! after all, we couldn’t have done it without you and manager (name)!” yunho says.
the coach turns to you, “would you like to have dinner with the team?”
you smiled weakly before shaking your head, “you guys go ahead. I don’t feel too well. enjoy, oh and send pictures in the groupchat.”
“aww come on, noona.” ni-ki pouts. “it wouldn’t be fun without you.”
“i’m sorry ni-ki, I wish I could go.”
“aww okay, noona. oh and thank you for helping with this!” ni-ki points to the bandaged up knee. you smiled.
“any time, your legs were bleeding. why wouldn’t I patch that up.” you grabbed your bag. “anyways, I have to leave now. see you guys.” you waved.
the boys waved back. you left the place.
“(name).” heeseung calls out. you didn’t look back. he grabs your wrist.
“let go.”
“did you really mean what you said back then?”
“why? so you can think it’s a lie again?” you turned back to him. “look, just cause we are enemies or on bad terms doesn’t mean I can forget my human morals and let you get injured. i’m the manager for a reason. I help out the coach and I make decisions. the coach is just there to advise things.”
“are you sure it’s just your morals?”
“heeseung, I don’t know what you’re going on about but can you please let me go? I want to go home.”
“do you love me, (name)?”
your heart drops to the pit of your stomach. you felt those feelings coming back to you like a waterfall. it was dumped onto you. feelings that you want to push back because it didn’t feel right.
“I don’t love you, lee.”
“you’re lying.”
“and who are you to validate my feelings? like you said, we aren’t on the best terms.”
“because I know you love me.”
you scoffed, “an utter bullshit. I don’t love you.”
“heeseung, just let me go. before I scream.” your voice wavered. you could feel yourself about to cry.
heeseung doesn’t let you go. instead, he presses his lips against yours. you shut your eyes and felt the hot tears rolling down your eyes. heeseung reaches up to wipe it away as he focuses on kissing you.
he pulls away. his fingers caressing your cheek softly. though no words were exchanged, the both of you knew that this was something you would have to have a serious talk about. for now, you would rather have heeseung in your arms, holding you tight.
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PAIRING: CEO!jay x manager!reader / you are pretty stubborn here and jay is an ass here.
you remembered that cursed smirk. the way he carried himself around as he gloats at the fact that he gets better scores than you. it didn’t help the fact that years later, you’d be working under him.
he constantly made your life harder. other employees may praise him but you cursed him.
“ah, CEO park? oh he is sooooo handsome! he even gave me flowers for Valentine’s Day!”
“oh! you’re right! he gave all the lady staff flowers. roses to be exact. he is such a romantic guy!”
you could gag every time they praised him. you didn’t even get a single rose from him. you got some flower called heliotrope.
‘heliotrope: eternal love, devotion’ what joke was he pulling? was he making fun of you for being single? for being a virgin?
you slammed the bouquet down into the trash can startling the two ladies who were talking. you turned to them with a fake smile.
“it’s work hours, don’t you think you should be focusing on your work?” you threw daggers through your eyes at them. they gulped and nodded before focusing on their work. you sighed.
you felt a tap on your shoulder and so you turned to the person.
“what’s with the frown on Valentine’s Day? did jay not give you head or something?” jake teases. you grit your teeth and hit him. jake winces and pouts.
“could hand this to jay?” you gave jake a resignation letter.
“well, jay is kinda busy with-” you grabbed jake’s collar and the boy gasps.
“I don’t care, this letter better reach him. I am fucking done with his antics. i am going to grow white hair if i continue working here and it doesn’t help that he keeps making my job extra hard.”
jake nods and you let his collar go, “you may leave.” jake runs away. you groaned and massaged your temple. later on in the evening, jake hands you back the same letter.
“where is he, now?”
“in his office but wait-”
you got up from your seat and went straight to his office. you burst into his room and were caught off guard by how jay quite literally has a girl on his lap and they were making out.
“well well well, seems like this is what you’ve been doing during work hours.” you folded your arms.
jay rolls his eyes and pecks the girl’s cheek before whispering something to her. she gets up and walks out, not forgetting to give you stank eye. you rolled your eyes.
“why are you here? can’t you see I was busy? or did you come here to do some unsolicited activities too.” jay smirks.
“with you? in your dreams, park.”
jake runs in, “jay, i’m so sorry.” jay waves jake off. the boy pouts and leaves.
“why are you here then?”
you threw the letter at him, “I gave you this letter but jake came back with it.”
“I don’t approve of you leaving.”
“what kind of person doesn’t allow some who wants to resign leave?”
“you have no reason leave. hence, I didn’t approve it.”
“you don’t make any sense. I have every right to leave, you are the reason.”
“and I am the CEO, I can disapprove of you resigning. besides, shouldn’t you be happy I gave you the manager position?”
“I didn’t want to just be promoted unfairly. you manipulated this.”
“I didn’t, I think you quite fit the manager position.”
“sure, think however you’d like but I am resigning from this job.” you left his office and went back to your own.
you grabbed a box and threw your things in. jay walks in.
“(name). what are you doing?”
“packing because I said I would resign.”
“I already told you that I am not letting you leave.”
you slammed the box, “look here fuckboy. if I said I would leave, i will. moreover, I am done with you. you’ve tormented me since high school, you’ve bullied me through college. do you know how much I hated to hear my own mother comparing me to you?”
jay keeps quiet. you grabbed the flowers and pushed it back to him.
“keep this and give this to that girl you’ve been making out with. i don’t know what you were thinking for mocking my non-existent love life and that i’m a virgin but it’s not funny.”
“I wasn’t mocking you for being a virgin.” jay says.
“oh really? giving me a heliotrope? when it means eternal love and devotion. why would you give that to me when you don’t like me? oh and even if you did, why would you kiss another girl? what kind of sicko does that?”
“just fuck off.” you say. jay keeps his mouth shut and leaves your office. you sat back on your chair and choked up. that was a lot that you dumped on him but it was the truth. you had enough of everything and you wanted to just leave in peace.
once you were done, you carried the boxes out. everyone quietly watches you. you placed the boxes into your car trunk. you noticed jay walked towards you.
"what else do you want-" you gasp when he throws you over his shoulder. "yah! what are you doing! put me down!"
jay does not put you down, rather he carries you back into the building. you smacked his back a bunch of times and flailed in his arms. everyone was staring at the both of you but it wasn't a surprise, this sort of thing happened occasionally. everyone knew you and jay had some sort of hatred for each other.
jay only ever puts you down once he arrives at his office (which was a distance from the entrance of the huge building). once he places you down, he traps you in between his desk and himself. you fold your arms.
"you're really stubborn, huh?" you spat out. jay smirks.
"baby, you really think i'd give up on you?"
you rolled your eyes, "mr.park, it's work hours. what you're doing is workplace harassment."
he snickers before leaning more forward. you could feel your heartbeat quicken. jay lightly places pecks on your neck.
"really? it's not exactly one if you aren't moving away from it." you moved away from it a little since he pecked somewhere ticklish. you stared right into his eyes.
"don't leave." jay says.
"why? haven't you already had your fun with me all throughout high school and college?"
"(name), that's not what i meant. i don't want you to leave not to hurt you even more. i don't want you to leave because i need you."
"what? your last mission before i leave is to take my virginity?"
jay sighs, "no. that's not what i meant too. i like you, alright?"
"then why go makeout with a girl when you like me?" you fold your arms.
"because i'm stupid, alright?"
"great to know that you think so too." you watched his eyes turn dark.
"you're a brat, do you know that?" jay says.
"you pushed me to be like this. i'm force to defend myself every time you speak to me."
jay grumbles, "well i confessed to you. do you like me?"
"well, i can't possibly like someone who has tortured me for the past years." jay huffs. "but i wouldn't lie and said you've made my heart leap a couple of times."
"i do like you too. that was just sarcasm."
jay pulls you into a hug, his arms tight on your waist. you felt your heart race quicker.
“I’ll make it up to you. I promise.” he whispers.
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PAIRING: academic rival! jake
studies was everything to you. it was a validation to get your parents to even stare at you in the face. you see, your parents never cared about you. they only cared about the red marks that displayed the total marks and the leaderboard amongst the whole cohort.
you were doing well until a certain brown haired boy came into the picture. everything was daises and glitter, all according to normal but it all quickly disappeared when everyone was in awe by the new student. the new student was like a new shiny object that people loved to stare at.
there was no denying the boy was blessed with good looks but his attitude. god, you have never wanted to strangle someone to death more than ever. jake sim, the epitome of every male lead rom-com. too bad, he wasn’t the main lead in your little drama, rather the villain in your chapter.
— “eeeekkkk jake sim is sooooo cute!!! did you see his latest Instagram with his dog?”
layla. everyone knew about his dog, he loved boasting about his puppy. you must admit though, she is an adorable puppy. her owner however…you’d kill him if you could.
“what’s so special about him?” you questioned.
“that i’m better than you.”
that annoying buzzing voice
you rolled your eyes before turning to face the boy. “god, do you ever just have some humbleness in you?”
“aww that wouldn’t be fun if I was humble with my academics.” jake pouts
“it would be for me so I don’t need to hear your annoying ass voice.” you growled. jake laughs.
“cutie, you try too hard. maybe you should get laid or something. I wouldn’t be opposed to help of course.” you shoved him.
“in your dreams, sim.” jake chuckles.
“would love if you were in my dreams, cutie.” he winks. you gagged.
typical morning. it was the usual and students definitely knew of the rivalry.
— “they’d probably make a cute couple.”
— “I’d say they are probably fucking behind the scenes. I mean, smart people need to blow out the stress weighted on them. right? what better way than to help each other!”
— “I heard jake had a crush on (name) but due to the rivalry, he keeps it hidden!”
complete utter bullshit when you heard the last comment. there was no way, the devil’s son would find you attractive in any way. he literally goes out his way to annoy you. it kept you up at night to even imagine his-
stupidly handsome face…
his stupid handsome, sexy ass, nice body-
no. keep it together. he is your rival. he is your enemy. he annoys the fuck out of you and you hate it. you hate him. there was no way you like him….
and then came the 2nd devil reincarnated into a form of the most beautiful girl. her name was…
“hi, my name is ji-ah.” she says as she holds out a hand. you skeptically shake it because why in the world would a pretty girl like her want to be your friend. there must be a reason.
the said reason: sim jaeyun
yup, the only reason why ji-ah became your ‘friend’ was to get with jake. it’s not like you were jealous.
“you’re funny jake!” she smacks his arm. jake blushes and bashfully smiles.
you could feel the blood raging in you. now what was this feeling? surely, you weren’t jealous. it was impossible.
but alas, jake sim made the impossible, possible. you had feelings for jake. it took you a singular day to figure out. props to you being the smartest student, I guess? however, with jake being entertained by the pretty girl. you couldn’t do much.
so you stopped reciprocate his small little teases. you don’t roll your eyes anymore and instead choose to walk away or ignore him. at first, it made jake stunned but he soon learnt to shrug it off and went about his day. his day being filled with ji-ah. which meant, it wasn’t a surprise to hear they started dating.
however, your heart aches. you want the old jake back, the one who would tease you and flirt with you. now, he doesn’t even talk to you. you were sad. exams made your feelings 10 times worse. you felt your body wanting to shut down on you as you continued to study late at night.
you woke up to find yourself on your study table, the lamp still turned on and you were laying on the math paper you were working on. you felt horrible. it was like you got ran over by a truck or something. you still went to school though. only this time instead of looking so enthusiastic, you had covered yourself with a hood.
during break time, you didn’t feel like eating so you laid your head on the desk and fell asleep. the next time you woke up, the teacher had knocked on your desk. you apologised and asked to go to the bathroom. however, you couldn’t make it to the bathroom when suddenly, your legs gave up on you. you fell to the ground and blacked out.
when you woke up again, you realised you were in the school’s infirmary. you sat up but felt like the room was spinning so you laid back down. the curtain pulls back and jake appears.
“you’re awake.” he says.
“why are you here.” the tone sounding a little too harsh and you nearly winced at it.
“I brought you here because you fainted.”
“you have no reason to stay here.”
“I have every reason to stay here.”
“you have a girlfriend. you should go to her.”
“we broke up.”
“I don’t care.” you say. you try to sit up again but couldn’t because you felt like throwing up.
“have this, I know you have not eaten yet.”
“how do you know?”
“because i saw you sleeping. you didn’t have lunch.”
“was that before or after you broke up.”
“I thought you said you didn’t care?” he teases. you don’t even have the energy to roll your eyes. your lips felt numb, you must look horrible. “let’s get you home.”
“no. it’s fine, i need to study. let’s get back to class.”
“you’re sick.”
“and? that doesn’t stop me from getting higher marks then you.”
“your health is more important.”
“my life depends on my grades so let me get back to class.” you tried to stand up once again but jake doesn’t let you.
“I don’t care if you get higher marks then me. I just want you to be healthy.” jake says.
“and why do you care?”
“because I like you.”
it went completely silent. not a single sound except for the ringing at your ears.
“you what?” that’s before you hurled into a bucket nearby. jake pats your back trying to soothe you as you threw up. he hands you a tissue so you could wipe your mouth. he then hands you a juice box so you could have some energy.
“I like you a lot.”
“but don’t you hate me?”
“hate you? I could never.” jake says.
“then why do always attempt to ruin me? why do you go through the troubles of making my life miserable?”
“are grades that really important to you?”
you sighed, “not exactly but my parents they-”
“only care about your grades? (name), my parents are exactly like that.”
“why don’t we date and rebel against our parents together? it’s best thing we could do. they can’t control our lives and what we want.”
he leans in and you covered your lips, “yah, I threw up. what are you trying to do?”
he smirks, “did you think I was going to kiss you or something?” you smacked him.
“shut up.” he notices the tips of your ears turning red and smiles.
“how about I take you home and take care of you, hmm?”
“but my mom is home.”
“oh so you’re not opposing of me taking care of you?”
