#there's a lot of bisexuals in galar
les4lesbushfire · 5 months
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also, i've realized i've played through shield twice more, so here's the orientation hcs for the gym leaders + champion leon. :3
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nyaagolor · 1 year
Pride Month Headcanons
It's about time I organized these. Under the readmore bc I have a lot to say
- Salvatore and his wife are bi4bi. More accurately, his wife is bi and Salvatore isn’t putting a label on it because while he thinks he’s bisexual his only real world experiences with men are a single makeout session in a Lumiose club during a language immersion trip and lingering too long on some Instagram models’ posts about their abs. If you ask him about it he will not say he’s bisexual bc doesn't need anyone other than his wife, but he’s pretty sure he’s bi in his heart
- Hassel and Brassius have been together for almost 30 years but aren’t officially married. For a variety of reasons, mostly centering around Hassel’s family being a possible threat to Brassius’ safety, they decided to just keep it on the DL. They live together and are for all intents and purposes married, but never actually signed the paperwork. When people ask, especially strangers, they refer to each other as artistic partners or close friends, but anyone who knows them well is well aware they’re husbands. Most people assume they got officially married, and when the school finds out they beg the two to have a ceremony, even if they don’t sign the paperwork. Tbh I could prolly make a whole post on just them (and prolly will)
- Dendra is a lesbian, she‘s had a crush on Tulip for YEARS. Despite her usual extroverted and confident attitude she never confessed and has no idea if Tulip likes women, nevermind if she reciprocates Dendra's feelings. Tulip figured out Dendra is a lesbian but never realized her crush. Somehow.
- Eri and Carmen are girlfriends. The rest of Team Star admins took a LONG time to come around to this, since they think Eri forgave Carmen too fast and were worried Carmen was trying to take advantage of Eri again. They got over it though, and she’s been invited to their hangouts ever since
- Penny is trans I’ve talked about this like 26 times and have zero intention of stopping. She transitioned a lot over her suspension in Galar and has the most supportive family and friend group imaginable. Her body image is extremely fragile but that’s honestly just anxiety from general past bullying, and her new friends have helped immensely in that regard
- Sada and Turo are bi4bi this is a hill I will die on
- Iono is super tight lipped about her sexuality because of idol streaming stuff. Unlike most, she actually likes to keep people guessing, it’s like a game to her
- Every pride, Larry wears a rainbow tie. No one has ever been able to figure out if he’s LGBT or an ally or what. Rika’s running theory is that his Staraptor is gay and he’s trying to be supportive
- Geeta is a career focused person and never took the time to think about her sexuality. If you ask her about it, she won’t have a good answer and you might just make her short-circuit. I think kissing her would make her explode
- Ryme is aroace. I have nothing to say abt that specifically other than aroace people are the coolest and so is she
- Rika is Butch. She got top surgery and everyone is gay for her, myself included. However she has negative game. Pickup game pathetic. Cringefail, even
- Raifort is a lesbian but is only into really toxic women specifically. Genuinely just the worst taste imaginable. She is always complaining about how much she dislikes men as romantic partners and then is actively running towards red flags like she’s playing flag football
- Jacq is non-binary but is a little worried to ask if he can get his pronouns updated on the academy registrar. He’s sure it’ll be fine, but he’s perpetually stressed out and a liiiiil scared of Clavell. He/they enby king with enough anxiety to put anyone else in the hospital
- The academy is the most accepting place in the world. The GSA (which Hassel runs) is one of the most popular clubs, and cishet students and teachers will often sit in just to learn or support their peers. They go HARD in June, and are the official runners of the Mezagoza Pride Parade ever year
- A big part of the reason people feel so safe in the academy is bc there’s a ton of GNC people, both LGBT and not. Saguaro comes to mind, and is someone that a ton of students look up to. He’s cishet but could prolly crumble the gender binary in one hand. He would too
- [gestures vaguely at Clavell] he got smth going on. Idk what I haven’t thought abt it but something
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grayblacklight · 2 years
I wrote out another bit, for some reason. This time it's based on pokémon scar and violent instead of ace attorney, but I think it has a lot of the same energy.
(Scene: Arven and Juliana are in Nemona's dorm watching the world coronation series, live from Galar. Nemona and Juliana are sitting together, while Arven is in the kitchen, checking his phone while waiting for the food to cook. The TV shows Lance getting his arsenal handed to him by a Pikachu)
Nemona: "You know, Lance is pretty cute"
Juliana: "Really? That pretentious birdkeeper?"
Nemona: "You're joking right? Everyone knows-"
Juliana: "Everyone knows that he CALLS himself a dragon master, but I have NEVER seen him use anything but flying types"
Arven, leaning on the counter towards them with the dorkiest glass of lemonade featuring two bendy straws, lemon slice, tiny umbrella, and a normal straw that he is actually drinking out of: "Plus, his only dragon types are those three Dragonites."
Juliana:"He just calls himself a dragon master because it sounds cooler, but as soon as he faces a strong electric type in battle the ruse drops to the ground as fast as his pokemon do"
Nemona: "Ok, well, he's still a cutie!"
Juliana: "He's a basic bitch in a dumb outfit"
Nemona: "What's so bad about his outfit!?"
Arven: "Maybe the fact that it looks like something Lysander would have worn as a teenager before deciding it was too tacky"
(Juliana can barely contain her laughter)
Nemona, flustered: "NO! I mean come on you are clearly exaggerating!"
