#there’s a Tyr and Fenrir thing going on
tothesolarium · 8 months
I got all these cool mech designs, or story filled weird divine metal designs
But my brain
Wants to draw a scary lying pretty man
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notthesomefather · 2 months
3 beginner tips for deity work in heathenry*
Not all deity work is "advanced" paganism/heathenry/etc. It certainly can be an advanced ritual, especially as you get familiar with a deity's presence and better understand how they'd like to be honored. Still, there is nothing wrong with just sitting in a quiet space and saying "Hi. I was drawn to you because of [blank]. It would be an honor to know more about you. I humbly invite you to this space and to share with me how I can best worship you."
Deity work does take practice, but when you practice is up to you. You can worship daily for an hour, every few days for half an hour, throughout the day for a few minutes at a time, and you can take breaks when needed. While practicing regularly has excellent effects, practicing irregularly won't bring wrath, ire, or punishment.
The myths are just a jumping-off point. They were stories written by people who lived hundreds of years ago, so it's essential that we forge our own understanding of these figures. It's also important to remember that everyone's relationship with the divine will be unique, and some things you discover on your path will not match the myths. For example, I worship Tyr and Fenrir as a divine pair, Hel as a goddess of life, Ran as a mother goddess, etc.
* It should go without saying, but just in case, I am not an authority on this, as I don't think anyone can be, but these are things I've found true along my own path. I see so many folks new to heathenry tie themselves in knots, worrying about "doing deity work right," so I wanted to throw my two cents in. I hope this is helpful to folks!
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something-in-the-seas · 9 months
Things we got leading up to the next saga:
Multiple pantheons confirmed, though Egypt and Celtic heavily referenced via Mimir, Tyr, and the painting in Sindri's home.
Sigrun leaving to go on an adventure outside the Nine Realms to discover herself (possibly meeting up with Atreus?).
Fenrir being able to travel via realm tears and the possibility he'll be trained by Tyr to open tears outside the Nine Realms.
Calliope's return definitely happening.
Thrud finding Mjölnir and being trained by the Valkyries.
Freya's peace keeping council most likely accepting gods from other pantheons (like any allies Atreus encounters on his journey).
Athena's push for monotheism and the council of ascended gods still hasn't gotten closure (but perhaps soon...)
Everything going on with Sindri.
The mask and the rift.
Possible Sol Invictus hints.
Next saga is going to be insane, I can't wait.
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the norse gods
WYRD: destiny, the past that led up to the present
ORLOG: the relationship between actions and outcomes, the things in the present that affect the future
our primeval chaos this round,
GINNUNGAP: an area of abyss in between Niflheim (ice) and Muspelheim (fire). when these two regions grew in power and clashed, water was created
for once we only have one creation myth,
YMIR/AURGELMIR/BRIMIR/BLAINN: ancestor of the jotnar, he was born from venom that dripped from the rivers in Ginnungagap. fed on the milk of Auðumbla, Ymir bore a male and female out of his armpits and a six-headed being from between his legs. Odin, Vili, and Ve created earth from his flesh, oceans/rivers/lakes from his blood, mountains from his bones and teeth, trees from his hair, clouds from his brain, heavens from his skull, and Midgard from his eyebrow
AUÐUMBLA: primordial cow that was created from the fluid of melting ice in Ginnungap, she fed Ymir and licked the god Buri out of a salt rock over the course of three days
BURI: ancestor of the Aesir gods, fathered Bor
BOR: married the daughter of a frost giant, Bestla, and bore three sons, Odin, Vili, and Ve. these three grew tired with the unruly jotnar and killed Ymir, causing an avalanche of blood that killed all the giants except for Bergelmir and his wife
BERGELMIR: the ancestor of all "new" giants, resettled his race in Jotunheim
clan Aesir
ODIN: god of poetry, wisdom, war, and magic. Odin crowned himself king of the gods as he was the first one to decide to kill Ymir. he allowed himself to be hung from Yggdrasil for nine days and nine nights in order to understand the secrets of the runes and sacrificed one of his eyes in order to see the cosmos more clearly. some stories claim he could shape and understand Wyrd and Orlog. he had wolves named Gerki and Freki, ravens named Huminn and Muninn, and an eight legged horse named Sleipnir
FRIGG: once may have been the same goddess as Freyja, she is queen of the Aesir and goddess of beauty, love, and fertility, she was gifted with the power of foresight
BALDUR: son of Odin and Frigg, he was the pinnacle of beauty and likeability. his only weakness was mistletoe
HODR: son of Odin and Frigg, the blind god, he is tricked by Loki into shooting a mistletoe arrow, which kills Baldur
VALI: in some stories he's the son of Odin and the jotun Rindr, in others he's the son of Loki, but it makes more sense for him to be a son of Loki so let's just go with this. conceived to avenge his brother Baldur, which he did by killing Hodr and binding Loki with the entrails of Narfi
VIDAR: son of Odin and the jotun Gríðr, he is the god of vengeance, and is fortold to avenge his father by killing the wolf Fenrir at Ragnarok
HEIMDALL: son of Odin and "The Nine Mothers" (nine sea giants), god of keen eyesight and hearing, sometimes foresight. guardian of the Bifrost
TYR: son of Odin, god of war, justice, and order, he lost one of his arms to the wolf Fenrir
BRAGI: son of Odin, god of poetry
IDUNN: wife of Bragi, goddess of youth and fertility, her apples rejuvenated the Aesir gods and reversed the effects of aging
JORÐ: personification of the earth, consort of Odin, sometimes considered to be a jotun
THOR: son of Odin and the goddess Jörð, he is the god of lightning, storms, strength, fertility, and the protector of humankind. he wields the hammer Mjolnir
SIF: Thor's wife, goddess of faith, family and fertility
THRUD: daughter of Thor and Sif, goddess of strength
MAGNI: son of Thor and the jotun Járnsaxa, god of wrath
MODI: son of Thor, god of might
MIMIR: god of knowledge and wisdom, in some stories he is the advisor of Odin. he is sent either as a peace maker or hostage to the Vanir, where he is decapitated. Odin preserved his head and keeps it to guard a well on one of the roots of Yggdrasil
LOKI: god of mischief, wealth, and chaos. his children often caused trouble for other gods, Fenrir being the great wolf of Ragnarok, Jormungandr being the arch enemy of Thor, and Hel, who ruled Helheim
HEL: daughter of Loki and the jotun Angrboda, goddess of the underworld, she was tasked with taking care of the souls that ended up in her realm (since some ended up in Odin's Valhalla and some ended up in Freyja's Folkvangr)
NARFI: son of Loki and the goddess Sigyn, killed by Vali
clan Vanir
NJORD: patriarch of clan Vanir, god of wind, water, and fortune, he was the patron of fishermen and sailors
NERTHUS/NJORUN: although possibly just a female aspect of Njord, some theorize this is actually the sister-wife of Njord, mother of Freyja and Freyr. goddess of peace and prosperity
FREYR: son of Njord, god of peace, prosperity, male virility, and fair weather, ruler of Alfheim. after the conclusion of the Aesir-Vanir war, he was brought to Asgard as a hostage where he climbed his way up the ranks with charm and a good personality
FREYJA: daughter of Njord, goddess of love, beauty, fertility, and blessings. she is said to have introduced the gods to a form of magic called seidr, which was a form of seeing or changing the future
ODR: husband of Freyja, god of madness, wit and poetry. could also be an aspect of Odin, as they bear good similarities
HNOSS: daughter of Freyja and her husband Odr, her name means "gem"
GERSEMI: daughter of Freyja and Odr, her name means "treasure"
the goddesses of destiny, the Norns,
URD: "fate"
SKULD: "being"
VERANDI: "necessity"
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tenkos-heart · 3 months
tenko/tomura and fenrir: similarities
Tumblr media
Welp. I consider this my proper post for the MHA fanbase, as I've been a lurker because the fanbase can be... something! If you wanna know more about me, pinned post!
