#there used to be a video of this i very clearly remember it being uploaded in 2006 &saving it but now i cannot find it anywhere -_-
miviaceleste · 2 months
A Blackrock Story: A Boy with Turquoise Eyes
Happy 12th Anniversary to Blackrock Chronicle!
This comic ended up being 47 pages long (when I first sketched it, it was only 20 pages long). Since I can only upload 30 images in a post, I had to combine 2 pages into 1 image so hopefully it's still visually fine and not annoying to scroll through!
I wrote this mini-story more than 10 years ago, so I figured it was time to finally make it into a comic (after editing the writing a lot because I became a much better writer since lol).
Be aware of the TWs, and I hope you enjoy this comic!
TW: Violence || Blood || Injuries/Scars/Burn Marks || Kidnapping || (Temporary) Death || Loss of Limb / Amputation
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Thank you all for reading one of my most insane projects ever!
Now, here’s another long story:
About 8 years ago, my life became so busy that to stay on top of my studies and activities, I stopped watching a lot of YouTubers, including the Yogscast.
I’ve grown up throughout the years. I had to stop acting like a kid to figure out what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. I’m still an artist today, but I haven’t drawn in this way for about 3 years to pursue my real passion. I love to draw, but I didn’t have the time or inspiration to make something grand.
About 3 months ago, I suddenly got curious about how all those YouTubers I stopped watching were doing, so I checked out their channels and watched a video or two before moving on. When I got to the Yogscast channel, on the other hand, I quickly fell in love with the new content and with everyone again.
It was insane to see how immediately my love for them came back. In 3 months, I’ve watched so many videos and streams/VODs. It’s all so comforting, funny, and uplifting. Clearly, I missed so much content in the past 8 years, but at least I don’t have to worry about running out of things to watch for a while.
What made me most happy was that despite changing a lot, I never stopped being that kid who laughed at the Yogscast’s shenanigans. It just goes to show that no matter how much the world tries to push you around, you never lose that sense of joy you had as a child.
Now, about Rythian:
Since I started watching the Yogscast in 2011, Rythian has always been my favorite. I loved his series so much, especially with how he got into character to give us an immersive experience. It was an escape for me as a kid. When difficult moments were thrown at me, I watched Rythian’s series to find a sense of comfort.
So when I started watching his and Zoey’s Blackrock series, my mind was blown. The storytelling, acting, humor, and drama of the series were so immersive and touching that my creativity exploded.
I mainly use art to express myself and my interests because I struggle to talk about it. But funny enough, Blackrock was the only interest of mine that got me to not draw, but to write. I wrote a lot of short stories about the series—even how I envisioned the series would end. I was so inspired to create all the time from this series.
And what’s crazy is that at the beginning of this summer, I found all of those written drafts and notes from when I was a kid. I kept them all for 10+ years and found a very loose (and not that good) draft of this comic and I felt really inspired to finish it.
It was roughly when I was first watching Blackrock too when I realized that I can be creative in the future. The Yogscast helped me understand that I can do whatever I want for the rest of my life. If they could do it, then why can’t I?
What’s also wonderful is that even after so many years, Rythian never stopped being my favorite. When I started watching the main channel again a few months ago, I immediately found myself rooting for him whenever he was in the group videos. I just remembered how much happiness he brought me when I was younger and it makes me so happy that I still get so much joy whenever I hear his voice.
While working on this comic, I watched all of Kirbycraft and caught up on Kirby Farm. I can’t help but smile the whole time Rythian, Briony, and Kirsty interact with one another. The dynamic of these three brings me so much laughter and comfort. A part of me is upset that I didn’t get back to watching everyone when Kirbycraft was still live, but better late than never, right?
I also originally started this comic without the intention of posting it. But then I figured, Hey, it’d be great to share it with everyone who’s also been impacted by this series and the Yogscast in general, so I made this blog to post it here. Honestly, I’m not sure when the next time I’ll be able to draw is (who knew building a career takes away a lot of your energy and time?). But I think that’s what’s so wonderful about my love for Yogscast and particularly Blackrock: I didn’t make this comic for the likes or views. It was just because I wanted to, and I’m so happy to see there are so many people on here who feel the same love for them as I do.
This series and the people who made it, along with the people who supported it and loved it and continued to love it, impacted me for the better. I learned so many years ago that I can be creative for a living, and have been working hard towards doing that since.
Happy 12th Anniversary to the Blackrock Chronicle. To Rythian and Zoey who put a smile on this kid’s face even during the toughest of times.
And to the Yogscast, thank you for being there for me when I needed you all the most and for still being here when I came back. Your ability to inspire me and make me laugh never disappeared throughout the years I was gone, and I’m ready to laugh some more.
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schrijverr · 10 months
A YouTube upload of the Grammy acceptance speech of Corroded Coffin in 2001 where front man Eddie Munson and drummer Gareth Smith come out.
On AO3.
Ships: steddie
Warnings: homophobia, self identifying use of the f-slur
The video has the grainy quality that TV had back then, however, the hall filled with famous people and extra’s is still fully visible as it pans between different hotshots from 2001. Then it cuts back to the presenter, who says: “And the winner of Album of the Year isssss … Corroded Coffin!”
Cheers go up all around as the band comes up on screen, all of them have big smiles on their faces, pride shining through, as they get up to accept the award.
As the front man, Eddie accepts the trophy from the presenter, shaking the man’s hand as he takes it. With that done, he turns to the audience, the other members behind him to support him and partake in the acceptance speech that he will give for all of them.
Eddie leans into the microphone and says: “As always this one goes out to my Uncle Wayne as well as all the parents of the rest of the band and all the other loved ones. We couldn’t be here without you. We’ve won genre specific Grammys before, but to get this one is truly an honor.”
People already start to clap, thinking this is it. The band has never given long speeches before, limiting it to thanking the people they’ve always thanked, before leaving again.
However, Eddie doesn’t step away from the mic, instead saying: “This award isn’t just for us, we couldn’t have done it without everyone who worked on it and we thank them very much. The people we won’t be thanking, however, is out label.”
Gasps are heard all throughout the room as whispers start up. Reporters present lean in and the presenter looks torn between keeping them in time and maintaining what might go down as an iconic moment in TV history.
“You have opened many doors for us, but you have stomped down on one of our main principles and we won’t be silenced,” Eddie says loudly and clearly. “So instead of them I will be thanking my husband, Steve, who I love very much.”
The room seemingly explodes, but Eddie keeps talking: “And we also dedicate this to all the queer kids out there, who are growing up alone. We see you, we love you, we are standing by you and we are a part of you. I am the biggest fag there has ever been, as is Gareth here, and Corroded Coffin will always welcome you.”
“Thank you for the award,” he says and with that they walk off.
Eddie leads them, his head held high, award proudly held up to remind everyone in the room they awarded it to a bunch of queers. Jeff is right behind him, throwing up devil horns when a camera gets right up in his face, while Gareth behind him just flips it off. Closing the rear is Chris, who despite his gentle nature is an imposing figure, which deters anyone from coming too close.
In the background, you can hear the presenter struggling to get back on track, but no one is listening anymore, all eyes following the band.
They don’t return to their seats, instead walking out of the venue to make a statement. The cameras follow them as far as they can within the bounds of the program, seeing how a man with neat hair and a pressed suit that many have thought to be an assistant waiting for them by the door.
However, assistant speculation is immediately debunked as Eddie throws an arm around him and pulls the man close so they can share a kiss.
Naturally, the camera immediately cuts away, because showing that is definitely not okay for the time and program. With the cut away, the video ends.
Random User 1:
This was such an iconic moment in pop culture history, like I remember seeing this and being blown away
Random User 2:
be honest, who is here after the book lol
Random User 3:
Used to be a fan of them, but this is honestly disgusting, immediately stopped listening. Can’t believe they would be like that
Random User 4: Oh my god, literally no one asked! Stfu, homophobia isn’t a cute look Random User 5: and yet you’re still here commenting, kinda sus if you ask me…
Random User 6:
Like this if you were a fan before the twitter revival!!!
Random User 7:
This totally went down in the books! Greatest acceptance speech of all times, hands down
Random User 8:
omg I totally only just realized that the man at the end is steve and not some rando he kissed to make it stick lfdhgfjdgdjf I may be stupid lmao
Random User 9:
I’ve been a fan of theirs since the 90s, following them from before they were big. They have always helped me through the rough times and I still look to their music fondly. They so deserved that award and I am glad they were finally acknowledged!
Random User 10:
Ahw, I’m so emo that Eddie always gives a shout out to his uncle Wayne <333 crying
Random User 11:
Jeff is so underrated, he is always my favorite! Look what a cutie he is with his lill devil horns ahhhh, gushing!!!
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almadesarrollo · 5 months
Ezra returns to the fray with the dubbing, and with Chloe, well we can say that she just uploaded this:
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He says: pov: "when everyone says your character is off the show" and Ezra appears in his video with Selah (Chloe).
Then we have a post from Selah, the voice actor, where she says: "To all the people who have sent us a message asking if Chloe is off the show… she's back in the booth, baby. Don't be RIDICULOUS, this queen isn't!" going nowhere!! What's your favorite Chloe line from season 5?"
Well, the first thing is to note that it says #SEASON6 so we can confirm a little the doubt we had in the previous post and that is that all these dubbing audios are for S6, it is not 100% sure, but we have less doubt... 2nd is that clearly, she is going to participate a lot in this S6 and she is not out of the show, I never thought this, I don't know why there are people who thought that, just because she WENT to NY does not mean that she would never go out again, that It would cost less, but not that, so this doubt is clarified.