Juliana presses Nemona's nose to taunt her: "Alright, what do you think is 'cute' about Lance?"
Nemona, officially so flustered she can't even words: "Um... Well... I don't know... He got cape? He ginger? He boy?
Arven: "Cape, ginger, and boy, got it. Here's Syndrome from the Incredibles"
Juliana erupts into laughter, gripping herself as she half falls on Nemona
Nemona: "NO!!! That's not what I meant!!!!"
Arven: "You have made your argument, I have presented hard counter evidence."
Penny walks in with a pizza to see a red-faced Nemona, Juliana leaning on her side giggling hysterically, and Arven looking real proud of himself while drinking a really dumb glass of lemonade and presenting a picture of Syndrome on his phone for some Arkoos-forsaken reason.
Penny: "What's going on here?!"
Nemona:"Penny! I need help!"
Juliana, still giggling: "Nemonia thinks Lance is cute, apparently"
Penny: "Woah, she's bisexual! I didn't know that"
(Arven spits out some of his drink, blowing away the little umbrella in the process. Juliana goes back into a laughing fit, while Nemona tries in vain to cover her face with her hands while making some kind of squeaking sound. End Scene)
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the-drayster · 9 months
Fav Gym Leader of Each Region, and Why
Oh gosh that's a lot
Kanto- Blue, I think he's funny
Johto- I think I have to say Clair because otherwise she'll murder me in my sleep (It's Morty. He talks to ghosts)
Hoenn- Wallace, I'm bisexual
Sinnoh- Roark, he seems chill
Unova- Drayden and Iris, I bet you can't guess why
Kalos- Valerie, she scares me in an innate way that I don't understand
Alola- They don't have gym leaders so this one doesn't count
Galar- Raihan, Duraludon bros UNITE
Paldea- Grusha, I'm bisexual
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uncle-dusknoir · 1 year
SHIT I forgot I should do one of those pinned posts explaining who I am. i mean probably i kinda like the mystery but eh whatever.
im Basil. unovan. she/her. Hex Maniac "curse fanatic" by circumstance.
blog title source - personal curse tracker
I've got Toothpaste, he's a shiny Obstagoon and my baby boy; Thyme, that Dusknoir, my uncle; Jupetta, a Banette, Thyme's Pokemon before he turned into a Dusknoir.
There's also Skorna, the bone Runerigus. She's just a pest.
Deckard, a white-furred Zorua (NOT HISUIAN) i found in my backyard. He's baby
Mint, a Sneasel I got as a gift from a friend of mine 💜 she's very bity
I've also got a new Poryphone named Porypory. it speaks in pink, is very polite.
oh and the 19 shuppet from the halloween party
... And Bluebell! An Alolan Meowth I found in the dumpster in Alola. She's a million years old and the sweetest cat in the world
image of thyme here
image of skorna here
image of toothpaste here (also me)
image of jupetta (mostly toothpaste tho)
image of deckard (and also me)
image of mint (and my arm)
this weird breloom someone let loose outside my house??
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> ooc notes under the cut
9/15/23 updated her 'main' image to be more in line with how i draw her
subscribed blogs only dash (I'm really just putting this here for myself but if y'all need it idm)
my other pokeirl blogs are @crossbones-n-skull and @nifuunbakufuun!
join the hex maniac discord server! more info (kinda) in linked tumblr post. if the link is dead lmk ill fix it (discord added a thirty day link cap)
basil's cousin, sage, is over at @sage-the-exorcist (run by my friend, statik!) she currently has him blocked (its not working)
additional facts for my own reference:
skorna speaks in orange.
thyme speaks in green.
porypory speaks in pink.
jupetta, toothpaste, and deckard don't speak through the blog. (however, if given voice through an event, their text will be colored as seen.)
two voice claims that i'm debating (but i take suggestions)
family bibliography (books)
loose timeline
view the blog in chronological order here! (bear in mind there is quite a lot. lol)
Basil is 25 (as of nov 1st 2023!). I'm (the mod) 20.
she lives in the woods around icirrus city, in an old house that she just... took. it was abandoned so what about it its hers now
thyme the dusknoir is her uncle. he did not die naturally.
jupetta the banette was her uncle's, but technically is hers now. she inexplicably knows Teleport.
skorna the runerigus isn't kept to a Pokeball, as she and Basil are literally bound to each other through possession bullshit.
back when thyme was alive, they did a LOT of travelling. she's primarily been to galar and kalos, but have stopped in every region at least once. only place they haven't been to is paldea, and that's because thyme isn't allowed in because he tried to go in the crater
thyme had a TV show.
mun is aromantic, but Basil is bisexual with a female lean
post detailing Basil and Skorna's connection
old ref image, for archival purposes:
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if anyone ever wants to plot anything, feel free to dm me! I'm always down, could be fun. I just don't do "in-person" RP on Tumblr- this is strictly a social media site for the character. update- i will rarely do off-rotumblr RP, but it is not going to be frequent. all threads will be completely under readmores
note that, while Basil most likely won't be super active in high-stakes plotlines, i might have her react to some, especially if i find them interesting. she's no main character.
if you want your character to know basil out-of-rotumblr, feel free to DM me here on tumblr! my PMs, unless specified are an ooc-only zone and im always happy to chat about rp.
(however, please keep in mind that i'm really not one for small talk that doesn't have to do with rp; i have too many bad experiences with people befriending me in my PMs and then just offloading trauma. i don't shut the fuck up in discord servers where other people are though lmao.)
on that note, i do have a discord! if you wanna invite me to any servers feel free to pm me about that too!
