#there’s other places in canada??????
pinkylover68 · 1 year
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Out of very place in Canada, why Vancouver!?
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hilacopter · 3 months
I find it ironic that western leftists demand israelis leave israel because we're all white colonizers in their eyes (regardless of the fact that even if jews really weren't indigenous to the levant, which we are, over half the population is middle eastern anyway), but when we do leave israel for other countries we get hatecrimed. it would be bad enough if we had people telling us "good on you for going back to where you came from" or some shit but no they really just view us as inherently irredeemable and evil no matter where we are. almost feels like they're trying to lure us into being harassed overseas.
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growinguparo · 9 months
edit: hang on i'm remaking this post to add a correction
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mynameisjag · 2 days
For @help-i-need-a-cool-username
Sorry it took so long!
MCU Poolverine meets 97' pre-Morpherine?
Scott has a bad day...
“Are they…chittering at each other?”
“Like fucking stressed out cats.”
Sure enough, that was the sound.
“I’m sorry, he usually isn’t so…”
“Feral? Mine is, it’s good for them to let loose once in awhile, keeps the angry muppet faces from happening too often.”
“Yours does it too?,” Morph turned toward their new…friend?...acquaintance?, “so, I’m Morph and the short man doing the impression of a guard dog is Wolverine.”
“Deadpool and the taller man acting like a cat on catnip is my Wolverine! I like how yours is a short King with blue hair.”
“Thank you? Umm, yours is,” currently ripping a car tire off and chucking at his Logan, “destroying Cyclop's car?”
“Yeah, he does that, it makes him feel better.”
The tire went sailing by them as Logan dodged it, rolling out of the way, only to get tackled as soon as he stood up.
“What is going on out here-what happened to my car!?”
Sure enough, Scott was standing at the top of the mansion stairs having just exited, car keys dangling in one hand as he watched the visitor Logan get thrown backwards into it, turn midair to position himself to springboard off the car back towards the other Wolverine. The force of the ricochet pushing the vehicle sideways into the stone fence wall, getting stuck half through it.
“I was gone less then five minutes, I just came back to grab my wallet?!”
“The girls are fighting,” Deadpool ignores the confused look the X-men leader sent his way, and cupped his hands around his covered mouth, “Hey, Peanut, stop playing and come say hi. You’re making us look rude!”, he turned back to Morph, hands now going to his hips, “I’ve swear I’ve taught him manners, though maybe using whiskey as a motivator isn’t the best thing to teach him with.”
Both of the fighting men glanced over at the group, huffing a little before putting back their claws, still giving each other the side eye as they started to walk over.
Scott took a deep breath through his nose, turning toward his team member that wasn’t destroying the yard, “Morph, care to explain.”
“I don’t know what to tell you, the sky opened up and this two fell on top of us and Logan took some real offensive to be squished.”
“Took offensive to them squishing you, you can’t spring back up like I can.”
“Awe, there’s that Wolvie overprotection, a universal trait.”, the red clad hero threw his arm around his partner's shoulders and laying his head against his.
“I will and have thrown you into a mob of gunfire.”, the other Wolverine accepted the touches, even going as far as to look more relaxed.
“Only because you know I like it!”
Morph shared a look with their world’s Logan, the other giving a one shoulder shrug in confusion.
Scott seemed just as confused, “I’m sorry, he throws you into bullets?”
“Worried about little ole me!? Don’t be getting your Superhero panties in a twist, bullets can’t do shit to me, besides I enjoy it. Getting him riled up and being tossed across whole rooms is part of the fun of it.”
“Who are you two? Why are you destroying our stuff?”
“Jeez, Introductions again, fine, I’m Deadpool, again, and this is my Wolverine, again, if it gets too confusing for you to keep up with who is who, well, I like to call him, Peanut, Majesty, Honey Badger, Furiosa, Papi, Mami, Angel Face, Babygirl-“
“If you don’t pick something to call me, he is going to keep going.”
“-my meow meow, homeslice from the deep woods, Jessica-“
“Jessica it is!,” the man turned and pressed his covered lips to his partners cheek, giving a dramatic kissing sound, “Muah, the Jessica to my Roger Rabbit, the movie version of course.”
“Jessica”, let out a deep tired sounding sigh, “Just call me James.”