As for whether there is any other clue for S6, I don't detect anything here, but its role will be important, because they are giving it a lot of hype, for a reason... remember that through it we are given clues about kagami and KAGAMI IS A VITAL CHARACTER FOR THE PLOT BECAUSE OF THE WHOLE ISSUE OF THE TSURUGI....SO THERE IS SOMETHING BIG OUT THERE or the theory that I mentioned in my previous POST is real (CHLOE SENTI)
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Well we have more news about the animation of season 6, it seems that the DWARF studio will be in charge, and little by little they are progressing, with it we will have a more fluid animation and with more detail, which is ideal since we know that this season Our protagonists have another type of trait, they are older, and then take into account that JEREMY and Thomas wanted to create a BIG SUPERHERO universe LIKE DC AND MARVEL IS, AND FOR THAT IT REQUIRES GREAT ANIMATION, I mean THIS IS SERIOUS, THE SEASON 6 WOULD BE VERY IMPORTANT, IT WILL BE A REALLY SERIOUS BEGINNING AND WHERE THE REAL STORY BEGINS (that's why there are so many felinette jujuju tracks), BECAUSE IF NOT, THEY WOULD NOT HAVE CHANGED THE ANIMATION, BECAUSE YOU CLEARLY NOTE THAT IT IS MORE EXPENSIVE, NOT REACHING THE LEVEL FROM THE MOVIE, BUT APPROXIMATE, it will look a little more realistic, so we will have a quality show, THEY ARE VERY SERIOUS!!! WHAT AN EXCITION!!!!
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NOW as for the clue itself about the S6, I don't see anything here, I do see people zooming in on some images, but no matter how much I look I can't see who they are...so if you want a clue you'll have to see my post about Jeremy's video, he uploaded a video of what the animation would look like with this studio (the streets of Paris) and there is a lot of clue of what is to come IN S6.
Without a doubt, season 6 will be noticed with a great and fresh start. ARE YOU WANTING IT? I YES
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7grandmel · 5 months
Todays rip: 03/05/2024
frisk hosts a SICK ASS RAVE in teh core
Season 4 Episode 2 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume for Wii U
Rip credited to nekolvr420
Requested by cathode-glacier! @cathode-glacier (Ask Box)
Yeah, look, it's been another long day for me, the same as yesterday with The Great Weed. And though there I found lots to write about anyway despite my weariness, I'll try to keep this post short and sweet. I mean, really - everything you need to know about frisk hosts a SICK ASS RAVE in teh core is evident as soon as you click on the video. Althesame, it's an incredibly funny gutpunch, the kind of surprise I don't think anyone was expecting to see so deep into the channel's life - even when you think you've got the SiIvaGunner team all figured out, they find new ways to fuck with you.
That's sort of a similar sentiment that I expressed back with Sex - Steve Harvey, come to think about it? Here, of course, we don't have as much of a gutpunch of the incomprehensible - moreso a completely unpredictable hook not even part of any larger event. In the midst of all other rips uploaded that day, frisk hosts a SICK ASS RAVE in teh core presents itself as a Nightcore remix of the CORE theme from Undertale, or in other words - speeding up the music. The joke goes the extra mile similar to what we'd just seen this past April Fools with super mario 64 but it's in the buddy holly soundfont by also changing the video's metadata - the thumbnail having a random anime girl, the "plz support teh original artists =ω=" - parts of SiIvaGunner's typical metadata template remains, but its clearly riffing on the very specific (and once very prominent!!) subculture of nightcore remix channels.
It's kind of funny how frisk hosts a SICK ASS RAVE in teh core sort of foreshadowed the entire bit of the aforementioned April Fools 2024 event, actually. As you've likely already noticed, the nightcore is only half the joke - its not a sped-up version of the unaltered CORE theme, but rather of a mashup/arrangement of the track set to Skrillex's Bangarang - an absolutely natural fit both for the Nightcore jokes and to CORE in general. Thus, it's a double-joke - the nightcore part immediately registers due to the increase in tempo, and then only a second later do you realize that it's not even the original CORE theme being used. The embedded MP3 link on this post is of the "daycore remix" - in other words, the version before the speed-up was applied to it - and I'd say the rip could stand perfectly strong on its own. Granted, I do think wub-wubby Skrillex music is typically very funny in rips, a sleeper favorite of Season 7 for me is still UUN4's skrillex tribute 2023, so maybe I'm biased - but althesame, I just love the idea that someone making this rip, or someone who saw it being made, thought of this absolutely absurd way to make the rip yet more memorable, and just decided to go for it.
It seems to have worked - completely unbeknownst to me, frisk hosts a SICK ASS RAVE in teh core inspired a half dozen rips made in the same "nightcore" vein throughout Seasons 5 and 6. So it's not exact hit the status of a "running joke", but its clearly had an influence on the channel in some small way - and I just love that, yknow? I love that complete left-field curveballs like this always seem to stick in people's minds. Like, even though they're not the most popular in terms of views, you WILL remember them just for their novelty.
In other words, here an already great rip is made all the more memorable through having an above-and-beyond bit applied to it. Why? For seemingly no significant reason other than to have fun. I can't help but respect that.
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five-rivers · 1 year
Cryptid Crawl! 6
The problem– The main problem– The– Okay, the problem that was pertinent at the moment was that the hunters, cryptid and otherwise, had to leave having seen nothing even remotely interesting, nothing that could be a draw for tourists.  
That meant that, whatever else they did, they could not be seen being anything other than unbelievably lame by the general population.  Of course, the best way to do that would be to keep them from seeing anything.  
The very first piece of prep work Danny and Tucker had done was getting into Jack’s YouTube account and setting it to private.  That was, however, a temporary measure, and in addition to not wanting tourists flooding into Amity Park, Danny didn’t want his parents in hot water with the GIW.  Again.  
Once they filmed, Jack or Maddie could upload videos at any time, so something that would have to be done afterward was getting back into the account, deleting the videos, and corrupting the original files.  Not too difficult, considering that Danny lived with them, had a hacker friend, and could possess technology.  
But for the other groups?  Especially the ones that were filming live?  Not so much.  
They could not see.  Any measures Danny and the others took to stop them had to look either like local kids playing pranks, incompetence, or nothing at all.  Luckily, they were local kids playing pranks, and there was a lot of incompetence going around, lately.  
Danny and Tucker ran through eerily empty streets, listening for the GAV.  They paused, seeing the GAV hurtle past the mouth of an alleyway.  
“Okay, well,” said Tucker, “there it is.  You sure you want to do this?”
“Yeah,” said Danny.  “Who else is going to?”  He went ghost.  “Show me again where the GGBE are.”
Tucker held up the PDA and pointed.  
“Okay, yeah, I can do that,” said Danny.  “I can do that.  Sam, you still managing?”
“Haven’t made contact yet,” admitted Sam, over the Fenton Phones.  “This wig is surprisingly high quality, by the way.”
“Cool,” said Danny.  “Remember, call us if you need help.”
“I’m dealing with two completely normal YouTubers who think you’re some kind of endangered species, not ex-military super-spies.”
“He kind of is an endangered species, though.  Even Skulker says so.”
Danny shook his head and pushed off from the ground.  “Can hybrids even be considered a species?” he asked.  
“The New Mexico Whiptail–”
“It was a rhetorical question!”
William Monroe Delaney Montrose Woods the Fourth, generally known as Bill, was remarkable for three reasons beyond his name.  The first was that he absolutely and entirely believed in the existence of cryptids and loved helping Crawly, who he’d met in college, with their YouTube channel.  
The second was that he was a former Navy Seal, discharged due to an elbow injury that had never healed right.  
The third was that his last job was in data analytics… for the CIA.  Nothing special.  He just collated data in a nice, boring, quiet room.  He’d hardly call himself a super-spy.  And he’d quit.  Too stressful.  
But…  All his training did have the side effect of giving him a very good sense for when he was being followed.  
He tried to watch the figure out of the corner of his eyes, excited.  Finally, he was going to see a real life cryptid.  He’d just have to be careful… it was clearly trying to stay out of direct view… he didn’t want to spook it.  Crawly hadn’t noticed yet, either.  He’d have to figure out some way to let them know.  Maybe he could angle the camera towards the cryptid…
“Oh my gosh, Bill, look!”  Crawly jabbed a finger at the space behind his shoulder, and Bill quickly turned to see something black and white skittering around a corner.  “Quick!  Chase it!  This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!”
Bill needed no further encouragement.  Camera in hand, he ran.  
Danny flickered ever so briefly into view in front of the GAV, and to the right.  He probably would be picked up on the cameras like this, but, again, his parents’ videos were the only ones he could afford to be caught in.  As expected, Jack turned the wheel so hard the GAV rocked up on one set of wheels before slamming back down.  Danny reappeared further down the street, at the mouth of another road.  
“STOP MOVING, GHOST!” roared Maddie over the intercom. 
“Wow,” muttered Danny under his breath.  “That really makes me want to stop, guys.”  He could, just barely, understand them thinking ghosts were evil.  He didn’t understand how they were still under the impression that Phantom, specifically, was that unbelievably stupid.  “Tuck, am I still on track?”
“Man, I don’t know why you’re asking, you know Amity Park better than I–”
“Why… parkour… expert… how?”
“Uh, Sam?” said Danny.  “I think you’re breaking up.”
“I’m being… chased!”
“Maybe I should–”
“Just a few more roads!  At the rate your Dad drives, that shouldn’t be any time at all!”
“Sam, can you hold out that long?”