“jake, I swear to god.”
“come on now, baby. I gotta nurse my girlfriend back to health!!”
he picks you up and you wanted to disappear from the plane of the earth but I guess at least you got jake.
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PAIRING: childhood enemy! sunghoon / roommates au! / one-sided hatred
i'm sure everyone had their fair share of people they hated for no reason when they were younger. however, this wasn't the case for you. you had a reason to hate park sunghoon. he was the worst. what exactly was the reason for you to hate the boy? he ruined your favourite barbie doll. moreover, that barbie doll was the one your late mother gave you before she passed on due to a mystery illness.
you vowed to never chat with him. you prayed to never see him when you started middle school.
alas, the universe cursed you and you saw park sunghoon every grade you moved onto. you remembered the stupid glasses that adorned his face. the annoying laugh that would surround the hallway as he laughed with his friends. after graduating from middle school, you prayed once again to never want to see sunghoon.
it didn't work as you know. you saw him again. you suffered through his teasing for many more years in high school. then college came. as what you knew, sunghoon was going to choose a different college from you and you were happy.
but why was he standing in the same living room as you?
"what the fuck are you doing here?" you say. a smirk slowly adorns his face.
"well, well. fancy seeing you, princess." sunghoon smirks.
since you didn't see sunghoon at the last day of high school graduation, you had not seen him for months. it was a surprise to you to see the boy had changed...a lot. he was a complete heartthrob but that didn't mean you'd fall for him.
you rolled your eyes, "why are you here? i thought you wanted to go to some sports college with your ice skating girlfriend?"
"high school sweethearts don't always last. besides, i planned to make a better and stable living. ice skating isn't a guaranteed success. once i reach 30, i'll be thrown to the side anyways. they only focus on younger talents."
you were staring at him as if he was insane. when did he get so matured? it's only been like 5 months since high school ended. how could he change that much?
"i don't know what happened to you fooling around but i'm sure you'll easily find a girlfriend here. they'll definitely like the little passionate talk you gave me just now." you grabbed the box on the floor. "guess we are roommates. don't talk to me and just pretend i'm not here."
you left and went to the empty bedroom. there were 2 other bedrooms which meant there were probably two other housemates/roommates living in the same dorm. it didn't surprise you to see another guy and girl show up. from what you heard, sunghoon and the guy knew each other. guess they warmed up during the orientation that you didn't go to.
"hi, i'm byeol." she holds out her hand. you smiled and shook it.
"i'm (name)."
"oh, i heard. sunghoon said that you and him knew each other back then. he said something about being high school lovers?" you pinched the bridge of your nose at her words and sighed.
"sunghoon is wrong. we-" you paused. did sunghoon even hate you? it felt really one-sided. whatever. "we hate each other."
"really? cause it seems like sunghoon looked really happy to talk about you."
"gross. me and sunghoon could never be a couple."
“oh really? that’s great…”
“great?” you tilt your head.
“I think I might start crushing on sunghoon. he is so good looking.” byeol shyly says.
“that’s good for you.” you say. however, you can’t help but sense something off. it felt…weird. you just brushed it off though.
“think you could help me? you know him the best since you’ve known him for so long.”
“uhh sure? but like I said, me and him are enemies-”
“yeah but you’ve known him for soooo long surely you’d realise little things right?” byeol pouts.
“well no-”
“great! you’ll help me. thank you!!” byeol skips to her bedroom afterwards.
god, she’s insane…
and she truly was. when she first moved in, you thought that maybe…just maybe you’d have a friend that didn’t fall in love with sunghoon but unfortunately, luck was never on your side. to make matters worse, byeol always tries to play the cutesy card. using aeygo at any given chance with sunghoon. you were surprised he even put up with her. maybe he likes her…
*snap* *snap* “earth to (name). hey, we need to continue with the project.” jake says.
“fuck, i’m sorry.”
“i’m thankful that we are roommates. it’s so much better since we can just stay in the living room and do our work till late at night.”
“me too.”
you hear byeol’s giggling and your eyes went to where the sound came from. byeol’s bedroom was wide open and her lights were off but you could see a slip of light under sunghoon’s door. she was in sunghoon’s room, you couldn’t help but frown at it.
“are you okay?”
“yeah, sorry. let’s continue.”
“do you like sunghoon?”
“no. I don’t.” you continued to draw out what was needed for the project.
“you know…byeol and sunghoon have been hooking up.” you paused after hearing jake.
“why should I care.”
“because I know you like him.”
“jake, I don’t like him.”
“stop lying to yourself.”
“i’m not.” jake sighs and grabs the pen that you were gripping. he places it down on the table and holds your hands.
“look at me in the eyes and tell me you hate him.” you looked at jake but no words were coming out. your lips quiver and your head drops down. jake hugs you.
“I like him.” you whisper.
after that interaction with jake that night, you started to avoid sunghoon. I mean you were already avoiding him since you ‘hated’ him but you completely avoided him even more. you never stepped foot where he did and it’s like you disappeared in sunghoon’s sight.
you locked yourself in your room if sunghoon was home and you never came out.
“congrats on the ‘A’ partner.” jake nudges you. you smiled.
“you too partner.”
“wanna go out for dinner to celebrate-”
“(name).” you froze when you heard that voice. you felt your fight or flight mode kick in and you instantly wanted to get out of there. as you stepped once, sunghoon grabs your wrist and pulls you away from jake.
sunghoon brings you over to a secluded spot. he folds his arms and his jaw clenched. you were honestly kinda scared.
“why are you avoiding me?”
“why do you care?”
“I was worried.”
“and why should you be worried? you have a girlfriend to tend to.”
“what girlfriend?”
“ah right, sorry I meant your little hook up toy.” you fold your arms.
sunghoon pinches the bridge of his nose, “me and byeol never did it.”
“jake told me you guys have been hooking up.”
it went silent after you said it. “so it’s true.”
“(name), is not true.” sunghoon says.
you couldn’t trust him. not when he has constantly ruined your life. you bit your lips to hold back yourself from crying. however, once you blink, a tear escapes. you quickly wiped it away.
“I have to go.” you left sunghoon. sunghoon watches your figure leave. he wanted to run to you but his foot remains on the ground.
back at the house, you threw yourself on onto your bed and cried. you cried for hours and hours, the tears didn’t stop and you didn’t know why. was this what it felt like to be heartbroken? your heart hurts like it was actually torn apart.
there were knocks at your bedroom door but you ignored it. it stops after a while and somehow, you fell asleep. your body was tired, giving up on you after hours of crying. the next morning, light peaks through your curtains and shines down on you. you tried getting up but you felt lethargic. you felt like you were on fire. you got up and you had stumbled out of your bedroom.
you looked around for your medicine that you had. however, before you could even get to the kitchen, your body shuts down. you fell to the ground. the next time you wake up, you realised you were not in your bedroom but you were still in the dorm. you looked around and realised a familiar pair of ice skating shoes in display. the medals and trophies that were displayed on the shelf.
“I still remember when you attempted to throw your silver medal at me.” sunghoon says. your head turns to meet the boy’s figure. he was leaning at the doorframe.
“why am I here?”
“you fainted. you’re also running down fever.” he checks on your temperature by kissing your forehead. you felt your cheeks heating up. “yeah, it’s still pretty bad.”
his eyes met with yours. you swore his eyes flickered onto your lips for a split second. you pushed him away.
“thanks for taking care of me while I was out cold but I can take care of myself now. I don’t need your help.” you tried getting up but sunghoon sighs and grabs your wrist.
“me and byeol didn’t hook up. jake just told you that because he assumed we did.” sunghoon says.
“why are you telling me this?”
“because.” you felt his arms wrap around your waist and his head placed on your shoulder. “I know someone cried yesterday.”
you tried to pry his hands that wrapped around you but failed since he was strong.
“I didn’t know you liked me (name).” sunghoon says. you rolled your eyes.
“I don’t like you.”
“but you were jealous.”
“who said I was jealous. you can hook up with that bitch.”
“hmm but the only one I want is you.” you felt butterflies erupt.
“didn’t you say i’m sick? shouldn’t you be 1 arm away from me?”
“I don’t mind getting sick if I get to hug you like this.”
“god, who knew you’d be such a simp.” you rolled your eyes.
“for you.” he says. you giggled when he snuggles his head at the crook of your neck. “want to cuddle my girl.”
“but i’m not your girl though?” you teased. sunghoon picks you up and places you down on his bed. he quickly wraps his arm around you to cuddle.
“mmm but you are my girl.”
“I never said about being your girlfriend though.” he pecks your lips and you gasp.
“will you be my girlfriend?”
“what if I said no?”
“I know you wouldn’t say no.”
“you’re so full of yourself.” you chuckled. sunghoon pecks your cheek once more. surprisingly, you fell asleep really quickly. guess you were tired and maybe sunghoon’s warmth made you feel comfortable.
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GENRE: vice president of student council! sunoo + president of student council! reader
if you were to recall back the day you were elected as the president of the student council…you could remember the scowl that was plastered on your vice-president. you could also faintly remember the complaints he let out to his friends when the results were out.
“if I didn’t get the position of president, they should’ve just kicked me out as a whole. who even wants to work with (name). she’s sooooo annoying.”
you grimaced. you understood sunoo hated you but damn he really despised you. to the complete point where he didn’t even want to work with you. too bad though, they made sunoo the vice-president and he was forced to work with you.
lately, the whole council has been busy with the school’s music festival. since your school was a music/performing arts school, this event was the most important event ever. there would be tons of students performing and showing off their skills (those who signed up only).
both you and sunoo had practically been overworked trying to plan the event. how it would go, the lighting, getting the stage ready, etc. you couldn’t even get enough sleep since the teachers would be up your ass for the forms and paperwork. who knew being president would be so hard?
“jungwon, please help me get a signature of approval from Mrs.Jae.”
“on it.” jungwon runs out of the room with the papers. just as jungwon leaves, sunoo enters. he places his bag down on the couch.
“why are you here so early?”
“we need to finish up the remaining paperwork and it’s better we start early.”
“then why didn’t you tell me?
“because you mentioned that this class is important so you need to be there the whole time?”
“I never mentioned that.” sunoo rolls his eyes.
you slammed the pen down and it startled sunoo.
“you can do everything yourself, (name). I have an important class to attend and my grades depend on this lesson. the teacher is going through some exam tips.” you mocked sunoo.
he folds his arm, “you don’t even have proof.”
“look sunoo, how about you take this set of paperwork and do it. I have no time to argue with you.” you grabbed the other half of papers and left the office.
“god, she’s so grumpy.” sunoo grumbles.
you sat in the library for some peace and quiet. it was the perfect place for you to concentrate and you were so happy you were far from sunoo. the air-conditioning blew perfectly and it was nice. it made you sleepy. what if you just…lay your head down on the table for a while.
the next time you woke up, you realised a jacket was wrapped around you. who had placed this. however, you were more worried about the stack of papers that you were tasked to go through. it was gone. you panicked for a second until you noticed the note stuck on your phone.
‘took your other half and did it. once it’s done, I’ll place it on your desk. also you look like an idiot drooling whilst sleeping.’
– sunoo
you huffed. if he was just going to do everything why didn’t he just say so. instead, he made you think he didn’t want to do it. this meant one thing though, this jacket was definitely sunoo’s. you could quickly tell too since there was a whiff of the strawberry lipbalm he uses.
wait how did you know how his lipbalm smells like? you shook your head. no, it’s just because there are times where you and sunoo were close enough while working on some student council work. it’s not because you’ve thought of kissing him. you would be insane to think so.
the next day, you hand sunoo the jacket right as he was talking to his friends.
“here. your jacket, thank you for lending it to me.” you say. this causes his friends to glance in shock at the both of you.
“are you two-” “no. we aren’t.” sunoo quickly shuts down jake’s words.
“we have a meeting later. see you and jungwon later.” you quickly say before leaving. right as you step away, you felt your heart beating fast. what is wrong with you?
it’s nothing. you walked to school quickly. speed walk, power walked to school. which was why your heart is racing.
that’s when you were wrong.
it took you probably 2 hours later to realise, no random person’s heart would race after talking to a guy. a guy they hated as a matter fact. which only meant.
you liked sunoo.
you liked his stupid annoying voice. you liked the fact that he argues with you. you mostly definitely loved the fact that he is the only one who pays attention to you. why did you have to discover this right before the meeting. now you can’t face kim sunoo without imagining his lips on yours.
it was an x-rated thought. why did you have to think about him kissing you and why do you kinda like imagining it. you must be insane.
however, here you are in the meeting with the other council members. they were showing off PowerPoint slides and presenting the flow of the event however you weren’t even paying attention.
“pres, is this okay?” jungwon asks. you hummed a little confused.
“oh, i’m so sorry. yeah, it’s fine. we should also have some of our members be on standby to queue the next group to perform.”
jungwon nods, “I’ll ask haneul if she can be the backstage coordinator.”
“sunoo, do you have anything to add?” you asked.
“no, everything has been well planned. we just need to execute it on that day. hopefully, the event will turn out as successful as the ones our seniors had done.”
“alright, that’s all. great job everyone, see all of you at the festival and please wear something appropriate. you saw what happened to our seniors.” you warned the others. they nod.
each one of them slowly leaves the room and the only ones left were you and sunoo. you had pushed back the chair and made sure everything had been cleaned up.
“are you joining the festival?” sunoo suddenly voices out.
“hmm? oh, no. I can’t sing.”
“but you can dance?”
“i’m too shy to get on stage. I have stage fright.”
“but you dance.”
“it’s just a hobby I do.”
“yeah but you joined a performing arts school.” sunoo says.
“well, that’s pretty obvious huh? can’t I have stage fright even if I am in a performing arts school?” you glared at sunoo. sunoo rolls his eyes.
“I thought I could have a once in a lifetime civil talk with you but you make it impossible to hold a conversation with you.” sunoo says. you gasp.
