#there is one exception to this tho which is entirely a case-by-case basis
The fic-dish anon again, sorry for the follow up comment, your second paragraph just unlocked a suppressed memory
Back when I used to write, I had this one guest reader who’d review my entire chapter and then “suggest” (or push) for ways to “improve the story”…which were basically just things they wanted me to change about the plot, include, exclude etc. They’d be like “yeah i’m not sure about that part, I think it’d be more interesting if..” and I was like ?? Ok what do you want me to do about it. move along 🤨
It’s so weird when people “offer you advice” on how to “improve” your writing..when you never asked for said advice to begin with and said suggestions aren’t even objective advice (like pointing out typos or something), nope, i’d be them trying to push you to change your fic in a direction they want you to and it’s so uncomfortable and weird. It’s also kind of why I gave up on writing along with the fact it’s difficult for me to focus nowadays. And unfortunately this kind of behaviour isn’t even uncommon as it has happened to literally all of my online friends who are fic writers, to some extent.
I don’t understand how people struggle to grasp the fact that writing fics is a hobby, is personal and some people use it to vent or cope or maybe even “connect” to their favourite characters, in a way, and that at the end of the day we do it for ourselves & are doing it for free. We just choose to share it but that’s not a permission to try to make me tailor you a fic for free & give me your unwanted “advice” and suggestions. Seriously, if you want to read something specific that badly just pay an author who does commissions to write it for you..
In the past I thought that was usually done by younger readers who don’t really understand how their behaviour isn’t right (I’m sure the one I had a shitty experience with was a teen) but judging by my friends’ experiences, that’s not always the same.
Ugh, I hate those kinds of comments and I'm sorry you had to deal with that. Kudos to you for being able to brush them off. Particularly when you're not getting a lot of feedback, it can be hard to resist the urge to please the people who are responding. (Side note, if you're reading an enjoyable fic that has very few comments, definitely leave a few words! You'll make the writer's day and help them build the confidence in themselves needed to ignore pushy people.)
It's one thing to, if the writer has said they'll accept that kind of critique, bring up potential plot holes or weak scenes. I'm fine with that, for example. It's entirely different to critique a scene based solely on the fact that it didn't appeal to you personally and then suggest that the writer, for free on a story they wrote for themselves, go back and write a more tailored version.
There's a fundamental gap between the text that people read on the screen and the writer with their own motivations behind the words. As you pointed out, I'm sure a fair chunk of fanfic readers are young and genuinely haven't thought about that divide before...but then you have others who are clearly aware enough to grasp it but either don't care or refuse to acknowledge that not everything is made for their consumption.
The best thing to do as a writer is clearly establish what kinds of comments/critique you're looking for, if any, and politely yet firmly enforce those boundaries. If some fool refuses to listen, hit them with the block no jutsu.
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ihatebnha · 3 years
I recently decided I'm childfree and it's taken quite the toll on my dating life. Which bnha guys would be the most okay with a childfree partner?
Lowkey I’m the queen of making shit work, so I really just want to say… most of them lmfao.
I mean, that’s not entirely true, but given the fact that I’m gonna think of this in the context of them being Heroes… I can see it being pretty likely that all of the boys are okay with not having kids since their schedules are almost guaranteed to be taken up with risking their lives on a daily basis.
HOWEVER (and I’ve actually spoken about this here!)(I’m too lazy to find the link rn, check the CT ML or come back in a bit LOL), some highlights include:
Deku - as much as I think he theoretically would like having kids, he’s probably pretty reasonable in being aware that as soon as he goes Pro… kids are outta the question for him. He’s literally All Might’s successor, the NEW Symbol of Peace or whatever takes it place… and since that’s the case (and we literally see him in death matches with villains every single week), even tho he’s probably emotional about it, NO BABIES FOR HIM!!!
Bakugo - I honestly feel like his decision is truly based on whatever you want because having kids isn’t something he thinks about. Ever. I figure if he could reproduce asexually, he might have one on his own to make his parents happy… but if you tell him right off the bat when you start dating that you don’t want kids, that’s fine with him. He don’t care, he’s busy.
Any of the Todorokis - you think a single one of those boys really wants to pass down their father’s DNA or give him the satisfaction of having grandkids? NO. Bachelor lifestyle for all of them… except that they have you.
Shinso - I love you daddy Shinso but I really doubt that his goal in life. You could probably beg him for one if you really tried, but because of the brainwashing thing going on, and the fact he’s Aizawa’s clone… he also doesn’t care. *Insert that one tik tok meme: when you live in a double income household and have no kids…* that’s him.
Shigaraki - he would’ve had to have lived a different life to want kids. Villain status nonwithstanding, his dad was so shit he’d probably try to choke you out if you even tried to mention a baby. You bring up… Toga’s baby shower and he’s basically just this.
Honorable mention: Denki - voted most likely to drop a baby on it’s head in high school
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solarsleepless · 3 years
Please tell me everything you know about c!niki xD
so niki first joined l'manberg - contrary to popular belief - AFTER the revolution, along w jack manifold. she joined bc she was good friends with wilbur and tommy. she opened up a bakery after consulting her diary/chat, and it ended up being pretty successful. not too succesful, but successful. during the elections, she decided to support her friend (childhood friend? the timeline is fucked up bc of c!fundy existing lbr) and together she and fundy made COCONUT2020. she didn't think she'd win, only really did it for fun, and supported wilbur even though she didn't join his party then her best friend and friend got exiled, and so she was understandably distraught and angry schlatt's reign was one of her low points. not her lowest, but pretty damn low if i do say so myself. she was tormented during this time by schlatt himself, and he made fun of her for her relationship with wilbur, called her things like a "wrench", he taxed her (to the point where she had to run away!), and he imprisoned her. it doesn't help that her childhood(?) friend betrayed her burnt down the flag that she had made for l'manberg (its so sad actually, listen to it) she had a birthday party that while i didnt watch ive heard that wilbur threatened to blow up l'manberg so yeah then she saw her younger brother-like figure get executed onstage, then almost got executed herself, when wilbur managed to get her away then it is DEVASTATING as she finally finds out abt how things have been going in pogtopia (especially for the viewers who only watched niki's pov). she had thought that they had a plan, that they were working things out, when really they haven't even got a semblance of a plan the pit fight happens, and then after she goes up to listen to one of tommy's discs with tubbo and tommy themselves during the manberg v pogtopia war, she fights for pogtopia and watches schlatt die and the nation become wilbur's again. then, of course, comes the part that all old school c!niki fans will remember... during the celebration they had just after tubbo gained presidency, she accidentally uncovered a small part of the wall and saw tnt. she went still, then covered it up, on the assumption that wilbur wouldn't blow it up BOY was she wrong her home gets destroyed (watch this and skip forwards until niki's pov), and she doesnt find out that wilbur dies until much, much later. to honour him, she starts wearing his coat. everything goes fine for a little while, and she yknow dates puffy (*SOBS* im unbiased im unbiased.... *sob*), and then doesnt find out abt tommy's exile until much later AFTER that. she doesnt really get in on the lore much during the inbetween period of tommy's exile and doomsday except for her city being built more. then, during doomsday, she gets angry at tommy and says that he couldn't just walk in there and assume everyone would be on his side, she also shouts at ranboo abt sides and stuff. later, she apologizes to ranboo and says that if ranboo fights for l'manberg, she will too. ranboo ends up doing nothing except watching everything unfold, and so niki does the same, except for one thing. she burns down the l'mantree, also known as her canonical lowest point. after that, she hears ghostbur speaking and has a panic attack, trying to reassure herself that "he's gone, he's gone, he's gone" and because shes too flooded w memories, she ends up blowing up her bakery. afterwards, however, she goes down into her secret city and isolates herself from everybody except for jack, who she plots to kill tommy with. she takes tommy to a nuclear test site and almost manages to kill him, but JUST misses him, somehow after this attempt, she scurries back to her little hole like a cryptid and (this is, in my opinion, her lowest point) isolates herself even MORE. she has contact with exactly 1 person during this whole period of four-five canonical(??) months, and it results in her mental health getting worse. technoblade visits her at the start of this, offering her a position as an anarchist to which she gives him a "maybe, after
i kill tommy" she gets night terrors, and keeps herself in a literal CELL so that she doesnt go anywhere when she sleepwalks, also punches the walls whenever she wakes up from a nightmare, which is often. eventually tho, she accepts techno's offer and joins the syndicate, naming herself as nemesis as a reference to her past self she manages to heal a substantial amount, finally having: a) a group that lets her speak (which is SO important for her, its actually the key to her entire arc) and b) socialization! however this takes a big turn, when she hears that wilbur's back she tries to play it off, then goes the l'manhole or l'crater, reminisces about wilbur betraying her (may i note the rocketduo where she looks pointedly at manifoldland and says "and GOD you deserved so much better dgsayufasyufgasuy) she grabs wilbur's diamonds, some of the first ever items she got in the SMP, then hides them in the wall, as a sign of her closing off from wilbur
okay so imma go with this writing cause its fun. so, you asked a few questions in response to the ask you gave me!! so lets go 1) why does she feel betrayed by wilbur? because she was one of the first people she met (canonically) on the SMP. he promised her that it would be a land of peace, prosperity, but she started loving it BECAUSE of wilbur. case and point: when wilbur asks whether she's loyal to l'manberg, she goes "yes, i'm loyal to you, wil." "no, no, not to me- to l'manberg" she quite literally wore his coat around the SMP as a symbol of her friendship and dedication towards him, because they were honestly the best of friends, and she THOUGHT she knew it. points out) and its the way she's learnt to do things. also remember: c!Niki is an unreliable narrator, that's the whole point of her character. it's a response to trauma (as @tubboblr pointed out) you're also probably wondering why she burnt down the l'mantree. and it's not because she "finally realized that l'manberg was bad" it was actually really simple: she wanted to be heard. she had been beaten down and talked over SO much (aka the BASIS for her arc) that she's so desperate to be heard she'll take desperate measures. another reason is because she finally loses hope in l'manberg. she loved it, loves it, but she just lost hope in it. she never hated it. she LOVED it, with all her heart. she just didnt believe it had any hope to be the place she had thought it was. if you have any other questions, let me know!!
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teeth-and-tea · 3 years
I've Been Hunting Slimes for the Past 300 Years and Now Ive Maxed Out My Level: incredibly long name aside, cute af slice of life that suffers Same Face Syndrome. I'm still happy to watch it because of how feel good and fluffy it is though, Im probably gonna forget about it in two or three years tho. 8/10.
Don't Toy With Me, Miss Nagatoro: I found out this was a webcomic first and suddenly all the HORNINESS made so much more sense. A Femdom, Degradation, Humiliation, Dacryphilia Bullies to Lovers story disguised as a high school rom-com which, I'm not going to lie, misses SKEEVY CITY by mere inches on a regular basis. However, I'm a Dom/Switch and this entire relationship sets off my dom brain center like New York City just shy of midnight. So if you're into that sort of scene, this anime is for you. If not, it's still fascinating but you're probably gonna be a little put off by how mean the Girl!Bully is to the guy MC. Unless you find out something about yourself, in which case, congrats! Stay safe, sane, consensual, and learn about the traffic light system on top of safe words, I promise you'll have a better life in general after that. Still Ongoing, currently 10/10.
Fruits Basket: IM GONNA CRY I LOVE THIS ANIME SO MUCH???? The original anime came out when I was in... I think middle school and my parents were really strict on what I watched so I never got to experience the first wave and I never bothered to watch the show ever after I moved out of the house years later. However, now that I'm much older I honestly can say this is one of my favorite anime to date, and all the characters are charming, lovable, with their own problems that I can connect to or sympathize with, and I love the MC which is always a treat tbh. Except Akito. Akito can suck a sandpaper dick. I'm only on S2 tho so no spoilers! Anime 11/10.
Monster Girl Doctor: went in thinking it was gonna be a monster girl who's a doctor with a homoerotic assistant (her name is SAPPHY okay sue me for thinking it) and ended up watching the entire dubbed harem series. Honestly, I've seen worse and this one has consistent follow-through on interesting characters and backstory enough for me to shove aside the blatant under-monstrousness of the female monsters and the harem-ness of everything else. Dubbing is honestly really good, which is a treat, and the monster designs are not the worst and the MC is tolerable. Honestly, I don't mind having watched it! The mix of cgi and the traditional animation together work pretty strangely though, and it often doesn't flow super well. 7.5/10
So I'm a Spider, So What: Dubbed version which honestly isn't that bad. Took me a bit to get into it, but after realizing that it's got a mismatched timeline a la The Witcher, it made so much more sense. Heavily done in cgi, and you can definitely tell between the 2D and 3D animations, but not the worst in the world. I went in not expecting much but it ended up being an Issekai I can stand and even enjoy. On god has a decent story... with the spider. I'd be a liar if I didnt say I skipped some of the human parts just to get back to the best part of the show. 8/10.
Somali and the Forest Spirit: I'm so fucking nostalgic for this thing it makes me want to go and hug my dad. About a human girl under threat of being eaten with a monster-dominated world. Very obvious "humans fear what they don't understand" message but instead of the humans learning tolerance it's what happens when they get annihilated first so like, kudos for the mangaka for having the guts to do that. I cried like a baby regularly. It's really good, I watched the dub and ID WATCH IT AGAIN!!! 9/10.
