#there's also a Lot of funny usernames in the mix (a lot of them r fandom ones)
carmen-in-space · 1 year
new fic!!! wrote bnha for a change :D
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proserpina-magnus · 3 years
If you do nsfw alphabets, can you do one for marlene (if not that’s completely okay!)
Hi! Sure you can, I hope you like it (it’s not the best but oh well). Mwah.
Marlene Mckinnon NSFW Alphabet
Reader: described as fem (or with female genitialia) since Marlene is hc’d as a lesbian in this.
Warning; pure smut Headcanons. oh and this isnt checked for spelling.
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Shes prettty sweet, definitly helps you out of any bounds or restraints if they were used during sex, she likes to play with your hair (or style it). She would possibly read you a chapter of your favourite book or tell you the latest gossip. She will most definitely run you a bath (and that would probably lead to another round), and she would even wash your hair or draw little shapes on your shoulder blade.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Her favourite body part on herself if her shoulders, she’s always been a bit insecure about them (since they are a bit bigger) but once she began playing quidditch she really started to like them.
Her favourite body part on you is probably just your entire body, she enjoys running her hands almost every wear and gripping the flesh (bonus points if you have doughy and bigger potions, eg hips, thighs, stomach).
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
She loves pussy eating for this very reason of getting to watch and taste you, it’s basically her favourite activity and she’s always fantasizing about it.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Her first time was with Mary in fifth year, it wasn’t even supposed to go that far. They began kissing just to try and you know the rest. There weren't any romantic feelings between them and they agreed to never talk about it again. But she sometimes really wishes it would become a regular thing.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
She’s pretty experienced with her own body, so she uses her own knowledge and applies it to you. She asked quite a lot the first few times, what you liked and didn’t. But now she’s an expert at pleasing you.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Most likely when you’re on top, especially because she gets to lay back and watch you (which is her favourite thing to do). She loves to hold your hips, guiding your pace and smiling if you get frustrated.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
It depends, she definitely makes more teasing comments but they aren’t really funny (well atleast not to you). Sometimes though, something just happens (either “embarrassing” like a sound or movement) and you both just kinda burst out laughing. Your first times together was more light hearted, but as you go on it get more serious.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
She is pretty well groomed, she trims it more often than goes completely bare, for friction reasons. She just prefers to be well kept, but she doesn’t care if you are or not.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
She’s very caring sometimes, even if she’s teasing. She’s always shushing you gently with a grin, and she loves to stroke your hair when you’re just about to cum. She doesn’t really realize how intimate she is.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
She loves it, obviously she enjoys sexual moments with you but she also likes time to herself and loves exploring new things (like toys). She doesn’t do it as often when you both get together, but she still does it occasionally.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
She has many, but she doesn’t always do them at the same time. She likes to branch out and try new things. Definitely dom and sub roles is a huge part (she’s a switch, but probably prefers dom). She loves hair pulling and spanking, along with dress up ( she fucking loves lacy lingerie sets or when you wear her clothes).
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Her dorm, though she prefers in the shower or bath. She really likes those quick fucks in a closet, or in the locker rooms.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Short skirts or whenever you give her fuck eyes, she loves it when people look completely vulnerable sexually. She especially get motivated whenever she teases you and you go bright red (or at least flustered, like mumbled stuttering).
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
She won’t do anal, she’s never really been a fan of it (except for spanking, she loves that shit). But she will never do anal play, it actually sorta freaks her out.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
She prefers if she’s given it, especially when she gets to sit on your face and sorta just completely suffocates you. She doesn’t mind going on you, she enjoys it, but she much rather be the one receiving it.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
She’s a mix of all, it depends on her mood. She typically can go fast and sensual, even though she likes to take her time. It’s an odd combination, but that’s what works for her. Can you imagine fast and rough
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Absolutely, she loves ‘before games’ quickies in the dorms or changing rooms. Or between class fucks, she will take it anytime she gets.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
She is really risky and will most definitely do it anytime and anywhere, but she prefers places she used too. She is constantly wanting to try new toys or new positions. Her middle name is experiment, of course she would only do things that aren’t crossing your boundaries.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
It depends, she can get bored of the same stuff so it depends if you guys have time to explore new things. She can go a good few, like 4, since she is athletic and has good stamina, but she definitely needs a break in between.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
She owns many variations from dildos to vibrators. She uses them quite a lot, since it’s easier. She’ll use them on herself and you, but of course she will wash them and properly take care of them. She’s quite skillful with and without them, so whether you both use them or not, you’re definitely having the time of your life.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
She’s always a tease, whether it's leading her hand up your thigh in class, wearing short skirts or no bra, whispering dirty things, it happens on a daily basis. She gives you yearning looks during class, smirking. It’s 50% sex and 50% taunts and teases.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
She’s not that loud, she swears more often than actually groaning. She sometimes does those small whimpers if you’re leading (which only happens in a blue moon), but she isn’t actually quiet; she talks to you.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
She would definitely want Lily or Mary to join, or she would love to go to one of this girls sleepover party’s and it ends up being a sex-a-thon orgy. She isn’t into men, so if ahy threesome’s where to go down it would be with girls.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
She has perky breasts, they're small but she likes them and her confidence makes you like them as well. Her strap is around 7 inches, but it’s more girthy.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Pretty high, she can go any time and where. She’s always thinking about sex but she is never actually horny most times, when she is horny she can go for hours on end.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
She actually has a very high stamina due to quidditch, so she has built up a tolerance to stay awake after a ‘workout’. There for, she can stay up for hours after sex and will probably spend her time taking care of you.
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modern mdzs: tumblr styles
Wei WuXian:
basically gaud
WWX would be the biggest-gaudiest-patronuses of the mdzs world
Confusing, abstract posts that are both funny and vaguely ominous??
shitposting for days
“this is an uwu safe space”
But he also dispenses really good advice to his followers and genuinely makes them feel better about themselves
also he would 100% eat a whole-ass box of crayons on livestream
This is while he’s sharing a flat with Jiang Cheng in college so JC is just sat on the couch with him, staring into the void as his brother eats crayons
He tags JC in e v e r y t h i n g
*photo of a rock* this is you *anatomical drawing of a bird* ha you *description of lichen* you on mondays lmao
After he starts dating Lan WangJi, endless posts about how much he loves his bae
102% refers to LWJ as “bae” and “boo” exclusively
Posts beautiful drawings of LWJ
Isn’t as active in adulthood but still pops in to antagonize the kids once they get tumblr
Lan WangJi:
Gorgeous calligraphy
Has thousands of followers and 53% of them are WWX on different accounts (he keeps getting blocked)
Not a single reblog to be found
No text, no tags, nothing but photo posts with calligraphy and the occasional painting
Eventually branches out a little and posts audios of himself playing the guqin
“Jiang Cheng listen to this I can’t beLIEVE” “stfu Wei Ying it’s 3am get off tumblr”
When he starts dating WWX he posts a duet of them playing music together. It’s his first video and the first time he tags a post: ‘wangxian’
His followers connect the dots pretty quickly and there is mass hysteria
WWX reblogs it and now his fanbase is screaming too
Each of them gains several thousand followers that day
meanwhile jiang cheng is sitting with his much smaller list of followers watching this and internally screaming
Jiang Cheng:
Everything is purple
Tried to delete his account 13 years ago but couldn’t bring himself to
He didn’t even want to get tumblr in the first place but WWX talked him into it and then he got addicted
His username is sandu-shengshou and WWX teases him about it constantly
“Wow, so edgy~” “it’S CULTURALLY RELEVANT”
Started out as an anti-WWX blog
“this is an uwu free zone”
His header has been “wei ying sucks” since he was 12 and will remain that way until he dies
Eventually he started including general complaints about life along with his many complaints about WWX
Known for his sarcasm and saltiness
Has a infinitely long queue filled with posts about “that one asshole from maths” and “this douchecanoe I met at the supermarket today”
Individual tags dedicated to WWX and JZX (he always saves the most creative insults for WWX)
He barely uses his blog now but the queue is still going
From time to time he still adds to it
Has exactly 714 followers and 1/4 of them are porn bots
Now he mostly uses tumblr to stalk Jin Ling
Jin Ling:
Archery and horses
Picture a hybrid of Student Athlete and Horse Girl
idk i just think if jin ling ever met a horse he would love them
Half of his posts are chain arguments with JingYi
Posts tips on archery and sword fighting techniques
Reblogs other blogs’ advice and corrects everything that’s wrong with it
Gets blocked by all other archery blogs
Works part-time at a centre for horse riding lessons and posts stories about the horses there
He didn’t have any followers at first because the blogs that he corrected made a big fuss about him, but some curious people went to check him about and realized that he actually really knows his shit
Then they read his posts about horses and realized that he’s actually very sweet under the prickly and snobbish exterior, and now he’s got a fanbase
One time he accidentally reblogged from JC and then hid at JingYi’s house for three days out of pure embarrassment
He inherited a sword from his father’s family and named his blog after it
He knows that JC stalks his blog to keep tabs on him but he doesn’t say anything because sometimes people send him asks about how his advice really helped them and he lowkey wants JC to see that and be proud of him
Lan JingYi:
Reblogging memes, all day every day
You get to his blog, the icon is screaming seagull, the header is a collage of spongebob memes, the first post is related to the simpsons probably
A few wacky conspiracy theories sprinkled into the mix, no one can tell whether he really believes them
But if you scroll for a while, you’ll start to notice breaks in the pattern
Little aesthetic collages and edits made by JingYi himself
Stuff like the various seasons of Gusu, the mood of a night hunt with SiZhui, Jin Ling, and Zizhen, the atmosphere of Lotus Pier and Koi Tower and all the other sects he gets to visit
Aesthetic boards for his friends, his mentors - there’s even one for Lan Qiren and it’s full out mountains, calligraphy pens, grey clouds, and that lemon guy who says “uNAcEPTtABLe”
And if you look really, really closely, you’ll find that amongst the collages and the edits and even the memes… he’s managed to hide every. single. lan sect rule.
