#there's a few more in progress
rose-tinted-vision · 8 months
WIP Wednesday
(I have too many wips)
My journey to you
"Breaking the rule by myself is one thing, at least I don't drag other people with me to break the rules," Hua Gongzi snarked, shooting her a glare.
"Who's the one going along with it?" Gong Zishang said flippantly, trying not to let her uncertainty bleed through, "you could always say no, you know,"
"Who else would accompany you on these ridiculous jaunts?” Hua gongzi said, with a put-upon sigh, “surely, only one as gracious and patient as I would do so.”
Qi hun
It was a surprise when Fang Xu came over late that night in a drunken stupor, when it was just Shen Yilang and Receptionist Yue closing up. But Bai Chuan laoshi isn't here, he bit back, watching as the other stumbled to Bai laoshi's office. As always, with everything 9-Dan Fang Xu related, the other staff did not bat an eye.
"Fang Xu qianbei is still in there," Shen Yilang protested when Receptionist Yue ushered him out, "We can't just lock him in," 
"He has a key, it's fine," Receptionist Yue said dismissively, "it's best not to question it," she added, patting him awkwardly on the arm.
Mysterious lotus casebook
Humans had a habit of glorifying the dead, he learns. Society has spun tales about Li Xiangyi, projecting him as a peerless hero, who went wherever the chaos was, saving others at risk of his own life. They paint him as an untouchable, larger than life figure.
They forget that Li Xiangyi was only 20 when he died.
Li Lianhua eventually curbs the urge to meddle in people's arguments, to look the other way when a fight occurs, and stills his tongue when someone slanders the Baichuan court.
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celeryguy · 2 months
Small messy Sif animation I did for fun
Was originally going to be a gif but flipaclip screwed it up somehow so you get a video instead 👍👍👍
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 13 days
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A fierce duel commences!
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sad-leon · 13 days
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(good future) Finding Home Pride edition <3
Trans Leo pride is something I see a lot, but personally, FH Leo wouldn't celebrate his gender. He grew up around Gali, who went through a lot of gender struggles, especially in his younger years, and with the brothers being so accepting, it's just another part of his life
But his lack of romantic attraction? That's something that stands out to him. He sees the brothers with their own attractions and crushes and such and realizes he stands out. He's different. But that's okay because he's still him and he's still valid
anyways~ it's pride month, which means i get to be even more annoying about aro pride ^-^
that final shot without text:
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nimblermortal · 1 year
Heck yes Tonys halted due to WGA strike
Heck yes Stranger Things halted due to WGA strike
Heck yes no new Last Week Tonight due to WGA strike
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gummi-ships · 5 months
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Kingdom Hearts 0.2 Birth by Sleep - A Fragmentary Passage - Forest of Thorns
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moeblob · 4 months
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Harvey telling the farmer it's their time for the annual check up before knowing them for a year is always funny to me. But the fact I keep drawing Asmodeus♡ with a big mouth and fangs made me read the dialogue more like "that's scary, please stop" rather than "okay onto the next part".
Anyway, I have never drawn Harvey before so please enjoy my attempt. (gives him a lil gray. as a treat. to me. the gray is for me.)
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ataleofcrowns · 11 months
I want you all to know as I'm working on CH11 that I'm resisting the urge to buy Baldur's Gate 3 until the chapter is finished and I think I deserve a pat on the back for this kind of selfless sacrifice and immense self-restraint
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ashleander · 26 days
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Cooking something… 👀
This is going to take a while but I’m excited to see the results!