“the only annoying ass person that can’t hold a conversation is you!”
sunoo glares at you before huffing and leaving the room. once he leaves the room, you let out a sigh of relief. your heart was racing quicker than usual and you hated that sunoo was the cause of it.
the day of the music festival arrived. tons of students were running around trying to play the carnival games that were organised. there were also some redeeming prizes after the amount of tickets they gathered. you sighed, you would love to have fun but you were the council president. you had to watch over everything so nothing goes wrong.
today, you didn’t feel exactly the best. after studying so much for the past few days, you felt under the weather. however, since you were the president, you had to be present. you held onto the wall beside you and steadied yourself. you had to be strong, you couldn’t show your weak side. however, you nearly fell but someone holds onto your shoulder to prevent you from falling.
“hey, are you okay?” it was sunoo.
“yeah. I’m fine.” sunoo places his hand on your forehead and sighs.
“you’re burning up.” he grabs your hand and drags you to the nurse’s office.
“i’m fine.” you say as you arrived at the nurse’s office. unfortunately, the nurse wasn’t around as she went out for lunch but sunoo knew what to take.
“you look pale and you were about to faint. god, did you even eat lunch yet?”
“no I skipped lunch-”
“to do administrative? prioritise your health first, dummy.” sunoo huffs. he hands you a bottle of water and also a protein bar.
“eat this then take the medicine. it’s not good to eat your medicine on an empty stomach.”
“but i’m fine!”
“no you’re not!”
“sunoo, listen I don’t know why you care about me but I-”
“I care because I like you!” sunoo shouts.
dead silence
it’s like you could only hear both yours and sunoo’s breathing only. you were shocked, sunoo liked you? how was that possible? he hated you? what happened to being enemies? i mean, you weren’t complaining since you liked him too.
“the thought of you getting hurt, it also pains me too. you know. I get that you want to study and do well in your studies but please don’t hurt yourself in the process.” sunoo begs.
“like come on, you’re already smart. I don’t get why you have to study so late at night. it’s already annoying to see you do so well that I can’t possibly catch up with my crush but damn-”
he stops blabbering, “thank you for caring about me and thank you for liking me. I just, didn’t expect you to like me too.”
“you…like me?” sunoo’s eyes widened.
“yes. well, I would’ve said it slightly earlier but you were rambling-”
the boy cuts you off with a peck to your cheek. it catches you off guard.
let’s just say you left the nurse’s office with a boyfriend. people were definitely shocked to see their president and vice-president holding hands and smiling at each other.
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PAIRING: class president! jungwon x bad girl! reader. more of a one-sided enemies.
you were I would say a bad student. both in academically and in physical terms. jungwon was the opposite of you. he was the bright star student that constantly gets praised, was appointed class president of your class and was also really kind.
well to others. not to you. you have no idea why yang jungwon hated your guts. maybe, he just hated bad looking people. you’d say he’s uptight and would always turn down party invitations to study.
however, that thought changed when you saw yang jungwon in a loose fitting clothes and sweatpants. it was a comfortable choice but made him look stunning nonetheless. his bangs were down, he laughed with his friends whilst taking a sip of his…is that wine? you didn’t expect him to even be drinking.
clearly, you stared for too long because soon jungwon’s gaze falls onto you. you looked away and simply went about your merry way. however, jungwon didnt stop staring.
“who are you staring at?” jay asks. jake’s eyes trailed jungwon’s gaze and he realised that jungwon was staring at you.
“I thought you hated her? why are you staring at her?”
sunghoon suddenly smirks, “oh? does little wonie have a crush?” jungwon rolls his eyes.
“as if. she’s literally the worst girl I’ve ever seen and had to deal with.” jungwon rolls his eyes.
“and yet she piqued your interest, didn’t she?” sunghoon nudges jungwon.
it was true. though you were a ‘bad girl’ a complete opposite of jungwon. you still piqued his interests and he wanted to observe you. from far of course. or maybe, up close too.
the next day, you walked into class late. the teacher scolds you the whole while you walked to your seat. you’ve practically tuned it out, already used to the yelling in your life.
“detention!” the teacher finally says. you sighed. yet another detention, of course.
“and I will have jungwon tutor you since you are lagging behind class!”
your eyes widened. that flower boy was tutoring you? him? he was literally a bunch of rainbows and flowers every time. after the teacher says so, you turned to look at jungwon. he was already staring at you. great, he already hated the idea of tutoring you. his little cat eyes just slowly turning into a glare as his eyebrows furrow.
yay! you were so excited to have him tutor you (read: sarcasm). I mean, you knew he isn’t evil, he just probably hates you because you’re always in the detention and you are like the worst student possible. however, it’s not like you offended him in any way. the tutor session should be fine!
that was you 4 hours before actually starting the tutor session. you have never felt so intimidated by your class president but why was he so scary while teaching you.
“if x equals to 6 what is y?” jungwon raises eyebrow at you.
“u-uh 15?” you squeak out. it made you sound so weak which is weird because normally you’d be the one who was confident.
“wrong. it’s 24. you got the question wrong once again.”
“right. uh, how you…do this question again?” you asked. jungwon groans.
“I’ve gone through this question 5 times already. how do you not get it.”
“well, if math wasn’t so hard. I would get it.” you groaned.
“well, too bad. suck it up and learn how to do it.” he rolls his eyes.
“why the fuck do you hate me so much? I did nothing wrong? i’m just being myself.” you whisper yelled because you were in the library.
“because you’re annoying.” jungwon says.
“what? I never interact with you in class at all. how am I annoying?”
“every single time you’re late, I have to report to the teacher and it’s tiring to write down everything.”
“sounds like a you problem. you could’ve said no to being our class president.”
“and not be lucky to get leadership points?”
you rolled your eyes, “well, if you don’t like me. you could’ve not come to teach me!”
“I would if I could but because the teacher is counting on me, I have to do this.” jungwon folds his arm.
“you know what? forget it.” you packed your things. “since you don’t want to take the initiative to leave. I’ll leave for you, I have detention anyways.”
as you leave, jungwon’s jaw drops. never in his whole life has someone walked out on him like that. it kinda threw him off. well, okay. it threw him off by a lot.
the next day, jungwon catches your wrist and drags you to the library. it startled you and he pushes you to sit down on the chair.
“we are going to study whether you like it or not!” jungwon huffs and takes out his book. “turn to page 135.”
you were shocked, "hey, you can't just drag me here and force me to study. you didn't want to teach me in the first place!"
"stop being stubborn and flip to page 135."
"jerk." you muttered under your breath.
1 month later, you were still studying with jungwon. he was more civil now at least, he kept his thoughts to himself and you were thankful you didn't have to hear him complain about your mathematics being horrible. he points to the question and asks you for the answer.
"72." jungwon hums at your answer.
you sighed in relief, "great. now, this means you can stop tutoring me."
"who said i would stop? you still have 99 more questions and you still have to pass the finals."
"why are you so insisted on helping me? i thought you made it clear you didn't want to teach me?" you huffed and folded your arms.
"seeing your grades look horrible irks me and i hate to see failing classmates so i'm here to help."
"weird. i don't usually see you go around helping our classmates. do you like me or something?"
your words caused jungwon to freeze in his seat. did he like you? no, it's not possible when you're looking really pretty in your leather jacket and coloured hair-
okay...jungwon liked you.
"and if i said i did? what are you going to do about it?"
this time it caught you off guard.
"you what?"
he gets closer to you and you gasp, "i said what if i did? what if i liked you? what are you going to do about it?"
you didn't say anything. completely speechless. you could feel your heart racing. why did jungwon suddenly look so good? you must be going insane.
jungwon pecks your cheek, "alright. turn to page 180 now. we need to cover the next few questions."
you do as you were told. still not getting over the little affection jungwon just gave you. you had to concentrate on your work for now, maybe you'd get your answers later.
or maybe he might actually kiss you for doing a good job. now, that was your motivation.
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PAIRING: star basketball player! ni-ki x fem! reader (they are college so I sort of aged up ni-ki)
basketball, the sport that ni-ki loved so much and grew to love. besides, with the advantage of being so tall, why wouldn’t he use it?
“heeseung hyung, pass the ball!” he yells out on the court. it was a small game, to train before their big final game. you were there to snap some pictures since you were part of the journalist club of your college. they usually placed someone in charge of sports for the season and this time around you were the chosen lucky one.
your job was simple, take pictures of them playing and then interview the players before and after the match to gather their thoughts. it would be simple, if you weren’t forced to literally take charge of the basketball team. you hated them, they were the worst people ever. okay, one person on the team was and it was nishimura riki. the literal bane of your existence. your enemy the most annoying person you ever met, you wished he wasn’t so good in basketball because he wouldn’t have gotten into the same university as you without his stupid athlete scholarship.
just as you snapped some photos and reviewed them, ni-ki grabs your camera and places it above his head. he was mainly teasing you for how short you are compared to him. you tried jumping to get it but failed multiple times, he laughs.
“aww little shorty is trying sooo hard to grab her precious camera.” he teases.
“nishimura, give it back. if you break the camera, i will break your legs and you won’t be able to play the season.”
he leans down to face you, “and if you break my legs will you play with the team for me?”
you scoffed and grabbed the camera from his hands.
“no. you can suffer yourself.”
just as ni-ki was about to retaliate, heeseung yells after him. ni-ki smacks your shoulders and winks at you before leaving.
“oooo nishimura, stop flirting with your girlfriend while we have practice!!” yunho, a fellow member of the team yells.
“yah! me and that asshole aren’t dating!!”
“you wished though!” ni-ki yells.
“fuck off!” you yelled back.
ni-ki’s teammates laughed as you two bicker. this was how it was, the constant bicker and subtle flirting. you weren’t flirting with ni-ki, at least that’s what you thought. maybe you just didn’t understand flirting but you clearly could tell ni-ki was sort of flirting with you. which was weird because didn’t he hate your guts in high school? why was he so flirty now? maybe he was just going through it, being a freshman and seeing college girls. it gives you the freedom like you are old enough to do something.
finally, it was the final match to the end of the season. you could finally catch a breath because you wouldn’t be focusing on the sports team next season. as the basketball team surrounded each other discussed their tactic, you took a video and snapped some photos. hopefully this would make it more professional.
the basketball team disperses and the game starts. the ball being dribbled down the court and each of the boys moving swiftly. you snapped some photos as they were playing and honestly, you think that the current pictures you took were going to be legendary. just as you put your camera down, you realised the basketball ball was being hurled at you. you closed your eyes ready for the impact but all you felt was someone holding you close and a thud.
when you opened your eyes, you realise that ni-ki had hold you close. the basketball rolling away. he checks up on you before grabbing the ball and going back into the court to finish playing the game. your cheeks were glowing, your face felt hot so you had fanned yourself. a few of the people in the crowd were making noise at the gesture ni-ki had done. it made you want to hide in one corner and just disintegrate into the ground. however, you knew you still had to continue with journaling the match because this was your job as a journalist.
the match continues with the occasional squeaking of shoes because that's how all basketball games turn out. the announcer watches and comments on every move that the players on court had to say. there were a lot of moments where your school's team could've scored a goal but the game was just toxic in general. the other team played dirty multiple times, they always found a way to not get kicked out of the court and manage to get away with it.
ni-ki was starting to get annoyed. his jaw clenches, that is when the whole room felt different. it's like a light switch was turned on because suddenly it felt really dangerous. before the time ended, your college basketball team start scoring more goals. it was brutal to the other team but ni-ki did it. the team won. they carried him up and threw him up in the air as ni-ki held the trophy. you managed to capture that moment and it was amazing.
you were smiling a little. it was heart warming. the team lets ni-ki down and he stumbles over to you.
"i won for you." he says.
you snicker, "oh really now, nishimura?"
the boy nods. "since i won this for you, may I take you on a date as a prize?"
"what is this? i thought you saw me as a threat?" you teased him.
"yeah, a threat to my heart." he flirts back. you laughed.
"go bathe, you stink." you pushed him lightly. he laughs.
"so it's on?"
"shut up."
ni-ki scoffs playfully. "you didn't say no, i'll see you later~" he leaves to bathe.
yup, this was your enemy. a dork but you liked it that way.
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taglist[perm]: @ja4hyvn @ahnneyong @milklix @kar0ki @sugarsunoo @http-gyu @simpforniki @vatterie @victoriazynui @myu3ki @jhopesucker @dimplewonie @chwlogy @ilovewonyo @xiaoderrrr @uwuheeseungie @miercerise @liikno @hxney-luga @tiktaktiki @ajayke-reads @yizhoutv @s00buwu @ilovehanni1
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repulsiveliquidation · 8 months
Hope, Coffee, and Poetry.
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cw : smut, angst, mentions of cheating. 18+ DNI.
a/n I hope this lives up to your expectations. I cried when I wrote the last line, I have no idea why. Enjoy. realized I forgot to include the Frida Kahlo quote I used!
“You deserve a lover who takes away the lies and brings you hope, coffee, and poetry.”
“Bebita, please!”
“Don’t want to hear it, Alexia,” you tell her, storming out of the restaurant with her trailing behind.
“Baby, wait!”
You turn around quickly, anger seething behind your eyes. She cowers a little, taking a step back from you just as you both stepped out of the restaurant.
“Don’t you dare try to justify what you’ve been doing behind my back, Alexia. I’ve been so stupid to think that you wouldn’t break my heart like that when you promised me you wouldn’t ever do that. You know the pain and turmoil my father did to my mother and you SWORE to me you would never cheat on me and you fucking did!”
“Amor, I’m sorry. I tried to tell you but-”
“But what, Alexia? ‘Oh sorry I couldn’t join you for dinner babe, I’ve got my mistress to fuck at 8 pm tonight, and I can’t reschedule?!’”
You step up to her, most of the girls now joining you two outside. María, Ingrid, Lucy, and Frido look extremely upset with Alexia while Ona, Jana, Pina, and Aitana are by your side rubbing your back and arms.