There was no response for a long moment, during which Danny almost lost his lead on the GAV.  
“Managed to hide,” said Sam, audibly panting.  “Where did that camera guy come from?  He’s built like a tank and he can move.”
Danny let out a sigh of relief.  “I’ll be there in just a minute.”  He let himself fade into view again, luring his parents down a blind alley.  He phased easily through the brick, turning invisible again.  He did a quick check to make sure none of the people on the other side were too close to the wall - they weren’t - and that no one saw him - the tiger might have - and then the GAV plowed through the brick wall, sirens blazing and PA system blasting.  
Danny flared his aura, well aware of how that would show up on the GAV’s sensors at this point, and snickered as the GAV crunched over the Groovy Ghost Blasters Extreme’s illegally parked ATVs and dirt bikes in an attempt to get to Danny.
“My bike!” shrieked Brenner.  
“Dude, not cool!  Dude!” repeated Sullivan as Jack hit reverse and rolled over the bikes again.  
“Okay,” said Vid, pulling out her blaster (a Dalvco ripoff).  “We already knew these guys sucked, but this means war.”
She took aim at the GAV.  Of course, according to his parents, anything attacking the GAV had to be a–
“GHOOOOOOOOOOOST!” hollered his parents in unison.  And then the shooting started in earnest.  
Danny didn’t stick around.  Unlike all the humans here, he actually could be hurt by most of the weaponry going off.  
Besides, Sam needed him.  
“Hey,” said Az, falling back slightly as Ned expounded on some made up personal story that had only tangential interest to the actual investigation.  “Jimmy.  Do you hear that?”
“Hnh,” said Jimmy.  
“Like, a sort of electric sound.  Like the world’s biggest bug za–”  For the fourth time that day, Az tripped over his shoelaces.  
“Oh, I know what’s really haunted now.  Az’s shoes!”
“Screw you, too,” said Az.
“Yeah, yeah, they’re haunted by the ghost of his coordination.”
Az climbed to his feet and angrily redid his laces.  “If you’re doing this somehow–” he started, threateningly.  
“No, no,” said Ned, “I don’t need to make this look any more ridiculous than it already is.  Are you sure you researched this place?”
“I’m sure,” said Az, gritting his teeth as yet another crepe-paper and balloon ghost drifted down into the camera’s view from who-knew-where.  “I researched.  Extensively.”
“Because as fun as these are, I don’t think they’re actual ghosts.”  He grabbed the balloon and waved it at Az.  “Fun times with local pranksters who are really into the whole Halloween aesthetic?  Yes.  Haunted?  No.  The way things are looking, Amity Park falls squarely into the hoax category.” He gestured broadly, exaggerating his mannerisms for the camera.  
“At least let us get to the next location before you say that, Ned.”  He got back to his feet and smiled at the camera.  “Locals aside, this place is spooky.  An old observatory that was damaged and shut down under mysterious circumstances, it has had numerous reports of lights moving inside, strange sounds, and even the dome opening and the telescope inside moving.  Is this the ghost of an astronomer?  Or, like certain others believe, something else?”
“Ugh, don’t remind me of the cryptid YouTubers.  Those lights, though, I’m going to bet they’re kids smoking on the sly, or someone squatting.”
“And on the way there, we’ll drive by a few other points of local interest, such as–”
“They’re going to the observatory?” hissed Dani.  “They can’t go to the observatory, Danny will flip!”
Valerie looked at her sideways.  “Which Danny?  Your cousin, or Fenton?”
“Does it matter?  Both of them love that place.”
“Didn’t it get shot up by the GIW?”
“Yeah, and that’s why you don’t mention those guys to him.  He hates them.”
“He’s… a ghost.”
“Yeah, and the observatory is why human Danny hates them.  Keep up.”  Dani leaned forward, careful to keep both her feet on Val’s hoverboard.  She was the one providing invisibility, after all.  “We need to stop them.  We need to get… more drastic.”
Valerie made a face and waved a crepe paper ghost at Dani.  “I’m not sure how much more drastic we can get without advertising that Amity’s got something to hide.”
Dani scrunched her nose in thought.  “Then we don’t do it while hiding anything.  We do it while showing off things.”
“Not my hoverboard or your ghostly face, I hope.”
“No.  We’re going to take a page from my cousin’s book.”
“We’re going to chase a dog into all their equipment and ruin them financially?”
“I mean, that sounds like a good plan ‘B’ if you’ve got a dog we can use.  But, no.  How do you feel about fake-out make-outs?”
“Uh, Sam? I’m looking for you, but–”
“Running… again…  swear… last time… I dress up as you.”
“Okay, okay, but where are you?”  There was a sort of scraping sound from the Fenton Phones.  “Sam?”
“I’m okay!  Nasty Burger.”
Danny changed direction and arrowed down to a very familiar alleyway, where Sam was stripping off her costume.  She threw the wig at Danny as soon as she saw him.  
“Get ready to run,” she said breathlessly as Danny transformed.  “Those weirdos are fast.”
“I don’t know if we have any room to call other people weirdos,” said Danny.  He pulled the wig over his hair, then phased the rest of the suit off of Sam, who was struggling with the zipper.  He didn’t like his chances of fasting the suit on, though, and phased off his shoes before starting to pull the costume on.  The material was much thinner and filmier than his own hazmat suit, and wouldn’t be much protection against, well, anything.  “How’d you get away if they were so fast?”
“Cut through Amity Antiques,” said Sam.  “Ms. Larson made them go around.  No cameras in the store.”
“Smart.”  Danny phased his feet back into his shoes.  
“Thanks.  Contacts.”
“Right, right,” said Danny.  He phased his hand through his suit and into his pocket.  “Contacts.”
He hated this part.  Putting stuff like this in his eyes felt wrong.  Worse than swallowing sporks.  But, the ‘Amity Park Phantom’ had super noticeable glowing green eyes, so the ‘fake’ Phantom had to as well, and for Danny’s sake, those glowing eyes had to be caused by contacts.  
These ones had been produced by his parents after Walker’s invasion.  The idea was that a human could use them to walk unmolested among the overshadowed, but when no testing opportunities came up, the concept was abandoned.  
Danny opened the case, and already regretting every life choice that had led him to this moment, stuck one in his eye.  “That hurts.  I don’t know how people do this.”
“You get thrown through buildings daily.”
“That’s different,” whined Danny.  
“I’m getting pings from Cryptid Crawl’s phone, moving to your location,” said Tucker.  “Better get a move on.”
“Heck,” said Danny, squeezing in the other contact.  “Go rest in the Nasty Burger, I’ve got this.”
“I’ll try to shadow you after you leave,” said Sam, “but don’t expect anything fancy.”
“I’ll zig-zag,” said Danny.  
Sam patted him on the back and moved past him.  Time to do this.  
Danny ran back out into the street, but stuck to the shadows, scanning everything.  He had no idea how cryptids were supposed to behave, but he figured–
Holy moly, Sam was not kidding when she said that guy was fast!  He wasted a disbelieving second staring at the sheer speed at which that absolute tank of a man approached him, but he was too used to being chased by unreasonably huge and fast guys to hesitate any longer.  He bolted, using every piece of cover and concealment he could.  
He glanced over his shoulder.  The guy was actually gaining on him.  After chasing Sam on and off for at least ten minutes.  What was this guy made of?
Danny tapped into his ghostly strength and put on a burst of speed.  
… The guy also put on a burst of speed.  
That was scary.  
“Tucker,” said Danny, “which way am I going?”
“Give me a second.”
“They’re hanging out in front of the Skulk’n’Lurk,” said Sam.  “They’re posting live, Tucker.”
“I’m just trying to find the best route!”
“A better one than he can find on his own?”
Danny looked back again.  What was this guy made of?
Valerie and Dani stepped onto the street just within view of the cameras.  They were both wearing glasses, to protect their identities, and had swapped headgear - Valerie’s headband for Dani’s beanie.  
“Are you sure about this?” asked Valerie.
“Absolutely!” chirped Dani.
“I don’t think this is actually going to stop them from going to the observatory.”
“But it might make them stop and think, right?”
“... You know, I saw the post about this on the forums, right?  And the whole thread?”
“Shush.  Threads don’t matter, now,” said Dani as they crept deeper into the camera’s field of view.  “I think this is good.  You ready?”
Valerie rolled her eyes.  “Ready when you are.”
This had the side effect of making Dani freeze for a solid minute.  “Uh,” said Dani.  
“You can back out if you–”
Dani rammed her face into Val’s, probably way too fast, because kissing didn’t seem like the kind of thing that was supposed to hurt.  They did various things with their lips for a few seconds, and then pulled apart.  
“Uh,” said Dani, eloquently.  
“Yeah,” said Val.  
They both looked towards the ‘Investigation,’ the members of which were, in fact, staring at them.  
Val pumped her fist in the air.  “The only ghost here is Sappho of Lesbos!” she said, her voice wobbling.  “Yeah!  Girl power!”
“Girl power!” repeated Dani.  She hadn’t heard of any ghost going by that name, but she supposed that Danny couldn’t keep her one hundred percent up to date on his rogues gallery.  There were just a lot of them.
At that moment, Dani was slammed into from behind by none other than her beloved cousin-clone, who was dressed as a bad caricature of himself and running at what had to be something approaching a world-record pace.  Danny, who didn’t have the worst set of reflexes in the world, but did have the most ridiculous set of reflexes, picked Dani up, threw her over his shoulder, and kept running.  
“Is he still following me?” asked Danny.  
