#there is no other legitimate excuse for it
tsarinasdreams · 2 hours
Men are just genuinely socialized to be monsters. Unironically. Trying to have even one conversation with a man is a dead end street because he won't engage with YOU or anything you're saying, he'll just yell at the liberal snowflake queer lbgtqlmnopia+ blue haired feminist he's imagining in his head. The entire time he'll interrupt and talk over you because his only goal is to puke out as many quippy one liners and gotchas as possible, all the repetative lines he's heard from other men. They're never interested in legitimate, logical conversation. Their only goal is to "own the snowflake liberalz lolz". It's impossible to have a rational conversatiom because every argument they present is based on such a fundamentally uneducated or shallow view point that to even BEGIN to unpack it you'd have to address their entire world view from the bottom up.
The worst part is that so many of them cling to the most shallow, baseline understanding of any argument without reading or researching the topic at all. They'll just parrot the "gotchas" and most basic arguments that have been addressed a million times and then when you ask, they'll admit they haven't actually read into the topic at all and make a million excuses for that fact.
The entitlement to think they need or deserve to participate in ANY discussion even if they have zero idea what they're talking about is absolutely insane.
I asked a man the other day, after he commented on my post about the bear debate, if he had actually read about the debate at all, because he was repeating talking points that had been addressed a million times (i.e. "not all men" ect.). He admitted he hadn't engaged in it but "didn't feel his opinion was less important" because of that.
Like, ugh.
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nebbyy · 1 day
A list of my most unpopular ASOIAF opinions and theories
Please remember this is all based on the books alone, and there also might be SPOILERS for Fire and Blood and the Game of Thrones book series.
ALSO I might open the requests for Game of Thrones fics and headcanons, and maybe for Baldur's Gate as well once I get back into it.
Okayyy so here we gooo.
1. Maegor's story doesn't add up
Don't get me wrong, he must've obviously been a horrible king and a shitty husband, but reading the chapters that talk about him in Blood and Fire, it all just felt like a list of rumours and versions of all nefarious crimes he would've committed. There are about five versions of whatever he did with each wife of his, each of them more depraved than the one before.
Again, I don't think he was an angel or anything, but my theory is that his history was written by biased sources. His reign was made illicit by Jaehaerys, so it would've been in his best interest to have him remembered as nothing more than a viscious monster.
It's a form of "damnatio memoriae" that we've already seen, in a way, with Mushroom and the Dance of Dragons. When in a conflict, and especially after a victory, each side wants to depict the side they beat as badly as possible Caesar did a similar thing in "De Bello Gallico", the book about his conquest of the modern French and Swiss territories. In this book he excuses his conquest with the supposed preparations for an attack by the Helvetians, a fact that was proven to be misinterpreted as it was a mere pacific migration. And again, he did the same thing when he accused them of cannibalising each other while being under siege, another untrue fact made up to just make them seem worse.
So in a way, Maegor's reputation could've been made worse by following historians to legitimate Jaehaerys' reign over Aerea's claim.
2. Incest has no effects on Valyrians
Okay, this is a bit weirder. My theory is that Valyrians practised incest because it had no effect on their offspring.
Looking at the Targaryen family tree, I noticed that the cases of madness increase the more Targaryens marry with other houses. Baelor the Blessed was the first mad Targaryen, and he had a grandmother of house Harte and a great grandmother who was half Arryn.
Before Baelor, Helaena is questionably considered mad as well, which would prove my theory furthermore had it not been for the amount of trauma she endured in her life so I'm honestly not gonna count her as "mad". Rhaegel Rargaryen was the second confirmed mad Targaryen, with a Martell mother; his daughter Aelora is questionably considered mad too, and her mother is an Arryn.
Aerion Brightflame was another mad Targaryen, with a half Martell father and a Dayne mother. The last two mad Targaryens were Aerys II and Viserys III, but at this point, the bloodline was mixed with others enough to make the Targaryen madness an unpredictable factor.
So I think we could theorise that Valyrians can perform incest so long as it remains within pure Valyrian blood.
