#there you go! you guys saved prompto! nice going :)
cinnbar-bun · 2 years
We Are Worthy Pt.1
Relationship: Ravus Nox Fleuret/Female!Reader
Summary: As the eldest of the Lucis Caelum line, you are to be wed to Ravus Nox Fleuret. Noctis isn't pleased by this discovery and finds out just how much you two have been hiding from him. And, well, truthfully, he can't fight back against what fate has in store without both of you helping.
AU: I just had this random AU idea come in my head. The explanation of it is: you are Noctis's older sister (around 28 or so- same age as Ravus) but since you are a woman, you cannot be the True King and aren't a part of the prophecy (to keep Noctis's place). Ravus here isn't as hellbent on destroying Lucis/Regis (for purposes that will be explained later), and him and Reader team up privately to save their siblings from the prophecy. It'll make a bit more sense as it goes along (trust me bro). This chapter focuses a bit more on Noctis and Reader, but the next one will be more about Ravus/Reader and their relationship. Concrit is always welcome and appreciated <3 please enjoy!
Crossposted on my AO3!
Noctis frowned as Gladiolus opened the passenger door for you.
You gave him a gracious smile and stepped into the car, promptly fastening your seatbelt and sitting with perfect posture.
“My lady, are you comfortable?” Ignis asked, and you nodded.
“I’m fine, thank you, Ignis,” you replied, bowing your head respectfully.
“Then we shall be off,” he murmured, starting the engine of the car.
Prompto was giddy with excitement and snapped a few photos of the scenery and everyone in the Regalia.
“So, you excited to get hitched, (Y/n)?” Prompto joked and Ignis shot a glare at him in response. The photographer seemed to take the hint and awkwardly clammed up. “Uh, I mean, well, uh- you excited to get married?”
“There’s no need to worry, Prompto,” you chuckled. “I am not sure how I feel, in all honesty. I’m just proud to do my people a good service with this marriage.”
“Ah, the politically correct answer as always,” Noctis sighed. You didn’t say a word back, not giving Noctis the chance to argue over this matter again. “Seriously, you’re not gonna even answer?”
“No. This doesn’t warrant a discussion, Noctis,” your voice lowered into a threatening tone that said you would not tolerate his behavior.
He glowered at you and huffed, folding his arms and pouting like a spoiled child.
“Hey now, you two, let’s take it easy. I know the wedding jitters can get rough, but let’s play nice, okay?” Gladiolus attempted to break the awkward silence.
“My apologies,” you stated as you took a sip of water to calm yourself.
“Whatever,” was all Noctis had to say.
“What’s the issue? Did something happen?” Prompto asked, confused why you and your brother seemed to be at each other’s throats. Gladiolus eyed him, warning him to drop the subject, but Prompto didn’t notice.
“The issue,” Noctis began, making Gladiolus and Ignis roll their eyes and sigh in annoyance. “Is that my sister is getting married to some guy, and neither her nor my father told me! And now she’s acting like a martyr who needs to go through this!”
“Firstly-” you countered, “Ravus Nox Fleuret is not ‘some guy’- have more respect for him. Second off, it’s a political marriage- it’s not up to you to decide what I need to do.”
“You could have at least argued with him! Hell, I could’ve married Luna instead! You didn’t need to do this for Lucis!”
“Why does it matter anyways? I don’t have that choice. I am not the heir apparent.”
“And that’s the issue, don’t you get it?” Noctis leaned over the seat to talk closer to you. “You don’t have a choice, and that’s what’s making me upset! You don’t need to do this just because dad said so. We could have figured something out.”
Ignis shook his head.
“Prince Noctis, we’ve been through this plenty of times now. It is imperative the marriage goes through for the sake the kingdoms. The treaty being negotiated is one that will bring peace. And though it is a shame that Princess (Y/N) can’t choose, it is her duty as a member of the royal family to think of the people.
“Thank you, Ignis. At least someone understands my position.”
“Not everyone can be perfect like you, I guess,” Noctis mumbled under his breath.
“Noctis, enough. Come on, it’s a week before her wedding. Let’s spend it not trying to argue,” Gladiolus suggested.
“Great idea!” Prompto yelled. He gasped loudly and leaned towards Ignis. “Hey, Iggy, pull over! I wanna take this shot of the mountain!”
“Prompto, we will not-”
“Let him,” you cut Ignis off. “His photos are rather lovely to see. They’ll be a nice memento in the future.”
You grinned at Prompto and his smile grew wider than usual. Ignis pulled the car to the side of the road and put it in park.
“Thanks, (Y/n)!”
“Prompto! What did we tell you about titles?” Ignis shouted as Prompto unbuckled his seat belt and practically leapt over the others to take a few photos. You didn’t argue, instead getting out of the car and asking Prompto to take a few shots with you in them. The blonde complied, posing you and taking all sorts of pictures.
“Do you all want to join in?” You asked. Ignis shook his head, while Gladiolus shrugged and joined you and Prompto to take some photos. Noctis meanwhile stared at you before pouting even harder than before.
Night drew closer and Ignis decided to rest and camp for the time being. Given your status and impending marriage, you had your own separate tent, away from the others. While you did appreciate the privacy, you were rather upset with the larger distance it created emotionally.
But you could not argue, and instead, after eating a wonderful meal whipped up by Ignis, you went straight to your tent.
You glanced at Noctis and debated with yourself if you should attempt to talk with him. You hated the fighting and the distance this treaty had put between you two. And, of course, the real truth behind the reason they were with you. When Regis revealed the treaty to Noctis, he was enraged and begged for your father to consider a different path.
The subsequent arguments between you and Noctis left you feeling even more hurt at the fact you had to lie to him to his face.
But it was for him and for the people. You were a woman, and thus, you had no stake within the kingdom or the prophecy. Noctis, on the other hand, was more crucial to it all. You didn’t mind being the sacrificial lamb for this moment, if it ensured the safety of your younger brother.
Ravus was more than happy to agree with you, if it meant his sister could be safe, too.
That’s why you understood where Noctis was coming from, given he was so adamant that you be able to choose your own happiness for once. But him and Lunafreya were much too important to the kingdom, and to you and Ravus.
Still, you remembered the oath you gave to your father as you said your farewells to him. A promise you had to make to lie to Noctis about the truth. So you quietly zipped the door to your tent closed and hoped your tears wouldn’t be heard from them.
Noctis grumbled at the remaining vegetables on his plate as the fire crackled under the starry sky. He hadn’t said a word since the fight in the Regalia, and he was too angry and hurt to begin a conversation.
Prompto was goofing off with Gladiolus and Ignis was impatiently waiting for the prince to eat his carrots.
“You know, they’re not going to disappear just by staring at them, your highness,” Ignis cheekily commented.
“Yeah, yeah, you don’t need to remind me, Iggy.”
Ignis frowned at the sulking prince and sat in the chair beside him.
“Noctis, I know how you’re feeling-”
“The thing is, you don’t. Like, I really love you all, but none of you know how I’m feeling,” Noctis argued. He was cursing himself for raising his voice, and he took a deep breath to try and relax. “None of you do. And I’m pissed that everyone else is just accepting everything so easily.”
“And why’s that?”
“Because, (Y/n)’s my sister, damn it! She was the one always with me, but then all these ‘royal duties’ made her have to give up her life. I just end up sitting there like a little kid while she’s shouldering everything,” Noctis blurted out. “I feel like shit knowing she’s just marrying Ravus because dad told her to. I-I could’ve done something for once so she would have the freedom to choose. I thought because she wasn’t the heir that she would at least be able to find someone she loved, but she can’t even have that!”
Ignis nodded, pursing his lips as he debated to find the right words to say.
“Listen, Noctis, it is unfortunate but it is-”
“Yeah, don’t worry, I know, everyone’s told me over and over. ‘It’s just what royalty has to do’, but that’s not right at all! It’s just… it’s just not fair. I hate seeing her lie to me that she’s ‘fine’ and okay with marrying Ravus. I don’t even think she had met the guy in years! What kind of prince am I if I can’t even let my own sister be happy?”
“Have you considered that you both are saying the same thing?” Ignis asked.
“Huh? What do you mean?”
“I mean that I may not know Lady (Y/n) well, but I know her well enough to see she loves you dearly. She wants you to choose and be free from the duties of royalty, because she feels you aren’t happy as the heir. You both want the other to be okay but neither of you are working together. And, well, maybe I’m overstepping, but perhaps you should try and talk to her with that mindset. Don’t go attack her, just try and let her know how you feel and that you wish to help alongside her. ”
Noctis soaked in Ignis’s words and nodded.
“Yeah… I guess… but knowing her, I doubt she’ll listen. She’s so stubborn.”
“Like some young prince I know?”
Noctis chuckled and smacked Ignis’s arms lightly.
“Shut up,” Noctis joked. He let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding and stared at his plate. “I just… don’t know how I’m gonna last without my sister around, anymore. I don’t know if I’m really ready to say goodbye to her like that.”
“That’s just what every brother feels,” a voice cut in. Noctis looked up to see Gladiolus and Prompto walking towards him and Ignis.
“How much of that did you hear?”
“Enough to know how worried you really are,” Gladiolus groaned as he sat down. “Kid, some things just aren’t always going to go how you want. And even though you’re family, you can’t hold them down forever. No matter how badly I wanna protect Iris from everything, I know it’s not a reality. You’re gonna have to let them make their own choices and be their own person. Don’t go around picking a fight, just support her and protect her when she needs it.”
Noctis felt his eyes water and he quickly rubbed them.
“Damn, I’m really not good with this.”
Prompto threw an arm around Noctis and gave him a reassuring smile.
“Hey, Noct, don’t worry! We’ll be here for you all the way.”
“Thanks guys,” Noctis murmured as his lips twitched into a small grin. “I’ll try and talk to her later.”
Unfortunately for Noctis, “later” would have to be postponed. According to the newspaper, Regis was killed during the signing of the treaty. The rage and sadness he felt were only blocked by the slim chance that this was all fake and sensationalized news. Perhaps his father was alive still and nothing happened.
Despite your adamance that it was too dangerous, you yielded and obliged to joining the men back to Insomnia. Noctis saw your ‘perfect’ exterior falter with worry and unease, seeing how Regis’s death was shaking you up. It was the first time in a while that he had seen you look so unsure and zoned out.
The confirmation of Insomnia’s collapse and Regis’s death both put his mind at ease and made his soul shatter into a million pieces. He didn’t know what to think anymore. All he had to go off of now was Cor telling them to meet him up at Hammerhead.
With nothing left to do, they simply drove the Regalia to the gas station and followed the rest of the directions to where Cor was.
Noctis really wasn’t in the mood for surprises or any more shocking information.
Which is why he was incredibly pissed the minute he saw a head of white hair wearing black leather.
“Why you-” Noctis began, stomping over to him before he heard you gasp.
“Ravus! You’re alive!” You happily shouted, running over to him and leaping to the man. He caught you in his arms and stumbled before he managed to regain his balance.
“Darling, you’re doing well. Thank the Six,” he sighed in relief. You two embraced each other and Noctis gawked at the scene.
“W-wait. Time out. What the hell is going on? Why is he here? What are you-”
“Patience, Noctis,” Cor stated.
“You two… what is going on?” Ignis asked, confused at why Ravus of all people was standing before him. You broke yourself off of Ravus and stood firmly in front of the group.
“Well… it’s a lot. I first want to apologize for hiding the truth from you all. But I made an oath with father as his dying wish. We couldn’t make others aware of our plans.”
“And… he was in on it?” Prompto pointed at Ravus.
“And what was the plan, exactly?”
“It was just as Cid said. Regis knew and anticipated something would happen. Ravus tried to send some information our way in order to prepare, but it seems like they weren’t enough. Although, thankfully, many of our citizens survived thanks to father’s prepping. Ravus and I were the ‘bait’ for this treaty, if it succeeded, we would have peace, and if it didn’t at least you all would be safe.”
“Does that mean Lunafreya is-”
Ravus nodded.
“She is safe for now on the run. She has the Ring of the Lucii with her and can hopefully find shelter,” he explained.
Noctis shook his head.
“I can’t believe you two.”
Noctis stepped forward and pointed an accusatory finger at you.
“You… you did all this? You knew he was planning on dying? You knew this whole time, and yet you didn’t say a thing?”
“I didn’t like it, Noctis. But it was the way father suggested I do it. He was the one who made me promise not to tell you until after the battle,” you couldn’t face your brother and gazed at the ground in remorse.
Noctis felt his anger boiling over and yelled.
“You lied to me! Why would you do that to me? I’m his son, too! I’m your brother! Why wouldn’t you tell me?” His voice lost its power as the tears he was holding in overflowed in abundance. “Why didn’t you trust me…?”
You bit your lip and stayed silent, unsure of what to say. Ravus rested a comforting hand on your shoulder and looked Noctis straight in the eye.
“She was adamant that you be the one to know. Regis and I were the ones who didn’t want that. Truly… all (Y/n) and I wanted was for you and Lunafreya to be alive and well. That’s why we had to formulate our own plans and stop this madness from continuing.”
“So you made her do this?”
“No, Noctis. I chose to do this. You can hate me and you have every right to do so. I did something inexcusable, but I need you to trust me right now.”
“Trust you? How can I? You spent this whole trip lying to every single one of us. Why would you do this when you could have talked to me? Did you think I would have messed it up?”
“I didn’t want you to be hurt, Noctis… you’re the important one here. Not me. I have no bearing upon the future, no matter how much I wish it weren’t so. You and Lunafreya are the ones meant to be a part of the prophecy. Me and Ravus wanted neither of you involved with the plans in order to keep you safe.”
“(Y/n), stop saying you want to keep me safe. I’m not that weak little kid you need to take care of anymore. Please…I need you to be safe as well.”
“No. Stop,” he weakly pleaded. “Please. You two need to think of how this effects us. You may not be a part of the prophecy or whatever other bullshit there is, but you can’t go around throwing your life away. That doesn’t help me or anyone else.”
You quietly nodded and wrapped your arms around your brother.
“I’m sorry. I really am. But this part is one we need to do together, if you’ll allow it.”
Noctis quietly held you and sniffled.
“Yeah. Let’s hear it.”
You broke away from Noctis and pointed at the cave Cor was standing in front of.
“In there, there’s a tomb of the previous kings of Lucis. As it is your birthright, you can gain their powers and wield it. There are plenty more scattered about, and Cor is having the hunters locate them as we speak.”
Noctis nodded.
“Why can’t you do this?”
“Because… I’m not the True King.”
Noctis nodded.
He ran a hand through his hair and Ravus cleared his throat.
“Noctis Lucis Caelum,” he stated formally. He brought out a familiar sword and gently handed it to a stunned Noctis. “A parting gift from me. It belongs to you. It was… it was one of the few things I could grab from Regis before he passed.”
Noctis grabbed the hilt of the sword and felt his throat was full of cotton.
“I can’t take this.”
“What? Why not?” Ravus asked.
“I can’t use this. This is my dad’s. I’m not… I’m not ready for this yet.”
“But Noctis,” you cried. “It can only be wielded by those of the Lucis bloodline.”
Noctis gave a sad smile.
“Then you take it. For me. I can’t hold that when I’m not a king. Use it for yourself.”
He handed the sword back to you and you complied.
“All right. I trust you know what you’re doing.”
“I don’t really know,” Noctis admitted. “But I know that you can wield it better than I will. Dad would have wanted it.”
“I doubt he-”
“Don’t doubt it. Dad loved you. And I bet he wished every day of his life he could’ve given you more.”
You held the sword tightly against you, feeling the remnants of your father’s life within it.
“I already have enough with me,” you tearfully replied to Noctis. “I hope you and father know that.”
Noctis used the pads of his thumbs to wipe your tears.
“There. Come on, let’s go make dad proud.”
“Of course. Ravus,” you called to your betrothed. “Do you have to leave right now?”
“I think it would be best. I don’t want to loiter around and have you all get caught up in my mess. And to the rest of you,” Ravus pointed at the group. “You did not see me. I have no relation to you. I am your enemy.”
Prompto gasped.
“Why?” Ravus chuckled at the blonde’s shock.
“I must play my part to keep the Imperial Army off your back and Lunafreya’s. I can’t do that if they think I’m supporting you. So, act as if I was the traitor. And if you see Lunafreya… please… protect her.”
“We will, darling,” you pressed a kiss to his cheek. “Farewell.”
“I expect you to be back alive.”
“I will.”
“Good,” he smiled softly, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I must be off now. Good luck on your journey.”
Ravus turned and began walking away, disappearing into the darkness.
Gladiolus was the first to speak, sauntering forward and laughing.
“So, you really managed to get hitched with him?”
“Oh for Six’s sake, Gladiolus!” You cried, your face erupting in red. “Have some manners!”
“Enough of the chit chat,” Cor interrupted. “You all got an important mission right now.”
Noctis nodded, stepping forward towards Cor.
“Alright, I’m ready. Take me to the tomb,” Noctis said, steeling his nerves for the task ahead.
He couldn’t run away now. Not this time.
His eyes flicked towards you as he saw you looking at where Ravus had walked away.
This time, he’d be the one to protect you and give you the chance to live your life.
That was a promise.
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stonecoldmeme · 2 years
"So, between the four of us, we've maxed out our stats, huh? Good." Gladio tensed for just a moment at Prompto's warning, then relaxed. "...Sorry. Hey, you're..." He looked him up and down and snickered. "Save it for our date, why don't you?"
“I’m trying, dude.”  Not that Prompto sounded or felt like he was being all that reassuring.  Gladio was just... Gladio and it was a little difficult not to think of... well.
Okay, okay.  Right.  The guy was also sweet and nice and they were going on a date, so he had to just.  Chill.  They could just start walking together again.  It was fine.  Basically.  Not that he was gonna let go completely, since hand holding was kinda nice.  “Pretty sure the four of us maxed out all the stats.  Except maybe hurrying to get the house done.”  He joked.  Not like they were that far off... he hoped.
“F-Y-I, in case you totally had your heart set on something romantic, I’d suggest steel toed boots if you’re thinking about dancing.“  That was a joke, too... but based entirely on reality and experience.
0 notes
destiny-islanders · 7 years
You (Comrades Protag) + The Chocobros | Part II - Prompto
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Part I - Gladio |
So after you eat Gladio’s I’m-Sorry-I-Gave-You-A-Concussion Cup Noodles, he gives you his phone number, just in case you figure out how to unlock your phone.
He knows that you’re a pretty big deal in Lestallum; people recognize you and know that you’re busting your ass to help keep the city safe. He asks you to keep him posted on Lestallum’s progress via Iris.
You and Iris become pretty good friends. And you take pictures of everything.
Pictures capturing the progress of construction projects around Lestallum
Pictures of your handwritten notes from your meetings with the elected leader of Lestallum, Holly, Cor, Libertus, Dave, and a handful of other key players in the power restoration efforts.
You even send him a photo of you and Iris posing in sweaters you knitted for each other by hand
Yes, you know how to knit now. When night falls, and the people of Lestallum are forced to hide within the safety of the city’s walls, they’re left restless, anxious, and with way too much time on their hands-- time to learn how to actually play a game of chess, time to learn how to play every single card game known to man, and time to hear just about everyone’s stories of loss and faint, fragile hope for a brighter future.
One day, Gladio texts Iris to let you know that a friend of his will be swinging through Lestallum soon, and that he might track you down for some combat practice.
Iris seems excited to see this friend of her brother’s. She says his name is Prompto and that you’re going to love him.
The name doesn’t ring a bell, and you have no idea what he looks like. You guess you’ll recognize him when he taps you on the shoulder and asks if it would be okay to beat you up behind the power plant.
Prompto shows up while Cid is tinkering with your favorite weapon, imbuing it with the power of that griffon feather you and your friends found yesterday. You take it from Cid and give it a few practice swings, testing out its weight, admiring its shine in the light.
Prompto: “Yikes. Hope you don’t end up hitting me with that thing lmao”
Turns out that, just like Gladio, you’ve seen this guy before. He’s another one of the prince’s royal retainers. He was a last-minute addition, with next to no formal training. But you guess he must at least have some kind of raw talent, to have survived this long as a hunter.
The extent of your former interactions with Prompto: You were collecting herbal ingredients in Duscae for a medicinal remedy that a sickly friend of yours desperately needed. You’d just about gathered everything you needed when you heard screaming from across the lake. You glanced in the direction of the noise and saw a cotoblepas charging towards two tiny figures standing way too damned close to the water.
It’s a good thing you didn’t spare a second to think this through, because you would have realized how stupid you were being if you had. Instead of trying to warp around the lake, you decided to warp straight across it. Your intentions were noble; you wanted to help these people as quickly as you could.
But yes you fell into the water and approximately twenty-seven (27) gallons of it shot up your nose. But you chucked your weapon into the air and kept going 
You barreled into one of the people fleeing the cotoblepas and warped, putting as much distance as you could between yourselves and the beast. You put a hand on the person’s shoulder, shouted, “Stay!” and got ready to warp back for the other.
Turned out you didn’t have to bother; the other idiot could warp, too.
You: “...Prince Noctis?”
YEP! Prompto knew that you were a Glaive and was waaaaaay too intimidated by you to lie. He explained that they essentially Did It For The Vine. 
Did the key to the salvation of Eos almost get himself trampled by a cotoblepas for a photo?????
Prompto showed you the photo.
You: “Okay that’s actually pretty sick, bro”
Noctis: “Hell yeah”
You: “Oh shit my fucking weeds”
Prompto: “Your what now”
Prompto and Noctis understandably felt guilty when they realized that the herbs you had worked so hard to collect for your friend were soaked, dirtied, and ruined because you fell into the lake. They helped you collect more before you parted ways.
Prompto: “So... Gladio said you might be down for some sparring?”
You lead him to the Lestallum equivalent of the bicycle rack: the same quiet corner where Gladio had brooded in a constant state of exhaustion.
No one cleaned up the crates you broke with your body in the back of the alleyway...
Prompto: “Go easy on me, ‘kay?”
This guy is smaller and more noodly than Gladio. You hope that means you actually stand a chance this time.
Nope. Wrong. Bitch you thought. You don’t. One second you’re standing there, getting ready to fight, the next, you’re frozen in place and unable to do anything but watch as Prompto takes a selfie with your petrified body
No sooner have you regained yourself than he’s casting Starshell and inflicting you with confusion.
Where are you? What are you doing here? What day is it? Who’s President?
Why are you asking that? Lucis has a monarchy?
You literally end up putting your weapon down and sitting by a dumpster, your head spinning and your thoughts a muddled, confusing mess in your head
Prompto sits down next to you and listens to you rant and rave, riding out the status effect until it’s run its course
You, Confused: “Why do they call it instant ramen when it takes three minutes to cook”
You, Confused: “That’s not instant”
You, Confused:  “Does it hurt grass when we step on it?”
You, Confused:  “Why are bees”
Prompto: “Why are bees what?”
You, Confused: “Just. Why. Why are bees”
You, Somehow Even More Confused Than Before:  “Tissue fabric running tire folder clean”
Prompto: *Is trying so hard not to fucking laugh right now. Literally he has never seen someone react this way to the confusion status ailment* “That’s right. Let it all out.”
You finally come back to yourself and look at Prompto for what feels like the first time.
You: “Did... did I win?”
Prompto: “I’d call it a tie.”
You don’t spar again that day. You just hang out.
You will fight again a few more times! Turns out he’s not so tough once you manage to dodge his attacks and get in close.
Punch him! He bleeds!
Please don’t punch him. He bleeds. :(((((((
The score ends up being 4-3 in Prompto’s favor. You try to argue that the first fight shouldn’t count because of the Status Ailment Hell he banished you to, but Prompto won’t hear a word of it
You’ll get him next time
You think Prompto’s great! You can’t remember the last time you laughed this much. It feels good to laugh. There’s not much to laugh at in this dark day and age.
Prompto gives you his number before he leaves Lestallum. You promise you’ll text him when you remember your passcode.
That leaves Iris to once again be an intermediary between you and another Chocobro, though this one is more for fun than it is with Gladio-- since most of your communications are related to relief efforts around Lucis.
It’s like a “laugh in one eye, cry in the other” situation
You guys end up texting so much that Iris can’t take it anymore. A friend of hers in Old Lestallum has an unlocked smart phone and gives it to you until you can unlock your own.
The meme-ing gloves are off now. Uh-oh.
Group chat with Gladio and Iris. Prompto names the group “Annoying the Amicitias”
Where has Prompto been all your life? You’re memesters in crime
Fast-forward seven months. Iris bursts into your tent in the middle of the night in tears.
Iris: “I just got a call from Gladio. Prompto went with some hunters on a supply run. They haven’t come back. They’re all missing.”
You’re getting out of bed and reaching for your jacket in an instant
You: “I’m going.”
Iris: “I’m coming with you.”
Gladio promises he’ll meet you in Hammerhead, and that Iggy’s coming, too.
You have no idea who Iggy is, but Iris looks happy about that news, so you will be, too
You don’t tell Gladio that Iris is coming with you.
He’s going to be PISSED.
Continued under the cut!
You and Iris meet Cindy in her garage, and she explains what had happened. She and Prompto had been talking about those special headlights that can be used to keep daemons away. If the possibility even existed that there were more in Insomnia, it had to be looked into. With the nights growing longer, it would soon become suicide to drive between safe havens without them.
A search party had been sent to Insomnia a week after the original group had left. They’d made it to the city, but they couldn’t find Prompto or the hunters anywhere-- alive, or dead.
You: “What if they never made it to Insomnia?”
Gladio: “Or they made it to Insomnia, but were on their way back when they were attacked?”
Cindy: “Will be a right mess if either one o’ them is the case. They could be anywhere between here ‘n there.”
Gladio: “And splitting up to cover more ground is out of the question.”
Iris: “So what do we do, Gladdy?"
Ignis: “We travel in pairs.”
You witness the True Power of the Amicitia Family when Iris and Gladio get into a spectacular argument about whether or not Iris should join the rescue mission.
You and Cindy kind of watch them bicker in awe. The way that I imagine one of the humans in Jurassic Park watched in awe as the dinosaurs fucking killed each other.
Gladio finally relents. BUT. Iris has to travel with him. Ignis, still trying to adjust to life as a blind man, will travel with them, as well.
