#there was no real reason it should have been donnie over any of the other characters i emulated
dancingdonatello · 25 days
Hello, could you write a headcanon about Leo de Rottmnt on how he would react when he realizes he is in love with a human?
rise leo x gn reader
How many blind dates had he been on? Too many to count. He’d even agreed to be set up with Sunita’s cousin, who was the same sort of goop yokai except she was blue.
Every yokai he went out with, he always ended up ghosting them. Ignoring their messages, pretending not to know them when they ran into each other in the Hidden City. No matter how exasperated April and Sunita got, he just never felt right with any of them.
They all just seemed the same to him and he hated having to do small talk over and over again to just end up ignoring them a few hours after. It was a waste of time at this point. He should just pull a Donnie and write his age, favorite color, and hobbies down on a notecard and hand it off to the next yokai he went out with.
Not even at the bars or clubs he had followed Raph into had he spotted anyone. He always ended up slipping away into the crowd when everyone approached him.
His family was getting sick of him acting antisocial and then complaining about not having anyone. Hell, even Donnie was sneaking out at night, probably to meet someone.
The only one who ever listened to him without complaining was you now. Not that he could complain all the time, you were always busy and with your new… friends. He rolled his eyes at the thought of them.
You were always off with your completely 100% normal and human friend group, leaving him, his brothers, and April behind most of the time. April was always welcome but not them for obvious reasons.
You used to be at the lair everyday. Leo would share his comics. He’d teach you to skate. He’d throw popcorn at you when you ‘ooh’ed over a hot guy on love island. He barely saw you anymore. He’d portal into your room and it’d always be dark and empty.
And in every photo you had shown of your new friend group, there was always one bland looking dude right next to you. Always close, shoulders touching. Once you even giggled shyly when he mentioned it. It still made him mad just thinking about you going out with some shmuck that looked like every average guy walking around in the city.
He didn’t even look half as muscular as Leo. He didn’t have any of the flashy markings that glowed that Leo had. He couldn’t portal you to Paris or to the ancient pyramids. He didn’t even save the world. And yet you were probably more with him than with Leo.
Did you think of how Leo could effortlessly pick you up when that guy tried to do the same? Did he think of how Leo who could hold you up with one arm? Leo who could take you wherever you wanted?
At the very moment he was about to call you to find an excuse to complain about your guy friend, he finally realized what was actually doing on.
Of course he’d fall in love with someone he couldn’t have.
And it wasn’t like Leo could actually do everything with you like he tried to convince himself he could. You were a human and wanted to human things with human people. He couldn’t go into public with you. Kids would cry. Women would throw their purses at him. You’d be lonely with him.
So he didn’t call you. He’d let you hang out with your real friends and hopefully as you forgot about him, he’d be able to move on.
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daboyau · 5 months
Chapter ten of the Rise Hunger Games AU! Remember when I said this would be about six chapters total? Boy, was I wrong! We’re at double digits now, and not even into the meat of the Games yet. Hope you enjoy the calm while it lasts!
Here, have the tag list. Fingers crossed it actually works this time!
@boots-with-the-fur-club @qwerty-keyboard-is-superior @theonlybrightowl @dandywonderous @dandylovesturtles @elijah-doodle @fredquinn @sady-is-secretly-an-alchemist @heckitall @beannary @brightandfullofglory @purplepixel @pomelined @imagionationstation @daughterofskylark @eb177 @lilysplash @midwesternvibes @burritello3000 @justchillininthebackground-06 @snowleopardtherebel @kiaxet
Knives have never been Donnie’s preferred weapon. He can appreciate the versatility of them, and how easy they are to carry or conceal, but he has never particularly enjoyed how close one has to be to use them effectively. It’s messy. Plus, contrary to popular belief, they aren’t really all that efficient at killing a human being unless the wielder knows exactly the right place to stab or slash, and has very good aim.
If he had the choice to pick any weapon, he’d go for a gun. He’s often eyed the Peacekeeper’s weapons, wishing he could get his hands on them, if only to take them apart. He wants to learn all their weaknesses, and figure out how to make his own better version. There’s a reason that precious few of the Districts have ever tried to fight back against them, despite having significantly more numbers. 
Unfortunately, guns have never been an option during the Hunger Games in the past, and he suspects that won’t be changing this year. Luckily for him, papa has ensured that he does indeed have all the necessary knowledge to use a knife, as well as a number of other weapons.
He adjusts his grip around the hilt and strikes out at the training simulation, a quick slash to its holographic throat causing it to crumble to pixelated dust. Another quick hard jab, and the next has joined its pixelated brethren in the great technological beyond. He whirls at a soft click behind him — the telltale indicator that there was another digital opponent spawning, he had surmised early on — and a backhanded stab to the throat has the indistinct figure dissipating before it has the chance to fully form. 
The room slowly begins to brighten as the simulation ends, and Donnie steps off the platform. His breathing is a little harsher than he usually allows during training, and the uncomfortable stickiness of sweat has the back of his shirt clinging uncomfortably to his skin. He shudders at the feeling. His back still feels strange after Draxum had poked at it the night before. The phantom sensation of pins and needles linger despite the exo-spine having no real nerve endings to speak of. Worse, if he moves too fast or bends too far, he can feel his legs tingle and he begins to lose sensation in his toes.
“The worst of those side effects should only last about 12 hours,” Draxum had told him dismissively, when Donnie had informed him of what he was feeling. Apparently, with his growth the last 14 years, the device had to be recalibrated to ensure it would continue functioning as intended. It had made him feel vulnerable and sick, forced to sit on the edge of the bed as Draxum fiddled with the most vulnerable part of him and his legs had suddenly stopped being able to hold his weight. The lingering sensation of fingers against his skin and the electric pain of tools inside his exo-spine had kept him up throughout most of the night, long after Draxum had left and Donnie had kicked his papa out to retire to his own room, not wanting to upset him with having to watch as Donnie rode out the after affects of having something integrated with his nervous system messed with. Yoshi had reluctantly given in, leaving Donnie gritting his teeth and hissing with each new spark of pain or each terrifying loss of sensation and control over his own body alone. It was the first time he actually felt glad that he wasn’t sharing a bedroom with his twin; the last thing he wanted was Leo (or anyone else) worrying about him.
He doesn’t trust that the man hadn’t done something; sabotaged him in some way, or installed some feature that would come back to bite him later. The fact that he couldn’t effectively examine his own back for signs of tampering just made it all the worse. If he could only take a look at it, then he might at least be able to soothe the anxious pounding of his heart that threatened to overwhelm him whenever he spent too long thinking about how dangerous it was to allow anyone he doesn’t trust implicitly to have access to his back. If it needed any cleaning or maintenance at home, he’d usually instruct Leo or April on how to do it, while Mikey or Raph held up mirrors at various angles so he could keep a close eye on the proceedings. Not an option now, but maybe he can have papa hold a mirror, at least.
After returning the knife to one of the weapons racks, he sighs and slinks over to grab a sealed bottle of water off the little table of refreshments that had been set up in a corner of the massive gymnasium. The other tributes are scattered throughout the space, a handful of them looking determined while most of the others just look lost. Donnie was one of the few to find a weapon and get to work immediately, and he knows that that decision means that there will be eyes on him now. That fact could work against him, painting a target on his back, or it could help him to form potential alliances if he chooses to go that route. It’s hard to say, since past games can’t offer conclusive data considering the participants — and therefore line up of personalities and group dynamics — change each year.
Not like he is any better, of course. He’d made sure to note which of his fellow tributes had moved with confidence and which had hung back or hesitated, just the same as all the rest of them. He knows better than to discount any of the more hesitant ones, though. A smart strategist might put on a front to keep attention off of themselves. That would have been what Leo would do in his place, he was sure. After all, Donnie is also holding back. 
“You were really good in there,” a voice says from right beside him, and Donnie chokes on his water. Apparently, being attentive while lost in thought is a skill he’ll need to work on.
The girl standing beside him is young, maybe 14 or 15. She stares up at him with wide green eyes when he turns to face her, like she’s expecting a response. Donnie clears his throat and casts a quick glance around them and then towards the other tributes, hoping to find that she was talking to someone else. No luck there. He looks her over, taking in the blonde hair and round freckled cheeks, trying to remember which District she belongs to, before it clicks.
“Ah, you’re from Eleven, right? The…sexy corn girl?” 
She stares up at him, mouth popped into a little ‘o’ of surprise, and he’s pretty sure that means he said the wrong thing. He looks away, focusing on the other tributes once more. He has just enough time to think at least if I’ve offended her she’ll leave me alone, before he hears a little snort beside him, and when he looks towards her once again he’s surprised to see her smiling. 
“It was really bad, right? The stylists for my District were awful this year.”
“They were,” he agrees easily, still confused as to why she’s talking to him. She nods and hums, and she hasn’t stopped staring at him. There are bags beneath her eyes; evidence of how the last few days and the impending Games have been weighing on her. He imagines he must look just as tired and beaten down.
“I heard about how you helped the District Three kids,” she says. “It was kind of you to do that.”
He almost doesn’t realize what she’s referring to, staring at her blankly before it finally clicks. He snorts derisively and waves the words off. He wishes she would stop smiling at him.
“It was easy to fix, the stylists were just idiots,” he mutters, taking another swallow of his water. He hears her giggle. 
“Yeah, it seems like there was a lot of that going around this year.”
He hums his agreement, and takes a half step further away from her. He’s nearly ready to get back to his half hearted training montage, but he’s not sure where to focus his energy next. He’s been eying the survivalist area of the training grounds, but one of the other boys has been hogging it for nearly an hour. He’s not really interested in sharing right now, or in socializing with other tributes. 
Speaking of which. 
“Bye,” he says dryly to the girl as he drops his empty water bottle back onto the table and turns to leave. 
“Wait! I wanted to ask you something.”
He probably shouldn’t bother, but he is curious. He turns back, eyes narrowed and arms crossed as he waits impatiently for her to finish her thought. She won’t look him in the eye, but after a beat, she finally gets herself together enough to blurt out, “Can you teach me how to use a knife?”
He stares at her for a long time, trying to figure out if she’s joking or not. It’s in poor taste, if she is. She stares back with those wide green eyes, hands clasped together as she rocks on the balls of her feet. He squints. 
“You’re serious.”
“Yeah! I’ve never had to use one to fight before.”
“Ask one of them,” he tells her dryly, gesturing vaguely to the Capitol-provided trainers. She makes a face he doesn’t know how to read, then shakes her head quickly. 
“I already tried that! They’re just interested in the Careers. The guy that was showing me kept getting distracted the whole time!”
“Right…but consider this; Why would I teach you to use something that you could then turn around and kill me with in four days?” 
“Because I won’t be able to learn enough to be at that skill level from just a lesson or two, but it might be enough to keep me from dying immediately?” she tries, grinning sheepishly. Donnie frowns and his eyes wander back towards the survivalist center. Still occupied. She clears her throat. “And also, what if I promise not to fight you in the arena?”
“What, like an alliance?” He can’t help the way his voice drips with disdain at the word as his gaze slowly move back to look at her. He’s watched enough games to know exactly how well alliances tend to go. There can only be one survivor, after all.
It’s difficult to meet her eyes, but the long strands of her hair sway when she shakes her head. Her voice comes out soft as she says, “No, nothing like that. More like a promise, I guess? I won’t kill you. You won’t kill me. We won’t have to help each other outside of that.” 
The words almost make him smile. Silly things like promises will never survive the Hunger Games, but it’s a nice thought. Probably something Raph or Mikey would take her up on. His heart does a painful little twist in his chest, and the tips of his fingers tingle. He swallows, hard, and then sighs. 
Well, not like he has anything better to do, right? The only thing he’s interested in working on at the moment is still being hogged. And papa did always say teaching others was the most effective way of honing your own skills.
“Go find a knife that feels comfortable in your hands, then come find me,” he says by way of answering, and the girl makes a small, excited noise and hurries off to do as he’s asked. Donnie watches her go with a scowl on his face, already knowing that he’s going to regret this. Raph is going to be so disappointed in him if he dies because he spent his training days helping other tributes instead of focusing on himself. But it’s not like there’s much here that he can learn from anyways…he hopes. 
He sighs and scrubs his hands over his face, then pulls them back quickly when the smell of sweat and whatever oil is used to maintain the knife he’d been practicing with hits him. Looking around to see if he can find somewhere to wash his hands, his mind drifts back towards Draxum once again and his eyes wander towards the cameras tucked away in the corners. The elevated balcony where the Capitol politicians and Gamemakers will sit is unoccupied for now, but he wonders whether Draxum or any of the others are watching them. 
I made it, Draxum had said, his fingers never stilling in their methodical examination. He had seemed to catch the way Donnie had gone stiff with surprise at those words, and he had felt more than heard the soft huff of amusement against the bare skin of his back. Goosebumps had prickled uncomfortably over his flesh.
“I was not expecting that,” he muttered, eyes staring stubbornly towards the blank expanse of wall. Draxum twisted something that made a jolt of pain light up his nerve endings, and it was only force of will that kept him from crying out.
“No, I suppose not. It would be too much to expect Lou to have ever told you the truth.”
“Your father.”
“My father’s name isn’t—“
“Yes, yes, he prefers to be called Yoshi now. I’ve heard.”
Donnie had frowned at that, irritation at the dismissal of his papa fanning the smoldering embers of barely repressed rage in his chest. At his side, his fingers kept twitching and jerking without his input. A cold sweat had broken out on his brow, and it was only the trepidation at how vulnerable he was at that moment that kept his mouth shut and his hands at his sides. He wished that his papa could be in the room with him. Some support would have been nice. 
“Is this one okay?” A voice asks, and Donnie is proud of the fact that he doesn’t startle at the sudden interruption. He accepts the knife the District 11 girl is holding out to him without looking at her. It’s well balanced, and the blade is dulled so that tributes won’t accidentally (or intentionally) injure themselves during training. Its hilt feels small in his hand, but it should fit her fine.
Are tributes this small every year, or is it just a bad haul this time around? He tries to remember, but they always seemed so distant on the holoscreen. It’s usually easier not to think about the little ones. They never last long enough to leave an impression once they enter the Arena.
“This’ll work,” he says, flipping the knife and handing the dull blade back hilt-first. She accepts it with a shaky little smile he doesn’t want to look at. “Follow me.”
He leads her to a small outcropping of fake, plastic trees. They’re intended to be used to practice climbing and camouflage, but they provide enough cover that hopefully he can do this one lesson without drawing attention from the other tributes. Though he doesn’t plan on saying anything to her about it, there’s a good chance that if the others believe the two of them are planning on working together, she’ll end up with a target on her back. 
He circles her with a critical eye, adjusting her stance and the way she grips the knife. Her nails are painted, pink and sparkly, reflecting the dim glow of the buzzing overhead lights. Her knuckles have gone white from how tightly she’s holding it, so Donnie taps the backs of her fingers until she takes a deep breath and loosens her grip. Then, he takes a few steps back and gets into a familiar beginning stance. 
“Come at me like you’re planning to attack me,” he tells her, and can’t help but smirk a little at the shock that flits across her face. “You won’t hurt me, but it will be a good chance to see where you’re at.” 
She chews her bottom lip as he speaks, then slowly nods. “If you’re sure….”
“Oh, worry not. I’m quite sure you won’t be able to get a single hit in.”
Unfortunately for her chances of survival, he’s correct.
Donnie waits until the clock in the corner of the holoscreen reads midnight before he gives up on trying to sleep. Hours of tossing and turning in the too-soft bed are just wasted effort and lost time, and he’s finally settled enough that the idea of food doesn’t make him want to vomit. Might as well get a snack while he still has the chance. He’s sure food will be scarce inside the Arena. 
He moves with silent steps, listening carefully, almost hoping that he’ll find Kendra waiting in the kitchen again. He hadn’t seen her during the training session earlier, and she had avoided his gaze during the tense dinner hour. 
Much to his displeasure, he had realized about halfway through the meal that he did, in fact, miss what little scraps of camaraderie they’ve found with one another over the last few days. As prickly and generally unpleasant as she is, at least Kendra’s simmering fury at their situation feels familiar. It’s preferable to Atomo’s overly eager cheer or his papa’s barely masked sorrow. At least they don’t have to pretend as much when it’s just the two of them. 