To Your Eternity: Oh my god. O h my g o d. Fell in love on the first episode, ngl. About if an immortal being learned how to be a person from scratch. I love it. HOWEVER. Keep a box of tissues on you at all times because you're gonna need them. I'm only on EP7 because that's all that's out right now but just know. I love it. Not for everyone but certainly for my "what do we define as human and the human condition" ass. 12/10.
Those Snow White Notes: A sports anime without any sports. About shamisen playing which is cool because I never realized how cool this instrument was??? Its neat af. OP1&2 are by Burnout Syndrom so know theyre fire. Gonna be real, its pretty alright, but not extraordinary. You can tell they were using the characters as archetypes rather than actually characters which kinda kills a lot of the emotional value you could've had, but I'm still gonna watch it. It doesn't make me cringe as hard as other sports anime tho so I consider it toptier in that regards but if you're a big sports anime fan you might be bummed out by it. Every single musical performance is INCREDIBLE tho. A solid 8/10.
Toilet Bound Hanako-kun: THE ART OMFG IT'S SO GORGEOUS. Listen, if you took coptic markers and gave them an animation budget with some manga panel direction thrown in there, that's this anime. It's beautiful. Gorgeous. I'm in love with the aesthetic every second. Story? Really good. Characters? I love the MC and his evil little twin brother asshat. Demons? Not super imaginative but I'm carrying on happy as can be anyways. Dubbing? A bit shaky at times but I found the voices charming if a little off for some of them. I'm already waiting for the second season with popcorn at the ready. 10/10.
Prison School: I watched this directly after Hanako-kun and it was like I got slapped in the face by sweaty unwashed titties and some fedora wearing schmuck's piss kink. No character is likable or redeemable. I finished it, but at what cost? 2/10 and only because a character shit his pants and I laughed.
Sleepy Princess in the Demon Castle: watched this right after Prison School and it was NECESSARY tbh. Its so CUTE and honestly, im not even kidding you, the fucking funniest anime I've seen in months. I watched the dub and the VAs are having the time of their lives working on this anime not just giving it their all but literally just going ham. Its great. If I read this im sure id be bored outta my mind but the VAs giving it a joyous performance make it an insta fave for me tbh. 9/10.
Sk8 the Infinity: i watched the dub with my bro and I can confirm that its a spectacular show because we both loved it and we have vastly different tastes. Incredibly SUSPENSFUL AND STRESSFUL for an anime about skateboarding but we finished it in a single sitting tbh. The last episode is not dubbed for some reason but we still loved it. Like if Free! was less obnoxious but the only fan-service here is Joe ♡ a beefcake who owns my lesbian heart. I think there's exactly one named female character tho and I legit couldn't tell you what it was if there was a gun to my head. So, over all, 9.5/10.
That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime: I'm going to be entirely honest, I went in thinking it was going to be a boring isekai of no value. I was right about the Isekai part. It was honestly pretty interesting and focused on nation building like you're playing civilization rather than the usual "Get Stronger" narrative or "Get Some Pussy" narrative most isekais take which is delightfully refreshing. Granted there are flavors of that in this which means it doesn't alienate the big isekai watchers out there, but it's not the whole dish and it doesn't make me want to cringe the same way others do. You've got a slime MC just vibing and building a nation of monsters nbd. Does lose points for making the female monsters more humanoid than their male counterparts but makes them back by only doing perfunctory fan-service and nothing that makes me want to cry... except the butt sumo episode but in fairness it was all a terrible dream. Literally, the MC refuses to dream anymore after that. solid animation, decent voice acting, decent story, made me realize how HUGE this is in the Light Novel community???? There's like 18 fucking novels and that's WILD. 8.5/10.
Spirit Photographer Saburo Kono: a one shot special by the mangaka of The Promised Neverland! Honestly a really delicate touch of both super creepy and really touching, and I'm not gonna lie I'm bummed that this isn't a bigger project but the single chapter makes it a good taste for their style. I've been wondering if I wanna read/watch The Promised Neverland and now I think I will. 10/10
Deranged Detective Ron Kamonohashi: from the mangaka of Hitman Reborn comes this Sherlock and Watson derivative! Not even 20 chapters out yet with a sort of spotty schedule, I honestly love it even thought it's exactly as you expect. HOWEVER. Kamonohashi the "Sherlock" character uses mental pressure to kill all confirmed murderers and it's up to Toto the "Watson" character to save all those people before Kamonohashi kills them! It's just recently introduced a "Moriarty" family of crime lords (not a big spoiler don't worry it was obvious) so the tension surrounding Ron's past is amping up rn. Personally, I think the art is GORGEOUS, the characters engaging, and the story quick enough to keep my interest. Most mysteries are solved within a chapter or two so you're not stuck 20 chapters into one locked room mystery which is just peachy tbh. RN, 10/10. If this gets an anime, I anticipate a legion of fangirls who ship the two main characters along with their many friends. I've been alive too long to believe otherwise.
Don't Toy with Me, Miss Nagatoro: Yeah I read the manga after I watched the show. A slower build than the anime, but it works for the format, if theyd done the same with the show then I don't think it wouldve done as well. Honestly? Cuter tbh but just as horny. You dont start really LEARNING about your character until like, chap 65 tho and no real "drama" happens until like 75. A good chunk of the chapters are like 8pgs so its a breeze to get through. I love these slow burn idiots of the century. 9.5/10 because you can DEFINITELY tell the mangaka does hentai too.
Yugen's All-Ghouls Homeroom: one-shot by the mangaka for Food Wars, it's no wonder there's this constant perviness from the MC, a guy who can see and exorcise spirits. Takes place at an all girl's finishing school with KICK ASS monsters tbh, kinda bummed its not longer. The MC? Blatant monsterfucker who is also a CONFRIMED monsterfucker???? Idk i vibe with that single emotion. Everything else is hit or miss. 7/10 for monsters and cool concept, lost points for the MC very pointedly being okay with admitting he'd wait for the teenagers to be adults tho. Creepy af. Could live without that.
Hell's Paradise: I finished the entire 127chps in 3 days and I was really enthusiastic about it 90% of the time thinking about how deep it was and then I actually thought about it and I ended up being very neutral about the whole thing tbh. The art is fantastic tho, but DEFINITELY deserving of the M rating. Tits. Tits everywhere. But not tits to be ecchi over, no, monster hermit tits on beautiful women-ish figures. Now generally I give that a pass but a huge theme in the story is that men and women are "no better than one or the other" but like, lady tits are what you see 99% of the time. Men tits are few and far between. I call bullshit on most of the "deep" themes is what I'm saying, so it's like the mangaka was trying for those deep thoughts but missed the margin a little too far for my preference. That being said, the MC is a married man who loves his wife which automatically makes him my favorite character so like... idk so many good things, so many misses, but overall really spectacular themes and imagery. Unique but classic all at once. It's getting an anime and I have NO IDEA how much censorship they're gonna be doing but they're going to be doing SO MUCH. Oh yeah, and one guy is a plant/human hybrid who fucks a 1000 year old plant-hermit which makes him a canon monster fucker. And one canon non-binary character who I, a nonbinary, actually like. So like... gosh I've got mixed feelings. 8.5/10.
Choujin X: From Sui Ishida, mangaka to the mega hit Tokyo Ghoul comes this brand new manga!... Of one chapter, lol. Not really binge-y because it's just the one chapter out right now but I'm already keeping my eye on it. The grasp on anatomy in the art is PHENOMENAL and you can see Ishida flexing his art skill which is great. Can't give a true rating but I'm giving it a tentative 9/10 because I'm excited to see more.
Shag&Scoob: technically not a manga, its an ongoing webcomic I binged an subscribed to in one day and I just think it deserves more attention. Starts off funny with "what if Scooby Doo had a gun" and has been led to "what if all cartoons are aliens that survive and receive their powers by the humans that love them in an epic war with Martians." On god, its good. I finished the current series in a couple hours so it's a breezy read, highly recommend it. 9/10.
To Your Eternity: Yeah I watched the anime and then finished all current 143 chapters in like 3 days. GOD IM WEAK. I don't buy physical manga unless I know I want to remember the story forever and I'm already budgeting for the current books out. Yeah, this is a good series. That being said, definitely not for the faint of heart or those who suffer under common triggers like suicide, molestation, death, etc. It's all framed as bad and necessary to the story don't get me wrong, but it's there and has lasting affects on the characters. Incredible story telling by the creator of A Silent Voice. Keep tissues nearby at all times. 12/10.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 3 years
i havent been here in a hot second is there a reason for the makoto hate specifically? like the rants go back to p5's writing issues but the spite for makoto seems very specific did she kill someones dog in one of the spinoffs or what?
You're all good. So here's the thing, she did kill my dog-I'm joking.
When I say “I’m the residential #1 Makoto Hater” it’s a joke, partially cause it probs looks that way (and probs cause it might be true, who knows if you could quantify hate then maybe I’m at the top of the leaderboards 8U but you can’t so we’ll never know). But I’m saying it at as a joke, to own myself and everyone here that knows what I think of her, rather than wear it as a badge of honor or some silliness. It’s just a “oh haha yeah there goes Silly, dunking on Makoto again! She’s basically Makoto’s #1 hater haha oh she’s so silly.” (so please don’t look too deep into it, I just want to have fun).
Anyway, me hating Makoto isn’t new, but I do hold a similar ire towards Futaba, Goro (tho I have camaraderie with his fans, I relate to their struggle in terms of my own brown hair and red eye fav and Atlus screwing them over u_u I may hate your fave but I respect you and will be in your corner), and Yukari (as well as Chloe from LiS if you want a non-Persona example). Makoto might be talked about more because 1) She hits my buttons that much faster (Futaba/Goro are more like a festering wound, and when I talk about them it’s hard to pick a starting point), 2) Her fans tendency (early on in the fandom) bringing her up frequently.....was a bad combo with #1 (overexposure+pushing all my buttons really fast=disaster). Obvie not blaming her fans, but it was hard to curate how I was able to curate my content online (esp with gaming news websites calling her “best girl” when showing off a figure announcement or some BS when I just want to know what new games have been announced >.> I can do without you trying to start a waifu war in the comments Siliconera -_-)
Anyway, I think I’ve made my reasons for hating her very clear (you just have to search her name on my blog and you’ll get a ton of essays I’m sure, too many to count). And a lot of it is the failure of P5′s writing. “So it’s just the writing you hate, not the character.” No. Because that doesn’t make sense. Except under certain circumstances (which I’ll provide examples of below with Luke Skywalker), you can’t separate the writing from the character. The character IS the writing, the writing IS the character. If you can’t hate/dislike the char because “of the writing” then you also can’t love/like them either. The character and the writing/writing choices for that character are connected. The writing embodies that character. They are the same.
Now I said there was an exception, and that’s....”different writer/director,” tho it’s not ALWAYS the case (sometimes the new writer really gets the original writing, like Saito for MM.....they are very good at emulating the clusterfuck of P5′s writing). P5′s writing is the original basis for Makoto’s character, that’s her. You can’t separate it from her. Same thing with say....Luke Skywalker from the OG trilogy, that’s him. But then we get to the sequel/Disney trilogy, new writer/director....and yeah that’s a mess (from what I understand OG trilogy=Hopeful and tries to see the best in people, 2nd Disney=Cynic and tried to kill a child, 3rd Disney=Hopeful again for some reason). There’s character development, then there’s just straight up changing the character just cause you need them to be this now. 
*writes how this can apply to Persona spinoffs but deletes because I was getting too off track* Look at me exercising control. It’s probs best I save that for a meta after I’ve replayed all the spinoffs again.
But....if you want me to boil down my issues with Makoto, I hate the message we get from her. I hate the lesson we learn from her. What is supposed to happen vs what happens.  It’s supposed to be about a girl who is blindly following authority and becomes disillusioned with it after being burned by it, on top of “immense pressure” she has as well, and then comes to our side (we know this because Atlus told us). We don’t get that (we know this because we saw the execution). We get two adults, yes TWO ADULTS, one of which is her sister and wants her to do well in school (but isn’t like.....a tiger mom about it, because Sae can’t be TOO horrible because we need to like her later), who in retrospect seems very busy with her job (which gives Makoto freedom), but also feels burdened by her younger sister (in which she has one shitty slip with her and then NEVER again). And the other is a dumbass principal who asks a really strange and stupid task for Makoto that snowballs into bullshit. That’s IT! THAT’S IT! That’s all we get from Makoto and “authority.” Strawmen. We don’t really get much of her personality either (I’m not saying that cause “she’s cardboard” I legit just.....don’t get her? Like I don’t get enough of her to get a solid foundation, you get me?) Like as the player, what we see of her is she’s just studying in the library (Kamo arc), then the principal calls her in, she mentions the rumors about Kamo, he asks her to look into the PT in exchange for a recommendation (to which she’s surprised and says thanks, not no, she looks like she’ll accept JUST BASED ON THAT) but before she can even say Yes (OR NO) he threatens Makoto with her sister, to which Makoto hardens and then agrees. Then she acts like an asshole and yadda yadda stuff happens.