Gladio hadn’t even tried to tell Ignis to stay behind for this one.
Ignis devises a plan for the rescue mission.
You all create five search parties and plan out the routes each of you will take with a map. At this point, there are only a few hours of light each day, so the plan is to drive out together in two trucks, fan out and search the area, and then return to the car and drive back as it starts to get dark.
The keys are left in the glove compartment of the unlocked car. Six forbid that the person with the keys gets killed or goes missing, leaving the survivors stranded without an escape vehicle
You get paired up with a hunter named Kravyn. You’d worked with him on a few hunts before. He’s as capable a hunter as anyone.
You both get out of the truck and head northeast. It already seems like the sky is growing darker. Are the days even shorter now? Will the time come when the sun doesn’t rise at all?
Iris and Prompto seem convinced that Prince Noctis will return before that happens. 
You do your best to not lose hope that he’ll return at all.
The clock is ticking. The timer you’d set on your phone shows that you only have fifteen minutes before you need to head back.
That’s when you see blood in the grass.
You follow it.
The trail leads you through the grass and into the woods. It’s so dense... you can barely fit between the trees. It’s so dark beneath the canopy of leaves overhead that you have to take out your flashlight so that you can see the blood splattered around.
The blood leads you to a corpse. It’s not Prompto’s.
You take the dog tags. They belonged to a woman named Janda.
Kravyn: “Fuck. Fuck. We gotta head back. This is way too dangerous.”
You: “I’m not leaving. We still have... seven minutes. The rest of them could still be alive somewhere.”
To Kravyn’s credit, he doesn’t abandon you. You can tell he’s terrified, but he stays by your side and helps you search.
The alarm on your phone starts to beep right when you see a boot jutting out from behind the trunk of a tree.
It’s Prompto. You’ve found him.
He’s covered in blood. His eyes are closed. He’s not moving.
You snatch a hi-elixir from your back and break it over his head, since he’s covered in so much blood that you can’t even tell where he’s injured and you don’t want to waste time poking around trying to find out where.
He lets out a soft moan when you give him the curative. He’s still alive! Thank the Six!
Why didn’t you check for a pulse first? You could have wasted a precious curative on a corpse!!!
You: “You’re hurt, Prompto. Tell me where.”
Prompto: “Everywhere.”
You end up giving him two more elixirs. He’s still in a pretty bad way, but his breathing is significantly less labored, and his pulse feels strong enough to repair some of your confidence about his chances of survival.
Kravyn: “This is great that we found Prompto and everything, but we really should be heading back.”
You, Reaching to Pick Him Up: “Right. Up we go, Prompto.”
Prompto: “I can walk.”
He moves his right leg a little bit and stops immediately.
Prompto: “I lied.”
You: “As I was fucking saying. Up we go, Prompto.
Prompto: “Omg I’m so heavy you’ll never make it.”
Is Prompto heavy, or are you just really strong? Both? Neither? Who cares? What matters is that you’re able to pick him up and carry him without too much trouble.
You can pinpoint the exact moment he passes out because he stops apologizing for how heavy he is and for making everyone worry and for the fact that you risked your life to find him
You and Kravyn make it back to the truck. Everyone else has already returned, but the plan had been to wait an hour before heading back to Hammerhead, so they had all been waiting for you.
Iris starts crying again when she sees Prompto. Even Gladio gets really quiet and dewey-eyed. Ignis rests his hand on Prompto’s chest, as if to feel his heartbeat.
Ignis: “Bloody idiot. Thank the Six...”
Prompto is the only missing hunter the rescue team was able to find.
Iris found a dog tag. Including the dog tag you’d found, that leaves two of the missing hunters still unaccounted for.
You all agree that you’ll head back out again tomorrow to search further north.
You take Prompto back to Hammerhead to get proper medical treatment. He’s going to be okay.
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bgn846 · 3 years
You Guys Are The Best - FFXV fanfic
Missing scene after the last campfire, you may cry. You’ve been warned.
“Well… what can I say? You guys… are the best,” Noct managed despite the lump in his throat. He’d really been prepared, or so he thought. This was it the last time they’d all be together like this. The tears stinging his eyes didn’t stop even as he ducked his head. Trying to catch up on a decade’s worth of emotions was impossible. The time they had together just wasn’t enough. Noct selfishly wanted more, no, he needed more.
The quiet sounds of Prompto sniffling drew his attention back to his friends. There had to be a way to get more time. However, looking around the fire he noted that there wasn’t a dry eye among them.  “Guys, you all crying isn’t helping!” he spluttered helplessly.
“Dude, you’re, you,” Prompto couldn’t even finish his sentence as he wiped more tears from his face.
“I’m what?” Noct challenged.
“Don’t make me say it out loud. This is hard enough as it is.”
“I’m doing what I can to save everyone.”
Prompto didn’t respond he only curled further into himself in his chair. Finally, after a minute he managed to speak. “I know that, but it still doesn’t make it hurt any less.”
Suddenly Noct was overcome with a wave of grief, not about what he was to do the next day, but over what he’d missed. The lack of knowledge on how his friends had handled the darkness was making him crazy. Wondering if they’d understand his need Noct broke the silence. “It won’t stop hurting,” Noct tried to ignore the desperate sound Prompto made but he still felt his eyes watering. Taking a deep breath he soldiered on. “I know what might help, though.”
“You not dying!” Prompto exclaimed as he bolted up out of the chair. “I can’t handle this right now. I know we need to be strong but this is so hard. Fuck. Dude, I’m gonna miss you so much!”
Crossing the short distance between them Noct engulfed Prompto in a hug. “I’m gonna miss you too.”
Ignis clearing his throat made Noct release Prompto and look over at his advisor. “I for one am curious about what might help you,” Ignis asked, his voice barely cracking.
Smiling at how Ignis always seemed to know how to keep them on track Noct sighed heavily. “Don’t laugh, but I wanna play truth or dare.”
“Is this really the time and place for such a game?” he countered.
“Yeah, I think it is. Especially when I don’t have all the details about what happened while I was gone. I need to know more, before I – before, um.”
“Are you playing as well or just acting as the referee?” Gladio asked.
“Ref, I want to hear from you guys. I need this, I think It’ll help me.”  A loud sniffle erupted from Prompto again when he finished talking. “We don’t have to, but I was kinda hoping doing something normal would make us all feel better.” The silence was deafening as he stood waiting, for anything really. The seriousness of the moment made Noct’s chest ache, he hoped his friends would understand his needs.
“I’m not going first,” Gladio uttered after a minute.
“Nor am I,” Ignis chirped. Noct almost thought he was mad but the man had a small smile on his lips.
“Wha? Did you all just gang up on me?” Prompto whined while plunking down in his chair again.
“So are we doing this? For real?” Noct asked a small spark of hope fluttering in his heart at the idea of getting more. His friends all nodded, though Prompto rolled his eyes before he agreed. “So, truth or dare Prompto?”
“Truth,” the blond spit out immediately.
“How long did you stay in one place for?” Noct quickly asked as he paced the campsite.
Prompto shrugged and reached up to scratch his neck, a tall tell sign that he was stalling. “It was hard to find a good place to live that I liked, so I sorta bounced a lot.”
“How long?” he tried again, wanting an exact answer.
“Um, I guess my stint on Ignis’ couch a few years back was the longest.”
“I’m not gonna get mad buddy, just tell me.”
“About eight months,” Prompto offered with a wince.
“Did you prefer it that way,” Noct asked softly.
Prompto simply nodded and smiled, “It helped to not get too attached to things or people.”
The revelation that his best friend was hurting enough to not find a permanent home took Noct’s breath away. Stumbling backward he fell into his own chair and held his head in his hands. That was why his sacrifice was so important. Noct wanted to give the people something to live for; they’d been in a world of ruin for long enough.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“No! Don’t say that, don’t be sorry! That’s why I’m doing this right now I need to know these things. It’s helping, honestly, it is!” Noct offered.  
Gladio’s rough voice sounded a second later, “I’m not going second either.”
“Bastard,” Ignis mumbled under his breath, though it was loud enough that Gladio heard and smiled despite himself.  
“I suppose that means it’s your turn specs. Truth or dare?”
“I have a feeling this is going to be a running theme tonight.   However, you might wanna change that after I ask my question.” Noct watched as Ignis nodded his head in understanding before waving his hand for Noct to continue. “Do you regret anything about how you handled your blindness?”
Ignis furrowed his brow and tilted his head. “I don’t believe anyone has ever asked that question before. Regret is a funny thing Noct. Sometimes it’s not something you realize you have until much later. I guess I was angry more than anything at first, I’d failed you an--,”
“No! You didn’t fail me; we’ve been over this before. I will not go through all of this just for you to still think that!” Noct exclaimed.
“I may never get over that feeling Noct, but I do feel as though I’ve managed to come to terms with my situation. Unfortunately, I can also say I do regret a great number of things. I’ve had time to make amends for most of them but sometimes only time can heal certain wounds.”
Hearing Ignis’ words caused Noct physical pain, he couldn’t bear to hear about Ignis being upset with himself. The man had done so much and it just wasn’t fair. “Ignis you have to promise me that you’ll move on, I can’t be happy in the afterlife if I have any doubts about you being fucking happy!” he wailed.
Ignis got up out of his chair and went straight to him. Kneeling on the stone haven Ignis took off his visor, setting it aside, and reached out to hold Noct’s face. “I am so proud of you, I may regret some things in life but I will never regret being your friend and standing by your side. You know I’ll do anything you ask of me,” Ignis offered humbly.
Lunging forward Noct pulled Ignis into a bone-crushing hug. “I want you to be happy; don’t ever think you failed me. You’re my rock Ignis, don’t ever forget it.”
If Ignis had been holding back his tears he wasn’t anymore. They both sat locked in an embrace sobbing quietly. Eventually, Noct leaned back and held Ignis shoulders instead. “Thanks, Specs for making me a blubbering mess.”
“Happy to help, are you at least smiling now?”
Barking out a laugh Noct shook Ignis slightly, “Yes! Now, will you promise me you’ll be happy?”
“I can’t promise that I’ll be happy all the time Noct, but I will promise to try. Is that good enough?”
“It's gonna have to be, I’ll make sure Prompto and Gladio keep an eye on you.”
Ignis let out a huff of laughter at the comment and slowly got up. Noct couldn’t help but follow behind as his friend went back to his seat. Squeezing his knee as he sat back down Noct began pacing again. “Your turn,” he stated turning to face Gladio.
“Truth,” Gladio offered before he’d even asked.
“Will you be able to find a purpose in life beyond being a shield?” After I’m gone was left unsaid but Noct knew Gladio understood his meaning. With slumped shoulders, Gladio leaned forward in his chair but didn’t say anything.
“I’d like to think so but it’s not that easy princess.”
Noct shook his head at the nickname but found himself smiling. “You don’t have to protect anyone anymore, you can be your own person if you wanted.”
“I’m not sure I want that, I’ve spent my whole life learning to guide and protect you, and I’m getting fired tomorrow,” Gladio choked out.
“Hey, come on it can’t be that bad, no more missed training sessions or having to hear me bitch about stuff.”
“Maybe I liked dealing with all that.”
“You’ll still have to keep Prompto and Ignis in line.”
“Prompto isn’t late for training and Ignis can already kick my ass highness, er, sorry, majesty,” Gladio corrected.
Hearing the honorific made Noct tear up again. Gods he was such a mess today. “Clarus raised a good son, and daughter!” Noct added quickly. “I don’t want Iris to think I’m not impressed with her skills too. You both have served the crown well; I know that whatever choice you make after tomorrow will be the right one. You’ve taught me more than you’ll know Gladio. I know we had some rough patches but we survived.”
Before he could react Gladio was out of his chair and pulling him into a hug. Gladio didn’t sob like he was but he was feeling something, Noct could tell. Gladio pushed him back after a minute and looked down at him with a smile. “Six, I know you are gonna give 'em hell tomorrow.”
“I couldn’t do any of this without you all, I hope you guys know that.”
“I can’t do another round,” Prompto squeaked suddenly. “No more just truth, let’s just tell each other happy memories we have and leave it at that.”
“Hey those happy memories are truths too,” Gladio cut in.
“Okay sure, but seriously no more sad things I need happy right now.”
“Fine, fine I can agree to that,” Noct added, feeling somewhat lighter than he had been earlier. Making peace with his friends about what the future held was exactly what he needed.  Then it hit him, Noct hadn’t exactly told Prompto how he felt about his revelation. “Prompto, you need to promise me that you’ll find someplace or someone nice to settle down with.”
“Oi, I can’t promise that, it’s not that easy!”
“I know but at least try, for me?” Noct begged. “All of you, please be happy and do awesome things. I can’t stand the thought of you being lost without me. I meant what I said earlier, you’ll are the best.”
Noct was engulfed by his friends in a rather teary-eyed hug after that, each one clinging to him and not letting go. Standing in the center of their attentions Noct knew he had the strength now to carry on. He could do this and he would win. All his friends deserved this much. They’d all sacrificed so much and now it was his turn. Noct would bring back the light.
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cakelanguage · 3 years
This took much longer than I thought it would, but work has been absolutely exhausting lately. I'm honestly just excited that I get to share this with you all because I really wanted to participate in Hurt!Noct Week. This is a combination of day 1 prompts: buried alive and captured by Nifleheim (at least sort of?). This is just the 1st chapter, but I figured I’d share at least this bit for now. I hope you enjoy this!
You can also read this on AO3
He should’ve called Ignis. Or texted Gladio that he was going to be ten minutes late to their training session. Or Astrals, accepted Prompto’s offer to walk home with him even though his house was in the opposite direction.
But he hadn’t.
Instead, he’d strolled down the bustling streets, thinking about the planned King’s Knight session later that night. He scrolled idly through the mission details, trying to formulate a plan of attack. The last time Noctis had attempted this mission he’d been severely outclassed and had to abandon the mission lest he lose what little loot he’d been able to pilfer from the dungeon. With Gladio’s character acting as their tank, he could have Ignis on range attacks and healing. Prompto had the best stealth stats so they could have Prompto looting the place while the rest of them took care of the bigger monsters. Noctis fancied himself an all-around player so he could assist wherever needed the most help.  
Caught up in his mini strategy session, he didn’t realize he was on a collision course with someone until he ran right into them. He stumbled, juggling his phone between his hands in an attempt to save it from meeting its demise on the pavement below.
“Watch where you’re going,” the man he ran into grumbled, brushing imaginary dirt off his jacket.
The man was dressed lavishly in a wide variety of patterns and textures. His coat looked sturdy and thick like it would keep out even the harshest of cold winds. The scarf around his neck was the brightest piece of clothing he wore—the reddish-orange silk oddly complementing the man's red-violet hair. Not a sliver of the man’s skin was visible besides the tip of the man’s fingers and his face under the shade of his fedora.
He had a right to be upset even if half of him wanted to insist that the man could have moved too. He shoved that thought down and instead nodded his head, tucking his phone back into his pocket. “Sorry about that,” Noctis apologized. “I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”
“Yes, I figured as much.” The man squinted at him, his head cocking to the side. “Hold on a moment, don’t I know you?”
Not for the first time, he was thankful for his privacy. His father had done a remarkable job at keeping him much out of the public eye. People knew who he was, but because he wasn’t in any of the newspapers or rag magazines that most celebrities appeared in he could go through life like normal. He didn’t have to think about paparazzi waiting outside his school or people approaching him asking for something or other.
“Probably not,” Noctis said, “maybe you’ve seen me walking home before? I go to the high school three blocks away.”
Shaking his head, the man inspected his face more thoroughly. “No that’s not it. I’ve definitely seen you before.” He felt as if the man could count his pores, and Noctis shuffled backward away from the man’s heavy stare. “Have you got an uncle that works at the palace? I used to work there.”
The man gave Noctis a private quirk of his lips like he was privy to some hidden joke that only he knew.
“Oh that’s… nice?”
The man nodded absentmindedly gaze still heavy on Noctis. “Hm, you really do look familiar,” he commented. “Quite handsome too.”
“Thanks?” Noctis looked down at his uniform and his loosened tie and wondered if there was a polite way to excuse himself from the conversation. He didn’t want to be rude by walking away from the man but he really did need to get going or he was going to be later than he thought to Gladio’s training session. “Well, I’m sorry for walking into you like that, but I gotta get going.”
“Right, right, of course.” The man swept a hand through his hair sheepishly. “It’s not like I can keep the prince from his important tasks just to talk with me.”
Ice filled Noctis’ veins as his title was casually thrown out by the man who claimed he couldn’t place his face. He stared at the man, uncomprehendingly. This was starting to look like the beginning of one of Ignis’ crime drama shows. Why did the man lie? What was his angle? What was going on?
“Who are you?” Noctis asked, channeling his calm façade to the max.
“A man of no consequence, I assure you.” The man waved him off with a few shooing gestures. “Off you go, your highness.”
Noctis gave him a wary look and an awkward bob of his head. He needed to get out of here. Ready to put this whole interaction behind him, he stepped to the side of the man to continue his route. Except he didn’t get very far before a hand latched onto his wrist with surprising force.
A violent tug had him wrenching himself back around, his shoulder twinging at the sudden jerk. Face-to-face with the man once more, Noctis saw how the man’s expression was colder, harsh in the afternoon sun. His teeth were bared in a sneer—looking for all the world like a coeurl.
“Let go,” Noctis ordered, now glaring at the man who wouldn’t leave him alone. “Didn’t you just tell me to go?”
A taunting smile peaked through the man’s sneer. “Now why would I do that?” He asked.
Noctis clenched his fists and bit out another order. “Let go of me, now.” He grabbed his phone with his free hand and quickly dialed the palace’s emergency numbers. It would be mildly embarrassing if Gladio found out he’d called the Crownsguard on a regular citizen, but his SAS kidnap training was blaring in his ears. “I’m warning you, I can have you arrested.”
A soft tsk came from the man who shook his head at Noctis’ threat. “We can’t have that now, can we?”
He opened his mouth to demand his release again, but all that came out was a choked-off yelp as something heavy struck his head. His knees refused to hold up his body and he collapsed to the concrete. The skin of his palms was torn in his attempt to catch himself, but he couldn’t feel it; the sharp pain by his temple shadowed the pain in his palms.
He turned his gaze back to the blurry figure of the man, who had been joined by another figure. His brain felt sluggish, his thoughts thick in his mouth as he tried to string a sentence together. “W-what—“
“Shh,” The man shushed, ignoring Noctis’ flinch as he tenderly ran a hand through Noctis’ hair. “Good night, sweet prince.”
The last thing he saw was a fist coming at his face.
Then nothing.
He regained consciousness with a choked-off groan. He felt like he’d gone through one of Gladio’s marathon training sessions and lost miserably.
Laying still, he took stock of his body. His lip was swollen and tender as he wet his dry, split lips. The right side of his face throbbed in-tune with his heartbeat and Noctis could barely get that eye to open more than a crack. What was he supposed to do? He’d been trained on how to handle a kidnapping situation; Cor had made it abundantly clear the variations in which people would try to snatch him up. But this wasn’t just a ‘what if.’ He’d been kidnapped not even four blocks away from his school.
It was a matter of figuring out what he could do to get out of here. He still had his magic though admittedly his connection to the Crystal felt like he was trying to pull at the energy through a strainer. Like sifting through a pile of hay for the needle—all of his abilities being the needle and the presence of his magic being the hay.
But that didn’t mean he was helpless. He just needed to approach the situation the right way and he could escape. He tried to remain calm, limiting his breathing to shallow breaths to keep up his ruse. This became a fruitless act when he heard someone or something step up behind him.
A familiar voice came from behind him. “It appears our guest of honor is awake,” the man cooed. Some of the man’s nonchalance had vanished, replaced by cruel giddiness. “And how are you, your majesty?”
Like hell he was going to go along with this guy’s fake care. His pride wouldn’t let him bite out a pleasantry, instead choosing to press his steely gaze on the eccentric man. His stare didn’t deter the man’s delight in his situation which only served to make his blood simmer in his chest. He wanted nothing more than to punch the smug look off that face.
“I think you’ll find, Noctis,” the man loomed over him, nudging him lightly in the ribs with his boots, “that I have the upper hand.”
He didn’t. Noctis refused to believe it. He may not have had any weapons on him, but Noctis had dialed the emergency response number for the palace. By dialing the number he had ensured back-up would be on their way to his location in less than five minutes. Well, the location of where the call took place. He couldn’t feel the shape of his phone in his pockets, but the Crownsguard would be able to pick up on any trail his kidnapper had left behind.
All he needed to do was wait.
“What do you want?” Noctis asked, shifting his position on the floor to try and alleviate the pressure on his lower back. He could already feel the scar tissue there begin to burn and ache.
“Already wanting me to reveal my dastardly plan?” The man questioned. “How cliché.” Noctis’ face must’ve given away his annoyance because the guy clucked his tongue at his expression.
“I realize this isn’t one of your silver-spoon soirees, but it’ll serve as a good setting for the video.” He straightened and made his way over to the small set-up of… camera equipment? “We need you to put on your best performance, your highness.” He looked up with a cold smile that sent a shiver running down Noctis’ spine. “Though do save some for the main event.”
“So you’re gonna, what? Ransom me or something?” Noctis squirmed in his binds. “Is that your plan?”
Humming noncommittally, the man continued setting up his equipment. “Or something.”
“Not much of a talker huh?” He was banking on being able to get some info out of the guy so he could shout it over what was sure to be his ransom video.
The waiting was bizarre. Despite the discomfort, he didn’t feel like he was all there—though the main contributor to this was the head injury—the quiet sounds of rustling cables and footsteps gave him peace of mind amongst the simmering unrest and anxiety as the experience faded into less immediate danger. If only he could concentrate on his armiger and summon the knife he stored there—then he’d be able to warp out of his binds and escape.
A quiet huff of laughter broke through the silence; it took him a few moments to realize the laugh came from him . It wasn’t funny, not by a long-shot. He was being stupidly optimistic, especially since his vision still wavered between doubled and covered in black splotches. He probably had one hell of a shiner too.
He wished he’d called someone to get him.  
The derelict state of his mind was brushed away as a triumphant cry echoed slightly around him. He squinted at the man who looked at him expectantly.
“What?” Noctis asked, tiredly. He had no desire to give the man the reactions he was hoping for. Actually, the other being put off by his apathy made him feel better. “Did you finally get your whole… set-up ready?”
The man had the audacity to pout at him. “Now you’re just no fun,” he complained. “Aren’t you curious as to why I’ve brought you here?”
Noctis shrugged. “Not really?” The motion caused his chains to rattle in the tight space. “Most of the guys I’ve been kidnapped by all want the same thing: revenge or money.”
“I can assure you that my reason is definitely not for any monetary reason.” The man took a step towards him. “I suppose you could call it revenge, though I admit you are simply unlucky—to be chosen by the gods.” He cupped Noctis’ cheek with surprising tenderness, brushing his thumb along his cheekbones. “You do bear a striking resemblance to him.”
A nail dug it the flesh underneath his eye and Noctis hissed, attempting to turn his face out of the man’s grip. “What a pity,” the man said, releasing his hold on Noctis. “Before we begin, I think it’s only fair that you finally be able to put a name to your captor.”
“Oh now you want to introduce yourself?” Noctis grumbled—because he couldn’t keep his mouth shut to save his life apparently.
Fortunately, the man seemed amused by his comment. “Do forgive me for my rudeness, your highness .” The mocking emphasis he placed on the title was not lost to Noctis, but he didn’t dignify him with an answer. “I’ve been reduced to the moniker ‘Adagium,’ by the royal line of Lucis.”
It sounded familiar, but Noctis couldn’t place where he’d heard it. Had the name come up in his studies? Was it a political thing?
Adagium sighed and shook his head. “I’m not surprised you don’t know of me. Your dear father is desperately trying to keep you in the dark.”
Noctis furrowed his brow. “What do you mean he’s keeping me in the dark?”
With a shake of his head, Adagium stepped back over to his equipment. “I’ve talked enough for now, it’s time we get the show started lest the party be stopped before it’s even begun.” Adagium grinned at him. “The stage is yours, prince Noctis.”
A red light blinked to life on the camera as Noctis stared into the lens. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do. Did Adagium want him to beg? To show whoever was watching the video that he was scared? He wasn’t. Scared that it is. Unnerved? Yes, how could he not be when he was kidnapped and tied up in some unknown location.
His captor sighed tilting his hat to cover his face and—
Adagium changed. No longer was he wearing the extravagant, pattern-clashing, textile collage of an outfit. He was in a set of armor, his face masked and hair tucked away under the rigid helmet. Noctis had only seen the armor in person once before on that fateful escape from Tenebrae as he reached desperately for Luna’s hand.
Magitek armor.
To see the man stripped of his individualism did more to bother Noctis than he expected. Something about the metal, placid expression staring at him had his stomach clenching nervously. How had Adagium done it? An illusion? But how? To his knowledge, illusion magic was typically only used by the messengers of the gods; he figured he’d already met all of them at this point with his connection to Luna.
With four jerky steps, Adagium stood beside him, a hand painfully clasping his shoulder. Noctis side-eyed the man as if he could glean some sort of direction for what he wanted Noctis to do.
Once again, Adadgium broke the silence. “Salutations, Your Majesty, Regis Lucis Caelum,” Adagium said, “113th monarch in the long line of Lucis.”
He’d somehow managed to project his voice to see like he was behind the camera again. Another impossibility Noctis didn’t know how to find an answer to.
“As you can see, I have an auspicious guest with me, one I know you’re well-acquainted with. Won’t you say hello to your dear father, Noct?” Adagium asked.
Gritting his teeth, Noctis glared at a spot on the wall. He wasn’t going to give the other what he wanted, not when he could still deny him of his game. If he could weaponize his silence, he would.
With an angry tut from Adagium, Noctis’ hair was yanked with a merciless tug, pulling his head backward and exposing his throat. He could feel the handful of hair desperately trying to cling to his scalp as he let out a small whimper at the rough treatment.
“What a difficult boy,” Adagium commented, “he must’ve been quite the child to raise. To think he’d forget his manners at a time like this.”
“Shut up,” Noctis growled.
“Oh he speaks! Splendid! Now while I’ve broken through that stony exterior, we can commence the show.”