“Wh- Who?” asked Dani, lifting her head to see that Danny was being chased by either a red-faced fridge or an extremely buff dude who was pushing himself so hard all the blood in his body had gathered in his skin in preparation for exploding (if that was a thing humans did; Dani was a bit uncertain on the finer points of anatomy).  “Oh my gosh, that’s scary.”
Meanwhile, Valerie had recovered from her surprise.  She started running after them.  “Hey!” she shouted.  “Bring back my girlfriend!”
“Oh,” said Dani, pleased that Valerie was getting so into the act.  
“What are you doing standing there?!” shouted a man wearing a hat that said ‘DIRECTOR,’ his voice starting to go tiny from distance.  “Wasn’t that one of the ghosts?”
“Ahhh!” said Danny.  “Why is that guy so scary?!”
“Why are you scared?” demanded Dani, who had already forgotten that she, too, had been scared.  “You’re a ghost!”
“He’s just scary!”
“Bet I’m scarier!”
Danny’s fingers clenched tightly on her hoodie.  “No.  Are they following us?  All of them?”
“Not yet?”
“Rrrrrrgh,” said Danny, rounding a corner and doubling back down the other road.  “I hate this!”
Ned had never thought any of their ‘investigations,’ not even the Investigation, would ever lead to something real.  The image of that thing chasing that boy and grabbing that girl…  It filled him with equal parts wonder and fear.  
This special was going to make them.  They’d be famous forever as the ghost hunters that proved the existence of the supernatural.  
Jimmy put a hand on his shoulder.  
“Not now, bud,” said Ned.  “We’ve got a chase.”
Jimmy did not let go.  Not even when Az and the rest of the crew packed up and took off after the ghost.  
“Edward, dearest,” said Jimmy.  “My heart has been uplifted by the actions of those two young women, and I should like us to express ourselves as they did.”
“Aw, come on, Jimmy.  That’s sweet, but the network would kick us both out in minutes.  Not to mention we’d pasted across every TV in America as the latest scandal.  The shame would kill me.”
“You said it yourself, my love.  What paranormal investigator has self respect?  Let us throw it all to the winds of chance, and let them carry us away.”
Ned blushed.  “You make these things sound so nice.  But… maybe after we get the ghost.  You know how much this means to me.”
“Hng,” said Jimmy.
Danny re-emerged on the original street, which still held some of the crew and cast from the TV show.  “Help me find somewhere to crash believably.”
“There!” said Dani, pointing at a small lot with some abandoned construction in it.
“Perfect!” said Danny, throwing himself in that direction.  Time to absolutely eat it on live TV.  He cast himself on the mercy of the lot, and wiped out spectacularly, coming to rest against the fence at the back of the lot.  
The buff guy just… Stopped.  Then very slowly sat down.
“Hi,” said Danny.  
“Ow,” said the guy, which was fair, actually.  
The guy from the Investigation got there next, and spent the next thirty seconds staring reverently at the buff guy while the camera people set up.  “Incredible,” he whispered.
“Oi!” shouted Crawly, clambering over a stack of pipes.  “Back away from the cryptid!  We’ve got evidence to film!”
“You step away from the ghost!” countered Az.  “Our evidence is more relevant to the human condition!”
“The Amity Park Phantom is not a ghost!” Crawly countered in return, stabbing a finger at Danny.  
“What are you talking about, that’s a kid in a costume!”  
“No it–!  Wait, who are you talking about, then?  What ghost?”
“The one standing next to you!”
“Wh– This is Bill.  My cameraman.  Is this because he gets flushed when he exercises really hard?  That happens to everyone!”
“No, actually, it–”
Danny shifted, which was enough for Crawly to zero in on him, only to recoil.  “What,” they said.  
“Well,” said Danny, coughing only a little bit as he got to his feet and pulled off the wig.  “I am just a kid in a costume.”
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tabinavi · 17 days
Kikuoland-Go-Round and Six Long Years 9-3-24
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"Thank you very much stormy Houston, Texas!!!" i'm still shaken by what i experienced last night. i don't know. i look back on it like i just imagined it; like it never happened. i didn't feel it at that moment, but i believe i experienced the purest form of joy i will ever experience. i look back on the very few photos and videos i took (i'm not the phone out type), and i remember it all like a decade old memory. covered in rainwater, face red from all the adrenaline, the way the crowd was excited and music blaring. i wish to go back, like legitimately, RIGHT NOW! i got to the venue at 5PM, where doors opened for VIP at 6;30PM and rest an hour later. i paid for the VIP and meet and greet; $100 was not bad i believe!my family paid ~$250 for general admission each for Coldplay! anyways, i got in, got my merch, and claimed my spot next to the railing (lol). very quickly did it become evident that it was gonna be raining during the actual show. i feel bad for those who didn't bring a bag for their merch shirts and other goods. i took cover for a short while before i had to submit to the rain to secure my first row spot. we got hilariously videotaped of us in the rain, and countless other recordings of us on the railing, which i know i will be CLEARLY visible if they do surface. embarrassing! but also exciting! not much happened between waiting and the show start at 8 o'clock other than regretting not taking a picture with the life-sized Hoshi-kun (or -live, mascot history goes a lil crazy).
honestly, i would like to keep details about the show very minimal as i let it marinate in my memory. lots of jumping i'll say. Lots Of It. and for being at the railing, did it mess with the acoustics overall since i'm so close to the subwoofers? yes, but... but...
but i feel very strong about getting the best view, and i wasn't taking "decent" for Kikuo. For Coldplay, i got a pretty good spot in front of center stage, getting to see the band up close, but there were two other stages they performed on. anytime they moved to a stage away from mine, i hated it. i hate having to tiptoe and move my head constantly to catch just quick glimpses. i want the full picture, so it clings easier to my memory. during Kikuo's performance, being able to see him move around on stage and fiddle with his deck was like hitting the jackpot. i'm crazy. i've been crazy for this since the announcement. i'm glad everything all worked out, and i got the best possible experience i was looking for.
and for the meet and greet, i took the guitar pick i had been using for a couple years as a way to send it off and retire it. it felt special to have that item signed. i showed it and he audibly gasped assuming he was surprised to see a pick or something that small be signed.
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funny ryo. this concert, to me, was a culmination of six years of kikuo. late 2018, maybe from september-december, i had found and upload of Red Ridinghood's Wolf. after that, it's black. how did i end up here, really? from unassuming song to manic fan? god only knows. but i reflect on years of listening, and Kikuo to me, is just the most unique sort of imagination. his songwriting and lyrics all give off the feeling that he's reminiscing on a past and future that doesn't exist. his influences of trance, edm, pop, and traditional folk music are very obvious, but he crafts an entirely new identity separated from those. each song is a different world, and i get sucked in every time.
thanks to Kikuo for all the memories, and the unforgettable concert i had the first of september. i seriously wish i can go back.
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calamitydaze · 9 months
Why did he crop the Snapchat logs before where the "ur gorgeous" comment would have been
Why did he use transcripts that could be edited and not upload the logs where it could be separately looked over (like, for example, Kwite did with his text messages)
Why did he not provide evidence that Jamie's statement was actually from Jamie herself
Why would Sam hang on to an edited video for three years and release it only to retract it again less than a month later
Why did he edit his screenshot of burner 22 in his final tweet to omit the far more likely possibility of Sam lying in his video
Why did he get fucking Keem "if you remember 9/11 I don't want you" Star of all people on board to announce shit
He just made everything even more sus. Ppl will really believe anything if a white man says it confidently and adds some snappy editing lmao
these are almost certainly not good-faith questions coming from a place of healthy skepticism and care for victims, but for the sake of discussion i’ll pretend they are and indulge you:
1. i went back and looked at when he showed the logs and it looks to me like they’re being shown in reverse, with the oldest at the bottom and the most recent at the top. in that case both “gorgeous as fuck” and “fine as hell” would be visible— in between “got that 500 snap score” and “congrats :)”— but they’re not. the logs are kinda hard to make sense of so tell me if i’m misinterpreting them. but in any case, it doesn’t really matter because as stated in the video, if they happened it was after she was 18 and he had no context towards her being a fan, and compliments aren’t evidence of grooming anyway. and if he’s lying about them not being there, amanda’s had a year to download her own data and prove it
2. assuming you’re talking about the instagram dms here since he did show the logs of the snaps, but i mean…… idfk?? again, it doesn’t really matter since dry ass instagram dms are also not evidence of grooming 😭 but fwiw, i read through the transcript and it matches up with what i remember from reading the actual screenshots that amanda herself showed (and as demonstrated in the video, screenshots don’t automatically mean something is trustworthy anyway)
3. genuinely, what do you propose he could show as “proof” that the statement came from jamie without further exposing her to unwanted attention? i understand being skeptical of its validity and i raised an eyebrow too, but it matches up perfectly with both what we know she wants based on her twitter bios and separate statement from her that was given to keemstar and nicholas deorio by dream, and dream’s offered to prove the authenticity to any creator who reaches out. and, even if jamie herself doesn’t want to speak on it, it would be very easy for anyone else actually involved to dispute it but yet no one has. occam’s razor
4. frankly i have no idea why any of these people did what they did! does it really matter?
5. i think you sent this before the burner reactivated, but they’ve now said that they’re certain sam lied to them, so 🤷‍♀️ moot point
6. regardless the kind of person keemstar is, he’s got a wide reach and dream clearly wanted as many as people as possible to see his video, including audiences who don’t follow or subscribe to him specifically. makes sense to me
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kevlarcrack3d · 2 years
(TW: HORROR) UrbanSpook's Painter Analog horror theory: 2 Killers - "Bonnie" and "Clyde"
(Note: I am not glorifying or simping for serial killers. I am just bringing up notable examples. Also, this blog will touch the topic of criminal activities and scary stuff, so if you don't like that, click off)
So, I discovered this relatively new analog horror series by Urbanspook called "The Painter" which is about a string of murders with an artistic touch of paintings of the victims. It was not like any other analog horror I've seen because it contains mystery, thrills, and the use of "real fear" due to the fact that there REALLY are very messed up serial killers out there, and here's my theory based on the latest upload!