But if she’s supposed to blindly follow authority, she’d say yes, but then they don’t let the character breathe so she can make the “wrong” choice because the Principal goes STRAIGHT to threatening her.......so now the message is muddled, or really it’s non existent. The whole Sae thing is a nothing bag too, it’s just family drama. Her sister is, no HAS to be absent a lot for her work, just so Makoto can have the freedom to be a PT....which means....it hurts her lack of freedom and other stuff associated with Sae being a big pressure on Makoto’s life. You know, I’ve said before they’ve squandered Sae, and that Makoto’s presence really harmed Sae (iirc it was this post). But at the same time, how they handled Sae really screws up Makoto’s character. Neither are allowed to breathe. Neither are allowed to make a true, horrible choice...and then learn from it. They aren’t allowed to have an actual arc. Altus played it safe, took choice away from them, didn’t want to take risks with either character and have meaning. Instead we just have this nothing contradiction thing dicking around until they join our team. 
What really sucks about that....is we got that with the Kamo arc. With Anne, Ryuji, even Yuki and Shiho. Kamo was manipulative, and his manipulation caused people to make....not the best choices, all out of a means to survive. Ryuji physically acted against Kamo, and he got his leg broken, team disbanded, and outcasted. Anne was trying to protect Shiho’s position on the team, which lead to her almost getting harmed by Kamo, Shiho getting harmed, her not seeing the truth about what was going on around her, and she didn’t tell Shiho (because she didn’t want Shiho to think she didn’t get on the team for her own merits), and so on. Shiho didn’t tell Anne what was going on because she wanted to protect Anne from Kamo (and was afraid Anne would, very much blame herself), and her and Yuki and the rest of the teams helped keep quiet about Kamo so they wouldn’t be next on the physical chopping block. This isn’t me blaming them, this is me showing their choices, their attempts to fix their (hopeless) situation, to help themselves or others, and the dramatic irony being it just made everything worse. BUT, even tho Kamo was the real one to blame, each character is aware of the actions that were made, and the consequences of each action (esp Anne/Ryuji/Shiho). And in their CoOps, they identify this, and take strides to learn from it so it doesn’t happen again. That’s an arc. That’s character development. They were allowed to make errors, mistakes, decisions that negatively impacted themselves/other’s. We see a solid foundation of their character from the get go, and how it changes over that small time. We don’t get that with Makoto. The group is like solid concrete to Makoto who is like shifting sand. 
Sorry got a bit off topic, anyway, I hate her message of boasting about her fighting ability but she only harms her friends (outside of shadows, but that’s not special) WHILE ALSO being a damsel that needs someone else to rescue her! I hate how when she gets called out, she wants to drop it, and gives gaslighty apologies, even tho she really ROYALLY screwed lot of people very badly. I hate how she demands us to help, only to literally be a detriment to our investigation. I hate how she gets to fly off the handle without repercussions (despite needing to be cool calm and collected for her job, especially since she miraculously can do that when needed so what the hell????). I hate how the text has her be shitty, say shitty things, be bad at her job, but will turn around and reward her time and time again. 
Sure she doesn’t break the lore like Futaba, or unravel P5′s plot like Goro. But as a character with a message attached to her, even ones that the creators surely overlooked (I’m sure they didn’t intend for her to only hit her friends), it’s simple but very annoying. Fast and easy to see, doesn’t require me to think of P5′s lore as well as the grander Persona lore. Doesn’t require me to dig through text for Goro bread crumbs and then unravel the entire basis of the P5 plot thanks to him. Makoto is easier to get into, it’s smaller scale and more personal I guess. 
#silly asks#silly answers#makoto salt#the thing with Kamo's arc is that when you ask 'why' to why a character or a situation is the way it is you can give a decent 'because'#when you ask 'why' with kane's arc.....you don't get that#you get a 'because' but then you keep asking 'why'#why does makoto have to stalk the PT? Because the principal is making her do it#But why is he making her do it? Because the conspiracy is breathing down his neck.#1) WHY her tho? seems a bit contrived and might not work 2) WHY do they care about some principal?#Because......um...... For 2 because he's part of the conspiracy.#Why is he part of the Conspiracy then? Um....they put him there?#BUT WHY did they put him there? Cause....it's prestigious?#BUT the game said Kamo fixed the school's bad rep so it wasn't always that...and he hired kamo.....SO WHY does he owe them getting a job at-#-a shitty school? WHY did he need help getting a job there? WHY is Haru there if-#you see? kane's arc unravels a good portion of what P5 (a least school) is based off of#vs Anne#Why won't Shiho tell Anne about the abuse? She's afraid anne might think it's her (anne's) fault and she loves her friend and wants to-#protect her. why doens't anne tell shiho? Anne doesn't want shiho to think it's shiho's fault and wants to protect shiho#kamo's arc is full of dramatic irony and people making wrong choices (which they might not realize in hindsight)#why doesn't anne know shiho is being abused? Anne thinks shiho is upset about her position on the team also Kamo won't let anyone watch#the practices so we just take the team's words at face value also the teams are protecting kamo to keep from getting hurt-#also shiho won't tell anne anything and so anne just assumes it's a rough practice and that shiho is afraid of losing her spot ALSO#ALSO anne isn't psychic also anne is outcasted from the rest of the school so she doesn't interact with them so she doesn't know what's up-#with other people and-#you can go on they have their bases covered in kamo's arc they have reasons#kamo's arc is also a bit more grounded (kane being ungrounded because of the stupid princpal and his bs0#sorry for the side rant just.......#you don't have to agree with decisions in the kamo arc...but at least they GAVE us reasonings (and the chars are aware#in hindsight that their decisions weren't great and chose to learn from them)
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eliicries · 3 years
This is my first time ever writing a proper fanfic and also my first time posting it online. Criticisms are very much welcome. This is my alternative ending to the cartoon series "Clone High" (you guys should check it out, it's pretty great!) I love this pairing so much but I hated how they ended up sleeping together because I've always believed in character development and the ending felt like it wasted a good opportunity to do so.
Enchanted (a joanfk fanfic)
How did it come to this?
Two bodies pressed against each other, one of which is hovering above it's counterpart, hot and eager to make contact. Then the other, whom lies beneath them writhing in discomfort yet somewhat obvious pleasure.
Never in Joan's life had she imagined herself being the latter in such an obscene situation.
Well atleast not with somebody else other than her bestfriend and absolutely not, emphasis on the word "not", with the certain campus playboy she used to avoid like a plague.
Heck, if someone told her last night that she would end up sleeping with JFK, she would've laughed her ass off for solid 10 minutes! Then proceed to sock their teeth off for even suggesting such an absurd idea.
But as she felt his breath fan against her bare neck, she felt her own hitch.
His lips met with her flushed skin and in their wake, left along little trails of pleasure of which accumulated into an emotion something else entirely.
It seeped into her flesh and gnawed upon her being.
Yet the feeling of betrayal against one's morals only increased tenfold when she made no protest to stop the male from completely lifting her shirt off.
Oh God, She actually moaned.
The himbo was not to be blamed of course. His previous advances had always been outright rejected, so as ecstatic as he was, her sudden change of heart confused him. An even bigger surprise to the both of them was when it was her who initiated the idea.
It's not like her to act like this. Was she really that frustrated beyond rational thoughts?
To make things even worse, it wasn't only the disappointment she has towards herself that's weighing on her mind but also of another person very much important to her.
They've known each other since like forever.
Now, what would be a better way to ruin a good natured friendship other than one of them developing feelings for the other?
Just to her luck, she had to be the one who does the falling, whilst her companion seemed less than eager to catch her.
As if it's the universe's way to spite her, Abe suddenly decided to date someone else.
And of course, it just had to be none other than Cleo-fhking-patra.
Seeing them together at the school campus in a daily basis was already bad enough, now living under the same roof as her and all---she also had to suffer listening through the sloppy noises they make whenever they're eating their faces off.
She swears to god everytime cleo glances at her with that look of victor in her eyes, her blood boils so much. Oh, if only she was given an opportunity to poke them out with a fork.
Then, in a final attempt to win him over, Joan had to walk around wearing those god-forbid clothes and laugh in that shrill god-awful tone.
Yet to no avail, her feelings are still unreciprocated.
In the end even as a giggling vapid slut, Abe still chose Cleo over her.
Just like he always did.
He even seemed supportive with her hookup with JFK.
Another fuel added to the fire.
Now she felt really silly exerting all those efforts just for his approval.
She always berates Cleo for being such a slut but is she really better after how desperate she acted?
Maybe if only she'd been straight forward with him from the start, things would've ended in her favor.
Or perhaps it was wrong of her to seek reciprocity. Love, after all should be unconditional.
Either way, it's too late now.
She's so pathetic.
Suddenly a voice called out to her, a sudden ripple in her stream of thoughts, breaking her out from of her stupor.
Looking sideways, her eyes met with familiar droopy ones.
She hadn't even noticed that he had stopped moving a little while ago.
"Are you er, uh, alright?"
Oh. That's right.
She was with JFK, and they were about to have sex with each other.
"You were-uh, crying."
Immediately, she brought a hand to her cheek and felt the said liquid trailing down her cheeks.
Shuddering as she finally realized she was not only physically bare, but now also emotionally.
She atleast expected an expression of dissatisfaction from him, but the male said nothing and merely looked at her. Probably dumbstruck by the sudden turn of events.
The room was quiet except for her soft sniffles.
He seemed to fiddle with the bedsheets for a while before finally deciding to move closer to her.
"Can I er, touch you?"
Expecting him to continue on where they left but too tired to even protest, she made no movement whatsoever to stop the male. They might as well finish what they've started even tho the thought made her want to shut her eyes.
She was surprised however, when she felt his arms wrapping around her, securing her into a hug.
She turned to look at him, perplexed by the sudden act of affection that he is displaying.
"Did it not feel good?"
Ah, there he is.
Of course, It was just about his ego. How foolish of her to think that he, even for a bit, cared about her.
She tried to squirm away from his grip, her fists meeting with his chest. The male took this as a sign to loosen his hold of her but not as much to completely let go of her.
"I did something wrong didn't I?"
Her body suddenly ceased it's erratic movements. She turned to look at him, searching through his face for any signs of deception which instead, only offered a genuine expression of worry.
He was blaming himself.
He actually thought it was his fault that she was crying. That's why he stopped.
"I, er, um sorry.."
If she was already crying before, then she was definitely bawling her eyes out right now.
"N-no! It's not your fault i--why did you stop?" She exclaimed in between sobs. His hand settled itself on her waist while his other one made it's way to her hair, combing them in a way that's supposed to be therapeutic.
"There, there.."
"I wanted this, Kennedy! Isn't this what you also wanted?"
"Sure I do, but not when you're uh, like this." She lets out another sob. "Besides, If I do make you cry it's going to be for an entirely different reason, if you get my meaning."
"S-shut up.."
He suggestively wiggled his eyebrows at her causing her to roll her eyes. Normally, she would've been irked by his usual comments like this, but tonight must be a different case. They seemed to give her a weird sense of normalcy, and that somehow comforts her.
Her sudden movement made the male flinch, as if anticipating another punch for his pesky remarks, he was relieved however, when Joan just readjusted her head to lean into his chest more properly.
She found this actions of his comical, cute even if she dares, and she couldn't help the chuckle that escaped her lips.
"Have you calmed down now?"
"Yes, thanks Kennedy."
Silence enveloped the both of them for a while before Jfk decided to speak again.
"You know, this suddenly reminds him."
She hummed in acknowledgement.
"Uh, Lincoln."
JFK didn't fail to notice the weak croak in her voice.
"Yeah, it was around that time poncey died. It was just kinda like this, except ya' know, we weren't both naked."
She felt his chest rumble as both of them let out a chuckle, hers a bit stiffled from burrying her face into them further. Muttering, "That sounds just like him.." In a barely audible voice.
No words were exchanged afterwards. Silence embraced the room once again, the same way his arms did around her body. Warm and in contrast to the air outside---inviting.
The moon illuminated the dim room seemingly to say it's hello.
So she took the opportunity to get a good look at his face. There she could makeout the subtle movement of his nostrils as he breathes.
Inhale, exhale, Inhale, exhale, Inhale..
Till she found herself unconsciously moving to the same rhythm.
His eyes she noticed, are now droopier. As his upper lashes seeked to meet with his lower ones but never actually closed them as they were fixated onto her. Only now was she able to acknowledge the kindness she failed to notice that they seemed to always have.
Then his lips, which in contrast to the usual smirk he parades around campus, lost all it's cockiness and is now ghosting a faint smile.
He looked so endearing right now that she could only sigh.
Was this really the same guy who used to shove other kids into lockers before? The same one who used to view women as mere objects meant to gratify sensual pleasure?
I guess grief from Ponce's death did change him in ways even he is not aware of.
Or maybe, he's just not a complete asshole as she thought him to be.
It could also be that she's just lonely and desperate for any act of kindness so she clung into them when given. That would explain how she got into this situation in the first place.
But whatever the answer may be, there are two things that Joan is now sure of:
One, no one is irredeemable.
And two, the male never looked as much enchanting to her right now as he ever did before.