Suddenly, a knife was pressed against Noctis’ neck. He flinched back into Adagium’s hold on his hair, but the knife followed, the edge of the blade making a small, shallow cut on the delicate skin of his neck. He was helpless, tied up, and at the mercy of his captor. And it didn’t seem like Adagium had any qualms against hurting him.
The blood that lazily oozed from the wound dripped down his neck and settled into his jugular notch like a morbid jewel. Noctis heard Adagium’s hum of approval and could feel the pressure of the knife increase slightly as if Adagium had lapsed in his awareness that he was the one holding the knife and thus in control of how far the blade entered Noctis’ flesh.
“Now, I understand why Lucis values black as a special color—it goes amazingly with blood red, wouldn’t you agree?”
He said it so off-handedly that Noctis wasn’t sure who he was talking to: Noctis, Regis, or himself. What was clear, was that Adagium had a deep-seated grudge against Lucis—the royal line in particular. But why? Was he from one of the outer nations that had been left behind when his father had to pull back the wall to just the city of Lucis?  
Adagium broke out of his musings, finally pulling the knife back enough that it was just resting against the cut. “Never mind that,” he said. “I expect you’re waiting for some kind of demand from me. Money? Some impossible wish for power? Recognition?” Noctis could hear the smirk in his voice, that deceptively playful quirk of his lips. “No, I don’t want any of those, not explicitly at least.”
What do you want? Noctis didn’t voice no matter how much he wanted to. This little video of Adagium’s seemed to be going nowhere which could be good if this was a live broadcast, build the tension maybe.
“My reason for kidnapping Noct is very simple: because I could.”
He said it so matter-of-factly that Noctis’ brain stumbled to a halt. That’s it? Because he could? That didn’t make any sense, not when Adagium had brought up some kind of revenge. “What happened to your revenge?” Noctis asked. “You mentioned your reasons could be considered revenge and the gods.” He remembered the forlorn look in Adagium’s eyes before the rage had trickled back in. “You said I resembled someone, Adagium.”
He knew he was being bold, foolhardy more accurately, but his captor hadn’t revealed his name and Noctis was hoping if he brought up his aforementioned desire for revenge on film he’d reveal more of his reasoning. If the heroes in movies could get a villain to reveal their schemes, Noctis should be able to do it to Adagium.
Adagium’s grip on his hair tightened, Noctis crying out as several strands were tugged out of his scalp. “Oh Noct,” he purred, “I see you’ve decided to join the conversation.”
Noctis felt his skin crawl at the contemptuous pride in Adagium’s voice. He’d overstepped with his nosy questions.
“Yes, I did say that, didn’t I?” Adagium said. “You remember Adagium, do you not Your Majesty? The mythical monster locked away in the dark depths of Angelgard for ages, lost to time amongst the words of false kings and fraudulent nations.”
Who was Adagium? Noctis wondered, a stray tear slipping down the side of his face towards his hairline. “Why?” Noctis whispered, afraid of the answer he’d receive but unwilling to let his question lie.
The magitek disguise rippled ominously, a black miasma seeping through the gaps of armor. Quickly, the figure of Adagium was being overshadowed by the mist. The tiny glints of gold light within the consuming shadows was what gave away the nature of the mist: Starscourge.
Eyes wide, Noctis struggled in the man’s grip. He remembered when the Starscourge had infected him as a child when the Marilith had sliced his back open and nearly severed his spinal cord. The burning agony of the scourge ravaging his body, when not even his coma brought him relief from its infection. The hushed cries of similarly infected at the edges of his mind like a web of anguish, ever-growing with each infected. Get away getawaygetaway.
His struggling was for naught as the black mirage leaned closer to him. “Why?” Adagium asked the hand that held the knife lazily dragged to the center of his chest. “Because I was saving people. Because that first false king was jealous and power-hungry, over-eager to be the one to wear the crown. And the rest,” he spat the word, “never bothered to question any of their forebears, convinced that they had always done what was best for the kingdom of Lucis.”
Noctis shook his head as best he could. “But why would they—“
“Because the gods didn’t stop them.” The knife in his hand pressed harder against Noctis’ chest and hissed at the sting of the blade. “But the time of reckoning is steadily approaching!”
With a flourish of his hand, the knife was sent away. Noctis thought it was eerily similar to accessing the armiger. “While all the pieces aren’t in their proper place just yet, a bit of ‘divine retribution’ soothes the soul.”
“What do you mean by divine retribution?” Noctis asked, his voice far quieter than he expected.
The miasma cloud seemed to grin impossibly wide, though he couldn’t discern an actual face. “I thought it would be perfect for you to atone on behalf of your forebears, Noct. And to have your father helplessly watch as he struggles to find you.”
Adagium stood behind him once more and wrapped his arms loosely around Noctis’ shoulders. “Let’s have the chosen, King of Light spend some time in the dark,” he purred, black ichor dripping onto his shirt. Onto his head. Onto his face. It was everywhere and Noctis couldn’t focus on anything else.
And then there was nothing.
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secret-engima · 4 years
Snippet of Wayward Heart (Welcome Home)
(a snip of another one-shot in the Blood of My Blood verse! Both because I felt like sharing and also as thanks to @mokulule for the lovely bby Dyn art)
     The new, confounding relationship lasted three months under their tentative watch before the next earth shattering revelation hit. Ignis had just finished reporting to Regis on the latest development of Noctis’s friendship with Prompto while Gladiolus babysat Dyn —babysitting the boy on Noctis’s behalf so he could hang out with Prompto in person had become a once-weekly event— and then returned to Noctis’s suite to check on the pair in the guise of bringing snacks —Monica and Dustin were both just outside the door, and Noctis could absolutely defend himself against a civilian boy, but after what had happened, none of them felt like being lax in their protectiveness—. He was just coaxing the pair into pausing their game to eat —and then hopefully talk Prompto into going home soon, as Dyn tended to get upset when parted from his father for too long—, when the door to the suite opened and Monica’s voice drifted through in a panic, “-not gone home yet!”
      Little feet pattered across carpet as Dionysus ran into the suite ahead of Gladiolus’s frantically grasping fingers, straight into the legs of the startled Prompto.
     Ignis stopped breathing, mind a blur of horror and the desperate hope that maybe he could reach Dionysus in time to pull him away and save Prompto’s life as Noctis went deathly still. In his mind, Ignis was seeing over a dozen incidents replay before his eyes. Moments when unfamiliar servants or Crownsguard —or in one very disastrous case, a nobleman— had gotten too close to Dionysus and Noctis went from being calm and doting to violently protective. The servants usually escaped with just a bad scare and migraines from the screamingly furious magic that slammed into their bodies in warning for getting within a dozen feet of Dionysus. Two Crownsguard had not been so lucky, having gotten within arm’s reach of the boy without Noctis’s permission and getting either knocked out or an arm and several ribs broken during Noctis’s explosive response.
     Now this boy, who Noctis was oddly fond of but had only known for three months, was actually touching Dionysus. Through no fault of his own of course, but-.
     Prompto didn’t seem aware of the massive impending danger, just crouched down to gently steady Dionysus with his hands as the toddler bounced off his legs with a noise of surprise, “Whoa there, Little Guy! Where’d you come from?” Dionysus cringed away from Prompto’s touch and Ignis and Gladiolus both rushed forward in the hopes of stopping imminent bloodshed as Noctis unfroze-.
     Crouched down next to Prompto and gently pulled Dionysus into his arms with a faint, nervous smile, “This is Dionysus. He’s my son.” Prompto gaped, so did Ignis and Gladiolus, but for different reasons as, instead of screaming or raging or pulling blades from his armiger like he had against trusted Citadel staff, Noctis just ducked his head to kiss his son’s hair and then nervously glanced at Prompto for a reaction. The magic tied to Ignis’s soul didn’t hum with fear-protectiveness-rage, but instead a heady mix of longing-nervousness-hope.
     Prompto slowly plopped down from a crouch to a sitting position on the floor, staring first at Dionysus, then at Noctis, “I … I didn’t know you had a kid,” he managed with a squeak.
     Noctis swallowed and the nervous hope in his magic grew, holding Ignis and Gladiolus in place, silent witnesses to an impossible scene, “We’ve kept it quiet. I … the media was already going crazy over my return. I can handle it, but Dyn is just- he’s only two. He’s gonna be three in a couple months but-.”
     Prompto nodded, “That would be a nightmare for a toddler.” The blond looked unusually solemn as he shifted his gaze to Noctis’s face, “My lips are sealed. I won’t tell anyone about him, I promise.”
     Noctis smiled weakly, “You don’t … you’re not freaking out?”
     “Over the fact that you have a kid? Dude, I am absolutely freaking out,” Prompto said with far more calm than his words implied. Noctis started to flinch but Prompto kept going, “But that’s more because if he’s almost three, then that means you definitely had him while you were kidnapped and I’ve seen a lot of really bad movie plots along those lines that nobody should have to live through. Let alone my friend.”
     A shaky breath from Noctis, “We’re … still friends?”
     Prompto lightly bumped Noctis’s shoulder with his fist, “Of course we are, man!” Prompto’s expression softened to something devoted, something warm but with a core of steel that Ignis usually only saw in a mirror or in Gladiolus’s eyes, “I’m your friend for as long as you want me to be.”
     Noctis exhaled and nerves turned to a flood of relief that made Ignis feel weak kneed just from glimpses of. He smiled and the expression was far more genuine, almost teasing, “If that’s the case, then, fair warning, but you’re gonna be stuck with me for a long time.”
     Dionysus, who had been watching his father interact with Prompto, interrupted whatever Prompto was about to say next with a tentative, “Da? Safe?”
     Noctis ran his fingers through his son’s hair, and even though Ignis shouldn’t have been shocked by his response, not after what they’d just seen, he was still floored, “Absolutely safe, Dyn. This is my friend Prompto. He’s as safe as Iggy or Gladio, okay?” A gentle tug at violet-red hair, “Can you say hi to Prompto?”
     Dionysus considered Prompto with solemn eyes while Ignis and Gladiolus exchanged wild looks because since when was a random civilian teenager Noctis had befriended three months ago as “safe” as Noctis’s own Retinue? While they struggled with that, Dionysus held out a shy hand and smiled, “Hi, Prom. ‘M Dyn.”
     Prompto took the tiny hand in his own with a gentle sort of reverence and shook it up and down, “Hi, Dyn,” Prompto parroted back with a lopsided, soft smile, “It’s nice to meet you, little buddy.”
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your-1up-girl · 4 years
Working on Weapons (Cindy Aurum x Fem!Reader)
Author’s Note: I love Cindy. This is my first time writing smut. I hate it. Please enjoy :)
Word Count: 4756
Link to AO3
Ever since you and the guys first showed up at the garage and you saw her walk towards the car with a smile that seemed to taunt you and a sway in her hips that spoke a language of their own, you knew that you stood no chance against this woman’s spell.
Every so often when you had to make a visit for supplies or do a task for her, you would do your best to turn on the charm. You weren’t bad at flirting, hell one time when you were at a bar, you and Gladio made a bet to see who could get the most numbers by the end of the night. Long story short, you had him beat and had an amazing night with one of those numbers. 
The problem with flirting with Cindy was that she just seemed so used to it that it felt like nothing you did even phased her. Much to your dismay (and Gladio’s utmost entertainment) all of your subtle and not so subtle advances had no effect on her. The winks, cute nicknames that you reserved only for her, lingering touches, soft eyes and smiles that seemed to convey both innocence and hidden suggestive messages. Absolutely nothing. It was driving you crazy. It was at the point that even poor Prompto was rooting for you (“I have to live vicariously through you so you better make this happen,” It was a joke, one followed by a playful shove and a wink).
Just when you were at that point of giving up, it finally happened one afternoon. You all were returning from picking up headlights from that Gods forsaken sewer system. The whole party was exhausted and you wanted nothing more than to take a shower in the caravan. 
“Hey Cin!” You called out catching her attention from another hunter who, from the look of dejection, struck out with her. “We got it.” 
Cindy took the headlights from you but not before giving you elevator eyes, your appearance was intoxicating to her. Perfectly disheveled hair, a tank top that clung deliciously against your chest and hips, small bruises perfectly stamping your skin (some, she made note of, appeared to be about the size of her mouth), and a light sheen of sweat on your skin. If she hadn’t known why you were gone, she may have just gotten other ideas in her head about your look. Not that you noticed of course, Gladio convinced the others to take a hunt that was also in that sewer system. It took far too long to find and kill; with the exhaustion setting in you hadn’t noticed how the tables were turned and the woman of your dreams was now unapologetically checking you out.
“Didn’t realize these little ol’ things would be such trouble.” You smiled at her, combing your hair back with your fingers causing Cindy to flush ever so slightly.
“Don’t worry about it, we’re back and no one got too hurt other than Noct’s pride. But I’m letting you know now, if you want us to go back there for anything else, I’m gonna have to tell you to go fuck yourself.” Cindy laughed. It was a joke and she knew it, the smirk on your beautiful lips and the playful glint in your eye told her that.
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind darlin’,” Turing, she saw that Ignis had put the car in her garage to prepare for the lights modification. “Looks like I got to get back to the ol’ girl. She’s gon be shinin’ so bright that the stars’ll wanna take notes.”
“If they wanna learn so badly they should just look into your eyes.” Gods that was corny even her face scrunched up on that one, but she still had that sweet, weak-in-the-knees smile so you assumed she somewhat enjoyed it? Thought it was cute at least?
“Anyways, to save myself from further embarrassment, I'm gonna go. Got a nice cold shower and a hot meal with my name on it.” You turned on your heel thinking the conversation would just end at that but what Cindy said next would forever stay in your mind.
“I thought I was the only hot meal you wanted to eat baby girl?”
Did you just hear that correctly? You tripped on your own two feet and barely had the nerve to turn around to see the beautiful mechanic giving you a small smile with slightly parted lips and half lidded eyes. She looked you up and down once more and licked her lips with a subtly that almost went missed by you. You knew that she was practically undressing you with her eyes because you had done the same on many occasions. Wondering if she was thinking about the same lewd thoughts made you unconsciously rub your thighs together. Opening and closing your mouth trying to think of something to say, Cindy just shook her head smiling at the ground before leaving you with, “Have a nice cold shower hun.”
Later in the evening, after you and the boys had cleaned up, and Ignis was making something in the caravan because no matter how late it was Ignis always wanted to make sure everyone was fed. You sat outside reading with Gladio, Noctis and Prompto as they played rounds of King’s Knight. But couldn’t care less about whatever they were doing or about what you were doing for that matter. You read the same page about 20 times now, but you just couldn’t get that interaction out of your head. Had all your flirting finally worked? Or was she just playing you? 
“How y’all doing?” Speak of the gorgeous devil. All heads turned as Cindy approached the caravan. She wore black skin tight leggings, a loose gray crop top that hung off her left shoulder, and of course her signature cowgirl boots. It was nice to see her in casual clothes. The domestic look was one that suited her nicely you thought. You loved it when she wore her work attire but seeing her so relaxed, it made you imagine a possible future with her.
“You look comfortable Cindy. Done for the day? Thought you never close up shop.” Gladio asked. 
“Yeah just about wanted to finish early today; the Regalia looks real nice now that she’s got new lights on ‘er. And you don’t gotta worry about those damn daemons either.” 
Prompto gave out a happy shout at both the no more daemons news and for winning the match. 
“What would we do without you Cindy.” Noctis relayed the gratitude with a slight pout.
“Aw don’t give me too much credit now. I just connect some wires and do some modifications. Speaking of, (Y/N).” Your head snapped so quickly to her she giggled making you blush, “My reason for closin’ early was so I would use you as my guinea pig.” She paused on purpose, wanting to get your reaction at her choice of words. She approached you to where you were, sitting on the table with a tilt of her head and a sly smile she continued. “Well, your weapons that is. See, with Paw-Paw modin’ things for the Prince, figured why not throw my hat in the ring too. If everything goes well, I could fix up equipment for other hunters as well.” Cindy crossed one leg over the other bouncing the top leg lightly as she spoke giving you an eye full of her calves. And dammit, you could not help yourself as your eyes wandered up to her thighs to the curve of her ass. Up her hips and exposed waist and to where the shirt peaked from her breasts, the soft skin of her neck just waiting to be bitten and finally to her face where a knowing smirk and lecherous eyes watched you take in her appearance. 
She had you now more than ever. To think, you had been flirting with her on every occasion you could. All of a sudden she struts over here and says the right words, acts a certain way and you become putty in her hands. “So (Y/N) what’d ya say?” Prompto had to kick you lightly under the table to get you out of your shocked state. 
Stuttering you gave an answer, “I yeah-yes, of course you can use me—My weapons! You can use- fix them if you want to.” Gods just kill me now! Face beat read you could hear Gladio and Noctis containing their snickers at you making an utter fool of yourself in front of Cindy. She didn’t seem to mind however, just turned that smirk into a smile and hopped off the table and began to walk towards the garage. She was about half way there and you were still glued to your seat like an idiot when someone spoke from the door of the caravan.
“I don’t think you should keep her waiting (Y/N).” Ignis took a sip of Ebony.
“Wha-? Weren’t you cooking-? How long have you been-”
“Long enough to know that you won’t be joining us for dinner. Now, you have much better things to attend to than staying here with me and The Three Stooges.” He was right, you got up from your seat already noting how you felt a bit of slickness at your core as you began to walk over to the garage. “Oh and (Y/N),” Turning to Iggy you saw the smirk as he took another sip of coffee, “Have fun.” 
You didn’t say anything and just made your way to the garage. Taking the back entrance seeing that the large main door was closed early for the afternoon. Once inside you saw Cindy working on something at the workbench biting her bottom lip in concentration. She looked up at you when she heard the door shut, “Hey doll come ‘er.” You approached her as she told you to place your weapons off to the far right of the bench. Doing as you're told, you summoned your short sword and placed it on the bench. You turned around but as you did Cindy came up to you and kissed you. She had her arms on either side of you, effectively trapping. The kiss was one with a fever that you made your whole body tense and heat go straight to your core. That feeling bubbled so pleasantly within you.
However, you were in such a state of shock because Cindy Aurum was basically making out with you that you had yet to return the kiss. Cindy stopped to look at you with a hint of fear in her eyes.
“Have I overstepped my boundaries? I’m so sorry hun’ I just, you were always flirtin’ with me, so I took that as an opportunity to- You can leave if I made ya uncomfort-”
“No.” It was soft, you didn’t want to scare her any more that she clearly was. “It’s just that-” You dragged your hands across the exposed sink of her waist and brought her closer to you. Taking your time to feel just how soft it was. Your left hand played with the shirt hem and your right drew small infinity signs on the small of her back. “In all the ways I’ve had this dream play out, that’s all it ever was. A dream.”
It looked like that relaxed Cindy because next thing you knew she placed her lips on yours once more and pulled you close as well. Thank the Gods that your brain returned to a functional state as you kissed her back. Making sure to match the force and passion behind it. 
“Let me tell you baby girl, I am very,” Cindy grabbed your hand, “Much.” Open palm she allowed it to ghost over her breast. “Real.” A quick glance down and a nod was all you need to knead the soft flesh in your hand. The sigh that fell from her lips sent shivers throughout your entire body. 
“You're not wearing a bra?” 
“Oh? I guess I ain’t.” She bit her bottom lip and laughed. “Honestly (Y/N), I’m surprised you just noticed. Just so you know, I ain’t wearing a thong either darlin’.” A whine escaped you and you leaned forward to kiss her again moving in tandem with her as you gave the other breast some attention as well. Her arms found their way around your waist and down to your ass, giving it a squeeze. Every moment that passed you expected one of the boys to shake you awake but the way Cindy felt, her breasts and hands, her dangerously addicting mouth, it all felt too real to be anything but reality. And thank the Astrals for that.
With caution, you allowed your fingers to graze over the nipple, already, it began to harden under the shirt at your touch. The kiss broke only for a moment as Cindy whispered in your ear, “Pinch it darlin’.” 
And that is exactly what you did. Tweaking and twisting the small bud between your index finger and thumb. The action rewarded you the most intoxicating sound as Cindy moaned softly in your ear. In a bold move on her part, she brought one leg in between yours. The moan was one so sinful you didn’t even realize that you were capable of making such a noise. 
That noise gave fuel to Cindy as she applied more pressure to your core with her leg. More sounds escaped both your mouths and you grinned into her thigh, mentally wishing you wore something much thinner than skinny jeans.
“Want to take this somewhere more private?” The infatuation in both hers and your eyes were apparent and Cindy laughed.
“We have a whole garage to ourselves, that not enough privacy for you?” 
“Well, as hot as it would be to eat you out on the hood of the Regalia, I feel that if Noctis found out then he would literally behead us.” 
Cindy smiled at you, with a peck on the lips and said, “I don’t think he’ll mind. What he don’t know won’t kill him, right? But, a bed is always good.” With your hand in yours, she led you to a side upstairs part of the garage. Opening up the door at the top of the side staircase revealed a quaint, rustic studio apartment of sorts. One central open area that had a small kitchen and dining area. There were some built in bookshelves that contained various books and pictures. A small love-seat with two pink pillows located near a door which you assumed was the bathroom. And on a more raised part of the room was a small dresser and her full sized mattress, adorned with pillows and a gray, chunky knit throw blanket. 
On said mattress was the woman of your dreams. Seated on her haunches, leaning forward ever so slightly to accentuate her breasts and hair tousled from your hands moments before, she beckoned you to the bed. Wasting no time, you all but ran to her, crashing your lips against her and laid her gently against the soft duvet covers. Her hands were on your hips again, fingers finding their way to the button of your jeans. You smiled into the kiss and helped her out undoing it yourself and shimmying out of the article. 
“What were you thinking about over there when you came in hun'?” The small circles being rubbed on your clit made it differently to answer but you did.
"Ahhh, just thinking that you got a real nice place. I guess it kind of surprised me." Deciding to return the favor and give an eye for an eye, you lifted her shirt off and tossed it. Taking in her beautiful upper body; chest of full display and nipples harden from when you played with them. Further grinding into her fingers you took one nipple into your mouth and began to suck and flick your tongue across the skin. Cindy arched her back at the sudden stimulation and momentarily stopped the rubbing.
"Oh God's (Y/N) that feels…"  She couldn't finish as you moved to the next breast but still played with the other with your expert hands. "Ah! Based on how much attention you give my boobs, I take it that you're a tit girl then?"
You released from her with a pop, “When it comes to you, I just adore everything.” and began to attack her neck and collar bone. Kissing and nipping at the sun-kissed skin. She held you close running fingers desperately through your hair and leaving scratches along you back, your shirt discarded a long time ago. 
"Keep doing that and I'll have to wear an actual shirt tomorrow hun'." The smirk on her lips was evident that she would do nothing of the sort. The thought of her working tomorrow with the bruises, bites and hickeys exposed for all the world to see made the fire in your core burn even hotter.
"Something tells me you'll be fine. And if you can still form sentences then I'm clearly not doing a good enough job." You started at the valley of her breasts and left a trail of kisses and worked your way down to where her leggings laid just above her pelvic bone. 
"My my my, aren't you all worked up." The comment acknowledged the prominent wet spot on her leggings. You looked Cindy dead in the eyes, hers were a bit furrowed.
"Oh please darlin', don't act all high and mighty like you aren't as wet as- AH!" You rubbed your fingers on that mark and Cindy moaned so beautifully that it grew a smirk on your face. 
You positioned yourself between her legs and licked your tongue across her sex. Cindy threw her head back against the pillows and begged you to do that again. Her thighs found homes on your shoulders and your hands on her abdomen to pin her down. 
You licked her through her leggings knowing that the fabric both gave a good feeling but also was a frustrating barrier. Sucking on her clit one more time, it was time that you took off her leggings. She got the queue and lifted her hips to help you and threw them off the bed. 
Just to even the playing field, you took off your panties and unhooked your bra. Your boobs bounced out of the lacey prison and Cindy didn't even try to hide how she stared. 
Legs spread wide, her clit wet from her own arousal and your mouth you added one finger and watched as she arched up from the bed. The perfect arch of her back made her look like a sculpture at the Citadel. Along with a gorgeous "O" forming on her mouth. 
Your finger moved back and forth. Cindy's grip on the messed up duvet below her tightened. You took this as an opportunity to add not only a second finger but also your mouth to the party. Your other unoccupied hand found and held hers as you continued. 
Some instructions were given, A little to the... Yeah there. Curl your fingers (Y/N). No, that’s more like scratchin’. Oh! That’s perfect. Now, if ya can… go deeper. Ah. Ahh! AH! Yes darlin' right there!
You devoured not only her but every moan, gasp, shudder, and sigh that left her mouth. You sent your fingers deeper, down to your knuckles and Cindy screamed out. “AH! YES! YES! YES! Oh sweet ASTRALS baby girl! Keep going! AH!!” Hands took desperate hold of your hair pushing your face further into her wanton sex. You could feel her walls tighten around your fingers; it encouraged you to go faster but then Cindy called out.
“WAit… wait (Y/N).” There was a hard tug on your hair that lifted you from her slick center. You took a deep breath mouth wet from her arousal and took your fingers out of her.
“Did I do something wrong?” It took a moment for Cindy to respond. It was obvious that she missed your feeling already, what with her flushed face, blown out pupils and the sheen of sweat on her body.
“Naw baby girl… you didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“It ain’t fair for me to be the one getting all the attention.” The mechanic found strength to give you some attention, her hand rubbing against your sex, she took your moan to memory and held nothing back as she gave you much needed friction to your core. Cindy was more rough with you. Even when she took one nipple in her mouth, she sucked and flicked the bud with force. Teeth were used to lightly tug and twist, her ultimate goal was to bring the soft bud to peak. 
Breaths began to shudder at the stimulation you were receiving. Cindy turned you around so you could lay against some pillows at the head of the bed. Her fingers entered you with ease, you slick with arousal as you held her close. Minimal assistance was given on your part, what with your brain practically shutdown from her actions but Cindy knew how to read you. Noticed little movements, subtle gasps or even when your face scrunched slightly telling her to try a different spot. The ragged breaths that came from both your bodies and the squelching noises that were produced from her working your mercilessly were the only things heard in the studio room. She worked her way up from your breasts and to your neck, leaving the same, if not more marks against your skin that would be a bitch to cover in the morning. 