All 4000 of them. Hidden amongst memes, shitposts, and mood boards.
Lan Qiren finds out and doesn’t know whether to facepalm or be impressed
Ouyang ZiZhen:
Book reviews and recommendations
Header is an edit of books against a rainy window (JingYi made it for him)
Tags the other kids in all the most wholesome posts
People discover him from reblogs on the other kids’ blogs and then follow him because of his tags
ZiZhen is That Person who chats in the tags
Half of his posts are in the tags, almost like he’s shy to have all of it out on display
He gives recommendations for books based on specific seasons, moods, themes, etc
Someone sends him an ask one day to ask for a themed rec list and he screams, he’s buzzing about it for weeks, he goes all out and researches the shit out of his library to give the anon the best book list possible
After that he gets lots more asks and it makes him happy to provide other people with good books
Is a mutual with every single one of his followers and loves all of them
Lan SiZhui:
Everything is soft and blue
He was raised by WWX and later on by LWJ as well so the day he joined tumblr was a Historic Moment for the wangxian fanbase
There are bets down about whether he’ll be a shitposting blog like his Meme Dad or an art blog like his Mature Dad (or both??)
In the end he turns out to be an advice/suggestions blog
Every day he posts a wholesome suggestion and responds to anyone looking for advice
His followers: came for the wangxian lovechild stayed for the emotional healing
A lot of his advice asks are just JingYi and Jin Ling complaining about each other on anon
Sometimes he posts a short audio or video for a message he feels should be spoken
Now people keep requesting him to do asmr (JingYi laughs hysterically and tells him to do it) (he doesn’t)
Always promotes his friends’ blogs and encourages his followers to visit their blogs
His whole blog is just super wholesome and nice. WWX and LWJ are so proud.
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yoon-kooks · 5 years
With Love and No Regrets💋 2
Tumblr media
Pairing: ??? x Reader, Taehyung x Reader (this chapter)
Genre: Angst, Handwritten!AU, inspired by TATBILB
Summary: Seven stories, seven regrets, seven letters… to all the boys you may or may not still think about…
Word Count: 2.8k
Parts: Prologue // 1 // 1.5 // 2 // 2.5 // 3 // 
Warnings: none
A/N: hands up if you remember your first crush ever 😔✊
Fifth grade might’ve been your prime. You were a whopping ten years old, all the kindergarteners looked up to you as their senior, multiple boys in your class had their eye on you, and you developed your first crush. His name was Kim Taehyung.
Unlike Jungkook who you had met in kindergarten, the existence of Kim Taehyung was unknown to you until fifth grade came around. And boy did he hit you like a truck.
Taehyung was cute. Perhaps one of the cutest boys in your class, up there with Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok. And sure, you would’ve loved for fate aka your teacher to seat you right next to him for the entire school year. But the truth is, fate wasn’t always so kind. Because Taehyung always somehow ended up on the opposite side of the room from you.
But why leave everything up to fate? You weren’t that passive when it came to love—at least not at age ten. So you found another way to connect with the boy.
One stormy October morning, you discovered a common interest between Taehyung and yourself. Rainy days were always your favorite because your class was blessed with some free time in the school’s computer lab during recess. After all, you were the type that opted to stay behind a screen instead of facing things head on.
“Ahin, how are you level 77 already?” you asked your best friend as you glanced back and forth between her level 77 mage and your level 32 bandit on the computer screen. Her character had a lot more swag with the sunglasses and shit compared to your basic ass character with the default clothes.
“That’s because my screen time isn’t limited to one hour a day like you,” Ahin shrugged. “At this rate, you’ll be a noob forever, Y/N. Taehyung’s gonna over-level you soon.”
“Taehyung plays StapleMory, too?” You were intrigued because StapleMory was already your favorite MMORPG, but with the addition of a cute boy thrown into the mix, you’d have to beg your mother for an extra hour of play time.
“Yeah, he started playing a few weeks ago and he’s only a few levels behind you.”
“What’s his username? I wanna add him to my friend list.”
“Why? Are you in love with him or something?”
“What? No, of course not.” You didn’t have a crush on him just yet. You didn’t even know what a crush felt like.
“Well I don’t know his username either,” Ahin said. “I just heard him talking about it with Hoseok. Try asking them instead.”
You’d only made the smallest of small talk with Taehyung in the first month back from summer break, so you didn’t know him well enough to casually start a conversation with him at recess without it feeling a little forced. On the other hand, you did have an already established acquaintance with Hoseok thanks to summer school a few years back.
You peered down at the pair of boys several computers down from where you sat, locked onto your target, and rolled your chair over in that direction. When you caught a glimpse of familiar character sprites on their screens, you knew what to do.
“You play StapleMory, too, Hoseok?” The character on his screen was a heavily armored warrior holding a long blue spear.
“Y-you play too, Y/N?” He looked shocked. Shocked but not upset. Though maybe if you both had put two and two together sooner, you could’ve advanced your acquaintanceship with him beyond summer school.
“Yeah, and Ahin plays too.”
“I play too,” Taehyung jumped in. Contrary to his natural handsomeness, his character was on the ugly side equipped with a bow and arrows. “Well I just started, so I’m only level 30.”
“Oh, so you’re still just a noob,” you laughed as if being two levels higher than him was anything to boast about.
“Well what level are you then?”
“Higher than you.” You really should not have had that smug look on your face, but you did.
Taehyung narrowed his eyes at you. It was a challenge. “What’s your username? I’ll add you.”
“Is that some kind of Naruto reference or something?”
“Yeah, duh.” You didn’t know. It wasn’t your username.
After typing the username in, Taehyung’s jaw dropped. “Level 77? That’s… impressive. You already have your third job advancement?”
You wanted to psych him out a little, not impress him. Clearly that didn’t work out, so you abort. “Nah, I’m just kidding. That’s Ahin’s character.”
“Haha very funny. I guess I’ll add her then, not you.” Taehyung sent Ahin a virtual friend request right in front of your eyes. “Unless you wanna tell me your username.”
Were you feeling threatened? No. But did you want Taehyung to be your friend? Yes.
“It’s… TacoCat98.” You admit you were self-conscious about the name, and you would’ve picked something a little wittier like TacoBelle if you’d known you’d be playing with a cute boy. But nobody could’ve predicted that.
“Seriously?” Taehyung laughed at your username as he typed it in. He had no right to clown you when his own username was something as simple Vante, and you totally did not get the reference if there was one. And he only stopped laughing once he saw your character. “You called me a noob when you’re only like two levels above me? Noob.”
“It doesn’t matter! I’m still higher than you, so ha!” You got the last laugh, but not the last say.