Donnie sighs, shoulders slumping, when he finds the kitchen dark and empty. The light from the refrigerator feels blinding when he swings it open, and the soft suction of the seal giving way seems unspeakably loud in the sound proofed silence of the large apartment. He knows he’s allowed the freedom to wonder the cage-slash-living-quarters, and that there are more than likely already eyes watching him through the glass lenses of the cameras positioned all around the apartment, but it still feels like he’s doing something wrong by being out of his bedroom so late at night. He’s gotten used to never being left alone. It’s not a pleasant realization.
He hurries to find something palatable, settling on fruit and some plain crackers he scavenges from the cabinets. He hesitates only a second before he shrugs and decides to bring the snacks to his bedroom. After all, what will it matter to him if the apartment gets ants or he stains the fancy sheets? It’s not like it will matter; just a few short days, and he’ll be either dead or the lone survivor of 24 children. They can put him - or his body - in a different room if this one is still dirty by then. He’s not going to be in any state to care either way.
The slick tile floor melts away to plush carpet as he pads through the living room and back towards the hall lined with their rooms. He pauses briefly outside the first door, hands tightening around the edges of the plate in his hands. The ceramic makes a sound that has him cringing as his nails scrape over its surface, and he wonders if his father might finally deign to look his way if he makes an offering of food. It’s not cake, but maybe…. 
Donnie takes a step closer and does his best to swallow down his jittering nerves. It’s not like he’s never had to find ways to get his father’s attention before, but it feels much worse to have to fight for his affection when they may have one another for only a few more days. Plus, he doesn’t even have April or his brothers here to compete with. Shouldn’t it be easier now? 
His hand pauses just inches from the intricate metal plated carving that decorates the door. He frowns, and leans a little closer, ear pressed to the cold metal. He heard his papa’s voice, but who…?
For one horrible, disgusting, disappointing (but not surprising) moment, Donnie thinks it must be Atomo in there with his father. He leans back slightly, ready to turn tail and bolt, when the female voice speaks again and—
It’s Kendra. Somehow, that is both infinitely worse and also far more suspicious. He braces himself and leans close again, but though he can hear the muffled voices, he can’t make out what they’re saying. It just sounds like droning, low and secretive, rising and falling like the tide as Kendra’s anger ebbs and flows and his father fights to get a word in. 
Donnie’s throat feels tight. Suddenly, he’s not that hungry anymore. He leaves the plate of food on the little hall table he hasn’t figured out the actual function of yet and retreats to his own room, trying not to let the sting of betrayal cut too deep.
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melancholysway · 2 years
TMNT Imagines: S/O being mugged/stalked (2012)
Since this user PMed me about this request, I'm just going to put the message here :)
Thank you so much! Could I actually request one more? 2012 headcanons again because it's my favorite era of the boys 😅 Anyway, we know that the turtles can be real protective when it comes to their family being in danger, including April and Casey. But when their S/O is in some type of danger (for example, they get mugged one night or they're being stalked), how would they respond? I do apologize for the back-to-back requests, but your writing is so good I can't help but ask for another request! (Okay, that sounded a lot better in my head 😅) But my point is, it would mean the world to me ❤️
Okay! I'm finally finished! So sorry for the wait! For some reason along with college, I wasn’t sure how exactly to write for this one! Like I said I write TOO much, so I have so many ideas that I can only squeeze in so much Yk? Anyways. Hope you enjoy!
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- Now, 2012 Leo is usually level-headed, he thinks about everything before he does it. He’s a strategizer.
-But, if he sees you in danger, he doesn’t have to think of anything other than getting you out safe. He can deal with whoever is mugging you later.
-You’re his priority.
-Leonardo, much like Raphael, is protective over you. It’s in his nature as a leader to look after the ones he loves.
-You just so happened to be that person for him. He loved you, there was no denying that he did
-He trains you, to have some tricks up your sleeve if you were to ever get caught up by a Purple Dragon or some low-life mugger.
-Because he knows you can handle it. You can handle yourself.
-That’s why he fell in love with you in the first place. You were strong, especially during the times others would be weak.
-He spends his time with you, how to get into your fighting stance, how never to throw the first punch. Let them run out of stamina, and then go in for the finishing blow. It’s a bonding experience for the two of you, and it always ended in a beautiful kiss after every session.
-“If you ever get into trouble, Donnie made these, here,”
-He gives you a T-phone. It has a little shell as the case, and when you go through it, you see Leo is the only “special” contact. His name has hearts on it, and his contact photo is a selfie of you and him during one of your all-night Space Heroes marathons. It’s Leo holding up the camera and smiling while you sleep on his chest.
-You can’t help but smile. Leo is a very sweet boyfriend, that was the truth.
-Contrary to popular belief, and by popular I mean the fics about Leo mercilessly beating the shit out of anything that is a threat to his s/o because they mug them is…false.
-That’s more Raph’s style. Leonardo doesn’t handle things that way. -He thinks about you.
-Because that’s what matters here. His anger that someone hurt you doesn’t. He’d rather save you first and make sure to get you to safety before handling things his heart wants to.
-He thinks with his brain, not his heart. However, with you, it’s both.
-So when you press the emergency button on your T-phone to notify the guys, you’re hoping they can come and help in time before anything bad happens.
“Do you think it’s a butt dial?” Donnie asks, looking down at his Shell cell while the emergency alarm goes off. Usually, it goes off when April’s in danger, which is often. She’s the target of the Kraang or Shredder, not you. You- now see this as you want- had no value to either party.
This didn’t stop you from falling victim to any local gangs in your area.
Raphael and Michelangelo emerge from their rooms, yawning after a long day of training. They were visibly tired. Donnie was visibly tired as well since he’s been in his lab all day and night. Leonardo was somewhere in the middle, but the thought of you in any danger had woken him up.
“We should treat each one as an emergency, Donnie,” Leonardo says, a wave of nervousness going over him. This was the very first time you dialed them with the emergency button. After glancing at your location on the map, you weren’t in your apartment. In fact, you were a few blocks away, and the heart icon that represents you (which Donnie programmed to be a heart on Leo’s phone ever since you both started dating,) seemed to be between two buildings, and it appeared to mimic an alleyway.
So, yeah, fluke or not, he had to go see if you were okay.
Leonardo could visibly see the tiredness in his brothers’ eyes and decided to do this solo. He can handle it, he always could. He knew how, especially if it was a petty gang.
“You guys stay back, I’ll check it out,” Leo’s blue eyes stare at his brothers. Raph gives him a confused look, “Wait, you don’t think we can handle it?” He asks, now looking annoyed at his older brother.
“No no, it’s not that! It’s just…”
“Mwah mwah mwah!” Mikey teases, making kissy noises. Raphael and Donnie get the hint, and now Leonardo has a trio of kissing noises in his face, only for him to sigh.
“Guys stop! It’s…okay, it’s that. I want to be able to help Y/n out on my own. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I couldn’t do that? Right? Right? Say something, please,” Raph, Donnie, and Mikey exchange look, only for Raphael to do the talking.
“If you need us, just give us a call, bro. Go help Y/n,” That’s all Leonardo needs. He leaves quickly, while Mikey begins making kissy noises at his older brother, just for Raphael to smack him upside the head.
“Don’t make it any harder than this shit has to be, just fuckin hand over your bag!” You continue backing up into the alleyway, trying to buy yourself time, until your back hits the cement wall. You look up and realize you’ve hit a dead end. You think back to the defense lessons Splinter has given you, and right now, you wished you could move instead of being frozen in place. You were cornered like a mouse. The cat is holding a knife, hissing threatening words, and flashing its fangs into a sinister smile.
Your breathing becomes heavy, as you see the knife come closer to your neck, soon pressing up against it when you still won’t hand over your bag. There was valuable stuff in there. Your ID, a piece of Leo’s bandana that wrapped around your keys as a good luck cloth. Yeah, very valuable shit. You did not want to lose those.
“Don’t make me cut ya for it, love.” The man in a ski mask says, his beady eyes glaring down at you. The word “love” drips like venom from his covered mouth, and you can’t help but shiver in response.
You’re seriously wondering if the emergency alarm worked. It was late at night, almost midnight, what if the guys were sleeping? What if they were all busy or their t-phones died? These scenarios played in your head as to how you would respond to the situation you’re in but…they don’t end very well. You end up bruised and beaten for protecting your bag.
You don’t say anything, but your eyes say all the words your mouth doesn’t. You’re scared.
That is, until, a dagger that’s shot from God knows where perfectly grabs the knife from the loophole in the blade, taking it from the mugger’s hand as it flies and is stabbed into the brick wall off to the side. Nobody could do something with such precision except for one person. Err, turtle.
You don’t dare look around, because the man in front of you is also capable of using his hands to get what he wants. But. it seems that he’s confused, frantically looking around, yelling curses into the atmosphere. He doesn’t seem to look behind him, as can faintly see your savior emerge from the shadows, creeping up before grabbing the dirty mugger and bringing him into the darkness. You hear muffled protests and screams, only for them to go silent after you hear an angry voice whisper:
“Don’t catch me seeing you hurt them again.”
It’s quiet in the alley now, the only noises being the cars on the street nearby and their honking of them. You look into the darkness, trying to see your knight in the soft blue bandana.
“Leo,” You say softly. You can’t see anything, until Leonardo emerges from the shadows, looking at you with worry. Leonardo’s blue eyes scan your whole body, to see if there were any signs that he had hurt you. He looked panicked as if he had been dreading this scenario for the longest.
He has.
“Did he hurt you? Please tell me he didn’t.” Leo pleads, cupping your cheeks and checking to make sure you don’t have any marks. There is a small dribble of blood coming from where the knife was placed on your neck, and Leo notices, sighing to himself and kissing you on the lips. As you kiss back, you can’t help but cry. Leonardo feels your tears land on his cheeks, and he stops kissing you, looking into your eyes and wiping your tears. His big blue eyes were something that you could get lost in, and they could calm you down all the same. As he continued wiping your tears, your sobs passed, only into sporadic sniffles.
“Hey, love,” You feel better. That’s who you wanted to hear call you “love.” Leo was the only one who got the privilege of calling you that. You’re reassured by his soothing voice.
“I’m here,” He lifts your chin, making you look into his ocean eyes, “as long as I’m here, you won’t get hurt. Not on my watch.”
“L-Leo…I froze, I couldn’t…” “Y/n, you’re safe,” Leo reassures you before you can break down again in front of him, “We’ll work on defensive skills- together.” He takes your shaking hand into his own, and the shaking seems to die down. Slowly, but surely.
Leonardo was grateful he got there when he did, or you would’ve been hurt. Or worse, but he doesn’t wanna think about that happening. He knows he can’t be your bodyguard 24/7, and he knows things like this happen, rarely, but they do. The only thing he can do is train you. Train you like Splinter did April. For shit like this, for you to defend yourself, without freezing up. He hates that he never trained you for the actual beginning part of the fighting. How to not completely forget the training you’ve been through. How to calm your nerves. How to not expect the worst. He didn’t teach you that, Splinter wouldn’t forget to teach something like this, but Leo did.
“Come, I’ll take you home.” The leader says, putting his hand out for you to hold. You take it, as you would any other time he offered his hand. As you interlock your fingers with him, you can’t help but feel a sort of comfort. Like his presence is home for you.
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-Raph was never one to think as Leo does. He’s passionate, and therefore, he’s the type to think with his heart. If anyone hurt any of his family, they better be ready to feel the wrath of an angry green-eyed turtle.
-He was sure he would always be there to help you out. He wanted to be the one you called on. As usual, Raph is very reliable. That’s one of many amazing traits about him.
-Very cautious of you. He knows his strength, and the last thing he wants to do is hurt you.
-But, he WILL hurt those who hurt you.
-He’s fully devoted to you, so it’s only natural that he does this.
-“Need me to give little miss bitch an ass whooping?”
-Yeah, he was like that. And when you came around to meet Casey, ---Raphael made one thing very clear when he saw how the hockey player stared at you.
-“Back off, man. Y/n’s already taken.”
-“By who!? Casey Jones likes what he likes,”
-“Oh. Well, I guess Casey Jones can let this slide.” Casey knew he would never dare cross his good friend Raph. Plus, Casey literally falls in love with anything that breathes that isn’t named or looks like Irma, so, there’s that.
now, you were almost sure someone had been following you home.
-You weren’t sure who exactly it was, but you had a feeling all the same.
-So when you told your boyfriend about it, he was on it.
-He freaked, though. Because, who’s the asshole who wanted to watch your every move??
-“When I find them I- they’re getting the ass-kicking of the century!”
-He wasn’t one to plan out anything, so he decided to watch you. Watch you walk home at night, and make sure nobody was following behind you.
-Because, well, he cared. He told you that when he had the courage to spill his feelings out.
-You cared about him, too.
-This went on for a while. He would watch over you from the rooftops while patrolling on his own, making sure you were okay during the day, and making his way to see you at night. He would escort you to the lair (what a gentleturtle,) and take you home after if you didn’t stay the night.
-Raph had not seen anyone following you, up until one evening, when he noticed someone in the weirdest of places.
“What the hell?” Raphael squints his electric green eyes into the distance, trying to figure out just who is watching from above the rooftops down at you. What was their reason? As he got closer, he noticed the familiar face.
Now, just what the hell did this Salamander want with you? Why was he so infatuated with you? He looked to be studying you. How agile you were, how aware you were of the world around you.
Whatever he was doing, it wasn’t good. Because this quiet stalking would only turn into something worse. So, before Xever can do anything, Raph calls you.
“Baby, don’t freak, but I found out who’s watching you.” Your body turns cold, unsure of exactly who it could be. You start to look around frantically, wondering if someone is behind you. Feeling an overwhelming sense of anxiety wave over you, you walk faster.
“W-Who is it?” You ask after Raphael told you to walk as normal. There wasn’t anyone behind you, but the idea of someone hiding somewhere made you extremely nervous. As Raphael continued to watch over you and monitor Xever, he realized Xever had seen him.
“Fuck, he saw me. Okay, go straight home, okay? I’ll take care of Fish Face for ya.” That’s how he was, always. Always thinking of you.
“Are you sure? Raph, I-” “Of course I’m sure. I want you safe. I love you.”
“Be careful.”
“Do you know who you’re dating? I’m the most careful turtle I know.”
“Okay okay, I’ll be careful,” With that, Raphael takes his sai from his belt, preparing his body and mind to take on Fish Face by himself.
Xever walks slowly, not with a need to run. He eventually makes it over to Raphael from a few rooftops away.
“Turtle.” He says as Raphael scrunches his nose from the sudden smell of the walking fish market. What he hated most about being around Xever was that he smelled like…well…fish.
“The talking Unagi Don, what the hell are you doing watching Y/n like that? Lonely much?” Raphael seers, throwing the first punch. Xever dodges and counters it, sweeping Raphael off his feet.
“Foolish mutant, I knew this human meant a lot to one of you, and now I know it’s you, I only want to take them to Shredder even more.” Raphael charges, causing the fish to back up onto the rooftop's edge, only to do a backflip and get back comfortably off the ledge.
“You’re not takin’ them anywhere. Not while I’m still around here to kick your ass like our regularly scheduled programming!”
With that, Raphael and Xever fight on the rooftop. It’s not unusual for Raphael to fight angrily, but right now, he was angry. Because, what exactly would Shredder do to you? Who was he to just pick someone he just happened to care about to use as a pawn? Shredder’s pointless vendetta was negatively affecting his family, and now his significant other. He didn’t want you to become another April. Someone that had to constantly look over their shoulder. You had a whole life to live, not that April didn’t, but, you were less involved with the turtle’s missions or issues than she was. It wasn’t right. And of course, he felt guilty.
He felt guilty, because, well, he got you into this mess when he revealed himself to you the first time you two had met. He should’ve thought it through, he let his personal attraction to you wind up to this point, where now you’re more than friends, yet at a cost.
It wasn’t right. And like Leo says, if you mess up something, it’s your job to fix it.
The fight was done. Xever had never experienced this type of Raph before. The “protecting their lover” Raph. Because, if we’re being honest, Raphael fighting for his significant other is a sight to see, yet an experience you wouldn’t want to be a part of. Unfortunately, Xever was.
And when it’s done, for the very first time, Xever feels defeated.
Because Raphael holds back a small part of himself when his brothers fight, but this time, no. There wasn’t Leo there to tell him to calm down, or Donnie to scold him for almost stabbing him on accident. No, right now, it was just Raph.
And as he goes running to your window, he wants to make sure you got there safe.
You hear the frantic knocking on your room window, and you open it, allowing the cold air to rush into your room. You stare at Raph, watching as the cuts and bruises littering his skin, with scratches on his plastron. He looks at you, smiling.