Anyways, I've been thinking over the past couple of days of how strikingly similar Tenko is that of the figure of Fenrir in Norse Mythology. Also, if I DO get anything wrong in terms of Tenko, please let me know! My memory is shit and this manga is 400+ chapters long.
The thing with Fenrir is that his fate was already pre-destined, in a way. One of the seers told Odin that Fenrir would be apart of Ragnarok and being told to "swallow the All Father," as so as been told. Fenrir's tale already starts with tragedy. Being separated from his mother, his sister Hel was taken to... Hel, to be imprisoned in there, in a way. His brother, Jörmungandr, a regular snake was tossed into the sea, with hopes of drowning him. Instead, he grew so large, he became the Midgard Serpent, or World Serpent. For those who don't know, Midgard is our world within Norse mythology. But, the Gods had a different plan for Fenrir.
They decided to take Fenrir with them and to keep an eye on him. The one who took care of him the most, and cared for him the most was the God Tyr. The God of War, and even Justice. He was formerly apart of the Æsir. Also, something to note of, Tyr is also a God of Justice. So, Fenrir is raised in Asgard, home of the Gods and Goddesses, and fallen soldiers. Fenrir was a very happy, excitable pup who loved having a lot of fun. However, the wolf pup seemed to grow quite larger and larger. This worried the Gods, and because of the prophecy that Fenrir would eat Odin, they put together a plan to trap the wolf.
The Gods disguised their efforts as a game for Fenrir. Fenrir, the excited wolf he was, loved playing games. So, for this first "game", they chained him to a rock. It was a contest of sorts to test his strength. Even then, Fenrir broke through the chains. The chains weren't strong enough to hold the wolf down. So, the Gods turned elsewhere.
To the dwarves. They asked the dwarves to make the strongest chains, ever. This chain was quite different from the others. It looked more something like a ribbon. In some different stories, this happened twice before the ribbon idea. And naturally, the third time this happened Fenrir is suspicious and isn't sure what's going on. The wolf agreed to only be chained, IF only one of them would placed a hand in his mouth.
Tyr, the closest God to Fenrir to him offered his own arm up. Then, Fenrir couldn't be freed. He couldn't get out of his bindings, and thus, bite off Tyr's arm. Then, they teleported the wolf far away, and placed a sword within the wolf's mouth so he couldn't use his jaws. Then, it's said that the only way Fenrir will be free is during the destruction of Ragnarok. Odin confronts the beast on his stead with 8 legs, Sleipneir.
He will swallow Odin whole. However, Odin's son wouldn't let this stand. Vidarr would slay the wolf with his magical boots, splitting the wolf's mouth in half, thus his fate had befallen him.
I promise, there's a reason why I gave a lot of the backstory, we'll get into it!
If you haven't read up until MHA chp 425, spoilers will be here!
Tenko, since birth, had his entire life planned and trapped by literally one of the most awful people to ever exist. It didn't help that his father would emotionally berating him, leaving him outside. Even physically abusing him when he was 5 or the people in his life who were suppose to protect him, being bystanders. While Tenko does love his family, the bystander effect is very real. Or no one on the streets helping a bloodied, orphaned child on the streets.
Wondering for days and many nights without shelter, home, and food. That is, until All For One "found him and took him in." I.e. kidnapping his grooming victim, and then molded and neglected this kid for literal years until the LOV came around. I could go on about how much of a brillaint character Tenko is, but so many people have done that already and I wanna get into the meat of this.
Tenko and Fenrir were both happy, hopeful people who were molded and shaped by the very environments they were made in. Even before birth. For Fenrir, he was destined to be this destroyer of the world, and bring an end to a mighty King of Gods. While Tenko was going to be All For One's next vessel. The next Symbol of Fear. Both Tenko and Fenrir were molded into being their own separate Symbols of Fear.
Fenrir and Tenko never had a chance. Fenrir and Tenko never had a chance since birth. Fenrir and Tenko's destinies were already pre-determined. Both were left to rot by the societies they both were in, and no one bothered to give a helping hand. With Tyr, he did give justice, in a way. He had to deal with the consequences of his own inaction when he placed his hand into Fenrir's mouth. They both got something the other wanted, in a way.
Fenrir got some semblance of justice. While Tenko did gain friends, in the end. All Fenrir and Tenko (before his hatred was destroyed) thought they could do was bring destruction, violence, and chaos onto the world. I mean, fuck. They weren't taught anything else. I remembering reading a comment on a YouTube channel going over Fenrir's mythos and some others, and it perfectly sums up their situation.
The Gods just created their self-fulfilling prophecy. That is something that can absolutely be applied towards the heroes. Instead of trying to PREVENT Fenrir from being this symbol of destruction, and treating him nicely because of the prophecy, they decided that Fenrir was evil from the get-go and already plotted of leaving him to rot when he was a fucking pup. It was said of being a hopeful, happy pup who just loved to play games with his family. If someone had stepped in and actually HELPED Tenko, he wouldn't be dead.
(Or supposedly dead, with that one mysterious guy.)
If someone didn't ignore and just swept the problem of a stumbling, scared, child, they could have prevented so much. And now with Tenko being dead, they just created a self-fulfilling prophecy of another Symbol of Fear being groomed again.
Fenrir and Tenko were just two kids who were happy and hopeful of their world, and their innocent got snatched away from them from their respective societies. At the start of it all, they were just kids who loved their families.
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skaldish · 1 year
do you know if any of the norse gods are connected with justice and/or revenge. its not within my sphere of practice, but im currently in a lawsuit against my abuser and is love to know of anything
Forseti, Fenrir, and Tyr would all be in this wheelhouse.
Forseti is associated with law and reconciliation. I don't know much about him personally, but "law" is pretty squarely his area of expertise so I'd reach out to him for sure.
Fenrir is associated with revenge and "just desserts." From my brief encounters with him, he not only knows how to get revenge, but also how to masterfully channel your anger towards this endeavor, so it becomes a driving force rather than something that consumes you.
Tyr's role is a bit more foggy due to how his prominence as a deity changed throughout history, but the positions he's occupied seem to deal with the intersecting forces of law/politics/society/the individual. I imagine he'd be good at coordinating these things in a way that's favorable to you.
I would also ask Thor for general protection. If you're never sure who or what you need or where to go or what to do, you can always call on Thor.
Lastly, you can ask the goddess Syn to help you hold boundaries and bring accountability to underhanded tactics and lies lauded against you.
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runningw-thewolves · 7 months
Stray Kids X Fenrir Post (LONG POST)
(Cause why the Hell not?)
Today I found out that 1) someone made a Fenrir based tattoo sleeve design for Bang Chan and 2) not only has Bang Chan seen it, he has stated he might possibly get it. Now, I am a STAY, a Norse Pagan and a follower of Fenrir. I think you can figure out what my brain was doing processing all this.
(Also; THERE HAS BEEN HINTS TO NORSE MYTHOLOGY IN STRAY KIDS MUSIC VIDEOS!? STAY, do a wolf some assistance and pinpoint me to the videos and moments cause I NEED MY STRAY KIDS NORSE/VIKING CONTENT. Anyways...)
I am very Autistic when it comes to several of my favourite things coming together and creating a *chef's kiss* moment. This is no exception. It's why INK are my favourite band (metal, Emo and horror together? YES PLEASE) and now I have Stray Kids, Norse mythology AND LITERALLY MY FUCKING RELIGION? Holy fuck! *insert brain melt moment from Indiana Jones here*
So, I figured; let's talk about some of Stray Kids past works and Fenrir at the same time. Yep, a Stray Kids Fenrir themed playlist in the format of a Tumblr post by someone with Autism currently losing their damn mind.
Before we begin, let's get everyone acquainted who may be unfamiliar.