“Not for long, Y/N… Not for long.” The confidence in Taehyung’s voice was admirable with a hint of flirtiness, but you wouldn’t let him get the best of you. Or so you thought.
It had quickly become a regular thing for you to hop online after school with either Ahin, Hoseok and Taehyung, or just Taehyung. Your mother was pleasantly surprised to see you zipping through your homework with newfound motivation, and she even granted you an extra hour of screen time to reward your excelling academics. Little did she know that your motivation had everything to do with a boy.
With that valuable extra hour of play time, you did everything in your power to stay ahead of Taehyung. You grinded, took on quests, asked Ahin for advice on the best equips and places to train, and you did so without a minute to waste. The only time you took a break from leveling up your character was when a certain notification popped up on your screen.
[Vante has logged in!]
[Vante sent you a message!]
Vante: hi Y/N >:)
TacoCat98: why r u sending me a mean face? :P
Vante: freedom of speech?
TacoCat98: ok?
Vante: come train with me :(
TacoCat98: where r u now?
Vante: where the fire boars are
TacoCat98: kk
You might’ve been in the middle of a jump quest that you’d have to restart later, but you were willing to forfeit some good EXP in exchange for time with Taehyung. The two of you were close enough in level where it’d be mutually beneficial to train together on the same map anyway. So you hustled over to the fire boars.
As soon as you walked through the portal to where Taehyung said he was, you witnessed a hoard of flaming pigs chasing an ugly green-haired archer. Rather than extending a hand to help the boy out of danger, you take pleasure in watching him struggle to find safety on a nearby platform.
“why didnt u help me????” A speech bubble appeared over Taehyung’s character. “i almost died!!”
“i didnt wanna kiss you,” you typed, with a very embarrassing typo. “i meant KS you… not kiss you lol”
“r u sure that was a typo?” Taehyung changed his character’s facial expression to a hmm face.
“KISS wouldnt have made sense in that context!!” K.S. was the abbreviation of kill steal, which was when someone (often a noob like Taehyung) is trying to kill a monster but then a higher level player passes by and instantly kills the monster as a form of mockery. Kiss, on the other hand, meant something very different.
“RIGHT.” You made your character flail around in the air like a kid having a tantrum before jumping down to release all your awkward energy out on the fire boars. “can we just train now??”
You sent Taehyung a request to join your party, and he accepted it, but he remained right where he was instead of joining you on the battle grounds.
“or we could just talk,” he typed. That not only surprised you, but also meant something to you. It meant he’d rather spend time chatting with you over leveling up his character. You were more important to him than the game itself.
You jumped back up to the safe platform and faced Taehyung’s character. “we could.”
You didn't know if he was just luring you away from training so he could sneak past you in levels as soon as you logged off, but maybe it didn’t matter. You only had two hours a day to do whatever you wanted on the computer, and Taehyung was what made your time feel well-spent.
And if he ended up surpassing you in levels as a result of that, you’d lose bragging rights and that hold over him, but something in you wanted to believe he wouldn’t leave your noob ass behind.
For a solid year, you never grew bored of Taehyung and his antics. Even in the classroom, it became apparent that you two were no strangers. You teased him about his new haircuts, he teased you by shouting “TacoCat98” across the school yard, and you both exchanged ugly faces as you passed by each others’ desks. All of that was innocent and cute, though the more intimate stuff remained online.
You can’t remember the exact moment you first acknowledged your feelings for Taehyung because it was your very first crush and you had no way of recognizing the signs. For a while, you assumed your first crush would be Namjoon because he had all the stunning physical qualities you thought you wanted in a boyfriend. But with Taehyung, it was something else that you couldn’t quite comprehend. All you knew was that he made your day a little brighter. And you found yourself thinking about him. A lot.
But nothing could’ve made you realize your crush more than when he asked you about it right after graduation.
Vante: hey
TacoCat98: hey
Vante: do you like anyone?
It was your chance—the golden opportunity. You wanted to scream “YES, IT’S YOU” through your computer. But on the off chance that he didn’t feel the same way, you wanted to save yourself from a potential rejection. You told yourself you’d only confess to him if you felt 100% confident that he felt the same way. Despite having a gut feeling that that might’ve been the case, you needed more answers.
TacoCat98: lol why r u asking?
Vante: bc u know how my group of guys had a talk after the grad ceremony?
TacoCat98: umm no? and yall arent “guys” yet btw. youre still boys lolol
Vante: whatever -_-
Vante: anyway
Vante: the BOYS had a talk about who we liked in our class
Vante: so i know who likes u
Someone liked you? That was definitely news to you. No one (to your knowledge) ever had a crush on you in your ten years of life. Naturally, you were curious as a kitten as to who it was, and if it was in fact Taehyung himself. Or maybe he was just bluffing. If that were the case, you were going to bluff back.
TacoCat98: well i know who likes u too :P
Vante: who?
For some reason, your dumbass didn’t anticipate him asking you to spill the tea. Especially not when you were alluding to your own crush on him.
TacoCat98: u tell me first and then ill tell u
Because how romantic would that be if the feeling was mutual and realized on the online platform where it had all begun to bloom?
Vante: hoseok
TacoCat98: wat
Vante: hoseok said he likes u
Vante: ok next
You needed a long minute to comprehend what had happened. Hoseok liked you? Hoseok? Hoseok didn’t even know you the way Taehyung did. You rarely even spoke to him outside of when he’d play StapleMory with you and Taehyung. So how was it possible for Jung Hoseok to develop a crush on you out of nothing? Spoiler alert: It wasn’t possible. But you didn’t know that at the time.
Vante: so… who likes me?
An idiot liked Taehyung. And that idiot was you. But after he didn’t confess to you like you had hoped, there was no way you’d confess either.
TacoCat98: actually i promised to keep that a secret
Vante: but u said u would tell me >:(
TacoCat98: well im srry!!
TacoCat98: it’s not like you were sharing your OWN crush, so why r u so mad lol
TacoCat98: hoseok probably wanted to keep that a secret but u told me anyway
Vante: true
Vante: dont tell him i told u >.<
TacoCat98: ok i wont
Vante: good
Vante: now back to the original question… tell me who u like
TacoCat98: i dont like anyone lol
Vante: seriously…
TacoCat98: really i dont lol
Vante: everyone has a crush
TacoCat98: and your crush is…?
Vante: ahin
He typed it without hesitation, not a sliver of doubt. He confidently told you about his crush on your best friend as if that information wasn’t going to get back to her. Maybe he intended for you to tell Ahin so he wouldn’t have to confess himself. Or maybe he just wanted to make you jealous. The latter was what he accomplished.
As a friend, you loved Ahin and envied her for how easily she got along with the boys in your class. Just as her StapleMory character outshined yours, she had the same effect at school. It honestly didn’t surprise you that Taehyung chose her over you. You had just hoped and envisioned that this time it was you.
TacoCat98: AHIN!!! can i tell u something?
YoungHinata: sure lol
TacoCat98: i like tae
YoungHinata: omg
YoungHinata: really????
YoungHinata: u should tell him!!
YoungHinata: he always acts like he likes u too
TacoCat98: i dont think he likes me like that
YoungHinata: y tho???
TacoCat98: i just have a feeling :(
YoungHinata: well youll never know for sure unless u confess to him
TacoCat98: nah im fine with him never knowing
TacoCat98: i just wanted to get it off my chest so i told u instead of him lol
After elementary school ended and middle school started, you were more thankful than ever that you and Taehyung had established an online friendship. You wouldn’t have otherwise known he attended the same middle school because you had zero classes with him in sixth grade and literally never saw him on campus. You owed a lot to the online platform for all the opportunities it provided you with in chatting with your crush. At the same time, a relationship built upon online engagements had its limits.
[Vante has logged in!]
TacoCat98: hihihi
Vante: i havent seen your face around these parts in a while
TacoCat98: blame my teachers >:(
TacoCat98: more hw = less staplemory
Vante: same
Vante: dont u think it’s weird tho
TacoCat98: whats weird?
Vante: how we talk on here but not irl
TacoCat98: i guess we never see each other at school anymore
There were a million better ways to respond to Taehyung’s comment, but that’s how you chose to respond. You had every opportunity to say, “hey let’s meet up at lunch tomorrow” or “wanna get milk tea after school?” But you were too dense to realize what he wanted out of that conversation. You took it more as a subtle breakup like “we can’t be friends anymore because things are awkward now irl.” After all, you were on the wrong side of an unrequited love, and it was almost inevitable that he’d develop other crushes on his new classmates who outclassed you.