“You okay?” Another beautiful yet detrimental trait of Raph is that he thinks about you over himself. Right now, you were fine. But it didn’t matter. What mattered was Raph.
So you ignore his question and help him inside, sitting him on your bed and just kissing him as gently as you could. He’s a big boy, he can take some hits and scratches. But right now, you were there to doctor him up. He knows not to stop you once you’ve got that look of concern on your face; so instead of protesting, he lets you take care of him.
You clean the cuts and some small gashes, dressing his minor wounds. He doesn’t require any stitches and thank the Lord because that’s more Donnie’s thing.
You give him an ice pack (it’s a frozen pea bag) to put on his head while you retrieve some medicine for his headache when you stop as you see he’s staring at you.
“Nothin,’ just like seeing you so…dominant.” He smirks, causing you to smile and roll your eyes in response.
“Hush,” You hand him two capsules of Tylenol, “and take these, you should feel fine, I hope.”
That last part seemed to get Raph. The last thing he wanted was for you to be concerned like that, he was going to be fine and he knew it.
“I’m gonna be more than fine thanks to you, PhD in reviving mutants,” he jokes, bringing you into his arms as he gives you a chaste kiss on the lips.
As long as you were safe, Raphael didn’t mind a few boo-boo’s.
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-The weakest out of all his brothers so
-Don’t expect him to come alone if you need saving
-Sure, if it’s a few foot ninjas, he can handle. But do NOT get mugged by the Purple Dragons, Donnie kind of can’t handle all of them at once. He’s better when he’s with the team. He fights more confidently.
-He gets overwhelmed if he’s outnumbered. This happens even when he’s fighting with his brothers. He starts to overthink everything and, well, it’s just a mess.
-As your boyfriend, Donnie is pretty protective over you, I mean, look at how he was with april in the show!
-He really wants you safe, because that’s how Donnie is.
-Calls you all the time, especially while walking home, he has to know you’re okay.
-He sees how much you care for him, when he comes back bruised from a mission, you’re there to take care of him.
-Donnie always aids his brothers, but he was so used to helping himself, that it felt foreign to him to have you dress his wounds.
-But anyway, he would freak if you were in danger.
-Like right now, Donnie walked you home after a long day of spending your Sunday with the turtles. They were your therapy, and down in the sewers, there were no worries; just family.
As you’re walking through the alley to climb the fire escape to your apartment window, You both stop as a person appears to peer in the alleyway from the entrance. You and Donnie can’t really see who they are but their figure, but the purple-banded turtle assumes it’s a homeless person. So, you both act normal, standing still for a bit in hopes that they’ll leave, as they probably can’t see either of you.
Oh, but they can. Well, you, at least.
After stumbling a bit in front of the alleyway, you can now see the unknown’s face. It’s a man, an older, greasy-looking guy who doesn’t know what deodorant is. He grins at the darkness engulfing the alleyway, “I see you~” The man’s voice snarls, causing you to scrunch your nose up in disgust. You weren’t sure how he could see you, but one thing’s for sure, there was gonna be a little situation in regard to getting him to leave you and Donnie alone.
You feel a protective arm wrap around you, and you sense Donnie behind you, putting on that protective face of his. Not like Leo’s, where he’s a mama bear looking out for his cubs, no, like a loving boyfriend, looking out for his significant other.
He wouldn’t let anything happen to you. He couldn’t, and this low-life wouldn’t be hard to deal with at all.
“I think you should leave,” You say, feeling a wave of confidence go over you since having Donnie by your side. Usually, you would try and ignore, but right now, you felt confident that he wouldn’t lay a finger on you.
“And I think you…should come with me…back home, sweetie~!” After every stop between his statement, he takes a step closer to you, and now, this is when Donatello intervenes. He’s not one to show himself unless absolutely necessary. And right now, it was absolutely necessary if it meant protecting you.
“Nope. You’re gonna walk away,” Donnie states flatly, hovering his free hand on his bo staff just in case this drunk tries something funny. He steps more toward the man, ultimately revealing himself to him. Honestly, he looks so drunk that he probably won’t remember this shit in the morning.
“Eugh! What the fuck are you!?” After jolting back from the sudden dramatic jumpscare, Donatello sighs. He’s used to that. Although, he always remembers that you didn’t react that way when you first saw him. It was more of a friendly first meet, considering you were being cornered by the local Purple Dragon gang and was saved.
“The one that’ll….put you in a hospital if you keep it up!” Donnie wasn’t the best at clapbacks when he’s in protective mode, maybe while under pressure but, that’s more Raph’s thing. But, he would save all the sarcastic remarks for later, right now, his priority was you.
It’s no surprise that the man laughed at this, and retorted with a comment about Donatello being a…
“I ain’t listenin’ to a fuckin…lizard thing,” Yeah. That. When did lizards get shells is beyond me, dear readers.
As the man steps closer, Donnie tells you to back up and steer away from him, to lessen his chances of a friendly fire.
“Love, let me be the hero for once,” Your boyfriend was so used to being helped by his brothers when it came to saving you or his other 2 human friends, that he never got the chance to be the only one praised. He would love to hear praise from you.
So, you get out the way quickly, to respect Donatello’s request. He smiles gently and kisses your forehead, and he approaches the man head on. He doesn’t want to hurt him per say, just rough him up that he gets the hint.
It all changes when the man takes Donnie’s approach the wrong way, and gets hostile. So, he runs (sloppily, might I add) into the alleyway fully, coming full force at Donnie. It’s nothing crazy, he tries to punch him but, Donnie’s much more smarter and sober than he is, so, it’s not nothing he can’t handle.
So when the drunk pulls out a knife, it’s all a little too cliche. The turtle in purple got shot at, stabbed at, shell, even spat at by a big spider…thing. So, this was nothing. He swore it was nothing.
Donatello ditches the bo staff utilization for a pressure point instead. Yes, it was risky, but, Donnie was sober, he was not. His vision is most likely impaired, and his cognitive ability isn’t so well.
Except sometimes, humans get unknown superhuman strength when drunk. Not in a good way, either. They do dumb things, regretful things.
You watch as Donatello meneuvers around the man, taking notice at how focused your boyfriend was, seeing his rare face covered in self-confidence, up until he got to putting his finger on the pressure point right under the man’s chin. Long story short, he got a little stab in at Donnie’s arm right before he was knocked out. It happened so quick, the ninja didn’t even realize what had happened until after the fact. His body was pumping with adrenaline that he almost didn’t notice. Not until you said something.
“Hey…Donnie! Your arm!” You run toward Donatello, who’s now feeling the pain in his arm as he’s coming down from the adrenaline high. His breath hitches as he notices the new fresh cut on his arm. He wasn’t stabbed, per say, just grazed. He couldn’t believe the man who could barely walk in a straight line managed to get a hit in on Donnie- a highly trained ninja.
He stops to look at the blood trickling down his bicep and onto the concrete, staining the ground with drops of crimson. “Gosh, ouch! Okay okay, ow!” The sudden winces from Donatello break your heart, he’s not usually one to outwardly show when he’s in pain.
“Okay, Donnie? I’m gonna take you back to the lair, okay?” You’re already dialing for Leonardo and pressing the button to let him know it’s an emergency.
You rub circles onto your boyfriend's shell as he struggles with the new massive headache and the world around him spinning slowly, “Leo? Donnie got hurt, can you get the fir-” “Already on it! Do you need any help getting him here? Are you in danger? Is Donnie breathing okay? Is-” Leo’s slew of panicked questions are cut off by you.
“Alrighty mama bear, Donnie’s conscious. I got him-” You take off your sweater, wrapping it around the turtle’s bicep, it seems to relieve him somehow, as the bleeding has slowed, staining your cotton lavender sweater to a deep plum.
“I just, let me be his hero for once.” You say. You can handle getting Donnie back to the Lair. It wasn’t hard. As long as you kept him conscious and moving, you would get back to the lair in no time.
“I…okay. Call me if anything happens, okay?”
“Leo, I got this,”
And you do, you so got this. You get Donatello down to the lair safe and sound, already grabbing an ice pack from the freezer once you set him down on his examination table. Since he doesn’t have the strength to dress his graze, you take charge,
“Just order me around on what to get and what to do, I got it.”
He’s so appreciative. He can’t help but smile at you. How beautiful your face looked when you were concentrated on patting down his graze with peroxide, knowing it’ll burn, so you do it as quickly as possible. How you give him a soft kiss on the forehead when you’re done (he loves forehead kisses by the way,) and tell HIM to rest. You’re the doctor now, and it’s your turn to take care of Donnie. He smiles weakly after it, and his purple-red eyes land on your lips, as you get the hint and dive down to kiss Donnie’s lips, giving him reassurance that you’re okay, and he will be, too.
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-Mikey is very outspoken. He calls it like he sees it. Maybe not in the best way, he’s direct without realizing it.
-So he’s the best person to confront a stalker
-Because he’s not the “rah-rah” kind like Raph is, more like the “go away you’re weird” kind of confrontation.
-If it’s someone he doesn’t know, like a human, he’s not sure how to confront them.
-Like, should I show myself, should i not?
-For the past few weeks, someone on campus had a…weird obsession with you. There was a party coming up in a nearby house known for frat parties, and when you turned down their offer to be your “date,” they were upset. REALLY upset.
-But, they can’t get mad at you! You had a boyfriend.
-When you went down to the lair and complained that Romeo (this was Leo’s nickname for your new stalker) requested to follow you and message you again on Instagram, Mikey could feel a little mad.
-Which never happened, he wasn’t the angry or jealous type
-But when it came to you, he felt the need to be protective over you, and this Romeo guy wasn’t about to get in the way of you both.
-So, he does something kind of dumb?
-He does some FBI searching on the same social media site he found -Bradford, and was able to find Romeo. And trust me, it took a long, -LONG periodically time.
-Luckily, Romeo literally shows ALL of his life, where he’s at, what he’s doing, who he’s with, etc
He's status on facebook is that he's friends with you, which leaves Mikey slightly pressed?
For good reason, you were NOT Romeo's friend.
-When you reject him another time, the stalking gets worse, he begins going to your job, and sitting there, leaving when your shift ends. It’s until today that he tried to follow you home.
-Michelangelo just so happened to catch your emergency call as he was skateboarding on the rooftop, and he was on the job.
-He can handle it, no way he couldn’t. Some desperate guy?? ROMEO?? Yeah, he got this.
“Okay, seriously, stop fricken following me!” You decide to confront Romeo, head on. Although the streets were bare, you were still outside, meaning he seriously couldn’t do you no harm. The blonde haired football player couldn’t do anything but stop in place from a few feet behind you. He stands, slightly upset that you figured it out.
“One date, Y/n! One! Just one! I swear I’ll leave you alone! Or give me your number! Something!” This begging, coming from an soon-to-be adult is frankly very cringeworthy, and you’re catching secondhand embarrassment from the desperation his words hold.
“R-” You catch yourself from saying his code name, Romeo. You’ve been so used to saying it that it’s almost natural. “Steven, no.” You give a simple no once again, yet he persists.
“What could possibly be the reason why, huh?” Steven isn’t giving up, and now he’s just begging to be rejected again with that question.
“I have a boyfriend, that’s why! And honestly, even if I didn’t, I would still say no to you man!” What was so hard to understand?
“That’s harsh Y/n.” Steven’s demeanor had changed, he looked somewhat crazy right now, as he laughed after his statement, “I was being nice, but since you wanna be a fucking bitch to me, I’m gonna be mean.” The blue-eyed Romeo starts to walk over to you, and you back up, both going down the street. You make a turn, but instead of turning the curb, you wind up going into a more secluded area. As you back up even more, you realize the mistake you had made, as you were now in an alleyway.
‘Great,’ you think, ‘How cliché of me.’
You pressed the emergency button on the T-Phone your friend Donnie had given you a while back. This would be the first time you used the emergency feature on it. After pressing it, the signal had been sent to all T-Phones, notifying the turtles. Honestly, you were hoping that it would be quick, but you knew you had to do some serious stalling for the time being.
As Steven circled you like a cat honing in on its prey, you continued to back up, looking all around you for something to use as a weapon. Now, you had some training from Splinter, but you’ve only started to train like he taught April for a few days. So, you had no weapon of your own. But, Splinter always says that a great fighter can use anything around them as a weapon in some way.
After quickly glancing around you, scanning everything in the terribly lit alley, you find a potential weapon- a pole to what looks like an old american flag near the dumpster. Unfortunately, you had to get past Stev- you know what, Leo’s code name is funnier- Romeo, in order to get to the pole. So, you begin to look for ways to get around him. You’re unsure of what his intentions are with you, but you know they aren’t good. Romeo wears a…perverted look in his eyes, and now you realize that you need that pole.
You do something unthinkable, and walk closer to him. It’s a brave act, but you have tricks, dear reader. Romeo is taken back by the sudden change in your aura, as if you’re inviting him to touch you, yet…
When he gets close, you instantly knee him where the sun-don’t-shine. So bad, that he falls to his knees, whining in pain.
“Ow! My…my…my coconuts!” His voice is high-pitch like a school-girl, and you almost felt guilty for doing it so hard.
What makes this all so good, is that suddenly, Romeo is hit by what appears to be a balloon, yet as it pops, his hair becomes wet.
As you look around, you can see a two white slits that resemble eyes from atop the rooftop, as it’s dark, you can’t see who it is, but you have a good feeling who it might be.
Suddenly, a large puff of purple smoke appears behind Romeo, and after it fades away, you can see Michelagelo emerge, winking at you as he kicks Romeo back down as he tries to get up, feeling a presence behind him and looking back.
“Eyes straight, Romeo!”
“You questioning me?” Mikey challenges, throwing another water balloon on your stalker. It must be some cold water in those balloons, because Mikey has the poor dude shivering in addition to the cold temperatures tonight.
“Uh, no! No! Y/n, you know this freak?”
“The only freak here is you! Following Y/n around like…a stalker!” Mikey exclaims, now pinning Romeo down after his freak comment. Totally unnecessary by the way.
“You’re the freak! What are you!? Some kind of mutant?” Romeo should really learn to shut his mouth if he knows what’s good for him. After the second freak comment, Mikey twists his arms tighter, how Raph does when he wants Mikey to say “Uncle.”
“Yeah, a mutant, and theres 3 others that look just like me so, we better not catch you doing this to our Y/n again!” To finish off the threat, Mikey bonks him on the head with his nunchuck, causing Romeo to whine in pain, and finally agree to leaving you alone after Mikey wouldn’t let go, almost spraining his wrists.
~ “So, our Y/n, huh?” After getting to the window of your apartment, all is fine. You felt a weight being lifted off your shoulders tonight thanks to Mikey. And, thanks to Donatello for being such a genius and making those T-Phones.
“Well, you know,” Mikey rubs the back of his neck, laughing nervously, “You are our friend, but…you know!” He nudges you playfully, wathcing as you giggle and embrace him into a hug.
“Thanks, for getting rid of Romeo.”
“It’s kind of fitting right now, since, you know, we’re on a balcony and such, like a tower,”
“Mikey, that’s Tangled,”
“Oh, well, whatever! I’m just glad you’re safe, cutie,” Mikey always gets excited during loving moments like these, and after breaking the hug, you reach up to kiss him on the lips, it’s no surprise, he tastes like pizza. It’s always like that, but, you’ve come to enjoy it. If pizza lip balm was a thing, it would taste like your boyfriend.