3. There is no good or bad in the Dance of Dragons
Rhaenyra had a claim on the throne because of Viserys' will, but Aegon had a claim on the throne because of the laws of Westeros themselves. You can argue that Alicent wasn't the nicest stepmother, yet you can't look me in the face and tell me a woman in the middle ages married to a KING to whom she had given THREE SONS wouldn't complain when the king dismisses all of them and their claims in favor of his firstborn daughter.
Otto may have manipulated Alicent, but that was just how a Lord was supposed to act in that situation: have her marry the best candidate (the king), have her birth at least a son (she did) and make sure those children are first in line for the throne (as it should be, by the laws).
Viserys shouldn't have remarried if he already had his heir, period.
At the same time, Rhaenyra had every reason to fight for her claim and try and go against the actual laws of Westeros, but it was inevitable that many would've seen badly her attempt at claiming what was Aegon's birthright.
Lucerys was an asshole for mutilating Aemond and never showed remorse, quite the opposite. Aemond was an asshole who shouldn't have had all the power he had, plus I hardly believe his and Alys relationship was really consensual so there's that..
In the end, they all had their rights and wrongs, but that doesn't matter at all. The only point about the Dance is the fact that a pointless conflict led to the downfall of one of the strongest families in Westeros history.
4. Rhaegar didn't love Lyanna
I hate the series for making them marry. Like, seriously, have D&D ever read the books? Have they not read what happened between Maegor and the Faith when he took another wife??
Never, not even in the most twisted of universes, would the faith let Rhaegar kidnap and marry a Stark girl while he was still married to Elia. That just wouldn't be plausible.
And I also don't think he'd just fall in love at first sight with a random girl at a tournament. She was a beautiful soul and had many qualities, but she had nothing that could truly make a man throw away his whole life to pursue her.
He needed another child. The dragon has three heads. He had Rhaenys and Aegon, but Visenya was missing (I just made up the name for the third possible child considering he was naming them after the three conquerors lmao). He needed Lyanna to have that third child, and he knew how to get her to get what he wanted.
Perhaps we'll find out this isn't true. Perhaps Rhaegar really was head over heels for Lyanna, but I honestly really really doubt it.
5. There is no certainty on who the Prince that was Promised is
No matter what the show wants us to see, we still don't know who it is. It could be Daenerys, it could be Jon, it could even be Stannis and we're not gonna know it until Martin reveals it.
I honestly think Daenerys is Azor Ahai, but I'm still curious to see why we would need to revive Jon then. And considering Stannis' sword possibly being Azor Ahai's sword, is it a fake one made by Melisandre to get what she wanted from him, or does he actually possess the original sword?
Well, these are the first theories and opinions I could think of right now, I might post more in the future. Again, please don't slander me in the comments, these are just my personal opinions and I respect all others.
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thedarkone121 · 2 days
Anne-Marie’s Doll Collection
I told myself I wouldn’t post anything about these little guys until I drew a picture of most or all of them together. But thanks to Lodgetembr, it looks like I have an excuse now.
Everyone, meet Anne-Marie’s haunted Doll Collection!
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I did eluded in previous posts that Anne-Marie has a fascination with the macabre and and spooky topics, which led to the though of: “This girl would have the most spookiest doll collection there is…” Lo and behold, I created fourteen of these little suckers.
Are they haunted? Are they alive? These are legitimate questions people at the Society have. Maijabi and Tanis, two resident spirit experts, are afraid to be in the same room as them. No one knows what they are… But they can that they’re always watching.
Anyway, onto the individual Dolls themselves!
Sam: The first doll that Anne-Marie ever collected and the leader of the rest of them. Anne-Marie found him in a shop not long after she was adopted by Jekyll, she found him in a glass case and begged her father to buy him. The shop owner was more than happy to get rid of him. Sam is the one who communicates with Anne-Marie the most and keeps all the other dolls in line. He is one of the dolls that Hyde is deathly afraid of.
Ted: Part of the animal collection Anne-Marie found in a store that was more than happy to get rid of them. Likes to hang out with Socks and Nelly. Lost a piece of his ear battling Riot and refused to let Anne-Marie fix it, saying it’s a scar he wears proudly.
Socks: Part of the animal collection Anne-Marie found in a store that was more than happy to get rid of them. Likes to hang out with Ted and Nelly. Ears are too big for his head so he often lags behind. Fun to whip people in the face with if he’s feeling mischievous.