Scott turned toward the destroyed car then back to them, “Jessica.”
The newly dubbed ‘Jessica’ face went from neutral to scowling, Deadpool pinched his cheek, “and there’s the angry muppet face back with full force!”, he caught himself from falling over as he was shrugged off, giggling slightly as he refocused on the three bystanders, “Any who, you and everyone else is probably wondering what the hell is going on, and the truth is-“
“-Dumbass here ass dialed us to the wrong universe.”
Morph watched as Logan seemed to sniff the air, taking a half step toward the other him, who instantly noticed, they themselves ignored the situation that was about to happen and refocused on the man in red, “How do you “ass dial” to the wrong universe?”
“Mostly by failing a split and falling hard on the device in your back pocket, that may or may not be stolen, which takes you, your partner and your kids that were nearby into another universe-oh fuck-we gotta find mini-Wolvie and little Miss Mary.”
“Mine and Jessica’s babygirls! Mini takes right after her Daddy and Mary has my good looks!”
Morph blinked, “You two…together…have kids?”
“The dog is not a our kid!”, the Wolverine’s were circling each other again, more curious then ready to fight again.
“But you agree your mini is both of ours!”
Another slow blink before Morph leaned closer to Deadpool, ignoring Scott heading toward his destroyed car and the other two sniffing each other?, they plastered a big smile on their face, “So kids, partners, cute nicknames, sounds like you two are close.”
“More then just close, but don’t you worry, I’m pretty sure I don’t exist in this world, little off limits apparently, sooo,” the merc pulled the other closer to him, shoulder to shoulder as he directed their attention over to the two Wolverines trying to pull the car out of the fence wall as Scott directed them, “I gotta make sure my boy is taken care of in all worlds, and since I’m not here, that leaves that responsibility to you!”
“Excuse me, why would-“
“-Nope! No excuses with me around, either you get your shit together or I’m going to see if two Logan’s can live together, most likely no, but it will be fun to find out! Like having a full course meal with a little dessert on the side. Someone is going to be overstuffed in the end.”
The car rolled by them sideways, coming to a stop upside, Morph just sighed fondly as Logan waved at them before jumping up on the vehicle, the variant right behind them as they both stared down a fuming Scott, “How can you stay mad at him, look at him, he’s never seen the top of a shelf before.”
“See you get it, I bet you’re his Roger Rabbit too.”
They're side-eye could kill a person, “What does that mean?”
“Simple, you can make him laugh," there was a nonchalant one shoulder shrug, "you've already got a place in his heart with that gesture alone."
“Look at that face, realization baby, bet his nose scrunches up and he snorts, bet he play fights with you, bet you get drinks together-“
“-please shut up, I’m having a crisis.”
“You’re an X-man…X-person?, whatever, you should be used to crisis, both personal and external by now, so nut up buttercup, we are going to get you your little stinky bear cat."
Deadpool gave them an enthusiastic thumbs up...Morph just sighed in resignation.
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Hey Riv what pronouns do u use
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Riv: I use them all! I’m genderfluid!
Riv: Get it Inv? Genderfluid? 
Riv: Like water? 
Riv: Like a… rivulet?
Inv: Oh definitely! You could even say I found your joke riveting!
Inv: Do you get it Saint? It’s funny ‘cause the word riveting sounds like-
Saint: Just kill me.
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ravelqueen · 5 months
KaiShin being cousins is whatever because it doesn't add any spice to it that isn't eclipsed by the spice of detective/thief
Weird puriteens losing their shit over it though? Hilarious, absolutely amazing.
They didn't even grow up together, they have none of the "guilt over wanting to fuck someone you grew up with as family" or anything and it's not like it's gonna impact some kids genetics lol
How were you shipping those two anyway if your incest squick is that self debilitating, their designs make this pairing almost functionally self cest.
Anyway please send me your Kaishin djs/ fic recs im suddenly invested
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youliveonavenueq · 3 months
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nowerewolves · 1 month
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Your honour, I have a crush on her!! 🗣🗣🗣
To celebrate my unhinged binge of my favourite new podcast Canada By Night, please have @delborovic's character Val Miller!!