What am I getting from here? I am very confident that there are TWO PERPETRATORS, with initially one prime suspect, who I'll be calling "Bonnie" , and theres another, "Clyde".
If we look at the previous videos, there are pictures of this person with long, dark, messy hair and sunken, paranoid looking eyes, one painting of them (titled "self-portrait") and two photos.
Judging by the title of that painting, this person, who I'll be calling "Bonnie," is the artist and what everyone thought to be the killer who also happens to make the artworks. However, Bonnie just sits in their cabin behind a crack and does art because "Fuck going outside, I love to draw." But, in "the Lighthouse", Bonnie has a photo alongside those of the family, so they occasionally go outside to paint alongside Clyde, who I'll talk about later.
I've seen others conclude that Bonnie painting themself is nan implication of suicide because everyone in the paintings is killed, but I think it's a case of simply wanting to paint one's self.
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As shown in the latest video, there is a photo caught on Sean's CCTV of a person covered in the skin of a person (there are stitches at the side, a hint to the crappy sewing skills of the killer mentioned in "In the Walls"). Now, if we look harder, this person does not have the sunken, weary eyes of Bonnie. They look vibrant and alert. This is could be a different person.
In addition to that, Sean seems to have written the number 2 in his blood on the wall. He left a clue that there are two criminals on the loose and not just one. After all, I'm sure Sean, a private investigator, had time to fight back a little, remember the information gathered so far, and have a "Eureka" moment in the struggle finally knowing that there are two different sickos commiting these crimes; one who paints, Bonnie, and the other who kills, who I'll be calling "Clyde".
Clyde, in this case, is doing most the dirty work, finding subjects and references, tormenting them, killing them in creative ways, and giving them to Bonnie to paint. They also seem to have some artistic flair with the way they kill, such as covering people in wax (Tom Harris/Wax Doll Tom) and the like. Clyde also seems to wear the skins of some victims to cover up his identity.
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Now, this is more headcanon and speculation on how these two criminals operate. Expect expectations to be subverted 😄.
Bonnie and Clyde are clearly very messed up individuals, distorting their victims, torturing them, and killing them just for art references, being extreme in their acts, and taking pictures of them to taunt the authorities in an act of "Wanna catch us, bitch? Here's what we can do!".
Bonnie is probably less discreet, having photographed themself in "The Lighthouse." Clyde seems to be the more cautious one, judging by how they tried to cover up the security cam in a panic. Either way, they both enjoy bluffing everybody with their art, grisly actions, and photos, which actually give lots of way, but hey! They view this as an art, so who cares? Art is 💥FLASHY💅 and ✨️CREATIVE🔥.
Clyde and Bonnie here also seem to not mind working together for this, showing a certain level of cooperation and passion for their craft, so, yeah, very fucked up.
To wrap this up,
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hoghtastic · 1 year
If you look at their photos together in public when they first announced their relationship, Alex looks genuinely happy with her and she has her hand on his jacket like "look who I scored?are you jealous" clearly showing him off as a trophy. You can argue that she just wanted to announce their relationship because she is serious about him and vice versa, but honestly that is not the only impression I got. Anyway, to continue further with my analysis :p I kid you not one of the next signs is "Luring coworkers into wild behaviours or seducing coworkers or supervisors into romantic relationships". I don't even need to explain that one hah. The next one is "using manipulation to reach goals" (in this case using Alex's influence and popularity to get more exposure and further her career) and who knows if he also played a role in getting her on the show, I wouldn't be surprised. Next one is "scheming for personal benefit without considering consequences". With all the talk about her changing her aesthetic and her personality to match Alex's, she doesn't seem to have a problem adjusting herself to fake a connection with him. People with dark triad personality traits are often charming, well liked and skilled at false mirroring with others, this is probably also how Johanne was able to get his family to like her and have Alex believe they are so alike. Like another anonymous ask pointed out, she appeared to like him/be interested in him for a while before they got together so it probably wasn't difficult for her to study him and find out his interests and likes and adjust herself accordingly through time. I myself encountered these kind of people before and luckily because of my long time and obsessive interest in studying body language, human behaviour and psychoanalyzing people to death lol I am usually able to spot sociopaths and people with sociopathic tendencies by picking up on these behaviours. Sadly most sociopathic people are able to fool others very well and they don't get caught, especially if they aren't completely devoid of empathy. Again we don't know their relationship and human beings are complicated, not so black or white. She could be benefitting from him while also genuinely liking him at the same time, we are just speculating at the end of the day but damn if she doesn't fit most of the signs listed lol. Btw I have some pics I would like to upload of her and you can't tell me she doesn't look like a sociopath in them lol (can you tell I am obsessed with psychoanalysis?) I'm not really sure how to though.
As for people comparing her with Alicia Agneson. Alicia did seem somewhat like a clout chaser as well since she always tries to take pictures with him when they are together lol, but she never gave the impression of being a mean or manipulative person, I actually like her. IIRC they had a fling early on during the filming of vikings? but I'm not entirely sure what happened with them. Alex strikes me as the type of person who craves a deep and genuine connection with someone which is what Johanne is providing him with. Alicia is gorgeous and seems nice but she also seems a little superficial and dumb (I'm not even sure she even wants to date him tho or vice versa). Johanne otoh comes across as being a mature and articulate person and she is also charismatic. She probably picked up on this fact and was able to connect with him (how genuine she is with him we don't know) and remember Alex enjoys singing and Johanne is quite a good singer. (Yes unlike some people I think she is a talented lol). I watched a video where she won some singing competition I think? and she sang with a lot of depth and emotion, so that probably also won him over. Overall I can see why Alex is attracted to her but I genuinely do not think she is a good or nice person even if she happens to be genuine with him. Unfortunately irl bad people often get what they want and people often either make excuses for or don't see their bad behaviour. (part 2)
Anyway those are just my two cents
Part 2 of 2.
Thank you for your input and for your very interesting analysis, anon! 😊 It really is some food for thought! However, I’d just like to disagree with the part where you mention Johanne coming off as mature and charismatic. In my opinion, someone who is mature wouldn’t feel the need to play those little social media games (like “hinting” at them having a relationship in her instastories, or the infamous “you snooze, you lose”) just for attention, and you would expect of a mature person to own up to their mistakes and apologise when needed, instead of just deleting things and move on like nothing ever happened and they did nothing wrong (like when she posted that artwork which she wanted to pass as her own original creation, and when people found out and called her out for it, she just deleted both the picture and the comments, instead of crediting the original artist whose work she copied, for example). And about charisma, you’d expect someone charismatic to have a strong presence and personality, but personally, I can see neither. She comes off as bland, with the need to adapt and change her personality to better fit the ones she’d like to charm and be close with, which means that she has no real personality at all, just an amount of characteristics, likes and interests she “borrowed” because they suit her better at the time. 😕 Just my personal opinion, of course.
Also, to answer your question about submitting pictures, you can do so by either sending an ask or submission (though tumblr doesn’t allow those to be anonymous) or you can send me the pictures through a direct message, telling me to post them. In that case, I’ll post them here and you’ll remain anonymous. It’s whatever you prefer and feel most comfortable with, really. 😊
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pokeglitchden · 1 year
Unrelated mostly to the power being cut in Glitch City however, there WAS one good thing that happened today.
Er... I guess I caught a new Pokemon! Jo helped me capture some footage of the encounter!
Shaky camera footage begins in what appears to be a very bright, very disorienting version of Johto near the Ruins of Alph. The lighting looks Strange, distorted and way too bright, as if shown through a strange filter. Simon can be seen against this washed out background standing very carefully behind a small yellow pokemon with huge, billowing wings. It looks very much like a Vivilion's wings, but with a broad rectangular pattern that resembles rocks, grass, bricks, and other bits of terrain, all in a criss crossing mosaic pattern. It stares back at Simon with it's single eye, blinking as if it is not sure he can see it. Simon glances back at the camera as he talks.
Simon- Ok, so I've just stumbled across this pokemon in the Between Biome. I don't think I've ever seen one before. It looks like it is using its wings to camouflage itself and help it blend into its surroundings. I actually almost tripped over it.
He seems to pause for a moment to check something on his DexNav and then glances back at the Camera
Simon- It looks like it's called a… Pentamark FEc. Kind of a confusing name. According to Professor Zzazz it seems this pokemon was easily mistaken in the past for several others that were like it, until it was discovered they were each unique species. Hm..
He takes a cautious step forwards, seeming to hesitate before the Pokemon. It still doesn't seem to notice him as he approaches. The camera shifts just a little as he slowly starts to retrieve a Pokeball from his belt.
Simon- I think... I think I might try...
Jo- Simon? What are you doing?
Simon- I'm just going to see if I can catch it. I've never seen one up close, and it's hard to find unevolved ones. If I could just write down the experience of evolving one and training it…
With that he tosses the pokeball and watches it sail towards the large winged pokemon. The Pokeball seems to startle it, and abruptly, it's wings flicker from bright yellow to pitch black. It's mosiac block pattern swiftly turns jagged, and tooth like, while spots that look like eyes open upon the fringes of its wings. It is horrifying to behold, like a many-eyed shadow, hissing and bristling.