It was only after you both quit StapleMory later that year and left your friendship to die in cyberspace that you heard a rumor floating around regarding you and Taehyung. One of your new middle school friends said Taehyung had asked her if it was true that you had a crush on him.
How did Taehyung know about that? And why did he even care? He was supposed to like Ahin. He told you himself that he liked Ahin. If you were his crush, he would’ve told you. He should’ve told you. Because you were fully convinced he no longer cared about his little gamer friend when there were plenty of prettier kids to pursue. And whether or not it was the truth, you took it to heart, despite all the other signs that had said otherwise.
So, no. The rumor wasn't true. You didn’t have a crush on him. Not anymore.
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bum-callout · 6 years
the full regan tea!
i know this is long as HELL so there will be a tl;dr at the end for those who dont have the time to read it or just dont want to.
disclaimer 1: screenshots will be added to this as theyre located. a lot of this persons accounts/messages have been deleted, so some are hard to find, unfortunately.
disclaimer 2: no witch-hunting of this individual is encouraged. this is merely a warning to people who interact with them and something to document and fully address their lies over the past three or so years.
a little context:
this callout regards an individual who will be referred to as “regan” and they/them for the duration of this post to avoid confusion. a list of their known aliases is located here.
they currently go by alayne, and are most active on quotev, where their most recent urls are @jonestxwn (which is super disrespectful already lol) and @yearzer0. their old tumblr is @colacans, but if they have a new one, im unaware of it.
all victims names have been changed to preserve their privacy. here is a list of people mentioned:
gail: gail refers to the main victim of regans manipulation and their partner of several years. they started dating some time in 2015 or 2016. the broken heart emoji in some screenshots refers to gail. gails alters are also changed to “gail” for privacys sake.
jake: jake is another victim of regans, albeit a more minor one. jake met regan in 2015 and started dating them. jake is also often lied about as regan. the game controller emoji in some screenshots refers to jake.
skylar: ex-qpp/partner of regans. last testimonial is from them.
taylor: an ex friend of regans who theyd had various and sundry drama with over the 3 years of bs.
jay: an ex of regans that they parted on rough terms with.
any other censored names: people who i was sure would only be mentioned once.
gail and jake:
this is, without a doubt, the most important part of the callout, and unfortunately the part with the least viable screenshots, due to deletion of accounts/messages. gail has since deleted most of her messages from regan, but the ones that ive found/been given screenshots of are here (with gails explicit permission).
regan was incredibly shitty to gail during their 2-3 year relationship. i would go so far as to say regan was abusive. as will be seen in the actuallydivine section, regan blames a great deal of things on gail, and has never permanently taken the blame for anything in their rocky relationship; it has always, according to regan, been something wrong with gail.
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here are some examples of regan exhibiting abusive behaviour (tormenting gail because its “funny”), admitting to their own shitty behaviour, and mentioning cheating on her. its interesting to note they were also dating jake at this time, but they cared about him so little they didnt even mention the effect cheating might have on him.
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i find it interesting that regan admits to being shitty towards gail as far back as 2016, but has gone back to claiming they did nothing and that gail is the one at fault. perhaps it is a bit far to claim that regan is a pathological liar, but with their behaviour, i would not be entirely surprised.
another thing to mention regarding gail is that regan claimed gail pushed them into the habit of regan calling gail “daddy,” and then saying they were ace and it made them uncomfortable in the first place, when nothing could be farther from the truth. regan has publicly in front of their followers, almost 100% of whom were minors, talked about their R*PE KINK, and often called gail daddy unprompted on the feed and elsewhere. before anyone comes for me, im not claiming that they couldnt be asexual, but i am doubtful because of the fact theyve claimed that once or twice before and decided they werent, AND because of the fact they only used it to pin the blame on gail for this.
this doesnt even touch on the amount of times they threatened to kill themself.
regan and jakes relationship went as such: they met in 2015, when jake was 13 and regan was 16, and started dating. hopefully you can understand what is wrong with that, as a relationship with that age gap is ILLEGAL in every u.s. state. there was sexual conduct involved, making regan (arguably) a child predator. there is also a statement that regan dated another 13 year old when they were 17, but that is as yet unproven and the 13 year old in question is not contactable to confirm this. to the best of my knowledge, both of their current partners are also minors, despite the fact they are 19 as of october 2018.
regan was also extremely shitty to jake during this time, constantly “bullying” him (their own words) in a way that they found funny, but was clearly extremely upsetting to jake. they also pushed him aside for at least half of their relationship, as they were poly and their other partners (mostly gail) were more their focus.
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above is a conversation between jake and regan. regan came to him and asked him “what [they] ever did to [him]” and after respondingg and explaining why exactly he had beef with them, he discovered that them saying they wanted “no drama” was absolutely bs, as they had been posting a psa trying to get he and gail deleted for no reason that same day. afterwards, regan messaged jake asking for a truce, which jake refused, as he was furious with them and felt that they were not in a position to ask for a truce when they were doing things like this just hours before.
this is mostly just them talking shit, but some of the stuff they say is clearly lies if you consider evidence. they constantly paint themself as the victim when they are a 19 year old abuser who takes advantage of people regularly.
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(this last screenshot refers to jake changing his username to a pun based on the phrase “lies and slander”; its unclear whether regan sent this pretending to be someone else, or had someone they know send it.)
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i think its also interesting to note that this screenshot and later ones where regan is friends with jake are taken merely a month apart, and then, two months later, theyre back on their bs. something about that seems super fake to me.
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regardless of your opinion on actuallydivine, if you look at the lies section, you can see regan blaming gail for all their actuallydivine stuff and saying it was all a lie. yeah. bs.
mental illness:
i know this is a bit of a controversial subject, but a lot of stuff regan said/did concerning mental illness (ESPECIALLY involving their system/alters) was really shitty imo.
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this is a good example of something shitty they did alter-wise. this was something they claimed OVER AND OVER AGAIN, saying shitty things they did were always their evil headmates, and constantly killing off and creating new headmates (that were mostly actually just them under a new name) as an excuse for their behaviour and a way to reset for being a shitty person.
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heres them listing their mental illnesses. now, if you look in the lies section, regan says they faked their headmates (aka their osdd), so thats more proof theyre a liar. they also at one point bashed self-diagnosis, and yet they admit to self-diagnosing here. Hmm. something else to note is that in the first image, they seem to be claiming that their therapist diagnosed them, when diagnoses are made by psychiatrists, but that could be a simple oversight on their part.
self-explanatory, but this section is mostly regan saying or implying theyve changed and are now a better person.
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as you can see in the above screenshots, all taken at different times in the last two years, theyve done this thing over and over and OVER where they claim theyve changed, theyre better, something has changed their view, and that is simply not the case, and never has been.
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this last one is from this month (october 2018). sound familiar?
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these arent so much blatant lies as it is implying theyre any different now. also, funny to acknowledge that 2015 them was a piece of shit, when they really dont act any different now.
some other ridiculous things they lied about:
their height, at least three separate times.
their zodiac sign.
regan is very much a ‘true crime’ kind of person, and i do, in some aspects, mean the fetishize-y kind. theyre borderline obsessed with serial killers, and have expressed sexual attraction for ted bundy. however, thats not the only true crime-related bullshit theyve pulled.
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yeah. regans factkin with JIM JONES. and they made one of their urls “jonestxwn” like.. how disrespectful can you be? if they were a columbiner, i would not be surprised. for those who are not aware, jim jones is the cult leader who caused the jonestown massacre, which resulted in the death of 900+ people through mass suicide. its where the phrase “drinking the koolaid” comes from, as the poison was mixed with a koolaid-like product.
you thought regan could not be any more of a freak? you were wrong baybee!
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even without context this is a gross thing to do. however, context makes this worse: the individual in question, while they were NOT a good person, was around jakes age, if not younger, meaning that they were at least 3 years younger than regan at the time, and were most likely probably 13-14, judging by the time period when regan was interacting with them, so regan was 3-4 years older than this individual when they manipulated and fake dated them.