“You ruined us, Alexia. Don’t ever forget that.”
You wipe your tears off your face, give the girls a curt nod, and walk off towards your car. Opening the door, you hear María yelling her head off at Alexia, fluently cursing at her in Spanish. Alexia has her head hung low when you drive past, sobbing into her hands.
“How could you do something like that to her, Alexia? She was the best thing that ever happened to you and you throw her away for some gold digger you picked up at a bar?!” María lays into her after Alexia desperately tries to explain herself.
“She is not a gold digger!” Alexia yells suddenly, looking straight at María with red eyes and an angry look.
“Did you just defend her? The whore you’ve been sleeping with behind your fucking wife's back?”
Alexia looks at her best friend in shock. The words just came out of her mouth, she wasn’t thinking.
“I didn’t mean-”
“Your wife has been there for you when you were THIS close to giving up football. When your ACL tore, she almost gave her career up to be there for you full-time. When your father died, she was the first one you called; she was as heartbroken as you were, he was the best father figure she had. The two of you were thick as thieves, inseparable since you were children. You knew the kind of shit her father put her and her mother through with him sleeping around and you go and do the one thing she hoped the person she loved wouldn’t do to her!”
Alexia was sobbing hard, shoulders shaking hard with her cries. No one comforted her, somehow that hurt her more than the truths María was yelling at her.
“I am so fucking disappointed in you, I can’t even LOOK at you right now!” María yelled one last time, shoving Ingrid’s hand off her shoulder and walking back into the restaurant.
Ingrid nods at the other girls to go back inside and finish their lunch, wanting a minute with the captain. She pulls Alexia into a tight hug, letting her cry into her neck. She’s shaking, mumbling a million apologies to no one. Ingrid shushes her, cradling her face in her hands.
“What you did was unacceptable. María said some hurtful things but she was not wrong. You’ve made the bed, now you have to lie in it. The girls are going to need some time to forgive you but I think you need to make amends with your wife first.”
Alexia nods her head, thanking Ingrid before rushing off to her car. Her hands shake as she starts the car, thoughts running through her head a million miles an hour. She wonders how she could have been so stupid, so desperate for love that she went out to find it when it was right in front of her the whole time.
You were perfect, the woman of her dreams. When her father died, you ran over to her house barefoot when she called to tell you. You ran into her house and pulled her into your arms, cradling her sobbing form as you tried to be strong for her. He was the father you never had, your own cheated on your mother so often she resented men for a long time and you swore you would never be with someone who was the same way.
When you met Alexia at 4 years old, there was an instant connection. The two of you were attached at the hip, one never seen without the other. Barcelona promoted both of you to the first team at the same time. Having just started dating and having the opportunity to go to work every day with your best friend was a dream come true.
Day by day, the two of you made things work. You two functioned like a well-oiled machine, a connection that ran so deep, that you were sure in other lifetimes you were lovers. The night of her 24th birthday, you surprised her with two tickets to the men’s team game that weekend and a little black velvet box. She immediately knew what it was and you argued, with her groaning about being the one who needed to propose cause she ‘wore the pants in the house’. You glared at her, to which she apologized, said yes, put on the ring, and made love to you all night.
The next morning, after yet another passionate round of steamy morning sex, she pulled out a matching velvet box.
“Here, bebita,” she whispered, handing you the box as you settled into her side. You gasped and opened it carefully, a beautiful diamond ring shimmered in your palm.
“My turn,” she grinned, “Will you make me the happiest woman in the world and marry me?”
“Yes, yes, yes!”
Alexia walks into the house in search of you, hoping you’ve come home and she could catch you before you inevitably leave.
What she doesn’t expect is for you to have company over.
You pull away from Aitana’s arms, looking back towards the door to see Alexia standing there. She’s breathing hard, tears streaks on her cheeks.
You stand, a confused Aitana remains seated on the dark couch both you and Alexia picked out when you first moved in.
“Uh, I’ll just leave-”
“No, stay.”
You walk up to Alexia, arms crossed across your chest. Her shoulders sag and her head hangs low once again.
“Can we talk…please?” she looks up at you, eyes filling with tears. Your heart begs to comfort her but you know better not to. You know you’d give in to her, her tears have always been your greatest weakness.
“I messed up, amor. I know that now, but please, we can fix this. I’ve broken it off with her, we can go for couples counseling, I’ll work harder to communicate, I’ll do anything!”
“Alexia, I love you. I think I always will. But I don’t deserve to be someone’s second choice. I deserve someone who can come to me and tell me they’re not happy. Instead, you found someone else to do that for you. You found someone else to do my job for me. I’m sorry Alexia, but we’re done.”
You step closer to her, kissing the corner of her lips. She’s shaking her head, lips begging for you to stop.
“Sign those papers I gave you, I’d like them as soon as you can please.”   
“No, please! Give me a chance, bebé please!”
“I already did, Alexia. I will not do it again.”
You walk into the bedroom and grab the duffel bag you had packed, storming out to where Aitana stood dumbfounded in the living room before taking her hand and leaving the house.
Alexia feels her heart break into pieces. You did already give her a chance at redemption, how could she forget? She thinks back to that day when you were both 21, away at both your international camps.
“Bebé, hi! I’ve missed you!”
Alexia scrambled to answer her phone, pulling the covers over her naked body. She glances over at the clock and notes that it’s time for your regular phone call. You notice her disheveled hair and wonder what she’s been up to, your head cocked to the side with a curious look on your face. You shake your head and focus back on her, feeling your heart ache to be with her.
“I-I’ve missed you too, Amor! What-what are you doing?”
“I’m done with training for the day, silly. Are you already in bed, was Spanish training that hard?” you tease, grinning at her.
“Sí, it went on for hours today!” she says with a nervous laugh when suddenly there was a ruffle in the sheets. Alexia looks at the moving duvet in the corner of her eye, and you see a foot sticking out of the edge of the screen that’s not Alexia’s. She looks back at you and notices, immediately covering it up.
“Are you kidding me?” you say, voice raised in anger.
“Amor, let me explain!”
“There’s nothing to explain Alexia, we’re done! How could you?!”
“Bebita please, this was a mistake!”
It took a year of counseling for the two of you to mend the trust that was broken. Fast forward 2 years and you were walking down the aisle to marry her on the happiest day of your lives. She had kept her promise and the two of you couldn’t have been closer.
Until she broke that promise again.
Aitana was beautiful. She loved you in a way so different from Alexia. In the days after the divorce and the court hearings, Aitana was by your side the entire time. She was gentle and she was kind. She knew you were guarding your heart with an impenetrable fortress, but she tried every day, little by little to gain access to the sweet, caring, loving, unapologetic girl she had quietly been pining over since her days at the academy.
Aitana was the textbook definition of sunshine. She always had a big smile on her face, never letting anything get her down. She was like a pocket rocket, able to pull laughs out of you no one else ever did. She made you feel safe, secure, and loved.
Court proceedings were taking a while and in that time, you two managed to build a new life together. You had known each other a long time and turning that friendship into the most excitingly new love was easier than you thought it would be. You moved in with her, drove to training together, cooked together, and made love every way you could. She was easy to love, but a passionate lover that would move mountains for you. A part of you still loved Alexia, you knew you always would but you felt your heart grow to make space for the new best thing in your life.
“Please Aitana, fuck…”
“You like my mouth on you, princesa?”
“Yes, so fucking much…please!”
Aitana pushes your legs back, lips attached to your core as she eats you out hungrily. She groans into your pussy, eyes boring deep into yours that are filled with tears. Your hands pull on her hair, your head thumping back onto the couch you’re fucking on.
She sits up between your legs, two of her fingers pushed deep into your pussy. She kisses up your calf, free hand caressing your ass.
“Getting close, bebita?” she asks in the most innocent voice, a little smirk across her face.
You look up at her, hands holding your legs back like the good girl you’re being for her. She grins, leaning over to crash her lips to yours. You kiss back ferociously, her fingers pushing in a third that makes your eyes go back into your head.
“Aitana!” you cry out, the tips of her fingers roughly pressed up against your sweet spot. She kissed down the expanse of your neck, lips latched onto your breast when she suddenly bit down and your orgasm hit you like a freight train. You shuddered and squirmed, body convulsing hard as her fingers and palm worked you through an orgasm so hard you saw white and passed out for a second.
“You are not what you seem, baby,” you tell her panting, kissing her slowly as she cradles you in the bath after fucking you into the couch twice more.
“For you, mi amor, I’ll be anything you want.”
Alexia stood outside the courthouse with a soft smile on her face. You walked out behind her, the final hearing of your divorce was now over. You both parted on good terms, leaving nothing but good memories behind. Aitana remained by your side and you spoke to Alexia, knowing that there was nothing but love for each other that would never change.
“She makes you happy. I’m so glad she can give you what I couldn’t,” Alexia started, her expression a little sad and longing.
You lean in and kiss the corner of her lips again, lingering just a few seconds longer than you should.
“I will always love you, Ale. Never, ever forget that.”
“I won’t bebita, you’re very special to me.”
“I’ll see you on Monday at training?”
“Sí,” she waves you two off, smiling wide before saying one last thing but it’s not directed at you.
“Tana?” she calls, Aitana turns around and looks at her captain.
“Sí, capi?”
"Cuida de ella por mí, ¿quieres? Es una buena".
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 5 months
A part two for Changes was requested by @ali-r3n 💞 In part one the reader changes her style to be more like Chrissy's since Eddie has a crush on her.
She hopes this will make Eddie notice her but he doesn't want her to change herself for him and she's crushed to find out that he's not interested in her like that.
The first part of this fic was written so long ago and my writing style has changed a lot 💞
Now that you're all caught up here's the summary for part two;
After realising that Eddie will never be interested in you, you decide it's time to move on. There's a new guy at school called Jenson, he's a metalhead like Eddie and very much your type...
Angst, jealous Eddie, Eddie wakes up and smells the roses, Mutual pining, fluff. Mdni.
After your humiliating experience with Eddie you do your best to avoid him. He didn't even want you when you dressed like Chrissy because she was his dream girl. Not you.
You had to accept that you would never ever be his type. Just his friend. His buddy.
Robin met you after school and she could tell by your face that you're big plan to get Eddie to notice you had gone out of the window. Steve watches you concerned as you wipe the make up of you face and attempt not to cry.
"Steve can we stop off for some ice cream. I think she needs it" Robin gestures to you and Steve nods.
"Ice cream and movie night. Does that sound good honey?" You nod and feel extremely grateful that you have such amazing friends besides Eddie.
You would eat ice cream and mope for a while and then you would finally try and get over Eddie. It was better this way, you couldn't stand the thought of him feeling pity for you because he didn't feel the same.
It would ruin your friendship and you never wanted that to happen.
Things are awkward with Eddie. Extremely awkward. You don't know what to say to him and he's being overly nice and just not himself with you.
Fuck, you wish you didn't say anything, didn't go ahead with your stupid plan in the first place.
Then to make matters worse principal Higgins calls you into his office. Grudgingly you make your way there and when you enter the office he's talking to a new student that you had never seen before.
He was tall, wild curls of long blonde hair and big brown eyes, he was wearing a Black Sabbath t shirt and leather jacket. Ripped black jeans and black boots. He's glaring at Higgins.
"I don't need a babysitter dude" the principal ignores this mysterious boy and gestures to you.
"Yn will be your guide around school. Your buddy while you settle in. You've been here for two weeks and you've barely made any effort to include yourself in anything Mr Jenson"
Jenson flips Principal Higgins the bird when he's not looking and you stiffle a giggle. He winks at you and you feel your body heat up, all the way to your toes.
"Fine. Lead the way pretty lady" he gestures to you and opens the door.
Hey maybe school won't be so bad after all?
"You can join me and my friends at lunch. We sit at the our own table, the Hellfire table. We play Dungeons and Dragons" you explain and he nods along as he follows you to the cafeteria.
Quickly you explain to the boys about what the principal asked you to do.
"Jenson is new and he needs some friends, people to show him around and get him settled" Eddie who's immediately suspicious of new students, studies Jenson. His big brown eyes sweeping over him and narrowing.
You do your best to explain who everyone is and point out Chrissy and the cheerleaders, you feel that pang in your chest about Eddie again.
Jenson scoffs and turns to you. "I'm not interested in the cheerleaders. I'm interested in you, beautiful"
Wait what? You nearly choke on your can of soda and meet Jenson's eyes.
"Me?" he nods and leans closer to you, so close you can smell his spicy cologne. "Wait, what was I talking about again?" You're kinda dazed by him if you're being honest.
He smirks then leans back in his seat.
"I think I like this table" his gaze stays on you and you hear Eddie mutter something under his breath.
"This table is only for Hellfire members" Eddie's voice is tight and full of dislike. Jenson pouts and turns to you.
"You'll sit with me this week yeah? Help me get settled and all?" You nod and avoid Eddie's livid gaze.
Things will be okay after all...right?
For the next week you accompany Jenson at his table. Eddie isn't happy about this.
"Eddie he's not a Hellfire member, unless you want to see if he's any good at d&d" you suggest and Eddie shakes his head vehemently.
"I don't want him in Hellfire" he pouts and it's kinda adorable. Fuck, no it's not adorable, you're trying to get over this stupid crush.
"Not even for me? He's kinda dreamy" Eddie stills at this and you look away from his fierce gaze. What's his problem anyway? Feeling brave you point out to him that you finding Jenson dreamy is a good thing.
"Things have been weird between us since...well since the other week. You made your feelings clear and I need to move on. We can still be friends and there will be no awkward tension or anything like that" Eddie looks like he's about to say something else but Jenson shows up and the conversation stalls.
"Hey princess" Okay this time Eddie definitely does stiffen and his eyes flash as they turn to Jenson.
"I call her princess, no one else does dude" Jenson snorts and claps Eddie on the shoulder.
