#there was norma but there needed to be more
cooperlaura · 1 year
Twin Peaks should have had more characters with mother issues.
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brendanthebomber · 25 days
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Injecting this into my veins
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ishkabibblethings · 5 months
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benetnvsch · 6 months
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Have u seen them? Now u have :)
From the lil daily advent thing the bungosd_anime account did on twt :)
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probablyaseamonster · 9 months
Rewatching DE:PP has reenflamed my belief in the conspiracy theory that the common trope in children's media of evil alternate versions of characters being goth/emo/punk/other alt styles is essentially a psychological smear campaign; an attempt to imprint upon their viewers the message that alt people are mean or morally bankrupt so that children learn to look upon these people with disdain and suspicion and perhaps even a hero vs villain complex, all to prevent the new generations from banding together and joining the rebellion against the consumerist dystopia that the people who lord over the creators of those media want to enforce.
... I blame Netflix. DE:PP is too progressive for this shit.
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corviddrawsstuff · 10 months
ME WHEN IMP + SKIZZ ‼️💓✨💖💞💫‼️‼️🔈📣💓💞‼️✨💫💖💖 ME WHEN XBRALIS 💖💞‼️🔈📣💫🔈💓‼️💖💓💞 ME WHEN CLETHUBS ‼️💓🔈📣🔈✨💖‼️🔈📣💓💞💫🔈📣💖
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fuluv · 2 years
dead end crew keeps finding my vampire norma fanart and commenting on it on twitter and i feel like this
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So are Norma and Frazie still fighting or did they kiss and make up already?
[Lizzie] I don't know if they're still fighting, but they aren't talking to each other either. It's not like they're blatantly ignoring each other, just ...giving each other the cold shoulder. I'd be impressed, if it didn't worry me. I mean, I'd hate to see them break up, especially over something as dumb as what sparked their fight. <-
Not that I think they're gonna ....I mean, I'm pretty sure they're both just to stubborn to actually take the first step and wait for the other one to crack first. And boy howdy, they're gonna wait long for that. I grew up with Norma, and let me tell you, in my experience, she won't crack for a long, long time.
And if the other Aquatos - including Raz - are anything to go on, I think that Frazie - oh, speak of the devil. 'sup, Frazie?
[Frazie] (Frazie quietly, almost nervously, approaches Lizzie, hugging herself) Hi ...uh, have you seen ...?
[Lizzie] Norma, your - hopefully still - girlfriend? Why, so you two can ignore each other in the same room and creating a very noticeable awkward environment for me, Raz and all of our friends where we are too wary to actually talk to either of you or even to each other?
[Frazie] (Flinches slightly) Okay, snappy remark well deserved, I get that. Listen, I wanna talk to her about what happened. I want to admit that I ....might have overacted a little.
[Lizzie] A little? You went off on her like she insisted you never perform acrobatics again.
[Frazie] In my defense: she did try to say what I can and cannot watch.
[Lizzie] No, she didn't. She tried to keep you from out of trouble.
[Lizzie] (Blinks in surprise) Trouble? What kind of trouble?
[Lizzie] She suggested maybe you'd skip the movie, because the last horror marathon we did gave you nightmares for several nights in a row, during which you snuck into her room to sleep with her. Several times? Even after she asked you not too, but you kept convincing her 'it would only be one time'?
(Holds up her hand when Frazie opens her mouth) Not finished. Did you know that Hollis found out? Did you know she - since you are only a part-time intern who's not looking to get certification like the rest of us - almost threw you and Norma out of the program for breaking dorm rules? That kind of trouble!
[Frazie] (Long, surprised pause. Mouth agape) I ...didn't. How do you know? Hollis never talked to me or Norma about it.
[Lizzie] Because she called in Norma to her office for that very reason.
[Frazie] She did? When did that happen? Why wasn't I?
[Lizzie] When you and the Aquatos went performing in another city for two weeks. I don't know much about what happened, but I know that Norma managed to convince Hollis to let her take all the punishment, let you off the hook and not to say anything to your parents. And that's why she's been helping out Hollis after classes so much lately. And that's why she's been trying to keep you out of trouble.
[Frazie] And how do you know all this?
[Lizzie] (Chuckles nervously, rubbing the back of her head) Uh, I have the same punishment for ...similar reasons with Millie and me sneaking out of the Motherlobe?
[Frazie] Oh. (Long, long pause) (Frazie wraps her arms around herself, digging her nails into her arms) Oh, Norma... I ...I've been a fool. (Squeezes her eyes shut. A tear runs down her cheek.) I should've known better, mia sciocca ragazza.