She gave you a heated kiss and you could feel the smile on her lips as she danced with you. Your bottom lip earned a small bite when you snaked your arms up her back and clawed your way down. When she released your lips, the smile was more present than ever and Cindy licked her own.
“You never told me that I tasted so good darlin’.” A small peck on the lips. “You wanna find out how you taste?” Her fingers left your core and you whined at the emptiness but it was cut short when she put her two fingers in your mouth. You sucked them letting your tongue rub against the pads of her digits. When pulled out she laughed at the face you made.
“Kinda bitter, but I’m not surprised. Noct has been taking more hunts at night and coffee is the only thing keeping me awake.”   
She hummed and you barely caught the whisper of, “Mind if I try?” Before she put her two fingers back in and massaged you. Fingers curled in just the right way, the slow pumps along with her thumb rubbing your clit. Not breaking her gaze at you as your head fell back against the wall with a soft thud at the languid pace she kept. The blonde woman placed a small pillow behind your head to keep you from hurting yourself. 
“Gods! Cindy! Please!” Fingers were removed and placed into her mouth, self-satisfied smile at the flush ever present on your face. Legs on either side of you in a straddle, she put her fingers back in you, catching your neck with her mouth as you bucked at the insertion. “I think you taste divine baby girl.” Whispered against sensitive skin, it formed goosebumps all along your body. 
Finally, you put your fingers back into her. Your breaths mixed beautifully with her moans against your skin. Cindy took your nipple in her mouth again. Deft fingers worked you so well that when you finally climaxed, you stopped working Cindy for just a moment. The way you called out her name as your orgasm washed over you was music to her ears. “AH! CI-CINDY! Don’t stop! AH-AHH! OH GODS!” How she was able to get you so loud, you would never know. Normally, you were a quiet love maker but with Cindy it seemed she could turn you into a pornstar. Giving you one last pump she took in her work. Your chest was heaving, mouth slightly parted, pupils dilated and hair an absolute mess; you looked like sin in your post orgasm state. 
Cindy didn’t blame you for being so worn out but she was impressed when you still pumped your fingers into her. She took mercy on you and began to ride your fingers but not before removing hers from you and placing them back in her mouth lapping up the release you left on her. Her bundle of nerves got stimulation from your thumb. You just enjoyed the sights and sounds of her breasts bouncing, whimpers from sucking her own fingers clean of you, and the soft wet slaps of her grinding, as she took her own release on your fingers.
One final desperate shout escaped her as she fell forward against your equally exhausted body. Both parties laid on the bed and tried to catch their breaths. Cindy sat up against and kissed you, this time it was soft, meaningful and somewhat fleeting. 
“I think we ruined your duvet…”
“Aw don’t worry ‘bout it darlin.’ Nothin’ a quick wash won’t fix. How ‘bout you get this off the bed and I’ll get us a warm towel to clean us off.” You nodded and she hopped off you and to the kitchen to wet a towel with warm water as you made quick work of the duvet and throw pillows. Cindy came back, pulled the sheets back and motioned for you to get into bed with her. Gently you cleaned each other up and placed the towel on the nightstand near her bed once finished. That was also when you noticed that it was so late into the night and you hadn’t eaten anything. Stomach catching up with your mind it made a loud rumbling noise that you both laughed at. 
“I totally forgot that I skipped dinner.”
“It was worth it though right?”
You caressed her chin and guided her to a small kiss. “Oh absolutely. But Ignis’ll flip if he finds out I didn’t eat.”
“Well (Y/N) you kinda did eat.” Cindy sat on her haunches with her legs just barely spread. “I’d say you had yourself a full course meal.” A playful tackle to the bed wiped that smirk off her face as laughter filled the room. You blew against her stomach and she tried, in vain, to push you off. “Okay okay! How ‘bout this: You get yourself to the bathroom if you need to I’ll leave you a shirt of mine and get started on makin’ us something proper to eat? May not be like the Prince’s Advisor, but I consider myself a good cook at times.”
“Sounds like a plan.” To the bathroom you went and did what you had to do there, and true to her word, Cindy left you one of her shirts. The soft fabric was gentle on your skin, it was much larger than you expected it to be, just going past the curve of your butt, and it had the smell of Jasmine, vanilla, and motor oil. When you met Cindy at the stove she already began to warm up what appeared to be a breakfast like dish. She asked you to watch the food as she went to the bathroom herself.
Maybe five minutes passed. You hummed a tune as you cooked the food. Cindy wrapped her arms around your waist, she too wearing an over-sized shirt.
“You look nice like this.” It was whispered against soft fabric and love-bitten skin.
“Like how? In one of your shirts?”
“That, and here with me.” One kiss was barely pressed on your shoulder. “I could get used to late night or, I should say early mornin’, meals with you. Waking up with you. Being able to call you my girl.” The food sizzled on the stove as Cindy all but confessed to you. “That is… if you’ll want to. Don’t wanna force you or anything but, having you here with me has made me more happy than you could now.”
You turned and kissed her. The answer to the request, your hands grazing up and down her back while hers gripped tightly to the shirt you wore. Both of you were smiling before, during and after the kiss. Your foreheads rested against one another as you happily whispered, “Cindy, nothing would make me happier.” 
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queeranarchist · 3 years
Dear Creator,
DNW: Anything past Season 10
Likes: boy king arc, Sam centric fic, queer Sam esp trans fem sam, Bobby, trans masc Dean, religious iconography/themes, Sam being a lore nerd
Dislikes: Sidelining Sam 
Sam/Jess and Sam/Jess & Dean
1. Jess lives au! My personal head canon is that Jess is pre-med and being very intent on saving people. When she finds out about hunting, she realises that she can’t just go back to being “normal” knowing people are dying. Maybe Sam decides to go back to law school and they have a semi long-distance relationship where she asks him for advice, maybe they hunt together every now and again. Maybe she joins Dean and Sam and they become a hunting trio.
2. Jess gets brought back to life – place this in any season you want! Go wild.
3. Stanford era stuff, I would love to see Sam struggling to be normal and some slice of life stuff. Or include a case! Maybe have Sam have to call in Dean to help.
Dean & Sam
1. Dean keeps in touch with Sam during Stanford! Maybe from the get-go, maybe after a couple of years, maybe seeing each other, maybe just through postcards
2. I’d love to see them during S4 where their relationship starts to fall apart, but like also see them still loving each other
3. John gets a year to live instead of instantly going to hell AU – how do they react? Do they try to save him? Does John tell them?
4. I’d love a sort of non-linear story of them (especially Sam because it’s been so long) trying to integrate John into his adult life also looking at his life as a child/teen. You know the general angst about how he’d done it, he’d gotten away and he’s right back at square one. Also, Dean starting to realise that he isn’t a kid anymore, and he’s got his own thoughts etc
Final Fantasy XV
Likes: fics that include the whole gang, trans Gladio, anything with Prompto, angst about destiny, angst about royal linage, character introspection
1. I really like angsty fics about destiny with this lot - I would love to see how the way in which they’ve been raised effects their relationship, be it being groomed to be king or shield or advisor. I would love a getting together fic, with whichever ship you wish to write, with a lot of internal angst.
2. I would also love a post cannon fic where Noctis is alive (magic, never died, skip over it entirely it’s up to you) where they all settle down, maybe Noctis lets the world think he has died so he can live a peaceful life?
3. I would like to see a fic of Prompto integrating himself into Noctis’ life, Gladio and Ignis have been around his entire life, so how does Prompto feel about them? How do they feel about him? Honestly I’m 100% here for awkward insecure bby Prompto
4. Set between game cannon and Brotherhood, I‘d be down to see what these guys got up to in the years between high school and the road trip. Did Prompto and Noctis study after high school? Do they travel?
5. Less of a prompt and more a vague feeling but like *slaps prompto* this bad boy can fit so much angst in it. Honestly, he’s childhood is depressing af, with the lack of parents and friends combined with a shit body image/relationship with food I wld rlly love some emotional hurt/comfort with him and the squad
Noctis & Gladio & Ignis & Prompto - Tho feel free to make it /
1. I really like angsty fics about destiny with this lot - I would love to see how the way in which they’ve been raised effects their relationship, be it being groomed to be king or shield or advisor. I would love a getting together fic, with whichever ship you wish to write, with a lot of internal angst.
2. I would also love a post cannon fic where Noctis is alive (magic, never died, skip over it entirely it’s up to you) where they all settle down, maybe Noctis lets the world think he has died so he can live a peaceful life?
3. Set between game cannon and Brotherhood, I‘d be down to see what these guys got up to in the years between high school and the road trip. Did Prompto and Noctis study after high school? Do they travel?’
Likes: the summons, Rock Lee, the squads and how they operate, Naruto getting to eat the ramen he deserves, Sakura being an actual bad arse fleshed out character, trans Naruto
1. Naruto leaves and joins Sasuke on his mission to destroy to Leaf, talks him out of y’know murdering everyone but agrees that the Shinobi system is deeply fucked and needs to be fixed
2. I’d like a fic of Sasuke thinking about Naruto while doing all his plotting, be it set when he’s with Orochimaru or the Akatsuki, it would be nice to see him thinking about Naruto, wanting to stop doing so, wondering how strong he could have been if he had managed to kill him and gain the mangekyou earlier
1. I’d like a fic set just before Kakashi gets his genin, really love to see Gai trying to talk up how cool having a squad is! Dragging Kakashi to see his kids and being like aren’t my team great! And then Team Gai getting into some crazy hijinks that make Kakashi a lil scared about the future but also maybe a bit endeared towards them
2. a fic of Gai watching Kakashi slowly lose himself while in ANBU, of him trying to make things right and not being able to and then eventually asking him to be removed from the forces
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justmailuck789 · 4 years
Lightis ‘The Witcher’ AU Headcanon
Ever since I was watching Netflix’s The Witcher, my life’s never been the same. I was hot and bothered by it, constantly thinking about it…I was dying for more lmao. Thankfully, there is a Lightis day dedicated to The Witcher, so I thought…why not make silly headcanons about it? I will say though my knowledge of The Witcher storyline and the lore of it is very lacking, so if I got anything wrong, please accept my humblest apology. A bit of a warning though: The headcanon is very lengthy and long. And by lengthy I mean I did it from the beginning and end, because I couldn’t help it to be honest 😅. Hopefully, the undercut will save you guys from reading such a long post. If not, I’M SORRY. Blame Tumblr. Without further ado, let’s start! @lightisdays2k @givelightningherharem
So instead of the existent of “witchers”, there are l’Cie folks living in the world of Eos. And let’s just say these l’Cie have… “superhuman” powers such as strength, prediction of the future, high intelligence, healers, skilled hunters, and more. Finding a l’Cie is pretty hard nowadays since they’re all typically humans. And yes, to identify a l’Cie is if they have their brand on the skin. Most of them cover it up though.
Lightning Farron is a known mercenary l’Cie, always travelling and looking for some gil to feed for herself and sister. Light will accept anything that involves beast eliminations. But because of her always killing beasts, actual hunters who do this for a living get irritated. So, there are a few hunters who are willing to seek her and have her head.
Now let’s fast forward to where Lightning was minding her own business with Serah. The two were trying to find some wood for the fire to use for the night when they hear someone calling for help in the middle of the forest. Light instructs Serah to go back to the tent and hide. The older Farron investigates where the cry is coming from. Lightning finds a lone woman struggling to fight off a big behemoth. The woman’s magic is defending her from the incoming bites and scratches, but her powers are quickly fading. So Lightning comes to the rescue and easily defeats the behemoth before it can eat the woman for dinner.
The woman is thankful for Lightning and asked what she wanted. Lightning has nothing she desires, but the woman insisted. She decides to invite Lightning and Serah over to an upcoming banquet with a neighboring country from Niflheim. This is when Lightning discovers she and her sister are going over to some royal banquet and finds out the woman is Queen Aulea of Lucis. And yes, Queen Aulea knew that Lightning is l’Cie (and Serah too).
So at the banquet, Queen Aulea is already exposing the fact that Lightning and Serah are l’Cie, a race that is thought to be extinct.
Let’s say there as an assassination attempt on King Regis in the banquet (they were probably Niflheim spies, but no one knows), but Lightning has yet again saved the royal family and putting that assassin behind bars. Thankful once again, Queen Aulea asks if there is anything Lightning wants. Lightning does not want anything but finding her “focus”.
Every single l’Cie that is breathing in Eos were destined to find their “focus”. If they were fulfill it, then that l’Cie will be granted eternal life by turning into crystal. Or if they fail/give up finding it, then they turn into a beast. But for the sake of this AU, imma say that the l’Cie were already granted eternal life without being turned into crystal, staying forever in their 20s-30s.
ANYWAYS…the element of surprise comes to play when Queen Aulea suddenly vomits in the banquet! “What did you do?!” Regis panicked. His Queen is pregnant, and it’s linked towards Lightning. Of course, I’m not saying Light is gonna be the mother of Noctis in the future, but he is gonna be connected towards her “focus”.
Destiny (and Serah) starts throwing clues at Lightning about the future of Lucis and the whole world, but Lightning coolly dismisses it because she thinks it’s all foolery.
12 years and 9 months later, Insomnia falls. Just hours before the fall, Lightning and Serah decided to visit Insomnia, after the two sisters had an argument about how the past events they got themselves into were just too coincidental to begin with: like how Lightning was unable to sleep that whole week, the vague words of a dying princess she was hired to kill. Lightning eventually agrees with Serah to accept the fact she and King Regis’s child were meant to be. However, King Regis refuses and puts Lightning and Serah in prison.
Once Niflheim invades Insomnia, Lightning and Serah escaped the prison. They both see that King Regis is dead, making it a very high priority for Lightning to search for the kid.
I KNOW IT’S STUPID BUT HEAR ME OUT--Oh yeah and maybe Serah turns into crystal after fulfilling her “focus” when she tells her sister to find Noctis, now that things are starting to get real.
Meanwhile, 12-year-old Noctis escapes Insomnia, his father’s words of “finding a l’Cie named Lightning, for she is your destiny”. Now I dunno if I want to add in Noct’s friends (Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis). …Maybe I should since it’ll be weird to have Noctis to be by himself. Don’t worry, none of them dies!
Of course, Niflheim does find out Prince Noctis is still out there, alive…and the emperor wants him dead.
At some point, Lightning and Noctis meets up. The real fun begins here because lklfkds. Lightning trains Noctis and the boys most of their lives. Of course, the beginning of training wasn’t too fun in Noctis’s eyes. Wooden swords? Fighting with dummies? LAME. Noctis wants some real training, but Light is so damn strict. She probably made him run about 3 miles and back to her home as punishment.
Noct will quickly learn that Light also has a soft heart. Light can be relentless with her kills whenever there were beasts or bandits within her property, it makes Noct wonder if she’s “human”. This all changes when he sees her tending to an injured black wolf pup. He thought she was gonna kill it, but she didn’t. She was nice enough to let him keep the pup since she can tell the pup is an orphan. Thus, Noctis affectionately names the wolf Umbra hehehe.
Along with the intense training Noct and boys were doing, there were also some cute moments within Light’s house. As a little boy with child-like tendencies, Noctis wanted to play in the beach near her home instead of training today. And because Noct was being so damn cute, Light couldn’t deny him and let him relax. He swore he saw her smile for a second.
And maybe…just maybe…Noctis started to develop feelings for Lightning. He shook his head, it’s only a small crush. I mean she is pretty and all, but she probably has a lover or something…right?
Then about 6 months later (after the beach time fun), some snitch pointed a finger at Lightning’s house, and a small Niflheim army marched over there. SHIT! Lightning cursed and woke Noctis and the boys up. The only thing Noct heard from her is “RUN!” before she clashed a sword with a Niflheim soldier. Noctis wanted to fight, too, but he was too young. So he and the boys fled off while Light fights off every soldier. And it took her a while, got a few injuries, but she survived. She tried to go look for him, thinking maybe he’d hid somewhere but he was nowhere to be found. Light searched high and low for him without any luck.
And let’s say Noct and the boys were caught, but Niflheim only got him in less than a minute because Noct somehow warped away from his captures and escaped with his friends. The boys never really did reunite with Lightning now that Niflheim knows Noct is on the run.
Years later, Lightning finally gets a lead of Noct’s whereabouts after looking for him in what it seems like forever. She wouldn’t know how old he is since it’s been THAT long the last time she saw him. He’s must be an adult by now…she guessed. She eventually learns that the young prince is looking for royal arms scattered around Eos and attempting to defeat Niflheim by himself and his friends (also reclaiming the throne as the rightful king of Lucis).
She would be so close in reuniting with him after years not seeing him, but he’s always a step ahead of her. While Noct is on his mission, Niflheim is also tracking him down. Being the last prince of the Caelum family, he is still connected to the Crystal’s power. And let’s pretend that Emperor Aldercapt can’t get his wrinkly fingers on the Crystal, so as long as Noctis is still alive, which is the reason why Niflheim is hunting him down.
FINALLY, Lightning and Noctis reunite in Altissia! Light would notice…Noct grew to a fine young man, as well as Prompto, Gladiolus, and Ignis. But their happy little reunion would be cut short when there’s word that the Niflheim army is approaching. And Noct and Light knew they wouldn’t be able to fight the army with only five people, so they need to round up few more people. Noct would be asking around the people in Leide region, Duscae, and Tenebrae while Lightning will be rounding up other l’Cie folks, Cleigne region of Lucis, and talking to first secretary Camelia in Altissia.
With the whole world of Eos fighting against Niflheim, the empire army gets a bit overwhelmed heh. The army retreats. But it’s not a celebration yet! Emperor Aldercapt is still alive, and Noct is determined to kill that old man now that he has the 13 royal arms with him.
LET’S TALK ABOUT THE DAMN ROMANCE NOW THAT NOCTIS IS OLDER YAYYYY 😘. Noctis actually wanted to reunite with her earlier, but things keep getting in the way. Maybe Light started to feel attracted to him too when she sees him for the first time in years. Even though he has physically changed, he’s still the sweet boy she remembers. Oh yeah don’t worry Umbra is here too!
In battle though, Noct is little too eager to fight and wants to go in head on with his warp strike. Light would be annoyed by it and the two would argue about how they battle. For example, Noct would sometimes overuse his Royal Arm weapon which drains him and make him vulnerable to attack. Light would be there to deflect the attack and give him a potion. And Ignis and the others would tell Noct he needs to be careful. To his defense, he forgets, but not when Light is yelling at him as if he just committed a murder and didn’t tell anyone.
Now there was a point where Noct and Light were doing a side mission where they were attending a masquerade ball because there is a former Niflheim spy wishing to talk to Noct and spill the tea about the emperor’s plan. The ball itself was beautiful. Light was beautiful in a dress. Noct couldn’t stop staring at her. There was that one time a drunk was stalking them and hitting on Light, that it made Noctis to kiss Lightning to show that she’s supposedly “taken”. The kiss was sweet. She realized…he’s a good kisser 😩.
They probably banged a few times too when the chemistry starts heating up. First time was when they were arguing after the fact a djinn escaped and Noct wanted to use it to grant three wishes 🤭. Light knew djinns are no joke, so she fought and freed the djinn, making Noct pissed hehe. Their second time was when Noct confessed his feelings to her. “You’re important to me…” he whispered in his sleep.
Pillow talk moments where he learns how she craves to be human again instead of being a l’Cie, how he promised her they’ll get rid of the l’Cie mark together, even though it look sexy as hell on her left shoulder 😉.
Romance aside, Noct, his friends, and Light now are gonna prepare to fight Emperor Aldercapt once and for all. They knew the fight is gonna be tough. The travel from Lucis to Niflheim will take them a while. The party created a plan to infiltrate the imperial palace. A group of l’Cie mages will create a magic barrier around the palace to prevent anyone from leaving and/or entering the premise. And if the backup tries to harm the l’Cie, Ignis, Gladio, and Prompto will be there to defend.
Noct and Light would be the one fighting Emperor Aldercapt. It was a tough fight. The old man sure can use his magic pretty well 😯. Noct was gravely injured at some point and was about to be killed when Lightning jumped in took the hit!
But…BUT. Time suddenly stops! Light meets Etro Herself in another dimension. Seems like Etro is mad that Lightning is intervening Noct’s inevitable death. But Light wasn’t going to let it happen because she loves him. Then Etro says something about Light’s focus, which is to make sure Noct doesn’t die and that he is crowned king. But because Noctis is gonna die, it’ll mean Light has failed her focus, but she’s not gonna have that shit. So you know what happens? She fights with Etro 😱. Light ended up winning and decided to let Noctis live and make Light defend the incoming blow once time resumes back to normal. Unbeknownst to her, she didn’t notice her l’Cie brand is gone.
At last, Emperor Aldercapt is defeated! Noct and his friends are now deemed heroes of Eos. Noctis wants Light to be queen, so they married and start rebuilding Insomnia to its former glory 😊.
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heartlessfujoshi · 4 years
reconnecting - a polyship roadtrip one shot
Title: Reconnecting  Fandom: FFXV Pairing: GladPromptis (Gladio Amicitia x Noctis Lucis Caelum x Prompto Argentum) / Polyship Roadtrip  Rating: Mature (NSFW - PWP)  Word Count: ~3575
Summary: Gladio has returned to the group after fighting Gilgamesh, but something was off between the four of them. Luckily, Ignis recognized what it was, and gave him the opportunity to correct it. 
A/N: This was written for a very close friend of mine. Please enjoy! :) 
For @commanderboxers 
Gladio has been back with them for a week now, and something still felt off. But he wasn’t sure how to address it, as he’d been gone and he suddenly felt like he was an outsider when he knew he was anything but. Seeing how Noctis, Prompto and Ignis all worked together to get rid of the Mesminir that they were fighting as if they were a well-oiled machine, and he was just the brute strength was a cruel realization that made him question what he was even doing here. Maybe he should have stayed with Cor, and helped out the Hunters instead of returning with the three, and fulfilling his duty as the crowned Prince’s Shield.
“Nice job, big guy!” Prompto came over to him, holding his hand up high as if to give him a high five. Gladio took the offer, and slammed his palm against his, smirking as he saw him wince and then shake his hand. “Guh - I’d forgotten how strong you were when you do that.” 
“Sorry, chocobo.” He wasn’t. Alright, maybe he was a little, but still. Seeing the three of them work together while he stood off to the side had brought a feeling he hadn’t bothered to let fester in years, and now it seemed it was back with a vengeance. “Hey, Specs - how much fuel do we have in the Regalia?” 
“A full tank.” Ignis adjusted his glasses, and looked over at him. “Why? Do we have somewhere we need to be?” 
Gladio shook his head. “Not that I’m aware of. Princess?” 
“No.” Noctis shook his head. “We’re just doing more hunts.” 
“Then, why are you asking?” Ignis asked, as the four of them began to walk back over to where their chocobos were grazing. “Did you have somewhere in mind that you’d like to head to?” 
He hopped up on the back of his chocobo and listened to it warble as he adjusted his weight on the back of it. “Why don’t we head down to Galdin for the weekend? Take a little bit of time off? We’ve been going going going since I came back.” 
“The beach sounds perfect!” Prompto quickly agreed with him as his chocobo warbled loudly. “Please, Iggy? It’d be nice to sleep in a bed for a bit too.” 
“I’m not sure if we have that much saved.” 
“We do.” Noctis brought his chocobo over to them. “This last hunt should give us enough money to spend at least two nights in the suite at Galdin. Unless you want to camp, Gladio?” 
He always wanted to camp, but he knew that the others would probably prefer to sleep in a bed. “I’m good for a night or two in a hotel.” He smiled, happy that his suggestion was met with such approval. “Let’s head back to Lestallum, turn in our hunt, and then we can drive down there? There’s still plenty of light.” 
“Yes, that sounds good.” Ignis agreed. “Excellent idea, Gladiolus.” 
“Thanks, Specs. Sometimes I have them.” 
“You do.” 
They headed back to Lestallum, Gladio getting their things together in the hotel as the others turned in their hunt. He met them at the Regalia, everyone seeming to be in a good mood. He sat in the back with Noctis, who immediately came closer to him, which made him breathe a little easier. Again, Gladio had been afraid that with his time away, Noctis would have gravitated towards the other two men, which he was okay with - the four of them did like to have their fun together on occasion. But since he’d been back, they all had kept to one another - as if waiting for the right moment to return to how it had been before his departure. When Gladio wanted it to always be like that, but apparently that wasn’t going to be the case. Sleeping in separate beds, while at one time he would have welcomed it, now felt strange. 
He ran his fingers through Noctis’ ebony locks as the Prince rested his head against his thigh, the warm breeze blowing as they made their way down the highway. Gladio saw Prompto snap a picture with his camera from the front seat, smiling softly as he met his gaze. Prompto returned his smile with a bigger one of his own, which made Gladio laugh. That woke up the sleeping beauty on his lap, who grunted then was quick to fall back asleep after he gently ran his fingers through his hair some more, and saw Noctis shift to have his face pointed towards his body rather than the two front seats. 
The ocean appeared on the horizon, the temperature dropping ten degrees from where they had been in Lestallum, Gladio happy that everyone had agreed to come here. Ignis parked the car, and soon they were walking on the pier, heading towards the hotel to check in for the night. 
“Gladiolus.” He turned towards Ignis, who was walking towards him after they had put their things down in their shared room in the suite. “I know things are different, and I think you were right in suggesting we come here for the night.” 
Scratching the back of his neck, he released a nervous laugh. “Is it that obvious? I’m sorry, Ignis. I’m trying - I really am. But I don’t know what’s changed.” 
“A lot.” A hand touched his forehead, and then the fresh scar that was continuing to heal running diagonally on his chest. “I think they’re afraid that you might not want them anymore.” 
“You know that’s not true. How long have we been out here? Why would a few weeks apart change that?” 
“I do not know.”
Gladio looked at him, and saw a thoughtful look on Ignis’ face. “What are you suggesting?” 
“The three of you enjoy yourselves tonight.” Ignis returned his hand to his face, Gladio turning his head to rest it comfortably against the palm of his hand. “I’ll go and visit with Cid and Cindy. I’m sure there are things I can do over there with Taka too to keep myself occupied while the three of you catch up.” 
“What about you?” His voice dropped, as he stepped closer to Ignis. “I want you there too, Ignis.” 