But the Pokeball opens, and draws it in in a flash of light. It shakes once, and then twice, and then a third time and... It bursts back out in a flash, its wings flickering and flaring out wildly now. It still has not attacked, but the terrifying threat display is clearly enough. Jo screams from behind the camera, and Simon staggers back, looking stunned and terrified.
Simon- Shoot! W-what is that? What did I do?
Simon stands there for a long while, seeming to have forgotten entirely that he is a pokemon trainer that can fight back. It takes him some time to break free, but the moment he remembers himself, he grabs a Pokeball from his belt and tosses it. Simon- Kadabra! Put it to sleep with Hypnosis! Er.. quickly!
The small psychic pokemon bursts from its Pokeball and at once starts to hold its single spoon out before it, emiting waves of dull psychic energy to lull the pokemon to sleep. Simon takes a breath, looking relieved as the pokemon drifts to the ground and folds its wings on its side like a book. It falls asleep swiftly. He takes his chance and throws a Pokeball once again at the now sleeping Pokemon.
Got it! ????? was caught!
There is a slight pause, a sight of relief, and then Simon turns to the camera looking triumphant.
Simon- Fantastic, did you see that? It caught! It actually caught! Okay! Okay I have to think up a name, I think that's enough!
Ended up deciding on Mimic as a name for it, since it mimics its surroundings. And other Pokemon. And other People. It's a pretty convincing fake as well. Anyway, welcome to the team Mimic!!
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Well, I got here. Listened to the entire John Oliver-era run of The Bugle between late March and June 2022, had a small breakdown and decided that clearly the end of this means nothing gold can stay and there’s no future to look forward to (to be fair to me, the way John Oliver left the podcast was really drawn out to be as painful an ending as possible, also I had some difficult stuff going on in my actual life and being upset about a podcast was just a projection of that, but even considering those mitigating factors, I still got more upset than a podcast hiatus warranted). I then spent a few weeks unable to bring myself to listen to any other episodes because I thought I’d just spend the whole time refusing to like the new thing and being upset that it wasn’t the old thing, until the coup against Johnson occurred in early July and not enough topical comedy shows were running so I turned to The Bugle to get some takes on it, and I realized that I actually can get through a non-Oliver-based Bugle episode without it being the end of the world. So then I went back and started listening to the post-Oliver episodes from the beginning of them, with a bit of a rocky start as my brain does object to change, but as it went along I got used to them and began to accept that sometimes some things can be good even if they’re not exactly like the things I liked before. Maybe.
That was 177 episodes ago. Here I am at episode 177, the last episode of 2020, the famed reunion episode, featuring John Oliver back on the podcast for the first time since he unceremoniously (and seriously, very slowly and painfully) fucked off in 2016. And really in 2015, since he was gone for the last seven months of 2015 even though they kept putting out filler episodes saying he’d be back imminently, but he didn’t come back until one episode in March 2016 and then almost one more 2016 episode but that one didn’t really happen, and then they kept saying they’d get it going again until suddenly he showed up in June said actually he’s done, and seriously, John, you’re a wonderful person but that was not your best handled situation, professionalism-wise.
Anyway. That said, here we are in December 2020, and here they are, and I’m feeling a completely normal and healthy number of emotions about it. Like three or four emotions - five tops, I swear. They started putting out videos of some Bugle recordings earlier in 2020 and I have not watched those because this is meant to be an audio newspaper, but obviously I’m watching the video version of this one. This video has come up in my YouTube recommendations many times before, of course. I’ve seen clips of it shared and referenced on this site a couple of times. I have always resisted the temptation to watch any of it, thinking I’d appreciate it more if I save it for when I actually get there in my chronological Bugle listening. And here I am.
So far, I’ve just started watching it and I have one comment: at 5:17, John Oliver says the words “fucking disgrace”, but it gets bleeped out, as swear words almost always do on The Bugle. Just after that, you can see Producer Chris look down and clearly make a note. I’m pretty sure he’s marking the timestamp so it’ll be easier when he goes back later to censor the swearing. That is somewhat like something I do when I listen to The Bugle, or for that matter any other podcast or TV show episode, and I hear something of sufficient interest for me to think I should write about it on this blog. I mark the timestamp in the notes app on my phone, so I can easily go back there to cut out a video or audio clip and upload it here, and/or type out a transcript of what was said, and/or just re-watch/re-listen to it so I can remember what I wanted to write about it. To often since starting this blog, I have spent too much time searching through episodes of something to try to find the little snippet I wanted to write about, and I save myself a lot of time when I note timestamps as I go along. It makes me inordinately happy to see Producer Chris do something similar to that, except with swear words he has to bleep out.
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crocus-cryptid · 5 months
We're on to V1:E2, as listed on roosterteeth's website. I know what the E stands for, but it took me a second to realize it's V for Volume. I watched V1:E1 immediately before this, so it's two plays of the theme song back to back. The theme fucks severely so I'm not complaining.
I realized the airships have fins and it looks a bit like they're swimming in the sky. That's really cool. Holy shit they switch to standing on all fours to land, I love that. A lot of RWBY's design elements function on the rule of cool, I think. Is it practical to have a gun scythe? Do physics really work that way in combat? Probably not, but it kicks major ass so it's fine.
I feel bad for Jaune, that's one hell of a case of motion sickness. Poor dude's vomited at least twice.
I noticed one of the shadow people doing a jaunty little walk on the way into beacon, that made me smile. Oh damn this episode is only six minutes. In later seasons I remember everything being a more consistent length, but I guess the series was still finding its footing here.
It's funny how Ruby animorphs into 2d chibi art. The flat colors and style of it harken back to the sort of thing I used to see being posted on deviantart by younger artists, which gives me a nice warm sense of nostalgia. I remember posting my wonky anime art online once upon a time.
I think it's cute that Ruby's a weapon nerd. That could be a great vehicle to explain more about how weapons work in Remnant. How a character explains world details can tell you just as much about that character as it does about the world.
I kind of love the poorly recorded stock sound effects. It's something that really roots this in that era of youtube animation.
Weiss assuming that Ruby doesn't know what dust is is likely to explain what it is to the audience, but she's also a brat who would figure that most people are beneath her based on this scene alone. Blake just standing there reading a book is interesting- was she reading and walking at the same time? I forgot that she was a bookworm.
You can really see the anime influence in how they animate the characters. Also in how they're designed, but how they move and emote feels very anime.
I wonder about that wiggly clothing effect. Is it supposed to be wind? I've seen it happening indoors. I'm guessing it's not an error since they've consistently kept it in. Is it for emphasis? It's probably wind.
Blake bringing up the unfair labor practices Weiss' family corporation employs comes back later, I know.
I like Jaune's shield, and I thought it was funny that Ruby pointed out how it weighs the same. Even the "uncool" weapons are neat. It's cool that Ruby forged her own weapon, too!
The outro fucks severely too! The chorus reminds me of music from the 70s in some ways, with the strings and the bells. I clicked off to look up the full song. The guitar solo is pretty good, feels kind of Steve Vai to me.
Oh huh, V1:E3 is another six minute chunk titled pt 2 to the last one. I'll just keep going in this post since it's basically one episode. This was uploaded after the ten minute limit on youtube videos based on how V1:E1 was one ~12 minute chunk, so I'm not sure what's up with that.
Jaune going "Where am I supposed to find another nice, quirky girl to talk to?" And there immediately being another character with real details behind him is honestly pretty funny foreshadowing. If they were animating this one piece at a time before uploading, it'd make a lot of sense if they read the comments about Jaune clearly being an actual character and decided to make a gag from it.
The dialogue can be pretty rough. It reminds me of like. What people think Marvel movies sound like. And I don't like marvel movies.
Ruby reads as autistic to me, maybe some other flavor of neurodivergent as well.
Ozpin's glasses remind me of Vash from Trigun's glasses. I wonder if that was intentional or not.
I love Jaune's footy pajamas. The background boys having real detail was probably just to sell the gag but it might be fun to see them again.
Ruby's pajamas remind me of the Dead Tired line of g1 monster high dolls, with the graphic tank top, patterned pajama pants and sleep mask. I doubt she has high heeled slippers, though. She and Frankie Stein would probably get along pretty well.
Ooh it's a different song this outro! My guess is it's to show off the totally awesome soundtrack. If I had music that awesome linked to my project I'd want to show it off too. I should listen to Jeff and Casey Lee William's discography after this.
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7grandmel · 10 months
Todays rip: 30/11/2023
Sunday Morning
Season 4 Episode 1 Featured on: SECOND WIND ~ SiIvaGunner: King for Another Day Tournament Original Soundtrack VOL. 2
Ripped by wolfman1405, cazsu Performed by cazsu (Piano, Vocals), wolfman1405 (Guitar, Bass, Backing Vocals), Andrew Garrison (Tenor Saxophone), Tav Bartlett (Piano Solo)
And so, November comes to an end, with autumn officially over, and the holiday season just a day away. My 22nd birthday passed, the blog has been going without break in schedule for about half a year, and 2023 is almost coming to an end. I get a bit sentimental thinking about it, and felt it only fair to close the month out with a rip that sits close to me. Sunday Morning as featured in the King for Another Day tournament.