The Binding of Fenrir
'The Binding of Fenrir' is arguably the most famous tale involving Fenrir. Fenrir is the eldest child to Loki and Angrboda, his younger siblings being the Midgard Serpent, Jormungandr (who has beef with Thor, to keep it brief) and the future death Goddess, ruler and caretaker of the dead and arguably an important figure in Baldur's tragedy, Hel (or Hela).
Why was Odin interested in Fenrir? For one simple reason; he had been told a prophecy where a large and powerful wolf would kill him. I should point out this part of Odin and Fenrir's story is a very medieval trope of the paranoid king and his son destined to kill him. This case is no different; the downfall of the king is because of his own paranoia. Everything he does to try and prevent his downfall only solidifies it into existence. It's a common belief among many of us Heathens that Fenrir might have never considered going after Odin if Odin had just left Fenrir alone the whole time. Hell, there was the distinct possibility that Fenrir could've likely been an ally to Odin and the Aesir if it weren't for their fear and paranoia.
So, how does Fenrir get bound? Odin and a few others ride to the Iron Wood, the home of the Jotunn and Chieftess of the Chieftains of the Iron Wood, Angrboda, and forcefully take her children from her. Jormungandr strikes and either Odin or Thor (heavily debated) throws Jormungandr into the oceans of Midgard. Hel is immediately exiled from Asgard and sent to what is often dubbed 'Helheim'. Fenrir was kept in Asgard, primarily to keep an eye on him. He was scorned and mocked and treated with fear by the Gods, and no one dare approach him to feed him. Aside from one God; Tyr, the God of Justice. (Also a God of War himself but ssh.) Tyr befriended the young wolf and fed him.
Naturally, Fenrir grew. And very quickly. He soon domineered over the buildings of Asgard and the Gods grew paranoid of his strength and size. It was then decided for him to be bound. They tried on three separate occasions, telling Fenrir it was a game. The first time was some normal, ordinary chains. Fenrir broke those with a single movement of his paw. The second was a reinforced chain. These were a little tougher but they too were shattered. The Gods then got in contact with the Dwarves to create for them a special chain, named Gleipnir. This chain was presented to Fenrir, and its appearance - similar to that of a ribbon or thread - immediately made Fenrir suspicious. He only agreed to have himself bound if one person were to lose their hand should they go back on their word. Tyr was the one who offered (this is a HUGE deal, as Tyr is basically associated with business transactions, oaths and the likes. Loki even goes on to call this out in the poem 'Lokasenna' (Loki's Flyting)). Naturally, Fenrir is bound, he can't break free, Tyr loses an arm. Fenrir snaps at the laughing Gods' ankles and Odin shoves a sword through Fenrir's jaws. Fenrir will only be freed by the violent thrashing of his brother come Ragnarok, to which Fenrir will kill Odin. Some sources also say Fenrir eats the sun and moon, however this is a tricky subject as that act is often attested to two other wolves. There's plenty of theories but for this post, they are irrelevant.
Stray Kids Everywhere All Around The World
Stray Kids first became known by a survival TV show in late 2017. At the time, there was nine members. (For the sake of avoiding drama and cause the matter is done, I will be talking about Woojin but sticking to the facts. Everything from the drama was false (which I learned the hard way and am still trying to learn from); do not attempt to bring up the controversy in reblogs or replies or I will block you.) The members included (in order, starting with team leader then oldest to youngest); Bang Chan, Kim Woojin, Lee Minho, Seo Changbin, Hwang Hyunjin, Han Jisung, Lee Felix, Kim Seungmin, and Yang Jeongin. The group would debut in 2018 with the track "District 9". Upon debut, most of the members would continue using their names except for the following; Minho (would debut as Lee Know), Jisung (would debut as Han) and Jeongin (would debut as I.N.). Kim Woojin left the group in late 2019 around the time of the "Double Knot"/"Levanter" promotions. (Hence forth, Woojin is irrelevant. This is where we shall leave any mention of Woojin hence forth.
Stray Kids would go on to become a pretty big deal, even winning the competition TV show 'Kingdom' (let's not go over the whole MAMA bullshit, that would take a whole tray of paracetamol to get through), leading to the band being noticed by Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman. In the past year, several of the members have appeared or modeled for various designer brands (ignoring the politics of this for now; good on them for their success however).
Bang Chan and Fenrir's Connection
As was mentioned in the TikTok I linked earlier, Bang Chan is the member of the group who was a trainee for the longest amount of time. Chan had been training under JYP Entertainment for seven years by the time of the pre-debut TV show. Chan has mentioned several times in the past the anger and sadness he felt, connecting with other trainees only for them to leave (either from being fired, changing career paths or debuting before him - this was especially noted to be the case with groups TWICE and GOT7, where Chan is friends with members of the groups and even shared a dorm room with members of GOT7). It's not hard to imagine the amount of pressure Chan was under to debut on the survival show. Or the amount of pressure he put on himself and the rest of Stray Kids. This amount of pressure would rear its head when members Lee Know and Felix were eliminated (but would be brought back later and debut with the group). A clip from Felix's elimination gives a glimpse into how hard Chan was on himself.
I will not speculate Chan's thoughts or feelings, but if you dig into it, you can come to some conclusions quickly based on the surrounding context and what we know about Chan and Felix's friendship post-debut.
Fenrir is bound and thus cannot be free to show his true strength and power, held back by the Gods for fear of what or who he could be. In essence, some could argue that this is what made Fenrir stronger and the wolf we know today but that comes with the ridiculous amount of pain and torture the wolf felt. Sure, he became stronger, but at what cost? I would say this is the same question to consider when talking about Chan and Fenrir. Sure, Chan is a wise and strong leader now, but what was the cost? He's made it clear that at one point before debut (and other members have backed this up), he actively avoided connecting with people cause of how many friendships he watched crumble for one reason or another. There's even a clip from a livestream where Chan was noticeably angry with staff and you can see the visible fear and awkwardness from the other members. Again, will not speculate on what any of it could mean, but it does point to something Fenrir and Chan may also have in common. When they are angry, they are
However, it's also important to keep in mind the sort of things Fenrir teaches and encourages from a Norse Pagan/Heathen perspective, so...
Fenrir in Norse Spirituality
A common name attributed to Fenrir is "breaker of chains". When we're talking about what this means from a spiritual standpoint, it means to free yourself from your past, free yourself from expectations or demands of others that holds you down and to let go and live free. For many, this can meaning learning how to cope with mental illness and trauma, learning how to manage (not control) one's anger, how to fuel emotions into actions and remain within the present and not think about the past or the future.
I've also heard many people describe Fenrir as a special kind of 'military boot camp' strict. This is the best way I can describe it; imagine, if you will, that you are a house. Fenrir is the property surveyor (the person who checks houses for faults). Fenrir will go around and tell you everything that isn't sturdy, that has cracks or other faults. Not out of malice, but because if you don't fix this, all it takes is one bad day and your self-worth comes crashing to the ground. Fenrir will even go out of his way to test these parts of yourself, again not out of malice but to make sure you can withstand it. Going back to the house metaphor; imagine Fenrir pointed out your foundations were made with weak cement, so you redo the foundations. Fenrir isn't convinced until he can push into it or stand on it and find it can withstand the weight. (This doesn't go into how our emotions fluctuate daily, but hopefully you get what I'm trying to say.)
Fenrir is also oftentimes seen as an example of justified rage. The rage of youth being mocked by their elders for simply being young. The rage Black people feel when another officer shoots yet another unarmed Black person. The rage LGBTQIA+ people feel when one of their own is killed or assaulted for simply being in love or expressing who they are. The rage women feel when men try to take advantage of or gaslight them into accepting lower. The rage of Indigenous people watching as their lands get bombed, farmed, and in general colonized and ripped of all its worth until nothing remains.
With all these factors in mind, let's finally get to the meet of this. The Stray Kids songs one (like myself) can associate with Fenrir. I will include lyrics, and you're more than welcome to reply or reblog with songs I may have missed. So, without further ado; let's get cracking! (Please note I will be using OT8 songs primarily for this post, again to avoid drama or anyone dogpiling about the controversy.)