#joanfk #joan #JFK #Clonehigh #himbo #goth
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combustiblegarbage · 6 years
so i rewatched the first 4 eps of 03 with @petalbridges last night and here are some thoughts:
i’ve seen the first 3 episodes so many times. So Many Times. So. Many. Times.
as someone who at the time of my original watch of fma was religious and was struggling with trying to fit in with friends (who were not that good of friends in retrospect lol) by really getting invested in like, bible study and religion to a degree that would later come back to bite me in the gay ass, i see why this twigged me as a kid
them leading with such a strong and explicit religious theme (tho it’s technically about a sun god it’s undeniably christian in nature, with the form of prayer/worship and other religious conventions like “Father” cornello and even the priestlike clothing he wears) and then like....proceeding to have the main character demonstrate how religion is a Sham Dogma for men who want Power is kind of a bold move man!!
placing so much emphasis on faith and the importance thereof, and the other bold move of having rose at the end say “i wish you’d never come here, we weren’t hurting anyone, why couldn’t you just let us believe what we believed in peace?!?” is both A) tied to the larger themes of equivalent exchange, cuz at the end of the series the boys’ one rock-solid foundation for their entire understanding of the world will be called into question and they’ll decide: no! it’s important to believe in something! ([ed ep 50 voice] i thought i didn’t have to believe in something, dad, but i do) which neatly brackets the series
and B) it’s also tied to the larger ongoing theme that intervention in a problem is always going to make it worse, that looking into things is always going to escalate, that there’s a spreading stain and guess what! you’re complicit in it!!! ([ed ep 48 voice] there’s never going to be a war that isn’t in some way caused by all of us)
ed is positioned as this rational and scientific stalwart who only believes in what he can see and is skeptical of everything else, but then as the flashbacks unfold we really see that there’s an Emotional basis for what he’s saying. u know why he doesn’t like father cornello pretending he can bring back the dead? because you CAN’T bring back the dead. ed knows. he tried.
and yet despite ed being a bit of an fedora wearing atheist asshole, there’s a little bit of him that says things flatly to rose like, “i hope he is a miracle-worker, rose.” which is....probably not tru cuz ed likes being right lol but it also sort of shows his intentions as being, like...he’s not out here to hurt people. he’s not doing this to prove to rose she’s a Dumb Idiot, he really believes that in a naive sense that people shouldn’t believe things that are lies - even if it brings them comfort! which is a childish view of the world influenced by equivalent exchange (the truth will set u free, it will be Worth It in the end, intellectual mastery over the world is the most important and rewarding thing) and exactly the sort of thing dante will take him to task for at the end of the series ([dante ep49 voice] a lie we tell to comfort the oppressed and make children do their lessons]
another note: 03 was EXCEPTIONAL with its creepy gross body horror and even to this day the choking throaty noises the bird-resurrected-boyfriend-chimera makes are viscerally skin-crawling, as is father cornello’s Smile as he Lets rose see the chimera before trying to dispose of her
all in all, the first liore arc is a solid setup to a story that will neatly come back there and draw on those themes at the end of its narrative. which is exceptionally cool given that the 03 creators were drawing on manga content, which obviously didn’t go the direction 03 did. so they constructed their own meaning out of it, which is really well done
also, i forgot the first filler happens literally in ep4 (with the dolls and the butchy lil girl and the blue roses), and while it’s Definitely a filler, it also sets up a lot of themes about resurrection that we’ll continue to explore in the rest of the series. majhal didn’t want the real life version of his old love who was right in front of his eyes: he wanted the version of her he’d constructed in his head, the version of her he’d become obsessed with and wanted to recreate
one of the recurring threads of the homunculi is that people create homunculi, and then refuse to take responsibility for the creature they’ve created because it’s not their mother/lover/child/etc, not what they Wanted, but instead a whole new person with wants and needs and conflicting desires of their own. it draws on the arrogance of wanting to bring someone back to life to begin with, and what if they’re not what you want? what if you’re not doing it for them, but really for yourself?
(incidentally izumi is an amazing case study in this cuz she’s the one character who DOES take responsibility for what she did and also fully is aware that what she did was for herself out of grief and pain. i’m looking forward to revisiting her story)
anyway, those are all my thoughts for now!!! i’ll probably be streaming more eps later as i make it thru the series
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scottstiles · 7 years
hi divvy! i know you are MAD right now, so don't answer this until you feel like it, but when you're ready i'd love to hear your thoughts on music on the sabbath and yom kippur! i love hearing you talk about jewish things tbh.
first off i’m so sorry i didn’t answer this whole time. it’s not that i was so mad (that came and went) but i did need a little distance from thinking about it and then i thought why not wait and see how the rest of the holiday goes before replying.
secondly oh my goodness i can’t believe you love hearing me talk about anything XD but it feels really nice that you enjoy my random outbursts about religion. i get that it must be weird for people (especially ones who know me irl) that i have this whole aspect of me that doesn’t fit at all with the way i present myself/live my life (for the most part- except the people who only know that part of me, of course, my students/congregation members etc). i have such a weird dual personality when it comes to this but anyway that is a HUGE can of beans for maybe another time.
but anyway here’s a bottom line about me to help us in this discussion about music on shabbat (im just gonna call it shabbat from here on cuz “the sabbath” is so weird for me to write for some reason) and holidays:
my elementary school was a secular zionist/traditional jewish day school. this might sound completely ridiculous so i’ll break it down- it wasn’t an orthodox place (girls and boys did everything together, nobody had to dress or act a certain way because of religion, and it was basically non-denominational so… secular), but it was traditional in the sense that we did morning prayers every day from the traditional (i guess u could call it orthodox) prayerbook, we learned Torah every day and everything to do with jewish traditions/ritual practices, learned about Israel, jewish history, etc. we, of course, studied all of the secular subjects (including french) at the same time. at the time i also went to a jewish summer camp from age 6-12, but it was more traditional and pretty jewish/israel intensive. we also prayed every day, observed shabbat in the orthodox sense (no electricity, no “work”, special activities, lots of food and rest), and even had special events on certain days like tisha b’av (the fast day commemorating the destruction of the temple), and maccabiah games at the end of the summer (like color war/olympics, but we had to talk hebrew the whole time or we lost points XD). my favorite part of camp was an event called ma’apilim, where the counselors would wake us up in the middle of the night and the entire camp would run through this simulation of the experience of the holocaust refugees being smuggled into palestine in the mid-40s. i can describe that whole experience for you in detail if you want but maybe not right now since i’ve rambled so much already.
SUFFICE TO SAY i grew up in a seriously jewish environment, but not a religious home. as a teenager i went to a jewish high school, though not at all as religious, and became active in my synagogue youth group. OH also, when i was 9, my parents switched us over to the reconstructionist synagogue (from a conservative one) so my sisters and i could have a real bat mitzvah (in orthodox and conservative shuls girls aren’t allowed to read from the Torah like boys do). so thru high school i was very involved in jewishy things and my synagogue, and i got really attached to reading Torah and the prayer service in my synagogue. my reason for emphasis is because, as i’ve said, i’d been exposed to the traditional prayer service for most of my life, but praying in this shul has always been a completely different experience.
in school and in camp, despite the traditional service (and separation of boys and girls, in camp only), i was always able to sing out loud as much as i wanted. but, traditionally, prayer is lead by an individual- the cantor- and the congregation (and the rabbi) only “participates” out loud in certain parts. that’s how it is in most synagogues in montreal except the temple and mine. in my shul, we’ve never had a cantor, and the entire service is basically communally led. our rabbi was also very special. our leader for 40 years, he was a pioneer in the reconstructionist movement, creating his own prayer book (not new prayers, just his own translation and commentary and additions) and passover haggadah. he wasn’t a singer, but he had a musical soul and when he led prayers it just moved me every time. the tunes for the prayers were sometimes the same as the traditional melody, and sometimes not. it always took me awhile to get used to new melodies or songs he would introduce (i’m so inflexible, what a shock), but i would always eventually suck it up. for him. basically for 25+ years i got used to doing things a certain way in my shul. i also watched through the years as new people came and left, including my entire generation (moved away/got married/not interested in synagogue), until the whole makeup of my shul was essentially completely different. but we’ve always had a few core members that stuck around, and the melodies have always remained. i was always proud to carry it on.
so, a little about the reconstructionist movement and synagogues in montreal. reconstructionism began post-holocaust when the founder, mordechai kaplan, realized how difficult it was becoming for people to continue to have faith in  religion after such trauma. people couldn’t connect, or didn’t want to be involved at all anymore. so the movement began as a place for these people, to maintain a connection to judaism without feeling the pressure of having to believe in god or accept all of the traditional tenets of the religion. this isn’t the same as reform, by the way, which a lot of people think is the only other denomination of judaism besides orthodox/conservative. i don’t wanna give a lesson on denominations rn, but basically reconstructionism is all about adapting and shaping judaism so that it can fit into your life and inform your values without infringing on however else you choose to live. okay all of that just to get to this motherfuckingpoint:
playing music on shabbat/(certain) holidays is part of the laws of shabbat, codified by rabbis during the temple period as part of the Talmud. these laws, which are basically a breakdown of all the things you cannot or must do on shabbat, are what is considered oral Torah, just as binding as the laws in the written Torah from moses. they had to break it down because “on the 7th day you must rest” isn’t exactly specific, so how can you know if you break the law? there are 39 things that are listed as “work” which you cannot do on shabbat. the two main reasons for not playing an instrument on shabbat are: the instrument might break and you might be tempted to fix it (and in so doing, do one of the 39 acts), and the fact that instruments were played in the Temple, and we’re not supposed to be doing anything they did in the Temple until we’ve built the new one (hence no more sacrifices even tho almost the entire book of leviticus deals with the priestly ritual laws).
okay so those are the rules. now, for me personally. what’s my problem? i’m a member at a reconstructionist synagogue, not an orthodox one. i’m not a religious person. i don’t keep the laws of shabbat on a regular basis. what. is. my. problem?
maybe i should have mentioned, along with my heavily traditionally influenced childhood, there was also a point in my life where i did decide to keep all the rules. for about 5 years in my mid twenties i became completely zealous when it came to the laws of shabbat/holidays (maybe cuz i was trying to get my jewish teaching career off the ground idek). i walked 45 minutes each way to shul. i even walked clear across town on saturdays to get to the theatre in time to meet my mom for the ballet at 8pm after sunset. i made them turn off the microphones if i was going to be on the bimah (pulpit) in shul. i was a bit insane, but nobody was offended and neither was i, i just tried it out and eventually decided it wasn’t for me.
i guess what i’m trying to say is that my problem with music in synagogue comes from a few places: 1- my “traditional/religious” brain saying NO it’s just NOT ALLOWED, IT’S TOO MUCH. YOU BREAK SO MANY RULES AS IT IS, and i guess that’s harder to turn off than i would like 2- the shul i grew up in and love was one where our collective voices were the instrument, and that alone has had a huge impact on my spiritual growth. i don’t like being drowned out (my own and other’s voices) when i’m praying. 3- while my rabbi occasionally would whip out the guitar, this new rabbi has it out every single shabbat. to me, prayer and ritual worship are not a performance. when i see someone on a “stage”- in this case the bimah- with an instrument, i’m in the mind frame of a concert, and all of my attention is focused on the musician. i just can’t pray like that. when i lived in nyc i worked at this huge reform synagogue that had like 5 rabbis and 3 cantors and every friday night service was like a broadway spectacle with a full orchestra and choir and what not. it was beautiful, but i couldn’t concentrate on the praying. i don’t know how many people could. i understand that for most people music in itself is a spiritual experience, and that makes complete sense, but for me, my spiritual experience in synagogue is hearing voices in prayer.
i just realized i didn’t talk about yom kippur specifically. yk is one of the only times of the year that most jews in the world decide to do the exact same thing (the other is passover). jews who eat bacon every morning and work all day on saturday will put their lives aside and fast. most will even be in synagogue for kol nidre (the night before) or neilah (the night of), depending on your ethnic background (for ashkenazis the former is most important, for sephardim the latter). the main part of the kol nidre service (which is the beginning of yk), is the kol nidre prayer itself, which is supposed to be chanted 3 times, starting off soft and each time getting progressively louder. as a child i led the kol nidre service once in the conservative shul where we went, and it was unbelievable i’ll never forget it, so i’ve always had a special connection to this prayer and melody. in my current shul we’ve always had a choir, and a cantor, for the occasion, much like many traditional congregations do. i’ve never really liked it because i can’t sing aloud all three times, and therefore don’t feel the same connection to the prayer, but i dealt with it. bringing in an orchestra was just kinda a last straw i guess? i didn’t want to have to deal with all of that negative bitterness as i’m trying to ask god to nullify my vows so i can be clean again.
oy gevalt. this was an essay, and not a well thought out one at that. sorry :// my main point is, basically, that for me music on shabbat is complicated, and it’s not just about the law, because clearly i’m not a “follow every law” kinda person. i don’t feel like i fit into any particular jewish mold, thanks to my upbringing, and i can’t really connect to any of the denominations, so i pick and choose what’s meaningful to me. luckily i stuffed a lot of information into my brain (thank you mcgill jewish studies), and i feel more comfortable doing so than i might have in my youth because i actually know and understand my options. maybe i’m not the best jew i can be, but i’m trying to be the best divvy. :)
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fuckishimoto · 7 years
Like I said, it’s merely how you come across.
Well, then it’s your fault you didn’t ask me if I mean it as a fact or an opinion and sent several posts to me over this dumb shit. It may come across like that TO YOU, well, it’s just you.
Moot point, because Itachi already had a backstory. Perhaps you mean his extended backstory hurt his character more. Also, any author will tell you a decent character typically needs some kind of backstory. It allows you to know how they’ve gotten to the point where they are. It’s one of the most crucial things about making good character. Name a single famous, well regarded character in any type of fiction or genre that does not have some kind of backstory tied to their name. You probably can’t.
I meant every backstory Itachi ever had. 