Y'know, for the first few years of my SiIva watching, it was really easily for me to filter things out based on my interests - I'm sure a lot of current SiIva viewers still operate this way. I adressed this back with Beautiful! ~ Curveball of Sean Kingston and waterwraith pokos, but there are simply so many moving pieces of the channel operating at once, that its easy to miss a lot of things along the way. And during Season 1, 2 and 3, SiIva's reverence for Kara's Flowers/Maroon 5 was part of that - I brushed it off as Chaze's silly gimmick and didn't really pay the rips themselves much mind. Yet part of what made the King for Another Day Tournament in Season 4 Episode 1 so special, was that this sort of self-selecting felt far harder to do - the tournament was a community event that asked ALL of us to participate, and part of that participation was to collectively listen to and appreciate all of the various demo tracks released by each participant. Despite their prevalence on SiIva, I had very little knowledge of Adam Levine and Maroon 5 - until suddenly, rips like Sunday Morning made me gutted that he was eliminated from the tournament so early.
And like, I get it - He never truly had a fighting chance specifically due to viewers like me. SiIvaGunner is a celebration of pop culture with a particular fascination and fixation on video game music, and the overlap between that nerdy audience and fans of 2002 Pop Rock album "Songs about Jane" by Maroon 5 realistically didn't have all too much overlap. But this arrangement was my first time ever hearing Sunday Morning, and it absolutely enamored me.
The jazzy feel of cazsu's piano playing and wolfman1405's bass are immediately gripping whilst also clearly establishing the song's tone as different from the original, punctuated to cazsu's vocal performance. I vividly remember just how much the performance spoke to me, specifically for how truly earnest it felt: it reminded me of Season 1 and the performances by Nick Oleksiak in rips like Everyday Goodbyes (SiIvaGunner Band Cover), and further reminded me of how much of a fan initiative SiIvaGunner truly is. The vocals are fantastic, but not in the sort of overproduced, perfectly-pitched studio mixed way that studio albums like Songs about Jane typically are - the vocals, when push comes to shove, feel like that of a human being, one who loves the song they're covering. That much appears to be evident, if nothing else: a commenter on the YouTube upload noted that the arrangement even takes elements from the song's original demo tapes.
Its hard for a rip made by wolfman1405 to ever disappoint, and his additions to the arrangement are unmistakeable. Yet its cazsu's performance that sells it all for me, paired with the context the arrangement slotted into - as part of the biggest SiIvaGunner event in its entire history, and as a celebration of everything the channel had accomplished in that time. It did really get me emotionally, and it was effectively the first in a set of dominoes that led to me becoming far more interested in music culture as a whole, outside of the comfortable little bubble I'd set up for myself within SiIvaGunner and VGM. Today, I'm running a blog entirely about all of the little nooks and crannies of the SiIvaGunner channel - ones I'm familiar with, ones I only discovered recently, and ones from submissions that I'd never even heard of.
Put simply, it was thanks in large part to King for Another Day tournament that I truly opened up in terms of my music tastes. And I owe so much of it to Sunday Morning, to Adam Levine, to Maroon 5 - and to caszu, wolfman1405, Andrew Garrison and Tav Bartlett.
Thank you.
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fordp1nes · 7 months
shout out to my third grade teacher telling me not to watch game grumps and inadvertently changing the course of my life forever
> be me, in the third grade
> don't know how to make my own email, use my school account to watch videos
> watch stampylonghead -> recommended & watch dantdm -> recommended & watch jacksepticeye (eventually)
> after school, teacher wants me to find something on youtube through my google account
> ohshit.jpg
> scared i'll get in trouble because jacksepticeye vids have swears in them and i was a goodytwoshoes
> act paranoid to the point of actively drawing suspicion
> teacher tells me, "it's okay, we don't care what's in your recommended. just don't watch this channel called ### #### #####"
> what did she say?
> repeats herself clearly with full diction, "The Game Grumps"
> go home and look them up because of course i do
> never the same
- cut to a few years later -
> be me, 12 years old
> let's check on the game grumps, i haven't watched them in a bit
> see they started a series for [REMOVED GAME], curious so i check out what's uploaded
> catch up to the current episode
> holy shit this game is incredible, i HAVE to know what happens next
> ask my mom to buy it on switch
> finish the game, the second one, the third one
> synapses are firing like crazy. all of the happy chemicals are in my brain
> baby's first hyperfixation
> remember old tumblr account made a year before that i never touched
> "maybe i can find other fans on there!"
> join a discord server to meet people who know the series
> "my parents said i should never use my real name on the internet... let's say my name is myles"
and here we are now.
i've come very far since then. it's been almost 5 years since that day in june, and a little after that it'll be 5 since i began transitioning. it's crazy how one little thing did so much.
i haven't kept contact with a single person from that server, or from its iterations afterwards. it was for the best. i needed to learn, to grow, and to improve myself as a human being, and even after all that growth i'm not sure talking to them would be the brightest idea. but this isn't about that, at least not right now.
any one variable could have changed EVERYTHING. my third grade teacher could have chosen not to say anything (which probably would have been wise). i could have heeded her warning and not looked them up.
what would have happened? would i be a cis girl? would i have realized i'm a system? because those two realizations ended up being related, funnily enough.
on that server, we met a system. no specifics- we don't keep contact. they didn't know they were a system at first, but they figured it out eventually. when they told us, part of it resonated with us, and we said as much. but another part of us was in denial. he believed we were making it all up. he was wrong, of course, but we held onto that guilt for a long time. we still do, in a way.
i don't think anyone still follows me from all the way back then, but if you have; you've seen a lot of this journey play out in real time. you are one of very few witnesses to what i believe to be a miracle. if it wasn't for that one sentence- that one channel- that one game- that one server- that one person. a series of coincidences, all lining up like planets in a row; like a magnifying glass, the sun, and an anthive. i've been burned on the way here, but i made it out okay. i think that's the real synthesis to all of this.
you will make it out okay. your realizations will make their way to you in funny ways. ways that seem irrelevant, or strange, or unhelpful. give them time. let them stew. the way forward will show itself when you walk down any path.
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solalunar-eclipse · 1 year
Strings Neither Green Nor Red
Chapter title: Orange Cross-Stitch (Payton M. Addison)
AO3 Link
1 | 2 | 3 | 4
Spamton belongs to Toby Fox, all other characters belong to @brightgoat on Tumblr and Twitter.
(I’m so sorry this is late!!! I totally forgot to upload it earlier... ^^;;)
Pay hummed lightly to himself, performing the weekly task of adding all of his department’s earnings to his specially dedicated spreadsheet. It was both deeply complex and extremely organized (as well as color-coded!), which was what he liked most about it, and why he normally looked forward to this job regardless of the actual values he was adding in.
He faltered on the next notes of his jingle when he reached two particular numbers, however.
Video and Click’s earnings had both risen dramatically this week. Normally, of course, that would be cause for celebration, maybe even a fun extra purchase or two, but right now it was more frightening than anything.
Pay felt uncomfortable with parts of life that didn’t fit with the data, and this was a massive disjoint that had been weighing on his mind for a while. Neither Video nor Click had any reason to be earning more than usual—even Vid’s sale to Queen a couple weeks ago couldn’t account for the steady rise in pay day after day.
He didn’t want to stress anyone out, however, so he’d been keeping quiet about this on all fronts. The thing was, though, the only other time they’d seen such a sharp rise in earnings was…
“Hey guys! Guess what!” Vid called, sounding delighted.
“What is it, Video?” Mags asked, walking into the main room.
Next to Vid, a small, white Addison stood nervously on the carpet. “Uh…h-hi?” they said, giving an awkward little wave. 
Then, their salesperson training kicked in, and they strode forward, taking Mags’s hand and shaking it firmly—albeit just a little too long. “The name’s Spamton! Spamton G. Addison! Pronouns he/him, if you please, and it’s very nice to meet you!”
Mags smiled, finding this new Addi strange yet charming. “It’s nice to meet you too, Spamton. My name’s Magson, but you can call me Mags. I use he/him as well.”
“He’s a new assignment to our department!” Vid said eagerly, clearly excited.
“Really?” Mags asked, intrigued. “We do already have four Addisons, but a department of five is by no means unprecedented. And who am I to argue with Management…so, welcome, Spamton! I do believe we have a room that you could use somewhere in here.”
Spam’s eyes widened. “Really?!” After a moment, however, he remembered himself. “I—I mean, I appreciate it.”
“Ooooh, this is so cool!!” Vid cried. “I can’t wait to get to know you better! I bet we’re gonna be best friends!”
That was when it had begun. Video’s good mood, kick-started by Spamton’s arrival, had never faded. Soon enough, Click had focused his competitive sights on the white Addison (instead of all the rest of them), and everyone’s emotional well-being had gone up as a result.
Well, almost everyone’s.
B-but anyway, before Spam, the department had been a mess! Click had been trying to find a more aggressive competitor in Vid, but failed miserably, given that all Video wanted to do was have fun. Mags and Pay had both been stressed out just trying to keep the other two under control, leaving them with hardly any energy to focus on their own jobs. But Spamton had fixed everything.
Once Vid found an outlet for his energy and Click a target for his sarcasm, the other two were given room to grow and flourish in their own right, instead of being forced to act as buffers for the others. This had essentially doubled their income within half a year, meaning that Spamton had practically paid for his place in the department without ever selling a single thing.
…and Pay had never told him that. Not once.
Instead, when Spam had actually begun earning money, they’d all been jealous.
“Guys! GUYS!! I made another sale!” Spamton cried, bursting in through the door. 
A thick tension fell over the room—one palpable to everyone except the Addison who was its target.
“Sweet! For real?” Vid asked, forcing their smile just a tiny bit. They were proud of Spam, they were! It was just that…they were also a teeny, tiny bit jealous.