'Placebo' (3RACHA original; 2017, Stray Kids original; 2018, re-recorded; 2021.)
"The positive belief that will even heal my wounds Keep going, the Placebo that works on me Honestly, there’s no need to be negative Trust myself, throw away those extra thoughts"
'Placebo' is a song essentially about relying on yourself to get through your challenges, while acknowledging what is currently making you feel weak. The fear and worry about wondering if you will actually make it, but telling yourself you can despite your worries, being your own friends in your darkest moments. Felix's verse I think is almost entirely applicable to Fenrir (Felix even says "drop these rusty chains" - remember, Fenrir was first bound by chains before Gleipnir.)
"Miroh" (original; 2019, re-recorded; 2020)
"Poison, trap, toadstool you can set them up I'll survive in the end, whatever it takes I know your traps, you set them up And I stomp on them tougher There's only one answer, you just have to open it"
"Miroh" (Korean word for 'maze') is an EDM-style song about persevering through the challenges you face, head held high, trusting your instincts and knowing that one way or another you have prepared for this moment and you will make it out the other side. The chorus starts with a line explaining that the narrator (Stray Kids) decided to go into the city (the challenges) themselves and know what is coming, are ready for it and know they can make it through the trial. The song also uses various animal sound effects, including a tiger's roar in the chorus, a hawk's caw and a bird-filled jungle soundscape. (Fenrir is often reported to be associated with swamps and mountains, so the inclusion of wild animal noises fits perfectly here.)
'Red Lights' (2021)
"No matter how hard I try to escape, there's no answer Until I fall asleep in the sun, even deeper I really wanna know, yeah I've already lost control"
This song is performed by Bang Chan and Hyunjin, and according to Genius the song "about compulsion and confusion of ego and about obsession about doing something". One would think, with the sexy sound and concept of the track, it would imply something of a sexy nature. However, it can also be about anything that someone can grow obsessed with. Another person, a feeling, an action, a moment, etc. The line "Tell me you hate me" makes me think of Fenrir talking to Tyr. The music video for the track also heavily features Chan and Hyunjin in chains, so one could also argue the obsession to be the desire to escape from their chains.
"MANIAC" (2022)
"The real self has been released (Yup, yup) Barely holding on (Yup, yup) After blinking once, back Again, back to cosplaying as what society Defines normal to be pow"
'MANIAC' is a song with a visible influence from Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' as it explores one's individual uniqueness, the expectations of society (which can delve into toxic perfectionism/happiness, conformity etc) and how we as a people have hidden our inner 'maniac' to fit in with the world. Even when in Asgard, surrounded by the Aesir and Vanir, Fenrir was always gonna be Fenrir. Just by his mere nature, he was deemed an outcast for being a larger and stronger wolf than they had encountered before, something that within itself isn't a crime. Fenrir would likely always be looked down upon if he showed discomfort, anger or any sort of negative emotion. In this song, Stray Kids basically asks the listener to open up their true self, live their authentic selves and enjoy the life they've been given, essentially; "shed the chains society has forced upon you."
"BEWARE" (original; 2018, re-recorded; 2020)
"My current state, the way I talk, my actions I know I shouldn't be like this But everything goes the opposite way I want you to understand me I don't know what will happen Again today, I'm barking"
Remember when I talked about Fenrir and justifiable rage and I brought up youth being angry with elders being condescending with them? This song is my 'case and point'. Going back to what I mentioned in 'MANIAC', no matter what Fenrir did the Aesir were likely not going to view him in a positive light. Ask any person who has tried to get on the good side of someone who couldn't care for them and you'll often find descriptions of growing tire, frustration and rage. Sometimes, we are going to encounter this in life - whether it be a boss who treats us poorly, a colleague/acquaintance/friend gossiping or lying about us behind our back, a family member who has expectations for you that you can't reach no matter what you try etc. Fenrir is no stranger to this; he experienced it firsthand living amongst the Aesir. That rage one feels in these moments is a healthy rage, a voice, which you will find is either being encouraged by Fenrir or is Fenrir himself, screaming at you "This isn't right, I shouldn't be treated like this!"
"SCARS" (2021)
"I'll never cry because I know that it'll never change I'll stay standing and endure it in an unknown place There will be many times I'll almost fall, but Alone, I reach out my hand, alone, I stand back up"
Sometimes, when we face hurdles in our lives we will feel sadness, sorrow or despair. If there's one thing I want to end this made tangent about, it's this; you will face challenges and it's OK to not be happy about it. It's alright to cry, to scream and wail and sob, to shed tears, feel fear, embarrassment, etc. It's alright if you need to punch a pillow or cry yourself to sleep. Remember; Chan probably did the same. For seven years. Fenrir probably did too, stuck within his personal Hell. But if there's one thing you should take from both of them, it's that you are stronger than you think you are. You can survive, you will survive. You will see the light on the other side one day; all it requires is fighting through the pain, even if that means crying from the hurt. We don't leave this life unscathed; we all will die with countless scars, both physical and mental. Be kind to yourself, know you are worthy of being alive right now, and you have the strength to push onwards. Carry the strength of Fenrir - and the strength of Bang Chan and Stray Kids - with you and remember you aren't alone fighting against the chains you've found yourself bound in.
(TLDR; an Autistic Norse Pagan loses were mind when were discovers a Fenrir tattoo design for Chan, goes on a long Stray Kids and Fenrir rant.)
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starlitangels · 1 year
Good Boy Audios Incorrect Quotes (Part 1)
Faithful, to Albus: Are you done pretending I'm not the love of your life?
Makkaro: I think the words you're looking for are "I surrender"
Guardian: The words I'm looking for I can't say because Zed is present
Albus: Now, remember what I told you, Faithful. The quickest way to a man's heart is...?
Faithful: Through his third and fourth rib!
Albus: That's my girl!
(Devlin: You're horrible)
Ulysses: How did none of you hear what I just said?
Pandora: I’ve been zoned out for the last two and a half hours
Fenrir: I got distracted about halfway through
Odin: Ignoring you was a conscious decision
Faithful: What was that?
Albus: My shirt fell!
Faithful: It sounded louder than that
Albus: I was still in it
Pandora: Fight me!
Odin: What are you gonna do shortstop, kick me in the shin?
*one minute later*
Tyr, entering the room: Why is Odin on the ground holding his leg?
Ulysses, laughing: Pandora kicked him really hard in the shin
Faithful "Resting B!+ch Face" Koria: Sometimes I wish I looked more fragile and feminine like a dainty flower but I do enjoy looking like I hate everyone
Ulysses: *screaming* You IDIOT!
Odin: *also screaming* I'm sure you're right but why?!
(also Devlin and Albus in that order, or Paradise and Yargwynn)
Devlin: Did you just refer to a knife as a people-opener?
Albus: Should I not have?
Paradise: WHAT DID YOU DO!?
Yargwynn: Shockingly, none of this.
Odin: Do you think I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Ulysses: You’re a hazard to society
Pandora: And a coward. Do 20
Albus: I'm not lying on the floor physically, but I am lying on the floor spiritually
Darling: Is there a word that's a mix between sad and angry?
Makkaro: Disgruntled, malcontented, miserable, desolated
Frank: Smad *insert Frank laugh here*
Pandora: Why did the chicken cross the road?
Odin: IDK, why?
Pandora: To get to the idiot's house. Knock knock
Odin: Who's there?
Pandora: The chicken
Odin: ... I won't punch you on one condition
Pandora: Okay
Odin: Go tell that joke to Ulysses
Faithful: Devlin, have you seen Albus?
Albus, lying facedown on the floor: Present
Zed: Never break someone's heart. They only have one.
Makkaro: Yeah! Break their bones! They have 206!
Okami: I've brought you here because I crave the deadliest game
Odin, nodding sagely: Knife Monopoly
Okami: ... Okay I was gonna hunt you for sport but now I really wanna know what Knife Monopoly is
Paradise: Is anyone else scared?