The smile on his oldest friend’s face made his stomach do somersaults. “I’ll join you three tomorrow night. Tonight, you need to reconnect with them. I’ve kept them entertained while you were gone, but we both know that I’m not the same as you.” The smirk on his lips brought a flush to Gladio’s cheeks.  
“You’re sure?” 
“Yes, Gladiolus.” Ignis pulled his head down, Gladio going willingly as their lips came together for a soft, tender kiss. “Tell them I had to go run an errand, and don’t know when I’ll be back.” 
“They’re going to know.” 
“They might.” His lover pulled away, then began to walk over towards the door. “Or, they might not. You three have fun tonight.” Ignis blew a kiss towards him, then left the suite. 
Gladio knew that Ignis was right - he’d probably been keeping the two of them occupied while he’d been off fighting with Gilgamesh. And while it made him feel good to know that the three of them had been well off without him, now he had to remember how to be with them in a way that he had been before he’d left. I can do this. He took a deep breath and went over to the room that Noctis and Prompto had declared their own, and knocked on the door. 
“Come in!” He heard Prompto call out, which made him smile. Putting his hand on the doorknob, he gave it a twist and walked in. “Gladio!” The blond jumped up from the bed and walked over to him with a big smile on his face. “What’re you doing in here? I figured you and Iggy would be taking a rest together.” 
He looked over at the bed and saw that Noctis was sitting up, looking at his phone, no doubt playing another round of King’s Knight. “Well, funny story. Looks like Taka needed some help in his kitchen, so Ignis decided to go and take care of that on his own.” The excuse sounded so lame, and he knew that the two of them would see through it in a heartbeat, but he secretly hoped that they would just accept it at face value. 
“Does that mean we can eat whatever we want for dinner?” Noctis asked. 
“If you’re suggesting that I’m not going to make sure you eat something that’s a vegetable, well - I guess you’re right.” Gladio hated to see Noctis upset because of the food, and he figured he could let it slip for one night. “Prompto? What do you say? How about we go eat in the restaurant tonight?” 
“That sounds like a lot of fun, big guy!” 
He breathed a little easier, happy to hear that they were on board with the idea. “Alright. Meet me out in the living room in fifteen minutes?” 
“Sounds good.” Noctis nodded his head, then looked back down at his phone. 
Gladio walked out of the room, and grabbed a clean shirt out of his bag. He slipped the ribbed tank top over his head, wanting to hide his new scar, not wanting the other two to have to look at it and wonder why it was even a thing. He’d told them about what had happened, and while he would be happy to answer any question they had, he wanted tonight to be a rekindling of sorts. They didn’t need to have the reminder that he’d been away from them for a lot longer than he would have liked. What mattered now was that he was here with them. 
Fifteen minutes later, the two men walked out of their room together. Gladio stood up, feeling more nervous than he had in a very long time. “You guys ready to go and get some good seafood?” 
“We are.” Noctis approached him, and stood right in front of him. “Gladio.” 
“What is it, Princess?” He asked, staring down at him, trying to figure out the expression on his face. 
A hand touched the hem of his tank top, and soon he was being brought down to Noctis’ level, and felt the Prince press a kiss to his lips. “You’re an idiot, you know that, right?” 
“I beg your pardon?” He tried to play it off, but Noctis’ words had a profound effect on his body. “What do you mean?” 
“We know what you’re doing.” Noctis said, as he pressed another kiss to his lips, Gladio moaning low as this kiss lasted a bit longer than the last. “You know that we love you.” 
Something warm pressed against his back as two arms snaked their way around his stomach. “Noct is right, Gladdy. We love you a lot, and we’re sorry if things have been a little...off.” 
He exhaled, not realizing he’d been holding his breath as he found himself sandwiched between the two younger men. “Was it that obvious?” He could feel the tension slowly leaving his body as he pushed back against the warmth of Prompto’s chest, keeping Noctis close to his own body. “Because I’ve been trying to figure out why things have been weird, and I couldn’t figure it out. I don’t want you guys to be upset with me.” 
“We’re not.” The Prince touched his face, drawing his attention to his royal blue eyes. “We’re just as nervous about this as you are. You were gone a long time, Gladio.” 
“Not that long.” 
“Long enough that I can’t remember what your cock looks like.” Prompto said, which caused his cheeks to heat up while Noctis snorted. “What? It’s the truth!” 
“You could have said anything else, chocobo.” He teased, as he put his hand on top of Prompto’s arm. “Fine. Can we skip dinner, and just go back into your bedroom?” 
“I think that’s a good idea.” Noctis replied, as the two men moved away from him. “Prom?” 
“Sounds great to me!” 
Gladio felt the two of them take his hands and lead him back to their shared bedroom in the suite. Any fear that had been lingering in his mind as he tried to figure out how to reconnect with these two disappeared as soon as the three of them fell onto the bed together as one. He felt Noctis’ lips touch his with a starved kiss, his mouth opening willingly for his Prince as the warm wet muscle of Noctis’ tongue was pushed against his own. He felt Prompto’s lips touch the back of his neck, his teeth dragging along the nape, drawing a deep moan out of Gladio as he struggled to figure out where to put his own hands first. He found purchase on Noctis’ hip, pulling him flush against his body as their kiss continued to deepen, then grabbed Prompto’s hand and put it on his own cock as he wanted the blond to touch the both of them at the same time. All three men released different pitched moans as they got caught up in the moment, Gladio breaking off the kiss with Noctis to find Prompto’s mouth and devoured it with his own needy kiss. 
A pair of hands touched his shirt, and soon he was struggling to get Prompto’s shirt off of his body, then was quick to give the same attention to Noctis. The three wound up taking off their own pants, Noctis pulling a bottle of lube from the Armiger, the satisfied smirk on his lips making Glaido roll his eyes but a deep laugh left his chest. “When did you start keeping that in there?” He asked, as he watched Prompto kiss his new scar, slowly making his way down to his cock. Gladio moaned low the moment that Prompto’s lips touched the tip of his cock, his hand going to his soft hair, curling his fingers into the blond locks as he nudged more of his cock into Prompto’s mouth. “Gods, your mouth is so good, chocobo…” 
“Turn on your side.” Noctis requested, Gladio’s stomach falling as he gave a nod of his head. He knew what this meant, and if that’s how Noctis wanted this to start, then he wasn’t going to argue. “And I’ve been keeping it there for awhile now.” Warm breath touched his ear, as Noctis settled behind him, two wet fingers now beginning to stroke his entrance with teasing touches. “Relax, big guy…” 
Closing his eyes, he moaned lower as one of Noctis’ fingers slipped into his tight channel. “E-Easy for you to say, Princess…” Another low moan left his throat as he felt Prompto push his mouth all the way down to the base of his cock. His fingers tightened their grip on his hair, the keening whine that the blond made let him know that he was okay with his hard grip. A second finger slipped into his body, Gladio’s eyes rolling back as Noctis took his time to get him to slowly spread open for him. 
“We’ve missed you so much, Gladio.” The words were spoken into his ear, a soft whimper leaving his own throat as he was overcome with emotion. Noctis’ fingers were no longer inside of his body, and instead the tip of his cock was now pushing up against Gladio’s loosened entrance. “Haven’t we, Prom?” 
Violet eyes stared up at him, Gladio losing all sense of himself as he stared into his lover’s eyes, Prompto’s lips wrapped firmly around his girthy cock. The small nod of his head was enough of a reply that he needed, as he dropped his head back against Noctis’ shoulder. “Y-You two…” A soft moan left his throat as he felt Noctis push into his body, heat traveling from head to toe as he relaxed into his thrust. “Gods, you both…” 
“We shouldn’t have waited this long.” Noctis spoke softly, his lips brushing over the shell of his ear. Gladio shuddered hard as he felt Noctis’ breath touch the side of his face as more of his cock sank into his body. “That was an error on our part.” 
The pressure around his cock disappeared as Prompto lifted his head, now moving to turn around so that his ass was now right up against Gladio’s cock. Gladio moaned low as he pushed the tip right up against his wet entrance, pleased to see that Prompto had gotten himself ready at some point. “We didn’t know if you wanted us to come to your room, or just wait until we all camped together. But this - this was a really good idea, big guy.” 
“I’m glad you think so, chocobo…” His body was teetering on the pleasure that was slowly coursing through his body. Noctis’ cock slid in and out of him, the pace agonizingly slow but damn did it feel good. “You ready for my cock, baby…?” He pulled Prompto to be flush against his chest, as he nudged more of his cock into the blond’s body. “Noct - give me a sec.” 
Noctis listened to his request, his cock staying perfectly still inside of his body. Gladio took a few minutes to tease Prompto, and then began to slip his cock into his body. Gods, did it feel good to be connected to these two again like this. This is what he’d been missing while apart from them. This familiarity - this dance that they had been sharing together for so many weeks on the road, and then having to starve himself of it - that had proven to be a mistake. Because now - now everything felt right, and everything was back to normal. The way that Noctis pushed into him had him following his lead, his own cock sinking deeper into Prompto, the Prince controlling the two of them like they were meant specifically for him. And they were. Gods, they really were. 
“G-Gladio…” Prompto’s voice called to him, as he felt his hand grab onto his. Gladio knew what he needed, and was quick to follow the path that Prompto’s hand was leading him towards. The palm of his hand connected to the blond’s cock, and was quick to make a fist around it, as he pushed his hips back to grind his own ass against Noctis’ cock. “N-Nooooct…” 
“We come….together….” Noctis moaned low, the snaps of his hips turning into a frenzied one, Gladio matching his movements without pause. He pumped his hand up and down on Prompto’s cock, moving at the same speed that Noctis was setting as his cock slipped in and out of the blond’s body. “Prom….G-Gladio…” 
“Chocobo….Y-Your Highness…” He moaned low, turning his head to kiss Noctis as he began to spill his seed deep inside Prompto’s body, his own cock caught in the vice of Prompto’s inner walls clinging tight around him. He felt Noctis moan into his mouth, and then a warm heat began to spread through the lower half of his body as he felt the Prince come deep inside of him. It was soul-satisfying. 
They all laid together in a heap for a few moments before Gladio carefully pulled his cock out of Prompto, and then released a grunt of his own when Noctis pulled out of him. Rather than shy away from either of them, he kissed both on the lips, and then positions were switched with the Prince now in the middle, giving Gladio the opportunity to become connected to him again. 
Sex was on the menu for the next couple of hours, until hunger forced them to take a break, even though none of them really wanted to. After enjoying room service, they went right back at it, not stopping until they all reached the point of exhaustion. Prompto fell asleep first, snuggled up against Noctis, who was now resting comfortably in his own arms, Gladio happy to have him there. 
“You’re not going to leave us again, right?” Moonlight shone into their room, Noctis’ royal blue eyes looking like they were glowing as he stared up at him. “Promise me, Gladio.” 
“I’m not going anywhere, Noctis. Not without you.” He stared right back at him, knowing that the Prince needed to hear those words. “My place is by your side.” 
“Good. I don’t want you anywhere else.” 
“You have nothing to worry about, Your Highness.” 
That brought a smile to the Prince’s face, which made him chuckle softly. “Is Specs coming back in the morning?” 
“He is.” 
“Can we have more sex when he shows up?” 
“You honestly think I’m going to say no to that?” He asked, his lips curling up into a smile. “We’d better get some rest if that’s what you want.” 
A soft kiss to his lips made him groan softly. “It is. Love you, Gladio.” 
“I love you too, Princess.” He whispered against Noctis’ lips, kissing him again before getting settled in for the night. 
In the morning, Ignis returned with breakfast for the four of them, but rather than eat, he took off his clothes and joined them in bed together where Noctis got his wish. Gladio finally felt like this were right again - this reconnection was all he really needed to remind himself that these three men were his, and no one else’s. They all were in this together, for better or for worse. 
Cross-posted to AO3
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reddeaddamnation · 5 years
Imagine them finding out you’re a demigod [Chocobros + more]
Warnings: Mary-Sueish [Y/N]?, the post consists of short one-shots, spoilers, some are more angsty and others are on the funny side
Noctis Lucis Caelum
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He couldn’t believe it...even if he saw it with his own eyes. [Y/N], the daughter of Ifrit going against her own father in combat. They spoke in a language Noctis could hardly understand, as flames danced around them, engulfing the palace’s courtyard and turning it into an inferno of fire. Balls of flame flew all around and Noctis could hardly keep up with dodging them. [Y/N] interfered into the battle just in time and told them to back away and let her handle it. “You can’t do it alone!” the king yelled, worriedly, clueless about her true power and origin until she just smirked and lunged at Ifrit, flame covering her entire body and crashed into his chest roughly, knocking him back. “Fight fire with fire, as they say.” Prompto stated jokingly and for the first time Noctis wondered how he can joke in a time like this.
The fight went on and Noctis couldn’t look away or move even if he was out in the open. Words he briefly understood filled his mind. “You were a mistake!” Ifrit’s voice boomed, shaking the ground with anger “You are not my child!” Noctis felt someone tug at his hand and pull him away from a fireball, which flew straight towards him. “Get away!” [Y/N] screamed in human tongue, before intense white fires started radiating from her body, forming a large, pulsating ball around her. That was the last thing Noctis saw before the four broke into a run, and shortly after, the ball exploded, setting fire to everything around it.
“Get underground!“ Ignis yelled “Quick!“ This was a fight against time. If they didn’t outrun the flames, which chased them, they were done for. Noctis felt the burning heat against his exposed skin, which grew hotter and hotter as the inferno closed in. Luckily, the subway station was nearby and the four didn’t think twice. They lunged themselves down the stairs, rolling down them, until they hit the cold ground. The king laid there, basking in the coolness of the concrete, panting heavily and wondering how he managed to survive. He could still faintly hear fireballs bashing against something and loud voiced, though his ears were screaming, his vision was blurry. 
Some time later, the sounds finally stopped and the first to speak was Gladio “Come on, let’s go see what happened.” Slowly, Noctis stood up and the four slowly submerged from the underground. Everything was back to normal (or at least relatively normal, due to the current situation) and the fires were completely out. As they cautiously walked back to the courtyard, the first thing they saw was [Y/N]’s smaller figure on her knees next to Ifrit’s body, which was laying on the ground, unconscious. Her quiet sobs could be heard as she raised a burning red metal sword and with a scream, plunged it in his chest.
Noctis was speechless. He couldn’t imagine what she would be feeling in such a moment...going against your own father must be hard to overcome. [Y/N] stood there, sobbing quietly until she noticed their presence. She looked at them and smiled through tears, before standing up and wiping her eyes with her sleeve. “Hey guys.” she murmured “I hope I didn’t hurt you.” In that moment, Noctis desired nothing more than to comfort her, to show her that everything was going to be okay... That he was thankful for her bravery and for what she did to help them.
In several large steps, he walked up to her and pulled her into an embrace and did what he never had the bravery to do ever since he met her. He kissed her lips passionately, intensely, mind blank. [Y/N] was shocked for a moment, but a moment later brought her hands up to wrap around his neck and kissed him back. “I won’t let you die, Noct.” she murmured between kisses “We will find another way. We will bring the light back to the world.”
Prompto Argentum
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When the commotion in Altissia happened and all Prompto was busy with was trying to save his life, while fighting imperial soldiers, protect any civilian that got lost and have his friends’ backs all the while avoiding being drowned AND to help Noct fight Leviathan, he didn’t expect to be knocked down by the falling body of someone, who drenched him in water and didn’t even apologize for it when they got off of him! Prom knew that in such a moment being knocked over and drenched was the least of his problems, but he was ready to confront the person when he opened his eyes and sat up... until he saw the face of... “An angel!” he exclaimed quietly, staring up at the girl with a goofy smile and dreamy eyes.
She barely even noticed him, as she was too busy staring down Leviathan with the angry expression of a rebellious child. The goddess was angrily speaking to her in an unknown language, but the girl obviously understood every word. “No! I’m not going back!” she yelled in a childish manner “And you can’t make me!” Prompto completely forgot about the angry serpent, which was now looming over him, as he was too busy staring at the fiery girl. “But mother...!” she whined. Mother? No way, she was the daughter of Leviathan?! But she looked so... human. “I want to see the world of humans! I’m a part of it, even if you don’t want to admit it!” The serpent spoke something in a more calm manner, or at least that was what Prom thought. “Ugh, yes!” The girl groaned “I promise not to get killed and I promise to come back before you wake up and decide to kill me yourself for being late.”
The serpent spoke again one last time, before averting her attention back to the matter at hand. In the meantime, Prompto stood up and shot a smile “Woah.” he started “I bet only you can talk down the Leviathan and get away with it.” She turned around, now calmer and smiled in a way that made Prom’s knees weak. “Oh, that was just my mother.” she stated, as if it was just a normal fact “She gets soo overprotective. Anyway, I’m [Y/N]. Nice to meet you. And you are?” Prompto grinned again and stared at her like he never wants to look at another face again. “M-me? I-I’m... I-I-I’m beautiful...Wait! I mean, I’m Prompto... You’re beautiful.” he babbled, a blushing mess, which made her giggle and sent the poor boy’s heart flying. “Thanks. You’re so funny. And sweet.”
He knew he had some explaining to do to the boys. Explaining was even softly said when they saw him, struggling to answer all her questions and keeping her from tripping and falling over the ruins of the city. “Uh... Hey guys, this is...” Prom spoke with an awkward smile, but [Y/N] cut him off “[Y/N], daughter of Leviathan.” she answered with a smile. The three boys just stared with shocked expressions for a long moment, before yelling out in unison “What?!”
[Y/N] proved to be quite a curious and fun person, always asking questions about the world and ready to try out new things. When they left the island, she insisted on seeing the continent and made it clear that she doesn’t take no for an answer. She was also a very skilled fighter for someone who has never been in the world of mortals and proved it by drowning an entire iron giant in a tornado of water she gathered from the nearby lake. And day by day, Prompto fell deeper in love and couldn’t look away from her even for a minute.
“Ah, she’s perfect.“ he murmured, as he watched her feed a chocobo, petting it and laughing “I knew it was meant to be as soon as she knocked me over back in Altissia...“ he leaned his head on his hands, a dreamy smile on his lips. “Haha, I’ve never seen a creature this sweet before!“ she laughed, hugging the chocobo around the neck. “She even likes chocobos as much as me...“ They were currently at the Wiz chocobo resort taking a break after a long ride from Lestallum. The boys were sat at one of the tables while [Y/N] was playing around with the birds. “Hey, Prom!“ she exclaimed, looking at him with the smile he loves so much “Take a photo!“ He immediately jumped, reaching for his camera, ready to do everything she asks.
Ever since they met, she had always been closer to Prompto. When she needed something, she always asked him and when she had questions, he was the first person she spoke to. Of course, she didn’t mind talking to the others, but Prom was the first thing she saw when she came to the mortal realm, so of course she would be attached to him more. When they were camping, she always put her sleeping bag close to his, shared all her findings with him (Prom will always cherish the gemstone she proudly gave him) and she even ‘commanded’ him to sit in the back seat of the Regalia so she could nap on him while they were on the road. “Got me thinking...” Gladio spoke, chuckling through a teasing smirk watching his friend scurry towards his crush “When you get married, what are your kids gonna be? Quarter gods?” 
Prom stopped in his tracks, blushed and let out a yelp sound, looking at Gladio angrily. He was about to answer, but his beloved master cut him off. “Prom!” she barked in a bossy tone. “Ah, coming!” he stuttered and started running towards her again. 
Ignis Scientia
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Ignis had never seen such piercingly cold beauty befitting only the Glacian. And the company thought his glare was scary... She wasn’t afraid to put anyone in their place no matter who... He will always remember how she conjured an icy spear and impaled five imperial soldiers at once without batting an eye. She also wasn’t afraid to destroy a hunter, who dared call them bad hunters, by saying countless of hurtful words, which quite literally left him crying.
But of course, everyone has a weakness. And that of the daughter of the Glacian was indeed Ignis Scentia. When they were together, her icy shell was melted and the real person behind it was shown. The smiling, intelligent, warm girl, who openly talked about her feelings and showed her affection for her lover. 
“Lestallum is beautiful at night.“ she stated, staring at the night sky over the fence of the balcony in their hotel. Ignis came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist “Indeed.“ he agreed “But not as beautiful as you.“ His cheeky remark made her giggle and turn around to peck his lips “You’re so gallant, my love.“ 
The day they met, Ignis never thought this woman would have such an impact on him. Gentiana led her to them and said that [Y/N] can help them along the way and even play an important role in the salvation of the world. That was a time when neither they nor [Y/N[ knew who Gentiana was and who’s child the demigodess is. She didn’t even know who she was back then! 
But when they found out, it was already too late. The train ride to Tenebrae was the worst memory Ignis will ever have. In hope of protecting him and Gladio, she went face to face with the villain himself - Ardyn Izunia. And even though Ignis had lost his vision, it was as if the sight of Ardyn’s blade stabbing through her chest vividly flashed before his ill eyes. And it would stay there forever.
Instead of collapsing on the ground, the girl hugged her knees, levitating off the ground, as a prism of crystal ice isolated her in a shell no blade could pierce. Then, in a flurry of snowflakes, the crystal let out a popping sound and Gladio exclaimed that she had disappeared. In that moment, Ignis thought this was the end... he would never hear her voice again. But her beauty, her smile will always be burned into his mind. And he was happy she was the last thing he saw before he went blind...
Ten long years passed since then and Ignis was never the same man. He hoped that [Y/N] wasn’t dead... that she was just healing and gaining strength. But slowly he felt himself lose hope as time went by and the days became shorter. He contemplated looking for her, but where would he even start, especially in such dangerous times when daemons fearlessly prowled behind every corner, on every road, in every field... 
Then, as if a miracle had happened, ten years later, he heard the all too familiar voice call him softly. “Ignis...?” Hammerhead was quiet. Everyone was asleep. Gladio and Prompto hadn’t returned from their mission yet and Ignis was alone. After spending some time cooking himself a meal, he decided to head for bed himself. He didn’t know how long he was asleep for, but some time later a soft hand caressing his cheek awoke him.
Immediately, he bolted up and frantically started looking around, as if his vision would return to aid him against the unknown intruder. But when he heard her voice, for the first time this rational, logical man wondered if he was dreaming, if her voice was real and not just an illusion of his mind or worse - a daemon. “[Y-Y/N]?” he hesitantly asked. “I’m back, love. I’m sorry for keeping you waiting for so long.” She spoke and the man found himself wielding a new hope. He hesitantly reached to touch her face in the dark and felt her lean against it. “I thought you were dead.” he stuttered, tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
“In that moment the Glacian saved me. She kept me safe until I was strong enough to leave again.“ The girl explained “I’m sorry I left you back in the train. If it makes you feel better, I never stopped thinking about you.“ Ignis shook his head, swallowing up a sob, before speaking “No...no. Don’t apologize. The important thing is that you are alive. What I have been hoping for...I was so afraid...“ Her lips cut him off with a soft kiss and there was no doubt. This was [Y/N].
Without thinking, Ignis pulled away from the kiss and blurted out a question that shocked her. “Will you marry me, [Y/N]?” A long silence stepped in, during which Ignis’ heart was pounding in his chest. He thought she was going to reject him, but she was just so shocked by the proposal, mouth agape and wide eyes with a deep blush covering her cheeks. “Ignis...I...” she scoffed disbelievingly, before throwing her arms around his neck “Yes, yes I will!”
Perhaps the current situation wasn’t the best time for a wedding, but they were going to make the best of it. When Noctis appeared, Ignis promised her that they will bring light back into the world together. And he felt stronger than ever. 
“You know... When Gentiana...uh...Shiva...my mother...“ [Y/N] cleared her throat “When she told me about you lot, I was a bit skeptical. But now I’m sure I made the right decision.“ she kissed her husband’s cheek with a grin “Because we saved the world...And I met the love of my life along the way.” 
Gladiolus Amicitia
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Never in his life had Gladio been so smitten by someone before. The only thing he could say when he saw the one and only daughter of Bahamut single-handedly slash a red giant in half with a greatsword, all the while making smug, cocky remarks was “Where have you been all my life?” This powerful woman who can one punch any man who doubted her all the way to oblivion, chug an entire beer in one go the way he never even dreamed of, beat him up in hand-to-hand combat like he was the scrawniest child, beat him in arm wrestling as well and have him struggle to not lose, while she stared him down with a smirk without breaking a sweat and speak her mind, not caring about anyone’s opinion had this grown-ass man putty whenever she was around. This godly woman who liked to smugly call herself ‘the baddest bitch in Eos’ had Gladio follow her around, ready to do her bidding like a small puppy. And the way she wielded that sword...
“Rise and shine everyone!“ she yelled one morning, turning on the lights in the hotel room they were staying at in Lestallum “We gotta train for that bounty hunt later.“ A variety of groans could be heard, as the boys stirred in their bed, trying to get the light out of their face. What time was it? And the guys thought Gladio’s schedule was bad... “You handle this one, Gladio.“ Noctis murmured, burying his face in his pillow. “Can I at least get five minutes?“ Gladio rasped, voice still hoarse from sleep. “Alright, but if you’re not done in five minutes, I’ll be back to beat your ass.“ she warned, before giving him a quick peck on the lips and exited the room. 
The boys would tease him at first about his crush on the scary demigodess but of course, they knew better than to make it obvious in front of her. Nobody teases her and gets away with it. But Gladio paid them no mind. At the end of the day, they would all start complaining about how the training sessions with her are so hard. Especially Prom and Noct, who could barely stand on their feet after she was done with them.
Gladio lazily got out of bed and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. After spending his gifted five minutes in preparing himself, he exited the room and made his way downstairs to the foyer of the hotel, where she was waiting. “What’s the plan?” he asked, catching her attention. “How about a little bet?” she grinned devilishly “If I beat you this time, you will go on a date with me.” Her initiative stunned Gladio, but his confidence was quick to come back and soon a smirk of his own stretched across his lips “Babe, I’d more than gladly go on a date with you even without all this.”
[Y/N]’s grin widened even more and she slowly walked over to him, swaying her hips along the way “That so?” she tilted her head on the side “So you’re admitting your crush on me Iggy was talking about?” Damn Ignis... Gladio thought Couldn’t keep his mouth shut... “Well...” he stuttered slightly, looking away “I’m not gonna lie, you know.” he scoffed, glancing briefly in her eyes. “Because I like you too, Gladio.” she confessed “I think we’d be great for each other.” 