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achillesmonochrome · 2 years
Sada headcanons~
(Executive Dysfunction is kicking my ass so I did this instead.)
A bunch of headcanons about Professor Sada, these headcanons are from "With what we know about canon we could deduce-" to "because I said so." Don't take any of these too seriously.
Her mother was young when she got pregnant, and because she didn't feel ready to be a mother, she decided to give her for adoption. However for legal issues she got delayed being available as a baby, ending up bouncing on the foster system instead.
Her first pokemon was a Larvesta. Everyone thought it was dumb because it takes so long to evolve, and she stuck to her decision even more just to prove everyone wrong.
Her favourite flower are roses, is also her favourite fragrance.
Was rocking a half-shaved hairstyle in her teenage years, and complained a lot to Turo when she was asked to change it once she went into the field.
She constantly got into fights when she was in school; a lot of times she was placed in homes with too many kids fighting for attention, making her get into the habit of fighting other kids, mostly to avoid trying to look weak.
Gym rat, she listens to audio books of readings of her own documents while she is working out; insisting that it helps her to think.
Can't stay awake too late, even if she tries she eventually goes out like a light. Turo used to make fun of her for it. In return, Sada made fun of his 'raccoon eyes' (the man is a night owl and often has insomnia.)
Likes golden jewellery the most.
Loud, very loud. She learned how to module her voice once she became an adult, but even to her last year of school she was told in presentations "Miss Sada, I appreciate the enthusiasm but you don't need to yell."
A Perfectionist, she also gets easily envious of other people that are better than her.
Her favourite type are dragons.
She had the Scarlet book since she was a little girl, and it has been one of the few possessions she has been able to keep.
Neither of them knew it, but Sada is actually Iono's aunt. (Yes, I have an explanation as to how in-universe. I am not writing that little story because feels too long. If you want to know the reason why I made it this way, is because both of them have fangs.)
Socially inept, her passion and beauty normally makes up for it, at least in most social settings. She never had many friends.
Feral Bisexual.
Was best friend's with Juliana's/Florian's mom in middle school (Yes, I know they are suppose to be from Galar, I have an explanation for it. I am just not giving the long version here.)
Can't cook to save her life; she never had anyone teaching her, and when she had the chance to learn on her own lost patience often, or ended up focusing in something else. Survives out of healthy smoothies and some take out. Knows a few tricks to make a mean ramen though.
Likes outdoors; when she has the chance she would study outside under the sun, and preferred sights with nice views (the lighthouse lab is right beside the ocean, the office that is now Clavell's has big windows even if is technically a lab.)
Very loopy when she doesn't sleep, and was always the give away about her inability to stay up too late.
Can speak Spanish.
Likes spicy food.
Multiple times, has taken Turo on her shoulder like a sack of potatoes. She will deliberately walk him in front of people if possible just to say "See how ridiculous this is? Go to sleep at a decent hour next time nerd."
(Yes, she is a nerd, yes, she still calls Turo that.)
Can quote the Scarlet book with ease, she has memorized the biographies of the members of that expedition, as well as absorbed every detail about the Area Zero that she could find.
Both her and Turo were squealing in glee at the idea of going to Area Zero. During their first time being down, they quoted to each other their respective books. (Yes I also have an explanation for this, and I will post about it soon.)
Had fantasized about seeing different events from the past (the ancient pokemon times, the expedition to the Area Zero, before her mother gave her up- etc.)
Was young when she got pregnant with Arven, low twenties young I mean.
Speaks to her Larvesta (now Volcarona) like it is a puppy.
Really good dancer.
That's it for now? I may talk about Turo's soon, though I have less than with Sada to be honest.
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jiracheer · 2 years
Hello! First off, thank you so much for reblogging my Isekai'd reader post, I'm glad you liked it! I saw in your carrd that you're open to doing Matchups, so if that's true, I hope it's okay to ask for one for Pokemon Sword and Shield. Here's my info, sorry if there's too much:
I’m 20 years old and Bisexual. I also have Autism, ADHD and some health issues like weak bones and scoliosis. I’d probably prefer to be shipped with either a Gym Leader or Champion from Galar, and definitely someone who’s an adult lol. I’m really short, only 5’ (152 cm) at most, with long, wavy and fluffy brown hair. My two favorite hairstyles to do are either the Legolas-style half-ponytail (I don’t know how to describe it…) or two braids hanging over my shoulders. I either look kinda disheveled or I’m really dressed up, there’s seemingly no in-between. I also wear glasses and am very slender. 
I’d probably be really good friends with Allister because I’d definitely be studying Ghost Pokemon, and also I can be very gentle with people. Helping others makes me feel better so I always make a point of being friendly and helpful with everyone I meet. I’d 100% be some kind of researcher in Galar. I'd probably meet them by accompanying Allister to an event with all the other Gym Leaders because he's shy. 
I’m actually a pretty fun person with a witty and sometimes dirty sense of humor, though I’m also very sweet and polite. I enjoy drawing and baking, and I will not stop writing for the life of me. I write whenever possible, and I write very fast too. I once finished an entire nonfiction book in a week. I get flustered easily but I don't have a hard time connecting with people, I'm really not afraid to go up and ask for things. Whenever I do get flustered I giggle a lot (I've been told I have a very cute laugh) and tend to cover my face with my hands. I also have a weird habit of calling people endearing names like "honey" and "sweetie" at random. I give really good advice too.