Yargwynn: Not really. I've already lived longer than I expected
Faithful: This can't get any worse
Albus: Sure it can. Just give me a minute
Tyr: Odin, we tried things your way.
Odin: No we didn't?
Tyr: I did it in my head. It didn't work.
Albus: *wears a dark grey shirt*
Devlin: Ah. Breaking out the spring colors I see
Odin: I have an idea. But I'm going to need your permission
Fenrir: Why do you need my permission?
Odin: Because if I mess it up, I don't want it to be just my fault
Paradise: Can I make a suggestion that doesn’t involve violence or is this the wrong crowd?
Makkaro: You guys are idiots, did you know that?
Frank and the Boney Boys™: In our defense, we actually do know that.
Albus, to Kravitas: I'd tell you to go to Hell, but I don't want to see you again
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godsofhumanity · 1 year
any Tyr and fenrir hcs?
ok. i feel like you can't talk about Loki's children without talking about the father himself. so let's start there. note: everything i'm about to write is pre-Baldr's death by a LOT.
i don't believe that any specific lore is given regarding Angrboda besides her role as Hel, Jormungandr and Fenrir's mother, so in my invention of events, i hc that Angrboda lived in a camp of giants that, while not overtly hostile, was encroaching on Asgardian territory and Odin, not willing to provoke all out war but not ready to risk being suddenly overrun with giants, sent out his favourite "diplomat" Loki as his eyes and ears in this giant camp to make sure everyone was keeping to themselves.
but Loki's mind works in... mischievous ways. he meets Angrboda in this camp and, obviously, they develop a relationship... a relationship that detains Loki in the camp for much longer than Odin originally sent him out for.
it's pretty known that Loki comes and goes as he pleases, but i think Loki's absence worries Odin and so eventually Odin goes out to this camp himself in the guise of a crow, and he discovers why Loki has been absent for so long; there are three children there, Loki's-- Hel, Jormungandr, and Fenrir.
a war unwittingly breaks out, and i think the Asgardians lay waste to the small camp of the giants, and while i don't think Angrboda is killed, she is badly injured and too weak to put up a fight for her children.
now, i don't think Loki actually truly cares for his children. at least, he's not in the running for Father of the Year. i think he's just a manipulator and schemer, and so he asks Odin to spare the children because they are his own and they're only infants. i think Hel is just a young girl,, maybe 8 or 9 yrs in mortal terms, Jormungandr is slightly younger, and Fenrir is just a pup... a tiny little thing, still wrapped in swaddling like a baby.
so Odin relents, and he brings them back with him to Asgard. Odin has some prophetic abilities, but not clear or detailed... i think he glimpses the destruction that the children can cause and so he elects to divide the children from each other and allocates them to be certain gods' responsibilities... i won't go into details about this since you only asked for Fenrir and Tyr, but naturally, Odin asks Tyr to watch over Fenrir.
i hc Fenrir to be the youngest of Loki's monster brood. he has no recollection of his mother, no relation with his father, and though his siblings have always been "siblings" in every sense of the term, while he was with Tyr, i think he didn't remember much of Jormungandr or Hel.. these relationships only developed properly after Tyr's "betrayal".
this is important to me because i think it establishes that Tyr really was Fenrir's only family. despite Tyr, like many other Asgardians, not really liking Loki, i do not think he grudged Fenrir.
Odin did not intend for their relationship to be sweet or friendly or familial, but Tyr does not raise Tyr with contempt. he treats him with respect and kindness. they become equals.
i'm not quite sure how to categorise Tyr and Fenrir's relationship-- Fenrir wasn't Tyr's pet. nor was he really a son or a brother. he simply came to be a friend. like a best friend. someone you could count on no matter what.
i think Fenrir, while he was still "reasonably sized" would have accompanied Tyr in battles. they would fight back to back.
i also have a hc of Fenrir always finding his way into Tyr's bed, like dogs do... and that was ok while he was a cute little pup, but the bigger Fenrir gets, the less room there is.
Tyr i think, becomes closer to Fenrir than he thought he would be. Fenrir is the only one of his siblings to live in Asgard, since Tyr lives in Asgard, therefore, i think Fenrir would have seen Loki. and i hc that Tyr would get frustrated and protective of Fenrir when Loki would make comments about Fenrir or mock him as having become a "pet".
but, not everyone shares Tyr's sentiments. for many Asgardians, Fenrir is and always will be known as Loki's son. and people don't like Loki.
i hc that Odin has a dream, which of course, he interprets as a revelation-- in it, a giant wolf attacks Asgard.. a premonition of Ragnarok to come. seeing how large Fenrir has grown, Odin decides that Fenrir must be leashed for the protection of everyone.
i think Tyr protests this... he knows that Fenrir has a good soul, and he's actually nothing like Loki. but i think there's a majority vote to use a leash and chain him.
thus, Tyr is forced to participate in the scheme.. only, Tyr believes that the chain will simply hold Fenrir fast... he doesn't know it's really a muzzle, and a chain so short that Fenrir will never be able to move from that spot or open his mouth. this is something only Odin knows, and he keeps this a secret from Tyr because he knows his son will fight it.
so, as the myth goes, Tyr assures Fenrir that he can trust him, that it's only a precaution. i think Fenrir would have been very confused about it all, but he loves and trusts Tyr, so when Tyr gives him his word, he agrees to lay still while they bind him. Tyr even places his arm in Fenrir's mouth as a gesture of trust.
except... the chains are heavier than they thought... and they burn. they singe Fenrir's fur, and in pain and anger, Fenrir closes his mouth on Tyr's arm, and everyone's freaking out because there's blood everywhere and there's a giant wolf wreaking havoc... and Tyr realises Odin's true intentions, but he's wrenched away from the scene far too quickly.
and by the time he's recovered and goes back to see Fenrir, the wolf is long gone... chained up somewhere else, in a dark, lonely cave, far away from Tyr, thinking forever that Tyr knew about the chains and betrayed him.
thus the relationship crumbles into fine dust.
curiously, Fenrir is not the one to kill Tyr in Ragnarok. canonically, it is Hel's wolf, Garmr who kills and is killed by Tyr... but Fenrir does kill Odin. i don't think it contributes anything by swapping these kills around and saying that Fenrir kills Tyr and Garmr kills Odin just to add a little poetic justice... so instead, i think that maybe Hel is the one who delivers justice for her brother and slays Tyr (i do think that Hel genuinely loves her siblings, and fights for them. i think they respect her too and fight on Loki's side during Ragnarok at her say so... but i won't expand on that here hehe). and perhaps, i wonder whether Tyr truly fights back...
i do hc that the guilt of betraying Fenrir is something that weighs deeply on Tyr's conscience, and i don't really think he's the same guy after that. he's darker, and more serious, and he laughs just a little bit less.
and Fenrir's not the same either. hatred and wrath consume him... he is no longer the fun, sweet pup that ran through fields under blue skies, but a cynical, blood-thirsting wolf. he doesn't trust anyone besides Jormungandr and Hel after that.
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eldritch-araneae · 2 years
Hello, I have more Earthspark theories and observations! Spoilers for episodes 11-18 and welcome under the cut!
Observation about Grimlock!
I noticed that despite being controlled by Mandroid's device, he was holding back against Bumblebee! It's especially noticeable when you see him more actively chasing and firing at Terrans (he doesn't know them, makes sense) or how controlled Hashtag was acting!
In fact, we can see Grimlock shaking and hesitating to attack when Bee was talking to him. Even after he bit Bee's arm, he still didn't even aiming at Bee with fire, even tho Bumblebee was right in front of him!
( Note: idk why, but I suddenly remember the moment from Norse mythology, when Fenrir bites Tyr's hand! Sure gods wanted to chain him, but Tyr was the one who raised him. Bee must be really good with dinobots, maybe one of few friends they have and Grimlock was forced to hurt him. Gosh I can't wait for new episodes to see all the drama!)