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nostalgicninjas · 9 months
2012 Leorai Rant
there’s so much discourse about whether 2012 leorai is considered incest or not and i kinda wanted to throw my two cents in ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
i grew up with the 2012 series, and as a kid, i was a hardcore leorai fan. now as an adult, i’ve become neutral to the ship (though it will always hold a special place in my heart for nostalgic purposes). overall my thoughts/perspective on leorai have changed a lot over the years. i’ve grown to ship them more with other people (‼️ aprinardo and shinirai supremacy ‼️) while still loving and appreciating their canon dynamic. personally, i don’t view their relationship as entirely platonic or romantic. on one hand, i believe leo and karai do love each other like family (the same way all the turtles love april and casey like family) but they also connect on a deeper level that’s too intimate to call them “siblings”. it’s not as black and white as them being either brother/sister or boyfriend/girlfriend. to me, their relationship has so many layers it’s too complex for labels. which is fine because labels are overrated anyway. but that’s just my opinion.
i completely get why some people (especially those with adopted family members) think the relationship is weird, and i also get why some people see no problem with it. at the end of the day, it all depends on an individual’s life experiences or personal preferences.
note: if two people are biologically blood relatives, then an intimate/sexual relationship between them is 100% incest and i do not support or condone such behavior.
in this particular case however, i believe there is a difference between real incest and what society views to be incest. imagine two people have been dating for a while and then their parents fall in love and decide to get married. are they supposed to just turn their feelings off for each other and break up because they are now “technically siblings”? i’m sorry to break it to you but that’s not how emotions work. emotions are complicated. and frankly it seems wrong to try to force two people to think/feel a certain way about each other just because it’s what society excepts. i have always been a firm believer that people should be free to follow their hearts and love who they love. if there is no blood or biological connection involved (or any other illegal factors), then i see no reason why people can’t be free to choose how they get to view a person or how they wish for those relationships to develop. because in this case, love is not a crime.
in a way, the same can be said for leo and karai. first impressions count for something, and leo had already developed feelings for karai long before he found out she was splinter’s daughter. i know most people would disagree, but just because they view the same man as a father figure does not make them obligated to view each other as siblings. just because mikey CHOOSES to view karai as a sister does not mean leo is obligated to view her the same way. same goes for raph and donnie. from what was shown in the series, those two (especially raph) hardly considered karai to be a part of their immediate family, much less considered her a sister. and that’s their right. as much as i’m sure we all wanted to see the turtles and karai come together (and trust me i did too), donnie and raph had valid reasons to dislike/distrust karai and they shouldn’t be forced to brush their justified feelings aside and immediately accept her as a “sister” if they don’t want to. they may view her as an ally/asset to the team, but if they don’t want to view her as family, then they shouldn’t have to (though i’m sure they would eventually accept her in the future; whether or not as a sister or just a distant family member, we’ll never know).
i even once saw someone say that if shipping leorai isn’t incest because they aren’t blood related, then it shouldn’t be considered incest when shipping the turtles with splinter since they also aren’t blood related. that’s a really gross comparison for multiple reasons but mainly;
1.) the turtles are all MINORS and splinter is a grown ass man which is reason enough because W T F
2.) splinter has always viewed the turtles as his children and the turtles have always viewed him as their father. for him to suddenly take any kind of sexual interest in them is downright predatory, blood or no blood.
as for the whole “whether or not they share dna” debate, that’s honestly up to interpretation. splinter was never actually seen touching the turtles, so it’s not a canon fact that they actually absorbed any of his human dna when they mutated. and even if they had, the notion that this automatically makes them biological relatives to splinter is actually quite comical. that’s like saying the radioactive spider that gave peter parker superpowers is suddenly his new father. sounds silly, doesn’t it?
overall, i hate it when careless leorai fans make insensitive statements about adopted families, and i also hate it when anti shippers treat leorai fans like freaks just for having a different perspective on their relationship. if you prefer to think of them as brother and sister, then that’s cool. we’re all entitled to our opinions. what’s not cool is constantly harassing fans of the ship and shoving your “sibling” agenda down their throats (and vice versa).
to borrow a paragraph from @orokukarai’s rant:
If the ship makes you uncomfortable, whether it's for personal reasons or you're just not vibing, that's OK. If you personally see it as incestual, that's valid. But going around saying Leorai shippers all like or support incest is not true and there are many valid readings where they're not incestual even if you disagree with them. Some shippers probably do like incest, but then so do many non-Leorai shippers.
in conclusion, respect other people’s opinions. if you stumble across content you don’t like, block or ignore it. no need to comment hate or fill up the ship hashtags with negativity (and that goes for ALL fandoms).
just stay in your lane and keep scrolling ✌️
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phoebepheebsphibs · 7 months
In light of Mikey's newfound angst content- I think he and Abby have a lot in common honestly.
Abby had invited Donnie and Mikey to visit her the next day, but for whatever reason they hadn't. She'd woken up in the morning, half-expecting Mikey to be at her bedside with excitement and wearing his therapy glasses. (That was what her Mikey would have done, but she had no way of knowing if the "UIFY" Mikey had a doctor-sona. Most Mikeys did. And she figured that her invitation for the two to come back and talk over Draxum issues would have excited him!) But no, they hadn't arrived. That was alright, it was only the morning! Maybe they were late-risers... The morning came, the morning passed. The afternoon came, the afternoon passed. All the while, Abby, Diana, Huginn and Muninn waited for the arrival of their medbay neighbors. But they never showed...
Well, Abby wasn't having any of that.
She knew that Diana would have a fit, but she wanted to know why they hadn't showed up. And anyway, it wasn't really a crime to leave her room, was it? Abby waited until her friends were out of the room getting more pillows and blankets for her and the gargoyles (who were utterly insulted at the lack of quality dogbeds in the medbay), and made her escape. Out into the hall she hobbled, utilizing a pair of crutches left in the room for her when she felt ready to try walking. Well, no time like the present! She managed to make it across the hall and into the room adjacent from hers with large lettering overtop the door which read "UNTIL I FOUND YOU: MICHELANGELO". They certainly weren't discreet around here! The door was wide open. It was a tad bit late, but she hoped they wouldn't mind... Abby waltzed right in.
She stopped when she saw a sniffling Mikey, holding a small turtle toddler in his arms. The young girl turned to look at her, eyes wide and curious. She climbed out of the bed and started sneaking over to the intruder. Mikey slowly turned to look at her as well.
"Can I, uh... can I help you?"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to bother--" Abby mumbled, suddenly interrupted by the weight on her legs. She looked down and saw the giggling turtle tot, clutching her ankles in a hug.
"Misa, let her go! Her legs probably hurt her, didn't you notice the crutches?"
"Cwushes?" Misa wondered.
Abby rolled her eyes, dropped the crutches and sat on the floor with the toddler, who squealed happily and plopped herself into Abby's lap.
"Sorry about her," Mikey chuckled. "Not much I can do against my big sister. Hey, I know you! You're the cat mutant from the other room... Abby, right? 'Leaves From the Vine'?"
"That's me!" she smiled. "Just wanted to come over and see how you're doing. I was wondering why you guys hadn't come over to visit!"
"Were we supposed to?" Mikey asked.
"Kinda. I invited your Donnie to cross over and talk about some issues with Draxum--"
As soon as she said the name, she saw Mikey jerk back, clutching Misa just a bit tighter, tears welling up in his eyes.
"Are you... okay?"
"M'fine," he whimpered, then laughed at the betrayal in his own voice. "It was just a stupid nightmare from last night."
"Nightmares, huh? About Draxum?"
Michelangelo nodded.
"Man, everybody in your universe hates Draxum! He must've been a real piece of work..."
"That would be... putting it lightly," Mikey murmured, fidgeting with the bandages on his arms. Abby wondered if they had something to do with...
"Did he... hurt you?" she asked.
"...Yeah," he murmured. "He used me to get to Donnie. He hurt me to control Donnie. He -- he kidnapped me, held me captive, and... uh, actually, I don't think I should..." he glanced over at Misa. "I don't want to scare her. But let's just say that he did a lot of bad things to both me and Donnie."
"I see. And is that what the nightmare was about?"
"...No," Mikey moaned, trying not to cry. "It was... worse than that."
"How?" Abby wondered.
"He told me I deserved it," Mikey wept. "He told me I deserved all the pain I went through, everything he did to me, he told me I was -- I was --" Mikey buried his face into his shirt sleeve, attempting to hide away the tears. "...He told me I was worse than he was. He told me that what I did, I... I was unforgivable."
"Well, I highly doubt that," Abby grumbled, hopping onto the bed to give her legs a rest. "Look, take it from someone who was raised by the goat man -- he's a pain in the neck, sure, and he doesn't know the first thing about raising kids, and he definitely doesn’t know anything about you."
"But he was right!" Mikey countered. "He was right, I know he was! What I did, I -- I can't even say it!"
"It couldn't have been that bad."
"Oh, yes it could have," Mikey said, knowingly.
"Fine. Maybe it could have, but if I've learned anything, it's that even the worst people can be forgiven, redeemed, and given a second chance! And that's coming from someone who wanted to skin Draxum alive for what he did to me," she joked. "If I can forgive him, then..."
"...You want me to forgive my Draxum?"
"No, I want you to forgive yourself."
Mikey's eyes widened.
"Oh. But... why is it so hard?"
"It doesn't have to be, I think," Abby noted. "You just have to... let it go."
"How did you let it go?" he asked.
"It's a long story, and honestly I had a lot of help from you and your brothers," Abby admitted. "And I'll be honest, sometimes I still find myself refusing to forgive Draxum. But... it's a day-by-day process. You'll get there."
Mikey smiled, nodding.
"Right. Right... day-by-day. Thanks for saying all that... it helped."
"No problem. Oh, by the way, where's Donnie? He and I need to talk about his plans for world domination!"
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louisupdates · 2 years
The One Direction star has two principal loves: Ronaldinho and James Coppinger
Which was the first match that you ever went to?
I actually got into football quite late, when I started playing at around 11. There were a few Manchester United fans in the family, so the first match I ever went to was an unbelievable first game: the FA Cup fifth round tie against Arsenal in February 2003 - the match when Sir Alex Ferguson kicked the boot and hit David Beckham! My best memories come from Doncaster, who are the only club I support now. We had a fantastic League Cup run in 2005 - we beat Manchester City on penalties, then beat Aston Villa 3-0 and lost to Arsenal on penalties in the quarter-finals. That was my first real low as a football fan. I can remember walking back home absolutely gutted.
Who was your childhood hero and did you ever meet them?
James Coppinger is my club hero - he played at every level and really played for the badge. Everyone in Donny loves him and he’s a great bloke too. After I got into One Direction, I was lucky to meet him and played alongside him a couple of times in charity games. As a fan growing up watching him, that was amazing l. The best person I’ve ever met in football was Pele. I met him about four or five years ago and it was incredible - he had all these stories and we spoke for ages. He was lovely.
What has been your finest moment playing football?
I played in Soccer Aid and Ronaldinho tried to nutmeg me. I was all over his shirt, giving him no respect, and I just managed to nick the ball off him! There's a sick picture that I've seen of it.
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The other moment was when I was about 15. I started as a centre-back, but didn’t grow any taller so moved across to right-back, and scored the only Sunday League goal I ever scored. I’ll never forget it.
What do you like most about going to the match?
The whole atmosphere, that magic. When you have those experiences as a young lad, there’s an element of nostalgia each time you go into a football stadium.
Which players do you admire even though they’ve never played for your club?
As some of my family supported Manchester United, I was never allowed to like Thierry Henry, but those grudge matches against Arsenal were amazing. He was a serious player.
Where’s the best place you’ve ever watched a game?
The Bernabeu - it was Neymar’s first ever Clasico for Barcelona against Real Madrid, which is pretty special. It’s one of the bucket list fixtures to go to. When I was young, Doncaster signed me as a reserve player and I went to a pre-season training camp in Portugal. As a supporter of the club, that’s not something you’re normally privy to, so watching how the squad trained and prepared was fascinating.
A few years ago, you filmed a music video with Bebe Rexha on the pitch at Keepmoat Stadium. What was that like?
It was really important for me and my career. The reason I’m sat here today is because of Doncaster - it’s played a huge role. It’s who I am as a person and it’s what I write songs about. The fact that we were able to film the video at the Keepmoat, where I’ve spent many days and evenings, made it so special. It felt appropriate.
What’s your favourite football book?
It’s not a book, but FourFourTwo! I used to subscribe when I was younger. I’m not a big reader otherwise. I should be, but I’m not.
What’s been your worst experience at a game?
I was playing in a charity match at Celtic Park. I got the ball and turned to my right, then Gobby Agbonkhor come through the back of me and I tore my medial ligament. A combination of the impact and me being very unfit meant I ended up throwing up all over Celtic's stodium, which I know will please a lot of Rangers supporters.
Have any footballers been to a gig?
Paul Pogba came to a One Direction show once, that's the one that stands out - he was really sound. I won’t lie, I don’t think many footballers listen to One Direction songs.
What’s the strangest place you’ve ever met a footballer?
I was in this bar in South America and, purely by chance, Bryan Robson was there with a few friends. He was a bit drunk. We went straight over and he was nice, but it was one of those times where you think, “What is he doing here?!” [Laughs]
What’s the greatest goal you’ve ever seen live?
I was at Zlatan Ibrahimovic's debut for the LA Galaxy, because I spend some time over in Los Angeles. The LAFC keeper launched the ball upfield and it was cleared back to Zlatan about forty yards out. He watched it bounce and then smashed it over the keeper’s head - an unbelievable goal. I love him - I like a bit of s**thousery in my footballers, and he's always had that.
Who’s your current favourite player?
The obvious answer is Erling Haaland, because any fan seeing him rack up the goals this season has been totally in awe. Even if you support Manchester United, you watch him and think he's superb. But for me, Jude Bellingham. I’m so excited by Jude - he's been in brilliant form this season, even before the World Cup.
If you could drop yourself into your all-time five-a-side team, who would you be playing next to?
Well, I play at the back, so I want me and Rio Ferdinand. I'd pick Edwin van der Sar, he was a top keeper in his day, then in midfield I'd have Ronaldinho - I grew up loving his football. Up front, I'll go for Cristiano Ronaldo.
What’s the most important piece of memorabilia that you have?
I had a Doncaster home shirt as a kid that I associate with growing up. A few years ago, I bought the same shirt in my current size - it's special to me, and when I met Pele I asked him to sign it. That was the pinnacle.
[Thanks to TeamLouisMedia for the HD photo.]
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links to fourfourtwouk’s posts about Louis on Twitter and Instagram
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dottie-writes-tmnt · 4 months
Confessions (pt. 2)
This is part 9 of my fic A New Kind of Familiar. Tags and other chapters can be found here!
No summary actually
They talk about Leo and Karai in this chapter. (Nickelodeon was fucked up for that. Literally after it was revealed they were siblings they were still romantic with each other.) And they talk about Leo having hallucinations
Donnie groaned, letting his head fall forward to hit the table. The lab door opened and closed, Mikey coming over to grab his bandanna tails before he could start banging his head on the table.
“Breakfast, Dee,” the snapper said, holding the plate out of the way in case of the wood turtle lashing out. He offered no response, looking at the snapper.
“If I…if I can’t do this…what’s gonna happen to him? What’s gonna happen to us?”
“Oh, wow, mind reader. I was thinking about that last night. Dee, you know I’ve been thinking about destiny and all that ever since…well. You know.”
And he did. Renet had accidentally-on-purpose (not really, it was an accident on her part but it was something their timeline required) sent herself and Mikey somewhere and the time scepter wouldn’t work. While they were there, Mikey developed some abilities. Things came to him in dreams, he was even more emotionally aware than before, and he was probably strong enough to bench press Leatherhead.
“I’m saying this for a reason, pay attention. I had a dream last night. I saw Raph. It was blurry, but…he looked happy. Happier than he’s ever been with us. I think this is destiny sending him away for some character development, and just like the time scepter wouldn’t bring us back until everything had happened, your machine won’t work until that’s all complete, too. So don’t stress, Dee. I’ll even talk to Leo.”
“He’s been talking to the hallucinations again,” Donnie felt he should inform. His baby brother froze where he’d been getting up, half propped up on the table now. “Said Splinter thinks I should work harder. Which, yeah, he would say that, but he’s not here. And we watched Splinter’s ghost pass on for good. But the moment I said that he got all pissy and… you know as long as he’s talking to things that aren’t real, you can’t get through to him.”
Mikey settled back down, sighing.
“We need to get him out more.”
The duo sat there, listening to Leo’s footsteps near the lab, and to Donnie’s surprise, Mikey got up and locked the door.
“Mikey, what are you doing? He’s just gonna be even more mad when he sees me!”
“You’re not doing good and you’re just gonna get worse if Leo can talk to you,” the snapper explained, sitting criss-cross applesauce on the table next to Donnie. “And I don’t… Dee, I don’t want all of us to drown just because he is.”
Donnie had never been good at comfort. He had never been good at much besides technology, honestly. Not good at people or being social or anything of the likes. He didn’t know why. But he figured trying wouldn’t hurt. He set a hand on his little brother’s knee, sighing deeply.
“Then we’ll be each other’s lifeboats.”
Leo was more than a little worried about his twin, who had gotten a board out and was writing notes all over it, drawing lines between things like those crazy people in movies.
“So we all agree that he should want to go back if he had a pleasant experience living there, right? Logically, he should miss his brothers.”