I'm very soft but have been called argumentative before, but I generally give passes easier than some. I HATE making people feel bad. But if you insult someone I care about there is no mercy tbh. So yeah, sweet but fierce when provoked. I'm very protective over my loved ones. I'm always a little overprepared for everything and have a hard time accepting compliments. 
Thank you so much!! I hope you have a wonderful week, take care of yourself! Stay hydrated!
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authors note ; hi tori!! <3 I literally was pissing my pants at it 😭 it was SOOO FUCKIN FUNNYJSINGH If y'all haven't seen Tori's post, PLEASEEE check it out here! sincerely the funniest thing I've read in a hot second
never worry about it being too much! the amount of info you gave me helped me a lot with writing this for ya!!
tags ; match up / gender-neutral / set during SWSH events / slightly suggestive, but only one part lmao
wc ; 991
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I match you with... Kabu!
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🔥 I feel like Kabu is really just drawn to you! Not only do you care extremely for the people around you, but you don’t let people walk all over you! It’s something that attracted him to you and made him want to get to know you more.
🔥 But when you two first met, it was at some dinner party celebrating the newest Champion’s rise to the throne. Everyone, and Leon ofc, were there alongside the new Champion. So when he saw you were, he was rather confused as it was an event for them, but then he caught sight of Allister clinging to your leg.
🔥 He honestly thought you were his parent, rather than his emotional support. So he def made a fool of himself when he introduced himself to you and told you that he never thought he’d meet the shy boy's parent.
🔥 You laughed so hard at the poor man, you missed how red his face got and how smoke almost came out of his ears. Allister found the situation just as funny, even if he didn’t express it.
🔥 Allister liked Kabu. He was like an uncle to him, as he was very kind to him and helped him with whatever he needed- even if he was a bit rough around the edges, and bold with his approach when it comes to certain topics.
🔥 So it was really no surprise that the more the two of you saw each other at events, and even outside of these events, the two of you pursued a relationship.
🔥 Kabu was the one who confessed to you. The two of you were walking through Motostoke, making your way to some sushi place the gym leaders recommended to try out before Kabu would face a challenger.
🔥 He randomly stopped you and told you that he liked you, a lot, more than friends should. He would then express that he found you alluring and that you kept him on his toes. He was much older than you, obviously, and his life was becoming dull, but you... You brought such warmth and brightness to his life.
🔥 From your witty jokes to how shy you’d get when he’d tease you back. When he’d try to flirt with you and you’d cover your face with your hands, giggling to express just how happy it made you to hear his kind words- Argh. You have him completely wrapped around your finger.
🔥 You did have your concerns initially when he confessed. You shared with him your health issues, and it was important that he knew these things, even if you did speak of them in the past with him... You wanted him to be aware.
🔥 It’s there that Kabu told you that he loves you entirely for who you are, health issues or not, you are who he wants to be with and he’ll hold your hand through your worst days and through your good ones too.
🔥 So you agree to go out with him, much to his relief.
🔥 Allister is happy to hear about it. Very happy to hear about it. As are the other gym leaders and Nessa has become rather good friends with you, Milo has as well, so they were happy to see their father figure be with you.
🔥 Obviously with both of you having significantly different jobs, he always finds some way to connect with you. You need to borrow one of his Pokemon to figure out a theory? They’re yours for however long you need them. You need someone to go out with you in the Wild Area? What time? He’ll pick you up with breakfast./lunch
🔥 Once you moved in with Kabu when your relationship progressed, his favorite thing to do with you is doing your hair in the morning. He always took note of how you styled it, and one morning he asked to do your hair.
🔥 You agreed, as you wanted to see what he would do, and you were surprised to see he managed to do your usual hairstyles- probably even better than you.
🔥 It warmed your heart to know that he noticed these small details about you. So now every morning before you two go to work, he does your hair for you and kisses the crown of your head before your lips to wish you a good day.
🔥 On your days off, you two often go out to do domestic things like shopping for groceries, doing laundry, and cleaning the house up. Sometimes Allister joins in on your hangouts, and it’s become a thing now.
🔥 In a way, Allister has become your son, and it makes you happy to see Kabu feels the same way.
🔥 Kabu feels like you’d be a good parent. The bag you carry with you always has something he or Allister, even those around you, need. Like band-aids, snacks, tissues, pain medication, etc. Someone could name something and you’d more than likely have it. He likes how prepared you are. It makes him less worried about your well-being when he’s not around, because he knows you can take care of yourself.
🔥 The first time Kabu got a taste of your rage, it was when someone couldn’t understand Allister when he decided to be brave one day and order his own food, but obviously his anxiety got the best of him. The vendor snapped at Allister and you didn’t hesitate to drag the vendor through the dirt, and although you said some unsavory things, Kabu felt himself blush.
🔥 It was just attractive. Very very attractive. He showed you how much he loved that side of you later that evening.
🔥 Overall, Kabu feels like he lucked out with you. You’re the person of his dreams and he can’t wait to see what else the future has in store for you two.