"You can't own a name dude. Anyway she likes it when I call her princess. Don't you honey?" Oh shit. You look between the two of them and feel torn. Eddie was your friend and Jenson well maybe someday when you were over Eddie he could be more than your friend?
"Shouldn't you be chasing that cheerleader you like Munson... leave Princess to me" Jenson winks at Eddie.
Your stomach sinks as Jenson goes to wait for you at a table. How could you forget Eddie mooning over Chrissy? It hardens your resolve.
"It's just a name Eddie. Why do you care so much anyway?" you ask him and he doesn't answer. Sighing you head over to Jenson and the knot in your stomach tightens even more.
Eddie is quieter than normal during today's lunch. Dustin can sense something is wrong with him but Eddie's moods could be unpredictable and he didn't want to cause his hero anymore upset.
He didn't like seeing Eddie like this though, he had a funny feeling it was to do with the blonde metalhead currently taking up all of your attention.
Doesn't Eddie notice the way your gaze still strays to him? Don't you notice the longing way Eddie gazes at you?
Then again did Eddie even realise the way he looked at you? Why were the two of you such pining idiots?
Jason who is passing the Hellfire table nudges Eddie and smirks, "Aww freak, looks like you're not the apple of her eye anymore"
Shit. If looks could kill Jason would be dead. Eddie flips him off and Jason walks away laughing.
"Asshole" he huffs and Mike chuckles. "He's right though Eddie. She definitely has a type though doesn't she?" If possible Eddie's eyes narrow even more yet Mike doesn't notice.
Dude, stop talking Dustin begs but Mike carries on oblivious. "If you didn't spend so long pining over Chrissy then you wouldn't have lost your chance dude. It sucks, I'm sorry" Eddie deflates and whispers quietly.
"Do you really think I don't have a chance anymore?"Mike shrugs and Dustin tries to give him a hopeful smile but it doesn't seem to help Eddie who settles back in his chair with a glum expression on his face.
He watches you and Jenson and sighs. "you're right Wheeler. I wasted my time pining over the wrong girl"
Even with Jenson being sweet and obviously interested your stupid traitor heart still aches for Eddie.
Robin who likes everyone has her reservations about Jenson. "I saw him flirting with some other girl yesterday, I think he's messing with a lot of girls hearts"
The thought of Jenson doing this should hurt you but it doesn't. Fuck. This was hopeless. How would you ever get over Eddie if you couldn't open your heart to someone else.
"Munson was in here yesterday. I mentioned that Jenson dude and he kinda ranted a bit" Steve says as he stocks the video tapes on the shelves.
"He's been weird with Jenson since I started hanging out with him"
Robin exchanges a knowing look with Steve and they both say at the same time. "He's jealous"
Hope briefly encompasses you then deflates. Eddie being jealous of Jenson? That was ridiculous. Plus Eddie still liked Chrissy didn't he?
"No he's not" you shake your head adamantly but there's no changing Steve's mind.
"Honey, I'm a guy and I know when a guy is jealous. Munson is jealous of this Jenson guy. He's another metalhead honing in on his girl and Eddie is like a feral raccoon warning him off"
A feral raccoon you stifle a smile at Steve's description of Eddie. Speaking of Eddie he comes into the store with Chrissy. Oh.
Suddenly Steve's thoughts seem completely wild and far fetched. See. You try to communicate with Steve that he's completely wrong.
"I really think you should just ask Eddie" Chrissy replies to Eddie and you wonder what. Was he going to ask Chrissy out? You don't want to stick around for that.
You gather your things at the same time Eddie spots you and freezes. Chrissy smiles at you warmly and you return it even though your heart is threatening to beat out of your chest.
"Dude, did you hear that Jenson was in here wanting to ask princess out" Steve suddenly pipes up, completely out of the blue and Eddie's eyes widen as they meet yours.
Jenson hasn't asked you out. If Steve was trying to make Eddie jealous then it wasn't going to happen, you're kinda tired of hoping for something that wasn't meant to be.
"I'll see you tomorrow, gotta get home and cram for this biology test" you hurry out of the store and tj your car.
Blasting out Black Sabbath helps clear your thoughts and you're relatively more relaxed as you get home.
There's the telltale sign of Eddie's van and you nearly jump out of your skin when it comes careening around the corner.
Eddie parks the van and jumps out. His eyes are wild and he jogs over to you still looking panicked.
"Don't date him" he says breathlessly and you pause unsure if you've heard him right. Did he seriously rush all of the way here to say this and why?
"Excuse me?" What the hell was going on?
"Don't date him. He's not right for you, he's egotistical and smarmy and...and he won't treat you right or love you the way you should be loved" you raise your eyebrow and when you speak your voice comes out all shaky.
"And how should I be loved Eddie?" He softens when he gazes at you and reaches out to caress your cheek.
"Like you're everything. No other girl compares to you and you're the best thing that's ever happened to a guy. Like you're the one and you always have been"
A small part of your anger comes roaring back and you groan exasperated. "Eddie. I practically told you I was in love with you. I have been for years and you basically rejected me and now that someone else shows interest in me you get a clue!"
He shrugs sheepishly and nods, "Robin said I was the world's biggest dingus. I fucked up okay? I know that and I know that it was the shittiest time to realise how I feel but I'm begging you, give me a shot and I'll never break your heart again. I promise you that"
You've always wanted to hear him say these words and you're torn between wanting to kiss him or yell at him some more.
"What about Chrissy?"
"Chrissy was a dumb crush, even if she was interested I don't care. I'm over that. Jenson helped me see what's been in front of me all along... It's you. It's always been you"
Well damn. You're still confused though because didn't he just come to Family Video with Chrissy and she was telling him just to ask someone something.
As if Eddie reads your mind he begins to explain. "I ran into Chrissy when I was heading to Family Video and she mentioned I was unusually quiet and everything about you poured out. She was telling me to just ask you out when we were heading into the store and then I saw you and I choked"
You bite back a smile and move closer to him, the need to kiss him feels a little overwhelming now.
"You really are an idiot Eddie but you're my idiot" you add affectionately and he kisses you. It leaves you momentarily stunned at how amazing it feels but then you're kissing him back.
When the two of you break apart you're both breathless, eyes shining and happiness written all over your faces.
"Shit, uh I was thinking maybe I could take you on a date. Maybe we could go to Lovers Lake and camp out for a little bit. Thought it would be romantic sweetheart"
"It's a date" you press another kiss to his lips and head into his van leaving a dazed and smug Eddie strutting to the van once he realised what you said.
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lionhanie · 3 months
myung jaehyun ; voodoo doll
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academic rivals to... crush?, childhood friends turned frenemies, jaehyun has feelings and in SEVERE denial
word count: ~1.9k
warnings: i curse like twice lmao, reader is shorter than jaehyun, jaehyun goes thru insane internal conflict because he’s coping w/ his newfound crush on u
this work is part of my boynextdoor as old 5sos songs series! ↳ if you want to listen to the song, here u go!
a/n: tbh this is one little self indulgent because i feel like jaehyun + this concept would respectfully Ruin my Life so…. voodoo doll fits the scenario well!
likes ♡ and reblogs ↺ always appreciated!
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your families were close, having moved into the neighborhood around the same time. living next to a family with a son the same age as you essentially meant you would be seeing each other often; whether it was leaving the house at the same time to walk to school or being sent next door to return borrowed tupperware, it was safe to say that you were more than familiar with each other. 
it was sweet, really. the picture of you and jaehyun at your kindergarten graduation has been framed in the hallway outside your bedroom for as long as you can remember. jaehyun’s older brother used to treat you guys to ice cream after a test. hell, your families would take weekend trips together over the summer! even when you were young, your mothers always joked that it would be just perfect if the you two started dating, especially when your families trust each other already! and it would be so convenient too, being right next door and all. except, things didn’t work out as they had initially hoped. 
you were almost always competing with each other growing up -- who could get a better test score, who could get the most medals in a certain sport, who would get more votes at a class election; you name it. once, you made a bet on who would be taller than the other by the time you finished middle school; it’s a defeat that jaehyun never let you hear the end of when a routine check-up at the doctor told you that you were done growing. it was friendly competition for a while, until you both started taking the rivalry a bit too seriously. 
the tension at the dinner table was evident every time your families would join together for your monthly dinners. making sneer remarks towards each other, scoffing at the boasting of one’s achievements, ultimately resulting in a one-up battle that would always be shut down by the parents. it was just petty at this point. you really had no reason to feel so… negatively towards each other all of a sudden. 
“everytime you’re near me, suddenly my heart begins to race / every time i leave, i don’t know why my heart begins to break”
until one day, things are different for jaehyun. he catches himself looking at you from across the classroom longer than he normally does, eyes quickly darting away and cheeks slightly flushed when you address his very obvious staring. when it’s time for lunch, he finds himself sitting a little closer to your table of friends, his heart skipping a beat upon hearing your melodious laughter. when he sees you talking to another guy, he grips the notebook in his hand a bit tighter, a pang of jealousy ringing within him-- he dismisses the feeling and goes about the rest of his daily routine.
despite the apparent hostility in your friendship, you’ve never walked home without the other without good reason. making sure he got the both of you home safe was something jaehyun’s father encouraged him to do ever since you guys were in elementary school; it’s practically second nature to him. there’s not as much conversation exchanged nowadays, especially compared to how you two used to talk the entire walk home as kids, oftentimes having trouble stopping your giggles when you part ways to walk into your respective homes. 
he’s sitting on a bench outside of the school’s entrance, earbuds in as he waits for you to walk out the glass doors. a cool breeze flies by while he hums along to the song that had just come on shuffle. it’s a little strange that you weren’t out yet. it’s been over fifteen minutes since all club activities were supposed to end, and you never wanted to stay at school longer than you need to be. jaehyun contemplates going back inside to look for you, even going as far as getting up and throwing his backpack over his shoulder-- oh, there you are. 
“let’s go?” you finally walk out of the doors, fiddling with your tangled pair of earbuds. he feels a wave of relief wash over him, phew. he was worried there for a second. wait. why was he worried? it’s not like something bad could’ve happened to you; you were probably just talking to one of the teachers or something. he’s acting like you’ve never been a little late before. if anything, he’s probably made you wait even longer than he just did, and /you/ never seemed to think twice about it. what is up with him today? 
“give me those,” jaehyun says, referring to the earbuds you were currently struggling to take knots out of. he doesn’t actually wait for you to hand them to him, rather opting to grab them out of your hands, making you roll your eyes. he untangles the stubborn loops with ease, handing them back to you after. “wow, and no thank you? you’re feeling especially cold today, y/n.” he scoffs as he places his hands in his jacket pockets while he walks beside you. 
“and it hurts in my head and my heart and my chest and i’m having trouble catching my breath”
“myung jaehyun, thank you so much for helping me just now! what would i do without you?” you respond, very obviously sarcastic. “i’m exhausted, starving, and i’d rather not deal with your attitude again today, okay?” jaehyun watches as you plug your earbuds in and place both of them in your ears; you usually leave the one closest to him out to hear him better with the few sentences of small talk shared on the trip home. if he had puppy ears on his head, you would’ve seen them droop at the way you were completely ignoring him now.  he wanted to brag about the grade he got back on his english paper earlier, but it didn’t seem like a good time to do so. maybe you had a bad day. 
as you walk on the familiar route home from school, all jaehyun wants to do is crack a joke or make a fool out himself by doing something stupid-- anything that would possibly brighten up your mood a bit; except you’re focused only on whatever you’re listening to and the sidewalk in front of you. his mind is all over the place as he walks in silence beside you; what’s got you so upset? the exams coming up? surely not, you always seem to get higher scores than him with ease. is it the school festival? you’ve been stressing out over planning your club’s performance for a while... why does he want to know so badly? whatever it is, it’s hurting him to see you stray from your usual demeanor. 
“i don’t even like you / why’d you want to go and make me feel this way? / i don’t understand what’s happened, i keep saying things i never say” 
after dinner, jaehyun’s doing homework at his desk before he pauses to look out the window that faces yours, noticing your lights are off already. it isn’t too late, maybe around 11pm, but it’s definitely way earlier than your typical bed time, especially when finals are right around the corner. “i guess y/n had a rough week.” he rests his chin against his hand, internally debating whether or not to check in on you. it’s not weird to send you a text right? he’s just concerned, after all. 
to: my y/n sorry about earlier. are you going to sleep now?
“...are you going to sleep now? myung jaehyun, you sound like a freak, god. let’s just get to the point.” he mocks himself as he deletes his previous message.
to: my y/n i wouldn’t have teased u if i knew u were having a bad day :( need to talk about it?
“should i even bother apologizing?” jaehyun puts his phone down on his desk. why is it so hard for him to send you a text right now? picking it back up, he erases his message again.
to: my y/n u ok?  → sent!
“that should be fine, y/n can talk about what’s wrong if they want to. and i didn’t seem too needy… this is good, yeah.” he tries to convince himself that he crafted the perfect message literally 3 letters but okay lmfao, but he regrets making himself sound so nonchalant when, in reality, that is the last word he would use to describe himself right now. maybe he just needs to sleep on it. 
“tell me where you’re hiding your voodoo doll ‘cause i can’t control myself / i don’t wanna stay, wanna run away / but i’m trapped under your spell” 
jaehyun packs up his laptop and notebooks, arranging them haphazardly in his backpack before moving to wash up for bed. he’s a couple steps out his bedroom door, halfway to the bathroom, when he hears his phone chime three times. you’re still awake.  it’s almost embarrassing how fast he finds himself back in his room, eagerly opening his messages. 