Buttons: One of the dolls Anne-Marie found in the trash. A feisty little fella who insisted on having their eyes be on their stomach. More than happy to charge at things, but ends up running into a wall more times than not.
Dory: Part of the animal collection Anne-Marie found in a store that was more than happy to get rid of them. Likes to hang out with Max and helps him move around faster. Lost an eye trying to defend Max from Thrasher and wears her scar proudly… Even though she ends up running into things.
Cy: Short for Cyclops. Lost his arm in a scuffle with Cotton but didn’t want Anne-Marie to patch it up. For some reason, he really likes wool clothes.
Thrasher: One of three violent dolls from the collection. Was also found in a dumpster. She was named for always wanting to punch things and get into more physical fights. Filled with an unstoppable rage and wants to beat everything up. She is one of the dolls Hyde is terrified of.
Rain-Bo: Another Doll Anne-Marie found in the dumpster, only they were more damaged the rest who were. Had a lot of opinions on what color of fabrics they wanted to be sow back together with. Like to think of themselves as the second-in-command. Do not ask why they wear a rope around their neck. Just don’t.
Nelly: Part of the animal collection Anne-Marie found in a store that was more than happy to get rid of them. Likes to hang out with Ted and Socks. Is somehow the gentlest of the entire Dolls, doesn’t participate in the horrors but will if he has too.
Max: Part of the animal collection Anne-Marie found in a store that was more than happy to get rid of them. Likes to hang out with Dory and acts a bit of a guide dog for her. Lost his legs in the store but never asked Anne-Marie to give him new ones, so he tends to crawl around if Dory is not around. Has the urge to howl every now and then.
Riot: One of three violent dolls from the collection. Was also found in a dumpster. Is the more calmer one of the three, but still very deadly. Is very fascinated with the red stuff that comes out of humans and likes to use sharp tools. Anne-Marie keeps the sharp objects away from them.
Cotton: One of the dolls Anne-Marie found in the trash. Has a permanent smile stitched on their face. Always seems to be laughing at something and has tendency to joke about everything. They are one of the dolls Hyde is terrified of.
Dumpster: One of three violent dolls from the collection. Was also found in a dumpster, but he was the first Anne-Marie found so he got the name. Like Thrasher, he is a ball of rage that wants to get his energy out. Only he does it through headbutts, hence the broken of his head. Lost his arms in the dumpster but refuses to be given new ones. Is a headbutt maniac.
Clover: The latest doll Anne-Marie had collected. The young girl found her about to be thrown out by a store owner. Was named for her green color. Is also the fastest of the dolls, can pretty much outrun a lot of people.
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atwas-meme-ing · 1 year
People will complain most vociferously and berate sonamy and shadamy shippers because of the age difference, then turn right around and say Rouge and Vector should be allowed to drink because Sonic franchise's animal characters are much more mature than their human counterparts of the same age.
Bruh. These 2 lines of thought cannot coexist, they are polar opposites. If Rouge is old enough to drink even though she's only 18, then a 3-year age difference between Sonic and Amy doesn't make a difference.
EDIT: Since so many people are saying "but 18 year olds can drink!" I looked it up a little more in-depth.
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Rouge canonically runs a club (I don't know which game, whatever it is, I haven't played it). I highly doubt she's just selling/drinking light beer and wine.
I don't know what country y'all are from where 18-year-olds can legally drink whatever they want. But the 2 major countries responsible for the Sonic franchise are Japan and America. According to every source I've seen so far, legal drinking age in Japan is 20. And I know that here in America, legal drinking age is 21 for most states, and the exceptions listed above.
So, no, 18-year-old Rouge CANNOT legally drink, in either country.