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fairymint · 1 year
6. Do they opmatically assume certain people are lesser than them?
7. Do you ever think that despite your muses actions/morality they do have a point when it comes to their reasons? - volo
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It varies a lot whether it's lose verse or win verse, but consistently at the point of in and end game, He sees everyone as lesser, and not worth saving. In ship verses (romantic or platonic, but a concrete and definable bond has to have been formed!!! even if it hasn't actualized.) he does see the protagonist as an exception; they're either equal to him, or second place, slightly below him but greater than Everyone Else. Small children or kids in general would've likely been spared to bring over into the new world- they haven't had a chance to truly be people yet, and don't have the autonomy to change the world or be responsible for it, thanks to most parents' standards. Blank slates as well.
However, it is probably safe to say that win-verse is too far gone and completely selfish- everyone is lesser. Even a ship partner, but the dynamic is nuanced due to the situation- He has gained enough omniprescence and power to attempt to satisfy and soothe their actual desires, rather than needing to either guess, obtain or ask for the knowledge via mortal means. His aim is to spoil. It's complicated with npd, but that works into his personality (and Felix's, to an extent) that treating someone well is motivated by the desire for self-perfection. Volo does like to float quite grey in my opinion- between toxic and ideal; I feel as if you should wonder about him. uncomfortable, but possible not unacceptable. Right on or near the boundaries.
So when people mess up, it gives him an extreme sense of disgust. Verse mostly indicates if, or how he acts out about it. lose verse, aka good guy verse, tends to cope by withdrawing and redirecting, while win verse is active and much bolder in conduct.
But, since NPD deals with wild ego swings technically, this answer will always depend on the moment- such as post-lose verse where his ego will dip extremely low, and he will view himself as 'lesser' and desperate for help to pull him back up. When he messes up, if that's acknowledged in his brain at all, that same sense of disgust permeates in him- but without the want to simply give up- he is not abandoning the grind.
Do you ever think that despite your muses actions/morality they do have a point when it comes to their reasons?
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Well of course; Volo as a general character is a symptom of something. Regardless of his autonomy and responsibility- He does not start off as a character that apparently just wakes up and decides to cause problems on purpose. It's more akin to vigilante behaviour. He did create the problem, he's just attempting to solve it in a way that may not be ideal. What the problems that he is a symptom of will depend on the writer, hence the range in portrayal.
I personally tackle a lot- whatever I come up with, but it includes Colonialism (remember Galar's RL equivilent was taking the world by storm IRL), ableism, racism/xenophobia, heteronormativity, and gender (specifically toxic masculinity and femininity respectively depending on verse.) Like, I write about real world scary shit, and I believe I lean more towards the ableism and gender side of these- more that he is an albino bisexual man (and possibly very genderqueer/fluid in god verse).
Like, him being destructive doesn't make the world not suck. The sentiment I see shared is more that people disagree with the way he went about it. It helps that the Xenophobia is straight up canon and demonstrated in game- it's kind of a shame that Volo had to be ironic about his own point and become what he hates (whether he knows that or not.)
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dorkousloris · 2 years
you know imma ramble about my old pkmn ocs since theres a possiblity that i might draw some content of them, but i also will not stop making a pkmn au with my polyship shhh once i get that game.
anyway, since i have revamped my ocs now that im geninuely older sgnsdgnsdg
rissa darrell (she/they), helga holtzer (she/her, doesn't mind all pronouns), rachel santos (they/them)
okay... now imma put a readmore bc im. they're ocs i had from waaaay back in 2013-2014???? so im just. its been a while since i talked about them and its probably long by the time i posted this sgmsdmg
Rissa Darrell, 27 years old, Bisexual, and uses she/they!
Rissa was born in Sinnoh and moves to Kalos when she was a teenager, and now travels with her wife.
Rissa is the daughter of two retired Pokemon Rangers, and growing up, she was gifted by her father, a fossil from Kalos-- who would later to be Tyrant, her little Tyrunt (that went on to be her longtime pokemon partner as a tyrantrum years later). She had beaten Kalos, Kantos and Hoenn Leagues the past decade.
Today, Rissa is traveling (or in her own words, tagging along) with Helga, her wife of two years, who is on her traveling journalist job and doesn't bother by it because it meant she get to explore with her wife and she dabbles in racing competitions with Tyrant, having been titled 'The Dino Rider' in the past. Better than being called a ex-champion, really. Still, it doesn't stop her to still try other leagues while she's there however!
Helga Hotlzer, 28 years old, Bisexual, and she/her but doesn't mind having all pronouns. She doesn't really care for gender.
Helga was born in Sinnoh, but after a awful incident that forces her family to go back to her mother's family region-- Galar. She had only beaten one league and that was Galar. It was... what makes her realized she's really not up to the type of battling through kind of challenges.
It had lead Helga to discover writing, and had became a journalist, specialized in places that had been happening in current news. It also lead her to Kalos where she was surprised to see her former childhood friend, Rissa. Let's just say, there was a lot of trying to be friends, finally talked about the incident and soon became proper friends.
But we all knew these two ended up together, and two years later, they're married.
Today, being a traveling journalist allows Helga to travel to regions, whenever she pleases as long as it is a current topic or whatever so. Sometimes, she do interview people. But the best part of her job? Her wife comes along with her and that's all Helga ever wanted.
Fun facts: - Rissa's original name is Lorissa. Yes, that is the OC who I have claimed "Lori" part of it, thanks to good people that made me realized I love that name more than ever. - There was a old design of Rissa that I actually want to carry over, that old design is now the design of Rissa's mom! - Rissa did had a crush on a boy, and had dated a few people in her past, before reuniting with Helga. Helga, on the other hand, just doesn't bother with relationships despite she does fancy people, but dating wasn't in her mind at that time.