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mugentakeda · 6 months
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lu tening once again in between a comic im cooking up (gore/body horror tw under the cut)
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I feel like Crystal is going to have so much going on in season 2, and she is probably not going to handle it super well at first… just a guess
She’s trying to piece together her old life, coming to terms with who she was (not a very nice person) and who she is now that she has her memories again, her parents didn’t even notice that she went missing, Niko “died” saving her and I suspect she’ll have no small amount of grief over that, and David is buried in her mind and we already know he’s going to cause problems with the tree if he stays there too long. That’s. That’s a lot. Poor Crystal :/
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hxhhasmysoul · 2 months
i saw you mentioned that killua has an addictive personality. would u write more on that topic? i agree with you but i dont know how to articulate it for myself hah
I could point to the obvious thing, the chocrobos and sweets in general. Sugar is addictive in real life but like which all such substances some are more vulnerable to them than others. And Killua seems to have developed a chocolate habit.
But I think his tendency towards gambling is far more telling.
Killua loves rivalry, he loves competitions and he will try to gamify stuff he does with Gon. But at least in their competitions with each other Gon can work as a safety valve because he's also obsessive and self destructive and Killua's care for Gon would curb his risk addiction. That and the fact that with Gon they get into really life threatening situations and the self-preservation Killua's family forced into him, kicks in too.
But when the stakes are not life threatening, when it's money... Killua can't handle money. He loses all of their Heaven's Arena winnings on internet auctions. Then Bisky has to drag him away from the slot machines in Greed Island.
When there's no threat to his or Gon's safety, Killua has absolutely no breaks and because Gon leans on him for the planning and for knowledge about the world, considering Gon's much more sheltered childhood, Killua's on his own to control himself and he absolutely can't.
Maybe needing to provide for Alluka will also work as a decent safety valve for the gambling. Maybe he will be more careful with the money he needs for her.
But I don't think he sees that he has this problem. He's always been rich and capable to make quick and easy money. He's also capable of roughing it for a while, and Gon was too. But I doubt he'd want to put Alluka in that situation. Maybe being with her will make him realise he needs to work on this.
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mortysmith · 6 months
In theory i like the idea that rick is growing and developing as a person. In practice it ends up falling short though, because no one balances him out. rick is getting better while no one else is getting worse, and it causes the whole thing to end up feeling a bit stale. The biggest draw, at least for me, has always been rick and morty's shitty dynamic, but it barely exists anymore because rick has been so watered down.
The ideal solution is literally just to make morty into a bigger asshole. Essentially flipping the main characters' personalities would offer a wide variety of conflict into the show, and would also help keep it "fresh".
Instead it feels the writers are pretending that they can't possibly do anything with morty's character, that they have to keep him the same anxious idiot he was in season one. I've said this before, but it's incredibly frustrating to watch the show have no problem with expanding rick's character while struggling with keeping morty's heavily stagnated characterization consistent. Where rick has space to develop between multiple seasons, morty is constantly forced into one of two boxes (smart/stupid) depending on the episode.
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smallerdelusions · 3 months
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STRENGTH (FORTITUDE) action, courage, firm resolve (reversed): discord, foolhardy audacity
TriStamp Tarot: XI, XII, XII
"A representation of inner strength, this card generally depicts a woman breaking through a pillar or subduing a beast to show determination and power. Overall the card is about forward motion and the driving force behind it."
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service canada phonecall.png
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ronnierosest · 1 year
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I am physically unable to wait till I finish this, so let me throw another WIP Shoutout to @a-aristippus @madnessandlovesstuff @tales-of-ryloth @snowleopard-from-venus and many others who added tags and words in their reblogs for me to smile at ♥ (pspspspspps I am also absolutely looking to join an Obikin/StarWars discord, fuck knows I need friends to deal with these star-crossed tragic soulmates) Awkward Motion by Hellhills.mp3 (read as a person talking to themselves) So tell me why I feel this way Someday it has to go away We didn't really like this place We made a promise we would stay Been so unbothered by this hate Now you found comfort in my pain And you keep staring at your grave And you keep wishing that was me
Don't give me options, you got none yourself Don't make me worthless, you got no one else
Don't let go, it's not your fault You're all alone and no one's gonna change that Don't let go, it's not my fault I'm on my own, I would do anything to change that I forgot your face, yet I still remember to scream your name It all got erased, nothing but a waste of time, a waste of space
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