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flickerintwilights · 6 months
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on the road to hell
#hadestown#art#my art#tag ramble as promised:#firstly#i’ve been thinking about redoing this as digital art#(like - mostly the same but cleaner and with some of the details fixed) and probably will if i have time#because i like this composition a lot#but! for now i am oddly happy with how this turned out despite being traditional art/watercolor (no undo button. sobs.)#and it Is a noteworthy day for hadestown with lola tung and lillias white departing#(this is Not meant to celebrate them specifically - i used the obc as reference not them - i just think it’s a nice day symbolically)#so i thought i’d put this out. whatever. yknow.#oh a second thing i will say is that this was a great excuse to check out the slime tutorials on youtube#i spent like 9 or something hours on this :/ so. plenty of time to have things on in the background while i was working. we love slime#thirdly! two things i feel like are worth mentioning rq for Symbolism:#wait for me reprise (intro) originally having wedding procession imagery (from anaïs mitchell in working on a song)#is what first made me desperately want to put the flower/petals on the edges (it still fucking haunts me)#though it was a solid composition choice in general i think#and i mean. clearly the carnation should be prominent. it’s the carnation. from hadestown.#i don’t think the wedding procession reference comes across the way it turned out but that was the first thought#NEXT ouroboros. the snake devouring its own tail (i legitimately forgot that this was why i first drew the rattlesnake that way but#fundamentally i really did just want its tail and head to point to each other lmao)
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thedreadvampy · 1 year
legitimately insane how to some people, "we should wipe out this ethnic group that we've violently constrained to a ghetto because they're just genetically more violent and dangerous" is a reasonable and justifiable statement but it's Nazi Rhetoric to say something like, "it's bad that Israeli civilians are being killed but acknowledging that as tragic includes acknowledging that the almost daily state-sanctioned murder of civilians by the Israeli government is also tragic and unacceptable"
btw guys speaking of Nazi shit - can we check in, alongside what's been done to Palestinians in the last 75 years, what's the Israeli government's take on the Azerbaijani government's newest round of ethnic cleansing of Armenians? oh are the Israeli government's actions maybe not determined by Jewish identity, but by a commitment to colonial supremacy which puts them on the same page as other violently genocidal states like Azerbaijan, the US, and the UK? god can you Even Imagine?
(framing speaking against Israeli war crimes as inherently antisemitic requires understanding the Israeli state as representing all Jewish people, when it doesn't even represent all Israelis.
framing Israeli war crimes as synonymous with Jewish identity is pretty fucked up if we're being honest. I don't think that controlling water and power and movement for a captive population and shooting children dead for throwing stones is an inherent value of Judaism, any more than I think the torture carried out at Guantanamo Bay is an inherent value of Christianity - in both cases they're atrocities carried out by a far right genocidal government using religious identity as a shield.
Calling statements like "Israel is committing genocide against the people it's displaced" inherently antisemitic is doing more to further the idea that all Jewish people are associated with Israel than saying "the Israeli government is doing war crimes," which is a statement of fact about a country that exists and does war crimes. Is criticism of Israel as a nation often used as cover for antisemitism? Absolutely. Does that mean the Israeli government isn't doing literal war crimes repeatedly, on record, while talking publicly about scrubbing an ethnic group off the map? Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh well in the last 48 hours they've definitely cut off water and power to almost 600,000 civilians and allegedly used white phosphorus against civilians so in an extremely factual and unambiguous way yeah man those are Literal War Crimes whoever does them.)
#red said#sorry man saying 'it's bad to do genocide and war crimes' doesn't actually mean 'I'm happy when Jewish people die'#it means 'there is a context to Palestinian militants attacking Israelis which involves Palestinians being killed wounded or imprisoned#very nearly every day by the Israeli state and settlers. so no you can't treat a Palestinian attack on Israel as an unprecedented tragedy#without also recognising that Israeli forces have repeatedly visited attacks of similar magnitude on Palestine which is ALSO tragic#as well as the regular state-sanctioned murder of over 200 Palestinians in the 9 months BEFORE the Palestinian attack on Saturday#It means 'Palestinian lives don't matter less than Israeli lives' not 'Israeli lives don't matter'#this week is literally the FIRST TIME SINCE RECORDS BEGAN that more Israeli lives have been lost than Palestinian#bc for every year since 2000 orders of magnitude more palestinians than Israelis have been killed in this war#you don't get to say 'it's only bad when X ethnic group is killed it's GOOD to kill Y ethnic group' then accuse OTHERS of genocide apologis#it is legitimately a tragedy for Israeli civilians to be killed and wounded en masse. the people are not the nation.