In that moment, Gladio praised, thanked and practically worshiped Bahamut for blessing him with a woman such as [Y/N]. Because indeed, she was a blessing. All those thoughts ran through his head, but he was too smitten and surprised to say anything out loud. “Well?” she urged “Say something already!” Gladio grinned, eyes sparkling with mischief as he dipped down to plant a kiss on her lips, leaving her shocked and oh, is that a blush he sees? “How’s that instead of words?” he asked, crossing his arms over his chest proudly. “You...caught me off guard is all.” she rolled her eyes in return.
“Listen, how about we grab something to drink after the training? Maybe sit at that restaurant you like so much? My treat.“ He offered. “You know, Gladio, that sounds like a plan.“ 
Ravus Nox Fleuret
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“Don’t strain yourself...“ Ravus murmured softly, yet worry coated his tone when his lover was overcome by yet another fit of intense, heartbreaking coughs. She was abnormally pale and could hardly stand up from the bed she was laying on. Just several days ago she could barely stay conscious and now at least she spent less time asleep and had enough strength to speak. Ravus took this as a sign that she was getting better. 
When Ravus found her, laying unconscious on the ground among the rubble that was once an Imperial fort, surrounded by Noctis and company Ravus felt an immense fit of rage taking over him, along with worry if she was alright and his heart was slowly breaking the more he watched her in this condition. “What have you done?!” he yelled, storming up to Noctis “You know she isn’t supposed to use her powers!”
“I didn’t do anything! I told her not to do it, but we almost got killed and she saw this as the only way to get out of the situation!“ Noctis defended, anger overcoming him as well, along with the worry whether his friend was alright. “You exploit her kind heart and because of that she nearly lost her life multiple times because of you!“ Ravus knew what happened. The large black cloud, angrily throwing lightning bolts all around it could be seen from hundreds of miles away. And he knew... The daughter of the storm god Ramuh unleashed her powers like never before and destroyed the imperial fort and everything around it.
“I refuse to pick up the pieces after every time you mess something up and risk [Y/N]’s life because of it! I will not let this happen again.“ Ravus concluded, gathering the unconscious girl in his arms and turning his back on Noctis. Everything around them was turned into a wasteland after the raging storm. In the blink of an eye, Ravus was gone, along with [Y/N].
“My dear, what in Eos made you attempt such a stunt?“ he asked her, voice filled with pain. “It was...the will of...Ramuh...“ she rasped quietly. Of course, the cruelty of the gods wasn’t exclusive even for their children... Why Ramuh would make his daughter protect a stranger to her with her own life was beyond him. Wasn’t a father supposed to be a protector? A guardian? God or not. Ravus bit his lip and gently held her hand.
“What if I lost you?“ he whispered, as if the very thought of saying it out loud would make it happen. “Ravus...“ she smiled weakly “I love you.“ Ravus choked out a sob and hunched over in pain, covering his eyes with his hand. He swore to protect her, the one he loved with every fiber of his being and here she was, bedridden with barely enough strength to speak. He felt weak, like he failed... “And... you will never lose me...“ her last words came faintly, because her eyes started closing and soon she drifted off to sleep again.
Ravus never left her side for a minute. He wanted to hold her, but was afraid she might break. So he had to settle with a gentle peck on the lips, as he caressed her cheek and combed his hand through her hair “Rest now, treasure.” he whispered “You have done enough.”
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret
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Titan knew his time was coming and Lunafreya sensed it too. “You must protect her, mortal.” his voice boomed in her ears and for a short time, she was confused as to what he was referring to. But then, the shock on her face was eminent when the earth god’s chest started glowing and the small figure of a woman emerged from inside it among the soft glow of white light. Luna’s eyes followed the figure as it glided through the air towards her. 
Luna caught the girl just before she hit the ground and the light around her disappeared. She was unconscious. The blonde’s head snapped up at Titan, expecting answers and they weren’t late. “My daughter.” Titan spoke again “Perhaps even my successor.” Lunafreya looked at the girl again, the shock still visible on her face. But this was the will of the earth god and she wanted to fulfill it.
By the time the unknown girl opened her eyes, they were already far from the meteor. Luna decided there was no point in traveling until she had awoken. ”Where am I?” she asked, sitting up from her laying position. Her eyes traveled to the blonde woman sitting next to her and she was quite surprised and bewitched by her beauty. The sun behind her formed a halo around her and made her locks shine like pure gold. Her blue eyes sparkled like the sun’s rays reflecting on water.
“You are safe. In Eos.“ her voice was like silk, soft and reassuring “What is your name?“ The demigoddess took a moment to answer, as she was still sulking in her beauty “It’s...[Y/N].“ Luna smiled kindly “It’s nice to meet you. My name is Lunafreya.“ she introduced herself and [Y/N] found herself grinning goofily up at her “Lunafreya...“ she repeated, liking how the name sounded.
“Do you know where you come from?“ Luna asked, to which [Y/N] shook her head. “All I know is my father Titan. He wanted to protect me from the world and that’s everything I’ve ever known.“ Lunafreya reached to touch her hand gently. Her touch sent a pleasant shiver up [Y/N]’s spine. “It’s alright. I will help and protect you now.“ And she will. She promised it to Titan and now to this beautiful girl which had so much to learn from the world.
“And what about Titan?“ [Y/N] asked. Luna bit her lip, wondering what to say. It would be a rather dangerous shock to tell her the truth so soon and she was afraid that the girl would blindly want to go back to the meteor, oblivious to the dangers there. “He entrusted you to me. I am the Oracle.“ was the answer that came from Luna.
[Y/N] beamed “Oracle? Will you tell me all about it? And where will we go from here?” her questions made the blonde giggle softly. “You will see. A whole entire world is waiting for you.”
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Book One: Gold (Prompto x Reader) Chapter VIII
Prompto placed one of his hands on the back of her neck, holding her in place as he basked in the softness of her lips. When she didn't push him away, he deepened the kiss. However, he snapped out of his blissful revere a few seconds later and immediately pulled away. He stumbled backwards, realizing he'd push himself on to her. "I-I-I..." Prompto tripped over his own feet and landed on his butt. He sat up, running his hands frantically through his blonde locks. "Six, why did I do that?! I-I'm so sorry, (Y/n)!"
The girl stood up and approached him. She squatted down in front of him, smiling. "Calm down. There's no need to apologize, Prom." She took his hands out of his hair and held them gently with hers. "I do want to know... What did that kiss mean?"
"W-Well..." Prompto casted his gaze to the ground, unable to look her in the eye. He took a few deep breaths, trying to calm himself down so he could say those three important words. He grasped her hands, exhaling with a shaky sigh. "For a long time, I've...I've really liked you. More than a friend. You've been there for me through thick and thin. You never gave up on me and you're still by side even now. I mean, I have Noct and the others, but they aren't you. I know I haven't been the easiest person to live with all these years, but I-I'm glad you've decided to stick around. I haven't had the easiest life, but you made every moment worth while. You're irreplaceable to me. I...I love you, (Y/n)."
(Y/n) clung to every word, taking each one to heart. She remembered every memory she's made with Prompto, cherishing them all. She may have been bound to him because of her status as his guardian, but those memories were made because she cares deeply about him and was infatuated with him. Even if she wasn't his guardian, she would still dedicate herself to him because of how much she cares for him. He too was irreplaceable.
The girl smiled warmly at Prompto. "You've made my life worth while, as well. I cherish every second we've been together and wouldn't trade them for the world. For the longest time, I convinced myself that you were a human and someone who deserved better than me. But still, I found myself falling for you as the days passed. I'm so happy you feel the same way. I love you too, Prompto."
Tears of joy sprang from Prompto's eyes. He grabbed (Y/n)'s hands and tugged her towards him. She lost her balance and fell against him just as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders. He embraced her tightly, burying his face into the crook of her neck and thanking her for loving him over and over again. She placed her hands on his back, trailing her fingers up and down his spine.
(Y/n) pulled away just enough to move her hands from Prompto's back to his cheeks. Sitting on her knees between his legs, she cupped his cheeks in her palms and used her thumbs to wipe away his tears. Smiling, she leans forward and presses her forehead against his. Her golden eyes darted down to his lips for a split second before locking with his cerulean ones. She didn't hesitate to lean in closer and press her lips against his, kissing him sweetly.
It was a brief yet intoxicating kiss. (Y/n) pulled away a few seconds later after noticing the many questionable stares they were receiving from bystanders. She got to her feet, offering to help Prompto off the ground. When he placed his hands in hers, she pulled him to his feet with a smile. "As much as I would love to continue this, we have to meet up with the others. Ready to go?"
Prompto nodded, smiling. "Yeah."
The duo walked down the road a little ways away from the Cauthess Rest Area. (Y/n) transformed and Prompto climbed onto her back. He pulled out his phone and checked Ignis' directions, sharing them with the guardian. Knowing they had just ate, the fox gently trotted in the direction of Aracheole Stronghold. She refused to use the roads in order to prevent another ambush like yesterday. They ran into many packs of voretooths and sabertusks while traveling through nature, but they fled at the sight of the spirit.
Once arriving at Sothmocke Haven, Prompto sighed in relief when seeing the others were safe. He slid off (Y/n)'s back and ran towards his friends. The fox reverted back to her human form, joining the blonde.
"So, what'd we miss?" Prompto asked.
"Besides a talking daemon and other two runestones, nothing much," Noctis shrugged his shoulders. "What about you guys?" He glanced between his best friend and guardian.
"We kicked some imperial ass! Well, only some. There were way too many to handle by ourselves." Prompto slung an arm over the girl's shoulders and pulled her into his side. "(Y/n)'s the reason why we were able to escape without so much as a scratch."
"What took you both so long to get here, then?" Gladio inquired.
"We were hiding from the empire and Prompto's phone was water-logged from the storm," (Y/n) answered. "We didn't see the messages until a couple hours ago."
"We are simply relieved you both are unscathed," Ignis said.
"The same goes for the rest of you. We were worried there for a little bit." The (h/c)-haired girl, once Prompto released her, turned around to face the stronghold. "So, what's the plan?"
"We were just about to discuss such matters."
Noctis, who was sitting in one of the chairs beside Gladio, looks up at his advisor. "So, any bright ideas, Ignis?"
"A dark one, as it were," Ignis stated. "A frontal assault would leave us exposed. But, if we move under cover of night, we might be able to infiltrate the base unnoticed."
"And until then?"
"We learn all we can about the base's design and narrow down the Regalia's location. I'll analyze what intelligence we have available to find us a way in."
Noctis nodded. "Sounds good, Specs."
"All right! We're gonna get our wheels back!" Prompto cheered as he sat down in the chair beside Noctis. "Guess we gotta wait for night fall now." He pulled out his phone and booted up the King's Knight app. While waiting for it to load, his eyes drifted upward. They locked on to (Y/n)'s back and watched her every moment as she offered to help Ignis.
Noctis caught the blonde staring at the girl with a joyous smile etched across his face. "Did...something happen between you two?"
When Prompto realized he was talking to him, he did his best to look everywhere but at (Y/n). "Why would you think that?"
"Besides the fact you're staring at her, no idea."
The sharpshooter lowered his phone, knowing he couldn't hide the truth from his best friend. "I...may have told her how I feel."
Gladio, who'd been eavesdropping, spoke up. "Guessing by the look on your face, it went well."
Prompto sighed dreamily. "It went better than well. It went perfect."
"Who knew you had it in you, string bean."
The younger boy rolled his eyes with a groan at the ridiculous nickname. He looked back down at his phone and saw the game finished loading. He focused his eyes on the screen, but his mind was reminiscing in the kisses he shared with (Y/n) only a couple hours ago. His cheeks were dusted with a light tinge of pink as he played King's Knight until it was time for them to infiltrate the stronghold.
The group left Sothmocke Haven and made their way towards one of cargo entrances located on the side of Aracheole Stronghold. They snuck through rows of storage containers until arriving just outside the cargo entrance. Two soldiers were patrolling the road and inspecting the outgoing cargo. While hiding behind two storage containers, Ignis instructed Noctis when to kill the soldiers. Warp-striking each one, he killed the enemies without alerting the stronghold.
With the way clear, they walk through the cargo entrance. They quickly duck behind stacks of boxes and storage containers when spotting the search lights located on the ramparts. They ducked their heads lower as a MA-X Maniple marched directly towards them with its headlight pointed directly at the cargo they were concealing themselves with. Holding their breaths, they patiently waited for the mech to pass by their hiding spot. It turned to their right, strolling away.
"It's gone," Noctis sighed, relieved it didn't spot them.
"Magitek armor," Ignis whispered.
"Don't wanna mess with one of those," Gladio commented.
"We shouldn't have to if we keep to the shadows." Ignis led the group through the rows of cargo in the direction the mech walked in. Three more soldiers sauntered by, which didn't go unnoticed by the group. Noctis times their movements before warp-striking and killing them one by one.
Now the way was clear. They made their way over to a gate located beside a deactivated MA-X Maniple. Noctis deactivated the barrier keeping them from going any further. While the boys continued forward and ran into another group of soldiers, (Y/n) climbed up a stack of storage containers and stalked the enemies' movements from above. She watched Noctis closely as he managed to take down four of the six soldiers patrolling the area.
The girl snuck across the top of the metal storage containers until she reached the second gate. She glanced over the top and spotted the Regalia not too far away. Her attention was redirected back to the prince when he alerted the last soldier by killing the other one. Before the adversary could raise his gun and shoot Noctis, she manifested a dagger made of pure flames and leapt down on top of the soldier. She jammed the fiery blade into his back, killing him instantly. The dagger vaporized as she stepped away from the soldier's corpse.
Noctis glanced behind him before looking back at her. "Where did you...?"
"Nice save," Gladio complimented, the raven-haired boy's question going unanswered.
"Aw, yeah! That's my girl!" Prompto chanted.
"Well done, (Y/n)," Ignis said.
"The Regalia is just through this gate," she said before turning to the panel and deactivating the translucent barrier. They walk into the next area and immediately spot the car they'd been searching for. However, they were spotted by a MA-X Maniple. As the mech rose to its feet and set its sight on the group, soldiers and magiteks encroached on their position. All the search lights were aimed at them, revealing them in the darkness.
(Y/n) transformed and leapt onto the mech while the boys dealt with the soldiers and MTs. She latched on to one of the missile cannons attached to its shoulders. She growled menacingly as her fangs sunk deeper into the machine's metal exterior. Shaking her head, she managed to tear the missile cannon from the MA-X Maniple and toss it aside. She jumped off its body, using her weight to knock it down to a single knee.
Prompto and Ignis dealt heavy damage to the mech after seeing it had collapsed. Noctis and Gladio kept their attention on the soldiers and MTs trying to surround them. Vaulting a safe distance away from the battle, the fox spirit concentrated her energy into her tails and paws. They ignited with bright flames and she rejoined the fray. She charged through a horde of soldiers and MTs, using her blazing paws and tails to swipe and them left and right.
Noctis saw the others were handling the enemies and decided to take it upon himself to warp up to the watchtower. Using the turret located at the top, he targeted the energy tanks. Explosions shook the ground as the tanks blew up one by one, taking enemies with them. When all the tanks, the MA-X Maniple, soldiers, and magiteks were annihilated, Noctis returned to his friends. Discussing their next target, they headed towards the magitek generator located in the rear of the stronghold.
The sun was beginning to rise. (Y/n), still in her spiritual form, split off from the boys to deal with the overwhelming amount of enemies swarming from all directions. She dealt with them while the others headed straight for the generator. She fought against more soldiers, MTs, and MA Veles-Bises, keeping them at bay for a short time before destroying them. She went to rendezvous with the others when her attention was drawn to the magitek generator. It had been destroyed and weakened the entire garrison.
Running as fast as she could, (Y/n) searched for the boys just as Noctis summoned the mighty Fulgurian, Ramuh. She stopped in her tracks, her slitted eyes traveling up to the sky when seeing the Astral appear. She watched in silence and awe as the god used his power to annihilate the remaining enemies in Aracheole Stronghold. Before Ramuh vanished, she could've sworn he glanced at her.
When the god was gone, (Y/n)'s ears perked up when she sensed a strange presence in the distance. Her golden eyes scanned her surroundings when the presence was slowly moving toward the direction of the Regalia. Instead of pursing the person, she used her connection to the gemstone on Prompto's bracelet to find the boys' current location. What caused her fur to stand on end was both their presence and the stranger's were closing in on each other. She couldn't understand why she could sense the stranger's aura without needing a connection. Pushing the thought aside, she made her way back to the Regalia.
The moment the guardian caught a glimpse of the car in the distance, she saw Noctis, Prompto, Gladio, and Ignis were being approached by a man with a sword drawn she'd never seen before. With her sensitive hearing, she listened in on their conversation while keeping her distance.
"Long has it been, Noctis," Ravus, the man who she detected earlier, hissed.
"Ravus," Noctis growled.
"You receive the Storm's blessing. And yet, you know nothing of the consequences." Ravus raises his sword and points the sharp tip at Noctis's throat.
Gladio was enraged at the sight. "Watch it." He moves to get between them, causing Ravus to reposition the blade with its edge now along Gladio's throat.
Ignis starts to move toward Ravus, but the other man raises his left hand. "Be still. All of you," the man warned.
"Not good..." Prompto muttered.
"Heir to a crown befitting no other. Witness his splendor and glory. All hail the Chosen King."
Noctis, although being threatened by Ravus, stood his ground and snapped back. "Awful high and mighty for an imperial rat, serving the enemy to hunt down Luna!"
Ravus suddenly grabs Noctis' throat with his left hand. "I do not serve. I command!" He shoves the boy backward and Gladio gets between them. The high commander glared at the brute. "The king's sworn shield."
"You better believe it," Gladio snarled.
"A weak shield protects naught." Ravus slowly raises his sword above his head, then brings it down fiercely. Gladio briefly blocks it with his own sword before Ravus parries the weapon away and slams the pommel of his sword into the shield's chest, sending him flying into the side of the Regalia. Prompto runs to check on Gladio while Noctis gets between them and Ravus.
"Wanna go? Let's do it," Noctis remarked in a low, threatening tone. He summons the royal arms and they begin spinning around him.
"Should the Chosen fail, that too is fate." Ravus raises his sword again and went to strike the prince. Before he could bring it down, his blade was deflected by another. He stumbled backwards and casted his glare towards the person who parried his attack, ready to swing his sword a second time.
(Y/n)'s slitted eyes narrowed at Ravus' movements. Raising the cosmic blade gifted to her by Brahma, she ducked under his sword and slammed the pommel into his gut. The high commander collapsed to a single knee. The oxygen was knocked from his lungs and his grip on his sword slipped, resulting in him to drop it. It clattered against the ground. She kicked it out of his reach, pointing the tip of her sword at his throat. She stared down into his heterochromia eyes with a stoic expression. "How does it feel to taste your own medicine?"
Ravus went to snap back, but his eyes fell on the blade she wielded. His eyes narrowed, gritting his teeth. "The Creator's Blade..." He then took note of the gemstone embedded in her upper right arm and her slitted eyes. "You are-!"
"I'd say that's far enough," a voice spoke up. Everyone turned their attention to the owner of the voice and saw Ardyn sauntering towards them. Beside him was Callyx. The auburn-haired man smiled at Noctis. "A hand, Highness?"
"Not from you," Noctis scoffed.
"Oh, but I'm here to help," he innocently replied.
Ignis was suspicious of the chancellor's and Callyx's sudden appearance. "And how is that?"
"By taking the army away."
Gladio glowered at him. "You expect us to believe that?"
"When next we meet, it'll be across the sea. Just so happens we have business of our own with the tutelary deity. Don't we?" Ardyn then took a few steps toward (Y/n), who was still pointing her blade at Ravus' throat. He took off his hat and bowed. "Please do forgive my acquaintance, my dear. He has quite the temper."
The guardian stepped away from Ravus, withdrawing her blade. She noticed Ardyn and Callyx were staring at the cosmic weapon. The chancellor's face remained stoic while the emerald-eyed spirit gaped in shock. He went to step forward, but Ardyn stopped him.
"Ardyn, but she's..." Callyx began.
"We are leaving," the chancellor interrupted the guardian. He then helped Ravus up and said his goodbyes. "Fare thee well, Your Majesty, and safe travels." Ravus, Callyx, and Ardyn walk away.
"You guys know that guy?" Prompto asked.
"Ravus Nox Fleuret, first son of Tenebrae...and elder brother to Lady Lunafreya," Ignis explained.
(Y/n) dispelled the sword with a heavy sigh. "What a weird trio..."
"I'll say," Noctis said.
"They were really into your sword, (Y/n)," Prompto commented. "Where did you get it?"
"That's...a story for another day," she forced a smile.
Gladio rubbed the spot where Ravus hit him with his sword. "I don't care where the damn thing came from. Nice moves back there, by the way."
"Consider it payback for what he did to you and Noctis." She combed a hand through her (h/c) locks. "Now then, let's get out of here."
"Yes, please!" Prompto chanted.
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bgn846 · 4 years
Regression FFXV Promptio Fic
Summary: Gladio gets hits with a status effect and becomes 17 again.  This would be somewhat bearable if it weren't for Prompto's terrible crush on the guy. 
Hands roughly shoved him, sending Prompto sailing off to the side.   Landing in the dirt he covered his head instinctively to avoid getting clocked by the monster they were fighting.  Gladio was already sprinting after it, yelling like a madman and swinging his great sword at the thing.  Of course, it had to be Gladio that had rescued him this time.   Getting up quickly he ran after his friend to try and help.
Stupid, big, loud, annoyingly handsome Gladio had saved him.  One of these days he was gonna repay the favor. Taking aim with his pistol, Prompto fired off a few shots.  The monster slowed somewhat allowing Ignis and Noct to attack next. This day needed to be over, he was tired and not looking forward to the teasing he’d get later for needing help. Maybe he had gotten distracted, Gladio’s fighting style was hard to ignore after all.  The guy was a wall of muscle and even sweaty he looked good.
Six, he needed to clear his head; this wasn’t the way to think during the heat of battle.  Running closer Prompto took another shot and hollered in glee when the monster fell over.  They were finally getting the upper hand, or so he thought. Sure, the big ugly monster thing had tipped sideways; the only issue now was the plume of yellow-colored gas coming out of its mouth.  
Ignis’ voice rang through air ordering them all to take cover.  He clearly didn’t like the look of the stuff either.  Noct came out of nowhere and tackled him, sending them both behind a rock.  Holding his breath and watching the air around them, Prompto waited for the yellowish tint to disappear.
“Is everyone alright?” Ignis asked from somewhere nearby.
“Good here!” Noct replied as he stood and hauled Prompto up with him.
Emerging from their makeshift hiding spot Prompto realized they’d not heard from Gladio yet. “What about the big guy?” he asked trying not to seem too concerned.  Noct knew about his crush but he didn’t really want to have that rubbed in his face at the moment.
“Shit, you’re right,” Noct supplied nervously as he ran towards Ignis. “Any sign of Gladio?” he checked with worry.
“No, the last I saw him he was over here.” Ignis offered as they ran around the monster.
The weird yellow stuff had literally been his last dying breath.   Prompto never wanted to see another one of those things again; it was aggressive and hard to kill. Ignis’ gasp of surprise when they’d reached the other side of the battleground made Prompto panic slightly.   Running up beside him to get a better view he was left dumbstruck.
A dude was standing there looking around like he was lost.  Once he spotted Ignis he huffed out a breath and ran over.  Prompto felt as though his chest might explode as he watched the guy.  He looked like Gladio in a way, but there were some major differences.  Height wise he’d shrunk and his clothes were baggy, plus his hair was short!  What had happened?
“Iggy, thank the six, what the hell is going on?” This, Gladio look-alike, asked with an air of frustration in a voice that wasn’t the normal deep baritone Prompto was accustomed to. He was scanning the rest of their little group and when he landed on Noct his eyes lit up.   “Shit, Noct’s here too.  Who’s the scrawny kid?” Gladio asked with a nod directed at him.    
Prompto chose to sulk as they picked their way back to the car.  It appeared Gladio had been affected by some weird-ass status effect.  He had been de-aged, to the wonderful age of seventeen.
How charming, in the most terrible way possible.  
Dealing with his feelings for twenty-four-year-old Gladio was hard enough, now he had the pubescent teen version to contend with.  One that kept questioning his skills since they’d never fought together before. This stupid status effect needed to be over, like yesterday.
“So you don’t remember anything that’s happened so far?” Noct asked for the third time as they drove along to the next outpost.
“Seriously, I just remember training like usual along with all the other stuff, like school and then boom there was that gross monster dead in front of me.”
“Huh, that’s strange.”
“Yeah, tell me about it, how do you think I feel?  All of this is new and I’m so confused.  I’m supposed to be twenty-four, right?”
“Yep,” Noct offered without batting an eyelash.  The prince was clearly not bothered by Gladio version 2.0 or was it version 1.0, this was so messed up!
“Damn, never thought you’d be able to look me in the eye princess, it’s weird.”  
Noct laughed and leaned back in his seat. “You’ll need to be careful though, you’ve not had the real-world experience your older self has gained.  Stick close and don’t do anything brash kay?”
“Me?” Gladio scoffed, “Never!”
The day was definitely terrible, it had to be cursed or something because not ten minutes later the stupid empire attacked them.  Two dropships full of those irritating tin cans fell from the sky.  With no other choice than to engage them, they all piled out of the car and prepared for battle.
Teenage Gladio was freaked, it was obvious, but the second one of those things went for Noct, the shield in training sprang into action.   His moves weren’t as polished, but he held his own for the most part.   That is until he got overwhelmed.  Training one on one was good and all but when four MT’s came stomping towards you that was a special kind of hell.
This time Prompto was ready, he didn’t need rescuing he was going to be the one helping.  However, he had to figure out how not to hit Gladio.  The guy wasn’t exactly staying in the clear, that kind of fighting style had been fine-tuned since they’d all left Insomnia.