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just gross. its of note that regan turned 18 in 2017, so they were an adult or close to being an adult when they said this.
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hmm. kind of fetishize-y, but not the worst thing ive seen from regan.
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GROSS? stay away from children.
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honestly this ones just funny all things considered.
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this isnt the only time theyve referred to themself as a fujoshi, and some of those times were when they identified as female. yikes!
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yet another one thats just funny. they are genuinely a narcissist, and regularly refer to themself as some kind of genius (not to mention their god complex, which THEY THEMSELF refer to as such).
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another one like that mentioning their headmates and the fact they are, and i quote, “the smartest person alive.” come bless us mortals with your 300 iq, o god regan.
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they were also into ddlg but i have no screenshots of that, as after a certain period, they prefaced a lot of their posts with stuff like “hehe im not into ddlg but i sure love calling my partner daddy!” despite having said, and i quote, “ddlg is my main kink,” at one point.
another point against them, which i have proof for but didnt feel was relevant enough to this: they love tearzah, and claimed to have been in a relationship with them. although tearzah (and melanie martinez... AND reinagoth) are people who they are a massive hypocrite about, as they acknowledged they were shitty and refused to support them, and then, mere months later, decided “nevermind, dont care, i love them xoxo.”
this is fairly self-explanatory; its testimonials by anonymous people who interacted with regan in the past detailing what they know of them.
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to add some extra context to the one directly above, this individual is younger than jake by a year.
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more of these will be added as i receive more.
i apologize for getting kind of unprofessional at the end, but this is a subject im emotionally involved in. again, i DONT advocate witch-hunting of this individual. theyre a shitty person but harassing them will do nothing constructive.
spreading this would be appreciated, though, as this person is genuinely a danger to those around them and has continued to lie about gail and jake up until extremely recently, if they are not still doing so.
regan is an abusive person who takes advantage of minors, blames the people they abuse, and constantly lies about everything they can, among a plethora of other shitty-but-less-unforgivable things.
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dablesretrospective · 3 years
2008 - Dables - Slacker Pop
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This album should of never existed. I never planned for it to.   Towards the end of Closet Monster, in the Fall of 2008, I came home from work one day to my trailer that my cousin Kenny and I lived in off of White Horse Road in Greenville, and discovered that we had been robbed. They stole quite a lot of stuff from us.  They got pretty much every single piece of musical equipment I owned as well as lot of other stuff.  The only thing they left was my acoustic guitar (THANK GOD, because it was my first that was a gift from my Mom, and the one I learned how to play on), my drum machine, one effects pedal, and the cassette deck Tascam Portastudio which they didn’t steal because they thought it was just a tape player or something probably.  That was all that was left.  They got 3 guitars, my new Tascam 8 Track recorder, which had about 20 or so songs on it that are all gone now that I had only owned about 2 months, two amplifiers, my PS2, all the games, and tons of my roommate’s stuff. Not only were we robbed, but they TRASHED our place too. They took a tub of butter out of our fridge and spread it throughout the house for some reason.  The couches were smeared with butter. The walls, the floors, the carpet, my bed…Every single drawer was pulled out and its contents scattered. They tipped over our bookshelves and dvd cases and basically ran amuk throughout our house. We both worked third shift at the time, and we figured it was someone who lived nearby that noticed both our cars are gone 5 nights a week, from 11 PM-7AM, so we never recovered any of our stuff.
They didn’t get my laptop though because my room was so messy and it was buried under a pile of dirty clothes. THAT is the reason that Slacker Pop exists. Although I had been recording songs as Dables since 2005, I hadn’t “officially” released anything beyond a few random demos and mix cd’s that I gave out to friends, but nothing that I was comfortable with giving out to the general public just yet. But that didn’t mean that I wasn’t recording and writing like a madman still, trying to make something worthwhile that people outside of my personal group of friends would enjoy.  I was working on what would’ve been the first official Dables release, “Pretending To Be Asleep” as well as “Powerglove Bitchslap”, and I had made considerable progress but wasn’t quite finished when I had been robbed, thus bringing any music production or playing shows to a halt.  I sulked for a while and even considered just letting Dables end because I had been at it for 3 years and had made pretty much no real progress as a solo artist, especially since I no longer had any musical instruments and I was too poor to afford new ones.
But then I figured, since I still have my laptop, I have a ton of songs on it (some not quite finished or just demos) already done, the songs that would’ve composed Pretending To Be Asleep as well as several other albums, and I thought, well I could just make a compilation of sorts and put that out as Dables first album! So that’s what Slacker Pop is.  It is the songs that survived before the robbery, and it was finished and put online as my first official Dables CD, released on Christmas Day and was the third official release on Slackerpop Records, which at the time was still named EES Records (Everything Else Sucks), but obviously this album became the inspiration for the name change of the label that wouldn’t come for another year or two.
The title came to me when I was browsing through a local band from Charleston, Ko’s myspace. The band is now called Company, but they had under their ‘sounds like’ section: “strummy, jangly pop rock by lazy slackers”. Personally I don’t think that describes Company’s sound all that well but it made me realize that my music was essentially pop music by a slacker and for fellow slackers, hence a new genre that I dubbed Slacker Pop. A quick Google search showed there was no band or anything using the term and since it fit my sound so well, I decided to use it.  The cover of the album is a double joke that most people don’t get. Not only was it a stick figure drawing of me at the time, but it was supposed to resemble a lollipop. A slacker guy that looks like a lollipop. A slacker lolliPOP that looks like me and also describes the genre of the album.  I also made the cover just black on white because it used less ink to print out, so it was a little cheaper to make copies which I made roughly 100 of entirely by myself. Printed it at home, cut out the cover art with scissors so it would fit in a jewel case, and burned and labeled the CD-Rs one at a time. It took forever but it gave me merch to give away (I rarely tried to sell my hand made copies, I preferred to just give them away at shows and record stores or wherever for promotion).
I started saving my money, and thankfully since it was the end of the year a big tax return helped me to eventually buy all new guitars and recording equipment, and Dables got right back on track within a handful of months and in a weird way the robbery gave me the motivation to continue to pursue my music.
While I’m at it, I may as well answer the most commonly two asked questions about Dables. First off, it is pronounced “Day-bulls”. If it was different it would have two b’s in it like the actual word dabbles! Secondly, it is a portmanteau of the words “David’s Bullshit”…DAvids BULLShit…Get it? No? Ok…well in early 2005, for the very first time ever, I tried to record a few songs by myself using Sound Recorder, Free Wav Editor, and the truly crappy built-in microphone on my computer monitor. I had about 6 terrible, horribly basic, nonsensical “songs” that I burned on a CD-R. Not knowing what to call it, I just wrote “David’s Bullshit” on the CD with a sharpee. Gave a copy to maybe 3 or 4 friends just for a laugh. It wasn’t until my birthday on Nov 8 later that year (turned 19) that my then-girlfriend bought me my first cassette deck 4-Track Tascam Portastudio. Took me about a year to learn how to use it and by early 2007 I made my first demo called “I Want to Vomit on You” and I needed a name for the project so I thought it would be funny and oh-so-clever to combine the two words I wrote on the last CD-R I made, David’s Bullshit into one and spell it Dables. I made it official by then changing all my online usernames to Dables too lol. I remember really liking that it was a one word band name, both because I thought it could double as a stage-name for me and that it was a single word band name like a lot of my all-time favorite bands such as Ween, Primus, Devo, Gwar, Clutch, Tool, Nirvana…I loved that aspect of it so it stuck. I recorded an absolutely absurd amount of songs on that cassette tape 4-track and made so many demo albums but it wasn’t until Slacker Pop at the end of 2008 that I considered my music good enough for an official release. All the best stuff (and just as much god awful stuff too) from those cassette tapes made between 2005-2008 were eventually released to the public in 2018 as a 4 volume series called The Early Days. I’ll do a write up blog for those albums too eventually.
Either way I consider Slacker Pop the first official David’s Bullshit album...Or you can just call it Dables for short.