“Yeah, but he seemed so…upset when he thought I was gonna send him back.”
“Maybe he’s just attached to us too?”
“No, he talked like they were the worst people alive.”
“I noticed the same thing when he was helping me cook on the first chapter— I mean, night he was here!”
“I’m kinda worried.”
“And we all know what he said about Splinter, but he was probably thinking of his own.”
“That doesn’t make it any better, Leo,” Raph pointed out.
“I know. But someone banned us from asking about his brothers at all.”
“I didn’t wanna make him upset considering he’d only been here for not even a day at the time,” the snapper defended. Mikey shut them both up with a glare.
“We should talk to him. Assuming won’t do anyone any good.”
“Great idea, hermano—“
“Me and Donnie. Sound good? Good. I’ll cook, just send him in about 30 minutes from now. And don’t worry, you two will get your turn. I just don’t wanna overwhelm him with all four of us. And he may be a tad embarrassed about that night, Leo. Raph, he looks up to you. He won’t wanna seem ‘weak’.”
That made sense. Leon sighed.
Donnie sat at the table, messing around on his phone until Mikey finished cooking, setting the plates so that he and Mikey would be across from Ruby. Almost on cue, right as Mikey closed the fridge, the terrapin walked in.
“You guys wanted to talk? I was doin’ somethin’.”
“Yeah, we did, but I’m sorry we interrupted you,” Mikey said, gesturing for Ruby to sit.
“What were you working on, though?” Donnie asked. Ruby perked up a little.
“I was making some compression gloves for Casey. She says her hands hurt when she crochets and she wishes she had some, so.”
“That’s nice of you,” Mikey chirped, adjusting his glasses. His back was to Ruby. “I’m sure she’ll love them! Especially considering she’s been doing a lot of crocheting recently.”
Finally, Mikey turned around and sat next to Donnie. The trio continued to make small talk, Mikey waiting for Ruby to finish eating before sighing. He gave the smallest terrapin a smile.
“Ruby, do you mind telling us about your brothers?”
The relaxed but slightly nervous expression fell, replaced by all those barbed walls falling into place. Immediately. Though Donnie had expected as much.
“Yes, I mind very much. Why? What do you want to know? I already told you they’re perfect at everything they do. Did I say something? I don’t want to talk about them,” the box turtle snapped immediately, already moving to stand up.
“Why not? Did they do something?”
“I said I don’t! Why?! Is there something you’re looking for? They aren’t anything like you, if that’s what you’re thinking, and they’re exact opposites of me.”
“That isn’t what I’m asking for,” Mikey murmured, and Ruby’s head twitched to the side slightly, a behavior Donnie had picked up on from the terrapin when he was in upsetting situations. Donnie watched as the box turtle tapped his fingers against his thighs, an act of nervousness. Stimming.
“Father loved Leo,” he started, spitting the word like a curse, like a slur, through a snout full of poison and hurt. “Donnie makes things, and Mikey draws. Leo was a star student. Donnie’s smart. None of them have tempers like mine. What else do you wanna know? They’re perfect,” Ruby spat through vitriol-coated teeth.
“I wanna know how you feel about them. You’re giving me qualities out of a book. I wanna know about your brothers from you.”
Ruby’s head twitched yet again, the terrapin narrowing his eyes for a moment.
“I can guarantee you don’t.”
“I don’t know them. I don’t care about them. There isn’t an image to shatter.”
Ruby stared at Mikey, skeptical of that calm, caring smile. Finally, the red-wearing box turtle sighed.
“Fine. Get everybody in here, though, because I’m not repeating myself.”
“Well, I re—“
Mikey kicked him. He wasn’t sure why. He was just going to assure Ruby that he wouldn’t have to repeat himself, since he recorded everything. Whatever. He got up.
“I’ll go retrieve the others.”
Ruby wanted to bury himself. He could’ve walked away from this situation. Now the eyes were on him, and he wanted to shrink into a hole, but it was too late now.
“Mikey was still awesome. He was talented, like…he was good at art and stuff, and Splinter was always going on and on about how we needed to be like Mikey because he had more raw talent than all of us combined, especially me. Because Mikey was all happy n shit.
“He liked to piss me off on purpose to see how far he could push me, cuz it was funny apparently. But then he’d get pissy when I did get pissed off, but when I was nice, it was like the world was fucking ending. His insults were always somethin’ special. I think he just liked making me feel guilty, though.”
He glanced up, immediately deciding he didn’t like the looks on their faces.
“Donnie was still smart. Splinter wanted me to be like him because thinking rationally instead of emotionally was an asset I should have. He wasn’t that bad, I guess, he just used big words and said he liked making me feel stupid. And when we were kids, he tried some shit, but we were kids. I think he was the best to me out of them all—“
“What did he try?” Mikey asked, gently.
“Nothin’ big.”
“If it wasn’t anything big, you wouldn’t have said anything,” the box turtle murmured.
“He just let loose his ant farm in my room, it was a joke. He knew I was scared of bugs, and he thought it’d be funny. Everyone got a good laugh out of it and I moved rooms.”
“But…you weren’t laughing, were you?”
That confused him. Of course he wasn’t laughing, he’d been terrified, he’d cried, and then they all just laughed at him and he’d had to replace everything, and poor Spike’s shell had been filled with even more bugs, and April had had to take him to the vet because Ruby couldn’t. But it was just a joke that Ruby overreacted about. He said as much and Mikey simply shook his head.
“It wasn’t a good joke. Tell me about Leo,” the box turtle prompted, and Ruby felt the poison fill his mouth.
“He’s perfect,” he spat. “Splinter’s star student. Splinter’s favorite. The only one Splinter ever listened to, really. He’s everything I’m not. He never loses his cool, he always falls into line, and he annoys the crap out of me. He was the last to cooperate when I came out, though. Kept sayin’ I couldn’t change my gender ‘n stuff.
“Yaknow, like father like son or somethin’. When Splinter died, he appointed himself as the Sensei. And then shit really went downhill. I could never catch a fuckin’ break. Then we killed the Shredder. Then we killed him again. And then Leo decided to get with his sister. But Leo’s always like that. Says you shouldn’t do one thing then does something worse. He used to make me mad on purpose when we were younger. Now it’s just obvious he doesn’t like me.”
“Do you like them? ” Leo questioned, voice oddly gentle.
“Sometimes. When they’re not being dumbasses.”
“And, Ruby, you do know that what they did…isn’t right, don’t you?” Mikey questioned, slowly.
“I did worse,” he was quick to defend them even still. “I’m always snapping at them and being a dick.”
“Because they intentionally push your buttons.”
“Well— but—“
“They were wrong for what they did. Would you ever do any of that to any of us?”
“Of course not! Why the fuck would I—“
He frowned, feeling oddly small. Mikey smiled softly, a sad thing, but not pitying.
“It hurts, doesn’t it?”
He gave a tiny nod. That was why he thought the things he thought. The tiny voice in his head always sounded suspiciously like Leo, back from when they were little and he’d constantly try to scare him by saying the others were talking about him or thinking things about him even if they weren’t.
He got angry because his brothers would always make fun of him when he cried. He was fucked up like this because of the way they shaped him.
He was shocked out of his thoughts by a hand on his shoulder. He glanced up to see Red.
“They’re the ones that lost someone great. Yer fuckin’ awesome, and if they failed to see that, then they have no place in your life,” the snapper said firmly even as he pulled Ruby into a hug and rubbed his shell while he sniffled. The others moved to join, and they ended up having another movie night.
Ruby borrowed Donnie’s headphones and didn’t talk for the rest of the night— the words just wouldn’t come, which happened a lot more often than he would like and was always frustrating —but he dozed where he was comfortably wedged between Donnie’s oddly comfortable soft shell and Junior.
Mikey was like a living weighted blanket on his lap, humming along to the songs and applauding the twins’ duetted performance of Poor Unfortunate Souls. His head was filled with cotton, but that was fine, he supposed. Ruby didn’t really want to think after what happened earlier, anyway.
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iztarshi · 8 months
Fandom: TMNT multi-turtle crossover. rottmnt centric.
Dear Turtles,
Those of us designated outcasts of society though no fault of our own have long dreamed of a place where we can stand tall among our fellow turtles, a community where we would be understood. Now that need no longer be a dream.
In the year 2020 we, the turtles of dimension 872D1, have been able to create a stable portal connecting to that year in multiple universes. You, the turtles of 18R153, are the youngest of the universes we have so far been able to contact. While we were teenagers in the late 80s and early 90s, you are continuing our legacy as teenage mutant ninja turtles as we speak. We are excited to welcome you among us and hope we can provide you with support.
Within this letter you will find four portal keys, one for each of your team. At six o’clock tonight, press the button on your portal key to create a portal and be transported to a place where you will be among your own kind.
Signed, Donatello
P.S. The portal key will still work at any other time, it’s just if you come tonight there’s a welcome party. Please don’t feel rushed to decide. - Leonardo
“We should go,” says Leo, the instant Raph shows him the letter.
“Are you sure?” Raph asks. “They said the invitation’s still open later if we don’t want to come now. Maybe we should wait until we’re over… this whole situation.” The wave of his hand takes in both his own bandaged eye and Leo’s mummified shell.
Leo shakes his head. “The letter said they’re adult versions of us. Like Casey’s senseis. We’ve gotta make a good first impression.”
“Yeah,” Raph says. Because they need friends like that if anything else happens again. Because wouldn’t it be awful to disappoint versions of themselves that are so much more than they are. “Yeah. Raph gets it.”
All the same, it’s awful getting ready. Leo gets excited about picking out clothes, but struggles to get into them without hurting himself. No one mentions the real reason they’re going in full outfits is to hide the bandages on Leo and Donnie’s shells. Raph needs to hide the ones on his shoulder too, but they’re only a small patch and could probably come off. The bandages over his eye are harder to hide. In the end he takes them off and hopes his mask will hide that his eye is puffy and swollen. Mikey wears gloves and holds his hands behind his back so no one can see them shake.
“We all ready?” Raph asks, holding the portal key and watching his phone count down to six o’clock. Three voices answer in the affirmative. “Mad Dogs roll out.”
He presses the key and watches the portal grow in front of him, fading gently to reveal a window into a room with tables full of pizza and a banner in bubble writing saying, “WELCOME TURTLES!!!”
Looking back through it are pudgy middle-aged turtles slightly shorter than Leo with sweet, rounded faces. They’re not wearing clothes, besides their rather pastel ninja bands, but their Michelangelo has a party hat on.
Raphael steps through feeling bewildered, but much less nervous.
“Welcome to the Casa Tortuga,” the Michelangelo says. “I dig your funky looks, little dudes.”
“Little?” says Donnie, taking in this new Michelangelo from head to toe with an efficient flick of his eyes.
Raph shoots him a look. They gotta be polite.
Another portal opening takes the attention away from them. The turtles who step out of that one look far closer to what Raph was expecting. Sure, they’re still short, but they’re buff as hell and they’ve got a serious look like they’ve been through some shit.
“Great, you guys came,” the pastel Donatello says.
The buff Raphael folds his arms like he’s already regretting it, but the Michelangelo grins and holds his hand up for a high three. “I would not want to miss a party run by you guys. Who else is on the guest list?”
“Some other guys we had a crossover with,” Donatello answers. “And the turtles prime but we’re not expecting them to come. And we found these guys!”
He gestures proudly to the Mad Dogs, like they’re a new invention, and Leo responds by striking a pose. “Thank you, thank you, Leonardo, Leon, Nardo, Captain Blue, or Blue Jitsu at your service.”
“Really?” says the buff turtle in the blue mask, his mouth twitching suspiciously at the corner. “I’m Leo.”
The third portal opening once again takes everyone’s attention. The turtles who come out of this one look. Well. With feet that size they’d probably be hard to knock over in battle? Must make it harder to climb buildings without the grippy toes, though. They’re also dressed up, which makes Raph feel better about his group having clothes on. And what they’re dressed in…
“Wow, total Hot Topic vibes,” Leo says, having apparently forgotten about being polite.
“I wouldn’t talk if I was wearing as much fake brand name stuff as you,” the new Raph says.
Leo gives the Raph a look that says his weakness for people who won’t put up with his nonsense is kicking in and tries to drape himself across his shoulders. He gets shoved off, of course, and he almost hides the wince when the shove hits his shell. The Raph certainly hasn’t noticed.
“Looks like everybody’s here, amigos!” the Michelangelo with the party hat says loudly. “Time for food.”
Raph turns his attention to the three tables laden with pizza. They are labelled. “PIZZA”, “WEIRD PIZZA” and “REALLY WEIRD PIZZA”. One of the really weird pizzas appears to be levitating and another is scuttling around on little legs. This might still be less weird than the weird pizza labelled “fudge, marshmallow and anchovy”.
Raph watches his Donnie pick up the scuttling pizza and thoughtfully bite a leg off. Meanwhile the pudgy turtles and the little, freckled Mikey are digging into the weird pizzas and the buff ones are going for normal pizzas. Raph decides to play it safe, while also seeing if staying close to the cool, serious Raph will let him strike up a conversation, and goes for normal pizzas.
Everyone’s loosening up and chatting as the party gets into its stride, but Raph feels awkward. These three groups of turtles know each other, or at least two of them know the third. The Mad Dogs are the odd ones out, no matter how friendly the hosts of this shindig are. Plus, Raph is towering over everyone. There are chairs dotted around in a variety of sizes, including his size, but he still feels like he’s drawing everyone’s eyes. Normally he likes being the big guy, the one who can take the hits and protect but he’s the only Raph this size. And the smaller Raphs don’t have badly injured little brothers trying to hide it. He feels like a fraud, like the friendly punch in the arm and “how much can you bench, big guy?” from the buff Raph would be taken away if this Raph knew that none of his training or working out had let him save Leo from nearly dying.
The others look like they’re doing better. Mikey’s managed to engage the stompy Raphael and the host Leonardo in a conversation about drawing. The Donatellos have congregated into a tight and alarming group. Leo’s being the life of the party, chatting away to anyone who will listen.
Then, just as Leo and the host Raphael are getting a bit too determined to win a pun contest, the Raphael suddenly jumps forward and gently lifts Leo’s arm. There’s blood soaking through his hoodie and dripping softly to the tiled floor.
“Is there a doctor in the house?’ the Raphael asks.
“Uh,” says Leo, trying to pull away.
The pudgy Donatello appears at his Raphael’s elbow. “Should we boil some water?”
“I can’t believe you haven’t learned any more first-aid than that in the last thirty years,” the Raphael laments, shifting to hold Leo more supportively. They both turn to look at the buff Donatello who immediately comes over.
The Raph next to him takes that moment to tip Raph’s chin down and look very intensely into - no, at - his eyes. “Don, I think this one’s hurt too,” he yells.
“No, Raph’s fine.” Raph shoves his hand over his eye and the pressure stings, but he can’t bring himself to pull it away.
Across the room the freckled Mikey pulls up the back of Donnie’s hoodie and says, “Woah, this guy’s super bandaged.”
“Alright, turtles!” their host Leonardo says, in a voice which cuts through the babble. “Herd them into the living room and sit them down on the couch. We’ll fetch…”
“A first aid kit,” says the buff Donatello. “And actually you could boil some water.”
The Leonardo nods and says, in a voice full of confidence, “We’ll do that.”
Raph resists the herding uncertainly. It’s not like he needs checking, although Leo definitely does. Then the pudgy, middle-aged Raphael and Michelangelo catch each other’s eyes, take one of Raph’s hands each and pull like little tugboats with unexpected power. He finds himself stumbling into a room containing a very Raph sized three piece suite just as the buff Michelangelo comes in with Raph’s own Mikey held firmly under one arm.
Someone says, “You were expecting large turtles?”
The host Donatello answers, “We wanted to be sure we could be welcoming to anyone undergoing a super-mutation arc.”
“Huh,” says the buff Donatello. “I doubt I would have been a very good guest when that was happening.”
“We do have a cage as well, if you prefer,” the host Raphael says.
“Thank you, but that was over with a while ago. I’ll just see to the patient.”
Leo, who has been herded into the chair while the rest of them are on the giant sofa, is now squirming at the approach of a Donatello who looks much calmer than his own but even harder to get around.
“It’s fine,” Leo says rapidly. “It’s, you know, we’re pretty tough really. Even if we don’t look that way right now, ha. It’s just a minor injury and it doesn’t really need thiiiiis many turtles.”