#but it's not less of a tragedy for Palestinians to have been killed and wounded en masse week after week for decades.#and when peaceful protest gets you shot and bombed and acting against the military gets you shot and bombed#and just existing doing nothing at all gets you shot and bombed. living near someone accused of terrorism. looking for your fucking cat.#when you're getting shot and bombed daily whatever you do. it's not surprising that sometimes people move to violence against civilians.#because as people from Gaza have said. better to die fighting for survival than die on your knees waiting.#which like. I'm not making a moral judgement one way or the other bc i am intrinsically disgusted by mass killing. as we all should be.#and this might be the movement which liberates Palestine and it might be the excuse which allows Israel to finish Palestine#and either way hundreds of people are dead on both sides and however you slice it that's a fucking tragedy#but we cannot. treat it as if Hamas' strike began the violence. and ignore the 200+ Palestinians killed by the IDF this year beforehand#Palestinian lives matter as much as Israeli lives. 700 Israeli citizens dead is a tragedy. 600 Palestinians dead is a tragedy.#and if you lay out the numbers from this weekend alone you can pretend that Israelis are getting decimated by Palestine.#but to do that you have to ignore the facts that for every 1 Israeli killed in the past decade 3 Palestinians die.#and that Israeli deaths happen in occasional outbursts of violence while Palestinian deaths happen every week#whether or not Hamas or any other Palestinian faction initiates violence
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undying-lilies · 3 months
me: man, I wish Cal and Kata got more canon interactions. I don't know what their dynamic would be like now 😔
me: hold up. since when has THAT stopped me
me: proceeds to draw them, make a playlist, and plan an entire fic about them
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redhotarsenic · 17 days
Man imagine whining because I called you a moron when you’re in fact being a moron
#personal#like. do you expect me to dance around the subject when that shit is as plain as day?? fuckin loser#being perceived as ‘a mean person’ should be the LEAST of your concerns#mr. I Won’t Disclose That I Have A Girlfriend While I’m Fucking Around With People#mr. I Will Continue To Call This Person A Princess Even Though That Person Is A Trans Man And He Told Me To Stop#mr. I Refuse To Look Inward And Change My Dickheaded Behavior And Instead Continue Being Verbally Abusive Towards This Same Person#mr. I’m Gonna Whine And Cry At My Echo Chamber Fanbase About Being Called On My Bullshit#because if people thinking you’re a big meanie at minimum is gonna make you pout then you’re gonna be REAL sad if I tell you exactly what’s#going on in my head every time I think about you#and he HAS no excuse to say ‘ohhh arsenic is this arsenic is that wahhhh’ because I was singing your praises for a long ass time#I did not have any reason to be this pissed until he started acting like an ass. and he’s SUPRISED that people think he’s an ass.#I’m sorry it’s just. I legitimately have never been this pissed at someone before#so infuriating to watch your loved one getting shit flung at him by some dumbass guy who refuses to pull his head outta his ass#gonna go down the salted earth route with this dude one of these days if he doesn’t cut this shit out#his fanbase is already fucking with my friend’s income because they think he’s a closeted racist when they have no fuckin proof of that shit#and do I need at fuckin say that the person who initially made said accusation is a white person? and my friend is a poc? and I’m ALSO a poc#and so is our OTHER friend#over some wolfwood art of all things! ‘wahhhh he isn’t being drawn how I like’ then fuckin scroll past that shit and stop bitching#fuck man.
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I love hensheng but telling people about its name must have been so awkward. Imagine if someone said "that's a cool sword. What is it called?" and JGY responded with "hating life". I mean, what would you even say to that?
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I don’t know if you already said this elsewhere, but did the Zenin ever hurt Megumi in a way it simply wasn’t possible for them to explain? Like being poisoned or bitten by one of the dozens curses? Did Gojo catch them red handed (the red is literally megumi’s blood💀)?
The first time that they hurt him in a way that they couldn’t explain away was the last time they hurt him, because Gojo immediately cut them off and refused to ever let them ever get near Megumi again. The Zenin didn't fully realize this at the time they had custody, but legitimately the only reason why it got as far as it did was because Gojo didn't know.
They weren’t exactly advertising “yeah we beat him when we have him” to him, but it wasn’t exactly because they thought gojo would put a stop to it, per se. They didn’t tell Gojo anything they did to Megumi because they felt absolutely entitled to him. They didn’t want Gojo’s input or interference, and they didn’t like feeling like they had to ask for permission around this with Megumi. But they didn’t think he actually would cut them off from him.