Rachel Santos, 25 years old, they/them and nonbinary!
Rachel was born in Unova, and growing up, they were... expected by their parents. It frustrated Rachel to a point they almost run away, and as much as they had grow up in Castelia City, they did get lost. But what they discovered was... street dancing. That ignited a passion in Rachel to be a dancer. Long short story? Rachel got a title called 'Dancing Prince' which by the way, had lead them to realize they're nonbinary and finally embraced their androgynous appearance, and is actually more happier that way!
Today, Rachel had recently beaten Unova League, and Sinnoh League the past two years. Although they could've travel to any of the other regions to battle more leagues, they decided to actually travel for more dancing styles, as well as still battle whenever they want to. Because they're traveling, Rachel brought Petra-- their watchog is rather large for a watchog, and Howard, their long-time companion from the day she was born, and who stubbornly never evolved after evolving as a herdier-- which is probably why he have a everstone. He still battles for Rachel, however.
Fun Facts: - Before Anita (a oc of mine!), Rachel was my peak for oc design and for being relatable back in the day. So I guess, since now that I'm trans and nonbinary, I just. simply slaps Rachel to be trans and nonbinary because why not - Rachel is a lesbian, and they are very sweet but. Goodness, they're always on the move so relationships hadn't... come to their mind. Yet.
annnnd now that's all my ramblings of old pkmn OCs that i had revamped recently smdgMGMSDMG
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randomtranshiker · 4 years
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Non-binary/bisexual Galar rapidash 
Requested by @spaceycasey31
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more-pokeimagines · 4 years
Umm I'm sorry to bother you but could I get a Hop with a champion S/O who comes out to him as bi and is nervous about it? sorry if it's really specific I just came out to my parents and I was so nerve racked lmao. Anyways, love your blog and take your time with everything your doing because your well being and mental health is important! 💗💗 >:^0
Don’t worry, dear, you’re not bothering me at all! <3 I’m so proud of you for coming out to your parents. I hope everything went well. :) Thank you very much for your kind words and also for the request, I really hope you like the way it turned out. Take care and stay safe, darling. 
Hop x bi!champion!reader – coming out to him (HCs)
First of all, Hop is the kind of boyfriend who always supports you, no matter what. Whenever you need his help with anything, he’s there for you, especially since he knows that you have a lot on your plate since you became the new champ of Galar.
He knows you well enough to notice that you’re wracking your brains about something but he can’t figure out what’s wrong. He’s hesitant about confronting you because he doesn’t want to pressure you; however, he reassures you that the two of you can speak about anything. There’s no need to have secrets but he also wouldn’t pester you if you really don’t want to talk about it. He’s worried about you though, especially since you seem to be really nervous about something.
When you finally decide to open up to him, Hop is incredibly relieved. A part of him was afraid that you wanted to break up with him, so he’s happy that this is not the case. He’s also a bit taken aback because he never expected you to be bisexual but overall, it’s really not a big deal for him.
He reassures you that your coming out doesn’t change anything about your relationship or his feelings for you. You are still the person he fell in love with, so he really doesn’t care about your sexuality that much.
Hop understands that you’ve been quite nervous about the whole situation since you couldn’t be sure how he’d react, and he also isn’t mad at you because you didn’t tell him right away. He realizes that it’s not easy to talk about stuff like that, so he wouldn’t assume that you don’t trust him enough or anything like that.
Overall, Hop is really supportive, not only because he’s in love with you but also because he wants you to feel comfortable in your own skin. He also doesn’t want you to feel like you can’t be yourself around him.  
Taglist: @alovestruck-fool 
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hibanakabu · 3 years
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▌𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 : Kabu Himura ▌𝐒𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐋𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍 : In a private relationship with Melony (private meaning he keeps it a secret at the moment because he doesn't want people to go too deep in his personal life) ▌𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐎𝐑 𝐏𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑𝐒 : None, unless if the power of strategy and being in sync with your Pokemon is a power. ▌𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑 : Black ▌𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑 :  Salt and pepper ▌𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐁𝐄𝐑𝐒 : Flannery (niece), brother, mom and dad (I don't have names for them right now) ▌𝐏𝐄𝐓𝐒 : His pokemon are both his teammates and pets.
▌𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐃𝐎𝐍'𝐓 𝐋𝐈𝐊𝐄 : Fake people, people that trash talk but can't back up what they're saying ▌𝐇𝐎𝐁𝐁𝐈𝐄𝐒 / 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 :  Cooking, Exercising, watching movies ▌𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐇𝐔𝐑𝐓 𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 :  Yes, by accident ▌𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐀𝐍𝐘𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐁𝐄𝐅𝐎𝐑𝐄 : No ▌ 𝐀𝐍𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐋 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌 : Tiger, Wolf, and Deer.  ▌𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐒𝐓 𝐇𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐓𝐒 : He overworks himself, and rarely takes breaks because he's afraid that he will be lazy if he does. ▌𝐑𝐎𝐋𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐃𝐄𝐋𝐒 :  His older brother, Mustard, Opal ▌𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 : Bisexual ▌𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇𝐓𝐒 𝐎𝐍 𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐑𝐈𝐀𝐆𝐄 / 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐒 : He's open to the idea, but he feels like he wouldn't be a good father due to him being kind of a workaholic. ▌𝐒𝐓𝐘𝐋𝐄 𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐅𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄𝐒 : Usually casual, wears turtlenecks in the winter ▌𝐒𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐘 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄 : All of the Galar gym leaders, Peony, Flannery, his gym trainers, fans and Pokemon. ▌𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐀𝐂𝐇 𝐓𝐎 𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏𝐒 : He would show his relaxed nature, and occasionally say some light hearted jokes. ▌𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐃𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐊 : Green tea mostly. He always drinks that in the morning. ▌𝐅𝐀𝐕𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐓𝐎 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐍𝐃 𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐄 𝐀𝐓 : At home, or in his gym, in the Wild Area or Isle of Armour ▌𝐒𝐖𝐈𝐌 𝐈𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐀𝐊𝐄 𝐎𝐑 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍 : Ocean, because it reminds him of Hoenn. ▌𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐑 𝐓𝐘𝐏𝐄 : People who are passionate towards the things that they love doing, and have compassion towards others. ▌𝐂𝐀𝐌𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐎𝐑 𝐈𝐍𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑𝐒 : Both, although he camps a lot due to him training his Pokemon in the Wild Area, Galar Mines, and Isle of Armour.