The Donatello narrows his eyes while his corresponding Raph takes up a station in front of the door with his arms folded.
“Listen,” the Donatello says, drawing his bo. “We can do this the easy way, or we can test the thickness of that very thick skull.”
“Ah, jeez, why are Donnies like this?” Leo laments.
“Because we spend so much time worrying about turtles like you,” the Donatello says.
The stompy Raph pokes Leo’s shoulder gently. “Just let him get on with it, kid. And next time don’t try to hide injuries like that, I wouldn’t have shoved you if I’d known.”
“Yes,” says the stompy Donnie, currently engaged it trying to get Raph’s own Donnie to stop hissing at him and let him remove his hoodie. “It would very stupid if a turtle made a habit of hiding serious injuries. Wouldn’t it, Raphael?
Raph finds himself converged on by two Leonardos while the third, their host, returns with his Donatello, the first aid kit, and plenty of hot water. He then disappears again to make “medicinal tea” that their Splinter always makes for them when they get injured. Raph isn’t fighting it any longer, it’s actually kind of reassuring, especially seeing a brisk Donatello in his mid-thirties check over Leo. Technically they’ve been treated by Draxum who knows more about their biology than anyone else possibly could, but there’s still something nice about having other turtles do it. Even if some of those turtles are making bets about what caused this in the background. For some reason “window” is the favourite. “Shredder” is coming in second which makes a lot more sense.
The Donatello treating Leo pauses and says, “I don’t know what you’re made of that you survived this, because none of us could have, but you seem to be healing okay. You should stay off your feet, though.”
Leo stops his embarrassed squirming and says, “…Really?”
Raph loses the Hot Topic Leo who slides off the arm of the couch and goes over. “I can do healing hands if it’s that bad.” Then, without waiting, he holds his hands together and starts chanting, moving them as he does. When he touches Leo’s cracked shell there’s a visible difference, small pieces knitting themselves back into place and the bleeding stops.
Mikey sits up next to Raphael, leaning forward as much as the giant couch lets him. “Teach me to do that.”
The pudgy Michelangelo, who has been hovering over Mikey ever since his gloves were removed, reaches out and takes Mikey’s cracked hands between his. “It looks like those hands have done enough for now, little dude.”
“No,” Mikey says. “I’m a mystic warrior! I pulled Leo back from another dimension! There’s got to be more I can do when he’s still hurt or what good is any of it.”
“Yeah,” says the Michelangelo. “I get that. Trust me, I can feel how bright you are, I know you can do tubuloso amounts of stuff. But maybe not right now? We got a turtle who can do it already and that doesn’t mean you can’t, it just means you don’t gotta push yourself.”
Raph puts an arm around Mikey’s shaking shoulders. “Mikey, it’s okay, you can let them…” Mikey’s furious gaze and the other Michelangelo’s knowing one makes him rethink. “We… can let them take care of us.”
Raph lets gentle hands clean his eye, which is sore and dry from the exposure to air, and put a new compress and new bandages over it. Even Donnie has stopped hissing and is letting the stompy Donatello clean his shell.
Then that Donatello clears his throat and makes Donnie tense up by saying, “So, I’m not an expert on softshell biology. But it looks like it’s a very good thing you are a softshell because your shell has torn and bruised instead of shattering despite… uh… what looks a lot like tentacles shoving their way through it?”
“I hacked a spaceship with a biological interface,” Donnie says flatly. He’s pulled his phone out of his pocket and is staring at it instead of any of the turtles around him.
The Donatello’s bandana sticks straight up in the air in alarm. “These went into your brain? Now I’m even more surprised you’re not in a coma. Leo, can we get healing hands over here too?”
“It was an interface, it was designed to work that way,” Donnie says. “The technodrome didn’t do the damage connecting, it was being ripped out when the Krang found me.”
There is an echoing around the room of “the krang?” “the technodrome?” “what kind of krang did you have?” but Raph misses whatever comes next because the echoes keep going, round and round his head, and he feels strange. Familiar strange, like his head is full of hot fluff and the world is slightly to the right of where it should be. Mikey hugs his arm hard and another Mikey, the little freckled one, lands on his lap and reaches up to pat his snout. Raph hears this Mikey say something about “grounding” and “like my alligator friend” but he can’t focus on that now. Instead he wraps an arm around each Mikey and breathes.
He comes back to the host Donatello saying, “Our Krang did have a robot with feet the size of our chests once, but it wasn’t very stable once we took out the molecular amplification unit. Plus, he’s just one person, not a species, and a disembodied brain at that.”
“Wasn’t he a banished member of our Kraang?” asks the Hot Topic Leo.
The Donatello answers, “Only in crossovers.”
Raph’s own Donnie says, “So that’s how you met these guys? Maybe if we’d had another season.”
“Don’t let it bother you, we can make our own crossovers now,” answers the host Donatello. “There’s never enough time to exchange notes during the official ones.”
”What?” Raph asks, wondering if he’s fully back in reality or not.
Donnie buries his snout in his phone again. “Don’t worry about it.”
The smell of pizza makes Raph look around and he finds the unoccupied turtles pulling in small tables and piles of pizza. It makes him realise that if the party is moving in here his brothers — and especially him — are taking up all the seating. Plus, he should really be helping out. When he tries to get up though he finds the buff Raph pushing him back into place.
“You stay off yer feet for now,” he says.
Raph shakes his head. “Raph can help. Raph didn’t get hurt badly like Leo and Donnie.”
“Yer still hurt,” says the buff Raph.
“I should have protected them.”
“I get that. It sucks when you can’t protect your brothers. My Leo’s been in a coma and Donny’s been through stuff he still won’t talk about when I wasn’t there. But hey, sometimes keepin’ em alive is all you can do. They look like they’re gonna heal okay.”
Raph finds himself nudged into looking over at his brothers. Mikey is still next to him, arguing across Raph’s lap with the older Mikey still tucked against Raph’s other side. Donnie is showing off something on his phone to the other Donatellos and Raph assumes it’s tech until he hears the word “pizzasaurus”. Leo’s lost his social flair from earlier and his smile is considerably more shy than sparkling, but he is smiling again, hands waving as he explains something to the Hot Topic Leo and Raph.
“You think you guys will be coming here a lot?” Raph asks quietly.
“Of course,” both the buff Raph and the freckled Mikey chorus.
Nearby their pudgy host Leonardo looks incredibly proud.
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Can we have a bit of info on 2003 Mona Lisa and or headcannons about her if you have thought of any? It's okay if you haven't yet-
I'm still trying to put together her story consider I have not watch 2003 yet, so I wanna build her story around the canon knowledge and rules of 03's world, but so far for her story I came up with 2 ideas:
She was visiting TCRI on a school field trip and went off to snoop around. She ended up in a part of the building she should not have been in which led to her being in an accident that resulted in her being mutated.
She was an intern for Baxter Stockman (before he hired April), until one day she discovered his evil plans, he experimented on her which resulted in her mutation.
I'm thinking about going for the first option, but I also like the idea of her having a vendetta against Stockman too. Again, it's a work in progress.
Now for HCs about her:
She's a human turned mutant lizard and is a year older than the Turtles.
She's a science prodigy, very smart and has a passion for chemistry. Because of her intelligence she was being accepted into college early and was planning to go but then her mutation happened.
Mona is a plan ahead kind of person. As a human, she had her whole life planned out to a T. She knew what she wanted and her goals were set in stone. When things were finally going her way, exactly as planned, everything was taken from her in a matter of seconds. As a mutant her whole world is now different, with her having no clue what she should do now. She can't contact her family or friends ("what would they think of me?!"), she feels as if her identity has been altered/ripped away from her, and her future is now changed and she is scared of where her life will go now. In the beginning she's very bitter about being a mutant, but over time and with some help from friends she'll met along the way, she'll learn to love herself again and realizes that not knowing what will come next is the greatest part of living your life.
Of course her and Raph have a little thing. They like each other, but desperately try to hide it by arguing with one another and acting like they hate each other. *cue True Love by P!nk* Everyone can see the romantic tension between them and wonder "WHEN THE HELL ARE THEY GONNA KISS??!!"
I like to think that April becomes like a big sister figure for her. And if I go with the Stockman route for her backstory, this would give the girls something to bond over and talk shit about their ex boss.
Mona is good friends with Donnie too, and sometimes she hangs out with him in his lab and they do experiments together and brainstorm invention ideas. This often results in Raph hanging out in the lab "for no reason at all" and watches Donnie and Mona work. He's totally not jealous or anything.
Now for some other fun facts about her!
Her favorite color is pink (but she also likes red)
She was a part of her high school's gymnastics team
She's into kickboxing and wrestling
She dresses very feminine but she's a tomboy at heart
Her favorite food is pancakes with bananas and extra syrup
With her new lizard body, she can walk on walls and the ceiling
She loves horror movies and psychological thrillers
She doesn't think aliens are real and still refuses to believe it even after Donnie introduces her to Jhanna and she comes across the Utrom.
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rainytomorrows · 3 months
Raphael x Reader | Trans tape
I have Bayverse/2012 in mind right now, but I'll try and write it so that it fits more than that. I realize they have computers.  PLEASE just pretend whatever version you’re imagining doesn’t have personal computers. Anyhow, I'm writing a trans reader (FTM) for this one. I apologize dearly for my lack of truly neutral readers lately. It's been hard to find the inspiration to write in general. Enough of the excuses though, trans comfort! (2,283 words)
It had been an especially empty day in the lair. They’d saved the world yet again, and the consequence was an absolute lack of things to do. Even criminal activity was generally low enough that it was being handled. Everyone was grasping at straws trying to figure out how to spend their time. Obviously, the one to actually solve this was Donatello. Leo’s idea was to simply train non-stop, which no one could honestly say was helping. Mikey had tried to host movie nights and so on, which worked for a good couple of weeks until everyone was tired of that too. Raph hadn’t proposed much, as working out was his only real idea other than fighting crime. He wasn’t at all into the idea of sharing the weight room as a form of entertainment. That, and no one seemed as interested in crochet as he was.
All of this led to the genius idea. They needed something more expansive, and more independent. Donnie figured part of the problem was everyone being unable to do much of anything on their own. He got to the building, collecting the necessary parts over a span of a month or so. He was surprised he got it done so quickly, but that made sense knowing him.
He dragged everyone into the living room, where he’d set up a corny curtain, and stood in front of it like he had some major announcement. “So, in light of how bored we’ve all been for the past couple months,” “You’re giving us a computer?” Mikey shouted out, receiving a slap to the back of the head. The other two scolded him for interrupting, pointing out how hard it is to get computer parts and such. That’s when Donatello clears his throat, speaking up above them. “I actually am, but. Not just one” He states in his regular awkward tone, dropping his overdone curtain to reveal not one but three computers.
“I already have my own, but, I thought we all needed our own way to wind down and have fun. I built you all computers,” He goes on, stars already in Mikey’s eyes. “Of course I encrypted them, so I’d still be cautious, but unless you go around posting about us we should be safe.”
That was about a month ago now, Raphael had been enjoying the computer more than he’d admit. While he wouldn’t tell anyone, he had been going on a lot of blogs. Particularly for working out and music he enjoyed. Though, he quickly learned that he couldn’t just be honest on workout blogs. He was a good deal stronger than the regular guy, and his workout routine simply didn’t make any sense. He’d become a niche sort of celebrity on a couple of workout blogs, but not in a good way. Everyone was aware of him, the guy who kept lying about his workout routine for no good reason. He’d post a question and get responses like “We’re supposed to believe you’re just, lifting a good 900lbs? Casually? Fuck out of here man”
Anonymity did not save him from the first couple of times he asked questions honestly. It took him changing his username and profile picture, which saved him for a good while until someone stalked his account and realized he was the same guy who put forth the famous set of posts that got him excommunicated in the first place. That was the second time he was forced to change his photo and username, this time deleting all of his previous posts.
One day, however, he finds you online. He recognized your username, as you were the only one to try and help him when he’d posted initially. While you didn’t believe him either, you figured it wouldn’t hurt to simply answer his questions. You’d spoken with him back and forth when he posted on blogs for music you both liked, the same even going for various other blogs he was on. Such as, while he would never in his right mind admit it to Leo, he occasionally saw you when visiting the Space Heroes fan blog.
This goes on for a while, and he’d return the favor for you as well. You mostly visited workout blogs as you’d wanted to pass better. It seemed like every time you posted, he had a response.
“Good workouts for the chest, back, and shoulders?” Near immediate response from Raphael. As much as the rest of the community didn’t seem to like him, his advice always seemed to do well for you. When the two of you started to get along after his second time changing his account, it didn’t take a long time until you asked if it was him.
(BigRed4 Is online) Y/N: Hey, can I ask something? BigRed4: Sure, what’s up? Y/N: Is this RippedRed64? BigRed4: … Y/N: I knew it! Y/N: I do have to say I like this username better BigRed4: What gave it away? Y/N: Aside from your favorite color clearly being red? Y/N: You’re on the exact same blogs, Y/N: And you type the same. He didn’t talk to a lot of people besides his brothers, being recognized like that was a strange feeling. Entirely against his instincts as a ninja, though nice to have someone who liked him enough to recognize him through his interests and typing styles. He stared at the screen for a good minute, before finally deciding to respond.
Y/N: I was starting to miss you! BigRed4: Wdym? Y/N: “Wdym” my ass. We had a thing going!
He could tell you were joking, you did that often when he’d respond and message from his last account. The two of you did seem to help each other out when most other people online didn’t want to.
You started to message him more and more regularly, it went from the majority of your interactions being through other’s posts to simply DMing each other when you’d thought to. Sometimes about your shared interests, sometimes discussions on your workouts. Day by day, it became more and more personal. You’d talk about the weather (though he couldn’t see it, and would have to pretend), how your days went, the regular.
That is when the original major miscommunication happened. Raph noticed you started to go offline a lot more, and your posts slowed down. He didn’t want to pry, but admittedly he was worried.
BigRed4: Hey man is everything alright? Y/N: Yeah, why? BigRed4: You haven’t been posting. And you’ve stopped messaging as often. Y/N: Awww did you miss me? BigRed4: Answer the question Y/N: Fine fineeee
He kind of liked how you interacted with him- if that was a normal way to phrase things. He didn’t feel antagonized- and when he messaged you in his regular blunt way he seemed to be met with patience and more jokes. It was like you clicked- as if you just knew when he was and wasn’t mad. You knew how to make sure at the end of the day, he wasn’t angry. Whether or not he started that way.
Y/N: I got kicked out, I’ve been a little focused on moving.
This surprised him- were you ok? Upon questioning you explained the situation. Unfortunately- or fortunately for you both, you had assumed he knew what ‘trans’ meant. You were vague enough with the description that he’d assumed it was slang for being a mutant. You explained that your parents weren’t supportive of you being trans, to which you responded that you were born this way. You got kicked out and were in the process of getting and moving into an apartment. Somewhere closer to your job, as well. In hindsight, Raphael recognized that what he did was wishful thinking. That when you said ‘born this way’ you didn’t mean you grew up as a mutant, you weren’t really the same as him. But, that didn’t matter at all when it ended up not mattering one bit to you.
Y/N: A good majority of the posts I made on the workout blog were the workouts I was doing in order to pass better, since I can’t get surgery or hormones. BigRed4: I get you
Raphael thought you meant you were a mutant- and that you meant you were trying to pass as human. When you spoke about the trans community, he thought it was some underground group of mutants he wasn’t aware of. You spoke more and more, dumping more and more gas into the fire as it continued to get more and more misconstrued. Raphael had you convinced he was just another trans guy.
Raphael eventually offered to help you move in, once he’d been fully convinced you were a mutant. You thought this would be dumb, that you shouldn’t invite strange men over, but truthfully you were in a very bad place at the moment. You decided fuck it, making sure you have self-defense weapons on hand when he visits.
BigRed4: Hey, I’m at the fire escape Y/N: Why are you at the fire escape? BigRed4: I don’t fit through the door
Raph was joking, assuming you were too. As you usually did. He couldn’t just walk in! What you weren't expecting was the fucking unit that showed up at your window that night. You walk over, making eye contact with him. Both of you immediately drew the same conclusion: ‘This is not what I meant.’
He turns to leave, realizing what happened, but you open the window and call out before he can. “So uh, you’re BigRed4?” You ask, to which he returns to your fire escape and nods.
“You uh.. You pass well.” “No, I do not” “Look at you! The goal is to be a guy- right?