In the Zenin’s mind, Gojo doesn’t love Megumi. He’s never loved Megumi. Megumi’s just a political pawn to him, a way to insult the Zenin and steal their most valuable technique for his own. And he got way more value from letting them see him. He got to have his influence on someone who was very likely to be clan head one day—if Megumi’s cut off from them entirely, he’s not moving towards being clan head. He got a bargaining chip with the Zenin—he could further his own goals by offering them more time with him. Megumi’s a powerful piece of leverage but only if Gojo actually uses him. Him intervening to protect Megumi by severing all contact doesn’t further his own goals, so when it all came to a head, they pretty blindly assumed that he wouldn’t give a shit about what they had just done to Megumi, because at the end of the day, they thought he was going to keep using Megumi for his own ends, which meant giving them access.
Instead, Gojo immediately pulled the plug on the entire situation. They never touched or saw him again. The first time that Megumi saw them after the incident that made them go no contact was when Naoya came to pick him up at his school.
#sea glass gardens#in my mind jujutsu sorcerer kids are sturdier#like Sukuna punted Megumi through multiple buildings in their fight#so it must be /hard/ to do something that causes a bruise#a lot of the Zenin’s abuse was hidden because while it still hurt it wasn’t leaving marks#or it was abuse that wouldn’t leave marks anyway like how they’d work him to the point of collapse or control his every action#but if they hit him hard enough to leave marks then they had the built in excuse that megumi was fighting with other kids#or had just had one of those normal little kid bumps. like I have a baby nieces and nephews and those kids will just hurl their bodies#around. kids collect bruises. they’re figuring out what their limits are and even if you watch them carefully a few bumps is normal.#they hurt him badly but they always had a way to hide it until they went too far and didn’t anymore. and the second gojo realized that#the adults on the compound had been beating megumi he never let them so much as look at him again. he legitimately put his foot down and#refused to budge an inch no matter how much hell he caught for it#I’ve definitively decided that the incident that made them go no contact is not going to be revealed in sea glass gardens#it just isn’t something that would come out through yuutas pov#if I wrote other works in the series it would probably come out through one of them but it’s a big big if#I make no promises as to other works in the universe (though I have started writing some of them. completion is another thing entirely).#if you guys want to know the incident that made them go no contact I wouldn’t be opposed to revealing it over ask but it’s y’all’s#preference. usually the stuff I talk about in ask is stuff I’ll know isn’t going to be revealed in sea glass gardens itself. this is kind of#in purgatory because I know it’s coming out in sea glass gardens but there’s a smaller chance of it being revealed in a different work#so it’s up to y’all. if you want to know I’ll answer it behind a cut or something but if you want to gamble on it actually being written out#one day that’s fine too
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arolesbianism · 2 months
I am rotating Light so hard in my head rn girlies who just straight up fucking torture ppl cause she can
#rat rambles#rain posting#oc posting#I <3 iterator gore and body horror if I was a better artist Id draw the horrors shes inflicted on some of these poor bastards#Im also brainstorming ideas for some more iterator ocs both so I can have more iterator ocs who arent chronically offline and so that I can#make them be some of lights victims and put them through some truly horrific shit#light vc omg haiii I saw you noticed some of the organisms I pumped into your bloodstream finally Ive been waiting sooo long to show this#stuff off so feel free to give mild resistance to my demands so I have an excuse to permanently disfigure your puppet :3#I have one girlie vaguely conceptulaized and some vague ideas for the sort of roles I want the others to have in their lil friend group but#its all still very very vague concepts Ill have to brainstorm some more to get more solid ideas for them#in the meantime Ive also been thinking of some potential unparalleled innocence hc stuff#nothing super concrete but I am slowly building some new hcs that will relate to the tortured girlie I have some ideas for#but yeah I had a blast telling my friends abt synchronized light today and getting my intended reaction of aw thats cute that turns into#horror as I progress down the timeline#my intent with these two is for them to initially come across as rly fun and cute and just generally very easy to connect to only for the#immediate second layer to their characters to fucking evicerate all of those feelings#also parasite horror is both some of my favorite (cause its horrifying) and least favorite (cause I can get legitimately paranoid) shit#and just the image of being an iterator and realizing that there is malicious shit inside of you that you werent able to immediately detect#is so delightfully fun to me especially considering how vulnerable a lot of these iterators probably already felt just letting the#construction and repairs happen only to find out that that vulnerability Was abused horrifically and that its far too late to stop it#anyways I need to go talk to myself in the shower to brainstorm some more lol