3 new messages from “my y/n”! lmao yeah, life kicking my ass lately tell u more tmr if u want details :p  thanks for caring, jaehyun
thanks for caring, jaehyun. what? of course he would care. honestly, he’s offended; why do you think he wouldn’t care about you? he simply reacts with a thumbs up to your second message-- jaehyun hesitates momentarily, but he ends up reacting with a heart to your last message. he thinks you should get some sleep, you need it. 
now, myung jaehyun is having trouble sleeping. which is odd, because he normally knocks out the second he’s under the covers. his heart is practically beating out of his chest thinking back to your texts, even if it was only a couple words. it’s been a while since you two just… talked normally. it’s a sad realization, especially when jaehyun thinks about the years of history you have together. the thought of you laughing at his silly antics and hitting his arm playfully on your walk home, just like how you used to, gives him butterflies. it’s hard to ignore when he’s trying to rest. he’s searching and scanning every possible explanation in his head as to why he started looking at you differently now. he tosses and turns in his bed, even rearranging his pillows numerous times in a sad attempt to push his feelings for you out of his head and finally sleep. 
jaehyun could’ve sworn he hated your guts, but he can’t exactly explain why the “hate” started in the first place. could he have liked you this whole time? no, that doesn’t make sense… you know what, it’s probably some freaky magic manifestation stuff… yeah, that’s it. maybe a voodoo doll or something… because surely there’s no logical reason as to why jaehyun could possibly be falling for you after all this time. 
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© lionhanie 2024 ; all rights reserved!
a/n: bye i think its so funny to think that jaehyun is just so unwilling to accept his own feelings that he blames it on LITERAL MAGIC looooooool silly boy i love him :,)
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holylulusworld · 6 months
April Fools' Day
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Summary: Steve and Bucky ask you to join their prank.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!Reader x Steve Rogers
Warnings: language, pranks, tricks, fluff, implied smut
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“Doll, wait!” Bucky runs after you; he grasps your wrist to stop you from leaving the Avengers Tower. “Wait. Steve and I need your help.”
“Bucky, I’m about to get some coffee. I don’t have time for your pranks,” you give him a stern look. Every year on April Fool’s Day Steve and Bucky turn into annoying little shits. They love to prank the team and everyone crossing their path. “If you try to mess with me again, I’ll cut your hair off and dye Steve’s hair green.”
“We won’t prank you,” Bucky smirks, remembering how you ran out of your room at the tower. Your skin and hair were covered in green goo. “I swear.” He crosses his heart. “Please, for me.”
“Fine,” you size Bucky up. “Just you know — super-soldier or not. If you mess with me today, I’ll beat you into a pulp and make it look like an accident. After you pranked all of our friends for years, no one will ask questions.”
“No pranks, doll,” he takes your hand and presses a soft kiss on your knuckles. “Please help us here.”
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“Okay, spill it, Rogers,” you huff and cross your arms over your chest. Steve grins like the devil when he reveals his plan for this year’s April Fools’ Day. “I don’t have all day. Bucky already ruined my break.”
“You will love it,” Steve smirks and steps closer to you. He places both hands on your shoulders, making you shudder. They don’t know what effect they have on you. “Bucky and I decided to tell the team that we will ask you out on a date.”
“What? I—what?” You wrinkle your forehead. “How’s that a prank? We had lunch and dinner together more than I can count. We even have movie nights at your place or Bucky's. Though, Bucky has better snacks.”
“Hah, I knew it,” Bucky grins.
“Doll, we will tell them that we are dating,” Steve snickers. “You know how often they teased us for being inseparable, and that we do more than watch movies together. Bucky and I decided to trick the team and tell them they were right the whole time.”
“Steve, that’s a stupid prank. Maybe you can just put itching powder in their pants or something,” you try not to be part of their prank. “And how do you want to pretend that we are dating?”
“We will take you out for dinner, doll,” Bucky explains. He points at the suits lying on Steve’s couch. “We got the suits, and you can wear a dress. Steve booked a table at that little Italian restaurant you like so much. We will go back to the tower and pretend we are having sex.”
“Uh-Bucky got some porn on his phone,” Steve admits cheeks shades of pink. “We will pump up the volume and everyone passing my room will believe we are…”
“Nailing our best friend,” Bucky ends his friend’s line. He grins and claps his hands. “That’s a good plan. Right?”
You don’t know what to say. “Guys, that’s…”
“The best prank ever!” Steve exclaims.
“The next morning, when everyone tries to hide they heard us,” Bucky smirks. “Bam, we reveal nothing happened and call them pervs!”
They grin like cocky boys, not the super-soldiers saving the world all the time. You sigh. This is the worst idea ever and you’d love to tell them the truth. But a free meal is a free meal.
“Sounds good to me. You’ll pay.” You point your index finger at Steve. “No excuses. And I want dessert too.”
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“Doll—wow!” Bucky and Steve swallow thickly when you step out of your room. You’re wearing a stunning dress and heels. Usually, you’re in your tactical suit or comfortable clothes. They never saw you wearing anything like the dress before.
“You look dashing too,” you wink at them. “Ready?”
“Yeah…uh…sure…” Steve offers his arm to you, earning an angry look from Bucky. “We are ready to go, Y/N.”
“What Steve said,” Bucky places his hand on the small of your back. “You look beautiful tonight, doll.”
Natasha smirks as both men fight over you. Before you go you tell them to stop fighting and find an agreement. You end up with Steve holding your right hand while Bucky holds your left hand.
“I guess she set her plan into motion,” Sam grins at Natasha. “Damn, she was right about their prank.”
“Poor super-soldiers,” Natasha snickers. “They have no clue what they got themselves into. Y/N knew about their plans and turned the tables. She finally got them to ask her on a date.”
“Do you think they will finally admit their feelings?”
“Sam, did you see the dress? Y/N got them wrapped around her pinky by the end of the night and I’m fairly sure, we will need noise-reducing headphones from now on…”
Natasha was right. The moment you came back from dinner and entered Steve’s room, they were all over you. Bucky didn’t need his phone. You made the most erotic noises they ever heard…
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twilghtkoo · 2 years
Can you do something where reader and haechan take a playful bubble bath and gossip together using prompts 93 and 88<33
love foolish
pairings. haechan x reader (f)
genre. pure fluff, established relationship
warnings. mostly reader talking and haechan just listening and being love, boobs, not proofread cus i’m lazy
notes. aww i love this request hehe reader and hyuck taking a bath together and just chatting >.< thank u anon for this req!
prompts. #93 “she looked at you like she wanted to jump you” and #88 “you’re driving me crazy here”
prompt list | series masterlist | taglist
“only a little bit of soap, haechan.” you remind him once again, with a stern voice. shouting from your closet as you go through haechan’s side for a t-shirt that you can put on after your bath.
you take both your change of clothes and walk back to the bathroom. haechan sits on the closed toilet seat, only left in his briefs, carefully watching the tub fill up with hot water as the bubbles from the soap slowly rise. you spot the colors green and blue paint the water.
haechan glances up at you, spotting your shadow from his peripheral. “i put a bath bomb in.” he answers your thoughts.
you hum approvingly, a small smiling turning the corner of your lips upwards when haechan smiled self-proudly.
soon the water is at a good level and haechan has already stripped naked and stepped into the water, waiting for you. you stand in front of the tub, taking haechan’s hand that’s stretched out for you to take as he safely guides you inside. he occupies the end of the tub, his back against the cool tile wall, legs spread for you to sit in-between.
“holy shit, this feels fucking amazing.” you moan once your body from the neck down is submerged in the hot water. haechan’s hands are quick to wrap around your bare waist under water, rubbing your sides soothingly. all previous stress and tension in your body has now left your body as you welcome in the therapeutic warmth.
he chuckles from behind, leaning down to kiss your shoulder.
“that sounds familiar,” he thinks out loud, smirking.
“what do you mean?”
“pretty sure you said those exact same words when you rode me for the first time.” he recalls.
your head drops down and you scoff. “oh my god, haechan.” pursing your lips to fight the laugh that almost came out. he sure knows how to ruin a moment.
“hehe, sorry.” he softly mumbles an apology.
you lean yourself up away from haechan’s chest, going to the other side of the tub so you and him are facing each other.
you grin to yourself, sitting on your legs and gathering a handful of the white bubbles that float atop.
he watches you with admiration and love, allowing you to put the mountain of bubbles on top of his dry head.
“how do i look?”
you blink, “beautiful.”
he scoffs, dropping his head as he cutely smiles.
“what should we eat for dinner?” you ask, your focus mostly on the tower of bubbles you’re building.
he hums, “we have those left overs from lunch. but if you don’t want that i can make you something else.” he suggests, he knows how you feel about leftovers and how you think the taste isn’t the same once it leaves the restaurant. which is why you always try to finish your food, but today, you just woke up not hungry.
“speaking of lunch earlier . . .”
haechan decided to join you and help you build your bubble tower, he hums in response, letting you know he’s listening. the top of his head is slightly damp from the bubbles.
“the girl who took our order and stuff . . . you know the waitress?” you trail off, glancing up at him to watch his facial expressions.
“uh huh,”
you slightly pout from the lack of responses.
your hands stop and now you’re just watching him.
“did you notice anything?” you ask cautiously.
his hands stop mid air, the slightly growing bubble tower has now reached the height to where your heads are.
he squints his eyes, his lips turned downwards, a habit you noticed when he’s thinking.
he shakes his head, “no, notice what?”
you let out a sigh as a response.
“vent to me baby,” he lightly chuckles, assuring you to speak what's on your mind.
you groan, face palming because if haechan didn’t even notice it then why is it bothering you so much. you decide to continue adding height to the silly tower to avoid from catching haechan’s reaction.
“when we went to lunch together, i think the waitress recognized you and she was definitely flirting with you. right in front of me!” you exclaim, scoffing at the memory again.
you and haechan went out to eat earlier today for lunch, choosing somewhere where we thought was pretty secluded, and it sort of was.
“i swear i saw her try to reach to touch your arm, and she was all heart eyes staring at you. i was almost about to throw up. not to mention, she wasn’t even looking at me when i was telling her my order. rude, right?”
he nods, “definitely.” he says firmly.
“thank you!” with big eyes and your hands thrown out in front of you as you rant, cutting your creation in half on accident as it slowly floats in the air to haechan’s side.
"she looked at you like she wanted to jump you!"
he can’t help but burst out laughing at your frustration about the situation. you can say he was pretty oblivious about the waitress flirting with him, because he was focused on you mostly. recalling how there was an eyelash sitting beneath your cheekbone while the lady was collecting your order. how your fingers were fidgeting with the corner of the menu that was already slightly peeling, the skin of your hand looking so smooth and soft under the natural light seeping through the window.
haechan leans back, taking his arms out from the water to relax on the edge of the tub. soap suds resting on his skin.
you’re still pouting, thinking about the situation and how the girl had the nerve to blatantly flirt with your boyfriend in front of you. in your head, you were saying things that your non-confrontational ass would never say to someone.
you stare at haechan, "you think she knew who you were?" you ask with slightly raised eyebrows.
he shakes his head. "i don't think so, don't worry." he assures you.
you jump in your spot which makes haechan flinch in surprise, eagerly leaning forward, your mouth forming an 'o' shape. "one of my classmates stole my pen today!" you gasped.
haechan covers his mouth with his hand, dramatically gasping, matching your energy. "no," he reacts.
you nod your head, "yes! i just remembered. that fucker." you mumble the last part to yourself.
he bites his lip to hold back his smile. "is it the gel pen with the 0.5 point?"
"yes, my favorite pen."
"don't you have a whole pack in your desk?" he harmlessly asks, just out of pure curiosity.
you cock an eyebrow, "who's side are you on?"
haechan stretches his hands towards you quickly. "yours, baby. yours. that fucker should've gave back your pen. doesn't he know we are in the middle of an inflation?" he scoffs.
"and like, yeah, i use my ipad to take notes but i use my pen for handwritten notes and my planner. i should've lied and said i didn't have a pen. ugh- this is what happens when i'm nice to people." you stress before shaking your head, scooting closer to your boyfriend.
“you do have nice pens,” he says absent mindedly. “i probably would’ve kept it too.”
your face is deadpan as you stare at haechan, then you let out a deep sigh. “i love you, haechan.”
he smiles back, “i love you too.”
shaking your head. "we’re never going to that restaurant again and from now on i don’t have pens. let me wash your hair?" you're already grabbing his shampoo and squirting some into your hand before he can answer.
he doesn't push you away, reveling in this moment and enjoying the way the pad of your fingers are massaging his scalp. how your sitting on your knees in between his open legs, your breasts are aligned with his vision and it's like he turned into a kid who was given an ipad.
his impulsive thoughts win and it's too late because his large hands are already kneading your chest. "they're so squishy." he blurts out, making you roll your eyes. you won't lie and say that the ministrations of his hands felt so good you felt like the soap suds that melt down your body.
"your hands feel nice." you admitted, reaching behind him to grab the shower head and turn on the water to wash the shampoo out.
his head snaps up to look at you. "really? feels nice?"
simply nodding your head, ignoring his eyes on you. his hand movements slow down, he starts to slowly palm your breasts.
"stop this is supposed to be just us taking bath." you whine, turning off the water.
he giggles, "it is."
"not when you're doing that on purpose." you accuse him, laughing along with him because you're familiar with his tricks and you already know where this is headed.
"what am i doing?" he asks with a playful innocent voice.
"you're driving me crazy here." you huff out.
taglist @neosdaisy @m_1kaellUh @n0hyuck @matchahyuck @haesqt @waitcries @ohmyhuenings pls send an ask or message to be removed or fill out the form to join! :D
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xxsp3llb0undxx · 1 year
The Pack Imprint
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Fem!Reader x Uley Pack {2.9k}
Requested - Unknown
Summary: Reader is Bella Swan's neighbour, having lived beside the Swan's her whole life. The once close pair, now hate each other all because of the group of shifters that reside in the rainy state of Forks, Washington.
Forks, Washington - February 19th 2005
It had been a month since Bella came back to town, she was the centre of the school gossip, everyone trying to either be her friend or get a date with her. All but one person - Y/n L/n. Bella and Y/n grew up together, they were childhood friends along side Jacob Black. But after her parents divorced and she went to live with her mom, Bella had grown distant with the young girl she once saw as a sister. Two letters a week turned into one a month, which then turned into nothing. Y/n was heartbroken, her best friend had up and left. Jacob tried to be around more often but with school on the res and his dad nagging at him to help around the house, he couldn't fit Y/n into his schedule. Which in turn, made the pair grown apart from each other as well. That was until she came back.