-------------------------- Released on December 1, 2008
Slackerpop Records 2008
All music written, performed, and recorded by David Walker Track #2 written by Ween Tracks #10 and #22 Alex Murray plays guitar
1.Welcome To The Record 2.Love Will Conquer All 3.Paint The Town Brown 4.What You Think I’ve Become 5.I’m Sleepy 6.Stardust Memories 7.Celebrity 8.Nightmare City 9.Everyone Loves God 10.Brain Vice 11.In My Dreams 12.Brown Eyed Angel 13.Yeah Ok 14.Livin’ in A Dream 15.Nothing Should Ever Be A Big Deal 16.I Still Love You 17.Szandora 18.Half Off Jesus Face 19.You Must First Understand Pain 20.Nothin’ But The House Rent 21.Who Are You? 22.Vodka Jam
Download this album for free at:
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anovel70 · 5 years
May 2019 Update
My goals this year have been simple as I narrow down my interests from the previous years. At the beginning of the year (before I got busy and forgot to post my stuff), I came up with three major categories of everything I wanted to do in 2019. Since then, things have changed because of my dislocated shoulder and failures.
work - do good at my job, actuary, investment, do my own taxes and loans, organize my life
social - making friends, find a girl, looking clean
entertainment - Pokemon, TV, running
With work, I don’t know what to think of it. I haven’t gotten fired yet, and I hope I don’t in the future. My coworkers have all been laid off or resigned, which probably gives me job security. I’m struggling with learning my role, and no one really has availability to help me. My coworker is still trying to make me look bad, even though I’m new.
As for my actuary exam, I failed. I got 51.5 on the exam while the pass mark is usually 53. I don’t see the pass mark being any different for this sitting. Failure wasn’t a thing I had considered when I made my plan. Now, I plan on retaking MAS I in the fall, Exam 5 in 2020, and Exam 8 in 2021 before taking a break to focus on my engineering exam.
In May, I just want to sit at Starbucks and focus on statistical programming on R. R is widely used by actuaries and I need to get good at this program. Plus, it helps me understand the material even better if I can integrate it to my studies. I’m not going to be studying for MAS I specifically, but I am going to use the guides from various actuary exams to help me learn and use R to solve problems. In June, I should get my official score report back, and I will start studying for MAS I again.
With R, there are four textbooks that are required reading for exams. Even though R is not required, it is still useful to know to put on your resume. I will separate my learning out in chapters. There are 10 chapters in Statistical Learning, 12 chapters in Time Series, 15 chapters in Bayesian, and 8 chapters in Linear Mixed Models. I don’t care about learning R or learning material in the exams. I will only care about learning practical uses of R, and using R to solve problems in these textbooks will be ideal. There are 45 chapters in total, so I will work at them at a rate of one chapter a day. That will bring me to the end of June, which will be time to start studying for MAS I again.
Now that I’m done studying for actuary for now, I want to figure out what my finances are. My mother made me sign up for a bunch of credit cards that I have not kept track of throughout the years. I also want to handle paying for my student loans myself and keeping track of my two bank accounts. I already have an Excel spreadsheet I used for stocks last year. Now I’m going to expand that spreadsheet to include all of finances. I need to include web links, passwords, and usernames in this spreadsheet.
The first quarter of 2019 was bad. I dislocated my shoulder, then I got sick at speed dating at a college with uninteresting girls. In February, I’ve been watching old scenes from Gossip Girl, Friends, and How I Met Your Mother. I have no idea why. I remembered a scene from 2015 I thought was really funny on Friends. The thought just popped out of nowhere. I haven’t thought about that scene in three years, but somehow I remembered it. It was the last episode where Phoebe thought something was wrong with the phalange.
With TV this year, I hope to watch the Office and Pretty Little Liars, but we’ll see how far I get with this goal. Also, I need to continue watching Game of Thrones, 13RW, and Stranger Things. On top of that, I need to watch Kim Possible Live Action, Pokemon Live Action, and Frozen 2. I watched Kim Possible Live Action, and I watched Christopher Robin live action. I found it on the plane. Then I watched a Wrinkle in Time and now I’m focused on the Man in the High Castle. I will start watching Game of Thrones on May 5.
The only good thing that happened to me this year is my trip to Montana for work. I have a friend from Montana, so I was texting her a lot but that sort of ended after I came back home.
The Man in the High Castle is great. It takes place after WWII when the Axis powers won the war. America is divided between Japan and Germany, while Italy is somehow not referenced, even though they helped the Axis powers. I liked the fact that Germany bombed Washington DC to end the war instead of America bombing Japan to win the war. It is almost like a parallel universe. Also, instead of the Cold War happening between the US and Russia, it happens between Germany and Japan, which is really interesting if you think about it. At first, it looks like Japan is the good guys, since they are underpowered and do not have weapons of mass destruction. Plus, their people have more freedom than under Germany’s rule, but still not as free as the US.
All the main characters are very likeable. Even Hitler is likeable in this timeline. Although he is mostly referenced and only shows up no more than twice in the series, he is the one that’s keeping the peace in the world. However, he’s about to die in 6 months, which will start a war that Japan is guaranteed to lose.
So you have Joe, who’s working for the Nazis, but is considering joining the Resistance against the Nazi and Japan because of his affection for Juliana. Juliana joins the Resistance when she sees her sister gets killed and now she wants answers. Her boyfriend Frank lost his family and is framed for shooting the Japanese crown prince because he actually made a gun and was about to do it. But instead, Ed protects him, who is the biggest bro in the series, and now its Frank’s turn to save Ed from Kido. Frank is working with an antiques seller, Childan, who successfully sold a fake antique, which Frank outed in the first episode of Season 2.
Kido is on everyone’s cases and I really don’t like him. He’s the head of the Japanese police and his main focuses are Ed and the shooting of the prince, even though he found the Nazi who actually killed the prince. He killed Frank’s sister and her family when Frank wouldn’t tell him where Juliana went because they wanted a film from her. Once they found someone that stole Juliana’s bag, it was revealed that this person did not have the film he was looking for, so they freed Frank. He’s also after the Japanese mafia who has a film that Juliana needs to get for the resistance, but the mafia has warned him that they will go public about Japanese officials doing illegal activities if anything bad happened to them. Lastly, he’s after Tagomi, the Japanese trade minister who wants peace between Germany and Japan. He does all this, and yet he claims he is “not a monster” in the second episode.
Now let’s talk about how awesome Tagomi is. He wants peace. He gets a German Nazi Wegener to give him plans for a bomb so that Japan will be on par with German in terms of nuclear weapons. He then gets Wegener out of the Pacific States of America (California) before Kido can accuse him of conspiracy. I love the rivalry between Kido and Tagomi throughout Season 1, but it looks like they won’t be in any scenes together in Season 2. Because of Wegener, Kido thinks Tagomi is responsible for the crown prince’s death. He tries to get Tagomi to stop drug trade from the mafia. He disapproves of hiring Juliana to help Tagomi. Kido says goodbye to Tagomi when he was going to commit an honorable suicide since he failed to find the crown prince’s killer, only to realize he could blame Ed. Tagomi also has a vision of a more peaceful America, which is basically what happens in our timeline. He’s one of the few good guys working in the government.
Unfortunately for Tagomi, his contact Wegener gets arrested by a Nazi, John Smith, who’s been giving Joe instructions. John is also a respectable character, and I like him, even though he wants to kill Juliana for being part of the resistance. He wants to get rid of traitors within the Nazi ranks because Hitler does not want another war once he’s gone. Hitler is aware that there will be war and he does not want this. Hitler is portrayed as a good guy who’s trying to resist war, which is strange because we usually see him as a bad guy in our timeline. Also, the Nazi’s sign in America is an eagle carrying the Nazi swastika, which is really cool because Hitler did not completely remove America’s heritage when he took over.
I really want to see stories in other places, like the UK and France. They do mention Mexico and South America, which makes me wonder what happened to places like China or India. Apparently, the characters want to “flee to Mexico”, but what does that mean? Its actually kind of ironic how Mexico is the “safe place” in this timeline since in our timeline, Trump wants to build a wall.
With Pokemon, that’s been coming along nicely. I’ve finished catching the 403 Pokemon in the Aloladex so now I’m hoping to borrow some games from the library. However, a lot of those games are missing, which puts a dent in my plans. I might have to buy a flashcart sooner than expected if I want to catch them all.
Now in Pokemon, I need to make sure I have one Pokemon from each evolutionary line. I also want them to have their Hidden Abilities. If they evolve by trading, I’ll include the evolved form instead of their base form. For Golem, I will have to include both forms, but the Kanto Golem should have its HA. Since I can search by symbols now, every Pokemon in this breeding living dex that I want to keep or has its HA should have a star so I know which ones I should keep. A heart will mean that it has good stats but no HA.