They all were, truth be told. There was an established hierarchy of who earned what, and everyone had been perfectly content with their place in it. Pay’s money was the most consistent, Vid had the greatest average, and Click had the highest spikes.
So then when—how—why had Spamton suddenly become the highest and most consistent earner?
What did he do to deserve this bounty, windfall after windfall?
Why him?
None of the others congratulated him, aside from a mild nod of acknowledgement from Mags. Click’s scoff of “Again?” definitely didn’t count.
Slowly, Spamton’s face fell, and he left the room without another word.
Pay felt sick at the memory. They hadn’t known! None of them had known what would happen later!
At first, when they’d heard that he was bleeding money fast, they’d all felt…a little self-righteous. Hadn’t they told him not to push too far? But then, he just vanished. He never came back, asking to return home. Word spread that he was being disgraced, evicted, even.
Mags had gone to the Mansion to check on him, without telling anyone. He’d probably been worried for Spam—not that he’d ever said as much.
But then, when he came back…
“What did you just say?” Vid snarled, rising to his feet.
“…I’ve deleted Spamton’s information from the system.” Mags repeated, his head bowed. “We shouldn’t be connected to him any more. If he vanished, then we need to make sure none of the rest of us do.”
Click and Pay were silent.
…Vid? Not so much.
“‘We’?! There’s no ‘we’ here!” he barked. “You did this without asking any of us and then you try to act like it was a joint decision? As if!”
“Vid, I did that to keep us all safe!” Mags cried, his eyes hard.
“Oh yeah? Is Spam not one of ‘us’ any more? Who’s looking out for him, huh?!” Vid snapped back.
“He made his choice!” Mags yelled. “So I’ve made mine!”
“And you made mine too, without asking me first.” Vid spat. “I can’t believe this.”
“If you have such a problem with my choices, then maybe you should leave.” Mags growled.
“That’s the best idea you’ve had all day!” Vid cried, stalking out of the room.
Pay shivered on the couch, silent.
In the present, he winced, the pain still as fresh as the day it had happened. If only this all hadn’t ever taken place…
…but it had. There was nothing he could do.
He busied himself with composing a new, small song for a future ad concept he’d had in the back of his mind for a while. Normally, he wouldn’t indulge himself like this, but he knew he couldn’t do his best work with all of these memories flaring up.
As he worked, he overheard Video and Click chatting lightly outside, swapping stories in a way that they hadn’t in ages. Vid laughed—genuinely—which he’d been doing more and more these days. Pay listened in a little more closely. Despite that, something was…off about this conversation.
After a minute, he realized what it was. Click wasn’t being sarcastic. At all.
Everything he said was something he truly meant (even if it did sound a little stilted on occasion). His tone of voice alone was enough to give that away. It was so uncharacteristic of him, though! Click was never so careful with his words.
Suddenly, Pay heard his name mentioned in the conversation, and realized with a jolt that he’d stopped composing. Almost frantically, he began to toy with his soundboard once more, hoping to remain inconspicuous. Luckily for him, nobody came inside, and he soon found himself reabsorbed by his work.
Writing that little jingle did end up helping him a lot, and so it wasn’t until later that night that Pay’s thoughts kicked into overdrive once more. What was it that had caused Vid and Click’s earnings to rise so drastically all of a sudden? They couldn’t have been called by Spamton’s mysterious benefactor, could they? Video certainly hadn’t—he was normally terrible at keeping secrets, so Mags or Pay would definitely have found out by now if that was the case. But then what?
He lay still, his mind racing and working through endless possibilities until he finally fell into a restless sleep. 
Pay jolted upright in the middle of the night, his mind reeling. Something important, something vital, had clicked into place in the back of his head while he rested, and now he just needed to figure out what it was.
The graphs of their income that he always loved to chart. Two parallel curves, climbing upwards. The brightness without even the slightest hint of pain in Video’s smile these days. Click’s almost-kindness towards everyone else, clearly a struggle—but one he was willing to work for. 
Logic demanded that the most simple answer should necessarily be the first one considered, and yet Pay had somehow passed right over it.
“Spamton.” he whispered into the darkness, the name something he hadn’t dared to say in ages. “It has to be.”
It all lined up now. Video must have found him first, because his data had been rising for longer. They would have hit it off relatively quickly, since Vid had never let go of the idea that Spam was still out there somewhere, holding tightly to their end of the friendship. It would have been easy to rekindle something that had never truly died, especially if Spam had felt similarly to Video all this time.
How Click had managed to work things out, however, Pay couldn’t entirely understand. Of course, the pink Addison had been searching for Spamton for quite some time, and had made his views abundantly clear about who he believed was in the wrong from the moment Spam had disappeared. However, he couldn’t imagine Spamton forgiving so easily without some sort of catalyst prior to Click’s apology. Could Video have spoken up for Click? Would their shared concern for Spam have been enough to unite them?
Video would definitely have more information, but Pay doubted he’d be able to get at it. If he went straight for Video with his theories and questions, he was almost certain that the yellow Addi would just avoid him or deflect until he could escape. Even the mere idea that Pay was interested in Spamton only once it was confirmed he was alive was unlikely to go over well, considering Video’s usual emotional responses.
Pay needed backup if he was going to learn more, and there was only one person he could turn to in order to get that.
The next morning, Pay burst into Mags’s room while the blue Addison was barely starting his first cup of coffee, green strings of calculations visible behind his eyes.
“Whoa, what’s up with you today?” Mags said tiredly, blinking in confusion.
“I figured it out.” Pay breathed. “Why things are changing again—getting more normal.”
“Pay, listen, didn’t we agree not to question a good thing earlier?” Mags asked, frowning.
“I know, I know, but I really think you need to hear the reason behind it. I won’t bore you with the details behind it, I’ll answer any questions you have afterwards, just let me explain.”
“Alright, fine.” the blue Addison said skeptically.
Pay sighed, relieved at the thought of finally being able to tell someone about all the ideas churning inside his head. 
“Okay, so, to make a long story very very short, Spamton’s alive and both Video and Click have seen him at least once.”
It was a good thing that Mags hadn’t picked one of his favorite mugs for his coffee today, as the one he had been holding shattered on the floor approximately three seconds later.
“What? How?” he gasped.
“Well, you see, it was just some basic logic once I was able to work backwards from the solution, although it did take me somewhat longer than I would’ve liked to��” Pay began, but Mags cut him off with a wave of his hand.
“No, not that—how did they know he was out there? How did they find him? Why didn’t they tell us?”
Pay shrugged. “For that, you’d probably have to ask them but I really don’t think that’s a good idea right now!” he yelped, lunging for Mags’s arm as the other Addison rushed towards the door.
“Why not?” Mags was shaking, his eyes wild. “Spamton’s alive, right? You’re sure?”
“Almost entirely certain.” Pay said.
“That’s enough for me. They’ve both been lying to us—I need to deal with this now!” Mags cried, pulling against Pay’s grip.
The orange Addison let go of his arm nervously.
“I’m going to call a meeting. This instant.” he insisted, rushing out the door with Pay trailing fearfully behind.
0 notes
dreamingsushi · 2 years
Blue Birthday - Episode 12
Tumblr media
Someday, I will finish this drama, I promise. It will happen, hopefully soon. I’m really bad at being consistent to this blog, somehow I just don’t watch as many drama as I used to in the past. Life got busy, but I want to get back at it whenever I can and hopefully these recaps are of any use to someone. Well, at least they’re fun for me. I have no idea where we were at last time, so let’s just jump right in and see if the sister really is the culprit and if we’ll save the boy. Once again, I forgot every character’s name :D
Oh yeeeah, I remember now. They found the camera, which was taken by one of the gang and it shows Sujin (I believe Harin’s friend) getting in after the other boy. But it’s only her back, so in my opinion, it could totally be someone else wearing her clothe and copying her hairstyle. MISUNDERSTANDING INCOMING! That’s for sure! More drama, we happier. I was thinking they would be a little more subtle about it though, but they actually all gang up against her because the person in the video is wearing the same hairpin she wears everyday, except for Euiyoung when she can’t explain where she was very clearly. She leaves. I mean, I would be pretty hurt myself if my friends accused me of being a murderer.
Oh wow, poor her can’t get a break. As they leave school, the police comes to take Sujin away. Screen of big sister seeing everything. It’s going to run in circles from now on... What a shame, it was interesting. So she left during lunch because she needed to go to the bathroom and she was taken home by a delivery person. She can’t however remember the name of the restaurant. So of course, to help and meddle even more, Harin, feeling bad for accusing her friend, decides to look for that delivery man. Even though the police should be the ones doing it. And she’s supposed to be older than the others since she came from the future...
A call from Euiyoung makes her kind of guessed what happened. The person came from the future, took Sujin’s stuff to make it look like it was her, lured Kim Sinwoo to the art room, uploaded the video and put it back while hiding Eunsong’s watch close to it so he would find the camera. But then Eunsong wasn’t the one to find the camera, so it changed the plan. Hence Harin wants to go back to see the crime scene in case she can find something else. And then they notice the window. They go back to the video, zoom in and... OH NO! IT’S BIG SIS D: They can’t believe it at first, but it really is her. Sadness. Now can we know what her motives are? Thank you.
Obviously, they is a lot of crying, lots of sadness. Police arrest Hyemin (big sis), is it true or a foreshadowing, who knows for now.
There are still 4 episodes left. And I don’t know what to think anymore, how will it not run into circles? Maybe we get a POV from big sis as to why she wanted to kill her brother? I’m not so interested in what their lives become once Seojun is saved. At least, they’re short episodes, so it shouldn’t take too long, but still. We’ll see! See you next time!
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