No wonder Grim went into rage mode after the device was removed from him. To express all this shit he went through while being controlled. He needs a hug!
A little theory about Bee and GHOST.
I keep thinking about how it's so strange that Schloder was on Bumblebee's trail. Bee was supposed to be dead to GHOST, and even with energon suppressor, they still were after him! Did someone among bots spilled the beans about Bee?
Or Schloder really saw a yellow car appearing in races ( which tbh is still very far-fetched bc yellow cars aren't rarity ahah) and he decided to catch Bee in all costs during all 15 years? Schloder, as silly as he is, was pretty angry at Bumblebee for "deserting Autobots" and he was talking about Bee like he's some kind-of-evil mastermind who takes advantage of good people like Maltos?
What happened? Did Bee accidentally did something to upset Schloder? Or his sister told him some gross lies about Bumblebee being dangerous to humans? So intriguing!
Another thing that bothers me, that yeah, Optimus is absent right now, which is already sus. The only thing we saw is him sending Bumblebee to find Grimlock according to Bee. And Bee said that Optimus got a tip... from who exactly?
Also, why Optimus would send Bumblebee, who's primary role is scouting and espionage, into basically fight-to-death gladiator matches??? Cmon, there are plenty bots who are stronger and more fit to this mission in hiding I'm sure, so why Bee?
Of course, it can be that Bee was tasked to find Grim, and like Bee he is, decided to prove himself and enter the brawls. And sure, he can fight and even win despite being weak he is. Anways, very curious too!
(UPD: Actually to think about it, I won't surprised if Bee went to brawls himself instead of calling for help bc he might feeling guilty for blowing his cover? So risking his life would be his way to make thing right in a way ( like in old comics when blamed himself for letting Ravage escape on his watch and de decided to capture him solo while Optimus is sulking with self-doubt... only to fall into Decepticon trap. Because he didn't see how exactly Bee is doing yet, only knowing he's sad he can't go home.)
I'm getting the impression that GHOST is after Bee, either to catch him, or even get him killed. But why? During trailer I thought that maybe it was to do with AllSpark bc he was carrying it, but we saw Bee quickly passed it to Op and Megs and it was send back to Cybertron. Yet it feels like Croft has some agenda against Bee in particular. Very curious!
Can't wait for new episodes!
(UPD: maybe Croft got a wind that Optimus wants to make a third cybertronian faction outside of her influence ( which the end of ep 10 gave this idea), and I guess they seen that Bee, while inexperienced, still have some leadership traits and she def doesn't want that. esp if Bee is good with humans as well. this will suck for her… unless she get rid of Bee first)
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rocksanddeadflowers · 9 months
Can NOT stop thinking about the Tyr and Fenrir correlation with Marius and Lyf (or at least my headcanoned versions of them? Mainly bc much of Lyf lore is very fanonized you know how it goes). Like they're very different pairs, but also the similarities make me go feral. So um. I'm gonna talk about it :) probably very rambly tho as i am very tired but emotional so sorry :)
Most of us at least know the story of Tyr and Fenrir, right? Right! (To summarize: Fenrir being big scary wolf guy the Aesir gods did not like!! Tyr was Aesir god but he did actually like Fenrir and they got a long decently!! Fenrir got too big and everyone wanted him locked away, and in the end to get that done Tyr broke his word and trust with Fenrir to help capture him, losing his right hand in the process. God I'm bad at compressing info.)
So listen... I headcanon Lyf to be part Jotun. Probably like, some Jotunheimr family and some Midgard family. Fenrir is either part Jotun or just completely Jotun (as he is a son to Loki and his giantess lover. Loki is often considered to be Jotun, not Aesir, despite his place amongst the gods. Sometimes he seems to be... Part Aesir and part Jotun? So theoretically Fenrir may not be fully Jotun).
Then look. Marius lost his right hand too. Sure he had his replaced but he still also lost he right hand.
Mix it together and what have you got! Well, not much. It's really just one random similarity each, plus the personalities of each so extremely different, what is there to draw on? Comparing a cold case inspector to a being of wild nature and chaos? And a morally corrupt pirate to a god of justice, war, and loyalty?
Well I have MORE actually!!! That cold case cop inspector has been blasted with eldritch radiative energy, mutating them and now they're absolutely feral!! They've got the instincts of a wild predatory animal emblazoned into them from Yog-Sothoth, encouraged by the crew of space pirates they travel with to spread their crawling chaos! That morally corrupt space pirate grew up war torn and now causes it, is ride or die loyal to his crew, and can be so often fueled by mmm less justice and more petty revenge.
Of course they're not the same! But the similarities are there!
Also for my final point. Picture the universe in which Marius gained Lyf's trust, the immortal crew adverse to connections mortals, and Lyf's walls high and strong. And yet, he does. So be it that in this universe, he's the one behind bars while Lyf is the one to bring him food. They bond. They connect. But Marius can't take Lyf with him. The crew wouldn't like it, won't let him. He can't take Lyf, and neither can he stay behind.
It should have been obvious, in hindsight. His right hand, his promising hand, had already been taken. That's why Fenrir wanted that hand from Tyr, if course. To take it as a symbol of a word broken. Marius's arm had been replaced, yes, but something damaged and repaired vs something new aren't the same. He wouldn't keep his word to Lyf. He breaks their trust, and leaves them behind to the fate determined for them before their birth. There was a moment in time when things could've been different, but it wasn't.
They aren't the same people. And yet the tale Lyf grew up knowing of Tyr and Fenrir happen again. Happens to them. The story repeats as they're abandoned.
Of course. It doesn't have to end like this. They aren't the same people. Maybe they find each other again. Maybe they can be run together. They don't have to leave the other behind. Something broken being fixed may not be the same as something new, but it's better than leaving it broken, isn't it? And maybe the repaired thing comes out better and stronger than the original.