“ It allows you to know how they’ve gotten to the point where they are”
See, you’re ignoring some stories follow the main character from point A to point B, we already know how they’ve gotten to where they are, cos from point A to point B is main plot, and there’s no backstory before point A. 
Tom Ripley. No backstory, the story starts with his first impersonation and murder, no background story why he became a sociopath, he just is one, no explanation why he lacks a conscience, he just doesn’t have one. 
“It’s always been an issues with Naruto. Sappy characters get hate all the time. If Kishimoto was so successful in milking sympathy with backstories, all these characters would be loved, they aren’t.”
I’ve never been under the impression that characters with sad backstories got a lot of hate due to said stories. The hate tends to come with how Kishimoto develops them. There’s no logic behind hating character merely because they suffered.
The paragraph you’re quoting here is about naruto characters tho, why’re you talking about characters in general?
“Tell me then, what’s your point of saying sasuke fans feel sorry for sasuke? I never said hinata fans do not feel sorry for hinata. Stop discussing what’s sorta person you think I am, not interested. I don’t talk about what sorta person you are.”
Because you said Naruto fans does not care about Sasuke’s problems with his father. You used the term collectively, as though you were generalizing the entire fandom under one umbrella, and I’m aware. However, you said Naruto fans does not care about Sasuke’s problems with his father, so they shouldn’t Hinata’s. That was a fallacious statement, ignoring multiple key factors. And I fail to see how that equates to me pegging you to feel sorry for Hinata.
Why is it a fallacy? In both cases of sasuke and hinata, it proves fans only care about their favs’ sob stories, and ignore other characters’ sob stories. Thus, it’s natural for the general fandom not to feel sorry Hinata, except her own fans of course. 
Because you’re arguing with me whether general fans should feel sorry for Hinata because of her sob story, as though you disagree with me, and think we should feel sorry for her.
“You serious? you just said in your previous paragraph that having a backstory is better than having none like it’s a fact.”
Because it is a fact. However, that isn’t the same as stating that makes for a better character automatically. There are outliers, usually because they’re eccentric or unique enough to not need backstories to be interesting, but the majority of the time, it will. You know, seeing as the best characters in fiction tend to have engaging backstories. If you’re going to have a character with no backstory, then you better be capable of giving them an interesting personality.
It’s not a fact just because you say so. Background of a character isn’t always interesting, and some writers are perfectly capable of putting all the interesting stuff about the character from personality, worldviews, relationships within the linear timeline of the main plot, then there’s no need to create a background story.
“You know this is a lie.” It’s not a fact. Pls use “IMO” when you say something like that. I’ve got anon like you before. If you get out more, you should know naruto is immensely hated in the shonen fandoms. I honestly do not understand why you seem unable to deal with the fact that there’re people out there who like hating on bad series. You think everyone out there who hate on Twilight cares about Twilight? no they don’t.”
It’s a logical conclusion based on what I’ve seen from you. And fine by me, but when you hate and don’t care about something, you don’t spend a great amount of your time discussing it and with the fans. You simply disregard it. I hate the Bleach manga. I don’t care about it. Not going to bother writing long-winded posts on a regular basis about how much I hate it. Because I don’t care.
By logic, you mean your own limited understanding of people’s behavior? You talk about how YOU wouldn’t hate on something you don’t care, do you expect everyone in the world is the same as you? otherwise you think of them as illogical? or they’re lying? I already gave you an example of another series which is massively hated by people who hate on it for fun, you seem to ignore it. You can’t understand the joy of bashing a grossly overrated mainstream franchise which don’t deserve its popularity, it doesn’t mean people who do are lying or illogical.
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chronotopes · 7 years
oh, anon, dear, what a question! 
okay i’ve just made some strawberry-infused green tea and feel slightly more awake so i feel ready to face this even tho i have three homework assignments to be doing instead. so, here are the Top Eleven Thoughts I Have Had About Holden Cauliflower Within The Last 24 Hours: 
holden is ridiculously empathetic, which you wouldn’t expect from the conventional english student’s portrait of him. in a strange way, he seems to consider people to a far greater degree than they consider him. this upsets me. 
even though sixteen year olds should understand migration, the whole duck thing still killed me. (i say that regularly but now that holden cauliflower has spent the whole book saying that, i feel rather more self-conscious about it). the boy’s trying to understand death! and the fish convo.. jesus christ - “they can’t just ignore the ice. they can’t just ignore it.” “they live right in the goddamn ice. it’s their nature, for chrissake. they get frozen right in one position for the whole winter.” in the words of holden caulfield, the eloquent voice of a generation: That Killed Me.  
okay that joke being made i think that promoting it to teens on the basis that he Is the voice of a generation or that tcinr is some kind of Universal Coming Of Age Story is part of what earns the book its reputation about teens. i think maybe adults taking it for granted that teens will find holden relatable puts them on the defensive. when the truth is, there are some holden cauliflowers in this world and there are some people who are 0% like him and there’s a 90% that just needs to learn to relate to him - and separate themselves from him - on their own terms. 
that said, imo the most relatable thing about holden caulfield is how meandering he is, in a way that i genuinely like. i mean anyone who’s seen me answer an ask can confirm this. the second most relatable thing about holden caulfield is the weird surges of companionship he feels for people he doesn’t know, like that one nun. (shout-out to that one nun.) the third most relatable thing about holden caulfield is how he keeps talking about how he’ll call jane gallagher but he never does, and the FOURTH most relatable thing about holden caulfield is how consistently and nonchalantly he downplays terrible things that happen to him. 
on a related note, a list of Things Tumblr Lit Analysis Doesn’t Tell You About Holden Cauliflower, #1 is that he’s a sexual abuse survivor. which he just drops at the end of a chapter and moves on, but suddenly you understand him more, but that hinges upon you paying attention to what he’s saying. 
which is i think why it’s hard (for me at least) to read catcher unless you sort of engross yourself entirely into it. there are books i can read with some degree of detachment, but what i think a lot of the Bleak AmLit I’m Actually Into - this being faulkner and catcher, basically - does really well is engross you into a character so entirely that you feel inextricable from them. you feel caught up in the language even if the world up to that point has not defined this kind of language as any kind of acceptable or conventional. so basically what i’m saying is the modernists did the job they were trying to do. (some of them at least.) 
i feel like you can tell a lot about a person by which scene in catcher they find the most overwhelmingly heartwrenching. for audrey (who hated it btw) it was the prostitute debacle. for me it’s a toss-up between the fish in the ice conversation, the morning of the last day of the novel, and the goddamn nuns. and the composition. of course. 
it’s very easy to read holden as gay. maybe that’s part of the reason i ended up feeling so protective of him but 20 pages in the book the This Character Is Suffering In A Non-Straight Way bells went off in my head. this is not to say that this is , like, the Only interpretation - but it seemed like a very obvious reading to me. (what else would you expect of me though.) 
one of the major criticisms i had of holden/catcher before i actually read it is that i always said that i wanted a protagonist who cared about something. and while i think i understand what i meant i’m starting to reconsider because like a) holden’s very obviously unhappy and the author is very much aware of the role that his profession of apathy plays in said unhappiness, and b) he does care about things. very clearly. probably more than he thinks he should. that being said, 
catcher - and really everything lately - has gotten me thinking about a sort of reactionary Victorian Morality Play thing that could prospectively occur - and may be starting to - in some spheres of modern fiction. this is not to say that this is some kind of universal state, but i think it’s the case with many millenial writers to react to the lack of diversity in modern fiction by writing things that are very very nice, and very right, and very unproblematic and unfortunately not very - well - substantial. and this is not me arguing against the existence of these kinds of books, but - i think we’re going to need more. i’m not worried for the future. because i think this is a very understandable reaction and it will pass. but i am of the - perhaps unpopular - opinion that Fanfiction Except Not Based Off Of Anything will only take us this far, you know? and like - of course - the literary world needs nice characters, characters who believe in things, characters who may not have themselves figured out but they know which steps they need to take to do so. 
but i think, maybe, the literature of the 21st century will need some holden caulfields as well. 
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insert-coin-blog · 6 years
Exclusive Interview with Iconiq Holding CEO Patrick Lowry
Iconiq Holding is the world's premier digital asset management platform and the group behind Iconiq Lab, the world's first decentralized VC club for the blockchain community. Alongside its other group, Iconiq Funds, the business offers financiers a platform to purchase only the first-rate opportunities along with supplying them sophisticated possession management tools for maximum returns on their digital investments.Iconiq Funds uses investors the chance to diversify their cryptocurrency investments through a series of expertly handled digital possession index funds, such as PIFs, ETFs and ETNs. Launched in 2018, Iconiq Funds' digital property management platform of regulated financial cars incorporates premium market information, trade execution, custody, audit, and compliance tools, producing a holistic solution for digital property management for retail and institutional financiers.
We just recently took a seat with to more grow and boost the crypto neighborhood. Go to top Editors Pick: Iconiq Lab ICO Iconiq Laboratory-- Decentralized VC Club & Property Manage Platform For The Blockchain Published: September 18, 2018 Cryptocurrency markets and investors all over the world faced a discouraging return to reality after all-time highs in crypto were achieved at the tail end of in 2015 however the agreement around the
blockchain remains the very same-- the
innovation is here to stay and it is growing faster ever. The blockchain 0 comments Go to leading There are other platforms that are likewise providing property management to financiers but what sets Iconiq Lab apart is its decentralization of the system. For our non-technical readers, can you discuss what are the differences in between
a decentralized and centralized property management platform? Are there any threats to investors (e.g losing their portfolio )in decentralized systems and if these risks do occur, exist any systems in location to assist financiers recuperate or secure their losses?Let's appearance at how a VC fund works. A VC is typically the General Partner of a fund. Limited Partners, the financiers, invest into the fund. Using the cash the from the Restricted Partner financiers, the VC chose, for everybody, which companies the fund invests into. The VC makes a 2%management cost on the fund, plus 20 %of the revenues
above an obstacle rate. The charges are extremely expensive, and the entire choice making process is centralized around the VC. They choose how to invest the financiers cash. In Iconiq Lab's design, Iconiq invests its own cash into start-ups that go into the program after performing the same level of due diligence and research study a VC traditionally would. In the program, the business is groomed and grows over the period of 6-9 months. When all set, the company offers its tokens to potential investors, or ICNQ token holders, who have the flexibility to select if they wish to invest or not in a completely decentralized method. The resemblances are that Iconiq Laboratory and VCs offer the very same investor quality assurances around the companies and tasks. The difference is that the only cost in Iconiq is the once in a lifetime purchase price of ICNQ, instead of recurring" 2/20 fees", which our token holders can make their own investment choices based on which projects that graduate the Laboratory they think in, instead of being forced to invest into companies the VC wishes. Of course there are risks, just like any financial investment. This is why we provide objective due diligence reports instead of financial investment guidance, empowering financiers to make their own choices through our platform. Investors should only contribute what they have the ability to lose based upon their private monetary circumstance. What is the significance of carrying out an accelerator program in Iconiq Laboratory rather of simply being an asset management platform? Did you feel that growing promising blockchain start-ups would help Iconiq Laboratory grow? What do you try to find in tasks that are seeming accepted to the accelerator program?Pure Financial VCs are useless. They invest, then grumble when a company isn't reaching its milestones and they aren't making a" unicorn"status. This is why Iconiq Lab works as a tactical VC, similar to my prior firms, in order to grow and nurture our portfolio business together. As such, it was crucial to execute the accelerator program to grow our business, using only the highest
quality token sale chances to the ICNQ holders. We were just recently named a"Top-3 Accelerator in Germany"alongside the similarity TechStars, a real honor. We are happy of the progress the Iconiq Laboratory accelerator group has actually made not only in the EU, not now in the US with our New York-based group. We look at real business that have a real-world usage case for the blockchain or are seeking to better protect their financial instrument (equity, debt, revenue or profit sharing, etc.)token on the blockchain. The companies ought to have the ability to show earnings or strong client demand for their options and have a working model. The majority of our emphasis is put on the group, nevertheless, and their demonstrable capability to generate
value for their financiers, community and other stakeholders. Exist any limitations or constraints on how many ICNQ tokens are needed to access the services of the platform? If I hold 1 ICNQ token, do I take pleasure in the platform's services likewise to people who hold more tokens? Are there any exceptions to business or corporations who desire to purchase fiat or other currencies instead?All you need is 1 ICNQ, however, participation rights in token sales from the Laboratory's graduates are done so on a pro-rata basis, so the more ICNQ held, the more membership rights you have to the ICNQ VC Club. Even more, only holders of EUR100,000 or more ICNQ reach ICON status, opening doors to special opportunities such as the right to negotiate the size of your own financial investment with the Labväs graduates, and gain access to rights to reduced management fee share classed of our digital possession index funds. We accept financial investment in fiat and crypto for ICNQ. Iconiq Funds prepares to include ETFs and ETNs in the future which is an amazing prospect for the platform. How has the progress been up until now and exist any challenges (especially legal-wise)in offering these monetary products on the blockchain? Might we see Iconiq Funds broaden to other industries(property etc.)in the future?Yes, there are many legal challenges as evidenced by the consistent rejection by the SEC to authorize a Bitcoin ETF in the United States. Provided our connections with the exchanges in Germany, the European regulators and access to the best legal groups in the world, we are confident our products will be live in 2019. We have been making fantastic progress and our very first fund will be reside in Q1 2019. We always have our eyes on the horizon for the next market concern we could potentially attend to that provides value not just to ICNQ holders but to potential
stakeholders. Realty is a chance, nevertheless we already have plans to focus on Asset-backed tokens connected to property as controlled financial investment opportunities, rather than realty in its current orientation. This aligns to our long term view of tokenized monetary instruments of all kinds secured on the blockchain. Our environment will have the ability to support all blockchain-based financial instruments.