Running faster to get closer Prompto almost had a heart attack when one of the MT’s took a swing at Gladio.  Thankfully, he ducked and fell to the ground.  Without thinking, Prompto rushed over and fired a shot point-blank into the enemy.  It sputtered and sparked falling in a heap nearby.  Hovering over Gladio’s body Prompto fired his gun at the remaining MT’s.  Each shot rang out loudly as he hit his targets with deadly accuracy.  Maybe Gladio wouldn’t be so unsure of his skills now!
Jumping up in celebration when the last MT fell, Prompto turned his attentions back to Gladio.  The not so big guy was staring up at him in awe.  Oops, perhaps he’d overstepped his place when he’d helped out.   Noct and Ignis hadn’t been that far away, they could have easily stepped in to lend a hand.
Slipping into silence he backed away and smiled sheepishly. “Sorry didn’t mean to freak you out there, figured you could use some backup.”
Gladio was pushing himself up off the pavement, that odd look still plastered on his face. “Nice shot, where’d you learn to shoot so well?”
“Crownsguard training, same as you went through.”
“Nah, I don’t remember anyone being that accurate in the range. Seriously where’d you learn?” He asked walking closer with a raised eyebrow. “That was amazing!”
Taken aback by the compliment Prompto suddenly felt his face heat up.  Great, he was blushing in front of teenage Gladio.  Someone needed to shoot him to put him out of his misery.  Laughing nervously he waved him off, “its just practice I guess.”
“You’ve got skill that was impressive.  Thanks for saving my butt.” Gladio offered with a wink as he sauntered past and got back into the car.
“I’ll remind you Prompto that he is technically underage, don’t do something you’ll regret later,” Ignis added coolly as he walked past a moment later.
“You told him!” Prompto bellowed as he turned and ran after the person he thought was his friend.  Noct, the tricky bastard, warped away and got back to the car without having to answer for his crimes. Grumbling at the injustice of it all Prompto slumped in his seat and scowled at the scenery going by.  
Ignis had cited the concern of getting attacked again for the choice to stay in a hotel for the night.  He didn’t want to risk anything with Gladio, not at his peak performance level.  Praying that Ignis would book two rooms so he could hide in one, Prompto almost yelled when Ignis arrived with one room key once they’d checked in.  This day sucked so bad!
Taking a deep breath he followed his friends to the room.  He could do this; the status effect would only last a couple of days at most.  If they were lucky Gladio would wake up taller and less cocky tomorrow morning. Dinner went without incident; he supposed fighting all day had made them hungry.  You can’t talk much when you’re shoveling food in your mouth.
Once the dishes were cleaned and put in the drying rack of the small kitchen, Gladio began asking questions.  He wanted to know everything that had happened to them.  Why were the niffs around? What had happened to everyone?  That wasn’t a pleasant conversation to have at any time. Ignis took the reins on that one and carefully retold the events they’d all suffered through.
He only explained enough to give Gladio an understanding of why the enemy was out and attacking them.  They didn’t want Noct to marry Luna. Ignis left out the part about Insomnia falling and everyone’s fates.   Gladio didn’t ask for more specifics so Ignis didn’t technically lie, he merely omitted certain facts. There was no need to let Gladio relive that moment again that would have been cruel.
Teenage Gladio shook his head in disbelief at the enemy being brazen enough to attack in broad daylight but didn’t comment further.  Standing up he began pacing the room.  “So what’s next, where are we going?”
“We’ve been en route to meet up with Lady Lunafreya.” Ignis offered.
“Cool, so we’re just waiting here till this funky effect wears off?”
“We can’t risk you getting injured, that wouldn’t be fair as you’ve not trained with us all.”
Sighing Gladio nodded but didn’t look too happy about the idea. “I guess that makes sense, I just don’t like waitin’ around for stuff to happen.  We gotta get out there and show the niffs we mean business.”
“Yes, well, all in due time I’m afraid.  Enjoy the break while we have it, we’ll be on the move again soon.”
Humming in acknowledgment Gladio paused when he passed the mirror above the dresser. “So older me is pretty buff huh?”
Prompto quickly looked away when Gladio began flexing and had to bite his lips to stifle a moan when Gladio took off his jacket.  Dear six, his back was bare. No tattoo, no scars, nothing.  Just smooth skin and muscles.  Apparently even at seventeen Gladio still looked like a freaking supermodel.  Unable to look any longer Prompto bolted up from where he’d been sitting at the table and jogged to the door. “I’m gonna go grab a soda or something. Berightback!” he blurted before throwing himself out into the hallway.
Taking off like a flash Prompto ran all the way to the vending machines.  He had to clear his head, this wasn’t good.  Crushing on regular Gladio was bad enough, this was downright painful.  Ducking his head he sighed heavily and began digging for money in his pockets.
“Need some change sugar?” An unfamiliar voice announced, causing Prompto to whip his head up. Standing a few feet away was another hunter.  The guy looked drunk and had his hand extended holding up some gil. “Come on sweet thing you can take it, I won’t ask for much in return.”
Prompto backed away from the machine like it was on fire. This guy was super creepy and he wasn’t planning on sticking around much longer. “I’m good, thanks,” he managed.
“Don’t get all bent about it, I’m just offering you a good time.”
“I don’t think he wants any kinda time with you buddy.”
Turning around Prompto saw Gladio stalking over like he was on a mission.  Despite the situation, Prompto nearly had another heart attack.  Gladio was wearing a t-shirt now instead of his usual jacket.   The only thing was the shirt was one his.  There, dangerously stretched out over his still developing muscles was Prompto’s moogle t-shirt.
Prompto didn’t have time to react when Gladio stood in front of him and stared down the drunken hunter. He was prepared to fight this guy.
“I suggest you shove off buddy, he’s with me,” Gladio growled, not at all sounding as young as he was.
“What are you gonna do about it?  I saw him first.”
The thing Gladio ended up doing was breaking the guy’s nose.  One minute the dude was mouthing off, and the next he was stumbling backward holding his face. He’d gotten the message this time, and shuffled off swearing about how kids didn’t respect their elders these days.  There was nothing to respect, that guy was a douche.
“You okay?” Gladio asked once it was quiet again.
“Sure, just dandy!” he quipped shakily. “We should get back to the room.”
“Not without our soda!  We had to survive that asshole, we deserve a reward.”
“Fair enough,” Prompto mused as he took out his cash.
“So, uh, do you wanna do something later?” Gladio asked casually as he stepped closer.  
“We could play some kings knight if you want, that mi--.”
Gladio laughed and grinned, “No, I mean like hang out somewhere later, ya know when Iggy and Noct are asleep.”
“And do what?” Prompto squeaked as he was starting to grasp what Gladio really meant.
“I dunno, stuff, we can take it slow,” Gladio smirked with a devilish grin.  “I’m young but I still know how to have a good time.”
This wasn’t happening; Gladio wasn’t hitting on him and suggesting they go do ‘things’ to each other in the middle of the night.  That couldn’t be possible. However, everything seemed to indicate that was the younger man’s intentions.  Gladio was attempting to unleash his un-honed skills of seduction on him.  “I can’t!” Prompto yelped, “You’re only seventeen!”
“Aww come on, you know you want to, besides I’m really twenty-four.”
“I can’t, I just can’t. Ignis told me I couldn’t, earlier.  We can’t make Ignis angry. That would be very bad.” Prompto sputtered as he backed away and bumped into the vending machine.
Gladio pouted but there was a twinkle to his eyes.  He wasn’t upset about how this was going.  The jerk was having fun.  Thinking fast Prompto threw out the only idea he could think of that might save him. “Why don’t we wait until you’re older again, and then you can ask me out?  That way we won’t make Ignis angry and we’ll go have some fun, uh later.”
“So you’ll go out with me?” Gladio checked seriously.  “I just have to wait until I’m back to normal.”
Nodding so fast he gave himself a head rush Prompto agreed. “Yeah for sure, just ask me first and I’m all over that like cheese on pizza.”
Gladio barked out a laugh and reached out to punch Prompto in the arm.  “You got it sunshine, let’s buy these drinks and head back.  I’m gonna ask you out tomorrow and you better be ready.”
Smiling at the statement Prompto got the sodas and the rest of the evening was filled with gaming and talk.  Though he knew nothing would happen in the morning.  Gladio would go back to normal and forget any of this ever happened.  He would never ask him out and Prompto would go back to pining from a distance.
Ignis saved the night so to speak when he announced the sleeping arrangements.  Noct and Gladio would be sharing one bed and he and Ignis the other.  At least he didn’t have to worry about Gladio making a move in the middle of the night.
Sleep didn’t come easily once they’d all turned in.  Prompto kept thinking about what Gladio had said.  Maybe if they’d met under different circumstances things could have worked out.  Gladio was Noct’s shield and he had a duty to uphold.  He wasn’t about to go chasing after him.  That shit didn’t happen in real life.  Finally pushing the thought from his head Prompto fell into a fitful slumber.
Morning came eventually and Prompto had all but forgotten the previous night’s escapades until he opened his eyes.  Flinching in shock he almost fell off the bed.  There lying next to him was older Gladio, watching his every move.
“Easy there sunshine,” he hummed slowly.
“What –what are you doing? Where are the others?”
“They are out getting breakfast.  Ignis said you didn’t sleep well last night so I figured you could use a little extra shut-eye.”
“I can sleep fine without you watching me!”
“Sure, but maybe I wanted to be alone with you, didja ever think of that?”
Prompto couldn’t get a handle on what Gladio was thinking.  Was the man teasing him or being serious?  “Okay we’re alone, so now what?” he spit out helplessly.
“I was thinking we could do something later if you’re up for it.”
Letting out a breath, Prompto groaned. He didn’t want to train with Gladio later that was the worst idea ever.  Figures the big guy turns back to normal and his first thought is training. “I don’t wanna train with you later okay. I’m not re—ompffff.” Prompto’s brain short-circuited. Gladio was kissing him, morning breath and all. Gladio had his hand securely in place at the base of Prompto’s head, keeping him from moving away. When the need to breathe became greater than the desire to continue kissing, Prompto tapped out and Gladio released his hold.
“I never said anything about training,” he offered with a salacious grin. “I thought I was told to ask you out once the status effect had worn off?  Did I misunderstand that request?” Gladio’s teasing tone of voice and smirk wasn’t helping Prompto make sense of what was happening.    
“You remembered?!” he whispered, hardly daring to believe it.
“Sure I remember, sunshine,” he chuckled. “I think the next step is for you to say yes.”
“Om em gee, yes!” Laughing like an idiot Prompto leaned forward again and kissed Gladio a second time.  So maybe de-aged Gladio hadn’t been such a terrible thing to endure; now he just had to figure out what they could do later!
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nightowlfandom · 5 years
Yandere! Ignis Scientia- No One Can Keep Me Away (Part 1)
So I’m feeling pissed off and like i want to push someone off a bridge/ jump off a bridge onto some spikes because my life is going in a downward spiral and I’m losing control of everything....so here some more yandere stuff.
This is a long one folks...buckle up. 
Plus Ignis is bae.....fuck y’all mean, this one gets a little steamy so if that isn’t your thing thennnn you gotta go. I’m super proud of this and I haven’t felt that way about an entry in a long time so I hope those of you who choose to read this all the way through like it as well!
The smell of blood and leftover cologne filled the room. Dried blood decorated the hotel room walls which contrasted it’s pristine white and gold decorated paint. What a shame.
The silent cries almost echoed throughout the room, pleas almost. “W-why are you doing this?”
A man silently paced back and forth, his leather shoes padding against the wooden floors. He was tall and confident. Then again, who would expect someone like that to not be? The stranger pushed his spectacles up higher on his nose bridge, letting out a single huff followed by a simple. “Hm, and why wouldn’t I? Tis the better question here, wouldn’t you say?”
The man slammed his foot down onto the stranger’s face, colliding with their nose. A louder cry echoed throughout the room, making him smirk at his damage. Good.
“See where foolish questions get you?” he asked, shaking his hands. “It’s a shame I have to get my hands so bloody, but you’ve tested my patience enough.”
“I never d-did anything to you!” his opponent cried. “I don’t even know you.”
“Ah, ah , ah.” the man cooed. “What did I say about your tone!” he barked, slamming his foot down on the already beat up stranger. “Even vermin such as yourself should know about manners...how tragic. Now I will say this again. If you admit your wrong-doings, then you won’t suffer too much.”
“I don’t even know who this girl is that you’re talkin’ about man! I don’t know no Y/N girl!”
“Ah...But you do. You’ve been causing quite a bit of trouble-”
“I ain’t cause no damn trouble!”
���Like I said....Manners.”
Today was like many others. You were doing your dues as “that girl who liked to bring flowers to people for no reason.” Sure, it didn’t really reward you with any currency, but it was nice to see people’s faces brighten up. Even if you did see them every other day.
You were walking up the road, humming to yourself. You were on your way into town, Lestallum where you usually frequent. You would drop flowers off by all the best spots and doing some shopping of your own. You didn’t live far, just enough to either bike or walk.
“Flowers, check. Sweets, Check...giant monster charging for m- Giant monster!?!” You had to do a double take as you looked up to meet the eyes of what looked like a giant beast with horns. You were basically on the road when you felt the ground shake, then suddenly some crazy animal was charging right for you
Your first instinct was to jump back in a fright.
“Oh my gosh!” You tried to heave yourself back from the monster- whatever it was. “Not exactly what I expected to run into this morning.” you prepared yourself for the worst. 
Now, you knew how to fight...you just didn’t like doing it. Your dual silver daggers were hidden at the bottom of your flower basket, you couldn’t reach them in time. Unless this thing was super allergic to flowers, you’d be kind of screwed. The horned beast raised one of its clawed fists and slammed with down in front of you. 
You screamed and jumped back, watching it sort of rumbled through your flowers, stepping on every single one.
 Now would have been a good time to run- 
“HEY YOU! GET DOWN!” you turned around to find a group of guys charging straight for you, or at least the monster. One of them, a blonde drew a gun which enough to make you drop instantly.
“Why does this always happen to me?” you groaned as you covered your ears. You could feel them all jump over you (quite literally). “Can I have a normal day just once?” you groaned. You heard noises for a few seconds before there was nothing but complete silence. “Is it safe to peek now!?” you called. 
“Allow me...” you heard a voice in front of you. The first thing you saw upon opening your eyes was another pair of emerald like eyes. That, and a hand outstretched towards you. They seemed cold and almost distant. You must have been staring because a strange look appeared on his face. “Are you going to take my hand or stare at it as if you’ve never seen one before?”
“On second thought I think I can get up myself.” You scoffed, standing to your feet. “...Ugh are you kidding me?!?!” you snapped.
“What?!” a black haired boy had asked, almost looking annoyed.
“ That little rat with horns ruined my flowers!” You sighed, picking up the wilted remnants of all your hard work, somehow he had also managed to dinge up and break your silver daggers. One was completely snapped at the blade and the other was too wilted and worn to even use. “....Oh no.” you felt your heart snap in two.
“You were almost killed, and you’re worried about a few weeds.” the biggest and tallest one concluded. “Geez lady, you need to get your priorities straight.”
“Well I was supposed to take this into Lestallum to deliver them, but since you know everything about my priorities, why don’t I stand here and let you enlighten me.” you crossed your arms. “And I have a name, it’s definitely not Lady!”
The man in glasses hadn’t said a word since you had began speaking. He just studied you. As you went back and forth with those other three men-children. You stature, something about it. The way you weren’t afraid to walk back to men that seemed so much more bigger and intimidating than you despite only having flower stems to defend yourself. Maybe it was bravery, maybe stupidity. He admired it nonetheless.
“Great.” you sighed, throwing the remnants of your broken weapons into the basket. “Now what?”
You still had to go to Lestallum, it would just be less of a favorable visit.
“Hm.” Ignis finally voiced his thoughts aloud. “I think I’ve seen you before.” he commented.
Of course he has, he had seen you around for days now. His eyes would follow you as you skipped through town, giving assorted flowers to every clerk, restaurant owner and shopkeep you saw. It was purely “coincidental” he had just so happen to figure out a “short cut” when he saw you get on your bike to go home one night.
But that would have been silly, it was technically your first time seeing him.
“You probably have if you visit Lestallum often...but” you raised an eyebrow. “I would remember seeing a bunch of guys in...weird clothes though. Not that you’re outfits are weird, it’s just...a lot a black for such a sunny place.”
“It’s my style.” The angsty raven-haired boy grumbled.
“I’m sure it is.” you crossed your arms. “I suppose I owe you a thank you for saving my life.” you sighed, beginning to dig to the bottom of your little basket. “I hope I wrapped them up- Aha!” You pulled out a container of muffins. “It’s not Gil, or anything valuable but consider it a token of gratitude.” you held out the container towards him. When he didn’t take it, the blonde one did. At least that beat hadn’t messed with the baked goods you spent hours on, so it was still a victory.
“Gee thanks! I like you already!” He laughed, cracking open the lid. “Muffins! Sweet! What’s your name anyways?”
“...Y/N....” you replied. “Y/N L/N of (Insert city here...any city).”
“Nice. I’m Prompto. This cranky guy here is Noctis. The big, scary muscle head is Gladiolus-”
“You can call me Gladio.” his gruff voice cut Prompto off. “It’s easier for some people.”
“Right! Hehe and Specs right here is Ignis!” he finally finished, motioning to the guy who had so rudely commented on your staring.
“Nice to meet you...I suppose.” you stared down at your feet.
“Likewise.” something about the way he spoke interested you. Where was he from?
“Hey, You said you were going to Lestallum, right? We are too! Why don’t we give you a ride?” Prompto suggested.
“Hey! Why would you offer a ride to a stranger! She could be dangerous!” That Noctis guy snapped.
“I mean...I don’t have any weapons or magic. What am I gonna do other than throw flower petals at you.” you asked. Yeah it wouldn’t hurt, but it would be extremely annoying. “...And muffins, I don’t use baked goods for evil.”
“Hm, it does seem like a long walk all the way from here.” Ignis jumped in. “Maybe for your safety, we should. I read somewhere than there will be a spike in beats lurking around. I’m afraid that this is only the first wave.”
Of course, he’d be more than happy to make short work of whatever mindless creatures were dumb enough to roam during the day. He just couldn’t tell you that.
“Fine, but I’m driving.” Noctis concluded. “Hope you don’t mind the back seat.”
“Thank you, really.” you grabbed your basket. You looked inside to make sure the other containers were in there when something caught your eye. A red rose, a perfectly untouched one. How did it get there? It wasn’t before. You didn’t pick roses that often, let alone full bloomed ones like these. You felt lucky though.
“Are you comin’?” Gladiolus got your attention. You noticed them walking towards a black car.
“Oh, yes. Of course.” you shook off your confusion.
“May I carry your basket?” Ignis offered, holding out his gloved hand.
“Oh...sure.” you trailed off. It was only now that you had managed to get a good look at his face. “H-here.” Oh yes, He was handsome alright.
“Hm, then off we go then?” a slight smirk found its way to his lips. “Hasn’t anyone ever told you it was rude to stare?”
“Huh?” you raised an eyebrow. You had only realized you were looking too hard....again. “Sorry.” You mumbled, walking past him.
Hopefully this ride to Lestallum wouldn’t be too much longer.
“Uh...Did you just take a picture of me?” you heard a click and flash go off. You looked up from your hands at Prompto who had a camera in his hands.
“Yep! I like to make memories.” he shrugged. “Wait! I got it! Ignis! Get a little closer to Y/N!”
Wait what!?
“Er...Is that really necessary?” you asked, feeling your heart rate pick up a little. “Isn’t one enough?”
“Prompto likes grabbing snaps of everything. It’s better to not question it.” Gladio laughed.
“Come on, get closer you two!” Prompto urged. “This shot will be perfect, I can just feel it!”
“Really now.” Ignis sighed with an annoyed look on his face. Feeling a little iffy yourself, you turned to look at Ignis, ready to say something when your eyes met again. Your face immediately softened. Not because you forgot what you were gonna say, but because you were just now made aware of how close you both really were.
“That chemistry.” Prompto mumbled to himself, clicking away at his camera. “You guys almost look like a couple!”
“I’ll forget you said that.” You mumbled.
Ignis watched as you turned your head away to look down at your hands again. He though aimlessly to himself. You were much more shy now than ever. He always assumed you to be more talkative and outspoken when confronted with something like this. 
“Now this is a photo.” Prompto showed your what was on the camera screen. Even with the wind blowing your hair in all different directions, the shot still managed to capture you and Ignis’s little staredown. You noticed his jaw seemed to be clenched, but why?
“WOAH!” Prompto outburst again.
‘What now?!” Gladio grunted, slamming whatever book he had been reading shut.
“These muffins are amazing!!” Prompto spoke, with his mouth full. “You gotta try these!”
“Fine, hand em’ over.” Gladiolus sighed as Prompto basically stood on his knees in his seat. “Hm...For once you aren’t wrong about something, these aren’t bad.”
“Ignis, I think you’ve met your match!” Prompto laughed. “Iggy here loves to cook, he gets cranky whenever we like someone’s cooking other than his.”
“I do not!, It’s just that your tastes are abysmal is all!” he turned his nose away. “No offense but they can’t be that amazing.” he huffed. Ignis snatched the muffin that Prompto had been sticking in his face for a while now.
Of course he had to stay in character, the way your face scrunched up hearing his talk didn’t make him happy, but he had to keep up appearances for what he was known for.
“Take your time.” You mumbled turning away. You stared into your basket, glaring at your broken daggers. You knew they couldn’t be fixed, so you’d have no choice but to trash them. Shame.
“I dare say I could make this at camp!” he said, taking you by surprise.
“Huh?!” You were surprised at his words. Plus his outburst had scared you a bit.
 “Would you be opposed to sharing your recipe with me?”
“Oh..Um sure. Do you have a pen I can borrow?” you raised an eyebrow, sort of weirded out that he had asked for it so abruptly. It was just a simple recipe, nothing too special. 
As you scribbled from memory on a little card, you realized how eerily quiet it had gotten in the car. When you looked up, you noticed everyone (excluding Noctis who was driving) was staring right at you. “What?” You had just now noticed your jacket sleeve had fallen down. Without missing a beat you pulled it back up. “...Fighting gets messy Y’know?”
You knew exactly what they were staring at.
“Thank you so much, it means a lot.” you climbed out of the car, stretching your limbs. The air in Lestallum was so much different from your town, it was more open and airy. It was kind of the reason you came everyday. You always found something new.
“Sure I guess. If Prompto likes ya, you can’t be that bad.” Noctis grumbled.
“I knew you’d come around.” you said jokingly. “May we cross paths again!” you saluted to the four men who had helped you so graciously.
“Likewise.” Gladio grunted. You waved again before turning to run off.
“Y/N! Wait!” You turned again to find Ignis running up to you.
“Yes?” you tilted your head to the side cutely.
“Um, may I ask about your weapons?” he suddenly asked, making you frown a little.”I couldn’t help but notice you seemed quite upset whenever you look at them.”
“Stupid beast broke them.” you shook your head. “I’ll just trash them.”
“Are they of importance to you?”
“Well yeah...it does seem a shame to throw them out...why don’t you take them?” you suggested. 
“Me?” Ignis seemed surprised. “Why?”
“The handles are probably worth something, you could sell them for some Gil, I know someone would love to melt them down and make new weapons.” You took out to dual weapons. “If you don’t need them, feel free to throw them out. I just don’t want to look at them anymore, it would just-....nevermind.”
Ignis’s face fell, he could tell you were saddened by the loss of your weapons, they were probably more important than you think.
“Also...as a thank you.” you took out the single red rose that seemed to have survived that whole messed up episode. “It’s not much but...here.”
“Thank you Y/N. I’ll be sure to treasure it for a long time” he smiled. He was telling the truth too. Something like this, from you. After all this time after finally noticing him. “I bid you a safe farewell.”
“You as well.” you nodded respectfully before running off.
To say you crossed paths with these four men too many times to count was a complete understatement of words. It seemed as if every single day you had managed to run into one, two, or all four of them.
It was strange seeing Prompto carrying a huge bag of Chocobo feed up the road, sure. It was even stranger seeing Noctis and Gladio ‘scoping out’ a local diner and just so happen to run into you. The funny part was you knew they were spying, but they wanted to pretend they weren’t. You had seen Ignis near a waterfall once, but he didn’t seem to notice you.
Pretty soon you found yourself just being in the same places they were. From Lestallum, to literally anywhere. It was almost like somehow a fate would bring your together. You never questioned it. 
It was another day, same any any. You had just left a vendor after delivering some pink and white flowers to the clerk. You waved off, relishing in the sight of his smiling face. 
You were quite literally skipping down the stone path. It was about to be dark soon. Luckily you had prepared since you knew you were going to be out all day. It seemed as if luck wasn’t really on your side. You kept going through mishaps or something. It didn’t help that you began feeling like these mishaps were connected to those four...somehow. But that would be crazy, wouldn’t it?
“That will be 400 gil.”
“Here you go.” you smiled at the man behind the counter.
“Hey! it’s you!” 
You turned towards the door, seeing Prompto jog inside. “Um Yes, it’s me! Hello.”
“Hey. Fancy seein’ you here.” Gladio followed. 
“Not really. I see you guys everywhere.” you scoffed, shaking your head.
“And not a moment too soon. We’re right on schedule, aren’t we?” you heard Ignis walk in.
“I suppose.”
Call it shameless flirting, but there was some sort of rift between you and Ignis. Even the smallest of small-talk always left you feeling like you had some sort of unfinished business. 
“Here’s your key mam’.” The man behind the desk caught your attention.
“Ah, thank you! And if you four don’t feel like being locked in a room trying not to kill each other, feel free to pay me a visit.” you picked your woven basket off the floor.
“Y/N, I’d be careful with that type of invitation, you never know who might take such advice a little too close to heart.” you could hear Ignis from behind as you began ascending the staircase to find your room.
“I can take care of myself. Plus my endeavors thrive on invitations...I wouldn’t forget that if I were you.” you said without turning around.
After a long awaited and deserved shower, you sat in front of a mirror with dripping wet hair looking like some crazy creature from a horror movie. You had made sure to put a ‘knock first’ sign outside the door just incase. You stared back at your reflection. “UgH!” you snapped, resting your head in your hands.