[Lizzie] What, that she would take a bullet for the people she loves? Yeah, after dating her for over a year, you really oughta know a lot better.
[Frazie] Not helping, Lizzie.
[Lizzie] Good, because I'm not. You want me to stop being snippy at you, go make up with Norma, so you can act all annoyingly sweet at one another.
[Frazie] I really would like too, but I need to find her first. Where is she?
[Lizzie] You tell me.
[Frazie] (Lets out an annoyed huff, but immediately lets out a gasp and smiles.) The Funicular! She always go there when she's sad about something or needs a place to think, because the humming of the engine relaxes her!
[Lizzie] (smiles) Attagirl, seems you do know her better than you thought, ey? Now stop smiling like an idiot and go get her.
[Frazie] Okay, okay. (Turns around to leave, but stops in her tracks) And Lizzie? Thanks.
[Lizzie] For what? I didn't do anything, at least not about anything Norma needs to know about, get me?
[Frazie] (Grins) Got ya! (Turns around and runs out the dorms)
[Lizzie] (Deep sigh) Seems like things are gonna work out just fine for them. (Leans back in the couch) Maybe now we can stop walking around on fucking eggshells all the time. (Smiles) And here I am, talking to myself. (Gets up from the couch) I'm gonna see if Millie's free for video chat.
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sparklespectres · 2 years
‘My Frankenstein’ is a relatable song in general but specifically the line “it’s kind of messed up, I feel like a break up, except it’s all your fault, NOT MINE!” just HURTS on a personal level and I know that it’s been over a month since it came out now but I keep THINKING about it-
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mimi-croissant · 2 years
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All your faves are arospec
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septembersghost · 1 year
completely unrelated question to anything going on but have you ever seen cabaret? (either the 1972 movie or any of the musical productions (i.e. 1983 or 2014 with alan cumming))
ah, cabaret and i have a long and storied history. a difficult one in certain ways emotionally/thematically (never have i felt more like i was going to be sick in a theatre than at the punch that closes "if you could see her," which is exactly the point!), yet with songs that i adore and will listen to and sing around the house at the drop of a hat. i have seen the movie several times (and own it! bob fosse's direction, LIZA, joel grey, legends all), i own the soundtrack and the 1998 revival cast recording, i've seen a bootleg of an alan!emcee production though atm i cannot recall who played his sally (i've also seen pieces of michael c. hall's performance in the role), i've sung "maybe this time" onstage, and i've seen it live locally - it was following that perfectly marvelous production of cabaret that my mom and i had the car accident that ultimately ended my life as i knew it, we went specifically for my theatre class (my professor co-directed the production and i was going to write a paper on it, instead i had to drop out of college...something something start by admitting from cradle to tomb, it isn't that long a stay!). it has really weird significance in my life, my mom has trauma around it, but i still have this dark love and fascination towards it. kander and ebb's musical work for it is so genius (as of course it is for chicago too), everything fosse infused it with both on broadway and on film is so iconic that it's almost taken for granted what an influence he had (chair-eography, anyone?). that sharp contrast between the brightness of the facade and the terror and tragedy lurking everywhere beneath it, the inescapable cynicism choking the desperate desire for something more akin to hope. lady peaceful, lady happy, that's what i long to be...
if you truly want insight into my character - my fingernails are literally painted green at this very moment. if anyone should ask why, i'd say, "i think it's pretty. i think it's pretty, i reply!" sally bowles my manic beloved
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brendanthebomber · 2 years
I’m such a sucker for transmasc headcanons send me some of your favorite ones
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amostexcellentblog · 1 year
She's a phenomenon, she's Hollywood's latest It Girl, she's everywhere, she's having the time of her life.
She's embracing her inner Theater Kid, on stage at The Lion King, she's in full Pumba costume singing "Hakuna Matata."
She's on Jimmy Kimmel Live reminding us about all the badass stunts she's done.
She's the belle of the Oscar Nominees Luncheon.
She's The Last Movie Star.
She singlehandedly saved Cinema.
Everyone wants to be her. Everyone wants to be with her.
She's got a point, she's an icon, she's a legend, and she is the moment.
**The "She" in question is a 60 year old man who's been famous longer than I've been alive.
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mandareeboo · 2 years
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Norma, you love this job. You love studying demons. You don’t have to throw it all away. You can request to be put on night shift, or for personal time. You don’t have to just... leave!
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commander-chaoss · 2 years
Regularly watching women admit to being extremely paranoid and then call everyone sexist men for expressing concern (still a woman)
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