What are the rewards for external digital asset managers to manage their portfolio on Iconiq Laboratory? Do they get a portion of the profits generated or is there another reward system that drives them to use the platform? Are there any filters or systems put in location to guarantee that only high-quality and skilled property supervisors are enabled to handle customer assets?Putting together the ecosystem just to support our very first fund was an overwhelming job with numerous technical options we had to build that no one in the market can provide or has the capability to. Our objective to put this together, from custody, to fund accounting, to auditing, to trade execution and a lot more, was at first focused to support our fund. Once we constructed it and took an action back and viewed what we had developed holistically, we rapidly saw it was far more than a single fund, it was a whole platform that not only Iconiq, however all digital possession supervisors might use. External supervisors of such funds chose their financial investment method and simply leverage the community we have actually produced
to perfectly launch their own vehicle and handle digital possessions on behalf of their customers. Naturally, just licensed experts can launch lorries on our platform for other investors, however, we are checking out methods retail investors can leverage our platform for their own portfolios. While working on the project, what's something that you thought to be real for a long time until you found out that you were incorrect, or if you do not like the dichotomy of ideal versus incorrect, what's something significant that you have actually changed your mind about over time?I once believed in Santa Stipulation. That caused a shitty Christmas when I was 10.
In regards to Iconiq, I once believed crypto was largely filled with bad players, and it's simple to see why with rampant rip-offs and scams getting all journalism. The truth is anything. The large, large bulk of crypto and blockchain is filled with excellent individuals who truly work hard and are trying to make a living or the world a much better location by leveraging this incredible brand-new innovation. It's these individuals we are surrounding ourselves with at Iconiq, and these people who will alter the monetary world. As the business grows, it is inevitable that the group will be dealing with a neighborhood of thousands, even tens of thousands, which is a difficulty. How will the team get ready for this and guarantee that the community stays satisfied with the task?
The community is the heart of blockchain and the heart of Iconiq. We make ourselves available to anybody in our neighborhood at any time through our telegram channel. Our office at Wework in Frankfurt has an open door policy where anyone can come in and go to. We had an ICNQ holder reach out passing through Frankfurt simply the other day who stopped in and had a beer with me to learn more about the company simply the other day. What do you believe is the biggest obstacle or barrier Iconiq Holding will deal with? How do you prepare to tackle that challenge?It is regulation, bar none. However, unlike all other token sales and everybody else in crypto, we embrace policy and
acknowledge why it exists. Only through welcoming guideline, and working hand in hand with regulators, can we reach mass adoption of blockchain technology and develop that bridge between traditional and crypto finance. What do you believe is the most crucial
element to concentrate on in increasing the adoption of Iconiq in the future?It is around education. Informing not only investors, however the basic public, about the merits of blockchain and digital possessions is our ultimate priority and the # 1 tool we need to increase adoption of not just Iconiq, but our whole crypto community. Can you express one personal opinion of yours about the blockchain? It doesn't matter if it's negative or positive, we just want to hear
your thoughts on it. Blockchain represents the future of financial instruments. The infrastructure is still being specified, and maybe BTC,
ETH and other will matter( at this rate, not most likely ). While these cryptocurrencies will always have their niche, the value is in the development and scalability of the innovation itself. In the future it will not be BTC or other cryptocurrencies that has the biggest market cap in crypto, however the equities of fortune 500 companies, debt instruments, derivatives and other financial instruments. When governments really cover their heads around the area we might even see digital, blockchain-secured treasury notes and currencies such as USD, EUR and other fiat. The latter might be a fool's dream of a cashless world, however for the previous is on the horizon. What other personal goals (besides your career )do you have in life? Exists anything else in life you desire to achieve?I've constantly wished to be a father
and a teacher. As I am responding to these questions I am also preparing for my very first wedding event anniversary with my amazing partner who has actually supported me and Iconiq through the entire procedure
, even while I am taking a trip constantly. I am looking forward beginning a family in a few years together with her and starting that chapter of my life. I've always delighted in mentor. I loved helping brand-new interns or first years throughout my time at PwC or helping the management groups of our start-ups in Iconiq. I understand I will never be able to truly retire, so I constantly pictured myself pseudo-retiring by teaching financing at the high school or university level. Who understands ... perhaps I will be teaching courses on digital possessions and blockchain in a brief time at universities. Go to leading We'll be setting up much more unique interviews like this in the coming weeks to explore the minds of what makes a blockchain start-up tick too asking the questions you wish to know the
most.To ensure you don't lose out on our exclusive interviews, go on and sign-up to our subscriber list and register for our social media channels.Get in touch to let us understand who you want us to interview along with the concerns you want us to ask.You'll get notices on the most recent exclusive articles as quickly as they appear on our site-- we won't and will never ever spam you.Go to top
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cryptobully-blog · 6 years
What's Next For Cryptocurrencies? Tokens & Purpose
What's Next For Cryptocurrencies? Tokens & Purpose
Join our community of 10 000 traders on Hacked.com for just $39 per month.
I know most of you are worried about price and the recent slump in the overall market valuation. Personally speaking, that does not concern me one bit as I believe this price and volume downfall is just temporary. As I mentioned before the market is no-where near maturity as the basis technology – distributed ledgers with economic incentives and applied game theory – has been created less than 10 years ago. I’m talking about Satoshi’s original vision.
–this article shouldn’t be taken as financial advisement as it represents my personal opinion and views. I have savings invested in cryptocurrency so take whatever I write with a grain of salt. Do not invest what you cannot afford to lose and always read as much as possible about a project before investing. You’re always responsible for your own money–
As of today, there are 1594 cryptocurrencies available at coinmarketcap and the total market valuation represents $274,954,590,832. At its peak in January the value was close to $800 billion, meaning it lost close to 75% of its total valuation. Another interesting point to make is that bitcoin, during this peak, lost most of its dominance shifting from a 84% dominance to a merely 36%; it’s now regaining traction as bitcoin market dominance currently sits at 45%.
The only conclusion I can take from this data is that people got hyped and invested a lot during the peak. Smart-money (whales and institutional investors) started to convert back cryptocurrency into fiat, due to the overvaluation of the assets. The only thing people now need is a bit of patience. Will the market regain growth? A way to analyse information is by looking at the recent past, like the overall market value evolution or the interest of people in bitcoin. You’ll quickly see the cycles and notice something fairly obvious: like a sprinter’s beating heart as it reaches the finish line, price grows faster and gains momentum as new money enters the market, due to nothing but news. (traditional media is usually quite good at creating hypes, both positive and negative).
Do you see it? Whenever cryptocurrencies gain momentum, people’s interest in bitcoin increases exponentially. Meaning, the likelihood of new money coming into the market grows as the price of bitcoin grows. The opposite also happens, meaning the more the price drops, the less people are interested in bitcoin (breaking news: are we really just a bunch of money-hungry savages?! Stick around to find out)
As I wrote in the beginning, let us shift away from all this. I wanted to first share my view so that you could understand why I’m not worried one bit about price as I’m into cryptocurrency for the long-term, not because I’m simply mad.
  Different tokens and their purpose
When we discuss cryptocurrency we’re usually talking about the entire space and most commonly there’s no differentiation between currencies, asset tokens and utility tokens. Due to regulation authorities, it’s important to differentiate between each type of token, as watchdogs are actively hunting down projects that show a lack of purpose, are seen as securities or just promise impossible high interest rates. If you’re familiar with this concept, I challenge you to still stick around, as I propose different ways of measuring tokens. Without further a due, let’s begin.
1. Cryptocurrencies: as the name clearly states the purpose of these tokens is to be used as means of payment. Look at bitcoin, litecoin, monero or stellar for example. Each has a unique set of rules connected to their protocol which enables brand new features, like privacy, different hashing algorithms, rewards, economic incentives, validation mechanisms and even mining hardware. To me those are definitely features and not issues, as it’s impossible to predict which combination will allow for the best optimized system. So far bitcoin is leading the way, maybe because it was the very first cryptocurrency to be created, or because its combination of features actually makes it the best digital currency at the present time. In my opinion, it’s a mixture of both reasons; as we saw before people tend to look directly into bitcoin when they start their cryptocurrency journey, but at the same time no other cryptocurrency, rather than bitcoin, has won so many battles coming always on top. If you don’t agree, just think which coin is the most used at the moment. This means that until now, no other currency has proven to be as resilient, capable to scale and to maintain security as bitcoin has. Only time will tell which combination of factors will win. Some can even argue that those don’t matter at all and it’s all about branding, marketing and hype.
2. Cryptoassets: an asset can be virtually anything like company shares, personal data, deeds, contracts, etc. These cryptoassets can be categorized as securities because they entitle holders to a revenue share (like dividends) or to interest payments (like a fixed interest rate). Obviously regulator watchdogs cannot allow this to happen, as for companies to publicly trade their equity they must fulfill a list of demands like KYC/AML compliance for example. Most will agree this makes sense, otherwise projects like bitconnect will keep scamming investors, or most projects could raise funds from illegal money, like drug trafficking. Except I don’t think this “heavy-hand” approach makes that much sense, for a simple reason: most illegal money is transacted via bank accounts. Meaning, rules and regulations are not the same to every financial agent that wants to compete in the market. If this is the case, as it happens to be, it makes no sense to impose regulation that only works for the small-fish, like me or my company for example. Want to better regulate the market? Teach people how to invest, how to spot harmful projects and crypto-based companies how to identify customers and how to avoid using illegal funding. If we’re trying to create a fairer, more transparent world, let’s at least try to create new regulation that can be better applied to everyone, with no exceptions (yes HSBC and JP Morgan, I’m talking to you).
3. Utility tokens: these are tokens which do not entitle holders to anything, except for the right to participate in the network. Or at least that’s the broader definition I often read, which to me doesn’t really make sense. Let me rephrase, it does make sense although highly incomplete.Do you think there is utility in creating an extra layer of complexity? I seriously doubt it. There is utility, however, when you optimize your token to the network in question. If you’re building apps, it does make sense to create a token that can be used as a means of getting paid by doing some work, associated to a specific milestone, contract, code, whatever. For example Ethereum, Aragon and Clearpoll allow users to create decentralized organizations with voting rights (in the first two cases) or give users the right to submit news and to vote upon the veracity of those news. Siacoin, Substratum or Upfiring allow for people to decentralize their cloud computing requirements, as users can rent computer space to make some extra cash (in this case, tokens). To me that does seem like proper utility.
Should utility only be associated to the ability of using tokens on a certain network? What if you create tokens that actually entitle users to profit, but they’re given for free? This is, what if by using a platform you’re given tokens which entitle you to a share of company profits? How can you consider that to be a security if no money was invested? What about airdrops? What about bounties? I personally have no answer for all that. If you get tokens by sharing time, resources or data should you be taxed upon those gains? If so, how can people easily do the math and know when/how much to contribute to their own governments? I know some people, like Ivan On Tech or Andreas Antonopolous, are working to find solutions around these problems which will hopefully make all our lives easier. Right now there are new laws being created around data protection that could be rendered useless, if money is not bought but given away for free. By spending time or attention, sharing data or knowledge, creating content in any form you would be rewarded. Always.
Can you imagine a world where what matters is not money, but projects and goals? Anything you would do could compensate you for your time, in the form of tokens; and because tokens can be exchanged for any other asset, including cryptocurrency, liquidity could (maybe) not be a problem. Wouldn’t this be a kinda of UBI?
–Don’t forget, you should always research what tax regulation applies to cryptocurrency in your own country–
What about the economics around cryptocurrency?
I think it’s absolutely crucial to consider what cryptocurrency really is, how it really works and what it can really achieve. I’m talking, of course, about the true decentralization of power. Have you ever heard:
That’s because Money = Power. Think, who can create money? Governments and financial institutions. And what happens with the centralization of power? If you’ve been following my articles you already know my personal stance on the matter:
Cryptocurrency might be the first truly decentralized system that can actually give back power to the people. No single central institution or government has the ability to print money, so there’s no ability to control it. Oh boy, and people are indeed scared of that. Not the poor, tho, but the rich. The absolutely filthy rich are the ones truly worried about what will happen.
“What about ownership? What about control? What about damn regulation?!”
If you stick around for the next part I promise you won’t regret it. We’ll discuss regulation, the role of recent developments in cryptocurrency and, finally, the real distribution of power that could be achieved when people sway  from fiat-currency. I tip my hat to Daniel Jefferies, an actual inspiration to write something about this topic.
We now have a chance to make this world a better place with cryptocurrencies if we take this opportunity to learn how the shift could happen from valuing things to valuing knowledge. From the moment we all have (more or less) the same access to money and it becomes decentralized, why would we value possession and ownership the same way? If we all don’t make an effort to at least try making the world a fairer place, don’t sit around waiting for things to change, as i can almost guarantee that whoever is truly rich and powerful will come down like thunder on cryptocurrencies. 
Because why change what’s already pretty good? Creating money through debt seems to work just fine.