So my week-by-week plan in May is the following:
5/13: Finish up running, finish watching Man in the High Castle Season 3, start learning R, start learning about my finances, clean up my old computer, finish getting gift Pokemon in Ultra Moon and practice for the VGC weekend
5/20: Grab some friends for the long weekend, finish watching GOT last season, play Pokemon VGC weekend
5/27: watch a bunch of movies, RNG Pokemon Black, finish organizing my Pokemon
0 notes
lindyhunt · 6 years
17 of the Best Brands on Instagram Right Now
Contrary to what your friends' photos suggest, Instagram isn't just a social network for selfies and brunch pics. In fact, Instagram has a whopping 700 million active monthly users as of September 2017 -- the last 100 million of which joined in the prior five months.
In a world where visual content remains a crucial part of any business' marketing strategy, Instagram marketing presents a unique opportunity to visually represent your brand, celebrate its personality, and keep it top-of-mind for all those users who scroll through their Instagram feeds every single day.
Although they're few and far between, there are some brands out there -- in every industry, and with every type of target customer -- who are doing really, really well on Instagram.
Ready to get inspired? Check out this list of brands that are thriving on Instagram right now, and what about their posts sets them apart. For each of these brands, we've included examples of their best posts. For some of them, we've also included their most popular Instagram post of all time in terms of engagement (i.e. combined total of likes and comments) thanks to data from Instagram analytics and management platform Iconosquare.
Best Brands on Instagram
Califia Farms
Lorna Jane
Apartment Therapy
Paris Opera Ballet 
No Your City
Divinity LA Bracelets
Finfolk Productions
Sephora Collections
(Psst -- Want to get a stunning Instagram Story auto-magically created for your brand? Check out StoriesAds.com, a free Story generator from HubSpot and Shakr. Click here to get started.)
17 of the Best Brands on Instagram
1. Lego
Followers: 2.6M
If you're not following Lego on Instagram, you're missing out on some entertaining content that isn't just product plugs for kids.
The famous plastic building block brand populates its Instagram feed with fun takes on pop culture references everyone is bound to appreciate -- something many businesses can learn from on their own Instagram accounts.
While most of Lego's posts do serve to announce the release of new Lego characters, the main value in its Instagram account is to emulate familiar social tropes in a classic Lego way. Some of them are pretty impressive, like the life-sized princess carriage below, celebrating the recent Royal Wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
Of course Lego doubled down on the Royal Wedding craze with a Lego-style animation of the bride and groom, below ...
  And they lived happily ever after! #RoyalWedding #LEGO #BrickHeadz
A post shared by LEGO (@lego) on May 19, 2018 at 5:04am PDT
2. Califia Farms
Followers: 100k
Califia Farms natural beverage products have some of the most attractive packaging we've come across. In fact, it's so iconic that it won top honors in the global packaging design category from Beverage World Magazine.
Instagram is a perfect platform to showcase that cool, curvy bottle, and the folks at Califia don't shy away from doing just that -- most of the brand's posts feature the beverage's containers in some way, whether they're the main subject of the photo, or more of an accessory in the context of the active, healthy lifestyle Califia's buyer personas love.
Something Califia does really well on Instagram is create fun, playful videos and GIFs. Check out this one, which they used to teach viewers how to create a veggie-based penne pasta:
  Turn last minute dinners into winners with this plant-based veggie-powered penne. A creamy blend of our unsweetened creamer + nutritional yeast gives that cheesy taste without the dairy. 🥕😋 (Recipe in bio)
A post shared by Califia Farms (@califiafarms) on May 22, 2018 at 10:42am PDT
And this one, which is just plain fun to watch:
  Our creamy blend of coconut H2O + coconut milk has us surfin' into Wednesday. 🥥🏄‍♀️
A post shared by Califia Farms (@califiafarms) on May 23, 2018 at 9:19am PDT
3. #FollowMeTo
Followers: 515k
Ever seen those photos of a woman leading a man by the hand in all different parts of the world? That pose was made famous by a couple named Murad and Natalia Osmann for their #FollowMeTo project.
Their Instagram account is a mix of stunning images of the classic #FollowMeTo pose that have been edited beautifully, as well as some really interesting behind-the-scenes photos of their world travels -- including some fun photos of the "making of" the famous pose.
4. Lorna Jane
Followers: 813k
If your brand were a person, how would you describe its personality? Australian activewear company Lorna Jane has done an awesome job answering this important branding question with its Instagram content. Spend just a few seconds scrolling through these photos, and you'll quickly be able to name the target Lorna Jane buyer: a young, sporty, twenty- or thirty-something woman who values looking good while maintaining an active lifestyle.
The images posted by Lorna Jane, which often show the brand's clothing and accessories, as well as images of women who embody its target buyer persona, are colorful, playful, and inspirational, which is a perfect representation of the brand's essence -- in other words, its heart, soul, and spirit.
5. Letterfolk
Followers: 289k
Letterfolk is a small business run by a husband-and-wife team who create and sell beautiful, handcrafted felt letterboards. Each letterboard comes with a full set of characters so people can personalize the walls of their homes, which means endless room for creativity.
Instagram is the perfect platform for them to inspire customers and aspiring customers with real customers' boards, as well as ideas they've come up with and staged themselves. Their Instagram content is funny, thought-provoking, and relatable -- all recipes for shareability.
Letterfolk's Most Engaging Post
[Click here to see the post.]
Why it's engaging: Not only is this photo showing a funny and clever message, but it's also very, very relatable for parents of young children -- a very large audience and also one of Letterfolk's target customers. It's also a very taggable photo, so the comment section is rife with Instagram users mentioning their friends' usernames so they can share in the fun.
6. Apartment Therapy
Followers: 1.5M
Apartment Therapy's Instagram account really is a source of therapy, if you love the sight of cozy homes. If you've seen social media posts from Apartment Therapy before, rest assured the pictures of residences on its Instagram account are just as creative. 
Two recent posts to Apartment Therapy's Instagram feed are below. From the plant-friendly living room on the left, to the comfortable A-frame on the right, this brand gives its Instagram followers plenty of inspiration to personalize their own space and, according to its Instagram bio, "live happy, healthy lives at home."
       7. Paris Opera Ballet
Followers: 262k
The city of Paris is known for many lovely things -- wine, cheese, and art are just a few. But that last one, art, is photographically captured on the Instagram account of the Paris Opera Ballet, or Ballet de l'Opera de Paris.
The account captures candid images of the ballet's dancers during performances, rehearsals, and backstage, giving viewers an artful glimpse at what goes into the ballet's productions. It also makes use of something called banners on Instagram, when larger photos can be divided into multiple pictures to create a tiled banner of smaller photos. (There are several apps available to pull that off, but to start, check out Tile Pic).
The way this account highlights performance venues is noteworthy, too. The third photo beneath the first two below provides an intimate shot of rehearsal, conveying a gritty behind-the-scenes feel that can generate excitement for productions.
8. Tentsile
Followers: 188k
"Stunning" is the first word that comes to mind when I scroll through Tentsile's Instagram photos. The company sells tree tents, what they call "portable treehouses" that will "literally take your camping experience to a new level." Their Instagram is full of shockingly beautiful scenes of their product in use in all matter of terrain: rainforests, mountains, beaches... you name it.
Tentsile's Most Engaging Post
[Click here to see the post.]
Why it's engaging: Contests draw engagement: It's as simple as that. In this particular case, Tentsile used an Instagram contest as a co-marketing play with a few of their partners by asking followers to follow three partner accounts to be eligible to win. In addition to following those accounts, they also asked people to Like the photo and "tag your 3 best adventures buddies in the comments below." That's a great way to expand reach and do co-marketing on Instagram.
9. Desenio
Followers: 594k
Look at the colors of any well-known brand and you'll notice that they use the same colors over and over again -- in their logo, on their website, and in their social media images. Using the same colors over and over again is a great way to establish brand consistency and help consumers become familiar with your brand.
That's what the Swedish online art print company Desenio does beautifully on their Instagram account. They use a lot of blues, greens, greys, and blacks, which evoke senses of calm, healing, luxury, and trust.
Desenio's Most Engaging Post
[Click here to see the post.]