tagged by: @theprxfessorpair​
tagging: You! Whoever is reading this and wants to do it, I tag you
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mimimimikkyu · 4 years
50 Questions about your OC
I’m doing this all from a canon compliant perspective on Rowan(with the games aka they compete and become the new champion) so here we go
How old are they?
26 years
What gender are they?
Non gender, mild beef (Nonbinary, they/them)
What is their romantic/sexual orientation?
How tall are they?
What do they look like?
It won’t let me paste a picture under here just go through my trainersona tag
What are their defining features?
Their eyebrows probably and their side shave.
Does their name have a meaning?
Not particularly within the scheme of things. I just thought of it one night while drawing them and was like, “Hey yeah that fits!”.
I only found out after that it works within the pokemon universe because it’s also a type of plant lol.
What family do they have?
They’ve got a father, his parents and some aunts and uncles + cousins.
They’ve always considered Hop to be a little brother as well.
Do they have a good relationship with their family?
Pretty much! They’re father is completely open and supporting of them and tries to help out wherever he can. 
Then when they were still alive their grandparents lived on the farm with them and Rowan was always at their grandmothers side helping out. She’s how Rowan learned to cook and do basic patching up skills.
The only one Rowan doesn’t have a good relationship with is their mother, who left when they were 9 and Rowan later cut her out in their teens.
If not, why not?
Their mother specifically because she was always antagonistic and emotional abusive.
Where do they live?
They go between Potswick on the family farm and their flat in Wydon depending on how busy they are.
Is it a safe place?
They certainly think both places are.
Are they poor, middle-class or wealthy?
WELL, they are with a wealthy man so also they’re the closest thing to a celebrity in their region so.
Do they look up to anyone?
Almost everyone they know, literally.
But figuratively their father. 
Who is their best friend?
Leon for sure. He was the first person they met after moving into the farm and one of the only kids that was willing to take them along on stuff.
Sonia comes in at a close second. After Leon started getting busier and busier they hung out more often and Rowan tends to confide more personal things with her than they do Leon.
Do they have any enemies?
Probably, being champion after all. But they wouldn’t really pay them any mind.
Who is the person they hate most in the world?
Hmm, don’t think they really hate anyone. Though they don’t really like being hounded by papparazi but who would.
Do they have any love/hate relationships?
Have they ever fallen in love?
A few times.
Rose is the first person they’ve gotten into a serious relationship with however.
Who is the person they love the most in the world?
Romantically, Rose.
Does that person love them back?
Ye he do lol
Have they ever hurt or lost anyone?
Hurt? No. Lost? Their grandparents passed away a few years before where their canon is at currently.
Are they a good shoulder to cry on?
Yeah absolutely. They’ve had to do it themselves a fair few times over their life and they really don’t mind paying it back to people who need that comfort.
Are they well liked?
I suppose they would have to be lol
How do they handle being complimented?
Finger guns and thanks. If it’s by someone close to them they also compliment right back.
Are they an affectionate person?
Physically yes, they love to be held or hold someone. Quick little stolen kisses are their bread and butter.
Verbally. they try but it doesn’t go from their head to their mouth well.
Are they very driven?
So-so, it takes some push from people on the outside but once they’re in they are in.
Are they very political?
I don’t know much about the politics within the pokemon universe so I can’t really say.
What kind of state is the world that they live in?
Well, certainly not Ohio
What are the world leaders like?
Not too sure about that one either
Does the character worry about their place in society?
For sure. Though they hide it publicly they deal with imposter syndrome a lot after winning the championship.
If the could change one thing, what would it be?
Probably woulda talked Rose out of committing to his big himbo moment if they had known what was going on. They weren’t honestly serious at that point, having only gone a couple little dates, so nothing big was shared with them.
Do they like themselves?
For the most part yes. They have their bad days, like when the imposter syndrome creeps in but they’re fairly confident otherwise.
Are they a good person?
Boy do they try to be.
Are they very forgiving?
Well, yeah.
Do they believe in destiny?
Are they trustworthy?
They sure hope so.
Are they a good liar?
Not in the slightest
How do they react to criticism?
If it’s good criticism they take it to heart and try to work with it.
If it’s not they complain about it to friends.
What is their moral alignment?
Neutral Good
Can they fight?
With pokemon yeah
Physcially they have no training but they’d try lol
Would they ever purposefully hurt someone?
Have they ever been seriously injured?
Do they know first aid?
Yes they do.
Do they have any other survival skills?