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suicideenthusiast · 2 months
WEED 🗣🗣🗣🔥🔥
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ladyimaginarium · 10 months
from mikjikj-mnikuk/turtle island to inuit nunangat to kanata to kalaallit nunaat to anahuac to abya yala to alkebulan to the levant to moananuiākea to sápmi to éire to bhārata to zhōngguó to nihon to aynu mosir to siberia to niugini to nusantara to bandaiyan to aotearoa, from coast to coast to coast to coast, from sea to sea to sea to sea, none of us are free until all of us — men, women, enben, children, queer people, disabled & neurodivergent people, elders, animals and the land and the sea and the sky — are free!!!!
#arcana.txt#turtle island = north america aka canada america & mexico (& the carribean & central america & greenland depending on who you ask)#inuit nunangat = the arctic aka inuit territory#anahuac = the traditional name for mexico#abya yala = south america (& the carribean & central america depending on who you ask)#alkebulan = the indigenous name for africa#levant = the place where israel & palestine are but also includes cyprus jordan lebanon & syria#moananuiākea = the hawaiian word for the pacific ocean & all the pacific islands#sápmi = the traditional land of the sámi in the northern parts of scandinavia & sweden norway finland & russia#bandaiyan = the indigenous word for australia / aotearoa = the māori word for new zealand#& the reason why i& included animals & the land sea & sky was bc that's central to indigenous activism just as much as it relates to humans#ya can't just free the humans ya gotta free the lands seas & skies too!!#btw mikjikj-mnikuk means turtle island in mi'kmawi'simk i& found it fitting to use the oldest language that yt europeans heard when arrivin#as the mi'kmaq were literally the first indigenous peoples that yt settlers spoke to & saw in 'canada' aka kanata which is the actual word+#which it originated from which came from a huron-iroquois word!!#+ zhōngguó is the chinese word for china ! i& included it bc the uighurs & tibetans & other idigenous peoples are still struggling there!!#+ nihon is the word for japan & i& added it bc we can't forget the ainu & okinawans !!#kalaallit nunaat = greenland & éire = ireland in gaeilge#niugini = new guinea in tok pisin / nusantara = indonesia & the archipelago from old javanese bc they have a lot of indigenous peoples#bhārata = india — i& added it bc there's a LOT of indigenous peoples there & the caste system often has them at the bottom#aynu mosir = ainu homelands !!#siberia also has MANY indigenous peoples living in literally the coldest parts of the world & they're going thru a lot rn#nobody's free until all of us are free!!!!#protect indigenous peoples everywhere!!!! protect each other!!!!#protect the lands seas & skies & also keep them centered in your activism while making sure human rights are valued!!#land back#activism.#psa.#** post; okay to reblog.
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buggbuzz · 4 months
hey apparently the sky in nyc gonna turn orange again this summer. so.
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menlove · 8 months
out of curiosity bc I want to know if it really is Just the US and our poor education system or if it's an issue for other western majority English speaking countries as well so.....
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satellite-blossom · 4 months
I'm going to say something that's probably going to get misinterpreted but it's not because you're black that you can't have US-centric beliefs. It's not just a white person thing. At one point you'll have to acknowledge that there's a multitude of black experiences that don't align with Afro-Americans' or even British black people's, because yes, there are other countries in the world than the USA or the UK.
I see a lot of "very bad takes" on certain issues on this site, for a lack of a better word, and their main issue (beyond the condescending tone they're written in) is their blatant US-centrism, which is particularly irritating when it's coming from people who beg others to "listen to diverse voices" and "educate themselves" while they themselves can't even acknowledge realities outside of North America. Being Afro-American doesn't guarantee you don't have US American mindsets to unlearn.
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suddence · 5 months
I got so excited I tried to order the Suddence paperback, but it won't ship to Ontario! What should I do? D:
AHHHG i knew canadian shipping might be a problem 😫 which vendor are you ordering from?
i'm in the process of trying to get it onto Indigo. i sent an email to them today, and i probably won't get a response until monday at the earliest.
sorry that the response to this is to wait 😓 the only other alternative i can think of is to contact your local indie bookstore(s) and see if they can order it for you. i've gotten a few hard-to-find books this way!
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moldwood · 5 months
colloquial language question for anyone outside of usa: when talking about paper money in english, do you ever hear people call them dollars or just euros/pesos/notes/etc?
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emily-mooon · 10 months
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Look at my children and tell me that you love them.
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