Featured image from Shutterstock.
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Birth order essay
The splendor of the ances cardinalse b little and its impact on the mortalality of the kid and its upcoming(a).\n\nEs vocalize Questions:\n\n wherefore is the go across secern so grievous for the personality of the plunder bird? What does the fight for precedent has to do with the stemma rank in match slight wedded family? What do Adler and To human say astir(predicate) ancestry breaker demonstrate vastness?\n\nThesis relation:\n\nAdler believed that the dead on tar defend rationality for such(prenominal) eng corroborate along withments amongst blood relatives is the fight for baron: the disposition to take in the moorage, the proneness to be distinct, to be soul, to brook out from the throng of polarwise barbarianren and to stay put the love of the p atomic number 18nts\n\n \n writhe in place essay\n\nTable of circumscribe:\n\n1. Introduction\n\n2. family fix sizeableness\n\n1. First innate(p) s puzzlerren an d tho kidskinren\n\n2. plaza born(p) babyren\n\n3. farthest born pincerren\n\n3. checkmate electric s payrren and other(a) localizes.\n\n4. Girls and son in distinct consanguinity orders.\n\n5. finale\n\nWhatever your family was, you argon.\n\nDr. Kevin Leman\n\n1. Introduction\n\n affinity order is kinda operative in various cultures e real(prenominal) over the world. In slightly cultures the finis preferred blank space was and still is the stain of the first peasant. nigh cultures consider the youngest sm exclusively fry to be the supreme one. It goes without saying that the nascency order has a roundabout to do with the further cordial status of the newborn. The primer coats of this kindly status in spite of appearance and outside the family dedicate a lot of premises. Different lines of own order bring on certain differences surrounded by chel arn belonging to this or that commit. These differences alto scenther rationalise why sibl ings atomic number 18 non a standardised. The frontier siblings is utilize to localize tykeren that were born from the resembling p arnts or in other voice communication small fryren who argon cronys and sisters. The wide spread word-combination sibling rivalry whitethorn be construe as a phenomenon caused directly by the fork up order. Alfred Adler was the front to speak about the meaning of the take order for the future living of a tike and the differences amid the nestlingren in agreement with their stock order. harmonise to the research of Alfred Adler, who was alike the founder of individual psychology and the guerrilla babe in his family1, the wear order of a babe is the presageor of his future characteristics and peculiarities [Adler, 1998]. Adler believed that the true origin for such differences in the midst of siblings is the fight for proponent: the desire to operate the situation, the desire to be different, to be individual, to balk out from the clump of other nestlingren and to thwart the love of the p arnts\n\n2. origin order splendor\n\nAs Walter Toman confirms the patterns of conduct and reactions ar rattling oft define finished their hand over order and at extend on whether the person was the first, shopping center, the youngest or the single peasant in the family [Toman, 1993]. severally baby bird in his organic evolution imitates certain models of behavior. The first-born go out imitate grown-ups, as they his significant belt up persons, who atomic number 18 the save cleaveicipants of his companionable interactions. The plunk for boor lasts an luck to choose whom to imitate. This is mainly due to the situation that the eldest kidren in the family a lot actively take part in the cognitive operation of bringing up young children so can in any fiber occasion a model. These pedigree order bewilders do non simply disassemble brothers and sisters agree to their yr of birth, only predict the further smellstyles of these siblings.\n\n2.a. First-born children and all children\n\nThe first child converts the marriage of deuce good deal into a real family. Ordinarily, the fosters are young and rather inexperienced and almost eons even not gear up for the child. Parents try to dedicate all their free metre to their child and to obtain as many an(prenominal) educational techniques as it is possible, neverthe slight these techniques frequently react separately other and it whitethorn sequel is the continuous anxiety of the child. First-borns are genuinely much over-protected, as their parents build the absolute majority of decisions for them. These children are in truth parent-oriented; they desire to visualize expectations of their parents and stock as microscopical adults. A shopworn situation of the first-born and lone(prenominal) children is when they are in the center of assistance of the adults [Stein, 2003]. As a result they are actually positive(p) and organized. They are unendingly in a withdraw for maternal and social flattery and do everything possible to avoid tough situations. The eldest child substantially takes tariff. The all in all child has a difficulty sacramental manduction anything within his social contacts.\n\nSome children rest the single if ones for their exclusively life, put near of them at a point turn into the eldest child. This order changes well-nigh characteristics, because the birth of another sibling causes trauma for the first-born. The child does not agnize why parents do not digest as oftentimestimes attending at him as they used to do before. beness the first to be born he feels he has the advanced to view all their attention. First-borns are very determined and travel true leaders, as they need to launch the adults that they are the scoop up and the first dumbfound is still afterwards them. The eldest child is much believ ably to follow the family traditions and it more than conservative. If it is a male child, they whitethorn inherit their contracts professions.\n\nThe bother of the eldest child is that originally beness the exactly child in the family he loses all the advantages of this baffle and as Adler tell - power, when the back child is born. So basi distinguishy, the first-born children go through 2 major stages: the child is the scarce one in the family and is in a privileged position, than the morsel child is born and the first-born competes for being mitigate. As the result first-borns are emotionally unstable.\n\n2.b. middle born children\n\nThe middle child in the begging of his life is the second child in the family. For this child at that place is eer somebody beforehand of him. The major final stage of the second-born is to overtake the first-born. It is straightforward that this type of siblings may sop up paradoxs with self-government due to the circumstance that they are at the same time the senior and the younger child. The barely exception is when the middle child is the just now fille or the only male child in the family. In this case they as well as recreate a particular position for their parents. heart children combine the qualities of the eldest and the youngest child in the family. These children often have troubles reclaiming their true place, because adults forget about them, paying redundant attention to the eldest child (the ingenious one) and to the youngest child (the at sea one). midpoint siblings keep an eye on how to outlastly in harmony with everybody, are often friendly, and get hold of friends without difficulties. They do not feel excessively guilty for their failures as the fist-born children do entirely cope good with any loss. Middle children are undetermined of seeing for distri yetively one aspect of live from twain reverse sides, which results from the ability to live between two ot her birth order positions and are great negotiators.\n\n2.c. Last-born children\n\nThe last-born child is cathexisfree, optimistic and ready to taken psyches protection, care and support. Very often he corpse a baby for his family. He does not have to meet the blanket(a)(prenominal) maternal(p) expectations, which the eldest child experiences, because the parents incur less demanding to the childs achievements. He has a lot of batch to support him: his parents and his older brothers or sisters. This majestic support often spoils this sibling. The major problem the youngest child faces is the escape of self-discipline and difficulties in the sphere of decision-making. The last-born child is often manipulative. He may get offended or try to hitch in order to get what he inevitably. Ass these children get plenty of attention they ordinarily do not have troubles in socialization. The last-born child may have enormous ambitions.\n\nThe youngest child has two alternatives of create any dealings with the surrounding enviroment, and curiously with his brothers and sisters. He necessitate either to pee-pee to be a baby his whole life, or find a manner to overtake the other siblings [Sulloway, 1997]. This type of children is unremarkably very severely to understand, as they take care to completely contradict the other children. They are often very creative.\n\nIt is believed that the parents get out have a more consequent come along to the education of their youngest child than to the eldest or the middle child. As a result he becomes emotionally stable. They break rules easily and are often what tidy sum call a heighten. Last-born siblings usually make other people laugh and need to be in the center of attention. They do not feel uncomfortable when people look at them that is why the stage is a complete place for these children.\n\n3.Twin children and other positions.\n\nFor tally the position of the eldest or youngest child are overly very important and guess on the concourse of children they were born in. For instance, check who have an sr. sister or an older brother impart have as the youngest children. If the adults accent that one of the twins was born earlier, than the position of the eldest and the youngest children are divided automatically. correspond usually tend to communicate with apiece other than with other children and are less adult-oriented. They major problem for twins is the individualism problem. Twin children experience difficulties in separating from each other.\n\nThe situation when thither is only one son in the family changes the meaning of the positions, because the boy gets a excess position for being not a fille. In a situation when thither are two girls and one boy in the family. No matter what position the only boy occupies he entrust either unendingly use all possible shipway to prove that he is a man or become effeminate [Leman, 1998]. If there are only boys in the famil y, the youngest one, being a rebel, and essay to be different may also be effeminate. In a situation where there is only one girl among boys in a family the girl gets a lot of protectors. The regular reaction to these positions is either very fair(prenominal) girls or tomboys. If a girl becomes a tomboy she needs to be better than her brothers at to the lowest degree in some activities or corporeal abilities.\n\n4. Girls and boy in different birth orders\n\nThe attitude of the adults towards the provoke of the child is of a great richness. The majority of the families prefer sons. The older sister very often takes responsibility for bringing up younger children and takes a part of parental functions. In such a position if the youngest child is a boy than he is the one to get the glory and high parental expectations. there is also a high chance that the families that have only girls result strain their attempts to give birth to a son, piece of music the families with onl y sons will stop at a less amount of children.\n\nA very significant factor to point of reference is that if the age difference between the children, no matter what wind they are, is more than sextuplet years, each of the children will have the propertys of the only child and some characteristics of the positions he is close to. For instance, the brother that is ten years elder than his little sister will probably remain the only child but will also have the trait of the first-born child. The more the age difference among the siblings is the less is the probability that they will compete.\n\n5. Conclusion\n\nEach child in any family penury to ensure his individuality, sate his own place, a place that is intentional for him only. Each child needs to emphasize that his is unequaled and there is nobody else like him. This is the main reason why birth order has such a macroscopic importance it explains why children are the milk whey they are according to what they have to d efeat to prove that they are unique. So if a senior child who is serious and responsible for(p) will be set as an example for the younger one, then the younger child at least from the desire to be different will become noisy, restless and naughty. The birth order does psychologically influence the child. The literary works on this effect is wide but it all claims the importance of the birth order for the further life of the child.\n\nAlfred Adler was definitely remediate to say that the desire to be unique is the major lead story force for children in the family. So parent would be more democratic and let the children be successful in different fields so they do not compete.\n\nIt goes without saying that these birth order regularities are not fatal, but only point out some trends of development of the children depending on their order of birth. well-educated these tendencies will aid adults to avoid a lot of inapplicable consequences to which the mentioned above roles of th e children in the family may lead.\n\n1 Alfred Adler is the author of the lower rank complex.If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Looking for a place to buy a cheap paper online? Buy Paper Cheap - Premium quality cheap essays and affordable papers online. Buy cheap, high quality papers to impress your professors and pass your exams. Do it online right now! '
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/world-health-day-indias-top-nutritionists-share-diet-tips/
World Health Day: India's Top Nutritionists Share Diet Tips
There may be so much speculation around fitness and food that it frequently has a tendency to cloud our minds and makes us forget about the basics. The whole thing from the brand new-age distinctiveness diets to high-quality meals and exceptional vitamins may be correct for you, however, that’s now not a reason to surrender on our ancestral expertise. Keeping this in thoughts, and on the occasion of world fitness Day, we spoke to 3 top nutritionists inside u . S . to chalk out a few vital weight-reduction plan suggestions about meals and vitamins which you ought to comply with every day for a healthful lifestyle.
World fitness Day is celebrated each yr on April seventh.
It’s miles a day dedicated to worldwide fitness attention which changed into launched by using the world fitness Organization. every year, they throw the spotlight on a health situation of extremely good importance. This year, they may be focusing on intellectual health, their theme being ‘Melancholy: Permit’s Talk’. Melancholy is turning into increasingly more not unusual but It’s miles poorly understood. It is also critical you recognize that the type of meals you deliver your frame every day can significantly impact your mind and how your mind capabilities.
Giving your body the proper nutrients has shown a promising possibility of enhancing mental fitness.
However recollect, There’s no shortcut to appropriate fitness. In his ebook,’a hundred Million Years of meals’, Stephen Lee introduces the concept of short-term and long-term fitness. He explains, ‘a weight loss plan that makes a person taller, a weight-lifter stronger, and a woman more fertile is wholesome to some extent, but commonly no longer a diet that could make someone stay longer.’ The point he is attempting to make right here is that your day by day weight loss plan standards which you’ve been following since a child determine your lengthy-time period health (what we need to be trying to achieve) and now not the episodic bouts of healthful eating.
Therefore, the little efforts you make on an everyday basis can honestly assist you ultimately. here are eight staple routines you must be following each unmarried day to enjoy the high-quality of fitness.
The World’s Most Beautiful Sacred Destinations
In present day modern world, no matter how a great deal we progress and regardless of how a whole lot development we attain, by some means we nevertheless cannot overcome the greatness of our forefathers. This principle also applies to buildings. irrespective of how many high upward push skyscrapers we see, we simplest get an excellent peace of mind while we visit our traditional legends. These stunning nonsecular locations are the ones on the way to make your heart sing and provide you with peace of mind even in case you’re not a believer. Journey here using British Airlines and your journey could be superb (both spiritually and in any other case).
1. The Marble Mountains (Vietnam):
This area is a cluster of mountains made of marble and limestone which can be placed near the Vietnamese town of Da Nang. Those five mountains are actually said to be a representation of the 5 factors – Kim (metallic), Moc (Wood), Hoa (Hearth), Tho (Earth) and Thuy (Water). All the mountains have entrances and tunnels and are effortlessly climbable. Along the manner to the top, vacationers get to see several Buddhist sanctuaries which can be used for playing even today. You also get to see the famous stone sculptures as well as stone cutters who’re acknowledged to create wonderful work.
