#there is nuance
honeystudiesblog · 1 year
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House of M drives me insane because it realistically just proved that all of Pietro's worst fears were in fact founded and regardless of all the years he and Wanda dedicated to the Avengers, it still came down to them against the world. Wanda was the twin that was friendly, approachable and sociable in a way that Pietro never was, yet the people they spent years with and considered close friends if not family were so afraid of her power that they decided she had to die. I've said it before but in the "too soft to be a villain, too selfish to be a real hero" line about Pietro, his selfishness really boils down to the fact that he knows that no one else will consider the people he loves important enough to save so he'll do whatever it takes on his own. None of Pietro's crimes have ever arisen from a desire to do harm; in fact, it's the exact opposite in a situation where he is the only one who believes the life in question is worth saving. Although Marvel often writes it in a condescending way, I don't think it's of any detriment to Wanda's independence as a character for her brother to recognise that upon the loss of her children, rather than mental manipulation and a death sentence, she needed help and support. Scarlet Witch vol.2 was dumb for pretending that Pietro's status as an overbearing, controlling sibling is not due to legitimate anxiety and trauma that dates back to even before Magneto and the Brotherhood. Pietro is inherently a protector (whose challenge is to recognise when he doesn't need to be) and whereas in a trolley problem situation most heroes are expected to choose the many over the few, he has a fundamental belief that somehow, there must be a way to save them all. He's just never been particularly successful in finding that way.
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lykrynos · 1 month
you guys are reactionary as fuck about ai . btw .
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authoratmidnight · 1 year
So, I’ve noticed, a lot, that ppl comment about how ‘demons didn’t have the concept of friends before Iruma’.
Except, that’s *clearly* not true, if only because, for a civilized race you would have to have the concept of ‘person I like/get along with/enjoy spending time with’ cause like. That’s kind of the first step to making babies and not going extinct lol You kind of need to get along with people to fuck to make and raise kids(since the other option is that everyone is produced by rape which is uh, really dark and clearly not the case). And like, just looking at adults like, Balam and Kalego, or Dali and Suzie, it’s pretty clear that they DO in fact understand the concept of getting along with each other, or having a person that you enjoy spending time with/getting along with.
It was the WORD “friends” that tripped up Azz and Clara and, well everyone else.
But then it gets confusing b/c also hear characters who either had not met Iruma or before they met Iruma, using the word friends(like Gaap talking about wanting to ‘make 100 friends’). So I did some digging and well. Ironically this is a case of stuff being lost in translation, much like Iruma using the word ‘friends’ to Azz and Clara.
See. In Japanese the word Iruma used was 友達 (tomodachi). Which does indeed mean ‘friend’, which is the one we see other characters tripping over and saying slowly as if they’ve never heard it before. Meanwhile, the word we see/hear other characters using is 仲間 (nakama)-when Gaap was taking about making ‘100 friends’ he used the word nakama, お仲間100). Which ALSO is frequently translated as “friend”. Except, it doesn’t mean that, not always.
From doing some digging, ‘nakama’ has a different connotation than ‘tomodachi’. Nakama (as best as my research can find) is someone with a shared goal or someone you do something with. You can be a nakama without being a friend.
For example, your coworker could be a 仲間, you are doing things together and, depending on the job, may have the same goal (an example I saw used was buddy cop movies/shows), but you don’t necessarily have to be *friends* with that person.
I worked together on group projects with classmates in college, that would make them my nakama. But I wouldn’t really have considered them friends, they were not my tomodachi.
They’re similar words but with different meanings. There is for sure an overlap between the two no doubt, if you made a venn diagram with nakama on one side and tomodachi on the other they would overlap, but they wouldn’t be a circle.
友達 is 'friend,' with many of the ambiguities that accompany the English word 'friend.' People wonder what true friendship is (真の友情), the line between just a friend and a bff (友達と親友) or the line between the friendzone and boyfriend/girlfriend (お友達と恋人).
仲間 is a relationship to people in the same group that has a shared goal or do something together. You can be 仲間 with a person who isn't a friend. 仲間 is often defined by common enemies and/or outsiders.
Source [X]
But, since both of these words are often translated as “friends” it lends to, a LOT of confusion (in this instance, allies or companions would as a better translation for 仲間, to help remove some confusion). It doesn’t help that ‘friends’ is itself, a fairly vague word and can mean anything from ‘this person whom i like/get along with’ to ‘this person that i’ve known for years and trust with my life’.
Also like,just cause one does not have the word for something, doesn’t meant hat they don’t have/understand the concept of it. It happens all the time irl where one language has a word for a specific thing, while another language does not but still understand the concept of it. Which is clearly what’s happening here. They don’t know the word ‘tomodachi’, but they DO understand the concept to a degree and know what a ‘nakama’ is.
It’s quite entertaining to me that, much like how ‘tomodachi’ is lost in translation between Iruma and his friends, the tomodachi/nakama distinction is lost in translation from Japanese to English.
And then Nishi decided to really make it confusing by throwing in 親友 (shinyu) and making translators scream lmao.
edit to add: ALSO, we DO have to r3emember that the two people he first explained the concept of ‘tomodachi’ to were Clara and Azz, who definitely did not have any tomodachi or nakama before Iruma so it makes sense that would be very confused by what he was explaining.
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My hot take on slur discourse is that it fully does not matter whether someone has the right identity points to be 'allowed' to reclaim a slur. What matters is how they use it.
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pyreshe · 2 years
honestly the passage had it right when they were like "dying is for the innocent; your real work begins now" wrt redemption arcs,,
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welcometogrouchland · 2 years
I 1000% understand and agree with critiquing current culture, both online and offline, but if you are romanticizing the past to a frankly criminal degree in order to try and "prove your point" I'm fucking stealing something from your house!!!
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gayvampyr · 11 months
no offense but you guys need to learn the difference between someone implying their experience is universal and a post simply just not being about you
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wizardnuke · 6 months
"i hate microlabels" yeah i also kind of dislike the idea of putting ourselves and our identities into very specific boxes, i think it can be really isolating- ohh wait you mean you think they're invalid. ohh no that's not the way to look at it. killing you
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cemeterything · 6 months
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are we still doing this because i have a late submission
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qiinamii · 9 months
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we'll do fine.
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belltherad · 12 days
ppl really into henry VIII & his wives are like the ariana grande fans of history does that make sense
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lgbtlunaverse · 10 months
Obsessed with characters who portray themselves as worse than they are. Who are lying to everyone including themselves about it. People generally assume if someone's lying about themselves they're trying to look better but sometimes they're trying to look worse. They attribute agency to where they had none, add intent to accidents, try to convince everyone that this is something they did instead of something that happened to them.
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mwagneto · 4 days
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aint no WAYYY THEY JUST TRIED TO SAY THAT. not even "the doctor's" but doctor who's in general 💀💀 so now that they have a disney contract every single gay thing (which they've had for fucking decades) is gonna be a huge big huge first gay thing ever!!1!1!1!! event??? like yeah there's a very specific significance to it i get it but what the fuck do you mean😭 jamie pull up the files
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s0fars0perfect · 3 months
when i watch people talk about the shitty decisions a company has made but put '[group] i love you but' in the tags as if it's their fault
as if these men, women, CHILDREN have any say regarding the stupid fucking decisions these companies make for their groups and how to manage them
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how to build compelling characters
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feytouched · 27 days
feel free to say which / why in the tags if you have a reason for your preference
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