Why it's engaging: At first glance, this post doesn't seem to stick out much from Desenio's other Instagram content. But what's unique about it is the universally relatable subject: a really beautiful, comfortable-looking bed in a beautiful bedroom, combined with hints of life like a laptop and some munchies.
Many of the comments included exclamations of how beautiful and inspiring the setup is and how it's the commenters' "dream bedroom." To increase your comment rate, follow Desenio's lead by posting images of things and situations your followers aspire to in their own lives.
10. No Your City
Followers: 26k
The folks at No Your City produce a documentary series that captures the fascinating stories of people all over the world, but mostly in New York. The brand's Instagram account, though, is less about these stories and more about showcasing gorgeous images from the city itself.
What we love about these photos is how closely they follow the best practices for taking great photos with your phone. Each one of No Your City's photos seems to follow at least one of these recommendations, whether it's focusing on a single subject, embracing negative space, playing with reflections, or finding interesting perspectives. The photos are consistently stunning, and as a result, the brand has built a solid following.
11. Vans
Followers: 11.4M
Vans is known for its stylish shoes, but the brand's use of social media is just as stylish. Its Instagram business account is no exception.
The maker of the classic checkered slip-ons has an aggressively flashy Instagram feed, featuring both standalone product shots and action photos of people expressing themselves in their favorite Vans gear.
Vans' Instagram account's most unique quality is likely how much skateboarding content it has. The brand doesn't just appeal to teenage skaters anymore, but it shows its loyalty to that lifestyle in an engaging way. Below, Vans features an Indian girl with a caption that describes her as the "only girl who regularly skateboards in her town."
Vans' Most Engaging Post
  Coming soon… Be the first to know! Sign up now at Vans.com/Marvel #VansxMarvel
A post shared by vans (@vans) on Feb 27, 2018 at 9:12am PST
Why it's engaging: Vans' recent video, above, teases a vague but enticing partnership with Marvel Comics. This campaign alone displayed a logo that attracted not just Vans fans, but Marvel fans who likely wanted to know when they can expect new shoes with a decal of their favorite Marvel super hero. The video received more than half a million views.
12. Divinity LA Bracelets
Followers: 251k
Here's an example of a small business performing very well on Instagram. A beaded bracelet could have any theme.
Divinity's Most Engaging Post
Why it's engaging: The caption reads: "Each Sea Turtle and Hatchling bracelet sold helps a Hatchling make it to the ocean." People tagged their friends to show them the cute sea turtles, or to say "WE NEED TO SAVE THEM!"
13. WeWork
Followers: 283k
WeWork provides shared office spaces in cities and countries all over the globe -- so it only makes sense that they should post a lot of photos showcasing their beautiful co-working communities. They do an amazing job photographing the spaces in ways that make followers like us wish we could jump into the photos and plop down with our laptops and a coffee.
They don't stop at posting photos of their shared workspaces, though. WeWork uses Instagram to capture and share moments from some of the largest branded events that members (and their friends) look forward to all year, like WeWork Summer Camp. Hashtags are used to label these events -- like #WWCamp -- and to encourage customers to share their own photos of the spaces, using WeWork's memorable slogan: "Do what you love."
Our favorite is the #DogsOfWeWork hashtag. Not only is it awesome because, well, dogs ... but it's also a great way for the company to promote their laid-back culture while also inviting customers to interact with their brand on social. Near the end of each year, they actually choose the best photo submissions to the #DogsOfWeWork hashtag on Instagram and Facebook and put together a calendar for the following year.
WeWork's Most Engaging Post
[Click here to see the post.]
Why it's engaging: For all their beautiful photos of people and office spaces and dogs, some of you might be surprised that their most engaging photo of all time is a picture of a simple quote. This goes to show the power of motivational quotes on Instagram, which tend to perform very well. Instagram is, after all, a platform for inspiration -- and simple quotes that are inspiring and easy to digest are often welcome in a user's feed.
Use free design tools like Canva, PicMonkey, or even PowerPoint to create these images easily.
14. Finfolk Productions
Followers: 202k
Ever wanted to be a mermaid? You can come pretty close, thanks to companies like FinFolk Productions. Believe it or not, silicone mermaid tails you can put on and swim around in are actually quite trendy in certain areas and for certain age groups -- typically young girls, which is one of Instagram's core users.
Finfolk Productions' Instagram feed is full of beautifully shot photos that play into the mermaid fantasy by looking more like mythical art than real people.
Finfolk Productions' Most Engaging Post
[Click here to see the post]
Why it's engaging: One of the reasons this post was so popular is because it was accompanied by a long, heartfelt caption written by the company's founders -- which prompted an outpouring of supportive comments from their loyal followers. Here's part of that caption, below:
Wish you could be part of our world? The good news is, you already are- just by being here! We might not always have custom silicone slots or Mythic tails readily available, but it's only because we are busy constantly creating and making mermaid tails for every type of mermaid, in every size or color, gender or nationality ... A tail is an investment of time, money, and emotions- each one is unique and beautiful, just like you.
#finfolk #finfolkproductions #thelittlemermaid #littlemermaid #ariel #partofyourworld #mermaid #mermaidtail #disney #mermaidlife #finfolkmermaid
Commenters wrote that they love the founders for their dedication to beauty and quality, that they love the designs, and that they can't wait until they have a tail of their own. What it all comes down to, though, is brand loyalty.
15. Shiseido
Followers: 392k
Shiseido started out as Japan's first Western-style pharmacy 140 years ago and has since developed into selling high-quality brightening and anti-aging skincare, makeup, and fragrance products.
Its company mission is to inspire a life of beauty and culture -- a mission they portray beautifully through their Instagram content. If you take a look at their feed, you'll notice they post three images at a time so the posts appear in a row pattern on their larger feed -- a very clever and original way to organize their content.
Shiseido's Most Engaging Post
  A post shared by SHISEIDO (@shiseido) on Apr 23, 2018 at 7:32pm PDT
Why it's engaging: Back in late March 2016, Instagram started rolling out the ability to upload 60-second videos -- and we've seen some amazing Instagram videos from brands ever since, like the one above from Shiseido. This one is much shorter than a minute, but its close-up product demo above is curiously satisfying to watch.
But don't be intimidated by highly professional Instagram videos like theirs. You can post highly engaging videos on Instagram without a huge video team or a bottomless budget. Here's a step-by-step guide for making great videos on Instagram without breaking the bank.
16. Sephora Collections
Followers: 322k
Sephora Collections' brand personality is playful, colorful, and feminine. It does a wonderful job of characterizing this personality in its Instagram content, using bright colors, patterns, and fun captions.
This branded Sephora account also diversifies its feed with a lot of fun Instagram video content that gives off the same playful vibes.
Sephora Collection's Most Engaging Post
  40 shades of #LIPSTORIES feels like the right amount of lipsticks, don’t you think, @marlacatherine?
A post shared by Sephora Collection US (@sc) on Jan 18, 2018 at 8:00am PST
Why it's engaging: No matter what channel you're creating content for, real stories of real people resonate with your audience. In the video above, Sephora is promoting the hashtag, #lipstories, which spotlights the experience of real Sephora makeup user.
17. Staples
Followers: 55.2k
The folks at Staples do a lot of things right when it comes to Instagram content, but there are two that particularly grab our attention -- engaging with followers by asking questions and including calls-to-action in captions, and staying true to the brand's playful-yet-practical personality.
When it comes to engaging Staples' followers, it's all about asking questions in the photo captions. For example, check out the second photo below featuring a series of emojis -- its caption reads, "That's pretty much our day. How about yours? Tell us in emojis." Scroll through the comments on that photo, and you'll see followers had a lot of fun responses. The caption paired with the first photo below -- the one with the cupcakes -- asks users to tag someone who they want to thank.
Staples does a great job staying true to brand by posting fun photos such as the "2016" shot written in office supplies and using the #OfficeHack hashtag to engage their following.
The folks at Staples also use Instagram to post cute videos and GIFs, like the one below that shows businesses how they can use Staples supplies to create a "revamped breakroom."
  A revamped breakroom = a reenergized office
A post shared by Staples (@staples) on Feb 7, 2018 at 8:58am PST
Ready to populate your Instagram Story with pics and videos that are as captivating as the content above? We believe in you -- just download the free branding guide below and get to posting.
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