The last month in Forks had been hell. Everywhere Y/n went, whispers about the Swan girl being back was all she heard. Every time she would enter through the school door the chatter about her once best friend would swarm through the halls, Y/n had enough. She was sick and tired of always hearing about her, Bella this and Bella that - it was giving her a headache. Jessica and Angela had gave Y/n's seat at the lunch table away to Bella, that was until she started sitting with the Cullens. It was infuriating, she's been back a month and she's already pining after the only Cullen available, it was pathetic. Bella was like a plague coming to ruin Y/n's life all over again, but she wouldn't allow it to affect her.
When lunch came around, Y/n found an empty table near the back of the cafeteria. Jessica and Angela tried to invite her back to their table but all they were met with was Y/n's middle finger held up in front of their faces, the two girls turned and walked away but not without Jessica muttering a not so quiet 'bitch' under her breath. Y/n had enough of Jessica's shit; the sly things she'd say about everyone, how she would point out peoples insecurities and worst of all - how she victimised herself all the goddamn time. Y/n had got up out of her seat, the screech from the metal legs dragging against the floor grabbed the attention of everyone in the cafeteria. "Hey Jess?" Before the girl could respond, Y/n had grabbed a handful of her hair and yanked her back - the scream she let out was loud, almost deafening the Cullens; who were on the other side of the cafeteria. "Don't you ever call me a bitch again, do you hear me? I'm sick and tired of your bullshit. You just never learn to fucking shut up." With that said, Y/n had let go of her and walked out the double doors leading into the parking lot of the school.
The Cullens had watched the whole thing unfold, Bella clinging onto Edward's arm saying she was scared. Emmett had the biggest grin on his face, he was enjoying himself too much, quiet little Y/n had turned out to be a badass and Emmett loved it. Rose had to stop her mate from joining in, a firm grip on his bicep - enough to hurt anyone that wasn't a vampire. Alice, knowing what would happen, had excused herself before the fight broke out. She wanted to see if Y/n was alright, so the pixie like vampire had decided to wait beside Y/n's car, hoping she would show up soon. But she didn't, at least not for awhile. Alice had gotten tired of waiting, she turned to leave when she heard the car door behind her shut with a soft click. Before she could do anything, the car had reversed and turned out the parking lot - heading as far away from the gates of Forks Highschool.
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March 5th 2005
It had been at least a week since the whole incident between Y/n and Jessica. No one had seen or heard off Y/n, people had started to spread rumours around saying she was expelled or she had ran away after what she had done but none of it was true, only no one would really know the truth at least not yet. Bella had rang Jacob after it had turned into two weeks of not seeing Y/n, at first the young wolf sounded unfazed, like he didn't care but in truth, it was all an act. He knew about what had happened, he heard it straight from the horses mouth the day it all occurred. Y/n had drove all the way to Jacob's house, he was in the garage when he head the screech of tires pulling up in front of his house. He had poked his head out the garage door to see who it was, not really in the mood for anyone to come rushing into his house when he was busy. The sight of a distraught Y/n had panicked the poor boy, he rushed over to her scanning her body for any signs of injury but he turned up with nothing. Y/n was on the verge of tears, he could hear her heart hammering in her chest. Jacob brought her in to his arms, the warmth radiating off of him helped calm the girl down a little though she was still shaking.
Y/n had brought Jacob up to date with what had happened, he was proud of her for finally standing up to Jessica but he was also upset that it had to get to this point for Y/n to finally step up and confront her about it. Y/n had stayed with Jacob and his dad for the last couple weeks, begging them to not send her back there. A couple weeks had then turned into a month, Jacob had started to ignore everyone and started to hang out with Sam Uley and his little pack of mutts. Y/n wasn't having it, she was sick and tired of waiting for Jacob to come home but he never did, no matter how many times Y/n had asked Billy where Jacob had disappeared to he never told her. She waited for as long as she could until it was too much, she had trekked all the way over to Sam's place; her hands clenched and face red hot with anger. She was going to get her answers one way or another.
When Y/n had made it to Sam's house, Bella just so happened to be there too. Her fiery orange truck parked in the drive. There was a indescribable feeling in the pit of Y/n's stomach, a mixture between anxiety and full blown hatred. She stomped her way over to the group, Sam was telling Bella to leave but she wasn't having any of it, like always. Paul was the first to notice Y/n, her h/l h/c whipping around with the wind. Before he could tell Sam she was here, Bella had shouted at him. "What did you do to him? He didn't want this. He just up and left without telling me anything because he's scared of you." Paul had laughed at Bella, Jacob wasn't scared of anyone and yet she still thought that. Paul was calm until Bella had gone and slapped him across the face, she clutched her hand to her chest, it was surely broken after that hit. Paul had started to shake violently, Sam had pushed Bella back telling her to back away whilst simultaneously trying to get Paul to calm down. Y/n had the dumbest idea ever, we all must admit she's not the smartest. She had slowly started to step towards Paul right as he had shifted.
Bella's screaming could be heard but that didn't bother Y/n, what did though was the huge dark silver furred wolf right in front of her. It's teeth bared, snarling at her. Though, she felt no fear. Her hand slowly reached up and gently lay upon it's muzzle. The wolf huffed, he wasn't entirely trusting the girl in front of him but he also felt no fear towards her. He looked into her e/c and everything stilled. The noise around him had calmed, all he could focus on was her. Paul felt like the centre of the earth had shifted, like he was finally where he was meant to be. Before he knew it, he had shifted back. Y/n's body flush against his own, protecting him from the eyes around them. Soon enough, a blanket had been given to him to cover up until he was able to make it back to the house and put a new set of clothes on. Paul was confused, how was he able to imprint on Y/n when he had already imprinted on Rachel, Jacob's sister?
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After the events of earlier today, Bella had told Jacob to never speak to her again and she left, just like that. Jacob was sat on the steps of Sam's porch, he just wanted to be alone but he knew that was impossible. Jacob felt a shift of weight beside him, he turned his head and saw Y/n wrapped up in one of Emily's blankets, she must've given Y/n the blanket to stay warm. Jacob threw his arm over the smaller girl, the warm his body provided her, soothed the chill that made a home in her bones. "You know, Bella doesn't deserve you Jake. You're too good for her." They both sat there in silence for awhile, the soft chime of the trees rustling in the wind settling in to the comfortable silence around them. The door to Sam's house opened, revealing the older male. "Come inside, we're having a pack meeting." The pair looked at each other before Jacob got up and walked inside, leaving Y/n to sit on her own to watch the trees dance around in the soft breeze.
Inside Sam's house, the pack was all sat around in his living room. Embry, Paul, Jared and Quil were sat on the sofa, Leah and Seth took up the two arm chairs while Sam and Jacob were stood; everyone waiting for Sam to start the meeting. "We all witnessed what happened between Paul and Y/n earlier, Paul imprinted for the second time. What we need to figure out is why that happened." All eyes were on Paul, he felt smug about having two imprintee's but it felt wrong, as if he were betraying Rachel. The meeting had gone on for the last hour, the pack had decided to try and see if they would all imprint or if it was only Paul to be lucky enough to have two imprintee's. The pack had left the house, Y/n completely unaware of what was about to happen. Jacob held his hand out to Y/n, pulling her up on her feet and leading her over to the small field where Paul had initially shifted. "I need you to be as calm as possible, okay? We need to see if what happened to Paul earlier will happen to all of us, I promise I will explain it all later." Y/n only nodded her head, giving Jacob the all clear.
The pack had lined up beside each other, Paul was the first to shift. He felt all the feelings from earlier flood back, his heart pounded as he stepped closer to Y/n. She reached out to run her fingers through this fur, earning a soft grunt from the silver wolf. Next was Embry, he was scared to look up at Y/n, he felt sick to his stomach; what if he didn't imprint? Y/n took careful steps to Embry, his fur was gray with black spots; he was slightly smaller than Paul. Y/n crouched down to be eye level with the gray wolf, his eye's locked with hers and it was like his whole body was set alight. Slight tingles coursed through his bones, he felt complete. Embry nuzzled into Y/n, small giggles erupted from the girl, the sound was like wind chimes clashing together. Embry left with Paul to shift back and change back into their clothes. Quil and Jared were next, Quil's wolf had chocolate brown fur while Jared had light brown fur with black markings around his eyes. The pair had imprinted instantly, their tails wagging behind them as they accepted the affection off their imprintee. Seth had imprinted fairly easy, though he was still scared. The sandy brown furred wolf cowered at the attention of his imprint, too overwhelmed by the feelings bubbling inside him. The young wolf left as quickly as possible, wanting to shift back and put this behind him for now.
Leah imprinted soon after Seth, she finally knew what it was like to have someone meant for her. The tingling coursing through her body was welcomed, Leah stayed beside Y/n refusing to leave the girls side. She would not leave her imprint, not now - not ever. Jacob and Sam were the only ones left, they had decided to shift at the same time, afraid of being rejected. Sam was a black furred wolf, he was like a shadow while Jacob was a rusty brown colour, almost like Seth. Sam was the first to look up at Y/n, her e/c stared straight back at him. His heart was pounding in his ears, he didn't feel anything at first. He knew what it was like to imprint and yet, he felt nothing. Sam was about to give up and just walk away, until Y/n sat in front of him and ran her fingers through his fur, an electric shot went straight though him. Images flashed behind his eyes, growing old with her, having a family of their own, loving her till his very last breath. Sam now had two imprintee's, what was he going to tell Emily? The black furred wolf walked off towards the house, his ears pinned against his head.
Jacob still had his head pointed down, his eyes trained on the dirt under his paws. "Jake? Look at me, please." Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. Jacob listed his head, his pupils blew as images of them laughing together, cooking dinner together, messing around with the pack flashed before his eyes. It was like his ears were flooded with water, he knew he would do anything, be anything for her. His whole world was centred around Y/n and what their life would be like together. A blanket of warmth wrapped itself around his heart, he felt content knowing his best friend would be his forever.
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Once everyone had shifted back and back in their clothes, they had all settled in to the living room. Y/n sat on the sofa, squished between Jacob and Leah, while Seth sat in front of her on the floor; his back pressed against her legs. Paul and Jared were fighting over what to watch, while Quil and Embry made popcorn for everyone. Sam was the only one missing, he was sat in his shared bedroom with Emily. They were arguing, everyone could hear it. "Is it my fault? Them fighting, I mean." Y/n felt guilty, she didn't want to tear apart Sam's relationship, she would gladly show herself out if it wasn't for Jacob and Leah physically holding her in place. Paul was the first to say anything, he had crouched in front of the sofa, his hand linked with hers. "Hey.. it's not your fault doll face, no one could've seen this happening. You are our imprint, you are what matters the most to us, it could never be your fault, okay?" Paul kissed Y/n's knuckles, his lips ever so lightly grazing her skin. She sniffled slightly as she nodded her head. Y/n couldn't have been more happy to have the pack, she finally felt loved and included for once. The rest of the night consisted of watching random movies and eating too much junk, Y/n had passed out on Leah's shoulder after the second movie had started. She was soon followed by the rest of the pack, all spread out in the living room. Seth cuddling into Y/n's leg, Jacob flung half on Y/n while Leah was now hanging off the sofa, Paul laying beside Seth on the floor; his head on Seth's arm. Jared and Embry passed out on the arm chairs, their bodies thrown across them like they were dolls tossed to the side. Quil was the only normal one out the bunch, he was cuddled into a blanket away from everyone else, a pillow under his head as he snored.
Y/n had made a family for life, she would not give this up for anything.
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digenerate-trash · 10 months
Yandere Sirris who encourages Sydney to befriend you, so you'll come over to their house and he can POUNCE without fear of anyone at school catching you and ruining his "good man" facade.
Fuuuuuuck. Damn okay, anon. You're a sick fuck. I'm into it. (I might have to do the teachers next because of this ask)
GN Sydney | GN PC | AMAB Sirris
Sirris has always been very particular about his tastes. Usually, he has boundaries and careful consideration when he is looking for someone to get romanticly involved with. He's always so careful with his feelings... he has a kid after all and he can't risk Sydney's stable home for anything less than perfection...
But that's when he met you. You're a bit off. You stand out in class. Not a troublemaker. But not a good student either. But there's something in the way you look at him that makes his heart jump. He spends all lunch period thinking about it. He wonders what he did to be cursed with these feelings...
He's upset and sick at the thought and when he goes to check on Sydney he spots you again. Leaning over the counter and talking to his son. Your hips swaying a bit as you chat with him. Sirris can't seem to tear his eyes away from you. When Sydney sees Sirris he waves and invites him over.
You quickly gather your book and head out and still Sirris can't focus.
"Dad!" Sydney says. Snapping his fingers and gaining his attention finally. "What are you doing here?" Sydney asks. He must have asked a few times but Sirris wasn't listening.
"Sorry kiddo- I just... I'm worried about them." He gestures Vaugely in the direction you left and Sydney nods.
"They've been having some trouble lately," Sydney explains. "Something with their caretaker. They refused to explain. They keep their personal life a secret... I'm getting worried about them-"
...an unstable home life is troubling... especially for someone as desirable as you, but you could keep a secret apparently, and you could probably use a safe place to go... Sirris is more than happy to provide for someone in need.
"Invite them for dinner Friday." Sirris encourages. "Maybe we can get to know your friend a little better."
Sydney smiles before the bell rings and he grabs the rest of the books that need to be reshelved. "I think they'd like that- who doesn't like us?" Sydney smiles a bit before Sirris heads back to his classroom. And as much as he wants to pretend that Friday is going to be nothing but innocent fun. He's already planning on a way to get rid of Sydney for the evening.