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mythvoiced · 5 months
-. anyways patrick-core pt. 1 (shitpost energy)
would probably get even luckier in casting him if i looked at manhwa's instead of animanga, but whatever
blonde men/masc-presenting folks need to be BASTARDS -slams hand on table- BASTARDS I TELL YOU
"i don't care" (cares so much it makes him physically sick)
he's just a mother without a child, stop being mean to him
just because he's a mother doesn't mean he isn't that bitch, he very much is
patrick is fun to have around if you sic him on the patriarchy
patrick is not fun to have around if he genuinely fears for his life, he will bite through anything to get out (including friends)
is not inherently violent, doesn't mean he can't be violent
if he has to crane his neck to look at you, he's out
is really weird about tyr and his relationship to him
is actually really weird about everything, there is NOTHING he can be normal about, absolutely nothing
don't initiate casual physical contact out of nowhere it'll be like in the sims when you fuck up so bad it fills out the relationship bar all red in one go
doesn't eat around others
like... really weird about eating around others he just simply won't, you'll have an easier time getting him to hold your hand then you will getting him to eat around you
a few fun facts about how he eats because no one will ever see it lmao: tiny bites, chews the appropriate amount of time (??? dfkjgkfldg), makes the funniest faces when something gets stuck in his teeth he hates that he stops eating all-together if it pisses him off too much, if something is too big and he'd have to bite into it sideways (like a burger) he'll break it into smaller pieces
do you know just how big fenrir was? how dangerous? the norse all-father pissed his pants every night thinking about him, do you understand--... patrick misses this more than he lets on
if you suddenly grab him for whatever reason, try to hug him all of a sudden or pull him out of the way or do the thing where you're running and try to drag him along, unfortunately for you, you will get hit
he's genuinely so fking funny if you just let him make faces at you because he makes them a lot, he's just very good at hiding them/making them whenever no one's looking
like, deadass, he doesn't comment even on the wildest bullshit, but the absolute range of expressions he's secretly performing behind the back of whoever is spouting said bullshit, artistic, almost
patrick's character resolves solely around a very composed character suffering under intense self-imposed self-control where nearly every aspect about his being is purposefully portrayed as such, all while, hidden beneath this control, hide two wolves: the part of patrick who wants to steal a cop car and drive it into a tree, and the part of patrick who wants to be kissed very softly on his cheekie
if you tell him a very stupid, dangerous idea, patrick will very calmly suggest you absolutely do not do that, but depending on your relationship, he will actively sabotage the situation until you end up forced to enact that idea and then he'll pretend he's not having the time of his life
like, i cannot stress how much of a bastard he is if you get on his bad side, and i don't mean the bad side where he'll just violently avoid you (he's more avoidant than prone to conflict) but the part where he thinks you're just sort of shitty and because you are, he's absolutely within his rights to openly fuck with you
he's loki's eldest, mind you
doesn't even resent loki & angrboda, didn't even know those guys, whatever
my lovely wolfie here has range~, meaning you can damsel-in-distress-ify him easily, but if the mood strikes he's the dragon you should run from
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adminnie · 7 months
ೃ⁀➷ 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓲𝓷𝓷𝓮𝓻 𝓘𝓼…
The event is over and the results are in~ I'm pretty excited to see who won~
I will get the results going now, Irene doesn't want to drag this out for too. much longer
Of course not~ how could we stand in the way of such a fun start to Valentine's Day?~
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Bachelor #1 is @wxlfchris Chris and the winner is Fenrir @livealittleoc-cb ❤️
Bachelor #2 is @darkloversxcb Christopher and the winner is @shin-haneul ❤️ Runner up: @crimson-l
Bachelor #3 is @clubwnderland Jeno and the winner is Sana @fallenangels-cb ❤️
Bachelor #4 is @reapermingi Mingi and the winner is @moongoddesselene ❤️ Runner up: Wendy @reve-rv
Bachelor #5 is @oppositesattraxt Hongjoong and the winner is Katie @oc-honeys ❤️
Bachelor #6 is @azrael-oc Azrael and the winner is Irene @reve-rv ❤️ Runner up: Aristaeus @/livealittleoc-cb
Bachelor #7 is @/clubwnderland Yangyang and the winner is Set @/livealittleoc-cb ❤️
Bachelor #8 is @/clubwnderland Eunwoo and the winner is Cupid @/livealittleoc-cb ❤️
Bachelor #9 is @aotckimkai Kai and the winner is Greed @/livealittleoc-cb ❤️
Bachelor #10 is @ursweetest-love Jaekyung and the winner is Soyeon @neverland-fairies ❤️ Runner up: @shin-haneul
Bachelor #11 is @/clubwnderland Chan and the winner is Yeri @/reve-rv ❤️ Runner up: Lust @/livealittleoc-cb
Bachelor #12 is @incubus-johnny Johnny and the winner is Loki @/livealittleoc-cb ❤️
Bachelor #13 is @/darkloversxcb Jongin and the winner is Minji @obsession-cb
Bachelor #14 is @silcntxnight Christian and the winner is @jeonsoyeonn ❤️ Runner up: Yeri @/reve-rv
Bachelor #15 is @domrachaa Minho and the winner is Gluttony @/livealittleoc-cb ❤️
Bachelor #16 is @/domrachaa Changbin and the winner is Irene @/reve-rv ❤️ Runner up: Aphrodite @/livealittleoc-cb
Bachelor #17 is @/clubwnderland San and the winner is Soojin @/neverland-fairies ❤️ Runner up: Njord @/livealittleoc-cb
Bachelor #18 is @/clubwnderland Juyeon and the winner is Hoshi @fallenangels-cb ❤️ Runner up: @/crimson-l
Bachelor #19 is @mafia-parkseonghwa Seonghwa and the winner is @/moongoddesselene ❤️ Runner up: @/shin-haneul
Bachelor #20 is @/domrachaa Chris and the winner is @/jeonsoyeonn ❤️ Runner up: Wendy @/reve-rv
Bachelorette #1 is @/clubwnderland Ryujin and the winner is Persephone @/livealittleoc-cb ❤️
Bachelorette #2 is @/darkloversxcb Soyeon and the winner is @artisthhj ❤️
Bachelorette #3 is @songsoftheocean-oc Serena and the winner is Angel @/livealittleoc-cb ❤️
Bachelorette #4 is @/clubwnderland Alice and the winner is Mingyu @/fallenangels-cb ❤️ Runner up: Dionysus @/livealittleoc-cb
Bachelorette #5 is @/oppositesattraxt Mikyoung and the winner is Chan @/fallenangels-cb ❤️
Bachelorette #6 is @/clubwnderland Jangmi and the winner is Anubis @/livealittleoc-cb ❤️ Runner up: Chan @/fallenangels-cb
Bachelorette #7 is @lunaaofthemoon Luna and the winner is Jörmungandr @/livealittleoc-cb ❤️
Bachelorette #8 is @/ursweetest-love Sohee will be added to her partner’s
Bachelorette #9 is @coffeexdreamcb Nayeon and the winner is Wendy @/reve-rv ❤️ Runner up: Artemis @/livealitteoc-cb
Bachelorette #10 is @byulhoundx Moonbyul and the winner is Tyr @/livealittleoc-cb ❤️
Bachelorette #11 is @/clubwnderland Seohyun and the winner is Mingyu @/fallenangels-cb ❤️
Bachelorette #12 is @/darkloversxcb Seulgi and the winner is Lelani @/livealittleoc-cb ❤️ Runner up: @/artisthhj
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Congratulations to all the winners~ here is what will happen now.
You need to reblog this post to claim your spot, you have 24hrs from the time this post had dropped, if you do not claim the spot, the runner up can steal it from you.
Over the next two weeks, you can send asks, start a dash RP or interact with your Valentine however you wish. They will give you attention at any and all points. On the 1st March, your Valentine will reach out and talk to you about things. Things can go really well or really bad, maybe you'll stay friends, maybe you'll never speak again.
It's all up to the connection.
Remember, this doesn't mean it is absolutely going to end in dating, but it could lead to it.
Have fun~
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thedailybullshit · 2 years
So I started Ragnarok last night; here are my thoughts:
I love love LOVE how much closer Kratos & Atreus are instantly shown to be. There’s a huge contrast between their distance in the last game & their easy familiarity in this one.
I’m calling it now but the sled dogs (wolves) are gonna be Skol & Hati.
RIGHT into it w/ Freya to let us know this has been happening for years. I thought it would be the most obvious that bc Kratos killed her son, Freya’s gonna try to kill Atreus. I wasn’t sure she would do that tho, but immediately in her 1st attack she punches Atreus in the face, throws him off the sled, & I think she tried to stab him? It was going really fast so I couldn’t tell but it looked like she tried? So now I’m even less sure. Combat btw is fast paced & engaging.
We didn’t need to start w/ the dog (wolf) dying but okay. Love Kratos trying to help Atreus through his grief in his own way, even if it doesn’t come out quite right.
Also fairly certain that Fenrir was buried instead of burned so they can bring him back intact later on, if that is supposed to be the real Fenrir. Either w/ time travel junk like Jorm or Hel’s death magic.
FAYE?!??! O my god?!??! I’m in love?!?!? Her constantly teasing Kratos IMMEDIATELY after we meet her is just shehfjddjdjdzk?!!?! “Grumbles” duuuude “Am I meant to decipher your grunting?” no I’m definitely in love. It’s so clear that Atreus’s nature as Loki is all her (emphasized by her wearing yellow) & I love it. Also love the callback to the first hunt in the last game when Kratos tells Faye “This is your hunt.” Also can I point out that Kratos saw Faye - same height as him at 7 foot something - perform the same godlike feats of strength as him w/ the same ease & instead of thinking, “Hey I don’t think this woman’s mortal,” thought instead, “Damn, Scandinavian women are built differently.” BRO SHE LIFTED A TREE & then spooky shit happens.