The usually stuff that uhhh comes with farm work and also, you know, camping
Are they a fast learner?
How intelligent are they?
Fairly, they’re just very aloof. 
What is the school system like?
What is their job?
Champion of Galar, part time wooloo herder
Do they enjoy their job?
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Okay I have a bit of a weird hc but bare with me. I’ve always seen Piers and Kabu is very distant for the first little while Piers is a leader, they have seemingly nothing in common. But the press starts being really awful to Piers and ends up outing him as bisexual, and he just doesn’t feel great about it. Kabu is the gym leader that comes to help because I hc Kabu as gay and probably going through something similar, so he would help Piers a lot and they would have a mutual respect
That’s not a very weird hc. In fact, I like it a lot. Btw, I’m adding a trigger warning for homophobia. Lemme know if I need to tag anything else for you.
So Piers is very cold and shut off from people he doesn’t know well. Get to know him well enough and he’s just an anxious goofball, but at that time, people just thought he was kind of a jerk and a little standoffish. Well, the first big news that comes out about Piers is his sexuality. Nobody really knows how the found out he was bi, but it blew up fast. Piers wanted to keep his life pretty private at that point and was really concerned about his image, so it was embarrassing and hurtful for Piers to be outed like this. The only person that really knew he was bi was Marnie anyway (and only because he chose to tell her.) He’s worried that the rest of the league would hate him and there was a petition going around by disgusting homophobes to kick Piers out of the league. He was scared he was gonna lose his job and his ability to care for Marnie. Luckily, it didn’t go anywhere because most of Galar is actually cool.
Kabu experienced the same thing when he first became a gym leader. He was outed as gay bc he was caught with a boyfriend, and at that time, being anything other than straight was a lot less common. He got threats from disgusting homophobes almost daily. He was overwhelmed with the same anxiety he saw Piers struggling with now.
Now, Piers and Kabu were kind of distant. Kabu saw Piers during his gym challenge and he thought Piers looking sad was because of nerves so he didn’t really do anything. He feels like he let Piers down by not helping him when the news of Piers’ family situation spread around the league. He felt a bit awkward around him, but he knew he has a duty to his fellow gym leader. He had to help Piers, so he heads over to Spikemuth and meets with Piers. It’s pretty obvious that Piers is really stressed out about it.
Kabu starts by reassuring Piers that the pokemon league won’t hate him, and in fact, a lot of them are LGBTQ+ in some wait anyway. This relieves Piers, but he’s still stressed about the petition and the media. Kabu tells him it’ll all just blow over and people will forget about it. And he knows that the petition will fail because most of Galar knows that’s a pretty piece of shit thing to do anyway. Kabu knows that most if not all of Spikemuth will defend Piers. He talks to Piers about his experience with the same situation many years ago. He talks about how it all turned out just fine and Piers is really appreciative that Kabu took the time to come talk to him.
Kabu is one of the first gym leaders to get close to Piers who wasn’t a part of his life before he joined the league.
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windscattered · 4 years
XxxCardxMasterx322xxX commented on your video: lol what a bitch i knew the fkin chairman was a cockslut. what woman would want any man that sucks dick hes just closeted af bisexual men dont even exist bro. knew he was a homo after he didnt bang that hot secretary woman galars dead to me now rip
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Jaideep reads the comment and barks a laugh. Some people really have time on their hands. “There’s a lot to unpack here, but I’ll just throw out the whole suitcase.”
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achillesmonochrome · 2 years
I should be doing a lot of things, but because my brain works how it works, I decided to lose fifteen minutes doing this low effort edits (if you can call it that.) Because I want to talk about the Scarvio Team but words aren't coming so let's go to the next best thing (?)
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Transgirl (She/Her pronouns.) Feral Bisexual.
She realized when she was an older kid; she made the connection once she was seeing an interview that Tulip was doing (originally talking about pokemon battles and then it turned into talking about her childhood. She is also a transwoman.) Romantically more interested in woman but that has to do that other women also take her more seriously as a trainer.
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Transboy (He/Him.) Pan.
If Nemona took a second to find a way how to verbalize her experience, Arven knew since he was able to talk.
Arven's favourite game as a toddler was drawing a moustache on his face with sharpie, and pretend to be a big manly man, like a caricature. These and a few other things was enough to clue Arven's parent (regardless of which version you prefer) into what was going on.
(Not so sure about his other orientation, right now leading to pan but idk.)
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Agender (They/them tho can accept she/her.) Demisexual biromantic.
Penny learned about non binary identities somewhere in their mid-teens because they are a shut-in teen so they were going to come across that rabbit hole sooner or later.
They were unsure about their identity at first, so when they came up with operation Star they say to stick with they/them pronouns for ~anonymity~ (They were testing to see if they liked it, they really did.) Between the team star almost getting expelled, Penny going back to Galar and then operation Star Fall; they put a pin on that subject and concentrate on everything else.
They weren't sure to come out or not, until Eri asked one time which pronouns they felt more comfortable, and they started crying from relief.
In some AUs I had planned they start going by Noa. Is the name they use in spanish yet I feel is more gender neutral.
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Bigender (Any pronouns.) Pan.
No I'm not doing a 2 for the price of 1 here; since you can virtually look like one gender or the other regardless of what option you pick at the beginning, I hc that instead of twins, Florian and Juliana are just the same person.
They realized during their first Treasure Hunt, in which they tried different styles and presentation; until they realize they felt comfortable in general and sometimes they liked to shake up things a bit.
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