Friday rolls around and all throughout class you keep looking at the teacher. You seem nervous and Sirris tries to ignore it. He continues the lesson as if nothing is wrong and by the end of it you've packed up your bag but you wait for the class to leave. It's just you and him in the classroom now but Sirris keeps things professional. The door is open and he keeps the desk between the two of you as you confront him.
"Sydney invited me to dinner." You say. Your voice has a slight shake to it. But Siris doesn't seem to mind. Innocence is a virtue according to the church books his son brings home.
"And? Will you be joining us for dinner?" Sirris asks. He stays calm like his entire day won't be soured if you say no.
"...it won't be awkward?" You ask. "Since you're my teacher... I thought it might be awkward- you might not... want me there..."
Sirris chuckles a bit and he reaches over to pat your head but stops himself. Keeping the distance he's so carefully maintained. "It won't be awkward I promise." He reassures you before he pulls out some of the tests he intends on marking.
You nod and smile before you grab your things and leave. Sirris closes the door after you leave the classroom and takes a deep breath of air as he presses his forehead against it. He can't believe it... you're actually going to be in his home tonight... you're going to show up you're going to laugh politely at his jokes and be in his home. It's almost too much-
The rest of the day feels like a weird dream. He doesn't even seem to care when he spends the next hour not marking papers but instead thinking about all the things he could do to you in his own home. His work is left undone for the day and even his visit to Sydney in the library is a blur.
After school, Sydney brings you along with him, and Sirris drives. Usually, he'd let Sydney walk but today was a special occasion. You two chat and smile in the back seat. While Siris grips the wheel his knuckles are white while he hears you laughing in the back seat.
You're so close to him...
Sirris lets you two talk in the living room while he makes dinner and as he expected you are polite and helpful. You complement the house and keep your hands to yourself. Sydney even mentions that you're welcome here any time and Siris echos that as you sit down a the table to eat. And once dinner is almost done sirris gets up a moment and clears the table...
He sets the dishes on the counter and stares. Five minutes. That's what he’ll wait. He counts the seconds. He stays stark still in the kitchen as the seconds pass. Five minutes is believable he thinks as the moments tick by. He can still hear you chatting in the dining room. You are so close… so agonizingly close. Once the five minutes are up he takes a deep purposeful breath and calms his nerves before poking his head back out into the dining room.
"Sydney- Jordan just called," Sirris says alarming both of you. You jolt over to look at Siris and your eyes are a little wide. "Did you not tell him you were not going to make it tonight?"
Sydney shakes his head before Siris sighs. "Well. Get your coat then. You can't make a commitment then not show up"
"We have a guest over can't you tell him that?" Sydney asks before Sirris is practically pushes Sydney out the door. "What kind of father would I be if I let you get away with that? Now hurry up. I'll get your friend home after the dishes are done."
Sydney looks a little upset as he rushed out the door. But he says his goodbyes and leaves.
He leaves you both there. Standing in the house. The Erie quiet starts to hit you.
Siris locks the door in front of you the deadbolt clacking into place. Sirris tilts his head at you a moment before his eyes are fixed fully on you. There's something much more frightening about your science teacher as he takes slow purposeful steps toward you.
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bryngmemoney · 8 months
Megumi Fushiguro x Reader
⭑story masterlist link
tw: none
Writing in between messages!!
🪡Chapter Nineteen: First Date
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Megumi led the way as you walked by his side to a restaurant he had recommended, which was apparently also his favorite.
“I think you’ll like it, well I hope you like it.” he smiled at you as you two continued your walk. “I bet I will, sounds good from what you’ve described.”
He looked down at your hand, wondering if he should reach for it, at least to try and be a little more romantic. Megumi had been alone with you before, last night he was feeling especially brave, so why couldn’t he do that now. He felt nervous, more than he had been any other time with you. It might’ve been the fact that this was officially a date.
He was a little thankful when he finally saw the street sign of the place a few feet away from you. Maybe once you guys had settled down to eat he’d know what to do.
There ended up being a couple people waiting in front of you, so you guys ended up waiting to be seated for a bit. “You really like this place?” you asked him. “Yeah, it’s pretty good i’d say.” You took a moment to look around the place as you waited, it definitely went in line with the atmosphere you’d think he’d enjoy.
You turned to look at him about to bring up the whole fiasco in the morning, only to stop when you saw he had his camera app open, ‘discreetly’ trying to look at himself. You saw him try to adjust a few strands of his hair that fell on his face, his eyes scrunching slightly with worry as if he thought he looked off. “I like your hair.” you complimented, catching him completely off guard. He looked up from his phone, immediately trying to hide the screen as if you hadn’t already been looking at him.
“Oh, uh, it’s nothing special.” He had to look away before you noticed how red his face was getting.
“Megumi,” you laughed, watching his back completely face you.
“Shut up, don’t laugh at me, I take you out for lunch and this is the thanks I get?” He peeked back over, still slightly flustered but in a better condition to at least look at you.
“You’re cute, and pretty, it’s why I chose you to be my model.”
“Shut up, you don’t know what you’re saying.”
Just then the hostess called out his name, signaling the table was ready for you two. “C’mon,” he spoke, finally deciding to just grab your hand, as you both walked to be seated.
Excited to finally just sit down with you and talk, especially after working up more confidence, he was about to let go of your hand so you could take a seat across from him in the booth you’d been assigned. Yet the moment he heard an all too familiar voice call his name he cursed the universe for ruining his one chance. He debated running off with you knowing exactly who was approaching.
“Megumi kid, is that you?” You turned to look behind you, only to be met with your teacher, Satoru Gojo.
“Megumi! It is! And Y/n? What is going on here?” He had a more teasing, playful tone, yet you were a bit put off by the whole thing.
“Go away, please.” Megumi said, you felt him slightly tighten his hold around your hand.
“Oh but we haven’t caught up in so long! I basically raised you and now you shew me away? Why don’t we have lunch together, me and Geto were just about to be sat down, but we can just join you two! Don’t worry i’ll pay.” Before Megumi could protest again, he was already sat on one side, turning around to wave Geto over once they saw each other.
“I’m so so sorry,” you heard Megumi mumble to you as he sat down defeatedly opposite of Gojo, leaving room for you.
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Author’s Note: megumi’s so done
anyways next date will hopefully be uninterrupted 🤗
hope you guys enjoyed!
Taglist below, feel free to comment or dm me to be added!!
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asolitaryrose3 · 9 months
Are you jealous?
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Melissa schemmenti x fem!reader
Summary: Reader is shy and feels like Melissa is too far out of their league, but with enough nagging from Ava, and the presence of Gary, they finally tell Melissa how they feel.
Warnings: fluff, minor angst, jealous reader, comfort, Gary (for the plot only), my failed attempt at humour, Ava and readers are besties, Most of this was wrote at 3am, first time posting my fics on here, I’m trying my best.
“I think you should tell her” Ava suggested, “why, so she can laugh in my face and ruin the perfectly good relationship we have? Yeah, No thanks.” You joked slumping further into your chair.
When you had joined Abbott you had instantly fell in love with the people there, janine, although she could sometimes be annoying at times, you know she means well by it all. Jacob was like a brother to you, he was nerdy and sometimes ruined a joke or two, but for the most part he was caring. Gregory took some time to open to you, but when he finally did, he was surprisingly funny and good to be around. Barbara was one of the kindest people you had met in your life, you saw how she mothers the younger teachers, Janine mostly, and it was sweet and admittedly wholesome to be around.
Melissa was at first cold and icy toward you, which you later learned that was normal for her, but eventually she warmed up to you. After some time she started to bring in cannolis from your favourite bakery, more recently though she started to even bring in home cooked lunches for you. She was sweet and you admired her, but eventually you realised after a while, that you had developed a crush on her. You knew she wouldn’t like you like that though, You were quiet and awkward, while she was strong and confident, not to mention gorgeous, and so you figured a woman like her, a woman who deserves the best, wouldn’t settle for a person like you. But that was fine, if friendship was all you could have, you were fine with that but, a date or two would be nice though.
Ava was your best friend at Abbott and the only person that knew about your little crush on the second grade teacher. When you first met Ava she thought you were like Jacob or janine, more on the awkward side, but when she ran into you one night clubbing, she found that you weren’t at all like you were at school.
That was why you were currently sat in Ava’s office sulking in the chair across from her desk. “But what if she feels the same though? I mean, your hot, so I don’t see why she wouldn’t” Ava said putting her feet onto her desk. “How could Melissa Schemmenti like me?” You questioned. “Oh come on? What are you gonna wait till someone else swipes her up? Girl c’mon live a little, you can’t avoid her forever” Ava asked, her face now serious. “Cause have you seen that vending machine guy? he’s been makin’ moves on your lady” she continued. “He has?” You turned to her with wide eyes, normally you would be in the break room at lunch but since your realisation you’ve been staying in your classroom as of late, not that you don’t want to be near Melissa, but you thought that if you distanced yourself, your feelings would eventually go away.
“But what if she doesn’t feel the same?” You questioned, concern filling your face. “But what if she does though?” Ava countered, The bell rang as she finished. Letting out a sigh you finally agreed with Ava, “alright, we’ll I’ve got to go get my kids from the gym” You pushed yourself up from your chair and walked out of your friends office.
The next period ran over quicker than you thought it would. You were dreading going to lunch. You knew Melissa would never like you and yet after talking to Ava you somehow gained this false hope that if you asked Melissa out before Gary did, then maybe, you had a chance.
Finally, after many minutes of persuasion you went into the break room, you only saw Barbara at first, but then you saw…him. You had forgot Gary stocked the vending machine today, you saw the questioning look sent your way from Barbara, you walked straight over to the counter and grabbed your cup out of the cupboard and started to make a coffee, as you waited for the drink to finish you began overthinking everything, you knew you should have never thought you had a chance, it was obvious that Gary liked Melissa and of course she would like him back, he was good looking and he was sweet and thoughtful. Barbara had said it herself a while back, even she saw that they would be perfect together, and how could Barbara Howard be wrong?
The beep of the machine in front of you rang through your ears as you broke out of your thoughts. Grabbing the cup you tried to get out of the room as fast as you could. Opening the door you almost bumped into someone, it was Melissa.
“hey hon, slow down, your gonna trip over someone-” The second grade teacher hushed, “hon, are you alright?” She continued. The care in her voice sent a pang of pain to your heart, you didn’t want to avoid her anymore, but you knew it was for the best. “Yeah Mel, I’m fine” you rushed past her, practically running to your classroom.
You slammed the door behind you and slumped down in your chair. You threw your head back and let out the breath you didn’t know you were holding. Not long after, you heard a knock on your door and you groaned at having to talk to someone when you were on the verge of tears.
“Go away Ava” you murmured, with your eyes closed. You heard the door open and you began to speak again “Ava I’m not in the mood-” when you opened your eyes you had realised your mistake. “Oh- Um, hey Mel, sorry I thought you were Ava coming to talk about one of the student’s dad or whatever” you half laughed trying to seem alright in front of the redhead. Mel perched herself on the side of your desk, crossing her arms. “care to tell me why you haven’t been coming to lunch?” She questioned with a raised brow. “I- I’m just catching up on marking”
You weren’t necessarily lying when you said that. Most off your time was actually spent grading papers, while the rest was spent either sleeping or wallowing in your own self pity. “For two weeks straight?” She frowned at your petty excuse. “Tell me what’s wrong Hon, please” she pleaded with you, but you couldn’t look at her, “why do you care, shouldn’t you be with Gary” the words left your tongue like venom, the very Mention of the man made your fist clench and your heart ache. “Why would I be with Gary?” She questioned, confused at the relevance he had in all of this. “I don’t know, maybe because you always are.” You mumbled, jealousy taking over your words. “Oh c’mon that’s not true and you know it” She reasoned. “Oh please, every time he’s here, you only talk to him.” You retorted.
Melissa grew silent after that, as she re shifted her focus to your face. You felt you face flush beat red under her unrelenting gaze. After a while, her furrowed brow raised as a smirk grew on her face. Melissa stood from her seated position on the side of your desk and sauntered her way toward you. As she stopped in front of you, she lent down and grabbed both of the arms on the chair. With her arms trapping you and her legs either sides of your now closed knees, you were practically unable to move.
“Are you jealous, hun?” She asked, the humour in her voice evident. “I-uh…No, why would I be?” You stuttered out, knowing you did not seem convincing at all, as you looked down and away from the woman. You felt one of her hands grasp your chin in her hand and forced you to look her in the eyes, “I want your eyes on me, sweetheart” she practically growled, “now, are you jealous of Gary?” She asked again, her voice significantly lower than before. You contemplated on lying to her again, but as you stared into her piecing eyes, you felt you brain go foggy from her close proximity.
“Well, I- uh…maybe, yes” you mumbled as you stared at her with an anxious look, “I- I like you Melissa, like really like you” Melissa’s eyes softened, as she smiled. “That’s good to know” she chuckled. Suddenly you felt Melissa’s lips meet yours, you froze at the sudden action but melted in to her soft touch shortly after. You whined as she pulled away with a smirk. “I like you too by the way” she laughed again at seeing the adoring look on your features. “Wait but I thought you liked Gary?” You questioned. “Oh please, sure he’s nice, but you? Your amazing hun, I’ve practically liked you ever since you got here” Melissa smiled sweetly at you. “I’ve like you since you got here too” you grinned back at her.
“I was thinking, how bout this weekend you could come over to mine and we can have dinner?” She asked, sounding very small as she spoke. You smiled at her hoping to comfort her, “I would love to Mel." She rose to a standing position, she kissed the top of your head as she did so. “I’ll see you later, hun” You watched as she left and you smiled to yourself at the feeling of lips that still lingered on both the top of your head and your own lips. You spun in your chair at the thought of dinner with Melissa.
Once you turned to the direction of the door, you saw Ava’s head appear from around the doorframe. As she walked in to the room you the look she was giving you, “tell me everything” she gasped with shared excitement.
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