“Why won’t this bear fucking die?”
“Kratos was seconds away from killing his other child.”
Speaking of which, Atreus has gotta find out at some point in the game that Kratos had a whole other family. Idk if it’ll come from Kratos but there’s a huge possibility that it won’t. Clearly the Aesir know the gist but if they know he killed his family then Atreus could find out this terrible info from a terrible source at a terrible time.
Speaking of the Aesir, I somehow missed Thor’s height. I thought Tyr was tall but holy shit, Thor’s gotta be like 9 feet. Love everything about this version btw; design, voice, characterization are all on point.
Odin was a bit underwhelming, he kinda looked like a Pope, but I think that’s the point. Odin in Norse myths has a habit of going out in disguise to get people off their guard so it makes sense that this Odin wouldn’t be an imposing figure. Few outside the Aesir would get to see that.
Atreus is looking for Tyr & pretty close to finding him too, nice. Not so nice that Odin & Thor know about it.
HOLY SHIT THE SCRIPTED DEATH THAT TOOK YOU TO A MENU & THE RESURRECTION?!?! What a mindfuck. I’m not ready for the rest of this game.
I don’t think Atreus declined Odin’s invitation to Asgard. Not a good thing given Thor saying that Odin’s got plans for him, those plans likely being execution bc Ragnarok doesn’t happen w/out Loki. What else are you hiding Boy?
Atreus taught Kratos how to read runes & I just think that’s sweet.
Kratos & Mimir really are just coparenting huh.
I thought that what turned out to be called a stalker was gonna be a full on character, not just a regular baddie. Little disappointed. She looked cool tho.
God I missed the dwarves. Sindri tryna act like he hasn’t been helping Atreus, then cowering from Kratos when the truth comes out & Atreus having to get between them (fairly certain that Kratos was partially fucking w/ him tho). & Brok saying to Atreus “What’s that doing in my workshop?” & KRATOS NOT GETTING THE JOKE “That is my son.” THE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN THESE 5 ARE GOLD & I’M SO GLAD KRATOS ATREUS & MIMIR ARE BEING PUT UP W/ THEM.
We’re less than 2 hours into the game & most of the stuff in the trailers has been shown or referenced already. So as stated above, I’m not ready for the rest of this game.
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glouris · 2 years
What I tell myself when I get sad about Heimdall being gone, tinfoil hat edition
First of all, please note that I’m delusional and this should be taken as a collection of cool little details and theories, not as proof that the mf will be back in the next game. You never know of course, but don’t let me set you up for disappointment. 
So. Weirdly enough, Heimdall seems to have parallels with, you’ll never guess it, Garm. Kratos’ confrontations with them go very similarly: he is put against them because of Atreus, who persuades Kratos not to kill them, attempts at pacifying them go poorly, and Kratos does kill them after all. By choking them. Both lie on their sides afterwards. 
While Kratos and Atreus are chasing Garm, his appearances are followed by Atreus asking about the spear, or them discussing Heimdall - it’s a constant back and forth. And, as far as I remember, Garm is the only boss in the game, apart from Heimdall himself, that uses the spear as a mandatory gimmick. 
Garm’s ability to make realm tears made me wonder why we never see Heimdall travel by Bifrost. We see regular einherjar soldiers do it, but Heimdall only travels with Hugin. Why? He’s supposed to be the closest to Bifrost, be able to use it in its full capacity and then some. Is he being restricted, or is it just a minor plot inconsistency? Either way, Garm’s realm tears could have paralleled Heimdall’s Bifrost, especially when in some interpretations the mythological Heimdall is the personification of Yggdrasil - the man is THE realm travel. I guess the gow version is still a master of realm shifts. And Bifrost's guardian. 
What I’m getting at with all that Garm deal is that if this parallel is not something that I just clowned myself into and is a legit thing, then shouldn’t Garm’s resurrection and his transformation into Fenrir be foreshadowing for Heimdall’s return? Or not, and the parallel is only about Atreus carelessly causing something, which Kratos then ends. I really don’t know.
Then again, the situation with another pair of wolves, Sköll and Hati, happens because Heimdall steals the moon holding relic from Helheim. Their episode is followed by his, as well as the fight with him happens right after you summon Sköll to clear a path into Heimdall’s boss arena. A bit too much coincidental plot intersections involving Heimdall, legendary wolves and Helheim for my taste.
And, my personal favorite - the gow 2018 horn mystery. Full clown makeup here, but I think it would be cool if that was Heimdall, somehow. Giants called him “ᚺᛟᚱᚾᛒᛖᚱᛁ” (“horn bearer” in my sloppy translation) on Atreus’ mural, and he was prophesied to sound Gjallarhorn to open all paths and start Ragnarok. He didn’t get to, as we all know. But you see, the Giants seem to have this tendency of being right even when they are wrong. The prophecy said that Tyr, the god of war, will unite the realms and lead the armies against Odin. Tyr didn’t get to, but Kratos, another god of war, did. The prophecy said that Atreus’ father will die in his hands. Kratos didn’t, Odin, the All-Father, did. 
If Heimdall was meant to sound the horn, perhaps he will, perhaps he did. When Jörmungandr is called with the horn, the water drops, revealing new paths. Kratos was carrying Atreus to Freya when they heard the horn, and was going to Helheim afterwards (again with the Helheim, I swear) to get what they need to save the boy. If it was really Heimdall, then that falls right into what the prophecy said: sound the horn, open the path (water drops after the serpent moves, new paths are open, + the boat by Freya’s house is washed ashore, where Kratos reveals to Atreus that they are gods), start Ragnarok (save Atreus, who’s always the one that puts the events into motion - Baldur’s death, Sköll and Hati chasing his arrow, Kratos fighting Heimdall and getting Gjallarhorn, which then calls Surtr… you get it. Heimdall is the one that pointed it out too, and was right). Plus, there’s definetly a mural behind him on his promo, so idk maybe it’s not THAT far of a reach. He has to have this mural there for something, right? 
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So yeah, I’m somewhere at my bargaining stage of grief. I’ll be accepting that he’s not coming back only when Santa Monica throws it in my face by not even mentioning him in Atreus’ game.
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kyle-the-monkey · 21 days
So I'm going to put out some of @capsgirl19's Norse Pagan One Piece musings before we both look like hacks when they start getting confirmed on Elbaf.
Ussop is very Loki-like, he's a trickster and a liar and I'm almost sure that Impact Wolf is made of Mistletoe. What does this mean considering that there is an actual Giant ruling Elbaf named Loki? No idea, maybe it's got something to do with "Utgard Loki"? He seems to be the figure where all my Norse Pagan friends go "Yeah we don't know what the hell is going on with that guy."
Nami is deeply Freya-coded association with Gold, cats and is best friends with the Straw Hats resident Loki-esque guy. Plus the shit with Absolom trying to trick her into marrying him, a thing that apparently is pretty common for Freya. (This has gotten @capsgirl19 to begin to theorize that Nami's got a secret twin brother somewhere ala Freyer, so we'll add that to the list of called shots.)
Also depending on how inspired by Norse culture Elbaf is one of the giants might make a comment about how smart it is that the Straw Hats let a woman handle all their money matters.
Lastly (and most obviously because this is the one I actually see people talk about because the parallels are kind of impossible to ignore) Shanks is Tyr this one doesn't even need much explaining if you have even a passing knowledge of Tyr as a figure, he's a God of War who's all about keeping the peace, he's sacrificed his arm to a beast for the good of the world. (Which makes me wonder whether that makes The Sea Beast that took his arm Fenrir or Luffy himself since he's the one he technically "gave" it to)
Anyways none of this was very coherent, and maybe all of it has been theorized in exhaustive detail at this point but the two of us have been talking about the Norse themes in one piece basically since I told them that the Giants were vikings.
@capsgirl19 feel free to add any more coherent thoughts on this but I wanted to write this down somewhere before the new chapter dropped on Thursday.
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