This causes the both of you to pause and think for a minute. “You are trans- right?” He gestures to himself as if it’s obvious. “Why aren’t you scared?” he asks suddenly, crossing his arms over his chest. Your eyes seem to hold the same sentiment about you he loved online, you seemed to just know how he worked. “Well, now I’m just confused. ARE you trans, or was this entirely you thinking this was a- whatever you got going on here?” He didn’t answer, which was enough to satisfy your question. “I don’t think we have the same idea of being trans,” you laugh a little, breaking the tension that had been building. “Come in, it’s cold out.”
It took a while, but eventually, you had explained to him what being trans ACTUALLY is over a cup of tea you made. It was all resolved pretty soon, and he upheld his promise to actually help you move in. Which was loads easier, now that you knew he really wasn’t lying on all those blogs. It had you thinking a lot- WAS he still lying a little or could he actually lift all of that? You set that aside- instead awarding his help by putting on a show you both liked and bringing snacks to eat with it.
You became quick friends, and started to hang out very regularly. While you already were, it was different now. What might have been an hour-long conversation over some website was now regular hangouts. Helping you work out, watching a show with you, or even just being there while you both did your own thing. One thing it would take years to admit, was why he didn’t introduce you to his brothers for such a long time. He would tell you it was for their safety, as he still wasn’t sure what your intentions were and everything. But, you seemed to think he was so cool. A good part of him just wanted it to stay that way. He wanted to be special- and not outshined by his brothers.
You seemed to have a particular shine about you, something that set you apart. He supposed that wasn’t saying a lot, since he didn’t meet a whole lot of people, but you really were something. He seemed to always be welcome over if it was a bad day, or if he simply told you it was a bad day because he wanted to see you. Which, by the way, wasn’t fooling anyone. It was fun for you to watch him huff and puff about something that clearly didn’t happen, so you never told him how obvious it was.
Being kicked out started to look like the best thing that could have happened. After long days of work, you’d come home to Raph. Who, more and more each day, became one of your best friends. Your walks home even seemed safer- though that was because Raphael had begun following your path and clearing it when necessary. The same reason he seemed to show up at your fire escape minutes after you arrived home every time. You had your own way of trying to protect him too, whether or not he knew it. You’d begun searching for any posts regarding him. He’d told you about how he needed his identity to be kept secret. So, that’s what you did. Any time you’d seen some post talking about ‘ninja sightings’ or ‘mutant spotted’ you’d bully them into oblivion. You felt bad, but you cared for his safety. You’d try to be nice when you could, but you simply found that it worked a lot better when your response was just ‘Are you insane?’ or ‘This is CLEARLY edited, look at the background’.
Either way, you both dearly valued each other. It was as obvious as the sun in the sky, even if neither of you would tell the other about what they did to show it half the time.
I hope you guyys enjoyed ! You have a owmderful day. Life is good. Have a good day/nightm and a great life!
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Chapter 4 of the reincarnation fic!
Let me know if anyone wants to be added to the tag list!
He’s torn away from the memory by pain in his hand.
“Ow! Raph! That’s too tight!
“S-Sorry, big guy.”
Mikey looks up and sees him hold his other hand over his eye.
He understands immediately that seeing Aoi that way probably brought back some bad memories.
“Alright, that’s it! This is too dangerous. No more of it today, maybe ever!” Splinter stands up and starts trying to pull them away from the pillows.
“But dad!”
“No buts Orange! You need a break, right now. Go watch skateboarding or play some video games or you’re grounded!” He points towards the doors.
Mikey sighs and leads Raph out. The door slams closed behind them. Raph starts fiddling with his mask. Mikey knows that he’s thinking too hard about it all.
“Do you want to go have a cuddle pile with Leo and Donnie?”
Raph nods.
Mikey picks him up without thinking and starts walking to Donnie’s room.
“Say what!? Since when were you this strong!?”
“Oh, uh, for a while! You’ve seen me throw buses and buildings before.”
“Right….guess I never thought about it.”
Mikey smiles and keeps walking. Raph gets the door open, revealing Donnie and Leo laying on the bed as someone drones on about data from Leo’s phone. They both look at their brothers with surprise at the position they’re in.
“That isn’t strange at all he said sarcastically.” Donnie comments.
“The memory we saw left Raph a little shaken up.” Mikey takes him to the bed.
Leo and Donnie move over, giving their brothers space to lay down next to them.
“Alright, now hold up your of the deal. Tell me what happened.”
Mikey and Raph explain exactly what they saw and how Splinter forbade them from anymore ninpo memory sharing.
“Yeesh, dad’s really worried about this.”
“He’s still learning to accept and trust the Hamato again Leo. We can’t really blame him.” Raph sighs.
“Do you think the eye thing was what made you cry?” Mikey looks at Donnie.
He sighs.
“No. I didn’t know about it until you said something. If you’re all going to hound me for answers…..whatever happened to Tomo made him feel like half of his soul is gone. Having that moment between him and Aoi just made it hurt a lot more.”
“We can’t just stop now then! We have to see what happens!”
“But pops said we couldn’t anymore.” Raph insists.
“Technically it just happens while we’re sleeping next to each other, right? Soooo we won’t be disobeying him, we’ll just be napping!” Leo smirks.
“Are you sure you want to jump back in like that? You….won’t have an eye if the next memory is after what we saw.” Mikey looks at him with concern.
“It’s not like I actually lost it. Once we’re done I have my eye back and it’s all good again.”
“Alright, what’s the real reason you’re pushing this so hard? What’s going on?” Raph nudges him.
Leo looks away.
“I….like knowing that….I didn’t always screw up being a leader. Aoi was so good at protecting all of you. He was just a kid and he was leading better than I did. The only person he let get hurt was himself. It’s what I should have been doing from the start.”
Raph puts his hands on Leo’s shoulders.
“Leo, I mean this in the nicest way possible…..” He smiles at him.
Leo smiles back until Raph starts shaking him.
“Are you crazy!? If you ever even think about doing something like that again I will wrap you up in a blanket and stick you into my mountain of plushies until you’re 40!”
Mikey hugs him tightly and looks up with him with the saddest puppy dog eyes he can muster.
“If you get hurt like that I-I’ll start crying and i-if I start crying I won’t be able to stop for a long time and-!” He takes a big, deep breath.
Donnie wraps his arms around Leo and hides his face in his shoulder silently.
“Okay! Okay! I get it! I’m not losing my life or any limbs if I can help it!” Leo insists.
“That’s more like it! Let’s get some Bluey and skateboarding videos on.” Raph changes the video.
“Oooo, you know I love blue characters.”
They spend most of the rest of the day watching videos, playing games, and eating pizza.
So really it was a pretty normal day.
They still decide to sleep in the same room when it finally came down to it. They’d have the dreams no matter what most likely, especially after how deep they dug with their ninpo. At least they’d experience whatever it was together.
It was surprising for all of them to wind up in an open field. Tora and Tomo sat on their knees together as Aoi and Kosuke seemed to be training. They each had wooden staffs in their hands.
The memory must be before he lost an eye because he didn’t look injured at all.
Kosuke fruitlessly tries to at least get one hit in, but Aoi doesn’t leave a single opening. He lightly jabs him in the side.
“Ow….this isn’t a fair fight, you’re bigger, stronger and older.”
“When someone decides to fight you, it’s probably because they’re all of those things. I’m the best opponent to help prepare you for a real battle!”
“But nothing I do against you with this works.”
“That’s why you need to get creative with whatever you have. Here, let Tora show you.”
Kosuke walks over to her and Tomo, handing her the wooden staff. Tora jumps up excitedly and takes his place in their unofficial training ring.
“Kumite!” He rushes at her.
She gets into a defensive stance and waits for him to get close. Once he does, she moves to the side, drops down, and shoves her weapon towards his legs.
He falls onto his hands and knees. She whacks his arms and back until he’s fully on the ground then stands on top of him victoriously.
Kosuke claps and cheers for her. Tomo looks slightly perturbed.
“Alright alright, good job, but you can get off now!”
Tora gets off and helps him up.
“Never stop until you know your enemy can’t hurt you anymore and never celebrate too early. That’s what Aoi always says.”
“And where exactly did you learn these rules and moves?” Tomo raises an eyebrow., looking at Aoi.
“Every town we visit, I spy at people training!”
“We spy at people training!….If I can get over the fence…..” Tora corrects.
“If you guys aren’t good at bo stuff, there’s also fighting with fists and feet, wrestling, and real weapons! Once we make enough money, we’re definitely getting some.”
Tomo thinks for a moment then stands up.
“I want to go next.”
“Alright! Let’s see how you do.”
Tora hands him the staff and takes his seat.
“Go Aoi! Show him you’re the best!”
“Ready?” Aoi smiles at him.
Tomo nods.
“Kumite!” He charges at him.
Tomo whirls his staff around before hitting the top of Aoi’s staff and causing it to bonk his forehead.
Both Kosuke and Tora gasp.
Aoi is caught by surprise. Tomo uses this opportunity to hit his elbow and then his knee. Aoi drops his weapon and to a knee. Tomo points the end of the staff at his face.
“In this case, I think I’m the best.”
Tora and Kosuke go wild with cheering.
“That was amazing….where did you learn how to do that?”
Tomo holds his hand out in response which Aoi takes as help to stand up.
“It doesn’t matter. Just focus on the fact that you have someone who can actually teach you properly.”
“Well, you can teach wooden staff stuff, but there is one thing I can teach you.”
He pulls him down to the ground as he struggles, insisting to be let go. Aoi only does so when Tomo admits defeat. He releases him and chuckles as they both lay on the ground.
Tomo huffs and looks less than happy but Kosuke and Tora soon join them since they felt left out. They end up looking at the sky as the clouds pass by. They point out weirdly shaped ones and make up random objects they could be.
Tomo starts to smile as he feels the sun warming him up while they relax and laugh. He closes his eyes to fully take in the warmth and listen to the sound of his siblings.
When he opens them, he’s staring down at a different blue from the sky. An icey blue of a cold stream. A chill hits his face and spreads throughout his body.
He picks up the buckets of water he had collected and makes his way through partially snow covered land, eventually arriving at the less than perfect cabin they’ve been staying in.
Tora and Kosuke turn to him. They’re covered up with a thick blanket as they sit in front of a fire.
Tomo scans the area a bit and tenses when he sees that someone is missing.
“Where’s Aoi? He shouldn’t be going anywhere by himself!”
“He said not to worry and that he’d be right back.” Tora answer.
“He didn’t say where!? How could you just let him go!?”
“Tomo, it’s okay! He said it wasn’t far!” Kosuke leaves the blanket and tries to calm him down.
Tomo puts the buckets on the ground and rushes back out the door. Tora and Kosuke chase after him, yelling while trying to get him to come back.
He stops and screams out for him. The air burns his lungs and the wind doesn’t help in the slightest.
Tora and Kosuke try to get to him to calm down and go inside. He doesn’t listen to them as he keeps yelling for him.
It’s then that they all see a blue form running towards them. It’s Aoi, his eye covered and holding several items wrapped up in cloth to hide them.
“What are you doing? I thought you were collecting water!“
Tomo can’t help but sob into his chest. His whole body shakes. Saying that it was all from the cold would be a lie.
He can vaguely hear Tora and Kosuke explaining what happened. He then feels himself get lifted up. There’s a small bit of walking until he feels the cold go away.
It’s only then that he lifts up his head and sees Aoi looking down at him with a concerned smile.
Tomo stares directly at the eyepatch he’d been wearing since he healed. He shakily reaches up to it, Aoi doesn’t make any moves to stop him. He lifts it up, checking for any sign that anything was wrong. Only once he finds absolutely nothing does he put it back down.
“Are you okay now?”
“Where….where did you go?”
“I was just picking up some things, they told you, didn’t they?”
Tomo looks down.
“I….I was worried….you shouldn’t go out alone…..”
“Hey, you heard what those healers said before. I’m 100% better. I can go place by myself. Nothing happened.”
“What if you were attacked again? You’d have been alone!”
“Actually….that’s why I went out to get these things. I was hoping to keep them hidden until New Years but I should probably just show you now. Take a seat, everyone.”
They all do as asked, including Aoi.
“After what happened to me, I realized that something needs to change. We can kinda defend ourselves, but we don’t stand a chance if they have weapons and we don’t. So….”
He lays the rolled up tarp on the ground and unfurls it.
Inside, there was a bo staff, a short sword, a longer sword, finger claw looking weapons, and some throwing stars.
Each weapon had a corresponding bandana attached to it.
Tomo definitely noticed that there was more than one weapon for him.
“Wow! What are these?” Tora takes a look at the ones for her.
“They go on your fingers. You’re the tiger, so you should have some claws for protection. They’re called neko-te.” Aoi answers.
“And the bandanna?”
“It’s to show we’re a team!” He takes the bandanna and carefully wraps it around her forehead, under her bangs.
She squeals happily, clawing the air.
Kosuke takes the throwing stars.
“So cool! Can you tie mine too?”
Aoi happily does as asked.
Tomo looks at the two weapons with purple on them. The bo made sense. The shorter sword didn’t.
“I….don’t get it….”
“Oh, well, these weapons I may or may not have “collected” and traded some man hours for, no too important where they came from-“
“No, I don’t get why you gave me this.” He continues looking at the sword, furrowing his brow.
“So, samurai have two different swords. One is long and one is short, I’m gonna be using the long one. Since I have a blind spot now, and you’re so good with the bo, I was thinking we could be a partners when we need to fight! I go all long range, and you can take care of short range for me. For you it’s mainly backup for your bo!” Aoi ties his bandanna on, his has a metal plate on the front.
Tomo knows what it’s for. Blocking sword swipes to the head. He hates it. He picks up the sword with both his hands and frowns deeply.
“I can’t do it.”
“What? Do you not like the sword? I could get a different one if you want-“
Everyone looks at him in surprise except for Kosuke who seems like he was expecting this.
“No….I just can’t….”
“Why? Tomo, you’ve been acting weird ever since what happened to me. I know it was scary, but I’m better now and with these we can protect ourselves.”
“A sword did this to you and you want to use one!?”
“How else am I going to avoid it happening again!?”
Tomo shakes in anger.
“By not putting yourself in danger you idiot!”
“I’m not an idiot for protecting all of you! I told you what the rule was!”
“I don’t care about your dumb rule! Stop throwing your life away, Haru!”
There’s a deafening silence.
“Who’s Haru?” Tora questions.
Tomo looks down at the floor.
“My twin. She was my sister.”
“The one you said was gone….” Aoi nearly whispers.
Tomo rubs the hilt of the sword in his hands.
“She was named after Spring….”
He grips it tightly.
“….and she was cut down in Winter.”
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
Imagine if Mikey (and possibly Raph) were still mad at Leo for keeping the fact Big Mama was their mother a secret for so long during their first fee visits with her and she picks up on that.
"Darling, ehat got you so upset?" She'd ask on maybe their second visit amd Mikey just... goes intl this rant about how he and Leo had an argument about Narln Draxum and how he mutated them and how it wasn't fair that Leo has known about her being their biological mother for months and kept it hidden and only to them that when he was trying to bring Barry closer to their family! Mama listens closely and eventually is able to piece together why Leo and Donnie started visiting her before the other two and how they came to know of her parentage of them and decides to confirm,
"When was this?"
"Cojple weeks ago..." Mikey sniffles, "I just wanted a nlce family dinner, but everyone hated it, and Leo was really mad! Mad enough to tell us you were our mom, and Barry wasn't our other parent just because he created the ooze that mutated us... I don't know why he kept it secret so long of he's known since the thing with Shredder!"
Mama could see why he'd kept it hidden so long, it was written all over his fave when she'd told him the rat bad claimed him to be her long lost son shortly before tossing him into the arena those months ago, it'd been in how he tried to hide how uncertain amd awkward he was when he came to visit, how despite Leo being better at negotiations his twin had taken charge of most of their conversation thag first visit and how emotionally charged and hysterical be was whenever he had spoken to her, the context of tbe qjestion, his ever present need to see proof.
Leo had been in denial and hadn't wanted to bring the matter up until he could get the entire story and confirm the matter either from his father or from herself. It made perfect sense to the yokai spider5 would have done much the same if she had learned such frightening and life banging information in such a volatile situation, and it also confirmed to her that stupid rat really had kept her existence hidden form ber boys and done everything in his power to keep thay information from them.
She wanted to kill Lou Jitsu for that.