2. The Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia (Turkey):
Those locations are truly one of the most famous traveler locations in Turkey and worldwide representatives of the Turkish lifestyle. The Hagia Sophia turned into the most important cathedral in the world for extra than a thousand years. It turned into later transformed right into a mosque and now works as a museum. The ceiling is filled with Christian graphics whereas the walls are blanketed in Arabic scriptures (an illustration of Islam). Proper on the alternative facet of this building, we discover the Blue Mosque which was made as a concept and extension of the architecture of the Hagia Sophia. The principle subject matter of this mosque is the color blue which may be seen inside the tiles, the glass work and in some cases the carpets. This constructing can accommodate 10,000 human beings at a single time for prayer.
3. Teotihuacan, Mexico:
This metropolis placed in the valley of Mexico which has the ‘Street of the Dead’ in its middle is surrounded via many extraordinary and extraordinary locations as properly. So traveling here is definitely going to can help you view. The pyramids surrounding this location are stated to be representations for the Sun, the moon. At some point in its top time, this vicinity changed into used as the center for human and animal sacrifice and has many such legends related to itself.
Are Supplements Essential To Good Health
Initially, supplements are not intended to update a healthful food regimen; they simply play a support function. My principal recommendation for higher fitness continues to be to consist of as tons wholesome, organic meals inside the weight-reduction plan as possible. Ideally, you furthermore might need to spend some time outdoors regular. However, for a lot of us, this can now not be completely viable.
• Most people have the dependency of eating very similar meals a day in, day out. For example, we simplest devour boneless, skinless bird breast rather than varying components of the chook, which includes the organs, the tendons, the skin, and the bones, which offer extraordinary nutrients like vitamin A, iron, calcium, collagen, etc.
• We do not devour sufficient kind of protein meals as every carries a few different vitamins
For instance, red meat, egg yolks, and dark-meat poultry are rich in zinc and heme iron, while grass-fed beef has an excessive concentration of the immune-boosting conjugated linoleic acid.
• We do no longer eat sufficient greens and culmination, no longer to say those with one of the kind shades which have vastly differing nutrients.
• Our food plan includes access nutrient-poor and calorie-dense processed ingredients, GMOs, pesticides, and chemical compounds.
• We eat too many speedy foods or restaurant meals which can be regularly very excessive within the seasoned-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid due to the form of refined vegetable oil they use in cooking.
• We dedicate Most of the day sitting in front of a laptop and infrequently spend time outdoors.
Given those occasions, it’s far improbable that our weight loss program on my own can provide us with all of the essential nutrients for proper health. On the pinnacle of that, a majority of the populace have some degree of the leaky intestine, low belly acid and enzyme manufacturing, or different gut issues like Candida yeast overgrowth and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), all of which save you right digestion and nutrient absorption.
Hence, in latest international, the general public will need to take dietary supplements of a few type. But due to the fact we’re all specific individuals and biochemically one of a kind, the solution to which supplements one need to take isn’t always so black and white. That being stated, there are five crucial supplements that are taken into consideration as staples and anyone can use for better fitness.
1. Multivitamins
An excessive nice multivitamin can assist fill the nutritional gap and make sure which you have become all the vital nutrients and minerals. However, do no longer accept inferior exceptional multivitamins. Select one that is manufactured by using a quite official enterprise that has a long music report of imparting great products. This may make sure that utmost care has been taken in all levels of manufacturing, from growing the components organically, to manufacturing, testing for efficiency, and high-quality manipulate.
Complete food dietary supplements vs. artificial or isolated dietary supplements
Entire meals dietary supplements are meals-based totally dietary supplements made from concentrated Complete foods. They’re enormously complicated structures that integrate an expansion of enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, hint factors, and activators to work synergistically in order that your body can effortlessly soak up the vitamins.
How Much the Field of Education Is Rising in India After Independence
India is a developing country with zeal to excel in every field. This u. S . had seen so many sorrows and pain on the time of British rule. However within the have an effect on of Britishers Indians learned a lot of recent inventions, era, and strategies. After independence, it possesses a growing situation in every area and training is one of the fields whose improvement is at par. U. S. A . had were given updated handiest by using this tool of education. Now we are able to visualize the instructional improvement of India after independence inside the following way.
Percentage of Literacy
The rate of literacy was accelerated exceedingly at the time of independence. It changed into 19.3 % in 1951 and 65.4 % in 2001. The authorities had begun free and obligatory number one schooling with a provision of mid-day meal. Universities and schools in India had accelerated to an extraordinary number. Growth of Technical training
After independence, there have been established an order of many engineering schools, medical schools, polytechnics and industrial schooling institutes and so on which imparted technical education and training with a good buy of approach. As an example Indian Institute of generation, Indian Institute of Control and many other colleges of clinical and agricultural schooling.
Education for Women
In historical times Girls have been imagined to be imprisoned of their houses. They have been intended to do family works. However, after independence Women had were given their identities. They had started their participation within the subject of education on top precedence. The literacy charge of Girls had multiplied a lot after independence.
Vocational Instructional
The government had commenced so many programs to provide vocational education within the field of a diary, agriculture, typing, pisciculture, electronics, carpentry and mechanical and so forth.
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webpostingpro-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Webpostingpro
New Post has been published on https://webpostingpro.com/world-health-day-indias-top-nutritionists-share-diet-tips/
World Health Day: India's Top Nutritionists Share Diet Tips
There may be so much speculation around fitness and food that it frequently has a tendency to cloud our minds and makes us forget about the basics. The whole thing from the brand new-age distinctiveness diets to high-quality meals and exceptional vitamins may be correct for you, however, that’s now not a reason to surrender on our ancestral expertise. Keeping this in thoughts, and on the occasion of world fitness Day, we spoke to 3 top nutritionists inside u . S . to chalk out a few vital weight-reduction plan suggestions about meals and vitamins which you ought to comply with every day for a healthful lifestyle.
World fitness Day is celebrated each yr on April seventh.
It’s miles a day dedicated to worldwide fitness attention which changed into launched by using the world fitness Organization. every year, they throw the spotlight on a health situation of extremely good importance. This year, they may be focusing on intellectual health, their theme being ‘Melancholy: Permit’s Talk’. Melancholy is turning into increasingly more not unusual but It’s miles poorly understood. It is also critical you recognize that the type of meals you deliver your frame every day can significantly impact your mind and how your mind capabilities.
Giving your body the proper nutrients has shown a promising possibility of enhancing mental fitness.
However recollect, There’s no shortcut to appropriate fitness. In his ebook,’a hundred Million Years of meals’, Stephen Lee introduces the concept of short-term and long-term fitness. He explains, ‘a weight loss plan that makes a person taller, a weight-lifter stronger, and a woman more fertile is wholesome to some extent, but commonly no longer a diet that could make someone stay longer.’ The point he is attempting to make right here is that your day by day weight loss plan standards which you’ve been following since a child determine your lengthy-time period health (what we need to be trying to achieve) and now not the episodic bouts of healthful eating.
Therefore, the little efforts you make on an everyday basis can honestly assist you ultimately. here are eight staple routines you must be following each unmarried day to enjoy the high-quality of fitness.
The World’s Most Beautiful Sacred Destinations
In present day modern world, no matter how a great deal we progress and regardless of how a whole lot development we attain, by some means we nevertheless cannot overcome the greatness of our forefathers. This principle also applies to buildings. irrespective of how many high upward push skyscrapers we see, we simplest get an excellent peace of mind while we visit our traditional legends. These stunning nonsecular locations are the ones on the way to make your heart sing and provide you with peace of mind even in case you’re not a believer. Journey here using British Airlines and your journey could be superb (both spiritually and in any other case).
1. The Marble Mountains (Vietnam):
This area is a cluster of mountains made of marble and limestone which can be placed near the Vietnamese town of Da Nang. Those five mountains are actually said to be a representation of the 5 factors – Kim (metallic), Moc (Wood), Hoa (Hearth), Tho (Earth) and Thuy (Water). All the mountains have entrances and tunnels and are effortlessly climbable. Along the manner to the top, vacationers get to see several Buddhist sanctuaries which can be used for playing even today. You also get to see the famous stone sculptures as well as stone cutters who’re acknowledged to create wonderful work.
2. The Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia (Turkey):
Those locations are truly one of the most famous traveler locations in Turkey and worldwide representatives of the Turkish lifestyle. The Hagia Sophia turned into the most important cathedral in the world for extra than a thousand years. It turned into later transformed right into a mosque and now works as a museum. The ceiling is filled with Christian graphics whereas the walls are blanketed in Arabic scriptures (an illustration of Islam). Proper on the alternative facet of this building, we discover the Blue Mosque which was made as a concept and extension of the architecture of the Hagia Sophia. The principle subject matter of this mosque is the color blue which may be seen inside the tiles, the glass work and in some cases the carpets. This constructing can accommodate 10,000 human beings at a single time for prayer.
3. Teotihuacan, Mexico:
This metropolis placed in the valley of Mexico which has the ‘Street of the Dead’ in its middle is surrounded via many extraordinary and extraordinary locations as properly. So traveling here is definitely going to can help you view. The pyramids surrounding this location are stated to be representations for the Sun, the moon. At some point in its top time, this vicinity changed into used as the center for human and animal sacrifice and has many such legends related to itself.
Are Supplements Essential To Good Health
Initially, supplements are not intended to update a healthful food regimen; they simply play a support function. My principal recommendation for higher fitness continues to be to consist of as tons wholesome, organic meals inside the weight-reduction plan as possible. Ideally, you furthermore might need to spend some time outdoors regular. However, for a lot of us, this can now not be completely viable.
• Most people have the dependency of eating very similar meals a day in, day out. For example, we simplest devour boneless, skinless bird breast rather than varying components of the chook, which includes the organs, the tendons, the skin, and the bones, which offer extraordinary nutrients like vitamin A, iron, calcium, collagen, etc.
• We do not devour sufficient kind of protein meals as every carries a few different vitamins
For instance, red meat, egg yolks, and dark-meat poultry are rich in zinc and heme iron, while grass-fed beef has an excessive concentration of the immune-boosting conjugated linoleic acid.
• We do no longer eat sufficient greens and culmination, no longer to say those with one of the kind shades which have vastly differing nutrients.
• Our food plan includes access nutrient-poor and calorie-dense processed ingredients, GMOs, pesticides, and chemical compounds.
• We eat too many speedy foods or restaurant meals which can be regularly very excessive within the seasoned-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acid due to the form of refined vegetable oil they use in cooking.
• We dedicate Most of the day sitting in front of a laptop and infrequently spend time outdoors.
Given those occasions, it’s far improbable that our weight loss program on my own can provide us with all of the essential nutrients for proper health. On the pinnacle of that, a majority of the populace have some degree of the leaky intestine, low belly acid and enzyme manufacturing, or different gut issues like Candida yeast overgrowth and SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), all of which save you right digestion and nutrient absorption.
Hence, in latest international, the general public will need to take dietary supplements of a few type. But due to the fact we’re all specific individuals and biochemically one of a kind, the solution to which supplements one need to take isn’t always so black and white. That being stated, there are five crucial supplements that are taken into consideration as staples and anyone can use for better fitness.
1. Multivitamins
An excessive nice multivitamin can assist fill the nutritional gap and make sure which you have become all the vital nutrients and minerals. However, do no longer accept inferior exceptional multivitamins. Select one that is manufactured by using a quite official enterprise that has a long music report of imparting great products. This may make sure that utmost care has been taken in all levels of manufacturing, from growing the components organically, to manufacturing, testing for efficiency, and high-quality manipulate.
Complete food dietary supplements vs. artificial or isolated dietary supplements
Entire meals dietary supplements are meals-based totally dietary supplements made from concentrated Complete foods. They’re enormously complicated structures that integrate an expansion of enzymes, coenzymes, antioxidants, hint factors, and activators to work synergistically in order that your body can effortlessly soak up the vitamins.
How Much the Field of Education Is Rising in India After Independence
India is a developing country with zeal to excel in every field. This u. S . had seen so many sorrows and pain on the time of British rule. However within the have an effect on of Britishers Indians learned a lot of recent inventions, era, and strategies. After independence, it possesses a growing situation in every area and training is one of the fields whose improvement is at par. U. S. A . had were given updated handiest by using this tool of education. Now we are able to visualize the instructional improvement of India after independence inside the following way.
Percentage of Literacy
The rate of literacy was accelerated exceedingly at the time of independence. It changed into 19.3 % in 1951 and 65.4 % in 2001. The authorities had begun free and obligatory number one schooling with a provision of mid-day meal. Universities and schools in India had accelerated to an extraordinary number. Growth of Technical training
After independence, there have been established an order of many engineering schools, medical schools, polytechnics and industrial schooling institutes and so on which imparted technical education and training with a good buy of approach. As an example Indian Institute of generation, Indian Institute of Control and many other colleges of clinical and agricultural schooling.
Education for Women
In historical times Girls have been imagined to be imprisoned of their houses. They have been intended to do family works. However, after independence Women had were given their identities. They had started their participation within the subject of education on top precedence. The literacy charge of Girls had multiplied a lot after independence.
Vocational Instructional
The government had commenced so many programs to provide vocational education within the field of a diary, agriculture, typing, pisciculture, electronics, carpentry and mechanical and so forth.
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