It was only then, that you heard a knock at the door, followed by a “Excuse me, Y/N...is everything alright in there? I would ask if I could enter but if I’m not mistaken-”
“You can come in Ignis.” You laughed to yourself, trying to squeeze the water out of your hair. You were in a bathrobe anyways, it’s not like it would look weird.
Ignis peeked inside the door and saw you running your hands through your soaking wet hair. “Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t realize...”
“It’s fine, did you need something?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
“I just came to thank you for your recipe. I realize I didn’t thank you then.”” He spoke, looking everywhere but you. 
“No worries, Ignis. Anytime.”
“Of course...Y/N...Did you always have that scar on your shoulder?” You turned around in confusion and followed Ignis’s eyes, which just so happened to be pointed at your left shoulder. You had looked where your bathrobe had fallen to see what was left of a deep scar that started at your heart and ended behind your shoulder.
“...Yeah, got it in a fight.” you waved it off. “No big deal.” It was completely healed now, but the mark it left was still visible. You pulled the robe sleeve onto your shoulder. “It was a long time ago.”
“It is indeed a ‘big deal’ Y/N...How did you obtain such a bruise and with whom?!” he walked up to you, seeming to ignore the fact that you were merely in a bathrobe and nothing else except undergarments.
“Why does it matter?”
“Something like that could have been fatal.”
“But it wasn’t.” You winked knowingly. “I’m still here aren’t I?” you sighed. “Anyways the girl who did this to me doesn’t even know if I’m alive or not, I’d prefer to keep it that way, It keeps me from thinking about what would happen if we did meet face to face again..”
“All the more reason to know.” Ignis turned you around in your seat and grabbed your shoulders. “I need you to tell me.”
You stared back into his eyes, reading nothing but seriousness and urgency. He was dead serious. “Why do you want to know so bad?”
“So I may protect you if it happens again.”
 “....Her name is Sennen...We got into a huge argument a few years back and when I wasn’t looking she threw her sword at me.”You confessed. “Slashed right across my heart and left me for dead.”
You ended up waking next to a running river with bandages all over you and your father worried sick. You never told him Sennen was responsible, and you didn’t plan on it either.
Hearing your story caused Ignis to clench his fists. How dare anyone ever THINK of-
“She took something from me too.” you sighed. It was your prized possession, something that was once of a kind that no one else had. She had taken it from you. In her own words. ‘You certainly have no use for it anymore, think of it as a parting gift.’
“What did she take?” he asked, his face softening.
“It’s just...something that helped me fight a little better. It’s been so long I can probably fight without it, but my father gave it to me...it’s important y’know.” You shrugged, standing up. “Was that all you wanted? To almost see me undressed and ask me about my past?”
“Well...why do you give flowers to people? I never asked.” Ignis raised an eyebrow curiously.
“It makes me happy to make others happy.” you simply put it. “No other reason.” You crossed your arms. “If you can’t put a smile on someone’s faces, then what can you do.” you shrugged.
“Well...You certainly are doing an impeccable job. You always seem to put a grin on my face.” he chuckled. You crossed your arms, shaking your head.
“You’re just saying that.” you denied.
“Actually...I mean it. I mean every word of what I say, Y/N...remember that for me, won’t you? Hm, I’ve almost forgotten! I’ve also came to return these to you.”
You noticed there was a box by Ignis’s feet. 
“Return?” You asked in confusion. “I don’t underst-”
“Open it.” he handed you the box. The outside was engraved and carved with some sort of design. You flipped the tiny latch and opened the box. You could almost gasp as you saw two glimmering silver daggers staring back at you. The more you stared, the more familiar they looked. Wait....were these your old ones?
“Magnificent aren’t they?” 
You looked up, more shocked than confused now.
“Ignis-...Did you do this? I said they were beyond repair.” you were taken aback. “I’m...-”
“When one has connections like I do, anything is possible, Y/N.” he smirked knowingly. He had been proud of his handy work and seeing the look on your face stroked his ego even more. “Plus, I figure if these are your only means of defense, you might as well fight with style as I always say.” he watched your eyes gaze and sweep across the perimeter of the mirror-like blades. The handles, which used to be bronze were brushed with some sort of gold etching that was followed by a single ruby gem at the end of each one.
“Ignis, Why did you do this?” you found yourself confused. 
“You mentioned you’ve been through a lot with just these weapons...and I figured that it would be a shame for you to part ways with them so soon.”
You slowly closed the box and latch and set it gently on the floor at the end of the bed.
“I don’t know what to say...t-thank you.”
“Consider it a token of gratitude.” he smirked.
“My lips are sealed.” he again in that tone that only stroked his ego even more.
It was only now that you realize how close Ignis had gotten to you. You took his his smell. It was unfamiliar yet...inviting. 
“Ignis?” you looked up at him. If his glasses weren’t in the way, you might have felt like your soul was being ripped out.
“Hm, Yes?” 
“Um...You’re standing really close.” you stammered over your words.
“I’m aware.” he chuckled. “Is that a problem?”
“Um...no actually.” You whispered. “It’s just...is it normal for my heart to be racing like this?”
“I’m not sure, but if it’s any consolation, my heart hasn’t stopped racing yet.”
“...Cool.” you breathed. (This is where I get too in my feelings. Steamy shit ahead fam!)
Ignis ended up making the first move, twisting a handful of your hair in his fist before crashing his mouth over yours. He could barely hold himself back anymore, he had waited long enough. A loud groan had erupted from his throat sending vibrations all throughout your body.
You had almost fallen back from the impact. That and the fact that your feet almost collapsed. You had grabbed onto his jacket in time as your returned his affections, moving your lips against his in mixed harmonies. 
“See what happens when people take heed to your invites, naughty little girl.” Ignis fake-scolded you, beginning to trail his lips down your jawline and neck. “Look where we are now.” he grunted. “What do you intend to do now?” he growled. While his voice was low and urgent with hints of demand lacing his every word, they way his fingers drew and traced circles on your bare upper thigh had you seeing two totally different sides of this man at once. He had gripped the hem of your bathrobe in his fist, slowly but surely pulling it down.
As soon as the faded scar was visible, there was a moment where he kissed your shoulder gingerly. He waited....He waited for you to say something, our push him away in a haste or in fear that someone could show up any minute. You simply melted into his arms. He smiled to himself seeing the goosebumps rise on your skin. A reaction he himself caused. 
You saw Ignis furiously kick off his shoes before hoisting you up. As if second nature, you wrapped your legs around his torso. Ignis crashed his hot mouth over yours again, this time being less calculated in his movements. In the process, he had managed to free himself of his jacket and shirt.  
You landed on the bed with a thud, staring up at Ignis. Your robe was long gone and it left you in merely your undergarments. You were positive you didn’t look too attractive in a bra with little bats on them, however Ignis didn’t seem to care.
“I hope you don’t mind my haste...but I fear someone may come up and wonder what we’re up to.” 
You looked up again and had noticed that Ignis had taken off his glasses. It gave you a view of his beautiful face. Your eyes bore into his emerald green irises. You weren’t sure if it was the blood pumping to your brain or your own mind deceiving you, but when you stared into his eyes...you could see something. Something strange.
“...Hasn’t anyone ever told you it’s rude to stare?” He smirked. “Or do I have to take care of that problem too?”
Before you could answer, your eyes had traveled lower. His body. Was it even real? No, it couldn’t have been. His body was godly, a definite sight for sore eyes. 
“Do you like what you see?” he caught your attention. It was only now that you noticed how painfully tight his jeans looked. “Because I very much am enjoying my own view.” 
Ignis studied the rise and fall of your chest, it was almost as if he could hear your heart beating below the palms of his hands. This was all his doing, it made him feel even more selfish. He fumbled with his leather belt buckle, becoming impatient with himself. 
He wanted- No, needed you, right now.
“Knowing those pests they’re probably eavesdropping as we speak, so you’ll have to be quiet, my love. Do you think you can do that?” he asked urgently. He grabbed the edge of your panties and yanked at it harshly, tearing it to shreds and leaving it as just a piece of cloth that flew somewhere on the floor. 
“I d-don’t know.” you were in shock at Ignis’s movements, but still found yourself succumbing to his fingers. “It depends.”
That phrase alone made Ignis laugh as he yanked his pants down. You almost squeaked in shock seeing his member free of it’s restraint. “Holy sh-” you slapped a hand over your mouth. 
“Hm, are you impressed?” he smirked again. “Are you ready for me?”
It was like the sound echoed through the room, teasing your ears and mocking your brain.
You buried your head into Ignis’s neck and ran your hands through his hair. You had to be quiet, you had to be-
A gasp ripped through your throat and Ignis thrust into you. So much for being quiet. Your legs had hooked around his torso as if it was second nature. It felt right, like this was how it’s meant to be. 
“I-Ignis.” you gasped. “If you do that, I don’t think I can be...q-qui-et.” you whimpered, feeling his thrusts again and again.
“Y-Y/N!” Ignis groaned right into your ear. “You’re mine, all mine, do you hear me?”
Ignis found his resolve to be gentle wearing thin. He pinned your arms above your head and growled with a low predatory voice. “Look at me when I fuck you.” He thrust again, this time his strength had managed to move the entire bed. Who ever was passing by was surely listening in now.
You were embarrassed, you face heating up intently at such a demand. Of those you’ve been with, none of them compared to Ignis. Not even close. His eyes bore into yours. You found it impossible to look away for even a minute despite the rush of embarrassment rushing to your cheeks. You could feel tears sting your eyes at the intensity of Ignis burying himself deep within you
“Are you all mine?” you heard his whimper in your ear. “Tell me you’re all mine, Y/N. I want to hear it.”
“I-ignis?” You were surprised, but what else was new.
“Say yes...please?” his voice wavered unevenly. “I w-want to hear you say it before we come undone.”
“Y-yes.” you mewled. “Yours, all yours Iggy...”
“F-F-FUCK!” you heard him growl out loud. He balled his fists on either side of your head, his arms shaking. Ignis’s knuckled were turning white with how tightly he clenched the crisp sheets in his hands. No, he couldn’t go completely crazy with you yet, he wouldn’t. “Y/N...” he whispered lowly. 
You could feel that cord like sensation right at the bottom of your stomach, it was ready to snap, you could tell. More importantly, Ignis could too. From the way he began moving faster and faster. He slammed his lips over yours again, shoving his tongue through your the gap in your lips to invade your mouth. This time it was your turn to get loud. 
Ignis swallowed your moans, your whimpers, and those half-words you struggled to get out. He could tell you were close to that edge.
He fully intended to shove you right off it.
“Y/N!” he grunted. 
You were first, feeling your own walls throb and tighten so hard around Ignis’s member. The sound of running water made you blush even harder in embarrassment. It was definitely loud enough for him to hear. Ignis was next in pursuit. He yanked his cock right from you, the contents spilling out everywhere from the bedsheets, to your stomach, to even the floor.
Ignis gently hovered his lips over yours softly, wrapping his arms around you. “Shhh, you’re shaking, Y/N.” he chuckled. “Did it feel that good?”
You wordlessly nodded, unable to find the words. With another laugh, he kissed your forehead. “Allow me to stay a while longer?” Another wordless nod.
“That was completely out of my character.” Ignis exhaled as he collapsed right next to you. “But I don’t care, not anymore..”
You were still recovering from the shaking in your legs to even think. It was completely out of your character too...
“Just like I don’t care that those insolent pests have been listening in on us the entire time.” Ignis chucked. 
“How did you-”
“I’ve known those three my entire life, I wouldn’t put it past them Y/N.” Ignis replied. “But enough about them, just lay here in my arms....”
“Y/N...you know what this means, correct?” Ignis draped a tired arm around your body, pulling you closer to his chest. You could feel the rise and fall of each breath as you laid across one of his broad shoulders.
“I’m pretty sure, yeah.” you sighed. You certainly didn’t expect this, but you didn’t hate it.
Little did you know that in Ignis’s brain, he was going absolutely crazy. He had underestimated just how much he had pictured your screaming and needy body below him. Something within his soul went ablaze, and it had been worth every second he spent watching you.
“So....tell me more about this...Sennen character.” 
Without giving another thought to him, you began unraveling your past with your old foe. Little did you know, Ignis was taking notes in his mind.
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secret-engima · 5 years
( @sparklecryptid Someday I want to do an xover with Aeon or something, but I apparently love to torture Ace more, so have a Crabby Bookshop Owner meeting a Baffled Bar Owner. Hope this helps your boredom!)
-Cyra is not a fan of today. Susurrus has been screeching all day about things she can’t understand or help with, things like “walls thinning” and “bloody freaking Astrals” and really, Cyra is fully prepared for her day to go sideways somehow. She’s packed extra medical and food things in her armiger rather than her books and she’s ready for something Dumb to happen.
-It’s been like this all day and so far nothing has happened. It is almost closing time and Cyra is just prepping her shop for closing and tentatively starting to wonder if maybe Susurrus’s screeching is about something too far away to effect her.
-Just to prove her wrong, her ENTIRE FREAKING BOOKSHOP gets moved. That’s the only way she can explain it. She can feel strange magic wrap around the entire block and the world blinks and there’s a rattle like something just casually dropped the entire shop and when she opens her eyes she just … KNOWS that she’s not in the right place anymore.
-While Libertus clatters down the stairs to ask WHAT JUST HAPPENED, Cyra yells back that she has no idea and then follows Susurrus’s prompting to go check the backroom.
-Why is there a door in her backroom.
-There was no door there five freaking minutes ago. That wall of the backroom connects to a large and empty storefront that she’s been thinking about buying to expand her store and by extension her apartment but she hasn’t yet and now there’s a DOOR there that really shouldn’t be.
-Cyra sighs, pulls out the kukri Nyx forged for her as a wedding anniversary present, and dares to push the door open.
-A loud thump and cursing on the other side lets her know that she just smacked someone with the Door-That-Shouldn’t-Exist. Cyra calmly steps through into a …
-A bar.
-There is a bar connected to the backroom of her bookshop.
-If ANYONE comes near her books with even whiff of booze on their soul she is going to start with busting kneecaps and work her way up from there.
-It takes a moment to realize that there is an entire audience watching her brood in the doorway-that-shouldn’t-exist and a moment after that she realizes that she KNOWS most of the people staring at her in equal confusion.
-Cyra looks down at her feet and sees Tredd sitting there, clutching his nose and blinking at her without recognition and suddenly remembers that pretty Lucis Caelum girl with a prosthetic leg who had been all to happy to inform her that she was from another universe. That barriers were wishy-washy at best and it was really easy to slip between if you knew what was going on.
-Somehow Cyra doubted the barriers between worlds were wishy-washy enough to warrant moving her ENTIRE SHOP.
-Someone did this intentionally. Susurrus snarls Bahamut’s name and Cyra makes a mental note to kick the Astral’s tail later.
-For now, to deal with the befuddled and borderline angry glaives in the bar that wasn’t there before, “Hello,” she says mildly, “it would appear someone has moved my shop. Can someone tell me where I am?”
-Amidst the general hubbub that breaks out of WHAT and ARE YOU NUTS LADY, a very pretty man with silver eyes and black hair steps out from behind the counter and hesitantly tells her the address. Funny, it’s the empty storefront she was thinking of buying. At least the Astrals were nice enough to keep the general locale the same. Cyra nods, leans on her cane with one hand and fiddles with the kukri in the other (she can see the Bar Nyx blinking at it with wide confused eyes, probably wondering how his handiwork got in her tiny hands), “Lovely. Excuse me, I apparently need to go yell at someone-.”
-She senses her husband enter the backroom and sighs as he appears behind her. There’s no hiding him. He’s too freaking tall. And he’s hardly being subtle as he asks what just happened, why there’s a bar here now, and why everyone’s hanging out in the bar without telling him.
-The silver-eyed bartender jerks back from the sight of Libertus like he’s been slapped and a moment later a SECOND Libertus shoulders his way through the crowd of glaives to stand there bristling at her Libertus over her head.
-She listens to the snarling of Angry Bullheaded Males for five seconds longer than she needed in her life before she calmly starts smacking kneecaps. Order partly restored and only her husband’s kneecaps spared, Cyra turns to the only other reasonable person in the room and smiles, “I’m Cyra Ostium, I do believe I and my shop are from a parallel dimension. And you are?”
-The man blinks, sighs, mutters something about his uncle being at fault for this somehow and replies, “Call me Ace.”
-Cyra nods calmly and flicks her kukri back into her armiger, “Alright then, Ace. No last name or do you just prefer not to flaunt Lucis Caelum around these parts?” Ace’s expression shifts rapidly between surprise at her use of magic and exasperation and there’s a loud WHAT from multiple parts of the bar and Cyra grins without sympathy, “oops. If it helps I’m one too.”
-Behind her, her husband sighs something about “so much for secrecy” but REALLY between her hair and Ace’s facial features was there ever any doubt as to their unwanted blood?
-Ace would like to know why his life keeps going sideways please and thank you. Is this a side-effect of being his Uncle’s heir? This feels like it might be Ardyn’s fault somehow. Or possibly the Astrals, they’re jerks enough to do this.
-The tiny alternate dimension wife of Libertus (how had THAT happened) who is also an illegitimate LC like him (thanks for blowing the secret lady) seems to have no issues with the sudden addition of a bar as her neighbor. She also seems confident she can resolve the issue soon.
-He has to admit, underneath his surprise and annoyance, that it’s pretty fun to watch her take out kneecaps whenever the glaives (read: Tredd, Nyx, and Sonitus) give her problems. It’s even funnier to watch his Lib gape at the definitely overprotective husband Lib.
-He offers her a drink, she calmly drags her Libertus over to a seat and then clambers in his lap and accepts on the condition it’s non-alcoholic.
-Ace tries not to flinch when he spots a child Prompto scooting into the bar in curiosity and claim the stool next to Libertus, his Ostium braids swinging and clicking faintly but noticeably and HOW HAD THAT HAPPENED?
-Nyx settles on Married!Lib’s side as something of a buffer between the two Libs, “So …. Married.”
-Married!Lib narrows his eyes, “That a problem, Nyx?”
-Nyx holds his hands up placatingly, “Nope! Not at all, big guy, just … curious. How’d you meet?”
-It was Cyra who answered as she idly patted Prompto’s hair, “I run a bookshop with a cafe inside. He came to my shop looking for a replacement for a book that SOMEONE,” cue a meaningful look in Nyx’s direction, “set on fire. After that he became one of my regulars.”
-Libertus still looks a little too shell-shocked to speak, so Ace asks for him as he slides the drink over to Cyra, “And why did you decide to marry?”
-Cyra smiles over the rim of her drink, “Libertus’s fault. His idea of a first date pickup line was something to the order of ‘hey let’s spite your horrible, controlling relatives by getting married, that way they can’t boss you around’. Obviously, I said yes.”
-Nyx burst out laughing while Libertus gaped at his counterpart and Luche choked on his drink.
(so as some background to this, the Astrals of Ace’s dimension are jerks, and they realized there was a Seer LC in the neighboring universe, so they were like “imma steal that” and snatched the bookshop. Cyra calls down her Astrals and her Astrals have a stern talking to with Ace’s Astrals and she, her husband, her kid, and her shop all get sent home fairly fast, but it’s still enough time for some shenanigans between Ace and the Generally Crabby Joint Pain Cyra. Also Married Lib and Lib staring awkwardly at each other as one tries to figure out what to say and the other struggles to wrap his head around the fact that his counterpart PULLED A NYX. MORE THAN THAT. HIS COUNTERPART PULLED THE VERSION OF A NYX AND AN ACE ALL AT ONCE. WHAT WERE YOU THINKING.
Also probably at some point Ace’s Cor comes sniffing around because of the magical disturbance of displacing an entire bookshop into another dimension and Cyra puts up with his nosiness for maybe twenty seconds before she notices Ace looking a touch panicky and Cor beginning to notice how Ace looks like young Regis and so she proves that Immortal He May Be, Fast Enough To Save His Kneecaps He Is Not and that is a very good distraction from the silver-eyed barkeep thank you.)
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mandakatt · 4 years
FE3H/FFXV Crossover - Raphael Kirsten x Prompto Argentum - Picture perfect
A/N: Written for @silverdriftdragon​ during a recent writing stream. 
She asked for Raphael and Prompto and a first kiss, and I was like.. omg big sunshine boy and smol sunshine boy smoochies?! YES
Characters: Raphael x Prompto Warnings: None Word Count: 1209 Summary: Prompto had such a crush on Raphael--a coworker of his--and he knew that it was probably a bad idea, but at the same time, he couldn't help himself...as the big guy was sweet.
Almost too sweet, and kinda dumb...and six he had such a crush.
He just honestly wasn't expecting Raphael to ask him to join him at a spot where he could take pictures with his new camera....
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Prompto had been nervous for a number of reasons.
First was due to the fact that he just got his new camera. It was something he’d been saving his money for ages…and now that he held it in his hands he wasn’t sure if spending all that money on an item like this was a good idea.
The second, was because Raphael had promised to go with him so he could test it out, and his heart fluttered a bit at the idea. He checked his camera bag--a shiny new backpack no less!--for the fifth time and told himself that yes, he had everything he needed.
Taking a deep breath he put his camera bag over his shoulder then about leapt out of his skin when he heard a rapid knock on his door.
“Prom? Hey buddy you in there?!”
Taking a deep breath at the sudden butterflies in his gut he quickly moved to open the door, and there stood Raphael, and Prompto was sure he was blinded by his smile and felt a bright smile of his own pull his lips upwards.
“Yeah,” Prompto said with a laugh. “I’m here.Glad you made it.”
“Hey,” Raphael spoke kind of softly, a bright smile on his features. “Man, I didn’t realize you lived all the way out here. How in the heck do you get to work everyday? Do you take the bus?”
“Huh? Oh...I uh. Walk.”
“What? Really?”
“Dang, no wonder you look like you could run circles around me for days,” Raphael laughed and gently patted Prompto’s shoulder. “So you got your camera all set and stuff?”
"Yep! Right here!" and he patted the strap of the backpack on his shoulder.
"Good! We'd better get going then, I don't want you to miss the sunset."
“Oh! Right!”
Prompto smiled up at him as he locked up his apartment and headed down to Raphael’s car, and he couldn’t help but blush when Raphael opened the passenger side door for him to get in. He tucked his bag carefully down by his feet, and buckled in after Raphael had gotten behind the wheel. Though what had surprised Prompto the most during the drive was that Raphael gently reached over and had taken his hand, rested it gently on the shifter then placed his large hand over it to keep it there, and Prompto swore that he turned bright red. He quickly turned his head to look out the passenger window and smiled as he moved his fingers enough to gently lace their fingers together, and relaxed when Raphael gently squeezed his fingers.
When they reached the overlook that Raphael had mentioned for Prompto's test run of his camera, he'd moved to get out of the car only to have Raphael huff at him as he got out of the car and rushed around it to gently push Prompto back into the car as he almost got out, and shut the door. He blinked up at him through the window only to watch as Raphael blushed, rubbed the side of his neck a little before giving him a charming smile as he opened the door for him.
“T-There. That’s better.”
Prompto couldn’t help but laugh a little as he got out. “Really?”
“Yeah. I just..” Raphael brought his hand up to the back of his neck again, and Prompto wanted so badly to take his picture because the blush on his face was lovely. “I mean, I wanted to open your door for you. I know it’s kinda silly but--”
“No,” Prompto cut him off gently as he clutched his bag gently in his fingers. “It’s not silly it’s...it’s really kinda nice actually.”
Raphael smiled at that and gently nodded. “Alright then. You got everything? Do I need to carry something for you?”
“Just the bag...”
“Awesome,” Raphael then gently took the bag from his fingers to sling it over his own shoulder as he took his hand and led him to the section of the overlook that he thought might be good for pictures. “Now I know I’m not an expert at this like you are, but, I thought this place might work?”
Prompto laughed softly. “It’s perfect,” he took a deep breath at the picturesque view before him as he looked back up at him, only to look a little confused at the shy smile he saw on his face. “Honestly Raph, any place you think would be worth a picture is perfect.”
“Oh,” Raphael breathed softly and smiled a bit more brightly. “Well good. Can I help you set up?”
With Raphael’s help it took just a bit longer than Prompto thought it would to get the camera on its tripod...and to figure out the shutter settings for low light, and if he should actually use his panoramic lens or not, and then all they had to do was wait. Prompto couldn’t help but blush a little and smile as Raphael just kept inching his way closer to him.
“Ah, sorry. Just kinda curious on how it works.”
Prompto laughed softly. “Nothing wrong with being curious, here…” he moved to the side just a little to show the much larger man how to set a timer on the camera. “Like--yes, like that! Yes! Now, c’mere!” and he quickly took the much larger man’s hand and led him to where he thought they’d be in the center of the shot. “Now, say, FUZZY PICKLES!!”
When the shutter clicked he leaned up on his tip toes and pressed a kiss to the underside of Raphael’s jaw, and he felt the other man tense. He blushed rather brightly at that reaction and backpedaled a little. “A-ah! S-sorry! I couldn’t--I mean, I wanted to--I hope that’s ok! I-If not we can totally just forget it happened and we can just--”
“Hey, Prom?”
“Can I kiss you?”
Prompto blinked up at him wide eyed, that blush still reaching his ears, and he heard the shutter click again on his camera. The sun was just starting to set, and he slowly nodded his head. “Y-Yeah...Yeah you ca--mmnf!”
Raphael had leaned down then a bit too quickly, their teeth clicking together just a little before Prompto felt him apologize for rushing in that kiss in the way it suddenly softened, the way Raphael’s hands moved to his shoulders to give them a gentle squeeze and pull him just a bit closer and he found himself melting into that kiss when the click of a shutter pulled him out of his thoughts and he gently pulled back from it.
“Sorry,” Raphael said with a soft chuckle and a bright blush on his face. “I got a bit too excited...you okay?”
“Yeah...yeah I’m fine.” Prompto said with a laugh and a blush that matched Raphael’s. “I...umn, wouldn’t mind if you did it again...”
“Really!?” Raphael’s face lit up into a bright smile. “Great! Uh…is...now okay?”
Prompto couldn’t help but laugh yet again as he gently nodded his head. “Y-yeah. Please?”
This time their kiss was much slower, gentler, and Prompto couldn’t help but smile into it as Raphael pulled him just a bit closer as he heard the shutter on his camera go off yet again.
Yes. This was totally picture perfect.
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