"I believe he himself might have been confused on the matter and, with what recent revelations I could gather had happened to you poor dearies, he hadn't wanted to bring it up until he himself could confirm the information, like any good information broker should." She tries to explain, aware that her twins may not have told them of their recent visits either, "I certainly would have done much the same knhis situation."
"But if he wasn't sure if it was real or not, why couldn't he have asked us for help!? He and Donnie could be here with us to meet you right now instead of just Raph and me alone! We could have figured it out together!"
"That's something you'd have to ask him. I may be a spider, but I certainly can't read minds or know his motivations, I don't know your brother well enough. But if I had to hazard a guess, I'd say he was trying to protect you."
Aww, this is so sweet, with Mama trying to reassure Mikey like that. B/c i'd imagine Mikey was quite upset about not being told this for so long (particularly if he thinks the reason was b/c Leo doesn't trust him.)
Thank you!
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geeksauruse · 1 year
Hello! My names Violet and I’d like a matchup for the 2012 tmnt brothers please! If not just ignore this lol
I’m 5’2 ½, I’m hourglass shaped with a lil chub so I wear baggier clothes and really prefur being covered up. I have shoulder length brown curly/wavy hair and Hazel eyes that appear brown but in the sun look gold and green (I really like my eyes lol) I typically war sneakers of some sort or work boots because I’m a busy person and even on my down time I’m moving so I don’t have time to let my feet hurt from heels n such even though I love dressing up.
I’m intelligent and usually always reading something, I can be very quiet but can make good conversation. I’m an INFJ so I’m very in tune to others around me. I’m extremely loyal to a fault and would do absolutely anything to the person I give my loyalty to. I love to bake and cook and even like to clean when I’m able to listen to music, cleaning is calming for me and lets me unwind with out feeling like I should be doing something. I’m the eldest daughter of six siblings so I have my fair share of responsibility and I take it in stride. I’m always helping and taking care of someone, I love that part of my responsibility because I’m a very motherly person. I have strong maternal instincts which leads me to befriend people who could be considered outcasts.
I can also be very stubborn and I struggle with depression, and anxiety. I have trust and abandonment issues which leads me to follow people around and be a bit clingy. I have a strong imagination which pulls me inside my own head a lot. I tend to be more involved with whats going on inside then whats happening in real life.
I really look for someone who has a sense of loyalty like my own, someone who would be ok with me being around a lot and being a bit clingy. I also want someone who has a sense of humor to: 1, help me out of depressive episodes, and 2, banter with me, I can be slightly sarcastic and love some good banter. I also want someone kind and empathetic, to match my own motherly instincts
I dislike people who are rude and mean for no reason and who are constantly looking for a fight. A big deal breaker for me is someone telling me what to do and not letting me make my own choices. I need someone to support me, not control me.
My hobbies are: Reading, Writing, listening to music, watching game plays (Mainly horror like fnaf), watching some tv mainly historical fiction or horror, art, like drawing, watercolors, that stuff, I also adore the forest and space so I’m always researching some plant or planet. I’m taking forensic science and psychology in school right now so whoever I get better be ready to listen to me rant about not only all of this but also new things I’ve learned lol
Bro I am so sorry this took so long and you were so patiently waiting for me to stop procrastinating( or you forget than I am sorry any way.)
Any way I would match you up with…
The lovable nerd Donnie!
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Donnie would be you lover for several reasons, but let’s start off on how y’all met.
You were walking back to your house from the library with a fresh stack of books that looked interesting.
It was getting darker out as the sun began to set and night  began and an unsettling quite set in for the usually noisy city of New York 
As you walked though a quite steer you heard something, it was muffled but sounded like voices.
Against your better judgment you crept closer to the voices only to see what you thought was green, three fingered, turtle aliens.
They were talking about a recent robbery by the local gang “ the purple dragons”
You had crept a little to close and you slipped on a peice of loose paper falling flat in front of the massive creatures.
In an attempt to get up quickly to hit your head on the back of a pole that was sticking out of the dumpster.
Que Donnie hurriedly walking over to you to see what damage had been done, lucky for you not much you were just kinda out of it. The fists thing you noticed aside from him being not human were his beautiful eyes, the ones that looked almost identical to yours.
You are so out of it that you just said “ you have beautiful eyes” as he checked your pulse.
You were fine but had to promise that you would keep them a secret. 
You had no problem with this as the turtles began to come around more often to see you, and after a few weeks of gaining trust,you were introduced to spinster and the lair.
After your eye comment, you and Donnie became almost instant friends and you bonded over your shared thirst for knowledge and your intellects.
He loves seeing what you read so he can get new books for you and suggest books that he thinks you would like.
Wants you to cook for him since you have an interest in it, he also likes to listen to you about your many skills.
Thinks your amazing for being able to have so many skills and he fully loves that you like horrer games( he waters a lot of game play through.
Loves listing to you rant about what you passionate about, staters learning more about phycology even though he is also pretty in tune with people as well.
When he developed feeelings, it’s going to be an entire thing.
He starts giving more information on plants, space and he even started to save cool documentaries he thinks your going to like
When he confessed to you it’s going to be so sweet and messy, he expressed that he really only liked you and he would remain loyal till the end. 
When you started dating he started rotting to work up your confidence and wanted to help on your anxiety and depression episodes.
Knows how to help and did a bit of extra research just in case.
He wanted to help you I all the ways!
Insecure in the new outfit? He’s there to tell you how beautiful your curvy body is!
Are you upset an overwhelmed with sad and anxiety fill thoughts? He’s there with a new movie and blankets.
No matter what, he is there to support you
And make sure that you know you are loved for who you are no matter how big you are. 
He’s a snarky little boy so get ready for the sarcasm that comes with this relationship.
Does not mind you being clingy at all, to be honest it brings him out of his work Brain and into his loved ones Brain that can rest.
What’s to make all your inner world dreams come true and spends time making you personalised gifts to fit your wonderful imagination.
Donnie loves you lots and is ready to be there and stay there for however long you will have him.
“ I’m not going anywhere dove, I love you with every fiber and bone in my body.”
Hope you like it, have a good day!
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dreamings-free · 2 years
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interview with Louis in the March issue of FourFourTwo magazine 2/2/23
full text under the cut..
by Paul Wilkes
Which was the first match that you ever went to?
I actually got into football quite late, when I started playing at around 11. There were a few Manchester United fans in the family, so the first match I ever went to was an unbelievable first game: the FA Cup fifth round tie against Arsenal in February 2003 – the match when Sir Alex Ferguson kicked the boot and hit David Beckham! My best memories come from Doncaster, who are the only club I support now. We had a fantastic League Cup run in 2005 – we beat Manchester City on penalties, then beat Aston Villa 3-0 and lost to Arsenal on penalties in the quarter-finals. That was my first real low as a football fan. I can remember walking back home absolutely gutted.
Who was your childhood hero and did you ever meet them?
James Coppinger is my club hero – he played at every level and really played for the badge. Everyone in Donny loves him and he’s a great bloke, too. After I got into One Direction, I was lucky to meet him and play alongside him a couple of times in charity games. As a fan growing up watching him, that was amazing. The best person I’ve ever met in football was Pele. I met him about four or five years ago and it was incredible – he had all these stories and we spoke for ages. He was lovely.
What’s been your finest moment playing football?
I played in Soccer Aid and Ronaldinho tried to nutmeg me. I was all over his shirt, giving him no respect, and I just managed to nick the ball off him! There’s a sick picture that I’ve seen of it [right]. The other moment was when I was about 15. I started as a centre-back, but didn’t grow any taller so moved across to right-back and scored the only Sunday League goal I ever scored. I’ll never forget it.
What do you like most about going to the match?
The whole atmosphere, that magic. When you have those experiences as a young lad, there’s an element of nostalgia each time you go inside a football stadium.
Which player do you admire even though they’ve never played for your club?
As some of my family supported Manchester United, I was never allowed to like Thierry Henry, but those grudge matches against Arsenal were amazing. He was a serious player.
Where’s the best place you’ve ever watched a game?
The Bernabeu – it was Neymar’s first ever Clasico for Barcelona against Real Madrid, which was pretty special. It’s one of the bucket list fixtures to go to. When I was young, Doncaster signed me as a reserve player and I went to a pre-season training camp in Portugal. As a supporter of the club, that’s not something you’re normally privy to, so watching how the squad trained and prepared was fascinating.
A few years ago, you filmed a music video with Bebe Rexha on the pitch at the Keepmoat Stadium. What was that like?
It was really important for me in my career. The reason I’m sat here today is because of Doncaster – it’s played a huge role. It’s who I am as a person and it’s what I write songs about. The fact we were able to film the video at the Keepmoat, where I’ve spent many days and evenings, made it so special. It felt appropriate.
What’s your favourite football book?
It’s not a book, but Fourfourtwo! I used to subscribe when I was younger. I’m not a big reader otherwise. I should be, but I’m not.
What’s been your worst experience at a game?
I was playing in a charity match at Celtic Park. I got the ball and turned to my right, then Gabby Agbonlahor came through the back of me and I tore my medial ligament. A combination of the impact and me being very unfit meant I ended up throwing up all over Celtic’s stadium, which I know will please a lot of Rangers supporters.
Have any footballers been to a gig?
Paul Pogba came to a One Direction show once, that’s the one that stands out – he was really sound. I won’t lie, I don’t think many footballers listen to One Direction songs.
Where’s the strangest place you’ve ever met a footballer?
I was in this bar somewhere in South America and, purely by chance, Bryan Robson was there with a few friends. He was a bit drunk. We went straight over and he was nice, but it was one of those times where you think, ‘What is he doing here?!’ [Laughs]
What’s the greatest goal you’ve ever seen live?
I was at Zlatan Ibrahimovic’s debut for LA Galaxy, because I spend some time over in Los Angeles. The LAFC keeper launched the ball upfield and it was cleared back to Zlatan about 40 yards out. He watched it bounce and then smashed it over the keeper’s head, an unbelievable goal. I love him – I like a bit of s**thousery in my footballers, and he’s always had that.
Who’s your current favourite player?
The obvious answer is Erling Haaland, because any fan seeing him rack up the goals this season has been totally in awe. Even if you support Manchester United, you watch him and think he’s superb. But for me, Jude Bellingham. I’m so excited by Jude – he’s been in brilliant form this season, even before the World Cup.
If you could drop yourself into your all-time five-a-side team, who would you be playing next to?
Well, I play at the back, so I want me and Rio Ferdinand. I’d pick Edwin van der Sar, he was a top keeper in his day, then in midfield I’d have Ronaldinho – I grew up loving his football. Up front, I’ll go for Cristiano Ronaldo.
What’s the most important piece of memorabilia that you have?
I had a Doncaster home shirt as a kid that I associate with growing up. A few years ago, I bought the same shirt in my current size – it’s special to me, and when I met Pele I asked him to sign it. That was the pinnacle.
Louis Tomlinson’s solo album, ‘Faith In The Future’, is available to buy now.
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spishidden · 2 years
GASP. I LOVE ALIEN STAGE!!!!! (How good was Round 1?!✨🥺✨) I mean a tournament of musical artists pitted against each other with a dark twist??? I’m in bby.
Naturally I have a few questions about this AU:
- is it as high stakes as in Alien Stage for the losers of each round? Should we expect any of our beloved boys/cast to fall?
- Any ideas of what music each of the Mad Dogs (April included) would play, yet?
Thx so much for the question!!
AAA Alien Stage is waaaay to good to just be a web series. Make a full fledged anime I b e g
The Alien Stage in this is to determine who is the best of these kids at creating krang’s music. The winner gets to join the content factory. The losers won’t get killed on the spot like in the web series but joining the ranks of the krang music producers is the biggest and best opportunity anyone could strive for in this world.
Also, these kids know nothing else. They’ve been training their whole lives for this. If they fail, they’re kicked out and left on their own to survive. And with the pollution and horrible living conditions?? They’re gonna die real quick.
But after what Leo’s about to pull?? The stakes are about to get even higher. The revival of mystic power, whether intentional or not, gives hope of rebellion. And the krang are not happy about that.
There will be consequences.
Leo- Alt rock, pop rock. Plays guitar and can sing. He found our about rock when Donnie snuck in historical records he managed to find. He discovered Queen and Led Zeppelin then instantly fell in love
Raph- Favors ballads, has an amazing voice. Can play the electric and upright bass. Jazz was lost to time after the krang took over, but when Draxum and Splinter introduce it to him?? It’s all he’ll listen to and play
Donnie- Can sing, opts not to at first (for reasons). Instead he uses this custom synth he made filled with every plug in imaginable. Creates hardstop, breakcore, dubstep, he swims in obcure edm genres.
Mikey- He’s a wildcard. Can play so many instruments. Guitar, drums, piano, violin somehow. He excels at lyric writing. He writes BARS. Fire raps. Burns the house down.
April- Think mid 2000s to early 2010s disney channel. Synths, eurobeat inspo, dance pop tunes, things like that. I was listening to Calling All The Monsters by China Anne Mclain (cause spooky season) and went “Yup, this is April”
Splinter- 80s action movie star in canon? 80s singer in au.
Because of the krang, all their inner creativity was shunned and kept hidden. So when the turtles break free and realize that they can make whatever music they want?? The chaos (and quality) gets turned up to 100
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movie spoilers :)
ok so at the beginning of the movie he’s shown screwing around when he should be training, yeah?
okay, yes, arguably irresponsible, but considering it’s been 2 years since shredder and there’s no mention of any other formidable foes besides your typical Large Pig, Married Couple, and Bug Man, it’s understandable that he’s pretty lax about everything. Dont get me wrong, I totally get Ralph’s side! He’s constantly worried about a new threat appearing when they least expect it, plus even their regular missions can be life threatening if they aren’t careful
but dude Leo’s just goofing off and having a funky time, he doesn’t deserve the Epic Emotional Beatdown he gets in the movie
“Oh, but he’s just in general egotistical and braggy”
yeah. he’s 16. Donnie has probably broken the Geneva convention at least twice man idk. He’s a dumbass turtle doing dumbass things.
Then we get to the argument. What really gets me here is that Leo is visibly listening and taking what Raph says to heart- until the moment it gets too dark for him. Saw this pointed out somewhere else, but man really does use humor to cope. of course, in doing so he brushed off Ralph’s very real and important concerns, frustrating him
the fight over the key? Yeah, not his best work.
in his defense tho, if he actually knew the severity of the situation, he’s proven before that he can be completely serious (even while keeping his jokey persona) when things get more drastic. I truly believe after they meet Casey, things stop being about straight overconfidence. Leo goes into the fight jokey, but it’s been proven many times that he will often quip while putting his all into his battles, so that’s not the best judge of how seriously he’s actually taking it. he doesn’t insist everyone stays behind to get the key. he goes out himself, taking the risk because Casey is desperate to get it for really good reasons! I think his actions there- while somewhat reckless- would’ve been seen in a positive manner in most other movies. He’s taking the risk to grab the literal World-Destroying object.
then Raph gets taken
Leo has a panic attack, and he’s more visibly distraught than we’ve ever seen him, to the point where he gets actually, genuinely, dangerously angry for the first time in the entire franchise. He’s probably blaming himself for getting Raph caught.
His stubbornness next isn’t because he’s overconfident. He’s just so focused on getting Raph back, no matter what. He HAS to get his big brother back. Leo doesn’t consider waiting to plan, or retreating, not when it would feel like giving up on his brother. He’s blindly consumed by his fear and desperation. He makes a lot of bad decisions because of it, don’t get me wrong! They were Bad Decisions! But I really think they weren’t about ego, not really.
I’m glad he learned a lot of valuable lessons but I’m also worried about the like
MASS amount of trauma he has now. Like, that’s some Heavy stuff. The trade off of character development vs whatever all this new trauma and greatly worsened self-sacrificial tendencies (bc they already existed in the show and are probably going to get concerningly worse) might not be the best. worried about that guy
anyway I really want to see what they do there because that was a roller coaster and the long term effects could be really interesting to watch
Also does anyone else see a lot of parallels between Leo and c!Tommy from the dream smp or is that just me? Like:
-cocky/confident persona to cope and also bc it’s funny
-self worth issues lmao
-the amount of character development needed could’ve easily happened with like,, some minor trauma but no they get the whole sha bang
-ping pongs between overconfident and low self esteem and also “nothing is ever my fault” vs “everything is my fault”
-16 y/old brutally beaten by an unbeatable foe in an inescapable prison only to eventually get out alive despite all odds
This post is kind of a mess lmao
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