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nexus-nebulae · 3 months
god i hate talking to people that are just like. emotional jellyfish. like ok yeah sure you aren't intentionally doing something bad here but you never intentionally do anything good either. i don't think you intentionally do anything. you literally never even so much as think about how you affect people
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savage-rhi · 3 months
Magenta 🤬
#my state is complaining about not having enough customers for psilocybin treatments#well as someone that heavily advocated for it to be legalized because of research and science lemme tell you why:#you gatekept your whole client base via outpricing them because you don't want to serve people with medium to low incomes#you only want rich people as your clients when the majority of people who could legitimately benefit from this treatment#are one paycheck away from homelessness or have to choose between an 800-1200 dose or buying groceries for the next month for their families#now look I get it you gotta get your cake and eat it too#but that's no excuse for isolating a large client base just because you're offended that poor people with mental health issues exist#if you want to keep this shit rolling and not have the state overturn anything#make it more accessible to people that truly need it and I'm telling you word of mouth travels fast#you'll get more clients more advocacy and more investment into research#by giving people an opportunity#and making them feel included in the process#thats what yall did when you started the petitions to get lawmakers to take the benefits seriously#so what changed?#what turned you into greedy cunts?#oh yeah money and again you're offended poor people exist#y'all know too folks will just go to a dealer they know and get it for cheaper right?#i mean whats the point in paying 3 to 5k for a special “retreat” where you pay an additional 1k to 2k for 3 doses#when johnny boy down the street can hook you up with 10 doses for 100 bucks and a bag of chips?#and btw guys wtf happened to all that money that was supposed to go to creating state of the art mental health clinics and facilities#when measure 110 got passed that decriminalized drugs?#no one has an answer???#hmmm#it's no wonder we are near dead last in mental health in this country#its like i said in the meeting: you guys love to profit off the suffering of others#magenta#magenta is my vent word
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sluttyten · 1 year
My dad has Covid again, and I have a feeling that my mom and I probably do too since we all live in the same house, his symptoms started Friday but he didn’t test until like 10 minutes ago and has just been sitting in our living room unquarantined from us, so I feel like I should just go ahead and call into work
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lu9 · 2 years
FUCKWARTS LEGACY - I feel like I've seen way too much about this on my dash AND twitter and I'm getting absolutely tired of it
so let me share what I've already said since it's relevant and some people here that aren't on Twitter might want to know my stances:
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To elaborate on that last point about "antisemEtism" (...from the same people who brought you "fiction -E-ffects reality"™)
it's especially cuz some people have been saying like The Exact Same Shit about some enemy characters in "Pizza Tower", so it really just feels... forced a lot. Here are some thoughts from friends who I'm sure wouldn't mind me sharing them (ALL queer like me Also, and don't fuckin go "they don't speak for the entire community!!!" when I literally just said what I think about that non-argument, many people will have different and varied experiences, get over it):
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and this was after already discussing the stupidity that was the Pizza Tower discourse over the same sort of thing:
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Bottom line, don't be like this I guess?:
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Like, "DON'T buy the game"? Yeah, I fully agree. "DON'T buy the game and then support a trans charity just to make you 'even'" (which is the context of OP the reply in the above screenshot is from)? Also agree, it's not an excuse because you'd still be supporting JK's voice, she might not be involved in making the game but it's still her IP and still gets money from it. Now, "Don't even pirate it or even play it or do Anything or else you're fucking evil and our enemy automatically because you clearly can't consume a piece of media and still be critical about it without directly financing bigotry even though you're literally pirating it"? Geez, I don't even give a shit about the game but I probably wanna stay as far away from you as possible.
Please learn some critical thinking y'all and I mean it, not just for the buzzword.
Peace out ✌️
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glassesmcfancyhair · 1 year
When you realize that all your “skills” aren’t considered marketable or profitable so you think about killing yourself for the convenience.
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